ca.503.cwk (WP)
ca.503.cwk (WP)
CATALOGUE OF SUBUN-SO BOOK STORE No.503 2009 no.204 ◆◆◇◇ BIBLIOGRAPHY ◇◇◆◆ 1 ARELLANES (A.S.)BOOKPLATES. A Selective Annotated Bibliography of the Periodical Literarue.Detroit:Gale Research Co.,(1971)of plates of book plates.463+38pp. 2 4,000 ARMSTRONG (E.) BEFORE COPYRIGHT. The French Book-Privilege System 1498-1526. Cambridge U.P., 1990. xvii,317pp. with dust cover. 3 3,000 AUSTEN-LEIGH (R.A.) THE ROMANCE OF PRINTING. London: Printed at the London School of Printing for the Stationer's Co, 1927. Printed on hand made paper boards. 21pp. 4to. 3,000 4 BAIKIE (J.) EGYPTIAN PAPYRI AND PAPYRUS-HUNTING. N.Y.:F.H.REVELL,c.1940. with 32 plates. (4 in colour) uncut. 324pp. 5 15,000 BALLINGER (L.B.& R.A.) SIGN SYMBOL & FORM. N.Y.: Van Nostrand, 1972. b/w photograph throughout. 191pp. 4to. dw. 6 3,000 BANKS (Sir J.): CATER (H.B.) SIR JOSEPH BANKS (1743-1820) A guide to biographical and Bibliographical sources. (St Paul's Bibliographies) 1987. 328pp. lar.8vo. dw. -1- 5,500 7 BASING (P.) TRADES AND CRAFTS IN MDIEVAL MANUSCRIPTS. British Library,1990. 124pp. roy.8vo. title page owner's stamped. 8 5,000 BEOWULF: CHAMBERS (R.W.) BEOWULF. An Introduction to the study of the Poem with a Discussion of the Stories of Offa and Finn. Cambridge U.P., 1932. 2nd Ed. xvi,565pp. lar.8vo. 3,800 9 BLACK (J.) THE ENGLISH PRESS 1621-11861. Sutton,2001. 213pp. dw. 4,720 10 BLACKMAN (F.H.)(Ed.) THE WHOLESALING AND DISTRIBUTION. N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1963. 253pp. with dust cover. 11 6,000 BOURGEOIS-LECHARTIER (M.) & AVRIL (Fr.)(Etudes) LE SCRIPTORIUM DU MONT SAINTMICHEL. Paris: P.Lethielleux, 1967. p.172-238 (70pp). lar.8vo. wrapper. sl.foxing. 12 3,000 BROWNE (I.) IN THE TRACK OF THE BOOK WORM. Thoughts fancies and genntle gibes on Collecting and Collectors by one of them. N.Y.: Roycroft printing, 1897. Limited to 590 copies. signed by the author. 135pp. spotted. boards. 13 6,300 BUDGE (E.A.W.) THE ROSETTA STONE IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM. The Greek, Demoti and Hieroglyphic texts of the Decree Inscribed on the rosetta Stone conferring Additional Honours on Ptolemy v Epiphanes (203-181B.C.) with English Translations and a short History of the Decipherment of the Egyptian Hieroglyphs, and an appendix containing Translations of the Stelae of San (Tauis) and Tall AL-MASKHUTAH. London: The Religious Tract Society, 1929. First ed, 22 photo plates and numerous illustrations. 325pp. brown cloth. 14 5,000 CANTACUZENE (J-M) LIVRES DE SCCIENCE & D'ART. Collection initiee par Jean-Michel Cantacuzene. Ancien Directeur Scientifique au Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. Paris: Vente aux encheres, 27 november 1996. with b/w illustrations. 75pp. 4to. pb. 15 3,000 CARTER (T.F.) THE INVENTION OF PRINTING IN CHINA AND ITS SPREAD WESTWARD. Columbia.U.P, 1931. with illust. xviii,282pp. in chipped dust cover. 16 CAVE (R.) THE PRIVATE PRESS. New York: Watson Guptill, 1971. numerous illusts. 376pp. cr.4to. dw. fine copy (as new) 17 12,000 15,000 CAXTON (W.) THE FIFTEEN D'S, AND OTHER PRAYERS. Printed by commandment of the Princess Elizabeth, Queen of England and of France, and also of the Princess Margaret, Mother of our Sobereign Lord the King. By their most humble subject and Serbant, William Caxton. Churchyard: Griffith and Farran, 1859. n.p. vellum boards. cover spotted. 18 CAXTON (W.)(Trans.) THE BOOK OF THE KNIGHT OF THE TOWER. Edited by M.Y.Offord. (The Early English Text Society no.2) Oxford U.P., 1971. 301pp. dw. 19 8,000 5,000 CAXTON (W.): DEACON (R.) A BIOGRAPHY OF WILLIAM CAXTON. The First English Editor Printer, Merchant and Translator. London: F.Muller, 1976. 198pp. with dust cover. -2- 6,000 20 CAXTON (W.): KELLNER (L.) CAXTON'S BLANCHARDYN AND EGLANTINE. c.1489. from Lord Spencer's Unique Imperfect Copy, Completed by the Original French and the Second English Version of 1595. (The Early English Text Society). Oxford U.P., 1962. 242pp. 21 CAXTON HEAD CATALOGUE. 8 Catalogues 1891-92. London: J.& M.L.Tregaskis, 1891. numerous colour & b/w illustrations. 4to. gilt top. joint weak. cover faded. 22 6,300 30,000 CAXTON: BLADES (W.) THE LIFE AND TYPOGRAPHY OF WILLIAM CAXTON. England's first Printer, with evidence of his typographical connection with colared mansion. London: J.Lilly, 1861-63. 2 vols. 57 plates. 4to. 3/4 morocco. bit spotted. 23 CHAPBOOK: BLACKWELL: A CATALOGUE OF BATTLEDORES, CHAPBOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. Catalogue A 1062. Oxford: Blackwell, 1976. 35pp. wrappers. 625 items. 24 6,300 CHIBBETT (D.) THE HISTORY OF JAPANESE PRINTING AND BOOK ILLUSTRATION. TOKYO: Kodansha,1927.colour & b/w illustrations. 264pp. dw. 4to. 26 12,000 CLAPPERTON (R.H.) MODERN PAPER-MAKING. Oxford: Blackwell, 1952. 3rd Ed. with B/W illusts. xxv,526pp. lar.8vo. cover sunned. 27 4,500 CHARNWOOD (LADY) AN AUTOGRAPH COLLECTION AND THE MAKING OF IT. London: Ernest Benn, 1930. 292pp. 25 150,000 15,000 CLARK (J.W.) THE CARE OF BOOKS. An Essay on the Development of Libraries and Their Fittings, from the Earliest Times to the End of the Eighteenth Century. Cambridge Univ., 1902. 2nd Ed. with 164 illustrations. 352pp. sm.4to. 28 CLAXTON (W.J.) PAPER AND PRINTING. London: Blckie, 1913. illustrated throughout. 80pp. cr.8vo. paperback. 29 4,000 CLEGG (C.S.) PRESS CENSORSHIP IN ELIZABETHAN ENGLAND. Cambridge U.P., 1997'8. 321pp. lar.8vo. dw. 30 33,000 8,400 CLOUZOT (H.) & FOLLOT (C.H.) HISTOIRE DU PAPIER PEINT EN FRANCE. Preface par Jean Bourguignon. Paris: Editions D'Art Charles Moreau, 1935. with numerou plates and illus. 267pp. folio. original wrappers. 31 63,000 COBDEN-SANDERSON (T.J.): DREYFUS (J.) FOUR LECTURES BY T.J.COBDEN-SANDERSON. edited, with an introductory Essay on Cobden-Sanderson's Life and Ideals, with Details of his American Pupils, and his pupils, and his Lectures in the United States in 1907. San Francisco: The Book Club of California, 1974. Limited to 450 copies. With illustrations. xi,105pp. Roy.8vo. boards. 32 13,000 COCKERELL (D.) BOOKBINDING AND THE CARE OF BOOKS. A Text-book for book binders and librarians. With drawings by Noel Rooke and other illustrations. London: J.Hogg, 1906. 2nd Ed. 342pp. cr.8vo. original cloth spine with boards. -3- 10,500 33 COLLISON (R.) INDEXES AND INDEXING, Guide to the Indexing of Books... London: E.Benn, 1959. 200pp. with dust cover. 34 3,150 COLLISON (R.) INDEXING BOOKS. A Manual of Basic Principles. London: E.Benn, 1962. 96pp. sm.8vo. with dust cover. 35 3,000 D.N.B.: THE DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY. Founded in 1882 by George Smith. Part I:From the beginnings to 1900, Part II:1901-1950. Part III:1951-1960. Oxford U.P., 1969-1971. 3 vols. lar.8vo. dw. 36 25,000 DANIEL (C.H.O.) THE DANIEL PRESS. Memorials of C.H.O.Daniel with Addenda and corrigenda by F.Madan. Dawson of Pall Mall, 1974. 298pp,12,xvplates. cover worn. 37 6,300 DARLEY (L.S.) BOOKBINDING. Then and Now. A Survey of the First Hundred and SeventyEight Years of James Burn & Co. London: Faber and Faber, 1959. with illustrations. 126pp. with dust cover. 38 5,500 DERBY (J.C.) FIFTY YEARS AMONG AUTHORS, BOOKS AND PUBLISHERS. New York: C.W.Carleton, 1884. 739pp. original pictorial cloth. 39 9,500 DIBDIN (T.F.): WINDLE (J.) & PIPPIN (K.) THOMAS FROGNALL DIBDIN 1776-1847. A Bibliography. (Oak Knoll),1999. xxiii,285pp. 40 9,500 DICKINSON (D.C.) HENRY E.HUNTINGTON'S LIBRARY OF LIBRARIES. San Marino: Huntington Library: 1995. with illustrations. 4to. 286pp. dust-cover. 41 3,000 DOUGLAS (R.K.) CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE PRINTED BOOKS AND MANUSCRIPTS IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM. Acquired during the years 1899-1903. printed by order of the Trustees of the British Museum. London: Longman,1904. 97pp. 4to. 42 8,000 DREYFUS (J.) A HISTORY OF THE NONESUCH PRESS. With an Introduction by G.Keynes & A Descriptive Catalogue by David McKitterick, Simon Rendall & John Dreyfus. London: Nonesuch Press, 1981. Limited to 950 copies. xv.320pp. Imp.4to. dw. 35,000 43 DUFF (E.G.) EARLY PRINTED BOOKS. London: Kegan Paul, 1893. xii,219pp. 6,300 44 DUNCAN (A.) & BARTHA (Georges de) ART NOUVEAU AND ART DECO BINDINGS, FRENCH MASTERPIECES 1880-1940. With preface by Priscilla Juvelis. New York: Thames and Hudson (1989). numerous coloured plates. 200pp. 4to. 45 9,450 DUTTON (M.K.) HISTORICAL SKETCH OF BOOKBINDING AS AN ART. Norwood: The Holliston Mills, 1926. 144pp. 46 4,800 EDWARDS (Ernest Richard)ETUDE PHONETIQUE DE LA LANGUE JAPONAISE. These pour le doctorat d'Universite de Paris, presentee Sorbonne.Leipzig:B.G.Teubner,1903.208pp. -4- a la Faculte des lettres a la 30,000 47 EDWARDS (O.T.) MATINS, LAUDS AND VESPERS FOR ST DAVID'S DAY. The Medieval Office of the Welsh Patron Saint in National Library of Wales MS 20541 E. D.S.Brewer, 1990. xiv,224pp. lar.8vo. dw. 48 4,000 EIBER (R.)(Ed.) WORLD TRADEMARKS:100 YRS. Alphabetic Symbols and Logotypes. An International Collection of Symbol and Logotype Designs of the Last One Hundred Years. N.Y.: Graphis U.S., n.d. 2 vols. numerous illus. lar.4to. dw. fine. in case. 49 22,000 EWALD (W.) SIEGELKUNDE. Darmstadt: W.Buchgesellschaft, 1978. Mit 328 Abbildungen auf 40 Tafeln. 241pp. lar.8vo. 50 6,000 FARRAR (G.P.) THE TYPOGRASPHY OF ADVERTISEMENTS THAT PAY. N.Y.: D.Appleton, 1918. xv,282pp. cr.8vo. 51 8,500 FLETCHER (F.M.) WOOD BLOCK PRINTING. A Description of the craft of woodcutting & colourprinting based on the Japanese practice. London: J.Hogg, 1916. 131pp. cr.8vo. original linen & boards. 52 9,800 GESSNER (C.): WELLISCH (H.H.) CONRAD GESSNER. A Bio-Bibliography. Published by IDC AG.Zug. Switzerland. 1984. 145pp. with dustcover. 53 15,000 GRIFFITHS (D.) THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE BRITISH PRESS. 1422-1992. New York; St.Marin's Press. 1992. 4to. 694pp. with dustcover. 54 12,000 GUYOT (D.)(Intro.Glossary & Biblio.) AMERICAN DECORATIVE PAPERMAKERS, The Works & Specimens of Twelve Craft Artists. New Hampshire: Busyhaus Publications, 1983. Limited to 200 Copies. With original 10 Marbling Papers. 65pp. oblong sm.4to. spine morocco. 30,000 55 HARKNESS COLLECTION IN THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Calendar of Spanish Manuscripts concerning Peru 1531-1651.Washington Goverment printing office,1932. 2 Vols. half calf over cloth. 56 8,400 HARLEY (J.B.): LAXTON (P.)(Ed.)THE NEW NATURE OF MAPS. Essays in the History of Carrography. Johns hopkins Univ,2001.xv,331pp. 57 5,000 HAZELL: KEEFE (H.J.) A CENTURY IN PRINT. The Story of Hazell's 1839-1939. London: Hazell Watson & Viney, 1939. Illustrated by Dennis Flanders and Others and with Numerous Prints, Photographs and Facsimiles. 224pp. sm.4to. with dust cover. 58 HUNTER (D.) PAPERMAKING. The History and Technique of an Ancient Craft. N.Y.: A.A.Knopf, 1943. First Ed. b/w illusts. x,398,xxiiipp. edges sl.spotted. 59 INTERNATIONAL DIRECTORY OF MEDIEVALISTS. paperback. 60 7,500 Brepols,1990. 18,000 7th Ed. xxi,646pp. 4,000 ISAAC (P.) SIX CENTURIES OF THE PROVINCIAL BOOK TRADE IN BRITAIN. (St.Paul's Bibliographies) 1990. 212pp. 4,720 -5- 61 JACKSON (H.) THE FEAR OF BOOKS. London: The Soncino Press, 1932. Limited Ed. roy,8vo.199pp. original cloth. 62 6,300 JOHNSON (A.F.) TYPE DESIGNS. Their History and Development. London: Grafton. 1959. 2nd ed, with illustrations. 183pp. blue cloth. 63 KER (N.R.) BOOKS,COLLECTORS AND LIBRARIES. Studies in the Medieval hertage. London: Haambledon Press. 1985. 528pp. dust-cover. 64 4,000 15,000 KING (E.) DESCRIPTIVE PORTRAITURE OF EUROPE IN STORM AND CALM. Twenty Year's Experiences and Reminiscences of An American Journalist. Chicago: Wheeler pub., 1888. 864pp. 4to. full calf with gilt decorated. gilt edges. spine faded. 65 5,000 LABOUCHERE (N.) LADIES' BOOK-PLATES. An Illustrated Handbook for Collectors and BookLovers. London: G.Bell, 1895. First Ed. frontis + 9 plates, numerous illustrations. 358pp. sm.4to. gilt tops. modern cloth. 66 12,000 LILY: (LILY)A SHORT INTRODUCTION TO GRAMMAR. Compiled and set forth for the bringing up of all those that intend to attain to the knowledge of the Latin Tongue. London,1750. 194pp,92pp. full leahter. 67 28,000 LORA (R.) & LONGTON (W.H.)(Ed.) THE CONSERVATIVE PRESS IN EIGHTEENTH AND NINETEENTH CENTURY AMERICA. Greenwood Press, 1999.xii,401pp. lar.8vo. 68 MADSEN (D.) POSTMODERNISM: A Bibliography, 1926-1994. Postmodernism Studies 12. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1995. 622pp. lar.8vo. text fine. 69 18,000 MARLOWE (C.): COLE (D.) SUFFERING AND EVIL IN THE PLAYS OF CHRISTOPHER MARLOWE. Princeton.U.P,1962. 273pp. dw, 70 5,000 5,000 MILWARD (P.) RELIGIOUS CONTROVERSIES OF THE ELIZABETHAN AGE. A Survey of Printed Sources. With a Foreword by G.R.Elton. London: the Scolar Press, 1978. 202pp. lar.8vo. dw(sl.chipped). 71 6,090 MOE (E.A.van) THE DECORATED LETTER. From the VIII to the XII Century. Paris: Editions du Chene, 1950. 80 plates (of which 24 are tipped-in and coloured)120pp. 4to. with dust cover, slightly chipped. 72 7,500 MOSHER (T.B.): HATCH (B.L.)(Ed.) A CHECK LIST OF THE PUBLICATIONS OF THOMAS BIRD MOSHER OF PORTLAND MAINE. 1891-1923. with a Biogaphical essay by Ray nash. printed at the Gehenna press. University of Massachusetts press, 1966. Limited to 500 copies. 211pp. Roy.8vo. hand made paper. with slip case. 73 40,000 NEWTON (A.E.) THE AMENITIES OF BOOK-COLLECTING AND KINDRED AFFECTIONS. Boston:John Lane. 1920. many illustrations. xxvii,373pp. sm.8vo. contemporary half cloth. slightly worn. 3,000 -6- 74 PARFIT (C.) EXLIBRIS JAPAN. An Introductory Handbook to the Bookplates of Japan. Tokyo: Nippon Exlibris Association, 1982. First ed, mostly six book coloured plates per page. 100pp. lar.8vo. dw. 75 18,000 PENGUIN BOOKS: FIFTY PENGUIN YEARS. Published on teh occasion of Pengin books. Fiftieth anniversary. London; Penguin. 1985. with coloured and b/w illustrations. 142pp. with original paperback. 76 3,000 PFAFF (R.W.) MEDIEVAL LATIN LITURGY A Select Bibliography. Toronto Medieval Bibliographies 9. Toronto U.P., 1982. 129pp. cover sl.soiled. 5,000 77 PHELPS (W.L.)ESSAYS ON BOOKS.N.Y.:Macmillan,1914.319pp. 3,000 78 REDDAWAY (T.F.) & WALKER (L.E.M.) THE EARLY HISTORY OF THE GOLDSMITHS' COMPANY 1327-1509 by T.F.Reddaway. [with] THE BOOK OF ORDINANCES 1478-83 by Lorna E.M.Walker. London: E.Arnold, 1975. B/W photo-plates. xxx,378pp. lar.8vo. with dust cover(edges rubbed). bit foxing. 79 5,500 ROSTENBERG (L.) OLD & RARE. THIRTY YEARS IN THE BOOK BUSINESS. N.Y.: A.Schram, 1974. with illus. 234pp. lar.8vo. dw. 80 7,500 SALMI (M.) L'ENLUMINURE ITALIENNE. Arts et Metiers Graphiques, 1954. color plates. u.p. 4to. with chipped dust jacket. a few pages water-stained. in case. 81 SATIRE: NICHOLS (J.W.) INSINUATION The Tactics of English Satire. Hague: Mouton, 1971. 142pp. lar.8vo. dw. stamped. bit foxing. 82 SCHEIBE (H.) BUCHBINDEREI HERMANN SCHEIBE. scheibe,1972. frontispiece. 34pp. 83 WIEN. 1872-1972. Wien: Hermann SCHMIDT (H.) MENU DESIGNS. N.Y.: Rizzoli, 1981. numerous photo-illusts. 160pp. square 5,000 SCHWANDNER (J.G.) CALLIGRAPHY Calligraphia Latina. N.Y.: Dover pub., 1958. numerous drawing illusts. u.p. 4to. dw. 85 3,000 4,200 4to. dw. in card-board case. 84 5,000 3,000 SEKIGAWA (Sakio) & FRANKLIN (Colin) THE KELMSCOTT PRESS AND JAPAN: An Illustrated Bibliography. Published by Tokyo: Yushodo, 1982. Special Ed. Limited to 100 copies. Bound in vellum with original leaf insertion of the Kelmscott Press by Nottingham Court Press in London. 234pp. folio. in slip-case. 86 94,500 SEZGIN (F.) GESCHICHTE DES ARABISCHEN SCHRIFTTUMS. Band I:Qur'anwissenschaften, Hadit Heschichte, Fiqh, Dogmatik, Mystik, Bis ca.430 H. Band II:Poesie bis ca. 430 H. Leiden: E.J.Brill, 1967,75. 2 vols. Roy.8vo. previous owner's scratched on fore-edge & endpaper. 87 52,500 SOMMERVILLE (C.J.) THE NEWS REVOLUTION IN ENGLAND. Cultural Dynamics of Daily Information. Oxford U.P., 1996. 197pp. lar.8vo. dw. -7- 6,500 88 SPUFFORD (M.) SMALL BOOKS AND PLEASANT HISTORIES. Popular fiction and its readership in seventeenth-century England. London: Methuen, 1981. 275pp. dw. stamped. 89 4,500 TWYMAN (M.) EARLY LITHOGRAPHED BOOKS. a study of the design & production of improper books in the age of the hand press with a catalogue. London: Farrand Pr.,1990. with frontis & 282 illus. 374pp. 4to. 90 5,000 WEBER (C.J.) FORE EDGE PAINTING. A Historical survey of a Curious Art in Book Decoration. N.Y.: Harvey House, 1966. With frontisp. and 35 photographic illusts., including 5 tippedin col. plates. 223pp. lar.8vo. with dust cover. scarce. 91 18,000 WEISBERG (G.P.) & (Y.M.L.) JAPONISME. An annotated Bibliography. N.Y:garland,1990. xxviii,445pp. scarce. 92 15,000 WILDER (F.L.) HOW TO IDENTIFY OLD PRINTS. London: G.Bell, 1969. with illusts. 192pp. roy.8vo. 93 3,000 WILLIAMSON (H.) METHODS OF BOOK DESIGN. The practice of an Industrial craft. Oxford U.P., 1956. 430pp. lar.8vo. original backram. 94 11,000 WILSON (M.) THE FIRST READER. of the school and family series. Kyoto: Doushisha. ca,1885. Reprinted by Ikomahan. with numerous illustrations by cr,8vo(18x11cm) 82pp. with advertisment of Ikomahan. Wood-cut. 18,000 ◆◆◇◇ LANGUAGE ◇◇◆◆ 95 AaRSLEFF (H.) FROM LOCKE TO SAUSSURE. Essays on the Study of Language and Intellectual History. Minneapolis: Univ of Minnesota Press, 1982. 422pp. lar.8vo. paperback. 96 8,400 ABCARIUS (J.J.) AN ENGLISH-ARABIC READER'S DICTIONARY. Beirut: Librairie du Liban, 1980. 700pp. Roy.8vo. dw. 97 ABRAHAM (W.) DEUTSCHE 4,000 SYNTAX IM SPRACHENVERGLEICH. Grundlegung typologischen Syntax des Deutschen. Tubingen: Gunter Narr, 1995. 707pp. 98 ABRAHAM (W.) TERMINOLOGIE ZUR NEUEREN LINGUISTIK. Tubingen: M.Niemeyer, 1988. 2., vollig neu bearbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. cx,1059pp. lar.8vo. paperback. 99 4,200 AFARLI (T.A.) THE SYNTAX OF NORWEGIAN PASSIVE CONSTRUCTIONS. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1992. 177pp. 101 8,400 ADAMS (V.) AN INTRODUCTION TO MODERN ENGLISH WORD-FORMATION. London: Longman, 1988. 5th Imp. 230pp. pb. 100 einer 4,720 10,500 AGARD (F.B.) A COURSE IN ROMANCE LINGUISTICS. Volume 1:A Synchronic View. Georgetown U.P., 1984. ix,242pp. lar.8vo. fine. -8- 6,090 102 ALCALAY (R.) THE COMPLETE ENGLISH-HEBREW DICTIONARY. Chemed Books/Yedioth Ahronoth, 2000. New Enlarged Ed. 3 vols(A-E,F-P,Q-Z). lar.8vo. almost clean. 103 8,920 ALIBERT (L.) DICTIONNAIRE OCCITAN-FRANCAIS. d'apres les parlers languedociens. Toulouse: Institut D'Etudes Occitanes, 1966. 699pp. 4to. wrapper. 104 8,400 ALLEN (C.L.) CASE MARKING AND REANALYSIS Grammatical Relations from Old to Early Modern English. Oxford C.P., 1995. xviii,509pp. lar.8vo. dw. small stamped. 105 8,190 AMACKER (R.) LINGUISTIQUE SAUSSURIENNE. Geneve: Librairie Droz,1975. 241pp. pb. 6,090 106 AMIET (P.) & OTHERS, LA GRAMMAIRE DES FORMES ET DES S TYLES ANTIQUITE. Le Monde iranien,Mesopotamie,Pays du Levant, Egypte, Grece,Les etrusques, Rome. Friourg: Office du livre,1981. b/w illustration throughout. 572pp. sm.8vo. (21.5cm x 12cm) 107 AMSLER (M.) ETYMOLOGY AND GRAMMATICAL DISCOURSE IN LATE ANTIQUITY AND THE EARLY MIDDLE AGES. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1989. 280pp. 108 8,000 ANKERSMIT (F.R.) NARRATIVE LOGIC. A Semantic Analysis of the Historian's Language. Hague: M.Nijhoff, 1983. 265pp. roy.8vo. 110 6,000 ASCHENBRENNER (K.) THE CONCEPTS OF VALUE. Foundations of Value Theory. D.Reidel, 1971. xvii,462pp. Lar.8vo. cover sl.foxing. 115 12,000 AUSTIN (J.L.): GRAHAM (K.) J.L.AUSTIN A Critique of Ordinary Language Philosophy. Harvester, 1977. 281pp. dw. bit foxing. 117 4,720 AUER (P.) & DILUZIO (A.)(Ed.) THE CONTEXTUALIZATION OF LANGUAGE. Amsteerdam: John Benjamins, 1992. 402pp. publisher's blue cloth. 116 3,990 ASCHENBERG (R.) SPRACHANALYSE UND TRANSZENDENTALPHILOSOPHIE. Klett-Cotta, 1982. 469pp. lar.8vo. 114 6,000 ARNASON (K.) QUANTITY IN HISTORICAL PHONOLOGY. Icelandic and related cases. Cambridge Studies in Linguistics 30. Cambridge U.P., 1980. 234pp. lar.8vo. dw. 113 12,000 ARISTOTELES: MARENBON (J.)(Ed,) ARISTOTLE IN BRITAIN DURING THE MIDDLE AGES. Brepols: 1996. 380pp. roy,8vo. paperback. 112 12,600 ANSELMUS: HENRY (D.P.) COMMENTARY ON DE GRAMMATICO. The Historical-Logical Dimensions of a Dialogue of St.Anselm's. D.Reidel Pub., 1974. 351pp. lar.8vo. dw. 111 8,000 ANDERSON (P.M.) A STRUCTURAL ATLAS OF THE ENGLISH DIALECTS. London: Croom Helm, 1987. 153pp. 4to. 109 3,000 3,500 AUSTIN (P.) A GRAMMAR OF DIYARI, SOUTH AUSTRALIA. Cambridge Studies in Linguistics 32. Cambridge U.P., 1981. 269pp. lar.8vo. dw. near fine. -9- 9,450 118 AUWERA (J.van der) & O'BAOILL (D.P.)(Ed.) ADVERBIAL CONSTRUCTIONS IN THE LANGUAGES OF EUROPE. Empirical Approaches to Language Typology Eurotyp 20-3. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1998. xviii,852pp. lar.8vo. small stamped. 119 18,900 AVANZINI (G.) & etc.(Ed.) THE NEUROSCIENCES AND MUSIC. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences vol.999. N.Y.: Academy of Sciences, 2003. 548pp. lar.8vo. pb. 6,300 120 AVERY (R.) & etc.(Ed.) REDHOUSE ENGLISH-TURKISH DICTIONARY. istanbul: Redhouse, 1996. viii,1152pp. lar.8vo. dw. 121 8,190 AWBERY (G.M.) THE SYNTAX OF WELSH. A Transformational Study of the Passive. Cambridge Studies in Linguistics 18. Cambridge U.P., 1976. vi,243pp. lar.8vo. dw. 122 BAILEY (H.W.) DICTIONARY OF KHOTAN SAKA. Cambriege.U.P.1979.559pp. 4to. with dust cover. sl.chipped. 123 4,200 28,000 BAKER (G.P.) & HACKER (P.M.S.) LANGUAGE, SENSE AND NONSENSE. A Critical Investigation into Modern Theories of Language. Basil Blackwell, 1989. 397pp. lar.8vo. dw. sl.foxing. 124 8,400 BAKER (M.)(Ed.) ROUTLEDGE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF TRANSLATION STUDIES. assisted by K.Malmkjaer. Routledge, 1998. xviii,654pp. Roy.8vo. dw(rubbed). 125 BARBER (C.C.) AN OLD HIGH GERMAN READER. With Notes, List of Proper Names, and Vocbulary. Blackwell, 1964. 243pp. dw. fly-leaf sl.spotted. 126 4,500 BARNHART (C.L.& R.K.)(Ed.) THE WORLD BOOK DICTIONARY. A-K & L-Z. Chicago: World Book,Inc., 1987. 2 vols. 4to. top edge gilt. 128 6,500 BARBOUR (H.) & ROBERTS (A.O.)(Ed.) EARLY QUAKER WRITINGS 1650-1700. Michigan: W.B.Eerdmans, 1973. 622pp. lar.8vo. dw. fore-edges foxing. 127 8,400 5,250 BARNHART (R.K.)(Ed.) THE BARNHART DICTIONARY OF ETYMOLOGY. The H.W.Wilson com., 1988. xxvii,1284pp. 4to. dw. 4,500 129 BARR (J.) THE SEMANTICS OF BIBLICAL LANGUAGE. Oxford U.P., 1961. x,313pp. dw. 3,670 130 BARRERE (A.) ARGOT AND SLANG. A New French and English Dictionary of the Cant words, Quaint Expressions Slang Terms and Flash Phrases. Used in the High and Low Life of Old and New Paris. London: Chiswick Press by C.Whittingham, 1887. 1st Ed. xliv,495pp. 3/4 calf, gilt top. endpapers bit spotted. inner-joint tender. 131 BARTLETT (S.J.) & SUBER (P.)(Ed.) SELF-REFERENCE Reflections on Reflexivity. Dordrecht: M.Nijhoff, 1987. 367pp. Roy.8vo. stamped on title. bit spotted. 132 29,400 12,000 BASTABLE (P.K.) LOGIC: Depth Grammar of Rationality. A textbook on the science and history of logic. Gill and Macmillan, 1975. 429pp. lar.8vo. dw. - 10 - 8,000 133 BEARD (R.) THE INDO-EUROPEAN LEXICON. A Full Synchronic Theory. Amsterdam: NorthHolland, 1981. xvi,389pp. lar.8vo. exlibrary. 134 6,090 BEARD (THE REV.DR.) SCHOOLS. AND GRAMMAR - SCHOOLS. BY GEORGE LONG. London: Charls Knight & Co., 1842. 126pp. 16mo, 135 7,800 BEATTIE (J.) THE THEORY OF LANGUAGE. With a New Preface by K.Morris. N.Y.: AMS Press, 1974. reprinted ed. 390pp. sl.spotted. 136 BEAULIEUX (C.) HISTOIRE DE 5,000 L'ORTHOGRAPHIE FRANCAISE. tome I:Formation de L'Orthographie des origines au milieu du XVIe siecle. tome II:Les Accents et Autres Signes Auxiliaires. Paris: Lib.Ancienne Honore Champion, 1927. 2 vols. Roy.8vo. wrapper. bit foxing. uncut. 9,240 137 BECKER (K.F.) DAS WORT.In seiner organischen verwandlung. Olms,1970. x,299pp. 3,000 138 BECKER (K.F.) ORGANIISM DER SPRACHE. Hildesheim: G.Olms,1970. Zweite neubearbeitete Ausgabe. xxxii,603pp. 139 BEHAGEL (O.)(Festschrift) 4,200 BEITRAGE ZUR GERMANISCHEN SPRACHWISSENSCHAFT. Hrsg.von W.Horn. Heidelberg: Carl Winter, 1924. 340pp. lar.8vo. sl.foxing. 140 5,250 BENSON (J.D.) & GREAVES (W.S.)(Ed.) SYSTEMIC PERSPECTIVES ON DISCOURSE, volume 1 & 2. Selected Theoretical Papers from the 9th International Systemic Workshop. vol.XV,XVI in the Series Advances in Discourse Process. New Jersey: Ablex pub., 1985. 2 vols. lar.8vo. vol.2 private stamped. 141 15,750 BENSON (M.& E.) & ILSON (R.)(Compiled) THE BBI DICTIONARY OF ENGLISH WORD COMBINATIONS. Amsterdam: J.Benjamins, 1997. Revised Ed. xl,386pp. 142 BENZING (J.) KALMUCKISCHE GRAMMATIK ZUM NACHSCHLAGEN. 3,000 Wiesbaden: O.Harrassowitz, 1985. 195pp. sm.folio.paperback. 143 4,500 BERGMANN (R.),TIEFENBACH (H.) & VOETZ (L.)(Hrsg.) ALTHOCHDEUTSCH. In Verbindung mit H.Kolb, K.Matzel & K.Stackmann. Band 1:Grammatik, Glossen und Texte. Band 2:Worter und Namen. Forschungsgeschichte. Heidelberg: C.Winter, 1987. 2 Bde. Roy.8vo. 35,000 144 BERREY (L.V.) & BARK (M.van den) THE AMERICAN THESAURUS OF SLANG. A Complete Reference Book of Colloquial Speech. N.Y.: T.Y.Crowell, 1960. 2nd Ed. (3rd printing) xxxv,1272pp. lar.8vo. fore-edges foxing. innder-joint weak. 145 BERTSCH (A.) KURZGEFASZTE HEBRAISCHE SPRACHLEHREE. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer,1956. 216pp. sl.scrached. 146 3,990 3,000 BLACK (M.) MODELS AND METAPHORS. Studies in Language and Philosophy. Cornell U.P., 1962. xi,267pp. lar.8vo. bit soiled. 6,300 - 11 - 147 BLACKBURN (Simon) THE OXFORD DICTIONARY OF PHILOSOPHY. (Oxford Paperback Reference) Oxford University Press, USA [published date: 2007] Softcover Brand New from Publisher. No Remainder Mark. 148 3,000 BLAKE (W.): BENTLEY (G.E.)(Ed.) WILLIAM BLAKE. The Critical Heritage. London: R.& K.P., 1975. 294pp. 149 4,000 BLAKE (W.): PERCIVAL (M.O.) WILLIAM BLAKE'S CIRCLE OF DESTINY. Octagon,1977. viii,334pp. 150 3,000 BLAKE (W.): SLOSS (D.J.) & WALLIS (J.P.R.) THE PROPHETIC WRITINGS OF WILLIAM BLAKE. Ox.U.P., 1969. 2 vols. lar.8vo. dw. very good copy. edge sl. light spotted. 151 7,000 BLANCHARD (M.E.) DESCRIPTION: SIGN, SELF, DESIRE. Critical Theory in the wake of Semiotics. N.Y.: Mouton, 1980. vi,299pp. lar.8vo. dw. 152 4,200 BLAU (J.) A GRAMMAR OF BIBLICAL HEBREW. Wiesbaden: O.Harrassowitz, 1976. 209pp. wrapper. bit foxing. 153 5,000 BLAYNEY (M.S.)(Ed.) LE TRAITE DE L'ESPERANCE AND LE QUADRILOGUE INVECTIF. Ox.U.P,1974.xvi,247pp. dw. 154 5,000 BLOCH (O.) & WARTNUNG (W.) DICTIONNAIRE ETYMOLOGIQUE DE LA LANGUE FRANCAISE. Preface D'A.Wartburg. P.U.F., 1975. Sixieme ed. xxxii,682pp. lar.8vo. dw. exlibrary copy. 4,720 155 BOER (C.DE.) SYNTAXE DU FRANCAIS MODERNE. Leiden: Universitaire Leiden,1954.283pp. dw. (cover sl. chipped) 156 BOGADEK (F.A.) CASSELL'S NEW pers 3,500 ENGLISH-CROATIAN AND CROATIAN-ENGLISH DICTIONARY. N.Y.: Macmillan, 1985. 3rd Ed.,Enlarged & Corrected. 531,497,46pp. sm.8vo. dw. 157 3,990 BORGMANN (A.) THE PHILOSOPHY OF LANGUAGE. Historical Foundations and Contemporary Issues. Hague: M.Nijhoff, 1974. 173pp. lar.8vo. wrapper. sl.foxing. 158 7,350 BORSLEY (R.D.) & ROBERTS (I.)(Ed.) THE SYNTAX OF THE CELTIC LANGUAGES. A Comparative Perspective. Cambridge U.P., 1996. 380pp. with dust cover. 159 9,600 BOS (E.P.) MARSILIUS OF INGHEN: TREATISES ON THE PROPERTIES OF TERMS. A First Critical Edition of the Suppositiones, Ampliationes, Appellationes, Restrictiones and Alienationes with Introduction, Translation, Notes and Appendices. Dordrecht: D.Reidel, 1983. 274pp. dw. fore-edges sl.spotted. 12,000 160 BOUDET (J.) LES MOTS DE L'HISTOIRE. Robert Laffont, 1990. 1364pp. 4to. dw. 161 BRANDOM (R.B.) MAKING IT EXPLICIT. Reasoning, Commitment. Harvard U.P., 1994. 741pp. lar.8vo. dw. - 12 - Represeenting, and 6,300 Discursive 10,500 162 BRANDT (G.) LA CONCURRENCE ENTRE SOI ET LUI, EUX, ELLE(S). Etude de Syntaxe Historique Francaise. Lund: C.W.K.Gleeeup, 1944. 346pp. Roy.8vo. wrapper. 163 BRANFORD (J.) A DICTIONARY OF SOUTH AFRICAN ENGLISH. Oxford U.P., 1978. New Enlarged Ed. xxxi,361pp. dw. stamped. 164 BRAUN (F.) AUSGEWAHLTE DRAMEN. Salzburg: 3,150 Otto muller,1955,1960. 2 vols. 376,412pp. cr.8vo. dw. 165 4,000 5,000 BRETTSCHNEIDER (G.) & LEHMANN (C.)(Hrsg.) WEGE ZUR UNIVERSALIEN FORSCHUNG. Sprachwissenschaftliche Beitrage zum 60.Geburtstag von H.Seiler. Tubingen: Gunter Narr, 1980. xxii,576pp. Roy.8vo. 166 5,250 BRINKLOW (H.) HENRY BRINKLOW'S COMPLAYNT OF RODERYCK MORS, sometyme a gray frye, into the parliament howse of England his natural cuntry: For the redresse of certen wicked lawes, euel customs, a[n]d cruel decreys, (about A.D.1542) and The Lamentacyon of a Christen Agaynst the Cytye of London, made by Roderigo Mors (A.D.1545). Edited from the Black-Letter Originals by J.M.Cowper. Early English Text Society Extra Series, XXII. London: E.E.T.S. by N.Trubner, 1874. 140pp. roy.8vo. wrapper. cover sl.rubbed. 167 3,000 BROOKE-ROSE (C.) A GRAMMAR OF METAPHOR. London: Secker & Warburg, 1958. 343pp. fore-edges spotted. 6,090 168 BROWN (G.) THE INSTITUTES OF ENGLISH GRAMMAR, Methodically Arranged; with Copious Language Lessons; Also A Key to the Examples of False Syntax. N.Y.: W.Wood, 1885. A New & REvised Ed., with exercises in analysis, parsing, and H.Kiddle. 345pp. sm.8vo. spine calf. 3,000 169 BROWN (G.) & YULE (G.) DISCOURSE ANALYSIS. Cambridge U.P., 1988. xii,288pp. paperback. 4,200 170 BRUGMANN (K.) KURZE VERGLEICHENDE GRAMMATIK der Indogermanischen Sprachen. Auf Grund des funfbandigen 'Grundrisses der vergleichenden Grammatik der indogermanischen sprachen von K.Burgmann und B.Delbrck' verfasst. (1904) Strassburg: Karl J.Trubner, 1970. xxviii,777pp. lar.8vo. spine & fore-edges sl.foxing. 12,000 171 BRUNEAU (C.) PETITE HISTOIRE DE LA LANGUE FRANCAISE. I.Des origines a la Revolution. II.De la Revolution a nos jours. Paris: A.Colin, 1958. Deuxieme Ed. 2 tomes. wrapper. 172 4,200 BRUNOT (F.) LA PENSEE ET LA LANGUE. Methode, Principes et Plan d'une Theorie Nouvelle du Langage Appliquee au Francais. Paris: Masson, 1965. Troisieme Edition Revue. xxxvi,982pp. Roy.8vo. original wrapper in modern cloth. 173 BUDDHADATTA MAHATHERA, ENGLISH-PALI DICTIONARY. Pali Text Society, 1979. xiii,588pp. sl.spotted. 174 8,000 3,670 BUHLER (C.) & MASSARIK (F.)(Hrsg.) LEBENSLAUF UND LEBENSZIELE. Studien in humanistisch-psychologischer Sicht. Mit Beitragen von J.F.T.Bugental, etc. Stuttgart: G.Fischer, 1969. 366pp. lar.8vo. dw. 3,670 - 13 - 175 BUHLER (K.): GRAUMANN (C.F.) & HERRMANN (T.)(Hrsg.) KARL BUHLERS AXIOMATIK Funfzig Jahre Axiomatik der Sprachwissenschaften. Frankfurt: V.Klostermann, 1984. 260pp. lar.8vo. dw. 176 5,250 BURGER (H.) ZEIT UND EWIGKEIT. Studien zum Wortschartz der geistlichen Texte des Altund Fruhmittelhochdeutschen. Studia Linguistica Germanica 6. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1972. 330pp. lar.8vo. 177 4,500 BURRELL (D.) ANALOGY AND PHILOSOPHICAL LANGUAGE. Yale U.P., 1973. 278pp. dw. exlibrary. 178 6,300 BURROW (J.A.) & TURVILLE-PETRE (T.) A BOOK OF MIDDLE ENGLISH. Oxford: Blackwell, 1992. vii,302pp. lar.8vo. dw. 179 3,000 BURTON-ROBERTS (N.) THE LIMITS TO DEBATE. A Revised theory of semantic presupositoin. Cambridge Studies in Linguistics 51. Cambridge U.P., 1989. 272pp. lar.8vo. dw. fine copy. 6,090 180 C.O.D.N.B.: THE COMPACT EDITION OF THE DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY. Complete Text Reproduced Micrographically. Oxford U.P., 1975. 2 vols. original publishrer's box. cover & fore-edges sl.foxing. 181 20,000 CACHON ( DICTIONNAIRE FRANCAIS-ANGLAIS-JAPONAIS. (Paris:F.D.Freres,1866) (Le Japonais en Caracteres Chinois-Japonais avec sa Transcription en caracteres Europeens) publie par les soins de M.A.le Gras pour la partie anglaise et de M.L.Pages. Tokyo: Culture Pub., 1977. 440pp. lar.8vo. paperback. in slip-case. with supplement. fine. 182 CAMERON (D.) THE FEMINIST CRITIQUE OF LANGUAGE. A reader. London: Routledge, 1990. 258pp. 183 4,000 CAMPBELL (A.) OLD ENGLISH GRAMMAR. Oxford C.P., 1969. reprinted. 423pp. dw. bit spotted. 184 4,500 CAMPE (P.) CASE, SEMANTIC ROLES, AND GRAMMATICAL RELATIONS. A Comprehensive Bibliography. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1994. 645pp. 185 9,240 CANAVAN (J.R.) THE ENGLISH TENSE SYSTEM. A Study of Temporal Meaning and Reference. Bonn: Bouvier Verlag, 1983. 200pp. corners bit rubbed. 186 4,200 4,000 CARLISLE (N.) A CONCISE DESCRIPTION OF THE ENDOWED GRAMMAR SCHOOLS IN ENGLAND AND WALES. Vol 1:Bedford-Lincoln. Vol 2:London-Wales.Richmond 1972. 2 vols. 11,000 187 CARNAP (R.) INTRODUCTION TO SEMANTICS. Harvard U.P., 1948. later printing. xii,263pp. 3,150 188 CARNAP (R.) LOGICAL FOUNDATIONS OF PROBABILITY. Chicago U.P., 1950. xvii,307pp. lar.8vo. dw(sl.worn). bit foxing. - 14 - 8,400 189 CARNAP (R.) PHILOSOPHY AND LOGICAL SYNTAX. (1935) N.Y.: AMS Press, 1979. 100pp. cr.8vo. 190 4,000 CARNAP (R.) THE LOGICAL SYNTAX OF LANGUAGE. London: R.& K.Paul, 1949. xvi,352pp. 3,990 191 CARROLL (V.) & SOULIK (T.) NUKUORO LEXICON. Hawaii U.P., 1973. xxvi,833pp. pb. sl.spotted. 192 4,200 CASSIDY (F.G.) & LE PAGE (R.B.)(Ed.) DICTIONARY OF JAMAICAN ENGLISH. Cambridge U.P., 1967. lxx,489pp. dw. fore-edges sl.foxing. 193 7,350 CHARLESTON (B.M.) STUDIES ON THE EMOTIONAL AND AFFECTIVE MEANS OF EXPRESSION IN MODERN ENGLISH. Bern: Francke, 1960. 357pp. Roy.8vo. wrapper. uncut. p.353 & 356357 Disorderly sentences. 194 2,500 CHERBONNEAU (A.) DICTIONNAIRE ARABE-FRANCAIS. (Langue Ecrite) Librairie du Liban, 1981. Nouvelle reimp. 2 tomes. cr.8vo. dw. text fine. 195 CHILDERS (R.C.) A DICTIONARY OF THE PALI LANGUAGE. New Delhi: Cosmo pub., 1979. xv,624pp. Roy.8vo. 196 3,000 CHILDERS (R.C.) A DICTIONARY OF THE PALI LANGUAGE. Reprinted in Saxony by the "Obral" process. London: K.Paul,Trench,Trubner, 1976. xxii,624pp. scratched on title. 197 4,200 CHOMSKY (N.) CARTESIAN LINGUISTICS. A Chapter in the History of Rationalist Thought. N.Y.: Harper & Row, 1966. 119pp. dw. 199 5,250 CHOMSKY (N.): SALKIE (R.) THE CHOMSKY UPDATE LINGUISTICS AND POLITICS. London: Unwin Hyman, 1990. xii,238pp. 201 3,000 CHOMSKY (N.): MODGIL (S.& C.)(Ed.) NOAM CHOMSKY Consensus and Controversy. Falmer Press, 1987. ix,309pp. lar.8vo. with dust cover. 200 8,400 CHOMSKY (N.) ASPECTS OF THE THEORY OF SYNTAX. MIT Press, 1965. First Ed. 251pp. sm.8vo. fore-edges spotted. 198 8,500 3,500 CHOMSKY: D'AGOSTINO (F.) CHOMSKY'S SYSTEM OF IDEAS. Oxford C.P.,1986. xii,226pp. dw. 3,000 202 CIRLOT (J.E.) A DICTIONARY OF SYMBOLS. Routledge, 1978. 2nd Ed. lv,419pp. dw. 3,150 203 CIRLOT (J.E.) A DICTIONARY OF SYMBOLS. Translated from the Spanish by Jack Sage. London: Routledge & K.Paul, 1978. 2nd Ed. 419pp. 204 4,000 CLEASBY (R.)(Initiated) AN ICELANDIC-ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Subsequently Revised, Enlarged and Completed by Gudbrand Vigfusson. Oxford C.P., 1969. 2nd Ed., with a supplement by Sir William A.Craigie. 833pp. 4to. dw(sl.chipped). - 15 - 26,250 205 COBARRUVIAS ( TESORO DE LA LENGUA CASTELLANA O ESPANOLA. Compuesto por el Licenciado Don Sebastian de Cobarruvias Orozco, Capellan de Su Magestad, Mastrescuela y Canonigo de la Santa Yglesia de Cuenca, y Consultor del Santo Oficio de la Inquisicion. Madrid: Ediciones Turner, 1984. 1093pp. 4to. dw. 206 COBBETT (W.)A GRAMMAR OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. in a series of letters. London, pagination c242pp. half calf. 207 6,500 COHEN (M.) HISTOIRE D'UNE LANGUE: LE FRANCAIS. (des lointaines origines a nos jours) Paris: F.Reunis, 1950. Nouvelle Ed. 388pp. wrapper. sl.foxing. 210 2,620 COLLINGE (N.E.)(Ed.) AN ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF LANGUAGE. London: Routledge, 1990. 1011pp. lar.8vo. 211 11,000 COHEN (L.J.) AN ESSAY ON BELIEF AND ACCEPTANCE. Oxford C.P., 1992. x,163pp. with dust cover. 209 4,000 CODRINGTON (R.) THE MELANESIAN LANGUAGES. A Linguistic Survey of the... (1885) Amsterdam: Philo Press, 1974. 572pp. lar.8vo. 208 18,000 5,250 COLUMBANUS: SMIT (J.W.) STUDIES ON THE LANGUAGE AND STYLE OF COLUMBA THE YOUNGER (COLUMBANUS). Amsterdam: A.M.Hakkert, 1971. viii,263pp. Roy.8vo. 5,770 212 CONSTANTINO (E.) ILOKANO DICTIONARY. Hawaii U.P., 1976. 504pp. pb. sl.foxing. 3,150 213 CORDEMOY (G.DE.) DISCOURS PHYSIQUE DE LA PAROLE. Fromann,1970.xlviii,200pp. sm.8vo. 214 3,000 COSTON (H.) DICTIONNAIRE DES PSEUDONYMES. Paris: Mauny, 1965. Nouvelle ed.corrigee. 260pp. wrapper. exlibrary. 215 3,150 COVINGTON (M.A.) SYNTACTIC THEORY IN THE HIGH MIDDLE AGES. Modistic models of sentence structure. Cambridge Studies in Linguistics 39. Cambridge U.P., 1984. viii,163pp. dw. 216 6,300 COWELL (A.) AT PLAY IN THE TAVERN. Signs, Coins, and Bodies in the Middle Ages. Michigan U.P., 1999. 270pp. lar.8vo. dw. 217 6,090 COWIE (A.P.) & MACKIN (R.) OXFORD DICTIONARY OF CURRENT IDIOMATIC ENGLISH. 1.Verbs with Prepositions & Particles. 2.Phrase, Clause & Sentence Idioms. Oxford U.P., 1985. 2 vols. dw. 218 5,040 CRAIGIE (W.A.) & HULBERT (J.R.)(Ed.) A DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN ENGLISH On Historical Principles. Compiled at the University of Chicago. Vol.I, A-Corn Patch. Vol.II, Corn Pit-Honk. Vol.III, Honk-Record. Vol.IV, Recorder-Zu-Zu. London: Oxford U.P., 1960. 4 vols. Lar.4to. sl.foxing. with dust jacket(edges bit chipped). - 16 - 35,000 219 CRITCHLEY (M.) SILENT LANGUAGE. London: Butterworths, 1975. 7 plates & other numerous figs. 231pp. lar.8vo. with dust cover. bit foxed. 220 8,400 CROCE (B.) AESTHETIC. As Science of Expression and General Linguistic. translated from the Italian of Benedetto Croce by Douglas Ainslie. Vision & P.Owen, 1962. xxx,503pp. dw. 4,200 221 CRUSE (D.A.) LEXICAL SEMANTICS. Cambridge U.P., 1986. 310pp. lar.8vo. dw. 4,200 222 CUMMINGS (D.W.) AMERICAN ENGLISH SPELLING. An Informal Description. Johns Hopkins U.P., 1988. xxxiii,555pp. lar.8vo. exlibrary. 223 4,500 CUNHA (C.) & CINTRA (L.F.L.) NOVA GRAMATICA DO PORTUGUES CONTEMPORANEO. Editora Nova Frcnteira, 1985. xv,714pp. sm.4to. 224 5,000 CUSATELLI (G.)(Diretta) DIZIONARIO GARZANTI DELLA LINGUA ITALIANA. Aldo Garzanti Editore, 1978. 1990pp. lar.8vo. dw. a thick vol. in card-board case. 225 8,400 D.N.B.: STEPHEN (L.)(Ed.) DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY. London: Smith,Elder, 1885-1903. 67 vols. (vol.I-LXIII, supplement 3 vols.& index 1 vol.) roy.8vo. original cloth. ex-library. spine bit chipped. An Essential & indispensable work. 226 150,000 DALMAN (G.H.) ARAMAISCH-NEUHEBRAISCHES HANDWORTERBUCH ZU TARGUM, TALMUD UND MIDRASCH. Mit Lexikon der Abbreviaturen von G.H.handler und einem Verzeichnis der Mischna-Abschnitte. [with] G.H.HADLER: LEXIKON DER ABBREVIATUREN Bearbeitet und mit einem Verzeichnis der Mischna-Abschnitte von J.Kahan. Hildesheim: G.Olms, 1987. ix,457 + 120pp. cover bit stained. 227 8,920 DAMOURETTE (J.) & PICHON (Edouard) DES MOTS A LA PENSEE. Essai de Grammaire de la Langue Francaise 1911-1940. Oaris: D'Artrey, (Ca.1960) 6 vols. wrapper. 4to. 228 29,400 DAVIDS (T.W.R.) & STEDE (W.)(Ed.) THE PALI TEXT SOCIETY'S PALI-ENGLISH DICTIONARY. London: Luzac & co., 1966. xv,738pp. 4to. cover bit rubbed. title page scrached & taped. text almost good. 229 5,770 DAVIDSON (A.B.)(by the late) AN INTRODUCTORY HEBREW GRAMMAR. with progressive exercises in reading writing and pointing. Revised Throughout by J.Mauchline. Edinburgh: T.Clark, 1989. 26th Ed. 319pp. dw. 230 4,200 DE BOOR (H.) & DIELS (P.)(Hrsg.) SIEBS DEUTSCHE HOCHSPRACHE. Buhnenaussprache. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1961. 18.,durchgesehene Auflage. 353pp. lar.8vo. dw. 2,940 231 DELACROIX (H.) LE LANGAGE ET LA PENSEE. Paris: F.Alcan, 1924. 602pp. wrappers. 4,200 232 DEUTSCH (W.)(Ed.) THE CHILD'S CONSTRUCTION OF LANGUAGE. London: Academic Press, 1981. 393pp. lar.8vo. dw. 8,400 - 17 - 233 DEUTSCHBEIN (M.) GRAMMATIK DER ENGLISCHEN SPRACHE. Auf Wissenschaftlicher Grundlage. Bearbeitet von H.Klitscher. Heidelberg: Quelle & Meyer, 1959. 16.,verbesserte Auflage. 298pp. lar.8vo. 234 3,670 DHUODA: RICHE (P.)(intro.,text cri.,notes) MANUEL POUR MON FILS. Traduction par B.deVregille et C.Mondesert. Paris: CERF, 1997. 389pp. wrapper. 235 5,000 DICTIONNAIRE DE L'ACADEMIE FRANCOISE: LE DICTIONNAIRE DE L'ACADEMIE FRANCOISE Dedie Au Roy. (Paris:Jean Baptite Coingnard,1694) Reprinted By France Tosho Reprints, 1967. 2 Tomes. 4to. fore-edges sl.spotted. 236 15,750 DIDEROT (D.) ASTHETISCHE SCHRIFTEN. Europaische Verlagsanstalt, 1968. 2 vols. foreedges sl.spotted. 237 19,000 DIDEROT (D.) PHILOSOPHISCHE SCHRIFTEN. Europaische Verlagsanstalt, 1967. 2 vols. with dj. fore-edges foxing. 12,000 238 DIDEROT (D.) POLITICAL WRITINGS. Cambridge U.P., 1992. 225pp. paperback. 3,000 239 DIDEROT (D.): GILLISPIE (C.C.)(Ed.) A DIDEROT PICTORIAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF TRADES AND INDUSTRY. N.Y.: Dover, 1959. 2 vols. 485 full-page plates, over 2,000 illustrations. roy.4to.(31 x 23.5cm). original cloth. with dust-covers(sl.chipped). 240 9,500 DIDEROT (Denis) & D'ALEMBERT (Jean le Rond) ENCYCLOPEDIE, OU DICTIONNAIRE RAISONNE DES SCIENCES, des arts et des metiers, par une societe de gens de lettres. Geneve: Chez Pellet, 1777-1779. Nouvelle edition,(First Quarto ed.) 39 vols(36 contain the text volumes, & 3 volumes of 444 engraved plates). 4to. contemporary full calf with marbled endpapers. red & green morocco labels, gilt decorted spines. very good condition. 2,500,000 241 DIDEROT: ESSAIS SUR LA PEINTURE & SALONS DE 1759, 1761, 1763. Paris: Hermann, 1984. 289pp. paperback. 242 3,000 DIDEROT: RECHERCHES SUR DIDEROT ET SUR L'ENCYCLOPEDIE. Revue semestrielle - No 1 Octobre 1986 publiee avec l'aide de la Ville de Langres [to] Revue semestrielle - no. 16 Avril 1994. with TABLES ET INDEX Recherches sur Diderot et sur L'Encyclopedie Numero 1 a numero 10. Paris: Aux Amateurs de Livres, 1986 & Klincksieck, 1994. 16 vols with 'Tables et Index'. altogether 17 vols. paperback. stamped on endpaper(all volumes). 35,000 243 DIDEROT: BUKDAHL (E.M.) & LORENCEAU (A.)(Ed.) SALON DE 1765. Paris: Hermann, 1984. 365pp. paperback. 244 3,000 DIDEROT: CHOUILLET (J.) DENIS DIDEROT SOPHIE VOLLAND Un dialogue a une voix. Geneve: Editions Slatkine, 1986. 173pp. stamped on endpaper. 245 12,000 DIDEROT: FLOCH (J.) DENIS DIDEROT, LE BONHEUR EN PLUS. Paris: Les Editions Ouvrieres, 1991. 138pp. pb. stamped on endpaper. - 18 - 3,000 246 DIDEROT: GILLOT (H.) DENIS DIDEROT L'homme Ses idees philosophiques, esthetiques litteraires. Paris: Liv.G.Courville, 1937. xv,336pp. Roy.8vo. 247 3,670 DIDEROT: HERMAND (P.) BIBLIOTHEQUE DE LA FACULTE DES LETTRES Deuxieme Serie I. Les Idees Morales de Diderot. P.U.F., 1923. xix,299pp. Roy.8vo. original wrapper in modern cloth. 248 5,250 DIDEROT: ROSENKRANZ (K.) DIDEROTS LEBEN UND WERKE. Neudruck der Ausgabe Leipzig 1866. Scientia Verlag, 1964. 2 Bde. xxvii,371pp,vi,431pp. original cloth. 249 16,000 DIDEROT: STAROBINSKI (J.) DIDEROT DANS L'ESPACE DES PEINTRES suivi de Le sacrifice en reve. Reunion des musees nationaux, 1991. 101pp. wrapper. 250 5,000 DIDEROT: WILSON (A.M.) DIDEROT The Testing Years, 1713-1759. N.Y.: Oxford U.P., 1957.xviii,917pp. lar.8vo. with dust cover. 251 3,670 DIJK (T.A.van) MACROSTRUCTURES. An Interdisciplinary Study of Global Structures in Discourse, Interaction, and Cognition. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1980. 317pp. lar.8vo. 252 8,400 DIONYSIOS (Thrax) DIONYSII THRACIS ARS GRAMMATICA. I, 1: Dionysi Thracis Ars grammatica ed. G. Uhlig; I, 2 nicht erschienen. I, 3: Scholia in Dionysii Thracis Artem grammaticam rec. A. Hilgard; II, 1-3: Apollonii Dyscoli quae supersunt rec. R. Schneider et G. Uhlig. III, 1-2: Herodiani Technici reliquae coll. A. Lentz; IV, 1-2: Theodosii Alexandrini Canones, Georgii Choerobosci Scholia, Sophronii AlexandriniNeu York: Olms. 1979.6 vols. roy,8vo. original blue cloth. 253 120,000 DOBSON (E.J.) ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION 1500-1700. vol.I.Survey of the Sources. vol.II.Phonology. Oxford C.P., 1968. 2nd Ed. 2 vols. lar.8vo. top edge bit foxing. 254 DOERFER (G.),HESCHE (W.) und SCHEINHARDT (H.) LAMUTISCHES WORTERBUCH. Wiesbaden: O.Harrassowitz, 1980. xx,1181pp. Roy.8vo. 255 4,000 DONISCH (N.S.)(Ed.) THE CONCISE OXFORD ENGLISH-ARABIC DICTIONARY OF CURRENT USAGE. Oxford U.P., 1985. 461pp. cover sl.faded. 257 9,500 DONIACH (N.S.)(Ed.) THE OXFORD ENGLISH-ARABIC DICTIONARY OF CURRENT USAGE. Oxford C.P., 1981. 1392pp. lar.8vo. dw. sl.rubbed. 256 15,750 3,000 DONZE (R.) LA GRAMMAIRE GENERALE ET RAISONNEE DE PORT-ROYAL. Contribution d l'histoire des idees grammaticales en France. Francke berne, 1971. 264pp. wrapper. 4,200 258 DOURNON (J-Y.) LE GRAND DICTIONNAIRE DES CITATIONS FRANCAISES. Paris: Acropole, 1982. 894pp. Roy.8vo. dw(sl.taped). 259 6,000 DOZY (R.) SUPPLEMENT AUX DICTIONNAIRES ARABES. Paris: Maisonneuve, 1967. 3rd Ed. 2 vols. 4to. 21,000 - 19 - 260 DOZY (Reinhart.) SUPPLEMENT AUX DICTIONNAIRES ARABES. Beyrouth: Librairie du Liban, 1981. Reprint of 1881 edition. 2 vols. iv,358pp & 864pp. lar.4to. modern green leather. inner-joint tender. 261 10,500 DRESSLER (W.U.) & BARBARESI (L.M.) MORPHOPRAGMATICS. Diminutives and Intensifiers in Italian, German, and Other Languages. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1994. 682pp. 262 DRESSLER (W.U.),LUSCHUTZKY (H.C.),PFEIFFER (O.E.) & RENNISON 25,000 (J.R.)(Ed.) CONTEMPORARY MORPHOLOGY. Trends in Linguistics Studies and Monographs 49. Mouton de Gruyter, 1990. 314pp. lar.8vo. fine. exlibrary. 263 12,600 DUBOIS (J.) & etc.: DICTIONNAIRE DE LINGUISTIQUE ET DES SCIENCES DU LANGAGE. Paris: Larousse, 1994. lx,514pp. lar.8vo. dw. 264 Dubois, Lagane, Niobey, Casalis, 4,200 Meschonnic: DICTIONNAIRE DU FRANCAIS CONTEMPORAIN, edition pour l'enseignement du francais. Paris: lib.Larousse, 1971. xxii,1263pp. fore-edges sl.foxing. 265 3,000 DUBY (G.)(direction) ATLAS HISTORIQUE LAROUSSE. Paris: Lib.Larousse, 1978. 324pp. lar.4to. dw(sl.worn). 266 3,990 DUDENREDAKTION (Hrsg.von der) DUDEN Deutsches Universalworterbuch. Mannheim: Dudenvwelag, 2001. 4., neu bearbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. 1892pp. Roy.8vo. foreedges bit soiled. 267 4,500 DUPRE (P.) ENCYCLOPEDIE DU BON FRANCAIS dans l'usage contemporain. Difficultes, Subtilites, Complexites, Singularites. Editions de Trevise, 1972. 3 vols. 4to. 268 10,500 EBERHARD (J.A.) SYNONYMISCHES HANDWORTERBUCH DER DEUTSCHEN SPRACHE. (1910) Durchgangig umgearbeitet, vermehrt & verbessert von Dr.O.Lyon. Sansyusya,1982. xlviii,1201pp. fine. in case. 269 8,400 ECHOLS (J.M.) & SHADILY (H.) AN INDONESIAN-ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Revised & edited by J.U.Wolff & J.T.Collins. Cornell U.P., 1989. 3rd Ed. xix,618pp. lar.8vo. 270 6,300 EDGERTON (F.) BUDDHIST HYBRID SANSKRIT GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY. vol.I:Gramar. vol.II:Dictionary. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1977. 2 vols. 4to. title page scrached. vol.1 spine 1cm chipped. 271 6,000 EDMONDS (W.A.)(Preface) REDHOUSE CONTEMPORARY TURKISH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Redhouse Yayinevi, 1992. xxii,455pp. lar.8vo. dw. 272 EGEROD (S.) ATAYAL-ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Curzon Press, 1980.2 vols.pb. stamped. cover sl.foxing. 273 3,990 7,350 EICHBORN (R.)(Foreword) CAMBRIDGE-EICHBORN GERMAN DICTIONARY. Economic Law Administration Business General. I.English-German. II:German-English. Cambridge U.P., 1983. 2 vols. 4to. 12,000 - 20 - 274 EINARSSON (S.): ORRICK (A.H.)(Ed.) NORDICA ET ANGLICA. Studies in Honor of Stefan Einarsson. Hague: Mouton, 1968. 196pp. 4to. dw(bit chipped). 275 9,240 ELLIS (J.M.) LANGUAGE, THOUGHT, AND LOGIC. Northwestern Univ,1993.163pp. dw. 4,000 276 ELOD (H.) NEMET-MAGYAR SZOTAR. Nyolcadik, Valtozatlan Kiadas. Deutsch-Ungarisches Worterbuch E.Halasz I,II. Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, 1986. 2 vols. sm.4to. inner-joint tender. 277 6,820 ENCYCLOPEDIA JUDAICA. Jerusalem: Keter Pub., 1973. Second ed, 17 vols. with B&W textillustrations and colour plates. lar.4to. original green cloth. 278 ENGEL (U.) SYNTAX DER DEUTSCHEN GEGENWARTSSPRACHE. Grundlagen der Germanistik 22. Berlin: E.Schmidt, 1977. 307pp. pb. 279 45,000 ERLINGER (H.D.) SPRACHWISSENSCHAFT 2,940 UND SCHULGRAMMATIK. Strukturen und Ergebnisse von 1900 bis zur Gegenwart. Dusseldorf: Padagogischer Verlag Schwann, 1969. 295pp. dw(sl.chipped). 280 2,940 ESSEN (E.) METHODIK DES DEUTSCHUNTERRICHTS. Heidelberg: Quelle & Meyer, 1972. 312pp. lar.8vo. 281 3,150 EVANS (G.) & McDOWELL (J.)(Ed.) TRUTH AND MEANING. Essays in Semantics. Oxford C.P., 1976. xxiii,419pp. dw(faded). fore-edges sl.foxing. 282 6,000 EVANS (W.) AN ENGLISH-WELSH DICTIONARY. Containing all Words Necessary for Reading an English Author. Carmarthen: John Evens, 1812. 2nd Ed. 312pp. joint weak. spine edges bit chipped. 283 15,750 EVERAERT (M.) & RIEMSDIJK (H.van)(Ed.) THE BLACKWELL COMPANION TO SYNTAX. Blackwell Pub., 2006. 5 vols. Roy.8vo. dw. in box. fine. 284 EVERSON (S.)(Ed.) LANGUAGE. Companions to ancient thought: 3. Cambridge U.P., 1994. 280pp. lar.8vo. dw. 285 85,000 4,200 FAHRMANN (R.) DIE DEUTUNG DES SPRECHAUSDRUCKS. Studien zur Einfuhrung in die Praxis der Charakterologischen Stimm- und Sprechananalyse. Bonn: H.Bouvier, 1960. 361pp. lar.8vo. dw. 286 6,300 FARMER (J.S.)(Compiled & Ed.) SLANG AND ITS ANALOGUES. Past and Present. A Dictionary, Historical and Comparative, of the Heterodox Speech of All Classes of Society for more than Three Hundred Years. With Synonyms in English, French, German, Italian, etc. (1890) Kraus Reprint, 1965. 7 vols in 3. fore-edges spotted. 287 31,500 FAST (H.) THE PROUD AND THE FREE. Boston. Little brown. 1950. First Ed, 311pp. original cloth. with dust-cover. cover slightly chip. - 21 - 3,670 288 FAVEREAU (F.) GERIADURIG AR BREZHONEG A-VREMAN. Dictionnaire Compact du Breton Contemporain. Morlaix: Skol Vreizh, 2001. 1240pp. 12mo. 4,500 289 FELE (M.L.)(Ed.) LEXICON FLORIANUM. (G.Olms) 1975. xvi,747pp. lar.8vo. 15,750 290 FELLER (R.) DIE SCHWEIZERISCHE GESCHICHTSCHREIBUNG IM 19.JAHRHUNDERT. Zurich: M.Niehans, 1938. 202pp. wrappers. 291 3,670 FENNELL (C.A.M.) THE STANFORD DICTIONARY OF ANGLICISED WORDS AND PHRASES. Edited for the Syndics of the University Press. Cambridge U.P., 1964. xv,826pp. 4to. dw. 9,970 292 FITCH (G.W.) NAMING AND BELIEVING. Dordrecht: D.Reidel, 1987. 215pp. 6,300 293 FLETCHER (P.) A CHILD'S LEARNING OF ENGLISH. Blackwell, 1985. xiii,242pp. dw. 5,040 294 FLEW (A.)(Ed.) LOGIC AND LANGUAGE. (First Series & Second Series) Blackwell, 1968/73. 2 vols. dw. sl.scratched. 295 4,720 FOLEY (J.) FOUNDATIONS OF THEORETICAL PHONOLOGY. Cambridge U.P., 1977. xii,150pp. dw. 296 3,000 FOUCHE (P.) TRAITE DE PRONONCIATION FRANCAISE. Paris: Klincksieck, 1959. lxiii,528pp. wrapper. sl.crease. 297 3,150 FOULQUIE (P.) DICTIONNAIRE DE LA LANGUE PHILOSOPHIQUE. avec la collaboration de R.Saint-Jean. P.U.F., 1969. xv,768pp. lar.8vo. with dust cover. 298 FOULQUIE (P.) & SAINT-JEAN (R.) DICTIONNAIRE DE LA LANGUE PHILOSOPHIQUE. Paris: P.U.F., 1978. 3rd Ed. 778pp. roy.8vo. dw. in slip-case. 299 4,000 FOWLER (H.W.) A DICTIONARY OF MODERN ENGLISH USAGE. Ox.U.P., 1978. 2nd Ed., 725pp. cr.8vo. full calf. 300 4,500 3,000 FRAASSEN (B.C.van) FORMAL SEMANTICS AND LOGIC. N.Y.: Macmillan, 1971. 225pp. 3,000 301 FRAPPIER (J.) AMOUR COURTOIS ET TABLE RONDE. Geneve: Lib.Droz, 1973. 306pp. wrapper. fore-edges spotted. 302 4,200 FRASER (B.) THE VERB-PARTICLE COMBINATION IN ENGLISH. Taishukan pub., 1974. 125pp. lar.8vo. dw(spotted). 4,720 303 FREI (H.) LA GRAMMAIRE DES FAUTES. Paris: P.Geuthner, 1929. 314pp. wrapper. 4,200 304 FRENCH (P.A.),UEHLING,JR.(T.E.) & WETTSTEIN (H.K.)(Ed.) CONTEMPORARY PERSPECTIVES IN THE PHILOSOPHY OF LANGUAGE. Minnesota U.P., 1979. 417pp. lar.8vo. fore-edges bit foxing. 8,400 - 22 - 305 FVNAIOLI (H.)(Collegit Recensvit) GRAMMATICAE ROMANAE FRAGMENTA. Tevbneri, 1969. xxx,614pp. sl.foxing. 306 8,920 GAFFIOT (F.) LE GRAND GAFFIOT DICTIONNAIRE LATIN-FRANCAIS. Nouvelle edition revue et augmentee sous la direction de P.Flobert. Hachette-Livre, 2000. 1766pp. 4to. cover edge bit crease. 307 12,000 GALE (Richard M.) THE LANGUAGE OF TIME. London: Routledge & Kengan Paul, 1968. 248pp. 308 3,150 GAMILLSCHEG (E.) ETYMOLOGISCHES WORTERBUCH DER FRANZOSISCHEN SPRACHE. Mit Einem Wort- und Sachverzeichnis von Dr. Heinrich Kuen. Heidelberg: C.Winter, 1969. 2., vollstandig neu bearbeitete Auflage. xxviii,1326pp. Roy.8vo. spine faded. fore-edges bit foxed. 309 25,000 GAMILLSCHEG (E.) ROMANIA GERMANICA Sprach- und Siedlungsgeschichte der Germanen auf dem Boden des Alten Romerreiches. Band I:Zu den Altesten Beruhrungen Zwischen Romern und Germanen die Franken. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1970. 2., vollstandig neu Bearbeitete Auflage. xiv,474pp. lar.8vo. 310 6,300 GARDINER (A.H.) THE THEORY OF SPEECH AND LANGUAGE. Oxford C.P., 1932. x,332pp. 2,940 311 GASKELL (G.A.) DICTIONARY OF ALL SCRIPTURES AND MYTHS. N.Y.: Julian Press, 1978. 844pp. lar.8vo. ex-library. dw.(chipped) 4,500 312 GIRODET (J.) DICTIONNAIRE DU BON FRANCAIS. Bordas, 1981. 896pp. 3,150 313 GIRODET (J.) LOGOS Grand Dictionnaire de la Langue Francaise. Bordas, 1976. 3 vols. Roy.8vo. modern leather. 314 21,000 GOFF (J.Le) & SCHMITT (J-C.) DICTIONNAIRE RAISONNE DE L'OCCIDENT MEDIEVAL. Fayard, 1999. 1236pp. Roy.8vo. dw. sl.scratched by red pencil. 315 GOLDSTEIN (M.C.) ENGLISH-TIBETAN DICTIONARY OF MODERN TIBETAN. Univ of California, 1984. xxv,485pp. 4to. 316 8,000 6,000 GOOSSENS (L.), PAUWELS (P.) & others: BY WORD OF MOUTH. Metaphor, Metonymy and Linguistic Action in a Cognitive Perspective. Amsterdam: J.Benjamins, 1995. 252pp. fine copy. 317 5,250 GORRELL (P.) SYNTAX AND PARSING. Cambridge Studies in Linguistics 76. Cambridge U.P., 1995. x,180pp. lar.8vo. dw. 318 7,350 GOTTI (E.) DIE GOTISCHEN BEWEGUNGSVERBEN. Ein Beitrag zur Erforschung des gotischen Wortschatzes mit einem Ausblick auf Wulfilas Ubersetzungstechnik. Walter de Guyter, 1974. xii,155pp. a bit scratched on earlier pages and small stamps on title. - 23 - 4,200 319 GOTTSCHALK (W.) FRANZOSISCHE SYNONYMIK fur Studierende und Lehrer. Leverkusen: Gottschalksche, 1959. 591pp. cover sl.foxed. 320 2,940 GOUGENHEIM (G.) GRAMMAIRE DE LA LANGUE FRANCAISE DU SEIZIEME SIECLE. Paris; Picard,1974. 277pp. pb. 321 3,000 GRAMLEY (S.) & PATZOLD (K-M.) A SURVEY OF MODERN ENGLISH. London: Routledge, 1992. xiv,498pp. lar.8vo. near fine. 322 8,190 GRANT (W.)(Ed.) THE SCOTTISH NATIONAL DICTIONARY. Designed Partly on Regional Lines and Partly on Historical Principles, and Containing all the Scottish Words Known to be in Use or to Have Been in Use Since c.1700. Edinburgh: The Scottish National Dictionary Association, (Vol.1 n.d.) 1941-1976. First Ed. 10 vols. Limited Ed. Vol.1-7 hardcover. Vol.8-10 wrappers. 4to. 323 105,000 GRAPPIN (H.) GRAMMAIRE DE LA LANGUE POLONAISE. Paris: Ins.D'Etudes Slaves, 1963. Troisieme ed., revue et corrigee. 324pp. 324 GRAUR (Al.) GRAMATICA LIMBII ROMANE. Editia a II-a revazuta si adaugita. Tiraj nou. Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste Romania, 1966. 2 vols. lar.8vo. 325 7,140 GREIMAS (A.J.) & COURTES (J.) SEMIOTIQUE. Tome 1, 2. Dictionnaire Raisonne de la theorie du language. Paris: Hachette, 1976. 2 vols. 327 6,300 GREIMAS (A.J.) & COURTES (J.) SEMIOTICS AND LANGUAGE. An Analytical Dictionary. Translated by L.Crist & Others. Indiana U.P., 1982. 409pp. lar.8vo. fine. 326 4,200 4,000 GREVISSE (M.) LE BON USAGE. Grammaire Francaise avec des Remarques sur la langue Francaise D'aujourd'hui. Paris-Gembloux: Duculot, 1980. Onzieme Edition Revue, 2e tirage. 1519pp. lar.8vo. dw. fine. a thick vol. 5,250 328 GRICE (P.) STUDIES IN THE WAY OF WORDS. Harvard U.P., 1989. viii,394pp. lar.8vo. 6,300 329 GRIMM: CAZES (A.) GRIMM ET LES ENCYCLOPEDISTES. Paris: P.U.F., 1933. 407pp. lar.8vo. wrapper. bit rubbed. 330 6,090 GUENTHNER (F.) & ROHRER (C.)(Ed.) STUDIES IN FORMAL SEMANTICS. Intensionality, Temporality, Negation. North-Holland, 1978. 265pp. 331 GUENTHNER (F.) & SCHMIDT (S.J.) FORMAL SEMANTICS AND PRAGMATICS FOR NATURAL LANGUAGES. (Synthese Language Library Vol.4) D.Reidel, 1979. 378pp. paperback. 332 3,500 GUERARD (F.)(Ed.) DICTIONNAIRE HACHETTE DE LA LANGUE FRANCAISE. Hachette, 1980. 1813pp. lar.8vo. dw. 333 4,000 4,200 GUILLAUME (G.) TEMPS ET VERBE THEORIE DES ASPECTS, DES MODES ET DES TEMPS SUIVI DE L'ARCHITECTONIQUE DU TEMPS DANS LES LANGUES CLASSIQUES. Avant-propos de R.Valin. Paris: Champion, 1968. xxi,134,66pp. Roy.8vo. wrapper. sl.foxing. - 24 - 6,300 334 HAAS (M.R.)(Compiled) THAI-ENGLISH STUDENT'S DICTIONARY. Stanford U.P., 1964. xxix,638pp. Roy.8vo. 335 6,000 HAIM (S.) ENGLISH-PERSIAN DICTIONARY. Hippocrene Standard Dictionary. N.Y.: Hippocrene Books, 1993. 700pp. paperback. 336 3,000 HALL (J.R.Clark) A CONCISE ANGLO-SAXON DICTIONARY. with a supplement by Herbert D.Meritt. Cambridge U.P., 1966. 4th ed. 432pp with supplement. fore-edges sl.foxing. 4,200 337 HALLIWELL (J.O.) A DICTIONARY OF ARCHAIC AND PROVINCIAL WORDS. Obsolete Phrases, Proverbs, and Ancient customs, from the Fourteenth Century. (London:Thomas & W.Boone,1855.3rd Ed.) N.Y.: AMS Press, 1973. reprinted ed. 2 vols. fore-edges bit foxing. 8,000 338 HANKAMER (P.) DIE SPRACHE. Ihr Begriff und Ihre Deutung im Sechzehnten und Siebzehnten Jahrhundert. Ein Beitrag zur Frage der Literarhistorischen Gliederung des Zeitraums. Bonn: F.Cohen, 1927. 208pp. lar.8vo. wrappers. joint weak. 339 HANKS (P.) & HODGES (F.) A DICTIONARY OF SURNAMES. Special consultant for Jewish Names David L.Gold. Oxford U.P., 1990. liv,826pp. 4to. inner-joint bit tender. 340 5,250 HARRIS (Z.) A GRAMMAR OF ENGLISH ON MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES. John Wiley, 1982. xvi,429pp. lar.8vo. dw. 342 6,300 HANKS (P.)(Ed.) THE NEW OXFORD THESAURUS OF ENGLISH. Oxford U.P., 2000. 1087pp. lar.4to. spine bit rubbed. 341 2,940 5,040 HARRIS (Z.S.) PAPERS IN STRUCTURAL AND TRANSFORMATIONAL LINGUISTICS. Formal Linguistics Series Volume 1. Dordrecht: D.Reidel, 1970. 850pp. lar.8vo. fore-edges sl.foxing. 343 5,250 HARTMANN (R.R.K.) & STORK (F.C.) DICTIONARY OF LANGUAGE AND LINGUISTICS. London: Applied Science Pub., 1972. 302pp. dw. fore-edges sl.foxing. 344 5,040 HARTUNG (A.E.) A MANUAL OF THE WRITINGS IN MIDDLE ENGLISH 1050-1500. Vol.4 X.Middle Scots Writers by F.H.Ridley. XI.The Chaucerian Apocrypha by R.H.Robbins. Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1973. 962-1313pp. lar.8vo. 345 HASKELL (R.E.)(Ed.) COGNITION AND SYMBOLIC STRUCTURES: The Psychology of Metaphoric Transformation. New Jersey: Ablex pub., 1987. xv,304pp. lar.8vo. 346 7,140 HATTORI (S.) & INOUE (K.)(Ed.) PROCEEDINGS OF THE XIIIth INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF LINGUISTS, August 29-September 4, 1982, Tokyo. Tokyo, 1983. lxii,1453pp. 4to. 347 4,720 15,000 HATZFELD (A.) & DARMESTETER (A.) DICTIONNAIRE GENERAL DE LA LANGUE FRANCAISE. Du Commencement du XVIIe Siecle Jusqu'a Nos Jours. Paris: Delagrave, 1964. 2 Tomes. 4to. slip case. vol.II fore-edges sl.foxing. - 25 - 15,000 348 HAWKINS (J.M.) THE OXFORD REFERENCE DICTIONARY. Illustrations edited by Susan L.Roux. Oxford C.P., 1986. 972pp. roy.8vo. dw. 349 3,150 HAZON (M.) GRANDE DIZIONARIO INGLESE-ITALIANO ITALIANO-INGLESE. Garzanti, 1961. 2100pp. lar.8vo. private stamped. 350 4,000 HEARN (L.) A HISTORY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. Edited by R.Tanabe & T.Ochiai. Tokyo: Hokuseido. 1938. Popular ed, with Revisions. 815pp. original red cloth, dust-cxover. 5,000 351 HEIDEGGER (M.): KELKEL (A.L.) LA LEGENDE DE L'ETRE. Langage et Poesie chez Heidegger. Paris: J.Vrin, 1980. 639pp. Roy.8vo. wrappers. bit soiled. 352 9,240 HELBIG (G.) & SCHENKEL (W.) WORTERBUCH ZUR VALENZ UND DISTRIBUTION DEUTSCHER VERBEN. LEipzig: VEB, 1969. 311pp. dw. 353 3,150 HERDER: GAIER (U.) HERDERS SPRACHPHILOSOPHIE UND ERKENNTNISKRITIK. Holzboog: Frommann, 1988. 220pp. dw. 354 5,040 HERLITZ (G.) & KIRSCHNER (B.)(Begrundet) JUDISCHES LEXIKON. Ein enzyklopadisches Handbuch des Judischen Wissens. Athenaum: judischer Verlag, 1987. 4 Bde in 5. Roy.8vo. with dust-covers. 355 68,300 HINTIKKA (J.) THE GAME OF LANGUAGE. Studies in Game-Tehoretical Semantics and Its Applecations. Dordrecht: D.Reidel, 1983. 341pp. with dust-cover. 356 9,240 HITLER: MILZA (P.) & BERSTEIN (S.) DICTIONNAIRE HISTORIQUE DES FASCHISMUS ET DU NAZISME. Avec la collaboration scientifique et technique de Catherine Burucoa-Bruandet, Anne Le Fur et Carole Giry-Gautier. Editions Complexe, 1992. 866pp. Roy.8vo. dw. 357 HOBSBAUM (P.) A THEORY OF COMMUNICATION. Macmillan, 1970. 272pp. dw. edges bit spotted. 358 4,000 HOCK (H.H.) PRINCIPLES OF HISTORICAL LINGUISTICS. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1986. 722pp. dw. 359 13,650 HOFFMANN (J.J.) A JAPANESE GRAMMAR. Leiden: Brill, 1876. 2nd Ed.,367pp. roy.8vo. paperbacks. 360 135,000 HOLCROFT (T.): DEANE (S.)(Ed.) THE ADVENTURES OF HUGH TREVOR. Ox.U.P,1973. xviii,511pp. dw. 361 9,240 3,000 HOLLADAY (W.L.) A CONCISE HEBREW AND ARAMAIC LEXICON OF THE OLD TESTAMENT. Based upon the Lexical works of Ludwig Koehler and Walter Baumgartner. Leiden: E.J.Brill, 1988. xx,425pp. Roy.8vo. dw. 362 3,500 HOOKER (J.): OWENS (G.) KRITIKA DAIDALIKA EVIDENCE FOR THE MINOAN LANGUAGE, Selected Essays in Memory of James Hooker. Hakkert, 1997. xii,301pp. lar.8vo. pb. - 26 - 8,400 363 HOOPS (J.) REALLEXIKON DER GERMANISCHEN ALTERTUMSKUNDE Band 1-12, ERGANZUNGSBANDE Band 1-19. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1973-1998.31 bde. Lar.8vo. 300,000 364 HOPE (T.E.) LEXICAL BORROWING IN THE ROMANCE LANGUAGES. A Critical Study of Italianisms in French and Gallicisms in Italian from 1100 to 1900. New York U.P., 1971. 2 vols. lar.8vo. with dust cover. top edge spotted. 365 HORMANN (H.) PSYCHOLOGIE DER SPRACHE. Berlin: Springer, 1967. Mit 69 Abbildungen. 395pp. lar.8vo. dw. edges sl.spotted. 366 8,920 2,940 HORMANN (H.) TO MEAN - TO UNDERSTAND. Problems of Psychological Semantics. Translated from the German by B.A.Jankowski. Berlin: Springer, 1981. With 5 figures. 337pp. lar.8vo. 4,200 367 HORN (L.R.) A NATURAL HISTORY OF NEGATION. Chicago U.P., 1989. 637pp. paperback. 4,720 368 HOUSE (H.C.) & HARMAN (S.E.) DESCRIPTIVE ENGLISH GRAMMAR. Prentice-hall, 1950. Revised by Susan E.Harman. 2nd Ed. 457pp. spine sl.rubbed. 3,000 369 HOWLETT (C.)(Revised & Updated) THE OXFORD RUSSIAN DICTIONARY. English-Russian Edited by P.Falla. Russian-English Edited by M.Wheeler & B.Unbegaun. Oxford U.P., 1993. 1340pp. Roy.8vo. dw. 8,400 370 HUDDLESTON (R.) & PULLUM (G.K.) THE CAMBRIDGE GRAMMAR OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Cambridge U.P., 2002. 1842pp. 4to. dw. 16,800 371 HUGUET (E.) ETUDES DE PHILOLOGIE ET D'HISTOIRE. Depuis le XVIe siecle. 1.L'evolution du sans des mots. 2.Mots disparus ou vieillis. Geneve: Droz, 1967. 2 vols. cr.8vo. pb. cover sl.spotted. 5,250 372 HUISMAN (D.)(Directeur) DICTIONNAIRE DES PHILOSOPHES. Presses Universitaires de France, 1984. 2 tomes. roy.8vo. dw. 18,900 373 HUMBOLDT (W.) UBER DIE VERSCHIEDENHEIT DES MENSCHLICHEN SPRACHBAUES. und ihren Einflutz auf die geistige Entwickelung des Menschengeschlechts. (Berlin,1836) Mit Nachwort des Verlegers. Bonn: F.Dummlers, 1968. Zweiter Nachdruck. 334pp. 4to. original cloth. 5,000 374 HUMBOLDT (W.) WILHELM VON HUMBOLDTS GESAMMELTE SCHRIFTEN. Herausgegeben von der Koniglich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1968. 17 vols. complete set. Roy.8vo. original cloth. 220,000 375 HUMBOLDT (W.): BRIEF AN M.ABEL-REMUSAT Uber die Natur grammatischer Formen im allgemeinen und uber den Geist der chinesischen Sprache im besonderen. Nach der Ausgabe Paris 1827 ind Deutsche ubertragen und mit einer Einfuhrung versehen von C.Harbsmeier. HARBSMEIER (C.): ZUR PHILOSOPHISCHEN GRAMMATIK des Altchinesischen im Anschluss an Humboldts Brief an Abel-Remusat. Stuttgart: F.Frommann, 1979. 297pp. sm.8vo. cover sl.foxing. 20,000 - 27 - 376 HUMBOLDT (W.): DIE ELEMENTE DER PHILOSOPHISCHEN SPRACHWISSENSCHAFT WILHELM VON HUMBOLDT'S. Aus seinem Werke: ueber die Verschiedenheit des menschlichen Sprachbaues und ihren Einfluss auf fie geistige Entwicklung des Menschengeschlechts in systematischer Entwicklung dargestellt und kritisch erlautert von Max Schasler. Berlin: Verlag der T.Trautwein'schen Buch- und Musikalienbandlung, 1847. x,221pp. old marbled boards. text bit browned. 377 12,000 HUMBOLDT (W.): BORSCHE (T.) SPRACHANSICHTEN. Der Begriff der menschlichen Rede in der Sprachphilosophie Wilhelm von Humboldts. Klett-Cotta, 1981. 341pp. lar.8vo. text & fore-edges sl.foxing. 378 18,900 HUMBOLDT (W.): BROWN (R.L.) WILHELM VON HUMBOLDT'S CONCEPTION OF LINGUISTIC RELATIVITY. Hugue: Mouton, 1967. 132pp. original wrappers. 379 3,000 HUMBOLDT (W.): MANCHESTER (M.L.) THE PHILOSOPHICAL FOUNDATIONS OF HUMBOLDT'S LINGUISTIC DOCTRINES. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1985. 216pp. 380 12,600 HUMBOLDT (W.): MENZE (C.) DIE BILDUNGSREFORM WILHELM VON HUMBOLDTS. Hannover: H.Schroedel, 1975. 502pp. dw(sl.chipped). bit foxing. 381 5,000 HUMBOLDT (W.): MILLER (R.) THE LINGUISTIC RELATIVITY PRINCIPLE AND HUMBOLDTIAN ETHNOLINGUISTICS. A History and Appraisal. Hague: Mouton, 1968. 127pp. original wrappers. 382 HUMBOLDT 3,000 (W.): MUELLER-VOLLMER (K.) WILHELM VON HUMBOLDTS SPRACHWISSENSCHAFT. Ein Kommentiertes Verzeichnis des Sprachwissenschaftlichen Nachlasses. Zurich: F.Schoningh, 1993. xx,476pp. Lar.8vo. with dust cover. 383 HUMBOLDT (W.): POTT (A.F.)(Hrsg.& erlautert) UBER DIE 5,500 VERSCHIEDENHEIT DES MENSCHLICHEN SPRACHBAUES mit erlauternden Anmerkungen und Excursen sowie als Einleitung: Wilhelm von Humboldt und die Sprachwissenschaft. Documenta Semiotica Serie 1 Linguistik. Hildesheim: G.Olms, 1974. 2 bande in 1 Band. a thick vol. sm.8vo. text fine. 13,650 384 HUMBOLDT (W.): SCHARF (H-W.)(Hrsg.) WILHELM VON HUMBOLDTS SPRACHDENKEN. Symposion zum 150. Todestag Dusseldorf, 28.-30.6.1985. Reimar Hobbing, 1989. 276pp. fine. 385 4,000 HUNT (M.M.) THE NATURAL HISTORY OF LOVE. N.Y.: Alfred.A.Knopf, 1959. 416pp. Roy.8vo. with dust cover. foxed. 386 3,000 HUNT (R.W.): BURSILL-HALL (G.L.)(Ed.) THE HISTORY OF GRAMMAR IN THE MIDDLE AGES. Collected papers. Amsterdam Studies in the Theory and History of Linguistic Science III. Amsterdam: J.Benjamins, 1980. xxxvi,214pp. 387 9,240 IMBS (P.) L'EMPLOI DES TEMPS VERBAUX EN FRANCAIS MODERNE. Essai de Grammaire Descriptive. Paris: C.Klincksieck, 1968. 269pp. lar.8vo. wrapper. sl.scratched. bit foxing. 3,000 - 28 - 388 ISCHREYT (H.) STUDIEN ZUM VERHALTNIS VON SPRACHE UND TECHNIK. Institutionelle Sprachlenkung in der terminologie der technik. Dusseldorf: Padagogischer verlag, 1965. 304pp. dw. 2,940 389 ISIDORI: HISPALENSIS EPISCOPI ETYMOLOGIARVM SIVE ORIGINVM LIBRI XX. OX.C.T., 1985. 2 Vols. cr.8vo. with dust cover. 15,000 390 IZ (F.) & HONY (H.C.) THE OXFORD ENGLISH-TURKISH DICTIONARY. Ingilizce-Turkce Sozluk. Oxford U.P., 1978. 2nd Edition A.D.Alderson and Fahir Iz. 619pp. lar.8vo. dw. 6,000 391 JABERG (K.) ASPECTS GEOGRAPHIQUES DU LANGAGE (Avec 19 Cartes) Conferences Faites au College de France (Decembre 1933). Paris: E.Droz, 1936. 116pp. Roy.8vo. original wrapper in 3/4 cloth with boards. boards edges rubbed. 7,140 392 JABERG (K.) UND JUD (J.) DER SPRACHATLAS ALS FORSCHUNGSISTRUMENT. Kritische Grundlegung und einfuhrung in den sprach und sachatlas italiens und der Sudschweiz. Halle: M.Niemeyer, N.d.,244pp. wrappers. 4,000 393 JACOBS (R.A.) ENGLISH SYNTAX A Grammar for English Language Professionals. Oxford U.P., 1995. 378pp. sm.4to. pb. 4,000 394 JAKOBSON (R.): ROMAN JAKOBSON SELECTED WRITINGS. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 19661988. 8 vols. complete set. lar,8vo. with dust-covers. nice copy. 85,000 395 JARMAN (B.G.) & RUSSELL (R.)(Chief Ed.) THEE OXFORD SPANISH DICTIONARY. SpanishEnglish/English-Spanish. Oxford U.P., 1998. 2nd Ed.edited by C.S.Carvajal & J.Horwood. li,1781pp. sm.4to. dw. 8,400 396 JESPERSEN (O.) A MODERN ENGLISH GRAMMAR On Historical Principles. Part I:Sounds and Spellings. Part II:Syntax.1st volume. Part III:Syntax. 2nd volume. Part IV:Syntax. 3rd volume. Time and Tense. Part V:Syntax. 4th volume. Part VI:Morphology. Part VII:Syntax. London: George Allen, 1954. 7 vols complete set. original blue cloth. stamped. foxing. 31,500 397 JOHANSON (L.) LINGUISTISCHE BEITRAGE ZUR GESAMTTURKOLOGIE. Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, 1991. 250pp. roy.8vo. 398 4,200 JOHNS-LEWIS (C.)(Ed.) INTONATION IN DISCOURSE. Croom Helm College-Hill Press, 1986. xxxvi,302pp. lar.8vo. dw. 399 6,300 JOHNSON (A.B.): RYNIN (D.)(Ed.& Essay) ALEXANDER BRYAN JOHNSON'S A TREATISE ON LANGUAGE. California U.P., 1947. ix,437pp. lar.8vo. with dust cover(chipped). 400 JOHNSON (K.& H.)(Ed.) ENCYCLOPEDIC DICTIONARY OF APPLIED LINGUISTICS. A Handbook for Language Teaching. Blackwell, 1998. 389pp. Roy.8vo. dw. 401 3,500 5,000 JOHNSON (S.) A DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. In which the words are deduced from their originals, and illustrated in their different significantions by Examples from the Best writers.London: Longman, 1827. 2nd Todd Ed. 3 vols. 4to. original text in modern green cloth(rebound). 180,000 - 29 - 402 JOHNSON (S.) A DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE: in which The Words are Deduced from their Originals, and Illustrated in their Different Significations by Examples from the Best Writers. to which are prefixed A History of the Language, and An English Grammar. London: printed for F.& C.Rivingston, 1810. the Tenth Ed., Corrected & Revised. 2 vols. 4to. rebinding by light brown leather. marbled edges. original text is almost clean. 180,000 403 JOHNSON (S.) A DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE: In which the words are deducted from their originals, & illustrated in their different significations by examples from the best writers. to which are prefixed, a history of the language, & an English Grammar. London: Printed for J.F. & C.Rivington,...1785. 6th ed. 2 vols. with frontis. 4to. thick vols. full calf. spine rebacked. 404 140,000 JOHNSON (S.): THE WORKS OF SAMUEL JOHNSON,LL.D. with an essay on his Life and Genius by A.Murphy. London: E.Blackader, 1806. 12 vols. frontis illus. portrait to vol.1. cr.8vo. contemporary full calf. joint sl weak. 405 89,300 JOHNSON (S.): HAWKINS (J.) THE WORKS OF SAMUEL JOHNSON. together with His Life and Notes on His Lives of the Poets. London: J.Buckland. 1787. First edition of collected works. 11 vols. contemporary full-calf. rebcked. black and red labels on spine. good. 406 95,000 JONES (G.L.) THE DISCOVERY OF HEBREW IN TUDOR ENGLAND: A Third Language. Manchester U.P., 1983. 311pp. dw. 407 JONES (T.)(Ed.) HARRAP'S 3,000 STANDARD GERMAN AND ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Part One:German-English A-E, F-K, L-R. London: G.G.Harrap, 1963. 3 vols. 4to. bit spotted. vol.4 is not published. 408 8,190 JUILLAND (A.) DICTIONNAIRE INVERSE DE LA LANGUE FRANCAISE. Janua Linguarum Series Practica VII. Hague: Mouton, 1965. lx,503pp. Roy.8vo. dw(sl.wear). 409 JUNKER (H.F.J.) & ALAVI (B.) WORTERBUCH PERSISCH-DEUTSCH. Leipzig: VEB Verlag, 1981. 4., unveranderte Auflage. 864pp. lar.8vo. dw. bit foxing. 410 68,250 KAPLAN (D.): ALMOG (J.),PERRY (J.) & WETTSTEIN (H.)(Ed.) THEMES FROM KAPLAN. Oxford U.P., 1989. 614pp. dw. 412 8,400 KAPLAN (J.P.) ENGLISH GRAMMAR Principles and Facts. Prentice Hall, 1989. 358pp. lar.8vo. exlibrary. 413 4,200 KASHER (Asa) PRAGMATICS. Critical Concepts. London: Routledge. 1998. First ed, 6 vols complete set. original cloth in box. nice copy. 414 6,000 KANE (T.L.) TIGRINYA-ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Dunwoody Press, 1999.2 Vols. Lar.4to. not uniform. 411 7,350 150,000 KASTER (R.A.) GUARDIANS OF LANGUAGE. The Grammarian and Society in Late Antiquity. California U.P., 1988. xxi,524pp. lar.8vo. dw. fore-edges bit spotted. - 30 - 18,900 415 KAUFMANN (H.) GENETIVISCHE ORTSNAMEN. Tubingen: M.Niemeyer, 1961. 226pp. lar.8vo. 416 4,500 KAYNE (R.S.) FRENCH SYNTAX. The Transformational Cycle. MIT Press, 1975. 473pp. 5,250 417 KAYSER (W.) DAS SPRACHLICHE KUNSTWERK. Eine Einfuhrung in die Literaturwissenschaft. Munchen: Francke, 1960. Sechste Auflage. 445pp. lar.8vo. 418 2,940 KAZIMIRSKI (A.DE B.) DICTIONNAIRE FRANCAIS-PERSAN. Beyrouth: Librairie du Liban, 1975. 617pp. sm.8vo. dw. last page(p.617) tear. 419 3,000 KAZIMIRSKI (A.DE B.) VOCABULAIRE FRANCAIS-PERSAN. Paris: Lib.C.Klincksieck, 1883. 622pp. original wrapper in modern cloth. stamped. title-page sl.chipped. otherwise fine. 15,000 420 KEENAN (E.) BOOLEAN SEMANTICS FOR NATURAL LANGUAGE. Dordrecht: D.Reidel, 1985. 387pp. with dust-cover. 421 8,400 KEMENADE (Ans van) & VINCENT (N.)(Ed.) PARAMETERS OF MORPHOSYNTACTIC CHANGE. Cambridge U.P., 1997. 544pp. lar.8vo. pb. small stamped. 421 KILGOUR (REV.R.) DICTIONARY ENGLISH-NEPALI.New 5,250 Delhi: Asian services,1986. 391pp. 422 3,150 KIEFER (F.) MATHEMATICAL LINGUISTICS IN EASTERN EUROPE. N.Y.: American Elsevier, 1968. 180pp. 423 2,940 KIEFER (F.)(Ed.) TRENDS IN SOVIET THEORETICAL LINGUISTICS. D.Reidel pub., 1973. 438pp. lar.8vo. 424 Educational 5,250 KLEIN (E.) A COMPREHENSIVE ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Dealing with the origin of words and their sense development this illustrating the history of civilization and culture. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1971. xxv,844pp. 4to. dw. 425 Ed. KIRKEBY (W.A.) ENGLISH-NORWEGIAN DICTIONARY. Engelsk-norsk ordbok. Norwegian U.P., 10,500 KITTEL (R.) A HISTORY OF THE HEBREWS. London: Williams & Norgate, 1908. 2 vols. cover worn. 428 One-Volume 18,900 1989. xv,809pp. lar.8vo. 426 Unabridged 4,200 KLONTRUP (J.G.Rosemann genannt) NIEDERDEUTSCH-WESTPHALISCHES WORTERBUCH. bearbeitet von W.Kramer, H.Niebaum, U.Scheuermann. Band 1:A-M. Band 2:N-Z. Hildesheim: August Lax, 1982. 2 vols. lar.8vo. paperback. 429 13,650 KOERNER (E.F.K.) TOWARD A HISTORIOGRAPHY OF LINGUISTICS. Selected Essays. foreword by R.H.Robins. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1978. xx,222pp. - 31 - 12,000 430 KOTET (E.) & KIADAS (M.)(Ed.) A MAGYAR NYELV TORTENETI-ETIMOLOGIAI SZOTARA. Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, 1984. 4 vols. cr.4to. with dust jacket. 431 20,000 KREIS (G.) DIE SCHWEIZ UNTERWEGS. Schlussbericht des NFP21 "Kulturelle Vielfalt und nationale Identitat". Basel: Helbing,1993. 328pp. pb. 432 KRETSCHMER (P.) WORTGEOGRAPHIE DER HOCHDEUTSCHEN 4,200 UMGANGSSPRACHE. Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1969. 2., durchgesehene und erganzte Auflage. xvi,641pp. lar.8vo. dw. 433 5,250 KRUISINGA (E.) AN INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF ENGLISH SOUNDS. P.Noordhoff, 1951. Tenth Ed. Revised by C.Hedeman & J.J.Westerbeek. 160pp. lar.8vo. cloth with boards. bit spotted. 434 4,000 KURODA (S-Y.) JAPANESE SYNTAX AND SEMANTICS. Collected Papers. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1992. 372pp. roy.8vo. 435 KUTSCHERA (F.) PHILOSOPHY OF LANGUAGE. Boston: D.Reidel, 1975. 304pp. lar.8vo. dw(sl.soiled). 436 5,250 KUTSCHERA (F.von) ASTHETIK. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1998. 2., um ein Vorwort erweiterte Auflage. 583pp. text fine. 437 14,700 6,300 LABOV (W.), ASH (S.) & BOBERG (C.) THE ATLAS OF NORTH AMERICAN ENGLISH. Phonetics, Phonology and Sound Change. A Multimedia Reference Tool. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 2006. 318pp. with CD-ROM. oblong roy.4to. in slip case. 438 LADD,JR.(D.R.) THE STRUCTURE OF INTONATIONAL MEANING. Evidence from English. Indiana U.P., 1980. 239pp. lar.8vo. dw. 439 7,500 LALANDE (A.) VOCABULAIRE TECHNIQUE ET CRITIQUE DE LA PHILOSOPHIE. P.U.F., 1956. xxiv,1323pp. roy.8vo. original cloth. 440 68,000 4,000 LANGLAND (W.) THE VISION OF WILLIAM CONCERNING PIERS THE PLOWMAN in Three Parallel Texts Together with Richard the Redeless. Edited from Numerous Manuscripts with Preface, Notes, and A Glossary by the Walter W.Skeat. Vol.I.-Text. Vol.II.-Preface, Notes, and Glossary. Oxford U.P., 1924. 2 vols. lar.8vo. with dj(foxing & sl.chipped). fore-edges bit spotted. 441 6,300 LANMAN (C.R.) A SANSKRIT READER. Text and Vocabulary and Notes. (1884) Harvard U.P., 1971. reprint. 405pp. lar.8vo. Cover sl.spotted. 442 LAROUSSE (P.) GRAND DICTIONNAIRE ENCYCLOPEDIQUE LAROUSSE. Paris: Librairie Larousse, 1982. 16 vols(15 vols + supplement). 4to. full red modern-leather. 443 3,000 52,500 LAROUSSE: LE PETIT LAROUSSE ILLUSTRE. En Couleurs. 87 000 articles 3 800 illustrations 289 cartes. Paris, 2001. 1786pp. lar.8vo. - 32 - 3,000 444 LARSEN (T.)(Ed.) BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY OF EVANGELICALS. Leicester: Inter-varsity press, 2003. xvii,789pp. lar.8vo. dw. 445 3,000 LASNIK (H.): MARTIN (R.),MICHAELS (D.) & URIAGEREKA (J.)(Ed.) STEP BY STEP. Essays on Minimalist Syntax in Honor of Howard Lasnik. MIT Press, 2000. 357pp. lar.8vo. dw. 12,600 446 LASS (R.) ENGLISH PHONOLOGY AND PHONOLOGICAL THEORY. Synchronic and Diachronic studies. Cambridge U.P., 1976. 241pp. small stamped on title. 447 4,200 LASS (R.) HISTORICAL LINGUISTICS AND LANGUAGE CHANGE. Cambridge U.P., 1997. 447pp. lar.8vo. pb. small stamped. 448 6,090 LATHAM (R.E.) REVISED MEDIEVAL LATIN WORD-LIST. From British and Irish sources. London: Oxford U.P., 1965. xxiii,524pp. Roy.8vo. dw. fore-edges foxing. 449 6,000 LAWSON (J.) A TOWN GRAMMAR SCHOOL THROUGH SIX CENTURIES. A History of Hull Grammar School Against Its Local Background. Oxford Univ., 1963. 302pp. dw. 450 LAZEROWITZ (M.) THE LANGUAGE OF PHILOSOPHY Freud and Wittgenstein. Dordrecht: D.Reidel, 1977. xiv,209pp. dw. 451 3,000 7,350 LEE (Kee-Dong) KUSAIEAN-ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Hawaii U.P., 1976. 317pp. pb. sl.foxing. 3,150 452 LENNEBERG (E.H.& E.)(Ed.) FOUNDATIONS OF LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT. Multidisciplinary Approach. Academic Press Unesco Press, 1975. 2 vols. lar.8vo. 453 LEVITT (J.) THE GRAMMAIRE DES GRAMMAIRES OF GIRAULT-DUVIVIER. A Study of Nineteenth-Century French. Hague: Mouton, 1968. 338pp. 4to. dw. 454 4,000 LEXER (M.) MATTHIAS LEXERS MITELHOCHDEUTSCHES TASCHENWORTERBUCH. S.Hirzel Verlag, 1981. Sechsunddreissigste Auflage. 504pp. pb. sl.spotted. 456 7,350 LEVY (E.) PETIT DICTIONNAIRE PROVENCAL-FRANCAIS. Heidelberg: C.Winter, 1973. 5.Edition. 387pp. sm.8vo. 455 A 6,000 4,200 LEXER (M.) MITTELHOCHDEUTSCHES HANDWORTERBUCH. Zugleich als Supplement und Alphabetischer Index zum Mittelhochdeutschen Worterbuch von Benecke-Muller-Zarncke. Stuttgart: S.Hirzel, 1970. 3 Bde. lar.8vo. foxing. 457 LIDDELL (H.G.) A GREEK-ENGLISH LEXICON. Oxford: 1961. cloth. with dust-cover. 458 21,000 2111pp. 4to. original blue 12,000 LIDDELL (H.G.) & SCOTT (R.) AN INTERMEDIATE GREEK-ENGLISH LEXICON. Oxford C.P., 1968. 910pp. cr.4to. dw. p.320-348 Erratic pagination. previous owner's scratched on fore-edge. 3,000 - 33 - 459 LIDDELL (H.G.) & SCOTT (R.)(Comp.) A GREEK-ENGLISH LEXICON. Revised & Augmented Throughout by Sir H.S.Jones with the Assistance of R.McKenzie and with the co-operation of many scholars. with a supplement 1968. Oxford C.P., 1968. 2042,153pp. 4to. owner's stamped. 460 15,750 LIDDELL (H.G.) & SCOTT (R.)(Comp.) A GREEK-ENGLISH LEXICON. With a supplement 1968. Oxford C.P., 1973. xlv,2042,153pp. folio. India paper. spotted. 461 15,750 LIDDELL (H.G.) & SCOTT (R.)(COmpiled by) A GREEK-ENGLISH LEXICON. Oxford C.P., 1951. A New Edition Revised and Augmented throughout by H.S.Jones. 2 vols. 4to. fore-edges foxing. 462 12,000 LINCY (Le Roux de) LE LIVRE DES PROVERBES FRANCAIS. Precede de Recherches Historiques sur les Proverbes Francais et Leur Emploi dans la Litterature du Moyen Age et de la Renaissance. (1859) Geneve: Slatkine, 1968. 2 tomes. wrappers. 12,600 463 LINDSAY (W.M.) EARLY LATIN VERSE. Ox.C.P., 2000. reprinted Ed. 372pp. dw. 464 LITTRE (E.) PAROLES DE PHILOSOPHIE POSITIVE. Paris: A.Delahays, 1859. 62pp. wrapper. edges bit chipped. 465 3,000 LITTRE (E.) & BEAUJEAN (A.) DICTIONNAIRE DE LA LANGUE FRANCAISE. abrege du Dictionnaire. Paris: Gallimard Hachette, 1971. 2449pp. in card-board case. 466 4,000 LOT (F.) LA FIN DU MONDE ANTIQUE ET LE DEBUT DU MOYEN AGE. Paris: A.Michel,1951. xxviii,553pp. wrapper. 472 3,000 LOT (F.): RECUEIL DES TRAVAUX HISTORIQUES DE FERDINANT LOT. Geneve: Droz/Minard, 1968. 3 Bde. lar.8vo. pb. 473 4,200 LOT (F.) ETUDE SUR LE LANCELOT EN PROSE. (1918) Paris: Lib.Ancienne Honore Champion, 1954. 474pp. Roy.8vo. wrapper. 471 4,200 LONGMAN: GAY (H.)(Ed.) et al. LONGMAN DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Longman, 1984. 1876pp. lar.8vo. dw. 470 5,000 LOCKE (W.N.) & BOOTH (A.D.)(Ed.) MACHINE TRANSLATION OF LANGUAGES. Fourteen essays. John Wiley, 1957. xii,243pp. lar.8vo. 469 7,140 LOCK (A.) ACTION, GESTURE AND SYMBOL. The Emergence of Language. London: Academic Press, 1978. 588pp. with dust-cover. 468 4,000 LLOYD (P.M.) FROM LATIN TO SPANISH. Vol.I: Historical Phonology and Morphology of the Spanish Language. American Philosophy Society, 1987. 439pp. 4to. dw. 467 4,720 8,400 LUCY (J.A.)(Ed.) REFLEXIVE LANGUAGE. Reported Speech and Metapragmatics. Cambridge U.P., 1993. 414pp. lar.8vo. 12,000 - 34 - 474 LYCAN (W.G.) LOGICAL FORM IN NATURAL LANGUAGE. MIT Press, 1984. 348pp. lar.8vo. 5,250 475 LYONS (J.) SEMANTICS. Cambridge U.P., 1977. 2 vols. lar.8vo. paperback. 5,040 476 MACCHI (V.)(Ed.) DICTIONARY OF THE ITALIAN AND ENGLISH LANGUAGES. Part Two:English-Italian A-L, M-Z. Roma: Sansoni Editore, 1973. 2 vols. lar.4to. spine calf. joint tender. spine edges bit tear. 477 MACDONELL (A.A.) A 5,040 PRACTICAL SANSKRIT DICTIONARY. with Transliteration, Accentuation, and Etymological Analysis Throughout. Oxford U.P., 1991. xiv,382pp. 4to. fore-edges sl.spotted. 478 7,350 MACKEY (W.F.) & ORNSTEIN (J.)(Ed.) SOCIOLINGUISTIC STUDIES IN LANGUAGE CONTACT. Methods and Cases. Mouton pub., 1979. 460pp. dw. 479 8,000 MACLENNAN (M.) A PRONOUNCING AND ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY OF THE GAELIC LANGUAGE. Gaelic-English,English-Gaelic. Acair & Aberdeen U.P., 1997. xv,613pp. paperback. 480 4,200 MAGNUSSEN (J.),MADSEN (O.) & VINTERBERG (H.) ENGELSK-DANSK ORDBOG. Gyldendalske Boghandel, 1929. 340pp. 481 MALESBERBES ( 3,150 L,de): ROYER (M.[Cure de Chavannes, depute d'Aval].) MALESHERBLANA, OU RECUEIL. D'Anecdotes et Penses de Chretien Gullaume de Lamoignon Mallesherbes. Paris: Chez Pillot,Freres,Libraires. 1802. with frontispiece. 16mo(9x13cm) contemporary half calf. 482 143pp. 12,000 MALVEZIN (P.) GLOSSAIRE DE LA LANGUE D'OC. Geneve: Slatkine reprints, 1975. 278pp. 8,000 483 MANNER (REV.A.) ENGLISH-TULU DICTIONARY. Delhi: Asian educational services,1987. 653pp. 484 3,150 MANSION (J.E.) HARRAP'S NEW STANDARD FRENCH AND ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Revised & Edited by R.P.L.Ledesert & M.Ledesert. vol.I:French-English A to I. vol.II.French-English J to Z. London: Harrap, 1981. 2 vols. 4to. dw. 485 MARCISZEWSKI (W.)(Ed.) DICTIONARY OF LOGIC. As Applied in the Study of Language. Concepts/Methods/Theories. Hague: M.Nijhoff, 1981. xiv,436pp. Roy.8vo. 486 5,000 26,250 MARGALIT (A.)(Ed.) MEANING AND USE. Papers Presented at the Second Jerusalem Philosophical Encounter April 1976. (Synthese Language Library Vol.3) Reidel, 1979. xii,307pp. with dj. bit spotted. 487 4,200 MARKHAM (C.R.) CONTRIBUTIONS TOWARDS A GRAMMAR AND DICTIONARY OF QUICHUA. The Language of Incas of Peru. London: Trubner, 1864. 223pp. cr.8vo. scarce. spine bit tear and inner-joint sl.worn. text is almost good. - 35 - 10,500 488 MARKOVIC (M.) DIALECTICAL THEORY OF MEANING. Dordrecht: D.Reidel, 1984. 399pp. with dust-cover. 489 22,000 MARSAIS (C.C.du) OEUVRES CHOISIES. Reproduction en facsimile des textes tires de l'edition complete de 1797 Avec une introduction par Herbert E.Brekle. Stuttgart: F.Frommann, 1971. 3 vols. sm.8vo. 490 15,000 MARTIN (S.E.) A REFERENCE GRAMMAR OF JAPANESE. Yale U.P., 1975. 1198pp. Roy.8vo. owner'sstamped. 491 18,000 MARTINIO (M.)LEXICON PHILOLOGICUM. Praecipue Etymologicum et Sacrum.. Editio Tertia Prioribus Multo emendatior & auctoris Vita Auctior... Praetarea Additur Glossarium...Joannis Georgii Graevii.Utrecht: Antonium Schouten, 1697-8.2 vols.added engraved title and engraved portrait in VolI. folio. Vol.1:591 & 405pp. vol.2:872,156,56 & 13pp. double column text. contemporary vellum. 492 MATCHKOVSKY (G.I.) DICTIONNAIRE DE DROIT FRANCAIS RUSSE. Environ 35000 termes. Moscou: Russo,1995. 437pp. 493 4,000 MATILAL (B.K.) EPISTEMOLOGY, LOGIC, AND GRAMMAR IN INDIAN PHILOSOPHICAL ANALYSIS. Hague: Mouton, 1971. 183pp. pb. 494 3,670 MAUGRAS (G.) LA DUCHESSE DE CHOISEUL ET LE PATRIARCHE DE FERNEY. Paris: C.Levy, 1889. signed by the Author. 190pp. sm.8vo. spine calf with marbled boards. 496 5,500 MATTUTAT (H.)(bearbeitet) DEUTSCHE GRUNDSPRACHE WORT- UND SATZLEXIKON. Stuttgart: E.Klett, 1973. 488pp. 495 150,000 18,000 MAUTHNER (F.) BEITRAGE ZU EINER KRITIK DER SPRACHE. 1:Zur Sprache und zur Psychologie. 2:Zur Sprachwissenschaft. 3:Zur Grammatik Logik. Hildesheim: G.Olms, 1967-9. 3 vols. cloth. good. 497 26,250 MAYRHOFER (M.) KURZGEFASTES ETYMOLOGISCHES. WORTERBUCH DES ALTINDISCHEN. A Concise Etymological Sanskrit Dictionary. Heidelberg: Carl Winter Univ. 1956. 4 vols. cr,8vo. original blue cloth. exlibrary-copy. good. scarce. 498 McCARTHY (M.) & etc.: CAMBRIDGE WORD ROUTES. Cambridge U.P., 1996. xi,457pp. Roy.8vo. pb. 499 2,940 McDAVID (R.I.): DAVIS (L.M.)(Ed.) STUDIES IN LINGUISTICS IN HONOR OF RAVEN I.McDAVID, Jr. Alabama U.P., 1972. 461pp. lar.8vo. dw. 500 4,200 McMANUS (E.G.) PALAUAN-ENGLISH DICTIONARY. edited & expanded by L.S.Josephs. Hawaii U.P., 1978. l,455pp. pb. sl.foxing. 501 95,000 3,670 MEIER (G.F.& B.) SPRACHE SPRACHENTSTEHUNG SPRACHEN. Handbuch der Linguistik und Kommunikations-wissenschaft Band I. Berlin: Akademie, 1979. Mit 2 Abbildungen im Text & 8 Sprachkarten in einer Mappe. 552pp. lar.8vo. dw. - 36 - 3,150 502 MENCKEN (H.L.) THE AMERICAN LANGUAGE. An Inquiry into the Development of English in the United States. N.Y.: A.A.Knopf, 1980. 3 vols(Supplement One & Two, 1977/78). lar.8vo. with dust cover. 503 8,400 MERCER (S.A.B.) AN EGYPTIAN GRAMMAR. with Chrestomathy and Glossary. N.Y.: F.Ungar, 1972. 184pp. a bit scrached. a small stamped on title. 504 3,990 MESSINGER (H.) & Langenscheidt-Redaktion: LANGENSCHEIDTS GROSSWORTERBUCH. der Englischen und Deutschen Sprache. "Der Kleine Muret-Sanders" Deutsch-Englisch. Berlin: Langenscheidt, 1982. 1296pp. Roy.8vo. dw. 505 5,250 MEYER (C.F.) A LINGUISTIC STUDY OF AMERICAN PUNCTUATION. American University Studies Series XIII Linguistics Vol.5. Peter Lang, 1987. 159pp. 506 4,000 MILLER (J.) SEMANTICS AND SYNTAX. Parallels and connections. Cambrudge Studies in Linguistics 41. Cambridge U.P., 1985. 262pp. lar.8vo. dw. 507 3,000 MILNE (J.G.)INSCRIPTIONES GRAECAE AEGYPTI. I-V. Chicago: Ares,1976.5 Vols. 4to. 21,000 508 MILNER (G.B.) & HENDERSON (E.J.A.)(Ed.) INDO-PACIFIC LINGUISTIC STUDIES PART II:Descriptive Linguistics. Amsterdam:North-holland,1965. 571pp. lar.8vo. stamped. spine taped. 509 MINER (J.N.) THE 3,150 GRAMMAR SCHOOLS OF MEDIEVAL ENGLAND. Historiographical Perspective. McGill-Queen's U.P., 1990. 355pp. lar.8vo. 510 wrapper. A.F.Leach in 3,990 MITCHELL (T.F.) PRINCIPLES OF FIRTHIAN LINGUISTICS. Longmans, 1975. xviii,213pp. dw. 3,150 511 MODIRI (A.H.) A COMPLETE ENGLISH GRAMMAR. (Arabic-English English-Arabic) Tehran: Amir-Kabir, 1984. Revised 3rd Ed. n.p. thick vol. lar.8vo. dw(bit rubbed). 512 MOELLER (C.) LITTERATURE DU XXe SIECLE ET CHRISTIANISME. I.Silence de Dieu. II.La Foi en Jesus-Christ. III.Espoir des Hommes. IV.L'Esperance en Dieu Notre Pere. 1960-67. 4 vols. wrapper. 513 3,990 Casterman, 4,200 MOIGNET (G.) GRAMMAIRE DE L'ANCIEN FRANCAIS Morphologie-Syntaxe. Initiation a la Linguistique Serie B: Problemes et Methodes, 2. Paris: Editions Klincksieck, 1973. 445pp. lar.8vo. pb. 514 3,000 MOK (Q.I.M.) MANUEL PRATIQUE DE MORPHOLOGIE D'ANCIEN OCCITAN. Coutinho BV, 1977. 63pp. wrapper. 515 4,000 MOLINER (M.) DICCIONARIO DE USO DEL ESPANOL. A-G & H-Z. Madrid: Editorial Gredos, 1982. 2 vols. Roy.8vo. dw. thick vols. - 37 - 15,000 516 MONIER-WILLIAMS (Sir M.) A SANSKRIT-ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Etymologically and philosophically arranged with special reference to cognate Indo-European Languages. New Edition, Greatly enlarged and Improved with the collaboration of E.Leumann, C.Cappeller, & other scholars. Oxford C.P., 1976. xxxiv,1333pp. 4to. fine. 517 18,900 MORAN (J.H.) & GODE (A.)(Translated) ON THE ORIGIN OF LANGUAGE Jean-Jacques Rousseau Essay on the Origin of Languages, Johann Gottfried Herder Essay on the Origin of Language. N.Y.: F.Ungar, 1966. 176pp. sm.8vo. 518 MORAWSKI (J.)(Edites) PROVERBES FRANCAIS Anterieurs au XVe Siecle. Paris: Lib.Ancienne E.Champion, 1925. xxiii,146pp. cr.8vo. wrapper. bit foxing. 519 4,500 MORRIS (J.)(Ed.) FROM THE THIRD PROGRAMME. A Ten years' anthology.London: Nonesuch press,1956. First Ed. 337pp. dw. 520 4,000 3,000 MORRIS (REV.R.) & SKEAT (W.W.)(Ed.) SPECIMENS OF EARLY ENGLISH. With Introductions, Notes, and Glossarial Index. Oxford C.P., 1898. 2nd Ed.,carefully Revised & 4th Ed. 2 vols. sm.8vo. stamped & bit foxing. 521 5,040 MORRISH (G.)(Compiled) A CONCORDANCE OF THE SEPTUAGINT. Michigan: Regency Reference Library, 1976. 284pp. lar.8vo. dw. bit spotted. 522 3,000 MOSSE (F.) HISTOIRE DE LA FORME PERIPHRASTIQUE ETRE+PARTICIPE PRESENT EN GERMANIQUE. Partie 1:Introduction Ancien germanique-Vieil Anglais. Partie 2:MoyenAnglais et Anglais Moderne. Paris: C.Klincksieck, 1938. 2 parts. 124+301pp. roy.8vo. original wrappers. spine sl.tear, joint tender. 523 MURAKI (M.) PRESUPPOSITION AND THEMATIZATION. Tokyo: Kaitakusha, 1974. viii,138pp. a small stamp on title. 524 5,000 4,200 MURRAY-AYNSLEY (Mrs.) SYMBOLISM OF THE EAST AND WEST. With Introduction by S.G.C.M.Birdwood. London: G.Redway, 1900. First ed, with plates and other illustrations. 212pp. roy.8vo. original gilt decorated cover. 525 MYLIUS (K.) WORTERBUCH SANSKRIT-DEUTSCH. Leipzig: VEB, 1987. 583pp. with dust cover. 526 6,000 NASH (W.) DESIGNS IN PROSE. A study of compositional problems and methods. Longman, 1980. 228pp. dw. 527 26,250 3,000 NAVALKAR (G.R.) THE STUDENT'S MARATHI GRAMMAR. Bombay: Education Society's Press, 1894. 3rd Ed. (Revised & Enlarged) 377pp. original black cloth. spine edges & corners sl.rubbed. 528 2,620 NEYRON (P.) NOUVEAU DICTIONNAIRE ETYMOLOGIQUE. (Neologismes) Paris: Editions de la Revue Moderne, 1970. 461pp. sm.8vo. wrapper. endpaper. exlibrary. - 38 - 4,500 529 NIDA (E.A.) TOWARD A SCIENCE OF TRANSLATING. with special reference to principles and procedures involved in bible translating. Leiden: E.J.Brill,1964. x,331pp. lar.8vo. spine sl.rubbed. 530 NIERMEYER 6,300 (J.F.) MEDIAE LATINITATIS LEXICON MINUS. Lexique Latin Medieval- Francais/Anglais a Medieval Latin-French/English Dictionary. Perficiendum Curavit C. Van De Kieft. Abbreviationes et Index Fontium. Composuit C.Van de Kieft. Adiuvante G.S.M.M.Lake-Schoonebeek. Leiden: E.J.Brill, 1976. 2 Bde. 1138,78pp. sm.4to. original blue cloth. 531 NIETZSCHE: 25,000 HENKE (D.) GOTT UND GRAMMATIK. Nietzsche Kritik der Religion. Neske,1981. 211pp. cr.8vo. pb. 532 3,000 NORRICK (N.R.) HOW PROVERBS MEAN. Semantic Studies in English Proverbs. Berlin: Mouton pub., 1985. 213pp. dw. 533 8,000 NYEIN (U TUN) THE STUDENT'S ENGLISH-BURMESE DICTIONARY. With suppliment. Rangoon: Daily Gazette Press, 1955. 991+130pp. sm.4to. fore-edges foxed. 534 6,820 NYROP (Kr.) GRAMMAIRE HISTORIQUE DE LA LANGUE FRANCAISE tome I. Histoire Generale de la Langue Francaise Phonetique Historique. Copenhague: Gyldendalske Boghandel, n.d. Quatrieme Edition Revue par les Soins de P.Laurent. 594pp. Roy.8vo. 535 6,300 O.E.D.: SIMPSON (J.) & WEINER (E.)(Ed.) OXFORD ENGLISH DICTIONARY ADDITIONS SERIES. Oxford C.P., 1993-97. 3 Vols. lar.8vo. dw. fine set. 536 12,600 OGDEN (C.K.) & RICHARDS (I.A.) THE MEANING OF MEANING. A Study of the Influence of Language upon Thought and of the Science of Symbolism. With Supplementary Essays by B.Malinowski and F.G.Crookshank. London: Routledge, 1952. Tenth Ed(2nd xxii,361pp. fore-edges spotted. 537 OGDEN (C.K.): FLORENCE (P.S.) & ANDERSON (J.R.L.)(Ed.) C.K.OGDEN A Collective Memoir by J.R.L.Anderson, et al. London: E.Pemberton, 1977. 252pp. dw. 538 4,200 ONIONS (C.T.)(Ed.) THE OXFORD DICTIONARY OF ENGLISH ETYMOLOGY. with the Assistance of G.W.S.Friedrichsen & R.W.Burchfield. Oxford C.P., 1983. reprinted. xiv,1024pp. 540 3,990 OLNEY (J.) METAPHORS OF SELF. the meaning of autobiography. Princeton U.P., 1973. 342pp. lar.8vo. 539 Imp.) 3,990 4,720 ONIONS (C.T.)(Revised & Ed.) THE OXFORD UNIVERSAL DICTIONARY ILLUSTRATED. An Illustrated Edition of the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary. Prepared by W.Little, H.W.Fowler, J.Coulson. Oxford C.P., 1968. 3rd Ed.,Revised & Addenda. 2 vols. 4to. bit foxed. top edge gilt. 541 5,500 ORSZAGH (L.) A COMPREHENSIVE ENGLISH-HUNGARIAN DICTIONARY. Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, 1985. 2 vols. [with] HUNGARIAN-ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Akademiai Kiado, 1985. 7th Ed. 2 vols. altogether 4 vols. cr.4to. - 39 - 28,000 542 OUHALLA (J.) FUNCTIONAL CATEGORIES AND PARAMETRIC VARIATION. Routledge, 1991. 240pp. 543 9,240 OZTOPCU (K.) & etc.: DICTIONARY OF THE TURKIC LANGUAGES. English:Azerbaijani, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Tatar, Turkish, Turkmen, Uighur, Uzbek. Routledge, 1996. xvi,361pp. Roy.8vo. 544 15,000 PADLEY (G.A.) GRAMMATICAL THEORY IN WESTERN EUROPE 1500-1700, The Latin Tradition. Cambridge U.P., 1976. 290pp. lar.8vo. dw. 545 13,650 PALMATIER (R.A.) A DESCRIPTIVE SYNTAX OF THE ORMULUM. Janua Linguarum Series Pratica 74. Hague: Mouton, 1969. 137pp. 4to. wrapper. 546 6,800 PALMER (A.S.) FOLK-ETYMOLOGY. A Dictionary of Verbal Corruptions or Words perverted in Form or Meaning by False Derivation or Mistaken Analogy. (N.Y.:H.Holt,1890) Johnson Reprint Corp., 1969. xxviii,664pp. bit foxing. 547 6,000 PARRET (H.)(Ed.) HISTORY OF LINGUISTIC THOUGHT AND CONTEMPORARY LINGUISTICS. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1976. 816pp. Lar.8vo. in dust-case. 548 10,290 PARRET (H.),SBISA (M.) & VERSCHUEREN (J.)(Ed.) POSSIBILITIES AND LIMITATIONS OF PRAGMATICS. Proceedings of the Conference on Pragmatics, Urbino, July 8-14, 1979. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1981. 854pp. lar.8vo. 549 9,240 PARTRIDGE (E.) A DICTIONARY OF CATCH PHRASES. British and American, from the Sixteenth Century to the Present Day. London: R & KP, 1977. 278pp. sm.4to. dw. text fine. 3,670 550 PARTRIDGE (E.) A DICTIONARY OF SLANG AND UNCONVENTIONAL ENGLISH. Colloquialisms and Catch-phrases Solecisms and Catachreses Nicknames Vulgarisms and such Americanisms as have been naturalized. Edited by P.Beale. R & KP, 1982. One Volume Edition. xxi,1528pp. Roy.8vo. dw. fine. 551 6,300 PARTRIDGE (E.) A DICTIONARY OF SLANG AND UNCONVENTIONAL ENGLISH. Colloquialisms and Catch-phrases Solecisms and Catachreses Nicknames Vulgarismus and such Americanisms as have been naturalized. London: Routledge & K.Paul, 1974. 2 vols. 4to. dw. fore-edges sl.foxing. 552 8,190 PARTRIDGE (E.) FROM SANSKRIT TO BRAZIL. Vignettes and Essays upon Languages. N.Y.: Books for Libraries Press, 1969. 146pp. cover bit faded. 553 3,150 PATEMAN (T.) LANGUAGE IN MIND AND LANGUAGE IN SOCIETY. Studies in Linguistic Reproduction. Oxford C.P., 1987. 194pp. dw. bit spotted. 554 6,090 PAUL (H.) DEUTSCHE GRAMMATIK. Tubingen: Max Niemeyer, 1968. 5 Bde. in slip case. 15,000 - 40 - 555 PAUL (L.) GESCHICHTE DER GRAMMATIK IM GRUNDRISS. Weinheim: Beltz, 1978. 591pp. 5,250 556 PECHEUX (M.) LANGUAGE,SEMANTICS AND IDEOLOGY. Stating the Obvious. Translated by H.Nagpal. London: Macmillan, 1982. 244pp. with dsut-cover. 557 PEIRCE (C.S.): PHARIES (D.) CHARLES S. PEIRECE AND THE LINGUISTIC SIGN. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1985. 118pp. publisher's blue cloth. 558 6,300 PIATTELLI-PALMARINI (M.)(Ed.) LANGUAGE AND LEARNING. The Debate between Jean Piaget and Noam Chomsky. Harvard U.P., 1980. xxxvi,409pp. lar.8vo. dw. 559 8,000 4,200 PINBORG (J.): BURSILL-HALL (G.L.),EBBESEN (S.) & KOERNER (K.)(Ed.) DE ORTU GRAMMATICAE. Studies in Medieval Grammar and Linguistic Theory in Memory of Jan Pinborg. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1990. 372pp. bit foxing. 560 PLATON: CROISET (M.) OEUVRES COMPLETES. I -XIV.Paris: Les Belles lettres, Guillaume Bude ed. 27 vols. complete set. [18 vols wrppers, 9 vols cloth] 561 110,000 PLEIADE: MARTINET (D'Andre)(vol.publie sous la direction) LE LANGAGE. encyclopedie de la pleiade. Gallimard, 1968. 1525pp. full leather. gilt spine. with plastic wrapper. 562 6,300 5,500 PLUMMER (C.)(Ed.) TWO OF THE SAXON CHRONICLES PARALLEL. with supplementary extracts from the others. A Revised Text. on the Basis of An Edition by J.Earle. Reissued in 1952 with a Bibliographical note by D.Whitelock. Oxford C.P., 1972. 2 vols. cr.8vo. dw. fore-edges sl.foxing. 8,190 563 POP (S.) GRAMMAIRE ROUMAINE. Berne: Editions A.Francke, 1948. 457pp. dw. 6,300 564 POP (S.) LA DIALECTOLOGIE Apercu historique et methodes d'enquetes linguistiques. I:Dialectologie Romane. II:Dialectologie non Romane. Louvain: C.L'Auteur, ca.1950. 2 vols. Roy.8vo. wrapper. spine sl.rubbed. 565 POSNER (R.) RATIONAL DISCOURSE AND POETIC COMMUNICATION. Methods of Liguistic, Literary, and Philosophical analysis. Mouton,1983. xvi,258pp. dw. sl.foxed. 566 4,200 POSTAL (P.M.) ON RAISING: One Rule of English Grammar and Its Theoretical Implications. MIT Press, 1974. 447pp. lar.8vo. dw. exlibrary(stamped on title & top edge). 567 12,600 4,200 POUTSMA (H.) A GRAMMAR OF LATE MODERN ENGLISH for the use of Continental, Especially Dutch, Students. Part II The Parts of Speech. Section I, A Nouns, Advectives and Articles. Section I, B Pronouns and Numerals. Groningen: P.Noordhoff, 1914/16. 2 vols. lar.8vo. cover bit soiled. 568 9,240 POUTSMA (H.) A GRAMMAR OF LATE MODERN ENGLISH for the use of Continental. Especially Dutch, Students. Part I The Sentence. Sectioon I The Elements of the Sentence. Groningen: P.Noordhoff, 1904. 812pp. lar.8vo. cover soiled. - 41 - 6,090 569 POUTSMA (H.) A GRAMMAR OF LATE MODERN ENGLISH Part I.The Sentence, Second Half:The Composite Sentence. Groningen: P.Noordhoff, 1929. 2nd Ed. 545-1057pp. foreedges sl.foxed. 570 5,040 POUTSMA (H.) A GRAMMAR OF LATE MODERN ENGLISH. Part I:The Sentence, First Half & Second Half. Part II:The Parts of Speech, I A & I B. and Section II. (Groningen: P.Noordhoff, 1914,1916,1926,1928,1929.2nd Ed.) Tokyo: Senjo reprint. reprint. 2 parts in 5 vols. lar.8vo. with dust cover. exlibrary stamped on endpaper. 571 28,000 POWELL (S.)(Ed.) NEW PERSPECTIVES ON MIDDLE ENGLISH TEXTS. A Festschrift for R.A.Waldron. D.S.Brewer, 2000. 190pp. lar.8vo. 572 6,300 PRICE (G.) ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE LANGUAGES OF EUROPE. Blackwell, 2000. xvii,499pp. Roy.8vo. pb. small stamped. 573 6,090 PROCTER (P.)(Ed.) LONGMAN NEW UNIVERSAL DICTIONARY. Essex: Longman, 1982. xxvi,1158pp. sm.4to. dw. 574 5,000 PROKHOROV (A.M.)(Ed.) GREAT SOVIET ENCYCLOPEDIA A Translation of the Third Edition. Bol'shaia Sovetskaia Entsiklopediia. (1970) N.Y.: Macmillan, 1973. 31 vols + Index(hard:1 vol, paper:5 vols). altogether 37 volumes. 4to. almost fine. 575 150,000 QUACKENBOS (G.P.) FIRST BOOK IN ENGLISH GRAMMAR. New York: Appleton, 1871. 2nd ed(?). 120pp. 12mo(18x10cm). ilustrated on front board. half calf. 576 12,000 QUIRK (R.),GREENBAUM (S.),LEECH (G.) & SVARTVIK (J.) A COMPREHENSIVE GRAMMAR OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Index by D.Crystal. London: Longman, 1985. 1779pp. roy.8vo. dw. fine. 577 12,000 QUIRK (R.),GREENBAUM (S.),LEECH (G.) & SVARTVIK (J.) A GRAMMAR OF CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH. London: Longman, 1972. 1120pp. dw(sl.chipped). 578 8,400 QUITARD (P.-M.) DICTIONNAIRE ETYMOLOGIQUE, HISTORIQUE ET ANECDOTIQUE DES PROVERBES et des Locutions Proverbiales de la Langue Francaise. Geneve: Slatkine, 1968. xv,701pp. lar.8vo. wrapper. 579 7,350 RADLOFF (W.) VERSUCH EINES WORTERBUCHES DER TURK-DIALECTE. Mit einem Vorwort von Omeljan Pritsak.(German/Russian) St. Petersburg 1863 reprinted. Hague: Mouton & Co, 1960.Second Ed, 4 Vols. Roy.8vo. 580 RAGUET (E.) DICTIONNAIRE FRANCAIS-JAPONAIS. 52,500 Tokyo: Lib.Hakusuisha, Deuxieme Edition par J.M.Martin. 2 vols. Roy.8vo. wrapper. foxing. 581 5,000 RAMIREZ (S.F.) GRAMATICA ESPANOLA. 3.2.El Pronombre. 4.El Verbo Y La Oracion. Arco/Libros, 1986,87. Segunda Ed. 2 vols. paperback. 582 1943,44. 4,720 RAY (S.H.) A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE MELANESIAN ISLAND LANGUAGES. (Cambridge U.P., 1926) AMS Press, 1978. 6 maps. xv,598pp. fore-edges spotted. - 42 - 10,500 583 REDHOUSE (J.W.) A TURKISH AND ENGLISH LEXIKON. Shewing in English the Significations of the Turkish Terms. Beirut: Librairie du Liban, 1974. 2224pp. lar.8vo. with red dj. a thick vol. 584 12,000 REIG (D.) DICTIONNAIRE ARABE FRANCAIS FRANCAIS-ARABE. As-Sabil Collection Saturne. Librairie Larousse, 1983. lar.8vo. thick vol. stamped on title. 585 4,000 RENKLIYILDIRIM (O.)(General Ed.) LONGMAN-METRO BUYUK INGILIZCE-TURKCE-TURKCE SOZLUK. Metro/Longman, 1993. English-Turkish Ed. xxxxi,1760pp. dw. a thick vol. 586 6,000 REY (A.) DICTIONNAIRE HISTORIQUE DE LA LANGUE FRANCAISE. Paris: Dictionnires le Robert, 1993. Nouvelle ed. 2 vols. 1155 & 1156-2383pp. 4to. original green cloth with dust-cover. in the box. good. 587 18,000 RICHELET (P.) DICTIONNAIRE FRANCOIS Contenant les mots et les choses, plusieurs nouvelles remarques sur la langue francoise. Hildesheim: G.Olms, 1973. 2 Bande in 1. 480,560pp. lar.8vo. 588 RICKEN (U.) SPRACHE, 26,250 ANTHROPOLOGIE, PHILOSOPHIE IN DER FRANZOSISCHEN AUFKLARUNG. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Verhaltnisses von Sprachtheorie und Weltanschauung. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1984. 368pp. pb. 589 RICOEUR (P.) THE RULE OF METAPHOR. Multi-disciplinary tudies of the creation of meaning in Language. Routledge,1978. viii,384pp. dw. 590 3,000 5,500 RIVERS (I.) REASON, GRACE, AND SENTIMENT. A Study of the Language of Religion and Ethics in England, 1660-1780. Volume 1.Whichcote to Wesley. Cambridge U.P., 1991. 277pp. lar.8vo. dw. 591 8,400 ROBERT (P.)(Petit Robert): REY-DEBOVE (J.) & REY (A.)(direction) LE NOUVEAU PETIT ROBERT 1.dictionnaire alphabetique et analogique de la langue francaise. 2.Dictionnaire Universel des Noms Propres alphabetique et analogue, Illustre en Couleurs. Paris: Robert, 1993. 2 vols. lar.8vo. dw. fine. 592 8,400 ROCA (I.M.)(Ed.) THEMATIC STRUCTURE Its Role in Grammar. Berlin: Foris pub., 1992. 325pp. lar.8vo. 593 8,190 RODALE (J.I.) THE NAME-WORD FINDER. Including Metaphor Finder Sophisticated synonyms. (Rodale,1953) Tokyo: Meirin Shuppan, 1985. 1325pp. lar.8vo. fine. 594 RODALE (J.I.)(Compiled & Ed.) THE WORD FINDER. (Rodale,1947) Tokyo: Meirin Shuppan, 1984. Reprinted. 1317pp. lar.8vo. in slip-case. 595 5,000 ROGERS (R.M.),WATKINS (A.R.) & SPEIDEL (W.H.) SCENES FROM GERMAN DRAMA. A Review Grammar and Reader. N.Y.: Harper & Row, 1978. 312pp. lar.8vo. 596 4,720 3,150 ROSENSTOCK-HUESSY (E.) DIE SPRACHE DES MENSCHENGESCHLECHTS. Eine Leibhaftige Grammatik in Vier Teilen. Heidelberg: L.Schneider, 1963,64. 2 vols. dw. - 43 - 5,250 597 ROSS (A.S.) & MOVERLEY (A.W.) THE PITCAIRNESE LANGUAGE. Andre Deutsch, 1964. 269pp. a small stamp on title. text bit foxed. 3,150 598 ROSS (J.F.) PORTRAYING ANALOGY. Cambridge U.P., 1981. 244pp. dw. 6,300 599 ROUSSEAU (J-J.): LETTRE DE M. D'ALEMBERT A M.J.J.ROUSSEAU, Sur l'Article Geneve tire du septieme Volume de l'Encyclopedie. avec Quelques Autres Pieces qui y font relatives. Amsterdam: Chez Zacharie Chatelain, 1759. iv,156pp. contemporary full calf with marbled end-papers. 600 52,500 RUDENBERG (W.) CHINESISCH-DEUTSCHES WORTERBUCH. Hamburg: Cram, de Gruyter, 1963. Dritte erweiterte, vollig neu bearbeitete Auflage von H.O.Stange. xx,821pp. sm.4to. fore-edges sl.foxing. 601 36,750 S.O.E.D.: BROWN (L.)(Ed.) THE NEW SHORTER OXFORD ENGLISH DICTIONARY On Historical Principles. Oxford C.P., 1993. 2 vols. 4to. lar.8vo. dw. 602 8,920 S.O.E.D.: ONIONS (C.T.)(Revised & Edited) THE SHORTER OXFORD ENGLISH DICTIONARY. On Historical Principles. prepared by W.Little,H.W.Fowler & J.Coulson. Oxford C.P., 1972. 3rd Ed. revised with addenda. xxi,2515pp. 4to. dw. bit spotted. 603 10,500 S.O.E.D.: STEVENSON (A.)(Ed.) SHORTER OXFORD ENGLISH DICTIONARY On Historical Principles. Oxford U.P., 2002. Fifth Ed. 2 vols. 4to. dw. almost fine. 10,500 604 S.P.E. TRACTS. I-LXVI. Tokyo: Senjo, n.d. 4 vols. text fine. in slip case. 12,600 605 SAITOU (H.): WAKIMOTO (K.)(Revised) SAITO'S JAPANESE-ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Tokyo: Meicho-Fukyukai, 1979. 1160pp. folio. stamped on endpaper. 8,000 606 SALVA (V.) GRAMATICA DE LA LENGUA CASTELLANA. Segun Ahora se Habla. Estudio y sdicion de M.Lliteras. Arco/Libros, 1988. 2 vols. paperback. 6,300 607 SAMILOV (M.)(Preface) A LEXIKON TO THE GLORY OF GOD Greek-Russian (18th century). London: Variurum reprints, 1972. Facsimile edition. 94pp. bit foxed. 5,000 608 SANDERS (D.)(Hrsg.) ZEITSCHRIFT FUR DEUTSCHE SPRACHE. Zweiter Jahrgang. Hamburg: J.J.Richter, 1889. 544pp. spine rubbed. text is clean. 5,040 609 SANDMANN (M.) SUBJECT AND PREDICATE. A Contribution to the Theory of Syntax. Edinburgh U.P., 1954. 270pp. dw. foxing. 2,940 610 SATIRE: RAWSON (C.)(Ed.) ENGLISH SATIRE AND THE SATIRIC TRADITION. Blackwell, 1984. xiii,289pp. dw. 611 3,500 SAUMJAN (S.K.) PRINCIPLES OF STRUCTURAL LINGUISTICS. Translated from the Russian. Hague: Mouton, 1971. 359pp. 4to. dw. 612 5,500 SAVIGNY (E.von) DIE PHILOSOPHIE DER NORMALEN SPRACHE. Eine kritiscje Einfuhrung in die >>ordinary language philosophy<< Suhrkamp, 1969. 471pp. dw. bit spotted. - 44 - 4,200 613 SCHACHT (S.) THE DICTIONARY OF EXCEPTIONS TO RULES OF RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. N.Y.: American Elsevier, 1968. xxvi,196pp. lar.8vo. dw. 614 3,500 SCHAFER (W.) WIRTSCHAFTSWORTERBUCH. Band I:English-Deutsch. Band II:DeutschEnglish. Munchen: Franz Vahlen, 1990. 2 vols. lar.8vo. 615 8,400 SCHAFF (A.) LANGAGE ET CONNAISSANCE. suivi de six essais sur la philosophie du langage. Traduit du polonais par C.Brendel. anthropos paris, 1969. 372pp. pb. 616 3,670 SCHATZ (J.) ALTHOCHDEUTSCHE GRAMMATIK. Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1927. viii,352pp. lar.8vo. spine edges rubbed. 6,300 617 SCHATZ (J.) WORTERBUCH DER TIROLER MUNDARTEN. Fur den Druck vorbereitet von Karl Finsterwalder. Band I:A-L, Band II:M-Z. Innsbruck: Univ.Wagner, 1993. Unveranderter Nachdruck der Ausgabe von 1955. 2 Bde. lar.8vo. 15,000 618 SCHEIDEGGER (J.) ARBITRAIRE ET MOTIVATION EN FRANCAIS ET EN ALLEMAND. Examen critique des theses de Charles Bally. Editions Francke Berne, 1981. 130pp. lar.8vo. wrapper. uncut. 4,200 619 SCHEMANN (H.) & KNIGHT (P.) GERMAN-ENGLISH DICTIONARY OF IDIOMS. Idiomatik Deutsche-Englisch. Routledge, 1995. xxxvii,1253pp. Roy.8vo. dw. fine. 16,800 620 SCHERER (R.) STRUCTURE ET FONDEMENT DE LA COMMUNICATION HUMAINE. Essai critique sur les theories contemporaines de la communication. Paris: Societe d'Edition d'Enseignement Superieur, 1965. 423pp. Roy.8vo. wrappers. ex-library. 4,720 621 SCHMITT (L.E.): MUNSKE (H.H.) et al.(Hrsg.): DEUTSCHER WORTSCHATZ Lexikologische Studien. Ludwig Erich Schmitt zum 80.Geburtstag von sinen Marburger Schulern. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1988. xxxi,927pp. Roy.8vo. in slip-case. 8,400 622 SCHNEIDER (E.W.), BURRIDGE (K.), KORTMANN (B.), MESTHRIE (R.) & UPTON (C.)(Ed.) A HANDBOOK OF VARIETIES OF ENGLISH. Volume 1:Phonology. Volume 2:Morphology and Syntax. Berlin: Gruyter, 2004. 2 vols. lar.8vo. fine. 623 63,000 SCHOSLER (L.) LA DECLINAISON BISCASUELLE DE L'ANCIEN FRANCAIS. Son role dans la syntaxe de la phrase, les causes de sa disparation. Oxford U.P., 1984. 321pp. lar.8vo. wrapper. sl.spotted. 624 4,000 SCHUTZEICHEL (R.) DIE GRUNDLAGEN DES WESTLICHEN MITTELDEUTSCHEN. Studien zur Historischen Sprachgeographie. Tubingen: Max Niemeyer, 1961. liv,336pp. lar.8vo. wrapper. spine sl.foxing. 625 7,140 SCHWARZ (D.S.) NAMING AND REFERRING. The Semantics and Pragmatics of Singular Terms. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1979. xxxviii,196pp. sm.8vo. 626 8,190 SCHWEIZER (E.) GRAMMATIK DER PERGAMENISCHEN INSCHRIFTEN. Beitrage zur Laut-und flexionslehre der Gemeingriechischen sprache. Weidmann, 2003. viii,212pp. wrapper. 5,770 - 45 - 627 SEIDEL (S.)(Vorwort) DER BRIEFWECHSEL ZWISCHEN FRIEDRICH SCHILLER UND WILHELM VON HUMBOLDT. Berlin: Aufbau, 1962. 2 vols. sm.8vo. with dust cover. sl.foxed. 6,000 628 SEIDENADEL (C.W.) THE FIRST GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE SPOKEN BY THE BONTOC IGOROT. With a Vocabulary and Texts, Mythology folk-lore historical eposodes songs. Chicago: The Open Court Publishing Co., 1909. First ed, with frontispiece and 12 plates showing 23 illustrations from photographs plus one mounte photograph on page 481. 4to. xxiv,589pp. original dust-cover. very good. 35,000 629 SEILER (H.) RELATIVSATZ, ATTRIBUT UND APPOSITION. I.Teil:Relativsatz, Attribut und Apposition als Problem der allgemeinen Syntax. II.Teil:Die Relativkonstruktionen im Awestischen (mit Ausblicken auf andere indogermanische Sprachen) Wiesbaden: O.Harrassowitz, 1960. 213pp. Roy.8vo. wrapper. 6,300 630 SETHAPUTRA (So)(Compiled) NEW MODEL THAI-ENGLISH [&] ENGLISH-THAI DICTIONARY. Thai: Watana Panich Press, 1965 & 1991. 4 vols(each 2 parts). 4to. Thai-English without dj. 15,000 631 SHANNON (C.E.) & WEAVER (W.) THE MATHEMATICAL THEORY OF COMMUNICATION. Illinois U.P., 1949. First Ed. 117pp. sl.foxing. 6,300 632 SHAW (W.A.) AN ANALYSIS OF THE GALIC LANGUAGE. London: Printed for the Author by W.& A.Strahan, 1778. 156pp. 4to. original text in recent spine calf with marbled boards. rebound. 73,500 633 SHINTANI (T.) BOH BLU EDE-YUAN-ZA PONE TU VUNG EDE-VIET-NHAT. Tokyo: ILCAA, 1981. 448pp. 4to. 5,000 634 SHIPP (G.P.) MODERN GREEK EVIDENCE FOR THE ANCIENT GREEK VOCABULARY. Sydney Univ, 1979. 654pp. 4to. dw. 25,000 635 SHORTO (H.L.), JACOB (J.M.) & SIMMONDS (E.H.S.) BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF MON-KHMER AND TAI LINGUISTICS. compiled. London: Oxford U.P., 1963. 87pp. Roy.8vo. scratched. 3,500 636 SIEBS (B.E.) WELTBILD, SYMBOLISCHE ZAHL UND VERFASSUNG. Aalen: Scientia, 1969. 300pp. lar.8vo. 5,770 637 SKEAT (W.W.) AN ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Oxford C.P., 1968. xvi,780pp. 4to. ex-library. sl.spotted. 12,600 638 SKEAT (W.W.) PRINCIPLES OF ENGLISH ETYMOLOGY. First Series:The Native Element. Second Series:The Foreign Element. (2nd & Revised Ed.,Oxord C.P.,1892/91) Tokyo: Meicho-Fukyu-kai, 1983. reprinted ed. 2 vols. sm.8vo. dw. 5,000 639 SKEAT (W.W.)(Ed.): LANGLAND (W.) THE VISION OF WILLIAM CONCERNING PIERS THE PLOWMAN, together with Vita de adowel, dobet, et Dobest, Secundum Wit et Resoun, by W.Langland. London: published for the Early English Text Society; O.U.P., 1950-. 4 vols in 2. *The"Vernon" Text; or Text A.[1867],1956. 158pp. *The "Crowley" Text; or Text B. [1869],1950. 426pp. *The "Whitaker" Text; or Text C. [1873],1910. 536pp. lacking title to page 1-2. *Part IV.Section I.-Notes to Texts A, B, and C. [1877] 512pp. title page missing(?). original text in modern cloth(rebound). - 46 - 25,000 640 SMITH (E.C.) NEW DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN FAMILY NAMES. N.Y.: Harper & Row, 1973. xxix,570pp. Roy.8vo. dw. fore-edges sl.foxing. 641 4,000 SMITH (O.) THE POLITICS OF LANGUAGE 1791-1819. Oxford: Clarendon, 1984. 269pp. with dust-cover. 642 4,000 SMITH (W.) & WACE (H.)(Ed.) A DICTIONARY OF CHRISTIAN BIOGRAPHY, Literature, Sects and Doctrines; being a continuation of 'The Dictionary of the Bible' London: J.Murray, 1877. 4 vols. 3/4 morocco. lar.8vo. fore-edges marbled. fine copy. 643 78,750 SMITH (W.G.)(Compiled) THE OXFORD DICTIONARY OF ENGLISH PROVERBS. With an Introduction by J.E.Heseltine. Oxford C.P., 1952. 2nd Ed., revised throughout by P.Harvey. xxxi,740pp. lar.8vo. dw. 644 3,670 SOANES (C.) & STEVENSON (A.)(Ed.) CONCISE OXFORD ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Oxford U.P., 2006. 11th Ed.,Revised. xx,1708pp. lar.8vo. dw. 645 4,500 SOMMER (E.)(Ed.) SIMILES DICTIONARY. A Collection of More Than 16,000 Comparison Phrases from Ancient Times to the Present Compiled from Books, Folklore, Magazines, Newspapers, Plays, Politics, Stage, Screen, and Television and Arranged Under More Than 500 Thematic Categories. Michigan: Gale Research Com., 1988. First Ed. xlviii,950pp. Roy.8vo. fore-edges spotted. exlibrary. 646 4,750 SPADE (P.V.) PETER OF AILLY: Concepts and Insolubles. Dordrecht: D.Reidel, 1980. 193pp. dw. 647 10,500 SPECHT (E.K.) SPRACHE UND SEIN. Untersuchungen zur sprachanalytischen Grundlegung der Ontologie. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1967. 155pp. spine bit faded. 648 SPECHT (F.) DER URSPRUNG DER INDOGERMANISCHEN DEKLINATION. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1944. 432pp. roy.8vo. modern cloth. 649 STABLER,JR.(E.P.) THE LOGICAL APPROACH TO SYNTAX. MIT Press, 1992. xiv,433pp. 5,040 STAMMLER (W.) WORT UND BILD. Studien zu den Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Schrifttum und Bildkunst im Mittelalter. Berlin: E.Schmidt, 1962. 192pp. lar.8vo. dw. 652 4,000 8,190 Roy.8vo. dw. 651 Gottingen: SPITZER (L.) ESSAYS IN HISTORICAL SEMANTICS. N.Y.: S.F.Vanni, 1948. xviii,316pp. lar.8vo. cover edges sl.rubbed. 650 4,000 3,990 STARNES (DE.T.W.T.) & NOYES (G.E.) THE ENGLISH DICTIONARY FROM CAWDREY TO JOHNSON 1604-1755. New edition with an introduction and a select bibliography by G.Stein. John Benjamins pub., 1991. cxi,299pp. lar.8vo. 653 6,300 STEGER (H.)(Hrsg.) VORSCHLAGE FUR EINE STRUKTURALE GRAMMATIK DES DEUTSCHEN. Wege der Forshching Band CXLVI. Darmstadt: W.Buchgesellschaft, 1970. xxii,585pp. sm.8vo. 2,940 - 47 - 654 STEINTHAL (H.) DIE SPRACHWISSENSCHAFT WILHELM V.HUMBOLDT'S UND DIE HEGEL'SCHE PHILOSOPHIE. G.Olms, 1985. 170pp. sm.8vo. pb. 655 4,000 STEVENSON (R.C.) & EVELETH (F.H.)(Revised & Enlarged) JUDSON'S BURMESE-ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Rangoon: Baptist Board of pub., 1953. Unabridged Centenary Ed. 1123pp. lar.8vo. ex-library. 656 5,500 STOEHR (T.) WORDS & DEEDS. Essays on the Realistic Imagination. New York: AMS, 1986. 179pp. lar.8vo. dw. 657 4,000 STRATMANN (F.H.) A MIDDLE-ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Containing Words Used by English Writers from the Twelfth to the Fifteenth Century. Oxford U.P., 1992. a New Ed., Rearranged,Revised,& Enlarged by H.Bradley. xxiii,708pp. roy.8vo. sl.spotted. 658 STRAUMANN (H.) NEWSPAPER HEADLINES. A Study in Linguistic Method. London: G.Allen & Unwin, 1935. 263pp. cover faded. 659 4,200 SUMMERS (D.)(Ed.) LANGUAGE ACTIVATOR. The World's First Production Dictionary. Longman, 1994. 2nd Imp. 1587,B1-11.pp. lar.8vo. dw. 660 5,250 SWEET (H.) THE STUDENT'S DICTIONARY OF ANGLO-SAXON. (1896) Oxford C.P., 1973. xvi,217pp. dw. 662 5,000 SUTHERLAND (E.) IN SEARCH OF THE PICTS. A Celtic Dark Age Nation. London: Constable, 1994. Illustrated by Tom E.Gray. xxi,263pp. lar.8vo. dw. 661 8,400 4,200 SZEMERENYI (O.J.L.) INTRODUCTION TO INDO-EUROPEAN LINGUISTICS. Translated from Einfuhrung in die vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft 4th edition, 1990 with additional notes and references. Oxford C.P., 1996. xxxii,352pp. lar.8vo. dw. 663 12,600 TANIGUCHI (J.) A GRAMMATICAL ANALYSIS OF ARTISTIC REPRESENTATION OF IRISH ENGLISH. with A Brief Discussion of Sounds and Spelling. Tokyo: Shinozaki Shorin, 1972. Revised & Enlarged Ed. xii,419pp. dw. in case. ex-library stamped on endpaper. 664 TANQUEREY (F.J.) L'EVOLUTION DU VERBE EN ANGLO-FRANCAIS (XIIe-XIVe Siecles). Paris: Lib.Ancienne Honore Champion, 1915. 868pp. Roy.8vo. wrapper. bit foxing. 665 15,000 TAYLOR (J.L.) A PORTUGUESE-ENGLISH DICTIONARY. with corrections and additions by the Author & P.C.Martin. Stanford U.P., 1984. Revised. xx,655pp. lar.8vo. 668 3,150 TAYLOR (D.J.)(Ed.) THE HISTORY OF LINGUISTICS IN THE CLASSICAL PERIOD. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1987. 298pp. 667 9,240 TANZ (C.) STUDIES IN THE ACQUISITION OF DEICTIC TERMS. Cambridge Studies in Linguistics 26. Cambridge U.P., 1980. 184pp. lar.8vo. dw. 666 6,090 4,200 TAYLOR (J.R.) POSSESSIVES IN ENGLISH. An Exploration in Cognitive Grammar. Oxford C.P., 1996. 368pp. lar.8vo. dw. small stamped. - 48 - 8,400 669 TAYLOR (T.J.) LINGUISTIC THEORY AND STRUCTURAL STYLISTICS. Pergamon Press, 1980. 111pp. 670 4,200 TELLIER (A.) LES VERBES PERFECTO-PRESENTS ET LES AUXILIAIRES DE MODE EN GANGLAIS ANCIEN. (VIIIe S.- XVIe S.) Paris; C.Klincksieck, 1962. 359pp. roy.8vo. original wrappers. 5,000 671 TELLIER (C.) LICENSING THEORY AND FRENCH PARASITIC GAPS. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic pub., 1991. xiv,213pp. lar.8vo. 672 TERNES (E.) EINFUHRUNG IN DIE PHONOLOGIE. Darmstadt: W.Buchgesellschafts, 1987. xii,252pp. paperback. 673 2,940 THAO (T.D.) INVESTIGATIONS INTO THE ORIGIN OF LANGUAGE AND CONSCIOUSNESS. Dorderecht: D.Reidel, 1984. 244pp. with dust-cover. 674 15,000 8,400 THATCHER (V.S.) & McQUEEN (A.)(Ed.) THE WEBSTER ENCYCLOPEDIC DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE and Compendium of Usable Knowledge. Chicago: Consolidated Book pub., 1969. 972,352,151,111,etc.pp. 4to. a thick vol. dw(rubbed). 675 THOMAS (D.): ROLPH (J.A.) DYLAN THOMAS A Bibliography. London: J.M.Dent, 1956. 108pp. with dust cover. 676 5,000 3,000 THOMAS (M.) THE GRANDES HEURES OF JEAN, DUKE OF BERRY. Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris. Introduction & Legends. N.Y.: G.Braziller, 1971. with numerous colour plates. 183pp. folio. dw. in slip case. 677 20,000 THOMAS (M.J.) & etc.: CONFERENCES FAITES A LA SORBONNE A L'OCCASION DU 2e CENTENAIRE DE L'ENCYCLOPEDIE du 3 Mars au 28 Avril 1952. Paris, Octobre 1952. 267pp. Roy.8vo. wrapper. 678 5,250 THRANE (T.) REFERENTIAL-SEMANTIC ANALYSIS. Aspects of a theory of linquistic reference. Cambridge Studies in Linguistics 28. Cambridge U.P., 1980. 256pp. 679 3,150 THUMB (A.) & HAUSCHILD (R.) HANDBUCH DES SANSKRIT Mit Texten und Glossar. Eine Einfuhrung in das Sprachwissenschaftliche Studium des Altindischen. I-I:Teil:GrammatikEinleitung und Lautlehre. I-II Teil:Formenlehre. II: Texte und Glossar. Heidelberg: C.Winter, 1953-1958. 2 Bde in 3. sm.8vo. original wrappers. bit foxing. 680 8,000 TOLLER (T.N.) AN ANGLO-SAXON DICTIONARY Supplement. Based on the Manuscript collections of Joseph Bosworth. Oxford U.P., 1955. 768pp. 4to. cover bit wear. text sl.spotted. 681 15,000 TOWNSON (M.) MOTHER-TONGUE AND FATHERLAND. Language and Politics in German. Manchester U.P., 1992. 255pp. dw. near fine. 682 4,200 TRAGER (G.L.): SMITH (M.E.) STUDIES IN LINGUISTICS IN HONOR OF GEORGE L.TRAGER. Paris: Mouton, 1972. 506pp. Roy.8vo. - 49 - 10,500 683 TRAUBE (L.): LEHMANN (P.)(Hrsg.) ZUR PALAOGRAPHIE UND HANDSCHRIFTENKUNDE. Mit biographischer Einleitung von Franz Boll. Munchen: C.H.Beck, 1965. lxxv,263pp. Roy.8vo. dw. 684 10,500 TRUBETZKOY (N.S.) PRINCIPLES OF PHONOLOGY. Translated by Christiane A.M.Baltaxe. California U.P., 1971. 2nd printing. 344pp. lar.8vo. exlibrary. 685 6,300 TURNER (R.L.) A COMPARATIVE AND ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY OF THE NEPAL LANGUAGE. With Indexes of All Works Quoted from Other Indo-Aryan Languages. London: Kegan Paul, 1931. xxiii,935pp. lar.4to. 686 45,000 TWADDELL (W.F.) THE ENGLISH VERB AUXILIARIES. Providence: Brown University Press. 1960. 21pp. original wrappers. 687 3,000 ULLMANN (S.) SEMANTICS AN INTRODUCTION TO THE SCIENCE OF MEANING. B.Blackwell, 1967. 278pp. dw. 688 2,940 URDANG (L.) & ABATA (F.R.) LOANWORDS DICTIONARY. A Lexicon of More than 6500 words and Phrases Encountered in English Contexts. That are Not fully Assimilated into English and Retain a Measure of their Foreign Orthography, Pronunciation, or Flavor. Gale Research, 1988. xviii,324pp. lar.8vo. fine copy. 689 5,040 URDANG (L.)(Ed.) VERVATIM: Volumes I & II, III & IV, V & VI & Index:Vols.I-VI. Michigan: Verbatim Books Gale research, 1978. 4 vols. 690 5,000 VAANANEN (V.) INTRODUCTION AU LATIN VULGAIRE. Paris: Editions Klincksieck, 1981. Troisieme Edition Revue et Augmentee. xxi,273pp. lar.8vo. pb. 691 4,000 VACCARI (O.) & VACCARI (Mrs. E.E.) COMPLETE COURSE OF JAPANESE CONVERSATIONGRAMMAR. A New and practical Method of Learning the N.Y:Brentano,1948. 7th ed. 506,146pp. 692 Japanese Language. 3,000 VAN DIJK (T.A.)(Ed.) HANDBOOK OF DISCOURSE ANALYSIS. 1.Disciplines of Discourse. 2.Dimensions of Discourse. 3.Discourse and Dialogue. 4.Discourse Analysis in Society. Academic Press, 1985. 4 vols. lar.8vo. fine. 693 VERNIERE (P.) LUMIERES OU CLAIR-OBSCUR? Trente essais sur Diderot et quelques autres. P.U.F., 1987. 334pp. lar.8vo. wrapper. 694 45,000 6,300 VIEYRA (A.) A DICTIONARY OF THE PORTUGUESE AND ENGLISH LANGUAGES, In Two Parts; Portguese and English, and English and Portuguese: Throughout the Whole are Interspersed A Great Number of Phrases and Proverbs. London: printed for F.Wingrave; 1813. A New Ed., carefully Corrected, Greatly Enlarged, and very considerably Improved, by J.P.Ailluad. 2 vols. full old calf, spine cracked, edges rubbed, & joint weak. sl.worn. 695 12,000 VINCENT (W.A.L.) THE GRAMMAR SCHOOLS. Their Continuing Tradition 1660-1714. London: J.Murray, 1969. 297pp. dw. 4,000 - 50 - 696 VINTERBERG (H.) & AXELSEN (J.) DANSK-ENGELSK ORDBOG, ENGELSK-DANSK ORDBOG. Gyldendal, 1978/79. 2 vols. sl.spotted. 697 6,090 WACKERNAGEL (J.) ALTINDISCHE GRAMMATIK Introduction generale. Nouvelle edition du texte paru en 1896, au tome I par L.Renou. Band II,1:Einleitung zur Wortlehre Nominalkomposition. 2:Die Nominalsuffixe von A.Debrunner. III.Band:Nominalflexion- Zahlwort-Pronomen von A.Debrunner & J.Wackernagel. Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1957/87/75. 3 vols in 4. fore-edges sl.spotted. 698 WACKERNAGEL (J.) KLEINE Wissenschaften zu Gottingen. SCHRIFTEN. Gottingen: 60,000 Herausgegeben Vandenhoeck von & der Ruprecht, Akademie der 1969. 2., unveranderte Auflage. 3 bde. 1905pp. sm.4to. with dust cover. 2 parts in slip cases. 80,000 699 WAISMANN (F.): McGINNESS (B.)(Ed.) PHILOSOPHICAL PAPERS. With an Introduction by A.Quinton. Boston: D.Reidel, 1977. 190pp. paperback. 700 5,770 WALDE (A.) LATEINISCHES ETYMOLOGISCHES WORTERBUCH. Heidelberg: Carl Winter's Univ. 1938. 3 vols. cr.8vo. original blue cloth. cover darkned. 25,000 701 WALES (K.) A DICTIONARY OF STYLISTICS. Longman, 1989. 504pp. lar.8vo. dw. 702 WALES (K.) PERSONAL PRONOUNS IN PRESENT-DAY ENGLISH. Cambridge U.P.. 1996. 234pp. lar.8vo. dw. fine. 703 8,400 WARTBURG (W.) EVOLUTION ET STRUCTURE DE LA LANGUE FRANCAISE. Paris: H.Didier, 1934. 256pp. 704 8,190 WARTBURG (W.von) & ZUMTHOR (P.) PRECIS DE SYNTAXE DU FRANCAIS CONTEMPORAIN. Berne: A.Francke, 1947. 356pp. 705 3,670 WATSON (F.) THE ENGLISH GRAMMAR SCHOOLS TO 1660. Their Curriculum and Practice. London: F.Cass, 1968. ix,548pp. ex-library. 706 4,500 WAUGH (L.R.) A SEMANTIC ANALYSIS OF WORD ORDER. Position of the Adjective in French. Leiden: E.J.Brill, 1977. 231pp. lar.8vo. 707 5,250 4,200 WEBSTER (N.) AN AMERICAN DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. With an Introduction by M.Pei. Johnson Reprint Corporation, 1970. 2 vols. 4to. exlibrary stamped on endpaper. fore-edges sl.foxing. 708 13,650 WEBSTER (N.) AN AMERICAN DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Intended to Exhibit...To which are Prefixed, an Introductory Dissertation on the Origin, History & Connection of the Languages of Western Asia and of Europe, and a Concise Grammar of the English Language. Tokyo: Kodansha Ltd., 1976. Facsimile from first Edition. (N.Y.,1828) 2 vols. 4to. half calf. private stamped. - 51 - 26,250 709 WEBSTER (N.) THE ELEMENTARY SPELLING BOOK. Being an improvement on "The American Spelling-Book". Tokyo: Izumiya.Yamanaka Ichibei, Meiji 18 nen(1885). First ed on Tokyo. with illsutrations. 170pp. 12mo. original cloth and boards. slightly worn. scarce. 710 15,000 WEBSTER (N.) THE ELEMENTARY SPELLING BOOK. Being an Improvement on "The American spelling book". N.Y.: D.Appleton, 1857. 169pp. 12mo. original boards. cover stained & bit worm-hole. 711 3,000 WEBSTER (N.) WEBSTER'S THIRD NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY. Unabridged and Seven Language Dictionary. Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1986. 3 vols. folio. original brown cloth. 712 8,000 WEHR (H.): COWAN (J.M.)(Ed.) A DICTIONARY OF MODERN WRITTEN ARABIC. Wiesbaden: O.Harrassowitz, 1961. xvii,1110pp. lar.8vo. fore-edges foxing. 713 6,300 WEIJER (, NANJO (K.) & NISHIHARA (T.)(Ed.) VOICING IN JAPANESE. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 2005. 314pp. as new. 714 8,400 WELBY (V.L.) WHAT IS MEANING? Studies in the Development of Significance. Reprint of the edition London, 1903, with an Introductory essay by G.Mannoury and a Preface by A.Eschbach. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1983. 321pp. lar.8vo. 715 6,300 WELLS (C.J.) GERMAN: A LINGUISTIC HISTORY TO 1945. Oxford C.P., 1985. 591pp. dustcover. 716 10,500 WENDT (G.) SYNTAX DES HEUTIGEN ENGLISCH. 1.Die wortlehre. 2.Die Satzlehre.Heidelberg: C.Winter, 1911/14. 2 Bde. xii,328pp + viii,279pp. wrapper. 717 WENTWORTH (H.)(Ed.) AMERICAN DIALECT DICTIONARY. 6,090 Meicho-Fukyu-kai, 1981. xv,747pp. 3/4 modern leather. in case. stamped. 718 3,500 WEXLER (K.) & CULICOVER (P.W.) FORMAL PRINCIPLES OF LANGUAGE ACQUISITION. MIT Press, 1980. xvii,647pp. lar.8vo. dw. 719 5,250 WHEELER (M.) THE OXFORD RUSSIAN-ENGLISH DICTIONARY. General Editor B.O.Unbegaun. Oxford C.P., 1984. 2nd Ed. 930pp. lar.8vo. dw. 720 4,500 WHITNEY (W.D.) THE CENTURY DICTIONARY. an Encyclopedic Lexicon of the English Language. Revised and Enlarged under the Superintendence of B.E.Smith. New York: The Times / Century Co., 1904. Revised and Enlarged Edition. 10 vols(8 vols + Proper Names & Atlas). folio. 3/4 calf with boards. sl.worn. text is foxing, but almost good. 721 WIENER (P.P.)(Ed.) DICTIONARY OF THE HISTORY OF IDEAS. N.Y.: C.Scribner, 1973. 5 Vols. lar.8vo. paperback. in box. spine & fore-edges sl.foxing. 722 45,000 15,750 WILSON (F.P.)(Revised) THE OXFORD DICTIONARY OF ENGLISH PROVERBS. with an Introduction by J.Wilson. Oxford C.P., 1975. 3rd Ed. Reprinted. xv,930pp. lar.8vo. dw. 3,150 - 52 - 723 WITTE (K.) ZUR HOMERISCHEN SPRACHE. Darmstadt: W.Buchgesellschaft, 1972. 187pp. 6,000 724 WITTGENSTEIN (L.): HARRIS (R.) LANGUAGE, SAUSSURE AND WITTGENSTEIN. London: Routledge, 1988. 136pp. with dust-cover. 3,000 725 WITTGENSTEIN (L.): MANANZAN (M.-J.) THE >>LANGUAGE GAME<< OF CONFESSING ONE'S BELIEF. A Wittgensteinian-Austinian Approach to the Linguistic Analysis of Creedal Statements. Tubingen: Max Niemeyer, 1974. 176pp. Roy.8vo. pb. 6,300 726 WITTGENSTEIN (L.): STERN (D.G.) WITTGENSTEIN ON MIND AND LANGUAGE. Oxford U.P., 1955. xii,226pp. PB. 3,000 727 WOLF (F.A.): BERNHARDY (G.) KLEINE SCHRIFTEN IN LATEINISCHER UND DEUTSCHER SPRACHE. I.Scripta Latina. II. Deutsche Aufsatxe. Hildesheim,2003. 2 Bde. 33,000 728 WOLF (G.)(Ed.) NEW DEPARTURES IN LINGUISTICS. N.Y.: Garland, 1992. 266pp. 729 WRIGHT (F.A.) LEMPRIERE'S CLASSICAL DICTIONARY of Proper Names mentioned in Ancient Authors. with a Chronological Table. A New Edition Revised with Additions, and a Short Notice of Dr.J.Lempriere. RKP, 1978. xxviii,675pp. dw. 3,000 730 WRIGHT (J.) THE LIFE OF JOSEPH WRIGHT. By Elizabeth Mary Wright. London: Oxford U.P., 1932. 2 vols. Roy.8vo. original blue cloth. cover bit stained. 15,750 731 WRIGHT (L.) SOURCES OF LONDON ENGLISH. Medieval Thames Vocabulary. Oxford C.P., 1996. 245pp. lar.8vo. with dust cover. 4,000 732 WUNDERLICH (H.) & REIS (H.)(Dargestellt) DER DEUTSCHE SATZBAU. Stuttgart: J.G.Cotta'sche, 1924. Dritte, vollstandig umgearbeitete Auflage. 2 Bde. dw(sl.tear & chipped). fore-edges sl.foxing. 8,000 733 WUNDT (W.) VOLKERPSYCHOLOGIE. Eine Untersuchung der Entwicklungsgesetze von Sprache, Mythus und Sitte. Band.1 & 2:Die Sprache Teil.1 & 2, Mit 40 & 6 Abbildungen. Aalen: Scientia Verlag, 1975. Neudruck der 3. Auflage Leipzig 1911. 2 vols. (of 10) Roy.8vo. cover sl.soiled. otherwise fine. 13,650 734 YERKES (D.)(Intro.) WEBSTER'S NEW UNIVERSAL UNABRIDGED DICTIONARY. N.Y.: Barnes & Noble, 1992. 1854pp. 4to. dw. 3,990 735 YOUNG (G.) AN ENGLISH PROSODY ON INDUCTIVE LINES. Cambridge U.P., 1928. xiv,296pp. white-spotted on the surface of a cover. text is good condition. 5,500 5,770 ◆◆◇◇ LITERATURE ◇◇◆◆ 736 A.E.: [RUSSELL (G.W.)] SONG AND ITS FOUNTAINS. London: Macmillan, 1932. 133pp. 4,200 737 ADORNO (T.W.) NOTEN ZUR LITERATUR. Suhkamp, 1980. 4 vols. cr.8vo. publisher's cardboard. text sl.spotted. 5,000 - 53 - 738 ALBRECHT (C.) DAS MYSTISCHE WORT. Dargestellt und hrsg.von Hans A.Fischer-Barnicol. Mit einem Vorwort von K.Rahner. Mainz: Matthias-Grunewald, 1974. xiv,278pp. dw. text bit foxing. 739 5,000 ALDUS (P.J.) MOUSETRAP. Structure and Meaning in Hamlet. Univ of Toronto,1977. xii,234pp. 740 4,200 ALIZER (A.) SELF AND SYMBOLISM IN THE POETRY OF MICHELANGELO, JOHN DONNE, AND AGRIPPAD'AUBIGNE.Hague: M.Nijhoff,1973. xi,117pp. pb. 741 ALLEMANN (B.) HOLDERLIN UND HEIDEGGER. Atlantis Verlag, 1954. 224pp. wrapper. bit foxing. 742 3,670 ALLEN (B.S.) TIDES IN ENGLISH TASTE (1619-1800). A Background for the Study of Literature. N.Y:Pageant books,1958. 2 vols. original cloth. very good copy. 743 3,000 ALTMAN (J.B.) THE TUDOR PLAY OF MIND. Rhetorical Inquiry and the Development of Elizabethan Drama. California U.P., 1978. 406pp. lar.8vo. dw. bit spotted. 746 3,000 ALLSOP (K.) THE ANGRY DECADE. A Survey of the cultural revolt of the nineteen-fifties. London:P.Owen,1958. First Ed. 212pp. dust wrapper. 745 4,000 ALLEN (D.C.) IMAGE AND MEANING. Metaphoric Traditions in Renaissance Poetry. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1968. New Enlarge Ed. 248p. dw. 744 4,000 8,400 AN ENGLISH GARNER: Stuart Tracts by C.H.Firth. Later Stuart Tracts by A.G.Aitken. Fifteenth Century Prose and Verse by A.W.Polland. Critical Essays and Literary Fragments by J.C.Collind. Elizabethan Sonnets by S.Lee(2 vols) Voyages and Travels by C.R.Beazley(2vols) Shorter Elizabethan Poems by A.H.Bullen. New York: Cooper Square Publishers, 1964. altogether 10 vols. 747 35,000 ANGLO (S.)(Ed.) THE DAMNED ART. Essays in the Literature of Witchcraft. Routledge, 1977.viii,258pp. with dust cover. 748 4,500 ARISTOTELES: RORTY (A.O.)(Ed.) ESSAYS ON ARISTOTLE'S POETICS. Princeton U.P.,1992. xii,435pp. lar.8vo. pb. 3,150 749 ARNOLD (M.): SUPER (R.H.)(Ed.) GOD AND THE BIBLE. Michigan U.P., 1989. 593pp. 4,200 750 ARTHOS (J.) THE LANGUAGE OF NATURAL DESCRIPTION IN EIGHTEENTH CENTURY POETRY. Univ of Michigan,1949. xoo.463pp. 751 3,000 ARTHUR (R.G.) MEDIEVAL SIGN THEORY AND SIR GAWAIN AND THE GREEN KNIGHT. Univ of Toronto,1987.x,182pp. dw. 752 3,000 ASHTN (J.) MODERN STREET BALLADS. London: Chatto & Windus Piccadilly,1888. Limited to 100 copies.unnumbered. Large paper Ed. With 56 illustrations.engraved frontisRoy.8vo. (26.5 x 20cm) half vellum with boards. on hand made paper. - 54 - 28,000 753 ASTON (M.) LOLLARDS AND REFORMES. Images and Literacy in Late Medieval Religion. the Hambledon Press, 1984. 355pp. lar.8vo. dw. bit foxing. 754 4,200 AUDEN (W.H.) COLLECTED LONGER POEMS. London: Faber,1968. First Ed. 356pp. dw. fine copy 755 3,000 AUDEN (W.H.) THE DANCE OF DEATH. London: Faber & Faber, 1965. 38pp. with dust cover. 3,000 756 AUDEN (W.H.) & TAYLOR (P.B.) NORSE POEMS. London: Athlone Press, 1981. 256pp. roy.8vo. dw. as mew 757 5,000 AUDEN (W.H.)& ISHERWOOD(C.)A TRAGEDY IN TWO ACTS THE ASCENT OF F6.London: Faber,N.d.,123pp. dw. clean copy. 758 5,000 AUDEN (W.H.): CALLAN (E.) AN ANNOTATED CHECK LIST OF THE WORKS OF W.H.AUDEN. Denver: Alan Swallow, 1958. 25pp. 759 3,500 AUDEN (W.H.): CARPENTER (H.) W.H.AUDEN. A Biography. London: G.Allen & Unwin, 1981. 495pp. roy.8vo. dw. as new. 760 4,000 AUDEN (W.H.): MENDELSON (E.) EARLY AUDEN. London: Faber & Faber, 1981. 407pp. roy.8vo. dw. 761 4,000 AUDEN (W.H.): MENDELSON (E.)(Ed.) THE ENGLISH AUDEN. Poems, Essays and Dramatic Writings 1927-1939. London: Faber & Faber, 1977. 469pp. roy.8vo. dw. almost fine 4,000 762 AUDEN (W.H.): MENDELSON (E.)(Ed.) W.H.AUDEN COLLECTED POEMS. London: Faber & Faber, 1976. 696pp. lar.8vo. dw. almost fine. 763 4,000 AUDEN (W.H.): SANJUST (F.)(Illust.) ACADEMIC GRAFFITI. London: Faber & Faber, 1971. First Ed. with 61 line drawing by Filippo Sanjust.120 pp. with dust cover. good. 764 AUSTEN (Jane): AMIS (K.) WHAT BECAME OF JANE AUSTEN? AND OTHER QUESTIONS. London: J.Cape, 1970. First ed, 223pp. dw. 765 3,000 5,000 BACON (F.) ESSAYS OR COUNSELS CIVIL & MORAL WITH OTHER WRITINGS OF FRANCIS BACON. (Lord Verculam) London: SImpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, n.d. 758pp. cr.8vo. gilt decorated on full soft calf. spine faded. 766 4,000 BACON (F.): FISCHER (K.) FRANCIS BACON UND SEINE SCHULE. Entwicklungsgeschichte der Erfahrungsphilosophie. -Geschichte der Neuern Philosophie 10- Hiedelberg: C.Winters, 1904. Dritte Auflage. xvi,536pp. lar.8vo. original text in modern cloth. stamped. 767 10,500 BACON (F.): POTT (Mrs.H.) THE PROMUS OF FORMULARIES AND ELEGANCIES BY FRANCIS BACON. Illustrated and Elucidated by Passages from Longmans,Green, 1883. xix,628pp. ex-library. inner-joint weak. - 55 - Shakespeare. London: 8,000 768 BAKE (W.): GLECKNER (R.F.) BLAKE'S PRELUDE. POETICAL SKETCHES.Baltimore: Johns Hopkins.Univ,1982. ix,202pp. dw. 769 3,000 BAKER (D.Z.) MYTHIC MASKS IN SELF-REFLEXIVE POETRY. A Study of Pan and Orpheus. Univ.of North Carolina, 1986. ix,186pp. 770 4,000 BALFOUR (R.)(Illust.): OMAR KHAYYAM: RUBAIYAT OF OMAR KHAYYAM. London, Constable and Co., 1920. Illustrated by R.Balfour. 38 mounted plates in colour and black and white. 4to. original boards. 771 28,000 BALLY (C.) LINGUISTIQUE GENERALE ET LINGUISTIQUE FRANCAISE. Paris: A.Francke AG, 1965. 440pp. dw. 772 3,000 BALTZER (R.A.),CABLE (T.) & WIMSATT (J.I.)(Ed.) THE UNION OF WORDS AND MUSIC IN MEDIEVAL POETRY. Austin: Texas U.P., 1991. 157pp. lar.8vo. dw. bit foxing. 773 12,600 BALZAC: ZWEIG (S.) BALZAC. A Biography. N.Y.: Viking Press, 1946. 404pp. with dust cover. 774 3,000 BARANSKI (Z.G.) & VINALL (S.W.) WOMEN AND ITALY. Essays on Gender, Culture and History. N.Y.: St.Martin's, 1991. xi,304pp. dw. 775 7,140 BARHAM (R.H.) THE INGOLDSBY LEGENDS OR MIRTH & MARVELS. London: Richard Bentley, 1885. With fifty illustrations From Original by Criukshank, Leech, and Tenniel. 180pp. full calf with decorate spine. 776 25,000 BARING (M.) DARBY AND JOAN. London:W.heinemann,1935. First Ed. signed by the Author. 247pp. original cloth. top of spine sl. tears. 777 3,800 BARRIE: ASQUITH (C.)PORTRAIT OF BARRIE. N.Y:E.P.Dutton,1955.230pp. some scrached. 3,000 778 BAYLEY (H.) THE LOST LANGUAGE OF SYMBOLISM. An inquiry into the origin of certain Letters, Words, Names, Fairy-tales, Folklore and Mythologies. London: Williams & Norgate, 1912. First ed, 2 vols. with numerous illustrations. original cloth. uncut. joint tender. 29,400 779 BEAUMARCHAIS (J.-P.), COUTY (D.) & REY (A.) DICTIONNAIRE DES ECRIVAINS DE LANGUE FRANCAISE. Larousse, 2001. 2 vols. lar.8vo. paperback. in case. clean. 780 BEDDOES (T.L.): GOSSE (E.) THE LETTERS OF THOMAS LOVELL BEDDOES. London: E.Mathews, 1894. viii,269pp. 781 8,400 3,150 BEDDOES (T.L.): GOSSE (E.)(Ed.) THE COMPLETE WORKS OF THOMAS LOVELL BEDDOES. Edited with a Memoir by Sir Edmund Gosse and Decorated by the Dance of Death of Hans Holbein. London: Fanfrolico Press, 1928. Limited to 75 copies. 590pp. roy.8vo. original full calf, gilt top. tail of spine sl. rubbed. - 56 - 75,000 782 BEERBOHM (M.) ROSSETTI AND HIS CIRCLE. London: W.Heinemann, 1922. First Ed. limited to 380 copies. signed by the author. with 22 colour mounted plates. roy.8vo. original cloth. 52,000 783 BELLOC (H.) A COMPANION TO MR. WELLS'S "OUTLINE OF HISTORY" San Francisco: ESA, 1927. 117pp. 4to. bit spotted. 784 5,500 BELLOC (H.) MR CLUTTERBUCK'S ELECTION. London: Eveleigh Nash, 1908. First Ed. 329pp. sm.8vo. original pictorial cloth. 785 8,000 BELLOC (H.) PARIS. London: Methuen, 1902. frontis. 476,40pp. sm.8vo. edge spotted. 6,000 786 BELLOC (H.) PLACES. 52 traveller's tales.London: Cassell & Co., 1942. First Ed. 285pp. sm.8vo. 787 5,500 BELLOC (H.) SHADOWED! New York: Harper & Brothers, 1929. First U.S Ed.37 drawings by G. K. Chesterton.312pp. sm.8vo. 788 4,000 BELLOC (H.) SONNETS AND VERSE. New York: 1944. First U.S Ed. 203p. with dust cover. 4,500 789 BELLOC (H.) THE GREEN OVERCOAT. Bristol: J.W.Arrowsmith, 1912. First Ed. presentation copy. (no sign)With illustration by G.K.Chesterton. 334pp. cr.8vo. spine faded. 790 BELLOC (H.) THE HEDGE AND THE HORSE. London: Cassell, 1936. First Ed. With 40 illus by G.K.Chesterton. 300pp. sm.8vo. 791 8,000 BELLOC (H.) THE RIVER OF LONDON. London: T.N.Foulis, 1912. First Ed. With 16 colour mounted illus by John Muirhead. 145pp. sm.8vo. 792 5,000 BELLOC (H.): ROUGHEAD (W.N.)(Ed.) THE VERSE OF HILAIRE BELLOC. The Nonesuch Press, 1954. First Ed.Limited Ed. 197pp. 794 5,000 BELLOC (H.) THE STANE STREET A Monograph. London: Constable & Co., 1913. First Ed. 16 illustrated by William Hyde. x,304pp. gilt top. 793 8,000 8,000 BELOE (W.): THE SEXAGENARIAN OR THE RECOLLECTIONS OF A LITERARY LIFE. London: C & J.Rivington, 1817. First Ed. 2 vols. half calf with marbled boards. marbled edges. slightly spotted. 795 45,000 BENJAMIN (W.) WALTER BENJAMIN GESAMMELTE SCHRIFTEN. Unter Mitwirkung von theodor W.Adorno und gershom Scholem herausgegeven von rolf Tiedemann und Hermann Schweppenhauser. Suhrkamp, 1974. 7 bde in 16. (I:1-3, II:1-3, III, IV:1-2, V:1-2, VI, VII:12, Supplement:II-III)sm.8vo. with dust cover(bit wear). 796 84,000 BENNETT (A.)WRITING HOME. London: faber and faber,1994. signed by the Author. xiv,416pp. dw. 4,000 - 57 - 797 BENNETT (A.) THE JOURNALS OF ARNOLD BENNETT. 1896-`928. Edited by Newmann flower. London: Cassell. 1932. First Ed, 3 vols. original cloth, with dust covers. 798 11,000 BENNETT (A.) THE OLD WIVES' TALE. Reproduced in Facsimile from the Author's Manuscript and Published in 1927. London; Ernest Benn, 1927. 2 vols. Limited to 500 copies. 4to. Quarter vellum and slip-case. 799 26,260 BENNETT (J.A.W.) THE PARLEMENT OF FOULES. An Interpretation. Ox.C.P., 1957. 217pp. 4,000 800 BERKOWITZ (L.) & SQUITIER (K.A.) THESAURUS LINGUAE GRAECAE CANON OF GREEK AUTHORS AND WORKS. Oxford U.P., 1986. xli,341pp. 4to. with dust cover. 801 BEST (R.I.) & BERGIN (O.)(Ed.) LEBOR NA HUIDRE. BOOK OF THE DUN COW. Dublin: Hodges, Figgis & Co., 1929. 340pp. lar.8vo. ex-library. cover sl. worn. text is clean. 802 5,250 4,000 BIERCE (A.) THE DEVIL'S DICTIONARY. N.Y.: Dover Publications, 1958. 145pp. Cr.8vo. pb. 3,000 803 BIERCE (A.) THE DEVIL'S DICTIONARY. World Publishing, 1943 hardcover, good condition, some cover wear/discoloration. N.Y.: World Pub., 1943. 376pp. dw. 804 BISE (G.) TRISTAN ET ISEUT. d'apres un manuscrit du "Roman de Tristan" du XVe siecle. Geneve: Seghers, 1978. many colour illustrations. 173pp. 4to. dw. 805 3,000 5,000 BIZOUARD (J.) DES REPPORTS DE L'HOMME AVEC LE DEMON. Essai historique et philosophique. Paris: Gaume Freres et J.Duprey, 1863-1864. 6 vols. complete set. original wrappers. I:xxiv,576p. II:542p. III:628p. IV:628p. V:704p. VI:894p. 806 BLACKHAM (C.R.J.) LONDON FOR EVER THE SOVEREIGN CITY. Its Romance, Its Blackham. London: Sampson Low, ca.1920. 336pp. ORIGINAL RED CLOTH. 807 85,000 3,000 BLAKE (W.)ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE BOOK OF JOB. London, J.M.Dent, 1902.Limited to 1000 copies, issuen in facsimile. with 21 plates. folio. oriignla wrappers. bit worn & spine frayed. 12,000 808 BLAKE (W.)JERUSALEM. Another Edition. (Facsimile of the Rinder copy.) Foresord by Ge Keynes. Roy.8vo. with 1 coloured and 100 black-and white plates cloth. 115pp. 100 plates. Trianon Press, 1953. Limited Ed,. 4to.115+100pp. original red cloth. 809 5,000 BLAKE (W.) POETICAL SKETCHES. The Noel douglas Replicas William Blake Poetical sketches. the circumstances in which this book was originally produced in 1783 are explained in its preface. London: Noel Douglass, 1926. 70pp. uncut boards. 810 4,500 BLAKE (W.) THE BOOK OF THEL. Publication of facsimile. with a description and bibliographical statement by Sir Geoffrey Keynes. London: Trianon Press, 1965. Limited to 380 copies. Eight plates in colour collotype and stencil.folio. half calf. with slip case. 40,000 - 58 - 811 BLAKE (W.) THE BOOK OF THEL. The Author and Printer William Blake. N.Y: William Blake Society, 1917. portrait frontis of Blake printed in red. (afer the Richmond portrait) unpageneted. 4to. linen sine & boards. 812 5,000 BLAKE (W.) THE BOOK OF URIZEN. Printed on Arches pure rag paper made to match the paper used by Black. Notes by G.Keynes. London: The Trianon Press, 1958. Limited to 240 copies. 27 coloured plates. 4to. half morocco. in box. Each page is watermarked with Blake's monogram. 813 80,000 BLAKE (W.) WILLIAM BLAKE'S LAOCOON. A Last testament with related works on homers'Poetry and on Virgil the Ghost of ebel by G.Keynes. London: Trianon press, 1976. Limited to 438 copies. 11 plates. Roy.4to. half morocco. 814 45,000 BLAKE (W.): THE MARRIAGE OF HEAVEN AND HELL. With an Introduction and Comerntary by Sir Geoffrey Keynes. (Oxford): Traianon Press. 1975. xxvii, + 27 plates. with slip case. 18,000 815 BLAKE (W.): THIS FACSIMILE IN TWO VOLUMES OF BLAKE'S THERE IS NO NATURAL RELIGION. is Published by the Trianon Press for the William Blake Trust. London: 1971. 2 vols. Limited to 616 copies. 20 plates. 4to & cr.8vo. half morocco with marbled boards. in slip-case. 816 28,000 BLAKE (W.): THIS FACSIMILE OF WILLIAM BLAKE'S THE BOOK OF AHANIA. is Published by the Trianon Press for the William Blake Trust. London: trianon 1973. Limited to 808 copies. 7 plates. lar.4to. half calf with marbled boards. in slip-case. 817 28,000 BLAKE (W.): WILLIAM BLAKE. Visions de mons eterns (1757-1827). Barcelona: Fundacio "la Caixa", 1996. with numerous coloured illusts. 262pp. 4to. paperback. in slip case. 3,000 818 BLAKE (W.): BAGDASARIANZ (W.) WILLIAM BLAKE. Versuch einer entwicklungsgeschichte des mystikers. Zurich. M.Niehans, 1935. 171pp. wrapper. un opened. 819 3,000 BLAKE (W.): BENTLEY (G.E.Jr) & NURMI (M.K.) A BLAKE BIBLIOGRAPHY. Annotated Lists of Works, Studies, and Bladeana. Univ of Minnesota, 1964. xix, 393pp. black cloth. dsutcover. 820 3,000 BLAKE (W.): BERGER (P.) WILLIAM BLAKE POET AND MYSTIC. Authorized Translation from the French by D.H.Conner. London: Chapman & Hall, 1914. 420pp. original cloth. spine sl. stained. 821 5,000 BLAKE (W.): BERTHOLF (R.J.), LEVITT (A.S.)(Ed.) WILLIAM BLAKE AND THE MODERNS. State Univ.of N.Y. P., 1982. xv,294pp. 822 4,200 BLAKE (W.): BINDMAN (D.) BLAKE AS AN ARTIST. Oxford: Phaidon, 1977. 256pp. lar.8vo. with dust cover. 3,000 - 59 - 823 BLAKE (W.): BINYON (L.) THE DRAWINGS AND ENGRAVINGS OF WILLIAM BLAKE. London: Studio,1922.With 104 plates many in colour and tipped in.Ix,29pp. 4to. original Half parchment & boards. fine copy. 824 12,000 BLAKE (W.): BINYON (L.) THE ENGRAVED DESIGNS OF WILLIAM BLAKE. London: E.Benn, 1926. with 82 plates. 140pp. 4to. original half linen & boards. sl. spotted. spine faded. 15,000 825 BLAKE (W.): BINYON (L.) THE ENGRAVED DESIGNS OF WILLIAM BLAKE. London: E.Benn, 1926. First Ed. Limited to 100 copie de luxe copies. Van Gelder paper. with 80 plates. an extra colour plate. 4to. half vellum. gilt top. fly leaf owner's signe. spine sl. darkned. 50,000 826 BLAKE (W.): BUTTERWORTH (A.W.) WILLIAM BLAKE, MYSTIC, A Study. Together with Young's Night Thoughts: Nights I & II with illustrations by William Blake and Frontispiece Death's Door, from Blair's "The Grave". Liverpool: The Liverpool Booksellers, 1911. Limited to 250 copies. 42pp. 4to.p24,25,26 spotted. 827 BLAKE (W.): CREHAN (S.) BLAKE IN CONTEXT. Dublin: Gill and Macmillan, 1984. 364pp. With dust-cover. 828 3,000 BLAKE (W.): DAMROSCH, Jr.(L.) SYMBOL AND TRUTH IN BLAKE'S MYTH. Princeton Univ., 1980. 35 illus. 395pp. lar.8vo. with dust-cover. 829 3,000 BLAKE (W.): DIGBY (G.W.)SYMBOL AND IMAGE IN WILLIAM BLAKE. Xx,143pp. Lar.8vo. With many illustrations.Oxford.C.P, 1957.77 b/w plates. 143,77pp. lar.8vo. dw. 831 3,000 BLAKE (W.): ELLIS (E.J.) THE REAL BLAKE. A Portrait Biography. London: Chatto & Windus, 1907. First Ed. With 13 illusts. 443pp. original cloth. gilt top. spine rubbied. 834 3,000 BLAKE (W.): ESSICK (R.N.)WILLIAM BLAKE AND THE LANGUAGE OF ADAM.Ox C.P., Clarendon. 1989.272pp. dw. 836 5,000 BLAKE (W.): ERDMAN (D.V.) & GRANT (J.E.)BLAKE'S VISIONARY FORMS DRAMATIC. xxiv,476pp. With plates.Princeton U.P., 1970.121 illustrations. xxiv,476pp. dw. 835 3,000 BLAKE (W.): ELLIS (E.J.) THE REAL BLAKE. A Portrait Biography. N.Y.: Haskell, 1970. Reprint Ed. with 13 illustrations. xix,443pp. 833 4,000 BLAKE (W.): DUNBAR (P.) WILLIAM BLAKE'S ILLUSTRATIONS TO THE POETRY OF MILTON. Ox.C.P., 1980. 50 plates. 207pp. sm.4to. with dust cover. 832 3,000 BLAKE (W.): DAVIS (M.) WILLIAM BLAKE. A New Kind of man. London: Elek,1977. 181pp. dw. stamped. 830 8,400 4,000 BLAKE (W.): GARDNER (C.) WILLIAM BLAKE: THE MAN. London: J.M.Dent, 1919. with 12 illusts. 202pp. lar.8vo. cover faded. 3,000 - 60 - 837 BLAKE (W.): GARNETT (R.) WILLIAM BLAKE. Painter and poet. Haskell house,1971. 25 b/w illustrations. 80pp. sL. spotted. 838 4,800 BLAKE (W.): GILCHRIST (A.) LIFE OF WILLIAM BLAKE. 'Picto Ignotus" with selections from his poems and other writings. London: Macmillan, 1863. First Ed. 2 vols. Illustrated from Blakes own works. with a few of Blake's original plates. half calf & marbled boards. 839 65,000 BLAKE (W.): GILCHRIST (A.) THE LIFE OF WILLIAM BLAKE. Edited with an Introduction by W.G.Robertson. And numerous Reproductions from Blake's Pictures. Many Hitherto Unpublished. London: J.Lane, 1907. First Ed, 533pp. Spine faded. 840 5,200 BLAKE (W.): GILLHAM (D.G.) BLAKE'S CONTRARY STATES. The 'Songs of innocence and of experiience' as Dramatic poems. Cambridge.U.P,1966. 257pp. dw. 841 3,000 BLAKE (W.): HAGSTRUM (J.H.) WILLIAM BLAKE POET AND PAINTER. An Introduction to the Illuminated verse. Chicago.U.P, 1964. roy,8vo.xi,156pp. dust-cover. 842 3,000 BLAKE (W.): HAMBLEN (E.S.) ON THE MINOR PROPHECIES OF WILLIAM BLAKE. With an Introduction by S.Foster Damon. London: J.M.Dent, 1930. 395pp. lar.8vo. 843 4,200 BLAKE (W.): HILTON (N.) LITERAL IMAGINATION. Blake's Vison of Words. Univ.of California, 1983. 319pp. lar.8vo. with dust cover. 844 BLAKE (W.): KEYNES (G.) A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WILLIAM BLAKE. N.Y: Grolier Club,1921. (Reprint 1969)with illustrations. 516pp. 4to. 845 3,000 35,000 BLAKE (W.): KEYNES (G.) A STUDY OF THE ILLUMINATED BOOKS OF WILLIAM BLAKE, Poet. Printer. Prophet. London: The Trianon Press, 1964. 32 colour plates. 4to. With dust cover. in slip case. binding loose. 846 6,000 BLAKE (W.): KEYNES (G.) BLAKE STUDIES. Notes on His Life and Works in 17 Chapters. London: Rupert Hart-Davis, 1949. First Ed. with 8 electrotypes of original plates, 48 reproductions in collotype. 4to.208pp. half calf. good. 847 5,000 BLAKE (W.): KEYNES (G.)(Ed.) BLAKE COMPLETE WRITINGS. With variant readings. Oxford U.P., 1972. 944pp. with dj. sl.spotted. 848 3,000 BLAKE (W.): KEYNES (G.)(Ed.) POETRY AND PROSE OF WILLIAM BLAKE. The Nonesuch Press, 1927. Complete in one volume. 1152pp. sm.8vo. gilt top. India paper. spine sl. faded. 12,000 849 BLAKE (W.): KEYNES (G.)(Ed.) THE NOTE-BOOK OF WILLIAM BLAKE. Called the Rossetti Manuscript. London: The Nonesuch Press, 1935. Limited to 650 copies. 120 plates. 163pp. roy.8vo. gilt top. 850 12,000 BLAKE (W.): LOWERY (M.R.) WINDOWS OF THE MORNING. A Critical Study of William Blake's Poetical Sketches, 1783. (1940) Archon Books, 1970. Reprinted Ed. ix,246pp. with dust cover. 3,000 - 61 - 851 BLAKE (W.): MILTON (J.) ON THE MORNING OF CHRIST'S NATIVITY. Milton's Hymn with Illustrations by William Blake and a Note by Geoffrey Keynes, F.R.C.S. Cambridge, 1923. With six colotype plates by Blake. 32pp. 4to. 852 BLAKE (W.): PALEY (M.D.) ENERGY AND THE IMAGINATION. A Study of the Development of Blake's Thought. (Ox.C.P.) 1970. x,272pp. with dust cover. 853 7,000 3,000 BLAKE (W.): PHILLIPS (M.)(Ed.) INTERPRETING BLAKE. Cambridge.U.P,1978. 269pp. dw. 5,000 854 BLAKE (W.): PLOWMAN (D.) THE BOOK OF URIZEN. Reproduced in Facsimile from an Original Copy of the Work Printed and Illustrated by the Author in 1794, Formerly in the Possession of the Late Baron Dimsdale. With a Note by Dorothy Plowman. London: J.M.Dent, 1929. First Ed. 28 colour plates. cr.4to. (25 x 19cm) dw.(sl. tears) 855 BLAKE (W.): PLOWMAN (M.)AN INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF BLAKE. London: J.M.Dent, 1928. xv,183pp. cr.8vo. with dust cover. 856 4,000 BLAKE (W.): RAINE (K.) THE HUMAN FACE OF GOD. William Blake and the Book of Job. Thames and Hudson,1982. with many illustrations. 320pp. lar.8vo. dw. 858 3,000 BLAKE (W.): RUSSELL (A.G.B.)THE ENGRAVINGS OF WILLIAM BLAKE. London: G.Richards, 1912. with 32 plates. 229pp. sm.4to. gilt top. inner joint weak. 860 6,000 BLAKE (W.): SCHORER (M.) WILLIAM BLAKE. The Politics of Vision. N.Y.: Henry Holt, 1946. 524pp. with dust-cover. 861 8,000 BLAKE (W.): ROSENFELD (A.H.)(Ed.) WILLIAM BLAKE. Essays for S.Foster Damon. Brown Univ, 1969. 498,31ppplates. dw. 859 4,000 BLAKE (W.): PUNTER (D.)(Ed.) WILLIAM BLAKE. New Casebooks. (Macmillan) 1996. 221pp. dw. 857 6,000 3,000 BLAKE (W.): SWINBURNE (A.C.) WILLIAM BLAKE. A Critical Essay. London: J.Camden Hotten, 1868. Second Ed. with Illustration from Blake's Designs in Facsimile Coloured and Plain. 304pp. original cloth. cover sl.stained. inner-joint tender. 862 8,000 BLAKE (W.): SWINBURNE (A.C.) WILLIAM BLAKE. A Critical Essay. London: J.C.Hotten, 1868. 2nd Ed. With illustrations from Blake's designs in facsimile, coloured and plain. 304pp. half calf with marbled boards. top edge gilt. 863 BLAKE (W.): SYMONS (A.) WILLIAM BLAKE. London: A.Constable, 1907. First Ed. 433pp. gilt top. 864 31,500 8,000 BLAKE (W.): TANNENBAUM (L.) BIBLICAL TRADITION IN BLAKE'S EARLY PROPHECIES. The Great Code of Art. Princeton.U.P,1982. xiii,373pp. dw. - 62 - 3,000 865 BLAKE (W.): WEBSTER (B.S.) BLAKE'S PROPHETIC PSYCHOLOGY. Univ of Georgia, 1983. numerous illusts. xiv,325pp. lar.8vo. with dust-cover. 866 BLAKE (W.): WICLSTEED (J.H.)WILLIAM BLAKE'S JERUSALEM. Foreword by G.Keynes. London: Trianon Press, n.d. 264pp. Roy.8vo. dw. 867 4,200 BLAKE (W.): WITKE (J.) WILLIAM BLAKE'S EPIC. Imagination Unbound. London: Croom Helm,1986. 231pp. dw. 869 3,000 BLAKE (W.): WILKIE (B.) & JOHNSON (M.L.) BLAKE'S FOUR ZOAS. The Design of a Dream. Harvard U.P., 1978. 302pp. With dust-cover. 868 4,200 3,000 BLAKE (W.): WRIGHT (T.) THE LIFE OF WILLIAM BLAKE. Olney, Bucks: T.Wright, 1929. 2 vols. With 135 illustrations including 2 in colour, maps, plans etc. 4to.original green cloth, gilt ruled. fine. with dust-cover torn. 870 35,000 BLAKE (W.): YEATS (W.B.)(Ed.) THE POEMS OF WILLIAM BLAKE. London: Lawrence & Bullen, 1893. First Ed. 251pp. 12mo. original pictorial cloth. spine faded. 871 28,000 BLALKE 8W.): ROS (J.) ASPECTS LITTERAIRES DU MYSTICISM PHILOSOPHIQUE. au debut du Romantisme: William Blake. Novaslis. Ballanche. Editions P.H.Heitz,1951. 460pp. wrapper. spotted. cover browned. 872 6,000 BLOCH (E.) DAS PRINZIP HOFFNUNG in Drei Banden. Kapitel 1-32. 33-42. 43-55. Suhrkamp, 1968. 3 vols. paperback. sl.foxed. 873 BLOCH (R.H.) ETYMOLOGIES AND GENEALOGIES. A Literary Anthropology of the French Middle Ages. Chicago U.P., 1983. 282pp. lar.8vo. dw. sl.foxing. 874 4,000 BLOCK (A.) KEY BOOKS OF BRITISH AUTHORS 1600-1932. London: Denis Archer, 1933. presentation copy from Author. 384pp. with dust cover, slightly wear. 875 4,000 3,000 BLOOMFIELD (R.) WILD FLOWERS. Or pastoral and Local Poetry. London: vernor, Hood & Others,1806. First Ed. with 7 plates. 132pp. 12mo. rebound in recent cloth. page browned. 5,000 876 BLUNDEN (E.): KIRKPATRICK(B.J.)A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF EDMUND BLUNDEN. Ox.C.P., 1979. xxi,725pp. dw. near fine copy. 877 4,000 BLUNDEN (E.) AFTER THE BOMBING. And other Short Poems. With Autograph letter signed from the author to Mr Shimada of Asahi correspondent. London: Macmillan. 1949. First ed, 50,(ii)pp. original cloth. with dsut-cover. good. 878 BLUNDEN (E.) THE POEMS OF EDMUND BLUNDEN. London: Cobden-Sanderson, 1930. 336pp. signed by the author. backstrips faded. 879 18,000 15,000 BLUNDEN (E.): EDMUND BLUNDEN. Sixty-Five. Hong Kong:Cultural Enterprise Co for The English Society, University of Hong Kong, 1961. 213pp. - 63 - 8,500 880 BLUNDEN (E.): MILES (A.H.)(Ed.) THE POETS AND THE POETRY OF THE CENTURY. Frederick Tennyson to Arthur Hugh Clough. London: Hutchinson, n.d. Blanden's presentation copy. Signed. xii,624pp. cr.8vo. page darkned. top of spine rubbed. 881 9,500 BOCCACCIO (G.): DECAMERONE DI MESSER GIOVANNI BOCCACCIO. Guiglielmo Pickering: 1825. Fine set of the Pickering Italian Ed. 3 vols. engraved frontis portrait after Raphael & 9 engraved plates after Stothard. sm.8vo. full green morocco & decorated gilt. 882 BOCCACCIO (G.): RIGG (J.M.)(Trans.) THE DECAMERON OF GIOVANNI BOCCACCIO. London: Henry F.Bumpus, 1906. 2 vols. With illust by Louis Chalon. 4to. full vellum. 883 Riccardi Press, 1909. Batchelor hand made paper 500 copies. full vellum. edge rubbed. 24,000 BOETHIUS: SCHEIBLE (H.) DIE GEDICHTE IN DER CONSOLATIO PHILOSOPHIAE DES BOETHIUS. Heidelberg: Carl Winter, 1972. 229pp. lar.8vo. wrapper. cover bit soiled. 885 45,000 BOCCACCIO: RIGG (J.M.)(Trans.) THE STORY OF GRISELDA THE TENTH STORY OF THE TENTH DAY FROM THE DECAMELON OF MESSER GIOVANNI BOCCACCIO. 884 300,000 5,000 BOGDANOW (F.) THE ROMANCE OF THE GRAIL. A study of the structure & Genesis of a 13th Cuntury Arthurian Prose Romance. Manchester U.P.,1966. First ed. xii,308pp. with dust cover. 886 5,000 BONNEFOY (Y.)(direction) DICTIONNAIRE DES MYTHOLOGIES ET DES RELIGIONS DES SOCIETES TRADITIONNELLES ET DU MONDE ANTIQUE. Flammarion, 1994. xxiv,1199pp. 4to. paperback. 887 9,500 BONNEFOY (Y.)(direction) DICTIONNAIRE DES MYTHOLOGIES ET DES RELIGIONS DES SOCIETES TRADITIONNELLES ET DU MONDE ANTIQUE. Paris: Flammarion, 1981. 2 vols. many illus. 4to. dw. In card-board case. 888 15,000 BORE (M.L.) ETUDE SUR VAUVENARGUES. These pour le Doctorat. Paris; Hachette, 1838.presentation copy. signed by the author.xii,200pp. half morocco & marbled boards. 18,600 889 BOSWELL (J.): BRADY (F.), POTTLE (F.A.)(Ed.) BOSWELL IN SEARCH OF A WIFE. 17661769. London: William Heinemann, 1957. folding map. xxix, 425pp. roy.8vo. 890 9,500 BOSWELL (J.): KAHRL (G.M.) et al.(Ed.) THE CORRESPONDENCE OF JAMES BOSWELL WITH DAVID GARRICK, EDMUND BURKE, AND EDMOND MALONE. London: Heinemann, 1986. xxviii,480pp. dw. fore-edges bit soiled. 891 BOSWELL (J.): WIMSATT (W.K.Jr.) & POTTLE (F.A.) BOSWELL FOR THE DEFENCE 17691774. N.Y.: McGraw-Hill, 1959. with a map. xxix,396pp. lar.8vo. with dust cover. 892 8,000 7,000 BOSWELL: BOSWELL'S JOURNAL OF A TOUR TO THE HEBRIDES WITH SAMUEL JOHNSON,LTD. Now First Published from the Original Manuscript. Prepared for the Press, with Preface and Notes by Frederick A.Pottle and Charles H.Bennett. New York: Viking press, 1936. xv,435pp. lar.8vo. 3,500 - 64 - 893 BOSWELL: POTTLE (F.A.) BOSWELL'S LONDON JOURNAL 1762-63. Now first published from the original manuscript... London: W.Heinemann,1950. First Ed. (so stated) frontispiece portrait : 3 facsimiles, 2 double page maps oF London. 370pp. Lar.8vo. 3/4 dark blue morocco over light blue cloth, spine stamped in gilt with raised bands. marbled enndpapers. fine. 894 38,000 BOWDLER (J.) SELECT PIECES IN VERSE AND PROSE. London: Cadell & Davies, 1818. 3rd Ed. 2 vols. 3/4 calf with marbled boards. calf & boards rubbed. each vols front panel detached. text is almost fine(a few pages bit foxing). 16,800 895 BRADEN (G.): RENAISSANCE TRAGEDY AND THE SENECAN TRADITION. Anger's Privilege. Yale U.P., 1985. 260pp. lar.8vo. dw. 8,500 896 BRANDT (Sebastian): BARCLAY (A.)(Trans.) THE SHIP OF FOOLS. Edinburgh: W.Paterson, 1874. First facsimile Ed. 2 vols. lar.8vo. full red morocco, gilt top. fine binding. 50,000 897 BRECHT (B.): GESAMMELTE WERKE. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1982. 20 Bde. 12mo. wrappers. 23,100 898 BRETON (G.) HISTOIRES D'AMOUR DE L'HISTOIRE DE FRANCE. Paris: Editions Noir et Blanc, 1956. 4 vols. original wrapper. spine sl.rubbed. foxing. 899 BRIDGES (R.) IBANT OBSCVRI, An Experiment in the Classical Hexameter. Oxford C.P., 1916. 158pp. roy.8vo. spine cloth with boards. uncut. 900 12,000 BRIDGES (R.): POETICAL WORKS OF ROBERT BRIDGES. Excluding the eight dramas. Ox.U.P., 1964. 713pp. cr.8vo. 901 9,000 4,000 BRIDGES (R.): COLLECTED ESSAYS PAPERS & c. OF ROBERT BRIDGES. I:The Influence of the Audience on Shakespeare's Drama. II:Humdrum & Harum-scarum a lecture on free verse. III: Poetic Diction.IV: A Critrical Introduction to Keats. V: George Darley. Ox.U.P., 1929-30. 5 parts in 4 vols. original boards. 902 12,000 BRIE (F.W.D.) THE BRUT OR THE CHRONICLES OF ENGLAND. Part I. (Early English Text Society). Oxford U.P., 1960. xix,289pp. 903 4,000 BRIGGS (K.M.) A DICTIONARY OF BRITISH FOLK-TALES IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Incorporating the F.J.Norton Collection. Part B:Folk Legends Volume I,II. Indiana U.P., 1971. 2 vols. lar.8vo. dw. 904 18,000 BROCH (H.) HERMANN BROCH BERGROMAN. Die drei Originalfassungen textkritisch hrsg.von F.Kress & H.A.Maier. Suhrkamp, 1969. 4 Bde. wrap. in case. 905 BROOKE (R.) DEMOCRACY AND THE ARTS. With a preface by G.Keynes. London: Rupert Hart-Davis, 1946. 32pp. 906 5,250 4,500 BROOKE (S.A.) THE HISTORY OF EARLY ENGLISH LITERATURE. Being the History of English Poetry from its Beginnings to the Accession of King Aelfred. London: Macmillan, 1892. First ed, 2 vols. original cloth. sl.foxing. nice copy. - 65 - 3,000 907 BROUGHTON (B.B.) DICTIONARY OF MEDIEVAL KNIGHTHOOD AND CHIVALRY. Concepts and Terms. Greenwood Press, 1986. 597pp. lar.8vo. 908 8,400 BROWN (F.M.): HUEFFER (F.M.) FORD MADOX BROWN. A Record of His Life and Work. London: Longmans, 1896. with numerous reproductions. 459pp. lar.8vo. pictorial cloth. 21,000 909 BROWN (T.) & KENNELLY (B.)(Selected & introduced) IRISH PROSE WRITINGS: Swift to the Literary Renaissance. In association with Trinity College Library Dublin. Press,1921) Tokyo: Hon-No-Tomosha, 1992. 23 vols in 24. 910 BROWN (T.E.) THE COLLECTED POEMS OF T.E.BROWN. With Introduction by W.E.Henley. London: Macmillan, 1901. 736pp. 3/4gilt decorated morocco. top edge gilt. 911 18,000 BROWNE (T.): SAYLE (C.)(Ed.) THE WORKS OF SIR THOMAS BROWNE. Edinburgh: J.Grant, 1912, 3 vols. original half cloth boards. uncut 912 8,000 BROWNE (W.) BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. London: Scolar Press. 1973. Facsimile ed, 1973. 4to. green cloth with dust-cover. 135pp. 913 4,000 BROWNING (R.): PLEW (J.) STUDIES IN BROWNING. London: C.H.Kelly. (ca.1904) presentation copy from the author. 238pp. cr.8vo. 914 4,500 BRUCE (J.D.) THE EVOLUTION OF ARTHURIAN ROMANCE FROM THE BEGINNINGS DOWN TO THE YEAR 1300. Baltimore; John hopkins,1928.2 vols. 915 9,500 BRUNS (G.L.) MODERN POETRY AND THE IDEA OF LANGUAGE. A Critical and Historical Study. Yale U.P., 1974. xii,300pp. dw. 916 3,990 BUCH (PEARL S.) THE HIDDEN FLOWER. N.Y:John Day,1952. First Ed. 308pp. dw. dust wrapper spine faded. 917 (Tulbot 78,000 6,300 BUCHAN (P.)ANCIENT BALLADS AND SONGS OF THE NORTH OF SCOTLAND. unpublished with explanatory notes.Edinburgh: Printed for W & Hitherto D.LAING and J.Stevenson.1828.First Ed. 2 vols.frontis contemporary 3/4 calf with marbled boards. gilt spine,marbled edge.nice binding. Vol 1. joint repaired. first few page spotted. other wise nice copy. 918 48,000 BULFINCH (T.) THE AGE OF FABLE: OR BEAUTIES OF MYTHOLOGY. Boston: J.E.Tilton,1864. frontispiece & b/w illustrations. 488pp. full calf spine guilt. all edge marbled. 919 35,000 BUMKE (J.) THE CONCEPT OF KNIGHTHOOD IN THE MIDDLE AGES. Translated from the German by W.T.H. and Erika Jackson. Introduction by W.T.H.Jackson. N.Y.: AMS Press, 1982. 268pp. lar.8vo. bit foxing. 920 5,000 BUNYAN (J.): BROWN (J.) JOHN BUNYAN.1628-1688. His Life Times and Work. Revised by F.M.Harrison. London: W.Isbister, c.1885. With illustrations by Whymper. xiii,508pp. original cloth. 6,000 - 66 - 921 BURNE-JONES (E.) MEMORIALS OF EDWARD BURNE-JONES. BY GB-J. 1833-1867, 18681898. London: Macmillan, 1904. 2 vols. 922 15,000 BURNS (R.): THE WORKS OF ROBERT BURNS. Edinburgh: James Thin, Publisher to the University, 1877. 6 vols. 83 steel engraved plateslar.8vo. contemporary tree calf all edbe marbled. gilt spine. very fine set. 923 186,000 BURNS (R.): WILSON (J.) SCOTTISH POEMS OF ROBERT BURNS. In his Native Dialect. Ox.U.P,1926. 364pp. back cover worn. dw.(browned) 924 6,000 BURTON (R.): FAULKNER (T.C.),KIESSLING (N.K.) & BLAIR (R.L.)(Ed.)THE ANATOMY OF MELANCHOLY. Vol. I - III. text. With an introduction by J.B.Bamborough. Ox.Clarendon press,1992.3 Vols. lar.8vo. dw. 925 75,000 BURTON (R.): JUNIOR (D.) THE ANATOMY OF MELANCHOLY, What it is, with all the Kinds, causes, symptomes, Philosophically, prognostickes, Medicinally, & Several cures Historically, opened and of cut it. up. in Three London: Partitions, Chatto & windus,1898. New Ed. roy.8vo. frontispiece facsimile of 1652 title. 3/4 modern tan calf over marbled boards. 926 29,400 BURTON (R.F.) THE BOOK OF THE THOUSAND NIGHTS AND A NIGHT. A Plain and Literal translation of the Arabian nights entertainments. Privately printed by the Burton Club, n.d.(ca.1885-6) 16 vols. Black hardcovers with gold(1-10:gold, 11-16:silver) stripedesign decorated on spine & front panel. Original cloth, fine set. 927 BUSH (D.) ENGLISH LITERATURE IN THE EARLIER SEVENTEENTH CENTURY 1600-1660. Oxford C.P., 1979. 621pp. dw. clean copy. 928 98,000 3,000 BUTLER (C.): SOUTHEY (R.) LETTERS TO CHARLES BUTLER, Esq. Comprising Essays on the Romish Religion and Vindicating the Book of the Church. London: J.Murray, 1826. First Ed.527pp. contemporary full calf. spine sl rubbed. 929 6,000 BUTLER (S.) HUDIBRAS. in Three Parts, Written in the Time of the Late Wars, Corrected and Amended: With Additions to which is Added Annotations, with an Exact Index to the Whole. London: D.Browns. 1720. with 16 woodcuts plates and frontispiece. 12mo(13x9cm). xiv,(xx),408pp. contemporary full calf. top spine slightly chip. 930 BUTLER (S.) HUDIBRAS. Edited with an introduction & commentary by J.Wilders. Oxford C.P., 1967. lxi,463pp. dw. 931 4,000 BUTLER (S.) THE POETICAL WORKS OF SAMUEL BUTLER. London, Bell & Daldy, 1866. 2 vols. cr.8vo. full calf. fine binding. 932 9,450 BUTLER (S.): JONES (H.F.) SAMUEL BUTLER. Author of Erewhon (1835-1902) A Memoir. Octagon Books, 1968. 2 vols. lar.8vo. bit spotted. 933 12,000 3,000 BUZARD (J.) THE BEATEN TRACK. European Tourism, Literature, and the Ways to Culture, 1800-1918. Oxford C.P., 1993. xii,357pp. lar.8vo. pb. - 67 - 6,090 934 BYRON (G.G.): GLECKNER (R.F.) BYRON AND THE RUINS OF PARADISE. Baltimore: J.Hopkins, 1967. 365pp. with dust cover. 935 BYRON (L.) MANFRED. Ein 4,200 Dramatisches Gedicht von George Gordon. Muchen: Hyperionverlag, 1912. Limited to 100 copies. 140pp. 4to. marbled boards. in slip-case, worn tears. 936 25,000 BYRON (Lord) THE WORKS OF THE RIGHT HONORBLE LORD BYRON. London: J.Murray, 1815. the Murray first English collected edition4 vols. 12mo. contemporary full calf. spine chipped. 937 15,000 BYRON (LORD): JEAFFRESON (J.C.) THE REAL LORD BYRON. New Views on the Poet's Life. London: Hurst and Blackett,1883. First Ed., 3/4 morocco over marbved boards. spine gilt. marbled endpapers, top edge gilt. a very good set. 938 48,000 BYRON: POETICAL WORKS. Oxford U.P., 1950. 923pp. full calf. all edge gilt. slip case. 12,000 939 BYRON: QUENNELL (P.)(Ed.) BYRON. A Self-Portrait. Letter and Diaries 1798 to 1824. London: J.Murray, 1950. 2 vols. spotted. 4,500 940 CAMOENS: STORCK (W.) LUIS' DE CAMOENS. SAMMTLICHE GEDICHTE. Zum Ersten Male Deutsch. Paderborn: Druck, 1880. 6 Bde. cr.8vo. full morocco. in slip-case. decorative binding. 60,900 941 CAMPBELL (J.L.)(Ed.) HIGHLAND SONGS OF THE FORTY-FIVE. Grant,1933.xxxvi,327pp. original cloth. dw.(sl. chipped browned) 942 CAMPORESI (P.) THE FEAR OF HELL. Images of Damnation and Salvation in Early Modern Europe. Polity Press, 1990. ix,221pp. lar.8vo. dw. 3,990 943 CANON (F.): BOWERS (F.)(Ed.) THE DRAMATIC WORKS IN THE BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER CANON. Volume I. Cambridge.U.P,1966. xxxv,669pp. dw. 5,000 944 CAPOTE (Truman) A TREE OF NIGHT and other stories. Random House 1949. First ed.209pp. Hardcover VG+ silver & gold on spine, edges darkened, spine & corners bumped, cover lt soil, inside nice & clean, 4,200 945 CARLYLE (T.): COLLECTED WORKS. Library Edition. London: Chapman & Hall, 1869-82. 34 vols. 3/4 dark-red morocco. morocco sl.chipped. 367,500 946 CARLYLE (T.): RALLI (A.) GUIDE TO CARLYLE. London: G.Allen & Unwin, 1920. First ed, 2 Edinburgh: vols. Spine gilt title darkned. 947 John 6,300 3,000 CARROLL (L.) SYLVIE AND BRUNO. & SYLVIE AND BRUNO CONCLUDED. London: Macmillan. 1889 & 1893. First Ed, 2 vols.With illustrations by Harry Furniss. original cloth all edge gilt. slightly faded. Volume one:with a leaf of advertisement(scarce) and 3 pages of publisher's advertisements at end; volume two: with 5 pages of publishers' advertisement. nice copy. advertisements at end. - 68 - 84,000 948 CARROLL (L.) THE COLLECTED VERSE OF LEWIS CARROLL. (THE REV. C.L.DODGSON) London: Macmillan,1932. With illustrations BY SIR J. TENNIEL, A.B.FORST, H.HOLIDAY,H.FURNISS, and the author. 445pp. original blue clcoth. top edge gilt. fly leaf sl. spotted. on small exlibrlis. 949 18,000 CARROLL (L.): COLLINGWOOD (S.D.)(Ed.) THE LEWIS CARROLL PICTURE BOOK. A Selection from the Unpublished Writings and Drawings of LEWIS CARROLL, Together with Reprints from Scaece and Unacknowledged Work. London: T.F.Unwin, 1899. First Ed. portrait frontispiece and 23 illustrations, including 11 further photographic portraits375pp. original red cloth gilt top and title. 950 29,400 CATHER (W.) LUCY GAYHEART. New York: Alfred A.Knopf. 1935. First ed, Limited to 749 copies. Signed by the Author. 231,(i)pp. original cloth, top edge gilt, spine faded, in the original slipcase. 951 35,000 CATHER (W.) OBSCURE DESTINIES. London: Cassell, 1932. First Ed. 223pp. with dust cover. some scattered light foxing. 952 15,750 CATHER (W.) SHADOWS ON THE ROCK. 280pp. N.Y., A.Knopf, 1931. First Ed. 280pp. spine faded. 953 5,500 CATHER (W.S.) THE SONGS OF THE LARK. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1915. First Ed. 489pp. Cr.8vo. title page small stamped. 954 3,000 CAXTON (W.)(Trans): BYLES (A.T.P.)(ED.) THE BOOK OF THE ORDRE OF CHYVALRY. Oxford.U.P:early english text society,1971. 955 4,000 CELAN (P.) GESAMMELTE WERKE. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1983. 5 Bde. dw. cr.8vo. in slipcase. 956 12,000 CERNY (V.), CERNA (Z.) & NOVAK (M.) TALES OF THE UNCANNY. Translated by Notzl (H.) London: Hamlyn, 1976. with many colour & b/willus. 211pp. roy.8vo. with dust cover. 6,300 957 CERVANTES ( BARDON (M.) "DON QUICHOTTE" EN FRANCE AU XVIIe ET AU XVIIIe SIECLE 1605-1815. I-II. (1931) Geneve: Slatkine Reprints, 1974. 932pp. lar.8vo. 15,000 958 CHAMBERS (R.W.) A FIFTEENTH-CENTURY CONRTESY BOOK. and two fifteenth century Franciscan Rules. Edited from the by W.W,Seton. Ox.U.P: Early English text Society. 127pp. 4,500 959 CHAPMAN (G.): PARROTT (T.M.) THE PLAYS OF GEORGE CHAPMAN. The Comedies. a critical edition. Univ of Illinois,1970. 594pp. lar.8vo. dw. exlibrary. 960 4,000 CHARLTON (D.G.) POSITIVIST THOUGHT IN FRANCE, During the Second Empire 1852-1870. Oxford C.P., 1959. 251pp. dw. stamped. - 69 - 4,720 961 CHAUCER (G.) CANTERBURY TALES. Rendered into Modern English by J.U.Nicolson. with illustrations by Rockwell Kent and an introduction by Gordon Hall Gerould. N.Y.: Garden City Pub., 1934. De Luxe edition. 25 striking, full-page illustrations by Rockwell Kent, plus many b/w sketches interspersed in text626pp. 23.5 x 15.5cm. with dust cover. 962 25,000 CHAUCER (G.): THE COMPLETE WORKS OF GEOFFREY CHAUCER. Edited from Numerous Manuscripts by the Rev. Walter W.Skeat. Oxford C.P., 1952. 2nd Ed. 7 vols. fore-edges bit foxing. exlibrary. 963 15,000 CHAUCER (G.): THE WORKS OF GEOFFREY CHAUCER. Stratford: Shakespeare Head Press, 1928. Globe ed, 8 vols. Imperial 8vo. hand made paper. spine cloth with boards. 964 250,000 CHAUCER (G.): DILLON (B.) A CHAUCER DICTIONARY. Proper Names and Allusions. Excluding Place Names. Boston: G.K.Hall, 1974. 266pp. lar.8vo. bit spotted. exlibrary. 3,000 965 CHAUCER (G.): ELLIOTT (R.W.V.) CHAUCER'S ENGLISH. A.Deutsch, 1974. 447pp. dw. 4,000 966 CHAUCER (G.): KITTREDGE (G.L.) OBSERVATIONS ON THE LANGUAGE OF CHAUCER'S TROILUS. N.Y.: Russell & Russell, 1969. xxii,426pp. ex library. 967 3,150 CHAUCER (G.): McNABB (V.) GEOFFREY CHAUCER. A Study in Genius & Ethics. London: Pepler and Sewell, 1934. Limited to 300 copies. unnumbered. cr.8vo. hand-made paper. with dust-cover. 968 11,000 CHAUCER (G.): PEARCY (R.J.)(Ed.) STUDIES IN THE AGE OF CHAUCER. Oklahoma U.P., 1979. 12 vols. lar.8vo. cover sl.foxing. 969 42,000 CHAUCER (G.): SKEAT (W.W.)(Ed.) THE WORKS OF GEOFFREY CHAUCER. Oxford C.P., n.d. 2nd Edition. 7 vols. Original Cloth. dw. 970 63,000 CHAUCER (G.): WARD (A.W.) CHAUCER. bound with. COWPER. by Goldwin Smith. London: Macmillan,1888. New Ed. 2 Vols in 1. 198,131pp. 3/4 gilt stamped over marbled boards. gilt sstamped green morocco label, marbled endpapers and edge. 971 CHAUCER: BOYD (B.) CHAUCER AND THE MEDIEVAL BOOK. Huntingtobn Library,1973. xi,165pp. dw. 972 3,000 CHAUCER: KEAN (P.M.) CHAUCER AND THE MAKING OF ENGLISH POETRY. Vol.I: Love Vision and Debate. Vol.II: The Art of Narrative. London: Routledge, 1972. 2 vols. 973 33,000 7,000 CHAUCER: THYNNE (F.) ANIMADUERSIONS. vppon the Annotacions and Corrections of some imperfections of impressiones of Chaucers works 1598. Ox.U.P:early english text society, 1965. cxliv,171pp. 974 4,000 CHAUCER: WHITING (B.J.) CHAUCER'S USE OF PROVERBS. Harvard.U.P,1934. xii,297pp. 3,000 - 70 - 975 CLARK (T.) DERRIDA, HEIDEGGER, BLANCHOT. Sources of Derrida's notion and practice of Literature. Cambridge U.P., 1993. xii,219pp. 976 6,300 CLASSE (O.)(Ed.) ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LITERARY TRANSLATION INTO ENGLISH. London: Fitzroy Dearborn, 2000. 2 vols. lar.4to. fine. 977 31,500 CLAUDEL (P.) OEUVRES COMPLETES DE PAUL CLAUDEL. Gallimard: 1950. Limited Ed, 29 vols. original wrappers. 978 120,000 COCTEAU (J.) LES BELLES DE COCTEAU. Editions Jean-Claude Lattes: 1995. 270pp. paperback. 979 3,000 COCTEAU (J.) OEUVRES COMPLETES DE JEAN COCTEAU. Marguerat, 1946. 11 vols.Limited 3,000 copies. (No.306) wrappers. Fine in printed wrappers with the original glassine jackets. fine copy. 980 46,200 COCTEAU (J.): MEUNIER (M.) PRESENCE DE JEAN COCTEAU. OU LE SANG D'UN POETS. LYON, 1964. 94pp. Paperback. cr.8vo. 981 3,500 COHEN (R.) THE UNFOLDING OF THE SEASONS. London: Routledge, 1970. xi,338pp. dw. 3,000 982 COLERIDGE (Hartley): GRIGGS (E.L.)(Ed.) NEW POEMS. Including a selection from his published poetry. Oxford U.P.,1942. xxi,135pp. lar.8vo. 983 COLERIDGE (S.T.) BIOGRAPHIA LITERARIA: Or Biographical Sketches of my Literary Life and Opinions; and Two Lay Sermons. London: Bell and Daldy, 1889. 440pp. sm.8vo. 984 4,000 COLERIDGE (S.T.): JACKSON ( COLERIDGE. The Critical Heritage. London: Routledge & K.P., 1979. 660pp. dw. 986 6,000 COLERIDGE (S.T.): BLOOM (H.)(Ed.) SAMUEL TAYLOR COLERIDGE'S THE RIME OF THE ANCIENT MARINER. N.Y.: Chelsea House, 1986. 128pp. roy.8vo. 985 4,000 3,000 COLLIER (J.) A SHORT VIEW OF THE IMMORALITY AND PROFANENESS OF THE ENGLISH STAGE. Together with The Sense of Antiquity upon this Argument. London: Printed for S.Keble, R.Sare, & H.Hindmarsh, 1698. 3rd Ed. 288pp. 12mo. rebound in recent cloth. text is clean. 987 15,000 COLLIER (J.) GREEN THOUGHTS. With a Frontispiece by E.Wolfe and a foreword by O.Sitwell, Being No 12 of the Furnival Books, London: The Furnival books,William Jackson Books. 1992. Limited to 500 copies, signed by the Author. roy,8vo. 56pp. buckram. 988 COLLIER (J.P.) ILLUSTRATIONS OF EARLY ENGLISH POPULAR LITERATURE. (1863) New York: B.Blom, 1966. Reprint Ed. 2 vols. lar.8vo. 989 3,000 4,000 COLLIER (J.P.) ILLUSTRATIONS OF OLD ENGLISH LITERATURE. (1866) New York: B.Blom, 1966. Reprint Ed. 3 vols. lar.8vo. 9,450 - 71 - 990 COLUM (P.) IMAGES OF DEPARTURE. The Dolmen Pr., 1969. First Edition. 35pp. with dust cover. stamped. 991 4,000 CONRAD (J.) CONRAD'S MANIFESTO PREFACE TO A CAREER. The History of the Preface to the Nigger of the "Narcissus" with Facsimiles of the Manuscripts edited with and essay by David R.Smith.Philadelphia: Gehenna Press, 1966. limited to 1100 copies. 4to. original recent marbled boards. in slip case. almost fine. 992 8,000 CONRAD (J.) SUSPENSE. A Napoleonic novel. with an Introduction by R.Curle. London: Gresham, 1927. vii,274pp. 993 8,000 CONRAD (J.) SUSPENSE. A Napoleonic Novel. Garden City: Doubleday Page, 1925. Limited to 377 copies. 275pp. parchment,top edge gilt. fine copy. with dust-cover in slip-case. slip case sl cracked. 994 36,750 CONRAD (J.) THE WORKS OF JOSEPH CONRAD. Edinburgh: John Grant, 1925. First Collected Ed. 20 Vols. original blue cloth with gilt spinal lettering. nice set. 995 75,000 CONRAD (J.): ADAMS (E.L.) JOSEPH CONRAD: THE MAN. [with] ZELIE (J.S.) A BURIAL IN KENT. Together with Some Bibliographical Notes. New York: W.E.Rudge, 1925. 2 vols in 1. Limited to 485 copies. with etching portrait.spine cloth with marbled boards. 996 15,750 CONRAD (J.): JEAN-AUBRY (G.) JOSEPH CONRAD LIFE & LETTERS. London: W.Heinemann, 1927. 2 vols. roy.8vo. gilt top. original cloth. vol. 2 cover sl. stained. 997 8,400 CONRAD (J.): PALMER (J.A.) JOSEPH CONRAD'S FICTION. A Study in Literary Growth. Cornell U.P., 1968. 282pp. dj. 998 3,000 CONRAD (J.):SYMONS (A.)NOTES ON JOSEPH CONRAD. With some unpublished letters.London: Myers & Co.,1926.Limited to 250 copies, signed by Symons.frontis portrait.38pp. sm.4to. original half linen & boards. 999 18,900 COPELAND (R.) RHETORIC, HERMENEUTICS, AND TRANSLATION IN THE MIDDLE AGES. Academic traditions and vernacular texts. Cambridge U.P., 1991. 295pp. lar.8vo. dw. 6,300 1000 CORBETT (R.): BENNETT (J.A.W.) & TREVOR-ROPER (H.R.) THE POEMS OF RICHARD CORBETT. Oxford.C.P,1955. First Thus. 177pp. dw. ower's exlibris. 1001 8,000 CORNEILLE (P.): OEUVRES DE P.CORNEILLE. Avec Commentaries, Notes, Remarques et Jugements Litteraires. Paris: Rue de L'arbre-Sec, 1831. 12 vols. half calf with boards. calf sl.worn. boards stained. 1002 47,250 CORNEILLE (P.): OEUVRES DE PIERRE ET THOMAS CORNEILLE. Ornee du Portrait de P.Corneille. Paris: F.Bernardin-Bechet, 1864. Nouvelle Ed. 3/4 calf with marbled boards, marbled edges. spotted. spine worn. 6,000 - 72 - 1003 COTOLENDI (Charles.) ARLIAUINIANA OU LES BONS MOTS, LES HISTOIRES PLAISANTES ET AGREAABLES. Recueillies des Conversations d'Arlequin. Paris: Florentin & Pierre Delaulne. 1694. with frontispiece. 12mo(14x7cm).(lvi,354,(xii)pp. contemporary full calf. spine slightly frayed. 1004 15,000 COUAT (A.) ALEXANDRIAN POETRY UNDER THE FIRST THREE PTOLEMIES. 324-222 B.C. With a supplementary chapter by E.Cahen. London: 1931. 638p. paint no on spine otherwise clean copy. 1005 3,000 COWPER (W.): BAIRD (J.D.) & RYSKAMP (C.)(Ed.) THE POEMS OF WILLIAM COWPER. Vol.I:1748-1782. Oxford C.P., 1980. 597pp. 1006 COWPER (W.): KING (J.)(Ed.) THE LETTERS AND PROSE WRITINGS OF WILLIAM COWPER. Oxford, 1979. 5 vols. dw. 1007 52,500 COX (V.) THE RENAISSANCE DIALOGUE. Literary dialogue in its social and political contexts, Castiglione to Galileo. Cambridge U.P, 1992. xiii,236pp. lar.8vo. dw. 1008 6,000 CRONIN (A.J.) BORGEN. pa a Dansk ved Peter Christiansen. Kobenhavn: ; G.Boghandel. 1939. 387pp. half calf with marbled boards. all edge marbled. 1010 8,400 CROWELL (G.N.) THE RADIANT QUEST. N.Y.: Harper & Bro., 1940. First Ed. Signed by the Author. 94pp. 12mo. dw. (sl. chipped) 1011 10,500 CRANE (T.J.) INVENTING INDIA. A Hisory of India in English-Language Fiction. MACMILLAN, 1992. 212pp. dw., 1009 18,000 3,500 D'ALEMBERT: OEUVRES DE D'ALEMBERT. Geneve: Slatkine Reprints, 1967. 5 vols. lar.8vo. 80,000 1012 DAIMLER (H.) THE WOMAN THING. Paris: The Olympia Press. 1958. First ed, cr,8vo. 181pp. original wrapper. nice copy. scarce. 1013 12,600 DANIEL (G.) MERRIE ENGLAND IN THE OLDEN TIME. London: R.Bentley,1842.2 Vols. Frontis and 25 full page illustrated by John Leech, sl. spottetd. sm.8vo. full calf. gilt decorated spine. top edge gilt. endpaper marbled. original cover bound in. 1014 DANIEL (N.) HEROES AND SARACENS. An Interpretation of the Chansons de Geste. Edinburgh U.P., 1984. 349pp. dw. 1015 4,000 DANTE:OPERE MINORI. Il Trattato de Vulgari Eloquentia per cura di Pio Rajna. Florence, Successori le Monnier, 1896.Ccxv, 206pp. 4to. 1016 45,000 15,000 DANTE: THE DIVINE COMEDY OF DANTE ALIGHIERI. The Prose Translation by Charles Eliot Norton. with Illustrations from designs by Bottecelli. N.Y.: Bruce Rogers & The Press of A.Colish, 1955. Limited to 300 copies. 364pp. folio. full green leather. fine copy. in slipcase. 95,000 - 73 - 1017 DANTE: ARMOUR (P.) DANTE'S GRIFFIN AND THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD. A Study of the Earthly Paradise. (Purgatorio, cantos xxix-xxxiii) Oxford C.P., 1989. 330pp. 5,500 1018 DANTE: ARMOUR (P.) THE DOOR OF PURGATORY. a Study of Multiple Symbolism in Dante's Purgatorio. Oxford C.P., 1983. 224pp. dw. sl.foxing. 5,500 1019 DANTE: BOYDE (P.) DANTE PHILOMYTHES AND PHILOSOPHER. Man in the cosmos. Cambridge U.P., 1981. vii,408pp. lar.8vo. dw. 8,400 1020 DANTE: DE SIGALAS (D.) L'ARTE IN ITALIA. Dante alighieri e la Divina commedia.opera storico-critico-estetica. Fwnova; Stab. tiopografico Ligustico,1853. 2 Vols in 1. 541,572pp. title page owner's stamped. several page light stained.(The stain does not hang in the text) 5,000 1021 DANTE: MAZZOTTA (G.) DANTE, POET OF THE DESERT. History and Allegory in the Divine Comedy. Princeton.U.P,1979. 343pp. dw. edge sl. spotted. otherwise fine copy. 12,000 1022 DANTE: NARDI (B.) DANTE E LA CULTURA MEDIEVALE. Nuovi Saggi di Filosofia Dantesca. Seconda Edizione Riveduta e Accresciuta. Bari: Gius. Laterza & Figli,1949. 425pp. sm.8vo. wrapper. 3,000 1023 DAUDET (A.) ALPHONSE DAUDET OEUVRES COMPLETES ILLUSTREES. Paris: Librarie de France, 1930. Edition ne Varietur. 27 vols. Limited to 350 sets. sm.4to. 3/4 morocco. fine set. 250,000 1024 DAVIDSON (J.) BALLADS & SONGS, NEW BALLADS, THE LAST BALLAD AND OTHER POEMS. London: John Lane, 1894,97,99. First Ed. 3 vols. cr.8vo. original gilt decorated cover. 23,000 1025 DAVIDSON (J.) FLEET STREET ECLOGUES. & SECOND SERIES. London,1893.1896. first Ed.2 Vols.Limited to 300 original cloth. 15,000 1026 DE BOURDIGNE (C.) LA LEGENDE JOYEUSE OU FAITZ & DICTZ JOYEULX DE PIERRE FAIFEU. Escolier D'Angers. D'Apres L'Edition de 1532. Paris: Leon Willem, 1883. 2 vols in 1. 108,72pp. cr.8vo. wrapper. 3,500 1027 DE CAMP (L.S.) LITERARY SWORDSMEN AND SORCERERS. The Makers of Heroic Fantasy. Wisconsin: Arkham house, 1976.xxix,313pp. dw. 3,000 1028 DE CHAIR (S.) ENGLISH LYRIC POETS. Vol.IX. London: Regency, 1970. presentation copy. Signed by the Author. 108pp. 3,000 1029 DE COUVRAY (L.) LES AMOURS DU CHEVALIER DE FAUBLAS. Paris: Chez Boulland . 1825. Nouvelle Edition.4 vols.with 19 etching plates. 305+341+381+404pp. contemporary full calf. with gold decorations at front and spine, marbled endpapers. nice binding. sl.foxing. 85,000 1030 DE LA MARE (W.) DESERT ISLANDS AND ROBINSON CRUSOE. London: Faber & Faber, 1930. Limited to 650 copies. Signed by the Author. with Decorations by Rex Whistler. 286pp. Roy.8vo. original gilt decorated spine. 1 - 74 - 18,000 1031 DE LA MARE (W.) MEMOIRS OF A MIDGET. London, 1921. First Ed. Limited to 210 copies. signed by the author. 365pp. front hinge cracked. 15,000 1032 DE LA MARE (W.) THE VEIL AND OTHER POEMS. New York: Henry Holt, 1922. 84pp. original gilt decorated cover. 3,500 1033 DE LA MARE (W.) TWO TALES. I:The Green Room. II:The Connoisseur. London: The Bookman's Journal, 1925. First Ed. Limited to 250 copies. Signed by the Author. 128pp. half vellum with marbled boards. inner hinge cracked 18,000 1034 DE QUINCEY (T.) CONFESSIONS OF AN ENGLISH OPIUM-EATER. London: Printed for Taylor & Hessey, 1822. First ed, First issue. vi,206pp with half title and advert leaf. 16mo. contemporary half calf, marbled boards. in half calf box. 380,000 1035 DEFOE (D.) THE NOVELS AND MISCELLANEOUS WORKS OF DANIEL DE FOE. with Preface and Notes, Including Those Attributed to Sir Walter Scott. London: Bell & Daldy, 1871. 7 vols. sm.8vo. 3/4 calf with marbled boards. calf sl.rubbed. ex-library. 38,000 1036 DEFOE (D.): BOULTON (J.T.) Oxford.U.P,1972. xxii,318pp. dw. 1037 DEFOE (D.): LEE (W.) DANIEL DEFOE: His Life, and Recently Discovered Writings: Extending from 1716 to 1729. London: John Camden Hotten, 1869. First Ed. 3 vols. 28 engraved plates. 3/4 calf with marbled boards. spine rubbed. 18,000 1038 DEKKER (T.): PENDRY (E.D.)(Ed,) THOMAS DEKKER. The Wonderful Year, The Gull(s HornBook. Peuny-Wise, Pound-Foolish. English Villainies Desovered by Lantern and Candlelight. (The Stratfor0Upon-Avon Library 4). London: Edward Arnold. 1967. First ed, 374pp. original green cloth. 4,000 1039 DESNOIRESTERRES (G.) EPICURIENS ET LETTRES XVIIe ET XVIIIe SIECLES. Paris: G.Charpentier, 1879. 459pp. sm.8vo. spine cloth with marbled boards. text sl.spotted. 6,300 1040 DICKENS (C.)COMPLETE PLAYS AND SELECTED POEMS OF CHARLES DICKENS. Vision,1970. 245pp. 8,000 1041 DICKENS (C.) THE LIFE OF OUR LORD. London: associated newspapers, 1934. First Ed. 128pp. Roy.8vo. 5,000 1042 DICKENS (C.): THE WORKS OF CHARLES DICKENS. *PICKWICK PAPERS(2v.) *DAVID COPPERFIELD(2v.) *NICHOLAS MEMOIRS OF A CAVALIER. Oxford english novels 3,000 NICKLEBY(2v.) *DOMBEY AND SON(2v.) *MARTIN CNUZZLEWIT(2v.) *OUR MUTUAL FRIEND(2v.) *BLEAK HOUSE(2v.) *BARNABY RUDGE(2v.) *LITTLE DORRIT(2v.) *OLD CURIOSITY SHOP(2v.) *A CHILD'S HISTORY OF ENGLAND. *CHRISTMAS BOOKS. *CHRISTMAS STORIES. *THE UNCOMMERCIAL TRAVELLER. *SKETCHES BY BOZ. *EDWIN DROOD AND OTHER STORIES. *AMERICAN NOTES & PICTURES FROM ITALY. *OLIVER TWIST. *GREAT EXPECTATIONS. *A TALE OF TWO CITIES. London: Chapman & Hall, ca.1838-61. Illustrated Library Edition(on spine). 30 vols. with Illustrations by Phiz, Cruickshank & others. some plate detached(not missing). original decorate green cloth. corners sl.bumped. a few pages bit foxed. 'The Old Curiosity Shop' vol.2, spine worn & p.123-4 & 163-4 corner tears. 180,000 - 75 - 1043 DICKENS (C.): THE WORKS OF CHARLES DICKENS. London: The Gresham Pub., 1912. Standard Ed. 20 vols. complete set. With frontispiece and illustrations by Max Cowper. half old calf. calf edges chipped. almost good condition. 1044 120,750 DICKENS (C.): NICOLL (W.R.) THE PROBLEM OF 'EDWIN DROOD'. A Study in the Methods of Dickens. London: Hoddor & Stoughton, ca.1912. xviii,212pp. previous owner's calf binding. 8,000 1045 DICKENS (C.): PARTLOW (R.B.)(Ed.) DICKENS STUDIES ANNUAL. N.Y.: AMS (1980) & Southern Illionois Univ.(1975). 15 vols. orginal cloth. some volumes with dustcovers. 45,000 1046 DICKENS (C.): STONE (H.) THE UNCOLLECTED WRITIGS OF CHARLES DICKENS. Household Words 1850-1859. A.Lane, 1969. First English Ed. 2 Vols. lar.8vo. dw. with slip case. 7,350 1047 DODGSON (E.S.): COLLECTED E.S.DODGSON. *THE LEICARRAGAN VEBB.London:H.Frowde,1907. 200pp. *A SYNOPSIS ANALYTICAL AND QUOTATIONAL Chaon-Sur-Saone,1907. 156pp. *THE BASKISH VERB.London:H.Frowde,1912. 200pp. 3 vols in 1. lar.8vo. original wrappers in modern cloth. 1048 DONALDSON (Gordon) SCOTLAND - James V to James VII. Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd, 1965. First Edition. x,449pp. dw. sl.foxing. 1049 7,140 DONNE (J.) COMPLETE POETRY AND SELECTED PROSE. Edited by J.Hayward. London: The Nonesuch Press. 1963. cr,8vo. original cloth with dust-cover. 1050 10,000 DOUGLAS (Lord.A.) THE CITY OF THE SOUL. London; Grant richrds,1899. First ed,,112pp. quarter parchment vellum,grey boards. little soiled,free end paperf little browned. 1053 8,000 DOUGLAS (L.A.) THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF LORD ALFRED DOUGLAS. London: M. sekcer,1929. First Ed.9 photographic plates including frontis piece. 340pp. 1052 3,000 DONNE (J.): GRIERSON (Herbert J.C.)(Ed.) THE POEMS OF JOHN DONNE. Ox.U.P., 1912.2 vols. original cloth. paper label sl. chipped. 1051 10,500 12,000 DOUGLAS (Lord.A.): THE COMPLETE POEMS OF LORD ALFRED DOUGLAS INCLUDING THE LIGHT VERSE. London: M. Secker, 1928. First Ed. 226pp. half calf. top edge gilt. sl. spotted. 1054 18,000 DOUGLAS (Norman) BIRDS AND BEASTS OF THE GREEK ANTHOLOGY. (Florence): Privately Printed. 1927. Limited edition, numbered 122 of 500 copies. signed by the author. 219pp. original blue paper-covered boards, 1055 12,000 DOVES PRESS: MORRIS (W.) AN ADDRESS DELIVERED THE XITH NOVEMBER MDCCCC AT KELMSCOTT HOUSE HAMMERSMITH BEFORE THE HAMMERSMITH SOCIALIST SOCIETY. By J.W.Mackail. Hammersmith: Doves Press, 1901. First ed. Limited to 300 copies. 27pp. lar.8vo. original limp vellum. 30,000 - 76 - 1056 DOYLE (A.C.)THE WORKS OF SIR ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE. London: J.Murray, 1903. author's Edition. 12 vols.Limited to 1000 sets. signed by the 3/4 calf. gilt decorated spine. Finely bound by Bayntun. 1057 950,000 DOYLE (A.C.) RODNEY STONE. London: Smith,Elder & Co., 1896. First Ed. 366pp.original bound in black with gold lettering and anchor on front and spine. spine repaired. nice copy. 18,900 1058 DRABBLE (M.) THE ICE AGE. A Novel. London: Weidenfeld,1977. signed by the author. 297pp. dw. 7,000 1059 DRABBLE (M.) THE MIDDLE GROUND. N.Y: A.A. KNOPF,1980. First Ed. presentation copy from the Author. 277pp. dw. 5,000 1060 DRYDEN (J.): THE DRAMATIC WORKS. Edited by Montague Summers.London: Nonesuch Press, 1931. 6 vols. Limited to 50 special sets on Van Gelder Paper, quarter bound. roy.8vo. 3/4 vellum with marbled boards. very fine set. 1061 DU GARD (R.M.) CORRESPONDANCE GENERALE. I: 1896-1913,II: 1914-1918. Paris: Gallimard,1980. 2 Vols. wrapper. clean copy. 1062 5,000 DUMAS (A.) AFFAIRE CLEMENCEAU. Memoire de L'Accuse. Paris: Michel Levy Freres, 1866. 353pp. half calf with marbled boards. 1063 210,000 15,700 DUNBAR (W.): LAING (D.) THE POEMS OF WILLIAM DUNBAR. Now First collected. with notes, and a memoir of his life. Edinburgh: W.Pickering, 1834.2 vols. original cloth. label & spine worn. 9,000 1064 DURRELL (L.) THE RED LIMBO LINGO. A Poetry Notebook. London: Faber & Faber, 1971. Limited to 1200 copies. 48pp. imp.8vo. slip case. 3,000 1065 DUVAL (Paul-Marie) LES CELTES. Gallimard, 1977. numerous photo-illusts. 324pp. 4to. dw. 8,000 1066 ECO (U.): FENTRESS (J.)(Trans.) THE SEARCH FOR THE PERFECT LANGUAGE. Blackwell Pub., 1995. 385pp. with dust-cover. 1067 3,000 EISNER (S.)(Ed.) THE KALENDARIUM OF NICHOLAS OF LYNN.London: Scolar,1980. xii,248pp. Lar.8vo. dw. 1068 4,000 ELDRIDGE (R.)(Ed.) BEYOND REPRESENTATION. Philosophy and poetic imagination. Cambride.U.P,1996. xii,306pp. dw. 1069 3,000 ELIOT (T.S.) ODEMARKEN. og andre Digte. in Danish.Kobenhaven; Westerman,1948,First Edition in danish. Limited to 235 copies. (No. 121) signed by Eliot and both translators. 86pp. loose seets in original folder. with original slip case. (sl faded) 1070 55,000 ELIOT (T.S.) ON POETRY AND POETS. Faber & Faber, 1957. First Ed. 262pp. originla blue cloth with dust-cover. 4,000 - 77 - 1071 ELIOT (T.S.) THE CULTIVATION OF CHRISTMAS TREES. N.Y: Farrar, Straus and Cudahy,1956. First Ed. 8pp. original pictorial boards. 1072 3,000 ELIOT (T.S.) THE ELDER STATESMAN. A Play. London: Faber,1959. First Ed. 108pp. dw. 6,000 1073 ELLIOTT (A.H.) THE WITTY AND HUMOROUS SIDE OF THE ENGLISH POETS. With a Variety of Specimens Arranged in Periods. London: Sampson Low, Marston, Searle and Rivington, 1880. 335pp. original cloth. 1074 8,000 ELLIS (G.)(Ed.) SPECIMENS OF THE EARLY ENGLISH POETS. To which is Prefixed an Historical Sketch of the Rise and Progress of the English Poetry and Language. London: Longman, 1801. 2nd ed.3 vols. sm.8vo. full calf. rebacked. vol 1 joint weak. 1075 EMERSON (E.H.) ENGLISH PURITANISM from John Hooper to John Milton. Duke U.P., 1968. 313pp. lar.8vo. dw(chipped). 1076 18,000 4,000 EMERSON (R.W.): JUGAKU (B.) A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF RALPH WALDO EMERSON IN JAPAN FROM 1878 TO 1935. Kyoto: The Sunward Press, 1947. Limited to 500 copies. frontis portrait. 70pp. cr.8vo. Japanese paper. boards. 1077 EMPSON (W.) COLLECETD WORKS OF WILLIAM EMPSON.The Royal Beasts, Poems, Collected Poems, The Structure of Complex Words, Roma Gill, The God Approached. 6 vols. 1078 3,150 ESCOTT-INMAN (H.) LOYAL AND TRUE. London: F.Warne, n.d. (c.1905) with original illustrations. 384pp. pictorial cloth. fore-edges spotted. 1082 15,000 ERREN (M.) EINFUHRUNG IN DIE ROMISCHE KUNSTPROSA. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche, 1983. 257pp. paperbacks. 1081 6,300 ERASMUS: THOMPSON (C.R.)(Ed.) COLLECTED WORKS OF ERASMUS Vol.23 & 24: Literary and Educational Writings. Toronto U.P., 1978. 2 vols. roy.8vo. dw. fine. 1080 25,000 EMPSON (W.) COLLECTED POEMS. London: Chatto & Windus, 1955. First Ed. 119pp. red cloth. with dust cover. edge sl. spotted. 1079 11,000 3,000 EXHIBITION: WEALE (J.)(Ed.) LONDON EXHIBITED IN 1851. Elucidating its natural and Physical characteristics its Antiquity and Architecture: its Arts, Manufactures, trade, and organization: its social, literary, and scientific instituttions and its numerous galleries of fine art. London: John Weale, 1851. with 205 illustrations excuted by Robert Branston, O. Jewitt, J.R.Jobbins, and otherss; including a newly-constructed map engraved by Wilson Lowry. 910pp. sm.8vo. (19.5 x 12cm). recent cloth. 1083 EYRE-TODD (G.)(Ed.) SCOTTISH POETRY OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. Glasgow: W.Hodgge, 1896. 2 vols. half calf. top edge gilt. spine sl. rubbed. good copy. 1084 55,000 8,000 FABIAN (W.) UNFORBIDDEN FRUIT. N.Y: International Fiction Library.1928. vi,319pp. dw. (sl.chipped) 3,150 - 78 - 1085 FABRE (J.-H.) SOUVENIRS ENTOMOLOGIQUES. Etudes sur I'instinct et les Moeurs des Insectes. 10 vols. [with] LA VIE de J.-H.FABRE, NATURALISTE, Suivie du Repertoire General Analytique des Souvenirs Entomologiques par le Dr G.-v.Legros. Preface de J.-H. Fabre. Paris: Delagrave, 1924. Edition definitive illustree. 11 vols. complete set. Limited Ed. roy.8vo. marbled half cloth with marbled boards. gilt stamped on spine. very good set. 220,000 1086 FARQUHAR (G.): EWALD (A.C.)(Ed.) THE DRAMATIC WORKS OF GEORGE FARQUHAR. London: J.C.Nimmo, 1892. 2 Vols. 8,000 1087 FAULKNER (W.) A FABLE. Random house, 1954. 437pp. 3,000 1088 FAULKNER (W.): COFIELD (J.) WILLIAM FAULKNER. The Cofield Collection. Oxford: Yoknapatawpha press,1986. presentation copy. signed by the Jack Cofield. b/w photograph throughout. 196pp. 4to. dw. 1089 FAULKNER (W.): BLOTNER (J.) FAULKNER A BIOGRAPHY. N.Y.: Random House, 1974. 2 vols. lar.8vo. wish slip case. cover sl. worn. 1090 6,000 FAULKNER (W.): WILLIAMS (D.) FAULKNER'S WOMEN. The Myth and the Muse. Mcgillqueen's,1977. xviii,268pp. clean copy. 1092 3,000 FAULKNER (W.): BOCKTING (I.) CHARACTER AND PERSONALITY IN THE NOVELS OF WILLIAM FAULKNER. A Study in Psychostylistics. Univ press of Ameica, 1995. 311pp. 1091 26,200 3,000 FAULKNER: JELLIFFE (R.A.)(Ed.) FAULKNER AT NAGANO.Tokyo: Kenkyusha. 1956. First ed, singed by Nisizaki Ichiro. cr,8vo. 206pp. with dust-cover. 5,000 1093 FAULKNER: JELLIFFE (R.A.)(Ed.) FAULKNER AT NAGANO. Norwood,1978. 206pp. 5,000 1094 FEDER (L.) APOLLO HANDBOOK OF CLASSICAL LITERATURE. N.Y.: Cromwell, 1964. 448pp. paperback. sl.foxing. 1095 3,000 FENELON: OEUVRES DE FENELON. Archeveque de Cambrai.Paris: J.Leroux et Jouby, 185152. 10 vols.with frontespiece in first volume. lar.8vo. original text in modern cloth. text sl.foxing. 1096 63,000 FERBER (Edna) A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF RALPH WALDO EMERSON IN JAPAN FROM 1878 TO 1935. N.Y: Doubleday & Company,1952. First Ed.,447pp. Black cloth binding with silver lettering on spine. dw. (head & tail of spine sl.chipped). nice copy. 1097 FERGUSON (A.B.) THE CHIVALRIC TRADITION IN RENAISSANCE ENGLAND. Washington: Folger Books, 1986. 184pp. Roy.8vo. dw. fore-edges spotted. 1098 1099 12,600 8,190 FERGUSSON (R.) THE WORKS OF ROBERT FERGUSSON. To which is prefixed a sketch of the Author's life. London:H.Oddy,1807.First ed, 364pp. half calf.(spine rubbed) scarce. 9,800 FERRIER (S.): CULLINAN (M.) SUSAN FERRIER. Twayne, 1984. 135pp. 4,000 - 79 - 1100 FESTUGIERE (A.-J.) DE L'ESSENCE DE LA TRAGEDIE GRECQUE. Paris: Aubier-Montaigne, 1969. 142pp. pb. 1101 3,000 FEWSTER (Carol) TRADITIONALITY AND GENRE IN MIDDLE ENGLISH ROMANCE. D.S.Brewer, 1987. 168pp. lar.8vo. dw. bit spotted. 1102 4,000 FICHTE (H.) DIE GESCHICHTE DER EMPFINDLICHKEIT. Hrsg.von G.Lindemann und T.Teichert im Zusammenarbeit mit Leonore Mau. *Hotel Garni. *Explosion. *Alte Welt. *Der Platz der Gehenkten. *Forschungsbericht. *Die Geschichte der Nana. *Psyche. *Der Kleine Hauptbahnhof oder Lob des Strichs. *Eine Gluckliche Liebe. *Paraleipomena Lil's Book. *Schulfunk. *Das Haus der Mina in Sao Luiz de Maranhao. *Homosexualitat und Literatur 1,2. *Hamburg Hauptbahnhof. *Die Schwarze Stadt. S.Fischer, 1987. 2.Auflage: 5.6.Tausend. 16 vols. good condition. in card-board box. 1103 30,000 FIDDES (P.S.) FREEDOM AND LIMIT. A Dialogue between Literature and Christian Doctrine. London: Macmillan, 1991. 269pp. with d/j. 7,000 1104 FIELDING (H.) THE COMPLETE WORKS OF HENRY FIELDING, ESQ. N.Y.: Barnes & Noble, 1967. 16 Vols. 73,500 1105 FIELDING (H.): THE NOVELS OF HENRY FIELDING. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1926. Large paper Ed. This Edition Printed from Type by the Shakespeare Head Press Stratford-uponAvon. 10 vols. Limited to 500 copies. lar.8vo. spine cloth with boards. 42,000 1106 FIELDING (H.): THE SHAKESPEARE HEAD EDITION OF FIELDING. Novels. Oxford: Blackwell, 1926. 10 vols. Limited Ed. 52,500 1107 FIELDING: DUDDEN (F.H.)HENRY FIELDING. His Life, Works and Times. Scarce.Ox.C.P., 1952.First Ed.2 vols.original cloth. end paper light spotted. nice copy. 1108 12,000 FITZGERALD (E.): WORKS OF EDWARD FITZGERALD. Translator of Omar Khyyam. N.Y.: Houghton,Mifflin, 1887. 2 vols. signed by B.Quaritch. frontis. original cloth. paper labels. labels sl.worn. 1109 26,250 FLYNT (J.) TRAMPING WITH TRAMPS. Studies and Sketches of Vagabond Life. With Prefatory Note by A.D.White. N.Y.: the Century, 1899. 398pp. spine browned. 1110 FOAKES (R.A.) & RICKERT (R.T.) HENSLOWE'S DIARY. Edited with Supplementary Material Introduction and Notes. Cambridge U.P., 1961. lix,368pp. lar.8vo. 1111 4,000 FORSTER (E.M.) THE HILL OF DEVI, being Letters from Dewas State Senior. London: Edward Arnold, 1953. First Ed, With 8 illus. 176pp. with dust cover. fine copy. 1113 7,140 FORD (F.M.) THE ENGLISH NOVEL. From the Earliest Days to the Death of Joseph Conrad. Philadelphia: J.B.Lippincott, 1929. First Ed. 149pp. cr.8vo. sl.stained. 1112 4,720 5,000 FORSTER (E.M.) WHERE ANGELS FEAR TO TREAD. Edinburgh: William Blackwood, 1905.First Ed. 319,32pp. original blue cloth with gilt lettering to spine. black lettering to front. 84,000 - 80 - 1114 FORT (Paul.) CHANTS DU MALHEUR ET CHANSONS DU BONHEUR. Paris: A.J.Klein, 1935. First Ed. signed by the Author. presentation copy. 4to. wrapper. unopened. 1115 11,000 FOX (R.) THE TORY ISLANDERS. A People of the Celtic fringe. Cambridge U.P., 1978. 210pp. 4,000 1116 FRANCE (A.) OEUVRES COMPLETES ILLUSTREES DE ANATOLE FRANCE. Avec le Portrait d'Anatole France dessine par E.Chahine et Grave sur bois par J.A.Hoffmann et Les Compositions de Maxime dethomas Graves sur bois par E.Gasperini. Paris: Calmann-Levy, 1925. 25 vols. Roy.8vo. original wrapper. clen copy. 1117 FREADMAN (R.) & MILLER (S.) RE-THINKING THEORY. A Critique of contemporary literary heory and an alternative account. Cambridge.U.P,1992. 296pp. dw. 1118 65,000 6,300 FRENCH (W.H.) & HALE (C.B.)(Ed.) MIDDLE ENGLISH METRICAL ROMANCES. N.Y.: Russell & Russell, 1964. 2 Vols in 1. a thick vol. stamped on endpaper. 8,000 1119 FULLER (D.) BLAKE'S HEROIC ARGUMENT. London: Croom helm,1988.xv,297pp. dw. 3,000 1120 FULLER (Francis.) FIVE YEARS' RESIDENCE IN NEW ZEALAND. or Observations on colonization. London: William & Norgate. 1859. First Ed, xvi,266pp. exlibraly. modern half calf . scarce 1121 35,000 FULLER (J.) FAIRGROUND MUSIC. Chatto and windus. The Hogarth Press. 1961. First ed, 51pp. with dustcover. 1122 3,500 FURST (L.R.) ROMANTICISM IN PERSPECTIVE. A Comparative study of aspects of the Romantic Movements in England,France and Germany. London: Macmillan,1969. 366pp. dw. (sl. tears) 1123 3,000 GALSWORTHY (J.) A MODERN COMEDY. London: 1929. Limited Ed. Signed Inscribed by the Author. xvii,1088pp. full vellum . fine copy. 1124 29,400 GALSWORTHY (J.) FLOWERING WILDERNESS. London: W.Heinemann, 1936. Limited to 400 copies. Signed by the Author. 280pp. half white vellum with green vellum. fly leaf soiled. 5,000 1125 GALSWORTHY (J.) LOYALTIES, A Drama in Three Acts. London: Duckworth, 1930. Illustrated by S.van Abbe. 104pp. 4to. with dust-cover.(sl. darkned) 1126 GALSWORTHY (J.) SWAN SONG. London: W.Heinemann,1928. Limited to 525 copies. signed by the Author. presentation copy. 247pp. with dust cover. 1127 25,000 GALSWORTHY (J.) THE WINTER GARDEN. Four dramatic pieces. with a foreword by Mrs.Galsworthy. London: duckworth,1935. first Ed. 103pp. fly leaf owner's signed. 1128 3,000 12,000 GALSWORTHY (J.): REYNOLDS (M.E.) MEMORIES OF JOHN GALSWORTHY. London: Robert Hale, 1936. with numerous photo plates. 128pp. spine vellum. - 81 - 7,000 1129 GALSWORTHY (J.): SMIT (J.H.) THE SHORT STORIES OF JOHN GALSWORTHY. Amsterdam, z.u., 1947. 157 pp. ingenaaid. Bibliografie. Dissertatie. *bibliotheekexemplaar* [paperback] 1130 3,000 GALT (J.): GORDON (I.A.)(Ed.)THE ENTAIL OR THE LAIRDS OF GRIPPY. Ox.U.P,1970. xxii,414pp. dw. 1131 3,000 GAPE (W.A.) HALF A MILLION TRAMPS. London: Routledge, 1936. 352pp. sm.8vo. spine bit faded. 1132 5,000 GASKELL (E.): THOMPSON (H.)(Illust) CRANFORD. London: Macmillan,1935. sm.8vo. conteemporary full green levant morocco by Bayntun. raised bands with gilt title and tooled compartments, gilt board dges and inner dentelles, marbled endpapers, all edges gilt. 45,000 1133 GERHARDIE (W.) MEMOIRS OF A POLYGLOT. The Autobiography. preface by M.Holroyd. N.Y:St.Martin's, 1973. 407pp. dw. 1134 3,000 GERVAIS (D.) LITERARY ENGLANDS: Versions of 'Englishness' in Modern Writing. Cambridge U.P., 1993. 280pp. lar.8vo. dw. 1135 8,000 GIBSON (Wilfrid) COLLECTED POEMS 1905-1925. London: Macmillan, 1926. xxiii,791pp. sm.8vo. 1136 4,000 GIDE (A.): MASSON (Ed.) ANDRE GIDE ET CHRISTIAN BECK CORRESPONDANCE. Geneve: Droz, 1994. 293pp. 12mo. paperback. 1137 5,250 GISSING (G.) CHARLES DICKENS. A Critical study. London: Gresham,1903. 13 plates with tissue guard, Kitton, illus 307pp. gilt decorated cover. top edge gilt. spine faded. fly leaf & title page sl. spotted. 1138 7,500 GISSING (G.) DEMOS. A Story of English Socialism. Harvester,1972. xxvii,477pp. cr.8vo. red cloth with gilt lettering. 1139 3,000 GISSING (G.) OUR FRIEND THE CHARLATAN A Novel. (N.Y.:Henry Holt,1901) AMS Press, 1969. 386pp. fore-edges bit foxing. 1140 6,000 GISSING (G.) THE CROWN OF LIFE. Harvester,1978. xx,341pp. cr.8vo.brown cloth with gilt lettering. 1141 3,000 GISSING (G.) THE EMANCIPATED. Harvester, 1977. viii,,469pp. cr.8vo. parple cloth with gilt lettering. spine sl. spotted. 1142 3,000 GISSING (G.) THE UNCLASSED. Harvester,1976. viii,320pp. cr.8vo. green cloth with gilt lettering. clean copy. 1143 6,300 GISSING (G.) WORKERS IN THE DAWN. N.Y:Garland,1976. 3 vols in 1. 442pp. sm.8vo. 28,000 - 82 - 1144 GISSING (G.): COLLIE (M.) GEORGE GISSING. A Bibliographical Study. (St.Paul's Bibliographies) 1985. 167pp. 1145 4,000 GISSING (G.): KORG (J.)(Ed.) THYRZA A TALE. Harvester,,490pp. cr.8vo. red cloth with gilt lettering. 1146 3,000 GLASSCOE (M.)(Ed.) THE MEDIEVAL MYSTICAL TRADITION IN ENGLAND. Papers Read at Dartington Hall, July 1984. Cambridge: D.S.Brewer, 1984. 191pp. lar.8vo. Fine copy. 7,350 1147 GOBAR (A.) PHILOSOPHY AS HIGHER ENLIGHTENMENT. Paradigms toward a new Worldview from the Perspective of Dialectical Realism. P.Lang, 1994. xii,303pp. lar.8vo. 1148 6,090 GOETHE (J.W.von) GEDICHTE. [with] SCHILLER (F.) GEDICHTE. Stuttgart: J.B.Cotta, 1883. 427pp. Stuttgart: J.B.Cotta, 1880. 2 Bde in 1. 544pp. full vellum with elaborate gilt coat of arms on front board, all edges gilt. 55,000 1149 GOETHE: GEDENKAUSGABE DER WERKE, BRIEFE UND GESPARACHE. Zurich und Stuttgart: Artemis Verlag, 1948-1966. 24 vols. sm.8vo. original green cloth in the card-board case. 55,000 1150 GOETHE: GOETHES SAMTLICHE WERKE. Stuttgart: J.G.Cotta'sche, 1902. Jubilaums Ausgabe. altogether 41 vols complete set(40 vols with Register). original pictorial cloth with marbled edges. scarce. private stamped on all-title. inner-joint tender. 250,000 1151 GOETHE: GOETHES WERKE. Herausgegeben im Auftrage der Grossherzogin Sophie von Sachsen. (1900) (Weimer: Hermann Vohlau, 1887) Reprinted by Sansyusha, in Tokyo. 1975. 143 bde. cr.8vo. wrapper. sl.scratched in some volumes. vol.106 text bit tear. 105,000 1152 GOETHE: APEL (F.) et al.(Hrsg.) GOETHE WERKE. Jubilaumsausgabe. W.Buchgesellschaft, 1998. 6 vols. text fine. in publisher's card-board case. 1153 Darmstadt: 9,000 GOETHE: ENGEL (E.) GOETHE DER MANN UD DAS WERK. Hamburg; G.Westermann,1909. Wohlfeile ausgabe. 2 Bde.Mit 31 bildnissen,8 abbildungen und 12 handschriften. original orange pictorial cloth. ower's small stamped. 1154 GOETHE: FRIEDRICH (T.) WILHELM MEISTERS WANDERJAHRE. Leipzig: P.Reclam,N.d. 2 Bde. cr.8vo. original gilt decorated cloth. 1155 4,000 GOETHE: TRUNZ (E.) GOETHES WERKE. Textkritisch durchgeschen und kommentiert. Munchen: C.H.Beck, 1981.14 vols. cr.8vo. dw. fine in the box. 1156 18,000 GOFF (J.Le) THE BIRTH OF PURGATORY. Translated by A.Goldhammer. Chicago U.P., 1984. 430pp. lar.8vo. dw. bit foxing. 1157 3,000 3,990 GOLDSMITH (O.): DOUGHTY (O.)(Ed.)THE VICAR OF WAKEFIELD. London: Scholartis,1928. Limited to 1450 copies. liv,2243pp. 3/4 morocco over decorative printed cloth. spine gilt in compartments. 36,750 - 83 - 1158 GOLDSMITH (O.): FORSTER (J.) THE LIFE AND TIMES OF OLIVER GOLDSMITH. London: Chapman and Hall, 1871. Fifth Edition: Illustrated. 2 vols. sm.8vo. bit soiled. 1159 6,300 GOLLANCZ (Israel) SIR GAWAIN AND THE GREEN KNIGHT: Re-Edited from Ms.Cotton Nero,...with introductory essays by Mabel Day & Mary S.Serjeantson. (Early English Text Society). Oxford U.P., 1966. lxxii,186pp. 1160 4,500 GOMME (G.L.) & WHEATLEY (H.B.)CHAP-BOOKS AND FOLK-LORE TRACTS. First Series 1-5. I.History of Thomas Hickathrift. II.History of the seven wise masters of Rome. III.Mother Bunch's closet newly broke open and the history of mother bunch of the west. IV.The History of Patient Grisel.1619. V.The History of sir Richard Whittington.London:Villon sciety,1885.5 vols.Limited to 250 copies. on hand made parchment covered boards. top gilt. sl. soiled. owner's exlibris on end paper. 1161 45,000 GONCOURT (E.) et (J.DE.) LA FEMME AU DIX-HUITIEME SIIECLE. Paris: G.Charpentier,1877. First Ed. 524pp. sl. spotted. contemporary half calf & marbled boards. 1162 GOSSELIN (M.) L'ECRITURE DU SURNATUREL DANS L'OEUVRE 12,000 ROMANESQUE G.BERNNANOS. Paris: Duffusion,1979.2 Vols. lar.8vo. paprback. clean copy. 1163 GRASSL (H.) AUFBRUCH ZUR ROMANTIK. Bayerns Beitrag zur deutschen Geistesgeschichte 1765-1785. Munchen: C.H.Beck'sche, 1968. 494pp. lar.8vo. dw(bit rubbed). 1164 9,000 GREEN (G.); SHERRY (N.) THE LIFE OF GRAHAM GREENE. Volume Two: 1939-1955. London:J.Cape, 1994. with many photographs. 562pp. 1166 126,000 GREENE (G.): HOPSKINS (R.) GRAHAM GREENE. An Approach to the Novels. N.Y.: Garland, 1999. 319pp. 1168 3,000 GREENE (G.) THE COLLECTED EDITION. London: W.Heinemann & the Bodley Head, 1970. altogether 21 vols. sm.8vo. with dust cover. 1167 5,000 GREEN (D.H.) IRONY IN THE MEDIEVAL ROMANCE. London: Cambridge U.P., 1979. First Ed. 431pp. with Dust-cover. 1165 DE 3,500 3,000 GRELLMANN (H.M.G.)HISTOIRE DES BOHEMIENS Ou tableau des Moeurs, Usages et coutumes de ce Peuple Nomade. Paris: J.Chaumerot,1810. 354pp. half calf over marbled boards. sl. spotted. good copy. 35,000 1169 GRENE (D.J.) THE POLITICS OF SAMUEL JOHNSON. Kenikat,1973. 1170 GRIMAL (P.) DICTIONNAIRE DE LA MYTHOLOGIE GRECQUE ET ROMAINE. Preface de Charles Picard. P.U.F., 1976 xxxi,578pp. lar.8vo. dw 1171 4,500 4,500 GUILLOU (M.J.LE) MISSION ET UNITE. Les exigences de la communion. Paris: du Cerf,1960. 2 Tomes. wrapper. 5,000 - 84 - 1172 GUILLOU-VARGA (S.) MYTHES, MYTHOGRAPHIES ET POESIE LYRIQUE AU SIECLE D'OR ESPAGNOL. Paris: Didier Erudition, 1986. 2 Bde. lar.8vo. pb. 5,770 1173 GUNN (T.) MOLY. London: faber,First Ed.,55pp. dw. 3,500 1174 GUYON: GUERRIER (L.) MADAME GUYON SA VIE SA DOCTRINE ET SON INFLUENCE. D'Apres Les Ecrits Originaux et des Documents Inedits. Reimpression de l'edition d'Orleans, 1881. Geneve: Slatkine Reprints, 1971. 515pp. fore-edges spotted. 1175 HAINES (V.Y.) THE FORTUNATE FALL OF SIR GAWAIN. The Tupology of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. Univ press of America,1982. vii,231pp. 1176 3,000 HALL (R.)THE WELL OF LONELINESS. With a commentary by Havelock ellis. London: J. Cape, 1928. 511pp. original cover sl worn. 1177 12,600 6,300 HALL (T.) ROMANCES OF THE PEERAGE. Suthor of Love Affairs of the Courts of Europe.etc, with 16 illustrations. 351p. original blue cloth. edge's spotting. 3,000 1178 HAMERTON (P.G.) PORTFOLIO PAPERS. With a Portrait of the Author Etched from Life by Henry Manesse. Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1889. American first Ed. 386pp. cr.8vo. original cloth. cover sl.inked. 3,000 1179 HAMERTON (P.G.) THE INTELLECTUAL LIFE. Rutland: Charles E.Tuttle, 1980. xviii,466pp. sm.8vo. a few pages. fore-edges sl.spotted. 8,000 1180 HAMILTON (D.B.) & STRIER (R.)(Ed.) RELIGION, LITERATURE, AND POLITICS IN POSTREFORMATION ENGLAND, 1540-1688. Cambridge U.P., 1996. 280pp. lar.8vo. dw. 12,600 1181 HANKS (P.) & HODGES (F.) A DICTIONARY OF FIRST NAMES. Oxford U.P., 1990. xxxvi,443pp. dw. 2,940 1182 HANSLEY (J.) STOKER HASLETT. A Tale. London: Joiner and Steele, 1932. Limited to 300 copies. Signed by the Author. 38pp. original cloth. exlibrary. 1183 HARDY (Simeon-prosper) MES LOISIRS. 4,500 tome premier 1754-1773.Journal d'evenements tels qu'ils parviennent a ma connaissance 1764-1789.Paris:Picard,1912. xxi,445pp. original wrapper. cover.joint taped. 1184 18,000 HARDY (T.) OLD MRS.CHUNDLE. A Short Story. N.Y.: Crosby Gaige, 1929. Limited to 700 copies. 27pp. spine cloth with pictorial boards. 1185 11,550 HARDY (T.) POEMS OF THE PAST AND THE PRESENT. New York and London: Harper & Bothers, 1902. First Ed. 260pp. + ads. Green cloth with darker green decoration; white title plate with gilt lettering. Spine is darkened 1186 85,000 HARDY (T.) THE DYNASTS. An Epic-Drama of the War with Napoleon. In three parts, Nineteen Acts, and 130 Scenes, the Time covered by the Action being about Ten Years. London: Macmillan, 1927. First Ed. 3 vols. Limited to 525 copies, printed on large paper. Signed by the Author. 4to. half vellum. - 85 - 110,000 1187 HARDY (T.) WESSEX POEMS AND OTHER VERSES.London & New York: 1898. First ed, With 30 illustrations by the author. 228pp. full calf. 1188 45,000 HARDY (T.): THE WORKS OF THOMAS HARDY IN PROSE AND VERSE. With Prefaces and Notes. (1912) Republished in 1985 by Johnson Reprint Corporation. Wessex Ed. 24 vols. Limited to 270 copies. half morocco with marbled boards. uncut. fine copy. 1189 450,000 HARDY (T.): THE WORKS OF THOMAS HARDY. THE MELLSTOCK EDITION: London: Macmillan, 1919. Best Ed. 37 vols. Limited to 500 copies. Signed by the Author. lar.8vo. half morocco with boards. boards edges bit wear, and a few pages spotted. 1190 950,000 HARDY (T.): GIBSON (J.)(Ed.) THE COMPLETE POEMS OF THOMAS HARDY. London: Macmillan, 1979. xxxvi,1002pp. dw. fore-edges bit spotted. 1191 4,500 HAUSER (A.) SOZIALGESCHICHTE DER KUNST UND LITERATUR. Munchen: C.H.Beck'sche, 1953. 2 Bde. with dj. in card-board case. sl.spotted. 1192 4,000 HAWTHORNE (N.) THE CENTENARY EDITION OF THE WORKS. Columbus Ohio University Press, 1965-85. 23 vols. complete set. roy.8vo. original cloth. without dust jackets. fine copy. 1193 147,000 HAWTHORNE: LATHROP (R.H.) MEMORIES OF HAWTHORNE. N.Y:AMS,1969. xi,482pp. 3,000 1194 HAYM (R.) DIE ROMANTISCHE SCHULE. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Deutschen Geistes. (1870) Hildesheim: G.Olms, 1961. 951pp. fore-edges sl.foxing. in case. 5,770 1195 HAYWOOD (E.): SCHOFIELD (M.A.) ELIZA HAYWOOD. Twayne, 1985. 139pp. 3,000 1196 HAZLITT (W.) CHARACTERS OF SHAKESPEARE'S PLAYS. Lectuers on the English Poets. London: Macmillan,1908. xxvii,422pp. full morocco. gilt spine, marbled edges and endpapers. 1197 18,000 HAZLITT (W.): THE COMPLETE WORKS OF WILLIAM HAZLITT. Edited by P.P.Howe. London: J.M.Dent,1930. 21vols. [with] *MACLEAN (C.M.) HAZLITT PAINTED BY HIMSELF. London: C.& J.Temple,1948. 152pp. [with] *MACLEAN (C.M.) BORN UNDER SATURN. A Biography of William Hazlitt. London: Collins,1943. 631pp. Centenary Ed. altogether 23 vols. Limited Ed. The working set belonging to Hazlitt's biographer Catherine M.Maclean, whose signatures occur in each volume (1934) with pencil & ink underlinnning & marginal notes throughout. In some volumes leves are detached, but all present. An Important working methods record. 1198 230,000 HEARN (L.) EDITORIALS. Edited by C.W.Hutson. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1926. First Ed. Limited to 250 copies. xx,356pp. fine dust wrapper. scarce. 1199 85,000 HEARN (L.) ESSAYS IN EUROPEAN AND ORIENTAL LITERATURE. Arranged and Edited by Albert Mordell. N.Y.: Dodd,Mead, 1923. First Ed. xiii,339pp. cr.8vo. - 86 - 21,000 1200 HEARN (L.) KOTTO. Being Japanese curios. with Sundry Cobwebs. New York: Macmillan, 1902. First Ed., Second Issue. 251pp. original pictorial cloth. top edge gilt. fine copy. 28,000 1201 HEARN (L.) SHADOWINGS. Boston: Little Brown and Co., 1900. First American Ed261pp. sm.8vo. original pictorial cover. spine sl.rubbed. 1202 HEARN (L.) SOME CHINESE GHOSTS. Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1887. First Ed. iv,185pp. cr.8vo. original cloth. sl. spine rubbed. 1203 30,000 80,000 HEARN (L.) THE ROMANCE OF THE MILKY WAY AND OTHER STUDIES & STORIES. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1905. First Ed. 209pp. original cloth.(yellow stamped on gray cloth) top of spine very sl.chipped. 1204 8,000 HEARN (L.) THE ROMANCE OF THE MILKY WAY and other studies. London: Constable & Boston New York:Houghton Mifflin, 1905. First english Ed. 209pp. dark-brown cloth with red stamped. back inner sl.cracked. 1205 18,000 HEARN (L.): THE WRITINGS OF LAFCADIO HEARN. Bound into Volume I is a page of manuscript in Hearn's hand, colour illustrations. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1922. Large Paper Edition. 16 vols. Limietd to 750 coies (No.74.) Signed by Setsu Koizumi. original 3/4 brown morocco over brown cloth covered boards, gilt. some spines partially browned. morocco edges sl.chipped. nice copy. 1206 HEINE (H.): HIRTH (F.)(Hrsg.) BRIEFWECHSEL. Munchen & Berlin: G.Muller, 1914. 3 Bde. cover faded. 1207 11,550 HEMINGWAY (E.) ACROSS THE RIVER AND INTO THE TREES. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1950. First Ed. First Printing. 308pp. with dust jacket 1208 48,000 HEMINGWAY (E.) FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS. New York: C.Scribner's Sons, 1940. First Ed., First Issue. 471pp. with duct cover. (spine sl. chipped) 1209 650,000 75,000 HEMINGWAY (E.): WHITE (W.)(Ed.) BY-LINE: ERNEST HEMINGWAY. Selected Articles and Dispatches of Four Decades. N.Y: C.Scribner's, 1967.xiv,489pp. lar.8vo. dw. 1210 4,000 HENDERSON (T.F.) JAMES I & VI. London: Goupil & co. 1904. Limited to 800 copies. with 32 engraved plates(1 depicting execution of conspirators in the Gunpowder Plot) Historiated capitals. 8 engraved text illustrations. 4to. (vi),306,(1)pp. half red morocco and mable boards. end of spine slightly chip. good. 1211 HENNING (H.) FAUST-BIBLIOGRAPHIE. Aufbau-Verlag Berlin und Weimar. 1966. 2 vols in 4. roy,8vo. 511/232/316/318pp. with dustcover. (faded) 1212 22,000 10,500 HENRYSON (R.): WOOD (H.H.)(Ed.) THE POEMS AND FABLES OF ROBERT HENRYSON. Schoolmaster of Dunfermline. Edited from the Earliest Manuscripts and Printed Texts by H.H.Wood. London: Oliver & Boyd, 1933.3 photo pltes. xliii,304pp. fore-edges foxing. 3,990 - 87 - 1213 HENTY (G.A.) THE CAT OF BUBASTES. A Tale of Ancient Egypt. London: Blackie & son, 1908. New Ed. Illustrated by J.R.Weguelin. 352,16pp. pictorial cloth. 1214 5,000 HERBERT (W.N.) TO CIRCUMJACK MACDIARMID. The Poetry and prose of Hugh MacDiarmid. Ox.C.P,1992.First ed, xvii,238pp. dw. 1215 HERD (D.):HECHT(H.)(Ed.,)SONGS 6,000 FROM DAVID HERD'S MANUSCRIPTS. Edinburgh: W.J.Hay,1904. one of 750 copies. printed on antique laid, deckle-edge paper.xii,348pp. half boards. uncut. cover dusty. 1216 4,000 HERDER: DUNTZER (H.) & HERDER (F.G.)(Hrsg.) HERDERS REISE NACH ITALIEN. Herders Briefwechsel mit seiner Gattin. Hildesheim: G.Olms, 1977. xxxii,416pp. 12mo. 1217 4,000 HESSE (H.): HERMANN HESSE GESAMMELTE WERKE. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1975. 12 Bde. cr.8vo. paperback. 1218 18,000 HIGGINS (F.R.) THE DARK BREED. A Book of Poems. London: Macmillan,1927. First ed.,viii,69pp. sl. light spotted. ly leaf browned. 1219 3,000 HILL (A.) & POPPLE (W.) THE PROMPTER A theatrical paper (1734-1736). Selected & edited by W.W.Appleton & K.A.Burnim. N.Y.: B.Blom, 1966. xv,208pp. lar.8vo. spine cloth with boards. boards edges rubbed. 1220 4,720 HILLMAN (A.)("Orand Bukit") & SKEAT (W.W.) SALAM THE MOUSE-DEER. Wonder Stories of the Malayan Forest. London: Macmillan, 1938. With Illustrations by Barbara Shaw. 164pp. gilt-pictorial cover. spine sl.faded. 1221 10,500 HITLER: GOEBBELS (J.) JOSEPH GOEBBELS TAGEBUCHER 1924-1945. Hrsg.von R.G.Reuth. Munchen: Piper, 2000. 2. Auflage. 5 Bde. boards. original box. fine. 1222 22,000 HODGSON (P.)(Ed.) THE CLOUD OF UNKNOWING AND THE BOOK OF PRIVY COUNSELLING. Ox.U.P: Early English text society,1973.xc,231pp. 1223 HOFMANNSTHAL (H.) HUGO VON HOFMANNSTHAL 3,000 GESAMMELTE WERKE IN EINZELAUSGABEN. Dramen I-IV / Prosa I-IV / Lust-Spiele I-IV / Gedichte und Lyrische Dramen / Aufzeichnungen. S.Fischer, 1964. 14 Bde. sm.8vo. with dust wrapper. sl.scrached. 1224 35,000 HOFMANNSTHAL (H.): AUSTIN (G.) PHANOMENOLOGIE DER GEBARDE BEI HUGO VON HOFMANNSTHAL. Frankfurter Beitrage zur Germanistik Band 18. Heidelberg: C.Winter, 1981. 249pp. wrapper. 1225 4,000 HOGG (J.) THE JACOBITE RELICS OF SCOTLAND. Being the Songs, Airs, and Legends, of the Adherents to the House of Stuart. Edinburgh: W.Blackwood, 1819. First ed. xx,424pp. music in text. contemporary 3/4 calf over marbled boards. green calf label. foxing. good copy. slightly 20,000 - 88 - 1226 HOLDERLIN: HENRICH (D.) DER GANG DES ANDENKENS. Beobachtungen und Gedanken zu Holderlins Gedicht. Klett-Cotta, n.d(2004). 243pp + 8 B/W Bildlegenden. dw. 1227 HOLLINGER (R.) THE DARK SIDE OF LIBERALISM. Elitism vs. Democracy. London: Praeger, 1996. xx,154pp. lar.8vo. 1228 12,000 6,090 HOLMES (O.W.): BROCK (H.M.)(Illust) THE PROFESSOR AT THE BREAKFAST-TABLE. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co,1906.with an engraved frontis and 46 test drawings. pictorial title printed in blue & brown. xvi,320pp. 3/4 morocco gilt over marbled boards. top edge gilt. 23,000 1229 HOLSTUN (J.) A RATIONAL MILLENNIUM. Puritan Utopias of Seventeenth-Century England and America. Oxford U.P., 1987. 371pp. dw. 1230 3,000 HOMEROS: LISLE ( HOMERE ODYSSEE & ILIADE. Traduction nouvelle par Leconte de Lisle. Paris; Alphonse Lemerre. n.d(ca1880). 2 vols. cr,8vo.465 & 476pp. contemporary half morocco. 1231 18,000 HOPE (A.R.) A BOOK OF BOYHOODS. London: John Hogg, 1882. First Ed. with illustrations. 382pp. sm.8vo. original pictorial cloth. sl.rubbed. 1232 HOPPEN (K.T.) THE MID-VICTORIAN GENERATION, 1846-1886. Oxford U.P., 1998. xviii,787pp. lar.8vo. dw. almost fine. 1233 7,870 HOUBEN (H.H.) VERBOTENE LITERATUR. Von der Klassischen Zeit bis zur Gegenwart. Dessau: K.Rauch, 1925. Zweite verbesserte Auflage. 622pp. 1234 4,500 HOVEN (R.) LEXIQUE DE LA PROSE LATINE DE LA RENAISSANCE. Leiden: E.J.Brill, 1994. xxxii,427pp. Roy.8vo. dw. text fine. 1236 7,350 HOUSMAN (L.): WHAT-O'CLOCK TALES. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1934. With pictures by J.R.Monsell. viii,225pp. pictorial cloth. cover worn. 1235 4,500 22,000 HUBBARD (E.) LITTLE JOURNEYS TO THE HOMES OF EMINENT ORATORS. Pericles. Antony. Savonarola. Luther. Burke. Pitt. Marat. Ingersoll. Henry. King. Beecher. Phillips. N.Y: G.P.Putnam's,1907. 554pp. 3/4 calf. top edge gilt. a fine copy. 1237 HUBERT (J.D.) L'ESTHETIQUE DES "FLEURS DU MAL". Essai sur L'ambiguite poetique. Geneve; P.Cailler,1953. First Ed.,289pp. wrapper. sl. spotted. 1238 23,000 3,500 HUDSON (W.H.): 153 LETTERS FROM W.H.HUDSON. Edited and with an Introduction and Explanatory Notes by Edward Garnett. Nonesuch Press, 1923. Limited Ed. 193pp. roy.8vo. 8,000 1239 HUDSON (W.H.): THE COLLECTED WORKS OF W.H.HUDSON. London: J.M.Dent, 1922-23. 24 vols. Limited to 750 copies. original green cloth with gilt lettered spine & gilt front cover vignette. other edges uncut. 150,000 - 89 - 1240 HUGHES (A.)(Illust.) MACDONALD (G.) ALEC FORBES OF HOWGLEN. London: Hurst & Details. (1867). Early ed,(First is 1865,3 vols) with Frontispiece by Arthur Huges. and steel engravaing by J.Saddler, dated 15 June 1867. cr,8vo. 440pp. half green morocco. marbled edges. good binding by Mudie. 1241 25,000 HUGHES (L.) MONTAGE OF A DREAM DEFERRED. N.Y.: Henry Holt & Co., 1951. First ed, (ixvi),75pp. original cloth. spine edges wear. joint tender. scarce. 18,900 1242 HUGHES (L.) SIMPLE'S UNCLE SAM. N.Y:Hill and Wang,1965. 180pp. dw. 3,500 1243 HUGO (V.)LE PAPE. Paris; Ancienne Maison Michel Levy, 1878. First Ed., presentation copy. signed by the Victor Hugo. 169pp. recent half morocco over marbled boards. 180,000 1244 HUGO (V.) CHATIMENTS. Geneve et New York, 1853. First Ed.,392pp. 16mo. (11.3 x 7.7cm). contemporary half calf over marbld boards. exlibris. 1245 38,000 HUGO (V.) LES MISERABLES. Translated from the French to English by I.F.Hapgood. London: The Walter Scott Publishing. ca,1900. 5 vols in 1. with illustrated plates. 286, 253, 227, 323, 284pp. Red boards and spine with gilt lettering and decoration. Gilt top edge. 1246 3,000 HUGO (V.) NOTRE-DAME DE PARIS. victor Hugo, preface de la premiere edition 1831.Paris: Eugene Renduel. 1836. First illustrated ed, 3 Vols. with engraved title page and 11 plates by Finden,Lacour and others. after Johannot, faffet, Rogier and Rouargue, 22.5x 14.5cm. recent half calf over marbled boards. 1247 150,000 HUGO (V.) THEATRE. tome 1: Cromwell. Tome 2: Hernani. Marion de Lorme. Le Roi s'amuse. Tome 3: Lucre Borgia. Maire Tudor. Angelo. Tome 4: La Esmeralda. Ruy Blas. Les Burgraves. Paris: Hachette,1880. 4 vols. contemporary half morocco & mabled Boards. 1248 20,000 HUGUET (E.) ETUDE SUR LA SYNTAXE DE RABELAIS. Comparee A Celle des Autres Prosateurs de 1450-1550. Geneve: Slatkine reprints, 1967. Reimpression de l'edition de Paris, 1894. 458pp. lar.8vo. wrapper. 1249 6,300 HUNT (H.W.): COOMBS (J.H.) (Ed.) A PRE-RAPHAELITE FRIENDSHIP, The Correspondence of William Holman Hunt and John Lucas Tupper. Michigan: UMI Research Press, 1986. xxiv,333pp. lar.8vo. 1250 3,000 HUNT (L.) THE FEAST OF THE POETS. with notes, and other pieces in tghe Editor of the Examiner. London: James Cawthorn. 1814. First ed, sm8vo. xiv,158pp. uncut. Finely bound in gilt tooled, paneled red morocco.(circa 1900) minor cchips at head of spine. 36,000 1251 HUNT (W.H.) PRE-RAPHAELITISM AND THE PRE-RAPHAELITE BROTHERHOOD. London: Macmillan, 1905. First Ed. 2 vols. numerous illustrations. lar.8vo. original green cloth. Vol.1:rebacked.(spine-joint) text almost clean. - 90 - 21,000 1252 HUOT (S.) THE ROMANCE OF THE ROSE AND ITS MEDIEVAL READERS: interpretation, reception, manuscript transmission. Cambridge U.P., 1993. 404pp. lar.8vo. dw. 1253 7,000 HUXLEY (A.) TEXTS & PRETEXTS. An Anthology with Commentaries. London: Chatto & Windus, 1933. 312pp. sm.8vo. 1254 3,000 HUXLEY (A.): SMITH (G.)(Ed.) LETTERS OF ALDOUS HUXLEY. London: Chatto & Windus, 1969. 992pp. lar 8vo. with dust cover. edges & d/j wear. 1255 4,200 IBSEN (H.) ET DUKKEHJEM.(A doll's House.) skuespil I tre akter. Kobenhaven: Gyldendalske Boghandels, 1879. First Ed, First issue. 180pp. cr.8vo. some occasional light spotting. original gilt derocated publisher's bvinding. . scarce. 1256 IBSEN (H.) HEDDA GABLER. Skuespil I Fire Akter. Kopenhagen: G.Boghandels, 1890. First Ed. 236pp. cr.8vo. original gilt decorated cloth. all edges gilt. a fine copy. 1257 220,000 220,000 IBSEN (H.) THREE PLAYS OF HENRIK IBSEN. An Enemy of the People, The Wild duck, Hedda Gabler. N.Y.: Heritage, 1965. Illustrated by F.Matheson. 327pp. lar.8vo. with slip case. 3,000 1258 IBSEN (H.): ARCHER (W.) & HERFORD (C.H.)THE WORKS OF HENRIK IBSEN. N.Y.: C.Scribner's, 1911-12. The viking ediion. 16 Vols. Limited to 256 copies. b/w illust. printed on Ruisdael hand-made paper. half white cloth with boards. spine sl.faded. partly unopned. 1259 95,000 IRVING (D.): CARLYLE (J.A.) THE HISTORY OF SCOTISH POETRY. With a memoir and Glossary.Edinburgh: Edmonston,1861. First ed, xxviii,619pp. original cloth. joint rubbed. cover darkned. text is clean. 1260 4,000 IRVING (W.): WILLIAMS (S.T.) THE LIFE OF WASHINGTON IRVING. Oxford Univ: 1935. First ed, 2 vols. original navy blue cloth .gilt. 1261 IRVING (W.H.) THE PROVIDENCE OF WIT IN THE ENGLISH LETTER WRITERS. Duke U.P, l955. 382pp. 1262 4,000 JACKSON (W.H.)(Ed.) KNIGHTHOOD IN MEDIEVAL LITERATURE. D.S.Brewer,1981. 105pp. dw. 1263 8,000 8,000 JAIN (B.D.) & Others(Verbindung): DIE LITERATUREN INDIENS. Von Ihren Anfangen bis zur Gegenwart. Handbuch der Literatur Wissenschaft series. Wildpark=Potsdam: Athenaion, 1929. with many illusts. 339pp. 4to. 1264 10,000 JAMES (H.)NOTES OF A SON & BROTHER.London: Macmillan, 1914. First English Ed. portrait & 5 plates. vii,479pp. 1265 1266 12,600 JAMES (H.) A SMALL BOY. And Others. London: Macmillan, 1913. First Ed. cloth binding. exlibrary. end-paper some scrached. 7,000 JAMES (H.) THE MIDDLE YEARS. London: W.Collins, 1917. First Ed. 118pp. sm.8vo. 4,000 - 91 - 1267 JAMES (H.): BOWDEN (E.T.) THE THEMES OF HENRY JAMES. A System of Observation through the visual Arts. Yale.U.P,1960. xiii,117pp. dw. 1268 JASPER (D.)(Ed.) TRANSLATING RELIGIOUS TEXTS. 3,000 Translation, Transgression Interpretation. Foreword by G.Steiner. St.Martin's Press, 1993. xiv,143pp. dw. 1269 JEPHCOTT (E.F.N.) PROUST AND RILKE. The Literature of Expanded Consciousness. London: Chatto & Windus, 1972. 315pp. dw. 1270 4,000 JEROME (J.K.) THREE MEN ON WHEELS. New York: Dodd Mead. 1900. First US ed, with Illustrations by Harrison Fisher. 173pp. sm.8vo. viii,299p. worn. 1271 3,000 JOHNSON (S.): BOSWELL (J.) THE LIFE OF SAMUEL JOHNSON, LL.D. with Copious Notes. London: George Routledge, 1892. xvi,526pp. full vellum with gilt decorate spine. 1274 15,000 JOHNSON (B.): JACKSON (G.B.) VISION AND JUDGMENT IN BEN JOHNSON'S DRAMA. Yale U.P., 1968. 178pp. 1273 3,000 JOBES (G.) DICTIONARY OF MYTHOLOGY FOLKLORE AND SYMBOLS. 2 parts.Scarecrow Press, 1962. 2 vols. (Index vol.missing) 1272 and 15,000 28,000 JOHNSON (S.): BOSWELL (J.) THE LIFE OF SAMUEL JOHNSON, LL.D. Edited with copious Notes and Eiographical illustrations by Edward Malone. London: James Blackwood, n.d.(ca.1890) 580pp. lar.8vo. spotted. 1275 JOHNSON (S.): BOSWELL (J.) THE LIFE OF SAMUEL JOHNSON. London: J.Murray, 1835. First Illustrated Ed. 10 vols. cr.8vo. full calf bound by Zaehnsdorf. 1276 3,000 JOHNSON: PICARD (L.) DR JOHNSON'S LONDON. Life in London 1740-1770. London: Weidenfeld,2001. with illustrations. 362pp. lar.8v. dw. 1279 3,000 JOHNSON (S.); McNAIR (A.) DR JOHNSON AND THE LAW. Cambridge Univ: 1948. 14pp. original blue cloth. 1278 150,000 JOHNSON (S.): SLEDD (J.H.) Dr.JOHNSON' DICTIONARY. Essay in the biography of a Book. The Univ of Chicago. 1955. 255pp. original brown cloth with dust-cover. 1277 5,000 3,150 JONES (P.M.)(Selected) et al. THE WORLD'S CLASSICS. Modern SHort Stories, Palgrave's Golden Treasury, Pride and Prejudice, The Vicar of Wakefield, The Warden, Jane Eyre, A Book of Narrative Verse, Cranford Cage at Cranford Moorland Cottage, Robbery Under ARms, WUthering Heights, Hans ANdersen's Fairy Tales, The Master of Ballantrae, The Pilgrim's Progress, Moby Dick or The Whale, Gulliver's Travels, The Mill on the Floss, Great Expectations, The Moonstone, Robinson Crusoe, Father Brown Selected Stories. London: Oxford U.P., 1963. 20 vols. 12mo. in box. sl.foxing. 1280 8,400 JONG (E.), SANCHEZ (T.), BOYLE (K.) & MILLER (H.) FOUR VISIONS OF AMERICA. was designed by Noel Young, Set in Janson by Charlene Mcadams. Santa Barbara: Capra press, 1977. Limited to 225 copies. Signed by the four Authors. 127pp. silver dw. - 92 - 15,000 1281 JONSON (B.): HERFORD (C.H.) & SIMPSON (P.)(Ed.) BEN JONSON. Oxford C.P., 1965. 11 vols. with frontis plates. fine copies. dw sl.rubbed(except vol.11). 150,000 1282 JOYCE (J.) ULYSSES. Zurich: Im Rhein verlag, 1930. 2nd German Trade,Ed. 2 vols. cr.8vo. 10,500 1283 JOYCE (J.): KENNER (H.) DUBLIN'S JOYCE. P.smith,1955.ix,372pp. with dust cover. 1284 JOYCE (J.): LEVIN (H.) THE ESSENTIAL JAMES JOYCE. London: J.Cape, 1977. 533pp. with dust cover. 4,000 1285 KAISER (G.): HUDER (W.)(Hrsg.) GEORG KAISER WERKE. Propylaen Verlag, 1971. 6 vols. 6,300 sm.8vo. text clean. 1286 18,000 KAMES (Henry, Home, Lord) ELEMENTS OF CRITICISM. London: Thomas Tegg, 1840. 11th Ed. with the author's last corrections and additions. 484pp. original text in modern cloth. a private stamped. 8,400 1287 KANT (I.): MYSKJA (B.K.) THE SUBLIME IN KANT AND BECKETT. Aesthetic Judgement, Ethics and Literature. KANTSTUDIEN 140. Walter de Gruyter, 2002. 313pp. lar.8vo. 14,000 1288 KASTNER (L.E.): WILLIAMS (M.) & ROTHSCHILD ( A MISCELLANY OF STUDIES IN ROMANCE LANGUAGES & LITERATURES. Presented to Leon E.Kastner. Cambridge: W.Heffer, 1932. First Ed. 576pp. roy.8vo. 1289 6,090 KAUFMANN (W.) TRAGEDY AND PHILOSOPHY. N.Y.: Doubleday, 1968. xvii,388pp. lar.8vo. dw. 1290 4,500 KEATS (J.): SAITO (T.) KEATS' VIEW OF POETRAY. By Takeshi Saito. To which is prefixed and Essay on by E.Bluden. London: CobdenSanderson. &Tokyo: Kenkyusha.,8vo. 148pp. original red cloth. 1291 3,000 KELLY (J.) A COMPLETE COLLECTION OF SCOTTISH PROVERBS. Explained and made intelligible to the English Reader.London: Rodwell & Martin,1818.255pp. sm.8vo. rebound in boards. clean copy. 1292 35,000 KELLY (R.G.)(Ed.) CHILDREN'S PERIODICALS OF THE UNTIED STATES. Greenwood,1984. xxix,591pp. lar.8vo. 1293 6,300 KELMSCOTT PRESS:SYR PERECYVELLE OF GALES. Printed by J.O.Halliwell from the Ms.Oberseen by F.S.ELLIS.Hammersmith: Kelmscott press,1895.Limited to 358 copies of which this os one of 350 on paper.woodcut frontis after a design by Sir Edward BurneJones.98pp. original half linen & boards. 1294 KELMSCOTT PRESS: ELLIS (F.S.)(Ed.,) 250,000 SYR YSAMBRACE.Hammersmith:Kelmscott press,1897. Limited to 358 copies, of which this is one of 350 on paper. printed in red and black, woodcut frontispiece after sir Edward Burne-Jones, ornamental borders and initials, 41pp. sm.8vo.original holland-backed boards. cover sl. darkned. bit stained. 210,000 - 93 - 1295 KELMSCOTT PRESS: KEATS (J.): THE POEMS OF JOHN KEATS. Overseen after the text of foregoing Editions by F.S.ELLIS, Hammersmith: Kelmscott press, 1894. Limited to 307 copies, of which this is one of 300 on paperprintd in red and black, ornamental woodcut title, borders, and initials,384PP. original limp vellum. silk ties. uncut.Full Vellum. (without ties)very fine copy.scarce. 1296 550,000 KELMSCOTT PRESS: MORRIS (W.) GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE: A Lecture for the Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society. Hammersmith: Kelmscott Press, 1893. Limited to 1545 copies, of which this is one of 1500 on paper.printed in red and black, ornamental woodcut initials.68pp. original holland backed boards, 16mo. spine linen with boards. 1297 75,000 KELMSCOTT PRESS: MORRIS (W.) LOVE IS ENOUGH. Or the freeing of Pharamond. Hammersmith: Kelmscott press,1897. Limited to 300 copies. printedd in red blue and black. 2 woodcut illustrations after sir Edward Burne-Jones. ornamental borders and initials.Lar.4to. original limp vellum. 6 silk ties. 1298 780,000 KELMSCOTT PRESS: SHELLEY (P.B.): THE POETICAL WORKS OF PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY. Kelmscott press: 1894-1895. 3 vols. Limited to 256 copies, of which this is one of 250 on paper. printed in red and black, ornamental woodcut title, borders, and initials. original limp full vellum. in slip case. 1299 1,200,000 KENNAWAY (L.J.) CRUSTS. A SETTLER'S FARE DUE SOUTH. London: Sampson Low,1874.12 illustrations, folding map. 234pp. cr.8vo. 3/4 calf. 1300 12,000 KENNEDY (Dr.J.), SMITH (W.A.) & JOHNSON (A.F.)(Ed.) DICTIONARY OF ANONYMOUS AND PSEUDONYMOUS ENGLISH LITERATURE (SAMUEL HALKETT AND JOHN LAING). Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1926-1962.New & Enlarged Ed. 9 vols. 4to. with dust cover(chipped). 84,000 1301 KENNEDY (E.) LANCELOT AND THE GRAIL. A Study of the Prose Lanceelot. Ox.C.P., 1986. 390pp. dw. 1302 5,000 KENNY (A.)(Ed.) THE OXFORD HISTORY OF WESTERN PHILOSOPHY. Oxford U.P., 1994. 407pp. sm.4to. dw. 1303 3,150 KING (J.J.) SOUL BY JUNE JAMISON KING. Verse without Punctuation. N.Y.: Printed by The Knickerbocker Press, 1920. (a scarce collection of 88 poems, poet, and silent film actress June Jamison King) 99pp. sm.8vo. original white cloth. bit spotted. a part of rear cover stained. with some chipped dust jacket. text is almost clean. top edge gilt. 1304 15,000 KIPLING (R.) A SUMMARY OF THE WORKS OF RUDYARD KIPLING. Including items ascribed to him. Compiled by Lloyd H.Chander. N.Y.: The Grolier Club, 1930. Limited to 325 copies. xxiii,465pp. Roy.8vo. Tan linen over blue boards. 1305 8,000 KIPLING (R.) LIFE'S HANDICAP Being Stories of Mine Own People. London: Macmillan, 1908. xvi,407pp. 3/4 blue morrocco with marbled boards. all edges gilt.bound by Bumpus. 28,000 - 94 - 1306 KLUCKHOHN (P.) DIE AUFFASSUNG DER LIEBE IN DER LITERATUR DES 18. JAHRHUNDERTS UND IN DER DEUTSCHEN ROMANTIK. Tubungen: M.Niemeyer, 1966. xvi,651pp. lar.8vo. dw. 12,000 1307 KOCH (J.) KLEINE SCHRIFTEN. (storia e letteratura raccolta di studi e testi)Roma: Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura,1973. 2 Vols. Roy.8vo. wrapper. slip case. 1308 11,550 KOMMERELL (M.) DER DICHTER ALS FUHRER IN DER DEUTSCHEN KLASSIK. Frankfurt: Vittorio Klostermann, 1982. 3 auflage. 493pp. roy.8vo. dw. 1309 KORTE (B.) ENGLISH TRAVEL WRITING FROM PILGRIMAGES 6,300 TO POSTCOLONIAL EXPLORATIONS. translated by C.Matthias. Macmillan, 2000. 218pp. dw. 1310 KOWALEWSKI (M.)(Ed.) TEMPERAMENTAL JOURNEYS. Essays on the Modern Literature of Travel. Georgia U.P., 1992. 359pp. lar.8vo. wrapper. 1311 9,240 5,040 KRANZ (G.) LEXIKON DER CHRISTLICHEN WELT-LITERATUR. Freiburg: Herder, 1978. 1094pp. lar.8vo. dw. text fine. 5,000 1312 KRAPP (G.P.)(Ed.) THE VERCELLI BOOK. London: Routledge, 1932. xciv,152pp. 4,000 1313 KRETZMANN (N.) & STUMP (E.) THE CAMBRIDGE TRANSLATIONS OF MEDIEVAL PHILOSOPHICAL TEXTS Vol I:Logic and the Philosophy of Language. Cambridge U.P., 1988. viii,531pp. lar.8vo. fore-edges sl.spotted. 1314 KRISHNAMURTI (J.) COMMENTARIES ON LIVING. New York: Harper.1958. First Ed, 254pp. with dustcover. 1315 3,800 KRISHNAMURTI (J.) THE FIRST AND LAST FREEDOM. with a forword by Aldous Huxley. London; Victor gollancz. 1954. First Ed, 288pp. with dustcover. 1316 8,400 3,000 KRUGER (S.F.) DREAMING IN THE MIDDLE AGES. Cambridge U.P., 1992. 254pp. lar.8vo. dw. 7,140 1317 KYD (T.): FREEMAN (A.) THOMAS KYD. Facts and problems. Ox.C.P,1967. viii,200pp. dw.(spine faded) 1318 4,000 L'ISLE-ADAM ( BOLLERY (J.) CORRESPONDANCE. Generale de Villiers de L'isle-adam. Mercvre de France: 1962. 2 vols. cr,8vo. wrappers. 1319 5,000 LA FONTAINE (Jean de) FABLES DE J. LA FONTAINE. Suivies de Philemon et Baucis et des Files de Minee. Paris; Charpentier,N.d, (c,1858.) 464pp. half morocco with marbled boards. top edge gilt. sl.pencil scrached. 1320 9,500 LABRIOLLE (P.DE) HISTOIRE DE LA LITTERATURE LATINE CHRETIENNE. Paris: Les BellesLettres, 1947. Troisieme Edition, Revue et Augmentee par G.Bardy. 2 tomes. wrappers. 4,200 - 95 - 1321 LACOSTE (C.) LES ALPES ROMANTIQUES. Le theme des Alpes dans la litterature Francaise de 1800 a 1850. 2 vols. lar.8vo. paperback. Vol.1 cover sl.worn. 1322 9,500 LAMARTINE ( VOYAGE EN ORIENT. Paris: Hachette. 1876. First Thus. 2 vols. sm.8vo. (iv),481,(iv)pp & (iv)574,(ii)pp. half black leather with gilt lettering on spine panels. 12,000 1323 LAMARTINE ( PREMIERES MEDITATIONS POETIQUES. la Mort de Socrate. Paris: Hachette. 1878. sm,8vo. (iv),390pp. half black leather. 1324 6,000 LAMB (C.) ESSAYS OF ELIA. WITH THE APPRECIATION OF LAMB BY WALTER PATER.N.Y: THE CENTURY CO,1902. tinted engraved frontis. portrait. xxx,344,2pp. finely bound by Blackwell in full blue morocco. gilt decorated. top edge gilt. spine & dentelles. 1325 28,000 LAMB (C.) THE ELIA.Essays which have apeared under that signature in the London Magazine. London: Printed for Taylor and Hessey, Fleet-Street, 1823. First Ed, First Issue. Bookplate. [With] THE LAST ESSAYS OF ELIA. Being a sequel to Essays Published under that Name..London: Edward Moxon, 1833. First English Ed. 2 vols. (iv),341,(i)pp.with adventisement(vi) & vii,283,(i)pp,with advertisements(iv). original boards. in maroon morocco solander case by riviere. vol.1(a joint detached) very scarce. 550,000 1326 LAMB (C.): BROCK (C.E.)(Illust) THE ESSAYS OF ELIA WITH THE LAST ESSAYS OF ELIA. with an introduction by Augustine birrell.London: J.M.Dent,1915,1919. . 2 Vols. b/w many illustrations by Brock. cr.8vo. 3/4 calf. sl.rubbed. 1327 LAMB (C.): CORNWALL (B.) CHARLES LAMB. A Memoir. London: E.Moxon, 1866. First Ed. with 5 illusts. 252pp. original cloth. joint tear. title pagespotted. 1328 25,000 8,000 LAMB (C.): LUCAS (E.V.)(Ed.) THE LETTERS OF CHARLES LAMB TO WHICH ARE ADDED THOSE OF HIS SISTER MARY LAMB. London: J.M.Dent & Methuen, 1935. Original Ed. 3 vols. lar.8vo. 1329 13,650 LAMB (C.): LUCAS (E.V.)(Ed.) THE WORKS. 5 vols. [with] LETTERS. 3 vols. [with] LIFE. 2 vols in 1. N.Y.: AMS, 1968. Reprinted Ed. altogether 9 vols. "LIFE" is not uniform. 1330 LAMB (C.): RICH (S.M.)(Comp.) THE ELIAN MISCELLANY, A Charles Lamb Anthology. London: Herbert Joseph, 1931. First ed. 363pp. original cloth. spine sl. faded. 1331 3,000 LARMINIE (W.)(Collected & Translated) WEST IRISH FOLK-TALES AND ROMANCES. N.Y: books for libraries press,1972. xxvi,258pp. 1333 4,000 LAMBERT (M.) MALORY. Style and Vision in e Morte Darthur. Yale.U.P,1975. xv,225pp. dw.(chipped) 1332 84,000 3,000 LAWRENCE (D.H.) ASSORTED ARTICLES. London: M.Secker, 1930. First Ed. 216pp. original cloth. spine sl tears. 3,000 - 96 - 1334 LAWRENCE (D.H.) FANTASIA OF THE UNCONSCIOUS. London: Martin Secker, 1923. First Secker Ed. 175pp. with dust-cover. 1335 15,750 LAWRENCE (D.H.) JOHN THOMAS AND LADY JANE. (The second version of 'Lady Chatterley's Lover') London: Heinemann,1972. 372pp. dw. 1336 LAWRENCE (D.H.) LADY CHATTERLEY'S LOVER. 3,000 London: Martin Secker. 1932. 2nd ed, 327pp. original brown cloth. 3,000 1337 LAWRENCE (D.H.) LADY CHATTERLEY'S LOVER. Heinemann,1960. 279pp. 3,000 1338 LAWRENCE (D.H.) LADY CHATTERLEY'S LOVER. 1956. complete unexpurgated Ed.279pp. 4,000 1339 LAWRENCE (D.H.) MORNINGS IN MEXICO. London: Martin Secker, 1927. First Ed. 177pp. original cloth. 1340 10,500 LAWRENCE (D.H.) THE CENTAUR LETTERS. Introduction by E.D.McDonald. Humanities Research Center. The University of Texas, 1970. First Ed. Limited to 850 copies. 39pp. lar.8vo. spine cloth with boards. fine copy. 1341 LAWRENCE (D.H.) rainbow/Aaron's 4,000 THE PHOENIX EDITION OF D.H.LAWRENCE. women in love/the road/The plumed serpent/the white peacock/kangaroo/the trespasser/the lost girl/sons and lovers/short stories 3 vols/short novels 2 vols/twilight in italy/Mornings in Mexico and etruscan places/Lady chatterley's lover/apocalypse. London: heinemann, 1972.19 dw. 1342 LAWRENCE (D.H.) THE PRUSSIAN OFFICER, And Other Stories. London: Duckworth, 1922. 2nd Ed. 310pp. slightly worn. 1343 35,000 4,000 LAWRENCE (D.H.) THE STORY OF DOCTOR MANENTE. Being the Tenth and Last Story from the Suppers of A.F.Grazzini called Il/Lasca. Translation and Introduction by D.H.Lawrence. Florence, G.Orioli, 1929. First Ed. limited to 1200 copies.119pp. original Boards. (bit.2spotted) with dust cover. fine copy. 1344 35,000 LAWRENCE (D.H.) THE VIRGIN AND THE GIPSY. London: M.Secker, 1930. 192pp. cr.8vo. 6,300 1345 LAWRENCE (D.H.) THE WOMAN WHO RODE AWAY. AND OTHER STORIES. London: Martin Secker, 1928. First Secker Ed. 292pp. cr.8vo. 1346 5,000 LAWRENCE (D.H.): LETTERS FROM D.H.LAWRENCE TO MARTIN SECKER 1911-1930. Privately Published, 1970. Limited to 500 copies.132pp. lar.8vo. with dust cover. (sl. chipped) 1347 8,000 LAWRENCE (D.H.): SEX, LITERATURE AND CENSORSHIP. Essays, edited by Harry T.Moore. N.Y.: Twayne Pub., 1953. 122pp. 3,000 - 97 - 1348 LAWRENCE (D.H.): THE FIRST LADY CHATTERLEY. (The first version of 'Lady Chatterley's Lover') with a Foreword by Frienda Lawrence. London: Heinemann, 1972. 232pp. 1349 LAWRENCE (D.H.): THE LADY CHATTERLEY'S LOVER TRIAL. With an Introduction by H.Montgomery Hyde. London: Bodley Head, 1990. 333pp. 1350 5,250 LAWRENCE (D.H.): THE TALES OF D.H.LAWRENCE. London: W.Heinemann, 1948. Reprinted Ed. 1138pp. india paper. 1351 3,000 LAWRENCE (D.H.): BRETT (D.) LAWRENCE AND BRETT. A Friendship. London: Martin Secker, 1933. First Ed. 287pp. upper spine sl bumped. 1352 5,000 LAWRENCE (D.H.): COWAN (J.C.)(Ed.) AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WRITINGS ABOUT HIM. N.Illinois U.P., 1982. 2 vols. lar.8vo. with dust cover. 1353 3,000 9,500 LAWRENCE (D.H.): FABES (G.H.) D.H.LAWRENCE, His First Editions: Points and Values. London: W. and G.Foyle, 1933. First Ed. Limited to 500 copies. 112pp. sm.8vo. with dustcover. 1354 4,500 LAWRENCE (D.H.): FAY (E.) LORENZO IN SEARCH OF THE SUN. D.H.Lawrence in Italy, Mexico and the American South-West. London: Vision, 1955. 148pp. 1355 LAWRENCE (D.H.): McDONALD (E.D.) A BIBLIOGRAPHY 3,000 OF THE WRITINGS OF D.H.LAWRENCE. With a Foreword by D.G.Lawrence. N.Y.: Kraus Reprint, 1969. 134pp. 4,000 1356 LAWRENCE (D.H.): MOORE (H.T.)(Ed.) THE COLLECTED LETTERS OF D.H.LAWRENCE. N.Y.: The Viking Press, 1962. 2 vols. dw. in slip-case. 1357 LAWRENCE (D.H.): POWELL (L.C.)(Comp.) THE MANUSCRIPTS OF D.H.LAWRENCE. Los Angeles: The Public Library, 1937. First Ed. Limited to 750 copies. 79pp. wrappers. 1358 4,000 LAWRENCE (D.H.): YUDHISHTAR. CONFLICT IN THE NOVELS OF D.H.LAWRENCE. Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd, 1969. First Ed. 309pp. 1361 3,000 LE CAIN (E.) THE TWELVE DANCING PRINCESSES. Retold from a story by the brothers Grimm. London: Faber,1978. first Ed.oblong 8vo (19x25cm.) 1362 9,500 LAWRENCE (D.H.): STOLL (J.E.)(Comp.) D.H.LAWRENCE: A Bibliography 1911-1975. N.Y.: Whitston, 1977. 216pp. 1360 4,500 LAWRENCE (D.H.): ROBERTS (W.) A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF D.H.LAWRENCE. London: R.HartDavis, 1963. 2nd impres. Portrait + 9 plates. 399pp. with dust cover. 1359 8,000 4,000 LE NOIR (E.)[SAINT-BERTIN]: POEME SUR LOUIS LE PIEUX et Epitres au Roi Pepin. Edites et Traduits par E.Faral. Paris: Lib.Ancienne Honore Champion, 1932. xxxv,263,4pp. sm.8vo. wrapper. sl.foxing. 3,000 - 98 - 1363 LE SAGE (Alain-Rene.) OEUVRES CHOISIES DE LA SAGE AVEC FIGURES. vol 1(Diable boiteux ): vol 2-3( Histoire de Gil Blas de Santillane ): vol 4(Le aventures de M. Robert Chevalier dit De Beauch刃e capitaine de Flibustiers dans la Nouvelle-France ): vol 5-6( Histoire de Guzman d'Alfarache, nouvellement traduite et purgee des moralites superflues - Lettres galantes d'Aristenete traduites du grec ): vol 7( Le Bachelier de Salamanque ou Les Memoires et aventures de Don Cherubin de la Ronda ): vol 8-9( Nouvelle traduction de Roland l'Amoreux de Matheo Maria Boyardo Comte de Scandiano ): vol 10(Histoire d'Estavanille Gonzalez surnomme Le Garqon de Bonne Humeur, Tiree de l'espagnol): vol 11(Theathre franqais): vol 12-15(Le Theathre de la Foire ou L'Opera Comique ).: Amsterdam & Paris: Rue et Hotel serpente, 1783. 15 vols. complete set. with frontispiece and 30 engraved plates. contemporary full calf. contemporary full calf. gilt panelled spine. water stained(vol.10:p.1-17). 1364 120,000 LEA (K.M.) ITALIAN POPULAR COMEDY. A Study in the Commedia Dell'arte, 1560-1620 with Special Reference to the English Stage. (1934) N.Y.: Russell & Russell, 1962. 2 vols. sl.foxing. 1365 12,000 LECKY (W.E.H.) HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS FROM AUGUSTUS TO CHARLEMAGNE. N.Y.: D.Appleton, 1870. 2 Vols. lar.8vo. original cloth. spine edges chipped, corners bumped & cover bit soiled. 1366 9,500 LEE (V.) SUPERNATURAL TALES EXCURSIONS INTO FANTASY. London: Peter Owen. 1955. First ed, 222pp. original black cloth with dust-cover. 1367 4,000 LEIBNIZ: FINSTER (R.)(Hrsg.& ubersetzt) DER BRIEFWECHSEL MIT ANTOINE ARNAULD Franzosisch-deutsch. Philosophischer Briefwechsel Band 1. Hamburg: F.Meiner, 1997. xl,431pp. lar.8vo. fine. 6,000 1368 LESLIE (S.) THE JEROME CONNEXION. London: J.Murray, 1964. 220pp. 3,000 1369 LESSING (G.E.) SCHRIFFTEN. B1 erlin; Voss. 1753-1755. First ed, 6 vols complete in 3. with engraved title pages. 16mo(13x8.5cm) contemporary full calf and half calf(vol 1).top half of pages cut off(p287-290) of vol 1. spine chippe, slightly worn. 1370 20,000 LEWIS (C.D.) THE POET'S WAY OF KNOWLEDGE. Cambridge.U.P,1957. First Ed.32pp. dw. 3,000 1371 LEWIS (C.S.) SPENSER'S IMAGES OF LIFE. Edited by Alastair fowler. Cambridge U.P., 1967.43pp. cr.8vo. dw. very good copy. 1372 4,000 LEWIS (S.) ELMER GANTRY. N.Y.: Harcourt, Brace, 1927. First Ed. 432pp. slightly worn. 35,000 1373 LEWIS (S.) MANTRAP. New York: Harcourt Brage and Co. 1926. Firs ed and First printing. 308pp. original blue cloth. no jacket. 1374 3,000 LEWIS (W.) THE WRITER AND THE ABSOLUTE. London: Methuen, 1952. First Ed. Limited to 2000 copies. 202pp. sl.spotted.with dust cover. - 99 - 8,400 1375 LINDSAY (D.): HAMER (D.)(Ed.) THE WORKS OF SIR DAVID LINDSAY OF THE MOUNT 14901555.Edinburgh: W.Blackwood,1931.4 Vols. half calf. spine sl. chipped. 1376 LINDSAY (V.) EVERY SOUL IS A CIRCUS. New York: Macmillan, 1929. First Ed. Decorations by the Author and G.M.Richards. 120pp. spine cloth with boards. stamped. 1377 23,100 LODGE (D.) LANGUAGE OF FICTION. Essays in Criticism and Varbal Analysis of the English Novel. London: Routledge & KP, 1966. xii,283pp. bit foxed. 1379 3,150 LISLE (A.P.): BYRNE (M.St.Clare)(Ed.) THE LISLE LETTERS. Chicago U.P., 1981. 6 vols. lar.8vo. 1378 38,000 2,940 LOFTIE (W.J.) MEMORIALS OF THE SAVOY. The Palace:The Hospital:The Chapel...And a Preface by the H.White. London: Macmillan. 1878. Limited Edition. Privately Printed By ARC for Private Libraries.with frontispiece and some illustrations in text. cr,8vo. 267ppp. full calf. full gilt edges. good. 1380 28,000 LONDON (J.): LABOUR (E.), LEITZ (R.C.) & SHEPARD (I.M.)(Ed.) THE LETTERS OF JACK LONDON. Stanford U.P., 1988. 3 vols. Roy.8vo. dw. 1381 LONDON: KNIGHT'S CHCLOPAEDIA OF LONDON 1851. London: Charles Knight. 1851. with frontispiece and 29b/w plates. roy,8vo.860pp. original brown cloth. 1382 6,300 4,000 LONDON: MODERN LONDON BEING THE HISTORY AND PRESENT STATE OF THE BRITISH METROPOLIS. London: Richard Phillips, 1805. Illustrated with numerous copper plates (23 copper plates and 31 hand coloured plates Include maps of London). 571pp. 4to. modern half calf. 1383 180,000 LONDON: AKERMAN ( J.Y.) LEGENDS O OLD LONDON. London: Arthur Hall Virtue. 1853. First ed, with frontispiece and 8 plates. cr,8vo. xiv,332,4pp. original red cloth. 1384 LONDON: BAKER (T.) MEDIEVAL LONDON. London: Cassell,1970. with b/w illustrations. 260pp. 1385 3,000 LONDON: BARKER (F.) & JACKSON (P.) LONDON. 2000 years of a city and its poeple. Macmillan, 1974. many illustrations. 379pp. lar.4to. pb. 1386 3,000 LONDON: BLACKHAM (C.R.J.) LONDON FOR EVER THE SOVEREIGN CITY. Its Romance its Reality. London: Sampson Low, n.d. with numerous illusts. 336pp. spine sl. faded. 1388 3,000 LONDON: BIRKENHEAD (S.) PEACE IN PICCADILLY. The Story of Albany. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1958. 250pp. with dust cover. 1387 3,000 4,000 LONDON: BLACKHAM (R.J.)THE SOUL OF THE CITY LONDON'S LIVERY COMPANIES. Their Storied Past their Living Present. London: Sampson Low, N.d. 358pp. coer sl. worn. owner's signed. 3,000 - 100 - 1389 LONDON: BOULTON (W.B.)THE AMUSEMENTS OF OLD LONDON. Being a Survey of the sports and pastimes tea gardens and parks, playhouses and other Diversions of the people of London from the 17th to the Beginning of the 19th Century. London: J.C.Nimmo,190l. 2 vols. with 12 illustrations from contemporary sources, all coloured by hand.original blue cloth. worn. 1390 4,000 LONDON: BRIMBLE (J.A.) LONDON'S EPPING FOREST. London: Country Life, 1950. With illustrations. 176pp. cr.4to. 1391 4,200 LONDON: CHANCELLOR (E.B.) THE PLEASURE HAUNTS OF LONDON. During four centuries. London:Constable,1925. First,Ed.,446pp. original red-cloth. 1392 5,000 LONDON: CHANCELLOR (E.B.) THE XVIIITH CENTURY IN LONDON. An Account of its Social Life and Arts. London: B.T.Batsford, 1920. with photo plates(B/W). 271pp. sm.4to. 4,000 1393 LONDON: COOPER (C.S.) THE OUTDOOR MONUMENTS OF LONDON. Statues, Memorial Buildings Tablets and War Memorials. London: Homeland Association, 1928. Illustrated from photographs specially taken by W.F.Taylor. viii,236pp. roy.8vo. 1394 4,000 LONDON: DARK (S.) LONDON. London: Macmillan,1924. with 55 illustrations by J. Pennell. 176pp. 4to. end paper browned. cover worn. 1395 LONDON: DAVIES (A.) 5,000 THE MAP OF LONDON. From 1746 to the Present Day. London: Batsford,1987. 106pp. 4to. dw. 1396 7,000 LONDON: DE MARE (E.) LONDON'S RIVERSIDE. Past, present and Future. London; M. Reinhardt,1958. with many illustrations. 272pp. dw. 1397 3,000 LONDON: FRANCIS ( la R.) LONDON. Historic and Social. Philadelphia: The John C.Winston, 1901. 2 vols. Presentation copy from the Author. with photogravures plates. original gilt decorated cloth with dust-cover. gilt top. very fine copy. 1398 LONDON: GEORGE (M.D.) LONDON LIFE IN THE XVIIITH 35,000 CENTURY. London: K.Paul,Trench,Trubner & co., 1930. with a few corrections & without the illusts. 452pp. dw. 6,000 1399 LONDON: GOMME (L.) LONDON. Williams & Norgate, 1914. With 24 plates. 381pp. original cloth. 1400 3,000 LONDON: GREENWOOD (J.) THE SEVEN CURSES OF LONDON. Oxford: Blackwell,1981. 293pp. lar.8vo. dw. 1401 4,000 LONDON: HALL (Mr.S.C. & Mrs.S.C.) THE BOOK OF THE THAMES. From its Rise to its Fall. London: J.S.Virtue & Co., n.d. (ca.1890) with numerous illusts. 460pp. roy.8vo. pictorial cover. ex-library. stamped on title page. 1402 16,500 LONDON: HEAL (A.) THE SIGNBOARDS OF OLD LONDON SHOPS. London: Portman books, 1988. with Many illus. 220pp. 4to. dw. - 101 - 4,500 1403 LONDON: HYDE (R.) PRINTED MAPS OF VICTORIAN LONDON 1851-1900. Folkestone: W.Dawson, 1975. First Ed. with illus. 271pp. 4to. 1404 6,000 LONDON: JAMES (H.) THE SIEGE OF LONDON, The Pension Beaurepas, and The Point of View. Boston: James R.Osgood, 1883. First Ed. 294pp. sm.8vo. original brown cloth. 1405 LONDON: NEVILL (R.)LONDON CLUBS. Their History & Treasures.London,1909.with illustrations. ix,216pp. dw. 1406 LONDON: PAGE (W.) LONDON. Its origin and early development. London: Constable, 1929. 3,000 LONDON: PENDRILL (C.) LONDON LIFE IN THE 14th CENTURY. London: kennikat,1971.with a folding map. 277p. 1408 4,000 LONDON: PENDRILL (C.) OLD PARISH LIFE IN LONDON. London: Oxford U.P., 1937. First,Ed. 295PP. 4To. 1409 3,000 LONDON: PORTER (R.) LONDON A Social History. Harvard U.P., 1995. 431pp. Roy.8vo. with dust cover. 1410 3,000 LONDON: RUBINSTEIN (S.) HISTORIANS OF LONDON. London: P.Owen, 1968. many illustrations. 239pp. roy.8vo. dw. 1411 3,000 LONDON: SCHNEER (J.) LONDON 1900. The Imperial Metropolis. Yale.U.P,99'940 illus. 416pp. dw. 1412 9 6,300 x,300pp. 1407 10,000 3,000 LONDON: SCOTT (B.) A STATISTICAL VINDICATION OF THE CITY OF LONDON; or, Fallacies Exploded and Figures Explained. London: Longmans, 1877. 3rd Ed. xv,201pp. original cloth. 12,000 1413 LONDON: SIMS (G.R.)(Ed.) LIVING LONDON. Its work and its Play, Its Humour and ites Pahos, its Signts and itss Scenes. London: Cassell,C.1902. 3 Vols. with over 450 b&w illus. 4to. original gilt decorated cloth. spine sl. rubbed. 1414 28,000 LONDON: SMITH (D.L.),STRIER (R.) & BEVINGTON (D.)(Ed.) THE THEATRICAL CITY Culture, Theatre and Politics in London, 1576-1649. Cambridge U.P., 1995. xiv,288pp. Roy.8vo. dw. 1415 6,000 LONDON: STANSKY (P.) & ABRAHAMS (W.) LONDON'S BURNING. Life, Death and Art in the Second World War. Stanford U.P., 1994. xiii,201pp. lar.8vo. with dust cover. 1416 LONDON: THOMSON (L.) THE REBUILDING OF CHELSEA OLD CHURCH. Leighton: Thomson, 1992. with photographs. 134PP. 4to. with dust cover. 1417 3,150 6,300 LONDON: WILLIAMS (G.A.)MEDIEVAL LONDON. From commune to Capital. Athlone,1963. xiv,377pp. dw. 4,000 - 102 - 1418 LONGFELLOW (H.W.) CHRISTUS. A MYSTERY. in three parts. Boston: H.Mifflin,N.d.(1896). Household Editin. (4),iv,160,216,xvi,186pp. 3/4 calf, red calf spine label, over marbled boards. 1419 18,000 LONGFELLOW: THE POETICAL WORKS OF LONGFELLOW. OX.U.P,1921.frontispiece portrait. 886pp. 3/4 gilt stamped red morocco over matching cloth. marbled endpapers. top edge gilt. by Hatchards. 1420 35,000 LONODN: TIMBS (J.) CLUB LIFE OF LONDON. With anecdotes of the Clubs, coffee-house and taverns of the Metropolis during the 17th,18th and 19th centuries. R.Bentley,1872. First,Ed.,with numerous woodcut illustrations. Original brown cloth 1421 London: cr,8vo.xiv,544,48pp. 25,000 LOOMIS (R.S.) ARTHURIAN LEGENDS IN MEDIEVAL ART. Part II in Collaboration with Laura Hibbard Loomis. N.Y.: Modern Language Association of America, 1938. 155pp + illustrations. 4to. fore-edges bit soiled. spine rabel rubbed. 1422 LOOMIS (R.S.) ARTHURIAN TRADITION & CHRETIEN DE TROYES,N.Y:COLUMBIA.U.P,1952. 503pp. lar.8vo. crean copy. 1423 13,000 LOOMIS (R.S.) THE GRAIL From Celtic Myth to Christian Symbol. Columbia U.P., 1964. 287pp. dw. 1424 3,150 LOOMIS (R.S.)(ED.) ARTHURIAN LITERATURE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. A Collaborative History. Ox.C.P., 1974. xiii,574pp. lar.8vo. dw. 1425 8,000 LOVEERAFT (H.P.) & DERLETH (A.) THE WATCHERS OUT OF TIME AND OTHERS. with a foreword by _a.Derleth. Sauk city: Arkham house,1974.First Ed.405pp. dw. 1427 4,720 LOWES (J.L.) THE ROAD TO XANADU. A Study in the Way of the Imagination. London: Constable, 1951. xiv,639pp. lar.8vo. sl. penil scrached. joint tender. 1429 5,000 LOWENFELS (W.) FOUND POEMS & OTHERS. New York: Barlenmir House. 1972. First Ed, 72pp. original cloth. with dust-cover. 1428 4,000 LOTI (P.) MADAME CHRYSANTHEME. Paris: Calman-levy,N.d (ca 1890). 304pp. cr.8vo. half calf & marbled boards. 1426 48,000 4,000 LUCAS (E.V.) HIS FATAL BEAUTY; Or, the Moore of Chelsea. London: Cresent Shorter, 1917. Limited to 50 copies. Signed by the publisher. 19pp. roy.8vo. wrappers. covers sl soiled. 1430 3,000 LYLY (J.): EUPHUES: THE ANATOMY OF WIT EUPHUES & HIS ENGLAND. Edited by M.W.Croll. London: G.Routledge. 1916. 473pp. original red cloth. 1431 3,000 LYLY (J.): BOND (R.W.) EUPUES AND HIS ENGLAND THE PLAYS. (The Complete works of John Lyly Vol.2) Ox.C.P,1967. 574pp. dw. - 103 - 3,000 1432 LYTTON (E.G.E.B.) MY NOVEL. by Pisistratus Caxton; or Varieties in English Life. London: W. Blackwood, 1853. First Ed. 4 vols. sm.8vo. contemp.half calf with marbled edges. 1433 18,000 MACAULAY (L.) THE WORKS. Include: History of England. Writings and Speeches. Essays and Lays. Life and Letters by his nephew The Right Hon. Sir George Otto tyrevelyan,Bart. London: Longmans Green. 1889. Popular ed, 5 vols. cr,8vo. contemporary full calf. gilt raised bands. 1434 35,000 MACAULAY (Lord) THE HISTORY OF ENGLAND. From the Accession of James the Second. London: Longmans, 1883. 2 Vols. sm.8vo. 3/4 calf, gilt on spine. all edge marbled. marbled endpapers. vol.1 top of spine sl.chipped. 1435 18,000 MacDIARMID (H.) A DRUNK MAN LOOKS AT THE THISTLE. An Annotated Edition. edited by K.Buthlay. Edinburgh: Scottish Academic, 1987. 203pp. dw. bit foxing. a few pages. 1436 4,000 MACDIARMID (H.): GRIEVE (M.) & AITKEN (W.R.) HUGH MacDIARMID. COMPLETE POEMS 1920-1976. London: Martin Brian, 1978. Fisrs ed, 2 vols. original cloth. with dust-cover. good. 1437 12,000 MACKENZIE (J.) THE BEAUTIES OF GAELIC POERY AND LIVES OF THE HIGHLAND BARDS. Edinburgh:John Grant,1907.lxxii,444pp. browned. 1438 8,000 MACKINTOSH (R.L.) THE ASTONISHING ISLAND. Transcribed by Winifred Holtby. London: Lovat Dickson,1933. annotated in Line and tone by Batt. 184pp. 1439 4,000 MACKKAIL (J.W.) JAMES LEIGH STRACHAN-DAVIDSON. Master of Balliol. Ox.C.P,1925. 124pp. original cloth. 1440 3,000 MacNEICE (L.): HEUSER (A.)(Ed.) SELECTED PROSE OF LOUIS MacNEICE.Ox.C.P,1990. xxv,302pp. dw. 1441 a Memoir. 5,000 MADAME D'EPINAY: PEREY (L.) et MAUGRAS (G.) LA JEUNESSE DE MADAME D'EPINAY. D'Apres des Letteres et des Documents Inedits. Paris; Calmann Levy,1882. 2 Vols. half calf & marbled boards. 1442 15,750 MAIDMENT (J.): (MAIDMENT (J.)(Ed.,)SCOTISH ELEGIAC VERSES. With notes and an appendix of illustrative papers. Edinburgh:T.G.Stevenson,1842. one of 24 copies on large Paper.xliii,197pp. original cloth. label chipped. spine darknd. sl. spotted. 1443 42,000 MALCOLM (J.P.)(Illust.) ANECDOTES OF THE MANNERS AND CUSTOMS OF LONDON, From the Roman Invasion to the Year 1700; Illustrated by 18 engravings by James Peller Malcolm. 3 vols. *ANECDOTES OF THE MANNERS AND CUSTOMS OF LONDON, During the Eighteenth Century. With a Review of the State of Society in 1807. 2 vols. London: Longman, 1811. 2nd Ed. altogether 5 vols. original text in recent buckram cloth. (rebound) 35,000 - 104 - 1444 MALORY (T.) LE MORTE DARTHUR. Sir Thomas Malory's Book of King Arthur and of his Noble Knights of the Round Table. Using of the Caxton edition. London: Macmillan, 1900. 2 vols. original half morocco. 1445 75,000 MALORY (T.) LE MORTE DARTHUR. Sir Thomas Malory's Book of King Arthur and of his Noble Knights of the Round Table. London: Macmillan, 1920. 2 vols. original cloth. 1446 10,000 MALORY (T.)(Trans.) ARTHURIAN ROMANCES.Vol.1:Sir gawain and the Green knight. 2.3:Tristan and ISEULT. 4:Guingamor, Lanval, Tyolet, le Bisclaveret. 5:Morien. 6:Sir cleges, sir +Libeaus Desconus. 7:Sir Gawain at the Grail Castle. 8:Sir Gawain and the Lady of Lys. AMS, 1970. 8 Vols. cr.8vo. 1447 12,000 MALORY (T.): LE MORTE DARTHUR.The History of King Arthur and of His Noble Knights of the Round Table. London: Jonathan Cape and the Medici Society, 1929. 521pp. original cloth. 1448 8,000 MALORY (T.): THE WORKS OF SIR THOMAS MALORY. Edited by Eugene Vinaver. Oxford C.P., 1973.3 vols. sl.wear dj. 1449 36,750 MALORY: MORRIS (R.) THE CHARACTER OF KING ARTHUR IN MEDIEVAL LITERATURE. (Arthurian Studies IV.) D.S.Brewer, 1982. 175pp. lar.8vo. dw. 1450 9,000 MANDEVILLE (B.) THE FABLE OF THE BEES. Or, Private Vices, Public Benefits. with a commentaary Critical,Historical and Explanatory by F.B.Kaye. Oxford C.P., 1966. 2 vols. dw. 1451 12,000 MANN (T.)GESAMMELTE WERKE. Frakfurt: Fischer Verlag, 1974.13 Bde. (Bd.3 & 8 a little scrached) full yellow calf. top edge gilt. 1452 MANN (T.): DIE ROMANE. Buddenbrooks.Koenigliche 88,000 Hoheit.Lotte in Weimar, Der Zauberberg.Joseph und seine Brueder. Dokter Faustus.Der Erwaehlte.Bekenntnisse des Hochstaplers Krull. Frankfurt: S.Fischer, 1986. 7 Bde. cr,8vo. yellow boards. in the box. 8,000 1453 MANN (T.): MENDELSSOHN ( TAGEBUCHER 1918-1955. Frankfurt: S.Fischer, 19791995. 10 Bde. sm.8vo. with dj. 1454 25,000 MANN (T.): WEIGAND (H.J.) THOMAS MANN'S NOVEL DER ZAAUBERBERG. N.Y:D.Appleton,1933. ix,1183pp. dw. (sl. chipped darkned) 1455 MARKINO (Y.)(Illust.) A STUDY. 4,000 RECOLLECTIONS AND REFLECTIONS OF A JAPANESE ARTIST. Philadelphia: G.W.Jacobs, 1913. First American Ed. frontispiece & 8 colour plus 6 monochrome tipped in plates. xv,262pp. decorative 'wood grain' endpapers, original cloth. a good bright copy. 1456 10,000 MARKINO (Y.)(Illust.): SELINCOURT ( OXFORD FROM WITHIN. London: Chatto & Windus, 1910. First Ed. 12 plates in colour and 8 Sepia Drawings. 180pp. top edge gilt. spine sl.rubbed and upper part of a spine includes short wound. - 105 - 8,000 1457 MARLOWE (Christopher): CASE (R.H.)(Ed.) THE WORKS AND LIFE OF CHRISTOPHER MARLOWE. New York: Gordian Press, 1966. 6 vols. 1458 MASTERS (A.) THE NATURAL HISTORY OF THE VAMPIRE. London: Hard-Davis,1972. with b/w illustrations. 258pp. dw. 1459 25,000 6,300 MASUCCIO: THE NOVELLINO OF MASUCCIO. Now First Translated into English by W.G.Waters. London: Lawrence & Bullen, 1895. 2 vols. Limited to 210 copies. Illustrated by E.R.Hughes. 4to. spine parchment with boards. 1460 MATCHETT (W.H.) THE PHOENIX AND THE TURTLE. Shakespeare's poem and Chester's Loues Martyr. Hague: Mouton, 1965. 213pp. 1461 3,000 MAUGHAM (Robin) LINE ON GINGER. London: Chapman & Hall, 1949. First Ed. 136pp. sm.8vo. with dust-cover. very fine copy. 1463 4,000 MAUGHAM (R.) BEHIND THE MIRROR. A Novel. London: Longmans, 1955. First Ed. 185pp. with dust cover. 1462 15,800 8,000 MAUGHAM (W.S.) A WRITER'S NOTEBOOK. N.Y., Doubleday, 1949. First American Limited Ed. Limited Ed. Signed by the Author. xvi,367pp. Roy.8vo (25 x 17cm) in slip-case. 55,000 1464 MAUGHAM (W.S.) A WRITER'S NOTEBOOK. London: W.Heinemann, 1949. First Ed. Limited Ed. Signed by the Author. xiv,349pp. roy.8vo. original vellum spine. top edge gilt. 1465 MAUGHAM (W.S.) ASHENDEN OR THE BRITISH AGENT. London: W.Heinemann, 1928. First Ed,304pp. sm.8vo. original cloth. sl. rubbed. 1466 38,000 15,000 MAUGHAM (W.S.) CAKES AND ALE. Or the Skeleton in the Cupboard. With an original Lithograph and Decorations by Gragam sutherland.London, W.Heinemann, 1954. Limietd to 1000 copies. Signed by the author and artest. lacks frontispiece. Original calf. original glaslin wrapper. Charles pick's copy. fine condition. 1467 MAUGHAM (W.S.) CREATURES OF CIRCUMSTANCE. London: W.Heinemann, 1947. First Ed..310pp. sm.8vo. Red publisherユs clothwith dust-cover. fine copy. 1468 25,000 MAUGHAM (W.S.) HERE AND THERE. Short Stories. Melbourne: W.Heinemann, 1948. First Ed. Signed by the Author. 361pp. cr.8vo. with dust cover. 1469 55,000 45,000 MAUGHAM (W.S.) THE BOOK-BAG. Florence: G.Orioli, 1932. First Ed. Limited to 725 copies. signed by the author. 109pp. lar.8vo. with dust-cover. dust cover corner browned. 75,000 1470 MAUGHAM (W.S.) THE JUDGEMENT SEAT. London: The Centaur Press, 1934. First Ed. Limited to 150 copies. Signed by the Author. Presentation copy. Frontispiece by Ulrica Hyde. 17pp. original cloth. very good copy. - 106 - 75,000 1471 MAUGHAM (W.S.) THE VAGRANT MOOD, Six Essays. Melbourne: W.Heinemann, 1952. First Ed. Limited to 500 copies. Signed by the Author. 241pp.Bound in the original quarter light tan morocco, blue cloth boards top edge gilt, a very good copy preserved within its original slip case. 1472 68,000 MAUGHAM (W.S.): STOTT (R.T.) MAUGHAMIANA. The Writings of W.Somerset Maugham. Being a Handlist of Works by William Somerset Maugham and of his Contributions to Certain Selected periodicals. Together with an Introduction and some notes on the Periodicals. Melbourne: W.Heinemann, 1950. First ed.,73pp. with dust-cover. sl chipped. 8,000 1473 MAUPASSANT (Guy de) ROMANS. Paris: Albin Michel, 1975. 1409pp. dw. with slip case. 3,000 1474 MAURIAC (F.): FRANCOIS MAURIAC OEUVRES COMPLETES. Paris: Bernard Grasset, 19501956. 12 vols. half calf. some volumes are spine edges chipped. 1475 McCOY (R.C.) THE RITES OF KNIGHTHOOD, The Literature and Politics of Elizabethan Chivalry. California U.P., 1989. xii,196pp. dw. 1476 94,500 6,090 McCULLOCH (J.R.) THE LITERATURE OF POLITICAL ECONOMY. A Classified Catalogue of Select Publications in the Different Departments of that Science with Historical, Critical, and Biographical Notices. (1845) Kelley, 1991. 407pp. 1477 McDIARMID (M.P.)(Ed.) HARY'S WALLACE. (Vita nobilissimi defensoris Scotie Wilelmi Wallace Militis)Edinburgh: W.Blackwood,1968.2 vols. 1478 4,000 MEADOWS (G.) AN ILLUSTRATED DICTIONARY OF CLASSICAL MYTHOLOGY. London: Bloomsbury Books, 1988. with B/W illus. 224pp. Roy.8vo. with dust cover. 1480 6,300 McDONALD (D.) AGRICULTURAL WRITERS From sir Walter of Henley to Arthur Young, 1200-1800. (1908) N.Y.: Burt Franklin, 1968. 228pp. Roy.8vo. 1479 8,400 3,500 MEISS (M.) & BEATSON (E.H.) LES BELLES HEURES DE JEAN DUC DE BERRY. The Cloisters the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Paris: Draeger Editeur, 1975. full page colour plates and b/w illustrations. 268pp. lar.8vo. dw. 1481 5,770 MELVILLE (H.) THE WRITINGS OF HERMAN MELVILLE. 1:TYPEE. 2:OMOO. 3:MARDI. 4:REDBURN. 5:WHITE-JACKET. Northwestern U.P., 1968. 5 vols. wrapper. spine foxed. stamped. 1482 12,600 MELVILLE (H.): GLEIM (W.S.) THE MEANING OF MOBY DICK. N.Y.: E.B.Hackett, 1938. First Ed. 149pp. spine cloth with boards. 1483 18,000 MELVILLE (H.): ROSENBACH (A.S.W.) AN INTRODUCTION TO HERMAN MELVILLE'S MOBYDICK: Or the Whale (1851). N.Y.: Mitchell Kennerley, 1924. Limited to 250 copies. 9pp. sm.8vo. 12,000 - 107 - 1484 MEN OF LETTERS: ENGLISH MEN OF LETTERS. New Series. *M.Arnold. *W.Pater. *Rossetti. *Shakespeare. *A.Marvell. *Hobbes. *James Thompson. *Tennyson. *J.Ruskin. *Sir T.Brown, *R.Browning. *J.Austen. *Adam Smith. *Jeremy Taylor. *S.Richardson. *Crabbe. *T.Moore. *G.Eliot. *M.Edgeworth. *B.Jonson. *W.Hazlitt. *E.Fitzgerald. *W.Morris. *S.Smith. *Fanny Burney (Madame D'Arblay) London: Macmillan, 1902-21. 25 vols. (Fanny Burney are cover bit stained) 1485 42,000 MERCIER (V.): DILLON (E.)(Ed.) MODERN IRISH LITERATURE. Sources and Founders. Oxford C.P., 1994. 381pp. Roy.8vo. dw. clean copy. 1486 MEREDITH (G.) LETTERS OF GEORGE MEREDITH. Collected and edited by his son. London: Constable, 1912. 2nd Ed. 2 vols. 1487 4,000 MEREDITH (G.): HAMMERTON (J.A.) GEORGE MEREDITH. In Anecdote and Criticism. London: G.Richards, 1909. FIRST ED. photo plates. 391pp. lar.8vo. 1488 4,000 MEYER (P.) DIE THEOLOGISCHE LITERATUR DER GRIECHISCHEN KIRCHE im 16.Jahrhundert. Mit einer allgemeinen Einleitung. Scientia, 1972. 179pp. pb. 1490 5,250 MILLER (H.) THE AIR-CONDITIONED NIGHTMARE. A New Directions Book. N.Y.: published by James Laughlin, 1945. First Ed. First Issue. 292pp. dw. very good. 1493 12,000 MILLER (H.) JUST WILD ABOUT HARRY. A Melo-Melo in Seven Scenes. London:Macgibbon & Kee, 1963.First UK ed. 106pp. sm.8vo. dw. 1492 3,000 MILBANK (A.) DAUGHTERS OF THE HOUSE. Modes of the Gothic in Victorian Fiction. Macmillan, 1992. First Ed. xi,217pp. dw. 1491 4,200 METLITZKI (D.) THE MATTER OF ARABY IN MEDIEVAL ENGLAND. Yalw U.P., 1977. 320pp. lar.8vo. 1489 8,400 15,000 MILLER (H.) THE AIR-CONDITIONED NIGHTMARE. Heinemann, 1962. 292pp. spine faded. 4,000 1494 MILLER (H.) THE WISDOM OF THE HEART. London: Editions poetry, 1947. First UK ed. 255pp. sm.8vo. dw. page browned. 1495 5,000 MILLER (H.): MOORE (T.H.)(Ed.) BIBLIOGRAPHY OF HENRY MILELR. Henry Miller Literary society, 1961. 32pp. wrapper. 1496 3,150 MILLER (H.): RENKEN (M.) A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF HENRY MILLER 1945-1961. N.Y: Haskell house,1972. 13pp. 1497 3,000 MILLER (H.): SHIFREEN (L.J.) & JACKSON (R.)(Comp.,Ed.& with Notes) HENRY MILLER: A Bibliography of Primary Sources. With an Original Preface by H.Miller. Alyscamps Press, 1993. signed by Author. b/w illus. with 2 color photographs. xxi,1022pp. - 108 - 20,000 1498 MILLER (J.) THE SHIP IN THE DESERT. Boston: Roberts Brothers. 1875. First Ed, Presention copy from the Author. 205,8pp. cr,8vo.original red cloth. worn. water stained on pages. 5,000 1499 MILTON (J.) PARADISE LOST, A Poem. London: Orr and Smith, 1836. 348pp. 16mo.(13 x 6.5cm). original cloth. 1500 12,600 MILTON (J.) PARADISE LOST. A POEM IN TWELVE BOOKS. From the text of Thomas Newton. PARADISE REGAIN'D A POEM, In four books to which is added samson agonistes; and poems upon several occasions.Roy.8vo. Birmingham, J.Baskerville, 1758. first Baskerville Ed, 2 vols. (30)416PP. & lxix,319pp. Full old morocco. gilt edges. vol.1 cover sl.stained. 1501 MILTON 240,000 (J.) THE POETICAL WORKS. London;T.Nelson,1853.xxxii,639pp. contemporary full gilt decorated morocco. all edge gilt. spine sl. rubbed. 1502 13,650 MILTON (J.): THE POEMS OF JOHN MILTON. English Latin Greek & Italian Arranged in Chronological Order with a Preface by H.J.C.Grierson. *Vol.1: The Shorter Poems Paradise Regained and Samson Agonistes. *Vol.2: Paradise Lost. London: Chatto & Windus, 1925. 2 vols. lar.8vo. spine cloth with boards. joint sl. tears. 1503 MILTON (J.): THE WORKS OF JOHN MILTON. Columbia U.P., 1931. 23 vols. 18 vols in 21 & two index volumes 1930-40. complete set. original cloth. Index is xerox copy. 1504 4,000 MILTON (J.): HILL (C.) MILTON AND THE ENGLISH REVOLUTION. London: Faber & Faber, 1977. 541pp. lar.8vo. dw. 1506 370,000 MILTON (J.): BUSH (D.)(Ed.) MILTON POETICAL WORKS. Oxford.U.P,1966. xxi,570pp. cr.8vo. 1505 18,000 5,250 MILTON (J.): HUGHES-STANTON (Blair)(Illust.) FOUR POEMS BY JOHN MILTON. L'Allegro il Penseroso Arcades Lycidas. The Gregynog Press, 1933. Limited to 250 copies. (No.80.)With 11 wood engravings. 33pp. roy.8vo. full soft calf blind-stamped with the title as well as an illustration from the book. a fine copy. 1507 MILTON (J.): MCCOLLEY (D.K.) A GUST FOR PARADISE. Milton's Eden and the Visual Arts. Univ. of Illinois, 1993. xviii,305pp. 1508 MILTON (J.):HUGHES (M.Y.)(Ed.) 3,150 JOHN MILTON COMPLETE POEMS AND MAJOR PROSE. Indianapolis:Hackett,2003. 1059pp. 1509 4,200 MIRABEAU: VERMOREL (A.) MIRABEAU. SA VIE SES OPINIONS ET SES DISCOURS. Paris: Dubuisson,1865. 5 vols in 3. half morocco & marbled boarads. good. 1510 120,000 12,000 MOLINA ( ARTE DE LA LENGUA MEXICANA Y CASTELLANA. compuestapor el muy Re uerendo padre fray Alonso de Mo=Lina dea orden de Senor Sant Francisco. (Mexico en caa de Pedro Ocbarte, 1571) Madrid:CulturaHistpanica. n.d. (ca.1945) Facsimile Ed. roy.8vo. 4,000 - 109 - 1511 MONDOR (H.) L'HEUREUSE RENCONTRE DE VALERY ET MALLARME. Lausanne: La Guilde du livre,1947. First Ed. Limited Ed. 123pp. edge sl. spotted. 1512 4,000 MONTAIGNE: (par VERNIER) ETUDE LITTERAIRE ET PHILOLOGIQUE SUR MONTAIGNE ou La lecture des Essais de Montaigne Rendue Facile et Attrayante. Niort: typographie L.Favre, 1888. 256pp. spine calf with marbled boards. text sl.foxing. 1513 35,000 MONTE-MAJOR (H.J.DE) DIANA. Teil I-III. [1646] Darmstadt: W.Buchgesellschaft, 1970. 12mo. a thick vol. 3,000 1514 MOORE (G.) CELIBATES. London: W.Scott, 1895. 559pp. sm.8vo. gilt top. 9,800 1515 MOORE (G.) MEMOIRS OF MY DEAD LIFE. Of Galanteries, Meditations and Remanbrances. London: Heinemann, n.d. Limited Ed, Signed by the Author. 290pp. with dust-cover. 18,000 1516 MOORE (G.) THE TALKING PINE. Paris: Hours Press, 1931. Limited to 500 copies. imp.8vo. wrappers. covers sl sunned. 1517 9,000 MOORE (G.) ULICK AND SORACHA. London: The Nonesuch Press, 1926. Limited to 1250 copies. signed by Moore. 286pp. printed on Japon vellum. 1518 5,000 MOORE (G.) & HARRIS (F.): BEERBOHM (M.)(Illust.) MOORE VERSUS HARRIS. Including facsimile reproductions of letters and auction records of some of the letters printed herein, also caricatures by Max Beerbohm and by the late Claude Lovat Fraser. Michigan: Privately Printed for Subscribers, 1921. Limited to 1000 copies. (No.553)16pp. 1519 12,000 MORE (H.): GROSART (A.) THE COMPLETE POEMS OF DR. HENRY MORE (1614-1687). N.Y.: AMS, 1967. xlvii,244pp. Roy.8vo. 1520 5,250 MORE (T.) DE OPTIMO REIPV. STATV, DEQVE NOVA INSVLA VTOPIA. Libellus vere aureus, nec minus salutaris quam festiuus,clarissimi disertissimique viri Thomae Mori inclytae ciuitatis Londinenisis ciuis & Vicecomitis. Louanii: Excudebat Seruatius Sassenus impenisis viduae Arnoldi Birkmanii. Anno Salutis 1548. This edition seems to be a reprint of Froben's, for it is arranged precisely in the same order, and contains the same matter. Peter Giles's letter to Buslidius, More's to Giles, and the two books of the Utopia, are printed in italics: the remainder in the roman letter. On the reverse of p. 181, (at the end) is a list of errata: this is followed by a print of a man crowned with laurels,12mo. 181, (errata)pp.(rregularities in paging: pages 27-28, 74-75, 141-142 numbering reversed.) 350,000 1521 MORE (T.) UTOPIA. Translated by R.Robynson. To which are Added the Life of the Author and Some of His Letters. London: G.Bell, 1903. Chiswick Press. Limited to 200 copies. with portrait. 265pp. sm.folio.(35.5 x 22.5cm) half morocco with marbled boards. 1522 75,000 MORE (T.): BA (RO:) THE LIFE OF SYR THOMAS MORE. Sometymes Lord Chancellour of England. Edited by Elsie Vaughan Hitchcock & P.E.Hallett. with addional notes & appendices by A.W.Reed. (The Early English Text Society no.222) The Early English Text Society., 1957. 340pp. 3,000 - 110 - 1523 MORE (T.): HARPSFIELD (N.) THE LIFE AND DEATH OF SR. THOMAS MOORE, KNIGHT, SOMETYMES LORD HIGH CHANCELLOR OF ENGLAND. Early English text 1963xxxxx,400pp. 1524 4,000 MORE (T.): TAFT (A.I.)(Ed.) THE APOLOGYE OF SYR THOMAS MORE, KNYGHT. Early english text society: Kraus,1971.lxxxvi,365pp. 1525 3,000 MORGAN (C.) ODE TO FRANCE. London: Macmillan, n.d. (ca.1942) 7pp. wrappers with boards cover. 1526 soceity. 4,000 MORGAN (C.) THE FOUNTAIN. London: Macmillan, 1932. First Ed. 434pp. with dust cover. 3,000 1527 MORGAN (C.) THE RIVER LINE. London: Macmillan, 1949. First Ed. 227pp. cr.8vo. with dust cover. dust cover tear. 1528 3,000 MORGAN (C.) THE VOYAGE. London: Macmillan, 1940. First Ed. 546pp. cr.8vo. with dust cover.(cover chipped) 1529 4,000 MORIER (H.) DICTIONNAIRE DE POETIQUE ET DE RHETORIQUE. P.U.F., 1989. 1210pp with tables. lar.8vo. dw. stamped on top edge. 1530 8,400 MORRIS (W.) AN ADDRESS DELIVERED. London: Chiswick Press, 1898. First Ed. 25pp. original boards. 1531 18,900 MORRIS (W.) LOVE IS ENOUGH. or The Freeing of Pharamond. A Morality. London: Ellis & White, 1873. First Ed. Limited 25 copies. Large paper Ed. one wood-engraved plate after Burne-Jones. viii,134,ii,pp. expertly rebound to style in quarter linen boards. Very Scarce. Whatman's hand made paper. 1532 75,000 MORRIS (W.) POEMS BY THE WAY. Written by William Morris. London: Reeves and Turner, 1891. Large paper Ed. Limited to 100 copies. 196pp. original cloth. with exlibris of Cobden Sanderson and signed. cover rubbed some foxing 1533 75,000 MORRIS (W.) TALE OF THE HOUSE OF THE WOLFINGS AND ALL THE KINGDREDS OF THE MARK WRITTEN IN PROSE AND IN VERSE BY WILLIAM MORRIS. London: Longmans, Green and Co, 1901. Golden type, Chiswick Press. 161pp. 4to. full morocco. joint mending. 1534 MORRIS (W.) THE LIFE AND DEATH OF JASON, A Poem. London: Ellis and White, 1882. 8th Edition, revised by the Author. 376pp. cr.8vo. gilt top. 3/4 calf & marbled boards. 1535 26,250 MORRIS (W.) THE WELL AT THE WORLD'S END A TALE. London: Longman, Green, 1896. First Trade Ed/.2 vols. linen spine with original boards. fine copy. 1536 48,000 45,000 MORRIS (W.): ART AND ITS PRODUCERS AND THE ARTS AND CRAFTS OF TODAY: TWO ADDRESSES DELIVERED BEFORE THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF ART. BY WILLIAM MORRIS. Printed at the Chiswick Press. London: Longman & Co., 1901. 8vo. cloth-backed paper boards. 15,000 - 111 - 1537 MORRIS (W.): BOOS (F.S.) THE DESIGN OF WILLIAM MORRIS' THE EARTHLY PARADISE. (Studies in British Literature Volume 6) E.Mellen press,1991. 529pp. 1538 MORRIS (W.): COMPTON-RICKETT (A.) WILLIAM MORRIS. A Study in Personality. With an introduction by R.B.C.Graham. London: H.Jenkins, 1913. First Ed. xx.325pp. lar.8vo. 1539 4,000 MORRIS (W.): HELMHOLTZ-PHELAN (A.A.von) THE SOCIAL PHILOSOPHY OF WILLIAM MORRIS. Duke Univ., 1927. 207pp. lar.8vo. with dust cover. 1541 7,500 MORRIS (W.): KELVIN (N.)(Ed.) THE COLLECTED LETTERS OF WILLIAM MORRIS. Volume I.1848-1880. II.1881-1888, 2 vols. Princeton.U.P,1984, 3 Vols. lar.8vo. dw. 1542 6,300 MORRIS (W.): GREY (Lloyd Eric) WILLIAM MORRIS. Prophet of England's New Order. London: Cassell, 1949. xiv,386pp. dw. 1540 6,000 9,000 MORRIS (W.): MACKAIL (J.W.) WILLIAM MORRIS AN ADDRESS DELIVERED THE XIth NOVEMBER MDCCCC AT KELMSCOTT HOUSE HAMMERSMITH BEFORE THE HAMMERSMITH SOCIALIST SOCIETY. Hammersmith Publishing Society, 1905. 39pp. Half vellum boards. 11,000 1543 MORRIS (W.): MACKALI (J.W.) THE LIFE OF WILLIAM MORRIS. N.Y.: B.Blom, 1968. Reprinted Ed. 2 vols in 1. roy.8vo. 1544 3,000 MORRIS (W.): MORRIS (May) WILLIAM MORRIS. Artist Writer Socialist. *Vol I: The Art of William Morris, Morris as a Writer. *Vol II: Morris as a Socialist, with an Account of William Morris as I knew him by Bernard Shaw. Oxford: 1936. Limited 750 copies. 2 vols. spine cloth with boards. 1545 73,500 MORRIS (W.): THOMPSON (E.P.) WILLIAM MORRIS Romantic to Revolutionary. London: Merlin Press, 1977. 825pp. dw. private stamped bit foxing. 1546 3,000 MORRIS (W.): VALLANCE (A.) WILLIAM MORRIS HIS ART HIS WRITINGS AND HIS PUBLIC LIFE. A Recorded by Aymer Vallance. London: G.Bell & Sons, 1897. First Ed. with colour frontis & other numerous plates. xiv,462pp. 4to. original cloth. top edge gilt. spine worn. 25,000 1547 MORSE (D.) HIGH VICTORIAN CULTURE. Macmillan, 1993. 553pp. dw. 1548 MOUNIER (E.) OEUVRES. 1.1931-1839. 2.Traite du caractere. 3.1944-1950. 4.Recueils posthumes Correspondance. Paris: Editions du Seuil, 1961. 4 vols. original cloth. 1549 3,000 MURASAKI (Lady): WALEY (Arthur)(Trans.) THE TALE OF GENJI: N.Y: Modern Library., 1960. xvi,1135pp. dw. owner's exliblis. 1551 12,000 MUKERJI (D.G.)GHOND THE HUNTER.London: J.M.Dent, 3 Illust by B.Artzybasheff. 204pp. original pictorial cloth. 1550 4,000 6,300 MURPHY (J.J.) RHETORIC IN THE MIDDLE AGES. A History of Rhetorical Theory from Saint Augustine to the Renaissance. California U.P., 1974. xiv,395pp. dw. sl.foxed. - 112 - 5,500 1552 NABOKOV (V.) PALE FIRE. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1962. First Ed.,315pp. 7,000 1553 NABOKOV (V.) THE GIFT. N.Y.: G.P.Putnam, 1963. 378pp. dw. 7,000 1554 NABOKOV (V.): APPEL (A.) & NEWMAN (C.)(Ed.) NABOKOV. Criticism, reminiscences, translations and tributes. With supplement. Northwestern U.P., 1970. Firt ed, 371pp. with dust-cover. 1555 6,300 NACH (S.) BETGWEEN FRANCEL. Manuscript Illustration in Amiun;cc.1999. 4to. 421pp. original blue cloth. with dsut-0cver. 1556 5,000 NAPOLEON: MENEVAL (Claude-Francois de) MEMOIRS ILLUSTRATING THE HISTORY OF NAPOLEON 1. From 1802-1815. New York: D.Appleton and Co. 1894. 3 vols. with frontiscpieces. half calf. good. 1557 25,000 NEUHAUS (S.), SELBMANN (R.), und UNGER (T.)(Heraus) ENGAGIERTE LITERATUR ZWISCHEN DEN WELTKRIEGEN. Konigshausen & neumann,2002. 410pp. lar.8vo. pb. 1558 NEW OLYMPIA. (THE) A Monthly review from Paris.No 1-4. all pbublished. written by M.Twain,H.Miller and others. Paris: 1962-64 . 4 vols. lar.8vo. wrappers. 1559 8,000 25,000 NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY:DICTIONARY CATALOG AND SHELF LIST OF THE SPENCER COLLECTIONOf Illustrated books and Manuscripts and Fine Bindings. Boston:G.K.Hall,1971. 2 Vols. Roy.4to. 1560 15,000 NEWTON (A.E.) THE GREATEST BOOK IN THE WORLD AND OTHER PAPERS. London: J.Lane, 1926. with illustrations. xviii,451pp. 1561 3,000 NICHOLS (B.): BROCK (H.M.)(illust)A BOOK OF OLD BALLADS. Selected and with an Introduction. London: Hutchinson, 1934. First Ed. delxe binding. 16full page colour illustrations. Black and white illustrations throughout. 279pp. 4to. (28.7 x 21.8cm) original quarer reversed calf gilt, patterned boards. top edges gilt. uncut. 1562 NICKEL (R.) EINFUHRUNG IN DIE DIDAKTIK DES AKTSPRACHLICHEN UNTERRICHTS. Darmstadt: W.Buchgesellschaft, 1982. 277pp. wrapper. cover sl.soiled. 1563 4,000 NICOLAUS CUSANUS: YAMAKI (K.)(Ed.) NICHOLAS OF CUSA. A Medieval Thinker for the Modern Age. Waseda/Curzon International Series, 2002. xiv,288pp. lar.8vo. dw. 1564 28,000 15,750 NICOLL (A.) A HISTORY OF RESTORATION DRAMA 1660-1700. Cambridge U.P., 1928. 2nd Ed. 410pp. [With] *A HISTORY OF EARLY EIGHTEENTH CENTURY DRAMA 1700-1750. C.U.P., 1925. 431pp. cover worn. *A HISTORY OF LATE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY DRAMA 1750-1800. C.U.P., 1927. 387pp. cover worn. 3 vols. 1565 15,750 NIETZSCHE (F.): KLOSSOWSKI (P.) NIETZSCHE AND THE VICIOUS CIRCLE. Translated by Daniel W.Smith. (1969) Athlone London, 1997. xx,282pp. dw. fine. - 113 - 8,400 1566 NIN (A.): STUHLMANN (G.)(Ed.) THE JOURNALS OF ANAIS NIN. London: Peter Owen, 1966. 2 vols. 368pp. dj. 1567 4,000 NOYES (J.K.) THE MASTERY OF SUBMISSION. Inventions of Masochism. Cornell U.P., 1997. 265pp. lar.8vo. dw. 1568 4,000 O'CASEY:THE COMPLETE PLAYS OF SEAN O'CASEY. Macmillan,1971. 5 Vols. cr.8vo. dw. 20,000 1569 O'FLAHERTY (L.) THE MOUNTAIN TAVERN. and Other Stories. London: Jonathan Cape. 1929. First ed, Signed by the Author on the front flyleaf. 288pp. original green cloth with gilt spine lettering, dust-cover. 1570 28,000 O'NEILL (E.) AH.WILDERNESS. New York: Random House. 1933. First ed, Limited to 325 copies. Signed by the Author. 4to. 159pp. original blue calf, gilt lettering on white and maroon spine labels. lacks slipcase. 1571 30,000 O'NEILL (E.) DAYS WITHOUT END. New York: Random House. 1934. First ed, Limited to 325 copies. Signed by the Author. roy,8vo. 157pp. Full dark blue calf, spine with raised bands and con-trasting gilt stamped red and light blue morocco labels. 1572 O'NEILL (E.) HUGHIE. New Haven: Yale University Press. 1959. First ed, roy,8vo. 38pp. original cloth. no jacket. 1573 25,000 3,000 O'NEILL (E.) LAZARUS LAUGHED. New York: Boni & Liveright. 1927. First ed, Limited to 750 copies. Signed by the Author. 179pp. original batik paper over boards backed in parchment with paper title label on spine.uncut papers. 1574 O'NEILL (E.) LOST PLAYS. New York: The Citadel Press. no date. (1958)First edition thus. 156pp. original half cloth with board .dustcover.(chipped) 1575 30,000 4,000 O'NEILL (E.) MARCO MILLIONS. New York: Boni and Liveright. 1927. First ed, Limited to 450 copies. Signed by the Author. 180,(iv)pp. Parchment backed batik boards, lacks slipcase. 1576 20,000 O'NEILL (E.): ATKINSON (J.M.) EUGENE O'NEILL. A Descriptive Bibliography. Univ.of Pittsburgh Pr., 1974. 410pp. lar.8vo. 1577 O'NEILL (E.): RANALD (M.L.) THE EUGENE O'NEILL COMPANION. London: Greenwood, 1984. 827pp. Roy.8vo. edge sl. spotted. very good copy. 1578 7,500 OLIPHANT (Mrs.) HISTORICAL SKETCHES OF THE REIGN OF GEORGE SECOND. Edinburgh: W.Blackwood, 1869. 2 Vols. original cloth. 1579 4,000 7,500 OMAR KHAIYAM: FIDZGERALD (E.) RUBAIYAT OF OMAR KHAYYAM. in English Verse. by Edward Fitzgerald. London: H.W.Bell, 1901. 71pp. pictorial cloth cover. gilt top. sm.8vo. 5,000 - 114 - 1580 OMAR KHAIYAM: FITZGERALD (E.) RUBAIYAT OF OMAR KHAYYAM OF NAISHAPUR. Illustated by Charles Stewart. London: The Rodale Press, 1955. 73pp. sm.8vo. spine cloth with decorated boards. 1581 3,000 OMAR KHAIYAM: HERON-ALLEN (E.) SOME SIDE-LIGHTS UPON EDWARD FITZGERALD'S POEM, "THE RUBAIYAT OF OMAR KHAYYAM". Being the Substance of a Lecture Deliverd at the Grosvenor Crescent Club and Woman's Institute on the 22nd March 1898. London: H.S.Nichols, 1898. 32pp. lar.8vo. wrappers. cover sl. worn. 1582 8,000 OSSIAN: THE POEMS OF OSSIAN. Translated by James Macpherson, with notes and with an intro by W.Sharp. Edinburgh, John Grant, 1926. xxiv,417pp. Sm.8vo. original gilt decorated spine. 1583 3,500 OSSIAN: THE POEMS OF OSSIAN. Translated by James Macpherson. To which are Prefixed Dissertations on the Aera and Poems of Ossian. London: Printed for Cadell and Davies, 1807. 2 vols. full calf. marbled edges. a fine copy. 1584 55,000 OSSIAN: DAVIES (E.) THE CLAIMS OF OSSIAN, Examined and Appreciated: An Essay on the Scottish and Irish Poems Published under that Name; in which the Question of Their Genuineness and Historical Credit is Freely Discussed: Together with some Curious Particulars Relative to the Structure and State of Poetry in the Celtic Dialects of Scotland and Ireland. Swansea: Printed for the Author, H.Griffith, 1825. 327,xiiipp. roy.8vo. spine cloth with boards. 1585 23,000 OSSIAN: FREDERICO (A.) PHINGALEIS SIVE HIBERNIA LIBERATA. Epicum Ossianis Poema. e celtico sermone conversum, tribus praemissis disputationibus. Edinburgi: 1820. 228pp. original boards. worn. 1586 25,000 PALACIOS (M.A.) L'ESCHATOLOGIE MUSULMANE DANS LA DIVINE COMEDIE. Suivi de Histoire et critique d'une polemique. Milano: Arche, 1992.647pp. lar.8vo. 1587 PATER (W.) MARIUS THE EPICUREAN. His Sensations and Ideas. London: Macmillan, 1920. 2 vols. 3/4 calf & marbled boards. 1588 6,000 36,000 PATER (W.) THE WORKS OF WALTER PATER. 1.The Renaissance. 2.3.Marius the Epicurean. 2 vols. 4.Imaginary Portraits. 5.Appreciations. 6.Plato and Platonism. 7.Greek Studies. 8.Miscellaneous Studies. 9.Gaston de Latour. 10.Essays from the Guardian. London: Macmillan, 1920-22.Library ed. The last edition. 10 vols. photogravure frontispiece portrait in Voluje I and VIII. lar.8vo. Bound by Riviere & son in half brown Morocco gilt over susset cloth boards. 1589 160,000 PECOCK (R.) THE DONET. The Poore Mennis myrrour (British Museum, addl.37788) by E.V.Hitchcock. Early english text society:Kraus,1971. xxxii,1971. 1590 PEGUY (C.)(Ed.) 4,000 CAHIERS DE LA QUINZAINE. Serie" Precurseurs" 1897-1899 3 vols/ 1900 2 vols/ 1900-1901 3 vols/ 1901-1902 3 vols. Geneve: Slatkine, 1977.11 Vols. some sl. darkned. 120,000 - 115 - 1591 PEPYS (S.) MEMOIRS OF SAMUEL PEPYS. ESQ.F.R.S.Secretary to the Admiralty in the Reigns of Charles II. and james II Comprising His Daiary from 1659-1669. London: Henry Colburn. 1828. Second ed, 5 vols. with 11 ilustrated plates. contemporary full calf.marbled endpapers & edges. rebacke. a very attractive set. 1592 65,000 PEPYS (S.): LATHAM (R.) & MATTHEWS (W.)(Ed.) THE DIARY OF SAMUEL PEPYS Volume XI:Index.Univ of California,1983. xiv,342pp. dw. 1593 8,400 PEPYS (S.): LATHAM (R.) & MATTHEWS (W.)(Ed.) THE DIARY OF SAMUEL PEPYS. A new and complete transcription edited by Robert Latham and William Matthews. London: Bell & Hyman, 1970. 11 vols. with dust cover. 1594 42,000 PERRENS (F.T.) ETIENNE MARCEL ET LE GOUVERNEMENT DE LA BOURGEOISIE. au quatorzieme sieclee (1356-1358)Paris: Hachette, 1860. First ed. 440pp. half calf. gilt spine. 1595 8,400 PETERSON (D.L.)THE ENGLISH LYRIC FROM WYATT TO DONNE. A History of the Plain and Eloquent styles. Princeton.U.P,1967. vi,391pp. with dust cover. 1596 6,300 PETRARCH (F.): STURM-MADDOX (S.) PETRARCH'S LAURELS. Pennsylvania S.U.P., 1992. 309pp. 1597 3,000 PHILLIPS, Jr.(H.)(Trans.) GERMAN LYRICS. Philadelphia: Printed for private Circulation only, 1892. 141pp. lar.8vo. 1598 4,000 PHIZ [BROWNE (H.K.)](Illust.): LEVER (C.) THE DALTONS; Or, Three Roads in Life. London: Chapan & Hall, 1865. 2 vols. with 48 wood engravings. cr.8vo. 3/4 calf with marbled boards, slightly worn. 1599 15,000 PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE (A.W.) DITHYRAMB TRAGEDY AND COMEDY. (1927). Oxford C.P., 1997. Reprinted Ed. 435pp. with dust cover. 1600 PICKFORD (C.E.) & LAST (R.) THE ARTHURIAN 4,200 BIBLIOGRAPHY. I Author D.S.Brewer,1981. 820pp. lar.8vo. dw. 1601 listing. 12,000 PIDANSAT DE MAIROBERT: [MAUPEOU (C.)] MAUPEOUANA OU CORRESPONDACE SECRETE ET FAMILIERE. Avec son Coeur Sorhouet, Membre Inamovile de la Cour des Paris de France. Imprimee a la Chanceller, 1775. 2 vols. sm.8vo. calf spine with boards. text sl.foxing. 35,000 1602 PIOZZI (H.L.): CLIFFORD (J.L.) HESTER LYNCH PIOZZI. (Mrs. Thrale) Oxford: 1941. 491pp. 6,300 1603 PLEIADE: FOMANCIERS DU XVIIe SIECLE. SOorel-scarron-furetiere Madame de la Fayette. Gullimard,1958. 1508pp. dw.(browned) slip case. 1604 4,000 PLEIADE: HISTOIRE DES LITTERATURES. III: Litteratures Francaises,connexes et marginales. Gallimard,1958. 2112pp. dw. slip case. - 116 - 3,000 1605 PLEIADE: ROMANCIERS DU XVIIIe SIECLE. Crebillon fils duclos, cazotte vivant denon, Louvet Bernardin de Saint-Pierre Sade, Senac de Meilhan II: Gallimard,1965. xlv,2039pp. cr.8vo. dw. slip case. 1606 4,000 PLEIADE: AGRIPPA D'AUBIGNE: OEUVRES. Introduction, Tableau Chronologique et Historique par Henri Weber. Texte Etabli par H.Weber et Annote par H.Weber, Jacques Baile et Marguerite Soulie. Gallimard, 1969. lxv,1594pp. cr.8vo. p.liii-lxv(Tableau page). 8,400 1607 PLEIADE: APOLLINAIRE; BILLY (A.) OEUVRES POETIQUES. Paris: Gallimard, 1965. 1254pp. cr.8vo. dw. 1608 4,000 PLEIADE: CAMUS (A.) THEATRE RECITS NOUVELLES. Gallimard, 1962. cr,8vo.2082pp. original full-leather. 1609 5,000 PLEIADE: CAMUS: ALBUM CAMUS. Iconographie Choisie et Commentee par Roger Grenier. Gallimard, 1982. many B/W photo-illusts. 324pp. cr.8vo. dw. in case. 1610 10,000 PLEIADE: CELINE; ROMANS. I.Voyage au bout de la nuit mort a credit. II.D'un chateau L'autre nord Rigodon. Gallimard, 1981. 2 vols. cr.8vo. vinyl dw. 1611 12,000 PLEIADE: CHATEAUBRIAND; ALBUM CHATEAUBRIAND. Iconographie Choisie et Commentee par Jean D'Ormesson. Gallimard, 1988. 359pp. cr.8vo. vinyl dj. in publisher's slip case. 8,000 1612 PLEIADE: CHATEAUBRIAND; MEMOIRES D'OUTRE-TOMBE. Gallimard, 1951. 2 Vols. cr.8vo. vinyl dw. 1613 9,000 PLEIADE: CORNEILLE (P.): COUTON. (G.) OEUVRES COMPLETES. GALLIMARD,1980. 3 dw. slip case. (vol. 1 broken) 1614 15,000 PLEIADE: DAUDET (A.) OEUVRES I. Texte Etabli, Presente et Annote par Roger Ripoll. Gallimard, 1986. tome I only. 1726pp. cr.8vo. in publisher's case. 1615 PLEIADE: DE SALES, OEUVRES. Preface et chronologie Gallimard,1969.cxxxii,1815pp. cr.8vo. dw. slip case. 1616 par Andre Ravier. 8,000 PLEIADE: FLAUBERT: OEUVRES. Edition Etablie et Annotee par A.Thibaudet et R.Dumesnil. Gallimard, 1994 & 1975. 2 tomes. cr.8vo. vinyl dj in case. 1617 4,800 8,000 PLEIADE: GREEN (J.) OEUVRES COMPLETES. Preface de Jose Cabanis Introduction par J.Petit. Texte etablis, presentes et Annotes par J.Petit. Gallimard: 1972-1977. 5 original full-leather. 1618 24,000 PLEIADE: JOURDA (P.)(textes presentes et anotes) COUTEURS FRANCAIS DU XVIe SIECLE. Gallimard, 1965. 1470pp. cr.8vo. dw. - 117 - 6,300 1619 PLEIADE: L'ISLE-ADAM (Villiers de) OEUVRES COMPLETES. Edition Etablie par Alan Raitt et Pierre-Georges Castex avec La Collaboration de Jean-Marie Bellefroid. Gallimard, 1986. 2 vols. cr.8vo. vinyl dj. in publisher's case. 1620 PLEIADE: LA FONTAINE; OEUVRES COMPLETES II:Oeuvres diverses. Paris: Gallimard, 1978. 1146pp. cr.8vo. dw. 1621 5,000 PLEIADE: LA FONTAINE; OEUVRES COMPLETES. Paris: Gallimard, 1991 & 1958. 2 tomes. cr.8vo. original full calf. slip case. 1622 8,000 PLEIADE: MALHERBE: OEUVRES. Edition Presentee, Etablie et Annotee par Antoine Adam. Gallimard, 1971. 1085pp. cr.8vo. dw. in case. 1623 4,000 PLEIADE: MARIVAUX,THEATRE COMPLET. Gallimard, 1949. cr.8vo. 1569pp. original fullleather. 1625 6,300 PLEIADE: MALRAUX (A.) ROMANS. Paris: Gallimard, 1947. 858pp. cr.8vo. dw. cover edges bit rubbed. 1624 12,000 4,000 PLEIADE: MAUPASSANT (Guy de) ALBUM MAUPASSANT. Iconographie chisie et commentee par Jacques Reda. Paris: gallimard, 1987. with numerous phto & illust. cr,8vo. 325pp. original full calf. in the case. 1626 8,000 PLEIADE: MAUPASSANT: CONTES ET NOUVELLES. Preface D'Armand Lanoux Introduction de Louis Forestier Texte Etabli et Annote par L.Forestier. Gallimard, 1982,86. 2 vols. cr.8vo. original calf. 1627 10,000 PLEIADE: MAUPASSANT: ROMANS. Edition Etablie par Louis Forestier. Paris: Gallimard, 1987. 1705pp. cr.8vo. original full calf. in publisher's case. 1628 PLEIADE: MAURIAC: OEUVRES ROMANESQUES ET THEATRALES COMPLETES. Edition Etablie, Presentee et Annotee par J.Petit. Gallimard, 1978. 4 vols. cr.8vo. vinyl dj. 1629 8,000 PLEIADE: MONLUC (Blaise de) COMMENTAIRES 1521-1576. Preface par J.Giono Edition Etablie et Annotee par Paul Courteault. Gallimard, 1971. 1591pp. cr.8vo. dw. 1631 20,000 PLEIADE: MOLIERE: COUTON (G.) OEUVRES COMPLETES. Textes Etablis, presentes et annotes. Paris: Gallimard, 1971. 2 vols. cr.8vo. original full calf. slip case. 1630 6,000 PLEIADE: MONTAIGNE (; OEUVRES COMPLETES. Paris: Gallimard, 1962. 6,000 1791pp. cr,8vo. original full-leather. in slip-case 5,000 1632 PLEIADE: MONTESQUIEU,OEUVRES COMPLETES. Gallimard,1949.2 Vols. cr.8vo. dw. 8,000 1633 PLEIADE: PASCAL: DORIVAL (B.) ALBUM PASCAL. Iconographie Reunie et commenee. Gallimard,1978. 106pp. cr.8vo. slip case. - 118 - 8,000 1634 PLEIADE: PEGUY (C.) OEUVRES EN PROSE COMPLETES. Edition Presentee, Etablie et Annotee par Robert Burac. Gallimard, 1987-1992. 3 vols. cr.8vo. full-leather with dustcover in publisher's box. 1635 18,000 PLEIADE: PEGUY (C.) OEUVRES POETIQUES COMPLETES. Introduction de F.Porche Chronologie de la vie et de L'Oeuvre par P.Peguy motes par M.Peguy avec, pour la Ballade du Coeur qui a tant Battu, La Collaboration de J.Sabiani. Gallimard, 1994. 1610pp. cr.8vo. in publisher's slip case. 1636 4,000 PLEIADE: PREVERT (J.) OEUVRES COMPLETES. Edition Presentee, Etablie et Annotee par Daniele Gasigalia-Laster et Arnaud LAster. Gallimard, 1993. 2 vols. cr.8vo. in publisher's case. 1637 15,000 PLEIADE: RACINE: OEUVRES COMPLETES. II. Ecrits se rapportant a Port-Royal.gallmarl, 1952. 1152pp. cr.8vo. 1638 3,800 PLEIADE: RACINE: PICARD (R.) OEUVRES COMPLETES. I.Theatre-Poesie. II. prose. Paris: Gallimard,1950. 2 Tomes. cr.8vo. dw. slip case. 1639 8,000 PLEIADE: RENARD (J.) OEUVRES. (tome 1.)Textes Etablis, Presentes et Annotes par L.Guichard. Gallimard, 1970,cr.8vo. original full cafl. in slip-case. 1640 4,000 PLEIADE: ROCHEFOUCAULD (LA)OEUVFES COMPLETES. Gallimard,1950vi,673pp. cr.8vo. dw. (sl. darkned tears) 1641 3,000 PLEIADE: RONSARD: OEUVRES COMPLETES. Texte Etabli et Annote par Gustave Cohen. Gallimard, 1950. 2 vols. cr.8vo. vinyl dj. cover corners bit rubbed. 1642 PLEIADE: SAINTE-BEUVE. PORT-ROYAL. Gallimard,1953. 3 Vols. cr.8vo. dw. vol.2,3.withslip case. 1643 8,000 12,600 PLEIADE: THEATRE DU XVIIE SIECLE. Textes choisis, etablis presentes et annotes par Jacques Scherer. Gallimard. 1975.2 Vols. cr.8vo. slip case. 1644 8,000 PLOWMAN (P.): A FACSIMILE OF BODLEIAN LIBRARY, OXFORD, MS DOUCE 104. D.S.Brewer,1992. First Ed. photo facsimile. unpagenated. 1645 8,500 PLOWMAN (P.): DONALDSON (E.T.) PIERS PLOWMAN.The C-Text and its Poet. Archon,1966. xiv,255pp. dw. 1646 6,300 POE (E.A.) THE NARRATIVE OF AUTHOR GORDEN PYM. With Designs by Rene Clarke. New York: The Limited Editions Club, 1930. Limited Ed. Signed by R.Clarke. 268pp. lar.4to. 25,000 1647 POE (E.A.): FORREST (W.M.) BIBLICAL ALLUSIONS IN POE. N.Y.: Macmillan, 1928. 208pp. sm.8vo. with dust cover. 9,500 - 119 - 1648 POE (E.A.): HARRISON (J.M.) THE COMPLETE WORKS OF EDGAR ALLAN POE. New York: AMS Press, 1965. Reprint of the 1902 ed, published by Crowell(New York). 17 vols. original black cloth. scarce. 1649 135,000 POE (E.A.): HOOD (G.S.) EDGAR ALLAN POE. And Other Essays. Edited by Rev. David Macrae. With Memoir by James Watt. Dundee: W.Kidd, 1897. xii,148pp. cr.8vo. 1650 POE (E.A.): LAUVRIERE (Emile) EDGAR POE SA VIE ET SON OEUVRE, Etude de Psychologie Pathologique. Paris: F.Alcan, 1904. First Ed. xiii,732pp. 1651 8,000 20,000 POE (E.A.): STANARD (M.N.) EDGAR ALLAN POE LETTERS TILL NOW UNPUBLISHED. In the Valentine Museum Richmond, Virginia. Introductory Essay and Commentary by M.N.Stanard. London: J.B.Lippincott, 1925. Limietd to 1550 copies. With Fac-smiles of all letters and 15 illusts. roy,8vo, 327pp. cloth-backed decorated boards nice copy. 1652 POLHEIM (K.K.)(Hrsg.) HANDBUCH DER DEUTSCHEN ERZAHLUNG. Dusseldorf: Bagel, 1981. 635pp. roy.8vo. 1653 5,000 POLHEIM (K.K.)(Hrsg.) LITERATUR AUS OSTERREICH OSTERREICHISCHE LITERATUR. Ein Bonner Symposion. Bonn: Bouvier, 1981. 241pp. lar.8vo. 1654 5,000 4,200 POOLE (J.) THE ENGLISH PARNASSUE. Or a Help to English Poesie. Containing a Collection of all the Rhythming, Monosyllables, the Choicest Epithets and Phrases.with some General Forms upon all Occasions, Subjects and Themes, Alphabetically Digested. London: Printed 1655 for Henry Brome, 1677. 639pp. cr.8vo. full vellum. 65,000 POPE (A.): BROWNELL (M.R.) ALEXANDER POPE & THE ARTS OF GEORGIAN ENGLAND. Ox.C.P,1978. xxvi,401pp. 4to. dw. exlibrary.(title page stamped) otherwise clean copy 5,000 1656 POPE (A.): RUFFHEAD (O.) THE LIFE OF ALEXANDER POPE,ESQ. Compiled from Original Manuscripts with a Critical Essay on His Writings and Genius. London: C.Bathurst, 1769. 578pp. full calf neatly rebacked. 35,000 1657 POPE: DAVIS (H.)(Ed.) POPE. POETICAL WORKS. Oxcord.U.P,1978 .xv,754pp. dw. 1658 PORTER (E.) CAMBRIDGESHIRE CUSTOMS AND FOLKLORE. London: RKP, 1969. xvii,419pp. Roy.8vo. sl.foxing. 1659 3,150 3,500 POSTEL (G.): VIE ET CARACTERE DE GUILLAUME POSTEL. These presentee a la Faculte des Lettres de Paris. Traduit du latin et mise a jour par F.Secret. Milano: Arche Les Belles Lettres, 1987. 336pp. cr.8vo. wrapper. 1660 POUND (E.): THE CANTOS OF EZRA POUND. London: Faber & Faber, 1960. First Ed..798pp. dw. near fine. 1661 6,090 5,000 POUND (E.): SCHAFER (R.M.)(Ed.) EZRA POUND AND MUSIC. The complete Criticism. LONDON: Faber,1977.xiii,530pp. dw. - 120 - 3,000 1662 POWELL (L.F.) JOHNSON,BOSWELL AND THEIR CIRCLE. Oxford. Clarendon. 1965. 338pp. d/w. 1663 4,000 POWYS (J.C.) AUTOBIOGRAPHY. London: J.Lane, 1949. First English Ed. Presentation copy. signed by the Author. 652pp. original cloth. bak endpaper tears. nice copy. 1664 POWYS (J.C.) LUCIFER A Poem. London: MacDonald, 1956. Limited to 560 copies. Signed by the Author. With wood engravings by Agnes Miller Parker. 157pp. lar.8vo. 1665 18,000 21,000 POWYS (T.F.) AN INTERPRETATION OF GENESIS. London: Chatto and Windus, 1929. First Ed. Limited to 490 copies. Signed by the Author. 100pp. lar.8vo. spine cloth with boards. 25,000 1666 POWYS (T.F.) FABLES. London: Chatto & Windus, 1929. Limited to 750 copies. Signed by the Author. With four drawings by Gilbert Spencer. 275pp. with dust cover. 1667 25,000 POWYS (T.F.) THE DEWPOND.this is Number two of the Woburn books, being the dewpond, a story,London: Elkin & Mathews & Marrot, 1928. Limited to 530 copies. signed by the author. 30pp. Cr.8vo. with dust-cover. 1668 11,000 POWYS (T.F.) THE KEY OF THE FIELD. With a woodcut by R.A.Garnett and a Foreword by Sylvia Townsend Warner. Being No.1 of the Furnival Books. London: W.Jackson, 1930. Limited to 550 copies. Signed by the Author. 39pp. roy.8vo. 1669 25,000 PRICE (H.) POLTERGEIST OVER ENGLAND. Three Centuries of Mischievous Ghosts. London: Country Life, 1945. First Ed. with line drawings by J.Hookham together with photographic and other illustrations. 423pp. dw. 1670 6,820 PROUST (M.) LETTRES RETROUVEES. Presentees de annotees par P.Kolb. Plon: 1966.Limited to 60 copies. 172pp. sm.8vo. wrappers. 1671 PROUST (M.) MATINEE CHEZ LA PRINCESSE DE GUERMANTES. Cahiers du Temps retrouve.Gallimard,1982.494pp. wrapper. 1672 3,000 3,000 PROUST (M.): BARDECHE (M.) MARCEL PROUST. Romancier. Paris: Les sept couleurs,1967. 2 Vols. pb. Tome 1. cover sl. worn. 3,000 1673 PYM (B.): NARDIN (J.) BARBARA PYM. Twayne, 1985. 154pp. 3,000 1674 QEIFHR (J.) A BOOK OF AUSTRALIAN VERSE. Ox.U.P,1956. xvi,266pp. sm.8vo. full calf gilt spine. cover sl.worn. slip case. 1675 8,000 QUAIFE (G.R.) GODLY ZEAL AND FURIOUS RAGE. The Witch in Early Modern Europe. London: Croom Helm, 1987. 235pp. with dust cover. 1676 4,200 QUILLER-COUCH (A.)(ED.) THE OXFORD BOOK OF ENGLISH VERSE 1250-1918. India paper. Oxford Clarendon,1955. 1165pp. cr.8vo. full calf. all edge gilt & gilt spine. top-edge chiped. 8,000 - 121 - 1677 RABY (F.J.E.) A HISTORY OF SECULAR LATIN POETRY IN THE MIDDLE AGES. Oxford C.P., 1957. 2 vols. roy.8vo. with dust cover. 1678 RADFORD (K.)(Compiled) FIRE BURN TALES OF WITCHERY. N.Y.: Wings Books, 1993. with b/w illustrations. 207pp. lar.8vo. dw. 1679 3,000 RANSOME (A.) THE SOLDIER AND DEATH. A Russian Folk tale told in English Chaepside: J.G.Wilson, 1920. First Ed. 22pp. 12mo. original wrappers. bit spotted. 1680 8,400 7,500 RAPHAEL (D.D.) BRITISH MORALISTS 1650-1800. Oxford C.P., 1969. 2 vols. ex-library. 5,000 1681 RECNIK: THE CORNHILL MAGAZINE. Vols.1-26, 1860-1872. Bound in 9 vols. & Index. Tokyo: Hon-no-tomosha, 1990. altogether 10 vols. Limited to 150 copies. 4to. original red cloth. gilt spine. 1682 60,000 REGNARD (J.F.): FOUNIER (M.E.)OEUVRES COMPLETES DE REGNARD. Augmentee de deux pieces Inedites. Precedee d'une Introduction d'Apres des Documents Entierement Nouveaux par M.Edouard Fournier. Paris: Laplace, Sanchez, 1875. Nouvelle Ed. 20 full page hand coloured engravings. tissue gard.Sm.4to. (27.5 x 18.5cm) lxxxiii,551pp. et d'un facsimile de l'ecriture de l'auteur.spine morocco, full gilt. title page spotted. 1683 53,000 RENEE (A.) LES NIEGES DE MAZARIN. Etudes de Moeurs et de Caracteres au dix-neptieme Siecle. Paris: Firmin didot,1856. 496pp. contemporary half calf & marbled boards. cover sl.worn. 1684 8,400 RIBTON-TURNER (C.J.) A HISTORY OF VAGRANTS AND VAGRANCY AND BEGGARS AND BEGGING. London: Chapman & Hall, 1887. Illustrated. xx,720pp. lar.8vo. spine faded & edges sl.chipped. p.417-418 tape repaired. exlibrary. 1685 25,000 RICHARDSON (A.E.) & EBERLEIN (H.D.) THE ENGLISH INN PAST AND PRESENT. A Review of its History and Social Life.London: B.T.Batsford, 1925. many illustrations. 308,32pp. Roy.8vo. original gilt-decorate cloth. 1686 RICHARDSON (D.M.)PILGRIMAGE. With a new introduction by Walter Allen.London: J.M.Dent, 1967.4 1687 5,000 16,000 RICHARDSON (S.): HARRIS (J.)(Ed.) THE HISTORY OF SIR CHARLES GRANDISON. Ox.U.P,1972. 3 Vols. sm.8vo. dw. 6,000 1688 RIDDY (F.) SIR THOMAS MALORY. Leiden: E.J.Brill,1987174pp. sm.8vo. dw. 4,000 1689 RILKE (R.M.) LES ELEGIES DE DUINO. traduites et commentees par J.F.Agelloz. Paris: P.Hartmann, 1936. 102pp. sm.4to. wrappers. edges sl.rubbed. 1690 4,200 RIMBAUD (A.) ILLUMINATIONS. Texte etabli et commente par Andre Guyaux. Neuchatel: Langages. 1985. 304pp. paperback. - 122 - 3,000 1691 RIMBAUD (A.) OEUVRES. texte etabli par Bouillane de Lacoste. Paris: Mercvre de France. 1950. Limited ed, 318pp. paperback. 1692 4,000 RIMBAUD (A.): GUYAUX (A.) LECTURES DE RIMBAUD. Universite de Bruxelles.: 1982. roy,8vo. 269pp. paperback. 1693 3,000 RIMBAUD (A.): JEANCOLAS (C.) LE DICTIONNAIRE RIMBAUD. Paris: Editions Balland. 1991. roy,8vo. 427pp. paperback. 1694 5,000 ROBERTS (S.C.) HOLMES & WATSON. A Miscellany. Oxford Univ: 1953. 187pp. original green cloth with dust-cover. 1695 ROBERTSON (E.S.)(Ed.) 4,000 GREAT WRITERS. *Jane Austen. *Sheridan. *C.Bronte. *Schopenhauer. *Milton. *Carlyle. *Keats. *Smollett. *Victor Hugo. *Robert Browning. * Johnson. *Hawthorn. *Scott. *W.M.Thackeray. *Schiller. *Adam Smith. *Balzac. *Longfellow. *Coleridge. *Darwin. *G.Eliot. *Dickens. *Goethe. *Goldsmith. *Emerson. *Cervantes. *Crabbe. *Lessing. *J.S.Mill. *Marryat. *Bunyan. *Heine. London: W.Scott, 1890. altogether 32 vols. cr.8vo. 1696 ROBINSON (F.C.) THE TOMB 45,000 OF BEOWULF. And other esssays on Old Blackwell,1993.ix,335pp. dw. very good copy. 1697 English. 6,300 ROLLAND (R.): ZWEIG (S.) ROMAIN ROLLAND SAVIE -- SON OEUVRE. Texte Francais de O.Richez. Paris: Pittoresques, 1929. Avec 10 Illustrations Hors-Texte. 286pp. 3/4 modern calf. spine edges sl.chipped. fore-edges sl.foxing. 1698 ROLLINS (H.E.)(Ed.) TOTTEL'S MISCELLANY (1557-1587). Harvard U.P., 1965. 2 Vols. 4to. vol.1 scrached. 1699 5,000 6,300 ROSSETTI (C.G.): THE POETICAL WORKS OF CHRISTINA GEORGINA ROSSETTI. with memoir and notes. London: Macmillan,1911.lxxiii,507pp. sm.8vo. half calf top edge gilt. spine sl. rubbed. lxxi,507pp. sm.8vo. half calf. top edge gilt. 1700 ROSSETTI (C.G.): CHARLES (E.K.) CHRISTINA ROSSETTI. Critical Perspectives, 1862-1982. Susquehanna U.P., 1985. 187pp. dw. 1701 18,000 3,000 ROSSETTI (C.G.): ROSSETTI (W.M.)(Ed.) NEW POEMS BY CHRISTINA ROSSETTI. Hitherto Unpublished or Uncollected. London: Macmillan, 1896. First Ed. 397pp. cr.8vo. recent cloth. 1702 4,500 ROSSETTI (D.G.) HENRY THE LEPER (Der Arme Heinrich). Boston, Printed for Members only The Bibliophile Society, 1905. First Edition. 2 vols. Limited 467 copies. illustrations by J.A. Williams, an engraved frontis portrait, and an engraved title and chapter vignettes, all in Arts & Crafts / Art Nouveau style.4to. Half vellum with boards. with slip case. 1703 18,000 ROSSETTI (D.G.): DRAWINGS OF ROSSETTI. London: G.Newnes, (1907) 18pp + 48 plates. 4to. original boards. cover faded. 10,500 - 123 - 1704 ROSSETTI (D.G.): THE WORKS OF DANTE GABRIEL ROSSETTI. Edited with Preface and Notes by William M.Rossetti. London: Ellis, 1911. Revised and enlarged Ed. frontis. xxxvii,684pp. 3/4 calf. gilt decorated spine. top edge gillt. joint 2cm tears. nice copy. 1705 ROSSETTI (D.G.): ANGELI (H.R.) DANTE GABRIEL ROSSETTI. His Friends and Enemies. London: H.Hamilton, 1949. xx,291pp. 1706 6,300 3,000 ROSSETTI (D.G.): CAMMELL (C.R.) DANTE GABRIEL ROSSETTI AND THE PHILOSOPHY OF LOVE. (Poseidon Press, 1933) Folcroft Library Editions, 1972. 21pp. lar.8vo. text bit foxed. 1707 6,300 ROSSETTI (D.G.): DOUGHTY (O.) & WALH (J.R.)(Ed.) LETTERS OF DANTE GABRIEL ROSSETTI, 1835-1882. Oxford C.P., 1965-67. Best Ed. 4 vols. with illus. fine copy. with dust cover. 45,000 1708 ROSSETTI (D.G.): FREDMAN (W.E.)(Ed.) A ROSSETTI CABINET. A Portfolio of Drawings by Dante Gabriel rossetti Hitherto Unpublished. Unrecorded, or Undocumented including Studies for Known and Unexecuted Paintings. Original Early Drawings,Portraits and Caricatures, Designns, and Juvenilia. I.Hodgkins,1991.113 plates. 17,113pp. 4to. 15,750 1709 ROSSETTI (D.G.): LARG (D.) TRIAL BY VIRGINS. Fragment of a Biography. London: P.Davies, 1933. First Ed. With a frontispiece. vii,330pp. 1710 4,000 ROSSETTI (D.G.): PACKER (L.M.)(Ed.) THE ROSSETTI-MACMILLAN LETTERS. Some 133 unpublished letters written to Alexander Macmillan, F.S.Ellis and others by Dante Gabriel, Christina, and William Michael Rossetti, 1861-1889. Cambridge U.P., 1963. 166pp. dw. ex-library. 1711 3,000 ROSSETTI (D.G.): PEDRICK (G.) LIFE WITH ROSSETTI OR NO PEACOCKS ALLOWED. London: Macdonald, 1964. First Ed. 237pp. 1712 3,000 ROSSETTI (D.G.): ROSSETTI (W.M.) DANTE GABRIEL ROSSETTI. His Family-Letters. With a Memoir by William Michael Rossetti. Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1895. First American Ed. 2 vols. lar.8vo. original cloth. spine rubbed. 1713 ROSSETTI (D.G.): ROSSETTI (W.M.)(Notes) DANTE GABRIEL ROSSETTI AS DESIGNER AND WRITER. London: Cassell & Co, 1889. First Ed. 302pp. sm.8vo. original cloth. 1714 15,000 ROSSETTI (D.G.): WINWAR (F.) POOR SPLENDID WINGS. The Rossettis and their circle. Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1933. 413pp. with dust cover. 1716 15,000 ROSSETTI (D.G.): SHARP (W.) DANTE GABRIEL ROSSETTI. A Record and a Study. London: Macmillan, 1882. 432pp. original cloth. 1715 12,000 4,000 ROSSETTI (W.M.) LETTERS OF WILLIAM MICHAEL ROSSETTI. Concerning Whitman, Blake, and Shelley to Anne Gilchrist and her Son Herbert Gilchrist. Edited by C.Gohdes and P.F.Baum. Duke U.P., 1934. First Edition. ix,201pp. with dust-cover. - 124 - 6,000 1717 ROSSETTI (W.M.)(Ed.) RUSKIN: ROSSETTI: PRERAPHAELITISM. Papers 1854 to 1862. London: G.Allen, 1899. Large paper Ed. Limited to 250 copies. With 15 illustrations (14 by D.G.Rossetti & 1 by W.L.Windus) xxii,327pp. 4to. original pictorial cover. joint 5cm. cracked. 1718 42,000 ROSSETTI (W.M.): FREDMAN (W.E.)(Ed.) THE P.R.B.JOURNAL. William Michael Rossetti's Diary of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood 1849-1853. together with other pre-Raphaelite Documents. Oxfrod C.P., 1975. xxvii,282pp. with dust cover. 1719 6,300 ROSSETTIS: CARY (E.L.) THE ROSSETTIS, Dante Gabriel and Christina. New York: G.P.Putnam, 1901. Illustrated. 310pp. roy.8vo. original gilt pictorial cloth. 1720 7,500 ROSSETTIS: TROXELL (J.C.)(Ed.) THREE ROSSETTIS UNPUBLISHED LETTERS TO AND FROM DANTE GABRIEL, CHRISTINA, WILLIAM. Harvard U.P., 1937. inscribed in pencil by the editor. with illus. 216pp. 4to. good copy. 1721 18,000 ROSSETTIS: WAUGH (E.) PRB. An Essay on the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood 1847-54. Kent: Dalrymple, 1982. Limited to 475 copies. Some drawings. 44pp. imp.8vo. 1722 13,000 ROSSETTIS: WEINTRAUB (S.) FOUR ROSSETTIS. A Victorian Biography. N.Y.: Weybright & Talley, 1977. xiii,303pp. lar.8vo. with dust cover. 1723 3,000 ROSTAND (E.) CHANTECLER. Piece en Quatre Actes, en vers. Paris: Librairie Charpentier, 1910. First Ed. 241pp. 3/4 calf and marble board. 1724 25,000 ROTH (J.): WESTERMANN (K.)(Hrsg.) JOSEPH ROTH WERKE I-VI. Das Journalistische werk 1915-1923, 1916-1929, 1923-1939 [&] Romane und Erzahlungen 1916-1929, 19301936, 1936-1940. Kiepenheuer & Witsch, 1989. 6 Bde. 1725 ROTHSTEIN (E.) RESTORATION AND EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY 42,000 POETRY 1660-1780. Routledge,1981. xiv,242pp. dw. sl.pecil underline. 1726 3,000 ROUSSEAU (J-B.) OEUVRES DE JEAN-BAPTISTE ROUSSEAU. Revue, corrigee & augmentee sur les Manuscrits de l'Auteur. Bruxelles, 1743. Nouvelle Ed. 3 vols. Roy.4to. contemporary full calf. joint sl. tears. title label chipped. 1727 45,000 ROUSSEAU (J-J.) OEUVRES COMPLETES DE J.J.ROUSSEAU. Avec des eclaircissements et des notes Historiques. et contenant des eclaicissements et des notes par P.R.Auguis. Paris: H.Feret Libraire 1826-1827. 26 vols. edition illustree par 53 gravures. contemporary quarter calf over marbled boards. spine slightly darkened and a few chips to head caps, minor rubbing to extremities. tome 13 cover detached. text fine. 1728 189,000 ROY (B.)(direction) L'EROTISME AU MOYEN AGE. Etudes presentees au Troisieme colloque de l'Institut d'etudes medievales. Les Editions de l'Aurore, 1977. 180pp. pb. 1729 4,000 RUDWIN (M.) THE DEVIL IN LEGEND AND LITERATURE. N.Y.: AMS Press, 1970. 354pp. 3,000 - 125 - 1730 RUOFF (J.E.) CROWELL'S HANDBOOK OF ELIZABETHAN & STUART LITERATURE. N.Y.: T.Y.Crowell Co., 1975. 468pp. dw. 1731 3,000 RUSKIN (J.) ARROWS OF THE CHACE. Being a collection of Scattered letters published chiefly in the Daily Newspapers 1840-1880. AMS,1973. 2 vols in 1. 1732 4,000 RUSKIN (J.) THE ELEMENTS OF DRAWING. IN THREE LETTERS TO BEGINNERS. London: Smith,Elder, 1857. First Ed. with illusts. 350pp. sm.8vo. original stamped cloth. fine copy. 15,000 1733 RUSKIN (J.) THE SEVEN LAMPS OF ARCHITECTURE. London: George Allen & sons, 1911. with (14) illustrations Drawn by the Author. xviii,444pp. sm.8vo. full calf with gilt decorated spine. marbled edges. 1734 25,000 RUSKIN (J.) THE SEVEN LAMPS OF ARCHITECTURE. Lectures on Architecture and Painting, The Study of Architecture. N.Y.: Merrill & Baker, n.d(ca1900). 358pp. 3/4 dark-brown morocco with marbled boards. gilt top. 1735 25,000 RUSKIN (J.): PRE-RAPHAELITISM. By the Author of "Modern Painters." N.Y: John Wiley, 1851.American First Ed. 57pp. wrappers. 1736 9,500 RUSKIN (J.): COLLINGWOOD (W.G.) RUSKIN RELICS. London: Isbister, 1903. First Ed. with 50 illustrations by John Ruskin and Others.(B/W) 232pp. sm.4to. original gilt-decorated cloth. top edge gilt. 1737 8,400 RUSKIN (J.): WHITEHOUSE (J.Howard) RUSKIN THE PAINTER AND HIS WORKS AT BEMBRIDGE. Ox U.P., 1938. First Ed. 67 photo illus. 141,67pp. lar.8vo. dw. 6,300 1738 RUSSELL (B.) FACT AND FICTION. London: G.Allen, 1979. 2nd Imp. 282pp. dw. 4,200 1739 SADE: LELY (G.) VIE DU MARQUIS DE SADE. Gallimard,1952 & 1957. 2 vols. 537 & 716pp. wrapper. sl browned. 1740 3,000 SAGAN (F.)AIMEZ - VOUS BRAHMS. Roman. Paris: Rene Julliard, 1959. First Ed.,Limited to 390 copies. 187pp. 3/4 calf over marbled boards. top edge gilt. 1741 55,000 SAID (E.W.) CULTURE AND IMPERIALISM. N.Y.: A.A.Knopf, 1994. xxviii,380pp. lar.8vo. dw. 3,000 1742 SAINT-EXUPERY ( WIND, SAND AND STARS. Lewis Galantiere. N.Y.: Reynal & Hitchcock, 1939. First American edition, first printing. Hard cove. with decorations by John O'H.Osgrave,II. 306pp. original half cloth. 1743 SAINTE-PALAYE: GOSSMAN (L.) MEDIEVALISM 8,000 AND THE IDEOLOGIES OF THE ENLIGHTENMENT. The World and Work of La Curne de Sainte-Palaye. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins, 1968. xvi,377pp. lar.8vo. 3,670 - 126 - 1744 SAINTSBURY (G.) A HISTORY OF CRITICISM AND LITERARY TASTE IN EUROPE FROM THE EARLIEST TEXTS TO THE PRESENT DAY. Vol.I: Classical and Mediaeval Criticism. Vol.II: From the Renaissance to the Decline of Eighteenth Century Orthodoxy. Vol.III: Modern Criticism. Edinburgh: W.Blackwood & Sons, 1949. 3 vols. cloth binding. 1745 SAINTSBURY (G.) A LAST SCRAP BOOK. London: Macmillan, 1924. Large paper copies. Limited to 250 copies. Signed by the Author. 344pp. with dust-cover. 1746 8,000 12,000 SALGADO (G.) THE ELIZABETHAN UNDERWORLD. St.martin's, with illustrations. 221pp. 3,000 1747 SALLIS (E.) SHEHERAZADE THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS. The Metamorphosis of the Thousand and One Nights. Curzon, 1999. 170pp. lar.8vo. dw. 1748 SANGER (M.) THE PIVOT OF CIVILIZATION. With a preface by H.G.Wells. London:Jonathan Cape,1923. First London Ed. 255pp. sm.8vo. dw. 1749 10,000 42,000 SANSOM (W.) THE EQUILIBRIAD. With illustrations by Lucian Freud. London: Hogarth press,1948. First Ed. Limited to 750 copies. signed by the Author. With 4 illustrations by Lucian Freud. 45pp. original half backram over marbled boards. top & tail of spine rubbed. sl. light spoted. 1750 42,000 SANTAYANA (G.): HOWGATE (G.W.) GEORGE SANTAYANA. N.Y.: Russell & Russell, 1971. viii,363pp. lar.8vo. 1750 3,150 SCHLEGEL (J.E.): JOHANN ELIAS SCHLEGEL WERKE. Hrsg.von Johann Heinrich Schlegel (1764-1773). Frankfurt: Athenaum, 1971. 5 vols in 4. sm.8vo. fore-edges & spine sl.foxing. 1751 9,000 SARTRE (J-P.) CRITIQUE DE LA RAISON DIALECTIQUE TOME I. Theorie des ensembles pratlliques. Paris: NRF,1960755pp. wrapper. page sl.browned. 1752 3,000 SARTRE (J.-P.) CRITIQUE DE LA RAISON DIALECTIQUE TOME I. (precede de Question de methode) Theorie des ensembles pratiques. Paris: Gallimard, 1974. 755pp. wrappers. 4,500 1753 SARTRE (J.-P.) LETTERS AU CASTOR et A Quelques Autres. 1926-1939, 1940-1963. Edition etablie presentee et annotee par Simone de Beauvoir. Gallimard, 1983. 2 tomes. paperback. 1754 5,250 SARTRE (J.-P.) SITUATIONS. Tome I - X. Essays critiques. Gallimard, 1947. 10 Vols. sm.8vo. wrapper. spine bit soiled. 1755 63,000 SATIRE: BLOOM (E.A.& L.D.) SATIRE'S PERSUASIVE VOICE. Cornell U.P., 1979. 305pp. dw. bit foxing. 1756 3,000 SATIRE: CAZAMIAN (L.) THE DEVELOPMENT OF ENGLISH HUMOR. Part I and II. Duke U.P., 1952. 421pp. with dust cover(bit worn). - 127 - 3,500 1757 SATIRE: GREENBLATT (S.J.) THREE MODERN SATIRISTS: WAUGH, ORWELL, AND HUXLEY. Yale U.P., 1976. 125pp. sl.foxing. 1758 3,000 SATIRE: KNOX (N.) THE WORD IRONY AND ITS CONTEXT 1500-1755. Duke U.P., 1961. xv,258pp. lar.8vo. dw. stamped. sl.foxing. 1759 3,000 SATIRE: VULLIAMY (C.E.)(Compiled & Ed.) THE ANATOMY OF SATIRE. An exhibition of satirical writing. London: M.Joseph, 1950. 351pp. dw. bit foxing. 1761 3,000 SCOTT (W.) THE POETICAL WORKS OF SIR WALTER SCOTT, BART. Comprising The Lay of the Last Minstrel; Marmion; The Lady of the Lake; Vision of Don Roderick; Rokeby; The Bridal of Triermain; The Lord of the Isles; Ballads, Songs, and Lyrical Pieces. London: Routledge,Warne & Routledge, 1862. A New Edition, with Eight Illustrations by Corbould. xii,740pp. cr.8vo. full black morocco with gilt decorating. all edges gilt. 1762 SCOTT (W.) WAVERLEY OR TIS SIXTY YEARS SINCE. London: the Caxton. (c,1890) The Melrose Ed, 37 vols. original dark green cloth. gilt spine. cover rubbed. 1763 18,000 18,000 SCOTT (W.): NAPIER (G.G.) THE HOMES AND HAUNTS OF SIR WALTER SCOTT, BART. Glasgow: J.Maclehose, 1897. with numerous illustrations. 216pp. lar.8vo. decorated cover. 1764 SEGUR 9,500 (M.DE.) JULIE DE LESPINASSE.Paris: Calman-levy, N.d.,frontispiece. 649pp. moroco & marbled boards. 1765 SEGUR (M.DE.) LE ROYAUME DE LA RUE SAINT-HONOREE. Madame Geoffrin et sa fille. Paris: Calmann-Levy,,503pp. half calf & marbled boards. 1766 3,000 SHAKESPEARE (W.) THE WORKS OF WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE. Westminster: Archibald Constable, 1902. 21 vols. with colour illus. cr.8vo. several plates are detached. 1768 28,000 SHAKESPEARE (W.): THE COMPLETE WORKS OF WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE. The New Nonesuch Shakespeare. The Text and Order of the First Foliowith Quarto Variants & A Choice of Modern Readings noted Marginally: London: the Nonesuch Press, 1953. 4 vols. 1769 5,250 SEIDENSTICKER (R.G.),BESTER (J.) & MORRIS (I.) MODERN JAPANESE SHORT STORIES. Japan publications, 1961. 286pp. dw. 1767 half 5,250 18,000 SHAKESPEARE (W.): THE PLAYS OF WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE in Fifteen Volumes. With the corrections and illustrations of various commentators to which are Samuel Johnson and George Steevens, Revised and augmented with a glossarial index by the editor of Dodsssley's collection of old plays. London: Printed for T.Longman, 1793. 4th Edition. 15 vols. with 151 engraving plates, 16 woodcuts-illusts(in text), & 5 folding plates(4 tables, 1 illusts). full old calf. spine rubbed and faded. inner-joint sl.tender. 1770 525,000 SHAKESPEARE (W.): THE WORKS OF SHAKESPEARE. New York: The Nonesuch Press, 1929. 7 vols. Limited to 1600 copies. lar.8vo. full tan niger mrocco by A.W.Bain. - 128 - 399,000 1771 SHAKESPEARE (W.): COLLIER (J.P.) NOTES AND EMENDATIONS TO THE TEXT OF SHAKESPEARE'S PLAYS, From Manuscript Corrections in A Copy of the Folio, 1632, in the Possession of J.Payne Collier, ESQ. F.S.A. Forming A Supplemental Volume to the Works of Shakespeare by the Same Editor. London: Whittaker and Co., 1853. The Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged. xxxiv,528pp. original red cloth(previous owner's repaired). spine faded & rubbed. text is almost fine. 1772 6,000 SHAKESPEARE (W.): CORNWALL (B.)(Essay) THE COMPLETE WORKS OF SHAKESPEARE; Revised from the Original Editions: with A Memoir, and Essay on his Genius, by Barry Cornwall. Historical and Critical Studies of Shakespeare's Text, Characters, and Commentators: with Annotations and Introductory Remarks on the Plays, by R.G.White, A.M., R.H.Horne, and Various Other Distinguished Writers. The London Printing and Publishing com., ca.1864. 3 vols. Illustrated with Engravings on Wood, From Designs by Kenny Meadows; and 100 Steel Plates, Portraits of Eminent Actors, etc. 4to. 3/4 black calf with boards. calf edges bit rubbed. text sl.foxing, but almost fine. 1773 SHAKESPEARE (W.): COWDEN-CLARKE (Mrs.) THE COMPLETE 38,000 CONCORDANCE TO SHAKESPEARE. Being a verbal Index to all the Passages in the Deramatic Works of the Poet. (New and Revised Edition.) London: Bickers & Son, 1881. N.Y.: AMS, 1973. Reprinted Ed. 860pp. cr.4to. 1774 3,000 SHAKESPEARE (W.): DUCIS (M.) LE ROI LEAR, TRAGEDIE EN CINQ ACTES. De L'academie Francaise Secretaire ordinaire de Monsieur. Paris: Gieffoer.1783. First Ed in French. vii,116pp. full calf. 21,000 1775 SHAKESPEARE (W.): FELPERIN (H.) SHAKESPEAREAN ROMANCE. Princeton.U.P,1972. 319pp. dw. 6,300 1776 SHAKESPEARE (W.): GERVAIS (F.P.) SHAKESPEARE NOT BACON. Some Arguments from Shakespeare's Copy of Florio's Montaigne in the British Museum. London: Unicorn, 1901. with 4 plates. 35pp. 4to. spine vellum. 3,000 1777 SHAKESPEARE (W.): GERVINUS (G.G.) SHAKESPEARE COMMENTARIES. Translated under the Author's Supperintendence by F.E.Bunnett. London: Smith Elder, 1883. New Ed., Revised. iv,955pp. contemporary full calf, gilt on spine. all edges and endpapers marbled. fly leaf spotted. 18,000 1778 SHAKESPEARE (W.): GREG (W.W.) THE SHAKESPEARE FIRST FOLIO. Its Bibliographical and Textual History. Ox.C.P,1955. First Ed. xvi,496pp. dw. 1779 7,000 SHAKESPEARE (W.): HARRIS (L.L.) & SCOTT (M.W.)(Ed.) SHAKESPEAREAN CRITICISM. Excerpts from the Criticism of William Shakespeare's Plays and Poetry, from the First Published Appraisals to Current Evaluations. Michigan: Gale Research Com., 1986. 22 vols. 4to. original cloth. text bit spotted. 1780 80,000 SHAKESPEARE (W.): HARRISON (G.B.) THE PENGUIN SHAKESPEARE EDITED FROM THE ORIGINAL TEXT. Middlesex: Penguin Books, 1949-59. 31 vols(vol.1-35). racked vol.7, 28, 30, 31. 12mo. paperback. with original dust jacket. and some vols are sl.foxing, but almost good. 12,600 - 129 - 1781 SHAKESPEARE (W.): KNIGHT (C.)(Ed,) THE PICTORIAL EDITION OF THE WORKS OF SHAKSPERE. London: C.Knight & Co, n.d.(ca.1845) 8 vols. with numerous illustrations by wood cuts,4to. 3/4 red morocco. marble edges. 1782 98,000 SHAKESPEARE (W.): LEE (Sidney.) SHAKESPEARES VENUS AND ADONIS. Being a reproduction in facsimile of the first edition 1593 with an introduction and bibliography.(Also includes Shakespeares Sonnets, Being a Reproduction in Facsimile of The First Edition 1609, Shakespeares Lucrece, Being a Reproduction in Facsimile of The First Edition 1594, The Passionate Pilgrim, being a reproduction in facsimile of the first edition 1599, Shakespeares Pericles Being a Reproduction in Facsimile Of The First Edition 1609.) Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1905. Limited to 1000 copies, signed by S.Lee. 4to. Facismile 5 parts, [75], [91], [75], [62] [68]pp. modern half calf. 1783 22,000 SHAKESPEARE (W.): MacCALLUM (M.W.) SHAKESPEARE'S ROMAN PLAYS AND THEIR BACKGROUND. London: Macmillan,666pp. lar.8vo. dw. 1784 4,000 SHAKESPEARE (W.): REED (E.) BACON AND SHAKE-SPEARE PARALLELISMS. Boston: C.E.Goodspeed, 1902. 441pp. lar.8vo. 1785 4,000 SHAKESPEARE (W.): SCHMIDT (A.) SHAKESPEARE-LEXICON, A Complete Dictionary of all the English Words, Phrases and Constructions in the Works of the Poet. Revised and Enlarged by Gregor Sarrazin. Berlin: Gruyter, 1962. 2 vols. roy.8vo. original cloth. exlibrary. llabel on spine text is clean. 1786 8,000 SHAKESPEARE (W.): STERNFELD (F.W.) MUSIC IN SHAKESPEAREAN TRAGEDY. London: R.& K.Paul, 1963. xxii,334pp. dw. 1787 4,000 SHAKESPEARE (W.): SYMONDS (J.A.) SHAKSPERE'S PREDECESSORS IN THE ENGLISH DRAMA. London: Smith,Elder, 1884. xix,668pp. hinge cracked. 1788 3,000 SHAKESPEARE (W.): WELLS (S.) & TAYLOR (G.)(Ed.) THE COMPLETE WORKS. Compact Edition. With Introductions by S.Wells. Oxford C.P., 1986. xlvii,1432pp. lar.8vo. dw. 3,000 1789 SHAKESPEARE: THE RIVERSIDE SHAKESPEARE. Boston: H. Mifflin,1972.1927pp. 4to. 3,000 1790 SHAKESPEARE: BARTLETT (J.) A NEW AND COMPLETE CONCORDANCE OR VERBAL INDEX TO WORDS, PHRASES& PASSAGES IN THE DRAMATIC WORKS OF SHAKESPEARE.With a supplementary concorance to the Poems. London:Macmillan,1927. 1910pp. 4to. half calf. 8,000 1791 SHAKESPEARE: BEVINGTON (D.) THE COMPLETE WORKS OF SHAKESPEARE. Longman,1997. Updated 4th ed. 4to. thick vol. 1792 SHAKESPEARE: KNIGHT (C.) STUDIES OF SHAKSPERE: Forming a Companion Volume to Every Edition to the Text. (London,1849) N.Y.: AMS Press, 1971. 560pp. lar.8vo. 1793 N.Y: 5,000 3,000 SHAKESPEARE: PIVACK (B.) SHAKESPEARE AND THE ALLEGORY OF EVIL. The History of a Metaphor in Relation to his Major Villains. Columbia.U.P,1958. ix,508pp. dw. - 130 - 4,200 1794 SHAKESPEARE: WHEELER (T.) MACBETH. An Annotated Bibliography. N.Y: Garland,1990. xix,1010pp. 1795 8,000 SHANNON (C.H.W.) & WHITE (J.W.G.)(Ed.) THE PAGEANT. London: Henry & Co., 1896. First Ed. Literary works by W.B.Yeats, L.Housman, M.Beerbohm and others. Illustrated by D.G.Rossetti, J.M.Whistler, C.Ricketts, J.M.Millais, E.Burne-Jones and others. 243pp. roy.8vo. original pictorial cloth. 1796 18,000 SHAW (B.) THE INTELLIGENT WOMAN'S GUIDE TO SOCIALISM AND CAPITALISM. N.Y.: Garden City Pub., 1928. Reprinted. xlvi,495pp. lar.8vo. dw(sl.rubbed). 1797 3,000 SHAW (B.) THE WORKS OF BERNARD SHAW. London: Constable & Co., 1930-38. Limited to 1000 numbered copies. 33 vols complete set. green cloth, top edges gilt, in the original dust wrappers, browned but overall an incredibly fine set. 294,000 1798 SHAW (B.): HENDERSON (A.) GEORGE BERNARD SHAW HIS LIFE AND WORKS. A Critical Biography. Cincinnati: Stewart & Kidd, 1911. 528pp. roy.8vo. 6,300 1799 SHEALY (D.)(Ed.) FREAKS OF GENIUS. Unknown Greenwood,1991. 255pp. lar.8vo. clean copy. 1800 SHELLEY (P.B.) ALASTOR. ou le genie de la solitude. Paris: Hachette,1895. 155pp. x 12cm ). 3/4 calf & marbled boards. gilt spine. five raised band. fine binding. spine cracked. original cover wrapper bound in. 35,000 1801 SHELLEY (P.B.): FORMAN (H.B.)(Ed.) NOTE BOOKS OF PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY. From the original in the library of W.K.Bixby. N.Y.: Phaeton Press, 1968. 3 vols. 4to. fine. 3,000 1802 SHELLEY (P.B.): WISE (T.J.)(Collected) A SHELLEY LIBRARY.A Catalogue of Printed Books, thrillers of Louisa May alcott. 5,000 Manuscripts and Autograph Letters by Percy Bysshe Shelley, Harriet Shelly and Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley. N.Y.: Haskell House, 1971. with illusts. 164pp. lar.8vo. 1803 SHEPPARD (F.) HISTORY OF LONDON. LONDON 1808-1870. The Infernal Wen. London: Secker & Warburg, 1971. xx,427pp. roy.8vo. with dust cover. 1804 3,000 4,000 SHERIDAN (R.B.): THE DRAMATIC WORKS OF RICHARD BRINSLEY SHERIDAN. With an introduction by R.G.White. London: J.C.Nimmo, 1883. 3 Vols. Cr.8vo. original cloth. cloth darkned. spine label worn & sl. chipped. uncut. 1805 SHERIDAN (R.B.): FITZGERALD (P.) THE LIVES OF THE SHERIDANS. London: R.Bentley, 1886. 2 vols. With engravings on steel by Stodart and Every. 1806 5,000 9,000 SHERIDAN (R.B.): MOORE (T.) MEMOIRS OF THE LIFE OF THE RIGHT HONOURABLE RICHARD BRINSLEY SHERIDAN. London: Printed for Longman etc., 1825. 719pp. 4to. 3/4 calf with marbled boards. a good copy. 1807 30,000 SHIRE (H.M.) SONG, DANCE AND POETRY OF THE COURT OF SCOTLAND UNDER KING JAMES VI. Cambridge.U.P,1969. Musical illustrations of court-song edited by K. Elliott. 283pp. Roy.8vo. dw. exlibary.(title page stamped). otherwise clean copy. - 131 - 3,000 1808 SILVERSTEIN (S.) FALLING UP. Poem and drawings. Harper Collins, 1996. First Edition. 171pp,index. 1809 4,200 SISAM (K.) STUDIES IN THE HISTORY OF OLD ENGLISH LITERATURE. Oxford C.P., 1953. 314pp. dw. dust wrapper sl. chipped. owner's name. 1810 SITWELL (S.) THE CYDER FEAST. And Other Poems. London: Duckworth, 1927. First Ed.,93pp. 1811 3,000 5,000 SKEAT (L.D.) SELECTIONS FROM BARBOUR'S BRUCE. Books I-X. with the notes thereto and the preface and Glossarial Index to the Whole Work. Richard clay,1899.ciii,767pp. 3/4 calf. joint weak,spine sl. chipped. 1812 4,000 SLACK (R.C.)(Ed.) BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF STUDIES IN VICTORIAN LITERATURE. For the Ten Years 1955-1964. Univ.of Illinois, 1967. 461pp. lar.8vo. 1813 SMILES (S.) SELBST IST DER MANN. Charakterskizzen und Lebensbilder. Tokio: Z.P.Maruzen & co,(meiji 18 nen.(1885). First ed, 474pp. original binding. worn. 1814 15,000 SMITH (C.): EHRENPREIS (A.H.)(Ed.) EMMELINE. The Orphan of the Castle. Ox.U.P., 1971. xxii,531pp. 1815 4,000 3,000 SMITH (G.)(Founded in 1882) THE DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY. The Concise Dictionary Part I.From the Beginnings to 1900. Part II.1901-1950. Oxford U.P., 1953/61. 2 vols. lar.8vo. sl.foxing. vol.2 stamped. 1816 6,300 SMITH (G.G.)(Ed.) ELIZABETHAN CRITICAL ESSAYS. Oxford C.P., 1959. 2 vols. Sm.8vo. dw. 4,000 1817 SMOLLETT (T.) THE ADVENTURES OF PEREGRINE PICKLE. Newly Printed from the Text of the Second Edition as Revised by the Author. New York: The John Day, 1929. Limited Ed. 2 vols. Illustrated by Alexander King. sm.4to. gilt top. 1818 10,000 SMOLLETT (T.) THE EXPEDITION OF HUMPHRY CLINKER. With a Memoir of the Author by Thomas Roscoe and Illustrations by George Cruikshank. London: Printed for Cochrane and Pickersgill, 1831. 403pp. cr.8vo. full calf. gilt top. spine darkned. 1819 SMOLLETT (T.): GRANT (D.)(Ed.) THE ADVENTURES OF FERDINAND COUNT FATHOM. Oxford.U.P,1971. xxiv,384pp. dw. 1820 18,000 3,000 SMOLLETT (T.): SAINTSBURY (G.)(Ed.) THE WORKS OF TOBIAS SMOLLETT. (The Adventures of Roderick Random: The adventures of Peregrine Pickle: The Adventures of Count Fathom: The Adventures of Sir Launcelot Greaves: The Expedition of Humphry Clinker) London: The Navarre Society, ca.1920. 12 original green cloth. top edge gilt. good. 25,000 1821 SONNINO (L.A.) A HANDBOOK TO SIXTEENTH-CENTURY RHETORIC. London: R & KP, 1968. ix,278pp. dw. 6,300 - 132 - 1822 SPEARING (A.C.) MEDIEVAL DREAM-POETRY. Cambridge U.P., 1976. 236pp. dw. sl.spotted. 3,000 1823 SPENSER (E.): WILLIAMS (K.) SPENSER'S WORLD OF GLASS. A Reading of The Faerie Queene. California U.P., 1966. 241pp. dw. 1824 3,000 SPILKA (M.)(Ed.) TOWARDS A POETICS OF FICTION. Essays fron Novel: A Forum on fiction 1967-1976. Indiana.U.P,1977. xi,359pp. lar.8vo. dw. 1825 SPINK (J.S.) FRENCH FREE-THOUGHT FROM GASSENDI TO VOLTAIRE. The Athlone Press, 1960. ix,345pp. dw. 1826 3,000 6,820 STEINBECK (J.) CUP OF GOLD. A Life of Sir Henry Morgan, Buccaneer, with Occasional Reference to History. New York: Covici Friede. 1936. Second Edition First printing 269pp. original black cloth. with dust-jacket. 1827 18,000 STEINBECK (J.) EAST OF EDEN. N.Y.: the Viking Press: september ,1952. First Ed. First issue. 602pp. lar.8vo. a full-green cloth, dark red spine panel with black lettering. with pictorial dust cover. slightly chipped. 1828 STEINBECK (J.) SWEET THURSDAY. N.Y.: Viking Press, 1954. First Ed. 273pp. original cloth with dsut-cover. 1829 75,000 15,750 STEINBECK (J.) THE FORGOTTEN VILLAGE. With 136 photographs from the film of the same name by R.H.Kline and A.Hackensmid. N.Y.: Viking Press, 1941. with numerous photos throughout. signed by B.B.Blakeney. 143pp. 4to. with some chipped dw. 1830 12,000 STEINBECK (J.) THE LOG FROM THE SEA OF CORTEZ. The Narrative Portion of the Book Sea of Cortez with a Profile "About Ed Ricketts". London: Heinemann, 1958. First English Ed. 282pp. with dust-cover. in slip-case. 1831 STEINBECK (J.) THE LONG VALLEY. N.Y.: Viking Press, 1938. First ed Furst issue. 303pp. with sl soiled dust cover. 1832 30,000 STEINBECK (J.) THE SHORT REIGN OF PIPPIN IV. A Fabrication. N.Y.: Viking, 1957. First Ed. 188pp. dw. (sl. chipped) 1833 4,000 STEINBECK (J.) THE WAYWARD BUS. New York: The Viking Press. 1947. First ed, 312pp. original cloth. with dustcover(chiped) 1834 15,000 STEINBECK (J.): MOORE (H.T.) THE NOVELS OF JOHN STEINBECK. A First Critical Study. Chicago: Normandie House, 1939. 102pp. with dust cover. 1836 12,000 STEINBECK (J.) THE WINTER OF OUR DISCONTENT. New York: The Viking Press. 1961. First ed First Published. 281pp. original cloth with dustcover (chiped) 1835 20,000 4,000 STEKEL (W.) SADISM AND MASOCHISM. The Psychology of Hatred and Cruelty. N.Y.: Liveright pub., 1939. Authorized English Version by Louise Brink. 2 vols. bit foxing. - 133 - 4,000 1837 STENDHAL: STRYIEENSKI (C.) ET NION (F.DE.) JOURNAL DE STENDHAL (Henri Beyle) 18011814. Paris: G.Charpentier,1888.First Ed.,li,488pp. sm.8vo. contemporary full decorated calf. 1838 STEPHEN (L.) HISTORY OF ENGLISH THOUGHT IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. London: John Murray, 1902. 3rd Ed. 2 vols. original red cloth. bit foxed. stamped on title. 1839 5,250 STEPHEN (L.) HOURS IN A LIBRARY. London: Smith Elder. 1909. New Edition. 3 vols. originla red cloth. 1840 5,000 STEPHEN (L.): FENWICK (G.) LESLIE STEPHEN'S LIFE IN LETTERS. A Bibliographical Study. (Scolar Press) 1993. 436pp. lar.8vo. with dust cover. 1841 gilt 63,000 11,000 STERN (L.): THE Complete in Eight Volumes. With a Life of the Author. Written by Himself. Edinburgh: J.Turnbull, 1803. 8 vols. complete works of very early edition. cr.8vo. full old calf. calf rubbed. 1842 48,000 STERNE (L.) THE LIFE & OPINIONS OF TRISTRAM SHANDY GENTLEMAN & A SENTIMENTAL JOURNEY THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY. London: Macmillan, 1900. 2 vols. 3/4 half. gilt spine. top edge gilt. joint sl. rubbed. 1843 32,000 STERNE (L.): FLUCHERE (H.) LAURENCE STERNE: FROM TRISTRAM TO YORICK. A Interpretation of Tristram shandy. London:Ox.U.P,1965.xii,459pp. dw. 1844 3,000 STEVENSON (R.L.) FAMILIAR STUDIES OF MEN & BOOKS. Florence Press Edition. London: Chatto & Windus, 1924385pp. sm.8vo.cloth spine with boards. 1845 STEVENSON (R.L.) VIRGINIBUS PUERISQUE AND OTHER PAPERS. London: C.Kegan Paul, 1881. First ed, sm,8vo. vi,296pp+32pp. Orange hardback cloth cover. 1846 15,000 STEVENSON (R.L.): CASTLE (E.) R.L.STEVENSON LE ROMAN DU PRINCE OTHON. London: John Lane, 1896. Limited to 50 copies in hand made paper. xx,311pp. 1847 4,500 25,000 STEVENSON (R.L.): STEUART (J.A.) ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON. Man and Writer, A Critical Biography by J.A.Steuart. London: Sampson Low, n.d. 2 vols. lar.8vo. sl. spotted. 1848 3,000 STOKES (W.) & STRACHAN (J.)(Ed.) THESAURUS PALAEOHIBERNICUS. A Collection of OldIrish Glosses Scholia Prose and Verse. Cambridge U.P., 1901. 2 vols. roy.8vo. gilt top. 35,000 1849 STUNZI (Lilly)(Idee und Aufnahmen) TELL Werden und Wandern eines Mythos. Texte von J.R.von Salis, et al. Bern: Hallwag, 1973. with photo-illusts. 344pp. Roy.8vo. dw. 1850 4,000 SUDERMANN (H.): SWICKARD (C.)(Trans.& Adapted) FIRES OF ST.JOHN. A Drama in Four Acts From the German of HermannSudermann. Boston: John W.Luce, 1904. 139pp. pictorial cloth. sl.stained. 3,000 - 134 - 1851 SWIFT (J.) A TALE OF A TUB.To which is added the Battle of the books and the Mechanical Operation of the Spiret. The whole edited with an Introduction, and Notes Historical and Explanatory, by A.C.Guthdelch and D.N.Smith. Oxford C.P., 1920. lxxv,370pp. 1852 SWIFT (J.) THE POEMS OF JONATHAN SWIFT. Edited by Harold Williams. Oxford C.P., 1937.3 vols. 1853 5,000 14,000 SWIFT (J.): ELIAS (A.C.) SWIFT AT MOOR PARK. Problems in Biography and Criticism. Pennsylvania U.P., 1982. 339pp. with dust cover. 1854 6,300 SWINBURNE (A.C.) MISCELLANIES. London: Chatto & Windus, 1886. Fist Ed. x,390pp. 15,000 1855 SWINBURNE (A.C.): WISE (T.J.) A BIBLIOGRAPHY. The Writings in Prose and Verse of Algernon Charles Swinburne. London: Dawsons of Paul Mall, 1966. Reprinted. 2 vols. 4to. ex-library. dw. 1856 8,000 SWINBURNE (A.J.) PICTURE LOGIC, An Attempt to Popularise the Science of Reasoning by the Combination of Humorous Pictures with Examples of Reasoning Taken from Daily Life. London: Longmans, 1904. 8th impression. With original illustrations from drawings by the Author. Engraved on wood by G.Pearson. 188pp. sm.8vo. 1857 SYMONDS (J.A.) STUDIES OF THE GREEK POETS. Second series. London: Smith Elder,1879. 2nd Ed.,xii,402pp. owner's stamped. cover rubbed. 1858 9,000 3,000 SYMONS (A,) THE COLLECTED WORKS OF ARTHUR SYMONS.*Poems 3 vols. *William Blake. *Spirtual adventures. *Tragedies 2 vols. *Studies in two literatures. *Studies in seven arts. London: Martin Secker. 1924. First collected ed, 9 vols. Limited to 100 copies. signed by the author. original yellow cloth. very good condition. no dast-cover. 1859 SYMONS (A.) KNAVE OF HEARTS. 1894-1908. London: W.Heinemann, 1913. First ed.,xi,163pp. 1860 250,000 9,500 SYMONS (A.) STUDIES IN STRANGE SOULS. London: C.F.Sawyer, 1929. First Edition. limited to 100 copies. signed by the author. 3 portraits. 82pp. 4to.(17.5x22cm) original red cloth. 1861 28,000 SYMONS (A.) THE CAFE ROYAL AND OTHER ESSAYS. Beaumont Press, 1923. First ed.,Limited to 390 copies. 63pp. original half cloth with boards. 15,000 1862 SYMONS (A.) TRAGEDIES.London: W.Heinemann, 1916. First Ed. 151pp. 1863 SYNGE (J.M.) COLLECTED WORKS. Poem, Prose & play(2 vols). Oxford Univ: 1968. with original dust-covers. 1864 8,500 8,000 SYNGE (J.M.) THE TINKER'S WEDDING A COMEDY IN TWO ACTS. Dublin: Maunsel, 1907. First Ed. 50pp. 8,000 - 135 - 1865 SYNGE (J.M.) TWO PLAYS. Dublin: Maunsel, 1911. 197pp. gilt top. 1866 SYNGE (J.M.): THE WORKS OF JOHN M.SYNGE. Dublin: Maunsel and co,1910.4 vols. gilt top. original backram. rubbed. 1867 8,000 23,000 SYNGE (J.M.): CORKERY (D.) SYNGE AND ANGLO-IRISH LITERATURE. A Study. Cork Univ., 1931. with frontis. 247pp. pencil scratched. 4,000 1868 TAYLOR (E.): LECLERCQ (F.) ELIZABETH TAYLOR. Twayne,1985. 6,500 1869 TENNYSON (A, Lord) THE POETIC AND DRAMATIC WORKS OF ALFRED LORD TENNYSON. Boston: Houghton Mifflin,1898. Cambridge Ed.,biographical sketch by "W.J.R" frontispiece portrait photograph (with facsimile signature) 3/4 gilt stamped red morocco over marbled boards, spine with raised bands , marbled endpapers. very good. 1870 TENNYSON (A.) IDULLS OF THE KING. London: E.Moxon,1859. First Moxon, Ed.261pp. cr.8vo. original blind stamped cloth. spine sl. darkned. 1871 12,000 TENNYSON (A.) LOCKSLEY HALL SIXTY YEARS AFTER etc. London: Macmillan & Co., 1886. 201pp. cr.8vo. 1872 38,000 5,000 TENNYSON (A.): WALTERS (J.C.) IN TENNYSON LAND. Being a brief account of the home and early surroundings of the poet laureate and an attempt to identify the scenes and trace the influences of lincolnshire in his works. London: G.Redway, 1890. with 12 plates. 108pp. original gilt pictorial cloth. joint rubbed. 1873 THACKERAY (W.M.): THE WORKS OF WILLIAM MAKEPEACE THACKERAY. London: Smith Elder, 1878. 26 vols. Limited Ed. roy.8vo. half morocco. fine copy. 1874 4,200 550,000 THACKERAY (W.M.): THE WORKS OF WILLIAM MAKEPEACE THACKERAY. With biographical introductions by his daughter, Anne Ritchie. London: Smith Elder, 1901. 13 vols. with illustrations by the author and a portrait. bound in contemporary half calf. vol.1 joint weak. 95,000 1875 THACKERAY (W.M.): MELVILLE (L.) WILLIAM MAKEPEACE THACKERAY. A Biography including Hitherto Uncollected Letters & speeches & a Bibliography of 1300 items. London: John Lane, 1910. 2 Vols. with 2 photogravure portraits & Numerous other illustrations. lar.8vo. 1876 4,000 THOMAS (D.) IN COUNTRY SLEEP. N.Y.: New Directions, 1952. First Ed. photograph of Thomas by Marion Morehouse tipped on title page. 34pp. with dust cover. 1877 THOMAS (D.): LEWIS (M.) LAUGHARNE AND DYLAN THOMAS. Illustrated by Stanley Lewis. London: D.Dobson, 1967. 128pp. 4to. dw(bit chipped & sl.spotted). 1878 15,000 6,300 THOMAS (D.): TEDLOCK (E.W.)(Ed.) DYLAN THOMAS: THE LEGEND AND THE POET. London: Heinemann, 1960. 283pp. with dust cover. - 136 - 3,150 1879 THORPE (B.) A SELECTION, IN PROSE AND VERSE, FROM ANGLO-SAXON AUTHORS OF VARIOUS AGES; With a Glossary. -Analecta Anglo-Saxonica.- London: J.& A.Arch, 1834. 268pp. lar.8vo. original spine cloth with boards. 45,000 1880 TOLKIEN (J.R.R.): BLISS (A.)(Ed.) FINN AND HENGEST: The Fragment and the Episode. London: G.Allen & Unwin, 1982. First Ed. 180pp. dw. stamped on endpaper. top edge sl.spotted. scarce. 15,000 1881 TRELAWNY (E.J.) : CLAIR (W.ST.) ADVENTURES OF A YOUNGER SON. Ox.U.P,1974. First ed. xxiv,477pp. dw. 3,000 1882 TROLLOPE (A.) AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY. With an intro by B.A.Booth. Edinburgh:W.Blackwood, 1883. 2 Vols in 1. 259,227pp. sm.8vo. 3/4 calf & marbled boards. all edge marbled. gilt spine 25,000 1883 TROLLOPE (A.) THE CLAVERINGS. London: Smith, Elder and Co., 1867. First Ed. 2 vols in 1. with a frontispiece to each vol. & 14 other illus. lacking title page of vol.2. 3/4 calf. 18,900 1884 TROLLOPE (T.A.) SUMMER IN BRITTANY. London: Henry Colburn, 1840. First Ed.. 2 Vols. with 12 illustrations, including frontispieces in each volume. half navy morocco over blue boards. spine giltwith five raised bands. top edge gilt. a fine copy. 75,000 1885 TULLY (R.) LETTERS WRITTEN DURING A TEN YEARS ' RESIDENCE AT THE COURT OF TRIPOLI. .... the domestic manners of the moors, arabs, and turks. London; H. Colburn,1819. 3rd Ed. 2 vols. 7 coloured aquatint plates(including frontispiece in vol 1) & folding map (foxed)full calf. in slip case. 55,000 1886 TWAIN (M.) ADVENTURES OF HUCKLEBERRY FINN. (Tom Sawyer's Comrade) New York: Charles L.Webster and Co., 1885. First American Ed. First Printing. With frontispiece portrait and 174 b/w illustrations by E.W.Kemble. 366pp. original full sheep,spine and one cornerrepaired, cover rubbed, edges worn occasionaly foxed. in custom clamshell box. 1887 850,000 TWAIN (M.) IS SHAKESPEARE DEAD? from my autobiography. N.Y.: Harper, 1909. First Ed. 150pp. cloth. uncut. fly reaf owner's name. 1888 18,000 TWAIN (M.) LIFE ON THE MISSISSIPPI. Boston: James R.Osgood, 1883. First American Ed. With more than 300 illustrations. 624pp. original gold stamped brown pictorial cover. with slip case. 1889 180,000 TWAIN (M.) THE PRINCE AND THE PAUPER. A Tale for Young People of All Ages. Boston: James R.Osgood. 1882. First ed First issue. with 192 illustrations. 411pp. original green cloth, decorated in gilt and black. small library stamp on title. otherwise a very good copy. 180,000 1890 TWAIN (M.) THE STOLEN WHITE ELEPHANT. London: chatto & windus Piccadilly. 1882. First ed,(preceding US) cr,8vo. (2 blank),(6),285,(1 blank),(1 publisher7s vignette),32 publisher's catalogue pp. original red cloth,covr faded, end and top spine bit tear. blank and first page little marked. 20,000 - 137 - 1891 TWAIN (M.): FOLLOWING THE EQUATOR. A Journey around the World. Connecticut: The American Publishing Co., 1897. First Ed. with illustrated throughout by reproductions from photographs and drawings, a numbef of which are full-page. 712pp. lar.8vo. original blue cloth with gilt and coloured decorative panel incorporating an elephant's head on upper cover and gilt decorated spine. good. 1892 120,000 TWAIN (M.): MARK TWAIN'S SKETCHES. New and Old. Hartford: The American Pub., 1875. First Ed., 2nd state. frontispiece, text illust throughout. 320pp. original gold stamped lettering cloth. top & tail of spine rubbed. minor page soiling. 1893 55,000 TWAIN (M.): KEMBLE (E.W.)(illust) THE ADVENTURES OF HUCKLEBERRY FINN.N.Y:limitedd Editions club,1933. Limited to 1500 copies. 494pp. original gilt decorated cover. top edge gilt. There is some fading to the spine 1894 8,400 TWAIN (M.): PAINE (A.B.) MARK TWAIN. A Biography. The Personal & Literary Life of S.L.Clemens. Fully Illustrated. (N.Y.: Harper & Bro., 1912.) Reprinted Ed. 3 vols. Cr.8vo. 6,300 1895 TWAIN (M.): RAMSAY (R.) A MARK TWAIN LEXICON. New York: Russell & russell. 1963. 4to. 278pp. originla green cloth. 1896 5,000 TYDEMAN (W.) ENGLISH MEDIEVAL THEATRE 1400-1500. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1986. 221pp. Ryo.8vo. with dust cover. 1897 5,250 UNDERWOOD (P.) DICTIONARY OF THE OCCULT & SUPERNATURAL. An A to Z of Hauntings, Possession, Witchcraft, Demonology and other Occult Phenomena. Fontana, 1978. Illustrated by M.Neville. 389pp. sm.8vo. paperback. 1898 VAJDA (G.M.) WIEN UND DIE LITERATUREN 2,000 IN DER DONAUMONARCHIE. Zur Kulturgeschichte Mitteleuropas 1740-1918. Wien: Bohlau Verlag, 1994. 246pp. lar.8vo. pb. fine. 1899 5,250 VAN DYKE (H.): THE FIRST CHRISTMAS TREE. The Story of the other wise man. C.F.Braun, 1956. with 6 illustrations. 108pp. half calf & marbled boards. 1900 6,300 VAN DYKE (H.): THE WORKS OF HENRY VAN DYKE Avalon Edition. New York: C.Scribner, 1920. Avalon Ed. This Autograph Ed. Printed on old stratford paper. 18 vols. Limited to 504 sets. Signed by the Publisher. 3/4 morocco, gilt top. fine copy. 1901 VAN LEEUWEN (H.G.) THE PROBLEM OF CERTAINTY IN ENGLISH THOUGHT 1630-1690. Hague: M.Nijhoff, 1970. 2nd Ed. 159pp. lar.8vo. dw. 1902 250,000 7,500 VANBRUCH (J.): THE COMPLETE WORKS OF SIR JOHN VANBRUCH. The Plays Edited by Bonamy Dobree. The Letters Edited by Geoffrey Webb. Bloomsbury: The Nonesuch Press, 1927. 4 vols. Limited Ed. 4to. 1903 39,900 VAUGHAN (H.): MARTIN (L.C.)(Ed.) THE WORKS OF HENRY VAUGHAN. Ox.C.P., 1914. 2 vols. 9,500 - 138 - 1904 VEITCH (J.) THE FEELING FOR NATURE IN SCOTTISH POETRY. Edinburgh: W.Blckwood, 1887.2 Vols. cr.8vo. original cloth. spine darkned. 4,000 1905 VEITCH (J.) THE HISTORY AND POETRY OF THE SCOTTISH BORDER. Their Main Features and Relations. Edinburgh: W.Blackwood, 1893. 2 vols. original pictorial cloth gilt. 10,000 1906 VERBEKE (W.),VERHELST (D.) & WELKENHUYSEN (A.)(Ed.) THE USE AND ABUSE OF ESCHATOLOGY IN THE MIDDLE AGES. Mediaevalla Lovaniensia Series I/Studia XV. Leuven U.P., 1988. 513pp. lar.8vo. wrapper. 8,400 1907 VILLON (Francis.) THE POEMS OF MASTER FRANCIS VILLON OF PARIS. Now first done into English verse, in the original forms, by John Payne. London: Printed by the Vilon Society for private ditribution. 1878. Limited to 157 copies, signed by J.C.Willkins of the Printer. xxiii,185pp. printed on parchments, full red morocco. gilt design to front cover. top edge gilt. other uncut. joint weak. nice copy. 1908 38,000 VOLTAIRE: LAMBERT (A.)(Illust)CANDIDE. Ou L'Optimisme. Paris: L'Estampe Moderne, 1932. Limited to 500 copies. 5 full page (tish garded) & 33 steel engravings. 261pp. sm.4to. (23 x 18cm) uncut. with slip-case. fine copy. 1909 VOLTAIRE: MOUREAUX (J.M.)(Ed.) DISCOURS DE L'EMPEREUR JULIEN CONTRE LES CHRETIENS. Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, 1994. x,414pp. lar.8vo. dw. 1910 28,000 7,350 WAKEFIELD (P.) PERAMBULATIONS IN LONDON AND ITS ENVIRONS. Comprehending an Historical sketch of the Ancient State, and Progress of the British Metropolis. London: Darton, 1814. 2nd Ed. with illustrations. 510pp. cr.8vo. boards. 1911 18,000 WALPOLE (H.) THE LETTERS OF HORACE WALPOLE. 1735-1797. Earl of Orford: & LETTERS OF HORACE WALPOLE Earl of OPrford to Sir Horace Mann. London: Rihcard Betley. 1840 & 1843. 10 vols, (6 vols + 4 vols) with 10 frontispieces. contemporary 4/3 calf. marbled edges. nice copy. 1912 65.000 WALTON (I.) THE COMPLETE ANGLER. or Contemplative Man's Recreation, and instructions how to Angle for a Trout or Grayling in a Clear Stream by C.Cotton. By the American Editor (Geo.W.Bethune.D.D.) New York: Dodd,mead & Co., 1880. New Edition. 7th Bethune Ed, 2 vols. with illustrations. 294pp & 215 & xciipp. publisher's fine. pictorial cloth. gilt top. vol.2 inner-joint weak. 1913 45,000 WALTON (I.) & COTTON (C.) THE COMPLETE ANGLER OR CONTEMPLATIVE MAN'S RECREATION. Being a Discourse on Rivers, Fish-Ponds,Fish, and Fishing. Edited with notes from a naturalist's point of view by J.E.Harting. London: S.Bagster, 1893. Tercentenary Ed. 2 vols. Limite to 350 copies. with 53 illustrations. Including Etchings by Percy Thomas, from Paintings by John Linnell, and Engravings of Riverside Animals and Birds by G.E.Lodge. half vellum. 4to. gilt top. nice copy. 1914 95,000 WALTON (I.) & COTTON (C.) THE COMPLETE ANGLER. Or the contemplative man's recreation. Edited by J.Major.London: J.C.Nimmo and Bain, 1883. with 6 original etchings and 2 portraits.with main plate printed twice one on normal paper and one on proof paper. xv,445pp. 3/4 morocco. gilt decorated on spine. top edge gilt. - 139 - 120,000 1915 WARNER (S.T.) AFTER THE DEATH OF DON JUAN. London: Chatto & Windus, 1938. First Ed. 301pp. sm.8vo. with dust cover. bit stained. 1916 5,500 WARNER (S.T.) ELINOR BARLEY. The Cresset Press Limited. 1930. First Ed, Limited to 350 copies. Signed by the Author. With 5 illustrations in dry point by J.R.Hodgkins. 107pp. roy,8vo. original half vellum and marbled boards. in 1917 32,000 WARNER (S.T.) MR. FORTUNE'S MAGGOT. London: Chatto & Windus, 1927. First Ed. 251pp. sm.8vo. with dust cover. 9,500 1918 WARNER (S.T.) OPUS 7. London: Chatto & sindus,1931.55pp. sm.8vo. dw. 3,000 1919 WARNER (S.T.) SUMMER WILL SHOW. London: Chatto & Windus, 1936. First Ed. 406pp. 6,000 1920 WARNER (S.T.) THE FLINT ANCHOR. London: Chatto & Windus, 1954. 287pp. with dust cover. 1921 5,500 WARNER (S.T.) TIME IMPORTUNED. London: Chatto & Windus, 1928. First Ed. 87pp. with dust cover. light spotted. a clean text. 1922 WEBSTER (J.): BROOKE (R.) JOHN WEBSTER & THE ELIZABETHAN DRAMA. London: Sidgwick & Jackson, 1916. 276pp. 1923 7,000 WEBSTER (J.): SCHUMAN (S.) JOHN WEBSTER, A Reference Guide. Boston: G.K.Hall, 1985. 280pp. lar.8vo. 1924 15,000 3,000 WEBSTER (N.): MORTON (H.C.) THE STORY OF WEBSTER'S THIRD. Philip Gove's Controversial Dictionary and its Critics. Cambridge U.P., 1994. xv,332pp. lar.8vo. dw(spine faded). bit sc. 1925 3,670 WEIL (S.): BELL (R.H.)(Ed.) SIMONE WEIL'S PHILOSOPHY OF CULTURE. Readings toward a divine humanity. Cambridge U.P., 1993. xviii,318pp. with dust cover. 1926 WEINBERG (R.) A BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY OF SCIENCE FICTION AND FANTASY ARTISTS. N.Y.: Greenwood Press, 1988. xvi,346pp. lar.8vo. 1927 3,000 WELLS (H.G.) MR. BLETTSWORTHY ON RAMPOLE ISLAND.London: Ernest Benn,1928. 287pp. cr.8vo. dw. edge sl. spotted. fly leaf owner's signe. 1930 3,000 WELLS (H.G.) MEANWHILE. Th Picture of a Lady. London: E.Benn,1927. 287pp. cr.8vo. dw.(chipped) 1929 4,720 WELLS (H.G.) A YEAR OF PROPHESSYING. London: T.F.Unwin,1924. First Ed. 272pp. sl. pencil scrached. First & last few page & edge foxing. 1928 6,300 15,750 WELLS (H.G.) THE ANATOMY OF FRUSTRATION. A Modern Synthesis. N.Y: Macmillan Co.1936. First American d. viii,217pp. dw. (sl. chipped) - 140 - 6,300 1931 WELLS (H.G.) THE BROTHERS. A Story. N.Y: The vinking press,1938. First Ed. 156pp. dw. 6,000 1932 WELLS (H.G.) THE CROQUET PLAYER.. N.Y: the Viking press,1937. Firss U.S.Ed. 98pp. dw. 6,300 1933 WELLS (H.G.) THE NEW WORLD ORDER. Whether it is attainable, how it can be attained, and what sort of World a World at peace will have to be. N.Y: A.Knopf,1940.First American Ed. 145pp. cr.8vo. dw. 15,750 1934 WELLS (H.G.) THE OPEN CONSPIRACY. Blue prints for a world revolution. London: Victor gollancz,1928. First ed.,156pp. cr.8vo. dw. (cover owner's sign) 8,000 1935 WELLS (H.G.) THE SALVAGING OF CIVILIZATION. London: Cassell,1921. First Ed. 202pp. original cloth. sl. worn. 3,150 1936 WELLS (H.G.) THE WAY THE WORLD IS GOING. Guesses & Forecasts of the Years Ahead. London: E.Benn,1928. First Ed. xi,301pp. cr.8vo. fly reaf darkned. dw. (spine sl.chipped,darkned) 22,000 1937 WELLS (H.G.) THE WORKS OF H.G.WELLS. New York: Charles Scribner, 1924. Atlantic ed. 28 vols. Limited to 1050 copies. Signed by the Author. frontis photograph of the Author. original cloth and board, spine and rabel slightly soiled. 1938 WELLS (H.G.) MEN LIKE GODS. London: Cassell,1923. First Ed. viii,304pp. cr.8vo. originaal cloth. sl. worn. 1939 3,000 WELLS (H.G.) THE DISCOVERY OF THE FUTURE. London: J.Cape, 1925. 60pp. cr.8vo. dw. (sl.dusty) 1940 380,000 4,200 WEWITZER (R.) THE SCHOOL FOR WITS; Containing a Choice Collection of Bons-Mots, Anecdotes, Epigrams, and other Poetical Jeux D'Esprits, which have been spoken or written by the post Celebrated Wits of the Age; many of which have never before been published. London: Printed for Sherwood, Neely & Jones, 1815. 300pp. cr.8vo. full calf. covers detatched. 1941 WHITE (B.)(Ed.) 11,000 THE VULGARIA OF JOHN STANBRIDGE AND THE VULGARIA OF ROBERT WHITTINTON. Early engish text society: Kraus,1971. lxi,146pp. 1942 3,000 WHITMAN (W.) THE COMPLETE WRITINGS OF WALT WHITMAN. Issued under the editorial supervision of his Literary Executors, Richard Maurice Bucke, Thomas B. Harned, and Horace L.Traubel. with additional bibliographical and critical material prepared by Oscar Lovell Triggs, Ph. N.Y.: G.P.Putnam's sons, 1902. The Collector's Camden Edition. 10 vols. Limited to 300 sets. illustrated. 3/4 morocco, gilt. spines faded to brown. a very good, clean set. 1943 880,000 WHITMAN (W.): BEHOOR JE WERKELIJK TOT DE VOLLEDIGE MENSEN? is een selektie gedichten uit het werk van de 19-eeuwse amerikaase dichter Walt Whiitman: Leaves of grass.Rotterdam: Futile,1976.2 photo fortrait,1 autograph photo,7illustrations. 160pp. 4to. original pictorial wrapper. 15,000 - 141 - 1944 WHITMAN (W.): HOLMES (E.) WALT WHITMAN'S POETRY A STUDY & A SELECTION. London: John Lane, 1902. 132pp. original pictorial cloth. spine worn. 1945 3,000 WHITMAN (W.): SAUNDERS (Henry S.)(Comp.) PARODIES ON WALT WHITMAN. Preface by Charistopher Morley. New York: American Library Service, 1923. First Ed. 171pp. lar.8vo. 5,000 1946 WHITMAN: EITNER (W.H.) WALT WHITMAN'S WESTERN JAUNT. Lawrence: The regents press of kansas,1981. xvi,123pp. dw. 1947 3,000 WHITTIER (J.G.): HORDER (W.G.) THE POETICAL WORKS OF JOHN GREENLEAF WHITTIER. With notes, Index of First lines and chronological list. Ox.U.P,1911. xv,598pp. sm.8vo. full calf. all edge gilt. 1948 8,000 WILDE (O.) A COLLECTION OF ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPTS AND BOOKS OF OSCAR WILDE.Including his letters written to Robert Ross from reading Gaol and Unpublished letters Poems and Plays formerly in the Possession of Robert Ross, C.S.Millard (Stuart Mason)London: Dulau and co., N.d.(1928). First Ed.,Limited to 2000 copies. contains 14 illustrations. 140pp.Roy.8vo. original wrappers. cover worm hall. 1949 WILDE (O.) A HOUSE OF POMEGRAANATES. London: Methuen, S.Oshima.162pp. sm.4to. uncut. original binding. 1950 n.d. Signed by 18,000 WILDE (O.) A WOMAN OF NO IMPORTANCE. Paris: 1903. Limited to 250 copies. 154pp. 4to. original cloth. Bookplate on front pastedown. spine sl. darkned. 1951 5,000 18,000 WILDE (O.) DE PROFUNDIS. London: Methuen, 1905. Limited to 200 copies on handmade paper. 151pp. Bound in white cloth with gilt titles spine and gilt decoration and titles on front board. spine sl. darkned. 1952 85,000 WILDE (O.) OSCAR WILDE ON VEGETARIANISM. An Unpublished Letter to Violet Fane. With an Introduction & Notes by Jeremy Mason. Edinburgh: Tragara press. 1991. Limited to 140 copies. with 2 drawings by J.Mason have been hand-coloured by the artist. 4to.original cover. nicre copy. 1953 15,000 WILDE (O.): SALOME. Drama in one act after O.Wilde's Poem. German Translation by H.Lachmannn. Music by Richard Strauss. English and German. Berlin: A.Furstner, 1905. 24pp. roy.8vo. wrappers. joint repaired. 1954 3,000 WILDE (O.): THE WORKS OF OSCAR WILDE. *Miscellanies. *Reviews. *A House of Pomegranates, The Happy Prince and Other Tales. *Intentions and the Soul of Man. *A Woman of No Importance. *The Duchess of Padua A play. *The Importance of Being Earnest, A Trival Comedy for Serious People. *Lady Windermere's Fan A play About a Good Woman. *An Ideal Husband A play. *De Profundis. *Lord Arthur Savile's Crime. *Salome, A Florentine Tragedy, Vera. *The Poems of Oscar Wilde. *For Love of the King, A Burmese Masque. *The Picture of Dorian Gray. London: Methuen, 1908-22. First Collected Ed. 15 vols complete. Limited to 1,000 copies. on hand-made paper. Newly red bound in 3/4 morocco, gilt top by Bayntun-Riviere. fine set. - 142 - 800,000 1955 WILDE (O.): HORODISCH (A.) OSCAR WILDE'S BALLAD OF READING GAOL. A Bibliographical study by Abrahaam Horodisch. N.Y: Aldus book,1954. Limited to 326 copies. b/w illustrations.126pp. 1956 WILDE (O.): BIRNBAUM 6,000 (M.) OSCAR WILDE. Fragments and memories. London: E.Mathews,1920.Large paper Edition only 50 copies. 35pp. original backram. on exlibris. 12,000 1957 WILDE (O.): HARRIS (F.) & DOUGLAS (L.A.) NEW PREFACE TO "THE LIFE AND CONFEDSSIONS OF OSCAR WILDE".London; Fortune press,1925. 55pp. original cloth. spine rubbed. 1958 4,500 WILDE (O.): MASON (J.)(Intro) OSCAR WILDE AND THE GRAVE OS SHELLEY. Edinburgh: Tragara press,1992. First Ed. Limied to 140 copies. 3 hand coloured illustrations by Mason. xxviipp. original cover. nice copy. 1959 12,000 WILKIE (B.) ROMANTIC POETS AND EPIC TRADITION. Univ of Wisconsin, 1965. x,276pp. dw. 5,000 1960 WILLEFORD (W.) THE FOOL AND HIS SCEPTER. A Study in Clowns and Jesters and Their Audience. Northwestern U.P., 1969. with photo illustrations. xxii,264pp. Lar.8vo. 1961 5,000 WILLIAMS (T.) THE WORKS OF TENNESSEE WILLIAMS. *In the Winter of Cities. *Dragon Country. *Small Craft Warnings. *The Knigtly Quest. *Androgyne, Mon Amour. *Tennessee Williams. (Boxill R.) *Tennessee Williams. (Londre F.H.) *Kingdom of Earth. *Tennessee Williams. (Falk S.L.) *Tennessee Williams. (Tischler N.M.) *Tennessee Williams. (Vannatta D.) *Tennessee WIlliams. (Williams D. & Mead S.) 12 vols. 1962 WILLIAMS (T.): GUNN (D.W.) TENNESSEE WILLIAMS: A Bibliography. London: Scarecrow, 1991. 2nd Ed. xxxi,434pp. 1963 18,900 5,250 WISE (T.J.) TWO LAKE POETS. A Catalogue of Printed books, Manuscripts and Autograph Letters by William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge. London: Dawsons,1965. xxi,135pp. roy.8vo. dw. 1964 6,000 WISEMAN (S.) DRAMA AND POLITICS IN THE ENGLISH CIVIL WAR. Cambridge U.P., 1998. xviii,297pp. lar.8vo. dw. 1965 9,450 WITTGENSTEIN (L.): SCHMIDT-DENGLER (W.),HUNER (M.), OUTER (M.) WITTGENSTEIN UND PHILOSOPHIE LITERATUR. Wien: Edition S im verlag, 1990. 211pp. pb. 1966 WONDRISKA (W.) MR.BROWN AND MR.GRAY. N.Y.: Holt,Rinehart & Winston, 1968. First Ed. 39pp. lar.8vo. dw. scarce. very good. 1967 3,150 18,000 WOODBERRY (G.E.)(Intro.) ONE HUNDRED BOOKS FAMOUS IN ENGLISH LITERATURE. With Facsimiles of the Title-Pages. N.Y: Grolier Club,1902. Limited to 305 copies. lii,200pp. Imp lar.8vo. half vellum. with some spotting on the endpapers - 143 - 12,000 1968 WOOLF (V.) A WRITER'S DIARY. Being Extracts from the Diary of Virginia Woolf. Edited by L.Woolf. London: The Hogarth Press, 1954. 2nd impression. 372pp. 3,000 1969 WOOLF (V.) COLLECTED ESSAYS OF VIRGINIA WOOLF. Vol 1-4. Hogarth press,1968.4 vols. sm.8vo. dw. 42,000 1970 WORDSWORTH (W.): BARSTOW (M.L.) WORDSWORTH'S THEORY OF POETIC DICTION. A Study of Historical ad Personal background of the Lyrical ballads. New Haven: Yale U.P.,1917. xv,191pp. wrappers. chipped. 4,200 1971 WORDSWORTH (W.): BEATTY (F.) WILLIAM WORDSWORTH OF RYDAL MOUNT. London, J.M.Dent & Sons, 1939. 307pp. with d/w. 4,000 1972 WORDSWORTH (W.): BROUGHTON (L.N.)(Ed.) SOME LETTERS OF THE WORDSWORTH FAMILY. NOW FIRST PUBLISHED. With a few unpublished letters of coleridge and Southey and others. Cornell.U.P,1942. x,131pp. The character of the title has disappeared on spine. otherwise clean copy. 15,000 1973 WORDSWORTH (W.): FAUSSET (H.I.) THE LOST LEADER. A Study of Wordsworth. London: Jonathan Cape, 1933. 447pp. 4,000 1974 WORDSWORTH (W.): KNIGHT (W.)(Ed.) WORDSWORTHIANA. A Selection from papers read to the Wordsworth Society. London: Macmillan & Co., 1889. xxiv,352pp. sm.8vo. 5,000 1975 WORDSWORTH (W.): MCFARLAND (T.)(Ed.) ROMANTICISM AND THE FORMS OF RUIN, Wordsworth, coleridge, and modalities of fragmentation. N.Jersey: Princeton U.P., 1981. xxvi,432pp. lar.8vo. with dust cover. 11,000 1976 WORDSWORTH (W.): MILES (J.) WORDSWORTH AND THE VOCABULARY OF EMOTION. N.Y.: Octagon Books, 1965. 181pp. 3,000 1977 WORDSWORTH (W.): SMITH (E.) AN ESTIMATE OF WILLIAM WORDSWORTH, By His Contemporaries 1793-1822. Oxford: Blackwell, 1932. 371pp. o/p. 3,500 1978 WRIGHT (E.M.) RUSTIC SPEECH AND FOLK-LORE. Oxford U.P., 1914. 2nd Impression. xx,341pp. original blue cloth. ex-library. 5,250 1979 WRIGHT (R.) NATIVE SON. New York: Grosset & Dunlap. 1940. First ed, cr,8vo. lii,357pp. with dust-cover. 3,000 1980 YAMAGUCHI (H.)(Ed.) A READER'S GUIDE TO ANGLIA. A Classified General Index to volumes I-XLV with Explanatory Notes & Quotations. Tokyo: Shinozaki Shorin, 1966. 320pp. a bit scratched on title. 4,200 1981 YATES (F.A.) THEATRE OF THE WORLD. Chicago U.P., 1969. with illusts. 218pp. 1982 YEATS (W.B.) ESSAYS. London: Macmillan, 1924. First Ed. Cover design by Charles Ricketts. 538pp. dw (sl. chipped) 21,000 1983 YEATS (W.B.) IN THE SEVEN WOODS. Being Poems Chiefly of the Irish Heroic Age. N.Y: Macmillan 1903. First American ed, 87pp. cover scuffed. text is clean. 4,000 - 144 - 11,000 1984 YEATS (W.B.) LAST POEMS AND TWO PLAYS. Dublin: Cuala press, 1939. First Ed. Limited to 500 copies. 58pp. Blue boards and linen spine. good. 80,000 1985 YEATS (W.B.) REVERIES OVER CHILDHOOD & YOUTH. London: Macmillan,1917.2nd Ed. viii,213pp. Sm.8vo. original pictorial cloth. sl.spotted. 5,000 1986 YEATS (W.B.) STORIES OF RED HANRAHAN AND THE SECRET ROSE. London: Macmillan, 1927. First ed. 35 black and white plates and two full-page, colored plates.Illustrated & Decorated by Norah McGuinness. 182pp. pictorial cover. with dust-cover. 65,000 1987 YEATS (W.B.) THE KING'S THRESHOLD. Shakespeare Head Press, 1911. First Ed. 40pp. sm.8vo. wrappers. sl. chipped. 7,500 1988 YEATS (W.B.): CURTIS (J.)(Ed.) THE LAND OF HEART'S DESIRE. Manuscript Materials. Cornell.U.P,2002. xxxiv,273pp. dw. as new 8,400 1989 YEATS (W.B.): DURYEE (M.B.) WORDS ALONE ARE CERTAIN GOOD. Himself, the Poet, his Ghost. Dublin: The Dolmen press, 1961. First Ed. Limited to 500 copies. title vignette woodcut printed in red. 45pp. cr.8vo. Linen backed blue paper boards. 12,000 1990 YEATS (W.B.): GWYNN (S.)(Ed.) SCATTERING BRANCHES. Tributes to the Memory of W.B.Yeats. N.Y.: Macmillan, 1940. First ed. 229pp. Cloth-backed marbled paper boards 4,000 1991 YEATS (W.B.): OSHIMA (S.) W.B.YEATS AND JAPAN. Tokyo: the Hokuseido Press. 1965. First ed, Limited Ed, 4to. 198pp. original cloth. dust-cover. slipcase. stamped of Tokuboku Hirata on end-paper. 12,000 1992 YEATS (W.B.): PHILLIPS (C.)(Ed.)THE HOUR-GLASS. Manuscript Materials. Cornell.U.P,1994. xxxviii,462pp. dw. as new 6,300 1993 YEATS (W.B.): WADE (A.)(Ed.) THE LETTERS OF W.B.YEATS. N.Y.: Octagon Books, 1980. 938pp. lar.8vo. fly leaf Ojima's stamped. 15,750 1994 YOUNG (E.): PETTIT (H.)(Ed.) THE CORRESPONDENCE OF EDWARD YOUNG 1683-1765. Oxford C.P., 1971. xi,624pp. 3,000 1995 ZWEIG (S.) GESAMMELTE WERKE IN EINZELBANDEN. S.Fischer,1982. 10 vols. cr.8vo. in slip-case. 18,000 1996 [LA ROCHE-GUIHEN (Annw de)]: THE HISTORY OF FEMALE FAVOURITES. of Mary de Padilla..and Nantilda..Julia Farnesa..Agnes Soreau..and Nantilda. London: Printed for C.Parker, 1772. (4),324pp. contemporary full calf. scarce. 85,000 ◆◆◇◇ ILLUSTRATED BOOKS ◇◇◆◆ 1997 ALKEN (H.)(Illust) JORROCKS'S JAUNTS AND JOLLITIES. The Hunting, Shooting, Racing, Driving, Sailing, eccentric and Extravagant Exploits of that Renowned sporting citizen Mr. John Jorrocks. London: G.Routledge, 1893. 16 coloured illustrations by Henry Alken. viii,291pp. Roy.8vo. (26 x 16.5cm) recent 3/4morocco. sl spotted. - 145 - 39,900 1998 AUDUBON: PETERSON (R.T.)(Intro.& Commentaries) AUDUBON BIRDS OF AMERICA. From the Original Double Elephant Folio Large Poster Size 50 Suitable for Framing. An Artabras Book. N.Y.: Crown pub., 1978. color illusts. 104pp. folio. pb. corners bit bumped. 1999 3,000 AUSTEN (J.)(Illust.) THE INFERNAL MARRIAGE. By Disraeli the Younger. London: W.Jackson, 1929. Limited to 850 copies. with 5 coloured plates. 85pp. (26 x 18cm) spine vellum. 15,000 2000 BATE (P.H.) THE ENGLISH PRE-RAPHAELITE PAINTERS. Their Associates and Successors. London: G.Bell & Sons, 1899. First Ed. 91 illustrations. 126pp. 4to. original gilt decorated cover. text bit spotted. 2001 16,800 BEARDSLEY (A.) THE YELLOW BOOK. An Illustrated Quarterly. April 1894 - April 1897. Poetry and prose contributions by Henry James, W.B.Yeats, Max Beerhohm, Arthur Symons, Ernest Dowson and Lionel Johnson. London: Elkin Mathews, 1894-1897. 13 vols. cover designs of the first five volumes by Aubrey Beardsley. Reproductions of drawings and paintings by Beardsley and others. original yellow pictorial cloth. a good set. 290,000 2002 BEARDSLEY (A.): MALORY (T.) LE MORTE DARTHUR. Imprinted by W.Caxton, Introduction by Rhys. London: J.M.Dent, 1909. Second Beardsley,ed., (First one volume ed.) Limited to 1500 copies. 20 plates (5 double-page)numberous text-illustrations, 624pp. 4to. (26 x 20.5cm) original greendecorative cloth,gilt,top edge gilt. 2003 BEARDSLEY (A.): WEINTRAUB (S.) BEARDSLEY. A Biography. New York: Braziller, 1967. with illustrations. xv,285pp. with dust cover. 2004 189,000 9,800 BLAKE (W.): BINYON (L.) THE ENGRAVED DESIGNS OF WILLIAM BLAKE. London: E.Benn, 1926. First Ed. with 20 plates in colour and 62 in collotype. xiv,140pp. 4to. with dust cover. 2005 25,000 BOCCACIO (G.) AMOROUS FIAMMETTA. Reprinted from the Original English Edition. Translation of Bartholomew Young (1587). Now Editied with an Introduction by K.H.Josling. London: The Mandrake press, 1929. Limited to 550 copies. 20 full page beautifully chromolithographed plates, all by M. Leone.160pp. 4to. full green calf.all edge gilt. with slip case. very fine copy. 2006 65,000 BOSSCHERE ( FLAUBERT(G.) THE FIRST TEMPTATION OF SAINT ANTHONY. with an introduction by E.b.Osborn. London: John Lane, 1924. Limited Ed. (No.25)7 colour plates, 4 sepia-tone Gravures & Numerous Drawings by Bosschere. 231pp. (24.8 x 16cm) red decorated cloth. 2007 18,900 BROCKIE (K.) KEITH BROCKIE'S WILDLIFE SKETCHBOOK. London: J.M.Dent, 1981. color illusts. 130pp. 4to. dw. 2008 3,000 CALLE (P.) THE PENCIL by Paul Calle. published by North Light pub., Distributed by WatsonGuptill, 1974. many drawings. 160pp. 4to. dw. - 146 - 3,000 2009 CARROLL (L.) THE NURSERY "ALICE". containing Twenty Coloured Enlargements from Tenniel's Illustrations "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" with Text Adapted to Nursery Readers by Lewis Carroll. (1889) Tokyo: Holp Shuppan, 1983. Facsimile Edition reproduced from The Osborne Collection of Early Children's Books. color illus. 56pp. 4to. pictorial boards. 2010 3,000 CEZANNE (PAUL) VOLLARD(Ambroise)PAUL CEZANNE. Paris, Ambroise vollard, 1915. First of 650 numbered copies, (No.539.) Illustrated with an original hors-texte etching "Te de Jeune Fille" 58 excellent full-page heliogravure plates (2 in colors) + 107 reproductions; plates with tissue guards with printed titles & Specimen include a etching plate. 4to. 187,(iii)pp. original wrapper. in the modern slip case. cleane copy. 2011 CHAUNDKER (F.): 450,000 MACKENZIE (T.) ARTHUR AND HIS KNIGHTS. London: Nisbet.N.d., (Ca1920)with 8 Mounted beautiful colour plates by Thomas Mackenzie. roy,8vo. 311pp. original green cloth. sl. spotted. 2012 6,300 CHING (R.): HANSARD (P.) THE ART OF RAYMOND CHING. London: Collins, 1981. color illusts. 193pp. lar.4to. dw. in original pictorial case. fine. 15,000 2013 CRANE (W.)(Illust.): WISE (T.J.)(Ed.) SPENSER'S FAERIE QUEENE. London: G.Allen Ruskin House, 1897. Limited Ed. 18 parts in 6 vols. 4to. gilt pictorial cloth designed by Crane. top edge gilt. spine rubbed & heavy faded. sl.stained. 185,000 2014 DAUMIER (H.) LES CENT ET UN ROBERT-MACAIRE. sur les Idees et les Legendes de M.Ch.Phillipon, reduits et lithographies par M.M.***; texte par MM.Maurice Alhoy et Louis Huart. Paris: Aubert et Cie, 1839-40. 2 tomes in 1. with 101 b/w illustrations. 4to. (28 x 23cm) 3/4 morocco with marbled boards. slightly stained. 157,500 2015 DULAC (E.)(Illust.): POE (E.A.) THE POETICAL WORKS OF EDGAR ALLAN POE. (ca.1912) N.Y.: Weathervane Books, 1978. color plates with drawing illusts. u.p. 4to. pictorial blown cloth with dust jacket(edges sl.wear). text fine. 4,500 2016 DULAC (E.)(Illust.):FITZGERALD (E.) RUBAIYAT OF OMAR KHAYYAM. Rendered into English Verse by Edward Fitzgerald. London: Hodder & Stoughton, n.d(ca1909)Printed from the 2nd Kind Permission of Messrs. with decorations and 20 colour illustrations by Dulac. 4to. original cloth, decorated gilt on front cover. 68,000 2017 DUVOISIN (R.)(illus.): TRESSELT (Alvin) WHITE SNOW BRIGHT SNOW. N.Y.: Lothrop, Lee & Shepard, (1947). Reprint edition. Illustrated by Roger Duvoisin. illustrated eps; color illustrations; 33p. Fine in Fine dj. Large 4to; blue boards; Silver Caldecott Honor Book seal on dj front. 7,000 2018 FISH (W.H.)(Illust,): FRANKAU (G.) ONE OF US. A Novel in Verse. London: Chatto & Windus. 1917. First Ed.,Limited to 110 copies. signed by author and illustrator Fish. with frontisepiece and 8 b/w platesix,174pp. original white parchment. quite worn. 2019 6,300 FLINT (W.) THE SONG OF SONGS, which is Solomon's now printed in the authorised version. London: Philop Lee Warner. Publisher to the Medici Society, re-issue. (1909). 1913. with 10 colour plates. xi,(iii),66,(ii)pp. Roy.8vo. original red cloth. cover soiled. - 147 - 6,000 2020 HORNUNG (C.P.) HANDBOOK OF EARLY ADVERTISING ART. Mainly From American Sources. N.Y.: Dover pub., 1956. 3rd Ed. many drawings. xlv,248pp. 4to. dw. 2021 3,000 KING (M.) KING'S HAND-BOOK OF BOSTONCambridge Ma: Moses King. 1883. 5th ed,revised and enlarged. with b/w illustrations and a map. 387pp. original dark brown cloth covers. 4,000 2022 LACROIX (P.) XVIIIe SIECLE INSTITUTIONS USAGES ET COSTUMES. France 1700-1739. Ouvrage illustre de 21 Chromolithographies et de 350 gravues sur bois. Paris:librairie de Fiminpdidot Freres. 1875. First ed, with 21 chromoloithographs and 350 woodengravings. 520pp. 4to. half morocco. gilt decorated cover. 38,000 2023 MARTIN (C.)(Illust.): TOULET (P.J.) LE MARIAGE DE DON QUICHOTTE. Paris: La renaissance du Livre. 1922. Limited to 775 copies. with 9 coloured plates. 4to. 210pp. half red morocco. good. 60,000 2024 PEAKE (M.)(Illust.) PRAYERS AND GRACES. a little book of extraordinary piety, collected by allen M.Laing. London: Victor Gollancz. 1944. First ed, with illustrations. 63pp. 12mo. original blue cloth, with dust-cover. 5,000 2025 SITWELL (S.) & BLUNT (W.) GREAT FLOWER BOOKS, 1700-1900. A Bibliographical Record of Two Centuries of Finely-Illustrated Flower Books. N.Y.: Atlantic Monthly, 1990. with many illustrations. 189pp. 4to. with dust cover. 8,000 2026 STAHL (B.F.)(Illus.): ANDERSON (S.) WINESBURG, OHIO. with an introduction by Malcolm Cowley. N.Y.: The Limited Editions Club.,1978. Limited edition. signed by the illustrater. 13 full pgae b/w Illustrations by Ben F.Stahl. 152pp. 4to. half leather. with slip case. 25,000 2027 SURTEES : [SURTEES (R.S.)] SURTEES WORKS, ASK MANNA: Or, the Richest Commoner in England. 1858. HANDEY CROSS: Or, Mr.Jorrocks's Hunt. 1854. MR.SPONGE'S SPORTING TOUR: PLAIN OR RINGLETS?: HAWBUCK GRANGE: Or, the Sporting Adventures of Thomas Scott, ESQ. Mr.ROMFORD'S HOUNDS: 1847. London: Bradbury,Agnew, 1852. altogether 6 vols. numerous illustrations by John Leech, Phiz & H.K.Browne. 3/4 morocco. gilt stamped on decorated spine. fine binding. 150,000 2028 SWEETSER (M.F.) KING'S HANDBOOK OF BOSTON HARBOR. Cambrdge ,Mass: Moses King. 1882. First ed, with over 200 illustrations. 268pp. original cloth. 2029 5,000 SWINBURNE (A.C.) ATALANTA IN CALYDON. London: Chatto & Winus,1899. New Ed. xvi,98pp. contemporary full red calf, gilt lettering to spine, gilt tooled edges,inside gilt corner ornaments. marbled endpapers. bound by Rumpus Ltd. 2030 29,400 THEAKER (H.G.)(Illust) THE INGOLDSBY LEGEENDS OR MIRTH AND MARVELS. London: Macmillan,1911. 16 fullpage colour illustrations. 545pp. 3/4 calf. gilt spine. 5 raisedd bands. spine faded. otherwise good copy. 2031 35,000 THOMAS (G.)(illus.): GOLDSMITH (O.) THE VICAR OF WAKEFIELD. A Tale. London: J.Cundall, 1855. b/w Illustrated by G.Thomas. 219pp. original gilt decorated cloth. page sl. spotted. 20,000 - 148 - 2032 THOMSON (H.)(Illust.): ALLEN (J.L.) A KENTUCKY CARDINAL AND AFTERMATH. London: Macmillan, 1901. xxxii,286pp. sm.8vo. gilt pictorial cloth, all edges gilt.some spotted. 9,500 2033 TRISTRAM (W.Outram) COACHING DAYS AND COACHING WAYS. London: Macmillan, 1888. With Illustrations by H.Railton & H.Thomson. xiii,367pp. 4to. 3/4 green-morocco with cloth. decorative spine. gilt top. 2034 55,000 WILSON (E.A.)(Illust.): DEFOE (D.) THE LIFE AND STRANGE SURPRISING ADVENTURES OF ROBINSON CRUSOE OF YORK, MARINER. Introduction by F.M.Ford. N.Y.: The Limited Editions Club, 1930. Limited 1500 copies. signed by Wilson. 382pp. 4to. full green morocco. with slip case. 85,000 ◆◆◇◇ CHILDREN BOOKS ◇◇◆◆ 2035 A BIT OF GREEN: OR, THE STORY OF LAME WILLIAM AND HIS MUSK PLANT. Philadelphia: American Sunday-School Union, n.d.(ca.1870) with illustrations. 29pp. 16mo. original red cloth. 2036 3,000 BEDFFORD (D.)(Illust,) MACDONALD (G.) AT THE BACK OF THE NORTH WIND. New York: The Macmillan. 1924. with colour frontispiece and 12 full page b/w illustrations in the text. cr,8vo.376pp. original blue cloth. 2037 6,300 BINGHAM (J.M.)WRITERS FOR CHILDREN. Critical Studies of Major Authors Since the 17th century. N.Y: CScribner's, 1988.Second Printing. 661pp. 4to. with dust-cover. 2038 4,500 BOHNY (N.)(with Explanations) THE NEW PICTURE BOOK BEING PICTORIAL LESSONS on Form, Comparison, and Number, for Children under Seven Years of Age. (Edinburgh, 1858) Tokyo: Holp Shuppan, 1983. Facsimile Edition reproduced from The Osborne Collection of Early Children's Books. color illus. u.p. oblong.lar.4to. cloth with pictorial boards. 2039 4,000 CRAWFORD (M.)(Pictures): BRIAN (B.) CUB SCOUTS. with a Foreword by Ben Satzman. N.Y.: Golden Press, 1959. color illusts. u.p. square.8vo. pictorial boards. previous owner's name. 3,000 2040 DOYLE (R.)(Illust.): ALLINGHAM (W.)(with a Poem by) IN FAIRYLAND. A Series of Pictures from the Elf-World. (London:Longmans,Green,1870) Tokyo: Holp, 1985. One of a Osborne Collection. with illus. 31pp. lar.4to.(37 x 27.5cm) all edge gilt. 2041 11,550 FRIEDRICH=GRONAU (L.)(illus.) ALLE FAHRE NOIEDER. Ein Weihnachtsbilderbuch von Lore F.=Gronau. Mainz: Scholz, n.d. board color illus.throughout. 8pp. (23 x 21.3cm) original pictorial boards. corners bumped. 2042 12,600 GORDON (M.) A PAPER OF PINS. London: Macmillan, 1975. color illus. 4to. dw. - 149 - 3,000 2043 GREENAWAY (K.): SCHUSTER (T.E.) & ENGEN (R.) PRINTED KATE GREENAWAY. A Catalogue Raisonne. London:T.E.Schuster,1986. many coloured & b/w plates. 304pp. lar.8vo. (25.5 x 19.5cm) dw. 2044 GRENZ 19,000 (D.)(Hrsg.) AUFKLARUNG UND KINDERBUCH. Studien zur Kinder- Jugendliteratur. Pinneberg: Renate Raecke, 1984. 368pp. Roy.8vo. wrappers. 2045 GRIMM: PEAKE (M.)(Illust) GRIMM'S HOUSEHOLD TALES. London: und 3,000 Eyre and Spottiswoode,1946. First Ed., 56 drawings and 5 coloured plates. 303pp. 21 x 18cm. full morocco. gilt spine. top edge gilt. special picture frame compartmente in front cover. 88,000 2046 HUTCHINS (P.) CHANGES, CHANGES. N.Y.: Macmillan pub., 1971. color illus. u.p. oblong.4to. sl.spotted. 2047 3,000 LE CAIN (E.)(Illust.) BEAUTY AND THE BEAST. Retold by rosemary Harris. London: faber and faber. 1979. First Ed, coloured illustration's plates. oblong 4to. nice copy. 2048 LE CAIN (Errol) THE CABBAGE PRINCESS. London: Faber & Faber, 1969. First UK Ed. full color. u.p. original pictorial cloth with dust jacket. fine condition. 2049 18,000 LE CAIN (Errol)(retold & illus.) THE WHITE CAT. London: Faber & Faber, 1973. full color. u.p. oblong.4to. original pictorial boards. dw.(spine faded) 2050 3,000 7,000 LEISTER (M.)(Written) THE SILENT CONCERT. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1970. color illus. Illustrated by Yoko Mitsuhashi. u.p. oblong.4to. with worn dust cover(spine chipped). 4,000 2051 LINDGREN (B.) & LANDSTROM (O.) ABER BENNY! Deutsch bon A.Kutsch. Hamburg: F.Oetinger, 1999. coloor illus. u.p. 4to. pictrial boards. 2052 LIONNI (Leo) THE GREENTAIL MOUSE. Pantheon Books, 1973. color illusts throghout. u.p. 4to. publisher's pictorial boards. 2053 3,000 3,000 LIPKIND (William) & MORDVINOFF (Nicolas) FINDERS KEEPERS by Will and Nicolas. N.Y.: Harcourt,Brace & World, 1951. color illus. u.p. 4to. dw. sl.foxing. 3,000 2054 LOBEL (A.) GIANT JOHN. N.Y.: Harper & Row, 1964. color illusts. u.p. 4to. with dj. 4,000 2055 LOBEL (Anita)(pictures): LOBEL (Arnold) A TREEFUL OF PIGS. London: Julia MacRae Books, 1980. First UK Ed. full color. u.p. oblong.4to. original pictorial boards. 2056 3,000 MANNING-SANDERS (R.) A BOOK OF WITCHES. N.Y.: E.P.Dutton, 1966. Drawings by Robin Jacques. 126pp. lar.8vo. dw(bit chipped). sl.foxing. - 150 - 3,000 2057 MAYROCKER (F.) & KAUFMANN (A.) PEGAS DAS PFERD. Salzburg: Bilderbuchstudio Verlag Neugebauer Press, 1980. color illus. u.p. oblong.4to. pictorial boards. 2058 McKEE (David) 123456789 BENN. London: Dennis Dobson, 1970. color & B/W illusts. u.p. 4to. original pictorial boards with dust jacket. fine. 2059 6,300 McKEE (David)(story & pictures) THE MAGICIAN WHO LOST HIS MAGIC. London: AbelardSchuman, 1970. color & B/W illusts. u.p. 4to. original yellow cloth with dj. 2060 3,000 4,000 MILNE (A.A.): SHEPARD (E.H.)(Decorated)THE CHRISTOPHER ROBIN BIRTHDAY BOOK. London: Methuen,1930.First Ed.,throughout illustrated by E.H.Shepard. 3/4 calf over flower boards.Leather stained on both sides of the middle of the spine (2 cm.) Spine with one very small scuff mark (2-3 mm.) under gold stamped owl. Head and tail of spine slightly worn.. by Sangorshi & sutcliffe binding. with matching flower boards slip case. owner's scrached. 2061 45,000 MITSUHASHI (Y.)(illus.): TITUS (E.) THE TWO STONECUTTERS. Freely Adapted from the Japanese by Eve Titus. N.Y.: Doubleday, 1967. signed by Yoko Mitsuhashi(presentation copy). u.p. oblong.4to. pictorial boards with dj(sl.chipped). 2062 MORDILLO (G.) LE GIRAFFE. Milano: Emme Edizioni S.p.A., 1974. color illus. u.p. 4to. pictorial boards. sl.foxing. 2063 3,000 MUNARI (B.) NEVER CONTENT. (1945) Corraini Editore. Mantova: Maurizio Corraini, 2001. reprint. lar.4to. paperback. 2064 5,000 NORTON (M.) THE BORROWERS AFIELD. London: J.M.Dent & Sons, 1955. With illustrations by D.Stanley. 194pp. sm.8vo.(20.5 x 14.5cm) with dust cover. fine copy. 2065 3,000 PAPAS: NO MULES by Papas. Oxford U.P., 1967. First Ed. u.p. 4to. original pictorial boards with dj. 2067 4,000 PAPAS: TASSO by Papas. Oxford U.P., 1966. full color. u.p. lar.4to. original pictorial boards with dj. 2068 3,000 PAPAS: THE ZOO by Papas. Oxford U.P., 1974. First Ed. u.p. 4to. original pictorial boards with dj. 2069 12,000 OPIE (I.& P.)(Ed.) THE OXFORD DICTIONARY OF NURSERY RHYMES. Oxford C.P., 1973. xxvii,467pp. dw. owner's signed. 2066 3,000 4,000 PAPAS: WALSH (P.)(story by) FREDDY THE FELL ENGINE by Papas. Oxford U.P., 1966. First Ed. u.p. 4to. original pictorial boards with dj. cover sl.stained. - 151 - 5,000 2070 PIATTI (C.) THE HAPPY OWLS a legend. London: Ernest Benn, 1979. 7th imp. color illus. u.p. oblong.4to. sl.foxing. 2071 PINCUS (H.)(Pictures): 3,000 GRIMM (Bros.)(Story) LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD. Harcourt,Brace, 1968. color illus. u.p. dw. 2072 POTTER (B.): LANE (M.) THE TALE OF BEATRIX POTTER. A Biography by Margaret Lane. London: F.Warne, 1976. with 8 colour and 30 b/w plates. 174pp. with dust-cover. 2073 3,000 PROVENSEN (A.& M.) MY LITTLE HEN. London: Collins, 1974. full color. u.p. sm.4to. original yellow cloth with pictorial dust jacket. 2075 6,000 PROKOFJEW (S.) PETER UND DER WOLF. (1958) Munchen: Parabel Verlag, 1976. Illustrationen von Frans Haacken. sm.4to. pictorial boards. 2074 N.Y.: 3,000 4,000 PROVENSEN (Alice & Martin)(Stories & Pictures) THE ANIMAL FAIR. London: Golden Pleasure Books, 1962. color illus. 76pp. lar.4to. cloth spine with publisher's pictorial boards. spine & cover edges rubbed. 2076 3,000 REIDEL (M.)(illus.) WO ALLE AUF DIE SONNE WARTEN. Zwolf Monatsbilder von Marlene Reidel zu Gedichten von Gesa Brunkow. Edition Neugebauer im Hermann Schroedel verlag, 1979. color illus. u.p. 4to. pictorial boards. foxing. 2077 3,000 REINL (E.)(Illust): BLUMEN EIS BLUMEN. Textbearbeitung Silvius. Hermann Schroedel, 1978. color illus. u.p. pictorial boards. 2078 3,000 RICE (Eve)(story & pictures) NEW BLUE SHOES. London: the Bodley Head, 1977. First UK Ed. u.p. sm.4to. original pictorial boards. 2079 4,,200 RICHARDSON (F.)(Illus.) MOTHER GOOSE The Original Volland Edition. Arranged and Edited by E.O.Grover. N.Y.: Derrydale Books, 1984. color illus. u.p. 4to. pictorial boards. endpaper sl.foxing. 2080 4,000 RICHARDSON (F.)(Illust,) MOTHER GOOSE. Re-arranged and Edited in this Form by E.O.Grover. New York: The P.F.Volland. 1915. First ed, with full page lith illustrations through out book. folio. original green cloth hard cover with pictorial colour paste-down. 8,000 2081 ROBINSON (C.)(Illust.) & SETOVN (C.) THE CHILD WORLD. London: Iohn Lane, 1896. 1st Edition. With numerous illustration by C.Robinson. cr.8vo.(18.3 x 13cm) full calf. top edge gilt. - 152 - 171pp.+11p(illustrated advts.) 35,000 2082 ROBINSON (W.H.)(Illust.) HEATH ROBINSON'S BOOK OF GOBLINS. London: Hutchinson & Co., (ca.1934). First Ed. With over 50 b/w drawings by Heath Robinson & 7 wonderful colour plates. 239pp. demy 4to. (25 x 19cm) original cloth. 2083 SASEK (M.) THIS IS VENICE. W.H.Allen, 1961. First Ed.,colour illustrated throughout. 60pp. 4to. pictorial boards. top of spine chipped. dw. (sl. chipped) 2084 45,000 7,000 Scandinavia: ANDERSEN (H.C.) TALES AND FAIRY STORIES. translated by Madame de Chatelain. London: Routledge. 1853. First ed, 2nd issue. with 8 plates. illustrated by Henry Warren. vi,402pp. sm.8vo. half calf over marbled boards. rebackked. 2085 24,000 SENDAK (M.)(Illust,): DeJONG (M.) HARRY HOME,CANDY. New York; Harper & Brothers. 1953. First ed, with numerous illustrations in the text. 244pp. original green cloth. dust jacket chipped and repair, front cover water staing. 2087 12,000 STARK (G.)(illus.): MI CANCION ES UN PEDAZO DE JADE. Poemas del Mexico antiguo. Adaptacion de textos Toni de Gerez. Editorial Novaro, 1981. color illus. u.p., 4to. dw. sl.foxing. 2088 3,500 TARRANT (Margaret W.)(Illus.) MOTHER GOOSE Nursery Rhymes. London: Ward,Lock & co., n.d. with 15 Colour Plates. 127pp. 4to. with dj(sl.rubbed). 2089 5,000 TUER (A.W.) HISTORY OF THE HORN BOOK. London: Leadenhall press, 1896. First Ed. 2 vols. with seven sample horn books. A frontispiece, coloured pictorial title-pages in each volume. 4to.original full vellum,top edge gilt in slip-case. fine copy. 2090 262,500 WHALLEY (J.I.) COBWEBS TO CATCH FLIES. Illustrated Books for the Nursery and Schoolroom 1700-1900. LONDON; Elek,1974. b/w illustrations. 163pp. 4to. dw. chipped. 3,000 2091 WOODWARD (A.B.)(Illust): BRAINE (A.E.)TO TELL THE KING THE SKY IS FALLING. London:Blackie & son, (1896) numerous illusts.171pp. original pictorial cloth. 2092 9,500 WUNDERLICH (R.) THE PINOCCHIO CATALOGUE. Being a Descriptive Bibliography and printing History of English Language Translations and other renditions appearing in the United States 1892-1987. Greenwood, 1988. xiii,228pp. 2093 10,500 [OSBORNE COLLECTION]: DEAN & SON'S PANTOMIME TOY BOOKS WITH CINDERELLA. with Five Set Scenes and Nine Trick Changes. Tokyo: Holp Shuppan, 1983. Facsimile Ed. color printed wrapper. 3,000 - 153 - ◆◆◇◇ ART ◇◇◆◆ 2094 ANTAL (F.) CLASSICISM AND ROMANTICISM. With other studies in Art History. London: Routledge, 1966. 48 photo plates. 198pp. Roy.8vo. with dust cover. 2095 BATTERSBY (M.) THE DECORATIVE TWENTIES. N.Y.: Whitney Libary of design, 1988. colour & b/w illustration throughout. 224pp. 4to. dw. 2096 6,000 3,000 BEATTIE (W.) SCOTLAND. Illustrated in a Series of Views Taken Expressly for This Work by Messrs. T.Allom, W.H.Bartlett and H.M'Culloch. London: G.Virtue, 1838. 2 vols. With engraved vignette title-pages, a folding map, and 118 engraved plates from drawings. 4to. contemporaly 3/4 calf & marbled boards. gilt spine. half title & sl spotted. 2097 95,000 BEISSEL (S.) GESCHICHTE DER VEREHRUNG MARIAS IN DEUTSCHLAND WAHREND DES MITTELALTERS. Ein Beitrag zur Religionswissenschaft und Kunstgeschichte. Darmstadt: W.Buchgesellschaft, 1972. 677pp. fine. 2098 BISHOP (R.) & COBLENTZ (P.) AMERICAN DECORATIVE ARTS. 360 years of Creative Design. N.Y.: H.N.Abrams, 1982. with numerous photos. 405pp. 4to with dust jacket. 2099 6,820 BOTANICAL COLOR PLATE: ANDERSON (J.) "MADRESFIELD COURT GRAPE" from 'Practical Gardener' Plate No.9. color lithograph. London, 1860. 2101 10,500 BOSANQUET (B.) A HISTORY OF AESTHETIC. London: S.Sonnenschein, 1892. First Ed. xxiii,502pp. lar.8vo. scratched. text sl.foxed. 2100 11,000 20,000 BOTTICELLI (S.): BINYON (L.) THE ART OF BOTTICELLI. An Essay in Pictorial Criticism. London: Macmillan, 1913. Limited to 275 copies. Singed. with 23 coloured plates and a original etching plate by Muirhead Bone. 166pp. folio. half vellum. 2102 75,000 BOTTICELLI: DEMPSEY (C.) THE PORTRAYAL OF LOVE. Botticelli's Primavera and Humanist Culture at the time of Lorenzo the Magnificent. Princeton U.P., 1992. xiv,173pp. sm.4to. dw. 15,000 2103 BRAQUE: LE POINT. XLVI. OCTOBRE 1953. 48pp. wrappers. 3,000 2104 BREHIER (L.) LA SCULPTURE ET LES ARTS MINEURS BYZANTINS. Paris: les Editions D'Art et D'Histoire, 1936. 109 + 96 B/W photo-plates. lar.4to. 3/4 calf. calf & boards edges wear. fore-edges sl.spotted. exlibrary. 2105 CARTER (D.) THE SYMBOL OF THE BEAST. The Animal-Style Art of Eurasia. N.Y.: Ronald Press, 1957. with B/W illusts. 204pp. 4to. 2106 6,000 6,090 CHESNEAU (E.) THE ENGLISH SCHOOL OF PAINTING. Translated by L.N.Ehterington. with preface by Ruskin. London: Cassell, 1887. 3rd Ed. xliii,336pp. - 154 - 8,500 2107 CLEMENT (C.E.) A HANDBOOK OF LEGENDARY AND MYTHOLOGICAL ART. N.Y:hurd and Houghton,1871. 3rd Ed.With descriptive illustrations. x,510pp. sm.8vo. original cloth. 6,000 2108 COURTHION (P.) LES IMPRESSIONNISTES. Chef-D'Oeuvre de la Peinture. Fernand Nathan, 1982. with illusts. 183pp. lar.4to. dw. 2109 DERRIDA (J.) THE TRUTH IN PAINTING. Translated by G.Bennington and Ian McLeod. Chicago U.P., 1987. 386pp. lar.8vo. pb. 2110 3,150 DUBY (G.) L'HISTOIRE DE PARIS PAR LA PEINTURE. Belfond, 1988.300 colour illustration throughout. 417pp. 4to. dw. with slip case. 2111 18,000 DURER (A.): MOORE (T.S.) ALBRECHT DURER. London: Duckworth. 1911. with illustrated plates. 343pp. original pictorial boards. 2112 3,500 3,000 EARLE (Eyvind) THE COMPLETE GRAPHICS OF EYVIND EARLE.and selected poems and writings by Eyvind Earle 1940-1990. Los Angeles: Robert Bane. 1991. Limited to 400 copies. signed by the Artist. with numerous coloured plates. folio(32x27cm) 365pp. full leather. 2113 12,000 FAUCIGNY-LUCINGE (Jean-Louis de): LEGENDARY PARTIES 1922-1972. Foreword by Brooke Astor. New York: the Vendome Press, 1987. many photo-illusts. 128pp. folio. dw. scarce. 2114 42,000 FOCILLON (H.) L'ART DES SCULPTEURS ROMAN. Recherches sur l'histoire des formes. P.U.F., 1964. nouvelle ed. with many photos. 282pp. 2115 GILBERT (K.E.) & KUHN (H.) A HISTORY OF ESTHETICS Revised and Enlarged. Bloomington: Indiana U.P., 1953. xxi,613pp. dw. sl.soiled. 2116 3,000 GILBERT (M.): QUAY Bros.(illus.) THE NIGHT OF THE TWELFTH. N.Y.: Harper & Row, 1976. jacket illustration by Quay Brothers. 216pp. dw. 2117 5,000 5,000 GOODING (M.)(Ed.) SURREALIST GAMES. Compiled and Presented by A.Brotchie. Boston: Shambhala Redstone Editions, 1993. numerous drawings. 165pp. 12mo. pictorial cream cloth in publisher's card-board box. 2118 3,000 HARTMANN (N.) ASTHETIK. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1966. Zweite, unveranderte Auflage. 476pp. lar.8vo. a few pages. 2119 6,300 HEGEL: BUNGAY (S.) BEAUTY AND TRUTH. A Study of Hegel's Aesthetics. Oxford U.P., 1984. with B/W plates. 235pp. dw. good condition. - 155 - 6,090 2120 HOGARTH (W.): COWLEY (R.S.) MARRIAGE A-LA-MODE. A Re-view of Hogarth's narrative art. Manchester U.P., 1983. with coloured & b/w illusts. 177pp. cr.4to. with dust cover. 5,250 2121 HOGARTH: MOORE (R.E.) HOGARTH'S LITERARY RELATIONSHIP. N.Y: Octagon,1969. 16 illustrations. 202pp. 2122 4,200 HUNTER (Sam)(Introduction) THE MUSEUM OF MODERN ART, NEW YORK The History and the Collection. N.Y.: H.N.Abrams, 1984. numerous photo-illusts. 599pp. 4to. original pictorial cloth with vinyl dust jacket. 2123 4,500 IBISH (Y.) & WILSON (P.L.)(Ed.) TRADITIONAL MODES OF CONTEMPLATION AND ACTION. A Colloquium held at Rothko Chapel Houston Texas. Tehran: Imperial Iranian Academy of Philosophy, 1977. 477pp. lar.8vo. dw. 2124 JODL (FR.): BORNER (W.)(Hrsg.) ASTHETIK DER BILDENDEN KUNSTE. Stuttgt: J.G.Cotta'sche, 1917. Erste ausgabe. 12,407pp. 2125 6,500 KOSUTH (J.) ART AFTER PHILOSOPHY AND AFTER Collected Writings, 1966-1990. edited with an introduction by G.Guercio. MIT, 1993. xlii,289pp. Roy.8vo. pb. 2126 7,140 L'ART DECO EN EUROPE. Societe des expositions du Palais des Beaux-Arts Bruxelles. 3 mars - 28 mai 1989. Bruzelles, Palais des Beaux-arts,1989. colour & b/w illustration throughout. 283pp. 4to. pb. 2127 5,250 4,000 LILLYWHITE (B.) LONDON SIGNS, A Reference Book of London Signs from Earliest Times to About the Mid-Nineteenth Century. London: G.Allen, 1972. 5 colour & 20 mono plates. 696pp. roy.8vo. with dust cover. 2128 8,000 MAINUSCH (H.) ROMANTISCHE ASTHETIK. Untersuchungen zur englischen Kunstlehre des spaten 18.und fruhen 19.Jahrhunderts. Berlin: Gehlen, 1969. 377pp. lar.8vo. 2129 6,500 MICHALOWSKI (K.) FARAS Wall Paintings in the Collection of the National Museum in Warsaw. Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Artystyczno-Graficzne, 1974. with photo-illusts. 329pp. 4to. dw. 2130 10,500 NAUTZ (J.) & VAHRENKAMP (R.)(Hrsg.) DIE WIENER JAHRHUNDERTWENDE. Einflusse Umwelt Wirkungen. Graz: Bohlau, 1993. 968pp. lar.8vo. dw. a thick vol. 2131 5,250 NOGUCHI (Y.) HARUNOBU. London: Elkin Matthews/ Tokyo: Dai-ichi shobo,1927.with 17 collotypes and 15 wood blocks in black and colour. 44pp. Roy.8vo. boards. protect cover. (sl. chipped) 8,000 - 156 - 2132 NOGUCHI (Y.) HIROSHIGE. N.Y: Korin & Kenzan. 1921. Limited to 750 copies. With 19 collotype illustrations and a coloured Frontispiece. 32pp,with plates. boards.protect cover. 2133 Roy.8vo. 15,000 PARK (B.) & GREGORY (Y.) LIVING SCULPTURE. A Record of Expression in the Human Figure. with an historical & descriptive introduction by G.M.Ellwood. London: B.T.Batsford, 1926. with 50 B/W plates. (including fontis.) 32pp. 4to. text some foxing. green cloth spine with grey boards. with gilt decorate. 2134 6,300 PARRISH (M.)(Illust.): MAXFIELD PARRISH'S OFF-SET PLATE II. Woman and Mountain. N.Y.: Reinthal & Newman, n.d. 2135 25,000 PEARSALL (D.) & SALTER (E.) LANDSCAPES AND SEASONS OF THE MEDIEVAL WORLD. London: Paul Elek, 1973. xv,252pp. sm.4to. dw(sl.chipped). bit foxing. 2136 PHYTHIAN (J.E.) FIFTY YEARS OF MODERN PAINTING. COROT TO SARGENT. LONDON: G.RICHARDS,1908. 8 coloured & many plain plates391pp. original cloyth. gilt tops. 2137 6,000 11,000 PIPER (F.) MYTHOLOGIE DER CHRISTLICHEN KUNST von der altesten Zeit bis in's sechzehnte Jahrhundert. Osnabruck: Biblio Verlag, 1972. Neudruck der Ausgabe 1847. 2 vols. sm.8vo. 31,500 2138 postar: HARDIE (M.) & SABIN (A.K.) WAR POSTERS. Issued by Belligerent and Neutral Nations 1914-1919. London: Black, 1920. First Ed. with 80 plates(16 in colour & b/w). 4to, xvi,46pp.a scarce work on world War I Posters. original cloth. 2139 READ (H.) THE PHILOSOPHY OF MODERN ART. Collected Essays. London: Faber & Faber, 1952. 278pp. dw. spotted. 2140 3,000 RICHARD (H.W.) READING EGYPTIAN ART: A Hieroglyphic Guide to Ancient Egyptian painting and Sculpture. N.Y.: Thames & Hudson, 1992. 450 illust. 224pp. Roy.8vo. dw. 2141 10,000 RICKETTS (C.): DELANEY (J.G.P.) CHARLES RICKETTS. A Biography. Ox.C.P.,1990. xxiii,429pp. lar.8vo. with dust cover. 2142 15,000 15,000 ROCKWELL (N.): MOFFATT (L.N.)NORMAN ROCKWELL. A Definitive catalogue. Stockbridge: Norman rockwell Museum,1986.2 vols. 97 colour reproduction and the remainder in B & W.4to. (35 x 27cm) with slip case. 2143 18,000 ROOB (A.) THE HERMETIC MUSEUM: ALCHEMY & MYSTICISM. Taschen, 1997. illustrated throughout. 711pp. sm.8vo. pb. 2144 4,000 SEDLMAYR (H.) EPOCHEN UND WERKE. Gesammelte schriften zur kunstgeschichte. Maander Studienausgabe,1977. 3 Bde. lar.8vo. pb. - 157 - 12,000 2145 SIMMEL (G.): BOHRINGER (H.) & GRUNDER (K.)(Hrsg.) ASTHETIK UND SOZIOLOGIE UM DIE JAHRHUNDERTWENDE: GEORG SIMMEL. Studien zur Literatur und Philosophie des neunzehnnten Jahrhunderts Band 27. Frankfurt: V.Klostermann, 1976. x,281pp. lar.8vo. pb. cover sl.rubbed. 2146 4,200 TARPEL (C.)(texte de) BEAUX VITRAUX DES EGLISES DE FRANCE. (XIIe ai XVe Siecle)Paris: Guy le prat, N.d. 32 full page colour illustrations. 16,32pp. 4to (31.5 x 24cm). cover sl.faded. 2147 6,300 TATARKIEWICZ (W.): HARRELL (J.),BARRETT (C.) & PETSCH (D.)(Ed.) HISTORY OF AESTHETICS. Vol 1:Ancient Aethetics. Vol 2:Medieval Aesthetics. Vol 3:Modern Aesthetics. The Hague: Mouton, 1970. original Ed. 3 vols. roy.8vo. with dust cover. good condition. 2148 38,850 TILGHMAN (B.R.) BUT IS IT ART? The Value of Art and the Temptation of Theory. Blackwell, 1984. 193pp. dw. 2149 3,150 VOGEL (Lucien) & DUFET (M.)(Ed.): FEUILLETS D'ART 1919-1920. 1-6. Litteraire/ theatre/art du dessn/la musique/la mode PARIS: EDITIONS LUCIEN VOGEL, 1919-1922.6 VOLS. Limited to 1500 copies. lar.4to (32.5 x 25.5cm.) original protect boards. with matching box. 2150 380,000 WEITZMANN (K.)(Essays by) STUDIES IN THE ARTS AT SINAI. Princeton U.P., 1982. B/W photo-illusts. 449pp. 4to. paperback. bit foxing. cover corner rubbed. 2151 8,400 WICKWAR (J.W.) WITCHCRAFT AND THE BLACK ART. London: Herbert Jenkins, n.d.. 320pp. Cr.8vo. dw. 2152 4,500 WILLIAMS (Gilda)(Preface) CREAM 3 Contemporary Art in Culture. 10 Curators 100 Contemporary Artists 10 Source Artists. Phaidon, 2003. photo-illusts throughout. 443pp. 4to. black folding boards. 4,000 ◆◆◇◇ BARGAIN BOOKS ◇◇◆◆ ●○ 2000円均一 ○● - 2009年9月末日までの取り扱いとなります。5001 ALDEN (R.M.) ENGLISH VERSE. Specimens illustrating its principles and History. AMS,1970xiv,459pp. 5002 ALTIERI (C.) PAINTERLY ABSTRACTION IN MODERNIST AMERICAN POETRY. The contemporaaneity of Modernism. Cambridge.U.P,1989. with illustrations. 329pp. dw. 5003 APOLLINAIRE (G.) : CALLIGRAMMES. Gallimard,1945. Limited Ed. 204pp. cr.8vo. wrapper. 5004 ARLAND (M.) CE FUT AINNSI. Gallimard,1979. 268pp. sm.8vo. wrapper. - 158 - 5005 AUDEN (W.H.) EPISTLE TO A GODSON. And Other Poems. London: Faber & Faber, 1973. 72pp. fine dw. 5006 AUDEN (W.H.) FOR THE TIME BEING. Faber & Faber, 1946. 124pp. with dust cover. 5007 AUDEN (W.H.) THE AGE OF ANXIETY. A Baroque Eclogue. London: Faber & Faber, 1949. 126pp. with dust cover. 5008 AUDEN (W.H.) THE ENCHAFED FLOOD. Or The Romantic Iconography of the Sea. London: Faber & Faber, 1951. 126pp. with dust cover. spine darkned. endpaper spotted. 5009 AUDEN (W.H.) & GARRETT (J.)(Ed.) THE POET'S TONGUE. London: G.Bell & Sons, 1952. 222pp. cr.8vo. dw.(sl. worn) 5010 AUDEN (W.H.) & ISHERWOOD (C.) ON THE FRONTIER. A Melodrama in three Acts. London: Faber & Faber, 1939. 122pp. uncut. with dust cover. 5011 AUDEN (W.H.) & ISHERWOOD (C.): Mendelson (E.)(Ed.) PLAYS And Other Dramatic Writings by W.H.Auden 1928-1938. Princeton.U.P,1988. xxxiii,,680pp. dw. 5012 AUDEN (W.H.): COLLECTED SHORTER POEMS 1930-1944. London: Faber & Faber, 1950. 303pp. with dust cover. 5013 AUDEN (W.H.): BLOOMFIELD (B.C.) W.H.AUDEN. A Bibliography. The Early Years through 1955. U.P.of Virginia, 1964. 171pp. 5014 AUDEN (W.H.): GINGERICH (M.E.) W.H.AUDEN: A Reference Guide. Boston: G.K.Hall, 1977. 145pp. 5015 AUDEN (W.H.): HOGGART (R.) AUDEN. An Introductory Essay. London: Chatto & Windus, 1951. 256pp. with dust cover. (sl. darkned) 5016 AUDEN (W.H.): SPENDER (S.)(Ed.) W.H.AUDEN. A Tribute. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1975. many photographs. 255pp. 4to. 5017 BALZAC: MAUROIS (A.) PROMETHEE OU LA VIE DE BALZAC. Paris; Flammarion, 1974. b/w photographs. 697pp. lar.8vo. 5018 BAUDELAIRE: QUENNELL (P.) BAUDELAIRE AND THE SYMBOLISTS. London: Chatto & windus,1929. xi,221pp. original cloth sl. worn. with dust cover.(browned) 5019 BAUGH (A.C.) A HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. RKP, 1976. 2nd Ed. 506pp. dw. 5020 BEOWULF: FULK (R.D.)(Ed.) INTERPRETATIONS OF BEOWULF. A Critical Anthology. Indiana U.P., 1991. 282pp. lar.8vo. pb. 5021 BEOWULF: HEYNE (M.) & SCHUCKING (L.L.) BEOWULF. 1.Teil:Text & 3.Teil:Glossar. Hrsg.von Else von Schaubert. Paderborn: F.Schoningh, 1963/61. 2 vols(racked 2.Teil). wr. 5022 BLAKE (W.): BAKER (C.H.C.) CATALOGUE OF WILLIAM BLAKE'S DRAWINGS AND PAINTINGS IN THE HUNTINGTON LIBRARY. San Marino: Huntington Library, 1963. 38 plates. 55pp. 5023 BLAKE (W.): BRUCE (H.) WILLIAM BLAKE IN THIS WORLD. London: Jonathan Cape, 1925. 11 illustrations. 234pp. title page light spotted. 5024 BLAKE (W.): CURRAN (S.) & WITTREICH (J.A.)(Ed.) BLAKE'S SUBLIME ALLEGORY. Essays on the Four Zoas, Milton, & Jerusalem. Wisconsin U.P., 1973. xix,384pp. with dust cover. 5025 BLAKE (W.): FOX (S.) POETIC FORM IN BLAKE'S MILTON. Princeton U.P., 1976. 242pp. dw. - 159 - 5026 BLAKE (W.): KING (J.) WILLIAM BLAKE HIS LIFE. London; Weidenfeld & nicolson,1991. xviii,263pp. dw. 5027 BLAKE (W.): LINDSAY (J.) WILLIAM BLAKE. His Life and Work. London: Constable, 1978. xvii,334pp. dw. 5028 BLAKE (W.): THOMPSON (E.P.) WITNESS AGAINST HE BEAST.WILLIAM BLAKE AND THE MORAL LAW. Cambridge.U.P,1993. xxi,234pp. dw. 5029 BLAKE (W.): WILSON (M.) THE LIFE OF WILLIAM BLAKE. London: Hart-davis,1948. xvi,425pp. dw. 5030 BLUNDEN (E.) THE BONADVENTURE, A Random Journal of an Atlantic Holiday. London: Cobden-Sanderson, 1922. First Ed. 192pp. sm.8vo. edge spotted. 5031 BLUNDEN (E.) THE MIND'S EYE. London: J.Cape, 1934First Ed.284pp. dw.(sl. chipped) 5032 BLUNDEN (E.): WEBB (B.) EDMUND BLUNDEN. A Biography. Yale U.P., 1990. 360pp. Roy.8vo. dw 5033 BOER (C.DE.) SYNTAXE DU FRANCAIS MODERNE. Leiden: Universitaire pers leiden,1947. 352pp. spine faded. 5034 BROWNING (Elizabeth Barrett) SONNETS FROM THE PORTUGUESE. WITH INTRODUCTION AND NOTES BY CHARLOTTE PORTER AND HELEN A.CLARKE. N.Y: T.Y.Crowell,1947. 58pp. 5035 CAWOOD (J.) THE ECLOGUES OF ALEXANDER BARCLAY FROM THE ORIGINAL EDITION. Edited by B.White. Ox.U.P,1960. lxv,272pp. 5036 CHAUCER: BENNETT (H.S.) CHAUCER AND THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY. OX.C.P,1979. 348pp. 5037 CLARK (S.) THE ELIZABETHAN PAMPHLETEERS. Popular Moralistic Pamphlets 1580-1640. London: Fairleigh Dickinson U.P., 1983. 320pp. lar.8vo. 5038 COLLINS (W.W.): SUCKSMITH (H.P.)(Ed.) THE WOMAN IN WHITE. Oxford english novels Oxford.U.P,1975. xxix,624pp. 5039 CONRAD (J.): RESSLER (S.) JOSEPH CONRAD Consciousness and Integrity. New York U.P., 1988. 167pp. lar.8vo. 5040 COOKE (J.)(Ed.) THE DUBLIN BOOK OF IRITHVERSE 1728-1909.DUBLIN: HODGES, FIGGIS & CO.,1924. vii,803pp. cr.8vo. edge spotted. 5041 CRANE (Hart.): WEBER (B.)(Ed.) THE COMPLETE POEMS AND SELECTED LETTERS AND PROSE OF HART CRANE. London: Liveright,1966. 302pp. dw. 5042 DANTE: BATARD (Y.) DANTE MINERVE ET APOLLON. Les images de la divine comedie. Paris: Les belles lettres,1952. 521pp. wrapper. 5043 DANTE: GARDNER (E.G.) DANTE'S TEN HEAVENS. A Study of the Paradiso. London: A.Constable, 1904. xv,351pp. ex library. 5044 DEFOE (D.): MOORE (J.R.) DANIEL DEFOE. Citizen of the Modern world. Univ of Chicago, 1958. xv,,408pp. lar.8vo. dw. 5045 DISRAELI (B.): BOGDANOR (V.)(Ed.)LOTHAIR. Ox.U.P,1975. xxv,387pp. dw. 5046 EICHNER (H.) ROMANTIC AND ITS COGNATES: THE EUROPEAN HISTORY OF A WORD. Toronto U.P., 1972. 536pp. lar.8vo. dw. sl.spotted. - 160 - 5047 ELIOT (T.S.) THE COCKTAIL PARTY. London: Faber, 1950. First ed, signed on title page by K.Kajikawa. 167pp. with dust cover. (browned) 5048 ELIOT (T.S.): COLLECTED POEMS 1909-1935. London: Faber, 1951. 191pp. with dust cover. 5049 ERNOUT (A.) LES ADJECTIFS LATINS. en-osvs et en-vlentvs. Paris: C.Klincksieck,1940. 119pp. wrappr. lar.8vo. 5050 FERRIER (S.): FOLTINEK (H.)(Ed.) MARRIAGE, A NOVEL. Oxford.U.P,1971. xxvi,494pp. 5051 GARY (R.) LES CLOWNS LYRIQUES. Romn. Gallimard,1979. 252pp. wrapper. 5052 GRAVES (R.): TRACY (C.)(Ed.) THE SPIRITUAL QUIXOTE. or the summer's ramble of Mr. Geoffry Wildgoose. a comic Romance. Oxford english novels Oxford.U.P,1967. xxiii,504pp. 5053 GREEN (J.) CE QU'IL FAUT D'AMOUR A L'HOMME. Plon,1978.Limited to 120 copies. 157pp. sm.8vo. wrapper. Clean copy. 5054 GREENE (G.) MONSIGNOR QUIXOTE. London: Bodley head,1982. 220pp. dw. 5055 GREG (W.W.) A LIST OF ENGLISH PLAYS. Written before 1643 and printed before 1700. Haskell,1969. 158pp. 5056 HAMILTON (E.):D'AUVERGNE (E.B.) THE DEAR EMMA. The Story of Emma Lady Hamilton her Husband & her Lovers.G.Harrap,1936. first Ed. 16 photo plates. 290pp. top of spine sl. tears. 5057 HANSEN (W.F.) SAXO GRAMMATICUS & THE LIFE OF HAMLET. Univ of Nebraska, 1983. xiv,202pp. 5058 HARDY (T.)JUDE THE OBSCURE. Introduction by Terry Eagleton. notes by P.N.Furbank, London: Macmillan. 1975. New wessex Ed. xxv,362pp. dw. 5059 HARDY (T.) THE TRUMPET-MAJOR. John Loverdy and Robert his Brother. Macmillan, 1975.349pp. dw. 5060 HARDY (T.) :TESS OF THE D'URBERVILLES. A Pure woman. London, Macmillan, 1970.New Wessex Ed. 400PP. dw. 5061 HARPER (G.M.): GRIGGS (E.L.)(Ed.) WORDSWORTH AND COLERIDGE. Princeton,1939. 254pp. spine rubbed.faded. otherwise good. 5062 HARRISON (J.S.) PLATONISM IN ENGLISH POETRY. Of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth centuries. Russell,1965. 235pp. 5063 HAVERS (W.) HANDBUCH DER ERKLARENDEN SYNTAX. Ein Versuch zur Erforschung der Bedingungen und Triebkrafte in Syntax und Stilistik. Heidelberg: C.Winter, 1931. 292pp. 5064 HEUER (H.) STUDIEN ZUR SYNTAKTISCHEN UND STILISTISCHEN FUNKTION DES ADVERBSBEI CHAUCER UND IM ROSENROMAN. Heidelberg,1932.168pp. wrapper. 5065 HOFFMEISTER (G.)(Ed.) EUROPEAN ROMANTICISM, Literary Cross-Currents, Modes and Models. Wayne State Univ., 1990. 369pp. lar.8vo. dw. 5066 HOLCROFT (T.): FAULKNER (P.))(Ed.) Oxford.U.P,1970xiii,495pp. - 161 - ANNA ST. IVES. Oxford english novels 5067 HOLTHAUSEN (F.)(Ed.) VICES AND VIRTUES. Being a Soul's Confession of its Sins with Reason's Description of the Virtues. a Middle-English dialogue of About 1200A.D.Early english text society: Ox.U.P,1967. 2 vols. wrapper. spine faded. 5068 JAMES (H.) THE GOLDEN BOWL. N.Y:C.Scribner,1937. 2 vols. dw. 5069 JOUFFROY (A.) L'INCURABLE RETARD DES MOTS. Suivi de Discours sur le peude Revolution.J-J P=auvert, 1972. First Ed. 231pp. wrapper. 5070 KIRSCH (A.C.) JACOBEAN DRAMATIC PERSPECTIVES. Univ of virginaia, 1972. 134pp. dw. (spine faded) 5071 LAWREENCE (D.H.: CALLOW (P.) SON AND LOVER. The Young Lawrence. London: Bodley Head,1975.316pp. dw. 5072 LAWRENCE (D.H.) COLLECTED POEMS. N.Y:Jonathan Cape,1929. 2 Vols. cover sl. worn. with slipcase worn. 5073 LAWRENCE (D.H.): LEAVIS (F.R.) D.H.LAWRENCE Novelist. London: Chatto & Windus, 1955. 318pp. dw.(spine faded) 5074 LINES REVIEW. Nos ll-14,15-23. Powma ns xeirix eriixlwa by Leading Scottish writers including David Daiches on the Scottish tradition in Literature. N.Y:Johnson reprint, 1972. 2 vols. 5075 MACDIARMID (H.): GRIEVE (M.) & SCOTT (A.)(Ed.) THE HUGH MACDIARMID ANTHOLOGY. Poems in Scots and English. Routledge,1972. xxiii,295pp. dw. 5076 MAUGHAM (W.S.) TEN NOVELS AND THEIR AUTHORS. London: William Heinemann,1954. 306pp. dw.( chipped) 5077 MORE (T.): FLEISHER (M.) RADICAL REFORM AND POLITICAL PERSUASION IN THE LIFE AND WRITINGS OF THOMAS MORE. Geneve: Droz, 1973. 183pp. lar.8vo. text sl.foxed. 5078 MORGAN (C.) REFLECTIONS IN A MIRROR. First Series. London: Macmillan, 1953. 225pp. cr.8vo. dw. 5079 MORRIS (W.): FAULKNER (P.)(Ed.) WILLIAM MORRIS. The Critical Heritage. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1973. 465pp. with dust cover. 5080 NAPOLI (D.J.) SYNTAX, Theory and Problems. (N.Y.: Oxford Univ.,) 1993. 600pp. pb. 5081 OIZUMI (A.) A CLASSIFIED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WRITINGS ON ENGLISH PHILOLOGY AND MEDIEVAL ENGLISH LITERATURE. based on A.Oizumi's Collection. Tokyo: Nanun-Do, 1966. 108pp. a bit scratched on earlier pages. 5082 OWST (G.R.) LITERATURE AND PULPIT IN MEDIEVAL ENGLAND. A Neglected chapter in the History of english Letters & of the English people. Oxford:Blackwell,1961. 614pp. black cover sl. worn. dw. (spine darkned) 5083 PENG (F.C.C.)(Ed.) SIGN LANGUAGE AND LANGUAGE ACQUISITION IN MAN AND APE. AAAS Selected Symposium, 1978. xxiv,236pp. 5084 PIAGET (J.) et CHOMSKY (N.) THEORIES DU LANGAGE THEORIES DE L'APPRENTISSAGE. Paris; Editions du seuil,1979. 532pp. 5085 PROUST (M.) et RIVIERE (J.) CORRESPONDANCE 1914-1922. presenntee et annotee par Philip Kolb. Paris: Gallimard,1976. 353pp. wrapper. - 162 - 5086 PROUST: BONNET (H.) L'EUDEMONISME ESTHETIQUE DE PROUST. Vrin,1949. 293pp. wrapper. 5087 RACINE (J.): PICARD (R.) BIBLIOTHEQUE DES IDEES LA CARRIERE DE JEAN RACINE. Gallimard, 1956. 708pp. wrapper. sl.worn. 5088 SATIRE: BOOTH (W.C.) A RHETORIC OF IRONY. Chicago U.P., 1974. 292pp. dw. stamped. 5089 SCHAAR (C.) CRITICAL STUDIES IN THE CYNEWULF GROUP. Lund; C.W.K.Gleerup,1949. 337pp. wrapper. sl. spotted. top of spine sl. chipped. 5090 SHAKESPEARE (W.): RIDLEY (M.R.)(Ed.) OTHELLO. London; Methuen,1969.lxx,246pp. dw. pencil scrached. 5091 SHAKESPEARE: CAIRNCROSS (A.S.)(Ed.) THE SECOND PART OF KING HENRY VI. (the arden shakespeare)Methuen,,197pp. dw. 5092 SHAKESPEARE: DAVID (R.)(Ed.) LOVE'S LABOUR'S LOST. (the arden shakespeare)London: Methuen,1966. 196pp. dw. 5093 SHAKESPEARE: Humphreys (A.R.)(Ed.)THE SECOND PART OF KING HENRY IV. (the arden shakespeare)Methuen: Harvard.U.P,1966. xci,242pp. dw. pencil scrached. 5094 SHAKESPEARE: HUNTER (G.K.) ALL'S WELL THAT ENDS WELL. (the arden (the arden shakespeare)London: Methuen,1959. lix,152pp. 5095 SHAKESPEARE: ROAKES (R.A.)(Ed.) THE COMEDY OF ERRORS. shakespeare)London: Methuen,,117pp. dw. 5096 SMITH (J.M.) THE FRENCH BACKGROUND OF MIDDLE SCOTS LITERATURE. Folcroft, 1969. xxviii,186pp. lar.8vo. 5097 SPENSER: EVANS (M.) SPENSER'S ANATOMY OF HEROISM. A Commentary on the faerie queene. Cambride.U.P,1970. viii,244pp. dw. 5098 STEINBECK (J.) THE LONG VALLEY. London: heinemann, 1974. 215pp. dw. 5099 STEINBECK (J.) THE SHORT NOVELS OF JOHN STEINBECK. Tortilla flat/ The Red Pony/ of Mice and men/ the Moon is Down/ Cannery row/ the Pearl. London: W.Heinemann,1957.568pp. 5100 STENZEL (J.) PHILOSOPHIE DER SPRACHE. Munchen: Druck,n.d.,116pp. wrapper. 5101 STEWART (J.I.M.) EIGHT MODERN WRITERS. Ox.C.p,1963. viii,704pp. dw. 5102 STOELKE (H.) DIE INKONGRUENZ ZWISCHEN SUBJEKT UND PRADIKAT IM ENGLISCHEN UND IN DEN VERWANDTEHeidelberg: C.winters,1916. 101pp. wrapper. 5103 SWINBURNE (A.C.) A CENTURY OF ROUNDELS. London: Chatto & Windus, Piccadilly, 1883. 2nd Ed. 100pp. original cloth. sl. worn. 5104 SWINBURNE (A.C.) SONGS OF THE SPRINGTIDES. London: Chatto & Windus, 1880. 2nd Ed. 135pp. cr.8vo. bit foxing. 5105 SWINBURNE (A.C.) TRISTRAM OF LYONESSE And Other Poems. London: Chatto & Windus, 1909. 8th impression. 361pp. sm.8vo. bit foxing. 5106 SWINBURNE (A.C.): GOSSE (E.) THE LIFE OF ALGERNON CHARLES SWINBURNE. London: Macmillan, 1917. 7 illusts. 362pp. lar.8vo. a part of endpaper cut-off. spine faded. - 163 - 5107 SWINBURNE (A.J.): WELBY (T.Earle) A STUDY OF SWINBURNE. London: Faber & Gwyer, 1926. frontis. xii,274pp. bit spotted. 5108 SYMONS (A.) POEMS BY ARTHUR SYMONS. London: W.Heinemann,1919. 2 Vols. original boards. worn. 5109 SYMONS (A.) THE ADVENTURES OF GIUSEPPE PIGNATA. Who Escaped from the Prisons of the Inquisition of Rome. London: Jonathan Cape, 1930. First Ed. 252pp. sl. spine faded 5110 THOMAS (D.): BURDETTE (R.K.) THE SAGA OF PRAYER. The Poetry of Dylan Thomas. Hague: Mouton, 1972. 160pp. dw. 5111 THOMAS (D.): JONES (D.)(Ed.) A PROSPECT OF THE SEA and other stories and prose writings. London: J.M.Dent, 1955. 136pp. 12mo. with dust cover. bit foxing. 5112 THOMAS (D.): KERSHNER,Jr. (R.B.) DYLAN THOMAS The Poet and His Critics. Chicago: American Library Association, 1976. 280pp. lar.8vo. 5113 THOMAS (D.): MURDY (L.B.) SOUND AND SENSE IN DYLAN THOMAS'S POETRY. Hague: Mouton, 1966. 172pp. dw. 5114 THOMAS (D.): PRATT (A.) DYLAN THOMAS' EARLY PROSE. A Study in Creative Mythology. Univ.of Pittsburgh, 1970. 226pp. cr.8vo. dw. 5115 THOMPSON (J.W.) THE LITERACY OF THE LAITY IN THE MIDDLE AGES. N.Y:B.Franklin,1963. vi,198pp. 5116 VERRIER (P.) LE VERS FRANCAIS. formes primitives developpement - diffusion. TOME II: LES METRES. Paris; H.Didier,1932.325pp. lar.8vo. wrapper. 5117 WEEKLEY (E.) AN ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY OF MODERN ENGLISH. A-K., L-Z.N.Y: Xosd pub,1967. 2 Vols. Roy.8vo. Paperback. 5118 WELLS (H.G.) THE SECRET PLACES OF THE HEART. London: Cassell,1922. First Ed.311pp. original cloth. spine darkned. 5119 WHITNEY (W.D.) SANSKRIT GRAMMAR. Including both the Classical Language, and the other Dialects, of Veda and Brahmana. Harvard U.P., 1960. xxv,551pp. top of spine 1cm tear. 5120 WILDE (O.) FIVE FAMOUS PLAYS.lady windermere's fan/ a woman of no importance an Ideal Husband/ the importance of being Earnest Salome. London: G.duckworth, 1952. 383pp. 5121 WILDE (O.): HYDE (H.M.)(Ed.& Intro.) THE TRIALS OF OSCAR WILDE. With a Foreword by The R.Hon.Sir Travers Humphreys. London: W.Hodge & Co., 1948. with illusts. 384pp. cover sl. stained. 5122 WOLFE (P.) THE DISCIPLINED HEART: Iris Murdoch and her Novels. Univ of YEARS. Univ of Missouri,1966.x,220pp. dw. 5123 WORDSWORTH (W.): MEYER (G.W.) WORDSWORTH'S FORMATIVE Michigan,1943. 265pp. spine darkned 5124 WORDSWORTH (W.): SCOGGINS (J.) IMAGINATION AND FANCY. Complementary Modes in the Poetry of Wordsworth. Univ of Nebraska,1966. ix,264pp. dw 5125 YEATS (W.B.) THE KING'S THRESHOLD AND ON BAILE'S STRAND: Being Volume three of Plays for an Irish theatre. London: A.H.Bulln,1904. 117pp. Cr.8vo. original half cloth & boards. joint tears. paper label chipped. - 164 -
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