Take Out August 23b.cdr - Trinity Lutheran Church Roselle Illinois
Take Out August 23b.cdr - Trinity Lutheran Church Roselle Illinois
PRAYERS AND SHARING... FLOWERS… Clark and Shirley Dickenscheidt in celebra on of Beth Mar n’s life. Don and Susan Anderson in celebra on of Patrick Anderson and Staci Hillison's Marriage BAPTISMS… Caylie Jaden Yurik 11 am Dominic Michael Zitella 11 am HOSPITALIZED... Alexian Bros Harold Fasse Alexian Rehab Rob Heimlich NW Community Karla Gaspari 8/26 Suwan Menough Lexington, Bloomingdale Gerrie Nenning, mother of Cindy Schneider Loyola Jesse Gray St. Alexius Gail Baker HOSPICE CARE... Rica Verkuilen, cousin of Mike Verkuilen Larry Wilson, former member Kathy Adgate Glory Alberi-Daniel Carlo Banducci Susan Bantz Jeanne Bemi John Binneboese Nancy Board Ernie Carlstrom Alex Clayton James Dailey Deb Darby Anika Dubon Marge Edenfeld Harold Fasse Ray Gabriel Gail Garner Lauren Graver Joan Gulacher Verdell Hanke Greg Herner Joanne Incandella Nancy Kleiboeker Paul Kravitz Audrey Lagos Nancy Lichthardt Marty Lis Mandy Long Dorothy Ludwig Jane McGraw Ilene Medcalf Alba Meglio Dale Meyer Cathy Miller Diane Nielsen Joe Pecoraro Keith Peterson Verne Reich Sandra Reid Mary Lou Roellig Norma Schumacher Bartre Sleyster Judy Smith Frank Spavone Hazel Stover Ilse Suess Bertha Vlcek Jacob Wegner Marilyn Wunderlich MISSIONS, CALLINGS, & NATIONAL ISSUES TO REMEMBER IN PRAYER THIS WEEK… Holy Trinity Church, Szczecin, Poland Mount Calvary Lutheran Church, Calumet Park, IL Immanuel Lutheran Church, Campbell Hill, IL St. Peter Lutheran Church, Campbell Hill, IL Our Savior Lutheran Church, Carbondale, IL Zion Lutheran Church, Carlinville, IL GONE HOME TO THE LORD... Bill Mar n, father of Krista Briney Terri S nespring, sister of Barb Siemers SEEKING EMPLOYMENT… Bre Clausius Jerry Drallmeier Jim Grimm Sue Kajmowicz Ann Krusiec RECEIVING TREATMENTS AND/OR RECOVERING Sally Magallanes Bob Sauber Fran Sauber Kia Schierer David Trestka Shelley Welch ABBINGTON REHAB AND NURSING FACILITY BIRTHDAYS Thomas T. 9/6 Mary Mc 9/8 Mary H. 9/8 Gina G. 9/30 Prayer Requests may be submi ed by Calling Pat Nagel 630.894.3263, ext. 227 SATURDAY—5 p.m. Addi onal informa on can be found at : SUNDAY—8 a.m. SUNDAY—9:30 a.m. Jackson Devermann 8/26 Libby Cheser 8/26 Perri Kautz 8/26 Chris Paul 8/26 Michelle Gerlinger 8/26 Esther Watts 8/26 Taylor Corsten 8/26 Jim Stager 8/27 Rich Roths 8/27 Victor Sabatino 8/27 Julia Thompson 8/27 Christopher Kempf 8/27 Ginger Marx 8/27 Kristen Sandfox 8/27 Richard Bimler 8/28 Jim Grimm 8/28 Austin Fortin 8/28 Deborah Ebbinghaus 8/28 Melissa Watkins 8/28 Rachel Pudell 8/28 Donna Mickley 8/28 Lexi Dickenscheidt 8/28 Lisa Freeman 8/28 Danielle Schlink 8/29 Madison McDougall 8/29 Joshua Pena 8/29 Julie Damitz 8/29 Stefani Willis 8/29 Steven Troyke 8/29 Kathryn Bjorklund 8/29 John Kelm 8/29 Lisa Wissert 8/30 Joseph Bass 8/30 SUNDAY—11 a.m. Janette Spavone 8/30 Krista Kohler 8/30 Gina Kalbach 8/30 Patti Devito 8/30 Mikayla Zech 8/30 Lindsay Kesler 8/30 Keith Bauer 8/30 Linda Schiller 8/30 Bella Yurik 8/30 Scott Spencer 8/30 Sherri Yonkee 8/30 Matthew Johnson 8/30 Gail Brocato 8/30 Pete Stone 8/30 Elizabeth Grujic 8/30 Melissa Abraham 8/30 August 23rd, 2015 FROM THE PASTOR... Most people think God has some pretty good things to say about love and forgiveness (and then there's always the “eternal life” thing),but that He doesn't have a will for our lives. However, at the same time we look for a direct Bible verse that will tell us “Do this, don't do that” in order to determine whether or not we will follow God's “advice.” How strange we human beings are. The Bible informs us of God's will (not His advice). Here's two Bible passages containing wisdom from the Lord: “I pray that all is well with you and that your body is as healthy as I know your soul is!” (3 John 1:2 (NLT)) and “Don't depend on your own wisdom. Instead respect the Lord and refuse to do what's wrong. Then your body will be healthy, and your bones will be strong!” (Proverbs 3:7-8). Both powerful. Both strong. And both direct. God gives us direction for life (general directives and examples to live by) and blesses those who follow Him. For instance, God commends our generosity to others – especially those in need – and then He gives us examples and counter-examples of Elijah and the Widow to show God's blessing on the generous, Ananias and Sapphira to teach what happens to the greedy, Judas to teach what happens to those who love money more than the Lord, the story of the “Unjust Steward” to teach what happens to forgiven people who are unforgiving to others, etc. Today's story from the Book of Daniel begins to