PRICE 35 _N_IS EDWARD JOHNSON GENERAL MANAGER ORIGINALITALIAN, FRENCH OR GERMANLIBRETTO WITH A CORRECT ENGLISH TRANSLATION. PJGOLETTO INC. FRED17 EAST42ncl STREET, NEW YORK CITY THEONLY CORRECT ANDAUTHORIZED EDITION I_NABE PIANO USED EXCLUSIVELY _IWIB IN _.I_A, P-,IGOLETTO AN OPERA IN FOUR ACTS MUSIC BY GIUSEPPE VERDI WORDS BY VICTOI_ HUGO PUBLISHEDBY FRED. RULLMAN, INC., NEW YORK, N. Y. RIGOLETTO THE STORY ACT I. In the ducal palace. Courtiers jest about the Duke's amours. Soma are jealous of his attentions to their wwes and daughters and accuse Rigoletto his jester, of aiding him in his intrigues. They agree to be avenged on Rigoietto and pay him in his own coin. Monterone comes now to demand reparation for an outrage to his daughter. Rigoietto mocks him, and Monterone, mad with rage and indignation, upbraids both the Duke and Rigoletto. The Duke orders Monterone's arrest, but before being taken away the prisoner launches a father's curse on the jester. Thinking of his own daughter, Rigo-:letto quails before Monterone's malediction. ACT II. A house of retired appearance with garden surrounded by high wall. Sparafucile, a bravo, offers to rid Rigoletto of any enemy he may have for a consideration. The jester tells him he has no present use for his services but will remember him. Rigoletto lets himself in by the door to garden and fondly embraces his daughter Gilda, whose love is one consolation. She, in her seclusion, is kept ignorant of the world. He tells Giovanna, her attendant, to always closely guard her. The Duke comes on scene and glides in by the gate, unkvown to Rigoletto, and the latter departs. Gilda, who thinks the Duke a student whom she has seen at church, at first repels his advances, but gradually he hears from her lips that she loves him. The expected return of the father frightens the girl and she prevails on the Duke to leave. Then the masked conspirators enter to abduct Gilda, and, meeting Rigoletto, persuade him it is Count Ceprano's wife they are after, and he willingly joins them. They pL-ce a bandage over his eyes, and he holds the ladder as they scale the wall and abduct his daughter. It is only as they are carrying her off that he hears her cries for help. Recognizing the voice and tearing off the bandage he sees that Gilda is gone "The curse l" he cries and falls. ACT Gilda Room in the Duke's He wonders where a great joke--they III. palace. The Duke b_ wails the disappearance o_ she can be when the c_,urtiers enter to tell him ot have abducted the mistress of l_igoletto and she is now in the palace. The Duke, suspecting it is Gilda, flies to join her. Rigoletto raters. He pretends not to know anything, but they watch him closely. They _ell him the Duke is still sleeping, but when he makes a rush to get out and they oppose him, he knows the truth, and at first furious, at last pleads with them to give him back his daughter. They are surprised at his revelation, but they will not listen to his prayers nor heed his struggles and tears. At this moment Gilda enters and rushes to her father's arms. The courtiers retire and Gilda confesses her shame. She tells her father how the Duke, as a student, won her heart only to end in ruin and dismay. Her father calls down the vengeance of heaven upon the libertine. Here enters Count Monterone escorted by guards on his way to prison. He wonders if it is vain to utter a curse on the dastard Duke. As he passes on, "No, no!" exclaims Rigoletto, for he will avenge them both with a blow that will prove fatal. Gilda's love, though, is still strong enough to wish to save the Duke from harm. ACT IV. A turnble-down building divided by a wall Irom _ne open country. Gilda tries to persuade her father that the Duke is true to her. Rigoletto tells her to look through a crevice of the wall and she sees the disguised Duke embracing Maddalena and ordering wine. Sparafucile wants Rigoletto to let him know if this man is to die. Rigoletto tells him to wait. (Here comes the great quartette.) Gilda, seeing for herself, is convinced that the Duke is false, but she trembles for him as she departs. Rigoletto now concludes his bargain with Sparafucile to kill the Duke. The latter, on the inside, tells the cut-throat that, as a storm is brewing, he will stay all night, and goes to bed. Maddalena implores Sparafucile not to kill him, but the bravo says he has been paid for it and must do it. Maddalena persists, and Gilda, who has returned dressed as a boy and, listening at the gate, hears Sparafucile promise that if anyone else comes along he shall be killed instead. Gilda thereupon, out of love for the Duke, resolves to sacrifice herself in his stead. She knocks at the gate, it is opened, Sparafucile advances, seizes Gilda--a stifled cry and silence. Soon after Rigoletto returvs and demands what he has paid for. Sparafueile drags out a sack and throws it at his feet. Rigoletto gloats over his victim. Suddenly he hears _be voice of the Duke and then sees him passing in the backgrovnd. V_:ho then, is this? He tears open the sack, looks closely and with great at" _alls senseless over Gilda's corpse. PERSONAGE3. DUKE OF MANTUA SPARAFUCILE RIGOLETTO GILDA COUNT MONTERONE MADDALENA _OUNT CEPRANO MARULLO .I/_'7 ;_=_ % RIGOLETTO. ATTO I. SCENA I._Sala maghifica nd Palazzo Ducale. I1 DUCA. £' BORSA g]le 7'£71gono da una iOorta del fondo, SCENA II.--Detti, il Conte di Cm'RA_O, £,tle segue da lungi la tua sposa seguita da altro Caz,ahere. Dame e Szgnora o_lrano Ouca. da varw partz. Duca. (Alla Szgnora di Cep., movendo an incontrarIa con molta galanlcria. ) Partite? Crudele ! Cep. Seguire le sposc M' _ forza a Ceprano. Duca. Ma dee luminosc Bor_a. Oaca. t?orsa. Della mia bella incognita borghese Toccare il fin del' avventura voglio, Di quelli giovin che vedete Da tre lune ogni festa. La sua dimora ? 0uca. Misterioso notte. _orsa. io al tempio? In un remoto calle ; uom v' entra ogni un In Corte tal astro qual sole brillar. Per voi vul ciascuno dovr_ palpitar. Per voi gik possente la fiamma d' amore Inebria, conquide, dastrugge il mic core. 1_ sa colei ehi sia L' amante suo ? I2_wa. [ Un grvi_o la sala. Lo ignora. di Dame e Cavalieri att_ aversan Borsa. Duca. t_orsa. Quante belt_t !--Mlrate. Le vance tntte di Cepran Non v' oda il Conte, /)uca. Borsa. Dirlo Duca. N_ sventura ad altra la sposa. o Duca-[Ptano. A me che importa ? ei potria-- per me certo sarm. Questa o quella per me pari sono A quant' altre d' intorno mi redo, Del mio core l'impero non cedo Meglio ad una che ad altra belth. Ceib. Duca. [Le SCENA III.--Delti conlra nel Signor iani. Rig. Signor di [Cepranofa un il Duca Rag. Coro. Rig. Borsa. Rig. La costoro aw, enza _ qual dono Di the il faro ne infiora la vita ; S' oggi quelta mi torna gradita, Forse un' altra doman lo sara. La costanza tlranna del core Dete_tiamo qual morbo crudele, Sol ehi vuole si serbi fedele ; Non v' ha amor, se non v' _ libertk. De' rnariti il geloso turore, I)egli amanti le smanie derido, _A_ncod' Argo i cent' _echi disfidc 8e mi punge una qualche belth. [Con enfasi, Calmatevi-No. SCENA Mar. Coro. Mar. Coro. baciaudole la mano. da il bracdo ed esce con lei. e RIGOLETTO che s' in. di C_eRANO; t_oi Corlig. In testa the avete, Ceprano ? gcsto d' zmpazienza e segut (Ai Cortigiana.) Ei sbuffa, vedete Che festa [ On s_-I1 duea qul pur si diverte Cos_ non _ sempre? Che nuove scorpete I1 giuoco ed il vino, le feste, la ,4anza Battaglie, conviti, ben tutto gli sta. Or della Contessa 1' assedlo eg_. avanza, E intanto il marito fremendo ne va [/_'¢a IV.--Delli Gran Stupir nuova e MARULLO premuraso ! gran nuow ! Che avvenne " _sar, ate: ne dovrete-Narrate narrate- RIGOLETTO. ACT I. __CENE I.--A Ball-room i_ fhe Ducal Palace. Ladies and Gentlemen, Pages and Servanls, cross lhe scene. Af usic zs heard at a distance, and now and then bursts of laughter. Enter SCENE II.--Enler COUNT C:EPRAI',IO, wadiSing at a distance the COUNTESS, who is/Mloa'ed bA, a Genlleman. Ladies and Lords clvss lhe scene. the DUKE and BORSA. Duke. I am quite resolved to follow to the end My new adventure with this youthful lady. qorsa. You mean the one you meet in going to church ? ,)uke. Yes, in a lonely street, and every day Receives a visit from a dubious man. 6orsa. But does she know him not ? Duke. Yes, every Sunday for the last three months. gorsa. Know you where she resides ? Duke. No, I think not. Duke. [A _roup of Ladies and Gentlemen cross the scene. Borsa. Behold those charming ladies. Duke. Yes, but Ceprano's wife excels them all. 8orsa. &h! but mind her husband, Duke. Duke. What matters? t_arsa It might be spread about. D_ke_ What then--no great misfortune. COUh-T CEPR.a.NO and Courtiers. Rig. What troubles you, dear Count ? You seem in deepest thought. [ The Count makes a sign of impatience, and follows the Duke. Rig. (To the Courtiers.) The Count is furious ! See. Cho. A fine ball ! Rzg. Indeed. Borsa. And even the Duke enjoys well the feast. Mongst the beauties here around, Over me none have control ; qone can say, " I am preferrea; " Equal love I feel for a11. (_bun. Duke. Coun. Duke. ( To the Countess, with great politeheSS.) You go already, cruel one ? I must obey my husband, I am obliged to leave. But you must shine at Court, As Venus amongst the stars-Here all must sigh for you. Already here behold A wetim of your charms. Ah ! silence-No. [ The Duke kisses he; hana. SCENE Rig. III.--EnlerRIGOLETTO, Is it not always th:s ? so ? What who meets news is Wine and feasting--dancing and games-Battles and banquets--for him all '_ the same. Now 'gainst the Countess he tries to lay the siege, And cares not for the jealousy ot her liege. [Exzt. Yes, all women are to me Like the flowers of the field, Now to this, I am inclined, Now to that by chance I yield, As one flies from a great peril, So from constancy I fly ; Those who will, may faithful be, in freedom only love doth lie. SCENE I despise a jealous husband, And I laugh at lover's sighs-If a beauty strikes my fancy, defy one hundred eyes. Jfar. Cho. A2rar. Cho. IV.--Enter ]VfARULLO, wifh anxiety. Great news ! fine news ! Quick, what has happened, You will all be surprised. Speak on, speak on. greaA say ? 6 RIGOLETTO. Mar. Coro. Mar. %h ! ah ! Coro. Perduto ha la gobba ? won _ pih difforme ? Pih strana _ la cosa ! ii pazzo possiede-Infine ? Un amante Mar. Cara. Mar. Coro. SCENA Z)uca. Tutti. Ebben ? Caso enorme Coro. .liar. Rigoletto-._ Amante ! Chi al crede I1 gobbo in Cupido mato! Quel mostro Cupido or s' _ trasfor! Cupido $Jon. ? Duca. t Mon. Tutti. Afon. beato V.--Detti ed il Duca seguita RZGOLETTO, indi CEPRANO. da Rig. Duca. quanto Ceprano, importuno niun v' _ ! [.4 Rig. La cara sua posa _ un angiol per me. Rapitela. E dettol • mail farlo_ " Rig. l)uca. N_ pensi Rig. Ah, tu al Conte Non Ah, ed il TERONE. Ch' io gli parli. Conic [Dall' di MON. inlerr_ No. I1 vogli_.Entrando ,^ Monterone! (/issanao i/Duca con _zobzle orgoglto. ) St, Monteron--la voee mia qua1 tuono Vi scuoter_ dovunque-(al Duca, contraffacendo la vo_e eli Mon.) io gli parli. [Si az,an_a con riduola gravzta. Voi congiuraste eontro i_oi, _ignore, E not, c!ementi in vero, perdo. nammo-Qual vi piglia or delirio--atutt el' ore Di vostra figlia reclamar 1' onere ? ? c' _ la prigione VI.--bdti Ch' Stassera-- Rig. l;uca. 1141g. i)uca. Rig. SCENA SarA. [La folla de' danzalori znvade la _,, Tutto _ gioia, tutto 6 festa, Tutto imritaci a goder ! Oh, guardate, non par questa /_ Or la reggia del piacer [ ? (g'uardando no. Ebben----s' esilia. Nemmeno, buffone. Adunque la testa-[Indzcando difarla toglzare. Cc;h. Oh 1' anima nera Ii IDa se. Duma. Che di' questa testa ?-[l_allendo col/a matzo una spalIa a/Con/e. Che far di tal testa ?--A cosa ella vale_ (_i_. Marrano ? [ln/uriato battendo la spada. Duca. Fermate-[.d Cep. Rig Da rider mi fa. Coro. In furia _ montato ! [Tra loro. 1)uca. Buffone, vien qua. A Rig. A sempre tu spingi lo scherno all' estremo, Quell' ira che sfidi colpir ti potrh. Wig. Che coglier mi puote ? Da loro non temo ; Del duca un protetto nessun toccher_. Jeff. Vendetta dal pazzo-tat Corligiani, a parse. Coro. Contr' esso un rancore Pet tnsti suoi modi, di not ehi non ha? Ceib. Vendetta ! Coro. Ma come? Ccp. Domani, chi ha core Sia in armi da me. Tul/t. 5"I. ¢)./_. A notte. Duca. Rig. Coro. Alon. Rig. Rig. con zra sihrezzanle. ) Novello insulto !--Ah sl, _a_urbareDuea Sarb vostr' orgie---verrb a gridare, Fino ache vegga restarsi insulto Di mia famiglia 1' atroce insulto ; E seal carnefice pur ml darete Spettro terrible mi rivedrete, Portante il mano il teschm mio, Vendetta chiedere al mondo e ? Dio. Non pih, arrestatelo. E matto I Quai detti Oh state entrambi voi maledettl [AI Duea e Rig. Slanciare il cane al leon morente E' vile, o duca--e tu serpente, [a Rig.. Tu che d' un padre ridi al dolore, Sit maledetto ! Che sento ? orrore ! [Da se colpilo. Tutti (meno Rig ) Oh tu chela festa andace hat turbato. Da un genio d' inferno qm fo_t3 guidato ; E' vano ogx_.idettc, di quh t' allontana-Va, trema, o vegliardo, dell' Ira sovrana-Tu 1' hat provocata, plh speme non v' $. Un' ora fatale questa per re. R1GOLETTO. Mar. Che. _, Mar. C'ho. Ma_. CAo. Mar. Cho. All. Well May. Cko. ah ! Rigoletto-Strange What, has he lost his hump ? now straight ? More strange still, the foolish possesses-What ? say-A lover. case. Rzg. Duke, _ig. Duke. Rift• Duke• Rift. Duke. Rig. Cep. Duke. Rig. man SCENE Mon. Duke. A lover ! who can e'er have thought of this ? ¥I.--Enter (from Mon. The hump-back is transformed into a Cupid. Oh, what a monstrous Cupid! charming Cupid) • by the scene. To dance, to feast, to pleasure, Here everything mxute, Look around, does this not seem The palace of dehght. Is he SCENE V.--Enter the DUKE, followe:t Ric, oL_;a"ro, after'wards CEPRANO. Duke Decreedt. [A crowd of dancers invade All. 3Ion. Rig. without) Couwr MOINTEROIN][_ I must see him. No, no. I will. [Entering. Monteron&. (looking at the Duke, zvllh przde.) Yes, Monterone.--My voice Forclimes. ever I will raise against your man can be more vexing than Ceprano. His wife is a sweet angel• [To Rig. Steal her away. 'Tis easier said than done. Duke, counterfeiting Mon.'s voice. ) I must see him. You have conspired against our name, my lord, And we have granted pardon-What madness now is yours ? In this glad hour This evening. You think not of the Count. Have you no prisons ? Ah! no. Well, banish him. No, no, buffoon. His head, then. [Makzng signs oJ having it cut off. (Villain ! [Aszde. What do you mean ? this hea'.t ?-[Tapping the Count on the shoulder• Yes, what is it good for ? What can he do with it ? To come and claim the honor of youx daughter ! (looking at Rig. wi/h conlrmflt.) A. new insult ! but your nefarious orgies I w111 disturb. Here I will raise my rome Until the honor of an injured family Shall be restored• And even ff you wer_ _'o sign my _leath and send me _ the Mock, No Cep. Miscreant ! [Unsheathing hzssword. uke. Stop--stop. [72, the Count. Rift. He makes me laugh. C/w. He is frantic ! [Anwng lhemselves. Duke. Now, buffoon, come her_. r To Rig. You carry your jokes too far, His sword nught reach your heart. Rig. I fear him not. No one will dare tc teach The favorite of the Duke. C2b. He must be l_unished. [Aszde to the Courtiers. '_/,o. And who has not some injuries To avenge on him. Cep. Revenge, revenge! Cho. But how ? C@. If you fear not, to-morrow Come with your swords to me. A//. We will• Cep. At night. Mon. (to the My shade will claim revenge more---arrest him. He is mad T He is mad [ Be both for ever accursed. [ To Rig. and the Duke.. To strike the dying lion, 'Tis base--but thou, reptile, Who dar'st to laugh at an old father's grief Malediction fall on thee ! Rig. What do I hear ! Oh, terror I [As/de. All, except Rig. Rash man, your evil spirit Has brought you to disturb this feast, Your words are vain• Away l The Duke's revenge you raise -_ No hope for you remains, This is your fatal day. Duke. Rzg. C_o. lklon. _o 8 RIGOLETTO. |Mon. partejra ultra seguana due a_abardieri ; lutli il Duca in ultra slanza, gli A T T O I I. L' Pari siamo t--io la lingua, egli taa tJ pugnale ; L' uomo son ic che ride, ei quel ck_ spegne t Quel vecchio maledivami !-O uomini !--o natura !-Vii scellerato mi faeeste voi v Oh rabbia !--esser difforme ! _ at_t eslremita piu deserta d' una via cieca. Casa di Rigoletto e terazzo. I_IGOLETTO chzuso ncl suo manlcllo. SPARAFUCILE lo segue iborlando solla il manlello una lunga sflada. Rig. Spa. Rig. (Quel vecchio maledivami !) Signor?-Va, non ho niente, Spa. N_ il chiesi--a voi presente Un uom di spada sta. Un ladro ? Un uom che libera Per poco da un rivale, voi ne avete - Rig. Spa. Rig. Spa. guardand* RIGOLI_TTO, dielro a SPARAFUCIL]_. buffone !Non dover, non poter altro oh, ridere !-I1 retaggio d' ogni uom m' _ toltuil pianto !-Questo padrone mio, Giovin, giocondo, s: possente, beil_, Sonnecchiando mi dice ; Fa eh' io rida, buffone. Forzarmi deggio, e farlo :--Oh, data. Rig. (Che sento?) E quanto spendere Per un signor dovrei ? nazione ! Odio cortigiani ho scherlfitori !a Quanta a voi, in mordervi gioia ! Se iniquo so, per cagion vtJstra solo-- Spa. Rig. S_a. Prezzo maggior vorrei_ Corn' usasi pagar ? Una meter s' anticipa, I1 resto si da poi-- Ma in altr' uom qu_ mi cang:o !Quel vecchio maledivami ]--Tal per,. siero Pereh_ ognor la ment_ mia ?-- conturba _zg. (Dimonio :) E come puo_ Tanto securo oprar ? Mi Spa. Soglio in eittade uccidere, Oppure nel mio tetto. L' uomo di sera aspetto_ Una stoccata, e moor. Rig. _pa. Rzg. _#a. La rostra donna Quale ? _ l_t. [Afire in casa ? E facile_ M' aiuta mia sorella_ Per le vie danza_ bella_ Chi voglio attira---e allor_ Rig. Gilda. Rig. Mio padre Senza il mio stromento. [3rostra ]a spada. No--al Spa. Rig. Spa. ]di_. Peggio Siba. Rzg. Borgognone-E dove all' oecasione Spa. _zg. Qul sempre momento-- ver voi-- Chi sa ? Sparafucile mi nomino_ Straniero ? a sera. Va. [Per andarsene, ? [Spa. Ah no, "_ nel corli& Figlia-- Rzg. strepito--- Viserve, Aig, ? con chzave, ed enlra Trova sol gioia Gzlda. Oh quanto amore Comprendo-Senza sventura Dello e GILDA ch' esce dull( casa e si getla helle sue braccia. E come ]_' questo coglier_ follia. parle, ! Ate dappresso il core oppresso ! Mia vita sei ! te in terra qual bene avrei ? [ Sost_'ru Voi sospirate !---chev' ange tanto ? Lo dire a questa povera figlia-Se v' ha mistero_per lei si_ franto--Ch' ella conosca la sua famiglia. Rig. Tu non ne hai-Gilda. Qual nome avete Rig. Ate ehe importa ? Gzlda. Se non volete Di voi parlarmi-l_zg. Non usair mai. [I_zlerrornpendota Gilda. Non vo che al tempio. Rig. Or ben tu fai, Gilda. RICADLETTO. i,_IDn, is •thersfollow lead (_ay by The endofla Rig. Spa. Rig. Spa. Rig'. SJm. Rig. : S_a. Rig. Spa. #ig', Spa. (That Sir? I I. _[g]lt era,eloped _PARAFUCILE, man and Garden ol stairs. Enter in his cloak, and carrying a long Of has cursed me. ) wretch l) And how can you Be sure of the success ? I kill them in the street, Enter Or e'en my in my I await manown at house. night ; A sitlgle blow--he dies. But how in your own house ? Nothing can be more easy, My sister helps me. She dances in the streets--she is A'zg. handsome ; And she attracts the man I want-I then-I understand! Without the slightest noise, A'_g. is my trusty Sparafucile day. from /zouse and z)z hzs arms. My daughter throws h_J _b I T Father. Near to thee alone, dejected heart returns This poor to joy. Gi[da. My father dear! Thou art my only hope, else have i on earth excep* my Gilda ? You sigh! What is the cause o your affiictmn ? What Gilda. weapon I [Shows h_s sword. you ? Not now. for you. Perhaps another I am called. GILDA Gilda. Reg. Tell it to yot{r poor daughter Intrust to me your secrets, And let me know my family Can I serve worse a_te, 'Tis you that made me wicked, O rage ] to be deformed--and a burfoon ! To be condemned to laugh against my will : To ask in vain the common gift-of tears l Alas ! my master, young, And full of mirth, At every moment says, Now make me laugh, buffoon. I must do it. Oh ! rage. I hate you all, vile oourtiers T On you, therefore, my tongue de. lights to dwell ; For you I am depraved-But here I am not the same ; That man has cursed me [ But why this thought Thus haunts my mind What can I have to fear? No, _ , ' tis madness. [tie @ens and enters. (0 The looking My weapon is my tongue--and hit the dagger ; I make the people laugh, he makes them mourn ! "We are alike !--That man hascur_pd me ! Ye men and nature. Go : I need you not. "_have not spoken! Only I showed myself There with my dagger, ready to your orders, You are a thief. A man, That for a trifle will free you from rivals, And you have one. Who is he ? Is not your mistress here ? (What do I hear ?) How much have I to pay To rid me from a man ? A little more. And when must you be paid? One half before the deed, The other after. This Rig. Spa. Rig. ._a. RIGOLETTO House Zdlth RIGOLETTO followed by sword. JCig. Spa. the SPARAFUCILE. Street. l_ IGOLETTO, Rig. _a. Rig. Spa. s ldier$, .*he Duke. A CT 4 t]_e 9 Rig. Ah ! thou hast none ! Gilda. Your name, Rig. What matters it to thee ? Rig'. _+a. A foreigner ? From Burgundy. GiMa. R@. Spa. _ig. [in tac ad ofg-oing azvav But where could I meet you? At this spot, always at night. _:e11, go. [Spa. exit. R@. If you Of our relations-Dolt tilcu ever l_ave oh;oct to speak tlv_s hcu_e [/_zArruj)/lng GkWa. i on'.,- ge to church. R*g. That's right, twr. my child, lC RIOOLETTO. GiMa. Se non di voi,almen chisia Fate ch' io sappia la madre mia. Rig. Deh non parlare al misero Del suo perduto bene-- Rig. Stabeh--laportache d& al basfione ]_ sempre chiusa ? Gio. Lo fu e sara. Rig. Veglia, o donna, que_to fiore fAGi_ E11ascntin' quellangelo, Piet_dellemie pene-Solo,difforme, povero Per compassionmi arab. Mofia--lezolle coprano Lieviquelcapo amato--Solaor tu restialmisero-0 Dio,siiringarziaro l-[SingMozzande. Gilda. Quanto dolor !---che spremere Si amaro pianto pub ? Padre, non pih, ealmatevi-Mi laeera tel vista-I1 nome vostro ditemi, I1 duol ehe si v' attrista m Che a tepuro confidai ; Vegliaattenta, e non siama_ Che s'offuschi ilsuo candoT Tu deiventidalfurore, Ch altri fiori hanno piegato, Lo dlfendi, e immacolato Lo ndonna al genitor. GiMa. Quanto affetto !--quali cure! Che temete, padre mio ? Lassh in eielo, presso Dx Veglia un anglo1 protetto,. Da noi stoglie le sventure Di mia madre il priego santo ; Non fia mai divelto o infranto Questo a voi dilktto fiore. Rig. SCENA A ehe nomarmi ?--_ inutile !-Padre, ti sono, e basti-Me forse al mondo temono, D' aleuna ho forse gli asfi-Altri mi maledieono-- XI.--Delli ed d DvcA in coslum, borghese della slrada. kig. Aleuno _ fuori-[Mi#re la 2borta della Corle, e menlre esce a G//da. Patria parenti, amici, Voi dunque non avete t• Rig. Patria !--parenti !--diei ?-Culto, famiglia, patria, sulla strada il DvCA guizza furtivo nella carte uasconde una dietro l' albero ; ge¢o tando easiGiovanna horse za fct lacer, G/L Cielo ! Sempre novel sospetto--[Coneffusiene.Rig. (a Gil. tornando.) I1 mio universo _ in te ! Vi segmva ella ehiesa mai nessuno, Gio. Mai. GiMa. Ah, se pub lieto rendervi, Gioia _ la vile a me ! Duca. (Rigoletto.) Gih da tre lune son qui venuta, Rig. Se talor qul piechiat0_ N_ la cittade ho aneor veduta ; Guardatevi da aprir-Se il concedeto, farlo or potrei_ Gio. Nemmeno a! duea ?_ Rig. Mai !--mai !--uscita, sei _ dimmi, unqua GiIda. No. Rig. Rig. [ Verso la case. G/o. figlia_ Gio. mia paare. [_ abbraciano,Addio, e Rigoletto parle chiuaen dosi dwtro la porte. Ben te ne guarda ! (Potrian seguirla, rapirla aneora ! Qn_ d'un buffone si disonora La figlia, e ridesi--Orror !) Olh ? SCENA Meno che a tutti a lui--Mia addio. Duca. Sua figlia [ GuM t• (Che dissi ?) Gilda. Rig. X._Delli e GIOVANNA della casa. Signor _ SCENA nefla XII.--GILDA, gaffe, iboi CEPRA.NO GIOVANNA, e BORSA il DIyCA a teft_ szdla via. Gdda. Giovanna, ho dei rimorsi-Gio. E perch_ mai, Gilda. Taequi ehe un giovin ne seguiva a_ tempio. Gio. Rig. Tenendo mi vide alcuno ? Bade, d_ iI veto-- G/6. Ah no, nessuuo. Perch_ dirgli voi ?--1' Cotesto cib giovin, ? odiate dunque Gilda. No, no, eh_ troppo _ bello e sptra amore--Gio. E magnanimo sembra e gran signore. 11 RIGOLETTO. 57t/da. If you will not reveal your name or rank. Ah, let me know, at least, who is my mother• Rig Ah, do not awake, I pray, A memory so sad ; Of my dejected stat_ She alone compassion had. Despised, deformed, and poor, Through pity, me she loved. :_he died--ah, may the earth Lay lightly on her head-Thou art my only treasure--O God ! be thou her aid ? [Sighing. _7_ffde_.Alas, what grief ! ah, never Saw I such bitter tears ! &h, father, be more calm, Or you will break my heart. To me reveal your name ; To me your grief impart. _'. Why this ?--I am thy father, This is enough for thee. I might perhaps be hated, Or othersbeenfeared. AIas!be by I have cursed ! Giza_. No country, no relations, No friends, you then possess ? qzZ What dost thou say, my love ? Thou art my god, my country, Thou art the world to me I Gilda. If I could see you glad, I happy, too, would be. it is three months now, since we here arrived, And nothing I have seen yet of the city. I wish to see it now, if you wil! grant it. (gig. Hast ne'er left this house ? Gilda. Never thou T • Rig. Mind ! Gilda. (What do I say ?) ,_?(_. Nor must thou ever leave it. (She be might stolen, be followed, she might And they would honor Of a buffoon, _here' laugh at the f'_ -hame [Towards S(5_LNE 6_'0. Rig. X GIOVA_CA house, speak the lifo ! the house. from Sir? Has no one seen me whilst here ? Mind, Gio. --Enter !) dis- truth. No one. the coming Rig. Gio. ]fig. Gilda. SCENE That's well ! The door ,hat leads upon the Ramparts, is it always closed? Yes, it has always been so, and a_. ways shall. Oh, woman, watch o'er this flower_ Which I trust unto thy care ; Be thou mindful, it may never Fall the victim of dark snare. O, save thou this fragile stem From the hail and from rain -. As it was to thee confided, May I receive it back again. O, be cheerful, my dear fathe,. Chase your starting tears away There, in heaven, is an angel Who protects us night and day, There the prayers of my mother From all danger keeps us free ; Never, never, from your side, Never distant will I be. XI.--The Duke in disguise in the street. arrive_ Rzg. Some one outside-[Rigoletto opens t,_e street gate, and whilst he goes out, the Duke shdes zn, hiding himse_ behznd a tree, and th_vwing a purse to Giovanna. Gilda. Oh, heavens ! He is always suspicious Rig. (to Gilda, returning.) Has any one ever followed you tc church I Gio. Duke. No, never. [Aside ('Tis Rigoletto.) If any one here knocks You must not open. Gio. Not even to the Duke ,_ ]_ig. Still less to him than others--Child, adieu. Duke. His child ! Gilda. Adieu, my father. [ They embrace ; and Rigoletto going _ut shuts the door after hzm. SCENE XII.--GILDA, DUKE in the courtyard; PgAzqo and GIOVANNA, afterwards the C_- BORSA in the street. Gdda. Gio. Giovanna, I feel remorse. And for what Gilda. I told him not ch u rch. Gin. Gilda. And why would you tell this ? Do you disdko that man ? No, no, he is too handsome. Gio. And ha_ the si_uor. who reason follows 'appearance of me ? *_ a rich . 12 RIGOLETTO. Gilda. Signor n_ prineipe io lo vorrei, Sonto che povero---pih 1' amerei. Sognando o vigile--sempre lo chiamo, E 1' alma in cstasi--gli dice t' a-Ouca. (esce zmprovz,_so, fa cenno a Gio. d' andarsene, e inginocchzandosi a' Jgicdi dz Gil. termina la frase. ) T' amo ! T' amo, ripetilo--s_ caro accento, Un puro schiudimi--ciel di contento ! G¢laa Gxovanna ?--Ahi misera !--non v' pih alcuno Che qul rispondami v--Oh Dio !-nessuno !-Duca. Son io coll' anima--che ti rispondo-Ah due che s' amano--son tutto un mondo !-Gilda. Chi mai, chi giungere--vi fece a me ? Z)uca. S' angelo o demone--che importa a te ? Io t' amo-Gilda. Useitene. Duca. Uscire !--adesso ! Ora che aeeendene--un fuoco istesso !-A inseparabile---d' amore Stringeva, o vergine--tuo miol Gilda. 