September 2015 - Faith Presbyterian Church EPC


September 2015 - Faith Presbyterian Church EPC
F a it h P re sb yt e r ian Ch urc h ( EPC)
Faith Speaks
V o l um e 20 15 , Is s ue 8
S ept em be r
C h ur c h S t aff
Interim Pastor
Walter Turner
Financial Secretary
“So faith comes from
hearing , and hearing
through the word of
~Romans 10:17
In order to trust God,
we must always view
our adverse circumstances through the
eyes of faith, not of
sense. And just as the
faith of salvation comes
through hearing the
message of the gospel
(Romans 10:17), so the
faith to trust God in
adversity comes through
the Word of God alone.
It is only in the Scriptures that we find an
adequate view of God’s
relationship to and involvement in our painful
circumstances. It is only
from the Scriptures,
applied to our hearts by
the Holy Spirit, that we
receive the grace to
trust God in adversity.
By: Jerry Bridges
Reference: Trusting God,
1988, p. 18. Used by permission of NavPress – All rights
“With upright heart
he shepherded them
and guided them
with his skillful hand.”
~Psalm 78:72
Here we commemorate the greatest and
deepest demonstration
of true love the world
has ever known. For
God looked down upon
sorrowing, struggling,
sinning humanity and
was moved with compassion for the contrary,
sheep-like creatures He
had made. In spite of the
tremendous personal
cost it would entail to
Himself to deliver them
from their dilemma He
chose deliberately to
descend and live
amongst them that He
might deliver them. This
meant laying aside His
splendor, His position,
His prerogatives as the
perfect and faultless
One. He knew He
would be exposed to
terrible privation, to
ridicule, to false accusations, to rumor, gossip
and malicious charges
that branded Him as a
glutton, drunkard, friend
of sinners and even an
imposter. It entailed
losing His reputation. It
would involve physical
suffering, mental anguish
and spiritual agony. In
short, His coming to
earth as the Christ, as
Jesus of Nazareth, was a
straightforward case of
utter self-sacrifice that
culminated in the cross
of Calvary. The laiddown life, the pouredout blood were the
supreme symbols of
total selflessness. This
was love. This was
God. This was divinity
in action, delivering men
from their own utter
selfishness, their own
stupidity, their own suicidal instincts as lost
sheep unable to help
By: Phillip Keller
Reference: A Shepherd Looks
at Psalm 23, Permission by
Zondervan,, 1970, p.
“And he said to
them, “Go into all
the world and proclaim the gospel to
the whole creation.”
Wylene Eason
Jim Allsobrooks
Nancy Lowry
I nsi d e thi s i ssu e:
Building News
Choir News
Fellowship News
Financial News
General News
Prayer and Praise
Missionary News
Session News
2 01 5
Ses s i o n Me mbe rs
(Christian Education)
Steve Norton
(Clerk of Session)
~Mark 16:15
Mark McClelland
A few years ago at a
Christian bookseller’s
convention, with several
thousand people present, one Christian
group did a survey asking people to define the
gospel. A hundred people responded. Those
who sponsored the sur-
Matthew Echols
(Continue on pg. 5)
Bob Smith
Jim Timpson
(Congregational Nurture)
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Prayer Needs and Praise News
Billy Adams
Kirk Ross
Lydia Ham Allen
Brad Rowland
* Please keep the following missionaries in your
Janet Bahn family
Elizabeth Rubiez
- Phil and Diane Thrash
Stacy Bailey
Pat Ryle
Nancy Beck
Nathan Sexton
Pansy Belcher
James Bell
Jim Sherrill family
Alan Benton
Jessica Smith
Eleanor Bishop
Mae Stephens
Bob Brown
Kim Sweat
Catherine Bruce
Presley Taylor
Andy Burch
Adel Thalos
Betty Burch
Christina Toska
Jerry Colby
Walter (Margaret) Turner - interim pastor
Laverne Compton
Helen Van Eaton
Jimmy Cook
Jimmy Wages
June Cook & Kristin Rohling family
Brian Waits family
Gail Crowder
Mike Wallace
Johnny Davis
Lester Waters
Wayne Dowda
Tyler Weeks
Beverly Echols
Janet Williams
June Echols
Nikki Williams family
Stan Evans
Beverly Wills
Darryl Fowler
Edith Wood
Jett Freeman
Joyce Woods
Kerri Hensley
Mike Woods
Pat (Wayne) Hightower
Nat Woommavovah
Dot Hood
Body of Faith EPC
Jimmy & Faye Horn
Pastor search committee
Mark Howell
Building committee
Mary Keagle
Keller’s return to the states for 6 mths
Jack Lindler
Military families
Brian Lowe
Ron Manley
Jeanette McClure
Mike McCormick
Al & Claudia Middlebrooks
Dorothy Miller
Herman Miller
Jeff Miller
Mark Miller & children
Shelley Mills
Tad Mills
Jill Mitchell
Scottie Moore
David Patterson, Sr.
