2015 Child Guide - John L. Scott


2015 Child Guide - John L. Scott
Wednesday, August 26, 2015 • Vashon-Maury Island Beachcomber
Page 11
A Guide to Education on Vashon Island
Chautauqua Elementary • McMurry Middle School • Vashon High School • Private Schools
Generously Sponsored by
A supplement of The Vashon-Maury Island Beachcomber • August 26, 2015
Page 12
Wednesday, August 26, 2015 • Vashon-Maury Island Beachcomber
Vashon is a great place to raise kids. From our excellent schools to our many fine youth-oriented programs,
children on Vashon are nurtured, challenged and supported by an island community that clearly cares about
them and their future success.
At John L. Scott, where many of us are parents, we’re
grateful both for the trust many of you have put in us
and for the opportunity we have to give back to the
community. It is particularly important to us to find
ways to support our kids, as well as the schools and
other organizations that help them to become fine
So please join us in supporting our island’s young
people. And take a moment to feel some pride. We have
great kids and a great community behind them.
School year opens with excitement
— The Vashon John L. Scott Family
13 | Chautauqua Elementary School
14 | McMurray Middle School
15 | Calendar
18 | Vashon High School
19 | Educational Alternatives
19-20 | Private Schools
Harbor School
Carpe Diem
Homestead School
y favorite day each year is when school
opens in September and we are met at the
doors with student and parent enthusiasm,
anticipation, curiosity and joy.
What is true for our
students is also true for
our faculty and staff.
Rested from vacation,
our faculty anticipates
your return and has
been invested in the joy
of their own learning
over the past several
weeks. We study newly
adopted curriculum,
coordinate lesson planning together and practice new teaching and
learning strategies. We
all have a commitment
to teaching the habits
of mind that will enable you to enjoy a lifetime of learning.
School district families will meet several outstanding new
teachers and staff who have joined us. They were chosen for
their love of teaching, their competence and experience and
for being “just the right fit” for our Vashon community. I’m
proud of the professionalism of our faculty and staff and the
commitment they make to your education and growth each
Many of our parents and graduates describe the Vashon
public school system as having the attributes of an expensive
private school education. We offer high quality academic
programs and a wide range of opportunities in the arts,
sports, music and travel in the classroom and through
co-curricular clubs and activities. For the past two years,
our students have earned the Washington Academic
Achievement Award, placing in the top 5 percent of high
schools across the state. Our school district prides itself in
providing excellent, rigorous and engaging programs.
The culture within each of our three public schools is built
upon a deep compassion and caring for one another. Our
mission, “To equip every student to engage, thrive, and contribute within an ever-changing world,” guides our commitment to the success of every student. We are committed to
the development of the whole child in which each develops
a love and personal responsibility for learning, explores and
embraces individual gifts and passions, learns to become a
contributing citizen and develops essential life and academic
skills with plans for continued growth.
We welcome and value students from diverse backgrounds
who may have ethnic, economic, and/or learning differences
because they often teach us to appreciate and accept each
other in an increasingly diverse world. Our joy is to know
every student as an individual and to provide each student
with the tools and learning opportunities he or she needs to
prepare for college or a career and ultimately to lead productive lives as citizens.
Our public schools thrive because of our community support. We are so grateful for the contributions of funding and
expertise from Vashon Partners in Education (PIE), Vashon
PTSA, Vashon Allied Arts, Vashon Nature Center and many
others. The Vashon Island Public Schools Foundation has
nearly achieved this year’s goal of raising $247,000 for our
mental health and suicide prevention initiative, science and
math program enhancements and a variety of equipment,
materials and program supports not covered by other types
of funding. Our public schools and students thrive because
of our community support. Thank you.
I wish each and every one of you a successful school year.
Welcome back!
— Michael Soltman, Superintendent
Vashon school district board of directors
For a directory of island preschools,
stop by The Beachcomber office for
the spring issue of Island Child.
Publisher ...........................
Section editor ....................
Section design
and cover design ...............
Advertising ........................
Daralyn Anderson
Susan Riemer
Nance Scott
Daralyn Anderson
Island Child is published biannually by Sound Publishing Inc.
No part of this publication may be reprinted without the permission of Sound Publishing. For additional copies, call (206)
463-9195 or email [email protected].
©2015 Sound Publishing Inc.
Note: As of press time, the dates in the School Calendar on
page 7 are set. Throughout the year, however, some may
change. Confirm dates by calling the Vashon Island School
District office at 463-2121 or visiting www.vashonsd.org.
Island Child – Fall 2015
Vashon’s school board members include, from left, Dan Chasan, Bob Hennessey, Kathy
Jones, Steve Ellison and Chair Laura Wiskhik.
The board meets throughout the year at 7 p.m. at Chautauqua Elementary School, typically
on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month, though dates vary. For more information about the board, including board member contact information and meeting dates, see
For the upcoming November election, John Osbourne is challenging Dan Chasan,
and Toby Holmes is challenging Laura Wishik. Kathy Jones is not running again; Jake
Jacobovitch and Zabette Macomber both filed to run for her seat.
Ballots for the Nov. 3 election will be mailed in mid-October.
Wednesday, August 26, 2015 • Vashon-Maury Island Beachcomber
Page 13
Chautauqua Elementary School
Jody Metzger, Principal
Kathryn Robinson, Vice Principal
Yvette Butler .......................Counselor
Phone ................................463-2882
Fax ....................................463-0937
Students .....................................524
Teachers .......................................30
Support staff .................................30
Volunteers .................. More than 300
This past year we added a new ECEAP (Early
Childhood Education and Assistance Program) preschool thanks to the grant writing and persistent
efforts of Roxanne Lyons. This preschool provided the
dual languages of Spanish and English. The increasing
opportunities for children to learn Spanish made for
an exciting year of collaboration among our teachers
who teach Spanish. Holly Boyajian (first grade), Sarah
Hamill (second grade) and Victoria Clayton (kindergarten) continued to offer a language experience to our
young students.
Chautauqua is a school where children are challenged
to discover their skills and conceptual understandings
through problem solving, researching and investigating. Children take a big leap beyond providing “the
answer” to providing evidence that backs up answers
and discoveries. Students thrive academically through
interesting problem-solving and project-based learning
Our school culture relies on children and adults
knowing and supporting SOLE in our school. Every
student in our school should be able to tell anyone who
asks what SOLE means. They will tell the inquirer that
SOLE stands for respect for Self, Others, Learning and
our Environment. These expectations are supported
through weekly social/emotional instruction. We’re
proud of the actions of our students and the commitment of our staff to instill thoughtful behaviors and
attitudes in our children.
At the end of this past year, we bade a fond farewell to several of our teachers. Meri-Michael Collins
resigned her position in the Learning Resource Center
at the end of December. Mary Heath retired at the end
of the school year to seek new adventures in Montana.
Sara Barry retired from the developmental preschool as
well. They will all be missed, and we wish them well in
their next pursuits. Each of these remarkable teachers
made a huge impact on the lives of our children.
Spanish Studio Vashon
Before and After School Spanish Classes
at Chautauqua Elementary School
My name is Victoria Clayton, I am a native Spanish teacher.
Everyone can learn a second language, but everyone learns
differently. In my classes I strive to accommodate different
learning styles and create activities that engage every child.
My classes are small, fun and interactive.
Classes are Monday through Thursday, once or twice a week
options. In addition, I offer two weekly adult classes.
Call or email for more information
or to register 206-859-7796
email: [email protected]
Susan Riemer/Staff Photo
Alayna Aldrich and Landon Cunningham, students at the new preschool at Chautauqua, enjoy the wonders of a wet, fall
day on the playground.
Looking ahead
Our community and the Vashon Schools Foundation
have provided funds to continue a reduction in class
size in the early grades. This effort has allowed us to
begin a new year with an excellent teaching staff and
a wonderful support staff. We begin this year with five
new classroom teachers. Karolina Clevenger is moving from a support position in the Learning Resource
Center to take the lead teacher position in our developmental preschool. Sarah Hallstein is moving to our
area from Rome, Georgia, as a second-grade teacher.
Margie Butcher joins us from the John Stanford
International School to teach our third-grade Spanish
extension class. Paul Wahlan has moved from the
Franklin Pierce School District and will teach third
grade. Also, Jenni Wilke, who has been in our school
as a parent, AmeriCorp volunteer and para-educator,
will join the third-grade team with her own classroom.
Finally, Rachel Paxton joins us from Virginia to teach
fifth grade.
We are fortunate to work with excellent science
coaches in our community. This coming year Roxanne
Lyons will support science in our school through
coaching and connecting citizen scientists with our
teachers and our students. Our partnerships with
Partners in Education (PIE) and Vashon Allied Arts
allow us to provide innovative experiences for our children. The arts are alive and well in our school thanks
to the artists in our schools program and the huge
effort our partners put forth to ensure our children
receive a most well-rounded education.
We look forward to another year of bright-eyed children walking through our front doors. They are the
heart and the soul of our school community, and with
all our efforts, they will engage in what we have to
offer, and they will contribute to each other’s learning.
The annual Chautauqua
Elementary School Icebreaker
will take place from 1 to 2 p.m.
Thursday, September 3.
Elementary students and parents
are invited to meet their teacher,
see their classroom and have a
snowcone before the school
year starts.
Participate in your
child’s education!
Discouraged with common core?
Afraid to home school on your own?
Christian cooperative group of home schoolers
have several openings for this 2015-2016
school year for grades 5th/6th and 8th/9th.
Call to inquire at
Island Child – Fall 2015
Page 14
Wednesday, August 26, 2015 • Vashon-Maury Island Beachcomber
McMurray Middle School
Greg Allison, Principal
Gates Johnson ...... Executive Assistant
Carolyn Zike .......................Counselor
Phone ................................ 463-9168
Fax ....................................463-9707
Students ..................................... 370
Teachers .......................................22
Support Staff ...................................8
Volunteers .................. More than 200
McMurray Middle School is a unique learning community, focused on preparing students during the
transition from elementary school to high school and
helping them to engage, thrive and contribute. We offer
a strong core curriculum, dynamic instruction, challenge and support for all students. Additionally, a wide
range of appealing elective and exploratory courses are
offered that cultivate students’ intellectual, creative,
kinesthetic and social development.
Our blend of core academics, electives and skillbuilding helps create a community of engaged learners.
Challenge, exploration, acceptance and support are
all part of the McMurray program. These aspects are
fostered by students and staff who work to establish a
building climate of positive communication, collaboration and cooperation.
Highlights and Honors
• All students participated in Community Day
designed to create a positive and welcoming environment at the beginning of our school year.
• Math is Cool Competitions-Division II Regional
first place award — 6th grade 2015.
• Math is Cool Masters Competition Finalists, 2015.
• FIRST Lego League team regional finalists, 2014.
• Symphonic Band (7th and 8th grade) Rating 2 at
the Commencement Bay Band Festival, 2015.
• Over 200 students qualified for M.A.S.T.
(McMurray Academic Success Team) Honors in 2015
with a 3.5 or higher GPA or improved GPA of .5 or better.
Courtesy Photo
McMurray Middle School teacher Larry Dubois won the Vashon PTSA’s Doors of Opportunity award last year. The award is
given annually to a teacher or administrator who exceeds expectations and “opens doors” for students. Above, Dubois drives
a crew of students around on the school’s Community Day.
• Sixty 8th-grade students qualified for the
President’s Award for Academic Excellence by earning a 3.5 GPA or better for their entire Middle School
• Football won the JV league championship in 2014.
• WIAA Team Outstanding Scholarship academic
awards were earned by volleyball (3.719 average GPA),
girls’ soccer (3.594 average GPA), girls’ basketball
(3.592 average GPA) and track (3.694 average GPA).
• WIAA Team Distinguished Scholarship academic
awards were earned by football (3.397 average GPA),
boys’ soccer (3.470 average GPA), volleyball (average
3.448 GPA), boys’ basketball (average 3.31 GPA) and
wrestling (3.205 GPA).
• 80 percent of our students participate in a wide
range of interscholastic sports (see above) and one
or more of our clubs: Chess Club, Prevention Club,
Journalism Club, Yearbook Club, Equality Club, Art
Lab, Feature Fridays, Disc Golf Club, Vocal Music Club,
Executive Council and Friday Movie Nights.
• McMurray hosts over 200 volunteers annually, creating a welcoming and successful partnership with our
parents and the community.
• More than 250 students displayed their unique
artistic talents at two Night of the Visual and the
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Island Child – Fall 2015
Performing Arts in January and May.
• 140 eighth-grade students participated in
Exploratory Week in June, choosing from a range of 10
week-long experiential learning activities.
Goals for 2015-2016
• Student engagement, literacy, critical thinking and
academic excellence and growth for all students continue as our highest priorities.
• Developing a positive, safe, respectful and inclusive
school climate will be emphasized throughout the year.
• Developing positive partnerships with students,
home and the community through a variety of outreach and communications.
Listening & Reading • Academic Writing • Note Taking• Time Management • Study Skills
“Smartest money I’ve
ever spent.”
– Nannette Dean, mother of one eager
student and one resistant student.
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www.devonatkins.com • [email protected]
Grade 5 through College Level
Planning • Work Ethic • Good-Student Skills • Prioritizing • Test Taking • Organization
Prioritizing • Scholarship Skills • Planning • Optimism
Kick off the
soccer season
with us!
Study Skills • Self-Advocating • Planning • Confidence
We strive to develop positive relationships with
students in a variety of ways. McMurray staff are committed to challenging each student to master essential
academic skills, to acknowledge individual potential,
to identify one’s strengths and challenges. Students
routinely explore their affective and whole selves, while
developing a sense of respect and responsibility for
others and their environment.
Wednesday, August 26, 2015 • Vashon-Maury Island Beachcomber
• January
Vashon Island
School Calendar
• September
Teacher In-Service Days
Labor Day Holiday - No School
First day of school for:
Chautauqua Elementary
McMurray Middle School &
Vashon Island High School
Full day of classes
Professional Development Day
2-1/2 hour delayed start
Vashon Island High School – Open House
Chautauqua Elementary – Open House
McMurray Middle School – Open House
• October
Professional Development Day
2-1/2 hour delayed start
Teacher In-Service Days
Parent/Teacher/Student Conference Day
for Chautauqua Elementary School
– No classes for Chautauqua PreK - 5th grade.
Professional Development Day
2-1/2 hour delayed start
Veterans Day – School Closed
Professional Development Day
2-1/2 hour delayed start
Student Half Day – Dismissal Times
(All Kindergarten Students Attend)
No breakfast or lunch served.
• Chautauqua Elementary
• McMurray Middle School
• Vashon Island High School
Thanksgiving Break – School Closed
• December
Last day of Trimester-Chautauqua
Professional Development Day
2-1/2 hour delayed start
21 – 31 Winter Break – School Closed
Winter Break – School Closed
Professional Development Day
2-1/2 hour delayed start
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
School Closed
Last day of semester for McMurray Middle School
and Vashon Island High School
Teacher In-Service Day
School Closed
• February
Professional Development Day
2-1/2 hour delayed start
President’s Day – School Closed
16 – 19 Mid-Winter Break – School Closed
Professional Development Day
2-1/2 hour delayed start
• March
• November
Page 15
Teacher In-Service - Snow day make up
Professional Development Day
2-1/2 hour delayed start
Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences
for McMurray Middle School
No classes for McMurray
Last day of Trimester-Chautauqua
Professional Development Day
2-1/2 hour delayed start
• April
11 – 15 Spring Break – School closed
Professional Development Day
2-1/2 hour delayed start
• May
• June
Professional Development Day
2-1/2 hour delayed start
Professional Development Day
2-1/2 hour delayed start
Memorial Day – School Closed
Class of
Vashon Island High School
Senior Class Graduation 2016 - 2pm
Student Half Day – Release Times
• Chautauqua Elementary
• McMurray Middle School
• Vashon Island High School
Snow Day Make-Up Day
A Special Thanks to
for sponsoring the 2015
Fall issue of Island Child
Find this section online • www.vashonbeachcomber.com
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Page 16 Wednesday, August 26, 2015
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Wednesday, August 26, 2015 • Vashon-Maury Island Beachcomber
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A Guide to Education on Vashon Island
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Page 18
Wednesday, August 26, 2015 • Vashon-Maury Island Beachcomber
Vashon High School
Danny Rock, Principal
Kelly Kirk,
Assistant Principal
Paul Peretti ........................Counselor
Tara Vanselow ...................Counselor
MJ Hartwell ............. Career Specialist
and CTE Director
Phone ................................ 463-9171
Fax .................................... 463-1944
Students .....................................550
Faculty ..........................................34
Support staff ................................. 10
Volunteers ................................... 146
Courtesy Photos
Vashon Island High School completed another successful school year in 2014-2015. Our students were
award winning in multiple areas; our staff again
demonstrated their high commitment and care for the
education of our students, and our community poured
countless hours of time, talent and treasure to help
make our school the best it can be. After completing
our first full year in our beautiful new building, there
is much for us to be grateful for. We look forward to
continuing to improve our learning environment so all
students can find success at Vashon High School.
AP art students and their friends, left, celebrate the end of AP exams with a dart painting and waffle party, and John Kehl,
a member of the Robotics club, works on a robot, right.
rates. It also improved the achievement of traditionally
struggling students. Our Washington Achievement
Awards reflect the commitment of our students and
staff and the support of our community.
We won national awards for our literary magazine,
HUM, our yearbook and for the design of our new
building. Our 10th and 11th graders scored between 20
and 30 percentage points higher than the state average
on the new, more rigorous state assessments. We maintained our Level 1 Green School status and are quickly
For the second year in a row, Vashon High School
approaching Level 2 as measured by our sustainabilstudents placed in the top 5 percent among all high
ity practices. We had a National Merit Scholarship
schools for academic achievement and graduation
Finalist, three semi-finalists,
and we dramatically increased
our enrollment in higher level
math and science courses for
We’ve done your shopping! the coming year. Our commitment to a high-quality
academic learning environment
remains at the core of our mission and purpose.
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have it waiting for you!
Check out our Gift website:
17326 Vashon Hwy SW
Our students also thrived
outside the classroom. More
than 70 percent of our students participated in activities,
including theater, robotics,
debate, athletics and schoolbased clubs.
In the field of competition,
VHS students were highly successful. Girls’ cross-country
won league and district.
Wrestling won league, placed
second in regionals and eighth
in state and featured a two-time
state champ. Boys’ basketball
won league and district, placed
fifth in state and included the
1A player of the year. Several
coaches were named League
Coach of the year, and the vast majority of our teams
earned state honors for their collective GPAs.
The robotics team finished first in state and competed in the West Super Regional in Oakland, California.
Our school winner for the National Poetry Out Loud
competition qualified for the state final, and we once
again sent a pair of debate students to the state competition. We even had a state solo winner out of our
music program. Additionally, our Japanese language
students hosted 20 students and two staff from our
sister school, Himeji Minami High School, in Himeji,
Looking Ahead
This coming year VHS will have several new course
offerings to continue fulfilling our mission that students thrive, engage and contribute out of their learning. Our 11th- and 12th-grade English courses have
diversified, included more female authors and will
allow for more choice from students. We have diversified and increased our physical education and science
offerings, as well as continued popular and effective
Additionally, we have started two support programs
to better meet students’ needs. First, Pathways successfully completed a pilot last spring and will more fully
launch this year to provide a school within a school as
an additional alternative to our successful StudentLink
and FamilyLink. Pathways will allow students to self
pace in their curriculum, receive more personalized
support, take up to three classes with other students
at VHS and earn credits on a pass/fail basis. Our other
support program will be AVID, a program to increase
effective study habits, academic achievement and ultimately to gain college entrance for students.
We are excited to continue to support all our students as they work to successfully launch from Vashon
Island High School to the next steps in their lives.
Come visit the new high school if you haven’t yet
done so, check out our new digital alumni display and
feel the pride of our shared accomplishments.
Find this guide online at www.vashonbeachcomber.com • 24/7 Breaking News!
Island Child – Fall 2015
Wednesday, August 26, 2015 • Vashon-Maury Island Beachcomber
Page 19
Educational Alternatives
Julie Hanger, Program Manager
Danny Rock ..........................Principal
Julie Hanger............Program Manager
Jim Gilmour &
Richenda Hawkins ............... Teachers
Janet Chapman ...... Program Secretary
Phone ............... 463-9171, ext. 5503
Students ...................................... 60
FamilyLink is a community of homeschooling families, teachers and staff who are committed to providing quality education in a way that acknowledges the
individual interests and learning styles of each student.
FamilyLink teachers partner with parents to create
learning plans, develop teaching strategies and learning activities, find curriculum and access district services. In addition to teacher support, it offers enrich-
Nan Hammett, Teacher
Danny Rock ..........................Principal
Julie Hanger...........Program Manager
Nan Hammett ........................ Teacher
Janet Chapman .................... Program
Phone .......463-9171, ext. 5504/5506
Students .......................................26
StudentLink is a contract-learning program in which
students in grades 9 to 12 take personal responsibility
for their education. Students meet weekly with teacher
Nan Hammett to develop their individual learning
plan, document 25 hours per week of independent
learning and progress toward completion of their high
school diploma. They participate in designing a course
of study that is meaningful to them, based on their
ment classes, family-friendly activities and events, a
resource library and computer lab, regular communication, the opportunity to earn a high school diploma
and an educational support fund for each student.
Last year we presented a block system of enrichment
classes on Mondays and Fridays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Students in two multi-age groups grades K-2 and 3-5
took classes in language arts, math, science, art and
drama. This year we plan to hold a similar schedule of
classes on Wednesdays and Thursdays for grades K-2,
3-5 and 6-8. Classes are meant to complement learning
at home. Parents are invited to participate in enrichment classes with their children.
In FamilyLink, parents may choose curriculum tailored to the learning style of their student and their
own teaching style. Our teachers can recommend
curriculum for parents new to homeschooling, and
we have a variety of samples in our resource library.
Parents may also take advantage of subscription curricula in keyboarding skills, math and reading, to name
a few.
This year, we will offer Odysseyware online curriculum, which includes courses in core and elective
subjects for students in grades 3-12. Odysseyware
lessons and instructional tools are designed to equip
learners with resources for academic success, incorporating a mix of grade-appropriate text, instruction
videos, activities and games. Odysseyware lessons
also integrate numerous instructional supports to
address diverse learning styles and allow for collaboration among learners, parents and teachers. We plan
to have a parent training for interested families early
FamilyLink is housed in two portables on the Vashon
High School campus. These facilities provide the
program with offices for consulting and administrative staff, a resource library and small computer lab,
and classroom space. Additional classroom space is
located in the K Building. For more information about
FamilyLink enrollment and services, contact us at 4639171, ext. 5503.
interests and learning style. Students who are willing to be creative and are able
to manage their time and work independently are most
successful in this program. Still, StudentLink offers
many opportunities for support of independent learning.
Last year Guided Learning tutors met with students
one-on-one and also led small group courses in business math, geometry, history of the English language,
creative writing and study of fairy tales. Volunteers also played an important role in supporting our students. Daphne Purpose has tutored students
individually in a variety of subject areas and also managed our small resource library for the past six years.
Last year Terri Colello volunteered to connect and support students with post-secondary planning. StudentLink doesn’t issue grades; courses are pass/
fail. However, we review progress every month to
ensure that students are moving forward with their
courses. Last October we introduced an additional
measure that encourages students to evaluate their
own engagement and commitment to their learning:
the StudentLink Studies Personal Responsibility Scale. Student initiative is also demonstrated by the individual projects students choose throughout the year. One student finished his first novel; another earned
a bike mechanic’s certificate and another developed a
summer tutorial project around literacy. StudentLink students participated last year in the
Smarter Balanced Assessments required by the state.
Our tutors helped prepare students for this new test in
English/language arts. Students also participated in the
math and biology end of course exams.
The StudentLink classroom is located in the K
Building of the Vashon High School campus. For more
information about our program, contact us at 463-9171
ext. 5504/5506.
Private Schools
Harbor School
Main Campus: 15920 Vashon Hwy. SW
Carpe Diem Primary School is now a
division of Harbor School.
Type of Program: Independent school
for students in kindergarten through
8th grade, kindergarten through 3rd
at Carpe Diem Primary campus and
grades 4 through 8 at Harbor School’s
main campus.
Head of School: James Cardo
Admission contact: Niamh Prince,
Admissions Director, at 567-5955 or
[email protected]
Website: www.harborschool.org
Openings: Limited availability in
grades 4 and 5 for 2015-16 school year.
Now accepting applications for fall 201617; The application deadline is Jan. 30.
Decisions will be mailed out in early
Since 1995, Harbor School has helped
young students reach their potential by
providing them with an outstanding,
fully rounded educational experience.
Linda Crayton Photo
Friendships bloom at Harbor School and Carpe Diem.
Small class size (10 to 16 per grade)
with relationships built with teachers
over multiple years allows each child’s
strengths to be nurtured and celebrated,
engendering a noticeable self-awareness
and confidence.
The middle years are developmentally
crucial, and Harbor School helps early
adolescents navigate the path to young
adulthood with encourage-
ment, self-discipline and wide-ranging
experiences. Early on, students learn to
take responsibility for their education.
A vigorous academic program features a full schedule of traditional
courses taught by experts in their
fields. Students are coached and guided
through lessons that are discoverybased, with the students researching,
analyzing and demonstrating facts.
In recent years, Harbor School has
retooled completely its integrated arts
curriculum to enhance and build upon
a strong theme-based learning environment. This includes art courses for all
students. Additionally, expanded electives provide students with greater artistic options and allow them to explore
their creativity fully.
Harbor School’s Travel Study program
expands students’ awareness of their
world. Besides exploring our own island
throughout the year, travel study trips
take students throughout the Pacific
Northwest, as well as far-off adventures
Island Child – Fall 2015
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Wednesday, August 26, 2015 • Vashon-Maury Island Beachcomber
to Washington D.C., Louisiana, Spain, Oregon and
California, just to name a few. With more than 30 days
spent out of the classroom, students grow their independence and learn to adapt to a changing world.
At Harbor School, work is evaluated by the teacher
and student. Personal best is a hallmark of success,
not an arbitrary grade, and a student’s voice is highly
valued. Parents are involved, and three-way communication among student, parent and teacher is central to
the school.
Finally, Harbor School is an uplifting community.
Its Cornerstone Values are evident in all interactions,
making the school a respectful, compassionate haven.
Approximately 50 percent of the school’s alumni
matriculate to Vashon High School, where they have
been decorated highly with academic and extracurricular laurels. Alumni have attended many of the top
colleges in the country, including Dartmouth, Brown,
Middlebury, Columbia, Duke, MIT, Wesleyan, and
both the UW and the WSU Honors Programs.
Foreign Language: Spanish is taught to all students.
Average Class Size: 14 (varies by grade)
Tuition: $10,080 - $13,185
Financial Aid: Yes, available to qualifying families.
Governance: Board of Trustees. Harbor School is a
non-profit organization.
Accreditation: NWAIS Candidate Member
Meals: Students bring their own.
Carpe Diem Primary School
New Location: 17708 Vashon Hwy SW (Located in
the Presbyterian Church), administrative offices located on Harbor School’s main campus – 15920 Vashon
Hwy. SW
Type of Program: Independent school for students
in kindergarten through third grade.
Head of School: James Cardo
Admission contact: Niamh Prince, Admissions
Carpe Diem Photo
These students focus on a science lesson at Carpe Diem.
Director, at 567-5955 or [email protected]
Website: www.harborschool.org
Openings: Now accepting applications for fall 2016-17.
Admission deadline: Jan. 30, decisions are mailed
out in early March.
In 2015, after 25 years as a private school, Carpe
Diem Primary School became a division of Harbor
School, realizing a vision to create a united kindergarten through eighth-grade independent educational
program on Vashon. This July, Carpe Diem primary
classrooms moved to a new larger space in the Vashon
Presbyterian Church, and we welcomed our new teacher Joleen McCauley to the faculty team, joining Carpe
Diem veterans Andrea Braganza and Jaffrey Clark.
Carpe Diem teachers focus on the education of the
whole child. The school teaches and models good
character and creates an academic environment where
students develop an attitude of healthy risk-taking to
learn new skills and concepts.
Setting personal goals for the development of good
character qualities and core academic excellence are
backbones to the learning environment. Students and
teachers see good character as a key to being a happy
and successful person as well as a good peer leader.
Our teachers believe there is no ceiling to learning.
They set high standards for student achievement and
expect each student to work to his or her personal best.
Through experiential, thematic units and integrated
studies, the school’s teachers strive to create lifelong
learners who continue to be curious about our world of
nature, arts, science, literature and cultures.
Key to Harbor School’s focus on travel study, the
teachers at Carpe Diem believe that the classroom
exists beyond the walls of the school. Through wilderness activities and nature studies, students learn to
appreciate the fragile beauty of nature and gain an
understanding of the importance of their role as Earth
Foreign language: Spanish is incorporated into the
Student-teacher ratio: 10-to-1. Three full-time
teachers with additional staff for enrichment activities.
Meals: Students bring their own.
Homestead Farm
and Wilderness School
Homestead Farm and Wilderness School is a multiage primary school for children ages 6 to 11.
The school is located on seven diverse acres of farm
and forest. The program blends an academic and artsbased curriculum with a hands on practicum with the
natural world of plants and animals.
A warm organic grain is served mid-morning. The
student-to-teacher ratio is 12 to 1, and special needs
students can be accommodated. The school follows
the public school holiday calendar. It meets from 9:30
a.m. to 3 p.m. Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and
There are openings; contact Dana Schuerholz at 4667398 or [email protected] to register. For more information, see homesteadschool.org
Vashon Island Dental
Office of Marc O. Langland, DDS
9 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.
Monday thru Friday
ABC’s / 123’s / colors
Music & Singing
Art (Painting, Clay, Crayons, etc)
Social activities, Games and Play
Field Trips
Storytelling and Drama
4 & 5’s: Mon, Wed, Fri
2 & 3’s: Tues & Thurs
*Afternoon care available*
Island Child – Fall 2015
Serving patients 12 months or older.
We strive to make dentistry fun for kids! At our office, we use modern
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Call or stop by our office in town, we would love to meet you!
(206) 463-9282
17425 Vashon Hwy SW • Mailing: PO Box 673, Vashon Island WA 98070
Wednesday, August 26, 2015 • Vashon-Maury Island Beachcomber
Page 21
Voted South Sound Magazine’s 2014 & 2015
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