1)uca. (hlda. ]htca. GJlda. Cep. Duca. t]orsa. Duca. Gzo. Gzlda. Duca. Gilda. Duca. Gdda. f)uca. L" intera vita--pol-Gdda. Non pih--non pih--partite A 2. Addio--speranza ed aroma Sol tu sarai per me. Addio--vivr_t immutabile L' affetto mio per te. [II Duca enlra in casa scortato da Giovanna Gilda resla fissando la porta and' e_arlit_ SCENA Mald& !--nome di lui s' amate Seolpisciti nel core innamorato ! Caro nome the il mlo cor Festi primo palpitar, Le delizie dell' amor Mi d_i sempre rammentar 2.ol pensiero fi mio desir A te ognora voler_, ]_ pur 1" ultimo sospir Caro nome, tuo sar_t. [Sale al terrazzo con mm lanwrna XIV. BORSA, al sola. Gualtier SCENA il dio fato XIII.--GILDA dalla cntra -- _[ARL'LLO, Cortzgiani via. GILDA i_l casa. CEPRANO, arma[z e mascherati sit/ [erazzo, rile tosto F_ il sol dell' anima, la vita _ amore, Sua voce 6 il palpito--del nostro core-E fama e gloria--potenza e trono. Terrene, fragili--cose qu_ sono. f?or. Una pur avvene sola divina, E amor the agli angeli--plh ne a_wicina ! Co_v. Adunque amiamoei--donna celeste. D' invidia agli uomini--sar_ per te. (Ah de miei vergini--sogni son queste Le voci tenere--si cara a me !) Che, in' ami--deh ! ripetimi-L' udlste. Oh me felice ! I1 nome vostro dltemi-Saperlo non mi lice ? I1 loco _ qui-A Bor. dalla via. Mi nomino-[Pensando. [Sta ben-[A Cep. e_artono. Gualtier Mald_ Studente sono--povero-Rumor di pa>>i _ fuore-[Tornando spaventala, Forse mio padre-(Ah eogliere SCENA 3far. aggiusto-(Chi parla quk?) Ehi, Rigoletto ?--Di ? (Chi va lk ?) [(_-on voce terrzbie Eh, non mangiarci ! Son-- Potessi il tl aditore Che s_ mi sturba !) Adducilo Di quit al bastione--ite-D1 m' amerai tu ! Evc Rig. _ar. Marullo. [A Gio. Cep. Coro. Afar. E' 1_. [Indicando Parfata Oh quanto ed angiol. L'amante Di Rigoletto Rig. Bor. Rig. Bet. Cep. 29or. Alar. Rig. 3lar. l_zg. Rig. Afar. Gil. at (_'ore Miratela-- XV.--f)elli _ bella 6 quella ! e RIGOLETTO trato. concen (Riedo !--perehe ?) Silenzio--all' opra--badate a me. (Ah da quel vecchio fui maledetto ? Chi 5 lk ? Tacete--c' _ Rigoletto. [Ai compagni Vittoria doppia !--1' uccideremo. No, eh6 domani pifi rideromo-Or tutto Chi In tanto bujo io sguardo e hullo. Qu_ ne condusee ridevol cosa-Torre a Ceprano \-o_li-_m la sposa. RIGOLETTO. _%Ida. 'Tis not the riches nor rank I wish ; To me if poor, he'd better prove. I think of him by day and night ; For him my heart o'erflows with love-Duke ffhrowtng himself suddenly at the feel ¢f Gilda. ) _vVith love, with love, oh, let me hear it ; Oh, let my soul be rapt in joy. Gilda. Giovanna ! alas ! Is no one here ? [Gio. goes out at a sign from t,_e Duke. No one defends me ? Oh, heavens ] no one. Duke. 'Tis I, thy lover, that speaks to thee. I will protect thee 'gainst all worlds. UzTda. Oh heaven ! what fate has brought you here ? Duke. That fate which rules a loving heart. Thou art my love• Cdlda. Depart. Duke No, no, The same affection our souls inflames, No power our love on earth can sever. By fate united, by mutual sympathy, Our bonds of love will last for ever. My proudest conquest will be thy faith-My golden throne thy heart so pure ; " • : • lg Dztke. For ever, yes, and then-Gi/. No more, no more, depart. Both. Farewell, nay hope forever, My blessing thou shalt be. Farewell, farewell. All ! never I'll change my love for thee. [ The Duke evil, escorted by Giovanna, Gildafotlows hzm with her eyes. anA SCENE XIII.--GILD_a/on_ Walter Mald6. Sweet name, Thou art already engraven on my heart. Dear name ! thou first hast fallen So sweet upon my ear, Thou shalt for ever be To me welcome and dear. My thoughts, all my desires, Will ever to thee turn, Yes, even when my ashes Shall rest within the urn. [Oilda ascends t/_e terrace with a lantern i_ her hand. SCENE XIV. -- MARtILLO, CEI'RANO, BORSA, Courtiers in masks, and armed, zn the street ," GILDA on the terrace, entering the house lYor. She is there. All earth isis real vain and and sure. frail, True else loveon alone Love gives to men celestial bliss. May nothing then our flame abate, lind all will envy my happy fate. (d, t,.. Ah I these indeed are like the words Vffhich in my dreams I said and heard. [ tuk:. O, let me hear again, I love thee• ,Stlffa. You have heard it. Cep. D'tke. Oh, joy I • •=iMa. Tell me your name, Or may I know it not ? ,)p. This is the place. [1"o Bor. from the street. r)uke. My namo [Thinking. 8or. I see [They depart. Rtg Bor. ]?ig. //or. Ri_. Bar. Cep. (alone) Do I return ? why ? Hush, to the work. Pay attention all to me. That man, alas ! has cursed me ! It was bo dark I could not see. Who is there ? Hush, Rigoletto is here• A double chance, we can now kill this man. Ouke. Bor. No, Afar. J_zg. _ar. Rig. Mar. Rzg. Alar. Who speaks _ Ah, Rigoletto--say ? Who is there ? Betray us not, I am-Who Marullo. ? qic GiL Duke. tTa'l. Duke. G//. Is Waiter Mald_. I am a poor student--poor-A noise of steps outside. [RelurningfrigMened. x-erhaps my father. Ah, could I seize the traitor Who dares disturb my joy Of being with thee• Go quick, And lead him on the ramparts, Dost thou love me ? And yon ;_ Cho. 3tar. Cho. Look. She is an angel Of Rigoletto SCENE How beautiful she _s ! [ Is that the lover ? XV.--Jr_nter RIGOLETTO, zn thoztght. no, to-morrow more laughter. Ah ! let me do-- We we absorbed shall have just came here to have some fun-We are going to steal away Ceprano's w_ fe _' _ RIGOLETTO. i1_. {Oime fftl4P. (a. Cop.) La vostra chiave ? (a Rig Non dubitare, Non dee mancarci lo stratagemma-Ecco le chiavi-- "t_g'. respiro !) Ma come enuare ? Tutti. ) Ne sia calla or che meno 1' abpett_A sua volta schernito sar_t !Cheti, cheti, rubiamgli 1' amante, E la Carte doman rider_t. [Alcuni salgono al terrazzo, rompon la porLa del prmm piano, scendono, aprono aa al/ri oh' entrano dalla strada, e riescono, trascinando Gilda la quale avra la bocce chtusa da un faz-wlello. Nel traz,ersam ]a scena ella perde una sdarpa. Gil. Soccorso, padre mio --IDa lo_,tano Coro. Vittoria ! ; GiL _'zg [ Gli da la chiave az'ula da Cep. Sento il suo stemma. [Pa[eando/e. (Ah, terror vailo fu danque il mlo ]) [Rc:_irando. N' e 1_ il palazzcr--con voi son io. Mar. Siam mascherati-- .Rig. A me una Ch' ?io put larva Mar. mi mascheri Si, pronta I'errai R_g. Fitta La benda cieco e gi_t. [Si e la tenebra-- e sordo JbELL _ ATTO ATTO SCENA Duca. ! Tutti. Ella mi fu rapita ! E :hi 1' ardiva?--ma ne avrb vendetta : Lo chiede il pianto della nfia diletta Varml veder le lagrime Duca. Tutti. talor mi credo [3",iene Scorrenti da quel ciglio, Quando frail duolo e 1' ans a Del subito periglio, Dell' amor nostro memore, I1 suo Gualtier chiamo. Ned ei potea soccorrerti, Cara fanciulla amata ; Ei the vorria co11' anima Farti quaggih beata ; Ei the le sfere agli angeli Per te non invidi6. Quasi a virth I IlL serta ! E dove ora sar_ quell' angiol caro! Colei the pot_ prima in questo core Destar la fiamma di constanti affetti ? Colei si pura, al cui modesto accente tratto si slra_b/m i cat+elh ; finalme_tte dope SECUNDS. 6Ct_NA I.--Salotto ndpalazzo ducale. Ui so,za due parle laterali, una magg'iore nd [ondo che si chiude. A' suoi lali pendona i ritrat/i in tutla flgura, a sinistra del zr)uca, a des/to della sua sposa, l/'ha un seggwlone presso una tavola c@erta di ve/luto ed altri mobili, fl DUCA dal mezzo agilato. Ella mi fu rapita ! E quaxado o ciel ?--he' brevi istanti, prima Che un mio presagio interno Sull' orma corsa ancora mi spingesse! Schiuso era 1' uscio !--la magion de- a vendettu slrap_+a zmpetuosamente la bc_ma e ht maschera, ed al chmrore d'una lantcrna scordata riconosee la sciarpa, z'cde la porto oporto, en/ra, ne trae GlO. s]_az,entata , la Jissa cotz istt@ore, se_za porter grzdare mollt sJorzz, esclama-Ah I la maledizione il fa. [Ai compagni. FII_ zitti moviamo Aitav [Pm Io_,tan_. Non ban finito aneor'--qual deri done! [Si toa/.,a g.'i oahi. Sono bendato l la scala-- [ Gli metre una maschera, e hello stesso tem26o lo benda con un fazzolelto, e lo pone a regg'ere una scala, ehe avranno apposlata al terrazzo, Mar. Zitti, 7utli. Duca. Tutti. II._MA_IJLLO, ed altri Cortzgiani, Duca, CEPRANO, BORatt, de./m.e_zo. duca ! Ebben" L' amanta Fu rapita a Rigoletto. Bella ! e d' onde ? Dal suo tett_. Ah, ah I dite, come fu ? [Siedeo Scorrendo uvifi remota x,_'a Brev' ora dopo cadt :oil d,, Come previsto ben s' era i_ pria, ,Rara beltade ci m scopri. RIGOLETTO. ib gig, |Alas|Iwreatheagain.)But where to enter? l_la_ (to Cep.) Where is the key ? (to Rig.) Be not afraid, We cannot fail. Here are the keys. All. _Gives him the keys received from Cep. .l "_r This is his crest. [Feeling the hey. (I feared in vain.) [Breathing more freelj The house is there! (I come with you. ) ,War. We are disguised. _ig. I must then do the same ; Give me a mask I _far. Yes, here is one. You will keep fast the ladder, [tuts a mash to his face, and after having bound it with a handkerchief, leads him to keep firm a ladder, whzch they have placed to the terrace, ]?zg. Never was it so dark. Mar. The handkerchief has made him blind and deaf. [Some of them go ut_ the terrace, break window of the first floor, then descend and open the street door to others, who enle_ and drag away Gilda, who has her mout/ tied with a handkerchief. ]_z :lo_ine the scene she loses a scarf. Gil. My father ! help ! Cho. Victory ! GiL Help ! [More azstant, _zg. They have not finished yet. What joke is this ? [Touches his eyes. A band upon my eyes! [He snatches off the band and the mask, and