Important Dates - Cross Lutheran Church ELCA
Important Dates - Cross Lutheran Church ELCA
Volume 18 Issue 2 Cross Lutheran Church, To Be and Make Disciples for Christ What’s with the Ashes? One of my earliest memories of Ash Wednesday was seeing adults with ashen crosses on their foreheads at Kohl’s Grocery store. “Why would anyone ever do such a thing,” I wondered. This was unfamil‐ iar territory for me. My parents worked 2nd and 3rd shift so we rarely attended Wednesday Lenten worship services. We mark the sign of the ashen cross on our foreheads as a sign of sober reflection, self‐examination, and spiritual redirection. We are “marked” people; marked by Jesus’ suffering, death, and resurrection. The cross is not easy but it is the way of forgiveness and life. The ashen cross is a powerful reminder that we live and have our being in Christ. “Listen, God is Speaking” Lenten Devotions Our congregation collectively wrote the “Listen, God is Speaking” Lenten devo‐ tions. Take advantage of these devotions, you just might recognize the authors! They will be posted to the Cross Lutheran Website too. Check it out, share the word. May you be blessed this Lent through worship, prayer, reflection, self‐ examination, and spiritual redirection. Blessed Hope, Pastor Carolyn Sellers FEBRUARY 2015 Important Dates Feb 1 Bible & Barley, 7pm - Charcoal Grill Feb 7 Men’s Breakfast, 8am Feb 8 Pancake Breakfast 7:30am - 12pm Boy Scout Troop 373 Blood Pressure Checks - 9am Feb 14 All Church Tubing Outing p. Feb 18 Ash Wednesday Worship 11am and 7pm Feb 22 New Member Orientation p. 3 Feb 23 Spiritual Gifts Inventory p.3 Feb 24 Grief Support Group 6:30pm Like us on Facebook! Lenten Wednesday Worship & Soup Suppers Ash Wednesday Worship, Feb 18: 11am and 7pm (no soup supper) Wednesday Worship, “Re‐imagining the Disciples” 7pm Feb 25, Mar 4, Mar 11, Mar 18, Mar 25 Soup Suppers, Luther Hall, 5:30pm‐6:30pm Sign up for soup suppers or just enjoy delicious home‐made soups! These sup‐ pers provide community fellowship with each other. Why not invite a friend or two, all are welcome. Sign up on the kitchen door in early February to bring soup, bread, veggies, kitchen helper, etc. Two things to remember when dropping off your soup please: Either bring your soup HOT, ready to serve by 5:15pm or leave your soup at Cross by 4:30 in a crock‐pot or Nesco and set it to be hot by 5:30pm. Thanks! New Member Orientation Sunday, February 22, 11:15am Learn more about Cross. Call 763‐6570 today to register. Child care can be arranged. Lunch will be served. Summer Mission Trip info, p.2 Cross Sponsors Missionary Couple in Hong Kong, China. P.6 Food Pantry Need: Toilet paper and Feminine hygiene products 7am Wednesday Morning Devo location change! Meet at Boardwalk Apartments 232 Bridge St. Mark Your Calendar: Mar 7 Spaghetti Dinner with Live Auction & Silent Auctions Cross Connections Cross Celebrations and Prayers February 2015 We celebrate with Charles Reid Oldenburg, who was baptized on January 11, 2015. “Pray for one another, so that you will be healed” James 5:16 Re-imagining the Disciples: Lent 2015 Starting Wednesday, February 25, as a community of modern day disciples we will be re‐discovering the disciples of Jesus’ time. What characteristics, qualities, and quirks does it take to be a disciple? Come to the mid‐week worship services during Lent to explore the disciples together. Come to Camp this summer— Lutherdale! Elementary and middle‐school kids – come to Camp Lutherdale the week of July 19‐24! Mini‐week opportunities for elementary kids, and full‐week opportunities for elementary and middle school kids. Camp is a great time to meet new people, to experience God in a different way, and to explore the great beauty of God’s creation. Talk to Pastor Kristin if