Studebaker US6 - Scalemates, scale modeling database
Studebaker US6 - Scalemates, scale modeling database
Studebaker US6 Studebaker US6 WWII Army Truck II MnpOBOM BOMHbl 12 13 S19 10 27 i i26 HE KflEMTb DO NOT CEMENT x4 MAKE 4 PCS nPOMSBO/lbHblf) BblBOP OPTIONAL REMOVE rri BceAeiajin, KpoMe oooaHaneHMbix OTflejibHo All details exept marked separatly ~ h e . I i-r-z .'--' <~~ npn 6yxcnpoene Not installed when trailer tow A40 D2 E2 B4 1 ^X Studebaker US6 ApMeMCKMft rpyaoBMK II MnpoBoii BOMHbi B roAb BropoM MwpOBoPi BOMHW jiereHflapi-ibiM rpyaoBOft aBTOMoSmib Studebaker US6 cra/i CUMBO/IOM aMepuKaHCKoti noMoiMM no JieHA-.nM3y. STOT BbiAaioiuMHcn aBTOMoSmib 6bm paspaSoian MSBecTHOH KOMnannew «CTyfle6eKep» no saAaHMio BoeHHoro MMHHcrepCTBa CLUA. HepBbie cepwiiHbie US6 noKHHynn cSopoHHbie/inHnn BMioHe 1941 r. «CTyAe6eKepbi»CTpon/incb B 11 pas/iHHHbix MOAUcbuKauHHX. Mofle/ib U3 - rpysoBMK c KOJiecHoii<hopMyjioM 6x6, Ses/ieSeflKM.floaBrycTa 1945 r. He Menee HGM 1 93659 MBUJHH coujmu c KOHBetiepoe npeAnpuFrrMii KOMnannH «Cryfle6eKep». Em,e 22204 aBTOMoSmin 6bmo nocipoeHO KOMnaHwew REO no/inu,eH3HM. Studebaker US6 He 6bi/i npm-mT B KanecrBe cTaHflapTHoro rpysoBMKa apMHH CLUA, M maBHbiMH ero no^bsOBaie/iflMH crann flpyrne crpaHbi aHTurm/iepoBCKoPi Koa/inu,nn. Bo/ibiiJHHCTBO US6 ornpas/ieHO B CCCP. B KpacHOw ApMMM «CTy,n,e6eKepbi» ucno/ibaoBajiwcb He ro/ibKO p,nR nepesosKM rpyaos M /inHHoro cocraBa, HO M Ann SyKCMpOBKH apTcucTew, a TaKxe nocjiy>KM^n Gasoti AJiq pasHOoSpasHbix cneu,MaiuMH: peaKTMBHbix CMCTBM aajinosoro ornn, Ton/iMBoaanpaemMKOB, no>KapHbix MaujMH MT.AB COBGTCKOM Coioae US6, npo3BaHHbiti «CTyAep«, Studebaker US6/U3, 1-w HexoonoBauKuCi apMeiiCKMM Kopnyc, Hexwa, waw 1945 r. Studebaker US6/U3,1st Czechoslovak Army Corps, Czech, May 1945 Studebaker US6 ~ '- -«**-> 1 :35 BblHOC^HBOCTb M BblA31OLU,yK)Cn HpOXOAMMOCTb. TaKTMKo-TexHMHecKMe xapaicrepMCTMKM aBTOMo6min Studebaker US6/U3 rpysonoAteMHOCTb, T 2,5 Cyxan wacca, KF 4850 AJIUHB, MM 6325 LUnpHHa, MM 2230 Bbicoia, MM 2700 Basa, MM 41 15 flBMrare/ib Hercules JXD, 6-unn., 5,24 n, 95 Ji.c. MaKCMMa/ibHaa CKOpocrb, KM/H 70 Sanac xoAa no ujocce, KM 390 During WWII years the legendary Studebaker US6 truck became the symbol of the American Lend-Lease help. This excellent car was developed by a famous Studebaker company as an answer of an order submitted by US Government for a 3-axle truck with a load-capacity of 5 tons on the highway or 2,5 tons off-road. The first mass-production US6 left production line in June 1941. Studebakers were built in 11 different modifications. The U3 model was a truck with 6x6 drives, without w nch. Up to August 1 945 not less than 1 93659 vehicles left assembly lines of the Studebaker factories. Also 22204 US6 cars were built by REO factories under license. Studebaker US6 wasn't accepted as the standard US Army truck, and the Allies of USA became the main users of it. Most of US6 were del vered to the Soviet Union. In the Red Army Studebakers were used not only to carry loads and soldiers and goods as well as gun tractors, but also become a base for different installations, such as various multiple launch rocket systems, fuel cisterns, fire-engines. In the USSR the USB nicknamed "Studer" was merited extraordinary popularity for its reliab lity and excellent crosscountry performance. Tactical and Technical Specifications of Studebaker US6/U3 Full load, t Empty weight, kg Length, mm Width, mm Height, mm Wheel base, mm Engine Hercules JXD, 6 cyl., 5,24 I, Max. Speed, km/h Range, km Studebaker US6/U3, 8-n BosflyujHaa apMwn BBC CLUA, AHrnna, 1944 r. Studebaker US6/U3,8ltl Air Force, USAAF, England, 1944 2,5 4850 6325 2230 2700 41 15 95 hp 70 390 Model Master Model Master m WWII Army Truck A 1711 Olive Drab OnMBKOBbiii, Mai. E 1795 Gunmetal B 1768 Flat White BenbiPi, MaroBbiw F 1790 Chrome Silver C 1 583 Rubber Pesuna G 1785 Rust PxaB4MHa D 1597 Semigloss Black HepHbiti, no/iyMar. H 1503 Red KpacHbiw, nonyMar. BHHMAHME! Pafioiaib c K/ieeM n KpacKaMn B npOBerpMsaeMOM noMemeHMM n He AonycKaib OTKpbiioro orHn. ftna cSopKM MOAS/IM peKoMenflyeicfl npHMennTb nonncinpoJibMbiii tcneii F1C M/IM ero 3apy6e>KHbie ananorM. OTAeJian Aeianw or JIMTHMKOB, ncnoJibsywre MOAG^bHblPt HO)K A^fl 3aHMCTKM. Merofl HaneceHMfl ann/iiiKauiiM HwcTbiw HOXCOM M/1M HO)KHnuaMM aKKypaiHo Bbipe>KbTe HeoGxoAMMyio ann^MKauHio. BbipeaaHHyio annnwKaumo norpysure B ren^yio BOfly na 20 ceKyHA. npwjio>KMB ann/iMKaunto K Heo6xoAMMOwy weciy, aKKypaiHo yfla^me noAnoxKy. Map^eebiM raMnoHOM yAanwre nyawpbKM BosAyxa M c/ierKa npn)KMMTe annjinKau,mo. noane BbicbixaHMn annjiMKauviii B/ia>KHbiM TaMnoHOM yAa/ime OCT3TKM KJIGfl BOKpyr HMX. HepHenafl cianb flpKMti anrowMHUM CAUTION! When you use glue or paint, do not use near open flame, and use in well ventilated room. Glue and paint are not included. When you take parts off from the runner frame, use a modeling scissors and trim excess plastic with a cutter or a file. Correct Method for Applying Decals Clean model surface with wet cloth. Cut each design out of decal sheet and dip them in warm water for 20 seconds. Check with finger tip if design is loose on base paper. If so, place it on proper position on model and slide off base paper leaving design on model. Move design to exact position with wet finger tip, and push out excess water and air bubbles under decal with soft cotton cloth. When decals get dry, wipe off with wet cloth excess glue left around decals. OOO "ICM XojiAWHr", VKpanHa, 01033, Knee-033, a/a 59 Ten./ct)aKC +38(044) 494-04-04 E-mail: [email protected], "ICM Holding", P.O. 59, Kyiv, 01033, Ukraine, Tel. /fax +38(044) 494-04-04 Studebaker US6/U3, 3-fl Be/iopyccKMM C|DPOHT, JlioCiiMH, neio 1944 r. Studebaker US6/U3, 3d- Byelorussian Front, Lublin, Summer 1944 Studebaker LJS6/U3, 2-M VKpanHCKnti cf>pOHT, npara, Maw 1945 r. Studebaker US6/U3, 2d Ukrainian Front, Praga, May 1945 Studebaker US6/U3, 2-H VKpamHCKMii $POHT, Hpara, uaii 1945 r. Studebaker US6/U3, 2fl Ukrainian Front, Praga, May 1945 Studobaker US6/U3, 1-fl no/ibCKaa apMnn, TepMaHUfl, Maii 1945 r. Sludobaker US6/U3, 1 Si Polish Army, Germany, May 1945
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