Tidings – Sep 11, 2012 - Trinity United Methodist Church
Tidings – Sep 11, 2012 - Trinity United Methodist Church
TRINITY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH September 11, 2012 • Vol. 46 No. 37 You are invited UMW GENERAL MEETING GUEST SPEAKER, REV. CAROLYN MCKINSTRY • MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 Dinner at 6 PM, PROGRAM AT 7 PM - FELLOWSHIP HALL The Journey: INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Forgiveness, Restorative Justice and Reconciliation Wednesday Activities 3 Presented by guest speaker, REV. CAROLYN MCKINSTRY Join us for dinner at 6:00 PM or attend the program which will begin at 7:00 PM. Dinner reservations are required by September 12, please call Mimmi Stanton at 879-9827. Contact Picnic 3 Mission & Outreach 4 New Church Update 4 Prayer Garden Info 6 Calendar of Events 7 About Carolyn McKinstry – A native of Birmingham, and lifelong member of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church. McKinstry was present on September 15, 1963 when the church was bombed. She has since shared her experiences with others on the Discover and History Channels, The U.S. States Memorial Holocaust Museum, CNN, BBC, MSNBC, and The Oprah Winfrey Show. She is noted throughout the country in her quest for economic and social justice. LEFT: Carolyn McKinstry stands near where a bomb exploded at Sixteenth Street Baptist Church on Sept. 15, 1963, killing four girls who were her close friends minutes after she had been speaking to them. (The Birmingham News / Beverly Taylor) Intro to Methodism Begins September 16 Sundays, September 16, 23 & 30 - Led by Senior Pastor, Dr. Andy Wolfe, this study is for anyone interested in learning more about Methodism. You will learn more about Methodist history, theology, and practice. Questions like ‘Who is John Wesley?’, ‘What do Methodists believe?’, and ‘How is Methodism different from other denominations?’ will be addressed. You may attend one or all classes. Sept. 16, 23 & 30 on Sundays, 10 AM. Contact Karen Smith, [email protected] for more information. A PERSONAL WORD SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2012 8:45 & 11:00 AM • Sanctuary The 8:30 AM worship service is broadcast via 15-minute delay from 9-10 AM Sundays on WAPI-1070 AM and 100.5 FM. SERMON Dr. Andy Wolfe Christian Words Sermon Series: Salvation • 8:45 AM - 3rd Grade Bible Presentation • MUSIC 8:45 AM Sanctuary Choir 11:00 AM Praise Alliance • MINISTER ON CALL Bobby Scales, 746-4547 WESLEY HALL • 11:15 AM Rev. Nathan Carden A LOOK AT SEPTEMBER 9 1,263 • Worship Attendance 934 • Sunday School Attendance Here is a story someone sent me... In Washington, DC’s Metro Station, on a cold January morning, a man with a violin played six Bach pieces for about 45 minutes. During that the time, approximately two thousand people passed through the station, most of them on their way to work. • After 3 minutes: A middle-aged man noticed there was a musician playing. He slowed his pace and stopped for a few seconds before he then hurried off. • 4 minutes later: The violinist received his first dollar. A woman threw the money into a hat without stopping. A young man leaned against a wall to listen, then looked at his watch and walked off. • 10 minutes later: A three-year-old stopped, but his mother hurried him along. He stopped again, but his mother pushed hard and the child continued to talk with his head turned back the whole time. The action was repeated by several other children – but every parent forced their child to keep moving. • 45 minutes: The musician played continuously, only six people stopped to listen for a short while. About 20 gave money and continued to walk. The man collected a total of $32. • 1 Hour: He finished playing. No one noticed. No one applauded. No one knew this, but the violinist was Joshua Bell, one of the greatest musicians in the world. He played one of the most intricate pieces ever written, with a violin valued at $3.5 million. Two days later, Bell sold out a theater in Boston where the price of tickets averaged $100 per seat. Point. In life, we are surrounded by so much beauty. Our lives are blessed in so many ways. Do we take time to notice? Do we appreciate all that we have? Do we take time to listen, look, and appreciate? Make a joyful noise to the LORD, all the lands! Serve the LORD with gladness! Come into his presence with singing! Know that the LORD is God! It is he that made us, and we are his; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him, bless his name! For the LORD is good; his steadfast love endures for ever, and his faithfulness to all generations. – Psalm 100 information for guests & new members Welcome to Trinity United Methodist Church! Our mission is to Gather people to Christ, Grow people in Christ, Go to serve Christ in the world and Glorify Christ. Sunday Worship Opportunities: • 8:45 & 11:00 AM – Traditional services in the sanctuary, offering same sermon and a variety of music. •11:15 AM – CONTACT – a relaxed, informal, service in Wesley Hall featuring praise music from the CONTACT Band, children are encouraged to attend. •10:00 AM – Sunday School – Ages 2 years and up. • Nursery is provided during all services. Interested in Membership? Please join us the first Sunday of every month in the large parlor for “Coffee with the Pastor.” This is a time to meet the pastoral staff, ask questions and learn more about the core values and mission of Trinity. We also encourage you to attend “Membership 101,” a basic orientation prior to joining Trinity. It is offered on the second Sunday of each month. Contact Rev. Drew Holland at [email protected] or call 879-1737 with any questions. Andrew Wolfe – Senior Minister Suzanne Pruitt – Minister of Christian Formation Drew Holland – Minister of Evangelism, Young Adults Nathan Carden – Minister of Outreach, Contact David Thompson – Minister of Students Bobby Scales – Minister of Pastoral Care & Visitation •Church Office: 205-879-1737 •Fax: 868-9714 •Care Line: 868-9709 •Child Development Center: 879-1749 YOU ARE INVITED! This Saturday, September 15th from 11:00am – 11:00pm. Support Lauren Green and National LeukemiaAwareness month! The Vestavia Little Rebel Cheerleaders invite you to participate in a wonderful cause this season. Lauren Green is a Trinity United Methodist Church member and a second grade cheerleader. She was diagnosed with leukemia in April. Her brave battle has inspired us to want to help her and so many other children with leukemia in their fight for a cure. September is National Leukemia Awareness month and in honor of that and Lauren we would like to invite you to a fundraiser at Yogurt Lab on Saturday, September 15th from 11:00am – 11:00pm. Yogurt Lab is located in Vestavia Hills at 633 Montgomery Highway 35216. •• Yogurt Lab and Little Rebels Cheerleading will donate 20% of all purchases that day to Camp Smile-a-Mile, a non-profit camp for Alabama children fighting cancer. Camp Smile-A-Mile’s mission is to provide year round challenging, unforgettable recreational and educational experiences for young cancer patients, their families, as well as young adult survivors from Alabama at no cost. Wednesday Nights! • WEDNESDAY SUPPER 4:45-6:15 PM (Fellowship Hall) : your Come eat and Menuwith 9/7fellowship T” NI OL HO SC meals atGH church incredK TO Great “BACfamily. ies Fr , gs Do t Ho rgers, ible prices! $3 /child (9 and Hambu($6/person, r & 2 soups Salad itemBar. under) $5 Ba Senior Adult Price. Also!$524Salad ndaes Cream Sufamily t: Iceimmediate $20 Family Max., only. ) Desser ••• •• Make online reservations, and find and under) rson • $3 /child (9 /pe $6 weekly menus at: Salad Bar $5 www.trinitybirmingham.com. te family only) mily Max. (immedia $20 Fa 9/12 Menu: gers, mashed ADULTS: Chicken fin peas & carrots, potatoes with gravy, salad, roll, cookie rs, mashed KIDS: Chicken finge milk, cookie potatoes, applesauce, ••••• Also! 24 item Salad Bar & 2 soups 9/19 Menu: ADULTS: Beef taco pie, or chicken tortilla bake, chips, sals a, salad, cookie KIDS: Taco, refried beans, chips, fruit, milk ••••• Also! 24 item Salad Bar & 2 sou ps • CHILDREN’S HANDBELLS 5:15-6:00 PM • CHILDREN’S CHOIRS 6:00 - 6:45 PM • YOUTH EVENTS 6:00 PM • ADULT STUDIES 6:00 PM • KIDZONE 6:45-7:45 PM (For children whose parents are in evening studies or adult choirs.) 3 mission & outreach Church of the Reconciler Service Opportunity Looking for an opportunity to make an meaningful impact in someone’s life? We have an Outreach opportunity for your Sunday School class, small group, or circle of friends on the 5th Thursdays of this year, August 31 and November 30, serving breakfast at Church of the Reconciler to our homeless neighbors. The responsibilities include purchasing the food (the church covers the cost), preparing the food on-site, and serving it. For more information, contact David Miller at [email protected]. Please prayerfully consider if God might be calling your group to join God’s work at Church of the Reconciler. NEW CHURCH UPDATE: From Dave Barnhart September, 2012 We have now been at this church planting business for three months, and I’m pleased with how things are shaping up. Our seed group that began meeting in our living room has outgrown our space, so we are going to be meeting the next few months at the home of Bill and Dayna Orr in Homewood. While these early worship and planning meetings are low-key, invitation-only affairs, I’m excited that we have our first public preview service on our calendar: January 13. Although it’s nearly four months away, it will be here before we know it! There’s a lot of work to do between now and then. I’ll post updates when we have a location and more information. We also now have a website: saintjunia. org. We also have a church phone number: 202-0680. Chris Winslett and Brooke and Cleve Smith are working on developing our website and our publicity materials. It’s great to have so many creative people who are willing to share their gifts and talents! My main task over the next several months is meeting and talking with people. If you know of someone who may be interested in the kind of community we are creating, Baby Love Sewing Ministry Baby Love has joined with Threads of Love to donate items for preemies at 10 hospitals. Threads of Love has some wonderful new ideas for Trinity members to either knit or sew. All supplies will be furnished by using mission funds. If you are interested in joining this ministry, contact Donna Himes at [email protected] or 902-4840. Have a question about Trinity’s Mission & Outreach? Please contact Rev. Nathan Carden at 879-1737 or [email protected]. Saint Junia please refer them to me! I’ve had some of the most interesting, rewarding conversations in the last several weeks that have come out of the blue. Some people really resonate with our vision statement: “We are becoming a diverse community of sinners, saints, and skeptics who join God in the renewal of all things.” I’m also excited about our city-wide mission event, Magic City Miracle, on September 30. We are partnering with Liberty Crossing, Highlands, Discovery, and Avondale United Methodist Churches for a Sunday afternoon of serving our city. I think this is a great opportunity for us to invite folks who might not come to worship, but who might join us in service. If you would like to join up with other Methodists across the city and invite your friends as well, visit magiccitymiracle.org. One of the best ways we can witness to people is just by doing good! “Let your light shine before others so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:16). Please continue to keep us in your prayers! Peace, Dave Barnhart Night inBethlehem Night in Bethlehem returns to Trinity this year! Mark your calendars - Sunday, December 9. Many, many volunteers are needed for this special event. If you are interested in being a part of the Night in Bethlehem team, contact Karen at 879-1737 or email her at [email protected]. Trinity Child Development Center Announces Fall Fundraiser 4 TCDC is currently selling Innisbrook Wraps, including wrapping paper, chocolates, magazines and gifts. Please consider purchasing from this sale to support our pre-school and day care programs. Information is available outside of the ARK. You can also purchase online at www.innisbrook.com (Enter School Number: 104498) The deadline for orders is September 28. Questions? Contact Todd Jackson at [email protected]. Mid-Week YOUNG ADULT Opportunities! YOUNG ADULTS, MARRIED, 20’S & 30’S • Trinity’s Tuesday night small group for young couples without children continues on August 28th. We will meet at the home of Dan and Carrie Carter, 121 Dixon Ave. in Homewood. Be there at 6:45 as we begin our study of Adam Hamilton’s “Making Love Last a Lifetime”. Also, join us for dinner out at the conclusion of the study! For questions, directions, or more information, please contact Drew Holland at [email protected]. YOUNG ADULTS, SINGLE & MARRIED, 30’S • On Tuesday, September 18th, Trinity will kick off a new small group for young adults in their 30s (single and married). Join us in Trinity’s small dining room (first floor near the fellowship hall) at 6:30 as we begin our study of Proverbs. We will offer a free meal, followed by the study. If you have children and would like to utilize the nursery, please let us know. For that and other questions, please contact Eric Rogers at [email protected]. YOUNG PROFESSIONALS, 20’S • This group meets most Tuesday nights at the home of Mark and Lisa Elliott for those in their 20’s who are out of college and not married. Free home cooked dinner served at 6:30 PM. Various weekly studies/mission projects begin at 7:10 PM. For more info, email Lisa Elliott at [email protected]. WESLEY HALL • 11:15 AM REV. NATHAN CARDEN New Children’s Hospital Study & Prayer Group for Trinity Members If you are a Trinity member employed at Children’s, you are invited to join a new small group study/prayer group. The plan is to meet for coffee weekly. The focus would be a support group for those with a common faith regarding difficult situations in caring for children’s illness. We may use a book about this topic but will decide at our initial meeting. If you are interested in participating, please contact Reed Dimmitt by email, [email protected] or cell phone, 205.478.4106. Tuesdays at 10:00 AM Join this group in Room 114 in the nursery...bring your little ones. Questions? Email Kelley at [email protected]. e ut- 5 pacesetters news NEW! WEDNESDAY NIGHT FAMILY DINNER SPECIAL FOR SENIORS Early Bird Special: 4:00 - 4:30 PM. Seniors eat for $5! Join us in the Small Dining Room for Quiet Dinning. Come early and save. DATE CORRECTION: Second trip to Hyundai Plant will be on OCTOBER 24. The trip is already full, but Amy will take names for the waiting list. WED., SEPTEMBER 12 • PICKLE PATCH Join us for a trip to the Pickle Patch Market, Giovanni’s Restaurant and Blue Bell Creamery Tour. Cost $15.00 for transportation and tour. Leave Trinity at 8:30 AM. FRI., SEPTEMBER 14 • COFFEE CONCERT AT ASC Join us for a Coffee Concert at Alys Stephens Center featuring Dvorak’s Symphony No. 9., “From the New World. We will leave Trinity at 10:15 AM. OCTOBER 15-20: OHIO AUTUMN, 6 Day Fall Trip: There is still time to sign up for this trip! Join us for a story-telling tour of Jonesborough, TN; travel though WV to Ohio Amish Country; visit Stan Hywet Hall and Gardens, home of Frank Seiberling of Goodyear Rubber; board Cuyoga Valley Scenic Railroad; two fabulous days in Cleveland, where we will visit IM Pei designed Rock and Roll Hall of fame, beautiful old churches, University Circle, Severance Hall and much more. Return trip will include the Wright Patterson Air Force Museum tour. Tour includes Deluxe Motorcoach Transportation, 5-nights lodging, 10 meals and much more. $986.00 - Double, due Sept. 13th. SUN., NOVEMBER 18 • DILL PICKERS EVENT Join us on Sunday, November 18th, Holiday with The Dill Pickers. Cost is $20.00. Leave Trinity at 2 PM All checks for the above events should be made to Trinity United Methodist. For reservations or more information on any event listed above, contact: Amy Lewis at 879-1737 or email [email protected]. The Trinity Prayer Garden and Columbarium Trinity is in the process of beginning constuction on the new Prayer Garden and Columbarium, which will be located in the empty space between the East Narthex and Wesley Hall. Niches in the Columbarium are available for current and former members of Trinity and their families. We believe this service enhances our spiritual lives, provides a sacred place for meditation and remembrance, in addition to providing an internment option that is holy, respectful and economical. The Trinity Prayer Garden and Columbarium is a completely self-funding project through the sale of Columbarium niches, memorials and contributions by interested persons. For more information, contact Ann Neptune, Business Administrator at 879-1737 or [email protected]. MEMORIAL WALL As a part of the design for the new Prayer Garden and Columbarium, a “Memorial Wall” will be included. This wall will provide a place to honor and remember those faithful deceased members and loved ones who have served this church, but who are interred elsewhere. The Memorial Wall will be located inside the columbarium. The material will be granite with the names etched into the stone. If you are interested in placing a name on the wall, please contact the church office for an application. The cost is $500 per name. This in a beautiful fitting way to remember those who have faithfully served this Church through the years and who are now a part of that great cloud of witnesses who surround and whose 6 examples inspire us. highlighted events this week Sunday - September 16 8:45 AM Traditional Worship - SANC 10:00 AM Sunday School 10:00 AM Intro to Methodism - SDR 11:00 AM Traditional Worship - SANC 11:15 AM CONTACT Worship - WHALL 4:15 PM Youth Handbell Choir - Rm. 225 5:00 PM Senior High Youth Choir - MS 5:00 PM Confirmation - various 5:00 PM Middle School Element - Haven 6:15 PM Adult Handbell Choir - Rm. 225 6:30 PM Senior High Element - Haven 7:00 PM Middle School Youth Choir - MS Monday - September 17 6:30 AM Men’s Bible Study B’fast - FHALL 8:00 AM Senior Adult Activities - Various 8:30 AM Mouat Chapel Open for Prayer 5:00 PM UMW Executive Board Mtg. - FSR 6:00 PM UMW General Mtg. - FHALL Tuesday - September 18 6:30 AM Youth Prayer B’fast - Haven 8:00 AM Senior Adult Activities - Various 8:00 AM Sr. Exercise Class - GYM 8:30 AM Mouat Chapel Open for Prayer CFT FSR CONF SANC FHALL Craft Room–143 Fireside Room–145 Conference Room–220 Sanctuary Fellowship Hall LIB NAT LP SP HAVEN 10:00 AM Trinity Singers - MS 10:00 AM Mama and Me - Nursery 11:00 AM Soup & Salad - FHALL 3:30 PM Element Cafe - Haven 5:00 PM Permanent Endowment - CONF 5:30 PM Young Adults 30’s - SDR 6:30 PM Worship Commission - CONF9 Wednesday - September 19 8:00 AM Senior Adult Activities - Various 8:30 AM Mouat Chapel Open for Prayer 4:45 PM Wednesday Supper - FHALL 5:15 PM Children’s Handbells - Rm. 225 6:00 PM Children’s Choirs - various 6:00 PM Adult Studies - various 6:00 PM Trinity Book Group - SP 6:45 PM Sanctuary Choir Practice - MS Thursday - September 20 8:00 AM Senior Adult Activities - Various 8:00 AM Sr. Exercise Class 8:30 AM Mouat Chapel Open for Prayer 3:30 PM Element Cafe - Haven Friday - September 21 8:00 AM Sr. Exercise Class - GYM 8:30 AM Mouat Chapel Open for Prayer Library–218 Not at Trinity Large Parlor Small Parlor–105 Youth Auditorium CHAPEL MS WHALL SDR FLC Mouat Chapel Music Suite–132 Wesley Hall Small Dining Room Family Life Center take note Nursery Volunteers September 16 Rachel Holt, Kristen Doleys, Abbey Sheehan, Blair & Phillips Crabtree ••• Nursery volunteers are needed each Sunday. To volunteer, please contact Kim Skelton at 879-1737 or email [email protected]. TRINITY BOOK GROUP Resumes September 19! Do you like to read, share, discuss, even question? Join us on Wednesday, September 19 to review Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet, written by Jamie Ford. Olivia Wells will lead this session. Read and meet on Wednesday evening, from 6:00 to 7:00 PM in the Small Parlor. Dear Trinity Family, Thank you for your responsiveness to the request for Wednesday evening kitchen servers. Because of you we currently have a full group of volunteers. If anyone else would like to participate, we can always make room for one more. Contact Jade Carter at [email protected] or 919-1357 to serve. in memoriam We extend our love and sympathy: • to Peggy and Terry Williams on the death of her mother, Peggy G. Lowery, on September 5. She was the grandmother of Rachel Williams and Rebecca Williams. congratulations • to Stacy and Buck Huffman on the birth of their daughter, Fiona Reese Huffman, on August 24. Big sister is Sabrina Faire Huffman. Proud grandparents are Luci and Lem Stabler. Proud aunts and uncle are Sarah and Justin Shaffield and Bethany Stabler. • to Mamie and Bryan McLean on the birth of their daughter, Margaret Grace McLean, on August 28. Big sister is Caroline McLean. • to Laura and Temp Millsap on the birth of their daughter, Julia Hatcher Millsap, on September 1. • to Nolan and Harmony Cesnick on the baptism of their son, Evan James Cesnick, on September 9. treasurer’s report As of September 10, 2012 GENERAL BUDGET: MONTH: Given Month to Date: Avg. Needs to Date: Balance/shortage: $80,260 $99,591 $(19,331) Say Amen: Gifts this Month: Gifts to Date: YTD: $1,745,434 $2,058,217 ($312,373) $6,297 $327,874 Note from the Treasurer: Questions about church finances-income or expense? If you wonder how funds are received or expensed, the financial books of Trinity are open to any member. Contact Ann Neptune at 8791737 or [email protected]. PLEASE NOTE: Tidings publishes each week on Tuesday (except for the week of Christmas). The deadline for submitting information to be included is on Thursday, the week prior to the publish date. Please submit info via email to Haley Smith at hsmith@ trinitybirmingham.com. Tidings is delivered to the printing company each Monday at Noon. It is printed and mailed on Tuesday afternoon. Should you not receive your copy in a timely manner, please contact your postal carrier. The online version of Tidings is available each week on Tuesday at: www.trinitybirmingham.com/news/tidings Available for your use on first floor and second floor library area. 7 Tidings Trinity United Methodist Church (USPS 0641-120) is published weekly, except Christmas week, by Trinity United Methodist Church, 1400 Oxmoor Road, Birmingham (Homewood), AL 35209-3998. Periodicals postage paid at Birmingham, AL. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Tidings, Trinity United Methodist Church, P.O. Box 19069, Birmingham, AL 35219-9069. SUNDAYS at Trinity: Worship 8:45, 11:00 & 11:15 AM • Sunday School 10:00 AM • Youth Activities 6:00 PM Serving Greater Birmingham from Homewood • Our Mission: To Gather…To Grow…To Go…To Glorify 1400 Oxmoor Road, Homewood, AL 35209 • 205.879.1737 • Careline: 205.868.9709 www.trinitybirmingham.com WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Neil and Patti Eggers 303 Devon Drive, Homewood, AL 35209 The Eggers joined Trinity by transfer from another United Methodist Church. Neil is an investment manager for Merrill Lynch and Patti directs outreach ministry for Vestavia UMC. They have two daughters, Mary (12) and Danielle (10). Interested in Membership? Please join us the first Sunday of every month in the large parlor for “Coffee with the Pastor.” This is a time to meet the pastoral staff, ask questions and learn more about the core values and mission of Trinity. We also encourage you to attend “Membership 101,” a basic orientation prior to joining Trinity. It is offered on the second Sunday of each month. Contact Drew Holland at 879-1737 or email [email protected] with any questions. WELCOME NEW STAFF Ginger Sims Financial Secretary Trinity welcomes Ginger Sims as financial secretary. Ginger came to Trinity from Farmers Insurance Company as a Customer Service Rep. Ginger lives in Moody, AL and is married to David Sims and has two children, Raechel (13) and Nathan (11). She is an active member of Bethel Baptist Church. PARKING NOTICE: Please do not block the dumpsters or areas that are marked as NO Parking zones. Also, please note that the small parking lot is reserved for Handicapped, elderly and families with small children on Wednesday evenings and Sunday mornings. Thank you.