BISHOPS Message - Rocky Mountain Conference IPHC
BISHOPS Message - Rocky Mountain Conference IPHC
NEWS JULY / AUGUST 2015 The moral decline of a nation: In a horrific decision, the U.S. Supreme court ruled Friday June 26, 2015 that gay and lesbian couples across the country have a constitutional right to marry. The 5-4 decision caps a long often contentious battle over what many have called the “defining civil rights challenge of our time.” I have already read many posts with a common theme, “The end is near, the end is near!” and I agree; but if you allow me, I would like to speak to our current situation. “The Moral Decline of a Nation” armed and ready for battle. P l a c e of H O P E P e op l e of P R O M I S E BISHOPS Message La decadencia moral de una nación: En una decisión horrible, la corte Suprema de los estado unidos decidió el viernes, 26 de junio, 2015, que las parejas de gays y lesbianas a través del país tienen el derecho constitucional a contraer matrimonio. La decisión dividida de 5/4 pone fin a una batalla a largo plazo y a menudo contencioso sobre lo que muchos han llamado: el desafío de definir el Bishop & June Herrera derecho civil más importante de nuestro tiempo. Ya he leído muchos mensajes con un tema común: ¡Se acerca el fin, el fin está cerca!, y It would seem as Christians we only have two estoy de acuerdo; pero si me lo permite, me options from the growing western Isis (hogustaría comentar de nuestra situación actual. mosexuals) “Live our way or live our way!” Parece ser que los cristianos solo tenemos dos Their agenda is very clear, squeeze Christianopciones para responder a la creciente crisis ity out of the picture. And make no mistake del ISIS occidental (los homosexuales): vivir that is their agenda. So where does that leave como queremos o vivir como queremos. Su the church? We have three options, agenda está muy clara, echar fuera al cristianA. Join the rest of the “progressives” We Value Pentecost ismo. Favor de no equivocarse en esto, esta es and say, “Love wins!” su agenda. Así que, ¿Dónde queda la iglesia? B. Hide our heads in the sand like the Tenemos tres opciones: a. unirse al grupo de proverbial ostrich and act as if nothing is happening. los progresistas y decir: ¡Triunfa el amor!; b. esconder la cabeza C. Call sin, sin and begin to prepare for the battle that’s en la arena como el avestruz proverbial y actuar como si nada coming. Paul wrote, “We do wrestle against flesh and blood, estuviera pasando; c. decir pecado al pecado y comenzar a prebut against principalities, against powers, against the rulers pararse para la batalla venidera. Escribió Pablo: nuestra lucha no of darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness es contra sangre y carne sino contra principados, contra potestin the heavenly places. ades y gobernadores de las tinieblas de este siglo, contra huestes espirituales de maldad en las regiones celestiales. Estas decisioThese decisions should not surprise, depress or change our nes no deben de sorprender, presionar, o cambiar nuestra comiscommission in any way. On the contrary; we are the watch- ión de ninguna manera. Todo lo contrario, somos los guardias somen on the wall, the preachers of the good news the last bre la muralla, los predicadores de las buenas noticias del último stronghold of hope for the non-believer. Paul wrote, “For bastión de esperanza para el incrédulo. Escribió Pablo: Porque the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God la armas de nuestra milicia no son carnales, sino espirituales y for pulling down strongholds. Peter said, be prepared to give poderosas en Dios para la destrucción de fortalezas. Pedro dijo: an answer of the hope that is within us. My wife once told Estad preparados para dar respuesta por la esperanza que hay en me while she was in college here chancellor would get very nosotros. Mi esposa me dijo una vez cuando estaba en la univerupset with them when they would sing, I’ll fly away, he told sidad que el canciller se molestaba mucho con los que cantaban: them to stop trying to fly away and get busy doing the work Yo volaré. Les decía que mejor dejaran de volarse lejos y empeof the Lord. The church needs to come