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I I I I 'I Booklet Series rn f I Read tho I 2. 3. 4. II !}] The Booklet Ia printed In jour serles C·R· ~ ~ or [ 0 J ( ~e Top left •Id.: uf thl~ page ). The t.andldate has to Indicate In the space provtded In thr An8wt'r Shrtt th ~ serlcd "f uw b<>oklr.t. For example. the candidate .Re~ b<>okiN. h~/Ahr hM to ondtcutc In doc ~Ide 2 of U]e An&wer She('t with Blue or Bh>ck Ink Boll point pen "" followA • tr I0•1BI 7 8. muet wrtte your Register Nuoubcr In the spaee prOV1d«< an th• top right side of Uol• p>>gt:. lln not wrtte anything else on lhe Que-sUon Booklet. An Anll-.r Sh-.r.t will b<> • upplted to you sepuo1tely by the lnvlgllw.tur to m..rk th• .msw...-o. \"ou must write your Name. Register No. and olher particulars on side I nl tht Answer Sh~et provided. failing which your Ansv.w Sheet will not be evaluated. You will also encode your Register Number. Subject Code etc .. with Blue ur Hlark Ink fi~ll pnlnt JX'O In the space provtd«< on thf' &Ide 2 of the Ansv.-er Sheet. U you do not encode prnperly nr fall to enoodt the above lnfonnauon. ynur An8'1-ou Sheet will not be tvaluated. Each quutlon comprlses four responses (/1). (B). (C) and {0). You are to select ON!.\' ONE correct response and mark In your Answer Sheet. In case you feel lhat ther<" art more lhan one correct response. mark the response which you vonstder the best. In any case. choose ONLY ONE response for ~h question. Your total marks will depend on the number of correct responses marked by you In the Answer Sheet. In the Answer Sheet there are four brnckets I A I I 6 ] ( C I and [ D I against each question, To answer the questtom you are to mark with Ball point pen ONLY ONE bracket ol your chofce for each question. Select one response !or each question In the Qu""tton 13ooklet and mark In the Answer Sheet. If you mark more tho.n one answer for one quelllton. the answer will be treated a.~ wrong. eg. If for any Item. (B) 1$ lhe correct answer. you have to mark as foUows · ps cj Vo\1 .tn 6. I w !). ICJ [OJ w l' IE] """"" w l to an.-wer the queattons. ThiA 6nokJet hM a cover ( thlll pllj(e ) which Hhould not be OJ)('ned UU the IIWIJ(IIHtor gtve" •lgnal l.o Open 'l at the c:omm~noem~nt or lhe e>u<nlfnaUon. M l<t>On 38 the at~al 1J1 r<-.;CIV'd VOII J<honld lear the tight aide or the booklet cover carcfuUy to open lhc booklrt. Then proceed to "''~"''.,. th•· quesUons. Thh• Question Oooklet contains 200 qucsuons. Answer aD queetlons. All queet:lons COlli")' equal mark•. I I be~ om I I l.natructlona carefully before you Marks ; 300 IJO'OllTAHT INSTRUCTIONS I. I I I follo~ [ Mnimum .c I I Time Allowed : S Bourw I ob II ~:~L~------------------~' 2007 GENERAL KNOWLEDGE J I PGKI 9. IAJ . I CIIDI 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. You should not remove or tear off any She('t from this Quesuon Booklet. You arc nnt allowed to take this Quest:lqn Booklet and the Answer Sheet out of the Examination Hall du-ring the cxamlnatlOn. After the examlnat:lon Is concluded. you must band over your Answer Sheet to the lnVIgllator. You arc allov.-ed to take th~ gue,;t!on Booklet with you on)y after lhe Examination Is over. 'Ibe sheet before the last page of the Que~tlon Booklet can be \lsen for Rough Work. !'allure to comply wlth any of the above lnsiTuctJons "-111 render yon liAble tO SUCh action or penalty at the Commission may decide at th:lr discretion. In all mattens and In cases of doubt. lhe En~llsh Version Is final Do not tick·mark or tnarl< lhe answere In the Qu ~.Btlon Hooklet. TNf>Sc 2007 <.0\u rr 11 ~o5l6l! ~lllJUlt1&.6;uuL.(961nm C:[!JIJU:I : 3Ul• lifT Q\l~rr&a ~ u .,m~• I 11· B.a~1... <!P«> u ..fli 1. I CDlUlrr6'>1b Ult1uGu~;r,61i : 300 ~ «>~6!1 «>ClJa11Ulrr&u u &a ID Q(~IJ e~et ~.:r. ~rrj!, Qli>~~LA.j &<!!> Clu>i~J~.u (~ u&~ll>~ Q..,.~(\)<IIC!III· C:j!Jit"'' COI~~trru6t(0U> (!i!>ITI!>d)w j/;lJD..I')li>Lq ........,~ .. <'14 O.Oiil ""'ngulJoll CiUl(ljJII>lO)""uj> j/;1\1)~''"'' ""'-"II· ;;lJD'e"'"""'""" G. a...... •o>~t;.•rr~u.m .,cllt_,Q~(\111 Q~I))&>(L..tln C:"'tliJ""!Dullltl "'"ti41PII>""Ib "'"'"""'"• "'~•a.t- 6JIJJ•• C:Cll...,~tb. ~~~t<OtJl<OI c: ...... <l!l ..e'e> all""'-"..!l.II~J>jt, ~jblL .,.,...,lb. ~J!> ~ ... rrj> """'~ 200 .,g""""_,..,..., Qa.r o;br.'..JOflontl. " " - all<ml<l••~ .,g__.,.,q&a.".jJ>. .. ~o..,.. all<lRrr~ . - " " ..~~Nil COIMQisrL~. all""""' Q~~ j A I· ...!J· ....£., ""4.11>11 @] <r~~:~ !!:'f~l!!> cu!'oNa.Oil!llll .ttdlt.U...:.@'*"'II· Cild;f>u cll"'.rji.Q~l!!>u""ull> <lll""rr)!,Qif>!T@IIiomujl. 2. 3. 4. iJ..lfl ~1041 CJ.-.3w L•'ICI' &LLt,""',.U l..flltMo"!'D) ...l!~-WJI"'1]6 nliwnnjl,~~t"ot rufl..,qQIIIJ ~...M>rr..tflll .9!1"-dJG- ~~C<OIO! .&_;.J,!fl~, ~Jt,t.a. ~.a;,.jM, <l<Wio•®<h· NlQ!IIrl!> CO\f1rr41!JU4 COiuibO~"i!l>lltrrw <.lll"'lt ~""lit L!ltrrl)'c•t•norriJ, Qt~ Nl~QII!uu,.rr~~ ~ """IIlli"' om ui.&U)~ Nl..,._,,,rr«<ilall ~~rrtb LJM.j!,j/;loll ~IP e~rrQb~llt.t~marrurrl!)l (!«<to .~lllllltzl lti>Ullljllli\..W U~ifi(\P""""u ~CIIlrr<II'RIIrroll e'P'-IP• "'"W... C:n...m(!)lb. 6o(!!i"""' t6la> .c l!J¢fllll<lllLW 7, W, cj ~jbli ~~¢ :Ulll>~ Ct!>~ ~.-161411 ~~<;;\IJ>QJt dj<II\IJ)!br,.l~'" ®Lj!;!£)to t 11>~~- aSI"""-,t.~d'l.m ~ ~/lw LL&t1!<""-"' uj;l..~ "'"""'. Qu...ll Uliklt.:O <lo;L.(ijl<lrcrr NlU!JIII•.... r.n tCW.<il ~~ il~@ll>•· ltCll:9QIIrrw '--"-"~ a9"~>-Wdt !0\IJWQ.rrf>iforr&u.uu(i)&i>. ps 6. ~9""'-"' ut'i"' '"'*"""t:cu:~~ .. ~ ~IO'•ll> '~!lt"eUUi.u "<!:I'll>., ""'-"411· "Ill! "'<!I'll> ~®<h. ""'rulo:;L&""""ol. aS\10'-tl>lfon m !J<il'lll LII...@'>AC!> 6o<c0l ..IIOOOiluun"' 7rrw lli..Own lf>jl; ®J6lti>C11&. B,n W... •• L'&@""'-111 U,t\C\1 11Qb, <f1!>1CIIJ.ll>"cir .,g;, {'pj;q.9,.~0!)Ciltb aS'""t.l.ptiJGll ®IJ"~Lrrol> <J~,tf.jl;!£)6> ~DCU""@?>li..... & ~RII~t<llfttll ®>-ll<&cfl" (~~ ~·\lll•lo\o ~QIIU) ~')) ""'D"'""LW U!J>llf(!P<II>IDIIJ .tn 5. ob 10 •r ar rc1ror] C:U...,.,<i..,n.o (!>.Ptl>c,6. 61'L..L. c:...... ~.~dar~ ~...._., ,a.</1&llrrw t...W-<1: m""-W'* ~~~;w,,r~. ..._~,..<1'..11 ~ et/iM;ifi .,..w._9o w all<orrrC~~tl> (A), (8). (C) Ul!t!).l>- (U) """ ~~cere allat.. &o., .. GiM-@<hlflf. !{titlli"" 'Ill' \IS ""'-'"""II> ~~ c, Q~~ al'ltll:c.jl;f'rrcnloll flflfjl;,~o, M.:.._ ~""'""'@lb. ~..,.,, 9C:~ !JC!> &"'!Di'"e C:~ eiflum.., aS'~"''* &I!> C..'lila!!O>:i!; i)~,ra.l. "•l!!t~o1!11rW !l)oil&dr \61&6 <JiiliiJrrQJ!i!l !JruC>'<>JITC!> w 8. •ol'.,. "'"'CI """ll>" "'<!>t~J.1:lf~a.C.,rr ~ w;..,._.,.,. .,9.,.~!i>l0lfif:>l> 1!1>111"'~ &rrW... tlruQiorliJU>, <rliu~wrrl6l!!l)Jii> w ' PGKI &e C:o..n<l5lo.e 9<li9 ~ <l51""'-~ooJd>JI>II.,;; c,.1~01~ ~liJU>- u,~""Lll.l GUlrr;,15 ..~uGW<Ililte~d! !5.W.Oof! Q5l..,L§>Iforr..O<i> 9. e!JSI!i>t>" ML~ IJ.fb.rrfCl .,&..,._s,drl'"' EJ@JQII>\)O.Qn&Q!)tiJU COlurQJ1;,91~1. Qll.,'-~lbrr..O<i.> !J<ilGinJnf!l> tlt.lllall "'""''"'fl;b®ih Ql!lf.ltl> !AJ. (il) . (C]LO~(I)Jib [D) GfGJ! ~rro&r§!j all..LUL.Liil&dr Ldrll!"'". Q(!!i <le~mal\&@1 NlGflLwofl&6. ~li!6.ol <JiflQuJ<Ill 6.~~th nll«nL<Il>IIJ &<lil)' QC!!J al)..,L,;,q..:_._jj,~<i> IOL(9ib LJMi (Y>""QJ!U <:u~ZTtrai\Qillf$; ~#~~· &ITLI- Cll\t""'@th. ~M>\rur(!!i C:6imrol&ti!>th tf.(!! .rol61$lLQI>UJjl; C:~~!bCOl!!t@tl>tl al'l<t111 ~v..!l<i.> l§j!}),;,,. ~"'"*"~· fN> C:ll>lollaSi,;,~ QOlllfOJO,@i C:UlibU.:.L "'(!>ibUu@li>. "-llt"I)'Ollt!IIOITU. f/i.Jq,o/r (B) ~<i11U<>SJIIJ .. .Tlwrr..,. rul61luuofl~~rrdl .Ji.~lft n~""' alJ....UI.rt6.6, IJ>~o1!11Tii> ~~ 6\~"'C!>:Dir!!)l @>tili;~ &.-,:L C:ru~ib. lfo'IJ!!>"'""'"'" (C)[D) 10. rt~ a51"-"1rj, G~'1'@!ifi'"'" "~~;:, ,...,~~ <§M.r:t.rua • .,tl -'l!Plao;CCVT ...._TIIJ. C:~C\1 C!!>I)'~.U ~" ~a~ Q,.,rr~..,..,c:.., ~"'Q;lilf ai-..w"'l'"~~ ~~ ""'-1>""1'1> cll.:.f,l Gru<llldm .,Gl~li~~ (A) . G&li:m.;.OaL!fCI· ~'1<1; (!P~~ '$t. ..<T L0."'€>...w:.t ..~.,-~Til!:<llio &Qbaa~:.urom!Lih Q""'@" @:l>. i\rua'illiO'l!'j> ~,.:,j..-..,~ ~·"' <!R~-'"' ~all ll@qrll Q~. niL 11. l!!>tJw.a.<it ~~ UJd~~ ~"'"" ~f>"'l§UJlcir "-"!>L&l ull4-~ ~ou&o;j,~ LJ.J<:urJ.1~~ c:..,..... COl&•cit.,_,;,. 12. ilU>O«>*t. ~.. ..n" .,...,,...,.., • .E:JSl••"'" C:il:f."'"""""';""' (!;>~COI~e"' m'-n.~M~J...eae "-""""'"' c:~ •""' o!>itil"'Q))I>l!>L~. .itiiJ:Iw ~C>SI4> Qo.rr(96...:U:.(9dlv. ~<~'~ ·<iJI (1;411\Jf""!lt"'e!til>· 1<1 • .Ji,,,.,,~ G;r.<r~"' aS~.t....... ~.ll...<::<UT. ~~ ""~e.,... ......... 13. I SEE BACKSIDE OF THIS BOOKUtT FOR ENGLISH VERSION OF INSTRUCTIONS I 11.\un over X 3 1. P'GKI &l~ti>Mr.;o\l.;o~(Silicon) thlg,tDIT60l thlti.l li>Llb~Ul !b~~l.06.@)8;, B>fTI)~ /\) ~!!i~liOlLW Cl~'lll! Llil61nji>liOlL <Ol•uuu @i~liilb B) ~iJi§ll.lliOlLW C) ~a;Elil!!) e>Lffil OJ ®{TJJG;)IU 6>1 ' 61j/;)IT th1Eli"liJi6mL G!ruw @l<>mllh!il i)RnLG! ® ~61l'>L<Olt;~JG1Tl. Semiconducting property of silicon Is due to 13) It<; negntlve temperature cocfll clcl1l of resistance C) wide band gap D) narrow ba.nd gap. ({!)iflw fi>G1Tl 4a'i!G!!lUJ O\J~9,>GI!>l-IU ~@>Ul Cl:!!>IJID 45 Lf)thlLID B) C) 4 !b)t.51LID D) 8 !6\IhlLID .c A) om lls po:;IUvc temperature co~illdent of resistance ob 2. A) 2 (b)t.DlLUl . CJ 4 rnlnutl" ps 45minute of<: !jl G!e.rr ffi)h.e;L!ut.: ffilGI'r rn Q!\ruu. clla, .tn 3. A) cj Light from llic suu rcad1es lhe .:art.h in Gr(!il 8) 8 minute D) 2 minute. 161Qir i[)LIT I);IIJu'ilfYJUl (Electric heaters) C) il> rn61glb w Lli.Jwu<ir B) 61o"o@;> D) QS\~8\Cl:grriD. w A) w !&)<>iu~tfl <OluL.ll!tli1§ll!lb (1rons) uwQirc:(9JJ(I)~ 1 Which of the following ts used in electrlc heaters and irons ? 4. A) Ttmgsten B) Steel CJ Copper D) Nichrome. lt'a:w Qu,rr ffil~ 6\UUL (j)\GI'r E1T ~U8>!i <OW!it~G6 §lt'OTI))J' &® @l!jltr•ullGI> Q 6 6\J il!Jlil [1\'rt)t'OT Cl:rua;)'561ll!f> ~Gil6ll!L it.."'"fil(D~ ' A) Glw8\~1UITl.:_l.OrT ~~ B) ~K~~~!Jlrro<:>\l C) i€l®® ~wrul 0} [email protected] t.OL.ut . Which one of the following instruments is used to measme the speed of water throu~ a pipe ? A) McLeod gauge B) Pressure gauge C) Screw gauge D) Venturlmeter. l Turn over f>. !1) ®f'91D. 9'ti>P> ~&.>~rrQ: .1>.<llro!LLI'~(!l~ ? A) I!Jc!9.>rrt&L.ut (d:ltE) BJ ~•wa.:r;rrlh(A) _,IW® C) ty661UJIT~1(9(Light year) D) ia.rr , 111c distance of stars is mc<~.~:~urttl by the unlt kllomctrc (km) B) angAtrom (A) unit CJ light year D) gtga melrc . IHt~ uiJ.JGi.> G~nrrGI'IQn!J,(Theory of rclaUvlly} ~IJ> [email protected]. 1905· 10\1 GIM@!i.e.t 1 A) ~!i>ltQUiffi@ C) o oc!urnt C) Bohr proposed lb'f!ll&t:O· 0) ~Qs-Eiu.e~ uy which on<' of the- followtng sctenUsts 1n lhc Thomst>ll .c Rutherford Wil!; D) U) Einstein . ob AI rule,err<iGI11Urr91 C.. 0 Throry of relativity year 1905 '? D) ps cj n.wu~rd.u.g,l£)G.~ ~r.o>lO!i>~"''""' Gwt' grrw ~~e-~j/;1 ~QSlQ>UI~jblw. ~~~h·I'·<J!> ~OlllwuSlGII ' uc!wrHr.Gu(b\j!)j!>uu@lil J~>~Mfil,••rrlin(Moderator) A) ~~~ (HzO) Cl e.QS!t€& <D20l .tn 7. •l fY® om 6. A) B) 6JIJIT0.UL D) e~~IO\IQnQI. 8. w Kalpakkam ls w The moderator usNI ln the nuclear reactor ar Madras atomlc power station in water (H20l D) graphltc C) heavy water (D20l D) none of these . w A) 0:r;J!Jl.~WIT !»ITitulin ®IU\00-~IIS\Q, i)rurulf~ ~(i>LJ!i;$5lwrr6Jg>{)l A) 6>1TITU~L.Iin tN e.~hte.61i ruJ,;mQSt4;fl~rr91 B) e.rrltu~LE:isr IR e.j/;l(r 11>6ir ruJ,;mQ!a.f1ruii>IT~J CJ i.!.!.OluSl~m., QS>~IJ!Iil!lJ'-I'T Dl &rrru~Eisr X~niblrre."' rol~L/'"J~~. 1 I!>'JG-.:..Eleo &/)rr<Mi' blllQllQ!l41flrufDrrw • Radio carbon in naturt' Is produced as a result of A) the action of tN rays on ordinary carbon B) the action of IR rAys on ordinary carbon C) the action of cosmic rc~ys on D) the action of X-r11y!' nn ordinary t:atbon •!Toll r11rth':~ atmospheric nllro~t.:n 5 ~b\SluSl,;O. c;ruu.Lh ffi~!:Jl <016irr(9b,~nuuL.(9cir~ 9. PGBI §'<!!> an.... ~r.~~~i> &i~lu.lll AJ tfJgruli.Je;GJi B) IBG1io!LD{f,)ffi6ir C) G\IITUj8.1f>Gir 0) c;rsil~nru~!&WJLh ClnHI•lil tyC:(r UliT~Inturre. ®<!!>«•l!!>lil nw !!peed of sound 1s htgh<>r ln which one- of the follow1nl{ mefitums? A) Uquids Bl Solids C) G:tscs 0) Same ln all . ~c;,IPUjGfl6ll I0. GTtlif.' 1.011~11Jil> • .!>1~6.8>® JlroQS\1,) (Fts.;ton) .nliJ!Oilil 81~8.<~>® li)®®Juy om (Fuston) !f,la:.!P"!~~>~air ~~e.r.on6al ~"(!.!blOI'il Gn.Gl11L.:ut "''' rr~LOrro. ~AAI.O!!jll> AI ~rua;l ~!f>9)sil <01ruuu ~~!06\liTB> U) i.i~IJITLLITaiJs,Gfl @~~:£WJ!Ta\!o;ET!ITR. lDJTjOjj!,W C) [~;}Gin{!) ll<i.~UJifiJ, I.OJT\1)/j!>Q. - m<litQU.<?~QH o.JITtWUJT • <q >.ill UJ.q. D) @wW(T affiv;1CM~x·hanfc-lll ob ~!...u:,,, ;;~<U1e.(Hetu mc:rzy) I.OITf)JfliW. cj C'll<'ri{Y) .c llliTU)Iif4l The huge Amount of ener,zy released In nudear flssiCilt and fuNton n:actlons Is ps due to t·h<' <"O IIV<'rslon of cbtm!cfl.l t'ucq,,<v Into h~:al energy R) protons tnto neutrons C) mass lnto energy, accordtng to Elrt»Letn·s r<JuaUllll D) mechanical energy Into heat energy . w II. C:e.rrururrrnnb w w .tn .A) A) !b®~~GIJUJirEC011bJ B) ~®@;:mQJ Gu.o·~L~ CJ II>JT!i~li:Jai16lll!D ;'L£!1)1... U.Ji1! D) &r.EJ:W~Ii'>61ir61!1(1) Lfo»L!lJ§J. neutral B) amphoteric basic D) aclclic Dt;n.king soda is AI CJ 12. IA!9l!£.'Jmb. ;;;@.166'16\J ~~Ou@n,~ 61~7 A) ~<lliiJrr"lfluio ~6\W<ll~?o>L. B) <"lT~uill> ~~W~GUL. C) <01urrL.uri!UJiil ~q,W~G\l.: D) !JigouUJw "'ib&,;ru(gwL.. Whlch of the following Is found in kidney stone ., Aj Ammonium oxalate B) Calcium oxalate C) Pota<;stum oxalate D) Sodium oxalate . I Turn over I 6 POKI 19 tt ~roQI!111... 6ll\D~GiT &\rftu4 tilJ9"M!Sl!P!i>@ilo Gl.IITUj 6T~1 13. A) 8\Ti1"Uoil ~toll<l6l!1 1T b,Qnu-{i)l C) m[bt:I)"Gi\l d.!.&QSlu@ 6) «M <I u<in 110>1.... ..@ D) uQ>urr Rlll... ~~Rlllf@. Which of the following Is a laughing gas ? Carbon monoXide C) Nitrous oXide B) Carbon dJoXide Dl Sulphur dioXide . i)Q;Lo4 &ITLOIToiT U.~oil ~tJ)l}, ~lbj&[b!l U.lo IJIH\J~ B) 14. uSloiT arrQ)ruQSl6MCl&~mr A) D) ~>rL.<lol. B) Electroplating tb101it u.jb~e,lflu4 Coating of Zinc over lron article Is known as Cl C) Electroreftn1ng B) ~~UI!!Il).ill)l...fisl 8\<lwrn ... urrlil ps 8jQW!!Il).liin D) 8jQWITil).§llllt-fisl GurrL..1....1T ihulll 8\ClUJITL.UITLo. Iodine Iodine and potassium iodide w C) • BJ Iodine and Iodoform D) Iodoform. w Al ~wrr 61111....@ w Ttncture of 1odine Is 16. ob ~u 8\<lwrr~ mr 6TiiinL.J~ A) Cl Etching. cj llt®lflt D) .c Galvanlsatlon .tn 15. A) ~&8\ om A) 41)'!D~I£loil 8\GI!Ql ru0'1Rllu GLDrr6G:Sl& > (l,PLQSll... e>\!1) > ~r\151 B) (YlLQ!)L. e\® > GllldQllU > ~r\1&1 A) (Ylt:_6151L 6>® > ~&1 > Gllllfr~Qll<! D) Gulrr&Qlllf C) > ~if1&1 > (!JlLQlll... e.®· The protein content is of the order A) C) 17. soyabean. > egg yolk> rlce egg yolk > rtce > soy abean tl~~j> ®16\u&.(!ill>ifroru!iJ~GiT AI B) · C) D) ~ l7otl ~l)'ru;li> ~'lru Grusirsfil ~IJIT~ ~IJITru&U> uerQSlLD Grusir~ 6rflwru;;u BJ egg yolk> soyabean > rice D) soyabean > rtce > egg yolk . Qurr@l~§.'li> ~~ e.mfullwio GlLOI'r ;l.@lr\1 . 7 PGKI Which one of the folloWing Is correctly matched ? A) Liquid gold Lead B) Uqutd silver Mercury C) Aqua reg.ta Silver D) Green sliver Copper . 11\'~IP (!!)o\1uUlL.@61i~ru(bij)J61'r <flflUJITB>U G\urr(!!)!J;~th ty~~ 18. A) ~f) 1.0!!;Iii tblGlll Ql Mftu ~ B) Gllln!IJID lhldn lnL jbibl C) d;ljrrtmuL. -'flflibl\1) 61L~g;} 0 om o •4~rrrrlm OJ Charcoal Inactive carbon B) Diamond Conductor · C) Graphite D) Fullerene cj ob AI ps Insulator .tn Soluble form of carbon . UL!4-WW I m uL.!4-WW n II..LGin Glurr<rr>j&~. a\l:jp Gl8>[email protected]»uuL.@6l'rw ®(l\lul'@e>Glll61T$ _Qe;rrG!for$ 6JflUJrrG!IT ~Q))L...GllJUJjb C:liirl'!bC@~ii® : w 19. .c Which one of the folloWing Is correctJy matched? w I UL!4-UJ& I w I. C@6UL. Qu:.IJrr 6Tiblliil 1) LE~>o;lb b) iiiJru Q!l§l!DLIJ!i~ 2] ~tbJrt if>IT/!,«!f> MIJ~ cl Q!l§)ll)L.IJ!!!l~ C@ug~GlllW@ 3] grr 6\Qe;t..:. 6fJflC@urrQ?6l'i d] <f>ITituQsr Q!)L... ~b,Q!l6iU@ 4) Glru@>~®Jil ~~>rrg~ ®aSltD@~r>6l'r X UL.Ilj.WW ll a) ! Q b c d A) 2 1 " .3 4 B) ] 3 2 4 C) 2 4 3 l D) 2 3 4 1. /7011 C@ruuuLOITjbli\l (Tum over 8 PGKI Match List I With List n correctly and select your answer uSing the codes given below: t.tat n List I a) Lead tetraethyl l. Global warming b) Liquid hydrogen 2. 11gent c:l Hydrogen pcroX1de 3. R(l(:ket fuel d) Carbou dIoxide 4. Bleaching agent d 2 1 3 4 3 2 4 B) 20. C) 2 4 3 l D) 2 3 4 l. .c c IC!Jlll;a;<OiitllL rurr U.!.hul&e;~6!1 IMU~ : ob b cj AJ a om Codes : (RJ : Glrudrrol ~li>61'SltJ?C:Q!I!!ltDlh .9.~1...~§' ~'11;\Jruft ~61~61\l(j} ~~ LJ)!Tg)J~!P~. .tn 11>1TIJG111lTW ps "'-fDitl (A): GlruC1'l~w G\ulr~L.6 o:ir "'rrti)(61Q,u(i,)io GlurrCJ:g!!>l on(!!>"''Ul ~l')lOrro. mltt@l8JID!!!ll· w IC~IJI <§o51Cn51L.(j}GirG!f ®o5Jiill:.upfu ~rflUJrrQ> ~Jf>ri'~Gl!Ji® ' w (A) Ill (!?)Ill ~nl. (A) 9.![!) G JfillJITG~T- ~ITIJ~2l {R) w A) cl!Ollli...tmUJ§, to (R) ID Eilfl . .Je!,Qll!T&l (A} c1.® arflUJJiQll <I>ITIJG'll31LD (R} .916ue.: B) (A} C) (A} ~rlfl ~Gll!TT&.l (R} ~rut91 D) (A} jb6'Ug)J ~,;mrr4> (R) ~rrfl. Consider the following statements : Assertion (AJ : Silver articles on exposure to air become black . Reasort (R} : Silver Is ox!dised to silver oxide. Now select your answer according to the coding scheme given below : A) Both (A) and (R} are uue and IR) is the corTei.:l explanation of (AI B) Both (A) and (R} are true. but (R) ts not rhe correct explanation of (A) C) (A) Is true. but (R} Is false D) (A) ~17011 ls false, but (RJ Is true. 9 21. PG.KI ld.SGnlllui1d!r GieG~>a. rulfllfu cl~w GlM@Ii>a.uuL.(bloirGrr GT~~ 61JEmB>UJrr61lf Giurr®Gif QP!b<'i!r~tDUJfT!Ii rul6'!T1M(~UJ(I)g)l 1 AI LI~<Ljli;~a.n u11 GIS!e-~lbEmlJ@ B) Gie~,~~6Urr6iu C) o. 0 D) li)QI'Iru G\'~~t61wQI'I6\l, <!!Je>b,C:a.rrQI'Iu1]<l:81lrrr.iu Whtch of the following Is the clucf component of fungal cell wall ? A) Mucopolysaccharide 13) Cellulose C) u . D) None of these. 1\) cnrEi.><l:L IT till iJ®u..L.(blhlt d.S.Q!ll] B) I111] B;<J:LITGi\) GliJIDit.C:a rrtfu 11fr d. S.QI'II] C) GllGI>!!VJ<l:'"'rrlill &l<i>:mouyB- orrlt(!,lf> u6\l 11rtIJ.If>QS>'IJ DJ @;lilS>Gll glucopyrnnose om L) · .c .&>flim6iSIJh!f,llil. A) Maltose n) Fructose CJ Cellulose 0) All of U1csc . 61Siut5J(i)lf>61i hl..-.flp;!Q, w w ~)UJ(!>Gm8it£llfu G'tU(DWU@tb .tn ps cj Dtsaccha.rldes A) GTIW!Gl=rwWllfu C} UrT lbl)' aft>thlG~> Hexose sugar Structural polysacchartde 6>Em'IJ6l.l~ B) !5'.floi.> w 23. ob Which of lhe following ts correctly matched '? Naluralliptds are readily soluble ln AI oil B) ;;vater Cl mercury D) none of these . A) 3 Bl 4 C) 6 D} 12 . Tl1<' mtmlx:1· of ATP molecules yielded from 2NADti!! molecule ls A) 3 BJ 4 Cl 6 D) l2. {Tum over 10 PGKI 25. ~!96.1J>GficnL rurr li>i'lwibie,~mffi tJ>ru6:1!1 : 11...10;1£/ (AJ: Qll(!)LO"!J!tm rumrtifil, ruGmtilEmlf> lDITUJ(!)til, U>IJLJ errltt!>lf> lD!i:iDJill @Q!TU<Olu®S,e.Ji;~w QP/l;liJIU urt.:l§ ru~~~!llllll· WT~<i1111TID {1?} : Em\bLIJ!Jlf<11 Ul~lf>Q'r <JjbiTI<1111,lJl!>Em€>J ~(!9a,l516J!DQV· ~~JP l§!OJLrU1i.:_@Q'rtn l§t61u!t4~> &rfliUITo;!!l rulG:llL~W~ ~fblt\!><OlfD@ : (A) til (R} til !frfl. {R) GHmUQV (A) ci\lj)l§ erflUJTG>JT rul61T8.iJ>til . .1\) B) (A) ID (R) lillfrfl. ~Q!TITW (R) 6l6ii1U01 (A) cilip(§ efflwrrO"OJ rul~nlf,g,l)) ~ww. C) (A) affl. ~@rrw D) (II) 15rultll, ~Gllnw (R) srfl. om (RJ fl;Cl.IIIlJ . Con..'lldt'r U1c following statements : ob heredlty and respiration. .c Asserlicn (A) : Nllrogcn plays an Important role Ill growth, metabolism. It suppressed !ormation of flowers. cj Re(IS{)r\ (RJ : A) BoU1 €A) anrl (H) B) Both (II) .tn ps Now selecl your answer according Lo the coding scheme gtven below : are lrue and (R) ls the correct explanation of (A) C) (A) is true. but /RJ ts false D) (A} w w and (R) are true, but (R) ls not ilie correct explanation of {A) w is false, but (R) is true. 26. ~1f'ihlhGficnL 6)JiT!f,SJWI!.Jq,e;o,6Tf IM'UQ!\1 : :l...g)f/} (A} : ~e,~Q!\161\J (JP§Jf<11GI!l!.O G\o;w~wofu 6\0u~jDUULL... u~WITQn§J l!)rrrug~~ ~WJI@Uul§~'..s\Q! uir6lT G6wlhlm61T (€L.ilu~mLw ~T~@;f;\1,0~· "'rrfJ,;wrliJ (R) : ~ffi6!&G:nr.I7J!~ GlDJTt.:[email protected]~ {YW<i'4 ~e;o,QJ6lllW L0'6lluG>1~rw6J(!l§J· ~C:w (§(61ut.51L.(961'r &n !!!>uSlu!L.!!!-EI! &rflwrrw ro\Q!lt-EmW\t> ~l!>it\hG!!>® : A) (A) Ill (R) ID 11rfl. (R) ul<11w~ (A) clJ(!)@J lfmWITI7J! ,;Slm6.&til. BJ {A} til (R) til arf1 ~gs;rrQ! (R) or~u~ (A) cl!\01$ arflwrrQSr cil6llb>&til ~Q!Q). C) (A) .,,fJ ~Q>'JrrO.. (R) :2>~ Dl CAl ~ru~ .!than IT Gil (RJ erfl . PGKI '11 Conslclc>r the following ~;tatemems · The prlmw y phyr.lo logical clft"ct-. of nwdn tn pl>lntq i,.; to llsscrlu m (AJ; :<ltlmul:lte llie' c· longatJ on of cells In ,qhoots '. Dorma ncy of huds can l.le brok<'n by awdn ln:-l'ltmc-nt. f{easort (R) : Now select yom Answe r accord ing to th~ codin~ '~<'heme gtven be· low : B) Roth (AJ and (RJ MC' true and (RJ '" the corred c.xplRnnUon of (A) Dolh (A) And (R) are (ru(', but (R) Is nollh< ' C'Orrect explan::>.tton o( (/\) C) (A) ts lrul'. but (R) D) {t\J ts false. l.lul A) 27. /.jJ>O.t~,lilicll... !1...1)1{/) ts false {R} ts true. 'UII /);tf.lUJJ!.IU,tOI'n II>QJiil!l) I (A) ...,10\.L..L..abli:Ul K e.n~ .A•~ tY>~Iii:il"' lll Qu!T(561ru.Gf.ldJ 9lw u<f..ns elw lL ~;,on <:IT. rolw:!.l@;l!'cilru 6J~u(>)w C::v.rn:" .,lrAu615lu (;tJ)ruLub'llin K ll.li1'Qil~ .c t»ITIJC< (N): om ll>rnuu.\61lf>dt. Cl&n 11.111 bTQfmG~I!J. jb<i.s.n ~ I.O(!>'l)Jih jb@6,Jl!l)'1)1 fi!>oSlii!L~@J ,.rfluJifQII cl\Q!)L..mlUJ!h C::i!>rt!.f>GIIiGI : {A)Ih (R} fJ> srfl. ~QilrrdJ (RJ f'ldn>J~ (A} ciJrt>~ t~rfluu.." "91i!lh.a,tl). Cl (R/ Lil srfl. <%C<!trTru (RJ {/\}111ft, ~~11ru {R) 1f>ruJDI. D) {A) !bru~. ~C<!trrdJ (R) vrfl . 6fli!Tu~ (I\} ~r/)1~ t~rf:wrr<.'ll "~lrn~.8'.Lil ~~~QJ. ps (A) lh .tn R) cj AI ob /.<2 111 cw.61ut51t:.(t)Gtl CIT Consi der the followi ng slatem ent;o; : w Green vegetabll."l, ;o;oyabean oil. tomato es elc are <'hief source s of VItami n K. Vltam1n K preven ts eroston of Ute skin In higher animal s. Reason (R/ : Now select your 1\nswer accord ing to the codin~ liCheme given below : w w 1\ssen um (AJ • B) Roth (A) and (RJ 1u·e true and (RJ Is the correc.:l explAn ation of {A) Both {AJ and (RJ are tru e. but (R) Is not the co~rect C'xplanatJon uf (AJ C) {A) Ls true, bu t (R} ls false D) {A) is false, but (R) ts tr ue . A) 28 . !{Qluu8Q!lau .urril~J>rmlw ~J6film~L..w m:'!>L.IJ!liQ!)""' ;blmlE>;Uu@ibZilil G'!eQ)lf>m GliliJll' ut<Z1Jrr6lr;iuL 131 ~«!)6>anLr;iu N Cl ~t51~""" w<2'-11Ttt!f>Gtl 0) ..;rrri'~~<Z,;mrrEiu ~urrrtu.o;tr • Is T he cell res pon:o;lb le for fudn~ at mospherlc.: nitroge n In blue I!J:cen algae 1\) Aktnct cs RJ Heleroc yq(,.; C) /\plano spores D) Parthe nospor es . I Tunt over ---- --~- PGBJ 29. 12 COl~~>rr(.I;Puyu Gurr(.l!)L.u.~oi> @®rt>~ !.§@h.