MT 103-Requirements for Payments in Roubles
MT 103-Requirements for Payments in Roubles
VTB Bank (Deutschland) AG MT 103 Format Requirements for Payments in Russian Roubles for Banks VTB Bank (Deutschland) AG April 2014 April 2014 1 of 34 VTB Bank (Deutschland) AG Index Process MT 103 Single Customer Credit Transfer / MT 103 Format Annex A Examples of MT 103 Annex B List of Branches of JSC VTB Bank, Moscow Annex C List of Numeric Codes of Currency Operations Annex D Most Common Mistakes Annex E Transliteration Table April 2014 2 of 34 VTB Bank (Deutschland) AG PROCESS FOR BANKS WITHOUT ACCOUNT-RELATIONSHIP: Ordering Institution VTB Bank (Deutschland) AG 1) SWIFT MT 103: RUB–payment order to OWHBDEFF 2) Equivalent EUR at the best rate additional charges from VTB Bank (Deutschland) and RUB-correspondent Information to ordering institution by SWIFT MT 199 3) Cover payment to OWHBDEFF in EUR with good value 4) Execution of RUB-payment to RUB-correspondent of OWHBDEFF after receipt of cover payment. April 2014 3 of 34 VTB Bank (Deutschland) AG MT103 Single Customer Credit Transfer МТ103 Format Field 20 Status M 23E M 32А M 50К M Field Name Sender's Reference Bank Operation Code Value Date/Currency/ Interbank Settled Amount Ordering Customer Format/Contents 16х CRED 6!n3!a15d K or F For ordering customers - non-residents of Russia K /34x 4*35x F /34x 4*35x or 4a/30x 4*35x For ordering customers - residents of Russia natural persons K /20!n [INN!12n] 3*35x F /20!n 1/33x 2/33x 3/33x or /20!n 1/33x 4/33x 5/33x April 2014 4 of 34 VTB Bank (Deutschland) AG Field Status Field Name Format/Contents For ordering customers residents of Russia – legal entities K /34x INN!10n[.KPP!9n] 3*35x 52 O Ordering Institution F /34x 1/INN10n. [.KPP!9n] 1/Name [2/32x] [3/2!a/29x] A 4!a2!a2!c[3!c] D 35x [35x] [35x] [35x] /C/ or /D/ (Only when account relationship exist) 53B O Sender’s Correspondent 57 О Account With Institution For BOOK payments through correspondent network of JSC VTB Bank – Beneficiaries’ Banks with SWIFT-BIC A /20!n 4!a2!a2!c[3!c] For BOOK payments through correspondent network of JSC VTB Bank – Beneficiaries’ Banks without SWIFT-BIC D /20!n 35x [35x] [35x] 35x For payments through settlement network of Central Bank of Russian Federation D (only!) //RU9!n.20!n 35x [35x] [35x] 35x April 2014 5 of 34 VTB Bank (Deutschland) AG Field 59 Status M Field Name Beneficiary Customer 70 M 71А 72 M M Remittance Information Details of charges Sender to Receiver Information Format/Contents For beneficiaries inside Russia /20!n INN10!n or INN12!n or INN0[.KPP9!n ] 3*35x For beneficiaries outside Russia [/34x] 4*35x 4*35х OUR/SHA /RPP/3n.6!n.1!n.[.4!a] [/DAS/6!n] [/NZP/30x] [//33x] [//33x] [//33x] Please do not use fields not included in this table. Important Note If beneficiary’s bank is a resident of RF, we highly recommend that at least Beneficiary Customer’s name should be given in Russian presented in latinic symbols in accordance with RUR-6 transliteration Rules (please refer to Annex E). Non-adherence to this recommendation may result in further inquiries from beneficiary’s banks and delays in crediting beneficiary’s account. April 2014 6 of 34 VTB Bank (Deutschland) AG 1. Field 23E: may contain code word CRED only 2. Field 50 can be used with options K or F only. If ordering customer is a resident of Russia INN (Tax Identification Number): a) for natural persons – 12 digits b) for legal entities – 10 digits c) KPP ( 9 digits Tax Registration Reason Code) is mandatory in budget payments (taxes, duties etc., i.e. beneficiary’s account starts with digits 401, 402, 403 or 404) 3. Field 53B: /C/ means: you credit our account with you, /D/ means: we debit your account with us (When account relationship exist) 4. Field 56: is not included in the table but may be used for payments in roubles outside Russia. If intermediary bank holds account with VTB. Account number is mandatory. 5. Field 57: may be used with option A or D. Option A and SWIFT code is to be used if Beneficiary's Bank holds account with JSC VTB Bank, Moscow. In this case the account number line should contain Beneficiary's Bank's account number maintained with JSC VTB Bank, Moscow. If SWIFT code is not assigned to Beneficiary's Bank, option D should be used. Option D should be formatted as follows: D /20!n 35x [35x] [35x] 35x where 2-4 lines are used for indicating the name of Beneficiary’s Bank, the last line is used for indicating city of residence of Beneficiary’s Bank. or D //RU9!n.20!n 35x [35x] [35x] 35x where 9!n is a Bank Identifier Code in the Central Bank of Russian Federation settlement system (BIC or BIK - please do not confuse with a SWIFT BIC). 3 last digits of BIK always coincide with three last digits of correspondent account. 20!n - account number of a financial institution with Central Bank of RF (always starting with the following digits 30101810). Not required if beneficiary’s bank is a branch of the Central Bank of RF (budget payments). April 2014 7 of 34 VTB Bank (Deutschland) AG 2-4 lines are used for indicating the name of Beneficiary’s Bank, the last line is used for indicating city of residence of Beneficiary’s Bank. 6. Field 59: should contain beneficiary's account number, INN (a customer personal ID for tax purposes, 10 or 12 digits) and name. It should be indicated after sign "dot" after INN. If ordering customer provides KPP code (9 digits) for budget payments, i.e. beneficiary’s account starts with 401, 402, 403 or 404, it should be indicated after sign “dot” after KPP. Standard account number format in Russian Federation - 20 digits without separators. Identification of currency is included in the account number format. Customer account numbers (both private and corporate customers) usually starting with digit 4. 6,7,8th digits (currency code) must equal to 810. Account numbers in other currencies are not accepted for RUB payments. Bank account numbers usually starting with digit 3. Important note: PAYMENTS IN FAVOUR OF CORPORATE CUSTOMERS AND BENEFICIARY CUSTOMERS OF MT 103 SHOULD CONTAIN THE BENEFICIARY’S FULL NAME AND ADDRESS AND POSTAL CODE OR ANY OTHER ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONA ON BENEFICIARY’S LOCATION. PAYMENTS IN FAVOUR OF NATURAL PERSONS FOR CASH PICK-UP: FIELD 59: OF MT 103 SHOULD CONTAIN THE BENEFICIARY'S FULL NAME, ADDRESS AND IDENTITY CARD ENTRIES (PASSPORT OR ANY OTHER VALID DOCUMENTS). Besides, for due and accurate crediting the beneficiary's account, please instruct your customers to inquire their counterparties for beneficiary's name in RUR-6 transliteration (please refer to Annex E). For example, TRADE House in RUR-6 transliteration should be shown as TORGOVYi DOM (case-sensitive!). 7. Field 70: should begin with "VO"-code followed by five digits (5!n) (please refer to Annex C) and optionally "PS" code followed by up to 22 characters (22x), which may be provided by your customer's counterparty and comply with the respective requirements of currency legislation of the Russian Federation. Purpose of payment in RUR-6 transliteration (to be obtained from your counterparties). Russian-speaking customers are invited to use transliteration table (enclosed). KBK (20 digits budget classification code) and OKATO (up to 11 digits municipal entity code in accordance with All-Russian Classifier for Administarative-Territorial Division) codes for budget payments. April 2014 8 of 34 VTB Bank (Deutschland) AG Examples: :70: '(VO99090)' :70: '(VO99090PS04060001/0001/0000/1/0)' Details of payment are to be shown after this item (may be on the same line, separated by the space symbol). 8. Field 71A: may be used with OUR or SHA codes. 9. Field 72: should be formatted as follows: :72:/RPP/3n.6!n.1!n[.4!a] /DAS/6!n [/NZP/30x] or [/BNF/30x] [//33x] [//33x] [//33x] [//33x ] /RPP/: 3n - a p/o number (not equal to 000) 6!n - a p/o date of issue (YYMMDD). Should be within the range “value date - value date minus 9 days” 1!n - a payment type priority code in accordance with Russian legislation (digits from 1 to 6). Priority type code for a common payment order is 5. 4!a - ELEK - pay by electronic means, POST - by mail, TELG - by telegraph. May be omitted for BOOK payments. Standard practice for payments through settlement network of Central Bank of RF is to use ELEK. The second line of field 72: my be used with the code word /DAS/6!n - date when ordering customer's account was debited (YYMMDD) The third line of field 72: may be used with the code word /NZP/ or /BNF/ to provide remittance information. Remittance information should begin with "VO" code followed by five digits (5!n) (please refer to Annex 2 to the Agreement for opening and maintaining with JSC VTB Bank of the Correspondent Account denominated in the currency of Russian Federation by a bank non-resident of the Russian Federation “LIST of numeric codes of Currency Operations Performed by Customers of Authorized Banks) and optionally "PS" code followed by up to 22 characters (22x) which should comply with the respective requirements of currency legislation of Russian Federation. Details of payment are to be shown after this item (may be on the same line, separated by the space symbol). Example: :72:/RPP/123.060530.5.ELEK /DAS/060530 /NZP/ LOAN AGREEMENT April 2014 9 of 34 VTB Bank (Deutschland) AG /UIP/25x – Unique payment identificator. Should be used in the payments to the budget of Russian Federation only. Used for payer identification in the payments for state and/or municipal services. /UIP/0 is acceptable. April 2014 10 of 34 VTB Bank (Deutschland) AG Annex A Examples EXAMPLES OF MT 103 1. BENEFICIARY CUSTOMER HOLDS ACCOUNT WITH THE JSC VTB BANK, MOSCOW MT103 RECEIVER: OWHBDEFF :20:12345657 :23B: CRED :32A:060530RUB1, :50K:/123456789… CUSTOMER :53B:/D/ or :53B:/C/ (only when account relationship) :57A:VTBRRUMM (or blank) :59:/40702810……. INN1234567890 OAO LAD ADDRESS in FULL :70:’(VO99090)’ KONTRAKT 56 :71A:OUR/SHA :72:/RPP/123.060530.5.ELEK /DAS/060530 April 2014 11 of 34 VTB Bank (Deutschland) AG 2. BENEFICIARY CUSTOMER HOLDS ACCOUNT WITH THE JSC VTB BANK, A BRANCH OUTSIDE MOSCOW REGION, FOR EXAMPLE, ASTRAKHAN BRANCH MT103 RECEIVER: OWHBDEFF :20:12345657 :23B:CRED :32A:060530RUB1, :50K:/123456789… CUSTOMER :53B:/D/ or :53B:/C/ (only when account relationship) :57A:/30301810850020003200 1 VTBRRUM2AST :59:/40702810…….. INN0123456789 ZAO MIR ADDRESS in FULL :70:’(VO99090)’ KONTRAKT 56 :71:OUR/SHA :72:/RPP/123.060530.5.ELEK /DAS/060530 1 If Beneficiary customer holds account with a branch of the JSC VTB Bank for, Moscow, outside Moscow region (Astrakhan branch in this example) Option A is to be used to show SWIFT code (all branches SWIFT codes are listed in Annex B) . In this case account number in field 57A: is not mandatory. April 2014 12 of 34 VTB Bank (Deutschland) AG 3. BENEFICIARY CUSTOMER HOLDS ACCOUNT WITH VTB24, MOSCOW MT103 RECEIVER: VTBRRUMM :113: RUR6 :20:+12345657 :23B: CRED :32A:060530RUB1, :50K:/12345678 'CUSTOMER' :53B:/D/30111810…… :57A: /30109810255550000091 CBGURUMM1 :59:/40702810……… INN2345678901 OOO KIT :70:’(VO20050)’ KONTRAKT 56 :72:/RPP/001.060530.5 /DAS/060530 1Please note that VTB 24 Moscow is a different entity with their own SWIFT code which is to be shown in field 57A:. April 2014 13 of 34 VTB Bank (Deutschland) AG 4. BENEFICIARY CUSTOMER HOLDS ACCOUNT WITH A CORRESPONDENT BANK OF THE JSC VTB BANK, MOSCOW MT103 RECEIVER: OWHBDEFF :20:12345657 :23B:CRED :32A:060530RUB1, :50K:/123456789… INN0 CUSTOMER :53B:/D/ or :53B:/C/ (only when account relationship) 1 :57A:/ 30109810….. BANKRUMM :59:/40702810……. INN1234567890 OOO KIT ADDRESS in FULL :70:’(VO99090)’ KONTRAKT 56 :71A:OUR/SHA :72:/RPP/123.060530.5.ELEK /DAS/060530 1 Beneficiary's Bank holds account with the JSC VTB Bank, Moscow. This account number is shown in the account number line after the sign "/". If Beneficiary's Bank has no SWIFT Code, option D is to be used. The Account Number Line must be used to indicate correspondent account number. April 2014 14 of 34 VTB Bank (Deutschland) AG 5. BENEFICIARY CUSTOMER HOLDS ACCOUNT WITH A BRANCH OF A CORRESPONDENT BANK OF THE JSC VTB BANK, MOSCOW MT103 RECEIVER: OWHBDEFF :20:12345657 :23B: CRED :32A:060530RUB1, :50K:/123456789… CUSTOMER :53B:/D/ or :53B:/C/ (only when account relationship) 1 :56A:/ 30231810855550000026 FUIBUA2X :57D:FUIBUA2XKHA :59:/123456 OOO KIT ADDRESS in FULL :70:’(VO99090)’ KONTRAKT 56 :71:OUR/SHA :72:/RPP/123.060530.5.ELEK /DAS/060530 1 This is the only case when field 56A: may be used to show a correspondent bank of the JSC VTB BANK, Moscow. Beneficiary customer holds account with a branch (field 57A) of this correspondent bank. April 2014 15 of 34 VTB Bank (Deutschland) AG 6. BENEFICIARY CUSTOMER HOLDS ACCOUNT WITH CORRESPONDENT BANK OF THE JSC VTB BANK, MOSCOW A NON- MT103 RECEIVER: OWHBDEFF :20:12345657 :23B: CRED :32A:060530RUB1, :50K:/123456789… CUSTOMER :53B:/D/ or :53B:/C/ (only when account relationship) 1 :57D://RU044583123.30101810000000000123 BANK MIR VLADIVOSTOK :59:/40702810000000000000 INN1234567890 OOO KIT ADDRESS in FULL :70:’(VO99090)’ KONTRAKT 56 :71A:OUR/SHA :72:/RPP/123.060530.5.ELEK /DAS/060530 1 If a transfer to Beneficiary's Bank is to be effected via Central Bank Settlement System field 58: should be used with option D. The account number line begins with double slash followed by RU, Russian national clearing code (BIK) and Beneficiary's Bank's correspondent account number with the Central Bank of RF. The dot sign is used as a delimiter between the national clearing code and correspondent account number. April 2014 16 of 34 VTB Bank (Deutschland) AG 7. BENEFICIARY CUSTOMER HOLDS ACCOUNT WITH A NONCORRESPONDENT BANK OF THE BANK FOR FOREIGN TRADE, MOSCOW AND THE PAYMENT IS TO BE EFFECTED VIA BESP (RTGS SYSTEM) MT103 RECEIVER: VTBRRUMM :20:+12345657 :23B: CRED :32A:060530RUB1, :50K:/12345678 ‘CUSTOMER’ :53B:/D/30111810….. :57D://RU044583123.301018100000000001231 BANK MIR G. VLADIVOSTOK :59:/40702810000000000000 INN1234567890 OOO KIT :70:’(VO99090)’ KONTRAKT 56 :72:/RPP/001.060530.5.BESP /DAS/060530 1If a transfer to Beneficiary's Bank is to be effected via BESP (RTGS system), field 57: should be used with option D. The account number line begins with a double slash followed by RU, Russian national clearing code (BIK) and Beneficiary's Bank's correspondent account number with the Central Bank of RF. The dot sign is used as a delimiter between the national clearing code and correspondent account number. In field 72 the fourth subfield of /RPP/ details should contain BESP. April 2014 17 of 34 VTB Bank (Deutschland) AG 8. BENEFICIARY CUSTOMER HOLDS ACCOUNT WITH A BRANCH/DEPARTMENT OF THE CENTRAL BANK OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION. MT103 RECEIVER: VTBRRUMM :20:+12345657 :23B: CRED :32A:060530RUB1, :50K:/12345678 CUSTOMER :53B:/D/301111810….. :57D://RU0445830011 OTDELENIE 1 MOSKOVSKOGO GTU BANKA ROSSII G. MOSKVA :59:/40101810000000000000 UPRAVLENIE FEDERALXNOGO KAZANAcEiSTVA :70:’(VO70010)’ NALOG ZA iANVARX :72:/RPP/001.060530.5.ELEK /DAS/060530 April 2014 18 of 34 VTB Bank (Deutschland) AG Annex B List of JSC VTB Bank Branches and their account numbers with JSC VTB Bank, Moscow City SWIFT Account EKATERINBUR G KHABAROVSK VTBRRUM2EKA VTBRRUM2KHA 3030181075002000002 8 3030181075002000000 2 KRASNOYARSK VTBRRUM2KRA 3030181005002000000 3 NIZHNIY NOVGOROD VTBRRUM2NIN 3030181055002000002 4 ROSTOV-ONDON VTBRRUM2RND 3030181045002000003 0 ST.PETERSBUR G VTBRRUM2NWR 3030181005002000007 4 Regional Subbranches Related to the Branch TYUMEN CHELYABINSK BLAGOVESCHENSK VLADIVOSTOK MAGADAN PETROPAVLOVSKKAMCHATSKIY YAKUTSK BARNAUL CHITA IRKUTSK KEMEROVO NOVOSIBIRSK OMSK TOMSK ULAN-UDE CHEBOKSARY IZHEVSK KAZAN ORENBURG PENZA PERM SAMARA SARANSK SARATOV ULYANOVSK UFA YOSHKAR-OLA ASTRAKHAN KRASNODAR VOLGOGRAD April 2014 19 of 34 VTB Bank (Deutschland) AG OPERU BRANCH STAVROPOL VTBRRUM2STA VORONEZH VTBRRUM2VRN NEW DELHI VTBRINDD SHANGHAI VTBRCNSH 3030181085002000000 9 3030181085002000002 5 BRYANSK BELGOROD KALUGA KOSTROMA KURSK LIPETSK OREL RYAZAN SMOLENSK TAMBOV TVER TULA VLADIMIR YAROSLAVL 3030381095002000006 2 3030381065002000006 1 April 2014 20 of 34 VTB Bank (Deutschland) AG Annex C LIST of Numeric Codes of Currency Operations Performed by Customers of Authorised Banks Code of Operation Type 01 01 010 01 030 02 040 02 02 010 02 020 10 10 100 10 200 10 800 11 11 100 11 200 11 900 12 Name of Operation Type Non-Cash Conversion Operations by Residents Selling by a resident of a foreign currency for the currency of the Russian Federation Purchasing by a resident of a foreign currency for the currency of the Russian Federation Purchasing (selling) by a resident of any foreign currency for the other foreign currency Non-Cash Conversion Operations by Non-Resident Purchasing by a non-resident of the currency of the Russian Federation for a foreign currency Selling by a non-resident of the currency of the Russian Federation for a foreign currency Settlements between residents and non-residents for goods exported from the customs territory of the Russian Federation, including aircrafts and sea vessels, inland-navigation vessels and space objects which are subjects in foreign trade Settlements by a non-resident when a prepayment is made to a resident for goods exported from the Russian Federation, including under a commission agreement (agent agreement or mandate agreement) (an advance payment), except for the payments stated in group 22 Settlements by a non-resident when a resident grants to the non-resident a grace period to pay for goods exported from the Russian Federation, including under a commission agreement (agent agreement or mandate agreement) (a grace period), except for the payments stated in group 22 Settlements by a resident in favour of a non-resident related to returning extra amounts, received at the goods exporting from the territory of the Russian Federation, except for code 22800 payments Settlements between residents and non-residents for goods imported into the customs territory of the Russian Federation, including aircrafts and sea vessels, inland-navigation vessels and space objects which are subjects in foreign trade Settlements by a resident when a prepayment is made to a non-resident for goods imported into the Russian Federation, including under a commission agreement (agent agreement or mandate agreement) (an advance payment), except for the payments stated in group 23 Settlements by a resident when a non-resident grants to the resident a grace period to pay for goods imported into the Russian Federation, including under a commission agreement (agent agreement or mandate agreement) (a grace period), except for the payments stated in group 23 Settlements by a non-resident in favour of a resident related to returning extra amounts, received at the goods importing into the territory of the Russian Federation, except for code 23900 payments Settlements between residents and non-residents for purchased (sold) goods without their importing into the territory of the Russian Federation April 2014 21 of 34 VTB Bank (Deutschland) AG 12 050 12 060 12 800 12 900 13 13 010 13 020 13 800 13 900 20 20 100 20 200 20 300 20 400 20 500 Settlements by a non-resident in favour of a resident for goods sold outside the territory of the Russian Federation without their importing into the territory of the Russian Federation Settlement and transfers by a resident in favour of a non-resident for goods sold outside the territory of the Russian Federation without their importing into the territory of the Russian Federation, except for code 23110 and 23210 payments Settlements by a resident in favour of a non-resident related to returning extra amounts, received at the goods selling outside the territory of the Russian Federation Settlements by a non-resident in favour of a resident related to returning extra amounts, received at the goods selling outside the territory of the Russian Federation Settlements between residents and non-residents for goods sold on the territory of the Russian Federation Settlements by a non-resident in favour of a resident for goods sold to the nonresident on the territory of the Russian Federation, except for code 22110, 22210 payments Settlement and transfers by a resident in favour of a non-resident for goods sold to the resident on the territory of the Russian Federation Settlements by a resident in favour of a non-resident related to returning extra amounts, received at the goods selling on the territory of the Russian Federation Settlements by a non-resident in favour of a resident related to returning extra amounts, received at the goods selling on the territory of the Russian Federation Settlements by non-residents in favour of residents under foreign trade deals related to performance of work, rendering services, submission of information or intellectual products, including exclusive rights thereto, as well as under movable and/or real estate rental agreements, except for financial leasing agreements Settlements by a non-resident when a prepayment is made to a resident for performed work, rendered services, submitted information or intellectual products, as well as exclusive rights thereto, including under a commission agreement (agent agreement or mandate agreement) (an advance payment), except for code 20400 payments, payments stated in group 22 and payments related to paying remuneration to a resident broker under brokerage agreement (group 58) Settlements by a non-resident in favour of a resident for performed work, rendered services, submitted information or intellectual products, as well as exclusive rights thereto, including under a commission agreement (agent agreement or mandate agreement) (a grace period), except for code 20400 payments, payments stated in group 22 and payments related to paying remuneration to a resident broker under brokerage agreement (group 58 hereof) Settlements by a non-resident in favour of a resident under a movable and/or real estate agreement, except for settlements under a financial leasing agreement Settlements by a non-resident-consignor (principal, trustee) in favour of a resident-consignee (agent, trustor) related to payment for purchase from third parties of goods, work, services, information or intellectual products, as well as exclusive rights thereto, for a non-resident under a commission agreement (agent agreement or mandate agreement), except for the payments stated in group 58 hereof Settlements by a resident-consignee (agent, trustor) in favour of a non-resident- April 2014 22 of 34 VTB Bank (Deutschland) AG 20 800 21 21 100 21 200 21 300 21 400 21 500 21 900 22 consignor (principal, trustee) for the goods sold, works performed, services rendered by, information or intellectual property submitted, as well as exclusive rights thereto, including under a commission agreement (agent agreement or mandate agreement) Settlements by a resident in favour of a non-resident related to returning extra amounts, received for works performed, services rendered, information or intellectual property submitted, as well as exclusive rights thereto, except for code 22800 payments Settlements by residents in favour of non-residents under foreign trade deals related to performance of work, rendering services, submission of information or intellectual products, including exclusive rights thereto, as well as under movable and/or real estate rental agreements, except for financial leasing agreements Settlements by a resident when a prepayment is made to a non-resident for performed work, rendered services, submitted information or intellectual products, as well as exclusive rights thereto, including under a commission agreement (agent agreement or mandate agreement) (an advance payment), except for code 21400 payments, payments stated in group 23 and payments related to paying remuneration to a resident broker under brokerage agreement (group 58) Settlements by a resident in favour of a non-resident for performed work, rendered services, submitted information or intellectual products, as well as exclusive rights thereto, including under a commission agreement (agent agreement or mandate agreement) (a grace period), except for code 21400 payments, payments stated in group 23 and payments related to paying remuneration to a resident broker under brokerage agreement (group 58) Settlements by a resident in favour of a non-resident under a movable and/or real estate agreement, except for settlements under a financial leasing agreement Settlements by a resident-consignor (principal, trustee) in favour of a nonresident-consignee (agent, trustor) related to payment for purchase from third parties of goods, work, services, information or intellectual products, as well as exclusive rights thereto, for a non-resident under a commission agreement (agent agreement or mandate agreement), except for the payments stated in group 58 hereof Settlements by a non-resident-consignee (agent, trustor) in favour of a residentconsignor (principal, trustee) for the goods sold, works performed, services rendered, information or intellectual property submitted, as well as exclusive rights thereto, including under a commission agreement (agent agreement or mandate agreement) Settlements by a non-resident in favour of a resident related to returning extra amounts, received for works performed, services rendered, information or intellectual property submitted, as well as exclusive rights thereto, except for code 23900 payments Settlements by non-residents in favour of residents related to performing work, rendering services, submitting information or intellectual products, including exclusive rights thereto, under mixed-type agreements (contracts)1 April 2014 23 of 34 VTB Bank (Deutschland) AG 22 100 22 110 22 200 22 210 22 300 22 800 23 23 100 23 110 1 Settlements by a non-resident-consignor (principal, trustee) when a prepayment is made to a resident-consignee (agent, trustor) for goods exported from the territory of the Russian Federation, performed work, rendered services, submitted information or intellectual products, as well as exclusive rights thereto (an advance payment), except for code 22110 payments and payments related to paying remuneration to a resident broker under brokerage agreement (group 58) Settlements by a non-resident when a prepayment is made to a resident for supplied goods, performed work, rendered services, submitted information or intellectual products, as well as exclusive rights thereto, under agreements (contracts), stated in Clause 5.1.2 of this Instruction (an advance payment) Settlements by a non-resident-consignor (principal, trustee) when a residentconsignee (agent, trustor) grants a grace period to pay for goods exported from the territory of the Russian Federation, performed work, rendered services, submitted information or intellectual products, as well as exclusive rights thereto (a grace period), except for code 22210 payments and payments related to paying remuneration to a resident broker under brokerage agreement (group 58) Settlements by a non-resident when a resident grants a grace period to pay for supplied goods, performed work, rendered services, submitted information or intellectual products, as well as exclusive rights thereto, under agreements (contracts), stated in Clause 5.1.2 of this Instruction (a grace period) Settlements by a non-resident in favour of a resident under financial lease agreement Settlements by a resident in favour of a non-resident related to returning extra amounts, received under mixed-type agreements (contracts) Settlements by residents in favour of non-residents related to performing work, rendering services, submitting information or intellectual products, including exclusive rights thereto, under mixed-type agreements (contracts) Settlements by a resident-consignor (principal, trustee) when a prepayment is made to a non-resident-consignee (agent, trustor) for goods imported into the territory of the Russian Federation, performed work, rendered services, submitted information or intellectual products, as well as exclusive rights thereto (an advance payment), except for code 23110 payments and payments related to paying remuneration to a resident broker under brokerage agreement (group 58) Settlements by a resident when a prepayment is made to a non-resident for supplied goods, performed work, rendered services, submitted information or intellectual products, as well as exclusive rights thereto, under agreements (contracts), stated in Clause 5.1.2 of this Instruction (an advance payment) Codes of this group and group 23 shall be used if the payment amount simultaneously includes the cost of services and (or) works, and (or) information, and (or) intellectual products, including exclusive rights thereto, under mixed-type agreements (contracts) as follows: a) agreements (contracts), stipulating export (import) of goods by a resident from (into) the territory of the Russian Federation with a provision of performing works and (or) rendering services, and (or) submitting information and (or) intellectual products, including exclusive rights thereto, as well as export (import) of goods for processing, projects construction in the Russian Federation or abroad; b) agreements (contracts) stated in Clause 5.1.2, Article 5 of this Instruction; c) financial lease agreements; d) agent (commission, mandate) agreements, stipulating import (export) of goods into (from) the territory of the Russian Federation. April 2014 24 of 34 VTB Bank (Deutschland) AG 23 200 23 210 23 300 23 900 30 30 010 30 020 30 030 30 040 30 800 30 900 32 32 010 32 015 32 020 32 025 35 35 030 Settlements by a resident-consignor (principal, trustee) when a non-residentconsignee (agent, trustor) grants a grace period to pay for goods imported into the territory of the Russian Federation, performed work, rendered services, submitted information or intellectual products, as well as exclusive rights thereto (a grace period), except for code 23210 payments and payments related to paying remuneration to a resident broker under brokerage agreement (group 58) Settlements by a resident when a non-resident grants a grace period to pay for supplied goods, performed work, rendered services, submitted information or intellectual products, as well as exclusive rights thereto, under agreements (contracts), stated in Clause 5.1.2 of this Instruction (a grace period) Settlements by a non-resident in favour of a resident under financial lease agreement Settlements by a non-resident in favour of a resident related to returning extra amounts, received under mixed-type agreements (contracts) Settlements between residents and non-residents under operations with real estate, except for payments for aircraft and sea vessels, in-land navigation vessels and space objects Settlements by a non-resident for real estate sold by a resident to the nonresident outside the territory of the Russian Federation, including related to participation interest of a non-resident in real estate construction by a resident outside the territory of the Russian Federation Settlements by a resident for real estate bought by the resident from a nonresident outside the territory of the Russian Federation, including related to participation interest of a resident in real estate construction by a non-resident outside the territory of the Russian Federation Settlements by a non-resident for real estate sold by a resident to the nonresident on the territory of the Russian Federation, including related to participation interest of a non-resident in real estate construction by a resident on the territory of the Russian Federation Settlements by a resident for real estate bought by the resident from a nonresident on the territory of the Russian Federation, including related to participation interest of a resident in real estate construction by a non-resident one the territory of the Russian Federation Settlements by a resident in favour of a non-resident related to returning extra amounts, received under real estate transactions Settlements by a non-resident in favour of a resident related to returning extra amounts, received under real estate transactions Transfers between residents and non-residents under assignment or debt transfer agreements signed between residents and non-residents Transfers by a non-resident in favour of a resident for a claim assigned by a resident under assignment agreement Transfers by a resident in favour of a non-resident for a claim assigned by a non-resident under assignment agreement Transfers by a non-resident in favour of a resident for a debt transferred by a resident under debt transfer agreement Transfers by a resident in favour of a non-resident for a debt transferred by a non-resident under debt transfer agreement Settlements between residents and non-residents under other operations related to foreign trade and not directly specified in groups 10-23 hereof Settlements by a non-resident in favour of a resident under other operations related to foreign trade and not directly specified in groups 10-23 hereof April 2014 25 of 34 VTB Bank (Deutschland) AG 35 040 40 40 030 40 900 41 41 030 41 800 42 42 015 42 035 42 050 42 900 43 43 015 43 035 43 050 43 800 50 50 100 50 110 50 200 50 210 50 800 50 900 Settlements by a resident in favour of a non-resident under other operations related to foreign trade and not directly specified in groups 10-23 hereof Settlements related to funds provided by residents, except for authorized banks, to non-residents under loan agreements Settlements by a resident in favour of a non-resident related to funds provided under loan agreements Settlements by a non-resident in favour of a resident related to returning extra amounts, received under loan agreements Settlements related to funds provided by non-residents to residents, except for authorized banks, under credit and loan agreements Settlements by a non-resident in favour of a resident related to funds provided under credit and loan agreements Settlements by a resident in favour of a non-resident related to returning extra amounts, received under credit and loan agreements Settlements between residents and non-residents related to liabilities of residents, except for authorized banks, under the credits and loans raised Settlements by a resident in favour of a non-resident to repay credits and loans raised (principal amount) Settlements by a resident in favour of a non-resident to pay interest under credits and loans raised Other settlements by a resident in favour of a non-resident related to bonuses (commissions) and other payments under credits and loans raised Settlements by a non-resident in favour of a resident related to returning extra amounts, received at the principal credit or loan amount repayment by a resident Settlements between residents and non-residents related to liabilities of nonresidents, under the loans raised Settlements by a non-resident in favour of a resident to repay loans raised (principal amount) Settlements by a non-resident in favour of a resident to pay interest under loans raised Other settlements by a non-resident in favour of a resident related to bonuses (commissions) and other payments under loans raised Settlements by a resident in favour of a non-resident related to returning extra amounts, received at the principal loan amount repayment by a non-resident Settlements related to investments in the form of fixed assets Settlements by a resident to in favour of a non-resident, related to interest, investments and shares in property (authorized or share capital, share fund of a cooperative) transactions of a legal entity or under a simple partnership agreement Settlements by a resident to in favour of a non-resident, related to dividends (income) payment gained from investments made as fixed assets Settlements by a non-resident to in favour of a resident, related to interest, investments and shares in property (authorized or share capital, share fund of a cooperative) transactions of a legal entity or under a simple partnership agreement Settlements by a non-resident to in favour of a resident, related to dividends (income) payment gained from investments made as fixed assets Settlements by a resident in favour of a non-resident related to returning extra amounts, gained from investments made as fixed assets Settlements by a non-resident in favour of a resident related to returning extra April 2014 26 of 34 VTB Bank (Deutschland) AG 51 51 210 51 215 51 230 51 235 51 250 51 255 51 800 52 52 210 52 215 52 230 52 235 52 250 52 255 52 900 55 55 210 55 230 55 250 55 310 55 330 55 350 55 800 amounts, gained from investments made as fixed assets Settlements related to purchasing securities (rights certified by securities) by non-residents from residents, except for payments under group 58 codes Settlements by a non-resident in favour of a resident for the purchased bonds, shares and other equity securities of residents Settlements by a non-resident in favour of a resident for the purchased bonds, shares and other equity securities of non-residents Settlements by a non-resident in favour of a resident for purchased shares in investment funds, established by residents Settlements by a non-resident in favour of a resident for purchased shares in investment funds, established by non-residents Settlements by a non-resident in favour of a resident for purchased promissory notes and other non-equity securities issued by a resident Settlements by a non-resident in favour of a resident for purchased promissory notes and other non-equity securities issued by a non-resident Settlements by a resident in favour of a non-resident related to returning extra amounts, gained from transactions with securities (rights certified by securities), or amounts of outstanding contracts Settlements related to purchasing securities (rights certified by securities) by residents from non-residents, except for payments under group 58 codes Settlements by a resident in favour of a non-resident for the alienated bonds, shares and other equity securities of residents Settlements by a resident in favour of a non-resident for the alienated bonds, shares and other equity securities of non-residents Settlements by a resident in favour of a non-resident for the alienated shares in investment funds, established by residents Settlements by a resident in favour of a non-resident for the alienated shares in investment funds, established by non-residents Settlements by a resident in favour of a non-resident for the alienated promissory notes and other non-equity securities issued by a resident Settlements by a resident in favour of a non-resident for the alienated promissory notes and other non-equity securities issued by a non-resident Settlements by a non-resident in favour of a resident related to returning extra amounts, gained from transactions with securities (rights certified by securities), or amounts of outstanding contracts Settlements related to liabilities of residents and non-residents under securities, except for payments under group 58 codes Settlements by a resident in favour of a non-resident while performing obligations under bonds, shares and other equity securities Settlements by a resident in favour of a non-resident while performing obligations under shares in investment funds Settlements by a resident in favour of a non-resident while performing obligations under promissory notes and other non-equity securities Settlements by a non-resident in favour of a resident while performing obligations under shares and other equity securities Settlements by a non-resident in favour of a resident while performing obligations under shares in investment funds Settlements by a non-resident in favour of a resident while performing obligations under promissory notes and other non-equity securities Settlements by a resident in favour of a non-resident related to returning extra April 2014 27 of 34 VTB Bank (Deutschland) AG 55 900 56 56 010 56 060 56 800 56 900 57 57 010 57 015 57 020 57 025 57 57 57 030 035 800 57 900 58 58 010 58 015 58 020 58 025 58 030 58 800 amounts, gained from transactions with securities, or amounts of outstanding contracts Settlements by a non-resident in favour of a resident related to returning extra amounts, gained from transactions with securities, or amounts of outstanding contracts Settlements between residents and non-residents under financial derivatives transactions and other futures transactions Settlements by a non-resident in favour of a resident related to futures and financial derivatives transactions (bonuses, margin and guarantee fees, as well as other cash funds transferred under contract provisions, except for settlements and transfers related to underlying asset delivery) Settlements by a resident in favour of a non-resident related to futures and financial derivatives transactions (bonuses, margin and guarantee fees, as well as other cash funds transferred under contract provisions, except for settlements and transfers related to underlying asset delivery) Settlements by a resident in favour of a non-resident related to returning extra amounts transferred, or amounts of outstanding contracts under code 56010 operations Settlements by a non-resident in favour of a resident related to returning extra amounts transferred, or amounts of outstanding contracts under code 56060 operations Transfers under trust management contracts Transfer of a resident – trustor in favour of a resident – trustee in a foreign currency Transfer of a resident – trustee in favour of a resident – trustor in a foreign currency Transfer of a non-resident – trustor in favour of a resident – trustee in a foreign currency and in the currency of the Russian Federation Transfer of a resident – trustee in favour of a non-resident – trustor in a foreign currency and in the currency of the Russian Federation Transfer of a resident-trustee in favour a non-resident-trustor Transfer of a non-resident-trustee in favor of a resident-trustor Transfers of a resident in favour of a non-resident related to returning extra amounts, transferred, or amounts of outstanding trust management contracts Transfers of a non-resident in favour of a resident related to returning extra amounts, transferred, or amounts of outstanding trust management contracts Settlements under brokerage contracts, except for payments under group 51 – 55 codes Settlements by a resident in favour of a non-resident under brokerage contracts, including non-resident’s brokerage fee Settlements by a non-resident-broker in favour of a resident under brokerage contracts, except for code 58900 payments Settlements by a non-resident in favour of a resident-broker under brokerage contracts, including the resident’s brokerage fee Settlements by a resident-broker in favour of a non-resident under brokerage contracts, except for code 58800 payments Settlements between residents in foreign currency under brokerage contracts, including brokerage fee Settlements by a resident related to returning extra amounts transferred under brokerage contracts April 2014 28 of 34 VTB Bank (Deutschland) AG 58 900 60 60 070 60 071 60 075 60 076 60 080 60 081 60 085 60 085 60 090 60 095 60 200 61 61 070 61 100 61 115 Settlements by a non-resident related to returning extra amounts transferred under brokerage contracts Fund transfers by non-residents, withdrawal/depositing of cash currency of the Russian Federation to/from non-residents’ accounts Transfers from a non-resident’s bank account in the currency of the Russian Federation to another bank account of this non-resident in the currency of the Russian Federation opened with the same authorized bank Transfers from a non-resident’s bank account in the currency of the Russian Federation to another bank account of this non-resident in the currency of the Russian Federation opened with another authorized bank Transfers from a non-resident’s bank account in the currency of the Russian Federation to another bank account (deposit account) of this nonresident in the currency of the Russian Federation opened with a nonresident bank Transfers from a non-resident’s bank account (deposit account) in the currency of the Russian Federation opened with a non-resident bank to another bank account of this non-resident in the currency of the Russian Federation opened with the authorized bank Transfers from a non-resident’s bank account in the currency of the Russian Federation to a bank account of another non-resident in the currency of the Russian Federation opened with the same authorized bank Transfers from a non-resident’s bank account in the currency of the Russian Federation to a bank account of another non-resident in the currency of the Russian Federation opened with another authorized bank Transfers from a non-resident’s bank account in the currency of the Russian Federation opened with the authorized bank to a bank account (deposit account) of another non-resident in the currency of the Russian Federation opened with a non-resident bank Transfers from a non-resident’s bank account (deposit account) in the currency of the Russian Federation opened with a non-resident bank to a bank account of another non-resident opened with the authorized bank Cash fund withdrawal from a non-resident’s bank account in the currency of the Russian Federation Cash fund entry to a non-resident’s bank account in the currency of the Russian Federation Writing off from a non-resident’s bank account in the currency of the Russian Federation opened with the authorized bank by a bank card Settlements and fund transfers by residents, withdrawal/depositing of cash foreign currency Settlements in foreign currency between residents under freight forwarding, transport or chartering contracts when a freighter, transporter or charterer renders services related to transportation of cargo, exported from or imported into the Russian Federation, transiting of cargo through the RF territory, as well as under the above cargoes insurance agreements Foreign currency transfers from a resident’s transit currency account to another transit account or settlement account of this resident in a foreign currency Settlements in foreign currency between residents acting as consignees (agents, trustors) and residents, acting as consignors (principals, trustees) when consignees (agents, trustors) render services related to entering into and performing agreements with non-residents on handing-over goods, performing works, rendering services, submitting information or intellectual property, as well April 2014 29 of 34 VTB Bank (Deutschland) AG 61 130 61 135 61 140 61 145 61 150 61 155 61 160 61 161 61 162 61 163 61 164 61 165 61 61 61 170 175 200 as exclusive rights thereto, including operations on returning cash amounts to consignors (principals, trustees), except for code 57010, 58030 and 61162 payments Foreign currency transfers from a resident’s settlement account in a foreign currency with an authorized bank to another account of this resident in a foreign currency with the same authorized bank, and from the resident’s account in a foreign currency opened with the authorized bank to a settlement account of the same resident in a foreign currency opened with the same authorized bank Foreign currency transfers from a resident’s settlement account in a foreign currency with an authorized bank to another account of this resident in a foreign currency with another authorized bank, and from the resident’s account in a foreign currency opened with the authorized bank to a settlement account of the same resident in a foreign currency opened with another authorized bank Transfers of a foreign currency or the currency of the Russian Federation from a resident’s account opened with a non-resident bank to this resident’s account with an authorized bank Transfers of a foreign currency from a resident’s account opened with a non-resident bank to another resident’s account with an authorized bank Transfers of foreign currency or the currency of the Russian Federation from a resident’s settlement account with an authorized bank to this resident’s account opened with a non-resident bank Transfers of foreign currency or the currency of the Russian Federation from a resident’s settlement account with an authorized bank to another resident’s account opened with a non-resident bank Settlements between residents in a foreign currency related to paying or returning individual and (or) collective clearing security and final clearing settlements performed according to the Federal Law on Clearing and Clearing Operations Final clearing settlements between residents in a foreign currency, performed according to the Federal Law on Clearing and Clearing Operations Settlements in foreign currency between residents acting as consignees (agents, trustors) and residents, acting as consignors (principals, trustees) when consignees (agents, trustors) render services related to entering into and performing agreements obligations thereunder to be fulfilled upon results of clearing operations, performed according to the Federal Law on Clearing and Clearing Operations, including operations on returning cash amounts to consignors (principals, trustees) Settlements between residents in a foreign currency related to performance and (or) termination of an agreement being a financial derivative Transfers of the currency of the Russian Federation from a resident’s account opened with a non-resident bank to an account of another resident opened with an authorized bank Transfers of the currency of the Russian Federation from a resident’s account opened with an authorized bank to an account of another resident opened with a non-resident bank Foreign cash currency withdrawal from a resident’s foreign currency account Foreign cash currency entering into a resident’s foreign currency account Writing off from a resident’s settlement account opened with an authorized bank by a bank card April 2014 30 of 34 VTB Bank (Deutschland) AG 70 70 010 70 020 70 030 70 040 70 050 70 060 70 70 70 090 095 100 70 105 70 110 70 115 70 120 70 125 70 200 70 205 70 800 70 900 80 80 010 80 020 * Non-Trade Operations Payment by non-residents to residents of taxes, duties and other charges and fees Payment by residents to non-resident of taxes, duties and other charges and fees Payment by non-residents to residents of pension, alimony, allowance, legacy and other donations Payment by residents to non-resident of pension, alimony, allowance, legacy and other donations Payment by non-residents to residents of wages and other labour compensations Payment by residents to non-residents of wages and other labour compensations Gratuitous financial assistance rendering by a non-resident to a resident Gratuitous financial assistance rendering by a resident to a non-resident Beneficent aid rendering, charity collection, grants awarding (receiving) and other free payments by a non-resident to a resident Beneficent aid rendering, charity collection, grants awarding (receiving) and other free payments by a resident to a non-resident Payment by non-residents to residents of insurance indemnity under insurance or reinsurance agreement Payment by residents to non-residents of insurance indemnity under insurance or reinsurance agreement Payments by non-residents to residents related to enforcement of juridical agencies’ resolutions Payments by residents to non-residents related to enforcement of juridical agencies’ resolutions Other payments by non-residents in favour of residents under non-trade operations Other payments by residents in favour of non-residents under non-trade operations Settlements by a resident, in favour of a non-resident related to returning extra amounts transferred within non-trade operations Settlements by a non-resident in favour of a resident related to returning extra amounts transferred within non-trade operations Settlements between an authorized bank and a non-resident in the currency of the Russian Federation and between an authorized bank and a resident in foreign currency, except for payments stated in groups 01, 02, 57 and 58 hereof* Settlements between a non-resident and an authorized bank in the currency of the Russian Federation under facility agreement Withdrawal of the currency of the Russian Federation from a non-resident’s bank account in the currency of the Russian Federation due to a letter of credit issuing Group 80 codes shall be used by an authorized bank for recording data under foreign currency and other operations performed by residents and non-residents. These codes are also used for writing off funds from a resident’s and non resident’s accounts opened with the authorized bank to be further transferred in favour of another authorized bank under agreements entered into by and between them, or in the case of crediting the funds entered from another authorized bank under agreements entered into by and between such bank and the resident or non-resident, to an account of such resident or non-resident opened with the authorized bank. April 2014 31 of 34 VTB Bank (Deutschland) AG 80 021 80 050 80 110 80 120 80 121 80 150 99 99 99 99 010 020 090 Entering of the currency of the Russian Federation into a non-resident’s bank account in the currency of the Russian Federation due to a letter of credit withdrawal Settlements between a non-resident and an authorized bank in the currency of the Russian Federation under other operations, except for group 02, 57 and 58 , as well as code 80010, 80020 and 80021 operations Settlements between a resident and an authorized bank in foreign currency under facility agreement Writing off a foreign currency, the currency of the Russian Federation from a resident’s settlement account with an authorized bank due to a letter of credit issued in favour of a non-resident Crediting a foreign currency, the currency of the Russian Federation to a resident’s settlement account with an authorized bank due to a letter of credit closed in favour of a non-resident Settlements between a resident and an authorized bank in foreign currency under other operations, except for group 01, 57 and 58, as well as code 80110, 80120 and 80121 operations Settlements under other foreign currency operations not directly specified in groups 01-80 hereof Returning to a resident of erroneously debited (credited) funds Returning to a non-resident of erroneously debited (credited) funds Settlements and transfers under operations not specified in groups 01-80, and except for code 99010 and 99020 payments April 2014 32 of 34 VTB Bank (Deutschland) AG Annex D Most common mistakes 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) use of INN in field 59: account number line use of BIK in field 59: account number line wrong formatting of field 57D: in payments to be effected use of bank account number instead of customer account number in field 59: account number line absence of branch in field 57A: (if a beneficiary customer holds account with one of VTB Bank branches outside Moscow (Moscow Region)). April 2014 33 of 34 VTB Bank (Deutschland) AG Annex E Transliteration Table Cyrillic International transcription RUR6 Latinic Comments А Б В Г Д Е Ё Ж З И Й К Л М Н О П Р С Т У Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Щ Ъ Ы Ь Э Ю A B V G D E IO J or ZH Z I I K L M N O P R S T U F H C or TS CH SH SC E IU A B V G D E o J Z I i K L M N O P R S T U F H C c Q q x Y X e u Я IA a low case ‘ Never use the apostrophe sign in the text which is to be converted into Cyrillic symbols The apostrophe signs are used to mark the text which should not be converted into Cyrillic symbols Y low case low case low case low case low case low case low case April 2014 34 of 34