together, unified and zaran a trabajar en la obra del Señor. La iglesia necesita unirse, in one accord and get to the business of the church. unidos y de acuerdo, con el fin de ocuparse en los negocios de la iglesia del Señor. ¿Anhelo el regreso de Cristo? Por cierto per Do I long for the return of Christ, by all means YES! But I no puedo de buena consciencia esperar su venida mientras que cannot in good conscience look for His coming while the la batalla continúe. Tal vez es por esto que escribió Pablo: Por battle is raging. Maybe this is why Paul wrote, “For I am lo cual estoy en apuros entre dos alternativas, teniendo deseo de hard-pressed between two, having a desire to depart and be partir y estar con Cristo, lo cual es mucho mejor, o permanecer with Christ, which is far better. Nevertheless to remain in en la carne lo cual es más necesario por causa de vosotros. Mi the flesh is more needful for you.” My prayer is that the oración es que el gigante dormido llamado la iglesia se levante sleeping giant we call the church will arise from its slumber de su sueño armado y listo para la batalla. FAQs... Conference Leaders Larry Herrera - Bishop Executive Council Members Tyler Clark - Assistant Superintendent Carole Burgess - Secretary/Treasurer Jake Ishmael - Youth Ministries Robert Lopez - Discipleship Ministries Rocky Mountain IPHC Ministries Contact Information Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1382 Englewood, CO 80150 Office Address: Relentlessly the evil one strikes at the sanctity of life and the heart of the home. His focus is to prevent, hinder, break up, and destroy marriage and family relationships, and to make mockery of the law of chastity. Because attacks upon marriage and the family will continue to increase as we approach Christ’s second coming, we each must do all we can to honor, defend, promote, and strengthen virtuous, happy, and healthy marriages and families. 7010 N Broadway Denver CO 80221 Conference Phone: 303-379-9071 Conference e-mail: [email protected] Bishop Herrera contacts: Cell Phone: 303-359-4289 E-mail: [email protected] Office Manager: Verna Clark HEY...CHECK OUT OUR NEW WEBSITE: July / August Send a card or warm wishes to: ANNIVERSARIES BIRTHDAYS: August July 18 19 23 25 Stephen Hanscom June Herrera Nicole Iserman Juanita Diaz P l a c e of H O P E 8 7 10 11 11 30 Neva Lenhardt Heriberto Martinez Matt Pacheco Bob Carey Dawn Lubin Jill Ishmael 16 19 21 26 July Jim & Cindy Roberts Brian & Carole Burgess Jose & Maria Mendoza John & Candice Oh August 5 David & Cristal Sanchez 14 Jerry & Cheryl Milhorn 19 Dawn & Mylon Bruce 26 Paul & Verna Clark P e op l e of P R O M I S E Dear IPHC Ministers, Revelation 11:15 tells of the time when there will be “loud voices in heaven, saying, ‘The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!’” (NKJV). As I write, I can hear the majestic sounds of George Handel’s Messiah which contains these powerful words in the “Hallelujah Chorus.” In light of the growing darkness enveloping the United States, these words from Scripture remind me of the “blessed hope” all of us have! (Titus 2:13). All of us have been praying for the United States Supreme Court as they deliberated over the Obergefell v. Hodges case. The decision of five justices legalized sinful behavior in the United States and gave it the sanction of law in legalizing same-sex marriage in all fifty of our states. If you have not read the decision, I encourage you to do so via this link. You should not only read Justice Kennedy’s majority opinion but also the dissenting opinions from Justices Roberts, Scalia, Thomas, and Alito. I also encourage you to read the IPHC Response posted on our website. At the close of our response, you will find links to other Pentecostal denominations, the National Association of Evangelicals, the Southern Baptist, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, and the Orthodox Church in America. We included the links from the USCCB and Orthodox because we want you to know that there are millions of American Christians and large movements that hold the same basic views we do on this matter. We are not alone. In his dissent, Chief Justice Roberts posed the