<b;rrw OlGitffi6m&; GTQllu!liJ A) 8i1Gm6llh.a;rr6mru61w 81 .6J. C) f!!i@!1ihe;<llll~rrQ~dlilw D) eu~UITEO~Ml61~u,e-m. The synthesis of glucose from fat Is called 30. A) Glycolysis B) T.C.A. C) Gluconeogenesis D.l SaponillcaUon . ll~lP n1(5Uru~rui!>!616\J 6l0' Qurr®li>~ li)WM"lf>~ 1 A) ~ruL.u6l~ 'A' COl!r>IT(!9UUlW u,~gw61s..~q.w~ B) «>1»ruL.u6l~ · c !51flw u.~IJIU6Ilf&Ul.w~ C) Q!lruL.Lt.6lmr 'B' ~!A~ e;~gwh.&..tq.W!Ijl D) GlllruL.Lt.6lmr 'f1 ~lAw e,Q!li)IU~&..tq.IU~. VU:. amtn 'A' Fat soluble B) Vltllmln 'C Water soluble C) VItamin 'B' Water soluble D) VItamin 'D' ob .c A) Water soluble . A) cj UlL.Jjj,L.LlA u.I)UUI 8jQ!ltn!i)~6if6ll @t-til "'<!JIIi>~i'J I I@>~ ps 31. om Which one of the follow1ng 1s not correctly matched ? (!P6m6l!uSlmr .!Pjtq.L.iu~Jb' Pituitary gland Is situated In A) the neck w .tn C) R) ~tt$~t:in ~·q '" ti§J£1 D) ruuSl(il~u U@)Jb). B) the base of the heart w w CJ · the base of the braln D) the abdomen . 32. @IJi>li>ihlbllilt!!i 61ruu4 tbl!P/blbl'-"l9ll ®!lil G;l ;[email protected]:lmr!l)eJ Aj ~~lDIT(!!)~6ITITI51~ B) .!PjWytEl~ C) a.rrwrrf!!i<X6ll1f4...t1651 D) Gllll1l~W!T@)Ol6llrrt516lir. Red colour to the blood Is gtven by 33. A) haemoglobin B) albumin C) gamma globulin D) myoglobin . Guc;ma.~h.a;rrQ!I urreSiwEil @)QZ!rrlblGUJI\Jsi6ir @.~E<Inn;\J u.L.@uu@jt~u [email protected][D§J A) L(:l)rrG2l?6lilut~IJIT ~ B) 6l'tiutq.~i)ITQtJ?Qll C) COlLw<:urWu!grr6li! D) .!Pf€.l<:t-rrW!l!!IJrrmr. Sexual characters 1n female are controlled by A) Progesterone B) E:strogen D) Aldosterone . C) Testosterone 34. fJ1® Uob\lU4W"irr.oo>w 6Jl£-l'"ru~ 5'® Gui;<l(!Jrr(gg:[email protected]>:f!!> J>~6llH.O (~) t:YG~@I lf>~Q»lD !LQS)LW) ""'bi>Ulj G!ltlJNlf.d>@:-U G'u11.1T A) !i'!J o&(OtJu<;wl 4 • ..,. I:SJ Ul:')e>l<1lt:r., Cl ~e lliJ>W>Iim U. u.01>u4 0) @rJL..QS)t...u u~ 8\<;\)U4• A cross between hyhnd and cttbcr of nny parent ( domina nt or recessive) 18 nillc-rl Murwhy bnd trt'"" R) Unck eroS!! Cl Te··l cross I)) Olhybrt d IL~?G>JfD A) RJ C) 91ill> @I) L..f>lf•t ,.,l'tII>Glr ~ (.l)m (9 (lj)t:. ~ L..t'>-1 G0 rul;!>~ .;,l!';i>W f! II} 6>® lLPLo~ll ~UI liliJQiol{;l "'"'~~b.u.cll f!,~GJ.IIA;!)jb~ 6><!!1 O·(".J(lj:iJ~l Q.Pt:. QS)L ~) ~ 1}) Ll'~nrr Giu<:Ln uS1UJI7rr e> Ul6ll(ljUL..t... .c tJ1!J)(!; cj ob li)IJ«i61® t.!JlLGlllLCI>"»I>ll 'ii'J.:Illr@ "SI!!;~,j.e.6l'l ll•(['iNrr8>~/fJ~ . Jdcntlc- .,Jtwlns Me produce d when onl' sperm b krtll!ze d wtUt two t>ggs H) om• cgg Is \VIth two spc:nw; C) one fcrtlllzcd eR;. 1S dtndf"d Into two blastom ers and separat ed 0) two arr fe"rlillzed with rwo sperms . w e~s .tn ps A) w LD.ofl!li~s;d,...., •.~~', .: . :!.; 7:...<" ... fT:;ft-Qf"' ;.,Q»,;, 4 7 ~q, 6>!TQlOIUU@io <llJIT~ w ~16. . ~lb""'"@.. l ~(!)Oi,f;i~!J)• It"' Gir ulJfl6.1f>U~!£W D) cro~ om 3!'>. A) (22A + XXYJ ilt!>H> (]f!>~rtlJt 5\ar.t.:..~f]rrilli o;\l)uG8;iOii!!Jl@ Al GLmEillw &!Qr.t.:..~:rrr~ B) ~'8l.rrt:6': Qu~rtofu 5lG<irL..<l1Jrrio C) Lltlimrtw 51ar.L.~...,.ili DJ ~ .:<:Gl.J;n:.. 5lQr.c.agmn. In human 4 7 numbe r of chromo somes ( 22A + XXY) IS resulted 1n Klinefel ter's syndrom e B) Down's syndrom e AI C) 37. Turner' s syndrom e @l~'i!> Jl~;t~ 15..;. ., ,;;~e,~.,; ~ D) Edward 's syndrom e . :1i" (i;y .-:,Ji.~l< 1.~\!i>!!>fl( <:rui~>~>r.s1Qr.) Gl«>rr(96.e.UuL.. <lru~(j;lib 1 Bl 14-.1.\1 .te (OPT) D) ~&:w!ill ib@ln.! I.D([JJ'!>~· [Tum over PGKI 14 Which vaectne should be given lo the newborn w:t~ 15 days of birth ? A) '0' Polio BJ OPT C) MMR. vaccine D) Measles vaccine , uL.IIj.w~ I !!B uL.tQ.w~ U 2.-L~ Qurr®4;j/;l, IO\a.rr600T(bl elflwn 601 cl)QilLQJJwji; aj&rr!J)Gg;@ : 38. ULI!j.W~ 8i~IP I 10\e,rr@ffiBiuuL.(blmm ®o5luf@a;Qil6116; uL.IIj.wQj n a) A , 8 ,0 ~!TJi,~ ru..,>e;e;Gt. l. !!iJL.u lb)tlllt mrrro!Ds:blbltb® iLI5tr!,T<Wrlil b) ~~~ 2. {i)!.JL.601LU u0lly lf>6UU4 c) ~~>HJ1t ~~~fl~IIT ~I ~IHTQS\6> ~lJliTtU 3. UQJIM I' .(b1 ~Q)q,fiir d) 1/illif.:of!0Qll6 ru1.d) 4. UITQJ il>~"»LO ~li.QJJ81 om Jl>WIGO 4 3 2 8) 3 4 1 C) 2 1 4 D) 1 2 3 ob A) cj c ps b 4. .tn a .c ®!lflli®9>m , Cll0Qlrrif;j8>e; 2§1iisra;bfr w w Malch List I w11h List II correctly and sclecl your answer usin g the codes g:tven below: List I w Ltstn a) A .B .0 blood group 1. Example for point mutation b) Bald head In man 2. Dihybrtd cross c) Sickle cell anaemJa 3. Multiple alleles d) Independentassoranent 4. Se.x inlluenced genes Codes: a b c d A) 4 3 2 1 B) 3 4 1 2 C) 2 1 4 3 2 3 4. Dl xf!o~ 15 PGKJ 39. t£w~~'*'L>'rr r~> I) ADH ~ci!Tu01 ~~Cct~· TT El»flOWC:u-. 0>..J~s6l$> @t!!i!b~ u.r;d.6Jci!T(!)01· U) ADII qQhu~ @W.uci!T~4oo~!blES!®~~ a.r;liiffi1ci!l!!l~· Ul) ADI I O'Ginu0( if;\ijCr,-TT~~.:.<:r....,.~m..JSla£1Q. @<S!i>~ .-gS.Jlci!TIJl0'· tv) ADH 6lW...:f.J u~u..4.1 q,l]Gt~u'il6\> ~<S!i>~ e.!Jll.ilt:ilr'!Jf,l llt:IP ~L.~6frm ~:SL.~4Js"lurQII cl!Qn-a»t:.t~ Clf>lt~Qib@ : (t) ID1Jror.:O (iU ~·flwnGillEl»N A) B) {lie} lllL(i)U!I1fliiJ!rQ!T~ C) D) (ii) lllL{9!h slflmQll~ (t), (II) Lll!I)DJ'h {iii) ~trflwcrQIIQSlN, I) ADII Is !'>('(tC'tNI by <tdenohypophysls U) J\DH Is Ml't'Jt'lt-d bv tnflmrllhulum ttl) J\OH 1':1 ~:~~c:r~t<.'<l by n~umhypophysls lv) ADII Is srrrrtl'rl by pineal ,l(iand .c of lhc s tnf<'llll'llt::; : ru ami (IU we corree1 ob D] correct D) tLIJ)Jfl) Oll'l[IJ!bJil<Ql~tl.V (AJ : a lone Is correcl (IJ, (H) and (ill) are correct . ps 40. 1/.'!Pihr~>~IL rurr6,1f.1wil.iu.QJ>Git : (if) cj {((I) alum: I~> om Cou,tdn th~ following :e;tnt<'mc:lll::. • ~lboin .tn Qu.rrQii:!I(V•i••"!bi q,rr~tiRfTtb (RJ : G>l!~f.Oaq.rflC::wrrQ!rrO!T.~ rol!,i,~P~itG>lew~&1! O''*'~b.Q!la.Wl4J QPS.~w ull.l~ w'Jibl . w w t£<219 !1Jt61uJIL.(9~"' ~JL.~&l elf':.Jrrw cllQS)LW.lJ~ <21bd'!i>Gl~(9 : A) (II) lO!iJ!I)Jcil fR) @'"'*'(9l!l lbCLO! B) (A) &tfl ~ Qllrr&l fR) jbn.Q! C) fA) ~.:0 (RJ ®rr'*{Vli> ;;cfl Ctll~:D fR) llifl::J~Ti1r a;rrr;Q51!JtnJr~ D) (AJ w!Pi)!lb (RJ li'ttJQim(9;b CJ:fl ~&mrru fR) vrfl::c.Qii e;rrr;~&l~w . Conslde• the foUo"ing statements : Assertion (II) : Reason (RJ The sperm contains cemrlole ln the neck. Centrioles are Important for sperm count. Now !'f'lcct your answer accol' to thf' coding scheme given below . A] Both (A) and (R) are false B) (A) Is true, but (RJ Is false C) Both (II) fmc! (R} arc lrue and IR! Is the correct reason U) Both (II) Rncl (RJ are lrue,bul (R) Is not the correct reason . 16 ~ 41. ®~!b!IL'JT~!.\l t>lJlQf!!!G''"cl) --'1:)$1aSl~&.> ~~r.<!JO.fl ~.OW -t:l)'iliStj,j&!OiU(§fmlll ~t>llfml)'6 <:&('!JaD A) <:iJIDI115l C) C.V @IJifLr•rio J. LJTUrr DJ V. <"rriJrrurnu DJ S. S. u~QlltTe;rt . Credit for"" rU11~ ~"'P·"" :">Ctl'ncl' Rt'~(.'<ll C'h ln !mila I;(Ut:>< leo A) llomt J. Bhobn B) V SaralJhal C) C. V Raman Dl S. S. Bhalnaj!ar 42. ~~;Pit.e;~L t>llrr ti.d:l'lku.ol!lm q.ruof\ : fAJ : ~lf,1u.-8,Q> Ul!P:!>l:'l &;!O'u>flu. cl'~e!T8ll1 .,a,ugstrr ~Prrru6lrr uUJQRS!m IJJQRnLQI$l£lw Go~ rolW:lGru.:f.l ~>mL~il"'~aiU>. 4al1uSl~ e;rrd>IDI --~~~ A) (A) w(il[)llil (R} srflwrr~QilruiUii.>W B) (A) qrflUJnQ!l~. tRJ orflw•t.m,.~&J cll~Lan!IJ;, <:11-tt~Qcr;(i;l : .c t' ,flUJrr~ ob <£(gl9 ~i.JL~,· @'*"' ®iPM~~w om t"PIP~~, 1o\.r.T@~ cnfl~~"-~-~{l.n'fgmlil fRJ • cllomGiruQ\1 -~1Jilo!l6ii~ ...4o\:~~~ (YIM.i~,4,,Q1 Jo!le.rr~ C!P~ L•rr!blt~@rol!,' Lll>!· (1\) lb[bl!).llil (RJ tHf1u.lfft.mQI'·ru IL'!iJt') IR) erflwrrQll cl\6!Tb.U.tarr(!!)lb n) (/\) 1D!i)I!).ILo fR) nrrhurrC:lllCOlru. ~oootnG\l {R)ott"liUITQlT "516!Tb.u.taollw. Cons;.dcr the foUu'"1llt,( ~t..•H·mc-n~: .tn The space shuttle ln wb1cll Kalpana Chawla. the Indian born Am<"r1can SctenU:sl travelled, when r(·cnter<"d Into lhe Earth Almo<~phl"re was burnt. w Assertion (A): ps cj C) w (R) : w The space shuttle had lhc pose cap (mat.le of c!'ramlcs) ' d::unagcd. Now &elect the correct answ('r according to the coding sch('me gtven below : ReClS()rt 43. AI (A) and (RJ are not corrCt·t B) (A) ts correct, but (l<.ltcc not correct and (R) are co::rect, and IRJ Js the correct e>.:planatlnn C) (A) OJ (AJ and IRJ are correct. but (R) Is not the correct explanation. !l~~.='t-aJ~:;l'"~ ~i)·t:f' _i\lw1 ·Giu.:.·ll]'f"~-ail ~~.SiO'tlrB!lQ) e,Q:IA,.~-;~ • A) ~Q!!Qif::u icho.:nnc~ .E!~•~t~-r~~~ B) ~!!l~;:;u~ ~if~• <:LDi'nl..~J:l7)~ C) Bl'te.~ro&~rr,r ~,Oil•Ql ,:~r.J <>"li.tlb Lrt>\,£;::~ D) IP>WUULjtQS\J B,L.Guu(!)jh~t;iltt~· . 17 Which of lhe following Is not correcl? Mixln~ 44. of alcohol \vilb petrol exchan!:(c A) saV<'"'3 B) i~ CJ supports sugar Industry D) prevents the posslbillly of adulteration. ecofriendly ij\'!)>u,u.•L-rudJI1Jl~ 6l'!Jjjb [lirrt:®LEin '4<ll!Jd1wm Glsrfl~w®~~~w Ql!>rrL..Itl.jGII\Lil.f{511 A) 11\II,UIT B) ®6i1l<ll1]6il C) ~IJ rrQ!I D) Gllf>Qs!Glu.rrrflwrr. Ur-.:tnlum enrtchrueot Is concem~d-wU.h B) Israel CJ Iran D) South Korea. .c om Cuba a~{brr a a~® D) ~ cj Al ob 4dJI!)Icgl!lrrll' ,;r!bl1tu4 <Ol~Huru!bl!QQn 2.-a»L-UJ lf>ITn•IJIA ps 45. A) COl!!>L.tq E>Sl~u.lh (!!l(!9~Ql)8>, C) Teak Bl Polyalthia D) Murungal. w Seethe w ·~u,rnt· tL.dJU$b!hiu'iiGilUUJQnU@~!1>Uu@lb U.U~.lQJITlP ·~<fu!J>IT' AI errIte;rrm>ID C) G>~tfil<l:~rflwrr w 46. A) .tn The plant which possess<::> 'ou •Ucanc:erous activity Is D) J;ll) .nS\GilC:wrflwrr D) e;rroorturr. The marine algae co=crcially exploited for the production of 'agar· Is 47. A) Sargassum B) Graatlaria C) Laminaria D) Caulerpa. ®!f>lblUJ.T£151Gil 6niJL.w (!!lli>Q!r~G>SlGilu.~@t5!~6\6>UWL(i)l ~(!51...5JB;e.UuLL- 6U(!9L-Ul N 19~ m 19~ C) 1990 D) 1992. In !nella AIDS was first reported 1n A) 1932 Bl 1986 CJ 1990 D) 1992. (Turn over PGKI 48, 18 :p_uJlrflllHfu !&h.JQilrrlt<r,Gir G~~rr~Lrr@J;lfisr(DI<)U\. &ruGln~rr® ~~~lh ~6isr 5-601~ ®dill'> !!Jrrwrre; 6Jolog!sts celebrate every year 5th June as World Water Day C) W.H.O. Day B) World EnVironment Day D) World PopuJatJon Day. cj ob .c om A) D) w .tn ps C) A) C) w w Which of the following diagrams correctly represents elephants, dogs and aruma Is? B) D) • 1!1 50. a.= b x. b = c Y, c = n 7. GrfiO~~ PGKl xyz <in tne;luu , A) 1 Bl 0 Cl -I Dl @Gllru '"lll;~lEIQ!6ll16\l. If Cl = b x, b = c Y. c =a Z then ·'-YZ is C'LJual to l B) 0 CJ -1 D) None (J J U1e!>e. tJ;[i>{gurr ~ B>rrl.u.TL:® @!!)lrul'IJT~$&1~ u.r" @uurrL.@ .3l~u.rr<f1 <.OluuJ<&.>JT6nr~ A) @d)o B) ~i£1111 rf1t>lt GiJ .-uri.ra.1u5!~ C) G .tiT ~!hiM uSL.@ a.tpa.!I>IIJ..;r ,QI\6\lrult D) &l-~lt ·'~ .6J cil~ jbQSH>u(;ourt ~~@i(fllt om {J!IfiOlQ)(!l .c 51. A) C) Chairman. GlC AI cj f!'!nan<-e Sccretmy 01 Deputy C~owmor. RUJ Chalrman. IRDA. ps ~ibalurr ~~ [ljfT l.:_llj-WI COlLDJT jbjb ~-!i>U$i>j{;luSlQll ~6fT .;Uil;\) LDif, jb}UJ LDtiJ~tD LDIT!bl"' ~I)~ '1i! G&6\l~a:rlhlu,6111~ &§>ci\d;\g,U> GT.;it&>u6S!G1J 1 .tn 52, A) ob The ContTollcr of lnsunmrc IS at present 24% 13) 17% DJ ao%. w C) w A) w Al present the expenditure on Government (both Central and Stale) as a percentage ofGDP ll> 53. A) 5% B) 17% CJ 24% D) 30%. @!f,g;lw~rru\Q) ~E>.i!n Gur;2!\ll Ul!DUI.j 6l)\d;\~!h ( 2001 - til ~Elillr(9 LJ~61il .ulru~LJt.Jt~ ) GT(Ju tq. ~~6fT~? A) 935 B) 929 C} 933 D) 930. The sex ratlo oflncUa as per 2001 Census w-d.S A) 935 Bl 929 C) 933 D) 930. (Tum over PGKI 54. 20 ®19Lbro:!J>.D\6Iir ~,)!DU4 ...slcl:i!l>ib <§Q!l(I)Nrrto> L6trw ILlfTif,\aJth r;r~ ? A) l<•..&llF!!>~'G\ B) !L!iJ§;li]LiUll)(glb&Ul C) ~u.I]Gtllf 0) ID~If,111lDUll]~§b&til . The state which has the lowc:st record of Infant Mortality Rale ls 55. A) Tnmtl Nadu B) Ullar Pradesh C) Kerala D) Mndhya Pradesh . , ..........~1tiil1Unllt ®!i>~ &LOUJ jbQ!lalN~ A) rui~blJU.fTG!Sf~jb~ BJ Nl]rru...&l;,l] 1\ C) (;\JfT Q.,u\'cl:i 0) "" grrurnlJ . Vatnhamltra 0) C) V<llmlkl OJ &~ ~IC:!bs ~,f)Gl ~~li<\1{11 GT~ 1 C) BJ OJ 200:~ B) 2003 D) 2005. B) e;6lu~rflglb!B> ~UJibiu,rnt D) ut .~lh .10rr ji;No;m . ob AJ T ardbal. .c Vtvekanamln 2001 2004 cj 56. A) om .........."'ms lllndu rclig.lous leadt.:r. 1!005. 2001 C) '2004 .tn AJ w @!!>~ ujlilf,)rf16i,;m~~>.D\61ir r&J~ruEllliT orGill. 8\U~IJID~ 2BIUIT C) or6iu. w Al &f!,lf,)UJ (!Pii'~~ w 57. ps Which Is th<" International Year of Rice? The tounder of lhc Newspaper .'The Hindu' was A) 58. s. Subramania Iyer S. Satyamurty Cl ffi~\J11'l;JI51UJ 6.!91hs\;~Q., Ui!Grr Ul661&'1J(§10 B) Kasturt Ranga Iyengar Dl T. K. Madhavan. !f:>~q,~Q.) 6!'gi! '!J,(g!JlT U~!\i!&'l'61'! C.!:P 615>(1) Q5)11J ~!!J~6. Gu.rr61'!Grr~.5lEiJQS>aJ 1 A) Ulgrr 6lirll't B] (,W'"cl:i"'orrlf>~(U.Kl C) Glg]ITID~ D) wGuWloi!!. Wh.lch of the following countries of the European Union bas not adopted lhe single currency Euro ? A) Frnnce B) U.K. C) Gennany 0) Spain. x]1o1 1 PGKJ 21 5!1. Utg Egos, Smflll Me-n • C"cin!D '-ll!Jfl-B'~J.': f' ,~~~""'t wrr:t ? A) !'>IJOhblDIJn~iJ B) <Jntl> GmJi>•c<urr..,41 C) C:&n~ G!HTIJU~ ., D) bl ·""". 0:8~ cis! , Who hns written Lhe uvok " AlA ~;gos. Small Men .. " Narasl m lla !{no B) Ram Jelhmalant C) Soil SorabJt"e D) TN. &'qhnn . !-1:'1 - ru~ ,Jl·l',141u•~>•'<~'•n ·,4 £10~Mo Gl51•1JI!7lu ~ !Oih~·'1 Hlll011'11 ~ ~.(;II''~~ 0) !JftJPti.jb!JuLL..M8>et'.MQST t'J~~~=~ CJ ®lP!t>~lJ.<I>~~,;.,..n ''" lloL.LJ.GJboii•QJOI9 tl~'l :stzc of Ua: uunlslly U) scparnt c commission lor SC CJ compulsory c~h • c-allon for the dtildn'n D) n:scrvattnn In higher c:ducatton . ps cj ob i\1 .tn WTO 6TGif!D @>~IM'.~i\~ ~~·rucruw.1..;;61~\l ~"~ d'="" rullflrurr~"'lil A) ~we. ~611G11 @~""l!llll C) LWif> Gurr~!Uwr'cin(;O'I<D :€1~~(:) w 61. q,Q>".\1WlQ) @L.. {jl~ .. .t~ rei ConsULuUonftl Aml'ndmrnt dcab with D !Uri .c D) om A) ? run ~g,"' tblnJruQSI'o AJ !LQJS. D) L&.om ::urri.®ru'i~el @O!rufllllil. w 60. A) 62. w What Is the correct e.xpano;ton of the iibbrevfatinn of \VI'O ? J\) World Te-xtile OrgantsaUuu B) World Tr!\dc Organisation CJ World Tn1stce»htp Organisation OJ World Transport Organisation. &1!.16'> ffil!'~~d1i ~un 01 (l,~b.~IU ~(;0'1\DQ!le>,;,.l;'.iiir i) MC:a..nuL.t~ Qlllil il) tr>~·f;l))fT ill) _.,flu.u.~..D@ iv) i<. L.UlJ :)). v) (Y)el\61 .-.,m,il A) (!) ,(ll).lD~~U> (lv) AI (O.[UJ.lDti>'llJiil (Ill) Cl (1, (iii] .!Dt\>(l)llr> (v) 0) (ll) UlL.@tb • I Turnover 22 PGKI The important parts during the Sangam Age were ? I) Kavctipattinam II) Madural iii) Arikamedu lv) Kapatapura.m v) Muslrl uf l111:sc 11) .(II) and (lv) Bl C) (I).(IU) an<.l (v) • D) (iJ.CUJ and (WJ (j l) only . 545 ~ (I)J!"Jt51QIIitlhGil lJ) C) 565 l'Ll[)JUt.Sill!lit Mi D) 555 LIDJLil.\1G>JJite;6"11 .c A) om !J>(b(lurran~w LO/.t.a.manrutbla\r Gh.orr6>j!\ IL.~t>OJII"~~>61flo>il ~>r<ii:IOT<;oOil<i\QI\s. 5 75 '-9)J(Jt.Simt~ts.61'! . ob (i3. A) 565 members B) 555 members D) 575 members . E'l'Q\r 10 ill ~~tl Uj.IILDUit 10 Ul ~§>~ tllli1Lil c!'>lli!!lJalfllf.s.uu(!)ru~ A) 'JU9 Q> 10 Lil w Jo6ll'i1fb ~iflGmLDa.Gir ps C) .tn 545 members B) C) Gl!fuuiluri 10 ti> ~!!>~ D) w <!!Dtf>1 w 64. A) cj At pr<-.scn l lhC' mAximum !;trength of Lok Sabha ts Human Rights Day is obsflrved on 65. A) Aptil 10th B) June lOth CJ September 10th Dl December 10th. lf.(,gkP i!LGfrGll 6Trb~ @L~~:;\). (y)a\r\l)) <r>L €Jffi61i lilhl<blDLOiri£IQ\rt;!)t>OJ 1 A) Glam6tnG>JJ B) i\r;JIT~lOWN!JLD C) o;Q\r~Wif@;LOif1 D) ~~~®Ill-. In which of the follo-wmg places three oceans merge together ? AJ Chennai Bl Rameshwaram Cl Kanniyaku mali DJ TuUcorin . • 70~ , 23 UL:..I-tWOO 1 ffi!-IUW U LL~ G\urrr&!b,$1, a\'~19 G\6>rr(b\~&uut.:.~GirG1T @)95)uf(bl6>~bll~ Gl!hTWo!(bl ulflwrr6!1T rul0>LGll>Wjb ~lbli"\bGllb@ : uL.~v~ I uL..~ww n a) UITI)"~ a;Q!II)"B. u5l~ 61Tjb6!1T!i.JIJ:Gir GljbrrJ9l(blfiTQllQl 1) lhliilurr!l; b) @IJrr~ru ~~~rrliJ~G"i RnlO\I.IIb 2) Gutblt!i~lt c) @!i>.ilw rurr~Glru61fl ~IJITtU&Ifl 3) ~(!!)6'-tl d) Jo(~68.~ 4) llnflfl)~IJITUIT Jb : a b c d A) 4 3 1 2 D) 3 4 1 2 C) 2 3 4 D) 3 4 2 om ®!Dii!®~t>m !b\ll»wuJm .c 66. PGKI I. ob Match Ltat I with List II correctly and select your answer ustng the ~;odes given cj below : Bharat Heavy Electrtcals 1. Kalpakkam b) Defence Research Laboratory 2. Bangalore c) Indian Space Research Organisation 3. Trtchy d) Atmolc Power Plant 4. Hyderabad. a w w w .tn a) Codes: 67. List n ps List I b c a A) 4 3 1 2 BJ 3 4 1 2 C} 2 3 4 1 D) 3 4 2 1. af!P~L-rutb!DIGir '"~ !W$~ffi(§lll.uSlru @liil61:00l , A) Iiliierrw6<lf ~rrJ91\Darr0>~> B) LI)"Jb GljnrrJ9l(berrG!llru C) .lPj~tEl~ D) ~6!1Tiiilu5l~ (b)El))WWLD (blll))WUJLD. Which of the following is not situated In Tut:!corln ? A) Chemical Industry BJ Fertilizer Industry C) Nuclear power station D) Thermal power station. [Tum over 2<! PGKI 68. Q!biJ{gruGIIJII1L..<i!r QibiTuTU(il(!)S?jf ST{'j? Al rtlQ)u.~nrfl B) ,A).zrr,.c-71il C) U~U4 rtl~»)U,q,rfl U) ~trfluur Which of thf:' folloWing ls not relat erl to NcyvclJ ? 1\) Coal D) Eh•ctriclty CJ Lignite DJ llrcR. ul..~wru I mul..~IIJQ, II fLL..liO"I Gurr®ll>il, Q(ii1f~bJ(1jlll'lf1WITQIT ro1Qilt...GlllUijb ~jhli(hQSI>@ : Ul..Lq.wru I oi(]IP [email protected]>uul..@~crr <Qi(l))uf@IMOHm!h ul..~wru n •uiTGlSl!P LniJIO 1. .81U•<!!t (g~rolruB.ootr u. b) ITo(!!>~~~ 1+.\l I 01} W 2. 1><•io•l!f.•1l>ll> <i:j!)Ql\Gl..HLU>ITI7> c) <l:if>ti.® 3. f'Lfl<Olurr{rr,Gi! Clp,li\ll,;-,,&,a.n ~n cJ) ')fiL.~rol!Wu, LtJI}ln '1. u.L.utt... <:lg,.$l.;u8,u,u& d 2 4 3 B) ·1 3 11 C) D) 2 3 4 2 3 1 1. w A) ps c b .tn a cj {~([email protected] : ob lllf.J til om a) .c 69. w w Match List I \'l.ith List II <.:orrectly and sFiect your am~wer using th~ corlcs given below: List I List II a) Banana tree l. Ornamental b) Acl'tda tree 2. Festival purpose c) Teak tree 3. fuel rl) Polyallh!a tree 4. Tirnher purpose. C'AJdes: a b c d 2 4 A) a 8) 4 3 :l C) 2 3 4 D) 1 2 3 ·~TJ 4. J)IU1)0se pcrpr.~e -----PGKI 25 70. if> J6l)}l!!)ITL~W '"10 @,If foil 1IUJo;irrU(i;I$),1J>LII J(jjlfu ID®!b!'i!N a:!_r,rr Iii iniTitJITEtllE\l" ~ &Qq 61JH1 8.@) UITIJli>UrfliU (YlQll\l)uSl Q) §>lrrulJLD /\) LOll J.l)l)"lh B) .8{1Jifr C) ~6HiilL.i D) l£19rrG1\!)@.>601. Traditional medicinal planl used for the lrc-.atmenl of 'Jaundice' tn Tamil Nadu Is 71. /\) Mango B) Ara5u C) Vcmbu Dl KeelanalU. I IQ!m Qll L IU (g s, rr t" o;m L 6tlliU 1J>uSll9 u. t9!6l uSl ®lb ll> ~11> J9le.~QI Gr(!, !b ru l\Gl e. 6\11 Glll6i J:1 tim Lb UIT0JO·ITLll..fe>!rll\ ciJLIJULl iOJ 1 Ul D) .fllf>!ll>Lo L.(~ om A) l'PIT>Qll Ql. C!!i lbl 0011] \\Ill fit were the:- animals found Jn lhc most of the anctenl forts for protection '? OJ ll>~l«l>IJ C) ib1®6ifl LDIT ruL.L $lf>)l!.l 8>fl @J{bQllL Tt~l'r Crocodile. 10(!9!i>j61<;~JU UQl<f>fJllQllh11•1flhLD ~6llliD!.\ifDJ6IIellijl cj AI D) ps Horse Cl 72. !J>16l!f>U.~ib1601 llftblb ob LIOn .tn A) .c C) Bl <le.rrJULoL.(!i;.Wflt D) Gu~Q!lW. ? C) Trichy w Madura! B) Coimbatore D) Chennal. U1Jiilt.ile>(.lf)6lll0 iblL.L.Lo .•..••••.. U>ITNLL~!h\Gi> ~6116lllijl. A) Gurflmlt Bl (]e>ITUJlo41l\0.ITit w 73. A) w Where is the Vetcrtnary University In Tamil Nauu located ? C) !l!SJL.t; D) &(!51T. Parambikulam project 1s located ln .... ..... dlst.ricl . Bl Coimbatore A) Pertyar C) 74. Ooty D) Karur. B) @®LilY e ."oil!> ~6mQl !lifl"li>IP!q,®~ ..........•. 6".® t5liJ6\~~ Glw![J\1)§1 Al .Wt5li;; ~-~~ ~ G!f>rrlfo\iJ!HTfJll6\l ~~uSl~iD Gji>rrJ9l~&ITQ!\6\l D) ~w(bib11J6. <f>!§cil ~GJ,6\Hh6ir • Tutlcorln is farnous for A} Splc Fertlli7R.r Industry B) Iron and Ste~J lndustzy C) D) Machine Tool Industry. Cl 1\lu.minium Industry I Turn over 26 PGK I 75. ~8>1T~QJ ~l~Gif=Gilr 8>1blcqiliT :bli!Jll)anili Glewjb~ 6i<i<llif> aSlsrrrfluu!f>1>M8l AI J&LS\J;P,.,~d-16.1 §I" ~a; e,o;uru!) B) {gll-rr,urhy4>~ I/!)Qilrr(9CO'tQ:i!fULf C) ru!l>!fl(!!) ~rf.11Ps,§,lf;JQ., ~~f1>~6i6'11~ ~lP~<i<l>W61lliU ~g;ro;J D) G)Qnru 6l~~~Qnru. to proh r. Into Goku iA Knsh nau Com mtss Jon was a!)po lntcd cash : clAShes In Tam il Nadu B) <'OIInhatore bl~~t C) sturl y the D) nrme of lh<·s<-. sltuo.lUon In Tam il NAdu om Daltt'~ lQ»lDh,_ urr~fb !J'tl>ctlrr aSl®QS>lb CO'tu.:b!!l (1Jlfb6.l lbLh'ljpe. (!plbQ C.l\. ~QllnQR:mT ~""'IJ C) c. r rrSIC:S>JHJifQ>rThrrrfl M.G. 'J11lD&6(!,!£lgiliT .c D) A) UU•Ib'lJ&IIQlrh. ob 7G. A) D) A) C:aoow C) !{QJ!,Jrfl .tn l'.mUS .IrfJII D) Dakt avat chala m lb!L..t..ID .......... IDrl ruL..t..ji,j{,lQ.> !l.-6!'1 61l ~. w I!>Lh'lJP!!>fTLlq.ail w 7 7. C. Rajagopala<-hrui w C) ps cj dctl Bhar at Ratn a Is Th<- Orst. T"m ll Nndu ChJd Mlnl ster to be awar M c:. Ram acha ndra n B) C.N. Alul lldur al A) B) Qu<flwmt D) s.6inRf.h..rr~ . dlslr tct. The Pyka m Sche me ofT:un.U ~adu1s ln .......... 78. Al S.Ucm B) Perty ar C) Nt:glri D) Kann iyaku marl . 6f\t!L jbr.&l\P (g~5iw.urr~ 'l.IJIQJUrrlj~ A) ml.!J'IDGlOilw CJ ru.L. &I ••fJ£, ETGis' J) i)GJS.Ii:lw ee&-f'Q!III>QOOJ G\ru..flliSL..Lrrtt. B) ""UfJ~~w .tlrurr zine calle d "BaJ a Bhar athi" ? Whic h Tam il naUo nalls t publ ishcr l a litera ry maga A) Suor ama nya C) V.O.C. • L'o• j • Uharc~ll B) Subr ama nya Siva OJ V.V.S. lye!'. 27 79. n !> uL.~uw I ~ uL.!fraJW Qe,rrliZi!SI(9 PGKl l Qr. Glurr®jb~. <Hfl.JJiTQ!i a\IQ!ILG!! HU4> Ga.'T(Slffi4cnrl· @6ir611 :!!I~.O@e;QllEroffi sfC:lP <l!f>lt;tQ"'~ :!.IQ) II uL.aq_IIJQ) 1 <:!!1'7 e;am.. n)>w 1. e;rrQ:!lW b) 1.0<.!)>6,!!,11 Ulf 8,e;tb 2. rutfluQlub c:J [l)fr6flriJe.rnq :~. U>ITQ:!lal <l!,IJI] U.GmL d) &!QJW~O.traq. 1. !hL\l)B>EO>~ Ull!)j:l;l ®!&10(9u.¢ : a b AI 2 :~ 4 H) 2 4 :I C) 3 1 :t 4 U) 4 3 2 J. c .c om d ob Mntch List 1 wtth Liat D correctly and select your answer ustng the codes given hrlow : b) Maruvurpakkam c) d) NalangadJ 80. w w Ccodes: Q I. The momtng b = 2. The resldemJal are<1 3. The evening b< 4. Coastal Area wtth Its hnrhour. w AllanJ{adl List 11 cj Pattlnapakkam .tn a) ps List I b c d A) 2 3 D) C) 2 4 1 3 3 1 2 4 D) 4 3 2 I. ~(!!)G!!>Q>~ruG61 4 LOITAJL l- B.GiaJ6.~.-It ~~ U'ifJITe) L'@GO'>ITQ!lW AI Q~iL~.aEi"~. !2IJJIT B) rurrl§il C) ~.6Hill. t~rur.IJ nwt'W D) ECriu Who assass1naled ~he. Gl!r<i.IWULL... TIT 7 m:urt lr:fllrurriJ p M<l. tile Dlstrlct Collector ofTirunelveiJ? A) V.V.S. Jycr B) Vanchl lyer C) V .S. Srtnivasa Sa~:~ try . [)) s. Srinlvas.'l Iyengar. 11\rrn over PGKI :.?8 . A) C) ui€>&11U @I!IWlDEmW B) ~ffilQ\lrn:O ~lDIUI.OQllW D) criburr6ir li!totUlDQllW. Which part of the Himalayas bas the maxitnum strelch from east to west '? A) Kumaun Himalayas B) Assam H1malayas C) Punjab Himalayas DJ Nepal Himalayas. 82. J:wtJ;q,Q1m_ 4'!Jnlf.J;\wlt!U>Ql)~11 B\rucofl : ~9 ..&~Ill toll l.\l~jb&li.!lh~llll 1.0~ ®&mQl 1.0~~ ®611r!J5l ~QlllD,j,)lD~I · fhlrrJO<fl!Ti!l ~~a, lDGUljpU GlLJ!T!P'~ · {R) ; ~~II' ®o51u&L.ffil61'161T ®!6\W'L..U! oo (A) lDtU~ID {R) D) {A) t.D(biJ)Iill &rfl. (RJ a tf\Ulfl'&Ot 61'mtU0! (A) U.ITIJWO\) • ~QllL.Ql)tUjj, cr~~t\fJG\Ib(f) : ~Sl(!)® alflUlfl''-'lf ciJ61Tb.l!>t.D!T(i!;tD. /RI &rfl. (R) 61 6iltLJ01 (AJ cllti>® ~rrlWJTG!n n'il6!T811fouSl~Qllw. (A) crfl ~m~rroo /R) lbruiJ)I. D) (II} lbruiDJ ps 8.!-~rrli.l (R) e-lfl. cj Cl the folloWing statem<'nts : .tn Con~tder I.D,M;\Ql)~ .8j~i!;~~ <01&111l~J:0 .c A) ®QllQ> om {II} • ob ~I{)Jt/) Sot1s In bumld cropical reg!ons ~ck humu::>. Rea.<;on (l~ : Heavy prcclpltat.ton causes leaching of hurotJs. w w Assertion (AJ : 83. w Now selecl your answer from the coding schi!Illr given below: A) Bolli (A} and (R) arc true and [RJ ts the correct 1!:\.-planation of (AJ B) Bolli (A) and C) (A) is true. but (R) Is false D) (A} Is false. but (R} Is true. (R} are true, bul (R) Is not the correct explanation of (A) &rr~Y,IJIT~lDi§rD , GlSJ~~UJ lOO!>Wd>i§ID ®omL.~ ~@!!! ~IJ)I 6T§J 1 AJ Qe;rr sr.rrr;-.$l B) ~n~S; C) j!u~ D) !lJlhn~rr. Whlch of tbe following rtve-r flows betv:een the Salptu·as and the Vindhyas ? A) God~van Bl Ganuak C) 'I'aptt l"ll Narm<~rla. xJ70lj PGKI 29 A) il!5\~Lot u i 6\ Cl ·~ ~IJml~ ~to,•('} C:.;, (l) p;m:_ <l;r,rr@ B) wn U) 17•-t. @~~ <lM@. 'Dtt· l.lounclm-y hl'tWet"n Gcmtany anrt PoJ.:md Is called H!'i. Lin!' A) lltntlt'ht:r¢ Lm<' B) ~~~J!lnot C) Ou!'llnd Un~ U) 17th P"dr.illcl ~<ILDILITUII'!i> ~I"~UI ~;.r;LD!t~lnGT: '}J/J .......... A) n ltaL!il B) Ulli>rT !!!~ C) e.lbl<!l~>rr <!' ~' 0) ~rr<:ru<fl Snbnnnall B) C) Gw lgM rl 0) C) I ~~Mld.<l (~U)<:I.\111@ Eart h(JuA kf's C) Cn•~• Kavcr!. 8) Lj(;)~ll'i11iiir ~Gfl~jQ!lLDUI..j D) <l>c (i)IJ@QIIU,, B) Core of Ul(' ('art.h w of lht': earth D) Ocean Ooor w ~M)11.1 ~L!b~~>"'lQobl~ 5'61Tm A) w 87. A) .tn Tht term 'NWL:' refen, to cj I j~l') .."Jld~~ ~t) ob 'Nif~:· GT.:iniP Uj.Mi: ll!l!61Uu~ AI Mahannclt .c A) ps 86. om AhmC'<Iab;t<.llown hl lot•ntl'd on the rtv11r 7516.6 JJ.W B) 7500.5 i},,W C) 7000~.8 D! 6100 iT'lJS. The length of India's coast line Is about 88. AI 7516.6 km B) 7500.5 km Cl 7000 km D) 6100 km . ty~b.!f>UIIl:L q.rr(9tn6f! 6C~r!)ITQ) Q'Qrcasl 7 A) <lroriui6fljlb.Ge.o:n ty~.;,"'.:...c. _ 11-.cTGu.Oli BJ <X!.'liLQ!)LWIT@ru~\i)COlC~>Q!I &i1;JG.U.C...J~L [email protected] C) <XoDriJOOQJ><N ~@V>eJ ~,rrdu rfib\wrre, ~<:u.r<rciJII.a; ty~O.u.uw~L [email protected] D) LDQ!l<NGl.lrTfp w/I.e.~<'il! WUJain..;rL.o.q.\iJG!e>QIT fi>§!O.B,LJU~L 6>rr(i)lll>•'il. •17ol] I Tum ove r PGKI 30 What ts mean t by 'reS("rved forest' 'I A) A forest reserved exclusively for gra7.lng D) A forest reserved for hunti ng C) A forest reserv ed for commercial cxploitatJon wltil restri ction s on grazing 1\ forest reserv ed for the use of tribal peopl e. D) llnlfurulJ}l!> ~~lq.LJt.flimLWl~ IJlrt@QlcWIJ>6m61T G)'G)l(IJrfllim&tlil~ 8(1iml0 9.11!~1h (2001 ) ! 1) ~41JIT 2) ~~IJ.IJrr'I#!JIIQl 89. 3) 6lb'.d:ilil 4) @?tre?liil>lbrr~ 3 B) 2 D) 3 4 3 2 4 l 3 4 2 4. ob C) 2 .c A) om l!>orur@111m , 3) cj Arran gt- the slates 1n ascen ding order In terms of sex raUo (2001 ) : I) Trlpu ra 2) Utlar ancha ps Stkld ro ~ 4 B) 1 3 2 C) 2 1 D) 3 l 1 w 3 w A) .tn Code s: w 3 2 4 4 4. ~liml.OffiiM~w 1) ~!!>~1Jt5l!i<llf>6!h 2) (!!)~IT~ 3) Li~~>nlt 4) <!t\Ei'J6lUftLo. <i!>!DM'Q;la.6lr : '7~ A) 1 2 3 4 B) 2 3 1 1 C) 2 4 1 3 D) l 3 2 4. 4) l HaJastban. PGKI Arrangt> the followin~ states 11 2) i\ndhra Pradesh ;j) Dlhar 4) Assam. tn descrnd~ order on the has!s of area : Gujarat Codes: l 2 s 4 Bl 2 3 l Cl 2 4 1 D) ) 3 2 4 3 4. mULISj.lJ~ n L o ~ om Gurr~~lf;l. ~<:19 Ge-.rr@~e;.:.UL.@CI'm <[email protected]. GMQ!m@ uJflwrr«R a516lllL6lllWjl, C:j<t!JG'Ifb@ : ul..~wo\1 n U~IJ$1 I ul..t~wo\1 I 0\ITQ!ml.. 1) u,r-Ql !£}tmEU ru«Re.uurr@ ~rr It~jt,CO\rui!JL.. .!J.If1Li46a 6\u.IJiil c) t>u5ll..ll).~C:6tll 2) 3) d) Gulf>! B. 4) ob ~ruurrw c A) 3 1 4 B) 1 2 2 3 3 4 w 2 1 Match List I with Uet w 4 d .tn b ru'-'">u.uurr@ 2 4 w Q DJ ycilu5l~ l:fi>ITGl(OUl cj ®!6M'®e.61r : CJ .c a) b) ps 91. A) 3. n correctly and select your answer using the codes given below: Ustn Ust I classtllc-<~.Uon a) b) Kant 1). dlmatlc Thornthwalte 2) c) Wb!ttlesey 31 d) Penck 4) cycle of erosion ortgln of the earth agricultural typology. Codes · b c d A) a 3 1 4 2 B) l 2 3 4 C) D) 2 a 4 1 4 1 2 3. •170!) I Turn over 32 PGKI 92. !C!Jl6.~~>Edon... rurr!l.ilwlhla>6t1>61T IMU~ ~lbuSlG!!l6U Ul(bQ)r.:O 6>rro"ot5l ~Qllru @.lJ~®lll ~6Uillf1lD6t1>6UWlro Q)'\Ql)61Ts;}!ll~. !LfPJIJ (A) : ®® uuSlitO>Gir aSl6t1>61Tibfll!di(!!Jii! f.Y~I)ci'lfb!.OIT~ 11>1TIJ~I1>6/I lhfffJQflfTW (RJ: fZ~&G!lruUU{bli\!lJ~ ~~!P @)(6)Cu.\1t.:®Girb11 (!b(D)uJL.t.q.cill &Jf11U1Tror aS!QI)L~tJ.Jj, Cl:fbrr!);Qj!i@ : Al (A) LDtDIDJtb {R) enl. B) (A) UlOJa;IJih {R) err!. (R) bTQnUjpl Cl (/\} ~rlf1 D) (A} lf>GlJI!.)J ~QllrrQ) (RJ alf1. IIV aSl!fll!b alflu..rr~ aSlen6i~r>t6l~an6U. ~~mrrQ> ·{R) jbruDJ om Consider the following statements : Tea and coffee a;re both grown In the NUglr1 hills. Reason (RJ: Both crops need stmJ.lar condition for growth. ob .c Assertion (A} : Now select your answt'r according to the coding scheme given below : B) Both (A) and (T?J Ar·~ tn.1e, but C) (A) is true, but {R) Is false D) (A) cj (A) and {R) are True. Is not the correct explanation of (A) .tn ps (RJ w Is false, but (R) Js true. N ~1 a ~3 w Gr[bfb <:jbi!UJ G1a;@@,IIIT6t1>G\l ~8.1JITQ))WJU;lo (!Jlfu0-UQ!lWtl.j.:0 ~=6.J;\\1)~. w 93. A) m ~' ~ ~s Which National Highway connects Ag:ra and Mumbal ? 94. A) NH 1 B) NH 7 C) NH3 D) NH5. errru~lb& ~uut&at G111\rrWoTLrrLLiu@tb (!>ITW .......... Al 8j6.~LITIJlt C) ~e;~L.8 8 B) G1&ULLoUit 8 D} Lq.!fUlUrT 8. International Ute:racy Day is celebrated on Al October 8 B) September 8 C) AugustS D) De::cember 8. ~ l70lj PGKI 33 AI Jl!DITiil>llplJrr BJ j#;lh.urriD C) Ull C!;61lfl D) Gle>ds:'ll>i!t. The oldest oil refinery of India Is A) Haldla B) Digbol C) Baraunl D) Co<:hln. A) 61~!11\ITL 8) ltll;IULo C) ~UIT~ITiflW D) ~.s:1.6f9u . Tidal Par·k In Chennal was fonned by TTDCO and B) C) PolfltiS D) SaU1yam om Elcot TCS. 61J®L-Ul .c ~fb(;!.)\1 U>IT6\JLLlll LD~I'!Sll} 101TNLLjbj#;l~(gi~0J r..SliflLt>$!> N 1~6 C) l9H8 m 1~1 D) 1999. ob 97. A) '1996 C) 1998 uL.~w&l 1 .tn 98. A) ps cj Thcnl district was bifurcated from ~adural on 8) 1997 Dl 1999. rB UL~UJQl n ~LI>il1 Glurrl§ji>!IJ ' IC~w Glu.rr(b)h>e;uuL.@f;l'!Grr ®o51uf@o;Gll61Tffi w <0\u.rrm® ~<lf1UJrrQ!I Q\lo;mLElllUJlb ~!brr~<OI!i>® : w uL.~IJ~ I w uL.~w&l lfJITOJt:..L.liJ 61JG111HITQJWW a) ~ 6lJ L!iJjli ITlhlm Ql 1) ~@Err'l!,IT b) ~~> 61T ine>rr (b) 2) !b~iJrf\ c) (!Plne(T;It!f,j#;l 3) ~®<0\~G>~!il..l~ d) ru@~r'r 4) o;rrl§5lLJ(iLo @)u))ILi~u,Gfr X n : a b c d 1\) 4 2 3 l B] 4 3 l 2 CJ 2 3 1 4 DJ 3 2 1 4-. J70ll [Tum over 34 PGKJ Match List I wtlh List D rorrPrtly and select your answer using Lhe codes glveri below: List List I n Districts Sanctuaries n) Vedanlhangal 1) TanJore b) Kalakauu 2) Nllgtrt <') Mukurthl 31 Tlnmrlvl'll d) Vadur -l) Kancheepuram Codes: a b c A) 4 2 :i U) 4 3 2 Cl 2 3 4 D) :3 ~ ·1. C) <ltoOtialG0011TLoL.!.;,ll>t. ps cj ob .c om d i)(!!>tbyji.IT£!1. 0) Granite C) UnK'Ston{" BJ Qurutt D) Iron ore. w A) w .tn Dharmapuri c!i!Ollirt Is known for ........ m Tarrul Natlu w 100. tr>uS\p!f::n.·lqriY <Ol~6in ®!!>~hu ~j,Q;){gi.m\@ 6HeJL:J(j)ru~ "~ 1 A) Q)!fQ>tb C) tl®<Oltr>EN~0-Ib-5'1 B) e;oi!!f>lfllu.Jrr(!!)l.Offl D) ~rr~~S.<!!;tq.. Which is the South Indian Oxford ofTamU Nadu? A) Salem B) Kanniyakumari C) TlrunelveU D) Tutlcortn 101. @5>r>~fl (YJ'ttl(!> .:..'!yt;Q) .3-:6l(:.18i::"J3Ji>JOG~. L~ ; A) urrQiuQs! B) aQ_e, C) @~.Elv~ D) &jS>IT~j!\'Qs: 6JQ)!§1. The iqtadw"i system was Introduced by X 1 701 A) Oalb::m B) Albek C) lltuontsh D) Alamldln Khlljt. 35 PGKI 1\) ~~ u.~o.rrGulll @Qlilr<n!i) Gltf>rr!f>l[i>crrrtil:l1~ B) uro~!Ptu ~lj)&rrli\lio lb'rfl14io rurr)j>b.~u. Cl ytJ;ltu e.(i)e.rr wtb @~d;lbrr Cil.lrrif'6.Qlle. [)) GlcrtbLJ6.~~>n wio :LQfOlb'lj 4u~/.l @~li\l. Whtr.h of thc- followin!!' is wron~y matched ? McsoiU hie pcrlocl Micrulllhlc lml us try Bl PAI('()Iilhir. pr riocl W<u1dcrlng hie C) Neolithic pertod Sri tied li fe D) Chalcollthtc period rood produclnJ.! sltt~t·. "(yl01 ~ §'\IJ !f,~Qil,;,ll>6lflW" ~1>ir01TI...IbJ{,JliJ{!ll cj ? B) j/;l11.1rrm.:O .tn ps ®wGll)Q) If IOutjb~ lin ob 103. t.IJQim.(!>rub<!l ru(!l~Git 61 ~ IIIOQ!!Il .c om /\) w Which one of Ute following uoes not belong lo Lhe 'Three Ratnas' of Jalnlsm ? Full Knowlcdj!E' C) Good action B) 6TUl. 6TLD. l.!liT611~Wrr. C) h1ih. D) di'l. 6TW. w w Al B) McdllaUon D) LlberaUon. ~"'· e.rr!bif\ 6'~rurrf.f c<rr!i\Jib)tfl • Who of lhe following atlendeu all thC! three Round Table Conferences '? Ambed~rr A) B.R. C) M.K. Gancllil B) M.M. Malaviya D) V.S. Srinivaso.Sastrl. l Tum over om .c ob cj ps .tn w w w PGKI 36 A) ~l'.Jttwtnucwni> C) u~~!i'>!b§;ll]lh Which stories were explalned ln 1\janta Paintings'? A) Hamayana 6) Mahabhardla CJ Pancha Tantram OJ Jataka ~:~tortes. l 06. ~tl>!LIJJrr~!b<!l> 1£(]1]rrui.51UJITu.GfiiRI! 1;\I(.!!)Ql\U.QI\U.J !HflUJ(Itilll (.lp60t!1)tUiliJ 6l.JtflQ))&UU(b'ig,lbo»jill 1\) Curn~otlid.'GluJtt. t {;e;/l,u.rrryri'. ~..;,£~1;\ltlW. t51<0lr;,u.nrJII B) 1 Cl ~niJJ:l(]l;\ltlJI~. u>e.M.rrgrt. t51Gti]@,Bib,U>rr1Jit. aurrrteu.d.'OlUJrt D) t51<0lo€?~~<!i.s-.rrgrt. <:urrrteBod.'OlUJrt. ~ib!6.la6>JI!Jlt. Lba;d,lhrr!lrt . th~ t51<0lr;@,,u.rn;at correct order In which Europeans came to lndta.. .c ldcutl.(y ~niJJ.l(]I;\IILJI\. ~un•rlt6o4'<fiwri'. om &8.1hMIJr'r, 1 Portuguese. l>utch. English. French D) Dutch. English. Ponuguese, l"re nch C) l!:ngUsh, Dutch. F'r<'nch, Portugues<' D) French. Portuguese. Engltsh, Du tch. ps cj ob A) .tn m w 107. ULoii\-WW I ULoii\-IUW ll ~L~ lOlUIT®lblbl. /.~!9 Qu,rr{blU.81UUL.{bl6irG!T ®iJSluf(118'>GillGITO, Gilhrr...m-(11 lfrfiUJITfilll 6U)Q»L'G;UJ!), ~jl>tl!l>Qib(i) : UL.Uf IUW I w uL.t!fw"' (i!Jfl!!)!TilifrCI!T/t5; G1fla'Jr UG1F!LLl!..f) w (t;;JfDITLfh.tQ!}L~) a) !FITjbji51h.llyG'OOrLITiflU.e.rr 1) ®QlliJ)UJ(561i b) ourr§?IJ~~bie.rr 2) Giamt b.B>Ih c} 6i8.&6l.IIT if;) 3) ty@8.~!.il d) IT>ITI][b~ ~'tt6>1T 4) 4111l~ll\L~ GhotiJ Gturr®GlTlUJGil 6l51\\!,cofr (~!!Slui([lu,6fr : a t n AI 2 B) ·3 Cl :{ D) 4 [7:i) b 4 3 c d 3 4 2 l 4 2 2 l. PGKI 37 Match List I with List II correctly and select your ansll{er using the codes given below: List I List n Dealing With Works ofMahayana a) Sadhanm1pundalika l) dlvine grace b) Vajrachcdlka 2) heaven c) Sukhavati vyuha 3) conduct d) Karancia 4) metaphysics V)'ll ha 13) 3 C) 3 D) 4 4 3 d 3 4 2 l 4 2 2 I. .c 2 c ob A) b (RJ : yP,fbBIDllllil ~g~l5ll ~cbrulrr<mru 6JtO~Ii> COl~J>rHiT611rol6i>Q!\61l. ®t6JuiL..~q.Q.l IHfliUIT6UT ro1601LQ))UJ~ C!Jbrr!i'JG!l>® , w ll<Xw ®!Dlut51t.:®6lrG!T w 8iff1JfmfW 4~~8to11JU:l e.Jttorr ~e.rrL.urrL..601L 6Jd>mJ8; Ge.rHir6llro16i>Q!\&J, .tn /51~4 {A): ps 108. afw#.a,<Od!nL rurr8\lh111Jii.!IMtn~ 6>ruli01l cj a om Coctas : (A) toti>~ID (RJ ~rfl (RJ 61~u~ (A) rol!i>® IHflwrrQ!! rol611BIIl'>ID B) {A! w[bll)IID (R) arfl. (RJ 6f~U~ {A) Cl (A) Dl lAJ !b""!PI ~Gmrrlfu (RJ arfl. w A) rol!i>@> lfrAwiT'Qll ro1GtTB;ec.uSl&:>Q5l6U &rfi .!!J,Glllrrlfu {RJ j;,ru~. Consider the following statements : Assertion (A) : Buddhism does nol accept the theory of Karma. Reaspn (R) : lt does not accept the existence of permanent self. Now select your answer according to the coding scheme given below : ~ A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A) B) Both (A) and {R) are true. but (.RJ is not the correCt explanation of (A) C) (A) D) (A) 1s J701j Is true. but {R) is false false. but (R) is true. I Turn over 38 PGKJ I 09. U>WE>Jrribwrroil ,.,f)~fbliJ fi,~~ 6f@fblwrurr A) ~ru!DIJ>IrWII>Ul Ul6l'r~m61T B) li>JL!n-t5l C) IJIT81Lil ~wwrt D) 6lruuibl~~>•f1. Kamala.mbaJ Charltram was written by Vedanayakam Pilla1 B) Lakshm.i C) ~jam D) Siv-dshankarl. lyer w600\1Gi106>~1i>J~UI GTQ9a;!Wrult A) G\~~.>ErW~r>ll ut.SliiJ~ B) lli&Glllt C) ~6ltibJG:~~orrrullJ.~6'1• D) IV,~61S>Ql om uo. A) Mantrnckalal wao; written by Tolkapplyar B) C) Elangoadlgal DJ A) &fliJQJle. Qs;rr~L C) ~®..61 lh~L l<nhtlnr Slltt'llal Sottanar. BJ u..t..s.tb j~irullt~lb Dl wtbC!Jltl!- Qu.~r~L C:arrw;irr. B) Sung11m Thavtrtha Chola D) Mummudl konda Chota. cj G:erqpGil ps C:errwcin ob .c A) !liT sbjbQS!Irll" • <::o-rrwror .tn Kulothunga n was also called Gangaikonda Chola Cl K.r1mikanta Chela 1\) GlurrGin Ul!i>~ Glru6l'rs61 B) Q;.;!by C) Glru¢JT e.E>JU:> D) ®®li>4. w w w A) Which one of the following is not known Lo Mesopotamian civilization? A) Gold and Sliver B) Copper C) Bronze D) Iron. 1 13 . Gl[t«~! u..o(;,1ru61fl !E>1T<Mf~~>;i;lbl«ir UlLmQ:6lSic,EiT X 1..?:01 A) Errihu9..> U)LU>E>Jcin;;,61T B) .S<§U4 ru~aRJn:O C) .,..... ~)!l,j{;lw worru011Uu!T~ o;~rr~u4 U>L"''"'""'8,.,; D) 6@LJ4 - &lruuy 1J6lw 6\ruUL.j if;\tl) lflLI~><>'lGile;,;.·, u:n:.u.~a;Gi!. . 39 PGKI The pottery oflndus Valley Civilization is A) Grey wnre 13) Black on red ware C) Norlliem ulack polished ware DJ Black and red ware. 114. rerucil~IT"Gi!r IH.orr~jbQnjb ~j!)IT!!JI!)lrollf,jbruil' wrrJt 1 /\) ~!b~ru~!b\IJ !Y}IT jl; B) !J)rutm ~!i>dJIJrr I)ITW C) <Xe.u ru u!iit.h11JlTGlam D) Ul.6nSI. ms.~®w$f>mt . /\) Devendra Nat.h B) Navin Cham.lrd. Ra1 C) Keshav Chandra Scor1 D) P.C. Majumdar. om Who was U1c foundr.r of Navavldhan Sarna,) '? (!:I)Qn M ru1r . [email protected] B) C) :.Giult®aGin D) ~GlQl6>611lrTI>liO'!Lr1· IDITit~® &><4rf.OfltbliJ!Orrlil • .c A) C) Fergusson B) cj Dr. Hultz D) Alexander Cunningham Marshall. ps /\) ob Who was llie llrsl Director of Arch"coloj:(y ? ~Jt1u.ut u.Glr C) urrr;!a,Jtu,Glr B) i)!)'rr>ISk...Jt8l6ir w AI .tn 116. !i)[b~UJJrro\@.1 !i)QiitllallU (!PjbGi!T(!jljbQliT8l .~H6J(!Pe'>UU{blji,d)UJrui1'6'>61i w w Iron was first introduced fn fndta by A) Aryans 8) DraVidians C) Persians D) Sumerlro1s. A) !!>IT~ITUITW Gl(OGlT~!)'ITfW B) 6\.. ~rt . $iJIT6Tu C) u5l61'rijj,.51. urr6lm'i~ D) §Iru~rrr;\l!Tiu ~!!>® . Who was llie first Indian. elected for the British Parliament? A) Dadabhat Naoroji BJ C.R. Oas C) W.C. Bonnetjee D) Jawal1arlal Nehru. A) !!>lh!J lf,1L.Li.61(!;\jbQ> C) (ll)U,rolall(ll) I Tum over 40 PGK I sp1'<'1allsed In The lml ua Val ley Ctv1 lizat 1on was A) tow n pla nni ng BJ architec-ture Cl cra ftsm ans hip D) all of tht· sc. B) nt<![;CCOtlilt D) ®M lru GT~~Q..moo. lnc!us Val ley peo pk? Wh ich Gocl was wor ship ped hy the lnd m A) V<~runa Cl VIs hnu D) :'\on " of the m. A) C:11>1T ~Q1llll Bl U!PIJHtil C) G\G).)Gi: ,{jl .c om .1\) ili\161 ob 0) C) ps cj from abr oad The lnt1i.Js Val ley peo ple Imp orte d [3) w1nt: wh~t A) [)) silk . er ~liv 8jiflil C) O:srr61tLil 13) ~M ~Ill D) a.tb4 • w A) w .tn B.~Iisl (!Jle,e;!UJ 11.. =" ! 121 . .......... CJiislu~ il(b~ s:JOGru~ &llh. w Ind us Val ley peo ple. ...... .... was I he prim ary food of the B) Wh eat D) Mill ets. lflj, ~rujb!O Bl errw~ru~lil 11grh <l:o..r§>lil D) &llh''l;'JQJ;Ir ~'Ui!)lo AI Rke C) Com A) CJ ? urs In wht eh of the folloWing Ved as The earl iest men tion of med icin e occ Sam ved a B) Rig ved a A) Ath arva vcd a. D) Yaj urv eda C) @J @Qnoou.6ir 61'!!>lb8. MGU !M.:.LU,t€\Q, \b~ &j6ilOO!PJ rurr)9!i.Qns.u5161'!1 ~IT~@! 123 . ~ilgmt!J&E>il ru~rt&&IUJ<;!!)L.\t>l!>~ ? X A) <&ru!!>ii.lll>f9.t.® <!P~~w ~n~QIID BJ ~ru!b 11>r-w._ C) i.Sltt>lf,lUJ ~rulb M&>.ni> OJ ~~ru ;:;; .tr oc~~,!,Qt~Ql . 17011 . 41 Ashrams or four stages of life came to be well establish~ during which perlod ? 124. A) Pre ·Vedic period B) RigVedlc period C) Later· Vedic period DJ None of these. lfl6> AJ {gruJ,!f,tJ;1Qi 6TQ»Gl.J ~L.JWd."li4Giri>YT!bl ? UTil'IJilil!hGfil6isr Gl!f>IT@iU4 Ul\il[)IW @o;!P~e,GnlQ!l Gl!f>ITI!f>U4 B) 8iQnl!>8>15ir C) u~~Gl.l(91 ~L.tflo;Gfi!Qll rurflQ!llfWITQS! G!f>rr®IJ4 D) llllbib11J16t6>Gl't lll!I>IDJW 11LI!.!@ioiiGfilctT Gl!brr®tJ4 . What doos the Rlgveda contaJn ? CollecUon of p111yers B) Collection of stories and events C) Collection of a chronological sequence of dynasties D) Collection of magic rituals. .c om AJ B} UjVJ&\WjbrroGI 6Jjp6\® ~ue.rr~W!f>ITGiir cj A) ob 125. ef!96>e.~L 6Ttblb @q.~OUlJU4 ~~a;rrru ~rflwrt~r>rnrr~ .!tb8>;/;lgi.<f.e;uuLrolWQl\G>. ps Cl u~arru D) {gLO!iJ® L$~1JuUlg<&p;aih . Which among the follow1ng geographical areas was not Inhabited 'by the early Baluchistan Cl Punjab B) Eastern Afghan.lsl.3,n D) Fringes ofWestem Uttar Pradesh. w w AJ .tn Aryans? w 126. yjl;jbrfl6isr lh®$~6isru~ LO~!f> efll.'lJ~@;~ ~~UUQllL 6>ITI]Q2!llo A) Clo;rruill C) GlU®QSlLO B) i)b Q!)B D) ~an<r . The root c.:ause for all sufferings of mankind according to the preaching of Buddha ts 127. AJ anger B) lust C) pride D) desire. lflffi Clru~ !h!Tiil> LDB>!hGfil6isr ~~UUQll~ 6~8>~Q!ltnL'4 &!bl 7 AJ {f>TtiJ ~~<iia. ®(b\llluil> B) i!>~61llS!i ~~8\e, ®(b\illuih OJ tlifTtU .!tt~&.u, (q;{i)li>w wdJ~U, jl>~<lSljD ~j/).t.u. (!!>(b\lllUil> D) ~Qllru 6TeJ~i.&1~6Q>~»J x l7oll ITum over 42 PGKJ The haste social oq~anisation of U1e Rigvedic pt:ople was A) Matrtarchal Jamily BJ Palriarchal family C) OoU1 MAtriarchal and Patriarchal families D) Non<- of l hese. 12~. uibJ!I> ~)<O>>if,zf.IUJ!b GT@!I>UUI. I G'll.orr~Pl AI ~~rut) C) San~am Dl IOGll!QllllriWUl • lltcrnturc was wrltren In Avndhl B) Tamil C) Ma.lthlll D) Malayal mn. UITLGll!Ql fil(!g!b\uu;UJt .c l2H. •w!bf,lQWII b\I!:'>J ~(I)J' aom!I)I1'JI6UP~~U:l om A) thli!!><:!Jl"'-llt AI @IIT€01&tntltiJ!l>lt CJ u.~COOluurl D) U>ti.JQSJBiu.ntu.IJillllmt • ob A) C) Kannappar "'llf2Ql!Lnj!ili> C) @!i>{'JI U>!blil GrGmfb Bl Gnana Saml)Andar Dl Mangayarkarastyar. lb@'~QlltTitB><lir w A) ~~~!DJ6h w 1 :·!0. UGilQlbll t116i!!Gllllte;Gif ps Thl ru moolar .tn A) cj ''Mnndlram Avnthu N~l.'rn" the song w·.u; written by ? R) Lj~lb w~lb D) emeru tnj!>lh. w The Pallava r ulers helleveu in A) JaJni sm R) Buddhism CJ llinduism D) Shaivlsm. L31. Ulw61t(!!>ruGll!ru(i:l\()IW 6T6:llru <T:flwrr~~> Glurr(!!>!bif>rolG.lElllG> ? A) .<>wUlrrW< ;}.!!TtUW4~~"·~~ B) ..!)16llltnuy C) .,Jrr!96>Gtlle; LDO!f)Jlil &i!>lbib!IJ L lflElllto Art. 2.2 D) lhtJdoTL~Q,(§ 6T~I' II<tll .,_f.)Qlll!l Art. 2 4. ~ f.\mlJ) Art. 16 Art. 19 Which of lhc:. following is inCOtTectly matched '? ' 701 .Art. 16 A) Eq,tality of opponuruty Rl R.lghl to C) Kight to prnii'C:t!on of hlc and Libert) Art. :.!:.! D) Right against cxplotmuon Art. 24. as~oc·iatlon Art. 19 PGKI 43 A) ty<!!l C!P""'!!> C) <!:P~~ (ljlQil\1) llow many tlmrs the preambk of the Consl.Jlutlon of India has been ammnl'rl ? A) OnN' Bl l\v1ce Cl Thrice D) Never. 133. uL.'+w$l 1 m uL.~OJ$l n o ' lii!t Glurre;.G • Gle.rrmn(9 DiflWIT401 rolQ!11 llllWt> l:~rrLOGllb@ ; .t<:w [email protected].{~&i14\11 ~uf:9u.Q!Im6. uL.~wQI UL'+IUW I n <!!)lq W!LOUU.OO~ U>ro"'IIOUllOrrb,a,ru II GlruwGiwwGll h) ®~<mLOuuWII"luJrr 611 cin <l11>lt ibGl!'>@!i>JI>ru ~) i)IDL~&..;I c) (!!)lq ll!lllluu~wn 1;11..;1 uuSl(blfl 3) d) (f!iLq GOlLOUUI;IJO~ ~'UfiCI>IT>(IIt@jbfbru 4) A) 2 3 4 B) 3 4 C) 4 !i d .c .tn 2 cj c GI!M.e.rr<:w ps b ~rorrrpin o;)Jrr ~du ob ®o5hU'(l)o.~"ll : a om a) 2 w 1 w 4. 3 2 0) Matrh List I wiUt List ll correctly and select your answer using the code::. ~lvrn w below: ListU List I a) ModemlsaUon of cl\11 ser\1ce 1) Wellesley b) Recmltmt-nt of civil servants 2) Atckison c) Training of clv1.1 servants 31 Cornwallis d) Classification of clvll Sl':n1ce 41 Macaulay Codes: a b c d /\} 2 ~~ 4 1 B) 3 4 1 Cl 4 3 2 2 :i D) X I701J <I • I 1'urn ovr1· PGKI 44 A) 50 B) 25 C) 40 0) 30. The slrength of Legislative Cou ncfl members l:ihall not be less than A) 50 B) 25 C) 40 0) 30. 1::15, ®!b~UJ &ojl}iiWW%lllU4 BLL~ihJtm <O'i(b(!;b.U,ut @~Ql (!PQil9) Qu[JUULLIIiJ A) \ilthihlw e>JIJOIT~u. aL.ub, D) USSR t;>Sl®1(!l)!i>§l C) USA t:"~SlQ)l®t!>§l D) <Oi~ltlOtm <O'i<ilrliJrnlt &o~!Jiiii.IQ>QnLDUy &LL~~Q)l®(b~. .c om 1935 Q9®lb§l ob TI1e cmcrgcm:y proVisions of the Constitu tion of lnctla was l)orrowcd from Govemment nf lnctla Act. 1935 C) USA ps cj A) B) USSR D) Weimar Constitution of Germany. B) L~l<.:>'lUlUJrr60r D) ~Ul(be\Gli!TL 6l'~~dil~m@J . .tn 136. i\!b~w 6Tci1T~ §l® Q®~dilGmQ!miJ;jb & C) UIJruG\irr&.e>OuL.L &.Lu! s...L.Lrrl.Jl w w A) w Indian Federalism is A) cent.ral.!sed federation B) pure fe<leration C) decentrallsed federation D) none of fhese. A) ~ib11'£ll B) @IUUl6llrti> cJ /frr.-&~ro.mluru D) u~t6lunrr~~<fu . The final work of UPSC 1n recruitment process is A) selection B) appointment C) oertiflcation D) plRc<'m<:"nt. • 45 PGID 138. @!I>t)IU ~rylflWb\lE<l)IJIU4 6-l..t.. jb~QI d).I'JBi ru#ML.tq. G\!!)(61(!PQ))(l) ~e.rT~UIT~Qlll. ~~t!T§.>!t>$!>60l~!!>IT8;6ilo ~Ql)ID~j!i~ B) !D'"' ,&J'J60llT C) !D<IS!!b<X!firrlfl601 rurr!PB;Qlle> l!>IJlbE<lll!i L unt li>~!f>Gl D) ruGISJQS!LOUJITG!!l IJlrT!bJQl .9j1JlTIT~I1>!i>flll$i> ~\bu~~l§W . Dlrcc:t.tve Principles of State Polley were Incorporated In the Cons!Jh.ttlon with a View to ensure DemocrctUC Govcmmcnt H) estnbltsh Welfare State CJ raise the: IMng standard of weaker secUons D) pJ·ovfdc a 81rong StMe Government. /\) ' 6tl@>lt C) .!P!IJ &rrli.l6i ~~ cj ob .c om A) . B) G\l!frr~~ rurf1 D) ~!PU4 ruifl . .tn ps rutfl w Panchayal Raj Institutions depend for funds maJnly on Local taxes C) Goverrtruent finances w w A) B) Property taxes D) Special taxes. 140. GT[i>~ ~~([,l QP!bo:il! (1}1!'>Qllfln L!>tilUlb.6lSla;uSlWb\lrr !5'1tlDIT<;IlitD UITIJIT~Ill~\l)~;;!GI G\~;,rr~([,l rury-uuL.t..~ 1 • J\) 1960 B) 1963 Cl 1964 DJ 1967. In which year for the first' time was no-confidence motion moved in the Parliament ? AJ 1960 B) 1963 C) 1964 Dl 1967. I Tum oveT PGKI 46 141. uL.~uQI I !e uL.~wQI II Ll...~ G\urr@>~. 6<:19 Gu.rr@b.!nuuL.@<ilrm ®a51u!®&Q»Gif6, G\e.rr~@ 6iflwrrGt!J t;~~Q!li...Q»IJ.Js\. GjDit!i>Gl!ii@ : ULL1!-W8> 1 uL.111-1J8> n a) ~~ IIIJ6t !J>Q»Q>~Jf\Qil [/;liT run a. ~!91f>rr1Jio 1) Article 56 b) ~lli-IUJ ~ 1f>Q»~lfj~ 2) Article 55 ~) l!!lll!-UJln 3) Article 61 d) ~ UliJ6o !'>!iO'>Q>t;l.llt UlbQ~ 4) Article- 53 5) Article 54 4 CJ 4 D) 4 5 2 5 2 .c U) d 3 5 2. ob rJ c b rf;IJ.6>1J:J cj A) <:jt>r\~01 ff,GillQ)t;lJit om a ujtnSllnrrQ>U> .tn ps Match Llat I wllh List U corr<:'ctly and self'<'t your =wer u"tn,:: Utt: ..:uues gwen below: w List I a) l!:xecutJvc authority of rhc- Pres.tdent b) Tenure of the President c) d) Article 56 2) Article 55 Election of the Prestdent 3) Article 61 Impeachment of the President 4) Article 53 5) Article 54 w w 1) Codes: a b c d 5 3 1 5 A) 4 B) 4 C) 4 2 3 D) 4 3 2. •l.?o' l Liat n 2 47 PGKI A) CBI, ESM/\, sse. CAT BJ ESMA. CBI, CAT, SSC C) CAT. SSC ESMA. CBI 0) CBI, CAT, sse. ESMA . Arrange the follOWing Items In chronologtcaJ order : A) CBI. ESMA. sse. CAT B) ESMA. CBI. CIIT. SSC C) CAT. SSC, ESMI\, CBI D) CBI. CAT, SSC. ESMA . 143. uL.~ul!ll I fa uL..~IJ_, 0 L I-Gtl Qurr~U,Jb), e!'<:IP Qe;rr(bl~~r>uuL..(~~'r'" ~gS1u!(;\&;QJu;rr~ QM~(;\ olf11UrrQI1 ~t'OlLt'Olll!~ <:jbrt~Gif>@ : uL..~wQI I uL.~uQ) wP,ib)IU uL..~wQI 1) ~\f>!!>ciliUQ) e-L..~-.U> LD!I>IDJLo ru!Pl(YlQ!l(l) b) l01r!6)61l uL..~wQI 2) U'l' ~e.rru4 c) Qurr fU uL.~ ul!ll 31 Qurr~ e<!:P~e>lh to\lliDJih lt>ll'rui\1 .c om nl A) 1 2 3 B) 2 1 3 C) 2 3 0} 3 2 cj c ps b .tn a ob ®oSlu!(blo.Gir : I . w • n w w Match Liat I with Llet n correctly and select your answer using the codes given below: Lilt I U.tD a) Union Usl 1) Criminal law and procedure b) State Llsl 2} Defenoe c) Concurrent Ust 3) Public order and pollee Cades: X a b c A) 1 2 3 B) 2 1 3 CJ 2 3 1 D) 3 2 1. j701l [Tum over PGXI 48 A) t.SlrflL.~.q.~ ~~if,lUJrr B) Mfl.l1-liJ6i\> C) ~{!}> .lh D) ~·~·d'!·sbl·QP·Ih . New Education Scheme I 0 + 2 + 3 w.;u; introduced by A) British India B) Congress C) DMK D) AIADMK. 145. 6T(blb ~1li!IGT@ Gllbm ~!i>tblUJ !b"" u...rflo;mw er!u:r.ll:l GJ!Pu(9jlJjijuUL.L{')I 7 A) 1914 B) 1915 CJ 1916 OJ 1917. In which year was South Indian UhP-ral F'cderaUon formed ? l9l4 B) 'cJ 1916 D) 1917. .c ~li!IGT(9 6T!!>lf> lllrr~Ql ~!J9rrli>ls.U> wrr@w 6tUJrrL.Ol i£rtlllrrlitlf~Q!Jjb ob 146. 1974 -tll 1915 om A) ~lb(Yl a;rr~ul'rt Cl IL~tblcrt.Sl'1C:Ih9LD ps A) cj GllhiTQiOI@ru!lilbQ\1 ' Jammu and Kash.mir B) Bl~r C) Uttar Pradesh D) Tam.ll Nadu. w w A] w .tn In the year 1974, which of the following Governments passed state autonomy resolution ? 147. j!itEI),l6>1i;!f,1m G\torr~J!> IJ'IT~UJil'UIT ILI!)f0t5JQ!f!Te,~ A) 12 B) 14 C) 16 D) 18. The total strength ofRajya Sabha in Tamil Nadu ls A) 12 B) 14 C) 16 D) 18. B) ~IJITI.()IfrrtEI D) G\a?<U~j!,IT • 49 Who was !ntroducc-cl t l11" Kulakallavl Scheme In Tamil Nadu? A) Rajaji B) Ramaswamy C) K<unar<'lj D) Jayal<~IJlh::~::~. A) 4 G\fbrr(!!ltJ;111>6"11 B) 5 G\1f>rr®~8>61i C) 6 G1fbrr®~l1>'i1'r D) @G1!>ru or~~tEIG../0"161> • How many reserved ParUmenlary constituencies ar~> there 1n Tamil Nadu ? A) 4 D) 5 C) 6 D) None of the1:1e. A) 'rti~ffi&l ~61 LOtb~lfl 6) <1))9;11>\l Cl ~1JrrG1Sluill D) !i)Q!lliU liHilllUQ!llll om 150. 1926- ib ~.;tll!r{9 8j00lllllbfh!OI G\jbrrui.I8>UULL0J ob fbtEIW rurr~l'1 ul!;~ffl8i6))11> .c ®!!>~Ill 8>1Tii.Jill]lill 11\L..Olul\~ lb1T[Iil1'{9 G&~0">~ull® QiCil!lL.GIU[l!!Jfbl 01"1tEI""61))6\). cj (if ps In the year 1926 Justice Parly fom1ed Its ml.nlsuy B) All India Congress meetlnl{ was held iD Madms C) Oravtdtan Tamil weekly was started D) None of these. w w w .tn A) 151. UIJ\QS>l!l t.j1JL..61 ,;r(J~UIT0J :2.-®.:tilfQ!f~ 1 A) 1960 - (D ~~@ wji,~ltli)G.> B) 1950-LD .l!:J,Gliol@ LDjl;ibJrfltl.l Cl 1970 ;0 ~Gliol@ 1.0~~eJ D) 1980 ·LD ~~@ lll!i;~rlilt\.1. The Green Revolution came on the scene around A) mid 1960 B) mld 1950 C) mid 1970 Dl mid 1980. 152. toffia;rnG\jDITQ!l!J> G\ul§k.ffiih ty® A) @ul> G\uUJilfi>6il C) GuiT!!!>61TIT{blfiJ ru6Tfrr~lfl IL!\)~!!>tl.l MIJ~· ~fbmmW 6[Qsr6Gi LDIT\i>U>Ul 6JtDU@6J(!)~ 1 B) ~!D L !'>G'Sl Ul @&»ru lii§J"-ftEI""&»Ql. [Turn over ' no PGKI Dc:nographlc pressurr acts as a push facmr tn 153. A) mlgr<~ tlon B) financial assistance Cl cconomJc ~wth D) none of thc.:se L.ITfol rt .@IJA~n. GPJl. QeQ)Q!lQ)Uf j!>QD61>64llD.8EUn~ rufl LOIT~(6luuaJII.OUq ~ au<lUII'Ifll ~Ql"lLOS,If,U.....: L ~ l . A) ~n.w.· 1990 R) QeUt_:»u.t, I !J!l:l C) ~,lf.ciut: , I !191 OJ f'r''"', 1993. nr. R<lja J .Chellloh Tnx Rrfom1s Committee was st'l up In /\) Au)!us(. 1990 B) September. 1992 t'J /\\lj!ll:-1\. J 99 J D) June. 199:i. A) 8/'rolCil. I HH I Cl .41<i>C:t...JTun'. 19m:; 1 srmr. 1992 .c D) om 151. yd~w Gfl>rr!f>l(btHTWII~""'•"• /.IL.Lio 61"u<lL:IT!fll !L®'IIIT/i;~~>uuL..L..~ tgQS!""f1 .1994 ob D) /\) .July. 1991 C) Ortobcr. 1996 ps cj Wll<:n was Otc New lndustr1nl f'ollr.y announced? BJ June. 1·992 D) January, 19H4. .tn J 55. ntDJ01toa~6il! @~;oli'~ u!i)(6111J 46i!ml o.5'a.q<J/Ji6i! 61"U...J4 ~<i001"~UJu(9t£1~~ 1 •TMI.~J .~IW. (N A.S) B) 61~ .adu.crd\l. (N.S.S) cj6i!E1Ti rolO..V'iJ!J,¢,- - u_;QnurrL.@ <O't&WQ.jiMiT C) (A) D) !i)nnru 6!'~(;lltbiQJ.nw. L,_..,cfil ~ru~f.;;,fll- - <:I!>.,PIIJ 11iG!l!116'.~¢ w w /\) w ID\DIJJID (B) ~iiw i)l]~~ The lncldcnce of poverty can be computed from A) NAS data on national accounts B) NSS data on consumption of expenditure CJ Both (.AJ and (8) U) Nonr of these. ] fi6. IOQS\1~ B; [i)(!ll(il}!j.l6\l ~(61§>~ L-61>6. LOIT(!>r1"(9 6!'U~UIT'~ !!)QllLGi\.J(1>tJ)~ l ~ t9ro ~ I9n C) ~~~J D) 1985. • ----------fil PQKI The World Conference on Human Env1ronmenl was held on • A) 1970 B) 1972 C) 1981 D) 1985. 157. ll)~!6lw LDrre.B>e.L..(bluurn:.. ~ rurrrflwtll 6f!bll> ~~~ ~61DtDii;~J>uuL..L~ 1 A) 1989 B) 1985 C) 1981 D) 1991. The Centl-al Pollution Control Board was set up in the yMr 1989 B) 1985 C) 1981 D) 199J. A) 1970 Bl 1972 C) 1990 DJ om A) .c 1986. C) 1990 B) cj 1970 D) 1972 1986. ps •' A) ob The Wild Life Protection Act was formulated ln the year 159. lbtSijpr;rrL_ll\-c,\), 2001-ili ~~ll\-fin LDS,e,6frQJI>fTiillllf> lf,Q!I$TS,®IJUtq 6T!bll> I.OfTruL..LUl ~ib)ll' e.lin ~lUff ®LDrfl C) 9.L~rT w w A) .tn lJ)8;s,6if ,jljUt ~!bl Lli1llLIJJ!bl 1 BJ tbt®"J'*@irult 0) ilNtJ!lTit. w In Tamil Nadu, the dlstrlct with highest density of population ts {as per 200 I Census) • A) Kan.nlyakumarl B) Thiruvalluvar C) Cuddalore DJ Vellore. A) <!!b!!lfT Ill li\Lill B) (!Pair(!)rrtll ilL!ll C) U~i!>JTii.l liJU:o D) tB\tllM"Ill ilL..tll. In population among the all states in Tndia, Tamil Nadu occupies the A) sixth position BJ third position C) tenth position D) t:lfth pol'lition. [Tum over ' PGKI 161. !I>tb1lj)~r>~~GG! w8.~~>biiG!f>rr6lllu•• 2001-ili .!!!,~@ a.QRST6,@iuu~ GTrurum~l A) 62.4 L.&lo~>~wdn 8) 60.3 L.&l~~wGG! C) 64.4 uSl...,..Slwdn D) 6 t.S .El.u.:Slwmr. 1 nu! population of Tamil Nadu was (as per 2001 census) Al 62.4 million B) 60.3 m1llion C) 64.4 mWion D) 61.5 million. 162. ®!\>~UJIT "'IG!l~oll !!>L.&l!J)e.til 6T(!.~~lbiJ51~¢..> 6T[hjl) !€1QI)Q)i.&... 2...61'r6!1~ A) fj!l'OII Jf1jfTtll @I.. til B) 6J 19rrlll ®t-lll C) ui>)(!PdniD!flil ®~.oill 0) UjbjLITlo 1 (i)uo. In llter<tcy a mong !.he all states In India. Tamil Nadu occupies whlcb position ·? B) Seventh position C) Thlrlccntb posillon D) Tenth posmon. om NLnth position A) !b9&llil10dn a,tb\L.llj. C) l§.l!t>l£lw e...L.@!!>~ a.uSIL.14 B) .c @ttlblw ~jb01w &L.@(1)6ll aJibi£\COlw G\j:t>rru'.o~u, '"!b!!> e;tE)L.~ 6) .6ftil &lurrrfls.- Gat!Jfb~ ? ®~~I} If e.L.&lL.~ ob 163. A) OJ G!]lillf>grr§? u.tElL.llf-. cj Wh1<:h com mittee has recommended the est.abli~hmenl of National Co-operallvc ps Bank of I nella ? Narasimhan Committee C) Jndlan Co·operattve Co!Dl11lttee .tn A) BJ AM. Khusro CommJtlee D) Rangarajan Committee. 15 <&u,rr14 C) 10 <&e.rrut w AI w w 164. ~ugo\l, 1935 (i)!!llblw rrl~JnGi.J rulbiG:I GJb!TUl6iH.JLL~urr§l ~!f>6il C!Pib..l'® (Capital) B) 5 Cle.rrut 0) 7 Cl11>rrut. The RBI was Inaugurated in April 1935 with a share capital of A) 15 crores B) 5 crores C) 10 crores D) 7 165. uri- G~rrLli.!e>ut:..L crores. ~~@ Al Ulu!Jrurrl. 1974 Bl Ulu!J~rfl. 1964 C) wTnlf. 1970 D) ut~Jihuit. 1960 . The lTll was formally established 1n A) Februruy. 1974 B) February. 1964 C) March, 1970 0) December. 1960. 53 ~QllQRI:,~LLIDITI& 166. 6ltb.:f> !!PL..L~$516UJ GljbTLthlli'>UuLLj!)l? uSJ~~w6£sr 91!!1 A) f!Sn!~< lf.liJFTL.D wtbl~~ f)L..L.i> B) &iurugliOr GlPJ1Wthfl J.lgrn.o wru<:grr!iJ~r>lt iJL..LID C) <Xf(>O"Jw lf,lgrrLDUL.j(D <2ruAilQI rurrwu4 ~L..Ltll D) ~LLih 6;)QIIITI)IIf>'l'J <XruOll"-1 rurnl.iCJ4 !l..jl\f)J]rurrlb$ ~L..Ltll The Million Wells Scheme waa launched as a sub-scheme for A) Jawahar GO\m Samr!ddhJ Yojana B) Swama Jayanu Gram Swarojgar Yojana C) National Rural D) Employment Guarantee Schm1e. om Employment Programme 167. LITb.Lit L.C. ®lJibiT ~ Gf~/b Glsw41t.m:..CIIlL I&N~UUJ>(j)6>1TlJ> !£lw!&~~UULL...~ A.) uli.r~b&\bQ»Ib C) ru~~r> rui£rtf.l~~>~ u.rruuL..@Oi 11\lh<OlullflliMI'r .c B) 1 ob D) ibl~ iblaJJrufiOrli.rll\~661 rumrrbSl. Stock exchange C) Commae!al banks ps A) cj Dr. L.C. Gupta Committee was appointed to look Into the working of BJ Insurance companies D] Development finance Institution. !£lwdl.t.t/.ll!Jifrh Lllrflat 320 Cl Llllflat 356 w w A) w .tn 168. ®!b~w !IEU~rrf)U!£). il:bfl111 c!P!IJ&llllwmt.ouL.J ~tL.......M!Ilir ~lb Ulrflrulm tlfp !£1!£l~~IZI>ru B) L5l.rfl~ 280 DJ Lllrflar 325. Under which Provision of the Article of the Constitution, the President Is required to appoint Finance Commission ? A) Article 320 Bl Article 280 C) Article 356 D) Article 325. 169. l.DIT!£lal G\ff>rr!Pl~) tbrl'L!I..Il'UJ'.llll.UTc:miJ L~6!! !l..61'r6r~ 1 A.) LHq !C!bli.Dilir(D rt/}.u!bl B) L6<7 ~i!LD.t!T(D jDQIIWQtl.D C) La.!IT !t~l.DiliT(D D) I.D;rQJL..__ rJioU!£) rJitui£) Gl11"'.t!Tw rJ~it. The Industrial trtbunals are consisted of a person of the rank of A} Supreme Court Judge B) Chief Justice of Supreme Court C) High Court Judge Dl Sessions Court Judge. ~ /701,) I Turn over PGKI 170. li\!f:>fblturrcilGisr ~u1J611"J GwrTlPt(b61TQ5l~&>~9.> t.6le.Qjio UIPQ!)IJlUJITQST~ AJ ®®it>LJ C) e®'6\l <To0of!!> <Olj~>ITIP\(blfiTQ!l$> B) U@~fbl ~~~ G!!>IT~(b!J<ITQ»Ii'l D) 8\rr~lb Glt~;rr~tl>SrrQll$> Gl!>rTIP\1!)11-rrW>$> . The oldesllarge scale Industry In India ts 1\) Iron and steel industry Cl Jute industry B) Cotton textile Industry OJ Paper Industry. 171. 51[0~ I}IJ)G;'~61f\ [biTS.rrl~~Gisr ~Qll!!)QjlS. (!>S.Qlo 6T~ 1 ~$liT~jbQ> A) Bl e;JTGITluils.Gisr Which was the port town of the Indus Valley Ctv1IJZat1on ? Ropar Kallbangan D) Moh~njodaro. om Cl B) .c Lothal ob lf\l);~a.Jjb M\)IT/}1Hl1J~!f>1Gisr QP/);~UJ Ol!]~U~UL.j 51!!;~ • 8\ibJQ!llh u6irmlt>g;IT8>@> B) u@,~tiTU LD\bU)Iilllq.lil~ U@>l£\ C) 5id>!bl U6ir611fi;jb1Tli\@> D) 5i!),!bl LD\i)U)Ilh u.rurrjl>l£\(b@J li\Q!lLWLI- ps cj A) .tn 172. /\) LJ@)!b\ . w · The main focus of the rugvedic culture was the Indo-Gangetic Valley B) the PunJab and Delhi region C) the Indus Valley D) the region between the Swat and the Indus. w w A) 173. l~;Ph>e;Qforl- rurr 8>eatui.JB">Q!l6TT ;;,~~ : lh>JjJ!f (A) : &\lT61TEi151 1905 Ql QJ~Il\IT611ll;!lll!b O)lf\lf,j;>iTit ~~It ~~51w fjtOU)IGml.tlQ!lW $119\&-.lll cil®U>t51(,1)l]Trr ll~IP ·r§t6lwt51C.@oir6ll r§\l?ML.~q_Q.I ~tlfllllrrQSI ci\"'llL-W>UJ~ C:!fill'(bG!b<Ei : lf>fffJQJrmb (R) : X &sfl. (R) 6iai!U!bl {A) cil~@> ~riflUJITQ!! ~611<i.ll\\i>. A) (A) Ul (R) In B) (A} erf\ ~Gillrr9.> (R) li>~~· C) (A) Ill (R) Lo D) (AJ tolj)tDJill (R) @g<Oii!n(Eiio Sf>a.J(Orr~rQ!l~. I70ll srfl. ~QITITW (R) UEisrU@ (A) ci\(b® ~trflwrr9S! ~611/);S.Lo ~~. 55 PGKI Conside r thf' folluwtng statemr nts : Ass~tion {A) : cu...-.e~m .Reason (R) : HC' wanted to de!>tory naUona llstiC' unlty . partitio ned l3cn~al In 190!1 Now sdecl your answer accordi ng to U1c coding S<'hcme given below : /\) Both (A) and (RJ are correct and (RJ Is the corre<:t cxplana Uon of tAl D) {/\) Is correct. bur (RJ Is wrong. C) Uoth (AJ and (RJ are corre<'t • but (R) Is not U1e corr<"<'l C'xplanaUon of (II) D) Both (Ill anti (R) are \won~. 174. ~IJI6>e.~L ~U.lf:h ~,&.«<lm a.ruQS\1 (RJ: ~a..flQ\1 ~t/)UJ CX!',rr6.e.w ~~,_ ~Q,·~· 11>91'611 urrrt6lllruu% ~ru~(\)UI .c tl>fTfJfilX!IIiJ UJrurrGin ~~run obi ~rtOl:trt ~· · lA lr>lt">~!&\~ ®t!l~wn rold)® aJtl•ll>" r1 . om fh<[/){T)J (A) : ob 6!601U~l'J. ~~IP ~oS1LnSit' (bl.n6ll (11)oS1ul't.4w &tfltJ.JITI:Ol rulQnt....a!lwfi> ~!hrt(bGIJZ>(9 , D) {A) U> {R) U> srfl. ~Q!urQ. (RJ GTGinufbl (A) rul(b~ srflwrrtilll a~~n~e.U> ~~Ql. C) {A) 11rll ~QllrrW (R) jbnJ.l)t • D) (A) Ul~(!)JID (R) ~)I)'Gii!!T(9U> 9rflUJITQll6l»ru. w .tn ps cj (A) ill (RJ io ~rrfl. (HI 6!Ginut~~ (A) OlSl(fl~ srr'iUJf'm1 rulmh,s;ID. w Conside r Ule foUowlng stateme nts : w • AI Assertio n {A) : Htucn Tsang c:une lndla dw1ng Harsha 's rule. Rca..<;on (R) : Hls main objectiv e was to Visit Buddh1 st shrines . Now select your answe.r accordi ng to the codi~ scheme gtven below : A) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (RJ Is the correct explana tion of (A) B) BoUl {A) and {R) are correct. but {R) 1s not the correct explana tion of (A) C) {II) Is correct. D) DoUl (A) and {R) are correct . but (RJ ts 'l'.'fong 1 75. '.!t!,60Tibl0rrjt)' 6T(lj>~IUl')l WIT iT? A) {i)1JrultbtJIJ!9ff6> Jf>ITM !Tum over 50 PGKI \Vho wrote ' Ananda Math ' 'I A) Rabtndrjinath Tagore B) Banklm Chandra ChnttOJ::1dhyaya C) Aurob!ndo D) Madhusudan Dutta. 176. uL.~q.IIJQ, I s u L.14-ww II P 1 .-in G\urr(!flg;!b\. ll~19 [email protected].(6\Gi'l'~r (!!)t6)ul'@tM01b1i8. Gu,rr~@ ttrflwHOIII aSlQlll Qllwa, <&lf>rrJbG~~>@ uL.~w&l IP> rr;., J:ll)' liu , : uL.~q.wQ, I Ql!Q) aJit 8'> m i}L...(YilO ~·@10 1) .!P,QI8'>11"<11T~ 1888 2) QI~C:QIIrr 1H!l9 ..!)j.-in Q!l')Qu~ l~ll.:. 3) e;Q)e.P,!1JlT I !l17 sCI]rr~G:IIl \!>ITUl@ 4) lhiUi>l~~~ A) ~,.~ b) LITb.t._lt 41,11' C') d) gw a b c 2 :~ I) ~ 3 I 3 4 2 D) 2 4 3 I . ob 1 ps C) .c <l cj B) 1918 , om .&\ l!>f• (!!)t6)~1h6il : AI n .tn Match List I with Lis t II rorreclly and sckct your answer w11ng the codes given below: List n w List I Place and Year a) w w President of Coneress George Yule 1) Allahohad. 1888 b) Or. R.C. Dutta 2) Lucknow. 1899 c) .Annie Besant 3) Calcutta, 1917 d) Sar~inl Naldu 4) Kanpur, 1928. ('..odes: X 1701 a b c <l A) 2 3 4 I Bl 1 2 3 4 C) 1 3 4 2 Dl 2 4 3 I PGKI 57 177. ~lf,Jffil~a>wlt a;w Gu!b!D.;mlt j!>li.JB>@>Q!JLW i§@toih ®!b~wrr~Eil 6J!iJu®~!b wrrrfluh dllillltod>'GmlUU 1 A) ~ffiu!T B) ~~Jrlh!iCit C) "'j!IT fR6>1rQn D) . The British received permission to establish lhctr company In India from A) Akbar B) Jahanglr C) Shahjahan D) Aurangzeb. 178. •GuG!I!fl G~r6111Jff' qiouruio GTi.JGlu~r@j[;al !b)e;w~j!i~ 1 1920 BJ 1923 CJ 1922 0) 1921. om A) Whcn <ltd the 'Chau.rf Chauro' lncldenl Lake place'? B) C) 1922 D) 1923 .c 1920 1921. ob AI cj 179. &li.JB'> l~>na>l!>~llll ~umt ~t6)6lSlw4 ~IIIla>~ Cllla>IN§~w uG»u,ruGOI16in rurr 6lll9> IOIJ ~Glljli GlruL..@p;Q, B) uome;ru~.m C) IJQllffiG)J~GGJ ~8iiTL<lnL0JW QllffiUulj)~jbW D) WIT<;G>Qffu5\6in BiiTQlfTQ) U9ll1Ml.!&fil61il u u5\lte;Qn611 ps A) ~!91liij!>EU. w w .tn 6l5l<OOihli§ffiQ5\QT 6orult jbW w Durtng the Sangam Age, war was usually declared or provoked by A) cutting the ltttelary tree of the enemy B) l!ftlng the cattle of the enemy C) besieging the enemy's forl D) crushing the crops of the enemy's ten1tory under the feet of elephants. 180. GtoL..I]rGi'l> toffiJr§lell<>Q5lU 6fUGiWT@I!)I L®6lJITffi8iUuLL~ 1 A) 1883 Bl 1882 C) 1884 D) 1886. When was the Madras Mahajana Sabha formed ? A) 1883 B) 1882 C) 1884 D) 1886. •17@ [Tum over 58 PGKI 1 R I. ef~s.GiolLW!l>!!Slf.>> "'01 t!i1u,4'1jlb CO\uo.,'!i~un~<~'~ ? AI ~J, C:lhltor. ~QS)If.UUIT@ fV~~6.GSUf .!P;~WCQJLWII 110< ro!GUJIO C) EJ@~!i.<O'"' GIJQSls.r"nJrr(!;l u~i/) GillrurJUI D) !:>9 ~UQJ>q,irun(!;l QJ(!!lL.rr(i;t\1] Gillrul]lll • Which on<' of the followln!o( l~ correctly matched "? A) Urogro.phJcal dassifll"Ailon Valuco bRsc<l riR t.a H) Chrouolugtrn l C"lnsstnc."ltJon Tim!' !!f"l"l<'~ data Cl QuantltaUve classlfll-JUon Area wise oal.a 0) QualltaUve cla:>!:>lflntllon Yearly <.lata. 1R2 ef!Pb,u,dnLruj)~Q, ~ 1'. .bJ,.A Iff' Gl'~7 .<)(l6)lMmlh ~rfl~lb~ ~unrh: B) (ge.rnrrrQ) S.~lf> C) ~r:lrrrl'rL..wLrrlt G~.IIT~ub. u,QXJT8,i/:@ D) c:nt,Q~Q, [email protected] e..zmb.l(!;l ob .c IJII<ilr om AI cj Which one of the tollowtng Is corr(!{:t )y maldlcd ? FORTRAN B) COBOL C) WORDSTAR [)) &XCEL ps Typtng !I te.xt AJ 8UJ:>Iness calcuiRrlons Tabulallon. w .tn MRlhrmRtlcal c."llculaUons n LLfill Qurr(5if,~. ilCij Gw.~ ~0 ~rrflUJrrQ!l GillQS>UO">.uJ!, <:,.ri (i,Gi!f>0 : [email protected]..@6irln ~uf@I1>QS>6118. w w 183. uL..~w&l I ~ u~w~ uL..tstwQ) ULt!j.W&l J n a) b) L$!>!!>1) ourr [#;! 1) i!>~nruru CsSIIfluuruil" <.IJl§>rfu @Q$)@) 46ttool Gillru!Jlll 2) jbi!\QJGu !fl@UGIJII c) 6-g:R)l ~II> IT Ql t\ 31 !i)5>b!J9l d) lt1)tq.&.o.=r8,@) 4) <!:P!b~ jbffiQJQl • ®;6luf@;;r,6iT : a AI BJ CJ Dl • 7 0l 1 2 2 b c d 2 3 4 3 4 1 3 2 •4 4 1 3. <:us.rfluy PGK l 59 ct you r answ er usin g the code"' give n Matc h Liat I with Llat U corr ectly and sele belo w : List U Uat I a) Resp onde nts 1) Pers on collecting lnformntlon bl Prim ary data 2) Pers on giVUl,l( lnforrnaUon c) Enu mer ator 3) Collection of dRta dl Cen sus 4) First han d inlo rmat lon b c d A) l 2 3 4 B) 2 3 4 3 2 D) 4 3. 4 2 ob C) .c Q om Cod es: cj .6>' t.r~ ~rf11UnQ!T~ 7 184. .P(A) = 0.6 LD!Il:tllli> P(B) =0.5. ~~w !l.'\9ei C) A LDQ>!)jlb 8 ~Jl~~.cur ~I]Ul;_! D) ®Ql)ru &~~tb1GI>GalW .tn w w the following ls correct ? If P(AJ = 0.6 and P(B) = 0.5. then which one of w • ps B) A Ulti>l!)llll B ~~IUQIT allQlB>® ~lhW~"'"'~ A I.O(iJ~Jlil B ~JlUJQIT al)Q~N,rr @o.lPQ!lf>W A) exclu~ivc events AJ A and Bar e mut ualn y B) s A and B are nor mur ualll y excl usiv e cvem C) A and Bar e com plem enta ry even ts D) Non e of thes e. &~B>w ·orif,!bQITQST ? 185. 10 a;®ID 30 S;®ID 1&16))\t...aUJ :o..m6fl uu.rr AJ 7 C) 5 BJ 4 D) 6. How man y prim e num bers are ther e In betw een 4 B) 7 A) C) x [7~ 5 D) 10 and 30? 6. [1\& m over . 60 PGKI 186. e>~~uSlw e® $\cr~rr~L. Ul\il~ &® Gltolhft Q!luL- QPEmtD~w erfb!D~~ al1lln A) I 000 <mULe.>m toli>IDJih 100 $\QlQ>ITQ!IULS.m BJ 1o24 6lSluL.~nw to!iJlOJLD C) I 000 t;tnUL ET>6ir UltD\l)llil 10000 QJJULtn611 U) 1024 Q!lULOiGI'r Ul(i'Jll)llh 100 $\~Ql/TQSIUI ~IT>61i woo 8;1crl;\liT&nuL.e.>m In computers, LkD and 1MB are respP.ctively equal to A) 1000 byles and 100 kilobytes B) 1024 bytes aucl 1000 kilobytes C) 1000 bytt--'1 and 10000 bytes 0) 1()24 bytes and l 00 om kHobyte~. Cl 50 B) 55 D) 35. ob 60 cj A) .c 187. A Ullj)ILlJLD B Gin G'ltoiT!il!> ruw~ j[>OJ~UIT~ 110. ®®u~ ru®Lt>dild>~ (!J>Gin4 ~rulte;rol~ rulll§il cl)$\jr>lh 4 : 3 erGI!fll.l; A lin rullJ~ .tn ps The sum of the agC!! of A and B Is now 110 y~rs and U1c:-1r ages 20 yeru·s ago were In the ratio of 4: 3. TI1e age of A t.s 55 D) 35. 1:4:5 B) 4: 1:5 1:5:4 D) 1:4:20. C) 50 A) Cl w w 60 w B) A) I If x = 4 y andy= 51 z then x: y: zis equal to A) 1:4;5 B) 4: 1: 5 C) 1:5:4 D) 1 : 4 : 20. 189. C!Jl~Ll)J ru~Cn51~6ir6ff tnrr=rrurte.61fl~ ro16J~Ulrr6lSl~ 2 : 3: 5 ~o; LW6!l~. &rucrG~Jrnt ru@>Ut.Sl~lil 40 tDITGOOJrurre;sit ~!Ds.!fl~®LD ~UIT®J rulef:l§>tnff~~ 4 : 5: 7 ~6> wrraSl1116irGIT§il "GI!flw @lll6\lurr~T> Gtn~rli;l!> tnrH~~~~rut ..6111...n 6TQJ\n~~Qll;;.w~r6l5f~ A) 100 B) 180 C) 200 D) 1100. PG KI 61 den ts arc in the rall o 2 : 3 : 5. If 40 stu are s sse rla ee thr in t.s den siu e Th ally, the tota l o cha nge s lo 4 : 5 : 7. Ort g!n rati the q. das 'h P~C In SNI lncre<t num ber of slu dt" nts wM ; Al 100 Cl 200 BJ 180 U) 400 . tQil~l errlwrr&> GLrr®!!>~G:l!J);ii1 190. Llkbr"--l">"'~rul.i>-w-* lil!h§>G\.;w A) 123 .!) 0) GOD C) I\ -t B I)) I\ t ID~!!Sl LDrr(6ldil 5.0 om • rec ty ma tch rd ? Wh ich one ol the fullowtng Is ror A) GO U C) I\~ B V) t\ + 5.0 A) 424 C) 641-1 Vn rta blr .c 1:l3. 5 ob Co nst ant w .tn ps cj Exp rel; ."lo n Log ica l con sta nL A) 533 D) 650 . w • I\) w ber!'; belwt"en 100 and 12 0? Wh at Is the sum of al l prtxnc num A) 124 c) n48 B) 533 D) 650 . )ITQl uS'~t6lGisT(6\ 61.1( Q; 21, 28. 36, 45 ~fLliU<:~.~dJ!J l~j) ~Eil L ULL b,lJ> illJ!I) @>E 3 192 . I!)~Llj tEiu.~!ll!b~ 61 Gim urT ~ 1 125 7 B) 420 A) 126 3. D) 126 0 C) le by 21, 28, 36 and ich wh en dim inis hed by 3 Is dlvtslb !l)UG!Iil Th e sm alle st num ber wh \ 4!) fs A) 420 C) 126 0 B) 125 7 Dl 126 3. 11\ lm over PGKI 62 193. ey>6"bl!!lJ '"~'"'610Gb• ci!J:!S~Jii.!e>ro 35 : 55 : 77. ~ru1>aS\~ uiuCOluQ!i COlurr~U.U,rr!J~ 24 6T~Q> ~ruGruiOtllsr 11>61'1 wrr6mru 1 A) 420.660.924 B) 280. 440, 616 C) 810. 1320. 1848 D) 105. 165. 231. The ratio of three numbers Is 35 : 55 : 77 and their HCF Is 24. Then the numbers are 420, 660, H24 R) 280. 440, 616 C) 840, 1320, 1848 D) 105. 165.231 . ru(~ut51Q> 60 LOrrGlmrurtlhGI'I '<-Gll611Gmll'. ~~~llfJQ)~j/;16\1 75% LOrr<>oorrultlhro <:lf>ltli-01 COlu~b\SlC:.lQSlQ). 45% 1Drr<>oor>~111' s.61i ~aS\rulwW\6\1 <:~~ M1 Guwcll1Q)Q»bu 6T~ru ®rilrul® &® UITL ible, mfl~ Ul <l:j!) rt 8- 01 COl U(Drr j!) LOIT Qli!Tru rt 6.61'1 6l'~ j!)Q!l t;1lT 5 B) 6 C) l:l D) 12. Thcr~ om 1\) (XUll' 1 arc 60 students In a class. ln an <.'xamlnaUon 75% of them had failed In .c 194. A) En~llsh C) 8 5.6 w C) w 5.0 .tn 195. (!!lj!>Gil s;!b~ ue>rr 6T~ &6111~ lf!Jrr e-rf1 A) B) 6 D) 12. B) 5.2 Dl 6 .0 cj 5 ps A) ob ancl 45% of l.hem had failed In Science. How many had fatled both In English and Science ? WIT tl 1 A) 5.0 C) 5.6 w The average of llie first llve pdme numbers is BJ 5.2 D) 6 .0 196. 4% &L(bl ruL~ ru~j,iJQ, ~CJ~(bl b'.l([>L~e>GlTlQ, ~.1,352 ~u,.;, &~W Giji)IT6me>uS\661 LO!b)UL.j Gr66T<illl 1 A) 1300 ~urrt!J B) 1200 C!J>UITtU C) 1250 ~urrtl.J D) 1260 f!JiUrrt!J. A sum amounts to Rs. 1,852 In 2 years at 4% compound Interest. The sum Is A) Rs. 1.300 B) Rs. 1.200 Cl Rs. 1.250 D) R-;. 1.260 . PGKI 63 197. ~~ U'-® !b)G!1lll.lf!JIT Q!l (€.fll>\> ~~~ 15 <fJ.w ~rue.jbdJG~ QeG~IIIJJ;l~. ~u,® 31J.W ~ru&,t,if;l~ uf~grrL.L.lil ~"'~~~ "~"" 12 @t51L."e.61flw Qeww8>,..t.q.w Ri!TFJW AJ 3.6 iJ.tD B) 2.41.1.,£ C) LS £i.t£ D) 1.8 6.1.t£. uf<:grrL.L. i£'91leu51w UL® The speed of a boat In still water I!$ 15 km/hr and the speed of currentls 3 km(br. The distance travelled downstream in 12 mlnutl's Is A) 3.6 km B) 2.4 km Cl 1.5 km Dl 1.8 km . om 198. ,.~JGmgu ~urr6il ~IW~Lib 19 LDL-i>l@l lirQ!: L ll!G!!l'-Wti t.Dd)!plio Qsl"lq 9 t.DL-16!® liTG!!lL.Ilja»L.Wti QQli)l>\> ,.~111lgu ~urrw 15 wL-tbl~ Mtfdlt utmm @rurulQ~ Cl 3:2 ob 1:2 B) 2:3 D) 19 : 135. ps A) 1 cj .&lhi!!>ti.>lblw 5)®1l•®Lo .c ~ ~@llf e.lbla;Q!lG!Tll ~oft~~ Llii)NrT U.6.1w !L<2rurrB> ~Miu®ruu~l>\> @~lb !L<:wn ll>li.IIJ\6ir tu(tjb .tn Gold is 19 times as heavy as water and copper Is 9 Urnes a11 heavy as water. The ratio, In which the two metnls should he mixed. so tlaat th<" mixture is 15 Urnes 1:2 C) 3:2 w A) w as heavy as water. Is w ' B) 2:3 D) 19: 135. J 99. ~® <:rul1»6\lQ!lW 3 ~ GWr ~L®Lo, 4 81(1)1Gl.Jit 6.@91b 8 (?ITLII'o6lf!GI (!,Pt.q.ULIIfrt a. Gil. ~<:g, <:ru~11.1111lUJ 4 ~GW!B>eiD 4 91\0frurre.@tb 6 !blfL&\~61> Q,PISIL!urrlte>Gir 6Tdl61> 2 ~c;WI&>@>I.b 4 91~it&\@!)Ul $1ril~ru!lnii.IG!!lW 6!jl;lf>G!!lQlf !!>" L.a;~l>\> (!Pt.q.UUTil'B>f>1T 7 A) BJ 12 !'f:>rrL.~~>rn C) D) 16 !!JITL.&>Gir If 3 men and 4 boys can do a work In 8 days while 4 men and 4 boys can do that work in 6 days. then 2 men and 4 boys will finish It in A) 10 days BJ 12 days C) 15 day!'! D) lf:i days. I Tum over PGKI 64 200. 9'~!1 wrr~rfhurrGaT Gl&w~urr®~~6TTU. Qlle;wrriOC\rr® ~~~~~~ j!i1JUUL.{bl6trm Ul..r£te;IS!f1ti1J6trm GriOC\rr e;oir ®uSl~~uuL.1..rrli.l [email protected].. ET~ w.• ~? 6 3 3 4 8 3 6 A B 7 1 9 c 320 B) 274 Cl 262 D) 132. om A) ob .c If same patterns of operatlons are followed tn all the three d.l agram.s gtven below. then the mlsstn.g number Is 3 0 3 .tn ps cj 6 8 6 1 9 c B w w 3 A w 2 A) 320 B) 274 C) 262 D) 132. ., • 65 PGKI ( SPACE FOR ROUGH WORE ) w w w .tn ps cj ob .c om y .. I ~ • PGKI 66 w w w .tn ps cj ob .c om (SPACE FOR ROUGH WORX ) I -.