Prayers - Trinity Lutheran Church and School


Prayers - Trinity Lutheran Church and School
Trinity Lutheran School
Making Known the Love of Christ
This week please include these
student’s families in your prayers:
 Jonah Rindt (4K)
 Emmitt (3K), Gretta (2) & Nolan
(4) Rick
Jan. 9
Jan. 10
Jan. 11
Jan. 13
Mrs. Becker
Mrs. Mueller
Joseph Schultz
Connor Schupp
Drake Wilcox
Elijah Mueller
Korey Wolf
Hot Lunch Menu
Monday, January 12
Breaded chicken bites
Tuesday, January 13
Orange chicken & brown rice
Wednesday, January 14
Thursday, January 15
Turkey, gravy and mashed
Friday, January 16
Cheesy grillwurst on bun
A Happy and Blessed New Year to You!
Many new things have occurred or will occur during this time of year.
• New calendar: Wow! It’s 2015!
• New clothes and other gifts.
• New members of Trinity: Six families and two individuals
became members of Trinity Lutheran Church in December. We
praise God for adding them to our church family. Two of the
families also had students new to our school this year.
• New lives as husband and wife: Three children of staff
members were married in December, including my son.
• New school year registration begins by late January 2015. We
currently have 20 more students enrolled than in the previous
year. While many of those were 3K or 4K students, we had eight
students transfer from local public schools. You are the best
“advertisers” and promoters of our school when you share the
great things that our students experience at our school.
• New budget year: Our school is Trinity’s main mission. Your
financial support is greatly needed: regular, generous Sunday
offerings, tuition payments, SCRIP usage, fundraiser support,
employer matching gifts, and special gifts.
• New man and woman: In Luther’s explanation of the Sacrament
of Holy Baptism, he writes, “[Baptism] indicates that the Old
Adam in us should by daily contrition and repentance be drowned
and die with all sins and evil desires, and that a new man should
daily emerge and arise to live before God in righteousness and
purity forever.” We praise and thank God for the new life we
receive daily though His mercy and forgiveness of sins.
So, as we begin 2015, we sing and pray these words:
With the Lord begin your task; Jesus will direct it.
For His aid and counsel ask; Jesus will perfect it.
Ev’ry morn with Jesus rise, and when day is ended,
In His name then close your eyes; be to Him commended.
Thus, Lord Jesus, ev’ry task be to You commended;
May Your will be done, I ask, until life is ended.
Jesus, in Your name begun be the day’s endeavor;
Grant that it may well be done to Your praise forever.
LSB 869: vv. 1, 3
Mr. Greg Becker
Weekly Calendar
Learn By Heart
Second and Third Petitions
of The Lord’s Prayer
Thy kingdom come.
4 +
What does this mean? The
kingdom of God certainly comes by
itself without our prayer, but we pray
in this petition that it may come to us
also. How does God’s kingdom come?
God’s kingdom comes when our
heavenly Father gives us His Holy
Spirit, so that by His grace we believe
His holy Word and lead godly lives
here in time and there in eternity.
Thy will be done on earth as
it is in heaven.
What does this mean? The good
and gracious will of God is done even
without our prayer, but we pray in this
petition that it may be done among us
also. How is God’s will done? God’s will
is done when He breaks and hinders
every evil plan and purpose of the
devil, the world, and our sinful nature,
which do not want us to hallow God’s
name or let His kingdom come; and
when He strengthens and keeps us
firm in His Word and faith until we
die. This is His good and gracious will.
Hymn of the Week: LSB #571 “God
Loved the World So That He Gave”
Friday, January 9
7/8 Band Lessons
Saturday, January 10
10:00am – 4/5/6 Boys Basketball Game @ LHS
11:00am – 7/8 Girls Basketball Game @ LHS
12:00pm – 7/8 Boys Basketball Game @ LHS
Sunday, January 11
 8:00am – Divine Service
9:30am – Sunday School/Education Hour
 10:45am – Divine Service – Cherub Choir
Monday, January 12
9:10-11:10am – 4K Field Trip to Pizza Ranch
Tuesday, January 13
1:30pm – Spelling Bee (in Gym)
Wednesday, January 14
5/6 Band Lessons
 10:00am – Chapel
Thursday, January 15
6:30pm – 5/6 SALSA Band Rehearsal @ LHS
7:15pm – 7/8 SALSA Band Rehearsal @ LHS
Friday, January 16
7/8 Band Lessons
End Quarter 2
East Central Tournament
Making Known the Love of Christ this week:
 Bella Eberhardy
 Jack Hasenstein
Server Schedule
Sunday, January 11
8:00a Devin Madson
10:45a Olivia McTrusty
Monday, January 12
6:30p Andrew Mueller
Sunday, January 18
8:00a Austyn Niesing
10:45a Fletcher Pernat
Monday, January 19
6:30p Catherine Peters
 Amara Feile
 Elijah Lee
Thank you to all of the instrumentalists, singers, and musicians
who shared their talents in leading services this past
Christmas season. Your dedication to rehearsals and practices
helped us proclaim “Gloria in excelsis deo!” Countless hours of
behind-the-scenes work went into planning and preparing these
services, and the dedication of all involved is greatly
appreciated. Thank you also to parents and family members,
for attending the Choral Candlelight and children’s services
and joining us in celebration of the coming of the Christ child.
