JUMBO CHUKKAS h y \" I C T 0 R I A ST U D D Tlu.fam srrtam, lht tlt:phants tnunprl. rtritmun/ nms atf(ltr pilrh al tJu Oll~1ml II 'tuld Rttphanl Po!IJ .t!Hociation UwmpirmslufJf "G:;1 111. \ ffllll. wretched bali''' arc nothing ncw ;H rolo matchc~. But when vour mn_ulll 1•cigh' 3 1 tOll' tlu:n: 1• a ccrtam .tddcd piqu<tncy w t~tc faccdJ?Ia•cr .• t~lu~tcammale J('rk~ to a!tcntion from IX'nr;uh the peacefullh:&dc ufhi, pith hclmet, The hall r.ndcs pa~t the dt•pham\ lrgs and m between th t· ~ualpost~ . The f;tm ~crc;nm. the ~~~~:~'lh;rTt~ll~~~':i~-1 ~~~~ dcp!i~::.'~-~~~lt;~~kc~·· aw.uc. "Plca)c, get off •hc -uu• hall'" he IH:)l$ "' Ia: ••atthcs lm ch.mcc~ of "inning the Annual arcthck<.-ent'\l.and!TK·an\\";th nu ....:mt: of dccorur,n. the\ barge their •••l' 11110 t!lc hc:w- off the ball! GET OFF that Expletive~ c.t mount~. ~~~~~~O~tiC'~I~~~~l~;~l~~; ~~~~r:c,~~~~\a~;-~md:~ in ~omhcm :\'cpa! di~ap&rips with the game and really ~eem to enJOY the pear under a huge pair of •.u~kcr"~ fc'ct. chal\cn~e lkt~•ccnchuk The ch:1mpion$hip~. Thenoollolllsp&inttheireleph:uus ka~ the ckph:11ns arc ·.,hith take_ place ever} e•·erym.o....U.~~:rorexlralu ck §\•oppcd O\tr and the De~ember m_the Ro1·al . pia• en remount Four ~!~:;~fK~h~o;:1~u:~~;;clg~~~~J ~~u~~ ~~:~~W~o3~~)~'~f~ril:~~~~X,o:~ ,o than thj' ~~~~~~~~~ ~\~~~~::~}a~,~~~~-i.i~l:;g:~:::~esct~·,~~ l'nit~d'S~.:\~~.l~dPtl~~~~~~~.r~:fr~~~~,~;:, an uweter.ue .. (:r~~ta" .-\ V. J im l:'.dwards England LO tilkc pan m her liN tournament ~:~~~~~~;~i;~;~~~r ~~:ill, ~~~~.~~$fjcu~~~f ~~~:~h~~~ ~~~~ ~{r~~~in~~c :~~~~~~'II~ ~n~~ :J:~ c<~rn(' ~:ud: mmr up to me and polo, vou h<l\'C ckphams.lct's 1 1 0 1 I ju~t han'!: on to the tall.uurh_e;t\e the back lcQ;S" .\head for he_n~lm Yuu pla\- knark rhl\' elephant my~clfup ~cl~~r ~t ,!ca~~i~~~~~~~ ,~ ~ri 1\ ~H\:~-~~~~~~ ~~~t~ ,!~~;~~\~~\?~:~ cl~;h~~t!~ ~~~~u:;~~~~h~~~i~ ~tRk.o;, ~t'l clephanH rcaSv." But thts "as no toke, for ~mcc then. niCks and t'lephants ha•·e bc~:~1 ''ready" c:n·r• Dc:cemb('t fo1 re<1u1red uut lwre . But ~wtnl{tn~ the extra lon~ polo ~tick take~ enormous strength: onl) one or two malt- pbyrr~ are able to \mcrica, Great Bntd..Lil and GrrnMny gath· cred to_ match tl~etr ~kLII, .1\;;un\t hnmt• tj'affi\, I or the m<L)Ont\ of the \'e.Jr, the polo l·!cl1' a ~r.vmg :1:1c! pb~HOI\I(r<•uaJ fm .!It local \'illai!:C, but dunn!.! polo \\Cek tt 1~ tr.m~- week' I\·(' lx:cn h;m!{ln'!:O\'er my bakony at homr, .. Kate ..a~~. ~llltlinl!' .tlenm,ball,.,ith a hroQm to l(_ctlnto prac:me." \\tJntnl na~e. accc.m:im~ tO :'.lator Kakt••h Pa~•t'\' ~fthr lndL<ILI :\nny, been plol)11l!!; r~:~3;j~,~~~d~~:·cil.~~~~b:r~~~. (1\'I'T lht \•'Orlcf ~~~~:~'l~~lll:.t~~d\~~O~~:~~:lo~:/~i::,~~~~~ ~~i:i I' hi~ lfeccmh_cr.. playn\ from India. thr 'uck \\tth two h;md). " Fort he pa-~t fc" forn~l~ 1 ~:::~7~;' 1 ~1{~'i~ 1 ;~~.';~:~~~~~~~~;~~~~~\:ict: ~~:;J;t ~~~:;~;:r,,L,~d' s,:~~i~~~? ~;u~. ~J,;at!~~ 1 ~~:::~~~~ ,J;chfi;jd f,0/1~l~ S,~ ~~~ ~~:-~~~~~~~~-~ ~!~~~'!/~~~~\; 1 ki:~;:. ~j~,1~:~ ~~~:!~:.1, \;~;~i,;!~ 1 La"n .•md onh two, !0-nmmtr "dwkb<" 0 e•·en· mLh _ ..1 km~::lum;j')f, I\ llmflcd to ~ec ~:~!r~.~~~~·e~::~;:~~~d~:~<i~~~~~~~~~~ ~i~~ ~:- ~t~;",1~;;~:~:~~.~~;:;~~: ~l:~~~~<; ~~';;~_: t~;~ mp-. ,u\d ~l'l'<ll~h\' ru•h m,\1, .• md Jn<;trad o\ 'U!I,.U lump• thc'stCelh Me n·w:wd"rl ••nit •urk~ ol raw ,_uga.r cane .utd hn·r. . l'l;tH'l.• •II pillioll-11) le he hind the1r ori\l'l',,tlwmnfwlli,~UIIt'<lnnh h' ;ilc.'ll'{th •.. r •·o;~r~c thi:,:h-hurnin~ ut[w ilL<" indi•· ,.,-n,ahlt· ..,nJMth<lfr tlw ro·m' .md tlrt· ~pur; ~l'lr; rt~ht up thert:<m tlw dt·ph:uu Lx~(JUI kh;~.Johu I itlc\', t.optain of the ll;uhi ~atlu~. _behc1_es the ewnt L' run wuh thr rrl.1xrcllt·d ol .\ K<'ll\,ut pu!o duh "\".,hotly takj'~ it wr~ •criou'h, e\·enhofh want< 10 win. but not tk~pt-r;tteh·." Tlw edw hom tlw lw.~>J·, lutdw.Ltl ,,. tltt·~ dJ.Il~\' dowu the !idrl. Pl.t\rr' dir\'ll dKH Unvc_t~ \\lib hull s-;·y•· pto·(-hU<ll '" chq tn a• tho tl'tL•I"Il m•nmt•K,u tht· •·nm·m(' 1 Chm•.m fur l•h:n ha, b<'come .111 ;umu;d l'l'-ti\.o\. Tlu· dl'phanl~ p!:l~ .ut inlpu!l.mt !'ark, tc·.un I \Jlei~LILI' .oro- ..t """-d tnt; p.Lr! ~~~ f<ort·,tlilr.l.orah \\r!l hu,do· forhe\t h.Kk .,lclu·' ""''! '" l.u" 1\.LIIIL tlu- mn/11; "1dding ,, •ttck". ~;:\~~~~~~&:~~;.:,~t} ~~~~;~~ ,~j~:~~-.\::~i!,\:~11.~~'1J 1 :::t:~; ltK.I~~:~::~.\\'fr~~~-d~o.~~~t 11~t~:il1~:::1~lnrk 1 tln·m,.·ln .. Jmo.l fn·n ~j;;~( :~:;, /'',",':;;: , :~:·:\r;l::c•~:·,~:.~J'~'~t~~~: ~;~~~~':t;;,:t1~~~ ~~::~r t ~~~ft~~'b;;. ~~~:-~··,; ;;:tJ~· ··~~ \i,::': t~::t '/\',:::;· :; ;:~t!\ ;:'/,,'_·,;;~~ ~~~~t~·:::):;·:! ,:~ ::~· f~-~ ;;:~ ;;.:;~,k;; ~ ':: ;',: 1 :~ :·~.::~c'i:'~l ,t.~:::~·;:i1 llnn'c IU't s1t t!H·n· hkr· .1 'tufll·tl nL.IIkc. ,[., •umethn.l(! · hdlow., uno· purpk- 1 amlllhhlll;m., ""'k \;illl\0 1 1 1 1 I" IlK Ll't '<1m !11111{1 hukk.• n! 1h•·cl.n till' ..,hit-pilkr,.... .. t!o>d;:.•·nuuk.•. fiTt .mdswi h<llt]o\1 h;unk JW.tmll •I alb pnp up 11111. 'ltd., lo rnllrn ~;U kluh ul M•·;uuu Kupt·•·~t (: 0 l '\ I R \' I I I :. J \ '\ I' \ R \ 1 I ,,,, rl.unf1 ~ n1 ~~;1~ 1 c1 :~ 1~~~~~·,i,r1 1~: 1o;;,: !11i~t~-~~~~/,~:.L~.:; roln<tirk..... rti .... udo:·•l)w.muL•fleU•.mo:l•hn"t:i· dl'(! ~UI{•lr lam· 'I'Lito·o· 1h1· )!.fUILrtd'. JILl' d!<pla•_ •·lrph,ullllh- Lrnplnnanrl dw tto\•d" \\elllto Lh,- 'I Lll;t'L I "Jl' .mt! lhlj & ll \r.un. •lll!!,lll>l""tdlnlll~tpnLl'·l.,'l\"ll.; .."uricknl• t;lpt.lrn<-d h1 Pt·tn l'1n\Lhc hr.otlht·lirr· lht- nt·Jl\ I,J\;1" 1>1\ t!J\' oli!IIO."Jlhnl- t>f H'C\1• m.m• tu t,1k1· tlu· ill~rnl)!llm,Jrip n1p !.1r:Smnh'• !..l\\11)1<1111 Bu1 hell' IlL :Xt-p.Ll. rt 1.\c·nwl\ t• LUto~tul nmod L::\l'tjll. 1 that r~.1m <>Ill' \\ll"tthcd-loukm~~;\\hll<· c.:ol.lt drph.ui1~ n·nnn triumph:~n1h from thr [;~_'I t.n.nli11!f1lu· ''·"Oil .. mrl p.u:tf~•· hk, kin~:• Ill ~~~~dd~~ti~~-~~~~ :\:::~;~,'~~:~·:\;;~· ~:~~~~' ~~~~- ~~-~.::~ L ~s \\hhh thr Prm(c" plt'•ctU• tn till' ~111t' 11/o from 1>1 tltt· !Jmpli.Lltt\ tnll• fn·~tli'-!,Lhk• l'he.J & B .\U :Xq1.1l 1'1uph1 pl.l\ni!Cot Ht· •.1dh. \\lllltoll he h.rd, m·xt \1".11 ch·,;,,.,d "llh h!mchnl{ 1\luu- t.lhkdotl,. ouh l11 IIWh<>t•l> un Lhl'il H\\11 dcph,mt I'll, '<' r,~h \1 /J.rrfM.t. : I \ \'I \ H \ 1 1