you have questions. You can register your campers at Apostle Islands Adventure Trip Linda Andersen Richard Beszhak Mary Ellen Fraser Arlen Grohs Kathy Gustafson Lydia Hintz Jayne King Norbert Paul Hank Steffen Salome (sponsorship child) If you would like a non‐member of Cross acknowledged in the weekend prayers, please make your request during the weekend worship announcements. Praise the Lord with Singing and Ringing Joyful Voices (Choir) Wednesdays, 6:15pm in the Choir Room Beginning Ash Wednesday throughout Lent, we will meet at 6pm. Contemporary Worship Team (band) Wednesdays, 7:30pm in the Sanctuary Chapel Bells, Mondays, 6pm in the Choir Room Share your gift of music! Adventure Week for youth who have completed 8th‐12th grade – July 12‐18! We will be heading up to the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore in Lake Superior for a week of team‐ building, canoeing, and camping. Space is limited for 10 youth, so sign up quickly. Cost is $546 per person. Registration deposit is $150 to secure your spot, due by March 1 to Pastor Kristin. Talk to Pastor Kristin if you have questions. Sign‐up sheet and additional information will be available on Pastor Kristin’s office door. Joyful Cross Singerz All boys and girls grades 1‐6 are invited to come and sing !!! Febru‐ ary rehearsals are Feb 1st and 8th from 9 ‐ 9:45am We will then pre‐ sent our songs at 10am Worship on Feb 8th. Come, God loves to hear you sing! 2 Pr Ron Bachman Liam Finucane Tiffany Freiwald Jelaine Gruber Perry Hellum Cindy Ingwell Barb Kumbier Bob Remer Gert Sundberg Cross Connections February 2015 Men’s Ministry ~Connecting Ministries~ Feb 7th - 8am New Member Orientation Sunday, Feb 22, 11:15am Enjoy a light breakfast, (Luther Hall) fellowship, and a study led by Pastor Carolyn. Men of all ages are welcome. Learn more about Cross Lutheran Church. Meet other people who are interested in becoming part of the Cross Lutheran Church community. Lunch will be served at 11:15, the orientation lasts about 2 hours. Please call 763‐ 6570 to register. Let us know if you need child care. New members are asked to participate in the Spiritual Gifts Inventory on Monday, Feb 23, 6:30pm. Barley & Bible, Feb 1st - 7pm Charcoal Grill Meet at the Charcoal Grill the first Sunday of the month at 7pm for conversation and light devotion. This is a great way to meet other men from Cross Lutheran church. Join us as we continue to share insight from a book entitled ‘Thrive’. Spirituality Gifts Inventory Monday, Feb 23rd, 6:30pm-7:45pm All members, visitors and friends of the Cross commu‐ nity are encouraged to take the Spiritual Gifts inventory, offered on Monday, Feb 23rd, 6:30pm. This inventory will reveal your God‐given spiritual gifts. Yes, you have spiritual gifts, even if you don’t think you do. Give it a try. Bring a friend or spouse, or come as you are. Women’s Ministry WWAY (Women Who Are Youthful) This group will meet occasionally throughout the year. Special events will be posted. 2015 Church Directory Meeting A representative from “Lifetouch” Church Directory will meet at Cross on Thursday, February 19th at 6:30 pm. If you are interested in planning for this project, please attend. Any questions, call Brenda Belot, 763‐6898. Women’s Circles Circles are small groups for women. Circles provide fellowship and Bible Study. Are you looking for a women’s small group? There is always room to either join an exist‐ ing Circle or form a new Circle. Prayer Ministry Prayer is a gift from God and has the potential for transformative change. Please contact Helen Uebele if you would like to be part of the Cross Lutheran Church prayer team. It’s simple; anyone can do it! Just give Helen your email address and you will receive prayer updates. Helen’s email: [email protected] Christians are persecuted for their faith in over 60 countries. These Christians face imprisonment or even death. Please pray for all Christians facing persecution. On Tuesday mornings, 7am‐7:15am, we encourage you to pray from wherever you are… there is strength in prayer! You are blessed to be a blessing. Prayer Cross’ Facebook Page Cross Lutheran Church‐Elca Or Cross Lutheran Website Stay connected to Cross through our website Box Need a prayer? Leave your prayer request in the prayer box located in Cross’ lobby. Our prayer team will pray for your concern. Your prayer may be named or anonymous. Men’s Breakfast Go to: www.cross‐ Daily Lenten devotional will be posted on the website. 3 Cross Connections February 2015 Birthdays in February 11x15 Prison Reduction Plan ‘I was in prison and you came to visit me [Jesus].' MT 25:36 Gert Sundberg 02/01 Arlene Amon 02/01 Pat Christopherson 02/01 Cindy Dunn 02/01 Brenda Fanter 02/02 Cheryl Demjen 02/02 11×15 is a state-wide campaign to decrease Wisconsin’s prison population to 11,000 by the end of 2015. It is a challenge from the faith community to all the people of the State of Wisconsin so that we might all have safer, healthier, less wasteful, and more just communities. Liz Page 02/04 Michael Lois 02/04 Reid Oldenburg 02/04 Tyler Rachwal 02/04 Roman Metzger Racher Curran 02/04 02/06 Sydney Krueger Mary Ellen Fraser 02/05 02/07 Wisconsin leads the nation in black male Lisa Schneider 02/07 Bill Tate 02/08 Royce Subrod 02/08 Mackenzie Repsa 02/08 02/09 incarceration rates. The prison population in Wisconsin has more than tripled since 1990. Incarceration is expensive. The cost of Corrections in Wisconsin has risen from under $200 million per year in 1990 to more than $1.3 billion in 2011 and now exceeds the budget for the entire UW system. We spend more on prisons than on education. Wisconsin Can Head in a Better Direction… The 11×15 goal is reasonable and possible. Go to Faith Diggins 02/09 Emma Ellingham Dylan Keckhaver 02/09 Sandy Schmidt 02/10 Kevin Koldeway 02/10 Scott Sharpee 02/10 Brook Martinez 02/10 Marcus Staton 02/11 Doris Oliver 02/12 Brandon Smith 02/12 Peter Shafe 02/12 Brian Matheson III 02/12 Bev Konicek 02/14 Marlene Remer 02/15 Mike Schroeder 02/15 Samantha Taylor 02/15 Stephen Belau 02/17 Jelaine Gruber 02/18 Jenny Follis 02/18 Robert Jones 02/18 Jarod Lindemann 02/18 Murphy Diggins 02/18 Tenlie Jo Fischer 02/18 Sophia Bousman 02/19 Emsley Ann Owen 02/20 Mary Hammitt 02/21 Pam Jacob 02/21 Megan Fitch 02/23 Lori Westra 02/24 Tyson Mundt 02/24 Ann Bonnier 02/24 Maquel Lamb 02/24 Mildred Steffen 02/25 Lauren Fitch 02/25 Mandy Metzger 02/26 Christine Finucane 02/27 Carrie Oldenburg 02/27 Deb Glessner 02/28 Deb Hefty 02/28 Domestic Violence Awareness Eric Salaja 02/28 Teran Goldschmidt 02/28 Brooke Huff 02/28 Domestic violence refers to a pattern of violent, emotional, and/or coercive behavior exercised by one adult in an intimate relationship over another adult or dependants. Domestic violence is not marital conflict, a lover’s quarrel, or a private family matter. It may consist of repeated beatings or more subtle forms of abuse, including threats and control. No person ever deserves abuse of any kind. Marital vows are not made to imprison people in abusive relationships. For confidential help… Burlington “Women’s Resource Center” Sherry Hartog 763‐6226 x113 Crisis: 763‐8600 Waukesha Co. “The Women’s Center” (888‐542‐3828) Racine Co. “Women’s Resource Center” (262‐633‐3233) You may also contact Pastor Carolyn Contact your legislators and encourage them to back the 11x15 Prison Reduction Plan. Please let us know if we neglected your birthday Spaghetti Dinner/Live and Silent 7, 2015 Auctions, March Save the Date! The Spaghetti Dinner / Silent, Live and Pie Auctions Fundraiser for Youth Ministries will be held in Luther Hall the evening of Saturday, March 7 th . Our youth are looking forward to serving you! Items are needed for the live and silent auctions . All non‐perishable donations should be at church by Sunday, March 1st and can be placed in the box in the lobby area. All proceeds go to youth ministries and help offset summer camp tuition. Call Robyn Bourassa , 262‐210 ‐2999 for information. If you wish to donate a pie, please sign up on the Youth and Family board. 