NEW Annual Report 2015
NEW Annual Report 2015
th 17 Annual report 2014-15 Contents Contents ................................................................................................................................... 2 Club office bearers .................................................................................................................. 3 President’s report .................................................................................................................... 4 Treasurer’s report .................................................................................................................... 5 Club Captain’s report ............................................................................................................ 10 Life Saving Services report .................................................................................................. 11 Membership report ................................................................................................................ 12 Facilities report ...................................................................................................................... 13 Nippers report ........................................................................................................................ 14 YIPsreport .............................................................................................................................. 16 Socialactivitiesreport ........................................................................................................... 17 Competition report ................................................................................................................ 18 Bayswim report ...................................................................................................................... 19 Sponsorship report ............................................................................................................... 22 Club Champion awards ......................................................................................................... 23 Patrol statistics ...................................................................................................................... 24 Club membership .................................................................................................................. 25 Sorrento SLSC 17th Annual report (2014-15) Page 2 Club office bearers The Sorrento SLSC office bearers for 2014-15 are listed below. Executive Position Name Email President Mick Cummins [email protected] Vice Pres – Lifesaving Services Duncan Stirling [email protected] Vice Pres - Finance Marc Clavin [email protected] Secretary Jane Wright [email protected] Treasurers Marc Clavin/ Mick Cummins [email protected] Committee Position Name Email Membership Officer Josie Hunting [email protected] Club Captain Hayden Owens [email protected] Property Manager Chris Baker [email protected] Nippers Director Brett Irvine [email protected] Chief Instructor Daniel Bradshaw [email protected] Committee Jo Plehn [email protected] Committee/First Aid Ro Moore [email protected] Committee/IRB Gerry Lute [email protected] Committee/Bayswim Director Clive Brend [email protected] Committee Royston Bradshaw [email protected] Committee/Gear Steward Andy Nettlefold [email protected] Sorrento SLSC 17th Annual report (2014-15) Page 3 President’sreport It is with pleasure that I present the 2014/15 Sorrento Surf Lifesaving Club Annual Report. This has been my first year as President and it has been a great opportunity to become more involved and learn more about all aspects of the Club. I would like to thank the more experienced people around the Club who have supported me through the learning curve, particularly Marc Clavin and Duncan Stirling. Sorrento SLSC is seventeen years old this year and it has been another very successful season with our patrol teams ensuring that no lives were lost between the flags on patrol days. A number of serious incidents did occur on our beach this year and our patrollers responded with great professionalism on each occasion. I think we should all be proud of our patrolling members who represent our Club so well on every patrol – rain, hail or shine. I would like to especially thank, Club Captain Hayden Owens, our Lifesaving Director Duncan Stirling and all our Patrol Captains for ensuring a high standard of public safety throughout the season. On the training front we have put through a large SRC group and a strong junior Bronze group this year as well as an adult bronze course and a number of specialised awards. A special thank you to Stefan Bagg, who stepped in at the last minute to take up the Chief Instructor role under difficult circumstances. The Nipper Program continues to go from strength to strength with just on 200 nippers in the program this season. The feedback I get from nipper parents is that the program is incredibly well run, the kids are developing great water safety skills and they just love it ! The success of the program is based around a large group of committed parents who put in substantial hours as water safety, age managers, BBQ cookers and first aid. Once again Brett Irvine has done an outstanding job as Nipper Coordinator and Josie Hunting has really improved our approach to both nipper and senior Club memberships – a sometimes thankless task ! It was an interesting year for the Bayswim ! Horrendous conditions forced the cancellation of the event in early January and a rerun some weeks later. The Director of the Swim, Clive Brend handled the situation in his usual calm and collected manner and ensured that both the cancellation and the rescheduled event went like clockwork. Clive effectively salvaged what could have been a financial and public relations problem and many of the competitors I spoke to were very happy with the way it was all handled. Thank you Clive for your efforts this year. Clive will be taking a well earned break from the Bayswim role next year. Jo and Craig Plehn have put on some great social functions this year - the spit roast night, the Paella night and the Presentation dinner. All three events were a great success and managed to bring together people from all parts of the Club. Well done ! Finally, I would like to thank all of the Club Committee especially the Secretary, Jane Wright for another year of hard work behind the scenes. The Club couldn’t function without you. Mick Cummins Club President, Sorrento SLSC Sorrento SLSC 17th Annual report (2014-15) Page 4 Sorrento SLSC 2015 Year in Review FINANCIALS 2014 - 2015 Income The Current financial year has seen further consolidation of the Club’s financial position with a solid program of equipment purchases and building maintenance combined with a balanced income and expenditure performance. Other, $7,152.35, 5% Apparel Sales, $13,942, 11% Grants, $18,283, 14% Bay Swim, $26,869, 21% At End Of Year (30th April) all Debtors and Creditors were within 30 days trading terms. Cash Balance at End Of Year was $85,948 including a $20,000 Term Deposit invested for a term of no greater than 6 months. Profit & Loss result is in line with projected budget and inclusive of (non-cash item) Depreciation to the value of $40,232. The Sorrento Bay Swim continues to be the Club’s main fundraising event and Membership Subscriptions are the most significant revenue source. The attached Statement Of Accounts represents a true and accurate report of the financial position of the Sorrento SLSC at 30th April 2015. Sorrento SLSC gratefully acknowledges the generous assistance of the Club Auditor Mr Danny Tighe. Marc Clavin & Michael Cummins Treasurers Membership, $45,313, 35% Income Grants, $18,283, 14% Apparel Sales Bay Swim Grants Membership Grants Expenses Other, $8,720.00 Apparel, $18,596.00 Business, $44,390 Bay Swim, $13,720 Nippers, $19,000 Patrol, $21,920 Business Patrol Nippers Bay Swim Apparel Other Other 11:02 PM SORRENTO SURF LIFE SAVING CLUB 05/08/15 Profit & Loss Prev Year Comparison Accrual Basis May 2014 through April 2015 May 14 - Apr 15 Ordinary Income/Expense Income Apparel Sales Bay Swim Club Functions Donations Fund Raising Grants Lifeguard Service Membership Program - Club Courses Program - Rosebud Secondary Sponsorship VTG Funding May 13 - Apr 14 $ Change % Change 13,942.91 26,869.16 11,396.77 8,175.96 1,600.62 18,283.00 2,096.64 45,313.65 1,163.64 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 14,932.99 29,572.21 7,301.57 1,580.00 2,043.63 10,423.61 1,845.00 43,220.01 0.00 1,550.00 5,000.00 4,338.40 -990.08 -2,703.05 4,095.20 6,595.96 -443.01 7,859.39 251.64 2,093.64 1,163.64 -550.00 -5,000.00 -4,338.40 -6.60% -9.10% 56.10% 417.50% -21.70% 75.40% 13.60% 4.80% 100.0% -35.50% -100.0% -100.0% Total Income 129,842.35 121,807.42 8,034.93 6.60% Cost of Goods Sold Apparel Purchases Closing Stock Opening Stock 18,596.44 24,037.10 -20,598.10 16,061.01 20,598.10 -16,650.90 2,535.43 3,439.00 -3,947.20 15.80% 16.70% -23.70% 22,035.44 20,008.21 2,027.23 10.10% 107,806.91 101,799.21 6,007.70 5.90% 13,720.67 44,390.05 8,718.25 19,000.56 21,920.75 19,881.82 38,107.61 1,028.01 23,192.02 25,447.72 -6,161.15 6,282.44 7,690.24 -4,191.46 -3,526.97 -31.0% 16.50% 748.10% -18.10% -13.90% Total Expense 107,750.28 107,657.18 93.10 0.10% Net Ordinary Income 56.63 -5,857.97 5,914.60 101.0% 634.88 769.51 -134.63 -17.50% 634.88 769.51 -134.63 -17.50% 634.88 769.51 -134.63 -17.50% 691.51 -5,088.46 5,779.97 113.60% Total COGS Gross Profit Expense Bay Swim Expenses Business Expenses Functions Nippers Patrol & Training Other Income/Expense Other Income Interest Received Total Other Income Net Other Income Net Income Page 1 10:19 PM SORRENTO SURF LIFE SAVING CLUB 05/08/15 Statement of Cash Flows May 2014 through April 2015 May 14 - Apr 15 OPERATING ACTIVITIES Net Income Adjustments to reconcile Net Income to net cash provided by operations: Accounts Receivable Accounts Payable GST Payable Net cash provided by Operating Activities INVESTING ACTIVITIES Building:Clubhouse additional works Building:x Clubhouse accum depreciation Plant & Equipment:Bay Swim Equipment accum deprec Plant & Equipment:Club Equipment accum deprec Plant & Equipment:Nipper Equipment Plant & Equipment:Nipper Equipment accum deprec Plant & Equipment:Patrol & Comp Equipment Plant & Equipment:Patrol&Comp Equipment accum dep Stock on Hand:Club Apparel Stock on Hand:Nipper Apparel Net cash provided by Investing Activities 691.51 -2,306.30 -1,000.00 2,047.44 -567.35 -1,620.00 17,831.00 187.00 541.00 -10,640.91 10,532.00 -363.64 11,141.00 -8,959.10 12,398.10 31,046.45 Net cash increase for period 30,479.10 Cash at beginning of period 75,469.85 Cash at end of period 105,948.95 Page 1 10:23 PM SORRENTO SURF LIFE SAVING CLUB Balance Sheet 05/08/15 Accrual Basis As of April 30, 2015 Apr 30, 15 ASSETS Current Assets Chequing/Savings Bendigo Bank Term Deposit - Bendigo Bank #2 85,948.95 20,000.00 Total Chequing/Savings 105,948.95 Accounts Receivable Accounts Receivable 4,335.80 Total Accounts Receivable 4,335.80 Total Current Assets Fixed Assets Building Clubhouse additional works Clubhouse Depot Clubhouse Main x Clubhouse accum depreciation Total Building Plant & Equipment Bay Swim Equipment Bay Swim Equipment accum deprec Club Equipment Club Equipment accum deprec Nipper Equipment Nipper Equipment accum deprec Patrol & Comp Equipment Patrol&Comp Equipment accum dep Total Plant & Equipment Total Fixed Assets Other Assets Stock on Hand Club Apparel Total Stock on Hand Total Other Assets TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Other Current Liabilities GST Payable Total Other Current Liabilities Total Current Liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES 110,284.75 97,674.07 35,931.73 553,441.20 -199,697.00 487,350.00 2,980.67 -1,920.00 14,038.74 -10,965.00 87,005.91 -58,795.90 152,904.00 -96,566.46 88,681.96 576,031.96 24,037.10 24,037.10 24,037.10 710,353.81 2,360.45 2,360.45 2,360.45 2,360.45 NET ASSETS 707,993.36 EQUITY Opening Bal Equity Retained Earnings Net Income 679,851.47 27,450.38 691.51 TOTAL EQUITY 707,993.36 Page 1 ClubCaptain’sreport Well, another year has passed, and again it was a successful season for the patrolling side of Sorrento SLSC. It was great to see so many younger members donning their patrol caps and representing the club and protecting the community. Proudly, again in the 2014/2015 season we kept all patrons at Sorrento Back Beach safe. The season could not have functioned without the assistance of Patrol Captains and Vice Captains; I would like to personally thank each captain for their help through the year Captain/Vice Captain Hayden Owens/Tim Curwood, Jeremy Doupe Howard Draper/Bruce Grayling Tom Morrison/ Gerry Lute, John Baker Felicity Draper/ Lachlan Owens, Abby Stirling Duncan Stirling/ Jasper Nettlefold On a more serious note, our club was called to numerous out of hours emergencies that we handled with professionalism and care at all times. I would personally like to thank everyone who assisted in these emergency situations. The hard work of Gerry Lute and Andy Nettlefold, ensured all IRBs and their motors were in working order to be used at any time. I would also again like to thank Ro Moore, for her hard work in keeping the First Aid room immaculate throughout the season. Finally, a big thankyou to all who patrolled throughout the season. We did our jobs admirably and for that, we can be proud. I look forward to seeing all of you on Requal Day later this year before we hit the surf for another great summer down at Sorrento! See you on the beach, Hayden Owens Club Captain, Sorrento SLSC Sorrento SLSC 17th Annual report (2014-15) Page 10 LifeSavingServicesreport It is with pleasure I present an overview of the Life Saving Services for the 2014/15 season. The Sorrento SLSC went into the season with five patrols that did: • • • • • • 6 rescues 38 first aids 2 missing person search 1521 preventative actions And a massive 2396.5 volunteer patrol hours 2 out of hours calls We had 70 active members contribute to our patrols this season. This number is a drop in Patrol numbers from last season. This, we hope is not a trend. Our rescue equipment was in outstanding condition at the start of the season, thanks to IRB Captain Gerry Lute and Gear Steward Andy Nettlefold. A big thank you must also go to Chris Baker who has redesigned the gear store keeping all the boards off the ground. The first aid room was again kept in tip top shape by Ro Moore. Also the use of the “top depot” to store rescue equipment helped in keeping the equipment safe. In the New Year we are looking at replacing the ATV. Again I must thank Hayden Owens Club captain for his tireless work around the club and also to my fellow Patrol Captains for ensuring we had no default patrols this season See you in the surf Duncan Stirling Vice President – Life Saving Services, Sorrento SLSC Sorrento SLSC 17th Annual report (2014-15) Page 11 Me embershiipreportt The Sorrento Su urf Life Savin ng Club mem mber numbers s were slighttly down on tthe previous seasson, with a to otal of 500 fu ully registered d and financ cial members s for the 20144/15 season as of 1sst August 201 15. However overall thiss represents a membersh hip retention oof over 115% % overr the last 2 ye ears. Mem mbership perr category 20 014-15 seaso on as of 1st August A 2015: • • • • • • • • • Junior Activity A Memb bers (5 to 13 years) 130 Cadet Members M (13 to 15 years)) 34 Active Members M (15 to 18 years)) 21 Active Members M (18+ years) 46 Reserve e Active Mem mbers 1 Associate Members 121 mbers Life Mem 6 General Members 23 onary Membe ers Probatio 118 TOT TAL 500 The table below provides a snapshot s of m membership data as of 1st July 2015, showing brea akdown in ma ale and fema ale memberss, and memb ber retention by category.. e: slight differrence in total member nu umbers due to t different dates d note Josie Hunting Mem mberships Officer, O Sorrrento SLSC Sorrrento SLSC 17th Annua al report (20 014-15) www w.sorrentos Pag ge 12 Facilitiesreport Over the past 12 months the following works have been undertaken: With thanks to a crew of volunteers a large clean up inside and outside of the main clubroom was completed. This was done in preparation for internal painting, future external work, and to enable the uniform shop to be able to move into the upstairs office. External door frames on ground level were in poor condition, due to corrosion, and have been rejuvenated and prepared for further painting. Internal painting was co-ordinated by Brett Irvine and completed by Matt Watts and his team. New lights were installed in main room, kitchen and hallway. Sections of the roof have been removed, due to corrosion, and repaired. Long term this will require further work. Four cabinets were purchased and installed in upstairs office for the storage of uniforms etc. A new board rack, on wheels, was made, primarily for the storage of rescue boards. With thanks to Craig Plehn and Leighton Richardson a hit list of carpentry jobs was completed. With thanks to Brett and Mick a new soaker pit was established and garden bed dug out to enable the water meter to be moved. John Riley, plumber, was engaged to move water meter and establish a new outside tap. We have received permission from Parks Victoria to install large sliding glass doors on beach side of main room and small roller door on carpark side of main room. Still awaiting a permit form Mornington Peninsula Shire for this work to proceed. Chris Baker, Building and maintenance, Sorrento SLSC Sorrento SLSC 17th Annual report (2014-15) Page 13 Nippersreport Sorrento Nippers enjoyed a great season of challenges, thrills, spills but most of all great camaraderie amongst a fantastic group of families. 198 nippers attended the program at an average weekly rate of 74%, again a record reflecting the good vibe. We completed 14 Nipper sessions, 12 Training, 21/2 carnivals and many social activities. The scene was set for a great season when winter and spring provided a huge influx of sand over many of the Back Beach rocks. This reshaped the waves, pushed out the wave dropzone and gave us a far friendlier underwater floor to navigate. Couple this with the large number of parents and 15yrs+ nippers achieving their bronze and we had the water safety contingent to allow far more water activity to occur. Again we shortened the regular season (mid Feb finish) helping to keep attendance rates up during the main summer season and reduced the onerous requirements for many volunteers. Training continued on until the States for those more competitively minded and there were powerful skills on display on big wave days. Unfortunately LSV mismanaged the carnivals and scheduled our local junior carnival (Chelsea) on the same weekend as the State Regional Qualifier. We attended the qualifier at Waratah Beach where weather conditions only allowed half the program to be completed. Fortunately the State Carnival at Warnambool went fantastically well in organisation and most importantly the efforts of the nippers. Socially it was a boon for the group too and I encourage everyone to attend again at Warnambool next season, whether competing or not. A special mention to the little guy with the big heart, Will Mooney, our U9 State Champion on the Board. The club again purchased new boards to support the program in the form of Bravo racing boards and foamies. We needed all the boards we could muster due to the damage sustained week in week out. Thanks to Mick Cummins and Des Smith for the continued repairs and ensuring we had enough of the correct boards to use every week. The age managers kept the energy of the age groups up all season and must be commended for their attention to safety whilst keeping things fun. Thanks Tim & Jemimah, Shane & Nikki, Chris & Mason, Blair & Leon, Debbie & Royston, Wayne & Paul and of course Justine for taking care of our nippers. We once again achieved our core objective of mental and physical personal improvement for each and every child. Water safety numbers were huge and much appreciated by the age managers and the nipper co-ordinator. Our young bronzies in particular showed great skill and anticipation in the water whilst the ‘older heads’ provided knowledge, encouragement and co-ordination between the water and land based volunteers. Both a parent Bronze Course and Age Manager Course will be held again this coming November. Josie Hunting held together the difficult club registration and competition co-ordinator roles once again this season. Gina Fothergill will assume the competition role as Josie’s nippers head off to the senior part of the club. Thankyou Josie for your dedicated efforts in pulling together all parts of the club to allow the nipper competition group to attend carnivals. Sorrento SLSC 17th Annual report (2014-15) Page 14 Dan Mooney wrote much of the weekly program and co-ordinated the water safety group. His (and Elise’s) cool and friendly demeanour played a big part in why things ran well and was central to the good vibe in the group. He also kept a smile on the face of the grumpy nipper co-ordinator at those ‘special’ times. He was ably supported by the usual strong characters namely Des, Shane, Ange, Greg, Alex, Maesson & David. The nipper training work of Daniel Bradshaw, Felicity Draper, Hayden Owens and the new gun trainer Sean Cummins were season highlights. We thank Marla Kosman, her sister Nicole Whyte and the first aid team for patching up the nippers at every session too. Discerning real injury from those just requiring a little extra confidence helps keep everyone in the water and achieving their best as often as possible. Jo & Craig Plehn became the social hub of nippers this season. From managing the weekly BBQ’s and all social functions to coming down and assisting the Warnambool team management at long evening meetings, they and their family had a great positive impact on the entire group and indeed the club. Cheers, guys! John & Anna Pease once again cheerfully supplied coffee and hot chocolate on those cold windy mornings (like that nearly every week!). Together the BBQ and coffee vendors raised over $5000 for the club and must be congratulated for their outstanding efforts. The new online Uniform Shop headed up by Karen and Royston Bradshaw established itself successfully; big thanks to members for adjusting to the new system. Nicki Caddy stepped in to shoulder most of this work as the season progressed and should enjoy the new uniform shop area now serving from behind the bar. Best not confuse the dual role of that area on nipper days Nicki & Karen! Our program this season was far more heavily based on swimming than in the past. Enforcing the minimum swim standard for all nippers encourages a stronger swimming standard at the season start. We encourage all families to check the requirements for next season now via the nipper handbook and ensure the nippers receive the relevant training to be ready for challenges in 2015-16; at least two swim sessions per week in term 4 please. The graduation of this year’s SRC’s built further on the highly successful group from the previous season. We have another large group coming through next year and I am proud to say Nippers is flooding the Patrollers with new young faces. It would be great if our Nipper parents could also become part of the Patrolling group on a regular basis to swell the numbers further with experienced heads. Flowing on from that we require more Bronzies (parents and former nippers) to step up into qualified Trainer and Assessor roles as well as IRB drivers and crews. Courses are run by our club and LSV for these roles. We have left too many of these roles to the same club members that have been carrying out these tasks for many years. We now require the next generation to assist them and eventually take over. We are at our absolute limit for nipper numbers, restricted heavily by the size and rockiness of the Back Beach. Any increase in numbers from here would require far more use of the front beach and feedback suggests that is not where the nippers and their parents want to learn their surf skills. It is also difficult logistically to run sessions at the same time on both beaches due to board requirements. Numbers will be capped at 35 per age group next season and incumbents will be asked to enrol in a preferential early timeslot or risk losing their nipper spot to the many eager families on the waiting list. Information will be forthcoming in August regarding this. The Sorrento SLSC will continue working to meet all the challenges of Surf Life Saving from patrolling to education, from nippers to competitions. The club refurbishment over winter and Sorrento SLSC 17th Annual report (2014-15) Page 15 the active engagement of members in more volunteer roles will see this flourish further for the benefit of our nippers and the broader community. Next season the Sorrento Nipper Program promises to be packed with more fun activities and defining moments for all of our wonderful little champs, the nippers themselves. I wish you all a successful 2015 and hope we meet up again very soon with all our friends from far and wide on Sunday November 29th for a swim (S Badge day) in our little piece of paradise. Brett Irvine Nipper Co-ordinator, Sorrento SLSC YIPsreport This season the Yips program welcomed the 2015 cadets. They all worked hard to achieve their SRC qualifications and become part of the senior club. It was fantastic to see so many keen new members on patrol and involved with water safety. Saturday trainings were offered as part of the Sorrento comp training and we saw a dedicated group working hard to improve their skills. As the competition heated up we commenced Friday night training and their commitment was always rewarded with something hot to eat at the end of a hard session. A huge thank you to Felicity Draper, Hayden Owens and Sean Cummins for their coaching. Point Leo Surf Carnival was once again a highlight of our program. We managed to enter our largest team ever! It's was great to see so many of our members back in club colours. It was a fun day with fantastic results. Our major social outing was conducted on a DARK Monday night. A large group meet at the Club Rooms and we then participated in a Sorrento Ghost Tour. It was a terrific evening with many of us having ghostly encounters! Once again a huge thank you to all of the YIPS who were actively involved this season. Whether it be patrolling, doing water safety or helping out at the Bay Swim, you should all be proud of your selves, you are what make Sorrento SLSC such a great place. Andrea Cummins YIPS Co ordinator Sorrento SLSC 17th Annual report (2014-15) Page 16 Socialactivitiesreport The 2014/15 first social night for the season was a Spit Roast Family Night. There was an abundance of food and plenty of positive comments. An enjoyable, and casual night for all in attendance. The subsequent social night was the Paella Night. Another fun night with Jack Jones as the DJ and lots of Margaritas for the adults and the kids. Thank you to everyone for all your help and support this year. A big thanks to Craig and Janet for their help on the nights. Jo Plehn Social club Coordinator, SSLSC Sorrento SLSC 17th Annual report (2014-15) Page 17 Com mpetitionreport The 2014/15 sea ason kicked off in Novem mber with the e Victorian En ndurance Chhampionships s and whilst Sorre ento only had d a team of tw wo, we came e away with three t medalss. Felicity Dra aper won n silver in the e 10k ski paddle and bron nze in the 6k board eventt. Sean Cum mins won sillver in th he 5 km run and a came 4th h in the 2.5k swim. Three e podium finishes betweeen them at a Statte Champs – what a startt to the seaso on! The Summer Su urf Series carrnivals began n in Decemb ber and Sorre ento was reppresented by a sma all but determ mined group of o athletes th hat produced d some excelllent results aat each of the seve en carnivals. The core co ompetitors fo or most of the e season were John Bakeer, Felicity Drap per, Jasper Nettlefold N and Sean Cum mmins. It wa as also greatt to see Hayd den Owens a and Tom Mo orrison compe eting at a nu mber of carn nivals in the board b and sw wim events a and enjoying every minute of it. The Point Leo ca arnival saw Sorrento S ente er its largest ever senior competition team with 26 6 athle etes strutting g their stuff in n the red and d white check ks. We had a mixture of tthe old timerrs (sorry Hayden!) and the new wcomers in th he Under 14s s and 15s. The State Cham mpionships were held in O Ocean Grove e this year an nd Sorrento w was represen nted by JJohn Baker, Felicity F Draper and Sean n Cummins. All three ach hieved top 100 finishes – John J cam me 7th in the 2k Run, Felic city had 4 to p ten results s with 6th place in the surrf race her be est, Sean also had 4 top 10 finish hes with 6th in the tube race r his best result. One e of the highlights of the event e was the e appearanc ce of a Sun fish in the Unnder 15 com mpetition area a. It was estim mated to be in the order of 300kg in weight w and tw wice the size e of an IR RB. At least they don’t ha ave teeth! Sorrrento had one competitorr at the 2015 5 Australian Championsh C ips. Sean Cuummins took k overr 150 compe etitors in the Under U 15s an nd managed d to make the e semi final iin the Tube race r – a rrespectable effort. drea Cummins And Sen nior Competition Coordinator, Sorre ento SLSC Sorrrento SLSC 17th Annua al report (20 014-15) www w.sorrentos Pag ge 18 Bayswimreport The 2015 Bay Swim was held on the 14th February 2015, six weeks after its original planned date of 3rd January. The day saw 342 swimmers undertake the three events; with the new 4,000m Elite event added for the first time this year and receiving great support. 2015 was the first time in 12 years that the event was postponed due to bad weather. The days leading up to the January original date, saw high temperatures and strong north winds for a number of days before the event and a planned strengthening northerly on the day. The pattern was stable and predicted to be dangerous for the event on the Saturday morning. The decision to cancel it was taken on Tuesday night and all the competitors, support services, swim series organisers and volunteers were notified that night and into Wednesday morning. A huge communication and planning exercise was undertaken to reschedule the event to the 14th February. Full refunds were provided to all competitors who could not attend the new date. Once the second round of bookings and permit applications was submitted and all affected organisations and people consulted, the 14th February was confirmed as the “fall-back” date. The whole event was then replanned for six weeks later. The Bloody Big Swim (run by the Mornington Life Saving Club) is a long distance, Bay swim and was planned for 17th January. It too was cancelled due to bad weather. We were requested to see if we could add a long swim to our existing 600m and 2,000m program. With a lot of work by George Patterson, we were able to develop a course and timing plan that fitted into our existing program and we launched the Elite 4,000 swim. The 4,000m course was made up of two legs of the 2km swim. The competitors were started at the finish line and swam against the tide for 2km’s, then turned around a series of buoys (to ensure the returning swimmers did not clash with the outgoing swimmers) and back to the start / finish line. We had no idea of expected numbers and put a minimum of 15 entries before the race would be conducted. We had 55 entries by race day and had more swimmers then the 600m races. The weather leading up to the rescheduled day was very unsettled, with large thunder storms on the Friday night. At 11pm on the 13th it was still not definite that the event would be safe to proceed the following day. For the first time in many years, the packing of the show bags was done in cold, wet weather conditions. Jane Wright coordinated the team of volunteers, who had the bags packed in record time and even had time left over to enjoy some food thoughtfully provided by Andrea Cummins. Saturday morning was wet and cold and the set up team braved rain and wind to get the beach established. The team, led by Brett Irvine, did a fantastic job of getting everything ready for an 8am opening of the registration tent, prior to a 9am competitor briefing of the 4km swimmers. Jane again led the registration volunteers to assist all competitors collect their gear before their race. It was a scramble from 8am until final close-off at 11am and the whole team did a superb job in difficult circumstances. The rain stopped about 8am, although everyone was wet through by then! It came back at 9.30am, briefly, just as the Elite swimmers took off and then left us alone for the rest of the day. The Bay was calm and perfect for all three events. By 10am the sun was out and the weather steadily improved until it became a lovely afternoon for the presentations. The tide was weaker than predicted and the 4km swimmers returned faster than expected, so we ended up having to run the 600m swim 15 minutes earlier than planned to avoid a clash as the swimmers rounded the final orange buoy. This caused a few planning and Sorrento SLSC 17th Annual report (2014-15) Page 19 communication issues, but Brett and Mark Clavin (in the tower) managed this very well and the short swim also went off very well. Brett’s leadership of the starting “gun” was again superb and he liaised perfectly with the timing people to ensure a very efficient timekeeping and competitor tracking process. The collection of the timing bands and race winners was well managed by Ro Moore and this year was the first time ever that 100% of the timing bands that came over the finish line were collected. Only one timing band was not returned and this fell off during the swim and could not be located. This year saw another first, the presentation of the Tommy Hafey memorial medals, to the male and female winners of the 2,000m Open category. These were presented by Tommy’s wife and Jo and her sister to James Fennell and Julia Atkins as well as a few words of remembrance for Tommy and his 11 years of support for the Sorrento Bay Swim. Marc Clavin (again) did a great job managing the presentation process. The site clean-up was managed by Brett and a group of volunteers and was very smooth and quickly completed. The weather had become hot and was the exact opposite of what was experienced during the set up. A huge thanks goes to all the people who braved all four seasons to get the beach ready to go and then left it cleaner than when we arrived. Well done and many thanks. An event like this could not happen without the significant effort of all the volunteers and space prohibits naming everyone, but a few people deserve special mention. George Patterson was involved for over 12 months with getting the date set, then providing the leadership in postponing the first event and helping establish the alternative date. His work in determining if a 4km swim was feasible and then laying out all the courses on the day was invaluable. Jane Wright managed all the volunteer roles and organised the packing of the show bags which went very smoothly. Brett Irvine took on multiple roles from beach set up, clean up and race starter, to general “go to guy” for anything that became too difficult for anyone else. Marc Clavin controlled the day and the communications very well from the new tower and helped keep the competitors informed and up to date on the conduct of the day. Gerry Lute managed the water safety element smoothly and very effectively yet again. All the safety personnel performed exceptionally well; to be there when needed, but not to get in the way of the competitors – well done. Gerry also managed the preparation of our own IRB’s and the borrowing and return of additional IRB’s from the other surf clubs. Ro Moore was exceedingly helpful in getting all the water and fruit prior to the event and getting it ready on the day. She was also active in the registration tent and at the finish line and then ensured that all the sponsors got their certificate and tee shirts after the swim. I would also like to thank Ian Fieldhouse for his efforts in taking the photographs throughout the day. It is not possible to name everyone, but your effort and input was greatly appreciated and the day could not have gone off as well without all of your help and involvement. We also need to recognise IBG insurance as the principal sponsor of this year’s swim, as well as Emma and Tom’s, for the provision of plenty of juice for the competitors and (later) people in the club house. The support from Gina Harris and the Cousins Swim Series must also be acknowledged. The Sorrento Sailing and Couta Boat Club and the Baths Restaurant are always very supportive of our event and are very patient with us as we occupy their sections of the beach to make the swim happen. Southern Peninsula Rescue are also always willing to help us and again this year, their presence was a great comfort and assistance. Sorrento SLSC 17th Annual report (2014-15) Page 20 The feedback from the competitors was very positive and the team received a lot of compliments about the way the cancellation was managed and the communication associated with keeping people informed of the new date. Also the conduct of the day received very positive comments. The inclusion of the 4,000m event was frequently applauded and should be continued in the future. It is this positive reinforcement that encourages us to keep putting the Bay Swim on every year. Personally, it has been a huge commitment and a very time consuming activity, but one which is very worthwhile. I have enjoyed my last 4 years of involvement in, and management of, the Bay Swim and have gained a lot of personal satisfaction from seeing it develop and mature to its current form. I look forward to seeing how it evolves further under different leadership next year and thank everyone for their support and assistance over this time. I will ensure the passing of all my knowledge and pre-prepared forms and contact lists to the next person and I strongly encourage you to step up and take on this extremely satisfying and rewarding role and can assure you that you will be well supported in your endeavours. Well done everyone, it has been a pleasure to be part of yet another successful Sorrento Bay Swim. Clive Brend Bayswim Director, Sorrento SLSC Sorrento SLSC 17th Annual report (2014-15) Page 21 Sponsorshipreport The Sorrento SLSC is extremely lucky to have strong financial support from our loyal sponsors. Our major sponsor of the past years, TOLL, has unfortunately left us but we still have a number of strong sponsors These include: IBG Insurance group provide support to the Club’s Water Safety Officers, providing uniforms and also equipment for the water safety group supporting the Nipper program. Balin Surfboards / Bean Surf have been an ongoing supporter of the club providing repair services to our many boards. Marc Clavin Pharmacy has been a long standing sponsor of the club, providing supplies and also accessories to the patrollers. Our sincere thanks to all of our sponsors, without whom, we could not provide the standard of service that we do at the Sorrento Ocean Beach. Sorrento SLSC 17th Annual report (2014-15) Page 22 ClubChampionawards Best Patrol Person Jack Jones Best Club Member Marc Clavin Best Patrol Patrol #3 (Tom Morrison et al) Outstanding Competitor Felicity Draper and Sean Cummins Golden Flipper Marc Clavin and Jack Jones President’s Award Clive Brend Best First Year Jordyn Allen, Madeline Irvine & Dean Dessiniotis Most Patrol Hours Jack Jones Excellence Award Chris Biermann and Shane Britten Endeavour Award Tim Curwood Nipper Club Champion Jacob Hunting Sorrento SLSC 17th Annual report (2014-15) Page 23 Patrolstatistics Name Allen Bagg Baker Baker Bird Bird Bobridge Bradshaw Bradshaw Bradshaw Brend Callaghan Cervi Clavin Corbett Corbett Croad Cummins Cummins Cummins Curwood Davies Davies Dessiniotis Dessiniotis Doupe Doupe Draper Draper Draper Eastwood Gastin Grayling Hafey‐Bagg Hafey‐Bagg Irvine Patrolled Hours 44 78 91 87.5 6.5 8 6.5 33.5 19.5 32 30 5.5 8 51.5 6.5 14.5 21.5 19 27.5 44.5 45 36 17 21.5 14.5 27.5 39 14 42.5 67 7 51.5 54.5 35.5 19.5 54 Jordyn Stefan Annie John Alexander James Chance Daniel Royston Sebastian Clive Finn Jensen Marc Cooper Jordan Suede Darcy Mick Sean Timothy Alexandra Hannah Dean Eryn Jeremy Julia Bridget Felicity Howard Sally Hugh Bruce Jamie Samantha Madeline Name Jones Kadwell Lambie Lute Macdonald McDonell McNamara McNamara Molent Molent Morrison Morrison Murphy Nettlefold Nettlefold Nettlefold Nettlefold O`Brien O`James O`James Owens Owens Pardy Quinn Rowson Stephan Stirling Stirling Swann Tucker Whelan Whelan Williams Wills Wills Wills Jack William Louise Gerard Hannah Peter Aonghus Ruby Alexander Natasha Oscar Thomas Keelan Andy Clay Donna Kesha Brendan Kerrie Kerrie Hayden Lachlan Bridget Oliver Nicholas Siobhan Abby Duncan Ella James Isobel Matthew Lyndon Ethan Joel Sienna Patrolled Hours 163 5 9 66.5 49.5 24 13 38.5 17 55 30.5 71.5 21 28 6.5 7 19.5 15 39 13 53 42.5 46.5 5 37 28 28 47.5 15 14.5 43.5 29 13 48.5 50.5 22.5 Sorrento SLSC 17th Annual report (2014-15) Page 24 Clubmembership Last Name Allen Amad Ambrens Ambrens Bagg Bain Bain Baker Baker Baker Baker Barrett Barrett Barrett Barrett Bennie Biermann Biermann Biermann Biermann Bird Bird Bird Blanco Blanco Blanco Blanco Blane Bobridge Bobridge Bobridge Bobridge Bortolussi Bradshaw Bradshaw Bradshaw Bradshaw Bradshaw Bradshaw Brend Brend Brend Brend First Name Jordyn Nicole Lucas Martin Stefan Hannah Tania Annie Chris Jeanette John Christine Hunter Nick Taj Luke Chris Dianne Ollie Toby Alexander James Kate Eric Kieran Matthew Suzanne Elizabeth Chance Emma Mystic Storm Anne Daniel Harry Karen Maja Royston Sebastian Annabel Clive Janine Timothy Last Name Briggs Briggs Briggs Britten Britten Britten Brockhoff Broons Broons Broons Broons Brown Brown Brown Bruce Bruce Bruce Bruce Caddy Callagher‐Tate Calvert Calvert Carroll Carroll Carroll Carroll Cervi Cervi Chesney Chessell Clark Clark Clark Clavin Clavin Clavin Clavin Clavin Coles Connolly Connolly Conroy‐Ryan Cooper Sorrento SLSC 17th Annual report (2014-15) First Name Chloe Jack Rachael Brodie Kyla Shane Fiona Aviva Jemima Romy Simon Jarrod Matthew Ross Gregory Joshua Kirra Natalie Nicki Liam Angus Eve David Jack Jodie Molly Emma Rio Campbell Nikki Kylie Mackenzie Madison Alice Angus Eleanor Susannah William Greg Henry Trent Alexandra Flynn Last Name Corbett Corbett Corbett Corbett Corbett Corbett Counsell Cox Croad Croad Croad Croad Crowe Cummins Cummins Cummins Cummins Curwood Cutler Cutler Cutler Davies Davies Davies De Heer de Meneval de Meneval de Meneval Dessiniotis Dessiniotis Dessiniotis Dessiniotis Doupe Doupe Doupe Doupe Downes Downes Doyle Doyle Draper Draper Draper First Name Bailey Cooper Dyllan Jordan Raelene Wayne Debra Janine Darren Lachlan Rebecca Suede Jorja Andrea Darcy Mick Sean Timothy Jamie Miller Savannah Alexandra Hannah Lucy Kim Alexandre Francois Gabriel Chris Dean Eryn Martha Erin Jeremy Julia Paul Abbey Steve Amy Catherine Bridget Elizabeth Felicity Page 25 Draper Eastwood Ellison English Evans Evans Evans Fairweather Fairweather Fairweather Fedje Fieldhouse Fieldhouse Fieldhouse Fisher Foster Foster Fothergill Fothergill Fothergill Fothergill Fothergill Fox Fox Fox Fox Galvin Garcia Gastin Gastin Gastin Gastin Gastin Gastin Gaynor Gaynor Gaynor Girardin Gleeson Gordon Gordon Gordon Gordon Howard Sally Sally Lilah Joshua River Sheree Emma Owen Peter Austin Finnian Ian Ruby Dale Dakota Khye Gina Harrison John Kayla Matthew Carrie Cody Shane Tyler Charlotte Miette Bryce Cameron Helen Hugh Olivia Paul Damon Miah Paul Tania Milla Christine Joe Kane Phoebe Gordon Gow Grant Grant Grant Grant Grayling Grayling Guthridge Guthridge Guthridge Hafey Hafey‐Bagg Hafey‐Bagg Hallenstein hansford hansford Harbour Harbour Harbour Harbour Harkin Healy Healy Healy Healy Hester Hester Hester Hevey Hevey Hevey Hevey Hevey Holland Holland Holland Holland Holt Houghton Houghton Houghton Howard Sorrento SLSC 17th Annual report (2014-15) Tammy Melanie Amber Gemma Leon Mae Bruce Samantha Jack Matt Paige Joanne Jamie Samantha Karen anthony Charlie Maesson Mellissa Tex Xander Colleen Cleo Jack Luca Mark Dean Gabriel Isabelle Ellie James John Laura Lisa Chloe Jo Mark Peter Thomas Fiona Gavin Luke Alexa Howard Howard Howard Hoyle Hughes Hughes Hughes Hunting Hunting Hunting Hunting Hyde Hyde Iatrou‐Landgraf Irvine Irvine Irvine Irvine Irvine Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jennings Jennings Johnston Johnston Johnston Johnston Johnstone Johnstone Johnstone Johnstone Jones Kadwell Kadwell Kadwell Kadwell Kloszynski Kloszynski Kloszynski Knott Knott Kosman Peter Skyla Tori Imi James Jesse Karen Charles Jacob Joseph Josie Andrew Linda Nicholas Angus Brett Catherine Madeline Zoe Rolf Trent Zac Anna Laura James Jemimah Tim William Blair Flynn Ned Piper Jack Debbie Ethan Timothy William Shanti Tanya Troy Cathy Joshua Marla Page 26 Lambie Lambie Landgraf Lever Lever Lever Levy Levy Lucy Ludtke Ludtke Ludtke Lute Luu Luu Louise Meg Belinda Chloe Leon Michelle Mitch Sara Galloway Carter Mark Narelle Gerard Chris Duc Luu Luu Lynch Macdonald Macdonald Macdonald MacGregor MacGregor MacGregor Macleod Macleod Macleod Mahy Mahy Mahy Mahy Maltby Maltby Maltby Mann Manton Manton Manton Maron Matheson Matheson‐Coles May May Duy Thu Lewis Hannah Henry Justin Calum Fergus Rory Innes Jennie Ryan Brendan Connor James Susan David Samuel Thomas Jenny Ashleigh Gregory Leo Jeana Janet Eden Emilia Jordy May McCann McDonell McNamara McNamara McNamara McNamara McNamara McNamara McNeair McPherson McPherson McPherson McPherson McPherson Miller‐ Hansford Molent Molent Molent Mooney Mooney Mooney MOORE Moore Morehead Morehead Morehead Morgan Morrison Morrison Muir Muir Murphy Murphy Nettlefold Nettlefold Nettlefold Nettlefold Nettlefold Nettlefold Newman Norris Norris Sorrento SLSC 17th Annual report (2014-15) Sherrie Melanie Peter Aonghus Ben Justine Ned Ruby Violet Tracey Billie Donna James James Ruby Norris Noseda Noseda Noseda Noseda O`Connor O`Connor O`Connor O`James O`Mahoney Orme Orme Owens Owens Owens Sophia Casey Jamie John Kylie Bridget Ciara Ronan Kerrie Amie Bethany Ruari Hayden Lachlan Meredith Loralie Alexander Loris Natasha Dan Simone William Phoebe Rosemary Michael Roxy Tanaya Josh Oscar Thomas Matilda Pearl Troy Keelan Oscar Andy Clay Donna Jasper Kesha Peppa‐Rose Zoe Adam Jackson Owens Pardy Pardy Pardy Paterson Pearson Pease Pease Pettigrew Pettigrew Plehn Plehn Plehn Prosser Prosser Quinn Quinn Quinn Quinn Quinn Reynolds‐Chesney Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson Riley Riley Raymond Bridget Joseph Tom Janet Ellise John Rylan Pia Therese Craig Jo Talise Ella Vanessa Callum Esther Michael Oliver Rupert Caroline Beau Connie India Kristin Leighton Boston Franki Page 27 Riley Riley Rizzuto Rizzuto Rizzuto Rizzuto Rizzuto Roser Roser Rowley Rowley Rowson Rowson Rowson Rowson Sansom Sansom Sawyer Scarlett Scarlett Sheedy Shepherd Shepherd Shepherd Shepherd Smart Smart Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Stephan Stephan Stepic Stirling Stirling Stirling Stirling Mason Tash Jock Jon Leanne Will Zac Alex Finn Floyd Peter Charlotte Kerry Nicholas Paul Asha Cathy Mary Sarah Sidney James Dean Jack Meg Suzie Matilda Michael Angela Aston Derek Josephine Olivia Rita Ronald Scott Stella Joshua Siobhan Estella Abby Catherine Sam Vicki Stirling Stone Stone Stone Stone Stringer Stringer Stringer Swaby Swaby Swann Swann Swann Swift Swift Swift Swift Tait Tait Tait Tarasiuk Terry Terry Terry Thompson Thompson Timmer Tucker Tucker Turner Turner Tyers Tyers Verkic Verkic Verkic Verkic Verkic Verkic Verkic Verkic Wallace Wallace Sorrento SLSC 17th Annual report (2014-15) Duncan Alexandra Paul Prue Sienna Benjamin Sophie William Jarvis Ross David Ella Yasmin Adam Ava Mani Sian Anna Harry Lily Hudson Georgia Harrison Isabella Annalise Scott Jack Carolyn Eliza Bernadette Michael Brock Glenn Alana Branko Eleshia Gordana Ivan Matea Nikita Olivia Connor Craig Wallace Wallace Walls Walls Walls Walls Watts Whelan Whelan Whitworth Whitworth Whyte Whyte Whyte Whyte Williams Wills Wills Wills Wills Wills Wills Wills Wilson Wright Wright Young Page 28 Dale Kyle Alexandra Bethany Hannah Isaac Martin Isobel Matthew Saasha‐Belle Wayne Charlotte Graham Mitchell Nicole Lyndon Archie David Ethan Joanne Joel Lila Sienna Charmaine Elissa Jane Tammy