Guy Regan
Don Roper
Infant Davis Smith & family
* As a part of our Armor Bearers ministry, please continue to pray daily for our
Elders on Session: Matthew Echols,
Steve Norton, Mark McClelland, Bob
Smith, and Jim Timpson.
- Gary and Jackie Burnett
- Chris and Debbie Gibson
-Our new missionaries going to Southeast Asia
later this year
- Reflections Ministries - Bill and Margaret Frisbee
Copies of the September
Prayer and Praise handout
are available on the table at
the entrance to the sanctuary.
Everyone is invited Wednesday nights for our weekly
prayer meeting at 6:10 at
Faith Presbyterian Church.
“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down
from the Father of lights with whom
there is no variation or shadow due
to change.”
~James 1:17
Bob Smith’s adult Sunday
School Class meets each Sunday at 9:30 a.m. in the sanctuary. Bring your Bible and
come join us. There’s a cup of
coffee waiting for you.
Pa ge 3
F ai th Sp eaks
Book News
Fellowship News
God in the Whirlwind: How the
Holy-love of God
Reorients Our
World by Da-vid
Building on years of
research, writing,
and cross-cultural ministry, renowned
author and theologian David Wells calls
our attention to that which defines
God's greatness and gives shape to the
Christian life: the holy-love of God. In
God in the Whirlwind, Wells explores
the depths of the paradox that God is
both holy and loving, showing how his
holy-love provides the foundation for
our understanding of the cross, sanctification, the nature of worship, and our
life of service in the world. What's
more, a renewed vision of God's character is the cure for evangelicalism's
shallow theology, with its weight-less
God and sentimental gospel. Written
by one of evangelicalism's most insightful minds, this book will help you stand
firm in your faith despite the changing
winds and raging storms of the modern
Newton on the
Christian Life: To
Live Is Christ by
Tony Reinke John
Newton is famous for
his legendary hymn
"Amazing Grace.”
Many have celebrated his dramatic
conversion from a life in the slave trade
to his eventual work to end it. But
often overlooked are Newton's forty
years as a pastor ministering to parishioners and friends unsettled by the
trials, doubts, and fears of life. Newton
is perhaps the greatest pastoral letter
writer in the history of the church. He
took up his pen day after day to help
others fix their eyes on Christ, which,
he writes, is the underlying battle of the
Christian life. Through a careful study
of scores of letters, Tony Reinke brings
together Newton's brilliant vision of
the Christian life in one accessible
The Smith Community fellowship group will meet on Monday,
September 14th at 6:30 p.m. The
group will meet at the home of
Teresa Harvey.
“Faith is believing
that Christ is what He
is said to be, and that
He will do what He
has promised to do,
and then to expect this
of Him.”
All men are invited to our Men’s
Group which meets each Sunday
morning at 8:30 a.m. We are currently
studying the Old Testament book of
Judges based on Tim Keller’s book,
“Judges for You”. Come join us.
There’s an open seat and a cup of coffee waiting for you.
Girlfriends in Faith
We are taking a break from our dinners during the summer. Thank you to
all our wonderful women! We will
resume our regular food and fellowship in September. Details coming
~ C. H. Spurgeon
New Adult Sunday School Class
Reference: All of Grace.
“Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell
you great and hidden
things that you have not
~Jeremiah 33:3
If you’ve never tried Sunday School,
now is a great time to start. Authentic:
Developing the Disciplines of a Sincere
Faith, meeting in the room to the right of
the choir loft, introduces believers to
spiritual disciplines that will help them
develop a closer walk with God. What
does it mean to live as an authentic follower of Jesus? Learn to follow his example by practicing the spiritual disciplines
he used to maintain a close relationship
with his Father. Discover how much you
can grow in Christ-likeness as you pursue
the practices of Bible study, prayer, fasting, fellowship, service, and worship. If
you have any questions, speak with David or Vicki Rodgers.
We have lots of excellent books for sale on display in the sanctuary.
If you would like to purchase one, simply put the money in the bowl
on the display. Prices start at $1.00 and go up.
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Session News
Stated Session Meeting
Faith Presbyterian EPC
August 9, 2015
Present: Mark McClelland, Jim Timpson, Steve Norton, Bob Smith, Matthew
Echols, Walter Turner
Devotion: Walter Turner: Samuel 3
“Speak Lord”
Guest: Becky Fowler - presented the
“Life of Life” program. Session vote
Old Business:
Building Committee : It was reported
that we need to get an architect selected
with a building plan soon. The second
(straight) drawing will be redrawn by this
committee and a cost difference determined. A drawing (V-shaped or straight)
will then be selected.
Finance Committee: restated that a
positive response was given by banks to
loaning us enough money back in March.
New Business:
of 25% over last year.
Administration - Matthew Echols will
be taking over this committee.
Worship - Bob Smith
13th Jim Timpson is worship leader and
two other elders need to help with
Lord’s Supper. Matthew Echols and
Steve Norton are to help.
Christian Education - Minutes provided by CE chair. New procedures where
presented in an emergency meeting last
The Session reviewed the upcoming
calendar and prayer concerns received
by members during Shepherding calls.
 August 16: Congregational meal 5:00 PM, Shingleroof Campground
 September 13: Lord’s Supper
 September 13: Session meeting at
Respectfully submitted,
Steve Norton, Clerk of Session
Financial News—August, 2015
“Therefore, since
we are surrounded
by so great a cloud
of witnesses, let us
also lay aside every
weight, and sin
which clings so
closely, and let us
run with endurance
the race that is set
before us, 2 looking
to Jesus, the
founder and perfecter of our faith,
who for the joy
that was set before
him endured the
cross, despising the
shame, and is seated at the right
hand of the throne
of God.”
Pastoral Search Committee update:
Elders: Matthew Echols and Mark
McClelland. Congregational members Ronnie Burch, Bev Smith, Gray
Brannan, Dan Patterson, Glenda
Eaves. This committee will be
meeting on August 9th to elect a
chairman and determine the best
way to proceed.
Donations: $ 31,411
Worship: Greeting time question.
Discussion on issues with time and
coordination of pre-worship announcements and greetings was
had. Giving announcements to an
elder was suggested instead of individuals doing announcements. No
changes are to be made at this time.
We are so excited to have Walter and
Margaret Turner as a part of Faith EPC
for this interim period. They have graciously provided their phone numbers, email addresses, and home address for us.
endurance and encour-
Walter - 404-697-6654
agement give you the same
Ministry Committee Reports
 Congregational Nurture - Jim Timpson Aug 16th, 5:00 pm for congregational dinner at Shingleroof Campground
Dinning Room.
 Outreach - Mark McClelland New
missionaries will start getting support
soon. Kid’s Camp went well - increase
~ Hebrews 12:1-2
Expenses: $ 16,519
Building Fund
to date:
$ 101,240
[email protected]
“May the God who gives
attitude of mind toward
each other that Christ
Margaret - 404-697-6655
[email protected]
Their address is: 20 Dawn Drive SE
Cartersville, GA
Jesus had,…”
~Romans 15:5
Pa ge 5
F ai th Sp eaks
Building News
“To gather with God's
people in united adoration of the Father is as
necessary to the Christian life as prayer.”
~Martin Luther
Cleaning Crews for September
9/4: Matthew & Brooke Echols,
Chevenie Echols
9/11: McClelland Family
9/18: Bob & Bev Smith, Debbie
9/25: Terry & Laura Clotfelter
Cleaning Crews for October
10/2: Becky Fowler, Dorothy Miller,
Vicki Dobbs
10/9: Jim & Mary Allsobrooks, Albert
& Peggy Campbell
10/16: Alan & Janet Dennis
10/23: Wylene Eason, Suzy Skelton,
Linda West, Effie Wanzer
10/30: David & Vicky Rodgers
vey looked at the responses, and
only one out a hundred qualified as
an adequate description of the
gospel. People think that the gospel is having a warm relationship
with Jesus, or asking Christ into
your heart. Those things are important, but that is not the gospel.
The gospel has a clear content that
focuses on the person of Christ,
the work of Christ, and how the
benefits of Christ are appropriated
into the Christian’s life by faith.
By: R. C. Sproul
Reference: Feed My Sheep, ed. Don
Kistler, Soli Deo Gloria Ministries, 2002, p.
Wedding and Shower
Please join us at the church on
Sunday, September 20th from 3:00
pm to 5:00 pm for a Miscellaneous
Bridal Shower for Danielle Baggett.
Danielle is the daughter of Frank
and Janice Baggett. Danielle and
R.J. Hovis will be married on October 22nd near Dahlonega, Ga.
They are registered at Target and
J. C. Penney’s.
Please join us again at the church
on Sunday, October 4th at 2:00 pm
for a Miscellaneous Bridal Shower
for Carrie Ann Patterson. Carrie
Ann is the daughter of Dan and
Paula Patterson. Carrie Ann and
Andrew Cooper will be married
November 20th at Nash Farms.
They are registered at Bed, Bath, &
Beyond and Macy’s.
Congregational Meal
Shingleroof Campground
August 16, 2015
What a wonderful time we
had at the congregational
meal on August 16th!
Food and fellowship were
abounding in the dining
hall. Special thanks to Pat
Beard and Jim and Lavonne Timpson for all
their hard work in making
this such a special time for
Faith Presbyterian.
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General News
Listen to R.C. Sproul’s daily 30 minute broadcast at It’s a great source
of teaching and food for the soul. While
you’re there, check out a wealth of online
resources that will deepen your faith and
walk with Christ.
Thank you to everyone who took a packet
for the Spiritual Gifts inventory. We’ve had
a great response. If you’ve completed your
inventory, please contact Andy Martin [email protected] or Vicky Rodgers
[email protected] and set up a time to
go over it with them.
Outreach News
Youth News - continued :
September Events:
9/2: Wednesday night youth resumes 6:00 pm
9/10: American Heritage Girls and Trail
Life Boys groups begin - 7:00-8:00pm
9/13: Youth Sunday School resumes
9/17: AH Girls & TL Boys meeting - 6:00
- 8:00 pm. Dinner served at 6:00.
We will be collecting personal hygiene
items. These items can place in the
chest beneath the book display.
There will be a group going to Jesus’
Place on September 6th. Please feel
free to join in on this inspirational visit.
Speak with Steve Norton for details.
We are in need of volunteers to provide
refreshments (simple cookies/juice nothing fancy) for our fellowship time
between Sunday School and worship.
Please speak to or email Laurie Brannan
if you have any questions. The sign up
sheet is posted on the bulletin board by
the hall doorway.
Wednesday night Youth Fellowship Bible Study will resume
Wednesday, September 2nd
with fellowship, snacks, games
beginning at 6pm. Youth Sunday School resumes September
[email protected] (work)
[email protected] (home)
“Children, obey your parents in
the Lord, for this is right. 2 “Honor
your father and mother” (this is
the first commandment with a
promise), 3 “that it may go well
with you and that you may live
long in the land.”
Our first meeting for American Heritage Girls and Trail Life for Boys is Sept
10th. This first meeting will be from
7:00 - 8:00 pm. The second meeting is
September 17th from 6:00 - 8:00 pm.
Dinner will start at 6:00 pm. Please
RSVP to Amy or Mark McClelland at
678-818-6635. These two meetings will
be very important in terms of establishing rules and guidelines for the year as
well as a calendar. Also, please let us
know if you can help serve dinner on
Sept. 17th. Please pray that we will be
able to reach our community.
Our Mission of the Month for September: Helping In His Name Food
Pantry. (
~Ephesians 6:1-3
“But, as it is written,
“What no eye has seen, nor
ear heard, nor the heart of
man imagined,
what God has prepared for
those who love him” —
10 these things God has revealed to us through the
Spirit. For the Spirit
searches everything, even
the depths of God. —
~I Corinthians 2:9-10
On the bulletin board in the
back of the sanctuary is a flip
chart with emergency phone
numbers. Please consult it if
there is an emergency or problem at the church.
Faith Presbyterian
Church has a new
mailing address 5916 East Lake Pkwy
Suite 250
McDonough, GA
Pa ge 7
F ai th Sp eaks
The Keller’s:
Thank you!!!
The boys started school August 3rd,
and life is now on full throttle!
connecting with new churches to shore up our
The 3rd week of September I will attend Larry
Crabb’s School of Spiritual Direction. It will be a
very spiritually rich week for me. I have re-read
many of his books over the last few months and
have been deeply impacted by his call to repentance in many areas of my life and ministry.
We spent the first two months living with my
dad, 2 of the boys and my dad sleeping in his
pop up camper each night. Henry Baptist
Church has generously allowed us to stay in
their mission house for the rest of our time in
the States! We are very thankful for the way
they have served us!!
We always love hearing from you and are always encouraged to know you are praying for
By His Grace, For His Glory,
The Keller’s
In July, Kristin visited us here in McDonough,
GA!!! It was blast to see her and we are thankful for her return to Prague in August long-term
to continue the work started. We are thankful
for her support team as well as you! Kristin
went through the Discovery Bible Study process with a girl in Arkansas during her time
back in the States. Kristin met her in a coffee
shop and the girl accepted Christ!
We took in Stone Mountain and the Laser
Show while she was in town.
Here are 4 that I would highly recommend:
The Pressures Off, Shattered Dreams, Becoming
a True Spiritual Community, Soul Talk
Earlier in the summer I finished a year and a half
process with two other guys from UWM developed by the Wellspring Group, called the Battle
for Men’s Hearts. It was the most personally
transformational process I’ve ever encountered.
In November, Rachel will fly back to Prague to
take part in the woman’s version, Battle for Women’s Hearts. We believe in it that strongly!
The boys are attending Eagles Landing Christian Academy. They are adjusted to the idea of
wearing uniforms, and I think they even like it.
They are making friends slowly and every day
come home full of stories. We have been very
impressed with the way ELCA has served us
as a family!!
Rachel’s mom continues to experience health
issues, but we are thankful that she is home
from the hospital and the step down program
since the end of last week. She is still very
weak and still deals with nausea on a regular
basis. We appreciate your prayers for this
ongoing trial!
Rachel is able to spend about a week each
month in Virginia with her family. We are
thankful to be “on this side of the pond” during
this season in order that Rachel can spend this
extra time with her mom and dad.
Rachel is also taking Teaching English as a
Foreign Language classes 3 weekends in
My schedule is also in full throttle as I am able
to update many of you in person, who have
sent us out in grace, to share the work God
has done to open doors of faith (Acts 14:24 –
If you are in the Atlanta area and would like to
hear more about it, there is an Introductory Event
September 13th at Perimeter Church.
This past Sunday I enjoyed seeing friends at
Valleybrook Presbyterian! Here are the dates and
churches coming up:
August 30th
Journey Church, Franklin, TN
September 6
Community Fellowship, Reynolds,
Sept. 13th
Battle for Your Heart Introductory
October 4th
Midway Church, Villa Rica, GA
October 18th
Tomball Bible Church, Tomball,
October 25th
Men’s Hearts
Wellspring Group, Battle for
November 8th Liberty University
November 29th Towlaliga Baptist Church, Jackson, GA
Thank you for your prayers for our family as
Rachel and I both travel during this highly transitional time. On top of all of the above we are
More photos from our congregational meal thanks to Teresa Harvey.
“For in Christ Jesus you
are all sons of God,
through faith. 27 For as
many of you as were
~Galatians 3:26-27
Teresa Harvey 9/6
Scott Dennis
Terry Clotfelter 9/7
Jake Skelton 9/14
baptized into Christ have
put on Christ. “
Suzy Skelton
Choir News
Note from Nancy…
“It's not too late to be a part of
Lily Skelton Wright 9/14
Zack Fowler 9/24
Michael Smith 9/24
Alex Gordon 9/25
choir for the Fall and Christmas
season. Come at 7:15 on
To the glory of God, Faith
Presbyterian Church has been
called together to faithfully
proclaim the Gospel, to make
and equip disciples for Christ,
and to advance God’s
Kingdom in our families,
Our church’s website:
Please join us for a beautiful time of
praise and worship through music. The
Choir rehearses Wednesday evenings,
7:15-8:30 pm.
“The true greatness of
any church in not how
many it seats but how
many it sends!”
I will sing of steadfast love
and justice;
to you, O LORD, I will make
~Psalm 101:1
Church Membership
Faith Presbyterian Church is a
congregation of the Evangelical
Presbyterian Church (
and the Presbytery of the Southeast
If you are interested in joining Faith Presbyterian Church (EPC), you may do so
by a profession of your faith in Jesus Christ, by a re-affirmation of your faith, or
by a transfer of your membership from another church. Please speak with the
Pastor or an Elder concerning your desire.