4 Cross Connections February 2015 YEAR-TO-DATE ATTENDANCE Automated Giving Tired of writing checks? Forgot your offering envelopes at home… again? Why not consider automated giving through Simply Giving. To learn more, please contact Cheryl Oaks, Financial Director at Cross Lutheran. She’d be happy to tell you more about this simple program (763‐6570). Attendance through 2nd Sunday, Jan. 2014 433 Attendance through 2nd Sunday, Jan. 2015 466 FINANCE REPORT Through Dec. 31, 2014 Month Jan Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. TOTALS Winter Expenses Thank you for your financial offer‐ ings, especially in anticipation of what these winter months can bring… high WE bill and snow plowing bill. Many thanks! Cross Lutheran Crisis Fund The Cross Lutheran CRISIS FUND is used to help members of Cross Lutheran Church experiencing financial hardship. Financial contributions may be donated to this fund throughout the year. Members who are helped by this fund remain anonymous. Please contact Pastor Carolyn if you are in need of financial assistance. Thank you for contributing to this much needed fund. Scout Sunday and Pancake Breakfast All scouts, both girls and boys, may take part in Scout Sunday at Cross on Feb 8th, 10am. There will be a special recognition during the worship service, so wear your scouting‐best that day! The Boy Scouts are also hosting a pancake break‐ fast on Sunday, Feb 8th, serving 7:30am‐12pm. Thank you for supporting the scouts. Think Spring It’s never too early to think spring. Please consider serving on a lawn mowing team, or consider adopting a garden/ green space on the Cross grounds. You may decorate your space as you feel. Thanks for keeping Cross garden spots weed‐free and beautiful! Income Expenses Difference $31,697.09 $34,418.12 ‐$2,721.03 $25,418.65 $26,578.30 ‐$1,159.65 $43,930.77 $30,965.19 $12,965.58 $33,145.45 $27,780.80 $5,364.65 $22,641.96 $19,685.28 $2,956.68 $31,143.95 $22,574.66 $8,569.29 $24,175.60 $19,925.10 $4,250.50 $30,166.65 $21,590.23 $8,576.42 $25,695.56 $22,375.89 $3,319.67 $24,969.70 $21,072.22 $3,897.48 $32,109.05 $24,482.81 $7,626.24 $39,515.50 $29,678.43 $9,837.07 $364,609.93 $301,127.03 $63,482.90 Major Maintenance Fund $82,839.58 PLEASE NOTICE SOME ADDRESSES HAVE CHANGED Adam Bishop 3730 Clearwood Lane Clarksville TN 37040 Danielle L Bishop 3730 Clearwood Lane Clarksville TN 37040 CW1 Matthew J. Corey c/o Mr. & Mrs. David Corey 1310 Crossway Road Burlington WI 53105 Lt. Col. Troy K. Heineman 2854 Oak Brook Circle Salt Lake City UT 84108 Please pray for all our men and women serving in the armed forces that they will be brought safely home. 5 Cross Connections February 2015 ~Serving Ministries~ Mission Celebration Recap The recap of the Mission Celebration will appear in the March newsletter. This is due to the February dead‐ line preceding the actual Mission Celebration. Thank you for your patience. Building Community Support Love Inc - Matthew 25 Grant Before my arrival at Cross Lutheran Church, I didn’t know one thing about Burlington. I’ve been living here now for six years, and the one thing that strikes me about Burlington is how well we care for each other. Churches and businesses are genuinely concerned about the well‐ being of this community. That doesn’t happen everywhere. Burlington churches are deeply connected to Love Inc., which is dedicated to helping families and individuals live better, more productive lives. Some of Cross’ members were instrumental in getting Love Inc off the ground. Through prayer and hard work, Love Inc helps countless people in the Burlington area community. The Love Inc Sustainable Futures program is a holistic program which provides extensive case management and assistance to motivated families who wish to break the cycle of dependency. Sustainable Futures Scholarships allow adults to pursue advanced schooling so that they may earn a more productive salary, thus breaking the cycle of financial dependence. Through the Thrivent Financial Matthew 25 Grant, you can help Burlington community individuals/families move from financial dependence to financial independ‐ ence. Your matching grant donation will build up scholarships for the Love Inc Sustainable Futures program. Thrivent is matching $.50 per donated dollar. Your contributions may be made up through Feb 28th. Please write on your check memo: Matthew 25 grant. Thank you for caring for our community. Pastor Carolyn Supporting Global Missionaries The ELCA has hundreds of missionaries evangelizing throughout the world today. Cross Lutheran Mission Council voted to support two missionaries. We will spon‐ sor Pastoral spouses Christa von Zychlin and Wayne Neiminen, originally from Hartland WI. I know them personally, and they are well equipped to serve God through their love of evangelizing in foreign settings. We will have the opportunity to learn about their work in Hong Kong throughout our partnership. They teach at the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Hong Kong, and also teach 1st and 2nd graders English and Bible classes. Please keep Pastors Christa and Wayne in prayer. ‐Pastor Carolyn Food Pantry Need! Collection for February: bring in toilet paper and feminine hygiene products. Thank you for keeping our food pantry filled, and thank you for caring for our community. Love Inc Community Meal, Monday, Feb 23rd Feed the Burlington community no Monday, January 26th by preparing a meal. Sign up on the board by the Coke machine. Look for the menu/recipe. Please either drop your prepared food at Cross by 3pm or drop it off at Love Inc by 4:30pm or earlier if your item needs to be heated. Thank you. Letters from Salome We received two handwritten letters from Salome, our sponsorship child through World Vision. You will find these letters on the large bulletin board near the parking lot entrance. She writes: Dear sponsors, I am filled with joy while writing this letter. I am fine and so is my family. It rained too much here, creating erosions. We couldn’t even get to school normally. I wrote this letter by myself. Meal Assistance Online Ministry Affectionately, your sponsor child, Kyanpa Kasongo, Salome **Cross will have the opportunity to sponsor two addi‐ tional World Vision children. You will find information about this in upcoming newsletter articles and the large bulletin board near the parking lot entrance. 6 Certain situations sometimes warrant meal assis‐ tance. The Meal Train is a simple online meal assistance program that allows congregation members to help each other with meal service. Look for the bulletin board display next to the lounge. Your email address is all that is needed. Do you know of anyone who needs meal assistance? Please let Susan Capozzi know. Cross Connections ~Growing Ministries~ Coming this Summer… “EVEREST” VBS Embark on an icy expedition that empowers kids to overcome obstacles with God’s awesome power. Anchor kids in rock‐solid Bible truths that will guide them through life’s challenges. Vacation Bible School date to be determined. Sunday School News Sunday School youth will experience the following Bible events in February: Feb 1 Isaac is born Genesis 21:1‐6 Feb 8 God cares for Hagar and Ishmael Genesis 21:8‐21 Feb 15 John/Baptist prepares way for JC Mark 1:1‐8 Feb 22 God dwells with us John 1:1‐14 Parents, download the weekly FamilyConnect activities from the Cross Lutheran website, “Faith for Kids” tab. You’ll stay connected as a family of God! Remember, parents, you are the greatest role model for your child as he/she grows in faith. Thanks for all you do. First Communion Classes Begin March 1 First Communion classes will be offered to third‐graders (and a parent) beginning Sunday, March 1, 8, 15, 22. All classes will be held at 9am‐9:45am in the back of Luther Hall. Attendance is hugely important. Your Mission Council and pastors agree that parents with children under third grade may take part in the First Com‐ munion classes in order that younger children (3rd grade and under) might commune at an earlier age. A few things about that; regular worship attendance is required, and these younger children will need to be able to express the meaning of Holy Communion in order to receive their First Commun‐ ion. Again, please speak to the pastors about your younger child taking and preparing for First Communion. First Communion Worship March 28-29 Children who complete their First Communion classes will receive First Communion during worship on March 28‐29. First Communion will be offered at all worship services that weekend. Children (and a par‐ ent) must take part in the classes in order to receive Holy Communion. February 2015 Growing in Faith at Cross: Gospel Gatherings is a women’s Bible study that meets in Luther Hall, Tuesdays, 9:30am‐10:30am. All women are welcome. Christian Living Bible Study Singles and couples are welcome to attend this Bible study which meets the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month at 6:30pm in the lounge. Men’ Breakfast meets the first Saturday of the month, 8am‐9am. Pastor Carolyn leads the Bible study. Bible and Barley meets at the Charcoal Grill the first Sunday of the month, 7pm. This is a time to hang out and share a devotion. Study based on the book “Thrive”. Wednesday Morning Devos 7am (location change) Boardwalk Apts. 232 Bridge St. for winter months. Get your day off to a great start with caffeine and Christ! Youth - After school @ Coffee House with Pastor Kristin- 3pm Men’s Ministry * First Saturday of the month ‐ 8am (Luther Hall)‐Men’s Breakfast * First Sunday of the month ‐ Barley & Bible ‐ 7pm at(Charcoal Grill) “Thrive” book study Sunday Adult Bible Study 9:15am (Lounge) Grief Support Program Offered “Journey of Grief” by author, Doug Manning is a program being offered locally through Daniels Funeral Homes. The program is intended to companion you, on your own unique grief journey. The program is free and will take place at Cross Lutheran Church at 6:30pm on the last Tuesday of every month. Monthly topics are posted on the bulletin boards across from Pastor Carolyn’s office and near the parking lot entrance. If you have any questions, please contact Daniels Family Funeral Home at 763‐3434. 7 Mission Council Meeting Minutes December 4, 2014 Present: Pastor Carolyn Sellers, Pastor Kristin Rice, Brian Penny, Amy Warren, Joanne Mundt Absent: Rodney Oliver, Ken Peper, Annie Bailey Guests: Joe DeRosia, Jim Mucci, and Terry Erb, representing the Parsonage Task Force; John Hakala Meeting called to order at 6:30 by Brian Penny. Pastor Kristin Rice led all in prayer. The representatives of the Parsonage Task Force presented their report. They will present these options for a vote at the Mission Celebration/Annual Meeting. Pastor Carolyn Sellers led Mission Council in the Holy Communion study. Mission Council Meeting Minutes: Mission