Rules of Play


Rules of Play
Rules of Play
Meet the Gangsters
A: Name
B: Type (Thug, Hitman, Gambler, Conman)
C: Respect Value
D: $ (Money) Value
E: Special Action (if any)

35 4 6
Second Edition
A game by Tom Vasel and Steve Avery
For 3-5 players • Ages 10 and up • 90-120 min
The Mafia business is thriving but there are whispers that the Capo
appears old and tired. Time to make your move! Of the five families
competing for control of the business, you know that YOUR family is the
one that is best suited for leadership. As you use every Gangster under
your control to gain the most respect, others are sure to stand in your way.
But it’s “nothing personal”, right?
1. Place the board within easy reach of all players.
2. Each player chooses a family Player Board and takes:
a) The matching Scoring Meeple,
b) All 25 matching Influence markers
c) $5
1 Game Board
5 Player Boards
80 Money Tokens [50 @ $1, 20 @ $5, 10 @ $10]
125 Player Influence Markers
25 Neutral Influence Markers
5 Re-roll Tokens
50 Gangster Cards
94 Influence Cards
5 Wood Scoring Meepsters
5 Checkmark Markers
8 Gold-Tone Blackmail Coins
2 Silver-Tone Omertá Coins
1 Gold-Tone Capo Ring
1 Black “Make a Move” Die
1 Red “Whack” Die
1 White “Number” Die
5 Tuck Boxes (for storing each color’s Influence markers)
Re-sealable Plastic Bags (for storing components)
3. Find the Gangster card “Killer” Mac Pheeto and place him faceup in the 9th Position (Capo).
4. Shuffle the remaining Gangster cards. Deal a card face-up card
into the 8th Position (Underboss), then the 7th (Counselor) and
so on in descending order to the 5th Position (Racketeer). When
dealing cards to these Positions, each Gangster “type” (Hitman,
Thug, etc.) should be showing at least once. If, at any time, a card is
dealt that does not have at least one Gangster type that has not yet
been placed, discard that card and deal a new card to that Position
until the new card shows at least one of the unplaced types.
5. Shuffle all unplaced Gangster cards and deal cards face-up into
Positions 4, 3, 2 and 1, as well as all three Associate spaces.
6. All remaining Gangster cards are placed face-down in the
“Gangsters” space on the board. This forms the Gangster Deck.
7. Shuffle the Influence cards and deal 4 to each player.
8. Place the remaining Influence cards face-down in the “Influence”
space on the board. This forms the Influence Deck.
Nothing Personal consists of 5 rounds in which players will try to
gain the most Respect by controlling key Mafia members. Each
round consists of 6 phases:
9. Place a Checkmark marker on “The Commission” space of the
Phase track. Place the remaining 4 Checkmark markers near the
Phase track.
1. The Commission
Gain control of Gangsters and take Influence actions.
2. The Crew
10. Place each player’s Scoring Meeple on the “0” or “Rifiuiti”
space of the Respect Ledger
Determine control, receive Respect/money and take Gangster
3. The Fence
11. All Neutral Influence markers, coins, dice and money are
placed near the board within easy reach of all players.
Draw Influence cards.
4. The Feds
Determine if Gangsters are sent to Prison;
Rotate Gangsters upright.
12. The player that looks the most like a mobster takes the Capo
Ring and is the First Player. If the players cannot agree, the first
player to say an accurate quote from a gangster movie takes the
Capo Ring instead.
5. The Family
Fill all empty Gangster Positions.
6. Bookkeeping
13. Starting with the First Player and continuing clockwise, each
player places 1 of their Influence markers on any Gangster. Repeat
this two more times, so that each player has a total of 3 Influence
markers on the board. Players may place multiple Influence
markers on a single Gangster or spread them amongst multiple
Gangsters as they choose. Any player that gains control of the
Capo Position immediately takes the Capo Ring (see “Controlling
a Gangster” on page 9).
Place the Checkmark marker on the next open space on the
Bookkeeping track; Place a new Checkmark marker on The
Commission space to start a new round.
Players will resolve all the actions for each phase before moving
the Checkmark marker to the next phase. When all actions have
been resolved at the end of the Bookkeeping phase, this marks the
end of 1 round.
After each round, leave the Checkmark markers on the
Bookkeeping track so that all players know what round it is.
When all 5 spaces of the Bookkeeping track have been filled, the
game ends.
Players take turns in clockwise order, with the player currently
possessing the Capo Ring going first.
full amount on a Gangster, the card cannot be played to place
Influence on that Gangster.
• If the Influence card would place Influence markers on
more than one type of Gangster, the player may only place
Influence on any Gangster for which they can place the full
• Influence markers of one type may not be split between
multiple Gangsters unless the card states otherwise.
• Influence markers may be placed on Associates. However,
Associates do not participate in The Crew phase unless they
have a special action that allows them to do so.
• If there are no Gangsters on the board that are of the type(s)
shown on the Influence card, a player cannot place any
Influence markers of that type.
• Players are limited by the 25 Influence markers of their color.
Earn the most Respect for your family by controlling key Mafia
Gangsters in the different organizational Positions over the course
of 5 rounds.
Phase 1: The Commission
In the Commission phase, players play Influence cards to gain
control of Gangsters and take other actions. Starting with the First
Player and proceeding clockwise, each player MUST perform one
of the following actions:
• Play an Influence card to place the indicated number of
Influence markers on the specified Gangster(s) and then
perform any additional effects stated on the card;
• Play an Influence card with an “OR” keyword to perform
ONLY the special action listed on that portion of the card;
• Play an Influence card to place 1 Influence marker on any
Gangster and ignore ALL text on the card;
• Pass and do not play an Influence card. A player that passes
may take no further actions during this Commission phase.
All played cards are discarded immediately once they have
been resolved. Once all players have passed, The Commission
phase ends.
Placing Influence Markers
A player may play an Influence card to add Influence markers of
their player-color to a specific type of Gangster as listed on that
card (Thug, Hitman, Gambler, Conman). To do this, play the
Influence card and place that number of Influence markers on
ONE Gangster that matches the icon on the card. In addition,
follow these rules when placing Influence:
(Example: Cody has an Influence card with a 3 (Conman) icon but
only has 2 Influence markers. He cannot play the card to place that
Influence. Meanwhile, John has an Influence card with a 3 (Thug)
icon and a 1 (Gambler) icon. He puts all 3 Influence markers on
ONE Thug and 1 Influence marker on a Gambler. He cannot place 2
Influence markers on a Thug and 1 on another Thug, as the card only
A player must place all of the Influence markers listed on the
played Influence card, even if this may cause their own Gangster
to reach or exceed the Influence limit (see “The Feds” on page 12).
If a player does not have enough Influence markers to place the
allows him to place 3 Influence markers on ONE Thug. If John only
has 2 Influence markers in his supply, he cannot place any Influence
on a Thug and can only place 1 Influence marker on a Gambler.)
The player with the most Influence markers on a Gangster is the
controlling player for that Gangster (see “Controlling a Gangster”
on page 9).
Controlling the Capo
The player that controls the Capo immediately takes the Capo
Ring. If no one controls the Capo, the player that currently has
the Capo Ring retains it. The Capo Ring moves as soon as a new
player gains control of the current Capo...even if it is in the middle
of a phase! This does not change the player turn-order for the
current phase (the order of playing Influence cards during The
Commission, for example). The new turn-order becomes effective
at the beginning of the NEXT phase. However, all other properties
of the Capo Ring transfer immediately to the controlling player.
than the current Ante. If they cannot or choose not to pay, that
player must pass. If the player pays a greater amount, that amount
becomes the new Ante.
(Example: After all the other players have played an Influence card
or passed, Tom plays an Influence card along with $4, which goes
to the bank. The Ante is now $4. If Bob, the next player, wants to
play an Influence card, he must also pay $4 to the bank or be forced
to pass. Bob decides to pay $4 and adds $2 more, then plays his
Influence card. Thanks to Bob, the Ante is now $6. Steve, the next
player, throws his cards down in disgust as he only has $5 and needs
at least $6 to play more Influence cards.)
Red-colored Icons
Some Influence cards show a red-colored icon with a Position
listed instead of a Gangster type. This means that the Influence
markers are placed on the Gangster currently in that Position,
regardless of that Gangster’s type.
(Example: Sam has an Influence card with a “3” red icon that says
“Third Guy”. He places 3 Influence markers on the Gangster in the
Third Guy Position, regardless of what type of Gangster it is.)
Players continue playing Influence cards in order or passing.
Remember that once a player passes during The Commission,
they cannot play any additional Influence cards during that phase.
Second Round of Playing Influence Cards
After the players have each played their first Influence card or
passed, players that have not yet passed now have a new option
available to them: “The Ante”.
Once all players have passed, The Commission phase ends and the
Checkmark marker is moved to “The Crew” space on the Phase
When playing an Influence card, a player may additionally pay any
amount of money to the bank. This amount becomes the “Ante”.
Any subsequent player that wishes to play an Influence card
this phase must also pay money to the bank equal to or greater
Influence Cards - Other Effects
Some Influence cards have other effects listed on them. These
effects always take place AFTER the Influence markers have been
placed. Unless the text on the card says you “may”, you MUST
obey the additional effects on the card when you play it.
(Example: Jim has a 3 (Hitman) Influence card with the special
ability: “After placing, must allow one other player to place one
Influence on any Gangster”. Jim first places his 3 Influence markers
and then chooses another player, who may place 1 of their Influence
markers on any Gangster.)
Any card that says “pay $5 to place an additional Influence” must
have that additional Influence placed on the same Gangster as the
rest of the Influence given by that card.
“OR” Special Abilities
Influence cards with this keyword may be played to use their
special ability INSTEAD OF placing Influence markers. Some
of these cards are explained in greater detail at the end of this
“Play During The Crew”
These Influence cards can be played at any point during The Crew
phase, not just during The Commission phase. If played during
The Crew phase, the player must pay $5 to the bank in order to
play the card. This may result in a change of control of a Gangster
(see “Controlling a Gangster” below).
“Play at Any Time”
Players may use a “play at any time” card (even in The Crew phase
and even during another action) to add Influence markers of their
color to a Gangster in order to gain control. Multiple players may
use these cards on the same Gangster during a given phase. If
there are disputes when using “play at any time” cards, cards are
resolved in the order in which they are played. If there is a dispute
regarding timing, the player with the Capo Ring (or the player
closest to them in clockwise order) resolves their card first and
resolution then proceeds clockwise.
Phase 2: The Crew
In The Crew phase, the following steps occur in order:
1. Starting with the Capo and proceeding downward, determine
which player controls each active Gangster and calculate the
amount of Respect and money gained/lost for each Position;
2. Starting with the Third Guy and proceeding upward, the
controlling player of each Gangster chooses an action for that
Some Influence cards allow players to place Blackmail coins on
Gangsters (see “Blackmail” on page 11).
Controlling a Gangster
Both the Gangster Positions on the board and each Gangster card
have separate modifiers for Respect and money values. Combine
these modifiers to determine the current total value for that
(Example: “Eager” Jim Redio is in the Racketeer Position. The
player controlling him gains 4 Respect points (2 + 2) and $3 (1 + 2).
If Mikey “Jaws” Rudmanilli is in the Underboss Position, the player
controlling him gains 1 Respect (-2 + 3) and $5 (2 + 3).)
At various times during the game, it will be necessary to
determine which player controls a Gangster. The player with the
most Influence markers on a Gangster is the controlling player for
that Gangster. You must check for the controlling player in every
instance in which it is necessary to do so (such as when a Gangster
is about to generate Respect/money or when a Gangster is about
to take an action). Gangsters will NOT have a controlling player
in either of the following situations:
• There are no Influence markers on the Gangster.
• The most (or tied for most) Influence markers on a Gangster
are Neutral Influence markers.
2) Taking Gangster Actions
After each Gangster has resolved generating Respect and money,
the Gangsters, in ascending order, may each take an action.
Starting with the “Third Guy”, the controlling player for that
Gangster chooses ONE of the following actions:
• Use the special action for the Gangster’s Position (as printed
on the board);
• Use the special action of that Gangster, if applicable (as
printed on the Gangster card); • “Make a Move” against
another Position;
• Eat a cannoli and do nothing (pass).
If there is a tie between two or more players for Influence on a
Gangster, the player with the Capo Ring decides which of the tied
players controls that Gangster. Players may use any methods they
choose to influence this decision (see “Negotiation” on page 14).
Breaking Ties with the Capo Ring
When the Capo must break ties between controlling players, they
may choose how to break the tie each time it becomes necessary
to do so. Changing control of a Gangster during a phase in this
way does not alter or reverse any previous actions taken or any
Respect/money that was gained or lost by the players.
(Example: Tom and Steve are tied for control of the Underboss and
Eric (currently holding the Capo Ring) must break the tie. During
The Commission, when the Underboss generates Respect and
money, Eric decides to give Steve control of the Underboss, who then
collects his rewards. Later, when it is time for the Underboss to take
an action, Eric decides that now Tom is in control!)
1. Calculating Money and Respect
Starting with the Capo and proceeding in descending order,
calculate the Respect and money that the controlling player of
each Gangster receives. It is possible for the controlling player to
lose Respect and/or money if that Gangster has negative values!
Associates do not generate Respect or money for the controlling
players during this phase.
• Turn both Gangsters sideways to indicate that they can no
longer take actions this phase (both Gangsters cannot take
special actions, Position actions or attempt another move);
• The player controlling the successful Gangster gains 4
• The player controlling the Gangster that was in the target
Position loses 4 Respect (if no player controls the Gangster,
no player loses Respect);
• 1 Neutral Influence marker is placed on the successful
This continues until the highest-ranked controlled Gangster has
taken an action, at which point The Crew phase ends. Associates
do not take actions during this phase.
“Making a Move”
Gangsters may attempt to move into a Position occupied by
another Gangster in the organization by “Making a Move”. The
controlling player may only Make a Move on an adjacent Position,
as indicated by the connecting arrows on the board. A Gangster
CANNOT Make a Move on a Position that is currently empty. To
Make a Move:
1. The controlling player selects an adjacent Position of higher
rank and rolls the Move die. Add the result of the die to the
Respect value printed on the Gangster card making the move (the
Respect modifier from the Gangster’s Position is NOT applied).
2. If the total is greater than the rank number of the target Position,
the move succeeds. Otherwise, the move fails. A roll showing the
Capo Ring always succeeds. A roll showing the Knife always fails
(in addition, the Gangster that attempted the move dies).
(Example: Bob wishes to use Giustino (on the Second Guy Position)
to Make a Move on the Racketeer Position. The Racketeer’s Position
number is 5, so Bob needs a total of 6 or more to succeed. Giustino’s
card has a Respect value of 2, so Bob must roll a 4 or greater on the
Move die (2 + 4 = 6). Bob rolls a 3, giving him a total of 5 (2 + 3 =
5), so the move attempt fails.)
“Make a Move” Results
Success: The Gangster making the move is placed in the target
Position and the Gangster currently in that Position is moved to
the successful Gangster’s previous Position;
Failure: The Gangster(s) do not change Positions.
• The controlling player of the Gangster that attempted the
move loses 4 Respect as the result of humiliation;
• 1 Neutral Influence marker is placed on the Gangster that
attempted the move.

Death: If the Knife is rolled on the die, the active Gangster was
caught and killed:
• The controlling player of the Gangster that attempted the
move loses 4 Respect; - Return all Influence markers on that
Gangster to their respective players;
• The Gangster is moved to the “Sleepin’ wif da fishes” space
on the board.
“Whacking” a Gangster
When a Gangster attempts a “Whack” action:
1. The controlling player pays any required cost, selects a target
Gangster and rolls the Whack die.
2. If any of the gun or Capo Ring symbols are rolled, the hit
succeeds. Otherwise, the hit fails. In addition, if the Knife is rolled,
the Gangster that attempted the hit dies.
Gangster Respect ONLY
“Whack” Results
Success: The target Gangster is killed and moved to the “Sleepin’
wif da fishes” space;
• Return all Influence markers on that Gangster to their
respective players;
• The player that controlled the “Whacked” Gangster loses 4
Respect (if no player controlled the Gangster, no player loses
• The player controlling the Gangster that performed the
Whack gains 4 Respect.
Some Influence cards allow players to place Blackmail coins
to prevent Gangsters that they don’t control from performing
actions. Blackmail coins work as follows:
• A Blackmail coin is placed on a Gangster card along with
an Influence marker of the player’s color when played. The
Blackmail coin itself does NOT count as an Influence marker.
• The Influence marker on the Blackmail coin DOES count
for all normal purposes (such as when determining control
of the Gangster).
• Each Gangster may only have ONE Blackmail coin on them
at any given time. Another Blackmail coin CANNOT be
added until the existing coin is removed for any reason.
• If the Influence marker on the Blackmail coin is removed,
the Blackmail coin is also removed.
• If a player uses an ability that switches two Influence markers,
they may switch control of the Blackmail coin.
(Example: If Tom controls Steve Averso (currently in the Capo
Position) and is Whacked by Bob’s Gangster, Tom will lose 4 Respect
and Bob will gain 4 Respect.)
Failure: If the “X” is rolled, the Whack fails and the controlling
player loses 4 Respect due to shame.
Death: If the Knife is rolled, the Whack fails:
• The controlling player loses 4 Respect;
• The Gangster that attempted the hit is killed and sent to the
“Sleepin’ wif da fishes” space;
• Return all Influence markers on that Gangster to their
respective players.
Blackmailing the Controlling Player
When it comes time for a Gangster’s controlling player to take an
action during The Crew phase, if there is a Blackmail coin on that
Gangster, the controlling player may only perform an action with
the permission of the player controlling the Blackmail coin.
If the blackmailing player and controlling player cannot come to
an agreement, the controlling player must take the “pass” action
with that Gangster. Blackmail coins have no other effect.
Whacking the Capo
It costs an additional $10 to attempt to Whack the Capo.
(Example: Bob controls Eric “The Voice” Summerino in the Third
Guy Position, while Tom controls a Blackmail coin on Eric. Bob
decides to “Whack” the Capo as his action. As Tom controls the
Capo, he refuses to allow this. Bob instead decides to “Whack” the
Bean Counter, currently controlled by Jim. Tom tells Bob that he will
allow this for the low cost of $5. Since Bob is unwilling to pay this
and he and Tom cannot come to an agreement, Bob must pass with
his action for this Gangster.)
“Disreputable” Gangsters
If a player Whacks or “Makes a Move” against a Gangster that has
a Respect value of zero or less, no Respect is gained or lost by the
controlling players.
1. Attention Check
Phase 3: The Fence
In descending order starting with the Capo, check each Gangster
to see if they have attracted the attention of the government. If
any Gangster has reached or exceeded the Influence limit, that
Gangster is arrested by the police, removed from play and placed
in the “Prison” space. All the Influence markers on that Gangster
are returned to their respective players.
In The Fence phase, players gain more Influence cards by:
1. Drawing Influence cards based on the number of active
Gangsters that they control;
2. Buying additional Influence cards for $10 each
The Influence limit to send a Gangster to Prison is determined by
the number of players in the game:
1. Drawing Influence Cards
Starting with the player holding the Capo Ring and continuing
clockwise, each player draws Influence cards based on the number
of active Gangsters that they currently control (Associates are
NOT counted):
3 Players: 9 or more Influence markers
4 Players: 10 or more Influence markers
5 Players: 11 or more Influence markers
0 Gangsters: 4 cards
1 Gangster: 3 cards
2 or more Gangsters: 2 cards
Ties are NOT broken during this phase. A Gangster whose
control is tied between multiple players does not count toward
ANY player.
2. Buying from the Fence
After each player has finished drawing cards, players, in turn
order, may buy additional Influence cards for $10 each. Players
must decide how many cards to buy before drawing them and
may only buy cards once.
(Example: In a 5-player game, Eric “The Voice” Summerino has 11
Influence markers on him. During The Feds phase, he will be sent
to Prison.)
2. Rotate Gangsters
Phase 4: The Feds
At this time, any Gangsters that were turned sideways as a result of
a “Make a Move” action are rotated back to an upright orientation.
1. All Gangsters are checked to see if they have attracted the
attention of the Feds;
2. Any Gangsters turned sideways are rotated to the upright
Phase 5: The Family
Phase 6: Bookkeeping
Place the Checkmark marker on the first open space of the
Bookkeeping track. Take a new Checkmark marker and place
it on the space for “The Commission” phase. This marks the
beginning of a new round. When the 5th Checkmark marker has
been placed and the “Bookkeeping” track is filled, the game ends.
All empty Gangster positions on the board are filled, starting with
the Capo and descending in order of Position rank.
Filling the Capo Position
If empty, the Capo is the first Position that is filled. The highestranked active Gangster still on the board moves to the Capo
Position and the player controlling that Gangster takes the Capo
Filling the Remaining Positions
Starting with the highest empty Position and proceeding in
descending order from the Underboss to the Third Guy, follow
the connecting arrows on the board to fill all empty Positions as
• First, choose a Gangster from a space with a lower Position
rank that is directly connected to the empty Position with an
• If there are no Gangsters in connected Positions, choose any
Gangster with a lower Position rank.
• If there are no lower-ranked Gangsters, choose an Associate.
• If there are no Associates, draw the top Gangster card from
the deck to fill the Position.
In cases where multiple Gangsters are available to move into
an empty Position, each Position denotes which controlling
player decides the Gangster to promote. If no player controls the
appointing position, the player holding the Capo Ring decides.
(Example: If the Underboss Position is empty, the player controlling
the Capo decides which Gangster fills that Position. If the First Guy
is empty, the Enforcer decides which Gangster fills it.)
Once all Positions have been filled, any empty Associate spaces
are filled with Gangster cards drawn from the deck.
No Gangster can be “promoted” to a new Position more than once
during this phase.
behave exactly like player Influence markers, including being
counted when determining if a Gangster is sent to Prison during
The Feds phase.
Game End
After 5 rounds have been completed, the game ends. Determine
the winner by following the steps below:
The Shakedown
Players may perform a “Shakedown” and discard an Influence
card at any time during the game to collect $8 from the bank. The
Shakedown is not an action and may be performed before, after,
or even during another action.
1. Players calculate and award Respect for each Gangster that
they control one final time (money is not awarded and no
actions are allowed for any Gangster).
2. Players must sell all of their Influence cards for money: $8
per card.
3. Players must exchange their money for Respect. For every
$10 exchanged, that player receives 1 Respect. Players keep any
remaining money.
4. Players compare their Respect totals and the player with the
most Respect wins! Follow the procedure below to resolve any
i. The tied player with the Capo Ring wins. If no player has
the Capo Ring...
ii. The tied player who controls the highest-ranked active
Gangster wins. If no player has any active Gangsters...
iii. The tied player with the most money wins. If the tied
players have the same amount of money...
iv. The tied player with the most Influence markers on the
board wins. If the players have the same amount of Influence
markers on the board...
v. The tied player who rolls higher on the Number die wins.
If this also is tied...
vi. The first player to physically throw the game off the roof
Second Chance Die Roll
Players may pay $10 to the bank to re-roll any die at any time.
Players may do this as often as they can afford and may re-roll the
die of any player. Multiple players may do this for a single die roll.
(Example: Ryan attempts to Make a Move on Geoff. He rolls a “4”,
although he needed a “5” to succeed. Ryan pays $10 to the bank for
a re-roll and gets a “5”...success! Tom, who is still angry about an
earlier betrayal, pays $10 to force another re-roll. This time, Ryan
rolls a “1”. Ryan pays $10 to re-roll again...rolls a “3” and pays a
further $10, finally getting a “5”! Ryan is content with his victory...
until Geoff produces $10 to force yet another re-roll!)
Re-roll Tokens
Some cards allow players to take a “re-roll” token. A tokens may
be discarded at any time to perform a re-roll on any die by any
player at any time at no cost. Players can include these tokens in
negotiations, and may give them to other players. Multiple re-roll
tokens may be used on the same die roll.
“Active” and “Inactive” Gangsters
Additional Rules
Any card, action or rule that refers to “active” Gangsters refers
only to Gangsters currently in Positions 9 – 1. Associates and
Gangsters in Prison or Sleepin’ Wif Da Fishes are considered
“inactive” Gangsters and cannot be the target of such effects.
Neutral Influence Markers
When determining control of a Gangster, Neutral Influence
markers automatically win ties (even the Capo Ring cannot break
this). If Neutral Influence markers on a Gangster would win or tie
for control (see “Controlling a Gangster” on page 9), NO player
controls that Gangster. Neutral Influence markers otherwise
Negative Respect
A player cannot go below “0” Respect on the Respect Ledger. If a
player loses an amount of Respect that would reduce their current
total below “0”, that player is simply reduced to “0” instead.
Bean Counter: The Bean Counter may steal $3 from any one
player. If that player has less than $3, they must give all of their
money to the controlling player. The Bean Counter CANNOT
steal from the bank.
Players are encouraged to negotiate with each other at all times.
Players may trade money, Influence cards, promises, threats, or
whatever other verbal agreements it takes and may do so at any
• Players CANNOT trade Respect unless a card specifically
allows it.
• Players CANNOT trade Influence markers between
• Players can give control of a Blackmail coin to another player
by swapping their respective Influence markers (both markers
must be on the same Gangster) on the Blackmail token.
• Deals are NOT binding.
Racketeer: The Racketeer may switch one Influence marker on
the board with any other Influence marker. The two markers may
be of any color (including Neutral) and one or both may be on top
of a Blackmail coin. This ability may switch control of Gangsters,
including the Racketeer, and may also change the ownership of
Blackmail coins.
Enforcer: The Enforcer may place one Influence marker on any
Gangster on the board. He may NOT place it on top of a Blackmail
coin and may only place an Influence marker of HIS OWN color.
(Example: If Joe talks Tom out of making a move on him by
promising him money next turn, he may claim next turn that he
really was delirious and has changed his mind. Of course, Tom
will never trust Joe again. Later on, Tom gets ready to Whack Joe’s
Gangster. Joe offers Tom $9 not to take this action. Tom agrees, takes
the money and then Whacks Joe’s Gangster anyway!)
Counselor: The Counselor may place 3 Neutral Influence markers
on the board. The neutral Influence markers may be placed on
one Gangster or split between multiple Gangsters (see “Neutral
Influence Markers” on page 14).
Position Special Powers
Third Guy: The Third Guy can spend $10 to attempt to Whack a
Gangster. The Second Guy cannot cancel his action.
Underboss: The Underboss may draw an Influence card and add
it to his hand.
Second Guy: The Second Guy may place an Omertá coin on any
active Gangster on the board except the Third Guy. The player
controlling a Gangster with an Omertá coin placed on them may
not take an action with that Gangster during The Crew phase
except pass. As the “First Player” and “tie-breaking” effects of
the Capo are tied to the Capo Ring and not the Position, those
abilities are not cancelled by an Omertá coin. Persistent abilities
on Gangsters (such as: “Requires 12 Influence markers to be sent
to Prison” are also NOT cancelled by an Omertá coin. After the
Gangster with the Omertá coin has passed, the Omertá coin is
Capo: The Capo Position has no special action but the controlling
player receives the Capo Ring, which allows that player to go first
in turn order and break all ties. It also costs an additional $10 to
attempt to Whack the Capo.
First Guy: The First Guy may remove one Influence marker of any
color from any Gangster on the board. If this Influence marker
is removed from a Blackmail coin, the Blackmail coin is also
removed. The First Guy may remove Neutral Influence markers.
Tom “The Insane” Vaselini: Tom’s controlling player does not
lose 4 Respect unless he fails the hit.
Dombino Crapshooti: Dombino’s values may be rolled multiple
times per round. For example, when Dombino is receiving Respect
and money, he must roll the dice. Then, if Making a Move the
same round, he must roll the dice again to determine new values.
Manny “Curly” Corte: The card given to another player must be
one of the 2 cards drawn.
Jason “Twilight” Mateo: All influence markers on both Gangsters
stays on those Gangsters while moving.
Marco Zohgoli: The die re-rolled may be from any player and
may be any die rolled at any time for any reason each round.
Matt “The Virus” Leacock: If the player controlling Matt has the
most money, they may steal from the player with the second-most
Gangster Clarifications (Main Set)
Morris “Egg” Caruso: Morris can only re-roll the Whack die
used to attempt his “Whack” action.
Leo “The Coachman” Seyfarth: Leo may move into an open
position (usually from a Whack or Gangster being sent to Prison)
regardless of his current Position on the board and may do this
multiple times per round.
Ryan “The Mouth” D’sturm: When “selling” Respect, the
controlling player moves their Scoring Meepster down on the
Respect Ledger and receives $3 for each Respect lost in this way,
up to a maximum of $15. Players may not “sell” Respect that
would reduce them below “0”.
Mike “Machine Gun” Fitz: If the hit is successful, the player
controlling the killed Gangster still loses 4 Respect. 13
Ricardo Launius: While Ricardo has no Gangster types, it is still
possible to place Influence markers on him based on his current
Position as well as by playing a card to place 1 Influence on any
Gangster (see “The Commission” on page 6).
Gangster Clarifications
(Game Designer Set)
The 18 cards in the Game Designer Set are part of the Nothing
Personal: Young Turks Expansion, sold separately.
Antoine “Death” Bauza: This die may be re-rolled as normal (for
$10 or through a special ability).
Bill “The Tiebreaker” Eberle: If no player controls Bill, his ability
has no effect and the player with the Capo Ring breaks all ties.
Bill’s ability is not cancelled by an Omertá coin.
Colby “the Hat” Dauch: If either player has no cards, the player
they are swapping with gets no cards (and will likely be annoyed!).
David “Fairplay” Sirlini: All influence markers on both Gangsters
stays on those Gangsters while moving. This does NOT allow
David to take multiple actions if he moves to a higher Position.
Gangster Clarifications
(Historical Set)
Gangster Clarifications
(Young Turks)
The 18 cards in the Historical Gangsters Set are part of the Nothing
Personal: Young Turks Expansion, sold separately.
The 18 cards in the Young Turks Set are part of the Nothing
Personal: Young Turks Expansion, sold separately.
Frank “The Enforcer” Nitti: Frank’s ability can be used multiple
times each round. It must be used before the die is rolled. Once a
die has been rolled for a Whack attempt, Frank may no longer use
his ability to affect that action. Frank may use his ability to cancel
his own attempt to Whack a Gangster.
Geraldo “Bazooka” Chaconichio: If Geraldo has 8 or more
Influence markers on him, he goes to Prison immediately (all
Influence markers are returned to the players). This may happen
outside of The Feds phase.
Bugs Moran: The 2 Influence removed may be of any color (even
neutral). They do not have to be the controlling player’s Influence.
Game Variants
You may incorporate any or all of these variants if you want to
change up your game experience:
Harvey Bailey: Harvey goes to Prison immediately. The 5
Influence removed may be from any Gangster(s) on the board in
any combination and of any color.
Binding Deals
Bonnie Elizabeth Parker / Clyde Chestnut Barrow: Their
abilities work even if either of them is in an Associate position.
For a more controlled game, players can agree that all deals must
be binding. For example, if Bob offers Tom $7 to Whack one of
Ryan’s Gangsters and Tom accepts, he must follow through.
“Big Jim” Colisimo: “Big Jim” and the Gangster that he is
switching with retain all Influence markers on them when moving.
Short Game
Carlos Gambino: All influence remains on Carlos when moving.
Carlos may move to ANY empty Position, regardless of his current
Position on the board.
Random Setup
For a shorter game, end the game after four rounds instead of five.
You may start with random Gangsters in the Capo Position and all
others. Simply draw and place Gangsters from the deck until all
Positions and Associates are filled.
“Machine Gun” Kelly: Kelly receives the money as soon as the
Whack is announced.
Playing with Expansions
“Baby Face” Nelson: A Whack by Nelson is resolved as normal
except that, if successful, his controlling player gains 7 Respect
and the player controlling the target Gangster loses 7 Respect.
For a more advanced game, Nothing Personal can be played with
the Young Turks expansion that contains three additional sets of
Gangster cards. Each set (Game Designers, Historical Gangsters
and Young Turks) features 18 new Gangster cards that can be
integrated into the base game. Add one set or all three but, if you
do, be prepared for some chaotic mob-action like you’ve never
Game Development:
Steve Avery & Tom Vasel
Editing and Proofreading:
Andrew Lupp
Art Direction: Dann May
Art by: Lucas Soriano, Dann May, and Paco Rico
Graphic Design: Cody Jones, Chris Kirkman, Dann May
3D Rendering: Greg May
Executive Producer: W. David MacKenzie
Studio: Dice Tower Designs
Publisher: Game Salute
Playtesters: A.J. Sanson, Aaron Riggan, Anthony Racano, Arthur
Ryan, Avri Balofsky, Bernard Frick, Billy Zavos, Bob Aarhus, Bob
Gallo, Brad Dorais, Paul Clinton, Elia Pales, Zach Goldsmith, Alan
Luzietti, Pat Tobo, Chris Slac, Brian Counter, Ruthie Counter, Megan
Counter, David Counter, Brock Poulsen, Bryan Wilson, Chris
Brandt, Cole Foote, Craig Hargraves, Cresston Gackle, Dan Fox,
Dan Yarrington, Darren Green, David Knepper, David Vejil, Dennis
Kelley, Greg Herievi, Jamie Eberly, Jason Sugiuchi, Jeff Jarvis, Joel
Eddy, John Guthrie, John Hazen, Jose Huerta, Darin Box, Victoria
Sears, Kassidee Kane, Jose H Cuatro, Josh Look, Kristen McCarty,
Kyle McPheeters, Lyman Hurd, Mark Mitchell, Matt Loter, Micheal
Fralish, Paul Geradi, Peter Schott, Philip Migas, Chad Shamerwicz,
Mathew Smolik, Ken Armstrong, Nick Reymann, Ron Thomas, John
Hazen, Charles Gallespie, Randy Alton, Robert Burke, Rodney Eberly,
Russell Collingham, Sam Healey, Ubarose, Wesley Williams, Wim
Vanherle, Yaakov Simon, Zach Moore, Zee Garcia, Zev Shlasinger,
Jamie Eberly, and a myriad of others!
Special Thanks: Clint Herron and Ben Friedberg for the name,
Stephen Buonocore for the theme, our families for their support and
help, the myriad of people - too many to mention! - who playtested
the game, the designers who inspired us (Sid Sackson - I’m the Boss,
Urs Hostettler - Kremlin, Wolfgang Kramer and Richard Ulrich
- El Grande, Bill Eberle Jack Kittredge, Bill Norton, Peter Olotka –
Cosmic Encounter and Dune; Bruno Faidutti - Citadels.), and the
folks who used Kickstarter to make this game possible.
Second Edition Thanks: Jordan Steelman, Paul Cockburn, Adam
Watson, and the community at BoardGameGeek.
Making a Move
Game Round Summary
and add the 11
of the Gangster’s card who is making the move.
1. The Commission
Gain control of Gangsters and take
Innluence actions.
2. The Crew
Determine control, receive Respect/money
and take Gangster actions.
3. The Fence
Draw Innluence cards.
The Gangster making the
move swaps places
with the target Gangster.
Lose 4 11.
If 77was rolled,
the Gangster
attempting the
move is killed.
Gain 4 1.
Target Gangster's
controller loses 4 11.
4. The Feds
Determine if Gangsters are sent to Prison;
Rotate Gangsters upright.
Whacking a Gangster
5. The Family
Fill all empty Gangster Positions.
6. Bookkeeping
Place the Checkmark marker on the next
open space on the Bookkeeping track;
Place a new Checkmark marker on The
Commission space to start a new round.
The target Gangster
is killed.
Gain 4 1.
Target Gangster's
controller loses 4 1.
Lose 4 11.
If 777was rolled,
the Gangster
attempting the
whack is killed.