explain God's direction for life regarding our health. His desire is that our physical health be a strong as our spiritual health. This story and more Bible verses today will call us to consider our lives in five areas of personal health: food, focus, fitness, friend and faith. We have the greatest story of God's love to tell. Our lives and our health must reflect that story so we can both live well and tell well the message of God's love for the world and have people believe our message.. Our mission as a church reflects God's will for our lives. We live to connect people in Roselle and beyond in real, loving relationship with God, through Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit, with each other in a contagious Christian community, and with their calling of servanthood in the world. In His love and power God reveals Himself to us – and His will is that His love and power transform us as His people in connection with Him and others! So here are some questions: Do you think God wants you to grow beyond who you are? Where is your “growing edge” as a person? How are you doing with your food and fitness, your focus, friends and faith? Is there anything God is prompting you to change in your life? How have you noticed God transforming you? Birthday Blessings... Timothy Gingras 8/25 Maria Eisenhut 8/25 Marlin Schilling 8/25 Hillary Miller 8/25 Amanda Kregel 8/25 Michael Kolowski 8/25 Jennifer Libka-Spavone 8/25 Kaitlin Desimone 8/25 Michael Vieira 8/25 Lora Boehne-Kalka 8/25 Tony Smith 8/25 Laura Johnson 8/26 Sarah Hommowun 8/26 Diana Lies 8/26 Dallas Zabran 8/26 Jack Donat 8/26 Melanie Giovannelli 8/26 Take-Out MONDAY—7 p.m. Tara Dolphin 8/30 Matthew Grose 8/30 Katie Sinon 8/30 Diane Staub 8/31 Patrick Murphy 8/31 Melissa Snover 8/31 Sandy Gambino 8/31 Rebecca Dziubla 8/31 Leonard Baumgart 8/31 Julia Williams 8/31 Wayne Marx 8/31 George Kotecki 8/31 Allison Bachman 8/31 Sean Gannon 8/31 Cali Cerami 8/31 Stephanie Warfel 8/31 Trinity Lutheran Church Missouri Synod 405 S. Rush St., Roselle, IL 60172 630.894.3263 trinityroselle.com COMMUNITY WALK SEPTEMBER 13 SEPTEMBER 20 SEPTEMBER 27 Host Training Trinity’s Good Neighbor Community Walk is coming Sept. 13th. Here’s your opportunity to be a beacon of light in your own neighborhood. Meet and greet your neighbors and share informa on about the Trinity community of faith. Training will be provided before the walk. Please RSVP by Sept. 10 to Lannie Vance; 630.259.8484 ext. 284. Sunday School 9:30 am Jesus and Me & Starts Sunday September 13. & Looking for Sunday School Volunteers. Contact: Jim Ebert 630.894.3263 AllegroBells Join us, grab your friends, family, and neighbors. Aug 23 *9:30am & *10:30am A director is needed for Allegro Bells, Trinity's high School handbell group. Allegro has a rich history of providing music for worship, fellowship for youth, service projects and summer touring. If you have played in a handbell group or are a musician or know of one who could lead Sunday morning rehearsals from 7:30-9:00am, please contact Elise Croner at [email protected] or at 630.408.3713. OCTOBER 4 Aug 30 *12:00pm OCTOBER 11 OCTOBER 25 AUG 24 6:30 p.m. Family Life Center IN M $140,150 PR Difference EL I EL PR PRAYER Transformed:FiveHabitsofHealthyPeople Father,preparemyhearttobetransformed byChrist'slovesothatIwillcultivate healthyhabitsinmylife.Amen. IM IN NOVEMBER 1 Contact: Lannie Vance 630.259.8484 ext. 284 *Starts after Worship Snacks will be provided 997 Attendance 28,896.46 Lutheran College Fair Comes to Trinity Operating Fund 3,485.00 Building Fund On Sunday August 30th, Trinity will once again host the Lutheran College Fair. Ten Lutheran colleges/universities Missions 3,118.00 from across the Midwest will be in attendance. The event 967.00 also includes a financial aid seminar. Horsd’oeuvres and Sow for Double Harvest 3,436.00 All Other Contributions beverages will be served. There is no charge for the event. It is open to all, so bring your friends & neighbors! July-June Opera ng Totals 6:00 p.m. Registration Begins– Family Life Center 6:30 p.m. Financial Aid Seminar– Family Life Center Ministry Plan Actual 7:00 p.m. Panel Discussion/Meet-&-Greet Admissions Income $4,769,100 $4,632,979 7:00-9:00 p.m. College Fair– East Gym Expenses $4,628,950 $4,646,788 For info go to: www.lutherancolleges.org/college-fairs AR Y Sign Up Card Generous Gi ing 8/11 - 8/17, 2015 AR Y OCTOBER 18 Sign up in the Lobby. $ (13,809) 2014-15 Opera ng Fund Through June $2,000,000 $1,750,000 $1,900,000 Actual $1,500,000 $1,250,000 Ministry Plan $1,000,000 $1,899,630 $750,000 $500,000 $250,000 $JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN