M o b ile O p ticalMouse M o b ile D e lu x e M o u s e M o b
M o b ile O p ticalMouse M o b ile D e lu x e M o u s e M o b
ep bile Phone er Charg c on le C obi se M tM ou iM o Min Mou in i cr Mi Mini M op h Mobile e on fo r t No eb o s ok p Se as 1C n o cti e Urban V U SB Cha e rg er O o rM Sing le du Sp or ts Ba try Plug Adapter le Coun fo es bl ck P or ack Montana Sp Ca ge ar pt vo s ts B e Mouse le Delux e Ch obi us ile D esign Mo USB M ob Accessory Pouch ne ho p M g ck b Vo i P Te le se es Ba r eb g Pa -Hu Mouse au r L e-M er ce ot Ba ac k lA da ort ile o W Tr av e 4-P ob M Ph s or ld .0 B2 M r bi le on e US ti l ca oy e ag n san g sen Lu n-N k oo Da Travel Adapter World Travel Adapter I3 The world‘s first & safest 3-pole adapter The SKROSS World Travel Adapter 3 is a revolutionary adapter that is suitable for most 2-pole, 3-pole and grounded plugs of protection classes I and II; this is the safest way of plugging in your portable devices around the world. It can be used with a range of devices, including: Hair dryers, MP3 and video players, digital cameras, notebooks, mobile phones, GPSs etc. Adapter Specifications Designed, engineered and made in Switzerland Smallest, fully integrated 3-pole adapter available on the market Q Schuko adapter with receptacles for: UK / Swiss / AUS / US / Euro / Italian plugs Q Retractable plugs: UK / Swiss / Italian / AUS / US Q Power rating at 250 V - 2500 W / 110 V - 1100 W Q Highest security protection level Q Lifetime warranty Q Q For OEM The Logo will be pad printed Weight: Adapter (including Schuko): 0.189 kg (0.41 lb) Schuko: 0.041 kg (0.09 lb) Dimensions: Adapter (including Schuko): Length: 73 mm (2.9”) Width: 57 mm (2.24”) Height: 65 mm (2.55”) Schuko: Length: 58 mm (2.28”) Width: 57 mm (2.24”) Height: 45 mm (1.77”) Compatibility (on the socket side): Australia, China USA UK Italy Europe (Schuko) Switzerland France, Germany Available in: Q black white Description Article-No. EAN-Code Weight World Travel Adapter 3, box white World Travel Adapter 3, box black World Travel Adapter 3, retail packaging white 1.103103 1.103104 1.103100 7640112212682 7640112212866 7640112212767 0.224 kg (0.494 lb) 0.224 kg (0.494 lb) 0.311 kg (0.686 lb) WorldConnect AG I Hinterbergstrasse 47, 6312 Steinhausen, Switzerland Tel. +41 (0)41 747 12 00, Fax +41 (0)41 740 45 71 www.worldconnect.ch [email protected] Travel Adapter World Travel Adapter I2 & USB charger The combination of the SKROSS World Travel Adapter 2 with a powerful USB charger converts it into a power source to quickly charge and run your USB devices! Up to two devices can be charged in parallel with an overall current of 1000 mA. The charger module can be used independently from the adapter. It can be used with a range of devices, including: MP3 players, digital cameras, mobile phones, GPSs, PDAs, travel speakers, etc. Max: 1300 W - 220 V, 650 W - 110 V Specifications Adapter Designed & engineered in Switzerland Get connected in over 150 countries worldwide Q Compact design Q Power rating at 220 V - 1300 W / 110 V - 650 W Q Extra compartment for spare fuses Q Lifetime warranty Q Q Specifications USB charger Designed & engineered in Switzerland Detachable USB charger with standard US-plug, enables using as an independent single USB charger Q Output: 5.0 VDC / 1000 mA max. Q Power rating: 100 – 240 VAC~ 50-60 Hz / 200 mA Q Dual USB interface for parallel charging Q Up to 1000 mA charging current Q Luminous charging state indicator Q 2-year warranty Q Q usb Compatibility (on the socket side): Australia, China USA UK Europe For OEM The Logo will be pad printed Weight: 0.145 kg (0.32 lb) Dimensions: World Travel Adapter 2 with Charger: Length: 64 mm (2.51”) Width: 55 mm (2.16”) Height: 69 mm (2.71”) Charger: Length: 62 mm (2.44”) Width: 49 mm (1.9”) Height: 37 mm (1.45”) Available in: Q black white Description Article-No. EAN-Code Weight World Travel Adapter 2 & USB charger, box white World Travel Adapter 2 & USB charger, box black World Travel Adapter 2 & USB charger, retail packaging white World Travel Adapter 2 & USB charger, retail packaging black 1.302105 1.302106 1.302101 1.302107 7640112212798 7640112212842 7640112212774 7640112212859 0.145 kg (0.32 lb) 0.145 kg (0.32 lb) 0.272 kg (0.60 lb) 0.272 kg (0.60 lb) WorldConnect AG I Hinterbergstrasse 47, 6312 Steinhausen, Switzerland Tel. +41 (0)41 747 12 00, Fax +41 (0)41 740 45 71 www.worldconnect.ch [email protected] Travel Adapter World Travel Adapter I2 Connect in over 150 countries The SKROSS World Travel Adapter 2 is suitable for use with most 2-pole plugs of protection class II. It is the safest way to plug in your portable, non-grounded devices around the world. It can be used with a range of devices, including: MP3 players, digital cameras, mobile phones, GPSs, PDAs, travel speakers, etc. Max: 1300 W - 220 V, 650 W - 110 V Specifications Adapter Designed & engineered in Switzerland Get connected in over 150 countries worldwide Q Compact design Q Power rating at 220 V - 1300 W / 110 V - 650 W Q Extra compartment for spare fuses Q Lifetime warranty Q Q For OEM The Logo will be pad printed Compatibility (on the socket side): Weight: 0.101 kg (0.22 lb) Dimensions: Australia, China USA UK Length: 64 mm (2.51”) Width: 55 mm (2.16”) Height: 50 mm (1.96”) Europe Available in: Q black white Description Article-No. EAN-Code Weight World Travel Adapter 2, box white World Travel Adapter 2, box black World Travel Adapter 2, retail packaging white World Travel Adapter 2, retail packaging black 1.102102 1.102103 1.102100 1.102104 7640112212675 7640112212828 7640112212590 7640112212835 0.101 kg (0.22 lb) 0.101 kg (0.22 lb) 0.228 kg (0.50 lb) 0.228 kg (0.50 lb) WorldConnect AG I Hinterbergstrasse 47, 6312 Steinhausen, Switzerland Tel. +41 (0)41 747 12 00, Fax +41 (0)41 740 45 71 www.worldconnect.ch [email protected] Travel Adapter World Travel Adapter One adapter – four options. For more than 150 countries! The elegant, compact and safe way to connect your portable appliances worldwide. Protected by a replaceable fuse. Type: SWA1 Input voltage: 100 – 240 VAC Max. Power: 275W @ 110V / 550W @ 220V 6SHFL¿FDWLRQV $SSOLFDWLRQLQPRUHWKDQFRXQWULHV ,QSXWSRZHUVSHFWUXPXSWR:SRZHU UK 7LPHOHVVGHVLJQ EURO (DV\KDQGOLQJ 6XLWDEOHIRUHTXLSPHQWZLWKXQJURXQGLQJSOXJVSROH ,QWHJUDWHGIXVH7$ 3DWHQWHG AUS USA :RUOGZLGHOLIHWLPHZDUUDQW\ Attention: The adapter does not convert voltage! Weight: SWA1: 115 g Dimensions: SWA1: 60 x 54 x 58 mm Blister: 155 x 215 x 60 mm Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight World Travel Adapter – Black, Blister 1.100104 20 pcs 1 600 pcs 76 40112 21070 1 0.14 kg / 0.31 lb World Travel Adapter – Blue, Blister 1.100204 20 pcs 1 600 pcs 76 40112 21071 8 0.14 kg / 0.31 lb World Travel Adapter – Red, Blister 1.100304 20 pcs 1 600 pcs 76 40112 21072 5 0.14 kg / 0.31 lb World Travel Adapter – White, Blister 1.100502 20 pcs 1 600 pcs 76 40112 21688 8 0.14 kg / 0.31 lb World Travel Adapter – Black, Box 1.100105 70 pcs 5 600 pcs 76 40112 21068 8 0.14 kg / 0.31 lb World Travel Adapter – Blue, Box 1.100205 70 pcs 5 600 pcs 76 40112 21067 1 0.14 kg / 0.31 lb World Travel Adapter – Red, Box 1.100305 70 pcs 5 600 pcs 76 40112 21069 5 0.14 kg / 0.31 lb World Travel Adapter – White, Box 1.100501 70 pcs 5 600 pcs 76 40112 21669 7 0.14 kg / 0.31 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Travel Adapter Sixpack World Travel Adapter in a Display 6 pcs of «World Travel Adapter» in a Display. The price can be written in the white circle. Box Dimensions: 180 x 128 x 69 mm 7.0 x 5.0 x 2.7 in Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight Sixpack World Travel Adapter, box 1.100120 6 pcs 620 pcs 76 40112 21358 0 0.81 kg / 29.63 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Travel Adapter World Travel Adapter Light One adapter – four options. For more than 150 countries! The elegant, compact and safe way to connect your portable appliances worldwide. Protected by a replaceable fuse. Type: SWA2 Input voltage: 100 – 240 VAC Max Power: 650 W @ 110 V / 1300 W @ 220 V 6SHFL¿FDWLRQV UK Application in more than 150 countries EURO +LJKHUSRZHUVSHFWUXPRIXSWR: ([WUDIXVHFRPSDUWPHQWZLWKXSWRWZRVSDUHIXVHV )XOO\LQWHJUDOGHVLJQ (DV\KDQGOLQJ AUS USA 6XLWDEOHIRUHTXLSPHQWZLWKXQJURXQGLQJSOXJVSROH ,QWHJUDWHGIXVH7$ 3DWHQWHG :RUOGZLGHOLIHWLPHZDUUDQW\ Attention: The adapter does not convert voltage! Weight: SWA2: 101g Dimensions: SWA2: 63 x 54 x 50 mm Blister: 155 x 218 x 60 mm Option: two spare fuses Description Article-No. O/C Palette :RUOG7UDYHO$GDSWHU1HZ9HUVLRQ 1.102100 20 pcs tba EAN-Code 764 0112 16307 Weight 0.102 kg / 0.22 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Travel Adapter World Travel Adapter Light with Dual-USB-Charger Converts the World Travel Adapter 2 into a USB power source! Charge and run your USB devices directly from the main power supply. 7KH86%FKDUJHUPRGXOH¿WVRQWRSRIWKH:RUOG7UDYHO$GDSWHU3HUIHFWIRU charging and running of your mobile phone, MP3- and MP4 player, PDA, travel speaker and other USB devices all around the world. 0RGHO 678RQO\86%WRS 03&1FRPELQDWLRQRI6:$DQG678 Input voltage: 100 – 240 VAC~ 50-60 Hz / 200 mA Output voltage: 5.05 VDC / 1000 mA max. 6SHFL¿FDWLRQV 'HWDFKDEOH86%FKDUJHUZLWKVWDQGDUG86SOXJHQDEOHVXVLQJ as a independent single USB-charger 'XDO86%LQWHUIDFHIRUSDUDOOHOFKDUJLQJ 8SWR$FKDUJLQJFXUUHQWRQDVLQJOH86%LQWHUIDFHIRUIDVWFKDUJLQJ of devices with high battery capacity &KDUJLQJDQGUXQQLQJRIPRELOHSKRQHV03DQG03SOD\HUV PDAs, travel speakers and other 5V-USB based devices 7UDQVSDUHQWOXPLQRXVFKDUJLQJVWDWHLQGLFDWRU ([WUDYDJDQWGHVLJQ 0XOWLYROWDJHLQSXWIURPXSWR9$& \HDUVZDUUDQW\ 6:$VSHFL¿FDWLRQV For OEM %RG\LVDYDLODEOHLQGLIIHUHQWFRORUVRUWUDQVSDUHQWDERYH DFKLHYLQJWKHPLQLPXPRUGHUTXDQWLW\ 7KHFRORURIWKHOXPLQRXVVWDWHLQGLFDWRUULQJFDQGHIHU from the main body color 3ODVWLFWRSWKH/RJRZLOOEHSDGSULQWHG $OXPLQXPWRSWKH/RJRZLOOEHODVHUHQJUDYHG Gewicht: 678J03&1J Weight: 678 03&1 [[PPZLWKRXWSOXJ [[PPZLWKSOXJ [[PP Artikel-Bezeichnung Artikel-Nummer VPE Palette EAN-Code Gewicht :RUOG7UDYHO$GDSWHU/LJKWZLWK'XDO86%&KDUJHU XX XX XX XX XX Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Travel Adapter World Travel Adapter with USB-Charger One adapter – four options. For more than 150 countries! Converts the World Travel Adapter into a USB power source! Charge and run your USB devices directly from the main power supply. 7KH86%FKDUJHUPRGXOH¿WVRQWRSRIWKH:RUOG7UDYHO$GDSWHU Perfect for charging and running your mobile phone, MP3- and MP4 player, PDA, travel speaker all around the world. 0RGHO 678RQO\86%WRS 03&1FRPELQDWLRQRI6:$DQG678 Imput voltage: 100 – 240 VAC~ 50-60 Hz / 100 mA Output voltage: 5.25 VDC / 500 mA max. 6SHFL¿FDWLRQV ([FKDQJHDEOH86%WRSIRUWKH6:$ 86%LQWHUIDFHIRUIDVWFKDUJLQJRIRQHGHYLFH 0D[P$FKDUJLQJFXUUHQW &KDUJLQJDQGUXQQLQJRIPRELOHSKRQHV03DQG03SOD\HUV PDAs, travel speakers and other 5V-USB based devices )XOO\LQWHJUDOGHVLJQ 0XOWLYROWDJHLQSXWIURPXSWR9$& 3DWHQWLHUW \HDUVZDUUDQW\ 6:$VSHFLILFDWLRQV Weight: 03&1 J Dimensions: 03&1[[PP Blister: 155 x 215 x 60 mm Box: 60 x 55 x 100 mm Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight World Travel Adapter with USB-Charger, Blister 1.300101 20 pcs 960 pcs 76 40112 21099 2 0.15 kg / 0.33 lb World Travel Adapter with USB-Charger, Box 1.300105 50 pcs 4 200 pcs 76 40112 21302 3 0.15 kg / 0.33 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Travel Adapter World Travel Adapter Suitable for Euro plugs only! One adapter – four options. For more than 150 countries! The elegant, compact and safe way to connect your portable appliances worldwide. Protected by a replaceable fuse. 7\SH 6:$(XUR,QOD\ Input voltage: 100 – 240 VAC Max Power: 275W @ 110V / 550W @ 220V 6SHFL¿FDWLRQV $SSOLFDWLRQLQPRUHWKDQFRXQWULHV ,QSXWSRZHUVSHFWUXPXSWR: EURO UK 7LPHOHVVGHVLJQ (DV\KDQGOLQJ 6XLWDEOHIRUHTXLSPHQWZLWK(852DQG XQJURXQGLQJSOXJVSROH AUS ,QWHJUDWHGIXVH7$ USA 3DWHQWHG :RUOGZLGHOLIHWLPHZDUUDQW\ Attention: The adapter does not convert voltage! World Travel Adapter Weight: 6:$(XUR,QOD\J Universal power plug adapter for 150 countries Universeller Reiseadapter für 150 Länder Adaptateur de voyage universel pour 150 pays Dimensions: 6:$(XUR,QOD\ [[PP Designated for EURO plug only! 155 x 215 x 60 mm Adapter does not convert voltage! Swiss Design Blister: Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight World Travel Adapter – Black, Blister 1.100140 20 pcs 1 600 pcs 76 40112 21230 9 0.1 kg / 0.22 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Travel Adapter World Travel Adapter with USB-Charger For Euro plugs only! One adapter = four options, for more than 150 countries! Converts the World Travel Adapter into a USB power source! Charge and run all your USB devices directly from the main power supply. 7KH86%FKDUJHUPRGXOH¿WVRQWRSRIWKH:RUOG7UDYHO$GDSWHU3HUIHFWIRU charging and running your mobile phone, MP3- and MP4 player, PDA, travel speaker and other USB devices all around the world. 0RGHO03&)86%(8RQO\86%FKDUJHU 03&1(XUR,QOD\FRPELQDWLRQRI6:$(XUR,QOD\DQG03&) Input voltage: 100 – 240 VAC~ 50-60 Hz / 85 mA Output voltage: 5.25 VDC / 500 mA max. 6SHFL¿FDWLRQV 'HWDFKDEOH86%FKDUJHUIRUWKH6:$ZLWKVWDQGDUG(XURSOXJ that can also be used as an independent charger 86%LQWHUIDFHIRUIDVWFKDUJLQJRIRQHGHYLFH 0D[P$FXUUHQWFKDUJLQJ &KDUJLQJDQGUXQQLQJRIPRELOHSKRQHV03DQG03SOD\HUV PDAs, travel speakers and other 5V-USB based devices )XOO\LQWHJUDOGHVLJQ 0XOWLYROWDJHLQSXWIURPXSWR9$& \HDUVZDUUDQW\ 6:$(XUR,QOD\VSHFL¿FDWLRQV EUROPE World Travel Adapter with USB Charger Weight: UK & Charges mobile phones, iPods, PDAs, travel speakers and other 5V USB powered devices 03&)86%(8J AUSTRALIA USA 03&1(XUR,QOD\J Dimensions: Designated for EURO plug only! 03&1(XUR,QOD\[[PP Blister: 155 x 215 x 60 mm Get connected in over 150 countries worldwide Adapter does not convert voltage! Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight World Travel Adapter with USB-Charger, Blister 1.300400 20 pcs 960 pcs 76 40112 21231 6 0.12 kg / 0.26 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Travel Adapter Country Plug Adapter Single Country Adapter Safety shutter – the unique function of double on-and-off Female socket accepts different plugs from all over the world Fits easily in any bag Blister: 163 x 110 x 55 mm 6.4 x 4.3 x 2.2 in $VWKLVSURGXFWGRHVQRWIXO¿OWKHORFDOO\DSSOLFDEOHUHJXODWLRQVLQ6ZLW]HUODQGZHFDQQRWVXSSO\LWWRFXVWRPHUVLQ Switzerland. Please use the World Travel Adapter instead. This adapter is suitable for non-earthed plugs of protection class II. Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight Country Plug Adapter – US 3-prong 1.500101 160 pcs 2 880 pcs 76 40112 21046 6 0.08 kg / 0.2 lb Country Plug Adapter – US 2-prong TW, JP, US, CDN 1.500102 160 pcs 2 880 pcs 76 40112 21012 1 0.08 kg / 0.2 lb Country Plug Adapter – UK 3-prong GB, CN, U.A.E, SGP, etc. 1.500103 160 pcs 2 880 pcs 76 40112 21013 8 0.08 kg / 0.2 lb Country Plug Adapter – Euro 2-prong Schuko D, F, RI, etc. 1.500104 160 pcs 2 880 pcs 76 40112 21014 5 0.08 kg / 0.2 lb Country Plug Adapter – Euro 2-prong 10A U.A.E. RUS, RC 1.500105 160 pcs 2 880 pcs 76 40112 21015 2 0.08 kg / 0.2 lb Country Plug Adapter – India/Hong Kong 3-prong IND, ZA, CN 1.500107 160 pcs 2 880 pcs 76 40112 21017 6 0.08 kg / 0.2 lb Country Plug Adapter – South Africa Large, IND 1.500108 160 pcs 2 880 pcs 76 40112 21018 3 0.08 kg / 0.2 lb Country Plug Adapter – I, UY 1.500110 160 pcs 2 880 pcs 76 40112 21020 6 0.08 kg / 0.2 lb Country Plug Adapter – EG, IL, U.A.E. 1.500111 160 pcs 2 880 pcs 76 40112 21021 3 0.08 kg / 0.2 lb Country Plug Adapter – EG, IL 1.500112 160 pcs 2 880 pcs 76 40112 21022 0 0.08 kg / 0.2 lb Country Plug Adapter – CN, AU, NZ 1.500113 160 pcs 2 880 pcs 76 40112 21023 7 0.08 kg / 0.2 lb Country Plug Adapter – CN, AU, NZ 1.500114 160 pcs 2 880 pcs 76 40112 21024 4 0.08 kg / 0.2 lb Country Plug Adapter – TW, US, JP, CA 1.500115 160 pcs 2 880 pcs 76 40112 21025 1 0.08 kg / 0.2 lb Country Plug Adapter – DK 1.500116 160 pcs 2 880 pcs 76 40112 21026 8 0.08 kg / 0.2 lb Country Plug Adapter – TW, US, JP, CN 1.500117 160 pcs 2 880 pcs 76 40112 21027 5 0.08 kg / 0.2 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Power Micro Charger USB EU The world’s smallest charger with USB plug, impresses by it’s easy handling combined with optional retractable USB cable. Perfect for charging your devices, such as mobile phones, MP3- and MP4 players, PDAs and travel speakers. 0RGHO03&)86%(8ZLWK(XURSOXJ Imput voltage : 100 – 240 VAC ~ 50-60 Hz / 85mA Output voltage : 5.25 VDC / 500 mA max. 6SHFL¿FDWLRQV 3&DQG1RWHERRNLQGHSHQGHQW86%FKDUJHU 86%LQWHUIDFHIRUIDVWFKDUJLQJ 0D[P$FXUUHQWFKDUJLQJ &KDUJLQJDQGUXQQLQJRIPRELOHSKRQHV03DQG03SOD\HUV PDAs, travel speakers and other 5V-USB based devices )XOO\LQWHJUDOGHVLJQEDVHGRQ(XURSOXJ 9DULDEOHLPSXWYROWDJHIURPWR9$& \HDUVZDUUDQW\ Weight : 22 g Dimensionen: 03&)86%(8 [[PP 1.45 x 2.67 x 0.55 in Blister: 83 x 213 x 36 mm 3.25 x 8.4 x 1.4 in Artikel-Bezeichnung Artikel-Nummer VPE Palette EAN-Code Gewicht 0LFUR&KDUJHU86%(8 2.700121 20 pcs. tba 76 4011221699 4 0.022 kg / 0.05 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Power Micro Charger USB US The world’s smallest charger with USB plug, impresses by it’s easy handling combined with optional retractable USB cable. Perfect for charging your devices, such as mobile phones, MP3- and MP4 players, PDAs and travel speakers. 0RGHO03&)86%86ZLWK86SOXJ Imput voltage : 100 – 240 VAC ~ 50-60 Hz / 85mA Output voltage : 5.25 VDC / 500 mA max. 6SHFL¿FDWLRQV 3&DQG1RWHERRNLQGHSHQGHQW86%FKDUJHU 86%LQWHUIDFHIRUIDVWFKDUJLQJ 0D[P$FXUUHQWFKDUJLQJ &KDUJLQJDQGUXQQLQJRIPRELOHSKRQHV03DQG03SOD\HUV PDAs, travel speakers and other 5V-USB based devices )XOO\LQWHJUDOGHVLJQEDVHGRQ86SOXJ 9DULDEOHLPSXWYROWDJHIURPWR9$& \HDUVZDUUDQW\ Weight : 23 g Dimensions: MPC-F3-USB-US: 40 x 68 x 19 mm 1.57 x 2.67 x 0.75 in Blister: 83 x 213 x 36 mm 3.25 x 8.4 x 1.4 in Artikel-Bezeichnung Artikel-Nummer VPE Palette EAN-Code Gewicht Micro Charger USB US 2.700122 20 pcs. tba 76 4011221700 7 0.023 kg / 0.05 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Power Micro Mobile Charger EU World’s smallest phone charger with retractable cable. Tip Kit for Nokia7LS Tip Kit for Sony Ericsson7LS Tip Kit for Motorola & Blackberry7LS Dimensions: 100 x 37 x 17 mm 3.94 x 1.46 x 0.67 in Blister: 213 x 89 x 35 mm 3.4 x 3.5 x 1.4 in Box: 110 x 50 x 50 mm 4.3 x 2.0 x 2.0 in Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight 0LFUR0RELOH&KDUJHU(8IRU1RNLD6RQ\(ULFVVRQ Motorola & Blackberry; Blister 2.700109 20 pcs 2 400 pcs 76 40112 21372 6 0.076 kg / 0.17 lb 0LFUR0RELOH&KDUJHU(8IRU1RNLD6RQ\(ULFVVRQ Motorola & Blackberry; Box 2.700103 20 pcs 2400 pcs 76 40112 21355 9 0.076 kg / 0.17 lb 0LFUR0RELOH&KDUJHU(8IRU1RNLD%OLVWHU 2.700105 20 pcs 2 400 pcs 76 40112 21367 2 0.076 kg / 0.17 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Power Micro Mobile Charger US The world´s smallest phone charger with retractable cable. One Charger for different mobile phone brands. Tip Kit for Nokia7LS Tip Kit for Sony Ericsson7LS Tip Kit for Motorola & Blackberry7LS Dimensions: 100 x 37 x 17 mm 3.9 x 1.5 x 0.7 in Blister: 214 x 82 x 26 mm 8.4 x 3.2 x 1.0 in Box: 110 x 50 x 50 mm 4.3 x 2.0 x 2.0 in Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight Micro Mobile Charger US, Box 2.700120 20 pcs 1 200 pcs 76 40112 21666 6 0.1 kg / 0.2 lb Micro Mobile Charger US, Blister 2.700119 20 pcs 2 400 pcs 76 40112 21665 9 0.07 kg / 0.16 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Power Mini Mobile Charger US One Charger for different mobile phone brands. Dimensions: 100 x 37 x 17 mm 3.9 x 1.5 x 0.7 in Blister: 214 x 82 x 26 mm 8.4 x 3.2 x 1.0 in Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight Mini Mobile Charger US, Blister 2.700401 50 pcs 2 400 pcs 76 40112 21397 9 0.072 kg / 0.2 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Power Mini Mobile Charger UK World’s most compact phone charger with retractable cable. 2QWKHEDVLF1RNLD3OXJDGGLWLRQDOWLSVFDQEHSXW on to charge particular mobile phones. 7KH©0LQL0RELOH&KDUJHU8.ªFRPHVZLWKWKHQHZ1RNLDWLS Blister: 63 x 56 x 56 mm 2.5 x 2.2 x 2.2 in Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight Mini Mobile Charger UK 2.700301 50 pcs 2 100 pcs 76 40112 21378 8 0.06 kg / 0.13 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Power Mini Mobile Charger EU World’s most compact phone charger with retractable cable. 2QWKHEDVLF1RNLD3OXJDGGLWLRQDOWLSVFDQEHSXW on to charge particular mobile phones. 7KH©0LQL0RELOH&KDUJHU(8ªFRPHVZLWKWKH QHZ1RNLDWLS Blister: 214 x 82 x 55 mm 8.4 x 3.2 x 2.2 in Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight 0LQL0RELOH&KDUJHU(8 2.700201 50 pcs 2 100 pcs 76 40112 21377 1 0.06 kg / 0.13 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Power Phone Car Charger with USB-Port Charge your mobile phone on the road with the stylish and compact «Car Charger with a USB-Port». Dimensions: 105 x 25 x 45 mm 4.1 x 1.0 x 1.8 in Blister: 240 x 82 x 30 mm 9.4 x 3.2 x 1.2 in Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight Phone Car Charger with USB-Port 2.900408 50 pcs 2 800 pcs 76 40112 21398 6 0.09 kg/ 0.2 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Power Phone Car Charger with retractable cable Charge your mobile phone on the road with the stylish and compact car charger with retractable cable. The «Phone Car Charger with retractable cable» comes with the new Nokia-tip. Cable length: 1.15 m / 45.3 in Dimensions: 135 x 25 x 45 mm 5.3 x 1.0 x 1.8 in Blister: 214 x 82 x 30 mm 8.4 x 3.2 x 1.2 in Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight Phone Car Charger with retractable Cable 2.900508 50 pcs 2 800 pcs 76 40112 21399 3 0.04 kg / 0.1 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Power-Phone Tips Phone Tips for different Mobile Phone Brands For any mobile phone! Choose the relevant tip and use it on any «Swiss Travel Products’ Charger». 7KLVJLYHV\RXPRUHÀH[LELOLW\ and saves space in your luggage. Tips for other mobile phone brands are available XSRQUHTXHVWDW [email protected]. 6RQ\(ULFVVRQ7LS Motorola: Tip 3, 4, 7 Samsung: Tip 6, 10, 15, 29 /*7LS Treo: Tip 21, 22 Blister: 84 x 215 x 17 mm 3.3 x 8.5 x 0.7 in Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight 6RQ\(ULFVVRQ 2.700106 40 pcs – 76 40112 21368 9 0.02 kg / 0.04 lb Motorola 2.700107 40 pcs – 76 40112 21369 6 0.02 kg / 0.04 lb Samsung 2.700108 40 pcs – 76 40112 21371 9 0.02 kg / 0.04 lb Treo 2.700111 40 pcs – 76 40112 21605 5 0.02 kg / 0.04 lb /* 2.700110 40 pcs – 76 40112 21604 8 0.01 kg / 0.02 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Overview Tips Nr. 1 Nokia 5V - Regular Plug 252, 260, 282, 638, 909, 1100, 1101, 1110, 1110i, 1112, 1221, 1260, 1261, 1600, 2100, 2115i, 2116i, 2125i, 2126i, 2128i, 2260, 2270, 2285, 2300, 2310, 2600, 2610, 2650, 2651, 2652, 3100, 3105, 3110, 3120, 3200, 3205, 3210, 3220, 3230, 3280, 3285, 3300, 3310, 3315, 3320, 3330, 3350, 3360, 3361, 3385, 3390, 3395, 3410, 3510, 3520, 3530, 3560, 3570, 3570i, 3585, 3585i, 3586, 3586i, 3587i, 3588i, 3589i, 3590, 3595, 3600, 3610, 3620, 3650, 3660, 3810, 5100, 5110, 5120, 5120i, 5125, 5130, 5140, 5140i, 5160, 5160i, 5165, 5165i, 5170, 5170i, 5180, 5180i, 5185, 5185i, 5190, 5191, 5210, 6010, 6015i, 6016i, 6019i, 6020, 6021, 6030, 6060, 6061, 6100, 6100i GSM, 6108, 6110, 6120, 6120i, 6130, 6150, 6160, 6160i, 6161, 6161i, 6162, 6162i, 6168, 6170, 6180, 6185, 6185i, 6190, 6200, 6210, 6220, 6225, 6230, 6230i, 6235i, 6236i, 6250, 6255i, 6260, 6310, 6310i, 6340, 6340i, 6360, 6370, 6385, 6390, 6500, 6510, 6560, 6585, 6590, 6590i, 6600, 6610, 6610i, 6620, 6630, 6651, 6670, 6680, 6681, 6682, 6800, 6820, 6822, 7110, 7160, 7190, 7200, 7210, 7250, 7250i, 7260, 7270, 7280, 7380-Amber, 7600, 7610, 7650, 7710, 8210, 8260, 8260G, 8265, 8265i, 8270, 8290, 8290i, 8300, 8310, 8390, 8800, 8801, 8810, 8850, 8860, 8890, 8910, 8910i, 9210, 9210c, 9290, L(1*$*(4'5DGLR6KDFN Nr. 2 Nokia 6V Booster 215i, 918, 8250 Nr. 3 Motorola I $FFRPSOL&'&'&'&'//// 0333L3$OO3L333333 336WDUWDF$OO777777779%2; 99$OO999999999 Nr. 4 Motorola II $&7&&7&&7&&LDOOLDOOLDOOLDOOLLLVU LDOOLDOOLDOOLDOOLDOOLDOOLFOL'HQLP377 7DOO7DOO7DOO7DOO777LPHSRUWF7LPHSRUW9 DOO99DOO9999DOO99999 Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Overview Tips Nr. 5 LG I '%/*/*63707373737373 TP5350, 1010, DB520, TM510, VX1, VX10, VX111, VX2000, VX3100, VX3100A, VX4400, 9;%/*/;99;9;/*63737373 TP5000, TP5250, TP5350 Nr. 6 Samsung I 6&+117 2010, P777 6*+4 63+$11 Other: Nr. 7 UpRoar Blackberry 5810, 6210, 6220, 6230, 6280, 6510, 6750, 7100g, 7100i, 7100r, 7100t, 7100v, 7100x, 7105t, 7130c, 7130e, 7130g, 7130v, 7210, 7230, 7250, 7270, 7280, 7290, 7510, 7520, 7730, 7780, 8100, 8120, 8300, 8700c, 8700f, 8700g, 8700r, 8700v, 8703e, 8800, 8800c, 8800g, 8800r, 8820, 8830, Curve 8830, Curve 8310, Curve 8320, Pearl 8100, Pearl F3HDUO3HDUOTYTY Nr. 7 Motorola $(//83(%/95$=59L9[9.5=5. Other:$$$$$$%H%/5HG&&&&(( (((L((Y+7&3LLFLFLFLF.5=5..5=5.P .5=5..5=5PD[[.///00LQJ$0RWR4F0RWR40XVLFP0RWRIRQH) 0RWRUROD403[5UD]U0D[[)HUUDUL95D]U0D[[95D]UPD[[9H5D]U95D]U9UHG5D]U 9%/.5D]U9D5D]U9F5D]U9L5D]U9L'*5D]U9ELP5D]U9P5D]U9U5D]U9W5D]U 9[5D]U9[[UHG5DV]9LUHG5D]U9P5L]U=5L]U=WY5RNU(5RNU(5RNU=5RNU=P 6/95LPRGH6/95/6/95/6/95/6/95/F6/95/6/95]6/95UHG6/95/L7KH %X]].83(%/99999999L99L99 999:::::::= Nr. 7 Qtek/HTC: +7&([FDOLEXU+7&6KDGRZ+7&7RXFK+7&+7&3+7&&UXLVH3+7&3 4WHN*+7&33UHPLXP+7&3+7&3+7&3+7&3+7&3 +7&3+7&36('1$+7&6KLIW[+7&7\71,,3+7&;+7&6 +7&6+7&64WHN4WHN4WHN4WHN64WHN64WHN6 4WHN4WHN4WHN4WHN+7&07HR5 Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Overview Tips Nr. 7 Dopod 818 Pro, 838 Pro, 900 Nr. 7 O2 XdaMini / O2 Xda Phone2 Other: Nr. 7 HTC P3600 Tom - Tom *R*7*R*RRQH7RQH;/7(XURSH Nr. 8 Audiovox II &'0&'0&'0;/&'0&'0;/33%0 %069,3&;3&;;/ Nr. 9 Audiovox III 9100, 9150, 9150X, 9155, 9155GPX, 9500 Nr. 10 Samsung III SCH- A130, A210, A220, A228, A310, A399, A475, A505, A509, A530,A530s, A539, A561, A563, A564, A570, A591, A592, A595, A599, A610, A630, A645, A650, A670, A690, $$$$$$$$$1111 1118888;;;;;; SGH- A200, A288, A300, A308, A400, A408, A500, A608, A800, C100, C120, C130,C200, &1&&&&&&'''''' ''''&'('((((((( ((1(((((((((((( ((((((((((.,11 11111111333333 3333444555555P S105, S200, S300, S300M, S307, S400I, S401I, S500, T100, /108, T200, T208, T209, T309, T319, T400, T408, T410, T500, T509, T519, T609, T619, T629, T709, T719, T809, V200, V205, V206, X100, X105, X150, X160, X200, X210, X300, X425, X426, X427, X427m, X450, X460, X461, X475, X480, X481, X495, X496, X497, X500, X506, X507, ;;;;;;;;;;;;=;=; Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Overview Tips Nr. 10 SPH- A110, A120, A310, A420, A460, A500, A503, A560, A580, A600, A640, A650, A660, A740, A760, A790, A800, A820, A840, A880, A900, A920, A940, A960, LLLLL0011199L Other: $FH$$$6$$&&(1((( ((((,3$00S90$;0; 6\1&9*$$ Nr. 10 LG II '0/*/*/*/*96636373737373 Nr. 13 Sharp I GX10, GX20 Nr. 14 Sharp II GX25, GX30, V902 Nr. 15 Sanyo I VI-2300, SCP-200, MM-5600, MM-7400, SCP-4900, SCP-5300, SCP-7200, 6&35/ Nr. 15 Samsung II 63+$$$$$$$$$O9,111 Other: Nr. 15 MM-A700, VGA-1000, VM-A680 Mitsubishi T300, G360 Nr. 15 Toshiba AU84400, 8450, 8900, 9900, 9950, CDM9950SP, VM4050 Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Overview Tips Nr. 15 Qualcomm 4&34&34&3$ Nr. 15 Kyocera $NWLY.%/$'(...5$9(.5$9(.(.(&.(.(&.( .(&.(.(&.(.(&.(.(&.;.;.;.; KX434, Kyocera 1135, 1155, 2119, 2119b, 2135, 2235, 2255, 2325, 2345, 3225, 3245, 3250, .5R\DOH./.1..5$9(..;&.;.;(QHUJLH ....;'0LODQ.;/LQJR03+$17204&34&34&3$ 2027, 2035, 2035A, 3225, Oystr, Soho KX1, K01 KX2, K404, Wild Card Nr. 15 Audiovox I CDM-8400, CDM-8410, CDM-8450, CDM-8610VM, CDM-8900, CDM-8910BM, CDM-8910VM, CDM-8910VW, CDM-9900, CDM-9950, PM-8920 Nr. 15 Garmin *DUPLQL4XH Nr. 15 LG $;$;$;$;$;$;)86,&30301(9, $;$;$;$;/*/*&/;/;/;/;/; MIGO, MM535, UX210, UX245,UX355,UX390, UX4750, UX5000, VX3200, VX3300, VX3400, VX3450, VX4650, VX4700, VX5200, VX5300, VX6100, VX7000, VX8000, VX8100, VX8300, 9;00/;WKH9 Nr. 15 Motorola G520, i500, i550, i700 Nr. 15 PalmOne 7XQJVWHQ(=LUH=LUH Nr. 16 Sanyo II SCP-5000, SCP-5150, SCP-6000, SCP-6200, SCP-6400 Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Overview Tips Nr. 17 Siemens I $$&&&&6/666000(066 6/6/L6L Nr. 18 Siemens II A52, A55, A56, A57, A60, A62, A65, A70, AX72, C55, C56, C60, C61, C62, C65, C65V, C75, &)&);&/&7&7&7&9&;&;00000&0&7 666666)6.6/6/6/6/636;;(/,%5, Nr. 19 SonyEricsson $=$V$VF$$$)L-F-L-F-L-D J300c, J300i, K300a, K300c, K300i, K500c, K500i, K506c, K508c, K508i, K600i, K608i, K700c, .L33333D3F3L55$OO5V5VF 5V5VF5$OO5$OO556F6L6D7$OO7 $OO7$OO77P7$OO7L77F7G7GV7/;7]787 T66, T68,T68i, T68ie, T68m, T100, T105, T106, T116, T200, T206, T226, T226m, T226s, T230, 77V77D7F7L7D7$OO77777 7[7777]77779L9===D =F=L=D=D===L=$NRQR.L=H377 Nr. 20 Panasonic GD52, GD75, GD76, GD87, GD92, GD93, GD95, GD96 Nr. 21 Treo 600 7;&HQWUR/LYH'ULYH3::;37XQMVWHQ(7 Nr. 22 Treo 650 650, 680, 750, 750v Nr. 23 Loox %71116$16,. Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Overview Tips Nr. 24 LG '0/*/*/*/*9663637373 TP5200, TP5250 Nr. 25 iPAQ H1700, H1910, H1915, H1920, H1930, H1935, H1937, H1940, H1945, H2210, H2215, H3800, H3830, H3835, H3850, H3860, H3870, H3875, H3900, H3950, H3955, H3970, H3975, H4150, H4155, H4350, H4355, H5450, H5455, H5550, H5555, H6315,H6320, H6325, H6340, H6365, HW6515, HX2110, HX2410, HX2415, HX2750, HX2765, HX4700, HX4705, RX1950, RX1955, 5;5;5;5=5=+:+:+:+:+: HW6940, HW6945, HW6950, HW6955, HX2115, HX2190, HX2490,HX2495, HX2790, HX2795 Nr. 26 SonyEricsson D750i, J100a, J100c, J100i, J110i, J120i, J210i,J220a, J220c, J220i,J221, J230a, J230c, J230i, K200i, K220i, K310c, K310i, K320i, K510a, K510c, K510i, K530i, K550i, K550c, K550im, K610i, K610im, K618i, K630i, K660i, K750c, K750i, K758c, K770i, K790a, K790c, K790i, K800i, K810i, K850i, M600i, M608c,P1, P1i, P990c, P990i, S500i, S600i, T230,T250a, T250i, T650i, V580i, V630i, V640i, W200, W200a, W200i, W300c, W300i, W350i, W380a, W380i, W550c, W550i, W580i, W600c, W600i, W610i, W660i, W700c, W700i, W710, W710c, W710i, W760i, W800c, W800i, W810, W810c, W810i, W830i, W850i, W880i, W888i, W890i, W900i, W910i, W950c, :L:L==L=L=D=L=L=D=D=F=L=D =L=F=L==D=F=L=L=L=L=F=L= =D=L=L=L:DONPDQQ:L:DONPDQQ:FZDONPDQQ:F:DONPDQQ W600i, Walkmann W800c, Walkmann W800i, Walkmann W890i, Walkmann W900c, Walkmann W900i, Walkmann W950i, Walkmann W960i Nr. 27 Nokia 770, 810, 1200, 1208, 1650, 2135, 2365i, 2610, 2630, 2660, 2760, 2855i, 2865i, 3109 Classic, 3110 Classic, 3155i, 3250, 3500 Classic, 3555, 5200, 5300, 5300 Xpress Music,5310, 5500, 5500 Sport, 5700 Xpress Music, 6070, 6080, 6085, 6086, 6101, 6102, 6102i, 6103, 1DYLJDWRU&ODVVLFLL 6165i, 6233, 6234,6234i, 6263, 6265i, 6267, 6270, 6275i, 6280, 6282, 6288, 6290, 6300, 3ULVP((((L((( (11111111111111L11JE $&3($&3(/&+/&+ Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Overview Tips Nr. 29 Samsung SCH- R510, U420, U710, U740 SGH- A436, A437, A706, A707, A717, A727, C140, C170, C520, D520, D800, D806, D807, '''''''L(((((9HUVXV ((((((())L,LL- 0(XURSH333333LO7777 7788OWUD(GLWLRQ,,88OWUD(GLWLRQ8;;;= ==========L===9 SPH- A303, A503, M610, M620 Other: %ODFNMDFN L'ULIW+HDW6\QF7UDFH8SVWDJH:DIHU&&'' ((((((((((((( )),-033889;;= =======9=9 Nr. 30 LG A7150, B2050, B2100, C1100, C1200, C2200, C3300, C3310, C3320, C3380, C3400, F2300, )))**.*///L/L/0 3678888888 .*V/*/;/*/;/*5XPRU/;/*7UD[/;/*&(/*&8 /*&/*$;/*$;/*9;/*9;/*9;&KRFRODWH/*9; &KRFRODWH/*9;/*9;/*9;DQG/*HQ99;SKRQHPRGHOV/*.( /*.( Nr. 31 iPOD L3RG7RXFKL3RG&ODVVLFL3RG1DQR Nr. 33 Nokia II/ Micro USB 6500 Classic, 7900, 8600 Motorola 4P5D]U95D]U95D]U9P4K8 Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Nr. 34 Samsung SCH- Flipshot U900, Gleam U700, Hue R500, Juke U470, R200, R300, R400, R410, R500, R610 6*+ $$$$$$$$$%HDW7%%ODFNMDFN ,,,%ODVW7%&&&&'()$GLGDV) F210, F250, F330, F490, F700, F400, F480, F700V, G400, G600, G800, i400, i450, i550, i560, i610, i616, i640v, i780, i200, i560, i900, J200, J210, J400, J700, J750, Katalyst 7////WKH%XWWRQ/9/0003 333$UPDQL34ERZO)0%99'6/0$777 T539, T639, T729, T739, T819, U900 63+ $FHL)LQ$0\VWR+HOLR$0000 Other: A516, A737, Gorgio Armani, M210 Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Swiss Mobility Mobile Phone Cases «Savior» 7UHR5,0 8QLYHUVDOYHUWLFDOFDVHZLWKEDOOLVWLFQ\ORQ and leather &RPIRUWEDFNFXVKLRQ 0XOWLGDSWFOLSV\VWHP )LWVPRVWUHJXODUVL]H 3'$PRELOHSKRQHV7UHR%ODFN%HUU\DQGHWF For mobile phones up to: 66 x 127 x 15 mm 2.6 x 5.0 x 0.6 in Outside dimensions: 76 x 135 x 15 mm 3.0 x 5.3 x 0.6 in «Savior»6OLP 8QLYHUVDOYHUWLFDOFDVHZLWKEDOOLVWLFQ\ORQ and leather ,QQHUFUHGLWFDUGVORW &RPIRUWEDFNFXVKLRQ 0XOWLGDSWFOLSV\VWHP )LWVDOOFODPVKHOODQGVPDOOHUPRELOHSKRQHV For mobile phones up to: 61 x 130 x 10 mm 2.4 x 5.1 x 0.4 in Outside dimensions: 76 x 135 x 15 mm 3.0 x 5.3 x 0.6 in 3OHDVHYLVLWRXUZHEVLWHWR¿QGDVXLWDEOH6ZLVV Mobility Phone Case for your phone: www.swisstravelproducts.com Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight 6DYLRU7UHR5,0 8.100105 20 pcs tba pcs 76 40112 21639 0 0.01 kg / 0.02 lb 6DYLRU6OLP 8.100106 20 pcs tba pcs 76 40112 21640 6 0.01 kg / 0.02 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Swiss Mobility Mobile Phone Cases «Commander» 8QLYHUVDOKRUL]RQWDOFDVHZLWK ballistic nylon and leather ,QQHUFUHGLWFDUGVORW &RPIRUWEDFNFXVKLRQ 0XOWLGDSWFOLSV\VWHP )LWVDOOFODPVKHOODQGVPDOOHUPRELOHSKRQHV For mobile phones up to: 95 x 65 x 15 mm 3.7 x 2.6 x 0.6 in Outside dimensions: 100 x 70 x 20 mm 3.9 x 2.8 x 0.8 in «Trooper» 8QLYHUVDOKRUL]RQWDOFDVHZLWKEDOOLVWLF nylon and leather ,QQHUFUHGLWFDUGVORW &RPIRUWEDFNFXVKLRQ 0XOWLGDSWFOLSV\VWHP )LWVDOOFODPVKHOODQGVPDOOHUPRELOHSKRQHV For mobile phones up to: 100 x 65 x 15 mm 3.9 x 2.6 x 0.6 in Outside dimensions: 105 x 70 x 20 mm 4.1 x 2.8 x 0.8 in 3OHDVHYLVLWRXUZHEVLWHWR¿QGDVXLWDEOH6ZLVV Mobility Phone Case for your phone: www.swisstravelproducts.com Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight Commander 8.100104 20 pcs tba pcs 76 40112 21638 3 0.06 kg / 0.02 lb Trooper 8.100103 20 pcs tba pcs 76 40112 21637 6 0.06 kg / 0.02 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Swiss Mobility Mobile Phone Cases «Sentinel» 8QLYHUVDOKRUL]RQWDOFDVHZLWKEDOOLVWLFQ\ORQ and leather &RPIRUWEDFNFXVKLRQ 0XOWLGDSWFOLSV\VWHP )LWVDOOFODPVKHOODQGPRELOHSKRQHV For mobile phones up to: 60 x 105 x 18 mm 2.4 x 4.1 x 0.7 in Outside dimensions: 65 x 110 x 23 mm 2.6 x 4.3 x 0.9 in «Vanguard» 8QLYHUVDOKRUL]RQWDO(9$FDVHZLWKEDOOLVWLFQ\ORQ and leather 0XOWLGDSWFOLSV\VWHP )LWVDOOVOLPSKRQHVDOOFODPVKHOODQGVPDOOHU mobile phones For mobile phones up to: 65 x 105 x 10 mm 2.6 x 4.1 x 0.4 in Outside dimensions: 70 x 110 x 15 mm 2.8 x 4.3 x 0.6 in 3OHDVHYLVLWRXUZHEVLWHWR¿QGDVXLWDEOH Swiss Mobility Phone Case for your phone: www.swisstravelproducts.com Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight Sentinel 8.100102 20 pcs tba pcs 76 40112 21636 9 0.05 kg / 0.02 lb Vanguard 8.100101 20 pcs tba pcs 76 40112 21635 2 0.05 kg / 0.02 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com swiss mobility iPod Cases «Armor» 0D[LPXPSURWHFWLRQIRU\RXUL3RG1DQRFRPELQHG with an elegant Swiss design &RPIRUWEDFNFXVKLRQ &DQEHHDVLO\VHFXUHGXVLQJWKH9HOFURIDVWHQHU L3RGFDQEHVWLOOFRQWUROOHGRSHQLQJVIRUFRQQHFWLRQV 7UDQVSDUHQWVFUHHQSURWHFWLRQEXLOWLQWRWKHFDVH 0XOWLGDSWFOLSV\VWHPZLWK%LJ&OLS )LWVL3RG*1DQR Inner dimensions: 70 x 53 x 6 mm 2.8 x 2.1 x 0.25 in Outside dimensions: 88 mm x 67 mm x 4 mm 3.5 x 2.6 x 0.2 in «Defender» Maximum protection for your iPod Touch/iPhone combined with an elegant Swiss design &RPIRUWEDFNFXVKLRQ 6RIWLQWHULRUOLQLQJ 0DJQHWLFORFN &XWRXWVRQIURQWVLGHERWWRPDQGEDFNIRU functional iPhone use 0XOWLGDSWFOLSV\VWHPZLWK%LJ&OLS )LWVL3RG7RXFKL3KRQHVWQG Generation Inner dimensions: 115 x 61 x 11.6 mm 4.5 x 2.4 x 0.5 in Outside dimensions: 120 x 65 x 11.6 mm 4.7 x 2.6 x 0.8 in Description $UWLFOH1R O/C Palette ($1&RGH Weight $UPRUL3RG1DQR 8.100107 20 pcs Outstanding 76 40112 21641 3 0.005 kg / 0.01 lb 'HIHQGHUL3RG7RXFKL3KRQH 8.100109 20 pcs Outstanding 76 40112 21679 6 0.04 kg / 0.09 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com swiss mobility iPod Cases «Ranger» Maximum protection for your iPod Classic combined with an elegant Swiss design &RPIRUWEDFNFXVKLRQ 0XOWLGDSWFOLSV\VWHPZLWK%LJ&OLS 6RIWLQWHULRUOLQLQJ 0DJQHWLFORFN )LWVL3RGWK*&ODVVLF Inner dimensions: 103 x 60 x 11.5 mm 4.1 x 2.4 x 0.5 in Outside dimensions: 110 x 70 x 6 mm 4.3 x 2.8 x 0.2 in Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Swiss Mobility «Multidapt® - MiniClip» With this clip you can conveniently carry your device inside your WURXVHURUMDFNHWSRFNHWV Compatible for all Swiss Mobility products with Multidapt-system! «Multidapt® - SpringClip» The SpringClip represents a standard clip for mobile phones. The SpringClip is perfect for anyone who switches back and forth from a small pocket to larger belt. The spring in the clip keeps it secure in any situation. Compatible for all Swiss Mobility products with Multidapt-system! «Multidapt® - BigClip» The BigClip is the more robust and slightly thicker alternative to the MiniClip and therefore suitable for both larger phones and belts. Compatible for all Swiss Mobility products with Multidapt-system! «Multidapt® - VortexClip» The 360° rotatable clip can be fastened in 45° intervals, offering eight different alternatives how to carry your device. Due to its bent shape WKHFOLSVLWVVWHDGLO\DQG¿UPO\RQ\RXUEHOWRUZDLVWEDQG Compatible for all Swiss Mobility products with Multidapt-system! You could order the Multidapt® Clips under: www.swiss-travel-shop.com Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com USB USB Port Hub «USB 2.0 4-Port Hub» (DVLO\FRQQHFW\RXU86%'HYLFHV7KH86%SRUWVFRQQHFW your favorite devices – digital camera, MP3 player, PDA, printer, or any other USB device. Simply connect the 4-Port-Hub to a free USB port and you‘ll have 4 additional USB port available instantly. 6\VWHPUHTXLUHPHQWV :LQGRZV9LVWD;33URIHVVLRQDO63 :LQGRZV6(;3+RPH Apple Macintosh OS X v. 10.2.6 or later Dimensions: 43 x 43 x 12 mm 1.7 x 1.7 x 0.5 in Blister: 214 x 153 x 45 mm 8.4 x 6.0 x 1.8 in Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight USB 2.0 4-Port Hub 15.150103 10 pcs 900 pcs 76 40112 21350 4 0.02 kg / 0.05 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com USB USB Card Reader «USB 2.0 Mini 28-in-1 Card Reader» The «USB 2.0 Mini 28-in-1 Card Reader» reads all memory cards. Transfer all data from a digital camera, MP3 player and more to the computer in seconds! 6LPSO\LQVHUWWKHPHPRU\FDUGLQWRWKHVORW1RRWKHU installation is needed. Supported Media:&)7\SH,,,&)8OWUD,,&)([WUHPH, 0'60&60;'06063UR063UR([WUHPH06'XR MS Pro Duo, MS Pro Ultra II, MS Magic Gate, MS Duo Magic Gate, MS Pro Magic Gate, MS Pro Duo Magic Gate, MS Select Function, 065RP6'6'8OWUD,,6'([WUHPH00&00&0LQL6' RS-MMC, RS-MMC 4.0 6\VWHPUHTXLUHPHQWV :LQGRZV9LVWD;33URIHVVLRQDO63 :LQGRZV6(;3+RPH Apple Macintosh OS X v. 10.2.6 or later Cable length: 800 mm / 31.5 in Dimensions: 57 x 58 x 18 mm 2.2 x 2.3 x 0.7 in Blister: 214 x 153 x 45 mm 8.4 x 6.0 x 1.8 in CF MMC MS SD SM XD Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight USB 2.0 Mini 28-in-1 Card Reader 15.150202 10 pcs 800 pcs 76 40112 21351 1 0.04 kg / 0.1 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Accessories Swiss MoGo Bluetooth Mouse Use it like a wireless desktop mouse, store it inside a PC card slot and charge it automatically. %OXHWRRWK6SHFL¿FDWLRQ ('5FRPSOLDQW Resolution: 500 dpi :RUNLQJUDQJH 8SWRIHHWP Operating RF transmition power: <4 dBm Voltage Batteries: 4.2 V Operating Current: 165 mAh Internal Rechargeable Standby Current: 32 mA Sleep Mode Current: 22 mA Dimensions: 86 x 54 x 5 mm 3.4 x 2.1 x 0.2 in Weight: 41 g / 0.60 oz Operating System: Microsoft® Windows®: Windows Vista, Windows XP 3URIHVVLRQDO+RPH(GLWLRQ 0HGLD&HQWUH(GLWLRQ7DEOHW 3&(GLWLRQRU:LQGRZV Apple® Macintosh®: Mac OSX 10.2.6 or later Operating time: up to 7 hours The ideal promotional gift with your logo! Our Swiss MoGo Bluetooth Mouse is also great as a promotional gift or interesting accessories for notebook manufacturers and assemblierer of notebooks. We can offer a circulation of the 100 pieces Swiss Bluetooth MoGo Mouse with your ORJRRUPRUHSULQWHGRQ3ULFHDQGGHOLYHU\WLPHRQUHTXHVW Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight Swiss MoGo Bluetooth Mouse 7.100101 20 pcs 1 800 pcs 76 40112 21632 1 0.04 kg / 0.1 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Accessories Swiss USB Bluetooth Dongle «Swiss MoGo Bluetooth Dongle» (QDEOHVDQ\3&WREH%OXHWRRWKFRPSDWLEOH&RQQHFW your Bluetooth Mouse, mobile phone, headset or any other Bluetooth device %OXHWRRWKVSHFL¿FDWLRQ 6XSSRUWHGSUR¿OHV 1HWZRUNLQJGLDOXSID[ /$1DFFHVVDQGKHDGVHW Compatibility: Microsoft® Windows® Vista, XP Pro, XP Home, 0HGLD(GLWLRQ7DEOHW3& (GLWLRQ:LQGRZV Data rate: Up to 3 Mbps :RUNLQJGLVWDQFH PIHHW Operating time: Up to 7 hours Dimensions: 53 x 17 x 8 mm 2 x 0.6 x 0.01 in Description Article-No. O/C Swiss USB Bluetooth Dongle 7.100102 50 pcs Palette EAN-Code Weight 76 40112 21686 4 0.04 kg / 0.9 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Accessories Swiss MoGo Bluetooth Mouse & Swiss USB Bluetooth Dongle & Bundle! tooth Mouse Swiss MoGo Blue + tooth Dongle Swiss USB Blue MoGo storage «Swiss MoGo Bluetooth Mouse» 7KH6ZLVV0R*R%OXHWRRWK0RXVHLVDXQLTXHEXVVLQHVVFDUGVL]HG%OXHWRRWKHQDEOHGPRXVHWKDWVWRUHV and recharges neatly inside your notebooks PC card slot. %OXHWRRWKVSHFL¿FDWLRQ ('5FRPSOLDQW Resolution: 500 dpi :RUNLQJUDQJH 8SWRPIHHW Operating RF transmission power: < 4 dBm Operating time: Up to 7 hours Dimensions: 86 x 54 x 5 mm / 3.4 x 2.1 x 0.2 in Weight: 41 g / 1.32 oz Compatibility: Microsoft® Windows®9LVWD;33UR;3+RPH0HGLD(GLWLRQ 7DEOHW3&(GLWLRQ:LQGRZV$SSOH® Macintosh® OS X 10.2.6 or later MoGo charger «Swiss MoGo Bluetooth Dongle» (QDEOHVDQ\3&WREH%OXHWRRWKFRPSDWLEOH&RQQHFW\RXU%OXHWRRWK0RXVHPRELOHSKRQHKHDGVHWRUDQ\ other Bluetooth device %OXHWRRWKVSHFL¿FDWLRQ 6XSSRUWHGSUR¿OHV 1HWZRUNLQJGLDOXSID[/$1DFFHVVDQGKHDGVHW Compatibility: Microsoft® Windows®9LVWD;33UR;3+RPH0HGLD(GLWLRQ7DEOHW3& (GLWLRQ:LQGRZV Data rate: Up to 3 Mbs :RUNLQJGLVWDQFH PIHHW Operating time: Up to 7 hours Dimensions: 53 x 17 x 8 mm / 2 x 0.6 x 0.01 in Description Article-No. O/C MoGo Bundle – Swiss MoGo Bluetooth Mouse & Swiss USB Bluetooth Dongle 7.100103 20 pcs Palette Ultra compact EAN-Code Weight 76 40112 21687 1 0.11 kg / 0.2 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Accessories Swiss MoGo Bluetooth Mouse X54 Swiss MoGo Bluetooth Mouse X54 is the ultimate wireless interface device – a mouse and media remote together in a slick, FRPSDFW([SUHVV&DUGIRUPIDFWRU,WVHPEHGGHG%OXHHWRRWK technology and convenient storage and charging make Swiss MoGo Bluetooth Mouse X54 a “must have” for users of all types. And the brilliant, easy-to-switch, all-in-one design means you never again have to fuss with clumsy peripherals. Just pop it out and you’re ready to go. Multi Media functions include pause, play, next track, previous track and volume control. +DUGZDUH ([SUHVV&DUGVORW86% %OXHWRRWKDGDSWHURUHPEHGGHG %OXHWRRWK %OXHWRRWK6SHFL¿FDWLRQ ('5FRPSOLDQW0XOWL0HGLD functions include pause, play, next track, previous track and volume control Resolution: 800 dpi :RUNLQJUDQJH 8SWRPIHHW Operating RF transmit power: <4 dBm Operating time: 8-10 hours on charge Dimensions: 78 x 54 x 5 mm 3.1 x 2.13 x 2.0 in %DWWHU\/LIH 1RUPDO%DWWHU\/LIH Charge Time: 30 minutes Weight: 0.014 kg / 0.03 lb Operating System: Microsoft® Windows® Vista, XP 3UR;3+RPH0HGLD(GLWLRQ 7DEOHW3&(GLWLRQ:LQGRZV Apple® Macintosh® OS X v. 10.2.6 or later The ideal promotional gift with your logo! Our Swiss MoGo Bluetooth Mouse X54 is also great as a promotional gift or interesting accessories for notebook manufacturers and assemblierer of notebooks. We can offer a circulation of the 100 pieces Swiss Bluetooth MoGo Mouse X54 ZLWK\RXUORJRRUPRUHSULQWHGRQ3ULFHDQGGHOLYHU\WLPHRQUHTXHVW Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Accessories Swiss MoGo Bluetooth Mouse X54 Media Remote Mode Indicator light Multimedia Mode Swiss MoGo Bluetooth Mouse X54 easily converts into a remote control that lets users wirelessly play, pause, previous track, next track DQGDGMXVWYROXPHRQDYDULHW\RI media devices. And since Swiss MoGo Bluetooth Mouse X54 stores and automatically charges in your laptop, it’s the perfect tool when you want to take your media on the go. Previous Track (click) Volume Up (scroll) Volume Down (scroll) Play/Pause (click) Next Track (click) Mute Sound (tap) Mouse Mode There has never been a mouse TXLWHOLNH6ZLVV0R*R%OXHWRRWK Mouse X54. Sleek and comfortable, it allows the same functionality as conventional laser wireless mice – scroll, right click, left click – but without the cumbersome design WKDWPDNHVRWKHUPLFHGLI¿FXOW to take on the road. Swiss MoGo Bluetooth Mouse X54 is built with an easy on/off switch and a handy kickstand that lets users choose from two different wrist positions. Indicator light Mouse Mode Left Button Center Button Scroll Pad (scroll mode) Right Button Back Button Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight Swiss MoGo Bluetooth Mouse X54 7.100104 20 pcs 1800 pcs 76 40112 21692 5 0.014 kg / 0.03 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Accessories Swiss MoGo Bluetooth Mouse X54 Pro Swiss MoGo Bluetooth Mouse X54 Pro is a combined wireless presenter and mouse that stores and charges inside your ODSWRS¶V([SUHVV&DUGVORW±D³PXVWKDYH´IRUHYHU\ laptop. The sleek design and size make it ideal for business travelers. It includes the same functionality as conventional laser wireless mice – scroll, right click, left click – without the bulky, oversized design. With the push of a button, your Swiss MoGo Bluetooth Mouse X54 Pro turns into a wireless presenter – allowing you to control your PowerPoint presentations with 30 feet of freedom. It features a slide changer, start/escape button and laser pointer. +DUGZDUH ([SUHVV&DUGVORW86% %OXHWRRWKDGDSWHURU HPEHGGHG%OXHWRRWK %OXHWRRWK6SHFL¿FDWLRQ('5FRPSOLDQW Resolution: 800 dpi :RUNLQJUDQJH 8SWRPIHHW Operating RF transmit power: <4 dBm Operating time: 8-10 hours on charge Dimensions: 78 x 54 x 5 mm 3.1 x 2.13 x 2.0 in %DWWHU\/LIH 1RUPDO%DWWHU\/LIH Charge Time: 30 minutes Weight: 0.014 kg / 0.03 lb Operating System: Microsoft® Windows® Vista, XP Pro, XP Home, 0HGLD(GLWLRQ7DEOHW3& (GLWLRQ:LQGRZV Apple® Macintosh® OS X v. 10.2.6 or later The ideal promotional gift with your logo! Our Swiss MoGo Bluetooth Mouse X54 Pro is also great as a promotional gift or interesting accessories for notebook manufacturers and assemblierer of notebooks. We can offer a circulation of the 100 pieces Swiss Bluetooth MoGo Mouse X54 Pro with your logo or more printed on. Price and GHOLYHU\WLPHRQUHTXHVW Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Accessories Swiss MoGo Bluetooth Mouse X54 Pro Presenter Mode Indicator light Presenter Mode With the simple push of a button, MoGo Swiss MoGo Bluetooth Mouse X54 Pro transforms itself from a mouse to a wireless presentation tool. Complete with DVOLGHFKDQJHUIRUZDUGDQG EDFNZDUGDVWDUWHVFDSHEXWWRQ and a laser pointer you can use to highlight important elements of your presentation. And since Swiss MoGo Bluetooth Mouse X54 Pro stores and automatically charges in your laptop, it’s the perfect ally for back-to-back meetings. Previous Slide (click) Start/Escape slideshow (tap) Mouse Mode There has never been a mouse TXLWHOLNH6ZLVV0R*R%OXHWRRWK Mouse X54 Pro. Sleek and comfortable, it allows the same functionality as conventional laser wireless mice – scroll, right click, left click – but without the cumbersome design that makes RWKHUPLFHGLI¿FXOWWRWDNHRQ the road. Swiss MoGo Bluetooth Mouse X54 Pro features sophisticated laser optics, ensuring smooth, accurate performance on virtually any surface. Laser On/Off (click) Next Slide (click) Blank Screen (tap) Indicator light Mouse Mode Left Button Center Button Scroll Pad (scroll mode) Right Button Back Button Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight Swiss MoGo Bluetooth Mouse X54 Pro 7.100105 20 pcs 1800 pcs 76 40112 21221 7 0.014 kg / 0.03 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Accessories Swiss MoGo Bluetooth Charging Cable &RQQHFWV\RXU6ZLVV0R*R0RXVH%OXHWRRWK Mouse to your computer via USB 1RZHYHQWKRVHZKRVHODSWRSVGRQ¶WKDYHD3& &DUGVORWFDQHQMR\WKHFKDUJHDQGJRFRQYHQLHQFHRI Swiss MoGo Bluetooth Mouse &KDUJLQJ\RXU6ZLVV0R*R%OXHWRRWK0RXVHLV DVTXLFNDQGHDV\DVFRQQHFWLQJ\RXU6ZLVV0R*R Bluetooth Mouse via the Swiss MoGo Bluetooth Charging Cable $IWHULWKDVUHFHLYHGWKHQHFHVVDU\DPRXQWRI SRZHUXQSOXJLWIURPWKH86%SRUWWRHQMR\ hours of wireless freedom and function 7KHFDEOHLVIRUDOOQRWHERRNVZLWKRXW3&&DUG6ORW Cable length: 160 mm / 6.3 in Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight Swiss MoGo Bluetooth Charging Cable 7.100106 1 pcs. tba pcs. 76 4011221255 2 0.04 kg / 0.1 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Accessories Swiss MoGo Bluetooth Charging Cable X54/X54 Pro Swiss MoGo Bluetooth Charging Cable X54/X54 connects your Swiss MoGo Bluetooth Mouse X54/ X54 Pro to a computer via USB 1RZHYHQWKRVHZKRVHODSWRSVGRQ¶WKDYHDQ ([SUHVV&DUGVORWFDQHQMR\WKHFKDUJHDQGJR convenience of the Swiss MoGo Bluetooth Mouse X54/ X54 Pro &KDUJLQJ\RXU6ZLVV0R*R%OXHWRRWK0RXVH;; Pro couldn’t be easier ,W¶VDVTXLFNDQGVLPSOHDVFRQQHFWLQJ\RXU6ZLVV MoGo Bluetooth Mouse X54/ X54 Pro via the Swiss MoGo Bluetooth Charging Cable X54/ X54 Pro $IWHULWKDVUHFHLYHGWKHQHFHVVDU\DPRXQWRISRZHU XQSOXJJLQJLWIURPWKH86%SRUWWRHQMR\KRXUVRI wireless freedom and function 7KHFDEOHLVIRUDOOQRWHERRNVZLWKRXW([SUHVV&DUG6ORW Cable length: 230 mm / 9.05 in Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight Swiss MoGo Bluetooth Charging Cable X54/X54 Pro 7.100107 1 pcs. tba pcs. 76 4011221256 9 0.04 kg / 0.1 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com USB Swiss Retractable USB Charge Cable With these Cables it is easy to charge your mobile with a USB connection. «Swiss Retractable USB Charge Cable» for Nokia 5V & 6V «Swiss Retractable USB Charge Cable» for Motorola «Swiss Retractable USB Charge Cable» for Motorola & Blackberry 0LQL86% «Swiss Retractable USB Charge Cable» for Samsung «Swiss Retractable USB Charge Cable» for Siemens «Swiss Retractable USB Charge Cable» for Sony Ericsson «Swiss Retractable USB Charge Cable» for LG «Swiss Retractable USB Charge Cable» for Sony Ericsson 1 «Swiss Retractable USB Charge Cable» for Nokia 1 Blister: 210 x 82 x 35 mm 8.3 x 3.2 x 1.4 in Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight 1RNLD99 1.300301 40 pcs 2 400 pcs 76 40112 21333 7 0.030 kg / 0.06 lb Motorola 1.300305 40 pcs 2 400 pcs 76 40112 21337 5 0.015 kg / 0.03 lb 0RWRUROD%ODFNEHUU\0LQL86% 1.300304 40 pcs 2 400 pcs 76 40112 21336 8 0.017 kg / 0.04 lb Samsung 1.300306 40 pcs 2 400 pcs 76 40112 21338 2 0.017 kg / 0.04 lb Siemens 1.300303 40 pcs 2 400 pcs 76 40112 21335 1 0.015 kg / 0.03 lb 6RQ\(ULFVVRQ 1.300302 40 pcs 2 400 pcs 76 40112 21334 4 0.016 kg / 0.03 lb /* 1.300311 40 pcs 2 400 pcs 76 40112 21357 3 0.017 kg / 0.04 lb 6RQ\(ULFVVRQ 1.300312 40 pcs 2 400 pcs 76 40112 21374 0 0.017 kg / 0.04 lb 1RNLD 1.300313 40 pcs 2 400 pcs 76 40112 21375 7 0.026 kg / 0.06 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com USB Swiss Retractable USB Charge & Sync Cable With these cables it is easy to charge and synchronize your mobile with a USB connection. «Swiss Retractable USB Charge & Sync Cable» for Fujitsu-Siemens «Loox» «Swiss Retractable USB Charge & Sync Cable» for HP iPAQ «Swiss Retractable USB Charge & Sync Cable» for Treo 600 «Swiss Retractable USB Charge & Sync Cable» for Treo 650 Blister: 210 x 82 x 35 mm 8.3 x 3.2 x 1.4 in Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight )XMLWVX6LHPHQV©/RR[ª 1.300307 40 pcs 2 400 pcs 76 40112 21339 9 0.02 kg / 0.05 lb +3L3$4 1.300308 40 pcs 2 400 pcs 76 40112 21340 5 0.02 kg / 0.05 lb Treo 600 1.300309 40 pcs 2 400 pcs 76 40112 21341 2 0.02 kg / 0.05 lb Treo 650 1.300310 40 pcs 2 400 pcs 76 40112 21342 9 0.02 kg / 0.05 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Accessories Swiss Mobile Deluxe Mouse 2XU¿QHVW7KH©6ZLVV0RELOH'HOX[H Mouse» is a very handy and compact device with a beautiful chrome and black rubber look! /RRNVJUHDWIHHOVJRRGZRUNVSHUIHFWDQGLWµV incredibly simple to install! 2SHUDWLQJ6\VWHP Microsoft ® Windows ® Vista, XP Professional, ;3+RPH0HGLD(GLWLRQ7DEOHW3&(GLWLRQ Windows 2000, Apple ® Macintosh ® OS X v. 10.2.6 or later 3OXJDQG3OD\ 86%36$GDSWHULQFOXGHG 2SWLFDOWHFKQRORJ\ZLWKGSLUHVROXWLRQ Dimensions: 83 x 44 x 22 mm 3.3 x 1.7 x 0.9 in Blister: 170 x 257 x 55 mm 6.7 x 10.1 x 2.2 in Cable length: ca. 700 mm/ 27.6 in Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight Swiss Mobile Deluxe Mouse 4.100101 20 pcs 420 pcs 76 40112 21056 5 0.060 kg/ 0.1 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Accessories Swiss Mobile Mini Mouse Perfect in size and with a removable USB retractable cable! 2SHUDWLQJ6\VWHP Microsoft ® Windows ® Vista, XP Professional, ;3+RPH0HGLD(GLWLRQ7DEOHW3&(GLWLRQ Windows 2000, Apple ® Macintosh ® OS X v. 10.2.6 or later 3OXJDQG3OD\ 86%36$GDSWHULQFOXGHG 2SWLFDOWHFKQRORJ\ZLWKGSLUHVROXWLRQ Dimensions: 85 x 53 x 31 mm 3.3 x 2.1 x 1.2 in Blister: 170 x 257 x 60 mm 6.7 x 10.1 x 2.4 in Cable length: ca. 650 mm/ 25.6 in Description Swiss Mobile Mini Mouse Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight 4.100201 20 pcs 420 pcs 76 40112 21057 2 0.07 kg/ 0.15 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Accessories Swiss Mobile Design Mouse It’s not a bobsleigh even though the stream lined design would let you assume just that! The «Swiss Mobile Design Mouse» is an ergonomic mouse but still small and light! 2SHUDWLQJ6\VWHP Microsoft ® Windows ® Vista, XP Professional, ;3+RPH0HGLD(GLWLRQ7DEOHW3&(GLWLRQ Windows 2000, Apple ® Macintosh ® OS X v. 10.2.6 or later 86%36$GDSWHULQFOXGHG 2SWLFDOWHFKQRORJ\ZLWKGSLUHVROXWLRQ Dimensions: 91 x 49 x 33 mm 3.6 x 1.9 x 1.3 in Blister: 170 x 257 x 60 mm 6.7 x 10.1 x 2.2 in Cable length: ca. 700 mm/ 27.6 in Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight Swiss Mobile Design Mouse 4.100301 20 pcs 420 pcs 76 40112 21058 9 0.05 kg/ 0.15 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Accessories Swiss Mobile Concept Mouse Forget the external cable! «The Swiss Mobile Concept Mouse» has a retractable cable integrated in the housing! You can’t go more compact than this! 2SHUDWLQJ6\VWHP Microsoft ® Windows ® Vista, XP Professional, ;3+RPH0HGLD(GLWLRQ7DEOHW3&(GLWLRQ Windows 2000, Apple ® Macintosh ® OS X v. 10.2.6 or later 3OXJDQG3OD\ 86%36$GDSWHULQFOXGHG 2SWLFDOWHFKQRORJ\ZLWKGSLUHVROXWLRQ Dimensions: 97 x 52 x 35 mm 3.8 x 2.0 x 1.4 in Blister: 170 x 257 x 60 mm 6.7 x 10.1 x 2.2 in Cable length: ca. 595 mm/ 23.4 in Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight Swiss Mobile Concept Mouse 4.100401 20 pcs 2 800 pcs 76 40112 21059 6 0.08 kg/ 0.2 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Accessories Mini Microphone for notebooks With this Microphone you can communicate without headset 6HQVLWLYLW\G% )UHTXHQF\UHVSRQVH+]a.+] 615DWLR0RUHWKDQG% +LJKVHQVLWLYLW\PLFURSKRQHIRUYRLFHUHFRJQLWLRQ 9HU\VPDOODQGOLJKWZHLJKW 0LFURSKRQHFDQEHSOXJJHGLQGLUHFWO\LQWRWKHPLFSRUW 1RFDEOHVQHHGHG 'LUHFWLYLW\8QLGLUHFWLRQDO LWFDQUHGXFHDPELHQWQRLVHLQWHUIHUHQFH Weight: 7 g / 0.25 oz. Dimensions: 54 x 33 x 12 mm 2.1 x 1.3 x 0.5 in Blister: 215 x 86 x 15 mm 8.5 x 3.4 x 0.6 in Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight Mini Microphone 4.300101 40 pcs 2 100 pcs 76 40112 21352 8 0.016 kg / 0.2 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Accessories Internet Phone (VoIP) Easily communicate over the Internet. 7KLVVW\OLVKSKRQHLVVSHFL¿FDOO\GHVLJQHGWR FRPPXQLFDWHHDVLO\ZLWKRYHUWKH,QWHUQHW6N\SH *RRJOH<DKRRDQGPDQ\PRUH6LPSO\FRQQHFW the phone to the computer using the USB cable ZKLFKLVLQFOXGHGLQWKHER[ %DVLFSKRQHNH\SDGVSOXVH[WUDXVHUIULHQGO\ functional keys easy to use 86%FRPSOLDQWFRQQHFWLRQZLWK3& &RQQHFWRUIRUKHDGVHWV .H\SDGYROXPHFRQWURO 0XWH&RQWURO 9RLFHFRGHF±,78*FRPSOLDQW 86%SRZHUHGQREDWWHU\UHTXLUHG GLIIHUHQWULQJWRQHV Minimum system requirements: 3&UXQQLQJ:LQGRZVRU;3 0+]SURFHVVRU 0%5$0 0%IUHHGLVNVSDFHRQ\RXUKDUGGULYH ,QWHUQHWFRQQHFWLRQHLWKHUGLDOXSPLQLXP.ESV PRGHPRUDQ\EURDGEDQGFDEOH'6/HWF 3&HTXLSSHGZLWK86%SRUW &'520GULYH Dimensions: 120 x 50 x 17 mm 4.7 x 2.0 x 0.7 in Carton packaging: 120 x 170 x 33 mm 4.7 x 6.7 x 1.2 in Cable length: 2 m / 78.7 in Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight Internet Phone 2.400101 10 pcs 1 000 pcs 76 40112 21363 4 0.08 kg / 0.2 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Accessories International Modem Adapter One adapter, 9 options for more than 80 countries. It’s the elegant, easy and safe way to get connected your notebook to analogue phone lines in more than 80 countries world wide! Dimensions: 70 x 60 x 50 mm 2.8 x 2.4 x 2.0 in Blister: 225 x 154 x 60 mm 8.8 x 6.1 x 2.4 in Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight International Modem Adapter 2.100101 22 pcs 1 056 pcs 76 40112 21043 5 0.25 kg / 0.13 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Accessories Retractable Modem Cable «Retractable Modem Cord RJ11» Retractable Modem Cable for analogue telephone OLQHV5- Cable length: 1,5 m / 69.005 in DXWRPDWLFDOO\UHWUDFWHG Blister: 92 x 186 x 20 mm 3.6 x 7.3 x 0.8 in «Retractable Ethernet Cord RJ45» 5HWUDFWDEOH,6'1/$1&DEOH5- Cable length: 1,5 m / 69.005 in DXWRPDWLFDOO\UHWUDFWHG Blister: 118 x 207 x 20 mm 4.6 x 8.2 x 0.8 in «Retractable Combo Cord RJ11/RJ45» Retractable Modem Cable for analogue telephone OLQHV5-(WKHUQHWDQG,6'1FRQQHFWLRQV5- Cable length: 2 m / 78.740 in Blister: 118 x 207 x 25 mm 4.6 x 8.2 x 1.0 in Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight Retractable Modem Cord RJ11 2.300101 50 pcs 3 200 pcs 76 40112 21064 0 0.06 kg / 0.13 lb 5HWUDFWDEOH(WKHUQHW&RUG5- 2.300103 20 pcs 1 600 pcs 76 40112 21065 7 0.06 kg / 0.13 lb Retractable Combo Cord RJ11/RJ45 2.300105 20 pcs 1 200 pcs 76 40112 21063 3 0.07 kg / 0.14 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Accessories Swiss Retractable RJ45 & RJ11 cable «RJ11/RJ45 retractable cable for Notebooks» 0XOWLFRPSDFWVOLP5-5-SOXJGHVLJQIRUERWKHWKHUQHW and line connections 1RQHHGRIDQ\FRXSOHUVWRFKDQJHIRUHWKHUQHWDQGOLQH connections /LJKWZHLJKWFRPSDFWVOLPGHVLJQ(WKHUQHW Cord/ Modem Cord (DV\FDUU\FRQYHQWLHQWWRXVH 1RPRUHKDVVOLQJZLWKORRVHEXON\QHWZRUNFDEOHV Cable length: 1,5 m / 69.005 in Blister: 213 x 89 x 20 mm 3.4 x 3.5 x 0.8 in Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight Swiss Retractable RJ45 & RJ11 cable 2.300107 20 pcs tba 76 40112 21208 8 0.03 kg / 0.07 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Accessories Swiss Travel Pillow For a comfortable journey and sweet dreams on a plane, ship, train or car. +DYHFRPSOHWHFRPIRUWDQ\ZKHUHZLWKWKLVLQÀDWDEOH Swiss Travel Pillow &RPSDFWDQGOLJKWWKHSHUIHFWWUDYHOFRPSDQLRQ ,GHDOIRUXVHRQDSODQHWUDLQRUEXVDFDUWULS camping trips or at the beach Blister: 220 x 145 x 26 mm 8.7 x 5.7 x 1.0 in Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight Swiss Travel Pillow 5.100101 50 pcs 1 800 pcs 76 40112 21055 8 0.120 kg / 0.3 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Bags Swiss Travel Accessories «Swiss Accessory Pouch» Fed up with messy chargers, cables, plugs and adapters spread out in your computer bag? The «Accessory Pouch» is a stylish solution to store your travel essentials! The main pocket is big enough to store your adapter and even DIXOOVL]HGPRXVHLIUHTXLUHGZKLOVWWKHVPDOOHU]LSFRPSDUWPHQWLV ideal for cables. Dimensions: 200 x 100 x 85 mm / 7.9 x 3.95 x 3.35 in «Bum Bag - Gstaad» Traveling for business or simply on a vacation? Doesn‘t matter! The Bum Bag keeps your personal belongings close to you! Ideal for money, passports, tickets, keys, etc. Dimensions: 200 x 175 x 55 mm / 9.85 x 6.9 x 2.2 in ©6ZLVV2I¿FHU3RUWIROLRª 6OLPOLJKWDQGYHU\SUDFWLFDO7KH©2I¿FHU3RUWIROLRª holds notebooks with screens up to 12'', carry-on papers, pens and whatever else you need for a meeting. The ©2I¿FHU3RUWIROLRª¿WVLQDQ\EDJRIWKH6%&UDQJHDQG offers additional protection for your valuable hardware. For notebooks up to: 315 x 220 x 30 mm / 12.4 x 8.7 x 1.2 in Outside dimensions: 350 x 250 x 50 mm / 13.4 x 9.8 x 2.0 in Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight Swiss Accessory Pouch 3.100208 40 pcs 960 pcs 76 40112 21040 4 0.1 kg / 0.2 lb Bum Bag - Gstaad 3.100210 40 pcs 400 pcs 76 40112 21041 1 0.3 kg / 0.7 lb 6ZLVV2I¿FHU3RUWIROLR 3.100207 20 pcs 240 pcs 76 40112 21039 8 0.65 kg / 1.4 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Bags Swiss Business Cases Swiss Line – Lausanne «Messenger» 7RSORDGLQJQRWHERRNFDVHIRUQRWHERRNV Cushioned notebook compartment '1\ORQ'WZRWRQH1\ORQ 6KRXOGHUVWUDSZLWKUHPRYHDEOHFHOOSKRQHEDJ (UJRQRPLFKDQGOH 3RFNHWVIRU&'VSHQPRELOHSKRQH 'RFXPHQWFRPSDUWPHQWV For notebooks up to: 390 x 280 x 40 mm 15.4 x 11.0 x 1.6 in Outside dimensions: 490 x 330 x 90 mm 16.5 x 13.0 x 3.5 in Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight /DXVDQQH0HVVHQJHU 3.100205 5 pcs 80 pcs 76 40112 21050 3 2.3 kg / 4.2 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Bags Swiss Business Cases Swiss Line – Lucerne «Lucerne» )URQWORDGLQJQRWHERRNFDVHIRU QRWHERRNV '1\ORQ'WZRWRQH1\ORQ (UJRQRPLFKDQGOH &XVKLRQHGQRWHERRNFRPSDUWHPHQW 'RFXPHQWFRPSDUWPHQW 3RFNHWVIRU&'VSHQPRELOHSKRQH 7UROOH\VWUDS For notebooks up to: 380 x 300 x 35 mm 15.0 x 11.8 x 1.4 in Outside dimensions: 400 x 340 x 135 mm 15.8 x 13.4 x 5.3 in Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight /XFHUQH 3.100204 5 pcs 80 pcs 76 40112 21052 7 1.6 kg / 3.5 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Bags Swiss Business Cases Swiss Line – Davos «Backpack» %DFNSDFNIRUXSWRQRWHERRNV 3DGGHGVKRXOGHUVWUDSVDQGEDFNFXVKLRQ '1\ORQ'WZRWRQH1\ORQ Cushioned notebook compartment (UJRQRPLFKDQGOH 1XPHURXVFRPSDUWPHQWVIRUGRFXPHQWVDQGDFFHVVRULHV 5HPRYHDEOHFHOOSKRQHEDJ For notebooks up to: 385 x 280 x 55 mm 15.2 x 11.0 x 2.2 in Outside dimensions: 475 x 380 x 145 mm 18.7 x 15.0 x 5.7 in Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight Davos Backpack 3.100206 5 pcs 45 pcs 76 40112 21051 0 1.6 kg / 3.5 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Bags Swiss Business Cases Swiss Line – Montana «Backpack» %DFNSDFNIRUXSWR QRWHERRNV 3DGGHGVKRXOGHUVWUDSVDQGEDFNFXVKLRQ '1\ORQ'WZRWRQH1\ORQ Cushioned notebook compartment (UJRQRPLFKDQGOH 1XPHURXVFRPSDUWPHQWVIRUGRFXPHQWVDQGDFFHVVRULHV 5HPRYHDEOHFHOOSKRQHEDJ For notebooks up to: 385 x 280 x 55 mm 15.2 x 11.0 x 2.2 in Outside dimensions: 475 x 380 x 145 mm 18.7 x 15.0 x 5.7 in Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight Montana Backpack 3.100211 5 pcs 45 pcs 76 40112 21303 0 1.6 kg / 3.5 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Bags Swiss Business Cases Swiss Mountain Series «Swiss Carrier 1» Top loader bag for notebooks up to 15.4'' '1\ORQ'3RO\HVWHU Cushioned notebook compartment Compartment for document Compartment for phones, pens, keys, etc. For notebooks up to: 370 x 280 x 40 mm 14.6 x 11.0 x 1.6 in Outside dimensions: 410 x 310 x 95 mm 16.1 x 12.2 x 3.7 in «Swiss Carrier 2» Practical top loader for notebooks up to 15.4'' with additional compartment '1\ORQ'3RO\HVWHU Document compartments Compartment for phones, pens, keys, etc. For notebooks up to: 370 x 280 x 40 mm 14.6 x 11.0 x 1.6 in Outside dimensions: 410 x 310 x 125 mm 16.2 x 12.2 x 14.9 in Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight Swiss Mountain Series – Swiss Carrier 1 – green 3.100501 5 pcs 80 pcs 76 40112 21654 3 0.95 kg / 2.09 lb Swiss Mountain Series – Swiss Carrier 1 – anthracite 3.101501 5 pcs 80 pcs 76 40112 21659 8 0.95 kg / 2.09 lb Swiss Mountain Series – Swiss Carrier 2 – green 3.100506 5 pcs 80 pcs 76 40112 21681 9 1.0 kg / 2.2 lb Swiss Mountain Series – Swiss Carrier 2 – anthracite 3.101506 5 pcs 80 pcs 76 40112 21683 3 1.0 kg / 2.2 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Bags Swiss Business Cases Swiss Mountain Series «Swiss Messenger» 7RSORDGHUPHVVHQJHUEDJIRUQRWHERRNVXSWR '1\ORQ'3RO\HVWHU Document compartment Pockets for phones, pens, keys, etc. Shoulder strap Cushioned notebook compartment For notebooks up to: 370 x 275 x 40 mm 14.6 x 10.9 x 1.6 in Outside dimensions: 390 x 340 x 120 mm 15.2 x 13.2 x 4.7 in Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight Swiss Mountain Series – Swiss Messenger – green 3.100502 5 pcs 80 pcs 76 40112 21655 0 1.40 kg / 3.08 lb Swiss Mountain Series – Swiss Messenger – anthracite 3.101502 5 pcs 80 pcs 76 40112 21660 4 1.40 kg / 3.08 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Bags Swiss Business Cases Swiss Mountain Series «Swiss Backpack Roller» %DFNSDFNZLWKWUROOH\IXQFWLRQIRUQRWHERRNV up to 15.4'' '1\ORQ'3RO\HVWHU 'RFXPHQWFRPSDUWPHQW 6LGHSRFNHWV Stowable rain cover for wheels (DV\UROOLQJZKHHOV &RPIRUWDEOHWHOHVFRSLFKDQGOH For notebooks up to: 360 x 275 x 40 mm 14.2 x 10.8 x 1.6 in Outside dimensions: 520 x 360 x 265 mm 20.5 x 14.2 x 10.4 in «Swiss Climber» %DFNSDFNIRUQRWHERRNVXSWR '1\ORQ'3RO\HVWHU &XVKLRQHGQRWHERRNFRPSDUWPHQW Compartment for documents &RPSDUWPHQWIRUSKRQHVSHQVNH\VHWF Padded, stowable shoulder straps For notebooks up to: 360 x 275 x 40 mm 14.2 x 10.8 x 1.6 in Outside dimensions: 480 x 360 x 170 mm 18.9 x 14.2 x 6.7 in Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight Swiss Mountain Series – Swiss Backpack Roller – green 3.100504 2 pcs 16 pcs 76 40112 21657 4 3.4 kg / 7.5 lb Swiss Mountain Series – Swiss Backpack Roller – anthracite 3.101504 2 pcs 16 pcs 76 40112 21662 8 3.4 kg / 7.5 lb Swiss Mountain Series – Swiss Climber – green 3.100505 5 pcs 80 pcs 76 40112 21682 6 1.4 kg / 3.1 lb Swiss Mountain Series – Swiss Climber – anthracite 3.101505 5 pcs 80 pcs 76 40112 21684 0 1.4 kg/ 3.1 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Bags Swiss Business Cases Swiss Mountain Series «Swiss Cabine Roller» 7RSORDGLQJQRWHERRNFDVHZLWKWUROOH\IXQFWLRQIRU notebooks up to 15.4'' '1\ORQ'3RO\HVWHU Compartment for documents Document compartment 3RFNHWVIRUSKRQHVSHQVNH\VHWF 7HOHVFRSKDQGOH 6KRXOGHUVWUDS &XVKLRQHGQRWHERRNFRPSDUWPHQW (DV\UROOLQJZKHHOV 5HPRYDEOHFRPSXWHUVOHHYHIRUXSWR notebooks For notebooks up to: 360 x 275 x 40 mm 14.2 x 10.8 x 1.6 in Outside dimensions: 430 x 340 x 320 mm 16.9 x 13.4 x 12.6 in «Swiss Transporter» 7KHSHUIHFWFRPSDQLRQIRU\RXUEXVLQHVVWULS '1\ORQ'3RO\HVWHU &RQWHQWOFXELFIHHW Removable notebook sleeve for notebooks up to Space for clothes )URQWSRFNHWIRUGRFXPHQWV (UJRQRPLFWHOHVFRSHKDQGOH (DV\UROOLQJZKHHOV For notebooks up to: 330 x 300 x 35 mm 13.0 x 11.8 x 1.4 in Outside dimensions: 760 x 460 x 280 mm 29.9 x 18.1 x 11.0 in Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight Swiss Mountain Series – Swiss Cabine Roller – green 3.100503 2 pcs 32 pcs 76 40112 21656 7 4.70 kg / 10.36 lb Swiss Mountain Series – Swiss Cabine Roller – anthracite 3.101503 2 pcs 32 pcs 76 40112 21661 1 4.70 kg / 10.36 lb Swiss Mountain Series – Swiss Transporter – green 3.100507 1 pcs 8 pcs 76 40112 21658 1 7.80 kg / 17.20 lb Swiss Mountain Series – Swiss Transporter – anthracite 3.101507 1 pcs 8 pcs 76 40112 21663 5 7.80 kg / 17.20 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Bags Swiss Business Cases Business Line – Zurich «Zurich» Top loading notebook case for 15.4'' notebooks '1\ORQ'WZRWRQH1\ORQ Cushioned notebook compartment 6KRXOGHUVWUDSZLWKQLFNHO¿WWLQJV (UJRQRPLFKDQGOH 7UROOH\VWUDS 3RFNHWVIRUGRFXPHQWV&'VPRELOHSKRQHSHQV For notebooks up to: 375 x 275 x 45 mm 14.8 x 10.8 x 1.8 in Outside dimensions: 410 x 335 x 110 mm 16.1 x 13.2 x 4.3 in Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight =XULFK 3.100201 5 pcs 100 pcs 76 40112 21047 3 1.3 kg / 2.9 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Bags Swiss Business Cases Business Line – Lugano Trolley «Lugano Trolley» 7RSORDGLQJQRWHERRNFDVHIRUXSWR QRWHERRNV '1\ORQ'WZRWRQH1\ORQ Cushioned document compartment 6KRXOGHUVWUDSZLWKQLFNHO¿WWLQJV (UJRQRPLFKDQGOH 5ROOHUFDVHZLWKWHOHVFRSLFKDQGOH 3RFNHWVIRUGRFXPHQWV&'VPRELOHSKRQHSHQV $GGLWLRQDOFRPSDUWPHQWVIRUGRFXPHQWVSULQWHU or clothes For notebooks up to: 290 x 240 x 35 mm 11.4 x 13.4 x 1.4 in Outside dimensions: 525 x 425 x 240 mm 20.7 x 16.7 x 9.5 in Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight 7UROOH\/XJDQR 3.100203 2 pcs 32 pcs 76 40112 21049 7 4.0 kg / 8.8 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Bags Swiss Business Cases Swiss Lake Series «1 Section» 6HFWLRQWRSORDGLQJFDVHIRUQRWHERRNVXSWR '-DFTXDUG3RO\HVWHU'1\ORQ Document compartment Compartment for phones, pens, keys etc. Shoulder strap Cushioned notebook compartment For notebooks up to: 360 x 275 x 35 mm 14.2 x 10.8 x 1.4 in Outside dimensions: 445 x 325 x 85 mm 17.5 x 12.8 x 3.4 in «2 Section» 6HFWLRQWRSORDGLQJFDVHIRUQRWHERRNVXSWR '-DFTXDUG3RO\HVWHU'1\ORQ Cushioned notebook compartment Pockets for phones, pens, keys Shoulder strap Cushioned notebook compartment For notebooks up to: 360 x 275 x 35 mm 14.2 x 10.8 x 1.4 in Outside dimensions: 460 x 330 x 120 mm 11.1 x 13.0 x 4.7 in Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight 6ZLVV/DNH6HULHV±6HFWLRQ±EODFNEOXH 3.100401 5 pcs 80 pcs 76 40112 21647 5 1.4 kg / 3.1 lb 6ZLVV/DNH6HULHV±6HFWLRQ±EODFNEODFN 3.101401 5 pcs 80 pcs 76 40112 21644 4 1.4 kg / 3.1 lb 6ZLVV/DNH6HULHV±6HFWLRQ±EODFNEOXH 3.100402 5 pcs 80 pcs 76 40112 21648 2 1.8 kg / 4.0 lb 6ZLVV/DNH6HULHV±6HFWLRQ±EODFNEODFN 3.101402 5 pcs 80 pcs 76 40112 21645 1 1.8 kg / 4.0 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Bags Swiss Business Cases Swiss Lake Series «Messenger» 0HVVHQJHUEDJIRUQRWHERRNVXSWR '-DFTXDUG3RO\HVWHU'1\ORQ Cushioned notebook compartment Compartment for documents Shoulder strap Compartment for phones, pens, keys etc. For notebooks up to: 360 x 275 x 35 mm 14.2 x 10.8 x 1.4 in Outside dimensions: 440 x 345 x 140 mm 17.5 x 13.5 x 5.5 in Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight 6ZLVV/DNH6HULHV±0HVVHQJHU±EODFNEOXH 3.100404 5 pcs 80 pcs 76 40112 21670 3 1.1 kg / 2.5 lb 6ZLVV/DNH6HULHV±0HVVHQJHU±EODFNEODFN 3.101404 5 pcs 80 pcs 76 40112 21672 7 1.1 kg / 2.5 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Bags Swiss Business Cases Swiss Lake Series «Trolley» Top loading case with trolley function for QRWHERRNVXSWR '-DFTXDUG3RO\HVWHU'1\ORQ Compartments for documents Shoulder strap (UJRQRPLFWHOHVFRSHKDQGOH (DV\UROOLQJZKHHOV For notebooks up to: 365 x 275 x 35 mm 14.4 x 10.8 x 1.4 in Outside dimensions: 460 x 340 x 190 mm 18.1 x 13.5 x 7.5 in «Backpack» 3UDFWLFDO%DFNSDFNIRUQRWHERRNVXSWR '-DFTXDUG3RO\HVWHU'1\ORQ Cushioned 15.4 notebook compartment Compartment for documents Compartment for phones, pens, keys etc. Padded shoulder straps For notebooks up to: 360 x 275 x 35 mm 14.2 x 10.8 x 1.4 in Outside dimensions: 470 x 355 x 210 mm 18.5 x 14.0 x 8.3 in Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight 6ZLVV/DNH6HULHV±7UROOH\±EODFNEOXH 3.100403 2 pcs 32 pcs 76 40112 21649 9 3.7 kg / 8.0 lb 6ZLVV/DNH6HULHV±7UROOH\±EODFNEODFN 3.101403 2 pcs 32 pcs 76 40112 21646 8 3.7 kg / 8.0 lb 6ZLVV/DNH6HULHV±%DFNSDFN±EODFNEOXH 3.100405 5 pcs 100 pcs 76 40112 21671 0 1.1 kg / 2.3 lb 6ZLVV/DNH6HULHV±%DFNSDFN±EODFNEODFN 3.101405 5 pcs 100 pcs 76 40112 21673 4 1.1 kg / 2.3 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Bags Swiss Business Cases Cross Series «1 Section» )URQWORDGLQJQRWHERRNFDVHIRU QRWHERRNV 3RFNHWVIRUGRFXPHQWV&'VSHQVDQGPRELOHSKRQH 6OLGHSRFNHWIRUSDVVSRUWDQGSODQHWLFNHWV ''1\ORQ Cushioned notebook compartment (UJRQRPLFKDQGOH 7UROOH\VWUDS 6DIHW\FORVXUH For notebooks up to: 390 x 300 x 45 mm 15.4 x 11.8 x 1.8 in Outside dimensions: 430 x 320 x 90 mm 16.9 x 12.6 x 3.5 in Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight 1 Section, black/black 3.300101 5 pcs 70 pcs 76 40112 21079 4 1.9 kg / 4.2 lb 1 Section, black/blue 3.300102 5 pcs 70 pcs 76 40112 21080 0 1.9 kg / 4.2 lb 1 Section, black/silver 3.300104 5 pcs 70 pcs 76 40112 21081 7 1.9 kg / 4.2 lb 1 Section, black/orange 3.300105 5 pcs 70 pcs 76 40112 21091 6 1.9 kg / 4.2 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Bags Swiss Business Cases Cross Series «2 Section» )URQWORDGLQJQRWHERRNFDVHIRU QRWHERRNV 3RFNHWVIRUGRFXPHQWV&'VSHQVDQGPRELOHSKRQH 6OLGHSRFNHWIRUSDVVSRUWDQGSODQHWLFNHWV ''1\ORQ (UJRQRPLFKDQGOH 7UROOH\VWUDS &XVKLRQHGQRWHERRNFRPSDUWPHQW For notebooks up to: 390 x 300 x 45 mm 15.4 x 11.8 x 1.8 in Outside dimensions: 430 x 320 x 90 mm 16.9 x 12.6 x 3.5 in Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight 2 Section, black/black 3.300201 5 pcs 60 pcs 76 40112 21082 4 1.95 kg / 4.3 lb 2 Section, black/blue 3.300202 5 pcs 60 pcs 76 40112 21083 1 1.95 kg / 4.3 lb 2 Section, black/silver 3.300204 5 pcs 60 pcs 76 40112 21084 8 1.95 kg / 4.3 lb 2 Section, black/orange 3.300205 5 pcs 60 pcs 76 40112 21092 3 1.95 kg / 4.3 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Bags Swiss Business Cases Cross Series «Urban Voyager» Front loading notebook case for 15.4 notebooks Cushioned notebook compartment Pockets for documents, CDs, pens and mobile phone Slide pocket for passport and plane tickets 840D + 1680D Nylon Ergonomic handle Trolley strap Neoprene shoulder strap For notebooks up to: 330 x 270 x 50 mm 13.0 x 10.6 x 2.0 in Outside dimensions: 410 x 330 x 115 mm 16.1 x 13.0 x 4.5 in Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight Urban Voyager, black/black 3.300301 5 pcs 80 pcs 76 40112 21085 5 1.6 kg / 4.5 lb Urban Voyager, black/blue 3.300302 5 pcs 80 pcs 76 40112 21086 2 1.6 kg / 4.5 lb Urban Voyager, black/silver 3.300304 5 pcs 80 pcs 76 40112 21087 9 1.6 kg / 4.5 lb Urban Voyager, black/orange 3.300305 5 pcs 80 pcs 76 40112 21093 0 1.6 kg / 4.5 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Bags Swiss Business Cases Cross Series «City Pack – Backpack» %DFNSDFNIRUµµQRWHERRNV 3DGGHGVKRXOGHUVWUDSVEDFNFXVKLRQLQJ ''1\ORQ &XVKLRQHGQRWHERRNFRPSDUWPHQW 3RFNHWVIRU&'VSHQVDQGPRELOHSKRQH &RPSDUWPHQWIRUGRFXPHQWV 0XOWLPHGLDFRPSDUWPHQW For notebooks up to: 380 x 280 x 35 mm 15.0 x 11.0 x 1.4 in Outside dimensions: 470 x 360 x 115 mm 18.5 x 14.2 x 4.5 in Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight City Pack, black/black 3.300401 5 pcs tba pcs 76 40112 21088 6 1.5 kg / 3.2 lb City Pack, black/blue 3.300402 5 pcs tba pcs 76 40112 21089 3 1.5 kg / 3.2 lb City Pack, black/silver 3.300404 5 pcs tba pcs 76 40112 21090 9 1.5 kg / 3.2 lb City Pack, black/orange 3.300405 5 pcs tba pcs 76 40112 21094 7 1.5 kg/ 3.2 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Bags Swiss Business Cases Swiss Defender Series «1 Section» Practical top loader case for notebooks up to 15.4'' '1\ORQ-DFTXDUG Compartment for documents Shoulder strap Pockets for phones, pens, keys etc. Cushioned notebook compartment For notebooks up to: 390 x 295 x 40 mm 15.4 x 11.6 x 1.6 in Outside dimensions: 445 x 335 x 75 mm 17.5 x 13.3 x 3.0 in «Messenger» Practical messenger bag for notebooks up to 15.4'' '1\ORQ-DFTXDUG Compartment for documents Shoulder strap Pockets for phones, pens, keys etc. Cushioned notebook compartment For notebooks up to: 360 x 275 x 35 mm 14.2 x 10.8 x 1.4 in Outside dimensions: 405 x 320 x 125 mm 15.9 x 12.6 x 4.9 in Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight Swiss Defender Series – 1 Section 3.400201 5 pcs 80 pcs 76 40112 21650 5 1.48 kg / 3.26 lb Swiss Defender Series – Messenger 3.400202 5 pcs 80 pcs 76 40112 21652 9 0.95 kg / 2.04 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Bags Swiss Business Cases Swiss Defender Series «Trolley» Top loader case with trolley function IRUQRWHERRNVXSWR '1\ORQ-DFTXDUG Cushioned notebook compartment Compartments for documents Shoulder strap (UJRQRPLFWHOHVFRSLFKDQGOH For notebooks up to: 360 x 290 x 40 mm 14.2 x 11.4 x 1.6 in Outside dimensions: 465 x 355 x 190 mm 18.4 x 14.0 x 7.6 in «Backpack» %DFNSDFNIRUQRWHERRNVXSWR '1\ORQ-DFTXDUG Cushioned notebook compartment Document compartment Pockets for phones, pens, keys Cushioned shoulder strap For notebooks up to: 340 x 285 x 40 mm 13.4 x 11.2 x 1.6 in Outside dimensions: 365 x 430 x 155 mm 14.4 x 17.0 x 6.1 in Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight Swiss Defender Series – Trolley 3.400204 2 pcs 32 pcs 76 40112 21653 6 3.60 kg / 7.94 lb Swiss Defender Series – Backpack 3.400203 5 pcs 80 pcs 76 40112 21651 2 0.95 kg / 2.04 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Bags Swiss Business Cases Basic Line «Basic – 1 Section» )URQWORDGHUIRU QRWHERRNV Cushioned notebook compartment '3RO\HVWHU'1\ORQPP(3( 3URWHFWLRQ Document compartment Pockets for CDs, mobile phone, pens For notebooks up to: 380 x 280 x 60 mm 15.0 x 11.0 x 2.4 in Outside dimensions: 420 x 313 x 70 mm 16.5 x 12.3 x 2.8 in «Basic – 2 Section» )URQWORDGHUIRU QRWHERRNVZLWKDGGLWLRQDO document compartment Cushioned notebook compartment '3RO\HVWHU'1\ORQPP(3(3URWHFWLRQ Document compartments Pockets for CDs, mobile phone, pens For notebooks up to: 380 x 280 x 60 mm 15.0 x 11.0 x 2.4 in Outside dimensions: 415 x 310 x 70 mm 16.4 x 12.2 x 2.8 in Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight Basic 1 section 3.100106 10 pcs 100 pcs 76 40112 21365 8 1.2 kg / 2.65 lb Basic 2 section 3.100107 5 pcs 100 pcs 76 40112 21366 5 1.5 kg / 3.31 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Bags Swiss Business Cases Basic Line «Basic – 1 Section – 17''» )rontloader for notebooks up to 17'' '1\ORQ'3RO\HVWHU Cushioned notebook compartment Shoulder strap Compartment for documents, CDs, mobile, pens, etc. For notebooks up to: 420 x 320 x 60 mm 16.5 x 12.6 x 2.4 in Outside dimensions: 460 x 380 x 85 mm 18.1 x 15.0 x 3.4 in «Basic – 2 Section – 17''» )URQWORDGHUIRU17'' notebooks with additional compartment '1\ORQ'3RO\HVWHU Cushioned notebook compartment Shoulder strap Compartment for documents, CDs, mobile, pens, etc. For notebooks up to: 420 x 320 x 60 mm 16.5 x 12.6 x 2.4 in Outside dimensions: 460 x 380 x 100 mm 18.1 x 15.0 x 3.9 in Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight Basic 1 section – 17'' 3.100108 5 pcs 80 pcs 76 40112 21617 8 1.28 kg / 2.65 lb Basic 2 section – 17'' 3.100109 5 pcs 80 pcs 76 40112 21614 7 1.55 kg / 3.31 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Bags Swiss Business Cases Basic Line «Basic – Trolley – 17''» 3UDFWLFDOWUROOH\IRUQRWHERRNV '1\ORQ'3RO\HVWHU Shoulder strap Roller case with telescopic handle Compartment for documents, CDs, mobile, pens Additional compartment for documents Cushioned notebook compartment For notebooks up to: 445 x 340 x 40 mm 17.5 x 13.4 x 1.6 in Outside dimensions: 480 x 415 x 165 mm 19.2 x 16.6 x 6.6 in «Basic – Backpack – 17''» %DFNSDFNIRUQRWHERRNV '1\ORQ'3RO\HVWHU Compartment for documents, padded shoulder straps , CDs, mobile, pens Cushioned notebook compartment For notebooks up to: 410 x 310 x 40 mm 16.1 x 12.2 x 1.6 in Outside dimensions: 475 x 390 x 130 mm 19.0 x 15.7 x 5.1 in Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight Basic Trolley – 17'' 3.100110 2 pcs tba pcs 76 40112 21615 4 3.2 kg / 7.0 lb Basic Backpack – 17'' 3.100111 5 pcs 100 pcs 76 40112 21616 1 0.9 kg / 2.05 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Bags Swiss Business Bag City Series «1 Section» /LJKWZHLJKWWRSORDGHUIRUQRWHERRNV 6KRXOGHUVWUDS &XVKLRQHGQRWHERRNFRPSDUWPHQW 3RFNHWVIRU&'VPRELOHSKRQHSHQV $GGLWLRQDOFRPSDUWPHQWVIRUGRFXPHQWV For notebooks up to: 220 x 290 x 30 mm / 8.7 x 11.4 x 1.2 in Outside dimensions: 380 x 270 x 35 mm / 17.7 x 12.6 x 2.8 in «Messenger» 3UDFWLFDOPHVVHQJHUEDJIRUQRWHERRNV 6KRXOGHUVWUDS &XVKLRQHGQRWHERRNFRPSDUWPHQW 3RFNHWVIRU&'VPRELOHSKRQHSHQV $GGLWLRQDOFRPSDUWPHQWVIRUGRFXPHQWV &RPSDUWPHQWVIRUGRFXPHQWV&'VPRELOHSKRQH pens, etc For notebooks up to: 310 x 300 x 50 mm / 12.2 x 11.8 x 2.0 in Outside dimensions: 370 x 325 x 90 mm / 14.6 x 12.8 x 3.5 in «Backpack» 3UDWLFDOOLJKWZHLJKW%DFNSDFNIRU QRWHERRNV Compartment for CDs, mobile, pens Additional compartment for documents &XVKLRQHGQRWHERRNFRPSDUWPHQW For notebooks up to: 220 x 290 x 30 mm / 8.7 x 11.4 x 1.2 in Outside dimensions: 305 x 340 x 130 mm / 12.0 x 13.4 x 5.1 in Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight City Series – 1 Section 3.400101 10 pcs 150 pcs 76 40112 21095 4 0.9 kg / 2.0 lb City Series – Messenger 3.400102 10 pcs 150 pcs 76 40112 21096 1 0.7 kg / 1.6 lb City Series – Backpack 3.400103 10 pcs 150 pcs 76 40112 21097 8 0.7 kg / 1.6 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Bags Swiss Business Cases City Series «City Navigator – Messenger Bag» Top loading case for 15.4'' notebooks 450 D Polyester + Dobby Cushioned notebook compartment Shoulder strap Compartments for documents, CDs, mobile phone, pens, etc For notebooks up to: 340 x 270 x 40 mm 13.4 x 10.6 x 1.6 in Outside dimensions: 420 x 400 x 100 mm 16.5 x 15.7 x 3.9 in Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight City – Messenger Bag, orange 3.500103 5 pcs --- 76 40112 21318 4 1.1 kg / 2.5 lb City – Messenger Bag, beige 3.500101 5 pcs --- 76 40112 21316 0 1.1 kg / 2.5 lb City – Messenger Bag, olive 3.500102 5 pcs --- 76 40112 21317 7 1.1 kg / 2.5 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Bags Swiss Business Cases City Series «City Navigator – Backpack» Top loading Backpack for 15.4'' notebooks 450 D Polyester + Dobby Cushioned notebook compartment Compartments for documents, CDs, mobile phone, pens, etc For notebooks up to: 340 x 275 x 40 mm 13.4 x 10.8 x 1.6 in Outside dimensions: 470 x 350 x 130 mm 18.5 x 13.8 x 5.1 in Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight &LW\1DYLJDWRU±%DFNSDFNRUDQJH 3.500203 5 pcs --- 76 40112 21321 4 1.1 kg / 2.5 lb &LW\1DYLJDWRU±%DFNSDFNEHLJH 3.500201 5 pcs --- 76 40112 21319 1 1.1 kg / 2.5 lb &LW\1DYLJDWRU±%DFNSDFNROLYH 3.500202 5 pcs --- 76 40112 21320 7 1.1 kg / 2.5 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Security Autosafe Introducing the Autosafe S-Series Typically most opportunistic theft occurs when valuables are left in full view of the thief. However, the opportunistic thief today has become more sophisticated in their attack and will now break into a vehicle with only the smallest sign of valuables within, for example a satellite navigation RU3'$FUDGOH,WVQRWDOZD\VFRQYHQLHQWWR¿QG suitable places where you can store your valuables ZKHQRQWKHPRYH\RXPD\QHHGWKHPTXLFNO\ but you don‘t want to lose them in a random attack on your vehicle. All Autosafe products are designed with thought toward practicality and HQJLQHHUHGXVLQJDFRPELQDWLRQRIKLJKTXDOLW\ materials including Steel, Aluminium and rubber. It comes complete with Autosafes patented highgrade steel twisted rope system that tethers WKHXQLWWRDVXLWDEOH¿[LQJZLWKLQWKHYHKLFXOHDQG WKHSDWHQWHGORFNLQJPHFKDQLVP6XLWDEOH¿[LQJ points to tether the satellite to include; chassis PRXQWHGVHDW¿[LQJVEDVHRISDVVHQJHUVHDW VHDWKLQJHV,62EDE\VHDW¿[LQJSRLQWVERG\ DSHUWXUHDQG/XJJDJHORRSV «Autosafe S5» ,QVLGH'LPHQVLRQV/[%[+ 175 x 140 x 87 mm / 6.9 x 5.5 x 3.4 in 2XWHU'LPHQVLRQV/[%[+ 185 x 150 x 97 mm / 7.3 x 5.9 x 3.8 in «Autosafe S15T» ,QVLGH'LPHQVLRQV/[%[+ 386 x 312 x 88 mm / 14.5 x 12.3 x 3.5 in 2XWHU'LPHQVLRQV/[%[+ 405 x 342 x 100 mm / 15.9 x 13.5 x 3.9 in Made in China Made in UK «Autosafe S30F» Made in UK ,QVLGH'LPHQVLRQV/[%[+ 440 x 460 x 173 mm / 17.3 x 18.1 x 6.8 in 2XWHU'LPHQVLRQV/[%[+ 450 x 460 x 180 mm / 17.7 x 18.1 x 7 in Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight Autosafe S5 4.400101 4 pcs 240 pcs 50 60132 89000 4 1.8 kg / 3.97 lb Autosafe S15T 4.400103 1 pcs 40 pcs 50 60132 89001 1 5.5 kg / 12.13 lb Autosafe S30F 4.400107 1 pcs 24 pcs 50 60132 89003 5 7.5 kg / 16.53 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Security NoteLock «Inject Security» Where other locks attach, NoteLock forms a BOND to your laptop. Key Features $XWRPDWLFDOO\DGMXVWVWRWKHGHSWKRI\RXUVHFXULW\VORW E\XWLOLVLQJWKH1RWH/RFNSDWHQWHGGHVLJQ 7KHSDWHQWHGVSULQJORDGHGEDUUHOHQVXUHVWKDWWKH 1RWH/RFNZLOO¿WRIODSWRSVRQWKHPDUNHW 1RWH/RFNLVLQVHUWHGLQWRWKHVHFXULW\VORW:LWKRQH HDV\WXUQWZRSUHWHQVLOHVWHHOVSULQJVDUHLQMHFWHG 7KH1RWH/RFNERG\UHYROYHVDURXQGWKHLQWHUQDOORFN assembly allowing the cable to rotate 360 degrees 5HPRYLQJWKHNH\DOORZVWKHLQWHUQDOWHQVLRQVSULQJ WRERQGWKH1RWH/RFNERG\WRWKHODSWRSZKLFKLV protected by the protective rubber cushion. 3RO\FDUERQDWHKRXVLQJ2XWHUVKHOOSURWHFWVWKHODSWRS as well as work surface. 6LQJOHKDQGHGRSHUDWLRQ 1RWH/RFNLVWKHRQO\FXVWRPLVDEOHVHFXULW\ORFNRQ the market. Its protective housing and cable can be produced in any colour combination. 1RWH/RFNKDVWKHWKLFNHVWDQGVWURQJHVWFDEOHRQWKH market /LIHWLPHZDUUDQW\ Security features 3DWHQWHGSUHWHQVLEOHH[WHQGLQJVWHDOZLQJORFNLQJ system WRUVLRQEDUVZLWKDQWLWDPSHU¿[LQJV NH\VWRGLIIHUNH\FRPELQDWLRQV +LJKVHFXULW\XQSLFNDEOHGLVFWXPEOHUORFNDVVWDQGDUG 3DWHQWHGDXWRDGMXVWPHFKDQLVPIRUYDU\LQJVORWVL]HV PKLJKWHQVLEOHWZLVWHGVWHHOVHFXULW\FDEOH mm thick with protective PVC casing NJORDGFDSDFLW\ Description Article-No. O/C Palette EAN-Code Weight 1RWH/RFNEODFNFXEH673EUDQGHGUHWDLOER[ 4.400105 20 pcs WED([ 76 40112 21697 0 0.26 kg / 0.53 lb 1RWH/RFNZKLWHFXEH673EUDQGHGUHWDLOER[ 4.400106 20 pcs WED([ 76 40112 21697 0 0.26 kg / 0.53 lb 1RWH/RFNEODFNFXEH673EUDQGHGSODVWLFEDJ 4.400111 20 pcs WED([ 76 40112 21697 0 0.26 kg / 0.53 lb 1RWH/RFNZKLWHFXEH673EUDQGHGSODVWLFEDJ 4.400112 20 pcs WED([ 76 40112 21697 0 0.26 kg / 0.53 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Security NoteLock - Keyed alike (KA) «Inject Security» Where other locks attach, NoteLock forms a BOND to your laptop. Can be printed individually. Key Features $XWRPDWLFDOO\DGMXVWVWRWKHGHSWKRI\RXUVHFXULW\VORWE\ XWLOLVLQJWKH1RWH/RFNSDWHQWHGGHVLJQ 7KHSDWHQWHGVSULQJORDGHGEDUUHOHQVXUHVWKDWWKH1RWH/RFN ZLOO¿WRIODSWRSVRQWKHPDUNHW 1RWH/RFNLVLQVHUWHGLQWRWKHVHFXULW\VORW:LWKRQHHDV\ WXUQWZRSUHWHQVLOHVWHHOVSULQJVDUHLQMHFWHG 7KH1RWH/RFNERG\UHYROYHVDURXQGWKHLQWHUQDOORFN assembly allowing the cable to rotate 360 degrees 5HPRYLQJWKHNH\DOORZVWKHLQWHUQDOWHQVLRQVSULQJWRERQG WKH1RWH/RFNERG\WRWKHODSWRSZKLFKLVSURWHFWHGE\WKH protective rubber cushion. 3RO\FDUERQDWHKRXVLQJ2XWHUVKHOOSURWHFWVWKHODSWRSDV well as work surface. 6LQJOHKDQGHGRSHUDWLRQ 1RWH/RFNLVWKHRQO\FXVWRPLVDEOHVHFXULW\ORFNRQWKH market. Its protective housing and cable can be produced in any colour combination. 1RWH/RFNKDVWKHWKLFNHVWDQGVWURQJHVWFDEOHRQWKHPDUNHW /LIHWLPHZDUUDQW\ Security features 3DWHQWHGSUHWHQVLEOHH[WHQGLQJVWHDOZLQJORFNLQJV\VWHP WRUVLRQEDUVZLWKDQWLWDPSHU¿[LQJV NH\VWRGLIIHUNH\FRPELQDWLRQV +LJKVHFXULW\XQSLFNDEOHGLVFWXPEOHUORFNDVVWDQGDUG 3DWHQWHGDXWRDGMXVWPHFKDQLVPIRUYDU\LQJVORWVL]HV PKLJKWHQVLEOHWZLVWHGVWHHOVHFXULW\FDEOHPP thick with protective PVC casing NJORDGFDSDFLW\ /RFNVWKDWXVH.$WHFKQRORJ\HQVXUHWKDWDOOORFNVKDYHWKH same key number; every key holder or user can open every lock. This solution is best used within environments that are very low risk of internal theft and allows maximum flexibility in key management. KA = every lock is alike; all user keys open every lock Description Article-No. O/C EAN-Code Weight 1RWH/RFN:KLWHZLWKRXW673ORJRSODVWLFEDJ 4.400301 20 pcs Palette 76 40112 21232 3 0.26 kg / 0.53 lb 1RWH/RFN%ODFNZLWKRXW673ORJRSODVWLFEDJ 4.400302 20 pcs 76 40112 21233 0 0.26 kg / 0.53 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com Security NoteLock - Mater Keyed (MK) «Inject Security» Where other locks attach, NoteLock forms a BOND to your laptop. Key Features $XWRPDWLFDOO\DGMXVWVWRWKHGHSWKRI\RXUVHFXULW\VORWE\ XWLOLVLQJWKH1RWH/RFNSDWHQWHGGHVLJQ 7KHSDWHQWHGVSULQJORDGHGEDUUHOHQVXUHVWKDWWKH1RWH/RFN ZLOO¿WRIODSWRSVRQWKHPDUNHW 1RWH/RFNLVLQVHUWHGLQWRWKHVHFXULW\VORW:LWKRQHHDV\ WXUQWZRSUHWHQVLOHVWHHOVSULQJVDUHLQMHFWHG 7KH1RWH/RFNERG\UHYROYHVDURXQGWKHLQWHUQDOORFN assembly allowing the cable to rotate 360 degrees 5HPRYLQJWKHNH\DOORZVWKHLQWHUQDOWHQVLRQVSULQJWRERQG WKH1RWH/RFNERG\WRWKHODSWRSZKLFKLVSURWHFWHGE\WKH protective rubber cushion. 3RO\FDUERQDWHKRXVLQJ2XWHUVKHOOSURWHFWVWKHODSWRSDV well as work surface. 6LQJOHKDQGHGRSHUDWLRQ 1RWH/RFNLVWKHRQO\FXVWRPLVDEOHVHFXULW\ORFNRQWKH market. Its protective housing and cable can be produced in any colour combination. 1RWH/RFNKDVWKHWKLFNHVWDQGVWURQJHVWFDEOHRQWKHPDUNHW /LIHWLPHZDUUDQW\ Security features 3DWHQWHGSUHWHQVLEOHH[WHQGLQJVWHDOZLQJORFNLQJV\VWHP WRUVLRQEDUVZLWKDQWLWDPSHU¿[LQJV NH\VWRGLIIHUNH\FRPELQDWLRQV +LJKVHFXULW\XQSLFNDEOHGLVFWXPEOHUORFNDVVWDQGDUG 3DWHQWHGDXWRDGMXVWPHFKDQLVPIRUYDU\LQJVORWVL]HV PKLJKWHQVLEOHWZLVWHGVWHHOVHFXULW\FDEOHPP thick with protective PVC casing NJORDGFDSDFLW\ /RFNVWKDWXVH0.WHFKQRORJ\HQVXUHWKDWDOOORFNVKDYHDGLIIHUHQWNH\WKHVDPHDV.'SOHDVHVHHDERYHWKLV PHDQVWKDWXVHUVFDQQRWRSHQDQ\RWKHUORFNXQOHVVLWKDVWKHVDPHNH\W\SHDQGQXPEHU(DFKLQGLYLGXDONH\KDV LWVRZQXQLTXHQXPEHUGLIIHU7KH1RWH/RFN0.XVHVLQGLYLGXDOGLIIHUVLQLWV0.ORFNW\SH$VZHOODVXVLQJD KD lock type, the MK version can also be opened by an additional Master Key; this provides maximum security and IOH[LELOLW\IRUERWKWKHXVHUVDQGDGGLWLRQDONH\KROGHUV7\SLFDONH\KROGHUVLQFOXGHMREIXQFWLRQVH[DPSOHVLQFOXGH IT Manager, Security Manager, Head of Department or supervisor. MK = every lock and individual set of keys is unique (KD) but can also be accessed with an additional Master Key (MK). With 50 pcs. is one Master Key included. Description Article-No. O/C EAN-Code Weight 1RWH/RFN:KLWHZLWK673ORJRSODVWLFEDJ 4.400303 20 pcs Palette 76 40112 21234 7 0.26 kg / 0.53 lb 1RWH/RFN%ODFNZLWK673ORJRSODVWLFEDJ 4.400304 20 pcs 76 40112 21236 1 0.26 kg / 0.53 lb Made in China Hinterbergstr. 47 6312 Steinhausen Switzerland Tel. +41 41 747 12 00 Fax +41 41 740 45 71 [email protected] www.swisstravelproducts.com
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