CATALOGUE OF SUBUN-SO BOOK STORE No.494 2008 no.678 ◆◆◇◇ BIBLIOGRAPHY ◇◇◆◆ 1 ALDUS (P.J.) MOUSETRAP. Structure and Meaning in Hamlet. Univ of Toronto,1977. xii,234pp. 2 6,300 ALLEN (C.D.) AMERICAN BOOK-PLATES. A Guide to Their Study. With a Bibliography by E.N.Hewins. (First Published 1895). N.Y.: Hacker Art Books, 1968. numerous illus. 437pp. 4,500 3 ALLEN (W.S.) VOX GRAECA A Guide to the Pronunciation of Classical Greek. Cambridge U.P., 1974. 174pp. dw. bit foxing. 4 4,000 ARELLANES (A.S.)(Ed.) BOOKPLATES IN THE NEWS, 1970-85. A Collection of Sixty Issues of the Newsletter of the American Society of Bookplate Collectors and Designers, Including a General Index and an Illustrations Index to Bookplate Artists and Owners. Detroit: Gale Research Com., 1986. 640pp. 4to. 5 9,800 ARMSTRONG (E.) BEFORE COPYRIGHT. The French Book-Privilege System 1498-1526. Cambridge U.P., 1990. xvii,317pp. with dust cover. -1- 6,300 6 ARS TYPOGRAPHICA. Vol I Number 1-3 (1918-20), Number 4 (1934) & Vol II & III (192526). Reprinted from New York: The Marchbanks Press. Connecticut: Greenwood, 1970. Reprinted Ed. 3 vols in 2. 4to. pictorial cover. 7 ASHWIN (C.)(Comp.) HISTORY OF GRAPHIC DESIGN AND COMMUNICATION. A Source Book. Pembridge Press, 1983. b/w illus. 279pp. with dust cover. 8 4,000 BANKS (Sir J.): CATER (H.B.) SIR JOSEPH BANKS (1743-1820) A guide to biographical and Bibliographical sources. (St Paul's Bibliographies) 1987. 328pp. lar.8vo. dw. 9 9,450 5,500 BARKER (N.) THE BUTTERFLY BOOKS. An Enquiry into the Nature of Certain Twentieth Century Pamphlets. London: B.Rota, 1987. First Ed. 12 plates (4 coloured) illusts. 283pp. cloth backed boards. 10 15,000 BARLOW (F.): HODNETT (E.) FRANCIS BARLOW. First Master of English Book Illustration. London: Scolar Press, 1978. numerous illustrations. 237pp. sm.4to. with dust cover. (spine faded) 11 18,000 BARTHEL (G.) KONNTE ADAM SCHREIBEN? Weltgeschichte der Schrift. Bearbeitet und Herausgegeben von K.Gutbroad. Koln: M.D.Schauberg, 1972. 494pp. lar.8vo. 12 BASKERVILLE(J.): GASKELL (P.) JOHN BASKERVILLE. A Bibliography. Cambridge U.P.,1959. xxiii,71pp. 4to. with dust cover. 13 8,000 BASKIN (B.H.) & HARRIS (K.H.)(Ed.) THE MAINSTREAMED LIBRARY. Issues, Ideas, Innovations. Chicago: American Library Association, 1982. 293pp. roy.8vo. 14 8,500 4,500 BAUR-HEINHOLD (M.) SCHONE ALTE BIBLIOTHEKEN. Ein Buch vom Zauber ihrer Raume. Einfuhrung Karl Bosl. Aufnahmen Helga Schmidt-Glassner. Munchen: G.D.W.Callwey,1972. colour & b/w illustration throughout. 295pp. 4to. dw. 15 5,000 BELLANGER (C.),GODECHOT (J.),GUIRAL (P.) & TERROU (F.)(Pub.& Direction) HISTOIRE GENERALE DE LA PRESSE FRANCAISE. Tome I:Des origines a 1814. Tome II:De 1815 a 1871. Tome III:De 1871 a 1940. P.U.F., 1969,72. 3 vols. Roy.8vo. dw(edges sl.chipped). 15,000 16 BISCHOFF (B.) MANUSCHIPTS AND LIBRARIES IN THE AGE OF CHARLEMAGNE. Cambride Univ: 1993. roy,8vo. 193pp. 17 3,000 BISE (G.) TRISTAN ET ISEUT. d'apres un manuscrit du "Roman de Tristan" du XVesiecle. Geneve: Seghers, 1978. many colour illustrations. 173pp. 4to. dw. 18 5,000 BLADES (W.) AN ACCOUNT OF THE GERMAN MORALITY PLAY, ENTITLED DEPOSITO CORNUTI TYPOGRAPHCI. As Performed in the 17th & 18th Centuries. with a Rhythmical Translation of the German Version of 1648. London: Trubner, 1885. xii,113pp. sm.4to. uncut. original boards rebacked. 11,000 -2- 19 BLAKE (W.): PALEY (M.D.) WILLIAM BLAKE. N.Y.: Greenwich House, 1978. 16 color & 145 b/w illus.192pp. 4to. with dust cover. 20 3,000 BLAND (D.) A HISTORY OF BOOK ILLUSTRATION. The Illuminated Manuscript and the Printed Book. London: Faber & Faber, 1969. With illustrations. 448pp. 4to. 21 8,000 BLOCK (A.) KEY BOOKS OF BRITISH AUTHORS 1600-1932. London: Denis Archer, 1933. presentation copy from Author. 384pp. with dust cover, slightly wear. 22 6,500 BLOOMFIELD (B.C.) AN AUTHOR INDEX TO SELECTED BRITISH 'LITTLE MAGAZINES' 19301939. MANSELL,1976.XIII,153pp. lar.8vo. 23 3,000 BLOOMFIELD (R.) WILD FLOWERS. Or pastoral and Local Poetry. London: vernor, Hood & Others,1806. First Ed. with 7 plates. 132pp. 12mo. rebound in recent cloth. browned. 5,500 24 BLUM (Dr.G.) ANTIKE IM EXLIBRIS. GRIECHENLAND IM EXLIBRIS. Exlibristen,1994. 8 Colour & 239 b/w exlibris illustrations. 331pp. pb. 25 BLUM (G.)DIE KUNST DES EROTISCHEN EXLIBRIS. ABBILDUNGEN DAVON 13 IN FARBE.272pp. lar.8vo. 26 9,800 Wiesbaden: C.Wittal, 1986.265 9,800 BLUM (G.) L'ART DEL' EX-LIBRIS EROTIQUE. Edition fracaise revue par Germaine MeyerNoirel. Traduction de Dominique Petit. Picard, 1990. Limited to 225 copies. with numerous plates. 271pp. roy.8vo. with dust cover. 27 20,000 BRADLEY (W.H.): BAMBACE (A.)(Comp.) WILL H.BRADLEY: HIS WORK. A Bibliographical Guide. Oak Knoll, 1995. Extensively illustrated and detailed bibliography of Bradley's work. 215pp. lar.8vo. 28 5,000 BRASSINGTON (W.S.) A HISTORY OF THE ART OF BOOKBINDING. With some Account of the Books of the Ancients. London: Elliot Stock, 1894. 9 plates (of which 3 are coloured), 153 illustrs., in the text (20 coloured),Illustrated with numerous Engravings, and photographic Reproductions of Ancient Bindings in colour and Monotints. ix,277pp. 4to. original pictorial cover. fine copy. 29 65,000 BRIDSON (G.) & WAKEMAN (G.) PRINTMAKING & PICTURE PRINTING. A Bibliographical guide to Artistic & Industrial Techniques in Britain 1750-1900. Oxford; Plough,1984. 250pp. 4to. dw. 30 4,000 BROWN (P.)(Select.) THE BOOK OF KELLS. 48 Pages and Details in Colour from the Manuscript in Trinity College, Dublin. London: Thames & Hudson, 1980. 96pp. Cr.4to. paperbacks. 31 4,000 BRPWM (H.F.) THE VENETIAN PRINTING PRESS 1469-1800. An Historical study based upon Documents for the Most part Hitherto unpublisahed. Amsterdam: Gerard Th. van Heusden,1969.xvii,463pp. 4to. sl. pencil scrached. -3- 15,000 32 BURKETT (J.) SPECIAL LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SERVICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. London: The Library Association, 1961. 200pp. with dust cover. 33 3,000 CARTER (J.) ABC FOR BOOK COLLECTORS. London: Hart-davis,1973.211pp. cr.8vo. dw. 3,000 34 CARTER (S.) THE BOOK BECOMES. The making of a fine edition. Cambridge: The Rampant Lions Press, 1984. with illustrations. 96pp. Japan paper spine with pictorial boards. 35 6,500 CAXTON (W.): CROTCH (W.J.B.) THE PROLOGUES AND EPILOGUES OF WILLIAM CAXTON. Early English Text Society.Kraus, 1973. reprinted ed. clxiii,115pp. lar.8vo. 4,200 36 CAXTON (W.): DUFF (E.G.) WILLIAM CAXTON. N.Y: Burt Franklin.with illust. 118pp. 3,000 37 CAXTON (W.): LEACH (MacEDWARD) PARIS AND VIENNE. translated from the French and printed by W.Caxton. (Early English Text Society). Oxford U.P., 1970. xxxi,114pp. 38 CAXTON (W.): PAINTER (G.D.) WILLIAM CAXTON. A Quincentenary Biography of England's First Printer. London: Chatto & Windus, 1976. xi,227pp. dw. 39 4,000 CAXTON (W.): PRIOR (O.H.) CAXTON'S MIRROUR OF THE WORLD. (Early English Text Society). Oxford U.P., 1966. xxv,192pp. 40 4,200 4,200 CAXTON (W.): STEVENS (H.) THE BIBLES IN THE CAXTON EXHIBITION 1877. Or a Bibliographical Description of Nearly One Thousand Representative Bibles in Various Langu ages Chronologically Arranged from the First Bible Printed at the Oxford Guttenberg in 1450-1456 to the Last Bible Printed at the Oxford University Press the 30th June 1877... London: Henry Stevens, 1878. 151pp. original green cloth. 41 12,000 CAXTON: PLOMER (H.R.) WILLIAM CAXTON (1424-1491) N.Y.: B.Franklin, 1968. 195pp. 3,670 42 CESSOLIS ( THE GAME OF CHESS. Translated and printed by William Caxton.c.1483. London: Scholar press, 1976. Limited to 500 copies. b/w illustrations. unpaged. 4to. (29 x 19.7cm) Bound in coarse canvas with leather spine label. owner's sign on end paper. fine copy. 43 25,000 CHANCHY (M.T.) FROM MEMORY TO WRITTEN RECORD. England 1066-1307. Bath: Edward Arnold. 1979. 330pp. 44 4,000 CLAIR (C.) A HISTORY OF PRINTING IN BRITAIN. London: Cassell, 1965. 314pp. with dust cover. 45 5,000 COBDEN-SANDERSON (T.J.) ECCE MUNDUS INDUSTRIAL IDEALS AND THE BOOK BEAUTIFUL. Hammersmith Publishing Society, 1902. First Ed.Limited ed.,n.p.,(38) vellum-Backed boards. owner's sign & book plate. 12,000 -4- 46 COBDEN-SANDERSON (T.J.): THE JOURNALS OF THOMAS JAMES COBDEN-SANDERSON 1879-1922. New York: R.Cobden-Sanderson, 1926. Limited Ed. 2 vols. with 5 illusts. roy.8vo. binding loose of vol.I. 47 25,000 COLLECTION OF THE GARDEN LTD. MAGNIFICENT BOOKS AND MANUSCRIPTS. Conceived and Formed by Haven O'More. Funded by M.Davis. SOTHEBY'S FOUNDED 1744. N.Y.: Sotheby's, n.d. (ca.1989) with numerous illusts. n.p. 4to. 48 4,000 COLOPHON: (THE) A BOOK COLLECTORS' QUARTERLY. 1930-50. Comprising * The Original Series in 20 numbers. * The New Colophon in 12 numbers. * New Graphic Series in 4 numbers. * The Colophon in 9 numbers. * The Annual of Book Making 1938. [plus] 2 index volumes. Altogether 48 vols. Complete set. 4to & lar.8vo. 49 COOK (J.): BEDDIE (M.K.)(Ed.) BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CAPTAIN JAMES COOK. R.N.,F.R.S., Circumnavigator. Sydney: 1970. 2nd Ed. xvi,894pp. lar.8vo. with dust cover. 50 6,000 CURL (P.) DESIGNING A BOOK JACKET. London: The Studio Publications, 1956. numerous illustrations. 96pp. cr.4to. with dust cover. 53 10,500 CRUSE (A.) THE ENGLISHMAN AND HIS BOOKS. In the Early 19th Century. N.Y: numerous illust. 301pp. original cloth. very good. 52 16,000 CRESSY (D.) LITERACY AND THE SOCIAL ORDER. Reading and Writing in Tudor and Stuart England. Cambridge U.P., 1980. 246pp. lar.8vo. dw. fore-edges sl.foxing. 51 180,000 4,000 D.N.B.: THE DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY. Founded in 1882 by George Smith. Part I:From the beginnings to 1900, Part II:1901-1950. Part III:1951-1960. Oxford U.P., 1969-1971. 3 vols. lar.8vo. dw. 54 25,000 DANTE: LA DIVINA COMMEDIA. Commentata da Luigi Pietrobono. Volume I: Inferno.Torino: Societa Editrice Internazionale,1930. 463pp. sm.8vo. wrapper. 55 3,000 DARLING (W.Y.) THE PRIVATE PAPERS OF A BANKRUPT BOOKSELLER. [Sad fictional tale of the life of an antiquarian bookseller.] N.Y.: D.Appleton & Co.,1932. First U.S.Edition. 306pp. 8vo. cloth. dw. 56 11,000 DIBDIN (T.F.) THE LIBRARY COMPANION OR THE YOUNG MAN'S GUIDE AND THE OLD MAN'SS COMFORT, IN THE CHOICE OF A LIBRARY. London: Harding,Triphook, 1825. 2nd Ed. 899pp. 3/4 calf with boards. sl. rubbed. 57 18,000 DICKSONS (R.)INTRODUCTION OF THE ART OF PRINTING INTO SCOTLAND. Aberdeen: J & J.P.Edmond, 1885.Limited to 500 copies.with 26 illustrations. 98pp. original blue pictorial cloth. 58 12,600 DIEHL (E.) BOOKBINDING. Its Background and Technique. N.Y.: Rinehart, 1946. 2 vols. Numerous illustrations. lar.8vo. in slip-case. -5- 28,000 59 DISEGNI NEI MANOSCRITTI LAURENZIANI SEC.X-ZVII. Catalogo a Cura di Francesco Gurrieri. Firenze, ottobre 1979 - febbario 1980Firenze: L.S.Olschk,1979. many b/w illustrations. 307pp. pb. 60 4,000 DUTEL (J.-P.) BIBLIOGRAPHIE DES OUVRAGES EROTIQUES publies Clandestinement en Francais Entre 1880 et 1920. Paris: Chez L'Auteur, 2002. 669pp. Roy.8vo. dw. fine. 21,000 61 EESTI EKSLIIBRIS 1976-77. The Estonian Book-Plate. Tallinn: Eesti Nsv Raamatuuhing, 1979. 126pp. 16mo. 62 5,000 EGERTON (C.) ,CASTLE (E.),COUNT (K.E.) & ALLEN (.D.) ENGLISH BOOK-PLATES. GERMAN BOOK-PLATES & AMERICAN BOOK-PLATES. London: George Bell & sons. 1893, 1895, 1901. 3 vols. with numerous text illustrations. 352. 437.& 531pp. contemporary half red morocco by Fazakerley of Liverpool. top edge gilt & other edges bit foxed. fine copy. 145,000 63 ELLIS: FRANKS (Sir A.W.)(Collected) ELLIS'S CATALOGUE OF BRITISH AND AMERICAN BOOK-PLATES. (Ex Libris) London: 1905. 244pp. wrappers. sl. chipped. 64 6,000 ESCREET (P.K.) INTRODUCTION TO THE ANGLO-AMERICAN CATALOGUING RULES. London: Andre Deutsch, 1971. 383pp. with dust cover. 65 3,000 EURO EX LIBRIS '66. Olomouc IX-X. 1966. 59 exlibris plate. 49pp+39pp. 21.5 x 11cm. 5,000 66 EXLIBRIS: JOURNAL OF THE EX LIBRIS SOCIETY. Vols.1-18, 1891-1907. Westport: Greenwood, 1970. Reprinted Ed. 9 vols. 4to. 67 FABES (G.H.) MODERN FIRST EDITIONS: POINTS AND VALUES. (Third Series.) London: G.W.Foyle, 1932. Limited to 750 copies. 97pp. with dust-cover. uncut. 68 35,000 11,000 FAIRFAX (J.) THE STORY OF JOHN FAIRFAX. Commemorating the Centenary of the Fairfax Proprietary of the Sydney Morning Herald 1841-1941. John Fairfax,1941. Illustrated by A.Feint. 169pp. half calf & boards. with dust cover.Isl. chipped) 69 5,000 FINCHAM (H.W.) ARTISTS AND ENGRAVERS OF BRITISH AND AMERICAN BOOK PLATES. A Book of reference for book Plate and Printed collectors. London: Kegan Paul, 1897. contains the names of more than 1500 artists and engravers who have signed about 5000 plates135pp. 4to. covers lightly foxed. 70 FLOHIC (Jean-Luc)(collection dirigee) LE PATRIMOINE DE LA POSTE. Flohic Editions, 1996. with illusts. 479pp. Roy.8vo. card-board cover. 71 15,000 4,000 FLOWER (D.) & SYMONS (A.J.A.)(Ed.) THE BOOK-COLLECTOR'S QUARTERLY. London, cassell, Dec.1930- Oct.1932. 8 vols. No.51 of limited to 100 copies. One of the most important book colecting publications of the 20th century. original cloth not uniform. -6- 35,000 72 FRANKLIN (C.) PRINTING AND THE MIND OF MORRIS THREE PATHS TO THE KELMSCOTT PRESS. Cambridge, R.Lions Press, 1986. First Ed. Privately printed one of 505 copies. 58pp. Hahnemuhle mouldmade paper. clean copy. 73 FRANKLIN (C.) THE PRIVATE PRESSES. London: Studio Vista, 1970. 240pp. lar.8vo. dw.(sl. chipped.) 74 7,000 4,200 FRENCH (E.D.) EDWIN DAVIS FRENCH. A Memorial. His Life. His Art. N.Y: Privately printed, 1908. First ed. Limited to 475 copies. 2 portraits with one of them used as frontispiece, view, 10 book plates pulled from the original copper plates95pp. boards. 75 15,000 FULLER (G.W.)(Ed.& Foreword) A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOOKPLATE LITERATURE. Bibliographical Work by V.B.Grimm. Some Random Thoughts on Bookplate Literature by W.Prescott. Spokane: Public Library, 1926. Limited to 500 signed copies. 151pp. lar.8vo. spine sl. rubbed. 76 6,000 GALSWORTHY (J.): EX LIBRIS JOHN GALSWORTHY. London: W.Heinemann, 1933. 112pp. cover worn, but text is fine. 77 7,500 GAUR (A.) A HISTORY OF WRITINGS. The British Library, 1992. may b/w illustrations. 236pp. 4to. dw. 78 4,000 GLEICHEN=RUSSWURM (A.) PIERROT. Ein Gleichnis in Sieben Liedern. Mit 7 Heliogravuren nach den R.von Rolf Schott. Leipzig: R.Wunderlich, n.d. Vierte Auflage. Gedruckt in 500 Exemplaren. 15 leafs. (23.5 x 16cm) in boards cover. cover water stained. 79 8,000 GODFREY (R.T.) PRINTMAKING IN BRITAIN. A General History from its Beginnings to the Present day. Oxford: Phaidon,1978. 141-242pp. b/w illustrations 244pp. Roy.8vo. dw. sl. pencil scrached. 80 3,000 GOLDSCHMIDT (E.PH.) THE PRINTED BOOK OF THE RENAISSANCE. Three Lectures on type, Illustration, ornament. Amsterdam: Van heusden,1974. 8 b/w plates. viii,92,8pp. 4to. dw. 6,000 81 GOLLANCZ: HODGES (S.) GOLLANCZ. The Story of a Publishing House 1928-78. London: V.Gollancz, 1978. 256pp. lar.8vo. with dust-cover. 82 GOODRUM (C.A.) TREASURES OF THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. N.Y.: H.N.Abrams, 1980. numerous illusts. 318pp. 4to. dw. 83 4,200 GRIMES (R.L.) RESEARCH IN RITUAL STUDIES: A Programmatic essay and bibliography. The American Theological Library Association, 1985. 165pp. 84 3,000 4,500 GROLIER CLUB: ONE HUNDRED INFLUENTIAL AMERICAN BOOKS PRINTED BEFORE 1900. Catalogue and Addresses. Exhibition at the Grolier Club. April Eighteenth Sixteenth. N.Y: The Grolier Club, 1967. 139pp. 6,000 -7- 85 GUTENBERG: GUTERNBERG=FEIER IN MAINZ 1900. *Bockenheimer (K.G.) Festschrift. 116pp. *Schrohe (H.) Mainzer Leben im funfzehnten Jahrhundert. 31pp. *Seidenberger (J.B.) Die Zunftkampfe in Mainz und der Anteil der Familie Gensfleisch. 66pp. *Heidenheimer (H.) Vom ruhme Johannes Gutenbergs. 87pp. *Quetsch (F.H.) Die Entwickelung des Zeitungswesens seit dem 15. bis zum Ausgang des 16 Jahrhunderts. 32pp. Gottsleben: Druck und Verlag, 1900. original decorated cover. 86 9,500 GUTENBERG: GOFF (F.R.) THE PERMANENCE OF JOHANN GUTENBERG. Univ.of Texas at austin, 1970. Limited to 500 copies. 87 3,000 GUTENBERG: JOHNSON (H.L.) GUTENBERG AND THE BOOK OF BOOKS. With Bibliographical Notes, Reproductions of Specimen pages and a listing of k nown copies. N.Y.: 1932. Limited to 750 copies. 5 facsimile leaves, 1 in separate folder 4-page folio prospectus including a full-page facsimile. BFolio. slip case. 88 35,000 GUTENBERG: PEARSON (E.C.) GUTENBERG, AND THE ART OF PRINTING. Boston: D.Lothrop, 1879. 3rd Ed. 304pp. sm.8vo. original cloth. 8.000 89 HALL (M.) HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS. A History. Harvard U.P., 1986. 257pp. pb. 3,000 90 HALMA (F.) DICTIONNAIRE NOUVEAU FRANCOIS & FLAMAND... Le tout tire de l'usage & des Auteurs les plus polis... par C.Rouxel et F.Halma. Amsterdam: Wolfgang,1686. WOORDENBOEK DER NEDERDUITSCHE EN FRANSCHE TAALEN, Uit het begruik en de beste Schryveren, met hulpe. Amsterdam: Abraham Wolfgang. 1686 & Willem van de Water. 1710. Both First ed, 2 vols. with Frontis. 4to.727pp & (xx)1023pp. half calf with boards. & full calf. 91 180,000 HANRATH (J.J.) DE BETEKENIS VAN NAPOLEON VOOR HET EXLIBRIS. Amsterdam: Wereld Bibliotheek, 1957. with 39 bookplates' designs. 70pp. dw. 92 7,500 HARKNESS COLLECTION IN THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Calendar of Spanish Manuscripts concerning Peru 1531-1651.Washington Goverment printing office,1932. 2 Vols. half calf over cloth. 93 8,400 HARRIS (P.R.)(Ed.) THE LIBRARY OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM. Retrospective Essays on the department of printed Books. The British Library, 1991. with many photographs. 305pp. dw. 94 6,000 HARRISON (F.) THE CHOICE OF BOOKS AND OTHER LITERARY PIECES. London: Macmillan, 1886. Limited to 250 copies. 447pp. lar.8vo. ex-library. (only labe on back of front cover) 95 4,200 HILLIER (J.) THE UNINBIBITED BRUSH. JAPANESE ART IN THE SHIJO STYLE. Hugh H.Moss,1974. Limited to 1000 copies. colour illustration throughout. 378pp. 4to. with slip case. spine sl. worn. 96 45,000 HITLER: GASSERT (P.) & MATTERN (D.S.) THE HITLER LIBRARY A Bibliography. Greenwood Press, 2001. 567pp. Roy.8vo. 10,500 -8- 97 HOLME (C.)(Ed.) THE ART OF THE BOOK. A Review of some recent European and American work in Typography, page decoration & Binding. London: The Studio, 1914. 276pp. roy.8vo. wrapper. (spine chipped) 98 4,000 HOPF (A.) & (A.)(Herausg.)DIE KUNST DES EXLIBRIS. Mahnert-Lueg, 1980.Limited to 1000 copies. signed by Hopf93 full page exlibris. 4to. slip case. 99 25,000 HORNE (H.P.) THE BINDING OF BOOKS. An Essay in the History of Gold-Tooled Bindings. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1894. First Ed, Large Paper Ed. Limited to 150 copies. with illustrations. 224ppp. half parchment.(sl. worn) uncut. mostly unopened. 25,000 100 HORNE (H.P.) THE BINDING OF BOOKS. An Essay in the History of Gold-Tooled Bindings. London: Kegan Paul, 1894. with illusts. 224pp. original backram. top & tail of spine rubbed. 101 6,000 HOWER (R.M.) THE HISTORY OF AN ADVERTISING AGENCY. N.W.Ayer & Son at Work 18691939. Harvard U.P., 1949. xliii,647pp. with dust cover. 102 8,000 HUDSON (F.) JOURNALISM IN THE UNITED STATES. From 1690 to 1872. N.Y.: Harper & Brothers, 1873. 789pp. pictorial cloth. on ex-liblis. 103 7,000 HUMPHREYS (E.N.) THE ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OF THE ART OF WRITINGS. London: Ingram Cooke and Co., 1853. First ed, with 28 colour plates. 176pp. 4to. very good condition. 150,000 104 HUNTER (D.) PAPERMAKING IN PIONEER AMERICA. Rosenbach Fellow in Bibliography. Philadelphia: Pennsylvania U.P., 1952. First ed. 11 pages of photographic plates.178pp + 22 figures. lar.8vo. cloth spine with boards. fine copy. 105 18,000 illuminated: BACKHOUSE (J.) THE ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT. Oxford: Phaidon, 1979. b/w & colour illustration throughout. 80pp. 4to. dw. scratched page 8 and 9. 106 3,500 illuminated: BERKOVITS (I.) ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPTS IN HUNGARY. XI-XVI Centuries. Budapest: Corvina, 1969. with 45 plates. 110pp + 45 plates. roy.4to. with dust jacket. 6,300 107 JACKSON (H.) THE ANATOMY OF BIBLIOMANIA. London: Faber & Faber, 1950. New Edition. 668pp. roy.8vo. inner hinge cracked. no weak. 108 3,000 JAMIESON (E.) ENGLISH EMBOSSED BINDINGS 1825-1850. Cambridge U.P., 1972. 24 tone plates. 95pp. roy.8vo. wrappers. 109 110 4,000 JOHNSON (A.W.) THE REPAIR OF CLOTH BINDINGS. A MANUAL. Oak knoll,2005. b/w illustration throughout. 115pp. dw. 5,250 JURGENS (H.) EXL PF ETC. 3 Edito (13. 61pp. roy.4to. paperback. 5,000 -9- 111 KELLY (T.) EARLY PUBLIC LIBRALIES. A History of Public Libraries in Great Britain before 1850. the library association,1966. 281pp. title page stamped. 112 4,000 KELLY (Thomas) A HISTORY OF PUBLIC LIBRARIES IN GREAT BRITAIN 1845-1965. The Library Association, 1973. 543pp. roy.8vo. title page stamped. 113 3,000 KEYNES (G.)BIBLIOTHECA BIBLIOGAPHICI.London:Trianon,1964.Limited to 500 copies.folio. original cloth. 114 55,000 KNIGHT (S.) HISTORICAL SCRIPTS. From classical times to the renaissance. New Castle: Oak Knoll, 1998. 111pp. 4to. with dust cover. 115 4,000 KRAFT (E.)JAPANISCHE HANDSCHRIFTEN UND TRADITIONELLE DRUCKE AUS DER ZEIT VOR 1868.Band XXVII,1. Wiesbaden: F.Steiner,1982with colour & b/w illustrations. xxii,38,386pp. 4to. 116 9,000 KRAFT (E.) JAPANISCHE HANDSCHRIFTEN UND TRADITIONELLE DRUCKE AUS DER ZEIT VOR besitz der stiftung preussischer Kulturbesitz Berlin. Staatsbibliothek und Staatlichen Museen. Beschrieben von E.Kraft. Wiesbaden: F.Steiner,1982-1990. 4 bde. with colour & b/w illustrations. 4to. 117 45,000 KRUGER (O.) SATZ. DRUCK. EINBAND. UND VERWANDTE DINGE. Ratgeber fur Besteller und Facharbeiter. Mit 46 abbildungen. Wiesbaden: Eberhard illustrations. 144pp. lar.8vo. boards. a little foxing. 118 1947. With 3,000 KYRISS (E.) DER VERZIERTE EUROPAISCHE EINBAND VOR DER RENAISSANCE. Stuttgart: M.Hettler, 1957.full page 16 plates. 40pp,16pp. wrapper. 119 Brockhaus, 5,000 LABARRE (E.J.) DICTIONARY AND ENCYCLOPAEDI OF PAPER AND PAPER-MAKING. With Equivalents of the Technical Terms in French, German, Dutch, Italian, Spanish & Swedish. Oxford U.P., 1952. with illusts. 488pp. 120 LANDWEHR (J.) GERMAN EMBLEM BOOKS 1531-1888. A Bibliography. Utrecht: Haentjens Dekker, 1972. 184pp. roy.8vo. 121 13,000 LEE (B.N.) THE BOOKPLATE DESIGNS OF REX WHISTLER. Middlesex: Private Libraries, 1973. 39pp + 41 illustrations. imp.8vo. 122 15,000 10,500 LIEBAERS (H.) & WALCKIERS (M.) LIBRARY AUTOMATION AND NETWORKING -New Tools for a New Identity- European Conference, 9-11 May 1990, Brussels. Munchen: K.G.Saur, 1991. 370pp. Roy.8vo. 123 3,500 LIEBERMAN (J.B.) TYPE AND TYPEFACES. Treasury of Typography Book. N.Y.: Myriade Pr., 1978. 142pp. 4to. dw. 124 3,000 LUDLOW TYPOGRAPH CO.: LUDLOW TYPEFACES. A Specimen Book of Matrix Fonts. London: Martin J.Slattery, n.d.(ca.1940) 253pp. 4to. original pictorial cover. spine edges sl.wear. 18,000 - 10 - 125 MAGRILL (R.M.) & HICKEY (D.J.) ACQUISITIONS MANAGEMENT AND COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT IN LIBRARIES. Chicago: American Library Association, 1987. 229pp. 126 MARTIN (H-J.) THE HISTORY AND POWER OF WRITING. Univ of Chicago: 1988. 591pp. dustcover. 127 4,000 MARTIN (J.) BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE OF PRIVATELY PRINTED BOOKS. N.Y.: B.Franklin, 1970. xxv,593pp. 128 4,000 McDONALD (T.W.) ABOUT COLLECTING BOOKPLATES, A Letter from Gilbert H.Doane. Wisconsin: Black Mack, 1941. Limited to 360 copies. 78pp. 16mo. in slip-case. 129 3,800 5,500 McKAY (B.) MARBLING METHODS AND RECEIPTS FROM FOUR CENTURIES. With Other instructions Useful to Bookbinders. Oxford: The Plough press, 1990. 18 Marbled paper samples. imp.8vo. 85pp. 130 18,000 McMURTRIE (D.C.) THE BOOK. The Story of Printing & Bookmaking. N.Y: Covici friede. 1937. xxx,676pp. 4to. with dustcover. (sl.worn) 131 5,000 MEIER (C.) & RUBERG (U.)(Hrsg.) TEXT UND BILD. Aspekte des Zusammenwirkens zweier Kunste in Mittelalter und fruher Neuzeit. Wiesbaden: L.Reichert, 1980. with plates. 774pp. sm.4to. sl.soiled. 132 15,000 MELLON (P.) & MELLON (M.C.) BOLLINGEN FOUNDATION. Founded in 1945. Twentieth anniversary report of its activities from December 14, 1945 through December 31,1965. N.Y: Bollingen foundationwith photographs. xii,198pp. wrappers. 133 METZGER (B.M.) MANUSCRIPTS OF THE GREEK BIBLE. An Introduction to Greek Palaeography. Oxford U.P., 1981. with 45 plates. 150pp. 4to. dw. 134 4,000 8,400 MEYNELL (F.) THE TYPOGRAPHY OF NEWSPAPER ADVERTISEMENTS. With a Display of English, American, French, Dutch and German type-faces; a table for calculating the number of words of any type which can be fitted into a given space; and a gallery of contemporary advertisements. London: E.Benn, 1929. 240pp. 4to. original cloth sk. library label. 135 5,000 MINKOFF (G.R.) A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE BLACK SUN PRESS. With an Introduction by C.Crosby. New York: G.R.Minkoff, 1970. Limietd to 1250 copies. 60pp. 4to. 136 3,000 MITCHELL (C.A.) INKS: Their Composition and Manufacture. Including Methods of Examination and a full List of British Patents. London: C.Griffin, 1937. with 74 illustrations including 7 plates. x,408pp. cr.8vo. ex-library.(spine inked & endpaper labeled. otherwise clean copy) 137 5,000 MOORE (T.) LALLA ROOKH; AN ORIENTAL ROMANCE. 1817.N.Y: Leavitt & allen, N.d.,frontispiece275pp. cr.8vo. full decorated stamped calf. all edge gilt. - 11 - 18,000 138 MORAN (J.) PRINTING PRESSES. History and Development from the fifteenth century to Modern Times. Univ of California, 1978. with many plates. 263pp. Roy.8vo. paperback. 3,000 139 MORRIS (W.): MACKAIL (J.W.) WILLIAM MORRIS AN ADDRESS DELIVERED THE XIth NOVEMBER MDCCCC AT KELMSCOTT HOUSE HAMMERSMITH BEFORE THE HAMMERSMITH SOCIALIST SOCIETY. Hammersmith Publishing Society, 1905. 39pp. Half vellum boards. 11,000 140 MORRIS (W.): PETERSON (W.S.) THE KELMSCOTT PRESS. A History of William Morris's Typographical Adventure. Univ of California Press, 1991. numerous illust. 372pp. 4to. dw. 141 8,500 MOSHER (T.B.): HATCH (B.L.)(Ed.) A CHECK LIST OF THE PUBLICATIONS OF THOMAS BIRD MOSHER OF PORTLAND MAINE. 1891-1923. with a Biogaphical essay by Ray nash. printed at the Gehenna press. University of Massachusetts press, 1966. Limited to 500 copies. 211pp. Roy.8vo. hand made paper. with slip case. 142 MUMBY (F.A.) PUBLISHING AND BOOKSELLING. With a Bibliography by W.H.Peet. London, J.Cape, 1956. xii,483pp. dw. 143 40,000 4,000 MURRAY (J.): SMILES (S.) MEMOIR AND CORRESPONDENCE OF THE LATE JOHN MURRAY. With an account of the origin and progress of the House 1768-1843. London: John Murray,1891. 2 Vols. original cloth. upper & tail of spine sl.rubbed. scarce. 144 MYERS (R.) & HARRIS (M.) PIONEERS IN BIBLIOGRAPHY. New Castle: Oak.Knoll, 1988. 117pp. 145 3,000 MYERS (R.) & HARRIS (M.)(Ed.) FAKES AND FRAUDS Varieties of Deception in Print & Manuscript. Detroit: Omnigraphics, 1989. 144pp. 146 25,000 3,000 NASH (P.W.)(Comp.) FOLIO 50. A Bibliography of the Folio Society 1947-1996. London: Folio Press, 1997. First Ed. with numerous illustrations. 331pp. imp.8vo. in slip-case. fine. 9,500 147 NELLI (R.) TROUBADOURS ET TROUVERES. Hachette,1979. many colour illustrations. 166pp. 4to. dw. 148 5,000 NISSEN (C.) DIE ZOOLOGISCHE BUCHILLUSTRATIONS. BAND I:Bibliographie. Stuttgart: A.Hiersemann,1969. 666pp. 4to. 149 21,000 NIXON (H.M.) FIVE CENTURIES OF ENGLISH BOOKBINDING. London: Scolar press, 1978. 232pp. roy.8vo. dw. 150 4,800 OGG (O.) THREE CLASSICS OF ITALIAN CALLIGAPHY.An Unabridged Reissue of the Writing Books of Arrighi, Tagliente and Palatino. Dover, 1953. 272pp. wrapper. - 12 - 3,150 151 OLDHAM (J.B.) ENGLISH BLIND-STAMPED BINDINGS. Cambridge U.P., 1952. xiii,73pp, 61plates. Folio. sl.spotted. 152 28,000 OSBORN (A.S.) QUESTIONED DOCUMENTS. A Study of Questioned Documents with an Outline of methods by Which the facts may be Discovered and Shown. with an introduction by J.H.Wigmore. Rochester: The Lawyers Co., 1910. 200 illustrations. with 3 photo in endpaper. xxiv,501pp. lar.8vo. original cloth. sl. dull. 153 13,000 PERKIN (M.)(revised ed.) A DIRECTORY OF THE PAROCHIAL LIBRARIES of the Church of England and the Church in Wales. First Edited by N.Ker. London: Bibliographical Society, 2004. 490pp. Roy.8vo. fine. 154 POLLARD (A.W.) FINE BOOKS. 4,200 New York: Cooper Square Pub., 1964. numerous illusts. xv,332pp. roy.8vo. fine copy. 155 3,000 POMIAN (K.) COLLECTORS AND CURIOSITIES Paris and Venicem 1500-1800. Translated by E.Wiles-Portier. Polity Press, 1990. 348pp. dw. 156 12,000 QUARITCH (B.) A CATALOGUE OF ENGLISH AND FOREIGN BOOKBINDINGS OFFERED FOR SALE. London: B.Quaritch, 1921. 76pp & 79 plates. lar.4to. boards. in slip-case. spine chipped. back cover detached. text is clean. 157 8,000 RHODES (D.E.) A CATALOGUE OF INCUNABULA IN ALL THE LIBRARIES OF OXFORD UNIVERSITY OUTSIDE THE BODLEIAN. Oxford C.P., 1982. xxxvi,444pp. dw. 158 ROMAN (K.G.) ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE WRITTEN WORD. A Lexikon for Graphology and Other Aspect of Writings. N.Y.: Frederick Ungar, 1968. 554pp. Roy.8vo. dw. 159 7,500 ROSENBACH (A.S.W.) BOOKS AND BIDDERS. The adventures of a Bibliophile. London: G.Allen, 1928. presentation copy. signed by the author. xuv,311pp. original cloth. sl. worn. 160 13,000 12,000 SAWYER (C.J.) & DARTON (F.J.H.) ENGLISH BOOKS 1475-1900. A Signpost for Collectors. Westminster: Chas J.Sawyer, 1927. First Ed. 2 vols. with 100 illustrations. lar.8vo. original buckram. edge gilt 161 SCHUBART (W.) 12,000 PALAEOGRAPHIE. Erster teil: Griechische Palaeographie. Munchen: Beck'sche,1966. with many photographs. 184pp. dw. fly leaf stamped. otherwise fine copy. 162 5,000 SCHWENCKE (J.) DE NEDERLANDSCHE EXLIBRIS-KUNST. Maastricht: Boosten & Stols, 1955. Limited to 515 copies. Mounted as a frontispiece and 133 b&w illustrations of Dutch bookplates. 203pp. 4to. original cloth. 163 7,000 SEYMOUR (E.): BERGER (S.E.) EDWARD SEYMOUR & THE FANCY PAPER COMPANY. The Story of a British Marbled Paper Manufacturer. Delaware: Oak Knoll Press, 2006. limited to 300 copies. 80pp + marbled plates. Roy.8vo. spine calf with boards. in case. fine. - 13 - 13,650 164 SHEPHERD (M.) MANUAL OF MODERN CALLIGRAPHY. N.Y: Bonanza,1988.illustrated throughout. 173pp. 4to. dw. 165 5,770 SIMON (H.) FIVE HUNDRED YEARS OF ART IN ILLUSTRATION. From Albrecht Durer Rockwell Kent. N.Y: Roy.8vo. original picoriaa cloth. 166 3,000 SLATER (J.H.) BOOK PLATES AND THEIR VALUE. English and American Plates. London: H.Grant, 1898. 241pp. original backram. 167 8,000 SLAVENS (T.P.)(Ed.) REFERENCE INTERVIEWS, QUESTIONS, AND MATERIALS. N.J.: The Scarecrow Press, 1985. 2nd Ed. 144pp. 168 to Hacker Art books,1978. with b/w illustration throughout. 476pp. 3,000 SOUTHERN (W.) THE WRITING OF HISTORY IN THE MIDDLE AGES. Essays Presented to Riichard Southern. Edited by R.H.Davis. Oxford: Clarendon Press: 1981. 517pp. dust-cover. 6,000 169 STRONG (R.) THE ENGLISH RENAISSANCE MINIATURE. Thames and Hudston. 1984. revised Ed. with 255 illustrations 8 in colour. 208pp. Roy.8vo. pb. 170 SUMMERS (M.) THE GOTHIC QUEST A History of the Gothic Novel. N.Y.: Russell & Russell, 1964. reissued. 443pp. sl.spotted. 171 3,000 5,250 TAYLOR (I.) THE ALPHABET. An Account of the origin and Development of Letters. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, & Co., 1883. First Ed. 2 vols. original cloth. top edge gilt. spotted. exlibrary.(only back of cover label) 172 24,000 THE BOOKMAN. Christmas Double Number 1914. No.279, Vol XLVII. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1914. many illustrations. 157pp. folio. original pictorial wrapper. 173 THE STUDIO: MODERN BOOK PRODUCTION. Plaistow: Curwen Press, 1928. many illustrations. 186pp. 4to. sl.foxing. stamped on end-paper. 174 4,000 9,500 THOMAS (M.) THE GRANDES HEURES OF JEAN, DUKE OF BERRY. Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris. Introduction & Legends. N.Y.: G.Braziller, 1971. with numerous colour plates. 183pp. folio. dw. in slip case. 175 20,000 TRAUBE (L.): LEHMANN (P.)(Hrsg.) ZUR PALAOGRAPHIE UND HANDSCHRIFTENKUNDE. Mit biographischer Einleitung von Franz Boll. Munchen: C.H.Beck, 1965. lxxv,263pp. Roy.8vo. dw. 176 10,500 TREDWELL (D.M.) A MONOGRAPH ON PRIVATELY ILLUSTRATED BOOKS. A Plea for Bibliomania. Flatbush: Privately printed, 1892. loosely inserted als from the author. 502pp. lar.8vo. uncut. 177 15,000 TUER (A.W.) HISTORY OF THE HORN BOOK. London: Leadenhall, 1897. 2nd Ed. with 300 illustrations. with 2 specimen at real pocket. and 1 specimen copy.486pp. roy.8vo. top edge gilt. 32,000 - 14 - 178 UZANNE (O.) THE BOOK-HUNTER IN PARIS. Studies among the bookstalls and the quays. with a preface by A.Birrell. Chicago: A.A.McClurg & Co., 1893. large paper edition. Limited to 25 copies. with illustrated by wood engraving. 232pp. 4to. half morocco and cloth. inner joint weak. 179 VORSTIUS 33,000 (F.J.) BIBLIOTHEK, BIBLIOTHEKAR, BIBLIOTHEKSWISSENSCHAFT. 60.Geburtstag dargebracht. Leipzig:O.Harrassowitz,1954. vii,440pp. Roy.8vo. 180 zum 4,200 WARNECKE (F.)(Ed.) RARE BOOK-PLATES(EX-LIBRIS) OF XVTH AND XVITH CENTURIES. By Albert Duerer, H.Burgmair, H.S.Beham, Virgil Solis, Jost Amman etc. London: H.Grevel, 1894. limited to 100 copies. 20plates. 7+20pp. sm.4to. original handmade paper wrappers. 181 15,000 WARREN (J.L.) A GUIDE TO THE STUDY OF BOOK-PLATES (Ex-Libris). London: John Pearson, 1880. First Ed. with 16 illus. 238pp. joint cracked. spine worn. 182 8,000 WEIMANN (C.) & (S.P.) MARBLED PAPERS. Being a Collection of 22 contemporary HandMarbled papers, showing a variety of patterns and speical techniques. Los Angeles: Dawsons,1978. Limiedd to 200 copies. including 16 leaves with 20 specimens of marbled paper. 62pp. 4to. half morocco, lettered in gilt. fine copy. 183 90,000 WESTEN (W.) EXLIBRIS (BUCHEIGNERZEICHEN). Leipzig: Velhagen & Hlasing, 1925. Dritte, vermehrte auflage. mit 233 abbildungen, darunter 4 farbigen lafeln. 162pp. lar.8vo. original boad cloth. top edge gilt. 184 9,500 WILLIAMS (John) THE ILLUSTRATED BEATUS: Volume I: Introduction. A Corpus of the Illustrations of the Commentary on the Apocalypse. Harvey Miller, 1994. Cloth, dj., quarto, 216 pp. with 141 illustration (41 in color). Dj awkwardly folded. Volume I only. Overall, Very Sound. 185 18,900 WROBLEWSKA (Krystyna): JAKUBOWSKA (B.) KRYSTYNA WROBLEWSKA. En Polsk Grafiker og Exlibriskunstner. 15 traesnit. Frederikshavn: Klaus Rodal, 1976. Limited to 116 copies. 14 exlibris. 16pp. boards. with dust cover. 23 x 12 cm. 186 WYNAR (B.S.) INTRODUCTION TO CATALOGING AND CLASSIFICATION. Colorado: Libraries Unlimited, 1976. 426pp. 187 3,000 ZAEHNSDORF (J.W.) THE ART OF BOOKBINDING. London: George Bell & Son, 1880. First Ed. With 10 Photo-lithographs & numerous woodcuts. 187pp. original cloth. fine copy. 188 5,000 ZARET (D.) ORIGINS OF DEMOCRATIC CULTURE. Printing, Petitions, and the Public Sphere in Early-Modern England. Princeton U.P., 2000. 291pp. lar.8vo. dw. 190 40,000 ZAEHNSDORF: BROOMHEAD (F.) THE ZAEHNSDORFS (1842-1947) Craft Bookbinders. (Private Libraries Association) 1986. many illusts. 109pp. lar.8vo. 189 4,500 7,140 ZIMMERMANN (W.) EXLIBRIS. (BUCHEIGNERZEICHEN) DEUTSCHER APOTHEKER. Dresden: Schwarzeck,1925. 200pp. cr.8vo. boards. - 15 - 11,000 ◆◆◇◇ LANGUAGE ◇◇◆◆ 191 ABCARIUS (J.J.) AN ENGLISH-ARABIC READER'S DICTIONARY. Beirut: Librairie du Liban, 1980. 700pp. Roy.8vo. dw. 192 ABRAHAM (W.) DEUTSCHE 4,000 SYNTAX IM SPRACHENVERGLEICH. Grundlegung typologischen Syntax des Deutschen. Tubingen: Gunter Narr, 1995. 707pp. 193 ABRAHAM (W.) TERMINOLOGIE ZUR NEUEREN LINGUISTIK. Tubingen: M.Niemeyer, 1988. 2., vollig neu bearbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. cx,1059pp. lar.8vo. paperback. 194 10,500 ADAMS (V.) AN INTRODUCTION TO MODERN ENGLISH WORD-FORMATION. London: Longman, 1988. 5th Imp. 230pp. pb. 195 4,200 AFARLI (T.A.) THE SYNTAX OF NORWEGIAN PASSIVE CONSTRUCTIONS. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1992. 177pp. 196 10,500 AGARD (F.B.) A COURSE IN ROMANCE LINGUISTICS. Volume 1:A Synchronic View. Georgetown U.P., 1984. ix,242pp. lar.8vo. fine. 197 einer 4,720 ALBERTINI (S.),SGOBBI ITALIENISCH. (A.) & Italienisch-Deutsch VOGEL (S.) 6,090 LANGENSCHEIDTS Deutsch-Italienisch. Hrsg.von MAXI der WORTERBUCH Langenscheidt- Redaktion in Zusammenarbeit mit Paravia. Berlin: Langenscheidt, 2001. 1295pp. sm.8vo. a thick vol. fine. 198 3,500 ALBRECHT (C.) DAS MYSTISCHE WORT. Dargestellt und hrsg.von Hans A.Fischer-Barnicol. Mit einem Vorwort von K.Rahner. Mainz: Matthias-Grunewald, 1974. xiv,278pp. dw. text bit foxing. 199 5,000 ALDEN (R.M.) ENGLISH VERSE. Specimens illustrating its principles and History. AMS,1970. xiv,459pp. 200 3,000 ALKIM (V.B.) & etc.(Ed.) NEW REDHOUSE TURKISH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Redhouse Yayinevi, 1996. xxxii,1292,45pp. lar.8vo. dw. 201 ALLEN (C.L.) CASE MARKING AND REANALYSIS Grammatical Relations from Old to Early Modern English. Oxford C.P., 1995. xviii,509pp. lar.8vo. dw. small stamped. 202 6,090 8,190 ALMOYNA (J.M.) DICIONARIO DE ESPANHOL-PORTUGUES. Porto Editora, 1990. 1068pp. dw. 3,000 203 AMACKER (R.) LINGUISTIQUE SAUSSURIENNE. Geneve: Librairie Droz,1975. 241pp. pb. 6,090 204 ANDERSON (M.) A STRUCTURAL ATLAS OF THE ENGLISH DIALECTS. London: Croom Helm, 1987. 153pp. 4to. 8,000 - 16 - 205 ANGLADE (J.) GRAMMAIRE DE L'ANCIEN PROVENCAL ou Ancienne Langue D'Oc. Phonetique & Morphologie. Paris: Ed.Klincksieck, 1921. xxxvii,448pp. sm.8vo. wrapper. 206 ANKERSMIT (F.R.) NARRATIVE LOGIC. A Semantic Analysis of the Historian's Language. Hague: M.Nijhoff, 1983. 265pp. roy.8vo. 207 3,000 12,600 APTE (V.S.) THE STUDENT'S SANSKRIT-ENGLISH DICTIONARY. containing appendices on sanskrit prosody and important literary and geographical names in the ancient history of India. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1973. 664pp. lar.8vo. cover sl.stained. 208 2,940 ARNASON (K.) QUANTITY IN HISTORICAL PHONOLOGY. Icelandic and related cases. Cambridge Studies in Linguistics 30. Cambridge U.P., 1980. 234pp. lar.8vo. dw. 209 3,670 ARNDT (W.F.) & GINGRICH (F.W.) A GREEK-ENGLISH LEXICON OF THE NEW TESTAMENT AND OTER EARLY CHRISTIAN LITERATURE. A translation and adaptation of the fourth revised and augmented edition of Walter Bauer's Griechisch-Deutsches Worterbuch zu den Schriften des Neuen Testaments und der ubrigen urchristlichen Literatur. Chicago U.P., 1979. 2nd Ed. xl,900pp. 4to. dw. sl.foxing. 210 8,000 ASCHENBRENNER (K.) THE CONCEPTS OF VALUE. Foundations of Value Theory. D.Reidel, 1971. xvii,462pp. Lar.8vo. cover sl.foxing. 211 4,720 AUSTIN (P.) A GRAMMAR OF DIYARI, SOUTH AUSTRALIA. Cambridge Studies in Linguistics 32. Cambridge U.P., 1981. 269pp. lar.8vo. dw. near fine. 212 9,450 AUWERA (J.van der) & O'BAOILL (D.P.)(Ed.) ADVERBIAL CONSTRUCTIONS IN THE LANGUAGES OF EUROPE. Empirical Approaches to Language Typology Eurotyp 20-3. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1998. xviii,852pp. lar.8vo. small stamped. 213 18,900 AVANZINI (G.) & etc.(Ed.) THE NEUROSCIENCES AND MUSIC. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences vol.999. N.Y.: Academy of Sciences, 2003. 548pp. lar.8vo. pb. 6,300 214 AVERY (R.) & etc.(Ed.) REDHOUSE ENGLISH-TURKISH DICTIONARY. istanbul: Redhouse, 1996. viii,1152pp. lar.8vo. dw. 215 8,190 AWBERY (G.M.) THE SYNTAX OF WELSH. A Transformational Study of the Passive. Cambridge Studies in Linguistics 18. Cambridge U.P., 1976. vi,243pp. lar.8vo. dw. 216 4,200 BAILEY (M.A.) DICTIONNAIRE GREC-FRANCAIS. Redige avec Le Concours de M.E.Egger. Paris: Lib.Hachette, n.d. Onzieme Edition Revue. xxxi,2227pp. lar.8vo. a thick vol. spine & text sl.foxing. fore-edges browned. 217 5,250 BAILLY (A.) DICTIONNAIRE GREC FRANCAIS. Redige avec le Concours de E.EGGER. Paris: Hachette, 1963. Edition revue par l.Sechan et P.Chantraine. 2230pp. Roy.8vo. fore-edges foxing. 6,000 - 17 - 218 BALLY (C.) LINGUISTIQUE GENERALE ET LINGUISTIQUE FRANCAISE. Paris: A.Francke AG, 1965. 440pp. dw. 219 4,200 BARBER (C.C.) AN OLD HIGH GERMAN READER. With Notes, List of Proper Names, and Vocbulary. Blackwell, 1964. 243pp. dw. fly-leaf sl.spotted. 220 6,500 BARNHART (R.K.)(Ed.) THE BARNHART DICTIONARY OF ETYMOLOGY. The H.W.Wilson com., 1988. xxvii,1284pp. 4to. dw. 4,500 221 BARR (J.) THE SEMANTICS OF BIBLICAL LANGUAGE. Oxford U.P., 1969. x,313pp. dw. 3,670 222 BARRERE (A.) ARGOT AND SLANG. A New French and English Dictionary of the Cant words, Quaint Expressions Slang Terms and Flash Phrases. Used in the High and Low Life of Old and New Paris. London: Chiswick Press by C.Whittingham, 1887. 1st Ed. xliv,495pp. 3/4 calf, gilt top. endpapers bit spotted. inner-joint tender. 223 29,400 BASTABLE (P.K.) LOGIC: Depth Grammar of Rationality. A textbook on the science and history of logic. Gill and Macmillan, 1975. 429pp. lar.8vo. dw. 224 8,000 BAUM (P.F.)(Trans) ANGLO-SAXON RIDDLES OF THE EXETER BOOK. Duke.U.P,1963. xx,70pp. dw. 225 3,000 BAYLE (P.) A GENERAL DICTIONARY. Historical and Critical. London: For G.Strahan, 173441. The best English edition. 10 vols. folio. full old calf. 226 399,000 BAYLEY (H.) THE LOST LANGUAGE OF SYMBOLISM. An inquiry into the origin of certain Letters, Words, Names, Fairy-tales, Folklore and Mythologies. London: Williams & Norgate, 1912. First ed, 2 vols. with numerous illustrations. original cloth. uncut. joint tender. 29,400 227 BEARD (R.) THE INDO-EUROPEAN LEXICON. A Full Synchronic Theory. Amsterdam: NorthHolland, 1981. xvi,389pp. lar.8vo. exlibrary. 228 6,090 BEATTIE (J.) THE THEORY OF LANGUAGE. With a New Preface by K.Morris. N.Y.: AMS Press, 1974. reprinted ed. 390pp. sl.spotted. 229 BEAULIEUX (C.) HISTOIRE DE L'ORTHOGRAPHIE 5,000 FRANCAISE. tome I:Formation de L'Orthographie des origines au milieu du XVIe siecle. tome II:Les Accents et Autres Signes Auxiliaires. Paris: Lib.Ancienne Honore Champion, 1927. 2 vols. Roy.8vo. wrapper. bit foxing. uncut. 230 9,240 BEAUMARCHAIS (J.-P.), COUTY (D.) & REY (A.) DICTIONNAIRE DES ECRIVAINS DE LANGUE FRANCAISE. Larousse, 2001. 2 vols. lar.8vo. paperback. in case. clean. 8,400 231 BECKER (K.F.) DAS WORT.In seiner organischen verwandlung. Olms,1970. x,299pp. 3,000 232 BECKER (K.F.) ORGANIISM DER SPRACHE. Hildesheim: G.Olms,1970. Zweite neubearbeitete Ausgabe. xxxii,603pp. 4,200 - 18 - 233 BEHAGEL (O.)(Festschrift) BEITRAGE ZUR GERMANISCHEN SPRACHWISSENSCHAFT. Hrsg.von W.Horn. Heidelberg: Carl Winter, 1924. 340pp. lar.8vo. sl.foxing. 234 5,250 BENSON (J.D.) & GREAVES (W.S.)(Ed.) SYSTEMIC PERSPECTIVES ON DISCOURSE, volume 1 & 2. Selected Theoretical Papers from the 9th International Systemic Workshop. vol.XV,XVI in the Series Advances in Discourse Process. New Jersey: Ablex pub., 1985. 2 vols. lar.8vo. vol.2 private stamped. 235 16,800 BERREY (L.V.) & BARK (M.van den) THE AMERICAN THESAURUS OF SLANG. A Complete Reference Book of Colloquial Speech. N.Y.: T.Y.Crowell, 1960. 2nd Ed. (3rd printing) xxxv,1272pp. lar.8vo. fore-edges foxing. innder-joint weak. 236 3,990 BERTAUX (F.) & LEPOINTE (E.)(Edition revue) DICTIONNAIRE FRANCAIS ALLEMAND. Paris: Lib.Hachette, 1966. 1310pp. sm.8vo. dw. sl.foxing. 237 5,250 BIEDERMANN (H.) DICTIONARY OF SYMBOLISM. Translated by J.Hulbert. N.Y.: Facts On File, 1992. 465pp. Roy.8vo. dw. fine. 238 3,150 BLANCHARD (M.E.) DESCRIPTION: SIGN, SELF, DESIRE. Critical Theory in the wake of Semiotics. N.Y.: Mouton, 1980. vi,299pp. lar.8vo. dw. 239 4,200 BLATZ (F.) NEUHOCHDEUTSCHE GRAMMATIK. MIT Berucksichtigung der Historischen Entwickelung der Deutschen Sprache. 1.Band:Einleitung - Lautlehre - Wortlehre. 2.Band:Satzlehre (Syntax). Tokyo: Sansyusha, 1970. Reprografischer Nachdruck der 3.auflage, Karlsruhe, 1895. 2 Bde. lar.8vo. text fine. in case. 240 15,000 BLOCH (O.) & WARTNUNG (W.) DICTIONNAIRE ETYMOLOGIQUE DE LA LANGUE FRANCAISE. Preface D'A.Wartburg. P.U.F., 1975. Sixieme ed. xxxii,682pp. lar.8vo. dw. exlibrary copy. 4,720 241 BLUNDEN (E.): WEBB (B.) EDMUND BLUNDEN. A Biography. Yale U.P., 1990. 360pp. Roy.8vo. dw 242 3,000 BOARDMAN (J.),GRIFFIN (J.) & MURRARY (O.)(Ed.) THE OXFORD HISTORY OF THE CLASSICAL WORLD. Oxford U.P., 1986. many illustrations. 882pp. sm.4to. with dust cover. 243 BOER (C.DE.) SYNTAXE DU FRANCAIS MODERNE. Leiden: Universitaire pers Leiden,1954. 283pp. dw. (cover sl. chipped) 244 4,200 BOER (C.DE.) SYNTAXE DU FRANCAIS MODERNE. Leiden: Universitaire pers leiden,1947. 352pp. spine faded. 245 3,000 BOGADEK (F.A.) 3,000 CASSELL'S NEW ENGLISH-CROATIAN AND CROATIAN-ENGLISH DICTIONARY. N.Y.: Macmillan, 1985. 3rd Ed.,Enlarged & Corrected. 531,497,46pp. sm.8vo. dw. 246 3,990 BOORMAN (H.L.)(ED.,)BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY OF REPUBLICAN CHINA. Volume I:AICH'U.Columbia.U.P,1967.xv,479pp. roy.8vo. - 19 - 8,000 247 BORKIN (A.) PROBLEMS IN FORM AND FUNCTION. New Jersey: Ablex pub., 1984. 153pp. lar.8vo. 248 5,250 BORSLEY (R.D.) & ROBERTS (I.)(Ed.) THE SYNTAX OF THE CELTIC LANGUAGES. A Comparative Perspective. Cambridge U.P., 1996. 380pp. with dust cover. 9,600 249 BOUDET (J.) LES MOTS DE L'HISTOIRE. Robert Laffont, 1990. 1364pp. 4to. dw. 6,300 250 BRANDOM (R.B.) MAKING IT EXPLICIT. Reasoning, Represeenting, and Discursive Commitment. Harvard U.P., 1994. 741pp. lar.8vo. dw. 251 BRANFORD (J.) A DICTIONARY OF SOUTH AFRICAN ENGLISH. Oxford U.P., 1978. New Enlarged Ed. xxxi,361pp. dw. stamped. 252 3,500 BREDSDORFF (E.) DANISH An Elementary Grammar and Reader. Cambridge U.P., 1956. 300pp. sm.8vo. dw. text sl.foxed. 254 5,040 BRESNAN (J.)(Ed.) THE MENTAL REPRESENTATION OF GRAMMATICAL RELATIONS. MIT Press, 1982. lii,874pp. lar.8vo. 255 3,150 BRAUNE (W.) ALTHOCHDEUTSCHE GRAMMATIK. Dritte und Vierte Auflage Dritter Abdruck. Halle: M.Niemeyer,1925. xii,326pp. 253 12,600 7,870 BRETTSCHNEIDER (G.) & LEHMANN (C.)(Hrsg.) WEGE ZUR UNIVERSALIEN FORSCHUNG. Sprachwissenschaftliche Beitrage zum 60.Geburtstag von H.Seiler. Tubingen: Gunter Narr, 1980. xxii,576pp. Roy.8vo. 256 5,250 BRIGGS (K.M.) A DICTIONARY OF BRITISH FOLK-TALES IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Incorporating the F.J.Norton Collection. Part B:Folk Legends Volume I,II. Indiana U.P., 1971. 2 vols. lar.8vo. dw. 257 18,000 BROWN (G.) & YULE (G.) DISCOURSE ANALYSIS. Cambridge U.P., 1988. xii,288pp. paperback. 258 4,200 BROWN (K.) & MILLER (J.)(Ed.) CONCISE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SYNTACTIC THEORIES. Pergamon, 1996. xxxv,459pp. sm.4to. dw. 259 BRUNEAU (C.) PETITE HISTOIRE DE LA LANGUE FRANCAISE. I.Des origines a la Revolution. II.De la Revolution a nos jours. Paris: A.Colin, 1958. Deuxieme Ed. 2 tomes. wrapper. 260 10,500 4,200 BRUNOT (F.) LA PENSEE ET LA LANGUE. Methode, Principes et Plan d'une Theorie Nouvelle du Langage Appliquee au Francais. Paris: Masson, 1965. Troisieme Edition Revue. xxxvi,982pp. Roy.8vo. original wrapper in modern cloth. 261 8,000 BRUNS (G.L.) MODERN POETRY AND THE IDEA OF LANGUAGE. A Critical and Historical Study. Yale U.P., 1974. xii,300pp. dw. - 20 - 3,990 262 BUDDHADATTA MAHATHERA, ENGLISH-PALI DICTIONARY. Pali Text Society, 1979. xiii,588pp. sl.spotted. 263 3,670 BUHLER (C.) & MASSARIK (F.)(Hrsg.) LEBENSLAUF UND LEBENSZIELE. Studien in humanistisch-psychologischer Sicht. Mit Beitragen von J.F.T.Bugental, etc. Stuttgart: G.Fischer, 1969. 366pp. lar.8vo. dw. 264 3,670 BUHLER (K.): GRAUMANN (C.F.) & HERRMANN (T.)(Hrsg.) KARL BUHLERS AXIOMATIK Funfzig Jahre Axiomatik der Sprachwissenschaften. Frankfurt: V.Klostermann, 1984. 260pp. lar.8vo. dw. 265 5,250 BUITENEN (J.A.B.van)(Translated) THE MAHABHARATA. 1.The Book of the Beginning. 2.The Book of the Assemby Hall. 3.The Book of the Forest. 4.The Book of Virata. 5.The Book of the Effort. Chicago U.P., 1980,81,78. Phoenix Ed. 5 parts in 3. lar.8vo. paperback. 266 5,000 BURGER (H.) ZEIT UND EWIGKEIT. Studien zum Wortschartz der geistlichen Texte des Altund Fruhmittelhochdeutschen. Studia Linguistica Germanica 6. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1972. 330pp. lar.8vo. 267 4,500 BURIDANT (C.) GRAMMAIRE NOUVELLE DE L'ANCIEN FRANCAIS. SEDES, 2000. 800pp. Roy.8vo. 268 7,000 BURRELL (D.) ANALOGY AND PHILOSOPHICAL LANGUAGE. Yale U.P., 1973. 278pp. dw. exlibrary. 269 6,300 BURTON-ROBERTS (N.) THE LIMITS TO DEBATE. A Revised theory of semantic presupositoin. Cambridge Studies in Linguistics 51. Cambridge U.P., 1989. 272pp. lar.8vo. dw. fine copy. 6,090 270 C.O.E.D.: THE COMPACT EDITION OF THE OXFORD ENGLISH DICTIONARY AND A SUPLEMENT Complete text reproduced Micrographically. Oxford C.P., 1971. 2 vols. 4to. 271 10,500 CACHON ( DICTIONNAIRE FRANCAIS-ANGLAIS-JAPONAIS. (Paris:F.D.Freres,1866) (Le Japonais en Caracteres Chinois-Japonais avec sa Transcription en caracteres Europeens) publie par les soins de M.A.le Gras pour la partie anglaise et de M.L.Pages. Tokyo: Culture Pub., 1977. 440pp. lar.8vo. paperback. in slip-case. with supplement. fine. 272 4,200 CAJETAN ( Vio, Cardinal) THE ANALOGY OF NAMES AND THE CONCEPT OF BEING. Literally Translated and Annotated by E.A.Bushinski. Duquesne Univ., 1959. 2nd Ed. 95pp. sm.4to. dw. bit foxed. 3,000 273 CAMPBELL (A.) OLD ENGLISH GRAMMAR. Oxford C.P., 1974. 423pp. dw. fine. 7,140 274 CAMPBELL (W.) A DICTIONARY OF THE AMOY VERNACULAR. Spoken throughout the Preectures of chin-Chiu,Chiang-chiu and Formosa. Tainan: The Ho Tai Hong Printing, 1952. 5th Ed. 1111pp. with dust cover. 28,000 - 21 - 275 CAMPE (P.) CASE, SEMANTIC ROLES, AND GRAMMATICAL RELATIONS. A Comprehensive Bibliography. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1994. 645pp. 276 CANAVAN (J.R.) THE ENGLISH TENSE SYSTEM. A Study of Temporal Meaning and Reference. Bonn: Bouvier Verlag, 1983. 200pp. 277 4,000 CARNAP (R.) INTRODUCTION TO SEMANTICS. Harvard U.P., 1948. 3rd printing. xii,263pp. dw. bit faded. 278 9,240 4,720 CARNAP (R.) THE LOGICAL SYNTAX OF LANGUAGE. London: R.& K.Paul, 1949. xvi,352pp. 4,200 279 CARROLL (V.) & SOULIK (T.) NUKUORO LEXICON. Hawaii U.P., 1973. xxvi,833pp. pb. sl.spotted. 280 4,200 CASSIDY (F.G.) & LE PAGE (R.B.)(Ed.) DICTIONARY OF JAMAICAN ENGLISH. Cambridge U.P., 1967. lxx,489pp. dw. fore-edges sl.foxing. 281 8,920 CASSIDY (F.G.)(Ed.) DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN REGIONAL ENGLISH. Belknap Press of Harvard U.P., 1985. 4 vols(Intro.& A-Sk). vol.5 not yet published. 4to. dw(edges bit rubbed). fore-edges sl.foxing. 282 35,000 CHAMBERLAIN (B.H.) A SIMPLIFIED GRAMMAR OF THE JAPANESE LANGUAGE. (Modern written sytle) Chicago.U.P., 1938. viii,144pp. sm.8vo. original cloth. 283 CHARLES (R.H.) THE APOCRYPHA AND PSEUDEPIGRAPHA OF THE OLD TESTAMENT IN ENGLISH.I.Apocrypha. II.Pseudepigrapha. Oxford.C.P,1983. 2 Vols. 4to. 284 6,000 CHILDERS (R.C.) A DICTIONARY OF THE PALI LANGUAGE. New Delhi: Cosmo pub., 1979. xv,624pp. Roy.8vo. 287 3,000 CHOMSKY (N.) ASPECTS OF THE THEORY OF SYNTAX. MIT Press, 1965. First Ed. 251pp. sm.8vo. fore-edges spotted. 288 4,200 CHOMSKY (N.) CARTESIAN LINGUISTICS. A Chapter in the History of Rationalist Thought. N.Y.: Harper & Row, 1966. 119pp. dw. 289 3,000 CHOMSKY (N.): MODGIL (S.& C.)(Ed.) NOAM CHOMSKY Consensus and Controversy. Falmer Press, 1987. ix,309pp. lar.8vo. with dust cover. 290 8,500 CHILDERS (R.C.) A DICTIONARY OF THE PALI LANGUAGE. Kyoto: Rinsen,1976. xvii,624pp. 4to. 286 16,000 CHERBONNEAU (A.) DICTIONNAIRE ARABE-FRANCAIS. (Langue Ecrite) Librairie du Liban, 1981. Nouvelle reimp. 2 tomes. cr.8vo. dw. text fine. 285 12,000 5,250 CHOMSKY (N.): SALKIE (R.) THE CHOMSKY UPDATE LINGUISTICS AND POLITICS. London: Unwin Hyman, 1990. xii,238pp. 3,670 - 22 - 291 CLEASBY (R.)(Initiated) AN ICELANDIC-ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Subsequently Revised, Enlarged and Completed by Gudbrand Vigfusson. Oxford C.P., 1975. 2nd Ed., with a supplement by Sir William A.Craigie. 833pp. 4to. dw. 292 26,250 COBARRUVIAS ( TESORO DE LA LENGUA CASTELLANA O ESPANOLA. Compuesto por el Licenciado Don Sebastian de Cobarruvias Orozco, Capellan de Su Magestad, Mastrescuela y Canonigo de la Santa Yglesia de Cuenca, y Consultor del Santo Oficio de la Inquisicion. Madrid: Ediciones Turner, 1984. 1093pp. 4to. dw. 293 CODRINGTON (R.) THE MELANESIAN LANGUAGES. A Linguistic Survey of the... (1885) Amsterdam: Philo Press, 1974. 572pp. lar.8vo. 294 11,000 COHEN (M.) HISTOIRE D'UNE LANGUE: LE FRANCAIS. (des lointaines origines a nos jours) Paris: F.Reunis, 1950. Nouvelle Ed. 388pp. wrapper. sl.foxing. 295 18,000 2,620 COLLINGE (N.E.)(Ed.) AN ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF LANGUAGE. London: Routledge, 1990. 1011pp. lar.8vo. 5,770 296 CONSTANTINO (E.) ILOKANO DICTIONARY. Hawaii U.P., 1976. 504pp. pb. sl.foxing. 3,150 297 CORDEMOY (G.DE.) DISCOURS PHYSIQUE DE LA PAROLE. Fromann,1970.xlviii,200pp. sm.8vo. 298 3,000 COSERIU (E.) LOGOS SEMANTIKOS. Studia Linguistica in Honorem Eugenio coseriu 19211981. Horst Geckeler- Brigitte Schlieben- Lange Jurgen Trabant - Harald Weydt. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1981. 5 Vols. lar.8vo. vol.1 front cover slightly stained. 299 COSTON (H.) DICTIONNAIRE DES PSEUDONYMES. Paris: Mauny, 1965. Nouvelle ed.corrigee. 260pp. wrapper. exlibrary. 300 3,150 COUTURAT (L.) & LEAU (L.) HISTOIRE DE LA LANGUE UNIVERSELLE. PARIS: HACHETTE. 1903HILDESHEIM; G.OLMS,1979. xxx,410pp. sm.8vo. 301 58,800 12,000 COVINGTON (M.A.) SYNTACTIC THEORY IN THE HIGH MIDDLE AGES. Modistic models of sentence structure. Cambridge Studies in Linguistics 39. Cambridge U.P., 1984. viii,163pp. dw. 302 6,300 COWARD (H.G.) & RAJA (K.K.) ENCYCLOPEDIA OF INDIAN PHILOSOPHIES. The Philosophy of the Grammarians. Princeton U.P., 1990. 609pp. Roy.8vo. dw(sl.rubbed). 303 6,300 COWIE (A.P.) & MACKIN (R.) OXFORD DICTIONARY OF CURRENT IDIOMATIC ENGLISH. 1.Verbs with Prepositions & Particles. 2.Phrase, Clause & Sentence Idioms. Oxford U.P., 1975/1983. 2 vols. dw. vol.1's endpaper taped. otherwise fine. 304 4,720 CRAIGIE (W.A.) & HULBERT (J.R.)(Ed.) A DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN ENGLISH On Historical Principles. Compiled at the University of Chicago. Vol.I, A-Corn Patch. Vol.II, Corn Pit-Honk. Vol.III, Honk-Record. Vol.IV, Recorder-Zu-Zu. London: Oxford U.P., 1960. 4 vols. Lar.4to. sl.foxing. with dust jacket(edges bit chipped). - 23 - 35,000 305 CREAMER (T.): [CREAMER (T.)] A CHINESE-ENGLISH DICTIONARY OF THE WU DIALECT. (Featuring the Dialect of the City of Shanghai) Dunwoody Press, 1991. xlii,192,xipp. lar.8vo. 6,300 306 CRUSE (D.A.) LEXICAL SEMANTICS. Cambridge U.P., 1986. 310pp. lar.8vo. dw. 4,200 307 CRYSTAL (D.) THE CAMBRIDGE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LANGUAGE. Cambridge Univ., 1987. 472pp. 4to. dw. 308 8,000 CUMMINGS (D.W.) AMERICAN ENGLISH SPELLING. An Informal Description. Johns Hopkins U.P., 1988. xxxiii,555pp. lar.8vo. exlibrary. 309 CUSATELLI (G.)(Diretta) DIZIONARIO GARZANTI DELLA LINGUA ITALIANA. Aldo Garzanti Editore, 1978. 1990pp. lar.8vo. dw. a thick vol. in card-board case. 310 4,500 8,400 D'ALBE (E.E.F.) AN ENGLISH-IRISH DICTIONARY AND PHRASE BOOK. With Synonyms, Idioms, and the Genders and Declensions of Nouns. Dublin: M.H.Gill N.d(1905) 334pp. wrappers. 12,000 311 D.N.B.: STEPHEN (L.)(Ed.) DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY. London: Smith,Elder, 1885-1903. 67 vols. (vol.I-LXIII, supplement 3 vols.& index 1 vol.) roy.8vo. original cloth. ex-library. spine bit chipped. An Essential & indispensable work. 312 DAMOURETTE (J.) & PICHON (Edouard) DES MOTS A LA PENSEE. Essai de Grammaire de la Langue Francaise 1911-1940. Oaris: D'Artrey, (Ca.1960) 6 vols. wrapper. 4to. 313 29,400 DARRIGOL (J.P.) DISSERTATION CRITIQUE ET APOLOGETIQUE SUR LA LANGUE BASQUE. Toulouse: Eche, 1979. 163pp. pb. 314 150,000 3,990 DAVIDS (T.W.R.) & STEDE (W.)(Ed.) THE PALI TEXT SOCIETY'S PALI-ENGLISH DICTIONARY. London: Luzac & co., 1966. xv,738pp. 4to. cover bit rubbed. title page scrached & taped. text almost good. 315 5,770 DAVIDSON (D.) INQUIRIES INTO TRUTH AND INTERPRETATION. Oxford C.P., 1984. 292pp. pb. 316 3,000 DE BOOR (H.) & DIELS (P.)(Hrsg.) SIEBS DEUTSCHE HOCHSPRACHE. Buhnenaussprache. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1961. 18.,durchgesehene Auflage. 353pp. lar.8vo. dw. 317 DECSY (G.) DIE LINGUISTISCHE STRUKTUR EUROPAS. Vergangenheit, Gegenwart, Zukunft. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1973. 300pp. lar.8vo. dw. 318 3,990 DERRIDA (J.) DE LA GRAMMATOLOGIE. Paris: editions de Minuit, 1967. 445pp. paperback. 319 2,940 3,000 DEUTSCHBEIN (M.) GRAMMATIK DER ENGLISCHEN SPRACHE. Auf Wissenschaftlicher Grundlage. Bearbeitet von H.Klitscher. Heidelberg: Quelle & Meyer, 1959. 16.,verbesserte Auflage. 298pp. lar.8vo. 3,670 - 24 - 320 DHUODA: HANDBOOK FOR WILLIAM A Carolingian Woman's Counsel for Her Son. Translated and with an C.Neel. Nebraska U.P., 1991. xxviii,152pp. lar.8vo. sl.underlined. 321 3,000 DHUODA: RICHE (P.)(intro.,text cri.,notes) MANUEL POUR MON FILS. Traduction par B.deVregille et C.Mondesert. Paris: CERF, 1997. 389pp. wrapper. 322 5,000 DICTIONNAIRE DE L'ACADEMIE FRANCOISE: LE DICTIONNAIRE DE L'ACADEMIE FRANCOISE Dedie Au Roy. (Paris:Jean Baptite Coingnard,1694) Reprinted By France Tosho Reprints, 1967. 2 Tomes. 4to. fore-edges sl.spotted. 323 15,750 DIJK (T.A.van) MACROSTRUCTURES. An Interdisciplinary Study of Global Structures in Discourse, Interaction, and Cognition. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1980. 317pp. lar.8vo. 324 8,400 DOBSON (E.J.) ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION 1500-1700. vol.I.Survey of the Sources. vol.II.Phonology. Oxford C.P., 1985. 2nd Ed. 2 vols. lar.8vo. nice copy. 325 DODGSON (E.S.): COLLECTED E.S.DODGSON. *THE LEICARRAGAN 21,000 VEBB. London: H.Frowde,1907. 200pp. *A SYNOPSIS ANALYTICAL AND QUOTATIONAL Chaon-SurSaone,1907. 156pp. *THE BASKISH VERB.London:H.Frowde,1912. 200pp. 3 vols in 1. lar.8vo. 326 15,750 DONIACH (N.S.)(Ed.) THE OXFORD ENGLISH-ARABIC DICTIONARY OF CURRENT USAGE. Oxford C.P., 1981. 1392pp. lar.8vo. dw. 327 5,250 DONIACH (N.S.)(Ed.) THE OXFORD ENGLISH-HEBREW DICTIONARY. In Collaboration with The Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies. Oxford U.P., 1998. xxiii,1091pp. Roy.8vo. pb. 328 5,250 DONZE (R.) LA GRAMMAIRE GENERALE ET RAISONNEE DE PORT-ROYAL. Contribution d l'histoire des idees grammaticales en France. Francke berne, 1971. 264pp. wrapper. 4,200 329 DOZY (R.) SUPPLEMENT AUX DICTIONNAIRES ARABES. Paris: Maisonneuve, 1967. 3rd Ed. 2 vols. 4to. 330 27,300 DRESSLER (W.U.) & BARBARESI (L.M.) MORPHOPRAGMATICS. Diminutives and Intensifiers in Italian, German, and Other Languages. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1994. 682pp. 331 DRESSLER (W.U.),LUSCHUTZKY (H.C.),PFEIFFER (O.E.) & RENNISON 25,000 (J.R.)(Ed.) CONTEMPORARY MORPHOLOGY. Trends in Linguistics Studies and Monographs 49. Mouton de Gruyter, 1990. 314pp. lar.8vo. fine. exlibrary. 332 12,600 DUBOIS (J.) & etc.: DICTIONNAIRE DE LINGUISTIQUE ET DES SCIENCES DU LANGAGE. Paris: Larousse, 1994. lx,514pp. lar.8vo. dw. - 25 - 4,200 333 DUDENREDAKTION (Hrsg.von der) DUDEN Deutsches Universalworterbuch. Mannheim: Dudenvwelag, 2001. 4., neu bearbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. 1892pp. Roy.8vo. foreedges bit soiled. 334 4,500 DUNETON (C.) LE BOUQUET DES EXPRESSIONS IMAGEES. Encyclopedie thematique des locutions figurees de la langue francaise. en collaboration avec S.Claval. Editions du Seuil, 1990. xiii,1375pp. Roy.8vo. dw. fine. 335 9,240 EBERHARD (J.A.) SYNONYMISCHES HANDWORTERBUCH DER DEUTSCHEN SPRACHE. (1910) Durchgangig umgearbeitet, vermehrt & verbessert von Dr.O.Lyon. Sansyusya,1982. xlviii,1201pp. fine. in case. 336 8,400 ECHOLS (J.M.) & SHADILY (H.) AN INDONESIAN-ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Revised & edited by J.U.Wolff & J.T.Collins. Cornell U.P., 1989. 3rd Ed. xix,618pp. lar.8vo. 337 6,300 EGEROD (S.) ATAYAL-ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Curzon Press, 1980.2 vols.pb. stamped. cover sl.foxing. 338 7,350 EICHBORN (R.)(Foreword) CAMBRIDGE-EICHBORN GERMAN DICTIONARY. Economic Law Administration Business General. I.English-German. II:German-English. Cambridge U.P., 1983. 2 vols. 4to. 339 12,000 EINARSSON (S.): ORRICK (A.H.)(Ed.) NORDICA ET ANGLICA. Studies in Honor of Stefan Einarsson. Hague: Mouton, 1968. 196pp. 4to. dw(bit chipped). 340 9,240 ELLEGARD (A.) THE AUXILIARY DO. The Establishment and Regulation of its Use in English. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1953. 320pp. lar.8vo. wrapper. bit foxing. 341 9,800 ELLIGER (K.) ET RUDOLPH (W.) BIBLIA HEBRAICA STUTTGARTENSIA. Stuttgart: Deutsche bibelstiftung,1967. lv,1574pp. lar.8vo. title page owner's stamped. 342 8,000 ELLIS (J.M.) LANGUAGE, THOUGHT, AND LOGIC. Northwestern Univ,1993.163pp. dw. 4,200 343 ELOD (H.) NEMET-MAGYAR SZOTAR. Nyolcadik, Valtozatlan Kiadas. Deutsch-Ungarisches Worterbuch E.Halasz I,II. Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, 1986. 2 vols. sm.4to. inner-joint tender. 344 6,820 ENGEL (U.) SYNTAX DER DEUTSCHEN GEGENWARTSSPRACHE. Grundlagen der Germanistik 22. Berlin: E.Schmidt, 1977. 307pp. pb. 345 2,940 ENGELIEN (A.) GRAMMATIK DER NEUHOCHDEUTSCHEN SPRACHE. Berlin: W.Schultze, (ca.1902). viii,619pp. cloth with boards. spine sl.rubbed. 346 ERLINGER (H.D.) SPRACHWISSENSCHAFT UND SCHULGRAMMATIK. 6,300 Strukturen und Ergebnisse von 1900 bis zur Gegenwart. Dusseldorf: Padagogischer Verlag Schwann, 1969. 295pp. dw(sl.chipped). 2,940 - 26 - 347 ERNOUT (A.) LES ADJECTIFS LATINS. en-osvs et en-vlentvs. Paris: C.Klincksieck,1940. 119pp. wrappr. lar.8vo. 348 3,000 ESSEN (E.) METHODIK DES DEUTSCHUNTERRICHTS. Heidelberg: Quelle & Meyer, 1972. 312pp. lar.8vo. 349 3,150 EVANS (G.) & McDOWELL (J.)(Ed.) TRUTH AND MEANING. Essays in Semantics. Oxford C.P., 1976. xxiii,419pp. dw(faded). fore-edges sl.foxing. 350 6,000 EVANS (W.) AN ENGLISH-WELSH DICTIONARY. Containing all Words Necessary for Reading an English Author. Carmarthen: John Evens, 1812. 2nd Ed. 312pp. joint weak. spine edges bit chipped. 351 15,750 EVERAERT (M.) & RIEMSDIJK (H.van)(Ed.) THE BLACKWELL COMPANION TO SYNTAX. Blackwell Pub., 2006. 5 vols. Roy.8vo. dw. in box. fine. 352 EVERSON (S.)(Ed.) LANGUAGE. Companions to ancient thought: 3. Cambridge U.P., 1994. 280pp. lar.8vo. dw. 353 85,000 4,200 FAHRMANN (R.) DIE DEUTUNG DES SPRECHAUSDRUCKS. Studien zur Einfuhrung in die Praxis der Charakterologischen Stimm- und Sprechananalyse. Bonn: H.Bouvier, 1960. 361pp. lar.8vo. dw. 354 6,300 FARMER (J.S.)(Compiled & Ed.) SLANG AND ITS ANALOGUES. Past and Present. A Dictionary, Historical and Comparative, of the Heterodox Speech of All Classes of Society for more than Three Hundred Years. With Synonyms in English, French, German, Italian, etc. (1890) Kraus Reprint, 1965. 7 vols in 3. fore-edges spotted. 355 FELLER (R.) DIE SCHWEIZERISCHE GESCHICHTSCHREIBUNG IM 19.JAHRHUNDERT. Zurich: M.Niehans, 1938. 202pp. wrappers. 356 31,500 3,670 FENNELL (C.A.M.) THE STANFORD DICTIONARY OF ANGLICISED WORDS AND PHRASES. Edited for the Syndics of the University Press. Cambridge U.P., 1964. xv,826pp. 4to. dw. 9,970 357 FIEDLER (H.G.): GERMAN STUDIES. Presented to Professor H.G.Fiedler, M.V.O. By Pupils, Colleagues, and Friends on His Seventy-Fifth Birthday 28 April 1937. Oxford C.P., 1938. 507pp. 358 5,000 FIESEL (E.) DIE SPRACHPHILOSOPHIE DER DEUTSCHEN ROMANTIK. Tubingen: Mohr, 1927. 259pp. wrappers. 359 5,000 FISIAK (J.)(Ed.) HISTORICAL MORPHOLOGY. Trends in Linguistics, Studies and Monographs 17. Hague: Mouton, 1980. 476pp. dw. 360 18,000 FLETCHER (P.) A CHILD'S LEARNING OF ENGLISH. Blackwell, 1985. xiii,242pp. lar.8vo. dw. 5,040 - 27 - 361 FLEW (A.)(Ed.) LOGIC AND LANGUAGE. (First Series & Second Series) Blackwell, 1968/73. 2 vols. dw. sl.scratched. 362 4,720 FORCHHAMMER (J.) DIE GRUNDLAGE DER PHONETIK. Ein Versuch, Die Phonetische Wissenschaft auf Fester Sprachphysiologischer Grundlage Aufzubauen. C.Winter, 1924. 212pp. cr.8vo. 363 3,800 FOUCHE (P.) TRAITE DE PRONONCIATION FRANCAISE. Paris: Klincksieck, 1959. lxiii,528pp. wrapper. sl taped. 364 3,150 FOULQUIE (P.) DICTIONNAIRE DE LA LANGUE PHILOSOPHIQUE. avec la collaboration de R.Saint-Jean. P.U.F., 1962. xv,768pp. lar.8vo. with dust cover. 365 3,000 FRASER (B.) THE VERB-PARTICLE COMBINATION IN ENGLISH. Taishukan pub., 1974. 125pp. lar.8vo. dw(spotted). 366 Heidelberg: 4,720 FREE (J.)AN ESSAY TOWARDS AN HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH TONGUE. London:Printed for the Author,1788,4th Ed. xxxii,147pp. completely disbound. scarce. 55,000 367 FREI (H.) LA GRAMMAIRE DES FAUTES. Paris: P.Geuthner, 1929. 314pp. wrapper. 4,200 368 FRENCH (P.A.),UEHLING,JR.(T.E.) & WETTSTEIN (H.K.)(Ed.) CONTEMPORARY PERSPECTIVES IN THE PHILOSOPHY OF LANGUAGE. Minnesota U.P., 1979. 417pp. lar.8vo. fore-edges bit foxing. 369 8,400 GAFFIOT (F.) LE GRAND GAFFIOT DICTIONNAIRE LATIN-FRANCAIS. Nouvelle edition revue et augmentee sous la direction de P.Flobert. Hachette-Livre, 2000. 1766pp. 4to. cover edge bit crease. 370 12,000 GAIRDNER (W.H.T.) EGYPTIAN COLLOQUIAL ARABIC. A Conversation Grammar. Oxford U.P., 1926. 2nd Ed., Revised & mostly Rewritten. 208pp. 371 5,500 GAMILLSCHEG (E.) ROMANIA GERMANICA Sprach- und Siedlungsgeschichte der Germanen auf dem Boden des Alten Romerreiches. Band I:Zu den Altesten Beruhrungen Zwischen Romern und Germanen die Franken. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1970. 2., vollstandig neu Bearbeitete Auflage. xiv,474pp. lar.8vo. 372 6,300 GARDINER (A.H.) THE THEORY OF SPEECH AND LANGUAGE. Oxford C.P., 1932. x,332pp. 3,150 373 GARDNER-CHLOROS (P.) LANGUAGE SELECTION AND SWITCHING IN STRASBOURG. Oxford C.P., 1991. xv,218pp. lar.8vo. dw. 374 5,500 GEORGES (K.E.) AUSFUHRLICHES LATEINISCH-DEUTSCHES HANDWORTERBUCH. Aus den quellen Zusammengetragen antiquitaten unter und mit berucksichtigung besonderer der Besten bezugnahme Hilfsmittel. auf synonymik Hannover: und Hahnsche buchhandlung, 1913. 2 Bde. thick vols.lar.8vo. 3/4 calf over marbled boards. exlibary. spine 4cm.tear. 12,600 - 28 - 375 GILLOW (J.) A LITERARY AND BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY OR BIBLIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARYOF THE ENGLISH CATHOLICS. From the Breach with rome, in 1534, to the present time. London: Burns & oates, N.d. 5 vols. lar.8vo. original cloth. sl.worn. vol.1 upper joint cracked(5cm). 376 31,500 GINNEKEN (J.VAN) MELANGES DE LINGUISTIQUE ET DE PHILOLOGIE Offerts A Jacq.van Ginneken. A L'Occasion du Soixantieme Anniversaire de sa Naissance (21 Avril 1937). Paris: Lib.C.Klincksieck, 1937. li,364pp. Roy.8vo. original text in modern cloth. 4,200 377 GIRODET (J.) DICTIONNAIRE DU BON FRANCAIS. Bordas, 1981. 896pp. 3,150 378 GOOCH (A.) & GARCEA DE PAREDES (A.) CASSELL'S SPANISH-ENGLISH ENGLISH-SPANISH DICTIONARY. Cassell, 1982. 1109pp. lar.8vo. dw. 2,940 379 GOODMAN (N.) THE STRUCTURE OF APPEARANCE. Harvard U.P., 1951. xv,315pp. 10,500 380 GOOSSENS (L.), PAUWELS (P.) & others: BY WORD OF MOUTH. Metaphor, Metonymy and Linguistic Action in a Cognitive Perspective. Amsterdam: J.Benjamins, 1995. 252pp. fine copy. 381 5,250 GORRELL (P.) SYNTAX AND PARSING. Cambridge Studies in Linguistics 76. Cambridge U.P., 1995. x,180pp. lar.8vo. dw. 382 7,350 GOTTI (E.) DIE GOTISCHEN BEWEGUNGSVERBEN. Ein Beitrag zur Erforschung des gotischen Wortschatzes mit einem Ausblick auf Wulfilas Ubersetzungstechnik. Walter de Guyter, 1974. xii,155pp. a bit scratched on earlier pages and small stamps on title. 383 GOTTSCHALK (W.) FRANZOSISCHE SYNONYMIK fur Studierende und Lehrer. Leverkusen: Gottschalksche, 1959. 591pp. cover sl.foxed. 384 3,000 GRAMLEY (S.) & PATZOLD (K-M.) A SURVEY OF MODERN ENGLISH. London: Routledge, 1992. xiv,498pp. lar.8vo. near fine. 386 8,190 GRAPPIN (H.) GRAMMAIRE DE LA LANGUE POLONAISE. Paris: Ins.D'Etudes Slaves, 1963. Troisieme ed., revue et corrigee. 324pp. 387 6,300 GREEN (D.H.) LANGUAGE AND HISTORY IN THE EARLY GERMANIC WORLD. Cambridge U.P., 1998. 438pp. lar.8vo. dw. small stamped. 389 4,200 GRAUR (Al.) GRAMATICA LIMBII ROMANE. Editia a II-a revazuta si adaugita. Tiraj nou. Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste Romania, 1966. 2 vols. lar.8vo. 388 2,940 GOUGENHEIM (G.) GRAMMAIRE DE LA LANGUE FRANCAISE DU SEIZIEME SIECLE. Paris; Picard,1974. 277pp. pb. 385 4,200 9,240 GREIMAS (A.J.) & COURTES (J.) SEMIOTICS AND LANGUAGE. An Analytical Dictionary. Translated by L.Crist & Others. Indiana U.P., 1982. 409pp. lar.8vo. fine. - 29 - 8,400 390 GREIMAS (A.J.) & COURTES (J.) SEMIOTIQUE. Tome 1, 2. Dictionnaire Raisonne de la theorie du language. Paris: Hachette, 1976. 2 vols. 391 GRIMM (J.& W.) DEUTSCHES WORTERBUCH. 4,200 (Leipzig:S.Hirzel,1854) Taschenbuch, 1984. 33 Bde. lar.8vo. paperback. 392 Deutscher 65,000 GRIMM: CAZES (A.) GRIMM ET LES ENCYCLOPEDISTES. Paris: P.U.F., 1933. 407pp. lar.8vo. wrapper. bit rubbed. 393 6,090 GROSSMANN (F.N.) JAPANESE WITHOUT A TEACHER. Kobe: Kawase & Sons, 1927. Signed by the author. iv,v,306pp. sm.8vo. covers slightly worn, but internally good. 394 38,000 GUDEMAN (A.) GRUNDRISS DER GESCHICHTE DER KLASSISCHE PHILOLOGIE. Leipzig: B.G.Teubner, 1907. 224pp. cloth with boards. text bit foxed. stamped on title. 395 3,990 GUENTHNER (F.) & ROHRER (C.)(Ed.) STUDIES IN FORMAL SEMANTICS. Intensionality, Temporality, Negation. North-Holland, 1978. 265pp. 396 4,000 GUERARD (F.)(Ed.) DICTIONNAIRE HACHETTE DE LA LANGUE FRANCAISE. Hachette, 1980. 1813pp. lar.8vo. dw. 397 4,200 GUIDE BOOK: GVIDLIBRETO POR JAPANLANDO. 37 illustrajoj, 9jandlartoj. Tradukita de la Bedakcio de Japan Estranto-Instituto. Tokyo: Japana Ministrejo de Stat-Fervojoj. 1927. 102pp. original pictorial boards. 12,000 398 GUILLAUME (G.) TEMPS ET VERBE THEORIE DES ASPECTS, DES MODES ET DES TEMPS SUIVI DE L'ARCHITECTONIQUE DU TEMPS DANS LES LANGUES CLASSIQUES. Avant-propos de R.Valin. Paris: Champion, 1968. xxi,134,66pp. Roy.8vo. wrapper. sl.foxing. 6,300 399 GYSSELING (M.) TOPONYMISCH WOORDENBOEK VAN BELGIE, NEDERLAND, LUXEMBURG, NOORD-FRANKRIJK EN WEST-DUITSLAND (voor 1226). Belgisch Interuniversitair Centrum voot Neerlandistiek, 1960. 2 vols. 4to. 35,000 400 HAAS (M.R.)(Compiled) THAI-ENGLISH STUDENT'S DICTIONARY. Stanford U.P., 1964. xxix,638pp. Roy.8vo. 6,000 401 HAIM (S.) ENGLISH-PERSIAN DICTIONARY. Hippocrene Standard Dictionary. N.Y.: Hippocrene Books, 1993. 700pp. paperback. 402 3,000 HAIM (S.) NEW PERSIAN-ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Complete and Modern. Tehran: Beroukhim, 1972. 2 vols. lar.8vo. joint tender. 403 8,400 HAIM (S.) PERSIAN-ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Introduction translated by I.Anvar. Hippocrene Standard Dictionary. N.Y.: Hippocrene Books, 1993. (persian page-numbered) paperback. 3,000 404 HALL (J.R.Clark) A CONCISE ANGLO-SAXON DICTIONARY. with a supplement by Herbert D.Meritt. Cambridge U.P., 1966. 4th ed. 432pp with supplement. fore-edges sl.foxing. 4,200 - 30 - 405 HALLIWELL (J.O.) A DICTIONARY OF ARCHAIC AND PROVINCIAL WORDS. Obsolete Phrases, Proverbs, and Ancient customs, from the Fourteenth Century. (London:Thomas & W.Boone,1855.3rd Ed.) N.Y.: AMS Press, 1973. reprinted ed. 2 vols. fore-edges bit foxing. 8,000 406 HAMILTON (E.):D'AUVERGNE (E.B.) THE DEAR EMMA. The Story of Emma Lady Hamilton her Husband & her Lovers.G.Harrap,1936. first Ed. 16 photo plates. 290pp. top of spine sl. tears. 407 3,000 HANGIN (G.) A MODERN MONGOLIAN-ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Indiana University,1986. xxi,900pp. Roy.8vo. 408 6,000 HANKAMER (P.) DIE SPRACHE. Ihr Begriff und Ihre Deutung im Sechzehnten und Siebzehnten Jahrhundert. Ein Beitrag zur Frage der Literarhistorischen Gliederung des Zeitraums. Bonn: F.Cohen, 1927. 208pp. lar.8vo. wrappers. joint weak. 409 HANKS (P.) & HODGES (F.) A DICTIONARY OF FIRST NAMES. Oxford U.P., 1990. xxxvi,443pp. dw. 410 2,940 HANKS (P.)(Ed.) THE NEW OXFORD THESAURUS OF ENGLISH. Oxford U.P., 2000. 1087pp. lar.4to. spine bit rubbed. 411 5,250 HARRIS (Z.) A GRAMMAR OF ENGLISH ON MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES. John Wiley, 1982. xvi,429pp. lar.8vo. dw. 412 2,940 5,040 HARRIS (Z.S.) PAPERS IN STRUCTURAL AND TRANSFORMATIONAL LINGUISTICS. Formal Linguistics Series Volume 1. Dordrecht: D.Reidel, 1970. 850pp. lar.8vo. fore-edges sl.foxing. 413 6,820 HARTMANN (R.R.K.) & STORK (F.C.) DICTIONARY OF LANGUAGE AND LINGUISTICS. London: Applied Science Pub., 1972. 302pp. dw. fore-edges sl.foxing. 414 5,040 HARTUNG (A.E.) A MANUAL OF THE WRITINGS IN MIDDLE ENGLISH 1050-1500. Vol.4 X.Middle Scots Writers by F.H.Ridley. XI.The Chaucerian Apocrypha by R.H.Robbins. Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1973. 962-1313pp. lar.8vo. 415 4,720 HARVEY (P.)(Ed.) THE OXFORD DICTIONARY OF ENGLISH PROVERBS. Compiled by W.G.Smith. With an Introduction by J.E.Heseltine. Oxford C.P., 1952. 2nd Ed. xxxi,740pp. lar.8vo. dw. 3,670 416 HASELBACH (G.) GRAMMATIK UND SPRACHSTRUKTUR. Karl Ferdinand Beckers Beitrag zur Allgemeinen Sprachwissenschaft in historischer und systematischer Sicht. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1966. 299pp. lar.8vo. text fine. in case. 417 3,990 HASKELL (R.E.)(Ed.) COGNITION AND SYMBOLIC STRUCTURES: The Psychology of Metaphoric Transformation. New Jersey: Ablex pub., 1987. xv,304pp. lar.8vo. - 31 - 7,140 418 HATTORI (S.) & INOUE (K.)(Ed.) PROCEEDINGS OF THE XIIIth INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF LINGUISTS, August 29-September 4, 1982, Tokyo. Tokyo, 1983. lxii,1453pp. 4to. 419 15,000 HATZFELD (A.) & DARMESTETER (A.) DICTIONNAIRE GENERAL DE LA LANGUE FRANCAISE. Du Commencement du XVIIe Siecle Jusqu'a Nos Jours. Paris: Delagrave, 1964. 2 Tomes. 4to. slip case. vol.II fore-edges sl.foxing. 420 15,000 HAVERS (W.) HANDBUCH DER ERKLARENDEN SYNTAX. Ein Versuch zur Erforschung der Bedingungen und Triebkrafte in Syntax und Stilistik. Heidelberg: C.Winter, 1931. 292pp. 3,000 421 HAWKINS (J.M.) THE OXFORD REFERENCE DICTIONARY. Illustrations edited by Susan L.Roux. Oxford C.P., 1986. 972pp. roy.8vo. dw. 422 3,150 HAZON (M.) GRANDE DIZIONARIO INGLESE-ITALIANO ITALIANO-INGLESE. Garzanti, 1979. 2099pp. lar.8vo. dw. a thick vol. in card-board case. 423 8,400 HELBIG (G.) & SCHENKEL (W.) WORTERBUCH ZUR VALENZ UND DISTRIBUTION DEUTSCHER VERBEN. LEipzig: VEB, 1969. 311pp. dw. 424 3,150 HENRYSON (R.): WOOD (H.H.)(Ed.) THE POEMS AND FABLES OF ROBERT HENRYSON. Schoolmaster of Dunfermline. Edited from the Earliest Manuscripts and Printed Texts by H.H.Wood. London: Oliver & Boyd, 1933.3 photo pltes. xliii,304pp. fore-edges foxing. 3,990 425 HERMANN (U.)(verfasst) DIE DEUTSCHE RECHTSCHREIBUNG. Bertelsmann Lexikon Verlag, 1999. 1073pp. cr.8vo. 426 3,150 HEUER (H.) STUDIEN ZUR SYNTAKTISCHEN UND STILISTISCHEN FUNKTION DES ADVERBSBEI CHAUCER UND IM ROSENROMAN. Heidelberg,1932.168pp. wrapper. 427 3,000 HIRT (H.) DIE HAUPTPROBLEME DER INDOGERMANISCHEN SPRACHWISSENSCHAFT. Hrsg.und Bearbeitet von H.Arntz. Halle: M.Niemeyer, 1939. 226pp. spine edge chipped. sl.foxing. 4,000 428 HOBSBAUM (P.) A THEORY OF COMMUNICATION. Macmillan, 1970. 272pp. dw. edges bit spotted. 429 5,000 HOCK (H.H.) PRINCIPLES OF HISTORICAL LINGUISTICS. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1986. 722pp. dw. 430 13,650 HOLLADAY (W.L.) A CONCISE HEBREW AND ARAMAIC LEXICON OF THE OLD TESTAMENT. Based upon the Lexical works of Ludwig Koehler and Walter Baumgartner. Leiden: E.J.Brill,1988. xx,425pp. lar.8vo. dw. 431 4,200 HOLTZ (L.) DONAT ET LA TRADITION DE L'ENSEIGNEMENT GRAMMATICAL. Etude sur L'Ars Donati et sa Diffusion (IVe-IXe Siecle) et Edition Critique. Paris: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1981. with plates. xix,750pp. 4to. bit foxing. - 32 - 21,000 432 HONY (H.C.) & FAHIR (Iz,) A TURKISH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY & AN ENGLISH-TURKISH DICTIONARY. Oxford C.P., 1958 & 1960. 2 vols. roy.8vo. with dust cover. 433 HOOPS (J.) REALLEXIKON DER GERMANISCHEN ALTERTUMSKUNDE 8,000 Band 1-12, ERGANZUNGSBANDE Band 1-19. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1973-1998.31 bde. Lar.8vo. 300,000 434 HOPE (T.E.) LEXICAL BORROWING IN THE ROMANCE LANGUAGES. A Critical Study of Italianisms in French and Gallicisms in Italian from 1100 to 1900. New York U.P., 1971. 2 vols. lar.8vo. with dust cover. top edge spotted. 435 8,920 HORMANN (H.) PSYCHOLOGIE DER SPRACHE. Berlin: Springer, 1967. Mit 69 Abbildungen. 395pp. lar.8vo. dw. edges sl.spotted. 436 2,940 HORMANN (H.) TO MEAN - TO UNDERSTAND. Problems of Psychological Semantics. Translated from the German by B.A.Jankowski. Berlin: Springer, 1981. With 5 figures. 337pp. lar.8vo. 4,200 437 HORN (L.R.) A NATURAL HISTORY OF NEGATION. Chicago U.P., 1989. 637pp. paperback. 4,720 438 HOUSE (H.C.) & HARMAN (S.E.) DESCRIPTIVE ENGLISH GRAMMAR. Prentice-hall, 1950. Revised by Susan E.Harman. 2nd Ed. 457pp. spine sl.rubbed. 3,990 439 HUCHON (R.) HISTOIRE DE LA LANGUE ANGLAISE. 1:Des origines a la conquete normande 450-1066. 2:De la conquete normande a L'Introduction de L'Imprimerie 1066-1475. Nachdruck der Ausgabe Paris 1923-1930. Paris: Librairie Armand Colin, 1923. 2 vols. bit scratched. 440 5,000 HUDDLESTON (R.) & PULLUM (G.K.) THE CAMBRIDGE GRAMMAR OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Cambridge U.P., 2002. 1842pp. 4to. dw. 441 16,800 HUGUET (E.) ETUDE SUR LA SYNTAXE DE RABELAIS. Comparee A Celle des Autres Prosateurs de 1450-1550. Geneve: Slatkine reprints, 1967. Reimpression de l'edition de Paris, 1894. 458pp. lar.8vo. wrapper. 442 6,300 HUGUET (E.) ETUDES DE PHILOLOGIE ET D'HISTOIRE. Depuis le XVIe siecle. 1.L'evolution du sans des mots. 2.Mots disparus ou vieillis. Geneve: Droz, 1967. 2 vols. cr.8vo. pb. cover sl.spotted. 443 HUMBOLDT 5,250 (W.): MUELLER-VOLLMER (K.) WILHELM VON HUMBOLDTS SPRACHWISSENSCHAFT. Ein Kommentiertes Verzeichnis des Sprachwissenschaftlichen Nachlasses. Zurich: F.Schoningh, 1993. xx,476pp. Lar.8vo. with dust cover. 444 HUMBOLDT (W.): POTT (A.F.)(Hrsg.& erlautert) UBER DIE 5,500 VERSCHIEDENHEIT DES MENSCHLICHEN SPRACHBAUES mit erlauternden Anmerkungen und Excursen sowie als Einleitung: Wilhelm von Humboldt und die Sprachwissenschaft. Documenta Semiotica Serie 1 Linguistik. Hildesheim: G.Olms, 1974. 2 bande in 1 Band. a thick vol. sm.8vo. text fine. 13,650 - 33 - 445 HUMBOLDT (W.): SPRANGER (E.) WILHELM VON HUMBOLDT und die Reform des Bildungswesens. Tubingen: M.Niemeyer, 1965. 3., unveranderte Auflage. xiv,275pp. dw. 5,000 446 HUNT (R.W.): BURSILL-HALL (G.L.)(Ed.) THE HISTORY OF GRAMMAR IN THE MIDDLE AGES. Collected papers. Amsterdam Studies in the Theory and History of Linguistic Science III. Amsterdam: J.Benjamins, 1980. xxxvi,214pp. 447 10,500 IMBS (P.) L'EMPLOI DES TEMPS VERBAUX EN FRANCAIS MODERNE. Essai de Grammaire Descriptive. Paris: C.Klincksieck, 1968. 269pp. lar.8vo. wrapper. sl.scratched. bit foxing. 3,000 448 INGLIS (J.) A DICTIONARY OF THE ANEITYUMESE LANGUAGE. in 2 parts. 1.Aneityumese and English. 2.English and aneityumese. also outlines of aneityumese grammar. London: Williams, 1882. xxix,200pp. cr.8vo. ex-library. front cover detached. 449 5,000 IORDAN-ORR: AN INTRODUCTION TO ROMANCE LINGUISTICS. Its Schools and Scholars. Revised, with a supplement thirty years on by R.Posner. Oxford: B.Blackwell, 1970. 593pp. lar.8vo. with dust cover. near fine. o/p 450 5,500 ISCHREYT (H.) STUDIEN ZUM VERHALTNIS VON SPRACHE UND TECHNIK. Institutionelle Sprachlenkung in der terminologie der technik. Dusseldorf: Padagogischer verlag, 1965. 304pp. dw. 451 2,940 ITASAKA (Gen.) KODANSHA ENCYCLOPEDIA OF JAPAN. Tokyo: Kodansha Ltd., 1983. 9 vols.complete set. with approximately 1,000 photographs, maps and charts. folio. original blue paper covered boards. 452 80,000 IZ (F.) & HONY (H.C.) THE OXFORD ENGLISH-TURKISH DICTIONARY. Ingilizce-Turkce Sozluk. Oxford U.P., 1978. 2nd Edition A.D.Alderson and Fahir Iz. 619pp. lar.8vo. dw. 453 6,000 JABERG (K.) ASPECTS GEOGRAPHIQUES DU LANGAGE (Avec 19 Cartes) Conferences Faites au College de France (Decembre 1933). Paris: E.Droz, 1936. 116pp. Roy.8vo. original wrapper in 3/4 cloth with boards. boards edges rubbed. 454 7,140 JABERG (K.) UND JUD (J.) DER SPRACHATLAS ALS FORSCHUNGSISTRUMENT. Kritische Grundlegung und einfuhrung in den sprach und sachatlas italiens und der Sudschweiz. Halle: M.Niemeyer, N.d.,244pp. wrappers. 455 4,200 JACOBS (R.A.) ENGLISH SYNTAX A Grammar for English Language Professionals. Oxford U.P., 1995. 378pp. sm.4to. pb. 456 4,000 JAGO (F.W.P.) THE ANCIENT LANGUAGE AND THE DIALECT OF CORNWALL WITH AN ENLARGED GLOSSARY OF CORNISH PROVINCIAL WORDS. Also an Appendix. dolly Pentreath. Truro: Netherton & Worth, 1882. First Ed. 351pp. sm.8vo. 457 22,000 JAKOBSON (R.) ROMAN JAKOBSON SELECTED WRITINGS I. Phonological Studies. Hague: Mouton, 1962. signed. 678pp. lar.8vo. - 34 - 12,600 458 JARMAN (B.G.) & RUSSELL (R.)(Chief Ed.) THEE OXFORD SPANISH DICTIONARY. SpanishEnglish/English-Spanish. Oxford U.P., 1998. 2nd Ed.edited by C.S.Carvajal & J.Horwood. li,1781pp. sm.4to. dw. 459 8,400 JESPERSEN (O.) A MODERN ENGLISH GRAMMAR On Historical Principles. Part I:Sounds and Spellings. Part II:Syntax.1st volume. Part III:Syntax. 2nd volume. Part IV:Syntax. 3rd volume. Time and Tense. Part V:Syntax. 4th volume. Part VI:Morphology. Part VII:Syntax. London: George Allen, 1954. 7 vols complete set. original blue cloth. stamped. foxing. 31,500 460 JESPERSEN (O.) A MODERN ENGLISH GRAMMAR. On Historical Principles. vol.I:Sounds & Spellings. vol.II-V:Syntax. vol.VI:Morphology. vol.VII:Syntax. London: G.Allen, 1954. Reprinted. 7 wrapper. spine rubbed. endpaper missing. stamped. text is almost fine. 461 20,000 JOHANSON (L.) LINGUISTISCHE BEITRAGE ZUR GESAMTTURKOLOGIE. Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, 1991. 250pp. roy.8vo. 462 4,200 JOHNS-LEWIS (C.)(Ed.) INTONATION IN DISCOURSE. Croom Helm College-Hill Press, 1986. xxxvi,302pp. lar.8vo. dw. 463 6,300 JOHNSON (A.B.): RYNIN (D.)(Ed.& Essay) ALEXANDER BRYAN JOHNSON'S A TREATISE ON LANGUAGE. California U.P., 1947. ix,437pp. lar.8vo. with dust cover. 464 JOHNSON (K.& H.)(Ed.) ENCYCLOPEDIC DICTIONARY OF APPLIED LINGUISTICS. A Handbook for Language Teaching. Blackwell, 1998. 389pp. Roy.8vo. dw. 465 4,200 5,000 JOHNSON (S.) A DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Yushodo Compact Series 1. Tokyo: Yushodo, 1983. Reprinted from the first edition(1755), in 1983. 4to. a thick vol. fore-edges sl.spotted. 466 18,900 JOHNSON (S.) A DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE: (London,1756) Tokyo: Kenkyusha, 1985. 2 vols. 3/4 leather with boards. texct clean. 467 8,400 JOHNSON (S.) A DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE: in which The Words are Deduced from their Originals, and Illustrated in their Different Significations by Examples from the Best Writers. to which are prefixed A History of the Language, and An English Grammar. London: printed for F.& C.Rivingston, 1810. the Tenth Ed., Corrected & Revised. 2 vols. 4to. rebinding by light brown leather. marbled edges. original text is almost clean. 180,000 468 JOHNSON (S.) A DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE: In which the words are deducted from their originals, & illustrated in their different significations by examples from the best writers. to which are prefixed, a history of the language, & an English Grammar. London: Printed for J.F. & C.Rivington,...1785. 6th ed. 2 vols. with frontis. 4to. thick vols. full calf. spine rebacked. 140,000 - 35 - 469 JONES (T.)(Ed.) HARRAP'S STANDARD GERMAN AND ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Part One:German-English A-E, F-K, L-R. London: G.G.Harrap, 1963. 3 vols. 4to. bit spotted. vol.4 is not published. 470 8,190 JUILLAND (A.) DICTIONNAIRE INVERSE DE LA LANGUE FRANCAISE. Janua Linguarum Series Practica VII. Hague: Mouton, 1965. lx,503pp. Roy.8vo. dw(sl.wear). 471 KAINZ (F.) PSYCHOLOGIE DER SPRACHE. 1.Grundlagen der allgemeinen Sprachpsychologie. 2.Vergleichend-genetische Sprachvorgange. Sprachpsychologie. 4.Spezielle Sprachpsychologie 3.Physiologische 5:I.II.Psychologie Stuttgart: F.Enke, 1954. 5 Bde in 6. lar.8vo. dw. (Bde 1 & 2 no dw) 472 Psychologie der 22,000 68,250 KAPLAN (J.P.) ENGLISH GRAMMAR Principles and Facts. Prentice Hall, 1989. 358pp. lar.8vo. exlibrary. 474 4,200 KASTER (R.A.) GUARDIANS OF LANGUAGE. The Grammarian and Society in Late Antiquity. California U.P., 1988. xxi,524pp. lar.8vo. dw. fore-edges bit spotted. 475 der Einzelsprachen. KANE (T.L.) TIGRINYA-ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Dunwoody Press, 1999.2 Vols. Lar.4to. not uniform. 473 7,350 18,900 KASTNER (L.E.): WILLIAMS (M.) & ROTHSCHILD ( A MISCELLANY OF STUDIES IN ROMANCE LANGUAGES & LITERATURES. Presented to Leon E.Kastner. Cambridge: W.Heffer, 1932. First Ed. 576pp. roy.8vo. 476 6,090 KAUFMANN (H.) GENETIVISCHE ORTSNAMEN. Tubingen: M.Niemeyer, 1961. 226pp. lar.8vo. 477 4,500 KAYNE (R.S.) FRENCH SYNTAX. The Transformational Cycle. MIT Press, 1975. 473pp. 5,250 478 KAYSER (W.) DAS SPRACHLICHE KUNSTWERK. Eine Einfuhrung in die Literaturwissenschaft. Munchen: Francke, 1960. Sechste Auflage. 445pp. lar.8vo. 479 KAZIMIRSKI (A.DE B.) DICTIONNAIRE FRANCAIS-PERSAN. Beyrouth: Librairie du Liban, 1975. 617pp. sm.8vo. dw. last page(p.617) tear. 480 3,000 KEMENADE (Ans van) & VINCENT (N.)(Ed.) PARAMETERS OF MORPHOSYNTACTIC CHANGE. Cambridge U.P., 1997. 544pp. lar.8vo. pb. small stamped. 481 2,940 5,250 KENNEDY (Dr.J.), SMITH (W.A.) & JOHNSON (A.F.)(Ed.) DICTIONARY OF ANONYMOUS AND PSEUDONYMOUS ENGLISH LITERATURE (SAMUEL HALKETT AND JOHN LAING). Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1926-1962.New & Enlarged Ed. 9 vols. 4to. with dust cover(chipped). 84,000 482 KIEFER (F.) MATHEMATICAL LINGUISTICS IN EASTERN EUROPE. N.Y.: American Elsevier, 1968. 180pp. 2,940 - 36 - 483 KIEFER (F.)(Ed.) TRENDS IN SOVIET THEORETICAL LINGUISTICS. D.Reidel pub., 1973. 438pp. lar.8vo. 484 5,250 KILGOUR (REV.R.) DICTIONARY ENGLISH-NEPALI.New Delhi: Asian Educational services,1986. 391pp. 485 3,150 KIRKEBY (W.A.) ENGLISH-NORWEGIAN DICTIONARY. Engelsk-norsk ordbok. Norwegian U.P., 1989. xv,809pp. lar.8vo. 486 10,500 KITTEL (B.P.),HOFFER (V.) AND WRIGHT (R.A.) BIBLICAL HEBREW: A TEXT AND WORKBOOK. Yale.U.P,1989. xxiii,429pp. 4to. 487 7,000 KLEIN (E.) A COMPREHENSIVE ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Dealing with the origin of words and their sense development this illustrating the history of civilization and culture. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1971. Unabridged One-Volume xxv,844pp. 4to. stamped on title. fore-edges sl.foxing, cover edges heavy rubbed. 488 Ed. 8,000 KLEIN (E.) A COMPREHENSIVE ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Dealing with the origin of words and their sense development this illustrating the history of civilization and culture. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1971. Unabridged One-Volume xxv,844pp. 4to. dw(edges bit rubbed). almost fine. 489 KOERNER (E.F.K.) TOWARD A HISTORIOGRAPHY OF LINGUISTICS. Selected Essays. foreword by R.H.Robins. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1978. xx,222pp. 490 Ed. 18,900 12,000 KOHLER (T.W.) DER BEGRIFF DER EINHEIT UND IHR ONTOLOGISCHES PRINZIP. Nach dem sentenzenkommentar des Jakob von Metz O.P. Studia Anselmiana Fasciculus LVIII. Romae: Lib.Herder, 1971. xxxiii,540pp. Roy.8vo. wrapper. fore-edges sl.soiled. almost fine. 491 6,090 KOLB (H.),MATZEL (K.), STACKMANN (K.) ALTHOCHDEUTSCH. Band 1:Grammatik, Glossen und Texte. Band 2:Worter und Namen. Forschungsgeschichte. Heidelberg: C.Winter, 1987. 2 Bde. Roy.8vo. 492 KRAUS 35,000 (C.von)(Hrsg.) MITTELHOCHDEUTSCHES UBUNGSBUCH. Heidelberg: 1926. 2.,Vermehrte und Geanderte Auflage. 297pp. wrappers. 493 4,000 KREIS (G.) DIE SCHWEIZ UNTERWEGS. Schlussbericht des NFP21 "Kulturelle Vielfalt und nationale Identitat". Basel: Helbing,1993. 328pp. pb. 494 C.Winter, KRETSCHMER (P.) WORTGEOGRAPHIE DER HOCHDEUTSCHEN 4,200 UMGANGSSPRACHE. Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1969. 2., durchgesehene und erganzte Auflage. xvi,641pp. lar.8vo. dw. 495 KRETZMANN (N.) & STUMP (E.) 5,250 THE CAMBRIDGE TRANSLATIONS OF MEDIEVAL PHILOSOPHICAL TEXTS Vol I:Logic and the Philosophy of Language. Cambridge U.P., 1988. 496 viii,531pp. lar.8vo. fore-edges sl.spotted. 8,400 KRISTEVA (J.) POLYLOGUE. Paris: Editions du Seuil, 1977. 541pp. wrappers. 3,800 - 37 - 497 KRUGER (K.W.) HISTORISCH PHILOLOGISCHE STUDIEN. Berlin: 1836-51. 2 Bde. sm.8vo. cover bit worn. 498 8,000 KRUISINGA (E.) A HANDBOOK OF PRESENT-DAY ENGLISH. Part.II:English Accidence & Syntax(3 parts). Groningen: P.Noordhoff, 1922. 5th Ed. 3 vols (without Part I). with dust cover. exlibrary stamped on endpaper. 499 6,300 KRUISINGA (E.) AN INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF ENGLISH SOUNDS. P.Noordhoff, 1951. Tenth Ed. Revised by C.Hedeman & J.J.Westerbeek. 160pp. lar.8vo. cloth with boards. bit spotted. 500 4,000 KURATH (H.) HANDBOOK OF THE LINGUISTIC GEOGRAPHY OF NEW ENGLAND. 2nd ed.,with a new introduction, word-index and inventory of LANE maps and commentary by A.R.Duckertm and a reverse index of LANE maps to worksheets by Raven I McDavid, Jr. N.Y.: AMS Press, 1973. xiv,527pp. 4to. 501 5,250 KURSCHNER (W.) LINGUISTEN HANDBUCH. Biographische und Bibliographische Daten deutschsprachiger Sprachwissenschaftlerinnen und sprachwissenschaftler der gegenwart. Tubingen: Gunter narr,1994. 2 Bde. Roy.8vo. dw. 502 LADD,JR.(D.R.) THE STRUCTURE OF INTONATIONAL MEANING. Evidence from English. Indiana U.P., 1980. 239pp. lar.8vo. dw. 503 15,700 7,500 LAFFONT-BOMPIANI: DICTIONNAIRE DES OEUVRES. De tous les temps et de tous les Pays. Litterature-Philosophie-Musique-Sciences. Collection dirigee par Guy Schoeller. R.Laffont, 1980. 7 vols. sm.8vo. paperback. 504 18,900 LAMPE (G.W.H.)(Ed.) A PATRISTIC GREEK LEXICON. Oxford: Clarendon, 1987. xlvii,1568pp. 4to. dw. text fine. 505 38,000 LANCELOT (C.) & ARNAULD (A.) GRAMMAIRE GENERALE ET RAISONNEE 1660. Menston: Scolar Press, 1967. 127pp. sl.foxing. 506 3,000 LANGLAND (W.) THE VISION OF WILLIAM CONCERNING PIERS THE PLOWMAN in Three Parallel Texts Together with Richard the Redeless. Edited from Numerous Manuscripts with Preface, Notes, and A Glossary by the Walter W.Skeat. Vol.I.-Text. Vol.II.-Preface, Notes, and Glossary. Oxford U.P., 1924. 2 vols. lar.8vo. with dj(foxing & sl.chipped). fore-edges bit spotted. 507 6,300 LANGLAND (W.): SKEAT (W.W.)(Ed.) THE VISION OF WILLIAM CONCERNING PIERS THE PLOWMAN. together with vita de dowel, dobet, et Dobest, by William Langland (Text B.) Oxford U.P., 1972. 508 6,000 LANMAN (C.R.) A SANSKRIT READER. Text and Vocabulary and Notes. (1884) Harvard U.P., 1971. reprint. 405pp. lar.8vo. 509 4,000 LAPORTE (J.) ETUDES D'HISTOIRE DE LA PHILOSOPHIE FRANCAISE AU XVIIe SIECLE. Paris: J.Vrin, 1951. 269pp. lar.8vo. wrapper. foxing & stamped. - 38 - 3,000 510 LASNIK (H.): MARTIN (R.),MICHAELS (D.) & URIAGEREKA (J.)(Ed.) STEP BY STEP. Essays on Minimalist Syntax in Honor of Howard Lasnik. MIT Press, 2000. 357pp. lar.8vo. dw. 12,600 511 LASS (R.) ENGLISH PHONOLOGY AND PHONOLOGICAL THEORY. Synchronic and Diachronic studies. Cambridge U.P., 1976. 241pp. small stamped on title. 512 4,200 LASS (R.) HISTORICAL LINGUISTICS AND LANGUAGE CHANGE. Cambridge U.P., 1997. 447pp. lar.8vo. pb. small stamped. 513 6,090 LEE (Kee-Dong) KUSAIEAN-ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Hawaii U.P., 1976. 317pp. pb. sl.foxing. 3,150 514 LENNEBERG (E.H.& E.)(Ed.) FOUNDATIONS OF LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT. Multidisciplinary Approach. Academic Press Unesco Press, 1975. 2 vols. lar.8vo. 515 LEUMANN (M.) & HOFMANN (J.B.) & SZANTYR (A.) LATEINISCHE GRAMMATIK. Lateinische Syntax und Stilistik. (Beck'sche) 1977,79. 3 Bde. lar.8vo. dw. 516 7,350 LEXER (M.) MATTHIAS LEXERS MITELHOCHDEUTSCHES TASCHENWORTERBUCH. S.Hirzel Verlag, 1981. Sechsunddreissigste Auflage. 504pp. pb. sl.spotted. 518 35,000 LEVITT (J.) THE GRAMMAIRE DES GRAMMAIRES OF GIRAULT-DUVIVIER. A Study of Nineteenth-Century French. Hague: Mouton, 1968. 338pp. 4to. dw. 517 A 6,000 4,200 LEXER (M.) MITTELHOCHDEUTSCHES HANDWORTERBUCH. Zugleich als Supplement und Alphabetischer Index zum Mittelhochdeutschen Worterbuch von Benecke-Muller-Zarncke. Stuttgart: S.Hirzel, 1970. 3 Bde. lar.8vo. foxing. 519 LIDDELL (H.G.) & SCOTT (R.)(Comp.) A GREEK-ENGLISH LEXICON. With a supplement 1968. Oxford C.P., 1977. xlv,2042,153pp. folio. India paper. stamped. 520 25,000 15,750 LIDDELL (H.G.) & SCOTT (R.)(COmpiled by) A GREEK-ENGLISH LEXICON. Oxford C.P., 1951. A New Edition Revised and Augmented throughout by H.S.Jones. 2 vols. 4to. fore-edges foxing. 521 12,000 LILY: (LILY)A SHORT INTRODUCTION TO GRAMMAR. Compiled and set forth for the bringing up of all those that intend to attain to the knowledge of the Latin Tongue. London,1750. 194pp,92pp. full leahter. 522 35,000 LINCY (Le Roux de) LE LIVRE DES PROVERBES FRANCAIS. Precede de Recherches Historiques sur les Proverbes Francais et Leur Emploi dans la Litterature du Moyen Age et de la Renaissance. (1859) Geneve: Slatkine, 1968. 2 tomes. wrappers. 523 LINES REVIEW. Nos ll-14,15-23. Powma ns xeirix eriixlwa by Leading Scottish 12,600 writers including David Daiches on the Scottish tradition in Literature. N.Y:Johnson reprint, 1972. 2 vols. 3,000 - 39 - 524 LITTRE (E.) PAROLES DE PHILOSOPHIE POSITIVE. Paris: A.Delahays, 1859. 62pp. wrapper. edges bit chipped. 525 3,000 LLOYD (P.M.) FROM LATIN TO SPANISH. Vol.I: Historical Phonology and Morphology of the Spanish Language. American Philosophy Society, 1987. 439pp. 4to. dw. 526 7,140 LODGE (D.) LANGUAGE OF FICTION. Essays in Criticism and Varbal Analysis of the English Novel. Lndon: Routledge,1966. xii,283pp. 527 3,000 LONGMAN: GAY (H.)(Ed.) et al. LONGMAN DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Longman, 1988. 1876pp. lar.8vo. dw. 4,500 528 LUCAS (F.L.) STYLE. London: Cassell, 1960. 294pp. dw, 4,000 529 LUCY (J.A.)(Ed.) REFLEXIVE LANGUAGE. Reported Speech and Metapragmatics. Cambridge U.P., 1993. 414pp. lar.8vo. 530 12,000 LYCAN (W.G.) LOGICAL FORM IN NATURAL LANGUAGE. MIT Press, 1984. 348pp. lar.8vo. 5,250 531 LYONS (J.) SEMANTICS. Cambridge U.P., 1977. 2 vols. lar.8vo. paperback. 5,040 532 MACCHI (V.)(Ed.) DICTIONARY OF THE ITALIAN AND ENGLISH LANGUAGES. Part Two:English-Italian A-L, M-Z. Roma: Sansoni Editore, 1973. 2 vols. lar.4to. spine calf. joint tender. spine edges bit tear. 533 MACDONELL (A.A.) A 5,040 PRACTICAL SANSKRIT DICTIONARY. with Transliteration, Accentuation, and Etymological Analysis Throughout. Oxford U.P., 1991. xiv,382pp. 4to. fore-edges sl.spotted. 534 7,350 MACKEY (W.F.) & ORNSTEIN (J.)(Ed.) SOCIOLINGUISTIC STUDIES IN LANGUAGE CONTACT. Methods and Cases. Mouton pub., 1979. 460pp. dw. 535 MACLENNAN (M.) A PRONOUNCING AND ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY OF THE GAELIC LANGUAGE. Gaelic-English,English-Gaelic. paperback. 536 8,000 Acair & Aberdeen U.P., 1982. xv,613pp. 3,670 MACPHERSON (J.) CRITICAL DISSERTATIONS ON THE ORIGIN, ANTIQUITIES, LANGUAGE, GOVERNMENT, MANNERS, AND RELIGION OF THE ANCIENT CALEDONIANS, Their Posterity the Picts, and the British and Irish Scots. London: T.Becket, 1768. Dr.Ojima's stamped on end paper. xxi,382pp. 4to. full calf. 537 45,000 MAGNUSSEN (J.),MADSEN (O.) & VINTERBERG (H.) ENGELSK-DANSK ORDBOG. Gyldendalske Boghandel, 1929. 340pp. 538 3,150 MAINWARING (G.B.) DICTIONARY OF THE LEPCHA-LANGUAGE.Revised and completed by A.Grunwedel. Berlin: U.Brothers,1898. Tokyo: Tairiku shobo,1982.Reprined Ed. xvi,552pp. lar.8vo. 7,000 - 40 - 539 MAKKAI (A.) IDIOM STRUCTURE IN ENGLISH. Hague: Mouton, 1972. 371pp. 4to. fore-edges sl.spotted. 540 4,200 MALMBERG (B.) PHONETIQUE GENERALE ET ROMANE. Etudes en allemand, Anglais, Espagnol et Francais. Paris: Mouton,1971. 478pp. roy.8vo. 541 7,500 MALVEZIN (P.) GLOSSAIRE DE LA LANGUE D'OC. Geneve: Slatkine reprints, 1975. 278pp. 8,000 542 MANNER (REV.A.) ENGLISH-TULU DICTIONARY. Delhi: Asian educational services,1987. 653pp. 543 3,150 MANSION (J.E.) HARRAP'S NEW STANDARD FRENCH AND ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Revised & Edited by R.P.L.Ledesert & M.Ledesert. vol.I:French-English A to I. vol.II.French-English J to Z. London: Harrap, 1981. 2 vols. 4to. dw. 544 MANTELLO (F.A.C.) MEDIEVAL LATIN. An Introduction and bibliographical guide. Catholic U.P., 1999. xiv,774pp. Roy.8vo. pb. 545 5,770 MARANTZ (A.) ON THE NATURE OF GRAMMATICAL RELATIONS. MIT Press, 1984. 339pp. lar.8vo. 546 5,250 MARCISZEWSKI (W.)(Ed.) DICTIONARY OF LOGIC. As Applied in the Study of Language. Concepts/Methods/Theories. Hague: M.Nijhoff, 1981. xiv,436pp. Roy.8vo. 547 5,000 31,500 MARKEY (T.L.), KYES (R.L.) & ROBERGE (P.T.) GERMANIC AND ITS DIALECTS: A GRAMMAR OF PROTO-GERMANIC. III Bibliography and Indices. with the assistance of B.E.Hagerman. J.Benjamins, 1977. xlviii,504pp. a bit scratched. sc.on title & Index. 548 4,200 MARKHAM (C.R.) CONTRIBUTIONS TOWARDS A GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY OF QUICHUA. The Language of Incas of Peru. London: Trubner, 1864. 223pp. cr.8vo. scarce. spine bit tear and inner-joint sl.worn. text is almost good. 549 10,500 MARSAIS (C.C.du) OEUVRES CHOISIES. Reproduction en facsimile des textes tires de l'edition complete de 1797 Avec une introduction par Herbert E.Brekle. Stuttgart: F.Frommann, 1971. 3 vols. sm.8vo. 550 15,000 MARTINET (A.) & WALTER (H.) DICTIONNAIRE DE LA PRONONCIATION FRANCAISE DANS SON USAGE REEL. Paris: France-Expansion, 1973. 932pp. lar.8vo. 551 8,190 MASSEY (G.) A BOOK OF THE BEGINNINGS. Containing an attempt to recover and reconstitute the lost origines of the Myths & Mysteries, Types & Symbols, Relition & Language, with Egypt... [and] THE NATURAL GENESIS: or Second part of a book of the Beginnings,...London: Williams & Norgate,1881-83. 2 works in 4. roy.8vo. original cloth. 157,500 552 MATHEWS (M.M.)(Ed.) A DICTIONARY OF AMERICANISMS On Historical Principles. Chicago U.P., 1956. 2nd Ed. 1946pp. 4to. 4,200 - 41 - 553 MATHEWS (M.M.)(Ed.) A DICTIONARY OF AMERICANISMS. On Historical Principles. Tokyo: Meicho Fukyu Kai, 1985. 1946pp. 4to. dw. in case. fine. 554 6,300 MATHEWS (R.H.): MATHEWS' CHINESE-ENGLISH DICTIONARY. (A Chinese-English Dictionary Compiled for the China Inland Mission by R.H.Mathews, Shanghai: China Inland Misson and Presbyterian Mission Press, 1931) Harvard U.P., ca.1969. Revised American Edition. xxiv,1226pp. Roy.8vo. 555 4,500 MATTUTAT (H.)(bearbeitet) DEUTSCHE GRUNDSPRACHE WORT- UND SATZLEXIKON. Stuttgart: E.Klett, 1973. 488pp. 556 3,670 MAUTHNER (F.) BEITRAGE ZU EINER KRITIK DER SPRACHE. 1:Zur Sprache und zur Psychologie. 2:Zur Sprachwissenschaft. 3:Zur Grammatik Logik. Hildesheim: G.Olms, 1967-9. 3 vols. cloth. good. 557 38,000 McCARTHY (M.) & etc.: CAMBRIDGE WORD ROUTES. Cambridge U.P., 1996. xi,457pp. Roy.8vo. pb. 558 2,940 McDAVID (R.I.): DAVIS (L.M.)(Ed.) STUDIES IN LINGUISTICS IN HONOR OF RAVEN I.McDAVID, Jr. Alabama U.P., 1972. 461pp. lar.8vo. dw. 559 McGREGOR (R.S.) THE LANGUAGE OF INDRAJIT OF ORCHA. A Study of Early Braj Bhasa Prose. Cambridge U.P., 1968. xi,265pp. with dust cover. 560 5,000 McMANUS (E.G.) PALAUAN-ENGLISH DICTIONARY. edited & expanded by L.S.Josephs. Hawaii U.P., 1978. l,455pp. pb. sl.foxing. 561 4,200 MEE (A.) I.SEE.ALL. 3,670 The World's First Picture Encyclopedia with 100,000 pictures of people, places, and things and an Atlas of Every country in the world. London: J.Carpenter house, n.d. 5 vols.with numerous plates and photographs in text. 4to. original red cloth. Vol.5 front cover worn. text is clean. 562 45,000 MEIER (G.F.& B.) SPRACHE SPRACHENTSTEHUNG SPRACHEN. Handbuch der Linguistik und Kommunikations-wissenschaft Band I. Berlin: Akademie, 1979. Mit 2 Abbildungen im Text & 8 Sprachkarten in einer Mappe. 552pp. lar.8vo. dw. 563 3,150 MENCKEN (H.L.) THE AMERICAN LANGUAGE. An Inquiry into the Development of English in the United States. N.Y.: A.A.Knopf, 1980. 3 vols(Supplement One & Two, 1977/78). lar.8vo. with dust cover. 564 8,400 MERCER (S.A.B.) AN EGYPTIAN GRAMMAR. with Chrestomathy and Glossary. N.Y.: F.Ungar, 1972. 184pp. a bit scrached. a small stamped on title. 565 3,990 MESSINGER (H.) & Langenscheidt-Redaktion: LANGENSCHEIDTS GROSSWORTERBUCH. der Englischen und Deutschen Sprache. "Der Kleine Muret-Sanders" Deutsch-Englisch. Berlin: Langenscheidt, 1982. 1296pp. Roy.8vo. dw. - 42 - 5,250 566 MEYER (C.F.) A LINGUISTIC STUDY OF AMERICAN PUNCTUATION. American University Studies Series XIII Linguistics Vol.5. Peter Lang, 1987. 159pp. 567 4,000 MILNER (G.B.) & HENDERSON (E.J.A.)(Ed.) INDO-PACIFIC LINGUISTIC STUDIES PART II:Descriptive Linguistics. Amsterdam:North-holland,1965. 571pp. stamped. spine taped. 568 wrapper. 3,150 MITCHELL (B.) & ROBINSON (F.C.) A GUIDE TO OLD ENGLISH. B.Blackwell,1983. reprinted with corrections. xiii,271pp. pb. 569 lar.8vo. 2,940 MITCHELL (T.F.) PRINCIPLES OF FIRTHIAN LINGUISTICS. Longmans, 1975. xviii,213pp. dw. 3,150 570 MODIRI (A.H.) A COMPLETE ENGLISH GRAMMAR. (Arabic-English English-Arabic) Tehran: Amir-Kabir, 1984. Revised 3rd Ed. n.p. thick vol. lar.8vo. dw. 571 MONIER-WILLIAMS (M.) ENGLISH-SANSKRIT DICTIONARY. New Delhi: M.Manoharlal, 1976. xii,858pp. 4to. 572 4,720 MONIER-WILLIAMS 10,500 (Sir M.) A SANSKRIT-ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Etymologically and philosophically arranged with special reference to cognate Indo-European Languages. New Edition, Greatly enlarged and Improved with the collaboration of E.Leumann, C.Cappeller, & other scholars. Oxford C.P., 1976. xxxiv,1333pp. 4to. fine. 573 18,900 MORAN (J.H.) & GODE (A.)(Translated) ON THE ORIGIN OF LANGUAGE Jean-Jacques Rousseau Essay on the Origin of Languages, Johann Gottfried Herder Essay on the Origin of Language. N.Y.: F.Ungar, 1966. 176pp. sm.8vo. 574 4,000 MORAWSKI (J.)(Edites) PROVERBES FRANCAIS Anterieurs au XVe Siecle. Paris: Lib.Ancienne E.Champion, 1925. xxiii,146pp. cr.8vo. wrapper. bit foxing. 4,500 575 MOREAU (J.) DICTIONNAIRE DE GEOGRAPHIE HISTORIQUE DE LA GAULE ET DE LA FRANCE. Paris: J.Picard, 1972. with folding maps. 423pp. lar.8vo. wrapper. 5,250 576 MORIER (H.) DICTIONNAIRE DE POETIQUE ET DE RHETORIQUE. P.U.F., 1989. 1210pp with tables. lar.8vo. dw. stamped on top edge. 8,400 577 MORRIS (REV.R.) & SKEAT (W.W.)(Ed.) SPECIMENS OF EARLY ENGLISH. With Introductions, Notes, and Glossarial Index. Oxford C.P., 1898. 2nd Ed.,carefully Revised & 4th Ed. 2 vols. sm.8vo. stamped & bit foxing. 5,040 578 MOSSE (F.) HISTOIRE DE LA FORME PERIPHRASTIQUE ETRE+PARTICIPE PRESENT EN GERMANIQUE. Partie 1:Introduction Ancien germanique-Vieil Anglais. Partie 2:MoyenAnglais et Anglais Moderne. Paris: C.Klincksieck, 1938. 2 parts. 124+301pp. roy,8vo. original wrappers. spine sl.tear, joint tender. 579 5,000 MUNSKE (H.H.) & Others (Hrsg.): DEUTSCHER WORTSCHATZ. Lexikologische Studien. Ludwig Erich Schmitt zum 80.Geburtstag von sinen Marburger Schulern. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1988. xxxi,927pp. Roy.8vo. in slip-case. - 43 - 5,000 580 MURAKI (M.) PRESUPPOSITION AND THEMATIZATION. Tokyo: Kaitakusha, 1974. viii,138pp. a small stamp on title. 581 4,200 MURPHY (J.J.) RHETORIC IN THE MIDDLE AGES. A History of Rhetorical Theory from Saint Augustine to the Renaissance. California U.P., 1974. xiv,395pp. lar.8vo. dw. sl.foxed. 6,500 582 NANCE (R.M.): POOL (P.A.S.)(Ed.) A GLOSSARY OF CORNISH SEA-WORDS. Federation of Old Cornwall Societies, 1963. 204pp. dw. cover stained. text fine. 583 NAPOLI (D.J.) SYNTAX, Theory and Problems. (N.Y.: Oxford Univ.,) 1993. 600pp. lar.8vo. paperback. 584 3,000 NASH (W.) DESIGNS IN PROSE. A study of compositional problems and methods. Longman, 1980. 228pp. dw. 585 4,500 4,200 NAVALKAR (G.R.) THE STUDENT'S MARATHI GRAMMAR. Bombay: Education Society's Press, 1894. 3rd Ed. (Revised & Enlarged) 377pp. original black cloth. spine edges & corners sl.rubbed. 586 2,620 NEYRON (P.) NOUVEAU DICTIONNAIRE ETYMOLOGIQUE. (Neologismes) Paris: Editions de la Revue Moderne, 1970. 461pp. sm.8vo. wrapper. endpaper. exlibrary. 587 4,500 NICKEL (R.) EINFUHRUNG IN DIE DIDAKTIK DES AKTSPRACHLICHEN UNTERRICHTS. Darmstadt: W.Buchgesellschaft, 1982. 277pp. wrapper. cover sl.soiled. 4,000 588 NODA (R.) DICONARIO JAPONES-PORTUGUES. Tokyo: Yuhikaku, 1963. 2 vols. 4,500 589 NOLDEKE (T.) KURZGEFASSTE SYRISCHE GRAMMATIK. Bearbeitet von A.Schall. Darmstadt: W.Buchgeselischaft, 1977. xxxiv,401pp. spine rabel rubbed & cover sl.stained. 590 NORRICK (N.R.) HOW PROVERBS MEAN. Semantic Studies in English Proverbs. Berlin: Mouton pub., 1985. 213pp. dw. 591 8,000 NOTER (,VUILLERMOZ (P.) & LECUYER (H.) DICTIONNAIRE DES SYNONYMES. P.U.F., 1990. 283pp. sm.8vo. pb. 592 2,620 NYEIN (U TUN) THE STUDENT'S ENGLISH-BURMESE DICTIONARY. With suppliment. Rangoon: Daily Gazette Press, 1955. 991+130pp. sm.4to. fore-edges foxed. 593 6,300 7,350 NYROP (Kr.) GRAMMAIRE HISTORIQUE DE LA LANGUE FRANCAISE tome I. Histoire Generale de la Langue Francaise Phonetique Historique. Copenhague: Gyldendalske Boghandel, n.d. Quatrieme Edition Revue par les Soins de P.Laurent. 594pp. Roy.8vo. 594 6,300 O'LEARY (DE.L.) COMPARATIVE GRAMMAR OF THE SEMITIC LANGUAGGES. Amsterdam:Philo perss,1969. xv,280pp. scrached. 6,000 - 44 - 595 O.E.D.: SIMPSON (J.) & WEINER (E.)(Ed.) OXFORD ENGLISH DICTIONARY ADDITIONS SERIES. Oxford C.P., 1993-97. 3 Vols. lar.8vo. dw. fine set. 596 12,600 OGDEN (C.K.) & RICHARDS (I.A.) THE MEANING OF MEANING. A Study of the Influence of Language upon Thought and of the Science of Symbolism. With Supplementary Essays by B.Malinowski and F.G.Crookshank. London: Routledge, 1952. xxii,361pp. fore-edges spotted. 597 Tenth Ed(2nd Imp.) 3,990 OIZUMI (A.) A CLASSIFIED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WRITINGS ON ENGLISH PHILOLOGY AND MEDIEVAL ENGLISH LITERATURE. based on A.Oizumi's Collection. Tokyo: Nanun-Do, 1966. 108pp. a bit scratched on earlier pages. 598 3,000 ONIONS (C.T.)(Ed.) THE OXFORD DICTIONARY OF ENGLISH ETYMOLOGY. with the Assistance of G.W.S.Friedrichsen & R.W.Burchfield. Oxford C.P., 1966. reprinted. xvi,1024pp. lar.8vo. dw(chipped). sl.foxing. exlibrary. 599 4,720 ONIONS (C.T.)(Revised & Ed.) THE OXFORD UNIVERSAL DICTIONARY ILLUSTRATED. An Illustrated Edition of the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary. Prepared by W.Little, H.W.Fowler, J.Coulson. Oxford C.P., 1968. 3rd Ed.,Revised & Addenda. 2 vols. 4to. bit foxed. top edge gilt. 600 5,500 OUHALLA (J.) FUNCTIONAL CATEGORIES AND PARAMETRIC VARIATION. Routledge, 1991. 240pp. 601 9,240 OZTOPCU (K.) & etc.: DICTIONARY OF THE TURKIC LANGUAGES. English:Azerbaijani, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Tatar, Turkish, Turkmen, Uighur, Uzbek. Routledge, 1996. xvi,361pp. Roy.8vo. 602 15,000 PADLEY (G.A.) GRAMMATICAL THEORY IN WESTERN EUROPE 1500-1700, The Latin Tradition. Cambridge U.P., 1976. 290pp. lar.8vo. dw. 603 PALMATIER (R.A.) A DESCRIPTIVE SYNTAX OF THE ORMULUM. Janua Linguarum Series Pratica 74. Hague: Mouton, 1969. 137pp. 4to. wrapper. 604 13,650 6,800 PALMER (A.S.) FOLK-ETYMOLOGY. A Dictionary of Verbal Corruptions or Words perverted in Form or Meaning by False Derivation or Mistaken Analogy. (N.Y.:H.Holt,1890) Johnson Reprint Corp., 1969. xxviii,664pp. bit foxing. 605 PARRET (H.)(Ed.) HISTORY OF LINGUISTIC THOUGHT AND CONTEMPORARY LINGUISTICS. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1976. 816pp. Lar.8vo. in dust-case. 606 6,000 10,290 PARRET (H.),SBISA (M.) & VERSCHUEREN (J.)(Ed.) POSSIBILITIES AND LIMITATIONS OF PRAGMATICS. Proceedings of the Conference on Pragmatics, Urbino, July 8-14, 1979. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1981. 854pp. lar.8vo. 607 9,240 PARTRIDGE (E.) A DICTIONARY OF CATCH PHRASES. British and American, from the Sixteenth Century to the Present Day. London: R & KP, 1977. 278pp. sm.4to. dw. text fine. 3,670 - 45 - 608 PARTRIDGE (E.) A DICTIONARY OF SLANG AND UNCONVENTIONAL ENGLISH. Colloquialisms and Catch-phrases Solecisms and Catachreses Nicknames Vulgarisms and such Americanisms as have been naturalized. Edited by P.Beale. R & KP, 1982. One Volume Edition. xxi,1528pp. Roy.8vo. dw. fine. 609 6,300 PARTRIDGE (E.) A DICTIONARY OF SLANG AND UNCONVENTIONAL ENGLISH. Colloquialisms and Catch-phrases Solecisms and Catachreses Nicknames Vulgarismus and such Americanisms as have been naturalized. London: Routledge & K.Paul, 1974. 2 vols. 4to. dw. fore-edges sl.foxing. 610 8,190 PARTRIDGE (E.) FROM SANSKRIT TO BRAZIL. Vignettes and Essays upon Languages. N.Y.: Books for Libraries Press, 1969. 146pp. cover bit faded. 611 3,150 PARTRIDGE (E.) NAME INTO WORD. Proper names that have become common property. A Discoursive Dictionary. Tokyo: Meirin Shuppan, 1985. 2nd ed., revised & enlarged. 648pp. in publisher's slip case. sl.foxing. 612 5,000 PATEMAN (T.) LANGUAGE IN MIND AND LANGUAGE IN SOCIETY. Studies in Linguistic Reproduction. Oxford C.P., 1987. 194pp. dw. bit spotted. 613 6,090 PATILLON (M.) LA THEORIE DU DISCOURS CHEZ HERMOGENE LE RHETEUR. Essai sur les structures linguistiques de la rhetorique ancienne. Les Belles Lettres, 1988. 412pp. Roy.8vo. wrapper. cover bit soiled. 614 6,000 PAUL (L.) GESCHICHTE DER GRAMMATIK IM GRUNDRISS. Weinheim: Beltz, 1978. 591pp. 5,250 615 PELZER (A.) ABREVIATIONS LATINES MEDIEVALES. supplement au Dizionario di Abbreviature Latine ed Italiane de A.Cappelli. Louvain/Paris, 1966. Deuxieme Ed. 86pp. 12mo. wrapper. 4,200 616 PHILLIPS (E.) THE NEW WORLD OF WORDS. Or, Universal English Dictionary. containing an account of the original proper sense, and various significations of all hard words derived from other Languages...London: J.Phillps, 1720. 7th Ed. unpagented. Folio. contemporary full calf. rebacked. 617 150,000 PIAGET (J.) et CHOMSKY (N.) THEORIES DU LANGAGE THEORIES DE L'APPRENTISSAGE. Paris; Editions du seuil,1979. 532pp. 618 3,000 PIATTELLI-PALMARINI (M.)(Ed.) LANGUAGE AND LEARNING. The Debate between Jean Piaget and Noam Chomsky. Harvard U.P., 1980. xxxvi,409pp. lar.8vo. dw. 4,200 619 PIERON (H.) VOCABULAIRE DE LA PSYCHOLOGIE. P.U.F., 1963. 524pp. lar.8vo. dw. 3,670 620 PLEIADE: GRACQ (J.) OEUVRES COMPLETES. 1: Edition etablie par Bernhil Boie. Gallimard: l989. cr,8vo.1447pp. orginal binding. in the slip-cae. - 46 - 6,000 621 POLHEIM (K.K.)(Hrsg.) LITERATUR AUS OSTERREICH OSTERREICHISCHE LITERATUR. Ein Bonner Symposion. Bonn: Bouvier, 1981. 241pp. lar.8vo. 622 4,200 POP (S.) LA DIALECTOLOGIE Apercu historique et methodes d'enquetes linguistiques. I:Dialectologie Romane. II:Dialectologie non Romane. Louvain: C.L'Auteur, ca.1950. 2 vols. Roy.8vo. wrapper. spine sl.rubbed. 623 12,600 POSTAL (P.M.) ON RAISING: One Rule of English Grammar and Its Theoretical Implications. MIT Press, 1974. 447pp. lar.8vo. dw. exlibrary(stamped on title & top edge). 624 4,200 POUTSMA (H.) A GRAMMAR OF LATE MODERN ENGLISH for the use of Continental, Especially Dutch, Students. Part II The Parts of Speech. Section I, A Nouns, Advectives and Articles. Section I, B Pronouns and Numerals. Groningen: P.Noordhoff, 1914/16. 2 vols. lar.8vo. cover bit soiled. 625 9,240 POUTSMA (H.) A GRAMMAR OF LATE MODERN ENGLISH for the use of Continental. Especially Dutch, Students. Part I The Sentence. Sectioon I The Elements of the Sentence. Groningen: P.Noordhoff, 1904. 812pp. lar.8vo. cover soiled. 626 6,090 POUTSMA (H.) A GRAMMAR OF LATE MODERN ENGLISH Part I.The Sentence, Second Half:The Composite Sentence. Groningen: P.Noordhoff, 1929. 2nd Ed. 545-1057pp. foreedges sl.foxed. 627 5,040 POUTSMA (H.) A GRAMMAR OF LATE MODERN ENGLISH. Part I:The Sentence, First Half & Second Half. Part II:The Parts of Speech, I A & I B. and Section II. (Groningen: P.Noordhoff, 1914,1916,1926,1928,1929.2nd Ed.) Tokyo: Senjo reprint. reprint. 2 parts in 5 vols. lar.8vo. with dust cover. exlibrary stamped on endpaper. 628 28,000 POWELL (S.)(Ed.) NEW PERSPECTIVES ON MIDDLE ENGLISH TEXTS. A Festschrift for R.A.Waldron. D.S.Brewer, 2000. 190pp. lar.8vo. 629 8,190 PRICE (G.) ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE LANGUAGES OF EUROPE. Blackwell, 2000. xvii,499pp. Roy.8vo. pb. small stamped. 630 6,090 PRICE (H.T.) A HISTORY OF ABLAUT IN THE STRONG VERBS From Caxton to the End of the Elizabethan Period. Maryland: McGrath pub., 1970. reprinted. 200pp. edges sl.foxing. 5,250 631 PROCTER (P.)(Ed.) LONGMAN NEW UNIVERSAL DICTIONARY. Essex: Longman, 1982. xxvi,1158pp. sm.4to. dw. 632 9,000 QUATREMERE (E.) MELANGES D'HISTOIRE ET DE PHILOSOGIE ORIENTALE. Precedes d'une notice sur 'auteur par Barthelemy Saint-Hilaire. Paris: E.Ducrocq. (ca,1870) xxxii,414pp. original wrappers. exlibrary copy. 633 9,000 QUIRK (R.),GREENBAUM (S.),LEECH (G.) & SVARTVIK (J.) A COMPREHENSIVE GRAMMAR OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Index by D.Crystal. London: Longman, 1985. 1779pp. roy.8vo. dw. 12,000 - 47 - 634 QUITARD (P.-M.) DICTIONNAIRE ETYMOLOGIQUE, HISTORIQUE ET ANECDOTIQUE DES PROVERBES et des Locutions Proverbiales de la Langue Francaise. Geneve: Slatkine, 1968. xv,701pp. lar.8vo. wrapper. 635 7,350 RADLOFF (W.) VERSUCH EINES WORTERBUCHES DER TURK-DIALECTE. Mit einem Vorwort von Omeljan Pritsak.(German/Russian) St. Petersburg 1863 reprinted. Hague: Mouton & Co, 1960.Second Ed, 4 Vols. Roy.8vo. 636 RAMIREZ (S.F.) GRAMATICA ESPANOLA. 3.2.El Pronombre. 4.El Verbo Y La Oracion. Arco/Libros, 1986,87. Segunda Ed. 2 vols. paperback. 637 4,720 RAY (S.H.) A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE MELANESIAN ISLAND LANGUAGES. (Cambridge U.P., 1926) AMS Press, 1978. 6 maps. xv,598pp. fore-edges spotted. 638 52,500 10,500 RENAN (E.& H.) LETTRES INTIMES 1842-1845. Precedees de Ma S.Henriette par Ernest Renan. Paris: Calmann Levy, 1896. Deuxieme Ed. 408pp. wrapper. foxing. spine damaged. 3,000 639 RENKLIYILDIRIM (O.)(General Ed.) LONGMAN-METRO BUYUK INGILIZCE-TURKCE-TURKCE SOZLUK. Metro/Longman, 1993. English-Turkish Ed. xxxxi,1760pp. a thick vol. 640 REULAND (E.J.) & MEULEN (A.G.B.ter)(Ed.) THE REPRESENTATION OF (In)DEFINITENESS. MIT Press, 1987. 344pp. lar.8vo. dw. 641 6,000 4,000 REY (A.) DICTIONNAIRE HISTORIQUE DE LA LANGUE FRANCAISE. Paris: Dictionnires le Robert, 1993. Nouvelle ed. 2 vols. 1155 & 1156-2383pp. 4to. original green cloth with dust-cover. in the box. good. 642 18,000 RICHELET (P.) DICTIONNAIRE FRANCOIS Contenant les mots et les choses, plusieurs nouvelles remarques sur la langue francoise. Hildesheim: G.Olms, 1973. 2 Bande in 1. 480,560pp. lar.8vo. 643 29,400 RICOEUR (P.) THE RULE OF METAPHOR. Multi-disciplinary studies of the creation of meaning in language. translated by R.Czerny. Univ of Toronto, 1975. 385pp. dw. felt pen underlined. 644 3,000 RICOEUR (P.) THE RULE OF METAPHOR. Multi-disciplinary tudies of the creation of meaning in Language. Routledge,1978. viii,384pp. dw. 645 5,500 RIVERS (I.) REASON, GRACE, AND SENTIMENT. A Study of the Language of Religion and Ethics in England, 1660-1780. Volume 1.Whichcote to Wesley. Cambridge U.P., 1991. 277pp. lar.8vo. dw. 646 8,400 ROCA (I.M.)(Ed.) THEMATIC STRUCTURE Its Role in Grammar. Berlin: Foris pub., 1992. 325pp. lar.8vo. 647 8,190 RODALE (J.I.) THE NAME-WORD FINDER. Including Metaphor Finder Sophisticated synonyms. (Rodale,1953) Tokyo: Meirin Shuppan, 1985. 1325pp. lar.8vo. fine. - 48 - 4,720 648 ROSS (A.S.) & MOVERLEY (A.W.) THE PITCAIRNESE LANGUAGE. Andre Deutsch, 1964. 269pp. a small stamp on title. 3,500 649 ROSS (J.F.) PORTRAYING ANALOGY. Cambridge U.P., 1981. 244pp. dw. 6,300 650 ROSS (J.R.) INFINITE SYNTAX! New Jersey: Ablex pub., 1986. xxi,312pp. lar.8vo. private stamped. 651 ROTZOLL 10,500 (E.) DIE DEMINUTIVBILDUNGEN IM NEUENGLISCHEN. Unter Besonderer Berucksichtigung der Dialekte. -Anglistische Forschungen, Heft 31.- Heidelberg: C.Winter, 1910. 329pp. lar.8vo. wrappers. stamped. 652 6,000 RUCKERT (H.) GESCHICHTE DER NEUHOCHDEUTSCHEN SCHRIFTSPRACHE. Leipzig: Weigel, 1875. 2 Bde in 1. 653 9,450 RUDENBERG (W.) CHINESISCH-DEUTSCHES WORTERBUCH. Hamburg: Cram, de Gruyter, 1963. Dritte erweiterte, vollig neu bearbeitete Auflage von H.O.Stange. xx,821pp. sm.4to. fore-edges sl.foxing. 654 42,000 S.O.E.D.: ONIONS (C.T.)(Revised & Edited) THE SHORTER OXFORD ENGLISH DICTIONARY. On Historical Principles. prepared by W.Little,H.W.Fowler & J.Coulson. Oxford C.P., 1972. 3rd Ed. revised with addenda. xxi,2515pp. 4to. dw. bit spotted. 655 12,000 S.O.E.D.: STEVENSON (A.)(Ed.) SHORTER OXFORD ENGLISH DICTIONARY On Historical Principles. Oxford U.P., 2007. Sixth Edition. 2 vols. 4to. dw. in publisher's case. clean. 15,000 656 S.P.E. TRACTS. I-LXVI. Tokyo: Senjo, n.d. 4 vols. text fine. in slip case. 657 SACY (Antoine-Isaac Silvestre de) PRINCIPES DE GRAMMAIRE GENERALE, MIS A LA PORTEE DE ENFANS, et propres a servir d'introduction a L'etude de toutes les langues. F.frommann,1975. 366pp. cr.8vo. 658 3,000 SALVA (V.) GRAMATICA DE LA LENGUA CASTELLANA. Segun Ahora se Habla. Estudio y sdicion de M.Lliteras. Arco/Libros, 1988. 2 vols. paperback. 659 12,600 6,300 SANDERS (D.) WORTERBUCH DER DEUTSCHEN SPRACHE. Unveranderter Photomechanischer Nachdruck der Ausgabe Leipzig 1876. Mit Erganzungs Band. Tokyo: Sansyusya Verlag, 1968. 2. unveranderter Abdruck. 4 Bde(Text & Erganzungs). 4to. half calf. calf sl.rubbed. 25,000 660 SANDERS (D.)(Hrsg.) ZEITSCHRIFT FUR DEUTSCHE SPRACHE. Zweiter Jahrgang. Hamburg: J.J.Richter, 1889. 544pp. spine rubbed. text is clean. 661 5,040 SANSOM (G.B.) AN HISTORICAL GRAMMAR OF JAPANESE. Oxford: Ox.C.P, 1928. xiv,347pp. 12,000 - 49 - 662 SANSON (G.B.) AN HISTORICAL GRAMMAR OF JAPANESE. Oxford C.P., 1928. xiv,347pp. 15,000 663 SAPIR (E.): GOLLA (V.)(Ed.) AMERICAN INDIAN LANGUAGES 2. The Collected Works of Edward Sapir VI. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1991. 559pp. Roy.8vo. fine. 664 4,000 SAUMJAN (S.K.) PRINCIPLES OF STRUCTURAL LINGUISTICS. Translated from the Russian. Hague: Mouton, 1971. 359pp. 4to. dw. 665 6,300 SCHAAR (C.) CRITICAL STUDIES IN THE CYNEWULF GROUP. Lund; C.W.K.Gleerup,1949. 337pp. wrapper. sl. spotted. top of spine sl. chipped. 666 3,000 SCHACHT (S.) THE DICTIONARY OF EXCEPTIONS TO RULES OF RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. N.Y.: American Elsevier, 1968. xxvi,196pp. lar.8vo. dw. 667 3,500 SCHAFF (A.) LANGAGE ET CONNAISSANCE. suivi de six essais sur la philosophie du langage. Traduit du polonais par C.Brendel. anthropos paris, 1969. 372pp. pb. 668 3,670 SCHATZ (J.) ALTHOCHDEUTSCHE GRAMMATIK. Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1927. viii,352pp. lar.8vo. 669 6,300 SCHEIDEGGER (J.) ARBITRAIRE ET MOTIVATION EN FRANCAIS ET EN ALLEMAND. Examen critique des theses de Charles Bally. Editions Francke Berne, 1981. 130pp. lar.8vo. wrapper. uncut. 670 4,200 SCHEMANN (H.) & KNIGHT (P.) GERMAN-ENGLISH DICTIONARY OF IDIOMS. Idiomatik Deutsche-Englisch. Routledge, 1995. xxxvii,1253pp. Roy.8vo. dw. fine. 671 21,000 SCHUTZEICHEL (R.) DIE GRUNDLAGEN DES WESTLICHEN MITTELDEUTSCHEN. Studien zur Historischen Sprachgeographie. Tubingen: Max Niemeyer, 1961. liv,336pp. lar.8vo. wrapper. spine sl.foxing. 672 7,140 SCHWEIZER (E.) GRAMMATIK DER PERGAMENISCHEN INSCHRIFTEN. Beitrage zur Laut-und flexionslehre der Gemeingriechischen sprache. Weidmann, 2003. viii,212pp. wrapper. 6,090 673 SEIDENADEL (C.W.) THE FIRST GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE SPOKEN BY THE BONTOC IGOROT. With a Vocabulary and Texts, Mythology folk-lore historical eposodes songs. Chicago: The Open Court Publishing Co., 1909. First ed, with frontispiece and 12 plates showing 23 illustrations from photographs plus one mounte photograph on page 481. 4to. xxiv,589pp. original dust-cover. very good. 674 35,000 SEILER (H.) RELATIVSATZ, ATTRIBUT UND APPOSITION. I.Teil:Relativsatz, Attribut und Apposition als Problem der allgemeinen Syntax. II.Teil:Die Relativkonstruktionen im Awestischen (mit Ausblicken auf andere O.Harrassowitz, 1960. 213pp. Roy.8vo. wrapper. - 50 - indogermanische Sprachen) Wiesbaden: 6,300 675 SETHAPUTRA (So)(Compiled) NEW MODEL THAI-ENGLISH [&] ENGLISH-THAI DICTIONARY. Thai: Watana Panich Press, 1965 & 1991. 4 vols(each 2 parts). 4to. Thai-English without dj. 676 15,000 SEUREN (P.A.M.) WESTERN LINGUISTICS An Historical Introduction. Blackwell, 1998. xv,570pp. Roy.8vo. pb. small stamped. 677 SHANNON (C.E.) & WEAVER (W.) THE MATHEMATICAL THEORY OF COMMUNICATION. Illinois U.P., 1949. First Ed. 117pp. sl.foxing. 678 5,040 6,300 SHAW (W.A.) AN ANALYSIS OF THE GALIC LANGUAGE. London: Printed for the Author by W.& A.Strahan, 1778. 156pp. 4to. original text in recent spine calf with marbled boards. rebound. 679 73,500 SHINTANI (T.) BOH BLU EDE-YUAN-ZA PONE TU VUNG EDE-VIET-NHAT. Tokyo: ILCAA, 1981. 448pp. 4to. 680 5,000 SHIPLEY (J.T.) THE ORIGINS OF ENGLISH WORDS. A Discursive Dictionary of Indo-European Roots. Johns Hopkins U.P., 1984. xxxii,636pp. lar.8vo. dw. 681 SHIROKOGOROFF (S.M.) A TUNGUS DICTIONARY. Tungus-Russain and Russian-Tungus. Photogravured from the manuscripts. Tokyo: Minsokugaku kyokai,1944. Folio. 682 12,600 SMITH (E.C.) NEW DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN FAMILY NAMES. N.Y.: Harper & Row, 1973. xxix,570pp. Roy.8vo. dw. fore-edges sl.foxing. 685 3,500 SKEAT (W.W.) AN ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Oxford C.P., 1968. xvi,780pp. 4to. ex-library. sl.spotted. 684 45,000 SHORTO (H.L.), JACOB (J.M.) & SIMMONDS (E.H.S.) BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF MON-KHMER AND TAI LINGUISTICS. compiled. London: Oxford U.P., 1963. 87pp. Roy.8vo. scratched. 683 6,300 4,000 SMITH (G.)(Founded in 1882) THE DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY. The Concise Dictionary Part I.From the Beginnings to 1900. Part II.1901-1950. Oxford U.P., 1953/61. 2 vols. lar.8vo. sl.foxing. vol.2 stamped. 686 SOANES (C.) & STEVENSON (A.)(Ed.) CONCISE OXFORD ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Oxford U.P., 2006. 11th Ed.,Revised. xx,1708pp. lar.8vo. dw. 687 8,400 4,500 SOMMER (E.)(Ed.) SIMILES DICTIONARY. A Collection of More Than 16,000 Comparison Phrases from Ancient Times to the Present Compiled from Books, Folklore, Magazines, Newspapers, Plays, Politics, Stage, Screen, and Television and Arranged Under More Than 500 Thematic Categories. Michigan: Gale Research Com., 1988. First Ed. xlviii,950pp. Roy.8vo. fore-edges spotted. exlibrary. 688 4,750 SONNINO (L.A.) A HANDBOOK TO SIXTEENTH-CENTURY RHETORIC. London: R & KP, 1968. ix,278pp. dw. 7,140 - 51 - 689 SPECHT (E.K.) SPRACHE UND SEIN. Untersuchungen zur sprachanalytischen Grundlegung der Ontologie. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1967. 155pp. spine bit faded. 690 4,000 SPITZER (L.) ESSAYS IN HISTORICAL SEMANTICS. N.Y.: S.F.Vanni, 1948. xviii,316pp. lar.8vo. 8,190 691 STABLER,JR.(E.P.) THE LOGICAL APPROACH TO SYNTAX. MIT Press, 1992. xiv,433pp. Roy.8vo. dw. 692 6,000 STAMMLER (W.) WORT UND BILD. Studien zu den Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Schrifttum und Bildkunst im Mittelalter. Berlin: E.Schmidt, 1962. 192pp. lar.8vo. dw. 693 3,990 STARNES (DE.T.W.T.) & NOYES (G.E.) THE ENGLISH DICTIONARY FROM CAWDREY TO JOHNSON 1604-1755. New edition with an introduction and a select bibliography by G.Stein. John Benjamins pub., 1991. cxi,299pp. lar.8vo. 694 6,300 STEGER (H.)(Hrsg.) VORSCHLAGE FUR EINE STRUKTURALE GRAMMATIK DES DEUTSCHEN. Wege der Forshching Band CXLVI. Darmstadt: W.Buchgesellschaft, 1970. xxii,585pp. sm.8vo. 695 2,940 STEINER (G.) LANGUAGE AND SILENCE ESSAYS 1958-1966. Faber & Faber, 1967. 454pp. dw. 696 4,200 STEINGASS (F.) A COMPREHENSIVE PERSIAN - ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Including the Arabic Words and Phrases to be met with in Persian Literature. being Johnson and Richardson's Persian, Arabic, and English Dictionary Revised, Enlarged, and Entirely Reconstructed. Routledge/Iran U.P., 1995. 9th Imp. 1539pp. sm.4to. 697 8,400 STEMANN (I.) DANISH A Practical Reader. In Collaboration with A.Macdonald & N.Haislund. Copenhagen: H.Hagerup, 1953. 2nd Ed. 287pp. spine cloth with boards. text sl.foxing. 3,990 698 STENZEL (J.) PHILOSOPHIE DER SPRACHE. Munchen: Druck,n.d.,116pp. wrapper. 699 STEUERWALD (K.) TURKISCH-DEUTSCHES WORTERBUCH. TURKCE-ALMANCA SOZLUK. Wiesbaden: O.Harrassowitz,1972. xii,1057pp. Roy8vo. spine sl.soiled. 700 3,000 10,000 STEVENSON (R.C.) & EVELETH (F.H.)(Revised & Enlarged) JUDSON'S BURMESE-ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Rangoon: Baptist Board of pub., 1953. Unabridged Centenary Ed. 1123pp. lar.8vo. ex-library. 701 5,500 STOELKE (H.) DIE INKONGRUENZ ZWISCHEN SUBJEKT UND PRADIKAT IM ENGLISCHEN UND IN DEN VERWANDTEHeidelberg: C.winters,1916. 101pp. wrapper. 702 3,000 STRATMANN (F.H.) A MIDDLE-ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Containing Words Used by English Writers from the Twelfth to the Fifteenth Century. Oxford U.P., 1992. a New Ed., Rearranged,Revised,& Enlarged by H.Bradley. xxiii,708pp. roy.8vo. sl.spotted. - 52 - 8,400 703 STRAUSS (E.)(Collected) DICTIONARY OF EUROPEAN PROVERBS. London: Routledge, 1994. 3 vols. lar.8vo. in publisher's case. 704 18,900 SUMMERS (D.)(Ed.) LANGUAGE ACTIVATOR. The World's First Production Dictionary. Longman, 1994. 2nd Imp. 1587,B1-11.pp. lar.8vo. dw. 705 5,000 SUMMERS (J.)THE RUDIMENTS OF THE CHINESE LANGUAGE. WITH DIALOGUES EXERCISES AND A VOCABULARY. London: B.Quaritch,1864. ii,159pp. original orange cloth. sl.rubbed. 706 25,000 SWEET (H.) THE STUDENT'S DICTIONARY OF ANGLO-SAXON. (1896) Oxford C.P., 1973. xvi,217pp. dw. 707 4,200 SZEMERENYI (O.J.L.) INTRODUCTION TO INDO-EUROPEAN LINGUISTICS. Translated from Einfuhrung in die vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft 4th edition, 1990 with additional notes and references. Oxford C.P., 1996. xxxii,352pp. lar.8vo. dw. 708 TALMY (L.) TOWARD A COGNITIVE SEMANTICS. Volume I:Concept Structuring Systems. MIT press, 2000. 565pp. Roy.8vo. dw. 709 12,600 4,200 TANIGUCHI (J.) A GRAMMATICAL ANALYSIS OF ARTISTIC REPRESENTATION OF IRISH ENGLISH. with A Brief Discussion of Sounds and Spelling. Tokyo: Shinozaki Shorin, 1972. Revised & Enlarged Ed. xii,419pp. dw. in case. ex-library stamped on endpaper. 710 TANZ (C.) STUDIES IN THE ACQUISITION OF DEICTIC TERMS. Cambridge Studies in Linguistics 26. Cambridge U.P., 1980. 184pp. lar.8vo. dw. 711 15,000 TAYLOR (J.L.) A PORTUGUESE-ENGLISH DICTIONARY. with corrections and additions by the Author & P.C.Martin. Stanford U.P., 1984. Revised. xx,655pp. lar.8vo. 713 8,400 TAYLOR (T.J.) LINGUISTIC THEORY AND STRUCTURAL STYLISTICS. Pergamon Press, 1980. 111pp. 715 4,200 TAYLOR (J.R.) POSSESSIVES IN ENGLISH. An Exploration in Cognitive Grammar. Oxford C.P., 1996. 368pp. lar.8vo. dw. small stamped. 714 3,150 TAYLOR (D.J.)(Ed.) THE HISTORY OF LINGUISTICS IN THE CLASSICAL PERIOD. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1987. 298pp. 712 6,090 4,200 TELLIER (A.) LES VERBES PERFECTO-PRESENTS ET LES AUXILIAIRES DE MODE EN GANGLAIS ANCIEN. (VIIIe S.- XVIe S.) Paris; C.Klincksieck, 1962. 359pp. roy,8vo. original wrappers. 5,000 716 TELLIER (C.) LICENSING THEORY AND FRENCH PARASITIC GAPS. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic pub., 1991. xiv,213pp. lar.8vo. 717 15,000 TERNES (E.) EINFUHRUNG IN DIE PHONOLOGIE. Darmstadt: W.Buchgesellschafts, 1987. xii,252pp. paperback. 2,940 - 53 - 718 THATCHER (V.S.) & McQUEEN (A.)(Ed.) THE WEBSTER ENCYCLOPEDIC DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE and Compendium of Usable Knowledge. Chicago: Consolidated Book pub., 1969. 972,352,151,111,etc.pp. 4to. a thick vol. dw(rubbed). 719 5,000 THOMAS (M.J.) & etc.: CONFERENCES FAITES A LA SORBONNE A L'OCCASION DU 2e CENTENAIRE DE L'ENCYCLOPEDIE du 3 Mars au 28 Avril 1952. Paris, Octobre 1952. 267pp. Roy.8vo. wrapper. 720 5,250 THRANE (T.) REFERENTIAL-SEMANTIC ANALYSIS. Aspects of a theory of linquistic reference. Cambridge Studies in Linguistics 28. Cambridge U.P., 1980. 256pp. lar.8vo. dw. 3,150 721 TILLEY (morris palmer) A DICTIONARY OF THE PROVERBS IN ENGLAND IN THE SIXTEENTH AND SEVENTEENTH CENTURIES. a collection of the proverbs found in english literature and the dictionaries of the period. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1950. First edition. xiii,854pp. lar.4to. original cloth. 722 32,000 TOLLER (T.N.) AN ANGLO-SAXON DICTIONARY Supplement. Based on the Manuscript collections of Joseph Bosworth. Oxford U.P., 1955. 768pp. 4to. cover bit wear. text sl.spotted. 723 15,000 TOWNSON (M.) MOTHER-TONGUE AND FATHERLAND. Language and Politics in German. Manchester U.P., 1992. 255pp. dw. near fine. 5,040 724 TRUBETZKOY (N.S.) PRINCIPLES OF PHONOLOGY. Translated by Christiane A.M.Baltaxe. California U.P., 1971. 2nd printing. 344pp. lar.8vo. exlibrary. 6,300 725 TURNER (R.L.) A COMPARATIVE AND ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY OF THE NEPAL LANGUAGE. With Indexes of All Works Quoted from Other Indo-Aryan Languages. London: Kegan Paul, 1931. xxiii,935pp. lar.4to. 45,000 726 TWADDELL (W.F.) THE ENGLISH VERB AUXILIARIES. Providence: Brown University Press. 1960. 21pp. original wrappers. 3,000 727 URBAN (W.M.) LANGUAGE AND REALITY. The Philosophy of Language and the Principles of Symbolism. And Remarks on the Essay on the Antiquity of the Irish Language. London: G.Allen & Unwin, 1961. 755pp. dw. stamped & spotted. 728 3,000 URDANG (L.) & ABATA (F.R.) LOANWORDS DICTIONARY. A Lexicon of More than 6500 words and Phrases Encountered in English Contexts. That are Not fully Assimilated into English and Retain a Measure of their Foreign Orthography, Pronunciation, or Flavor. Gale Research, 1988. xviii,324pp. lar.8vo. fine copy. 729 URDANG (L.)(Ed.) VERVATIM: Volumes I & II, III & IV, V & VI & Index:Vols.I-VI. Michigan: Verbatim Books Gale research, 1978. 4 vols. 730 5,040 5,000 VALLANCEY (C.) A GRAMMAR OF THE IBERNO-CELTIC OR IRISH LANGUAGE. Dublin: Marchbank, l773. First ed, 4to. li,192pp.contemporary full leather. a joint detached. 45,000 - 54 - 731 VAN DIJK (T.A.)(Ed.) HANDBOOK OF DISCOURSE ANALYSIS Volume 3. Discourse and Dialogue. Academic Press, 1985. xix,251pp. lar.8vo. 732 9,240 VAN DIJK (T.A.)(Ed.) HANDBOOK OF DISCOURSE ANALYSIS. 1.Disciplines of Discourse. 2.Dimensions of Discourse. 3.Discourse and Dialogue. 4.Discourse Analysis in Society. Academic Press, 1985. 4 vols. lar.8vo. fine. 733 45,000 VERNIERE (P.) LUMIERES OU CLAIR-OBSCUR? Trente essais sur Diderot et quelques autres. P.U.F., 1987. 334pp. lar.8vo. wrapper. 734 6,300 VERRIER (P.) LE VERS FRANCAIS. formes primitives developpement - diffusion. TOME II: LES METRES. Paris; H.Didier,1932.325pp. lar.8vo. wrapper. 735 3,000 VIELLIARD (J.) BIBLIOTHEQUE DE L'ECOLE DES HAUTES ETUDES PUBLIEE SOUS LES AUSPICES DU MINISTERE DE L'INSTRUCTION PUBLIQUE SCIENCES HISTORIQUES ET PHILOLOGIQUES Deux cent cinquante et unieme fascicule Le Latin des Diplomes Royaux et Chartes Privees de L'Epoque Merovingienne. Paris: lib.Anc.Honore Chanpion, 1927. xx,262pp. Roy.8vo. original wrapper in modern cloth. scratched. 736 VOLKELT (J.) GEWISSHEIT UND WAHRHEIT. 6,000 Untersuchung der Geltungsfragen als grundlegung der Erkenntnistheorie. Munchen: c.H.beck'sche, 1930. 579pp. lar.8vo. dw. 4,200 737 WACKERNAGEL (J.) KLEINE Wissenschaften zu Gottingen. SCHRIFTEN. Gottingen: Herausgegeben Vandenhoeck von & der Ruprecht, Akademie der 1969. 2., unveranderte Auflage. 3 bde. 1905pp. sm.4to. 2parts in slipcases. 80,000 738 WALES (K.) A DICTIONARY OF STYLISTICS. Longman, 1989. 504pp. lar.8vo. dw. 739 WARRACK (A.)(Compiled) CHAMBERS SCOTS DICTIONARY. with an intro.and dialect maps by W.Grant. W.& R.Chambers, 1987. xvii,717pp. dw. text foxing. 740 3,670 WAUGH (L.R.) A SEMANTIC ANALYSIS OF WORD ORDER. Position of the Adjective in French. Leiden: E.J.Brill, 1977. 231pp. lar.8vo. 742 3,150 WARTBURG (W.von) & ZUMTHOR (P.) PRECIS DE SYNTAXE DU FRANCAIS CONTEMPORAIN. Berne: A.Francke, 1947. 356pp. 741 5,250 4,200 WEBSTER (N.) AN AMERICAN DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. With an Introduction by M.Pei. Johnson Reprint Corporation, 1970. 2 vols. 4to. exlibrary stamped on endpaper. fore-edges sl.foxing. 743 13,650 WEBSTER (N.) AN AMERICAN DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Intended to Exhibit...To which are Prefixed, an Introductory Dissertation on the Origin, History & Connection of the Languages of Western Asia and of Europe, and a Concise Grammar of the English Language. Tokyo: Kodansha Ltd., 1976. Facsimile from first Edition. (N.Y.,1828) 2 vols. 4to. half calf. private stamped. - 55 - 26,250 744 WEBSTER (N.) WEBSTER'S THIRD NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY. Unabridged and Seven Language Dictionary. Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1993. 3 vols. folio. original black cloth. 745 8,000 WEBSTER (N.): MORTON (H.C.) THE STORY OF WEBSTER'S THIRD. Philip Gove's Controversial Dictionary and its Critics. Cambridge U.P., 1994. xv,332pp. lar.8vo. dw(spine faded). bit sc. 746 3,670 WEEKLEY (E.) AN ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY OF MODERN ENGLISH. A-K., L-Z.N.Y: Xosd pub,1967. 2 Vols. Roy.8vo. Paperback. 747 3,000 WEINREICH (U.) LANGUAGES IN CONTACT Findings and Problems. New York, 1953. xii,148pp. lar.8vo. spine sl.faded. 748 4,200 WEISSENBURG (O.von): KELLE (J.) EVANGELIENBUCH I.Text und Einleitung. II.Die Formenund Lautlehre der Sprache Otfrids. III.Glossar der sprache Otfrids. Aalen: Otto Zeller, 1963. Nachdruck der Ausgabe 1856,69,81. 3 vols. Roy.8vo. bit spotted. 749 WELLS (C.J.) GERMAN: A LINGUISTIC HISTORY TO 1945. Oxford C.P., 1985. 591pp. dustcover. 750 25,000 11,000 WENDT (G.) SYNTAX DES HEUTIGEN ENGLISCH. 1.Die wortlehre. 2.Die Satzlehre.Heidelberg: C.Winter, 1911/14. 2 Bde. xii,328pp + viii,279pp. wrapper. 751 WENTWORTH (H.)(Ed.) AMERICAN DIALECT DICTIONARY. 6,090 Meicho-Fukyu-kai, xv,747pp. 3/4 modern leather. in case. stamped. 752 5,250 WHEELER (M.) THE OXFORD RUSSIAN-ENGLISH DICTIONARY. General Editor B.O.Unbegaun. Oxford C.P., 1984. 2nd Ed. 930pp. lar.8vo. dw. 754 3,500 WEXLER (K.) & CULICOVER (P.W.) FORMAL PRINCIPLES OF LANGUAGE ACQUISITION. MIT Press, 1980. xvii,647pp. lar.8vo. dw. 753 1981. 4,500 WHITING (B.J.) PROVERBS, SENTENCES, AND PROVERBIAL PHRASES. From English Writing Mainly Before 1500. Belknap Press of Harvard U.P., 1968. li,733pp. sm.4to. dw(bit chipped). 755 6,300 WHITNEY (W.D.) SANSKRIT GRAMMAR. Including both the Classical Language, and the other Dialects, of Veda and Brahmana. Harvard U.P., 1960. xxv,551pp. lar.8vo. top of spine 1cm tear. 756 3,000 WILSON (F.P.)(Revised) THE OXFORD DICTIONARY OF ENGLISH PROVERBS. with an Introduction by J.Wilson. Oxford C.P., 1979. 3rd Ed. Reprinted. xv,930pp. lar.8vo. dw. 3,150 757 WINTERICH (J.T.) EARLY AMERICAN BOOKS & PRINTING. Boston: H.Mifflin, 1935. First Ed. with illusts. 253pp. with dust-cover. 6,300 - 56 - 758 WITTGENSTEIN (L.): BOGEN (J.) WITTGENSTEIN'S PHILOSOPHY OF LANGUAGE. Some Aspects of its Development. London: R & KP, 1972. 244pp. with dust cover. 4,000 759 WOLF (G.)(Ed.) NEW DEPARTURES IN LINGUISTICS. N.Y.: Garland, 1992. 266pp. 5,770 760 WOLSEY (T.): CAVENDISH (G.) THE LIFE AND DEATH OF CARDINAL WOLSEY. Edited by R.S.Sylvester. Early English Text Society No.243. London: Oxford U.P., 1961. xli,304pp. 3,150 761 WRIGHT (E.M.) RUSTIC SPEECH AND FOLK-LORE. Oxford U.P., 1914. 2nd Impression. xx,341pp. original blue cloth. ex-library. 762 7,500 WRIGHT (J.) THE LIFE OF JOSEPH WRIGHT. By Elizabeth Mary Wright. London: Oxford U.P., 1932. 2 vols. Roy.8vo. original blue cloth. cover sl.stained. 763 23,100 WRIGHT (W.) A GRAMMAR OF THE ARABIC LANGUAGE. Translated from the German of Caspari and Edited with Numerous Additions and Corrections by W.Wright. Cambridge U.P., 1951. 3rd Ed. Revised by W.R.Smith & Goeje. 2 vols. fore-edges spotted. 764 WUNDERLICH (H.) & REIS (H.)(Dargestellt) DER DEUTSCHE SATZBAU. J.G.Cotta'sche, 1924. Dritte, vollstandig umgearbeitete Auflage. 2 Bde. dw. 765 15,750 Stuttgart: 8,000 WUNDT (W.) VOLKERPSYCHOLOGIE. Eine Untersuchung der Entwicklungsgesetze von Sprache, Mythus und Sitte. Band.1 & 2:Die Sprache Teil.1 & 2, Mit 40 & 6 Abbildungen. Aalen: Scientia Verlag, 1975. Neudruck der 3. Auflage Leipzig 1911. 2 vols. (of 10) Roy.8vo. cover sl.soiled. otherwise fine. 766 18,900 YAMAGUCHI (H.)(Ed.) A READER'S GUIDE TO ANGLIA. A Classified General Index to volumes I-XLV with Explanatory Notes & Quotations. Tokyo: Shinozaki Shorin, 1966. 320pp. a bit scratched on title. 767 4,200 YERKES (D.)(Intro.) WEBSTER'S NEW UNIVERSAL UNABRIDGED DICTIONARY. N.Y.: Barnes & Noble, 1992. 1854pp. 4to. dw. 768 4,500 YOUNG (G.) AN ENGLISH PROSODY ON INDUCTIVE LINES. Cambridge U.P., 1928. xiv,296pp. the Mark that a cockroach ate the surface of a cover. text is good condition. 769 6,820 ZINGARELLI (N.)(Compilato) VOCABOLARIO DELLA LINGUA ITALIANA. Illustrato. Bologna: N.Zanichelli, 1953. 1723pp. dw. sl.foxing. 4,200 ◆◆◇◇ LITERATURE ◇◇◆◆ 770 A LADY, ANCIENT BALLADS: selected from percy's collection; with explanatory notes, taken from different authors, for the use and entertainment of Young Persons. London; vrnon hood,1807. 2 engraved plates.211pp. contemprary full calf with marbled boards. 8,500 - 57 - 771 ADAMS (G.P.) & MONTAGUE (WM.P.)(Ed.) CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN PHILOSOPHY. Personal Statements. London: G.Allen, 1930. First Ed. 2 vols. 772 5,250 AIKIN (A.) THE ANNUAL REVIEW AND HISTORY OF LITERATURE for 1802-1808. Travels,History,Politics,Classics,Biography,Medicine, Science, Philosophy, Natural history, Novels and Romance, etc. London: T.N.Longman. 7 vols. lar.8vo. full velum. 55,000 773 ALAIN: PROPOS SUR LE BONHEUR. Paris: Gallimard, 1928. 277pp. cr.8vo. wrapper. 3,000 774 ALEXANDER (S.) PHILOSOPHICAL AND LITERARY PIECES. Edited with a Memoir by his literary executor. London: Macmillan, 1939. viii,389pp. 775 4,200 ALIZER (A.) SELF AND SYMBOLISM IN THE POETRY OF MICHELANGELO, JOHN DONNE, AND AGRIPPAD'AUBIGNE.Hague: M.Nijhoff,1973. xi,117pp. pb. 776 4,000 ALLEN (B.S.) TIDES IN ENGLISH TASTE (1619-1800). A Background for the Study of Literature. N.Y:Pageant books,1958. 2 vols. original cloth. very good copy. 777 ALTIERI (C.) PAINTERLY ABSTRACTION IN MODERNIST AMERICAN 5,000 POETRY. The contemporaaneity of Modernism. Cambridge.U.P,1989. with illustrations. 329pp. dw. 3,000 778 AMIS (K.) THAT UNCERTAIN FEELING. A NOVEL. London: Victor gollancz,1958.254pp. cr.8vo. dw. edge sl.spoted. 779 3,000 AN ENGLISH GARNER: Stuart Tracts by C.H.Firth. Later Stuart Tracts by A.G.Aitken. Fifteenth Century Prose and Verse by A.W.Polland. Critical Essays and Literary Fragments by J.C.Collind. Elizabethan Sonnets by S.Lee(2 vols) Voyages and Travels by C.R.Beazley(2vols) Shorter Elizabethan Poems by A.H.Bullen. New York: Cooper Square Publishers, 1964. altogether 10 vols. 780 35,000 ANDERSEN (H.): PEDERSEN (V.) HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN. Hrsg.aus Anlass der 150. Wiederkehr seines Geburtstags. Kopenhagen: Det Berlingske Bogtrykkeri, 1955. with illustrations. 71pp. wrapper. 781 2,100 ANDERSEN (H.C) BILLEDBOG UDEN BILLEDER.Kjobenhavn: C.A. Reitzels. 1840. First ed, cr,8vo(16,5x11cm). 48pp. contemporary half calf. scarce. 782 450,000 ANDERSEN (H.C.) DIGTE.Kjobenhabn: Trykt paa forfatterens Forlag,hos E.H.Robert. 1830. First ed, cr,8vo(17,5x11,5cm). (vi),136pp.bound with original wrappers in full calf.some page foxing. scarce. 783 550,000 ANDERSEN (H.C.): PEDERSEN (V.) EVEENTYR OG HISTORIER. text ub _dabusg,Forlag: Gyldendalsskke, 1935. 2 Vols. b/w Illustrated by Pederson Vilhelm & Froelich Lorenzoriginal publisher's pictorial wrappers. 784 4,200 ANDERSEN (H.C.):SPINK (R.)(Trans) HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN. N.Y: Everyman's Library. 1992. b/w illustrations by Heath Robinson. 418pp. original red cloth. - 58 - 3,000 785 ANESAKI (M.) KATAM KARANIYAM. Lectures, Essays and Studies. Tokyo: Herald, 1934. 318pp. 786 6,300 APOLLINAIRE (G.) : CALLIGRAMMES. Gallimard,1945. Limited Ed. 204pp. cr.8vo. wrapper. 3,000 787 ARIES (P.) & DUBY (G.)(direction) HISTOIRE DE LA VIE PRIVEE. 1.De l'Empire romain a l'an mil. 2.De l'Europe feodale a la Renaissance. 3.De la Renaissance aux Lumieres. 4.De la Revolution a la Grande Guerre. 5.De la Premiere Guerre mondiale a nos jours. Seuil, 1985. 5 vols. sm.4to. with dust cover. 788 20,000 ARION PRESS: ABBOTT (A.) FLATLAND. A Romance of many dimensions. With a new introduction by R.Badbury. Produced in an accordion fold format, with diagrams, unusual typographic arrangement, and hand-colored cutout illustrations devised by A.Hoyem & Printed in an editionArion Press. 1980. Limited to 275 copies. signed by the Artist. with geometric illustrations have been hand Fine in aluminum covers and aluminum case with clasp and hige closure, 140,000 789 ARLAND (M.) CE FUT AINNSI. Gallimard,1979. 268pp. sm.8vo. wrapper. 3,000 790 ARLINGTON (L.C.) LE THEATRE CHINOIS. Depuis les Origines Jusqu'a nos Jours. Sources, Roles, Costumes, Grimages, Superstitions, Statuts, Argot de Scene, Legendes, Musique Orchestrale Instruments de Musique,... Peking: Henri Vetch Editeur, 1935. frontispiece and 115 coloured plates. 184,20pp. 4to. recent half morocco. 791 with 78,000 ASHTON (J.)(Collect.& Illust.) HUMOUR, WIT & SATIRE OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. London: Chatto and Windus, 1883. with numerous illusts. 454pp. cr.8vo. recent cloth. fine copy. 792 15,750 ASIMOV (I.): ASIMOV'S BIOGRAPHICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. The Living Stories of More than 1000 Great Scientists from the Age of Greece to the Space Age Chronologically Arranged by I.Asimov. Doubleday, 1964. 662pp. lar.8vo. dw. 793 ASPINALL (A.)(ED.) THREE EARLY NINETEENTH CENTURY DIARIES. London: Williams & Norgate, 1952. 402pp. sl.worn. 794 4,500 ASTON (W.G.) A HISTORY OF JAPANESE LITERATURE. London: W.Heinemann, 1907. . viii.402pp. original cloth. 795 6,000 AUDEN (W.H.) EPISTLE TO A GODSON. And Other Poems. London: Faber & Faber, 1973. 72pp. fine dw. 796 797 3,000 3,000 AUDEN (W.H.) EPISTLE TO A GODSON. And Other Poems. London: Faber & Faber, 1972. 72pp. dw. fine copy. 3,000 AUDEN (W.H.) FOR THE TIME BEING. Faber & Faber, 1946. 124pp. with dust cover. 3,000 - 59 - 798 AUDEN (W.H.) NONES. London: Faber & Faber, 1952. First Ed. 72pp. with dust cover. (spine sl. faded) near fine copy. 799 4,500 AUDEN (W.H.) SPAIN. London: Faber & Faber, 1937. First Ed. 2913 copies printed.12pp. red wrappers. sl. faded. scarce. 800 12,000 AUDEN (W.H.) THE AGE OF ANXIETY. A Baroque Eclogue. London: Faber & Faber, 1949. 126pp. with dust cover. 801 3,000 AUDEN (W.H.) THE DANCE OF DEATH. London: Faber & Faber, 1965. 38pp. with dust cover. 3,000 802 AUDEN (W.H.) THE DANCE OF DEATH. London: Faber & Faber, 1933. First Ed. 34pp. Original green boards (rubbed at head and foot of spine). Dust jacket (sl.chips). 803 AUDEN (W.H.) THE DYER'S HAND. And Other Essays. London: Faber & Faber, 1962. 527pp. dw. (spine faded) 804 6,300 AUDEN (W.H.) THE ENCHAFED FLOOD. Or The Romantic Iconography of the Sea. London: Faber & Faber, 1951. 126pp. with dust cover. spine darkned. endpaper spotted. 805 15,000 AUDEN (W.H.) & GARRETT (J.)(Ed.) THE POET'S TONGUE. London: G.Bell & Sons, 1952. 222pp. cr.8vo. dw.(sl. worn) 807 3,000 AUDEN (W.H.) & ISHERWOOD (C.) ON THE FRONTIER. A Melodrama in three Acts. London: Faber & Faber, 1939. 122pp. uncut. with dust cover. 808 3,000 AUDEN (W.H.) & ISHERWOOD (C.): Mendelson (E.)(Ed.) PLAYS And Other Dramatic Writings by W.H.Auden 1928-1938. Princeton.U.P,1988. xxxiii,,680pp. dw. 810 5,500 AUDEN (W.H.)& ISHERWOOD(C.)A TRAGEDY IN TWO ACTS THE ASCENT OF F6.London: Faber,N.d.,123pp. dw. clean copy. 812 5,500 AUDEN (W.H.): COLLECTED SHORTER POEMS 1930-1944. London: Faber & Faber, 1950. 303pp. with dust cover. 813 3,000 AUDEN (W.H.) & TAYLOR (P.B.) NORSE POEMS. London: Athlone Press, 1981. 256pp. roy.8vo. dw. as mew 811 3,000 AUDEN (W.H.) & ISHERWOOD (C.) ON THE FRONTIER. London: Faber & Faber, 1938. 123pp. with dust cover. cover wear. 809 3,000 AUDEN (W.H.) THE SHIELD OF ACHILLES. N.Y.: Random House, 1955. First US Ed.,84pp. with dust cover. fine copy. 806 12,000 3,000 AUDEN (W.H.): BLOOMFIELD (B.C.) W.H.AUDEN. A Bibliography. The Early Years through 1955. U.P.of Virginia, 1964. 171pp. 3,000 - 60 - 814 AUDEN (W.H.): CALLAN (E.) AN ANNOTATED CHECK LIST OF THE WORKS OF W.H.AUDEN. Denver: Alan Swallow, 1958. 25pp. 815 3,500 AUDEN (W.H.): CARPENTER (H.) W.H.AUDEN. A Biography. London: G.Allen & Unwin, 1981. 495pp. roy.8vo. dw. as new. 816 5,250 AUDEN (W.H.): HAFFENDEN (J.)(Ed.) W.H.AUDEN. The Critical Heritage. London: Routledge & K.P., 1983. 534pp. dw. fine copy, 817 3,000 AUDEN (W.H.): MENDELSON (E.) EARLY AUDEN. London: Faber & Faber, 1981. 407pp. roy.8vo. dw. 818 4,200 AUDEN (W.H.): MENDELSON (E.)(Ed.) THE ENGLISH AUDEN. Poems, Essays and Dramatic Writings 1927-1939. London: Faber & Faber, 1977. 469pp. roy.8vo. dw. almost fine 5,000 819 AUDEN (W.H.): MENDELSON (E.)(Ed.) W.H.AUDEN COLLECTED POEMS. London: Faber & Faber, 1976. 696pp. lar.8vo. dw. almost fine. 820 6,000 AUDEN (W.H.): MENDELSON (E.)(Select.) FORWORDS AND AFTERWORDS. W H AUDEN. London: Faber & Faber, 1973. 529pp. dw.very good 5,000 821 AUDEN (W.H.): SANJUST (F.)(Illust.) ACADEMIC GRAFFITI. London: Faber & Faber, 1971. First Ed. with 61 line drawing by Filippo Sanjust.120 pp. with dust cover. good. 4,000 822 AUDEN (W.H.): SPENDER (S.)(Ed.) W.H.AUDEN. A Tribute. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1975. many photographs. 255pp. 4to. 3,000 823 AVALLE (D.S.) AI LUOGHI DI DELIZIA PIENI. saggio sulla Lirica Italiana del XIII Secolo. Milano: Riccardo Ricciardi, 1977. 218pp. wrapper. private stamped. 4,000 824 BACON (F.): MANES VERULAMIANI. (1626) Edited by W.G.C.Gundry of the Middle Temple Barister at Law. the plates of which are reproduced in collotype by the kind permission of the British Museum. London: Chiswick press, 1950. Limited to 420 copies. 63pp. Roy.8vo. original cloth. 6,300 825 BAKER (M.)(Ed.) ROUTLEDGE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF TRANSLATION STUDIES. assisted by K.Malmkjaer. Routledge, 1998. xviii,654pp. Roy.8vo. dw(rubbed). 826 ballad: CHAMBERS (R.) THE POPULAR RHYMES OF SOCTLAND. chiefly collected from oral sources. Edinburgh: William Hunter,1826. xvi,319,4pp. cr.8v. uncut. original boards. spine repaired. 827 12,000 ballad: MONTGOMERIE (N. & W.) SANDY CANDY AND OTHER SCOTTISH NURSERY RHYMES. London:,1948. Illustrated by N.Montgomerie. 190pp. cr.8vo. 828 8,400 5,000 ballad: ASHTN (J.) MODERN STREET BALLADS. London: Chatto & Windus Piccadilly,1888. Limited to 100 copies.unnumbered. Large paper Ed. With 56 illustrations.engraved frontisRoy.8vo. (26.5 x 20cm) half vellum with boards. on hand made paper. - 61 - 38,000 829 ballad: BUCHAN (P.)ANCIENT BALLADS AND SONGS OF THE NORTH OF SCOTLAND. Hitherto unpublished with explanatory notes.Edinburgh: Printed for W & D.LAING and J.Stevenson.1828.First Ed. 2 vols.frontis contemporary 3/4 calf with marbled boards. gilt spine,marbled edge.nice binding. Vol 1. joint repaired. first few page spotted. other wise nice copy. 830 48,000 ballad: DAVIDSON (J.) BALLADS & SONGS, NEW BALLADS, THE LAST BALLAD AND OTHER POEMS. London: John Lane, 1894,97,99. First Ed. 3 vols. cr.8vo. original gilt decorated cover. 831 23,000 ballad: DAVIDSON (J.) FLEET STREET ECLOGUES. & SECOND SERIES. London,1893.1896. first Ed.2 Vols.Limited to 300 original cloth. 832 15,000 ballad: FARMER (J.S.)(Ed.,)NATIONAL BALLAD AND SONG. MERRY SONGS AND BALLADS Prior to the Year A.D.1800.Oxford,1897.5 vols.Privately printed on hand made paper.half vellum & boards. vol.3 label chipped. vol.1 sl.spotted. otherwise fine copy. 833 40,000 ballad: HALL (S.C.)(Ed.,)THE BOOK OF BRITISH BALLADS.London:J.How,1844. one of a few copies on India paper.336 full page and margin wood engravings. drawings by Tenniel,R.Dadd,B.Scott & other artists. Richard Dadd's and Sir John Tenniel's first commissions vi,442pp. Folio.(38 x 27cm) 3/4 morocco, all edges gilt.few page foxing. 85,000 834 ballad: HERD (D.):HECHT(H.)(Ed.,) SONGS FROM DAVID HERD'S MANUSCRIPTS. Edinburgh: W.J.Hay, 1904. one of 750 copies. printed on antique laid, deckle-edge paper.xii,348pp. half boards. uncut. 835 7,500 ballad: HOGG (J.) THE JACOBITE RELICS OF SCOTLAND. Being the Songs, Airs, and Legends, of the Adherents to the House of Stuart. Edinburgh: W.Blackwood, 1819. First ed. 836 xx,424pp. music in text. contemporary 3/4 calf over marbled boards. green calf label. slightly foxing. good copy. 20,000 ballad: KELLY (J.) A COMPLETE COLLECTION OF SCOTTISH PROVERBS. Explained and made intelligible to the English Reader.London: Rodwell & Martin,1818.255pp. sm.8vo. rebound in boards. clean copy. 837 35,000 ballad: MAIDMENT (J.): (MAIDMENT (J.)(Ed.,)SCOTISH ELEGIAC VERSES. With notes and an appendix of illustrative papers. Edinburgh:T.G.Stevenson,1842. one of 24 copies on large Paper.xliii,197pp. original cloth. label chipped. spine darknd. sl. spotted. 838 42,000 ballad: NICHOLS (B.): BROCK (H.M.)(illust)A BOOK OF OLD BALLADS. Selected and with an Introduction. London: Hutchinson, 1934. First Ed. delxe binding. 16full page colour illustrations. Black and white illustrations throughout. 279pp. 4to. (28.7 x 21.8cm) original quarer reversed calf gilt, patterned boards. top edges gilt. uncut. 839 28,000 ballad: SMIBERT (T.): (SMIBERT(THOMAS))RHYMING DICTIONARY FOR THE USE OF YOUNG POETS. With an essay on english Versification. Edinburgh: J.Hogg,N.d., c.1865.2nd Ed. 141pp. cr.8vo. original gilt stamped cloth. all edge gilt. top of spine sl. rubbed. - 62 - 15,000 840 BALZAC: MAUROIS (A.) PROMETHEE OU LA VIE DE BALZAC. Paris; Flammarion, 1974. b/w photographs. 697pp. lar.8vo. 841 3,000 BARHAM (R.H.) THE INGOLDSBY LEGENDS OR MIRTH & MARVELS. London: Richard Bentley, 1885. With fifty illustrations From Original by Criukshank, Leech, and Tenniel. 180pp. full calf with decorate spine. 842 25,000 BARHAM (R.H.) THE INGOLDSBY LEGENDS or Mirth and Marvels. London: George Routledge, 1894. Complete Edition with Reproductions of the Original Illustrations by Cruikshank and Leech. xv,607pp. 3/4 calf with marbled boards. decorate spine. marbled edges. 843 BARING (M.) DARBY AND JOAN. London:W.heinemann,1935. First Ed. signed by the Author. 247pp. original cloth. top of spine sl. tears. 844 3,000 BARRES (M.)POUR NOS EGLISES. Paris: Societe des trentee,1912. Limietd to 500 copies. 87pp. sm.8vo. wrapper. 847 3,000 BARRES (M.) AMORI ET DOLORI SACRUM. La Mort de Venise. Paris; F.Juven, viii,311pp. sm.8vo. wrapper. Spine sl. chipped. 848 3,000 BARRES (M.) VINGT-CINQ ANNEES DE VIE LITTERAIRE. Pages choisies. Introductin de Henri Bremond. Paris: Bloud,1908. lcii,442pp. sm.8vo. wrapper. 849 6,000 BARRES (M.)L'ESPRIT DE MAURICE BARRES. Paris: Albert Messein,1913.Limited to 400 copies. 71pp. cr.8vo. 846 3,800 BARNUM (P.H.) DIVES AND PAUPER. Volume I. Part 1 & 2, (The Early English Text Society no.275,No.280). Oxford U.P., 1976,1980. 2 Vols. 845 26,000 3,000 BAUDELAIRE (C.): POE (E.A.) LE CORBEAU,Precede de la Genese d'un poeme par Charles Baudelaireet sivi de la Methode de composition. texte anglais avec la traduction francaise de charles baudelaire. Paris: Leon pichon,1930. Limited to 20 copies. (no.18)57pp. 4to. original wrapper. 850 18,000 BAUDELAIRE: QUENNELL (P.) BAUDELAIRE AND THE SYMBOLISTS. London: Chatto & windus,1929. xi,221pp. original cloth sl. worn. with dust cover.(browned) 851 3,000 BAUMGARTNER (E.) LE TRISSTAN EN PROSE. Essai d'interpretation d'un roman medieval. Geneve: Droz,1975. 351pp. lar.8vo. wrapper. 5,000 852 BAWCUTT (P.) DUNBAR THE MAKAR. Oxford C.P., 1992. xiii,396pp. dw. 15,000 853 BAYLE (A.) POESIES CHOISIES DES TROUBADOURS du Xe au XVe Siecle. avec la traduction Litteraire en Regard Precedees D'un Abrege de Grammaire Provencale. Geneve: Slatkine reprints, 1974. 282pp. fore-edges foxing. 854 5,000 BECKETT (S.) THREE PLAYS. The Franklin library,1981. 277pp. full black gilt decoratively stamped leather. All edges gilt. 6,500 - 63 - 855 BEDE: CONNOLLY (S.) BEDE: ON TOBIT AND ON THE CANTICLE OF HABAKKUK. (Four courts) 97'5. 141pp. lar.8vo. near fine. 856 8,000 BEDIER (J.) LES FABLIAUX. Etudes de Litterature Populaire et D'histoire Litteraire du Moyen Age. Paris: E.Boullon,1895. 499pp. Roy.8vo. wrapper. 857 8,000 BEDIER (J.),HAZARD (P.) et MARTINO (P.) LITTERATURE FRANCAISE. Paris: Larousse, 1948. 2 Tomes. 565 gravures 6 hors-texte en couleurs. 4to. slip case. 12,000 858 BEERBOHM (M.) YET AGAIN. London: Heinemann, 1923. 306pp. sm.8vo. 859 BEHRENDS (F.)(Ed.& Translated) THE LETTERS AND POEMS OF FULBERT OF CHARTRES. Oxford C.P., 1976. xciii,297pp. dw. 860 3,000 10,500 BELL (H.I.) & SKEAT (T.C.)(Ed.) FRAGMENTS OF AN UNKNOWN GOSPEL AND OTHER EARLY CHRISTIAN PAPYRI. London: trustees,1935. 5 plates. vi,62pp. 4to. dw. 861 6,300 BELLOC (H.) & OTHERS, POEMS OF TO-DAY. An Anthology. By Beloc, Coleridge, Chesterton, Kipling, Merdith, Symons and Others. London: Sidwick & Jackson, 1926. 170pp. pictorial full calf. gilt top. 862 15,750 BENSON (R.) ZERO MINUS TEN. N.Y.: G.P.Putnam's, 1997. First American EditionBenson's inscription on flyleaf. 272pp. lar.8vo. dw. fine. 863 6,300 BEOWULF: CHAMBERS (R.W.) BEOWULF. An Introduction to the study of the Poem with a Discussion of the Stories of Offa and Finn. Cambridge U.P., 1932. 2nd Ed. xvi,565pp. lar.8vo. 864 4,500 BEOWULF: FULK (R.D.)(Ed.) INTERPRETATIONS OF BEOWULF. A Critical Anthology. Indiana U.P., 1991. 282pp. lar.8vo. pb. 865 3,000 BEOWULF: HEYNE (M.) & SCHUCKING (L.L.) BEOWULF. 1.Teil:Text & 3.Teil:Glossar. Hrsg.von Else von Schaubert. Paderborn: F.Schoningh, 1963/61. 2 vols(racked 2.Teil). wrapper. 866 3,000 BEOWULF: IRVING,JR.(E.B.) A READING OF BEOWULF. Yale U.P., 1969. 256pp. sm.8vo. 3,150 867 BERANGER (J.P.DE): WALSH (W.S.) BERANGER'S POEMS. in the Versions of the best translators. Philadelphia: J.B.Lippincott, 1889. with illustrations on steel. lar.8vo. 200pp. ex library. decorated cloth, 868 8,400 BERGK (T.) GRIECHISCHE LITERATURGESCHICHTE. Berlin: Weidmannsche, 1872. 4 Bde. spine bit tear. 869 35,000 BERNARDIN DE SAINT-PIERRE: PAUL ET VIRGINIE SUIVI DE LA CHAUMIERE INDIENNE. Paris: Lib.Delagrave, 1925. B/W illusts. 217pp. Roy.8vo. spine bit rubbed. text bit foxing. private stamped. 4,000 - 64 - 870 BERS (V.) GREEK POETIC SYNTAX IN THE CLASSICAL AGE. Yale.U.P,1984. 218pp. 871 BERTELSEN (L.) THE NONSENSE CLUB. Literature and Popular Culture, 1749-1764. Ox.C.P,1986. with illutrations. 322pp. dw. 5,000 872 BIBLE:THE DEVOTIONAL DIAMOND POCKET BIBLE. with notes and reflections by Rev.W.Gurney. London: J.JONES,(1821) numerous engravings. Thick (12.5 x 7cm ). full gilt stamped red morocco, spine with raised bands, cover gilt ruled with gilt rolled edges, gilt stamped inner dentelles, red endpaper, 45,000 873 BIBLE:THE HOLY BIBLE."Jerusalem bible".London: The British and foreign bible society ca.1935. Illustrated with photographs by Donald McLeish. thick (14 x 9cm). spine in gilt stamped dark blue leather. the upper and lower covers with geometric design of inlaid abalone and mother of pearl, blue silk bookmark. all edge gilt. beautiful binding. 98,000 874 875 8,400 BIBLE: QUARTO BREECHES JENEVE BIBLE: ( with 3 books in one volume). 1) THE BOOKE OF COMMON PRAYER. with the Psalter or Psalmes of David, of that translation which is appointed to be vsed in churches. (92)pp, 2) THE BIBLE: Translated According to the Ebrew, and Greeke, and Conferred with the Best Translation in Divers languages. London: Robert Barker. 1614. (New Testament with title page dated 1615) . (2),435,(4),554 leaves. 3) TWO RIGHT PROFITABLE AND FRUITFULL CONCORDANCES. or large and ample tables alphabeticall.The first containing the interpretation of the Hebrew,Caldean,Greeke,and Latine wordes, and names scatteringly dispersed throughout the whole Bible. London: Robert Barker. 1613. (164)pp. 4) THE WHOLE BOOKE OF PSALMES: Collected into English meeter,by Thomas Sternhold, Iohn Hopkins, and others conferred with the Hebrew, with apt notes to sing them withall. London: Printed (by J.Windet)for the Companie of Stacioners. 1615. (10),91,(11)pp.( end of 7 pages remend), London: Robert Barke. anno 1613. Roy,8vo (21x17cm) contemporary leather rebacked, with metal corners(three pieces lacking) & central ornament metals and Double metal clasps. 580,000 BIBLE: THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER. And administration of the Sacraments and other rites and ceremonies of the church. Oxford.U.P, N.d, C.1870 ?367pp.(india paper) 32mo. (10.5 x 7.8cm). all iivory. all edge gilt. original matching box. (tears) 876 42,000 BIBLE: THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER. Together with the Psalte metal monogram to front cover and metal cross & crown to rear cover; very good. London: Bible & Common prayer book society, (1850) 16mo. 187, 32pp. full decorated ivory. all edge gilt. crisp. 877 35,000 BIBLE: THE HOLKHAM BIBLE PICTURE BOOK. Introduction & Commentary by W.O.Hassall. London: The Dropmore Press, 1954. Limited to 100 copies. Signed by the W.O.Hassall. 193pp. folio. full pictorial morocco, gilt top. fine copy. 878 150,000 BIBLE: THE HOLY BIBLE: CONTAINING THE OLD AND NEW TESTAMENTS,Translated Out of the Original Tongues, with Cruden's Complete Concordance, Embracing Every Passage of Scripture in the Largest Editions.Philadelphia: A.J.Holman & co,1881. two-thousand intertextual and full page woodcut, steel-engraved, and lithographic illustrations, many in color,one folding. with 8 hisorical maaps in color and severaal leavesover 750pp. Lar.4to (29.2 x 23.5cm) .publisher's full morocco, gilt decoraated cover. - 65 - 189,000 879 BIBLE: THE HOLY SCRIPTURES OF THE OLD TESTAMENT Hebrew and English. Jerusalem: the bible society in Israel,1997.1475,418pp. india paper. as new. 880 12,000 BIBLE: THE NEW ENGLISH BIBLE. I.The New Testament. II.The Old Testament. III.The Apocrypha. Oxford U.P., 1970. 2nd Ed. 3 vols. half cloth with boards. fine set. 881 18,370 BIBLE: THE NEW ENGLISH BIBLE. With the Apocrypha. Oxford U.P., 1970. 1166,275, 336pp. sm.8vo. dw. 882 3,000 BIBLE: VOCABULAIRE DE THEOLOGIE BIBLIQUE. publie sous la direction de Xavier LeonDufour. Paris: CERF, 1971. Deuxieme Ed. 1399pp. sm.4to. cover sl.stained. 883 4,200 BIBLE: BROWN (J.) BROWN'S SELF-INTERPRETING FAMILY BIBLE, containing the Old and New Testaments; to which are annexed an extensive introduction; marginal references & illus;...with many additional references, illustrations, & maps. London: John murdoch,N.d.,(C.1870)lxxii,1123,102pp. 4to (32.5 x 26 cm). full decorated calf. with clisp.. 884 BIBLE: BUTTRICK (G.A.)(Ed.) 55,000 THE INTERPRETER'S BIBLE. in the King james and revised standdard versions with General arthicles and Introduction, Exegesis, Exposition for each book of the BibleNew York: Abingdon press, 1952-7. 12 vols. 4to. with dustcovers. 23,100 885 BIBLE: CHARLES (R.H.) THE APOCRYPHA AND PSEUDEPIGRAPHA OF THE OLD TESTAMENT IN ENGLISH. With Introductions and Critical and Explanatory Notes to the Several Books. I:Apocrypha.II:Pseudepigrapha. Oxford C.P., 1968. 2 Vols. 4to. with dust cover. Vol.2:o/p 18,000 886 BIBLE: EADIE (Rev.J.)(Ed.) THE NATIONAL COMPREHENSIVE FAMILY BIBLE. The Holy bible with the commentaries of Scott and henry and Containing also Many thousand Critical and explanatory notes. おいkClapham Junction: Gilpin & co. with illustrations. 1211,58pp. folio(33x26x9cm). full calf with metal clisp 887 BIBLE: GUTENBURG: FACSIMILE OF THE GUTENBURG BIBLE. (Bible in latin.) N.Y.: Brussel & Brussell,1968. 3 vols. folio. cream linen in slip case. fine copy. 888 45,000 75,000 BIBLE: HENRY (M.) MATTHEW HENRY'S COMMENTARY ON THE WHOLE BIBLE IN ONE VOLUME. Genesis to Revelation. Edited by L.F.Church. London: Marshall Morgan, 1977. 1204,784pp. roy.8vo. with dust cover. sl.foxed. 889 BIBLE: STRACK (H.L.) & BILLERBECK (R.) KOMMENTAR ZUM NEUEN TESTAMENT. Aus Talmud und Midrasch. Munchen: C.H.Beck, 1956. 5 Bde in 6. lar.8vo. with dust-cover. 890 55,000 BIBLE: WEBER (R.) BIBLIA SACRA VULGATA. Iuxta Vulgatam versionem. Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 1994. 1980pp. Cr.8vo. india paper. 891 4,090 6,000 BIBLE: WENHAM (J.W.) THE ELEMENTS OF NEW TESTAMENT GREEK. Based on the Earlier Work by H.P.V.Nunn. Cambridge Univ., 1970. 268pp. with dust cover. - 66 - 4,200 892 BINGHAM (J.M.)WRITERS FOR CHILDREN. Critical Studies of Major Authors Since the 17th century. N.Y: CScribner's, 1988.Second Printing. 661pp. 4to. with dust-cover. 893 BLAKE (W.) WILLIAM BLAKE'S LAOCOON. 8,000 A Last testament with related works on homers'Poetry and on Virgil the Ghost of ebel by G.Keynes. London: Trianon press, 1976. Limited to 438 copies. 11 plates. Roy.4to. half morocco. 894 45,000 BLAKE (W.): BAKER (C.H.C.) CATALOGUE OF WILLIAM BLAKE'S DRAWINGS AND PAINTINGS IN THE HUNTINGTON LIBRARY. San Marino: Huntington Library, 1963. 38 plates. 55pp. half boards. 895 3,000 BLAKE (W.): BENTLEY (G.E.)(Ed.) WILLIAM BLAKE. The Critical Heritage. London: R.& K.P., 1975. 294pp. 896 5,250 BLAKE (W.): BRUCE (H.) WILLIAM BLAKE IN THIS WORLD. London: Jonathan Cape, 1925. 11 illustrations. 234pp. title page light spotted. 897 4,000 BLAKE (W.): DUNBAR (P.) WILLIAM BLAKE'S ILLUSTRATIONS TO THE POETRY OF MILTON. Ox.C.P., 1980. 50 plates. 207pp. sm.4to. with dust cover. 898 4,500 BLAKE (W.): FOX (S.) POETIC FORM IN BLAKE'S MILTON. Princeton U.P., 1976. 242pp. dw. 3,000 899 BLAKE (W.): GARNETT (R.) WILLIAM BLAKE. Painter and poet. Haskell house,1971. 25 b/w illustrations. 80pp. sL. spotted. 5,250 900 BLAKE (W.): GLECKNER (R.F.) BLAKE AND SPENSER. J.Hopkins,1983. xi,403pp. dw. 4,000 901 BLAKE (W.): JUGAKU (B.) A BIBLIOGRAPHICAL STUDY OF WILLIAM BLAKE'S NOTEBOOK.Tokyo: Hokuseido,1953. 175pp. 4to. 902 BLAKE (W.): KING (J.) WILLIAM BLAKE HIS LIFE. London; Weidenfeld xviii,263pp. dw. 903 BLAKE (W.): LINDSAY (J.) WILLIAM BLAKE. His Life and Work. London: Constable, 1978. 3,150 BLAKE (W.): PALEY (M.D.) & PHILLIPS (M.)(Ed.) WILLIAM BLAKE.Essays in honour of Sir Geoffrey Keynes. Ox.C.P,1973. xiv,390pp. 4to. dw. 905 4,720 BLAKE (W.): PUNTER (D.)(Ed.) WILLIAM BLAKE. New Casebooks. (Macmillan) 1996. 221pp. dw. 907 6,000 BLAKE (W.): PERCIVAL (M.O.) WILLIAM BLAKE'S CIRCLE OF DESTINY. Octagon,1977. viii,334pp. 906 & nicolson,1991. 3,000 xvii,334pp. dw. 904 3,000 5,250 BLAKE (W.): SCHORER (M.) WILLIAM BLAKE. The Politics of Vision. N.Y.: Henry Holt, 1946. 524pp. with dust-cover. 4,720 - 67 - 908 BLAKE (W.): SLOSS (D.J.) & WALLIS (J.P.R.) THE PROPHETIC WRITINGS OF WILLIAM BLAKE. Ox.U.P., 1969. 2 vols. lar.8vo. dw. very good copy 909 8,000 BLAKE (W.): THOMPSON (E.P.) WITNESS AGAINST HE BEAST.WILLIAM BLAKE AND THE MORAL LAW. Cambridge.U.P,1993. xxi,234pp. dw. 910 BLAKE (W.): WICLSTEED (J.H.)WILLIAM BLAKE'S 3,000 JERUSALEM. Foreword G.Keynes.London, Trianon Press. 264pp. Roy.8vo. dw. 911 BLAKE (W.): WILSON (M.) THE LIFE OF WILLIAM BLAKE. London: Hart-davis,1948. xvi,425pp. dw. 912 3,000 BLANCHARD (J.) LE ROMAN DE TRISTAN EN PROSE. Les deux captivites de Tirstan. Paris: Klincksieck, 1976. 278pp. paperback. 913 4,000 BLUNDEN (E.) RECORDS OF FRIENDSHIP. Occasional & Epistolary Poems Written during Visits to Kyushu. Kyushu U.P,19-50. Limited to 200 copies. 33pp. cr.8vo. boards. 914 5,000 BLUNDEN (E.) THE BONADVENTURE, A Random Journal of an Atlantic Holiday. London: Cobden-Sanderson, 1922. First Ed. 192pp. sm.8vo. edge spotted. 915 3,000 BLUNDEN (E.) THE FACE OF ENGLAND. In a Series of Occasional sketches. London: Longmans,1932. First Ed.,xiv,178pp. cr.8vo. dw. fly leaf owner's sign. 916 by 4,500 4,000 BLUNDEN (E.) THE MIND'S EYE. London: J.Cape, 1934First Ed.284pp. dw.(sl. chipped) 3,000 917 BLUNDEN (E.) VOTIVE TABLETS. Studies Chiefly Appreciative of English Authors and Books. Lodon: Cobden-sanderson, 1931. First Ed. 367pp. dw.(spine faded) 918 4,200 BLUNDEN (E.): MILES (A.H.)(Ed.) THE POETS AND THE POETRY OF THE CENTURY. Frederick Tennyson to Arthur Hugh Clough. London: Hutchinson, n.d. Blanden's presentation copy. Signed. xii,624pp. cr.8vo. page darkned. top of spine rubbed. 919 11,000 BOCCACCIO (G.): DECAMERONE DI MESSER GIOVANNI BOCCACCIO. Guiglielmo Pickering: 1825. Fine set of the Pickering Italian Ed. 3 vols. engraved frontis portrait after Raphael & 9 engraved plates after Stothard. sm.8vo. full green morocco & decorated gilt. 920 300,000 BOCCACCIO (G.): IL DECAMERONE DI MESSER GIOVANNI BOCCACCIO. Riscontrato co' Migliori Testi e Annotato. Elegantemente Illustrato. Milano: Paolo Carrara, 1893. 2 vols. Roy.8vo. original cloth sl worn. Vol.2 spine little stained. page sl browned. 921 15,000 BOCCACCIO (G.): RIGG (J.M.)(Trans.) THE DECAMERON OF GIOVANNI BOCCACCIO. London: Henry F.Bumpus, 1906. 2 vols. With illust by Louis Chalon. 4to. full vellum. gilt top. nice copy. 922 45,000 BOCCACCIO: KELLY (W.K.)(Trans.) THE DECAMERON Or Ten Days' Entertainment. A Revised Translation. London: Henry G.Born, 1861. 545pp. Cr.8vo. joint weak. - 68 - 4,000 923 BOMPIANI (L.) LE NOUVEAU DICTIONNAIRE DES OEUVRES. De tous les temps et de tous les pays. bouquins collection dirigee par Guy Schoeller. Robert Laffont: 1994. 7 vols. sm.8vo. original wrappers in box. 924 BONNEFON (P.) 5,000 OEUVRES COMPLETES D'ESTIENNE DE LA BOETIE. Publiees avec notice biographique, variantes,notes et Index. Geneve: Slatkine,1967. 440pp. wrapper. 925 BOSWELL (J.): TINKER (C.B.) LETTERS OF JAMES BOSWELL. Oxford: Clarendon Pres.1924. First ed, 2 vols. xxii,(ii),20pp & xi,(i),271-550pp. original cloth. 926 8,000 BOUTIERE (J.) et SCHUTZ (A.H.) BIOGRAPHIES DES TROUBADOURS. Textes provencaux des XIIIe et XIVe siecles. Paris:Nizet,1973. lvii,641pp. wrapper. 927 4,500 BOYAJIAN (Z.C.) ARMENIAN LEGENDS AND POEMS. London: J.M.Dent & sons, 1958. full pae 12 colour illustrations. 194pp. 4to. dw (worn.). edge spotted. 928 5,000 BRANCA (V.)(A Cura di) RIMATORI DEL DOLCE STIL NUOVO. (Ristampa) Societa Editrice Dante Alighieri, 1971. 152pp. wrapper. private stamped. 929 BRAUN (F.) AUSGEWAHLTE DRAMEN. Salzburg: 3,000 Otto muller,1955,1960. 2 vols. 376,412pp. cr.8vo. dw. 930 6,000 6,300 BRECHT (B.) BERTOLT BRECHT WERKE. Grotze Kommentierte Berliner und Frankfurter Ausgabe Herausgegeben von W.Hecht, Jan Knopf, W.Mittenzwei, K.-D.Muller. Berlin: Aufbau-Verlag, 1989. 30 vols in 32 with Register band altogether 33 vols. complete set. with dust cover. nice set. 931 120,000 BRECHT (B.): GESAMMELTE WERKE. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1982. 20 Bde. 12mo. wrappers. 23,100 932 BREMOND (H.) HISTOIRE LITTERAIRE DU SENTIMENT RELIGIEUX EN FRANCE. Depuis La Fin Des Guerres de Religion Jusqu'a Nos Jours. preface de la nouvelle edition par rene Taveneaux. Paris: Lib.A.Colin, 1967. 11 vols. Roy.8vo. fore-edges bit spotted. 933 BRIDGES (R.) THREE FRIENDS, Memoirs of Digby Mackworth Dolben, Richard Watson Dixon, Henry Bradley. Ox U.P., 1932. First Ed. 243pp. sm.8vo. 934 7,350 BRIFFAULT (R.) LES TROUBADOURS ET LE SENTIMENT ROMANESQUE. Paris: Chene,1943. 211pp. wrapper. 935 4,500 BRIGGS (K.M.) PALE HECATE'S TEAM. Magic among Shakespeare's An Examination of the Beliefs on Witchcraft and Contemporaries and his London:Routledge,1962. 8 illusts.viii,291pp. with dust cover. 936 38,000 Immediate Successors. 12,600 BRIGGS (K.M.) THE ANATOMY OF PUCK. An Examination of Fairy Beliefs among Shakespeare's Contemporaries and Successors. London: Routledge. 1959. First ed, 284pp. with dust-cover.(small marked) 8,500 - 69 - 937 BRIGHT (W.) AMERICAN INDIAN LINGUISTICS AND LITERATURE. Berlin: Mouton, 1984. 159pp. bit color-pencil sc. 938 BRITISH CLASSICS 3,990 (THE): *VOL.1-4:TATLER(1803-4). *VOL.13-14:GUARDIAN(1804). 22:ADVENTURER(1809). *VOL.5-12:SPECTATOR(1812). *VOL.15-18:RAMBLER(1809). *VOL.23-24:IDLER(1810). *VOL.19- *VOL.25-27:DRAKE'S ESSAYS(1814). London: John Sharpe, 1803-14. 27 vols. 12mo. recent half morocco with marbled boards. boards edges sl.wear. ex-library. almost fine condition. 939 480,000 BROCH (H.) HERMANN BROCH BERGROMAN. Die drei Originalfassungen textkritisch hrsg.von F.Kress & H.A.Maier. Suhrkamp, 1969. 4 Bde. wrap. in case. 940 BRONTE (C.): SMITH (M.)(Ed.)JANE EYRE. Oxford english novels 5,250 Oxford.U.P,1973. xxxi,479pp. original green cloth. 941 3,000 BROOKE (S.A.) THE HISTORY OF EARLY ENGLISH LITERATURE. Being the History of English Poetry from its Beginnings to the Accession of King Aelfred. London: Macmillan, 1892. First ed, 2 vols. original cloth. sl.foxing. nice copy. 942 4,000 BROWN (T.) & KENNELLY (B.)(Selected & introduced) IRISH PROSE WRITINGS: Swift to the Literary Renaissance. In association with Trinity College Library Press,1921) Tokyo: Hon-No-Tomosha, 1992. 23 vols in 24. 943 Dublin. (Tulbot 78,000 BROWNING (Elizabeth Barrett) SONNETS FROM THE PORTUGUESE. WITH INTRODUCTION AND NOTES BY CHARLOTTE PORTER AND HELEN A.CLARKE. N.Y: T.Y.Crowell,1947. 58pp. with slip case. 944 3,000 BROWNING (R.): THE WORKS OF ROBERT BROWNING. With introductions by F.G.Kenyon. London: Smith,Elder, 1912. The Centenary Ed. 10 vols. Limited to 26 copies on Japanese vellum. lar.8vo. dw. 945 399,000 BRUNETIERE (F.) MANUEL DE L'HISTOIRE DE LA LITTERATURE FRANCAISE. Paris: Delagrave,1897. viii,531pp. wrapper. 946 4,500 BUCKLAND-WRIGHT (Illust): BOCCACCIO (G.) THE DECAMERON. Translated by Richard Aldington. Westminster: The Folio Society. 1954. 2 vols. with aquatints by BucklandWright. 4to. full ivory leather. top edge gilt. slip case. 947 BULLEN (J.B.) THE PRE-RAPHAELITE BODY. Fear and desire in painting, poetry and criticism. Oxford C.P., 1998. 248pp. dw. 948 9,500 BURNEY (F.): HEMLOW (J.)(Ed.) FANNY BURNEY. Aelected Letters and Journals. Ox.C.P,1986. xx,366pp. dw. 949 10,500 4,200 BURNEY (Fanny): HEMLOW (J.)(Ed.) THE JOURNALS AND LETTERS OF FANNY BURNEY. (Madame D'Arblay) Oxford C.P., 1972-1984. 12 vols. with dust jacket. - 70 - 150,000 950 BURNS (R.): MEMORIAL CATALOGUE OF THE BURNS EXHIBITION. Held in the Galleries of the Royal Glasgow Institute of the Fine Arts 175 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow from 15th July till 31st October, 1896. Glasgow: Published by William Hodge, 1898. Limited to 400 copies. with illusts. 506pp. 4to. recent cloth. 951 31,500 BURNS (R.): WILSON (J.) SCOTTISH POEMS OF ROBERT BURNS. In his Native Dialect. Ox.U.P,1926. 364pp. back cover worn. dw.(browned) 952 6,000 BURNS: AINSLIE (H.) A PILGRIMAGE TO THE LAND OF BURNS AND POEMS. London: A.Gardner,1892. xxxv,367pp. title page spotted. 953 5,250 BURTON (R.): THE ANATOMY OF MELANCHOLY. What it is with all the Kinds, Causes, Symptomen, Prognostickes & Several Cures of it, In Three Parttions Philosophically, Medicinally, Historically, Opened and Cut up by Deomocritvs Jvnior. London: The Nonesuch Press, 1925. 2 vols. Limited to 750 copies. Illustrated by E.M.Kauffer. lar.4to. original half parchment & marbled boards. spine sl.worn. 954 57,700 BUSH (D.) ENGLISH LITERATURE IN THE EARLIER SEVENTEENTH CENTURY 1600-1660. Oxford C.P., 1979. 621pp. dw. clean copy. 955 5,000 BUSHNELL (O.A.)(A Novel) THE LAST DAYS OF CAPTAIN COOK. London: Chatto & Windus, 1957. 252pp. dw. fore-edges sl.foxing. 956 3,000 BUTLER (S.) THE POETICAL WORKS OF SAMUEL BUTLER. A revised Edition with Memoir and Notes by R.B.Johnson. London: G.Bell,1893. 2 vols. original red cloth. spine darkned. 957 6,300 BUTLER (S.) THE POETICAL WORKS OF SAMUEL BUTLER. London, Bell & Daldy, 1866. 2 vols. cr.8vo. full calf. fine binding. 958 9,450 BUTLER (S.): JONES (H.F.) SAMUEL BUTLER. Author of Erewhon (1835-1902) A Memoir. Octagon Books, 1968. 2 vols. lar.8vo. bit spotted. 959 BYRON (L.) MANFRED. Ein Dramatisches Gedicht 3,000 von George Gordon. Muchen: Hyperionverlag, 1912. Limited to 100 copies. 140pp. 4to. marbled boards. in slip-case, worn tears. 960 25,000 CADET (C.) LE MONOLOGUE MODERNE. Paris; Paul Ollendorff,1881. Illustrations de Luigi Loir. 43allegrissime ilustration.34pp. cr.8vo. 961 15,000 CAMOENS (Luis de) REIMPRESSOES. I. OS LUSIADAS. Reprinted from the Edition First 1572. Lisboa: 1921. 187,50pp. lar.8vo. original wrapeprs. worn. uncut. title page browned. 13,000 962 CAMOENS: STORCK (W.) LUIS' DE CAMOENS. SAMMTLICHE GEDICHTE. Zum Ersten Male Deutsch. Paderborn: Druck, 1880. 6 Bde. cr.8vo. full morocco. in slip-case. decorative binding. 60,900 - 71 - 963 CAMPBELL (J.L.)(Ed.) HIGHLAND SONGS OF THE FORTY-FIVE. Edinburgh: Grant,1933.xxxvi,327pp. original cloth. dw.(sl. chipped browned) 964 CARLYLE (T.): COLLECTED WORKS. Library Edition. London: Chapman & Hall, 1869-82. 34 vols. 3/4 dark-red morocco. morocco sl.chipped. 965 John 8,000 367,500 CARLYLE (T.): FROUDE (J.A.) THOMAS CARLYLE A History of the First Forty Years of His Life 1795-1835. & A History of His Life in London 1834-1881. N.Y.: C.Scribner's, 188284. 4 vols. cr.8vo. original cloth. fly leaf owner's stamped. 966 CARLYLE (T.): RALLI (A.) GUIDE TO CARLYLE. London: G.Allen & Unwin, 1920. First ed, 2 vols. 967 4,000 CARLYLE (Thomas) THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. London: The Folio Society, 1989. 3 vols. lar.8vo. in slip case. 968 12,600 16,000 CARROLL (L.): COLLINGWOOD (S.D.)(Ed.) THE LEWIS CARROLL PICTURE BOOK. A Selection from the Unpublished Writings and Drawings of LEWIS CARROLL, Together with Reprints from Scaece and Unacknowledged Work. London: T.F.Unwin, 1899. First Ed. portrait frontispiece and 23 illustrations, including 11 further photographic portraits375pp. original red cloth gilt top and title. 969 29,400 CATHER (W.) SHADOWS ON THE ROCK. 280pp. N.Y., A.Knopf, 1931. First Ed. 280pp. spine faded. 970 5,500 CATHER (W.S.) THE SONGS OF THE LARK. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1915. First Ed. 489pp. Cr.8vo. title page small stamped. 971 4,200 CAWOOD (J.) THE ECLOGUES OF ALEXANDER BARCLAY FROM THE ORIGINAL EDITION. Edited by B.White. Ox.U.P,1960. lxv,272pp. 3,000 972 CHAMSON (A.) LA NEIGE ET LA FLEUR. Gallimard,1951. First Ed. 356pp. wrapper. 6,300 973 CHAPELAIN (A.Le) TRAITE DE L'AMOUR COURTOIS. Traduction, Introduction et Notes par C.Buridant. Paris: Klincksieck, 1974. 260pp. lar.8vo. pb. sl.foxing. 974 3,000 CHAUCER (G.): THE COMPLETE WORKS OF GEOFFREY CHAUCER. Edited from Numerous Manuscripts by the Rev. Walter W.Skeat. Oxford C.P., 1952. 2nd Ed. 7 vols. fore-edges bit foxing. exlibrary. 975 15,000 CHAUCER (G.): THE WORKS OF GEOFFREY CHAUCER. Stratford: Shakespeare Head Press, 1928. Globe ed, 8 vols. Imperial 8vo. hand made paper. spine cloth with boards. 976 250,000 CHAUCER (G.): THE WORKS OF GEOFFREY CHAUCER. A Facsimile of the William Morris Kelmscott Chaucer. Cleveland: World Pub., 1958. with the original 87 illusts by E.BurneJones. xix,554pp. folio. with dust cover.(sl.chipped) - 72 - 42,000 977 CHAUCER (G.): PEARCY (R.J.)(Ed.) STUDIES IN THE AGE OF CHAUCER. Oklahoma U.P., 1979. 12 vols. lar.8vo. cover sl.foxing. 978 42,000 CHAUCER (G.): SKEAT (W.W.)(Ed.) THE WORKS OF GEOFFREY CHAUCER. Oxford C.P., n.d. 2nd Edition. 7 vols. Original Cloth. dw. 979 63,000 CHAUCER: THE CANTERBURY TALES OF GEOFFREY CHAUCER. London: P.L.Waarner. Published to the Medici Society Ltd,1913. 3 vols. Limited to 500 copies. Illustrated after drawings by W.R.flint. full vellum. 4to. 980 150,000 CHAUCER: BENNETT (H.S.) CHAUCER AND THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY. OX.C.P,1979. 348pp. dw. 981 3,000 CHAUCER: BOYD (B.) CHAUCER AND THE MEDIEVAL BOOK. Huntingtobn Library,1973. xi,165pp. dw. 982 3,000 CHAUCER: KITTREDGE (G.L.) OBSERBATIONS ON THE LANGUAGE OF CHAUCER'S TROILUS. New York; Russell & Russell. 1969. 426pp. original blue cloth. 983 5,000 CHAUCER: KITTREDGE (G.L.) THE DATE OF CHAUCER'S TROILUS AND OTHER CHAUCER MATTERS. New York: Russell & Russell. 1969. 82pp. original blue cloth. 984 3,000 CHESTERFIELD (The Earl Of) LETTERS TO HIS SON. With topical headings and a special introduction by Oliver H.G.Leigh. N.Y: Dingwall-rock,1925. 2 Vols. original cloth. vol.1 inner hinge craqcked. good copy. 985 10,500 CHESTERTON (G.K.) THE SWORD OF WOOD. London: Elkin Mathews & Marrot. 1928. First ed, Limited to 530 copies,signed by the Author. 25,(i)pp. original boards with fine dustwrapper. 986 38,000 CHIKAMATSU: Miyamori(A.)(Trans.) Shakespeare. Revised by Robert Nichols. London: K.Paul, 1926. with 74 illustrations. MASTERPIECES OF CHIKAMATSU. 359pp. lar.8vo. fine copy. 987 The Japanese 15,000 CHISWICK PRESS: MORRIS (W.) A TALE OF THE HOUSE OF THE WOLFINGS AND ALL THE KINDREDS OF THE MARK WRITTENIN PROSE AND IN VERSE BY WILLIAM MORRIS. London:Longmans Green ,1901.Limited to 300 copies. Printed at the Chiswick Press with the Golden type designed by the Kelmscott Press. hand-made papers. 162pp. 4to.(29.3 x 21.5cm). gull decorated morocco. very good binding. 988 150,000 CHRISTS (W.von) GESCHICHTE DER GRIECHISCHEN LITTERATUR. unter mitwirkungen von Otto Stahlin von Wilhelm Schmid. Erster Teil: Klassische Periode der Griechischen Litterature. Munchen: C.H.Beck, 1908. 5 Auflage. 716,235pp. roy.8vo. 989 4,800 CLARK (S.) THE ELIZABETHAN PAMPHLETEERS. Popular Moralistic Pamphlets 1580-1640. London: Fairleigh Dickinson U.P., 1983. 320pp. lar.8vo. - 73 - 3,000 990 CLARK-KENNEDY (A.E.) THE LONDON. A Study in the Voluntary Hospital System. *The First Hundred Years 1740-1840 *The Second Hundred Years 1840-1948. Pitman Medical, 1962. 2 vols. leaf inscribed. 991 9,500 CLARKE (A.) THE COLLECTED POEMS OF AUSTIN CLARKE. With an Introduction by P.Colum. London: G.Allen, 1936. 319pp. dw. edge worn. sl. light spotted. 992 CLASSE (O.)(Ed.) ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LITERARY TRANSLATION INTO ENGLISH. London: Fitzroy Dearborn, 2000. 2 vols. lar.4to. fine. 993 38,000 COLERIDGE (S.T.) NOTES, THEOLOGICAL POLITICAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. London: E.Moxon,1853xii,419pp. cr.8vo. original blind stamped. cloth. 994 5,000 13,650 COLLIER (J.) A SHORT VIEW OF THE IMMORALITY AND PROFANENESS OF THE ENGLISH STAGE. Together with The Sense of Antiquity upon this Argument. London: Printed for S.Keble, R.Sare, & H.Hindmarsh, 1698. 3rd Ed. 288pp. 12mo. rebound in recent cloth. 18,000 995 COLLIER (J.) GREEN THOUGHTS. With a Frontispiece by E.Wolfe and a foreword by O.Sitwell, Being No 12 of the Furnival Books, London: The Furnival books,William Jackson Books. 1992. Limited to 500 copies, signed by the Author. roy,8vo. 56pp. buckram. 996 COLLIER (J.P.) ILLUSTRATIONS OF OLD ENGLISH LITERATURE. (1866) New York: B.Blom, 1966. Reprint Ed. 3 vols. lar.8vo. 997 3,000 9,450 COLONIA (Dominique de) DICTIONNAIRE DES LIVRES JANSENISTES ou qui Favorisent le Jansenisme. Geneve: Slatkine reprints, 1968. Reimpression de l'edition de Bruxelles, 1761. 522pp. 4to. fore-edges spotted. otherwise fine. 998 COMENIUS: YOUNG (R.F.) COMENIUS IN ENGLAND. N.Y.: Arno Press, 1971. 99pp. exlibrary. 999 3,670 CONRAD (J.) THE WORKS OF JOSEPH CONRAD. Edinburgh: John Grant, 1925. First Collected Ed. 20 Vols. original blue cloth with gilt spinal lettering. nice set. 1000 25,000 75,000 CONRAD (J.): ADAMS (E.L.) JOSEPH CONRAD: THE MAN. [with] ZELIE (J.S.) A BURIAL IN KENT. Together with Some Bibliographical Notes. New York: W.E.Rudge, 1925. 2 vols in 1. Limited to 485 copies. with etching portrait.spine cloth with marbled boards. 1001 CONRAD (J.): RESSLER (S.) JOSEPH CONRAD Consciousness and Integrity. New York U.P., 1988. 167pp. lar.8vo. 1002 3,000 CONRAD (J.): SYMONS (A.) NOTES ON JOSEPH CONRAD. With Some Unpublished Letters. London: Myers, 1925. 38pp. lar.8vo. original boards. 1003 15,750 5,000 COOKE (J.)(Ed.) THE DUBLIN BOOK OF IRITHVERSE 1728-1909.DUBLIN: HODGES, FIGGIS & CO.,1924. vii,803pp. cr.8vo. edge spotted. - 74 - 3,000 1004 CORBETT (R.): BENNETT (J.A.W.) & TREVOR-ROPER (H.R.) THE POEMS OF RICHARD CORBETT. Oxford.C.P,1955. 177pp. dw. ower's exlibris. 1005 8,000 CORNEILLE (P.): OEUVRES DE P.CORNEILLE. Avec Commentaries, Notes, Remarques et Jugements Litteraires. Paris: Rue de L'arbre-Sec, 1831. 12 vols. half calf with boards. calf sl.worn. boards stained. 1006 47,250 COURTHOPE (W.J.) A HISTORY OF ENGLISH POETRY. London: Macmillan, 1919. Reprinted Ed. 6 vols. 1007 26,250 COWELL (A.) AT PLAY IN THE TAVERN. Signs, Coins, and Bodies in the Middle Ages. Michigan U.P., 1999. 270pp. lar.8vo. dw. 1008 6,090 COWPER (W.) THE POETICAL WORKS OF WILLIAM COWPER. London: W.Pickering,1851. Aldine,Ed. 2 Vols. cr.8vo. full calf. gilt decorated spine. top edge gilt. fine binding by W,Northampson. 1009 47,250 COWPER (W.) THE I-VI.London: John sharpe,1825. 7 steel engraving.220pp. cr.8vo. full calf. gilt spine. all edge marbled. 1010 COWPER (W.): KING (J.)(Ed.) THE LETTERS AND PROSE WRITINGS OF WILLIAM COWPER. Oxford, 1979. 5 vols. dw. 1011 52,500 COX (V.) THE RENAISSANCE DIALOGUE. Literary dialogue in its social and political contexts, Castiglione to Galileo. Cambridge U.P, 1992. xiii,236pp. lar.8vo. dw. 1012 6,000 CROCKETT (B.) THE PLAY OF PARADOX. Stage and Sermon in Renaissance England. Pennsylvania U.P., 1995. 213pp. lar.8vo. dw. 1015 21,000 CROWELL (G.N.) THE RADIANT QUEST. N.Y.: Harper & Bro., 1940. First Ed. Signed by the Author. 94pp. 12mo. dw. (sl. chipped) 1018 12,000 CROISET (M.) HISTOIRE DE LA LITTERATURE GRECQUE. Paris: E DE BOCCARD,1928.5 Vols. half calf & marbled boards. edge sl. spotted. 1017 3,500 CROFF (G.M.) LE VOCABULAIRE COURTOIS DES TROUBADOURS DE L'EPOQUE CLASSIQUE. Geneve: Lib.Droz, 1975. 509pp. lar.8vo. wrapper. almost uncut. private stamped. 1016 4,000 CRANE (T.J.) INVENTING INDIA. A Hisory of India in English-Language Fiction. MACMILLAN, 1992. 212pp. dw., 1014 10,500 CRANE (Hart.): WEBER (B.)(Ed.) THE COMPLETE POEMS AND SELECTED LETTERS AND PROSE OF HART CRANE. London: Liveright,1966. 302pp. dw. 1013 22,000 4,500 D.N.B.: THE DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY Part 1. From the Beginnings to 1900. Oxford U.P., 1953. 1503pp. lar.8vo. dw. fore-edges sl.foxing. - 75 - 3,990 1019 DAICHES (D.) & FLOWER (J.) LITERARY LANDSCAPES OF THE BRITISH ISLES. A Narrative Atlas. N.Y.: Paddington, 1979. 287pp. lar.8vo. dw. 1020 3,000 DANTE (A.) LA DIVINA COMMEDIA DI DANTE ALIGHIERI. Coi comenti di Paolo costa e di Brunone Bianchi. Firenze; Felice le monnier,1849. xxxvi,793pp. contemporary 3/4 vellum over marbled boards. 1021 1022 45,000 DANTE (A.): DANTE'S INFERNO. N.Y:Little Leather Library,1921. 2 vols. 9.7 x 7.5 cm. brown embossed leatherette. 18,000 DANTE (A.): LEISEGANG (H.) DANTE UND DAS CHRISTLICHE WELTBILD. Weimar: H.B.Nachf,1941. Mit 10 Tafeln und 6 abbildungen im text. 50pp. wrappers. 1023 3,150 DANTE (A.): SINGLETON (C.S.)(Trans.) THE DIVINE COMEDY. Paradiso 1: Italian Text and Translation. 2: Commentary. Princeton U.P., 1991. 2 vols. paperaback. exlibrary copy. 3,150 1024 DANTE (Alighieri): BAYROS (F.von)(Illust): DIE GOTTLICHE KOMODIE (LA DIVINA COMMEDIA.) inferno, Paradiso.(In Deutsch) Zurich:Amalthea,N.d.,Limited to 250 copies. 2 Vols. signed by Bayros. 40 tipped colour plates by Fanz von Bayros. xliv,425pp./443pp. 4to. 28 x 23cm. half vellum over boards. top edge gilt. 1025 180,000 DANTE(alighieri): LA VITA NUOVA (The New Life.) Translated and Illustrated by Photogravures after Paintings by Dante Gabriel Rossetti. London: G.Routledge,N.d. 8 illustrations. 103pp. 1026 6,000 DANTE:INFERNO. Second il Testo di B.Lombardi. Con Ordine E.Schiarlmento per Uso dei Forestieri di L.T.. Presentation copy from Lord Vernon. Boards.Firenze, Piatti, 1841.95pp. boards. lacks spine. 1027 10,000 DANTE:LA DIVINA COMMEDIA DI DANTE ALIGHIERI. Col comento del P.Bonaventura Lombardi M.C.Con le illustrazioni aggiuntevi dagli editori di Padova nel 1822. Prato, David Passigli, 1847-52. 3 engraved plates. 764pp. Lar.8vo. Contemporary Italian full vellum. Label sl. chipped. 35,000 1028 DANTE:LA DIVINA COMMEDIA DI DANTE ALIGHIERI. Illustrata di Note Da Luigi Portirelli. Contemporary three-quarter calf gilt, marbled boards, endpapers and edges.Milano, Dalla Societa Tipografica de Classici Italiani, 1804.3 vols.with frontispiece portrait and 2 engraved plates. Some foxing. 3/4calf with marbled boards. (vol.1 joint 4cm.crcked) otherwise good condition. 150,000 1029 DANTE:MELANGES DE CRITIQUE ET D'ERUDITION FRANCAISES. Publies a L'occasion du VIe Centenaire de la mort du Poete. MCCCXXI-MCMXXI. Paris: Librairie Francaise, 1921. illustrated photogravures,with tissue leaves.277pp. 4to. original pictorial wrapper. edge worn. cover sl darkned. 12,000 1030 DANTE: ATTI DEL CONVEGNO INTERNAZIONALE DI STUDI DANTESCHI.A Cura del comune di Ravenna e della societa Dantesca Iraliana. Ravenna: Longo editore,N.d.,x,274pp. Roy.8vo. wrapper. 6,000 - 76 - 1031 DANTE: DANTE'S GOTTLICHE KOMODIE. Ubersetzt von Philalethes. Leipzig: W.Borngraber,1916. 18 illustationby Gustav Dore. 513pp. original half cloth with boards. with slip case. scrached. 1032 5,000 DANTE: DANTES WERKE. Das neue Leben - Die Gottliche Komodie neu ubertragen und erlautert von R.Zoozmann. Leipzig: Max Hesses,N.d. 4 Bde in 1. cr.8vo. full vellum. upper joint 5cm cracked. bnice copy. 1033 12,000 DANTE: DELLE OPERE DI DANTE ALIGHIERI. Cr.8vo. Half calf. 1: contenete il convito, e le Pistole, con le Annotazioni del dottore Anton Maria Biscioni Fiorentino. 2: contenente la vitanouva, con le annotazioni del Dottore antn Maria Biscioni FioVenezia, 1741.2 contemporary half calf with marbled boards. 1034 DANTE: ESSAYS IN COMMEMORATION 1321-1921. 180,000 Univ of London,1921. illustrations. 255pp. lar.8vo. 1035 DANTE: ILLUSTRATIONS AND NOTES. Edinburgh: Privately printed: T & A.Constable,1890. with many illustrations. xcv,83pp. joint sl. rubbed. 1036 15,000 DANTE: INFERNO. From the Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieeri. Translated by S.F.Wright. London: F.Wright,1928. 178pp. lar.8vo. sl. faded 1037 with 5,000 6,000 DANTE: LA COMMEDIA DI DANTE ALIGHIERI. Nel testo e nel commento di Niccolo Tomasso. L'INFERNO. IL PARADISO. IL PURGATORIO. Milano: Aldo Martello Editore,1965. 3 Vols. 4to. 3/4 morocco over marble boards. with slip case. (detached) 1038 150,000 DANTE: LA COMMEDIA. Secondo L'antica Vulgata. a cura di Giorgio Petrocchi. 2:Inferno. xliv,598pp. 4: Paradiso. xli,563pp. a.Mondadori Editore,1975. 2 vols. wrapper. 1039 12,000 DANTE: LA DIVINA COMMEDIA DI DANTE ALIGHIERI EDIZIONE, Corretta, Illustrata, ed Accresciuta. Tomo Primo-Tomo Terzo. PROSE, E RIME L IRICHE DI DANTE ALIGHIERI. Tomo Quinto, parte Prima. ILLUSTRAZIONI ALLA COMMEDIA DI DANTE ALIGHIERI. Composte dal signor Filippo Maria Rosa Morando con Altre del R.P.M.Gianlorenzo Berti Agostiniano. Tomo Quarto, Parte Prima. Venezia: Antonio Zatta,1760. 5 Vols. contemporary full calf. joint cracked. cover detached. damaged book. with bod 1040 DANTE: LA DIVINA COMMEDIA. Commentata 1045,124pp. cr.8vo. wrappers. 1041 150,000 da G.A.Scartazzini. Milano,1911. 9,500 DANTE: LA DIVINA COMMEDIA. Col Comento di Paolo Costa. Firenze: Felice Le Monier,1844. with frontispiece and engraved,8vo.xxxvi,862pp.half vellum with marbled boards. 1042 45,000 DANTE: MONARCHY AND THREE POLITICAL LETTERS. with an Introduction by Donald Nicholl and a Note on the Chronology of Dnate's Political works by Collin Hardie. Connecticut: Hyperion,1979. 121pp. 3,000 - 77 - 1043 DANTE: OPERE DI DANTE ALIGHIERI. MILANO: MURSIA,1974. 1186pp. in slip case. spine worn. 1044 11,000 DANTE: OPERE.Ie,la Divina commedia ed B.Lombardi. 3 vols./La Opere Minori. (Prose rime, le Elagle Latine e le Epistole)3 vols./ Petrarca. Le Rime 2 vols. /Michelangelo,Le Rime. 1 vol. 1817. 9 vols. half vellum & marbled boards. full gilt. fine copy. 1045 250,000 DANTE: THE DIVINA COMMEDIA. Translated by J.B.Fletcher. N.Y:Macmillan,1933. 471pp. 3,000 1046 DANTE: THE DIVINE COMEDY. Translated into English verse by M.B.Anderson, with notes and Elucidations by the Translator and with an introduction by A.Livingston. N.Y:Printed at Verona,1932. Limietd Ed.,491pp. Folio. 1047 22,000 DANTE: THE VISION: OR HELL, PURGATORY, AND PARADISE OF DANTE ALIGHIERI. London: F.Warne,1892. Albion Ed. 496pp. cover sl. ink stained. top & tail of spine rubbed. 1048 5,000 DANTE: THE VISION: OR HELL, PURGATORY, AND PARADISE OF DANTE ALIGHIERI. Translated by H. Francis Cary.London: W.Smith,1844. a New Ed. 188,16pp. lar.8vo. 8,500 1049 DANTE: DEMARAY (J.G.) THE INVENTION OF DANTE'S COMMEDIA. New Haven: Yale.U.P,1974. 30 illustrations. xvi,195pp. dw. flyleaf foxed. 4,000 1050 DANTE: ARMOUR (P.) DANTE'S GRIFFIN AND THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD. A Study of the Earthly Paradise. (Purgatorio, cantos xxix-xxxiii) Oxford.C.P,1989. 330pp. 5,500 1051 DANTE: BATARD (Y.) DANTE MINERVE ET APOLLON. Les images de la divine comedie. Paris: Les belles lettres,1952. 521pp. wrapper. 3,000 1052 DANTE: BICKERSTETH (G.L.) THE PARADISO OF DANTE ALIGHIERI. Cambridge U.P, 1932. First ed. xxxiii,299pp. with English translation. 6,800 1053 DANTE: BORCHARDT (R.) DANTE DEUTSCH. 1923. 522pp. 4to. 1054 DANTE: BOYDE (P.) DANTE PHILOMYTHES AND PHILOSOPHER. Man in the cosmos. Cambridge U.P., 1981. vii,408pp. lar.8vo. dw. 9,240 1055 DANTE: BOYDE (P.) DANTE PHILOMYTHES AND PHILOSOPHER. Man in the Cosmos. Cambridge Univ,1981. 408pp. paperback. 5,500 1056 DANTE: CAESAR (M.)(Ed.) DANTE. The Critical Heritage 1314-1870. London: Routledge, 1989. 659pp. dw. 31,000 1057 DANTE: CAMBON (G.) DANTE'S CRAFT. Studies in Language and Style. Minnesota Univ., 1969. 215pp. 3,000 1058 DANTE: CARPENTER (G.R.) A TRANSLATION OF GIOVANNI BOCCACCIO'S LIFE OF DANTE. 15,000 With an Introduction and a Note on the Portraits of Dante. N.Y: The Grolier Club, 1900. Limited to 300 copies. 186pp. sm.4to. original orange decorated boards. made paper. slip case (broken) Italian hand18,500 - 78 - 1059 DANTE: CARROLL (J.S.) IN PATRIA. An Exposition of Dante's Paradiso. London: Hodder & Stoughton,1911. 563pp. full vellum. sl. worn. 1060 18,000 DANTE: CARY (H.F.)(Translated) THE DIVINE COMEDY BEING THE VISION OF DANTE ALIGHIERI. London: Oxford.U.P,1957.with 109 illustrations by John Flaxman. xlv.578pp. sm.8vo. 1061 4,000 DANTE: CHANDLER (B.) & MOLINARO (J.A.) THE WORLD OF DANTE. Six Studies in Language and Thought. Univ of Toronto, 1921. xvi,127pp. lar.8vo. with dust cover. 4,000 1062 DANTE: CHAPMAN (J.J.) DANTE. Boston: H.Mifflin,1927. 99pp. lar.8vo. dw. 5,000 1063 DANTE: CHAYTOR (H.J.) THE TROUBADOURS OF DANTE. Being Selections from the Works of the Provencal Poets quoted by Dante. Ox.C.P,1902. xxxvi,242pp. 1064 4,200 DANTE: CHUBB (T.C.) DANTE AND HIS WORLD. Boston: Little,Brown,1966. 831pp. lar.8vo. 3,000 1065 DANTE: CHURCH (R.W.) DANTE. An essay, to which is added a Translation of de Monarchia by F.J.Church. London: Macmillan,1879. 308pp. cr.8vo. 1066 DANTE: COSMO (U.) A HANDBOOK TO DANTE STUDIES. Translated by D.Moore. Folcroft Library,1973. vi,194pp. 1067 3,500 DANTE: COSMO (U.) A HANDBOOK TO DANTE STUDIES. Translated by David Moore. Oxford: Blackwell, 1950. 194pp. 1068 3,000 DANTE: CROCE (B.) THE POETRY OF DANTE. Translated by Douglas Ainslie. Mamaroneck: P.P.Appel,1971. 313pp. flyleaf & title page sl. spotted. 1069 6,000 DANTE: D'ENTREVES (A.P.) DANTE AS A POLITICAL THINKER. Oxford.C.P,1952. 119pp. sm.8vo. 1070 3,000 3,000 DANTE: DAVIS (C.T.) DANTE AND THE IDEA OF ROME. Oxford.C.P,1957. 302pp. sm.8vo. 4,500 1071 DANTE: DE SUA (W.J.) DANTE INTO ENGLISH. A Study of the Translation of the Divine Comedy in Britain and America. Univ of North Carolina,1964. 138pp. wrappers. 1072 DANTE: DINSMORE (C.A.) AIDS TO THE STUDY OF DANTE. Boston: H.Mifflin,1903. 430pp. frontis. 1073 9,500 3,000 DANTE: FEDERN (K.) DANTE AND HIS TIME. N.Y: Haskell House,1970. 306pp. spine worn. 3,000 1073 DANTE: DINSMORE (C.A.) LIFE OF DANTE ALIGHIERI. Boston: Houghton Mifflin,1919. First ed.with illusts. 306pp. frontis. 3,000 - 79 - 1074 DANTE: DORE (Gustavo)(Illust.)LA DIVINA COMMEDIA. Con L'Introduzione e il commento di E.Camerini. Milano: Sonzogno, N.d. numerous illustrated by Gusstav Dore.1042pp. pictorial vellum. spine sl. chipped. title page scrached 1075 8,000 DANTE: DRONKE (P.) DANTE AND MEDIEVAL LATIN TRADITIONS. Cambridge.Univ,1988. 153pp. paperback. 1077 4,500 DANTE: FRECCERO (J.) DANTE THE PEOTICS OF CONVERSION. Rdited and with an Introduction by Rachel Jacoff. Harvard.Univ,1986. 328pp. lar.8vo. dw. 1078 5,500 DANTE: GARDNER (E.G.)DANTE AND THE MYSTICS. A study of the Mystical aspect of the Divina Commedia and its relations with some of ets Mediaeval sources. With 3 photogravure plates. N.Y: Octagon,1968.357pp. 1079 DANTE: GARDNER (E.G.) DANTE'S TEN HEAVENS. 6,000 A Study of the Paradiso. London: A.Constable, 1904. xv,351pp. ex library. 3,000 1080 DANTE: GARDNER (E.G.) DANTE. N.Y: E.P.DUTTON,1923. 253pp. sm.8vo. 3,000 1081 DANTE: GERTRUDE (M.R.) RENOUNCEMENT IN DANTE. London: Longman,1929. 164pp. cr.8vo. 1082 3,000 DANTE: GILSON (E.) DANTE ET LA PHILOSOPHIE. Paris: J. Vrin,1939. 341pp. Roy.8vo. wrappers. 1083 3,000 DANTE: GIOVANNI (A.) LA FILOSOFIA DELL'AMORE NELLE OPERE DI DANTE. oma: Edizioni Abete,530pp. Roy.8vo. dw.(sl. darkned) pencil scrached. 1084 DANTE: GRAF (O.) DIE DIVINA COMEDIA Als Zeugnis des Glaubens. Dante und die Liturgie. Wien: Herder, 1965. Mit 5 Bildtafeln nach Mosaiken von Ravenna. xx,530pp. dw. 1085 6,000 4,000 DANTE: GRANDGENT (C.H.) THE LADIES OF DANTE'S LYRICS. Harvard Univ,1917. 181pp. 3,000 1086 DANTE: GRANDGENT (C.H.)(ED.)LA DIVINA COMMEDIA DI DANTE ALIGHIERI. Edited and Annotated by C.H.Grandgent. Boston, D.C.Heath, 1933.Xlii, 1003pp. 1087 DANTE: GRANDGENT (C.H.)(Ed.) LA DIVINA COMMEDIA. Revised by C.S.Singleton,1972. xxxvii,950pp. paperback. 1088 5,000 DANTE: GRANDGENT (C.H.)(Ed.) LA DIVINA COMMEDIA. Revised by C.S.Singleton. Harvard.Univ,1972. 950pp. 1089 6,000 DANTE: GRAYSON (C.)(Ed.) THE WORLD OF DANTE. Oxford Clarendon Press, 1980. 252pp. dw. owner's stamped. 1090 4,000 4,200 DANTE: GUENON (R.) L'ESOTERISME DE DANTE. Gallimard,1957. 75pp. paperback. penciled. 3,000 - 80 - 1091 DANTE: HARE (C.) DANTE THE WAYFARER. London: Harper & Brothers,1905. 354pp. joint rubbed. exlibrary. 1092 3,000 DANTE: HARROWER (R.B.) A NEW THEORY OF DANTE'S MATELDA. Cambridge.Univ,1926. 64pp. cr.8vo. boards. 1093 3,000 DANTE: HAYWOOD (E.)(Ed.) DANTE READINGS. Dublin: Irish Academic press,1987. 150pp. 4,000 1094 DANTE: HOLBROOK (R.T.) DANTE AND THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. Columbia Univ,1902. frontispeace & 17 ilustrations.(some in colour) 376pp. 1095 45,000 DANTE: JOYCE (J.): REYNOLDS (M.T.) JOYCE AND DANTE. The Shaping Imagination. Princeton.U.P, 1981. signed by Reynolds. with illusts. xviii,374pp. lar.8vo. pb. 1096 DANTE: KAY (R.) DANTE'S SWIFT AND STRONG. Essays on Inferno XV. Lawrence: regents press of Kansas,1978. xx,446pp. Roy8vo. dw. 1097 DANTE: KIRKPATRICK (R.) DANTE'S INFERNO: 4,000 DIFFICULTY AND DEAD Cambridge.Univ,1987. 445pp. lar.8vo. 1098 POETRY. 7,000 DANTE: KIRKPATRICK (R.) DANTE'S PARADISO AND THE LIMITATIONS OF MODERN CRITICISM. A Study of Style and Poetic Theory. Cambridge.U.P,1978. xi,227pp. dw. 1099 3,000 4,000 DANTE: LEIGH (G.)NEW LIGHT ON THE YOUTH OF DANTE. The Course of Dante's Life Prior to 1290. Traced in the Inferno Cantos 3-13. Boston, 1930.Viii,278pp. dpine sl. chiped. dw. 1100 3,000 DANTE: LEIGH (G.) NEW LIGHT ON THE YOUTH OF DANTE. The Course of Dante's Life Prior to 1290 traced in the Infrno Cantos 3-13. London: Faber,1929. 278pp. 1101 DANTE: LIMENTANI (U.) DANTE'S COMEDY INTRODUCTORY READINGS OF SELETED CANTOS. Cambridge.U.P,1985. viii,164pp. dw. 1102 5,000 DANTE: LIMENTANI (U.)(Ed.) THE MIND OF DANTE. Cambridge U.P.,1965. vii,199pp. sm.8vo. dw. 1103 3,000 DANTE: LITT (P.T.D.)THE BRITISH ACADEMY (Dante commemoration 1921.) BRITAIN'S TRIBUTE TO DANTE IN LITERATURE AND ART. A Chronological (c.1380-1920) London 1921.212pp. Roy.8vo. dw. (chipped) 1104 Record of 540 years 18,000 DANTE: MAGGINI (F.) INTRODUZIONE ALLO STUDIO DI DANTE. Terza Edizione. Bari: Gius. Laterza & Figli,1948. 151pp. sm.8vo. wrapper. 1105 4,500 3,000 DANTE: MANDELBAUM (A.)THE DIVINE COMEDY OF DANTE ALIGHIERI. A Verse Translation with Introductions & Commentary by Allen Mandelbaum. Drawings by Barry Moser. Univ of California,1980. 3 Vols. sm.4to. in slip case. - 81 - 15,000 1106 DANTE: MASSERON (A.)LES ENIGMES DE LA DIVINE COMEDIE. Paris, L'art Catholique, 1921.291pp. Roy.8vo. Wrappers. browned. 1107 4,000 DANTE: MAZZOTTA (G.) DANTE, POET OF THE DESERT. History and Allegory in the Divine Comedy. Princeton.U.P,1979. 343pp. dw. edge sl. spotted. otherwise fine copy. 1108 DANTE: MEREJKOWSKI (D.)DANTE. Traduction de Jean Chuzeville. Paris, Albin Michel, 1940.516pp. Wrapper. 1109 18,000 3,000 DANTE: MOORE (E.) STUDIES IN DANTE. *First series: Scripture and Classical Authors in Dante. 1969. *Second Series: Miscellaneous Essays. 1968. *Third Series: Miscellaneous Essays. 1968. *Fourth Series: Textual Criticism of the 'Convivio' and Miscellaneous Essays. Oxford C.P., 1968-69. 4 vols. with dust cover 1110 18,900 DANTE: MOORE (Edward) CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE TEXTUAL CRITICISM OF THE DIVINA COMMEDIA. Including the Complete Collation throughout the Inferno of all the Mss. at Oxford and Cambridge. Cambridge U.P., 1889. lvi,723pp. lar.8vo. Two exliblis. 1111 4,000 DANTE: NARDI (B.) DANTE E LA CULTURA MEDIEVALE. Nuovi Saggi di Filosofia Dantesca. Seconda Edizione Riveduta e Accresciuta. Bari: Gius. Laterza & Figli,1949. 425pp. sm.8vo. wrapper. 1112 3,000 DANTE: NARDI (B.) SAGGI E NOTE DI CRITICA DANTESCA. Milano: R.Ricciardi,1966. 434pp. wrapper. 1113 4,200 DANTE: NORTON (C.E.)(Trans) THE NEW LIFE OF DANTE ALIGHIERI. Boston: Ticknor,1867. 149pp. Roy.8vo. 1114 DANTE: OLSCHKI erlauterungen. 6,300 (L.))Herausg) Grammatik, LA Glosssar DIVINA und COMMEDIA. Sieben Tafeln. Vollstandiger Heidelberg: xv,640pp. India paper. 1115 text, mit J.Groos,1922. 3,000 DANTE: OXFORD DANTE SOCIETY (THE). CENTENARY ESSAYS ON DANTE. Oxford C.P., 1965. 147pp. sm.8vo. dw. sl.spotted. 4,000 1116 DANTE: PAPINI (G.) DANTE VIVO. Fiorentina, 1933. 445pp. recent 3/4 calf. 4,500 1117 DANTE: PARRICCHI (U.)DANTE. 363pp. Lar.8vo.Roma, De Luca Editore, 1965.dw. ( sl. tear) 3,000 1118 DANTE: PIANA (A.LA.) DANTE'S AMEICAN PILGRIMAGE. A Historical survey of Dante Studies in the United States 1800-1944. Yale.Univ,1948. 310pp. 1119 DANTE: RENAUDET (A.) DANTE HUMANISTE. Paris: Les Belles lettres,1952. 576pp. wrapper. 1120 5,000 4,200 DANTE: RENUCCI (P.) DANTE DISCIPLE ET JUGE DU MONDE GRECO-LATIN.Paris: Blles Lettres,1954. 486pp. wrapper. 6,300 - 82 - 1121 DANTE: RICCI (C.)L'ULTIMO RIGUGIO DI DANTE ALIGHIERI. Con illustrazioni e Documenti. Milano, U.Hoepli, 1891.Limited to 500 copiece.with numerous illustrations in the text. 4to. 543pp.original red cloth. 1122 50,000 DANTE: ROSE (H.D.) DANTE. A Dramatic Poem. Ox.Univ,1921. 4th Edition revised. 244pp. sm.8vo. gilt top. 1123 3,000 DANTE: SAINT-RENE (M.) L'ENFER DE DANTE. Traduit Literalement et entierement en terza rima francaises. Paris: H.Soudier,1936.221pp. cr.8vo. sl. cloth with calf title label. spotted. 1124 5,000 DANTE: SAYERS (D.L.) INTRODUCTORY PAPERS ON DANTE. With a preface by B. Reynolds. N.Y: barnes & Noble, 1954. xix,225pp. fly leaf & title sl. foxing. 1125 DANTE: SHAPIRO (M.) WOMAN EARTHLY AND DIVINE IN THE COMEDY OF DANTE. Univ press of Kentucky,1975. 187pp. 1126 6,000 4,000 DANTE: SINGLETON (C.) THE DIVINE COMEDY. Italian Text and Translated with a commentary by C.S.Singleton. Purgatorio 2 vols/ Paradiso 2 vols/ Inferno 2 vols. Princeton U.P., 1973. 6 vols. complate set. sm.8vo. with dust cover. 1127 DANTE: SYMONDS (J.A.) AN INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF DANTE. Edinburgh: A.& C. Black,1899 288pp. cr.8vo. spine rubbed. 1128 4,000 DANTE: TOYNBEE (P.) DANTE STUDIES AND RESEARCHES. London: Methuen,1902. viii, 359pp. 1131 3,000 DANTE: TOYNBEE (Paget) DANTE IN ENGLISH LITERATURE FROM CHAUCER TO CARY. (C.1380-1844) London: Methuen, 1909. 2 vols. Vol 2. top of spine sl. tears. 1132 4,000 DANTE: TOZER (R.H.F.) AN ENGLISH COMMENTARY ON DANTE'S DIVINA COMMEDIA. Oxford: 1901. vi,628pp. 1134 6,300 DANTE: VALLONE (A.) STUDI SU DANTE MEDIEVALE. Firenze: Leo. S.Olschki,1965. 275pp. Roy.8vo. wrapper. sl. faded. 1135 15,000 DANTE: TOYNBEE (Paget) DANTE STUDIES AND RESEARCHES. London: Methuen, 1902. 359pp. 1133 5,000 DANTE: TOYNBEE (P.) DANTE ALIGHIERI. His Life and Works. London: Methuen, 1910. 4th Ed. with 16 illustrations. 316pp. 1130 3,150 DANTE: TOYNBEE (P.)CONCISE DICTIONARY OF PROPER NAMES AND NOTABLE MATTERS IN THE WORKS OF DANTE.Ox.C.P., 1914. 568pp. Cr.8vo. spine cloth sl. tears. 1129 26,000 6,000 DANTE: VANOSSI (L.) DANTE E IL " ROMAN DE LA ROSE" Saggio sul "Fiore". Firenze: Leo S.Olschki editore, 1979. 371pp. Roy.8vo. wrapper. - 83 - 8,000 1136 DANTE: VERNON (G.G.Warren Lord)LE PRIME QUATTRO EDIZIONI DELLA DIVINA COMMEDIA. Letteralmente restampate.Londra, P.Tommaso, 1858.xxvi, 748pp. Folio. Uncut. original black cloth. spine repaired. new endpaper. 1137 220,000 DANTE: VERNON (WILLIAM W.)READINGS ON THE PARADISO OF DANTE. Chiefly based on the commentary of Tenvenuto da Imola. With an introduction by the Bishop of Ripon. 2 vols. READINGS ON THE PURGATORIO OF DANTE. With an introduction by the late Very Rev.Dean of St. Paul's. 2 vLondon, Macmillan, 1906-1909.4 vols.original cloth. 1138 38,000 DANTE: VOLKMANN (L.) ICONOGRAFIA DANTESCA. Die Bildlichen Darstellungen... sur Gottlichen Komodie...Leipzig: Breikopf & Hartel,1897. 17 plates. Lar.8vo.parchment. sl. chipped. 1139 12,000 DANTE: VOSSLER (K.) MEDIAEVAL CULTURE. An Introduction to Dante and his Times. Ix,354pp. New York, Harcort, Brace, 1929. 2 vols. 1140 DANTE: VOSSLER (K.) MEDIAEVAL CULTURE. An Introduction to Dante and His Time. New York: Frederick Ungar Pub., 1966. 2 vols. lar.8vo. with dust cover. fine copy 1141 5,000 DANTE: WICKSTEED (P.H.) DANTE & AQUINAS. Being the Substance of the Jowett Lectures of 1911. London: J.M.Dent,1913. 271pp. exlibrary. sl. spotted 1143 4,500 DANTE: WHITING (Mary Broadford) DANTE THE MAN AND THE POET. Cambridge: W.Heffer & Sons, 1922. With illust. 190pp. dw. ex library. 1142 6,300 3,000 DANTE: WICKSTEED (P.H.) & GARDNER (E.G.) DANTE AND GIOVANNI DEL VIRGILIO. Including a Critical Edition of the Text of Dante's "Eclogae LAinae" and of the Poetic Remains of Giovanni del Virgilio. Westminster: A.constable,1902. 340pp. 1144 DANTE: WILLIAMS (C.) RELIGION AND LOVE IN DANTE. The Theology of Romantic Love. Westminster: Dacre press, N.d. 40pp. Roy.8vo. sl. spotted. 1145 4,000 DANTE: WILLIAMS (C.) THE FIGURE OF BEATRICE. A Study of Dante. London: Faber,N.d. 236pp. dw. spotted. 1146 3,000 3,000 DANTE: WITTE (Dr.Karl) ESSAYS ON DANTE. Selected Translated and Edited with Introduction Notes and Appendices by C.M.Lawrence & P.H.Wicksteed. London: Duckworth, 1898. 448pp. cr.8vo. 1147 6,000 DANTE: ZINGARELLI (N.) CATALOGO DEL FOUNDO DANTESCO-PETRARCHESCO. Prefazione di Aldo Vallone. Foggia: Administrazione Provinciale di Capitanata,1977. 146pp. lar.8vo. 3,000 1148 DAUDET (A.) ALPHONSE DAUDET OEUVRES COMPLETES ILLUSTREES. Paris: Librarie de France, 1930. Edition ne Varietur. 27 vols. Limited to 350 sets. sm.4to. 3/4 morocco. fine set. 250,000 - 84 - 1149 DAUDET (A.) LE NABAB. Paris: Librairie de France. 1930. Oeuvres completes illustrees edition ne varietur. with illustrations by B.Mahn. roy,8vo. 427pp. original green morocco. 8,000 1150 DAVIDSON (J.): HOUSMAN (L.)(Illus) A RANDOM ITINERARY. London: Elkin mathews,1894. First Ed. Limied to 600 copies. frontispiece by Houseman204,14pp. cr.8vo. spine worn. page browned. small gilt decoratiion at the corners of the covers by Laurence Houseman. 4,500 1151 DE BOURDIGNE (C.) LA LEGENDE JOYEUSE OU FAITZ & DICTZ JOYEULX DE PIERRE FAIFEU. Escolier D'Angers. D'Apres L'Edition de 1532. Paris: Leon Willem, 1883. 2 vols in 1. 108,72pp. cr.8vo. wrapper. 1152 4,500 DE CHAIR (S.) ENGLISH LYRIC POETS. Vol.IX. London: Regency, 1970. presentation copy. Signed by the Author. 108pp. 1153 4,000 DE LA MARE (W.) BROOMSTICKS & OTHER TALES. With Designs by Bold. London: Constable, 1925. First Ed. 378pp. dw.(sl. faded) 1154 DE LA MARE (W.) MEMORY AND OTHER POEMS. London: Constable, 1938. First Ed. 96pp. sm.8vo. original cloth. 1155 3,000 6,300 DE LA MARE (W.) ON THE EDGE. Short Stories. London: Faber & Faber, 1930. Limited to 300 copies. Signed by De la Mare. with wood-engravings by Elizabeth Rivers. 331pp. lar.8vo. original pink cloth. 1156 21,000 DE LA MARE (W.) THE CAPTIVE AND OTHER POEMS. New York: The Bowling Green Press, 1928. Limited to 600 copies. Signed by the Author. 19pp. spine cloth with boards. 15,750 1157 DE QUINCEY (T.): DE QUINCEY'S WORKS: WITH THE LIFE & THE UNCOLLECTED WRITINGS. The Works 16 vols. The Life 2 vols. and Uncollected writtings 2 vols. Edinburgh: Adam & C.Black, 1862-1890. 20 vols. sm.8vo. 3/4 blue calf. top edge gilt. a very good set. 260,000 1158 DE SIGALAS (D.) L'ARTE IN ITALIA. Dante alighieri e la Divina commedia.opera storicocritico-estetica. Fwnova; Stab. tiopografico Ligustico,1853. 2 Vols. 541,572pp. title page owner's stamped. several page light stained.(The stain does not hang in the text) 1159 5,000 DEFOE (D.) THE NOVELS AND MISCELLANEOUS WORKS OF DANIEL DE FOE. with Preface and Notes, Including Those Attributed to Sir Walter Scott. London: Bell & Daldy, 1871. 7 vols. sm.8vo. 3/4 calf with marbled boards. calf sl.rubbed. ex-library. 1160 38,000 DEFOE (D.): CHADWICK (W.) THE LIFE AND TIMES OF DANIEL DE FOE: With remarks digressive & discursive. London: J.Russell, 1859. viii,464pp. original cloth. cover bit faded. inner-joint cracked. 1161 8,400 DEFOE (D.): MOORE (J.R.) DANIEL DEFOE. Citizen of the Modern world. Univ of Chicago, 1958. xv,,408pp. lar.8vo. dw. 3,000 - 85 - 1162 DELACROIX (H.) LE LANGAGE ET LA PENSEE. Paris: F.Alcan, 1924. 602pp. wrappers. 4,200 1163 DENNISTON (J.D.) GREEK PROSE STYLE. Oxford C.P., 1952. 139pp. dw. sl.pencil scrached. 4,200 1164 DENONAIN (J.-J.) THEMES ET FORMES DE LA POESIE "METAPHYSIQUE". Etude d'un aspect de la Litterature Anglaise au Dix-Septieme Siecle. P.U.F., 1956. 548pp. Roy.8vo. wrapper. 8,000 1165 DIBDIN (T.F.) THE BIBLIOGRAPHICAL DECAMERON: Or, Ten Days Pleasant Discourse Upon Illuminated Manuscripts, and Subjects Connected with Early Engraving, Typography, and Bibliography. London: Printed for the Author, by W.Bulmer, 1817. First Ed. 3 vols. with numerous illustrations. 4to. full brown calf. full gilt. fine set. 1166 140,000 DICKENS (C.) SKETCHES BY BOZ. Illustrative of Every-Day Life & Every-Day People. London: Chapman & Hall, 1906. with b/w illustrations. 569pp. sm.8vo. 3/4 calf & marbled boards. end paper marbled. top edge gilt. 1167 15,000 DICKENS (C.) THE STORY OF LITTLE DOMBEY. London: Bradbury & Evans, 1858. First Edition of this condensed version of Dombey and Son. 121pp. cr.8vo. pictorial wrappers. spine bit chipped otherwise almost fine. in slip-case. 1168 30,000 DICKENS (C.): THE WORKS OF CHARLES DICKENS. *PICKWICK PAPERS(2v.) *DAVID COPPERFIELD(2v.) *NICHOLAS NICKLEBY(2v.) *DOMBEY AND SON(2v.) *MARTIN CNUZZLEWIT(2v.) *OUR MUTUAL FRIEND(2v.) *BLEAK HOUSE(2v.) *BARNABY RUDGE(2v.) *LITTLE DORRIT(2v.) *OLD CURIOSITY SHOP(2v.) *A CHILD'S HISTORY OF ENGLAND. *CHRISTMAS BOOKS. *CHRISTMAS STORIES. *THE UNCOMMERCIAL TRAVELLER. *SKETCHES BY BOZ. *EDWIN DROOD AND OTHER STORIES. *AMERICAN NOTES & PICTURES FROM ITALY. *OLIVER TWIST. *GREAT EXPECTATIONS. *A TALE OF TWO CITIES. London: Chapman & Hall, ca.1838-61. Illustrated Library Edition(on spine). 30 vols. with Illustrations by Phiz, Cruickshank & others. some plate detached(not missing). original decorate green cloth. corners sl.bumped. a few pages bit foxed. 'The Old Curiosity Shop' vol.2, spine worn & p.123-4 & 163-4 corner tears. 1169 180,000 DICKENS (C.): THE WORKS OF CHARLES DICKENS. London: The Gresham Pub., 1912. Standard Ed. 20 vols. complete set. With frontispiece and illustrations by Max Cowper. half old calf. calf edges chipped. almost good condition. 1170 120,750 DICKENS (C.): STONE (H.) THE UNCOLLECTED WRITIGS OF CHARLES DICKENS. Household Words 1850-1859. A.Lane, 1969. First English Ed. 2 Vols. lar.8vo. dw. with slip case. 7,350 1171 DICKENS (Charles) THE OLD CURIOSITY SHOP. London: Chapman and Hall, 1893. with Seventy-Five Illustrations. viii,460pp. full tree calf with gilt-decorated spine. 1172 DICKEY (J.) DELIVERANCE. H.Mifflin,1970. First Ed.278pp. sl.pencil. dw. - 86 - 28,000 5,500 1173 DICKINS (F.V.)(Trans) CHIUSHINGURA OR THE LOYAL LEAGUE. A Japanese Romance. London: Allen & Co., 1880. New Ed. Illustrated by Numerous engravings on Wood, drawn and executed by Japanese artists, and printed on Japanese paper. 29 colour illustrations. 202pp. cover worn water stained. 1174 25,000 DONNE (J.): CORTHELL (R.) IDEOLOGY AND DESIRE IN RENAISSANCE POETRY. The Subject of Donne. Wayne state Univ, 1997. 227pp. dw. 1175 4,800 DONNE (J.): GRIERSON (Herbert J.C.)(Ed.) THE POEMS OF JOHN DONNE. Ox.U.P., 1912.2 vols. original cloth. paper label sl. chipped. 1176 13,000 DONNE (J.): KEYNES (G.) BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE WORKS OF DR JOHN DONNE. Dean of St Paul's. Cambridge: printed for the Baskerville club,1914. First Ed. 165pp. Roy.8vo. original wrapper. 1177 8,000 DONNE (J.): KLAWITTER (G.) THE ENIGMATIC NARRATOR. The Voicing of Same-sex Love in the Poetry of John Donne. P.Lang,1994. xiii,271pp. 1178 6,500 DONNE (J.): MEAKIN (H.L.) JOHN DONNE'S ARTICULATIONS OF THE FEMIINE. Ox.C.P,1998. 273pp. dw. sl pencil scrached. 1179 8,000 DOSTOEVSKY (F.M.) THE BROTHERS KARAMAZOV(in Russian). Petersburgh: Typographia Brat Panteleevich. 1882. Second ed, 2 vols. 361pp & 491pp. half morocco. nic copy. scarce. 1180 DOUGLAS (G.): BAWCUTT 850,000 (P.J.)(Ed.) THE SHORTER POEMS OF GAVIN DOUGLAS. (The Scottish text society0)Edinburgh: W.Blackwood,1967. lxxxvii,298,9pp. half calf. over green cloth. 1181 5,000 DOUGLAS (L.A.) THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF LORD ALFRED DOUGLAS. London: M. sekcer,1929. First Ed.9 photographic plates including frontis piece. 340pp. 1182 DOUGLAS (Lord.A.) THE CITY OF THE SOUL. London; Grant richrds,1899. First ed,,112pp. quarter parchment vellum,grey boards. little soiled,free end paperf little browned. 1183 10,000 12,000 DOUGLAS (Lord.A.): THE COMPLETE POEMS OF LORD ALFRED DOUGLAS INCLUDING THE LIGHT VERSE. London: M. Secker, 1928. First Ed. 226pp. half calf. top edge gilt. sl. spotted. 1184 18,000 DOYLE (A.C.)THE WORKS OF SIR ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE. London: J.Murray, 1903. author's Edition. 12 vols.Limited to 1000 sets. signed by the 3/4 calf. gilt decorated spine. Finely bound by Bayntun. 1185 950,000 DOYLE (A.C.) RODNEY STONE. London: Smith,Elder & Co., 1896. First Ed. 366pp.original bound in black with gold lettering and anchor on front and spine. spine repaired. nice copy. 18,900 - 87 - 1186 DRIVER (S.R.) AN INTRODUCTION TO THE LITERATURE OF THE OLD TESTAMENT. P.Smith, 1972. 1187 3,150 DRYDEN (J.): THE DRAMATIC WORKS. Edited by Montague Summers.London: Nonesuch Press, 1931. 6 vols. Limited to 50 special sets on Van Gelder Paper, quarter bound. roy.8vo. 3/4 vellum with marbled boards. very fine set. 1188 DU GARD (R.M.) CORRESPONDANCE GENERALE 210,000 1896-1913,1914-1918. Gallimard,1980. 2 Vols. wrapper. clean copy. 1189 Paris: 6,000 DULAC (E.)(Illust.):FITZGERALD (E.) RUBAIYAT OF OMAR KHAYYAM. Rendered into English Verse by Edward Fitzgerald. London: Hodder & Stoughton, n.d(ca1909)Printed from the 2nd Kind Permission of Messrs. with decorations and 20 colour illustrations by Dulac. 4to. original cloth, decorated gilt on front cover. 1190 68,000 DUMAS (A.) DMAS ON FOOD. selections from Le Grand Dictionairee de Guisine. translated by A & J.Davidson. London: Folio society,1978. b/w illustrations. 323pp. pictorial cloth. ith slip case. 1191 4,000 DUNBAR (W.): LAING (D.) THE POEMS OF WILLIAM DUNBAR. Now First collected. with notes, and a memoir of his life. Edinburgh: W.Pickering, 1834.2 vols. original cloth. label & spine worn. 1192 9,000 DURRELL (L.) THE RED LIMBO LINGO. A Poetry Notebook. London: Faber & Faber, 1971. Limited to 1200 copies. 48pp. imp.8vo. slip case. 1193 4,200 EICHNER (H.) ROMANTIC AND ITS COGNATES: THE EUROPEAN HISTORY OF A WORD. Toronto U.P., 1972. 536pp. lar.8vo. dw. sl.spotted. 1194 ELDRIDGE (R.)(Ed.) BEYOND REPRESENTATION. 3,000 Philosophy and poetic imagination. Cambride.U.P,1996. xii,306pp. dw. 1195 4,200 ELIADE (M.) LE MYTHE DE L'ETERNEL RETOUR. Archetypes et repetition. Gallimard,1949. 254pp. sm.8vo. wrapper. 1196 3,000 ELIOT (G.): TOYODA (M.) STUDIES IN THE MENTAL DEVELOPMENT OF GEORGE ELIOT, in relation to the science,philosophy,and theology of her day. Tokyo: Kenkyusha, 1931. First Ed. xii,266pp. original cloth fine copy. scarce. 45,000 1197 ELIOT (T.S.) COLLECTED PLAYS. London: Faber,1962. 355pp. dw. 1198 ELIOT (T.S.) THE COCKTAIL PARTY. London: Faber, 1950. First ed, signed on title page by K.Kajikawa. 167pp. with dust cover. (browned) 1199 3,000 3,500 ELIOT (T.S.) TO CRITICIZE THE CRITIC. And other writings. London: Faber & Faber, 1965. First Ed. 188pp. with d/j. 5,000 - 88 - 1200 ELIOT (T.S.): COLLECTED POEMS 1909-1935. London: Faber, 1951. 191pp. with dust cover. 1201 3,000 ELLIS (F.H.)(Ed.) SWIFT VS. MAINWARING. The Examiner and The Medley. Oxford C.P., 1985. lxx,514pp. lar.8vo. 1202 6,300 ELTON (O.) A SURVEY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE, 1730-1880. New York: Macmillan, 1950. altogether 6 vols. dw. 1203 18,000 EMERSON (R.W.)POEMS. London: Chapman, brothers, 1847. First English Edition. Limited Ed.,contemporary three-quarter brown morocco and green embossed cloth side. some light scattered foxing. 1204 120,000 EMERSON (R.W.) THE WORKS OF RALPH WALDO EMERSON. N.Y: MACMILLAN AND CO. 1896-1900.6 VOLS. half dark maroon calf, gilt ruled and decorated raised bands, gilt flora decorations in the panels, double crimson and yellow crushed morocco labels. 120,000 1205 EMERSON (R.W.): JUGAKU (B.) A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF RALPH WALDO EMERSON IN JAPAN FROM 1878 TO 1935. Kyoto: The Sunward Press, 1947. Limited to 500 copies. frontis portrait. 70pp. cr.8vo. Japanese paper. boards. 1206 15,000 EMPSON (W.) COLLECETD WORKS OF WILLIAM EMPSON.The Royal Beasts, Poems, Collected Poems, The Structure of Complex Words, Roma Gill, The God Approached. 6 vols. 1207 EMPSON (W.) COLLECTED POEMS. London: Chatto & Windus, 1955. First Ed. 119pp. red cloth. with dust cover. edge sl. spotted. 1208 EMPSON (W.) POOEMS. London: chatto & windus,1935. 48pp. dw. 6,300 title page sl. light spotted. 1209 3,000 ERDMANN (C.) STUDIEN ZUR BRIEFLITERATUR DEUTSCHLANDS IM ELFTEN JAHRHUNDERT. Stuttgart: A.Hiersemann, 1938. 328pp. lar.8vo. dw. 1210 4,200 EVELYN (J.): PONSONBY (A.) JOHN EVELYN. London: Heinemann, 1933. 350pp. lar.8vo. original cloth. 1212 6,000 FAULKNER (W.): BLOTNER (J.) FAULKNER A BIOGRAPHY. N.Y.: Random House, 1974. 2 vols. lar.8vo. wish slip case. cover sl. worn. 1213 3,500 FAULKNER (W.): BLOTNER (J.) & POLK (N.)(Ed.) WILLIAM FAULKNER. NOVELS 1930-1935 & 1936-1940. The Library of America, 1985/1990. 2 vols. sm.8vo. dw. 1214 4,200 EVELYN (J.): BOWLE (J.) JOHN EVELYN AND HIS WORLD. A Biography. Routledge,1981. xvii,277pp. dw. 1211 25,000 6,000 FAULKNER (W.): BOCKTING (I.) CHARACTER AND PERSONALITY IN THE NOVELS OF WILLIAM FAULKNER. A Study in Psychostylistics. Univ press of Ameica, 1995. 311pp. - 89 - 8,000 1215 FAULKNER (W.): WILLIAMS (D.) FAULKNER'S WOMEN. The Myth and the Muse. Mcgillqueen's,1977. xviii,268pp. clean copy. 1216 4,200 FERBER (Edna) GIANT NOVEL.N.Y: Doubleday & Company,1952. First Ed.,447pp. Black cloth binding with silver lettering on spine. dw. (head & tail of spine sl.chipped). nice copy. 12,600 1217 FERGUSSON (R.) THE WORKS OF ROBERT FERGUSSON. To which is prefixed a sketch of the Author's life. London:H.Oddy,1807.First ed, 364pp. half calf.(spine rubbed) scarce. 15,000 1218 FETZ (R.L.),HAGENBUCHLE (R.) & SCHULZ (P.)(Hrsg.) GESCHICHTE UND VORGESCHICHTE DER MODERNEN SUBJEKTIVITAT. European Cultures: Studies in Literature and the Arts volume 11.1, 11.2. N.Y.: Walter de Gruyter, 1998. 2 vols. fine set. 1219 35,000 FICHTE (H.) DIE GESCHICHTE DER EMPFINDLICHKEIT. Hrsg.von G.Lindemann und T.Teichert im Zusammenarbeit mit Leonore Mau. *Hotel Garni. *Explosion. *Alte Welt. *Der Platz der Gehenkten. *Forschungsbericht. *Die Geschichte der Nana. *Psyche. *Der Kleine Hauptbahnhof oder Lob des Strichs. *Eine Gluckliche Liebe. *Paraleipomena Lil's Book. *Schulfunk. *Das Haus der Mina in Sao Luiz de Maranhao. *Homosexualitat und Literatur 1,2. *Hamburg Hauptbahnhof. *Die Schwarze Stadt. S.Fischer, 1987. 2.Auflage: 5.6.Tausend. 16 vols. good condition. in card-board box. 1220 FIELDING (H.) THE COMPLETE WORKS OF HENRY FIELDING, ESQ. N.Y.: Barnes & Noble, 1967. 16 Vols. 1221 30,000 73,500 FIELDING (H.): THE NOVELS OF HENRY FIELDING. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1926. Large paper Ed. This Edition Printed from Type by the Shakespeare Head Press Stratford-uponAvon. 10 vols. Limited to 500 copies. lar.8vo. spine cloth with boards. 1222 FIELDING (H.): THE SHAKESPEARE HEAD EDITION OF FIELDING. Novels. Oxford: Blackwell, 1926. 10 vols. Limited Ed. 1223 52,500 FIELDING (H.): CROSS (Wilbur L.) THE HISTORY OF HENRY FIELDING. New York: Russell & Russell, 1963. reissued. 3 vols. fore-edges foxing. 1224 16,000 FIELDING: DUDDEN (F.H.)HENRY FIELDING. His Life, Works and Times. Scarce.Ox.C.P., 1952.First Ed.2 vols.original cloth. end paper light spotted. nice copy. 1225 42,000 15,000 FISCHER (Jakob) DEW-DROPS ON A LOTUS LEAF. Tokyo: Kenkyusha, 1937. First Ed. printed Japanese-style illustrated. xxvi,152pp. string-bound in pictorial paper cover. In a folding clasped box. 1226 21,000 FITZGERALD (E.): WORKS OF EDWARD FITZGERALD. Translator of Omar Khyyam. N.Y.: Houghton,Mifflin, 1887. 2 vols. signed by B.Quaritch. frontis. original cloth. paper labels. labels sl.worn. 26,250 - 90 - 1227 FLAUBERT (G.) SALAMMBO. Paris: michel Levy Freres, 1863. Limited ed, 474pp. roy.8vo. 3/4 morocco with marbled boards. gilt top.(original publisher's yellow printed wrappers bound in). fine copy. 1228 80,000 FLAUBERT (G.): WAKCIT (W.)(Illustrated) SALAMBO. Illustre de Vingt-Deux Eaux-Fortes Dessinees et Gravees par William Walcot. Paris: Les Editions D'Art Devambez, 1926. Limited to 135 copies. 22 steel engravings by William Walcot.232pp. roy.4to. full gilt decorated morocco. joint sl rubbed. in slip case worn. 1229 280,000 FORD (F.M.) PORTRAITS FROM LIFE. Memories and Criticism of H.James, J.Conrad, T.Hardy etc. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1937. First Ed. 227pp. lar.8vo. original cloth sl.stained. with a little chipped soiled dust cover. 1230 10,500 FORSTER (E.M.) THE HILL OF DEVI, being Letters from Dewas State Senior. London: Edward Arnold, 1953. First Ed, With 8 illus. 176pp. with dust cover. fine copy. 1231 9,450 FORSTER (E.M.): BEER (J.B.) THE ACHIEVEMET OF E.M.FORSTER. London: Chatto & windus,1968. 225pp. dw. 1232 3,000 FOSTER (K.) THE TWO DANTES AND OTHER STUDIES. Univ of California, 1977. 260pp. dw.(spine faded). 1233 12,000 FOXON (D.F.) ENGLISH VERSE 1701-1750. A Catalogue of Separately printed poems with notes on contemporary collected Editions. Vol l: Catalogue. Vol 2: Indexes. Cambridge U.P., 1975. 2 vols. 4to. in slip-case. 1234 31,500 FRANCE (A.) OEUVRES COMPLETES ILLUSTREES DE ANATOLE FRANCE. Avec le Portrait d'Anatole France dessine par E.Chahine et Grave sur bois par J.A.Hoffmann et Les Compositions de Maxime dethomas Graves sur bois par E.Gasperini. Paris: Calmann-Levy, 1925. 25 vols. Roy.8vo. original wrapper. clen copy. 1235 FRAPPIER (J.) AMOUR COURTOIS ET TABLE RONDE. Geneve: Lib.Droz, 1973. 306pp. wrapper. fore-edges spotted. 1236 65,000 5,000 FRASER (A.) MARY QUEEN OF SCOTS. London: Weidenfeld, 1970. xv,613pp. lar.8vo. dw. 3,000 1237 FULLER (D.) BLAKE'S HEROIC ARGUMENT. London: Croom helm,1988.xv,297pp. dw. 4,000 1238 FURNIVALL (F.J.) POLITICAL, RELIGIOUS, AND LOVE POEMS. Oxford U.P., 1965. 348pp. 3,000 1239 FURST (L.R.) ROMANTICISM IN PERSPECTIVE. A Comparative study of aspects of the Romantic Movements in England,France and Germany. London: Macmillan,1969. 366pp. dw. (sl. tears) 1240 4,000 GADAMER (H.-G.) HANS-GEORG GADAMER POETICA. Ausgewahlte essays. Insel,1977. 149pp. sm.8vo. dw. 3,000 - 91 - 1241 GANN (E.K.) THE HIGH AND THE MIGHTY. N.Y.: W.Sloane Associates, 1953. First Ed. 342pp. with dust jacket. almost good. 12,600 1242 GARY (R.) LES CLOWNS LYRIQUES. Romn. Gallimard,1979. 252pp. wrapper. 3,000 1243 GEMS OF LITERATURE. Elegant, rare, and suggestive. Edinburgh: William P.Nimmo,1866. many b/w illustrations. 147pp. full morocco. gilt decorated spine. all edge gilt. owner's inscriptions. 1244 25,000 GERVAIS (D.) LITERARY ENGLANDS: Versions of 'Englishness' in Modern Writing. Cambridge U.P., 1993. 280pp. lar.8vo. dw. 1245 12,600 GHELLINCK ( LITTERATURE LATINE AU MOYEN AGE 1.Depuis les oriigines jusqu'a la fin de la renaissance carolingienne. 2.De la renaissance carolingienne a Saint Anselme. Olms,1969. 2 vols in 1. 190pp. cr.8vo. 1246 6,500 GIBBON (E.) THE HISTORY OF THE DECLINE AND FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE. Edited and with an introduction by Betty Radice. London; The Folio Society, 1998. 8 vols. with some illustrations. roy.8vo. in the two boxs. mint copy. 1247 18,000 GIBBON (E.): LOW (D.M.) GIBBON'S JOURNAL. To January 28th , 1763. London: Chatto & Windus, 1929. cxvii & 260pp. inner hinge sl. cracked. nice copy. 1248 3,000 GILBERT (M.): QUAY Bros.(illus.) THE NIGHT OF THE TWELFTH. N.Y.: Harper & Row, 1976. jacket illustration by Quay Brothers. 216pp. dw. 1249 5,000 GILDERSLEEVE (B.L.): ESSAYS AND STUDIES. Educational and Literary. Baltimore: N.Murray, 1890. 513pp. sm.4to. ex-library. 1250 6,500 GILES (H.A.) A HISTORY OF CHINESE LITERATURE. N.Y: D.Appleton,1923. viii,448pp. original pictorial yellow cloth. 1251 3,150 GILFILLAN (George Rev.)(Compiled by) BRITISH POETS. (THE) *Addison. *Armstrong. *Akenside. *Beattie. *Blair. *Bowles. *Burns. *Butler. *Chaucer. *Churchill. *Collins. *Cowper. *Crashaw. *Denham. *Dryden. *Dyer. *Falconer. *Gay. *Goldsmith. *Grahame. *Gray. *Green. *Herbert. *Johnson & others. Edinburgh: James Nichol, 1853-1860. altogether 48 vols. half vellum, gilt tops. 1252 480,000 GILMAN (S.L.) & ZIPES (J.)(Ed.) YALE COMPANION TO JEWISH WRITING AND THOUGHT IN GERMAN CULTURE 1096-1996. Yale U.P., 1997. xxxiv,864pp. Roy.8vo. dw. text fine. 3,000 1253 GILPIN (William) REMARKS ON FOREST SCENERY, AND OTHER WOODLAND VIEWS. Edited by Sir Thomas Dick Lauder,Bart. Edinburgh: Fraser & Co. 1834. First Lauder Ed, 2 vols. with 2 frontispieces and 18 full page plates. 368 & 344pp. 4/3 morocco, with raised bands and gilt decorated spines, marabled boards and endpapers.some pages foxing. bound by E.Riley & Son. fine set. 55,000 - 92 - 1254 GILSON (Et.) et THERY (O.P.) ARCHIVES D'HISTOIRE DOCTRINALE ET LITTERAIRE DU MOYEN AGE. Vol. 1(1928) - Vol 40(1974) Lacks 5-7,10-14,16-24, & 26. Paris: Vrin,1926. 12 Vols. lar.8vo. wrapper. 1255 40,000 GINSBERG (L.) MORNING IN SPRING. And other Poems. N.Y: William Morrow,1970. 125pp. dw. 3,000 1256 GISSING (G.) A LIFE'S MORNING. 1,2 & 3.N.Y:AMS,1969. 333pp. lar.8vo. 4,500 1257 GISSING (G.) CHARLES DICKENS. A Critical study. London: Gresham,1903. 13 plates with tissue guard, Kitton, illus 307pp. gilt decorated cover. top edge gilt. spine faded. fly leaf & title page sl. spotted. 1258 8,400 GISSING (G.) DENZIL QUARRIER. Harvester, 1979. xx,355pp. cr.8vo. with dust cover. 9,500 1259 GISSING (G.) EVE'S RANSOM. A Novel. N.Y:AMS reprinted from the edition of 1895.379pp. 5,000 1260 GISSING (G.) IN THE YEAR OF JUBILEE. Harvester,1976. xx,457pp. cr.8vo. nevy cloth with gilt lettering. 1261 8,500 GISSING (G.) THE PAYING GUEST. Harvester,1982. xxxii,171pp. tall dark blue cloth with gilt lettering. 1262 6,300 GOETHE: GOETHES SAMTLICHE WERKE. Stuttgart: J.G.Cotta'sche, 1902. Jubilaums Ausgabe. altogether 41 vols complete set(40 vols with Register). original pictorial cloth with marbled edges. scarce. private stamped on all-title. inner-joint tender. 1263 GOETHE: FRIEDRICH (T.) WILHELM MEISTERS WANDERJAHRE. Leipzig: P.Reclam,N.d. 2 Bde. cr.8vo. original gilt decorated cloth. 1264 4,000 GOETHE: MICHEL (C.) & FLECKHAUS (G.W.) GOETHE. Sein Leben in Bildern und texten. Insel verlag,1982. illustration thoughout. 411pp. 4to. dw. slip case. 1265 4,500 GOMME (G.L.) FOLK-LORE RELICS OF EARLY VILLAGE LIFE. London: Elliot Stock, 1883. 246pp. half calf. sl.chipped. 1266 GOSSELIN (M.) L'ECRITURE 6,000 DU SURNATUREL DANS L'OEUVRE ROMANESQUE G.BERNNANOS. Paris: Duffusion,1979.2 Vols. lar.8vo. paprback. clean copy. 1267 DE 3,500 GRASSL (H.) AUFBRUCH ZUR ROMANTIK. Bayerns Beitrag zur deutschen Geistesgeschichte 1765-1785. Munchen: C.H.Beck'sche, 1968. 494pp. lar.8vo. dw(bit rubbed). 1268 250,000 5,000 GREEN (D.H.) IRONY IN THE MEDIEVAL ROMANCE. London: Cambridge U.P., 1979. First Ed. 431pp. with Dust-cover. 7,500 - 93 - 1269 GREEN (J.) CE QU'IL FAUT D'AMOUR A L'HOMME. Plon,1978.Limited to 120 copies. 157pp. sm.8vo. wrapper. Clean copy. 1270 4,000 GREEN (J.) LE MAUVAIS LIEU. ROMAN.PLON,1977.Limited to 150 copies. 295pp. pb. dw. 3,000 1271 GREEN (J.R.) A SHORT HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH PEOPLE. Illustrated Edition. London: Macmillan, 1894. 8 vols. cr.4to. original pictorial cover. spine slightly chipped. hinge slightly cracked. private small stamp on title pages. 1272 84,000 GREENE (G.) THE COLLECTED EDITION. London: W.Heinemann & the Bodley Head, 1970. altogether 21 vols. sm.8vo. with dust cover. 126,000 1273 GREENE (G.) MONSIGNOR QUIXOTE. London: Bodley head,1982. 220pp. dw. 3,000 1274 GREG (W.W.) A LIST OF ENGLISH PLAYS. Written before 1643 and printed before 1700. Haskell,1969. 158pp. 1275 GREISENEGGER 3,000 (W.) THEATER KUNST WISSENSCHAFT. Festschrift Greisenegger zum 66. Geburtstag. Koln: Bohlau, 2004. 402pp. lar.8vo. pb. 1276 fur Wolfgang 4,000 GRICE (P.) STUDIES IN THE WAY OF WORDS. Harvard U.P., 1989. viii,394pp. lar.8vo. dw. 7,140 1277 GROSS (C.) THE SOURCES AND LITERATURE OF ENGLISH HISTORY. From the Earliest Times to About 1485. London: Longmans,Green, 1900. xx,618,32pp. lar.8vo. edges spotted, text sl.foxing. scarce. 4,000 1278 GUNN (T.) FIGHTING TERM. London:Faber,1962.39pp. dw. 3,000 1279 GUNN (T.) MOLY. London: faber,First Ed.,55pp. dw. 3,500 1280 GUNN (T.) THE OCCASIONS OF POETRY. Essays in Criticism and Autobiography. Faber & faber,1982.188pp. dw. 3,000 1281 GUNN (T.) THE SENSE OF MOVEMENT. London: Faber,1959. 62pp. dw. 3,000 1282 GUNN (T.) TOUCH. London: faber,1967. First ed.,58pp. dw. 3,000 1283 GURST (G.),HOYER (S.),ULLMANN (E.) & ZIMMERMANN RENAISSANCE. Leipzig: VEB, 1989. 797pp. Roy.8vo. dw. 1284 LEXIKON DER 5,040 HAMERTON (P.G.) THE INTELLECTUAL LIFE. Rutland: Charles E.Tuttle, 1980. xviii,466pp. sm.8vo. a few pages. fore-edges sl.spotted. 1285 (C.)(Hrsg.) 8,000 HARDY (T.)JUDE THE OBSCURE. Introduction by Terry Eagleton. notes by P.N.Furbank, London: Macmillan. 1975. New wessex Ed. xxv,362pp. dw. - 94 - 3,000 1286 HARDY (T.) THE TRUMPET-MAJOR. John Loverdy and Robert his Brother. Macmillan, 1975.349pp. dw. 1287 3,000 HARDY (T.) :TESS OF THE D'URBERVILLES. A Pure woman. London, Macmillan, 1970.New Wessex Ed. 400PP. dw. 1288 3,000 HARDY (T.): THE WORKS OF THOMAS HARDY IN PROSE AND VERSE. With Prefaces and Notes. (1912) Republished in 1985 by Johnson Reprint Corporation. Wessex Ed. 24 vols. Limited to 270 copies. half morocco with marbled boards. uncut. fine copy. 1289 450,000 HARDY (T.): THE WORKS OF THOMAS HARDY. THE MELLSTOCK EDITION: London: Macmillan, 1919. Best Ed. 37 vols. Limited to 500 copies. Signed by the Author. lar.8vo. half morocco with boards. boards edges bit wear, and a few pages spotted. 1290 HARPER (G.M.): GRIGGS (E.L.)(Ed.) WORDSWORTH AND COLERIDGE. Princeton,1939. 254pp. spine rubbed.faded. otherwise good. 1291 3,000 HARTE (B.) THE LUCK OF ROARING CAMP AND OTHER SKETCHES. The Riverside Library. Boston: Houghton Miflin. ca1869. 256pp. original cloth. no jacket. 1293 3,000 HARRISON (J.S.) PLATONISM IN ENGLISH POETRY. Of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth centuries. Russell,1965. 235pp. 1292 950,000 3,000 HATIN (E.) HISTOIRE POLITIQUE ET LITTERAIRE DE LA PRESSE EN FRANCE. Avec une Introduction Historique sur les Origines du Journal et la Bibliographie Generale des Journaux. Paris: Poulet-malassis, 1859. 8 vols. wrappers. 1294 HAWTHORNE (J.) NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE AND HIS WIFE. A BIOGRAPHY. Boston: Houghton Mifflin,1889. 2 Vols. original cloth. gilt top. sl. worn. 1295 63,000 6,300 HAWTHORNE (N.) THE CENTENARY EDITION OF THE WORKS. Columbus Ohio University Press, 1965-85. 23 vols. complete set. roy.8vo. original cloth. without dust jackets. fine copy. 1296 147,000 HAWTHORNE (N.) THE HOUSE OF THE SEVEN GABLES. A Romance. Boston: Ticknor, Reed & Fields, 1851. First Ed third printing. 344pp. sm.8vo. original blind stamped cloth. top of spine sl.chipped. 1297 36,750 HAYASHI (F.) FLOATING CLOUD.(ukigumo) Translated by Y.Koitabashi.Tokyo: Information pub,1957. illustrated by Sho Tanaka. 110pp. wrapper. flyleaf worn. 1298 HAYM (R.) DIE ROMANTISCHE SCHULE. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Deutschen Geistes. (1870) Hildesheim: G.Olms, 1961. 951pp. fore-edges sl.foxing. in case. 1299 5,000 5,770 HAYWARD (A.) BIOGRAPHICAL AND CRITICAL ESSAYS. Reprinted from Reviews, with Additions and Corrections. London: Longmans, 1858. 2 vols. original cloth. spine cloth some chipped & cover faded. text is fine. - 95 - 15,750 1300 HEARN (L.) EDITORIALS. Edited by C.W.Hutson. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1926. First Ed. Limited to 250 copies. xx,356pp. fine dust wrapper. scarce. 1301 HEARN (L.) LA CUISINE CREOLE. A Collection of Gulinary Recipes. New Orleans: F.F.Hansell & Bro., (ca.1922) 2nd ed. 268pp. original red pictorial cloth stamped in gold. 1302 85,000 110,000 HEARN (L.) SHADOWINGS. Boston: Little Brown and Co., 1900. First American Ed261pp. sm.8vo. original pictorial cover. spine sl.rubbed. 1303 30,000 HEARN (L.) SOME CHINESE GHOSTS. Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1887. First Ed. iv,185pp. cr.8vo. original cloth. sl. spine rubbed. 1304 80,000 HEARN (L.): THE WRITINGS OF LAFCADIO HEARN. Bound into Volume I is a page of manuscript in Hearn's hand, colour illustrations. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1922. Large Paper Edition. 16 vols. Limietd to 750 coies (No.74.) Signed by Setsu Koizumi. original 3/4 brown morocco over brown cloth covered boards, gilt. some spines partially browned. morocco edges sl.chipped. nice copy. 1305 650,000 HEATH (W.) THE LIFE OF A SOLDIER. A Narrative and Descriptive Poem. London: William Sams, 1823. First Ed. 18 hand coloured engravings by William Heath. 150pp. roy.8vo. full red morocco gilt by Sangorski and Sutcliffe. rebacked. 1306 130,000 HEATH-STUBBS (M.) FRIENDSHIP'S HIGHWAY. Being the History of the Girls' Friendly Society, 1875-1935. London: G.F.S.Central Office, 1935. B/W plates. xv,308pp. lar.8vo. 4,500 1307 HEIDEL (A.) THE GILGAMESH EPIC AND OLD TESTAMENT PARALLELS. Chicago U.P., 1949. 269pp. pb. 1308 3,000 HEINE (H.): HIRTH (F.)(Hrsg.) BRIEFWECHSEL. Munchen & Berlin: G.Muller, 1914. 3 Bde. cover faded. 1309 11,550 HEMINGWAY (E.) FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS. New York: C.Scribner's Sons, 1940. First Ed., First Issue. 471pp. Light brown cloth with red/black labeling on spine, 18,000 1310 HEMINGWAY (E.) THE FIRST FORTY-NINE STORIES. London: j.Cape,1972. 414pp. dw. 3,000 1311 HENLEY (E.) ECHOES OF LIFE AND DEATH FORTY-SEVEN LYRICS. Thomas B.Mosher,1908. 64pp. cr.8vo. boards. 1312 3,000 HENNING (H.) FAUST-BIBLIOGRAPHIE. Aufbau-Verlag Berlin und Weimar. 1966. 2 vols in 4. roy,8vo. 511/232/316/318pp. with dustcover. (faded) 1313 12,600 HENRY (O.) CABBAGES AND KINGS. New York: A.L.Burt . 1904. 312pp. original cloth. 3,000 1314 HERBERT (W.N.) TO CIRCUMJACK MACDIARMID. The Poetry and prose of Hugh MacDiarmid. Ox.C.P,1992.First ed, xvii,238pp. dw. - 96 - 6,000 1315 HERDER: DUNTZER (H.) & HERDER (F.G.)(Hrsg.) HERDERS REISE NACH ITALIEN. Herders Briefwechsel mit seiner Gattin. Hildesheim: G.Olms, 1977. xxxii,416pp. 12mo. 1316 5,250 HERZOG (R.)(Hrsg.) RESTAURATION UND ERNEUERUNG. Die Lateinische Literatur von 284 bis 374 N.Chr. Munchen: C.H.Beck'sche, 1989. xxix,559pp. Roy.8vo. dw. 8,000 1317 HESSE (H.): HERMANN HESSE GESAMMELTE WERKE. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1975. 12 Bde. cr.8vo. paperback. 18,000 1318 HESSE (Hermann.) SAMTLICHE WERKE. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp. 2001-05. 21 vols. with original dust-cover. 95,000 1319 HIGGINS (F.R.) THE DARK BREED. A Book of Poems. London: Macmillan,1927. viii,69pp. sl. light spotted. ly leaf browned. 3,000 1320 HOARE (D.M.) THE WORKS OF MORRIS AND OF YEATS IN RELATIN TO EARLY SAGA LITERATURE. Cambridge.U.P,1937.viii,179pp. original half cloth & boards. 4,200 1321 HOFFMEISTER (G.)(Ed.) EUROPEAN ROMANTICISM, Literary Cross-Currents, Modes and Models. Wayne State Univ., 1990. 369pp. lar.8vo. dw. 3,000 1322 HOFMANNSTHAL (H.) HUGO VON HOFMANNSTHAL GESAMMELTE WERKE IN EINZELAUSGABEN. Dramen I-IV / Prosa I-IV / Lust-Spiele I-IV / Gedichte und Lyrische Dramen / Aufzeichnungen. S.Fischer, 1964. 14 Bde. sm.8vo. with dust wrapper. sl.scrached. 35,000 1323 HOLCROFT (T.): DEANE (S.)(Ed.) THE ADVENTURES OF HUGH TREVOR. Ox.U.P,1973. xviii,511pp. dw. 1324 4,000 HOLDERLIN (J.C.F.) SAMTLICHE WERKE. 1,2:Gedichte bis 1800(4 Bde). 3:Hyperion. 4:Empedokles aufsatze(2 Bde). 5:Ubersetzungen. 6:Briefe(2 W.Kohlhammer, 1946. 6 Bde in 10. 4to. cloth spine. fine original copy. 1325 Bde). Stuttgart: 84,000 HOLMES (O.W.): BROCK (H.M.)(Illust) THE PROFESSOR AT THE BREAKFAST-TABLE. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co,1906.with an engraved frontis and 46 test drawings. pictorial title printed in blue & brown. xvi,320pp. 3/4 morocco gilt over marbled boards. top edge gilt. 23,000 1326 HOLMES: [HOLMES (Oliver Wendell)] THE AUTOCRAT OF THE BREAKFAST-TABLE. Every Man his own Boswell. Boston: Phillips,Sampson, 1858. First Ed., First Issue. engraved in half title. viii,373pp. original cloth in half morocco case. 1327 84,000 HOLTHAUSEN (F.)(Ed.) VICES AND VIRTUES. Being a Soul's Confession of its Sins with Reason's Description of the Virtues. a Middle-English dialogue of About 1200A.D.Early english text society: Ox.U.P,1967. 2 vols. wrapper. spine faded. 1328 3,000 HOMEROS: LISLE ( HOMERE ODYSSEE & ILIADE. Traduction nouvelle par Leconte de Lisle. Paris; Alphonse Lemerre. n.d(ca1880). 2 vols. cr,8vo.465 & 476pp. contemporary half morocco. 18,000 - 97 - 1329 HUBERT (J.D.) L'ESTHETIQUE DES "FLEURS DU MAL". Essai sur L'ambiguite poetique. Geneve; P.Cailler,1953. First Ed.,289pp. wrapper. sl. spotted. 1330 4,500 HUCH (R.) DIE ROMANTIK. Blutezeit Ausbreitung und Verfall. Tubingen: R.Wunderlich, 1951. 687pp. cr.8vo. dw. 1331 3,000 HUDSON (W.H.): THE COLLECTED WORKS OF W.H.HUDSON. London: J.M.Dent, 1922-23. 24 vols. Limited to 750 copies. original green cloth with gilt lettered spine & gilt front cover vignette. other edges uncut. 1332 150,000 HUGHES (L.) MONTAGE OF A DREAM DEFERRED. N.Y.: Henry Holt & Co., 1951. First ed, (ixvi),75pp. original cloth. spine edges wear. joint tender. scarce. 1333 18,900 HUGHES (T.) THE EARTH-OWL AND OTHER MOON-PEOPLE. London: Faber,1963.First Ed.,Illustrated by R.A.BRANDT. 46pp. dw. spine sl. faded. 4,500 1334 HUGHES (T.) THE HAWK IN THE RAIN. London: Faber, 1964. 59pp. dw. (sl. spotted) 3,000 1335 HUGHES (T.): SAGAR (K.) THE ART OF TED HUGHES. Cambridge.U.P,1975. 213pp. dw. 3,000 1336 HUGO (V.) HANS OF ICELAND/ BUG-JARGAL/ CLAUDE GUEUX. (Valjean Edition of the Novels of Victor Hugo) N.Y:P.F.Collier, ca1900. illus.with a gravure frontispiece potrait. 514pp. half morocco gilt spine. 1337 18,000 HUNT (W.H.) PRE-RAPHAELITISM AND THE PRE-RAPHAELITE BROTHERHOOD. London: Macmillan, 1905. First Ed. 2 vols. numerous illustrations. lar.8vo. original green cloth. Vol.1:rebacked.(spine-joint) text almost clean. 1338 31,500 HUXLEY (A.) BRIEF CANDLES, Stories. London: Chatto & Windus, 1930. First Ed. 324pp. sm.8vo. 3,150 1339 HUXLEY (A.) EYELESS IN GAZA. London: Chatto & Windus, 1936. First Ed. 620pp. 3,150 1340 IBSEN (H.) THREE PLAYS OF HENRIK IBSEN. An Enemy of the People, The Wild duck, Hedda Gabler. N.Y.: Heritage, 1965. Illustrated by F.Matheson. 327pp. lar.8vo. with slip case. 4,200 1341 IBSEN (H.): ARCHER (W.) & HERFORD (C.H.)THE WORKS OF HENRIK IBSEN. N.Y.: C.Scribner's, 1911-12. The viking ediion. 16 Vols. Limited to 256 copies. b/w illust. printed on Ruisdael hand-made paper. half white cloth with boards. spine sl.faded. partly unopned. 1342 95,000 IRVING (D.): CARLYLE (J.A.) THE HISTORY OF SCOTISH POETRY. With a memoir and Glossary.Edinburgh: Edmonston,1861. First ed, xxviii,619pp. original cloth. joint rubbed. cover darkned. text is clean. 1343 5,000 IRVING (W.): WILLIAMS (S.T.) THE LIFE OF WASHINGTON IRVING. Oxford Univ: 1935. First ed, 2 vols. original navy blue cloth .gilt. - 98 - 8,000 1344 ISHERWOOD (R.M.) FARCE AND FANTASY, Popular Entertainment in Eighteenth-Century Paris. Oxford U.P., 1986. 324pp. with dust cover. 1345 JACK (I.) ENGLISH LITERATURE 1815-1832. The Oxford History of English Literature vol.X. Oxford C.P., 1963. 643pp. with d/j. clean copy. 1346 4,000 4,000 JACKSON (W.T.H.) THE LITERATURE OF THE MIDDLE AGES. Columbia.U.P,1960. xiii,432pp. 3,000 1347 JACOBSEN (T.) THE HARPS THAT ONCE... Sumerian Poetry in Translation. Yale U.P., 1987. xv,498pp. lar.8vo. dw. 6,300 1348 JAMES (H.) THE GOLDEN BOWL. N.Y:C.Scribner,1937. 2 vols. dw. 3,000 1349 JEPHCOTT (E.F.N.) PROUST AND RILKE. The Literature of Expanded Consciousness. London: Chatto & Windus, 1972. 315pp. dw. 1350 8,190 JOHNSON (B.): JACKSON (G.B.) VISION AND JUDGMENT IN BEN JOHNSON'S DRAMA. Yale U.P., 1968. 178pp. 1351 4,000 JOHNSON (S.): THE WORKS OF SAMUEL JOHNSON,LL.D. with an essay on his Life and Genius by A.Murphy. London: E.Blackader, 1806. 12 vols. frontis illus. portrait to vol.1. cr.8vo. contemporary full calf. joint sl weak. 1352 89,300 JOHNSON (S.): BIRRELL (A.)(Ed.) BOSWELL'S LIFE OF JOHNSON. London: The Times Book Club, 1912. 6 vols. cr.8vo. 1353 8,400 JOHNSON (S.): BOSWELL (J.) THE LIFE OF SAMUEL JOHNOSN.LL.D. Comprehending an Account of His Studies and Numerous Works, In Chronological Order; A Series of his Epistolary Correspondence and Conversations with Many Eminent Persons; and Various Original Pieces of his Composition Never Before Published. London: printed by Henry Baldwin for Charles Dilly. 1793. Second ed, 3 Vols. with frontispiece portrait, folding 2 plates. xiii,xxix,(i),603: (ii),634: & (ii),711pp. modern half. 1354 JOHNSON (S.): BOSWELL (J.) THE LIFE OF SAMUEL JOHNSON, LL.D. with Copious Notes. London: George Routledge, 1892. xvi,526pp. full vellum with gilt decorate spine. 1355 85,000 28,000 JOHNSON (S.): BOSWELL (J.) THE LIFE OF SAMUEL JOHNSON, LL.D. Edited with copious Notes and Eiographical illustrations by Edward Malone. London: James Blackwood, n.d.(ca.1890) 580pp. lar.8vo. spotted. 1356 JOHNSON (S.): BOSWELL (J.) THE LIFE OF SAMUEL JOHNSON. London: J.Murray, 1835. First Illustrated Ed. 10 vols. cr.8vo. full calf bound by Zaehnsdorf. 1357 6,000 150,000 JOHNSON (S.): CHAPMAN (R.W.) THE LETTERS OF SAMUEL JOHNSON. With Mrs.Thrale's Genuine Letters to him. Collected & Edited by R.W.Chapman. 1719-1784.Oxford C.P., 1952. 3 vols. with frosntispiece of facsimile letter. original cloth. - 99 - 8,000 1358 JOHNSON (S.): HAWKINS (J.) THE WORKS OF SAMUEL JOHNSON. together with His Life and Notes on His Lives of the Poets. London: J.Buckland. 1787. First edition of collected works. 11 vols. contemporary full-calf. rebcked. black and red labels on spine. good. 1359 JOHNSON (S.): SHERBO (A.)(Ed.) JOHNSON ON SHAKESPEARE. (Yale edition of the works volume 8)Yale.U.P,1968.1109pp. dw. 1360 95,000 4,000 JOHNSON (S.): TURBERVILLE (A.S.)(Ed.) JOHNSON'S ENGLAND. An Account of the Life & Manners of his Age. (Oxford C.P.,1933) Tokyo: Meirin Shuppan, 1985. Reprinted Ed. 2 vols. 1361 6,000 JONSON (B.): BEN JONSON'S PLAYS. Introduction by F.E.Schelling. London: J.M.Dent, 1956/53. 2 vols in 1. 3/4 calf with boards. decorate spine. gilt top. bound by Sotheran 18,000 1362 JONSON (B.): HERFORD (C.H.) & SIMPSON (P.)(Ed.) BEN JONSON. Oxford C.P., 1965. 11 vols. with frontis plates. fine copies. dw sl.rubbed(except vol.11). 1363 JONSON (B.): HERFORD (C.H.) & SIMPSON (P.)(Ed.) PLAY COMMENTARY, MASQUE COMMENTARY. (BEN JONSON Vol.X.) OX.C.P,1961.xii,710pp. dw. unopened. 1364 3,000 JOYCE (J.): CIXOUS (H.) THE EXILE OF JAMES JOYCE. Translated from the French by Sally A.J.Purcell. London: J.Calder, 1976.xv,765pp. dw. 1367 38,000 JOYCE (J.): THEALL (D.F.) JAMES JOYCE'S TECHNO-POETICS. Univ of Toronto,1997. xxii,246pp. dw. 1369 4,000 JOYCE (J.): GABLER (H.W.) ULYSSES. Prepared by Hans Walter Gabler. New York: Garland, 1984. A Critial and Synoptic Ed. 3 vols. lar.8vo. spine slightly worn. 1368 3,500 JOYCE (J.) DUBLINERS. With Fifteen drawings by Robin Jacques. London: J.Cape, 1956. With Fifteen drawings by Robin Jacques. 255pp. fe. 1366 8,000 JOUFFROY (A.) L'INCURABLE RETARD DES MOTS. Suivi de Discours sur le peude Revolution.J-J P=auvert, 1972. First Ed. 231pp. wrapper. 1365 150,000 3,000 JOYCE (J.); ROSE (D.) & HANLON (J.O.) UNDERSTANDING FINNEGANS WAKE. A GUIDE TO THE NARRATIVE OF JAMES JOYCE'S MASTERPIECE. N.Y: Garland,1982. xxv,34lpp. Roy.8vo. 12,000 1370 JOYCE (James) ULYSSES. London: the Bodley Head, 1952. 765pp. dust-cover. original cloth. bit foxed. 1371 4,000 JOYCE: THEALL (D.F.) BEYOND THE WORD: Reconstructing Sense in the Joyce Era of Technology, Culture, and Communication. Univ of Totonto,1995. xxi,328pp. lar.8vo. 8,000 1372 KAFKA (F.): BINDER (H.) & WAGENBACH (K.) S.FISCHER, 1974. 248pp. cr.8vo. dw. - 100 - BRIEFE AN OTTLA UND DIE FAMILIE. N.Y: 3,000 1373 KAFKA (F.): BROD (M.) TAGEBUCHER 1910-1923. S.Fischer,1967. 344pp. dw. 1374 KAFKA (F.): BROD (M.)(Hrsg.) GESAMMELTE WERKE. Fischer Taschenbuch, 1976. 7 Bde. cr.8vo. paperbacks. 1375 8,190 KAFKA (F.): HELLER (E.) und BORN (J.) BRIEFE AN FELICE. Und andere Korrespondenz aus der Verlobungszeit. S.Fischer, 1970. 782pp. sm.8vo. dw. 1376 3,000 KAISER (G.) PIETISMUS UND PATRIOTISMUS IM LITERARISCHEN DEUTSCHLAND. ein Beitrag zum Problem der Sakularisation. Wiesbaden: F.Steiner, 1961. 302pp. lar.8vo. dw. 1378 5,250 KAISER (G.): HUDER (W.)(Hrsg.) GEORG KAISER WERKE. Propylaen Verlag, 1971. 6 vols. sm.8vo. text clean. 1379 3,000 KAFKA (F.): RAABE (P.) FRANZ KAFKA SAMTLICHE ERZAHLUNGEN. S.Fischer, 1970. 462pp. dw. 1377 3,000 18,000 KANT (I.): MYSKJA (B.K.) THE SUBLIME IN KANT AND BECKETT. Aesthetic Judgement, Ethics and Literature. KANTSTUDIEN 140. Walter de Gruyter, 2002. 313pp. lar.8vo. fine. 14,000 1380 KEATS (J.) ENDYMION. A Poetical Romance by John Keats prined from he original edition of 1818.N.Y: Elstone press,1902. Limited to 160 copies. illusrated with an elaborately decorated title spread and decorative initials by H.M.O'Kane. 116pp. 3/4 morocco over marbled boards. endpaper marbled by Dutton. binding with light rubbing to joints and raised bands. endpaper inscription. 1381 84,000 KEATS: GARROD (H.W.)(Ed.) POETICAL WORKS. London: Oxford.U.P,1970. xxix,477pp. dw. 3,000 1382 KEIGHTLEY (T.) THE FAIRY MYTHOLOGY. London: Whittaker, Treacher, 1833. 2 vols. Illustrative of the Romance and Superstition of Various countries. cr.8vo. full morocco, gilt top. Binding by Sangorski & Sutcliffe. 1383 KELLER (G.): FEHR (K.) GOTTFRIED KELLER. Aufschlusse und Deutungen. Bern: Francke, 1972. 248pp. dw. 1384 3,000 KELLY (D.) MEDIEVAL IMAGINATION. Rhetoric and the Poetry of Countly Love. Univ of Wisconsin,1978. xvi,330pp. dw. 1385 5,000 KELLY (R.G.)(Ed.) CHILDREN'S PERIODICALS OF THE UNTIED STATES. Greenwood,1984. xxix,591pp. lar.8vo. 1386 85,000 6,300 KELMSCOTT PRESS: ELLIS (F.S.)(Ed.,) SIRE DEGREVVAUNT.Hammersmith: Kelmscott press,1896. Limited to 358 copies, of which this is one of 350 on paper. printed in red and black, woodcut frontispiece after Sir Edward Burne-Jones, ornamental borders and initials, sm.8vo. original holland-backed boards,uncut. - 101 - 315,000 1387 KELMSCOTT PRESS: ELLIS (F.S.)(Ed.,) SYR YSAMBRACE.Hammersmith:Kelmscott press,1897. Limited to 358 copies, of which this is one of 350 on paper. printed in red and black, woodcut frontispiece after sir Edward Burne-Jones, ornamental borders and initials, 41pp. sm.8vo.original holland-backed boards. 1388 210,000 KELMSCOTT PRESS: MORRIS (W.) GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE: A Lecture for the Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society. Hammersmith: Kelmscott Press, 1893. Limited to 1545 copies, of which this is one of 1500 on paper.printed in red and black, ornamental woodcut initials.68pp. original holland backed boards, 16mo. spine linen with boards. cover sl. darkned. 1389 68,000 KELMSCOTT PRESS: ROSSETTI (D.G.): BALLADS AND NARRATIVE POEMS BY DANTE GABRIEL ROSSETTI. Hammersmith: Kelmscott press, 1893. Limited to 316 copies, of which this is one of 310 on paper. printed in red and black, ornamental woodcut title,borders, and initials. original limp vellum, , uncut, full limp vellum. cover sl.bent. lacking 4 ties 1390 189,000 KELMSCOTT: SHELLEY (P.B.): THE POETICAL WORKS OF PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY. Kelmscott press: 1894-1895. 3 vols. Limited to 256 copies, of which this is one of 250 on paper. printed in red and black, ornamental woodcut title, borders, and initials. original limp full vellum. nice set. 1391 850,000 KENKO (Y.) TSUREZUREGUSA. oder Aufzeichnungen aus Mussestunden. Ueberselzt, erlautert und eingeleilet von Oscar Benl. Japanisch-Deutschen Kultur Institut. Tokyo: ca,1940. 160pp. originnal pictorial boards. 1392 3,500 KIKUCHI (KWAN): SHAW (G.W.)(Trans.) TOJURO'S LOVE AND FOUR OTHER PLAYS. Kanda: The Hokuseido, 1925. v,138pp. cr.8vo. original pictorial cloth in case. top edge gilt. some unopened. 1393 35,000 KINGSLEY (C.)(Rendered into Modern English) WESTWARD HO! or The Voyages and Adventures of Sir Amyas Leigh, Knight, of Burrough, in the County of Devon, In the Reign of Her Most Glorious Majesty Queen Elizabeth. London: Gibbings and Company, 1907. The Devon Edition. with 7 (inc.frontis) photogravure plates, and 50 drawing illusts. xi,591pp. sm.8vo. full calf with decorate spine. marbled edges. p.587-591 sl.tear & crease. 1394 25,000 KIPLING (R.) LIFE'S HANDICAP Being Stories of Mine Own People. London: Macmillan, 1908. xvi,407pp. 3/4 blue morrocco with marbled boards. all edges gilt.bound by Bumpus. 28,000 1395 KIPLING (R.) THE JUNGLE BOOK & THE SECOND JUNGLE BOOK. London: Macmillan, 1894,95. First Ed. 2 Vols. with illustrations by J.L.Kipling,W.H.Drake, & P.Frenzeny. original gily pictorial cloth. all edge gilt. inner hinge cracked. spine rubbed. nice copy. 80,000 1396 KIRSCH (A.C.) JACOBEAN DRAMATIC PERSPECTIVES. Univ of virginaia, 1972. 134pp. dw. (spine faded) 3,150 - 102 - 1397 KITAGAWA (H.) & TSUCHIDA (B.T.)(Trans.) THE TALE OF THE HEIKE. Heike Monogatari. Univ.of Tokyo, 1975. signed by the Author. 807pp. roy.8vo. original cloth with dustcover in the box. 1398 12,000 KORS (A.C.) & KORSHIN (P.J.)(Ed.) ANTICIPATIONS OF THE ENLIGHTENMENT IN ENGLAND, FRANCE AND GERMANY. Pennsylvania U.P., 1987. 290pp. lar.8vo. dw. fore-edges sl.spotted. 1399 8,190 KOSCH (W.)(Ed,) DEUTSCHES LITERATUR-LEXIKON. Biographisches und Bibliographisches handbuch. Halle: Niemeyer,1927. 2 Bde. 4to. cover sl. worn. 1400 3,000 KOWALEWSKI (M.)(Ed.) TEMPERAMENTAL JOURNEYS. Essays on the Modern Literature of Travel. Georgia U.P., 1992. 359pp. lar.8vo. wrapper. 1401 5,040 KRAKL (G.) GEORG TRAKL. Dichtungen und Briefe. Salzburg: O.Muller,1969. 2 Bde. lar.8vo. dw. with lip case. 1402 18,000 KRICKEBERG (E.) HEINRICH VON STEPHAN Ein Lebensbild. Dresden: Reissner, 1897. 320pp. cloth with boards. exlibrary. 1403 4,000 KRISTELLER (P.O.): MOONEY (M.)(Ed.) RENAISSANCE THOUGHT AND ITS SOURCES. Columbia U.P., 1979. 347pp. lar.8vo. sl.spotted. 1404 KRONENBERG (M.) GESCHICHTE 4,200 DES DEUTSCHEN IDEALISMUS. 1.Die idealistische Ideen=Entwickelung von ihreen Anfangen bis Kant. 2.Die Blutezeit des deutschen Idealismus Von Kant bis Hegel. Munchen: Beck, 1909/12. 2 Bde. original cloth. underlined. 8,000 1405 KUNITOMO (T.) JAPANESE LITERATURE SINCE 1868. Tokyo: Hokuseido Press, 1938. First Ed. 261pp. original cloth. 1406 8,000 KYD (T.): BOAS (F.S.) THE WORKS OF THOMAS KYD. Oxford C.P., 1955. With facsimile letter. cxii,470pp. original cloth. cleane copy. 1407 7,500 KYD (T.): FREEMAN (A.) THOMAS KYD. Facts and problems. Ox.C.P,1967. viii,200pp. dw.(spine faded) 1408 LA ROCHEFOUCAULD 4,200 (F.duc,de.) MAXIMES ET REFLEXIONS MORALES DE LA ROUCHEFOUCAULD. Paris: Didot. 1815. 120pp. & NICOLE (Pierre) PENSEES DE NICOLE, DE PORT-ROVAL. Paris: Didot. 1815. 140pp. 2 vols in one. 16mo. half calf. marbled boards. good. 1409 16,000 LABORDE (C.)(Illust.): ERASMUS: ELOGE DE LA FOLIE. Nouvellement traduit de Latin par Pierre de Nolhac. Paris: 1927. Limited to 980 copies. with 8 full page etching by Charles Laborde. hand coloured pochoir by J.Saude. 147pp. (22.5 x 16.7cm) original wrappers. fine copy. 50,400 - 103 - 1410 LACY (N.J.)(Ed.) THE ARTHURIAN ENCYCLOPEDIA. N.Y.: Garland pub., 1986. xxxvii,649pp. 4to. cover bit soiled. 1411 4,200 LALANDE (A.) VOCABULAIRE TECHNIQUE ET CRITIQUE DE LA PHILOSOPHIE. P.U.F., 1956. xxiv,1323pp. roy.8vo. original cloth. 1412 4,500 LAMB (C.) ELIA. Essays which have appeared under that signature in the London magazine. London: Talylor and Hessey. 23 Fleet Street. 1823. First ed ,First issue. (iv),341,(1)pp. contemporary morocco binding by Riviere. good. 1413 98,000 LAMB (C.) ELIA. Essays... in the London Magazine. First ed. First issue; original boards. Taylor & Hessey, 1823. ELIA. Essays... in the London Magazine. First ed. Second Series. Philadelphia. 1828. THE LAST ESSAYS OF ELIA. London:E.Moxon,1833. altogether 3 vols. sm.8vo. & 8vo. original board bindings as detailed above all enclosed in full red morocco puff-off boxed. very good copy. 1414 1,200,000 LAMB (C.) ESSAYS OF ELIA. WITH THE APPRECIATION OF LAMB BY WALTER PATER.N.Y: THE CENTURY CO,1902. tinted engraved frontis. portrait. xxx,344,2pp. finely bound by Blackwell in full blue morocco. gilt decorated. top edge gilt. spine & dentelles. 1415 28,000 LAMB (C.) TALES FROM SHAKESPEARE Designed For the Use of Young People. London: G.Routledge, n.d.(1882).First ed, with Illustrations in Colours by Sir John Gilbert, R.A. 405pp. full red calf with gilt decorated spine. marbled edges. preface page(corner) bit tape repaired. 1416 35,000 LAMB (C.): AINGER (A.) THE ESSAYS OF ELIA & LAST ESSAYS. with introduction and notes by A.Ainger. London: Macmillan, 1899. xxvi,425pp. sm.8vo. full calf with gilt decorated spine. marbled edges. 1417 25,000 LAMB (C.): LUCAS (E.V.)(Ed.) THE WORKS. 5 vols. [with] LETTERS. 3 vols. [with] LIFE. 2 vols in 1. N.Y.: AMS, 1968. Reprinted Ed. altogether 9 vols. "LIFE" is not uniform. 1418 LANE (G.)(Ed.) SYLVIA PLATH. New Views on the Poetry. John Hopkins Univ, 1979. xiv,264pp. dw. 1419 3,000 LANSON (G.) ESSAIS DE METHODE, DE CRITIQUE ET D'HISTOIRE LITTERAIRE. Rassembles et presentes par H.Peyre. Paris: Hachette, 1965. 479pp. wrapper. slip case. 1420 5,250 LARSEN (A.R.) & WINN (C.H.)(Ed.) RENAISSANCE WOMEN WRITERS. French Texts, American Contexts. Waynbe state Univ., 1994. 242pp. dw. 1422 4,500 LANSON (M.G.) MELANGES Offerts par ses Amis et ses Eleves. (1922) Geneve: Slatkine Reprints, 1972. 534pp. fore-edges spotted. 1421 84,000 3,000 LAWREENCE (D.H.: CALLOW (P.) SON AND LOVER. The Young Lawrence. London: Bodley Head,1975.316pp. dw. 3,000 - 104 - 1423 LAWRENCE (D.H.) A MODERN LOVER. London: M.Secker, 1934. 312p. cr.8vo. cover faded. 7,000 1424 LAWRENCE (D.H.) COLLECTED POEMS. N.Y:Jonathan Cape,1929. 2 Vols. cover sl. worn. with slipcase worn. 1425 LAWRENCE (D.H.) rainbow/Aaron's 3,000 THE PHOENIX EDITION OF D.H.LAWRENCE. women in love/the road/The plumed serpent/the white peacock/kangaroo/the trespasser/the lost girl/sons and lovers/short stories 3 vols/short novels 2 vols/twilight in italy/Mornings in Mexico and etruscan places/Lady chatterley's lover/apocalypse. London: heinemann, 1972.19 dw. 1426 35,000 LAWRENCE (D.H.) THE STORY OF DOCTOR MANENTE. Being the Tenth and Last Story from the Suppers of A.F.Grazzini called Il/Lasca. Translation and Introduction by D.H.Lawrence. Florence, G.Orioli, 1929. First Ed. limited to 1200 copies.119pp. original Boards. (bit.2spotted) with dust cover. fine copy. 1427 35,000 LAWRENCE (D.H.): THE PAINTINGS OF D.H.LAWRENCE. Typography and production arranged by P.R.Stephensesn Letterpress and colour-work under the supervision of William Dieper. London: The Mandrake Press, n.d. (1929) First Ed. Limited to 510 copies on Arches mouldmade paper. 26 colour plates. folio. 3/4 morocco. 1428 120,000 LAWRENCE (D.H.): LEAVIS (F.R.) D.H.LAWRENCE Novelist. London: Chatto & Windus, 1955. 318pp. dw.(spine faded) 1429 LAWRENCE (D.H.): 3,000 McDONALD (E.D.)(Ed.) PHOENIX. The Posthumous Papers D.H.Lawrence. London: W.Heinnemann, 1967, 1968. 2 Vols. vol. 2 spine sl spotted. 1430 of 3,000 LE NOIR (E.)[SAINT-BERTIN]: POEME SUR LOUIS LE PIEUX et Epitres au Roi Pepin. Edites et Traduits par E.Faral. Paris: Lib.Ancienne Honore Champion, 1932. xxxv,263,4pp. sm.8vo. wrapper. sl.foxing. 1431 4,000 LEWIS (C.D.) OVERTURES TO DEATH AND OTHER POEMS. London: Jonathan Cape, 1946. 61pp. dw. (spine faded). 1432 3,000 LEWIS (C.S.) SELECTED LITERARY ESSAYS. Cambridge.U.P,1969. xx,329pp. dw.very good copy. 1433 26,250 LEWIS (C.S.) THE ALLEGORY OF LOVE. A Study in Medieval Tradition. Oxford U.P., 1977. 378pp. pb. 1434 3,000 LIBRARY OF CHOICE PROSE (A.). H.D.Thoreau:Walden. Dr.Johnson:Table Talk. W.S.Landor: Imaginary Conversations. William Hazlitt Essays. Ruskin:Sesame and Lilies. Sir Thomas More:Utopia. Thomas a Kempis:The Imitation of Christ. Charles Lamb:Essays. Emerson:Essays. Montaigne:Essays. London: Gresham, n.d. 12 vols. portrait. 16mo. original cloth. top edge gilt. in maching box. (tears) nice copy. - 105 - 42,000 1435 LISLE (A.P.): BYRNE (M.St.Clare)(Ed.) THE LISLE LETTERS. Chicago U.P., 1981. 6 vols. lar.8vo. 1436 23,100 LOCKE (W.N.) & BOOTH (A.D.)(Ed.) MACHINE TRANSLATION OF LANGUAGES. Fourteen essays. John Wiley, 1957. xii,243pp. lar.8vo. 1437 4,200 LONDON (J.): FONER (P.S.)(Ed.) JACK LONDON. AMERICAN REBEL. A Collection of his social writings together with an extensive study of the man and his times. N.Y:Citadel,1947. First Ed. 533pp. dw. 1438 LONGFELLOW: 3,500 THE POETICAL WORKS OF LONGFELLOW. London: frontispiece.630pp. original cloth. light foxing. 1439 LOOMIS (R.S.) ARTHURIAN TRADITION & CHRETIEN 5,000 DE TROYES,N.Y:COLUMBIA.U.P,1952. 503pp. lar.8vo. crean copy. 1440 F.Warne,N.d. 13,000 LOOMIS (R.S.) WALES AND THE ARTHURIAN LEGEND. Folcroft Library,1977. 231pp. lar.8vo. 5,000 1441 LOT (F.) ETUDE SUR LE LANCELOT EN PROSE. (1918) Paris: Lib.Ancienne Honore Champion, 1954. 474pp. Roy.8vo. wrapper. 4,000 1442 LOUYS (P.) LA FEMME ET LE PANTIN. Roman espatgnol. Orne d'une reproduction en heliogravure du Pantin, de Goya.Paris: Societe dv Mercvre de France,1898. Limited to 609 copies. presentation copy to Camille Flammarion. signed. 248pp. original wrapper. with slip case. edge spotted. 25,000 1443 LOUYS (P.) LES CHANSONS DE BILITIS. Traduites du grec Edition ornee de 300 gravures par Notor. Paris: Fasquelle,1922. First Ed..xii,356pp. sm.8vo. wrapper. sl. light spotted. 6,300 1444 LOUYS (P.) MIMES DES COURTISANES.De Lucien traduction litterale. Paris: societe dv Mercvre de France. 1899. Exemplaire justifi* sur papier d'仕ition172pp. sm.8vo. wrapper. Ikuta kousaku's copy. 5,000 1445 LUKACS (G.) DER RUSSISCHE REALISMUS IN DER WELTLITERATUR. Berlin: Aufbau, 1952. 541pp. sl.foxing. 3,000 1446 LUKACS (G.) DIE ZERSTRONG DER VERNUNFT. Berlin: Aufbau, 1954. 692pp. 4,200 1447 LUTHER (M.): LA CONFERENCE ENTRE LUTHER ET LE DIABLE. Au sujet de la messe. racontee par Luther Lui-meme. Tradition nouvelle en regard du texte Latin par Isidore Lisseux. Paris: I.Lisieux, 1875. viii,91pp. 3/4 morocco. 1448 LYLY (J.): BOND (R.W.) EUPUES AND HIS ENGLAND THE PLAYS. (The Complete works of John Lyly Vol.2) Ox.C.P,1967. 574pp. dw. 1449 18,000 5,000 LYLY (J.): BOND (R.W.) THE PLAYS (CNTINUED), ANTI-MARTINIST WORK. POEMS. GLOSSARY ANDGENERAL INDEX. (the complete works of John Lyly Vol III.)OX.C.P.1902. 620pp. dw. 4,000 - 106 - 1450 MACAULAY (L.): THE COLLECTED WORKS OF MACAULAY. *THE HISTORY OF ENGLAND. From the Accession of James the Second. 5 vols. *CRITICAL AND HISTORICAL ESSAYS. Contributed to the Edinburgh Review. 3 vols. *THE MISCELLANEOUS WRITINGS OF LORD MACAULAY. 2 vols. *SPEECHES of the Right Honorable T.B.Maculay. Corrected by Himself. London: Longmann, 1854-1891. altogether 11 vols. full tree calf. very fine binding. 315,000 1451 MACCARTHY (Desmon.)(Ed.) LIFE AND LETTERS Vols.1-9 (Nos.1-51) London: Statesman Publishin Co. 1928-34. 9 vols. 3/4 morocco. Vol.VIII & IX original wrappers. calf sl.rubbed. 42,000 1452 MacCARTHY (Desmon.)(Ed.) LIFE AND LETTERS. Numerous short essays by T.Hardy, G.Santayana, V.Woolf, W.S.Maugham, Thackeray, S.Butler, D.H.Lawrence, & others. London: Statesman Publishin Co., June 1928- December 1932. 8 vols. cloth binding. calf label on spine. 1453 36,800 MACDIARMID (H.): GRIEVE (M.) & AITKEN (W.R.) HUGH MacDIARMID. COMPLETE POEMS 1920-1976. London: Martin Brian, 1978. Fisrs ed, 2 vols. original cloth. with dust-cover. good. 1454 12,000 MACDIARMID (H.): GRIEVE (M.) & SCOTT (A.)(Ed.) THE HUGH MACDIARMID ANTHOLOGY. Poems in Scots and English. Routledge,1972. xxiii,295pp. dw. 1455 3,000 MACKENZIE (J.) THE BEAUTIES OF GAELIC POERY AND LIVES OF THE HIGHLAND BARDS. Edinburgh:John Grant,1907.lxxii,444pp. browned. 1456 8,000 MacNEICE (L.): HEUSER (A.)(Ed.) SELECTED PROSE OF LOUIS MacNEICE.Ox.C.P,1990. xxv,302pp. dw. 1457 5,000 MACRAE-GIBSON (O.D.) OF ARTHOUR AND OF MERLIN. VOLUME I.TEXT. II.Introduction, notes Glossary. Oxford U.P., 1973,79. 2 Vols. Vol 2. spine worn. 1458 5,000 MAETERLINCK (M.) LE SABLIER. Paris: Bibliotheque-Charpentier, 1936. First Ed. Limited to 30 copies. signed by the Author. original wrapper. 249pp. with maching box. 1459 MAHAFFY (J.P.) A HISTORY OF CLASSICAL GREEK LITERATURE. London: Macmillan, 189091. 3rd ed, Revised and Enlarged. 2 vols in 4. sm.8vo. gilt-decorated cover. 1460 MALLARME (S.): BARBIER (C.P.) DOCUMENTS Nizet,1968. 7 Tomes. wrappers. 1461 STEPHANE MALLARME. 10,000 I-VII.Paris: 35,000 MALLARME (S.): MONDOR (H.) & AUSTIN (L.J.) CORRESPONDANCE. Vol.4 - Vol.11. Gallimard, 1973. 9 Vols. wrapper. 1462 120,000 45,000 MALORY (T.)(Trans.) ARTHURIAN ROMANCES.Vol.1:Sir gawain and the Green knight. 2.3:Tristan and ISEULT. 4:Guingamor, Lanval, Tyolet, le Bisclaveret. 5:Morien. 6:Sir cleges, sir +Libeaus Desconus. 7:Sir Gawain at the Grail Castle. 8:Sir Gawain and the Lady of Lys. AMS, 1970. 8 Vols. cr.8vo. 12,000 - 107 - 1463 MALORY (T.): THE WORKS OF SIR THOMAS MALORY. Edited by Eugene Vinaver. Oxford C.P., 1973.3 vols. sl.wear dj. 1464 36,750 MALORY: MORRIS (R.) THE CHARACTER OF KING ARTHUR IN MEDIEVAL LITERATURE. (Arthurian Studies IV.) D.S.Brewer, 1982. 175pp. lar.8vo. dw. 1465 9,800 MANDEVILLE (B.) THE FABLE OF THE BEES. Or, Private Vices, Public Benefits. with a commentaary Critical,Historical and Explanatory by F.B.Kaye. Oxford C.P., 1966. 2 vols. dw. 18,000 1466 MANN (T.) JOSEPH UND SEINE BRUDER. S.Fischer,1952. 2 vols. cr.8vo. dw. 1467 MANN (T.): WEIGAND (H.J.) THOMAS MANN'S NOVEL DER ZAAUBERBERG. N.Y:D.Appleton,1933. ix,1183pp. dw. (sl. chipped darkned) 1468 4,200 3,150 MANUEL (F.E.& F.P.) UTOPIAN THOUGHT IN THE WESTERN WORLD. Belknap Press, 1980. 2nd printing. 896pp. roy.8vo. dw. bit foxing, but almost fine. 1470 A STUDY. MANTINBAND (J.H.) CONCISE DICTIONARY OF GREEK LITERATURE. N.Y.:Philosophical Library, 1962. 409pp. 1469 4,200 5,040 MANUSCRIPT: ADAM (A.),LERMINIER (G.) et MOROT-SIR (E.) LITTERATURE FRANCAISE.I:Des irugubes a ka fub dy XVIIIe siecle. II: XIX et XXe Siecle. Paris: Larousse, 1967. 2 Tomes. many photo. lar.4to. dw. 1471 10,000 MARDRUS (J.C.)THE BOOK OF THE THOUSAND NIGHTS AND ONE NIGHT. Rendered into English from the Literal and complete French translation by P.Mathers. N.Y.: St.Martin's, 1972. 4 vols. lar.8vo. dw. 1472 8,000 MARDRUS (J.C.) LE LIVRE DES MILLE NUITS ET UNE NUIT. Paris: editions de la revue blanche, 1899. 16 vols. original text in modern cloth. 1473 MARITAIN (Jacques et Raissa) SITUAATION DE LA POESIE. Paris, 1938. First Ed. Signed by the Jacques et Raissa Maritain. 159pp. wrapper. 1474 5,000 MARLOWE (Christopher): CASE (R.H.)(Ed.) THE WORKS AND LIFE OF CHRISTOPHER MARLOWE. New York: Gordian Press, 1966. 6 vols. 1476 25,000 MARLOWE (C.): COLE (D.) SUFFERING AND EVIL IN THE PLAYS OF CHRISTOPHER MARLOWE. Princeton.U.P,1962. 273pp. dw, 1475 80,000 25,000 MASUCCIO: THE NOVELLINO OF MASUCCIO. Now First Translated into English by W.G.Waters. London: Lawrence & Bullen, 1895. 2 vols. Limited to 210 copies. Illustrated by E.R.Hughes. 4to. spine parchment with boards. 1477 15,800 MATSUHARA (I.) MIN-YO,FOLK-SONGS OF JAPAN. SELECTED AND TRANSLATED BY I.MATSUHARA. Tokyo: Sin-sei do, 1927. sm.8vo. slip case. - 108 - 8,000 1478 MAUGHAM (W.S.) TEN NOVELS AND THEIR AUTHORS. London: William Heinemann,1954. 306pp. dw.( chipped) 1479 3,000 MAUPASSANT (Guy de) ROMANS. Paris: Albin Michel, 1975. 1409pp. dw. with slip case. 4,000 1480 MAUPASSANT (Guy de): OEUVRES COMPLETES ILLUSTREES DE GUY DE MAUPASSANT. Notice par Rene Dumesnil. Illustrations de J.-E.Laboureur, Chas Laborde, D'Yves Alix, Verge-Sarrat, D'Andre Planson, Gerard Cochet, Robert Lotiron, Pierre Falke, Robert Bonfils, A.Dunoyer de Segonzac. Paris: Librairie de France, 1934-38.15 vols. Limited Ed. 106 chromo-lithograph plates, 81 B/W drawing plates and numerous illusts in text(about 697 illus.) with 8 monochrome photo-plates(Etudes, Chroniques et Correnpondence vol.) 4to. (24 x 19 cm) 3/4 morocco, with marbled boards. gilt top. fine condition. 1481 MAURIAC (F.): FRANCOIS MAURIAC OEUVRES COMPLETES. Paris: Bernard Grasset, 19501956. 12 vols. half calf. some volumes are spine edges chipped. 1482 45,000 MAUROIS (A.) A LA RECHERCHE DE MARCEL PROUST. Avec de nombreux Inedits. Hachette,1949. 348pp. wrapper. 1484 9,500 MAURRAS (C.) ANTHINEA. D'Athenes a Florence. Paris: Felix Juven,N.d. (1901). Edition originale.338pp. 3/4 red cloth with marbled boards. calf label. page browned. 1485 94,500 MAUROIS (ABERNARD QUESNAY. Paris: Gallimard, 1926. Limited First Ed. signed by the Author. 250pp. sm.8vo. wrappers. 1483 250,000 8,500 McALEAVY (H.)(translated from the chinese)THAT CHINESE WOMAN. The Life of Sai-chinhua. London: G.Allen, 1959.signed by the author. with autograph letter. 207pp. dw. 3,000 1486 McCALMAN (I.) RADICAL UNDERWORLD. Prophets, Revolutionaries and Pornographers in London, 1795-1840. Cambridge U.P., 1988. 338pp. lar.8vo. dw. bit foxing. 1487 McCULLOUGH (H.C.) BROCADE BY NIGHT. 'Kokin Wakashu' and the Court Style in Japanese Classical Poetry. Stanford U.P., 1985. xii,591pp. lar.8vo. dw. 1488 12,000 McDIARMID (M.P.)(Ed.) HARY'S WALLACE. (Vita nobilissimi defensoris Scotie Wilelmi Wallace Militis)Edinburgh: W.Blackwood,1968.2 vols. 1489 6,300 6,300 MEIGS (C.), EATON (A.), NESBITT (E.) & VIGUERS (R.H.) A CRITICAL HISTORY OF CHILDREN'S LITERATURE. A Survey of Children's Books in English from Earliest Times to the Present. N.Y: Macmillan, 1969. Decorations by V.Bock. xxiv,624pp. lar.8vo. dw. title page stamped. 4,000 1490 MELVILLE (H.) PIERRE OR, THE AMBIGUITIES. With a Preface by H.M.Tomlinson and an Introduction by John Brooks Moore. New York: E.P.Dutton, 1929. First Ed. 505pp. with dust-cover.(sl. chipped.) 8,000 - 109 - 1491 MELVILLE (H.) THE WRITINGS OF HERMAN MELVILLE. 1:TYPEE. 2:OMOO. 3:MARDI. 4:REDBURN. 5:WHITE-JACKET. Northwestern U.P., 1968. 5 vols. wrapper. spine foxed. stamped. 1492 12,600 MEN OF LETTERS: ENGLISH MEN OF LETTERS. New Series. *M.Arnold. *W.Pater. *Rossetti. *Shakespeare. *A.Marvell. *Hobbes. *James Thompson. *Tennyson. *J.Ruskin. *Sir T.Brown, *R.Browning. *J.Austen. *Adam Smith. *Jeremy Taylor. *S.Richardson. *Crabbe. *T.Moore. *G.Eliot. *M.Edgeworth. *B.Jonson. *W.Hazlitt. *E.Fitzgerald. *W.Morris. *S.Smith. *Fanny Burney (Madame D'Arblay) London: Macmillan, 1902-21. 25 vols. (Fanny Burney are cover bit stained) 1493 42,000 MERCIER (V.): DILLON (E.)(Ed.) MODERN IRISH LITERATURE. Sources and Founders. Oxford C.P., 1994. 381pp. Roy.8vo. dw. clean copy. 1494 10,500 MERE ( BOUDHORS (C-H.)(etabli & pr.) OEUVRES COMPLETES DU CHEVALIER DE MERE Tome II. Les Discours des Agremens de L'Esprit de la Conversation. Paris: F.Roches, 1930. 168pp. wrapper. exlibrary. 1495 4,000 MERE ( BOUDHORS (C-H.)(etabli & pr.) OEUVRES COMPLETES DU CHEVALIER DE MERE Tome III. Les Avantures de Renaud et d'Armide Oeuvres posthumes. Paris: F.Roches, 1930. 222pp. wrapper. 1496 MEREDETH (G.) 3,000 DIANA OF THE CROSSWAYS. N.Y: c.Scribner's,1910. ix,415pp. contemporary 3/4morocco over marbled boards. spine gilt in compartments, marbledd endpapers. 1497 31,500 MEYNELL (A.) THE POEMS OF ALICE MEYNELL. London: Burns Oates,1923.143pp. cr.8vo. cover sl. darkned. uncut. 1498 3,000 MICHEL (F.) LA CHANSON DE ROLAND OU DE RONCEVAUX DU XIIe SIECLE. Geneve: Slatkine, 1974. 517pp. 1499 6,000 MILLER (H.): THE TIME OF THE ASSASSINS. A Study of Rimbaud. A New Directions Book. Connecticut: published by James Laughlin, 1956. 163pp. original spine with boards. sl.foxing. 1500 12,000 MILTON (J.): THE WORKS OF JOHN MILTON. Columbia U.P., 1931. 23 vols. 18 vols in 21 & two index volumes 1930-40. complete set. original cloth. Index is xerox copy. 1501 MILTON (J.): BRADSHAW (J.) A CONCORDANCE TO THE POETICAL WORKS OF JOHN MILTON. (Macmillan,1894). Boston: Longwood Pr., 1977. reprinted ed. 412pp. lar.8vo. 1502 5,000 MILTON (J.): BUSH (D.) MILTON POETICAL WORKS. O.U.P., 1966. 570pp. full calf. tilt spine all edge gilt. fine copy. 1503 370,000 16,000 MILTON (J.): HILL (C.) MILTON AND THE ENGLISH REVOLUTION. London: Faber & Faber, 1977. 541pp. lar.8vo. dw. 5,250 - 110 - 1504 MILTON (J.):HUGHES (M.Y.)(Ed.) JOHN MILTON COMPLETE POEMS AND MAJOR PROSE. Indianapolis:Hackett,2003. 1059pp. 1505 4,200 MIYAMORI (A.) MISS MORNING-GLORY. A Story retold from an Old Japanese Drama. Revised by A.W.Playfair. Tokyo: Shobido, 1917. 104,89pp. 12 mo. original pictorial boards. 15,000 1506 MIYAMORI (Asataro)(Trans.) MASTERPIECES OF JAPANESE POETRY ANCIENT AND MODERN. Tokyo: Maurzen Co., 1936. 2 vols. cover worn. 1507 MOELLER (C.) LITTERATURE DU XXe SIECLE ET CHRISTIANISME. I.Silence de Dieu. II.La Foi en Jesus-Christ. III.Espoir des Hommes. IV.L'Esperance en Dieu Notre Pere. 1960-67. 4 vols. wrapper. 1508 MONDOR (H.) L'HEUREUSE RENCONTRE DE VALERY ET MALLARME. Lausanne: La Guilde du 6,300 MONTAIGNE ( LANUSSE (M.) MONTAIGNE. (Paris:1895). Geneve: Slatkine, 1969. reprinted ed. 240pp. lar.8vo. 1511 4,000 MONTAGU (M.W.): WHARNCLIFFE (LORD)(Ed.) THE LETTERS AND WORKS OF LADY MARY WORTLEY MONTAGU. N.Y.: AMS, 1970. 2 Vols. 1510 Casterman, 4,200 livre,1947. First Ed. Limited Ed. 123pp. edge sl. spotted. 1509 15,000 6,000 MONTAIGNE: COTTON (C.)(Trans.) ESSAYS OF MICHAEL SEIGNEUR DE MONTAIGNE. With Marginal Notes and Quotations, and an Account of the Author's Life. with a short Character of the Author and Translator by a Person of Honour. London: M.Gillflower, 1700. The 3rd English Ed. 3 vols. cr.8vo. contemporary full calf. nice copy. 1512 MONTAIGNE: DREANO (M.) LA PENSEE RELIGIEUSE DE MONTAIGNE. paris: G.Beauchesne, 1936. 501pp. cover missing. 1513 180,000 3,000 MONTGOMERY (A.) THE POEMS OF ALEXANDER MONTGOMERY. Biogaphical Notices by David irving. with facsimiles of original 1597 and 1605 title pages and 2 pages of printed music. Edinburgh; J. Ballantyne and Co. 1821. xxx,320pp.finely bound in early 20th c. full red marbled calf. gilt. all edge marbled. 1514 35,000 MOORE (G.) APHRODITE IN AULIS. London: W.Heinemann, 1930. Limited to 900 copies. Signed by the Author. 340pp. roy.8vo. full vellum. spine sl worn. 1515 13,000 MOORE (T.): MEMOIRS, JOURNAL AND CORRESPONDENCE OF THOMAS MOORE. Edited by the right Honourable Lord John Russell. London: Longman, 1853-56. First Ed. 8 vols. original 3/4 cloth with marbled. half title light stained. text is clean. Norfolk & Norwich library's copy. 1516 45,000 MORAES (W.DE.) OYONE AND KOHARU. Essays of a Portuguese recluse lived in Japan. translated by Kazuo okamoto. Kyoiku-shuppan,1920. 240pp. pb. - 111 - 3,000 1517 MORAND (Paul) : GAUDION (G.)(Illust,) POEMES (1914-1924). Lampes a Arc, Feuilles de Temperature Suivis de Vingt-Cino Poemes Sans Oiseaux. Paris: Richard, 1926. Limited to 400 copies. Illustre de Seize Aquarelles de Georges Gaudion. 162pp. (24.5 x 19.5cm) hand-made paper. sm.4to. wrappers. 1518 MORE (T.): FLEISHER (M.) RADICAL REFORM AND POLITICAL PERSUASION IN THE LIFE AND WRITINGS OF THOMAS MORE. Geneve: Droz, 1973. 183pp. lar.8vo. text sl.foxed. 1519 3,000 MORGAN (C.) THE VOYAGE. London: Macmillan, 1940. First Ed. 546pp. cr.8vo. with dust cover.(cover chipped) 1521 4,000 MORRIS (J.)(Ed.) FROM THE THIRD PROGRAMME. A Ten years' anthology.London: Nonesuch press,1956. First Ed. 337pp. dw. 1522 3,000 MORGAN (C.) REFLECTIONS IN A MIRROR. First Series. London: Macmillan, 1953. 225pp. cr.8vo. dw. 1520 150,000 4,000 MORRIS (W.) THE AENEIDS OF VIRGIL. Printed at the Chiswick Press on handmade paper using the Golden type that Morris designed for the Kelmscott Press.London: Longmans Green and Co. 1902. limited to 300 copies4to. iiii,238pp.hand-made papers. In original gray boards with blue linen backing. book-plte on end paper. good. 1523 MORRIS (W.): BOOS (F.S.) THE DESIGN OF WILLIAM MORRIS' THE EARTHLY PARADISE. (Studies in British Literature Volume 6) E.Mellen press,1991. 529pp. 1524 6,000 MORRIS (W.): FAULKNER (P.)(Ed.) WILLIAM MORRIS. The Critical Heritage. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1973. 465pp. with dust cover. 1525 80,000 3,000 MORRIS (W.): HARRISON (F.)(Illust) EARLY POEMS OF WILLIAM MORRIS. London: Blackie & son, 1914. 16 tipped in color plates with original tissue guards by harrison. numerous small b/w illustrations throughout. 194pp. 4to. original gilt pictorial blue cloth. cover sl. worn. 1526 57,700 MORRIS (W.): LEMIRE (Eugene D.)(Ed.) THE UNPUBLISHED LECTURES OF WILLIAM MORRIS. Detroit: Wayne State U.P., 1969. First Ed. 331pp. lar.8vo. with dust cover. clean copy. 6,300 1527 MORRIS (W.): MORRIS (May) WILLIAM MORRIS. Artist Writer Socialist. *Vol I: The Art of William Morris, Morris as a Writer. *Vol II: Morris as a Socialist, with an Account of William Morris as I knew him by Bernard Shaw. Oxford: 1936. Limited 750 copies. 2 vols. spine cloth with boards. 73,500 1528 MORSE (D.) HIGH VICTORIAN CULTURE. Macmillan, 1993. 553pp. dw. 1529 MOSER (B.)(illus.): MELVILLE (H.) MOBY-DICK; Or the Whale. California U.P., 1981. xv,576pp. 4to. dw(bit tape-repaired). fore-edges sl.spotted. - 112 - 4,000 15,000 1530 MOSHER (T.B.): DANTE (A.) THE NEW LIFE OF DANTE ALIGHIERI. Translated by D.G.Rossetti. Portland: Thomas B.Mosher,1905. no.71. frontispiece. 96pp. 12mo. (18.3 x 9.7cm). contemporary full morocco. all edge gilt. fine copy. 1531 MUIRHEAD (J.H.) CONTEMPORARY BRITISH PHILOSOPHY. Personal Statements. (First & Second Series) London: G.Allen, 1925. 2 vols. cover sl.soiled. 1532 4,000 MURRAY (G.) THE RISE OF THE GREEK EPIC. Being a course of Lectures delivered at Harvard University. London: Oxford U.P., 1934. 4th Ed. 356pp. text sl.foxing. 1535 3,000 NABOKOV (V.) STRONG OPINIONS. N.Y: McGraw Hill, 1973. First Ed, 335pp. with dust cover. lower edge worn. otherrwise nice copy. 1536 9,500 MURASAKI (Lady): SEIDENSTICKER (E.G.)(Trans.) THE TALE OF GENJI.Tuttle,2002. 2 vols. pb. slip case. 1534 7,140 MULLER (K.O.) A HISTORY OF THE LITERATURE OF ANCIENT GREECE. Continued after the author's death by J.W.Donaldson. Kennikat Pr., 1971. 3 vols. 1533 35,000 8,500 NABOKOV (V.): KARLINSKY (S.)(Ed.) THE NABOKOV-WILSON LETTERS. Correspondence between V.Nabokov and E.Wilson 1940-1971. N.Y.: Harper & Row, 1979. 346pp. with d/j. 3,000 1537 NAKAMURA (R.) et DE CECCATTY (R.)MILLEE ANS DE LITTERATURE JAPONAISE. une anthologie du VIIIau XVIIIsiecle. Collection: Le Passe compose, 1982.299pp. 4to. paperback. 1538 4,000 NAUFRAGE DES ISLES FLOTTANTES, OU BASILIADE, DU CELEBRE PILPAI. Poeme Heroique Traduit de l'Indien par Mr. M. A.Messine, 1753. 2 1. xli,216,307pp. 12mo. full calf. 35,000 1539 NELSON: NAISH (G.P.B.)(Ed.) NELSON'S LETTERS TO HIS WIFE. And other Documents 17851831. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1958. xxxii,630pp. with dust cover. 1540 NERVAL ( LA BOHEME GALANTE. paris: Michel Levy freres. 1855. First Ed, cr,8vo. contemporary half calf. 314pp. 1541 21,000 NICHOLS (B.): WHISTLER (R.)(Illust) A THATCHED ROOF.London: Jonathan cape, 1933. First ed., 3rd Impression. 285pp. 1542 4,200 4,200 NICOLL (A.) A HISTORY OF RESTORATION DRAMA 1660-1700. Cambridge U.P., 1928. 2nd Ed. 410pp. [With] *A HISTORY OF EARLY EIGHTEENTH CENTURY DRAMA 1700-1750. C.U.P., 1925. 431pp. cover worn. *A HISTORY OF LATE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY DRAMA 1750-1800. C.U.P., 1927. 387pp. cover worn. 3 vols. 1543 15,750 NIDA (E.A.) TOWARD A SCIENCE OF TRANSLATING. with special reference to principles and procedures involved in bible translating. Leiden: E.J.Brill,1964. x,331pp. lar.8vo. spine sl.rubbed. 6,300 - 113 - 1544 NOLL (R.) VAMPIRES, WEREWOLVES, AND DEMONS. Twentieth Century Reports in the Psychiatric Literature. Brunner/Mazel, 1992. xxv,243pp. lar.8vo. dw. 1545 NOREEN (E.) EGIL SKALLAGRIMSSONS SAGA. Forkortad 5,040 Oversattning. C.W.K.Gleerups, 1933. 142pp. wrapper. sm.8vo. cover some rubbed. 1546 Lund: 3,000 O'CASEY:THE COMPLETE PLAYS OF SEAN O'CASEY. Macmillan,1971. 5 Vols. cr.8vo. dw. 20,000 1547 O'NEILL (E.) A PLAY. STRANGE INTERLUDE. New York; Boni & Liveright. 1928. First ed, 362pp. Blue/Green Cloth Cover, Gold Facsimile Signature. spine darked. 1548 O'NEILL (E.) DYNAMO. N.Y: Horace Liveright,1929.2nd,Ed.,159pp. original cloth. spine darkned. 1549 3,000 O'NEILL (E.) HUGHIE. New Haven: Yale University Press. 1959. First ed, roy,8vo. 38pp. original cloth. no jacket. 1550 4,200 4,000 O'NEILL (E.) LAZARUS LAUGHED. New York: Boni & Liveright. 1927. First ed, Limited to 750 copies. Signed by the Author. 179pp. original batik paper over boards backed in parchment with paper title label on spine.uncut papers. 1551 20,000 O'NEILL (E.) LOST PLAYS. New York: The Citadel Press. no date. (1958)First edition thus. 156pp. original half cloth with board .dustcover.(chipped) 1552 4,000 O'NEILL (E.): RANALD (M.L.) THE EUGENE O'NEILL COMPANION. London: Greenwood, 1984. 827pp. Roy.8vo. edge sl. spotted. 1553 7,500 OLSON (C.): BUTTERICK (G.F.)(Ed.) THE COLLECTED POEMS OF CHARLES OLSON. Excluding the Maximus poems. California U.P., 1987. xxxvi,675pp. 4to. dw. 1554 OMAR KHAIYAM: RUBAIYAT OF OMAR KHAYYAM. The Astronomer-Poet of Persia. Rendered into English Verse. London: Macmillan, 1897. 112pp. full vellum. 1555 8,400 18,000 OMAR KHAIYAM: RUBAIYAT OF OMAR KHAYYAM. The Astronomer-Poet of Persia Rendered into English Verse by Edward Fitzgerald. Decorated by W.Macdougall. London: Macmillan, 1898. b/w ornament through page.un-numbered pp. 4to. gilt decorated coer. cornr sl. stained. spine rubbed. 1556 25,000 OMAR KHAIYAM: RUBAIYAT. By Hossein Ghods-Nakhai.Hague: Excelsior's Photo-Offset, N.D. with 80 drawings by Osstad Karimi. 184pp. 1557 OMAR KHAIYAM: DASHTI (A.) IN SEARCH OF OMAR KHAYYAM. Translated from the Persian by L.P.Elwell-Sutton. London: G.Allen & Unwin, 1971. 276pp. with dust cover. 1558 15,000 11,000 OMAR KHAYYAM. THE RUBAIYAT. London: Anthony Treherrne and Co,1903.70pp. 6.3 x 5cm. light brown cloth. reprinted from fitzgerald's 1859 translation. - 114 - 18,500 1559 OMAR KHAYYAM: RUBAIYAT OF OMAR KHAYYAM. The Astronomer-Poet of Persia. Rendered into English Verse. London: Macmillan, 1902.112pp. cr.8vo.(16 x 10.7cm). full gilt decorated morocco. top edge gilt. fine copy. 1560 45,000 OMAR KHAYYAM: FITZGERALD (E.) THE SECOND EDITION OF EDWARD FITZGERALD'S RUBAIYYAT OF OMAR KHAYYAM. (London: 1868: B.Quaritch). Edited with and Intro and Notes by Edward Heron-Allen. London: Duckworth, 1908. 200pp. original cloth. top of spine sl.tears. 1561 9,500 OMAR KHAYYAM: POTTER (Ambrose George)(Collected & Arranged) A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE RUBAIYAT OF OMAR KHAYYAM. Together with Kindred Matter in Prose and Verse Pertaining Thereto. (Olms) 1994. xiii,313pp. cr.8vo. 1562 12,000 ONIANS (R.B.) THE ORIGINS OF EUROPEAN THOUGHT. About the Body, the Mind the soul, the world time and fate. Cambridgge U.P., 1988. xviii,583pp. pb. 1563 4,500 OSARAGI (J.) HOMECOMING. Brewster Horwitz. N.Y.: A.A.Knopf, 1954. 303pp. with dust cover. 1564 4,500 OSHIMA (Shotaro) W.B.YEATS AND JAPAN. Tokyo:Hokuseido,1965. presentation copy. 198pp. 4to. dw. with slip case. fine copy. 12,000 1565 OTA (Masayoshi) JAPANESE PROVERBS. Washington: 1893. 57pp. cr.8vo. 8,500 1566 OWST (G.R.) LITERATURE AND PULPIT IN MEDIEVAL ENGLAND. A Neglected chapter in the History of english Letters & of the English people. Oxford:Blackwell,1961. 614pp. black cover sl. worn. dw. (spine darkned) 1567 3,000 PAGE (C.H.) JAPANESE POETRY. An Historical essay with two hundred and thirty translations. Folcroft Library Editions, 1976. re-printed. with illustrations. ix,180pp. lar.8vo. 1568 1569 8,000 PALGRAVE (F.T.) THE GOLDEN TREASURY. Of the best songs & Lyrical Poems in the English Language. London: Ox.U.P,1959. xiv,574pp. sm.8vo. half calf. top & tail of spine sl.rubbed. 8,000 PARIS (G.) MELANGES DE LITTERATURE H.Champion,1912. 710pp. lar.8vp. wrapper. 1570 FRANCAISE DU MOYEN AGE. Paris: 6,000 PARKINSON (G.H.R.) & SHANKER (S.G.)(Ed.) ROUTLEDGE HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY. I.From the Beginning to Plato. II.From Aristotle to Augustine. III.Medieval Philosophy. IV.The Renaissance and 17th Century Rationalism. V.British Philosophy and the Age of Enlightenment. VI.The Age of German Idealism. VII.The Nineteenth Century. VIII.Continental Philosophy in the 20th Century. IX.Philosophy of Science, Logic and Mathematics in the 20th Century. X.Philosophy of Meaning, Knowledge and Value in the 2oth Century. Routledge, 1993-97. 10 vols. fine condition. - 115 - 150,000 1571 PASCAL (B.): CHEVALIER (J.) PASCAL. Paris: Plon, 1922. 386pp. cr.8vo. wrapper. cover worn. 1572 3,000 PASCAL: GOLDMANN (L.) THE HIDDEN GOD. A Study of Tragic Vision in the Pensees of Pascal and the Tragedies of Racine. London: RKP, 1977. 426pp. dw(sl.rubbed). 1573 6,300 PATER (W.) : WRIGHT (T.) THE LIFE OF WALTER PATER. N.Y.: G.P.Putnam's, 1907. 2 vols. With 78 plates. original cloth. sl.foxed. binding bit loose. 1574 11,000 PATER (Walter)THE RENAISSANCE. Studies in Art and Poetry.London: Macmillan, 1919. xv,238pp. lar.8vo. 3/4 calf with boards. decorate spine. 22,000 1575 PATERSON (L.M.) TROUBADOURS AND ELOQUENCE. Ox.C.P,1975. x,244pp. dw. 6,500 1576 PFRANGER (G.) DER MONCH VOM LIBANON. ein Nachtrag zu Nathan der Weise. francisco carolinum,1782.First Ed. 296pp. cr.8vo. original board. worn. 1577 12,000 PLEIADE: L'HISTOIRE ET SES METHODES. sous la direction de Charles Samaran,de l'Institut. Paris: Gallimard. 1961. cr,8vo. 1771pp. original fll calf. 1578 4,000 PLEIADE: BAUDELAIRE; OEUVRES COMPLETES. Paris: Gallimard, 1975. 2 vols. 1605pp & 1691pp. cr.8vo. in slip-case. 1579 13,000 PLEIADE: CLAUDEL (P.) OEUVRE POETIQUE. Paris: Gallimard. 1957. cr,8vo. 1026pp. original full calf. 5,000 1580 PLEIADE: CLAUDEL (P.): OEUVRES EN PROSE. Gallimard, 1965. 1627pp. cr.8vo. 3,000 1581 PLEIADE: DU GARD (R.M.) LE LIEUTENANT-COLONEL DE MAUMORT. Gallimard,,1316pp. cr.8vo. dw. 1582 4,000 PLEIADE: DU GARD (R.M.): OEUVRES COMPLETES. Gallimard, 1955. 2 tomes. cr.8vo. original full calf. 1583 6,000 PLEIADE: DUMAS: LES TROIS MOUSQUETARIES vingt and apres. Gallimard, 1962. 1735pp. cr.8vo. in slip case. 1584 3,000 PLEIADE: GIDE (A.): ALBUM GIDE.Iconographie choisie par Philippe Clerc. texte de Maurice Nadeau. Gallimard,1985. b/w photographs throughout. 254pp. dw. with slip case. 1585 PLEIADE: LA BRUYERE. OEUVRES COMPLETES. Gallimard: 1951. cr,8vo. 749pp. original full leather. 1586 3,000 PLEIADE: MALLARME (S.) OEUVRES COMPLETES. Gallimard, 1998. 2 vols. cr.8vo. slipcase. fine copy 1587 5,000 PLEIADE: 20,000 MALLARME (S.) OEUVRES COMPLETES. xxvii,1659pp. cr.8vo dw. Poesie-prose. gallimard,1945. 6,300 - 116 - 1588 PLEIADE: MARIVAUX,THEATRE COMPLET. Gallimard, 1949. cr.8vo. 1569pp. original fullleather. 4,000 1589 PLEIADE: MERIMEE; ROMANS ET NOUVELLES. Gallimard, 1951. 843pp. cr.8vo. 3,000 1590 PLEIADE: MOLIERE: COUTON (G.) OEUVRES COMPLETES. Textes Etablis, presentes et annotes. Paris: Gallimard, 1956. 2 vols. cr.8vo. original full-leather. 1591 6,000 PLEIADE: MONTHERLAND, ROMANS ET OEUVRES DE FICTION NON THEATRALES. Texte ne varietur. Gallimard: 1959. cr,8vo.xxxvi,1558pp. original full-leather. 1592 4,000 PLEIADE: MONTHERLANT. THEATRE. Preface et index biographique par Jacques de Laprade. Gallimard. 1968. cr,8vo. 1168pp. original full-leather. 1593 PLEIADE: MUSSET (A.DE.)THEATRE COMPLET. 4,000 Comedies et proverbes complementaire theatre posthume. Gallimard: 1952. cr.8vo. dw. 1594 3,000 PLEIADE: MUSSET (A.DE.) OELUVRES COMPLETES EN PROSE. Gallimard: 1951. cr,8vo. 1102pp. original full-leather. 1595 theatre 5,000 PLEIADE: PASCAL OEUVRES COMPLETES. Paris: Gallimard. 1954. cr,8vo. 1529pp. full calf. 4,000 1596 PLEIADE: PASCAL (B.); OEUVRES COMPLETES. Gallimard, 1969. 1529pp. cr.8vo. dw. 5,250 1597 PLEIADE: PEGUY (C.) OEUVRES EN PROSE COMPLETES. III: Eition presentee Etablie et Annotee par r.Burac. Gallimard: 1992. cr,8vo.2090pp. origina; full-leather. in the slipcase. 1598 8,000 PLEIADE: PEGUY (C.) OEUVRES EN PROSE.1898-1908. Gallimard: 1959. cr,8vo. 1529pp. full-leather with dust-cover. 1599 5,000 PLEIADE: PEGUY (C.) OEUVRES EN PROSE.1909-1914. Gallimard: 1961. cr,8vo.1641pp. original full-leather. 1600 5,000 PLEIADE: PROUST (M.) A LA RECHERCHE DU TEMPS PERDU I - III.Paris: Gallimard, 1954. 3 vols. cr.8vo. full calf. 1601 16,800 PLEIADE: PROUST (M.): CONTRE SAINTE-BEUVE. Gallimard, 1971. 1022pp. cr.8vo. dw. with slip case. 1602 3,150 PLEIADE: RENARD (J.) JOURNAL 1887-1910. Gallimard,1960.;cr,8vo. ix,1214pp. original full-leather. 1603 5,000 PLEIADE: RIMBAUD (A.) OEUVRES COMPLETES. Edition Etablie, Presentee et Annotee par Antoine Adam. Parris: Gallimard, 1972. cr,8vo. 1249pp. in the original case. - 117 - 5,000 1604 PLEIADE: SARRAUTE (N.)OEUVRES COMPLETES. Paris: Gallimard.1996. cr,8vo. 2128pp.ful calf. in the original box. 1605 7,000 PLEIADE: SEVIGNE (Madame de) MADAME DE SEVIGNE CORRESPONDANCE. Gallimard, 1972. 3 tomes. sm.8vo. original full-leather. 1606 15,000 PLEIADE: STENDHAL: ROMANS ET NOUVELLES. Gallimard, 1952. 2 tomes. cr.8vo. india paper. slip case. 1607 7,000 PLEIADE: STENDHAL: MARTINEAU (H.)(Text) OEUVRES INTIMES. Paris: Gallimard, 1955. cr,8vo.1742pp. original full-leather. 1608 5,000 PLEIADE: VERLAINE; OEUVRES POETIQUES COMPLETES. Gallimard, 1962. 1491pp. cr.8vo. original full calf. 1609 4,000 PLEIADE: VOLTAIRE; MELANGES. Gallimard, 1961. cr,8vo.1553pp. original full-leather. 4,000 1610 PLOWMAN (P.): AERS (David) PIERS PLOWMAN AND CHRISTIAN ALLEGORY. E.Arnold, 1975. 141pp. dw. 1611 4,000 POE (E.A.): THE COMPLETE WORKS OF EDGAR ALLAN POE. With a Critical Introduction by C.F.Richardson. New York: G.P.Putnam, Knickerbocker Press, 1902. 10 vols. Limited to 500 copies. signed by the Publisher. with numerous woodcuts and full page photogravure plates with captioned tissue guards Illustrated by Frederick Simpson Coburn. original half vellum and boards. gilt-decorated spines, sl.stained. 1612 250,000 POE (E.A.): THE LITERATI: Some Honest Opinions about Autorial Merits and Demerits with Occasional Words of Personality Together with Marginalia, Suggestions, and Essays. With a Sketch of the Author, by Rufus Wilmot Griswold. N.Y.: J.S.Redfield, 1850. First Ed. xxxix,607pp. original stamped cloth. sm.8vo. 1613 POE (E.A.): THE PROSE TALES OF EDGAR ALLAN POE. First and Second Series. N.Y.: A.C.Armstrong, 1889. 2 vols. with etched frontispiece. original green cloth. 1614 45,000 15,000 POE (E.A.): THE WORKS OF EDGAR ALLAN POE. Newly Collected and Edited, with a Memoir, Critical Introductions, and Notes by Edmund Clarence Stedman and George Edward Woodberry. Chicago: Stone & Kimball, 1894. 10 vols. the Illustrations by A.E.Sterner. sm.8vo. pictorially poppy-gilt stamped on spine. full green cloth. top edge gilt. sl.edgewear. 75,000 1615 POPE (A.) AN ESSAY ON MAN. Enlarged and Improved by the Author. with Notes by William Warburton. London: Printed for John and Paul Knapton, 1745. frontis. 57pp. 16mo. bit worm-hole. 1616 8,000 POSNER (R.) RATIONAL DISCOURSE AND POETIC COMMUNICATION. Methods of Liguistic, Literary, and Philosophical analysis. Mouton,1983. xvi,258pp. dw. sl.foxed. - 118 - 4,200 1617 POUND (E.) A LUME SPENTO AND OTHER EARLY POEMS. N.Y.: New Directions, 1965. First Ed. 128pp. spine cloth with boards. 1618 4,200 POUND (E.) EXULTATIONS. First state with 'of' on the front board. Name, London: Elkin Mathews,1909. First Ed. 51pp. original cloth. 1619 POUND (E.): THE CANTOS OF EZRA POUND. London: Faber & Faber, 1960. First Ed..798pp. dw. near fine. 1620 85,000 7,500 POWELL (C.) THE POETS IN THE NURSERY. With an introduction by John Drinkwater. London: John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1920. First Ed. presentation copy,with a nice inscription by the author on front free endpaper to Madeleine Linford, with her bookplate.80pp. cr.8vo. original half linen & boards. 1621 25,000 POWYS (T.F.) FABLES. London: Chatto & Windus, 1929. Limited to 750 copies. Signed by the Author. With four drawings by Gilbert Spencer. 275pp. with dust cover. 1622 30,000 PROUST (M.) LETTRES A REYNALDO HAHN. Presenntees, datees et anotees par Philippe Kolb. preface d'EMMANUEL BERL. PARIS: GALLIMARD,1956. First Ed. Limited to 85 copies. 261pp. wrapper. 1623 20,000 PROUST (M.) et RIVIERE (J.) CORRESPONDANCE 1914-1922. presenntee et annotee par Philip Kolb. Paris: Gallimard,1976. 353pp. wrapper. 1624 PROUST (M.): BARDECHE (M.) MARCEL PROUST. Romancier. Paris: Les sept couleurs,1967. 2 Vols. pb. Tome 1. cover sl. worn. 1625 3,000 4,000 PROUST (M.): KOLB (P.)(d'apres l'edition de) INDEX GENERAL DE LA CORRESPONDANCE DE MARCEL PROUST. Preface de Jean-Yves Tadie. Kyoto, 2000. xiv,799pp. Roy.8vo. dw. creases corner on a few pages. 1626 5,250 PROUST: BONNET (H.) L'EUDEMONISME ESTHETIQUE DE PROUST. Vrin,1949. 293pp. wrapper. 1627 3,000 RAAMSAY (A.): MARTIN (B.) & OLIVER (J.W.) THE WORKS OF ALLAN RAMSAY. (The Scottish text Society)Edinburgh: W.Blackwood, N.d(C,1945)3 vols. original half calf over green cloth. 1628 12,000 RABY (F.J.E.) A HISTORY OF SECULAR LATIN POETRY IN THE MIDDLE AGES. Oxford C.P., 1957. 2 vols. roy.8vo. with dust cover. 1629 RACINE (J.): PICARD (R.) BIBLIOTHEQUE DES IDEES LA CARRIERE DE JEAN RACINE. Gallimard, 1956. 708pp. wrapper. sl.worn. 1630 8,400 3,000 RAYNER (J.L.) & CROOK (G.T.)(Ed.) THE COMPLETE NEWGATE CALENDAR. (1926) Kyoto: Rinsen, 1983. Reprinted Ed. 5 vols. Roy.8vo. fine. - 119 - 25,000 1631 REISCHAUER (E.O.) & YAMAGIWA (J.K.)TRANSLATIONS FROM EARLY JAPANESE LITERATURE.Harvard.U.P.1951.467pp. lar.8vo. 1632 3,800 RICHARDSON (S.): THE WORKS OF SAMUEL RICHARDSON. With A Prefatory Chapter of Biographical Criticism by Leslie Stephen. London: Henry Sotheran, 1883. 12 vols. Limited 750 copies. joint weak. spine edges rubbed. end paper detached on vol.1. 1633 RICHARDSON (S.): HARRIS (J.)(Ed.) THE HISTORY OF SIR CHARLES GRANDIDSON. Ox.U.P,1972. 3 Vols. sm.8vo. dw. 1634 60,900 12,000 RILKE (R.M.) BRIEFE AN NANNY WUNDERLY-VOLKART. 1.2.Im Auftrag der schweizerischen Landesbibliothek und unter Mitarbeit von Niklaus Bigler besorgt durch Ratus Luck. Frankfurt: Insel,1977. 2 Bde. cr.8vo. dw. slip case. 1635 RILKE (R.M.) GESAMMELTE BRIEFE IN SECHS BANDEN. KYOTO: Rinsen,1977. 6 Bde. cr.8vo. slip case. 1636 6,500 22,000 RILKE (R.M.) LES ELEGIES DE DUINO. traduites et commentees par J.F.Agelloz. Paris: P.Hartmann, 1936. 102pp. sm.4to. wrappers. edges sl.rubbed. 4,200 1637 RILKE (R.M.) SAMTLICHE WERKE. Frankfurt: Insel,1955. 6 Bde. cr.8vo. dw. 22,000 1638 RILKE (R.M.) SELECTED WORKS. VOLUME II: POETRY. Translated by J.B.leishman. London: Hogarth,1976. 384pp. dw. 3,000 1639 RILKE (R.M.) TAGEBUCHER AUS DER FRUHZEIT. Insel, 1973. 373pp. cr.8vo. dw. 3,000 1640 RILKE (R.M.) UBER DICHTUNG UND KUNST. Suhrkamp, 1974. Edition und Nachwort von Hartmut Engelhardt. 320pp. cr.8vo. dw. 3,000 1641 RILKE (R.M.) UBERTRAGUNGEN. Insel,1975. 343pp. cr.8vo. dw. 3,000 1642 RILKE (R.M.): ALLEMANN (B.) ZEIT UND FIGUR BEIM SPATEN RILKE. Ein Beitrag ur Poetik des Modernen Gedichtes. Neske,1961. 325pp. dw. 1643 5,000 RILKE (R.M.): GOLDSMITH (U.K.) A VERSE CONCORDANCE TO HIS COMPLETE LYRICAL POETRY. I:German Poems, Including the Lyrical Playlets. II:The French Poems, The Russian Poems. Leeds: W.S.Maney,1980. xix,1593pp. 1644 11,000 RILKE (R.M.): KUNISCH (H.) RAINER MARIA RILKE. Dasein und Dichtung. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1975. 528pp. dw. 1645 5,500 RILKE (R.M.): PFEIFFER (E.) RAINER MARIA RILKE LOU ANDREAS-SALOME BRIEFWECHSEL. Insel, 1975. 643pp. cr.8vo. dw. 1646 4,000 RILKE (R.M.): SCHUTZE (A.)RAINER MARIA RILKE. Stuttgart: Urachhaus, 1975. 101pp. 3,000 - 120 - 1647 RIMBAUD (A.) ALBUM RINBAUD. Paris: Gallimard,1967. many photo plates 320pp. cr.8vo. dw. slip case. 1648 5,000 ROBERTS (M.) ORION MARCHES. (Poems) London: Faber,1939. 96pp. dw. fly leaf,edge sl. spotted. 1649 3,000 ROBERTS (M.M.) & MIZUTA (T.)(Ed.) SOURCES OF BRITISH FEMINISM. Routledge/Thoemmes Press, 1995. 6 vols. orginal modern cloth in box. ex-library. 1650 ROBERTSON (E.S.)(Ed.) GREAT WRITERS. *Jane 26,250 Austen. *Sheridan. *C.Bronte. *Schopenhauer. *Milton. *Carlyle. *Keats. *Smollett. *Victor Hugo. *Robert Browning. * Johnson. *Hawthorn. *Scott. *W.M.Thackeray. *Schiller. *Adam Smith. *Balzac. *Longfellow. *Coleridge. *Darwin. *G.Eliot. *Dickens. *Goethe. *Goldsmith. *Emerson. *Cervantes. *Crabbe. *Lessing. *J.S.Mill. *Marryat. *Bunyan. *Heine. London: W.Scott, 1890. altogether 32 vols. cr.8vo. 1651 ROBINSON (F.C.) THE TOMB 45,000 OF BEOWULF. And other esssays on Old Blackwell,1993.ix,335pp. dw. 1652 8,000 ROCHEFOUCAULD: MOURGUES (O.DE.) TWO FRENCH MORALISTS LA ROCHEFOUCAULD & LA BRUYERE. Cambridge U.P., 1978. ix,180pp. dw. 1653 3,800 ROESSLE (J.) ZEUGEN UND ZEUGNISSE. Die Vater des rheinisch-westfalischen Pietismus. Christliche Verlag. Konstanz, 1968. 272pp. dw. 1654 English. 3,500 ROGERS (M.) THE WAVERLEY DICTIONARY. An alphabetical arrangement of all the character, and illustrative selection from the text. Chicago: S.C.Griggs, 1885. reprinted ed. 357pp. 1655 3,000 ROGERS (R.M.),WATKINS (A.R.) & SPEIDEL (W.H.) SCENES FROM GERMAN DRAMA. A Review Grammar and Reader. N.Y.: Harper & Row, 1978. 312pp. lar.8vo. 1656 3,150 ROLLAND (R.) ESSAI SUR LA MYSTIQUE ET L'ACTION DE L'INDE VIVANTE. *I:La vie de Ramakrishna. II:A vie de Vivekananda et l'Evangile Universel, 1-2. Paris: Stock, 1930. First Ed. 3 vols. Limited to 1,000 copies. wrappers. 1657 35,000 ROLLAND (R.) JEAN-CHRISTOPHE. Edition definitive. Paris: Albin Michel, 1967. 1605pp. inidian paper. in slip case. 4,500 1658 ROLLAND (R.) L'AME ENCHANTEE. Paris: Albin Michel, 1967. 1460pp. dw. 4,200 1659 ROMILLY (J.DE.) PRECIS DE LITTERATURE GRECQUE. P.U.F., 1980. 284pp. Roy.8vo. 3,000 1660 ROSE (H.J.) A HANDBOOK OF GREEK LITERATURE. From Homer to the Age of Lucian. London: Methuen, 1934. ix,458pp. private stamped. sl.spotted. 1661 3,990 ROSSANO (P.)(traduzione de greco) EPITOLE con il trittico degli Embriachi della Certosa di Pavia. Milano: Franco Maria Ricci, 1981. with color plates. 368pp. tall 8vo. in case. - 121 - 9,000 1662 ROSSETTI (C.G.) TIME FLIES: A Reading diary. London, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge,1897280pp. Sm.8vo. original backram. nice copy. 17,850 1663 ROSSETTI (C.G.): THE POETICAL WORKS OF CHRISTINA GEORGINA ROSSETTI. With Memoir and Notes &c by W.M.Rossetti. London: Macmillan, 1914. with tissue guarded frontis portrait. lxxi,507pp. sm.8vo. full levant morocco by Bumpus Ltd. spine sl. darkened.(2 pressed flowers taped to recto of frontis & p275) 38,000 1664 ROSSETTI (C.G.): CHARLES (E.K.) CHRISTINA ROSSETTI. Critical Perspectives, 1862-1982. Susquehanna U.P., 1985. 187pp. dw. 4,000 1665 ROSSETTI (C.G.): ROSSETTI (W.M.)(Ed.) NEW POEMS BY CHRISTINA ROSSETTI. Hitherto Unpublished or Uncollected. London: Macmillan, 1896. First Ed. 397pp. cr.8vo. recent cloth. 4,500 1666 ROSSETTI (D.G.) : CAINE (T.H.) RECOLLECTIONS OF DANTE GABRIEL ROSSETTI. Boston: Roberts brothers,1898.First American Ed. xiii,297pp. original cloth. spine sl. rubbed. nice copy. 8,400 1667 ROSSETTI (D.G.): THE WORKS OF DANTE GABRIEL ROSSETTI. Edited with Preface and Notes by William M.Rossetti. London: Ellis, 1911. Revised and enlarged Ed. frontis. xxxvii,684pp. 3/4 calf. gilt decorated spine. top edge gillt. joint 2cm tears. nice copy. 7,500 1668 ROSSETTI (D.G.): CAMMELL (C.R.) DANTE GABRIEL ROSSETTI AND THE PHILOSOPHY OF LOVE. (Poseidon Press, 1933) Folcroft Library Editions, 1972. 21pp. lar.8vo. text bit foxed. 6,300 1669 ROSSETTI (D.G.): DOUGHTY (O.)(Ed.) THE LETTERS OF DANTE GABRIEL ROSSETTI TO HIS PUBLISHER F.S.ELLIS. London: Scholartis Press, 1928. First Ed. Limited to 560 copies. 150pp. roy.8vo. original backram. spine sl.faded. 1670 ROSSETTI (D.G.): NICOLL (J.) DANTE GABRIEL ROSSETTI. London: Studio Vista, 1975. First Edition. 100 plates (b&w and colour). 175pp. 4to. dw. 1671 18,900 6,300 ROSSETTI (D.G.): ROSSETTI (W.M.) DANTE GABRIEL ROSSETTI. His Family-Letters. With a Memoir by William Michael Rossetti. Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1895. First American Ed. 2 vols. lar.8vo. original cloth. spine rubbed. 1672 15,000 ROSSETTI (D.G.): ROSSETTI (W.M.)(Trans.) GABRIELE ROSSETTI. A Versified Autobiography. London: Sands & Co., 1901. Limited Ed. xiii,199pp. original black cloth. gilt top. spine sl. rubbed. 1673 11,000 ROSSETTI (D.G.): SONSTROEM (D.) ROSSETTI AND THE FAIR LADY. Middletown: Wesleyan U.P., 1970. First Ed. xii,252pp. with dust cover. 1674 4,500 ROSTAND (E.) CYRANO DE BERGERAC. Comedie Heroique en Cinq Actes en vers Representiee a Paris, sur le Theatre de la Porte Saint-Martin, le 28 decembre 1897. Paris: Librairie Charpentier et Fasquelle, 1898. First Ed. Limited to 50 copies on papier Japon. 225pp. sm.8vo. 3/4 morocco with marbled boards. gilt spine top edge gilt. (original publisher's green printed wrappers bound in) with slip case. - 122 - 500,000 1675 ROTH (J.): WESTERMANN (K.)(Hrsg.) JOSEPH ROTH WERKE I-VI. Das Journalistische werk 1915-1923, 1916-1929, 1923-1939 [&] Romane und Erzahlungen 1916-1929, 19301936, 1936-1940. Kiepenheuer & Witsch, 1989. 6 Bde. 1676 ROUCEK (J.S.)(Ed.) SLAVONIC ENCYCLOPAEDIA. N.Y.: Kennikat press, 1949. 4 vols. lar.8vo. 1677 42,000 10,500 RUFUS: (RUFUS (Q.C.))QUINTECURCE DE LA VIE ET DES ACTIONS D'ALEXANDRE LE GRAND. De la Traduction de Monsieur de Vavgelas. Paris: L.Billaine,1564. Nouvelle Ed. 609pp with tables. 4to. old calf. bit chipped. soiled. 1678 25,000 RUSKIN (J.) THE SEVEN LAMPS OF ARCHITECTURE. London: George Allen & sons, 1911. with (14) illustrations Drawn by the Author. xviii,444pp. sm.8vo. full calf with gilt decorated spine. marbled edges. 1679 25,000 RUSKIN (J.) THE SEVEN LAMPS OF ARCHITECTURE. Lectures on Architecture and Painting, The Study of Architecture. N.Y.: Merrill & Baker, n.d(ca1900). 358pp. 3/4 dark-brown morocco with marbled boards. gilt top. 1680 25,000 RUSKIN (J.): THE WORKS OF JOHN RUSKIN. Edited by E.T.Cook and A.Wedderburn. London: G.Allen Unwin, 1903-12. Library Ed. 39 vols. With photo & autograph letter. Illustrated with well over 1000 plates. lar.8vo. original 3/4 calf. 1681 1,500,000 SABATIER (R.) HISTOIRE DE LA POESIE FRANCAISE. 1.La Poesie du Moyen Age. 2.La Poesie du XVIe Siecle. 3.La Poesie du XVIIe Siecle. 4.La Poesie du XVIIIe Siecle. 5,6.La Poesie du XIXe Siecle.I-II. Paris: A.MIchel, 1975. 6 vols. lar.8vo. dw. 1682 18,900 SADE: LELY (G.) VIE DU MARQUIS DE SADE. Gallimard,1952 & 1957. 2 vols. 537 & 716pp. wrapper. sl browned. 1683 4,000 SALLMANN (K.)(Hrsg.) DIE LITERATUR DES UMBRUCHS von der Romischen zur Christlichen Literatur 117 bis 284 N.Chr. Munchen: C.H.Beck'sche, 1997. xxxii,651pp. Roy.8vo. dw. 8,000 1684 SANEY (P.) CRIME AND CULTURE IN AMERICA. A Comparative perspective. Greenwood Press, 1986. 215pp. lar.8vo. 1685 6,300 SANSOM (W.) THE EQUILIBRIAD. With illustrations by Lucian Freud. London: Hogarth press,1948. First Ed. Limited to 750 copies. signed by the Author. With 4 illustrations by Lucian Freud. 45pp. original half backram over marbled boards. top & tail of spine rubbed. sl. light spoted. 1686 42,000 SAROYAN (W.) THE HUMAN COMEDY. Illust by Don Freeman. New York; Harcourt Brace. 1943. First Ed, 291pp.dust-cover slightly worn and chiped. 1687 12,600 SARTRE (J.-P.) CRITIQUE DE LA RAISON DIALECTIQUE TOME I. (precede de Question de methode) Theorie des ensembles pratiques. Paris: Gallimard, 1974. 755pp. wrappers. 4,500 - 123 - 1688 SARTRE (J.-P.) SITUATIONS. Essays critiques. Gallimard, 1947. 10 Vols. sm.8vo. wrapper. spine bit soiled. 1689 63,000 SASSOON (S.) COLLECTED POEMS. London: faber,1947.269pp. dw. (spine worn). light sl. spotted. 1690 SASSOON 3,000 (S.) SIEGFRIED'S JOURNEY 1916-1920. London: Faber,1945. frontispiece.224pp. cr.8vo. dw. ( spine worn) 1691 SASSOON (S.) THE OLD CENTURY AND SEVEN MORE YEARS. London: Faber,1946. 293pp. dw. (spine worn). 1692 3,000 SASSOON (S.) THE ROAD TO RUIN. London: Faber & Faber, 1933. First Ed. 23pp. original cloth darkned. with dust-cover.(spine sl. faded). good copy. 1693 5,500 SATIRE: BLOOM (E.A.& L.D.) SATIRE'S PERSUASIVE VOICE. Cornell U.P., 1979. 305pp. dw. bit foxing. 1694 3,000 3,000 SATIRE: BOOTH (W.C.) A RHETORIC OF IRONY. Chicago U.P., 1974. 292pp. dw. stamped. 3,000 1695 SATIRE: CAZAMIAN (L.) THE DEVELOPMENT OF ENGLISH HUMOR. Part I and II. Duke U.P., 1952. 421pp. with dust cover(bit worn). 1696 SATIRE: GREENBLATT (S.J.) THREE MODERN SATIRISTS: WAUGH, ORWELL, AND HUXLEY. Yale U.P., 1976. 125pp. sl.foxing. 1697 3,000 SATIRE: KNOX (N.) THE WORD IRONY AND ITS CONTEXT 1500-1755. Duke U.P., 1961. xv,258pp. lar.8vo. dw. stamped. sl.foxing. 1698 4,200 SATIRE: VULLIAMY (C.E.)(Compiled & Ed.) THE ANATOMY OF SATIRE. An exhibition of satirical writing. London: M.Joseph, 1950. 351pp. dw. bit foxing. 1701 3,000 SATIRE: RAWSON (C.)(Ed.) ENGLISH SATIRE AND THE SATIRIC TRADITION. Blackwell, 1984. xiii,289pp. dw. 1700 3,000 SATIRE: NICHOLS (J.W.) INSINUATION The Tactics of English Satire. Hague: Mouton, 1971. 142pp. lar.8vo. dw. stamped. bit foxing. 1699 4,200 3,000 SCHANZ (M.) GESCHICHTE DER ROMISCHEN LITERATUR. VIII:1.Die Romische Literatur in der zeit der Republik. VIII:2.Die Zeit der Monarchie bis auf Hadrian. VIII:3.Von Hadrian bis auf Constantin. VIII:4-1.Die Literatur des vierten Jahrhunderts. VIII:4-2.Die Literatur des funften und sechsten Jahrhunderts. Munchen: C.H.Beck, 1979. Unveranderter Nachdruck 1979 der 1927 erschienenen vierten Auflage. 5 Bde. Roy.8vo. dw. fine set. 1702 42,000 SCHILLER (F.) DIE BRAUT VON MESSINA ODER DIE FEINDLICHEN BRUDER. Ein Trauerspiel mit Choren. Tubingen: J.G.Cotta, 1803. First ed, 162pp. 3/4 calf with marbled boards. 50,000 - 124 - 1703 SCHLEGEL (J.E.): JOHANN ELIAS SCHLEGEL WERKE. Hrsg.von Johann Heinrich Schlegel (1764-1773). Frankfurt: Athenaum, 1971. 5 vols in 4. sm.8vo. fore-edges & spine sl.foxing. 1704 9,000 SCOTT (W.) THE POETICAL WORKS OF SIR WALTER SCOTT, BART. Comprising The Lay of the Last Minstrel; Marmion; The Lady of the Lake; Vision of Don Roderick; Rokeby; The Bridal of Triermain; The Lord of the Isles; Ballads, Songs, and Lyrical Pieces. London: Routledge,Warne & Routledge, 1862. A New Edition, with Eight Illustrations by Corbould. xii,740pp. cr.8vo. full black morocco with gilt decorating. all edges gilt. 1705 18,000 SHAKESPEARE (W.) THE WORKS OF WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE. Westminster: Archibald Constable, 1902. 21 vols. with colour illus. cr.8vo. several plates are detached. 1706 SHAKESPEARE (W.): SHAKESPEARE'S ENGLAND. An Account of the Life & Manners of His Age. Oxford C.P.,1970. 2 vols. dw. fine copy. 1707 28,000 6,300 SHAKESPEARE (W.): THE PLAYS OF WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE in Fifteen Volumes. With the corrections and illustrations of various commentators to which are Samuel Johnson and George Steevens, Revised and augmented with a glossarial index by the editor of Dodsssley's collection of old plays. London: Printed for T.Longman, 1793. 4th Edition. 15 vols. with 151 engraving plates, 16 woodcuts-illusts(in text), & 5 folding plates(4 tables, 1 illusts). full old calf. spine rubbed and faded. inner-joint sl.tender. 525,000 1708 SHAKESPEARE (W.): THE WORKS OF SHAKESPEARE. New York: The Nonesuch Press, 1929. 7 vols. Limited to 1600 copies. lar.8vo. full tan niger mrocco by A.W.Bain. 399,000 1709 SHAKESPEARE (W.): BARBER (C.L.) SHAKESPEARE'S "ROUGH MAGIC" Renaissance Essays in Honor of C.L.Barber. Edited by P.Erickson and C.Kahn. Delaware U.P., 1985. 322pp. lar.8vo. dw. fore-edges foxing. 4,500 1710 SHAKESPEARE (W.): BARTLETT (J.) A COMPLETE CONCORDANCE OR VERBAL INDEX TO WORDS, PHRASES AND PASSAGES IN THE DRAMATIC WORKS OF SHAKESPEARE. with a supplementary concordance to the poems. Macmillan, 1979. 1910pp. 4to. green cloth. dw. 4,000 1711 SHAKESPEARE (W.): BULLOUGH (G.)(Ed.) NARRATIVE AND DRAMATIC SOURCES OF SHAKESPEARE. London: Routledge, 1977. 5th imp. 8 vols. with dust cover., but text almost fine. 42,000 1712 SHAKESPEARE (W.): CHAMBERS (E.K.) WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE A Study of Facts and Problems. Oxford C.P., 1966. 2 vols. with dj. 6,300 1713 SHAKESPEARE (W.): CORNWALL (B.)(Essay) THE COMPLETE WORKS OF SHAKESPEARE; Revised from the Original Editions: with A Memoir, and Essay on his Genius, by Barry Cornwall. Historical and Critical Studies of Shakespeare's Text, Characters, and Commentators: with Annotations and Introductory Remarks on the Plays, by R.G.White, A.M., R.H.Horne, and Various Other Distinguished Writers. The London Printing and Publishing com., ca.1864. 3 vols. Illustrated with Engravings on Wood, From Designs by Kenny Meadows; and 100 Steel Plates, Portraits of Eminent Actors, etc. 4to. 3/4 black calf with boards. calf edges bit rubbed. text sl.foxing, but almost fine. - 125 - 38,000 1714 SHAKESPEARE (W.): COWDEN-CLARKE (Mrs.) THE COMPLETE CONCORDANCE TO SHAKESPEARE. Being a verbal Index to all the Passages in the Deramatic Works of the Poet. (New and Revised Edition.) London: Bickers & Son, 1881. N.Y.: AMS, 1973. Reprinted Ed. 860pp. cr.4to. 1715 SHAKESPEARE 4,000 (W.): CRAIG (W.J.)(Preface) THE COMPLETE WORKS OF WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE. Oxford U.P., 1955. With 32 full page plates from modern stage productions. 1164pp. india paper. sl.stained. 1716 3,000 SHAKESPEARE (W.): EVANS (G.B.)(Ed.) ROMEO AND JULIET. Cambridge U.P.,1984. 248pp. dw. 1717 3.000 SHAKESPEARE (W.): FINEMAN (J.) SHAKESPEARE'S PERJURED EYE. The Invention of Poetic Subjectivity in the Sonnets. Univ.of California, 1986. 365pp. lar.8vo. with dust cover. 3,150 1718 SHAKESPEARE (W.): HARRIS (L.L.) & SCOTT (M.W.)(Ed.) SHAKESPEAREAN CRITICISM. Excerpts from the Criticism of William Shakespeare's Plays and Poetry, from the First Published Appraisals to Current Evaluations. Michigan: Gale Research Com., 1986. 22 vols. 4to. original cloth. text bit spotted. 1719 80,000 SHAKESPEARE (W.): HIBBARD (G.R.) HAMLET. The oxford Shakespeare.Oxford C.P.,1987. 406pp. dw. 1720 3,000 SHAKESPEARE (W.): KNIGHT (C.)(Ed,) THE PICTORIAL EDITION OF THE WORKS OF SHAKSPERE. London: C.Knight & Co, n.d.(ca.1845) 8 vols. with numerous illustrations by wood cuts,4to. 3/4 red morocco. marble edges. 1721 98,000 SHAKESPEARE (W.): LANDRY (H.)(Ed.) NEW ESSAYS ON SHAKESPEARE'S SONNETS. N.Y.: AMS, 1976. 276pp. with d/j. 1722 3,000 SHAKESPEARE (W.): LEE (Sidney.) SHAKESPEARES VENUS AND ADONIS. Being a reproduction in facsimile of the first edition 1593 with an introduction and bibliography.(Also includes Shakespeares Sonnets, Being a Reproduction in Facsimile of The First Edition 1609, Shakespeares Lucrece, Being a Reproduction in Facsimile of The First Edition 1594, The Passionate Pilgrim, being a reproduction in facsimile of the first edition 1599, Shakespeares Pericles Being a Reproduction in Facsimile Of The First Edition 1609.) Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1905. Limited to 1000 copies, signed by S.Lee. 4to. Facismile 5 parts, [75], [91], [75], [62] [68]pp. modern half calf. 1723 SHAKESPEARE (W.): LEIBLER (N.C.) SHAKESPEARE'S FESTIVE TRAGEDY. The ritual foundations of genre. London: Routledge, 1995. 266pp. text is clean. 1724 5,000 SHAKESPEARE (W.): MAHOOD (M.H.)(Ed.)THE MERCHANT OF VENICE. (The new cambridge shakespeare) Cambridge U.P.,1987. 188pp. dw. 1725 22,000 3,000 SHAKESPEARE (W.): PEQUIGNEY (J.) SUCH IS MY LOVE. A Study of Shakespeare's Sonnets. Chicago Univ.Press, 1985. 249pp. lar.8vo. with d/j. - 126 - 3,000 1726 SHAKESPEARE (W.): RIDLEY (M.R.)(Ed.) OTHELLO. London; Methuen,1969.lxx,246pp. dw. pencil scrached. 1727 3,000 SHAKESPEARE (W.): ROLLINS (H.E.) A NEW VARIORUM EDITION OF SHAKESPEARE,THE SONNETS. Philadelhia: J.B.Lippincott. 1944. (Facsimile edition) 404pp. modern cloth. 12,000 1728 SHAKESPEARE (W.): ROWSE (A.L.)(Ed.) SHAKESPEARE'S SONNETS. London: Macmillan, 1964. 319pp. full morocco, full gilt. fine binding. 1729 55,000 SHAKESPEARE (W.): SANDERS (N.)(Ed.) OTHELLO. (The New Cambridge shakespeare) Cambridge U.P.,1984. 209pp. dw. 1730 3,000 SHAKESPEARE (W.): VICKERS (B.) APPROPRIATING SHAKESPEARE. Contemporary Critical Quarrels. Yale U.P., 1993. xvii,508pp. lar.8vo. dw. 1731 SHAKESPEARE:THE ARDEN EDITION OF THE 4,000 WORKS OF WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE. Macbeth/Measure for measure/All's well that ends well/Cymbeline/Othello/Timon of Athens/Titus Andronicus/The Merchant of venice/The comedy of errors/King John/Love's Labour's Lost/Julius Caesar/The Poems/Pericles/the second part of King Henry IV/King Henry VI,3 vols/King Henry VIII/King Henry V/Kinf Eixhs III/the Taming of the Shrew/Much ado about nothing/Troilus and Cressida/Twelfth night/Hamlet/The Merry wives of Windsor/A midsummer night's dream/The Tempest/the two gentlemen of Verona/Romeo and Juliet/As you like it./London: Methuen. 32 vols. 1732 48,000 SHAKESPEARE: TROILUS UND CRESSIDA. Ubersetzung von Hans Rothe. Mit zwolf farbigen Lithographien von Kurt Werth. Leipzig: Akademie fur Graphische Kunste und Buchgewerbe, 1921. Limited to 300 copies. 147pp. 4to. full morocco. all edge gilt. fly leaf marbled. 15,000 1733 SHAKESPEARE: GRANVILLE-BARKER (H.) PREFACES TO SHAKESPEARE. Vol. I,II. I: Hamlet.King Lear. the merchant of Venice. Antony and Cleopatra Cymbeline. II: Othello.Coriolanus. Romeo and Juliet Julius Caesar. Love's Labour'S LOST. London: Batsford,1961. 2 vols. dw. 1734 4,200 SHAKESPEARE: PIVACK (B.) SHAKESPEARE AND THE ALLEGORY OF EVIL. The History of a Metaphor in Relation to his Major Villains. Columbia.U.P,1958. ix,508pp. dw. 1735 4,200 SHAW (B.) SAINT JOAN: A Chronicle play in Six Scenes and an Epilogue. London: Constable and Co.1924. First Ed. inscribed on half title "inscribed for W.John Williamson. G,Bernard Shaw, Harrogate 8th June 1928. lxiv,114+2pp. cr.8vo. with dust jacked. 1736 98,000 SHAW (B.) THE WORKS OF BERNARD SHAW. London: Constable & Co., 1930-38. Limited to 1000 numbered copies. 33 vols complete set. green cloth, top edges gilt, in the original dust wrappers, browned but overall an incredibly fine set. 1737 294,000 SHELLEY (B.) SHELLEY AND SCRIPTURE. The Interpreting Angel. Oxford C.P., 1994. 212pp. dw. ex-library. 4,000 - 127 - 1738 SHELLEY (P.B.) MISCELLANEOUS POEMS. London: William Benbow, 1826. 144pp. 12mo. 3/4 morocco. over gilt decorated cloth. top edge gilt. sl.light stained. fine copy. 1739 75,000 SHELLEY (P.B.): THE COMPLETE WORKS OF PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY. Newly Edited by Roger Ingpen & Walter E.Peck. Published for the Julian Editions in London by E.Benn, 1927. 10 vols. lar.8vo. half vellum, gilt top. fine copy. 1740 SHELLEY (P.B.): FORMAN (H.B.)(Ed.) NOTE BOOKS OF PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY. From the original in the library of W.K.Bixby. N.Y.: Phaeton Press, 1968. 3 vols. 4to. fine. 1741 4,500 SHELLEY (P.B.): HUTCHINSON (T.)(ED.) SHELLEY POETICAL WORKS. Oxford U.P., 1967. 918pp. dw. clean copy. 1742 180,000 4,000 SHELLEY (P.B.): SHELLEY-ROLLS (J.C.E.) & INGPEN (R.)(Ed.) VERSE AND PROSE, FROM THE MANUSCRIPTS OF PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY. London: Privately Printed, 1934. First Ed.Limited to 100 copies. with illusts by the author. xiii,159pp. original buckram. 1743 13,000 SHELLEY (P.B.): WISE (T.J.)(Collected) A Catalogue of Printed Books, Manuscripts and Autograph Letters by Percy Bysshe Shelley, Harriet Shelly and Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley. N.Y.: Haskell House, 1971. with illusts. 164pp. lar.8vo. 1744 SHELLEY: CLARK (D.L.)(Ed.) SHELLEY'S PROSE OR THE TRUMPET OF A PROPHECY. New Preface by H.Bloom. N.Y.: New Amsterdam, 1988. 385pp. lar.8vo. dw. 1745 3,000 4,500 SHERIDAN (R.B.): MOORE (T.) MEMOIRS OF THE LIFE OF THE RIGHT HONOURABLE RICHARD BRINSLEY SHERIDAN. London: Printed for Longman etc., 1825. 719pp. 4to. 3/4 calf with marbled boards. a good copy. 1746 30,000 SHIRE (H.M.) SONG, DANCE AND POETRY OF THE COURT OF SCOTLAND UNDER KING JAMES VI. Cambridge.U.P,1969. Musical illustrations of court-song edited by K. Elliott. 283pp. Roy.8vo. dw. exlibary.(title page stamped). otherwise clean copy. 1747 4,000 SISKIN (C.)THE HISTORICITY OF ROMANTIC DISCOURSE. Oxford.U.P,1988. viii,225pp. dw. 4,200 1748 SKEAT (L.D.) SELECTIONS FROM BARBOUR'S BRUCE. Books I-X. with the notes thereto and the preface and Glossarial Index to the Whole Work. Richard clay,1899.ciii,767pp. 3/4 calf. joint weak,spine sl. chipped. 1749 5,000 SKEAT (W.W.)(Ed.): LANGLAND (W.) THE VISION OF WILLIAM CONCERNING PIERS THE PLOWMAN, together with Vita de adowel, dobet, et Dobest, Secundum Wit et Resoun, by W.Langland. London: published for the Early English Text Society; O.U.P., 1950-. 4 vols in 2. *The"Vernon" Text; or Text A.[1867],1956. 158pp. *The "Crowley" Text; or Text B. [1869],1950. 426pp. *The "Whitaker" Text; or Text C. [1873],1910. 536pp. lacking title to page 1-2. *Part IV.Section I.-Notes to Texts A, B, and C. [1877] 512pp. title page missing(?). original text in modern cloth(rebound). - 128 - 25,000 1750 SMITH (G.G.)(Ed.) ELIZABETHAN CRITICAL ESSAYS. Oxford C.P., 1959. 2 vols. Sm.8vo. dw. 5,000 1751 SMITH (J.M.) THE FRENCH BACKGROUND OF MIDDLE SCOTS LITERATURE. Folcroft, 1969. xxviii,186pp. lar.8vo. 1752 3,000 SMITH (J.T.) AN ANTIQUARIAN RAMBLE IN THE STREETS OF LONDON. With Anecdotes of Their More Celebrated Residents. Edited by C.Mackay. London: R.Bentley, 1846. 2 vols. original cloth. spine repaired. good copy. 1753 30,000 SMOLLETT (T.): SAINTSBURY (G.)(Ed.) THE WORKS OF TOBIAS SMOLLETT. (The Adventures of Roderick Random: The adventures of Peregrine Pickle: The Adventures of Count Fathom: The Adventures of Sir Launcelot Greaves: The Expedition of Humphry Clinker) London: The Navarre Society, ca.1920. 12 original green cloth. top edge gilt. good. 25,000 1754 SNOWDEN (E.)(Mrs P.S.) THE FEMINIST MOVEMENT. London: Collins, n.d. First Ed. 262pp. sm.8vo. soft-morocco cover. gilt decorate spine(spine edges sl.wear). gilt edges. 1755 SONO (T.) TEL SONO. The Japanese Reformer. An Autobiography. N.Y.: Printed by Hunt & Eaton, 1892. 66pp. cr.8vo. original cloth. front endpaper detached. 1756 8,000 SORLEY (W.R.) A HISTORY OF ENGLISH PHILOSOPHY. Cambridge U.P., 1937. xvi,380pp. dw. sl.foxing. 1757 6,500 3,670 SPENCE (D.C.) LITTLE RED SHOES and Other Tales of the Odd and Unssen. Ghost Story Press, 1995. Limited to 350 numbered copies. (of 199) 235pp. lar.8vo. original pictorial red cloth with dust jacket. 1758 13,000 SPENDER (S.) LOVE-HATE RELATIONS. A Study of anglo-American sensibilities. London: hamish Hamilton, 1974. xviii,246pp. dw. 3,000 1759 SPENDER (S.) POEMS. London: Faner,1952.69pp. dw. 3,000 1760 SPENDER (S.) THE EDGE OF BEING. London: faber,1949.57pp. dw. sl. spotted. 3,000 1761 SPENDER (S.) WORLD WITHIN WORLD. London: hamish Hamilton,1951. 349pp. dw.(spine faded). sl. light spoted. 1762 3,000 SPENSER: EVANS (M.) SPENSER'S ANATOMY OF HEROISM. A Commentary on queene. Cambride.U.P,1970. viii,244pp. dw. 1763 3,000 SPUFFORD (M.) SMALL BOOKS AND PLEASANT HISTORIES. Popular fiction and its readership in seventeenth-century England. London: Methuen, 1981. 275pp. dw. stamped. 1764 the faerie 3,990 STANFORD (W.B.) THE ULYSSES THEME A Study in the Adaptability of a Traditional Hero. Oxford: Blackwell, 1968. 2nd Ed.,Revised. 340pp. dw. sl.foxing. - 129 - 3,000 1765 STEINBECK (J.) SWEET THURSDAY. N.Y: Viking press,1954.First Ed.ix,273pp. 1766 STEINBECK (J.) THE GRAPES OF WRATH. New York: Viking Press,First published in April 1939. First Edition. 619pp. with dust cover. (sl. chipped. 4,000 180,000 1767 STEINBECK (J.) THE LONG VALLEY. London: heinemann, 1974. 215pp. dw. 1768 STEINBECK (J.) THE MOON IS DOWN. N.Y.: Viking Press, 1942. First Ed. First Issue. 188pp. sm.8vo. with dust cover. dust cover. sl.chipped. fly reaf Bruce Blackeuey's signed. 1769 3,000 38,000 STEINBECK (J.) THE SHORT NOVELS OF JOHN STEINBECK. Tortilla flat/ The Red Pony/ of Mice and men/ the Moon is Down/ Cannery row/ the Pearl. London: W.Heinemann, 1957. 568pp. 1770 3,000 STEINBECK (J.) THE WINTER OF OUR DISCONTENT. New York: The Viking Press. 1961. First ed First Published. 281pp. original cloth with dustcover (chiped) 1771 STEINBECK (J.) TORTILLA FLAT. New York: Grosset & Dunlap. 1953. First thus ed, Illustrated by Ruth Gannett. 316,(i)pp. with dust-jacket. 1772 3,000 STEINBECK (J.): BENSON (J.J.)(A Biography by) THE TRUE ADVENTURES OF JOHN STEINBECK, WRITER. N.Y.: Viking Press, 1984. 1116pp. lar.8vo. dw. 1774 4,720 STEPHEN (L.): MAITLAND (F.W.) THE LIFE AND LETTERS OF LESLIE STEPHEN. London: Duckworth, 1906. 510pp. lar.8vo. original cloth. top of spine rubbed. bit spotted. 1775 15,000 STEINBECK (J.) TRAVELS WITH CHARLEY. In search of America. N.Y:Viking,1964. 246pp. dw. (spine faded) 1773 15,000 6,300 STERN (L.): THE Complete in Eight Volumes. With a Life of the Author. Written by Himself. Edinburgh: J.Turnbull, 1803. 8 vols. complete works of very early edition. cr.8vo. full old calf. calf rubbed. 1776 48,000 STERNE (L.) THE LIFE & OPINIONS OF TRISTRAM SHANDY GENTLEMAN & A SENTIMENTAL JOURNEY THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY. London: Macmillan, 1900. 2 vols. 3/4 half. gilt spine. top edge gilt. joint sl. rubbed. 1777 STERNE (L.): FLUCHERE (H.) LAURENCE STERNE: FROM TRISTRAM TO YORICK. A Interpretation of Tristram shandy. London:Ox.U.P,1965.xii,459pp. dw. 1778 3,000 STEVENS (W.) THE COLLECTED POEMS OF WALLACE STEVENS. London: Faber 1959. second ed, xv,534pp. dw. sl.spotted. 1779 32,000 7,000 STEVENSON (R.L.): THE WORKS OF ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON. London: W.Heinemann, 1923-24. Tusitala Ed. 35 vols (include the letters edited by S.Colvin. 5 vols.) 12mo. Original cloth. Complete set. cloth fading on spine. scratched on end papers. scarce. 95,000 - 130 - 1780 STEVENSON (R.L.): STEUART (J.A.) ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON. Man and Writer, A Critical Biography by J.A.Steuart. London: Sampson Low, n.d. 2 vols. lar.8vo. sl. spotted. 1781 4,000 STEWART (H.) A NET OF FIREFLIES. Japanese Haiku and Haiku paintings. Tokyo: C.E.Tuttle, 1960. First Ed.180pp. original slip case. owner's stamped. 5,000 1782 STEWART (J.I.M.) EIGHT MODERN WRITERS. Ox.C.p,1963. viii,704pp. dw. 3,000 1783 STOKES (A.): THE CRITICAL WRITINGS OF ADRIAN STOKES. Vol.I:1930-1937. Vol.II:19371958. Vol.III:1955-1967. Thames & Hudson, 1978. 3 vols. with numerous illust. lar.8vo. with dust cover. 1784 25,200 STORM (T.): HONNEFELDER (G.) THEODOR STORM WERKE. I:Gedichte Marchen und unheimliche Geschichten Novellen. II:Novellen prosa Anhang. Mit einem essay von T.Mann. Insel,1975. 2 Bde. sm.8vo. slip case. 1785 3,000 STRACHEY (L.): HOLROYD (M.) LYTTON STRACHEY A Critical Biography. vol.1:The Unknown Years (1880-1910). vol.2:The Years of Achievement (1910-1932). London: Heinemann, 1967. 2 vols. lar.8vo. dw. 1786 4,000 SUDERMANN (H.): SWICKARD (C.)(Trans.& Adapted) FIRES OF ST.JOHN. A Drama in Four Acts From the German of HermannSudermann. Boston: John W.Luce, 1904. 139pp. pictorial cloth. sl.stained. 1787 3,000 SUERBAUM (W.)(hrsg.) DIE ARCHAISCHE LITERATUR von den Anfangen bis Sullas Tod. Die Vorliterarische Peiode und die Zeit von 240 bis 78 v. CHR. Munchen: C.H.Beck, 2002. xlviii,611pp. Roy.8vo. dw. 1788 8,000 SUGA (Teruo) THE MAN'YO-SHU. A Complete English Translation in 5 - 7 Rhythm. Parts I.II.III. Kanda Institute of Foreign Languages, 1991. 3 vols. Roy.8vo. in box-case. 1789 SUGAR (L.DE.) BAUDELAIRE ET R.M.RILKE. Etude d'influences et d'affinites spirituelles. Paris: Nouvelles Editions Latines, 1954. 188pp. wrapper. 1790 3,000 SUMMERS (M.) COVENT GARDEN DROLLERY. London: The Fortune Press. Reprint of a work pub. in 1672. Limited to 575 copies. 123pp. with dustcover. (sl. chipped) 1791 20,000 4,200 SURTEES : [SURTEES (R.S.)] SURTEES WORKS, ASK MANNA: Or, the Richest Commoner in England. 1858. HANDEY CROSS: Or, Mr.Jorrocks's Hunt. 1854. MR.SPONGE'S SPORTING TOUR: PLAIN OR RINGLETS?: HAWBUCK GRANGE: Or, the Sporting Adventures of Thomas Scott, ESQ. Mr.ROMFORD'S HOUNDS: 1847. London: Bradbury,Agnew, 1852. altogether 6 vols. numerous illustrations by John Leech, Phiz & H.K.Browne. 3/4 morocco. gilt stamped on decorated spine. fine binding. 1792 150,000 SWIFT (J.) THE POEMS OF JONATHAN SWIFT. Edited by Harold Williams. Oxford C.P., 1937.3 vols. 17,000 - 131 - 1793 SWIFT (J.): THE WORKS OF JONATHAN SWIFT, D.D. London: Elliot, 1784. 18 vols. 12mo. newtly half calf & marled boarads. two label. 1794 450,000 SWIFT (J.): ROSSI (M.M.) & HONE (J.M.) SWIFT OR THE EGOTIST. London: V.Gollancz,,1934. 418pp. cover sl. worn. 1795 3,000 SWINBURNE (A.C.) A CENTURY OF ROUNDELS. London: Chatto & Windus, Piccadilly, 1883. 2nd Ed. 100pp. original cloth. sl. worn. 1796 3,150 SWINBURNE (A.C.) ATALANTA IN CALYDON. A TRAGEDY. London: Edward Moxon,1865. First Ed.,111pp. original cream cloth, gilt decorated desiigns by Dante Gabriel rossetti. cover darkned. fly leaf spotted. 1797 5,000 SWINBURNE (A.C.) SONGS OF THE SPRINGTIDES. London: Chatto & Windus, 1880. 2nd Ed. 135pp. cr.8vo. bit foxing. 1798 3,000 SWINBURNE (A.C.) TRISTRAM OF LYONESSE And Other Poems. London: Chatto & Windus, 1909. 8th impression. 361pp. sm.8vo. bit foxing. 1799 3,000 SWINBURNE (A.C.): GOSSE (E.) THE LIFE OF ALGERNON CHARLES SWINBURNE. London: Macmillan, 1917. 7 illusts. 362pp. lar.8vo. a part of endpaper cut-off. spine faded. 1800 3,000 SWINBURNE (A.J.): DRINKWATER (John) SWINBURNE. An Estimate. London: J.M.Dent, 1913. First Ed. Signed presentation copy. Selincourt from John Drinkwater 1913.frontis. 215pp. original cloth. 1801 10,500 SYMONDS (J.A.) STUDIES OF THE GREEK POETS. Second series. London: Smith Elder,1879. 2nd Ed.,xii,402pp. owner's stamped. cover rubbed. 1802 4,000 SYMONS (A,) THE COLLECTED WORKS OF ARTHUR SYMONS.*Poems 3 vols. *William Blake. *Spirtual adventures. *Tragedies 2 vols. *Studies in two literatures. *Studies in seven arts. London: Martin Secker. 1924. First collected ed, 9 vols. Limited to 100 copies. signed by the author. original yellow cloth. very good condition. no dast-cover. 1803 250,000 SYMONS (A.) FIGURES OF SEVERAL CENTURIES. London: Constable & Co., 1916. First Ed. 398pp. original backram. top edge gilt. 1804 8,000 SYMONS (A.) PARISIAN NIGHTS. A Book of Essays. Beaumont Press, 1926. Limited to 80 copies. signed by Symons, the artist Wyndham Payne & the publisher Cyril W. Beaumont Cover and title page designed by W.Payne. 50pp. half original parchment over boards. 28,000 1805 SYMONS (A.) PLAYS ACTING AND MUSIC. A Book of Theory. London: Constable & Co., 1909. First Ed. 323pp. original backram. sl. spotted. 1806 5,250 SYMONS (A.) POEMS BY ARTHUR SYMONS. London: W.Heinemann,1919. 2 Vols. original boards. worn. 3,000 - 132 - 1807 SYMONS (A.) THE ADVENTURES OF GIUSEPPE PIGNATA. Who Escaped from the Prisons of the Inquisition of Rome. London: Jonathan Cape, 1930. First Ed. 252pp. sl. spine faded 3,000 1808 SYMONS (A.): ZOLA (Emile) L'ASSOMMOIR. Translated from the French and with an Introduction. London: T.Werner Laurie, 1928. Limited Ed. Signed by the Author Symons. frontis after Toulouse Lautrec. 468pp. original white paper spine, blue boards.( sl. spotted.) with dust wrapper. 1809 18,000 TAGORE (H.) THE CRESCENT MOON. Child-poems. N.Y:Macmillan,1926.xii,82pp. cr.8vo. original pictorial cloth. 6,000 1810 TAGORE (R.) GORA. London: Macmillan,1939. 408pp. cr.8vo. spine faded. 4,500 1811 TAGORE (R.) THE GARDENER. Translated by the Author from the Original Bengali. London: Macmillan,1914. 150pp. cr.8vo. light spotted. owner's signed. 3,000 1812 TAGORE (R.) THE POST OFFICE. A Play. Churchtown Dundrum: Cuala press,1914. First Ed. Limited to 400 copies. 38pp. Linen backed blue paper boards. 25,000 1813 TAINE (H.A.) ESSAIS DE CRITIQUE ET D'HISTOIRE. Paris, Hachette, 1858. xv,412pp. Cr.8vo. Half calf with marbled boards. sl. spotted. title page corner sl. chipped. 12,000 1814 TASSO (Torquato) JERUSALEM DELIVERED; An Heroic Poems. London: Rinvington: 1821. with fronttis by etched. 32mo(13x7,5cm). 504pp. contemporary full crushed morocco. gilt design. maarbled edges. slightly rubbed. nice copy. 12,000 1815 TAYLOR (J.) THE WHOLE WORKS OF HE RIGHT REV. JEREMY TAYLOR.D.D.With a Life of the Author, and a critical examination of his writings by the Right rev. reginald Heber. London: Longman,green, 1854. 10 Vols. original brind stamped cloth. rubbed. joint tender. 85,000 1816 TENNYSON (A.) GARETH AND LYNETTE ETC. London: Strahan, 1872. 136pp. contemporary full morocco. top edge gilt. Bound by Riviere. fine binnding. 39,900 1817 TENNYSON (A.): ROSENBERG (J.D.)(Select.& Intro.) THE POEMS OF ALFRED, LORD TENNYSON. Cambridge: Limited Editions Club, 1974. Limited Ed. Singned by the Illustrator. with wood engravings by R.Stone. 285pp. imp.8vo. half morocco with boards. in slip-case. 11,000 1818 TENNYSON:THE WORKS OF ALFRED LORD TENNYSON. Poet Laureate.London: Macmillan,1891portrait.900pp. sm.8vo. gilt decorative calf, all edge gilt. bound zeansdorf. first few page sl. light stained. 1819 THACKERAY (W.M.): THE WORKS OF WILLIAM MAKEPEACE THACKERAY. London: Smith Elder, 1878. 26 vols. Limited Ed. roy.8vo. half morocco. fine copy. 1820 by 28,000 550,000 THACKERAY (W.M.): THE WORKS OF WILLIAM MAKEPEACE THACKERAY. With biographical introductions by his daughter, Anne Ritchie. London: Smith Elder, 1901. 13 vols. with illustrations by the author and a portrait. bound in contemporary half calf. vol.1 joint weak. 95,000 - 133 - 1821 THIBAUDET (A.) LES PRINCES LORRAINS. Paris: Bernard Grasset, 1924. First Ed., signed by the author. 210pp. cr.8vo. wrappers. 1822 45,000 THOMAS (D.): THE COLLECTED STORIES. London: J.M.Dent, 1983. 362pp. dw. fine copy. 4,500 1823 THOMAS (D.): JONES (D.)(Ed.) A PROSPECT OF THE SEA and other stories and prose writings. London: J.M.Dent, 1955. 136pp. 12mo. with dust cover. bit foxing. 1824 THOMAS (D.): ROLPH (J.A.) DYLAN THOMAS A Bibliography. London: J.M.Dent, 1956. 108pp. with dust cover. 1825 4,000 THOMPSON (J.W.) THE LITERACY OF THE LAITY IN THE MIDDLE AGES. N.Y:B.Franklin,1963. vi,198pp. 1826 3,000 THOMSON (J.) THE CITY OF DREADFUL NIGHT AND OTHER POEMS. Portland: Thomas B.Mosher,1909. 134pp. 18.3 x 10cm. 3/4 calf over marbled boards. 1827 3,000 25,000 THOMSON (J.) THE SEASONS. to which is prefixed the life of the author,by P.Murdoh and an essay on the plan and character of the poem by J.Alkin. London: Wilkie and Robinson. 1811. 4 etching plates(winter,spring,summer,autumn). 236pp. Cr.8vo.pictorial full crushed morocco. gilt top. marble end paper. fine rebound by Carry Morgan(1932).bookplate on end paper. very good. 1828 85,000 THOREAU (H.D.) WALDEN. Or Life in the Woods. This copy has the inserted publisher's advertisements dated June, 1854.Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1854. First Ed of 2000 copies. Frank J.Hogan's copy. (with calf exliblis.)357pp. sm.8vo. original brown cloth. in beautiful half morocco slip-case. 1829 2,200,000 THOREAU (H.D.): THE FIRST AND LAST JOURNEYS OF THOREAU. Lately Discovered Among His Unpublished Journals and Manuscripts. Edited by Franklin Benjamin Sanborn. Boston: The Biliophile Society, 1905. First Ed.,2 vols. Limited to 489 copies. with frontis. 3/4 calf with boards. in slip-case. 1830 98,000 THOREAU (H.D.): EMERSON (E.W.) HENRY THOREAU. As Remembered by a young friend. Houghton Mifflin, 1917. with frontis. 151pp. cr.8vo. a small stamped. a few tiny worm hole on spine. 1831 4,500 THOREAU (H.D.): STAPLETON (L.) A WRITER'S JOURNAL. London: Heinemann, 1961. xxix,234pp. 1832 4,000 THOREAU (Henry D.) WALDEN. Boston & New York: Houghton,Mifflin: 1897. First photogravure edition. 2 vols. Limited 2500 copies. Illus'd w/ tissue-protected b&w photogravures mostly by A. W. Hosmer and are generally of Wa lden, Thoreau's home, the woods, associates, etc. sm.8vo. original gold stamped cloth. (cover designed by Sarah Whitman) Top edge gilt. spine sl faded. near fine copy. - 134 - 110,000 1833 TIMES: HISTORY OF THE TIMES 1785-1948.London: The Office of the Times, 1935. 5 vols(vol.4 is 2 parts). racked vol.5. Roy.8vo. dw. sl.foxing. 1834 42,000 TOLKIEN (J.R.R.): BLISS (A.)(Ed.) FINN AND HENGEST: The Fragment and the Episode. London: G.Allen & Unwin, 1982. First Ed. 180pp. dw. stamped on endpaper. top edge sl.spotted. 1835 15,000 TRAHERNE (T.): MARGOLIOUTH (H.M.)(Ed.) CENTURIES, POEMS, AND THANKSGIVINGS. Oxford C.P., 1958. 2 vols. original blue cloth. 1836 TROUSSON (R.) LE THEME DE PROMETHEE DANS LA LITTERATURE EUROPEENNE. Geneve: lib.Droz, 1976. 2e Ed. 2 vols. lar.8vo. paperback. spine bit soiled. 1837 4,000 TU FUSELECTED POEMS. Compiled by Feng Chih. translated by Rewi alley. Peking: Foreign languages press,1962. 10 photo plates. 178pp. cr.8vo. dw. 1838 12,600 3,000 TURNER (J.M.W.)(Illust.): FINBERG (A.J.) THE LIFE OF J.M.W.TURNER,R.A. Oxford C.P., 1961. 2nd Ed. Revised, & with a Supplement by Hilda F.Finberg. xiv,543pp. lar.8vo. with dust cover. fine copy. 1839 15,000 TWAIN (M.) & WARBER (C.D.) THE GILDED AGE. N.Y; HARPER & BROTHERS,1915. 2Vols in 1. 320,336pp. contemporary 3/4 morocco over marbled boards. spine tooled and lettered in gilt. top edge gilt. marbled endpapers. 1840 38,000 TWAIN (M.): BRANCH (E.M.), FRANK (M.B.) & SANDERSON (K.M.)(Ed.) MARK TWAIN'S LETTERS. Vol.I & II. Univ.of California, 1988. 2 vols. Roy.8vo. dw. 1841 TWAIN (M.): KEMBLE (E.W.)(illust) THE ADVENTURES OF HUCKLEBERRY FINN.N.Y:limitedd Editions club,1933. Limited to 1500 copies. 494pp. original gilt decorated cover. top edge gilt. There is some fading to the spine 1842 3,000 UNAMUNO (Miguel De) DEL SENTIMIENTO TRAGICO DE LA VIDA En Los Hombres Y En Los Pueblos. Spain: Alianza Editorial, 2003. 331pp. cr.8vo. pb. 1844 8,400 ULMER (K.): KOHLENBERGER (H.)(Herusg)VON DER NOTWENDIGKEIT DER PHILOSOPHIE IN DER GEGENWART. Wien: Oldenbourg,1976. 342pp. dw, 1843 8,000 4,200 UNAMUNO (Miguel DE): FLITCH (J.E.Crawford)(Trans.) TRAGIC SENSE OF LIFE. Dover Publications, U.S.A. [published date: 1954] xxxv,332pp. boards(previous owner's?). 5,000 1845 UPDIKE (John) BECH: A BOOK. N.Y: A.A.KNOPF,1970. signed by the author. 206pp. dw. 4,000 1846 UTOPIA: KRUFT (H-W.) STADTE IN UTOPIA. Die Idealstadt vom 15.bis zum 18.Jahrhundert zwischen Staatsutopie und Wirklichkeit. Munchen:C.H.Beck,1989. 203pp. dw. - 135 - 4,500 1847 UTOPIA: MORE (T.): MARC'HADOUR (G.) L'UNIVERS DE THOMAS MORE. Chronologie critique de More, Erasme, et leur epoque (1477-1536). Dessins de R.Joly. Paris: J.Vrin, 1981. 586pp. Roy.8vo. wrapper. exlibrary. 1848 4,200 VALERY (P.) GEDICHTE. Ubertragen durch Rainer Maria Rilke. Leipzig: Insel, 1925. Limited to 450 copies. 60pp. imp.8vo. original spine vellum with boards. 1849 85,000 VALERY (P.): CELEYRETTE-PIETRI (N.) et ROBINSON-VALERY (J.) CAHIERS 1894-1914. Edition integrale etablie, presente et annotee sous la co-responsabilite. Gallimard,1987. 6 Tomes. Limited Ed. sm.4to. paperback. 1850 45,000 VAN DYKE (H.): THE WORKS OF HENRY VAN DYKE Avalon Edition. New York: C.Scribner, 1920. Avalon Ed. This Autograph Ed. Printed on old stratford paper. 18 vols. Limited to 504 sets. Signed by the Publisher. 3/4 morocco, gilt top. fine copy. 1851 250,000 VANBRUCH (J.): THE COMPLETE WORKS OF SIR JOHN VANBRUCH. The Plays Edited by Bonamy Dobree. The Letters Edited by Geoffrey Webb. Bloomsbury: The Nonesuch Press, 1927. 4 vols. Limited Ed. 4to. 1852 39,900 VEITCH (J.) THE HISTORY AND POETRY OF THE SCOTTISH BORDER. Their Main Features and Relations. Edinburgh: W.Blackwood, 1893. 2 vols. original pictorial cloth gilt. 1853 11,000 VERMEULE (E.) ASPECTS OF DEATH IN EARLY GREEK ART AND POETRY. California U.P., 1979. 270pp. Roy.8vo. 1854 3,000 VERNE (J.) PREMIERE SERIE COMPLETE. Les 500 millions de la Begum/De la terre a la Lune/Autour de la Lune/ Les indes Noires Suivi/ Le chancellor suivi de Martin Paz/ LeChateau des Carpathes/ Cinq Semaines en Ballon / Le Tour du Monde en 80 Jourss / Le Enfants du Capitaine grant. Paris: Michel de L'Ormeraie,10 Vols. with b/w illustrations. 4to. original pictorial cloth. 1855 89,250 VESTAL (S.) BIGFOOT WALLACE. A Biography. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, presentation copy by the author. 299pp. dw. 1856 VILLA-GILBERT (M.) A JINGLE JANGLE SONG. London: Chatto,1968.First Ed. 165pp. cr.8vo. dw. spine faded. 1857 1942. 8,400 5,000 VILLON (F.) : LONGNON (A.) OEUVRES COMPLETES DE FRANCOIS VILLON. Publiees d'apres les manuscrits et les plus anciennes editions. Paris: A.Lemerre,1892.cxii,365pp. half morocco with marbled boards. uncut. label,edge & flyleaf spotted. 1858 8,400 VOLNEY (M.) LES RUINES OU MEDITATION. Sur les Revolutions des empires. Paris: Desenne, 1792. 2nd Ed.3 plates. contemporary half calf & marbled boards. corner rubbed. 392pp. 1859 xvi, 31,500 VOLTAIRE: OEUVRES COMPLETES DE VOLTAIRE. Paris: Chez E. A.Lequien Libraire, 1823-27. 70 vols in 72. original wrapper. 280,000 - 136 - 1860 VOLTAIRE: LUCHET (Mr.Le Marquis de) HISTOIRE LITTERAIRE DE MONSIEUR DE VOLTAIRE. A Cassel, Imprime chez P.O.Hampe, 1780. 4 parts in 2. (of 6) spine calf with boards. corners sl.rubbed. text fine. scarce. 21,000 1861 WALKER (R.)(Ed.) THE CORRESPONDENCE OF JAMES BOSWELL AND JOHN JOHNSTON OF GRANGE. London: Heinemann,1966. xlix,369pp. dw. 3,000 1862 WALTON (I.) THE COMPLETE ANGLER. The Lives of Donne Wotton Hooker Herbert & Sanderson. with Love and Truth & Miscellaneous Writings. Edited by Geoffrey Keynes. Illustrations by Thomas Poulton & Charles Sigrist. Nonesuch Press, 1929. Limited Ed. 631pp. full morocco. gilt top. in marble slip-case. 85,000 1863 WALTON (I.) & COTTON (C.) THE COMPLETE ANGLER OR CONTEMPLATIVE MAN'S RECREATION. Being a Discourse on Rivers, Fish-Ponds,Fish, and Fishing. Edited with notes from a naturalist's point of view by J.E.Harting. London: S.Bagster, 1893. Tercentenary Ed. 2 vols. Limite to 350 copies. with 53 illustrations. Including Etchings by Percy Thomas, from Paintings by John Linnell, and Engravings of Riverside Animals and Birds by G.E.Lodge. half vellum. 4to. gilt top. nice copy. 95,000 1864 WALTON (I.) & COTTON (C.) THE COMPLETE ANGLER OR THE CONTEMPLATIVE MAN'S RECREATION. Edited by John Major. London: J.C.Nimmo,1889. 2vols in 1. with 6 original etchings 2 portraits, and 74 wood engravings. (Jackson's"Practical Fly Fisher" 1879 hand coloured plates bound in) x,445,16pp.neat 3/4 blue levant morocco gilt, by Sangorski and Sutcliffe. in slip case. 98,000 1865 WALTON (I.) & COTTON (C.) THE COMPLETE ANGLER, Or the Contemplative Man's Recreation. In Two Parts.London: Henry Kent, 1759. The 2nd Moses Browne Ed. Frontispiece + 9 plates.xxiv,340pp. 12mo. full calf rebacked. 65,000 1866 WALTON (I.) & COTTON (C.) THE COMPLETE ANGLER. Edited with an Introduction by Richard le Gallienne. With the anglers' Calendar compiled by Hi Regan. London: John Lane,The bodley 1897. The First Le Gallienne Ed. With portrait frontispiece & numerous illusts by Edmund H.New. roy,4to. 428pp. original cloth. with slip case. 40,000 1867 WALTON (I.) & COTTON (C.) THE COMPLETE ANGLER: Or, Contemplative Man's Recreation. Being a Discourse on Rivers, Fish-Ponds, Fish, and Fishing. With Original Memoirs and Notes by Sir Harris Nicolas. London: Chatto & Windus, 1887. The Fourth Nicholas Reprint. (A New Ed.) With 60 illust from Designs by Stothard and Inshipp. 320,32pp. original pictorial cloth. top of spine sl chipped. 28,000 1868 WALTON (I.) & COTTON (C.) THE COMPLETE ANGLER: Or the Contemplative Man's Recreation. Being a Discourse on Rivers, Fish-ponds Fish and Fishing. With original Memoirs and Notes by Sir Harris Nicolas. London: Nattali & Bond, 1860. 2nd Ed. 2 vols. 14 fine engrave plates. and many additional textual engravings. roy.8vo. full decorated calf. rebacked. 1869 120,000 WALTON (Izaak) THE LIVES. Of Dr.John Donne; Sir Henry Wotton; Mr.Richard Hooker; Mr.George Herbert and Dr.Robert Sanderson. With notes and the Life of the Author. York: Wilson,Spence & Mawman, 1796. walton's engraved frontispeace and 6 other portraits. liv & errata, 518pp. demy 4to. full calf. 313pp uncut in bound. 2 leaves repaird. otherwise a very good copy. 65,000 - 137 - 1870 WARD LOCK: LIVEING (E.) ADVENTURE IN PUBLISHING. The House of Ward Lock 18541954. London: Ward, Lock, 1954. 108pp. with dust cover. 1871 WARNER (G.)(Ed.) THE LIBELLE OF ENGLYSHE POLYCYLE, A Poem on the Use of Sea-Power 1436. Oxford C.P., 1926. 126pp. sm.4to. 1872 4,500 6,500 WARNER (S.T.) & ACKLAND (V.) WHETHER A DOVE OR SEAGULL. London: Chatto & Windus, 1934. First Ed. (inscribed by B.B.Blakeney, on fron paper) 155pp. sm.8vo. with dust cover.(edges chipped) text is almost clean. 1873 6,000 WARREN (R.P.) SELECTED ESSAYS. London: Eyre & spottiswoode, 1964. First U.K ed. xii,305pp. sm.8vo. end paper corner owner's signed. with dust cover. (sl. worn.). good copy. 1874 15,000 WARWICK: ZUPITZA (J.) THE ROMANCE OF GUY OF WARWICK. & THE ROMANCE OF GUY OF WARWICK. the Second or 15th century Version. Ox.U.P,1966. 2 vols. 1875 WATERS (M.) THE GARDEN IN VICTORIAN LITERATURE. Scolar Press, 1988. 371pp. lar.8vo. dw. top edge bit spotted. 1876 6,000 WATKIN (E.I.) POETS AND MYSTICS. Essay Index reprint Series. N.Y: books for libraries press,1953.viii,318pp. 1877 11,000 4,200 WEGELIN (O.) & RODEN (R.F.) EARLY AMERICAN PLAYS 1714-1830. LATER AMERICAN PLAYS 1831-1900. being a compilation of the titles of plays by American Authors published & performed in America Previous to 1830. N.Y.: Dunlap Society, 1900. 2 vols. limited to 265 copies. lar.8vo. wrappers. in red linen folder and slip case. 1878 WELLS (H.G.) A YEAR OF PROPHESSYING. London: T.F.Unwin,1924. First Ed. 272pp. sl. pencil scrached. First & last few page & edge foxing. 1879 25,000 4,200 WELLS (H.G.) AFTER DEMOCRACY. Addresses and papers on the present World ssituation. London: Watts & co, 1932. First Ed. 247pp. cr.8vo. fly leaf owner's signed. eddge sl.spotted. dw.(sl. chipped) 1880 42,000 WELLS (H.G.) MEANWHILE. Th Picture of a Lady. London: E.Benn,1927. 287pp. cr.8vo. dw.(chipped) 1881 4,200 WELLS (H.G.) THE ANATOMY OF FRUSTRATION. A Modern Synthesis. N.Y: Macmillan Co.1936. First American d. viii,217pp. dw. (sl. chipped) 1882 WELLS (H.G.) THE AUTOCRACY OF MR. PARHAM. His remarkable adventures in the changing world. London: W.Heinemann,1930First Ed. 370pp. dw.(sl.tear) 1883 8,400 5,250 WELLS (H.G.) THE SHAPE OF THINGS TO COME. The Ultimate Revolution. London: Hutchinson & co., 1933. 432pp. cover sl.stained. nice copy. - 138 - 4,200 1884 WELLS (H.G.) THE WORKS OF H.G.WELLS. New York: Charles Scribner, 1924. Atlantic ed. 28 vols. Limited to 1050 copies. Signed by the Author. frontis photograph of the Author. original cloth and board with paraffin paper in box. case bit crease. vol.14 spine rabel sl.soiled. books are fine. 1885 WELLS (H.G.) 1,450,000 CHRISTINA ALBERTA'S FATHER. London: J.Cape,1925Second impression. 410pp. dw. (sl. darkned) 1886 WELLS (H.G.) 4,200 MEN LIKE GODS. London: Cassell,1923. First Ed. viii,304pp. cr.8vo. originaal cloth. sl. worn. 1887 4,200 WELLS (H.G.) THE DISCOVERY OF THE FUTURE. London: J.Cape, 1925. 60pp. cr.8vo. dw. (sl.dusty) 1888 4,200 WELLS (H.G.) THE KING WHO WAS A KING. The Book of a Film. London: Ernest Benn,1929. 254pp. dw.(sl. chipped.) 1889 4,200 WELLS (H.G.) THE SECRET PLACES OF THE HEART. London: Cassell,1922. First Ed.311pp. original cloth. spine darkned. 1890 3,000 WELLS (H>G>) THE OPEN CONSPIRACCY. Blue prints for a world revolution. Londo: Victor gollancz,1928. 156pp. cr.8vo. dw. (cover owner's sign) 1891 8,400 WELLS (L.) ROMMEL AND THE REBEL. N.Y.: Doubleday, 1986. First Ed. presentation copy. signed by the author. 415pp. dw. 1892 5,250 WERICH (J.) JAN WERICH.....TILETY. Zdravice Werichovych pratel, 1965. B/W photo-illusts. sm.8vo. dw. 1893 2,500 WHITMAN (W.) THE COMPLETE WRITINGS OF WALT WHITMAN. Issued under the editorial supervision of his Literary Executors, Richard Maurice Bucke, Thomas B. Harned, and Horace L.Traubel. with additional bibliographical and critical material prepared by Oscar Lovell Triggs, Ph. N.Y.: G.P.Putnam's sons, 1902. The Collector's Camden Edition. 10 vols. Limited to 300 sets. illustrated. 3/4 morocco, gilt. spines faded to brown. a very good, clean set. 1894 880,000 WHITMAN (W.): CLARKE (G.) WALT WHITMAN: CRITICAL ASSESSMENTS. 1:The Man and the Myth; Biographical studies. 2:The response to the writing. 3:Writers on Witman's writing. 4:Walt whitman in the 20th century.Helm Information, 1994. 4 vols. with slip case. 25,000 1895 WHITMAN (W.): MORRIS (H.S.) WALT WHITMAN. A Brief Biography with Reminiscences. Cambridge U.P, 1929. viii,122pp. cr.8vo. 1896 5,000 WHITNEY (W.D.) THE CENTURY DICTIONARY. an Encyclopedic Lexicon of the English Language. Revised and Enlarged under the Superintendence of B.E.Smith. New York: The Times / Century Co., 1904. Revised and Enlarged Edition. 10 vols(8 vols + Proper Names & Atlas). folio. 3/4 calf with boards. sl.worn. text is foxing, but almost good. - 139 - 45,000 1897 WIELAND (C.M.) SAMMTLICHE WERKE in 14 bde & C.M.WIELANDS LEBEN by J.G.Gruber. Hamburg: G.Mayr, 1984. 15 bde. cr.8vo. blue cloth. 1898 21,000 WILDE (O.)THE GHOST EPIGAMS OF OSCAR WILDE AS TAKEN DOWN THROUGHAUTOMATIC WRITING BY LAZAR. N.Y: COVICI,1928. Limited to 850 copies. 38pp. cr.8vo. half linen with boards. 1899 4,000 WILDE (O.) A COLLECTION OF ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPTS AND BOOKS OF OSCAR WILDE.Including his letters written to Robert Ross from reading Gaol and Unpublished letters Poems and Plays formerly in the Possession of Robert Ross, C.S.Millard (Stuart Mason)London: Dulau and co., N.d.,First Ed.,Limited to 2000 copies. contains 14 illustrations. 140pp.Roy.8vo. original wrappers. cover worm hall. 1900 5,000 WILDE (O.) FIVE FAMOUS PLAYS.lady windermere's fan/ a woman of no importance an Ideal Husband/ the importance of being Earnest Salome. London: G.duckworth, 1952. 383pp. sm.8vo. 1901 3,000 WILDE (O.) INTENTIONS. The Decay of Lying Pen Pencil and Poison the Critic as Artist the Trvth of Masks. New York: Dodd Mead, n.d.(1891) First US Ed. 258pp. original cloth. 35,000 1902 WILDE (O.): COMPLETE WORKS OF OSCAR WILDE. With an Introduction by Vyvyan Holland. London: Collins, 1966. 1216pp. dw. 1903 3,000 WILDE (O.): THE WORKS OF OSCAR WILDE. *Miscellanies. *Reviews. *A House of Pomegranates, The Happy Prince and Other Tales. *Intentions and the Soul of Man. *A Woman of No Importance. *The Duchess of Padua A play. *The Importance of Being Earnest, A Trival Comedy for Serious People. *Lady Windermere's Fan A play About a Good Woman. *An Ideal Husband A play. *De Profundis. *Lord Arthur Savile's Crime. *Salome, A Florentine Tragedy, Vera. *The Poems of Oscar Wilde. *For Love of the King, A Burmese Masque. *The Picture of Dorian Gray. London: Methuen, 1908-22. First Collected Ed. 15 vols complete. Limited to 1,000 copies. on hand-made paper. Newly red bound in 3/4 morocco, gilt top by Bayntun-Riviere. fine set. 800,000 1904 WILDE (O.): HORODISCH (A.) OSCAR WILDE'S BALLAD OF READING GAOL. A Bibliographical study by Abrahaam Horodisch. N.Y: Aldus book,1954. Limited to 326 copies. b/w illustrations.126pp. 6,000 1905 WILDE (O.): BENDZ (E.) THE INFLUENCE OF PATER AND MATTHEW ARNOLD IN THE PROSE=WRITINGS OF OSCAR WILDE. (1914) Folcroft Press, 1969. 114pp. Roy.8vo. bit foxing. 3,000 1906 WILDE (O.): BIRNBAUM (M.) OSCAR WILDE. Fragments and memories. London: E.Mathews,1920.Large paper Edition only 50 copies. 35pp. original backram. on exlibris. 12,000 1907 WILDE (O.): HYDE (H.M.)(Ed.& Intro.) THE TRIALS OF OSCAR WILDE. With a Foreword by The R.Hon.Sir Travers Humphreys. London: W.Hodge & Co., 1948. with illusts. 384pp. cover sl. stained. 3,000 - 140 - 1908 WILDE (O.): MASON (J.)(Intro) OSCAR WILDE AND THE GRAVE OS SHELLEY. Edinburgh: Tragara press,1992. First Ed. Limied to 140 copies. 3 hand coloured illustrations by Mason. xxviipp. 1909 12,000 WILDE (O.): MASON (S.) BIBLIOGRAPHY OF OSCAR WILDE. Introduced by Timothy d'Arch Smith. London:T.Werner Laurie. (1914). xxxix,605pp. original blue cloth. gilt top. 1910 WILDE (O.): MURRAY (I.)(Ed.) THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY. Oxford.U.P,1974. xxxiv,249pp. dw. 1911 3,000 WILLIAMS (G.) TRADITION AND ORIGINALITY IN ROMAN POETRY. Oxford C.P., 1968. 810pp. lar.8vo. dw. 1912 8,000 WILLIAMS (G.) & RAMSDEN (J.) RULING BRITANNIA, A Political History of Britain 16881988. London: Longman, 1990. xii,547pp. lar.8vo. dw. 1913 8,000 6,300 WILLIAMS (T.) FOUR PLAYS BY TENNESSEE WILLIAMS. The Glass Menagerie/ A Streetcar Named Desire/ Summer and smoke/ Camino real. London: Secker,1968. xiv,320pp. dw. 4,000 1914 WILLIAMS (T.) THE WORKS OF TENNESSEE WILLIAMS. *In the Winter of Cities. *Dragon Country. *Small Craft Warnings. *The Knigtly Quest. *Androgyne, Mon Amour. *Tennessee Williams. (Boxill R.) *Tennessee Williams. (Londre F.H.) *Kingdom of Earth. *Tennessee Williams. (Falk S.L.) *Tennessee Williams. (Tischler N.M.) *Tennessee Williams. (Vannatta D.) *Tennessee WIlliams. (Williams D. & Mead S.) 12 vols. 1915 WILSON (J.E.) SCHELLING UND NIETZSCHE. Zur Auslegung der fruhen Werke. Friedrich Nietzsches. Walter de Gruyter, 1996. ix,400pp. lar.8vo. 1916 9,450 WITTICH (D.)(Hrsg.& eingeleitet) SCHRIFTEN ZUM KLEINBURGERLICHEN MATERIALISMUS IN DEUTSCHLAND. Berlin: Akademie-verlag, 1971. 2 vols. lxxxii,344pp. sm.8vo. dw. 1919 4,200 WOLFE (P.) THE DISCIPLINED HEART: Iris Murdoch and her Novels. Univ of Missouri,1966. x,220pp. dw. 1920 10,500 WISEMAN (S.) DRAMA AND POLITICS IN THE ENGLISH CIVIL WAR. Cambridge U.P., 1998. xviii,297pp. lar.8vo. dw. 1918 13,650 WILSON (S.) THE MAN IN THE GRAY FLANNEL SUIT. New York: Simon and Schuster. 1955. First ed.304pp. with dust cover(sl.chipped). 1917 18,900 3,000 WOLFFLIN (H.) DIE KLASSISCHE KUNST. eine einfuhrung in die Italienische Renaissance. Basel: Schwabe, 1968. neunte auflage. textkritisch bearbeitet mit 132 abbildungen. 320pp. roy.8vo. dw. 1921 4,000 WOODBERRY (G.E.)(Intro.) ONE HUNDRED BOOKS FAMOUS IN ENGLISH LITERATURE. With Facsimiles of the Title-Pages. N.Y: Grolier Club,1902. Limited to 305 copies. lii,200pp. Imp lar.8vo. half vellum. with some spotting on the endpapers - 141 - 25,000 1922 WOOLF (V.)THE WAVES. London: Hogarth press,1963.10th Impression211pp. dw. fine copy. 1923 9,500 WOOLF (V.) COLLECTED ESSAYS OF VIRGINIA WOOLF. Vol 1-4. Hogarth press,1968.4 vols. sm.8vo. dw. 1924 42,000 WOOLF (V.) JACOB'S ROOM. Hogarth press,1965. cr.8vo. with dist cover. fine copy. one or two smudges to green cloth cover of Woolf's third novel. 1925 WOOLF (V.) NIGHT AND DAY.LONDON: THE HOGARTH PRESS,1966.8th impression.538pp. dw. crean copy. 1926 9,500 WOOLF (V.) NIGHT AND DAY. London: the Hogarth Press, 1977. 10th Imp. 538pp. dw. sl.scratched. 1927 3.150 WOOLF (V.) THE VOYAGE OUT. London: Hogarth press,1965. 8th impression. 458pp. cr.8vo. with dust wrapper. fine copy. 1928 9,500 WOOLF (V.) THE YEARS. London: Hogarth, 1937. First Ed. signed by B.B.Blakeney. 469pp. cr.8vo. cover joint sl. tears. 1929 9,500 3,150 WOOLF (V.) THREE GUINEAS. London: Hogarth press,1938.329pp. cr.8vo. cover sl. worn. 4,200 1930 WOOLF (V.): STERRETT (J.)(Illust) TO THE LIGHTHOUSE. Franklin Libraary,1980. 296pp. Full Leather. Beautifully bound in leather with gilt decoration. All page edges are gilt. Gilt title lettering on the spine. 1931 8,000 WORDSWORTH (W.) POETICAL WORKS. With Introductions and Notes Edited by Thomas Hutchinson. Oxford Univ: 1971. 778pp. dw 1932 WORDSWORTH (W.): 3,000 THE DESERTED COTTAGE. London: G.Routledge & Co, 1859. 21 dessignss Birket Foster, J.Wolf, and John Gilbert, engraved by the Brothers Dalziel 104pp. original cloth. gilt tooled and ruled with the title in laid on the front panel. cover rubbed. fly leaf browned. sl. spotted. 1933 8,400 WORDSWORTH (W.): BARSTOW (M.L.) WORDSWORTH'S THEORY OF POETIC DICTION. A Study of Historical ad Personal background of the Lyrical ballads. New Haven: Yale U.P.,1917. xv,191pp. wrappers. chipped. 1934 4,200 WORDSWORTH (W.): BROUGHTON (L.N.)(Ed.) SOME LETTERS OF THE WORDSWORTH FAMILY NOW FIRST PUBLISHED. With a few unpublished letters of coleridge and Southey and others. Cornell.U.P,1942. x,131pp. The character of the title has disappeared on spine. otherwise clean copy. 1935 18,000 WORDSWORTH (W.): GRIGGS (E.L.)(Ed.) WORDSWORTH AND COLERIDGE, Essays in Honor of George McLean Harper. An appreciation by J.D.Spaeth. Princeton U.P., 1939. viii,254pp. lar.8vo. 3,000 - 142 - 1936 WORDSWORTH (W.): GROSART (A.B.)(Ed.) THE PROSE WORKS OF WILLIAM WORDSWORTH. For the first time collected, with additions from unpublished manuscripts. London: Edward Moxon, 1876. First Ed. 3 vols. One of only 112 privately printed copies on fine paper with illus. half titles, fronts. original green cloth. top edge gilt Nice copy. scarce. 1937 88,000 WORDSWORTH (W.): JORDAN (J.E.)(Ed.) PETER BELL BY WILLIAM WORDSWORTH. Cornell U.P., 1985. xii,631pp. lar.8vo. dw. 1938 6,000 WORDSWORTH (W.): LACEY (N.) WORDSWORTH'S VIEW OF NATURE. And its Ethical consequences. Cambridge.U.P,1948. 128pp. 1939 WORDSWORTH (W.): MEYER (G.W.) WORDSWORTH'S 3,000 FORMATIVE YEARS. Michigan,1943. 265pp. spine darkned 1940 9,000 WORDSWORTH: HUTCHINSON (T.)(Ed.) WORDSWORTH POETICAL WORKS. Oxford.U.P,1966. 778pp. cr.8vo. 1944 3,000 WORDSWORTH (W.): SELINCOURT (E.DE.)(Ed.) JOURNALS OF DOROTHY WORDSWORTH. London: Macmillan, 1952. 2 vols. dw. good set. 1943 9,500 WORDSWORTH (W.): SCOGGINS (J.) IMAGINATION AND FANCY. Complementary Modes in the Poetry of Wordsworth. Univ of Nebraska,1966. ix,264pp. dw 1942 of 3,000 WORDSWORTH (W.): PARRISH (S.)(Ed.) THE PRELUDE 1798-1799. Cornell.U.P,1977. ix,313pp. with dust wrapper. spine sl faded. nice copy. 1941 Univ 3,000 WROTH (W.) THE LONDON PLEASURE GARDENS OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. Assisted by Arthur Edgar Wroth. London: Macmillan, 1896. First ed, with 4colour plates, 16 b/w plates and 42 text-illustrations.xvii,(ii),335pp. modern cloth. last 50 pages water stain. 1945 6.000 YEATS (J.B.) ESSAYS IRISH AND AMERICAN. With an Appreciation by A.E. Dublin: The Talbot Press, 1918. 95pp. sm.8vo. original cloth. top & tail of spine sl. rubbed. 10,500 1946 YEATS (W.B.) A VISION. Macmillan, 1978. 305pp. sm.8vo. dw 3,800 1947 YEATS (W.B.) AUTOBIOGRAPHIES: Reveries over Childhood and Youth and the Trembling of the Veil. N.Y.: Macmillan, 1927. First American Ed. signed by the author. 477pp. original green cloth. cover faded & worn. 1948 38,000 YEATS (W.B.) ESSAYS AND INTRODUCTIONS. London: Macmillan, 1980. 530pp. lar.8vo. dw. 5,500 1949 YEATS (W.B.) THE KING'S THRESHOLD AND ON BAILE'S STRAND: Being Volume three of Plays for an Irish theatre. London: A.H.Bulln,1904. 117pp. Cr.8vo. original half cloth & boards. joint tears. paper label chipped. 1950 3,000 YEATS (W.B.) THE WILD SWANS AT COOLE. N.Y., 1920. First Ed.,ix,114pp. Sm.8vo. original cloth. edge worn. worm hall. 3,000 - 143 - 1951 YEATS (W.B.): THE COLLECTED POEMS OF W.B.YEATS. London: Macmillan, 1979. 564pp. dw. 1952 4,000 YEATS (W.B.): ALSPACH (R.K.) & (C.) TH VARIORUM EDITION OF THE PLAYS OF W.B.YEATS. N.Y:MACMILLAN CO.,1966.1336pp. dw.(chipped) slip case. Dr.ojima's copy. 1953 YUZO (Y.): SHAW (G.W.)(Trans.) THREE PLAYS. Tokyo: Hokuseido, 1935. signed by the author. 358pp. dw. 1954 8,400 32,000 ZIGROSSER (C.) & GAEHDE (C.M.) A GUIDE TO THE COLLECTING AND CARE OF ORIGINAL PRINTS. Sponsored by the print council of America. N.Y:Crown Pub,1976.120pp. sm.8vo. dw. 3,000 ◆◆◇◇ ILLUSTRATED BOOKS ◇◇◆◆ 1955 BATE (P.H.) THE ENGLISH PRE-RAPHAELITE PAINTERS. Their Associates and Successors. London: G.Bell & Sons, 1899. First Ed. 91 illustrations. 126pp. 4to. original gilt decorated cover. text bit spotted. 18,900 1956 BEARDSLEY (A.)(Illust.): FIFTY DRAWINGS BY AUBREY BEARDSLEY. Selected from the Collection Owned by Mr.H.S.Nichols. N.Y: H.S.Nichols, 1920. Limited to 500 copies. Signed by the Publisher. 4to. (31 x 24cm) pictorial gilt cover. gilt top. 38,000 1957 BEARDSLEY (A.)(Illust.): THE UNCOLLECTED WORK OF AUBREY BEARDSLEY. With an Introduction by C.Lewis Hind. London: John Lane the Bodley Head, 1925. First Ed. full page plates or illustrations. xxvi,162pp. 4to.original pictorial cloth. with dust jacket(heavy chipped). 70,000 1958 BEARDSLEY (A.)(Illust.): JONSON (B.) BEN JONSON HIS VOLPONE: OR THE FOXE. A New Edition. With a critical essay on the author by Vincent O'sullivan & a Frontispiece Five Initial Letters & a Cover Design Illustrative & Decorative by A.Beardsley. Together with an Eulogy of the Artist by R.Ross. London: L.Smithers and Co.,1898. First Edition, special issue. limited to 100 copies, printed on imperial Japanese vellum with extra plates. each containing an extra set of the plates in large size printed in photogravure. xlv,193pp. demy 4to on Imperial Japanese Vellum, bevelled edges, top edge gilt. a very good copy. 1959 300,000 BEARDSLEY (A.)(Illust.): KING (A.W.) AN AUBREY BEARDSLEY LECTURE. With an introduction & notes by R.A.Walker and some unpublished Letters & Drawings. London: R.A.Walker, 1924. Limited to 500 copies. 19sketch illustrations. 101pp. lar.8vo. 1960 6,300 BEARDSLEY (A.)(Illust.): SYMONS (A.)(Ed.): THE SAVOY. An Illustrated Quaterly. Nos 1 8. London: Leonard Smithers, 1896. First Ed. 8 vols(orignal pink boards:Vol 1-2 & original green wrappers: vol 3-8 ) the complete set including the loosely inserted Christmas card in vol one. roy.8vo. volume one's spine nice repaired. with box. 1961 420,000 BEAUCLERC (Lady, Diana)(Illust.): DRYDEN (J.) THE FABLES. From the Pencil of the Right Hon, Beauclerc. London: Printed by T.Bensley, 1797. with 9 plates by engravings and some illustrations by wood. 241pp. folio.(38 x 27.5 cm) full decorated old calf. rubbed. sl. worn. 180,000 - 144 - 1962 BEERBOHM (M.) ROSSETTI AND HIS CIRCLE. London: W.Heinemann, 1922. First Ed. limited to 380 copies. signed by the author. with 22 colour mounted plates. roy.8vo. original cloth. 52,000 1963 BEWICK (T.): BAIN (I.)(Intro and Ed.) THE WATERCOLOURS AND DRAWINGS OF THOMAS BEWICK AND HIS WORKSHOP APPRENTICES. St.Paul's Bibliographies, 1981. 2 vols. sm.4to. in slip case. 1964 12,000 BEWICK (T.): THOMSON (D.C.) THE WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS OF THOMAS BEWICK. London: Barbizone House, 1930. One of 525 copies. 39 illustrations in colour, with additional set of the illustrations in a cardboard envelope(36 plates). 83pp. 4to. original cloth. sl. rubbed. fly leaf browned. nice copy. 1965 BITTERLICH (R.)(Illust) ROSWITHA BITTERLIGH SCHWARZ-WEITZ-KUNST. Rauch, 1936. With 74 illustrations. 143pp. 4to. 1966 Leipzig: Felizian 6,500 BLAKE (W.) SONGS OF INNOCENCE AND OF EXPERIENCE. Shewing the Two Contrary States of the Human Soul. 1789.1794. Ox.U.P., 1977. 155pp. cr.8vo. paperback. 1967 35,000 2,000 BLAKE (W.) SONGS OF INNOCENCE. Is Reproduced from a Copy in the British Museum. London: E.Benn, 1926. First Published. 25 plates full colour. 4to. original cloth gilt. with dust coer.(browned). 1968 28,000 BLAKE (W.) THE GATES OF PARADISE. For Children, For the Sexes. Introductory volume by G.Keynes. With Blake's preliminary sketches. London: The Trianon Press, 1968. 3 vols. numerous illustrations. Vol.II & III 12mo. in slip-case. 1969 BLAKE (W.) THE MARRIAGE OF HEAVEN AND HELL. Commentary by G.Keynes. Paris: Trianon Press, 1975. xxvii,27 plates. with slip case. 1970 38,000 18,000 BLAKE (W.): THE COMPLETE PORTRAITURE OF WILLIAM & CATHERINE BLAKE. With an Essay and an Iconography by G.Keynes. London: Trianon, 1977. Limited to 562 copies. 155pp. roy.4to. half morocco in slip-case. 1971 31,500 BLAKE (W.): BINDMAN (D.) THE COMPLETE GRAPHIC WORKS OF WILLIAM BLAKE. Thames and Hudson, 1978. With 765 illustrations. 494pp. roy.4to. 33 x 25cm. with dust-cover. 9,450 1972 BLAKE (W.): BINYON (L.) & FIGGIS (D.) THE ENGRAVED DESIGNS OF WILLIAM BLAKE. & THE PAINTINGS OF WILLIAM BLAKE. London: Ernest Benn. 1925-6. First ed, 2 vols. with 82 plates(20 in colour) & 100 plates(5 in colour) . 4to.xv,117pp & xiv,140pp. original clothbacked, mabled boards.with a dust-cover.nice copy. 1973 58,000 BOSSCHERE ( FLAUBERT(G.) THE FIRST TEMPTATION OF SAINT ANTHONY. with an introduction by E.b.Osborn. London: John Lane, 1924. Limited Ed. (No.25)7 colour plates, 4 sepia-tone Gravures & Numerous Drawings by Bosschere. 231pp. (24.8 x 16cm) red decorated cloth. 18,900 - 145 - 1974 BOTANICAL COLOR PLATE: "ROSE THE PRINCESSE JULIE D'ARENBERG" color lithograph. 1854-1884. 20,000 1975 CARRINGTON (F.) ENGRAVERS AND ETCHERS. Six lectures Delivered on the Scammon Foundation at the Art Insttute of Chicago, March 1916. Chicago: the Art Institute, 1917. First Ed. with 133 b/w illustrations. 278pp. lar.8vo. original cloth. 5,000 1976 CARROLL (L.): GREEN (R.L.)(Ed.)ALICE'S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND AND THROUGH THE LOOKING-GLASS.And what alice found there. Oxford english novels Oxford.U.P,1971. with illustrations by J.Tenniel. xxxiii,277pp. dw. 3,000 1977 CRANE (W.)(Illust.): WISE (T.J.)(Ed.) SPENSER'S FAERIE QUEENE. London: G.Allen Ruskin House, 1897. Limited Ed. 18 parts in 6 vols. 4to. gilt pictorial cloth designed by Crane. top edge gilt. spine rubbed & faded. sl.stained. 185,000 1978 CRUIKSHANK (G.)(Illust.): EGAN (Pierce) LIFE IN LONDON. Or the day and Night scenes of Jerry Hawthorn, esq. and his elegant friend corinthian Tom in their Rambles and Sprees through the Metropolis.London: J.Camden Hotten, (c1910).With 36 colour illus from real life designed by E.R. & G.Cruikshank. 406,32pp. sm.8vo. (19.5 x 13.5cm). 3/4 calf & marbled boards. gilt spine. 36,750 1979 DANTE: BOTTICELLI (S.): LIPPMANN (F.) DRAWINGS BY SANDRO BOTTICELLI FOR DANTE'S DIVINA COMMEDIA. Reduced facsimiles after the originals in the Royal Museum Berlin and in the Vatican Library. London: Lawrence and Bullen, 1896. Limited to 500 copies. profusely illustrated throughout tex. Folio. (34 x 27cm). Full crimson morocco. 84,000 1980 DUMAS (P.) & PARLIER (I.) ROBIDU Roman-images. Hachette litterature, 1972. drawings throughout. 285pp. oblong.4to. publisher's original cloth with dust jacket. 3,500 1981 EATON (A.H.) BEAUTY BEHIND BARBED WIRE. The Arts of the Japanese in Our War Relocation Camps. Illustrated, Foreword by E.Roosevelt. N.Y.: Harper & Brother, 1952. 88 photo illustrations. 208pp. lar.8vo. with dust cover. 7,500 1982 FARLEIGH (J.)(Illust,): SHAW (G.B.) THE ADVENTURES OF THE BLACK GIRL IN HER SEARCH FOR GOD. London: Constable & co., 1932. First Ed. Designed & Engraved illustrations by John Farleigh. 74pp. 3,150 1983 FRASER (J.)THE HUMOROUS CHAP-BOOKS OF SCOTLAND. New York: H.L.Hinton,1873.2 vols.presentation inscription on front free endpaper of vol.1. to William Wilson.wood cut frontis. portrait of Dugald Graham in vol.2.xii,156,288,8pp. sm.8vo. handsome copy in presentation binding of full fair polished calf, red and black leather labels, broad gilt greek key pattern bordes within double gilt outer and doube¥le blind fillets, blind inner panels on covers,sspine gilt in compartments. 45,000 1984 GAY (J.)(Illust.) FABLES. London: 1727 (Facsimile ed., 1973) 3 vols in 1. 4to dw. 1985 GOMME (G.L.) & WHEATLEY (H.B.)CHAP-BOOKS AND FOLK-LORE TRACTS. First Series 1-5. 8,500 I.History of Thomas Hickathrift. II.History of the seven wise masters of Rome. III.Mother Bunch's closet newly broke open and the history of mother bunch of the west. IV.The History of Patient Grisel.1619. V.The History of sir Richard Whittington.London:Villon sciety,1885.5 vols.Limited to 250 copies. on hand made parchment covered boards. top gilt. sl. soiled. owner's exlibris on end paper. - 146 - 45,000 1986 HAMERTON (P.G.) THE GRAPHIC ARTS. A Treatise on the Varieties of Drawing, Painting, and Engraving. In comparison with each other and with nature. London: Seeley, Jackson, and Halliday, 1882. with 54 plates. 384pp. roy.4to. recent cloth. 1987 21,000 HARTHAN (J.) THE HISTORY OF THE ILLUSTRATED BOOK. The Western Tradition. Thames and Hudson, 1997. With 465 illustrations, 33 in colour. 288pp. 4to. paperback. 1988 3,000 HARVEY (J.R.) VICTORIAN NOVELISTS AND THEIR ILLUSTRATORS. London: Sidgwick & Jackson, 1971. First Ed. with illustrations. xi,240pp. roy.8vo. with dust cover. 1989 HARVEY(W.) SCOTTISH CHAPBOOK LITERATURE. Includes a glossary of terms,a list of chapbooks and a general index. Paisley: A.Gardner,1903. First,Ed., woodcut.153pp. buckram backed grey boards. uncut. sl. darkned. nice copy. 1990 3,150 17 HEELAN (P.A.) SPACE-PERCEPTION AND THE PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE. California U.P., 1983. 383pp. lar.8vo. dw. 1991 small 12,000 3,990 HENRY (F.) THE BOOK OF KELLS. Reproductions from the Manuscript in Trinity college Dublin. with a study of the Manuscript by Francoise Henry. N.Y: A.a.Knopf,1974. First Ed.,126 colour plates 75 monochrome illustrations. 226pp. 4to. with slipcase. spine faded. 1992 25,000 HIRSCHFELD (A.) HIRSCHFELD: Art and Recollections from Eight Docades. N.Y:C.Scribner's, 1991. First & shite illustration throughout. xxix,306pp. oblong lar.4to. with dust cover. fly leaf bit spotted. other wise fine copy. 1993 HODNETT (E.) FIVE CENTURIES OF ENGLISH BOOK ILLUSTRATION. Scolar Press, 1990. 6 coloured plates + 194 illustrations. 364pp. 4to. dw. 1994 16,800 HOGARTH (W.): THE WORKS OF WILLIAM HOGARTH. VOL.II. 93 illustrations. 134-201pp. 4to. (31 x 23cm). half calf. joint rubbed. 1995 5,000 18,000 HOWELLS (W.D.)(Introduction and comment) A LITTLE GIRL AMONG THE OLD MASTERS. With Introduction and Comment. Boston; J. R.Osgood,1884, 54 illustrations. 65pp. oblong 8vo. original pictorial cloth. cover bit worn. inner joint cracked. title page bit damaged. 16,000 1996 Illuminated: SAMARAN (C.)(Avant-propos) LES TRES RICHES HEURES DU DUC DE BERRY. Introduction et Legendes de J.Longnon et R.Cazelles. Chantilly: Musee Conde, 1969. many illuminated illustrations. unpagenated. 4to. 1997 LEIGHTON (C.) COUNTRY MATTERS. written and engraved by Clare Ledighton. N.Y: Macmillan,1937. 83 wood engravings. xv,159pp. 4to. dw. (spotted) 1998 8,400 8,400 MARSH (J.) PRE-RAPHAELITE WOMEN. Images of Feminity in Pre-Paphaelite Art. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1987. 30 mostly color plates. 160pp. 4to. dw. - 147 - 3,000 1999 McCALL (B.) ZANY AFTERNOONS. N.Y.: Alfred.a.Knopf, 1982. colour illustration throughout. 126pp. 4to. paperback. back cover corner sl.chipped. 2000 3,000 MEISS (M.) & BEATSON (E.H.) THE BELLES HEURES OF JEAN,DUKE OF BERRY. The cloisters the Metropolitan Museum of Art. N.Y: G.Braziller,1974. First ed. 127 of the miniatures are reproduced in full color with gilt and the remaining 30 miniatures appear in black and white at the end of the book. 268pp. lar.8vo. slip case. 2001 8,400 NEASHAM (G.) : BEWICK (T & J.)(woodcut) NORTH-COUNTRY SKETCHES. Notes, essays and reviews. Durham: Caldcleug,1893. First Ed. frontis and 12 plats with tissue guards, 47 woodcuts after Thomas and John Bewick. 400pp. original 3/4 backrum with marbld boards. spine sl. rubbed. inner joint repaired. 2002 4,200 PAPE (F.C.)(Illust) SUETONIUS' LIVES OF THE TWELVE CAESARS.Newly Translated with an Introduction by H.M.Bird. Argus books, 1930. Limited to 300 copies (No.14) signed by Pape & Bird.frontispiece & 15 illustrations. tissue x 18cm) with dust cover. top edge gilt. fine copy. in slip-case. 2003 68,250 PARRISH (M.)(Illust.): MAXFIELD PARRISH'S OFF-SET PLATE I. Woman and Mountain. N.Y.: Reinthal & Newman, n.d. 2004 25,000 PARRISH (M.)(Illust.): MAXFIELD PARRISH'S OFF-SET PLATE II. Woman and Mountain. N.Y.: Reinthal & Newman, n.d. 2005 25,000 POGANY (W.)(Illus.): LOUYS (P.) THE SONGS OF BILITIS. English Version by A.C.Bessie. N.Y.: Macy-Masius, 1926. Limited Ed. signed by W.Pogany. with full page line drawings and head pieces in the original pictorial slip-case. 2006 15,000 POGANY (W.)(Illust,) FITGERALD (E.) THE RUBAIYAT OF OMAR KHAYYAM. London: George Harrap. N.d.,(C.1920.)complete with 24 tipped in coloured plates. 4to (26 x 20cm) . original blind stamped swead. 2007 32,000 POGANY (W.)(Illust,) FITGERALD (E.) THE RUBAIYAT OF OMAR KHAYYAM. London: George Harrap. (1909.) Limited to 525 copies. signed by Pogany. with 24 coloured plates. 4to.(28.5 x 20cm) original green cloth, cover with gilt decoration. dustcover.(spine corner chipped) with original box. (sl. weak) 2008 original 136,500 PRIDEAUX (S.T.) AQUATINT ENGRAVING. A Chapter in the History of Book Illustration. London: W.& G.Foyle, 1909. First Ed.,Illustrated by original aquatint, two collotype plates and numerous half-tone plates. 434pp. lar.8vo. original buckram. top edge gilt. spine sl. rubbed. occasional sl. foxing. 2009 8,000 PUNCH: HAMMERTON (J.A.)(Ed,) MR.PUNCH ON THE LINKS. London: the Educational Book Company, n.d(1929). First thus. With 260 illustrations & Frontispiece in Colours. 240pp. 3/4 green morrocco with boards. 2010 40,000 RACKHAM (A.)(Illust.): POE (E.A.) TALES OF MYSTERY & IMAGINATION. N.Y: Weathervane books,1935. 12 colour illustrations & 17 line illustrations. 318pp. dw. (sl. tears) - 148 - 4,200 2011 ROBINSON (W.H.)(Illust.): SHAKESPEARE (W.) SHAKESPEARE'S COMEDY OF TWELFTH NIGHT OR WHAT YOU WILL. London: Hodder & Stoughton, n.d. with 40 color illustrations, including frontis. 143pp. 4to. original green-cloth over boards. front cover & spine pictorially tooled and letetred in gilt. light wear to edges. else very good. 2012 ROSE (A.) PRE-RAPHAELITE PORTRAITS. Oxford Illustrated Press, 1981. First Ed. with illusts. 144pp. demy 4to. pb. 2013 39,900 3,000 ROSSETTI (D.G.) DANTE GABRIEL ROSSETTI. Pinter and Poet. 13 January to 11 March 1973. The Royal Academy of Arts London. Birmingham: City Museum and Art Gallery,1973. 23 full page b/w illustrartions. 142pp. wrapper. 2014 3,000 ROSSETTI (D.G.): MARILLIER (H.C.) DANTE GABRIEL ROSSETTI. An Illustrated Memorial of His Art and Life. London: G.Bell, 1899. First d.,with numerous illust. 270pp. folio. some page worm-hole. recent cloth. 2015 45,000 ROSSETTI (D.G.): SURTEES (Virginia) THE PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS OF DANTE GABRIEL ROSSETTI (1828-1882). A Catalogue Raisonne. Oxford C.P., 1971. First Ed. 2 vols. With numerous illus. roy.4to. with dust-cover. scarce. 2016 98,000 SCHAFFGOTSCH (X.G.) RUSSISCHE VOLKSMARCHEN. Aus dem Russischen nacherzahlt. Leipzig: Abel & Muller, n.d.(ca.1920) with 16 coloured illusts. cr.4to. original pictorial cloth. 23.5x18cm. 2017 20,000 SCHWEGERLE (H.)(Illust.): WEBER (E.)(Hrsg.) GLUCK UND TROST. Ein Buch zur inneren Einkehr, von den wahren und falschen Schzen des Lebens. Munchen: G.D.W.Callwey, 1925. 2 auflage. with 4 chromo-lithographic plates & B/w illusts. 86pp. pictorial wrappers. 2018 SHOSHU (Illust.) TANABATA-SAMA. (A Dobre Tecedeira). E A Moralidade de Uma Velha Lenda Japaoneza. 1910. with colored illusts. folio. 4pp. 2019 3,000 22,000 Sweden: BAUER (J.) & NORELIUS (E.)(Illust.) BLAND TOMTAR OCH TROLL. En samling sagor med teckningar. Stocckholm: Ahlen & akeerlunds Forlag,1946. First Ed. decorated title. mouned 15 colour plates (3 bauer & 12 Norelius) 133pp. 19 x 18cm. 2020 42,000 Sweden: BAUER (J.) & NORELIUS (E.)(Illust.) BLAND TOMTAR OCH TROLL. En samling sagor med teckningar. Stockholm: Ahlen & Akerlunds Forlag, 1948. with 15 plates. 124pp. 19 x 18cm. with dust cover. 2021 42,000 Sweden: BAUER (J.)(ILLUST):GRANER (C.) BLAND TOMTAR OCH TROLL. En samling sagor med teckningar. Stocckholm: Ahlen & akeerlunds Forlag,1937. 15colour plates & 4 b/w illustrations. 129pp. 19.5x18.5cm. pictorial mount boards. spine repaired. 2022 42,000 Sweden: BAUER (J.): RYDBERG (Viktor) FADERNAS GUDASAGA. In b&w as originally published in 1911. Albert Bonniers Forlag, 1926. fifth edition. Illustrated by John Bauer Onlaid cover color plate and ten b/w plates illustrate tales of Norse Mythology told for young people. Tor, Loke, Oden, and all the rest. 245pp. sm.8vo. 21.6 x 15.2cm. very light wear. Small ink star on rear cover. 28,000 - 149 - 2023 THACKERAY (W.M.): ARDIZZONE (E.)(Illust.)THE NEWCOMES. Memoirs of a Most Respectable Family edited by A.Pendennis Esq. with an introduction by A.Thirkell. and with illustrations by E.Ardizzone. The Limited Editions Club., 1954. 2 vols. lar.8vo. original pictorial cloth. 2024 12,000 TOWNSEND (F.) THREE HUNDRED AESOP'S FABLES. Literally transslated from the Greek. London: G.Routledge, N.d. every boy's library. with 50 illustrations by Harrison Weir. xxx,192pp. sm.8vo. pictoiral cover.title page stamped. 2025 3,000 WARD (L.)(Illus.): MANN (T.) NOCTURNES. New York City: Equinox Cooperative Press, 1934. First English language edition. Limited Ed. Signed by the Author. 61pp. original blue cloth. front endpaper missing. 2026 28,000 WARD (L.)(Illust)THE LONDON SPY. Edited with Notes and Introduction by K.Fenwick. London: Cassell & co.1927. contemporary Prints by Hogarth and Others.xiv,327pp. lar.8vo. edge spotted. 2027 4,500 WHITE (G.) ENGLISH ILLUSTRATION. 'The Sixties':1855-70. Westminter, A.Constable, 1897. First Ed. Numerous illustrations by with numerous illustrations by Ford Madox Brown, A.Boyd Houghton,Arthur Hughes Charles Keene & Others. 203pp. Roy.8vo. Cream buckram with gilt decorated cover. top Edge gilt. Uncut. Spine sl. faded. inner hinge cracked. nice copy.45,000 2028 WILDE (O.): VASSOS (J.)(ILLUST) THE HARLOT'S HOUSE AND OTHER POEMS.N.Y:R.P.DUTTON & CO, 1929. First ed. 16b/willustrations. 108pp. blaack cloth spine with green boards. cover rubbed. 3,000 ◆◆◇◇ CHILDREN BOOKS ◇◇◆◆ 2029 AROSENIUS (I.): BJURSTROM: IVAR AROSENIUS. Stockholm: B.Cordia, 199c6. with color illusts. 64pp. 12mo. 2030 5,000 ATTWELL (M.L.)(Illust): KINGSLEY (C.) THE WATER BABIES. London: Raphael tuck,& sons, N.d. 6 colour plates. & many b/w illustrations. 115pp. original pictorial boards. 2031 28,000 BEDNAR (Kamil) PISEN LASKY. Praha: Vaclav Petr, 1944. B/W illusts. 12mo. pictorial wrapper. 2032 3,000 BEDNAROVA (Eva)(illus.) CHARLES PERRAULT CONTES SUIVIS DE CONTES De Madame D'Aulnoy. (Prague:Artia,1978) Paris: Grund, 1979. with color illusts. 196pp. 4to. dw. 4,000 2033 BESKOW (E.)(Illust.) THUMBELINA. by H.C.andersen. London: Dent. 1979. with coloured plates. 4to. nice copy. 2034 4,200 BLANCK (J.) PETER PARLEY TO PENROD. A bibliographical description of the best-loved American Juvenile Books. N.Y.: R.R.Bowker, 1956. vi,153pp. sm.8vo. ex-library. - 150 - 7,500 2035 BURNETT (Mrs.F.H.) THE ONE I KNEW THE BEST OF ALL. London: F.Warne, n.d. with illustrations by R.Birch. 292pp. original pictorial cloth. fore-edges foxing. 2036 5,000 BUTLER (F.)(Ed.) MASTERWORKS OF CHILDREN'S LITERATURE. 1550-1739, 1740-1836, 1837-1900, Victorian colour pictures books, 20th century. N.Y.: Chelsea house, 1983. 8 vols in 9.(with volume 5 in two parts) 4to. dw. 2037 42,000 CALDECOTT (R.)(Illust.): THE GREAT PANJANDRUM HIMSELF. London: Frederick Warne & Co., (ca.1885). 6 colour illust. 23pp. oblong 8vo. original wrappers. (Randolph Caldecott's Picture Books no.16) (20.5 x 24cm) 2038 18,900 CARLE (E.) THE HONEYBEE AND THE ROBBER. a moving/picture book. N.Y.: Philomel Books, 1981. color POP-UP illusts. 12pp. 4to. original pictorial boards. 2039 4,000 CARPENTER (H.) & PRICHARD (M.) THE OXFORD COMPANION TO CHILDREN'S LITERATURE. Oxford U.P., 1995. 587pp. lar.8vo. dw. 2040 3,000 CARROLL (L.): COHEN (M.N.) & GANDOLFO (A.) LEWIS CARROLL AND THE HOUSE OF MACMILLAN. Cambridge U.P., 1987. ix,384pp. lar.8vo. with dust cover. 2041 18,000 CARROLL (L.): COLLINGWOOD (S.D.) THE LIFE AND LETTERS OF LEWIS CARROLL. London: T.Fisher Unwin, 1898. First Ed. with illust. 448pp. original gilt pictorial cloth. spine faded. upper inner hinge cracked. 32,000 2042 CARROLL (L.): TENNIEL (J.) THROUGH THE LOOKING-GLASS AND WHAT ALICE FOUND THERE. London: Macmillan,1887. People's Edition. 50 Illustrations by John Tenniel. 208pp. original pictorial cover. 8,000 2043 CARROLL (L.): WILLIAMS (S.H.) A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE WRITINGS OF LEWIS CARROLL. (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, M.A.) London: A the Office of the Bookman's Journal, 1924. Limited to 700 copies. 142pp. imp.8vo. 30,000 2044 CARROLL (L.): WILLIAMS (S.H.) & MADAN (F.) THE LEWIS CARROLL HANDBOOK. Being a New Version of A handbook of the Literature of the Rev.C.L.Dodgson. Revised by Roger Lancelyn Green. Folkston: Dawson Archon Books, 1979. Further revised Ed. by Crutch (D.) xix,340pp. with dust cover. 8,000 2045 CHAPBOOK: ASHTON (J.) CHAP-BOOKS OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. With Facsimiles,Notes, and Introduction. London: Chatto and Windus. 1882. First Ed, numerous illustrations. 486pp. original pictorial covers. 2046 22,000 COMENIUS (J.A.) ORBIS SENSUALIUM PICTUS: Hoc est: Omnium principalium in mundo rerum, & in vita acnonum, Pictura & Nomenclature... London: S.Leacroft, 1777. Twelfth Ed., Latin & English text. 155 white on black wood-cut illustrations & a picture alphabet of 24 letters. 197pp. cr.8vo.(18 x 11cm). contemporary sheep, rebacked. 2047 168,000 CRANE (W.)WALTER CRANE'S PICTURE BOOK. Desined by W.Crane, and printed in colours by E.Evans. London:G.Routledge,C,1874. 64 full page colour plates. (25.5 x green cloth. rabacked protect on cornes. slightly worn. - 151 - 38,000 2048 CZECH: MATES (R.)(Illus.) CESKE DITE Vybor narodnich pisni, rikadel, her, pohadek, hadanek, prislovi a porekadel, jejz nasi mladezi ucinil Antonin Mojzis. Praze: Nakladatel A.Hynek, n.d. with 4 color plates & numerous B/W illusts. 153pp. 4to. 26.8x21.5cm. spine cloth with pictorial boards. spine & edges rubbed. inner-joint weak. sl.worn. 2049 CZECH: MATES (R.)(illus.): PROCHAZKA (F.S.) DUHA. (Rainbow) Praze: 21,000 Nakladem Ceskoslovenske Graficke Unie A.S., 1934. color illusts. 37pp. 4to. 30.5x24cm. spine cloth with boards. corners bit soiled. inner-joint tender. 2050 35,000 CZECH: SKALA (F.)(illus.) TRAVICKA ZELENA. SNDK, 1961. color illus. pictorial boards. 12mo. bit rubbed. 2051 3,000 DARTON (F.J.H.)A WONDER BOOK OF OLD ROMANCE. London: W.Gardner.1907. Illustrated by A.G.W.SAULPTOR. xxiii,423pp. Red cloth with gilt decoration to the front board and to the spine. 11,000 2052 DETMOLD (E.J.)(Illust) THE FABLES OF AESOP. London: Hodder & Stoughton, n.d.(ca.1909) with 23 mounted colour plates, captioned tissues.xvi,152pp. 4to. (27 x 21cm) original pictorial cloth. 99,750 2053 DISNEY (W.): FINCH (C.) THE ART OF WALT DISNEY. From Mickey Mouse to the Magic Kingdoms. N.Y.: H.N.Abrams, 1975. New Concise Edition. 160pp. 4to. with dw. 3,800 2054 DISNEY: CULHANE (J.) WALT DISNEY'S FANTASIA. N.Y.: Harry N.Abrams, 1983. First Edition. with many illus. 222pp. 4to. with dust cover. 4,500 2055 DUHEME (J.)(Illust): DRUON (M.) TISTOU OF THE GREEN THUMS. Translated by Humphrey hare. N.Y: Charles Scribner's sons, 1958. First English Edition. 179pp. original pictorial cloth. dw. (sl.chipped) 18,900 2056 DULLCKEN (H.W.) RHYME AND REASON. A Picture book of verses for Little Folks. London: G.Routledge,N.d., (c.1870)with 50 illustrations. 148,5pp. 19 x 14cm. original pictorial cloth. all edge gilt. spine rubbed. page sl. browned. 2057 EBERHARD (WOLFRAM)(TRANSLATED) CHINESE FAIRY TALES AND FOLK TALES. London: Kegan Paul, 1937.xiv,304pp. original yellow cloth. spine faded. 2058 25,000 12,000 FINI (L.)(illus.): REAGE (P.) HISTOIRE D'O. Jean-Jacques Pauvert, 1975. Societe Nouvelle des editions. 4e trimestre. with color plates. xxii,183pp. 4to. 27.7 x 21.8 cm. in dustcase. spine & cover sl.soiled. fore-edges bit foxing. otherwise fine. 2059 8,000 FRASER (C.LOVAT)(Illust):NURSERY RHYMES.London: T.C. & E.C.Jack,(1919)printed on vellum paper. 24 illustrations in colour & 64 decorations in b & w, (27.5 x 20cm) original Gray cloth & pictorial boards.with dust jacket.(reinforced with tape). very good copy in the very scarce dust jacket. 2060 48,000 FRIEDRICH=GRONAU (L.)(illus.) ALLE FAHRE NOIEDER. Ein Weihnachtsbilderbuch von Lore F.=Gronau. Mainz: Scholz, n.d. board color illus.throughout. 8pp. (23 x 21.3cm) original pictorial boards. corners bumped. 12,600 - 152 - 2061 GAMULIN (G.) NAIVA MALARE: Ivan Generalic och Hlebineskolan. Liber,1982. First Ed.236pp. 4to. cloth cover light sl. stained. with dust cover. owner small stamped. 2062 GRENZ (D.)(Hrsg.) AUFKLARUNG UND KINDERBUCH. Studien zur Kinder- Jugendliteratur. Pinneberg: Renate Raecke, 1984. 368pp. Roy.8vo. wrappers. 2063 8,400 und 4,200 JOHNSON (J.W.) LIFT EVERY VOICE AND SING. A Pictorial Tribute to the Negro National Anthem. N.Y.: Jump at the Sun(Hyperion Books for Children), 2000. many B/W photoillusts. u.p. oblong.4to. dw. 2064 3,000 JONES (T.) LADY COTTINGTON'S PRESSED FAIRY BOOK. Atlanta: Turner Pub.,1994. Signed by Terry Jones. unpagenated. (62pp.),4to Padded illustrated simulated leather covered boards with simulated marbled endpapers. 2065 KOSER-MICHAELS (R.)(illus.): ANDERSEN 12,000 (H.C.) MARCHEN VON HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN. Munchen: Droemersche Verlagsanstalt, 1938. Mit 100 Bildern nach Aquarellen von Ruth Koser-Michaels. 425pp. cover bit soiled. 2066 KWINTOWA (I.) DAR KROLOWEJ ROZ. Zbior basni i legend z Warmii i Mazur. Pojezierze Olsztyn, 1970. color illusts. 78pp. Roy.8vo. cloth spine with pictorial boards. 2067 3,150 6,000 MEISSEN (C.) IN DIE WEITE WELT. Ein Bilderbuch. Potsdam: Muller & Kiepenheuer, 1929. with 8 full page color illusts and numerous illusts throughout. 20pp. spine cloth with pictorial cover, slightly rubbed. 20 x 19.7cm. 2068 MILNE (A.A.) THE HOUSE AT POOH CORNER. London: Methuen.,1928. First ed, decoration by E.h.Shepard. 178pp. original pink gilt decorated cover. worn. 2069 28,000 MILNE (A.A.)(a Book of Poems) BEHIND THE LINES. N.Y.: E.P.Dutton, 1940. First Ed. 124pp. with dust cover. 2070 78,000 4,500 MONVEL ( CHANSONS DE FRANCE. POUR LES PETITS ENGANTS. Paris: Gautier languereau, 1971.containing 42 songs. with musical notation and lyrics surrounded by beaufiful colour illustrations on each page. 77pp. 4to. (27 x 29.7cm). original pictorial cloth. 2071 8,400 MURRAY (A.J.) A REGEENCY LADY'S FAERY BOWER. Collins,1985.colour illustration throughout. 61pp. 4to. (25cm x 20) dw. 2072 NESVADBA (M.)(illus.): BLAZEK (O.) PROC JSOU MRACKY ZE SLEHACKY. Ostrava, 1968. color illusts. pictorial card-boards. oblong.8vo. 2073 3,000 4,000 NOLL (M.)(illus.): PICK (J.R.) JAK CESTOVAL VITEK SVITEK A HONZICEK SLAMU S BUBUBABOU AMALII DO BUBUBULAMU. Praze: Statni nakladatelstvi detske knihy, 1960. color & B/W illusts. sm.8vo. spine cloth with boards. 2077 3,500 QUAYLE (E.) THE COLLECTOR'S BOOK OF BOYS' STORIES. Studio Vista, 1973. with many colour & monochrome illus throughout. 160pp. 4to. with dust cover. - 153 - 9,500 2077 OPIE (I.& P.) THE CLASSIC FAIRY TALES. London: O.U.P., 1974. roy.8vo. 255pp. with dust cover. 2078 6,000 RIDDELL (Hannah)(Trans.) THE CANCERIAN-SIMIAN WAR. The Revenge of the Crab upon the Monkey. Tokyo: Eigaku-shimpo-sha, 1903. b/w illus. 43 + 24pp. wrappers. This is a bilingual edition, with Japanese and English texts published back-to-back. The third title in the series. "Iwaya's Fairy Tales of Old Japan. 2078 6,500 PERKINS (J.I.)(Illust): FOX (F.M.) THE WILDLING PRINCESS. N.Y: P.F.Volland, 1929. First Ed. 11 colour plates.(21 x 15.8cm) original gilt pictorial cover. 2079 27,300 POTTER (B.): THE ART OF BEATRIX POTTER. With an appreciation by A.C.Moore and Notes to each Section by Enid and Leslie Linder. London: F.Warne, 1980. 4th Reprint. numerous colour & b/w illustrations. 406pp. lar.8vo. dw. in the case. 2079 5,000 ROJANKOVSKY (F.)(illus.): LANGSTAFF (John) FROG WENT A - COURTIN'. N.Y.: Scholastic, 1983. Children Later printing; illustrated by Feodor Rojankovsky; 4to. paperback. 2080 SILVEY (A.) CHILDREN'S BOOKS AND THEIR CREATORS. N.Y: H.MIFFLIN,1995. with b/w illustrations. 800pp. 4to. dw. 2081 5,000 SUZUKI (Y.) JAPANESE LEGENDS AND FOLK-TALES. Tokyo: Sakurai Shoten, 1949. First Edition. 144pp. boards. dust cover bit chipped on spine. text sunned. 2082 5,000 THOMPSON (Ernest seton)WILD ANIMALS I HAVE KNOWN. N.Y: Charles Scribner and sons,1898. First Ed. Illustrated thought. 359pp. (20.5 x 15cm) original pictorial cloth. top edge gilt. 2083 4,200 35,000 TUER (A.W.) HISTORY OF THE HORN BOOK. London: Leadenhall press, 1896. First Ed. 2 vols. with seven sample horn books. A frontispiece, coloured pictorial title-pages in each volume. 4to.original full vellum,top edge gilt in slip-case. fine copy. 2084 262,500 UNGERER (Tomi) ZERALDAS RIESE. Diogenes/Holp, 1995. reprinted. Ungerer's signed on endpaper. color illus. u.p. 4to. pictorial boards. 2085 5,000 WAITE (A.E.) SONGS AND POEMS OF FAIRYLAND. An Anthology of english Fairy Poetry. London: Walter scott,1888.First ed.,420pp. fly leaf owner's sign. top & tail of spine rubbed. page sl. browned. 2086 5,000 WELSH (C.) GOODY TWO-SHOES. A Facsimile Reproduction of the Edition of 1766. With an introduction. London: Griffith & Farran, 1881. 1st Ed thus. Illustrated with charming woodcuts.160pp. 12mo. half vellum with boards. 2087 15,000 WHITE (E.B.) CHARLOTTE'S WEB. N.Y.: Harper & Brothers, 1952. First Ed. Pictures by Garth Williams. 184pp. with dust cover. dust cover sl.chipped. almost nice copy. - 154 - 95,000 ◆◆◇◇ ART ◇◇◆◆ 2088 ARWAS (V.)ART DECO. N.Y: Harry N. Abrams,1980. colour photograph throghout. 315pp. 4to. (31 x 26.5cm.) dw. 2089 6,300 BIHALJI-MERIN (O.)(Ed.) ART TREASURES OF YUGOSLAVIA. N.Y.: H.N.Abrams, 1969. numerous illus. 445pp. lar.4to. dw. 2090 8,400 BOLLER (W.) MASTERPIECES OF THE JAPANESE COLOR WOODCUT. Collection W.Boller. Boston: Boston Book & Art Shop, 1957. Photographs by R.Spreng. 187pp. folio. dw. 2091 9,450 BONY (A.) LES ANNEES 20 D'ANNE BONY. 1.Art Graphisme, theatre, Musique, cinema, Litterature, Photographie. 2 Architecture, Decoration Mobilier Arts Decoratifs, Mode Automobile. Paris: Du Regard, n.d.(ca.1985) 2 volsphotographs throughout. folio. with dust-cover(sl.rubbed). worn slip case. 2092 35,000 BONY (A.) LES ANNEES 50 D'ANNE BONY. Introduction rene-jean clot. 1.Art Graphisme, theatre, Musique, cinema, Litterature ,Photographie. 2 Architecture, Decoration Mobilier Arts Decoratifs, Mode Automobile. Paris: Editions du Regard, 1982. Black & white pictures throughout. folio. 570pp.dust cover. in slipcase. 2093 20,000 BONY (A.) LES ANNEES 6O D'Anne Bony. Introduction F.O.Rousseau. Paris: Editions du Regard, 1983. French text. with 100 col.& 1700 b/w illustrations. 770pp. folio. with dustcover. flyleaf taped. 2094 8,000 BRAIDER (C.) REFIGURING THE REAL. Picture and Modernity in Word and Image 1400-1700. Princeton U.P., 1993. xiv,314pp. lar.8vo. dw. 2095 5,040 BURKE (D.B.) et al.: IN PURSUIT OF BEAUTY Americans and the Aesthetic Movement. N.Y.: Metropollitan museum of Art / Rizzoli, 1987. 94 colour & 332b/w illustrations.511pp. 4to. dw. 2096 18,000 CAHILL (J.) AN INDEX OF EARLY CHINESE PAINTERS AND PAINTINGS. T'ang, Sung, and Yan. California U.P., 1980. First Ed. 391pp. roy.8vo. a fine copy. 2097 11,000 DA VINCI (L.): LEONARD DE VINCI ET L'EXPERIENCE SCIENTIFIQUE AU XVIe SIECLE. Paris. 47 juillet 1952. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique/P.U.F., 1953. 273pp. lar.8vo. wrapper. ex-library copy. sl.stained. 2098 5,770 DA VINCI (L.): LEONARDO DA VINCI. N.Y.: Reynal & Co, ca.1956. illustrated throuthout. 534pp. folio. with slip case. 2099 13,650 DA VINCI (L.): CLARK (K.) LEONARDO DA VINCI. AN ACCOUNT OF HIS DEVELOPMENT AS AN ARTIST. Cambridge U.P., 1952. 2nd ed. with 68 plates. 204pp. Roy.8vo. 2100 4,200 DA VINCI (L.): CLARK (K.) THE DRAWINGS OF LEONARDO DA VINCI. In the collection of Her Majesty the Queen at Windsor Castle. London: Phaidon Press, 1968. 3 vols. 4to. with dust cover. 65,000 - 155 - 2101 DA VINCI (L.): DUHEM (P.) ETUDES SUR LEONARD DE VINCI. Ceux Qu'il a Lus et CeuxQui L'ont Lu. (1906) Paris: Gordon and Breach Science pub., 1984. 3 Tomes. paperback. 13,000 2102 DA VINCI (L.): MULLER-WALDE (P.) LEONARDO DA VINCI. Lebensskizze und Forschungen uber sein verhaltniss zur Florentiner Kunst und zu Rafael. Munchen;1889.4to. illustration throughout. half boards. rubbed. 2103 12,000 DA VINCI (L.): MUNTZ (E.) LEONBARDO DA VINCI. Artist, Thinker, and Man of Science. London: W.Heinemann,1893. 2 Vols. 48plates & 252 text illustration. 4to. original decorated cloth. sl.worn. 2104 20,000 DA VINCI (L.): RICHTER (J.P.) THE LITERARY WORKS OF LEONARDO DA VINCI. Compiled and edited from the original Manuscripts. Oxford U.P., 1939. 2nd Edition enlarged and revised by J.P.Richter & I.A.RICHTER. 2 vols. best Ed. Roy.4to. Original cloth. dw. fine copy. 2105 95,000 DAMICO (H.),FENNEMA (D.) & LENZ (K.)(Ed.) MEDIEVAL SCHOLARSHIP. Biographical Studies on the formation of a Discipline Vol.3:Philosphy and the Arts. London: Garland Publishing, 2000. 330pp. 2106 4,000 DANIELS (S.) FIELDS OF VISION. Landscape imagery and national identity in England and the United states. Polity Press, 1993. x,257pp. lar.8vo. dw. 2107 DARK (P.J.C.) BUSH NEGRO ART An African Art in the Americas. London: Alec Tiranti, 1954. 65pp + B/W photo-illusts. cr.8vo. dw. 2108 4,500 3,000 DAUM: COLLECTION DU MUSEE DES BEAUX-ARTS DE NANCY. Paris: Reunion des musees nationaux, 2000.colour photographs throughout. 4to. (28 x 22cm) 213pp. paperback. 5,000 2109 DAY (L.F.) ORNAMENT & ITS APPLICATION. A Book for Students Treating in a Practical Way of the Relation of Design to Material, Tools and Methods of Work. London: B.T.Batsford, 1904. many b/w illustrations. xxxii,319pp. lar.8vo. original cloth. coner sl.bumped. 2110 6,300 DESNOIRESTERRES (G.) LES COURS GALANTES. L'Hotel de Boillon La Folie-Rambouillet Le Chateau D'Anet Le Palais du Temple, etc. Paris: E.Dentu, 1862-65. 4 vols. cr.8vo. wrapper. sl.foxing. 2111 15,000 DURER (A.): WOLFFLIN (H.) DIE KUNST ALBRECHT DURERS. Munchen: Bruckmann, 1963. mit 73 schwarzweissbildern, 8 farbbildern & 14 textillustrationen. 333pp. lar.8vo. 2112 DURLIAT (M.) L'ART ROMAN. Editions D'Art Lucien Mazenod, 1982. numerous illusts. 614pp. lar.4to. with dust jacket. bit spotted. 2113 3,000 15,750 FAUCIGNY-LUCINGE (Jean-Louis de): LEGENDARY PARTIES 1922-1972. Foreword by Brooke Astor. New York: the Vendome Press, 1987. many photo-illusts. 128pp. folio. dw. scarce. 55,000 - 156 - 2114 FICKE (A.D.) CHATS ON JAPANESE PRINTS. London: E.Benn, 1928. 56 illustrations and a colored frontispiece. 456pp. Sm.8vo. with dust cover. 2115 GALLE (E.) ECRITS POUR L'ART. Floriculture - art Decoratif Notices D'exposition 18841889. Marseille: Laffitte reprins,1980. ponly 500 copies. vi,382pp. 2116 GALLE (E.): NEWARK (T.)EMILE GALLE. 6,000 GOMBRICH (E.H.) THE SENSE OF ORDER. A Study in the psychology of decorativev art. N.Y: Phaidon,1984. colour & b/w illustration throughout. 411pp. Roy.8vo. pb. 2121 26,250 GOMBRICH (E.H.) MEDITATIONS ON A HOBBY HORSE. And other essay on the theory of art. London: Phaidon Press, 1963. With 140 illustrations. 183pp. Roy.8vo. dw. 2120 3,000 GILL (E.) SACRED & SECULAR & C. London: J.M.Dent & sons, 1940. First Ed.8 illustrations by Denis Tegetmeier. 197pp. sm.8vo. dw. 2119 3,000 GILBERT (K.E.) & KUHN (H.) A HISTORY OF ESTHETICS Revised and Enlarged. Bloomington: Indiana.Univ,1953. xxi,613pp. dw. owner's stamped. 2118 6,000 New Jersey: Quintet book, 1989. colour photograph throughout. 127pp. 4to. (28.5 x 22.5cm). dw. 2117 10,000 4,000 GREEY (E.) A BRIEF HISTORY OF JAPANESE BRONZE. N.Y:1888. illustration thoughtout. 30PP. 4to. wrappers. 4,000 . 2122 HASSIG (D.) MEDIEVAL BESTIARIES: TEXT, IMAGE, IDEOLOGY. Cambridge U.P., 1995. 416pp(300pp + photo-illusts). sm.4to. dw. exlibrary stampe on endpaper. 2123 HELLER (A.) & FEHER (F.)(Ed.) RECONSTRUCTING AESTHETICS. Writings of the Budapest School. B.Blackwell, 1986. 255pp. lar.8vo. dw. 2124 3,000 HITLER: KATER (M.H.) THE TWISTED MUSE. Musicians and Their Music in the Third Reich. Oxford U.P., 1997. xv,327pp. Roy.8vo. dw. 2127 3,500 HITLER: DAIBER (H.) SCHAUFENSTER DER DIKTATUR. Theater im Machtbereich Hitlers. Neske, 1995. 405pp. dw. 2126 3,150 HITLER: BARLACH (E.): PARET (P.) AN ARTIST AGAINST THE THIRD REICH. Ernst Barlach, 1933-1938. Cambridge U.P., 2003. 191pp. lar.8vo. dw. 2125 8,400 4,000 HITLER: STEINWEIS (A.E.) ART, IDEOLOGY, & ECONOMICS IN NAZI GERMANY. The Reich Chambers of Music, Theater, and the Visual Arts. North Carolina U.P., 1993. x,233pp. lar.8vo. with dj. 2128 3,500 HOBSBAWM (E.) ART AND POWER. Europe under the Dictators 1930-45. Exhibit catalogue. London: Thames and Hudson,1996.b/w & colour illustration throughout. 360pp. 4to. (29.5 x 24cm) dw. 18,000 - 157 - 2129 HOSTADTER (A.) & KUHNS (R.)(Ed.) PHILOSOPHIES OF ART AND BEAUTY. Selected Readings in Aesthetics From Plato to Heidegger. The Modern Library, 1964. 701pp. dw. 2130 3,000 HUBBARD (E.H.) ON MAKING & COLLECTING ETCHINGS. N.Y: Boni & Liveright, 1923. 10 plates. 183pp. original half linen & boards. 2131 3,000 HULME (T.E.): READ (H.)(Ed.) SPECULATIONS. Essays on Humanism and the Philosophy of Art. London: Routledge & K.Paul, 1971. 271pp. dw. bit foxing. 2132 5,250 IPSIROGLU (M.S.) CHEFS-D'OEUVRE DU TOPKAPI. Peintures et Miniatures. Friborg: Office du Livre, 1980. full page colour 50 illutrations.132pp. oblong 4to. dw. 2133 4,200 KEITH (W.): HAY (E.P.B.) WILLIAM KEITH As Prophet Painter. Sanfrancisco: Paul Elder, 1916. 41pp. original wrapped-boards. 2134 5,000 LA VITA DELLA MADONNA NELL'ARTE. Botticelli, Giotto, Bellini Da Vinci & others. (36 painter) Firenze; Nardini editore,1985. colour plates throughout.295pp. 4to. 2135 MARKINO (Y.)(Illust.) 9,800 RECOLLECTIONS AND REFLECTIONS OF A JAPANESE ARTIST. Philadelphia: G.W.Jacobs, 1913. First American Ed. frontispiece & 8 colour plus 6 monochrome tipped in plates. xv,262pp. decorative 'wood grain' endpapers, original cloth. a good bright copy. 2136 26,000 MAYBON (A.) LE THEATRE JAPONAIS. Soixante-Quatre Planches hors texte quarante Dessins dans le texte. Paris: H.Laurens,1925. with 64 illustrations photographiques(sur 32 planches recto-verso) 140pp. 4to. pictorial wrappers. 2137 18,000 MAYOUX (J-J.) ENGLISH PAINTING. From Hogarth to the Pre-Raphaelites. Macmillan,1972. many mount colour illustrations. 280pp. sm.Folio. dw. slip case. 2138 5,000 MUSTOXIDI (T.M.) HISTOIRE DE L'ESTHETIQUE FRANCAISE 1700-1900. suivie D'une Bibliographie generale de l'Esthetique Francaise des Origines A 1914. Preface de M.Andre Lalande. N.Y.: B.Franklin, 1968. 240,lxiii,pp. lar.8vo. bit foxing. 2139 4,500 NAKAMURA (T.) CONTEMPORARY JAPANESE-STYLE PAINTING. TRANSLATED & ADAPTED BY M.ITO. Tokyo International Pub., 1969. 4to. dw. 2140 4,000 PERROT (G.) & CHIPIEZ (C.)(from the French of) A HISTORY OF ART IN ANCIENT EGYPT. Translated & Edited by W.Armstrong. London: Chapman & Hall, 1883. 2 vols. Illustrated with Five Hundred & Ninety-Eight Engravings in the Text, and Fourteen Steel and Coloured Plates. roy.8vo. pictorial cloth. ex-library. 2141 23,000 RACINE (G.) ART ET DECORATION 1 1897-1939. Les annees "Memoire". Paris: C.Massin, 1996. colour illustration throuthout. 353pp. 4to. dw. 2142 7,000 RODITI (E.) DIALOGUES ON ART. London: Scker & Warburg, 1960. 1st Ed. 198pp. dw. 3,150 - 158 - 2143 ROI (Dedie au) L'ART DE DESSIN. Chez Les Grecs, ou Methode Elementaire Du Dessin, ...par le Chevalier De Brunel De Varennes. Paris: Chez L.Colas, 1816. viij,218pp. half vellum with boards. spotted. 2144 4,200 ROSSETTI (D.G.) DANTE GABRIEL ROSSETTI. London, G.Newnes, n.d.(1905).First Edition. 57 superb, tipped-in reproductions of Rossetti paintings56pp. 2145 15,000 ROTHEMUND (B.)(Text) HANDBUCH DER IKONENKUNST. Munchen: Slavisches Institut, 1966. with color plates. 374pp. 4to. dw. stamped on endpaper. 2146 RUSKIN (J.) MODERN PAINTERS. 5,000 London: Smith elder, 1873. 5 vols set. signed by the author. illustrated with steel engravings,etchings and chromolithographs by ruskin, J.cousen, R,P.Armytape. 4to. full calf. 2147 150,000 SIREN (O.) KINAS KONST UNDER TRE ARTUSENDEN. Vol 1: Fran Forhistorisk tid till tiden omkring 600 E,KR. Stockholm: Naturoch Kultur. 1942. Signed by the Author. presentation copy. with numerous photographies. 464pp. 4to. 2148 8,000 STRANGE (E.F.)JAPANESE COLOUR PRINTS. (Victoria and Albert Museum departmenyt of engraving, illustration and Design) London,1931. with 84 illust. 164pp. 2149 9,500 STRONG (R.) ART AND POWER Renaissance Festivals 1450-1650. California U.P., 1984. with B/W illusts. 227pp. lar.8vo. dw. 2150 5,250 TAKAHASHI (S.) TRADITIONAL WOODBLOCK PRINTS OF JAPAN. N.Y: WEATHERHILL. TOKYO: HEIBONSHA,1983. colour & b/w illustration throughout. 175pp. dw. 2151 3,000 TAPIE (V.-L.) et al.: RENAISSANCE MANIERISME BAROQUE. Actes du XIe Stage International de Tours. De Petrarque A Descartes XXV. Paris: J.Vrin, 1972. 319pp. Roy.8vo. wrapper. 4,200 2152 TATARKIEWICZ (W.) A HISTORY OF SIX IDEAS. An Essay in Aesthetics. Hague: M.Nijhoff, 1980. xiii,383pp. Roy.8vo. dw(bit rubbed). fore-edges bit foxing. 2153 18,900 ukiyoe: SEIDLITZ (WOLDEMAR VON)GESCHICHTE DES JAPANISCHEN FARBENHOLZSCHNITTS. Dresden: Wolfgang Jess, 1921. Dritte auflage,with many plates.228pp. 4to. half calf. 9,500 2154 VELMANS (T.) LA PEINTURE MURALE BYZANTINE A LA FIN DU MOYEN AGE Tome I. Paris: Editions Klincksieck, 1977. B/W photo-illusts. 316pp + map & plates pages. 4to. pb. al.foxing. 2155 8,400 WARNER (L.) THE ENDURING ART OF JAPAN. Cambridge: Harvard U.P., 1952. 92 illus & photos. 113pp. with dust cover. 4,000 - 159 - ◆◆◇◇ BARGAIN BOOKS ◇◇◆◆ ●○ 2000円均一 ○● - 2008年9月末日までの取り扱いとなります。5001 A.E.: [RUSSELL (G.W.)]: CLYCDE (W.M.) A.E. With Foreword by S.O'Sullivan. Edinburgh: Moray P., 1935. 52pp. 5002 ALDRIDGE (J.) HEROES OF THE EMPTY VIEW. London: the Bodley Head, 1954. 399pp. dw. foxing. 5003 ALFORD (H.) & MOON (G.W.) A REPRINT SERIES OF BOOKS RELATING TO THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE vol.21. THE QUEEN'S ENGLISH with Explanatory Remarkes by H.Tagiri [with] THE DEAN'S ENGLISH with Explanatory Remarkes by T.Egawa. Tokyo: Nan'un Do, 1968. 295pp. dw. endpaper missing. 5004 ANDERSEN (J.C.) MYTHS & LEGENDS OF THE POLYNESIANS. Charles E.Tuttle, 1969. with 16 plates in colour by R.Wallwork. & 32 plates in Half-Tone and other illustrations. 513pp. 5005 ATKINS (J.) TOMORROW REVEALED. London: N. spearman, 1955. first Ed. 254pp. fly leaf spotted. 5006 AUDEN (W.H.) ABOUT THE HOUSE. N.Y.: Random House, 1965. 84pp. dw. good. 5007 AUDEN (W.H.) CITY WITHOUT WALLS. And other Poems. London: Faber & Faber, 1970. 124pp. with dust cover. 5008 AUDEN (W.H.) LOOK, STRANGER! London: Faber & Faber, 1946. 68pp. with dust cover. 5009 AUDEN (W.H.) NEW YEAR LETTER. Lodon: Faber & Faber, 1946. 188pp. with dust cover. 5010 AUDEN (W.H.) POEMS. London: Faber & Faber, 1933. 89pp. cover wear. 5011 AUDEN (W.H.) SECONDARY WORLDS. London: Faber & Faber, 1968. 144pp. with dust cover. (sl. worn) 5012 AUDEN (W.H.) SOME POEMS. London: Faber, 1947. 80pp. cr.8vo. dw. sl. spotted. 5013 AUDEN (W.H.) THANK YOU, FOG. Last Poems. London: Faber & Faber, 1974. 57pp. dw. 5014 AUDEN (W.H.) THE DANCE OF DEATH. Faber & Faber, 1965. 38pp. dw.(spine faded) 5015 AUDEN (W.H.) THE DOUBLE MAN. Greenwood Press, 1979. 189pp. 5016 AUDEN (W.H.) & ISHERWOOD (C.) THE DOG BENEATH THE SKIN. Or Where is Francis? a play in three acts. London: Faber & Faber, 1950. 180pp. with dust cover. 5017 AUDEN (W.H.): BAHLKE (G.W.) THE LATER AUDEN: From "New Letter" to about the House. Rutgers Univ., 1970. x,208pp. 5018 AUDEN (W.H.): BLOOMFIELD (B.C.) & MENDELSON (E.) W.H.AUDEN. A BIBLIOGRAPHY 19241969. Univ.of Virginia, 1972. 2nd Ed. 420pp. roy.8vo. 5019 AUDEN (W.H.): FARNAN (D.J.) AUDEN IN LOVE. N.Y.: Simon & Schuster, 1984. 253pp. dw. 5020 AUDEN (W.H.): GINGERICH (M.E.) W.H.AUDEN: A Reference Guide. Boston: G.K.Hall, 1977. 145pp. 5021 AUDEN (W.H.): HOGGART (R.) AUDEN. An Introductory Essay. London: Chatto & Windus, 1951. 256pp. with dust cover. (sl. darkned) - 160 - 5022 AUDEN (W.H.): MANDER (J.) THE WRITER AND COMMITMENT. London: Secker & Warburg, 1961. 215pp. with dust cover. 5023 AUDEN (W.H.): MITCHELL (D.) BRITTEN AND AUDEN IN THE THIRTIES: The Year 1936. The T.S.Eliot Memorial Lectures delivered at the Univ.of Kent at Canterbury in Novemver 1979. London: Faber, 1981. 176pp. dw. 5024 AUDEN (W.H.): OSBORNE (C.) W.H.AUDEN, The Life of a Poet. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1979. 336pp. lar.8vo. with dust-cover. 5025 AUDEN (W.H.): OSBORNE (C.) W.H.AUDEN. The Life of a Poet. N.Y.: Harcourt Brace, 1979. with photographs. 336pp. roy.8vo. dw. 5026 AUDEN (W.H.): REPLOGLE (J.) AUDEN'S POETRY. Univ.of Washington, 1969. 258pp. dw 5027 AUDEN (W.H.): SCARFE (F.) W.H.AUDEN. Monaco: Lyrebird Press, 1949. 69pp. imp.8vo. paperback. cover sl. worn. 5028 BALL (A.M.) THE COMPOUNDING AND HYPHENATION OF ENGLISH WORDS. N.Y.: Funk & Wagnalls, 1951. 246pp. lar.8vo. 5029 BARBER (R.) THE ARTHURIAN LEGENDS. An illustrated anthology. Boydell,1974. signed by the Author. illustrations. 224pp. lar.8vo. dw. 5030 BAUDELAIRE (C.) : RAYNAUD (E.) LES FLEURS DU MAL. Edition integrale revue sur les textes originaux. Paris: Garnier, N.d.,liv,332pp. wrapper. 5031 BECKETT (S.): RABINOVITZ (R.) THE DEVELOPMENT OF SAMUEL BECKETT'S FICTION. Univ of Illinois, 1984. x,231pp. with dust cover. 5032 BELLOC (H.) SURVIVALS AND NEW ARRIVALS. London: Sheed & Ward, 1929. 288pp. sm.8vo. spine sl stained. 5033 BELLOC (H.) THE GIRONDIN. London: T.Nelson & Sons, 1911. 372pp. sm.8vo. 5034 BELLOC (H.) THE MAN WHO MADE GOLD. London: Arrowsmith, 1930. 17 illustrations by G.K.Chesterton. 296pp. sm.8vo. frontis & title page faded. spine sl cracked. 5035 BELLOC (H.) THE PYRENEES. New York: Alfred A.Knopf, 1923. 246pp. sm.8vo. cover sl. worn. 5036 BENNETT (H.S.) CHAUCR AND THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY. Ox.C.P,1948. 326pp. 5037 BEOWULF: MONCLIEFF (C.S.) WIDSITH BEOWULF Finnsburgh, Waldere, Deor. Done into common English after the old manner. With an Introduction by V.Northcliffe. London: Chapman & Hall, 1921. xxvi,127pp. sl.foxing. cut-off a part of front-paper. 5038 BEOWULF: WRENN (C.L.)(Ed.) BEOWULF, With the Finnesburg Fragment. London: G.Harrap, 1953. 318pp. with dust cover. 5039 BIGSBY (C.W.E.)(Ed.) SUPERCULTURE. American Popular Culture and Europe. London: Paul Elek, 1975. 225pp. 5040 BLAKE (W.): BURDETT (O.) WILLIAM BLAKE. London: Macmillan, 1926. viii,198pp. 5041 BLAKE (W.): ERDMAN (D.V.) BLAKE PROPHET AGAINST EMPIRE. A Poet's interpretation of the History of his own times. Princeton.U.P, 1954. xxi,582pp. cover sl. worn. 5042 BLAKE (W.): ERDMAN (D.V.) THE COMPLETE POETRY AND PROSE OF WILLIAM BLAKE. Anchor,1982xxviii 990 pp. paperback. - 161 - 5043 BLAKE (W.): GARDNER (S.) INFINITY ON THE ANVIL. A Critical study of BLAKE'S POERY. OX.BLACKWELL,1954. 160pp. sl. pencil scrached. 5044 BLAKE (W.): HUGHES (W.R.)(Ed.) WILLIAM BLAKE JERUSALEM. London: G.Allen,1964. 235pp. dw. 5045 BLAKE (W.): KEYNES (G.)(Ed.) THE LETTERS OF WILLIAM BLAKE. With Related Documents. Ox.C.P., 1980. 3rd Ed. xxvii,235pp. with dust cover. 5046 BLAKE (W.): OSTRIKER (A.)(Ed.) WILLIAM BLAKE. The Complete Poems. Penguin Books, 1981. 1071pp. cr.8vo. paperback. 5047 BLAKE (W.): RUDD (M.) DIVIDED IMAGE. A Study of William Blake and W.B.Yeats. London: Routledge & K.P., 1953. Xv, 239pp. dw. sl.spotted. 5048 BLAKE (W.): SAURAT (D.) BLAKE & MODERN THOUGHT. London: Constable & Co., 1929. With 8 collotype plates. Xiv, 199pp. cover worn. 5049 BLAKE (W.): SINDEREN (A.VAN.)BLAKE. The Mystic Genius. Syracuse University Press, 1949.119pp. Lar.8vo. dw. 5050 BLOOMFIELD (L.): ESPER (E.A.) MENTALISM AND OBJECTIVISM IN LINGUISTICS. The Sources of Leonard Bloomfield's Pshychology of Language. N.Y.: American Elsevier, 1968. 246pp. 5051 BLOUNT (B.G.) & SANCHES (M.)(Ed.) SOCIOCULTURAL DIMENSIONS OF LANGUAGE CHANGE. with an J.J.Gumperz. Academic Press, 1977. 293pp. lar.8vo. dw. 5052 BLUNDEN (E.) HALFWAY HOUSE. A Miscellany of New Poems. London: cobdensanderson,1932. First Ed. x,94pp. dw. browned. 5053 BLUNDEN (E.):TRADITIO AND EXPERIMENT IN PRESENT-DAY LITERATUREE. T.S.Eliot, Rebecca Wsst, Osbert Burdett, A.J.Symons, C.K.Munro, A Dukes, Edith Sitwell, Edmund Blunden, J.D.Bersford, R.h.Mottram. Ox.U.P,1929. 215pp. sm.8vo. 5054 BORCK (J.S.)(Ed.) THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. A Current Bibliography. N.S.14-for 1988. AMS, 1995. 463pp. 4to. 5055 BRADBROOK (M.C.) ENGLISH DRAMATIC FORM. A History of its Development. London: Chatto & Windus, 1965. 205pp. with d/j. 5056 BRADBROOK (M.C.) THEMES AND CONVENTIONS OF ELIZABETHAN TRAGEDY. Cambridge U.P., 1952. 275pp. 5057 BRONTE (B.): DU MAURIER (Daphne) THE INFERNAL WORLD OF BRANWELL BRONTE. Garden City: Doubleday & Co., 1961. 336pp. 5058 BRONTES: BRADBY (G.F.) THE BRONTES AND OTHER ESSAYS. London: Ox U.P., 1932. First Ed. 137pp. cr.8vo. 5059 BRONTES: DIMNET (Ernest) THE BRONTE SISTERS.Translated from the French by Louise Morgan Sill. London: J.Cape, (ca.1927). First English Ed. 256pp. sm.8vo. 5060 BRONTES: HARRISON (G.Elsie) THE CLUE TO THE BRONTES. London: Methuen & Co., 1948. First Ed. with illus. 222pp. bit worn. 5061 BROWNING: COLLINS (T.J.) ROBERT BROWNING'S MORAL-AESTHETIC THEORY 1833-855. Nebraska.U.P,1967. 164pp. dw. - 162 - 5062 BRUCE (J.D.) LE MORTE ARTHUR. A Romance in Stanzas of Eight Lines. re-edited from Ms.Harley 2252,in the British Museum. (early English text society extra sereis,88 1903)Ox.U.P,1959. xxx,148pp. pencil scrached 5063 BRYANT (N.)(Trans) PERCEVAL.The Story of the Grail. Chretien de troyes.D.S.Brewer: Rowman,1982. xvi,302pp. dw. 5064 BUTLER (C.) & COOPER (C.) A REPRINT SERIES OF BOOKS RELATING TO THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE vol.4. THE ENGLISH GRAMMAR with Explanatory Remarkes by S.Watanabe [with] GRAMMATICA LINGUAE ANGLICANAE with Explanatory Remarkes by S.Shibata. Tokyo: Nan'un Do, 1967. 419pp. dw. 5065 BUTLER (S.): WALLER (A.R.)(Ed.) CHARACTERS AND PASSAGES FROM NOTE BOOKS. Cambridge.U.P,1908.489pp. original cloth. spine darkned. sl. spotted. 5066 CAIE (G.D.) THE OLD ENGLISH POEM JUDGEMENT DAY II. A Critical Edition with editions of De die iudicii and the Hatton 113 Homily be domes daege. (Anglo-Saxon texts 2). D.S.Brewer,2000.xvi,161pp. 5067 CALDWELL (Erskine)TOBACCO ROAD. N.Y:Grpsset & dunlap,1932. 241pp. dw. 5068 CAMPBELL (L.) HISTORICAL LINGUISTICS An Introduction. Edinburgh U.P., 1998. xx,396pp. lar.8vo. pb. small stamped. 5069 CARTER (J.) & POLLARD (G.) AN ENQUIRY INTO THE NATUR OF CERTAIN NINETEENTH CENTUERY PAMPHLETS. London: Constable & co.,1934. with four plates. xii,400pp. cover stained & worm-hole damaged, but text is almost good. 5070 CARY (J.) NOT HONOUR MORE. London: Michael Joseph, 1955. First Ed. 222pp. dj. 5071 CATHER (W.) SHADOWS ON THE ROCK. London: H.Hamiton,1961. 280pp. cr.8vo. 5072 CATHER (W.): BENNETT (M.R.) THE WORLD OF WILLA CATHER. N.Y.: Dodd, Mead, 1951. Illustrated with photographs and drawings. 226pp. dw. 5073 CAXTON (W.): CHILDS (E.) WILLIAM CAXTON. A Portrait in a background. London: Northwood Pub., 1976. 190pp. pb. 5074 CHAUCER (G.): BENNETT (J.A.W.) CHAUCER'S BOOK OF FAME. An Exposition of 'The House of Fame' Oxford C.P., 1968. 191pp. dw. 5075 CHOMSKY (N.) KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGE: Its Nature, Origin, and Use. [with] CONVERGENCE A Series Founded, Planned & Edited by R.N.Anshen. N.Y.: Praeger, 1986. xxix,307pp. lar.8vo. pb. 5076 CHUJO (S.) PULSIONS DU ROMAN.Le cas Barbey d'aurevilly. Gakushuin,1988. 254pp. with slip case. 5077 CLARK (B.H.) EUROPEAN THEORIES OF THE DRAMA. with a Supplement on the American Drama. N.Y.: Crown Pub., 1965. newly revised by H.Popkin. 628pp. roy.8vo. with d/j. 5078 CLIFTON (L.) GOOD TIMES. New-York: Random House. 1969. First Ed, 37pp. with dustcover. 5079 COLERIDGE (E.H.) COLERIDGE POETICAL WORKS. Ox.U.P,1967. xx,614pp. cr.8vo. 5080 COLERIDGE (S.T.): BIOGRAPHIA LITERARIA. Edited with his Aesthetical Essays by J.Shawcross. Oxford U.P., 1949. 2 vols. CR,8VO. original cloth. - 163 - 5081 COLERIDGE (S.T.): BEER (J.)(Ed.) COLERIDGE'S VARIETY. Bicentenary Studies. Macmillan, 1974. xxiii,264pp. dw. 5082 COLUM (P.) WILD EARTH. And Other Poems. Dublin: Maunsel & Co., 1916. 73pp. cr.8vo. 5083 CONRAD (J.): STALLMAN (R.W.) THE ART OF JOSEPH CONRAD. A Critical symposium. Michigan state.U.P,1960. xxix,354pp. dw. 5084 CONRAD (J.): TEETS (B.E.) & GERBER (H.E.)(Ed.) JOSEPH CONRAD. An annotated Bibliography of Writings about him. Northern illinois.U.P,1971. xi,671pp. dw. 5085 CONRAD (J.): WATTS (C.T.)(Ed.) JOSEPH CONRAD'S LETTERS TO R.B.CUNNINGHAME GRAHAM. C.U.P., 1969. 222pp. dj. 5086 COOPER (R.L.)(Ed.) LANGUAGE SPREAD. Studies in Diffusion and Social Change. Indiana U.P., 1982. 360pp. lar.8vo. dw. 5087 COOPER (W.): THOMAS (G.) WILLIAM COWPER AND THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. London: I.Nicholson,1935. First Ed. 395pp. dw. dust cover sl chipped. 5088 COOPER (W.E.) & PACCIA-COOPER (J.) SYNTAX AND SPEECH. Harvard U.P., 1980. 275pp. lar.8vo. dw. 5089 CROWLEY (T.) AN INTRODUCTION TO HISTORICAL LINGUISTICS. Oxford U.P., 1997. 342pp. pb. small stamped. 5090 CURLEY (A.) & VARLEJS (J.) AKERS' SIMPLE LIBRARY CATALOGING. N.J.: The Scarecrow Press, 1977. 6th Ed. 338pp. 5091 DAINES (S.) & JONES (J.) A REPRINT SERIES OF BOOKS RELATING TO THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE vol.7. ORTHOEPIA ANGLICANA with Explanatory Remarkes by T.Kuwahara [with] PRACTICAL PHONOGRAPHY with Explanatory Remarkes by M.Kikuno. Tokyo: Nan'un Do, 1967. 381pp. dw. 5092 DANIEL (S.) SAMUEL DANIEL. A Panegyrike with a Defence of Ryme 1603. Menston: Scolar Press, 1970. u.p. Roy.8vo. 5093 DEEDES (C.) & STOCKS (J.E.& J.L.) A CATALOGUE OF THE OLD TOWN HALL LIBRARY OF LEICESTER. Oxford, 1907. xxiv,172pp. wrapper. (sl. chipped) 5094 DEFOE (D.): CROWLEY (J.D.) THE LIFE AND STRANGE SURPRIZING ADVENTURES OF ROBINSON CRUSOE, OF YORK, MARINER.Ox.U.P,1972. xxx,316pp. 5095 DEFOE (D.): FREEMAN (W.) THE INCREDIBLE DE FOE. London: H.Jenkins, 1950. 304pp. 5096 DELAFIELD (E.M.): McCULLEN (M.L.) E.M.DELAFIELD. Twayne,1985.143pp. 5097 DICKINSON (E.): JOHNSON (T.H.) THE COMPLETE POEMS OF EMILY DICKINSON. Faber,1986. 770pp. lar.8vo. pb. 5098 DISRAELI (B.): BOGDANOR (V.)(Ed.)LOTHAIR. Ox.U.P,1975. xxv,387pp. dw. 5099 DIXON (R.M.W.) A NEW APPROACH TO ENGLISH GRAMMAR, ON SEMANTIC PRINCIPLES. Oxford C.P., 1992. 398pp. pb. spine sunned. 5100 DRYDEN (J.): KINSLEY (J.)(Ed.) THE POEMS AND FABLES Oxford.U.P,1962. xii,864pp. cr.8vo. 5101 DUNCAN (R.) OUR LADY'S TUMBLER. London: faber,1951. 59pp. dw. - 164 - OF JOHN DRYDEN. 5102 DUNCAN (R.9 A MASQUE THIS WAY TO THE TOMB AND ANTI-MASQUE. Faber,1950.99pp. dw.(sl. chipped) 5103 EAGLE (D.) THE CONCISE OXFORD DICTIONARY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. Ox.C.P,1970.628pp. dw. 5104 ELIOT (T.S.) OLD POSSUM'S BOOK OF PRACTICAL CATS. London: faber,1950.45pp. sl. pencil scrached. 5105 ELIOT (T.S.) POINTS OF VIEW. London: Faber, 1951. 158pp. cr.8vo. 5106 ELIOT (T.S.) THE CONFIDENTIAL CLERK. A Play. London: Faber, 1954. 134pp. 5107 ELIOT (T.S.) THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON. London: faber,1946. 232pp. dw. 5108 ELLMANN (R.) THE NEW OXFORD BOOK OF AMERICAN VERSE. N.Y: Oxford.U.P,1976. lxiv,1076pp. dw. 5109 ELTON (W.R.) KING LEAR AND THE GODS. San Marino: The Huntington Library, 1966. 369pp. lar.8vo. 5110 FANT (G.) SPEECH SOUNDS AND FEATURES. MIT Press, 1973. 227pp. lar.8vo. dw. exlibrary. 5111 FARGUE (L-P.) et LARBAUD (V.) CORRESPONDANCE 1910-1946. texte Etabli, presente et annote par TH.alajouanine. Paris: Gallimard,1971. 364pp. wrapper. 5112 FAULKNER (W.) DR MARTINO AND OTHER STORIES. London:Chatto,1968. 320pp. dw. 5113 FAULKNER (W.) MAYDAY. Univ of Notre dame, 1976. 87pp. dw. 5114 FAULKNER (W.) THE REIVERS. A Reminiscence. N.Y.: Random House, 1962. First Ed. 305pp. 5115 FAULKNER (W.) THE SOUND AND THE FURY. The corrected text. N.Y: Vintage international,1990. 326pp. pb. 5116 FAULKNER (W.) THE WILD PALMS. London: chatto,1970. 315pp. dw. 5117 FAULKNER (W.): COLLINS (C.) WILLIAM FAULKNER: Early prose and Poetry. J.Cape, 1963. xiv,134pp. dw. cr.8vo. 5118 FAULKNER (William) INTRUDER IN THE DUST. London: chatto,1968. 247pp. dw. 5119 FEDER (L.) THE HANDBOOK OF CLASSICAL LITERATURE. London: A.Barker, 1964. First Ed. 445pp. lar.8vo. 5120 FIELDING (H.):BROOKS (D.)(Ed.) THE HISTORY OF THE ADVENTURES OF JOSEPH ANDREWS AND OF HIS FRIEND MR. ABRAHAM ADAMS AND AN APOLOGY FOR THE LIFE OF MRS. SHAMELA ANDREWS. Oxford english novels Oxford.U.P,1970. xviii,294pp. dw. 5121 FIRTH (J.R.)(Intro.): STUDIES IN LINGUISTIC ANALYSIS. Special Volume of the Philological Society. Oxford: Blackwell, 1962. vii,205pp. lar.8vo. 5122 FITZGERALD (S.)THE BODLEY HEAD SCOTT FITZGERALD. Volume I.With an introduction by J.B.Priestley. London: Bodley head, 1958.308pp. sm.8vo. dw. 5123 FOX (B.A.) DISCOURSE STRUCTURE AND ANAPHORA. Written and conversational English. Cambridge Studies in Linguistics 48. Cambridge U.P., 1993. 173pp. pb. 5124 FRENCH (J.M.): KIRK (R.) & MAIN (C.F.)(Ed.) ESSAYS IN LITERARY HISTORY. presented to J.Milton French. Rutgers U.P., 1960. 270pp. dw. - 165 - 5125 GALSWORTHY (J.) SWAN SONG. London: W.Heinemann, 1928. sm.8vo. 347pp. 5126 GALSWORTHY (J.): REYNOLDS (M.E.) MEMORIES OF JOHN GALSWORTHY. London: Robert Hale, 1936. 128pp. half parchment. 5127 GANIM (J.M.) STYLE AND CONSCIOUSNESS IN MIDDLE ENGLISH NARRATIVE. Princeton U.P., 1983. ix,177pp. dw. 5128 GARDINER (A.) THE THEORY OF SPEECH AND LANGUAGE. Oxford C.P., 1969. 348pp. dw. 5129 GARDNER (J.) THE CONSTRUCTION OF CHRISTIAN POETRY IN OLD ENGLISH. Southern Illinois U.P., 1975. 147pp. lar.8vo. dw. 5130 GISSING (G.) THE IMMORTAL DICKENS. With portrait of Charles Dickens. Kraus,1969. ix,243pp. lar.8vo. sl. pencil scrached. 5131 GISSING (G.) THE WHIRLPOOL. Harvester,1977. sm.8vo. black cloth with gilt lettering. pencil underline. 5132 GOETHE: CHAMBERLAIN (H.S.) GOETHE. Munchen: Bruckmann,1921. xiii,800pp. lar.8vo. 5133 GOETHE: GUNDOLF (F.) GOETHE. Berlin: G.Bondi, 1925. 795pp. roy.8vo. inner joint cracked. 5134 GOLDING (W.) CLOSE QUARTERS. London: Faber & Faber, 1987. 281pp. dw. 5135 GRAMBS (D.) LITERARY COMPANION DICTIONARY. Words about words. Routledge, 1984. xvii,408pp. lar.8vo. dw. 5136 GREEN (G.): SHELDEN (M.) GRAHAM GREEN. The man within.London: Heinemann,,1994. 537pp. lar.8vo. dw. 5137 GREENBERG (J.H.) ESSAYS IN LINGUISTICS. Chicago U.P., 1958. 2nd Imp. 108pp. Roy.8vo. with dust cover. 5138 GREENE (G.) THE TENTH MAN. London: Bodley head, 1985. 157pp. dw. 5139 GREENE (G.) COLLECTED STORIES. Including May we borrow your husbanbd?/ a sense of reality/ Twenty-one sories. London: W.Heinemann,1972. 561pp. dw. 5140 GRIEVE (C.M.) CONTEMPORARY SCOTTISH STUDIES. First series. London: L.Parsons, 1926. 343pp. sl.spotted. cover faded. 5141 GUNN (T.) MY SAD CAPTAINS AND OTEHR POEMS. London: Faber,1961. 51pp. dw. 5142 GURTEEN (S.H.) THE ARTHURIAN EPIC. A Comparative study of the Cambrian, breton, and anglo-Norman versions of the story and Tennyson's Idylls of the King. N.Y:Haskell house,1965. viii,437pp. 5143 HAGER (A.) DAZZLING IMAGES. The Masks of sir Philip Sidney. Univ of Delaware, 1991. 222pp. dw. 5144 HALLIDAY (F.E.) THE EXCELLENCY OF THE ENGLISH TONGUE. London: V.Gollancz, 1975. 128pp. dw. 5145 HALLIDAY (M.A.K.) AN INTRODUCTION TO FUNCTIONAL GRAMMAR. W.Arnold, 1986. xxxv,387pp. lar.8vo. pb. 5146 HARDY (T.) A GROUP OF NOBLE DAMES. Macmillan,1970. viii,235pp. dw. 5147 HARDY (T.) THOMAS HARDY COLLECTED SHORT STORIES. Introduction by Desmond Hawkins. Notes by F.B.Pinion. Macmillan, 1988. xxiii,934pp. dw. - 166 - 5148 HAYNES (J.) INTRODUCING STYLISTICS. London: Unwin Hyman,1989. 273pp. lar.8vo. 5149 HEMINGWAY (E.) A MOVEABLE FEAST. London: J.Cape, 1964. 211pp. dw. 5150 HENDERSON (T.F.) SCOTTISH VERNACULAR LITERATURE. A Succinct HISTORY. London: David nutt,19002nd Revised ed, xiv,462pp. sl. spotted. 5151 HERRICK (R.): MARTIN (L.C.)(Ed.) THE POEMS OF ROBERT HERRICK. Oxford.U.P,1965. 478pp. cr.8vo. 5152 HOFFMANN (E.T.A.) DIE ELIXIERE DES TEUFELS LEBENS-ANSICHTEN DES KATERS MURR. Munchen: Winkler, 1969. 734pp. dw. in case. 5153 HOFFMANN (E.T.A.) NACHLESE. Dichtungen, Schriften, Aufzeichnungen und Fragmente. Munchen: Winkler, 1981. 534pp. sm.8vo. dw. 5154 HOUSMAN (A.E.) A SHROPSHIRE LAD. N.Y: illustrated edition company. Illustrations by Elinore Blaisdell,1932.110pp. cover sl. worn. 5155 HOUSMAN (A.E.) MORE POEMS. London: Jonathan Cape, 1936. First Ed. 2nd Impression. 71pp. Original cloth. 5156 HUDDLESTON (R.) INTRODUCTION TO THE GRAMMAR OF ENGLISH. Cambridge U.P., 1984. 483pp. lar.8vo. paperback. stamped on endpaper. 5157 HUGHES (T.) GAUDETE. London: Faber,1977. 200pp. dw. 5158 HUXLEY (A.) THEMES AND VARIATIONS. London: Chatto & Windus, 1950. First Ed. with illusts. 260pp. dw.(sl.worn) 5159 HWMINFQY (E.) ACROSS THE RIVER AND INTO THE TREES. London: J.cape, 1950.254pp. dw. 5160 JAMES (H.) GUY DOMVILLE. A Play in three acts. London: Hart-Davis,1961. 220pp. dw. 5161 JOHNSON (S.): TILLOTSON (G.) & JENKINS (B.)(Ed.) THE HISTORY OF RASSELAS. Prince of Abissinia. Oxford english novels Oxford.U.P,1971. xxx,145pp. dw. 5162 JONES (C.) AN INTRODUCTION TO MIDDLE ENGLISH. N.Y.: Holt,Rinehart & Winston, 1972. 228pp. 5163 JONES (D.) AN OUTLINE OF ENGLISH PHONETICS. Cambridge: W.Heffer & Sons, 1957. xx,378pp. dw. 5164 JONES (H.P.)(Ed.) DICTIONARY OF FOREIGN PHRASES AND CLASSICAL QUOTATIONS. Comprising 14000 Idioms, Proverbs, Maxims Mottoes, Technical words and Terms, and press allusions from the works of the Great Writers in Latin French Italian Greek German Spanish Portuguese. Edinburgh: J.Grant, 1913. New & Revised Ed. xx,532pp. stamped on title. text bit spotted. 5165 JOYCE (J.) ULYSSES. N.Y: Modern library,1946. xvii,767pp. 5166 KAYE (W.J.) THE LEADING POETS OF SCOTLAND. From early times. London: relfe brothers, 1891.314pp. original cloth. spine worn. inner hinge cracked. 5167 LA ROCHELLE (P.D.) DROLE DE VOYAGE. Gallimard,1933. 318pp. sm.8vo. wrapper. 5168 LANDOR (W.S.): ELWIN (M.) SAVAGE LANDOR. N.Y: MACMILLAN,1941.XXI,498pp. 5169 LAW (H.A.) ANGLO-IRISH LITERATURE. Dublin: Talbot Press, 1926. 301pp. cr.8vo. text browned. - 167 - 5170 LAWRENCE (D.H.): THE COMPLETE PLAYS OF D.H.LAWRENCE. London: Heinemann, 1965. 558pp. with dust cover. 5171 LAWRENCE (D.H.): WEST (R.) D.H.LAWRENCE. London: M.Secker, 1930. First Ed. 44pp. sm.8vo. 5172 LEGMAN (G.) THE HORN BOOK. STUDIES IN EROTIC FOLKLORE AND BIBLIOGRAPHY. N.Y.: University books, 1964. 565pp. in slip-case. text sl.water-stained. 5173 LEHMANN (W.P.) & MALKIEL (Y.)(Ed.) DIRECTIONS FOR HISTORICAL LINGUISTICS. A Symposium. Austin: Texas U.P., 1968. 199pp. lar.8vo. a small stamp on title. 5174 LEPSCHY (G.C.) A SURVEY OF STRUCTURAL LINGUISTICS. London: Faber & Faber, 1970. 192pp. dw. 5175 LEVIN (S.R.) THE SEMANTICS OF METAPHOR. Johns Hokins U.P., 1977. 158pp. dw. 5176 LEWIS (A.) IN THE GREEN TREE .London: G. allen.1948. 141pp. cr.8vo. dw. 5177 LEWIS (A.) RAIDERS' DAWN AND OTHER POEMS. London: G.allen,1946. 93pp. cr.8vo. boards. spotted. 5178 LEWIS (C.D.)POETRY FOR YOU. A Book for Boys and Girls on the Enjoyment of Poetry. Oxord:blackwell,1953.vii,112pp. cr.8vo. light spotted. 5179 LEWIS (C.D.) A LASTING JOY. An anthology chosen. London: G.allen, 1973. 110pp. dw. 5180 LEWIS (C.D.) AN ITALIAN VISIT. London: J. Cape, 1955. 77pp. dw. 5181 LEWIS (C.D.) COLLECTED POEMS 1929-1936. London: Hogarth press,1948. 215pp. dw.(sl. chipped) 5182 LEWIS (C.D.) THE POETIC IMAGE. London: J.Cape, 1951. 157pp. sm.8vo. dw. sl. spotted. 5183 LEWIS (C.D.) WORD OVER ALL. LONDON: J.CAPE, 1946.52pp. dw. (sl. worn) 5184 LEWIS (M.) THE MONK A ROMANCE. Oxford english novels Oxford.U.P,1973. xxx,455pp. 5185 LIFE (P.W.) SIR THOMAS MALORY AND THE MORTE DARTHUR. A Survey of Scholarship and annotated Bibliography. Univ of Virginia, 1980. xiii,289pp. 5186 LOCK (G.) FUNCTIONAL ENGLISH GRAMMAR An introduction for second language teachers. Cambridge U.P., 1996. 296pp. lar.8vo. pb. 5187 LOOMIS (R.S.) THE ROMANCE OF TRISTRAM AND YSOLT. By thomas of Britain. N.Y: Columbia.U.P,1931. b/w illustrationns. xxv,293pp. original gilt decorated cloth. sl. pencil scrached. 5188 MACK (M.) THE GARDEN AND THE CITY. Retirement and Politics in the Later Poetry of pope 1731-1743. Univ of Toronto, 1969. with illustrations. xviii,341pp. Roy.8vo. dw. 5189 MACKENSEN (L.) DIE NIBELUNGEN Sage, Geschichte, ihr Lied und sein Dichter. Stuttgard: E.Hauswedell, 1984. 285pp. paperback. stamped. 5190 MACNEICE (L.) AUTUMN JOURNAL. A Poem. London: Faber, 1943. 96pp. dw. 5191 MALMBERG (B.) NEW TRENDS IN LINGUISTICS An Orientation. Translated from the Swedish original by E.Carney. Stockholm: Lund, 1964. 226pp. lar.8vo. spine sl.faded. 5192 MALORY (T.): FIELD (P.J.C.) ROMANCE AND CHRONICLE. A Study of Malory's Prose Style. London: Indiana.U.P,1971.x,202pp. dw. 5193 MALORY (T.): VINAVER (E.) MALORY. Oxford C.P., 1929. 208pp. almost good. - 168 - 5194 MANDER (J.) THE WRITER AND COMMITMENT. London: Secker & Warburg, 1961. 215pp. dw. 5195 MASON (H.A.) HUMANISM AND POETRY IN THE EARLY TUDOR PERIOD. London: Routledge, 1959. 296pp. dw. 5196 MASSINGER (P.) A NEW WAY TO PAY OLD DEBTS. A Comedy. Edited with an Introduction and Notes by M.St. Clare Byrne. Univ of London: 1956. 168pp. sm.8vo. 5197 MASTERS (E.L.) SPOON RIVER ANTHOLOGY. London: T.Werner, N.d, (1915) First UK ed. Illustrated by O.Herford. 310pp. sm.8vo. 5198 MATTHEWS (W.) THE ILL-FRAMED KNIGHT. A Skeptical inquiry into the identity of Sir Thomas Malory. Univ o California,1966. 262pp. dw. 5199 McMORDIE (W.) ENGLISH IDIOMS And How to Use Them. Oxford U.P., 1957. 350pp. cr.8vo. dw. sl.spotted. 5200 MELDRUM (W.): HALL (F.) THE HISTORIE AND TESTAMENT OF WILLIAM MELDRUM. (the works of sir David Lyndesay par III) Early English text society: Oxford.U.P,1963. 321374pp. wrapper. 5201 MELVILLE (H.): PULLIN (F.)(Ed.) NEW PERSPECTIVES ON MELVILLE. Edinburgh U.P., 1978. 314pp. Cr.8vo. 5202 MEYERS (J.) HOMOSEXUALITY AND LITERATURE 1890-1930. Althlone Press, 1977. 183pp. dw. 5203 MILLETT (B.) ANCRENE WISSE, THE KATHERINE GROUP, AND THE WOOING GROUP. D.S.Brewer,1996. xi,260pp. lar.8vo. 5204 MIX (K.L.) A STUDY IN YELLOW. The Yellow book and its Contributors. Univ of Kansas,1960. 325pp. dw. (sl.worn.) 5205 MONTAIGNE: PAPIC (M.) L'EXPRESSION ET LA PLACE DU SUJET DANS LES ESSAIS DE MONTAIGNE. P.U.F.,1970. 260pp. lar.8vo. wrapper. uncut. 5206 MORGAN (C.) THE EMPTY ROOM. London: Macmillan, 1941. First Ed. 160pp. cr.8vo. 5207 MORRIS (W.) A BOOK OF VERSE. London, Scolar Press, 1981.52pp. lar.8vo. dw. 5208 MUIR (E.) COLLECTED POEMS 1921-1951. London: Faber, 1952.196pp. dw (sl. chipped) 5209 MUNDLE (C.W.K.) A CRITIQUE OF LINGUISTIC PHILOSOPHY. Oxford C.P., 1970. x,279pp. 5210 NABOKOV (V.): FIELD (A.) NABOKOV. A BIBLIOGRAPHY. McGraw-Hill, 1973. xxvi,249pp. lar.8vo. dw. 5211 NABOKOV (V.): LONG (M.) MARVELL, NABOKOV. Childhood and Arcadia. Ox.C.P, 1984. xvi,271pp. 5212 NARASIMHAN (R.) MODELLING LANGUAGE BEHAVIOUR. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1981. with 3 figures. 217pp. lar.8vo. 5213 NEWMEYER (F.J.) LINGUISTIC THEORY IN AMERICA. The First Quarter-Century of Transformational Generative Grammar. N.Y.: Academic Press, 1980. 290pp. lar.8vo. dw. 5214 NOORDMAN-VONK (W.) RETRIEVAL FROM SEMANTIC MEMORY. With a Foreword by J.C.Marshall. Berlin: Springer, 1979. With 10 Figures. 97pp. lar.8vo. 5215 O'CONNOR (F.): SHEEHY (M.)(Ed.) MICHAEL/FRANK. Studies on F.O'Connor. with a Bibliography of his Writing. London: Gill & Macmillan, 1969. 203pp. 5216 OTSUKA (T.)(Ed.) A REPRINT SERIES OF BOOKS RELATING TO THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE vol.11. PHILOSOPHICAL ESSAYS FROM DRYDEN TO JOHNSON vol. with Explanatory Remarkes by D.Nagashima. Tokyo: Nan'un Do, 1967. 338pp. dw. - 169 - 5217 PARRY (B.) DELUSIONS AND DISCOVERIES. Studies on India in the British Imagination. 18801930. Univ of California, 1972. 368pp. 5218 PARTRIDGE (A.C.) THE LANGUAGE OF MODERN POETRY. Yeats, Eliot, Auden. Andre Deutsch. 1976. 351pp. dust-cover. 5219 PERREN (G.E.) & TRIM (J.L.M.)(Ed.) APPLICATIONS OF LINGUISTICS. Selected papers of the Second International Congress of Applied Linguistics, Cambridge,1969. Cambridge U.P.,1971. xviii,498pp. lar.8vo. 5220 PERSON (R.J.)(Ed.) THE MANAGEMENT PROCESS. A Selection of Readings for Librarians. Chicaga: American Library Association, 1983. 423pp. paperback. 5221 PITTMAN (D.) PRACTICAL LINGUISTICS. Mid-Missions, 1948. 229pp. Roy.8vo. 5222 PLATH (S.) THE BELL JAR. Lodon; Harper & Row, 1971. 296pp. dw. 5223 POE (E.A.)THE POEMS & THREE ESSAYS ON POETRY. OX.U.P,1948.570pp. cr.8vo. 5224 POOL ( TRENDS IN CONTENT ANALYSIS. Illinois U.P., 1959. 244pp. lar 8vo. 5225 PROUST (M.) CONTRE SAINTE-BEUVE. Precede de Pastiches et melanges et suivi de essais et articles. Gallimard,1978. 1022pp. cr.8vo. wrapper. cover spotted. 5226 PROUST (M.) LETTRES DE MARCEL PROUST A BIBESCO. P@reface de thierry maulnier. Lausanne, 1949. 181pp. spotted. 5227 PROUST (M.) LETTRES. A Madame C. illustre de huit planche hors-texte. J.B.Janin,1946. 212pp. cr.8vo. wrapper. 5228 PROUST (M.) PROUST. Collection Genies et realites. Hachette, 1965. many photographs. 285pp. pb. 5229 PROUST: BENOIST-MECHIN. RETOUR A MARCEL PROUST. Paris: Pierre Amiot,1957. 211pp. wrapper. 5230 PROUST: BONNET (H.) LES AMOURS ET LA SEXUALITE DE MARCEL RPOUST. Paris Nizet,1985. 101pp. sm.8vo. pb. 5231 PROUST: GAUBERT (S.) PROUST OU LE ROMAN DE LA DIFFERENCE. L'Individu et le monde social de"Jean Santeuil" a "La recherche". Lyon: Presses universitaires de lyon. 1980.393pp. pb. 5232 PROUST: MANSFIELD (L.) LE COMIQUE DE MARCEL PROUST. Proust et Baudelaire. Paris: Nizet,1953.219pp. sm.8vo. wrapper. sl. worn. 5233 PROUST: MOUTON (J.) LE STYLE DE MARCEL PROUST. PARIS: Correa, 1948. 237pp. wrapper. sm.8vo. sl. spotted. 5234 PROUST: NEWMAN (P.) MARCEL PROUSE ET L'EXISTENTIALISME. Paris: Nouvelles Editions, 1952.170pp. wrapper. 5235 PROUST: PAULTRE (R.) MARCEL PROUST ET LA THEORIE DU MONDELE. Paris; Nizet,1986.141pp. pb. 5236 QUIRK (R.) & STEIN (G.) ENGLISH IN USE. Longman, 1990. 262pp. dw. 5237 RADFORD (A.) SYNTACTIC THEORY AND THE STRUCTURE OF ENGLISH A Minimalist Approach. Cambridge U.P., 1997. 558pp. lar.8vo. pb. 5238 RADFORD (A.) SYNTAX A minimalist introduction. Cambridge U.P., 1997. 283pp. Roy.8vo. pb. 5239 RAMSEY (L.C.) CHIVALRIC ROMANCES. Popular Indiana.U.P,1983. 245pp. dw. sl pencil scrached. - 170 - Literture in Medieval England. 5240 RATTCLIFFE (A.) THE CASTLES OF ATHLIN AND DUNBAYNE. A Highland Story. (1796) N.Y.: Johnson Reprint Co., 1970. 260pp. 12mo. 5241 REID (M.J.C.) THE ARTHURIAN LEGEND. Comparison of treatment in Modern and Medieval Literature. London: Oliver and Boyd,1938. 277pp. 5242 RENWICK (W.L.) ENGLISH LITERATURE 1789 - 1815. (the arden shakespeare)Oxford C.P., 1963. 293pp. dw. 5243 RILKE: ANGELLOZ (J.-F.) RILKE. Paris: Mercvre de France, 1952. 348pp. Cr.8vo. wrappers. text bit foxing. 5244 RILKE: GUARDINI (R.) RAINER MARIA RILKES DEUTUNG DES DASEINS. Eine Interpretation der D.Elegien. Munchen: Kosel-Verlag, 1961. 425pp. Cr.8vo. dw. in slip case. 5245 ROBINSON (H.M.)(Compiled & Ed.) ORAL ASPECTS OF READING. Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Reading Held at the University of Chicago, 1955 Volume XVIII. Chicago U.P., 1955. 166pp. lar.8vo. wrapper. 5246 ROMMETVEIT (R.) WORDS, MEANINGS, AND MESSAGES. Theory and Experiments in Psycholinguistics. Academic Press, 1968. 328pp. lar.8vo. dw. 5247 ROSSETTI (D.G.): DOUGHTY (D.G.) A VICTORIAN ROMANTIC. Dante Gabriel Rossetti. London:Ox.U.P.1968. 712pp. dw. 5248 RRAJAN (B.) & PEARSE (A.)(Ed.) FFOCUS TWO. London; D.dobson,1946. 138pp. dw. (sl. chipped) 5249 RUHLEN (M.) A GUIDE TO THE WORLD'S LANGUAGES. Vol.1 Classification. Stanford U.P., 1987. xxv,433pp. lar.8vo. scratched. 5250 RUSKIN (J.): HILTON (T.) JOHN RUSKIN. The Later Years. Yale.U.P,2000. 656pp. dw. 5251 RUWET (N.) AN INTRODUCTION TO GENERATIVE GRAMMAR. Translation by N.S.H.Smith. North-Holland pub., 1973. xv,372pp. lar.8vo. 5252 SANDMANN (M.) SUBJECT AND PREDICATE. A Contribution to the Theory of Syntax. Edinburgh U.P., 1954. 270pp. dw. foxing. 5253 SANSOM (W.) THE BIRTH OF A STORY. Annotated by Rikutaro Fukuda. Tokyo; Eihosha, 1974.130pp. dw. 5254 SAPIR (E.): SPIER (L.),HALLOWELL (A.I.) & NEWMAN (S.S.)(Ed.) LANGUAGE, CULTURE, AND PERSONALITY. Essays in Memory of Edward Sapir. Sapir Memorial Pub.Fund, 1941. xii,298pp. Roy.8vo. cover sl.spotted. 5255 SASSOON (S.) THE WEALD OF YOUTH. London: faber,1948. 278pp. dw.(spine chipped) 5256 SAYERS (W.C.B.) A MANUAL OF CLASSIFICATION. For Librarians and Bibliographers. London: Andre Deutsch, 1963. 3rd Ed. 346pp. slightly scratched. 5257 SCHLAUCH (Margaret) ENGLISH MEDIEVAL LITERATURE AND ITS SOCIAL FOUNDATIONS. Warszawa: Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1956. First Ed. xvi,366pp. roy.8vo. 5258 SCHMULLER (A.) TREBLINKA GRASS. Poetical translations from the Yiddish. denver;A.Swallow,1957. 72pp. 5259 SCHNELLE (H.) & BERNSEN (N.O.)(Ed.) LOGIC AND LINGUISTICS Vol.2. Research Directions in Cognitive Science European perspectives. Hove: L.Erlbaum Associates, 1989. 217pp. lar.8vo. 5260 SEBEOK (T.A.)(Ed.) SIGHT, SOUND, AND SENSE. Indiana U.P., 1978. 289pp. lar.8vo. 5261 SERNE: TRAUGOTT (J.) TRISTRAM SHANDY'S WORLD. sterne's Philosophical Rhetoric. Univ of California,1954. xvi,166pp. lar.8vo. - 171 - 5262 SHAKESPEARE (W.) THE MERCHANT OF VENICE 1600 (Hayes Quarto). Shakespeare Quarto Facsimiles No 2. Oxford: 1963. n.p. 5263 SHAKESPEARE (W.): AN APOLOGY FOR THE BELIEVERS IN THE SHAKSPEARE-PAPERS Which were exhibited in Norfolk Street. (1797) N.Y.: Kelley, 1971. Reprinted Ed. 628pp. 5264 SHAKESPEARE (W.): ASIMOV (I.) ASIMOV'S GUIDE TO SHAKESPEARE. 1.The Greek, Roman, and Italian Plays. 2.The English Plays. N.Y.: Avenel Books, 1970. 2 vols in 1. 843pp. lar.8vo. dw. 5265 SHAKESPEARE (W.): BEVINGTON (D.)(Ed.) HENRY IV, PART I. The oxford shakespeare. Oxford C.P.,1987. 315pp. dw. 5266 SHAKESPEARE (W.): BRANDES (G.) WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE. A Critical study. London: W.Heinemann, 1899. 708pp. 5267 SHAKESPEARE (W.): CHARLTON (H.B.) SHAKESPEARIAN COMEDY. London: Methuen, 1938. First Ed. 303pp. 5268 SHAKESPEARE (W.): CRAIG (H.): HOSLEY (R.)(Ed.) ESSAYS ON SHAKESPEARE AND ELIZABETHAN DRAMA. In Honor of Hardin Craig. Univ.of Missouri Press, 1962. 385pp. with d/j. 5269 SHAKESPEARE (W.): EVANS (B.) SHAKESPEARE'S COMEDIES. Oxford C.P., 1960. 337pp. with d/j. 5270 SHAKESPEARE (W.): GURR (A.)(Ed.) KING RICHARD II. (The new cambridge shakespeare) Cambridge U.P.,1984. 224pp. dw. 5271 SHAKESPEARE (W.): INGRAM (W.G.) & REDPATH (T.)(Ed.) SHAKESPEARE'S SONNETS. London U.P., 1967. 2nd Imp. 382pp. 5272 SHAKESPEARE (W.): LEVIN (H.) SHAKESPEARE AND THE REVOLUTION OF THE TIMES. Perspectives and Commentaries. Oxford U.P., 1976. 334pp. dw. 5273 SHAKESPEARE (W.): MARES (F.H.)(Ed.) MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING. (The new Cambridge Shakespeare) Cambridge.U.P,1988. 162pp. dw. 5274 SHAKESPEARE (W.): MUIR (K.) SHAKESPEARE'S SONNETS. London: G.Allen & Unwin, 1979. 179pp. with d/j. 5275 SHAKESPEARE (W.): SCHANZER (E.) THE PROBLEM PLAYS OF SHAKESPEARE. A Study of Julius Caesar, measure for Measure, Antony and cleopatra. London: Routledge, 1963. x,196pp. dw. good copy. 5276 SHAKESPEARE (W.): TAYLOR (G.)(Ed.) HENRY V. The Oxford Shakespeare. Oxford C.P.,1982. 330pp. dw. 5277 SHAKESPEARE (W.): WELLS (S.) & TAYLOR (G.)(Ed.) THE COMPLETE WORKS. Compact Edition. With Introductions by S.Wells. Oxford C.P., 1991. xlix,1274pp. lar.8vo. dw. 5278 SHAKESPEARE: BYRNE (G.) SHAKESPEARE'S USE OF THE PRONOUN OF ADDRESS; ITS SIGNIFICANCE IN CHARACTERIZATION AND MOTIVATION. N.Y: Haskell,1936.189pp. sl. pencil underlined. 5279 SHAKESPEARE: CAIRNCROSS (A.S.)(Ed.) THE SECOND PART OF KING HENRY VI. (the arden shakespeare)Methuen,,197pp. dw. 5280 SHAKESPEARE: DAVID (R.)(Ed.) LOVE'S LABOUR'S LOST. (the arden shakespeare)London: Methuen,1966. 196pp. dw. 5281 SHAKESPEARE: Humphreys (A.R.)(Ed.)THE SECOND PART OF KING HENRY IV. (the arden shakespeare)Methuen: Harvard.U.P,1966. xci,242pp. dw. pencil scrached. - 172 - 5282 SHAKESPEARE: HUNTER (G.K.) ALL'S WELL THAT ENDS WELL. (the arden shakespeare)London: Methuen,1959. lix,152pp. 5283 SHAKESPEARE: PROSSER (E.) HAMLET AND REVENGE. Stanford.U.P,1967. xiv,287pp. dw. 5284 SHAKESPEARE: ROAKES (R.A.)(Ed.) THE COMEDY OF ERRORS. (the arden shakespeare)London: Methuen,,117pp. dw. 5285 SHELLEY: KING-HELE (D.) SHELLEY HIS THOUGHT AND WORK. London: Macmillan, 1984. 3rd Ed. 405pp. dw. owner's stamped. 5286 SHELLEY: POLLIN (B.R.) MUSIC FOR SHELLEY'S POETRY. An annotated Bibliography of Musical Settings of shelley's Poery. N.Y: Da capo,1974. Author's presentation copy. xxxii,175pp. 5287 SHERIDAN (R.B.): BUTLER (E.M.) SHERIDAN. A Ghost Story. London: Constable, 1931. xiii,312pp. 5288 SKELTON (R.) & CLARK (D.R.)(Ed.) IRISH RENAISSANCE. A Gathering of Essays, Memoirs, and Letters from The Massachusetts Review. Dublin: Dolmen Pr., 1965. 167pp. lar.8vo. with dust cover. 5289 SMITH (E.E.) THE ANGRY YOUNG MEN OF THE THIRTIES. Southern illinois.U.P.1975. xi,172pp. dw. 5290 SMITH (L.S.) A PRACTICAL APPROACH TO SERIALS CATALOGING. Connecticut: JAI Press, 1978. 424pp. lar.8vo. 5291 SMITH (S.): AUDEN (W.H.)(Ed.) SELECTED WRITINGS OF SYDNEY SMITH. London: Faber, N.d. xx,396pp. with dust cover. 5292 SPENDER (S.)TRIAL OF A JUDGE. A Tragic statement in five acts. London: faber,1948.115pp. dw. 5293 SPENDER (S.) COLLECTED POEMS 1928-1953. London: faber,1955.212pp. sm.8vo. dw. edge spotted. 5294 SPENDER (S.) EUROPEAN WITNESS.London: H.Hamilton, 1947.241pp. cr.8vo. dw. edge spotted. 5295 SPENDER (S.) POEMS OF DEDICATION.London: Faber,1947. 58pp. dw. 5296 SPENDER (S.) THE STRUGGLE OF THE MODERN. London: H.Hamilton,1963. xiii,266pp. dw. sl. pencil scrached. 5297 SPENDER (S.) THE BURNING CACTUS. London; Faber,1936.265pp. cr.8vo. dw. 5298 STEINBECK (J.) EAST OF EDEN. Lonodn: W.Heinemann. 1976. First UK edition. (vi)525pp. dw. 5299 STEINBECK (J.) THE GRAPES OF WRATH. London: Heinemann,1974.399pp. dw. 5300 STEINBECK (J.) THE WINTER OF OUR DISCONTENT. London: Heinemann,1961. 365pp. dw. 5301 STEINBECK (J.): COVICI (P.)(Select.) THE STEINBECK OMNIBUS. London: W.Heinemann, 1950. 408pp. dw. 5302 STEINBECK (J.): HAYASHI (T.)(Comp.) JOHN STEINBECK. A Concise Bibliography (1930-65) N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1967. 164pp. 5303 STENZLER (A.F.) ELEMENTARBUCH DER SANSKRIT-SPRACHE. Grammatik Texte Worterbuch. Fortgefuhrt von R.Pischel Umgearbeitet von Karl f. Geldner. Walter de Gruyter, 1980. 17 auflage. viii,122pp. scratched & small stamps on title. a bit taped on a few pages. 5304 SWINBURNE (A.C.): CHEW (S.C.) SWINBURNE. London: J.Murray, 1931. First Ed. frontis. 335pp. - 173 - 5305 SWINBURNE (A.C.): HARE (H.)(Intro.) SELECTED POEMS OF ALGERNON CHARLES SWINBURNE. Melbourne: W.Heinemann, 1950. 236pp. dw. sl.spotted. 5306 SWINNERTON (F.) THE BOOKMAN'S LONDON.London: A.Wingate, 1951.with photographs. 159pp. 5307 TAKAMIYA (T.) & BREEWER (D.)(Ed.) ASPECTS OF MALORY. D.S.Brewer: Rowman,1981. x,232pp. dw. 5308 TAKEDA (M.) SAYING IT NICELY. Essays on English Literature. Tokyo: Nan'un-do, 1976. 341pp. dw. 5309 THOMAS (D.): ACKERMAN (J.) DYLAN THOMAS His Life and Work. Oxford U.P., 1964. 201pp. dw. 5310 THOMAS (D.): ACKERMAN (J.) WELSH DYLAN. Dylan Thomas' Life, Writing, and his Wales. John Jones, 1979. 128pp. dw. 5311 THOMAS (D.): FERRIS (P.) DYLAN THOMAS. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1977. 399pp. 5312 THOMAS (D.): FERRIS (P.)(Ed.) THE COLLECTED LETTERS OF DYLAN THOMAS. London: J.M.Dent, 1985. 982pp. roy.8vo. dw(bit rubbed). 5313 THOMAS (D.): FITZGIBBON (C.) SELECTED LETTERS OF DYLAN THOMAS. London: J.M.Dent, 1966. 420pp. dw. 5314 THOMAS (D.): HOLBROOK (D.) LLAREGGUB REVISITED. Dylan Thomas and the state of modern poetry. London: Bowes, 1962. 255pp. dw. bit spotted. 5315 THOMAS (D.): JONES (D.)(Ed.) DYLAN THOMAS: THE POEMS. London: J.M.Dent, 1971. 291pp. dw. 5316 THOMAS (D.): KIDDER (R.M.) DYLAN THOMAS: The Country of the Spirit. Princeton U.P., 1973. 234pp. dw. 5317 THOMAS (D.): MAUD (R.) DYLAN THOMAS IN PRINT. A Bibliographical History. Pittsburgh U.P., 1970. 261pp. Roy.8vo. 5318 THOMAS (D.): MAUD (R.)(Ed.) THE NOTEBOOKS OF DYLAN THOMAS. N.Y.: New Directions, 1967. First Ed. 364pp. with dust-cover. 5319 THOMAS (D.): PRATT (A.) DYLAN THOMAS' EARLY PROSE. A Study in Creative Mythology. Univ.of Pittsburgh, 1970. 226pp. cr.8vo. dw. 5320 THOMAS (D.): SINCLAIR (A.) DYLAN THOMAS Poet of his People. London: Michael Joseph, 1975. 240pp. Roy.8vo. dw. 5321 THOMAS (D.): STANFORD (D.) DYLAN THOMAS. London: Neville Spearman, 1954. 194pp. dw. bit foxing. 5322 THOMAS (D.): WILLIAMS (R.C.)(Ed.) A CONCORDANCE TO THE COLLECTED POEMS OF DYLAN THOMAS. Nebraska U.P., 1967. 579pp. roy.8vo. bit spotted. 5323 THOMSON (J.) FRANCIS THOMPSON, THE PRESTON-BORN POET. (with notes on some of his works)Preston,1912. with illustrated. 78pp. 4to. spine bumped. 5324 THORNTON (R.)(Ed.) MORTE ARTHURE OR THE DEATH OF ARTHUR. Early english text soceity:OxfordU.P,1961.xvii,208pp. 5325 TSUCHIYA (K.) DISSENT AND MARGINALITY. Essays on the Borders of Literaure and Religion. Macmillan, 1997. viii,182pp. dw. 5326 TURVILLE-PETRE (T.) THE ALLITERATIVE REVIVAL. Rowman, 1977. 152pp. dw. 5327 TWAIN (M.): BUDD (L.J.)(Ed.) MARK TWAIN. COLLECTED TALES, SKETCHES, SPEECHES, & ESSAYS 1852-1890 & 1891-1910. The Library of America, 1992. 2 vols. sm.8vo. dw. - 174 - 5328 TWAIN (M.): NEIDER (C.)(Ed.) THE SELECTED LETTERS OF MARK TWAIN. Edited with an Introduction and Commentary. N.Y: Harper & Row, 1982. xxi,328pp. lar.8vo. with dust cover. 5329 VENDRYES (J.) LANGUAGE A Linguistic Introduction to History. London: R.& K.Paul, 1925. xxviii,378pp. lar.8vo. bit foxing. 5330 VOSSLER (K.) THE SPIRIT OF LANGUAGE IN CIVILIZATION. London: Kegan Paul, 1932. 247pp. text sl.foxing. 5331 WARD (W.) & SHERIDAN (T.) A REPRINT SERIES OF BOOKS RELATING TO THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE vol.15. A GRAMMAR OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE IN TWO TREATISES with Explanatory Remarkes by G.Maejima [with] A RHETORICAL GRAMMAR OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE with Explanatory Remarkes by H.Yamaguchi. Tokyo: Nan'un Do, 1968. 475pp. dw. exlibrary. 5332 WARREN (F.) B.M.Lansdowne THE DANCE 699, OF collated DEATH. with Edited the other from Mss.ellesmere extant mss. Early 26/A.13 and English text society:Kraus,1971. xxxi,118pp. 5333 WAUGH (A.) RESENTMENT. Poems. London: Grant Richards, 1918. 62pp. sm.8vo. 5334 WAUGH (E.) MEN AT ARMS. London: Chapm,an & hall,N.d.,314pp. cr.8vo. dw (worn) 5335 WEDGWOOD (J.) NINETEENTH CENTURY TEACHERS. And other essays. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1909. First Ed. 419pp. 5336 WILDE (O.): PEARSON (H.) ESSAYS BY OSCAR WILDE. London: Methuen, 1950. xiii,298pp. dw. 5337 WILLIAMS (T.) THE KNIGHTLY QUEST. A Novella and four short stories. a new directions book,1964. 183pp. dw. 5338 WILLIAMS (T.) THE ROMAN SPRING OF MRS.STONE. New York: A New Directions Book, 1950. First Ed. 148pp. with dustcover. 5339 WILLIAMS (T.) THE THEATRE OF TENNESSEE WILLIAMS. Volume VI.27 Wagons full of cotton and other short plays. new directions 358pp. dw. 5340 WILLIAMS (T.):FALK (S.L.) TENNESSEE WILLIAMS. N.Y: Twayne Pub,1962. 5341 WITTIG (S.) STYLISTIC AND NARRATIVE STRUCTURES IN THE MIDDLE ENGLISH ROMANCES. Texas U.P., 1978. 223pp. dw. sl.penciled. 5342 WORDSWORTH (W.): HENLEY (E.F.) WORDSWORTHIAN CRITICISM 1945-1959. An Annotated bibliography. N.Y: Public Library, 1960. 61pp. lar.8vo. wrapper. 5343 WORDSWORTH (W.): MACLEAN (C.M.) DOROTHY WORDSWORTH. The Early years. N.Y: Viking press,1932. xii,439pp. lar.8vo. spine darkned. 5344 WORDSWORTH (W.): REED (M.L.) WORDSWORTH. The chronology of the Early years 17701799. Harvard.U.P,1967. xi,369pp. Lar.8vo. dw. 5345 WORDSWORTH (W.): TODD (F.M.) POLITICS AND THE POET. A Study of Wordsworth. London: Methuen & Co., 1957. 238pp. dw. (sl. chipped) 5346 WORDSWORTH (W.): WORTHINGTON (J.) WORDSWORTH'S READING OF ROMAN PROSE. Yale.U.P,1946. 84pp. 5347 WRIGHT (T.) A HISTORY OF CARICATURE AND GROTEWQUE IN LITERATURE AND ART. Introduction and Index by F.K.Barasch. N>Y: frederick Ungar . 1968. 508pp. dw. 5348 YEATS (W.B.) LETTERS TO THE NEW ISLAND. Cambridge, Mass, 1934. First Edition. xiii,222pp. Original cloth. with dust cover. both stained. - 175 - 5349 YEATS (W.B.): CROSS (K.G.W.) & DUNLOP (R.T.) A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF YEATS CRITICISM 1887-1965. With a foreword by A.N.Jeffares. Macmillan, 1971. xxvi,341pp. with dust cover. stamped. 5350 YEATS (W.B.): DONOGHUE (D.) W.B.YEATS MEMOIRS. Autobiography - First Draft Journal. transcribed and edited. Macmillan, 1972. 318pp. with dust cover. 5351 YEATS (W.B.): ELLMANN (R.) YEATS THE MAN AND THE MASKS. London: Macmillan, 1949. First Edition. ix,336pp. with dust cover. stamped. 5352 YEATS (W.B.): ENGELBERG (E.) THE VAST DESIGN. Patterns in W.B. Yeats's Aesthetic. Univ.of Toronto, 1964. xxxi,224pp. with dust cover. stamped. 5353 YEATS (W.B.): FINNERAN (R.J.) THE POEMS. A Nie edition. Macmillan, 1983. xxv,747pp. 5354 YEATS (W.B.): FLANNERY (J.W.) W.B.YEATS AND THE IDEA OF A THEATRE. The Early Abbey Theatre in theory and practice. Yale U.P., 1976. 404pp. with dust cover. bit penciled. 5355 YEATS (W.B.): GROSSMAN (A.R.) POETIC KNOWLEDGE IN THE EARLY YEATS. A study of The Wind among the Reeds. Univ.of Virginia, 1969. xxiii,240pp. stamped. 5356 YEATS (W.B.): GWYNN (S.)(Ed.) WILLIAM BUTLER YEATS. Essays in Tribute. N.Y.: Kennikat Press, 1965. 229pp. sm.8vo. 5357 YEATS (W.B.): HALL (J.) & STEINMANN (M.)(ED.) THE PERMANENCE OF YEATS. Selected criticism. Macmillan, 1950. First Edition. 414pp. with dust cover. 5358 YEATS (W.B.): HENN (T.R.) THE LONELY TOWER. Studies in the poetry of W.B.Yeats. London: Methuen, 1950. First Edition. with 8 plates and 2 text illustrations. xx,362pp. 5359 YEATS (W.B.): JEFFARES (A.N.) & CROSS (K.G.W.) IN EXCITED REVEIRE. A Centenary Tribute to W.B.Yeats 1865-1939. London: Macmillan, 1965. 354pp. with dust cover. stamped. 5360 YEATS (W.B.): JEFFARES (A.N.) & KNOWLAND (A.S.) A COMMENTARY ON THE COLLECTED PLAYS OF W.B.YEATS. Macmillan, 1975. 310pp. with dust cover. 5361 YEATS (W.B.): MACNEICE (L.) THE POETRY OF W.B.YEATS. Oxford U.P., 1941. First Edition. xi,242pp. 5362 YEATS (W.B.): MAXWELL (D.E.S.) & BUSHRUI (S.B.) W.B.YEATS 1865-1965. Centenary Essays on the Art of W.B.Yeats. Ibadan U.P., 1965. xvi,252pp. with dust cover. 5363 YEATS (W.B.): MISRA (B.P.) W.B.YEATS. Allahabad: Kitab Mahal Private, 1962. 130pp. wrappers. 5364 YEATS (W.B.): NATHON (L.E.) THE TRAGIC DRAMA OF WILLIAM BUTLER YEATS. Figures in a Dance. Columbia U.P., 1965. vii,307pp. with dust cover. 5365 YEATS (W.B.): PARKINSON (T.) W.B.YEATS THE LATER POETRY. Univ.of California, 1964. xii,260pp. with dust cover. 5366 YEATS (W.B.): PEATCE (D.R.)(ED.) THE SENATE SPEECHES OF W.B.YEATS. Indiana U.P., 1960. First Edition. 183pp. crown 8vo. stamped. a bit scratched. 5367 YEATS (W.B.): SKELTON (R.) & SADDLEMYER (A.)(ED.) THE WORLD OF W.B.YEATS. Essays in Perspective. Univ.of Washington, 1965. 278pp. with dust cover. stamped. 5368 YEATS (W.B.): STALLWORTHY (J.) BETWEEN THE LINES. Yeats's Poetry in the making. Oxford C.P., 1963. x,261pp. with dust cover. 5369 YEATS (W.B.): WHITAKER (T.R.) SWAN AND SHADOW. Yeats's Dialogue with history. Univ.of N.Carolina, 1964. 340pp. with dust cover. stamped. 5370 ZIDE (N.H.)(Ed.) STUDIES IN COMPARATIVE AUSTROASIATIC LINGUISTICS. Indo-Iranian Monographs Volume V. London: Mouton, 1966. 229pp. lar.8vo. a bit scratched. - 176 -
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