by the hght of the lantern perceives the scarf, sees the door open, enters and drags out Gio., frightened; he stares at her, and after many efforts to speak, exclaims-- : Hush, hush, let's takerevenge, When leasthe thinksof it. The man that sneers at us, To-morrow will be our spot, Let's take his love away, And we shall laugh at court. [To his comflanions. The curse I _ND oF WH_ SECONDACT. A CT III. IRCENE I._A room in the Ducal Palace. Doors right and left and one in front. On one side the i#ortratt of the Duke, on the other side lhat of the Duchess. i table, arm-chair, C:y'c. Enter the Duke, much agitated. . : That's starting to her eyes, Which 'midst the grief and feat Of such a sad surprise, In fond remembrance said Ah ! Walter, lend me aid. _ut I was far away ; Thou had'st no help from me. Yet, willingly my hfe I would have lost for thee ! No bliss on earth-- no bliss _bove-Caa equal thy sweet love ! : They robbed me of my love I When ! At the moment A voice within my heart Did call me back to her ! I found the door wide open ; _.he : , i ' I I And house where deserted. now can that dearest angel be Who first within my heart Awoke such flames of love ;-That soul, whose magic charms Would almost draw me back to virtue's path ? They tore her from her home ; But he who dared so much shall soon repent. _rhe grief of my beloved demands revenge. Methinks I see a tear, [Fa_n/z. SCENE II.--Enter MARULLO, COUNT C_ PRANO, ]3ORSA, and other Courliers. All. Duke, duke t Duke. What news ? All. Last mght we stole away The mistress of your jester. Duke. Is she pretty ? Where was she the_ All. At her house. Duke. How dad this happen ? All. As we went down a lane, When day had disappeared) There, as we had expected, A lady sweet appeared I _ RIGOLETTO Era 1' amante di Rigoletto Che, vista appena, _i dilegub. Glk di rapirla s' area il progetto, _uando il buffonevernoi spunto; Che di Ceprano not la contessa Rapir volessimo, stolto, cred_ ; La scala quindi all' uopo messa, Bendato ei stesso ferma ten_. Duca. Tutti. 2)uca. SCENA Pat. Cep. A1 suo sposo parlar Dorme. fag. J?orsa. _allmmo, e rapidi la giovinetta Ci venne fatto quinci asportar. Quand' ei s' accorse della vendetta Resto scornato ad imprecar. (Che sento?--_dessalamia dlletta!-Ah, tutta il eielo non mi rap_ [) Ma dove or trovasi la poveretta ? [.ql Com. Fu da not stessi addotta or qui. (Possente amor mi chiama, Volar io deggio a let ; [A/za_Josi con gioia. II serto mio darei Per consolar quel cor. Ah ! sappm al n chi 1' area, Conosca appien chi sono, vuot la dachessa Senza TurN. E non eapiso__ Che vedere per ora non pu6 alcuno?-( Che a ibar/e e s/ato atlenlissimo a_ ala, @o bafza_zdo _m_rovviso ira lora 2#roromjSe. ) Tzdti. Rig. paggi [--senz' ell' _ qui duca _-- ; rmi!-- !--_l. dunque Tutti. Rig. M la saprb Tutti. Se 1' amante Altrove. 2_ig. Tutti. nprender--Ella perdesti, _ qui-?a ricerca Io vo' mia figlia-La sua Rig'. doZoJ-e. Mar. Povero [Corre verso la fhorta di mecze, ma giant gli attraversano il 2bassaggio. Coro. Tuttz. Rig'. Cep. Rig. Tutti. Rig. Tutti. Rig. /I/at. Rig. lllar. Rzg. Tutti. _'zg. _-utti. Buon (Han !-- Ei vien--silenzio giorno, Rigoietto-tutti fatto il colpo !) ! Ch' hat di nuovo, Buffon? Che dell' u_ato Pih noioso voi siete. Ah ! ah l ah ! (Dove 1' arran naeosta ?--) [Sjbiando _nquieto dovunque. (Guardate corn' e inquieto !) Son felice Che nulla a voi nuocesse L' aria di questa notte--Questa notte !-S_--Ah fu il bel eolpo [-S' h6 dormito sempre ! Ah, vcl dormiste ?--avro dunque soghate ! [S' allonlana, e vedendo un fazzoletto so/)ra u_za tavola, ne osserz,a 7nquieto la afra. (Ve' come tutto osserva ! (Non _ il suo.) [Geltandoto. Dorme il ducca tuttor ? St, dorme ancora. _ cel_ Chi_ La giovin che sta notte A mio tetto rapiste-Tu deliri bCENA III.--_¢IARULLO, CEPRANO, BORSA, al/rz Cortzg'zana, pot RIGOLETTO dalla des/m, c/z' entra cantareffando con re_rezso Rigoletto da_ Qui or con voi non era ? E' a eaccm Jh ch' anco in trono echiavi Amor.) [Esce frettoloso dal mezzo. (Qual pensiero or l'agita ; Come cag16 d' umor I) J"a_g4-o fag. Rig. Apprenda Ha degli Tutti. IV. --Delft e un Z_tchessa. figll._ S], la mia figlia---D' una tal vittoria Che ?--adesso non ridete ? Ella _ l_t--la vogl' io--la renderete. Cortigiani, vil razza i Corti: dannata Perbenequal? prezzo vendeste it mi A voi nulla per 1' oro sconviene, Ma mia figlia _ impagabil tesor. La rendete---o se put disarmata Questa man per voi fora cruenta : Nulla in terra pih 1' uomo paventa Se dei figli difende 1' onor. Quella porta, assabsini, m' aprite : [Si getta ancor sulla porta eke eli e nuova. mentecontesa daigenliluommi; lo/ta alquenta pot torna spossato sul daz,aJzlz del teazm. Ah ! voi tutti a me contro venite _, []_m_zge Ebben piango--Marnllo -signore, Tu ch' hat 1' alma gentil come il co' e Dimmi or tu, dove 1' hanno na.._ costa ?-E' 1_ ?iE' vero ?--tu tact! per,-cb, Miei signori--Perdono, pietate--AI vegliardo la figlia ridate_ Ridonarla a voi nulla ora costa, Tutto il mondo _ tal figlia per me, KIGOLETTO. 8he was your jester's love ; But soon she ran away. We thought to bring her here, When he came m _Lc ._av. W'e come to steal Ceprano's wife, Give us your aid, to him we told. We put a band upon his eyes, And then the ladder made him hold. .n haste we mounted, and broke the doors, His !ady-love was brought here straight; When he found out he was deceived, We left him there to curse his fate. _._. Ill. Ouke. _///. (V_hat do I hear ? She is my love ! _klas! My hopes are now all lost.) [Aside. But where can this lady be ? She is here in your own palace. (Yes, love now give me aid ; To her I must repair I I would give up the world To change to joy her care. Ah [ soon she will discover My station, rank, and name, And learn that love makes slaves 'Mongst rich and poor the same.) [ The Duke exit hastz_. TheHe duke wrapt thought seemsis no morein the same. ; SCENE Mar. Poor C_._rz_s. dll. Rzg. Ceil. " Ni_ lll.--Enler RIGOLETTO. Rigoletto! He comes, be silent. Good morning, Rigoletto. (They have deceived me !) What news, Buffoon ? You are, I think, More troublesome than evor. All. Ah ! ah ! ah ] _ig. Ah I• where can they have takel, my dear child ? [Looking round _olzo.'¢O'. A//. (Look, how uneasy he appears _) Rig. I am glad to find The cold air of last night Has done no harm to you. 3[ar. Last nigh* _ Rzg. A fine affair it was. 42[_ar I slept all night. Rzw, All night ? I then have dreamed, _He walks about, and seeing a handkerchief olz the table, observes the mask. Alt. (Look how he spies all things.) Rig. (It is not hers.) [Tlzrowing il away. Is the duke still asleen _, All. Yes, he sleeps still. SCENE t7 IV.--fi2zler a Page o/ _ke Duchess. Page. The duchess is anxious to see the duke. Ceil. He sleeps. Page. Was he not here just now? Z_or;.¢. Yes. but he went to hunt. Page. Without his suite ? All. Dost thou not understand. That for the m?ment he cannot be seen. Rig. (,'vha has paid great a;lention to t/w dia/ague, suddenly exclaims--) Ah! then she is here, she is witb the duke. AlL Who ? Rig. The lady you have stolen Last night from my own roof. You are delirious. But I shall rescue her. She must be there. If you have lost your mistress, 'Tis not within these wails you have to search. Ah I give me back my daughter. His daughter ! All. R/g. All. Rig. All. R@. Ah ! now yes, my daughter, of your action No, no, you cannot laugh ! She is there, give back to me my child. [Rig. runs toward the door, bM all prez,e_lt his passage. Impious courtiers, race of cowards, For what price my child you sold? For gain no crime your hand re_ strains ; To me my child is more than gold. Give her back, or, though disarmed, Against your life I'll raise m) hand ; Naught a father When he onhasearth children doth fears defend Cowards, opt a at least that door. [Rig. goes agaDz to the door, but ke ppz've_ded fmm okenzJzg zt. Alas t you come against me all i Well, I weep--Marullo--yield, I know you have a gentle heart, Tell me where she is concealed. Speak--she is there. You ar*. all mute. Give back the daughter to the o1_ man : My friends, my lords, have pity on me, It costs you nothing to grant this boon ; But all my hopes in her I see. 18 RIGOLETT6. SCENA V. Deth stanza a sinistra braccia. Gilda. Rig. Gilda. R_g. Gilda. g GILDA oh' esce dalla e si gella helle flalerne Rzg. Mio padre ! Dio ! mia Gilda I Signori, id essa _ tutta La mia famiglia-Non temer pih t.ulla, Angelo mio--fu scherzo, non _ veto ? [Mi corhg. Io ehe pur piansi or rido--E tu ache piangi ? I ratto--l' onta, o padre ] Ciel ! che dici ? A_ossir voglio innanzi a voi soltanto-- Rig. [ Trivallo ai Corligiani con imfleriosa modo. Ite di quit, voi tutti-Seil Duca vostro d appresiassi osasse, Che non entri gli dite, e ch' ioci sono. [ Si abbandono sul se_'giolone, _¢btti. (Co' fanciulli e coi dementi [ Tra loro. Spesso giova il simular. Partiam pur, ma quel eh' ei tenti Non lasciamo d' osservar.) [Escort a'al mezzo a chiudon la _orta. SCENA VI.--RIGOLETTO e GILDA. Rig. G/1. siam soli. (Ciel, dammi coraggio Tutte le feste al tempio Mentre pregava Iddio, Bello e fatale un giovane. Rig. Ate ehiedeva, o Dkv-Ch' ella potesse aseendere Quanto caduto er' io--Ah presso del pattibolo Bisogna ben 1' altare 1 Ma tutto ora scompareI2 altar si rovescib l) Piangi, faneiulla, e seorrere Fail pianto sul mio cor. Padre, in voi parla un angelo Per me consolator. Compiuto pur quanto a fare mt rests Gil. Rig. Lasciare St. (E tutto Gil. Usc. Mort. I) IVlN_D_LL' potremo quest' un sol giorno aura cangiare funesta potb t) SCENA VlI.--Detti, un Usciere, e it Conte dt MONTERONE, cke daHa destra atlraversa 2l/on da della sala /ra 2_li alabardieri. Parla S' offerse al guardo mitt-Sei labbri nostri tacquero, Dagli occhi il cot parlb. Furtivo fra le tenebre Sol ieri a me giungeva_ Sono studente, povero, Commosso mi dieeva, E con ardente palpito Amor mi protestb. Parti--il mio core aprivasi A speme pih gradita, Quat.do improvndsi apparvero Color the m' hat, rapita, E. a forza quim' addussero Nell' ansia pih crudel. Non dir--non pih, mio angelo, (T' intendo, avverso eiel! Solo per me i' infamia Rig. Sehiudete---ire al earcere Castiglio_ dee. [Allegz_ardie Poieh_ fosti invano da me maledetto, [Fermandosi verso il rztralto. 1NT_un fulmine o un ferro colpiva i' tuo petto, Felice pur anco, o duca, vivrai-[Esce fra le guardie dal mezzo No, veechio, t' inganni--un veudice avrai. SCENA Rig. Gil. ATTO VIII.--RIGOLETTo e GILD/_ St, vendetta, tremenda vendetta Di quest' anima _ solo desio-Di punirti gih 1' ora s' affretta, Che fatale pete tuonerh. Come fulmin scagliato da Dio I1 buffone colpirti saprh. O mio padre, qual gioia feroce [Da s_, Baienarvi negli occhi vegg' io ] Perdonate--a noi pure una voee Di perdono dal cielo verr_. (Mi tradiva, pur 1' amo, gran D".o. Per 1' ingrato ti chiedo piet_ l) [Escon del _z_ TE_ZO. RIGOLETTO _CENt_ V.--Enter GILDA, W]lO[_row$ ]wrself into the arm- of her father. Gil. Rig. My father : ; ' G'iL _ig Gi/. _zg. ! My dear Gilda ! My lords, she is my only child ! Oh, fear no more ] It wa_ auly for jest 1 cried, but now I laugh--Why dost thou weep ? The fear--the shame--oh father ] Alas I what dost thou say ? • I cannot speak in presence of so many. [To manner. the Courtzers, in an imjberious Away, depart from hc_-e ] if the Duke should dare proach this rocm, TeLl him he must not come, am here. tltL : _eg. Gal. I [ Throws himself upon a chair. With children and with fools We must sometimes seem to yield : Let us go, but what he does We shall spy herein concealed. [Exeunt fi'om the door in front, shutling zt behind them. SCENE VI.--RIGOLETTO GiL Now all for e'er is lost, No hope remains to me !) Ah, weep, my child, and let thy tem_ Upon my bosom fall. My father, your dear words Forever my grief consoles. GiL Rig. One day has changed ERD OF thi_ our fate. SCENE VlI.--nnter a Herald, and COUNT MONTERONE, who crosses the stage in the midst of Guards• Her. Open the door, to prison. Mon. Since thou hast by me, and GILDA. Now speak, we are alone. Now, Heaven, give me aid ! Each Sunday, whilst I went To church, my prayers to say, A youth of heavenly beauty Did follow on our way ; And if our lips were silent, The eyes betray'd our hearts. In secret, only yesterday, He came to me at night ; I am a student -poor-Much moved, he said to me, And ardently repeated, I am in love with thee. He left me then ; my heart With brighter hopes did beat, _Then suddenly appeared Those men who took me away, And brought me to this #ace: Half fai ting, in dismay. ! IAnd must then settle forever some affairs, we will leave place. Yes. to apthat Ah, speak no more my angel (Now all I understand-Upon my head alone I asked thy curse, 0 Heaven I begged that she may rise The moment I should die Ah often raised by thewescaffold The ! altar see ] .Rig. And ' Rig. XS the Count must pass [ To the guards, been in vain accursed Since l_ig. yet no sword has entered i_ thy breast, And happy thou must live-No, no, old man, I shall avenge your wrongs. [Exeunt, SCENE VIII.,---RIGOLETTO and GILDA. i_ig. Ah, yes ! I shall have vengeance, It is my only wish. The hour is not far distant That will thy ruin strike. Upon thy head my fury Will fall, then, thunder-like. GiL Oh, father ! what sad joy Is sparkling in your eyes ? Ah ! spare him ; to us also Heaven will its mercy show. In spite of his deceit, My heart for him doth beat. THE THIRD &CT. /l] RIGOLETTO. ATTO "C'ENA I.--ZJeserta Sponda del Mtncio. inquieto sono sulla _trada. SPAR&FUCILE nell' znterno dell' osteria, sedzdo presso una tavola, sla ripulendo il suo anturone, senza nulIa intendere dz quanto accade al di fi_ori, '_ILDA Rig. Gal. Rig e E 1' ami ? Sempre. Pure t' ho lasciato. Io 1' amo" Povero cor di donna ! Ah, il vile infame ! Tempc Gd. Rig. Gi[. A'zg. Gil. Rig. Gd. p;_r. Gzl Rig. RIGOLETTO IV. giovane, in costume di zlncara scende a salti la scala. Jrl Duc. corre per abbracdarla, ma e[Za si s_tgge.--Spa, uscile suila vide, a parle a Rig. Spa. Elk il vostr' uomo--viver ciee o morire ? Rig. Pih tardi torner6 l'opra a compire. [Spa. si allo_ztana dietro la casa lmzg_ il fiume. a guarirne Ma avrai vendetta, o Gilda-PietY, mio padre-E se tu certa fossi Ch' ei ti tradisse, l'ameresti ancora ? Nol so, rna pur m' adora. Egli !-S'l. Ebbene, ossel-va dunque. [La cop_duce presso ulza delle fessure del muro, ed ella vi guarda. Un nomo vedo. Per poco attendi. SCENA III.--GILDA e RIGOLETTO sulla via, il DUCA e MADDALENA nd piano terreno. Duca. 3lad. Duca. AIad. SCENA i I.--Delti ed il DUCA, clw, in assisa dt semDhce offi,.iale dz cavallerza enlra nella sala terrena per ulza porta a szmslra. Gi/. Duc. Spa. Du, Sig. Spa. Ah, padre mio T [trasalendo. Due cosee tosto-[a Sparaf. Quali ? Una stanza e del vmo-(Son questi i suoi eustomi !) (Oh, il bel zerbino !) Z)uc. La donna e [Enlra mobile ndla vicina stanza, Qual pmma al vento, Muto d'accento--e di pensier. Sempre un' anmbile Leggiadro viso, piantomisero, o in riso---6 menzogner, • t_ In sempre Chi a lel b'affida, Chi le confida--mal caute il cor! Pur mat non _ntesi Felice appieno Chi su quel seno--non liba amor. [Spa. _ientra con zoza bott@lia di vzno e due biccizzeri, c/w depone sul/a taz,oda, quz_zdz batte col ;homo della sua hltzga ss_ada du_ ¢o/pl al sofi/t_, .4 quel s,:_wa/e zl_,,1 F_chvlle Duea. Un dX, se ben rammentomi, O bella, t' incontrai-Mi piacque di te chiedere, 1_ intesi che qui stai. Or sappi, che d' allora Sol te quest' alma adora. Ah, ah !--e vent' altre apr)ressc Le seorda forse adesso Ha un' aria al slgnorino Da vero libertino-S_ ?--un mostro son-[_Par abbracdarla. Lasciatemi, Stordito. Ih, che fracasso ' iliad. Duca. Stia saggio. iliad. Seherzate, Duca. 3lad. Duca. iliad. No, E tu sit docile, Non farmi tanto chiasso. Ogni saggezza chiudesi Nel gaudio e nell' amore-[Le prende la mano La bella mano candida !-voi signore. no. Son br_,tta. Abbracciami. Ebro-- f)uca. D' amore iliad. Signor 1' indifferente, Vi piace eanzonar ?-No, no, ti vo' sposar. Ne voglio la parola-Amabile figliuola t Duca. iliad. Dual. _rdente. l?ig Ebben ?--ti basra aneor ?_ [A Gilda che avra tzdto osservato Gll Iniquo traditor ! [Ridenda_ [Ironica, ed inteso. RIGOLETTO. AC'I IV. SCI_Nt_ I. --A deserl s)oot on lke banks of the river A_ncw. GILDA and RIGOLETTO in the road. SPARAFUCILE in the Inn, cleanzng hzs leatker be#. Rig. Gil. Rig. Gz[. Nzg. Gil. Rzg. Gzl. Rig. Gil. Rzg. And dost thou love him still ? I do. Yet thou hast had Sufficient time to overcome this passion. I cannot. Weak is woman's heart ; But I will have revenge. Oh, mercy, father! Couldst thou not then forget him ? I cannot say. He loves me He ? Yes. Thou must then see. leads her to the door, and lells her to look/hrough a crevice. A man is there. But wait awhile. 27 stairs. The Duke rushes to embraa 71c_,. but she avoids him. Wleanwhile Spa having gone oz_t upon the wad, says aside to Rig. :Spa. .Rzg. SCENE II.--]-he officer, Gd. Duke. oCjba. ! Duke. Rzg. @a. Duke. . Duke, dzessed as a przvafe e_llers fhe z_zn. Ah ! my father Two things I want, ! [Su_rised. and then-[ 2/-oSpa. Speak, D_d'e. Each moment change their In tears, or even smiles, Yes, woman's lovely face, mind. on _n If I remember well, my pretty girl, I have seen your face before. I tried to find your house, At length I see you here. Duke. _Uag. Believe that from that time I loved 5"oll to despair. And others, score by score, Do you torget them now ? To tell the truth, good sir, You are a gay deceiver. Ye_, yes, just so. Leave me, rude man. Duke. Eh ! eh ! what _'fag. Duke Be quiet. ,IZag. sir, A room and wine. This is the life he leads. (A handsome youth, indeed !) [Aside. [Spa. goes out. The women are unsettled As feathers in tim wind, man is there. Must he now live or die ? Wait awhile, and you shall know my will [Spa. goes slowly au,ay. SCENE III.--GzLDA a_zd RIGOLETTO /he road. MAGDALEN a_zd the Duke /he /nn. [He GiL P,_g Your And noise ! you be kind, And do not scream so loud, For w:sdom ever lies In pleasure and in love. What pretty hands ! how white 1 [He lakes her by the ha_zd AZag. Duke. You like to laugh No, no. 3lag. I know at me. , I am not pretty. Duke. Kiss me. For ever us beguiles_! The man that is so mad To trust a woman's heart 3"lag. For ever must be sad. But stiil there is no bliss, 3lag. And can you be so unkind, As thus to laugh at me. Duke. I do not joke--I wish 3lag. Duke. If so, give me your word of honor. You are a charming girl v [fronzcally, _qig. W'ell Gi/. The Upon To thatthisof earth a sweetcompared kiss I _Spa. _Tz/ers wifh a bo[[le and fu,o glasses, which he )O/aces on fhe fable. He then beats fhe eezlt_lg twice wif/z fke hilt of hzs sword. At fhis signal a 2bre;fy 3'ozozg girl, dressed as a gypsy, descends the Sir, you are drunk-- Duke. Yes, drunk then, cruel is this traitn_ of love for ) ¢:,_ to marry not yet enough I vote. ? 22 RIGOLETTO, Duca. t_.lla figlia dell' amore, .Behiavo son de' vezzi tuoi ; Lon un detto sol tu puoi Le mie pene consolar. Vieni, e senti del mio core II frequente palpitar. Ah ! ah ! rido ben di core, Ch_ tai baie eostan poeo ; Qu anto valga il vostro giuoeo, Mel credete, so apprezzar. Sono avvezza, bel signore, A_I un simile scherzar. _rad. G//. Ah, ,,vsi parlar d' amore I A me pur 1' infame ho udito Infelice cor tradito, Per angoscia non seoppiar. Perch,, o credulo mio core, Un tal uom dovevi amar [ Rig. G¢7. Rig. Gil. t_ig. Taci, il piangere non vale; [A Gil. Ch' ei, mentiva or sei seeura-Taei, e mia sara la eura La vendetta d' affrettar, Pronta fia, sara fatale ; Io saprolla fulminar. M' odi, ritorna a casa-Oro prendi, un destriero, Una veste viril che t' apprestai, l_ per Verona parti-Saroxa-i io pur domani-Or venite-Impossibil. Tremo. Va. [Gilda ¢6arle. SCENA Rig. IV.--SPARAFUCILE, RIGOLETTO, il Due& e MADDALENA. Venti scudi hal tu detto dmci, E dopo 1' opera il resto. Ei qui rimane ? •o_pa. Rig. ? Eccome Duca. iliad. Duca. 3Iad. Spa. Duca. Spa. J[ad. (Ah no--partite. ) [PiaJto al Duc. ,Duca. (Con tal tempo ?) A Mad. Spa. Sonventiseudid' ore. [PzanoaM_d.! Ben fehce [_/l Due. D' offrirvi la mia stanza-se 3 vo: Tosto Spa. A gettarlo Alla mezze Non tale. nel flume basto notre piace a vederla andiamo. [Prende un lume e s' avvia per la srala Ebben, sono con te---Fresto , vediamc [Dice una parola all' orecchio di Mad e segue Spa. JZad. (Poverro giovin ! grazioso tanto ! [Tuoua. Dio ! qual mai notte &questa [) Dzlca. [Giun/o al granazo, vendep_done i( _al cone seuza im_+oste.] Si dorme all' aria aperta? bene, bene Buona notte. SiVa. Signor, vi guardi Iddio. Duca. Breve sonno dormiam--staneo son io. [Depone il caibello, la spada, e si s/ende sui leHo, dove zn breve addormentasz. Mad. /raltanto siede2bresso la tavola. Spa. bey/ dalIa botl@lia lascza/a dal Duca. Rzman. gO_ZO ambidue tacz/urni per qualthe is. labile, epreoccupati da gravi flenszem. Duca. _[ad. Siba. 3lad. R@. E' Oh Sol La 3Yad. /Sale S1. , RitornerS. Maddalena ? [Perprenderla, [Sfuggendogli.] Aspettate_mio fratello Viene-Che importa ? [S' ode il tuona. Tuona ? E pioverh tra poco." [Entrand_ Tanto meglio. Io qui mi tratterb--tu dormirai [.4 Spa In scuderia--a11' inferno---ore vorrax Grazie. amabile in vero cotal giovinotto. si--venti scudi ne dh di prodotto venti ] son poehi--valeva di pica spada, s' ei dorme, va, portam gih. a[ granaio, dormente. Peccato [Rz_ara io solo. e contem_blando ;, ! & pur bello ! alla meglio il bolcone, e scendc ! Rig Spa. No, no, il vo' Rig. Vuoi saper far io stesso. Sia--il suo nome? anco il mio ? Egli [Parle. _ Delillo, f!Punizio,z sou io.e tuona. cielo si oscura SCENA VI.--Delli e GILDA che comparisa nel fondo della via in costume virile, con sti vali e s beroni, e lenlamen/e si avanza ver_o l' oslerza, menlre SPARAFUCILt_ conhmta here. Spessi lamibi e luo_d. Gil. SCENA ,Spa. V.--Delfi, meno La tempesta _ vicina ! Pih scura fia la notre, RI_OLET'rO. A pih non ragiono ! Amor mi traseina [--mio padre, per dono--[Tuolza Qual notte d' orrore !--Gran Dio, cbe aeeadra RIGOLETTO. Ouke..Lovely woman, of your charms At your feet the victim see, Bu _ one word, and changed to joy All my sorrows soon will be. Yes, be assured, my lady sweet, This fond heart for you doth beat. &tat" Do you take me for a fool, "I'o think your words are true ; Full well I know what they mean, i give them their fight value, Jokes like these I often hear, But I laugh at them, dear sir. Git. Thus my heart he did deceive, Thus the traitor spoke to me. All my joys, my hopes are gone, Now my wretched doom I see. O heavens ] what a cruel fate ] I love the man I ought to hate. '_ig. Hush ! thy sorrows are all vain, That he deceived thou art now G4L Rig Gil. Rig. SCENE Rig. sure-Hush ! it now belongs to me Dreadful vengeance to procure. Your death only can assuage. _ear me, at once go home, and take what gold Thou want. Then dress thyself in male attire. All is prepared. Mount on the swiftest horse And hasten to Verona. To-morrow I shall join thee. Come now. I cannot now. I tremble. Go-[Gilda goes out. IV.--SPARAFUCII, E, RIGOLETTO, DUKE and MAGDALEN. You Spa. said twenty crowns. Here now ten. After the deed I shall give you rest. Is he still here _ He is. Rig. At midnight are the Duke. 3lag. Magdalen! [ Trying to take ho/d oj her Wait ! my brother Comes. [.4voiding hzm. Duke. Well ! what's this ? fling. It thunders ! Spa. (tFnterinff.) And we shall have some ram. Duke. So much the better. I shall stop here ; you can slee t the stable Below, or where you like. Spa. Thanks, sir. _lag. Ah, no, depart I Duke. How ! in such weather t Spa. Twenty crowns of gold ! (To Ma_ _ I shall be happy [ To the Du/ee To offer you my room; and if you like, I will show it to you. [He lakes a light, and goes toward the staircase. Duke. With go. some time in szIence, and apparently in deep thought. Alag. He is, indeed, an amiable young man. S2a. Oh, yes, I gain twenty crowns. 3fag. Twenty crowns ! 'Tis little ; he is worth much more. Spa. SCENE Gil. Spa. • yes, let's [ H/Xi@ers a word to Mag., and follows Spa. Afag. Unfortunate young man ; so good, so kind 1 Oh, Heaven ! what a night ! Duke. ( Aravzng gone up stairs, and seeing the wzndow without shulters. ) Here one must sleep quite in the opeu air. Well, well ; good night ! Spa. May God protect you, sir. Duke. I feel that I shall sleep ; I am so tired. [He puts down hzs /tat and his sword, and throws himself on the bed, arm soo_z falls asleep. Mag. down s/azrs stands sentry near the table, and Spa. finishes the bottle left by the Duke. They both remain hour. I shall return Spa. Your aid I don't require ; I can alone throw him into the river, Rig. No, no, I wish to throw him in myself. Spa. Be it so. What is his name ? Rig. His name is Crime, and Punishment is mine. {_xzt Rig. It becomes dark, arm" thunders, V.--SPARAFUClLE, the DUKE, and MAGDALEN. The storm approaches. Good. The night will be darker, pleasure fling. Go up--and if he sleeps, bring down his sword. ( Goes 7@, and admiring him, exclaims It is a pity--he is so handsome " SCENE VI.--tFnter GILDA from lhe roact, disguzsed as a man, and slowly adva_wing towardthe2_zn, whilslSPARAFUClLE dnnks. ft lightens and lhunders. Alas l I lose my reason. Love overcomes me. Father, pardon. What a dreadful night ! What will become of me ? RIOOLETTO. Mad. Fratellol [Sara discesa ed avra [Josata la sl_ada dd Due. sulla loyola. Gil. Chi parla ? [ Osserva i#ellafessura" Spa. A1 diavol ten va. [Frugando in un credenzone. Mad. _omiglia un Apollo que! giovine--io !' amo-Eim' ama--riposimn_ pica 1' uecidiamo. •_n O melo I [Ascollando. S_a. Rattoppa quel sacco--Mad. Perch_ ? Spa. Entr' esso il tuo Apollo, sgozzato da me, Gettar dovrb al flume. Gi( L' inferno qui redo ! Mad. Eppure il danaro salvarti seommetto, Spa. Mad. Serbandolo in vlta. Difficile il credo, M' ascolta--anzi facil ti svelo un progretto, De' scudi gffi dieei dal gobbo ne avesti ; _.h s' eg;i al mio amore divem_ ¢_bello Io :'o' per la sua gettar la mia vitr, [ Pz_chia alla pertu 3Iad. Si picchia ? @Sa. Fuil ventoo [Gil. torna a bussare #Iad. Si picchia, ti diei, Spa. E' strano r AIad. Chi _ ? Gil. 3Iad. Spa. Gil. Pietk d' un mendicr. A_il per la motte a lui coneedete. Fia lunga tal notte } Alquanto attendete. [ Ua a cercare nd credenzione. Ah, presso alla morte, s_ giovane, sono I Oh, cielo, pegli empi ti chiedo per_ dono. Perdonna tu, o padre, a questa m felice ! Sia 1' uomo felice--ch' or vado salvar. Venire eogli altri pih tardi il 3lad. Su spieciati, presto, fa 1' opra eomvedrai_ pita : Ueeidilo, e venti allora ne avrai, Anelo vua vita--con altra salvm Cosi tutto il prezzo goder si potr_. ._ Ueclder quel gobbo ! che diavol diSpa. t_bbene--son pronto, quell" uscio d_s cesti ] chiudi ; Un ladro son forse ? Son forse ua Piuech' altro li scudi--mi prem¢ bandito ? salvar. Qual altro c'iente da me fu tradito ? Mlpagavuest' uomo--fedele m' avr_t. SC]_NA VII.--RIGOL_;TTO solo Si a_,anz_ _2;d. Che sento ! mio padre ! da fondo della scena chmso nd suo mantello. Mad. zkh grazia per esso ! Della vendetta alfin giunge _' z_Spa. E' d' uopo ch' ei muom-stante ! 3Iad. -_uggire il fo adesso. Da trenta di 1' aspetto [ Ua per salire. Di vivo sangue a lagrime piangendo Gil. Oh buona figliuola ] Sotto la larva del buffon--Quest' Spa. Gli scudi perdiamo, usmo ! [ Tratte_e_ulola. [Esaminando ta _.asa. 3lad. t_ ver" 1_' ehiusa I--Ah, non e tempe a_ Spa. Laseia fare-eor 1--S' attenda. JVfad. Salvarlo dobbiamo. Qual notte di mistero ! Spa. Se pria eh' abbia il mezzo la notte Una tempesta in eielo l toceato In terra un omieieio l Aleuno qui giunga, per esso morrO. Oh come an vero qul grande mi sentot "',c,. E' buia la notte, il eiel troppo irato [5uona mez2a nolle, Nessuno a quest' ora di qui passera. Mezzo notte ! _-. Oh qual tentazione ; morir per 1' ingrato ! SCENA VIII.--Detto e SPARAFUCILI_ _a/_ Morire !---e mio padre _- Oh cielo, casa piet_ ! Spa. Chi _ la ? [galtono le undici e mezzo. Rzg. Son io [Per entrap, Spa. Aneor e' _ mezz' or_. Spa. Sostace Mad. _.ttendi, fratello-[Pianffendo. [Rentra e torna la-asccnanac u_ (;;; Che ! piange tal donna !_N6 a Iui t_ qul spento il vostr' uomo. dar6 aita t Rie Oh gioia l_ur RIGOLETTO. /Wa_. My brother ! ag. hazing come down, has placed the Duke's sword on the table. GiL Who has spoken ? [Lookzng through the crevices of the door. Spa. Away. disturb me not. [Searching in a cupboard. ll_ag, t'uat3outhisas handsome asApollo ; I love him, And he loves me. Ah ! kill him not ! Cito (.Listening.) 0 heavens ! Spa. Mend soon that sack. llIag. And why ? Spa. The handsome youth, Apollo, when killed by me, I must throw in the rivet, GiL O heavens I what house is this ? #fag. You still may earn your money, And spare his life. Spa. That is not easy. Jlag. Listen, a plan I will disclose to you. From the buffoon you have received ten crowns ; He will return here soon witll the remainder ; Kill him, and you will take the other ten, Then you will get the price you would have earned, ,S_a. Kill the buffoon! What nonsense have you said ? Am I a thief ? Have I ever lost my honor ? Is there a client that I have betrayed ? I must _t break my faith. This man has paid. Git. What do I hear ? My father ! J[ag. Spa, t_[ag. Gil. I pray for him. die. No ; I shall tell h_m to fly. Good-hearted woman ! Spa. _ag. We must _ba. : _Ia_,. ¢a,2. S_0a. #lag. ,_5 Ah .. it he no more ieels love for me, I'll give my life to save his own. [Knockzn_ at the door. el/gag. One knocks. Spa. It is the wind. 3lag. One knocks, I say, Spa. It is strange ! Yfag. Who is there? Gal. Have pity upon a stra_. Grant him asylum for the night 3/Iag. This night will be long ! Spa. Wait awhile. [Spa. searches at lhe sideboard. Gil. So near to death, and yet so young t O heaven I pardon these impiotm men, And thou, my father, excuse tny child, May happy live the man I save. fifaff. Now hasten, quick, perform the deed, To save one life I take another. S_ba. _vVell, I am ready. Now open the door, To save the crowns is all my care. [Spa. hides hzmself behind the door u,zth a dagger. Mag. open_ the door, then runs to shut the arch in front, and whzlst Gild, enters, Spa. shuts lhe aoor behznd her and everything renmins burwdin silc_z,'_ and darkness. SCENE VII.--RIOoLEaoro advances from the road enveloped in his cloak. The vio_'_ce of the storm is diminislwd, only rtozo and then the lightning is to be seen and lhc lhun.. der heard. l_ig. He must Now, let me, do. tit strikes half-past eleven. an hour. Await, my brother. [ Weeping. Still half That woman weeps_ help him ? and shall last the time of my revenge approaches. For thirty days I wa;.ted thi_ iatal hour In tears most bitter, Under the mask of a buffoon. That door [Examtmng the house, Is shut--'Tis not the hour yet. What a dreadful night is this ! In heaven a storm, On earth a homicide-I feel myself yet g*ea*.. It is midnight, tit strikes twelve. save him. Should any one come here before midnight, i shall kill him instead. The night is dark, the thunder roars, No one will pass this way. Oh, wnaL temptation, to die for this cruel man. To die, O father ! Heavens ! have pity on me ! At SCENE VIII.--_nter SPARAFUCILE. Spa. Who is there ? Rig. 'Tis I. [ On the point of entering. Spa. Await° IRe-enters, and comes out again, dragginl_ a sack. I not Your man Z_ig. is here, Oh. quite dead. joy ! a light, _0 RIC,_ _q_. S/_a. Reg. 5_. _I_NA _ln lume ?--No, tl danaro. Rig. gli da una bor:a. Le_ti, all' onda il gettiam No---basto io solo. Come pi piacc : Qul men atto e il sito Pih avanti e pih profondo il go-go-Presto Che alcun non vi sorprenda--Boc_t notte. IX.--RIGOLETTO, #_oz"/2 DUCA _'I'1 t. _ _a Rig. Spa A light ! Not yet--the mot_ ; [Rig. gives hi_m a p_ L2uiek, let us throw him into th river. I can do it alone. As 3,o,1 desire. This place is not tha best. Higher up the waves are deeper Be quick, that none may see yo_ Good night. IRe-enters t]w house ,. tempo. SCENE IX.--RIGOLETTO, the DUKE. and afterwarar Egli _ 1_ !--morro !--O si--vorrei vederlo ! _i_o. He is here--he is dead. Oh yes ! ] Ma che importa ! e ben desso t.__ would see him ! Eeco i suoi sproni. But why ? 'Tis he. Here are his Ors mi gazda, o mondo-spurs. The crowd Quest' _ un buffone, ed un potente _ Can now look well at me. questo ! I am the Jester, and ne is the Duk¢_ Ei sta sotto a' miei piedi. E' desso ! .,ying now at my feet. desso ! I am at last revenged l ]_' giunta alfin la tua vendetta, o The wave shall be his grave, duolo ! A sack his shroud. Sia 1' onda a lui sepolcro, [He tries to drag" the sack toT_,ardsthe shorn. Un sacco il suo lenzuolo ! when he hears the distant vozce of flu ,_Fa per J.rascinare il sacco verso la slgonda, Duke, who crosses the sce_w. quando e sorpreso daIla lootana z,oce dd What voice ? Anl I deceived ? Due. che nelfondo attraversa la scena. 2qo, no !--' tis he---' tls he ! Qual voce l illusion notturna e questa! [Surp_isea No ! no '----egli _ desso I _ desso ! Ho, there ! Thou demon ! [ Trasalenda [ To'wards the house Maledizioue ! Olh dimon bandito ? But who can be in this sack instead [ Uerso la casa. of him ? [He cz,ts the sack Chi _ mai, chi 6 qui in sua veee ! A human body ! I tremble. [ Yaglia zl ,acco. lit {ig]_ten._ Io tremo. :E' umano eorpo ,' [Lampegg_t. i_ig. Mm figlia ! DiD ! mia figlia ! Gilda ! [ Slrap.handcsi della/_A' Ira. 3 i ,apelli cade sul cadevere [Are falls despairingly his da_hter. ] at the side _ RIGOLE]'TO. DELLA _- _--_. J k.--ACT I. i_IA BELL Arranged by Mine. *--__._ A. MURIO-CELLI ___----J-- J .... I _ _" I • . . . II • " t1_ " -- ' u ' _- _oIe--_6 II_ II ' / It_----,gl:J- Y'_' -. - -* 7 ..... --_--=--_ _ f - • t o--_.-E"--o--9 "-+--- I i_".__'---: _--_+-;-_ s . _" - ;_" _ ;- " _-'-L*--' ---_ ___,_- 1 ..... T_ -' _ .f- II _'--, I _ _ _ :_ ' ' ! _ i,--7 _ _ I __ _- _i_i.i_ _ -_ _ a _ -_-_-----_ .',7r---*-_:-_ l,," l_'_ J ,,. •. -'__..° lt_-e=_ ' , , r_:..t.- T .e- b-_-,4-----_--. II_ _• _ _, .0- -. '_--7--_,_:_-_zF__-_' "--t#_---k t-- .. •. I I I _____ L .0- _ _2_ _ 1 _ __: _ _r _-___-_-_-_" : , !I _ ."-- ,-'---- ,_- __- _a,--_*-_ I -- i, --- _" -- --,,-- ,'-' _i, '_ ,,--7,., _- :--_--- ,_- _ _ ..- _-_--!_.-_-_ L_ . _ --_--_--!_-_ 5.o_ '_ +- --1 _ _ I ,, -_, I/ _'_2 " _ ' L_ ' _" " ; " _-'-a-_ :!; ' a ' L,.'/._' .,j ,.__a__ . lllll__ _ - _-h--_----T---_--_W I _-b ..... 'm BI _________E__--_-_--T---- --_-_I II,-_-----=" __+.__ .+ ___i.+_r___:_____. __ ; .. L L__ _,:. . _L_i _.i. _ .,_ 1_-___=.--_ - . . . ._-_,--_--_--,--.-.-_-. [___--_-i_,_i-_r:_____--_ I io ,- ; ;+- --i ..... I--t .... @A_O NOI_E. ACT •. I I: _ --_ _ .... - _ -N---- II'I _I _' I_ _L______ ----L_--" , li___i_-'-I I _ -_- :z _:_ = _lltl_lettxl. -_ -_--.__---i---.__,_9:" ,:__._=,,_ --I, .... : : :"-_ :t_--___-_ __::_i___:____ ___ ..... __-_L:l .___ QE_STA 0 _,UELL_. ACT _--;-7_ _. _--______Ul _dP-- __-----_--_-_ e--P--lPT e-- O--e-- z-;__--_; I. e--.ie-- o---e--e-, __l : _ I e----f-- p-- t;t__ I i_-- _ t., _ . _--I--_--I- r_--r / _-_ ; . i; I |--| ....... _" l_--r e---B---e-------p-. _, ! - _;_ .-_----_..-- ,. . .-_- |--|--|-- ll--lll--lll-- --_'--'-g--_ _., : _ .i -- , : < -- > _-I_ _ > _-----_---_ _ _--_' , _ _____---_ .... , ,, I ¶ __ _--..-,,- __ .._-I t,#_-_:h •_ -- _- -------- :_____ -e ............ .... e--" _I41l- _-.... m__#_ ,,e,- ,e- I _ _ ______ _-._ .... "@_-dP --L . ,,.,-,. _ _ _ ._"-.. _-._:-:_ _---e--- _-_______ -_ , _ _. _ ..... .... e--e .. _ -- _, _, t+_,-t._-- __.__.:__.--;_____, ..... _*__L • ...... e--e--e--e • ._j__ SI VENDETTA TREMENDA. ACT II. _jro _o .... l I/ I I I _ - _ , ,, l.,i,,_.: --. _I / ..... _. ] , , I .... I it i ' I ,,i,1 ...... / t i i i i H;, , ! , , t t---] %..__Eiz--_.___L__._' _::_+z--t-,,.... I ' H , I _:-_--r r r I--::1-o__ .... t I , , , ] - I , , I I I I I .-_H- ..... -_--= L I I __ t •e-. .l:_z-_ !1 _-It _J-d-_........ -_- _---I ' "O-L r-- - _=. -:L'-_F _- -'>- = "_r- -] - It l! , , - / ,,_ ___.___.__.___ c_, .... -T-.-- ---._--'-- ' L_______________-__-__p ___-_--_ _' -- _ ' -_ll'-- I I I I • -_ .... _ ...... _.t---I. _-: ..-_ *-- ,-L:--7-F_Ir--2,_----_ _ , ______ ....... il, i, t ± • __ -- _.... ___ il ! _.-----------------__ __ ,__-*-----__E-- _:: _-_----_n:_-:r-_-z. IF__'__..___._L:_M_-_,-_-..-,m_ r II r I_--F ---_-' 1 _ /I _--_; I I I I ' _ _ I!_:_-_--_- !I II ill ._" i I _ [ _---'---i_f--_-t I _ -- _-- _ :--q-_" J I I I " I _ ,_. ._. _--i I I I I i I l , ] I I _ I I .... __ ------_------ ores .... _ I -_:z::l:- _:FC:-_ _-_-_:-.-.-_:-_q 'r ._. I -I-I I _ 4_- I _ I .... -- 4P- ' T I I - _,_--_:l:,_._--_,_w___--_:_--L-I: r "-- E ! .... _'-_i.._ _-- I I t I I t I I I _ ,'en - I I • I , '. ,'--,d--4----l--! I I I i - aL - do. I _ I " J Je. " • :L i', ;i _ _, __.,-'_ _ -- -- -- I ' '1 IlliL, LA DONNA E MOBILE. III, ACT r_--.-.-__----------%_--.-_ _ _ _ -_---_--- 12_--;'._-#_---_--0 -- f--r _g_ m---o--o--_----o--o ..... .--.--. .... r -h--o--o--_-m I_=--__-_--_---o - --- _---:___ _ -'_t r______.7__L____L _ ..... --r--_--I_--I_ :____L_-_----_-- -_ .................... I.......... . _ • • _'_• _. k_z-___ I r_W,_ '". _L'_ ,----- _ ...... _ --f _ I--1-r _ O_L__Z21e-n' t_- . ... - '-_--u --_..... L _ . _ " • ._e'_t re.--@, _I---O-o--o-- I ____ T- _ _ - -- L_ t m--m--_ =1 L-_ n_ _._--_ L_,__m.L__, ___--._._--I _ -- - o--F-- o- __-- _ _ -I_--,_- _'-- "_ 4___: . -q---- --E-- _ _ " -----T-_'--'T--'I _ _ ._ o _--_:z__;-__ I •...... ._, .......... ..... .___ -- O---- -O" -O --IP--I_- , _._.____ --r'] I_--I_--r------o--Pro--o--o--t--* • __--_--- .-.. k.---.--_- __.... • _ ._ .. • " --.-, " -III I_ 1--::_= _::.-___.,=_-_-,_ iJ-U