NATIONAL LUTHERAN’S SCHOOL WEEK is approaching! From January 25-January 30, we will be celebrating
what an amazing gift we have here at Trinity. Lutheran Schools all over the United States will be celebrating as
well. Tomorrow (Friday) students in kindergarten to 8th grade will be bringing home a packet of papers that need
to be filled out and signed. Included in this packet will be two permission slips and a sign-up sheet for Interest
Day (grades 1-8). Please fill all these forms out over the weekend and return them as soon as possible. We will be
having a Talent Show again this year during National Lutheran’s School Week. Please invite your family and friends
to come and watch! If you are interested in performing in the Talent Show, pick up an entry form outside of Mrs.
Roethel’s room!
CONGRATULATIONS to the following students for qualifying for Trinity's 2015 Spelling Bee.
They were
the top 5 spellers in their classes along with the two alternates. The spelling bee will be held on Tuesday, January
13, 1:30pm in Trinity's gymnasium. Parents are invited attend!
Fourth Grade – Nolan Rick, Jackson Janke, Connor Schupp, Amara Feile, Cami Livermore
Alternates: Tony Schmitz, Dirk Van der Sande
Fifth Grade – Fern Pernat, Lydia Randall, Michael Leon, Cassidy Jerdee, Faith Gruenke
Sixth Grade – Hans Gruben, Lauren Quasius, James Pape, Spencer McTrusty, Liam Rammes
Alternates: Levi Doering, Jonah Jurss
Seventh Grade - Nayomi Koepke, Fletcher Pernat, Abbie Puksich, Ethan Safly, Katie Shelby
Alternate: Austyn Niesing
Eighth Grade - Abby Janke, Carly Lederer, Luke Lee, Evan Mueller, Kalee Muth
Alternates: Naomi Gruben, Andrew Mueller
January 5-10 - Furniture and Fitness Equipment 30% off
January 12-17 - Coats, Jackets & Snow Pants 50% off
January 19-24 - Books 50% off
January 26-31 - Clothes with green tags 30% off & clothes with white tags 50% of
We are in need of pictures for the yearbook! If you have taken pictures at school functions,
field trips, volleyball games, or basketball games, please consider sharing them with us.
Pictures can be emailed to [email protected] or simply download them to a flash
drive, or even bring in your camera memory card. You may also download them directly to Please email the school office for the access code needed. Not all pictures
submitted may be used by the yearbook staff. If you have any questions, please contact the office. Thank you!
Movie Night Rescheduled ~ Friday, January 16
Trinity church and school families are invited to a Christmas Movie night at the
Ministry Center featuring the movie “Arthur Christmas”.
Movie starts at 6:30pm - doors open at 6:15pm.
Children are welcome to wear PJ's and bring blankets, pillows, or stuffed animals. Snacks and drinks
are provided. Any questions? Please contact Andrea Daun at 980-5577
For more information and details about the movie, please go to:
Donations to cover the cost will be accepted at the door.
This event is sponsored by the Trinity Parent Teacher League
We need your old pillowcases!!!
Any color and pattern and shape and size!!! As part of National
Lutheran Schools Week January 25-30, the students at Trinity will be collecting items for and making pillowcase
dresses. These dresses will later be sent to children in Africa as part of the Orphan Grain Train. For these
dresses we are asking for the following items
 Pillowcases any size, color or pattern, new or used
 Elastic
 Bias Tape
These items can be dropped off in the school office any day before January 25. Thank you in advance for all of
your help with this!
We need prize donations for our second Trading Post which will be the week of January 19th. If you could help,
we would appreciate it. Here are some ideas:
lower grades: puzzles, coloring books, paint sets, videos/DVDs, craft items, models, Lego kits,
decks of cards, books, mechanical pencils, photo frames, notepads, sports items;
upper grades: gift cards (Subway, Starbucks, McDonalds, Marcus Theatre, Blockbuster, American
Eagle, Aeropostle, etc.).
Thanks for your help. If you are willing to help us, you may bring your donations to the school office. If you have
any questions, please contact Karen Howard.
Lutheran High School Open House and Freshman Registration
Sheboygan Area Lutheran High School will host an Open House and Freshman Registration from 4:30 –
7:00 p.m. Thursday, January 22.
The Open House is for students and families in grades 5-8. Guests will be given a tour of the Lutheran
High facility and have the opportunity to meet faculty members and current students. Families will be
able to get an up-close look at Lutheran High’s curriculum, facility, mission focus, and student life.
Incoming freshman families will also be able to schedule classes for the 2015-16 school year.
Reservations are appreciated and can be made by calling Samantha Wetenkamp, LHS School Secretary,
at 920-452-3323 or emailing her at [email protected].
Open house visitors and incoming freshman families will receive free admission to the JV and Varsity
Crusader Boys’ basketball games vs. Kohler. Game times are 5:50 and 7:30pm.
For more information, call 920-452-3323 or visit Lutheran High’s website at
National Lutheran Schools Week 2015
Activity: Great Lakes Search and Rescue Dogs ~ 9:10-9:40am
Dress-up: Tie-Dye
Activity: Mark Baden, Chief Meteorologist, WISN WeatherWatch 12 ~ 10-11am
Dress-up: Summer in January (August/September Dress Code Rules apply)
Activity: Kindergarten-8th Grade Assembly at LHS (leave at 11:50am, be back at 1:30pm)
Kindergarten-8th Grade Picnic Lunch in Gym
Dress-up: Maroon and Gold
Activity: Talent Show ~ 2:30-3pm (Families and Visitors Welcome!)
Dress-up: Favorite Book Character
Activity: 1st-8th Grade Interest Day ~ 8:45-11:20am
Kindergarten-8th Grade Bowling as Chapel Families ~ 12:40-3pm
Dress-up: Class Color and Fun Sock Friday
Classroom Colors
3K- purple
4K- red
5K- yellow
1st- orange
2nd- blue
3rd- maroon
4th- gray
5th/6th- green
7th- brown
8th- black