question to the majority why their reasoning should not extend to marriages of multiple people (polygamy; pages 20, 21 of the dissent). His argument foretells that we are on the front edge of more changes to state sanctioned “marriage” in the coming years. This does not even address the changes and challenges that will come in the form of anticipated and unanticipated legal challenges against institutions, religious and non-religious, that do not conform to the godless spirit of the age. In light of this legal decision, and the yet to be seen effects, I want to make you aware of several things: 1) This is the time for Holy Spirit revival of evangelism and holiness to impact the IPHC. We must ask the Holy Spirit to bring repentance and revival to us as ministers and to our flocks. I am convinced that the greatest witness we can give our morally confused nation is for us to humbly live in the power of loving holiness and purity. Through that, “the beauty of holiness” will shine in the darkness. May we live such that the glory and blessings of God are manifest to us and draw others to the power and truth of Almighty God. 2) The IPHC Manual 2013-1017 is very clear about our moral position on sexual immorality, including homosexuality. We are also very clear regarding our policy for IPHC ministers and church properties that weddings, anniversaries, and other marriage related ceremonies or events can only be for a marriage between a man and a woman. If you are challenged, you can refer to the denominational statement as the basis for your response. 3) I want to make it perfectly clear: IPHC holds that God-ordained holy matrimony only occurs between a man and a woman. The government can make its own laws and rulings, but we abide by the revealed will of God in His Word, the Holy Bible. 4) We are working on two documents which the Council of Bishops will discuss later in July. The first is a statement of the IPHC regarding sexual morality in our time. The second provides guidelines for ministers and congregations as you navigate various issues that arise when same-sex couples attend or visit your congregation. 5) You can find some initial guidance through this document from the Alliance Defending Freedom, particularly as it relates to transgender issues. The Christian Legal Society has also scheduled a free webinar and a corresponding white paper for clergy. IPHC is working on a statement regarding these matters (which were not as public when the General Conference met in 2013). 6) Finally, Jesus commands us to be “wise as serpents and harmless as doves” (Matthew 10:16). Let our words be “seasoned with salt” (Colossians 4:6) as we speak about these issues. Anger, resentment, fear, and despair are not our response, rather Christ’s love that draws all to repentance. Our response comes from the Lord of Life, Jesus Christ, who has overcome the world! If you have any suggestions or comments please feel welcome to write me at [email protected]. I encourage you to stay connected to IPHC Communications at, Facebook at IPHC Ministries and IPHC General Superintendent, and Twitter @ IPHCMinistries. I am, Sincerely yours, Dr. A.D. Beacham Jr. , IPHC Presiding Bishop Missions... Pastor Tyler Clark Missions Conference August 22, 2015 11 a.m. - 3 p.m . Schedule: 11:00 to 11:05: Tyler - Introduction 11:05 to 11:45: Dan Clowers 11:44 to 12:20 - LUNCH 12:30 to 1:00: Al Argo 1:00 to 1:35: Brenda Clowers 1:35 to 2:10: Al Argo 2:10 to 2:15: BREAK 2:15 to 2:45: Dan Clowers 2:50 to 3:00: Closing Charge - Tyler Dan and Brenda Clowers (LAMCAR Directors), IPHC Missionaries stationed in Peru. The Argo Family – Al and Coli are Missionaries in Cebu, Philippines and Asia. The Rocky Mountain IPHC is honored to have two very exciting missionary families share with us their experiences and heart for missions. This is your chance to get up close and personal with missions. Don’t offer any more excuses, mark it on your calendar today and come and support your local conference and be part of the World Missions Family. You can make a difference and be a world changer today. For more information, Call Tyler Clark 720-949-3658. (Don’t forget to bring a potluck item). REMEMBER to send your GO Offering to the Conference Office 2015 MINISTERS RETREAT NEW DATE: OCTOBER 23 & 24, 2015 For all Licensed and Ordained Ministers and their spouse. Location: Colorado Springs Colorado Hyatt Place Hotel - Garden of the Gods Road Cost: $115 per room (cost includes room and 2 meals) Schedule: Check-in Friday, Dinner - 7 - 9 p.m. October 23 3 - 6 p.m. Blackeyed Pea adjacent to the Hotel Fellowship - 9 - 10:30 p.m. Breakfast - 7 - 9 a.m. Morning Session 9 - 11:30 a.m. Check out of Hotel - 11:30 a.m. Please let the conference office know ASAP if you will be attending. We have a block of rooms reserved and we need to confirm the accommodations with the hotel. Call 303-379-9071 or e-mail [email protected] REPORT FROM YOUTH CAMP 2015 JUNIOR CAMP - 39 campers Senior Camp - 33 campers Next years Dates: June 26 - July 1, 2016 THANK YOU CHURCHES FOR YOUR FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR MEALS Denver House of Prayer - Pastor Carl Joseph $500.00 Divine Life - Bethany OK - Pastor Stephen Hanscom $300.00 Phoenix Fellowship & Pastor Greg Sampier $325.00 Healing Waters - Pastor Jim Roberts $100.00 Trinity Christian Fellowship - Pastor Brian Burgess $100.00 Eternal Life Temple - Pastor Saul Ochoa $200.00 Thrive Church$100.00 Nueva Vision Assemblea$200.00 TOTAL $1,825.00 North Gate Community Church (for canteen expense)$200.00 Special Thanks to: Pastor Dawn Bruce - Camp Director Pastor Josh & Kyrissa Orozco - Senior Camp Speaker Pastor Tyler Heinz - Sr. Camp Worship Pastor Chris Roche - Junior Camp Speaker Pastor Laura Clark - Senior and Junior Camp Cook & Counselor Ms. Michelle Smith - Assistant Cook for Sr. & Jr. Camp Savanna Schamp - Activities Director Bishop Larry Herrera To the many wonderful counselors...Thank you We could not have camp without you. Making Memories JULY 2015 SUN MON TUE WED 1 2 5 6 7 8 12 13 14 19 20 21 26 27 28 THU 3 FRI 4 SAT 9 10 11 15 16 17 18 Hispanic Women’s 22 23 24 25 30 31 National Youth Quest 23-26 29 Fellowship Lunch Last Harvest Min. AUGUST 2015 SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI 1 SAT 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 Retreat ....................] 14Girls 15 Nueva Vision 16 17 18 23 30 24 31 25 19 26 Congratulations on your Marriage Pastor Chris & Stephanie Roche’ 20 27 8 Boys Campout.................] The Healing Place 21 22 Missions Luncheon TCF 11a-3p 28 29 Pastors, included in this newsletter are two posters for the Girls Retreat and Boys Campout. They are in English and Spanish Please post these in your church. We want to have a great attendance in these events. P l a c e of H O P E P e op l e of P R O M I S E Alpha and Omega IPHC Pastor Rogelio Diaz Pueblo, CO Rocky Mountain IPHC Ministries La Senda Antigua Pastor Luis Garcia Denver, CO Ascend Masters Commission Pastor Jake Ishmael Federal Heights, CO Brighton Outreach Ministries Pastors Tyler & Laura Clark Brighton, CO The Healing Place Worship Center Pastor Joe L. Sanchez Brighton, CO Roca De Salvacion Pastor Rodolfo & Maria Sosa Yuma, CO Centro De Alabanza Pastor Arturo Villalobos Denver, CO Iglesia Pentecostal Monte De Los Olivos Pastor Saul Ruano Denver, CO Templo El Sinai Pastors Jose & Marie Mendoza Longmont, CO Denver House of Prayer Pastor Carl Joseph Denver, CO Phoenix Fellowship Pastor Greg Sampier Cherry Hills, CO Eternal Life Temple Pastor Saul Ochoa Denver, CO Iglesia Cristo Vive Pastors Jorge & Norma Luna Denver, CO Healing Waters Pastor Jim Roberts Canon City, CO North Gate Community Church Bishop Larry Herrera, Interim Ault, CO Last Harvest Ministries Pastors Adrian & Rosy Olivas Denver, CO The Lighthouse Pastor Linda Talbert Grand Junction, CO Templo El Renacer Pastors Jose & Marie Mendoza Wheat Ridge, CO Trailhead Community Church Pastors Mylon & Dawn Bruce Norwood, CO Trinity Christian Fellowship Pastor Brian Burgess Northglenn, CO New Haven PHC Pastor Bob Carey Palisade, CO Nueva Vision Christian Assembly Pastor Robert Lopez Thornton, CO Rocky Mountain IPHC Ministries P.O. Box 1382 Englewood, CO 80150 TO: Trinity Church Pastor Frank Hilty Springfield, CO 180 Community Church Pastor Jerimie Olvera Lafayette, CO
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