Programs - Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia


Programs - Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
All Are Welcome
January 1–May 31, 2014
Tevet–Sivan 5774
Cultural Arts
Sports, Fitness & Aquatics
Inside This Issue
Shabbat Programs
Early Childhood Sheva Program Performing Arts Series Spring Schedule
ReelAbilities: Greater DC Disabilities Film Festival
Ninth Annual
Comedy Night is always a sell-out.
Order Your Tickets Now!
Featuring Monica Piper
Saturday, February 8
7:45pm: Pre-show happy hour (cash bar)
8:30pm: Show
See details on page 57.
For a full schedule of JCCNV Performing Arts events,
see page 17, or visit
Summer Camp 2014
Visit for details.
Camp Ahava
Camp K’Ton Ton (20-35 months); Camp K’Tona (3 and 4 year olds)
Camp K’Tona Too, In Alexandria (20 months-4 years)
Our preschool camp, which includes full- and part-time camping experiences. Campers will
play and explore through music, art, games, swim, playground activities, and more!
Register now for Summer Camp 2014!
Camp Achva
Rising K-10th Grades
Since 1969, Camp Achva has been the premier Jewish day camp in Northern Virginia! General,
sports, specialty, special needs, counselor-in-training programs, and more!
To download the registration form, visit, or come to the Center
Sunday, January 19, 1pm–4:30pm:
Camp registration table in the lobby
Camp rocks.
Monday, January 20, 10am–noon:
A Taste of Camp family program
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
View from the Top
Special Features
As we begin the New Year, we are very excited by the diverse array of programs offered
here at the Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia (JCCNV). As you may be
aware, the JCCNV Board of Directors and staff have embarked on a comprehensive
strategic planning process which will help us in developing plans for the future
direction of the Center. This initiative, coupled with the results of the recent study by
the Pew Research Center entitled “A Portrait of Jewish Americans,” has provided a fresh
perspective through which we are looking at everything we are doing, and considering
doing, at the JCCNV for our community.
Through a series of interviews, conversations, and discussions, one of the things we
have learned is that we need to share the important work we are currently doing, day in
and day out, to engage, nurture, and strengthen our Jewish community. On a daily basis,
we engage a diverse population spanning four generations and ranging in age from six
weeks to well past 90. With each program and group, we look to instill Jewish values,
culture, and traditions in our programming. In this letter, we will introduce Sheva
(seven), one of our newest initiatives, which will impact our youngest audience in our
Early Childhood Learning Center (ECLC).
The JCCNV is participating with JCCs throughout the country in the JCC Association’s
Sheva Early Learning Framework. This program builds upon the foundations already
in place through the Reggio Emilia inspired philosophy and aligns beautifully with the
Jewish values and principles that are the foundation of our ECLC.
The seven core principles of Sheva include:
1. Children as constructivist learners, including the concept of kavod (respect) for
each child’s ability to think for himself/herself
2. Early Childhood Directors as visionaries, guided by their chochma (wisdom)
3. Early Childhood educators as professionals who develop ahavat limud (a love of
learning) for themselves and their students
4. ECLC families as engaged partners in the ECLC kehillah (community)
5. Environment as inspiration for inquiry, including curiosity, intellectual
engagement, and creativity
6. Emphasis on the Jewish value of sh’mirat ha’guf (taking care of our bodies)
through nutrition and exercise
7. Israel as the story of the Jewish people
President/Executive Director’s Message
Board and Committees
Volunteer Spotlight /
Philanthropy Spotlight
Supporting the Center
Federation Spotlight
Giving Circles/Donations
New and Returning Members
NoVa Jewish Congregations
Jewish Day Schools
Program Registration Form
Community Engagement
Jewish Journeys
Shabbat Programming
Israel: Up Close
Cultural Arts
Performing Arts
Fine Arts
Dance Academy
Family Services
Early Childhood Services
School-Age Services
Special Needs
Sports, Fitness & Aquatics
Fitness and Sports
Adult Services
Through the Sheva program, we will continue to strengthen Jewish values in our
youngest members and their families. Throughout all of our programming, we will
continue to share what is wonderful about being Jewish, in ways that engage Jews of
all beliefs and practices, and welcomes those of other faiths who make up the JCCNV
family. We hope you will join us on this fantastic journey.
Annual Volunteer
Appreciation Reception
36th Annual
Membership Meeting
Tuesday, May 27, 6:30pm
Tuesday, May 27, 7:30pm
Connie Pesachowitz
Jeff Dannick
Executive Director
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880 1
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
FY2014 Executive Committee & Board of Directors
Officers/Executive Committee
President Vice President
Vice President
Vice President
Vice President
Secretary Treasurer Assistant Treasurer
At-Large At-Large Immediate Past-President Connie Pesachowitz
Scott Brown
Eugene Greenberg
Josh Greene
Marilyn Hausfeld
Ed Faggen
Michael Scher
Bob Shapiro
David Miller
David Stein
Allon Shiff
Board of Directors
Terms Expiring:
Administration Subcommittees
Audit Committee
Budget and Finance
Building and Grounds
Create a Jewish Legacy
Executive Director Compensation/
Evaluation Committee
Information Technology
Leadership Development
Shabbat Review
Strategic Planning
Morris Levy
Michael Scher
Warren Cohen
Joan Sacarob
Connie Pesachowitz
Alex Steil
Eugene Greenberg
Scott Brown
Joshua Greene^
Allon Shiff
Programming Subcommittees
Ross Diamond
Leslie Frieden
David Miller
Joan Sacarob
Cary Schwartzbach
Camp Achva
Michelle Weiner^
Comedy Night
Alison Wilks^
Cultural Arts
Marilyn Hausfeld^ Cycle Fest
Allon Shiff
Sara Astrow
Fall Gala (2013)
Joan and Don Sacarob^
GenB Singles Martin Siegel Growing Jewish Families
Jennifer Gorowitz
JCCNV - JAFI Community Shlichim Program
Scott Brown
Mah Jongg Tournament
Susan Lissner
Mitzvah Program
Gail Gurin
Northern Virginia
Jewish Film Festival
Lorraine Fischer
Special Needs
Lynne Sprung
Honorary Board Members
Ann Bennett
Ron Siegel
Morris Levy
Shoshana Killian Levy
Bob Watts
Bob Shapiro^
Connie Pesachowitz^
Jana Meltzer^
Connie Pesachowitz^
Sophie and Howard Hoffman^
Karen Siegall
Marilyn Morrison
BJ Shiff
Sandy Barmak
Stephen A. Bodzin
Lynne Bolotin
Warren Cohen
Jerome Dick*
Bennett Finkelstein
Isaac Fleischmann*
Michael Friedlander
Manny Gale*
Suzy Goldhammer*
Carol Gordon
Joyce Grand
Jean Gurman
Herman Hohauser
Trish Kent
Chet W. Kessler
Bunni Latkin
Alvin Pesachowitz
Lawrence Vogel
*Of blessed memory.
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
JCCNV ChaiLights
Jennifer Kanarek
Jennifer Kanarek recently joined the JCCNV as
the new Community Engagement Coordinator.
In that role, she serves as a concierge to Northern
Virginians who are looking for stronger
connections to the Jewish community. Her primary
focus is helping families along their Jewish journey
through creative programs and activities, providing
resources, and connecting families to each other.
While she primarily works with young families, she
also serves as a resource to anyone looking for ways
to be a part of the community.
Jennifer is well suited for this position. With more
than 15 years of experience in both professional and
lay leadership roles in the Jewish community, she
recently completed her MSW with a concentration
in management, leadership, and community practice at the University of Tennessee.
She has worked in a variety of capacities within the community including public
relations, marketing, and fundraising, and was previously part of the JCC family
as a marketing director at the JCC in Manhattan overseeing Jewish learning, adult
learning, spirituality and support programs ranging from grief to single parenting
groups. Jennifer also knows a thing or two about “growing Jewish families” — she
is the mother to two young girls; Ora, 3 and Nessa, 5 months. She enjoys live music,
independent films, cooking, the ocean, the mountains, and most of all spending time
with her family, and their dog Simcha.
Adi Eilat Crowley
Adi was born in Tel Aviv, Israel where she grew up,
was part of the Israeli Navy, travelled the world,
and eventually got her BA in Political Science from
Hebrew University, in Jerusalem. Adi married her
husband Don in 2000 and had their first child
Leeanne, in 2003. Adi and her family relocated
to the United States in 2004 to Overland Park,
Kansas where she obtained an Associate’s Degree
in Applied Science and Accounting at Johnson
County Community College, and welcomed
her second child, Mia. She has had a great deal
of experience in accounting, tax preparation,
collections, and accounts receivable. Adi relocated
to Fairfax this year and is excited to be a part of our
JCCNV family.
33rd Annual JCCNV
Fundraising Gala:
A Signature Event
On November 16, the JCCNV was transformed
into an elegant venue for our 33rd Annual
Fundraising Gala. Co-chaired by Joan and Don
Sacarob and Sophie and Howard Hoffman, the
evening was a fundraising success and enjoyed by
more than 250 guests.
The Gala began with a signature cocktail
reception and time for friends to mingle and
enjoy each other’s company. Rabbi Amy Perlin, of
Temple B’nai Shalom, led a beautiful Havdallah
service which was followed by dinner catered by
Hoffman & Company. JCCNV President, Connie
Pesachowitz, began the evening’s program by
welcoming everyone to the event and speaking
about the important work of the JCCNV. Our
Executive Director, Jeff Dannick recognized the
evening’s honorees — Trustee Circle members
celebrating five years of generous support in the
giving society — Tanya and Stephen Bodzin, Jane
and Scott Brown, Mindy and Warren Cohen,
Marilyn and Michael Hausfeld, Connie and
Al Pesachowitz, and Deborah and David Yaffe.
Ben Finkelstein then presented the Eleanor Sue
Finkelstein Award for Special Needs to Honey W.
Nashman for her exceptional work in the special
needs community.
Following the presentations, patrons moved to
the Chaiken Auditorium for a fabulous cabaret
performance, “Broadway Musicals: The Jewish
Voice,” directed by Matt Gardiner, Associate
Artistic Director of Signature Theatre®. The
evening was made complete with a decadent
dessert reception following the show.
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880 3
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
JCCNV Volunteer Spotlight: Sara Astrow
What is your favorite aspect of the
JCCNV and why?
Why is volunteering at the JCCNV
important to you?
My favorite aspect of the JCCNV is that it has
programs and activities for all stages of life for a
diverse population. For example, nearly 30 years
ago my daughter and I participated in the Mom’s
Day Out Program; years later my teenage son was
active in BBYO; as adults my husband and I take
advantage of events like the Northern Virginia
Jewish Film Festival, Comedy Night, and the
Israel Street Festival; and I hope to be around to
participate in the senior programs. I also place
great value on the JCCNV-JAFI Community
Shlichim Program — providing information
about and strengthening our ties with Israel is an
important role filled by the JCCNV, and I have
enjoyed being a sponsor family for our emissaries
from Israel.
Volunteering at the JCCNV is a way to show
that our Jewish community is a vibrant part
of the greater Northern Virginia community.
As a parent liaison at Holmes Middle School,
which is just a few miles from the JCCNV, I
work with families that are homeless, receive
free student lunch, need warm winter clothes,
etc., and I am aware that not everyone in Fairfax
County is affluent. I am proud that the JCCNV
partners with FACETS to provide a hot meal,
companionship, and a warm place to sleep for
people in our community in need during the
winter months. It is important for us to lead
by example and demonstrate that we are good
neighbors and that our tzedakah goes beyond
the walls of the JCCNV.
Philanthropy Spotlight: Adult Services
Thanks to the generous support of our donors and funders, the Jewish
Community Center of Northern Virginia (JCCNV, Center) is able to provide
quality programs, activities, and services to a diverse and growing community.
Times are changing, and the JCCNV is prepared to change with the
times. People today are living longer, staying healthier and remaining
more active and engaged in community activities, and here at the Center,
we’ve responded by offering a wide variety of social and self-development
programs and activities for adults of all ages.
These days, it is virtually impossible to differentiate between “seniors”
and any other adult. By merging the Adult Department and the Senior
Department, we’ve created a seamless spectrum of programming for
our adult participants, ages 50+. There’s something (or many things) for
everyone at the JCCNV, just take a pass through Centertainment or visit our
Center any day of the week and see for yourself. Too far to drive? Visit one of
our five satellite program sites located throughout Northern Virginia.
Our adult programs are wonderful, but many in our community cannot afford their real costs. Fortunately, Adult Services Department’s programs
are subsidized by grants (public and private), and by individual donors which, along with additional subsidies from the JCCNV, keeps program
fees low enough to be accessible to our participants. To continue meeting this growing need, we need your help. Sponsorship and underwriting
opportunities are available, and additional support would be greatly appreciated. To learn more, please contact Michelle Pearlstein, Development
Coordinator, at [email protected], or (703) 537-3033.
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Giving to the Center helps bring Jewish values to life.
Find out if your Employer
has a Matching-Gift Program
Thanks in great part to our members,
foundations, corporate sponsors and
friends, the Center continues fulfilling its
commitment to this community to provide
a comfortable atmosphere rich in Jewish
family traditions. We encourage you to
think about the Center when making your
charitable-giving plans.
In many cases, your cash contribution becomes
twice as valuable. It’s usually quick and easy; just
complete your company’s form and your gift to
the Center will be matched. (Sample companies
that match are Exxon-Mobil and IBM.)
Give through the Combined Federal
Campaign or United Way
The JCCNV is a participant in the United
Way and Combined Federal Campaign annual
campaigns. When you make your United Way/
CFC gift through your employer, please designate
the JCCNV: United Way #8437 / CFC #8198.
Become a Member of the
Trustee Circle or Chai Society
Dues and program fees cover less than 80%
of the JCCNV’s annual operating expenses.
We depend on the generous philanthropy of
individuals, corporations and foundations to
ensure our financial sustainability. Donating
more than two-thirds of the funds raised
throughout the year, Trustee Circle and Chai
Society members are the cornerstone of the
Center’s ability to build a strong community
based on Jewish values.
The Trustee Circle: Donors in the Trustee Circle
donate a minimum cash gift of $3,000 or more
annually. This special visionary group of leaders
understands the importance of the JCCNV to
our Jewish community and the fact that none of
our extraordinary programs would be possible
without a financially sound operation.
Chai Society: By joining the Chai Society,
Give Cash
Cash gifts allow the Center to use funds
where they are most urgently needed. You
may also designate your gift for a specific
purpose, or make it in honor or memory of
a person or an occasion through the tribute
program. A special card will be sent to
recognize your tribute gift.
Mitzvah Cards/Retail Scrip
The JCCNV receives a percentage of every
dollar that you spend at Giant, Safeway and
Shoppers Food Warehouse, along with many
other retail stores. When you enroll in the
monthly grocery scrip program, we will
order your card (minimum $100) at the store
of your choice and send it to you with an
invoice each month.
members are demonstrating their understanding
that the life of the JCCNV depends on our ability
to financially support our general operations
in addition to programmatic support. The
Chai Society is made up of a special group of
donors who give at least $1,800 to our General
Operating Fund, allowing us to utilize the funds
to best meet the needs of the Center. To augment
their general operating support, many members
of the Chai Society choose to contribute
supplementary dollars to the programs about
which they are most passionate. Chai Society
members are also named as Trustee Circle
members when their contributions equal or
exceed $3,000 annually.
By enrolling in the monthly program, you
can add cards from hundreds of participating
stores to your order at any time on a monthto-month basis. Orders are placed on the
15th of each month and arrive within four
business days. Visit
and then go to the shop to see a full listing
of stores.
To learn more about our donor societies, contact
Jeff Dannick, JCCNV Executive Director, at
(703) 537-3023 or [email protected]. To
learn more about other giving opportunities,
please contact Michelle Pearlstein, Development
Coordinator, at (703) 537-3033, or
[email protected].
Donate now and help the JCCNV
accomplish its mission. Your donation is
tax-deductible. Free towing wherever the
car is — as is. You can download the car
donation form on our website or request one
from our reception desk.
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
One-time orders are also accepted. Contact
[email protected], or call (703)
537-3060 or submit the order form, available
online at and in the lobby.
Donate a Used Car
Transfer Appreciated Assets
Stocks or other investments that have been held
for more than one year and have grown in value
can provide a substantial gift to the Center at
a low net cost to you. The full value of your
appreciated asset is tax-deductible and you can
avoid paying tax on the gains.
Give Insurance/IRAs/Retirement Funds
If you no longer need a life insurance policy, IRA
or other retirement fund, consider giving it to
the Center. Even if you are still paying premiums
on an insurance policy, it can be given to the
Center; you may take an income-tax deduction
when the Center is named owner and beneficiary.
Alternately, you may choose to set up a new life
insurance policy naming the JCC of Northern
Virginia as beneficiary, ensuring support for the
Center in the future.
Establish an Endowment Fund
By establishing an endowment fund at the
JCCNV, you will be assured that the programs
and services you most care about will endure. You
may name the endowment fund and designate
which area of the Center will benefit. Once the
endowment fund reaches a minimum of $10,000,
the fund will be formally established.
Make a Bequest
Create a legacy for your community by naming
the JCCNV as a beneficiary in your will or
insurance policy.
Volunteer through the JCCNV Volunteer Corps
If you have the time or expertise to lend a hand
for the JCCNV, your help is needed and would
be much appreciated! Visit or contact
[email protected], or (703) 537-3060.
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880 5
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
Federation Spotlight:
2014 ,
Be the GOOD you want to
see in the world and join
hundreds of thousands
of volunteers globally in a
community day of service.
A huge variety of projects are available for
you to choose from.
Join us to:
• Spend time with senior citizens
• Make sandwiches for members of
our community
• Prepare packages for sick children
• Much more!
Projects specific to NoVA are available!
Doing A
World of Good
Good Deeds Day is produced in partnership with
Federation’s Jconnect, the local Jewish Community
Centers, Federation partner agencies, congregations
and other organizations.
Centertainment is published by
The Jewish Community Center
of Northern Virginia
8900 Little River Turnpike
Fairfax, Virginia 22031-3123
Phone: (703) 323-0880
Fax: (703) 323-1993
E-mail: [email protected]
ISSN: 1097-6523
Executive Editor: Laura Adler
Marketing Assistant: Marcy Mandel
Graphic Design: Oasis Creative
For more information:
Flip to the Community Engagement Section
Call 888-246-1818
Directions to the Center
From the Capital Beltway (I-495), take
Exit 52A (Little River Turnpike/Route 236
West). The JCCNV is located 1.5 miles
west of the Beltway, on the right side of
the road at 8900 Little River Turnpike,
where it intersects with Guinea Road.
Building Hours
Saturday 7:30am–6pm
• The pool closes 30 minutes earlier
than the times posted above.
• The cardiovascular fitness center is
open seven days a week during the
hours posted above.
On Saturdays, due to contractual
agreements, the pool is closed to
members until 12:30pm.
Jewish Community Center
of Northern Virginia
Inclement Weather Hotline:
(703) 425-3763
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Membership Department
Join Us...
Tuesday, May 27
Membership Director
Heidi Palchik, (703) 537-3042 • [email protected]
Membership Administrators
Salta Steil, (703) 537-3017 • [email protected]
Sheryl White, (703) 537-3027 • [email protected]
36th Annual
Front Desk Administrator
Brandon Butler, (703) 323-0880 • [email protected]
Membership Office Hours
Members Matter Week
Sunday–Saturday, January 5–11
Please join us for a week-long celebration in
honor of you — and the rest of our amazing
members! We truly appreciate your ongoing
support, and hope you’ll enjoy these special
events and giveaways as a small token of our
thanks and appreciation.
Shabbat at the JCCNV
The JCCNV has implemented programming
specifically designed to help individuals
and families engage in meaningful Shabbat
experiences. It is the Center’s vision to help
inspire Jewish journeys and to help provide
opportunities for you and your family to
create, or enhance, your own Shabbat routines.
10am–2pm (2nd and 4th Sunday of each month)
Tuesday: 9am–8pm
Wednesday: 9am–8pm
Thursday: 9am–8pm
Friday: 9am–6pm
A full listing of programs for Shabbat can be
found on page 14.
Welcome to the JCC of Northern Virginia!
Here at the JCCNV, you’ll find a plethora of activities, programs, and events to meet all
of your fitness, social, intellectual, artistic, emotional, financial, social action, and spiritual
needs — regardless of religious affiliation. For more than three decades, the Center has
proudly engaged the Northern Virginia community through programming that excites,
explores, and challenges the mind, body and spirit. Come visit us and experience the
warmth, laughter, and camaraderie that fill the Center. Whether you’re a fitness fanatic or
just starting a fitness routine, a toddler taking your first steps, a young professional, an
avid theatergoer, an art enthusiast, or an adult-on-the-go, you belong here!
Membership Categories
The JCCNV offers a variety of membership categories and payment options to best suit
your needs. We’ve got something for everyone — and all at affordable rates!
Registration Fee
Annual Payment
Membership for Two
Adult Individual (18+)
Senior Individual (65+)
Senior Couple (65+)
Teen (Grades 7–12)*
Kehilla Family/Couple*
Kehilla Individual*
Silver Sneakers*
Silver Sneakers Upgrade*
Kehilla – Joint JCCNV
Membership and Synagogue
The JCCNV and area synagogues are proud to
offer Kehilla, a joint membership option for
individuals, couples and families, ages 20–33,
who have not previously had a membership
at any synagogue or JCC in the Washington
metropolitan area. The cost includes
membership for one year at both the JCCNV
and the participating synagogue of your
choice (including High Holiday tickets).
Individual: $185
Couple/Family: $237
Kehilla member rates do not apply for the Early
Childhood Learning Center, Before- and AfterSchool Enrichment Program (BASE), summer
camps or youth swim teams.
Participating Kehilla Synagogues:
All rates effective 6/1/13 through 5/31/14. Call the membership department for details.
*Restrictions apply. Call for details. ** Host family must be current members of the JCCNV. Call for details.
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
Membership Programs
Adat Reyim, Springfield • Agudas Achim
Congregation, Alexandria • Beth El Hebrew
Congregation, Alexandria • Congregation
Ahavat Israel, Fairfax • Congregation Beth
Emeth, Herndon • Congregation Etz Hayim,
Arlington • Congregation Ner Shalom,
Woodbridge • Congregation Olam Tikvah,
Fairfax • Shoreshim, Reston • Temple Beth
Torah, Centreville • Temple B’nai Shalom,
Fairfax Station • Temple Rodef Shalom, Falls
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880 7
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
Membership Terms
and Conditions
Recruit and
Relish in Rewards!
• Membership dues paid monthly must be
made with either a credit card or an electronic
funds transfer (EFT) from a bank account.
• Should a member choose to withdraw for
any reason, a notice of cancellation must be
submitted either in writing or via email to
the Membership Department at least one
calendar month in advance of withdrawal.
• Membership fees are not prorated, nonrefundable, non-transferrable, and no refunds
are granted for non-use of the facility.
• When joining the Early Childhood Learning
Center, a one-year obligation of membership
is required. Membership must remain current
while the child/children is/are enrolled in the
• To receive the discounted member rate for
the Before- and After-School Enrichment
Program or summer camps, a one-year
obligation of membership is required.
Membership must remain current throughout
the duration of the program.
• Memberships may be temporarily placed on
hold if you know in advance that you will not
be frequenting the Center. Written or emailed
requests for placing your membership on
hold must be sent to and acknowledged by
the Membership Department prior to the
requested start date. Memberships for those
who pay annually will be extended by the
duration of the hold. Those who pay monthto-month must pay a $6 hold fee each month
in lieu of their standard dues.
• The registration fee must be paid if
membership lapses for more than 90 days.
• The JCCNV reserves the right to photograph
and/or videotape activities for use in publicity
and promotional materials. Please notify the
JCCNV in writing if you do not want photos
of yourself or your family members to be
used. Send in a recent photo so that we can be
sure that you and/or your family members are
not included in these materials.
One for us, one for you...
and one for your friends too!
For every new membership you bring to the
JCCNV, enjoy a one-month extension on
your membership — on us! And to give our
newest members a proper welcome, we’ll
extend their membership by one-month for
free as well!
Bring in 12 new memberships and we’ll
extend your membership (up to) 12 months!
JCCNV Membership
has its Benefits!
Discounted Program & Class Rates
Throughout Centertainment, you’ll notice
that the JCCNV offers member discounts
on classes and programs. In order for
membership rates to apply, membership
must remain current throughout the
duration of the class/program.
Member Discounts —
Beyond the JCCNV
Through relationships we’ve built within the
community, the JCCNV has arranged for
its members to receive discounts outside of
the Center. Check-out where membership
discounts can be applied for products and
services in our area and throughout the
Washington, DC area on page 79 and at
Membership Reciprocity.
3 Centers, 1 Community.
JCCNV memberships
have full reciprocity at
the Washington DC JCC
(DCJCC) and at the JCC
of Greater Washington
(JCCGW) in Rockville,
MD. JCCNV members can
enjoy full member benefits
on programs, classes,
shows at Theater J, outdoor
swimming at the JCCGW, use of the fitness
facilities at all three locations, and more!
Throughout the US and Abroad
JCCNV memberships are valid at many of
the 375+ Centers located throughout the
United States and abroad. If you are traveling
to another city, be sure to contact a JCCNV
membership administrator for a letter of
introduction to take along with you.
New to the Area?
At the JCCNV, we would like to welcome you
to our Center and make your move as easy
as possible. Members of JCCs and YMHAs
from other cities are considered members of
the JCCNV for three months, or until their
membership expires, whichever comes first.
Membership Cards
At the JCCNV, the safety of our members
and guests is our top priority. When joining
our Center, each JCCNV member (over
the age of 11) will be issued a photo-ID
membership card that is required to gain
entry throughout the building. When
entering the Center, you’ll notice the security
guard desk straight ahead and the front desk
to your left. Be sure to scan your membership
card at the scanning station found at either
of the two desks each time you enter the
ID cards may be requested for individuals
who are authorized to regularly pick-up
children from the JCCNV Early Childhood
Learning Center and School-Age programs.
The ID scan system is also a useful tool in
acquiring information about our building.
By tracking how and when our Center is
being used, we are able to evaluate our
facilities and programs to ensure we are
meeting the needs of our members.
Lost and Damaged
Membership Cards
Replacement of membership cards is
handled at the front desk or with the
Membership Department. A $10 replacement
fee is charged for lost/misplaced and
damaged cards. Individuals who temporarily
misplace their card may enter the facility
once by presenting a photo ID to the staff
and signing in at the front desk.
For more information, contact our
Membership Department or visit or
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Guest Passes
Members are more than welcome to bring
guests to the JCCNV. Local guests may come
up to four times per calendar year; and
guests from out of town may visit as often as
they’d like!
Guest passes can be purchased at the front
desk*. Members must be present with
their guests at the time of visit unless prior
arrangements have been made with the
Membership Department.
Guests ages 16 and under; and 65 and older:
$4 for one guest pass
$20 for six guest passes
Guests ages 17–64:
$6 for one guest pass
$30 for six guest passes
Community Engagement Department
Community Engagement Director
Laurie Albert, (703) 537-3064 • [email protected]
Community Engagement Coordinator
Jennifer Kanarek, (703) 537-3019 • [email protected]
JCCNV Community Shaliach and Jewish Agency Israel Fellow to Hillel
at George Mason University
Ido Rakovsky, (703) 537-3034 • [email protected]
The Community Engagement Department strives to inspire Jewish journeys and serve as
a catalyst for families in Northern Virginia who are seeking out opportunities to participate
in Jewish life. Programs are designed to emphasize Jewish culture, identity and values
as well as connecting people of all ages and backgrounds. We offer programs at the
JCCNV and at various locations throughout Northern Virginia.
Often these programs are in partnership with area synagogues and Jewish agencies,
including The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington.
For more information on any of the programs
mentioned below, please contact Laurie
Albert, Community Engagement Director, at
[email protected], or (703) 537-3064.
Wednesday, December 25, 11am–3pm
Join your friends, family and community
for a day of spectacular fun, food, and
entertainment! J Fest participants receive free
admission to the screening of Hava Nagila
(The Movie) following J Fest activities.
Please see next column for details.
Highlights include:
*Saturday guest passes must be paid in
advance. Please see page 71 for our
Shabbat payment policies.
• Michael Rosman:
Comedy Juggling
• Kosher food (available
for purchase)
• Arts and crafts
• Games and activities
• Walk around
Hypnosis fun!
• Moon bounce
• Community service project
• Face painting, balloon artist, and more!
Fee per family (up to 6 people):
$20/ $15 member
Code: #4562
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
Following JCCNV J Fest…
Hava Nagila (The Movie)
3pm, Chaiken Auditorium
A documentary romp through the history,
mystery and meaning of the great Jewish
standard. Israeli dancing with Markid Mike
following the film.
Fee: Complimentary tickets with J Fest
ticket (must reserve in advance)
Fee (film event only):
$9/ $6 member, seniors,
students, children
Tickets available for purchase online at
Give Together – A Family
Volunteer Day at the JCCNV
Monday, January 20, 10:30am–3:30pm
In conjunction with Martin Luther King Jr.
Day of Service, and the spirit of community
that this day inspires, Volunteer Fairfax
proudly presents the fifth
annual Give Together:
A Family Volunteer Day.
Families will have the
opportunity to participate in
a number of meaningful projects at several
locations throughout the county, including
the JCCNV. Visit
to register.
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880 9
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
FACETS and You
Good Deeds Day
Sunday–Friday, February 16–21
Make the difference in hypothermia
Sunday, April 6, 1pm–4pm
Location: Gesher Jewish Day School
4800 Mattie Moore Court, Fairfax, VA
Committee Chair, Sara Astrow
The JCCNV is proud to be partnering
once again with our friend and neighbor
Bethlehem Lutheran Church, FACETS
(Fairfax Area Christian Emergency &
Transitional Services, Inc.) and Fairfax
County Department of Family Services
to help prevent hypothermia this winter
in Northern Virginia. The goal of the
Hypothermia Prevention Response Program
is to prevent hypothermia deaths during the
winter months.
The Jewish Community of Greater
Washington will join Israel and countries
from around the globe for a day of
community service. Established in Israel
in 2007, Good Deeds Day celebrates the
value and importance of giving back to the
community in which we live. Last year, in our
community alone, we had 3,500 volunteers
who took part in this initiative. This day
will offer our entire community a variety of
hands-on volunteer projects where you can
roll up your sleeves and make an impact.
There will be projects for even the littlest
members of our community to get involved!
Times are tough and getting tougher. Together
we can make a difference that will save lives,
connect you to your Fairfax neighbors, and
transform your heart and soul. If you are
interested in making meals, volunteering your
time, or donating snacks and other needed
items, please email [email protected].
The Jewish Community Center of Northern
Virginia is proud to partner with Gesher
Jewish Day School and several local
synagogues to provide a variety of volunteer
opportunities for all ages at Gesher Jewish
Day School. To register as a volunteer, please
visit If you are
interested in being involved with the event,
contact Laurie Albert.
The 2014 Northern Virginia
Holocaust Commemoration
Simcha Expo 2014
Sunday, March 23, noon–4pm, JCCNV
If you are planning a bar/bat mitzvah,
wedding, baby shower, baby naming, bris
or any other milestone celebration, plan to
attend this one-stop shopping expo! From
invitations, DJ’s, party favors and caterers to
photographers, venues and decorations…
we’ll have it all.
Are you a Vendor?
If you would like to participate in this exciting
expo, visit to download the
vendor registration form. Register early and
SAVE! The final deadline for participation is
February 28.
Reflects Upon: “On Deaf Ears: Media
Coverage and Public Response in the
Holocaust Years”
Sunday, April 27, 5pm–8:30pm, JCCNV
Hundreds of elected officials, dignitaries,
interfaith leaders, Holocaust survivors,
youth, and community members will
participate in this annual observance held
at the JCCNV. The program includes youth
and professional art displays, B’nai B’rith’s
“Unto Every Person There is a Name”
reading of names of those who perished in
the Holocaust, a youth workshop and an
adult seminar on media coverage during
the Holocaust. The evening culminates in a
community commemoration with readings,
poetry, a community interfaith choir,
recitation of the Holocaust Kaddish and the
intergenerational candle lighting and pledges
of the children and grandchildren.
For more information contact Laurie.Albert@, or (703) 537-3064.
The program is co-hosted by the Jewish
Community Relations Council (JCRC)
of Greater Washington, the JCCNV,
Congregation Sha’are Shalom of Leesburg,
and more than two dozen other synagogues,
houses of worship and non-profits. Details
and registration at
Sponsored By:
Co-Hosted By:
Israel Street Festival
Sunday, May 18, noon–5pm
Mosaic District
Contact: [email protected], or
(703) 537-3064
This year, the JCCNV invites the community
to celebrate Israel@66. Engaging events and
interactive activities will run throughout the
day. Join us to celebrate Israel and her people
and to strengthen our connections to the
Washington area Jewish community.
Highlights include:
Hands-on activities
Food for purchase
Israeli dancing
Israel-style shuk
Exhibits and more!
Free Admission and Free Parking.
Check for updates at
This program is in partnership with The
Jewish Federation of Greater Washington and
in collaboration with area synagogues and
Jewish agencies.
Brought to you in partnership by the JCC of
Northern Virginia, Gesher Jewish Day School
and The Jewish Federation of
Greater Washington.
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Divas and Diners
Wednesdays (monthly), 7:30pm
For information, and to register, contact
[email protected], or (703) 537-3064.
Contact: [email protected], or
(703) 537-3019
Are you looking for a fun way to connect
with other women? If so, join us for our
monthly supper club as we explore local
restaurants and enjoy some much needed
“us time.” Schmooze and laugh over dinner,
dessert and/or drinks with women of all
ages. Each woman takes care of her own bill.
Visit for dates of upcoming
Fee: Free
Code: #4805
Mitzvah Program (ongoing)
Facilitator: Debbie Blonder
This three-session workshop will provide
practical information and ideas to help
fathers of other backgrounds nurture the
Jewish identity of their children. Each session
will craft answers to key questions about
identity, religion, ritual, and holidays that
Jewish children often ask, such as:
• Why am I Jewish?
• Why doesn’t Grandma celebrate
• Why do we give to others?
Committee Chair: Gail Gurin
The JCCNV Mitzvah Program provides
support to those who are in need in our
community. Please join fellow members,
friends, and staff, as we volunteer on a
number of social action projects, including
making casseroles for the homeless each
month, packing food boxes at an emergency
food warehouse, visiting Jewish residents in
retirement homes, collecting shoes for our
shoebox recycling program, donating food
for Thanksgiving baskets, and volunteering
during our hypothermia prevention
program. If you would like more details
about our social action programs, please
contact [email protected], or
(703) 537-3064.
The Mothers Circle Mini Sessions
Tuesdays, January 21, 28, February 4
(3 weeks)
Facilitator: Debbie Blonder
Are you raising
Jewish children... but
you’re not Jewish?
Don’t do it alone!
Have fun while
learning about Jewish rituals, ethics and the
how-to’s of creating a Jewish home.
The Mothers Circle program:
• Offers free education in Jewish rituals,
practices and values.
• Creates a warm, supportive community of
women who have made similar choices for
their families.
• Respects the participant’s choice to retain
her own religious identity while providing
a Jewish family life for her children.
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
The Mothers Circle, a program of the Jewish
Outreach Institute, is funded by The Jewish
Federation of Greater Washington.
Answering Your Jewish Children
A Program for Fathers of Other Religious
Backgrounds in Jewish Households
Tuesdays, February 11–25 (3 weeks)
For information, and to register, contact
[email protected], or (703) 537-3064.
Fee: Free
Code: #4806
Answering Your Jewish Children is a program
of the Jewish Outreach Institute.
Growing Jewish
For more information on the programs
mentioned below, contact Jennifer.Kanarek@, or (703) 537-3019.
Growing Jewish Families cultivates
community by connecting a large network
of families raising Jewish children in
Northern Virginia. As a part of this network,
you’ll have access to educational and social
opportunities in your own backyard to
further strengthen your connection to
the larger Jewish community. In addition,
you’ll receive regular e-newsletters chock
full of educational information and links,
announcements of upcoming local children’s
programs, family events and more.
Growing Jewish Families sponsors play dates
and community events, neighborhood groups,
and maintains a social networking group
on Yahoo! and a Facebook page to help you
connect with other families who live in your
area. Contact Jennifer to be a part of our
network or to get more involved with our
Growing Jewish Families committee, which
helps set our programming schedule.
Maybe your family has recently grown, or your
friends are just about to welcome a little one
into their lives. Shalom Baby welcomes parents,
their newborns and newly adopted children
into the Northern Virginia Jewish community.
Shalom Baby families are also invited to our
free, monthly Shalom Baby play dates. This is
a wonderful way for you to meet new people,
make new friends and learn about your Jewish
community and the resources available to you.
Please contact Jennifer Kanarek to register. For
additional resources visit:
Shalom Baby families become part of Growing
Jewish Families, a large network of families
raising Jewish children in Northern Virginia.
If you know someone who is expecting a
child, please let Jennifer Kanarek know so we
can officially welcome them into the Jewish
community and invite them to be part of the
Shalom Baby family.
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880 11
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
Get Connected with Shalom Baby!
Ages: newborn–3 years old and their parents
Sundays, monthly, 10am–11:30am
Play Dates: January 26, February 23,
March 23, April 20, May 25
Location: JCCNV Romper Room
Calling all moms and dads — play dates
aren’t just for kids! While the kids play in our
wonderful infant/toddler activity room, the
grown-ups get to schmooze and meet other
families with young children. Come out to the
“J” and meet up with old friends and make
some new friends, too!
Fee: Free
The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington
is thrilled to launch PJ Library® (PJ, as in
“pajamas”) to our entire community based
on our successful Northern Virginia pilot!
This program provides families raising Jewish
children from 6 months–8 years old with a
FREE treasury of Jewish books and music!
As a gift from the community, every month,
families enrolled in PJ Library® receive a
high-quality, expertly-selected and kid-tested
Jewish book or CD.
Through the generosity of the United Jewish
Endowment Fund, the Howard and Geraldine
Polinger Family Foundation, the Perlin Family
Foundation and the Harold Grinspoon
Foundation, The Jewish Federation of Greater
Washington is offering one subscription per
family in the Greater Washington area on a
first-come, first-served basis.
If you have children 6 months–8 years old, we
invite you to sign up today and join a growing
global community of more than 200,000 PJ
Library® families throughout North America
and Israel. Then, invite friends and neighbors
to enroll and share in the PJ Library®
Register at
PJ Library® also helps families with
young children connect to the local
Jewish community through book-based
programming, social networking, outreach
and education. Events for families in
Northern Virginia can be found at For more information
email [email protected].
For more information on the programs
mentioned below, please contact Jennifer
Kanarek, Community Engagement
Coordinator, at [email protected],
or (703) 537-3019.
All of the programs below are recommended
for children ages 2–8 years old and their
parents (siblings welcome).
Member Discounted Program &
Class Rates
Throughout Centertainment, you’ll notice
that the JCCNV offers member discounts
on classes and programs. In order for
membership rates to apply, membership
must remain current throughout the
duration of the class/program.
5th Annual Purim Pajama Party
and Puppet Show!
Sunday, March 16, 10am
Location: TBA
Purim is here — it’s time to party! We’ll
make Purim puppets (with everyone’s help,
we’ll even put on a special puppet show)
and other crafts, enjoy a PJ Library® Purim
story, nosh on hamantaschen, and conclude
with a Purim parade! We will have plenty
of photo ops with our character cut-outs as
well. So get in the spirit and come dressed in
your favorite costume and get ready for tons
of fun (Don’t have a costume? No problem,
we’ll have the fixings available to make a
beautiful crown for you to wear).
Fee per family: $10/ $7 member
Code: #4803
Tu B’Shevat: It’s a Birthday
Party for the Trees
Sunday, January 12, 10am
Location: TBA
Celebrate the holiday of Tu B’Shevat, as we
throw a birthday party for trees! This is the
time when we plant trees and eat fruits that
grow in Israel. Join us at a local nature center
where we will have fun as we learn about the
holiday through tree-related crafts, activities,
songs, a PJ Library® story time and of course
— snacks!
Good Deeds Day
Please register by January 9.
Fee per family: $10/ $7 member
Code: #4801
Sunday, April 6, 1pm–4pm
Location: Gesher Jewish Day School
4800 Mattie Moore Court, Fairfax, VA
See page 10 for details.
Havdallah Hootenanny
To register as a volunteer, please visit If you are
interested in being involved with the event,
please contact [email protected], or
(703) 537-3064.
Sunday, February 9, 10am
Location: TBA
Warm up those vocal chords, stretch out
your hands and get ready for a fun morning
of celebrating Havdallah — a ceremony we
perform at the end of Shabbat to mark the
beginning of a new week. We celebrate with
a cup of grape juice, a box of spices, and
a beautiful braided candle, while we sing
blessings. Join us as we begin a new week
with music, singing and drumming! There
will also be time to make your very own spice
box or Havdallah candle.
Fee per family: $10/ $7 member
Code: #4802
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880
Celebrate Israel Field Day
and Ice Cream Party
Sunday, May 4, 10am
Location: Fort Scott Park
2800 Fort Scott Drive, Arlington, VA 22202
Come out and celebrate Israel’s 66th birthday
with this preschool-friendly field day of
activities, crafts, PJ Library® stories about
Israel, and a special ice-cream treat. Join
your PJ Library® friends for a fun morning,
and don’t forget to bring sunscreen, water, a
blanket, and a picnic lunch!
Fee per family: $10/ $7 member
Code: #4804
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Jewish Journeys–Learning Opportunities
Adult Programming Director
Carla Rosenfeld, (703) 537-3060 • [email protected]
Discounted Program & Class Rates
Throughout Centertainment, you’ll notice
that the JCCNV offers member discounts
on classes and programs. In order for
membership rates to apply, membership
must remain current throughout the
duration of the class/program.
Adult Learning Institute
Please watch for the complete ALI course
schedule at, and in future
issues of the JCCNV adult services
bi-monthly newsletter, The Voice.
Highlights of course topics for the ALI Winter/
Spring 2014 Semester include:
• The Power of Words: Israel in the Media
• The Short Stories of Bernard Malamud
• Everyday Environmentally Sustainable
Living: What We Can Do to Help Protect
the Planet
• Remembrances of the Holocaust
Through Art
• Science and Religion Part II
See page 57 for details.
Spring 2014 Registration
Kick-Off Event
Monday, January 20, JCCNV Lobby
The first 40 first-time registrants for one or
more ALI courses will receive a special gift!
Hebrew Language
Hebrew instruction is offered on Sunday and
Monday evenings. Textbooks are available
for purchase at the first class. Minimum
registration of four students is required.
Contact Carla Rosenfeld for information.
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
Conversational Hebrew Level I
Sundays, 5pm–6:30pm
Instructor: Einat Cohen
Whether you are interested in learning
how to speak Hebrew for travel, business
or just personal pleasure and growth, this
class focuses on simple spoken Hebrew. The
lessons are planned for students with little
to no prior knowledge of conversational
Hebrew or the Aleph-Bet.
Session I
Sundays, February 2–March 23 (8 weeks)
Fee: $175/ $125 member
Code: #4739
Session II
Sundays, April 27–June 22 (8 weeks)
(no class May 25)
Fee: $175/ $125 member
Code: #4740
Conversational Hebrew Level II
Mondays, 7pm–8:30pm
Instructor: Einat Cohen
This class is designed for students who have
some basic knowledge of conversational
Hebrew. This course helps students build on
that knowledge in order to develop stronger
comprehension and language skills to
converse more fluently in Hebrew.
Session I
Mondays, February 3–March 24 (8 weeks)
Fee: $175/ $125 member
Code: #4741
Session II
Mondays, April 28–June 23 (8 weeks)
(no class May 26)
Fee: $175/ $125 member
Code: #4742
Private Lessons
Private lessons in conversational Hebrew
are also available at all levels. Contact Carla
Rosenfeld for more information.
Intermediate Yiddish
Thursdays, 10am–11am
Instructor: Norman Buder
Continue your studies of the Yiddish
language with this ongoing class. You should
have reading knowledge of Yiddish and a
good vocabulary to join this group.
Session I
Thursdays, January 9–April 10 (14 weeks)
Fee: $140/ $120 member
Code: #4743
Session II
Thursdays, April 24–June 26 (9 weeks)
(no class Jun. 5)
Fee: $90/ $80 member
Code: #4744
Beginning Yiddish
If you are interested in taking beginning
Yiddish classes, contact Carla Rosenfeld.
Israeli Dance
Ages: 13+
Tuesdays (ongoing)
(no class Apr. 15, 22, Jun. 3)
Instructor: Ethan Halpern
This drop-in cultural dance program
incorporates Jewish and Israeli culture
through choreographed dances set to
modern Israeli music. Mr. Halpern has been
offering this popular course at the JCCNV
for 20 years. Dances are internationally
recognized in most programs.
No experience necessary, and registration not
Fee: $10/ $6 member/ $5 student
Code: #4564
Pay instructor directly.
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880 13
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
Programs for Shabbat
Shabbat at the JCCNV
New this year, the JCCNV has implemented
programming specifically designed to
help individuals and families engage in
meaningful Shabbat experiences. It is
the Center’s vision to help inspire Jewish
journeys and to help provide opportunities
for you and your family to create, or enhance,
your Shabbat routines.
Discussion Group:
Ethical Issues in the Torah
Saturdays (ongoing), 3pm–4pm
Facilitator: Rabbi Baruch Rock
Come learn and discuss ethical issues raised
by the week’s parsha (Torah portion) in this
stimulating discussion group. Participants
are encouraged to bring their own copy of
the Torah, to read along and use for taking
part in the dialogue.
Texts to be covered include: The Torah’s
two separate creation narratives (along with
various Midrashim), with specific focus on
the description of the creation of grasses and
trees, the sun and the moon, the Garden of
Eden, and Lech Lecha (the beginnings of
Avraham and Sarah’s journey).
Fee: Free
RSVP: [email protected], or
(703) 537-3060
Shabbat Dinner
An enjoyable Shabbat afternoon celebrated
as part of the Northern Virginia Jewish Film
Watch for details at
Shabbat Dinner
Bring your family and friends and join the
community for a festive Shabbat dinner.
Watch for details at
Friday, February 28
Bring your family and friends and join the
community for a festive Shabbat dinner.
Watch for details at
Shabbat Re-Visioned:
Be Yourself, Everyone Else
is Taken
Saturdays, February 1–15 (3 weeks)
Saturdays, March 29–April 12 (3 weeks)
Saturday, March 22
Friday, April 25
Fee: Free
RSVP: [email protected], or
(703) 537-3060
Note: The Shabbat Re-Visioned sessions
listed below will replace the discussion group
sessions from February 1–15 and March 29–
April 12. Please see below for details.
Facilitator: Rabbi Baruch Rock
No experience with text is necessary, just a
desire to explore some amazing ideas! The
supposed Judeo-Christian ethic of “subduing
and ruling” over the earth is a gross (and
disastrous) misreading of the central creation
narratives. In this session we will explore,
and re-envision, the revolutionary ideas
presented in the opening texts of the Torah.
Through our exploration, we will come to
understand the splendor of our individual
identities, the rewards for authentic selfexpression, and the joy of knowing that these
assertions are the very heart and soul of an
empowered existence.
Saturday Afternoon
Shabbat Program
Spend 5-10 months kick-starting your career
with world-class innovators who won’t send
you out for coffee. Instead, you’ll be a real part
of the action. Here at Masa Israel Journey, we
don’t just help you find the best internships,
we also offer funding to help you get there.
Visit or contact
Jennifer Rheuban at [email protected] or
301.230.7262 to see how we can help you find
and fund your perfect internship.
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Israel: Up Close
Director of Community Engagement
Discounted Program & Class Rates
Throughout Centertainment, you’ll notice
that the JCCNV offers member discounts
on classes and programs. In order for
membership rates to apply, membership
must remain current throughout the
duration of the class/program.
Laurie Albert, (703) 537-3064 • [email protected]
JCCNV–JAFI Community Shaliach and Jewish Agency Israel Fellow to
Hillel at George Mason University
Ido Rakovsky, (703) 537-3034 • [email protected]
JCCNV-JAFI Community Shlichim Program Chair: Scott Brown
Israel is a fascinating contrast between the ancient and the modern and is the spiritual
and physical center of the Jewish people. As we celebrate its rich history, traditions and
deep dimension, we are thrilled to work with our Community Shaliach, who will help us
explore and discover what makes Israel so special! Our Shaliach will reach deeper within
our community to educate and increase awareness, knowledge and pride about Israel’s
history, culture, and current events, and to promote a better understanding of Israel and
its ideals. The program also serves as a catalyst for igniting Jewish journeys, encouraging
people to learn more about Judaism and Israel, and finding their own way to connect to
the Jewish homeland.
The JCCNV would like to thank the following families and agencies who have
generously committed or given funds to support the Volunteer Community Shlichim
Sue & Rabbi Bruce Aft
Marcus Allen
Sarah & Uri Arkin
Ira Bartfield
Cookie & Nelson Blitz
Tanya & Steve Bodzin
Jane & Scott Brown
Sheila & Bob Budoff
Mindy & Warren Cohen
Liz & Paul Frommer
Susie & Michael Gelman through the
Morningstar Philanthropic Fund
George Mason University Hillel
Ilana & Gary Gamerman
Dara & Josh Greene
Judy & Gene Greenberg
Robert Goldberg
Hillel: The Foundation for
Jewish Campus Life
Jewish Agency for Israel
Sherri & Howard Kohr
Michelle & David Pearlstein
Rabbi Amy & Gary Perlin
Connie & Al Pesachowitz
Joan & Don Sacarob
Jill & Cary Schwartzbach
Sara Jane Elpern & Bruce Waxman
Debbie & Mark Weber
Brittanie & Dan Werbel
Deborah & David Yaffe
The JCCNV would also like to thank the following synagogues for their generous
support of the program*:
Agudas Achim Congregation
Beth Chaverim Reform Congregation
Beth El Hebrew Congregation
Congregation Adat Reyim
Congregation Etz Hayim
Congregation Olam Tikvah
Congregation Sha’are Shalom
Northern Virginia Hebrew Congregation
Temple B’nai Shalom
Temple Rodef Shalom
*As of November 1, 2013
If you have any questions about how you can become more engaged in the JCCNV-Jewish
Agency for Israel’s Shlichim program, please contact Laurie Albert.
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
For more information on the programs below,
contact [email protected], or
(703) 537-3034.
Going to Press in Israel
Wednesday, January 15, 7:30pm
Who are the forces behind the printed
word in Israel? Explore a variety of Israeli
newspapers, learn which groups stand
behind each paper and the importance of
what each represents. Compare topics and
articles between papers and discover how the
terminology used affects opinion.
Fee: $5/ $3 member
Code: #4792
Life on the Kibbutz: Past,
Present & Future
Thursday, February 13, 7:30pm
What was the original idea behind the
kibbutz movement and how has it changed
through the years? Explore the kibbutz
timeline and join us as Ido Rakovsky shares
his personal story. Ido has lived all his life
on Kibbutz Ein Hashofet, in the hills of
Menashe, approximately 30km from the port
city of Haifa, and 100km north of Israel’s
largest city, Tel Aviv.
Fee: $5/ $3 member
Code: #4793
The History of Israel Reflected
Through Music
Wednesday, March 26, 7:30pm
Each generation takes pride in their music
and how the words of their songs reflect
what’s going on in the world at the time. A
song can tell a story of war, oppression, love,
politics, trends, and more. Explore the words
and listen to the music of Israeli artists and
discuss what they are trying to tell us.
Fee: $5/ $3 member
Code: #4794
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880 15
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
Israel Street Festival
Sunday, May 18, noon–5pm
Mosaic District
Contact: [email protected], or
(703) 537-3064
This year, the JCCNV invites the community
to celebrate Israel@66. Engaging events and
interactive activities will run throughout the
day. Join us to celebrate Israel and her people
and to strengthen our connections to the
Washington area Jewish community.
Highlights include:
Hands-on activities
Food for purchase
Israeli dancing
Israel-style shuk
Exhibits and more!
Free Admission and Free Parking.
Check for updates at
This program is in partnership with The
Jewish Federation of Greater Washington and
in collaboration with area synagogues and
Jewish agencies.
Ongoing Programs
Special Interest Groups
Monthly “Sh’at Sipur” with Ido
NOVA Mifgash
Sundays, January 12, February 16, March 9
Calling All Israeli and Hebrew Speaking
Recommended for children ages 5–8 and their
parents. Siblings welcome.
Kids and parents will have fun with Ido at
this monthly children’s book club. Together
they will read famous Israeli children’s books
that have been translated into English, play
Israeli games, and enjoy a light snack.
Contact: [email protected], or
(703) 537-3034
Be a part of this Hebrew speaking group for
families with children ages 2–9. Israeli and
Hebrew speaking parents and children gather
once a month to connect, play games, read
stories, and watch films — all in Hebrew. The
mifgashim (meetings) events are organized
by the families and the JCCNV Community
Shaliach (emissary).
Fee: Free
RSVP: [email protected]
Café Ivrit (Hebrew)
Wednesdays, January 8–May 28
(no class Mar. 5, Apr. 16)
No previous knowledge required.
Shalom (Hello)! Did you always want to
converse in Hebrew? Join Ido each week for
conversational Hebrew. You will learn and
practice Hebrew in a fun and interactive way
while learning more about Israel!
Fee: Free (we ask that you try to
attend regularly)
Israel in the News: Hot Topics
Monthly Discussion Group
Thursdays, January 9, February 13, March 13,
April 10, May 8
Join us for this stimulating discussion group
where we will focus on top issues taking
place in Israel. Together we’ll explore what is
going on in, and around, Israel.
Look for us on Facebook and join —
NOVA Mifgash.
Israeli Dance
Ages: 13+
Tuesdays (ongoing)
(no class Apr. 15, 22, Jun. 3)
Instructor: Ethan Halpern
This drop-in cultural dance program
incorporates Jewish and Israeli culture
through choreographed dances set to modern
Israeli music. Mr. Halpern has been offering
this popular course at the JCCNV for 20 years.
Dances are internationally recognized in
most programs. No experience necessary, and
registration not required.
Fee: $10/ $6 member/ $5 student
Code: #4564
Pay instructor directly.
Fee: Free
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Cultural Arts
Cultural Arts Director
Dan Kirsch, (703) 537-3075 • [email protected]
Dance Academy Director
Chris Dalen, (703) 537-3037 • [email protected]
Hava Nagila (The Movie)
Dance Coordinator and Administrative Assistant
The opening night screening at the
Northern Virginia Jewish Film Festival in
April sold out! Here’s your chance to enjoy
Hava Nagila (The Movie), a documentary
romp through the history, mystery and
meaning of the great Jewish standard.
Featuring interviews with Harry Belafonte,
Leonard Nimoy, Connie Francis, Glen
Campbell and more, the film follows the
ubiquitous party song on its fascinating
journey. Join us in some Israeli dancing with
Markid Mike following the film.
Wednesday, December 25, 3pm*
Brenda Forsley, (703) 537-3057 • [email protected]
Fine Arts Coordinator
Irene Gavin, (703) 537-3063 • [email protected]
JCCNV Cultural Arts Mission
To demonstrate, illuminate and celebrate the breadth and depth of Judaism’s culture,
identity, creativity, diversity and resiliency through the performing, visual and literary arts.
Cultural Arts programming is partially funded by the Arts Fund, and the Arts Council of
Fairfax County, supported by Fairfax County.
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
2013–2014 Cultural and Performing Arts Series
The Performing Arts Series presents cultural programming designed to engage people
of all generations, and to provide texture and insight into the rich cultural history and
contemporary trends of the Jewish people. The series strives to make the JCCNV a
destination for both members and the general public to celebrate and appreciate Judaism’s
culture, people, spirituality, wisdom, humor, and creativity.
Unless otherwise noted, all performances take place at the JCCNV.
Visit for updates and additional information on all events.
All programs and dates subject to change.
Underwriting and sponsorship opportunities available. Please contact [email protected].
For questions, and to buy tickets:
Box Office: (703) 537-3000
Email: [email protected]
Purchase tickets through
Complimentary tickets
with J Fest ticket purchase
(must reserve in advance)
Film event only: $9/ $6 member, seniors,
students, children
*Come for J Fest activities, 11am–3pm.
See details on page 9.
Mister Benny
Will the real Benjamin
Kubelsky please stand up!
Friday, January 10, 2pm
Saturday, January 11, 8pm
Sunday, January 12, 2pm
Jack Benny is brought to
life by Tim Newell in this
one-man play — Tim
created the role at Jewish
Repertory Theatre in
“Newell’s performance adds up to a great
deal more than the sum of its vaudevillian
parts: the expert comic timing, the perfectly
calibrated facial expressions and the
masterful recounting of anecdotes from
Benny’s time on vaudeville stages, on radio
and television.” —The Buffalo News
Tickets: $29/ $24 members and seniors/
$19 students and groups (10+)
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880 17
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
The Maccabeats
Premier A Cappella
Sunday, January 19, 1:30pm and 4pm
The Maccabeats have emerged as both Jewish
music and a cappella phenomena. Strongly
committed to the philosophy of Torah
u-Madda, the integration of traditional and
secular wisdom, The Maccabeats perform an
eclectic array of Jewish, American and Israeli
Tickets: $34 premium reserved
$29/ $24 member, seniors/
$19 students and groups (10+)
following, and is renowned throughout
its homeland for its support of Israeli
composers, soloists, and conductors. Under
the baton of Boguslaw Dawidow, the
orchestra brings a spectacular evening of
music that includes the comfortingly familiar
melodies of Mozart’s Symphony No. 40 in
G minor and the warm sounds of Antonín
Dvořák Symphony No. 9 in E minor From
the New World, as well as Israeli composer
Uri Bracha’s Melodies for Mount Carmel,
with virtuoso violist Avshalom Sarid.
Tickets: Special 15% discount available
through the JCCNV. Call the Box
Office at (703) 537-3000 for details.
Hooshir A Cappella and
Potomac Fever
With a song in their hearts
Saturday, March 8, 8pm
Hooshir A Cappella is Indiana University’s
premier co-ed a cappella group with Jewish
roots. Last year they won first place in the Kol
HaOlam National Collegiate Jewish
A Cappella Competition.
Singing pop, choral and Broadway, Potomac
Fever, a 13-voice a cappella close harmony
pop ensemble from the Gay Men’s Chorus of
Washington, DC, returns to the JCCNV with
a new set of songs.
Tickets: $29/ $24 member and seniors/
$19 students and groups (10+)
ReelAbilities: Greater DC
Disabilities Film Festival
Thursday–Thursday, February 6–13
See details on page 38.
Ninth Annual Comedy Night
Featuring Monica Piper
Find The Funny
Jews Who Rock
Saluting the Jewish musical greats of
the rock ‘n’ roll era
Sunday, January 26, 3pm
Gathering Time, a folk-rock harmony trio
best described as ‘Peter, Paul & Mary – meets
– Crosby, Stills and Nash,’ salutes the Jewish
musical greats of the rock ‘n’ roll era, such as
Bob Dylan, Carole King, Simon & Garfunkel,
Neil Diamond, Neil Sedaka and others.
Tickets: $24/ $19 member, seniors and
groups (10+)/ $14 students
Haifa Symphony Orchestra
of Israel
Saturday, February 8
7:45pm Pre-show happy
hour (cash bar)
8:30pm Show
See details on page 57.
Love, Faith and
Other Dirty Words
Celebrating Interfaith Couples
A play reading, produced by Theater J.
Wednesday, February 19, 7:30pm
This play follows the trail of attraction, love,
conflict and compromise as couples navigate
courting, marriage, and raising children that
reveal the complexities of modern faith —
Jewish, Catholic, Protestant, Hindu, Muslim
and Atheist — and romance.
Tickets: $15
A JCCNV Cultural Arts Outing
Saturday, February 1, 8pm
Location: George Mason University
Center for the Arts
4373 Mason Pond Dr., Fairfax, VA 22030
This popular orchestra, a focal point of
musical life in Northern Israel, makes its
Center for the Arts debut as part of its first
tour of the United States. Since its founding
in 1950, the Haifa Symphony Orchestra
of Israel has built an impressive and loyal
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880
Richmond Ballet II
The art of classical dance
Sunday, April 6, 7pm
Designated “The State Ballet of Virginia,”
Richmond Ballet II visits the JCCNV for the
second year with a new repertory program of
classical dance, including:
• Bow Out, Choreography by Val Caniparoli,
Music by David Bedford and Roy Powell
• Excerpts from Raymonda ACT III,
Choreography by Frederic Franklin
(Staged by Igor Antonov), Music by
Alexander Glazunov
• Prayer, Choreography by George Lyssenko
(Staged by Igor Antonov), Music:
traditional synagogue music
• Pas de Deux from Cinderella,
Choreography by Malcolm Burn, Music by
Sergei Prokofiev
Tickets: $29/ $24 member and seniors/
$19 students and groups (10+)
Pre-performance talk by author Tina Sutton
(The Making of Markova: Diaghilev’s Baby
Ballerina to Groundbreaking Icon), 6pm.
Free admission to this pre-performance talk.
The tour is underwritten in part by the
Virginia Commission on the Arts and the
National Endowment for the Arts.
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
World Premiere!
Fine Arts Program
May 2014, dates and times TBA
The JCCNV has commissioned, and will
produce, present, and tour the world premiere
of “Cinder-Rachella,” a family-friendly
adaptation of a play with music which
celebrates Israeli culture through the eyes of
the iconic fairytale Princess. Written by Leslie
A. Kobylinski, with original music by Alvin
Smithson. Yael Ingel, the JCCNV’s recent
Community Shlicha (emissary), consults from
The project has received a grant from the
Arts Council of Fairfax County, supported
by Fairfax County. Additional funding and
support is coming from First Draft, a local
theatre company dedicated to developing new
plays alongside audiences, supporting DC-area
playwrights and partnering with theaters and
artists looking to produce new work.
Tickets go on sale March 1.
For questions, and to buy tickets:
Box Office: (703) 537-3000
Email: [email protected]
Purchase tickets through
14th Annual
Northern Virginia
Jewish Film Festival
Thursday–Sunday, March 20–30
Last year the theme was “Culture, Community,
Chutzpah.” What will it be this year? What
contemporary Jewish-themed and/or Israelimade films will delight and provoke our
audiences? Following an opening night dinner
and film (which sold-out last year) at the
JCCNV, we are honored to return to Angelika
Film Center and Café at Mosaic as our festival
home. While the films and schedule will be
announced in the early spring, now is the time
to become a screening sponsor for this annual
community event. Contact Dan Kirsch for
sponsorship and group sales information.
Visit for updates.
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
Nature’s Splendor
February 11–April 7
This exhibit captures the beauty of the natural
Fine Arts Coordinator
Irene Gavin, (703) 537-3063 •
[email protected]
The JCCNV Fine Arts Program supports and
encourages the development of Jewish arts
and artists. The program is also committed
to establishing and strengthening the
relationship between the Northern Virginia
community and Israel by integrating Israeli
arts into its program.
The JCCNV Fine Arts Program’s dedication
to the arts has garnered an international
reputation that is well-respected amongst
artists, art enthusiasts, buyers, and sellers.
Over the years, the Center’s Bodzin Art
Gallery exhibitions have attracted talented
artists who work in a wide-variety of media
including painting, photography, jewelry,
crafts and new media.
For a listing of past exhibits, visit our Fine
Arts Archive at
The Bodzin Art Gallery continues to feature
many local artists, supporting the creative
talent in our tri-state area.
For many years Darlene Kaplan painted
realism before changing to oriental
brush painting, where she could
immerse herself in the natural world.
Grinding the ink in preparation for
painting, stroking or brushing color
onto natural papers to interpret
the bamboo orchid, a complicated
soothing landscape or mountains in
the mist, the viewer journeys peacefully through
her art. Darlene states, “I believe that an artist is a
person who can see something within the mind
that can be brought into reality where it can be
seen, felt, touched, heard and even sometimes
Showcases: Daphne Nadler has been
creating a line of original ageless
handbags. She says of the variety of
women who carry her bags, “Like
me, they think outside the box…
and appreciate originality, creativity
and unique designs.” Her selection of fine fabrics
and feathers make use of texture and color, and
provide us with user-friendly, functional, yet
beautiful lasting pieces to complement our style.
This is the opportunity to see her newest handcrafted designs.
Powers of Perception:
Maggie Siner’s Vision
On Deaf Ears
December 17–February 10
This exhibit commemorates Yom Ha’Shoah
and reflects the theme of public response to
injustice today. This year’s Jewish Community
Relations Council’s (JCRC) annual Holocaust
commemoration (on April 27 at the JCCNV)
is themed “On Deaf Ears: Media Coverage and
Public Response in the Holocaust Years.” Artists
have been asked to exhibit works of art that
represent the contemporary connections to this
This exhibit focuses
on a highly creative
and talented Jewish
artist’s comprehensive
body of work.
Maggie Siner paints
directly from life.
She calls her work “Perceptual Painting”
[including drawings and sculptures], based
on direct observation and the intricacies
and complexities of visual perception (i.e.
not reproduced from a camera). She is
particularly interested in movement and
how gesture brings the reality of time into
an image, which can otherwise be fixed and
static. Working from life means that she
paints what she sees with a highly varied
subject matter that can be intimate or vast,
ordinary or whimsical.
April 8–May 27
Hector Emanuel is a Peruvianborn photojournalist, now
from DC, who has traveled
and photographed extensively
throughout the world. His primary
interest is the examination of
social and political issues in Latin America and
the United States. He shares his dedication to
expressive documentary work grounded in
humanistic stories and themes — which is clearly
visible in his powerful images of the human
plight existing today.
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880 19
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
Michelle Frankfurter
Katherine Janus Kahn
was born in Jerusalem.
Now a documentary
photographer from
Takoma Park, MD
by way of Nicaragua,
she became aware
of, and produced award-winning images
of, the perilous journey of undocumented
Central American migrants toward the
hope of finding work in the United States.
Michelle purposefully states, “As an issue,
migration is current; the story of migration
however is timeless…With a singularity of
purpose…brazen resilience…travers[ing]
deadly terrain, relying mostly on their wits
and the occasional kindness of strangers…
In documenting a journey…I convey the
experience of individuals who struggle to
control their own destiny.”
is the illustrator of the
Sammy Spider and Ziz
works. Her two- and
“artifacts” often draw
on the Bible for their
sense of dreams and emotional intensity as a
way to confront and involve the viewer.
Showcases: Yonina
Yahrtzeit (memorial)
candle holders were
created as a way to
“…see through to the
soul of the departed…
yet know them to be
held and wrapped in warmth…” Yonina is
a printmaker turned potter, working clay
into many forms, including Judaica and
functional pieces. She is fluent in Hebrew
calligraphy, sometimes incorporating it into
her pots. Her pieces also have Middle Eastern
and East Asian influences thanks to her time
spent living in Israel, China, and Japan.
Looking to buy a piece of Jewish art to add to
your collection? Or are you an artist looking to
sell your fine art pieces? The JCCNV maintains
a directory of Jewish artists and art that brings
together buyers and sellers of all art media.
If your collection feels incomplete, or you
are looking for a truly special gift, visit our
online directory at From
photography to glass sculptures, still life
paintings to hand-crafted wood pieces, and
decorative rugs to pottery, you’re sure to find
something in our directory that’ll satisfy your
fine art needs.
Artists and/or suppliers, who would like to
be listed in the directory, please visit to review the criteria and
to submit your listing. With more than 3,000
visitors to our site each month, our directory is
a great way to introduce your art to the Jewish
community and beyond.
Lloyd Wolf – As a
photojournalist, Lloyd
has been documenting
the numerous
homemade shrines
to victims of murder
and violence that
appear throughout
the Washington, DC area. He is compelled
by their raw intensity of expression, both
emotional and visual, connecting our past to
the present. “They are tears and prayers made
visible,” stated Lloyd. “The shrines call to me,
to us, to notice, to remember, to be aware —
hopefully, to act. The creation of this art has
been my ongoing process; my action.”
Directory of Jewish
Artists and Art
Celebrating our Children’s
May 29–June 15
The JCCNV Early Childhood Services
department presents, “A Reggio Exhibit,”
which showcases the special philosophy of
teaching art being used by the program.
Beginning in Reggio, Italy after WWII, and
based on the ideas that children have a say in
the direction of their learning, children use
all their senses, relating to each other and
the exploration of materials, and by being
encouraged with endless ways of expressing
themselves. A large part of the philosophy
centers on the use of art and materials.
The Early Childhood Learning Center’s
(ECLC) annual exhibit of children’s work
from the 2013–2014 school year focuses on
long-term topic studies from classes ranging
from infants to four-year-olds, showcasing
the projects that come out of the Atelier
(workshop). The ECLC’s modernized “Atelier
method” is a variant of fine art instruction
taking place in an inviting art room that
provides a wonderful place for children to
explore their creative side under the guidance
of our professional artist, Sarah D. Samuels
Vejvoda, Atelierista.
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
JCCNV Dance Academy
Tuition fees can be found with each class
Three options for payment:
1. Annual Payment, paid in full.
2. Bi-Annual Payment, paid with
registration for fall and spring courses.
3. Monthly Payments, made through
automatic billing of a credit card or
voided check.
Please note: Declined or expired credit
cards, or returned electronic drafts, will
incur a $35 fee.
Chris Dalen, (703) 537-3037 •
[email protected]
Dance Coordinator and
Administrative Assistant
Brenda Forsley, (703) 537-3057 •
[email protected]
Associated Fees
Performance Fee: $115 (includes the first
costume and two recital
Code: #610
Costume Fee (each additional costume): $65
Code: #611
The JCCNV Dance Academy is dedicated
to providing a safe and supportive learning
environment where dancers of all skill levels
may embrace this remarkably expressive
art form. Our extensive and comprehensive
program is based on an appreciation for,
cooperation in, and dedication to the art of
dance, striving to instill confidence and grace
through a fusion of dance training.
Cancellation Policy
Important Dates*
At the annual spring recital, two merit-based
scholarships are awarded to students who
show exceptional passion and promise in the
field of dance.
• Artistry Scholarship
Awarded to an advanced level student who
shows exceptional technique and artistry in
the field of dance.
• Tiny Dancer Scholarship
Awarded to a preschool dance student who
demonstrates passion and extraordinary
promise for dance, and will transition into
the JCCNV Youth Dance program in the
January 12
May 18
June 1
June 2
June 6
June 8 Last day to register for winter/spring classes
Israel Street Festival Performance
Photo day
Dress rehearsal (Company only)
Dress rehearsal (Preschool, 1pm–2pm)
Dress rehearsal
(Youth, 4:30pm–7:15pm)
*Please check the Parent Manual for a
complete calendar of events, and dates to
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
If a registration must be cancelled prior to
the first day of class, a $7 handling fee will
be assessed. After the start of classes, only
prorated credits will be issued.
Merit-Based Scholarships
Financial Assistance
Costs associated with a dance education in the
Washington Metro Area can be significant.
The estimated annual cost for a student to
participate in one hour of dance each week
averages $1,000. At the JCCNV, we believe
everyone should have access to dance. Each
year, through generous donations and
fundraising events, we are able to provide a few
families with tuition assistance.
Financial assistance is awarded based on need.
Applications are available at the front desk.
Class Etiquette
For safety and total benefit, students must
arrive to class on time, dressed according to
dress code, and prepared to dance.
• Students must conduct themselves in a
respectful and disciplined manner while
at the JCCNV and when representing the
Center during events.
• No candy, gum or food may be brought to
class. Water in sealable containers may be
consumed in class. Drink breaks, however,
will be scheduled by the instructor.
• Make-up classes must be arranged with the
instructor and the Dance Academy Director.
• Parents must remain outside the class.
Please refer to the Parent Manual for dress code,
guidelines, and JCCNV closings.
Name a Scholarship
Please help to provide positive arts
experiences at the JCCNV by sponsoring a
scholarship. Commit to fund a scholarship
for a minimum of five years, and the JCCNV
Dance Academy will name the scholarship
after the generous individual or business.
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880 21
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
Preschool Ballet II
Preschool Dance
Tuesdays, January 7–June 3
(no class Apr. 15, 22)
Students focus on learning movement
vocabulary, music, and class structure
through creative movement techniques and
games. Those students enrolled in the Early
Childhood Learning Center are escorted to
and from their classrooms.
Please refer to the Parent Manual for dress
code, guidelines, and JCCNV closings.
Toddler Tales and Tutus
Ages: 2–3
Mondays, January 6–June 2
(no class Jan. 20, Apr. 21, May 26)
This is a performance-based course
promoting the development of young
children’s imaginations and body awareness
through interactive storytelling, costumes,
crafts, basic ballet, and creative expression.
Tuition: $342/ $304 member
Code: #4522
Performance Fee: $115
Code: #610
Preschool Ballet I
Ages: 3–5
Wednesdays, January 8–May 28
(no class Apr. 16)
Movement games and explorations are the
foundation for this performance-based
introduction to ballet. Students will learn
dance vocabulary, body awareness, and
class structure in an active and engaging
Tuition: $378/ $336 member
Code: #4524
Performance Fee: $115
Code: #610
Ages: 4–5
Through this introductory, performancebased course, students will explore the
structure, vocabulary, and music of ballet, in
a fun environment that encourages respect,
patience, and creativity.
Tuition: $378/ $336 member
Code: #4523
Performance Fee: $115
Code: #610
Tap, Jazz, and Hip Hop
Ages: 4–5
Thursdays, January 9–May 29
(no class Apr. 17)
As a combined performance-based course,
students will receive a taste of each dance
form. They will explore rhythms of tap,
broad movement of jazz, and precision of
hip hop, all in one exciting class.
Tuition: $396/ $352 member
Code: #4525
Performance Fee: $115
Code: #610
Intro to Dance
Ages: 3–5
Fridays, January 10–June 6
(no class Apr. 18)
Students will explore creative movement
through music, props, stories, and their
imagination, and learn body control and
Tuition: $396/ $352 member
Code: #4526
Performance Fee: $115
Code: #610
Youth Dance Classes
These classes are for serious dance students,
committed to improving their technique and
artistry. The JCCNV Dance Academy offers
a comprehensive curriculum dedicated to
inspiring and encouraging creative spirit,
academic discipline, and culture. Student
progress is not based on grade or level in school.
Rather, advancement comes with technical
improvement of the forms they study at the
Please refer to the Parent Manual for dress
code, guidelines, and JCCNV closings.
A remarkably expressive, nonverbal art form
with an illustrious multi-cultural history, ballet
is a rigorous and disciplined course of study
that leads to seemingly effortless movement,
strength, flexibility, physiological awareness
and statistically higher academic performance.
The JCCNV Dance Academy approaches ballet
instruction with a contemporary style.
Ballet I
Ages: 5–6
Tuesdays, January 7–May 27
(no class Apr. 15, 22)
Tuition: $360/ $320 member
Code: #4490
Performance Fee: $115
Code: #610
Ballet II
Ages: 6–7
Tuesdays, January 7–May 27
(no class Apr. 15, 22)
Tuition: $360/ $320 member
Code: #4491
Performance Fee: $115
Code: #610
Ballet III
Ages: 8–9
Fridays, January 10–June 6
(no class Apr. 18)
Tuition: $396/ $352 member
Code: #4492
Performance Fee: $115
Code: #610
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Ballet IV
Advanced Ballet
Ages: 10–11
Ages: by placement only
Ages: 13–18
Thursdays, January 9–May 29
(no class Apr. 17)
Tuition: $378/ $336 member
Code: #4493
Performance Fee: $115
Code: #610
Sundays, January 5–June 1
(no class Apr. 13, 20)
Tuition: $420/ $378 member
Code: #4692
Performance Fee: $115
Code: #610
Tuesdays, January 7–May 27
(no class Apr. 15, 22)
Tuition: $360/ $320 member
Code: #4489
Performance Fee: $115
Code: #610
Ballet V
Modern dance courses focus on a fusion of
techniques ranging from those of the early
creators of the form to current contemporary
Inspired by the music of the same name, jazz
uses expressive movement, as is often seen in
Broadway musical productions.
Ages: 12–15
Thursdays, January 9–May 29
(no class Apr. 17)
Tuition: $378/ $336 member
Code: #4494
Performance Fee: $115
Code: #610
Ballet VI
Ages: 16–18
Tuesdays, January 7–May 27
(no class Apr. 15, 22)
Tuition: $360/ $320 member
Code: #4495
Performance Fee: $115
Code: #610
Ages: by placement only
Thursdays, January 9–May 29
(no class Apr. 17)
Tuition: $378/ $336 member
Code: #4496
Performance Fee: $115
Code: #610
Ages: by placement only
Thursdays, January 9–May 29
(no class Apr. 17)
Tuition: $567/ $504 member
Code: #4497
Performance Fee: $115
Code: #610
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
Creative Movement/
Beginning Modern
Ages: 5–8
Mondays, January 6–June 2
(no class Jan. 20, Apr. 14, 21, May 26)
Tuition: $324/ $288 member
Code: #4486
Performance Fee: $115
Code: #610
Beginning Jazz
Ages: 5–8
Wednesdays, January 8–May 28
(no class Apr. 16)
Tuition: $378/ $336 member
Code: #4498
Performance Fee: $115
Code: #610
Intermediate Jazz
Ages: 9–12
Intermediate Modern
Ages: 9–12
Mondays, January 6–June 2
(no class Jan. 20, Apr. 14, 21, May 26)
Tuition: $324/ $288 member
Code: #4487
Performance Fee: $115
Code: #610
Wednesdays, January 8–May 28
(no class Apr. 16)
Tuition: $378/ $336 member
Code: #4499
Performance Fee: $115
Code: #610
Advanced Jazz I
Ages: 13–18
Advanced Modern
Ages: 13–18
Mondays, January 6–June 2
(no class Jan. 20, Apr. 14, 21, May 26)
Tuition: $324/ $288 member
Code: #4488
Performance Fee: $115
Code: #610
Wednesdays, January 8–May 28
(no class Apr. 16)
Tuition: $378/ $336 member
Code: #4500
Performance Fee: $115
Code: #610
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880 23
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
Advanced Jazz II
Advanced Tap
Ages: 13-18
Ages: 13–18
Wednesdays, January 8–May 28
(no class Apr. 16)
Tuition: $378/ $336 member
Code: #4501
Performance Fee: $115
Code: #610
Mondays, January 6–June 2
(no class Jan. 20, Feb. 17, Apr. 14, 21, May 26)
Tuition: $324/ $288 member
Code: #4507
Performance Fee: $115
Code: #610
Tuesdays, January 7–June 3
(no class Apr. 15, 22)
Tuition: $360/ $320 member
Code: #4511
Performance Fee: $115
Code: #610
Theatre Dance
Hip Hop
Youth Dance Company
Ages: 10–13
Thursdays, January 9–May 29
(no class Apr. 17)
Students prepare to dance, sing, and act —
becoming a triple threat in musical theatre.
The course includes diverse warm-ups,
technical progressions, and movement that
allows for vocalization.
Tuition: $378/ $336 member
Code: #4514
Performance Fee: $115
Code: #610
Tap is a percussive dance form in which
the dance becomes the music. The JCCNV
Dance Academy teaches Broadway tap, which
develops students’ sense of rhythm, balance
and presentation.
Beginning Tap
Ages: 5–8
Mondays, January 6–June 2
(no class Jan. 20, Feb. 17, Apr. 14, 21, May 26)
Tuition: $324/ $288 member
Code: #4505
Performance Fee: $115
Code: #610
Intermediate Tap
Ages: 9–12
Mondays, January 6–June 2
(no class Jan. 20, Feb. 17, Apr. 14, 21, May 26)
Tuition: $324/ $288 member
Code: #4506
Performance Fee: $115
Code: #610
The newest form of social dance, hip hop
fuses such movement styles as popping,
locking, liquid, breaking, step, and stomp.
Often highly energetic, the JCCNV Dance
Academy requires knee pads for these
technique classes.
Hip Hop I
Ages: 9–12
Wednesdays, January 8–May 28
(no class Apr. 16)
Tuition: $378/ $336 member
Code: #4509
Performance Fee: $115
Code: #610
Hip Hop II
Ages: by placement only
Sundays, January 5–June 1
(no class Apr. 13, 20)
Tuition: $378/ $336 member
Code: #4510
Performance Fee: $115
Code: #610
The JCCNV Dance Academy teaches
technical practices that encourage healthy
fitness habits including: warm-up, flexibility,
strength, basic tumbling skills, and teamwork
in a fun and interactive environment.
Students should wear leotard and tights,
t-shirts and leggings or shorts. No shoes
required, and long hair must be secure in
a French braid, or pony tail and fabric hair
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880
Ages: 5–10
Contact Chris Dalen, Dance Academy Director
at [email protected], or (703) 537-3037
The JCCNV Dance Company offers a select
group of students an opportunity to approach
dance seriously, and improve their technique,
artistry and performance skills. The Company
runs from September through June. Students
participating in the program must attend
Sunday Company rehearsal, Friday Core
and Flex class, one ballet class, and enroll
in two electives. Classes taken in excess of
the above requirement will be separately
billed. Company members must also take the
summer intensive or summer dance classes to
maintain their skills and abilities. Auditions
for the Company are scheduled in August.
Special Needs —
Contact Chris Dalen, Dance Academy Director
at [email protected], or (703) 537-3037
Student shadows represent one of the most
beneficial offerings at the JCCNV, and are
unique to the JCCNV Dance Academy.
For students with special needs, a trained
assistant from the Special Needs Department
participates with an individual student in the
class in which they are enrolled, reinforcing
instruction and enriching the experience for
the participant. A nominal fee is associated
with this service.
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Adult and Cultural
Dance Classes
This program is for beginning to
intermediate level adult dancers. All classes
are taught by professional dance educators
who will work with individual students to
structure the class around the abilities of the
participant. Class cards may be purchased at
the front desk or through the instructor.
Adult Dance Class Cards
Single class:
5 classes:
10 classes:
$20/ $17 member
$100/ $80 member
$180/ $150 member
Adult Tap
Wednesdays (ongoing)
(no class Apr. 16, Jun. 4)
For beginner- and intermediate-level adult
tap students.
Adult Ballet
Mondays (ongoing)
(no class Jan. 20, Feb. 17, Apr. 14, 21, May 26)
For novice and intermediate-level adult
ballet students.
Make Your Move
Ages: 18+
1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month
January 16–May 15
(no class Jan. 2 or Apr. 17)
Israeli Dance
Ages: 13+
Tuesdays (ongoing)
(no class Apr. 15, 22, Jun. 3)
Instructor: Ethan Halpern
This drop-in cultural dance program
incorporates Jewish and Israeli culture
through choreographed dances set to
modern Israeli music. Mr. Halpern has been
offering this popular course at the JCCNV
for 20 years. Dances are internationally
recognized in most programs. No
experience necessary, and registration not
Fee: $10/ $6 member/ $5 student
Code: #4564
Pay instructor directly.
Intermediate Line Dance
Instructor: Susan Zuckerman Attas
Join a new session of an ongoing line dance
class tailored to the 40s-70s crowd. No
partners needed, since we all dance together
in lines to classic rock, contemporary,
and country western music in a social
atmosphere. Line dance provides a fun and
energetic workout.
Session I
Tuesdays, February 18–April 8 (8 weeks)
Cost: $60/ $50 member
Code: #4732
Youth and Adult Private
& Semi-Private
Dance Lessons
Contact Chris Dalen, Dance Academy Director,
at [email protected], or (703) 537-3037
Private lessons allow for personal attention to
the specific needs and goals of each student.
We encourage those who seek to improve
their skills and abilities at a faster and more
thorough pace to take private lessons.
Scheduling based on availability.
Private Lessons
(30 minutes)
5 lessons: $175/ $150 member
Code: #261/ #260
10 lessons: $310/ $260 member
Code: #263/ #262
Ongoing lessons (24): $600/ $565 member
Code: #4527
Semi-Private Lessons
(30 minutes)
(2–3 students of similar ability)
Tuition per student:
5 lessons: $100/ $75 member
Code: #265/ #264
10 lessons: $160/ $110 member
Code: #269 / #268
Ongoing lessons (24): $312/ $293 member
Code: #4893
Session II
Tuesdays, April 29–June 17 (8 weeks)
Cost: $60/ $50 member
Code: #4733
Join us in this great movement program that
incorporates dance, music, and a whole lot
of fun! This program is for adults of ANY
ability. You will have the freedom to move to
your own beat while maximizing your own
individual strengths. This program is run by
the JCCNV Dance Academy.
Fee: $80/ $64 member
Code: #4470
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880 25
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
Family Services Department
Early Childhood Services
Amy Brinko, (703) 537-3039 • [email protected]
Family Services Accounts Manager
Adi Eilat Crowley, (703) 537-3077 • [email protected]
Early Childhood Services
Amy Vermillion, (703) 537-3038 • [email protected]
Early Childhood Learning Center (ECLC)
Amit Hickman, (703) 537-3051 • [email protected]
ECLC Program Coordinators
Laura Cooper, (703) 537-3065 • [email protected]
Amanda Swart, (703) 537-3086 • [email protected]
ECLC Jewish Culture and Values Coordinator
Debbie Blonder, (703) 537-3067 • [email protected]
ECS Programming and Events Coordinator
Juliana Quinteros-Mian, (703) 537-3016 • [email protected]
Alexandria–Beth El Hebrew Congregation
Early Childhood Learning Center Director
Dina Backer, (703) 537-3084 • [email protected]
Early Childhood Learning Center Assistant Director
Ali Kerlin, (703) 537-3084 • [email protected]
School-Age Services & Camp Achva
School-Age Programming Director
Camp Achva Assistant Programming Director
Joelle Kelenson, (703) 537-3091 • [email protected]
School-Age Programming Assistant Director
Camp Achva Assistant Operations Director
Jessica Vandell, (703) 537-3096 • [email protected]
Teen Programming and Camp Achva Director
Nori White, (703) 537-3041 • [email protected]
The School-Age Services program is partially underwritten by the following funds:
Bond Family Fund
Murray Fund
Rosenblatt Family Fund
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880
A part of the JCCNV Family Services
Department, JCCNV Early Childhood Services
offers a variety of family programming,
enrichment classes, Sunday Family Fun Days,
Family Fun Nights, and Toddlers’ and Kids’
Night Out programs. Early Childhood Services
also boasts the Early Childhood Learning
Center (ECLC) which includes an Infant/
Toddler Program for children ages 6 weeks–24
months old, and a licensed preschool with
extended care for children ages 24 months–4
years old.
The Early Childhood Learning Center
promotes developmental growth through
creative interaction between children and
teachers within a warm, caring environment
that’s based on Jewish values. Offered at two
convenient locations — in Fairfax at the
JCCNV, and in Alexandria at Beth El Hebrew
Congregation, highlights include:
• Licensed preschool
• Licensed childcare from 6 weeks to
4 years old
• Licensed camp program
For information regarding the Fairfax location,
contact Amit Hickman.
JCCNV ECLC–Alexandria:
• Licensed preschool
• Licensed childcare from 18 months to
4 years old
• Licensed camp program
For information regarding the Alexandria
location, contact Dina Backer.
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Our Philosophy of Learning
The Early Childhood Learning Center strives
to help each child grow as an individual.
We emphasize the development of selfconfidence and a positive self-image. Our
activities provide experiences to foster
social skills and emotional maturity and to
strengthen cognitive and physical growth.
Play is a child’s work. Play provides the
opportunity for children to explore their
world, find out how to get along with others,
strengthen their muscles, try new activities,
build self-confidence and enhance selfesteem. Play is how the young child develops
the necessary skills and social competencies
that will be needed as he/she grows and
The primary goal of our Infant/Toddler
Program is to provide each child with
the best of care in a clean and nurturing
environment. Our staff works to encourage
each child in every stage of his or her social
and emotional growth, as well as to support
and strengthen language and cognitive
development. The daily routine is set up to
provide stimulating experiences for children
to learn and explore their environment
through their own curiosity.
Our teaching philosophy follows a ReggioEmilia inspired philosophy that is based on
the following ideas:
• Children have a say over the direction of
their learning
• Children are able to learn through
experiences of touching, moving, listening,
seeing, and hearing
• Children have a relationship with other
children and material items to explore
• Children have endless ways and
opportunities to express themselves
Our philosophy involves an emergent
curriculum that builds on the interests of
the children. Topics of study are chosen
through discussion/observations of children,
community or family events, interests of the
children, and teacher-directed provocations.
The curriculum provides hands-on learning
experiences, areas for children to experiment
with the natural world, and real-life
problem-solving with opportunities for
creative thinking.
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
New in 2013–2014!
The JCCNV ECLC is participating in the
JCCA Sheva Early Learning Framework.
This framework is a basis for the continued
education of the children in the ECLC. It
builds upon the foundations already in
place through the Reggio Emilia inspired
philosophy. Core principles include:
• The value of children as constructivist
learners including the concept of kavod
(respect) for each child’s ability to think for
• Early childhood directors as visionaries —
our professional staff has the chochma
(wisdom) to make sound decisions for
their population
• The importance of early childhood
educators as professionals — through
learning communities and attending
conferences and workshops, our educators
develop ahavat limud (a love of learning)
for themselves and their students
• A focus on families as engaged partners —
opportunities are provided throughout
the year to build kehillah (community)
between our families and staff
• The concept of the environment as
inspiration for inquiry — spaces are
intentionally designed to encourage
curiosity, intellectual engagement, and
• Emphasis on the Jewish value of sh’mirat
ha’guf (taking care of our bodies) through
nutrition and exercise
• Further learning about Israel to educate
our students and their families about the
story of the Jewish people
2014–2015 Registration
Fall 2014 Priority Registration begins Monday,
December 16 for members with children
enrolled in the 2013–2014 program and their
siblings. Priority Registration ends on Sunday,
January 12.
Registration opens to the public:
Monday, January 13 (first come, first served).
Applications will be made available the
beginning of December from any ECLC
Administrator and on the JCCNV website.
Please note: JCCNV family membership
is required for attendance. Membership
applications must be submitted with preschool
2013–2014 Registration
Limited Spaces are still available for the
2013–2014 school year.
The Infant/Toddler Program continues to
accept applications on a rolling basis.
ECLC Information Sessions*
Begin at 9:30am on the following dates:
Monday, January 6
Friday, January 24
RSVP to [email protected]
Parents are invited to visit the JCCNV Early
Childhood Learning Center on either of the
dates above for a presentation about the day-today activities at the ECLC, information about
the Reggio Emilia inspired teaching philosophy,
and for a tour of the classrooms.
The presentation will also include a
Q&A session with members of the ECLC
Administration Team. During the session,
we’ll also show you around the JCCNV so
you can see additional amenities you’ll enjoy
with your family membership; including our
cardio cycling studio, fitness area, dance studio,
gymnasium, swimming pool, and Chaiken
*Families interested in beginning enrollment
for the 2014–2015 school year are encouraged
to attend one of the above sessions. Please
contact an ECLC Administrator for individual
tours for the 2013–2014 school year or for the
Infant and Toddler Programs.
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880 27
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
Infant/Toddler Program
Satellite Program
For children ages 6 weeks–24 months old
Same great early childhood experience in
a second convenient location! The JCCNV
continues its partnership with Beth El
Hebrew Congregation. The JCCNV/BEHC
Early Childhood Learning Center is located
at 3830 Seminary Road, Alexandria, VA.
Full-time only
Monday–Friday, 7:30am–6pm
Two-Year-Old Program
For children ages 24–36 months old by 9/30/13
Monday–Friday, 9am–1pm
Parents may choose from the
following options:
2-days: Tuesday/Thursday
3-days: Monday/Wednesday/Friday
5-days: Monday–Friday
Three- and
Four-Year-Old Program
For children three years old by 9/30/13
For children four years old by 9/30/13
Monday–Friday, 9am–1pm
Parents may choose from the following
3-days: Monday/Wednesday/Friday
5-days: Monday–Friday
5-days only: Monday–Friday
Full- and Part-Time
Extended Day Options
For children ages 2–5 years old by 9/30/13
The Extended Day Program complements
the morning preschool program and
provides children with a warm, caring and
safe environment. Children participate in
a variety of age-appropriate activities in a
positive setting, orchestrated by a creative and
qualified staff.
Extended Day Options*
Early Morning Extended Day: 7:30am–9am
Early Afternoon Extended Day: 1pm–4pm
Late Afternoon Extended Day: 1pm–6pm
*Child must be enrolled in a 9am–1pm program.
Two-day minimum required.
For information regarding the Alexandria
location, contact Dina Backer, Alexandria
ECLC Director, at [email protected], or
(703) 537-3084.
Looking Ahead:
Summer 2014
Camp Ahava
June 23–August 15 (8 weeks)
Two Locations: Fairfax (ages 24 months–
4 years) and Alexandria (ages 20 months–
4 years)
Now’s the time to make your child’s summer
plans! Join us for a Smithsonian summer
as we use our imaginations to travel to the
Air and Space Museum, National Gallery of
Art, the National Zoo, and the Museum of
Natural History.
Enrichment Class registration
now open!
Children must be three years old as of
9/30/13 in order to enroll in most specialty
classes. Children attending the JCCNV
Early Childhood Learning Center must be
enrolled in the three-year-old or four-yearold program. Please check class descriptions
for specific age requirements.
All Early Childhood specialty
classes meet from 1:10pm–2pm
10-week class: $200/ $170 member
Full-time childcare: $150
8-week class: $160/ $137 member
Full-time childcare: $120
7-week class: $140/ $120 member
Full-time childcare: $105
6-week class: $120/ $103 member
Full-time childcare: $90
5-week class: $100/ $86 member
Full-time childcare: $75
4-week class: $80/ $69 member
Full-time childcare: $60
3-week class: $60/ $52 member
Full-time childcare: $45
Classes are listed in order by day
of the week, then by start date.
An Egg, Really?
Early Childhood
Enrichment Classes
For more information on Family
Programming/Enrichment Classes, please
contact [email protected], or
(703) 537-3016.
Discounted Program & Class Rates
Throughout Centertainment, you’ll notice
that the JCCNV offers member discounts
on classes and programs. In order for
membership rates to apply, membership
must remain current throughout the
duration of the class/program.
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880
Ages: 3–5 (must be 3 as of 9/30)
Mondays, January 6–27 (3 weeks)
(no class Jan. 20)
Children will be amazed to learn that some
animals are hatched from eggs! From birds
to crocodiles and turtles to snakes, children
will discover where and how these animals
are born!
Fee: $60/ $52 member
Full-time ECLC Enrollee: $45
Code: #4710
Under the Sea
Ages: 3–5 (must be 3 as of 9/30)
Mondays, February 3–24 (4 weeks)
Dive into the deep blue and uncover all the
living animals and plants in a world below
Fee: $80/ $69 member
Full-time ECLC Enrollee: $60
Code: #4711
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Animals of the World
Once Upon a Story
Ages: 3–5 (must be 3 as of 9/30)
Ages: 3–5 (must be 3 as of 9/30)
Mondays, March 3–24 (4 weeks)
Tuesdays, March 4–25 (4 weeks)
Come and learn all about animals from
around the world. Each day we’ll meet a new
animal in each class through story, crafts,
music and play.
This exciting program uses crafts, finger play,
and more to help bring your child’s favorite
books to life.
Fee: $80/ $69 member
Full-time ECLC Enrollee: $60
Code: #4712
Dinosaur Discovery
Ages: 3–5 (must be 3 as of 9/30)
Mondays, March 31–May 19 (6 weeks)
(no class Apr. 14, 21)
Your little paleontologist will explore the
world of dinosaurs — why some flew, why
others had horns and why others didn’t eat
meat. We’ll travel back in time and discover
all your child can about these giant creatures
that used to walk the Earth!
Fee: $120/ $103 member
Full-time ECLC Enrollee: $90
Code: #4713
Draw Me a Song
Ages: 3–5 (must be 3 as of 9/30)
Tuesdays, January 7–28 (4 weeks)
Can music really change our mood/feelings?
Your child will listen to different genres of
music while exploring mixed art media, such
as crayons, watercolors, acrylic paints and
pastels. See how the music may or may not
influence the creations they make in this
Fee: $80/ $69 member
Full-time ECLC Enrollee: $60
Code: #4714
Little Blue and Little Yellow
Ages: 3–5 (must be 3 as of 9/30)
Tuesdays, February 4–25 (4 weeks)
The wonderful book of the same name by
Leo Lionni, demonstrates how these two
friends Little Blue and Little Yellow hug and
make a new color — green! Your child will
learn and discover what colors are created
when mixing paints, pastels and other artistic
media while letting their creative juices flow!
Fee: $80/ $69 member
Full-time ECLC Enrollee: $60
Code: #4715
Fee: $80/ $69 member
Full-time ECLC Enrollee: $60
Code: #4716
Fee: $160/ $137 member
Full-time ECLC Enrollee: $120
Code: #4720
*No need to have taken previous sessions to
register for this class.
¡Hola! ¿Cómo Estás?
Trains, Planes & Automobiles
Ages: 3–5 (must be 3 as of 9/30)
Tuesdays, April 1–29 (3 weeks)
(no class Apr. 15, 22)
Learn basic phrases and fun songs in Spanish
with one of our Spanish experts here at the
Ages: 3–5 (must be 3 as of 9/30)
Wednesdays, May 7–28 (4 weeks)
Explore the world of transportation in this
unique class. We will craft a vehicle every week
— some with wheels, some with wings, and
even some with propellers.
Fee: $60/ $52 member
Full-time ECLC Enrollee: $45
Code: #4717
Fee: $80/ $69 member
Full-time ECLC Enrollee: $60
Code: #4721
“If You Give a Moose a Muffin”
Ages: 3–5 (must be 3 as of 9/30)
Mini Mini Gym: Session I
Tuesdays, May 6–27 (4 weeks)
Ages: 2–3 (must be 2 as of 9/30)
Your child will put on an apron and then slip
on a silly-cap for this funny cooking class.
Each week your child will bake a treat to
accompany the amazing book series written
by author Laura Numeroff.
We will use movement, music, basic tumbling
and lots of imagination to help enhance your
child’s gross motor and social skills.
Fee: $80/ $69 member
Full-time ECLC Enrollee: $60
Code: #4718
Thursdays, January 9–February 27 (8 weeks)
Fee: $160/ $137 member
Full-time ECLC Enrollee: $120
Code: #4722
Mini Mini Gym: Session II
Ages: 2–3 (must be 2 as of 9/30)
Little Yogis: Session III*
Ages: 3–5 (must be 3 as of 9/30)
Wednesdays, January 8–February 26
(8 weeks)
Enroll your little one in this fun-loving class
that uses breathing techniques, yoga poses,
movement, songs and stories that encourage
children to move their bodies in fun and
creative ways. Classes end with a quiet
relaxation period.
Fee: $160/ $137 member
Full-time ECLC Enrollee: $120
Code: #4719
*No need to have taken previous sessions to
register for this class.
Little Yogis: Session IV*
Ages: 3–5 (must be 3 as of 9/30)
Wednesdays, March 5–April 30 (8 weeks)
(no class Apr. 16)
Enroll your little one in this fun-loving
class that uses breathing techniques, yoga
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
poses, movement, songs and stories that
encourage children to move their bodies in
fun and creative ways. Classes end with a quiet
relaxation period.
Thursdays, March 6–May 1 (8 weeks)
(no class Apr. 17)
We will use movement, music, basic tumbling
and lots of imagination to help enhance your
child’s gross motor and social skills.
Fee: $160/ $137 member
Full-time ECLC Enrollee: $120
Code: #4723
Young Musicians: Session I
Ages: 4–5 (must be 4 as of 9/30)
Thursdays, January 9–February 27 (8 weeks)
The Little Hands’ “Young Musicians” class is
a pressure-free, developmentally appropriate
transition to experiencing musical success
before taking on more formal instruction.
Young Musicians helps every child develop
a confident, joyful voice for singing and
Fee: $160/ $137 member
Full-time ECLC Enrollee: $120
Code: #4724
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880 29
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
Young Musicians: Session II
Cuisines From Around the World
Mini Super Bowl Football Fun!
Ages: 4–5 (must be 4 as of 9/30)
Ages: 3–5 (must be 3 as of 9/30)
Thursdays, March 6–May 1 (8 weeks)
(no class Apr. 17)
Fridays, March 7–28 (4 weeks)
Saturday, January 11
Code: #4700
The Little Hands’ “Young Musicians” class is
a pressure-free, developmentally appropriate
transition to experiencing musical success
before taking on more formal instruction.
Young Musicians helps every child develop
a confident, joyful voice for singing and
Fee: $160/ $137 member
Full-time ECLC Enrollee: $120
Code: #4725
Silly Scientists
Ages: 3–5 (must be 3 as of 9/30)
Thursdays, May 8–29 (4 weeks)
Using regular household items like soap,
oil and cornstarch, your little scientist will
explore what makes these items grow, get
sticky and get messy!
Fee: $80/ $69 member
Full-time ECLC Enrollee: $60
Code: #4726
Mini Meteorologists
Ages: 3–5 (must be 3 as of 9/30)
Fridays, January 10–31 (4 weeks)
Rain, snow, hail or shine — our mini
meteorologists will learn about the four
seasons, tornados, hurricanes, blizzards and
other weather related topics.
Fee: $80/ $69 member
Full-time ECLC Enrollee: $60
Code: #4727
Kids in the Kitchen
Ages: 3–5 (must be 3 as of 9/30)
Fridays, February 7–28 (4 weeks)
This class will teach your child how to use
healthy foods and turn them into yummy
treats. Learn the importance of keeping
things clean and safe in the kitchen.
Fee: $80/ $69 member
Full-time ECLC Enrollee: $60
Code: #4728
From couscous to crepes and falafel to
quiche, let your little chef create yummy
meals from around the world with our
resident Culinary Queen of the Kitchen,
Miss Ilanith!
Fee: $80/ $69 member
Full-time ECLC Enrollee: $60
Code: #4729
Green Thumbs
Ages: 3–5 (must be 3 as of 9/30)
Snowed In!
Saturday, February 8
Code: #4701
Pre-Purim Bash
Saturday, March 1
Code: #4702
Gardens Galore
Fridays, April 4–May 2 (4 weeks)
(no class Apr. 18)
Saturday, April 5
Code: #4703
Let your child explore nature in this class
where they’ll learn what it takes to make
plants, fruits, vegetables and flowers grow.
Luau Beach Party
Fee: $80/ $69 member
Full-time ECLC Enrollee: $60
Code: #4730
Mini Rangers
Ages: 3–5 (must be 3 as of 9/30)
Fridays, May 9–30 (3 weeks)
(no class May 23)
Put your ranger hats and hiking boots on
and step outside to collect leaves, twigs and
other interesting treasures nature has to
Fee: $60/ $52 member
Full-time ECLC Enrollee: $45
Code: #4731
Kids’ Night Out
Ages: 24 months–5 years
Contact: Juliana Quinteros-Mian
Hey kids… need a night out with your
friends? Leave Mom and Dad at home and
join us for a night of fun at the JCCNV! All
Kids’ Night Out programs include an array
of crafts, games, snacks and a movie to end
the night.
Fee: $35/ $30 member(5% sibling discount
for second child enrolled in either KNO
program is available)
Saturday, May 17
Code: #4704
Toddlers’ Night Out
Ages: 18 months–23 months
Must be currently enrolled in the ECLC Toddler
Contact: Juliana Quinteros-Mian
Need a “toddler-free” night? Bring your little
one to the JCCNV to hang out with our
wonderful teachers while you enjoy a night on
the town. All of the children will be well taken
care of by our professional infant/toddler staff!
Fee: $35/ $30 member(5% sibling discount
for second child enrolled in either KNO
program is available)
Saturday, January 11
Code: #4705
Saturday, February 8
Code: #4706
Saturday, March 1
Code: #4707
Saturday, April 5
Code: #4708
Saturday, May 17
Code: #4709
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
School-Age Services
School-Age Programming Director
Camp Achva Assistant Programming
Joelle Kelenson, (703) 537-3091 •
[email protected]
School-Age Programming Assistant
Camp Achva Assistant Operations Director
Jessica Vandell, (703) 537-3096 •
[email protected]
Teen Programming and Camp Achva
Nori White, (703) 537-3041 •
[email protected]
Family Services Accounts Manager
Adi Eilat Crowley, (703) 537-3077 •
[email protected]
Before- and AfterSchool Enrichment
Program (BASE)
Rolling admission is currently open
for the 2013–2014 school year!
Registration for
the 2014–2015
school year will be
available in
April 2014.
Our mission is to ensure an interactive, fun,
beneficial, and positive environment in which
every child can grow and develop in a safe,
structured and friendly atmosphere!
Before-School Care: AM BASE
Start the day off right! The AM BASE
program is available for students who attend
Gesher Jewish Day School, Mantua, Wakefield
Forest or Fairhill elementary schools.
Beginning at 7:30am each morning in the
JCCNV lobby, your child can catch up with
friends, play games and prepare for the school
day. Students who attend Gesher Jewish Day
School and Mantua Elementary School will
be escorted to the appropriate bus stop by
JCCNV staff. Students in Wakefield Forest
and Fairhill elementary schools will be driven
to school on the JCCNV bus.
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
After-School Care: PM BASE
Make the most of every afternoon! The PM
BASE program runs from the time school
dismisses until 6pm daily. Upon arrival from
school, your child will be served a snack
comprised of two nutritional food groups,
and will be able to choose from the following
• A quiet homework room with staff on
hand to assist
• Science, arts and crafts, and cooking
• Free creative play in either the Junior
(grades K–2) or Senior (grades 3–6) BASE
rooms stocked with age-appropriate toys,
games and books
• Organized sports and team-building
activities in our indoor gymnasium and
outside on the playground
• Board games and foosball in our game
• Free swim twice a week in the JCCNV’s
25-meter heated indoor pool
Transportation Is Available!
Students who attend Mantua, Wakefield
Forest and Gesher Jewish Day School can
ride their designated school bus to the
JCCNV. Contact your child’s school to
arrange transportation.
For a minimal fee, the JCCNV provides
transportation from the following
elementary schools: Camelot, Canterburry
Woods, Daniels Run, Fairhill, Little Run,
Mosby Woods, Olde Creek, and Stenwood.
Fee per month: $100/ $80 member
BASE When You Need It:
Vacation Day Programs
Join us when school is out for teacher work
days, holidays, and during inclement weather
when area schools are delayed or closed! No
need for you to find a last-minute babysitter
or take a valued day off. Whether you need
care for one day or the whole year, BASE is
your place!
Upcoming Vacation Days:
Fairfax County Public Schools
Thursday, January 30
Friday, January 31
Monday, February 17
Monday, April 7
Monday, April 14 (Spring Break)
Thursday, April 17 (Spring Break)
Friday, April 18 (Spring Break)
Gesher Jewish Day School
Friday, February 14
Monday, February 17
Monday, April 14 (Spring Break)
Thursday, April 17 (Spring Break)
Friday, April 18 (Spring Break)
Wednesday, April 23 (Spring Break)
BASE Enrichment
Contact: [email protected],
or (703) 537-3091
In addition to its wide-range of activities,
the BASE program also offers a variety of
enrichment programs and classes. For an
additional fee, your child can choose from
sports, dance, and swim classes, private
music lessons, academic enrichment
classes, martial arts, and more! All of our
enrichment programs and classes are
offered in-house, which means no extra
driving for you! We’ll take care of escorting
the children to and from each activity.
Please join us for a demonstration day of
all our great classes on Tuesday, January 14
from 4pm–7pm.
All of our enrichment classes are open to all
school-age children, regardless of whether
or not they are enrolled in the BASE
Please see page 21 for dance classes, page
48 for sports classes, and page 50 for
aquatics classes.
BASE Vacation Days run from 7:30am–6pm.
Remember to send your child with a dairy
or meatless lunch, swimsuit and towel, and
weather-appropriate attire. Please note that
if you are new to the BASE program, we
need to have an emergency contact and child
profile form on hand.
Fee per vacation day: $100/ $80 member
Vacation Day Packages also available. Visit for details.
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880 31
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
Private Music Lessons
Contact: [email protected],
or (703) 537-3091
The JCCNV offers private 30-minute music
lessons for kindergarteners through adults.
Before registering, please contact Joelle to
arrange a time slot. Schedule subject to
Fee per lesson: $45/ $30 member
Violin and Viola
Monday lessons available.
Monday–Thursday lessons available.
Guitar, Ukulele
Monday–Thursday lessons available.
Hebrew Help
Contact: [email protected], or
(703) 537-3091
In accordance with the Center’s vision “to
be the vibrant and inclusive hub, inspiring
Jewish journeys,” we are pleased to announce
the addition of Hebrew language and
homework help to our program. Contact
Joelle if you are interested in securing a space
for your child.
Private Tutoring
Contact: [email protected], or
(703) 537-3091
The BASE Program staff understands that
every student is unique and learns at his
or her own pace. In order to help students
successfully advance in their studies, the
BASE program offers quality one-on-one
academic tutoring. Choose from 30 or 45
minute sessions up to 3 times a week. Before
registering, please contact Joelle to arrange
for a time slot.
Fee per 30-minute session: $50/ $40 member
Fee per 45-minute session: $65/ $55 member
Enrichment Classes
Electronic Game Design:
Platform Games
Tae Kwon Do
Wednesdays, February 5–March 26 (8 weeks)
Grades: K–6
Mondays, February 3–March 31 (8 weeks)
(no class Feb. 17)
Tae Kwon Do students of all levels and
abilities will enjoy moving from beginner
basics to intermediate moves and
advanced techniques in this eight-week
program. Advanced students will receive
an individualized curriculum specifically
tailored to help them further their Tae Kwon
Do skills and knowledge. At the end of the
session, students will be awarded their hardearned stripes at a formal ceremony.
Fee: $225/ $175 member
Code: #4777
Junior LEGO® Robotics — WeDo™
Grades: K–2
Mondays, February 3–March 31 (8 weeks)
(no class Feb. 17)
This class is a perfect mixture of fun and
learning. Using LEGO® WeDo™ Robots,
students will build wild animals, amazing
mechanisms, and soccer-themed gadgets,
which they will later learn how to program
and operate using a laptop computer.
Fee: $225/ $175 member
Code: #4696
Amazing Adventures
Grades: K–3
Tuesdays, February 4–March 25 (8 weeks)
Attention all amazing kids! We are going
to take you on an adventure filled with
paper airplanes, water bombs, pirates, daily
challenges, and much more. The most
amazing part? These thrilling adventures will
also help to strengthen your reasoning skills
and processing speed, as well as broadening
your creative mind. Brace yourself for the
Fee: $225/ $175 member
Code: #4778
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880
Grades: 3–7
During the Electronic Game Design classes,
students create their own video game. A
platform game is a side-scrolling, Mario-type
game where students program characters
and a two-dimensional obstacle course. They
attempt to avoid or overcome enemies and
reach an end goal on multiple levels. At the
end of the class, students take home a copy
of the game they create.
Fee: $225/ $175 member
Code: #4779
Mystery Madness
Grades: 3–6
Thursdays, February 6–March 27 (8 weeks)
WANTED: detectives and investigators! Get
out your magnifying glasses and detective
hats — we have clues to decipher and crimes
to solve! We’ll put our critical thinking to the
test and get to the bottom of mysteries by
learning the tricks real investigators use to
solve cases. While experimenting with simple
detection techniques, your reasoning skills
will grow and your problem solving skills
will become better than those of crime scene
investigator (CSI) agents.
Fee: $225/ $175 member
Code: #4780
Grades: K–7
Fridays, February 7–March 28 (8 weeks)
Chess Wizards is a premier chess education
company providing fun, informative, and
challenging chess lessons to students. In this
class, students will learn many important
life skills including, how to win graciously
and how to accept defeat with dignity and
sportsmanship. Students will be divided into
groups according to their chess experience.
At the end of this session, each student will
have had the chance to participate in a minichess tournament.
Fee: $225/ $175 member
Code: #4781
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Enrichment Classes
First Defense: Krav Maga
Grades: K–6
Mondays, April 7–June 16 (8 weeks)
(no class Apr. 14, 21, May 26)
The First Defense Krav Maga Anti-Bullying
specialized training was developed to
teach children how to effectively deal with
the pressure of bullying, how to protect
themselves without being a bully and how
to be a good bystander. It is also the perfect
activity to get kids up and moving, help
develop their coordination, and develop
positive self-image. In addition to a safe
training environment, the First Defense AntiBullying session provides children with an
environment which is both supportive and
rewarding. It energizes the children and gives
them a new outlook towards many areas of
their daily life. This unique anti-bullying
program enables children and helps them
to develop a positive attitude when facing
challenges of all forms of bullying. Children
will leave the session with self-confidence,
a positive mental attitude, knowing how to
avoid and prevent conflict, de-escalation
techniques, how to defend against physical
and verbal bullying, and how to help a friend
who is bullied.
Fee: $275/ $225 member
Code: #4892
MusIQ Club
Grades: K–2
Mondays, April 7–June 16 (8 weeks)
(no class Apr. 14, 21, May 26)
In MusIQ Club, students learn to read
music, play piano, improvise, and compose.
Progress is measured by individualized
objectives and student-by-student tracking,
accomplished through interactive software
and digital piano keyboards to develop and
enhance skills.
Fee: $225/ $175 member
Code: #4782
Aerospace Engineering
Grades: 3–7
Grades: K–7
Tuesdays, April 8–June 17 (8 weeks)
(no class Apr. 15, 22, Jun. 3)
Fridays, April 25–June 13 (8 weeks)
This class is designed to teach budding
engineers the fundamental concepts of
aircraft and spacecraft design. Through open
and focused exploration, students explore
and construct airplanes, rockets, hot air
balloons, and more.
Fee: $225/ $175 member
Code: #4783
World of Wizards
Grades: K–3
Wednesdays, April 23–June 18 (8 weeks)
(no class Jun. 4)
Calling all wizard fans! Prepare yourselves
for a magical journey into the world of
wizards. We will design trading cards, make
a personal crest, create a treasure hunt, have
a wizard tournament and even engage in
activities that will astound all muggles.
Fee: $225/ $175 member
Code: #4784
Newspaper Writing
Grades: 3–6
Thursdays, April 24–June 19 (8 weeks)
(no class Jun. 5)
Breaking News! Aspiring reporters and
editors needed to create the first edition
of the BASE newspaper. Students will
learn about the different elements of a
newspaper before heading out into the field
to uncover stories to be published in their
own school newspaper. Various aspects of
journalism are covered, including parts of
a newspaper, writing an article, reading
habits, advertisements, and layout and design
Fee: $225/ $175 member
Code: #4785
Chess Wizards is a premier chess education
company providing fun, informative, and
challenging chess lessons to students. In this
class, students will learn many important
life skills including, how to win graciously
and how to accept defeat with dignity and
sportsmanship. Students will be divided into
groups according to their chess experience. At
the end of this session, each student will have
had the chance to participate in a mini-chess
Fee: $225/ $175 member
Code: #4697
Kids’ Night Out
Ages: 5–12
See dates below.
Contact: [email protected], or
(703) 537-3096
One Saturday a month, we take your kids
and you can enjoy an evening out! Each night
includes games, projects, swimming, a movie,
and a snack. Come prepared for an evening
filled with fun and stay tuned for more
Fee: $35/ $30 member (5% sibling discount
for second child enrolled in either KNO
program is available)
Mini Super Bowl Football Fun!
Saturday, January 11
Code: #4787
Snowed In!
Saturday, February 8
Code: #4788
Pre-Purim Bash
Saturday, March 1
Code: #4789
Gardens Galore
Saturday, April 5
Code: #4790
Luau Beach Party
Saturday, May 17
Code: #4791
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880 33
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
Birthday Parties
Contact: [email protected], or
(703) 537-3091
Make your child’s birthday celebration one
to remember! Fun for the kids and carefree
for the parents! Parties are available on
Sundays from 10am–noon or 1pm–3pm,
with activities lasting between 45-minutes
to one-hour, based on your child’s age. For
more information or to schedule a birthday
party, contact Joelle.
All parties accommodate up to 15 children
and include:
Party room for two hours
Paper products
15 helium balloons
Fee: $250/ $225 member
Code: #187
For an additional fee, choose from the
activities below to make your child’s birthday
celebration even more memorable.
Robotics Party
Music Party
This unique party is designed for the child
who wants to be a star! Children will sing
popular songs, experiment with playing
different instruments, and experience
a variety of movement activities. This
wonderful birthday celebration will conclude
with a personalized birthday song and a
special performance.
Fee: Additional $15 per child,
up to 15 children
Code: #197
Games Party
Why Risk it, when Operation Games Party is
in full-effect? Filled with structured games or
sports and exciting activities, this is one party
that won’t leave you with a bunch of Angry
Birds. Our staff is numero Uno at planning
and running events that showcase your
child’s favorite games or athletic activities.
Fee: $50 per group of 15 children
Code: #191
Waddle Dawdle Movement Party
Build a birthday party they will never forget
while promoting creativity and critical
thinking! Children will construct robots
and face off in games and challenges. All
equipment is provided by Digital Kidz!
Whoever said not to “dawdle” has clearly
never been to one of our Waddle Dawdle
Movement Parties! This fun and energetic
party will get everyone up and moving.
Trained instructors provide partygoers with
fun games, music, and activities for everyone.
Fee: Additional $15 per child,
up to 15 children
Code: #198
Fee: Additional $10 per child,
up to 15 children
Code: #196
Arts and Crafts Party
Make a Splash!
Partygoers will enjoy creating their own
masterpieces at this artsy-party! Art projects
are a great way for children to express
themselves and discover their own creativity.
If you are interested in a pool party, please
contact Teo Albu at (703) 537-3053 or
[email protected].
Fee: Additional $5 per child,
up to 15 children
Code: #188
Cooking Party
Partygoers-turned-pastry chefs will enjoy
baking their own tasty treats! And since we
doubt they’ll want to save their confections
as keepsakes, they’ll also get to decorate their
own aprons or toques (chefs’ hats) to use in
future culinary creations!
Fee: Additional $10 per child,
up to 15 children
Code: #189
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880
Teen Programming and
Camp Achva Director
Nori White, (703) 537-3041 •
[email protected]
Enjoy a Teen
Membership at the
Grades: 7–12
Come work out with your friends in our
fitness center or shoot some hoops in our
full-court gymnasium! With your JCCNV
Teen Membership, you’ll also receive special
members-only rates on our fabulous teen
programs and events.
See page 7 for membership rates and details.
Join our JCCNV
Teen Programming
Contact: [email protected], or
(703) 537-3041
Work hard, play harder! Join the JCCNV
Teen Programming Committee (TPC) and
help plan parties, events, and activities for
you and your friends. Battle of the Bands?
College tours? Karaoke contests? Ski/
Snowboard trips? All ideas welcome! Contact
Nori to become a member of the JCCNV
Looking Ahead:
Summer Camp 2014
Camp Achva
Grades: Rising Kindergarten–Rising 10th
June 30–August 22 (8 weeks)
Celebrating 45 years of camp fun for kids of
all ages!
At the JCCNV, our camps are filled with
opportunities for campers to play, explore
and experience all that camp has to offer in
an environment based on Jewish values and
culture. Our camp program includes indoor
and outdoor activities, singing, dancing,
sports activities, swim lessons, field trips, and
Registration opens January 19!
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Chocolate Seder
Cosmic Bowling
Grades: 4–8
Grades: 4–8
Saturday, April 5, 7pm
Join us for Havdallah, followed by an
unconventional and fun-filled Seder as
Northern Virginia Jewish teens come
together for a Chocolate Seder to learn about
Passover and to eat delicious Passover treats!
Saturday, January 11, 7:30pm
Join Northern Virginia teens at the AMF
Bowling Lanes in Annandale for an out-ofthis-world bowling experience! Black lights,
bowling alley and food!
Fee: $30/ $25 member
Code: #4795
Jewish Life @ College:
Teen and Parent Tracks
Grades: 11–12
Sunday, January 12, 5:30pm–7:30pm
Location: Temple Rodef Shalom
Join Northern Virginia teens, current
college students and Hillel directors for
a teen panel of what it’s like to be Jewish
at college. Parents, there’ll be a separate
discussion group for you! Students from
all area religious schools and throughout
the community are invited to attend. Please
contact [email protected] regarding
Fee: Free
Superbowl Party with BBYO!
Grades: 5–12
Sunday, February 2, 6pm
Join JCCNV teens and Northern Virginia
BBYO for a Superbowl Party! We will have a
huge screen set up to watch the game, as well
as other activities available. Come for food,
fun and to meet new friends from Northern
Fee: $20/ $15 member
Code: #4797
Contact: [email protected], or
(703) 537-3041 • Sponsorships available.
Detroit, Michigan
Virginia/Maryland College Tour:
Spring Edition
Grades: 9–12
Sunday–Tuesday, April 6–8
Join fellow JCCNV teens for a tour of three
colleges/universities! We will visit James
Madison University, Virginia Tech, and the
University of Maryland. The trip will include
a tour of the campus, a meet and greet with
Hillel representatives and, of course, some
time for fun in between!
Fee: $350/ $300 member
Code: #4798
Hershey Park
Grades: 4–12
JCC Maccabi Games®
Ages: 13–16
JCC Maccabi ArtsFest®
Ages: 13–17
Sunday–Friday, August 17–22
The Northern Virginia delegation will travel
to Detroit for JCC Maccabi Games® and
JCC Maccabi ArtsFest® for an amazing
event where thousands of Jewish teens meet,
compete and have a great time creating
memories that will last a lifetime! It’s much
more than just a week of sports and the arts.
Teen athletes/artists participate throughout
the week in tournaments, community service
projects, exciting social events, and best of all
— everyone is Jewish!
Arts Specialties include: musical theater,
Sunday, June 8, Time TBD
Join us for an all day trip to Hershey Park!
Taste the chocolate, ride the roller coasters
and spend a great day with other Northern
Virginia teens! Transportation and entrance
included, food is on your own, kosher food
Fee: $85/ $75 member
Code: #4800
Register Now!
2014 JCC Maccabi
Games® and JCC
Maccabi ArtsFest®
acting, improv, vocal music/glee, rock band,
star reporter, visual arts, dance, and culinary
Sports include: basketball, baseball, soccer,
volleyball, girls’ softball, in-line hockey,
bowling, dance, swimming, tennis, table
tennis, and golf. Most sports are available for
both boys and girls.
Fee: $15/ $10 member
Code: #4796
3rd Annual Ski Trip!
Grades: 5–12
Monday, February 17, 8am–9pm
We are hitting the slopes for skiing, tubing
and/or snowboarding for our 3rd annual trip
to Massanutten! Save the date and get your
snow gear ready!
Fee: $150/ $125 member
Code: #4521
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880 35
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
How Do You Get Involved?
First Step:
BBYO: The Leading
Pluralistic Jewish Teen
Program Associate, Northern Virginia
Council BBYO
Joanna Fink
(703) 537-3087 • [email protected]
BBYO Wants You!
Looking for extracurricular activities to be
involved with after school? Join BBYO, the
leading pluralistic Jewish teen movement
aspiring to involve more Jewish teens in more
meaningful Jewish experiences! For more
than 90 years, AZA (Aleph Zadik Aleph, the
fraternity component of BBYO) and BBG
(B’nai B’rith Girls) chapters in communities
around the world have been providing
exceptional leadership programs and identity
enrichment experiences. BBYO offers unique
opportunities for teens to connect with one
another, serve their communities, navigate
the college admissions process and travel
the world, providing each participant with a
network of lifelong friends, a perspective that
adds value and meaning to life and a shared
commitment to strengthening the Jewish
AZA and BBG chapters for current 8th12th graders are teen-led, giving teens the
opportunity to develop leadership skills,
learn more about their Jewish heritage
and meet other Jewish teens throughout
Northern Virginia, D.C. and Maryland.
Membership is $75 for one year or $149 for
four years. If you would like to join BBYO,
please contact our office for more information.
You can also check us out on the website: If you would like
to attend one of the BBYO programs before
joining, please contact [email protected].
Join, the premier online
network for all Jewish teens everywhere.
Making a account is simple,
fast and free. As soon as you create a
profile, BBYO will mail you a brochure and
personally invite you to upcoming events!
Use to find upcoming local
events, speak your mind about your favorite
topics on message boards and blogs, upload
photos and explore social, travel, community
service and leadership opportunities.
Second Step:
Contact our office so we can help answer
your questions about programs in our area,
ways to become a leader in the organization
and BBYO summer programs, including
BBYO trips to Israel!
Pre-High School Students
Fun, Friends & Fulfillment
Contact the NoVA Council BBYO office at
(703) 537-3087 or [email protected]
Trips to amusement parks and ballparks,
pool parties and paintball, ski trips and
dances are just some of the ways BBYO
Connect brings fun to life for Jewish kids like
you! BBYO Connect is the BBYO experience
made just for pre-high school students
who want to enjoy social, recreational,
athletic, cultural and Judaic activities with
new friends. Join BBYO Connect and be
part of something exciting. Something big.
Something important. Get a taste of all
the great activities that await you as a high
schooler in BBYO. Get outside your daily
routine and meet kids who enjoy the same
things you do.
ISO: BBYO Advisers
Contact the NoVA Council BBYO office at
(703) 537-3087 or [email protected]
Do you LOVE working with Jewish teens?
Are you interested in helping to enrich
their lives through leadership training,
the planning of events and local/regional
conventions? You must be 21 years
old, responsible and provide your own
transportation to events.
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Special Needs Department
Sundays, 2:15pm–3:15pm
Ages: 9–12
Jessica Tischler, (703) 537-3031 • [email protected]
Program Coordinator
Aryn Cahen, (703) 537-3032 • [email protected]
Resource Specialist
Melissa Hochberg, (703) 537-3040 • [email protected]
Special Needs Committee Chair: Lynne Sprung
The Center’s program is committed to helping the community through activities designed
to develop physical and social skills for individuals with special needs. The program
features small participant-staff ratios and offerings such as adapted aquatics, social
groups, family events and recreational social skills classes.
These programs are substantially underwritten by:
Alexander Greenbaum Philanthropic Fund, Abraham and Frieda
Hochberg Foundation, Fairfax County Consolidated Community
Funding Pool, Harry and Zoe Poole Foundation, Long Term Care
Coordinating Council, The Neall Family Charitable Foundation, and The
Washington Group Special Care Planning Team.
Additional sponsorships are available, please contact Jessica Tischler for details.
A fun class designed to help children explore
and understand their emotions through
recreational play. Discussion topics include
dealing with anger, understanding feelings,
the power of positive thinking and handling
stress. This class is designed for children
with ADD/ADHD, high-functioning autism,
learning disabilities, and developmental
delays. Children must be able to participate
verbally in group activities. A welcome
interview for new participants must be
scheduled before class starts.
Fee: $160/ $120 member
Session I
January 5–March 9 (8 weeks)
(no class Jan. 19, Feb. 16)
Code: #4532
Session II
March 23–June 1 (8 weeks)
(no class Apr. 20, May 11, May 25)
Code: #4533
Member Discounted Program
and Class Rates
Sundays, January 5–March 9 (8 weeks)
(no class Jan. 19, Feb. 16)
Gal Pals Kids
Throughout Centertainment, you’ll notice
that the JCCNV offers member discounts
on classes and programs. In order for
membership rates to apply, membership
must remain current throughout the
duration of the class/program.
Class I
Fee: $160/ $120 member
Code: #4528
A social skills group just for girls! A fun,
recreational group in which girls can explore
their emotions, discuss important issues
going on in their lives, learn how to make
appropriate friendships, learn to improve
self-esteem, manage anxiety, and work on
a variety of social skills in a safe and caring
For more information on the classes below,
please contact Aryn Cahen.
Let’s Play
Ages: 6–8
Join us for an hour of fun and exploration
as children learn and strengthen their social
skills through active play in a safe and
healthy environment. This class is designed
for children with ADD/ADHD, high
functioning autism (formerly Asperger’s
syndrome), learning disabilities, and
developmental delays. Children must be able
to participate verbally in group activities. A
welcome interview for new participants must
be scheduled before class starts.
Class II
Fee: $160/ $120 member
Code: #4530
Sundays, March 23–June 1 (8 weeks)
(no class Apr. 20, May 11, May 25)
Class I
Fee: $160/ $120 member
Code: #4529
Class II
Fee: $160/ $120 member
Code: #4531
Ages: 6–8, for girls only
Sundays, 1pm–2pm
Fee: $160/ $120 member
Session I
January 5–March 9 (8 weeks)
(no class Jan. 19, Feb. 16)
Code: #4745
Session II
Sundays, March 23–June 1 (8 weeks)
(no class Apr. 20, May 11, May 25)
Code: #4746
Fee: $160/ $120 member
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
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Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
Gal Pals Tweens
Make Your Move
Ages: 9–12, for girls only
Ages: 18+
Sundays, 2:15pm–3:15pm
1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month
January 16–May 15
(no class Jan. 2 or Apr. 17)
A social skills group just for girls! A fun,
recreational group in which girls can explore
their emotions, discuss important issues
going on in their lives, learn how to make
appropriate friendships, learn to improve
self-esteem, manage anxiety, and work on
a variety of social skills in a safe and caring
Fee: $160/ $120 member
Session I
January 5–March 9 (8 weeks)
(no class Jan. 19, Feb. 16)
Code: #4534
Session II
Sundays, March 23–June 1 (8 weeks)
(no class Apr. 20, May 11, May 25)
Code: #4535
Ages: 5–18
Sundays, March 23–June 1 (8 weeks)
(no soccer Apr. 20, May 11, May 25)
Location: Sprague Center, 4414 Holborn Ave.,
Annandale, VA 22003
The JCCNV and Annandale Boys & Girls
Club (ABGC) are excited to announce
our partnership with The Outreach
Program for Soccer (TOPSoccer), a soccer
program developed through US Youth
Soccer for young athletes with intellectual,
developmental, or physical disabilities.
This program provides individuals with
the opportunity to learn and play soccer
in a safe, nurturing, and self-empowering
environment. The goal of the program is to
enable young athletes with special needs to
grow and develop physically, socially, and
emotionally as members of US Youth Soccer
with the assistance of volunteer coaches and
youth mentoring buddies. TOPSoccer is not
for competition. Players are matched up by
abilities, not age. TOPSoccer is for all youth
ages and ability levels. Come and enjoy the
fun and excitement of soccer while learning
some great skills along the way!
Fee: $30 (includes insurance and shirt)
Code: #4747
Join us in this great movement program that
incorporates dance, music, and a whole lot
of fun! This program is for adults of ANY
ability. You will have the freedom to move to
your own beat while maximizing your own
individual strengths. This program is run by
the JCCNV Dance Academy.
Visit for our list of
Camp Achva
Fee: $80/ $64 member
Code: #4470
3rd Annual ReelAbilities:
Greater DC Disabilities
Film Festival
Thursday–Thursday, February 6–13
Tickets now on sale!
Contact: Jessica Tischler, Special Needs
Director, [email protected],
(703) 537-3031
ReelAbilities is the largest film festival in the
country dedicated to promoting awareness
of, and appreciation for, the lives, stories and
artistic expressions of people with different
abilities. Premiered in New York in 2007, the
festival presents award-winning films by and
about people with disabilities in multiple
locations throughout each hosting city. Postscreening discussions and other engaging
programs bring the community together to
explore, discuss, embrace, and celebrate the
diversity of our shared human experience.
Tickets: $10 general, $7 students & seniors
Complimentary screenings available. Visit to learn
more about the films, purchase tickets, and
view the screening, speaker and special
events schedule!
Highlights of some of the films
being screened this year*:
Come As You Are
Reel Encounters (includes a variety of
short films)
Reel Signs
Six Points About Emma
Son of the Stars
The Importance of Tying Your Own Shoes
Wampler’s Ascent
*Subject to change.
Thank you to our sponsors and
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880
Camp Kadima
Rising 1st–3rd graders
June 30–July 25 (4 weeks)
(no camp Jul. 4)
Rising 4th–6th graders
July 28–August 22 (4 weeks)
This session includes a 3 day/2 night trip to
Capital Camps! Details to follow.
Kadima is a fun, social skills therapy camp
for children with high functioning autism,
ADD/ADHD, and related disorders. Kadima
means “forward” or “let’s go!” which is
meaningful because the goal of camp is to
provide positive experiences for children to
absorb life skills to move forward in making
individual progress. Kadima’s mission is
to improve social and emotional skills in
a safe and nurturing environment. The
camp is designed to provide opportunities
to build self-esteem, social competence,
independence, self-awareness, and to foster
positive friendships. Campers learn and grow
dynamically because the camp is designed
for social success.
The camp day includes social skills therapy
in conjunction with typical camp activities
such as swimming, sports, arts and crafts,
music and more!
Social Skills curriculum includes but is not
limited to:
Team-building and teamwork
Impulse control
Coping strategies
Anger management
Friendship building
Conversation skills
Session Fee: $2,499/ $1,999 member
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
New! Camp Chaverim
Rising 7th–9th Graders
July 21–August 8 (3 weeks)
Join us for a fun and exciting camp for
teens as we venture on three field trips
each week, enjoy special events, swimming,
arts and crafts, sports, and more! Campers
will be included in the typical camp with
the support of trained and compassionate
Session Fee: $1,650/ $1,320 member
*Optional Week 7: August 11–August 15
Includes two days of field trips and a
3 day/2 night trip to Capital Camps!
Session Fee: $550/ $440 member
*Campers enrolled in Camp Chaverim
July 21–August 8 have the option of
enrolling in Week 7.
Inclusion at JCCNV
Summer Camps
We support the inclusion of all children in
camp and follow the model that all people
deserve to be included in society no matter
one’s physical, social, or emotional needs.
Camp is a place to learn, grow, and have fun!
We encourage everybody to experience camp
sometime in their life. If your child needs
additional support to successfully participate
in Camp Achva, please let us know what
accommodation(s) your child may need. For
an additional fee, we can also arrange for
a shadow that would be a good fit for your
child. We look forward to supporting your
family’s rewarding and fun-filled summer!
Contact: Jessica Tischler, Special Needs
Director, at [email protected], or
(703) 537-3031 to arrange for a shadow or
other accommodations.
Social Clubs
JCC Clubhouse (J Club)
Grades: 4–6
Saturday nights
January 25, 6:30pm–9pm
February 22, 6:30pm–9pm
March 8, 7pm–9pm
J Club is a social club for children in grades
4–6 with or without special needs and is
designed to provide fun, social opportunities
in a structured, supportive environment for
young children. Trained staff assists children
in navigating through challenging social
interactions and engaging in meaningful
relationships. Events are planned on a
monthly basis and vary from activities at
the JCCNV to outings in the community.
For more information, please contact Aryn
Fee: $30 per event
Code: #740
Going Places!
Going Places! Teens: Ages 14–17
Going Places! Young Adults: Ages 18–29
Going Places! Adults: Ages 30+
Sundays, once a month
The JCCNV and the Jewish Social Service
Agency (JSSA) present a social club for teens,
young adults, and 30+ adults diagnosed
with high functioning autism (formerly
Asperger’s syndrome and PDD-NOS).
The club provides social opportunities in
a supportive environment with guidance
from professionally trained staff to help
participants improve their social skills and
overall comfort in social situations. All faiths
are welcome. A variety of outings (including
parties, bowling, dinners, miniature golf and
museum tours) are scheduled year-round.
Events are led by JCCNV Resource Specialist
Melissa Hochberg, M. Ed, and JSSA’s Dawn
B. Kaye, LCSW. For more information or to
join our events contact list, please contact
[email protected], or
(703) 537-3040.
Fee: Code (Teens): Code (Young Adults): Code (Adults 30+): $30 per event
Going Places! is partially funded by the Harry
and Zoe Poole Foundation.
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
Social InNOVAtions
For Northern Virginia Community College
(NVCC) students
Monthly, dates and time TBA
Contact: [email protected], or
(703) 537-3032
The JCCNV and JSSA, in conjunction with
NVCC, present a social club for NVCC
students diagnosed with high functioning
autism (formerly Asperger’s syndrome) and
related disorders. The club provides social
opportunities in a supportive environment
with guidance from professionally trained
staff who work with participants on
improving social skills and their overall
comfort in social situations. Events may
include: games, bowling, book club
discussions, parties, and much more!
Fee: $5 per event
Code: #115
This is a joint program of JCCNV, JSSA,
and NVCC made possible through a grant by
Long Term Care Coordinating Council.
Book Club: Disabilities
Education, Stories of
Inspiration and More!
Contact: [email protected]
The JCCNV’s Special Needs Committee has
launched a book club focusing on books
about special needs, non-fictional stories of
inspiration, and books related to disabilities
to broaden our knowledge. The book club
meetings are held at the JCCNV every six
weeks from 6:30pm–7:30pm prior to the
special needs committee meetings.
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880 39
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
Educational Workshops
Inclusion Programs
Contact: [email protected], or
(703) 537-3031
Please join us for a series of educational
workshops designed for individuals, families,
case managers, and community members
who want to learn about various topics
relating to individuals with special needs.
Adapted Aquatics
All Things Therapy:
Therapies & Therapeutic
Thursday, March 6, 7pm–9pm
RSVP to Carey Alford at
[email protected]
Through speakers and/or a vendor fair,
we will feature the different therapeutic
opportunities out there such as recreation,
occupational, speech, physical, music, art,
drama, dance, animal assisted therapy, and
All Things Individual Education
Program (IEP):
IEP Plans, Procedures,
and Processes
Thursday, May 15, 7pm–9pm
RSVP to [email protected]
Want to learn more about the IEP
phenomenon? Join us for a night of learning
what to ask for in an IEP, getting parent and
special education teacher perspectives, and
listening or talking to advocates, transitions
specialists, and other members of the IEP
Co-Presented by the JCCNV and The
Washington Group Special Care Planning
Contact Teo Albu, Aquatics Director and SFA
Associate Director, at [email protected], or
(703) 537-3053.
The Adapted Aquatics program is
designed for individuals of all ages with
communication spectrum disorders. The
goal of the 30-minute private lesson is for the
student to experience the relaxing pleasure
of being in the water, while at the same time
feeling comfortable, safe and independent.
See page 55 for details.
Before- and After-School
Enrichment (BASE) Program
To arrange support for your child, contact
[email protected], or (703) 537-3031.
Make the most of every afternoon! The PM
BASE program runs from the time the school
dismisses until 6pm daily. Upon arrival from
school, your child will be served a snack,
comprised of two nutritious food groups,
and will be able to choose from the following
• A quiet homework room with staff on
hand to assist
• Science, arts and crafts, and cooking
• Free creative play in either the Junior
(grades K–2) or Senior (grades 3–6) BASE
rooms stocked with age-appropriate toys,
games and books
• Organized sports and team-building
activities in our indoor gymnasium and
outside on the playground
• Board games and foosball in our game
• Free swim twice a week in the JCCNV’s
25-meter heated indoor pool
Kids’ Night Out!
Ages: 18 months–12 years old
To arrange support for your child, contact
[email protected], or (703) 537-3031.
At Kids’ Night Out (KNO), children enjoy
a Saturday night chock-full of swimming,
movies, games, sports, and more — all at the
JCCNV! The supervised activities provide
parents with the opportunity to enjoy an
evening out or attend programming around
the Center!
See page 30 for early childhood KNO details
and page 33 for school-age KNO details.
Special Needs
Contact: [email protected], or call
(703) 537-3031
The goal of our Special Needs Committee is
to help the JCCNV develop its programming
to meet the needs of our community. These
dedicated individuals meet every six weeks
and are all linked in some way with special
needs. We currently have opportunities in
the following areas: programming, outreach,
volunteering, marketing, and fundraising.
If you have a child or family member with a
special need, work in the field, or just have the
passion, we invite you to come join us!
See page 31 for details.
Contact Chris Dalen, JCCNV Dance
Academy Director, at [email protected],
or call (703) 537-3037.
The JCCNV Dance Academy offers quality
dance classes to toddlers through adults in
ballet, jazz, tap, pointe, and more!
See page 24 for details.
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Sports, Fitness & Aquatics Department
Sports, Fitness & Aquatics Department
Any stretch regimen should include the
following ten areas:
1. Calf — The muscle that runs along the
back of your lower leg.
2. Hamstring — The muscle that runs along
the back of your upper leg.
Paula Cole, (703) 537-3049 • [email protected]
Aquatics Director and SFA Associate Director
3. Quadricep — The muscle that runs along
the front of your thigh.
Teo Albu, (703) 537-3053 • [email protected]
Fitness Director
4. Hip Flexor — Located on your upper
thigh, just below your hip bone. The hip
flexor allows you to lift your knees and
bend at the waist.
Matt Alvin, (703) 537-3050 • [email protected]
Sports and Wellness Director
Allison Colman, (703) 537-3052 • [email protected]
5. Liotibial Band (ITB) — The ITB is a band
of tissue that runs along the outside of
your hip, thigh, and knee.
Exercise and Wellness Coordinator
Keri Drugan, (703) 537-3028 • [email protected]
6. Knee-to-Chest Stretch — Focuses on the
muscles of your lower back. Avoid this
stretch if you have osteoporosis because
it may increase the risk of compression
fractures in your vertebrae.
SFA Staff
Petya Ivanova, [email protected]
Personal Trainers
Matt Alvin
David Astrow
Allison Colman
Keri Drugan
Jane Hansen
Rachelle Lasken
Kasha Williamson
7. Shoulder Stretch — If the back of your
shoulder is tight, you may be more
likely to develop rotator cuff problems,
especially if you golf or participate in
overhead racket or throwing sports (such
as tennis or baseball).
Programs in the Sports, Fitness & Aquatics Department meet the needs of
individuals of all ages and levels of ability.
The Sports, Fitness & Aquatics Department is partially underwritten
by the following funds:
8. Shoulder Stretch with towel — This
stretch helps the shoulder’s internal
rotators, which are part of the group of
muscles often used in overhead sports.
9. Neck Stretch — Focuses on the muscles
of the neck and the muscles supporting
the vertebrae of the upper spine (C1-C7
and T1).
Goulde-Kamen Endowment Fund
SFA Fund
Stephen Reich Endowment Fund
10. Upper Back Stretch — The upper back
muscles promote good posture.
Stretching — Why Is It So Important?
Paula Cole, SFA Director
Stretching should be a key component of any exercise regimen
because it increases flexibility and helps to improve the range of
motion of your joints. To help you fit stretching into your weekly
routine, the SFA department has added two stretch classes: Tuesdays
at 9:30am and Saturdays at 8am. If you choose to stretch on your own,
here are a few pointers:
• It is important that before stretching you warm the body with 5–10
minutes of light activity or, even better, reserve stretching for after a
• Keep stretching gentle. Don’t bounce.
• Hold a stretch for about 30 seconds, then switch sides and repeat.
• If you have a problem area or the stretch is particularly helpful for
pain or discomfort, you should repeat the stretch.
• If you have any health conditions or injuries, talk to your doctor, physical therapist, or
one of our JCCNV personal trainers about which stretches are right for you.
Healthy habits are a life choice. At the JCCNV,
we’re looking for sponsors dedicated to
supporting the wellness mission through
education, programming and awareness
campaigns. If you are interested in reaching
our community of men and women,
individuals and families who choose to live
an active lifestyle, please contact Allison
Colman for sponsorship and partnership
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880 41
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
Gymnasium Rental
The gymnasium is available for rental on an
hourly basis. Please contact Matthew.Alvin@, or (703) 537-3050 for rates and
available time slots.
Locker Rental
Members only
Lockers are available for rent through the
SFA office from January–December. Fees are
prorated for rentals after January 31.
Annual Fee:
Long locker: $100
Code: #564
Short locker: $50
Code: #563
Share Your “Members
on the Move” Story
At the JCCNV, our members are our
family. We hear stories every day about
our members accomplishing their goals,
taking an adventurous trip, running a 5K,
getting together for a healthy play date, or
gathering a group of friends together for a
bike ride! We’d love to see what you’ve been
up to lately, and share it with the rest of
our JCCNV family. Send us a photo, video,
or story from your latest adventure and
we’ll feature it on our website! For more
information, or to submit your stories,
contact [email protected].
Upcoming Events
5th Annual JCCNV Cycle Fest
Ages: 6 months and older
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Monday–Friday, 9am–11:30am
Maximum 1.5 hours per child
Plans are now underway for the 2014 ride
through the scenic hills of Northern Virginia!
Be sure to mark your calendar and plan
to join this ride benefitting the Wounded
Warriors Project and the Washington Area
Bicycle Association (WABA). Stay tuned for
details or visit
Parents must register through the front
desk at least 24 hours, but not more than
48 hours, in advance. Drop-ins are accepted
on a space-available basis. Adult-to-child
ratio is based on Virginia Day Care licensing
requirements; one adult to five children
when ages are two or older, one adult to four
children when ages are younger than two
Fee per 1/2-hour: $1.50/ Free for member
Wellness Programs
and Workshops
The JCCNV Sports, Fitness & Aquatics
staff hosts monthly wellness programs
and information sessions designed to
engage, educate and motivate members
to adopt healthier lifestyles. Each month
features a different program, event, or
publication that will shed light on an aspect
of social, emotional, occupational, physical,
intellectual, environmental or spiritual
wellness. This winter, the SFA Department
will focus on:
• Blood Pressure Screenings for American
Heart Month
• 30 Minute Challenge
• Basic Stretching and Flexibility Training
• Exercise for Arthritis
If you’d like to join the planning committee,
please contact [email protected].
To develop a conditioning regimen, or to
work with a JCCNV personal trainer, contact
[email protected].
Cycle Fest 2013 Wrap-up: On Sunday,
September 8, the JCCNV hosted our 4th
Annual Cycle Fest. Ninety-one registered
riders and 14 volunteer riders participated
in the event that raised more than $4,500 to
benefit the Wounded Warriors Project and
Hazon. Thank you to all of our sponsors
and participants for making the ride such
a success for the riders and for our selected
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880
Special Interest Groups
JCCNV Bowling League
Sundays, January 19–May 25 (18 weeks)
(no game Mar. 16)
Location: Bowl America, Fairfax Circle
Contact: [email protected]
Join the JCCNV adult bowling league and
enjoy 18 weeks of fun and camaraderie as
we compete for cash prizes (and bragging
rights) at the completion of our winter/
spring session!
• Join as a team (4 people) or as an
individual. All are welcome
• Commitment for the entire 18-week
session is a must (even if absent)
• Fee includes shoes and three games per
Fee: $288/ $252 member
Weekly Fee: $16/ $14 member
Payment must be made during league
bowling nights by cash or checks only.
JCCNV Cycling Club
For intermediate riders
Interested in cycling? Thinking about
your next ride? Join the JCCNV Cycling
Club! This casual group meets twice a year,
summer and fall, to ride approximately 30
miles while enjoying the area’s vistas. You’ll
also enjoy getting to know fellow cyclists.
Ride Details:
• Bike helmets are required.
• Cue sheet will be provided. We suggest
binder clips or a cue sheet holder to keep
this visible while riding.
• Water bottles & snacks (nutrition):
This is not a supported ride, so you are
responsible for bringing your own water
and nutrition. We suggest bananas and
energy bars, and two water bottles.
• A bike computer that displays mileage
is helpful (to help make sure you are
following the cue sheet), but not required.
• Spare tube, tire levers and an air pump —
even if you don’t know how to fix a flat,
you need to bring a spare tube and tools to
change it.
• ID & cell phone.
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Group Fitness Class
Session III
Tuesdays, April 29–June 17 (8 weeks)
Fee: $200/ $176 member
Code: #4750
Effective January 1–June 21
(unless otherwise noted)
Classes listed in black are free for members.
Specialty classes, listed in color and starred
with an asterisk, vary in price. Classes
with consistently low enrollment may be
cancelled. For the most up to date schedule,
call the front desk at (703) 323-0880.
Cardio Cycling
Babysitting is available, see page 42 for
For questions regarding group exercise classes
or scheduling, please contact Keri.Drugan@
Sundays, 8:30am–9:30am; Mondays,
6:45am–7:30am; Wednesdays, 7:15am–8am,
9:30am–10:15am; Fridays, 6:45am–7:30am,
9:30am–10:30am; Saturdays, 8:30am–9:30am
Build endurance and increase cardiovascular
fitness as your instructor takes you on a ride
on stationary bicycles. There is a maximum
of 11 participants per class, you are
encouraged to preregister, up to 48 hours in
advance, at the front desk to reserve a bike.
Cardio Dance Fusion
Mondays, Fridays, 8:30am–9:15am
Aqua Zumba
Thursdays, 9:30am–10:15am
Utilizing the benefits of water resistance,
this class, conducted in the shallow area
of the pool, features exotic rhythms set to
high-energy Latin and international beats.
It’s easy to do, effective and no experience is
Come dance those calories away in a class
with music from every era and every genre
— try jazz, disco, and even a little of the pony
during this upbeat hour. You’ll sing to every
song and realize how much fun a cardio
workout can be.
Cardio Hip Hop Dance Workout
Wednesdays, 7:45pm–8:45pm
Burn it at the Barre*
Tuesdays, 10:30am–11:30am
Contact: Keri Drugan
Do you love the long lines, lean body, and
great posture dancers always seem to have?
Come try a new form of exercise with the
ballet barre! You’ll learn the basics and gain
strength, stamina and a new sense of posture
and beauty. No experience is necessary. This
exercise class will be kept at 5–10 students
to ensure that each student receives the
individualized attention needed to learn the
proper technique.
Drop-in Fee: $28/ $25 member
Code: #911/ #910 member
Session I
Tuesdays, January 7–February 18 (7 weeks)
Fee: $175/ $154 member
Code: #4748
Session II
Tuesdays, February 25–April 8 (7 weeks)
Fee: $175/ $154 member
Code: #4749
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
Do you love watching dance contests on
TV or do you miss dancing at the club
downtown? Or maybe you just hate the
treadmill and want a new way of working
out and burning calories! Come join the fun
and feel the energy as you dance to hip-hop,
R&B, pop and electronic music while getting
in shape!
Cardio Kickboxing
Tuesdays, Thursdays, 7:30pm–8:30pm
This is a high energy martial arts and
aerobic-style workout. This class finishes
with toning and gives low and high impact
Core Beginner
Fridays, 10:30am–11:15am
For those that don’t want to — or can’t —
get down on the floor, this class is done
standing at the barre. The class focuses on
balance, gaining good posture through
core strength and ends with standing
flexibility exercises. It is recommended that
participants register with the front desk to
reserve a spot in the class.
Core Intermediate
Thursdays, 8:30am–9:15am
Fridays, 9:30am–10:15am
Increase your core strength while giving your
back more flexibility. Learn how to engage
your core properly to increase strength,
control, balance and posture. This class uses
Pilates concepts to lengthen the core and
is performed primarily on the floor. It is
recommended that participants register with
the front desk to reserve a spot in the class.
Core Advanced
Tuesdays, 8:45am–9:15am
If you are ready for a change in your core
workout and crave intensity, this class is for
you. Enhance strength and stamina, and
get closer to that athletic body you’ve been
working for.
H2O (Water Aerobics)
Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays
This water aerobics class is performed in the
shallow area of the pool. It’s a safe resistance
for aerobic conditioning, perfect for the
joint-sensitive individual.
Contact Jane at (703) 641-9637 or visit for class details
Sundays, 9:15am–10:15am; Mondays,
Wednesdays, Fridays, 8:15am–9:15am;
Tuesdays, Thursdays, 9:30am–10:30am;
Mondays–Thursdays, 7pm–8pm; Saturdays,
This workout program offers a fusion of jazz
dance, resistance training, Pilates, yoga, and
kickboxing movements.
Effective January 1, 2014, members can enjoy
one month free followed by a discounted
rate of 50% off on all future Jazzercise
classes. Call Jane at (703) 641-9637 for more
Saturday classes must be paid in advance.
Please see our Shabbat payment policies on
page 71.
Tuesdays, 7:30am–8:45am
A high-intensity interval aerobic exercise
program that includes punching and kicking
using mitts and shields.
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880 43
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
Krav Maga*
Tuesdays, 7:15pm–8:15pm
Contact: [email protected], or
(703) 537-3028
This Israeli Defense class is a contact combat
workout including self-defense, fitness and
fighting concepts in a fun atmosphere. Please
contact Krav Maga Northern Virginia at
[email protected] for details including
pricing and session dates.
Sculpt and Shape
Mondays, Wednesdays, 9:30am–10:15am
This class uses hand-weights, dyna-tubes and
exercise bars to provide upper and lower body
contouring and shaping.
Senior Strength Training (Adv.)
Mondays, Wednesdays, 9:30am–10:30am;
Thursdays, 10:30am–11:30am
This class involves standing cardio exercises,
chair or standing functional strength training
and flexibility for adults 65+.
Senior Strength Training (Beg.)
Mondays, Wednesdays, 10:45am–11:30am
Chair or standing exercises designed for
functional strength training for adults 65+.
Tuesdays, 9:30am–10:15am
Saturdays, 8am–8:45am
Come in and enjoy a relaxing stretch class
focused on lengthening your body and
reducing stress.
Tai Chi
Tuesdays, 10:30am–11:30am
This is a Chinese martial art primarily
practiced for its health benefits, including
reducing tension and stress. Tai chi emphasizes
complete relaxation, and is essentially a form
of meditation.
Mondays, 7:15pm–8:30pm
Physical exercises, meditations and breathing
designed to integrate the mind, body, and
Drop-in Fee: Code: $20/ $18 member
#561/ #560 member
Session I
Mondays, January 6–February 17 (7 weeks)
By Dec. 27: $90/ $78 member
After Dec. 27: $110/ $98 member
Code: #4751
Session II
Mondays, February 24–April 7 (7 weeks)
By Feb. 14: $90/ $78 member
After Feb. 14: $110/ $98 member
Code: #4752
Session III
Mondays, April 28–June 16 (7 weeks)
(no class May 26)
By Apr. 18: $90/ $78 member
After Apr. 18: $110/ $98 member
Code: #4753
Thursdays, 9:30am–10:15am
Class features exotic rhythms set to highenergy Latin and international beats. It’s easy
to do, effective and no dance experience is
Zumba® Gold
Tuesdays, 9:30am–10:15am
Latin music with modified moves and
pace to suit the needs of the active older
participant and those just starting their
fitness journey.
*Class has a fee
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880
Nonmember Class Rates
Group Exercise and Cardio Cycling
Drop In: $12
Code: #580
10-class pass: $85
Code: #581
20-class pass: $165
Code: #582
Adults 65+ Class Passes
Drop In: Code: 10-class pass: Code: 20-class pass:
Code: $6
Winter/Spring Group
Exercise Schedule
Effective January 1–June 21
(unless otherwise noted)
*Class has a fee
8:30am–9:30am 9:15am–10:15am
Cardio Cycling
Cardio Cycling
Cardio Dance Fusion
Sculpt & Shape
SST (Adv.)
SST (Beg.)
Core (Adv.)
Zumba® Gold
Burn it at the Barre*
Tai Chi
Krav Maga*
Cardio Kickboxing
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Cardio Cycling
Sculpt & Shape
Cardio Cycling
SST (Adv.)
SST (Beg.)
Cardio Hip Hop Dance Workout
Core (Int.)
Aqua Zumba®
SST (Adv.)
Cardio Kickboxing
9:30am–10:15am 9:30am–10:30am
Cardio Cycling
Cardio Dance Fusion
Core (Int.)
Cardio Cycling
Core (Beg.)
7:45am–8:45am 8:00am–8:45am 8:30am–9:30am Jazzercise*
Cardio Cycling
Saturday classes must be paid in advance.
Please see our Shabbat payment policies on
page 71.
Personal Training
Packages and Fitness
For more information about the JCCNV
personal training programs, or to set up a
free consultation, contact Allison Colman.
won’t be able to keep up with the workout
she has planned for me at our next meeting.
She sets reasonable goals that motivate me
to work my hardest, and it is rewarding to
reach those goals. Having worked out with
Kasha throughout pregnancy with my second
child, I believe that keeping in shape made
my delivery easier, less painful, AND I’ve had
an easier time fitting into my pre-pregnancy
jeans!” — Samantha, 35
Personal Training
Personal Trainer Spotlight:
Kasha Williamson
Kasha has been a competitive athlete since
attending high school in the Northern
Virginia area. She has competed in downhill
skiing, road cycling and collegiate cross
country at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, VA.
As an adult juggling work, kids, and training,
she now primarily trains for triathlons,
running, and cycling events. She has
competed in several full and half Ironman
races and is a USAT age-group finisher
(top 3 within age group) at the Olympic
distance. Kasha was recently named a 2012
USA Triathlon All American (top 5% in the
USA). Her favorite thing about working at
the JCCNV is seeing all of the friendly faces
and not having to wait to use the exercise
equipment! Outside of work, Kasha enjoys
training for her next triathlon or cycling
event, vegetarian cooking, travelling, and
Certified Spin Instructor
Certified Aqua Instructor
Certified Group Exercise Instructor
CPR/AED Certified
AFAA Certified Personal Trainer
One-on-One Personal Training
Members only
60- or 30-minute sessions
Is your workout a little dull or not giving
you the desired results? Then let the JCCNV
certified personal training staff create a new
individualized program that is both exciting
and challenging. Our trainers will inspire
you to become more fit and have fun in the
process. Choose from 60-minute sessions or
30-minute sessions.
60-minute individual sessions
5 Sessions: $375
Code: #516
10 Sessions: $650
Code: #517
25 Sessions:
Code: #518
30-minute individual sessions
3 Sessions:
Code: #519
5 Sessions: $200
Code: #520
8 Sessions: $320
Code: #521
Work out with a friend and save 30%! Special
rules apply. Contact Allison Colman.
• Weight Loss; Postpartum and Beyond
• Race Preparation (marathon, century,
• Boot Camp
• Swimming Basics and Endurance
“I love exercising with Kasha…
After two and a half years of training
together, we have become great friends!
Knowing I have a weekly appointment to
see her provides me with the motivation to
put in the gym-time by myself. I know that
if I don’t work out on days without her, I
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880 45
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
Small Group Training
Partner Boot Camp
Balance and Flexibility Training
Members only
Members only
Members only
Get the benefit of working with a certified
personal trainer in an individualized
environment — at reduced individual
rates! These 60-minute training sessions
are catered to your group’s interests, goals
and needs. Packages are designed to be
progressive programs that build upon skills
learned each week. If you’re looking for the
benefits of personal training (one-on-one
attention, specific programs catered to your
needs, injury prevention, and a progressive
exercise prescription), and want the social
setting of a group exercise class, this package
is for you!
This 45-minute program uses a combination
of high intensity interval training (HIIT),
upper and lower body strength training,
core conditioning, plyometrics and athletic
conditioning drills to push you to your
limits. If you’re looking to increase your
calorie burn or push yourself to the next
level, then this program is for you!
Maintaining your balance and flexibility is
important during almost all physical activities.
Current research shows that the ability to
balance may begin to diminish as early as 30
years old. Targeting the lower body and core
muscles, the balance and flexibility training
program utilizes a combination of strength
training, body weight exercises, balance tools,
and stretches to improve overall balance,
flexibility, and range of motion. Training
includes using tools like the BOSU ball, stability
ball, foam roller, stretch bands and more.
Examples of training packages include:
Athletic Conditioning
Aqua Group Training
Burn it at the Barre
Circuit Training
Event Training (run, swim, bike, triathlon,
obstacle course event)
• Outdoor Training
• TRX Suspension Training®
This package includes ten, 60-minute
sessions and must be completed in 10 weeks.
Fee per person:
Group of 3–4: $350
Code: #617
Group of 5–6: $300
Code: #618
Group of 7–10: $250
Code: #619
Specialized Fitness and
Wellness Packages
Looking to get better at your current
skill? Interested in trying something new?
Need to get stronger in a specific area of
the body? Our new specialized personal
training packages are the perfect choice to
refine a skill or improve your strength in
a targeted area! In addition to our Sports
Enhancement Training packages, the JCCNV
Sports, Fitness & Aquatics Department is
now offering several new packages to meet
the needs of all individuals and athletes. All
packages are reserved for Members only, and
can accommodate up to four people unless
otherwise stated.
This package is only available for 2-4 people
and includes ten, 45-minute sessions.
Fee per person:
2-Partners Fee: $350
Code: #514
3-4-Partners Fee: $300
Code: #515
Fitness Boxing Training
Members only
Fitness Boxing is a total body workout that
incorporates the best aspects of programs
used by some of the world’s most finely
conditioned athletes — boxers. The Fitness
Boxing Training program combines these
intense aspects into a fitness program that is
safe and effective for the general population.
In other words, with Fitness Boxing, you
train like a boxer in everything but full
contact sparring. It works most of the body’s
physiological systems. Using specialized
resistance training, boxing-specific
equipment drills, and anaerobic exercise,
this program trains the musculoskeletal
system and cardiovascular system to be more
All packages include ten, 45-minute sessions.
Fee per person:
Individual: $300
2-Person Fee: $255
4-Person Fee: $225
All packages include ten, 30-minute sessions.
Fee per person:
Individual: $300
Code: #503
2-Person Fee: $255
Code: #504
4-Person Fee: $225
Code: #506
TRX Suspension Training®
Members only
Born in the Navy SEALs, TRX Suspension
Training® bodyweight exercise simultaneously
develops strength, power, endurance, mobility,
durability, balance, flexibility and core stability.
Whether you’re young or old, out of shape or a
beast, injured or at the top of your game, TRX
Suspension Training® meets you where you are
and takes you where you want to go.
This package is available for individuals only,
and includes ten, 45-minute sessions.
Fee: $425
Code: #507
Lower Body Strength
and Endurance Training
Members only
Looking to specifically improve your lower
body strength or muscular endurance for an
upcoming run, cycling, or swim event? Want
to increase tone in a specific part of your
lower body? Use free weights, body weight
exercises, Cybex strength training machines,
and cardiovascular exercises to target the lower
body muscles. Strengthen and build endurance
in the quadriceps, hamstrings, adductors and
abductors, glutes, and calves. Finish each session
with an equally challenging stretching routine
to lengthen the muscles and improve range of
All packages include ten, 30-minute sessions.
Fee per person:
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Code: #508
2-Person Fee: $255
Code: #509
4-Person Fee: $225
Code: #510
Upper-Body Strength
and Endurance Training
Members only
Want to specifically improve your upper
body strength or muscular endurance? Want
to increase tone or muscle mass in a specific
part of your upper body? Use a combination
of free weights, resistance bands, body weight
exercises, Cybex strength training machines,
kettle bells and more to strengthen and build
endurance in the biceps, triceps, chest, back
and shoulders.
All packages include ten, 30-minute sessions.
Fee per person:
Individual: $300
Code: #511
2-Person Fee: $255
Code: #512
4-Person Fee: $225
Code: #513
Dance Strength and
Flexibility Training
Members only
This program focuses on low-resistance/
high-repetition strength training to build
muscular endurance and develop tone, core
training to improve balance and posture,
and flexibility training to improve range
of motion and lengthen muscles. Using a
combination of strength training, balance
training, Pilates and yoga, this program is
perfect for young dancers growing into their
bodies, as well as more advanced dancers
that want to improve precision and overall
All packages include ten, hour-long sessions.
Fee per person:
Individual: $400
Code: #527
2-Person Fee: $340
Code: #528
4-Person Fee: $300
Code: #529
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
12-Week Lifestyle and
Weight Management Program
Members only
Meet with a certified lifestyle and weight
management consultant to improve dietary
habits, self-image, exercise regimen and
lifestyle choices. Topics and activities
include nutrition, upper- and lower-body
strength, group exercise, goal setting, stress
management, and more.
This program includes twelve, 30–45 minute
Fee: $350
Code: #522
Specialized Fitness for Adults
65+: Assessment Test and
Exercise Rx
Members only
Designed for adults 65+ that have little
fitness knowledge or are new to exercise,
this program allows participants to work
with a certified fitness coach and includes
a fitness evaluation for aerobic capacity,
muscle strength and body flexibility and a
personalized fitness plan based on individual
test results.
Fee includes evaluation test, workout
plan and three, 30-minute sessions with a
certified fitness coach.
Fee: $140
Code: #523
Youth Fitness
and Wellness
JCCNV G.I.R.L.S. Wellness
Grades: 4–6
Wednesdays, March 5–April 30 (8 weeks)
(no class Apr. 16)
Contact: Allison Colman
The JCCNV G.I.R.L.S. Wellness Program is
back! G.I.R.L.S. (Giving back, Independence,
Ruach (spirit), Leadership, Strength) was
piloted in the spring of 2013 and garnered
great reviews from both parents and
participants! This health and wellness
program is specifically designed for girls in
grades 4–6 and focuses on improving their
knowledge of fitness, healthy nutrition and
lifestyles, self-esteem, teamwork, and tikkun
olam (repairing the world) through a social
action project. Each hour-long session is
split into a physical activity component and
a classroom activity component.
Physical activities include: circuit training;
cardio cycling; intro to strength training;
kickboxing; outdoor activities; self-defense;
yoga; and Zumba®.
Classroom activities include: body image
Youth Fitness-Room Training*
Members only
11–13 year-olds work one-on-one with a
certified trainer. They will learn to use the
equipment and develop an exercise and
training program to improve health, selfconfidence and self-esteem.
*This class is required in order for 11–13 year
olds to use the fitness center.
discussions; creative writing; expressing
feelings; media and image; nutrition; selfesteem building; skin care/hygiene; and
team building.
Fee: Free (this program is offered at no
cost for all participants and is limited
to 15 registrants)
Code: #4755
This training is for individuals only, and
includes five, 45-minute sessions with a
certified trainer.
Fee: $225
Code: #524
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880 47
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
Sports Enhancement Training
jnet Basketball
This training is for athletes who want to
improve overall athletic development,
including speed/acceleration, aerobic
capacity/endurance, agility/coordination,
explosive power/quickness, muscular
strength/stamina and performance flexibility.
Tuesdays, 8:15pm
Ages: 21–35
Contact: David Grant at [email protected]
Play b-ball? Join other Jewish young adults
every Tuesday night for weekly pick-up
games at the JCCNV.
This training includes twelve, 60-minute
Fee per person:
Individual: $700
Code: #525
Group of 2–4: $550
Code: #526
Fee: $10 drop-in fee/ $36 season
pass/ Free for member
Adult Sports
Sponsors Needed
For more information about adult sports
programs, please contact Allison Colman.
Women’s Winter &
Spring Basketball Leagues
Ages: 30+
Contact: Allison Colman
Calling all female basketball players! No
experience or basketball knowledge is needed
to play in this recreational league. Come
and experience the fun of a recreational
league where you play, exercise, and socialize!
Players of all skill levels are welcome.
Session I
Sundays, December 1–February 23 (10 weeks)
(no games Dec. 22, 29, Feb. 2)
Fee: $100/ $80 member
By Nov. 21: $90/ $70 member
Code: #4538 Session II
Sundays, March 2–May 25 (10 weeks)
(no games Mar. 23, Apr. 20, 27)
Fee: $100/ $80 member
By Feb. 13: $90/ $70 member
Code: #4754
Youth Sports
For more information about adult sports
programs, please contact Allison Colman.
Interested in giving back to the community?
Sponsor a JCCNV youth sports team or
wellness program! All donations are used to
purchase new equipment, maintain fields
and provide scholarships. Contact Allison
Colman if you or your business is interested
in sponsoring a team.
JCCNV Youth Winter Basketball
Grades: K–4
Dates & Times TBD
Contact: Allison Colman
Registration opened in October. Season begins
in January.
Join us for our winter basketball season at
the JCCNV. The JCCNV forms teams in
each grade level to compete against other
teams in local community organizations.
Our youth basketball programs focus on
developing fundamental skills, teamwork,
and sportsmanship, in a fun recreational
environment. All games are played on
Sunday afternoons and each team has one
practice during the week (depending on
scheduling). Volunteer coaches are needed!
Uniforms are included in price.
Fee: $130/ $120 member
Before Dec. 1: $110/ $100 member
Grades K–2 Code: #4653
Grades 3–4 Code: #4654
Preschool Sports
& Wellness
Mondays–Fridays, 1:20pm–2pm
Contact: Allison Colman
Children must be three years old as of
9/30/13 in order to enroll in most specialty
classes. Children attending the JCCNV Early
Childhood Learning Center must be enrolled
in the three-year-old or four-year-old program
and be fully potty-trained. Please check class
descriptions for age requirements.
Classes run directly through the SFA
department emphasize nutritional education
through class warm-ups, body awareness
exercises, and stretching. Children enjoy
warm-ups that include nutritional games such
as “fruit and vegetable tag” and “red apple/
green pepper”.
All classes run from 1:20pm–2pm
and are located on Side B of the
Monday Classes
Macca-Beenie Soccer
Ages: 4–5
Participants have fun playing games, while
they are improving their movement; exploring
dribbling, passing, shooting and trapping; as
well as learning game tactics, goal tending,
good sportsmanship and teamwork.
Class minimum 6; maximum 12.
Session I
January 6–27 (3 weeks)
(no class Jan. 20)
Fee: $51/ $45 member
Code: #4756
Session II
February 3–24 (4 weeks)
Fee: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4757
Session III
March 3–24 (4 weeks)
Fee: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4758
Session IV
March 31–April 28 (3 weeks)
(no class Apr. 14, 21)
Fee: $51/ $45 member
Code: #4759
48 Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Session V
May 5–19 (3 weeks)
Fee: $51/ $45 member
Code: #4760
Tuesday Classes
Martial Arts
Ages: 3–5 (as of 9/30)
Participants learn the basic foundations of
Karate and Tae Kwon Do. This class teaches
kids proper form, self-control, respect,
body awareness, and the basic foundations
of kicks, punches, and blocks. Classes are
taught by instructors from Kaizen Karate.
Session I
January 7–28 (4 weeks)
Fee: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4761 Session II
February 4–25 (4 weeks)
Fee: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4762
Session III
March 4–25 (4 weeks)
Fee: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4763 Session IV
April 1–29 (3 weeks)
(no class Apr. 15, 22)
Fee: $51/ $45 member
Code: #4764
Session V
May 6–27 (4 weeks)
Fee: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4765
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
Thursday Classes
Friday Classes
Sports Blast
Tumbling Tots
(taught by Power Tots, Inc.)
Ages: 3–5 (as of 9/30)
This class teaches students a different sport
each week! They learn basketball, t-ball,
soccer, hockey and more! Skills like throwing,
fielding, dribbling, hitting, running, and
catching are taught. While improving
their hand-eye coordination, students are
educated on teamwork and sportsmanship.
Session I
January 9–30 (4 weeks)
Fee: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4766 Session I
January 10–31 (4 weeks)
Fee: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4771
Session III
March 6–27 (4 weeks)
Fee: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4767
Session II
February 7–28 (4 weeks)
Fee: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4772
Session V
May 8–29 (4 weeks)
Fee: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4768
Little Hoopsters
Ages: 4–5
This class teaches students about the
fundamentals of basketball including
dribbling, passing, shooting, and
defense. While improving their hand-eye
coordination, students also learn about
teamwork and sportsmanship.
Session II
February 6–27 (4 weeks)
Fee: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4769 Session IV
April 3–May 1 (4 weeks)
(no class Apr. 17)
Fee: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4770
Ages: 3–5 (as of 9/30)
Turn, flip and roll! Learn to walk on a
balance beam, do a forward roll and bounce
on a trampoline. This is your child’s
first step toward becoming an Olympic
gymnast! Build strength, confidence and
sportsmanship through structured preschool
gymnastics training. Classes are taught by
Power Tots Inc. Minimum 8; maximum 12
Session III
March 7–28 (4 weeks)
Fee: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4773
Session IV
April 4–May 2 (4 weeks)
(no class Apr. 18)
Fee: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4774
Session V
May 9–30 (3 weeks)
(no class May 23)
Fee: $51/ $45 member
Code: #4775
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880 49
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
Aquatics Director and
SFA Associate Director
Teodora Albu, (703) 537-3053 •
[email protected]
The JCCNV Aquatics Center offers a
variety of recreational and competitive
programming year-round to meet all of your
aquatic needs. The Center features a six-lane
indoor 25-meter swimming pool with a
graduated depth from 3.5’ to 8’. A permanent
handicapped access ramp provides 0’ to
3.5’ depth access for use by individuals in
wheelchairs, small children and others with
special needs. Locker and shower facilities,
including a family restroom, are also
available to our members.
Benefits of Swimming
• Swimming is an excellent all-in-one
fitness package because each stroke works
most muscles in the body. The significant
repetition of strokes improves muscle
endurance and, because water creates
more resistance against the body then air,
the muscles are strengthened and toned.
• There is little risk of injury because your
muscles are “cushioned” in the water.
• Swimming is considered to be one of the
top cardiovascular activities. An average
swimmer sweats more in a practice than a
football player.
• Swimming teaches breath control. The
nature of breathing when swimming —
with breath being somewhat limited in
volume and frequency —promotes greater
lung capacity and a consistent intake of
oxygen. Both aerobic and anaerobic gains
can be made in the same workout.
• Swimming can be beneficial to people
across a broad range of ages and abilities
— from the very young to the very old,
the very slow to the very fast, those with
injuries or degenerative conditions,
pregnant women, beginners to serious
athletes, and fitness buffs!
A Bissel (Little) of Swimming
• The activity of swimming has been
recorded since prehistoric times; the
earliest records are found in Stone Age
paintings from approximately 7,000 years
• In 1804, the lifebelt was invented by W.H.
• In 1847, Nancy Edberg became the
first woman swimming instructor in
• In 1875, Captain Matthew Webb was the
first man to swim the English Channel
(between England and France). No other
man or woman swam the channel for the
next 31 years.
• In 1907, Annette Kellerman visited the
United States from Australia. She later
starred in several movies, including one
about her life.
• In 1912, women were first allowed to swim
in the Olympic Games, competing in
freestyle races.
• In 1922, Johnny Weissmuller became the
first person to swim 100 meters in less
than a minute, using a six kicks per cycle
Australian crawl. He started the golden
age of swimming, winning five Olympic
medals and 36 national championships,
never losing a race in his ten-year career.
He retired from swimming and began his
second career starring as Tarzan in film.
His record of 51 seconds in the 100-yard
(91 meter) freestyle stood for over 17
• In the same year, Sybil Bauer was the first
woman to break a men’s world record
completing the 440 meter backstroke in
• In 1972, Mark Spitz, was at the height
of his career. During the 1972 Summer
Olympics in Munich, Germany, he won
seven gold medals.
• In 1973, the first swimming world
championship was held in Belgrade,
Yugoslavia by the FINA.
• In 1998, Benoît Lecomte swam across the
Atlantic Ocean, a total of 5,600 kilometers
in 72 days, swimming 6 to 8 hours daily.
He was accompanied by a boat crewed by
three sailors.
• In 2008, Mark Spitz’s record for most gold
medals won in a single Olympic Games
was surpassed by Michael Phelps, who
won eight in the 2008 Beijing Olympics.
• In 2013, 64-year-old US endurance
swimmer Diana Nyad became the first
person to swim from Cuba to Key West,
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880
Florida without the protection of a shark
cage. She swam for about 53 hours,
covering a distance of 177 kilometers.
If you are interested in receiving pool
schedule updates, closings, etc., please
contact Teo Albu.
Aquatics Programs
For information on all aquatics programs,
contact Teo Albu, Aquatics Director and SFA
Associate Director, [email protected], or
(703) 537-3053.
Member Discounted Programs and
Class Rates
Throughout Centertainment, you’ll notice
that the JCCNV offers member discounts
on classes and programs. In order for
membership rates to apply, membership
must remain current throughout the
duration of the class/program.
Group, Private and Adapted
For those who want to learn to swim,
ongoing group swim lessons are available
for preschool age children Sunday–Friday,
as well as private swim lessons and adapted
aquatics lessons for all ages.
See pages 51-55 for details.
Class Placement Policy
After the first week of lessons, the JCCNV
reserves the right to make all necessary
changes in order to ensure swimmers are in
the appropriate ability level.
Refund/Cancellation Policy
If registration is cancelled prior to the first
day of class, a $10 handling fee is deducted
from the refund. After the start of the class
date, only credits are issued.
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Swim Teams
The JCCNV offers swim teams for youth and
adults with the opportunity of practicing
JCC Waves Swim Team
Offered throughout the fall, winter and spring,
the JCC Waves Swim Team, as part of USA
Swimming, combines vital, age and skill-level
appropriate training to build the experience
necessary for competitive swimming. This
training and experience is an important
foundation for swimmers who are developing
their peak athletic potential.
Sunday Family
Swim Time
Sundays, 11:30am–12:30pm
The JCCNV pool is open Sunday mornings
for families to enjoy swimming together.
Children exploring the water with their
parents tend to make a smoother transition
to organized swim classes when they turn
three. Children not yet potty trained must
wear swim diapers, and all children under
the age of 10 must be supervised by an adult
when at the pool.
Fee: $6 Guest Pass/ Free for member
See page 9 for guest policies.
See page 53 for schedule and fees.
Pool Birthday Parties
JCC Mini Waves Swim Team
Available on Sundays. Space is limited.
Contact Teo Albu for additional information.
Offered year-round, the JCC Mini
Waves Swim Team is a non-competitive
developmental program that helps children to
continue improving their basic swim strokes
and endurance, as well as prepare for future
competitive swim team participation.
See page 54 for schedule and fees.
JCC Masters USS Swim Team
Offered year-round, the JCC Masters Swim
Team, as part of USA Swimming, provides
advanced swimmers with a comprehensive
program of swimming in an organized group
with structured workouts.
See page 55 for schedule and fees.
Water Exercise Classes
Water Aerobics (H2O) and Aqua Zumba® are
perfect ways to exercise, have fun and make
friends. Utilizing the shallow area of the pool,
participants learn how to use the buoyancy
of water to create the perfect exercise that is
gentle on joints, while toning the body and
building endurance.
See page 56 for schedule.
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
Pre-School Swimming
Polliwogs: Beginner Skills
Mondays, 1:30pm–2pm
Session I: January 6–27 (3 weeks)
(no class Jan. 20)
Fee: $71/ $65 member
Before Dec. 22: $51/ $45 member
Code: #4810
Session II: February 3–24 (4 weeks)
Fee: $88/ $80 member
Before Jan. 19: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4811
Session III: March 3–24 (4 weeks)
Fee: $88/ $80 member
Before Feb. 16: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4812
Session IV: March 31–April 28 (3 weeks)
(no class Apr. 14, 21)
Fee: $71/ $65 member
Before Mar. 16: $51/ $45 member
Code: #4813
Ages: 3–5
Prerequisite: Child must be willing to
participate without a parent’s assistance.
Children learn basic water skills using
flotation devices to ensure safety and
promote confidence. These skills include
pool safety, bubble blowing, face submersion,
floating, kicking, and paddling. All children
must be potty trained. Class is limited to four
Session V: May 5–19 (3 weeks)
Fee: $71/ $65 member
Before Apr. 20: $51/ $45 member
Code: #4814
Sundays, 9:30am–10am
Session I: January 5–26 (4 weeks)
Fee: $88/ $80 member
Before Dec. 29: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4776
Session II: February 4–25 (4 weeks)
Fee: $88/ $80 member
Before Jan. 19: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4816
Session II: February 2–23 (4 weeks)
Fee: $88/ $80 member
Before Jan. 19: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4807
Tuesdays, 1pm–1:30pm
Session I: January 7–28 (4 weeks)
Fee: $88/ $80 member
Before Dec. 22: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4815
Session III: March 4–25 (4 weeks)
Fee: $88/ $80 member
Before Feb. 16: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4817
Session III: March 2–April 6 (6 weeks)
Fee: $122/ $110 member
Before Feb. 16: $102/ $90 member
Code: #4808
Session IV: April 1–29 (3 weeks)
(no class Apr. 15, 22)
Fee: $71/ $65 member
Before Mar. 16: $51/ $45 member
Code: #4818
Session IV: April 27–May 18 (4 weeks)
Fee: $88/ $80 member
Before Mar. 16: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4809
Session V: May 6–27 (4 weeks)
Fee: $88/ $80 member
Before Apr. 20: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4819
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880 51
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
Wednesdays, 1:30pm–2pm
Session I: January 8–29 (4 weeks)
Fee: $88/ $80 member
Before Dec. 22: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4820
Fridays, 1pm-1:30pm
Session I: January 10–31 (4 weeks)
Fee: $88/ $80 member
Before Dec. 22: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4830
Session II: February 5–26 (4 weeks)
Fee: $88/ $80 member
Before Jan. 19: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4821
Session II: February 7–28 (4 weeks)
Fee: $88/ $80 member
Before Jan. 19: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4831
Tuesdays, 1:30pm–2pm
Session I: January 7–28 (4 weeks)
Fee: $88/ $80 member
Before Dec. 22: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4839
Session III: March 5–26 (4 weeks)
Fee: $88/ $80 member
Before Feb. 16: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4822
Session III: March 7–28 (4 weeks)
Fee: $88/ $80 member
Before Feb. 16: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4832
Session II: February 4–25 (4 weeks)
Fee: $88/ $80 member
Before Jan. 19: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4840
Session IV: April 2–30 (4 weeks)
(no class Apr. 16)
Fee: $88/ $80 member
Before Mar. 16: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4823
Session IV: April 4–May 2 (4 weeks)
(no class Apr. 18)
Fee: $88/ $80 member
Before Mar. 16: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4833
Session III: March 4–25 (4 weeks)
Fee: $88/ $80 member
Before Feb. 16: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4841
Session V: May 7–28 (4 weeks)
Fee: $88/ $80 member
Before Apr. 20: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4824
Session V: May 9–30 (3 weeks)
(no class May 23)
Fee: $71/ $65 member
Before Apr. 20: $51/ $45 member
Code: #4834
Thursdays, 1pm–1:30pm
Session I: January 9–30 (4 weeks)
Fee: $88/ $80 member
Before Dec. 22: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4825
Session II: February 6–27 (4 weeks)
Fee: $88/ $80 member
Before Jan. 19: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4826
Session III: March 6–27 (4 weeks)
Fee: $88/ $80 member
Before Feb. 16: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4827
Session IV: April 3–May 1 (4 weeks)
(no class Apr. 17)
Fee: $88/ $80 member
Before Mar. 16: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4828
Session V: May 8–29 (4 weeks)
Fee: $88/ $80 member
Before Apr. 20: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4829
Jellyfish: Intermediate Skills I
Ages: 3–5
Prerequisite: Child must be able to hold
face in water for 5-10 seconds and float
In this class, students trade flotation devices
for proper breathing techniques and
doggie paddling in preparation for stroke
development. All children must be potty
trained. Class is limited to four students.
Sundays, 10am–10:30am
Session I: January 5–26 (4 weeks)
Fee: $88/ $80 member
Before Dec. 29: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4835
Session II: February 2–23 (4 weeks)
Fee: $88/ $80 member
Before Jan. 19: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4836
Session III: March 2–April 6 (6 weeks)
Fee: $122/ $110 member
Before Feb. 16: $102/ $90 member
Code: #4837
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880
Session IV: April 27–May 18 (4 weeks)
Fee: $88/ $80 member
Before Mar. 16: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4838
Session IV: April 1–29 (3 weeks)
(no class Apr. 15, 22)
Fee: $71/ $65 member
Before Mar. 16: $51/ $45 member
Code: #4842
Session V: May 6–27 (4 weeks)
Fee: $88/ $80 member
Before Apr. 20: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4843
Wednesdays, 1pm–1:30pm
Session I: January 8–29 (4 weeks)
Fee: $88/ $80 member
Before Dec. 22: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4844
Session II: February 5–26 (4 weeks)
Fee: $88/ $80 member
Before Jan. 19: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4845
Session III: March 5–26 (4 weeks)
Fee: $88/ $80 member
Before Feb. 16: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4846
Session IV: April 2–30 (4 weeks)
(no class Apr. 16)
Fee: $88/ $80 member
Before Mar. 16: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4847
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Session V: May 7–28 (4 weeks)
Fee: $88/ $80 member
Before Apr. 20: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4848
Thursdays, 1:30pm–2pm
Session I: January 9–30 (4 weeks)
Fee: $88/ $80 member
Before Dec. 22: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4849
Session II: February 6–27 (4 weeks)
Fee: $88/ $80 member
Before Jan. 19: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4850
Session III: March 6–27 (4 weeks)
Fee: $88/ $80 member
Before Feb. 16: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4851
Session IV: April 3–May 1 (4 weeks)
(no class Apr. 17)
Fee: $88/ $80 member
Before Mar. 16: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4852
Session V: May 8–29 (4 weeks)
Fee: $88/ $80 member
Before Apr. 20: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4853
Fridays, 1:30pm–2pm
Session I: January 10–31 (4 weeks)
Fee: $88/ $80 member
Before Dec. 22: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4854
Session II: February 7–28 (4 weeks)
Fee: $88/ $80 member
Before Jan. 19: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4855
Session III: March 7–28 (4 weeks)
Fee: $88/ $80 member
Before Feb. 16: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4856
Session IV: April 4–May 2 (4 weeks)
(no class Apr. 18)
Fee: $88/ $80 member
Before Mar. 16: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4857
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
Session V: May 9–30 (3 weeks)
(no class May 23)
Fee: $71/ $65 member
Before Apr. 20: $51/ $45 member
Code: #4858
Starfish: Intermediate/
Advanced Skills
Ages: 3–5
Prerequisite: Child must be comfortable in the
deep end of the pool, able to doggie paddle,
and swim short distances on his/her own.
Students learn, and begin to refine, their
stroke development, as well as learn to float,
tread water, and dive. All children must
be potty trained. Class is limited to four
Mondays, 1pm–1:30pm
Session I: January 6–27 (3 weeks)
(no class Jan. 20)
Fee: $71/ $65 member
Before Dec. 22: $51/ $45 member
Code: #4859
Session II: February 3–24 (4 weeks)
Fee: $88/ $80 member
Before Jan. 19: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4860
Session III: March 3–24 (4 weeks)
Fee: $88/ $80 member
Before Feb. 16: $68/ $60 member
Code: #4861
Session IV: March 31–April 28 (3 weeks)
(no class Apr. 14, 21)
Fee: $71/ $65 member
Before Mar. 16: $51/ $45 member
Code: #4862
Session V: May 5–19 (3 weeks)
Fee: $71/ $65 member
Before Apr. 20: $51/ $45 member
Code: #4863
Junior Galim
Ages: 5–6
Mondays, January 6–May 19 (17 weeks)
(no practice Jan. 20, Apr. 14, 21)
Not quite ready for swim team? Can’t commit
to more than one day a week? Junior Galim
is uniquely designed to help swimmers build
their skills in the front and back strokes and
prepare them for the next swim team level:
Mini Waves. This program is for swimmers
who can put their face in the water and float
unassisted. Class is limited to five students.
Fee: $309/ $275 member
Before Dec. 22: $289/ $255 member
Code: #4864
Youth Swimming
USS JCC Waves Swim Team
Ages: 7–17
January 6–May 23
(no practice Apr. 14–22)
The JCC Waves is a USA Swimming Club
founded on the desire to lead its swimmers in
reaching the highest level in their swimming.
JCC Waves Swim Team helps children acquire
the training and experience necessary for
competitive swimming while nurturing a love
for the sport of swimming and developing
the values and skills for success in life. New
swimmers who did not swim with the JCC
Waves in the fall must pay a $100 mandatory
USS insurance fee. Contact Teo Albu for
prorated fees, fee payments, placement guides
and sibling discounts.
After the first week of practice, the JCCNV
reserves the right to make necessary changes
in order to ensure that swimmers are in the
appropriate ability level.
JCC Waves Senior Prep/
Age Group Select
Ages: 11–16
January 6–May 21
(no practice Apr. 14, 16, 21)
Mondays and Wednesdays
Mondays: 6pm–7:30pm
Wednesdays: 6:15pm–7:45pm
Fee: $686/ $649 member
Before Dec. 16: $666/ $629 member
Code: #4865
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880 53
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
JCC Waves Junior Waves
Mini Waves Swim Team
Level II Intermediate
Ages: 7–10
Ages: 5–12
Mini Waves Swim Team, our pre-swim
team level, is a non-competitive team that
helps children to continue improving their
strokes and endurance during the winterspring months as well as prepare for future
competitive swim team participation.
Visit or contact Teo Albu
for prorated fees, fee payments, placement
guides and sibling discounts.
Prerequisite: Child must be able to swim 50
meters using either freestyle or the backstroke.
Nonstop practices refine students’ strokes,
and they begin to learn the breaststroke and
butterfly. Students registering for two days per
week receive $20 off total fees.
January 7–May 22
(no practice Apr. 15, 17, 22)
Tuesdays and Thursdays
Fee: $649/ $612 member
Before Dec. 16: $629/ $592 member
Code: #4866
JCC Waves Age Group
Ages: 9–14
January 7–May 22
(no practice Apr. 15, 17, 22)
Tuesdays and Thursdays
Fee: $649/ $612 member
Before Dec. 16: $629/ $592 member
Code: #4867
JCC Waves Senior Prep/
Age Group Select
Ages: 11–16
January 7–May 22
(no practice Apr. 15, 17, 22)
Tuesdays and Thursdays
Fee: $686/ $649 member
Before Dec. 16: $666/ $629 member
Code: #4868
JCC Waves Junior Waves/
Age Group/Age Group Select
Ages: 9–14
January 10–May 23
(no practice Apr. 18)
Fridays, 5pm–6pm
Fee: $381/ $362 member
Before Dec. 16: $361/ $342 member
Code: #4869
After the first week of practice, the JCCNV
reserves the right to make necessary changes
in order to ensure swimmers are in the
appropriate ability level.
Level I Beginner
Prerequisite: Child must be able to backstroke
or freestyle one length of the pool.
Level I students work to improve basic
swimming skills.
Sundays, 10:30am–11:15am
January 5–June 15
(no practice Apr. 13, 20)
Fee: $356/ $335 member
Before Dec. 16: $336/ $315 member
Code: #4870
Thursdays, 4pm–4:45pm
January 9–May 22
(no practice Apr. 17)
Fee: $324/ $305 member
Before Dec. 16: $304/ $285 member
Code: #4871
Fridays, 4:15pm–5pm
January 10–May 23
(no practice Apr. 18)
Fee: $324/ $305 member
Before Dec. 16: $304/ $285 member
Code: #4872
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880
Sundays, 10:30am–11:15am
January 5–June 15
(no practice Apr. 13, 20)
Fee: $356/ $335 member
Before Dec. 16: $336/ $315 member
Code: #4870
Mondays, 2:30pm–3:15pm
January 6–May 19
(no practice Apr. 14, 21)
Fee: $308/ $290 member
Before Dec. 16: $288/ $270 member
Code: #4873
Tuesdays, 4pm–4:45pm
January 7–May 20
(no practice Apr. 15, 22)
Fee: $308/ $290 member
Before Dec. 16: $288/ $270 member
Code: #4874
Wednesdays, 5:30pm–6:15pm
January 8–May 21
(no practice Apr. 16)
Fee: $324/ $305 member
Before Dec. 16: $304/ $285 member
Code: #4875
Thursdays, 4pm–4:45pm
January 9–May 22
(no practice Apr. 17)
Fee: $324/ $305 member
Before Dec. 16: $304/ $285 member
Code: #4871
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Level III Advanced
Prerequisite: Students should be able to
swim 50 meters nonstop, and be able to
swim freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke and
Students registering for two days per week
receive $20 off total fees.
Mondays, 2:30pm–3:15pm
January 6–May 19
(no practice Apr. 14, 21)
Fee: $308/ $290 member
Before Dec. 16: $288/ $270 member
Code: #4873
Tuesdays, 4pm–4:45pm
January 7–May 20
(no practice Apr. 15, 22)
Fee: $308/ $290 member
Before Dec. 16: $288/ $270 member
Code: #4874
Wednesdays, 5:30pm–6:15pm
January 8–May 21
(no practice Apr. 16)
Fee: $324/ $305 member
Before Dec. 16: $304/ $285 member
Code: #4875
Adult Swimming
USS Masters Swim Team
Prerequisite: Participants must be able to
swim 20 lengths of the pool.
Adult Masters Swim Team is a
comprehensive program for advanced
swimmers, swimming in an organized group.
Structured workouts improve cardiovascular
endurance and strengthen swimming skills.
For those swimmers who register for the
two-day or one-day-per-week program, class
punch cards will be distributed.
Session I: January 2–March 30
(13 weeks)
Sundays, 8:30am–9:30am
Tuesdays and Thursdays,
3 days per week
Fee: $343/ $305 member
Before Dec. 19: $323/ $285 member
Code: #4876
2 days per week (up to 26 sessions)
Class punch card required
Fee: $293/ $267 member
Before Dec. 19: $273/ $247 member
Code: #4877
1 day per week (up to 14 sessions)
Class punch card required
Fee: $230/ $188 member
Before Dec. 19: $210/ $168 member
Code: #4878
Session II: April 1–June 29
(13 weeks)
(no practice Apr. 15, 22, Jun. 3, 5)
Sundays, 8:30am–9:30am
Tuesdays and Thursdays,
3 days per week
Fee: $326/ $290 member
Before Dec. 19: $306/ $270 member
Code: #4879
2 days per week (up to 25 sessions)
Class punch card required
Fee: $283/ $257 member
Before Dec. 19: $263/ $237 member
Code: #4880
1 day per week (up to 14 sessions)
Class punch card required
Fee: $230/ $188 member
Before Dec. 19: $210/ $168 member
Code: #4881
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
Customized Aquatics
By appointment only.
Contact Teo Albu to purchase and schedule
Adapted Aquatics
Contact Teo Albu, [email protected], or
(703) 537-3053
The Adapted Aquatics program is
designed for individuals of all ages with
communications spectrum disorders. The
goal of the 30-minute private lesson is for the
student to experience the relaxing pleasure
of being in the water, while at the same time
feeling comfortable, safe and independent.
Register per session (five, 30-minute lessons)
or per lesson (one, 30-minute lesson)
Fee per lesson: $40/ $35 member
Fee per session:$140/ $125 member
January: #4882
March: #4884
April: #4885
Private Swim Lessons
Specialized and intensive one-on-one swim
instruction. Private lessons are available
for people of all ages and levels of ability.
Instruction is tailored to the specific needs
of the individual student. Learn and improve
skills quickly.
Register per session (five, 30-minute lessons)
or per lesson (one, 30-minute lesson)
Fee per lesson: $40/ $35 member
Fee per session: $140/ $125 member
January: #4882
April: #4885
May: #4886
Semi-Private Swim Lessons
Semi-private lessons are for two people of
approximately the same age and skill level.
Register per session (five, 30-minute lessons)
Fee per session/per swimmer:
$105/ $90 member
January: #4887
March: #4889
April: #4890
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880 55
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
Water Aerobics (H2O)
and Aqua Zumba®
Effective January 3–June 20
H2O (Water Aerobics)
Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays
(no class Jan. 1, Apr. 6, May 26)
Adult Services Department
Adult Services Director
Pam Wiener, (703) 537-3061 • [email protected]
Adult Programming Director
Carla Rosenfeld, (703) 537-3060 • [email protected]
Lead Adult Group Coordinator
Michele Endick, (703) 537-3095 • [email protected]
This water aerobics class is performed in the
shallow area of the pool. It’s a safe resistance
for aerobic conditioning, perfect for the
joint-sensitive individual.
Adult Group Coordinators
Aqua Zumba®
New Americans Group Coordinator
Thursdays, 9:30am–10:15am
Utilizing the benefits of water resistance,
this class, conducted in the shallow area
of the pool, features exotic rhythms set to
high-energy Latin and international beats.
It’s easy to do, effective and no experience is
Sheila Budoff, (703) 537-3068 • [email protected]
Shelly Rosenstein, (703) 537-3062 • [email protected]
Helen Getter
Adult Department Assistants
Susan Dorfman
Marcia Gordon
Sue Olesch
The Adult Services Department offers social and self-development programs and activities for adults of all ages. Subject areas include cultural activities, such as films, concerts, and lectures; Judaic programs, such as Hebrew and Yiddish language classes
(see Jewish Journeys Learning Opportunities); Outreach programming for adults 55+;
and social activities such as day trips and theatre outings.
Underwriting and sponsorship opportunities are available. For details, contact the JCCNV
Development Coordinator at [email protected], or call (703) 537-3033.
The Adult Services Department is partially underwritten by the following funds:
Adler-Bennett Endowment Fund
Bonomo Fund
E. Kaplan Memorial Fund
Intergenerational Fund
Lore Edidin Memorial Fund
Newman Fund
Rosa Wohl Fund
Scher Fund
Membership has
its Benefits!
Members enjoy discounted rates for
programs, access to the indoor heated pool
and cardiovascular fitness center, free group
fitness classes including senior strength
training designed for adults ages 65+, and
Discounted Program and
Class Rates
Throughout Centertainment, you’ll
notice that the JCCNV offers member
discounts on classes and programs.
Note: In order for membership rates to
apply, membership must remain current
throughout the duration of the class/
Learn more about membership on page 7.
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Highlights of course topics for the ALI Winter/
Spring 2014 semester are listed below.
Eminent Biographies: Great Figures
in the History of Zionism and the
State of Israel
Mondays, January 27, February 3, 10
(3 classes)
The JCCNV Adult
Order Your Tickets Now! Learning Institute (ALI)
Ninth Annual Comedy Night
Featuring Monica Piper
Find the Funny
Saturday, February 8
7:45pm: Pre-show happy hour (cash bar)
8:30pm: Show
Monica began
her career as
a high school
English teacher.
While finding it
rewarding, she
had to move on.
“I couldn’t handle
the money and
prestige.” Always
able to Find the
Funny, she was
driven to make
people laugh. Monica is presently trying
to Find the Funny in life with her teenage
son. Monica combines her skills, talent and
experience to bring her brand of uproarious
yet insightful advice to audiences. Before
turning to stand-up, Monica was a writer for
“Rosanne,” “Mad About You” and “Veronica’s
Get your tickets early — there will be only
one show, with limited seating, this year.
Tickets: $34/ $26 member
Groups (10+): $24 per person
Special Seating: $50 (reserved priority
Co-Chairs, Jana Meltzer and Alison Wilks
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
Winter/Spring 2014
Course Schedule
We were absolutely delighted with the
success of the initial semester of the Adult
Learning Institute (ALI) and, therefore,
are expanding our course offerings in the
winter and spring. We are most grateful for
the warm reception accorded to ALI and
remain deeply committed to providing the
highest quality, intellectually stimulating and
engaging opportunities for adult learning
right here at the JCCNV.
The ALI Winter/Spring 2014 semester is
being divided into two sessions, with a break
for the Passover holiday. The first session
runs from Monday, February 24 through
Tuesday, April 1. The second session begins
on Monday, April 28, and continues through
Tuesday, May 20.
Our ALI registration kickoff event begins
Monday, January 20, in the JCCNV lobby.
Mark your calendars and register early. The
first 40 first-time registrants for one or more
ALI courses will receive a special gift!
Please watch for the complete ALI course
schedule, which will be published in the next
issue of The Voice and appear on There will also be fliers
available in the JCCNV lobby.
Instructor: Ido Rakovsky, JCCNV Community
Shaliach (Emissary) from Israel and Jewish
Agency Israeli Fellow to Hillel at George Mason
This course examines the lives and contributions
of some of the outstanding individuals who
helped shape the Zionist movement and
establish the state of Israel. The goals and ideals
of this movement were expressed in many
different realms, including politics, military
leadership, journalism, religion, and arts and
culture. Ido will take us through a veritable
“Who’s Who” of important people who brought
the dream of Israel to reality, some of whom you
may already know, but many you may not.
Fee: $36/ $24 member
Code: #4898
Israel in the Media:
The Power of Words
Mondays, February 24, March 3, 10, 17
(4 classes)
Instructors: Eric Rozenman, Washington Director
of the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East
Reporting in America (CAMERA); David Holzel,
Senior Writer for The Washington Jewish Week;
Ron Kampeas, Washington Bureau Chief, Jewish
Telegraphic Agency; Ido Rakovsky, JCCNV
Community Shaliach and Jewish Agency Israeli
Fellow to Hillel at George Mason University
This course explores how Israel is portrayed
in the American media, as well as provides
a perspective on the Israeli media. In the
first class, Eric Rozenman examines how
seemingly objective news stories about Israel
are frequently inaccurate and biased against
Israel. David Holzel’s topic for the second class
will be whether local Jewish newspapers should
handle stories about Israel any differently than
mainstream newspapers (i.e., should Israel
be given deferential treatment tailored to the
readers of the local Jewish press?). In the third
class, Ron Kampeas will speak about what works
and what alienates reporters when advocating
for Israel. The fourth class, led by Ido Rakovsky,
will discuss the media in Israel, including
the political orientation of the various Israeli
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880 57
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
newspapers, and how this influences the
nature of press coverage.
Fee: $48/ $32 member
Code: #4899
Special Event
Author Book Talk with
Allan Lichtman, Co-Author of
FDR and the Jews
Monday, February 24 (1 class)
Instructor: Allan Lichtman, Distinguished
Professor of History, American University
Nearly seventy-five years after World War
II, there is still controversy over whether
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt was
indifferent to the plight of the Jews of
Europe during the Holocaust and failed to
act despite concrete evidence of what was
happening. Did FDR, who otherwise was
revered in many Jewish households for his
landmark social programs, let down the
Jewish people? Although many books have
been written on this subject, Allan Lichtman
and his co-author Richard Breitman,
both distinguished professors of history
at American University, shed new light on
the question, as a result of their extensive
research and use of many new, previously
unpublished, primary sources. Whether
you agree or disagree with the ultimate
conclusions reached, FDR and the Jews adds
insight and perspective to the conversation.
Books will be available for sale and signing.
Fee: $18/ $12 member
Code: #4900
The Short Stories of
Bernard Malamud
Tuesdays, February 25, March 4, 11 (3 classes)
Instructor: Kay Menchel, B.A. with honors
in English and M.A. in English Literature,
George Mason University
Although Bernard Malamud is best known
for his novels The Natural and Pulitzer
Prize winner The Fixer, many critics believe
that his best work was in his short stories.
The class will read and discuss several of
Malamud’s short stories, including:
“The Steady Customer,” “The Magic Barrel,”
“The Elevator,” “The Jewbird,” “Black Is My
Favorite Color,” and “Notes from a Lady at a
Dinner Party” to learn more about Malamud
and his art. Each week, two stories will be
covered, in the order listed above. These
stories all appear in Bernard Maltamud: The
Complete Stories, published by Farrar, Straus
and Giroux, with an introduction by Robert
Giroux. The book is available in paperback,
and may be purchased on
either new or used. It is also available for
Kindle devices. Please read the stories in
advance of the class meetings so you will be
prepared to participate in the discussions
and derive the most benefit.
Fee: $36/ $24 member
Code: #4901
Science and Religion Part II*
Tuesday, March 11, 18, 25 (3 classes)
Facilitator: John Rybicki, Interfaith Scholar
and Scientist
*No need to have taken Part 1 in order to
register for this class.
We will touch on cosmology, intelligent
design, creation and creationism, brain-mind
consciousness, faith, reason and the New
This class is a continuation of the previous
Lunch and Learn Program.
Fee: $36/ $24 member
Code: #4902
Many thanks to Ellen Gale for all of her
hard work and deep commitment to Jewish
learning for agreeing to continue her efforts
coordinating these classes!
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880
Holocaust Art
Mondays, April 28, May 5 (2 classes)
Instructor: Marion Deshmukh, Robert T.
Hawkes Professor of History, George Mason
The first class will cover Turn-of-the Century
Berlin and German Impressionism. Three
painters, Max Liebermann, Lovis Corinth
and Max Slevogt, will be the focus of a richlyillustrated lecture that will contextualize
the artists within the history of Imperial
Germany. The second class will cover art
approved and banned during the 3rd Reich
and Holocaust.
Fee: $24/ $18 member
Code: #4903
There Is No Planet B: What We
Can Do to Protect the
Tuesdays, April 29, May 6, 13 (3 classes)
Instructors: Philip Wirdzek, Executive
Director of International Institute for
Sustainable Laboratories (I2SL); Rabbi Brett
Isserow, spiritual leader of Beth El Hebrew
Congregation; and Dave Feldman, CEO of
Livability Project, LLC, an environmental
consulting firm, and Executive Director
of Bethesda Green, a local collaborative of
residents, businesses and government that
promotes sustainable living practices
Not many issues are as important to
our future as preserving and protecting
the environment. We as individuals and
concerned citizens can play a role, even
in small ways, in the well-being of our
community and it starts by having a good
grasp of the major issues that affect our
everyday living. Sustainability, climate
change, livability — these are all terms
you may have heard about in discussions
about the environment, but do you know
how these issues can affect you and future
generations? What does Judaism say about
protecting and repairing the world? This
course explores how we are interconnected
with our environment and ways in which we
can make a difference in the world.
Fee: $36/ $24 member
Code: #4904
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Adult Classes
Mah Jongg Lessons and
Evening Games
for two nights to Colonial Williamsburg, VA and
here it is!
Intermediate Line Dance
Contact Carla Rosenfeld if you are interested
in Mah Jongg lessons or if you are interested
in an evening drop-in game.
We will stay at the Williamsburg Woodlands Hotel
and Suites which is conveniently located next
to the Colonial Williamsburg Regional Visitor
Center, the starting point to our 18th-century
adventure. Included in the fee will be lodging in
rooms with 2 double beds and the following:
• Unlimited trips on the Colonial Williamsburg
shuttle bus to the historic area
• Two deluxe continental breakfasts at the hotel;
• One fine, 3-course dinner at King’s Arms Tavern
with colonial food and entertainment
• Guided introductory highlights walking tour of
Duke of Gloucester Street
• Three-day pass to the buildings and museums
of Colonial Williamsburg
• Colonial evening activity—“Grand Medley of
• Three-course lunch at Shields Tavern (a colonial
• Movies on board bus
Instructor: Susan Zuckerman Attas
Join a new session of an ongoing line dance
class, tailored to the 40s–70s age group. No
partners are needed. This program provides
a fun and high-energy workout while you
dance to rock, country western, and other
music! If you have prior dance experience,
such as ballroom, you’ll learn quickly!
Session I
Tuesdays, February 18–April 8 (8 weeks)
Fee: $60/ $50 member
Code: #4732
Session II
Tuesdays, April 29–June 17 (8 weeks)
Fee: $60/ $50 member
Code: #4733
Cards and Games
Drop-in Canasta
Fridays (ongoing), 11am–1pm
Beginners are welcome to join in this weekly
drop-in game that meets in the lobby.
Instructions are provided for those who
would like to learn.
Fee: $4/ Free for member
New! Drop-in Scrabble
Mondays (ongoing), noon–2pm
Contact Carla Rosenfeld to be added to the
Scrabble email list.
Fee: $4/ Free for member
Backgammon (Shesh Besh),
Cribbage, or Chess
If you are interested in lessons, a club or a
tournament, contact Carla.Rosenfeld@
ACBL Duplicate Bridge
Wednesdays (ongoing)
Director: Louise Sellers (ACBL-accredited)
Fee: $8/ $6.50 member & Bridge Associates
Party Bridge
Fridays (ongoing)
Special Events
For more information on the special events
mentioned below, please contact Michele
Endick, Lead Adult Group Coordinator, at
[email protected], or call
(703) 537-3095.
This is a social, fun and low-key game for
all skill levels — come with or without a
partner. Join the group and bring your own
dairy or parve (meatless) lunch.
Fee: $4/ Free for member
Drop-in Mah Jongg
Tuesdays and Wednesdays (ongoing)
Drop-in for a friendly game of mahj and
conversation in the lobby of the JCCNV.
Bring your friends! If you are interested, send
an email to [email protected] and
get on the Mah Jongg email list.
Fee: $4/ Free for member
Registration Open!
Excursion via Luxury Bus to
Colonial Williamsburg —
the Restored 18th Century
Capital of Virginia
3 days/2 nights of activities and
delicious food
Sunday–Tuesday, April 6–8
Our first overnight to Amish Country last
April was a grand success. Our surveys
indicated that many people would like to go
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
Optional Activities:
• Optional tour at Historic Jamestowne. You can
view artifacts unearthed at the 1607 James Fort
site in the Archaearium and explore the site of
the first permanent colony in North America.
Walk in the footsteps of Captain John Smith
and Pocahontas! You can enjoy lunch by the
James River at the on-site café (additional
charge, on your own). (Note: there is arduous
walking at the Jamestowne Colony site). Bus
to the site is complimentary with your historic
area pass but there is a small fee to enter this
National Park Site.
• Complimentary short walking tour of the
historic section of The College of William and
Mary given by Elyse Endick, a current senior at
the school. See the historic Wren Building and
the beautiful Sunken Gardens.
Fee: Single Occupancy: $505/ $475 member
Double Occupancy: $390/ $360 member
(Two people occupying the
room must register at the
same time; we cannot
match people up.)
RSVP: Payment and registration form due no later
than March 10. You must contact Michele.Endick@, or (703) 537-3095, to check availability
prior to sending check. Check should be made
payable to JCCNV with “Williamsburg” in memo
section. Registration form must accompany check.
No refunds unless we have a wait list or you can
find a replacement.
Code: #4895 – Single
Code: #4896 – Double
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880 59
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
33rd Annual Passover Seder
Thursday, April 10, 11am–2pm, JCCNV
Contact: [email protected], or
(703) 537-3095
Enjoy the beauty of a traditional Seder led by
Rabbi Amy Perlin of Temple B’nai Shalom.
The meal includes gefilte fish, soup, chicken,
vegetables, dessert, wine, tea and coffee
(a vegetarian menu is available). Catering
is provided by Marta Palchik’s Gourmet
Catering. Register early as this sit-down,
white-tablecloth catered event is always well
Fee: $42/ $28 members of JCCNV, JCCNV
Outreach Group, Bethlehem Lutheran
Church/ $32 guest of member
Code: #4734
Note: The registration deadline is April
3. Your check must be accompanied by
a registration form in order to process
your participation in this activity. To
register, complete a program registration
form (available at the front desk, in
Centertainment, or in The Voice), make check
payable to JCCNV with “4/10”date in memo
and bring or send in envelope labeled Michele
Endick, Adult Services Dept., JCCNV.
Shabbat at the JCCNV
Shabbat Re-Visioned: Be
Yourself, Everyone Else is Taken
Saturdays, February 1–15 (3 weeks)
Saturdays, March 29–April 12 (3 weeks)
Facilitator: Rabbi Baruch Rock
The supposed Judeo-Christian ethic of
“subduing and ruling” over the earth is a
gross (and disastrous) misreading of the
central creation narratives. In this session
we will explore, and re-envision, the
revolutionary ideas presented in the opening
texts of the Torah. Through our exploration,
we will come to understand the splendor
of our individual identities, the rewards for
authentic self-expression, and the joy of
knowing that these assertions are the very
heart and soul of an empowered existence.
Texts to be covered include: The Torah’s
two separate creation narratives (along with
various Midrashim), with specific focus on
the description of the creation of grasses and
trees; the sun and the moon; the Garden of
Eden; and Lech Lecha (the beginnings of
Avraham and Sarah’s journey).
Note: These discussion groups replace the
ongoing weekly discussion group from
February 1–15 and March 29–April 12. No
experience with text is necessary, just a
desire to explore some amazing ideas!
Fee: Free
RSVP: [email protected], or
(703) 537-3060
2nd Annual Used Book,
CD and DVD Sale
Sunday–Wednesday, March 30–April 2, JCCNV
Looking for a place to recycle your gently
used adult and children’s books, CD’s and
DVD’s? Please consider donating them to
be sold at our annual used book sale.
Prayer books, textbooks, and encyclopedia
sets CANNOT be accepted.
Volunteer Opportunity:
We need volunteers to sort the books and
work at the event. If you would like to
volunteer, please contact Carla.Rosenfeld@
Sunday Afternoon
Gypsy – Matinee Performance at
Signature Theatre®
Sunday, January 19
Depart JCCNV 12:45pm; return 6:45pm
Contact: [email protected], or
(703) 537-3095
Set during the 1920s fading vaudeville
circuit, Gypsy portrays the rise of famed
burlesque performer Gypsy Rose Lee.
Momma Rose, the archetypal stage mother,
steamrolls everyone in her way to propel
her daughters into child stars. When the
younger, more talented, daughter defects,
Rose sinks all her hopes (and claws) into the
elder. Bold, brassy, yet remarkably charming,
Momma Rose puts today’s Dance Moms to
Gypsy is based on the book by Arthur
Laurents, with music by Jule Styne and
lyrics by Signature’s “signature,” Stephen
Sondheim. Gypsy features the beloved songs
Everything’s Coming Up Roses, Together
(Wherever We Go), Small World, Some
People, Let Me Entertain You and Rose’s
early dinner at a restaurant of your choice in
Shirlington. Optional, separate charge. There
are many diverse restaurants from which to
Fee: $78/ $70 member (includes bus
transportation and matinee ticket).
Optional dinner is “on your own” at
any of Shirlington’s restaurants.
Code: #4680
Note: Your check must be accompanied
by a registration form in order to process
your participation in this activity. To
register, complete a program registration
form (available at the front desk, in
Centertainment, or in The Voice), make check
payable to JCCNV with “1/19”date in memo
and bring or send in envelope labeled Michele
Endick, Adult Services Dept., JCCNV.
Tour “Like None Other” of
Washington, DC
Sunday, June 8, depart JCCNV 10:30am;
return 5:30pm
Contact: [email protected], or
(703) 537-3095
Frances Molefsky (“Teacher Fran”), a
licensed Washington, DC professional tour
guide, will narrate a special tour filled with
fun, little-known facts. The morning tour
will include the National Mall and other
“tourist sites” but with uniquely detailed
narration. An interesting stop at the Japanese
American Memorial to Patriotism in WWII
with narration by Fran will be included.
An optional lunch will be at Clyde’s in
Chinatown — choose from menu, separate
The afternoon will consist of a loop to
include the embassies, National Cathedral,
Georgetown and other sites of interest. A
stop will be at historic Lafayette Park, north
of the White House, with interesting history,
statues, etc. Our previous three tours have
sold out with long waitlists, so sign up
for this one early as it’s certain to be quite
Fee: $40/ $35 member (includes all
transportation and professionally led
tour of Washington, DC with 3 stops.
Optional lunch at Clyde’s — separate
charge, order from menu)
Code: #4736
Note: Your check must be accompanied
by a registration form in order to process
After the show, we will have time to eat an
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
your participation in this activity. To
register, complete a program registration
form (available at the front desk, in
Centertainment, or in The Voice), make
check payable to JCCNV with “6/8”date in
memo and bring or send in envelope labeled
Michele Endick, Adult Services Dept., JCCNV.
Weekday Outings
to Local Museums &
Other Points of Interest
Contact: [email protected],
(703) 537-3095
To make a reservation, please contact
Michele. You will receive a confirmation call
back or email.
Fee: $12/ $8 member
Note: Your check must be accompanied
by a registration form in order to process
your participation in this activity. To
register, complete a program registration
form (available at the front desk, in
Centertainment, or in The Voice), make check
payable to JCCNV with date in memo and
bring or send in envelope labeled Michele
Endick, Adult Services Dept., JCCNV.
Check future issues of the JCCNV bi-monthly
adult services newsletter, The Voice, or for destinations, dates and
further details.
Thursday at the JCCNV
Thursdays, noon–2pm, JCCNV (unless
otherwise noted)
Contact: [email protected], or
(703) 537-3095
Plan to attend our weekly program for active
adults. Bring a dairy or parve (meatless)
bag lunch, unless otherwise noted, to enjoy
beforehand; the JCCNV will provide the
dessert and coffee. Bring a friend!
Fee: $3/ Free for member
Inclement Weather Policy
If Fairfax County schools are closed, our
Adult 55+ programs held at the JCCNV are
canceled. If schools have a delayed opening,
we will hold our programs at the regular
Exploring Cultural Life in Israel
Thursday, January 9, noon–2pm, JCCNV
Noon: Lunch (bring dairy or parve/meatless)
12:30pm: Program
Presented by Ido Rakovsky, JCCNV-JAFI
Community Shaliach (emissary) and Jewish
Agency Israel Fellow to Hillel at GMU.
Many of us know about the more “touristy”
places to visit in Israel, but what about the
many fascinating and interesting places that
are not as well known? Join us as we explore
theater, music halls, universities, sports
venues, etc. — an armchair tour you will
certainly enjoy!
Coffee, tea and dessert will be provided.
Fee: $3/ Free for member
No RSVP — Just come!
New Year, New You:
Charting a Roadmap to
Increased Happiness and
Personal Fulfillment
Thursday, January 16, noon–2pm, JCCNV
Noon: Lunch (bring dairy or parve/meatless)
12:30pm: Program
Presented by Rebecca Porter, LCSW, Social
Worker, Senior Services Specialist, JSSA.
How many New Years have you resolved
to exercise more, get organized, finish a
project, or just “be happier,” only to have
the year fly by with your best intentions
falling by the wayside? In this program,
Rebecca Porter, LCSW from the Jewish
Social Service Agency (JSSA), will help you
to assess your satisfaction with different
areas of your life. Then, she will lead you
through the process of learning to set
realistic, achievable goals for the year to
come. Learn how to realize your goals and
get tips on planning for your future while
still living for today!
Coffee, tea and dessert will be provided.
Fee: $3/ Free for member
No RSVP — Just come!
A Tour of the Eye: Sight Saving
Seminar for Baby Boomers and
Thursday, January 23, noon–2pm, JCCNV
Noon: Lunch (bring dairy or parve/meatless)
12:30pm: Program
Presented by Michael Summerfield, MD,
Ophthalmologist, Washington Eye Institute.
Sight loss is an increasing age related
public health issue since 80 million “baby
boomers” began turning 65 in 2011. Dr.
Summerfield will review the architecture
of the eye from the front to back, including
the four major aging eye diseases —
cataract, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma,
and age-related macular degeneration.
Coffee, tea and dessert will be provided.
Fee: $3/ Free for member
No RSVP — Just come!
Co-sponsored by Prevention of Blindness
Society of Metropolitan Washington
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880 61
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
Good Leads on Good Reads for
the New Year
Thursday, January 30, noon–2:30pm, JCCNV
Noon: Lunch (bring dairy or parve/meatless)
12:30pm: Program
We will have an exciting visit from volunteers
and librarians from the Fairfax City Library
who will present new and interesting reads
for the New Year. Both fiction and nonfiction
books will be introduced and discussed. The
various book clubs at the library and the
wonderful resources that the Virginia Room
has to offer will be mentioned.
This will be a wonderful, enlightening way
to spend a winter’s day! And you will go
away with great ideas for winter reading.
The books recommended and reviewed last
January were wonderful reading experiences!
Bring your Fairfax County Library System
card and you’ll even be able to check out
some of these books right from our adult
Coffee, tea and dessert will be provided.
Fee: $3/ Free for member
No RSVP – Just come!
Where are YOU Going with all
MY Stuff?
Thursday, February 6, noon–2pm, JCCNV
Noon: Lunch (bring dairy or parve/meatless)
12:30pm: Program
Presented by Moira Quinn Leite, President of
M. Quinn Designs, Inc. and Pack-N-Move .
Every one of us has things that we love, that
we want to share, and that we want to give
to our families when we can no longer enjoy
them. Pack-N-Move’s focus is to help you
along through the next phase of your life,
whether that is in relocation, renovation,
or organization. With 35 years of Interior
Design experience, Moira Quinn Leite
has shaped a business with 35 years of her
personal compassion and dedication to
serving communities and families alike,
helping them along the path to personal
success and ‘Beautiful Accessibility’.
Screening – Mary & Max
Thursday, February 13, noon–2:30pm, JCCNV
Noon: Lunch (bring dairy or parve/meatless)
12:30pm: Program
After a short introductory talk by Jessica
Tischler, JCCNV Special Needs Director, we
will watch the film, Mary & Max , one of
the featured films of the 2013 ReelAbilities:
Greater DC Disabilities Film Festival*.
“A claymated feature film this is a tale of
pen-friendship between two very different
people; Mary Dinkle, a chubby lonely
eight year old girl living in the suburbs of
Melbourne, and Max Horovitz, a 44 year
old, obese, Jewish man with Asperger’s
Syndrome living in the chaos of New York.
Spanning 20 years and 2 continents, Mary
and Max’s friendship survives much more
than the average diet of life’s ups and downs.
Mary & Max is innocent but not naïve,
as it takes us on a journey that explores
friendship, autism, taxidermy, psychiatry,
alcoholism, where babies come from,
obesity, kleptomania, sexual difference,
trust, copulating dogs, religious difference,
agoraphobia and much, much more.”
If desired, there will be a post-film
discussion. Please come to show your
support of the important work accomplished
by our Special Needs Department.
Coffee, tea and dessert will be provided.
Fee: $3/ Free for member
No RSVP — Just come!
*ReelAbilities is a week-long festival of
award-winning films dedicated to promoting
awareness of, and appreciation for, the lives,
stories, and artistic expressions of people
with various disabilities.
See page 38 to learn more about the
2014 ReelAbilities: Greater DC Disabilities
Film Festival.
Coffee, tea and dessert will be provided.
Fee: $3/ Free for member
No RSVP — Just come!
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880
The Thomashefskys:
Music and Memories of a Life
in the Yiddish Theater
(2012 – 135 minutes)
Thursday, February 20, noon–2:30pm, JCCNV
Noon: Lunch (bring dairy or parve/meatless)
12:30pm: Program
“…Michael Tilson Thomas explores the
lives of his grandparents, Boris and Bessie
Thomashefsky, through a musical performance
that features five performers and the New
World Symphony orchestra. Founding
members of the Yiddish Theater in America, the
Thomashefskys owned theaters, published their
own magazine, wrote columns in the popular
Yiddish newspapers, sponsored and encouraged
generations of young artists, brought countless
Yiddish artists to America, tirelessly raised
funds for progressive social causes and were
adventurous trendsetters. This story, reclaimed
by The Thomashefsky Project, presents a
musical sound that few have heard, assimilating
Eastern European klezmer and cantorial modes
with American tones and rhythms. Over
time … they greatly influenced the American
Songbook. …”
Enjoy this wonderful WNET production in the
warmth of our JCCNV!
Coffee, tea and dessert will be provided.
Fee: $3/ Free for member
No RSVP — Just come!
Creating Our Life Stories
Thursday, February 27, noon–2pm, JCCNV
Noon: Lunch (bring dairy or parve/meatless)
12:30pm: Program
Presented by Carol Backman, Coordinator,
Creative Writing Group at JCCNV.
A memory is the most precious gift you can
give to the people you love. In an hour you can
learn to create a written snapshot of yourself
that can become part of your living legacy. Join
us for this exciting session where we will turn
memories into memoirs.
Coffee, tea and dessert will be provided.
Fee: $3/ Free for member
No RSVP — Just come!
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Tragedy and Reform:
Immigrant Women Lose Their
Lives in a Flash Fire in a
Garment Factory
National Symphony Orchestra
Open Rehearsal
Thursday, March 20, noon–2pm, JCCNV
Noon: Lunch (bring dairy or parve/meatless)
12:30pm: Program
Contact: [email protected], or
(703) 537-3095
Enjoy a classical concert with: Osmo Vanska,
conductor and Martin Frost, clarinet.
The music to be performed will be:
• SIBELIUS: Symphony No. 3
• AHO: Clarinet Concerto
• MENDELSSOHN: Symphony No. 4 in A
major, Op. 90, “Italian”
Optional lunch will follow (around 1pm)
in the Kennedy Center Café, overlooking
the Potomac River (extra charge). This is
a special opportunity to hear the National
Symphony Orchestra in the magnificent
Concert Hall.
Presented by Mary Lipsey, member Fairfax
County History Commission, President of
the Fairfax County Cemetery Preservation
Association, Inc.
The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in
New York City on March 25, 1911, was the
deadliest industrial disaster in the history of
New York City. The fire caused the deaths
of 146 garment workers, many of whom
were immigrants. New Yorkers watched in
horror as trapped workers jumped from
the windows. One of those onlookers was
Frances Perkins, future Secretary of Labor.
Mary Lipsey has given many well received
talks and tours for the Adult Services
Department in past years — we are very
pleased to have her as a presenter once again.
Coffee, tea and dessert provided.
Fee: $3/ Free for member
No RSVP — Just come!
33rd Annual Passover Seder
Thursday, April 10, 11am–2pm, JCCNV
Contact: [email protected], or
(703) 537-3095
Enjoy the beauty of a traditional Seder led by
Rabbi Amy Perlin of Temple B’nai Shalom.
See page 60 for details.
Fee: $42/ $28 members of JCCNV, JCCNV
Outreach Group, Bethlehem Lutheran
Church/ $32 guest of member
Code: #4734
Note: Registration deadline is April 3. Your
check must be accompanied by a registration
form in order to process your participation in
this activity. To register, complete a program
registration form (available at the front
desk, in Centertainment, or in The Voice),
make check payable to JCCNV with “4/10” in
memo and bring or send in envelope labeled
Michele Endick, Adult Services Dept., JCCNV.
Golda’s Balcony at
Theatre J at DCJCC
Thursday, April 17, time TBA
See future issues of The Voice for details.
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
Location: Kennedy Center Concert Hall
Thursday, April 24, depart JCCNV at 8:30am;
return 3pm
Fee: $14/ $10 member (includes bus
transportation and NSO rehearsal).
Optional lunch is on your own at
Kennedy Center Café after the
performance — order from menu,
separate charge. Seating MUST be by
9:45am thus our early departure from
JCCNV — we must leave on time to
make the concert so please come
Code: #4737
RSVP: Your check must be accompanied
by a registration form in order to process
your participation in this activity. To
register, complete a program registration
form (available at the front desk, in
Centertainment, or in The Voice), make check
payable to JCCNV with “4/24” in memo and
bring or send in envelope labeled Michele
Endick, Adult Services Dept., JCCNV.
Musicali Tea at Strathmore
Thursday, May 22, depart JCCNV 9:30am;
return 3:30pm
Contact: [email protected], or
(703) 537-3095
Enjoy a musical presentation by the faculty
and students of The Levine School of Music
at the beautiful Music Center at Strathmore
in North Bethesda, MD. After the program,
enjoy a “nosh” of cookies and tea.
Following the program, we will go to
Parkway Deli and Restaurant which serves
Jewish-style dishes including matzo ball
soup, deli sandwiches, pickles, and a wide
variety of other foods for lunch!
Although the musical program changes
yearly, this outing has been enjoyed by our
program participants for many years. Join
us for a wonderful day of music, deli and
Fee: $14/ $10 member (includes
concert, post-concert “goodies” and
bus transportation); Lunch is on your
own – order from menu, optional
Code: #4738
Note: Your check must be accompanied
by a registration form in order to process
your participation in this activity. To
register, complete a program registration
form (available at the front desk, in
Centertainment, or in The Voice), make
check payable to JCCNV with “5/22” in
memo and bring or send in envelope labeled
Michele Endick, Adult Services Dept., JCCNV.
Check future issues of the JCCNV adult
services bi-monthly newsletter, The Voice, or for additional programs.
Monthly Programs
Monthly Discussion Group
Our World Today and in the
Mondays, January 20, February 17, March 17,
April 28, May 19
12:15pm–2pm, JCCNV
Facilitated by Dr. Marvin J. Cetron,
President, Forecasting International and
Mimi Rosenberg
Participants are welcome to bring a dairy or
parve/meatless lunch. Featured speakers will
be announced monthly. Watch for fliers and
posters for up-to-date details.
Coffee and tea will be provided.
Fee: $3/ Free for member
No RSVP — Just come!
First Friday Book Group
Calling All Readers!
Fridays, January 3, February 7, March 7
April 4, May 2
10:30am–noon, JCCNV If you enjoy discussing books with men
and women of varied backgrounds and life
experiences, this group is for you. Contact
Pam Wiener to confirm date and book
Fee: $3/ Free for member
No RSVP — Just come!
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880 63
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
Creative Writing Group
Writing Your Life Story Mondays, January 13, February 10, March 10,
May 12
(no meeting in April due to Passover)
11am–12:30pm, JCCNV
Coordinator: Carol Backman
Contact: [email protected], or
(703) 537-3061
Write your life stories as a legacy for family
and friends. If it’s important for you to tell
your children, grandchildren, and friends
who you are and what you did, this group
will help you write, organize and self-publish
your life story as a legacy for those you value.
Fee: $3/ Free for member
No RSVP — Just come!
Friday Morning at the Movies
Fridays once monthly, 10am, JCCNV
Join us for a movie. Discussion will follow
the film if there is enough interest.
Coffee and tea will be provided.
Fee: $3/ Free for member
No RSVP — Just come!
Please see the JCCNV adult services
newsletter, The Voice, or for
dates and film titles.
Everyone Welcome!
JCCNV Adult 55+
Outreach Programs
JCCNV Adult Program
held at Beth Sholom
Searching for a Jewish connection, a place
to meet new friends, to enrich your life with
an exciting variety of activities and day trips
but don’t live close to the JCCNV? Check
out the Adult Outreach groups listed on
the following pages for the one near you.
These programs and activities are planned
for Adults 55+, though people of all ages
are welcome to attend. Programs and
activities are subject to change, so confirm
805 Lyons Boulevard, Fredericksburg
JCCNV Adult Program
held at Beth El Hebrew
3830 Seminary Road, Alexandria
Contact: [email protected], or
(703) 537-3062
All weekly group meetings are held at
Beth El Hebrew Congregation. The group
meets every Wednesday at 10:30am (unless
otherwise noted). Newcomers are always
Coffee, tea and dessert will be provided.
Fee: $4/ $2 JCCNV or synagogue member
(pay at door unless otherwise specified)
Inclement Weather Policy
If Fairfax County schools are closed or have
a delayed opening, there will be no program
at Beth El.
Check future issues of the JCCNV adult
services bi-monthly newsletter, The Voice,
or for dates and details of
upcoming programs.
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880
Contact: [email protected], or
(703) 537-3068 for information about
upcoming programs.
Inclement Weather Policy
If Stafford County schools are closed, the
Adult 55+ program at Beth Sholom Temple
is canceled. If schools have a delayed opening,
we will hold the program at the regular time.
The group meets periodically. Check future
issues of the adult services newsletter, The
Voice, for dates and details of upcoming
programs or
JCCNV Adult Program
held at Leisure World at
19375 Magnolia Grove Square, Lansdowne
Contact: [email protected], or
(703) 537-3068
The group meets on the third Monday of the
month at 10:30am (unless otherwise noted).
Newcomers are always welcome!
Fee: $4/ $2 JCCNV or synagogue member,
Leisure World resident (pay at door
unless otherwise specified)
Inclement Weather Policy
If Loudoun County schools are closed, the
Adult 55+ program is canceled. If schools
have a delayed opening, we will hold the
program at Leisure World at the regular time.
Check future issues of the JCCNV adult
services bi-monthly newsletter, The Voice, for
dates and details of upcoming programs or
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
JCCNV Adult Program
held at Northern
Virginia Hebrew
Social Groups
1441 Wiehle Avenue, Reston
Contact: [email protected], or
(703) 537-3068
The group meets on the fourth Tuesday of
the month at 10:30am (unless otherwise
noted). Newcomers are always welcome!
Bring a dairy or parve/meatless lunch.
Coffee and dessert will be provided.
Fee: $4/ $2 JCCNV or synagogue member
(pay at door unless otherwise specified)
Inclement Weather Policy
If Fairfax County schools are closed, our
Adult 55+ program is canceled. If schools
have a delayed opening, we will hold the
program at NVHC at the regular time.
Check future issues of the JCCNV adult
services bi-monthly newsletter, The Voice, for
dates and details of upcoming programs or
JCCNV Adult Program
for the Greater
Jewish Community
Contact: [email protected], or
(703) 537-3068
Check future issues of the JCCNV adult
services bi-monthly newsletter, The Voice, for
dates and details of upcoming programs or
JCCNV Adult 55+ programming is made
possible thanks in part to the “Coming of Age”
grant from The Jewish Federation of Greater
Washington. The program is a collaborative
effort of the JCCNV, Jewish Council for the
Aging (JCA), Jewish Social Service Agency
(JSSA) and jConnect.
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
Gen-B is a Jewish singles group whose
members were born between 1946–1964.
The group’s purpose is to provide a means
for Jewish social interaction through various
events and activities in the Northern Virginia
The Gen-B annual membership fee includes
many benefits. For those who choose not to
join the Gen-B group, a drop-in fee of $4 can
be paid at individual events.
To learn about the benefits of membership
or to register to be a Gen-B member, please
contact [email protected], or
(703) 537-3060.
jnet: Jewish Social Network for
Young Adults
Ages: 21–35
Contact: Nori White, jnet Coordinator, at
[email protected], or (703) 537-3041
The jnet mission is to bring together young
Jewish professionals in the Northern Virginia
area in friendly, comfortable and lively
environments for a variety of activities. Monthly
happy hours and other events — dates to be
jnet Basketball
Tuesdays, 8:15pm
Annual Fee: $36/ $18 member
Contact: David Grant at [email protected]
Play b-ball? Join other Jewish young adults every
Tuesday night for weekly pick-up games at the
Gen-B Events
Fee: $10 drop-in fee/ $36 season pass/
Free for member
Dining Out, Happy Hours, and More!
Join other Gen-B singles every month to
schmooze and experience various ethnic
foods in Northern Virginia restaurants and
get together for happy hours and other
social events. Watch for details in the Gen-B
calendar online at or on
Fee: $4/ Free Gen-B member. Dinner and
happy hours on own.
Travel with the JCCNV
JCC Travel of Chicago
Contact: [email protected], or
(703) 537-3060
Great Time Tours/JCC Travel of Chicago trips
have a Jewish flair and are customized from the
Washington, DC area.
Cuba — A Jewish Mission
Escorted by Miriam Levinson
January 20–28
March 17–25
April 23–May 1
Cuba, a Caribbean gem, is a cultural oasis of
warm, generous people. Be inspired by Cuba’s
soulful art, musical rhythms and vibrant dance.
Join us on this extraordinary mission to bring
support and aid to the Cuban Jewish community.
Meet the children of the Sunday school and
advance Jewish practices, ideals and education.
Learn first-hand about today’s Jewish community
and share their dreams for the future. The spirit
of the Jewish community will open your eyes,
heart and mind.
Fee: $3,149 per person double occupancy,
single supplement add $475
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880 65
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
Upcoming Trips Spring 2014
Jewish Morocco in March
Jewish Peru with Macchu Picchu in April
Bermuda Cruise
Leaving from Baltimore
Sailing August 29–September 4, 2014
Sail with JCCNV on Grandeur of the Seas,
Royal Caribbean Cruise Line for six days of
relaxation and fun.
Choose your cabin (double occupancy rates):
Inside: $783.77 per person
Ocean View: $873.77 per person
Balcony: $1,293.77 per person
Adult Department
Adult 55+ Trip Policies
• Please be aware that all departure and
return times listed are an approximation
and are subject to change.
• No refunds will be granted for any trip
or program that requires tickets, meal
reservations or chartered transportation
unless we are able to fill your reserved
• No rest stops are planned for trips that
require two hours or less driving time.
• Once at your destination, you will be
responsible for meeting the bus at the
time and place you are told. The bus will
not wait for you if you are late. If you miss
the bus you are responsible for your own
transportation home and the JCCNV will
not be liable.
Program Disclaimer
Views and opinions of guest speakers are
their own and do not necessarily reflect the
official policies or positions of the JCCNV.
SeniorNavigator Site
The JCCNV is an official SeniorNavigator
site, with computers available for accessing
the SeniorNavigator network, a statewide,
nonprofit website designed to address health
and aging concerns and provide information
about the approximately 19,000 local
programs and services available to seniors,
their families and caregivers.
Visitors to the SeniorNavigator website
simply type in a keyword, along with their
zip code, city or county, to access services
available right in their own neighborhoods.
The comprehensive service at lists sources for
everything from where to get blood pressure
screenings or flu shots to bone density tests
or support groups to yoga classes. For more
information, call Pam Wiener at
(703) 537-3061.
Social Action Projects
Food for Others especially needs evaporated
milk, beans, pasta, pasta sauce, canned
tomatoes, canned vegetables, and canned
fruit. Remember to bring a can and/or a
nonperishable food item to the JCCNV
whenever you come, to be donated to
Food for Others. Please remember, if
you are bringing something from your
pantry, to check the expiration dates on all
items, including canned goods! For your
convenience, a collection bin is located in the
lobby. Thanks for your continued support.
Help Save the Environment —
Recycle your Cell Phone,
iPhone or BlackBerry
When you replace your cell phone, iPhone
or BlackBerry, bring your old one to the
JCCNV. By doing this, you will enable the
Adult Services Department to make money
while also helping to save the environment.
We will be collecting these items as an
ongoing fundraising project. For your
convenience, a collection basket is located at
the JCCNV front desk. The newer the item,
the more money we raise. However, no item
is too old. So if you have old cell phones at
home, you can now recycle them. Please let
others know about this endeavor. And, as
always, we appreciate your support.
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880
Giving Circles
JCCNV Donor Societies and
Corporate Sponsors
Dues and program fees cover less than 80%
of the JCCNV’s annual operating expenses.
We depend on the generous philanthropy of
individuals, corporations and foundations to
ensure our financial sustainability. Donating
more than two-thirds of the funds raised
throughout the year, Trustee Circle and Chai
Society members are the cornerstone of the
Center’s ability to build a strong community
based on Jewish values. To learn more,
contact Jeff Dannick, JCCNV Executive
Director, at (703) 537-3023 or Jeff.Dannick@
We would like to thank the following
individuals, agencies and corporations —
members of the JCCNV Trustee Circle
and Chai Society — for their generous
Trustee Circle Members
As of November 15, 2013
Anonymous (3)
Tanya and Stephen Bodzin
Jane and Scott Brown ^
Jenny and Michael Closter ^
Cindy and Lee Cohen ^
Mindy and Warren Cohen
Susan Dorfman
Susie and Michael Gelman ^
Alexander Greenbaum
Judy and Eugene Greenberg ^
Marilyn and Michael Hausfeld
Jane and Phil Hochberg
Kay and Stan Klein
Arlene and Robert Kogod ^
Sherri and Howard Kohr
Amy and Alan Meltzer ^
Rabbi Amy and Gary Perlin ^
Connie and Al Pesachowitz ^
Sandra and Melvin Rosenblatt +
Joan and Don Sacarob ^+
Jill and Cary Schwartzbach
Maureen and Bob Shapiro ^+
David Bruce Smith ^
Roland Vaughan ^
Debbie and Mark Weber ^+
Judy Werbel ^
Deborah and David Yaffe ^
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
^ These Trustees are also members of a
group of supporters called Chai Society,
which recognizes that the life of the JCCNV
depends on our ability to financially support
general operations in addition to dedicated
programmatic support.
Lynne and Donald Sandler
Shirley Scher*
Irmgard Schwartz*
Maureen and Bob Shapiro
Debra and Mark Weber
Rosa Wohl*
+ Founding Trustees
*Of blessed memory.
Business and
Foundation Trustees
Corporate Sponsors
Abraham and Freida Hochberg
Foundation via Children’s Charities
Alexander Greenbaum Philanthropic Fund II
Charles E. Smith Family Foundation ^
Fairfax County’s Consolidated
Community Funding Pool
Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish
Campus Life
Jewish Agency for Israel
Harry and Zoe Poole Foundation
Majestic Limousine ^
Morningstar Philanthropic Fund ^
Robert P. and Arlene R. Kogod
Family Foundation ^
Saul Schottenstein Foundation B
United Jewish Endowment Fund ^
The Jewish Federation of
Greater Washington ^
The Neall Family Charitable Foundation
Chai Society Members
Cookie and Nelson Blitz
Eva Chaiken
Marcia Mofson and Jeff Dannick
Bobbie Ebert
Patti and Mitchell Herman
Sophie and Howard Hoffman
BJ and Allon Shiff
Legacy Society Members
Sandy and Lenny Barmak
Tanya and Steve Bodzin
Tico Bonomo*
Susan W. Carbo
Ruth Checknoff*
Cindy and Lee Cohen
Rae and Bernie Cohen
Marcia Mofson and Jeff Dannick
Roz Engels
Eugene Kaplan*
Bertha Kobayashi*
Edward Newman*
Michelle and David Pearlstein
Joan and Don Sacarob
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
Gold Sponsors
The Meltzer Group – General Operations
The Washington Group Special Care
Planning Team – Special Needs
Copper Sponsors:
Arbonne Angels – Teen Wellness
HHH Properties, Inc. – Family Services
Grant Thornton, LLP
Target ® Corporation
June 27, 2013–November 1, 2013
33rd Annual Fundraising Gala
Donna and Jeff Ackerman
Laura and David Adler
Judy and Paul Anderson
Rita and Ron Apter
Dottie Bennett
Gary Bergman
Beth El Hebrew Congregation
Cookie and Nelson Blitz
Tanya and Steve Bodzin
Gloria Brissman
Jane and Scott Brown
Thomas Buckley
Sheila and Bob Budoff
Eva Chaiken
Bunny and Jerome Chapman
Mindy and Warren Cohen
Maxine and Dan Cohen
Cindy and Lee Cohen
Anne Mazor Cohen
Rae and Bernie Cohen
Sue and Ken Cohn
Sarah Lafreniere and Ross Diamond
Louise and Dusko Doder
Bobbie Ebert
Joan and Les Edelman
Ellen Limberg
Deborah Swichkow and Raymond Ellis
Tamara and Ed Faggen
Leslie Frieden and Seth Feldman
Lisa Miller and Bennett Finkelstein
Jennifer Margolius Fisher
Candy and Ken Frankel
Freedom Bank of Virginia
Liz and Paul Frommer
Tessa and Glenn Fuchs
Dotty and Al Fuchsman
Paula Barrie and Martin Ganderson
Margie and Ron Glancz
Dr. Asad Gobar
Myra and Gordon Gondos
Judy and Gene Greenberg
Adele and Irv Greenspon
Paula and Jay Grossman
Jean and Paul Gurman
Patti and Mitchell Herman
Ileen and Gary Hoffman
Pauline and Herman Hohauser
Janet and Murray Horwitz
Joan Isenberg
Rabbis Jinny and Brett Isserow
Marion Jacknow
Vivian Bass
Talya and Rabbi David Kalender
Jill and Sam Kastner
Trish Kent
Marcia and Robert Kerchner
Debbie and Chet Kessler
Brenda and Marvin Klemow
JoEllen and Joe Kodish
Sherri and Howard Kohr
Linda and Ken Kozloff
Debbie and Bill Larson
Mimi and Len Levine
Natalie and Julian Levine
Shoshana and Howard Levy
Dorothy and Don Lewy
Debbie and Michael Linick
Phyllis and Jack Lustig
Honey and Al Nashman
Linda and Dale Otterness
Rabbi Amy Perlin and Gary Perlin
Connie and Al Pesachowitz
Cantor Sidney and Sondra Rabinowitz
Susan and Howard Reichbart
Carol Gordon and Steve Rosenthal
Sheila Ruffine
Joan and Don Sacarob
Reva Fox and Don Sargent
Jennifer and Michael Scher
Iris and Robert Shamaskin
Maureen and Bob Shapiro
BJ and Allon Shiff
Bertha Shostak
Pearl Shuman
Pauline and Ron Siegel
Willa and David Siegel
David Bruce Smith
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880 67
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
Victor Springer
Lynne and Jim Sprung
Denise Michel and David Stein
Sydell (Terry) M. Stone
Marie and Glenn Taubman
The Washington Group
Special Care Planning Team
Christine and Gordon Trapnell
Jarla and Bill Ulman
Roland Vaughan
Linda and Larry Vogel
Linda Recht and Bob Watts
Sarah Elpern and Bruce Waxman
Debbie and Mark Weber
Judy Werbel
Pam and Mark Wiener
Deborah and David Yaffe
33rd Annual Gala Advertisers
Casual Adventure
Charles Schwab & Company
Debbie Larson, Long and Foster
Dominion Jewelers
Garden of Remembrance
Hair Cuttery
Jefferson Funeral Chapel
Judy Ryan
Law Office of Michael D. Toobin
Me Jana Restaurant
Mercedes Benz of Arlington/
Mercedes Benz of Alexandria
Neifeld IP Law, PC
Perfect Endings Hair Design
Response Tech, Inc.
Skill Builders, LLC
Stafford Automotive Group
Temple B’nai Shalom
Wisley, Greco & Associates
33rd Annual Gala
Professional Circle
Dr. Jeffrey Ackerman
Dr. Chet Kessler
Dr. Joel R. Kessler
Patterson Dental Supply, Inc.
Stahl Zelloe, PC
Weiner, Spivey & Miller, PLC
Adult Services Department
(includes Seniors)
Harriet and Erwin Bondareff
Carolyn Bonilla
Suzanne Brooks
Sheila and Bob Budoff
Fran Channing
Bunny and Jerome Chapman
Thrive at Home
Candy and Ken Frankel
Dara and Josh Greene
Sue Herschler
Pauline and Herman Hohauser
Bruce Kaplan
Lois and Richard Kaufman
Rex and Linda Klopfenstein
Ruth Nass
Susan Olesch
Annette and Norton Paley, in honor of
Bev & Art Wise’s 50th Anniversary
Eda and Raymond Pickholtz
Sandy and Mel Rosenblatt
Geraldine Schehr
Dana and Robert Sitnick
Victor Springer
Roland Vaughan
Kenneth Huynh
Lorelei and Daniel Lash
Otilia and Valentin Neacsu
William Thumm
Before- and After-School
Enrichment (BASE)
Karen and Jim Stern
In Memory of Jonathan Wildes:
Judith Feldman
Mary Johnson
Doug Knight
Debra Lesser and Tony Sides
Elaine and Melvin Stokols
Mary Strain
Maria and Tyler Strain
Kitty and Dave Wildes
Deborah Bash
Linda and Arnold Blair
Gloria Brissman, for a speedy recovery
of Sara Moore and Debbie Kessler and in
honor of Connie Pesachowitz’s Presidency
Paula Barrie and Martin Ganderson
Pauline and Herman Hohauser
Heather and Gerard Jones
Karen and Jim Stern
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880
Community Engagement
(includes FACETS and Growing
Jewish Families)
Wendy and David Golden
Janet and Murray Horwitz
Allen and Muriel Marcus
Connie and Al Pesachowitz
Roland Vaughan
Community Shlichim Program
Agudas Achim Congregation
Ira Bartfield, in honor of Scott Brown
Jane and Scott Brown
Sheila and Robert Budoff, in memory of
Dr. David G. Ostrolenk
Mindy and Warren Cohen
Congregation Olam Tikvah
Congregation Sha’are Shalom
Temple B’nai Shalom
Beth El Hebrew Congregation
George Mason Hillel
Ilana and Gary Gamerman
Judy and Gene Greenberg
Dara and Josh Greene
Sherri and Howard Kohr
Morningstar Philanthropic Fund
Michelle and David Pearlstein
Rabbi Amy Perlin and Gary Perlin
Connie and Al Pesachowitz
Jill and Cary Schwartzbach
Sarah Elpern and Bruce Waxman
Debbie and Mark Weber
Brittanie and Dan Werbel
Deborah and David Yaffe
Cultural Arts
Laura and David Adler
Rae and Bernie Cohen
Arts Council of Fairfax County
Dara and Josh Greene
Janet and Murray Horwitz
Dan Kirsch
Marcy Mandel
Market Mavens Investment Group
Connie and Al Pesachowitz
Debby and David Anderson
Barbra and Arnold Golub
Otilia and Valentin Neacsu
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Early Childhood Learning Center
Lois and Richard Kaufman
Lila Meyers
Rebecca Mullen
Ursula and Tim Reilly
Jean and Jon Traub
Amber Withycombe and Joshua Kryah
Northern Virginia
Jewish Film Festival
Temple Rodef Shalom
Roz Engels, in honor of Bev &
Art Wise’s 50th Anniversary
Dara and Josh Greene
Fine Arts
Laurie Goldberg
Jean and Paul Gurman
Kristin and Christopher Lahiff
Joyce and Kenneth Robbins
General Operations
Anonymous (2)
America’s Charities
Sandy and Lenny Barmak
Cindy and Lee Cohen
Judy and Gene Greenberg
Amit and James Hickman
Allyson and Marc Jacob
Claire Kratch
Kimberly and Glenn Marshall
Amy and Alan Meltzer
Sara and Lou Moore
Morningstar Philanthropic Fund
Jane and Herbert Myers
Connie and Al Pesachowitz
REACH Sports Marketing Group, Inc.
Joan and Don Sacarob
Roslyn Samuelson
Jennifer and Michael Scher
Maureen and Bob Shapiro
BJ and Allon Shiff
Richard Stewart, in memory of
Mr. Jack Zuckerman
United Way of Greater Toledo
United Way of the National Capital Area
Roland Vaughan
Farzana and Robert Walcott
Linda Recht and Bob Watts
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
Northern Virginia Jewish Book
Embassy of Israel
Judy and Gene Greenberg
Allen and Muriel Marcus
ReelAbilities: Disabilities Film
Needham Mitnick & Pollack
State of Maryland
Service Source
Sandy and Lenny Barmak Teen and
Young Adult Engagement Fund
Carol Schrier-Polak and Rudy Polak
Special Needs
Patti and Ron Alf
Esther Belenker
Syyida Haf
Linda and Karl Bretzfelder
Susan Bullen
Maxine and Dan Cohen
County of Fairfax
Julie and David Dimatteo
Daniel Gallagher
Myra and Gordon Gondos
Yolene Henry
Jenny Holden
Ngoc Bichthi Ha
Pat Kerrigan
Christopher Kilgore
Kay and Stan Klein
Linda Nasr
Linda and Dale Otterness
Evan Owen
Sandy and Mel Rosenblatt
Andrew Rosengard
David Barry Shannon
Lynne and Jim Sprung
Maria and Sridhar Sripathy
Sydell (Terry) M. Stone
Roland Vaughan
Mary Verzollini
Lauren Vogel
Sports and Fitness
Sue and Dan Burke
Joyce and Edward Fendley
Breakthrough Chiropractic Care
M.L. Karamitsos
Pat Kerrigan
Samantha and Ryan Shugarman
Jarla and Bill Ulman
Roland Vaughan
Welcome New and
Returning Members
June 27, 2013 –November 1, 2013
Abraham Hess
Abraham Kaiser
Albert Nekimken
Albert Samson
Aleaxander Chapman
Aleksandra and Jin Yoo
Alex Johnson
Alice Wang and Craig Andera
Allison Courtney
Amanda and Michael Phan
Amber Broanell
Amy and Jeffrey Scharf
Amy and Michael Jensen
Andrea and Ben Borns
Andrea Cohen and David Albersheim
Andrew Rhodes
Angelo Magalong
Anne Nagy
Ava and Ramon Flores
Barbara and Jordan Baker
Ben Lansbury
Ben Perel
Betty Ann and Michael Thesz
Billie Lafiguera
Brenda and Charles Chapin
Brette and John Stephenson
Camille Baier
Carolee Egan
Carolyn Bonilla
Charlotte Cash
Christine and Leon Marucchi
Christine Kwon
Cindy Chou and Kent Chen
Conquette and Domenick Petrella
Dacheng Peng
Dan Batzri
Daniel Albamonte
Debby and David Anderson
Denise Furst
Di Jiang and Dr. Yu-Hung Peng
Donna Caruso
Drew Howard
Dyan and Daniel Schumack
Elana and Lars Rowe
Elizabeth and Peter Maer
Elzbieta Chiaia
Emily and Eric Mosso
Emma Kougvell
Ethel Watson
Eva Anna Vas
Fofe and Kevin Rehbein
Gael Garcia
Gail Terry
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880 69
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
Goli Trump
Grace Yang and Hai Lu
Hanna Sun
Haritha Ghatam and Rajesh Yelisetti
Helen Wecker
Hien Ly
Iliana Stoynova and Svetoslav Stoynova
Irmina Howe
Jacquelyn Joy
Jaime and Daniel Bernstein
James Hwang
Jamie and Matthew Mellon
Jane and Gregory Frantz
Janet Mackey
Jean-Rhys Forses
Jennifer and Nathan Diamond
Jennifer Naginskaya and Oleg Kotov
Jessica Tytel and Marc Boorshtein
Jillian and Daniel Heltzel
Joanne and Brett Genoble
Joanne Fiebe and Charles Piercey
John An
John Kim
Joseph Bonsignore
Joshua Cohen
Judith Baker
Julie Levy and Sean Kayes
Kaiyan Mao and Yu Zhou
Karen Miranda and Alfonso Davila
Katheryn James
Kathryn Brown
Kathryn Reimer
Katie and Andrew Gibb
Kimberly and Coleman Harper
Lenore Walsh
Leonard Goldstein
Linda Moniuszko
Lindsay Hughes
Linnett and David Rieger
Linnlin Qi and Tingju Zhu
Lisa and Barry Langevin
Lisa and Jim Warden
Loren and David Tyson
Lynn Sha and John Yu
Marc Hendrickson
Maria Soldatenkov
Marianne Vail
Mariel Maida and Daniel Gvertz
Marilyn Silver
Marlin Remick
Mary and Richard Requa
Mary and Robert Little
Mary Decker
Meghan and Ian Scott
Michael Choi
Michael Katkin
Michael Wells
Miranda Dilic
Miruna Bobes and Andrei Radulescu
Mitchell and Janie Baer
Monica and Danyeah Dillingham
Andrea Bogdan
Myung Lee
Nam Le
Nancy and Timothy Russo
Natalie and Jeffrey Nii
Nick Nagy
Nicole and Brian Zupan
Ok Kim
Pamela Cardoza
Panah Neshati
Pat and Kenneth Britz
Patty Duncan
Paul Sa
Paula and Christopher Polson
Paula and Jack Sherman
Paula and Richard Spencer
Piraba and Arjuna Swaminathan
Raylene Hesselberg and Eldad Kaufman
Rebekah and Ashley Cooper
Rita and Laxman Pandey
Robin and Robert Berman
Sandy and Eric Felt
Sarah and Jesse Bolka
Sarah and Johny Ramia
Scott Firestone
Shannon Berenbaum
Sharon Salpini
Sherry Roberts and Thomas Page
Solmon Lee
Soo-Jin Lee
Stacie and Mark Gould
Steven Douglas
Steven Edwards
Talya Ido
Tami and Adam Rothstein
Thanh Nguyen
Thien-Tho Nguyen
Tuyet Vu
Uyen Nguyen
Vivian and John Crowley
William Maloney
Wini Oxfurth
Xiao Shan Xu
Yekaterina Issakova and Olena Pustova
Zach Fasana
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880
Northern Virginia
Jewish Congregations
Adat Reyim
Springfield, VA • (703) 569-7577
Agudas Achim Congregation
Alexandria, VA • (703) 998-6460
Beth Chaverim Reform Congregation
Ashburn, VA • (703) 391-8669
Beth El Hebrew Congregation
Alexandria, VA • (703) 370-9400
Beth Sholom Temple
Fredericksburg, VA • (540) 373-4834
Chabad Campuses
Ahavat Israel Congregation
Fairfax, VA • (703) 426-1980
Chabad of Alexandria
Alexandria, VA • (703) 370-2774
Chabad of Reston-Herndon
Reston, Herndon, VA • (571) 594-6490
Chabad @ Tysons
Vienna, VA • (703) 356-3451
Congregation Beth Emeth
Herndon, VA • (703) 860-4515
Congregation Etz Hayim
Arlington, VA • (703) 979-4466
Congregation Olam Tikvah
Fairfax, VA • (703) 425-1880
Congregation Sha’are Shalom
Leesburg, VA • (703) 737-6500
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Congregation Yad Shalom
Centreville, VA • (703) 579-6079
Ft. Belvoir Jewish Congregation
Ft. Belvoir, VA • (703) 806-4196
Kol Ami, The Northern Virginia
Reconstructionist Community
Annandale, VA • (571) 271-8387
Ner Shalom
Woodbridge, VA • (703) 878-6904
Northern Virginia Hebrew Congregation
Reston, VA • (703) 437-7733
Reston, VA • (703) 437-4332
Temple Beth Torah
Centreville, VA • (703) 263-2252
Temple B’nai Shalom
Fairfax Station, VA • (703) 764-2901
Temple Rodef Shalom
Falls Church, VA • (703) 532-2217
Jewish Day Schools
Gan Israel Academy
Kindergarten–1st grade
Fairfax, VA
(703) 426-1980 •
Jewish Heritage
Video Collection
The Jewish Heritage Video Collection is
partially underwritten in memory of
George Elpern and the Video Library Fund.
The JCCNV maintains a video library with
Jewish content, thanks to the Jewish Heritage
Video Foundation. The collection ranges
from light comedies to “Schindler’s List”
and “Shine” and includes a large selection of
foreign, Holocaust and children’s films.
There are also study guides for educators
dealing with topics such as assimilation,
anti-Semitism, Jewish identity, intermarriage,
Jewish humor and Jewish love and marriage.
These are available, with accompanying
videos, free of charge to schools, synagogues
and church groups. For more information,
contact Pam Wiener at (703) 537-3061 or
[email protected].
JCCNV Policies
Refund Policy
Full cash refunds will be given if the JCCNV
cancels an activity due to insufficient
enrollment. Cancellation prior to the first
day of the session will incur a $7 handling
charge that is deducted from any refund.
No refunds will be processed for one-time
programs after the program has begun.
Credit is given for classes if one cancels after
the first meeting and before the second.
The credit amount is prorated, less a $7
processing fee. Credits must be presented at
the time of use to be valid. Credits cannot be
used toward membership, preschool tuition,
day care or camp fees. Other restrictions
may apply.
Kashruth Policy
The JCCNV observes kashruth, which
requires a strict separation of meat and
dairy foods. All food and drink brought
into the Center must be dairy or parve. For
information, please call the JCCNV.
Shabbat Payment Policy
The library is partially underwritten by
the Lynne Ran and Eleanor Finkelstein
Library Fund.
The JCCNV library is located in the adult
lounge. Browse through our selection of
fiction and nonfiction books with Judaic
themes. The library is open to members
during building hours, unless in use, and
operates on the honor system. To check out
a book, fill out a card with your name and
phone number and leave it at the front desk.
Return the book to the front desk.
In observance of Shabbat, the JCCNV does
not handle money or conduct business
transactions on Friday nights and Saturdays.
For the convenience of members and guests
who would like to make a payment during
Shabbat, forms and money may be deposited
in the Shabbat drop box at the front desk.
All forms and payment submitted will be
processed during regular business hours.
Gesher Jewish Day School
Kindergarten–8th grade
Fairfax, VA
(703) 978-9789 •
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880 71
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
Executive Staff
Executive Director
Jeff Dannick
(703) 537-3023
[email protected]
Associate Executive Director
Sara Moore
(703) 537-3024
[email protected]
Assistant Executive Director
Marc Jacob
(703) 537-3025
[email protected]
Raquel Zohary
(703) 537-3085
[email protected]
Assistant to the Executive Director
Group Coordinators
Sheila Budoff
(703) 537-3068
[email protected]
Shelly Rosenstein
(703) 537-3062
[email protected]
New Americans Group Coordinator
Helen Getter
Adult Department Assistants
Susan Dorfman
Marcia Gordon
Sue Olesch
Community Engagement
Laurie Albert
(703) 537-3064
[email protected]
Jennifer Kanarek
(703) 537-3019
[email protected]
Marcy Mandel
(703) 537-3054
[email protected]
JCCNV–JAFI Community Shaliach and Jewish
Agency Israel Fellow to Hillel at George
Mason University
Front Desk Administrator
Ido Rakovsky
(703) 537-3034
[email protected]
Brandon Butler
(703) 323-0880
[email protected]
Administrative Assistant
Sarah Arkin
(703) 537-3030
[email protected]
Adult Services
Pam Wiener
(703) 537-3061
[email protected]
Adult Programming Director
Carla Rosenfeld
(703) 537-3060
[email protected]
Lead Adult Coordinator
Michele Endick
(703) 537-3095
[email protected]
Cultural Arts
Dan Kirsch
(703) 537-3075
[email protected]
Dance Academy Director
Chris Dalen
(703) 537-3037
[email protected]
Dance Coordinator and
Administrative Assistant
Brenda Forsley
(703) 537-3057
[email protected]
Fine Arts Coordinator
Irene Gavin
(703) 537-3063
[email protected]
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880
Michelle Pearlstein
(703) 537-3033
[email protected]
Family Services Department
Amy Brinko
(703) 537-3039
[email protected]
Accounts Manager
Adi Eilat Crowley
(703) 537-3077
[email protected]
Camp Achva
Teen Programming and
Camp Achva Director
Nori White
(703) 537-3041
[email protected]
Assistant Programming Director
Joelle Kelenson
(703) 537-3091
[email protected]
Assistant Operations Director
Jessica Vandell
(703) 537-3096
[email protected]
Camp Ahava
Amy Vermillion
(703) 537-3038
[email protected]
Camp Ahava Coordinator
Juliana Quinteros-Mian
(703) 537-3016
[email protected]
JCCNV/Beth El Preschool Camp
Dina Backer
(703) 537-3084
[email protected]
Assistant Camp Director
Ali Kerlin
(703) 537-3084
[email protected]
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Special Needs
Camp Kadima (Special Needs)
School-Age Services
School-Age Programming Director
Jessica Tischler
(703) 537-3031
[email protected]
Joelle Kelenson
(703) 537-3091
[email protected]
Jessica Tischler
(703) 537-3031
[email protected]
Assistant Director
School-Age Programming Assistant Director
Program Coordinator
Aryn Cahen
(703) 537-3032
[email protected]
Jessica Vandell
(703) 537-3096
[email protected]
Early Childhood Services
Teen Programming and
Camp Achva Director
Amy Vermillion
(703) 537-3038
[email protected]
Early Childhood Learning Center (ECLC)
Amit Hickman
(703) 537-3051
[email protected]
Laura Cooper
(703) 537-3065
[email protected]
Amanda Swart
(703) 537-3086
[email protected]
ECLC Jewish Culture and Values Coordinator
Debbie Blonder
(703) 537-3067
[email protected]
ECS Programming and Events Coordinator
Juliana Quinteros-Mian
(703) 537-3016
[email protected]
JCCNV/Beth El Hebrew
Early Childhood Learning Center
Dina Backer
(703) 537-3084
[email protected]
Assistant Director
Ali Kerlin
(703) 537-3084
[email protected]
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
Melissa Hochberg
(703) 537-3040
[email protected]
Marketing & Public Relations
Laura Adler
(703) 537-3036
[email protected]
Marketing Assistant
ECLC Program Coordinators
Resource Specialist
Nori White
(703) 537-3041
[email protected]
Marcy Mandel
(703) 537-3054
[email protected]
Aryn Cahen
(703) 537-3032
[email protected]
Sports, Fitness &
Aquatics Department
Paula Cole
(703) 537-3049
[email protected]
Aquatics Director and
SFA Associate Director
Teo Albu
(703) 537-3053
[email protected]
Fitness Director
Matthew Alvin
(703) 537-3050
[email protected]
Heidi Palchik
(703) 537-3042
[email protected]
Sports and Wellness Director
Salta Steil
(703) 537-3017
[email protected]
Allison Colman
(703) 537-3052
[email protected]
Exercise and Wellness Coordinator
Sheryl White
(703) 537-3027
[email protected]
Keri Drugan
(703) 537-3028
[email protected]
SFA Staff
Building Superintendent
Trong Nguyen
(703) 537-3048
[email protected]
Petya Ivanova
[email protected]
Part-Time Trainers
David Astrow
Jane Hansen
Rachelle Lasken
Kasha Williamson
Staff development is partially underwritten
by the following funds:
Shirley & Charles Dondes Endowment Fund
for Leadership Development
Jeffrey M. Karatz Development Fund
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880 73
Special Care
Planning Team
Jerry Hulick, CLU, ChFC, ChSNC, CLTC
Team Members:
Carey Alford
Dan Goodwin*
T. Patrick Hammeke*
Pearl Hartley*
Michelle Jefferson
Sara Krulwich*
Tom Walsh*
*Special Care Planner
Our mission is to help make a positive difference in the lives of individuals with special
needs, their caregivers, and other family members. Our knowledgeable and dedicated Special
Care Planners assist families with developing valuable financial strategies and creating
strategic financial solutions that integrate with Government programs. Through our network
of other professionals and specialists, we can provide appropriate referrals to further assist
families with their unique situations. We also help coordinate family education and
Contact us to learn more about the many ways we can
help you and your family
3923 Old Lee Highway Suite 62-B \ Fairfax, VA 22030 \
(703) 865-6502 \ [email protected]
Insurance Representative of MassMutual and its affiliates. Jerry L. Hulick is a Registered Principal of and offers securities, investment advisory and financial planning services
through MML Investors Services, Inc., a MassMutual subsidiary. Supervisory Office: 6500 Rock Spring Drive Suite 400 Bethesda, MD 20817 (301) 581-7200.
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
33rd Annual JCCNV Gala Advertisers
The following companies supported the 2013 fundraising gala.
Please show your support of these companies by patronizing their business.
AnnSandra Gifts
Atelier Events
Casual Adventure
Charles Schwab & Co.
Comfort Joy Spa
Deborah F. Larson/
Long & Foster Real Estate
Dominion Jewelers
Euro Stone Craft
Freedom Bank of Virginia
Gesher Jewish Day School
Hair Cuttery/ Ratner Company
HHH Properties (Fair City Mall)
High Sierra Pools
Jefferson Funeral Homes
Jewish Social Service Agency
Judy Ryan of Fairfax
Majestic Limousine
Me Jana Restaurant
Mercedes Benz of Arlington
Mercedes Benz of Alexandria
Michael D. Toobin Law Office
Neifeld IP Law, PC
Oasis Creative
Perfect Endings
Response TECH
Safford Automotive
Skill Builders, LLC
Stuart Hill Photography
Temple B’nai Shalom
The Garden of Remembrance
in Clarksburg
The Jewish Federation
of Greater Washington
The Meltzer Group
The Washington Group Special
Care Planning Team
The Woodlands
Wisley, Greco & Associates
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
[email protected]
[email protected]
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880 75
Haifa Symphony
Orchestra Of Israel
Boguslaw Dawidow, conductor
Roman Rabinovich, piano
Saturday, February 1 at 8 p.m.
888-945-2468 or
George Mason University
Make Temple B’nai Shalom your new spiritual home.
We are a warm and welcoming Reform congregation, open to all you and
old, interfaith, married, partnered, and single. No matter where you might
be in your Jewish journey, we will help you along your way.
We would love to talk to you about our nationally recognized
Religious School!
Amy R. Perlin, D.D.—Senior Rabbi
Jillian Cameron—Assistant Rabbi/Educator
For membership information, email our Director of Membership Services,
Lynn Richmond at [email protected].
Mason Hillel connects students with
Jewish life, learning and Israel.
[email protected] - - 703.993.3321
7612 Old Ox Road, Fairfax Station, VA 22039
(703) 764-2901 •
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Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
JCCNV Member Benefits Go Outside the Walls of the JCCNV!
Membership Reciprocity
Here in the Metro DC area, JCCNV memberships have full reciprocity at the Washington the DCJCC (Downtown) and JCC of
Greater Washington (Rockville, MD). Full member benefits are granted for classes, programs, and use of the fitness facilities. To
check out all that’s available to you as a JCCNV member, visit or
Member Discounts Outside the JCCNV (as of November 1, 2013)
Comfort & Joy
Wellness Spa
Discount Offered
9514-A Main Street Fairfax
(703) 425-8800
10% discount on spa
Everyday Eyecare
5203-A Lyngate
(703) 764-2015
20% discount on regularly
priced frames and lenses
Joy Custom Tailors
9848 B Main Street
(703) 352-2888
Kilroy's Decks
(703) 675-8639
Main Street Shell
9956 Main Street
(703) 591-6470
$10 off oil change services;
10% labor discount on
30K-60K-90K factory
maintenance services; 10%
labor discount on any labor
amount of $100 or more
Pineridge Shell
8712 Little River
(703) 978-3600
Submit membership card
before your work is done to
receive 5% off parts, 5% off
labor, $5 off inspection or
$5 off emissions, $19.95 oil
change; $59.99 full wheel
alignment, and 10% BG
Spine & Joint
3915 Old Lee
(703) 994-4874
15% discount on total
Storytime Express
9111 Cascus Drive
(703) 323-1783
$10 off one storytelling
birthday party program
Style Rite
7138 Little River
(703) 256-1114
20% discount on all fabrics
purchased from store
University Flower
9848-A Main Street Fairfax
(703) 591-1410
20% off on local order; 10%
off on wire order
W.B. Motors Inc.
3767 Pickett Road
(703) 978-7000
10% parts and labor
10% off all tailoring
$500 off new composite
deck floor and restorations
Three Centers—one community: reciprocity benefits for
members of JCCNV, DCJCC, and JCC of Greater Washington.
Your Complete Mind, Body and Spirit Center.
Program Registration Form
[email protected]
Please complete the form below and enclose a check made payable to the JCCNV, or provide your Visa, MasterCard or American Express
number, expiration date, security code and signature. All registrations must be submitted with payment.
Date _____________ o Male o Female
Participant’s Name _______________________________ Middle _______________________ Last ________________________________
Parent/Guardian’s name if participant is a minor _________________________________________________________________________
Address _________________________________________________________________________ Apt.____________________________
City _________________________________________________ State _____________________ Zip _____________________________
Phone (H) __________________________ (Work/Cell) ____________________________ E-mail _______________________________
If Child, D.O.B. _________________________________ Age ______________ Grade __________________________________________
Is child enrolled in JCCNV day care on the day of this class? o Yes o No
Emergency Contact Name and Phone _________________________________________________________________________________
Names of other participants attending program________________________________________________________ o Male o Female
__________________________________________________________________________________________ o Male o Female
__________________________________________________________________________________________ o Male o Female
__________________________________________________________________________________________ o Male o Female
__________________________ ____________________________________________________ $ ___________________________
__________________________ ____________________________________________________ $ ___________________________
__________________________ ____________________________________________________ $ ___________________________
__________________________ ____________________________________________________ $ ___________________________
I want to help support important programs at the JCCNV by making a donation to one or more of the following funds (suggested gift: $18).
Feel free to provide an alternative amount below for your 100% tax-deductible gift. $________General Operations
$________Family Programming $________Adult Programming $________Sports, Fitness & Aquatics Fund
$________Cultural Arts $________Community Engagement $________Special Needs
$________Other:__________________________ Donation Total _________________ Program and Donation Total_________________
Member o yes #____________________________
Total Enclosed $ ________________________ o Check o VISA o MasterCard o American Express
Cardholder’s Name (please print) _____________________________________ Card Number ____________________________________
Expiration Date ____________________ Security Code _____________ Signature _____________________________________________
Please consult your physician before beginning any physical activity or engaging in any physical program.
The JCCNV reserves the right to photograph and/or videotape activities for use in publicity and promotional materials. Please notify the
JCCNV in writing if you do not want photos of either you or your family members to be used and send in a recent photo so that we can be
sure that you and/or your family members are not included in these materials.
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
8900 Little River Turnpike • Fairfax, VA 22031 • (703) 323-0880 • Fax (703) 323-1993
Centertainment • • (703) 323-0880
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
Circle Your Favorite Events and Plan to Attend!
Unless otherwise noted, programs listed are held at the JCCNV.
Membership, Page 7
Members Matter Week
Sunday–Saturday, Jan. 5–11
Cultural Arts, Page 17
Mister Benny
Friday–Sunday, Jan. 10-12
Teens, Page 35
Cosmic Bowling
Saturday, Jan. 11, 7:30pm
Growing Jewish Families,
Page 12
Tu B’Shevat Birthday Party
for the Trees
Sunday, Jan. 12, 10am
Teens, Page 35
Jewish Life @ College:
Teen & Parent Tracks
Sunday, Jan. 12, 5:30pm
Temple Rodef Shalom
Israel Up Close, Page 15
Going to Press in Israel
Wednesday, Jan. 15, 7:30pm
Cultural Arts, Page 18
The Maccabeats
Sunday, Jan. 19, 1:30pm & 4pm
Community Engagement,
Page 9
Give Together —
Volunteer Fairfax
Monday, Jan. 20, 10:30am
Cultural Arts, Page 18
Jews Who Rock
Sunday, Jan. 26, 3pm
Cultural Arts, Page 18
Haifa Symphony Orchestra
of Israel
Saturday, Feb. 1, 8pm
George Mason University
Teens, Page 35
Superbowl Party with BBYO
Sunday, Feb. 2, 6pm
Special Needs, Page 40
Workshop: All Things Therapy
Thursday, Mar. 6, 7pm
Cultural Arts, Page 18
Hooshir A Cappella and
Potomac Fever
Saturday, Mar. 8, 8pm
Special Needs, Page 38
ReelAbilities: Greater DC
Disabilities Film Festival
Growing Jewish Families,
Page 12
Purim Pajama Party and
Puppet Show
Thursday–Thursday, Feb. 6–13
Locations around town
Sunday, Mar. 16, 10am
Location: TBA
Adults, Page 57
Ninth Annual Comedy Night
Cultural Arts, Page 19
Northern Virginia
Jewish Film Festival
Saturday, Feb. 8, 7:45pm
Growing Jewish Families,
Page 12
Havdallah Hootenanny
Sunday, Feb. 9, 10am
Location: TBA
Israel Up Close, Page 15
Life on the Kibbutz:
Past, Present & Future
Thursday, Feb. 13, 7:30pm
Thursday–Sunday, Mar. 20–30
Jewish Journeys, Page 14
Shabbat Program
Saturday, Mar. 22
Community Engagement,
Page 10
NoVA Simcha Expo
Sunday, Mar. 23, noon
Teens, Page 35
3rd Annual Ski Trip
Israel Up Close, Page 15
The History of Israel
Reflected Through Music
Monday, Feb. 17, 8am
Wednesday, Mar. 26, 7:30pm
Cultural Arts, Page 18
Love, Faith and
Other Dirty Words
Adults, Page 60
Used Book, CD and DVD Sale
Wednesday, Feb. 19, 7:30pm
Adult Learning Institute,
Page 58
Author Program with
Allan Lichtman
Monday, Feb. 24, 12:15pm
Jewish Journeys, Page 14
Shabbat Dinner
Friday, Feb. 28
Sunday–Wednesday, Mar. 30–Apr. 2
Teens, Page 35
Chocolate Seder
Saturday, Apr. 5, 7pm
Community Engagement,
Page 10
Good Deeds Day
Sunday, Apr. 6, 1pm
Gesher Jewish Day School
Cultural Arts, Page 18
Richmond Ballet II
Sunday, Apr. 6, 7pm
Teens, Page 35
VA/MD College Tour
Sunday–Tuesday, Apr. 6–8
Adults, Page 60
33rd Annual Passover Seder
Thursday, Apr. 10, 11am
Jewish Journeys, Page 14
Shabbat Dinner
Friday, Apr. 25
Community Engagement,
Page 10
NoVA Holocaust
Sunday, Apr. 27, 5pm
Growing Jewish Families,
Page 12
Celebrate Israel Field Day
and Ice Cream Party
Sunday, May 4, 10am
Fort Scott Park, Arlington
Special Needs, Page 40
Workshop: All Things IEP
Thursday, May 15, 7pm
Community Engagement,
Page 10
Israel Street Festival
Sunday, May 18, noon
Mosaic District
Cultural Arts, Page 19
Dates and times TBA
Membership, Page 7
Volunteer Appreciation
Tuesday, May 27, 6:30pm
Membership, Page 7
Membership Meeting
Tuesday, May 27, 7:30pm
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia
8900 Little River Turnpike • Fairfax, VA 22031 • (703) 323-0880
Northern Virginia’s
Party-Planning Expo
Sunday, March 23, noon–4pm, JCCNV
Planning a milestone celebration? NOVA Simcha Expo is the place to be!
DJs, photographers, florists, entertainment, venues, invitations and decorations,
caterers, hair and make-up, Judaica, and more!
Vendors interested in participating, visit to
download the registration form.
Brought to you in partnership by:
Jew i s h D ay S ch o o l
Visit us online: