Event Report
Event Report
National Exhibition of Constructions and Installations 9th edition 27 - 30 May Constanþa, Exhibition Centre www.constructweek.ro Table of contents: General Aspects Exhibitors Index Testimonials Program of Simultaneous Events Construct Week Regional Forum in Constructions Excellence Evening in Constructions Official Opening Promoting Campaign Images of CAMEX Constanta 2010 www.constructweek.ro CAMEX Constanþa Presented the Technologies of the Year 2010 The third CAMEX exhibition in 2010 took place in Constanþa during 27-30 May. At the exhibition participated companies from Constanþa and Dobrogea area as well as from Bucharest, Brasov, Iasi, Bistriþa-Nasaud, Arges, Galaþi and Dolj. The themes of the stands were the unconventional energies, complete water-heating systems by means of solar energy, professional systems in constructions, decorative plasters, epoxy floors, fiber-glass pools and luxury pools made of reinforced concrete, natural stone products and urban furniture, floor-heating systems, wooden houses, thermal- and hydro-insulation systems, water treatment installations, technologies for thermal energy manufacturing by means of granular biomass, air-conditioning, ventilation and air treatment systems. Within CAMEX took place as well the boards exhibition organized by the Order of the Architects in Romania, Dobrogea subsidiary, institutional partner of the two CAMEX events in Constanþa. On Thursday, the 27th of May, took place the Official Opening of CAMEX Constanþa 2010, where the following participated: Prof. Phd. Eng. Virgil Breaban, Dean of the Faculty of Constructions and Installations in Constanta; Razvan Niculescu, Prime Vice-President of the Employers' Organization of Construction Companies; Univ. Prof. Phd. Eng. Nicolae Botu, Chairman at ConstructWeek Constanta and Eng. Claudiu Gavril, representative of Deko Professional Services, Official Partner of CAMEX 2010. On Thursday and Friday took place the workshops of the 3 Construct Week specialized conferences, at which participated personalities from the academic environment in Constanþa, construction specialists, architects, representatives of professional associations as well as important companies, leaders in the construction field such as Saint-Gobain Glass Romania, Keller Geotehnica or DEKO Professional Services. The Forum in Constanta, together with the one in Iasi in March and the one in Brasov in April, reunited over 1000 architects, projectors, construction engineers, electricians, plumbers, company managers, university representatives, representatives of the local administration and professional associations. Within 2010 Construct Week Constanþa Regional Forum in Constructions the young architects from Dobrogea have received a certificate on behalf of the Order of the Architects in Romania. The certificates were given on the 28th of May during the Conference of Architecture and Urban Development presided by the President of the Order of the Architects in Romania (Dobrogea Subsidiary), Arch. Alexandru Balan. Exhibitors Visitors 85 4800 Number of speakers 20 20 Specialized conferences 3 Number of presentations Days of debates 2 Conference participants 150 1 Name of the event National Exhibition of Constructions and Installations Location Constanþa, Exhibition Centre Period 27 - 30 May 2010 Visiting hours 10:00 - 18:00 Thursday - Saturday 10:00 - 14:00 Sunday Theme Categories of exhibited products - products, systems for constructions and finishes - interior and exterior arrangements - installations - tools and equipments for construction sites - projection, consultancy, design - execution and entrepreneurship Type of the event Business-to-Business National Exhibition www.constructweek.ro National Exhibition of Constructions and Installations Annual meeting of the professionals in constructions from Dobrogea Number of exhibitors 85 Visitor profile Architects, Projectors, Structure Engineers, Designers, Constructor Engineers, Entrepreneurs, Distributors, Contractors, Investors/Financers/Owners of Industrial, Commercial and Entertainment Spaces, Real Estate Agents, Representatives of the authorities, Representatives of professional associations, Media. Acces to Exhibition Free Multi-track informative program Conferences, workshops, demonstrations, round tables Simultaneous events Excellence Evening in Construction, informal meeting which brings together in a festive setting exhibitors, representatives of the profile institutions and authorities; Construct Week Regional Forum in Constructions 2 institutional partners event partners sponsor of the Conference of Architecture and Urban Development www.constructweek.ro official partner media partners 100 % CONSTRUCT AGENDA CONSTRUCTIILOR AGER PRES AKKA AMVIC ARHITEXT DESIGN ASOCIATIA INGINERILOR DE INSTALATII DIN ROMANIA ASOCIATIA NATIONALA A MONTATORILOR DE ACOPERISURI DIN ROMANIA ATITUDINEA AVEMAR AVI AXELEN IMPEX BICAU CAMINUL CARDINAL MOTORS CASA AMVIC CASA CONSTRUCTIE SI DESIGN CASA MEA CASESIGRADINI.RO CEDRU PROD CONSTRUCTIV CUGET LIBER DAXI CLEANING DEKO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DELATREID DOM UNIVERSAL DOMUS DRUGON INTERNATIONAL ECONO-HEA EL-MONT ELECTRO DOVIS ELECTROARGES ELECTROMAGNETICA EMMETI PLAST EUROCOMPOZITE FERRO BRAND G.S.N. U.S. TRADE STEEL GARANTI PREST GRAVITON CLIMASERV HELVETIC IMPEX HONI GROUP INC. IALOMITA IDEAL STANDARD IMOBILIARE.RO IMPACT DEVELOPER & CONTRACTOR INGO PISCINE KELLER GEOTEHNICA RADIO DELTA REPLICA ROCAST ROMIND T&G SAINT-GOBAIN GLASS ROMANIA SOLAROM SOPHIA 2004 STEFANI POOL TECHNOLOGY TEHNICA INSTALATIILOR TELEGRAF ADVERTISING TIRIAC AUTO TOPOCAD SERV TRIUNION UNELTE SI ECHIPAMENTE ZILE SI NOPTI KISSLER INTERNATIONAL MAGNETTI BUILDING MARIA HOUSE MFI FLOORS DESIGN MILLENNIUM BANK MISIUNEA CASA MOZAIC ART NEXXON ORA CINCI ORDINUL ARHITECTILOR DIN ROMANIA PATRONATUL SOCIETATILOR DIN CONSTRUCTII PLANUL CASEI MELE PORTAROVERE PRISMA PROD RADIO CONSTANTA 3 Phd. Prof. Eng. Virgil BREABAN Dean of the Faculty of Constructions Ovidius University, Constanta Eng. Mihai CHIROIU Project Expert Bucharest Eng. Gabriela CAZACU Engineer, Institute of Projections Constanta Arch. Valer Constantin POP Chief Architect of Tulcea Traian MOSOIU Constructor Engineer, SC Jumbo Proiect SRL, Tulcea Marian ZAMFIR Constructor Engineer, SC Jumbo Proiect SRL, Tulcea Phd. Prof. Eng. Dan HANCU Faculty of Constructions Ovidius University, Constanta Eng. Gelu GURGUIATU President of the Association of Electricians in Romania, Galati Subsidiary Eng. Ciprian BALANUTA Executive Director of the Association of Electricians in Romania, Galati Subsidiary Arch. Prascovia ANDREEV Head of Urban Development, Territory Arrangement and Public Works Service, City Hall of Tulcea Mihai MOCEANU Chief Architect, City Hall of Ovidiu Laura PETRESCU Discipline in Constructions, City Hall of Ovidiu Arch. Paula PINTILESCU Order of the Architects in Romania, Dobrogea Subsidiary Arch. Mirela BANCESCU Order of the Architects in Romania, Dobrogea Subsidiary Arch. Claudius Doru ANA Arhitect ARCH D'OR SRL Constanta Arch. Marcel PAVEL Director of Atelier 2 Eng. Georgeta NEAGU Atelier 2 Arch. Ana-Maria VOICILA Atelier 2 Eng. Catalin SCHIOPU Atelier 2 Engineer Mihail BICA Constanta Arch. Adrian SANDU Gamma Design, Constanta Arch. Dan LEU Direction of Urban Planning , City Hall of Eforie Eng. Gheorghe GHEORGHE Engineer Eng. Gheorghe TUDOSE AGMI SLOBOZIA Carmen Elena MAFTEI Professor of the Faculty of Constructions, Constanta Elena NEAGU Area Sales Manager IMPACT DEVELOPER & CONTRACTOR Lect. Florin TEPES Faculty of Constructions, Constanta Lect. Georgel PADURARU Faculty of Constructions, Constanta Univ. Assist. Cosmin FILIP Faculty of Constructions, Constanta Lect. Phd. Eng. Cornel CIUREA Faculty of Constructions, Constanta Mihai VANDU Administrator, GTF PROSPECT SRL Razvan NICULESCU Prime Vice-President, Employers' Organization of Construction Companies Lect. Gabriela DRAGHICI Faculty of Constructions, Constanta Prof. Nicu ALBU Edmond Nicolau School Group Braila Catalin FLOREA Sales Representative BABYLON CONSULTING Eng. Ionut CIOCAN 144ENGINEERING David VICA Inspector Inspectorate in Constructions Constanta Madalina ROSIORU Client Service Ziua de Constanta Corina SAMOILA Editor Ziua de Constanta Alexandra UZUN Ziua de Constanta www.constructweek.ro Phd. Prof. Eng. Nicolae BOTU Faculty of Constructions and Installations, Iasi Adriana IFTIME General Director of the Employers' Organization of Construction Companies Laurentiu IRIMIA Director, KELLER GEOTEHNICA Phd. Prof. Eng. Horia ASANACHE Technical University of Constructions, Bucharest Eng. Cristian SASU Association of Roof Assemblers in Romania Phd. Lect. Eng. Dragos VINTILA Faculty of Constructions Ovidius University, Constanta Arch. Alexandru BALAN President, Order of the Architects in Romania, Dobrogea Subsidiary Arch. Radu CORNESCU Order of the Architects in Romania, Dobrogea Subsidiary Arch. Mirela DIDA Chief Architect of Tulcea County Phd. Lect. Eng. Cristian Silviu SIMIONESCU Faculty of Engineering in Braila, "Dunarea de Jos" University, Galati Phd. Lect. Eng. Niculae HAUK Faculty of Engineering in Braila "Dunarea de Jos" University, Galati Phd. Lect. Eng. Luiza DASCHIEVICI Faculty of Engineering in Braila "Dunarea de Jos" University,Galati Gabriel TATARU Project Coordinator, SaintGobain Glass Romania Cristian BADEA Area Sales Manager, SaintGobain Glass Romania Claudiu GAVRIL Area Sales Manager, DEKO Professional Services Niculina NEGOITA Executive Director, Direction of Urban Planning, Territory Arrangement and Public Works, Ialomita County Council 4 Arch. Carmen COTOFANA Administrator COTOFANA CONCEPT SRL Arch. Cornelia DANILA Order of the Architects in Romania Eng. Ciprian ZAVOI Constructor Engineer DAGEXIM SRL Arch. Matei PUTICIU M.P. Architecture Office Arch. Marian Gabriel BATA Individual Architecture Office B.M.G. Arch. Ion BARLADEANU B.I. Individual Architecture Office Arch. Iulia IORDACHE I.I. Individual Architecture Office Arch. Adrian GRIGORESCU COMPROIECT 2010 Arch. Rodica UNGUREANU Arhitect Conductor U.R Individual Architecture Office Arch. Andrei BESUCA Order of the Architects in Romania Arch. Dumitru OMOCEA O.D. Individual Architecture Office Arch. Bocunescu NARUJA Individual Architecture Office Arch. Teodor MORARU Order of the Architects in Romania Arch. Silviu BADEA Order of the Architects in Romania Mihai MATEESCU Marketing Director ARTECNO Cristian TUDOR Commercial Director ARTECNO Eng. Stefan CLAUDIU Constructor Engineer PROGRES CONSULTING www.constructweek.ro Eng. Gabriel CAZACU HIDROERA Vasile MARIN Technician DURAL GRUP CONSTRUCT Radu GARNICEANU Tehnical Director COMPROIECT 2010 Arch. Ignis DUNAGI DECO DESIGN Arch. Narcis GELAL DECO DESIGN Arch. Valer POP Chief Architect of Tulcea Petrisor BABIC Technician ARHISTRUCTURA PROIECT Arch. Cristian POPOVICI Individual Architecture Office Arch. Popovici Cristian Eng. Dan MOCANU COPROIECT Georgeta CALIMAREA Architect Conductor Individual Architecture Office Arch. Carmen TANASE Urban Planning Department County Council Constanta Arch. Dragos LUTAInstructweek.ro Arch. Ana DURU CLAUDIUS ARCHI D'OR Arch. Nicusor PETRESCU PROIECT SA CONSTANTA Arch. Mihai ISACOV Order of the Architects in Romania Arch. Dragos MARCU Architect Conductor Individual Architecture Office Arch. Alinta ISACOV Architect Director ISACOV SI ASOCIATII Dana ANTOHE Reporter Telegraf Catalin FLOREA Sales Representative BABYLON CONSULTING Arch. Mihnea BICHILIE SC FORMOZA STUDIO Arch. Aila ISA ROW STUDIO Arch. Narcis GELAL DECO DESIGN Arch. Diana LEPADATU Inspector City Hall of Constanta Arch. Ignis DUVAGI DECO DESIGN The complete list of the participants at Construct Week Constanta can be viewed at www.constructweek-constanta.ro 5 “Such an event is important, especially in a period like the current one. As I also said at Construct Week, it is important because it can stimulate the invention and innovation. Only these two will get us out of the situation we are in at the moment. The Forum in Constanta was very well organized, by that I mean that it included in the program some diverse topics, so it didn't just focus on one theme alone from the construction field. The exhibition was really rich, with a large offer and a lot of new things, compared to what I knew there was in the previous years, speaking about the offer in the following fields: insulations, roofs, indoor arrangements. The employers' organizations should be stronger, more united and the representatives from the different fields of the construction sector- such as the execution part, the projection part or the research one- should listen more carefully to one another and take decisions together”. www.constructweek.ro Phd. Prof. Eng. Virgil Breaban, Dean of the Faculty of Constructions and Installations Constanta Arch. Valer Constantin Pop, Chief Architect of Tulcea “The event was very much welcome. I found news and some valid information. I was expecting, however, a much greater interest from the companies, especially because the theme was of really great recency.” Arch. Carmen Tanase, Direction of Urban Planning, County Council of Constanta “The Conference about architecture in Constanta was very welcome and necessary. It would be good if it was organized more often and maybe there should be invited people from other fields as well. The conference was successful. Maybe the topics could have been more diversified, with more conferences.” Phd. Prof. Eng. Dan Hancu, Faculty of Constructions Constanta “Construct Week themes were interesting. Also at the exhibition I found interesting things, I talked to some companies, I even managed to solve a personal problem: with the insulations and finishes. Therefore, for me the event was beneficial. Moreover, we, the one who are in the educational system, like these kind of manifestations, as they have something specific to us, related to presentation and learning.” Eng. Gelu Gurguiatu, The Association of Electricians in Romania, Galati Subsidiary “Such a Forum is very important because is the only way pople meet. New ideas cannot be born without meeting and discussing specialty topics. Such meetings, between the academic and industrial environment are beneficial, especially because there is some sort of separation in between. Only through dialogue one can establish healthy relations. I am convinced that the technical issues from the industry are important enough and must be discussed together with people from the academic area in order to find solutions.” Phd. Lect. Gabriela Draghici, Faculty of Constructions Constanta “The two conferences on the 27th of May from Constanta were very important and useful. We, from the Faculty of Constructions, actually established contacts. We actually benefited from the event.” 6 Days of debates 2 Regional specialized conferences 3 Chairmen 2 Number of speakers 20 Number of presentations 20 Conference participants www.constructweek.ro In figures, Construct Week Regional Forum in Constructions in Constanta meant: 150 Chairmen Phd. Prof. Eng. Nicolae BOÞU Gh. Asachi Technical University in Iasi Arch. Alexandru BÃLAN President of the Order of the Architects in Romania, Dobrogea Subsidiary The complete list of the participants at Construct Week Constanta can be viewed at www.constructweek-constanta.ro Construct Week Conference Program 27th of May The Conference about Ground and Structures and the Conference about Roofs, Insulations, Facades and Floors 09:00–Registration of participants 09:20–Opening of the conference Chairman – Phd. Prof. Eng. Nicolae Botu, Department of Traffic Routes and Foundations Faculty of Constructions and Installations, "Gh. Asachi" Technical University, Iasi 09:30–General presentation of the themes, current background and perspectives Speaker - Phd. Prof. Eng. Nicolae Botu, Department of Traffic Routes and Foundations, Faculty of Constructions and Installations, "Gh. Asachi" Technical University, Iasi Guests: Adriana IFTIME,General Director of Employers' Organization of Construction Companies, Phd. Prof. Eng. Virgil Breaban, Dean of the Faculty of Constructions, Ovidius Universitaty, Constanta 7 10:30–MODERN TECHNOLOGIES FOR MAKING DRIED VERTICAL PREMISES IN THE URBAN ENVIRONMENT Speaker - Phd. Prof. Eng. Nicolae Botu, Department of Traffic Routes and Foundations, Faculty of Constructions and Installations, "Gh. Asachi" Technical University, Iasi 11:10– KELLER GEOTEHNICA presentation: SOLUTIONS FOR THE GROUND IMPROVEMENT BY USING KELLER TECHNOLOGIES Speaker – Laurentiu Irimia, Director of KELLER GEOTEHNICA 11:30–Official Opening Construct Week Regional Forum in Constructions Constanta 2010 CAMEX National Exhibition of Constructions and Installations Constanta 2010 12:00–INCREASING THE ENERGETIC EFFICIENCY THROUGH THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE QUALITY OF THE ELECTRIC ENERGY FROM RENEWABLE SOURCES Speaker – Eng. Gelu Gurguiatu, President of the Association of the Electricians in Romania, Galati Subsidiary 12:20–OUTDOOR WALLS FOR DWELLINGS: CURRENT THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL PROBLEMS OF THE PROJECTION AND THE EXECUTION Speaker – Phd. Prof. Eng. Horia Asanache Department of Civil Constructions, Urban Engineering and Technology, Technical University of Constructions, Bucharest 12:40–DEKO Professional Services presentation: THE USE OF THE COMPLETE SYSTEM OF THERMALINSULATION VS THE USE OF THE HYBRID PACKAGE Speaker – Claudiu Gavril, Area Sales Manager, DEKO Professional Services 13:00- Lunch and informal discussions www.constructweek.ro 1st SESSION 2nd SESSION 13:35–THE INFLUENCE OF MARINE ENVIRONMENT OVER THE ROOFS Speaker – Eng. Cristian Sasu, The National Association of Roof Assemblers in Romania 14:15–company presentation 14:35– THE SEISMIC ANALYSIS OF A HIGH REINFORCED GROUND EMBANKMENT, PLACED ON DIFFICULT GROUND Speaker – Phd. Lect. Eng. Dragos Vintila, Faculty of Constructions, Ovidius University, Constanta 15:15–Company presentation 15:35-Lunch and informal discussions 15:55– CASE STUDIES: ASPECTS CONCERNING THE MODULATION, OPTIMIZATION OF THE ASSEMBLING TECHNOLOGIES AND OF THE NORMING OF THE ACTIVITIES OF MAKING THE RESISTANCE STRUCTURE FOR LIGHT METAL STRUCTURES TYPIFIED CONSTRUCTIONS Speakers- Phd. Lect. Eng. Cristian Silviu Simionescu, Phd. Lect. Eng. Niculae Hauk, Faculty of Engineering, Braila, Dunarea de Jos University, Galati DETERMINING THE OPTIMUM LIFE SPAN OF THE AIR-TIGHTENING, HIDING AND FIXING ELEMENTS USED AT THE METALLIC-TILE ROOFS Speakers- Phd. Lect. Eng. Cristian Silviu Simionescu, Phd. Lect. Eng. Luiza Daschievici, Faculty of Engineering, Braila, Dunarea de Jos University, Galati 16:55–Questions and answers 17:10–The word of the Chairman and the last conclusions of the workshops 28th of May The Conference of Architecture and Urban Development 09:00–Registration of participants 09:20–Opening of the conference Chairman – Arch. Alexandru Balan, President, Order of the Architects in Romania, Dobrogea Subsidiary 09:30–General presentation of the themes, current background and perspectives Speaker - Arch. Alexandru Balan, President, Order of the Architects in Romania, Dobrogea Subsidiary 10:30- Coffee break and informal discussions 1st SESSION 10:50– THE ARCHITECTURE OF THE 20TH CENTURY IN CONSTANTA : ARCHITECT VICTOR STEFANESCU Speaker – Arch. Radu Cornescu, Order of the Architects in Romania, Dobrogea Subsidiary 11:10– DEKO Professional Services presentation: THE USE OF THE COMPLETE SYSTEM OF THERMAL-INSULATION VS THE USE OF THE HYBRID PACKAGE Speaker – Claudiu Gavril, Area Sales Manager, DEKO Professional Services 11:30- Coffee break and informal discussions 11:50–ANOTHER KIND OF THERMAL REHABILITATION Speaker - Arch. Alexandru Balan, President, Order of the Architects in Romania, Dobrogea Subsidiary 12:30– SAINT-GOBAIN GLASS Romania presentation:THE GLASS FOR SOLAR CONTROL IN THE MODERN ARCHITECTURE Speaker – Gabriel Tataru, Project Coordinator / SAINT-GOBAIN GLASS ROMANIA 12:50- Lunch and informal discussions 2ND SESSION 13:30–ELEMENTS OF ARCHITECTURE IN THE TOURISTIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE DANUBE DELTA Speaker- Arch. Mirela Dida, Chief Architect of Tulcea County 14:10–company presentation 14:30–URBANISTIC ANOMALIES Speaker – Arch. Paula Pintilescu, Order of the Architects in Romania, Dobrogea Subsidiary 15:10–company presentation 15:30- Coffee break and informal discussions 15:50–CASE STUDY: THE REGIONAL URBANISTIC PROGRAM OF CONSTANTA Speaker – Arch. Mirela Bancescu, Order of the Architects in Romania, Dobrogea Subsidiary 16:40–Questions and answers 16:50–The word of the Chairman and the last conclusions of the workshops 8 Conference about ground and structures, 27th of May, Exhibition Centre Conference about ground and structures, 27th of May, Exhibition Centre Presentation by Adriana Iftime, General Director of the Employers' Organization of Construction Companies Conference about ground and structures Presentation by Laurentiu Irimia, Director of Keller Geotehnica Phd. Prof. Eng. Nicolae Botu Arch. Alexandru Balan, VicePresident of the Order of the Architects in Romania Presentation by Arch. Alexandru Balan, Vice-President of the Order of the Architects in Romania Presentation by Arch. Alexandru Balan, Vice-President of the Order of the Architects in Romania Young architects from Constanta received the right for signature at Construct Week, on the 28th of May Arch. Alexandru Balan, VicePresident of the Order of the Architects in Romania Presentation by Gabriel Tataru, Saint Gobain Glass Romania Audience at the Conference about Architecture and Urban Development www.constructweek.ro Conference about structures, 27th of May 9 www.constructweek.ro Coffee break Construct Week, Constanþa Coffee break Construct Week, Constanta Architect Radu Cornescu, The Order of the Architects in Romania, Dobrogea Subsidiary Gabriel Tataru, speaker at Construct Week Constanta Company presentation: Keller Geotehnica Deko Professional Services presentation Presentation by Arch. Radu Cornescu, 28th of May Conference of Architecture 10 At the Official Opening participated: Phd. Prof. Eng. Virgil Breaban, Dean of the Faculty of Constructions in Constanta; Razvan Niculescu, Prime Vice-President of the Employers' Organization of Construction Companies; Phd. Prof. Eng. Nicolae Botu, Chairman at Construct Week Constanta and Eng. Claudiu Gravril, representative of Deko Professional Services, CAMEX 2010 Official Partner. Phd. Prof. Eng. Virgil Breaban, Dean of the Faculty of Constructions in Constanta www.constructweek.ro The Official Opening of the two events dedicated to constructors in Dobrogea- the 9th edition of CAMEX Constanta National Exhibition of Constructions and Installations and Construct Week Regional Forum in Constructions, took place on Thursday, the 27th of May, at the Exhibition Centre in Constanta, at 12 AM. Phd. Prof. Eng. Nicolae Botu, Faculty of Constructions and Installations, Iasi Bogdan Romaniuc, PR specialist of Abplus Events Claudiu Gavril, Deko Professional Services Razvan Niculescu, Prime Vice-President of the Employers' Organization of Construction Companies 11 www.constructweek.ro Mass media which attended the Official Opening: Cuget Liber Ziua de Constanþa Replica Atitudinea Telegraf Radio Constanþa Radio Neptun Radio Sky Antena 1 Constanþa TV TV Neptun 12 www.constructweek.ro Excellence Evening in Constructions took place on the 27th of May at the restaurant of the Del Mar Hotel in Mamaia. The Excellence Evening in Constructions is the only informal event in the construction industry that enables the initiation of business contacts and the development of partnerships with business men, representatives of the public authorities and institutional decision-makers from the CAMEX host cities. 13 TV Antena 1 Constanþa TV www.constructweek.ro of the CAMEX Constanta National Exhibition of Constructions and Installations and of Construct Week Regional Forum in Constructions RADIO Kiss FM CT Radio Constanþa Radio Neptun Radio Sky Radio Delta Tulcea Specialized PRESS Local PRESS Agenda Constructiilor Constructiv Tehnica Instalatiilor Caminul Domus Casa Mea Planul Casei Mele Unelte si Echipamente 100% Construct Arhitext Design Electricianul Instalatorul Cuget Liber Ziua de Constanþa Replica Atitudinea Telegraf Zile ºi Nopþi Ialomiþa Press agencies Agerpres Outdoor Mashes Billboards On site (roll-ups, flags, meshes, panels) Banners Inflatables Signalizing items 14 www.ZiuadeConstanta.ro www.naturenergy.ro www.centruldepresa.ro www.replicaonline.ro ro.instalbiz.com www.catalog-constructii.ro www.atitudinea.ro www.infoconstruct.ro www.casacd.ro www.telegrafonline.ro www.iasionline.com www.bvents.com www.inoras.ro www.expozitii.ro www.biztradeshows.ro www.ziare.com www.expopromoter.com www.bicau.ro www.stirisinoutationline.ro www.ecohornet.ro www.autenticpromotion.ro www.stiripeblog.wordpress.com www.dovis.ro www.arhinews.ro www.stirievenimente.ro www.cugetliber.ro www.anuntul.biz rsshunt.ro www.constructio.ro www.allpress.ro www.roportal.ro www.constanteanul.com www.agerpres.ro www.romanianbusinessnews.ro www.comunicatemedia.com www.constructionnews.ro www.presaonline.com www.comunicatedepresa.ro www.niuzer.ro www.chorus.ro www.constructweek.ro INTERNET Direct Marketing Campaign NEWSLETTER organizer NEWSLETTER BICAU SMS campaign E-mailing campaign Direct contacting and informing campaign Invitations sent to professional associations Invitations for the Official Opening Invitations for the Excellence Evening in Constructions Event newspaper distribution Mail Campaign Invitations sent to specialists Other means of informing and promoting The Exhibition Catalog 15 Bogdan Romaniuc, PR specialist of Abplus Events Bogdan Romaniuc, PR specialist of Abplus Events Claudiu Gavril, DEKO Professional Services Mass media present at the Official Opening www.constructweek.ro Phd. Prof. Eng. Virgil Breaban Razvan Niculescu, Prime Vice-President PSC Audience - Official Opening Phd. Prof. Eng. Nicolae Botu, Chairman Adriana Iftime, General Director PSC 16 Presentation by Arch Alexandru Balan, President, OAR Dobrogea Subsidiary Presentation of Saint Gobain Glass Romania Architect Radu Cornescu, OAR, Dobrogea Subsidiary Presentation by DEKO Professional Services Gabriel Tãtaru, Saint Gobain Glass România www.constructweek.ro Laurentiu Irimia, Director of Keller Geotehnica Conference about ground and structures Conference about ground and structures Amvic Stand Deko Professional Services Stand Axelen Stand 17 Maria House Stand www.constructweek.ro Drugon International Stand Drugon International Stand El-Mont Stand Outter side of the Exhibition Centre, Constanta Outter side of the Exhibition Centre, Constanta Eco Hornet Stand 18 Excellence Evening in Constructions Excellence Evening in Constructions Excellence Evening in Constructions Excellence Evening in Constructions Speach of DEKO Professional, Excellence Evening in Constructions www.constructweek.ro Excellence Evening in Constructions 19 The organizer of CAMEX exhibitions thanks you and invites you to the next exhibitions in 2010. Iaþi Ungheni Street no. 2 Zip code 700382 Phone: +40 232 278 811 Fax: +40 232 217 791
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