Council approved the November 6 Mission Council meeting minutes. Pastor Carolyn Seller’s Report: Global Mission: The Business Team is budgeting $2,000.00 for Global Mission missionary support in 2015. Worship attendance: Worship attendance has been down since last year. Lenten Devotions: Families will be invited to write a devotion which will be shared with the congregation during Lent. Matthew 25 Mission Grant ($5,000.00) Matching: Scott Herrmann applied for and received the Thrivent Matthew 25 Neighbors in Need Mission Grant. Contributions by Cross members will be matched. Sanctuary AV: Mission Council approved looking into adding a second screen in the sanctuary for worship projection. Mission Celebration: The Mission Celebration/Annual meeting is scheduled for January 25, 2015 from 5pm to 7pm. Pastor Kristin Rice’s Report: Thank you for the amazing welcome I continue to receive. I met with the Youth and Family Team, the Connecting Team, and the Growing Team. I will continue to attend meetings to get to know Cross. It’s amazing to be here! I am attending a cross-generational worship meeting in January 17 from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm. Mission Council President’s Report: The Business Board looked at the 2015 budget and the team budgets. Reports from Ministry Teams: Serving Team Report: Remembering our sponsorship child: This is an on-going ministry at Cross. Storage for our quilters, etc.: A date will be chosen in January to clean and organize the furnace room, etc. Endowment money: In 2014, the Endowment Board donated $900.00 to the Serving Team for the School Care Kits, Personal Care Kits, and Baby Kits, etc. Our Serving Team will request the same donation to be given for the 2015 year. Cross members in need of a helping hand and encouragement: The Serving Team will do a little shopping to de-stress a couple of our Cross members. A Cross food container will be set up to assist certain Cross members in need. Pastor Carolyn will distribute these items. Next meeting: January 8, 2015 at 6:30 P.M. New Business: Parsonage Task Force Report: Mission Council discussed the report. Cross Outdoor nativity Scene: Our outdoor nativity scene is in a bad state. We need to check prices on a new nativity for next year. We can also look at building something and check out other churches for new ideas. Cross Business Card Cookie Drawing: This is on hold until February. Next meeting is January 8, 2014. Meeting adjourned at 8:20. Meeting closed in prayer. Submitted by: Robyn Bourassa 5pm 8am 10am 5pm 8am 10am 5pm 8am 10am 02/14/2015 02/15/2015 02/15/2015 02/21/2015 02/22/2015 02/22/2015 02/28/2015 03/01/2015 03/01/2015 8am 02/08/2015 5pm 02/07/2015 10am 10am 02/01/2015 02/08/2015 Jeremy & Jessic Runte Margo Griesman Joyce Etter Carol Fell Sandy Demjen, Annie Bailey Barb Tate, Nancy Belau Diane Nienhaus Bruce Tate Mary Larsen, Lois Larson Fran Kirsch Rodney & Beth Oliver Anderson, Terrie Bandoli John Ahsman, Nyle Tiffany Freiwald Team Mike Gaethke Team Ken Burton Team Curt Vacek Team Pat Currah Team Betty Olson Chapel Bells Team Del Stardy Team Rodney Oliver Team Nyle Anderson Team Bob Remer Team Tim Gesteland Gustafson Su Ash John & Pat Oldenburg Joanne Mundt Marlene Remer, Anita Mucci Joyful Voices Singerz Joyful Cross Team Tom Follis Team Andy Johnson Team Mike Gaethke Team Ken Burton Team Curt Vacek Ushers Special Music Kristi Lejcar Rich & Barb Burton Terrie Bandoli Sandy Demjen Diane Nienhaus, Lois Larson Mark Demjen, Joyce Etter Bev Konicek Helen Uebele, Marie Way Mary Larsen Margo Griesman Marlene Remer, Anita Mucci Jim & Laurie Peterson Marie Way, Bruce Tate Pat Christopherson Janet Jones Bob & Marlene Remer Communion Servers Anita Mucci Rick Kirsch David Corey Robyn Bourassa Annie Bailey Joseph Runte Jake Krueger Bob & Bev Belau Nancy & Stephen Belau Sandy Demjen, Joyce Garland Ethan Nienhaus Troy Lauffer Amelia Anderson Andy Stonestreet Jessica Salaja Kim Ellingham Megan Lejcar Tiffany Freiwald Karen Karbowski Jim Uebele Pat Oberst Rylan Ladd Brady Richards Ryan Follis Ben Johnson Fran Kirsch Hailey Hotvedt David Corey Deb Glessner Megan Way McKenna Jones Worship Volunteer Schedule ‐ February 2015 Acolyte Assisting Minister Mark & Su Ash Gustafson The Nienhaus Family Brian & Terry Erb Rodney & Beth Oliver Ralph & LouAnn Jensen Pat & Linda Stammers Scott & Robyn Bourassa Gesteland Family Tiffany Freiwald, Linda Jones John & Pat Oldenburg The Lejcar Family Linda Gums, Tiffany Frei‐ wald Matt & Ian Nie Terrie Bandoli, Lois Lar‐ son Cindy Ingwell, Pauline Mann Tom & Christine Finucane Jim & Helen Uebele Kirby Paradies, Nyle Anderson Virgie Heineman, Ples Ivy Brent & Laura Whiteside Barb Kumbier, Connie Johnson Jim & Laurie Peterson Mary Wolfe, Bev Wolfe David & Dena Corey Dick & Joy Griebel 8am 02/01/2015 Del & Jean Ahearn 5pm 01/31/2015 Greeters Time Date Margo Griesman Arlene Olsen Diane Kohler Lois Larson 10am 5pm 8am 10am 5pm 8am 10am 5pm 8am 10am 5pm 8am 10am 02/07/2015 02/08/2015 02/08/2015 02/14/2015 02/15/2015 10 02/15/2015 02/21/2015 02/22/2015 02/22/2015 02/28/2015 03/01/2015 03/01/2015 Sandy Demjen Terrie Bandoli Linda Gums Dema Corey Terri Bandoli Bonnie Flitcroft Kathy Penny Diane Nienhaus Sandy Demjen Mark Demjen Steve Dietzel Mark Harper Brent Bailey Mark Demjen Nancy Belau 02/01/2015 5pm 8am 01/31/2015 02/01/2015 Tech Team Marlene Remer Time Communion Set‐Up Worship Volunteer Schedule ‐ February 2015 Date Beth Kocha, Samantha Repsa Kaitlin Richards Jeremy & Jessica Runte Kelly Rindelman Jessie & Sam Salaja Sharon Krueger Amelis & Sam Hennegen Christine, Ivy & Finn Finucane Nursery Care Cross Connections February 2015 Cross Connections February 2015 Mission Statement of Cross Lutheran Church "To Be And Make Disciples for Christ" Mission Council Worship Schedule Saturday 5:00 p.m. Sunday 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. 9:15 a.m. Sunday School Bible Study (Lounge) Coffee Hour (Luther Hall) Church Staff Pastor Carolyn J. Sellers Pastor Kristin C. Rice Church Secretary - Anita L. Mucci / Pam Murphy Financial Administrator - Cheryl A. Oaks Custodian - Bob Remer Church Music Staff Organist - Ginny Richards Part-Time Organist - Pat Christopherson Chapel Bells Director - Pat Christopherson Contemporary Music Director - Gustavo Chaviano Joyful Voices Director - Gustavo Chaviano Phone Numbers Business Board Chuck Stubley, Director (262) 763-9280 John Hakala, Treasurer Building & Grounds Justin Kagerbauer, Director (414) 737-1300 Mark Gustafson Jeremiah Moran Jeff Gayhart John Oldenburg John Jacob Connecting Team Brenda Belot, Communicating Director (262)763-6898 Elise Pavelsek Terrie Bandoli Cross Office: (262) 763-6570 Emergency: (262) 757-8111 Fax: (262) 763-6604 E-Mail: [email protected] Noah’s Ark: (262) 767-9095 Growing Team Jen Nelson, Communicating Director (262)878-9021 Patti Oldenburg Anne Moran Website: Serving Team Baptism Preparation Sessions Call the office for further information. Thrivent Representative Scott Herrmann (262) 716-5454 Call 800-Thrivent to direct your “choice” dollars Synod Delegates Bob and Marlene Remer Brian Penny, President (262) 767-0145 Rodney Oliver, Vice President Robyn Bourassa, Secretary Annie Bailey Ken Peper Joanne Mundt Amy Warren Betty Olson, Communicating Director (262)492-5550 Mary Larsen Susan Capozzi Personnel Committee Doug Belot Joyce Etter Linda Gums Nyle Anderson Chris Westra NEWSLETTER DEADLINE 2nd Wednesday of month February 11th 11 Cross Connections February 2015 February 2015 Cross Lutheran Newsletter Cross Lutheran Church, ELCA 126 Chapel Terrace 12