Broccoli Master - Sakata Vegetables


Broccoli Master - Sakata Vegetables
Broccoli Master
Broccoli Master
The Power
Per capita consumption for broccoli has taken great leaps in the past decade after several
scientific studies indicated broccoli contains high levels of glucosinolates. This compound is
known to stimulate the body’s natural defenses that reduce the risk of cancer. Broccoli is also low
in saturated fat and sodium and is a good source of vitamins A & C, calcium, potassium, folate,
iron and dietary fiber.
In addition, broccoli is very adaptable and can be eaten alone or mixed with other vegetables to
improve both flavor and nutritional value. Broccoli is easy to prepare and adapts to the lifestyles
of busy consumers looking for a fast and convenient way to fulfill their nutritional requirements.
Broccoli can be served raw in salads or as a satisfying appetizer. Cooked broccoli can be added
to pasta salads, stir-fry, casseroles and soups. It also makes a delicious side dish served with a
sauce or simply grilled during a weekend barbecue. Is it any wonder why broccoli consumption
shouldn’t be increasing?
As the leader in the broccoli seed industry, Sakata takes its global responsibilities seriously. By
adding value to new varieties, we hope to see the broccoli market continue to flourish and grow.
Sakata also enthusiastically supports the efforts of all growers, shippers, brokers, retailers, and
foodservice operators who are actively involved in growing and marketing broccoli on a daily
Year-Round Availability
The map below of North America and Central America highlights key broccoli production
areas. The tables on page 2 and 3 indicate fresh market broccoli availability by month for
each variety (color coded to production areas on map). Mexico and Guatemala primarily
produce product for processing and freezing.
Northeast / Midwest
Pacific Northwest
• Salinas Valley
• Santa Maria
• San Joaquin Valley
• Imperial Valley / Yuma
Florida / Southeast
Fresh Market Harvesting Schedules
Salinas Valley - 12 Month Availability
San Joaquin Valley - Fall / Winter / Spring
Harvesting Period*
Harvesting Period*
Aug - Mid-Nov; Apr - June
Mid-February - March
November - May
February - March
Emerald Crown
August - December
January - March
Emerald Jewel
May - June; Nov - Dec
January - March
November - Early May
Green Magic
Mid-October - November
November - Early May
October - November
Green Magic
September - Mid-Nov
February - March
August - Mid-November
November - December
November - June
July - Mid-October
Imperial Valley / Yuma - Fall / Winter / Spring
Harvesting Period*
Mid-February - March
Santa Maria - 12 Month Availability
Mid-Feb - Late March
Harvesting Period*
Late November - Late Dec
September - May
Emerald Crown
Mid-December - January
October - May
Emerald Jewel
January - March
Emerald Jewel
May - June; Nov - Dec
January - February
October - May
January - February
October - May
Green Gold
Mid-Dec - Feb (transitions)
Green Magic
July - Mid-November
Green Magic
Mid-Dec - Mid-January
July - October
Mid-Dec - Late Dec
July - November
Mid-Nov - December
October - May
Mid-Feb - Late March
May - July
July - October
Mid-Feb - Late March
* Harvest months may vary depending on the weather and/or other related
causes affecting maturity and product availability.
Fresh Market Harvesting Schedules
Pacific Northwest - Summer / Fall
Northeast / Midwest - Summer / Fall
Harvesting Period*
Harvesting Period*
August - September
August - Mid-October
October - November
August - October
September - November
October - November
Emerald Crown
August - November
Emerald Jewel
September - November
Emerald Pride
August - September
October - November
October - November
Green Magic
September - November
September - November
August - November
October - November
Florida / Southeast - Fall / Winter / Spring
Harvesting Period*
January - February
Emerald Crown
December; March
Emerald Isle
January - March
Emerald Jewel
February - March
January - February
January - February
Green Gold
January - February
Northeast / Midwest - Summer / Fall
Green Magic
December; March
Harvesting Period*
November - December
August - Mid-October
February - March
October - November
January - February
August - Mid-October
Emerald Crown
August - November
Emerald Isle
August - November
Emerald Jewel
August - November
Emerald Pride
August - October
October - November
October - November
Green Gold
August - October
Green Magic
August - September
Mexico / Guatemala - 12 month availability
Harvesting Period*
January - June
September - January
September - January
Mid-Oct - December
September - January
July - November
November - March
* Harvest months may vary depending on the weather and/or other related
causes affecting maturity and product availability.
100 days
102 days
102 days
102 days
102 days
105 days
B, C, F
C, P
C, P
B, C, F
C, F, P
C, P
B, C, F
B, C, F
B, C, F
B, C, F
B, C, F
B, F
B, C, F
B, C
B, C, F, P
Medium green
Medium green
Medium green
Medium green
Medium green
Medium green
Medium green
Medium green
Dark blue-green
Medium green
Head Color
Domed, round
Semi dome, large, dense
Domed, dense
Semi dome, large, dense
Domed, dense
Large/dense with high dome
Domed, round, smooth
Large/dense with high dome
Medium dome
High dome, dense
High dome, dense
Semi dome, large,
Domed, dense
High dome, large, dense
Medium dome
Semi dome, large, dense
Smooth dome
Semi dome, large, dense
Domed, round, smooth
1. The days to maturity are calculated as an average of fall harvest dates for transplanted
broccoli in Salinas, CA. Other sowing dates may result in earlier or later maturity. Overwinter
production can add additional days to the numbers listed.
100 days
97 days
Emerald Isle
Green Gold
97 days
100 days
95 days
Emerald Jewel
B, C, F, P
95 days
97 days
94 days
Emerald Crown
97 days
93 days
90 days
Green Magic
B, C, F, P
90 days
89 days
IR: Pb
IR: Pp
IR: Pp
Resistance 3
Performs well in long day/moderate heat conditions. Can blind
under cold/low light conditions
Excellent for crown cut.
Excellent for crown cut.
Good uniformity. Wide regional adaptability.
High percentage of crown cut, excellent for fresh/frozen processing. Can blind under cold/low light conditions.
Less purpling, smooth, nice dome shape. Medium tall plant.
Good weight.
Excellent shape and small bead.
Good transition variety. Excellent crown cut. IR to some races
of clubroot.
Wide seasonal adaptability. Multi-use.
Suited for fresh/frozen florets and bunch markets.
Standard of the industry. Consistent yielding. Wide adaptability.
Can obtain nice blue-green color in adverse conditions.
Multi-use. Vigorous plant, smooth stem.
Wide seasonal adaptability. Vigorous plant. Holds well.
Tolerant to brown bead & hollow core.
Good uniformity. Wide regional adaptability. Can blind under
cold/low light conditions.
Wide regional adaptability.
Good uniformity. Wide regional adaptability.
Good holding ability.
Uses & Remarks
2. Product Usage: (B) = Bunching, (C) = Crown Cut, (F) = Florets, (P) = Processing/Freezing.
3. Disease reaction: (IR) = Intermediate Resistance, (R) = Resistant, Pp = Foliar Downy Mildew,
Pb = Clubroot.
Very small
Medium small
Medium small
Bead Size
(Listed in order of Relative Maturity)
Product Usage 2
Broccoli Hybrids
U.S. Grade Standards – Bunched Broccoli and Crown Cuts
USDA Grades – Bunched Broccoli
U.S. Fancy
Each bunch shall be free from decay, and from damage caused by overmaturity,
discoloration of bud clusters or leaves, freezing, wilting, dirt or other foreign material,
disease, insects, mechanical or other means. The bud clusters in each bunch shall be
generally compact. Each bunch shall be neatly and fairly evenly cut off at the base, and
closely trimmed unless otherwise specified as “well trimmed.” The diameter of each stalk
shall be not less than 2 inches. The length of each stalk shall be not less than 6 inches or
no more than 8 inches.
U.S. No. 1
Each bunch shall be free from decay, and from damage caused by over maturity,
discoloration of bud clusters or leaves, freezing, wilting, dirt or other foreign material,
disease, insects, mechanical or other means. The bud clusters in each bunch shall be
generally fairly compact. Each bunch shall be neatly and fairly evenly cut off at the base,
and well trimmed, unless otherwise specified as “closely trimmed”, “fairly well trimmed”,
or “leafy”. There are no requirements for diameter, but diameter may be specified for any
lot. Unless otherwise specified, the length of each stalk shall be not less than 5 inches or
more than 9 inches.
U.S. No. 2
Each bunch shall be free from decay, and from damage caused by over maturity, insects, and from serious damage caused by discoloration of bud clusters or leaves, freezing, wilting, dirt or other foreign material, disease, or mechanical or other means. Each
bunch shall be fairly well trimmed unless otherwise specified as “closely trimmed”, “well
trimmed”, or “leafy”. There are no requirements for diameter or length, but size may be
specified for any lot in connection with the grade.
USDA Grades – Crown Cuts
Crown Cuts - Must be “90% free from defects”.
USDA Tolerances - Fresh Market For Defects
Ten percent for bunches in any lot, which fail to meet the requirements of the specified
grade, including therein not more than 2 percent for bunches which are affected by decay.
For Size
1. Ten percent, by weight, for stalks in any lot which fail to meet the size requirements of
the specified grade or any sizes specified for length or diameter.
2. When a percentage of the broccoli in a lot is specified to be “heads” or of a certain
diameter and larger, no part of any tolerance shall be used to reduce such a percentage
for the lot as a whole; but individual containers may not have more than 15 percentage
points less than the percentage specified.
U.S. Grade Standards – Processed/Frozen Broccoli
USDA Grades – Processed/Frozen Broccoli
U.S. No. 1
Consists of stalks or portions of stalks of broccoli which are fresh, tender, and have good
characteristic color and compact heads, are well trimmed and which are free from decay
and cull material, and are free from damage caused by discoloration, freezing, hollow
stem or pithiness, scars, dirt or other foreign material, disease, insects or mechanical or
other means.
U.S. No. 2
Consists of stalks or portions of stalks of broccoli which are fresh, tender, and have good
characteristic color and fairly compact heads, are fairly well trimmed and which are
free from decay and cull material and free from damage caused by scars, dirt or other
foreign material, disease, insects, are free from serious damage caused by discoloration,
freezing, hollow stem or pithiness or mechanical or other means. (a) Unless otherwise
specified, the length shall be not more than 6 inches nor less than 3 inches, the diameter
of the stem shall be not less than 1/4-inch.
Basis for Grading Processed/Frozen Broccoli
(A) Large stalks of broccoli shall be cut lengthwise into halves or quarters to
defective portions. A proportionate ratio of head material to stem material
must be maintained in each segment.
(B) Stalks with heads smaller than 1 inch in diameter shall not be cut, but shall be
graded as one unit.
Typical Packaging
Broccoli Handling and Storage Conditions
Crown Cuts 20 lb box, bulk
34, 38 and 42 count
32°F, 0°C
Relative Humidity
23 lb carton, 14 and 18 count
Lightly (Unpackaged Product)
9 to 18 lb, cello bags packed in carton
8 oz and 1 lb retail packs
(2 inches or less) 3 lb
cello bags for foodservice
Typical Shelf Life Bunched – 10 to 14 Days
Packaged – 14 to 16 Days
Fresh-Cuts 10, 15 and 20 lb loose packed cartons
8 oz, 1 lb and 5 lb bags (shredded
Cole Slaw broccoli, red cabbage and carrots)
• Iceless broccoli is usually available from most shippers or
brokers, but may require special ordering. Some suppliers
also offer shrink-wrapped product.
• Products made with broccoli stalks are also available and may include: diced, coin-cut and shredded.
Sensitive (note 1)
Freeze Injury
Moderately Sensitive (note 2)
Soaking in cold water can revive slightly wilted broccoli.
1. Do not store or transport ethylene sensitive items with commodities
that produce ethylene.
2. Broccoli can recover from one or two nights of light freezing.
Definitions - Fresh Market
Stalk: A portion of the broccoli plant including the stem, bud clusters and leaves.
Head: A stalk of broccoli having a cluster of closely associated buds which is 2-inches
or larger in diameter.
Shoot: A stalk of broccoli having bud clusters which fail to meet the requirements for a
Bunch: Stalks bound together to form a unit. A single stalk may be considered a bunch
if it is approximately as large as other bunches in the lot.
Damage: Any specific defect or an equally objectionable variation of any one of these
defects, any other defect, or any combination of defects, which materially detracts from
the appearance, or the edible/marketing quality of the bunch.The following specific
defects shall be considered as damage:
A. “Overmaturity” is when the appearance of the bunch is materially affected by the
presence of open flower buds, or buds which are enlarged and on the verge of opening.
B. “Discoloration of bud clusters” occurs when the appearance of the bunch is
materially affected by buds which have a noticeably yellowish, brownish or reddish cast
in contrast to the desirable good green color. A bluish or purplish cast over the green is
often a characteristic of good broccoli and shall not be considered as damage.
C. “Discoloration of leaves” is defined as when the appearance of the bunch is materially affected by discolored leaves or parts of leaves.
Compact: The individual buds in the bud cluster are generally small and tightly crowded together and the bud clusters on the stalk are generally close together and feel fairly
firm and moderately resistant to pressure.
Fairly Compact: The individual buds and bud clusters on the stalk are generally close
together so that the top of the clusters do not have a ragged appearance or feel very soft.
Closely Trimmed: Not more than a total of 5%, by weight, of the bunch consists
of attached stems and leaves that are longer than the average length of the bunch,
regardless of point of attachment, or loose leaves and stems.
Well Trimmed: Not more than a total of 15%, by weight, of the bunch consists
of attached stems and leaves that are longer than the average length of the bunch,
regardless of point of attachment, or loose leaves and stems.
Definitions - Fresh Market
Fairly Well Trimmed: Not more than a total of 30%, by weight, of the bunch consists
of attached stems and leaves that are longer than the average length of the bunch,
regardless of point of attachment or loose leaves and stems.
Leafy: More than 30%, but not more than 50%, by weight, of the bunch consists
of attached stems and leaves that are longer than the average length of the bunch,
regardless of point of attachment or loose leaves and stems.
Serious Damage: Any specific defect or equally objectionable variation of any defect or
any combination of defects which seriously detracts from the appearance or the edible/
marketing quality of the bunch caused by discoloration of bud clusters or discoloration
of leaves.
Diameter: The average measurement across the bud cluster at the top of the stalk.
Length: The total length of the stalk measured from the base of the stem to the top of
the bud cluster.
Cytoplasmic Male Sterility (CMS): A seed production method used to improve
hybridity levels of carrots, onions, beets and some brassicas (e.g. broccoli, cabbage).
Source: USDA Standards for Grades of Italian Sprouting Broccoli
Retail Product Look-Up Codes (PLU’s)
Bunched Broccoli
Broccoli Florets
Broccoli Crowns
Broccoli Contains Cancer Fighting Properties
The benefits of eating broccoli go beyond basic nutrition; eating broccoli on a regular
basis helps protect our bodies from many physical ailments. Broccoli is an excellent
source of fiber and vitamins A, E and C. Broccoli also contains special components
that provide substantial health benefits beyond basic nutrition. Specifically, the
antioxidant flavonoids quercetin and kaempferol, as well as the phytochemical
sulforaphane and indole-3-carbinol; each of these has been shown in animal studies
to help prevent disease and are believed to aid in preventing some types of cancer.
Salinas Valley Selections
Avenger is an excellent choice for the crown cut
and fresh processing markets! Avenger offers domeshaped, tight, heavy, blue-green heads with short
bracts, thick stems and very small beads. Avenger
also offers heavy yields of small, uniform florets.
This variety has wide adaptability and performs
well for spring and fall transition harvest periods
in Salinas.
An exciting addition to Sakata’s vast broccoli product
line. Centennial has small beads, smooth heads and
minimal sideshoots. This multi-use variety performs
well in all Marathon slots and can be grown yearround in the cooler Castroville/Watsonville areas.
Emerald Crown
Emerald Crown is a medium maturing, very
uniform, tight, heavy headed, domed variety with
small beads that are blue green in color on a small
framed plant. The variety’s growing season is
warm to cool (not for rainy season). This variety
can extend the Green Magic slot into cold due to its
resistance to purpling. Produces excellent quality
crown cuts/short trim for Salinas Valley summer
and fall harvests.
Salinas Valley Selections
Emerald Jewel
Emerald Jewel is a small beaded, smooth headed,
clean stemmed, multi-use variety that is especially
suited for crown cut. This is a beautiful variety;
however the maturity can be quite late during cold
growing conditions. We suggest late spring/early
summer and late fall harvests. Emerald Jewel has
intermediate resistance to some races of clubroot.
This high yielding crown and processing hybrid
is an exciting addition to the Sakata product line.
Small, refined beads and tight, semi-domed heads
characterize this hybrid. Endurance has reduced
sideshoots which can lead to a more uniform and
predictable harvest when grown overwinter in
Salinas. Plant to plant uniformity is good.
This exciting broccoli variety is an exceptional choice
for crown and Asian cuts. Expo is a late maturing
variety with a tight, heavy dome, short bracts and
small, uniform, green beads. Performs well overwinter
in Salinas.
Salinas Valley Selections
Green Magic
This summer to fall type broccoli offers very good
uniformity of harvest. Green Magic is in the midearly maturity class and has wide adaptability. Green
Magic has a semi-domed, tight head with mediumsmall bead size and a good plant habit. Harvests well
in south Salinas Valley during the summer and in
north Salinas Valley as the days shorten in the fall.
Imperial performs best during long day length
conditions with moderate heat and is mid to midlate maturing under these conditions. This variety
has a tight dome with nice, small, dark green beads.
Imperial is multi-use, performing well for bunch,
crown cut and fresh processing. Imperial needs
heat! Harvest in summer in south Salinas Valley
and fall in north Salinas Valley. Excellent postharvest shelf life!
Marathon is widely adaptable and performs well
for fall and early spring harvests in the Salinas
Valley. Marathon can be harvested all year long in
coastal plantings. Marathon has a high dome, small
bead a heavy head and is multi-use.
Salinas Valley Selections
This high domed broccoli is dark blue-green and
has good uniformity and shape with a small bead
size. Patron is well suited for the summer to fall
harvest period in Salinas Valley. Patron can be used
for bunching, crown cut and processing. Hollow
core and brown bead tolerant. Excellent for post
harvest color retention!
Santa Maria Selections
Avenger is an excellent choice for the fresh
processing and crown cut markets! Avenger offers
dome-shaped, tight, heavy, blue-green heads with
short bracts, thick stems and very small beads
which can lead to more cartons of crown product
per acre. Avenger also offers a small, uniform floret
size. This variety has wide adaptability but is not
well suited for rainy seasons.
An exciting addition to Sakata’s vast broccoli product
line. Centennial has small beads, smooth heads and
minimal sideshoots. This multi-use variety performs
well in all Marathon slots and can be grown yearround in the coastal Guadalupe region. The variety
has shown tolerance to purpling under cold conditions.
Emerald Jewel
Emerald Jewel is a small beaded, smooth headed,
clean stemmed, multi-use variety that is especially
suited for crown cut. This is a beautiful variety;
however the maturity can be quite late during cold
growing conditions. We suggest late spring and
late fall harvests. Emerald Jewel has intermediate
resistance to some races of clubroot.
Santa Maria Selections
This high yielding crown and processing hybrid
is an exciting addition to the Sakata product line.
Small, refined beads and tight, semi-domed heads
characterize this hybrid. Endurance has reduced
sideshoots which can lead to a more uniform and
predictable harvest. Plant to plant uniformity is
This exciting broccoli variety is an exceptional
choice for crown and Asian cuts. Expo is a late
maturing variety with a tight, heavy dome, short
bracts and small, uniform, green beads. Performs
well in warm to cool conditions and overwinter.
Green Magic
This summer to fall type broccoli offers very good
uniformity of harvest. Green Magic is in the midearly maturity class and has a wide adaptability.
Green Magic has a semi-domed, tight head with
medium-small bead size and a good plant habit.
Santa Maria Selections
Gypsy performs well under moderately warm
conditions. It is a medium green hybrid that yields
overall uniformity. This variety produces a very strong
root system and has downy mildew intermediate
resistance. Gypsy yields excellent, smooth, domeshaped heads with medium-small beads.
Imperial performs best during long day length
conditions with moderate heat and is mid to midlate maturing under these conditions. This variety
has a tight dome with nice, small, dark green beads.
Imperial is multi-use, performing well for bunch,
crown cut and fresh processing in Santa Maria
summer and fall harvests. Excellent post-harvest
shelf life!
As an industry standard in broccoli, Marathon is
widely adaptable. This consistent variety has yielded
outstanding results for fresh market bunching,
processing and crown cut markets. Marathon has a
high dome, small bead and heavy head.
Santa Maria Selections
This exciting multi-purpose broccoli variety is
noted for its vigorous plant, tight dome, and small
uniform beads. Maverick has mid-late maturity,
performing well in cool to warm and warm to cool
conditions in Santa Maria. This multi-use variety
has a clean stem and good color.
This high domed broccoli is dark blue-green and
has good uniformity and shape with a small bead
size. Patron is well suited for the summer to fall
harvest period in Santa Maria. Patron can be used
for bunching, crown cut and processing. Hollow
core and brown bead tolerant. Excellent for post
harvest color retention!
San Joaquin Valley Selections
Avenger is an excellent choice for the crown cut and
processing markets! Avenger offers dome-shaped,
tight, heavy, blue-green heads with short bracts, thick
stems and very small beads. Avenger also offers a
small, uniform floret size. We have seen strong results
for late December – January harvests in this region.
Can be sensitive to blinding during late October/
early November plantings.
An exciting addition to Sakata’s vast broccoli product
line. Centennial has small beads, smooth heads and
minimal sideshoots. This multi-use variety has shown
excellent trial performance in Tracy, Firebaugh and
Huron in the Valley’s Marathon slot. Centennial has
shown tolerance to purpling under cold conditions.
This high yielding crown and processing hybrid
is an exciting addition to the Sakata product line.
Small, refined beads and tight, semi-domed heads
characterize this hybrid. Endurance has reduced
sideshoots which can lead to a more uniform and
predictable harvest. Plant to plant uniformity is
good. Endurance is a good choice for overwinter San
Joaquin Valley productions.
San Joaquin Valley Selections
This exciting broccoli variety is an exceptional choice
for crown and Asian cuts. Expo is a late maturing
variety with a tight, heavy dome, short bracts and
small, uniform, green beads. Performs well in warm
to cool conditions and overwinter.
Green Magic
This broccoli is the industry standard in San
Joaquin Valley for fall to early winter harvests. This
multi-use variety is in the mid-early maturity class
with wide adaptability and an extremely uniform
harvest. Green Magic produces a semi-domed,
tight head with medium-small bead size and a good
plant habit.
Imperial has a tight dome with nice, small, dark
green beads. This variety is multi-use, performing
well for bunch, crown cut and fresh processing.
Plant early with Green Magic in San Joaquin Valley
for a later maturing variety with high quality.
San Joaquin Valley Selections
As a long time performer in San Joaquin Valley,
Marathon is widely adaptable for winter through
early spring harvests. This variety has yielded
outstanding results for fresh market bunching, fresh
processing and the increasingly popular crown cut
market. Marathon has a high dome, small bead
and heavy head.
This exciting multi-purpose broccoli variety is
noted for its vigorous plant, tight dome, and small
uniform beads. Maverick has mid-late maturity,
performing well for December and early January
harvests in San Joaquin Valley. This multi-use
variety has a clean stem, good color and a medium
high head position.
Imperial Valley / Yuma Selections
Avenger is an excellent choice for fresh processing
and crown cut markets! Avenger offers domeshaped, tight, heavy, blue-green heads with short
bracts, thick stems and very small beads. Avenger
also offers a small, uniform floret size. This variety
has wide adaptability.
An exciting addition to Sakata’s vast broccoli
product line. Centennial has small beads, smooth
heads and minimal sideshoots. This multi-use
variety performs well in the Desert Southwest’s
overwinter slot. The variety has shown tolerance to
purpling under cold conditions.
Destiny is in the mid-early maturity class, and
performs well for early winter harvest in the Desert
Southwest. Dwarf plants produce broccoli with
a smooth dome and round shape. Destiny has
medium-small beads with good heat tolerance.
Imperial Valley / Yuma Selections
Emerald Crown
Emerald Crown is a medium maturing, very uniform,
tight, heavy headed, domed variety with small beads
that are blue green in color on a small framed plant.
The variety’s growing season is warm to cool (not
for rainy season). This variety can extend the Green
Magic slot into cold due to its resistance to purpling.
Produces excellent quality crown cuts/short trim in
Imperial Valley and Yuma.
Emerald Jewel
Emerald Jewel is a small beaded, smooth headed,
clean stemmed, multi-use variety that is especially
suited for crown cut. This variety performs best in
the Triathlon slot in the Desert Southwest and has
intermediate resistance to some races of clubroot.
This high yielding crown and processing hybrid is an
exciting addition to the Sakata product line. Small,
refined beads and tight, semi-domed heads characterize
this hybrid. Endurance has reduced sideshoots which
can lead to a more uniform and predictable harvest.
Additionally, plant to plant uniformity is good.
Imperial Valley / Yuma Selections
This exciting broccoli variety is an exceptional choice
for crown and Asian cuts. Expo is a late maturing
variety with a tight, heavy dome, short bracts and
small, uniform, green beads. Performs well in warm
to cool conditions and overwinter in the Desert
Green Gold
Green Gold produces tight, smooth, heavy, domed,
fine beaded heads with a medium green color. This
mid-late maturing variety has excellent uniformity
and performs well in the Desert Southwest fall to
winter Greenbelt slot. Green Gold is a premium
choice for crown cut/short trim markets and can also
be used for bunching/florets in this warm region.
Green Magic
This summer to fall type broccoli offers very good
uniformity of harvest. Green Magic is in the midearly maturity class and has wide adaptability.
Green Magic has a semi-domed, tight head with
medium-small bead size and a good plant habit.
This variety continues to grow during cooling
periods in the fall.
Imperial Valley / Yuma Selections
Gypsy performs well under moderately warm
conditions. It is a medium green hybrid that yields
overall uniformity. This variety produces a very strong
root system and has downy mildew intermediate
resistance. Gypsy yields excellent, smooth, domeshaped heads with medium-small beads.
Imperial performs best during long day length
conditions with moderate heat and is mid to midlate maturing under these conditions. This variety
has a tight dome with nice, small, dark green beads.
Imperial is multi-use, performing well for bunch,
crown cut and fresh processing. Excellent postharvest shelf life!
As an industry standard in broccoli, Marathon is
widely adaptable. This variety has yielded outstanding
results for fresh market bunching, fresh processing
and crown cut markets for many years. Marathon has
a high dome, small bead and heavy head.
Imperial Valley / Yuma Selections
Maximize your broccoli yield and weight with
this outstanding variety! Maximo is a mid-late
maturing variety with dome-shaped heads and
small beads with a short branching habit, making
it excellent for processing and bunch markets.
Maximo performs well in the Desert Southwest
and has intermediate resistance to downy mildew.
In a class by itself, Triathlon yields a dense, smooth,
dome-shaped head. This variety is ideal for crown
cut as its heavy heads offers growers and buyers
more “product in the box.” Triathlon also purples
less than other varieties in the over-wintering slot.
Pacific Northwest Selections
Arcadia is a widely adapted variety. Similar maturity
to Marathon with large heads, small to medium bead
size and medium stem. Good tolerance to hollow
core. Suited for fresh market bunching, florets and
freezer markets.
An exciting addition to Sakata’s vast broccoli product
line. Centennial has small beads, smooth heads and
minimal sideshoots. This multi-use variety performs
well in all Marathon slots. This variety has shown
tolerance to purpling under cold conditions.
Another outstanding variety from Sakata’s broccoli
program, Diplomat performs well in the Pacific
Northwest with good uniformity. This variety is
suitable for the bunch and crown markets.
Pacific Northwest Selections
Emerald Crown
Emerald Crown is a medium maturing, very
uniform, tight, heavy headed, domed variety with
small beads that are blue green in color on a small
framed plant. The variety’s growing season is
warm to cool (not for rainy season). This variety
can extend the Green Magic slot into cold due to its
resistance to purpling. Produces excellent quality
crown cuts/short trim in the Pacific Northwest.
Emerald Jewel
Emerald Jewel is a small beaded, smooth headed,
clean stemmed, multi-use variety that is especially
suited for crown cut. The variety performs best in
transition periods and has intermediate resistance
to some races of clubroot.
Emerald Pride
This summer-type broccoli is good for bunching
and offers exceptional stalk color. Emerald Pride
is in the mid-late maturity class and has good heat
tolerance with even beads. This broccoli is also
suitable for fresh processing.
Pacific Northwest Selections
This high yielding crown and processing hybrid
is an exciting addition to the Sakata product line.
Small, refined beads and tight, semi-domed heads
characterize this hybrid. Endurance has reduced
sideshoots which can lead to a more uniform and
predictable harvest. Plant to plant uniformity is
This exciting broccoli variety is an exceptional
choice for crown and Asian cuts. Expo is a late
maturing variety with a tight, heavy dome, short
bracts and small, uniform, green beads. Performs
well in warm to cool conditions.
Green Magic
This summer to fall type broccoli offers very good
uniformity of harvest. Green Magic is in the midearly maturity class and has a wide adaptability.
Green Magic has a semi-domed, tight head with
medium-small bead size and a good plant habit.
Pacific Northwest Selections
Gypsy performs well under moderately warm
conditions. It is a medium green hybrid that yields
overall uniformity. This variety produces a very strong
root system and has downy mildew intermediate
resistance. Gypsy yields excellent, smooth, domeshaped heads with medium-small beads.
Imperial performs best during long day length
conditions with moderate heat and is mid to midlate maturing under these conditions. This variety
has a tight dome with nice, small, dark green beads.
Imperial is multi-use, performing well for bunch,
crown cut and fresh processing. Excellent postharvest shelf life!
As an industry standard in broccoli, Marathon is
widely adaptable. This variety has yielded outstanding
results for fresh market bunching, processing and the
increasingly popular crown cut market. Marathon
has a high dome, small bead and heavy head.
Northeast / Midwest Selections
Arcadia is a widely adapted variety and has performed
well for many years in both the Northeast and
Midwest regions. Similar maturity to Marathon with
large heads, small to medium bead size and medium
stem. Good tolerance to hollow core. Suited for fresh
market bunching, fresh florets and freezer markets.
An exciting addition to Sakata’s vast broccoli product
line. Centennial has small beads, smooth heads and
minimal sideshoots. This multi-use variety performs
well in all Marathon slots. The variety has shown
tolerance to purpling under cold conditions.
Another outstanding variety from Sakata’s broccoli
program, Diplomat performs well in both the
Northeast and Midwest regions with good uniformity.
This variety was bred for performance in the long
day with moderate heat conditions this region
experiences. Diplomat is suitable for the bunch and
crown markets.
Northeast / Midwest Selections
Emerald Crown
Emerald Crown is a medium maturing, very uniform,
tight, heavy headed, domed variety with small beads
that are blue green in color on a small framed plant.
This variety can extend the Green Magic slot into
cold due to its resistance to purpling. Produces
excellent quality crown cuts/short trim.
Emerald Isle
Emerald Isle is a mid maturing type broccoli. It has
a short branching habit, smooth dome shape and
medium-small beads. It shows excellent uniformity
and yield per acre. Emerald Isle has the ability to
produce blue-green heads when other varieties
may produce a lighter color.
Emerald Jewel
Emerald Jewel is a small beaded, smooth headed,
clean stemmed, multi-use variety that is especially
suited for crown cut. The variety performs best in
transition periods and has intermediate resistance
to some races of clubroot.
Northeast / Midwest Selections
Emerald Pride
This summer-type broccoli is good for bunching
and offers exceptional stalk color. Emerald Pride
is in the mid-late maturity class and has good heat
tolerance with even beads. This broccoli is also
suitable for fresh processing.
This high yielding crown and processing hybrid
is an exciting addition to the Sakata product line.
Small, refined beads and tight, semi-domed heads
characterize this hybrid. Endurance has reduced
sideshoots which can lead to a more uniform and
predictable harvest. Plant to plant uniformity is good.
This exciting broccoli variety is an exceptional
choice for crown and Asian cuts. Expo is a late
maturing variety with a tight, heavy dome, short
bracts and small, uniform, green beads. Performs
well in warm to cool conditions and overwinter.
Northeast / Midwest Selections
Green Gold
Green Gold produces tight, smooth, heavy, domed,
fine beaded heads with a medium green color. This
mid-late maturing variety has excellent uniformity.
Green Gold is a premium choice for crown cut/
short trim markets. This variety should not be used
during rainy seasons.
Green Magic
This industry standard summer to fall type broccoli
offers very good uniformity of harvest. Green
Magic is in the mid-early maturity class and has a
wide adaptability. Green Magic has a semi-domed,
tight head with medium-small bead size and a good
plant habit.
Gypsy performs well under moderately warm
conditions. It is a medium green hybrid that yields
overall uniformity. This variety produces a very strong
root system and has downy mildew intermediate
resistance. Gypsy yields excellent, smooth, domeshaped heads with medium-small beads.
Northeast / Midwest Selections
Imperial performs best during long day length
conditions with moderate heat and is mid to midlate maturing under these conditions. This variety
has a tight dome with nice, small, dark green beads.
Imperial is multi-use, performing well for bunch,
crown cut and fresh processing. Excellent postharvest shelf life!
Marathon is a consistent variety that is widely
adaptable. This variety has yielded outstanding
results for fresh market bunching, processing and
crown cut markets. Marathon has a high dome,
small bead and heavy head.
Florida / Southeast Selections
An exciting addition to Sakata’s vast broccoli product
line. Centennial has small beads, smooth heads and
minimal sideshoots. This multi-use variety performs
well in all Marathon slots. The variety has shown
tolerance to purpling under cold conditions.
Emerald Crown
Emerald Crown is a medium maturing, very uniform,
tight, heavy headed, domed variety with small beads
that are blue green in color on a small framed plant.
This variety can extend the Green Magic slot into
cold due to its resistance to purpling. Produces
excellent quality crown cuts/short trim and is suitable
for fall and spring harvests in the Southeast.
Emerald Isle
Emerald Isle is a mid maturing type broccoli. It has
a short branching habit, smooth dome shape and
medium-small beads. It shows excellent uniformity
and yield per acre.
Florida / Southeast Selections
Emerald Jewel
Emerald Jewel is a small beaded, smooth headed,
clean stemmed, multi-use variety that is especially
suited for crown cut. The variety performs best in
transition periods and has intermediate resistance
to some races of clubroot.
This high yielding crown and processing hybrid
is an exciting addition to the Sakata product line.
Small, refined beads and tight, semi-domed heads
characterize this hybrid. Endurance has reduced
sideshoots which can lead to a more uniform and
predictable harvest. Plant to plant uniformity is good.
This exciting broccoli variety is an exceptional
choice for crown and Asian cuts. Expo is a late
maturing variety with a tight, heavy dome, short
bracts and small, uniform, green beads. Performs
well in warm to cool conditions and overwinter.
Florida / Southeast Selections
Green Gold
Green Gold produces tight, smooth, heavy, domed,
fine beaded heads with medium green color. This
mid-late maturing variety has excellent uniformity
and performs well in the Southeast during December
harvests. Green Gold is a premium choice for crown
cut/short trim markets.
Green Magic
This fall and spring harvest type broccoli offers
very good uniformity. Green Magic is in the midearly maturity class and has a wide adaptability.
Green Magic has a semi-domed, tight head with
medium-small bead size and a good plant habit.
Gypsy performs well under moderately warm
conditions. It is a medium green hybrid that yields
overall uniformity. This variety produces a very strong
root system and has downy mildew intermediate
resistance. Gypsy yields excellent, smooth, domeshaped heads with medium-small beads.
Florida / Southeast Selections
Imperial performs best in the Southeast for fall and
spring harvests. This variety performs well during long
day length with moderate heat and is mid to mid-late
maturing under these conditions. It is slow to develop
in cold or cool climates. This variety has a tight dome
with nice, small, dark green beads. Imperial has multiuses, performing well for bunch, crown cut and fresh
processing. Excellent post-harvest shelf life!
As an industry standard in broccoli, Marathon is
widely adaptable. This variety has yielded outstanding
results for fresh market bunching, processing and the
increasingly popular crown cut market. Marathon has
a high dome, small bead and heavy head. The variety
performs best in the cold to cool harvest periods in
the Southeast.
Mexico / Bajio / Guatemala /
North Guanajuato Selections
Avenger is an excellent choice for frozen and fresh
processing markets! Avenger offers dome-shaped,
tight, heavy, blue-green heads with short bracts,
thick stems and very small beads. Avenger also
offers a small, uniform floret size and works well for
fresh markets. This variety has wide adaptability
performing well in Mexico and Guatemala.
This high yielding crown type variety is an exciting
addition to the Sakata product line and is especially
suited for fresh market. Small, refined beads and
tight, semi-domed heads characterize this hybrid.
Endurance has reduced sideshoots which can lead
to a more uniform and predictable harvest. Plantto-plant uniformity is good.
This exciting broccoli variety is an exceptional
choice for crown and Asian cuts. Expo is a late
maturing variety with a tight, heavy dome, short
bracts and small, uniform, green beads. Performs
well in warm to cool conditions and overwinter.
Mexico / Bajio / Guatemala /
North Guanajuato Selections
Imperial performs best during long day length
conditions with moderate heat and is mid to midlate maturing under these conditions. This variety
has a tight dome with nice, small, dark green beads.
Imperial is multi-use, performing well for bunch,
crown cut and fresh processing. Excellent postharvest shelf life!
As an industry standard in broccoli, Marathon is
widely adaptable. In Mexico and Guatemala this
variety has yielded outstanding results for fresh
market bunching, processing and the increasingly
popular crown cut market. Marathon has a high
dome, small bead and heavy head.
Maximize your broccoli yield and weight with this
outstanding variety! Maximo is a mid-late maturing
variety with dome-shaped heads and small beads
with a short branching habit, making it excellent for
processing and bunch markets. Maximo harvests
well in the summer and fall months in the broccoli
producing regions of Mexico and has intermediate
resistance to downy mildew.
Mexico / Bajio / Guatemala /
North Guanajuato Selections
In a class by itself, Triathlon yields a dense, smooth,
dome-shaped head. This variety is ideal for crown
cut as its heavy heads offers growers and buyers
more “product in the box.” Triathlon also purples
less than other varieties in the over-wintering slot.
What Makes Sakata Broccoli Better?
Sakata Seed Corporation is the premier leader in breeding and producing
broccoli seed. Our extensive research efforts for more than 95 years have
produced varieties that have allowed growers and shippers to produce broccoli
more economically with superior quality. Superior quality broccoli means more
value to everyone – grower, shipper, broker, retailer and ultimately, the produce
buying customer.
Sakata varieties are grown worldwide. That’s because growers buy our seed
for its superior genetics and seed quality. Varietal standards like Marathon and
Patron have outstanding name recognition within the grower/shipper community.
Our excellent genetics combined with quality means more consistent product to
the retail buying industry. Retailers as well as shippers and brokers appreciate
consistent quality so they get repeat business. Repeat business means more sales
and customer satisfaction. And in business, that’s what we are all here to do –
please the customer.
In the year 2013 we will be celebrating our 100 year anniversary. Whether you’re
a grower, shipper, broker, retailer, produce buyer or consumer you can rely on
Sakata broccoli!
DISCLAIMER: Claims and other disclosed information are based on our observations and/or information from
other sources. Crop performance depends on the interaction between the genetic potential of the seed, its physiological
characteristics, the environment, including management, and other uncontrollable factors that may alter expected
performance. Statements on the reaction of varieties to a specific pathogen, pest or stress are based on evaluation under
defined conditions. These reactions can be affected by changes in environmental and biological factors, especially new
pathogen races, pest biotypes or vectors of disease agents. Therefore, we give no warranty, express or implied, for crop
performance relative to the information given; nor do we accept any liability for any loss, direct or consequential, that may
arise from any cause. Read all seed package labeling carefully as it contains terms and conditions of sale.
As the leader in the broccoli seed industry, Sakata is very aware
of our position in the market and our responsibility to continually
improve our varieties and increase quality standards.
When you think of broccoli, always think SAKATA.
Nutrition Facts
Serving Size: 1 medium stalk broccoli (140g)
Amount Per Serving
Calories 50
Calories from Fat 0.5
% Daily Value
Total Fat 0g
Saturated Fat 0g
Cholesterol 0mg
Sodium 70mg
Total Carbohydrate 9g
Dietary Fiber 4g
Sugars 2g
Protein 4g
Vitamin A 10%
Vitamin C 200%
Calcium 6%
Iron 4%
Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000-calorie diet.
Source: PMA’s Labeling Facts
Low in fat and sodium
Cholesterol free
High in Vitamin C and folate
Good source of potassium & Vitamin A
Sakata Seed America, Inc.
18095 Serene Drive • Morgan Hill, CA 95037
Tel: (408) 778-7758 • Fax: (408) 778-7768