2004 - The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
2004 - The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
NORTH CAROLINA HISTORY OF HEALTH DIGITAL COLLECTION Annual Report of the North Carolina Board of Pharmacy [1882-] Volume 2004 DOCUMENT NO. NCHH-122-123 || http://hsl.lib.unc.edu/specialcollections/nchealthhistory || This item is part of the North Carolina History of Health Digital Collection. Some materials in the Collection are protected by U.S. copyright law. This item is presented by the Health Sciences Library of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill for research and educational purposes. It may not be republished or distributed without permission of the Health Sciences Library. The North Carolina History of Health Digital Collection is an open access publishing initiative of the Health Sciences Library of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Financial support for the initiative was provided in part by a multi-year NC ECHO (Exploring Cultural Heritage Online) digitization grant, awarded by the State Library of North Carolina, and funded through the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA). For more information about the collection, or to search other volumes, please visit: || http://hsl.lib.unc.edu/specialcollections/nchealthhistory || UNC-C ONE HUNDRED ANNUAL NORTH TWENTY-THIRD REPORT CAROLINA BOARD OF PHARMACY 2004 D i g i t i z e d by t l i e I n t e r n e t A r c h i v e in 2012 w i t l i f u n d i n g f r o m N o r t h C a r o l i n a H i s t o r y of H e a l t h D i g i t a l C o l l e c t i o n , an L S T A - f u n d e d N C E C H O d i g i t i z a t i o n g r a n t p r o j e c t http://www.archive.org/details/annualreportofno1232004 UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA JUN 1 1 2007 HEALTH SCIENCES LIBRARY: ONE HUNDIiED TWENTV-THIRI) ANNUAL R E P O R T N O R T H C A R O L I N A B O A R D OF P H A R M A C Y October 1, 2003 - Septemhcr 30, 2004 MEMBERS AND ORGANIZATION COMMISSIONED BY HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOl'ERNOR OF NORTH CAROLIN L.S. H a y w o o d , Asliehoro, Piesident R.L. Crocker, Farinville, \'ice President W . E . Nelson, Hertford Chater. Asiieville B.H. Dennis, Carrhoro T.R. R o g e r s , Raleigh Term Term Term rerin Tcrni Term expires expires expires ex|)ires expires expires April April April April April April 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 2005 2006 2005 2007 2007 2005 l'xecuti\e Director David R. Work, Chapel Hill General Connsel Carson ( armicliael, Raleigh Investii;atois/liis|)ectors Sandra Bnrns, Hickory S t c \ e W. Hndson, Hickory l i m o t h y ,Iones, Stanley Josiiua Kohler, Raleigh Jason Smith, Matthews C. Brian Stewart, Mebane Amy Sykes, Charlotte .1. Ken Wilkins, Walnut Cove Chapel Hill, North Carolina April 21, 2006 T o His Excellency Governoi- Mike E. Easlcy Raleigh, North Carolina D e a r bir: 111 coinpliaiicc with A i t i d e 4, Section 'K)-57 of the (Jeneial Statutes of North Carolina, ^^ e are |)lease(l to submit to you and to the North Caiolina Association of Pharmacists the One Hundred I wenty-1 bird Annual Report ot (he North ( ari)lina Board ol I'hai niacy. I his re|)orl contains the proceedings of the Board loi- the fiscal \ c a r ending Se|)lember 30, 2004. ' ' J^J ^ .j q ^ t• 0oo Respcctrully y o u i s . APR 1 8 2I N O R I I I C A R O L I N A B O A R D OI' PIIARI\IA( \ David R. Work, Executive Director "1 Executive Director David Work Honored The B o a r d ' s Executive Director, David R. Work, was selected to receive the prestigious Hubert H. Humphj-ey A w a r d from the A m e r i c a n P h a r m a c i s t ' s Association. This award recognizes exemplary leadership and a positive representation ot^ pharmacy in political and legislative matters in the United States. Mr. Work received the award at the amiual convention of the American P h a n n a c i s t s Association on March 29, 2004 in Seattle, Washington. Mr. Work was also the recii)ient of the Keith Fearing Award presented by Dean Ronald Maddox and Lib Fearing at Campbell Unix'ersity School of P h a m i a c y in May of 2004. October 2003 Board Retreat On October 19"' and 20"' 2003, the Board held a retreat in the Chapel Hill offices. matters discussed were: > > > > > r- A m o n g the Enhanced Role for Technicians Developing programs for immunizations R e m o d e l i n g the Boards practical exam Reviewing Board finances Redefining the budget process R e - e x a m i n i n g the activities of the P h a m i a c y Recox'ery Network Paul Peterson succeeded David M a r l e y as Executive Director of the Phamiacists N e t w o r k in October of 2 0 0 3 . Recovery The Board further discussed the issue of critical questions on the "practical e x a m i n a t i o n " and plans to review these items with school representatives w h o attend monthly Board meetings. N o v e m b e r 2003 In N o v e m b e r of 2 0 0 3 , the m e m b e r s discussed the offsite order entry proposal offered by Cardinal Health. After m u c h discussion the concept w a s generally appro\'ed by the Board by resolution. Staff w a s directed to pursue appropriate m l e s on this activity. At this same m e e t i n g the m e m b e r s discussed the possibility of sending a letter to publishers of newspapers in N o r t h Carolina reminding them that out-of-state pharmacies need to be licensed in this state. A letter w a s written and mailed to each major daily newspaper in the state. During this fiscal year the m e m b e r s also decided to m o v e the publication of the B o a r d ' s newsletter to an electronic basis with past newsletters available on the Board website. This change saved the Board a substantial sum annually. At the N o v e m b e r meeting the m e m b e r s o b s e n ' e d the Southeast Medical Mobile R e s p o n s e Vehicle available to state g o v e r n m e n t for use in emergencies such as hurricanes. Margaret H a a s and Gerald Shultz with the N C Department of Public Health Preparedness and R e s p o n s e Division explained the operation of the vehicle, w h i c h was obtained thi'ough funds provided by Pfizer Phannaceuticals. This vehicle was brought to the Board otTice for an on site demonstration on November 18, 2003. January 2004 Administrative Disposition Fomi. Board staff presented the members with a procedure for handling simple complaints where the patient was not harmed. It was agreed that an Administrative Disposition Form (Appendix A), which follows this material, could be used in a standard way to handle such complaints with statT issuing a letter of concern, caution or warning, depending on the seriousness of the situation. These letters would be made part of the phannacist or pharmacy file but would not be considered as a disciplinary action. Febniarv 2004 At the February meeting the members thoroughly discussed the situation regarding Canadian Storefronts, which do business in the following way: A person rents a small office which has, among other things, a fax machine to transmit prescription orders to Canada. In February of 2004, Mr. Work reported (4) additional cease and desist orders were mailed to such Canadian storefronts. As part of the Board's effort counsel filed litigation in Superior Court Durham County, North Carolina, and obtained an injunction, which prohibited that conduct. At the February meeting of the Board the members heard a presentation from Anna Rouse of the Carolina Poison Center in Charlotte. She had many important points including the statement "Experts now recommend against keeping ipecac syrup on hand for accidental poisonings". In February 2004, President Ha>'^vood appointed a Nuclear Phamiacy Committee with Rebecca Chater as chair. Members included Amy Sykes, James Albright, Lee Cox and Neil Petry with a goal of developing Rules for nuclear phamiacies. March 2004 Rule Making: The Board adopted several new rules and amended some sections already in existence. Rules affected follow this paragraph: Florida Reciprocity: During the March meeting of the Board the members discussed the possibility of reciprocating licenses with Florida. That state has recently changed its statute and now docs allow for reciprocating licenses that have been issued within the last twelve years. This is a rolling process and docs not refer to a fixed date. Alter a thorough discussion of the matter the consensus of the members were that the North Carolina Board would not reciprocate Florida licensees on such a basis. At the Marcli meeting the members were asked to approve a system which would allow a Pharmacist to check the work of a technician from a remote location by the way of video or photo verification. After a thorough discussion it was the decision of the Board on the motion of Mr. Cocker and second by Mr. Nelson to deny the request. April 2004 Board M e m b e r s approved a portion of the budget again this fiscal year to support regional continuing e d u c a t i o n meetings around the state. The schedule of meetings were: April 7, 2004 April 13, 2004 M a y 3, 2004 M a y 6, 2004 M a y 11, 2004 M a y 27, 2004 Greensboro Research Triangle Monroe Asheville Greenville Fayetteville May 2004 Election Results: At the M a y meeting of the Board the Board of P h a m i a c y Elections certified the results of the Election held in the spring. Mr. Stan Ha>'\vood w a s declared the w i n n e r m District 3 and Wallace Nelson winner in District 4. Each to serve a five-year tenii b e g i n n i n g in the spring of 2 0 0 5 . Results of the Elections follow below: L. Stan Haywood 1,772 Wallace E. Nelson 1,261 D M E Election: A n election for a position on the D M E C o m m i t t e e was held in M a y of 2004for a and the results are reproduced below. M a r c i a Ladd Ralph McBride B r a d y White 72 70 50 Mr. M c B r i d e called for a run-off election and the election results of the run-off are printed below: M a r c i a Ladd 104 Ralph McBride 74 T h e B o a r d of P h a m i a c y Elections certified these results as final at the J u n e 15, 2004 meeting with Marcia Ladd j o i n i n g the D M E Committee. June 15, 2004 Consent Orders - Eckerd Drugs: After many months of discussions the Board staff negotiated Consent Proposals for 67 locations where Eckerd Personnel had refused the investigating staff request for records of prior dispensing eiTors pursuant to Rule 21 N . C . A . C . 46.2502(n) & (o). Board Executive W o r k c o m m e n t e d that this is the administrative law equivalent of Civil Disobedience. Each of these cases could have been avoided if E c k e r d ' s M a n a g e m e n t would have produced records. The consent agreements implement a reprimand for each permit with no further action taken. July 20. 2004 USP 797 Guidelines: The members of the Board urged staff to consider to plan for implementing USP 797 Guidelines at an early date. Contingency plans were developed to obtain Inspector Training for implementation early in 2005. 2004 Retreat Issues: > > > > > Recognizing 50+ year Phamiacists Compounding OTC Products Alternative to the Boards electronic Newsletter Regional Meetings Criminal background check Significant Newsletter Items: Selected Newsletter items are included as an attachment. (Appendix B) These topics were chosen for their significance in the development of the practice of pharmacy. These are intended to be glimpses of the challenges and opportunities faced by pharmacists during this fiscal year. Rules Which Became Effective During this Fiscal Year Attached as Appendix C of this report are any new, amended or repealed rules which occuired October 1, 2003-September 30, 2004. Investigative Infomiation Attached as Appendix D of this report is the investigative field staff operations report for fiscal year ending September 30, 2004. Infomiation Required by 93B The North Carolina Board of Phamiacy had its offices at 6015 Farrington Road, Chapel Hill, North Carolina from October 1, 2003 to September 30, 2004. During the 2003-2004 fiscal year there were 291 applicants for examination, 5 candidates did not appear and 1 candidate withdrew from the exam and the remainder took the examination for licensure. A total of 258 persons were licensed as phamiacists by examination. A total of 154 individuals applied for licensure by reciprocity and were licensed. The Board suspended 2 licenses, with a stay orders placed on those licenses. One license was Summarily Suspended by the Board and 3 licenses were voluntarily surrendered to the Board. No other licenses were terminated for any reason other than failure to pay the required fee. E 3 0) O CO LU LU I- O O Z -) Z I CO LU >• X3 Q=3 O CD MM a: O LI. Z: O. -C C O CD " TO "D \ C\3 V •>•. "A •:- O CQ ' 0) . CD 0 li C -C R O O Q) C C ^ "O OS C O f CD \. UO •D A P P E N D I X li Item 2017 - Pharmacist-Manager Responsible for Tech Registration P h a r m a c i s t - m a n a g e r s a r e r e m i n d e d of t h e i r r e s p o n s i b i l i t y to b e s u r e that all t h e t e c h n i c i a n s at their facility h a v e u p - t o - d a t e r e g i s t r a t i o n s . S e e B S . 90-85.125(A)(b). P l e a s e c h e c k t h e i n d i v i d u a l s w h o are a s s i s t i n g in t h e d i s p e n s i n g of p r e s c r i p t i o n s u n d e r y o u or o t h e r p h a r m a c i s t s at y o u r l o c a t i o n . These i n d i v i d u a l s n e e d to h a v e a p h a r m a c y t e c h n i c i a n r e g i s t r a t i o n a n d h a v e t h a t r e g i s t r a t i o n o n d i s p l a y at y o u r p h a r m a c y . If y o u f i n d i n d i v i d u a l s w h o a r e r e s i s t i n g in t h e d i s p e n s i n g p r o c e s s a n d a r e n o t r e g i s t e r e d , p l e a s e c o n t a c t t h e B o a r d o f f i c e , or d o w n l o a d t h e a p p l i c a t i o n f r o m t h e B o a r d ' s w e b s i t e at w w w . n c b o p . o r g under " D o w n l o a d a b l e F o r m s " without delay to obtain r e g i s t r a t i o n m a t e h a l s . T e c h n i c i a n s w h o a r e r e g i s t e r e d w i t h t h e b o a r d will n e e d to r e n e w t h e i r r e g i s t r a t i o n f o r 2 0 0 4 . T h e o r i g i n a l r e g i s t r a t i o n f e e , or t h e r e n e w a l f e e , is $ 2 5 Item 2023 - New Personnel at PRN P a u l P e t e r s o n h a s r e p l a c e d D a v e M a r l e y a s t h e e x e c u t i v e d i r e c t o r of t h e P h a r m a c i s t R e c o v e r y N e t w o r k ( P R N ) . D a v e M a r l e y h a s o p e n e d u p his o w n i n d e p e n d e n t p h a r m a c y in W i n s t o n - S a l e m a n d P a u l c o m e s to P R N w i t h m a n y y e a r s of e x p e r i e n c e w i t h a s i m i l a r g r o u p t h a t d e a l s w i t h p h y s i c i a n s . A s o f n o w t h e c o n t a c t i n f o r m a t i o n h a s not c h a n g e d Item 2035 - Last Mailing of This Newsletter D u r i n g t h e a d o p t i o n of t h e b u d g e t for this f i s c a l y e a r t h e m e m b e r s of t h e N o r t h C a r o l i n a B o a r d of P h a r m a c y d e c i d e d to c h a n g e t h e m e t h o d of d i s t r i b u t i o n for this Newsletter b a s i s . P a s t Newsletters ^rom t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s M a i l t o a n e l e c t r o n i c are n o w a v a i l a b l e o n o u r W e b s i t e , w w w . n c b o p . o r g . F u t u r e i s s u e s will a l s o be i n c l u d e d at t h a t l o c a t i o n . W e will m a k e a r r a n g e m e n t s for the e l e c t r o n i c d i s t r i b u t i o n of e a c h Newsletter four t i m e s a y e a r : J a n u a r y A p r i l , J u l y , a n d O c t o b e r . In o r d e r to a c c o m p l i s h this w e will n e e d to h a v e y o u r e - m a i l a d d r e s s . M a n y p h a r m a c i s t s a n d t e c h n i c i a n s h a v e a l r e a d y i n c l u d e d this i n f o r m a t i o n o n their r e n e w a l s , but it is n o w e v e n m o r e i m p o r t a n t that w e h a v e this p i e c e of i n f o r m a t i o n f r o m e a c h p h a r m a c i s t a n d technician. If you h a v e not provided your e-mail a d d r e s s to the Board p l e a s e do s o without delay. Item 2042 - Talk It Up This is rlie iirsf issue of the Noj-fh Caroiuia BoajdofPJiarNP^\-S that is being electroaicahy distributed. While the format i.^ siiuihtr. the state and national sections are now separated and the state infonnation is die first that w^ill appear on your screen. At the end of the state text, there is a link to the National Phaiinacy Compliance Ne\\•.•^ section and we urge you to read the entire publication. inacy Please m a k e a point to discuss this new method of .VnrsvVfnv distribution with y o u r p h a i m a c y friends and colleagues. W'e want to m a k e sure that there is optimum circulation and readership of this n e w format. Item 2044 - HIPAA Guidelines T h e B o a r d is m a x i m i z i n g the use of its W e b s i t e . w m v . n c b o p . o r g . and encourages phamiacists to re\"iew that location for any questions that arise. There is a ne\A" section on this Web site for inteip")retations of the Health hisurance Portabilit>' and Accountability Act as it applies to pharmacists and pharmacies. Please refer to that section for the most cur rent information on diis topic. Item 2047 - Pharmacists and Immunizations The Board has proceeded through the administrati\'e rule process and adopted a Rule (.2507) on immunizations diat can be found on our Web site under "New De\-elopments." K e y points contained in the m l e are: • Written Protocols • Physician Responsibilities • P h a n n a c i s t Responsibilities • • C P R Certificate • C o m p l e t e V a c c i n a t i o n Certificate P r o g r a m (the N o r t h C a r o l i n a A s s o c i a t i o n of P h a r m a c i s t s [WWw.lie}3liar 1 n a c i s t s . o r g ] plans to offer this in September 2004) * T h r e e C o n t i n u i n g Education (CE) H o u r s E\"ery Two Years E m e r s e n c y / A d v e r s e Fleaction Procedures APPENDIX C 21 N C A C 46 .1204 OFFICE OF THE BOARD The office of the Board is located at 6015 FaiTington Road, Suite 201, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, address is Post Office Box 4560, Chapel HilL North Carolina 27515-4560. History Note: Aiilhority Eff. April Amended G.S. its mailing 90-S5.6; }. 1983: Eff. November J. 2003: July /, 1996: May 7, I9S9. 21 N C A C 46 .1317 DEFINITIONS The definitions of various terms used in this Chapter are found in G.S. 90, Article 4A, and as follows: (1) Ambulation Assistance Equipment. Devices that aid in walking, excluding canes, crutches, and walkers. (2) Approved School or College of Pharmacy. A school or college of pharmacy accredited by tlie American Council on Pharmaceutical Education, or a foreign school with a professional pharmacy degree program of at least five years approved by the Board. (3) Auxiliary Drug Inventory. A secure, segregated, supplementary source for diugs to be used solely for the purpose of providing adequate ding availability when the pharmacy is closed or the pharmacist is unavailable. (4) Board. As defined in G.S. 90-85.3(b). (5) Certified teclmician. A technician who has passed a pharmacy technician certification board exam, or its equivalent, that has been approved by the Board according to these Rules. (6) Consultant Pharmacist. A licensed pharmacist who, in collaboration with the supervising physician and nurse practitioner or assistant to the physician, develops a retrospective d m g utilization review program which: (a) reviews the appropriateness of the choice of medication(s) for the patient and the patient's therapeutic regimen, including choice of medication, dose, frequency, and route of administiation; (b) identifies and resolves therapeutic duplication in the patient's medication regimen; and (c) considers patient-specific medication contraindications. The consultant pharmacist holds himself available for consultation in person, by telephone, or by other means of direct communication at all times when drugs are dispensed. (7) Diagnostic equipment. Equipment used to record physiological information while a person goes about normal daily living or while asleep in order to document a disease process. EPTs, thermometers, and cholesterol equipment arc not included as diagnostic equipment. (8) Dnig review or Pharmaceutical care assessment. An onsite review of a patient's or resident's record by a licensed pharmacist that involves interpretation and evaluation of the d m g therapy and other pharmaceutical care services to achieve intended medication outcomes and minimize negative effects of d m g therapy. (9) Duplicate as used in G.S. 90-85.24. Any license, permit, or registration issued or reissued by the Board which is identical to a previously issued license, permit, or registration, including a permit reissued due to a change in pharmacist-manager. (10) Emergency Dmgs. Those dmgs whose prompt use and immediate availability are generally regarded by physicians as essential in the proper treatment of unforeseen adverse changes in a patient's health or well-being. (11) Employee. A person who is or would be considered an employee under the North Carolina Workers' Compensation Act. This definition applies to locations both within and outside of this State holding pharmacy or device and medical equipment permits and without regard to the number of persons employed by the permit holder. (12) Executive Director. The Secretary-Treasurer and Executive Director of the Board. (13) Graduate of an Approved School or College of Pharmacy. A person who has received an undergraduate professional degree in pharmacy from an approved school or college of pharmacy, or a person who has graduated IVom a foreign professional school of pharmacy and has successfully completed the Foreign Pharmacy Graduate Equivalency Examination offered by the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy and the Test of English as a Foreign Language. (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) History Note: Indulgence ni the Use of Drugs. The use of narcotic drugs or other dmgs affecting the cenhal nervous system or the use of intoxicating beverages to an extent as to deprive the user of reasonable self-control or the ability to exercise such judgment as might reasonably be expected of an average pmdent person. Limited Service Pharmacy Permit. A pharmacy permit issued by the Board to an applicant that wishes to render in an institutional setting pharmaceutical services not limited to scope and kind but to time and conditions under which such services are rendered. Medication Management Therapy Services and Related Functions. Included in the practice of pharmacy as part of monitoring, recording and reporting dmg therapy and device usage are medication management therapy services and related functions. Medication Administi'ation Record. A record of drugs administered to a patient. Medication Order. An order for a prescription drug or other medication or a device for a patient from a person authorized by law to prescribe medications. Mobility equipment. Devices that aid a person in self-movement, other than walking, including manual or power wheelchairs and scooters. Oxygen and respiratory care equipment. Equipment or devices used to administer oxygen or other legend drugs, maintain viable airways or monitor cardio-respiratory conditions or events, including, but not limited to, compressed medical gases; oxygen concentrators; liquid oxygen; nebulizers; compressors; aerosol therapy devices; portable suction machines; nasal continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machines; Bi-phasic positive pressure devices (BiPAP); infant monitors, such as apnea monitors and cardio- respiratory monitors; positive and negative pressure mechanical ventilators; and pulse oximeters. Patient Medication Profile. A list of all prescribed medications for a patient. Pharmacist. Any person within the definition set forth in G.S. 90- 85.3(p), including any druggist. Pharmacist-Manager. The person who accepts responsibility for the operation of a pharmacy in conformance with all statutes and regulations pertinent to the practice of pharmacy and distribution of dmgs by signing the permit application, its renewal or addenda thereto. Pharmacy. Any place within the definition set forth in G.S. 90- 85.3(q), including any apothecary or dmgstore. Pharmacy Intern. Any person who is duly registered with the Board under the internship program of the Board to acquire pharmacy experience or enrolled in approved academic internship programs. A pharmacy intern working under a pharmacist preceptor or supervising pharmacist may, while under supervision, perform all acts constituting the practice of pharmacy. Place of residence. Any place used as an individual's temporary or pennanent home. President. The President of the Board. Rehabilitation environmental control equipment. Equipment or devices which permit a person with disabilities to control his or her immediate surroundings. Rehabilitation Services. Services and equipment required to maintain or improve functional status and general health as prescribed by the physician which are uniquely specified for each individual's lifestyle. The people involved in this process include the patient, caregiver, physician, therapist, rehabilitation equipment supplier and others who impact on the individual's life style and endeavors. Signature. A written or electronic signature or computerized identification code. Two Years College Work. Attendance at an accredited college for two academic years of not less than eight and one-half months each and the completion of work for credit leading to a baccalaureate degree or its equivalent and that would permit the student to advance to the next class. Undergraduate Professional Degree in Pharmacy. A B.S. or Pharm. D. degree. Vice-President. The Vice-President of the Board. Authority G.S. 90-85.3: 90-85.6: 90-S5.8: 90-85.13: 90-85.14: 90-85.15: 90-85.21: 90-85.38: 90-85.40: Eff. May I. Amended October 1989: Eff I, March 1990: I, January 2004: I. April I, 1999: May / , 1997: September J. 1995: September I, 1993: 1990. 21 N C A C 46 .1503 E X P E R I E N C E IN P H A R M A C Y (a) An applicant for license must show that he has received 1500 hours of practical experience under the supervision of a licensed pharmacist which has been acquired after the satisfactory completion of two years of college work. The Board shall accept hours of experience certified by the school from which the applicant has (2) Persons working under the supervision of registered pharmacists and expecting to quaUfy for the registered pharmacist examination must notify the Board within five days of the beginning and the ending of such employment. (3) The Board shall not allow credit for clauns of practical experience required under the pharmacy laws, unless such claims can be corroborated by records on file in the Board's office showing the beginning and the ending of the practical experience claimed as supplied by the applicant during this training period. (4) Practical experience shall be credited only when it has been obtained m a location holding a pharmacy permit, or a location appro\'ed by the Board for that puipose. (c) The pharmacist intern, or student, and the pharmacist preceptor, or supervising pharmacist, shall at all times comply with the Board's rules and the laws governing the practice of pharmacy and the distribution of dmgs. Failure of the pharmacist intern to do so is grounds to disqualify the period of experience from counting toward the m i n i m u m requirements. A pharmacist preceptor who causes or permits a pharmacist intern to violate the Board's niles or the laws go\'erning the practice of pharmacy and the disti-ibution of drugs forfeits his right to supervise such experience for a period of time determined by the Board. A pharmacist who has been found in violation of laws, mles, or regulations governing the practice of pharmacy and the distribution of d m g s cannot serve as a preceptor without the approval by the Board. (d) The Board may accept training in pharmacy gained in another state pursuant to internship registration in this or another state if the Board is satisfied that such training is equivalent. Historv Note: Aiithoiin' G.S. 90-85.6. Eff. April 1. 1983: Amended Eff. March 90-85.14: 90-85.15: I. 2004: September 90-85.38: I, 1993: April 1. 1992: October 1. 1990: May I. 1989. 21 .\C.A.C 46 .1505 EXAMINATION (a) The applicant shall pass the following examinations: (1) a national examination; (2) a jurispmdencc examination; and (3) a practical examination which includes an error and omission section. (b) For the puipose of grading or rating, the answers, which shall be legible, shall be valued by marks or points based on their importance, as determined by the judgment of the examiners. (c) In order to pass, a score of 75 or more is required on each examination. Candidates who obtain a score of 75 or more on each examination are deemed to have passed the respective examination provided that the candidate obtains a passing score on the remaining examinations within the next following two calendar years. If the examination is taken outside of North Carolina, the examination score shall be properly ti-ansferred to North Carolina. A candidate who fails to pass all three examinations in the two calendar year period must retake and pass all three examinations within a two calendar year period. (d) At the time of the examination, the Board may designate certain questions which, if missed, shall require the candidate to obtain continuing education. The continuing education required will be specified by the Board and must be obtained by the candidate prior to issuance of a pharmacist license. Hi.storv Note: Authority G.S. 90-85.15: Eff. April 1. 1983: Amended Eff April 90-85.16: 1. 2004: April I, 2003: July 1. 1996: December 31. 1985. 21 N C A C 46 .1602 L I C E N S E BY R E C I P R O C I T Y All applicant for licensure without examination, must have: (1) Originally been licensed as a pharmacist by an examination equivalent to the North Carolina examination specified in Rule .1505(a)(1) and (a)(2) of this Chapter; (2) Achieved scores on an equivalent examination, such as the N A P L E X examination or the Foreign Pharmacist Graduate Equivalency Examination, where applicable, which would qualify for licensure in this state at the time of examination; and (3) Been licensed by as state which deems licensees from this state to be equivalent to the extent that they are suitable for licensure in that state without further substantial examination. //i.-.loiy Note: Authority G.S. 90-85.6: Eff 1, 1983: April Amended 21 N C A C 46 .1603 Eff March 90-85.20: I. 2004: April /, 2003: Julv I. 1996: May 1, 1989. WHEN NEW PERMIT R E g i l l R E I ) A new pharmacy, device, or medical equipment permit is icquiicd foi a new location, a change to a diffcienl or successor business entity, or a change resulting in a different person or entity owning more than 50 percent interest in the permit holder or any entity in the chain of ownership above the pciinit holder, except as provided in 21 NCAC 45 .1604 of this .Section. A new permit is required if there is a change in the authority to control or designate a majority r)f the members or board of directors of a nonprofit t:iiiporalion holding a pharmacy pcrmil or any nonprofit coqioration m the chain of ov.'iiership above the permit holdei. History Note: Authority G.S. 90-85.6; Eff. May 1. 1989: Amended Eff March 90-85.21: I. 2004: April 90-85.22: I. 2001: August 1. 1998: April 1. 1997: September I. 1995. 21 N C A C 46 .1604 WHEN N E W PERMIT NOT REQUIRED (a) A new pharmacy, device or medical equipment permit is not required in the following situations; (1) the permit holder is a publicly-traded coiporation and continues to hold the permit; or (2) the permit holder is a coiporation which is a wholly-owned subsidiary, and any change in the ownership of any coiporation in the chain of ownership above the permit holder is due to the stock of such corporation being publicly-traded. (b) A permit which has been served with a notice of hearing for a pending disciplinary proceeding before the Board may not be sunendered. Histoiy Note: Authority G.S. 90-85 6: 90-85.21: Eff May J, 1989: Amended Eff June 1, 2004: April 90-85.22: 1, 2001: August 1. 1998: May 1. 1997: September 1. 1995. 21 N C A C 46 .1801 RIGHT TO REFUSE A PRESCRIPTION (a) A pharmacist or device and medical equipment dispenser may refuse to fill or refill a prescription order, if in his professional judgment, it would be harmful to the recipient, is not in the recipient's best interest or if there is a question as to its validity. (b) A pharmacist shall not fill or refill a prescription order if the pharmacist actually knows or reasonably should know that the order was issued without a physical examination of the patient and in the absence of a prior prescriber-patient relationship, unless: (1) the prescription order was issued for the patient by a psychiatrist; (2) the prescription order was issued for the patient after discussion of the patient status with a ti'eating psychologist, therapist, or physician; (3) the prescription order was ordered by a physician for flu vaccinations for groups of patients or members of tiie public; (4) the prescription order was for prophylactic puiposes, such as the ordering of antibiotics by a pediatrician for members of a child's family when the child has a positive strep test; (5) the prescription order was an emergency order for medication related to pregnancy prevention; and (6) the prescription order was an order for medications to be taken by groups tiaveling to foreign countries. Historv Note: Authority Eff April G.S. 90-85.6: 1. 1983; Amended Eff March 21 N C A C 46 .1804 90-85.32; 1. 2004; April 1. 2003; September 1, 1995. PRESCRIPTION: R E C E I V I N G A N D DISPENSING (a) In order to assure that the practitioner-pharmacist-patient relationship exists and to promote the safe and secure distribution of drugs and devices from a pharmacy, prescription orders may be received for filling and refilling only by a pharmacist or a bona fide employee of the pharmacy. The pharmacist-manager of the pharmacy shall be ukimately responsible for the safe, lawful and secure receipt of prescription orders and delivery of prescription drugs. Notwithstanding the provisions of this Rule, prescription drugs also may be delivered by mail in accordance with the provisions of 21 N C A C 46 .1601 (b). (b) In filling or refilling prescription orders, the pharmacist shall not be required to deal with parties, including managed care companies and insurance providers, outside the practitioner-pharmacist-patient relationship. (c) In order to promote the safe and secure distiibution of devices and medical equipment from a facility holding a device and medical equipment permit, prescription orders for devices and medical equipment may be received for filling and refilling only by the person in charge of the facility holding the device and medical equipment permit or a bona fide employee of the facility. The person in charge shall be ultimately responsible for the safe, lawful and secure receipt of prescription orders and delivery of devices and medical equipment. Unless the location also holds adeliver pharmacy permit, damfacility holding a device and medical equipment permit shall not acquire, receive, store, or prescription gs. Histoiy Note: Authority G.S. 90-85.6; Eff December J, 1983; Amended Eff April 21 N C A C 46 .1806 90-85.32; 1, 2004; August 1, 2000; September I, 1995; May 1, 1989; August TRANSFER OF PRESCRIPTION INFOR.MATION 1, 1988. \ (a) The transfer of original prescription information for the puipose of refill dispensing is permissible between pharmacies subject to the following requirements: (1) the transfer is communicated directly from either a pharmacist or certified technician to either a pharmacist or certified technician and not by only one pharmacist or certified teclinician gaining access to an information file containing data for several locations, unless all locations accessed are under common ownership or accessed pursuant to contractual agreement of the pharmacies; (2) the tiansfeiiing pharmacist or certified technician invalidates the prescription and any remaining refills at the transfening pharmacy by marking the word "void" on the face of the prescription or its equivalent; (3) the transferring pharmacist or certified technician records the name and address of the pharmacy to which it was n-ansfeired and the name of the pharmacist or certified technician receiving the prescription information on the reverse of the invalidated prescription; (4) the transferring pharmacist or certified teclmician records the date of the transfer and the name of the phannacist or certified teclmician transferring the information. (b) The pharmacisl or certified technician receiving the transfen-ed prescription information shall reduce to writing the following: (1) The word "ti'ansfer" on the face of the transferred prescription; (2) All information required to be on a prescription, including: (A) Date of issuance of original prescription; (B) Number of refills authorized on original prescription; (C) Date and time of transfer; (D) Number of valid refills remaining and date of last refill; (E) Pharmacy's name, address and original prescription number from which the prescription information was transferred; (F) Name of transferring pharmacist or certified technician; and (G) Manufacturer or brand of d m g dispensed. (c) The transferred prescription, as well as the original, must be maintained for a period of three years from the date of last refill. (d) Dispensing is permitted only within the original authorizafion for refills and no dispensing on such transfer shall occur beyond that authorized on the original prescription. Any dispensing beyond that originally authorized or one year, whichever is less, may occur only on a new prescription. (e) The requirements of Paragraphs (a) and (b) of this Rule may be facilitated by use of a computer or data system without reference to an original prescription document. The system must be able to identify ti'ansferred prescriptions and prevent subsequent prescription refills at that pharmacy. (f) This Rule applies to the transfer of prescriptions issued by prescribers in other states, provided that the pharmacist or certified teclmician receiving the prescription actually knows or reasonably should know that a physician-patient relationship exists and dispensing the d m g is in the patient's best interests. (g) All records pertinent to this Rule shall be readily reti-ievable. (h) A system must be in place that will allow only authorized access by a pharmacist or certified technician to all records pertinent to this Rule and will indicate on the prescription record when and by whom such access was made. (\) The transfer of original prescription information for the purpose of refill dispensing is permissible between device and medical equipment permit holders so long as the transferring permit holder provides all records and documentation necessary for dispensing and does not interfere with the service and claims processing procedures of the receiving permit holder. History Note: Authority Eff. G.S. December Amended 21 N C A C 46 .1807 Histon' Note: Eff 31. 1985; June I. 2004; G.S. October September 90-85.6(a); I, I. 1995; July I, 1992; May 90-85.32; 1990; Amended Eff September Repealed Eff March 21 N( AC 46 .I8L^ 90-85.32; I, 1989. FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION O F PRESCRIPTION ORDERS Authority Eff 90-85.6(a); I, I. 1995; 2004. TRANSMISSION O F PRESCRIPTION ORDERS be transmitted by an authorized practitioner o r his designated agent and contam either a written signature or an electronic signature unique t o the practitioner; (4) be deemed the original prescription drug order, provided it meets all requirements of federal and state laws and regulations; and (5) if a refill order, contain all information required for original prescription orders except for the prescriber's signature. (c) The prescribing practitioner may authorize his agent to tiansmit by FAX or by electionic nansmission a prescription dmg order to a pharmacist or certified technician in a pharmacy provided that the identity o f the transmitting agent is included in the order. (d) The pharmacist shall exercise professional judgment regarding the accuracy, validity, and authenticity of a prescription dmg order transmitted by FAX or by electronic transmission consistent with federal and state laws and regulations. (e) All equipment for receipt of prescription dmg orders by FAX or by electronic ti-ansmission shall be maintained s o as to e n s u r e against unauthorized access. (f) Prescriptions may be transferred by FAX or by electi'onic transmission i f a l l t h e requirements o f Rule .1806 of this Section are met. (g) No agreement between a prescriber and a phaimacy or device and medical equipment permit holder shall require that prescription orders be ti'ansmitted by FAX or by e l e c U o n i c transmission from the prescriber to o n l y that pharmacy or device and medical equipment permit holder. (3) History Note: Authority Eff. G.S. August Amended J, Eff 90-85.6; 90-85.32; 1998; March 1, 2004. 21 N C A C 46 .2504 PATIENT COUNSELING (a) 'Tatient Counseling" shall mean the effective communication o f information, as defined in t h i s Rule, t o the patient or representative in order to improve therapeutic outcomes by maximizing proper use of prescription medications, devices, and medical equipment. All provisions of this Rule shall apply to device and medical equipment permit holders, except Subparagraph (a)(8) of t h i s Rule and except where otherwise noted. Specific areas of patient counseling include, but are n o t liinited to, those matters listed in this Rule that in the exercise of the pharmacist's or device and medical equipment permit holder's professional judgment are considered significant: (1) name, description, and purpose of the medication; (2) route, dosage, administration, and continuity of therapy; (3) special directions for use by the patient; (4) common severe side or adverse effects or interactions and therapeutic contraindications that may be encountered, including their avoidance, and the acdon required if they occur; (5) techniques for self-monitoring dmg therapy; (6) proper storage; (7) prescription refill infonnation; and (8) action to be taken in the event of a missed dose. (b) An offer to counsel shall be made on new or transfer prescriptions at the time the prescription is dispensed or delivered to the patient or representadve. Ancillary personnel may make the offer to counsel, but the pharmacist must personally conduct counseling if the offer is accepted. Counseling by device and medical equipment permit holders must be conducted by personnel proficient in explaining and demonstrating the safe and proper use of devices and equipment. The person m charge shall be responsible for ensuring that all personnel conducting counseling are proficient in explaining and demonstrating the safe and proper use of devices and equipment and for documenting the demonsti-ation of such proficiency. The offer s h a l l be made orally and in person when delivery occurs at the pharmacy. When delivery occurs outside of the pharmacy, whether by mail, vehicular delivery or other means, the offer shall be made either orally and in person, or by telephone from the pharmacist to the patient. If delivery occurs outside of the phamiacy, the pharmacist shall provide the patient with access to a telephone service that is toll-free for long-distance calls. A pharmacy whose primary patient populadon is accessible through a local measured or toll-free exchange need not be required to offer toll-free service. Counseling may be conducted by the provision of printed information in a foreign language if requested by the patient or representative. Professional judgment shall be exercised in determining whether or not to offer counseling for prescription refills. An offer to counsel shall be communicated in a posidve manner to encourage acceptance. (c) In order to counsel patients effectively, a reasonable effort shall be made to obtain, record, and maintain significant patient information, including: (1) name, address, telephone number; (2) date of birth (age), gender; (3) medical history: A "reasonable effort" shall mean a good faith effort to obtain from the patient or representative the foregoing patient information. Ancillary personnel may collect, record, and obtain patient profde information, but the pharmacist or person in charge of the facility holding the device and medical equipment permit must review and inteipret patient profile information and clarify confusing or conflicting information. Professional judgment shall be exercised as to w hether and when individual patient history information should be sought from other health care providers. (d) Once patient information is obtained, this information shall be reviewed and updated by the pharmacist or person in charge of the facility holding the device and medical equipment permit before each prescription is filled or d e l n e r e d , typically at the point-of-sale or point of distribution to screen for potential drug therapy problems due to; (1) therapeutic duplication; (2) drug-disease contiaindication; (3) drug-dmg interactions, including serious interactions with prescription or over-the-counter drugs; (4) incorrect drug dosage or duration of drug treatment; (5) drug-allergy interactions; and (6) clinical abuse/misuse. (e) Unless refused by the patient or representative, patient counseling shall be provided as follows: (1) counseling shall be "face to face" by the pharmacist, or persoimel of a device and medical equipment permit holder when possible; (2) alternative forms of patient information may be used to supplement patient counseling; (3) patient counseling, as described in this Rule, shall be required for outjoatient and discharge patients of hospitals, health maintenance organizations, health departments, and other institutions; however, compliance with this Rule in locations in which non-pharmacists are authorized by law or regulations to dispense may be accomplished by such authorized non-pharmacists; and (4) patient counseling, as described in this Rule, shall not be required for inpatients of hospitals or other institutions where a nurse or other licensed health care professional administers the medication{s). (f) Pharmacists that distribute prescription medication by mail, and where the practitioner-pharmacist-patient relationship does not exist, shall provide counseling services for recipients of such medication in accordance with this Rule. (g) Records resulting from compliance with this Rule, including documentation of refusals to receive counseling, shall be maintained for three years in accordance with Section .2300 of this Chapter. (h) Personnel of device and medical equipment permit holders shall give written notice of warranty, if any, regarding service after the sale. The permit holder shall maintain documentation demonstrating that the written notice of wairanty was given to the patient. (ij Offers to counsel and patient counseling for inmates need not be "face to face", but rather, may be conducted through a correctional or law enforcement officer or tlii'ough printed material. A pharmacist or a device and medical equipment permit holder dispensing drugs or devices or delivering medical equipment to inmates need not comply with Paragraph (c) of this Rule. However, once such patient information is obtained, the requirements of Paragraph (d) of this Rule shall be followed. History Note: Authority Eff. G.S. Januaiy Amended 21 N C A C 46 .2509 90-85.6, 4, Eff 90-85.22; 90-85.U; 42 U.S.C. 1996; September J396r-8(g); 1993; June I, 2004; July I. 1, 1995. AVAILABILITY OF PHARMACY RI'XORDS A pharmacist may disclose pharmacy records to investigators of occupational licensing boards whose licensees have prescribing authority during the course of an investigation of such licensee as permitted by state or federal law. Hrstorv Note: Authority Eff March G.S. I, 90-85.6; 90-85.36; 2004. 21 N C A C 46 .2510 WAIVER OF ENFORCEMENT The Hoard may waive the enforcement of specific rules under the following circumstances: (1) The departure from ordinary practice is designed to have a positive impact on the delivery of pharmaceutical care or designed to reduce healthcare expenditures; (2) Patient health and safety are not comprninised by the waiver; (3j A policy and procedure manual detailing the type and method of operation, hours of operation, and method of documentation ofcontinuing pharmacist control accompanies the application, and pursuant to G.S. 90-85.22. Devices dispensed in hospitals and medical equipment delivered by hospitals are presumed to be the responsibility of the hospital pharmacy unless otherwise registered. This Rule shall apply only to entities engaged in the regular activity of delivering medical equipment. (b) A pharmacy dispensing and delivering devices and medical equipment and not holding a device and medical equipment permit shall operate its device and medical equipment business at the same physical location as the pharmacy and tlirough the same legal entity that holds the pharmacy permit. The pharmacist-manager shall be responsible for the dispensing and delivery of devices and medical equipment. Histoiy Note: Authority G.S. 90-85.3(e), Eff. October Amended J, Eff 21 N C A C 46 .2605 (II). (r); 90-85.6; 90-85.22; 1990; March 1. 2004; October 1. 1995. REGISTRATION OF NON-PHARMACISTS (a) Registration of persons other than pharmacists dispensing devices or delivering medical equipment, pursuant to G.S. 90-85.22, shall be issued by the Board to the person in charge of the location dispensing the devices or delivering medical equipment. This person shall have responsibilities comparable to those of a pharmacist-manager pursuant to Board Rule .2502 of this Chapter, as applicable. Persons in charge shall keep on file for three years on the premises of each place where devices are dispensed or medical equipment is delivered all information related to waixanties provided by manufacturers and the availability of repairs; provided, that this requirement shall not apply to disposable devices and medical equipment. A person shall be in charge of only one location. (b) A person in charge shall not: (1) commit a felony; (2) commit any act as a principal in a business entity that causes such entity to be excluded from participation in a federal or state program. If a person in charge commits the conduct set out in Paragraphs (b)(1) and (b)(2) of this Rule while he or she is a person in charge, he or she shall no longer serve as a person in charge for the existing pemrit or for any other device and medical equipment permit. Histoiy Note: Authority Eff G.S 90-85.3(e); October Amended 21 N C A C 46 .2612 I. Eff (I I), (r); 90-85.6; 90-85.22; 1990; Apiil 1. 2004; September 1. 1995. STORAGE OF DEVICES AND M E D I C A L EQUIPMENT (a) Devices and medical equipm.ent shall be stored at the location holding the pharmacy or device and medical equipment pernrit or a location that is within 50 miles of the pemiitted location. Devices and medical equipment shall not be stored on residential property. (b) A device and medical equipment storage site not holding a pharmacy or device and medical equipment permit shall not provide any devices, medical equipment, or services directly to patients and shall not store any business or patient records. (c) Device and medical equipment storage sites shall be subject to inspection by the Board. History Note: Authority Eff 2 1 N C A C 46 .3101 (a) Definitions: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) G.S. 90-85.6; March I, 90-85.22; 90-85.32; 2004. CLINICAL PHARMACIST PRACTITIONER "Medical Board" means the North Carolina Medical Board. "Pharmacy Board" means the North Carolina Board of Pharmacy. "Joint Subcommittee" means the subcoirurattee composed of four members of the Pharmacy Board and four members of the Medical Board to whom responsibility is given by G.S. 90-6(c) to develop rules to govern the provision of d m g therapy management by the Clinical Pharmacist Practitioner in North Carolina. "Clinical Pharmacist Practitioner or CPP" means a licensed pharmacist in good standing who is approved to provide d m g therapy management, including controlled substances, under the direction of, or under the supervision of a licensed physician who has provided wiitten instructions for a patient and disease specific d m g therapy which may include ordering, changing, substituting therapies or ordering tests. Only a pharmacist approved by the Pharmacy Board and the Medical Board may legally identify himself as a C P P . "Supervising Physician" means a licensed physician who, by signing the CPP agreement, is hekl accountable for the on-going supervision and evaluation of the d m g therapy management perfomred by the CPP as defined in the physician, patient, pharmacist and disease specific written agreement. Only a physician approved by the Medical Board may legally identify himself or herself as a supervising physician. "Approval" means authorization by the Medical Board and the Pharmacy Board for a pharmacist to practice as a CPP in accordance with this Rule. (7) "Continuing Education or CE" is defined as courses or materials which have been approved for credit by the American Council on Pharmaceutical Education. (8) "Clinical Experience approved by the Boards" means work in a clinical phaimacy practice setUng which mcludes experience consistent with the components listed in Parts (b)(2)(A), (B), (C), (D), (E), (H), (I), (J). (N), (O), and (P) of this Rule. Cluneal experience requirements must be met only through activities separate from the certificate programs referred to ni Parts (b)(1)(B) of this Rule. (b) CPP application for approval. (1) The requirements for application for CPP approval include that the pharmacist: (A) has an unrestricted and current license to practice as a pharmacist in North Caiolnia; (B) meets one of the following qualifications: (i) has earned Certification from the Board of Pharmaceutical Specialties, is a Certified Geriatric Pharmacist or has completed an American Society of Health System Pharmacists (ASHP) accredited residency program, which includes two years of clinical experience approved by the Boards; or (II) has successfully completed the course of smdy and holds the academic degree of Doctor of Pharmacy and has three years of clinical experience approved by the Boards and has completed a North Carolina Center for Pharmaceutical Care (NCCPC) or American Council on Pharmaceutical Education (ACPE) approved certificate program in the area of practice covered by the CPP agreement; or (III) has successfully completed the course of study and holds the academic degree of Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy and has five years of clinical experience approved by the Boards and has completed two N C C P C or ACPE approved certificate programs with at least one program in the area of practice covered by the CPP agreement; (C) submits the required application, a written endorsement from the Pharmacy Board and the fee to the Medical Board; (D) submits any information deemed necessary by the Medical Board in order to evaluate the application; and (E) has a signed supervising physician agreement. If for any reason a CPP discontinues working in the approved physician arrangement, both Boards shall be notified in writing within 10 days and the CPP's approval shall automatically terminate or be placed on an inactive status until such time as a new application is approved in accordance with this Subchapter. (2) All certificate programs REFEITCD to in Subpart (b)(l)(B)(i) of this Rule must contain a core CUITICULUM including at a minimum the following components: (A) communicating with healthcare professionals and patients regarding drug therapy, wellness, and health promotion; (B) designing, implementing, monitoring, evaluafing, and modifying or recommending modifications in drug therapy to insure effective, safe, and economical patient care; (C) identifying, assessing and solving medication-related problems and providing a clinical judgment as to the continuing effectiveness of individualized therapeutic plans and intended therapeutic outcomes; (D) conducting physical assessments, evaluating patient problems, ordering and monitoring medications and laboratory tests in accordance with established standards of pracfice; (E) referring patients to other health professionals as appropriate; (F) administering medications; (G) monitoring patients and patient populations regarding the purposes, uses, effects and pharmacoeconomics of their medication and related therapy; (Hj counseling patients regarding the puiposes, uses, and effects of their medication and related therapy; (\) integrating relevant diet, nutritional and non-drug therapy with pharmaceutical care; (J) recommending, counseling, and monitoring patient use of non-prescription dmgs, herbal remedies and alternative medicine practices; (Kj using, ordering, and instructing on the use of devices, and durable medical equipment; (L) providing emergency first care; (M) retrieving, evaluating, utilizing, and managing data and professional resources; (Nj using clinical data to optimize therapeutic drug regimens; (Oj collaborating with other health professionals; (P) documenting interventions and evaluating pharmaceutical care outcomes; (B) The apphcation shall be denied; or (C) The application shall be approved with restrictions. (c) Annual Renewal. (1) Each CPP shall register annually on the anniversary of his or her birth date by: (A) verifying a current Pharmacist license; (B) submitting the renewal fee as specified in Subparagraph (j)(2) of this Rule; (C) completing the Medical Board's renewal form; and (D) reporting continuing education credits as specified by the Medical Board. (2) If the CPP has not renewed within 30 days of the anniversary of the CPP's birth date, the approval to practice as a CPP shall lapse. (d) Continuing Education. (1) Each CPP shall earn 35 hours of practice relevant CE each year approved by the Pharmacy Board. (2) Documentation of these hours shall be kept at the CPP practice site and made available for inspection by agents of the Medical Board or Pharmacy Board. (e) The supervising physician who has a signed agreement with the CPP shall be readily available for consultation with the CPP and shall review and countersign each order written by the CPP within seven days. (f) The written CPP agreement shall: (1) be approved and signed by both the supervising physician and the CPP and a copy shall be maintained in each practice site for inspection by agents of either Board upon request; (2) be specific in regard to the physician, the pharmacist, the patient and the disease; (3) specify the predetermined dmg therapy which shall include the diagnosis and product selection by the patient's physician; any modifications which may be pemiitted, dosage forms, dosage schedules and tests which may be ordered; (4) prohibit the substitution of a chemically dissimilar drug product by the CPP for the product prescribed by the physician without first obtaining written consent of the physician; (5) include a pre-determined plan for emergency services; (6) include a plan and schedule for weekly quality contiol, review and countersignature of all orders written by the CPP in a face-to-face conference between the physician and CPP; (7) require that the patient be notified of the collaborative relationship; and (8) be terminated when patient care is transferred to another physician and new orders shall be wiitten by the succeeding physician. (g) The supervising physician of the CPP shall: (1) be fiilly licensed, engaged in clinical practice, and in good standing with the Medical Board; (2) not be serving in a postgraduate medical tiaining program; (3) be approved in accordance with this Subchapter before the CPP supervision occurs; and (4) supervise no more than three pharmacists. (h) The CPP shall wear a nametag spelling out the words "Clinical Pharmacist Practitioner". (i) The approval of a CPP may be restiicted, denied or terminated by the Medical Board or the Pharmacy Board and the pharmacist's license may be restiicted, denied, or tenninated by the Pharmacy Board, in accordance with provisions of G.S. 150B if the appropriate Board finds one or more of the following: (1) the CPP has held himself or herself out, or peimitted another, to represent the CPP as a licensed physician; (2) the C P P has engaged, or attempted to engage, in the provision of dmg therapy management other than at the direction of, or under the supervision of, a physician licensed and approved by the Medical Board to be that CPP's supervising physician; (3) the CPP has performed, or attempted to provide, medical management outside the approved dmg therapy agreement or for which the CPP is not qualified by education and ti'aining to perform; (4) the C P P is adjudicated mentally incompetent; (5) the CPP's mental or physical condition renders the CPP unable to safely function as a C P P ; or (6) the CPP has failed to comply with any of the provisions of this Rule. Any modification of treatment for financial gain on the part of the supervising physician or CPP shall be grounds for denial of Board approval of the agreement, (j) Fees: (1) An application fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00) shall be paid at the time of initial application for approval and each subsequent application for approval to practice. (2) The fee for amiual renewal of approval, due on the CPP's anniversary of birth date is fifty dollars ($50.00). (3) No portion of any fee in this Rule is refundable. Hisloiy Note Authority G.S. 90-6: Eff. April 1. Amended Eff. March 21 N C A C 46 .3202 90-18: 90-18.4: 90-85.3: 90-85.18: 2001: J, 2004: October 1, 2001. PEER R E V I E W A G R E E M E N T S 90-85.26A: ( Peer review activities shall include investigation, review and evaluation of records, reports, complaints, litigation, and other information about the practices and practice patterns of pharmacists licensed by the Board and pharmacy teclinicians registered by the Board. Peer review activities shall also include programs for impaired pharmacists and pharmacy technicians. Peer review agreements may cover some or all of these activities, as deemed appropriate by the Board. Historv Note: Authorit}' G.S. 90-85.6; Eff. April 1. Amended Eff. March 90-85.41; 2001; I. 2004. 21 NC.A.C 46 .3203 DUE PROCESS Any action taken pursuant to a peer review agreement must afford the subject pharmacist or phamiacy technician all due process rights enumerated in the Administrative Procedure Act, G.S. 150B. History Note: Authority G.S. 90-85.6; Eff J. April Amended Eff 90-85.41; 2001; March 1. 2004. 21 . \ C A C 46 .3204 R E C E I P T A N D USE OF I N F O R M A T I O N OF S U S P E C T E D I M P A I R M E N T (a) Infomiation concerning suspected impairments may be received by the Program through reports by pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, family members, and others, and tlirough self-refeiTal. (b) Upon receipt of information of a suspected impairment, the Program shall initiate an investigation. (c) The Program may conduct routine inquiries regarding suspected impairments. (d) Phamiacists or pharmacy technicians suspected of impairment may be required to submit to personal iii(cr\'iews before any person authorized by the Program. History Note: Authority G.S. 90-85.6; Eff 1. April Amended Eff 90-85.41; 2001; March 1. 2004. 21 N C A C 46 .3205 I N T E R V E N T I O N A N D REFERRAL (a) When, following an investigation, impairment is confirmed, an intervention shall be conducted using techniques designed to assist the pharmacist or pharmacy teclmician in acknowledging responsibility for dealing with the impairment. The pharmacist or pharmacy technician shall be referred to a heatnient source. (b) Methods and objectives of interventions shall be decided on a case-by case basis. (c) Interventions shall be arranged and conducted as soon as possible. In cases referred by the Board a representative of the Board may be present. (dj Treatment sources shall be evaluated before receiving case refenals from the Program. (e) Inters'ention outcomes, including treatment contracts that are elements of an intervention, shall be recorded by the Program. Historv Note: Authority G.S. 90-85.6; E/f April 1, Amended Eff 90-85.41 ; 2001; March 1, 2004. 21 N C A C 46 .3207 M O N I T O R I N G R E H A B I L I T A T I O N AND P E R F O R M A N C E (a) Monitoring requirements for each pharmacist or pharmacy technician shall be designated by the Program. Pharmacists and pharmacy technicians may be tested regularly or randomly, on Program demand. (b) Treatment sources may be required to submit reports regarding a pharmacist's or pharmacy technician's rehabilitation and performance to the Program. (c) Impaired pharmacists and pharmacy technicians may be required to submil to periodic personal interviews before any person authorized by the Program. fd) Case records shall be maintained by the Prtjgram. History Note: Authority G.S. 90-85.6, Eff 1. April Amended Eff 90-85.41; 2001; March 1. 2004. 21 N C A C 46 .3209 REPOR IS O F I N D I V I D U A L CASES TO T H E BOARD {a) Upon investigation and review of a pharmacist licensed by the Board oi pharmacy technician registered by the Board, the Program shall report immediately to the Board detailed information about any pharmacist or pharmacy technician as required under G.S. 90-S5.41(d). (b) The P r o g r a m shaH s u b m i t quarterly a report to the B o a r d o n t h e s t a t u s o f a l l p h a r m a c i s t s t e c h n i c i a n s t h e n i n v o l v e d m the P r o g r a m w h o h a v e b e e n p r e v i o u s l y r e p o r t e d b y the B o a r d . and pharmacy T h e P r o g r a m shall s u b m i t m o n t h l y to the B o a r d a r e p o r t o n the status o f a n y p h a r m a c i s t o r p h a r m a c y t e c h n i c i a n p r e v i o u s l y r e p o r t e d to the H o a r d then in active ti'eatment. History Note: Authority G.S. 90-85.6: Eff. April Amended 90-85.41; 1,2001; E/f March I, 2004. APPENDIX D Office of Investigations & Inspections David R. Work Executive Director BOARD OF PHARMACY OFFICE OF INVESTIGATIONS & INSPECTIONS Mailing Address: PO Box 4560 Chapel Hill, NC 27515 Mailing Address: PO Box 3 6 2 Nuuton, NC 2 S 6 5 S 919-942-4454 Fax; 919-967-5757 wwvv.ncbop.org 828-465-2324 Fax: 82S-465-45.V) MEMORANDUM Date: To: From: Subject: June 24, 2005 David Work, Executive Director Steve W. Mudson, Director of Investigations & Inspections , Annual Report of Field Staff operations During the fiscal year ending September 30, 2004, the Board's Office of Investigations & Inspections conducted the following activity. 539 Investigations 554 Inspections 307 Retail Pharmacies 228 Device and Medical Equipment businesses 19 Hospitals 27 Prehearing Conferences Note that this number is less than normal due to - During a 5 month period a new administrative procedure was being prepared to assist in the adjudication of cases - Board Counsel was on Maternity Leave during an additional 4 months during this period. 6 Formal Disciplinary Hearings 111 addition to preparing the reports and related documents generated from the investigations and inspections, the administrative staff prepared and mailed 774 documents. Most of this corres|X)ndence required "Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested" mailings which require additioiuil preparation lime. The staff also administered an election for a vacancy on the Device and Medical liquipment Committee. ( N O R T H C A R O L I N A B O A R D OF P H A R M A C Y FINANCIAL STATEMENTS S E P T E M B E R 30, 2 0 0 4 A N D 2 0 0 3 N O R T H C A R O L I N A B O A R D OF P H A R M A C Y FINANCIAL STATEMENTS S E P T E M B E R 30, 2004 A N D 2003 BOARD MEMBERS R o b e r t L. C r o c k e r , P r e s i d e n t B e t t y H. D e n n i s , V i c e P r e s i d e n t T i m o t h y R. R o g e r s R e b e c c a W . Chater W a l l a c e E. N e l s o n L. S t a n H a y w o o d EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR David Work ATTORNEY Carson Carmichael BOYCE, FURR & COMPANY, LLP CERTIFIED PUBLIC A C C O U N T A N T S RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT T h e H o n o r a b l e M i c h a e l F. E a s l e y G o v e r n o r of North Carolina N o r t h C a r o l i n a B o a r d of P h a r m a c y T h e G e n e r a l A s s e m b l y of North Carolina W e h a v e a u d i t e d t h e a c c o m p a n y i n g s t a t e m e n t s of n e t a s s e t s o f t h e N o r t h C a r o l i n a B o a r d of P h a r m a c y as of S e p t e m b e r 30, 2 0 0 4 and 2 0 0 3 , a n d the related s t a t e m e n t s of r e v e n u e s , e x p e n s e s a n d c h a n g e in n e t a s s e t s , a n d c a s h f l o w s f o r t h e y e a r s t h e n e n d e d . T h e s e f i n a n c i a l s t a t e m e n t s a r e the responsibility of the Board's m a n a g e m e n t . O u r r e s p o n s i b i l i t y is to e x p r e s s a n o p i n i o n o n t h e s e financial s t a t e m e n t s b a s e d on our audits. We c o n d u c t e d o u r a u d i t s in a c c o r d a n c e w i t h U . S . g e n e r a l l y a c c e p t e d a u d i t i n g standards. T h o s e s t a n d a r d s r e q u i r e t h a t w e p l a n a n d p e r f o r m t h e a u d i t to o b t a i n r e a s o n a b l e a s s u r a n c e a b o u t w h e t h e r t h e f i n a n c i a l s t a t e m e n t s a r e f r e e of m a t e r i a l m i s s t a t e m e n t . An audit includes examining, o n a t e s t b a s i s , e v i d e n c e s u p p o r t i n g t h e a m o u n t s a n d d i s c l o s u r e s in t h e f i n a n c i a l s t a t e m e n t s . An a u d i t a l s o i n c l u d e s a s s e s s i n g the a c c o u n t i n g principles u s e d a n d s i g n i f i c a n t e s t i m a t e s m a d e by m a n a g e m e n t , as well as evaluating the overall financial s t a t e m e n t presentation. W e believe that o u r a u d i t s p r o v i d e a r e a s o n a b l e b a s i s for o u r o p i n i o n . In o u r opinion, the financial s t a t e m e n t s referred to a b o v e present fairly, in all material r e s p e c t s , t h e f i n a n c i a l p o s i t i o n of t h e N o r t h C a r o l i n a B o a r d o f P h a r m a c y a s o f S e p t e m b e r 3 0 , 2 0 0 4 and 2003, and the r e s u l t s of its o p e r a t i o n s g e n e r a l l y a c c e p t e d a c c o u n t i n g principles. D e c e m b e r 2, 2 0 0 4 for the years then ended in c o n f o r m i t y with U.S. N O R T H CAROLINA B O A R D OF P H A R M A C Y STATEMENTS OF NET ASSETS S E P T E M B E R 30 ASSETS 2004 2003 396,135 312,246 16,067 15,554 5,400 19,630 Current assets Cash Investments Prepaid expenses Note receivable 72,626 C a s h s u r r e n d e r v a l u e of life i n s u r a n c e Total current assets 62,621 490,228 410,051 1,831,706 1,880,228 Property and equipment Building Furniture a n d fixtures 144,356 147,640 Equipment 154,672 201,972 Vehicles 51,979 83,010 T o t a l p r o p e r t y a n d e q u i p m e n t , net of d e p r e c i a t i o n 2,182,713 2,312,850 TOTAL ASSETS 2,672,941 2,722,901 LIABILITIES C u r r e n t liabilities Accounts payable 33,628 28,491 C u r r e n t portion of note payable 45,790 43,586 79,418 72,077 1,287,907 1,333,688 T o t a l c u r r e n t liabilities Long-term debt Note payable Accrued vacation 79,261 77,696 Total long-term debt 1,367,168 1,411,384 T O T A L LIABILITIES 1,446,586 1,483,461 I n v e s t e d in c a p i t a l a s s e t s - n e t of d e p r e c i a t i o n 849,016 935,576 U n r e s t r i c t e d net a s s e t s 377,339 303,864 $ 1,226,355 $ 1,239,440 Net a s s e t s TOTAL NET ASSETS See accompanying notes and accountant's report. NORTH CAROLINA BOARD OF PHARMACY S T A T E M E N T S O F R E V E N U E S , E X P E N S E S A N D C H A N G E IN N E T A S S E T S F O R T H E Y E A R S E N D E D S E P T E M B E R 30 2004 2003 Operating revenues $ 1,084,008 $ 1,061,744 Pharmacist reciprocity 70,400 63,600 Pharmacist e x a m fees 46,720 38,980 Pharmacist/manager changes 12,725 11,225 Pharmacist reinstatements 14,235 9,625 Pharmacy renewals 394,100 385,775 Pharmacy permits 164,600 71,300 Pharmacist renewals Pharmacy reinstatements Technician renewals Technician registrations Technician reinstatements Device and D M E permits and renewals Dispensing physician renewals and permits Dispensing PA/NP renewals and permits P h a r m a c y / p h a r m a c i s t s , list a n d labels Law books Miscellaneous Total operating revenues 3,500 950 159,725 145,025 61,875 55,050 6,200 2,100 187,740 173,438 23,950 20,550 9,700 9,300 18,468 9,863 408 598 2,619 2,255 2,260,973 2,061,378 983,585 963,324 Operating expenses Salaries Payroll t a x e s 73,562 71,261 Retirement contributions 42,393 46,254 Employee benefits 118,931 100,322 Legal fees 202,417 193,074 Pharmacist recovery network 90,000 97,790 Office rent a n d s t o r a g e 11,160 58,022 Building d u e s a n d m a i n t e n a n c e 26,964 - Consulting fee 43,584 47,789 Inspection expense 35,165 49,006 T e m p o r a r y office help 41,052 46,907 Telephone 31,481 33,970 Postage 41,019 41,669 Board members' professional meetings 21,892 32,087 E x e c u t i v e director's e x p e n s e 22,422 19,594 Special meetings and projects 23,789 14,784 Insurance 6,615 6,641 Board auto expense 31,631 37,571 Supplies 28,224 29,011 Board m e m b e r s ' per diem 15,700 20,200 7,616 20,854 20,735 15,363 B o o k s , d u e s and s u b s c r i p t i o n s Printing Continued See accompanying notes and accountant's report. NORTH CAROLINA B O A R D OF PHARMACY S T A T E M E N T S O F R E V E N U E S , E X P E N S E S A N D C H A N G E ir N E T A S S E T S FOR T H E Y E A R S E N D E D S E P T E M B E R 30 2004 2003 Operating expenses (Continued) Exam expense 7,106 Board meeting expense 10,105 Board election expense 10,740 8,470 11,J O f f i c e staff travel 5,016 5,795 Maintenance 9,761 14,344 Renewal forms 14,820 13,896 Janitorial service 12,600 7,264 E x a m per diem e x p e n s e 2,850 2,100 O f f i c e utilities 7,903 Moving expense Miscellaneous Interest Depreciation Audit fee 6,732 15,771 2,943 1,150 62,098 10,887 174,781 124,308 9,600 3,575 Eaucational expense 504 1,523 B a n k s e r v i c e chiarge 28,226 20,726 2,278,990 2,193,842 Total operating expenses O p e r a t i n g loss (18,017) (132,464) Non-operating revenues (expenses) Investment income 4,932 L o s s o n sale of f i x e d a s s e t s Net non-operating revenues C h a n g e in net a s s e t s N e t a s s e t s - b e g i n n i n g of y e a r N e t a s s e t s - e n d of y e a r See accompanying notes and accountant's report. 10,459 (1,462) 4,932 (13,085) 8,997 (123,467) 1,239,440 1,362,907 $ 1,226,355 $ 1,239,440 NORTH CAROLINA BOARD OF PHARMACY S T A T E M E N T S OF CASH F L O W S F O R T H E Y E A R S E N D E D S E P T E M B E R 30 2004 2003 C a s h flows f r o m o p e r a t i n g activities Cash received from fees S 2,257,946 Other cash received $ 3,027 C a s h p a y m e n t s to e m p l o y e e s for s e r v i c e s C a s h p a y m e n t s for o p e r a t i o n s N e t c a s h p r o v i d e d ( u s e d ) by o p e r a t i n g a c t i v i t i e s 2,058,525 2,853 (982,020) (951,946) (1,111,262) (1,109,597) 167,691 (165) C a s h flows f r o m investing activities P r o c e e d s from sale of investments - P u r c h a s e of i n v e s t m e n t s 288,495 (513) Interest on investments Net c a s h p r o v i d e d by investing activities 4,932 10,459 4,419 298,954 C a s h flows f r o m capital a n d related financing activities A c q u i s i t i o n of capital a s s e t s (44,644) P r o c e e d s from the sale of assets (2,095,848) - Principal p a y m e n t s on note 10,820 (43,577) (6,726) Loan proceeds 1,384,000 Net c a s h u s e d by capital and related financing activities N e t i n c r e a s e ( d e c r e a s e ) in c a s h C a s h - beginning of year (88,221) (707,754) 83,889 (408,965) 312,246 C a s h - e n d of y e a r ( 721,211 $ 396,135 $ 312,246 $ (18,017) $ (132,464) R e c o n c i l i a t i o n of o p e r a t i n g i n c o m e to n e t c a s h u s e d b y o p e r a t i n g a c t i v i t i e s O p e r a t i n g loss A d j u s t m e n t s to reconcile operating income to n e t c a s h p r o v i d e d by o p e r a t i n g a c t i v i t i e s Depreciation 174,781 124,308 D e c r e a s e of c a s h s u r r e n d e r v a l u e of life i n s u r a n c e 62,621 1,176 I n c r e a s e in n o t e r e c e i v a b l e (72,626) C h a n g e s in a s s e t s a n d liabilities Prepaid expenses • . 14,230 (15,000) Accrued vacation 1,565 11,378 Accounts payable 5,137 10,437 185,708 132,299 Total adjustments N e t c a s h p r o v i d e d ( u s e d ) by o p e r a t i n g a c t i v i t i e s See accompanying notes and accountant's report. S 167,691 _$ (165) ( N O R T H CAROLINA BOARD OF P H A R M A C Y NOTES TO FINANCIAL S T A T E M E N T S S E P T E M B E R 30, 2004 A N D 2 0 0 3 N o t e 1 - S u m m a r y of S i g n i f i c a n t A c c o u n t i n g Policies D e s c r i p t i o n of O r g a n i z a t i o n T h e N o r t h C a r o l i n a B o a r d of P h a r m a c y (the " B o a r d " ) is e s t a b l i s h e d u n d e r C h a p t e r 9 0 of t h e N o r t h C a r o l i n a G e n e r a l S t a t u e s to m a i n t a i n m i n i m u m s t a n d a r d s for t h e p r a c t i c e of p h a r m a c y w i t h i n t h e S t a t e of N o r t h C a r o l i n a . T h e B o a r d ' s o p e r a t i o n s are f u n d e d p r i m a r i l y t h r o u g h l i c e n s e r e n e w a l a n d license examination fees. Basis of Presentation T h e a c c o m p a n y i n g f i n a n c i a l s t a t e m e n t s h a v e b e e n p r e p a r e d in a c c o r d a n c e w i t h U.S. accepted accounting principles. generally T h e G o v e r n m e n t a l A c c o u n t i n g S t a n d a r d s B o a r d ( G A S B ) is t h e a c c e p t e d s t a n d a r d s e t t i n g b o d y for e s t a b l i s h i n g g o v e r n m e n t a l a c c o u n t i n g p r i n c i p l e s a n d r e p o r t i n g standards. The Board applied all a p p l i c a b l e Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) p r o n o u n c e m e n t s issued after N o v e m b e r 30, 1989. All a c t i v i t i e s of t h e B o a r d a r e a c c o u n t e d for w i t h i n a s i n g l e p r o p r i e t a r y ( e n t e r p r i s e ) f u n d . Proprietary f u n d s a r e u s e d to a c c o u n t f o r o p e r a t i o n s that are f i n a n c e d a n d o p e r a t e d in a m a n n e r s i m i l a r to p r i v a t e b u s i n e s s e n t e r p r i s e s w h e r e the intent of the g o v e r n i n g b o d y is t h a t t h e c o s t of p r o v i d i n g g o o d s or s e r v i c e s to t h e g e n e r a l p u b l i c o n a c o n t i n u i n g b a s i s b e f i n a n c e d or r e c o v e r e d p r i m a r i l y through user charges. Reporting Entity G A S B C o d i f i c a t i o n S e c t i o n 2 1 0 0 h a s d e f i n e d t h e g o v e r n m e n t a l r e p o r t i n g e n t i t y to b e t h e S t a t e of N o r t h C a r o l i n a b e c a u s e t h e S t a t e e x e r c i s e s o v e r s i g h t r e s p o n s i b i l i t y in t h a t t h e G o v e r n o r the Board members, accompanying Pharmacy. financial and public statements service is rendered present only the within activity of the State's the North appoints boundaries. Carolina A n n u a l l y , t h e S t a t e of N o r t h C a r o l i n a i s s u e s g e n e r a l p u r p o s e f i n a n c i a l The Board of statements w h i c h i n c l u d e the activity of o c c u p a t i o n a l l i c e n s i n g b o a r d s . Basis of A c c o u n t i n g In accordance with Statement of Governmental Accounting Standards 34, which the Board i m p l e m e n t e d for 2 0 0 3 , t h e B o a r d p r e s e n t s a s t a t e m e n t of net a s s e t s , a s t a t e m e n t of r e v e n u e s , e x p e n s e s , a n d c h a n g e in net a s s e t s , a n d a s t a t e m e n t of c a s h f l o w s . e n t i t y - v / i d e o p e r a t i o n s of t h e B o a r d These statements reflect T h e B o a r d h a s no f i d u c i a r y f u n d s or c o m p o n e n t u n i t s . T h e s t a t e m e n t of r e v e n u e s , e x p e n s e s , a n d c h a n g e in net a s s e t s d e m o n s t r a t e s t h e d e g r e e to w h i c h t h e d i r e c t e x p e n s e s of t h e B o a r d a r e o f f s e t by l i c e n s e r e n e w a l f e e s a n d p e r m i t s . T h e f i n a n c i a l s t a t e m e n t s r e p o r t all activities of the N o r t h C a r o l i n a B o a r d of P h a r m a c y u s i n g t h e c u r r e n t f i n a n c i a l r e s o u r c e m e a s u r e m e n t f o c u s a n d the full a c c r u a l b a s i s of a c c o u n t i n g . are recognized in t h e accounting period in w h i c h they E x p e n s e s a r e r e c o g n i z e d w h e n i n c u r r e d , if m e a s u r a b l e . are earned and become Revenues measurable. NORTH CAROLINA BOARD OF PHARMACY NOTES T O FINANCIAL STATEMENTS S E P T E M B E R 30, 2004 A N D 2003 Note 1 - S u m m a r y of Significant A c c o u n t i n g Policies ( C o n t i n u e d ) O p e r a t i n g r e v e n u e s a n d e x p e n s e s c o n s i s t o f t t i o s e r e v e n u e s a n d e x p e n s e s tfiat r e s u l t f r o m t h e o n g o i n g principal operations of the B o a r d , fees a n d permits. related Non-operating to i n v e s t i n g types O p e r a t i n g r e v e n u e s c o n s i s t p r i m a r i l y of l i c e n s e r e n e w a l revenues of activities consist of those a n d are classified revenues and expenses as non-operating in t h e that are financial statements. Cash and Cash Equivalents F o r p u r p o s e s of t h e s t a t e m e n t o f c a s h f l o w s , t h e B o a r d c o n s i d e r s all i n v e s t m e n t s w i t h a m a t u r i t y of t h r e e m o n t h s o r l e s s w h e n p u r c h a s e d to b e c a s h . Property and Equipment P r o p e r t y a n d e q u i p m e n t a r e s t a t e d at c o s t a n d a r e b e i n g d e p r e c i a t e d o v e r their u s e f u l lives o n a straight-line basis. A s u m m a r y follows; Cost 9/30/2003 Building $ 1,892,359 Furniture & Fixtures Equipment Vehicle Acquisitions S 183,480 397,984 226,807 $2,700,630 - Disposals S - 21,467 23,177 $ 44,644 Cost 9/30/2004 $ 1,892,359 Accumulated Net Depreciation Amount $ 1,831,706 $ 204,947 $2,745,274 174,828 144,356 154,672 51,979 562,561 $2,182,713 60,591 266,489 421,161 226,807 $ 60,653 $ W h e n a n a s s e t is d i s p o s e d of, t h e c o s t o f t h e a s s e t a n d t h e r e l a t e d a c c u m u l a t e d d e p r e c i a t i o n a r e r e m o v e d f r o m t h e b o o k s . A n y g a i n o r l o s s o n d i s p o s i t i o n is r e f l e c t e d in t h e e a r n i n g s f o r t h e p e r i o d . V a c a t i o n a n d Sick Leave B o a r d e m p l o y e e s m a y a c c u m u l a t e u p to t h i r t y d a y s e a r n e d v a c a t i o n a n d s u c h l e a v e is f u l l y v e s t e d when earned. O n S e p t e m b e r 3 0 t h , a c c r u e d v a c a t i o n in e x c e s s o f t h e limits is t r a n s f e r r e d a n d a d d e d to sick leave balances. T h e B o a r d ' s sick l e a v e p o l i c y p r o v i d e s f o r a n u n l i m i t e d a c c u m u l a t i o n o f e a r n e d sick l e a v e . Since t h e B o a r d h a s n o o b l i g a t i o n f o r t h e a c c u m u l a t e d s i c k l e a v e until it is a c t u a l l y t a k e n , n o a c c r u a l f o r sick leave h a s been m a d e . Use of Estimates The preparation of financial s t a t e m e n t s in c o n f o r m i t y w i t h U . S . g e n e r a l l y a c c e p t e d accounting p r i n c i p l e s r e q u i r e s m a n a g e m e n t to m a k e e s t i m a t e s a n d a s s u m p t i o n s t h a t a f f e c t c e r t a i n reported a m o u n t s o f a s s e t s a n d liabilities, d i s c l o s u r e s o f c o n t i n g e n t a s s e t s a n d liabilities at t h e d a t e of t h e financial statements, and the reported a m o u n t s of r e v e n u e period. and expenses during the reporting A c c o r d i n g l y , a c t u a l r e s u l t s c o u l d d i f f e r f r o m t h o s e e s t i m a t e s , r e s u l t i n g in a d j u s t m e n t s in future periods. NORTH CAROLINA BOARD OF PHARMACY NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS S E P T E M B E R 30, 2004 A N D 2003 Note 2 - Deposits and Investments Cashi o n t h e b a l a n c e s h e e t c o n s i s t s of c h e c k i n g , s a v i n g s , a n d m o n e y m a r k e t a c c o u n t s of t h e B o a r d at c o m m e r c i a l financial institutions. T h e a c c o u n t s are i n s u r e d by F D I C i n s u r a n c e up to $ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 . A t S e p t e m b e r 3 0 , 2 0 0 4 , the B o a r d ' s u n i n s u r e d c a s h b a l a n c e s at o n e b r o k e r a g e f i r m a n d o n e b a n k t o t a l e d $ 1 8 0 , 0 0 0 . T h e B o a r d b e l i e v e s t h e r e is m i n i m a l risk r e g a r d i n g its c a s h i n v e s t m e n t s . I n v e s t m e n t s c o n s i s t of a c e r t i f i c a t e of d e p o s i t in a l o c a l b a n k . 2 . 6 1 % and matures every three m o n t h s . T h e c e r t i f i c a t e b e a r s i n t e r e s t of T h i s i n v e s t m e n t is p r e s e n t e d at fair v a l u e . Note 3 - Net Assets Invested in c a p i t a l a s s e t s - This component of net a s s e t s consists of c a p i t a l a s s e t s , net of a c c u m u l a t e d d e p r e c i a t i o n a n d r e d u c e d b y t h e o u t s t a n d i n g b a l a n c e s of a n y b o r r o w i n g s t h a t a r e a t t r i b u t a b l e to the a c q u i s i t i o n , c o n s t r u c t i o n , or i m p r o v e m e n t of t h o s e a s s e t s . U n r e s t r i c t e d net a s s e t s - T h i s c o m p o n e n t of net a s s e t s c o n s i s t s of net a s s e t s that d o not m e e t t h e d e f i n i t i o n o f restricted or invested in capital assets. T h e B o a r d r e s e r v e d $ 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 of t h e u n r e s t r i c t e d net a s s e t s to c o v e r p o t e n t i a l litigation c o s t s . N o t e 4 - C a s h S u r r e n d e r V a l u e o f Life I n s u r a n c e In D e c e m b e r 1 9 8 9 , t h e B o a r d e n t e r e d i n t o a s p l i t - d o l l a r life i n s u r a n c e a g r e e m e n t w i t h its e x e c u t i v e d i r e c t o r w h o is t h e i n s u r e d a n d o w n e r o f t h e p o l i c y . T h e p o l i c y o w n e r p a i d a p o r t i o n of t h e p r e m i u m e q u a l to t h e v a l u e of t h e e c o n o m i c b e n e f i t d e t e r m i n e d in a c c o r d a n c e w i t h a p p l i c a b l e I R S r e v e n u e rulings. T h e Board paid the b a l a n c e of the p r e m i u m . T h e a g r e e m e n t p r o v i d e d the B o a r d s h a l l b e e n t i t l e d to r e c o v e r the a m o u n t of p r e m i u m s p a i d o u t of t h e b u i l t - u p c a s h v a l u e u p o n t e r m i n a t i o n o f the a g r e e m e n t or o u t of the p r o c e e d s u p o n the d e a t h of t h e i n s u r e d . A s s e c u r i t y for r e p a y m e n t , t h e B o a r d is a c o l l a t e r a l a s s i g n e e o f t h e p o l i c y to t h e e x t e n t of a n y s u c h unreimbursed p r e m i u m . E f f e c t i v e J a n u a r y 1, 2 0 0 4 , the I n t e r n a l R e v e n u e S e r v i c e c h a n g e d t h e r e q u i r e m e n t s for s p l i t - d o l l a r life i n s u r a n c e agreements. At that date the cash surrender s t a t e m e n t s w a s c o n v e r t e d to a n o t e r e c e i v a b l e f r o m the i n s u r e d . value r e c o r d e d o n the financial N O R T H CAROLINA BOARD OF P H A R M A C Y N O T E S T O FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ^ S E P T E M B E R 30, 2 0 0 4 A N D 2 0 0 3 # Note 5 - Long-term Debt - Note Payable The Board borrowed condominium. $1,384,000 d u r i n g ttie 2 0 0 3 fiscal y e a r to p u r c t i a s e their c u r r e n t office T h e n o t e h a s a f i x e d i n t e r e s t rate of 4 . 5 % a n d r e q u i r e s 59 m o n t h l y i n s t a l l m e n t s of $ 8 , 8 0 6 , w i t h o n e final p a y m e n t d u e of all u n p a i d principal a n d interest o n July 2, 2 0 0 8 . N o t e p a y a b l e at S e p t e m b e r 3 0 , 2 0 0 4 $ Less current portion 1,333,697 (45,790) L o n g - t e r m p o r t i o n at S e p t e m b e r 30, 2004 $ 1,287,907 $ 45,790 P r i n c i p a l m a t u r i t i e s a r e as f o l l o w s : Year Ending September 30th 2005 2006 47,924 2007 50,157 2008 1,189,826 $ 1,333,697 Note 6 - Office Space Lease T h e B o a r d l e a s e s o f f i c e s p a c e in N e w t o n u n d e r a three y e a r o p e r a t i n g l e a s e w h i c h e x p i r e s J u n e 30, 2 0 0 6 . F u t u r e o b l i g a t i o n s u n d e r t h e l e a s e a r e as follows: For t h e y e a r e n d e d S e p t e m b e r 30'^ 2005 $ 9,600 2006 $ 7,200 Note 7 - Retirement Plan North Carolina L i c e n s i n g B o a r d s Retirement Savings Plan T h e B o a r d c o n t r i b u t e s to t h e N o r t h C a r o l i n a L i c e n s i n g B o a r d s R e t i r e m e n t S a v i n g s P l a n ( " P l a n " ) , a defined contribution employees of State plan. boards The Plan has been established or a g e n c i e s who have to p r o v i d e not e l e c t e d retirement by r e s o l u t i o n benefits to c a u s e for their e m p l o y e e s to be e l i g i b l e to b e c o m e m e m b e r s of the T e a c h e r s ' a n d S t a t e E m p l o y e e s ' R e t i r e m e n t S y s t e m a n d for e m p l o y e e s hired a f t e r July 1, 1983, by an e l e c t i n g b o a r d or a g e n c y . T h e P l a n is a d m i n i s t e r e d by a n a d m i n i s t r a t i v e c o m m i t t e e with authority to a m e n d the P l a n , c o m p r i s e d of the E x e c u t i v e D i r e c t o r s of the p a r t i c i p a t i n g b o a r d s a n d a g e n c i e s . NORTH CAROLINA BOARD OF PHARMACY NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS S E P T E M B E R 30, 2004 A N D 2003 Note 7 - Retirement Plan (continued) North Carolina Licensing B o a r d s Retirement Savings Plan (continued) P a r t i c i p a t i n g e m p l o y e e s m u s t c o n t r i b u t e at l e a s t six p e r c e n t of their g r o s s c o m p e n s a t i o n a n d the Board matches those contributions 100%, T h e e m p l o y e e s ' contributions are immediately 100% v e s t e d ; t h e B o a r d ' s m a t c h i n g c o n t r i b u t i o n s a r e 1 0 0 % v e s t e d after five y e a r of c r e d i t e d s e r v i c e . For v e s t i n g p u r p o s e s , a n e m p l o y e e m u s t c o m p l e t e 1,000 h o u r s of s e r v i c e e a c h P l a n y e a r . is c r e d i t e d w i t h their i n d i v i d u a l c o n t r i b u t i o n s , t h e B o a r d ' s matching contributions and Plan earnings and forfeitures of terminated participants' non-vested Each participant's account accounts. A l l o c a t i o n s a r e b a s e d o n p a r t i c i p a n t e a r n i n g s a n d a c c o u n t b a l a n c e s , as d e f i n e d . E a c h p a r t i c i p a n t is e n t i t l e d to the b e n e f i t w h i c h c a n be p r o v i d e d f r o m the p a r t i c i p a n t ' s a c c o u n t . P a r t i c i p a n t s m a y retire v/ith fully v e s t e d b e n e f i t s at a g e 6 5 , or at a g e 55 after c o m p l e t i n g five y e a r s of s e n / i c e . U p o n t e r m i n a t i o n of s e r v i c e , p a r t i c i p a n t s r e c e i v e the v e s t e d v a l u e of t h e i r a c c o u n t in a l u m p - s u m distribution. C o n t i i b u t i o n s to the P l a n f o r t h e y e a r s e n d e d S e p t e m b e r 3 0 , 2 0 0 4 a n d 2 0 0 3 , t o t a l e d $ 8 1 , 5 7 5 a n d $ 8 1 , 0 0 7 , w h i c h consisted of $ 3 0 , 6 2 8 and $ 3 7 , 3 4 2 from the Board a n d $ 4 3 , 8 9 0 a n d $43,665 f r o m e m p l o y e e s , respectively. T e a c h e r ' s a n d State E m p l o y e e s ' R e t i r e m e n t S y s t e m F o r e m p l o y e e s e m p l o y e d prior to J u l y 1 , 1 9 8 3 , the B o a r d c o n t r i b u t e s to t h e s t a t e w i d e T e a c h e r s ' and State Employees' Retirement System ("TSERS"), a cost-sharing multiple-employer b e n e f i t p e n s i o n p l a n a d m i n i s t e r e d b y t h e S t a t e of N o r t h C a r o l i n a . b e n e f i t s to p l a n m e m b e r s a n d b e n e f i c i a r i e s . T S E R S provides A r t i c l e 1 of G . S . C h a p t e r 1 3 5 a s s i g n s t h e a u t h o r i t y to e s t a b l i s h a n d a m e n d b e n e f i t p r o v i s i o n s to t h e N o r t h C a r o l i n a G e n e r a l A s s e m b l y . and State Employees' Retirement System is i n c l u d e d R e p o r t ( " C A F R " ) for t h e S t a t e of N o r t h C a r o l i n a . The Teachers' in the C o m p r e h e n s i v e A n n u a l Financial The State's C A F R includes financial statements a n d required s u p p l e m e n t a r y information for T S E R S . O f f i c e o f the S t a t e C o n t r o l l e r , 3 5 1 2 defined retirement T h a t r e p o r t m a y be o b t a i n e d b y w r i t i n g to t h e B u s h S t r e e t , R a l e i g h , N o r t h C a r o l i n a 2 7 6 0 9 , or b y calling (919)981-5454. Plan m e m b e r s a r e r e q u i r e d to c o n t r i b u t e 6 % of their a n n u a l c o v e r e d s a l a r y a n d the B o a r d is r e q u i r e d to c o n t r i b u t e at a n a c t u a r i a l l y d e t e r m i n e d r a t e . rate c h a n g e d to 5 . 8 1 5 % of p a y r o l l . T h e rate w a s 3 % until J u l y 2 0 0 4 w h e n t h e T h e c o n t r i b u t i o n r e q u i r e m e n t s of p l a n m e m b e r s a n d t h e B o a r d a r e e s t a b l i s h e d a n d m a y be a m e n d e d b y t h e N o r t h C a r o l i n a G e n e r a l A s s e m b l y . C o n t r i b u t i o n s to the Plan for the years e n d e d S e p t e m b e r 30, 2 0 0 4 and 2003, totaled $ 3 2 , 1 7 8 and $ 2 7 , 8 6 4 , which consisted of $11,765 and $ 1 1 , 0 7 3 f r o m the Board and $19,032 and $16,791 from e m p l o y e e s . Note 8 - Risk M a n a g e m e n t The Board destruction is e x p o s e d to v a r i o u s r i s k s of l o s s r e l a t e d to torts; theft of, d a m a g e to, a n d of a s s e t s ; e r r o r s a n d o m i s s i o n s ; i n j u r i e s to e m p l o y e e s ; a n d n a t u r a l d i s a s t e r s . the The B o a r d p r o t e c t s itself f r o m e x p o s u r e s to l o s s t h r o u g h the p u r c h a s e of c o m m e r c i a l liability i n s u r a n c e . NORTH CAROLINA BOARD OF PHARMACY NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS S E P T E M B E R 30, 2004 A N D 2003 N o t e 8 - Risk M a n a g e m e n t ( c o n t i n u e d ) T o r t c l a i m s of up to $ 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 are s e l f - i n s u r e d u n d e r thie a u t h o r i t y of the State T o r t C l a i m s A c t . In a d d i t i o n , the State p r o v i d e s an a d d i t i o n a l $ 5 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 public o f f i c e r s ' and e m p l o y e e s ' liability i n s u r a n c e via c o n t r a c t with a private i n s u r a n c e c o m p a n y . ^ NORTH C A R O L I N A BOARD OF P H A R M A C Y CENSUS OF REGISTRANTS FY 2004 PHARMACISTS T o t a l n u m b e r of p h a r m a c i s t s l i c e n s e d a n d o n roster as of S e p t e m b e r 3 0 , 2 0 0 4 . . T o t a l n u m b e r of p h a r m a c i s t s r e s i d i n g in N o r t h C a r o l i n a 10136 7906 I n a c t i v e p h a r m a c i s t s r e s i d i n g in N o r t h C a r o l i n a 1301 K n o w n s t a t u s for i n - s t a t e p h a r m a c i s t s 7402 T o t a l n u m b e r of p h a r m a c i s t s r e s i d i n g o u t s i d e of N o r t h C a r o l i n a 2230 T o t a l n u m b e r d e c e a s e d in F Y 2 0 0 4 11 B r e a k d o w n of E m p l o y m e n t i n - s t a t e Retail P h a r m a c y - Chain 2886 Retail P h a r m a c y - Independent 1272 Hospital Pharmacies 1776 Nursing Homes 140 G o v e r n m e n t , Health Departments and Teaching 102 P h a r m a c e u t i c a l Manufacturing & Wholesale Sales 135 Other 881 Sales and Research 141 Unknov/n Position 69 A g e a n d G e n d e r of P h a r m a c i s t s E m p l o y e d in N o r t h C a r o l i n a U n d e r 3 0 y e a r s of a g e 919 3 0 - 3 9 y e a r s of a g e 2209 4 0 - 4 9 y e a r s of a g e 2007 5 0 - 5 9 y e a r s of a g e 1665 60 - 65 years of age 478 O v e r 6 5 y e a r s of a g e 628 I n - s t a t e P h a r m a c i s t s E n g a g e d in p r a c t i c e - M a l e 3738 I n - s t a t e P h a r m a c i s t s E n g a g e d in p r a c t i c e 4168 - Female B r e a k d o w n of inactive Pharmacists Retired 366 U n k n o w n or u n e m p l o y e d 935 PHARMACIES T o t a l i n - s t a t e P h a r m a c y p e r m i t s o n r o s t e r a s of S e p t e m b e r 3 0 , 2 0 0 4 2183 Retail P h a r m a c y - Chain 1037 Retail P h a r m a c y - Independent 578 Hospital Pharmacies 173 Nursing Homes 41 Health Departments 90 Free Clinics 31 IV I n f u s i o n 41 Others 192 T o t a l o u t - o f - s t a t e P h a r m a c y p e r m i t s o n r o s t e r as of S e p t e m b e r 3 0 , 2 0 0 4 311 DEVICE AND MEDICAL EQUIPMENT T o t a l o r / I E p e r m i t s o n r o s t e r as of S e p t e m b e r 3 0 , 2 0 0 4 DISPENSING 608 PHYSICIANS T o t a l P h y s i c i a n s r e g i s t e r e d to d i s p e n s e a s of S e p t e m b e r 3 0 , 2 0 0 4 472 PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT and NURSE PRACTIONER T o t a l P A ' S a n d t I P ' s r e g i s t e r e d to d i s p e n s e a s of S e p t o m l j e r 3 0 , 2 0 0 4 PHARMACY 191 TECHNICIANS T o t a l P h a r m a c y T e c h n i c i a n s r e g i s t e r e d a s of S e p t e m b e r 3 0 , 2 0 0 4 9048 ( R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Reiiistered Aamodt, Kimberly Bourne 04249 9/17/1959 Adams, Charles Edwin 5/16/2000 Abanquah, Kofi 0 10634 11/21/1989 Adams, Charles Nolan 12079 7/26/1993 Abate, Laura Nevadomski 10263 2/27/1989 Adams, David Arthur 09626 5/11/19S7 Abbe, Robert Paul 07932 3/1/1982 Adams, David Wayne 15540 7/10/2000 Abbott, Carlisle Baker 13483 7/24/1996 Adams, Dina Hall 16911 7/2/2003 Abbott, Gregoty Vernon 06758 9/16/1977 Adams, Donna Faye 12020 5/18/1993 Abdalla, Joseph Thomas 15758 1/24/2001 Adams, Donna Lynn 11119 10/4/1990 Abdalla, Sonya Patterson 15417 6/28/2000 Adams, l-'reddie 14664 11/74/1998 Aber, Daniel Steven 06247 4/10/1975 Adams, Jerr>' Keith I19S7 2/24/1993 Abercronibie, Cynthia 07645 7/21/1981 Adams, Joseph Rudolph 06740 6/24/1977 Abemathy, Danner Sherwood 1026S 2/27/1989 Adams, Karen Briles 08996 7/26/1985 Abernathy, Gill Bailey 06434 4/5/1976 Adams, Karen Earley 10857 7.25/1990 Abernathy, Russell Glenn 07837 7/24/1981 Adams, Kathiyn Payne 16777 7/1/2003 Abolins, Nicole Marie 17158 6/23/2004 Adams, Laura Leigh 16030 7/17/2001 Abraham, Jacob T 07407 7/25/1980 Adams, Marijke Heerema 16221 1/15/2002 Abraham, Shyni Jacob 14256 3/17/1998 Adams, Marilyn Jean 13710 1/22/1997 Abram, Michael David 15947 7/5/2001 Adams, Mark Andrew 14148 1 1/24/1997 Abrams, Alan Arthur 06486 4/5/1976 Adams, Mary Parker 10986 7/25/1990 Abrams, Jill Marett 05214 10/3/1968 Adams, Maiy Silver 07220 11/1/1979 Abrams, Robert Lee 13414 7/24/1996 Adams, Michael Lynn 08049 7/26/1982 Absher, Randall Kenneth 0617! 9/17/1974 Adams, Michael Winston 10687 2/21/1990 Abu-Saba, Claudette Saikali 16722 3/18/2003 Adams, Richard Dennis 17361 7/20/2004 Acharya, Sonali Alpa 15124 8/5/1999 Adams, Stephens Porter 16986 9/16/2003 Acheson, Gerald Philip 10979 7/25/1990 Adams, Suzanne Lindsey 16926 7/8/2003 Achumba, Obinna Jachimike 16006 7/11/2001 Adams, Tamara Watson 12080 7/26/1993 Acker, Victoria Williams 10033 8/1/1988 Adams, '[•horntt)n Dixon 17409 8/9/2004 Ackcnnan, Holly Virginia 13282 2/21/1996 Adams, Wanda K 16322 6/19/2002 Ackcrman, Rina 07933 3/1/1982 Adcock, James Randall 1 1672 7/21/1992 Acklen, 'llioinas Milton 16323 6/19/2002 Adcock, Keller Cakes 06260 4/10/1975 Adair, Shirley Smith 13415 7/24/1996 Adc(tek, Kim (irillln 12081 7/26/1993 Adam, Maqiiool Ahmed 16770 6/6/2003 Atldington, Micliael Todd 17437 9/21/2004 Adam, Penny D. 05370 10/24/1969 Atldison. James Harley 16740 5/21/2003 Adainich, Lisa A. 13281 2/21/1996 Addy, Alfred Adu 07752 7/24/1981 Adatns. Adrian Wyall 10301 3/21/1989 Adc. Irene 07406 7/25/19K0 Adams, Carolyn Slockcti 14332 6/26/1998 Adeyemi, Adckemi 0 License Date Number Recistered 10S76 7/25/1990 15415 Phamiacisl Name Ajin Phannacist Name REGISTERED P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Registered Adkins, Christina Lea 05502 9/22/1970 Alford, Suzanne Keith 7/5/2001 Adkins, L Steven 15138 9/21/1999 Alge, Danielle Marie 05237 12/5/1968 Adkins. Thomas William 13857 6/27/1997 Alhassan, Mohamed Rabbieu 10826 7/17/1990 Adoree, Jerome Lester 13417 7/24/1996 Ali, Cherinc Mansour 17154 6/1 1/2004 Affinito, Anthony V. 14991 7/6/1999 Ali, Handomeh Jameel 17362 7/20/2004 Affinito, Marianne L. 10887 7/25/1990 Ali, Robin Renee 05994 9/18/1973 Agee, Robert Hampton 17390 7/27/2004 Ali, Saima R 15991 7/1 1/2001 Aggarwai, Kavita 16417 6/20/2002 Alkebulan, Aesha Debnam 07646 7/21/1981 Agner, Douglas Frederick 10493 7/26/1989 All, Susan Kochanowicz 14975 7/2/1999 Aguiar, Carin Marie 16197 1/16/2002 Alia, Lakshmi Sekhar 15623 7/19/2000 Agyei-Minta, Michael 04263 2/25/1960 Allen, Billy Thomas 08745 7/30/1984 Ahem, Emily Hepler 13878 6/27/1997 Allen, Catherine Hooks 16576 7/26/2002 Ahn, Jun S 13672 10/25/1996 Allen. Charles Dale 14005 7/7/1997 Ahn, Jungeun 12083 7/26/1993 Allen, Christopher Keith 10977 7/25/1990 Aibel, Kathr/n Lewallen 14013 7/1 1/1997 Allen, Deborah Marie 16222 1/15/2002 Aiken, Stephen Kirk 05121 4/4/1968 Allen, Dorothy C I38I5 5/14/1997 Ailstock, Pam Blackburn 06651 4/15/1977 Allen, Earle Watts 0404! 7/4/1957 Airhcart, Jack Warren 15656 7/31/2000 Allen, Eleni Noel 16927 7/8/2003 Ajani, Olajumoke Olufunmilayo 13124 7/25/1995 Allen, Emily Suzanne 16598 9/24/2002 Akhtar, Hallah I. 08693 7/30/1984 Allen, Mark Eric 12684 7/26/1994 Akins, Mia Smith 16198 1/16/2002 Alien, Marvin P 09548 1/20/1987 Albracht, Glen Edward 07410 7/25/1980 Allen, Michael Callais 06536 9/15/1976 Albright, Eric Stephen 16439 6/24/2002 Allen, Nichole Jennings 09346 7/29/1986 Albritton, Jeffrey Allen 12084 7/26/1993 Allen, Pen-y Earl 10142 8/1/1988 Alcott, Martha Small 06760 9/16/1977 Allen, Ralph Kimberly 16587 8/2/2002 Aldennan, Thomas Jay 10459 7/26/1989 Allen, Rebecca Crook 16324 6/19/2002 Aldridge-Hardin, Marquita Lynn 05256 4/10/1969 Allen, Robert Jay 05795 9/5/1972 Alexander, Alvin Phillip 10688 2/21/1990 Allen, Susan Alford 04675 3/4/1964 Alexander, Clyde Benny 06878 4/14/1978 Allen, Tennic Ashley 11221 3/19/1991 Alexander, Frederick Harold 06879 4/14/1978 Allen, William Franklin 09027 7/26/1985 Alexander, Glenda FaiTcll 03455 6/28/1951 Allen, William Franklin 05628 3/29/1971 Alexander, Mary Lynne 07154 4/27/1979 Alley, Maria Moss 13566 7/24/1996 Alexander, Melanie Recce 12490 7/19/1994 Allgood, Wayne Neal 13020 7/25/1995 Alexander, Sandra Lyn 15853 6/27/2001 Alligood, Chad Michael 09056 7/26M985 Alexander, Susan L-add 09713 7/22/1987 Alligood, Cynthia Lyerly License Date Number Retiistered 17I6I 7/7/2004 15948 Phannacist Name Phannacist Name R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License License Date Number Registered Phannacist Name Number Date Reeistered Pharmacist N a m e U6435 4/5/1976 Allison, Jill Miller 10704 2/21/1990 Anderko, Lea Ann 04990 1 1/15/1966 Allison. Thomas Madison 07258 11/1/1979 Anderson, Cathiyn Lott 06002 9/18/1973 Allisone, Doyne Ray 06761 9/16/1977 Anderson, David Charles 10035 8/1/1988 Aiimond, Brian Keith 15367 5/16/2000 Andeison, David E 06003 9/18/1973 Allred, Michael Lindsay 17020 1 1/3/2003 Anderson, David Robeit 13174 7/25/1995 Almond, Jina Woodard 05188 10/3/1968 Anderson, Eugene Gibson 08568 2/22/1984 Almond, Kevin Lee 05487 7/21/1970 Anderson, Frank Spencer 05797 9/5/1972 Almond, Steve Newell 13816 5/14/1997 Anderson, Geraldine L 12873 3/21/1995 Alperin, Dixie Carolyn 17359 7/21/2004 Anderson, Holly Faye 08695 700/1984 Alphin, Robei-t Stancit 16223 1/15/2002 Anderson, James HaiTis 16778 7/1/2003 Alston, Bernadette Danise 10871 7/25/1990 Anderson, Jennifer Beck 15555 7/13/2000 Alston, Cecily Sheree 06986 1 1/3/1978 Anderson, John Marshall 16325 6M 9/2002 Altman, Lori Brinson 13706 11/22/1996 Ajiderson, John William 14279 5/12/1998 Altman, Marion Tucker 16199 1/16/2002 Anderson, Kimberly Lynn 15418 6/28/2000 Altobelli, Desma Johnson 11788 7/24/1992 Anderson, Paula Kirby 1 9/15/1987 Alvord, Judy Rickey 10705 2/21/1990 Anderson, Paulby Fish 1325! 1 1/21/1995 Amarante, Maiy Ann 07335 4/24/1980 Anderson, Robeil Clifford 16951 7/16/2003 Ainato. Pasquale Robcil 08717 7/30/1984 Anderson, Sarah Ann Clotlfelter 13420 7/24/1996 Ainbrose, Shelli Denise 17404 8/6/2004 Anderson, Stephanie Ann 14099 9/16/1997 Ambrozy, Theodore John 09399 7/29/1986 Anderson, Susan Gilliam 16102 9/18/2001 Amedio, Corinne G 06248 4/10/1975 Anderson, Victor Frederick 16766 5/21/2003 Ames, Michelle Ann 13339 3/19/1996 Andes, Adrian Eugene 11761 7/24/1992 Amidon, Claudia Hardy 08246 2/22/1983 Andrews, Jana Durham 12085 7/26/1993 Amin, Ketan 09567 3/2/1987 Andrews, Jimmy llolman 14666 1 1/24/1998 Amini, Sepideh Manafi 08247 2/22/1983 Andrews, John Leslie 0764 K 7/21/1981 Ammirato, [)iane G 03932 7/4/1956 Andrews, John Warren 03931 7/4/1956 Ammons, Dallas Lec 15927 6/28/2001 Andrews, Joice Blesson 16332 6/19/2002 Amox. Winitrcd Hope 12826 2/22/1995 Andrews, Kara Lesser 13708 12/2/1996 Ampoe, Alex Picton 15556 7/13/2000 Andrews, Richard Lec 16145 1 1/20/2001 Amrhein, Jerome Brad 1 3262 1/I7/I9'J6 Andreu's, Riciiart! Scott 16647 1 1/207002 Amshaugh, Lisa Marie 13266 1/17/1996 Andrews, Tracey Lee 16741 5/21/2003 Amsler, Mark Ronald 15312 2/25/2000 Andrievk, Christina 10383 7/18/1989 Amundsen, William Arvid 15314 3/21/2000 Aiulricvk, Jeflrey David 11642 5/20/1992 Amy, Janet St. John 15038 7/16/1999 Andrus, Miranda Rcna 08334 7/19/1983 Anastasio, Cjcraldine Diane 07893 1/19/1982 Anemone, James Charles REGISTERED P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9 / 3 0 / 2 0 0 4 License Date Number Reeistered Ange, Dalton Ray 12021 5/18/1993 Armstrong, Steven Colle 7/26/1989 Angel, Andrea Gallagher 09001 7/26/1985 Armstrong, Teresa Bradsher 08052 7/26/1982 Angel, Randall Brent 11287 7/24/1991 Armstrong, Wells Sanford 16742 5/21/2003 Angell, Jennifer Gayle 14759 2/17/1999 Arndt, Cathy Jane 12294 7/26/1993 Angell, Melissa Elizabeth 15972 7/9/2001 Arnold, David Lee 15993 7/11/2001 Angelo, Lauren Beth 17019 11/3/2003 Arnold, Gloria Marie 06249 4/10/1975 Angle, Ann Zehner 05798 9/5/1972 Arnold, Lairy Lanier 17093 3/2/2004 Anna, Kavitha M. 16087 8/1/2001 Arnold, Rebecca Montgomery 10751 3/20/1990 Ansari, Muneer Unnisa 08531 10/18/1983 Arnold, Theresa Carver 13388 7/16/1996 A n t a l , Brian Douglas 16326 6/19/2002 Arora, Anjali Annette 15949 7/5/2001 Anthony, Craig Ryan 1 1 709 7/24/1992 Arrants, Wendy Bonds 10860 7/25/1990 Anthony, George Marcus 10267 2/27/1989 AiTington, A l m a Kay 17349 7/14/2004 Anthony, Teressa Ann 17438 9/21/2004 Arrington, Dana Kathryn 12658 7/26/1994 Antol, Cynthia Owens 16224 1/15/2002 Anington, David Maitland 15950 7/5/2001 Antone, Christine Lynn 12087 7/26/1993 Arrington, David William 06436 4/5/1976 Antosek, Margaret Catherine 1 1992 3/16/1993 Arrington, Donna Hutchens 16669 1/22/2003 Anys, Ronald James 1 1993 3/16/1993 Airington, Geoffrey Blake 12419 2/24/1994 Aoun, Ghada Chedid 15591 7/18/2000 Arrington, Harriet Leigh 07403 7/15/1980 Apone, Peter 16031 7/17/2001 Arrington, Melissa Diane 14149 1 1/24/1997 Appe!, Clifford Lee 15578 7/14/2000 A n o w o o d , Stephen 08456 8/3/1983 Apple, Alison Laura 04190 3/19/1959 Artcmes, Ares Lainbros 14438 7/2/1998 Apple, Christopher Joseph 1 1237 5/21/1991 Arthur, Paul Ernest 14992 7/6/1999 Apple, Rhonda Campbell 16779 7/1/2003 Arthur, Rebekah Rutli 08053 7/26/1982 Applewhite, Ritchie Murdock 09313 6/9/1986 Asbury, Sharon Walsh 09710 7/22/1987 Apsitis, Patricia Lewis 09314 6/17/1986 Asbury, Timothy Cochran 07411 7/25/1980 Archbell, Stephen Brinkley 09369 7/29/1986 Asehmeycr, Kellye Brown 11619 2/21/1992 Archer, Bridget Wallace 15377 5/16/2000 Ashley, Elizabeth Dodds 11643 5/20/1992 Archer, Eddie Graham 08396 8/3/1983 Ashley, Kimberly Clifton 07054 11/3/1978 Archer, Jane Powers 12122 7/26/1993 Ashley, Mandy Cooper 09319 7/15/1986 Archibald, John William 12233 7/26/1993 Ashworth, Kristy Page 15253 1/18/2000 Arcf, Deborah Jo II501 9/I7/199I Ashwoilh, Lisa Cook 04060 2/28/1958 Arena, James Edward 08248 2/22/1983 Ashworth, Paul Saunders 07952 3/1/1982 Arey, Jane Jennelle 03875 1 1/19/1955 Ashworth, Ralph Milliard 08448 3/3/1983 AnTiantrout, Emily Matthis II495 8/1/1991 Ashwoilh, Robert Alan 15788 3/20/2001 A n n s t n M i g , Ernest Eldon 167X0 7/1/2003 Askew, Jennifer Priscilla License Date Number Reeistered 06173 9/17/1974 10475 Pharmacist N a m e Phannacist N a m e R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Registered Askeu', Michael David 16928 7/8/2003 5/15/2001 Asplund, Brenda Kay 16717 2/21/2003 Awad, Marian Nabil 14280 5/12/1998 Asti, Daniel Joseph 06438 4/5/1976 Aycock, Danny Wayne 11557 1/21/1992 Atalese, Vincent 07448 7/25/1980 Aycock, Debra Groshans 11698 7/24/1992 Athauda. Brooksye Mitchell 06004 9/18/1973 Aycock, Jacob Wesley 07522 10/21/1980 Atkins, Judy Gayle Mabc 05065 10/7/1967 Aycock, Susan Gretz 15541 7/10/2000 Atkins, Stephanie Hayworth 07412 7/25/1980 Ayer, Bruce [-ranklin 16670 1/22/2003 Atkinson, Joseph E. 05608 3/29/1971 Ayers, David Alexander 11259 7/23/1991 Atkinson, Robert Thompson 06587 9/15/1976 Ayers, Elizabeth Livengood 09780 7/21/1987 Atkinson, Tommy Ray 13499 7/24/1996 Ayers, Tina Catherine 13060 7/25/1995 Atwa, Nadia 06175 9/17/1974 Ayscue, Dwiglu Milton 11288 7/24/1991 Atwater, Joe Louis 15666 8/11/2000 Azie, Frances Chigozie 11339 7/24/1991 Atwater, Sireatta Gibson 10862 7/25/1990 Baagil, lemaan Hasan 09951 3/22/1988 Atwood, Beverly Freysinger I 1292 7/24/1991 Babb, Noris De la T o n e 16327 6/19/2002 Aud, Patricia Marie 05009 4/1/1967 Baber, Lariy Gene 16282 4/12/2002 Augustine, Matthew Anthony 07757 7/24/1981 Bacon, Jonathan Mark 13340 3/19/1996 Augusto, Melinda Nance 05609 3/29/1971 Badger, James Michael 14517 7/14/1998 Ault, Daniel Eugene 05897 4/12/1973 Badgett, John Dean 16328 6/19/2002 Auman, Cassandra Lee 08753 7/30/1984 Badorrek, Kathiyn K 04567 3/5/1963 Auman, Lester Way 06634 10/19/1976 Badr, Hashim Ahmad Hasan 04150 2/27/1959 Austell, Ronald Lowery 14334 6/26/1998 Badwan, Runda Minwer 06880 4/14/1978 Austin, John Parker 12962 7/25/1995 Badway, Gregoiy Thomas 07336 4/24/1980 Austin, Kathryn Kemp 13052 7/25/1995 Badzik, Katherine Hoover 06437 4/5/1976 Austin, Steven Preston I4I89 1/22/1998 Baer, Mark Steven 12960 7/25/1995 Austin-NoiTis, Heather 1401 1 7/7/1997 Bagliy, Jennifer Robinson 08777 7/30/1984 Autcn, l-llen Peeler 09568 3/2/1987 Baggett, James Audy 12722 9/20/1994 Autcra, Salvatore Raymond 15884 6/27/2001 Baggett, Jennie Elaine 16329 6/19/2002 Autiy, James Dale 1 1671 5/20/1992 Bagley, Dawn Wyckoff 1 1 290 7/24/1991 Avakian, Robert 13423 7/24/1996 Bagley, Shelly Elizabeth 16225 1/15/2002 Avason, hrank 17050 1/22/2004 Bailey, Billie Ami 10039 8/1/1988 AvenI, Jean Marie 1 1238 5/21/1991 Bailey, (Henna ("arolyn 1 1584 2/21/1992 Avent, .Minynn I,ou 1 5420 6/28/2000 [iailey. Holly Caroline 10427 7/26/1989 A\eriu, Phillip Louis 04952 10/6/1966 Bailey, John William 1 1291 7/24/1991 Avery, Darrell Wayne 07758 7/24/1981 Bailey, Nancy I'lizahelh 05257 4/If)/1969 Averv'. Jan Wayne 06439 4/5/1976 Bailey, Ruth I-li/aheth License Date Number Registered 12US9 7/26/1993 15832 Phamiacist Name Pharmacist N a m e A\'ey, Kelly L>-nn R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Reeistered Bailey, Tainmie Williams 07112 4/27/1979 4/5/1976 Bailey, Vinson David 10963 1/4/1999 Bales, Angela King 14854 6/30/1999 Bailey-Stanley, Shannon Gail 14439 7/2/1998 Bales, Chandra Leigh 03548 7/2/1952 Bain, Jones Douglas 07413 7/25/1980 Ball. Edwin Lyon 07650 7/21/1981 Bain, Raeford Whitley I7I62 7/7/2004 Ball, Melissa Paige 10040 8/1/1988 Baines, Bryan Dean 16067 7/18/2001 Ball, Michael Alan 15053 7/20/1999 Bair, David Alan 07759 7/24/1981 Ball, Randy Gray 14855 6/30/1999 Baird, Scott David 12897 5/19/1995 Bailance, Angela Michelle 04677 3/4/1964 Baity, James Oliver 12092 7/26/1993 Ballard, Catherine Lawing 15854 6/27/2001 Bajah, Laju Agatha 06106 4/9/1974 Ballard, David Lloyd 15254 1/18/2000 Bakal, Samson Jack 16929 7/8/2003 Ballard, Lyndsey Steehnan 12221 7/26/1993 Baker, Amy Louise 12370 1 1/30/1993 Ballengee, John Michael 15542 7/10/2000 Baker, Chadwick Marcks 12374 11/30/1993 Ballengee, Marie Lynnette 15875 6/27/2001 Baker. Dana Hayes 11295 7/24/1991 Ballenger, Jill Elizabeth 13062 7/25/1995 Baker, Elizabeth Isbell 08474 8/3/1983 Ballogg, Mar>' Stonebridge 05799 9/5/1972 Baker, James Allen 12965 7/25/1995 Balog. Douglas Alan 13676 11/19/1996 Baker, Judith Wright 13079 7/25/1995 Balog, Loiraine Koontz 05385 1/20/1970 Baker, Julian Crawford 14229 2/1 1/1998 Baloga, Patricia 15935 7/2/2001 Baker, Julie Lynn 0644! 4/5/1976 Bambauer, Julia Wallace 12964 7/25/1995 Baker, Keith Garr>' 14440 7/2/1998 Banau'an, Mohainmad Fawzy 10266 2/27/1989 Baker, Linda Elizabeth 12404 1/19/1994 Bane, Cornelius John 06801 9/16/1977 Baker, Mary Langley 08249 2/22/1983 BankJiead, Dorothy Katherine 14856 6/30/1999 Baker, Stacey Elizabeth 1 1697 7/24/1992 Banks. April Anderson 12693 7/26/1994 Baker, Susan Suddreth 06005 9/18/1973 Banks, Brenda Jo Daniel 10863 7/25/1990 Baker, Teresa Lynn 16977 8/20/2003 Banks, Canie Ann 08206 11/16/1982 Baker, Timothy Lee 11142 11/20/1990 Banks, Claude M 16032 7/17/2001 Baker, Tonya Dawn 15369 5/16/2000 Banks, David M 16782 7/1/2003 Bakhteyar, Hamidreza 09569 3/2/1987 Banks, Gina Bland 15527 7/6/2000 Baklarz, Alison Leigh 10302 3/21/1989 Banks, John Har\'ey 09822 9/15/1987 Batasubramanian, Ramadas 12618 7/26/1994 Banks. Karen Killen 15054 7/20/1999 Balch, Clifford Keith 17163 7/7/2004 Banks, Katherine Jane 09781 7/21/1987 Balch, Ford Cooper 17425 9/7/2004 Banks, Matthew Leroy 17334 7/12/2004 Baldwin, Allison Hughes 11076 8/21/1990 Banks, Norman Dewitt 16705 1/31/2003 Baldwin, Douglas Fredrick 05610 3/29/1971 Banner, Alan Grey 06987 11/3/1978 Baldwin, James Harlie 05874 9/19.M972 Banner. Stephen Scott License Date Number Reeistered 08997 7/26/1985 06440 Pharmacist Name Phannacist Name Baldwin, William James R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Reeistered U9456 7/29/1986 10303 License Date Number Reeistered Bannister, Maiy Anne 12420 2/24/1994 Barkley, Roger Allen 3/21/1989 Baranowski, Joseph Marian 16330 6/19/2002 Barlow, Andrew Robert 06352 9/9/1975 Barbare, Joyce Fulcher 13424 7/24/1996 Barlow, Craig Carter 05611 3/29/1971 Barbee, George Sprite 05139 4/4/1968 Barlow, Ellon Seawell 09917 2/24''1988 Barbce, Todd Alan 13446 7/24/1996 Barlow, Suzanne Burns 17124 5/18/2004 Barber, Harlus F. 13545 7/24/1996 Barlow, Valerie Neal 13023 7/25/1995 Barber. Kim Fuller 16331 6/19/2002 Barnard, Dara Lee 15951 7/5/2001 Barber, Kimberly Matthews 08697 7/30/1984 Bames, Biyan Clenon 14336 6/26/1998 Barber, Monica Ann 08434 8/3/1983 Barnes, Catherine Kilian 13919 7/1/1997 Barber, Sloan Brawley 10973 7/25/1990 Bames, Connie Lee 17125 5/18/2004 Barbera, Peter Guy 15485 6/30/2000 Bames, Danny Mack 03988 3/1/1957 Barbour, Joseph Parker 10076 8/1/1988 Barnes, Denise Gray 06540 9,'5/1976 Barbrey, Bobbie Sutton 05403 4/2/1970 Barnes, James Earl 14808 5/18/1999 Barch, John Samuel 05673 6/24/1971 Bames, Margaret Maddex 14809 5/18/1999 Barch, Susan Lynn 08378 8/3/1983 Barnes, Michael David 11078 9/18/1990 Barco, Donna Watts 13283 2/21/1996 Bames, Samantha Edwina 09570 3/2/1987 Bare, Cynthia Austin 12421 2/24/1994 Barnes, Stephen Arthur 12093 7/26/1993 Barefoot, Blake Grimes 10866 7/25/1990 Barnes, Thomas Shane 12637 7/26/1994 Barefoot, Deborah Mayo 051 1 1 11/21/1967 Barnes, Thomas Walter 13920 7/1/1997 Baretbot, Heidi K 10428 7/26/1989 Bames-Bond, Lisa Annette 14858 6/30/1999 Barefoot, Ira Ron 03979 1 1/21/1956 Barnett, Charles Mason 10864 7/25/1990 Barefoot, James Owen 10581 9/23/1989 Baniett, Cynthia Murdock 16402 6/19/2002 Barefoot, Lynn Slephenson- 10582 9/23/1989 liamett, Daniel Lynn 04062 2/28/1958 Barger, Charles Glenn 13425 7/24/1996 Barnett, Faith Lavone 12527 7/26/1994 Barham, Grcgoiy Scott 08273 2/22/1983 Barnett, Lisa Morrison 11867 9/22/1992 Barkentin, L Christopher 10949 7/25/1990 Barnette, Catherine Hoyle 04617 7/5/1963 Barker, Beverly Thompson 15315 3/21/2000 Barnelte, Debra Jane 07097 3/20/1979 Barker, David Lec 10429 7/26/1989 Barnette, Joe Robert 11623 3/17/1992 Barker, James D(juglas 10867 7/25/1990 Barnette, Zeiyl Wilson 12966 7/25/1995 Barker. June Kelii 1 1 795 7/24/1992 Barney, Sharon Allison 11675 7/21/1992 Barker, Lisa Ann 11125 10/25/199(1 Barnhartit, Suzanne Evans 10041 8/1/1988 Barker, Richard Brian 10304 3/21/1989 Barnhart, David Maurice 11509 9/17/1991 Barker, Shelby Jean I 1296 7/24/1991 Barnhill, Melvin Nishan 14324 6/18/1998 Barker-Williams. Ilelaina 14859 6/30/1999 Harnhill. I'alsy Batten 05402 4/2/1970 Markley, Alkni Pierson 08379 8/3/1983 Barnhill, Rohcrt Joseph Phamiacist Name Phamiacist Name REGISTERED P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9 / 3 0 / 2 0 0 4 License Date Number Reeistered Bamhouse, Roger Franklin 12723 9/20/1994 Bashar, Kazi Khairul 1 1/17/1992 Barnum-Parker, Chadana Vennica 13087 7/25/1995 Basinger, Ashley Maloy 14587 7/23/1998 Baron, RaeLynn 14804 4/9/1999 Baskett, Rita 13634 9/17/1996 Barone, J a s o n David 11502 9/17/1991 Basquin, Roberta A m i 13426 7/24/1996 BaiT, Jill Michelle 13422 7/24/1996 Basralian, Daniele Verjeen 09652 7/22/1987 BaiTe, W i l l i a m John 16743 5/21/2003 Bass, Bonnie Ann 13275 1/17/1996 Barrett, Elizabeth Anne 14932 6/30/1999 Bass, Elizabeth Michelle 12469 5/10/1994 Barrett, Freda C 05288 4/10/1969 Bass, Felma Lynn 13428 7/24/1996 BaiTCtt, Marcus Craig 10869 7/25/1990 Bass, Glenn Franklin 10545 7/26/1989 Barrett, Pamela Sarver 13921 7/I/I997 Bass, Jo Lynn 06762 9/16/1977 Bairett, Upton Jerome 12969 7/25/1995 Bass, Melissa Crider 16783 7/1/2003 Barrier, Amanda Suzanne 14934 6/30/1999 Bass, Melissa Phifer 13223 11/21/1995 Barrier, Christine Tindal 17052 1/22/2004 Bass, Patricia Anne 08178 9/21/1981 Barrier, Ginger Moss 08699 7/30/1984 Bass, Steven Jae 12094 7/26/1993 Barringer, Christopher Allen 05404 4/2/1970 Bass, Walton Elbert 04019 7/4/1957 Barringer, John Marshal! 07337 4/24/1980 Bass, William Leroy 08057 7/26/1982 Bairinger, Mahlon Dwight 15421 6/28/2000 Bastidas, Erin Elizabeth 06763 9/16/1977 Barrington, David Ronald 08380 8/3/1983 07102 3/20/1979 Ban-ington, Monica Guy 10424 7/26/1989 Bataiile, Joy Adams 10305 3/21/1989 Ban'ovv, Jennifer Lee 14193 I/22/I998 Bates, Charles Francis 12653 7/26/1994 Barrows, Jill Myers 16564 7/19/2002 Bates, Cinda Ruth 10214 11/15/1988 Bany, Benjamin 16316 5/24/2002 Bates, Jason P a u l 06653 4/15/1977 Barry, Deborah Wertheim 14419 6/29/1998 Batten, Maiy 05322 10/2/1969 Bartelme, Rebecca Myers 09462 7/29/1986 Battle, Tangela Watts 09475 9/16/1986 Bartholomew, Richard Lee 14232 2/17/1998 Batts, Shelly Bingham 14977 7/2/1999 Bartlett, Craig Matthew 11297 7/24/1991 Baucom, Darin Kenneth 12967 7/25/1995 Bartlett, James Phillip 05800 9/5/1972 Baucom, James Curtis 15009 7/8/1999 Bartlett, Jennifer Wright 09351 7/29/1986 Baugh, David Gray 04310 7/6/1960 Bartlett, John Bradley 05067 10/7/1967 Baugham, Edgar Lassiter 16667 11/27/2002 Bartlett, Robin A n n 08952 5/21/1985 Bauman, Jay Heniy 09390 7/29/1986 Baito, Bettye Davis 13429 7/24/1996 Bauman, Monica June 08051 7/26/1982 Barton, Ginger Quay 13635 9/17/1996 Bausley, Renae Anita 06393 9/9/1975 Barton, Karen Thomas 12898 5/19/1995 Bax, Barbara Hunter 13817 5/14/1997 Bartos, Roxane Marie 14488 7/7/1998 Baxley, Amanda Thorndyke 10868 7/25/1990 Basden, Kimberly Eakins 08569 2/22/1984 Baxley, Brenda Kcnnington License Date Number Reeistered 17051 1/22/2004 1 1903 Phannacist Name Phannacist Name Bastyr, Tina Cura Elizabeth R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Reeistered Pharmacist N a m e Baxley, Michael O'Neil 15316 3/21/2000 Beck, Patrick Shan 10/7/1967 Baxley, Robert Earl 06726 5/I7/I977 Beck, Quay Hanison 05677 10/1/1971 Baxley, William Clegg 08998 7/26/1985 Beck, Sharon Canipe 14610 9/15/1998 Baxter, Maitin Bruce 13284 2/21/1996 Beck, Susan Mabe 1461! 9/15/1998 Baxter, Maureen Ann 08226 1/18/1983 Becker, Joel Craig 13599 7/24/1996 Bayes, Jennifer Maynard 14706 1/20/1999 Becker, John Freese 10114 8/1/1988 Bayliff, Amy McCullen 09897 I/19/I98S Becker, Kenneth Charles 15010 7/12/1999 Baynor, Joanna Kay 09627 5/11/1987 Becker, Richard John 10430 7/26/1989 Beach, Trent Allen 14339 6/26/1998 Beckwith, Lisa Donclla 04266 2/25/1960 Beale, Garland Wood 1 1300 7/24/1991 Bcckwith-Arrieta, Beatriz Sarmient 08381 8/3/1983 Beam, David Lee 17164 7/7/2004 Bccton, NaQuon Taggett 09918 2/24/1988 Beam, Edward Vincent 13347 3/19/1996 Beddick, Catherine Anne 08724 7/30/1984 Beam, Karen Echerd 03073 1/17/1945 Beddingfield, Charles Hennan 08700 7/30/1984 Beamer, Jeny Alan 06107 4/9/1974 Beddingfield, Robert Stewart 09143 1 1/14/1985 Beamon, Jerr>' Lynn 12528 7/26/1994 Beddingfield, William Carroll 08713 7/30/1984 Bean, Angela Campbell 1501 1 7/12/1999 Bedenbaugh, Angela Varner 11298 7/24/1991 Bean, Dennis Keith 15012 7/12/1999 Bedenbaugh, Kristopher Daniel 13413 7/24/1996 Bean, Rebecca Aalfs 08382 8/3/1983 Bedford, Jerrell Stephen 08974 8/10/1985 Bear, Susan Diane 12930 7/18/1995 Bednarz, John Alan 15140 9/21/1999 Beard, Lenee Rice I466S 1 1/24/1998 Bcechlcr, Cindy J 15508 7/6/2000 Beard, Thomas Denell 16226 1/15/2002 Beegle, Samuel James 10635 1 1/21/1989 Bcardsley, James Richard 10384 7/18/1989 Behe, Cheryl Joy 14137 10/13/1997 Beaslcy, Brian Houston 11533 10/22/1991 Bcirise, Neal Steven 07775 7/24/1981 Beasiey, Eula Daniel 16930 7/8/2003 14944 6/30/1999 Beaslcy, Valeria Stafford 06228 10/15/1974 Bejcek, Ann Elizabeth 13678 1 1/19/1996 Beats, Kelly Marie 11702 7/24/1992 Belanger, John Alexander 16588 8/2/2002 Bealtie, Katherine Ann 12225 7/26/1993 Belanger, Susan Nagel 15509 7/6/2000 Beaty, Anne Marie 16453 6/27/2002 Belch, Judith Baumhover 14338 6/26/1998 Beaty, James Earl 15112 7/29/1999 Belden, Tara Lin 12787 1/18/1995 Beauchene, Dennis Paul 16672 1/22/2003 Beltiore, Mark Allen 13149 7/25/1995 Beaver, Jessica Smith 1 1 703 7/24/1992 Bell, Anthony Ciarland 13430 7/24/1996 Bebber, Terry Lec 04463 3/6/1962 Bell, Bany Max 13431 7/24/1996 Bechcrt. Jeanette Kathleen 1 1301 7/24/1991 Bell, Hilly 04832 7/2/1965 Beck, Henry Odell 09206 2/27/1986 Bell, line Conrad 16671 1/22/2003 Beck, James'T. 10872 7/25/1990 Bell, James Craig License Date Number Reeistered 06SSI 4.14.197S 05068 Phannacist Name Bcisenherz, Michael Paul REGISTERED P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Reeistered License Date Number Reeistered 13080 7/25/1995 Bell, Marcia Lanibeit 16146 1 1/20/2001 Bennion, Karen Bentley 13285 2/21/1996 Bell, Marcy Lee 14853 6/30/1999 Benson, Gina Margaret 10016 7/19/1988 Bell, Margaret Anne Ingram 11175 I/I5/I99I Benston, Robert Vernon 06682 4/15/1977 Bell, Mar>' Robin J. 04465 3/6/1962 Benthall, Alpheus Worth 12401 11/30/1993 Bell, Michelle Transou 14861 6/30/1999 Bentley, Beth Colvin 16033 7/17/2001 Bell, Mike Bradley 12142 7/26/1993 Bentley, Nathalie Michelle 09352 7/29/1986 Bell, Tony Franklin 05323 10/2/1969 Bentley, William Charles 11705 7/24/1992 Bell-Prince, Tonya LaRose 10873 7/25/1990 Benton, Wendy Patterson 13286 2/21/1996 Belton, Benjamin William 13861 6/27/1997 Bentz, John Christopher 15203 11/16/1999 Belton, Stephanie Denise 13818 5/14/1997 Berezik, Theresa Jeanne 09066 7/26/1985 Belton, Vivian Matthews 05376 1 1/3/1969 Berg, Allan 10042 8/1/1988 Bencuya, Raren Ammons 05650 3/29/1971 Bergen, Bonnie Tilley 04679 3/4/1964 Bender, Deane Hughes 14194 1/22/1998 Bergeron, Sandy Yuen-Shan 04569 3/5/1963 Bender, George Walker 09358 7/29/1986 Bergman, Sheila Billingsley 07810 7/24/1981 Bender, Nancy Kathiyn 15677 9/19/2000 Berhe, Rahel 07524 10/21/1980 Benfield, Justin Eric 09521 11/18/1986 Berke, Edward Adolf 12422 2/24/1994 Bentleld, Monica Leigh Sparks 14652 9/15/1998 Berlin, Susan Stowers 1371 1 1/22/1997 Bengston, Theresa Worden 16785 7/1/2003 Bernardo, Troy Anthony 14454 7/2/1998 Benjamin, Adrienne Elizabeth 15754 1/24/2001 Bernstein, Debra Karen 13922 7/1/1997 Benjamin, Kenneth 16034 7/17/2001 Benoteran, Jeannette 06242 4/4/1975 Bennett, Archie Mears 08207 11/16/1982 Beny, Becky Odham 06765 9/16/1977 Bennett, Carl Johnson 16594 8/23/2002 Beriy, Brian Grayson 05012 4/1/1967 Bennett, Charles Craven 07880 9/15/1981 Beny, Cynthia Niles 17411 8/10/2004 Bennett, Christopher Lee 08208 11/16/1982 Beny, Edwin Warren 03361 7/6/1950 Bennett, Donald Leon 06654 4/15/1977 Beny, Joni Ingram 09668 7/22/1987 Bennett, Dorothy Crew 11558 1/21/1992 Beny, Linda Brown 10003 7/19/1988 Bennett, JeflVey Alan 16694 1/28/2003 Beny, Reginald Lamonte 07190 7/17/1979 Bennett, John Wayne 15013 7/12/1999 Bersu, Andrew Dimitri 11195 2/19/1991 Bennett, Judy Neal 06655 4/15/1977 Bess, Richard Wayne 16104 9/18/2001 Bennett, Leonardo DaVince 05505 9/22/1970 Bess, Thomas Heniy 15133 8/23/1999 Bennett, Lisa Marie 09688 7/22/1987 Best, Beverly Helton 11067 7/25/1990 Bennett, Lori Wysocki 17165 7/7/2004 Best, Carol LeAnn 06109 4/9/1974 Bennett, Margaret Veil 09356 7/29/1986 Best, Michael Ray 15132 8/23/1999 Bennett, Ronald Edward 09098 7/26/1985 Best, Tonya Uzzell 06990 1 1/3/1978 Betinett, Stephen Dodson 05651 3/29/1971 Bestlcr, Elaine Tribble Pharmacist Name Phamiacist Name R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Registered 13264 1/17/1996 06251 License Date Number Registered Bethea, Johnny James 09653 7/22/1987 Bird, Ann Abbitt 4/10/1975 Bethune, Richard Arnold 07861 9/15/1981 Birney, Betty Jane 09357 7/29/1986 Bettenhausen, Douglas Kent 08470 8/3/1983 Birney, Brenda Simpson 09043 7/26/1985 Beitenhausen, Sandra Herring 16789 7/1/2003 Bisbee, Jeffrey Scott 16786 7/1/2003 Bevan, Laura Holland 07652 7/21/1981 Bischoff, Elizabeth Kirby 10437 7/26/1989 Bevan, Susan Britt 07653 7/21/1981 Bischoff, John Robeit 16666 11/21/2002 Bhagat, Purnima P. 07386 4/24/1980 Bishop, Cynthia Thompson 12530 7/26/1994 Bhakta, Dhamiesh Gokulbhai 04267 2/25/1960 Bishop, Robert Ellis 12972 7/25/1995 Bhandari, Pushpesh 13433 7/24/1996 Bisscttc, Amy Bruce 14185 1/22/1998 Bias, Karen Lea 13627 7/24/1996 Bissette, Malisha Woodard 03924 5/29/1956 Bias, William Carol 14257 3/17/1998 Bitikofcr, Randy D 16552 7/17/2002 Biazar-Sadri, Shohreh 16642 1 1/20/2002 Bivens, Amy Leigh 05405 4/2M970 Bieber, Peter Steven 07862 9/15/1981 Bivens, Kathy Burnett 14076 7/21/1997 Biedenbach, Mary Beth 12423 2/24/1994 Bizzell, Clifford Langdon 16787 7/1/2003 Biever, Sara Elliott 05456 4/21/1970 Bizzell, JeiT>' Wayne 10874 7/25/1990 Biggers, Kimberly Mays 06656 4/I5/I977 Bizzell, William Robert 15510 7/6/2000 Biggerstaff, Charles Richardson 06766 9/16/1977 Black, Earl Clifford 16788 7/1/2003 BiggerstatT, Julie Dahymple 071 13 4/27/1979 Black, Joseph Lynn 04602 3/5/1963 Biggio, Martha W 08025 7/20/1982 Black, Roy Arnold 15487 6/30/2000 Biggs, Angela Blake 09054 7/26/1985 Black, Tammy Kinney 13959 7/1/1997 Biggs, Anne Marie 14101 9/16/1997 Black, Wendy Dawn 12532 7/26/1994 Biggs, Carla Carawan 14398 6/26/1998 Blackburn, Anne Rendleman 09919 2/24/1988 Biggs, Jeftery Collins 06333 9/9/1975 Blackburn, Daiyl Madison 15201 1 1/12/1999 Bigus, Amy Grace 12973 7/25/1995 Blackburn, Diane Seward 12022 5/18/1993 Bilcllo, Mark Anthony 06334 9/9/1975 Blackburn, Linda Bell 15370 5/16/2000 Biles, Thomas Jacob 05643 3/29/1971 Blackbum, Mary Franklin 14669 11/24/1998 Billheimer, Marirosc E 08720 7/30/1984 Blackburn, Sally Crews 13369 5/14/1996 Billings, Cassie Altman 14866 6/30/1999 I^lackburn, 1 eresa Biyan 1 1261 7/23/1991 Billingsby, Teriy Lynn 09381 7/29/1986 Blackley, Evelyn Church 13370 5/14/1996 Billingsley, Kendra Faye 06730 6/21/1977 Blackley, Richard Carlisle 10684 2/7/1990 Bilotta, David Allen 08061 7/26/1982 Blackmail, Lorena Paige 1 1 196 2/19/1991 Binion, Kim Denise 07270 I 1/1/1979 Blackwelder, Sharon Page 05680 10/1/1971 Bmnick, Warren Stewart 09823 9/15/1987 Blackwell, Charles William 15317 3/21/2000 Bious, Marianne 17335 7/12/2004 Blackwell, Jane Anders 05891 2/20/1973 Birchfield. Sw^an Idaine 07654 7/21/1981 Blackwell, Nancy rimmerman Pharmacist N a m e Phannacist Name R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Reeistered Phannacist Name Blair, Joseph Bernard 16987 9/16/2003 Blouin, Maureen D 9/18/1973 Blake, Joseph Anthony 04954 10/6/1966 Blount, James Gordon 06335 9/9/1975 Blake, Roiy Powell 16427 6/24/2002 Blount, Jennifer McGee 05507 9/22/1970 Blalock, George Asbury 16020 7/17/2001 Blount, Kennedy Pressly 12534 7/26/1994 Bialock, George Bryan 08975 7/16/1985 Blount-Thompson, Faith Anne 15855 6/27/2001 Blalock, Shannon Brent 15285 1/27/2000 Blue, Antonio Pierre 12425 2/24/1994 Blalock, Susan Byrd 13185 9/19/1995 Blue, Lynn Baltimore 08571 2/22/1984 Blalock, Van White 13186 9/19/1995 Blue, Victor Stuart 17088 2/23/2004 Blan, Leena H. 08895 2/26/1985 Blumenfeld, Daniel Harris 09360 7/29/1986 Blanchard, David Randall 16695 1/28/2003 Boakye, Prince Kwadwo 16916 7/3/2003 Blanchard, Molly Cherie 17166 7/7/2004 Boateng, Kwame Owusu 06336 9/9/1975 Blanchard, Jeffrey Galen 05801 9/5/1972 Bobbitt, Bracey Myron 10433 7/26/1989 Blanchard, Judy Ezzell 07618 2/27/1981 Bobbitt, Hope W 09571 3/2/1987 Blanchard, Nicholas Ronald 15593 7/18/2000 Bobek, Marybeth 04512 7/10/1962 Blanchard, Norwood Pitt 09858 11/17/1987 Bock, Patricia Mary 05900 4/12/1973 Bland, Theodore Douglas 05901 4/12/1973 Bodie, James William 09361 7/29/1986 Blaney, Craig Frederick 11820 7/24/1992 Bodie, Sandra Quaranda 15371 5/16/2000 Blanford, Anthony Paul 16277 3/21/2002 Bodison-Johnson, Babbie Paquitta 16975 8/19/2003 Blankenship, Michael Gray 08645 5/22/1984 Boff, John Aloysius 12830 2/22/1995 Blankenship-Smith, Margaret Eliza! 08421 8/3/1983 Boger, Maltha Hayes 03648 6/29/1953 Blanton, Charles Donald 14966 7/2/1999 Boger, Michael Sean 04857 9/23/1965 Blanton, Lany Clyde 16969 8/1/2003 Bohm, Nicole Marie 12974 7/25/1995 Blatt, Vicki Sue 16497 7/3/2002 Bolewilz, Michael Scott 15239 1 1/16/1999 Blattner, Stacy Ann 05192 10/3/1968 Bolick, Harold Arthur 06008 9/18/1973 Blaylock, Stephen Lanier 17167 7/7/2004 Boiling, Sara Marie 14233 2/17/1998 Blazer, Tina 08858 11/20/1984 Bomar, Recie Bailey 12535 7/26/1994 Blecke, Dana Shirk 08209 11/16/1982 Bomze, Ira Hersh 17380 7/23/2004 Bliek, Erika Joy 14030 7/15/1997 Bonasera, William 05220 10/3/1968 Bliss, Jean Winter 10043 8/1/1988 Bond, Christopher Lynn 08492 9/20/1983 Blitz, Jack Edward 11976 2/24/1993 Bond, Connie Roberts 09237 2/27/1986 Blodgett, Leigh Ann 17013 10/8/2003 Boncy, Angela 10337 3/22/1989 Bloise, Lewis Anthony 12536 7/26/1994 Boncy, Mary Powell White 13435 7/24/1996 Bloodworth, Leotis 13436 7/24/1996 Boney, Rock Anthony 16523 7/9/2002 Bloom, Alison 15851 6/26/2001 Bonjo, Jeffrey Alan 16426 6/24/2002 Bloom, Kevin Isaac 10044 8/1/1988 License Date Number Reeistered 15755 1/24/2001 06007 Phannacist Name Bonner, Lorre Donette R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Reeistered License Date Number Reeistered 05681 10/1/1971 Bonney, Benjamin Ra>' 09362 7/29/1986 Bostic, Tommie Fitzgerald 11904 11/'17/1992 Bonsignore, Carol Lee 07864 9/15/1981 Bostick, Terri Eileen 10829 7/17/1990 Book, Gars' Howard 12829 2/22/1995 Boston, Amy Bates 08008 5/18/1982 Booker, Lyle StuaiT 12931 7/18/1995 Botkin, Lori Ann 17168 7/7/2004 Bookstaver. Paul Brandon 08572 2/22/1984 Botros, Samia Sami 13923 7/1/1997 Boomershine, Jason Edward 14864 6/30/1999 Bottomley, Tracy Wayne 13951 7/I/I997 Boomershine, Kellie Hager 08953 5/21/1985 Boucher, Gregor>' Alan 12901 5/19/1995 Boone, Cheryl Maxwell 16673 1/22/2003 Bouillet, Ronald Thomas 15205 11/16/1999 Boone, Cheiyl Sue 09859 11/17/1987 12543 7/26/1994 Boone, Kimberly Breda 15952 7/5/2001 13437 7/24/1996 Boone, Kh'da Leah 15650 7/27/2000 Bourdet, Shaiya Vaughan 17149 6/4/2004 Boone, LaTarshia Yveite 13224 1 1/21/1995 Bourn, Todd David 09516 11/6/.986 Boone, Rebecca Markham 11710 7/24/1992 Bourquin, Michael Blair 05013 4/1/1967 Boone, William Shclton 14325 6/18/1998 Boutaud, Nirza Erika 13636 9/17/1996 Booth, Donna Veal 07078 1 1/3/1978 Boutwell, Gina Woodruff 09628 5/11/1987 Booth, John Robert 05251 3/25/1969 Boutwell, Lansing Wayne 12573 7/26/1994 Booth, Lara Daescher 11022 7/25/1990 Bowden, Amy Rich OS250 2/22/1983 Booth, Teresa Kaye 09603 3/2/1987 Bowden, MacDonald Snow 11949 2/24/1993 Boothe, Jeffrey Scott 07935 3/1/1982 Bowden, Marshall Brower 04977 10/6/1966 Booth-Neal, Donna 14521 7/14/1998 Bowder, Randee Lynn 16035 7/17/2001 Borchelt, Ann Buckland 07656 7/21/1981 Bowen, Carol Sheehan 12321 9/21/1993 Borcheil, Ronald David 07224 t 1/1/1979 Bowen, Christopher Lee 16790 7/1/2003 Borders, Benjamin Steven 17230 7/7/2004 Bowen, Julie Ihuy 12720 7/28/1994 Borders, Cherie Lynn 12548 7/26/1994 Bowen, Kimberly B 12902 5/19/1995 Boreyko, John Stephen 04371 3/6/1961 Bowen, Nomian George 17363 7/20/2004 Bork, Sara Jcnevicvc 07657 7/21/1981 Bowen, Robert Wayne 15256 1/18/2000 Bomstein, David Michael 061 10 4/9/1974 Bower, Grcgoiy Keith 08976 7/16/1985 Borowski, Gene Nicholas 05802 9/5/1972 Bower, Richard Kent 1 1664 5/20/1992 Borrell, Tiana Jean I3I87 9/19/1995 Bowers, Brian Ward 16988 9/16/2003 Boshell, Donald Clifford 13925 7/1/1997 16643 1 1/20/2002 Boshell, Rebecca Barnard 06317 5/21/1975 Bowers, David Ray 16791 7/1/2003 Bosquet, Stephanie Alley 08203 1 1/16/1982 Bowers, Donnie Edward 06657 4 0 5/1977 Boss-Isenhour. Sara I-.llen 07896 1/19/1982 Bowers, Guer>' Alan 1 1585 2/21/1992 Bost, Christian Pierre 04312 7/6/1960 Bowers, John Robeil 12537 7/26 M 994 Bost. Derek Lanny 1 1385 Phamiacist Name 7/24/1991 Pharmacist N a m e Bouldin, Billy Harold Bouler, Christopher Thomas Bowers, David Maurice Bowers, Kimherly Lantz R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date License Date Number Reeistered Phamiacist N a m e Number Reeistered 09629 5/11/1987 Bowers, Ralph Edward 15557 7/13/2000 Bozik, Kara Marie 14359 6/26/1998 Bowers, Stephanie Glasson 12540 7/26/1994 Bozovich, Michelle Bennett 14031 7/15/1997 Bowers, Susanne Margaret 12541 7/26/1994 Bozovich, Phillip Eugene 08704 7/30/1984 Bowker, Patricia Ruth 15026 7/13/1999 Bracciante, Megan Ann 14736 1/27/1999 Bowling, Carlie Robert 14511 7/10/1998 Brackett, Jcnna Lynn 10148 8/1/1988 Bowling, Lisa Steele 05406 4/2/1970 Bradburn, William Howard 08705 7/30/1984 Bowling, Randall Adams 12241 7/26/1993 Bradford, Amber L 05682 10/1/1971 Bowman, Clark Caious 06445 4/5/1976 Bradish, Sandra McClure 13288 2/21/1996 Bowman, Dana Parsons 14095 8/1 1/1997 Bradley, Anika Goodwin 08706 7/30/1984 Bowman, Gary Lynn 10338 3/23/1989 Bradley, James Ellison 17170 7/7/2004 Bowman, James Matthew 04681 3/4/1964 Bradley, Julian Willis 15756 1/24/2001 Bowman, John Andrew 12975 7/25/1995 Bradley, Lora Lee 15543 7/10/2000 Bowman, Robert Clyde 04421 7/3/196! Bradshaw, Council Foy 13926 7/1/1997 Bowman, Tiffany Bumey 03843 7/5/1955 Bradshaw, Edward Luther 11890 9/22/1992 Boyce, Adele Penland 15925 6/27/2001 Bradshaw, Michele Lee 09363 7/29/1986 Boyce, Amy Dianne 10046 8/1/1988 Bradshaw, Ronney Gray 15060 7/20/1999 Boyce, Heriot Thomas 04466 3/6/1962 Bradsher, Arthur Long 08062 7/26/1982 Boyd, Alan Fenner 06337 9/9/1975 Brady, Benjamin Wesley 12055 7/20/1993 Boyd, David George 14282 5/12/1998 Brady, Brent Tyler 17171 7/7/2004 Boyd, Emily Elizabeth 09002 7/26/1985 Brady, David Craig 11079 9/18/1990 Boyd, James Alan 09204 2/27/1986 Brady, Hailey Barbee 11304 7/24/1991 Boyd, John Harold 09364 7/29/1986 Brady, Isaac Fred 04243 7/27/1959 Boyd, John Herbert 05509 9/22/1970 Brady, William Edward 13182 8/2/1995 Boyd, Karen Elizabeth 08254 2/22/1983 Bragg-Jones, Mona Rae 04955 10/6/1966 Boyd, Robert Wilson 05902 4/12/1973 Brame, Richard Gwyn 02845 6/14/1939 Boyd, Shelton Bickett 10931 7/25/1990 Brame, Sara Grigg 15110 7/27/1999 Boyer, Charles Frederick 06397 9/9/1975 Branch, Carol Hardy 08821 9/18/1984 Boyer, John Gregoiy 04535 7/17/1962 Branch, Paul Elmer 09663 7/22/1987 Boykin, Kay Clow 12491 7/19/1994 Brandon, Jimmie Lynn 05508 9/22/1970 Boykin, Michael Anderson 16243 1/31/2002 Brandquist, Christine Marie 15850 6/15/2001 Boyle, Dana Christine 06541 9/15/1976 Brannon, James Biyson 03362 7/6/1950 Boyles, James Howard 16334 6/19/2002 Branson, Ray Harris 09091 7/26/1985 Boyles, Sally Still 14283 5/12/1998 Brant, Anne Copcland 04787 3/3/1965 Boyles, Vestal Irving 16792 7/1/2003 Brantley, Amber Bedenbaugh 07416 7/25/1980 Boynton, Robert Parker 05903 4/12/1973 Phamiacist N a m e Brantley, James Otis R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Reeistered Brantley, Kayren Shiser 16318 6/6/2002 Bricker, Paul Harden 7/24/1996 Brantley, Wiley Bruce 08055 7/26/1982 Brickley, Jan Ball 05683 10/1/1971 Branton, Charles James 11263 7/23/1991 Brickley, Ross William 07659 7/21/1981 Brastleld, Rennetli Hubeit 06992 1 1/3/1978 Bridger, Margaret Miller 07425 7/25 M 980 Braswell, Pliyllis Corey 10984 7/25/1990 Bridgers, Ginger Loving 10068 8/1/1988 Braswell, Sharon Gaskins 07447 7/25/1980 Bridgers, Janice Catherine 11768 7/24/1992 Bratton, Karen Hcwett 06111 4/9/1974 Bridgers, Jeny Allen 09U04 7/26/1985 Bratton, William Timothy 09692 7/22/1987 Bridgers, Patricia Holder 16585 7/30/2002 Braxton, James Done!! 05904 4/12/1973 Bridgers, Robert Dennis 10436 7/26/1989 Bray, Br\'an Keith 06252 4/10/1975 Bridges, George Hines 10241 1/17/1989 Bray, Moiris Bamwell 09366 7/29/1986 Bridges, Jonathan Christopher 13854 6/3/1997 Brechnitz, Susan Rene 14341 6/26/1998 Bridges, Melissa Tyson 13389 7/16/1996 Brcckheimer, Lori Arm 11305 7/24/1991 Bridges, Steven Fisher 16793 7/1/2003 Breden, Ericka L 06010 9/18/1973 Bridges, Suzanne Wilkie 13188 9/19/1995 Breedlove, Keith Todd 08255 2/22/1983 Bridges, Winburn Scott 14670 1 1/24/1998 Breeze, David Lynn 16952 7/16/2003 Brien, Courtney Louise 04662 12/2/1963 Brennecke, Sid Hugh 06446 4/5/1976 Bright, Hany Andrew 14522 7/16/1998 Brentzel, Aaron Curtis 06700 4/15/1977 Briley, Betsy Queen 14525 7/16/1998 Brentzcl, Gina Lynn 14235 2/17/1998 Brill, David Sheridan 09981 5/17/1988 Brese, Jill Marie 06338 9/9/1975 Brinkley, Charles Franklin 04942 9/14/1966 Brett, Stephen Emanuel 06011 9/18/1973 Brinson, Amos Quinn 05321 10/2/1969 Brewer, Alice Bailey 05905 4/12/1973 Brinson, Benjamin Thomas 08063 7/26/1982 Brewer, Brian Kcitli 05906 4/12/1973 Brisson, James Lee 13440 7/24/1996 Brewer, Edwin Ray 03427 2/27/1951 Brisson, Lloyd Clifford I60I3 7/16/2001 Brewer, Genny Marie 08567 1/17/1984 Britt. Anita Moore 12976 7/25/1995 Brewer, Harold Scott 05907 4/12/1973 Britt, Charles Arnold 06991 1 1/3/1978 Brewer, Michael h.dwin 15206 ! 1/16/1999 Britt, Gina Kirkpatrick 15061 7/20/1999 Brewer, Robert 13441 7/24/1996 Britt, Kaiyn lopka 03031 8/3/1943 Brewer, Stroud Otis 1 1306 7/24/1991 Britt, Lori Tumcr 13927 7/1/1997 Brewer, Tanya Byrd 09367 7/29/1986 Britt, Susan Deanne 09365 7/29/1986 Brewner, Scott Peny 10947 7/25/1990 Brittain, Deborah Hodge 07705 7/21/198! Brewlon. Joe C 06602 9/15/1976 Bntlon. Patricia Reaves 13743 2/25/1997 Brian, Amy Hedgecock 11711 7/24/1992 Broach, Vi\'ian Morris 16428 6/24/2002 Brick. Ashly Henderson 074 17 7/25/1980 Broadhursi, Betty Whitehead 06022 9/18/1973 Brickell, Myra Craver 08707 7/30/1984 Broadnax-Scoit. Sona Camille License Date Number Reeistered 06934 4/14 1978 13439 Phamiacist Name Phamiacist Name REGISTERED P H A R M A C I S T S AS OF 9/30/2004 License Date License Date Number Reeistered Pharmacist N a m e Number Reeistered 07526 10/21/1980 Broadway, Joseph T 16553 7/17/2002 Brougher, Jennifer Smith 09340 7/29/1986 Broadwell, Elizabeth Barker 10183 9/20/1988 Brower, Scott Cunningham 09368 7/29/1986 Broadwell, Neil Everett 16336 6/19/2002 Brown Fountain, Kalhiyn Michele 12977 7/25/1995 Brock, Melissa Kaye 13712 1/22/1997 Brown, Allan Ince 12933 7/18/1995 Brock, Tina Penick 15208 11/16/1999 Brown, Amelia H 07383 4/24/1980 Brodd, Elizabeth Stancil 16794 7/1/2003 Brown, Amy Michelle 11712 7/24/1992 Brogdcn, Christopher Scott 11812 7/24/1992 Brown, Amy Newnam 05122 4/4/1968 Brogdcn, Diane Baxter 06884 4/14/1978 Brown, Amy Stuart 05 193 10/3/1968 Brogdcn, Hany Lee 15994 7/1 1/2001 Brown, Amy Zakrzewski 10438 7/26/1989 Brogden, H a n y Lee 09210 2/27/1986 Brown, Andrew Francis 15207 1 1/16/1999 Brokaw, Kathleen Pickens 14907 6/30/1999 Brown, Angela Isley 14592 7/29/1998 Bromley, Carol Renae 16429 6/24/2002 Brown, Christopher Ronald 14544 7/21/1998 Brooke, Jennifer Marie 10539 7/26/1989 Brown, Cynthia Register 06658 4/15/1977 Brookins, George William 17172 7/7/2004 Brown, Dana Ayscue 13371 5/14/1996 Brooks, Clayton Madison 14105 9/16/1997 Brown, Deborah Lee 10049 8/1/1988 Brooks, Corinne Edwards 15779 2/5/2001 Brown, Elizabeth Helen 08440 8/3/1983 Brooks, DeAnne Labrecque 08427 8/3/1983 Brown, Elizabeth Howell 1 1374 7/24/1991 Brooks. Donna Johnson 05014 4/1/1967 Brown, Eugene Glenn 15822 5/15/2001 Brooks, Donna Michelle 13928 7/1/1997 Brown, Gregory Allen 04833 7/2/1965 Brooks, George Jackson 06176 9/17/1974 Brown, Henry Stephen 05100 10/9/1967 Brooks, Howard Dearl 08064 7/26/1982 Brown, Hunter Creech 13443 7/24/1996 Brooks, John Howard 12207 7/26/1993 Brown, Jacquelynne Ann 09201 2/27/1986 Brooks, Leslie Aaron 07225 11/1/1979 Brown, James Thomas 12862 2/22/1995 Brooks, Margie Spain 13864 6/27/1997 Brown, Jamie Nicole 10050 8/1/1988 Brooks, Mark O'Brien 07764 7/24/1981 Brown, Janet Thomas 10893 7/25/1990 Brooks, Melissa Clewis 07661 7/21/1981 Brown, Jean Kallianos 13671 9/17/1996 Brooks, Nikki Thoennes 1 1240 5/21/1991 Brown, Jefhey Lyle 10708 2/21/1990 Brooks, Valerie Guenthcr 14124 9/16/1997 Brown, JoAnn Myers 05407 4/2/1970 Brooks, William Jennings 05803 9/5/1972 Brown, John Olan 12831 2/22/1995 Brookshire, Henry Windell 11716 7/24/1992 Brown, Karen Bullock 06768 9/16/1977 Brookshire, Larry Richard 11809 7/24/1992 Brown, Kelly Moselcy 10878 7/25/1990 Broome, David Tyson 11264 7/23/1991 Brown, Kevin Taylor 10879 7/25/1990 Broome, Philip Wilson 16795 7/1/2003 05408 4/2/1970 Brothers, Pamela McDaniel 13812 4/16/1997 Brown, Kristina Nicole 11714 7/24/1992 Brotherton, Mystic Becton 13932 7/1/1997 I^rown, Larken Colvard Pharmacist N a m e Brown, Kimberley Cindy R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Reeistered Brown, Lany Thomas 04063 2/28/1958 Brummitt, Russell Elliott 7/26/1989 Brown, Laura Hundley 14545 7/21/1998 Brun,Joshua C 12705 7/26/1994 Brown, Leigh Waddell 17336 7/12/2004 Bmnner, Peter James 15581 7/14/2000 Brown, Lori Colemon 14032 7/15/1997 Bruno, Joseph Edward 15142 9 21/1999 Brown, Louise Edwardson 17126 5/18/2004 Brush, Tiffany Laing 12545 7/26/1994 Brown, Mark Patrick 17174 7/7/2004 Bruton, Stacey Shaw 17039 1 1/18/2003 Brown, Martha Jane 16339 6/19/2002 Bryan, .Amanda Barber 05908 4/12/1973 Brown, Menill Tucker 10480 7/26/1989 Br>'an, Angela Harper 12979 7/25/1995 Brown, Michael 06983 11/3/1978 Bryan, Ellen Rose Adams 16796 7/1/2003 Brown, Mitchell Tucker 12587 7/26/1994 Bryan, Gianna Natalie 16696 1/28/2003 Brown, Rachel Blaza 05071 10/7/1967 Biyan, Hanel Dean 17221 7/7/2004 Brown, Rachel Lynn I37I3 1/22/1997 Biyan, Hugh Douglas 09860 1 1/17/1987 Brown, Ralph Walter 15095 7/20/1999 Br)'ant, Andrea Saulsbeny 10882 7/25/1990 Brown, Ramona Gretal 14906 6/30/1999 Bryant, Christina Howerton 16430 6/24/2002 Brown, Randal Lee 05511 9/22/1970 Br>'ant, James Bedford 16257 3/19/2002 Brown, Robert Brent 10441 7/26/1989 Bryant, Jennifer Smith 04682 3/4/1964 Brown, Robeil Michael 09655 7/22/1987 Bryant, Joy Laveme 07338 4/24/1980 Brown, Sally Boyce 06702 4/15/1977 Biyant, Katherine Sawyer 13444 7/24/1996 Brown, Stacy Michelle 14867 6/30/1999 Bryant, Keith Wayne 10991 7/25/1990 Brown, Tabatlia McNeil 14444 7/2/1998 Bryant, Maiy Elizabeth 17173 7/7/2004 Brown, Toni Michelle 10541 7/26/1989 Bryant, Robbin Robertson 16337 6/19/2002 Brown, William Hcniy 12099 7/26/1993 Bryant, Sandi Irene 15954 7/5/2001 Browning, Allison Rebecca 16036 7/17/2001 Bryson, Christopher Robin 06058 9/18/1973 Browning, Barden Robbins 14445 7/2/1998 Bryson, Christyn Cagle 10637 1 1/21/1989 Browning, Emory Maynard 08317 5/10/1983 Biyson, Clyde Dean 05685 10/1/1971 Browning, George William 06339 9/9/1975 Bryson, Edward Lawrence 04467 3/6/1962 Browning, Sarah Upchurch 09005 7/26/1985 Biyson, Judy Cameron 14258 3/17/1998 Brown-Jimenez, Tina Lancttc 08710 7/30/1984 Buchanan, Charles Henry 1 1951 2/24/1993 Broyles, RohcH Reminc 15423 6/28/2000 Buchanan, Christopher Scott 09359 7/29/1986 Brucato, Michele Bizub 04570 3/5/1963 Buchanan, (Jeorge Ronald 15594 7/18/2000 Bruce, Leisa Ciail 05072 10/7/1967 Buchanan, J{thn Russell 10584 9/23/1989 Bruce, Stephen Ray 10442 7/26/1989 iiuchanan, Margaret McLarty 16338 6/19/2002 Brudenell, Mark Alan 12455 3/15/1994 Buchanan, Pamela Gault 10092 8/1/1988 Bruggcr, Pamela Jacobs 08860 1 1/20/1984 Buchcr, David Lee 08822 9/18/1984 Bmi.'nf)li, Mary Angela 12456 3/15/1994 Buck. Donald Arthur License Dale Number Reeistered 05S04 9/5/1972 10439 Pharmacisl N a m e Phamiacist N a m e REGISTERED P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9 / 3 0 / 2 0 0 4 License Date Number Reeistered Bucki-Moretz, Deanna Marie 07227 11/1/1979 Bunch, Michael Eugene 2/22/1984 Buckley, Stephen Gerard 09549 1/20/1987 Bunch, Sarah Camille 04051 12/6/1957 Buckner, Wilfred Billy 10755 3/20/1990 Bunch, Thomas Howard 16105 9/18/2001 Bucy, Amy Lynne 12824 1/27/1995 Bundy, Karia Spurlin 13189 9/19/1995 Budayr, Abduifattah M 09607 3/17/1987 Bunting, Bairy Alan 06448 4/5/1976 Buff, Norris Franklin 16431 6/24/2002 Bunting, Shelli Renee 06993 11/3/1978 Buford, Mickey Lewis 10693 2/21/1990 Buol, Glenda Marie 17075 2/4/2004 Bui, Song-Hong Nguyen 12275 7/26/1993 Burbank, Jacqueline Strickland 13744 2/25/1997 Bui, Tran N 15424 6/28/2000 Burch, David Lee 12549 7/26/1994 Buie, Gregoiy Dale 12100 7/26/1993 Burch, Jennifer Lynn 04154 2/27/1959 Buie, Wayne Melvin 15789 3/20/2001 Burch, John Markham 16709 2/4/2003 Bukowski, John Chester 05512 9/22/1970 Burch, William Henry 14546 7/21/1998 Bulaclac, Erlinda Mangune 09184 1/21/1986 Burden, Daniel Griftln 08385 8/3/1983 Bulla, Donald King 08336 7/19/1983 Burdine, Dewey Aldon 09728 7/22/1987 Bulla, Lydia Overton 16744 5/21/2003 Burford, Brian Alan 13445 7/24/1996 Bullard, Annette Graham 17148 5/18/2004 Burford, Julie Bennett 10443 7/26/1989 Bullard, James Samuel 15103 7/20/1999 Burgardt, Sara Tavemier 12406 1/19/1994 Bullard, Susan Alice 13058 7/25/1995 Burge, Traci Hunt 07754 7/24/1981 Bullard, Tina Alexander 15856 6/27/2001 Burgess, Amanda Francis 10883 7/25/1990 Bullins, Kimberly Wilkins 08574 2/22/1984 Burgess, Cynthia Peters 11330 7/24/1991 Bullins, Rhonda Fallin 08168 7/26/1982 Burgess, Dana White 10162 8/1/1988 Bullock, Kathi-yn Watson 11176 I/15/199I Burgess, Freddie Mack 05686 10/1/1971 Bullock, Lmry Douglas 07840 7/24/198! Burgess, Jennifer Price 06994 1 1/3/1978 Bullock, Robert Steven 16285 5/14/2002 Burian, Jane Frances 13637 9/17/1996 Bullock, Robeita Ann 07418 7/25/1980 Burke, Cecil Raymond 17175 7/7/2004 Bullock, Trish Nicole 13745 2/25/1997 Burke, Cheryl Lynn 11045 7/25/1990 Bulluck, Vickie Talton 06995 11/3/1978 Burke, James Thomas 16014 7/16/2001 Bulsara, Nita Ketan 08785 7/30/1984 Burke, Linda Riggs 13929 7/1/1997 Bumgardner, Brookie Hogg 12982 7/25/1995 Burkhart, Brandi M 05123 4/4/1968 Bumgardner, Martha Catoe 04840 7/2/1965 Burks, Anne Kelly 04064 2/28/1958 Bumgardner, Shirley Weaver 16599 9/24/2002 Burks, Craig David 06096 1/9/1974 Buingarner, Patricia Owens 06849 9/23/1977 Burks, Leighton Carter 15458 6/28/2000 Bumgamer, Rebecca Moore 06543 9/15/1976 Burleson, Ken Austin 05563 9/22/1970 Buingarner, Susan Stafford 05409 4/2/1970 Burleson, Kenneth W'as'ne 14365 6/26/1998 Bunch, Edie Hicks 09656 7/22/1987 Bumctt, John Colbert License Date Number Reeistered 09147 11/19/1985 08573 Pharmacist N a m e Pharmacist N a m e R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Reeistered Buniey, Claude Franklin 15512 7/6/2000 11/2/1961 Bumey, Hennan Matthews 16279 3/27/2002 Bushee, Gerald Phillip 0734S 4/24/1980 Burney, Lisa Gilreath 13290 2/21/1996 Butler, Alan Eric 07419 7/25/1980 Bumey, Robert Lewis 05514 9/22/1970 Butler, Clifford Roosevelt 14197 1/22/1998 Burney, Steven Bruce 11870 9/22/1992 Butler, David Eugene 10992 7/25/1990 Burns, Catherine Williams 13390 7/16/1996 Butler, David Richard 0870! 7/30/1984 Bums, Karen Beaver 07865 9/15/1981 Butler, Gloria Agosto 12322 9/21/1993 Burns, Maureen Estelle 13326 2/21/1996 Butler, Joy Peterson 16227 1/15/2002 B u m s , Melanie Marie 05261 4/10/1969 Butler, Linda Lynch 06544 9/15/1976 Bums, William Otway 17053 1/22/2004 Butler, Melissa Geiri 15665 8/10/2000 Bumside, Michelle 10184 9/20/1988 Butler, Patricia Page 09657 7/22/1987 Burrell, James David 04107 7/7/1958 Butler, Robert Dean 10057 8/1/1988 Burrell, Lynn Cooke 16931 7/8/2003 Butler, Sharon Rena 03555 7/2/1952 Burris, Loy Ray 1339! 7/16/1996 Butler, Vicky Lynne 04683 3/4/1964 Burroughs, Malcolm Winston 17431 9/21/2004 Butts, Curtis Wayne 14420 6/29/1998 Burroughs, Sean Matthew 08388 8/3/1983 Butts, Daniel Thomas 14497 7/8/1998 Burroughs, Shannon Wood 10694 2/21/1990 Butts, Ronald Charles 08067 7/26/1982 Bunoughs, Terrence VanLoren 14343 6/26/1998 But/., Linda Miller 08195 9/21/1982 BuiTOws, Cynthia Lynch 16507 7/8/2002 03228 6/18/1948 Bunus, Brainard Monroe 10585 9/23/1989 Byerly, Gary Dean 08711 7/30/1984 Burrus, Jan Lovelace 10831 7/17/1990 Byerly, Wesley Grimes 08387 8/3/1983 Burrus, Samuel Brainard 07937 3/1/1982 Byers, Charles Hope 07229 1 1/1/1979 Burrus, Stephen Anthony 12102 7/26/1993 Byers, David Monroe 07936 3/1/1982 Burrus, Thomas Vernon 11700 7/24/1992 Bynum, Amy Baker 16630 10/14/2002 Burruss, Royce Allen 06996 1 1/3/1978 Bynum, Charles Teriy 05513 9/22/1970 Burton, Joseph Franklin 16474 6/28/2002 Byram, Heather Elizabeth 1 1034 7/25/1990 Burton, Lori Simon 13974 7/1/1997 Byrd, Amanda Moslcy 07760 7/24/1981 Burton, Paula Barfield 15257 1/18/2000 Byrd, David P 12550 7/26/1994 Burwell, Margaret Caroline 16475 6/28/2002 Byrd, CJina Michelle 03526 12/17/1951 Busbee, Jolm Anliur 14348 6/26/1998 Byrd, Jennifer Cooper 05410 4/2/1970 Busbee, John Robert 169(J6 7/1/2003 15857 6/27/2001 Busch, Benita h.laine 13261 12/15/1995 Byrd. Johnny Eugene 15143 9/21/1999 Buscr, James Thomas 05806 9/5/1972 Byrti. Luther Stevens 16953 7/16/2003 Bush, Dorae Christina 16498 7/3/2002 Byrd, Ralph Daniel 11718 7/24/1992 Bush, Mark Allan 10765 3/20/1990 Byrd, Sally Harrison License Date Number Reeistered 06SS6 4/14/1978 04443 Phannacist Name Phannacist Name Bush, Melissa J Bycroft, Ryan Glenn Byrti, Jennifer Yarborough R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Reeistered Phannacist Name Byrd, Susan Ellen 14978 7/2/1999 Callison, Brock Erin Byrum, Mark Pope 10703 2/21/1990 Calloway. Kimberly Edmunds 2/21/1990 Cabaleiro, Jose M 15144 9/21/1999 Calnan, Michael Edward 06545 9/15/1976 Cable, Pamela Denese 08068 7/26/1982 Calverley, Carolyn Sue 09573 3/2/1987 Cadd, Leslie Ladd 16499 7/3/2002 Calvert, Daniel Robert 09211 2/27/1986 Cadmus, Lynn Carol 16454 6/27/2002 Calvert, Sara Bristol 15539 7/7/2000 Cafiero, Angela Christine 12983 7/25/1995 Cameron, Angela Haminons 11455 7/24/1991 Cagide, Melissa Stone 07116 4/27/1979 Cameron, Donald Gunter 13865 6/27/1997 Cagle, Richard David 03989 3/1/1957 Cameron, Marcus 05073 10/7/1967 Cagle, Stephen Wayne 06342 9/9/1975 Cameron, Marcus Frederick I585S 6/27/2001 Cahall, Lori Woodall 05015 4/1/1967 Cameron, William Stewart 09006 7/26/1985 Cahoon, Melanie Spencer 14754 1/29/1999 Camp, Gary A 10899 7/25/1990 Cain, April Davis 10270 2/27/1989 Camp, Mitchell Glen 12103 7/26/1993 Cain, Betsy Taylor 12056 7/20/1993 Campanile, Paul Nicholas 06254 4/10/1975 Cain, Eric Howard 13551 7/24/1996 Campbell, Amy Owen 16797 7/1/2003 Cain, Jason Bryce 12405 1/19/1994 Campbell, Karen Lynn 1 1321 7/24/1991 Cain, JoAnn Elizabeth 16418 6/21/2002 Campbell, Kristen Bova 05383 12/2/1969 Caiola, Judith Siracusa 17070 1/23/2004 Campbell, Noll Linden 05297 5/6/1969 Caiola, Stephen Michael 08103 7/26/1982 Campbell, Rebecca Hedrick 15447 6/28/2000 Caivano, Christine Ketchie 1 1824 7/24/1992 Campbell, Reid Robertson 16978 8/20/2003 Cala, Suzanne Obillo 12106 7/26/1993 Campbell, Robert Curtis 14432 6/30/1998 Calabro, Melissa 15416 6/14/2000 Campbell, Udobi Chinemerem 15209 11/16/1999 Calagis, George Christian 16565 7/19/2002 Campbell, Vanessa Walker 09007 7/26/1985 Calcutt, James Lee 10640 11/21/1989 Campbell-Bright, Stacy Lyn 13660 9/17/1996 Calcutt, Toni Parsons 09373 7/29/1986 Campbell-Cobb, Melanie Butler 11717 7/24/1992 Calderon, Cassandra Burke 13638 9/17/1996 Campion, Bonnie Irene 04514 7/10/1962 Caldwell, Hugh Cannon 12905 5/19/1995 Canada, Andrew Thornton 13197 9/19/1995 Caldwell, Jenny Helms 06944 4/12/1978 Canaday, Bruce Robert 06177 9/17/1974 Caldwell, John Wilson 03051 6/29/1944 Canaday, Merwin Sharpe 06341 9/9/1975 Calhoun, John Steven 16960 7/23/2003 Canady, Scott Bradford 09608 3/17/1987 Calhoun, Louisa Dunning 17095 3/16/2004 Canale, Michael Joseph 13287 2/21/1996 Calhoun, Paula Bess 07115 4/27/1979 Canipe, Painela Sipe 15757 1/24/2001 Calhoun, William Lampkin 06450 4/5/1976 Cannon,John Lee 16533 7/12/2002 Caligiure, Chase M 09035 7/26/1985 Cannon, Karen Greene 03876 11/19/1955 Callicutt, Richard Douglas 10243 1/17/1989 Cannon, Michael Alan License Date Number Reeistered 17393 8/2/2004 0S390 8/3/1983 10695 Phannacist Name R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Reeistered Cannon, Ralph Donald 04957 10/6/1966 Carr, Robert Lee 9/17/1974 Cannon, William Bruce 15186 9/21/1999 Carr, Stanford David 16831 7/1/2003 Cantrell, Rebecca King 11719 7/24/1992 CaiT, Wendy Jones 07291 11/1/1979 Cantrell, Robin White 04065 2/28/1958 Carraway, Ernest Leroy 12934 7/18/1995 Capalbo, Louis Michael 04156 2/27/1959 Cairaway, Loretta Johnson 15580 7/14/2000 Capell, Miclielle Leali 07766 7/24/1981 Carrelli, Michael Antonio 11193 2/1/1991 Capin, Julie Ann 07II8 4/27/1979 Carrier, James Arthur 14993 7/6/1999 Capobianchi, Michael 07414 7/25/1980 Carrigan, Cynthia Base 17054 1/22/2004 Caporale, Maripaz 08069 7/26/1982 Can'inger, Laura Banner 05910 4/12/1973 Capps, Carl Anderson 07208 10/16/1979 Carroll, Alan Lewis 08123 7/26/1982 Capps, Debra Lindsay 06016 9/18/1973 CaiToll, Ervin McKay 11994 3/16/1993 Ci:''acciola, Diane Ramona 05911 4/12/1973 Carroll, James Murray 16147 11/20/2001 Caraway, Theresa Claire 07209 10/16/1979 Carroll, Julia Franco 15678 9/19/2000 Carcione, Philip Joseph 14106 9/16/1997 Carroll, Laura Stephens 10434 7/26/1989 Carder, Susan Brady 08070 7/26/1982 Carroll, Maty Puckett 06015 9/18/1973 Cardin, Richard Franklin 06661 4/15/1977 Carroll, Nonnan Vernon 15210 11/16/1999 Cardinal, Sharon R 17341 7/12/2004 Carroll, Patricia Brennan 10446 7/26/1989 Cardwell, Phillis Chance 06998 I 1/3/1978 CaiToll, Stephen Russell 08066 7/26/1982 Cardwell, Teiri Bruestle 12314 7/28/1993 Carroll, Tonya Ameirylis 09374 7/29/1986 Carey, Donald Frank 14547 7/21/1998 Carruth, Larr>' David 07576 1/20/198! Caricote, Ralph Boyer 05182 9/23/1968 Carson, Beverley Frost 13639 9/17/1996 Caristo, Anthony J 10832 7/17/1990 Carson, Stanley Wan'en 12107 7/26/1993 Carlisle-Rich, Frances Susan 14153 1 1/24/1997 Carson, William W 06660 4/15/1977 Carlton, William Bruce 03017 6/4/1943 Carswell, John Hampton 13265 1/17/1996 Cames, Deborah Len 05687 10/1/1971 Carswcll, Stephen Ray 12260 7/26/1993 Carney, Frances Sinnctt 08227 1/18/1983 Carta, Robert Francis 14870 6/30/1999 Carney, Kimberly Napier 08861 1 1/20/1984 Cartagena, Marcia Kennedy 15823 5/15/2001 Carnohan, Valerie DiVito 13785 3/18/1997 Carter, Catherine Becbe 04571 3/5/1963 Carpenter, Charles Berman 13786 3/18/1997 Carter, Charles Anthony 073 13 1/15/1980 Carpenter, [:mest Scott 12554 7/26/1994 Carter, Charles Kevin 061 13 4/9/1974 Carpenter, James David 04834 7/2/1965 Carter, Charles Wesley 07765 7/24/1981 Carpenter, Larry Charles 09097 7/26/1985 Carter, Cynthia Turner 12984 7/25/1995 Carpenter. Tonya Kay 07527 10/21/1980 Carter, David Woodrow 15936 7/2/200 i Carr, Anneliese Kristin 04 1 08 7/7/1958 094 7S 9/16/1986 Carr. Da\'id Leonard 12674 7/26/1994 License Dale Number Reeislered llOSl 9/18/1990 06178 Pharmacist Name Phannacist Name Carter, Donald Kernnt Carter, Ennly Pulley REGISTERED P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9 / 3 0 / 2 0 0 4 License Date License Date Number Reeistered Pharmacist N a m e Number Reeistered 09376 7/29/1986 Cailer, Jeflrey Lee 10521 7/26/1989 Casmus, Teresa Moore 05326 10/2/1969 Carter, John Kenneth 05516 9/22/1970 Casper, Richard Yoder 13748 2/25/1997 Carter, Johnnie 14951 6/30/1999 Cassano, Angela Turner 16340 6/19/2002 Caller, Kathy Annette 08395 8/3/1983 Cassil, Donna Faye Clark 04205 7/2/1959 Carter, Lee Chandler 12557 7/26/1994 Castelloe, Andrew Coleman 10064 8/1/1988 Carter, Leslie Dolezal 09863 11/I7/I987 Castiglia, Mary 13038 7/25/1995 Carter, Melanie Hagans 16798 7/1/2003 16644 1 1/20/2002 Carter, Michael Andrew 10568 7/26/1989 Gates, Laura Williams 06179 9/17/1974 Carter, Nancy Barham 07949 3/1/1982 Gates, Pamela Hayes 03457 6/28/1951 Carter, Ralph Edward 10449 7/26/1989 Gates, Philip Burrell 15790 3/20/2001 Carter, Ross Morton 12428 2/24/1994 Cathcart, Sandra Elizabeth 15063 7/20/1999 Carter, Starling G Blackbum 07866 9/15/1981 Cato, Charles David 14874 6/30/1999 Carter, Susan Ashley 12109 7/26/1993 Caudill, James Andrew 16432 6/24/2002 Carter, Tracy Haigler 07120 4/27/1979 Caudill, Jo-Ann Lang 09862 1 1/17/1987 Cartin, Caroline Wylie 12935 7/18/1995 Caudill, Karen Marie 10447 7/26/1989 Cartrette, Matthew Charles 09377 7/29/1986 Cauley, Kelly Olivia 10468 7/26/1989 Caitrette, Pamela Jean Duncan 15886 6/27/2001 Cauthen, Lauren April Kennedy 12555 7/26/1994 Cartwright, Abbey Heath 12471 5/10/1994 Cauthen, Michael Edward 05807 9/5/1972 Carver, James Edward 12243 7/26/1993 Cavaliere, Anissa Pike 10051 8/1/1988 Carver, Jeffrey Wayne 12925 5/26/1995 Cavanaugh, Margaret Helen 17176 7/7/2004 Carver, Maiy Emily 03283 6/30/1949 Cavanaugh, Samuel MacDonald 15319 3/21/2000 Carver, Robert Oliver 10749 2/21/1990 Caveness, Elizabeth McBrayer 06451 4/5/1976 Carver, Wheeler Louis 08072 7/26/1982 Caviness, James Keith 08646 5/22/1984 Casacchia, Joseph 10890 7/25/1990 Cawa, Angela Keren 11121 10/25/1990 Cascio, Jay Anthony 05688 10/1/1971 Cawthorne, George Kennedy 07665 7/21/1981 Cascio, Marian Lawrence 09185 1/21/1986 Cazad, Gary Alan 06887 4/14/1978 Casey, Dennis Nelson 04573 3/5/1963 Cekada, Emil Lewis 06573 9/15/1976 Casey, Johnnie Hicks 15064 7/20/1999 Gender, Dawn Elizabeth 03871 10/25/1955 Cash, James Ezell 15373 5/16/2000 Cerza, Paul Francis 08993 8/10/1985 Cash, Patricia Ann 16949 7/15/2003 Chadha, Manmeet Kaur 06114 4/9/1974 Cash, Roger Wiley 06017 9/18/1973 Chae, Kyoung Ja 09625 3/17/1987 Cash, Roxie Jean 09016 7/26/1985 Chaffiottc, Bonnie Creech 08647 5/22/1984 Cash, Terrence Lynn 16645 11/20/2002 Chambers, Charles Raymond 12556 7/26/1994 Cash, William Edward 13820 5/14/1997 Chainbers, Renee Isler 14671 i 1/24/1998 Casiere, Anthony Daniel 04618 7/5/1963 Pharmacist Name Castillo, Nanci Jo Chamblee, Frederick Clifton R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS OI 9/30/2004 License Date Number Reeistered Champ. Melissa Wilson 16106 9/18/2001 Charurat. Bella 1 1/24/1998 Champaneria, Rita C 15860 6/27/2001 Chatellier, Kimberly Denning 156SU 9/19/2000 Champion, Peter Wilson 09104 7/26/1985 Chater, Rebecca Wheeler 17412 8/10/2004 Chan, Karen 07148 4/27/1979 Chatfield, Carol Maple 05377 11/19/1969 Chancellor, Herbert Paul 12057 7/20/1993 Chauvin, Kathiyn Lyn 15791 3/20/2001 Chandarana, Ashok J 08918 2/26/1985 Chavis, DeLois Duvonya 17296 7/7/2004 Chandler, Crystal Shull 07048 11/3/1978 Cheek, Gayle Merritt 12559 7/26/1994 Chandler, Gregory Scott 12112 7/26/1993 Cheek, Jody Edward 03429 2/27/1951 Chandler, Joseph Washington 07580 2/17/1981 Cheek, LeGretta Ford 121 10 7/26/1993 Chandler. Rand McBrayer 07867 9/15/1981 Cheek, Nancy Wheat 075SS 2/27/1981 Chandler, Ronme Lee 07868 9/15/1981 Check, William Brown 05194 10/3/1968 Chandler, Wayne Gilbert 14549 7/21/1998 Chen, Michael Zie 17177 7/7/2004 '"nandonnct, Jennifer Lee 15956 7/5/2001 Chen, Sheh-Li 16932 7/8/2003 Chaney, Olivia Brooke 12927 7/5/1995 Chen, Susan Jui-Lan 15859 6/27/2001 Chang, Cynthia S 14612 9/15/1998 Chenault. Anisa Browning- 12429 2/24/1994 Chang, Lisa Iwen 07768 7/24/1981 Chenault, Carlisle 16799 7/1/2003 Chao, Fan-Hsiu 1 1370 7/24/1991 Cheney, Ann Jackson 13447 7/24/1996 Chapano. Mark Edmund 12023 5/18/1993 Cheney, Bany Richard 16200 1/16/2002 Chapel, Melissa Lyn 05255 4/10/1969 Chepenik, Leslie Barry 1211 1 7/26/1993 Chapin, Dorothy Smith 15066 7/20/1999 Cherkis, Joseph 11872 9/22/1992 Chapman, Angela Trahan 15286 1/27/2000 Chcipelis, Penny 14468 7/2/1998 Chapman. April Robinson 1 1507 9/17/1991 Cherry, James Ronald 07938 3/1/1982 Chapman, Billic Spruill 16583 7/29/2002 Cherry, Martin Edward 06018 9/18/1973 Chapman, Charles William 05394 2/27/1970 Cheskis, Robert Myron 10054 8/1/1988 Chapman, George Lucas 09379 7/29/1986 Chesnutt, Charles Nicholas 16541 7/16/2002 Chapman, John Tyson I 1587 2/21/1992 Chesson, Daphne Lynn 10665 1/16/1990 Chapman, Kenneth Franklin 14482 7/7/1998 Chester, Cristen Deanne 05689 10/1/1971 Chapman, Lillian Pritchard 16085 7/26/2001 Cheung, Cynthia Camille 08392 8/3/1983 Chapman. Lisa Ann 15363 4/17/2000 Chhabra, Remi 11082 9/18/1990 ChafMnan, Ronnie 15862 6/27/2001 Chhatrala. Simakumari Shailcsl 08853 11/1/1984 Chapman. Sheila Gayl 14875 6/30/1999 Chi, Sarah KoBok 10072 8/I/I988 ('hapman. Tammy Gilliam 11310 7/24/1991 Chicclla, Michael i-KHller 14345 6/26/1998 Chapman, William Bobcrick 14967 7/2/199'; Childers, Caiyn Rebecca 05984 6/19/1973 Chapman, William Bobcrick 15596 7/18/2000 Childress, Jason Lec 14811 5/18/1999 ChaiT. Jeflrey Sluarl 13866 6/27/1997 Childress, Kellcy Anne License Date Number Reeistered 15955 7/5/2001 14672 Phamiacist Name Phannacist Name R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9 / 3 0 / 2 0 0 4 License Date License Date Number Registered Phannacist Name Number Registered 07002 11/3/1978 Childress, Kemp Jan 09242 2/27/1986 Church, Donna Vestal 1 1721 7/24/1992 Childress, Russell Gray 13449 7/24/1996 Church, Laura Buingarner 17079 2/11/2004 Childress, Samuel Lee 17157 6/21/2004 Ciccarello, Joseph Brian 09149 1 1/19/1985 Childress, Talley Hdward 10698 2/21/1990 Ciezkowski, Joe 16433 6/24/2002 Chin, Elaine Hoi-Shan 14040 7/15/1997 Cissi, Tracy A 07003 11/3/1978 Chin, Rose Kong-Nie 16801 7/1/2003 15863 6/27/2001 Chineiy, Ciive Robert 12987 7/25/1995 Claiborne, Liane Michelle 10186 9/20/1988 Chinnock, David Alan 1131 1 7/24/1991 Clark, Andrew Harrison 12216 7/26/1993 Chitla, Doreelin Mendoza 14877 6/30/1999 Clark, Anika Arianna 12562 7/26/1994 Chitla, John Douglas 07408 7/25/1980 Clark, Beverly Adkins 15726 11/21/2000 Chittum, Wayne Edward 06343 9/9/1975 Clark, Catherine Carter 08073 7/26/1982 Chitty, Catherine J 10892 7/25/1990 Clark, Charles Alan 13787 3/18/1997 Chivers, Curtis Brian 14421 6/29/1998 Clark, Cindy Michele 16800 7/1/2003 Cho, Sueyoung Elizabeth 10090 8/1/1988 Clark, Deborah Howard 15212 1 1/16/1999 Chodrow, Jeffrey Alan 09916 2/24/1988 Clark, Denise Atkinson 08229 1/18/1983 Choiniere, Angela Brotherton 06893 4/14/1978 Clark, Dessie Elliot 17120 4/30/2004 Chokshi, Shimul Shobhan 12246 7/26/1993 Clark, Elizabeth Ann 14347 6/26/1998 Chopoorian, Deidre Lin 12024 5/18/1993 Clark, Gaiy Douglas 14143 10/20/1997 Chou, Wein-Hwei 07422 7/25/1980 Clark, Howard Russell 07667 7/21/1981 Chow, Zarina Wai-Ping 04373 3/6/1961 Clark, Hugh Mercer 15724 10/26/2000 Choy, Angela Mercedes 15864 6/27/2001 Clark, Johnanna Ogden 09380 7/29/1986 Chriscoe, Henry Franklin 12560 7/26/1994 Clark, Karen Chavis 11452 7/24/1991 Chrismon, Melanie Smothers 16939 7/8/2003 Clark, K a n i e Shaffer 07090 1/24/1979 Christ, Gary Isidore 14878 6/30/1999 Clark, Kristen Hefner 17178 7/7/2004 Christensen, Amanda Beth 09076 7/26/1985 Clark, Lori Parsons 14876 6/30/1999 Christensen, Bcthanie Sue 11953 2/24/1993 Clark, Lynette M 15579 7/14/2000 Christian, Jennifer Briley 08296 3/15/1983 Clark, Matilda Anne 13448 7/24/1996 Christian, Kelli Sinnons 07005 11/3/1978 Clark, Ned Long 16081 7/25/2001 Christian, Tracie Rothrock- 15513 7/6/2000 Clark, Owen Fredric 07004 1 1/3/1978 Christiansen, Marc J 15028 7/15/1999 Clark, Paul Derrick 11083 9/18/1990 Christopher, Donna Lee 07769 7/24/1981 Clark, Renae Eckard 04271 2/25/1960 Chronister, David Lee 12877 3/21/1995 Clark, Robert B 1 1337 7/24/1991 Chrusniak, Susan Geer 10537 7/26/1989 Clark, Ruth Prescott 08074 7/26/1982 Chu, Paul 07423 7/25/1980 Clark, Sarah Key 15662 8/4/2000 Cliu, Te-Hsin Annie 09150 11/19/1985 Clark, Suzanne Phannacist Name Claiborne, Kelly Denny R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date License Date Number Reeistered Phamiacist Name Number Reeistered 121 14 7 26,1993 Clark, Tnnothy Hall 06159 4/16/1974 Clinard, Paul Michael 1393! 7/1/1997 Clark, Trina Jeaiie 15558 7/13/2000 Clinard, Valene Britt 07566 11/18/1980 Clark, Wanda Bun-oughs 06344 9/9/1975 Clinard, William JoDan 14764 3/16/1999 Clarke, Cyntlua Eileen 05412 4/2/1970 Cline, Ernie Lee 14537 7/21/1998 Clarkson, Palmer Blair 05750 4/7/1972 Cline, Frances Goodricli 09661 7/22/1987 Clavin, John Grattan 1329! 2/21/1996 Cline, John Wint'ield 09756 7/22/1987 Clavin, Leigh Sullivan 13867 6/27/1997 Cline, Julie Cliaftln 04157 2/27/1959 Clay, Albert Sidney 05742 4/7/1972 Cline, Lariy Alan 121 15 7/26/1993 Clay, Anne Elizabeth 16803 7/1/2003 Cline, Melanie Church 10132 8/1/1988 Clay, Beverly Ridgeway 07296 1 1/20/1979 Cline, Melvin Gaston 09662 7/22/1987 Clay, Demk Richard 16201 i/16/2002 Cline, Michelle Moon 14879 6/30/1999 Clay, James Blackwood 13868 6/27/1997 Cline, Patrick Wayne 06581 9/15/1976 Clay, Rebecca Bost 08077 7/26/1982 Cline, Ralph Dalton 11722 7/24/1992 Clay, William Heniy 12563 7/26/1994 Cline, Rodney Gerald 11822 7/24/1992 Clayton, Amanda Reaves 1 1508 9/17/1991 Clines, Dawn C 10450 7/26/1989 Clayton, Jeny D'Wayne 10300 2/27/1989 Clinton, Ellison Lee 13002 7/25/1995 Clayton, Kelly Draughn 12116 7/26/1993 Clodfelter, Anthony Carroll 16038 7/17/2001 Clayton, Robert Dean 12988 7/25/1995 Clodfelter, Chad Everett 15488 6/30/2000 Clayton, Wyna N Blackman 061 15 4/9/1974 Cloer, Lany Ross I3I73 7/25/1995 Cleaiy. Melva Womble 10452 7/26/1989 Cloninger, Bryon Mark 14812 5/18/1999 CIcary, Paul Edward 17179 7/7/2004 Cloninger, Melissa Darlene 08702 7/30/1984 Cleary, Susan Davis 16912 7/2/2003 Clontz, Jeffrey Van 1302! 7/25/1995 Cleghom, Ainy Foster 15164 9/21/1999 Close, Michele Lovick 03557 7/2/1952 Clelland, Alec W 07771 7/24/198! Close, Walter Allison 03921 4/17/1956 Clelland, Susan Ozeda 04608 3/26/1963 Clow, James Willis 14880 6/30/1999 Clement, Stephanie House 08256 2/22/1983 Coaker, Tracy Cleveland 15598 7/18/2000 Clements, Julie l-'reudenberg 14077 7/23/1997 Coates, Jimmy J 15681 9/19/2000 d e m o n s , Angela T 13780 2/25/1997 Coates, Susan Waldn)p 08076 7/26/1982 Clevcnger, Robert Brent 04895 3/31/1966 Coats, Leonard Edward 11995 3/16/1993 CliObrd, Charles Keith 10055 8/1/1988 Coats, I,ynne Colston 16668 12/3/2002 Clittord, Sherwood L. 1 1723 7/24/1992 Cohh, Allison ( lippanl 08715 7/30/1984 Clifton. Shirley Arme 07830 7/24/1981 Cobli, (iloria Munay 14499 7/9/1998 Clifton-Pace, Stephanie Yvette 1 1724 7/24/1992 CobI), Henr>' ("arler 05990 7/17/1973 Clinard, Claudia Polk 07670 7/21/1981 Cohl), Jacque I-erguson 09664 7/22/1987 Clinard. Jeanne Clyde 0807X 7/26/1982 Colib, Jenel Wood Phannacist N a m e R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date License Date Number Reeistered Pharmacist N a m e Number Registered 159SS 7/9/2001 Cobb, Kristie Smith 12758 11/15/1994 Coleman, James Harold L351 1 7/24/1996 Cobb, Rhonda Lynn 08978 7/16/1985 Coleman, James Melvin 09476 9/16/1986 Cobb, Sarah Beale 13597 7/24/1996 Coleman, Karena Stone 08258 2/22/1983 Cobb, Stephen Wayne 15425 6/28/2000 Coleman, Sharon Leigh 12373 11/30/1993 Cobb, Winford D 07340 4/24/1980 Coleson, Jeffery Perry 09461 7/29/1986 Coble, Deana Watkins 04462 3/6/1962 07671 7/21/1981 Cocchetto, David Michael 10007 7/19/1988 11874 9/22/1992 Cocchieri, Peter Christopher 10056 8/1/1988 Coley, Edward Roderick 07006 1 1/3/1978 Cochran, Harlen Lynn 04024 7/4/1957 Coley, Walter Newton 16639 1 1/1/2002 Cockman, Robert Grandison 06538 9/15/1976 Collette, Annette Aman 1030S 3/21/1989 Codo-McNeil, Paula Lee 17383 7/23/2004 Colley, Isabel 10453 7/26/1989 Cody, David Emmett 06453 4/5/1976 Collie, Walter Bernard 10895 7/25/1990 Cody, Karen Voitus 15489 6/30/2000 Collier, Shauna Lynn 09186 1/21/1986 Gofer, Sterling Burton 15842 5/15/2001 Collins, Brandi Lee 09010 7/26/1985 Coffey, 1 eiry Lee 12119 7/26/1993 Collins, Carolyn Annette 14234 2/17/1998 Coggins, Angela Briggs 13343 3/19/1996 Collins, Christopher Todd 12989 7/25/1995 Coggins, Julie Jayne 1 1315 7/24/1991 Collins, David Michael 12118 7/26/1993 Coggins, Mark Dairin 12906 5/19/1995 Collins, Deborah Jean 14286 5/12/1998 Cohen, Lisa 08489 8/3/1983 Collins, Deborah Wrenn 16804 7/1/2003 Coker, Brian Wayne 10699 2/21/1990 Collins, Jeffery Eric 12590 7/26/1994 Coker, Huyla Gae Garrett 05518 9/22/1970 Collins, Leslie Gordon 16107 9/18/2001 Colarusso, Francis Joseph 09665 7/22/1987 Collins, Robert Vernon 16933 7/8/2003 Colby, Brandi Allman 09666 7/22/1987 Collins, Vance Edwin 03653 6/29/1953 Cole, Alfred Franklin 07123 4/27/1979 Collins, Vernon David 08341 7/19/1983 Cole, Cris Joel 13562 7/24/1996 Collison, Janet Dawn 12835 2/22/1995 Cole, Deborah Lynn 07773 7/24/1981 Collums, Elizabeth Fulbright 07098 3/20/1979 Cole, James Wiley 04896 3/31/1966 Coin, William Gerald 11314 7/24/1991 Cole, Joseph Jerald 16646 11/20/2002 Colombo, Amy Jo 08576 2/22/1984 Cole, L a n y Dale 08899 2/26/1985 Colonel, Thomas Martin 11794 7/24/1992 Cole, Laura Lauck 06116 4/9/1974 Coltrane, Rebecca Buchanan 17087 2/20/2004 Cole, Mikel Kathleen 06019 9/18/1973 Coltranc, Warren Val 10245 1/17/1989 Cole, Ralph Frederick 11085 9/18/1990 Colucci, Frank Louis 13451 7/24/1996 Coleman, Corey Tremain 11807 7/24/1992 Combs, Amanda Morris 07529 10/21/1980 Coleman, Dana Eric 06117 4/9/1974 Combs, Henry Br^'ant 06638 1 1/15/1976 Coleman, Esther Ruth 12990 7/25/1995 Combs, Stephanie Embrcy Phannacist Name Coley, Barbara Bell Coley, Charles Cuilis R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Dale Number Reeislered 10036 S'1M9SS 14862 License Number Date Reeistered CoiTietbrd, Karen Andrews 1 1286 7/24/1991 Cooper, April Andrews 6/30/1999 Comer, Danielle Bigelow 09385 7/29/1986 Cooper, Benjamin Michael 08534 1 I/15/19S3 Conerly, Emily Belz 16934 7/8/2003 Cooper, Chelsea Paige 17180 7/7/2004 Confer, Mandy Lee 04468 3/6/1962 Cooper, Gary Stanley 11677 7/21/1992 Conforti, Elizabeth Foster 16419 6/21/2002 Cooper, Juliette Bates 16989 9/16/2003 Conklin, Cher>'l Ann 14422 6/29/1998 Cooper, Kevin Thomas 13788 3/18/1997 Conklin, William David 05912 4/12/1973 Cooper, Lewis Nelson 16508 7/8/2002 Conlee-Luckett, Carolyn Marie 04605 3/8/1963 Cooper, Richard Daniel 07444 7/25/1980 Connell, Nancy Fridy 12123 7/26/1993 Cooper, Richard Earl 04958 10/6/1966 Connelly, Fred Allen 1 1020 7/25/1990 Cooper, Sabra Quarles 10907 7/25/1990 Connelly, Julie Faulkner 06257 4/10/1975 Coor, Lawrence Banks 09383 7/29/1986 Conner, Laura Suzanne 11645 5/20/1992 Cope, Mary Ann 14199 1/22/1998 Conner, Paula Burke 04283 2/25/1960 Copeland, Joanne Bullard 12789 1/18/1995 Connor, Shuler Martha 14606 8/12/1998 Copeland, Kelly Michelle 04806 3/3/1965 Connors, Nancy Bullock 12936 7/18/1995 Copeland, Kenneth Ray 171 10 3/16/2004 Conoley, Ruthann Marie 061 18 4/9/1974 Copening, Helen Costella 17127 5/18/2004 Conov, Natalia 04897 3/31/1966 Coppage, Richard Lee 09384 7/29/1986 Constantian, Sara Kathleen 1 1327 7/24/1991 Coppcdge, Michelle Edwards 08486 8/3/1983 Conti, Marissa Dawn 08079 7/26/1982 Coppedge, William Waiter 04686 3/4/1964 Cook, Briggs Edward 04422 7/3/1961 Copses, James Peter 16244 1/31/2002 Cook, David Wayne 14881 6/30/1999 Corbett, Amanda Harris 12664 7/26/1994 Cook, Jennifer Parker 14586 7/23/1998 Corbell, Christine DeRienzo 16343 6/19/2002 Cook, Jonathan David 09320 7/15/1986 Corbett, David Munro 09276 5/12/1986 Cook, Larry Jeffrey 08080 7/26/1982 Corbett, Jean Hesse 12566 7/26/1994 Cook, Michelle Jones 1 7429 9/14/2004 Corlcy, Jennifer Lynn 13789 3/18/1997 Cook, Paul Blake 07965 3/1/1982 Cornelius, Kathy Morrison 09773 7/22/1987 Cook, Renee Williams 08342 7/19/1983 Cornell, Katharine Ogden 13085 7/25/1995 Cooke, Amy Elizabeth 1 1954 2/24/1993 Cornett, Susan Payne 05140 4/4/1968 Cooke, Jacquelyn Smith 10153 8/1/1988 11727 7/24/1992 Cooke, Julie firogan 05617 3/29/1971 Cornwell, Gary Dean 09205 2/27/1986 Cooke, Margaret Barnes 07099 3/20/1979 Cornwell, George Richard 07040 1 1/3/1978 Cooke, Robin Lane 1 6924 7/7/2003 C(tniwell, Kathr>'n Louise 1 1678 7/21/1992 Cooley. I'Yederick C 16981 9/3/2003 Correll, Todd Alan 15727 11/21/2000 Coombs, Stephen John 10246 1/17/1989 Cortes, Ana Maria I498I 7/2/1999 Cooper. Amanda Lee 12V.6 1 1/1/1993 Corts, Vanessa Jean Phannacist Name Pharmacist N a m e Cornette, Sybil Thornton REGISTERED License Date Number Reeistered P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9 / 3 0 / 2 0 0 4 Pharmacist N a m e License Date Number Reeistered Phannacist Name 05882 1 1/21/1972 Corwin, Douglas TeiTy 10217 11/15/1988 Cowden, William Irvine 13459 7/24/1996 Cosby, Susan Deaver 06869 1/20/1978 Cowne, Euvona Bach 16109 9/18/2001 Cosentino, DonnaMarie Judith 06854 10/21/1977 Cowne, Stephen Michael 14326 6/18/1998 Cosentino, Joseph 09145 1 1/14/1985 Cox, Carol Fleming 14108 9/16/1997 Cosgriff, Sean Patrick 06324 7/18/1975 Cox, David Nomian 07342 4/24/1980 Cosgrove, Dena Turner 11510 9/17/1991 Cox, Gail Bartholomew 12878 3/21/1995 Costagliola, Robert Peter 05657 4/21/1971 Cox, Gordon Wendell 05378 1 1/19/1969 Costin, Arthur Michael 16827 7/1/2003 Cox, Heather Lindsay 07231 1 1/1/1979 Costner, Edwin Reid 13289 2/21/1996 Cox, Jennifer Burr 08718 7/30/1984 Costner, William Marshall 16344 6/19/2002 Cox, Johnny Lynn 12790 1/18/1995 Cothran, James Robert 12458 3/15/1994 Cox, Kevin Charles 05196 10/3/1968 Cotten, Robert Wesley 1 1242 5/2I/199I Cox, Lonnie Charles 05690 10/1/1971 Cottle, J e n y Henry 15426 6/28/2000 Cox, Michael Craig 08172 7/26/1982 Cottrell, Susan Wobbleton 06012 9/18/1973 Cox, Priscilla Cuthbertson 13454 7/24/1996 Couch, Samuel Jason 11511 9/17/1991 Cox, Randy Edward 12629 7/26/1994 Couchenour, Rachel Leder 10588 9/23/1989 Cox, Robert Franklin 06312 4/24/1975 Couey, Paul Leverette 17155 6/15/2004 Cox, Sharon Marie 1 1905 1 1/17/1992 Coumbe, Craig Scott 16434 6/24/2002 Cox, Tara Leigh I 1906 1 1/17/1992 Coumbe, Diana Sue 07124 4/27/1979 Cox, Thomas Clay 05809 9/5/1972 Council, William Christopher 17022 11/18/2003 Cox, Thomas Mitchell 16746 5/21/2003 Counts, Seritha Carol 10579 8/13/1989 Cox, Toby Hoffinan 14722 1/20/1999 Counts, Sonya Monique 15147 9/21/1999 Cox, Tommie Gail 05298 5/6/1969 Courson, Jean N 14433 6/30/1998 Cox, Wendy Carol 10455 7/26/1989 Courtney, Angela Michelle 14550 7/21/1998 Coxwell, Cynthia Allison 1 1955 2/24/1993 Courtney, Ray Donskey 1 1086 9/18/1990 Coyle, Maiy Regina 09788 7/21/1987 Cova, Loretta Jean 12832 2/22/1995 Cozart, Heidi Buchman 05519 9/22/1970 Covalinski, Maiy Nell 06021 9/18/1973 Cozort, Beverly Baker 07426 7/25/1980 Covert, Carolyn Shelton 11312 7/24/1991 Crabb, Leslie Clark 08476 8/3/1983 Covington, Renee Swink 07125 4/27/1979 Crabtree, Maiy Blythe 07672 7/21/1981 Cowan, Debra Lynn I 1052 7/25/1990 Crabtree, Nancy Wayne 09572 3/2/1987 Cowan, Marie Cable 05810 9/5/1972 Craddock, Carl Wayne 04273 2/25/1960 Cowan, Marvin Russell 04778 11/17/1964 Craft, Doris Smyth-Totten 07530 10/21/1980 Cowan, Stuart Kimsey 08900 2/26/1985 Craft, Thomas Leroy 07343 4/24/1980 Cowart, H a n y Dwight 1 101 1 7/25/1990 Craig, Catherine Anne 09387 7/29/1986 Cowart, James Thomas 09321 7/15/1986 Craig, Forrest Free R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S A S O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Reeistered License Date Number Registered 12570 7/26./1994 Cramer, Pamela Lynne 03736 6/30/1954 Creech, W Grover 17439 9/21/2004 Crandeli, Brian Christopher 12571 7/26/1994 Creech, Wan-en Hardy 04983 10/17/1966 Crane, Roger Mahler 10483 7/26/1989 Creekmore, Anita Hobbs 06889 4/14/1978 Crantlll, Deborah Lewis 09729 7/22/1987 Creekmore, Diane Parker 06259 4/10/1975 C ran ford, Ann Martin 07428 7/25/1980 Creekmore, Joseph Richard 06345 9/9/1975 Cranford, Billy Eugene 14533 7/16/1998 Creel, Barbara Dean 04960 10/6/1966 Cranford, Delbert Marvin 08081 7/26/1982 Creel, Richard Nash 06119 4/9/1974 Cranford, John Gregoiy 15865 6/27/2001 Creger, Julie Shannon 05899 4/12/1973 Cranor, Carole Winifred 07939 3/1/1982 05743 4/7/1972 Craven. Michael Wayne 10392 7/18/1989 Creque, Darrell 16805 7/1/2003 Craven, Michelle Evans 06456 4/5/1976 Cress, Danny Jeremiah 10391 7/18/1989 Craven, Thomas Martin 14200 1/22/1998 Crestetto, Sharon Kay 05089 10/7/1967 Crawford, Angela Carabateas 12292 7/26/1993 Crews, Karen Watson 06346 9/9/1975 Crawford, E. Wilson 14085 7/25/1997 Crews, Tracy Alan 05197 10/3/1968 Crawford, John Spencer 12640 7/26/1994 Cribb, Anna McLaughlin 06455 4/5/1976 Crawford, Mary Bayliss 15792 3/20/2001 Cribb, Brian Brooks 06086 9/18/1973 Crawford, Randy Gordon 17023 1 1/18/2003 Crill, Nadine 10060 8/1/1988 Crawford, Scott Duncan 17181 7/7/2004 07774 7/24/1981 Crawford, Stephanie Yvonne 14434 6/30/1998 Crisafulli, John Joseph 09388 7/29/1986 Crawford, Yvonne Faye 12938 7/18/1995 Crisall, James Giacomo 08259 2/22/1983 Crawley, Douglas Alan 17182 7/7/2004 Crisp, Abbie Applewhite 05811 9/5/1972 Crawley, Waldorf Gan'old 03608 1 1/5/1952 Crispens, Wan-en Edward 05153 4/4/1968 Crcasman, Dewey LaMar 05914 4/12/1973 Critz, Stephen Lee 05812 9/5/1972 Crcasman, Mark Eugene 07813 7/24/1981 Crocker, Cynthia MacMillan 15658 8/2/2000 Cree, Heather Rawls 07854 7/24/1981 Crocker, Julie Ward 15659 8/2/2000 Cree, Joshua Nathan 15250 12/7/1999 Crocker, Lynn Pope 07008 1 1/3/1978 Creech, Bruce Bennett 14350 6/26/1998 Crocker, Michelle Renee 07009 1 1/3/1978 Creech, Carl Rulus 10458 7/26/1989 Crocker, Richard Everett 07395 6/17/1980 Creech. Charles Ernest 05618 3/29/1971 Crocker, Robert Lee 12568 7/26/1994 Creech. Dana Cousins 09587 3/2/1987 Crocker, Wanda Lec 06548 9/15/1976 Creech, Danny Wade 1360S 7/24/1996 Croft, June Tuning 12125 7/26/1993 Creech. James Wayne 16776 6/9/2003 Cromer, Sharon Jane 16806 7/1/2003 Creech, John 1 larold 04208 7/2/1959 Cromlcy, Robert Irving 04935 6/21/1966 Creech, Josepli Arnold 16150 I 1/20/2001 Cronin, Daniel Joseph 06347 9/9/1975 Creech, Otis Wayne 06776 9/16/1977 Crontiuist, Suzanne Emerson Phannacist Name Phannacist Name Crenshaw, Wanda Gamer Cring, Marcey L R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9 / 3 0 / 2 0 0 4 License Date Number Reeistered Crosby, Andrea Lynetta 06408 11/20/1975 Cruthis, Darrel William 2/22/1961 Crosby, Wiilard Lee 15867 6/27/2001 Cullen, Alicia Dawn 06449 4/5/1976 Cross, Barbara Burke 11734 7/24/1992 Culley, Kimberly Renee 13933 7/1/1997 Cross, Carol Lankford 10310 3/21/1989 Cummings, Doyle Marvin 16091 8/7/2001 Cross, Kathryn Seaver 0721 1 10/17/1979 Cummings, Michael Hcniy 11497 8/19/1991 Cross, Kelly Hines 11198 2/19/1991 Cummings, Paul Alan 06504 4/5/1976 Cross, Linda Travis 15214 11/16/1999 Cundiff, William Edwin 12367 I 1/1/1993 Cross, Tonya Miller 10757 3/20/1990 Cunningham, Alan Percy 10589 9/23/1989 Crosswhite, Jesse Edward 12127 7/26/1993 Cunningham, Kriste Tybor 05813 9/5/1972 Crotts, Cunis Lee 15645 7/25/2000 Curran, Lisa Mattie 05 1 90 10/3/1968 Crouch, Judith Baucom 07079 1 1/21/1978 Cuirence, James Leonard 1 1733 7/24/1992 Crouch, Michael Andrew 05691 10/1/1971 Curric, Barbara Ganison 04469 3/6/1962 Crouch, Phillip Francis 08739 7/30/1984 C u u i e , Tara Gordon 06549 9/15/1976 Crouch, Robert Lee 05814 9/5/1972 Curiy, Jerry Stewart 12572 7/26/1994 Crow, Darren Randall 11122 10/25/1990 16345 6/19/2002 Crow, Kimberly Jo 13934 7/1/1997 Custis, Tracy M a n e 10009 7/19/1988 Crow, Michelle Elizabeth 14351 6/26/1998 Cuthrell, Corey Stevens 06023 9/18/1973 Crowder, Richard Thomas 15429 6/28/2000 Cutler, Austin Biyan 12993 7/25/1995 Crowe, Elizabeth Michelle 12994 7/25/1995 Cutler, Sabrina Sanders 09820 7/22/1987 Crowe, Janet Adams 11318 7/24/1991 Cutrell, Benjamin Garlon 16258 3/19/2002 Crowe, Mark David 14459 7/2/1998 Cutrell, Lisa Lane 12784 1/12/1995 Crowe, Rocke Carlton 08776 7/30/1984 Cutright, Lisa Ann 07940 3/1/1982 Crowell, Joseph Webber 10010 7/19/1988 Cyphers, William Leslie 0881 1 7/30/1984 Crowell, Paula Whitener 13193 9/19/1995 Gyre, Ronald Tuttle 08343 7/19/1983 Crowther, Margaret Alison 15215 11/16/1999 Czarkowski, Jeffrey Thomas 16192 12/10/2001 Crumlish, Kevin Jerome 15463 6/28/2000 Czarkowski, Shannon Power 15783 2/15/2001 Crump, Lamonica Nicole 11013 7/25/1990 D'Entremont, Jenny Oxendine 08577 2/22/1984 Crump, Mark K e n y 09649 5/11/1987 Da Camara, Carlos Clemente 15866 6/27/2001 Crumpler, Kevin Troy 14710 1/20/1999 Dabbagh, Abeer Ramadan 06458 4/5/1976 Crumpler, Miles Stanley 12995 7/25/1995 Dabestani, Arash Talebi 04070 2/28/1958 Crumpler, Wilbur Aubrey 11881 9/22/1992 Dacier, Jaclyn Koenig 15427 6/28/2000 Crunk, Emmagene Haigler 15631 7/21/2000 Dacus, Cristi Lynn 17128 5/18/2004 Crusoe, John Anthony 16982 9/3/2003 Dadhania, Hemang 10205 9/20/1988 Cmsoe, Lynne D 05520 9/22/1970 Dagenhart, Carl Thomas 12472 5/10/1994 Crust, Dennis Reed 16151 1 1/20/2001 D'Agui, Joseph Francis License Date Number Reeistered 14983 7/2/1999 04366 Pharmacist N a m e Pharmacist N a m e Curtis, Melody Marie R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Reeistered License Date Number Reeistered 15311 2/24/2000 Dahir, Nadeen Mustafa 07128 4/27/1979 Dark, Gany Caldwell 09574 3/2/1987 Dahlberg, Claire Steidle 08901 2/26/1985 Darnell, Rodney Lote 11319 7/24/1991 Dakoriya, Vinaykuniar Chhitubhai 14500 7/9/1998 Damofall, Michael Edward 11243 5/21/1991 Dale, Lauree Beck 10062 8/I/I9S8 DaiTOw, Amy Annette Young 17016 10/10/2003 Dale, Stephanie Blake 16042 7/17/2001 Daugherty, Blaine Stine 12837 2/22/1995 Dallal, Khadijeh 08260 2/22/1983 Daugherty, Jonas Bums 05619 3/29/1971 Dalnias, James David 08570 2/22/1984 Daugherty, Yvonne Blackmon 14154 1 1/24/1997 Dalton, Amy 15958 7/5/2001 Daughtridge, Frances Allen 06550 9/15/1976 Dalton, Danny Ray 04375 3/6/1961 Daughtry, Ben Philip 14883 6/30/1999 Dalton, Jonathan Andrew 12997 7/25/1995 Daughtty, Nathan Lynwood 14551 7/21/1998 Dalton, Melissa L 04423 7/3/1961 Daughtiy, Rufllis Lynwood 13225 i 1/21/1995 Dalton, Michael John 07344 4/24/1980 Davenport, Alison Gray 09213 2/27/1986 Dalton, Ruth Jackson 09402 7/29/1986 Davenport, Jeannette Hardy 1 1559 1/21/1992 Daly, Margaret Bocskor 16346 6/19/2002 Davenport, Jennifer Dawn 08578 2/22/1984 Daly, Timothy John 09789 7/21/1987 Davey, James Edward 14155 11/24/1997 Dameron. Dale W 08696 7/30/1984 Davidson, Beth Barbee 03076 1/17/1945 Dameron, Hubcil Gordon 16990 9/16/2003 Davidson, Bryan Douglas 15959 7/5/2001 Daineron, Maria Gore 08408 8/3/1983 Davidson, Gigi Frederick 05328 10/2/1969 Dameron, Richard Gordon 12791 1/18/1995 Davidson, Joan Shute 06180 9/17/1974 Damon, Ann Rosscr 17129 5/18/2004 Davidson, Leslie Ann 07673 7/21/1981 D'Andrea, Thomas 10520 7/26/1989 Davidson, Maria Mitchem 15974 7/9/2001 Dang, Chi Nguyen 10460 7/26/1989 Davies, Jill Alyssa 17184 7/7/2004 Dang. Dong Vien 15825 5/15/2001 Da vies, Thomas Allen 15868 6/27/2001 Daniel, Chekesha Kamaria I7IS5 7/7/2004 Davis, Aaron Taylor 12662 7/26/1994 Daniel, Karen Palmquist 09020 7/26/1985 Davis, Alton Ray 06181 9/17/1974 Daniel, Katherine Baldwin 06348 9/9/1975 Davis, Anne Garrett 12575 7/26/1994 Daniel, Wesley Scott 09021 7/26/1985 Davis, Archie Monroe 13293 2/21/1996 Daniels, Audre Andrew 10794 5/15/1990 Davis, Barbara Ann 14673 I 1/24/1998 Daniels, Benjamin Rowell 07674 7/21/1981 Davis, Beverly DuPree 11907 1 1/17/1992 Daniels. Donald Ray 10701 2/21/1990 Davis, Boyce Duane 10393 7/18/1989 Daniels, Hhzabeth Norfleet 1 1 736 7/24/1992 Davis, Cecil Manning 03654 6/29/1953 Daniels. Herman llallel 04898 3/31/1966 Davis, Charles Mercier 09214 2/27/1986 Daniels, Matthew Alan 10795 5/15/1990 Davis, Charlotte Yvoinie 15320 3/21/2000 Danker, 'lania Y 12129 7/26/1993 Davis, Christian Lance 14738 1/27/1999 Danne, Shelia Barlina Noel 08362 7/I9/I983 Davis, (V)lleen O'Linn Phannacist Name Phannacist Name R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9 / 3 0 / 2 0 0 4 License Date Number Reeistered Pharmacist Name Davis, David Ramsey 10462 7/26/1989 Davis, Guita Renee 7/26/1989 Davis, Dawn Renee 11737 7/24/1992 Davis, Richard Anthony 05744 4/7/1972 Davis, Dianne Gaines 10063 8/1/1988 Davis, Robin Ray 16723 3/18/2003 Davis, Elizabeth Anne 06662 4/15/1977 Davis, Sharon Spivey 10426 7/26/1989 Davis, Emily Maureen 17394 8/2/2004 Davis, Shawn Steven 12240 7/26/1993 Davis, Frances P e n y 17188 7/7/2004 Davis, Sheena Greene 08083 7/26/1982 Davis, Gaiy Mark 10463 7/26/1989 Davis, Steven Michael 05521 9/22/1970 Davis, George Ike 12277 7/26/1993 Davis, Tammie Thomas 04576 3/5/1963 Davis, George Washington 04376 3/6/1961 Davis, Thomas Peete 12998 7/25/1995 Davis, George Washington I 1307 7/24/1991 Davis, Vicki Burchette 05915 4/12/1973 Davis, Gerald Thomas 10348 5/16/1989 Davison, James Marc 07429 7/25/1980 Davis, Harold Ray 13226 1 1/21/1995 Dawood, Sheinina 1 17024 1 1/18/2003 Davis, Heniy Russell 16529 7/1 1/2002 Dawson, Angell 12459 3/15/1994 Davis, Hugh Walter 07823 7/24/1981 Dawson, Barbara Meyer 12130 7/26/1993 Davis, Jacky Ronald 1 1561 1/21/1992 Dawson, Linda Jeanne 04619 7/5/1963 Davis, James Brooks 1 1405 7/24/1991 Dawson, Maiy Nethercutt 07430 7/25/1980 Davis, James Donald 10464 7/26/1989 Dawson, Wilson Lyle 09154 1 1/19/1985 Davis, James Eraser 16706 2/4/2003 Day, Ainanda Christine 07473 7/25/1980 Davis, Janice McKinne 07776 7/24/1981 Day, Arnold Christopher 17186 7/7/2004 Davis, Jason Michael 06942 4/14/1978 Day, Carol Yates 05124 4/4/1968 Davis, Jerry Carl 14674 11/24/1998 Day, Donald Coker 17187 7/7/2004 Davis, J e n y Heath 10900 7/25/1990 Day, Gary Edward 06139 4/9/1974 Davis, Jill Lane 07010 11/3/1978 Day, Harold Vann 04689 3/4/1964 Davis, Joseph Leon 14590 7/27/1998 Day, Janet Lynn 15995 7/11/2001 Davis, Julie Kay 10094 8/1/1988 12326 9/21/1993 Davis, Kimberly Hunt 16043 7/17/2001 Day, Mark Hunter 16600 9/24/2002 Davis, Kirby Ray 10506 7/26/1989 Day, Tammy Markham 06182 9/17/1974 Davis, L Gray 06973 10/17/1978 Day, William Durbin 11231 3/19/1991 Davis, Lesley Miller 09391 7/29/1986 Dayer, Karin Lynn 06024 9/18/1973 Davis, Leslie Hill 05692 10/1/1971 Dayvauit, Robert Lee 08084 7/26/1982 Davis, Linda Mercer 11540 11/19/1991 D'Cruz, h-ene O'Neill 11320 7/24/1991 Davis, Maiy Ellen DeSessa 16543 7/16/2002 De Guzman, Cherie Joy Capinpin 15587 7/14/2000 Davis, Melinda 12309 7/26/1993 de Jongh, Amy Scharenbrock 10668 1/16/1990 Davis, Nancy Salla 04690 3/4/1964 Deadwyler, Charles Robert 12430 2/24/1994 Davis, Glen Ben 15514 7/6/2000 Deal, Dawn M e a d o u s License Date Number Registered 04112 7/7/1958 10461 Phannacist Naine Day, Kimberly Johnson R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Registered Deal, Douglas Wayne 13544 7/24/1996 Dedmon, Elizabeth Myers 9/20/1988 Deal, George Br>'Son 05918 4/12/1973 Dedrick, LaRue Draughon 07931 3/1/1982 Deal, Paulette Adams 05815 9/5/1972 Dedrick, Stephen Cannaday 05522 9/22'1970 Deal, Timothy Edward 15682 9/19/2000 Deen, David Paul 05330 10/2/1969 Dean, Alice Omega 06718 4/15/1977 Deere-Powell, Helen Georgette 10901 7/25/1990 Dean, Billie Eason 09144 11/14/1985 Deese, Brenda Hall 05693 10/1/1971 Dean, Frank Burton 08579 2/22/1984 Deese, Gregory Cecil 16455 6/27/2002 Dean, Jack William 16228 1/15/2002 Deets, F<ussell Panos 13611 7/24/1996 Dean, Sarah VanBoskerck 13716 1/22/1997 DeFec, Janet Keller 16456 677/2002 Dean, Wendy Scott 11739 7/24/1992 Defoggi, Shireen Lianne 09215 2/27/1986 Deans, Tony Gilbert 14287 5/12/1998 DeGeorge, Matthew James 05620 3/29/1971 Deans, William Peiry 091 12 9/17/1985 Deiber, Victoria Maiy 17189 7/7/2004 Dean-Smith, Ciystal Lynn 16808 7/1/2003 Del Re", Amber Lynn 17097 3/16/20C4 Dearingcr, Caroline E. 05916 4/12/1973 Delaney, Charles Frank 17098 3/16/2004 Dearinger. Max Hanley 09633 5/1 1/1987 Dclap, Cindy Sue 11780 7/24/1992 Deason, Valerie Ruth Hurst 07011 11/3/1978 DeLapp, Victor Burnell 08922 2/26/1985 Deaton, Flora Denise 055S8 1 1/17/1970 DelCastilho, Ronald Edward 07345 4/24/1980 Deaton, Fonda Long 171 12 3/25/2004 DeLeon, Andrew 04362 1/17/1961 Deavers, William Turner 1 1332 7/24/1991 Della-Mea, Julie Forehand 10758 3/20/1990 DeBlock, John Lambeit 16724 3/18/2003 DellaVecchia, Stephanie Arlene 09738 7/22/1987 DeBrew, Krista Rayfield 13935 7/1/1997 Dellinger, Andrew Everette 16010 7/1 1/2001 dcBruyne, Bartei Locker 15515 7/6/2000 Dcllinger, David Lany 05694 10/1/1971 deBruyne, Charles Bartei 16747 5/21/2003 Dellinger, Riley Tilden 14758 2/17/1999 DcBusk, Michelle Lea 17014 10/8/2003 DcLoatch, Felicia Denise 16674 1/22/2003 Dec, Kevin K. 07431 7/25/1980 Deloatch, Kimberly Hardison 14353 6/26/1998 DeCamp Palmer, Julie 16601 9/24/2002 DcLong, Patricia Ann 16542 7/16/2002 DeCarlo. Bany Edward 1 1908 1 1/17/1992 DeMaagd, George Allen 16566 7/19/2002 De(.'arlo, Lisa Margaret 169 1 0 7/1/2003 deMarchi, Sabina Ludy 05413 4/2/1970 DeCaron, Byron firuce 14797 4/9/1999 DeMarco, Anthony Pasquale 09922 2/24/1988 DeCaron, Byron ("hristopher 17385 7/26/2004 DeMaria, Paula Michelle 09550 1/20/1987 DeChester, David Clint<jn 1 1070 7/27/1990 Demas, Jocarole Curric 14796 4/9/1999 Decker, Cierald Alton 10702 2/21/1990 Demby-tJlmer, Tia Roselia 17356 7/20/2004 Decker, Janice M 16954 7/16/2003 DeMeulemeester. David Louis 12838 2/22/1995 Decker, Jodi Cook 14354 6/26/1998 Deming, James Walter 08287 2/22/1983 Decker, Revina 'I rentadue 15323 3/21/2000 Dempsey, Deborah hay License Date Number Reeistered U5265 4/10/1969 10187 Phamiacist Name Phamiacist N a m e R E G I S I K R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/3()/2()()4 License Date Number Reeistered Pharmacist Name Dempsey, Paul Wesley 08980 7/16/1985 Dewan, Rajiv Ratan 5/14/1996 Dempsey, Robert G 03501 10/29/1951 Dewar, Robert Lindsey 16710 2/4/2003 Denenberg, Eric Scott 07477 7/25/1980 Dewberry, Donna Moseley 13790 3/18/1997 Denman, John Wayne 06460 4/5/1976 DeWeese, Jeffrey Kyle 04692 3/4/1964 Denning, Lany Edward 07869 9/15/1981 Dewell, William Marshall 07523 10/21/1980 Denning, S h c n y Barbour 13936 7/1/1997 05917 4/12/1973 Dennis, Betty Hill 14675 1 1/24/1998 Dhallan-Lankford, Suman Rani 04210 7/2/1959 Denny, Keitli Earl 13294 2/21/1996 Dhingra, Vijay Kumar 17351 7/16/2004 Denny, Marci Lynn 17337 7/12/2004 Di Dio, Lawrence Peter 03790 2/28/1955 Denson, Millard Dalton 12135 7/26/1993 Dial, Brian Kelly 06459 4/5/1976 Denton, Elmer Lowell 12136 7/26/1993 Dial, Cornelius 10339 3/23/1989 DePorter, Gerald Albert 06025 9/18/1973 Diamaduros, Peny Panos 07798 7/24/1981 DeRhodes, Kimberly Holbrook 12375 1 1/30/1993 Diamond, Robert Nelson 15149 9/21/1999 Denner, Phyllis Grant 12137 7/26/1993 Diamond-Tubby, Deborah Anne 16736 4/9/2003 Derrer, Anna Marie 16809 7/1/2003 Dibbert, Alia A 12968 7/25/1995 Derstine, Beuiy Bartrug 17046 12/22/2003 DiCenzo, Michael Anthony 08824 9/18/1984 Des Roches, William Joseph 14765 3/16/1999 Dicken, Robert Joseph 16152 1 1/20/2001 Desai, Lavanya 16457 6/27/2002 Dickens, Jamee Jo-Lynda 15996 7/1 1/2001 Desai, Mayur Paresh 15793 3/20/2001 Dickens, Susan Branham 15986 7/9/2001 Desai, Sejal Raman 07590 2/27/1981 Dickerson, Bruce Edwin 16697 1/28/2003 Desai, Tina 15449 6/28/2000 Dickerson, Meredith Laney 17191 7/7/2004 Desai, Vaidehi Shashin 10465 7/26/1989 Dickerson, Regina Gray 13680 1 1/19/1996 DeSanty, Kevin Philip 1 7096 3/16/2004 Dickert, Kendall Jewett 16044 7/17/2001 Desanne, Lesly 05198 10/3/1968 Dickinson, Janet Eakins 09575 3/2/1987 DeSieno, Mark Anthony 15216 1 1/16/1999 Dickson, Katherine Virginia 13869 6/27/1997 DeSimone, Debra Loixaine 14814 5/18/1999 DiDonato, David James 06121 4/9/1974 Desist, Michael Maxwell 06787 9/16/1977 Diehl, Jane Hall 06231 10/15/1974 Detter, Steven Grady 13460 7/24/1996 Dietrich, Michael Allen 05816 9/5/1972 Devane, Carl Lindsay 10235 11/15/1988 Dietz, Carol Elaine 08606 2/22/1984 DeVaughn, Gwendolyn Siminons 07510 8/19/1980 Diffendorfer, Gail Ann 06551 9/15/1976 Devinc, Joseph David 06183 9/17/1974 Digh, Earl Thomas 08649 5/22/1984 Devine, Michael Andrew 13717 1/22/1997 Diliberto, Emanuel Joseph 16983 9/8/2003 DeVizia, Ronald John 10551 7/26/1989 Dillard, Alice Smith 10349 5/16/1989 DeVoe, Robert Bernard 0421 1 7/2/1959 Dillard, George Johnston 15600 7/18/2000 DeWald, Tracy Allyn 07176 3/20/1979 License Date Number Reeistered 07942 3/1/1982 13373 PhaiTuacist N a m e Dewitya, Dan Michael Dillard, Happy REGISTERED P H A R M A C I S T S AS O E 9/30/2004 License Date Number Reeistered Dillard, Laura Lynne 16812 7/1/2003 4'27/1979 Dillard, Nancy Elaine 15824 5/15/2001 Dodd, Mary Schlichtmann 10466 7/26/1989 Dillard, Russell Franklin 15504 6/30/2000 Dodson, Charity Williamson 06527 7/28/1976 Dillon, Ralph George 08391 8/3/1983 Dodson, Loretta Calverley 15559 7/13/2000 Dillon, Thomas Daniel 10982 7/25/1990 Dodson, Shen-y Long 11322 7/24/1991 Dills, Robin Ferguson 06122 4/9/1974 Doering, Paul Louis 14766 3/16/1999 Dilly, Terecia Ann 04962 10/6/1966 Doggett, Walter Clark 0S535 11/15/1983 Dimenna, Michael 17364 7/20/2004 Doldcr, Christian Robert 15632 7/21/2000 Dinan, Kristen Moretz 06665 4/15/1977 Dollar, Sarah Lucinda 15070 7/20/1999 Dingle, Carolyn Lynette 05491 9/18/1970 Dolman, Robert William 07432 7/25/1980 Dinkins, Benjamin Scott 09609 3/17/1987 Dombrower, Paul Martin 07421 7/25/1980 Dinkins, Helen Catoe 14714 1/20/1999 Dombrowski, Claudia Allison 15759 1/24/2001 Dion, Christopher Robert 17386 7/26/2004 Domenico, Lindsay Anne 15684 9/19/2000 Dion, Jennifer L 11957 2/24/1993 Donaghy, Scott Richard 16259 3/19/2002 DiPasquale, Richard Anthony 13001 7/25/1995 Donalies, Shelley Lynn 17099 3/16/2004 DiRocco, Kristi Karen 15544 7/10/2000 Donnelly, Amy Strickland 16968 8/1/2003 DiSabatino, Beth M a d e 04200 6/3/1959 Donnelly, Thomas Milton 08721 7/30/1984 Discemi, John Stephen 17440 9/21/2004 Donohue, Michael Joseph 08800 7/30/1984 Discerni, Marie Stroble 16046 7/17/2001 Donovan, Brian J 16045 7/17/2001 Disco, Marilyn Edith 09216 2/27/1986 Dooley, Christopher Dean 168II 7/1/2003 Dishakjian, Sevag 07849 7/24/1981 Dorc, Jean Turlington 07130 4/27/1979 Disher, David Kevin 16229 1/15/2002 Dorhout, Raymond G 07055 11/3/1978 Disher, Susan Powers 11937 1/19/1993 Dorn, Karen Loraine 07081 1 i/21/1978 Ditmorc, William Anthony 1 1267 7/23/1991 Dorough, James Grant 08580 2/22/1984 Dixon, Christopher Thad 17365 7/20/2004 Dorsch, Kelli Regina 17040 1 1/26/2003 Dixon, Melissa Pence 17405 8/6/2004 Dorsch, Michael Patrick 16123 9/18/2001 Dixon, Tiffany Elena 08401 8/3/1983 Dorsey, Mary Thomas 09671 7/22/1987 Dixon, William Barnett 06353 9/9/1975 Dorton, Melba Furr 12431 2/24/1994 Doares, William Humphrey 13227 1 1/21/1995 Dossey, Russell Rube 10189 9/20/1988 Dobbins, Karen Elaine 14884 6/30/1999 Dostie, Leah EJaine 12376 1 1/30, 1993 Dobbins, Laurie M 14237 2/17/1998 Doucette, Veronica Leigh 14598 7/31/1998 Dobie, C'asey Ann 14885 6/30/1999 Dougherty, Louise 13485 7/24/1996 Dobie. Heather Hargrave 12577 7/26/1994 Douglas, Ann Davis 14448 7/2/1998 Dobson, Caroline Yates 06123 4/9/1974 Douglas, Jean [ienson M017 7/15/1997 Doh':oii, HcTtli persons 12496 7/19/199.1 Douulas, Suoni' Thi License Date Number Reeistered 09923 2/24/1988 07175 Pharmacist N a m e Phannacist N a m e Doctor, Adrienne Nakia R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Reeistered Douglass, Andrea Patrice 07870 9/15/1981 Drew, Richard Howard 6/27/1997 Douglass, Kristin Price 09155 11/19/1985 Driggers, Javotte Le Roy 14755 1/27/1999 Douglass, Robeit Charles 15760 1/24/2001 Driggers, Martin Randall 09392 7/29/1986 Dove, Douglas Peverill 10395 7/18/1989 Drillings, Marc Steven 08086 7/26/1982 Dove, George DeLon 13027 7/25/1995 Drinkwater, Cheryl Gasperson 09566 3/2/1987 Dove, Lisa Alvey 06267 4/10/1975 Driskell, Constance Stames 12059 7/20/1993 Dover, Felix Hill 13462 7/24/1996 Driver, Leslie Campbell 11323 7/24/1991 Dover, Harry James 12497 7/19/1994 Dmckenbrod, Richard William 07676 7/21/1981 Dover, Jeny Pinkney 16966 7/29/2003 Drudick, Linda Marie 13937 7/1/1997 Dow, Michael Stephen 06262 4/10/1975 Drum, David Charles 17347 7/14/2004 Dowd, Justin Jefti-ey 14035 7/15/1997 Diy. Kristi Lorinda 03737 6/30/1954 Dowdy, David Astor 16675 1/22/2003 Duane, Blythe Bryant 04316 7/6/1960 Dowdy, Donald Carlisle 04736 6/19/1964 Duane, Joseph Patrick 03431 2/27/1951 Dowdy, James Henr>' 15321 3/21/2000 Dubiansky, Judy Lynn 13938 7/1/1997 Dowless, Gregory Vance 1 1325 7/24/1991 Ducar, Jonathan William 06834 9/16/1977 Downing, Cynthia Renee Shaw 06124 4/9/1974 Duckett, Thomas Randall 08723 7/30/1984 Downing, David Keil 06349 9/9/1975 Duckworth, Howard Ivey 07228 1 1/1/1979 Downing, Elizabeth Burgess 17192 7/7/2004 Duda, Carina Charlotte 11324 7/24/1991 Downing, Karen Lynne 15378 5/16/2000 Dudash, Susanne Lynne 08087 7/26/1982 Downing, Michael Eugene 05796 9/5/1972 Dudley, Linda Allen 14034 7/15/1997 Downs, Laurie Miner 15869 6/27/2001 Duffee, Catherine Page 12447 2/24/1994 Downs, Patrice Diane 05817 9/5/1972 Duffey, Charles Dermont 10567 7/26/1989 Downs, Paula Whitehead 07531 10/21/1980 Dugan, James Edward 03991 3/1/1957 Doyle, Lewis Benton 16458 6/27/2002 Duggins, Ashley Hoover 08088 7/26/1982 Dozier, William Gregory 04212 7/2/1959 15217 11/16/1999 Draka, Nadia 17441 9/21/2004 Dujnic, Joanne 06556 9/15/1976 Drake, Janeth Evans 13004 7/25/1995 Duke, William Chadwick 06261 4/10/1975 Drapkin, Edward Carl 14524 7/16/1998 Dulac, Edward John 13298 2/21/1996 Draus, Christopher M 10824 5/29/1990 Dunaway, James Michael 13438 7/24/1996 Draus, Shannon 13765 2/25/1997 Dunaway, Kimberly K 16602 9/24/2002 Drayer, David Randall 13859 6/27/1997 Duncan, Daphne Ashley 08418 8/3/1983 Drechsler, Kimberiy Hallman 12879 3/21/1995 Duncan, Harold Ray 15516 7/6/2000 Drew, Darren Ellis 05091 10/7/1967 Duncan, Margaret Shaw 06773 9/16/1977 Drew, Gail Wiggins 12578 7/26/1994 Duncan, Michelle Leigh 06322 6/28/1975 Drew, Linda Lee 04651 10/2/1963 Duncan, Keill Wyche License Date Number Reeistered 160L^ 7/16/2001 13895 Phamiacist Name Pharmacist N a m e Duggins, Jack Steven R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F W30/2()()4 License Dale Number Reeistered Phamiacist Name License Date Number Reeistered Pliamiacist N a m e 09551 1 20, 1987 Duncan. William Buchanan 12580 7/26/1994 Earl, William Jonathan 14715 1/20.1999 Duntbrd, Cecil Hansford 06026 9/18/1973 Earley, James Russell 06350 9/9M975 Dunham, Bruce Lee 11938 1/19/1993 Early, Jean Elizabeth 07346 4/24/1980 Dunlap. Claud Evans 11179 1/15/1991 Early, John Joseph 15601 7/18/2000 Dunlap, William Timothy 08903 2/26/1985 Earnhardt, Da\'id Kenneth 1 1741 7/24,/1992 Dunlap-Reid, Deidra 05919 4/12/1973 Earnhardt, Joe Ondre 04516 7/10'1962 Dunn, Everett Matthews 14156 1 1/24/1997 Earnhardt, Marilyn D 16089 8/2/2001 Dunn, Paul Francis 11326 7/24/1991 Earnhardt, Pamela Ingram 17193 7/7/2004 Dunn, Steven Patrick 07493 7/25/1980 Eamhan, Susan Scott 14617 9/15/1998 Dunning, Susan M 10065 8/1/1988 Easley, Susanne Edwards 12908 5 19 1995 Dunningion. Sheila Slallings 1 1742 7/24/1992 Eason, Antony Darien 14888 6/30'1999 Dunsworlh, Greg Allen 06185 9/17/1974 Eason, David Ernie 07015 11/3M978 Dunvvoody, John Forrest 16472 6/27/2002 Eason. Holly Ryann 14613 9/15/1998 Dupler, Pamela Lynn 06125 4/9/1974 Eason, Nancy Levinson 07943 3/1/1982 Duprce, William Anquish 05818 9/5/1972 Eason, Thomas Wayne 09828 9/15/1987 Dupuis, Robert Ernest 04900 3/31/1966 Eason, Walter Gerald 13871 6/27/1997 Dura. Jason James 07678 7/21/1981 East, James Robeil 05045 4/20/1967 Durand, Edward Moore 07092 2,/20/1979 Eatman, Janis Marie 11 128 10/25/1990 Durden, Trudie 08904 2/26/1985 Eaton, Carolyn Sue 10397 7/18/1989 Durfee, Donna Dea 16725 3/18/2003 Eaton. Stephanie Da^vn 14369 6/26/1998 Durham, Allison Jenkins 15761 1/24/2001 Eaton-Erskine, Heather Rene 16320 6/6/2002 Durham, David Lee 13299 2/21/1996 Ebcrhardt, Betsy Ackcnnan 14007 7/7/1997 Durham. Heather Ludwig 1 1 124 10/25/1990 Ebcrhardt. Lori Anne 14391 6/26/1998 Durham, Heidi Marie 08917 2/26/1985 Eck, Elizabeth Lynn 12138 7/26/1993 Durham, Melanie Edwards 14889 6/30/1999 Eckard, Stewart Anthony 09928 2/24/1988 Durham, Teresa Horton 15953 7/5/2001 Eckard, I ammy Brewer 14288 5/12/1998 Durkee, Melissa Ann 05064 10/3/1967 hxkel, hred Monroe 17194 7/7/2004 Durr, i 3007 7/25/1995 Eckel, Stephen Frederick 0437H 3/6/1961 Dutton, Marshall Wilson 14676 1 1/24/199S Eckstnind, Julie Ann 07434 7/25/1980 Duvall, Clyde Jeffersf)n 09108 7/26/1985 I'X'onomides. Gina Wynne 13463 7/24/1996 Duziin. '["ainmy Kay Goodman 06553 9/15/1976 h'ddinger, Rotiney Lee 15260 1/18/2000 Dyer. C'raig Ciarland 1 3465 7/24/1996 1-ddy. Jeffrey Thomas 17195 7/7/2004 Dzikowski, Amy I 15261 l/lK/2000 T"dgar, Trank Lee 09682 7/22/1987 Hades, Susan Gray 14480 7/7/1998 T!(lge, Jeffrey Lee 01-kV) 4M*;M9R0 Farplf, f)cnnv Hennan 14798 4 9'199') Tdi'erK'. NT'uk Thfunas f-Tiiily Anne R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Reeistered Edgerton, Lisa Paige 10248 1/17/1989 Ehasz, Andrew Joseph 6/19/2002 Edgerton, Michael Craig 08582 2/22/1984 Eidam, Don Howard 04071 2/28/1958 Edmondson, Edwin Wilson 08403 8/3/1983 06085 9/18/1973 Edmondson, Franl< 15848 5/31/2001 Filers, Stacy Bernheisel 08032 7/20/1982 Edmondson, William Hemy 12328 9/21/1993 Einhom, Kenneth Richard 06263 4/10/1975 Edmundson, Edward Stanley 14036 7/15/1997 Eisenstein, Barbara Ann 06461 4/5/1976 Edwards, Ann Ross 06774 9/16/1977 Eissens, Paul Dwayne 06554 9/15/1976 Edwards, Bessie Moore 13392 7/16/1996 Ejedepang-Koge, Kate Mesame 13009 7/25/1995 Edwards, Car! Gene 16111 9/18/2001 Ekren, Kimberly AllisonPavish 07778 7/24/1981 Edwards, Deborah Lynn 16230 1/15/2002 Eiam, Alicia Beatrix 14739 1/27/1999 Edwards, Dennis Bryan 14677 11/24/1998 Elden, Corey R 14413 6/26/1998 Edwards, Fleming Wells 14701 11/24/1998 Elden, Jennifer Ann 17328 7/8/2004 Edwards, James Ashley 04938 7/19/1966 Elder, James Albert 07436 7/25/1980 Edwards, Janet Alexander 17196 7/7/2004 Eldridge, Melissa Sue 05523 9/22/1970 Edwards, Joseph Albert 17381 7/23/2004 Eldridge, Renee Ellen 05524 9/22/1970 Edwards, Kathiyn Gwin 15490 6/30/2000 Elinburg, Andrea Reese 08722 7/30/1984 Edwards, Kathy Doub 13300 2/21/1996 Elkhouly, Abeer Mohamed 14863 6/30/1999 Edwards, Leigh Blaclc 10038 8/1/1988 Elkins. Angela Atkinson 12582 7/26/1994 Edwards, Lori Anne Cohn 12880 3/21/1995 Elkins, Angela Carole 11513 9/17/1991 Edwards, Lucretia Marie 10471 7/26/1989 Elkins, Gregoiy Lee 15202 1 1/12/1999 Edwards, Marie Douglas 04379 3/6/1961 Elkins, John Warren 13997 7/1/1997 Edwards, Nettie Wlieeler 08112 7/26/1982 Ellenberger, Karen Johnson 15056 7/20/1999 Edwards, Rebecca Faye 14087 7/28/1997 Filer, Aletha Poplin 04553 10/15/1962 Edwards, Robert Lee 13010 7/25/1995 Filer, David Lawrence 04789 3/3/1965 Edwards, Robert Wesley 04859 9/23/1965 Filer, Revis Radford 09048 7/26/1985 Edwards, Susan Howes 09023 7/26/1985 Ellerbe, Rebekah Leigh 15517 7/6/2000 Edwards, Thomas Richard 16509 7/8/2002 Ellington, Amy Nicole 08581 2/22/1984 Edwards, Vickie Lee 13466 7/24/1996 Ellington, John Brian 11200 2/19/199! Efird, Kimberly Dellinger 09598 3/2/1987 Ellington, Kathryn Suggs 05621 3/29/1971 Ellrd, Richard Lee 16813 7/1/2003 Elliott, Amie Robinson 05622 3/29/1971 Etlrd, Roger Wilkins 13467 7/24/1996 Elliott, Angela Hedgepeth 14335 6/26/1998 Efird, Sharon Barbee 14355 6/26/1998 Elliott, Anthony Lee 09252 3/18/1986 Egan, Theresa Donovan 07785 7/24/1981 EllioU, Diana Fowler 04517 7/10/1962 Egbert, James Michael 09113 9/17/1985 Elliott, Ernest William 054 1 5 4/2/1970 Eggers, John David 05745 4/7/1972 Elliott, Larry Eugene License Date Number Registered 16348 6/19/2002 16349 Phannacist Name Phannacist N a m e Eidam, Wanda Sue R E G I S T K R l i D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/3{l/2()()4 License Date Number Reeistered Llliott. Rebecca Haiper 13455 7/24/1996 English, Laura Crawford 277/1986 Elliott. \'iola Marie 13940 7/1/1997 English, Sandra Lynn L3011 7/25/1995 Elliott, William Joseph I 1958 2/24/1993 Ennis, Thomas Ray 17197 7/7/2004 Ellis, Ashley Elood 16153 1 1/20/2001 Enochs, Jean Mathews I40S4 7/24'1997 Ellis, Brenda SiKers 13013 7/25/1995 Ensley, Randy Lee 04766 7 2M964 Ellis, Edgar Russell 09278 5/12/1986 Enzor, Hairiei Elvington 05669 6 15/1971 Ellis, Jane Ann 06462 4/5/1976 Enzor, Ronald Regan 17198 7/7/2004 Ellis, Kimberly Ann 07468 7/25/1980 Epley, Cynthia Lovins 12881 3/21/1995 Ellis, .Mark rimothy 09693 7/22/1987 Epley, Myra Hopper 12584 7/26/1994 Ellis, Melissa Leigh 07437 7/25/1980 Epley, Randal Lee 07620 2/27/1981 Ellis. Sara Moses 16718 2/21/2003 Epperley, Lori Suzanne 09024 7/26/1985 Ellis, Scott John 11328 7/24/1991 Epperson, Alisha Yarborough 13032 7/25/1995 Ellis, Stephanie Grainger 10910 7/25/1990 Epps, Martha Jean Fowler 05920 4/12'1973 Ellis, William Leon 1 5 150 9/21/1999 Erickson, Douglas Edwin 17342 7/13/2004 Ellison, Brian Keilli Long 12546 7/26/1994 Ernest, Donna Browning 10902 7/25/1990 Ellison, Clarence Peacock 13125 7/25/1995 Ernesty, Gwendolen Faith 08232 1/18/1983 Ellison, Mark Judc 12759 1 1/15/1994 Ervin, Margaret T^rances 12140 7/26/1993 Ellison. Sharon Lynn 05159 4/18/1968 Ervin, Robert Carroll 09673 7/22/1987 Ellsworth, i'atricia Ann 14815 5/18/1999 Ervin, Terrence Lee 15975 7/9/2001 i'dmore. Belinda Lovelace 07232 1 1/1/1979 Erwin, April Davis 17199 7/7/2004 Elmore, Michael Wayne 15602 7/18/2000 Erwin, Betty Anne 03791 2/28/1955 l-.hnore, Oscar Alien 07016 1 1/3/1978 Erwin, Mack liarl 05921 4/12/1973 Elmore, William Keith 15762 1/24/2001 Erwin, Mark Douglas 17200 7/7/2004 [:!sd<jn. Lisa Michelle 06547 9/15/1976 EiAvin. Nora ("ollins 09865 1 1/17/1987 I-'lvington, James William lf>l 12 9/18/2001 i^schenbaeher, Lynn lilaiiie 08725 7/30/1984 Elvington, Lisa Claire 07532 10/21/1980 Eskridge. Annie Laurie r>4364 2/22/1961 EKinglon, Plan Laimeau 10554 7/26/1989 Tlspada. Michelle Slolpa 15928 6/28/2001 l.mhree, Jenniter Leigh 07567 I 1/18/1980 I'spostto, Joseph Roman f)9674 7/22/1987 limery. Juliann 13301 2/21/1996 T!sposit(t, Melissa Matticc 10903 7/25/1990 h.msennann. Martin 06289 4/10/1975 I'stes, Sonja Ceny 12585 7/26/1994 |-.ng. Ivric Yui-Ming 06027 9/18/1973 T.sles, William 1 )ai!e!l 1064^ 1 I/2I/I989 Engcbrclson, Allen Duane 05695 10/1/1971 T.lhercdge. (Jeorge Newton 1 3644 9/17/1996 EnKcl, Ross Sicvcn 06890 4/14/197X T-theredge, Patricia Ann Daly 11605 2/21/1992 Engcmann, Ashley Morris 17201 7/7/200'! 16041 7/17/2001 F-ni'li'-h. Trances W Daniels 15923 6/27/2001 License Date Number Registered U45I8 7 10/1962 09217 Pharmacist Name Pharmacist Name T.tlieredge. leresa Bauer Ttliridi'c. Jennifer Weathers R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9 / 3 0 / 2 0 0 4 License Date Number Reeistered Eubanks, Denise Stocks 13296 2/21/1996 Ewing, Karen Doolan 7/15/1997 Eubank-Zavaleta, Sharon Kay 17025 11/18/2003 Exncr, James Joseph 07533 10/21/1980 Eudy, Joseph Daniel 08620 2/22/1984 Exum, Sheila Whitehead 05924 4/12/1973 Eudy, Michael Caldwell 09676 7/22/1987 Ezzelle, JetTrey Howard 16814 7/1/2003 Eudy, Mika Nichole 13469 7/24/1996 Ezzell-Weeks, Lisa Beth 09634 5/1 1/1987 Eulo, Michael Anthony 07680 7/21/1981 Fady, Karen A 16351 6/19/2002 Eure, Susan Lara 04965 10/6/1966 Fagg, Nancy Habrat 04578 3/5/1963 Eutsler, Thomas Maxwell 06188 9/17/1974 Faggail, Nancy Fries 16500 7/3/2002 Evancic, Kevin P 14619 9/15/1998 Fairchild, Bernard L 04791 3/3/1965 Evans, Charles Eubie 07235 11/1/1979 Faircloth, Dennis Paige 05274 4/10/1969 Evans, Christine Houser 17203 7/7/2004 Faircloth, Susanne Inman 03432 2/27/1951 Evans, Flora Nell 06558 9/15/1976 Faircloth, Vernon Allen 09481 9/16/1986 Evans, Gerald Lewis 10473 7/26/1989 Fairly, Milton Mclntvre 15633 7/21/2000 Evans, Heather Rliodes 12760 11/15/1994 Fainnan, Dennis Patrick 14768 3/16/1999 Evans, Jackie Lynn 06949 6/28/1978 Faison, Charles Thomas 1 1744 7/24/1992 Evans, Jerry Dean 07236 11/1/1979 Faison, Ozie Trevor 10472 7/26/1989 Evans, John Roland 15322 3/21/2000 Faleski, Jennifer Lynne 08727 7/30/1984 Evans, Joseph Lloyd 1 1419 7/24/1991 Falls, DeLise Peterson 17202 7/7/2004 Evans, Joy Bowman 13498 7/24/1996 Fan, Gloria Hui-Ju 14986 7/2/1999 Evans, Julie Taylor 1 1 130 10/25/1990 Fang, Sung-un Kim 16530 7/1 1/2002 Evans, Lori Maria 17204 7/7/2004 Farchoukh, Lina Oussama 16154 1 1/20/2001 Evans, Marianne 10897 7/25/1990 Fariello, Ruby Crummie 11388 7/24/1991 Evans, Melanie Lewis 13681 1 1/19/1996 Faris, Melissa Anne 06557 9/15/1976 Evans, Steven Craig 10906 7/25/1990 Farkas, Vera Anna 07679 7/21/1981 Evans, Suzanne Elizabeth 16476 6/28/2002 Farless, Garry Wayne 12876 3/21/1995 Evans, Sydney Bauer 06667 4/15/1977 Farless, Lonnie Wood 04989 11/15/1966 Evans, Wendell Lewis 14816 5/18/1999 Farley, Jean L 06777 9/16/1977 Evans, William Ellis 14399 6/26/1998 Farlow, Johnda Reynolds 13645 9/17/1996 Evdemon, Diana Martinez 15861 6/27/2001 Fanner, Erica Danielle 07779 7/24/1981 Everett, Charles Arnold 15431 6/28/2000 Fanner, Kathr>'n Cheers 12201 7/26/1993 Everett, Laura Lowe 04860 9/23/1965 Fanner, William Floyd 09026 7/26/1985 Everette, Suzanne Marie 11646 5/20/1992 FaiT, James McKendree 14423 6/29/1998 Everhart, Wendy Hand 14988 7/2/1999 Farrar, Amanda Tucker 11329 7/24/1991 Evers, Julie Ann 04275 2/25/1960 FaiTar, Joseph Ernest 14157 1 1/24/1997 Ewald, Pamela Jill 15071 7/20/1999 Farrar, Vida A License Date Number Reeistered 07438 7/25/1980 14037 Phamiacist Name Pharmacist Name R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Registered License Date Number Reeistered 08404 8 3 1983 Farrington. Elizabeth Anne 13941 7/1/1997 09524 [1 ]S.'1986 Fanington, Michele 07781 7/24/1981 Ferguson. Jeffi'ey Claude 05922 4/12/1973 Farris, Julia Eskridge 10534 7/26/1989 Ferguson, Jill Powell 07944 3^1/1982 Farris, Wayne Clark 11074 8/20/1990 Ferguson, Kimberly Adcock 14817 5/18/1999 FaiToni, Christopher Thomas 07458 7/25/1980 Ferguson, Laura Jordan 08728 7/30/1984 Fauceilc, Sandra Gregoiy 03706 3/1/1954 Ferguson, Lewis Mouchet 13015 7/25/1995 Faucctte. Stephanie Rochelle 09677 7/22/1987 Ferguson, Michael Todd 16477 6/28/2002 Faulkner, Cannen Michele 08344 7/19/1983 Ferguson, Ricky Monroe 04381 3/6'1961 Faulkner. Eduard Garfield 08729 7/30/1984 Ferguson, Theresa Lynn 13016 7/25/1995 Faulkner, William Reginald 11747 7/24/1992 Ferguson, Tonya Shively 15045 7/21/1999 Fauser. Carolyn Marie 08583 2/22/1984 Ferramosca, Mary Margaret 13773 2/25/1997 Fauteux. Brenda Shirley 12581 7/26/1994 Ferrara, Carla Eaq-) 04276 2/25/1960 Fayed, hred Tucker 04967 10/6/1966 Eerrell, Christie Hill 06087 9/18/1973 Fa>ed. Salmen Tucker 07681 7/21/1981 Ferrell, Donald Randolph 13143 7/25/1995 Feagans, Cindy Shearin I0I40 8/1/1988 Eerrell, Donna Saufley 06668 4/15/1977 Feagin, James Philip 09678 7/22/1987 Ferrell, Stanley Eugene 12282 7/26/1993 Feather. Laura Townsend 16726 3/18/2003 Ferren, Donald M. 03678 7/24/1953 Feene)'. Barney Arthur 14644 9/15/1998 FeiTcri, Stefanie 14740 1/27/1999 Felder, Christy Donnellc 17401 8/2/2004 Ferri, Anne Christine 11369 7/24/1991 Telder, Uawn Jackson 16677 1/22/2003 Ferris, Melinda Jane 13194 9/19/1995 Telder. Wiilyce LaFranc 17387 7/26/2004 Ferro, Melissa M 12809 1/I 8/1995 Teldmann, Audrey Maiy 1 1909 1 1/17/1992 Feriy, Rita Marie 12793 1/18/1995 Teldmann. Wdliam 12761 1 1/15/1994 T'ertic, Leon Henry 13682 11/19/1996 Telts, John Tloyd 1 1515 9/17/1991 Tertik, I larr>' 06186 9/17/1974 Felts, John Michael 07782 7/24/1981 T'espennan, Sarah Lipscomb 12601 7/26/1994 Tell/. Amy lliggins 08092 7/26/1982 Teudale, Page llartlison 16772 6/6/2003 Temrite, Rodney Lawrence 09830 9/15/1987 T'iaceo, Louisa Marie 05696 10/I/I97I Tender, Jackie (iwyne 14718 1/20/1999 Tiddie, Richarii (ilenn WI4I 9/26/1985 Tcnnell. James Richard 08033 7/20/1982 T'ievet, Christopher Myrick 10875 7/25/1990 Kcnnie. Kimherly Biggs 08120 7/26/19X2 Tinch. Donna Lee 06559 9/15/1976 [•'cnskc. Charles P.ohcrt 16.120 6/21/2002 Tuich. Julie Derrick W)560 9/15/1976 Tcnskc, Nancy Coltrain 06126 4/9/1974 Tinch, William ( uilis 15643 7/25/2000 Fcrcbce, Edye Lewis 03332 2/24/1950 Tinclier. lillis Nhirphy 09028 7/26/1985 Ferguson. Anna Mouchcl 14290 5/12/1998 Tinkhiner, Katherine Tiady 13758 275/1997 TrrI''l^n^l. Barlvtrn Michele 106.14 I 1/21/1989 Tirdaii, I homas f alrick Phannacist Name Phannacist Name Ferguson, Dennis Lane R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Reeistered Finley, Debbie Jackson 14553 7/21/1998 Flannagan, Rebecca Aline 7/24/1996 Finneran, Regena Allen 16985 9/12/2003 Fleetwood, Cynthia 17396 7/30/2004 Finnic, Lynn Diane 08956 5/21/1985 Fleitas, Daniel William 13017 7/25/1995 Finwall, Caren Faye 14891 6/30/1999 Fleming, Anita Collins 12293 7/26/1993 Fipps-White, Angela Lynn 10935 7/25/1990 Fleming, Deatra La Verne 16748 5/21/2003 Fire, Rebecca Moronti 06742 7/18/1977 Fleming, Gayle Ray 168 LS 7/1/2003 Firebaugh, Martha Lemly 03261 2/23/1949 Fleming, Oliver Glenn 05840 9/5/1972 Fischer, Maiy Ledbetter 12062 7/20/1993 Fleming, Ronald Alan 14541 7/21/1998 Fischer, Tracy LaVonne 09218 2/27/1986 Fleming, Ruel David 05003 3/22/1967 Fish, Allen Hardy 16155 11/20/2001 Flench, Thomas M 171 14 3/31/2004 Fish, Clare Shennan 03621 3/3/1953 Fletcher, James Hugh 16991 9/16/2003 Fishback, Maiiha Ann 10061 8/1/1988 Fletcher, Jane Dalhoff 08345 7/I9/I983 Fisher, Carl Hobbs 07626 3/17/1981 Fletcher, John Curtis 07440 7/25/1980 Fisher, David Wayne 12256 7/26/1993 Fletcher, Maiy Sevier 03795 2/28/1955 Fisher, Don Rea Hedrick 06465 4/5/1976 Flint, Sainuel Ashe 07132 4/27/1979 Fisher, James Allen 06265 4/10/1975 Flippin, Jacquelyn Sue 06224 9/23/1974 Fisher, James Dean 1 1589 2/21/1992 Flood, Loraine Ann 06562 9/15/1976 Fisher, James Nelson 09398 7/29/1986 Flood, Nanette Miller 15794 3/20/2001 Fisher, Lee Parham 14449 7/2/1998 Flores, Elizabeth Sulecki 07301 11/30/1979 Fisher, Lillie Thigpen 16068 7/18/2001 Flowerday, Lisa Maureen 09396 7/29/1986 Fisher, Mary Lee 14618 9/15/1998 Flowers, Denise A 08677 7/17/1984 Fite, Daiyl Gene 03739 6/30/1954 Floyd, Calvin Moore 09017 7/26/1985 Fitzgerald, Debra Crumpler 06563 9/15/1976 Floyd, Diana Glover 07237 1 1/1/1979 Fitzgerald, Jeff Carver 08854 11/1/1984 Floyd, George Guthrie 10669 1/16/1990 Fitzgerald, Kevin Christopher 05789 7/18/1972 Floyd, James Carl 07086 12/15/1978 Fitzgerald, Michael Kent 10909 7/25/1990 Floyd, Joan Whitfield 10681 1/16/1990 Fitzgerald, Sharon Sudduth 13473 7/24/1996 Floyd, Karen Kannady 13873 6/27/1997 Fitzgerald, Tracy Lynn 11563 1/21/1992 Floyd, Kevin Carlyle 16816 7/1/2003 Fitzpatrick, Bryan Lee 06778 9/16/1977 Floyd, Larry Dale 14252 2/25/1998 Fitzpatrick, Kathrinn Plemmons 09029 7/26/1985 Floyd, Randall Herbert 12926 6/5/1995 Fitzsimmons, Rachelle Anne 05106 10/18/1967 Floyd, Richard Williams 09397 7/29/1986 Flack, Angela Guy 05050 7/6/1967 Floyd, Thomas Alton 17205 7/7/2004 Flack, Ashelea Elizabeth 16501 7/3/2002 Flynn, Amelia Ann 12061 7/20/1993 Flacks, Louis 07784 7/24/1981 Flynn, Charles Lanier 07442 7/25/1980 Flanagan, Donald Kiyn 08375 8/3/1983 Flynn, Elizabeth Allan License Date Number Reeistered 14890 6/30/1999 13419 Phannacist Name Phannacist Name Rl-GISTEREI) P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Reeistered Pharmacist Name License Date Number Reeistered Phamiacist Name 6 6/2U03 FKnn. Jeanne Therese 13942 7/1/1997 09552 iaO'1987 Fodor. Katharine Gribbin 14038 7/15/1997 Foster, Ann Christa 13018 7/25'1995 Fogle. Jonathan Craig 12903 5/19/1995 Foster, Dana Lynn 12473 5 10 1994 Fogle, Marion L 08094 7/26/1982 Foster, Da\'id Scott 13104 " 25 1995 Fogle, Sara M\'ers 17080 2/11/2004 Foster, Heather Kapplcr L5324 3/21/2000 Fogle, SeDeris Shealy 05926 4/12/1973 Foster, Ivey Alexander 14357 6/26/1998 Foil, Jason Michael 08095 7/26/1982 Foster, Janet Fowler 14892 6/30/1999 I-oil, Shelley Paige 15073 7/20/1999 Foster, Matthew Snider 13019 7/25/1995 [•oley, Ronald Stephen 04861 9/23/1965 Foster, William Lec 11996 3/16 1993 Follendort, William F 16917 7/3/2003 Fotos, Despina Gus 14373 6 26 1998 Fontaine. Joanna Labrecque 07443 7/25/1980 Fotos, Margo Jane I6I56 11/20/2001 Fontenot, Donnie Paul 12432 2/24/1994 Fotta, Thomas Adam 05331 10/2/1969 Fonvielle, Carroll Br)'ce 07627 3/17/1981 h'oulks, Deborah Smith 07986 3/16/1982 Fonvillc. Brenda Mall 13322 2/21/1996 Foulks, Kristen Nash 07017 1 1/3/1978 Fonville, Ralph William 05697 10/1/1971 Fountain. Robeit Lee 11749 7/24/1992 Foose. George Lawrence 15545 7/10/2000 Foushee, Leigh Liles 03433 2/27/1951 Forbus, Byron McKinne\' 09735 7/22/1987 Foust, Michelle Pullium 05791 8/17/1972 Force. Elizabeth Vaughn 07591 2/27/1981 Foust. William Earl 09483 9/16/1986 Ford. Janna Crabtree 13943 7/1/1997 Fowler, Amy Dawn 06421 1/30/1976 Ford, Larr>' Murphy 14248 2/18/1998 Fowler, Angela Ruth 17206 7/7/2004 Ford, Sarah Katherine 16535 7/12/2002 Fowler, Brooke Gibson 05526 9/22/1970 Ford, Sharon (jritlith 03258 2/23/1949 l-owler, Evelyn Blanchard 15663 8/4/2000 l-'ord. Susan Lynne 06669 4/15/1977 Fowler, Ciail SilVord 15262 1/18/2000 l-ord, Tierra Simmons 09708 7/22/1987 I'owler. Suguna Kothapalli 12302 7/26/1993 l o r e , Pamela Kaye 13102 7/25/1995 [•ox, April Lsnn 13302 2/21/1996 Fore. Valerie Collelt 07856 7/24/1981 Fox, Cheryl Williams 14818 5/18/1999 horehand. Jack J 09030 7/26/1985 1-ox. (jcorge Michael 03896 1/21/1956 !-orrcster, Preston Reynolds 13474 7/24/1996 l-"ox, Ciregoi-y David 10077 8/1/1988 horshay, I:li/^ibelli (jribhie OS733 7/30/1984 Fox. James Hartley 05605 3/17/1971 lorst, James Joseph 06780 9/16/1977 l o x . Lance Ke\'in 12113 7/26'1993 Forsicr, Melissa Church 0691 5 4/14/1978 I-'ox, Peggy Lee Mcugan 13345 3/19/1996 horti. Merilyn Jeanette 1 1201 2/19/1991 [•(tx. Scott luiward 10190 970/1988 f-orlson. Mary Iranccs OS405 8/3/1983 I'ox, Steven Bruce 08S49 11/15/1983 IVirison. Nancy Stephens 10047 S/l/1988 Irab()ni. Sara Brady 0^1'^] 7/10/|9k.l lor/r'^c. Dchra hranres 096 KO 7/22/1987 I laill','. I )au'ti Mane l-'oss King. Lesley R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9 / 3 0 / 2 0 0 4 License Date Number Reeistered Fraiwat, Yolla 16286 5/14/2002 Freeman, Carla LaFevers 7/24/1991 Fraley, Alisa Thoinas 15325 3/21/2000 Freeman, Claudia A 11750 7/24/1992 Fraley, Eric Maurice 06351 9/9/1975 Freeman, Douglas Doyle 10566 7/26/1989 Fraley, Karen Sue 15849 6/12/2001 Freeman, James Russell 05698 10/1/1971 Francis, William Raymond 10249 1/17/1989 Freeman, Jewel Adele 11541 11/19/1991 Francisco, Sheni Donahoc 06238 12/19/1974 Freeman, John William 09952 3/22/1988 Franck, Mar>' Beth Baumann 14450 7/2/1998 Freeman, Joseph Todd 08734 7/30/1984 Franco, Linda Joyce 16354 6/19/2002 Freeman, Kory William 14523 7/16/1998 Frandsen, Holly Ann 04901 3/31/1966 Freeman, Numa Franklin 08050 7/26/1982 Frank, Elaine Adams 05076 10/7/1967 Freeman, Stephen Monroe 08406 8/3/1983 Frank. Ross Arnold 09610 3/17/1987 Freeman-Stauffer, Mar>' Kathiyn 06888 4/14/1978 Frankenberg. Peggy Von 15603 7/18/2000 Fregenal, Renee Claire 10592 9/23/1989 Franklin, April Arnold 11959 2/24/1993 Freiman, Howard 10911 7/25/1990 Franklin, Jill Renee 15826 5/15/2001 Freimuth, Michelle 15491 6/30/2000 Franklin, Justin D 06187 9/17/1974 Frenier, Edward Damon 07133 4/27/1979 Franklin, Margaret Gasperson 13793 3/18/1997 Frens, Jeremy John 13944 7/1/1997 Franklin, Todd Cameron 13741 2/25/1997 Frens, Mary Ann Amigable 16918 7/3/2003 Franks, Alicia Johnson 09142 10/3/1985 Frey, Esther Benderson 13945 7/1/1997 Franks, Kelly Michelle 16312 5/16/2002 Frey, Michael William 11091 9/18/1990 Franson, William Bruce 09956 3/22/1988 Frick, Roger Zane 13195 9/19/1995 Frantz, Laura Renae 12839 2/22/1995 Friday, Dana Cakes 12499 7/19/1994 Frasier, Lance Patrick 07592 2/27/1981 Friday, Stephen Edward 13196 9/19/1995 Fratto, John Philip 10011 7/19/1988 Fiiedl, Chester Harlan 15074 7/20/1999 Fratto, Louis John 13475 7/24/1996 Frierson, Edward Keith 17207 7/7/2004 Frazer, Russell Alan 15151 9/21/1999 Frith, Craig Ross 05699 10/1/1971 Frazier, James Howard 14109 9/16/1997 Fritsch, Michelle Ann 08386 8/3/1983 Frazier, Kim Bullock 11150 11/20/1990 Fritz, Marion E 11333 7/24/1991 Frazier, Lynda Wrenn 14737 1/27/1999 Froom, Elizabeth Cuirence 14203 1/22/1998 Frazier, Ronald Joseph 03792 2/28/1955 Frostick, William Leach 04848 7/2/1965 Freas, Elizabeth Ring 13794 3/18/1997 Fruits, Cynthia Thuimond 16113 9/18/2001 Freas, Glenn Richard 16544 7/16/2002 Fruitwala, Sana Mushtaq 14893 6/30/1999 Frederick, Sharon Dawn 10912 7/25/1990 Frye, Reginald Francis 11180 1/15/1991 Freedman, Selwyn Gerald 08409 8/3/1983 Frye, Susan Benolken 16353 6/19/2002 Freeman, Amy Beth 05819 9/5/1972 Frye, William Patrick 15432 6/28/2000 Freeman, Brian Lec 08957 5/21/1985 Fuentes, Robert Joseph License Date Number Reeistered 13751 2/25/1997 11461 Pharmacist Name Phannacist Name R K G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Reeistered Fuhmiaii, Stephanie Christine 04883 12/10/1965 Funnan. James Clement 6/27,2001 Fulbright. April Richard 1 1334 7/24/1991 Funnan, Thomas Heniy 03563 7/2/1952 Fulbright. Reith Nonnan 16424 6/21/2002 Funnanek. Douglas Lawrence 09031 7/26 1985 Fulbright, Susan Leigh 05748 4/7/1972 Furness, James Charles 10914 7/25. 1990 Fulcher. Brian Ricks 07240 11/1/1979 Fumiss, Leesa Dianne 06565 9/15/1976 Fulcher, Paul Burch 08096 7/26/1982 Furr, Stephen Richards 05774 4/7/1972 Fulk. Bonita Re>'nolds 11974 2/24/1993 Fussell, Angie Myrick 13022 7'25/1995 Fulkerson, Judy Robinson 09034 7/26/1985 Fulch, George Hanson 16114 9/18/2001 Fulle. 1 herese 1 1865 8/7/1992 Futrell, Debra Pearsttn 11751 7/24/1992 Fullenuider. Kiniberl>' Shitletl 13432 7/24/1996 l-ulrell, Jody Beck 16817 7/1/2003 Fuller, Amanda Faye i 1840 7/24/1992 Futrell, Maria Styons 14110 9/16/1997 Fuller, Amy R 05267 4/10/1969 Futrell, Thomas Meirill 06030 9/18/1973 Fuller. James Michael 06189 9/17/1974 Futrell, William Randolph 09032 7/26/1985 Fuller. Robert Edgar 09517 1 1/6/1986 Gabard, Tammy Green 10593 9/23/1989 Fuller. Stephen Hugh 11516 9/17/1991 Gabig, Donald Lee 05747 4/7/1972 Fuller, Stephen Weldon 14204 1/22/1998 Gabriel, Karen Jean 08234 1/18/1983 Fuller. Susan Adamec 14! 1 1 9/16/1997 Gabriel. Michael Joseph 09324 7/15/1986 Fuller, William Harold 15075 7/20/1999 Gacek, Cynthia Louise 04694 3/4/1964 Fuller. Wilham Hugh MJ067 8/1/1988 Gacha, Cynthia Lou 05077 KJ/7/1967 Fullwood, Mar>' Teaguc 15937 7/2/2001 Gaddy, Jonathan Michael 08182 9/21/1982 1-uImer, Ronald Lawrence 04382 3/6/1961 Gaddy, Ray Carlton 11 126 10/25/1990 Fuhnore, Evelyn 16355 6/19/2002 Gadonniex. Courtney Edward 04213 7/2/1959 hultnn, James Wade 17160 6/28/2004 Gadstlen, Renee Jerri 12645 7/26/1994 hulton, Kathey Barksdale 07988 3/16/1982 Gagnon, Jean Paul 05199 10/3/1968 Fulion. Thomas Albee 15219 1 1/16/1999 (Jaines. (llentla R O';033 7/26/1985 Pumarola, Dawn Musseluhite 07872 9/15/1981 (jaines, Howard Colinus 12026 5/18/1993 hunderburk. Janet Rose 12996 7/25/1995 Ciainey, Cheiyl Darnall 05307 7/15/1969 Funderburke. Jean McDaniel 14327 6/18/1998 Gainey. Matthew l-dward 16603 9/24/2002 l-ufik, Polly l-.li/abelh 12143 7/26/1993 (iainey. Paul Vincent 16459 6/27/2002 Funk, 1 crcsa Lynn 06781 9/16/1977 Gainey. Waymon Ronald 07170 4/27/1979 Fuquay, ("athy Wilson 17100 3/16/2001 Ciainor. ( arl 07087 1/16/1979 Furgurson, I:mest Whitmal 07684 7/21/1981 Cial, Peter 17208 7/7/2004 Furlough, Woodson Kay 17130 5/18/2004 (ialarneau. \Vilham 1:. 13476 7/24/1996 Fumian. Ashley Riggan 13881 6/27/1997 Galho. Julie Keith 1 V»34 7/25M99'^ Funnan. Cf)r('V Delbert 06127 4/9/197.1 fiallinmre. William Michael License Dale Number Registered i50U4 7/18/2000 15911 Phannacist Name Phannacist Name R E G I S I'ERED P H A R M A C I S T S A S O F 9 / 3 0 / 2 0 0 4 License Date Number Reeistered Gallo, Marcia Hussey 16363 6/19/2002 Gamer, Staci Hobgood 3/18/1997 Gallo, Patrick Eugene 07021 11/3/1978 Garrard, Elizabeth Ennis 10916 7/25/1990 Gallop, Christine McPhilliniy 11459 7/24/1991 Gan-ett, Anna Dixon 12882 3/21/1995 Gallovitch, Edward Joseph 08556 1/17/1984 Garrett, Daniel Gilbert 12589 7/26/1994 Galloway. Jeffrey Kent 07185 6/19/1979 Garrett, John Esley 08097 7/26/1982 Galloway, Joseph Richmond 17048 12/22/2003 Garrett, Rebecca Ann 05623 3/29/1971 Gambill, Charles William 08215 11/16/1982 Garris, Gregoiy Walker 17360 7/21/2004 Gaines, Dona Maria 16819 7/1/2003 Garris, James Douglas 10401 7/18/1989 Gamier, Roherl Charles 16888 7/1/2003 Garris, Shauna Sutton 03416 12/1 1/1950 Gammon, Hunter Oakley 09791 7/21/1987 Garrison, Jeanne Lynn 16554 7/17/2002 Gamrat, Steven Richard 08905 2/26/1985 Garrison, John Paul 13477 7/24/1996 Gandhi, Rajni Bipin 04471 3/6/1962 Garrou, Ann Bills 15220 i 1/16/1999 Gandhi, Yogesh N 12139 7/26/1993 Garside, Janice Ellis 07241 1 1/1/1979 Gantt, Charise Loweiy 07080 11/21/1978 Garvin, Stephen Edward 07177 5/15/1979 Gantt, Thomas Morrison 06817 9/16/1977 Garvin, Susan Morris 14479 7/2/1998 Gantt, Tonya Wilson 1 1997 3/16/1993 Garwood, Susan Marie 07018 11/3/1978 Garcia, Loni Tiaylor 16648 1 1/20/2002 Gaskins, Allene Jacobs 16194 1/8/2002 Garcia, Magdalena T 10918 7/25/1990 Gassaway, Hugh Dillard 07151 4/27/1979 Gardiner, Darlene Metcalf 06268 4/10/1975 Gaster, Anthony Wayne 17209 7/7/2004 Gardner, Casey Kiinzey 11181 1/15/1991 Gatewood, Albert Hill 05624 3/29/1971 Gardner, Joe Dan 10919 7/25/1990 Gathy, Stephen Robert 13822 5/14/1997 Gardner, Julie Marie 12203 7/26/1993 Gatien, Charlotte Lutz 12840 2/22/1995 Gardner, Kevin Dodson 1 1866 8/9/1992 Gatlin, Amanda 16818 7/1/2003 Gardner, Kimberly Smith 06429 2/26/1976 Gatlin, Asa Reginald 09681 7/22/1987 Gardner, Stephanie Fenell 1 1939 1/19/1993 Gatling, Cathy Moore 13025 7/25/1995 Gardner, Steven Lasson 04383 3/6/1961 Gattis, Hobson Ivan 08584 2/22/1984 Gardner, Timothy Andrew 13028 7/25/1995 Gattis, Wendy Ann 03334 2/24/1950 Gardner, Windfield Scott 10467 7/26/1989 Gaudelli, Carol Dixon 10134 8/1/1988 Garlock, Patti J Robertson 12145 7/26/1993 Gay, Marguerite Katherine 16079 7/20/2001 Gannise, Jennifer 15076 7/20/1999 Gaydeski, Victoria P 16077 7/20/2001 Garmise, Robert Joseph 05927 4/12/1973 Gaynor, Carey Wooten 12379 11/30/1993 Garner, Karen Wilburn 08346 7/19/1983 Gburek, Diane Fischer 06783 9/16/1977 Gamer, Lacy Alton 07019 11/3/1978 Gee, Joseph Clements 07536 10/21/1980 Garner, Nancy Virginia 04902 3/31/1966 Geer, Ronald Michael 05268 4/10/1969 Garner, Richard Lamont 12959 7/25/1995 Gchlken, Elizabeth Adkins License Date Number Reeistered 0969() 7/22/1987 13795 Phannacist Name Pharmacist Name R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Reeistered Geisler, James Robert 13304 2/2 L 1996 Gierie, Francoisc Heidi Geislcr, Stac>' L\nn 12269 7/26/1993 Gielzen, Shan'ii Spell 7/22/1987 Gentile, Melanie Houser 04615 6/21/1963 Giffen. Elliott Moirison I6S07 7/1/2003 Gentr\', HolK Da\ is 15786 2/23/2001 Gignac, Dominique Marie 11338 7/24/1991 Gentr>', Karen Lynn 1 1 143 1 1/20/1990 Gilbeii, Jean Michaelle 09075 7/26/1985 Gentr>'. Lynn O'Daniel 10476 7/26/1989 Gilbeit, Tammy Stewart 12728 9/20/1994 Gentry', William Matthew 16287 5/14/2002 Gilbride, Barbara Lynn 17384 7/232004 George, Anjum Zainab 1 1752 7/24/1992 Giles, Tanya Gmbbs 14678 11/24 1998 George, Donald Mark 12362 9/30/1993 Gillam, Anita Jones 06988 11/3/1978 George, Jonnie Barbour 03793 2/28/1955 Gillespie, Charles Byrd 10S34 7/17/1990 George. Melanie Creasy 12105 7/26/1993 Gillespie, Pearlie Campbell 06191 9/17/1974 George, Samuel Lomian 11 753 7/24/1992 Gillcy, Gina Howard 12027 5/18/1993 Gerald, John Michael 10921 7/25/1990 Gilley, Patricia Ann 14473 7/2/1998 Gerhart, Eva Marie 10073 8/I/I988 Gilliard, Travis Maurice 14424 679/1998 Gerhart, Matthew Jon 09282 5/12/1986 Gilliland, Sandra Kent 10524 7/26/1989 Gcnnick, Lucretia Faye 11650 5/20/1992 Gilreath, Richard Wayne 09159 11/19/1985 Gemerl, Erwin James 15748 12/21/2000 Ginsberg, Deborah 07555 10/21/1980 Gcrrald, Beth Anderson 16158 1 1/20/2001 Gionel, John Mark 08036 7/20/1982 Gerrald, Evander Kem 13065 7/25/1995 Girardeau, Caroline Johnson 16604 9/24/2002 Geter, Joseph Noel 17026 1 1/18/2003 Girgis, George Nazmy 15221 11/16/1999 Geyser, Sandra M 05749 4/7/1972 Girtman, William Glenn 11564 1/21/1992 Ghanlt, Jesse James 13375 5/14/1996 Gitter, Kristen Jean 16955 7/16/2003 Ghushe, Dalta 07543 10/21/1980 Ciiurintano. Barbara Medlm 14501 7/9/1998 Gibbs, David Paul 10922 7/25/1990 Gladlelter, Susan Leslie 10070 8/1/1988 Gibbs, Wade Jackie 10594 9/23/1989 Glasgo, Mailin Eugene 17366 7/20/2004 Gibbs, Winter Joy 05269 4/10/1969 Glass, Alan Ronald 07945 3/1/1982 Gibson MD, Kathleen 12594 7/26/1994 Glass, Sharon Denise 04472 3/6/1962 Gibson, Charles ITiomas 14896 6/30/1999 (Jlasscock, Bradley Jaines 08412 8/3/1983 Gibson, Donna Kay 07022 1 1/3/1978 Glasser, Howard L\nn 13683 11/19/1996 Ciibson, Grcgor>' Darr>'l 06566 9/15/1976 (ilasson, Joel C(»llins 08678 7/17/1984 Gibson, Joe Nonnan lfl630 1 1/3/1989 Cila/e, Wilson Eugene 06192 9/17/1974 Gibson, Robert Van 09526 1 l/IX/1986 (ilazer, Howard Michael 08122 7/26/1982 Gibson, Sue Lccuwcnburg 07903 1/19/1982 Cileaves. Harold Thomas 14451 7/2/1998 fiibson-Griffin. Lc;inn 1 5976 7/9/2001 Glenn, Kimberly Presnell 9'9'H'77 (V\f\(\ru., I573n I 1'2 1/2000 License Date Number Reeistered I4S94 6 30/1999 I593S 7/2/2001 09694 Pharmacist N a m e William limr-rh'.' Pharmacist Name ritrnnoii. Marj-arel l l i / a h e t h REGISTERED P H A R M A C I S T S A S O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Reeistered Gliptis, Evan George 13646 9/17/1996 Gonzales, Susan Ann 1 1/3/1978 Glisson, Gary Renn 15672 8/25/2000 Gonzalez, Holly Ann T 08030 7/20/1982 Glover, Dorothy Elaine 15731 1 1/21/2000 Gonzalez, Iraida 13234 1 1/21/1995 Glover, Karla Jones 04622 7/5/1963 Gooch, Jaines Haywood 10074 8/1/1988 Glover, Mark Lee 08585 2/22/1984 Gooch, Michael Douglas 04215 7/2/1959 Glover, Wilton Ford 11358 7/24/1991 Good, Deborah Hester 07636 5/19/1981 Gluck, Steven Alan 10923 7/25/1990 Goodale, Elizabeth Parsons 05126 4/4/1968 Gnau, Thomas Richard 07026 1 1/3/1978 Goodman, Christine Sloop 06971 10/2/1978 Gobble, Ronald Clay 05850 9/5/1972 Goodman, Judith Morgan 12729 9/20/1994 Godcharles, Joseph Warren 13394 7/16/1996 Goodman, Mitchell H 07349 4/24/1980 Godfrey, Robert Anthony 10317 3/21/1989 Goodman, Richard Michael 06738 7/19/1977 Godfrey, William Steven 05928 4/12/1973 Goodson, Bmce Michael 14360 6/26/1998 Godfrey, Willie Riggs 11340 7/24/1991 Goodson, Dina Moutos 14526 7/16/1998 Godshalk, Michele Ann 06894 4/14/1978 Goodson, Mark Allen 06574 9/15/1976 Godwin, Denise Howes 12841 2/22/1995 Goodwin, Alan Scott 07024 11/3/1978 Godwin, Harold Prescott 17210 7/7/2004 Goodwin, Corey Minton 14527 7/16/1998 Godwin, Sonya Coble 15198 1 I/I/I 999 Goodwin, Dawn Marie 08132 7/26/1982 Goff, Martha McNeill 08417 8/3/1983 Goodwin, Julia Hall 08958 5/21/1985 Goff, Mary Catherine 16401 6/19/2002 07686 7/21/1981 Gofoith, George Edward 04473 3/6/1962 Goodwin, Samuel Stephen 15560 7/13/2000 Goins, Donna Reid 07788 7/24/1981 Goodwin, Sheila Diane 07025 11/3/1978 Coins, Joseph Theodore 10925 7/25/1990 Goodwyn, George Scott 11308 7/24/1991 Goins, Wendy Burkot 16820 7/1/2003 Goolsby, Jennifer Lee 13885 6/27/1997 Gola, Stacy Lynn 15077 7/20/1999 Gorczynski, Amanda 04792 3/3/1965 Goldman, Ronald Morton 12381 11/30/1993 Gordon, Carol A 07462 7/25/1980 Goldsmith, Kim Koury 13684 1 I/I9/1996 Gordon, Christopher Alan 08738 7/30/1984 Goldstein, Philip Steven 07687 7/2I/198I Gordon, James Milton 1 1517 9/17/1991 Goldstein, William H 08939 3/19/1985 Gordon, Mark Allen 12675 7/26/1994 Goldston, Dana Rabon 04474 3/6/1962 Gordon, Robert Lee 07599 2/27/1981 Goldwatcr, Shannon Huff 07593 2/27/1981 Gordon, Rodney Sloop 17122 4/27/2004 Golonka, Jason John 06784 9/16/1977 Gordon, Stuart Irving 09868 11/17/1987 Golshan, Nooshin 11592 2/21/1992 Gordon, William Jeffrey 09256 3/18/1986 Gombolay, Nomiki Kampouris 08884 1/15/1985 Gordon, William Vincent 16260 3/19/2002 Gomez-De-Molina, Michael E 15820 4/20/2001 Gore, Austin Eugene 17131 5/18/2004 Gommer, Jennifer Lauien 1 1875 9/22/1992 Gore, Laura License Date Number Reeistered 13481 7/24/1996 07023 Phamiacist Name Phamiacist N a m e Goodwin, Mary Sprouse R E G I S T E R E D P H A R i M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/20(14 License Dale Number Reeistered Phamiacist Name License Date Number Reeistered Phamiacist Name 7 9 20U1 Gorrell. Robert Wilson 04963 10/6/1966 09323 7/15 1986 Gosselin, Gina Frazier 04991 11/23/1966 Gravitte, Alton Paul 09114 9/17/1985 Gotl, Ke\ in Keith 12434 2/24/1994 Gray, Angela Bender 13S74 6/27/1997 Gotzko\vsk\-, Stephen Karl 1 1317 7/24/1991 Gray, Anita Creech 1214S 7/26/1993 Gouveia-Pisano, Julie Ann 1063 1 1 1/3/1989 Gray, Jeanne Raye 07136 4/27/1979 G o u a n y . David Thomas 15433 6/28/2000 Gray, Kelly Ann 04740 7/2/1964 Grabs, Omnie Omil>' 14865 6/30/1999 Gray, Keri Brooks 09229 2/27/1986 Grady, LaRue Ma\' 15978 7/9/2001 15326 3/21/2000 Graft', Donald Warren 10318 3/21/1989 Gray, Press Lee 06466 4/5/1976 Graham. Beverly Diane 04964 10/6/1966 Gray, Richard Adrow 12149 7/26/1993 Graham. Bobby Joseph 06193 9/17/1974 Gray. Richard l l o u a r d 12150 7/26/1993 Graham, Christopher John 1 1 127 10/25/1990 Gray, Shelly Lynn 14452 7/2/1998 Graham, Christopher John 04783 2/19/1965 Gray, William Warner 10745 2/21/1990 Graham, Claire Watts 05701 10/1/1971 Grayson, Everette Monroe 03992 3/1/1957 Graham, Henr>' Neill 13647 9/17/1996 Grayson, Taunula Charnelle 09115 9/17/1985 Graham, James Alexander 14963 7/1/1999 Greek, Beth DeWitt 05148 4/4/1968 Graham, James Lec 15288 1/27/2000 Greco, Louis 15299 1/27/2000 (Jraham, Katina Burris 09283 5/12/1986 Green, Charles Edward 15043 7/19/1999 Graham, Kimberly Ann 13753 2/25/1997 Green, Elizabeth Rich 08828 9/18/1984 (iraham. Laurie Ou'cns 08499 9/20/1983 Green, James Ailhur 03262 2/23/1949 Graham, Leon Irvin 12436 2/24/1994 Green, Jeffry Lee 05200 10/3/1968 Graham, Margarcle Kaucher 1 7094 3/2/2004 Green, Julie L. 12151 7/26/1993 Graham, Michael Jeffrey 10130 8/1/1988 Green. Maria Ramsey 05204 10/3/1968 (Jraham. Stephanie Hunter 13685 1 1/19/1996 CJreen, Marilyn Shearer 12731 9'20/]994 Graham, Steven Sinclair 09796 7/21/1987 (jreen. ferri 1 ,ynn 1628H 5/14/2002 Ciraham, '1 ina Stoll 07243 1 1/1/1979 (ireene, Allen l:arl 10707 2/21/1990 Graliarn, Traci Benfield 06031 9/18/1973 (jreene. luluard ('aKin 03880 1 I/19/1955 Graham, William Wilson 10835 7/17/1990 Greene, J Stephen W 11754 7/24/1992 CJraingcr, Christine F 04027 7/4/1957 (ireene, James Simpson 09333 8/15/1986 Grainger, Joanne 10550 7/26/1989 (ireene. Jennifer Smaii 16943 7/9/2003 Granade, I-Jlen Wemyss 14453 7/2/1998 (ireene, Joy Bowers 11593 2/21/1992 CJranberry, Wendy K 15561 7/13/2000 (ireene, Linda 16159 1 1/20/2001 (iranko. Robert 1' 12312 7/31/1993 (jreene, Lisa ! lamilton 05929 4/I2/I973 Ciravalt, Miehael llriward 15187 9/29/1999 (iieene, Meredith hidencia 1 ''2''''/ 1/17/1996 ffravcs, Amv Linda Conner 10456 7/26/1989 C ireene. Mvra Cox Graves, Sandra Gilbert Gray, Myslie Manguin REGISTERED P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Registered License Date Number Registered 06567 9/15/1976 Greene, Nicholas Matthew 08862 1 1/20/1984 Griftln, Dona Fran 08984 7/16/1985 Greene, Richard Charles 08100 7/26/1982 Griftln, Earl Lee 05333 10/2/1969 Greene, Richard Harlee 06569 9/15/1976 Griftln, Eleyse Harrell 08906 2/26/1985 Greene, Richard Ray 11696 7/24/1992 Griftln, Elisabeth Abee 05751 4/7/1972 Greene, Ronald Preston 03231 6/18/1948 Griftln, Ellerbe Wilson 16555 7/17/2002 Greene, Teirence William 07101 3/20/1979 Griftln, Gregoiy Lyman 1616(1 1 1/20/2001 Greene, William LeVan 13564 7/24/1996 Griftln, Holly Ramsey 16435 6/24/2002 Green-Knepper, Nancy Lee 08740 7/30/1984 Griftln, Irene Oberste-Vorth 1 1960 2/24/1993 Greenlee, James Edwin 09578 3/2/1987 Griftln, James Hampton 14620 9/15/1998 Greenly, Richard Brett 13034 7/25/1995 Griftln, Karen Cummings 05281 4/10/1969 Greenstone, Judie Phillips 05977 4/17/1973 Griftln, Karen Lee 12152 7/26/1993 Greenwell, Christopher Charles 06154 4/9/1974 Griftln, Linda Karen 10478 7/26/1989 Greenwell, Mark Damian 1 1343 7/24/1991 Griftln, Michael Earl 16536 7/12/2002 Greenwood, Amanda Marie 13875 6/27/1997 Griftln, Michael Lee 057(J2 10/1/1971 Greenwood, Robert Benjamin 07161 4/27/1979 Griftln, Nancy Catherine 08175 7/26/1982 Greer, Katherine Zobel 07689 7/21/1981 Griftln, Ned Wilson 10928 7/25/1990 Greer, Mark Lemuel 16649 1 1/20/2002 Griftln, Sandra Weaver 10929 7/25/1990 Greeson, Amy Laverne 05844 9/5/1972 09036 7/26/1985 Greeson, Harvey Clifton 13482 7/24/1996 Griftln, William Clyde 03467 6/28/1951 Greeson, Harvey Clifton 03848 7/5/1955 Griftln, William Crane 04580 3/5/1963 Greeson, Joe David 04281 2/25/1960 Griffin, William Russell 08742 7/30/1984 Greeson, Sharon Halsey 06713 4/15/1977 Griffith, Joe Anne Todd 14621 9/15/1998 Gregoty, Mark Jonathan 10078 8/1/1988 1721 1 7/7/2004 Gregoiy, Patrick Brandon 13346 3/19/1996 Griffiths, James Francis 14741 1/27/1999 Gregoiy, Stephanie Stallings 10930 7/25/1990 Grigg, John Andrew 06785 9/16/1977 Gregson, Jeiry Fulton 11518 9/17/1991 Griggs, Reay McCoy 13721 1/22/1997 Gresh, Gary Paul 06194 9/17/1974 Grill, Frank James 07688 7/21/1981 Gresham, Angela Colleen 13949 7/1/1997 Grimes, David Martin 09925 2/24/1988 Gresham, John William 09037 7/26/1985 Grimes, Lisa Thomas 03564 7/2/1952 Gresham, John William 16771 6/6/2003 Grimes, Mary Elizabeth B 15263 I/18/2000 Grice, Neil Wade 17212 7/7/2004 Grimsley, Alison Lydia 11094 9/18/1990 Griffeth, Carine B e n a 15222 11/16/1999 Grinder, John Wayne 08416 8/3/1983 Griftln, David Lynn 13035 7/25/1995 Grissoin, Brian William 07397 6/17/1980 Griftln, Debra Keever 05752 4/7/1972 Grissoin, William Arnold 12992 7/25/1995 Griftln, Delora Cranfi^rd 09776 7/22/1987 Griswold, Kimberly Wynn Pharmacist Name Pharmacist N a m e Griftln, Tamara McMackin Griffith, Sandra Kay R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date License Date Number Reeistered Phamiacist Name Number Reeistered 10350 6 19 2002 Grizzard. Man- Belli 13824 5/14/1997 Gupta. Shishir Kumar 0S741 7/30 1984 Groce 111. James Bo>d 16980 8/29/2003 Gupta, Sliueta L^153 9 21/1999 Groke, Anna M 04475 3/6/1962 Gupton, Adrian Clay 12153 7 26 1993 Groom. Patricia Kathleen 05420 4/2/1970 Gupton, Ted Gilbert 09101 7/26/1985 Groseclose. Jennifer Diane 07556 10/21/1980 13761 2/25/1997 Gross. Gloriana Lendian 05822 9/5/1972 Gurganus, James Ruft'm 13823 5 / 1 4 ' ! 997 Gross. Jack E 07577 1/20/1981 Gurganus, Marcia Hooks 07947 3/1/1982 Gross. Jeffres' Lee 07449 7/25/1980 Gurley, Robin Kluttz 06357 9/9/1975 Gross. Nicholas Ralpli 07137 4/27/1979 Gurley, Tony Curtis 12842 2/22'1995 Grosslieim. Richard Harding 17463 9/30/2004 Guiriere, Rasmond Joseph 16749 5/21/2003 Grosso, Joseph P 12884 3/21/1995 Guse, Eileen McMalion 16750 5/21/2003 Grosso, Lorraine Stem 13686 1 1/19/1996 Guse, Paul Andrew 11344 7/24/199! Gro\'e. David Micliael 15434 6/28/2000 Guskiewicz. Melissa Mullis 10191 9/20/1988 Groves, Juditli Elaine 15435 6/28/2000 Guskiewicz, Robert Andrew 05821 9/5/1972 Grubb. Frank Lander 05299 5/6/1969 12154 7/26/1993 Grubb, Joyce E\'elyn 06568 9/15/1976 Gustashaw, Robert Steven 15648 7/25/2000 Grubb, Lori Jane 16473 6/27/2002 Gustin, Clare Anne I23I5 7/28/1993 Grubb, Loriaii Kelly 07789 7/24/1981 Ciuthrie, Paul Wayne 14250 2/23/I99S Grummer, Robert Joseph 15872 6/27/2001 Gutierres, Sheiyl Lyn 1616! 1 1/20/2001 Ciruneualder, Fli/abeth Anne 07244 1 1/1/197') Gutternian, Donna Lee 06054 9/18/1973 Gualtieri, Sarah I-'rances 07467 7/25/1980 Gutterman, Elizabeth Lofquist 07537 10/21/1980 Guarrera, Christine Grace 13305 2/21/1996 Guy, Jacqueline Dawn 14800 4/9/1999 (iuerke. Lawrence Ralph 10454 7/26/1989 Guy, Pamela Coirigan 14205 1/22/1998 Cjuerriero, Laura Noel 07450 7/25/1980 Guy, Robert Ftlward 12407 1/19/1994 Ciuerr,'. Sharon Sligh 10479 7/26/1989 (iuy, William Preston 07129 4/29/1979 Guest. Joy Davis 15436 6/28/2000 Guylon. Carol Ann 08347 7/19/1983 Guider. I^ouglas Clayton 10353 5/16/1989 (hizzo, (Jail J 17278 7/7/2004 f juiilen. Kristy Perr>' 15827 5/15/2001 Guzzo. Michael 1 )anle 15562 7/13/2000 Ciuin, Knnhcrly Carol 14897 6/30/1999 Gwaltney. Deidra L\'nne 15360 3/30/2000 CJuirguis. Antoinette Sohby 13412 7/16/199r. (iwinn. Kimberly Ann 15717 10/| 1/2000 Ciujrati, Sanjay 16289 5/14/2002 (Jwynn, Misty 1 Ipchurch 16821 7/1/2003 fiiilla. Mary F.li/jbcth 09684 7/22/1987 llaan. I'lnllip Wayne 16727 3/187003 Gum. Michael Orrin 13037 7/25/1995 1 l.tas. BiA'an /\usfin 1 206-1 7/20/1993 Tiunnarson. Jvulith Ann 062 1 5 9/17/1974 Haas, Marj-arel Willis 067<;o 9'16't97-^ 06 "^23 6/2KM97'^ Ilaber. /\rtbnr Phamiacist Name Gurganus, Alvin Ellis Gustafson, Lee Arnold R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Reeistered Haberer, Lynda Joan 13952 7/1/1997 9/22/1970 Hackney, Claudia Smith 06896 4/14/1978 Hale, Patrick Smith 03794 2/28/1955 Hackney, Eugene Walden 07415 7/25/1980 Hall, Amanda Bethune 03993 3/1/1957 Hackney, Sara Jackson 16202 1/16/2002 Hall, Amanda Joyce 11336 7/24/1991 Hackney, Sherri Gan-en 15437 6/28/2000 Hall, Bobbie Hawley 15264 1/18/2000 Haddad, Dahlia Y 13154 7/25/1995 Hall, Deborah Ann 17213 7/7/2004 Haddon, Lisa Ann 1 1293 7/24/1991 Hall, Deborah Evelyn 11341 7/24/1991 Haddon, Teressa Gordon 09685 7/22/1987 Hall, Don Belois 08759 7/30/1984 Hadley, EdnaRuth Manning 14681 1 1/24/1998 Hall, Elizabeth Lee 10403 7/18/1989 Hafner, Grace Elizabeth 04457 1/29/1962 Hall, Haskell Jackson 13825 5/14/1997 Hafner, Robert Joseph 04695 3/4/1964 Hall, Hayes Earl 15843 5/17/2001 Hagan, James Michael 04520 7/10/1962 Hall, Homer Glenn 16460 6/27/2002 Hagen, Tiffany Rose 07451 7/25/1980 Hall, James Franklin 14041 7/15/1997 Hagepanos, Agatha Hermine 05078 10/7/1967 Hall, James Ray 05823 9/5/1972 Hager, Joel Lyndon 1 1347 7/24/1991 Hall, Jill Greene 13434 7/24/1996 Hager, Sheny Blevins 13230 11/21/1995 Hall, Myra Register 1 1973 2/24/1993 Hager, Susan Elizabeth 07608 2/27/1981 Hall, Nancy Melin 15873 6/27/2001 Hager, Veronica Lynn 16163 1 1/20/2001 Hall, Phillip Maynard 12500 7/19/1994 Haggard, Rlionda Reichert 03290 6/30/1949 Hall, Robert Buckner 14408 6/26/1998 Haggstrom, Greta Snow 13754 2/25/1997 Hall, Robert William 10965 7/25/1990 Hagood, Dana Riser 16357 6/19/2002 Hall, Sandy Thornton 11204 2/19/1991 Hahle, George Mathison 11758 7/24/1992 Hall, Scott Anderson 14238 2/17/1998 Hahn, Crystal Marie 08101 7/26/1982 Hall, Tammy Coble 15125 8/5/1999 Hahn, Kimberly Ann 14682 11/24/1998 Hall, Travis Scott 12333 9/21/1993 Haight, Barbara Ruth 05987 6/19/1973 Hallam, Hugh Gavin 06056 9/18/1973 Haines, Ava Reynolds 13376 5/14/1996 Hailey, Gary Mervyn 06269 4/10/1975 Haines, Paula Clayton 11590 2/21/1992 Hallisey, Amy Funderburk 12602 7/26/1994 Haire, Teresa Hogue 09926 2/24/1988 Hallman, Benjamin Richard 13383 5/14/1996 Hairston, Felicia T 13687 11/19/1996 Hallman, Teresa Howie 04282 2/25/1960 Haithcock, Jimmy Reid 08743 7/30/1984 Haltom, Mark Thurman 11757 7/24/1992 Haizlip, Julie Ann 14260 3/17/1998 Halvorsen, Patricia Marie 09958 3/22/1988 Hak, Lawrence Joseph 10799 5/15/1990 Ham, Gary Lynn 10764 3/20/1990 Halcomb, Jeffery M 15686 9/19/2000 Hambly, Jennifer Shawn 10746 2/21/1990 Halcomb, Lisa Michelle 12108 7/26/1993 Hamby, Tracy Lynne 06129 4/9/1974 Hale, Gregory Neil 07453 7/25/1980 Hamilton, Donna Han'is License Date Number Reeistered 08985 7/16/1985 05527 Pharmacist N a m e Phannacist Name Hale, Kenneth James R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/3()/2()()4 License Dale Number Registered 1 ol 1 w Phamiacist Name License Date Number Registered Phamiacist Name 1 1 1 5 19S8 Haniilton, Emilie C u n i e 07693 7/21/1981 Hanna, George Michael 06130 4/9/1974 Hamilton. Henr>' Donald 12028 5/18/1993 Hannabach, Joseph Allan 06467 4/5/1976 Hamilton, Jean Koch 08986 7/16/1985 Hannan, Cyril Maitin 0S764 7/30/1984 Hamilton, Jenniter Ma>'bin 17442 9/21/2004 Hannan, James Parce 08830 9/18/1984 Hamilton. Kathr\ii Jordan 11408 7/24/1991 Hannay, Susan Nieder 08831 9/18/1984 Hamilton, Phomas L i n u o o d 15302 2/3/2000 Hamion, Tara llieresa 16563 7/16/2002 Hamka, Houda M 17217 7/7/2004 Hansen, Christine Nicole 03128 3/27/1946 Hamlet, Joe Eduard 16048 7/17/2001 Hansen, Dennis Elvin 17010 9/26'2003 1 iamleit, Nicole Michele 15374 5/16/2000 Hansen, Elizabeth Corazzo 11349 7/24/1991 Hamm. Ste\en Ross 17218 7/7/2004 Hansen, Nicole Leigh 09038 7/26/1985 Hamni, Stuart Alton 09686 7/22/1987 Hanson, Scott James 16584 7/29/2002 Hammer, Barbara Heleina 13953 7/1/1997 Hardee, Bpy'an Keith 16116 9/18/2001 Hammett, James Christopher 15518 7/6/2000 Hardee, Jillaine Gairis 07658 7/21/1981 1 larnmett-W'egman, Janis 06195 9/17/1974 Hardee, Sandra Grace 15223 1 1/161999 Hammond, Julia Mcleod 08263 2/22/1983 Harden, Gary Lee 10141 8/1/1988 Hammond, Karen DeBruhl 09697 7/22/1987 Harden, Laura Jessup 07391 5/20/1980 Hammond, Leonard Douglas 15265 1/18/2000 Harder, Russell La\ern I34S4 7/24/1996 Hammond, Lisa Marie 136S8 11/19/1996 Hardesty, Shawn Noble 17214 7/7/2004 liainmons. Knnbcily Ballard 06605 9/15/1976 Hardie, Nancy Richardson 09960 3/22/1988 Hample, (ieorge Frank 07350 4/24/1980 Hardin. Houard Daniel 10932 7/25/1990 Hampton, Lisa Dawn 10178 8/23/1988 Hardin, Johnson Jacob 05528 9/22/1970 Hamrick, Charles Vinson 04742 7/2/1964 10933 7/25/1990 i lamrick, Marty Allen 10269 2/27/1989 Hardin. Lauren B 11519 9/17/1991 Hanania, Da\id M 08251 2/22/1983 Hardison, Beserly Bass 11759 7/24/1992 Hance, Michael Dale 07874 9/15/1981 Hardman, Dianna Ley (K)874 1/27/1978 Hanchey, Sara Harvey 07245 11/1/1979 Hardy. Alton Dak- 1 1417 7/24/1991 Hanckel. Susan Pendsc 13755 2/25/1997 Hardy, Angela Harrell 14361 6/26/1998 Hancock, Melanie 09039 7/26/1985 Hardy, Anthony Charles 15732 1 1/21/2000 Hancock. Richard West 04284 2/25/1960 I lardy. ('harles !!dward 1432H 6/18/1998 Hand. David I' (t8l02 7/26/1982 Hardy. Hu)'li Dan 17215 7/7/2004 Hand. Katherine Susanne 06034 9/18/1973 1 lardy. William Murphy 08299 3/I5/I983 Haney, James Whitney 14622 9/15/1998 1 lare. John Jay 17216 7/7/2004 Hancy, Sara Anne 06035 9/18/1973 Haij'etl. F.rnest (ieorge Or,033 9/18/1973 llankins, Barbara Brewer 08803 7/30/1984 Hargett, Mar>' Sylvester 07M2 6M6'I981 Hanlon, Joseph niomas 1 1 VM 2'2 1/1992 HariH-ll, Rac hel Ellen Hardin. Kenneth Pearshing R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Reeistered Phannacist Name Hargis, Gerald Wayne 13126 7/25/1995 Hanick, Kelly Pitts 7/26/1985 Hargis, Judy Coiner 12166 7/26/1993 Harrill, Anne Higby 10081 8/1/1988 Hargis, Ronald Lathan 06468 4/5/1976 Han'ill, Gary Lee 04903 3/31/1966 Hargis, Ronald Lathan 05270 4/10/1969 Hairill, Michael Henry 07695 7/21/1981 Harlow, Joanne Slawson 14900 6/30/1999 Harrington, Jacob Lynn 10936 7/25/1990 Hannan, David Todd 10469 7/26/1989 Harrington, Michele Dunn 07990 3/16/1982 Hannan, John Douglas 13040 7/25/1995 Harrington, Tammy Vann 15445 6/28/2000 Harmon, Amanda Johnson 05529 9/22/1970 Harrington, Thomas Michael 06196 9/17/1974 Hannon, David Kirby 14968 7/2/1999 Hairis, Angela Michael 16358 6/19/2002 Hannon, Franklin David 07786 7/24/1981 Harris, Ann Marie 10595 9/23/1989 Hannon, Irvin Stack 04581 3/5/1963 Hairis, Anne Harris 17055 1/22/2004 Hannon, Tonny Lynn 08461 8/3/1983 Hairis, Debra Grey 04521 7/10/1962 Hannon, William Sidney 16822 7/1/2003 Hairis, Eduardo Jose 16049 7/17/2001 Hanns, Keiry Don 03710 3/1/1954 Harris, George Wesley 12382 1 1/30/1993 Harnsberger, Jeffrey J 14623 9/15/1998 HaiTis, Geraldine S M 11007 7/25/1990 Haroldson, Ginger Nance 08586 2/22/1984 Han-is, Hal Clarke 13395 7/16/1996 Haroldson, Robert Curtis 17410 8/9/2004 Hairis, Heather Sylvia 13674 10/25/1996 Harper, Allison Miller 15519 7/6/2000 Hairis, Jennifer Banks 10958 7/25/1990 Harper, Dina Kay 10053 8/1/1988 Hairis, Jennifer Lynn 10082 8/1/1988 Harper, Karen Jo 03566 7/2/1952 Harris, Joseph Claxton 04904 3/31/1966 Haiper, Ralph Ragan 06570 9/15/1976 Harris, Julian Walter 04386 3/6/1961 Harper, Wendell James 05953 4/12/1973 Hairis, Kathleen Woodell 14608 8/14/1998 HaiTell, Bradley Jackson 16992 9/16/2003 Hairis, Lakeshea Shen-i 06359 9/9/1975 HaiTell, Cathryn Boykin 05703 10/1/1971 Harris, Leon William 05335 10/2/1969 HaiTell, Clarence Brooks 1 1763 7/24/1992 Hairis, Lisa Marie 09403 7/29/1986 Harrell, David Benjamin 04905 3/31/1966 Harris, Lynda Cauble 07138 4/27/1979 Harrell, Jacquelin Touloupas 14540 7/22/1998 Han-is, Margaret Ann 1 1351 7/24/1991 Harrell, Janette Lee 08419 8/3/1983 Harris, Marietta Jones 041 15 7/7/1958 Han-ell, OIlie Cecil 16959 7/17/2003 Hairis, Matthew Troy 11999 3/16/1993 Harrell, Pamela Louise 17219 7/7/2004 Hairis, Meghan Ashley 07793 7/24/1981 Han-ell, Waiter Stanton 08815 7/30/1984 Hairis, Mona Williams 09040 7/26/1985 Han-ell, Wendy Whitley 05700 10/1/1971 Han'is, Patricia Clayton 10938 7/25/1990 HaiTell-Tosto, Karen Lynn 09404 7/29/1986 Hairis, Patricia Day 09025 7/26/1985 Han-elson, Pamela Evans 09834 9/15/1987 Hanis, Paula Denise 14980 7/2/1999 Harrelson, Stephanie Coker 09579 3/2/1987 License Date Number Registered 06358 9/9/1975 09013 Phannacist Name Harris. Richard Carter REGISTERED License Date Number Registered 3 1 1982 P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/20(14 License Date Phamiacist Name Number Registered Phamiacist Name Harris. Susan Foster 10941 7/25/1990 Hailsoe, Ginger Lee 14946 6/30/1999 Hairis, Susan Stallings 11765 7/24/1992 Hartzfeld, Mark Alan 04217 7/2'1959 Hanis. Thomas Eluood 16231 1/17/2002 Harvey, Darrell Ramon 11352 7'24/1991 Harris. Thomas Grier 16360 6/19/2002 Harvey, D u a s n e Aubrey 16359 6/19 2002 Harris. Thomas J 06672 4/15/1977 Har\'ey, Heniy Lawrence 04 2 86 2 25/1960 Hairis. \'irginia Hogue 13074 7/25/1995 Harvey, Ketal Kharva 13486 7/24/1996 Harris, Virginia LcAnne 09161 1 1/19/1985 Flarvey, Michael Bruce 06197 9 17/1974 Hairis, William Lec 14051 7/15/1997 Har\'ey, Rhonda Lovett 07214 1 0 1 9 197'> Harris. Willis Edgar 12597 7/26/1994 Harvey. Robeil Donakl 06131 4/9/1974 Harrison, Bmcc Rollin 12058 7/20/1993 Harvilla, Renee Maria 12971 7/25/1995 Hairison. Jeanette Best 06036 9/18/1973 1 laruell, IU)nald Recce I73S8 7/26 2004 Harrison, Keri Kolleen 04697 3/4/1964 Harwood, George Emsley 11764 7/24'1992 Harrison, Robert Dale 12871 3/21/1995 Hasalia, Preeti Sudhir 06571 9/15.'1976 Hairy, William Patterson 1 1707 7/24/1992 Hascall, Janet Blair 09041 7/26/1985 Han. Earl Daniel 10942 7/25/1990 llaskett, William Cameron 16022 7/17/2001 Hail. Glcnctris Lakesia 10159 8/1/1988 Haskin, Cindy Wall 07756 7/24/1981 Han, Janet Alsager 10782 3/20M990 Haskins, Claire Rollwage 09047 7/26/1985 Han, Lisa Pierce 12885 3/21/1995 Hassel, Paul Jeffrey 10597 9/23/1989 Hart, Mindy Mer>'l 0818'^ 9/21/1982 Hasspacher, James Bernard 14455 7/2/1998 Han, Rebecca Love 10598 9/23/1989 Hasty, Sharon Fold 12558 7/26/1994 Han, Sharon Causa 07352 4/24/1980 Hatch. Bannie Henderson 11914 11/17/1992 1 laiie, Maile Eguia 07981 3/16/1982 Hatch. Keith Alexander 17443 9/21/2004 Haner. '1 ami Renee 14344 6/26/1998 1 latcher. April Cain II354 7/24/1991 Hanis. Charles Edward 09231 2/27/1986 Hatcher. Fdi/abclh Mclluam 04582 3/5/1963 Hanis. Gilben Clyde 17367 7/20/2004 1 latcher, Kimberly Via 04696 3/4/1964 Hanis, Margaret McCann 09580 3/2/1987 Hatcher, Watle Hampton 10736 2/21/1990 Hanis, Rlionda Stricklaml 12095 7/26/1993 Haichetl, Kellcy Beard 08587 2/22/1984 Hanle, William James 09 162 1 I/I9/I9X5 I hiltield. Cameron Keith 05826 9/5/1972 Hanley. (Jar)' Michael 17132 5/18/2004 1 lalfield. James William 1 1046 7/25/1990 Hartley. Susan I aylor 0'L523 7/10/1962 1 laihcock, James Aldcn 12159 7/26/1993 Hanman. ( harles David 08832 9/18/198-1 Hathcock, leresa F.ldei 12593 7/26/1994 Hanman. Kelly Gilley 045X3 3/5/1963 llatley, Ciilben Max 10192 9/20/1988 Hartscll. I amala Jane 05754 4/7/1972 llatley, Joe ( b r n e h u s 11245 5/21/1991 Hanstield. Donald Wayne 15305 2/X/20OO I latter, Ronald Margin K.M I 7/8/2002 Hartsticld. M a r / Ellen 1 l/20/2t)02 i lauherl, Veronica M. R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Reeistered License Date Number Reeistered 10177 8/19/1988 Haugh, Alicia Anderson 16190 1 1/30/2001 Haymore, Danell Wayne 17133 5/18/2004 Haugh, Mark Earner 15078 7/20/1999 Haynes, David Edmund 12476 5/10/1994 Haun, Janet Kay 12160 7/26/1993 Haynes, Jeny Wayne 14425 6/29/1998 Haun, Wendy Lynette 15997 7/11/2001 Haynes, Kevin 05930 4/12/1973 Hauser, David John 05271 4/10/1969 Haywood, Leon Stanley 11982 2/24/1993 Hauser, Edith Spruill 10803 5/15/1990 Haywood, Myungok Jin 05421 4/2/1970 Hauser, Sainuel Franklin 07976 3/1/1982 Hayworth, Donna Taylor 09687 7/22/1987 Haverlock, Deanne Fay 07795 7/24/1981 Hazelgrove, Douglas Scott 17134 5/18/2004 Hawk, Christopher John 16950 7/15/2003 Healey, Brian Thomas 17135 5/18/2004 Hawk, Ellen Kay 04565 2/22/1963 Healy, Gerald Patrick 15635 7/21/2000 Hawke, Roy Lee 05704 10/1/197! Heard, Betty Strickland 17089 2/23/2004 Hawkins, Ernest Berley 15438 6/28/2000 Hearin, Elizabeth Lin 08420 8/3/1983 Hawkins, Frank Cannon Kugler 10690 2/2 I/I 990 Heam, Celeste Boudreaux 16436 6/24/2002 Hawkins, Jason William 05626 3/29/1971 Heath, Audrey Anderson 16461 6/27/2002 Hawkins, Jeremy Lee 04163 2/27/1959 Heath, Ivey Leinster 13648 9/17/1996 Hawkins, Justine Marie 1 1443 7/24/1991 Heath, Josanne Saunders 03772 11/3/1954 Hawkins, Perry Earl 10083 8/1/1988 Heath, Karen Hatch 06789 9/16/1977 Hawkins, Thomas Edwin 14409 6/26/1998 Heath, Kimberly Talley 17444 9/21/2004 Haxby, James Arnold 1 1877 9/22/1992 Heath, Pamela Collins 12280 7/26/1993 Hayden, Maty-Marsh Thrower 10085 8/1/1988 Heath, Paul Louis 08908 2/26/1985 Hayes, Christopher William David 04966 10/6/1966 Heatherington, Teriy Walter 06899 4/14/1978 Hayes, Dannie Marion 06360 9/9/1975 Heaton, Donald Allen 07794 7/24/1981 Hayes, Eric Clifford 03617 2/27/1953 06037 9/18/1973 Hayes, Florence Teny 16823 7/1/2003 13689 11/19/1996 Hayes, Fred W 10800 5/15/1990 Hebert, Mark Douglas 14982 7/2/1999 Hayes, Gregoiy Paul 13306 2/21/1996 Hecht, Erik William 04698 3/4/1964 Hayes, Hugh Floyd 17368 7/20/2004 Heck, George Shayne 05627 3/29/1971 Hayes, James Craig 07223 11/1/1979 Hedden, Jane Boone 12797 1/18/1995 Hayes, James Edward 13954 7/1/1997 Hedenskog, Robeit Eldon 11499 8/29/1991 Hayes, Johnny Wilson 10647 11/21/1989 Hedge, Jones Wyly 07454 7/25/1980 Hayes, Karen Knox 09106 7/26/1985 Hedgecock, Lisa Whitley 06072 9/18/1973 Hayes, Mary VanHoy 17074 2/4/2004 Hedgepeth, Mary Lindsey 15189 9/29/1999 Hayes, Michael Richard 04743 7/2/1964 Hedgepeth, Monts Edwards 04794 3/3/1965 Hayes, Sara Burris 16232 1/17/2002 Hedger, Berit Elaine 16118 9/18/2001 Haymond, David Jeny 05993 8/22/1973 Hedges, Aithur Charles Pharmacist Name Phannacist Name Heaton, Pinckney Hugo Heaton, Ryan Lee REGISTERED P H A R M A C I S T S AS O E 9/30/20(14 License Date Number Reeistered Hedrick. Marcus Lee 03292 6/30/1949 Meminguay. Cliitord Er\'in 4'15, 1977 Hedrick, Nancy Ellen 08714 7/30/1984 Hemingway. Deborah Clark 17352 7/16/2004 Hedrick. Randall Shane 04285 2/25/1960 Hemingway, Frank McCoy 13333 2/21 1996 Hedrick. Stephanie Aileen 0S5SS 2/22/1984 Hemingway, William Eduard 16164 1 1/20 2001 Heenan. John E 13044 7/25/1995 Hemink. Jo Ellen 07215 10 16 1979 Heeter. Gar>' Bruce 09636 5/11/1987 Hempel, Sarah Johnstone 03078 1 17'1945 Hege, Gerald Dean 04454 12/15/1961 Henderson, Donna Robeitson 12477 5/10/1994 Hege, Robeit Deane 13796 3/18/1997 Henderson. John Hunter 17329 7/8/2004 Heidrick, Joseph Eli 12621 7/26/1994 Henderson. Kimberly Kluttz 10193 9/20/1988 Heiliger. Kathleen Scott 12408 1/19/1994 Henderson, Man,' Ellen 07796 7/24/1981 Heilinan. John Michael 14624 9/15/1998 Henderson, Melvin D 11683 7/21/1992 Heim, Donna Mae 16080 7/20/2001 Henderson, Thomas James 13043 7/25/1995 Hcini, Phillip Femando 16050 7/17/2001 Hendren. K e n y Lynn 0979K 7/21/1987 Heinian, Shirley Ann 07538 10/21/1980 Hendrick, Cindy Gardner 11151 11 2 0 1 9 9 0 Heinrich, William A 13487 7/24/1996 Mendrick, Kelly Annette 07351 4/24/1980 Heinz, James Ervan 04744 7/2/1964 llendrix, James FVanklin 16251 2/25/2002 Heinzen Cox. Erin L 1 3960 7/1/1997 Henkel, Amy ijames 14771 3/16/1999 Heiser, Cierald Junior 14362 6/26/1998 Henkel, Peter William 09243 2/27/1986 Hcishman, Christine Weeks 14902 6/30/1999 Henley, Alyson Elizabeth 1247S 5/10/1994 Helke, Lorcne Ellen 06132 4/9/1974 Henley. Robert Ray 16707 2/4/2003 Heller. Katherine Merryett 12798 1/18/1995 Hennigh. Marci Anne I27I3 7/26/1994 Helm. I-,rin Wilson 15796 3/20/2001 1 lenning. Raiuiolph 11 12598 7/26/1994 Helm. Paul Michael 08348 7/19/1983 Hennis, Jeffrey Scott 13307 2/21/1996 Helms, Bradley E D 06674 4/15/1977 llenriksen, Frederick Michael 08104 7/26/1982 Helms, James Donald 13033 7/25/1995 Henrikson, Sherri (ireene 07100 3/20/1979 Hehiis, Janet Ef)wler 06354 9/9/1975 Henry, CarolMi /\nn 11356 7/24/1991 llehns, Jodie Miller 1 3649 9/17/1996 Memy, Christopher Lawrence 15960 7/5/2001 Helms. Karen Harkey 07388 4/24/1980 Heniy. Diane Whilesell 09224 2/27/1986 Hclpingstine. Alice Idi/abelh 12910 5/19/1995 HenrN', Robin Michelle 1 n57 7/24/1991 Hell, Cameron ("arper 15764 1/24/2001 1 IcniA'. I homas E.dward 12161 7/26/1993 Hell, Regina Henderson 06133 '1'9/|974 1 lensley. CN'de FAigene 07246 1 1/1/1979 Melton, r^avid Lee 10944 7/25/1990 1 lens(tn, (iene Scott 05827 9/5/1972 flcllr)n. Donald Clyde 05272 4/10/196'i 1 ienson, James Baker I102I 7/25/1990 Helton. Kelly Rcinhardi 10945 7/25/1990 Menson, Kristy Massie 10904 7/2*^/1990 llcincnwav. Shcrr.' hthcridcc is<;-ir, 7/10/2000 Herisoii, 1 ori 1 ove License Date Number Reeistered ll%2 2 24 1993 06673 Phannacist Name Pharmacist Name R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S A S O E 9/30/2004 License Date Number Reeistered License Date Number Reeistered 10926 7/25/1990 Henson, Lynn Graham 06676 4/15/1977 Hester, Rez Patterson 17027 11/18/2003 Herald, Nicole Desiree 15439 6/28/2000 Hetrick, Paul Matthew 16605 9/24/2002 Herendeen, Jill Marie 11152 11/20/1990 Heuser, Carolyn T 12162 7/26/1993 Herman, Craig Steven 1636! 6/19/2002 Heuts, Luke Matthew 10014 7/19/1988 Hennann, Julie Diane 09651 7/22/1987 Heutte, Pamela Absher 14626 9/15/1998 Hernandez, Patricia Leigh 06198 9/17/1974 Hewitt, Harold Edward I4IS4 1/22/1998 Hernandez, Tatiana Bernstein 16752 5/21/2003 Hewitt, Patricia Ann 14206 1/22/1998 Hernandez-Parbus, Mirella 16753 5/21/2003 Hewitt, Robert Russell 1702S 11/18/2003 Herold, Donnetta Lea 11595 2/21/1992 Hewitt, Spencer Woodward 15289 1/27/2000 Herrick, Thomas Alan 05538 9/22/1970 Heymann, Carol Ann 03796 2/28/1955 Heirin, John Clegg 06239 1/28/1975 Hiatt, Charles B a n y 15307 2/14/2000 H e n i n , Judy Carol 11359 7/24/1991 Hiatt, James Howard 13504 7/24/1996 Herring, Caria Johnson 11418 7/24/1991 Hiatt, Kendra Perry 11963 2/24/1993 Herring, Charles Tyndall 13489 7/24/1996 Hiatt, Meredith Hale 08039 7/20/1982 Herring, Edwin Alexander 13377 5/14/1996 Hibler, Herbert Allen 06469 4/5/1976 Heiring, Egbert Marcus 09045 7/26/1985 Hickerson, Robert Lee 05202 10/3/1968 Herring, Gene Frederick 08423 S/3/1983 Hickman, Bain Miller 06675 4/15/1977 Heiring, Heni-y Has'en 04387 3/6/1961 Hickmon, James Ralph 06361 9/9/1975 Herring, James Craig 04837 7/2/1965 Hickmon, Leon Edward 13045 7/25/1995 Herring, James Edward 1 1769 7/24/1992 Hicks, Cuong 13488 7/24/1996 Herring, Jennifer Patterson 12164 7/26/1993 Hicks, Janna Rogers 12599 7/26/1994 Heiring, Melissa Ann 04508 7/4/1962 Hicks, Joseph Oliver 13046 7/25/1995 Heiring, Pamela Smith 06199 9/17/1974 Hicks, William Jackson 15520 7/6/2000 Heiring, Thomas Mark 13231 11/21/1995 Hieronim, Deborah Elizabeth 17445 9/21/2004 Hen'ington, Ronald Wilson 09920 2/24/1988 Hiersteiner, Laura Bingham 11943 1/19/1993 Herrle, Myra Rosario 12334 9/21/1993 Hiester, Lorraine Orzel 17392 7/29/2004 Hersey, Keith Lionel 08424 8/3/1983 Higa, Gerald Masaki 16654 11/20/2002 Herzog, Tammy Elaine 06470 4/5/1976 Higbee, Sidney Lee 16606 9/24/2002 Hesko, Genean Lynn 03881 11/19/1955 Higdon, Milton Lee 17432 9/21/2004 Hess, Barbara L 1 1629 3/17/1992 Higgins, Charles Gan.' 09450 7/29/1986 Hess, Vanessa Stephens 16487 6/28/2002 Higgins, Dianne Shakinvosky 06743 7/18/1977 Hesson, Tliomas Duke 11178 1/15/1991 Higgins, Janice Mary 12163 7/26/1993 Hester, David Steven 10946 7/25/1990 Higgins, John Harlen 09529 11/18/1986 Hester, Derrick Stephen 10404 7/18/1989 Higgins, Richard Leslie 12266 7/26/1993 Hester, Rebecca Smith 07030 11/3/1978 Higgins, Ruth Hall Phamiacist N a m e Pharmacist N a m e RKGISTERED License Date Number Reeistered P H A R M A C I S T S AS O E 9/30/2004 License Date Phamiacist Name Number Reeistered High, Jacl>n Paige 10220 1 I/I5/I9SS Milton, Shelby liarl Highlands, Cathy Marie 13651 9/17/1996 Mimberger, Richard Joseph Phamiacist Name 10651 11 2 0 . 2 0 0 2 08485 8 3M983 07354 4/24. 1980 Hildreih. Jonnie Elizabeth 08166 7/26/1982 Hincher, Sandra Welboni 13763 2/25/1997 Hiles, Elizabeth Mead 10101 8/1/1988 Hines, 1 lenrietta Lee 10095 8 1/1988 Hill. Alisa K.en>'on 09046 7/26/1985 Hines, JctTiey Wayne 12157 7/26/1993 Hill, Annette Harris 08075 7/26/1982 Hinkamp, Susan Clelland 10989 7/25/1990 Hill, Belly McCloud 12479 5/10/1994 Hinnant, Jane Tootle 14772 3 16 1999 Hill, Beverly Thorndyke 08932 2/26/1985 Hinnanl, Janie Strickland I008S 8/1/1988 Ihll, Charles LeRoy 10089 8/1/1988 Hinshaw, Jimmy Todd 12437 2/24 1994 Hill, C\nthia Lynette 15876 6/27/2001 Hinshaw, Kristin /Mese 04 700 3 4 1964 ihll. Dempsey Craig 13049 7/25/1995 Hinson, Donna Settlemyre 11 117 9/18/1990 Hill, Denine Marie 08746 7/30/1984 Hinson, Gregory Scott 14207 1/22/1998 Hill, D o n i \ e r Bradsher 07319 3/18/1980 Hinson, Herbert Richard 07455 7/25/1980 Hill, Elelteria Tony 06321 5/21/1975 Hinson, Jeannie Carol 05336 10/2 1969 Hill, G Earl 08106 7/26/1982 Hinson,John Lee 09116 9/17/1985 Hill, Harris Rudolph 09762 7/22/1987 Hinson, Lynn Turlington 03882 1 L 19/1955 11)11, Jonathan Adoneran 07320 3/18/1980 Hinson, Marilyn 06790 9/16/1977 Hill. Joseph Terrell 14158 I 1/24/1997 Hinson. Phillip Wade 05828 9/5/1972 Hill, L a n y Grayson 08747 7/30/1984 Hinson, Timothy McRay 14366 6/26/1998 Hill. Mandy Harrell 12167 7/26/1993 Hinton. Cynthia LaTaye 14720 1/20/1999 Hill. Mark William 10561 7/26/1989 Hinton, Susan Tunstall 15797 3/20/2001 Hill, M a n h a Christine 07700 7/21/1981 1 liott. James Michael 15961 7/5/20(Jl Hill. Miranda Grady 12730 9/20/1994 Hipp, Tina Gossett 07355 4/24/1980 I hit, Roben Allan 1 1 804 7/24/1992 Hissam, Jennifer Mills 11985 2/24/1993 Hill, Stephanie Watson 17220 7/7/2004 1 iitch, William Joseph 09018 7/26/1985 Hill. Susan Currin 14661 1 1/1/1998 Hitchcock, Neil William 15998 7/1 1/2001 Hill, William Allen 0371 1 3/1/195-1 Hix, Da\ id 1 homas 16362 6/19/2002 Hillebert, E.li/abeth Ann 13826 5/14/1997 1 lo, 1 luong Thithien 07699 7/21/I9H1 Hiiley, Carol Lynn 09583 3/2/1987 I loang. Loan Kim Thi 14329 6/18/1998 Hillhousc. Man,' Shotwell 15657 8/1/2000 1 loang. Sydnes' I lanhdan 12263 7/26/199^ Hilhard. Christina Smith 094(»7 7/29/198^ Hobbs. Maiy (inice 16824 7/1/2003 Hiihard. Don ( arpenler 1 1543 1 1/19/1991 1 lobbs, Robeit T.dward 05337 10'2/1969 Milliard, Hoo-.er Henr\' 09835 9/15/1987 Hobbs. Stuan 09H00 7/21/1987 Millman. John Reginald 07971 3/1/1982 1 lobbs. I ma Shirley 1490^ 6/30/1999 Hill-/.ahala. Christina Idaine 1 5961 7/5/2001 1 I n | v ; u n . Karen Tliilbrick R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS OE 9/30/2004 License Date Number Reeistered Hoch, Tammy Carawan 10223 11/15/1988 Holcomb, Timothy Lynn 7/26/1994 Hocker, Catfierine Rebecca 12595 7/26/1994 Holcoinb, Wendy Goodwin 13050 7/25/1995 Hodakowski, Christine Shanks 08652 5/22/1984 Holcombe, Beverly Jean 13592 7/24/1996 Hodge, Laura Smith 09700 7/22/1987 Holden, Allison Anne Jones 13522 7/24/1996 Hodge, Lisa Long 09557 1/20/1987 Holden, Thomas Kirk 15979 7/9/2001 Hodge, Robert Anthony 06733 6/21/1977 Holder, Edward Ray 1 159X 2/21/1992 Hodges, Caroline Jones 05829 9/5/1972 Holder, Lewis Talmadge 16728 3/18/2003 Hodges, Edythe Jane 12316 8/5/1993 Holdsclaw, Vance Alan 10877 7/25/1990 Hodges, Ingrid Brinkhaus 17423 8/25/2004 Hole, Nai 'fina Tou Prong 1 1 129 10/25/1990 Hodges, James Daryl 16290 5/14/2002 Holladay, Daniel Charlton License Date Number Reeistered 14979 7/2/1999 12605 Phamiacist Name Phannacist N a m e 13955 7/1/1997 Hodges, Jeremy Lewis I 1361 7/24/199! Hollamon, William Earl 17222 7/7/2004 Hodges, LeRoy Alexander 16437 6/24/2002 Holland, Ansley Katlierine 15440 6/28/2000 Hodges, William Matthew 13977 7/1/1997 Holland, Caroline Elizabeth 06997 1 1/3/1978 Hodgin, Lynette Owen 05705 10/1/1971 Holland, Charles Wayne 10802 5/15/1990 Hodgkins, Rugby Grant 05530 9/22/1970 Holland, David Louis 12335 9/21/1993 Hodgson, Nancy Waff 05706 10/1/197! Holland, Kenneth Rollins 15443 6/28/2000 Hodulik, Kimberly Louise 08628 3/20/1984 Holland, Lee Ann 13450 7/24/1996 Hoeg, Erin Cobb 14006 7/7/1997 Holland, Lisa Brown 06362 9/9/1975 Hoffman, David Alan 04968 10/6/1966 Holland, Nicholas Vedder 09556 1/20/1987 Hoffman, Elise Michele 11652 5/20/1992 Holland, Pamela Kaye t 1360 7/24/1991 Hoffman, Kimberly Barbee 11567 1/21/1992 Holland, Raymond Lee 10888 7/25/1990 Hoffman, Ruth Camp 05422 4/2/1970 Holland, Ronald Lamar 10529 7/26/1989 Hoffmann, Kimberly Owen 17223 7/7/2004 Holland, Shannon Marie 12435 2/24/1994 Hogan, Julie Graybeal 14457 7/2/1998 Holland, Stephen Gene 13179 7/25/1995 Hogan, Stacie Young 03002 6/17/1942 Holland, Thomas Marshall 10599 9/23/1989 Hogan, Tonya Dale 16364 6/19/2002 Hollar, Jacob Lynn 16447 6/24/2002 Hogerheide, Jamie Lynne 11771 7/24/1992 Hollar, Kimberly Deanne 06038 9/18/1973 Hogg, Johnny Lee 07800 7/24/198! Holleman, Ann Hughey 09691 7/22/1987 Hogue, Susan Lynn 11362 7/24/199! Holleman, Curtis Edwin 07031 11/3/1978 Hohenwarter, Mark William 04906 3/31/1966 Holleman, Curtis Edwin 17369 7/20/2004 Hokanson, Gabrielle Nicole 06155 4/9/1974 Holleman, Sharon G 08191 9/21/1982 Holak, Elena Juliana 15441 6/28/2000 Holler, Christopher Gray 10485 7/26/1989 Holbrook, Layna Sue 14367 6/26/1998 Holley, John 07799 7/24/1981 Holcomb, Charles Gregory 13876 6/27/1997 Holley, William Keith 14386 6/26/1 998 Holcomb, Marsha Gail 16557 7/17/2002 Holliday, Christina Jean R i : C I S T E R I i D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Reeistered Holliday, Laurcne Peterson 12553 7/26/1994 Holton, Michelle Caqicntcr HollidaN', Patsy Dunn 12799 1/18/1995 Holtzman, Hal Eugene 6 19 2002 Hollilleld, Christopher Reece 14510 7/10/1998 Hoiwerda, Lucinda Richard 07356 4'24 1980 Hollilleld. Robert Andrew 09768 7/22/1987 Honeycutt, Amy West 155S4 7; 14 2000 Hollingsuorth, Clayton G u i n n 16826 7/1/2003 Honeycutt, Hayden Parker 04838 7/2/1965 Hollingsworth. J Winston 07298 1 1/20/1979 Honeycutt, John Thomas 12168 7/26/1993 Hollingswoiih. Leonidas Haixis 13232 1 1/21/1995 Honeycutt, Lisa Fitzgerald 09389 7/29/1986 Holloinan, S h e m ' Creech 04584 3/5/1963 Honeycutt, Moody Zebulin 13797 3/18/1997 Hotloway, Anna Marie 09836 9/15/1987 Hong, Donald David 04997 2/1/1967 Holloway, Donald Allen 09412 7/29/1986 Hong. Nae Kim 08107 7/26/1982 Hollo\^'eil. Linda Ann 03918 4/3/1956 Hood, India Brinkley 17224 7/7/2004 Hollowell, Stephanie Burge 04322 7/6/1960 Hood, John David 15156 9/21/1999 Holman, Francis Patrick 07596 2/27/1981 Hood, Keith Gordon 10015 7/19/1988 Holman, Joe Mitchell 04388 3/6/1961 Hood, Roben Lonn 09900 1/19/1988 Holmes, Alyce Chuba 05499 9/21/1970 Hootiiagle, John Eduin 13490 7/24/1996 Holmes, Amy Picklcsimer 06793 9/16/1977 Hook, Susan Lazenby 12438 2'24'1994 Holmes, Carol L 05757 4/7/1972 Hooks. Judy Yates 13457 7/24/1996 Holmes, Cr\'stal Ann Dancy 07597 2/27/1981 Hooks, Maiy McNeill 12! 69 7/26/1993 Holmes, Kelly Bowman 13828 5/14/1997 Hooks, Tiinothy Marcus 15157 9/21/1999 Holmes. Leonidas Dean 13502 7/24/1996 Hooper, Jenniter Lee 10543 7/26/1989 Holmes, Wendy R 13492 7/24/1996 Hooper, Phillip Chadwick 08864 1 1/20/1984 Holr()yd. Douglas George 06677 4/15/1977 Hooper, Sandra Sue 14498 7/9/1998 Holsapple. Julie Bucknell 14508 7/10/1998 Hooper-Wood. Christa (iayle 13860 6/27/1997 Holshouser, Karla Baxley 13673 10/25/1996 Hoolen. B o i n n e Bryan 06792 9/16/1977 Holshouser. Mark Howard 14905 6/30/1999 Ih^ots, Kell\' Thomas 13877 6/27/1997 I Rilshouser, Travis Paul 09051 7/26/1985 Hoover, Chciyl Jones 13491 7/24/1996 Holshctuser. William Rives 12763 1 1/15/1994 1 looser. Rebecca Kay 1620^ 1/I6'2002 Hoist. Jenmter Marie 09752 7/22/1987 1 loover. Susan Smith 17225 7/7/2004 Unit. Chrisian 'lurner 1 1363 7/24/1991 1 lopkins, Jeny David 12941 7/18/1995 Holt. David Powell 1 5636 7/21/2000 Hopkins. Lynsey Renee (mss 9/15/1987 Holt. Jami Ciucci 12999 7/25/1995 1 lopkins, I ara I .eigli I08H6 7/25/1990 Holt, Lynn Butler 1 1 364 7/24/1991 1 loppers, Pamela Moxley 03266 2/23/1949 H<dt. Mar,ellcn Mdlaway 16333 6/19/2002 1 lopson, Jenniter I.ee 15492 6 30 2000 Molt. Summer Williams 15442 6/28/2000 Hopson, Neal Da\id 1549'^ 6/V)/2flOO Holt. 'Fliomas Bcniamin 09'^4K 7/29/19X6 Hor<i, Belsy Atkinson License Dale Number Reeistered 16919 7/3 2003 05127 4 4/1968 16365 Phannacist Name Pharmacist Name R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Reeistered License Date Number Reeistered 12249 7/26/1993 Morgan, Melissa Page 12697 7/26/1994 Houston, Paige Thomas 15688 9/19/2000 Horlen, Cheiy! Kay 13416 7/24/1996 Houston, Shelley Adkins 13054 7/25/1995 Morn, Lori Wesson 17226 7/7/2004 Houze, Tiffany Petrice 15877 6/27/2001 Homaday, Andria Kristin 12174 7/26/1993 Hovey-Rankin, Delores Clara 13055 7/25/1995 Morne, Jane Stacy 16382 6/19/2002 Hovis, Cecelia Moseley 16935 7/8/2003 Mome, Susanna Louise 14159 11/24/1997 Hovis, James Edward 05128 4/4/1968 Home, William P 06546 9/15/1976 Hovis, Katherine Carpenter 1 1441 7/24/1991 Homer, Christy Safrit 05531 9/22/1970 Hovis, Larry Kenneth 12172 7/26/1993 Homer, Michael Brian 07598 2/27/1981 Howard, Ben Coleman 07702 7/21/1981 Horoshak, Yvonn Louise 17227 7/7/2004 Howard, Christopher Troy 14820 5/18/1999 Horton, James Richard 16425 6/21/2002 Howard, John Elias 11773 7/24/1992 Horton, Melanie Scotton 13093 7/25/1995 Howard, Katherine McRaiy 11073 8/2/1990 Horton, Robert Joseph 13494 7/24/1996 Howard, Laura Waters 05273 4/10/1969 Horton, William Fen-ee 16784 7/1/2003 Howard, Melinda Beaman 03503 10/29/1951 Horton, William Pitts 06900 4/14/1978 Howard, Michael Douglas 14627 9/15/1998 Horton, William Robert 15828 5/15/2001 Howard, Rosemarie 15080 7/20/1999 Horton-Bowrey, Donna Chemene 12175 7/26/1993 Howard, Sheny Gilbert 08237 1/18/1983 Horwitz, Neil Louis 12176 7/26/1993 Howard, Terri Ann 12604 7/26/1994 Hoskins, Ryan Thomas 13495 7/24/1996 Howard, Vincent Paul 11331 7/24/1991 Hosn, Patricia Flores 17228 7/7/2004 Howarth, Shannon Michelle 07848 7/24/1981 Hostetter, Kathryn Thomton 15878 6/27/2001 Howe, Amie Lode 13879 6/27/1997 Houchins, Gavin Michael 08108 7/26/1982 Howell, Admiral Griffith 08748 7/30/1984 Houff, Elizabeth Barringer 11774 7/24/1992 Howell, Angela Altman 15999 7/11/2001 Hough, Rebekah Ann 08109 7/26/1982 Howell, Chaiiotta King 05830 9/5/1972 Hough, Thomas Woodrow 12439 2/24/1994 Howell, Kathy Renee 04873 9/27/1965 Moughtaling, Dennis Herbert 07791 7/24/1981 Howell, Kim Hamlet 11365 7/24/1991 House, Gina Thomas 11980 2/24/1993 Howell, Nicole Simoneaux 07358 4/24/1980 House, Hedy Elizabeth 06639 11/15/1976 Howell, Thomas Parsons 17041 12/4/2003 House, John Randle 05931 4/12/1973 Howes, Henry Crayne 03267 2/23/1949 House, Joseph 14721 1/20/1999 Howland, Christine Marilynn 16965 7/23/2003 House, Marie Nclms 09164 11/19/1985 Howie, Stephen Berg 09163 11/19/1985 Houser, Carole Louise 03778 12/3/1954 Howie, Walter Wilcox 06930 4/14/1978 Houston, Deborah Ritter 08098 7/26/1982 Hoy, Susan Heath 14555 7/21/1998 Houston, Judith Elaine 17229 7/7/2004 Hoye, Keri Melissa 06679 4/15/1977 Houston, Owen Wayne 15750 1/23/2001 Hoyler, Sheri Lynette Pharmacist N a m e Phamiacist N a m e R E G I S T K R E I ) P H A R r S L \ C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date License Date Number Reeistered P h a n n a c i s t Name Number Reeistered 1 L>45 11 19,1991 Ho\t, Joanie Kenny 07094 2/28/1979 Hughes, Thomas Francis 14507 7/10,'1998 Hrush. Regina Deidra 15918 6/27/2001 Hughes. Tonya Teague 10772 3/20/1990 Hr\caj, Lee L\ons 11965 2/24/1993 Hughey, Marshal! Clyde 08384 8/3/1983 Hubbard. Patty Brower 13958 7/1/1997 11 776 7'24'1992 Hubbard, Thoinas Edu in 08716 7/30/1984 Hull, Amy Cline 13056 7/25,'1995 Huben, Deborah Starr Hall 15879 6/27/2001 Hull, Kelly Inman 15327 3/21/2000 Huddlcston. Lori Anne 16462 6/27/2002 Hull, Ryan Phillip 13652 9 17/1996 Hudelston. Carolyn Suzxtlc 10686 2/12/1990 Humble, James Biyan 12680 7/26/1994 Hudson, Angela Shepard 10768 3/20/1990 Humble, Phyllis Ann 17400 8/2/2004 Hudson, Diane Tate 13057 7/25/1995 Humphrey, Teny Elaine 10710 2,21 1990 Hudson, Jill Stone 05758 4/7/1972 HumphrcN'S, Bradley Alan 1 1050 7 25/1990 Hudson. Jodie Uzzell 05707 10/1/1971 Humphries, Jane Foust 14071 7/21/1997 Hudson, Lee Devin 15880 6/27/2001 Humphries. Michael Da\id 03468 6/28/1951 Hudson, Ray Tmman 05831 9/5/1972 Hundley, Cynthia Hubbard 09930 2/24/1988 Hudson, Wayne Alan 08736 7/30/1984 Huneycutt. Sherri FUIT 081 10 7/26/1982 Huff. Jamie Blythe 15718 10/11/2000 Hunt, Ginny Richardson 06134 4/9/1974 Huff. Patsy Stoltz 14427 6/29/1998 Hunt, Jon Conrad 12614 7/26/1994 Hufllnes, Autumn Leigh 11916 1 1/17/1992 Hunt, Julia Katherine 07359 4/24/1980 Hutllnes, James Paul 1 1778 7/24/1992 Hunt, Keith McBrayer 04477 3/6/1962 Huffman, Kent Loewe 10951 7/25/1990 Hunt, Lisa Margaret 04907 3/31/1966 Hufinian, Larry Lcvcne 14990 7/6/1999 Hunter, Amanda Aiken 13957 7/1/1997 Huffman, Thomas Mark 13270 1/17/1996 Hunter, Barney Howard f>4323 7/6/1960 Huffsleller. Delvin Sylvanus 06794 9/16/1977 Hunter, Frank Wills 06273 4/10 1975 Huffsictlcr. Dorothy Carncs 12177 7/26/1993 Hunter, Joanna Haskett 13496 7/24/1996 Hufman, Erin lilizabeth 15846 5/23/2001 Hunter, Johncie Renae 13497 7/24/1996 Muggins, Denise Lynn 15015 7/12/1999 Hunter. Rachel Bums 14773 3/16/1999 Muggins, CJIenn Travis 06039 9/18/1973 Hunter, Ralph Borden 04585 3/5/1963 Muggins, Muhen Theodore 14364 6/26/1998 Hunter, Rita Jean 11303 7/24/1991 Hughes, Barbara Bishop 1 1879 9/22/1992 Hunter. Sheila Garnet I643S 6/24/2002 Hughes, Christie Su/^innc 07503 8/19/1980 Hunter, Thomas Andreu' 07247 1 1/1/1979 Hughes. David Lawrence 07600 2/27/1981 Huntley. James Charitofi 07297 1 1/20/1979 Hughes, Jane Kemian 13880 6/27/1997 llupfeld. Rachel Moore 13600 7/24/1996 Hughes, Kendra Sutton 1 1654 5/20/1992 Hurd. Frank Daniel 11366 7/24 1991 Mughcs, Marcus Brown 1 1779 7/24/1992 Hurdle, Hailan Bradley I677-* 6'6/200^ Hughes Rohcrl Steven 1 1246 ^/21/|991 Hurley. 1 on hlla P h a n n a c i s t Name Huie, Cathy Huflman R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date License Date Number Registered Number Reeistered 13091 7/25/1995 Hurst, Elizabeth Mclntyre 13501 7/24/1996 Ingle, Gordon Robert 14262 3/17/1998 Hurst, Rita G 06680 4/15/1977 Ingold, Diane Cottrell 05741 4/7/1972 Hurt. Carol Claywell I306I 7/25/1995 Ingram, Charles Franklin 04624 7/5/1963 Hurt, Jasper Alexander 04073 2/28/1958 Ingram, James Thomas 07951 3/1/1982 Hurvvitz, Jean Gertrude 07249 11/1/1979 Ingram, Michael Anthony 16579 7/29/2002 Husband, Denise Nicole 13514 7/24/1996 Ingram, Michelle Nicole 08433 8/3/1983 Hussey, Elizabeth Kernodle 08910 2/26/1985 Ingram, Robert Thomas 08909 2/26/1985 Hussey, Harold Bradley 10952 7/25/1990 Ingram, Shelley Smith 15030 7/15/1999 Hussey, Kristen Diane 15689 9/19/2000 Ingram, Sherry Lynn 16920 7/3/2003 Hutchens, Sharon Rosscr 06275 4/10/1975 Inman, John Keith 11503 9/17/1991 Hutchinson-Bcan, Rhonda Lenise 05338 10/2/1969 Inman, Robert Harris 05708 10/1/1971 Hutchison, Gail Heniy 16652 11/20/2002 Inoue, Aiko 16261 3/19/2002 Huynh, Kelly Nga 09871 1 1/17/1987 Ipock, Cathy Hawkins 17231 7/7/2004 Hwang, Ji Hee 09737 7/22/1987 Ipock, Leighann Ratcliff 17083 2/18/2004 Hydro, Casey C 09049 7/26/1985 Ipock, Steven Albert 15328 3/21/2000 Hyer, Paul J 09451 7/29/1986 Irvin, Sandra Sweitzer 17119 4/27/2004 Hylton, Leigh Anne 05832 9/5/1972 Irwin, Lairy Dwayne 13198 9/19/1995 lacovelli, Lewis Michael 04029 7/4/1957 Isaac, Douglas Woodrow 14044 7/15/1997 lannucci, Annette 12606 7/26/1994 Isaac, Joe M o n i s o n 17350 7/14/2004 lannucci. Marge 14368 6/26/1998 Isaacs, Kevin Dean 14138 10/13/1997 Ibraham, Gerald Jason 07032 11/3/1978 Isenhower, C a n n e n Davis 13500 7/24/1996 Ibrahim, Manal Azmeh 12764 11/15/1994 Israel, Beth Carol 06471 4/5/1976 Icard, Phil Franklin 07704 7/21/1981 Ives, Timothy John 09254 3/18/1986 Ignar, Diane Michele 17232 7/7/2004 Ivey, Jena Leigh 10355 5/16/1989 Igo, Laurie Ann 1 1235 3/28/1991 Ivie, Dana Christine 10356 5/16/1989 Igo, Michael Patrick 12418 2/8/1994 Ivins, Charles W 09410 7/29/1986 Ihrie, Ben Michael 13961 7/1/1997 Iyer, Shridhar Narayan 11596 2/21/1992 Ikbal, Farruk 16546 7/16/2002 Izlar, Lisa Jean 11597 2/21/1992 Ikbal, Judy Doucet 07321 3/18/1980 Izzo, Anthony Michael 09901 1/19/1988 Ikeda, Martha Jean 12440 2/24/1994 Jablonska, Izabella Antonina 11368 7/24/1991 Ikner, Nathan Lee 1 1096 9/18/1990 Jackson, Edward Lawrence 12141 7/26/1993 Ikner, Tammy Luanne 17233 7/7/2004 Jackson, Heather Wade 04166 2/27/1959 Inabinet, James Lewis 13063 7/25/1995 Jackson,Jason Paul 13472 7/24/1996 Intlnger, Valerie Fleming 10953 7/25/1990 Jackson, Jeffrey Scott 15671 8/21/2000 Inge, Lisa DeVito 13064 7/25/1995 Jackson. Jeffrey Todd Pharmacist Name Phannacist Name REGISTERED License Date Number Reeistered P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 Phannacist Name License Date Number Reeistered Phannacist Name u7:ui S 2 b 1979 Jackson. Jerome Anderson 14628 9/15/1998 Jampayas, James Pangilinan 05339 10/2/1969 Jackson. Jimmy Smith 13199 9/19/1995 Janning, Stephen William 15821 5/8/2001 Jackson. LaiT>' Maurice 15121 8/4/1999 Janowicz, Edward Richard 08376 8/3/1983 Jackson. Lisa Bailey 14115 9/16/1997 Janowski, David Paul 08590 2/22/1984 Jackson. Mae 14116 9/16/1997 Janowski, Linda Eileen 13297 2/21/1996 Jackson, Mapylee 08833 9/18/1984 Jansma, Glenyce Lee 12607 7/26/1994 Jackson. Michael Andrew 09872 1 1/17/1987 Jared, Gar>' Stephen 04287 2/25/1960 Jackson, Payton Donald 09222 2/27/1986 Jarman, Alexander Byron 16335 6/19/2002 Jackson, Tara Britt 11036 7/25/1990 Jarinan, 07539 10/21/1980 Jackson, Teresa Buckner 11372 7/24/1991 Jarman, /Xnthony Dean 07202 8/21/1979 Jackson, Teresa Teague 04745 7/2/1964 Jarman, Joseph 10432 7/26/1989 Jackson. Vicky Bishop 07802 7/24/1981 JatTell, Janice Hopkins 11371 7/24/1991 Jackson. Wiley Franklin 1 1097 9/18/1990 J a i T c l l , Maureen 06041 9/18/1973 Jackson, William Allan 07494 7/25/1980 Jarrett, Anne Thompson 06276 4'10M975 Jackson, Wilton E\'ans 1 1782 7/24/1992 Jarrett, Ste\'en Woi'th 13503 7/24/1996 Jacobs, Felicia Shiver 09050 7/26/1985 Jarvis. Raymond Mack 08558 1/17/1984 Jacobs, Julie Ann 17056 1/22/2004 Jasper, Stacy Lynn 14346 6/26/1998 Jacobs, Michelle Childs 06135 4/9/1974 Jaynes, Hal Steven 15444 6/28/2(J00 Jacobs, I r a c i Gail 16698 1/28/2003 JeiTeiys, Valerie Darlene 15290 1/27/2000 Jacobsen, Tristan Jaines 15365 5/10/2000 JelTries, Calvert 1 nnolhcus 12846 2/22/1995 Jahad, Leila Moghadasi 16366 6/19/2002 Jeffries, Mana Pulido 12608 7/26/1994 Jahad, Seyyed A Karim 12480 5/10/1994 Jekel, 16342 6/19/2002 James, Amber Cook 12409 I/19/I994 Jcllcma, Brian brancis 08471 8/3/1983 James, Diane Spmill 10386 7/18/1989 Jen, Hing-An CTiang 05670 6/15/1971 James, l-orrest Michael 12278 7/26/1993 Jenkins, Amy Thompson 04168 2/27/1959 James, Francis Duke 12368 1 1/1/1993 Jenkins, Angela Dudley 04030 7/4/1957 James, Geraldine Keenum 1 1783 7/24/1992 Jenkins, Brian Lee 06364 9/9/1975 James, Joel Paul 07602 2/27/1981 Jenkins, Dasid Thomas I33IO 2/21/1996 James, LeAnn Strock 10881 7/25/1990 Jcnkms. (iarnett Brown 08320 5/10/1983 James, Michael Kent 16480 6/28/2002 Jenkins, (irelchen I'crrcll 07251 1 I/1/I979 James, Pamela Lynn 06904 4/I4.M97S Jenkins. Robert 1 )arrell 05599 2/16/1971 James. Kaynmnd branklm 03885 1 1/19/195 5 Jenkins, Walter Ingram 16681 1/22/2003 James, Smdu .Matlhews 064 1 8 1/20/1976 Jeinnngs. Preppy Bieneman 12847 2/22/1995 James, Tonya T aylor 03635 4/24/1953 Jennings, Robert Neal Of)575 9/15/1976 Jamison, David l-cc 17446 9/21/2004 Jemiings, Setli hdward Angela Smith Ann 1 l e r b e i l Jacob REGIS l E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Reeistered Phamiacist Name Jennings, Teresa Biyaiit 13066 7/25/1995 Johnson, Joel Leslie 11/1/1961 Jennings, Willie Hugh 04012 3/27/1957 Johnson, John Mitchell 16993 9/16/2003 Jensen, Mictielle Lynn 13505 7/24/1996 Johnson, Joni Kett 06681 4/15/1977 Jernigan, Carol Martin 05341 10/2/1969 Johnson, Joseph Lewis 13348 3/19/1996 Jernigan, Gloria Michelle 12610 7/26/1994 Johnson, Kathleen Cecilia 14909 6/30/1999 Jeniigan, Janet Cooke 14605 8/10/1998 Johnson, Keith Alan 1 1442 7/24/1991 Jessup, Elizabeth Sallez 12147 7/26/1993 Johnson, Kelly Gilmer 10357 5/16/1989 Jeter, Shirley Patience 14489 7/8/1998 Johnson, Kenneth Ray 16567 7/19/2002 Jewell, Jaines Alan 14239 2/17/1998 Johnson, Kimberley Anne 1 1521 9/17/1991 Jewell, Roxanne Chunn 14370 6/26/1998 Johnson, Kristi Renee 17447 9/21/2004 Joachim, Diana Eyster 17370 7/20/2004 Johnson, LaShawn Anitra 12970 7/25/1995 Jobe, Laura Beck 12180 7/26/1993 Johnson, Lisa Woodall 15190 9/29/1999 Jobe, Matthew Dennis 11375 7/24/1991 Johnson, Lois Tompkins 09343 7/15/1986 Johns, Laura Susan 08430 8/3/1983 Johnson, Martha Pullium 081 I 1 7/26/1982 Johnson, Alton Dale 12617 7/26/1994 Johnson, Mary Kennington 09698 7/22/1987 Johnson, Barbara Harper 16205 1/16/2002 Johnson, Melissa Ann 15081 7/20/1999 Johnson, Brad A 14093 8/5/1997 Johnson, Melissa DePaoli 07457 7/25/1980 Johnson, Bruce Albert 07034 11/3/1978 Johnson, Michael Erancis 10299 2/27/1989 Johnson, Caila 10714 2/21/1990 Johnson, Michelle Jackson 10277 2/27/1989 Johnson, Christina Adams 15291 1/27/2000 Johnson, Monika Etra 1 1373 7/24/1991 Johnson, Christopher Todd 09998 6/13/1988 Johnson, Neal Elwood 15625 7/19/2000 Johnson, Cynthia Marie 10488 7/26/1989 Johnson, Nelda Jeffreys 11098 9/18/1990 Johnson, Daniel L 14683 1 1/24/1998 Johnson, Rachel Anne 06264 4/10/1975 Johnson, Elizabeth Stimpson 06683 4/15/1977 Johnson, Richard Hunter 16367 6/19/2002 Johnson, Erica Meekins 05833 9/5/1972 Johnson, Robert Byron 16204 1/16/2002 Johnson, Gerald 05792 8/17/1972 Johnson, Robert Harold 15595 7/18/2000 Johnson, Heather Carnage 08266 2/22/1983 Johnson, Robert Mark 16936 7/8/2003 Johnson, Heather Rachelle 08267 2/22/1983 Johnson, Roger Dale 13233 1 1/21/1995 Johnson, Jacqueline Thompson 09699 7/22/1987 Johnson, Samuel Henry 10224 11/15/1988 Johnson, James William 06097 1/18/1974 Johnson, Sainuel Rowland 10955 7/25/1990 Johnson, Janet Cox 16206 1/16/2002 Johnson, Sandra Chadwick 14293 5/12/1998 Johnson, Jennifer Anne 07252 11/1/1979 Johnson, Shelby Marie 16961 7/23/2003 Johnson, Jeremy Edward Elbert 16502 7/3/2002 Johnson, Sheiyl Ann 04325 7/6/1960 Johnson, Jerome Karl 08911 2/26/1985 Johnson, Susan Hedrick 07360 4/24/1980 Johnson, Joan Wesley 08835 9/18/1984 Johnson, Vickie Titchenell License Date Number Reeistered I28UI 1/18/1995 04449 Phamiacist Name REGISTERED License P H A R M A C I S T S AS O E 9/30/2004 Date License Date Number Reeistered Phamiacist Name Number Reeistered 14824 5 IS 1999 Joiinson. \ icior Lec 10440 6/24/2002 Jones, Damon 07541 10 21/'19S0 Johnson, Wallace Allen 12544 7/26/1994 Jones, Danila Dawn 03407 8/16/1950 Johnson, Wallace Allen 06166 7/16/1974 Jones, David Alexander 14535 7/20/1998 Johnson, Wendy Adkins 10748 2/21/1990 Jones, David Ernest 05060 9/18'1967 Johnson. William Colbert 17416 8/18/2004 Jones, Da\'id Paxton 04797 3/3/1965 Johnson, Willis Ray 10017 7/19/1988 Jones. Deborah Bailey I734S 7/14/2004 Johnston, Christopher Alan 07103 3/20/1979 Jones, Delton Odell 09531 1 1/18/1986 Johnston. Cynthia Joan 04262 2/17/1960 Jones, Don Preston 07S03 7'24'19SI Johnston, Donald Cameron 16719 2/21/2003 Jones, Dreama Mae 14910 6/30 1999 Johnston, Fletcher Edward 06277 4/10/1975 Jones, Dui-wood Ray 14743 1/27/1999 Johnston, Krisiot'er Maner 06042 9/18/1973 Jones, Elbert Maurice 11 745 7/24/1992 Johnston, Nancy Faircloth 05244 1/30/1969 Jones, Elder Hill 1437! 6/26/1998 Johnston, Nita Faye 12848 2/22/1995 Jones, Elizabeth Stewart 09532 1 1/18/1986 Johnston, William Parks 08127 7/26/1982 Jones, Enna Matlor>' 16570 7/22/2002 Joiner, Shandralynn 07035 11/3/1978 Jones, Ernest Chester 13506 7/24/1996 Joines, John Wesley 17078 2/1 1/2004 Jones, Faith Marrissa 16165 1 1 20/2001 Jolley, Monica Register 05793 8/17/1972 Jones, Francis Randolph 15563 7/13/2000 Jollcy, Tracy Ann 06313 4/24/1975 Jones, Gerald Cooper 10957 7/25/1990 Jolly, Carroll Kraycirik 1 0998 7/25/1990 Jones, Geri Ellis 07141 4/27/1979 Jolly, Gary Michael 09267 3/18/1986 Jones, Gloria Velasquez 16754 5/21/2003 Jolly, George Pierce 08912 2/26/1985 Jones, Granville Ragland 16755 5/21/2003 Jolly, Jamie Lynn 07706 7/21/1981 Jones, James Idbert 1 1784 7/24/1992 Jon, Wonmi Kim 1 1880 9/22/1992 Jones, Jean E 04074 2/28/1958 Jofies, Alpheus 17234 7/7/2004 11376 7/24/1991 Jones, Benny Ray 15829 5/15/2001 Jones. John 1' 05894 3/12/1973 Jones. Betty Vassey 07505 8/19/1980 Jones, Judith Matthews 1 1470 7/24/1991 Jones, Bridgit Walker 13829 5/14/1997 Jones, Julia Whitener 05424 4/2/1970 Jones, Camille Kiser 16631 10/14/2002 Jones, Julie Tinsley 06882 4/14/1978 Jones, Carol Bias 14912 6/30/1999 Jones. Kimberly Simpson 0^»120 4 9 ! 974 Jones, C'arol Craven 04970 10 6/1966 Jones. Lany Wilson 03377 7/6/1950 Jones, Charles Mournoy 09012 7/26/19X5 Jones, Lisa Cbllins 14342 6/26/1998 Jones, Christine Br>'an 14094 8/5/1997 Jones. Lori Lynn 10490 7/26/1989 Jones, Christopher Michael 08898 2/26/1985 Jones. Lymla Bridickas 15564 7/13/2000 Jones, f'rystal Elisc Miller 12613 7/26/1994 Jones, Marnie Mclamh 07504 8/I9/I9K0 Jones. Dale Lcrrtv 11055 7/25/1990 Jones. Martha Whilaker Phamiacist Name Jones, Jennifer Leigh R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS OE 9/30/2004 License Date Number Registered Phamiacist N a m e Jones, Melissa Caulder 05834 9/5/1972 Jordan, Judy Sharon 6/27/2001 Jones, Melissa Massengill 06844 9/16/1977 Jordan, Karen Threatt 045 11 7/10/1962 Jones, Minnie Bames 09726 7/22/1987 Jordan, Laurie O'Daniel 05129 4/4/1968 Jones, Nellie Silver 06578 9/15/1976 Jordan, Lloyd Adrian 06250 4/10/1975 Jones, Patricia Bentleld 12132 7/26/1993 Jordan, Michelle DeHart 11377 7/24/1991 Jones, Randall Willis 08596 2/22/1984 Jordan, Suzanne Mobley 05275 4/10/1969 Jones, Richard Trevor 04370 3/6/1961 Jordan, Sylvia Bonner 03915 3/21/1956 Jones, Robert Bartow 14913 6/30/1999 Jordon, Matthew Hunter 08987 7/16/1985 Jones, Robert Charles 17419 8/20/2004 Joseph, Ashi 06796 9/16/1977 Jones, Robert Edward 17137 5/18/2004 Joseph, Finny 16633 10/14/2002 Jones, Samuel Wellington 08751 7/30/1984 Joseph, Jean Papincak 15521 7/6/2000 Jones, Shai-y Mairis 09209 2/27/1986 Josey, Allyson Brawley 06627 9/15/1976 Jones, Shelia Rose 16937 7/8/2003 Joshi, Shivani Harshad 06136 4/9/1974 Jones, Stephen Roscoe 14629 9/15/1998 Josselyn, Patricia Slavin 09052 7/26/1985 Jones, Stephen Yates 09702 7/22/1987 Journey, Teresa May 16632 10/14/2002 Jones, Steven Shea 07142 4/27/1979 Joy, Cairilea McCauley 07159 4/27/1979 Jones, Susan Plyler 12945 7/18/1995 Joy, Melanie Sue 08157 7/26/1982 Jones, Susan Speir 14372 6/26/1998 Joyce, Jason Steele 09679 7/22/1987 Jones, Suzanne Eields 13510 7/24/1996 Joyce, Stephen Douglas 1 1378 7/24/1991 Jones, Tanya F 13898 6/27/1997 Joyce, Tamela Rhoney 10486 7/26/1989 Jones, Teresa Hungerford 08988 7/16/1985 Joye, Linda Flinchuin 08819 7/30/1984 Jones, Teresa Zeitler 05671 6/15/1971 Joye, Raymond Dewey 04909 3/31/1966 Jones, Thomas Henry 08261 2/22/1983 Joyner, Donna Gay 17136 5/18/2004 Jones, Tonya Rosser 05250 3/25/1969 Joyner, Herbert Eugene 13830 5/14/1997 Jones, Tracey Sowell 06202 9/17/1974 Joyner, Pamela Upchurch 05847 9/5/1972 Jones, Walda Parker 14320 5/12/1998 Joyner, Vivian Lee 06366 9/9/1975 Jones, Wan-en Rickman 16278 3/25/2002 Jucovic, Irina 11522 9/17/1991 Jones, Weldon Edward 13068 7/25/1995 Juda, Diane Christina 09255 3/18/1985 Jones, William Wallace 09874 11/17/1987 Judd, Gary Lynn 04389 3/6/1961 Jones, William Wairen I67I3 2/7/2003 Judd, Rebecca Lynn 13507 7/24/1996 Jones-Rice, Katina Nichelle 13152 7/25/1995 Judge, Marydeth Steadman 06734 6/21/1977 Jordan, Alice Darden 14356 6/26/1998 Juhasz, Mami Fcrtig 10959 7/25/1990 Jordan, Beth Anna 09285 5/12/1986 Julian, Peggy Newberry 06735 6/21/1977 Jordan, Dewey Hennan 13317 2/21/1996 Julian, Sherri McMillian 08749 7/30/1984 Jordan, Elizabeth Hunter 06278 4/10/1975 Jump, Richard Phillip License Date Number Registered 16276 3/19/2002 15883 Phamiacist N a m e RILGISIKRED License Number Date Reeistered 13069 7,25 1995 13520 P H A R M A C I S T S A S O F 9/30/2004 License Number Registered Jun. Jin \\ 08719 7/30/1984 Kapherr. Dianne Creech 7/24/1996 Jung, Laura Leitemian 06967 9/26/1978 Kaplan, Iruin Hillard 16120 9/18/2001 Jurkieuicz. Gary Louis 11900 11/17/1992 Kapur, Sagoo Arora 12019 3/24/1993 Jurss. Diana Lee 07459 7/25/1980 Karahalios, William John 14914 6'30M999 Justice, Candiss Johnson 1 1367 7/24/1991 Karas, Johanna Hunt 08431 8/3/1983 Justice, Gar>' Dwight 13726 1/22/1997 Karath, Barr>^ Michael 05482 6/16/1970 Justice. Nancy Elizabeth R, 14631 9/15/1998 Karavokiros. Kellie Tefakis 10650 11/21/1989 Justice. Plnilis Marie 14684 1 1/24/1998 Karavokiros, Theophilos G 06279 4'10 1975 Justice. Ralph Preston 07160 4/27/1979 Kardon, Anna Purvis 10087 8/1/1988 Justice, Rebecca Hewett 06797 9/16/1977 Karesh, Gail 06579 9 15/1976 Justice, Sarah Ann 1 1846 7/24/1992 Karlawish, Noelle Uzzell 14178 1 1/24/1997 Juul. Angela R M 11656 5/20/1992 Karls, David Richard 17153 6 1 1/2004 Raa. Kathleen A. 12286 7/26/1993 Karls, Nicole Tyner 10225 1 1 1 5 1988 Kaat, Lisa Ann 09703 7/22/1987 Kanes, Nickolaos Gus I4IIS 9, 16 1997 Kahn, Danyl Ray 16828 7/1/2003 Kairiker, Margo Jeanette 13396 7/16/1996 Kahn, Michelle S 12032 5/18/1993 Kash, Joe Mason 16994 9/16 2003 Kainie. Becky L 09837 9/15/1987 Katcll, Bany Steven 14825 5/18/1999 Kalaria, Bipin C 16829 7/1/2003 15364 4/27/2000 Kale, Nandkishor S 13070 7/25/1995 Katsoudas, Christine Kalopodis 05206 10/3/1968 Kaley, Manha llendrix 13513 7/24/1996 Kauchak, James D 05203 10/3/1968 Kallestad, Lavoice Howard- 14047 7/15/1997 Kaut'er, George Gus 1 7009 9/26/2003 Kalinat, Jayaraj 17085 2/19/2004 Kauhnan, Alan Manin 15381 5/16/2000 Kalnik, Michael John 14481 7/7/1998 17465 9/30/2004 Kalu, Kalu Agba 1 1380 7/24/1991 Kaylor, John I'tlward 12031 5/18/1993 Kaminski. Ronald Eugene 13831 5/14/1997 Kazmierczak, Richard hrancis 14915 6/30/1999 Kaniiner. Ryan Travis 12912 5/19/1995 Kcuik, Rodney lulward 14630 9/15/1998 Kainpr. Misty Marie 13349 3/19/1990 Kea. Andrea Lynne 15962 7/5/2001 Kanison, Adehanke () 05630 3/29/1971 Kearney, Roberl livans 05933 4/12/1973 Kandzer, Paul Lawrence 1 261 6 7/26/1994 Kearney, Stephen Eugene 16000 7/1 1/2001 Kancll. John Douglas 07362 4/24/1980 Keanis, (Jany Ray I2IK^ 7/26/1993 Kanelzke. Beverly Williams I 13S1 7/24/1991 Keanis-Ball, 1 isa Anne 11379 7/24/1991 Kanet/ke, Michael Wdliam 16X30 7/1/2003 Keateii. Melanie Kay 15982 7/9/2001 Kang. Circgor>' Tong-Sik 15971 7/5/2001 Keating, Alyson Wooten 14263 3/17/1998 Kanjia. Chelan C" 14916 6/30/1999 Keating. Michael James 126IS 7/26/1994 Kanu. Anj'cla Ofronnaya 0X257 2/22/1983 Keeler. Cynllna Cloninger Phannacist Name Date Phannacist Name Katon, Dean Scott Kaur, Narinder R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Reeistered Reefer, Dajen Ruiige 09838 9/15/1987 Kelly, Robert William 6/30/1999 Keen, Kristen Lane 16547 7/16/2002 Kelton, Teresa Marie 13312 2/21/1996 Keene, Beth Ann 16368 6/19/2002 Kemineiy, Brian Richard 11799 7/24/1992 Keeney, April Maynard 07143 4/27/1979 Kemp, William Royster 14294 5/12/1998 Keeney, Lauri Stump 15565 7/13/2000 Kemski, Kelly Ann 1 1062 7/25/1990 Keesler, Anne Williams 11154 11/20/1990 Kenaston, Jeffrey Paul 05097 10/7/1967 Keever, Ann Willis 06203 9/17/1974 Kendall, Ralph Herndon 06580 9/15/1976 Keever, Kenneth Wilson 11786 7/24/1992 Kendall, Stephen Jennings 03995 3/1/1957 Keever, Zeb Thomas 081 14 7/26/1982 Kendrick, Cheiyl D 12184 7/26/1993 Keibier, Tamara Williford 14919 6/30/1999 Kendrick, Stephanie Michelle 12337 9/21/1993 Keich, Ernest William 07777 7/24/1981 Kennedy, Carla Dean 07198 7/23/1979 Keicher, Philip Allen 09945 2/24/1988 Kennedy, Cindy Sutton 10960 7/25/1990 Keisler, Maiy Diane Whitson 05343 10/2/1969 Kennedy, Jeny Brady 10961 7/25/1990 Keisler, Tiinothy Patrick 04799 3/3/1965 Kennedy, John Lowry 10715 2/21/1990 Keith, Jimmy Dale 04863 9/23/1965 Kennedy, Johnnie Buren 15885 6/27/2001 Keller, Terri Ashcraft 04910 3/31/1966 Kennedy, Lany Gene 10359 5/16/1989 Kellerman, Kimberly Jean 12185 7/26/1993 Kennedy, LeAnne Davidson 12385 11/30/1993 Kelley, Angela Andes 13313 2/21/1996 Kennedy, Maiy Jayne 05389 1/20/1970 Kelley, Jaines Glendon 09932 2/24/1988 Kennedy, Michael Shaw 06753 8/16/1977 Kelley, John David 15887 6/27/2001 Kennedy, Rachael Nicole 14918 6/30/1999 Kelley, Jorjanna Lee 0941 1 7/29/1986 Kennedy, Robert Alan 10775 3/20/1990 Kelley, Karen Lance 12338 9/21/1993 Kennelly, Thomas Gary 11165 1 1/20/1990 Kelley, Karen Leigh 16369 6/19/2002 Kennerley, Sara Elena 07707 7/21/1981 Kelley, Linda Payne 07316 2/19/1980 Kenney, William Francis 04992 11/29/1966 Kelley, Robert Douglas 07404 7/15/1980 Kennison, Lloyd George 12386 11/30/1993 Kelley, Thoinas Everette 11100 9/18/1990 Kenny, Thoinas James 10250 1/17/1989 Kelley, Walter John 10360 5/16/1989 Kent, Gina Hall 16971 8/1/2003 Kelly, Brian James 16166 11/20/2001 Kent, Susan Christine 07708 7/21/1982 Kelly, Candace Roberts 11746 7/24/1992 Kenth, Suman Fannah 14747 1/27/1999 Kelly, Carol Pia 13071 7/25/1995 Kent-Mitchell, Angela Colleen 08961 5/21/1985 Kelly, Danna Campbell 16262 3/19/2002 Kenyon, Sarah Elizabeth 07363 4/24/1980 Kelly, James Edward 07559 10/21/1980 Kephart, Mark Alan 09616 3/17/1987 Kelly, Linda Rothrock 15547 7/10/2000 Kennes, Jaines Robert 16422 6/21/2002 Kelly, Maisha 05835 9/5/1972 Kennon. Louis Todd 05018 4/1/1967 Kelly, Marion Nelson 16556 7/17/2002 Kern, Amy Lon-aine License Date Number Reeistered 16729 3/18/2003 I49I7 Pharmacist N a m e Phamiacist Name R K G I S T E R E D PHARIMACISTS AS O E 9/30/2(104 License Date License Date Number Registered Phamiacist Name Number Reeistered 10634 10 14 2002 Kern, Karen Denise 03436 2/27/195! Kigcr. Rol-'crt Wayne 13072 7/25/1995 KeiT, Melissa Ann 06640 11/16/1976 Kiglit, Hugh Osgood 17057 1/22/2004 Kershaw, Jacelyn Lou 07709 7/21/19S! Kight, Jolmny Albert 16319 6/6/2002 Kershaw, Madiew V. 14254 2/25/1998 Kiker, Lisa Louise 09401 7 29 1986 Kershner, Pamela Hardee 13026 7/25/1995 Kilar, Jamie Gasaway 05166 624/1968 Kesler, James Phillip 16121 9/18/200! Kilbride, James T 06043 9/18/1973 Kesler, Louise Griftln 15225 11/16/1999 Kiigos, David James 09193 1/21M986 Kesler, Mark CaiT 14490 7/8/1998 Kiliany, Ryan Matthew 05836 9/5/1972 Kesler, William Thomas 12126 7/26/1993 Kilien, Kipley Crowder 15159 9 21/1999 Kesscl. Kellie Marie 16023 7/17/200! Killian, Alley Jeanne 07603 2/27/1981 Kessell, Glenda Harbin 057! 1 10/1/197! Killian, Charles Frederick 07876 9/15/1981 Kessler, Everett Richard 05207 10/3/1968 Killian. James Franklin 07906 1/19/1982 Kessler, John Michael 15888 6/27/2001 Kim, Hyun Sik 14230 2 17/1998 Kesterson, Julie Alston 17371 7/20/2004 Kim, Stephanie Eunjung 08503 9,20 4 983 Ketcham, Kathleen Gurney 16463 6/27/2002 Kim. Susan C 141 19 9/16 1997 Kelheeswaran, Tsi Ton 03S51 7/5/1955 Kimball. Jacquelyn O'Neal 07255 11 1 1979 Key, Earl Wendell 15016 7/12/1999 Kimbro, Rickic Lee 14458 7/2/1998 Key. Eugenia Gambill 12619 7/26/1994 Kimrey, Derrick Brian 12186 7/26/1993 Key, Shaun Patrick 08654 5/22/1984 Kinaszczuk, Judy Lynn 06204 9/17/1974 Keyes, Maurice Clyde 08655 5/22/1984 Kinaszczuk, Michael 03683 9/18/1953 Keys. Carson Meade 10492 7/26/1989 King, Beth Smith 10962 7/25/1990 Keys. David Harold 10278 2/27/1989 King, Billy Wayne 0894 1 3/19/1985 Keyser, David Thomas 15548 7/10/2000 King, Bradley Stephen 14724 I'20/1999 Keyser. Lori Eineran 17029 I 1/18/2003 King. CTiarles F.llis 14920 6/30/1999 Khalil. Ahmad Mohamad 15767 1/24/2001 King. Cher>'l Wray 13914 6/27/1997 Khang, Tou Shonpov 10964 7/25/1990 King. Christopher fodd 14633 9/15/1998 Khawaja, Basem haye/. 1 1026 7/25/1990 King, Cynthia Robinson 14518 7/14/1998 Khordehforosh, Mohsen 1 1396 7/24/1991 King, I'lizahelh Meade 13693 1 I/I9/1996 Kicinski. Gina Marie 0422! 7/2/1959 King, Glenn Aldcn 15329 3/21/2000 Kidane. I sedal B OS! 15 7/26/1982 King, Gordon McDtuiald 1442H 6/29/1998 Kidd. Lilhan Danko 06905 4/14/1978 King. Harold Bleckley (my) 9/15/1987 Kiefter. Linda (urr 05019 4/1/1967 King, James Arnold 06666 4/15/1977 Kient/. Joy h.arly 14921 6/30'I 999 Kmg, Jcnmler Renee 15384 5/16/2000 KifHc, Scyoum 04972 10/Y)/1966 King. Johnnv Harold 14241 2/17/I99X Ki('er. Ale»',is Glenn n622 7/24/1 99r. Kmg. Kate V\'ilson Phamiacist Name R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Reeistered King, Kathleen Bacon 07038 11/3/1978 Kiser, James Thoinas 8/20/1990 King, Melissa Williams 17121 4/30/2004 Kiser, Jennifer Justice 15690 9/19/2000 King, Monica Jo 06799 9/16/1977 Kiser, John Alexander 07460 7/25/1980 King, Palmer Wood 16571 7/22/2002 Kiser, Lilia Coroli 13075 7/25/1995 King, Sonya Makeba 07039 11/3/1978 Kiser, Pamela Bullock 07953 3/1/1982 King, Teriy Randall 10370 5/16/1989 Kiser, Sheila Ghant 12843 2/22/1995 King, Vanessa Hayes 11813 7/24/1992 Kiser, Stephanie Non'is 05760 4/7/1972 King, William Lewis 16370 6/19/2002 Kiser, Tyree Heath 06367 9/9/1975 King, William Thad 15915 6/27/2001 Kistler, Jennifer Stewart 05276 4/10/1969 Kinlaw, Alton Emoiy 15889 6/27/2001 Kistlcr, Tyson Dewey 14019 7/15/1997 Kinley, Averille Kirk I07I7 2/21/1990 Kitchens, Jennifer Jumper 15308 2/22/2000 Kinney, Belynda Marie 12068 7/20/1993 Kitchens, Robin Mobley 17235 7/7/2004 Kinnion, Jason Donald 14160 1 I/24/I997 Kitchens, Timothy Scott 14072 7/21/1997 Kinstle, Mark Allen 05712 10/1/1971 Kivett, Hennan Howard 08897 2/26/1985 Kirby, Belinda Brewington 1 1790 7/24/1992 Kiziah, Candace Nichole 12187 7/26/1993 Kirby, Billy Ray 13515 7/24/1996 Klaassen, Taffy Hubers 03997 3/1/1957 Kirby, Carl Mumford 05988 6/19/1973 Klee, Israel Edward 05399 3/27/1970 Kirby, Freeman Edward 16167 11/20/2001 Klein, Peter Andrew 04170 2/27/1959 Kirby, James Thomas 13398 7/16/1996 Kleinhenz, Carl George 10602 9/23/1989 Kirby, John Christopher 07029 11/3/1978 Klem, Beatriz Hernandez 08436 8/3/1983 Kirby, Keith Eugene 16168 1 1/20/2001 Klembczyk, Amy Marie 081 16 7/26/1982 Kirby, Marvin Gray 16001 7/11/2001 Klibanov, Olga 10606 9/23/1989 Kirby, Michelle Mackie 17236 7/7/2004 Klimczak, Kelly Nicole 13863 6/27/1997 Kirby, Nancy Boykin 10195 9/20/1988 09586 3/2/1987 Kirk, Julienne Krainiak 16832 7/1/2003 11989 2/24/1993 Kirk, Lisa Williams 16086 7/31/2001 Kluchurosky, Jenny Lynn 14632 9/15/1998 Kirk, Michael Dean 03802 2/28/1955 Kluttz, John Augustus 09705 7/22/1987 Kirkegaard, Gary John 10096 8/1/1988 13964 7/1/1997 Kirkman, Beth Joyner 09386 7/29/1986 Knapp, Kelly Coulter 09238 2/27/1986 Kirkpatrick, Alice Elizabeth 15668 8/15/2000 Kneller, Virna M 05837 9/5/1972 Kirkpatrick, George Fred 12283 7/26/1993 Kncss, Krista Tucker 05838 9/5/1972 Kirkpatrick, Jaines Weaver 10603 9/23/1989 Knick, Mark David 05266 4/10/1969 Kirkpatrick, Maiy Ann F 07805 7/24/1981 Knight, Alan Wicker 08437 8/3/1983 Kirkpatrick, T c n y Kent 10726 2/21/1990 Knight, Elizabeth McHone 10785 3/20/1990 Kisamore, Cynthia Lea 12389 11/30/1993 Knight, Eminitt Bradley License Date Number Reeistered 0S9S9 7/16/1985 11075 Phamiacist Name Pharmacist N a m e Kline, Kevin Lee Klingenberg, Mandy White Kluttz, Lisa Gayle RILCISTERED License Number P H A R ^ L \ C I S T S A S O F 9/30/2004 Date Reeistered Phamiacist N a m e License Date Number Reeistered Phamiacist N a m e 1:44: 2 24 1994 Rnight. N'irginia Bourn 15721 10/17/2000 Koppenlia\'er, Marci Lynn 08504 9/20'1983 Rnotl. Randall Lasne 13516 7/24/1996 Korenek, Jessica Yvette 13965 7/1/1997 Rnoules, Christopher Roben 07807 7/24/1981 Koif, Susan A\'errie 06953 8/10/1978 Rnowles. Jimmy Harold 16678 1/22/2003 Koromhas, Eric Christopher 14503 7/9/1998 Rnoules, Moll> MahatTe\' 14048 7/15/1997 Ron, Kim R 06954 8/10/1978 Rnox. John Alan 17044 12/8/2003 Kos, Richard Michael 06281 4/10/1975 Knox. Patricia Lewis 16834 7/1/2003 Kosecki, Slieri Marie 16833 7'b2003 Kobisky, Caroline Adams 08321 5'10/1983 Koshikar, Oksana Maiy 16207 1 16 2002 Koch. Michael William 08322 5/10/1983 Kosliikar, Roben Waltei- 15505 7/5/2000 Kochis, E \ e Mae 16548 7/16/2002 Koska, Stephen David 1 1S58 7/24 1992 Kodikara, Lori Williams 10361 5/16/1989 Kostic, Barbara Ann-Paxton 17448 9/21/2004 Koelemeyer, Julie Anne 15733 1 l/'21/2000 Kota, Suresh B 09877 1 1/17/1987 Kotbrd, John Lowell 16052 7/17/2001 Kotch, Joel 07461 7/25/1980 Kotord, John Lowell 11699 7/24/1992 Kothapalli, Radhika A\'\'a 17415 8/11/2004 Koganti, Kalsani 10494 7/26/1989 Kothapalli, Venkata Markandeya 15830 5/15/2001 Kolb, Clifton Rivers 07542 10/21/1980 Kotter. Steven Douglas 1 1342 7'24/1991 Koluch, Susan Jenec 06623 9/15/1976 Kour)', Patricia Walters 10943 7/25/1990 Konanc, Mamshka 17343 7/13/2004 Koutsikos. Eleni George 13918 7/1/1997 Konkler, Mary Anthony 09287 5/12/1986 Koutsourais. Manuel George 17372 7/20/2004 Kontaxes, Michael Peter 12946 7/18/1995 Kouzel, Samuel Irwin 11225 3/19/1991 Konlos, Rhonda Wooten 12623 7/26/1994 Koval, Peter Gregory 10286 2/27/1989 Koo, C-atherine Park 06671 4/15/1977 Kowatski, Angela Gray 13966 7/1/1997 Koo, Jung F,un 06645 2/15/1977 Kowalsky, Richard John 10058 8/1/1988 Koonce, Caroline Cox 13235 1 1/21/1995 Kraft, Roben Lee 10937 7/25/1990 Koonce. Lesley Hannon 15768 1/24/2001 Kraine, Meredith Rose 09707 7/22/1987 Koonce, Sterling CJrady 05616 3/29/1971 Kramer, Judith M 10966 7/25/1990 Koonce, William Edward 12191 7/26/1993 Knimer. Lisa Marie 06138 4/9/1974 KoonI/, C"alherine C"audill 10098 8/1/1988 Krause, Kenneth Alan 07806 7/24/1981 Koonl/, Garry Ddcll 07954 3/1/1982 Krause. Paula Jean 08752 7/30/1984 Koont/, Jftseph Kim 101 19 8/1/1988 Kniuse, Susan Moss 09654 7/22/1987 Koontz. Lois !irf»oks 16187 1 1/27/200! Krebs. Coiy Jonathan 06044 9/18/1973 Koontz. Stephen Lee ir,191 I 1/30/2001 Krcbs, Taunya Mitcfi KK)97 8/1/1988 Koontz. Ste\en Idiot 12756 1 1/2/1994 Kremer, Kim I incha 15448 6/28/2000 Kopaczcwski. David John 08797 7/30/1984 Kreniz, Kimherly Starling 14426 6/29/1998 Kopccky. Blakc Mucpins 14994 7/6/1999 Krepps, William James R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Reeistered Kroboth, Timothy Ray 10279 2/27/1989 Lackey, Scott Patrick 7/24/1996 Kromis, Leroy Arthur 09019 7/26/1985 Lackey, Tonya Daniel 15890 6/27/2001 Ki-ueger, Lucinda Ridley 08439 8/3/1983 LaCroix, Karol Kmeger 11968 2/24/1993 Kmeger, Stephanie Ann 08703 7/30/1984 Ladd, Deborah Bowers 15891 6/27/2001 Krueger, Todd A 05934 4/12/1973 Lafferty, Robert Parks 16208 1/16/2002 Rrug, Brandon Michael 12980 7/25/1995 LaFollette, Lisa Bullard 05594 1/21/1971 Krull, Allan Harold 12625 7/26/1994 Lagomasino, Mary Grace Newell 14330 6/18/1998 Kr>'n, Sandra Grace 06584 9/15/1976 Lail, Susan Gibbs 04639 7/8/1963 Rue, Joe H L 08441 8/3/1983 Laizure, Steven Casey 04760 7/7/1964 Rue, Venetia Morrill 16003 7/11/2001 Laliberte, Kevin John 17081 2/12/2004 Ruhn, Michelle Denise 15331 3/21/2000 Lam, Jane Chanh 10838 7/17/1990 Kuhn, Timothy Allen 15161 9/21/1999 LaMartina, Thomas Phillip 17237 7/7/2004 Kuhrt, Michelle Mari 06045 9/18/1973 Lamb, James Thoinas 07710 7/21/1981 Kuligowski, Ronald Edward 15228 11/16/1999 Lamb, William E 17338 7/12/2004 Rulkarni, Pooja 05017 4/1/1967 Lamberson, Mary Helen 15227 1 1/16/1999 Kumar, Allen Ashoke 14558 7/21/1998 Lambert, James Patrick 10651 1 1/21/1989 Kumar, Lori Robinson 13835 5/14/1997 Lambert, Kathleen Anne 14139 10/13/1997 Kumar, Renu 13202 9/19/1995 Lambert, Raymond Paul 14020 7/15/1997 Kuntz, Dennis Jay 14494 7/8/1998 Lambert, Stacey Pinion 12193 7/26/1993 Kuo, Wendy Suzanne 16835 7/1/2003 Lambeit-Bemardo, Hilcia Janeth 10362 5/16/1989 Kurek, Timothy John 10967 7/25/1990 Lamberth, Michael Paul 15494 6/30/2000 Kushner, Janine Marie 17450 9/21/2004 Lambrecht, Bruce David 13379 5/14/1996 Kustra, Robert Paul 11967 2/24/1993 LaMere, Matthew Leon 08506 9/20/1983 Kutza, Gerald H 17239 7/7/2004 Lamm, April Lynn 10019 7/19/1988 Kwiatkowski, Stephen E 05426 4/2/1970 Lamm, Benajah Scott 14686 11/24/1998 Kyzer, Stacey Anne 16291 5/14/2002 Lamm, Robert Andrew 07604 2/27/1981 Labadie, Carol White 05532 9/22/1970 Lamm, William DeLay 13853 5/21/1997 Laban, Saad Lotfy 09057 7/26/1985 Lamonds, Michael Edward 17449 9/21/2004 LaBarre, Wendy Ann 06685 4/15/1977 Lamont, William 12947 7/18/1995 LaBranche, James Edward 12624 7/26/1994 LaMotte, Joseph Martin 17238 7/7/2004 LaBrechc, Matthew Thomas 12507 7/19/1994 Lamoureux, Grace 16580 7/29/2002 Lachake, Sunanda Hemchandra 16836 7/1/2003 15734 11/21/2000 Lachowicz, Blaise 11057 7/25/1990 Lancaster, Ellen Whitfield 16002 7/11/2001 Lackey, Christopher Brian 09612 3/17/1987 Lancaster, William Henry 09055 7/26/1985 Lackey, James Dean 17030 I 1/18/2003 Lance, Brian Edward License Date Number Reeistered 0520S 10/3/1968 13518 Phamiacist Name Phamiacist Name Lancaster, Christopher Scott R E G I S T E R E D P H A R I M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Reeistered License Date Number Reeistered 05()U0 2 16 19-71 Lance, Harold Lugene I2I2I 7/26'1993 l_anter, Cathy Compton 05054 7'24'1967 Lance. Jack Collins 11793 7/24/1992 Lantz, Joseph Mattheu' 15892 6 27/2001 Landen. Claston Brent 11961 2/24/1993 Lantz, Tracey Heath 1424V 2 19 1998 Landers. Ann' Elizabeth 1705S 1/22/2004 Laonipon. Donald Kent 11268 7/23/1991 Landers, Da\id Lanier 08117 7/26/1982 LapieiTC, Ginetie 15940 7/2/2001 Landers. Franklin Darrell 10828 7/17/1990 LaPointe, Nancy Alien 15S93 6'27'2001 Landers, Melissa Rose 12391 11/30/1993 Largen, Lisa League 0901 1 7/26 1985 Lane. Angelina Cole 06369 9/9/1975 Largen, Maiy Ann Bishop 16495 7/2/2002 Lane. Daniel Christopher 15624 7/19/2000 Largen, Rebecca Fornaro 10968 7/25/1990 Lane. D a u n Bostic 16512 7/8/2002 Larkin, Michael William 07256 1 1/1/1979 Lane. Julia Scott 16837 7/1/2003 Larkin, Sarah Paradise 11791 7/24/1992 Lane. William Revin 09757 7/22/1987 LaRoque, Holly Sykes 16039 7/17/2001 Laney, April Cooper 08914 2/26/1985 LaRoquc, Mark Hines 08293 2'22M983 Laney. Sheree Ellen 12626 7/26/1994 Larr, Thomas Christopher 15385 5 16/2000 Lang, Frederick Robert 13519 7/24/1996 Larsen, Stephanie Davis 14505 7/9/1998 Lang, Holly Smith 08445 8/3/1983 Larsen, Valerie Leigh 1 1792 7/24/1992 Lang, John Michael 08313 3/24/1983 Larson, Margaret Williams 091 18 9/17/1985 Lang. Paula Bowers 05935 4/12/1973 Lasittcr, Tyre Beaman 12508 7/19/1994 Langan, Kathleen /\ 14924 6/30/1999 Lassiter, Deanna Massengill 03901 3/3/1956 Langdon, Hampton Ford 13581 7/24/1996 Lassiter, Emily Severt 04703 3/4/1964 Langdon, Ronald Earl 081 18 7/26/1982 Lassiter, Timothy Francis 07957 3/1/1982 langdon, Timothy Ray 15162 9/21/1999 Latham, Melissa Marie 161 69 1 1/20/2001 l^nge, Claudia Rathle 09414 7/29/1986 Latham. Robin Duntee 09613 3/17/1987 Langcnkamp, Kathryn Paula 06966 9/26/1978 Eaton, Renee Haney 17240 7/7/2004 L'lngley, Julie (iail 09195 1/21/1986 Latour, Joanne Kure 10495 7/26/1989 Langley, Karen Wendell 0704! 1 1/3/1978 Latta, Kennelli Samuel 0X091 7/26/1982 Langley, Megan haughl 16220 1/16/2002 Latlimore. Lindsey PeiT>' 09059 7/26/1985 Langley, Michael Ciuy 14443 7/2/1998 Latlimore, Ruth Ann 16441 6'24/2002 l>ijnglcy. William Wade 16263 3/19/2002 Lau, Ivan Gene-Kee 15229 11/16/1999 Lingston. George Martin 1261 1 7/26/1991 1 aullenburger. Polly Johnson 10807 5/15/1990 Lanham, Darrell Keigm 1463'1 9/15/1998 LaValley. Mary Idizabetli 04391 3/6/1961 l^imer. Billy Worth 1482X 5/18/1999 LaVecchia. David Thomas 14021 7/15/1997 l-anicr. Matthew Tliomas 12627 7/26/199.1 I avendei, Tii/abetli Lee 5751 1/23/2001 L'inkf()rd. Liwrence Howard 16092 7/18/2001 Lavender, Kimberly Doinbrotjk nxt(2 6 27 1997 Linniniv Jarrod Mftrj'an 6/26/1998 1 .a\'erv. Jenmter Ann I Phannacist Name Phamiacist Name R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date Phamiacist Name Number Registered Lavin, Kevin Liam 14502 7/9/1998 3/21/1995 Lavoie, Richard Joseph 08519 2/20/1983 LeBlanc, Jane Riner 09415 7/29/1986 Lawhon, Stanley Gardner 16371 6/19/2002 Lech, Pamela June 04830 7/2/1965 Lawhon, Zeb Stanley 12196 7/26/1993 LeClair, Susan Squire 04223 7/2/1959 Lawing, Kenneth Lee 06802 9/16/1977 LeCroy, James Robert 09119 9/17/1985 Lawing, Virginia Cash 08604 2/22/1984 LeCroy, Tonia Sewell 08942 3/19/1985 Lawrence, H a n y Cooper 08119 7/26/1982 Ledbetter, Bany Christopher 12131 7/26/1993 Lawrence, Julie Davis 16524 7/10/2002 Ledbetter, Heather Ann 17353 7/16/2004 Lawrence, Kristi Davis 12628 7/26/1994 Ledbetter, Susan Tracy 04741 7/2/1964 Lawrence, Miriam Greene 12630 7/26/1994 Ledford, Eric Ray 08937 2/26/1985 Lawrence, Rosemarie 11 Zadlo 09709 7/22/1987 Ledoux, Barbara Anne 08591 2/22/1984 Lawrence, Sarah Maner 08398 8/3/1983 11523 9/17/1991 Lawrence, Sharon Williams 08698 7/30/1984 Lee, Barbara Barton 13180 8/1/1995 Laws, Teny Wayne 10497 7/26/1989 Lee, Byron Dale 12195 7/26/1993 Lawson, Brent Channing 15450 6/28/2000 Lee, Craig Richard 07465 7/25/1980 Lawson, Randy Neil 10974 7/25/1990 Lee, Daniel Jun 12825 2/22/1995 Lawson, Sandra Kay Alexander 13836 5/14/1997 Lee, Eddie Ray 16082 7/25/2001 Lawson, Tracy Lee 13862 6/27/1997 Lee, Heather Ann 16078 7/20/2001 Lawson, Travis Lynn 10498 7/26/1989 Lee, Jeffrey Todd 17241 7/7/2004 Laxton, Lyndie Daniel 17242 7/7/2004 Lee, Jessica Katherine 12178 7/26/1993 Laxton, Rhonda Isenhour 12198 7/26/1993 Lee, Jody Ray 10969 7/25/1990 Layne, Keith Elvin 17243 7/7/2004 Lee, Kristyn Nicole 10970 7/25/1990 Layne, Kevin Richard 14296 5/12/1998 Lee, Lan Won 04524 7/10/1962 Lazams, Charles Lawrence 08498 9/20/1983 Lee, Linda McCollum 17344 7/13/2004 Lazo, Jennifer 17244 7/7/2004 Lee, Loc Vinh 16496 7/2/2002 Le, Marie Josephine 15084 7/20/1999 Lee, Matthew Carter 16756 5/21/2003 Le, Manin Hien 17245 7/7/2004 Lee, Melissa Renae 10496 7/26/1989 Le, Tarn Phuong 06452 4/5/1976 Lee, Patricia Claytor 13883 6/27/1997 Le, Trinh Thi 07545 10/21/1980 Lee, Richard Sommerville 07797 7/24/1981 Lea, Janet Hester 10719 2/21/1990 Lee, Robbin Ellery 12034 5/18/1993 Leach, Donald Ray 10975 7/25/1990 Lee, Robert Arthur 05762 4/7/1972 League, Mickey Allen 15943 7/2/2001 Lee, Stacy Phipps 10972 7/25/1990 Leathennan, Nancy Carol 08444 8/3/1983 Lee, Susan Dileema 04171 2/27/1959 Leatherwood, Donald Ray 13081 7/25/1995 Lee, Susanne Jennette 12656 7/26/1994 Lebakkcn, Shannon Renee 10808 5/15/1990 Lee, Thoinas Felix License Date Number Reeistered 08443 8/3/1983 12887 Pharmacist Name Lebbos, Enshad Labib LeDoux, Margaret Daugherty REGISTERl.D P H A R I M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/20(14 License Date Number Reeistered Lec. Traci Jean 16245 2 6/2002 Leon (jutierre/, Laura Maicela Lee. Troy Jackson 16233 1/15/2002 Leon, Eduard Roben 7/26/1982 Lee, William Homer 12631 7/26/1994 Leonard, Anthony Shane 17333 7/8/2004 Lee. William T. 07110 3/30/1979 Leonard, Earlene Allman 06472 4'5'1976 Lee, Wing-Sang 05713 10/1/1971 Leonard, Geraldine May 12441 2/24/1994 Lee. Wun Hwa 03382 7/6/1950 Leonard, Holland Braudis 07466 7/25 4 980 Leeds, Robert Sidney 11387 7/24/1991 Leonard, John Ervin 05229 10/18 1968 Legg, Manha Hinton 14242 2/17/1998 Leonard, Julie Parrish 07193 7/17/1979 Leggeit, C>'nthia Coixell 11428 7/24/1991 Leonard, Julie Putnam 08354 7/19'19S3 Leggeli, Stanley Robert 07104 3/20/1979 Leonard, Leonard Allen 05345 10 2/1969 Lehman, Da\id Christian 06585 9/15/1976 Leonard, Lu Williams 15014 7/12/1999 Lehman, Richellc Hajnosz 05534 9/22/1970 Leonard, Ralph Thomas 16608 9 24/2002 Lehmann, .Meghan Kathleen 04393 3/6/1961 Leonard, William Ilenn.' 14297 5/12/1998 Leigh. David M 12782 11/15/1994 Leonetti, James Joseph 14298 5 12/1998 Leigh. Lynn Michelle 09534 11/18/1986 Lepley, Cathy Cohen 06961 8/30/1978 Leinwand. Shannan Cooper 15483 6/29/2000 LcQuire, Mitchell James 13003 7/25/1995 Leite. Jill Diiver 15111 7/27/1999 Lerner, Peter Ronald 07808 7/24/1981 Lcmberg, Mar>' Pllen 17090 2/23/2004 Lcrner, Robed P. 06803 9/16/1977 Lembcrg. Samuel Benjamin 07366 4/24/1980 LeRoy, Marie Louise 04704 3/4/1964 Leinelin. Daniel Lec 09490 9/16/1986 Lesan DDS. RPH. Jon Douglas 10720 2/21/1990 Lemelin, Jeffrey Lee 14829 5/18/1999 Lcschak, Debra C a K e n 15386 5/16/2000 Lemmon. Linda Angelenc 17464 9/30/2004 Lcscsne-McKenzie, Celeste Lisa 10363 5/16/1989 Lemoine, Denise Chatelain 06751 8/5/1977 Lcsh, Winfred Eldridge 1 3008 7/25/1995 Lcmonds, C"her>'l Hdmonds 16838 7/1/2003 Lester, Justin David 07377 4/24/1980 Lena. Frances Rader 07276 11/1/I979 Lester, Susan Schenck 08868 1 1/20/1984 Lener. Michelle Fdaine 05936 4/12/1973 Lester, Vance Jefferson 14801 4/9/1999 Lengerlioglu, Ciulferi Fatma 09060 7/26/1985 I.etchu'onh. Debia Ann 06798 9/16/1977 Lenhad. Phyllis Ann Ketner 12503 7/19/1994 Letrent. Kristen Jones 14995 7/6/1999 Lcnnon. Angela Snyder 12067 7/20/1993 Letrenl. Stephen Paul WO 8 6 7/26/1985 Lennon. June Shields 11 n i 10/25/199f) Lettnn. Donna Kathp.n fM956 10/6/1966 Lennon. Laura Cjaither 16254 3/12/2002 Leup(tld. Thomas Carl 16609 9/24/2002 Ixnnon. Patrick Cirard 07H14 7/24/1981 Levandoski, Marina Maggio IS 769 1/24 2001 I x n t / , Helen Anne 13082 7/25/1995 Le\er. Laura Wooduard 094 16 7/29/1986 Lcn/cn. (\'irol Krmidcs 11568 1/2I/I992 Levin, Debra Susan (m 7/29/1986 Len/en. Mark Richard 1474K 1/27/1999 Ix'vin, Mindv Jo License Date Number Registered 14USU 7 23 199-^ 14969 7/2/1999 08121 17 Pharmacist Name Phannacist Name R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Reeistered Phannacist Name Leviton, Linda Owens 15800 3/20/2001 Liddy, Robert Bruce Levy, Charles 16781 7/1/2003 Liebzeit, Melessa Autrey 9/21/1982 Lewandowski, Bruce Alan 07609 2/27/1981 Lienau, Lydia Jan 10927 7/25/1990 Lewis, Amanda Grant 09197 1/21/1986 Liesegang, Linda Susan 10102 8/1/1988 Lewis, Andrew Craig 15941 7/2/2001 Lieu, Hue Ngoc 12574 7/26/1994 Lewis, Angela Raye 09418 7/29/1986 Liggins, Timothy Bernard 14492 7/8/1998 Lewis, April Leigh 06898 4/14/1978 Lighten, Charlotte Hawkins 10280 2/27/1989 Lewis, Caroline Moss 13163 7/25/1995 Liles, Lara Webb 04586 3/5/1963 Lewis, David Randall 17247 7/7/2004 Liles, Philip Bracken 07042 1 1/3/1978 Lewis, Eugene Colon 17451 9/21/2004 06586 9/15/1976 Lewis, Everett Lee 10104 8/1/1988 17246 7/7/2004 Lewis, Jason Dwight 17018 10/24/2003 Lilliston, Andrea Michelle 14635 9/15/1998 Lewis, Joseph Michael 13083 7/25/1995 Lilly, Roy Carroll 06906 4/14/1978 Lewis, Joseph Solomon 04973 10/6/1966 Lilly, Thomas Theophilous 08755 7/30/1984 Lewis, Rim Moran 13967 7/1/1997 Lim, Lee Kean 07257 11/1/1979 Lewis, Kyle Thomson 16292 5/14/2002 Lim, Michael Lee 12364 11/1/1993 Lewis, Laurie Bell 16464 6/27/2002 Lin, Apollo 13837 5/14/1997 Lewis, Lisa Smith 13236 11/21/1995 Lincicome, Robert Davis 16974 8/7/2003 Lewis, Monette M. 13980 7/1/1997 06205 9/17/1974 Lewis, Nonnan Colon 06804 9/16/1977 Lindley, Celeste Michele 11183 1/15/1991 Lewis, Rita Delene 13204 9/19/1995 Lindley, Charles Howard 05601 2/16/1971 Lewis, Robert Edward 13084 7/25/1995 Lindsay, Anita Blevins 03903 3/3/1956 Lewis, Robert Luther 11219 2/19/1991 Lindsay, Annette Wilson 06686 4/15/1977 Lewis, Sainuel Floyd 03912 3/16/1956 Lindsay, Bobby Clay 12310 7/27/1993 Lewis, Sandra Martin 07605 2/27/1981 Lindsay, David Michael 08915 2/26/1985 Lewis, Sonya Jene' 10978 7/25/1990 Lindsay, M'iracle Yvonne 07711 7/21/1981 Lewis, Suzanne C 09711 7/22/1987 Lindsay, Myra Hawkins 02949 6/18/1941 Lewis, Wilson Rnowles 08756 7/30/1984 Lindsay, William Dodd 06140 4/9/1974 Lewter, Roy Otis 15895 6/27/2001 Lindsey, Wesley Tate 08410 8/3/1983 Leyden, Margaret Gallagher 17101 3/16/2004 Lindstrom, Barbara Ann 13694 11/19/1996 Leyrcr, Judith Ellen 17102 3/16/2004 Lindstrom, Frederick Malcolm 10324 3/21/1989 Libby, Charles Edward 09712 7/22/1987 Lineberger, Randy Dale 16170 11/20/200! Libman, Brenda Golden 10533 7/26/1989 Liner, Melanie P 16995 9/16/2003 Licciardello, Janet Ransom 07139 4/27/1979 Lingerfeldt, Beverly Hester 12633 7/26/1994 Lichtman, Rita Martha 06047 9/18/1973 Lingeifeldt, Theodore Howard License Date Number Registered 10976 7/25/1990 14996 7/6/1999 08194 Phannacist Name Lilie, Lea A. Lillie, Lisa LaFratta Lincoln, Wendi Poplin R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS OE 9/3(l/2()()4 License Date Number Reeisrered Phamiacisl Name License Date Number Registered Phamiacist N a m e 07043 113, 1978 Link. William Edwin 15387 5/16/2000 Lobo, Trisha L 10499 7/26/1989 Linn. Da\ id Alan 08840 9/18/1984 Locco, Marco Patrick 17248 7/7/2004 Lionbarger, Stephanie Ester 04747 7/2/1964 07839 7/24/1981 Lippard. Julie Holshouser 06046 9/18/1973 Lockamy. Lucille Lxe 16635 10 14 2002 Lippe, Motaki Michael 06872 1/20/1978 Lockawich. Jenet Marincic 12000 3,16 1993 Lippincott. Lisa Owen 13314 2/21/1996 Lockerby, Richard Allen 09315 6/24/1986 Lippincoit, Richard Thomas 08125 7/26/1982 Locklear, Eric Paul 09316 6/24/1986 Lippincoli. Susan Michelle 10105 8/I/I98S Locklear, Kimberl)' 13798 3/18/1997 Lippow, JetYre) Howard 08757 7/30/1984 Locklear. Nan O'Lene 12561 7/26/1994 Lipscomb, Wendy Mace 08447 8/3/1983 Lockridge. Richard Vance 09446 7/29/1986 Lischin, Diana Smith 12036 5/18/1993 Lodoen, Mylon Howard 07712 7/21 1981 List, Linda Nadeau 17452 9/21/2004 Loessi, Mark Scott 07713 7/21/1981 List, Michael Bruce 10501 7/26/1989 Lotland, Lucy Bly 16171 i 1 20/2001 Lister, Lynnette Lorraine 14081 7/23/1997 LotLand, Ted Stuart 10226 I 1 15 1988 Litchfield, Pat Klein 13968 7/1/1997 Loftin, Jenniter Tu'iggs 08540 1 1/15/1983 Liltke, Tcny L 14337 6/26/1998 Lotus, Lee Beasiey 06908 4/14/1978 Little, Jackie Badger 10580 9/23/1989 Logan, Anita Michelle 04705 3/4/1964 Little, James Harold 10284 2/27/1989 Logan, /\nn Nonnan 12200 7/26/1993 Little. Michael Anthony 05081 10/7/1967 Logan, Philip Howard 14 I 61 1 1/24/1997 Little, Richard Hugh 07637 5/19/1981 Logan, Ronald Joseph 17403 8/5/2004 Littlepage. Sheriy Lynn 15770 1/24/2001 Logan, Sandra T 08589 2/22/1984 Littleton. Deborah Hooker 16839 7/1/2003 Logan, ^'oulanda Toinette 05841 9/5/1972 Lillleton. Glynn Perry 09332 7/15/1986 Loman, C'arolyn Patton 05535 9/22/1970 Livengood, Vassar Chumley 11038 7/25/1990 Lomax, Kathy Sneail 13620 7/24/1996 Livennan, Joyce White 041 16 7/7/1958 Lombard. William Oly 09062 7/26/1985 Livemian, Lisa C 14088 7/30/1997 London, Douglas Dwayne 12001 3/16/1993 Livesay, Eugene ("arler 10980 7/25/1990 Long, Ellon Wayne 02901 6/19/1940 Lloyd, Allen Alexander 069fJ9 4/14/1978 Long, CJeorge Edward 04841 7/2/1965 Lloyd, l:velyn Pauline 14560 7/21/1998 Long, Heallicr Diane 13127 7/25/1995 Lloyd, Lisa Pons 07145 4/27/1979 Long, John Addison 15939 7/2/2001 Lo. Kang-Sha 13493 7/24/1996 1 -ong. KelK' 1 louse 16482 6/28/2002 [j), May Xia 09695 7/22/1987 Long, Kimherly Hudson 14277 3/26/1998 I^ayza, Miguel Hector 06282 4/10/1975 Long, Larry Stuart 14278 3/26/1998 Loayza, Tammy Lyn |(J98I 7/25/1990 Long, Melinda Louise 13521 7/24/1996 Ixibo. Jefter>' Pendergrass 07X09 7/24/1981 I ,ong, Michael T homas Lockamy, Albert Fulton R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9 / 3 0 / 2 0 0 4 License Date License Date Number Registered Phannacist Name Number Reeistered 14050 7/15/1997 Long, Patricia Lynn 16840 7/1/2003 13334 2/21/1996 Long, Tammy Rene 12634 7/26/1994 Lowery-Locklear, Nicole 04748 7/2/1964 Long, William Ray 09419 7/29/1986 Lowman, Michael Jetry 05158 4/18/1968 Longenberger, Donald Wellington 05277 4/10/1969 Lowman, Samuel Enoch 14264 3/17/1998 Longfellow, Amy Jo 16209 1/16/2002 Lowman, 1 ina Bryant 17249 7/7/2004 Longwith, Melissa Sue 16018 7/16/2001 Lowrey, Lewis Steven 07122 4/27/1979 Longworth, Teri Chipman 16373 6/19/2002 Lowry, Bernard Franklin 10502 7/26/1989 Loper, Daniel Clark 03825 3/7/1955 Lowry, Fred Wilson 17183 7/7/2004 Lopez, Jennifer Crovitz 07606 2/27/1981 Lowiy, Fred Wilson 17433 9/21/2004 Lorek, Laura A. 08916 2/26/1985 Lowry, Heyward King 17453 9/21/2004 Lorenzi, Denise 04407 3/6/1961 Lowry, Hughes Dulin 15983 7/9/2001 Lorenzo, Shane Alan 08630 3/20/1984 Lowry, Jason Briscoe 14687 1 1/24/1998 Lott, Kristin Larice 07474 7/25/1980 Lowry, Theresa Michaud 16679 1/22/2003 Lotz, James H. 12737 9/20/1994 Lowy, Dana Kay 05709 10/1/1971 Louthan, Patricia Jenkins 11390 7/24/1991 Lucas, Bruce Daniel 16745 5/21/2003 Love, Catherine McKeown 09577 3/2/1987 Lucas, Judith Grantham 10983 7/25/1990 Lovelace, Mark David 14375 6/26/1998 Lucas, Kristy Holmes 07506 8/19/1980 Lovelace, Stephen 09014 7/26/1985 Lucas, Maiyann Costabile 03804 2/28/1955 Lovelace, William Monroe 05536 9/22/1970 Lucas, Robeit Ray 16442 6/24/2002 Loveland, Julie Laura 06910 4/14/1978 Lucas, Virgil Soloman 16979 8/28/2003 Lovell, Stephanie Carol 11569 I/2I/1992 Luce, Jeffrey Joe 11389 7/24/1991 Lovell, Teriy Alan 12509 7/19/1994 Lucey, Stacey Strong 16017 7/16/2001 Lovria, Dominic Samuel 15249 11/29/1999 Luck, Krista Kopp 13523 7/24/1996 Lowder, Dionne Marie 10325 3/21/1989 Luehrs, Roberta Banyard 16372 6/19/2002 Lowder, Laura Reid 1341 1 7/23/1996 Luft, Charlotte Gillespie 07811 4/24/1981 Lowder, Wallace Hoyle 13205 9/19/1995 Luger, Michael Stephen 05130 4/4/1968 Lowdermilk, Edward Lenoir 16374 6/19/2002 Lugo, Amy Michael 17250 7/7/2004 Lowe, Christopher Ryan 10106 8/1/1988 16264 3/19/2002 Lowe, John Robeit 12342 9/21/1993 Luke, Jaines David 05082 10/7/1967 Lowe, Robert Buford 08907 2/26/1985 Lukow, Christine Gruber 06402 9/18/1975 Lowe, Robeit Charles 12037 5/18/1993 Lumbatis, Kent Gregoiy 07959 3/1/1982 Lowe, Rosalind Robertson 16375 6/19/2002 Lumbeit, Kevin Paul 16946 7/11/2003 Lowei-y, Ashley Reed 13470 7/24/1996 Lumbrazo, Jodie Ann 07367 4/24/1980 Lowery, James Kenneth 14725 1/20/1999 Luna, Beatriz 11345 7/24/1991 Lowery, S. Adair Gupton 17426 9/7/2004 Lunasin, Eleanor Duran Piyov Phannacist Name Lowery, Timothy Reid Lugo, Ralph Anthony R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9 / 3 0 / 2 0 0 4 Date License Date Number Reeistered Number Reeistered 10079 8/1/1988 Lund, Marianne Hall 08126 7/26/1982 MacDonald, John Ewald 07439 7/25/1980 Lundblade, Patricia Ann 16699 1/28/2003 MacDougall, Conan 13993 7/1/1997 Lundy, Keni Watson 11392 7/24/1991 MacElroy, Dawn Elizabeth 09675 7/22/1987 Lunstbrd, Frankie Englebert 07339 4/24/1980 Macer, Susan Claytor 10713 2/21/1990 Lupton, Hope Jackson 12769 11/15/1994 Maciag, Edward Gerard 17072 1/23/2004 Lupton, Kurt Anthony 08618 2/22/1984 Mack, Michelle Tousignant 07044 11/3/1978 Lupton, Michael Anthony 13400 7/16/1996 Mack, Nancy Bernadette 08473 8/3/1983 Luskin, Susan Stone 07082 11/21/1978 Mack, Richard Thomas 12991 7/25/1995 Luther, Angela Cox 14430 6/29/1998 Macklin, Erika Anni 04394 3/6/1961 Lutz, Howard Robert 07715 7/21/1981 Mackowiak, John Ignatius 06688 4/15/1977 Luxton, Denise Bost 07716 7/21/1981 Mackowiak, Leslie Reuss 12576 7/26/1994 Ly, Khanh Doan 13206 9/19/1995 Macky, Robert Cyrus 12523 7/26/1994 Lyday, Kathiyn Ammirato 07173 4/27/1979 MacLeod, Joy Woodard 07812 7/24/1981 Lyerly, Ronald Eric 16539 7/15/2002 MacNiven, Daniel Mark 16088 8/1/2001 Lyke, Alison Carol 11970 2/24/1993 Macri, Brenda Martin 15085 7/20/1999 Lykins, Pony Walter 14726 1/20/1999 Macri, John Joseph 09720 7/22/1987 LyRowski, Mary Katherine 09639 5/11/1987 Madden, Steven Lee 17406 8/6/2004 Lyman, Nicole Denne 07216 10/19/1979 Maddox, Billy Durand 11732 7/24/1992 Lynch, Anna Caroline Crockett 13526 7/24/1996 Maddox, Brandon Lane 15497 6/30/2000 Lynch, Kevin Earl 15787 3/9/2001 Maddox, Megan Lavin 09714 7/22/1987 Lynch, Maurice Oliver 09257 3/18/1986 Maddox, Ronald Wilbum 09064 7/26/1985 Lynch, Pamela Gilbert 15780 2/7/2001 Mader, Stacey Anne 16503 7/3/2002 Lynch, Shawanda Lynette 07585 2/27/1981 Madison, Teresa Agner 04706 3/4/1964 Lynch, Thoinas Franklin 12635 7/26/1994 Madon, Michael David 10504 7/26/1989 Lynds, Jeffrey Everett 07420 7/25/1980 Madren, Kathleen Cahill 13525 7/24/1996 Lynn, Jason Bradley 16593 8/21/2002 Madueme, Elvira Chika 10505 7/26/1989 Lynn, Mary Page 13183 8/14/1995 Magda, Jill Ann 10409 7/18/1989 Lyon, Carol Ann 08542 11/15/1983 Magyer, Nancy Ann 16597 8/27/2002 Lyon, James A . 12204 7/26/1993 Mahairas, Helen Elaine 0691 1 4/14/1978 Lyon, Martha Walker 07306 12/11/1979 Maher, Jeanne Reising 09065 7/26/1985 Mabe, Don McCoy 1 1602 2/21/1992 Mahgoub, Ahmed 14463 7/2/1998 Mabe, Kimberly Oakley 15451 6/28/2000 Mahgoub, Nadia A 07305 1 1/20/1979 Mabie, Jenny McCook 06968 9/26/1978 Mahlke, Max Elmer 08043 7/23/1982 MacCorkle, Constance Rebecca 13086 7/25/1995 Mahlke, Max Korell 10773 3/20/1990 MacCosbe, Paul Edward 08355 7/19/1983 Mahoney, Janet Louise License Phamiacist Name Phamiacist Name R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Reeistered Mahrenhol'z, Scott Alan 09173 11/19/1985 8/3/1983 Mai, Rim Pham 07907 1/19/1982 Mangum, Oscar Bany 09672 7/22/1987 Mai, Lisa East 06206 9/17/1974 Mangum, Thomas Biyant 17059 1/22/2004 Mai, Thanh-Mai Tlii 12205 7/26/1993 Manian, Radha Bala 17251 7/7/2004 Maier, Sara Kathr>'n 12853 12/30/1998 Mann Bepler, Tracey Paige 14464 7/2/1998 Majithia, Lucy Jiten 10722 2/21/1990 Mann, Angela Longshore 09121 9/17/1985 Major, Jay Scott 06283 4/10/1975 Mann, Emmie Gardner 17103 3/16/2004 Major, Jessica Thomas 06099 1/29/1974 Mann, Freda Howell 15039 7/16/1999 Makhlouf, Lana Rawya 14378 6/26/1998 Mann, Jodi Lynn 16572 7/22/2002 Makhuli, C. Michael Joseph 13528 7/24/1996 Mann, Julia Lynette 16841 7/1/2003 Malherbe, Marcelle 15300 1/27/2000 Mann, Rosalyn Coleman 15388 5/16/2000 Malinsky, Julia 07470 7/25/1980 Manning, Jane Mailin 07961 3/1/1982 Malion, Harold Edward 08171 7/26/1982 Manning, Linda Winship 14090 8/2/1997 Malishewsky, Celeste 1 1227 3/19/1991 Manning, Robert Tillman 14010 7/7/1997 Malishewsky, Michael John 13123 7/25/1995 Manning, Stephanie Pihl 11969 2/24/1993 Mallard, Kelly Savage 08760 7/30/1984 Manning, William Charlie 05295 4/10/1969 Mallard, Patricia Williams 07718 7/21/1981 Manor, Linda Marie 07815 7/24/1981 Mallard, Roger Keith 1 1 157 1 1/20/1990 Mansbeiy, Thomas M 07490 7/25/1980 Mallory, Mary Sherrill 15040 7/16/1999 Mansfield, Jennifer Pennell 05279 4/10/1969 Malone, John Edgar 15048 7/21/1999 Manss, Kellie Ann 13527 7/24/1996 Malone, Robert Marshall 171 13 3/25/2004 Mansson, Heather Oakley 13456 7/24/1996 Malone, Theresa Dail 16172 11/20/2001 Mantooth. Holly McReynold 17060 1/22/2004 Malone-Cucino, Barbara A. 16173 1 1/20/2001 Mantooth, Russell Brian 16293 5/14/2002 Maloney, Thomas Mailin 13005 7/25/1995 Manuel, Davina Duncan 08128 7/26/1982 Malpass, George Lloyd 10652 1 1/21/1989 Manus, Donald Lee 10985 7/25/1990 Malpass, Tammy Bordeaux 14379 6/26/1998 Maples, Tara Lyn 15131 8/23/1999 Maluso, Robert James 11918 1 1/17/1992 Maravich, Diana Marie 12889 3/21/1995 Mancewicz, Roger Jack 08356 7/19/1983 Marceil, Glenn Stephen 07717 7/21/1981 Mandulak, Barbara Lee 08357 7/19/1983 Marceil, Linda Kay 05540 9/22/1970 Maner, James Eleetwood 07828 7/24/1981 March, Mary Mullis 06643 1/18/1977 Maness, Kirk Alan 11570 1/21/1992 Marcham, Timothy Victor 09443 7/29/1986 Maness, Maiy Setzer 10030 7/19/1988 Marchisello, Donna Waddell 10166 8/1/1988 Maness, Teresa Welch 12443 2/24/1994 Marckel, Don Roger 12717 7/26/1994 Maney, Jane Wyatt 15626 7/19/2000 Marconi, Sarah Lang 16758 5/21/2003 Mango, Kim Lea 16294 5/14/2002 Marheine, Lori Suzanne License Date Number Reeistered 15691 9/19/2000 08464 Phannacist N a m e Phannacist Name Mango, Michael Dominick REGISTERED P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Reeistered Marines. Archibald Robeil 14564 7/21/1998 Martin, Caren McHenry 9/16/1977 Marion, Luke Lazarus 10915 7/25/1990 Martin, Connie Gaitley 10671 1/16/1990 Markey, Timothy James 09933 2/24/1988 Martin, Debra Ann 12551 7/26/1994 Markham, Andrea Campbell 15692 9/19/2000 Martin, Fred F 12636 7/26/1994 Markham, George Patrick 10804 5/15/1990 Martin, Jacquelyn Reenan 08608 2/22/1984 Markovich, Julie Smith 11798 7/24/1992 Martin, Jeffi-ey Allen 12854 2/22/1995 Marks, Brian Scott 13141 7/25/1995 Martin, Kristen Setzer 12890 3/21/1995 Marks, Connie Renee 14120 9/16/1997 Martin, Lisa Kidwell 09469 8/19/1986 Marks, Donald Earl 09228 2/27/1986 Martin, Lisa Shippey 05396 2/27/1970 Marks, Ellis Lazelle 11829 7/24/1992 Martin, Loric Smith 05883 1 1/21/1972 Marks, Frederick Gerald 15389 5/16/2000 Martin, Mel 10987 7/25/1990 Marks, Gregoj-y Alan 05429 4/2/1970 Martin, Paul Gray 13886 6/27/1997 Marks, Jonathan Scott 06457 4/5/1976 Martin, Paula Crosland 12343 9/21/1993 Marley, David 06955 8/10/1978 Martin, Peggy McNeill 12173 7/26/1993 Marley, Elizabeth Daneen 06141 4/9/1974 Martin, Ronald Lee 07817 7/24/1981 Marley, Martha Measamer 10108 8/1/1988 Martin, Ross Vincent 05541 9/22/1970 Marlin, Lany Norton 14831 5/18/1999 Martin, Stacy Lynn 16842 7/1/2003 Marlow, Justin Matthew 10109 8/1/1988 Martin, Stephen Alan 12307 7/26/1993 Marlow, Laura Rapp 1 1658 5/20/1992 Martin, Steven Michael 15051 7/21/1999 Marquart, Stephanie Varnel! 09716 7/22/1987 Martin, Thomas Alan 07818 7/24/1981 Marquis-Henke, Donna Marguerite 06476 4/5/1976 Martin, William EaH 16051 7/17/2001 Marriott, Erin Rae 14556 7/21/1998 Martinelli, Susan Jocus 15831 5/15/2001 Marseglia, William Michael 06913 4/14/1978 Martin-Maggard, Charlotte Ann 07149 4/27/1979 Marsh, Elena Joy 14688 11/24/1998 Martz, Michael Douglas 14744 1/27/1999 Marsh, Latisha St. Maiy 04927 4/19/1966 Marx, Richard Howard 06207 9/17/1974 Marsh, Oliver Lee 07045 1 1/3/1978 Mascherin, Toni Kay 08885 1/15/1985 Marsh, T Donald 15007 7/8/1999 Maslonek, Kimberly Ann 04174 2/27/1959 Marsh, William Luther 06284 4/10/1975 Mason, Andrea L C 1 5607 7/18/2000 Marshall, Ami Ruth 13088 7/25/1995 Mason, Bany Eugene 14486 7/7/1998 Marshall, Carta Schoenberger 06590 9/15/1976 Mason, Gail Linettc 09715 7/22/1987 Marshall, Daniel Buncll 04876 10/8/1965 Mason, James Carter 07150 4/27/1979 Marshall, Eric Cook 1 1003 7/25/1990 Mason, Kerstin Lenore 14923 6/30/1999 Marshbum, Bradford Leon 1 1208 2/19/1991 Mason, Mary Anne 15802 3/20/2001 Martcll, Axel 14561 7/21/1998 Mason, Sheny Montgomery- 09740 7/22/1987 Martin, Beverly Riley 10252 1/17/1989 Mason, Steve Carl License Date Number Reeistered 11919 11/17/1992 06805 Phannacist Name Phannacist Name R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9 / 3 0 / 2 0 0 4 License Date License Date Number Registered Phamiacist N a m e Number Registered 06873 1/20/1978 Massaro, Jane Marie 05939 4/12/1973 Matthews, Mildred Fields 11920 11/17/1992 Massaro, Susan Marie 08592 2/22/1984 Matthews, Tiinothy Gerald 07347 4/24/1980 Massenburg, Ethel Ennis 04825 5/29/1965 Mattingly, David Leo 08794 7/30/1984 Massenburg, Juliana Smith 08449 8/3/1983 Mattocks, Pamela Taylor 15468 6/28/2000 Massengill, Heather Seaburg 10924 7/25/1990 Mattox, Michelle Goode 05846 9/5/1972 Massengill, Hubert Vemon 16296 5/14/2002 Mattson, Lester Allan 15452 6/28/2000 Massengill, Tony Jeremy 14757 2/1 1/1999 Matusik, Leonard Joseph 16680 1/22/2003 Massetti, Wayne Francis 09934 2/24/1988 Maude, Richard Brian 05131 4/4/1968 Massey, James Dale 09748 7/22/1987 Maude, Sandra Sillmon 11313 7/24/1991 Massey, Kimberly Clifton 08460 8/3/1983 Maurey, Julie Oki 13089 7/25/1995 Massey, Penny Lawhon 10607 9/23/1989 Max, Carol Marie 09413 7/29/1986 Massey, Shari King 10608 9/23/1989 Max, L a n y Allen 04078 2/28/1958 Mast, William Hemdon 12833 2/22/1995 Maxwell, Cynthia Clark 08129 7/26/1982 Masterson, Nomian Page 15269 1/18/2000 Maxwell, James Lynn 14436 7/2/1998 Mastro, Alisha Agner 08684 7/17/1984 May, Benny Layton 13655 9/17/1996 Matai, Anita Anil 10723 2/21/1990 May, Carla Gillispie 11956 2/24/1993 Matamoros, Deana Latham 10509 7/26/1989 May, Donald Byron 16759 5/21/2003 Matani, Gayatri M 04912 3/31/1966 May, Emanuel 10810 5/15/1990 Matani, Nirupama 04526 7/10/1962 May, Gerald Erankim 14775 3/16/1999 Mateiko, Steven Francis 14562 7/21/1998 May, James Allen 08762 7/30/1984 Matheny, Charlotte Ann 08763 7/30/1984 May, James Elton 13090 7/25/1995 Matheny, Christopher Jon 10048 8/1/1988 May, Paula Branch 09581 3/2/1987 Matheny, Laine Hawkins 11202 2/19/1991 Mayben, Carol Furr 06914 4/14/1978 Matheson, Charles Edwin 17252 7/7/2004 Mayes, Erik Todd 14089 7/30/1997 Mathews, Chad Everett 13401 7/16/1996 Mayfield, Lawrence Shelton 17061 1/22/2004 Mathews, Jacob Joshua 14358 6/26/1998 Mayhew, Karen Forehand 06477 4/5/1976 Mathews, Michele Anne 06049 9/18/1973 Maynard, Susan Miller 14186 1/22/1998 Mathews, Ryan Jon 12181 7/26/1993 Mayo, Angela Jones 10811 5/15/1990 Mathews, Tamara Sue 06806 9/16/1977 Mayo, Martha Ruth 09722 7/22/1987 Mathis, Ginger Morgan 10812 5/15/1990 Mays, Fredrick Anthony 05132 4/4/1968 Matthews, Bonnie Butler 09844 9/15/1987 Mayton, Jodie Elise 04525 7/10/1962 Matthews, George David 15165 9/21/1999 Mayville, Dolores Faye 05083 10/7/1967 Matthews, James Spencer 06478 4/5/1976 Mazarick, Mary Lee 07471 7/25/1980 Matthews, Jay Milford 17253 7/7/2004 Mazurek, Julie Ann 04975 10/6/1966 Matthews. Leonard Walter 15123 8/4/1999 Mazvck. Pamela Jacinda Pharmacist Name R E G I S T E R E D P H A R I M A C I S T S AS O F 9 / 3 0 / 2 0 0 4 License Date License Date Number Reeistered Nuinber Reeistered 07046 11/3/1978 McAdams, Jack Webster 07819 7/24/1981 McClain, William Keith 05763 4/7/1972 McAllister, James Charles 17104 3/16/2004 McClanahan, Gregory L 13727 1/22/1997 McAlpin, Susan Elaine 05278 4/10/1969 McClellan, Joseph Paul 13529 7/24/1996 McArthur-Breuer, Laura 14563 7/21/1998 McClelland, Robert Eraser 05346 10/2,'1969 McArx'er, Hany Lord 14776 3/16/1999 McClendon, Clifford D 12311 7/27/1993 McAulay, Daniel Johnston 17042 12/4/2003 MCClintock, Donald Gerard 06555 9/15/1976 McAulay, Debra Ellis 10112 8/1/1988 McClure, Catherine 16843 7/1/2003 McBane, Sarah Elizabeth 09058 7/26/1985 McClure, Dana Langdon 09122 9/17/1985 McBee, John David 07261 11/1/1979 McClure, Karen Lynn 09123 9/17/1985 McBee, Martha Kay 11066 7/25/1990 McClure, Luanne Wooten 14228 2/4/1998 McBee, Traci Ann 10366 5/16/1989 McCollough, John Brice 15771 1/24/2001 McBride, Everett Carl 07472 7/25/1980 McCollum, Daiyl Wayne 12003 3/16/1993 McBride, Gene 09230 2/27/1986 McCollum, Gaiy Kim 13315 2/21/1996 McBride, Jillian LeEtte 12344 9/21/1993 McCollum. Kenneth Rhett 09964 3/22/1988 McBride, Ralph Eugene 05937 4/12/1973 McCollum, Oscar Nathan 04707 3/4/1964 McBryde, James Archie 07369 4/24/1980 McCollum. Pamela Sue 12365 11/1/1993 McBryde, Maiy Love 06208 9/17/1974 McCombs, Steven Kelly 10718 2/21/1990 McCabe, Jennifer Lane 14832 5/18/1999 McCombs, Timothy Ronald 07059 11/3/1978 McCall, Jeanne Rouser 05023 4/1/1967 McCominons, Robert Joseph 07546 10/21/1980 McCall, Jo Webster 06285 4/10/1975 McConnell, James Kenneth 08593 2/22/1984 McCall, John Loyd 06689 4/15/1977 McConnell, Marilyn Anne Lee 101 I 1 8/1/1988 McCall, John Walter 08923 2/26/1985 McCorkle, Charlotte Ridgeway 0491 1 3/31/1966 McCall, Rebecca Proffltt 12444 2/24/1994 McCorkle, Katherine Grace 05633 3/29/1971 McCall, Thomas Cecil 03469 6/28/1951 McConnac, Douglas Alexander 05842 9/5/1972 McCanless, Allen Anthony 06473 4/5/1976 McConnac. Michael Douglas 15270 1/18/2000 McCarroll, Marcia 04117 7/7/1958 McConnick, Daniel Franklin 08694 7/30/1984 McCarthy, Dawn Allen 13239 1 1/21/1995 McConnick. Juliet Gothelf 16569 7/19/2002 McCarty, Patricia Ann 17373 7/20/2004 McConnick, Kirsten Clay 07909 1/19/1982 McCary, Robert Leslie 06607 9/15/1976 McConnick, Peggy Rushinore 04976 10/6/1966 McCaskill, Rodney Lynn 08130 7/26/1982 McCosley, Daniel Allen 1051 1 7/26/1989 McCauley, Mark Steven 14689 1 1/24/1998 McCourt, Michael Terence 10512 7/26/1989 McCauley, Vincent Allen 05176 8/9/1968 McCowen, James Clifford 10725 2/21/1990 McClain, Jon Patrick 15273 1/18/2000 McCoy, Conley Rainier I 1492 7/30/1991 McClain, Molly McLaughlin 06912 4/14/1 978 McCoy, Milton Lee 07433 7/25/1980 McClain, Stephanie Durham 17254 7/7/2004 Phannacist Name Phannacist Name McCrary, Tracey Amber REGISTERED P H A R M A C I S T S A S O E 9/30/2004 License Date Number Reeistered McCraw, Tamara Propes 14690 11/24/1998 McElroy, Melissa Ann 9/16/1986 McCreary, Sheldon Mairs 09353 7/29/1986 McEvoy, Jeanne Berray 09251 3/18/1986 McCree, Diane Derienzo 09335 7/15/1986 McFall, Eileen 09334 7/15/1986 McCree. Frank Cannen 12462 3/15/1994 McFarland, Christopher Todd 08765 7/30/1984 McCrimmon, Dan Grier 08631 3/20/1984 McFarlane, Nancy Louise 15670 8/21/2000 McCullar, Julie Ann 08632 3/20/1984 McFarlane, Ronald Howard 09689 7/22/1987 McCullen, Carol Hill 15896 6/27/2001 M c F e m n , Amy Lynn 11814 7/24/1992 McCullock, Raren Northcott 15393 5/16/2000 McGahey, Jack Oliver 11800 7/24/1992 McCullock, Michael Christopher 16297 5/14/2002 McGaughey, Clarence Edward 12209 7/26/1993 McCune, Jeannine S 1 1971 2/24/1993 McGaughey, H a n y Bryant ! 1884 9/22/1992 McCunn. Robert Scott 03470 6/28/1951 McGee, James Conrad 14761 3/12/1999 McCurry, Shena David 09535 11/18/1986 McGee, James Walter 14901 6/30/1999 McDaniel, Danna Lynn 09793 7/21/1987 McGee, Mary Lynn 12746 9/20/1994 McDeannon, Joanna Savrides 12212 7/26/1993 McGee, Rex Smith 06788 9/16/1977 McDennott, June Hall 09000 7/26/1985 McGee, Sarah Lynn 11803 7/24/1992 McDevett, Melissa Michael 17147 5/18/2004 McGee, Tracy Renee 14970 7/2/1999 McDevitt, Shannon R 06588 9/15/1976 McGinnis, Keith Michael 15390 5/16/2000 McDole, William David 12445 2/24/1994 McGinnis, Polly Ann 15501 6/30/2000 McDonald, Amy Smith 12857 2/22/1995 McGinty, Lisa Pantano 171 15 4/8/2004 McDonald, John H 07701 7/21/1981 McGovem, Sarah Holland 09985 5/17/1988 McDonald, Kathiyn Whiteside 16845 7/1/2003 McGrady, Thomas Francis 14381 6/26/1998 McDonald, Lynne Lutz 17255 7/7/2004 McGrath, Gregory Scott 13530 7/24/1996 McDonald, Sherrie Ann 13352 3/19/1996 McGrath, Paul Charles 04000 3/1/1957 McDonald, William Russell 1041 1 7/18/1989 McGrath, Sheila Anne 10170 8/1/1988 McDonough, Elizabeth Wilson 16617 9/24/2002 McGraw, Nancy Lynn 15391 5/16/2000 McDow, Charles M 16590 8/12/2002 McGraw, William Brent 08544 11/15/1983 McDow, Lee Martin 05574 9/22/1970 McGraw, William Doyle 12211 7/26/1993 McDowell, Charles Thomas 05264 4/10/1969 McGuffey, Elizabeth Critcher 07820 7/24/1981 McDowell, Joseph Owen 14191 1/22/1998 McGuire, Diana Marlene 03052 11/5/1944 McDowell, Norfleet Owen 14243 2/17/1998 McGuire, Jennifer Morton 09290 5/12/1986 McDowell, Sandra Walker 16127 9/18/2001 McGuire, Timothy Joseph 14802 4/9/1999 McDowell, Sarah E 08766 7/30/1984 McHugh, Thomas Wayne 16126 9/18/2001 McDuftle, T. Lynn Fulbright 08270 2/22/1983 Mcllwain, Michael Cecil 13531 7/24/1996 McElhone, Laurie Beth 14380 6/26/1998 Mclnnis, K. Elise Marion 12704 7/26/1994 McEliece. Dana Lvnn 16958 7/17/2003 Mcintosh, Jennifer Anne License Date Nuinber Reeistered 08782 7/30/1984 09495 Phannacist Name Pharmacist Name R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Registered Mcintosh, Rhonda Isley 07262 11/1/1979 McLean, Steven Arnold 4/10/1975 Mclver, Ann Shepherd 11921 1 1/17/1992 McLean, Vickie Denise 10990 7/25/1990 Mclver, Patty Womble 10813 5/15/1990 McLeland, David Lee I43S2 6/26/1998 McKee, Bradford David 17256 7/7/2004 McLellan, Amanda Lynn 08271 2/22/1983 McRee, J e n y Ray 06474 4/5/1976 McLellan, Larry Gene 15041 7/16/1999 McKee, Michael Edward 06475 4/5/1976 McLemore, Edgbert Ray 14429 6/29/1998 McKee, Michelle Ann 13316 2/21/1996 McLendon, Beth Michele 05634 3/29/1971 McKellar, William Evans 10600 9/23/1989 McLeod, Deloris Jackson 12639 7/26/1994 McKelvey, William David 05025 4/1/1967 McLeod, Donald Claude 04628 7/5/1963 McKenzie, Gaiy Walker 06142 4/9/1974 McLeroy, Glenn Edward 09175 11/19/1985 McKenzie, James David 09935 2/24/1988 McMahan, Danjean 16846 7/1/2003 McKenzie, Juan Alphonso 15549 7/10/2000 McMahan, Robeit Biyan 11249 5/21/1991 McKenzie, Robert E 09176 1 1/19/1985 McMahan, Tom Vance 15608 7/18/2000 McKeon, Margaret Louise 1 1601 2/21/1992 McManus, Virginia Legard 14565 7/21/1998 McKettrick, Gregoiy James 06371 9/9/1975 McMasters, Reed Craig 06508 4/5/1976 McKinney, Edna Washington 16549 7/16/2002 McMillan, Charlotte Ann 10093 8/1/1988 McKinney, Paula Jeffries 12642 7/26/1994 McMillan, Elizabeth Valerie 06370 9/9/1975 McKinney, Richard Steven 16019 7/16/2001 McMillan, Natasha Diandra 16376 6/19/2002 McKinney, Sunny Burleson 13532 7/24/1996 McMillan, Shajuana Denine 14265 3/17/1998 McKissick, Karen L 11394 7/24/1991 McMillian, Michael Sean 09853 9/24/1987 McKittrick, Richard Timmerman 07910 1/19/1982 McMillian, Sarah Willette 08131 7/26/1982 McKnight, David Lanier 08428 8/3/1983 McMun-ay, Linda Huntley 08990 7/16/1985 McKusick, Andrew Page 07801 7/24/1981 McMurry, Sharon Isgett 15963 7/5/2001 McLamb, Heather Daughtry 16847 7/1/2003 McNabb, Sarah Frances 09562 1/20/1987 McLamb, Henry Thomas 15609 7/18/2000 McNaught, Gerard William 08532 10/18/1983 McLamb, Scott Glenwood 17257 7/7/2004 McNecly, David Kilpatrick 04481 3/6/1962 McLarty, George Collins 12805 1/18/1995 McNeil, James Edward 08453 8/3/1983 McLaughlin, Robert Joseph 06690 4/15/1977 McNeill, James Daniel 06522 7/2/1976 McLaughlin, William Henry 05938 4/12/1973 McNeill, John Albert 16504 7/3/2002 McLaurin, Lisa Joanne 02904 6/19/1940 McNeill, John Albert 16076 7/18/2001 McLawhoni, Jennifer Young 09067 7/26/1985 McNeill, Kristen Nonnan 12641 7/26/1994 McLean, Cynthia Dickennan 15930 6/28/200! McNeill, Matthew Charles 05587 10/20/1970 McLean, Joan Black 15992 7/1 1/2001 McNeill, Michal Suzanne 12214 7/26/1993 McLean, Michael Lynn 13092 7/25/1995 McNeill, Troy Bryon 15929 6/28/2001 McLean, Sharon Andrea Patric 06589 9/15/1976 McPhail, Neil License Date Number Registered 0S750 7/30/1984 06286 Pharmacist Name Phannacist Name R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date License Date Number Reeistered Number Reeistered 13533 7/24/1996 N4cPhail, Peggy O'Neill 13534 7/24/1996 Mehta, Sandip Shanti 15897 6/27/2001 McPhail, Stephanie Lynn 16234 1/15/2002 Meisgeier, Gordon Leonard I52U0 11/5/1999 McQuay, Grace 15455 6/28/2000 Meisner, Paul David 14483 7/7/1998 McQueen, Ginny Foster 171 18 4/27/2004 Mejia-Millan, Elizabeth Anne 15550 7/10/2000 McRae, Christie Mabe 16720 2/21/2003 Melin, Rebecca Anne 07833 7/24/1981 McRae, Relly Overby 10814 5/15/1990 Melita, George Francis 15454 6/28/2000 McRae, Maiy Peace 14926 6/30/1999 Melnyk, Stephanie Deanne 11395 7/24/1991 McSheehy, Reba Lynn 16377 6/19/2002 Melton, Amy Alyssa 07821 7/24/1981 McSkiniming, William Robeitson 13094 7/25/1995 Melvin, David Craig OS 133 7/26/1982 McSwain, David Smith 14529 7/16/1998 Melvin, Toni Annette 04842 7/2/1965 McSwain, Jean Wiilard 13295 2/21/1996 Mendenhall, Jennifer DiMeo 08272 2/22/1983 Meacham-Allen, Kim Ivey 17043 12/4/2003 Mendys, Philip Murray 04994 2/1/1967 Meade, Edwin Hanison 17424 9/3/2004 Menezes, Ana Maria S. 08134 7/26/1982 Meade. Glen Earl 13095 7/25/1995 Mentzel, Nancy Louise 1 1049 7/25/1990 Meade, Lisa Tuttle 10444 7/26/1989 Mercer, Debra Bunn 08393 8/3/1983 Meade, Robin Chapman 12217 7/26/1993 Mercer, Giuseppina 12218 7/26/1993 Meadowcrotf Amy Mewborn 13535 7/24/1996 Mercer, Jeffrey Brian 10368 5/16/1989 Meadows, Ronald Roy 06691 4/15/1977 Mercer, Richard LeRoy 05084 10/7/1967 Meads, Lawrence Craig 13970 7/1/1997 Meredith, Janet Dale 03327 10/10/1949 Means, Mack Reuben 07822 7/24/1981 Merkel, Victoria Nye 09068 7/26/1985 Means, William McLean 03945 7/4/1956 Meroney, Carl Porter 04482 3/6/1962 Meares, James Frederick 15271 1/18/2000 Merrick, Bruce Alexander 09717 7/22/1987 Meares, James Hubert 13508 7/24/1996 Merrill, Kristin Ann 05848 9/5/1972 Measamer, Franklin Alexander 06591 9/15/1976 Meirill, William Andrew 11382 7/24/1991 Mease, Tracey King 05543 9/22/1970 Merritt, Gerald James 16315 5/21/2002 Meche, Steven Gerard 14927 6/30/1999 Merritt, Henry Eugene 09421 7/29/1986 Medlin, Donald Franklin 04803 3/3/1965 Merritt, Lemuel James 13318 2/21/1996 Medlin, Dwight Anthony 16465 6/27/2002 Merritt, Michelle Shafer 04502 5/15/1962 Medlin, Fred Wilson 06488 4/5/1976 Merritt, Sharon Pickard 06048 9/18/1973 Medlin, Gaiy Michael 1 1755 7/24/1992 Merritt, Valerie Grazioso 05133 4/4/1968 Medlin, Gerald Lloyd 10435 7/26/1989 M e n y m a n , Angela Bray 05876 9/19/1972 Medlin, Hennan 15281 1/18/2000 Mertrud, Amy Wall 07879 9/15/1981 Mchta, Madhukar Manubhai 13096 7/25/1995 Mertz, Thomas Lawton 15637 7/21/2000 Mehta, Rajeshkumar Vasantkumar 12004 3/16/1993 Mesaros, Jean Louise 14760 2/17/1999 Mchta, Rashini S 03742 6/30/1954 Meschke, Barbara Dillard Phamiacist Name Phamiacist Name R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date License Date Number Reeistered Phannacist Name Number Reeistered 16537 7/12/2002 Messenger, Jamie D 13971 7/1/1997 08135 7/26/1982 Messer, Deborah Presson 04291 2/25/1960 Miley, Jesse J 16996 9/16/2003 Messmer, Jenniter Charlotte 12446 2/24/1994 Milhom, Gaiy Lee 14163 11/24/1997 Meszaros, John Victor 10328 3/21/1989 Millager, Andy Ray 11831 7/24/1992 Metcalf, Lisa Snowdon 10516 7/26/1989 Millard, Shelly Smith 09965 3/22/1988 Metcalf, Steven Leslie 12347 9/21/1993 Millen, Jane 07633 4/21/1981 Methvin, George Emil 15046 7/21/1999 Miller, Adam Michael 08514 9/20/1983 Metscher, Gerald Charles 12643 7/26/1994 Miller, Alton Dwayne 14530 7/16/1998 Meuselbach, Robert Scott 11600 2/21/1992 Miller, Amanda M 09880 11/17/1987 Mewbom, Rufus Harry 14933 6/30/1999 Miller, Anita Pcgram 08136 7/26/1982 Meyer, David P 10117 8/1/1988 Miller, Anthony Brent 08304 3/15/1983 Meyer, Deborah Ann 09295 5/12/1986 Miller, Betsy Elaine 16280 3/27/2002 Meyer, Raren Lynne 13098 7/25/1995 Miller, Catherine Ann 17011 9/26/2003 Meyer, Tamara Raye 16848 7/1/2003 Miller, Christopher Neal 16682 1/22/2003 Meyers, Michelle Jeanne 13099 7/25/1995 Miller, Dara Elise 15029 7/15/1999 Meyers, Tracey Heymann 10517 7/26/1989 Miller, David Parrel 13783 2/25/1997 Mezher, Elie B 15303 2/3/2000 Miller, Dean Todd 16298 5/14/2002 Michael, Eric T 10609 9/23/1989 Miller, Debra Ann 05085 10/7/1967 Michael, Howard Mitchell 11184 1/15/1991 Miller, Dennis Wayne 12525 7/26/1994 Michael, Lora Askew 10673 1/16/1990 Miller, Donald 10993 7/25/1990 Michael, Robin Barnes 08137 7/26/1982 Miller, Edward Alan 1 1207 2/19/1991 Michalets, Elizabeth Landrum 12239 7/26/1993 Miller, Elizabeth Pendiy 10515 7/26/1989 Michalove, Louis Rolland 13832 5/14/1997 Miller, F. Elizabeth 09291 5/12/1986 Michalski, Janice Marie 12412 1/19/1994 Miller, James Mitchell 07824 7/24/1981 Michic, Theodore Clayton 15333 3/21/2000 Miller, Jane Katherine 09221 2/27/1986 Midkiff, Antje Sue Hummel 1 1885 9/22/1992 Miller, John David 09258 3/18/1986 Midkiff, Barry Miles 10518 7/26/1989 Miller, Jonathan Andrew 15456 6/28/2000 Mielcarek, Erica Britt 04327 7/6/1960 Miller, Joseph Larry 14074 7/21/1997 Mielke, Matthew Page 05544 9/22/1970 Miller, Judith Mcl-alls 1 1458 7/24/1991 Miellinen, Whitney Leigh 09069 7/26/1985 Miller, Kevin Alexander 09292 5/12/1986 Mihalevich, Robin Louise 10519 7/26/1989 Miller, Kevin Lynn 14437 7/2/1998 MikhacI, Kristen Renee 15898 6/27/2001 Miller, Lucas Brett 14383 6/26/1998 Mikhael, Sherif Girgis 16577 7/26/2002 Miller, Mark S 15693 9/19/2000 Milazzo, Joseph Samuel 17076 2/4/2004 Miller, Mark Walter 1 1972 2/24/1993 Miles, Georgia Eubanks 15551 7/10/2000 Miller, Matthew Scott Pharmacist N a m e Miles, Lois Rose R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Registered Pharmacist Name Miller, Michael Joseph 13930 7/1/1997 Minor, Jenny Maria 7/6/1999 Miller, Michaela Faas 06808 9/16/1977 Minter, Clarence Keith 16250 2/11/2002 Miller, Michelle Deese 07722 7/21/1981 Minton, Arthur Harrell 13799 3/1S/1997 Miller, Patrick Leiialiaii 06374 9/9/1975 Minton, Gene Winston 12299 7/26/1993 Miller, Penny Williams 17259 7/7/2004 Minton, Jeanie Elaine 07767 7/24/1981 Miller, Phyllis Cawthorne 05635 3/29/1971 Minton, Joseph Grayson 17258 7/7/2004 Miller, Richard Lee 05714 10/1/1971 Minton, Phillip Dee 14637 9/15/1998 Miller, Robert John 05027 4/1/1967 Minton, Solon Scott 11 185 1/15/1991 Miller, Scott Robert 15392 5/16/2000 Minty, Lisa C 04175 2/27/1959 Miller, Seth George 08454 8/3/1983 Mintz, David Glenn 13963 7/1/1997 Miller, Shanon Joyner 15804 3/20/2001 Miriello, Frank Alfred 11634 3/17/1992 Miller, Susan Brown 08138 7/26/1982 Mis, Lydia 14601 8/7/1998 Miller, Susan Marie 16997 9/16/2003 Mischel, Mary Ellen 07512 9/16/1980 Miller, Suzanne Drouillard 10547 7/26/1989 Mishra, Venita Shamia 13948 7/1/1997 Miller, Suzanne Griftln 16849 7/1/2003 Misita, Caron Penny 16313 5/16/2002 Miller, Thomas Richard 06413 12/12/1975 Mitcham, Rudi Whitlow 14531 7/16/1998 Miller, Trina Elizabeth 1 1604 2/21/1992 Mitchell, Becki Lynn 03663 6/29/1953 Miller, William James 17260 7/7/2004 Mitchell, Benjamin Forrest 08768 7/30/1984 Miller-Bell, Maiy 13101 7/25/1995 Mitchell, Charlene 07721 7/21/1981 Millikan, David Frederick 12219 7/26/1993 Mitchell, Colby Lyle 15301 2/2/2000 Millikan, Edward Doyle 14638 9/15/1998 Mitchell, Gwen House 13207 9/19/1995 Millikan, Jean Elizabeth M 06809 9/16/1977 Mitchell, Harvey Alston 03805 2/28/1955 Milliones, Peter Thomas 1 1713 7/24/1992 Mitchell, Jo Anna Brooks 14928 6/30/1999 Millner, James Bernard I 1787 7/24/1992 Mitchell, Kimberly Kerley 08935 2/26/1985 Mills, Audrey Weisgerber 14209 1/22/1998 Mitchell, Leamon 12644 7/26/1994 Mills, Clyde Allen 16421 6/21/2002 Mitchell, Lori June 14461 7/2/1998 Mills, Elizabeth Pruden 11397 7/24/1991 Mitchell, Robci-t Finley 16265 3/19/2002 Mills, GityR 04292 2/25/1960 Mitchell, Russell Gray 04589 3/5/1963 Mills, James Edwards 06692 4/15/1977 Mitchell, William Douglas 06999 11/3/1978 Mills, Jeanette Carter 04528 7/10/1962 Mitchener, Ellen Pike 10999 7/25/1990 Mills, Richard Franklin 04804 3/3/1965 Mitchcner, John Agrippa 16379 6/19/2002 Minard, Alisha Elaine 17084 2/18/2004 1398! 7/1/1997 Minnich, Jill Propst 16850 7/1/2003 13029 7/25/1995 Minnitleld, Holly Geddie 05940 4/12/1973 Mitchener, William James 05545 9/22/1970 Minor, James Robert 08139 7/26/1982 Mitchum, Tony Lee License Date Number Reeistered 13537 7/24/1996 14998 Phannacist Name Mitchener, Delia Ann Mitchener, Stephen Andrew R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9 / 3 0 / 2 0 0 4 License Date License Date Phamiacist Name Number Reeistered Phamiacist Name Number Reeistered 12220 7/26/1993 Mitten, Sheri Renee 06813 9/16/1977 Montague, Deborah 16008 7/11/2001 Mitton, Melinda Wilson 14566 7/21/1998 Montante, Carmen Anthony 07723 7/21/1981 Mixon, Williain Allan 16380 6/19/2002 Montanye, Nicole Lewis 05631 3/29/1971 Mize. Joyce Bittle 16851 7/1/2003 Monte, Kathiyn Elizabeth 08455 8/3/1983 Mize, William Randolph 04226 7/2/1959 Montgomery, David W 06810 9/16/1977 Mizelle, Louis Eugene 17417 8/18/2004 Montgomeiy, Jennifer Renee 08595 2/22/1984 Mizelle, Melisa VanWagner 12223 7/26/1993 Montgomery, Suzanne Morton 07475 7/25/1980 Mizelle, Raymond Gerald 07370 4/24/1980 Montjoy, Brenda Freeman 03715 3/1/1954 Mobley, Benjamin Rater 15457 6/28/2000 Montpetit, Susan Anne 06811 9/16/1977 Mobley, Billy Thrower 16174 1 1/20/2001 Monyei, Christian C 12647 7/26/1994 Mobley, Carol Wilkinson 06318 5/21/1975 Moody, David Solomon 15694 9/19/2000 Mobolade, Olatunbosun 07049 1 1/3/1978 Moody, James Edmond 11922 1 1/17/1992 Moczek, Shawn Michael 13728 1/22/1997 Moody, Michelle Lea 16734 3/28/2003 Modi, Shraddha N. 09614 3/17/1987 Moon, Biyan Jay 14384 6/26/1998 Mody, Samir Harshad 17262 7/7/2004 Moon, Eun Jin 06812 9/16/1977 Moe, Richard Tjho-Hoeng 17031 1 1/18/2003 Moon, Kristine Marie 09070 7/26/1985 Moffett, Benton John 12483 5/10/1994 Moon, Ruth Renee 12721 8/16/1994 Mohammed, Zeyneb Hassen 16381 6/19/2002 Moore, Alexander Caison 16636 10/14/2002 Molby, Michael Robeil 17263 7/7/2004 Moore, Alicia Michelle 14299 5/12/1998 Molnar, Louis Edward 13539 7/24/1996 Moore, Amy Jane 17261 7/7/2004 Molnar, Shelley Melissa 10297 2/27/1989 Moore, Anna Wells 05941 4/12/1973 Molton, Eugene Lee 05849 9/5/1972 Moore, Aveiy Lewis 16299 5/14/2002 Monaster, Callista Antoinette 04227 7/2/1959 Moore, Banks M 09718 7/22/1987 Monds, Robert Howard 15126 8/5/1999 Moore, Carla Wyvette 12348 9/21/1993 Money, Craig Dean 10870 7/25/1990 Moore, Cathy BaUlc 12648 7/26/1994 Monk, Daniel Patrick 13272 1/17/1996 Moore, Christopher A 16945 7/10/2003 Monk, Stephen Gray 12917 5/19/1995 Moore, Dale Matthew 13972 7/1/1997 Monroe, Bryan Douglas 09296 5/12/1986 Moore, Dennis Frank 14385 6/26/1998 Monroe, Heather Johnson 13924 7/1/1997 Moore, Dianne 10729 2/21/1990 Monroe, Kenneth Patrick 07050 11/3/1978 Moore, Douglas Boylston 10971 7/25/1990 Monroe, Kimberly Leach 10675 1/16/1990 Moore, Dwight Michael 12165 7/26/1993 Monroe, Krista Hicks 16852 7/1/2003 Moore, Elisabeth Marie 16938 7/8/2003 Monroe, Leighton Osborne 09719 7/22/1987 Moore, F:llcn Bowman 10674 1/16/1990 Monroe, Prentice Jervay 13320 2/21/1996 Moore, Eric Mason 10021 7/19/1988 Monroe, Robin Marshall 06528 8/13/1976 Moore, Freddie Hudson REGISTEkED P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9 / 3 0 / 2 0 0 4 License Date Number Registered Moore, George William 06050 9/18/1973 Moretz, Jonas Clayton Moore, Hugh Jackson 14123 9/16/1997 Mortbrd, Tami Lynn 4/10/1975 Moore, James 0 F 11825 7/24/1992 Morgan, Elizabeth Setzer 11635 3/17/1992 Moore, James Samuel 08769 7/30/1984 Morgan, Franklin Scott 1492Q 6/30/1999 Moore, Jen-y Preston 03270 2/23/1949 Morgan, George Daylon 06814 9/16/1977 Moore, John Douglas 05087 10/7/1967 Morgan, Jack Ledwell 1 1 135 10/25/1990 Moore, Katherine Howell Payne 16611 9/24/2002 Morgan, Jaines Hugh 16101 9/12/2001 Moore, Katherine Ruth 12206 7/26/1993 Morgan, Kimberly Martin 14930 6/30/1999 Moore, Laura Ann 08457 8/3/1983 Morgan, Lonnie Timothy 12520 7/19/1994 Moore, Lee Ann 07507 8/19/1980 Morgan, M. Linda McDufTee 13888 6/27/1997 Moore, Lynn Chorey I 1806 7/24/1992 Morgan, Matthew Kenley 08054 7/26/1982 Moore, Martha Anne A 16492 6/28/2002 Morgan, Megan Vruwink 14484 7/7/1998 Moore, Monica Scearce 13541 7/24/1996 Morgan, Penny Denise 06592 9/15/1976 Moore, Nancy Todd 07264 1 1/1/1979 Morgan, Robert Teague 16531 7/1 1/2002 Moore, Richard Earl 08770 7/30/1984 Morgan, Sandra Annette 14931 6/30/1999 Moore, Sally Denise 11400 7/24/1991 Morgan, Tonya Parker 15231 11/16/1999 Moore, Sherri Ann 16730 3/18/2003 Morley, Alexis Renee 06815 9/16/1977 Moore, Stephen Lawrence 12652 7/26/1994 Morley, Timothy Francis 05546 9/22/1970 Moore, Steven Richard 16478 6/28/2002 MoiTis, Adriane Helms 15211 1 1/16/1999 Moore, Tammy Lynn 05851 9/5/1972 Moiris, Edward Zebulon 05086 10/7/1967 Moore, Thoinas Marion 10522 7/26/1989 Moiris, Gregoiy Alan 15772 1/24/2001 Moore, Toni Garner 07638 5/19/1981 Morris, Jack Thomas 11001 7/25/1990 Moore, William Leonard 13570 7/24/1996 Mon'is, Jodie Ritchie 12651 7/26/1994 Moore, Williain Mark 13730 1/22/1997 Moiris, John Kevin 07964 3/1/1982 Moore, William Sainuel 14417 6/26/1998 Moiris, Leigh Ann 10508 7/26/1989 Mooreheld, Meritza Martin 05134 4/4/1968 Moiris, Michael Monzo 11002 7/25/1990 Moose, Joseph Stephen 11659 5/20/1992 Mon-is, Randall Neal 13540 7/24/1996 Moose, Julie Pike 09423 7/29/1986 Morris, Royanna Sloan 11457 7/24/1991 Moose, Tasha Suggs 0791 1 1/19/1982 Morris, Shcirill F 09721 7/22/1987 Moose, Williain Whitaker 08359 7/19/1983 Morris, Steven Lance 04397 3/6/1961 Moose, William Whitaker 09882 11/17/1987 Mon-is, Theresa Louise 16483 6/28/2002 Morand, Monica Brady 11210 2/19/1991 Moiris, Thomas William 15654 7/31/2000 Morcos, Jenna Suzanne 08306 3/15/1983 Moiris, Vicki Lewis 11134 10/25/1990 Moretleld, Carolyn Carney 06143 4/9/1974 Moiris, Williain Hewin 15361 4/3/2000 Morehead, Andrea Baird 04483 3/6/1962 Morris. William White License Date Number Registered 05430 4/2/1970 05028 4/1/1967 06287 Phamiacist N a m e Pharmacist N a m e REGISTERED P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date License Date Number Reeistered Phamiacist N a m e Number Reeistered 09723 7/22/1987 Morrison, Ann Byrd 11158 11/20/1990 Motley, Yvonne Odell 06376 9/9/1975 Monison, David Harley 07134 4/27/1979 Motiow, Constance Hudson 05943 4/12/1973 Monison, James Christopher 16853 7/1/2003 Motteler, Austin Taylor 11886 9/22/1992 Morrison, John Alan 14692 11/24/I99S Moulin, Elizabeth Snell 11808 7/24/1992 Morse, Benford Evans 10340 5/2/1989 Mouna, Hytham 06989 11/3/1978 Morton, Detra Beck 16284 5/13/2002 Moustafa, Ashraf Abou Zeid 06962 8/30/1978 Morton, James Michael 11006 7/25/1990 Moyers, Karen Elaine 06288 4/10/1975 Morton, Paul Allen 17374 7/20/2004 Moyo, Subira 11401 7/24/1991 Morton, Sally Pignataro 15874 6/27/2001 Mroczkowski, Danielle Haselden 05944 4/12/1973 Morton, William Alexander 10776 3/20/1990 Muchnikoff, Stanley J 16683 1/22/2003 Moseff, Ann Marie 08597 2/22/1984 Mueller, G H S 06051 9/18/1973 Moseley, Emily Eeagin 15135 8/25/1999 Muhammad, Steven Craig Freeman 16317 5/28/2002 Moseley, Kim Yevette 14835 5/18/1999 Muhammed, Aisha Mumtaz 08399 8/3/1983 Moseley, Laura Tucker 16053 7/17/2001 Muir, John R 09073 7/26/1985 Moseley, Maiy J. Mardre 09903 1/19/1988 Muir, Michael Alan 06426 2/5/1976 Moseman, Marilyn Hogsed 16967 8/1/2003 Mukungu, Laura Generose 07826 7/24/1981 Moser, James Bradley 16098 8/22/2001 Mulhem, Tracie Anne 06916 4/14/1978 Moser, Robert Leroy 05945 4/12/1973 Mullen, Douglas Truman 06770 9/16/1977 Moser, Virginia Clayton 07372 4/24/1980 Mullen, Michael James 10201 9/20/1988 Moser, Willie Leonard 08450 8/3/1983 05852 9/5/1972 Moser, Wyatt Glenn 09536 11/18/1986 Mullins, LaiTy Neil 12040 5/18/1993 Moses, Mikel Lee 12041 5/18/1993 Mullins, Patrick Burton 09422 7/29/1986 Mosholder, Gerri M o o r e 16383 6/19/2002 Mullins, Robin Lee 06304 4/10/1975 Mosley, Doris Taylor 05029 4/1/1967 Mullis, Robert Neal 1 1005 7/25/1990 Moss, Angela Dawn Piuitt 15695 9/19/2000 Mulvey, Stephanie Randall 07827 7/24/1981 Moss, Bradley Lee 13321 2/21/1996 Mumford, Angela Coleman 04590 3/5/1963 Moss, Fred Morris 16760 5/21/2003 Mumford, Jeffrey Michael 06693 4/15/1977 Moss, JoAnn Seymour 07478 7/25/1980 Munday, Allen Thomas 09902 1/19/1988 Moss, Ronald Anthony 14908 6/30/1999 Mundcn, Dawn Jennings 10523 7/26/1989 Moss, Stephen Wayne 1 1159 t 1/20/1990 Munden, Empsy Williams 10120 8/1/1988 Moss, Timothy Cratt 1 1403 7/24/1991 Mundy, James Pennington 09124 9/17/1985 Mostellcr, David Lynn 15042 7/16/1999 Muniyappa, Pratibha Shankar 1 1402 7/24/1991 Mostellcr, JcfTrey Scott 1471 I 1/20/1999 Munoz, Jennifer Lynne 07912 1/19/1982 Mostellcr, Sabrina Shields 1 7264 7/7/2004 Muni, Christopher Randolph 1 1830 7/24/1992 Motley, Lisa Smoot I 5942 7/2/2001 Murakaini, Kiwa Pharmacist N a m e Mullen, Tamara McCann R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9 / 3 0 / 2 0 0 4 License Date Number Registered Pharmacist Name Murano, Louis Richard 11588 2/21/1992 Myatt, Sarah Eckel 9/22/1970 Murchison, Clarence Lynn 15567 7/13/2000 Myers, Angela Lewis 07155 4/27/1979 Murchison, Colin Eugene 05088 10/7/1967 Myers, Charles Earl 07829 7/24/1981 Murchison, Lester Ellis 16857 7/1/2003 Myers, Christina Motley 14053 7/15/1997 Murdaugh, Lee Annette 16266 3/19/2002 Myers, Greg A. 16596 8/27/2002 Murdock, Donald Reith 04864 9/23/1965 Myers, Hugh Alan 16641 1 1/4/2002 Murdock, Tracy Leigh 04328 7/6/1960 Myers, Joe Cairoll 16300 5/14/2002 Murphy, Angela Jane 09883 1 1/17/1987 Myers, Joe Wesley 10737 2/21/1990 Muiphy, Catherine Tucker 06985 1 1/3/1978 Myers, Judiann Allen 08888 1/15/1985 Murphy, Charles Duncan 07441 7/25/1980 Myers, Nancy Fitzgerald 17265 7/7/2004 Muiphy, Ciystal Michelle 09498 9/16/1986 Myers, Patsy Millar 14054 7/15/1997 Muiphy, Joseph David 06695 4/15/1977 Myers, Ronnie Dale 07028 1 1/3/1978 Murfihy, Judy Gurganus 09345 7/17/1986 Myers, Teresa Elvington 09425 7/29/1986 Muiphy, Kenneth Leon 04750 7/2/1964 Myhre, John Hudson 16054 7/17/2001 Murphy, Lesley Diane I 1404 7/24/1991 Myott, Shelley G 08599 2/22/1984 Mur])hy, Michael Olcott 17266 7/7/2004 Nadkanii, Devaki Chinmay 08361 7/19/1983 Muiphy, Richard Lynn I42I0 1/22/1998 Nadkarni, Tanuja Milan 09741 7/22/1987 Muiphy, Sharon 10934 7/25/1990 Nagel, Karen Hanley 08085 7/26/1982 Muiphy, Susan Decker 15833 5/15/2001 Nagler, Andrew Emeiy 15627 7/19/2000 MuiTay, Emily Merritt 15628 7/19/2000 Nagy, Sonya Lynn 07479 7/25/1980 M u n a y , John David 14662 1 1/1/1998 Naik, Rupal Arun 15234 1 1/16/1999 Murray, John Edwards 05104 10/12/1967 13756 2/25/1997 Murray, Julie Homer 17267 7/7/2004 16844 7/1/2003 Murray, Julie McGinty 12226 7/26/1993 Nail, Christina Marie 16854 7/1/2003 Murray, Meredith Michelle 17268 7/7/2004 Nail, Christy Denise 14999 7/6/1999 Murray, Michelle Cheek 08737 7/30/1984 Nanagas, Sharon Godwin 16525 7/10/2002 Murray, Shannon Michelle 11720 7/24/1992 Nance, Alisa Cairigan 15566 7/13/2000 Murray, Steven Neil 08902 2/26/1985 Nance, Connie Daughtry 16090 8/2/2001 Murrell, Erica Marie 10283 2/27/1989 Nance, Dorothy Bowen 04527 7/10/1962 Murrell, Hairy Thomas 05636 3/29/1971 Nance, John Eldridge 16970 8/1/2003 Mun-y, Tamara Masser 05715 10/1/1971 Nance, Martha Fenn 17062 1/22/2004 Murry, Thomas Otis 06319 5/21/1975 Nance, Sandra Nonns 07361 4/24/1980 Muse, Roslyn Johnson 12227 7/26/1993 Nance-Lawson, Sonya Michelle 16855 7/1/2003 Musgrave, Robin Ann 08913 2/26/1985 Nanney, Priscilla Justis 16856 7/1/2003 Musick, William Logan 16858 7/1/2003 Naples, Anna Christine License Date Number Registered I3S40 5/14/1997 05547 Pharmacist N a m e Nairon, Reginald Gary Najar, Leila G REGISTERED P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9 / 3 0 / 2 0 0 4 License Date License Date Number Registered Number Registered 09724 7/22/1987 Nan'on, Bradley Franklin 14745 1/27/1999 Nelson, Kathleen Parrish 09775 7/22/1987 Narron, Lisa Woolard 13800 3/18/1997 Nelson, Paul Frederick 17332 7/8/2004 Naiiip, Donald Alan 06917 4/14/1978 Nelson, Richard Congleton 06594 9/15/1976 Nash, Maiy Marshall 10573 7/27/1989 Nelson, Robeit Wayne 07480 7/25/1980 Nash, Wendy Susan Claiy 10121 8/1/1988 Nelson, Ron Evan 11488 7/24/1991 Nasiri, Mahmoud 16612 9/24/2002 Nelson, Shaiyl Hamilton 17269 7/7/2004 Nassehzadeh-Tabrizi, Zahra 14212 1/22/1998 Nelson, SheiT>' Arlene 05342 10/2/1969 Nassif, Ruth Kannon 06697 4/15/1977 Nelson, Wallace Edgar 08141 7/26/1982 Naylor, Olen Clyde 17382 7/23/2004 Nelson-Nerenberg, Tara Lee 06601 9/15/1976 Nazarian, Marita Quigley 07267 11/1/1979 Nemargut, Robeit 14860 6/30/1999 Neace, Michael Lee 06903 4/14/1978 Nemargut, Teriy James 14460 7/2/1998 Neace, Vicki Miller 08771 7/30/1984 Nesbit, Todd William 10157 8/1/1988 Neal, Allison Uzzell 07966 3/1/1982 Nester, Janet Musten 10150 8/1/1988 Neal, Anita Stover 10825 6/4/1990 Neubeit, Carol Phelps 04294 2/25/1960 Neal, David Ellison 17270 7/7/2004 Neuheimer, Sabin Aaron 07265 1 1/1/1979 Neal, David James 14693 11/24/1998 06876 2/17/1978 Neal, James Dallas 09600 3/2/1987 Neuwirth, Elyse Vuksanovich 04908 3/31/1966 Neal, Mary Johnson 10122 8/1/1988 Neville, Frank Everett 05548 9/22/1970 Neal, Robert Stedman 1 1406 7/24/1991 New, Jeffrey Scott 08326 5/10/1983 Neale, Michael Louis 11407 7/24/1991 New, Pamela Denise 1 1040 7/25/1990 Nebrat, Janalyn Sower-s 12463 3/15/1994 Newell, Sar-ah Carson 15984 7/9/2001 Neel, Jeffrey Richard 13106 7/25/1995 Newkirk, Catherine Brewington 14509 7/10/1998 Neeson, John Patrick 16998 9/16/2003 Newman, Gregory Alan 12228 7/26/1993 Neighbors, Dawn Renee 11346 7/24/1991 Newman, Nicki Guy 07992 3/16/1982 Neil, Charles Edwin 09382 7/29/1986 Ncwsom, Doris Clinkinbeard 06696 4/15/1977 Neil, Walton Gibson 05549 9/22/1970 Newsome, Atlas Eugene 14543 7/21/1998 Neiley, Shannon Maiy 09939 2/24/1988 Newsome, Denise Hemric 14641 9/15/1998 Nelms, Judy Jackson 08787 7/30/1984 Newsome, Donna Marie 16586 7/30/2002 Nelsen, Andrew Christopher 04146 1/23/1959 Newton, John Cody 1 1660 5/20/1992 Nelson, Carl Michael 04145 1/23/1959 Newton, John Gary 14164 1 1/24/1997 Nelson, David Victor 07578 1/20/1981 Newton, June Ayer 12350 9/21/1993 Nelson, Deanna Geralyn 17345 7/13/2004 Neyarapally, George Anthony 12426 2/24/1994 Nelson, Elizabeth Caldwell 08458 8/3/1983 Ng, Alexander Chcuk Yin 09428 7/29/1986 Nelson, Eva O'Neal 14387 6/26/1998 Nguyen, Anh Hong Mai 10023 7/19/1988 Nelson, Jill Marie 13782 2/25/1997 Nguyen, Anh Tu Phannacist Name Phannacist Name Neuman, Anne Kristin R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9 / 3 0 / 2 0 0 4 License Date Number Registered Nguyen, Anna R 04913 3/31/1966 Nixon, Amanda Horsley 7/18/2000 Nguyen, Diein Phuong 13547 7/24/1996 Nixon, Teresa Ann 15017 7/12/1999 Nguyen, DJeu-Ha Tlii 17454 9/21/2004 Njoku, Martin M. 14850 5/20/1999 Nguyen, Le Hoai 13108 7/25/1995 Noble, David Reith 15640 7/24/2000 Nguyen, Minh-Tam Duy 15696 9/19/2000 Noble, Roben Scott 17063 1/22/2004 Nguyen, My-Hoa T. 1 1409 7/24/1991 Nobles, Gene Allen 12808 1/18/1995 Nguyen, Philip Hoang 09725 7/22/1987 Nobles, James Harold 08459 8/3/1983 Nguyen, Sinh Dinh 12612 7/26/1994 Nobles, Priscilla Gardner 16708 2/4/2003 Nguyen, Suzanne Michelle 07913 1/19/1982 Nobs, Robert Wayne 16613 9/24/2002 Nguyen, Thao P 16714 2/20/2003 Nogueira, Alexandra Ruhl 17073 1/23/2004 Nguyen, Truong Trong 10612 9/23/1989 Nola, Thomas Dominick 17033 1 1/18/2003 Nguyen, Tuan Anh 10730 2/21/1990 Nolin, Thomas Douglas 16721 3/10/2003 Nguyen, Vincent Hoang 14055 7/15/1997 Noonan, Robert J 13731 1/22/1997 Ni, Huong Siem 14871 6/30/1999 Noped, Jennifer Cairoll 09003 7/26/1985 Nichols, Riinbeiiy Braswell 15000 7/6/1999 Noped, Joel Howard 05031 4/1/1967 Nichols, Lany Wayne 15167 9/21/1999 Norein, Brett A 12770 ! 1/15/1994 Nichols, Maureen Elizabeth 06821 9/16/1977 Noifleet, Kenneth Ray 13546 7/24/1996 Nichols, Neal Reston 08600 2/22/1984 Norkus, Thomas Joseph 09426 7/29/1986 Nichols, Teresa Ann 10995 7/25/1990 N o n n a n , Caria Miller 09884 1 1/17/1987 Nicholson, Charles Bascum 17407 8/6/2004 Nonnan, Gregoiy Scott 12229 7/26/1993 Nicholson, Riniberly Hughes 03947 7/4/1956 Noiris, Barbara Adams 17032 11/18/2003 Nicholson, Patricia Parker 05164 6/19/1968 Noiris, Brantley Altman 09950 3/21/1988 Nicholson, Sandra Raye 04693 3/4/1964 Norris, Carol Clayton 13732 1/22/1997 Nicholson, Thomas Edward 16859 7/1/2003 Noiris, Janell Leigh 06820 9/16/1977 Nicholson, Thomas Ledbetter 09427 7/29/1986 Non-is, Nancy L 07476 7/25/1980 Nickens, Gail Molic 09232 2/27/1986 Norris, Ronald Caldwell 06482 4/5/1976 Nickens, Raymond Thomas 08783 7/30/1984 Norris, Sonya Ray 15334 3/21/2000 Nicoll, Jill Finney 13109 7/25/1995 Norris, Wanda Blanton 15459 6/28/2000 Niedenthal, Brant Alan 16175 11/20/2001 Northcutt, Andrea Dvorak 08623 2/22/1984 Niehaus, Nelsen James 06744 7/18/1977 Northrup, Stephen Paul 17271 7/7/2004 Niffenegger, Lisa Beth 06984 11/3/1978 Northup, Amy Alford 15524 7/6/2000 Nikbakht, Kave Noghrei 07146 4/27/1979 Norton, Elizabeth Lytic 04871 9/23/1965 Niles, Jimmy Ray 14018 7/15/1997 Norveli, Dana Lynne 13764 2/25/1997 Nivens, Paige Saleeby 12655 7/26/1994 Norwood, Christine Raven 13801 3/18/1997 Niver, Richard Kenneth 09125 9/17/1985 Novak, Stephen Richard License Date Number Reeistered 165 L3 7/8/2002 15610 Phannacist Name Phamiacist Name R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Registered Novotny, George David 10124 8/1/1988 3/24/1993 Nuckolls, William Eugene 11197 2/19/1991 O'Brien, Cynthia Blum 16526 7/10/2002 Nunalee, James Jay 16128 9/18/2001 O'Brien, Lea Anne 16267 3/19/2002 Nuneinacher, Christina Marie 14940 6/30/1999 Obritsch, Marilee Dawn 16384 6/19/2002 Nunn, Holly Haiper 15394 5/16/2000 Obuseh, Sony Andrew 10123 8/1/1988 Nunnally, Paul Joseph 15274 1/18/2000 Ochs, Leslie Ann 08218 1 1/16/1982 Nunneiy, Jeffi-ey Allen 04120 7/7/1958 O'Daniel, James Sidney 16684 1/22/2003 Nwabara, Sarah Onyekachi 12231 7/26/1993 Odell, Stephen Douglas 12771 1 1/15/1994 Nwabunike, Boniface Martin 07051 1 1/3/1978 Odom, Calvin Eugene 16655 11/20/2002 Nye, Ann Marie 03597 8/11/1952 Odom, Lindsey Alwin 15335 3/21/2000 Nygard, John Robert 131 10 7/25/1995 Odom, Sidney Steven 14267 3/17/1998 Nystrom, Elaine Carol 09706 7/22/1987 O'Donnell, Maiy Knight 16860 7/1/2003 Nzazi, Guy Gabie 15395 5/16/2000 Odunsi, Ayodeji 11410 7/24/1991 O'Connor, Sheny Bowen 12007 3/16/1993 Ocrtel, Maryann Davio 09589 3/2/1987 O'Haeri, Christian U 17272 7/7/2004 Ofori-Boateng, Sonia Sussie 08442 8/3/1983 O'Kane, Loreese Lancaster 08871 11/20/1984 Oftring, R o b e n John 12856 2/22/1995 O'Malley, Claudia Overall 09233 2/27/1986 Ogburn, John Robert 12855 2/22/1995 O'Malley, Julie Elizabeth 09126 9/17/1985 Ogden, Robert Wayne 04412 4/18/1961 O'Neil, Frank Allen 15032 7/15/1999 Oglesbee, Melanie Brewer 10285 2/27/1989 O'Neil, Michael Glenn 131 1 1 7/25/1995 Oglesbee, Stephen Eugene 10293 2/27/1989 O'Neill, Tori Schronce 16301 5/14/2002 Oglietti, Gregoiy Thomas 09537 11/18/1986 O'Roark, Charles William 16614 9/24/2002 Oglietti, Kimberly Ann 11689 7/21/1992 Oakley, Barbara Jean 13112 7/25/1995 Ogrin, Patrick John 05637 3/29/1971 Oakley, Clyde Thomas 16700 1/28/2003 Ogu, Clement Onyemaechi 06822 9/16/1977 Oakley, David Michael 17455 9/21/2004 Oguanobi, Chibuike Kenneth 07481 7/25/1980 Oakley, Gary Miller 14596 7/30/1998 O'Hara, Brenden Patrick 041 19 7/7/1958 Oakley, James Ray 05236 12/5/1968 O'Harrow, Ralph Edward 15719 10/11/2000 Oakley, Kristen Melissa 17389 7/26/2004 Ohuabunwa, Chidiebere Obiageri N 05210 10/3/1968 Oakley, William Melvin 15588 7/14/2000 Oitker, Cannen Smith 15001 7/6/1999 Gates, Kristy As well 15236 1 1/16/1999 Ojo, Olusola Atinuke 11 103 9/18/1990 O'Beirnc, Sharon Boston 15356 3/22/2000 Okam, Chinyere Genevieve 14588 7/27/1998 Oberacker, Gina Marie 12232 7/26/1993 Okamuro, Dawn Marie 04329 7/6/1960 O'Briant, Gordon Lee 15568 7/13/2000 Okehie, Chijioke Amara 12230 7/26/1993 O'Briant, Sharon Elizabeth 12565 7/26/1994 Okoth, Ainanda Collins 1 1730 7/24/1992 O'Brien, Christen Crawley 1 1010 7/25/1990 Oldham, Elizabeth Carol License Date Number Reeistered 16235 1/15/2002 120IS Phannacist Name Phannacist Name O'Brien, Colleen Merritt REGISTERED P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date License Date Number Reeistered Phannacist Name Number Registered 07726 7/21/1981 Oles, Raren Susan 07332 4/15/1980 Oshodi, Claretta Booken 12742 9/20/1994 Oiesko, Stephen 07561 10/21/1980 Osinski, Maria Jean 15460 6/28/2000 Oley, Helene Elizabeth 05667 5/18/1971 Oster, Donald Roy 12427 2/24/1994 Olinger, Sandra Callahan 15089 7/20/1999 Ostriker, Scott Jacob 06052 9/18/1973 Oliver, Charles Samuel 05638 3/29/1971 Ottmar, Richard Allen 15018 7/12/1999 Oliver, Kelli Lynn 16712 2/4/2003 Ousinanou, Aliou Daouda 15498 6/30/2000 Oliver, Michael Paul 13975 7/1/1997 Outhouse, Sarah Love 11412 7/24/1991 Oliver, Paige Hamilton 07832 7/24/1981 Outten, John Dana 14253 2/25/1998 Olorunda, Otubunmi Ayo-Delc 14957 6/30/1999 Overby, Ashley Whigham 07630 3/17/1981 Olsen, Shirley Jo Frederick 05550 9/22/1970 Overcash, Nonnan Gilben 09107 7/26/1985 Olson, Bettie Wiley 06315 5/20/1975 Overly, Charles Graham 09727 7/22/1987 Olson, James Charles 07753 7/24/1981 Ovennan, Barbara Adams 09690 7/22/1987 Olson, Janaica Hite 06958 8/16/1978 Ovennan, Michael 15669 8/17/2000 O'Mery, Michelle Marie 11211 2/19/1991 Ovennan, Michel Andrew 13548 7/24/1996 O'Neal, Walton Prentiss 17339 7/12/2004 Ovenniller, Dean Jose 05254 4/10/1969 O'Neal, Walton Prentiss 13113 7/25/1995 Overton, Deborah Lynn 14244 2/17/1998 Onwu, Ernest Eze 13130 7/25/1995 Overton, Renee Pusser 15713 9/22/2000 Onwuteaka, Nneka Valentina 06274 4/10/1975 Owen, Beverly Humphrey 13323 2/21/1996 Oommen, Ruby 05947 4/12/1973 Owen. Charles Fletcher 14388 6/26/1998 Oppelt, Thomas Francis 04914 3/31/1966 Owen, James Melvin 14213 1/22/1998 Oquendo, Juan L 03766 10/18/1954 Owenby, Paul 14198 1/22/1998 Oquendo, Nancy Colella 12657 7/26/1994 Owens, Angela Dawn 10528 7/26/1989 O'Quinn, Stephen Venson 08919 2/26/1985 Owens, Cherrie Greene 04844 7/2/1965 Grander, William Devaughn 09732 7/22/1987 Owens, Cynthia Pike 14694 1 1/24/1998 Orange, Rick Hugh 08142 7/26/1982 Owens, David Van 16685 1/22/2003 Oravetz, Alice Anne 12659 7/26/1994 Owens, Dwight Odell 16656 1 1/20/2002 Oravetz, Christopher Paul 10080 8/1/1988 Owens, Elizabeth Hamilton 05886 1/16/1973 Orcutt, Neece Eugene 15461 6/28/2000 Owens, Jonathan Eric 08855 11/1/1984 Orr, Jeanie G 08533 10/18/1983 Owens, Laura Wood 07831 7/24/1981 On-, Julienne Bussey 15552 7/10/2000 Owens, Russell Glenn 07525 10/21/1980 Ortman, Alisa Boyette 08774 7/30/1984 Owens, Scarlett Hicks 04320 7/6/1960 Osborne, Doris Hinshaw 05639 3/29/1971 Owens, Thomas Cox 11413 7/24/1991 Osborne, James Hennan 10125 8/1/1988 Owens, Thomas Mauney 11285 7/24/1991 Osborne, Michelle Allen 07834 7/24/1981 Owens, William Winfred 10778 3/20/1990 Osemene, Paul Iwebuno 07835 7/24/1981 Owensbv, Richard Kellv Pharmacist Name R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Reeistered License Date Number Registered 07967 3/1/1982 Ovvensby, Shara Lynne 17330 7/8/2004 Palumbos, Sabrina Hope 04611 5/21/1963 Owings, David Albert 15116 8/3/1999 Pam, Mark Gregoiy 04419 6/30/1961 Oxendine, Denford Harold 13554 7/24/1996 Pande, Poonam Girish 08601 2/22/1984 Oxendine, Dwight 17413 8/10/2004 Pandya, Sejal A 07109 3/30/1979 Oxendine, James Wood 07248 11/1/1979 Panella-Spaiigler. Margaret Maiy 09937 2/24/1988 Oxendine, Mark Edward 13766 2/25/1997 Panfen, Justine Marie 11012 7/25/1990 Oxendine-Dial, Donna Jean 08219 1 1/16/1982 Pannone, Patricia A 05640 3/29/1971 Pace, Charles Brownlow 06823 9/16/1977 Paoloni, Claude Bany 06209 9/17/1974 Pace, Robert Terrell 06485 4/5/1976 Paoloni, Daniel Richard 15649 7/26/2000 Pachick, Jennifer Gruscavage 17402 8/5/2004 Papadopoulos, Stella 16999 9/16/2003 Pacis, Cyrus 08274 2/22/1983 Papanastasiou, John Emilios 06561 9/15/1976 Pack, Violeta Fischer 14780 3/16/1999 Papay, Julie I 08775 7/30/1984 Paderick, Clifton Waldo 17138 5/18/2004 Papier, Donald M. 03806 2/28/1955 Paderick, Halherly Cory 09127 9/17/1985 Pappa, Corlis Klara Anna 10531 7/26/1989 Padgett, Alan Mack 04915 3/31/1966 Pare, Emily Adams 08660 5/22/1984 Padgett, Susan E Fletcher 10513 7/26/1989 Pare', Lisa McFarland 1 1573 1/21/1992 Pagano, Filippo Frank 17273 7/7/2004 16761 5/21/2003 Pagano, Thomas Christopher 11760 7/24/1992 Parghi, Anjali Flandiekar 13890 6/27/1997 Page, Arthur Wayne 04428 7/3/1961 Parham, Linda Jones 13947 7/1/1997 Page, Pamela Ann 16686 1/22/2003 Parikh, Deepali Shri 13464 7/24/1996 Page, Rebecca Eckerd 15739 1 1/21/2000 Parikh, Dulari 16385 6/19/2002 Pai, Asha Karnire 06144 4/9/1974 Parish, Ruth SpaiTOW 12234 7/26/1993 Pai, Kala Patel 17354 7/16/2004 Pariyadath, Kristine McGraw 15296 1/27/2000 Paige, Leah Warren 12663 7/26/1994 Park, Helen Song 17150 6/4/2004 Painter, Daniel Watson 16615 9/24/2002 Park, Joohyun Jennifer 09938 2/24/1988 Painter, Kent Titus 11415 7/24/1991 Park, Lynn Junehee 06378 9/9/1975 Painter, Steven Blaine 14493 7/8/1998 Park, Sun Young 13552 7/24/1996 Pait, Gregory Wade 17274 7/7/2004 Parker, Amy Rebecca 14516 7/13/1998 Pait, Michelle Williams 1 1041 7/25/1990 Parker, Annette Sparks 17091 2/23/2004 Pak, Diane 16037 7/17/2001 Parker, Christine Busuttil 10296 2/27/1989 Paliotti. Judith Wellons 07157 4/27/1979 Parker, Cindy Ellen 07384 4/24/1980 Pallas, LuAnn Marie 04231 7/2/1959 Parker, Frederick Beccham 05766 4/7/1972 Palmer. Jerry Wilson 05432 4/2/1970 Parker, James Edgar 16386 6/19/2002 Palmer, Jonathan William 06053 9/18/1973 Parker, Jeny Robert 05458 4/21/1970 Palmer, Yates Shuford 14340 6/26/1998 Parker, Kristen Boyd Pharmacist N a m e Phamiacist Name Parekh, Bhavita Rashniikant R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9 / 3 0 / 2 0 0 4 License Date Number Reeistered License Date Number Reeistered 12665 7/26/1994 Parker, Lorinda Furlough 10255 1/17/1989 Patchett, Jeffrey Allen 16387 6/19/2002 Parker, Marcie Jernigan 15573 7/13/2000 Patel, Alka Hemant 14363 6/26/1998 Parker, Mar>' Herring 14255 2/27/1998 Patel, Ainit Rainanbhai 15582 7/14/2000 Parker, Michelle Duke 15199 11/1/1999 Patel, Ainrish Govindbhai 08144 7/26/1982 Parker, Ronald McKinnon 13242 11/21/1995 Patel, Anjana 11212 2/19/1991 Parker, Scotty Tcrl 12398 11/30/1993 Patel, Anjana C 10440 7/26/1989 Parker. Sharon Brown 14836 5/18/1999 Patel, Ashish J 15090 7/20/1999 Parker, William P 14695 II/24/199S Patel, Bhavna Sailash 06595 9/15/1976 Parker, William Preston 12044 5/18/1993 Patel, Binakumari K 12669 7/26/1994 Parks, Rene Lynn 14144 10/20/1997 Patel, Chimanlal Ishwarlal 13555 7/24/1996 Pannelee, Thomas Andrew 15752 1/23/2001 Patel, Dipteshkuinar 15931 6/28/2001 Pannenter, Anna Lynn 14390 6/26/1998 Patel, Gira Sandip 12090 7/26/1993 Panniter, Caroline Ayers 16443 6/24/2002 Patel, Harita Ramesh 12666 7/26/1994 Parnell, Kimberly Jo 16863 7/1/2003 09968 3/22/1988 Parr, Alan Frank 13767 2/25/1997 Patel, Hetal Arpit 08146 7/26/1982 Parris, Anne Brookshire 15646 7/25/2000 Patel, Hitesh Ramcshchandra 11828 7/24/1992 Parris-Garcia, Theresa Gayle 14746 1/27/1999 Patel, Jaimenee Rakesh 13556 7/24/1996 Pairish, Allison Johnson 13421 7/24/1996 Patel, Jayshree Chirag 10451 7/26/1989 Pairish, Barbara Clifton 14302 5/12/1998 Patel, Jesika S 131 14 7/25/1995 Parrish, Christopher Chance 06824 9/16/1977 Patel, Joitabhai Narsinhdas 09667 7/22/1987 Parrish, Cynthia Creech 16268 3/19/2002 Patel, Jyotika A. 13872 6/27/1997 Parrish, Julianna Fine 15902 6/27/2001 Patel, Kanan Ainitkumar 06919 4/14/1978 Pan'ish, Nancy Sperling 09128 9/17/1985 Patel, Kantilal C 09730 7/22/1987 Pan'ish, Rebecca Ann 16388 6/19/2002 Patel, Kaushik Raman 07052 1 1/3/1978 Panish, Roben Ennis 14536 7/20/1998 Patel, Kinnar>' Dilip 16140 10/3/2001 Parsad, Amir 12858 2/22/1995 Patel, Lena H 05853 9/5/1972 Partin, Benjamin Francis 15932 6/28/2001 Patel, Lisa Gordhan 07027 11/3/1978 Pascarella, Pamela Smith I 1273 7/23/1991 Patel, Mahendra S 05854 9/5/1972 Paschall, William Hugh 11213 2/19/1991 Patel, Manoj Khandu 15697 9/19/2000 Paschke, Erik James 17357 7/20/2004 Patel, Mayur Khandu 15844 5/17/2001 Paschke, Lynise Rene 17139 5/18/2004 Patel, Meera Krishnavadan 16862 7/1/2003 Pasookhush, Megan Wannapa 12667 7/26/1994 Patel, Mehul R 14602 8/7/1998 Passmore, Cathleen Elizabeth 14268 3/17/1998 Patel, Mona R 17275 7/7/2004 Pastakia, Sonak D 14567 7/21/1998 Patel, Nayan R 12646 7/26/1994 Paszt, Sarah Miltenbcrger 14465 7/2/1998 Patel, Nikita H Phamiacist Name Phamiacist Name Patel, Heena Ramcshchandra R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Reeistered Patel, Nikuiij Hasmukh 06145 4/9/1974 Patterson, David Lany 7/1/1997 Patel, Nila Dipen 12008 3/16/1993 Patterson, Jacob Bethel 14837 5/18/1999 Patel, Paresh K 08561 1/17/1984 Patterson, James Herbert 16731 3/18/2003 Patel, Pinki Ranchhodbhai 15903 6/27/2001 Patterson, Jason Lee 15292 1/27/2000 Patel, Prajesh D 07968 3/1/1982 16025 7/17/2001 Patel, Prashant Dinesh 16070 7/18/2001 Patterson, Jeremy Scott 15736 1 1/21/2000 Patel, Priyakant D 13116 7/25/1995 Patterson, Jimmy Dale 17045 12/8/2003 Patel, Purva 14568 7/21/1998 Patterson, Marie McAllister 14303 5/12/1998 Patel, Rakesh R 13802 3/18/1997 Patterson, Melody Davis 12045 5/18/1993 Patel, Reshma Ratilal 16865 7/1/2003 i'atterson, Russell Warren 09077 7/26/1985 Patel, Rohitkuniar Suryakant 13100 7/25/1995 Patterson, Wendy Miller 14642 9/15/1998 Patel, Sailash Indubhai 04712 3/4/1964 Patterson, William Earl 14304 5/12/1998 Patel, Sanjay R 05641 3/29/1971 Pattisall, Jack Coxe 131 15 7/25/1995 Patel, Sejal Raojibhai 17000 9/16/2003 Pattison, Susan Turner 16177 1 1/20/2001 Patel, Sejjal Rig 03808 2/28/1955 Patton, James Benjamin 12235 7/26/1993 Patel. Shaileshkumar Maganlal 13902 6/27/1997 Patton, Stephanie Shaw 15091 7/20/1999 Patel, Shital R 16962 7/23/2003 Patwa, Hafiz Shabbir 17276 7/7/2004 Patel, Shivani Harshad 17092 2/23/2004 Patwardhan, Renuka V. 15357 3/22/2000 Patel, Sonal R 17156 6/15/2004 Palwardhan, Vinay Anil 13324 2/21/1996 Patel, Surabhi Manilal 17001 9/16/2003 Paul, Judith Carol 17140 5/18/2004 Patel, Swati J. 12237 7/26/1993 Paul, Noel Adolph 13855 6/23/1997 Patel, Vanita Gandhi 1 1274 7/23/1991 Paul-Avilcs, Fern Ellen 15193 10/18/1999 Patel, Vipul 15744 12/5/2000 Pavlot, Kelly Ann 15019 7/12/1999 Patel, Vipul Bhogilal 1 1 105 9/18/1990 Pawlowski, Walter Joseph 1 1250 5/21/1991 Patel, Virendra Chunibhai 06539 9/15/1976 Paxton, Susan Haithcock 16864 7/1/2003 Patel, Vrajni Nainiesh 08060 7/26/1982 Paylor, Martha Bennett 10204 9/20/1988 Pathak, Swati Shyam 1 1015 7/25/1990 Payne, Diana Elizabeth 14513 7/13/1998 Patidar, Nitesh H 13762 2/25/1997 Payne, Elena Marie 15834 5/15/2001 Patrick, Anna Leigh 14947 6/30/1999 Payne, Heather Surles 1 1 104 9/18/1990 Patrick, James Arthur 12810 1/18/1995 Payne, John Anthony 15462 6/28./2000 Patriss, Daniel Douglas 17116 4/8/2004 Payne, Jolonda Washington 15900 6/27/2001 Patriss, Janice Musselwhite 08818 7/30/1984 Payne, Sophia Zarzar 07836 7/24/1981 Patten, Janice Kaye 13117 7/25/1995 Peacock, Penny Elizabeth 12236 7/26/1993 Patterson, Ciystal LouAnn 05433 4/2/1970 Peal, George Wainwright 07548 10/21/1980 Patterson, Cynthia Long 12268 7/26/1993 Pearcy, Jodi Spann License Date Number Reeistered 1734(1 7/12/2004 13976 Phamiacist Name Phamiacist Name Patterson, Jeanette Elizabeth REGISTERED Nuinber Date Reeistered 14569 7/21/1998 08389 8/3/1983 08275 P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 Number Date Reeistered Peariiian, Teresa Ray 09078 7/26/1985 Perdue, David Allen Pearson. Nancy Byrd 13480 7/24/1996 Perez, Edi Gillespie 2/22/1983 Pearson, Robert Crump 1 1836 7/24/1992 Pergerson, Jacquelyn Staunton 06487 4/5/1976 Pearson, William Glenn 15899 6/27/2001 Pergerson, Jamie Mooney 05304 6/17/1969 Pechal, Frank Louis 12849 2/22/1995 Perkins, Amy Joyce 06190 9/17/1974 Peck, Martha Gabriel 15806 3/20/2001 Perkins, Bynum 11889 9/22/1992 Peckman, Howard JD I 1547 1 1/19/1991 Perkins, Carolyn Annette 12668 7/26/1994 Pecoraro, Kristin Lynette 06380 9/9/1975 Perkins, Charles Edward 15698 9/19/2000 Peddy, Celeste Marie 12208 7/26/1993 Perkins, Debbie McClain 08538 1 1/15/1983 Peden, Charlene Hannan 08147 7/26/1982 Perkins, James Finley 06355 9/9/1975 Pedigo, Nancy Gilliam 08896 2/26/1985 Perkins, Janelle Boger 06826 9/16/1977 Peedin, Herbert Ray 04713 3/4/1964 Perkins, Joseph Charles 14075 7/21/1997 Peek, Brian Tarshel 14570 7/21/1998 Perkins, Pamela Neil 13118 7/25/1995 Pegram, Angela Hatley 07271 1 1/1/1979 Perkins, Richard Allen 09301 5/12/1986 Peil. Michele Leaiy 05642 3/29/1971 Perkinson, Edna Turner 05855 9/5/1972 Pell, Ben Earl 12091 7/26/1993 P e n y , Anne Leonard 07373 4/24/1980 Peil, Mark Willis 15093 7/20/1999 P e n y , Christine Ann 05767 4/7/1972 Pelletier, Mark Dawson 11715 7/24/1992 P e n y , Ciystal Biyant 12009 3/16/1993 Peiz, Donald J 08761 7/30/1984 P e n y , Denise Massey 06379 9/9/1975 Pemberton, Cathy Wood 09234 2/27/1986 Peiry, Everett Lavern 14466 7/2/1998 Pence, Beth Suddreth 1 1229 3/19/1991 P e n y , F. Elizabeth 12238 7/26/1993 Pender, Connie Jones 09940 2/24/1988 Peny, Johnny Wesley 05175 7/31/1968 Pender, James Bowles 15337 3/21/2000 P e n y , Rachelle Elizabeth 07047 1 1/3/1978 Pendergrass, Jane Mederer 08778 7/30/1984 Perry, Sharon Lynn 11016 7/25/1990 Pendergrass, JetTrey Ray 08288 2/22/1983 P e n y , Sharon Skinner 16687 1/22/2003 Pendergrass, Kelly Kristine 09465 7/29/1986 P e n y , Teresa Young 06920 4/14/1978 Pendergrass, Victor Joe 07619 2/27/1981 P e n y , Theressa Whitley 16866 7/1/2003 Pendleton, Rachel Ann 13661 9/17/1996 Perry, Williain Alexander 17277 7/7/2004 Pendoia, Jacqueline Candace 13662 9/17/1996 Perry, Willie A 05716 10/1/1971 Penny, Grace 16868 7/1/2003 Persaud, Roscmaiy 13119 7/25/1995 Penny, Sharon Lynn 09590 3/2/1987 Person, Patricia Johnson 14838 5/18/1999 Pentecost, Angela G 1 1017 7/25/1990 Persson, Lisa Michelle 16867 7/1/2003 Peoples, Christopher Ronald 1 1637 3/17/1992 Pertz, Stephen E 15904 6/27/2001 Peoples, Jodi Hairis 13557 7/24/1996 Peter, Caroline June 15336 3/21/2000 Pepe, Daniel A 11695 7/24/1992 Peter, Michele L License License Phannacist Name Phannacist Name R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Reeistered Peterman, James Edward 16211 1/16/2002 Phitlippe, Leigh Roberson 7/24/1996 Peters, August Richard 14025 7/15/1997 Phillips, Amy Michelle 10084 8/1/1988 Peters, Paula Hayes 13120 7/25/1995 Phillips, Ashleigh G 15639 7/24/2000 Petersen, Jessica Lanier 12046 5/18/1993 Phillips, Barbara Adier 12082 7/26/1993 Peterson, Amy Aldridge 13560 7/24/1996 Phillips, Bobby Christopher 04398 3/6/1961 Peterson, Donald Vance 17002 9/16/2003 Phillips, Biaan Burdette 11224 3/19/1991 Peterson-Layne, Cathleen Louise 13792 3/18/1997 Phillips, Debra Lynn 11817 7/24/1992 Petitt, Mark Lum 1 1591 2/21/1992 Phillips, Elizabeth Ganett 13768 2/25/1997 Petro, Shay Tinsley 08276 2/22/1983 Phillips, Gary Joe 10845 7/17/1990 Petros, Karen Ollis 05434 4/2/1970 Phillips, Grady Samuel 12399 1 1/30/1993 Petros, William Phillip 12047 5/18/1993 Phillips, Henry J 09576 3/2/1987 Petrulio, Hatriet Frick 16688 1/22/2003 Phillips, Jennifer Ann 07323 3/18/1980 Petry, Neil Allen 08920 2/26/1985 Phillips, John Douglas 07435 7/25/1980 Petteway, Carol Edwards 07728 7/21/1981 Phillips, John Pitt 07374 4/24/1980 Petteway, Samuel Bruce 07375 4/24/1980 Phillips, John Ward 13006 7/25/1995 Pettus, Dawn Eberwein 13468 7/24/1996 Phillips, Johnna Enloe 10330 3/21/1989 Pfeiffer, Dennis Lee 12048 5/18/1993 Phillips, Johnny Dale 11251 5/21/1991 Ptlomm, Thomas John 13892 6/27/1997 Phillips, Kevin Lee 16390 6/19/2002 Pham, Cong Thi 05552 9/22/1970 Phillips, Maiy Katherine 16514 7/8/2002 Pham, Hao My 08220 11/16/1982 Phillips, Percy James 16515 7/8/2002 Pham, Hieu Due 05187 9/25/1968 Phillips, Roy Odell 17008 9/25/2003 Pham, Mien Hac Thai 13243 1 1/21/1995 Phillips, Thomas R 16869 7/1/2003 Pham, Minh Quang 14696 1 1/24/1998 Phillips, Vance Lee 10127 8/1/1988 Pham, Oanh Hoang 10256 1/17/1989 Phillips, William Hobart 17105 3/16/2004 Phan, Tliuy Nhu 13969 7/1/1997 Phillips, Wyndi Manning 15585 7/14/2000 Phan, Tram Ngoc 13121 7/25/1995 Philpot, Jennifer Lynn 09235 2/27/1986 Pharcs, Kenneth Robert 1 1447 7/24/1991 Phipps, Beth Sheai-er 09543 1 1/18/1986 Phares, Teresa Spine 1 1420 7/24/1991 Phipps, James Matthew 06699 4/15/1977 Phelps, Judith Loraine 07484 7/25/1980 Phipps, Orven Russell 12670 7/26/1994 Phelps, Kathy Carol 12242 7/26/1993 Phipps-Vass, Mattie Angelique 15293 1/27/2000 Phelps, Sarah Carson 06489 4/5/1976 Pickard, William Warren 13559 7/24/1996 Phelps, William Andrew 05790 7/18/1972 Pickens, Asa Gene 16870 7/1/2003 Phifer, Leslie Arm 15965 7/5/2001 Pickering, Thomas Robert 05942 4/12/1973 Phifer, Mary Grace Moore 15905 6/27/2001 05584 10/20/1970 Philbeck, Evelyn Carole 04630 7/5/1963 License Date Number Reeistered 08841 9/18/1984 13558 Phamiacist N a m e Phannacist Name Pickett, Farrah GrilTin Pickett, Tcriy Julian REGISTERED License Date Number Reeistered 062 I 1 9/17/1974 16550 P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Reeistered Picklcr, Randy Craig iOlOO 8/1/1988 7/16/2002 Piech, Thomas Joseph 11815 7/24/1992 Pittman, Debra Jean 16657 11/20/2002 Pierce, Catherine Anne 06791 9/16/1977 Pittman, Frances Holmes 160S3 7/25/2001 Pierce, Danielle Rae 05950 4/12/1973 Pittinan, James Alston I665S 1 1/20/2002 Pierce, Dwayne Allen 15525 7/6/2000 Pittman, Julie Wyman 16071 7/18/2001 Pierce, Erica Adell 12661 7/26/1994 Pittman, Lorie Pait 09430 7/29/1986 Pierce, James Robeit 05435 4/2/1970 Pittman, Michael Graham 14976 7/2/1999 Pierce, Traci Bare 06597 9/15/1976 Pittinan, Person Bennett 09755 7/22/1987 Pierce, Virginia Suiter 05644 3/29/1971 Pittman, Williain Gibbs 09074 7/26/1985 Piercy, Lisa Noblett 09921 2/24/1988 Pitts, Caroline Susan Chitty 08516 9/20/1983 Pierson, Patrick Louis 05391 1/20/1970 Pitts, James Stanley 10815 5/15/1990 Piezzo, Lawrence \V 08921 2/26/1985 Pitts, John David 14603 8/7/1998 Pigeon, D a \ i d Peter 05454 4/2/1970 Pitts, Williain Pluminer 05676 6/29/1971 Pigg, Graham Reid 10846 7/17/1990 Pituk, Thomas Lawrence 07571 1 1/18/1980 Pigg, Timothy Clarke 1 1975 2/24/1993 Plaisance, Matthew Benson 13122 7/25/1995 Pigg, Todd Eugene 08517 9/20/1983 Platz, Joseph Edward 05768 4/7/1972 Pike, Jesse Miller 06922 4/14/1978 Pleasants, Roy Alton 05282 4/10/1969 Pike, Joseph William 16391 6/19/2002 Pleasants, Ruth Evelyn 14305 5/12/1998 Pilconis, John Peter 1I42I 7/24/1991 Plemmons, Robeit Laxton 15399 5/16/2000 Pillsbuiy, Nonnan Douglas 14643 9/15/1998 Pleska, Heather Lynne 06146 4/9/1974 Pilson, Dale Brent 10527 7/26/1989 Pless, Susan Michelle 10091 8/1/1988 Pineiro, M a n h a Jackson 11422 7/24/1991 Plessinger, Douglas Charles 05348 10/2/1969 Pinnix, John Marshall 07250 11/1/1979 Pliszka, Molly Ingram 06827 9/16/1977 Pinson, Jaines Cornel 09941 2/24/1988 Plott, Renee Scanlon 10128 8/1/1988 Pinson, Julianne Brittain 07694 7/21/1981 Pluiner, Lille Nungezer 15338 3/21/2000 Pint, Rebecca Anne 12672 7/26/1994 Plyler, Lori Annstrong 09808 7/21/1987 Pinto, Jerome J 12244 7/26/1993 Plyler, Michael Trent 15006 7/6/1999 Pippin, Hannah Yoo 12673 7/26/1994 Plyler, Wallace Hinton 10532 7/26/1989 Pippin, Herbeit Joel 09733 7/22/1987 Plyler, Wesley Scott 13292 2/21/1996 Pippin, Jennifer Culler 14435 6/30/1998 Poe, Harold Gorton 10024 7/29/1988 Pistor, Edgar Ralph 07308 1 1/20/1979 Poe, Timothy Eugene 15722 10/23/2000 Pitt, Jessica Cain 05553 9/22/1970 Poe, William Douglas 05949 4/12/1973 Pittinan, Arthur Wayne 13978 7/1/1997 05839 9/5/1972 Pittman, Barbara Kiser 14950 6/30/1999 Poindexter, Leann Trefz 03810 2/28/1955 Pittman, Billie Ephraim 11423 7/24/1991 Poinsett-Holmes, Rimberly Renee Phamiacist Name Phamiacist Name Pittman, Christine Kurtz Poffenberger, Wayne Charles R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O E 9 / 3 0 / 2 0 0 4 License Date License Date Number Reeistered Number Registered Phannacist Name 07612 2/27/1981 Pointer, Florence Schwinn 09260 3/18/1986 Popolizio, Marilee 16179 11/20/2001 Folding, Tara LeAim 09079 7/26/1985 Popovich, Karen Stacy 09431 7/29/1986 Polheinus, Josephine 12919 5/19/1995 Porbin, Saul 13842 5/14/1997 Polinsky, Robert David 09432 7/29/1986 Porch, David Michael 04004 3/1/1957 Polk, John Wayne 12772 1 1/I5/I994 Porteous, Barbara Wilson 13979 7/1/1997 Polk, Thomas Stephen 09236 2/27/1986 Porter, Angela Gilland 12638 7/26/1994 Pollard, Julie M 15020 7/12/1999 Porter, Angela Kendrick 15737 1 1/21/2000 Pollard, Robert Charles 06582 9/15/1976 Porter, Elaine Kimball 15400 5/16/2000 Pollard, William Lawrence 1 1425 7/24/1991 Porter, James Thomas 12813 1/18/1995 Polli, Mark Leo 13698 11/19/1996 Porter, Katherine Ann 10287 2/27/1989 Pomfrey, Thomas Edward 07934 3/1/1982 Porter, Margie Susanne 16392 6/19/2002 Pond, Matthew Clinton 09437 7/29/1986 Porter, Pamela Reynolds 06598 9/15/1976 Ponder, Dianne Carol 11608 2/21/1992 Porter, Patti Keetcr 07838 7/24/1981 Ponder, William Nomian 14943 6/30/1999 Porterfield, Allison Solomon 04179 2/27/1959 Ponder, William Nonnan 13889 6/27/1997 Porterfield, Melissa Odesser 12182 7/26/1993 Pontiff, Anne Kane 17456 9/21/2004 Poscich, Elizabeth W. 07729 7/21/1981 Ponzer, Grace Stratton 04486 3/6/1962 Post, Hazel Green 13014 7/25/1995 Poole, Katherine Fanner 05183 9/23/1968 Post, William Earl 17279 7/7/2004 Poole, Lisa Marie 09370 7/29/1986 Poston, Iris Brownell 12049 5/18/1993 Poole, Lorie Lewis 05717 I0/I/I971 Potect, Jerry Eugene 10288 2/27/1989 Poole, Sam Folger 06163 6/18/1974 Potter, Barbara Sue 11014 7/25/1990 Poolos, Maijorie Anne 07409 7/25/1980 Potter, Bonnie Allen 15569 7/13/2000 Poore, Eric Dewayne 16026 7/17/2001 Potter, Jennifer Lynn 15901 6/27/2001 Pope, Amy Parker I 1018 7/25/1990 Potter, Jonathan Scott 16871 7/1/2003 Pope, Ginger Grenell 1 1489 7/24/1991 Potter, Melissa Jackson 13128 7/25/1995 Pope, James Slayton 09500 9/16/1986 Potter, M u u a y Franklin 16016 7/16/2001 Pope, Jamie Liszka 07485 7/25/1980 Potter, Steven Michael 12245 7/26/1993 Pope, Jimmie Ray 13733 1/22/1997 Potthoff, Kim Robert 04846 7/2/1965 Pope, Larry Hicks 08402 8/3/1983 Potts, Fern Douglass 06599 9/15/1976 Pope, Paula Gay 05209 10/3/1968 Potts, Nancy Adams 07730 7/21/1981 Pope, Robert Noel 15908 6/27/2001 Pound, Melanie Willis 16004 7/1 1/2001 Pope, Scott Daniel 09393 7/29/1986 Powell, Alexandria Estes 07570 1 1/18/1980 Pope, Sue D 09905 1/19/1988 Powell, Charlotte Ann 14392 6/26/1998 Poplin, Kevin Lee 15782 2/13/2001 Powell, Debbie Elizabeth 14393 6/26/1998 [^)piin, Lori Demoret 03237 6/18/1948 Powell, Edward Sholar Phannacist Name R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S A S O F 9/30/2004 License Date License Date Number Registered Number Registered 14245 2/17/1998 Powell, Gregoiy Eugene 11252 5/21/1991 Pray, Richard Wadsworth 1 1525 9/17/1991 Powell, Henry Bethea 08277 2/22/1983 Prazma, Tamara Unkuiova 1 USIS 7/24/1992 Powell, Rristen Schnell 10536 7/26/1989 Preast, Dwayne Clark 14964 7/1/1999 Powell, Lisa Kay 10744 2/21/1990 Preddy, Gindy Leeanne 15422 6/28/2000 Powell, Margaret Booth I 7280 7/7/2004 08890 1/15/1985 Powell, Margaret Else 09131 9/17/1985 Preiss, Alan Robert 14145 10/20/1997 Powell, Maiy Linda Kristin 1561 1 7/18/2000 Preissler, Krista Lynne 15714 9/25/2000 Powell, Nikki P e n y 17375 7/20/2004 Prescott, Hillary A. 09906 1/19/1988 Powell, Randolph Lee 10113 8/1/1988 Presley, Vicky McCraw 05554 9/22/1970 Powell, Sherlynn Dixon 09501 9/16/1986 Pressman, Joel David 05033 4/1/1967 Powell, William Dorsey 09302 5/12/1986 Preston, Carol Ann 0381 1 2/28/1955 Powell, William Paul 07486 7/25/1980 Preston, David Mark 10677 1/16/1990 Power, Danny Edwin 14395 6/26/1998 Preston, Rachel Elizabeth 07551 10/21/1980 Powers, Doyle Edison 11748 7/24/1992 Pretsch, Janet Eletcher 14519 7/14/1998 Powers, Gina Carriker 15496 6/30/2000 Prevette, Tuyet Le 08634 3/20/1984 Powers, James Mack 04180 2/27/1959 Prevo, James Miller 05436 4/2/1970 Powers, James Wesley 07272 I 1/1/1979 Price, Billy Lee 14165 1 1/24/1997 Powers, John 0 16393 6/19/2002 Price, Cunis Warren 15169 9/21/1999 Powers, Kristina Lynn 08781 7/30/1984 Price, James Lamar 10781 3/20/1990 Powers, Lloyd Venson 17281 7/7/2004 Price, Jennifer Nicole 10535 7/26/1989 Powers, Sandra Ann 13561 7/24/1996 Price, Kirk Brian 15553 7/10/2000 Powers, Susan Jane 1 1621 2/21/1992 Price, Lydia Drumm 08780 7/30/1984 Powers, Tammie Sink 06491 4/5/1976 Price, Michael Allen 14520 7/14/1998 Powers, Thomas Nathan 06703 4/15/1977 Price, Patricia Shook 14394 6/26/1998 Poythress, Christy Oxford 05857 9/5/1972 Price, Richard Philip 13894 6/27/1997 Poythress, Gregoiy Lynn 05718 10/1/1971 Price, Ronnie Lee 16027 7/17/2001 Prajapati, Mitesh Gopal 04399 3/6/1961 Price, Sanford Scott 07376 4/24/1980 Prajapati, Prahladbhai Nathabhai 07572 I 1/18/1980 Price, Steven O'Dell 11426 7/24/1991 Prasad, Suneeta Mahadev 06492 4/5/1976 05564 9/22/1970 Pratt, Becky Eloyd 06866 12/14/1977 Price, Thomas Winston 16466 6/27/2002 Pratt, Ciystal Eanes 13129 7/25/1995 Prichard, Amy Jennings 06161 5/21/1974 Pratt, Judith Ann 17282 7/7/2004 Pridgen, Caroline Wyatt 13244 11/21/1995 Pratt, Robeil Anthony 07487 7/25/1980 Pridgen, Charla Smith 11638 3/17/1992 Pratt, Samuel David 14898 6/30/1999 Priest, Kelly Haharin 13843 5/14/1997 Pratte, Joseph Melvin 1 154S 11/19/1991 Priester, Michael Ellis Pharmacist N a m e Pharmacist N a m e Preimats, Jeana Elizabeth Price, Teresa Lord R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Registered Pnllaniaii, Michael Garner 04916 3/31/1966 Purcell, Downey Carter Prince-Yates, Riystal Jean 14396 6/26/1998 Purohit, Anjali Dilip 7/30/2004 Prindali, Jessica Lee 04317 7/6/1960 Purser, Helen Dunlap 17064 1/22/2004 Pringle, Monica Jeneen 16269 3/19/2002 Purser, Lany Edward 1251 1 7/19/1994 Pritchard, Kendrick Franklyn 04487 3/6/1962 Purser, Miles Herbeit 10289 2/27/1989 Procopio, Joyce Theresa 1 1819 7/24/1992 Pusser, Bradford Lamar 15464 6/28/2000 Proctor, Leslie Ann 17420 8/20/2004 Puszcznski, Mariusz 07195 7/17/1979 Proctor, Richard Arnold 04488 3/6/1962 Putnam, Jessie Van 05951 4/12/1973 Proctor, Rita Kay 15465 6/28/2000 Putnam, Joel Dwaine 04082 2/28/1958 Proftltt, Bill 12158 7/26/1993 Putnam, Melissa Haitis 06979 10/17/1978 Proftitt, Dorothy Merel 08686 7/17/1984 Putnam, Raleigh Jackson 16873 7/1/2003 ProttUt, Matthew Ryan 12247 7/26/1993 Putnam, Robeit David 06980 10/17/1978 Proflltt, Robert GaiTy 05769 4/7/1972 Putnam, Roger Delane 08546 11/15/1983 Proftltt, Ronnie Dwaine I 1019 7/25/1990 Putorek, John Louis 10538 7/26/1989 Progelhof, Linda Ann 1 1460 7/24/1991 Pyatte, Angela DeAnn 06600 9/15/1976 Propst, Allan Marion 12449 2/24/1994 Pyke, Rebecca Ann 13000 7/25/1995 Propst, Bobbie Crystal 16305 5/14/2002 Qu, Xinhua 05952 4/12/1973 Propst, Linda Jean 12891 3/21/1995 Quach, Ngoc-Dong Thi 10129 8/1/1988 Propst, Ronald Tnnothy 04807 3/3/1965 Quackenbush, Palmer David 14984 7/2/1999 Pruett, Amy Sheree 15170 9/21/1999 Quadir, Muhammad Anisul 09499 9/16/1986 Pruett, Robynn D 17457 9/21/2004 Quadrini, Regina N. 15894 6/27/2001 Prychodko, Cynthia Ledford 10387 7/18/1989 Quaoser, Pranom C 16304 5/14/2002 Pryor, Suzanne Maner 14571 7/21/1998 Quattlebaum, Joseph Douglas 10632 1 1/3/1989 Puckett, Laura L 06830 9/16/1977 Quedenfeld, Elizabeth Townsend 14495 7/8/1998 Pudclski, Tara Nicole 15526 7/6/2000 11891 9/22/1992 Puffenberger, Gregg L 07634 4/21/1981 Queen, Roger Wayne 15944 7/2/2001 Pugh, Laura Hauser 05770 4/7/1972 Queen, Sarah Jo Lohr License Date Number Registered 10257 1/17/1989 16872 7/1/2003 17397 Phannacist Name Phannacist Name Queen, Angela Kay 1 1 1 60 1 1/20/1990 Pugh, Laura Littiejohn 05771 4/7/1972 Quick, Clyde Wayne 16180 1 1/20/2001 Pugh, Michael David 07204 8/21/1979 Quick, John Doward 14952 6/30/1999 Pujol, Winnie Tyndall 14467 7/2/1998 Quick, Tara Sanders 05319 10/2/1969 Pulliam, Charles Crenshaw 13209 9/19/1995 Quiggle, Jean Elain 1 1861 7/24/1992 Pulliam, Maureen Ann 08688 7/17/1984 Quigley, Brian Stephen 12512 7/19/1994 Pultorak, Kevin Paul 14559 7/21/1998 Quinn, Donna Lister 17047 12/22/2003 Punch, Robert M. 16479 6/28/2002 Quinn, Marcie Jean 17151 6/4/2004 Punzalan, Christy Tirizzard 1 1 136 10/25/1990 Raasch, Ralph Hugo R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Reeistered License Date Number Registered 11000 7/25/1990 Rabil, Eileen Mitchell 1 7283 7/7/2004 Randolph, Sara Ellen 03394 7/6/1950 Rabih Ernest John 07186 6/19/1979 Rankin, Donald Floyd 06736 6/21/1977 Rabon, Freddy Joseph 16142 10/17/2001 Rankow, Andrew Ira 06925 4/14/1978 Rachide, Albert Johnson 10896 7/25/1990 Paper, Eugenia Conley 05350 10/2/1969 Rachide, Frederick Joseph 04594 3/5/1963 Raper, Francis Eugene 05764 4/7/1972 Rackley, Lynne Molic 11214 2/19/1991 Raper, Robert Michael 13982 7/1/1997 Radford, David Bemie 17284 7/7/2004 Rapp, Brett David 17430 9/14/2004 Radhakrishnan, Senthilvelan 14485 7/7/199S Rash, Aden Roy 11106 9/18/1990 Radkowski, James Philip 06701 4/15/1977 Rash, Michael Craig 09433 7/29/1986 Rafferty, Patricia Gail Scarlett 08636 3/20/1984 Raspct, Richard William 12513 7/19/1994 Rafuse, Richard Charles 16689 1/22/2003 Past, Wendy Kathleen 08278 2/22/1983 Ragan, Daniel Lawrence 16028 7/17/2001 Ratcliff, Krista Blankenship 13742 2/25/1997 Ragan, Julie Baughn 04121 7/7/1958 Ranch, Robert Karl 15339 3/21/2000 Railean, David Christopher 15612 7/18/2000 Raulerson, Walter William 14840 5/18/1999 Raines, John Hammock 14058 7/15/1997 Rausch, Angela Dowdy 14496 7/8/1998 Raines, Matthew Deven 11429 7/24/1991 Ravenna, Anne Marie 11821 7/24/1992 Raines, Ray Hairell 16481 6/28/2002 Rawls, Jamie Brooke 15238 11/16/1999 Rainess, Eileen Maiy 16394 6/19/2002 Rawls, Robert Shannon 09736 7/22/1987 Rains, Daiyl Evan 10199 9/20/1988 Ray, Adrianne McGlohon 08071 7/26/1982 Rains, Renee Cauley 09591 3/2/1987 Ray, Cynthia Robinson 05645 3/29/1971 Rains, Richard Hiram 15613 7/18/2000 Ray, Laura Ann 06926 4/14/1978 Railings, Teirie Ammons 06213 9/17/1974 Ray, Michael Biyan 06290 4/10/1975 Ralston, Lynda Caroline 12484 5/10/1994 Ray, Robert Reginald 08635 3/20/1984 Ramirez-Rico, Jose Antonio 11923 I 1/17/1992 Ray, William Luther 08056 7/26/1982 Ramsay, Betsy Barnes 13565 7/24/1996 Raymer, Danielle Weeden 13067 7/25/1995 Ramsey, Heather Jones 11893 9/22/1992 Raymond, Jacqueline Renee 09449 7/29/1986 Ramsey, Jamie Stephens 09435 7/29/1986 Raynor, Charles Edward 04593 3/5/1963 Ramsey, Kader Roy 17458 9/21/2004 Razmovski, Tracy Lynn 04631 7/5/1963 Ramsey, Margaret Patterson 09564 1/20/1987 Re', Joseph Daniel 05772 4/7/1972 Ramsey, Maiy Dysart 08221 11/16/1982 Rea, Naomi Cumberland 03395 7/6/1950 Rancke, John McMillan 08222 11/16/1982 Rea, Phillip Alton 04809 3/3/1965 Randall, Danny Lee 07309 11/30/1979 Read, John Charles 09434 7/29/1986 Randall, Joy Lynn 09436 7/29/1986 Rcadling, Martha Ewart 05211 10/3/1968 Randall, Sandra Simpson 14397 6/26/1998 Reams, Bessie Diane 03579 7/2/1952 Randall, William Hurley 13896 6/27/1997 Reap, Robin Cook Pharmacist Name Phannacist Name R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9 / 3 0 / 2 0 0 4 License Date Number Registered Pharmacist Name Reaves, Hallie Craven 16395 6/19/2002 Reid, Cheryl Bames 7/24/1981 Reaves, Lois Moore 08784 7/30/1984 Reid, James Walter 05773 4/7/1972 Reaves, Robert Bingham 08563 1/17/1984 Reid, Leslie George 04595 3/5/1963 Reaves, Thomas Bingham 10663 12/1/1989 Reid, Maiy Sue 15909 6/27/2001 Reavis, Misty Dawn 07273 1 1/1/1979 Reid, Tanya Moore 15987 7/9/2001 Rebb, Amanda Saunders 15738 11/21/2000 Reinhard, Nancy Fanner 15655 7/31/2000 Rebholz, Brian William 15701 9/19/2000 Reinhardt, Bess O'Kelley 15852 6/26/2001 Rebo, Gerald James 15702 9/19/2000 Reinhardt, E.G. Tre 14852 6/30/1999 Record, Susan Adams 06928 4/14/1978 Reinhardt, Michael Scott 07075 11/3/1978 Redding, Lynn Welborn 14086 7/24/1997 Rekeweg, Nesha Ann 17071 1/23/2004 Reddy, Savitha Mandala 07613 2/27/1981 Rembert, Carol Hopper 12395 11/30/1993 Redmond, Susan Elaine 15807 3/20/2001 Remic, Richard Wayne 14728 1/20/1999 Redzikowski, Robert John 08602 2/22/1984 Renaud, Paul William 09739 7/22/1987 Reece, Jonathan Dairl 16129 9/18/2001 Render, Larry J 06927 4/14/1978 Reece, Max Gardner 1 1924 ! 1/17/1992 Renfrew, J P 06603 9/15/1976 Reed, Biyan Frazier 13133 7/25/1995 Renick, John R 0641 1 12/4/1975 Reed, Charles Damon 07540 10/21/1980 Renz, Meredith Janiieson 12400 1 1/30/1993 Reed, James Marion 10371 5/16/1989 Resnick, Jules 06405 10/18/1975 Reed, James Roy 11575 1/21/1992 Restino, Maiyann Reynolds 1 1431 7/24/1991 Reed, J e n y Franklin 13567 7/24/1996 Retsios, Efthalia Eftie 1 1432 7/24/1991 Reed, Marilee Eagles 14936 6/30/1999 Revels, Robert Wayne 12248 7/26/1993 Reed, Timothy Wayne 06245 4/3/1975 Revie, Betty Brown 04555 10/22/1962 Reeder, Glenn LeRoy 13327 2/21/1996 Reyes, Stephen Michael 13103 7/25/1995 Reeder, Raren Mooring 06464 4/5/1976 Reynolds, Ann Finley 15910 6/27/2001 Reep, Elizabeth Anne 15973 7/9/2001 Reynolds, Ginger Coble 12660 7/26/1994 Reep, Freda Padgett 13699 1 1/19/1996 Reynolds, Gregory Glen 13596 7/24/1996 Reese, Jennifer Stamer 12676 7/26/1994 Reynolds, Kevin Michael 16237 1/15/2002 Reeves, Rristie Charlene 15966 7/5/2001 Reynolds, Louella Gairis 09792 7/21/1987 Reeves, Mary Settle 10372 5/16/1989 Reynolds, Marcia Gravitt 15466 6/28/2000 Register, Candida Lee 09809 7/21/1987 [Reynolds, Philip George 08977 7/16/1985 Register, Claudia Ellen 06057 9/18/1973 Reynolds, Robert Hershel 13132 7/25/1995 Register, Steven Frank 13442 7/24/1996 Reynolds, Sheila Britt 17408 8/9/2004 Regncr, Kerstcn Marie 13642 9/17/1996 Rheney, Catherine Curren 15614 7/18/2000 Reichenbach, Jean Baumgardt 05325 10/2/1969 Rhew, Marilyn M 14645 9/15/1998 Reichert, Marc Gerald 03949 7/4/1956 Rhoadcs, Jen-v Delano License Date Number Registered 04714 3/4/1964 07825 Phamiacist Name R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Reeistered Rhoades, Tara CoiTcll 09207 2/27/1986 Richardson, Ann Bemus 1 1/23/I98S Rhoda, Roseaiin DcMercurio 08279 2/22/1983 Richardson, Barbara Jones 05213 10/3/1968 Rhoden, Charles Williain 09761 7/22/1987 Richardson, Cassandra Towne 13030 7/25/1995 RJiodes, Wendi Ghent 06292 4/10/1975 Richardson, Curtis Leroy 07378 4/24/1980 Rliodes, Williain Tillman 13740 2/3/1997 Richardsi)n, David Reith 09179 11/19/1985 Rhodus, Michael Cleveland 13899 6/27/1997 Richardson, Gail Anderson 08407 8/3/1983 Rhyne, Alma Franklin 06604 9/15/1976 Richardson, James Doyle 04847 2/7/1965 Rhyne, Clyde Randolph 14349 6/26/1998 Richardson, Jennifer Crawley 14851 5/20/1999 Rhyne, Heather Hagei- 12814 1/18/1995 Richardson, Linda Louis 09080 7/26/1985 Rhyne, Kathiyn Acker 14646 9/15/1998 Richardson, Maiy S 07790 7/24/1981 Rhyne, Rosalind Hall 04918 3/31/1966 Richardson, Paul Hart 16762 5/21/2003 Rhyne, Sabrina Louise 08490 8/24/1983 Richardson, William Hayes 12859 2/22/1995 Ribadeneyra, Evelyn Sanders 16059 7/17/2001 Richie, Michele Lee 16130 9/18/2001 Ribaudo, Joseph Salvatore 05157 4/18/1968 Richmond, Donald Reith 05555 9/20/1970 Rice, Charles Douglas 0908 1 7/26/1985 Richmond, Rodney Glenn 13563 7/24/1996 Rice, Dana Quails 05034 4/1/1967 Rickard, Hearne Franklin 08198 9/21/1982 Rice, Donna Roberts 05136 4/4/1968 Rickelton, David Kendall 06291 4/10/1975 Rice, Gregoiy Reith 05137 4/4/1968 Ricks, Alvin Antonio 04949 10/6/1966 Rice, James Patrick 08149 7/26/1982 Riddick, Kenneth Bans 05090 10/7/1967 Rice, Laijy Gene 06493 4/5/1976 Riddle, Belinda Lovelace 07324 3/18/1980 Rice, Robert Timothy 10848 7/17/1990 Riddle, Bonnie Mitchell 14807 4/14/1999 Rice, Stacey Ann 14573 7/21/1998 Riddle, Lisa Sylvia 06296 4/10/1975 Rice, Teresa Sewell 16072 7/18/2001 Riddle-Chapman, Charity Ann 17003 9/16/2003 Rice, Vanessa Emily 1 1215 2/19/1991 Rider, James Dean 04917 3/31/1966 Rich, Radford Henr>' 05858 9/5/1972 Ridout, Clarence Benjamin 04083 2/28/1958 Rich, Renus Edgar 10727 2/21/1990 Riedl, Vicki Mclver 08148 7/26/1982 Richard, Brian Edwin 12514 7/19/1994 Riegelhaupi, Mark Alan 14572 7/21/1998 Richard, Leslie Don- 07056 11/3/1978 Riegert, Christopher Paul 15287 1/27/2000 Richard, Rebecca Lynn 05859 9/5/1972 Rigdon, Donald Lee 11433 7/24/1991 Richards, Eric Dean 16445 6/24/2002 Rigelsky, Frank Stephen 12213 7/26/1993 Richards, Rristin McReithan 16874 7/1/2003 Riggs, Lawrence Chad 15835 5/15/2001 Richards, Patrick George 03103 9/6/1945 Riggsbee, Edgar Lloyd 04442 9/19/1961 Richards, Thomas Lee 03628 3/3/1953 Riggsbee, Victor Lee 05720 10/1/1971 Richards, William Wairen 15047 7/21/1999 Rigoni, Gianna Catherine 11565 1/21/1992 Richardson, Amy Griggs 14400 6/26/1998 Rigsbee, Jo Anne Britt License Dale Number Registered 07114 4/27/1979 10236 Pharmacist Name Phannacist Name R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9 / 3 0 / 2 0 0 4 License Date Number Registered Rigsbee, Rellena Castelloe 13700 11/19/1996 9/23/1989 Rigsby, Richard William 17286 7/7/2004 Roark, Jeremiah 16073 7/18/2001 Riley, Ann Marie 17190 7/7/2004 Roarke, Dana Deese 14166 1 1/24/1997 Riley, Christopher Donald 14246 2/17/1998 Robbins, Brian Christopher 1 1649 5/20/1992 Riley, Hike Kristine 06807 9/16/1977 Robbins, Carolyn Miller 1 1023 7/25/1990 Riley, Greg Wayne 16212 1/16/2002 Robbins, Jason DaiTcll 1 1024 7/25/1990 Riley, Kathy Leigh 11434 7/24/1991 Robbins, Robert Alan 13176 7/25/1995 Riley, Kimberly Woolard 13328 2/21/1996 Robbins, S h e n y Dawn 11823 7/24/1992 Riley, S h e n y Lane 04596 3/5/1963 Roberson, Gaty Ray 15720 10/17/2000 Rimany, Joshua H 06382 9/9/1975 Roberson, Hemian Brinkley 15945 7/2/2001 Rinaggio, Michael 1 1 137 10/25/1990 Roberson, Nathan Eugene 16534 7/12/2002 Rine, Rebecca Lynn 09429 7/29/1986 Roberson, Terry Pecle 07993 3/16/1982 Rinehart, Perri Moed 07379 4/24/1980 Roberson, William Robert 04556 11/20/1962 Rinehan, Wayne Allen 13329 2/21/1996 Roberts, Amy Rodgers 17418 8/18/2004 Riordan, Heidi Rikard 07162 4/27/1979 Roberts, Deborah Lovelace 16097 8/17/2001 Ripley, Adam Gordon II925 1 1/17/1992 Roberts, Karen Ledford 05775 4/7/1972 Ripley, Richard Gill 10425 7/26/1989 Roberts, Kimberly AdauTs 06293 4/10/1975 Ripley, Vickie CorbeU 1 1194 2/19/1991 Roberts, Melynn Benfield 10412 7/18/1989 Ripoli, Kelly Ann 06383 9/9/1975 Roberts, Michael Douglas 10413 7/18/1989 Ripoli, Matthew Roland 10133 8/1/1988 Roberts, Patricia Parker 05646 3/29/1971 Rippy, Guy Lester 16467 6/27/2002 Roberts, Patrick Joseph 06929 4/14/1978 Risse, Jeffrey 08307 3/15/1983 Roberts, Peter John 05035 4/1/1967 Rittase, Elizabeth Paterson 11912 1 1/17/1992 Roberts, Sarah Haley 04928 4/19/1966 Rittase, Robert Alien 06494 4/5/1976 Roberts, Stephanie Biggs 16060 7/17/2001 Ritter, Britt Andrew 04122 7/7/1958 Roberts, Stephen Burgin 07841 7/24/1981 Rivenbark, Daniel Gray 11436 7/24/1991 Roberts, William Neal 07762 7/24/1981 Rivenbark, Donna Blackbum 17007 9/19/2003 Robertson, Anne Elizabeth 1 1276 8/9/1991 Rivenbark, Jane Gaddis 10540 7/26/1989 Robertson, James Douglas 13571 7/24/1996 Rivenbark, Martha Hutham 1 1437 7/24/1991 Robertson, James Garner 16735 3/28/2003 Rivers, James Clifford 12958 7/25/1995 Robertson, Jeiuiifer Lynn 12010 3/16/1993 Rivers, Kevin Joseph 13181 8/1/1995 Robertson, Sandy Lightfoot 17004 9/16/2003 Rivlin, Allen L 1 1610 2/21/1992 Robertson, Susan Williams 17285 7/7/2004 Rizzo, Shannon Ann 11438 7/24/1991 Robertson, Teresa Craig 16255 3/15/2002 Roach, Alysia Ludwig 1 1025 7/25/1990 Robertson, Walter Dulane 10885 7/25/1990 Roach, Catherine Sessoms 03539 3/6/1952 Robertson, William Neal License Date Number Registered 1044S 7/26/1989 10614 Pharmacist N a m e PhanTiacist N a m e Roach, Richard Alan R E G I S l E R E D P H A R M A C I S I S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Registered License Date Number Registered Phannacist Name 14647 9/15/199S Robiiiette, Biyan Reith 1 1043 7/25/1990 Rogers, Joyce Ping 05i3S 4/4/1968 Robinson, Clyde Wilson 09084 7/26/1985 Rogers, Kenneth Paul 06931 4/14/1978 Robinson, Deborah Walker 16396 6/19/2002 Rogers, Kristen Elizabeth 10135 8/1/1988 Robinson, Donald Bradlbrd 11289 7/24/1991 Rogers, Laurie Austin 03950 7/4/1956 Robinson, James Clack 08817 7/30/1984 Rogers, Lee Yount 16484 6/28/2002 Robinson, James Thomas 12250 7/26/1993 Rogers, Malcolm James 04987 10/6/1966 Robinson, Jean Fanner 06864 11/30/1977 Rogers, Michael Victor 09083 7/26/1985 Robinson, J e n y Dwyte 08564 1/17/1984 Rogers, Stephen McLesky 09439 7/29/1986 Robinson, Lori Shearin 07014 1 1/3/1978 Rogers, Susan Drake 13803 3/18/1997 Robinson, Merrilyn Irene 09615 3/17/1987 Rogers, Ulysees Johnson 16875 7/1/2003 Robinson, Tainika LaShawn 1 1028 7/25/1990 Rogers, William Timothy 05661 4/21/1971 Robison, Lawrence Santiter 06975 10/17/1978 Roll, Jacqueline Marie 14648 9/15/1998 Robitaillc, Carol Michele 07218 10/16/1979 Rolirbaclier, Andrea Louise 14649 9/15/1998 Robitaille, Michael A 11611 2/21/1992 Rojas, Maria Esther 14585 7/23/1998 Roche, Rimberlee Madden 1 1 138 10/25/1990 Roland, Carl Len 13573 7/24/1996 Rocliellc, Greg Miles 08315 5/10/1983 Rolandelli, Karen Bradner 09239 2/27/1986 Rochelle, Myra Chestnutt 16485 6/28/2002 Rollen, Dana Michelle 07733 7/21/1981 Pochette, Neil Edward 15642 7/24/2000 Rollings, Brian Matthew 0937! 7/29/1986 Rockett, Carol Burnette 10290 2/27/1989 Rollins, Jennifer Betts 16573 7/22/2002 Rodgers, Daniel Joseph 04005 3/1/1957 Rollins, Stuail Wingo 12526 7/26/1994 Rodgers, Jo Ellen 1281 1 1/18/1995 Roman, Jean Perez 08788 7/30/1984 Rodgers, Paula Thomas 15661 8/4/2000 Romanow, Michael Alan 11826 7/24/1992 Rodgers, Philip Thomas 10291 2/27/1989 Romer, John James 16493 7/1/2002 Rodriguez, Steven Edward 16131 9/18/2001 Roinesburg, Scott Edward 14697 1 1/24/1998 Rodriques, Edward 13804 3/18/1997 Roinig, Nicole Jean 15638 7/21/2000 Roederer, Mary Williams 04336 7/6/1960 Romine, Carol Wilson 07274 1 1/1/1979 Rogers, Alfied Ray 04715 3/4/1964 Roinine, Jack Richard 09658 7/22/1987 Rogers, Andrea Calloway 11029 7/25/1990 Ronn, Sheiri Redding 10! 18 8/1/1988 Rogers, April Moiris 17287 7/7/2004 Roper, Jaime Price 11027 7/25/1990 Rogers, David Allen 13845 5/14/1997 Rorick, Jaines Alan 14528 7/16/1998 Rogers, Erin Kathleen 13402 7/16/1996 Rosado, Luis Fernando 05556 9/22/1970 Rogers, Francina Maria 05557 9/22/1970 Rose, Charles Wagoner 09132 9/17/1985 Rogers, Howard Wilbon 13418 7/24/1996 Rose, Cynthia Allen 03667 6/29/1953 Rogers, Huben Newton 14937 6/30/1999 Rose, Julie Rena 11132 10/25/1990 Rogers, Jodi Mahan 16024 7/17/2001 Rose, Megan Oakley Phannacist Name R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9 / 3 0 / 2 0 0 4 License Date License Date Number Reeistered Phannacist Name Number Reeistered Phannacist Name 0S446 8/3/1983 Rose, Penney Liles 14168 11/24/1997 Roy, Jennifer Lynn 08924 2/26/1985 Rose, William Cairoll 05036 4/1/1967 Roycroft, William Douglas 03310 6/30/1949 Rose, Willie Cairoll 16876 7/1/2003 Roye, Eranklin D 13734 1/22/1997 Rosen, Henry Donald 17034 11/18/2003 Royer, Christie M. I2S36 2/22/1995 Rosenbauin, Elizabeth Crenshaw 05721 10/1/1971 Royster, Donald Ervin 14308 5/12/1998 Roscnbluth, Brady Wairen 14594 7/29/1998 Rozek, Patricia Ann 14607 8/12/1998 Rosenzweig, Aaron Jeffrey 03855 7/5/1955 Rubin, Seymour Phillip 17015 10/8/2003 Rosier, Rebecca Lynn 15067 7/20/1999 Rubino, Andrea M C 14269 3/17/1998 Rosinski, Mathew Martin 13735 1/22/1997 Rubino, Christopher Mark 13135 7/25/1995 Roskopf, Julie Ann 07573 11/18/1980 Rubish, Andrew James 07380 4/24/1980 Rosinan, Allen Walter 11440 7/24/1991 Rublcin, John Claude 04716 3/4/1964 Ross, Bobby Thermal 12679 7/26/1994 Ruby, Beth Alyson 1 1278 7/23/1991 Ross, Johnanne 06384 9/9/1975 Rudd, Christine Copeland 16763 5/21/2003 Ross, Michael Albert 06148 4/9/1974 Rudd, George David 15870 6/27/2001 Ross, Susan English 13012 7/25/1995 Rudisill, Carolyn Ellis 07735 7/21/1981 Ross, Winston Raymond 17288 7/7/2004 Rudisill, Celeste Nicole 14167 11/24/1997 Rosser, Heinrich Maynard 16659 1 1/20/2002 Rue, Marilyn Ann 05558 9/22/1970 Rostan, John Robert 08925 2/26/1985 Ruehle, David Karl 10542 7/26/1989 Roten, John Wilson 08377 8/3/1983 Ruehie, Dorothy Baldwin 07163 4/27/1979 Roth, Ann Hamel 09850 9/15/1987 14214 1/22/1998 Roth, Mary T 17289 7/7/2004 Ruggles, Rebekah Diane 06216 9/17/1974 Roughton, Billy Gerald 06495 4/5/1976 Rullman, Elizabeth Wylie 09650 7/5/1987 Roughton, C h e n y Noiris 12920 5/19/1995 Rumley, Helen Hernandez 12251 7/26/1993 Round, Rui1 Alan 16877 7/1/2003 Rumple, Melissa Mullens 1 1439 7/24/1991 Rourk, James Grant 06705 4/15/1977 Rumsey, Diane Sinhel 13574 7/24/1996 Rouse, Andrew Parker 14782 3/16/1999 Rup, Jeffrey Andrew M 188 1/15/1991 Rouse, Anna Mashbum 16061 7/17/2001 Rupright, Kenneth Lee 14938 6/30/1999 Rouse, Heidi Maria 10275 2/27/1989 Rushin, Jona Lisa 07381 4/24/1980 Rouse, Patti Rim 04849 7/2/1965 Rusk, Orphas Dale 15340 3/21/2000 Roustai, Ali 08281 2/22/1983 Puss, Philip Neil 17086 2/19/2004 Roustai, Hamid 08426 8/3/1983 Russ, Yun Hong 15341 3/21/2000 Roustai, Reza 1 5036 7/15/1999 Russell, Christy 13900 6/27/1997 Rovnak, Christopher E 13131 7/25/1995 Russell, Deana Ragland 05284 4/10/1969 Rowe, Joseph Milton 03583 7/2/1952 Russell, Gilbert Clark 1 1977 2/24/1993 Rowland, Stephen Kennedy 13357 3/19/1996 Russell, Richard Eugene Ruff, Teresa Peggy REGISTERED License Date Number Reeistered 06295 4/10/1975 08467 8/3/1983 15035 P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9 / 3 0 / 2 0 0 4 License Date Nuinber Registered Russell, Stephen Gaddy 12252 7/26/1993 Salyards, Edward Blake Rutig, Jeffrey Lee 13575 7/24/1996 Salyer, Lisa Ballard 7/15/1999 Rutledge, Amy Louise 10139 8/1/1988 Salzer, Leopold Kenneth 16540 7/16/2002 Ruygrok, Andrea 12552 7/26/1994 Sama, Brenda Cao 17290 7/7/2004 Rwakazina, Irene Umugwaneza 07995 3/16/1982 Samlbrd, Edward Preston 12745 9/20/1994 Ryan, Chciyl Ann 12892 3/21/1995 Sammons, Darrell Hunt 06831 9/16/1977 Ryan, Richard John 08926 2/26/1985 Samples, Steven Darwin 14309 5/12/1998 Ryba, Julie E 14100 9/16/1997 Sampson, Charlene Frances 07737 7/21/1981 Rye, John Henry 07970 3/1/1982 15002 7/6/1999 Saad, Kenneth Oscar 0351 1 10/29/1951 Sampson, Robert Russell 15306 2/14/2000 Sabclla, Michelle J 15570 7/13/2000 Sams, Heather Amber 13136 7/25/1995 Sabir, Adnan S 16913 7/2/2003 Sams, Melinda Dawn 07969 3/1/1982 Sadek, Nagwa Mahmoud 15673 8/25/2000 Samuel, Stacy Valencia 08282 2/22/1983 Sadler, Linda Calos 16701 1/28/2003 Samuzala, Malebogo Nanzala 14310 5/12/1998 Sadler, Suzanne Marie 14127 9/16/1997 Sandberg, Melanie Jane 06649 3/18/1977 Sagonias, Peter Nick 06747 8/2/1977 Sander, David Christian 14939 6/30/1999 Sain, Christopher Michael 14539 7/21/1998 Sanders, Deborah Lynn 05860 9/5/1972 Sain, Gaiy Lee 07060 11/3/1978 Sanders, Mark Fletcher 06613 9/15/1976 Sain, Karen Smith 11612 2/21/1992 Sanders, Pandora 13478 7/24/1996 Sain, Melanie Gardner 17035 11/18/2003 Sanders, Ray Scott 14270 3/17/1998 Saine, Michaelle Livingston 07275 11/1/1979 Sanderson, Leslie 16640 11/1/2002 Sainsbuiy, James Trevor 16516 7/8/2002 Sandifer, Tracy Nichole 14401 6/26/1998 Saint-Amand, Sylvia Andracchio 07089 1/16/1979 Sandritter, Ronald Norman 15647 7/25/2000 Sajnacki, William M 05352 10/2/1969 Sands, Charles Dorrance 08047 7/20/1982 Salazar, Manuel 11978 2/24/1993 Sands, Kevin Wayne 07883 9/15/1981 Saleeba, Elizabeth Haff 09240 2/27/1986 Sano, Harold Stanley 07279 11/1/1979 Saleeby, Ellen Shipp 13053 7/25/1995 Santaniello, Amy Caroline 05776 4/7/1972 Salem, Joseph Raymond 12516 7/19/1994 Santore, Gail Nance 06608 9/15/1976 Salem, Ronald Paul 13576 7/24/1996 Santos-Aldeguer, Aida Banez 06779 9/16/1977 Salisbuiy, Roxanne Foster 11030 7/25/1990 Sapp, Martha Rosser 15500 6/30/2000 Salman, Dina Henri 13770 2/25/1997 Sappentleld, Alexis Anne 03812 2/28/1955 Salter, Roy Lester 10859 7/25/1990 Sargeant, Laurel Anderson 16625 9/24/2002 Saltman, Denise Wertz 15276 1/18/2000 Sarris, John Michael 14215 1/22/1998 Salton, Sarah Scarborough 15703 9/19/2000 Sailen, Lori Rae 14061 7/15/1997 Salvemini, Carmen Anthony 08638 3/20/1984 Sassano, Donna Baer Phannacist Name Pharmacist Name Sampson, Karen Gail R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9 / 3 0 / 2 0 0 4 License Date Number Reeistered Sasse, Relly Jean 16272 3/19/2002 Scarborough, Jon Taylor 4/9/1974 Sasser, Clayton Wayne 13403 7/16/1996 Scaipa, Kjersten Ruth 04401 3/6/1961 Sasser, John Marshall 17036 11/18/2003 Scarpace, Sarah Lynn 15529 7/6/2000 Sasser, Rebecca Sexton 13579 7/24/1996 Scates, Ann Carole 14805 4/9/1999 Sassman, Don W 17012 10/6/2003 Scavelli, Deborah Jean 12120 7/26/1993 Satko, Rebekah Collins 14311 5/12/1998 Scavo, Vincent Louis 05285 4/10/1969 Saltervvhite, Ronald Wayne 16947 7/14/2003 Schaaf, Jacquelyn Marie 13577 7/24/1996 Sauls, Ajny Denise 1 1031 7/25/1990 Scheble, Rristen Marie 13771 2/25/1997 Sauls, Benjamin Lewis 07852 7/24/1981 Schcetz, Pamela Voyles 11979 2/24/1993 Sauls, John Mitchell 10716 2/21/1990 Schellenberger, Patricia Kelley 15912 6/27/2001 Saunders, Christy Pierce i 7459 9/21/2004 Schelper, Randy Lee 04431 7/3/1961 Saunders, John Wesley 06240 2/20/1975 Schendel, Thomas LeRoy 08152 7/26/1982 Saunders, Joseph Allan 09187 1/21/1986 ScheiTer, Nancy Hart 09395 7/29/1986 Saunders, Lorinda Fellema 13471 7/24/1996 Schitano, Lorrie Ann 09044 7/26/1985 Saunders, Sibyl Hewett 1 1444 7/24/1991 Schilke, Michael John 08365 7/19/1983 Sauter, James Wesley 17376 7/20/2004 Schinderle, Shelby Anne 16802 7/1/2003 Savage, Amanda Clemmons 09307 5/I2/I986 Schlesing, Edward Joseph 17292 7/7/2004 Savage, Jared Clinton 07635 4/21/1981 Schley, Wesley Scott 16486 6/28/2002 Savage, Scott Wayne 09467 7/29/1986 Schmidt, Heidi Zucker 13280 2/14/1996 Saver, Richard L 13210 9/19/1995 Schmidt, Jeffrey William 08308 3/15/1983 Savina, Paul Mark 15173 9/21/1999 Schmidt, Roberta Logan 16558 7/17/2002 Sawin, Holly Marie 15467 6/28/2000 Schinitt, Debra Ann 17159 6/28/2004 Sawyer, Amber Noelle 15240 11/16/1999 Schneck, Francis Walter 06340 9/9/1975 Sawyer, Becky Burgess 10376 5/16/1989 Schneider, Billie Thompson 09742 7/22/1987 Sawyer, Cynthia Faye 16618 9/24/2002 Schneider, Eric Franklin 14236 2/17/1998 Sawyer, Robbie Dietz 13245 1 1/21/1995 Schneider, Mark Alan 07310 1 1/30/1979 Saxe, Steven Michael 12689 7/26/1994 Schnell, Tamara Stanley 16271 3/19/2002 Saxton, Carla Sue 1 1032 7/25/1990 Schnick, Beverly Sharon 12539 7/26/1994 Sayaseng, Kimberly Bonda 15401 5/16/2000 Schoeff, Donald Joseph 08468 8/3/1983 Saylor, Brian John 09263 3/18/1986 Schollard, Robert Joseph 15342 3/21/2000 Saylors, Williain Eugene 12253 7/26/1993 Schombcrg, David William i 1! 64 1 1/20/1990 Saymch, Jihad Al-Koor 1 1 766 7/24/1992 Schomberg, Regina Hawkins 13626 7/24/1996 Scaff, Dabney Woodard 15096 7/20/1999 Schrcck, Lisa Ray 08082 7/26/1982 Scarborough, Carroll Crew 15583 7/14/2000 Schrock, Cainyn Herje 14402 6/26/1998 Scarborough, Christopher lilake 15343 3/21/2000 Schrocdcr, Amy Lynn License Date Number Reeistered 12453 2/24/1994 06149 Phannacist Name Phannacist Name R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S A S O E 9/30/2004 License Date Nuinber Reeistered License Date Number Reeistered 16551 7/16/2002 Schuller, Charity-Anne Metz 07489 7/25/1980 Sebastian, Georganne 054U1 3/27/1970 Schultz, David Paul 03312 6/30/1949 Secrest, Vann Vanderlyn 07569 1 1/18/1980 Schuin, Barbara 16397 6/19/2002 See, Yalin Anne 066 10 9/15/1976 Schuyler, Christopiier LaGrande 15946 7/2/2001 Seegars, Rebecca Tayloe 14271 3/17/1998 Schwartz, Carolyn M 03860 8/1/1955 Segars, James Herbert 13246 11/21/1995 Schwartz, Frederick Chaiin 07083 1 1/21/1978 Segars, James Vemon 06327 7/18/1975 Schwartz, John Arthur 12281 7/26/1993 Sego, Lori Tillman 13139 7/25/1995 Schwartz, Michael David 10334 3/21/1989 Seidcl, Ann Marie 15059 7/20/1999 Schwartz, Robin Bower 16764 5/21/2003 Seidel, Eric William 09133 9/17/1985 Scott, Andrew Blanton 16765 5/21/2003 Seidcl, Relly Brophy 16S7S 7/1/2003 Scott, Angela Marie 12255 7/26/1993 Sekut, Alicja Maria 07469 7/25/1980 Scott, Deborah Lowder 08021 5/18/1982 Self, Richard Lovan 17377 7/20/2004 Scott, George Rayner 04980 10/6/1966 Sellers, Alva Broughton 16423 6/21/2002 Scott, Lonnie Biyan I7I4I 5/18/2004 Sellers, Genua Elizabeth 12088 7/26/1993 Scott, Mollie Ashe 15021 7/12/1999 Sells, Crystal Leigh 09644 5/11/1987 Scott, Paul Randolph 14749 1/27/1999 Sen, Soum 15152 9/21/1999 Scott, Rachell Gaddy 15705 9/19/2000 Senkow, Patricia Ann 08124 7/26/1982 Scott, Susan Lingenfelser 1 1536 10/28/1991 Sensabaugh, Raren Lynn 07963 3/1/1982 Scott, Susan Meier 16660 11/20/2002 Sense, Laurie Ann 14313 5/12/1998 Scozzari, Karen E 05286 4/10/1969 Sentclle, Maiy Flora 15913 6/27/2001 Scrabis, Shelby Marie 14699 11/24/1998 Senvisky, Tammy Collett 16964 7/23/2003 Scriven, Karen Lynn 05040 4/1/1967 Sergomassov, Elizabeth Taylor 08726 7/30/1984 Scruggs, Lynn Etters 10377 5/16/1989 Seipi, Alfred Dominic 06534 8/26/1976 Seaberg, Lester Eric 15641 7/24/2000 Sescilla, Elizabeth Corinne 03952 7/4/1956 Seabock, Robert Lee 14456 7/2/1998 Sessions, Amy Hobbs 12215 7/26/1993 Seagle, Anna McRaiy 07277 1 1/1/1979 Sessions, James Richard 10691 2/21/1990 Seagle, Melodic Bowen 13076 7/25/1995 Sessions, Jolynn Rnoche 11033 7/25/1990 Seagroves, Lynn Denise 14750 1/27/1999 Sessoms, Johnny Roy 12254 7/26/1993 Sealey, Karen Richardson 10273 2/27/1989 Settlemyer, Joan Lois Linger 14514 7/13/1998 Seals, Eric Ryan 05439 4/2/1970 Setzer, Bobby Ray 17293 7/7/2004 Scamon, Sara Brooke 03813 2/28/1955 Setzer, Evan Sylvanus 06832 9/16/1977 Seats, John Phillip 08469 8/3/1983 Setzer, John Roy 13580 7/24/1996 Seavers, Daniel Bernard 08480 8/3/1983 Setzer, Lori Tutterow 10615 9/23/1989 Seay, Hillis Ledbetter 10734 2/21/1990 Seufert, Roy Joseph 11445 7/24/1991 Seay, Lora Poteet 13453 7/24/1996 Seufert, Shannon Cook Phannacist Name Pharmacist N a m e R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Reeistered License Date Number Reeistered Phannacist Name 14247 2/17/1998 Seufert, Shaun Granath 13582 7/24/1996 Shaipe, Rim Renee 17436 9/22/2004 Sever, Riniberly 09009 7/26/1985 Shaipe, Laura Carpenter 06409 1 1/20/1975 Sewell, Garland Washington 06833 9/16/1977 Sharpe, Linda Rae 13142 7/25/1995 Sexton, Relly Morgan 14895 6/30/1999 Sharpe, Michelle Leigh 0S2S4 2/22/1983 Sexton, Scotty Lee 1 1478 7/24/1991 Shaqie, Serena Westmoreland 08452 8/3/1983 Seymour, Relly M c R e e 08927 2/26/1985 Shatterly, Jeffrey Dale 17294 7/7/2004 Seymour, Mary Beth Aldridge 16879 7/1/2003 Shattuck, Christopher Kenyon 07063 1 1/3/1978 Seymour, Patsy Kay 12257 7/26/1993 Shaw, David Allen 13097 7/25/1995 Sgouros, Georgia Mihelakis 09593 3/2/1987 Shaw, David Leroy 11279 7/23/1991 Sgritta, Margaret Ann 17021 11/5/2003 Shaw, Jacob Johnston 15706 9/19/2000 Shafer, Randall Brian 09908 1/19/1988 Shaw, James Martin 16307 5/14/2002 Shafer, Wayne James 12542 7/26/1994 Shaw, Marcia Ruth Bradshaw 12860 2/22/1995 Shaffer, Christopher Lee 17295 7/7/2004 Shaw, Mathew Robert 09504 9/16/1986 Shaffer, Joseph Crockett 12258 7/26/1993 Shaw, Sonia Vivian 08790 7/30/1984 Shaffer, Mary Suzanne 14431 6/29/1998 Shayeghi, Amin Neel 15344 3/21/2000 Shah, Dilip N 04432 7/3/1961 Shearin, Robert Hunter 16732 3/18/2003 Shah, Ekata 07064 11/3/1978 Sheehan, TeiTi Jernigan 15740 1 1/21/2000 Shah, Jaresh Subhashchandr 09208 2/27/1986 Sheffey, Kathy Blakley 17460 9/21/2004 Shah, Mira Tushar 06932 4/14/1978 Sheffield, David Graham 16591 8/12/2002 Shah, Mona Ramesh 06385 9/9/1975 Shehan, Nina Elizabeth 16560 7/16/2002 Shah, Pinal 09745 7/22/1987 Shehan, Sheila Elaine 09744 7/22/1987 Shah, Rajesh Sureshchandra 05562 9/22/1970 Shelbume, Linda Spivey 14729 1/20/1999 Shah, Ravin Rasiklal 06479 4/5/1976 Shelby, Texie Penry 15499 6/30/2000 Shah, Zankhana Nimesh 09909 1/19/1988 Shell, Randall Dee 13901 6/27/1997 Shaheen, Eiad AbdeLMajeed 14470 7/2/1998 Shelton Smith, Lora Beth 13983 7/1/1997 Shaker, Heba Sami 09594 3/2/1987 Shelton, Billy Ray 14504 7/9/1998 Shalvis, Shannon Lee 10507 7/26/1989 Shelton, Cynthia Diane 13273 1/17/1996 Shamioo, Shahrzad 07610 2/27/1981 Shelton, Donna Owens 15469 6/28/2000 Shaneyfelt, Diane Elizabeth 13984 7/1/1997 14576 7/21/1998 Shannon, Stacy Parrish 05956 4/12/1973 Shclton, Lany Jackson 10546 7/26/1989 Share, Michael James 1 1448 7/24/1991 Shclton, Pamela Sue 10700 2/21/1990 Share, Rose Marie 16181 1 1/20/2001 Shelton, Robert Gene 13338 2/21/1996 Sharif, Zahra 09660 7/22/1987 Shelton, Shelly Carrington 14216 1/22/1998 Shar|), Martha Jo 13404 7/16/1996 Shenberger, Lori Smcal 1 1446 7/24/1991 Sharpe, Brenton Lynn 03540 3/6/1952 Shepherd, Dale Melvin Phannacist N a m e Shelton, Elaine S REGISTERED P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9 / 3 0 / 2 0 0 4 License Date Number Registered Shepherd, John Greene 06303 4/10/1975 Sholes, Diane Swingle 10/7/1967 Shepherd, Rita Bowman 06868 1/17/1978 S l i d e s , Dillard McCary 13144 7/25/1995 Sheppard, Relly Michelle 05957 4/12/1973 Shook, Ronald Earl 14577 7/21/1998 Sheppard, Mark Steven 10697 2/21/1990 Shore, Michele Camevale 06297 4/10/1975 Sherard, Gene Stevenson 17005 9/16/2003 Shon, Cynthia Nicole 14663 I 1/1/1998 Sheridan, Kathleen Tewey 12086 7/26/1993 Shoi1, Kelly Bridgers 15817 4/10/2001 Sheriff, Richard Alfred 13806 3/18/1997 Short, Patricia Anne 16559 7/17/2002 Shennan, Aalya F 13138 7/25/1995 Shoup, Jennifer Scanlon 09505 9/16/1986 Shemian, John Brooks 17077 2/4/2004 Shouse, Miyuki Nakayama 07842 7/24/1981 Shennan, Margaret Llaine 03907 3/3/1956 Shouse, William Darle 13666 9/17/1996 SheiTnan, Scott Alan 06924 4/I4/I978 Shover, Vicky Poythress 12747 9/20/1994 Sheroff, Jon Bruce 17142 5/18/2004 Shrewsbuiy, Robert Parks 03953 7/4/1956 Shenall, Fred Lee 09409 7/29/1986 Shriver, Elizabeth Holden 12259 7/26/1993 Sherrill, Julie Troutman 1 1255 5/2I/199I Shriver, Maureen 07234 1 1/1/1979 Sherrill, Karen Bnglebeit 14751 1/27/1999 Sin-off, Anjali Chirag 10784 3/20/1990 Sherwin, Thoinas Wayne 1 1928 1 1/17/1992 Shropshire, Elizabeth W 17123 4/27/2004 Sheth, Nutan Nitin 17461 9/21/2004 Shu, Susanna H. 10487 7/26/1989 Shetzline, Catherine James 16446 6/24/2002 Shuart, Carolyn Marie 13586 7/24/1996 Shick, Elizabeth Anne 13330 2/21/1996 Shuford, Kristina Kay 03030 7/30/1943 Shields, Clarence Louis 10103 8/1/1988 Shuford, Marie Lewis 1 1927 1 1/17/1992 Shields, Thomas Howard 12531 7/26/1994 Shuler, Julie Biggers 13805 3/18/1997 Shifrin, Faith Abrams 07972 3/I/I982 Shull, Gregoiy Merlin 03364 7/6/1950 Shigley, Virginia Callahan 151 19 8/3/1999 Shultz, Deron E 16880 7/1/2003 Shin, Lori Britt 13059 7/25/1995 Shumaker, Jacqueline Hurlbut 13772 2/25/1997 Shingari, Rashmi 16273 3/19/2002 Shuman, Michael Wade 06060 9/18/1973 Shinn, Cynthia Easter 1 1576 1/21/1992 Shumway, William Lamed 06530 8/19/1976 Shipley, Andrea Yuhas 06704 4/15/1977 Sides, John Wesley 06386 9/9/1975 Shipp, Kenneth Wade 09087 7/26/1985 Sides, Owren Dale 10849 7/17/1990 Shipper, David George 12681 7/26/1994 Sidhu, Aranjeet 14441 7/2/1998 Shippy, Pamela Bazetnore 09180 11/19/1985 Siegel, B a n y Irving 06946 5/12/1978 Shive, Danny Allen 09669 7/22/1987 Sick, Sheryl Denny 10146 8/1/1988 Shoaf, Kimberly Sawyer 10027 7/19/1988 Sigmon, Jairell Raymond 04331 7/6/1960 Shoemaker, William Preston 07491 7/25/1980 Sigmon, Joseph Kent 06497 4/5/1976 Shoffner, Thomas Philip 16522 7/9/2002 Sigmon, Michael Keith 05560 9/22/1970 Shokes, Ronald James 03955 7/4/1956 Sigmon, Russell Grady License Date Number Registered L3584 7/24/1996 05070 Phamiacist Name Phamiacist Name R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date License Date Number Registered Number Reeistered 14315 5/12/I99S Sihaiath, Sasitorn Sukkaseni 07892 11/I7/1981 Singletary, Joseph Lee 17297 7/7/2004 Siharath, Viengkeo Honisombath 13589 7/24/1996 Singleton, Polly Hardison 11449 7/24/1991 Silipigiii-Eudy, Bonnie 06611 9/15/1976 Sink, John William 0S154 7/26/1982 Silta, William Heni-y 06298 4/10/1975 Sinnett, Thomas Gail 12748 9/20/1994 Silva, James Joseph 08422 8/3/1983 Sisk, Amy Henderson 13331 2/21/1996 Silver, Alan Glenn 08151 7/26/1982 Sisk, Toni Rowe 14785 3/16/1999 Simmler, Christopher 09400 7/29/1986 Siske, Robin Greer 16468 6/27/2002 Simmonds, Amy Meeks 06535 8/26/1976 Sisko, Maiy Catherine 15049 7/21/1999 Simmons, Aminah Emani 14217 1/22/1998 Sistik, Philip Michael 05353 10/2/1969 Simmons, Calvin Albeit 09492 9/16/1986 Sites, Barbara Levy 08369 7/19/1983 Simmons, Elizabeth Jo 06387 9/9/1975 Sites, Noah Michael 16084 7/25/2001 Simmons, Jonelle Christine 04920 3/31/1966 Sitison, James Andrew 13605 7/24/1996 Simmons, Molly Rebecca 13192 9/19/1995 Sitler, Laurie Cox 07000 1 1/3/1978 Simmons, Myra Beth 08155 7/26/1982 Sitterson, Susanne Byrd 17298 7/7/2004 Simmons, Natasha Dale 12261 7/26/1993 Siwan, Christine Woodbuiy 14935 6/30/1999 Simmons, Tiffany Phillips 07285 1 1/1/1979 Sizemore, Deborah Tiddy 16469 6/27/2002 Simmons, Tracey Lynn 1 1930 11/17/1992 Sizemore, Sarah L 13160 7/25/1995 Simms, Deborah Marie 08930 2/26/1985 Skafldas, Joanne Maria 17427 9/7/2004 Simms, John Cardwell 09273 2/27/1986 Skakle, Debbie Coltrain 09102 7/26/1985 Simoni-Wastila, Linda 10656 1 1/21/1989 Skantar, Susan Joyce 05585 10/20/1970 Simpson, Arthur Vernon 15470 6/28/2000 Skaria, Femila 14974 7/2/1999 Simpson, Christy Walker 06782 9/16/1977 Skeen, Nancy Gardner 13590 7/24/1996 Simpson, Jennifer Slutsky 1 1467 7/24/1991 Skertich, Janie Underwood 11613 2/21/1992 Simpson, Renee Phillips 11450 7/24/1991 Skenich, Michael James 0879! 7/30/1984 Simpson, Richard Dwayne 16575 7/26/2002 Skiba, Robert Louis 06835 9/16/1977 Simpson, Roger Love 11427 7/24/1991 Skinner, Elizabeth Price 1 1624 3/17/1992 Simpson, Wendy Bristol 06062 9/18/1973 Skinner, Roy Lec 09749 7/22/1987 Sims, Karen Patricia 11280 7/23/1991 Skipper, Jack Timothy 06061 9/18/1973 Sims, Randall Joe 13667 9/17/1996 Skipper, John David 1 1035 7/25/1990 Sims, S h e n y Denise Hendrix 10292 2/27/1989 Skirvin, Elizabeth S 15 i 76 9/21/1999 Sinapi, Jerilyn A 13146 7/25/1995 Slabaugh, Christina Marie 08200 9/21/1982 Sindelar, Lawrence Ramon 06381 9/9/1975 Slade, Ann Rector 15847 5/25/2001 Singh, Sandeep 06150 4/9/1974 Slade, Billie Griffin 14532 7/16/1998 Singia, Naina Sethi 10549 7/26/1989 Slater, Amy Jo 07233 1 1/1/1979 Singletaiy, Blenda Elledge 08598 2/22/1984 Slaughter, Myra Guthrie Phamiacist N a m e Phamiacist Name REGISTERED P H A R M A C I S T S A S O F 9/30/2004 License Date License Date Number Registered Phannacist Name Number Registered 16062 7/17/2001 Slavin, Gary Leason 13147 7/25/1995 Smith, Angela Renee 16300 5/14/2002 Slavin, Linda Marie 12712 7/26/1994 Smith, Angela Wilson 16308 5/14/2002 Slavin, William Robert 15506 7/5/2000 Smith, Angie Osborne 15177 9/21/1999 Slavinski, Kathleen Elisa 14150 1 1/24/1997 Smith, April Ayers 12683 7/26/1994 Sleater, Laura Kiser 12071 7/20/1993 Smith, Bernard Lee 13736 1/22/1997 Sleath, Betsy Lynn 12072 7/20/1993 Smith, Beverly Ann 09854 9/15/1987 Sleder, Eduard Heni-y 05960 4/12/1973 Smith, Beverly Leonhardt 15405 5/16/2000 Sledge, Roland Reith 13846 5/14/1997 Smith, Bradley Robert 06084 9/18/1973 Sleight, Brenda Zurek 17355 7/16/2004 Smith, Brian Scott 08891 1/15/1985 Sligar, John Gregory 16922 7/3/2003 Smith, Brooks Wester 15406 5/16/2000 Slivochka, Raymond Michael 11810 7/24/1992 Smith, Caroline M 07554 10/21/1980 Sloan, Deborah Wellons 17422 8/24/2004 Smith, Caroline Quarrier 1 1614 2/21/1992 Sloan, Kelvin Andre 12262 7/26/1993 Smith, Charles Kevin 16881 7/1/2003 Slomba, Christopher James 13148 7/25/1995 Smith, Christopher Casey 11335 7/24/1991 Slominski, Natalie Tempo 15050 7/21/1999 Smith, Claire 13750 2/25/1997 Sloop, Michelle Fink 06500 4/5/1976 Smith, Clayton Jay 13247 1 1/21/1995 Slusser, David Harvey 08607 2/22/1984 Smith, Cynthia Glendora 13668 9/17/1996 Smaldino, Gerard Paul 05932 4/12/1973 Smith, Darlene Biyan 16921 7/3/2003 Small, Anurinh Phimmasorn 09445 7/29/1986 Smith, David Hamilton 17299 7/7/2004 Small, Kristie Dawn 12953 7/18/1995 Smitli, David Reid 06836 9/16/1977 Small, Pamela Jo 10143 8/1/1988 Smith, David Wendel 04981 10/6/1966 Small, Ronald Hugh 12954 7/18/1995 Smith, Deborah Ann 05913 4/12/1973 Smart, Linda Smith 06856 10/21/1977 Smith, Debra Diane 04717 3/4/1964 Smart, Thomas Elijah 14128 9/16/1997 Smith, Edward Allan 13542 7/24/1996 Smetak, Angela Marie 12264 7/26/1993 Smith, Eric Tyler 13360 3/19/1996 Smigla, Raymond Joseph 12051 5/18/1993 Smith, Franklin Lee 14404 6/26/1998 Smith, Aimee Rastan 07644 6/16/1981 Smith, Galen Hartinan 05959 4/12/1973 Smith, Albert 12265 7/26/1993 Smith, Gary Lester 04598 3/5/1963 Smith, Albert Hunter 09135 9/17/1985 Smith, Gregory Lynn 13332 2/21/1996 Smith, Alfred Rovander 14487 7/7/1998 Smith, Gregory Paul 15808 3/20/2001 Smith, Alissa McDowell 06501 4/5/1976 Smith, Harold Grey 15507 7/6/2000 Smith, Allison Beacham 05648 3/29/1971 Smith, Harold Wayne 13917 7/1/1997 Smith, Amy Allen 15471 6/28/2000 Smith, Harold William 15346 3/21/2000 Smith, Andrew H 06151 4/9/1974 Smith, Henry Lewis 14471 7/2/1998 Smith, Angela Black 05724 10/1/1971 Smith, Henry Zack Phannacist Name R E G I S T E R E D P F I A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Registered Smith, llershal 10144 8/1/1988 Smith, Michael Scott 7/26/1993 Smith, Holly Blackbum 16399 6/19/2002 Smith, Michael Scott 14579 7/21/1998 Smith, James Dowd 14407 6/26/1998 Smith, Michael Wayne 08793 7/30/1984 Smith, James Haywood 13593 7/24/1996 Smith, Monica Lynn 12682 7/26/1994 Smith, James Todd 09063 7/26/1985 Smith, Nancy Moore 06377 9/9/1975 Smith, Jean Newton 16517 7/8/2002 Smith, Nicole Yvette 06612 9/15/1976 Smith, Jeffi-ey James 03449 4/18/1951 Smith, Nomian Allen 16398 6/19/2002 Smith, Jennifer Dixon 16619 9/24/2002 Smith, Pamela S. 15746 12/8/2000 Smith, Jill Lynne 06837 9/16/1977 Smith, Paul David 15914 6/27/2001 Smith, Jody Lynn 07382 4/24/1980 Smith, Phyllis Malewich 14942 6/30/1999 Smith, Joey Leora 07843 7/24/1981 Smith, Phyllis Marie 14580 7/21/1998 Smith, John Heniy 13774 2/25/1997 Smith, Rachel Lynn 04235 7/2/1959 Smith, John Hubert 1 1009 7/25/1990 Smith, Rene' Nixon 04921 3/31/1966 Smith, Joseph Gordon 03856 7/5/1955 Smith, Richard Heniy Lee 14405 6/26/1998 Smith, Joseph Kirby 08665 5/22/1984 Smith, Robert Arnold 10232 11/15/1988 Smith, Karen Elizabeth 03669 6/29/1953 Smith, Robert Garland 17037 11/18/2003 Smith, Kay 13594 7/24/1996 Smith, Robert Revin 16582 7/29/2002 Smith, Kenesha D 05961 4/12/1973 Smith, Roger Parker 14406 6/26/1998 Smith, Kimberly Dawne 14472 7/2/1998 Smith, Ronald Emmett 14985 7/2/1999 Smith, Kimberly Renee 06838 9/16/1977 Smith, Ronald Francis 08242 1/18/1983 Smith, Rirby Hatten 04851 7/2/1965 Smith, Roy Boyd 05561 9/22/1970 Smith, Larr\' Alan 05862 9/5/1972 Smith, Russell Eugene 07065 11/3/1978 Smith, L a n y Dale 08609 2/22/1984 Smith, Russell Revin 08243 1/18/1983 Smith, Lawrence D 15027 7/13/1999 Smith, Ryan Andrew 07280 1 1/1/1979 Smith, Leon Jackson 04756 7/2/1964 Smith, Sandra Wood 05649 3/29/1971 Smith, Lester Mark 14581 7/21/1998 Smith, Scott Robert 1 1037 7/25/1990 Smith, Lisa Bass 1 1435 7/24/1991 Smith, Sesia Roberts 15347 3/21/2000 Smith, Lisa Sue 04531 7/10/1962 Smith, Seth McDonald 171 1 1 3/19/2004 Smith, Margaret Jane 15571 7/13/2000 Smith, Shaneice Lane 09447 7/29/1986 Smith, Mark Arnold 16882 7/1/2003 Smith, Stacey Allison 1321 1 9/19/1995 Smith, Mark Edward 16620 9/24/2002 Smith, Stephanie Johnson 10052 8/1/1988 Smith, Martha Caye 12567 7/26/1994 Smith, Susan Coughlin 17300 7/7/2004 Smith, Melissa Melvin 13047 7/25/1995 Smith, Susan Hester 13587 7/24/1996 Smith, Melissa Short 13361 3/19/1996 Smith, Susan Marie 08848 9/18/1984 Smith, Mendel Wallace 15989 7/9/2001 Smith, Tara Owens License Date Number Reeistered 17358 7/20/2004 12096 Pharmacist Name Pharmacist Name REGISTERED P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date License Date Number Registered Pharmacist Name Number Registered 04434 7/3/1961 Smith, Terre Milton 16310 5/14/2002 Soderstrom, Amy Grace 12517 7/19/1994 Smith, Thomas Proby 11039 7/25/1990 Sotle, John J 11206 2/19/1991 Smith, Thomasena Maxwell 11663 5/20/1992 Sogol, Elliott Michael 13550 7/24/1996 Smith, Tracy Organ 17065 1/22/2004 Sohi, Kuldip 09089 7/26/1985 Smith, Truett Matthew 12687 7/26/1994 Soliman, Amr Ahmed 06499 4/5/1976 Smith, Tyanne VVhitcomb 12591 7/26/1994 Soliinan, Shciiy Ghobrial 17301 7/7/2004 Smith, Valerie Renee 12649 7/26/1994 Solomon, Erika Moore 11615 2/21/1992 Smith, Wayne Payton 17303 7/7/2004 Soltanian, Farshad 06299 4/10/1975 Smith, William Denny 09088 7/26/1985 Soniers, Kimberly Simmons 12685 7/26/1994 Smith, William Garland 07144 4/27/1979 Sominer, Janis Kuran 1 1391 7/24/1991 Smithemian, Jill Mabe 15179 9/21/1999 Soots, Julia Babyak 1 1726 7/24/1992 Sinithwick, Athena Locklear 13274 1/17/1996 Sopchak, Andrew 16621 9/24/2002 Smithwick, Brian J. 10380 5/16/1989 Soirell, Victor McLaurin 1 1451 7/24/1991 Smithwick, David Lee 07127 4/27/1979 Sorrel Is, Cheryl Crickmore 15407 5/16/2000 Smitrovich, Leo Patrick 13248 11/21/1995 Soirentino, Martha Koessler 13150 7/25/1995 Smoak, Carolyn Harrison 14317 5/12/I99S Sosnowski, Gregoiy Leonard 13572 7/24/1996 Sinoak, Jennifer Robbins 09181 1 1/19/1985 Soucie, Michael Percy 15809 3/20/2001 Smoot, Evans NMN 05662 4/21/1971 Souder, Kenneth Gene 06064 9/18/1973 Smothers, John Matt 12777 1 1/15/1994 Sours, Angela Snowdene 05722 10/1/1971 Smutney, Barbara Sapp 11398 7/24/1991 South, Kimberly Mock 05725 10/1/1971 Smutney, James Richard 11453 7/24/1991 South, Mai-k Douglas 04718 3/4/1964 Smyre, Billy Mac 12267 7/26/1993 Southall, JaiTctt Wilson 15178 9/21/1999 Smyth, John Byron 05778 4/7/1972 Southerland, Myra Joy Wilson 1 1616 2/21/1992 Snider, Danell Eugene 08156 7/26/1982 Southern, B a n y William 04492 3/6/1962 Snider, Lany Glenn 07281 11/1/1979 Southern, Gregoiy Lee 09506 9/16/1986 Snidow, Celeste Leigh 17434 9/21/2004 Southern, Patricia 13145 7/25/1995 Snipes, Pamela Singleton 11833 7/24/1992 Southern, Scarlet Danielle 06839 9/16/1977 Snipes, Stephen Andrew 13903 6/27/1997 Southworth, Jason S 15175 9/21/1999 Snow, Amy Lynn 13893 6/27/1997 Southworth, Jennifer Pinneo 05497 9/18/1970 Snyder, Charles Edward 08603 2/22/1984 Sowell, Toni Sasser 08624 2/22/1984 Snyder, Karen Cobb 06153 4/9/1974 Soyars, Donna Lee 13151 7/25/1995 Snyder, Renee Rathleen 10028 7/19/1988 Spader, Theodore James 10145 8/I/198S Snyder, Shen-ie Lynne 17331 7/8/2004 Spahr, Matthew Russell 17302 7/7/2004 So, Tse-Kin Kenneth 06388 9/9/1975 Spain, Vicki Ball 10818 5/15/1990 Sochocki, Barbara Ann 06300 4/10/1975 Phamiacist Name Spainhour, Randolph Eletcher R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S A S O F 9/30/2004 License Date Nuinber Registered Sparks, Melissa Crise 16883 7/1/2003 Sprinkle, Phillip Craig 10/2/1969 Spaulding, Theodore Charles 04719 3/4/1964 Sprinkle, Thomas Douglas 15784 2/15/2001 Speaks, Jeron Zanard 05962 4/12/1973 15572 7/13/2000 Spear, Mar\'in Nelson 15044 7/7/1999 Spurlock, Debra Verlea 06389 9/9/1975 Spears, Lairy O'Neal 15523 7/6/2000 Spurlock, Michelle Monroe 07997 3/16/1982 Spears, Vemon Alexander 111 10 9/18/1990 Sredzienski, Edward Stanley 08876 11/20/1984 Spector, I Michael 14787 3/16/1999 Sroka, Courtenay DeAnn 13213 9/19/1995 Speer, John F 14843 5/18/1999 St John, Douglas Louis 03719 3/1/1954 Speight, Jaines Ambler 09596 3/2/1987 St. Clair, Jeffrey Floyd 07574 11/18/1980 Speight, Rathryn Palmer 15171 9/21/1999 St. John, Lori Michele 17304 7/7/2004 Spell, Nonna Marie 07742 7/21/1981 St. Jofin, Mark Steven 17305 7/7/2004 Spence, Mark Henderson 10617 9/23/1989 Stacey, Rodney Chandler 13847 5/14/1997 Spence, Vickie Lynne 07743 7/21/1981 Stack, Robert Michael 11834 7/24/1992 Spencer, Anne Preston 05355 10/2/1969 Stacy, John Neely 16239 1/15/2002 Spencer, Charles Ervin 11781 7/24/1992 Stadler, Angela James 05726 10/1/1971 Spencer, Frank Conner 09565 1/20/1987 Stafford, Alfred Wayne 06706 4/15/1977 Spencer, Kenneth Wayne 07066 11/3/1978 Stafford, Jan Kennett 09090 7/26/1985 Spencer, Lynn Ellen 08969 5/21/1985 Stafford, Kern Frank 16400 6/19/2002 Spencer, Susan Elizabeth 07427 7/25/1980 Stafford, Miriam Crabtree 14534 7/16/1998 Spilker, Kelly Lynn 07844 7/24/1981 Stafford, Phillip Gairis 08610 2/22/1984 Spillane, Raymond Joseph 07239 11/1/1979 Stafford, Susan Fowler 1 1549 11/19/1991 Spina, Valerio 10137 8/I/I988 Stafford, Sylvia Rose 15472 6/28/2000 Spinn, Michael Benjamin 16470 6/27/2002 Statkey, Dana Renee 13140 7/25/1995 Spitler, Kimberly Scott 10553 7/26/1989 Stageberg, Cynthia Glass 13986 7/1/1997 Spitler, Robert Carson 08565 1/17/1984 Stagner, Robert Allen 04296 2/25/1960 Spittle, Roger Young 1 1964 2/24/1993 Stahl, Angela Honeycutt 08796 7/30/1984 Spivey, John Michael 14945 6/30/1999 Staley, Brian Taggart 10552 7/26/1989 Spivey, Luisa Andrade 13595 7/24/1996 Staley, Denise Moses 10294 2/27/1989 Spivey, Samuel Mark 08268 2/22/1983 Stallings, Doris Lester 08611 2/22/1984 Spivey, Walter Hardin 05356 10/2/1969 Stallings, John Basil 12750 9/20/1994 Sprcen, Douglas Charles 04784 2/19/1965 Stamatiades, John Pericles 14786 3/16/1999 Spring, Denise Durinda 15530 7/6/2000 Stambolitis, Maria J 1 1835 7/24/1992 Springfield, Dan David 03926 6/23/1956 06390 9/9/1975 Sprinkle, Charles Francis 04633 07165 4/27/1979 Sprinkle, Forrest Lynn 07973 License Date Number Reeistered 15166 9/21/1999 05354 Phamiacist Name . Phamiacist Name Spruill, Joseph Scott Stanley, Darius DcWitt 7/5/1963 Stamey, Gary Martin 3/1/1982 Stanley, Robert Kent R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9 / 3 0 / 2 0 0 4 License Date License Date Number Reeistered Phannacist Name Number Reeistered 08666 5/22/1984 Stamper, Scott Lee 08613 2/22/1984 Steedly, Lany Robeit 08612 2/22/1984 Stancil, Elizabeth Stevens 15629 7/19/2000 Steele, Eric Rubin 07845 7/24/1981 Stancil, John Carl 15810 3/20/2001 Stcen, Julia Diane 05357 10/2/1969 Stancil, John Wayne 13737 1/22/1997 Stcen, Reith Windell 03854 7/5/1955 Stanford, Joyce Nelson 10680 1/16/1990 Steen, Maria Fugate 10147 8/1/I9S8 Stanford, Richard Hiraiwa 08931 2/26/1985 Stefanadis, James Gus 09931 2/24/1988 Stangas, Frances Katsoudas 09597 3/2/1987 Stefanadis, Zoe Sunas 15605 7/18/2000 Stanislav, Sandra J. Gau 14173 1 1/24/1997 Steffen, Trent Richard 13848 5/14/1997 Stankiewicz, Peter Christopher 09199 1/31/1986 Steffen, William Mark 15967 7/5/2001 Stanley, Andrew Joseph 09620 3/17/1987 Stefurak, Louis Francis 06840 9/16/1977 Stanley, Cheryl Wingert 15968 7/5/2001 Stegall, Jennifer Denise 1 1 167 1 1/20/1990 Stanley, Diane Lee 06217 9/17/1974 Stegall, Michael Jackson 08744 7/30/1984 Stanley, Martha Jo Hairelson 1 1474 7/24/1991 Stegall, Paula Warrick 16144 10/23/2001 Stanley, Tamera Leigh 15098 7/20/1999 Stehlik, Michael Victor 07884 9/15/1981 Stansell, James Lawrence 14318 5/12/1998 Stehling, Douglas John 09448 7/29/1986 Stanton, David Ford 09344 7/15/1986 Stein, Robeit Leonard 05565 9/22/1970 Stanton, Diana Lynn 10659 11/21/1989 Steinbach, John Matthew 14730 1/20/1999 Stanton, Meiritt Stanley 15773 1/24/2001 Steiner, Gilbert Anthony 14731 1/20/1999 Stanton, Roseann W 16944 7/9/2003 Stempinski, Erwin John 07196 7/17/1979 Stargel, Wilford Wayne 06066 9/18/1973 Stephens, Richard Broughton 12270 7/26/1993 Starkey, Andy Cordell 15473 6/28/2000 Stephenson, Allison Y 07295 11/1/1979 Starnes, Grace Chu 12690 7/26/1994 Stephenson, Anna Toler 08472 8/3/1983 Starnes, Gregory Brent 11837 7/24/1992 Stephenson, John Wesley 15616 7/18/2000 Starnes, Jennifer Ward 10149 8/1/1988 Stephenson, Lisa McLeod 17306 7/7/2004 Stair, Angela Elaine 13165 7/25/1995 Sterling, Olwyn Wheeler 12356 9/21/1993 Staub, Patricia Kuker 12272 7/26/1993 Sterling, Richard Alan 16213 1/16/2002 Stead, Pamela Lynne 1 1 168 1 1/20/1990 Stevens, Christopher Bryan 05037 4/1/1967 Steadman, Horace Dean 1581 1 3/20/2001 Stevens, John David 07068 1 1/3/1978 Steadman, Maca Shami 16403 6/19/2002 Stevens, Katherine Rose 16488 6/28/2002 Steadman, Rashonda Salice 15683 9/19/2000 Stevens, Kristy Lynn 09659 7/22/1987 Stearns, April Cair 16065 7/17/2001 Stevens, Laura Anne 15660 8/2/2000 Steckel, Dawn Marie 08786 7/30/1984 Stevens, Lisa Riggs 05184 9/23/1968 Stedman, William David 15241 11/16/1999 Stevens, Michelle A 16064 7/17/2001 Stedronsky, Janet Leah 06301 4/10/1975 Stevens, Timothy Shea 17414 8/10/2004 Steedley, Karla Zeigler 10381 5/16/1989 Stevens, Vincent Anthony Pharmacist Name R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9 / 3 0 / 2 0 0 4 License Date Number Reeistered License Date Number Reeistered 09754 7/22/1987 Stevenson, Albeita Biyant 05868 9/5/1972 09812 7/21/1987 Stevenson, Ann Williams 06615 9/15/1976 05441 4/2/1970 Stevenson, Joyce Chapman 13987 7/1/1997 10431 7/26/1989 Stevenson, Leigh Ann 12564 7/26/1994 Stokes, Angela Cohoon 06707 4/15/1977 Stevenson, Nicholas Shawn 16246 2/6/2002 Stokes, Chciyl Diane 04181 2/27/1959 Stevenson, Paul Augustus 06234 1 1/19/1974 14273 3/17/1998 Steward, Margaret Grace 13988 7/1/1997 07553 10/21/1980 Stewart, Carlenc Renee Taylor 16733 3/18/2003 Stoll, Lawrence Louis 06302 4/10/1975 Stewart, Chalmas Craig 17378 7/20/2004 Stollwerk, Muiray Aaron 16884 7/1/2003 Stewart, David William 07282 11/1/1979 Stone, Barbai'a Martin 06391 9/9/1975 Stewart, Henr>' Lewis 03889 11/19/1955 Stone, H a n y Curtis 17307 7/7/2004 Stewart, Hillary Langston 05223 10/8/1968 Stone, John Harold 05863 9/5/1972 Stewart, James Carlton 13381 5/14/1996 Stone, Rathleen Jo 06596 9/15/1976 Stewart, Janice Pilson 03816 2/28/1955 Stone, Richard Barner 08614 2/22/1984 Stewart, Laura Marie 13598 7/24/1996 Stonetleld, Monica Naylor 16956 7/16/2003 Stewart, Maiy Baek 15242 1 1/16/1999 Stoops, Howard C 08798 7/30/1984 Stewart, Milton Graham 04237 7/2/1959 06841 9/16/1977 Stewart, Milton Keith 07357 4/24/1980 08999 7/26/1985 Stewart, Penny Beckwith 13989 7/1/1997 Stonns, Terri Angela 15409 5/16/2000 Stewart, Thomas Lee 15916 6/27/2001 Stoudt, Drew Richard 08285 2/22/1983 Stewart, William FoiTest 15180 9/21/1999 Stout, Gaiy Joseph 12073 7/20/1993 Stieffel, Shevon Marie 15707 9/19/2000 Stout, Relly Best 07333 4/15/1980 Stier, T e n y Hoover 16404 6/19/2002 Stout, Stephanie Watson 16489 6/28/2002 Stillinger, Crystal Gue 09092 7/26/1985 Stover, Charles Daniel 06502 4/5/1976 Stillwagon, Jeffrey Warren 15812 3/20/2001 Stover, Rhonda Washington 15003 7/6/1999 Stillwell, Tracy Killebrew 12600 7/26/1994 Stowe, Scarlett Noel 10852 7/17/1990 Stima, Elizabeth Louise 15741 1 1/21/2000 Stowers, Gunar Eugene 04007 3/1/1957 Stine, Charles Rowe 12963 7/25/1995 Stradcr, Pamela Bailey 10853 7/17/1990 Stines, David William 13382 5/14/1996 Strahl, Carol Phyllis 14231 2/17/1998 Stinnett, Nichole Beam 10618 9/23/1989 Strahm, Roy Dean 13776 2/25/1997 Stinson, Steve Alfred 06857 11/15/1977 Stramoski, Earle Joseph 09515 10/9/1986 Stipe, Robert Louis 07517 9/16/1980 Strandhoy, Victoria Wilson 12273 7/26/1993 StitzJnger, Kerry Ann 17117 4/12/2004 Strange, Nichole D 10295 2/27/1989 Stocks, Victoria Watts 1601 1 7/12/2001 Strati, Eric Sean 07007 1 1/3/1978 Stoessel, Barbara Crcason 16885 7/1/2003 Straughan, Chad Louis Phannacist Name Phannacist Name Stogniew, Judy Williams Stokely, Amelia Martin Stoker, Andrew Dale Stokes, William Robert Stoll, John Philip Stoots, John Ringsley Storey, Cynthia Hoover REGISTERED License Date Number Reeistered 05963 4/12/1973 13250 P H A R M A C I S T S AS O E 9 / 3 0 / 2 0 0 4 License Date Number Reeistered Straughn, Arthur Belknap 07614 2/27/1981 Styron, Simon Oliver 11/21/1995 Strauss, Beth Eileen 07615 2/27/1981 Styron, Wade Baker 04182 2/27/1959 Street, James Thomas 14130 9/16/1997 Su, Denis Chi-han 08245 1/18/1983 Street, Thomas D 05566 9/22/1970 Suarcz, James Charles 071 17 4/27/1979 Streng, Irene Carraway 16405 6/19/2002 Suber, Traci Wilder 10071 8/1/1988 Strieker, Donna Gibson 16406 6/19/2002 Suess, Karin Andrea 11139 10/25/1990 Strickland, Anthony David 15195 10/21/1999 Sugg, Christopher James 05729 10/1/1971 Strickland, Annie Rowland 1 1456 7/24/1991 Sugg, James Ronald 10482 7/26/1989 Strickland, Cori Hefter 17310 7/7/2004 12691 7/26/1994 Strickland, James Harper 15025 7/13/1999 Suh, Linda Junemee 17308 7/7/2004 Strickland, Jason Heath 16963 7/23/2003 Sukhatankar, Deepa Sharad 16141 10/12/2001 Strickland, Jeanne Sue 14174 1 1/24/1997 Sukkasein, Bhattarawadee 08799 7/30/1984 Strickland, JeftVey Daniel 16133 9/18/2001 Sullen, Carolyn Denise 17309 7/7/2004 Strickland, Rrista Rivenbark 05038 4/1/1967 Sullivan, H a n y Moseley 15785 2/21/2001 Strickland, Marion Jasper 12609 7/26/1994 Sullivan, Kimberly Jannan 1 1386 7/24/1991 Strickland, Maiy Donna 0S523 9/20/1983 Sullivan, Thomas Edward 11838 7/24/1992 Strickland, Ronnie Dale 1 1 190 1/15/1991 Sulzberg, Edith L 10029 7/19/1988 Stringer, Richard Glenn 15617 7/18/2000 Suminertleld, Marc Richard 13155 7/25/1995 Stroder, Susan Erye 10619 9/23/1989 Summers, Jennifer Hanis 07069 11/3/1978 Strom, David Lewis 05243 1/30/1969 Summers, Lewis Elton 08889 1/15/1985 Stroman, Cheiyl Parker 15279 1/18/2000 Sun, Yuann Ann 13757 2/25/1997 Strong, Leigh Anne 16622 9/24/2002 Sundberg, Aimee Rathiyn 11708 7/24/1992 Stroud, Elizabeth Bollinger 16589 8/2/2002 Surles, Jefferson Rawlings 11839 7/24/1992 Stroud, Paul D 12632 7/26/1994 Susko, Leslie R ! 1617 2/21/1992 Stuckey, Bemita Weaver 16094 8/14/2001 Sutherby, Gaiy Brian 08482 8/3/1983 Stuckey, Scarlet Potter 16095 8/14/2001 Sutherby, Rosanna 14219 1/22/1998 Stuinler, Caryn Alyse 13105 7/25/1995 Sutler, Kimberly Lynn 16886 7/1/2003 Stump, Amy Lee 08802 7/30/1984 Suttle, Albert Benjamin 11578 1/21/1992 Stump, Charles Samuel 05466 5/19/1970 Sutton, Douglas Hilburn 07974 3/1/1982 Stupalsky, Helen Elizabeth 16887 7/1/2003 Sutton, Jennifer Alphin 14389 6/26/1998 Stuppnig, Cynthia Anne 16702 1/28/2003 Sutton, J e n y Lee 14506 7/9/1998 Sturgeon, Jason Edward 05287 4/10/1969 Sutton, Johnnie Eugene 14989 7/2/1999 Sturgill, Amy Winn 11618 2/21/1992 Sutton, Laura Brown 09394 7/29/1986 Stutts, Kimberly Earrington 10854 7/17/1990 Sutton, Michael Scott 12692 7/26/1994 Styers, Christopher Scott 10151 8/1/1988 Sutton, Williain LeRoy Phannacist Name Phamiacist N a m e Suggs, Courtney Michelle REGISTERED License Date Number Reeistered 10SS4 7/25/1990 05360 P H A R M y \ C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Reeistered Phannacist Name Suaini, Melinda Burch 15101 7/20/1999 Taber, David Jaines 10/2/1969 Swaini, Ronnie Lec 17143 5/18/2004 Taber, Rachel Caliinliin 10620 9/23/1989 Swan, Randall David 13633 8/16/1996 Taddeo-Bauers, Julie Anne 11827 7/24/1992 Swann, Beth Saunders 16527 7/10/2002 Taiwo, Toluwalope Moyoade 11841 7/24/1992 Swann, Marcus Edward 16135 9/1S/2001 Talarico, Joseph Anthony 15742 1 1/21/2000 Swanncr, Cynthia Lynn 13214 9/19/1995 Talat, Asif 06255 4/10/1975 Swanson, Carol Ann Shea 12210 7/26/1993 Talbeil, Frances McDonald 11665 5/20/1992 Swanson, Lany Nonnan 10555 7/26/1989 Tallent, Tiinothy Elton 16134 9/18/2001 Swanson, William C 16891 7/1/2003 I'alley, Arnold Keith 13601 7/24/1996 Swaitout, Savannah B Hanis 05730 10/1/1971 Talley, John Leonard 14175 11/24/1997 Swearingen, James Leland 16005 7/1 1/2001 Talley, Melody Elizabeth 06684 4/15/1977 Swearingen, Janice Ring 16715 2/20/2003 Tallman, Melanie Nicole 06842 9/16/1977 Sweat, Marshall Randall 12688 7/26/1994 Talton, Dawn Shairay 14582 7/21/1998 Sweat, Talinahjia Manin 16274 3/19/2002 Tain-Hui, Nancy P 09138 9/17/1985 Sweatman, P e n y Doan 15819 3/23/2001 Tamplin, Jill Guzzardo 14176 1 1/24/1997 Sweely, Russell Tate 15781 2/7/2001 Tamplin, Leslie Todd 08850 9/18/1984 Sweet, Rristen Carol 06329 8/5/1975 Tamplin, Roben Allen 08000 3/16/1982 Swenberg, Gwen Ellingson 15349 3/21/2000 Tang, Elizabeth 08754 7/30/1984 Swepston, Susan Leonard 16247 2/6/2002 Tang, Jimmy 13701 11/19/1996 Swier, Thomas Joseph 14732 1/20/1999 Tannan, Subhash C 06616 9/15/1976 Swift, Charles Frederick 08201 9/21/1982 Tanner, Harold Glenn 08877 11/20/1984 Swisher, John Allen 14140 10/13/1997 Tant, Shannon Oliver 05039 4/1/1967 Swofford, Joseph Samuel 1731 1 7/7/2004 07492 7/25/1980 Sykes, James Michael 08286 2/22/1983 fapscott, Williain Kent 05216 10/3/1968 Sykes, R o b e n Nathan 12923 5/19/1995 Tarkowski, Linda Carol 16889 7/1/2003 Symonds, Eric Edward 07975 3/1/1982 Taiiton, Patti J 12358 9/21/1993 Symonds, Melissa Louise 14179 i 1/24/1997 Tannan, Bryan Lloyd 12778 1 1/15/1994 Symonds, William Thomas 06737 6/21/1977 Tarr, William Carle 1 1 044 7/25/1990 Sytz, Steven Edward 16592 8/12/2002 Tarrant, Julie Ann 16890 7/1/2003 Syvanthong, Chickham 15474 6/28/2000 'fan, Christopher Bruce 13479 7/24/1996 Szczypinski, Pamela Gan^en 16923 7/3/2003 Tart, Jennifer Ann 12695 7/26/1994 Szlaius, Suzanne Elaine 05964 4/12/1973 Tart,Joseph Paul 14045 7/15/1997 Szymanski, Rebecca Jeanne 15486 6/30/2000 'fart, Serina Baumgart 09887 1 i/17/1987 Szymczyk, Gregoiy Paul 17144 5/18/2004 T'artal, Heidi Lynn 06167 8/1/1974 Tabb, John Marshall 04691 3/4/1964 Tartell, Delores DeMary Phannacist Name Tappouni, Hiba L REGISTERED License Date Number Reeistered 05320 10/2/1969 14478 7/2/1998 16957 P H A R M A C I S T S AS O E 9 / 3 0 / 2 0 0 4 License Date Number Reeistered Tarter, Nonnan Douglas 12696 7/26/1994 Taylor, Rebecca Jane Tarzia, Shelby Alice 07299 1 1/20/1979 Taylor, Rebecca McCalluin 7/16/2003 Tascione, Anthony 14062 7/15/1997 Taylor, Robert Baxter 17049 2/18/2004 Tate, Arlene Olaer 07325 3/18/1980 Taylor, Robert Huntley 17312 7/7/2004 Tate, Matthew Ford 10419 7/18/1989 Taylor, Sandra fJavene 08804 7/30/1984 Tatum, Renneth Nonnan 08617 2/22/1984 Taylor, Sara Kay Harrell 15495 6/30/2000 Tatum, Susan Lamb 09117 9/17/1985 Taylor, Shelby Jean 09992 5/17/1988 Tauber, David John 09453 7/29/1986 Taylor, Stacey Alan 10556 7/26/1989 Tauscher, Nan Virginia 04084 2/28/1958 Taylor, Sue Sheek 09746 7/22/1987 Tayloe, Mary Anna 13777 2/25/1997 Taylor, Susan Cartrette 09452 7/29/1986 Tayloe, Richard Stephen 08806 7/30/1984 Taylor, Teresa Lynn 06498 4/5/1976 Taylor, Annette Simpson 06503 4/5/1976 Taylor, Thoinas Fain 08805 7/30/1984 Taylor, Beverly 05290 4/10/1969 Taylor, Thoinas George 14515 7/13/1998 Taylor, Brandon Lee 06867 12/30/1977 Taylor, William Jaines 05289 4/10/1969 Taylor, Carl Dewey 10855 7/17/1990 Taylor-Peck, Pamela 16074 7/18/2001 Taylor, David Franklin 12369 I I/I/I993 Teachey, Tammy Phipps 13675 10/25/1996 Taylor, Elizabeth Gibson 05361 10/2/1969 Teague, Bruce Jaines 15419 6/28/2000 Taylor, Gigi Askew 14410 6/26/1998 Teague, Kellie Dianne 09139 9/17/1985 Taylor, Henry Owens 12654 7/26/1994 Teague, Laura Ann Neil 06709 4/15/1977 Taylor, Jaines Martin 06710 4/15/1977 Teague, Michael Ray 04634 7/5/1963 Taylor, Jaines Robert 09595 3/2/1987 Teague, Pamela Kay 15294 1/27/2000 Taylor, Jennifer C u n a n 07616 2/27/1981 Teal, Benjamin Earl 16389 6/19/2002 Taylor, Jennifer Peterson 06617 9/15/1976 Teal, George David 14987 7/2/1999 Taylor, Raren Lynn 13904 6/27/1997 Teal, Jeffrey Lewis 14583 7/21/1998 Taylor, Renneth Scott 12074 7/20/1993 Teal, Julian Steven 16407 6/19/2002 Taylor, Kenneth Wayne 11983 2/24/1993 Teal, Leigh Ann 12192 7/26/1993 Taylor, Kristine Kramer 14352 6/26/1998 Teal, Tracy Dail 08159 7/26/1982 Taylor, Linda Helton 14948 6/30/1999 Teat, Cathy Allen 04720 3/4/1964 Taylor, Linda Tcnnant 14132 9/16/1997 Teat, Roderick DeForrestt 05022 4/1/1967 Taylor, Martha Leggett 09993 5/17/1988 Teator, Mark Nonnan 09946 2/24/1988 Taylor, Michael Glenn 1 1725 7/24/1992 Tedder, Julia Conley 06843 9/16/1977 Taylor, Michael Keith 08477 8/3/1983 Tedder, Steven Floyd 0991 1 1/19/1988 Taylor, Michael Wayne 05542 9/22/1970 Teeter, Candice B r o u n 07283 1 1/1/1979 Taylor, Mitchell Stephen 06063 9/18/1973 Teeter, Linda Slate 09264 3/18/1986 Taylor, Paul Grayson 08065 7/26/1982 Teeter, Mary Ella Brown Pharmacist Name Phamiacist Name R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9 / 3 0 / 2 0 0 4 License Date Number Reeistered Teeter, Richard Walter 14012 7/7/1997 Thomas, Edward Ragland 9/15/1981 Teller, Vallie Long 13738 1/22/1997 Thoinas, Elaine Roark 15295 1/27/2000 Teli, Urvi Padmakant 05731 10/1/1971 Thoinas, James Robeit 08370 7/19/1983 Teilman, Ben David 03531 2/20/1952 Thomas, Jaines Seymour 04599 3/5/1963 Temple, Burwell 04607 3/22/1963 Thoinas, Jean Craig 15475 6/28/2000 Temple, Rimberly Truscott 15351 3/21/2000 Thoinas, Jennifer Lynn 15280 1/18/2000 Tener, Gary Anthony 16075 7/18/2001 Thomas, Jeramie Michael 11894 9/22/1992 Tenk Schmidt, Lynn Suzanne 16661 11/20/2002 Thomas, John David 11842 7/24/1992 Tennant, Angela Maria 07846 7/24/1981 Thomas, John Parks 05142 4/4/1968 Tennille, Andre Townsend 09308 5/12/1986 Thomas, Joseph Tarent 09758 7/22/1987 Terrell, Deneen Alicia 16861 7/1/2003 Thomas, Julie Elizabeth 03038 6/4/1943 Tenell, John Aithur 05866 9/5/1972 Thomas, Karen Erikson 09592 3/2/1987 Terrell, Leah Rosser 15816 3/27/2001 Thoinas, Kendra Lynn 15675 9/19/2000 Terrell, Maiy Ray 16892 7/1/2003 Thoinas, Ketia Deanne 07071 1 1/3/1978 Terrell, Montrose Graham 16825 7/1/2003 Thomas, Leigh Ann 14949 6/30/1999 T e n y , Chad Lynn 08892 I/I5/I985 Thoinas, Leon Gilbert 14955 6/30/1999 Terry, Maiybeth Watson 15845 5/17/2001 Thoinas, Lisa Watkins 13907 6/27/1997 Terry, Shannon Webb 05008 3/29/1967 Thoinas, Lowell Edwin 09759 7/22/1987 Tester, Stephen Duane 12529 7/26/1994 Thomas, Monique Bembrey 11466 7/24/1991 Tew, Sallie Osborne 09888 11/17/1987 Thomas, Nathan Christopher 08478 8/3/1983 Tew, Wallace Ray 16136 9/18/2001 Thomas, Noble Leon 08807 7/30/1984 Thacker, Jane Satterfield 14014 7/15/1997 Thomas, Sarah Oley 14660 10/27/1998 Thakkar, Purvi Rajesh 05732 10/1/1971 Thoinas, Victor Herbert 04600 3/5/1963 Thames, William Glenn 10420 7/18/1989 Thoinason, Charles Edward 04969 10/6/1966 Thaip, Marsha Howerton 07519 9/16/1980 Thomason, Shelton Williain 12751 9/20/1994 Thayer, Mary Beth 1 1743 7/24/1992 Thomason, Tracy Eatmon 09309 5/12/1986 Theisen, Kathy Elane 0671 1 4/15/1977 Thomasson, Steven Willis 16984 9/10/2003 Thibeault, Craig Patrick 08551 11/15/1983 Thompson, Alicia Crawford 06850 9/23/1977 Thigpen, John Edwin 12202 7/26/1993 Thompson, Allison Lutz 06937 4/14/1978 Thigpen, Nancy Hardy 16629 9/27/2002 Thompson, Angela Rachele 06632 9/22/1976 Thigpen, Walter Talmage 12224 7/26/1993 Thompson, Barbara Mullins 16561 7/16/2002 Thomas, Averett Vincent 09972 3/22/1988 Thompson, Brian Edward 14971 7/2/1999 Thomas, C a m e Danielle 11191 1/15/1991 Ihompson, Dennis Duane 09507 9/16/1986 Thomas, Edward Alan 09455 7/29/1986 Thompson, Donald Charles 06068 9/18/1973 Thoinas, Edward Ragland 1 1047 7/25/1990 Thompson, Donna Erazier License Date Number Reeistered 06067 9/18/1973 07886 Phamiacist Name Pharmacist Name REGISTERED P H A R M A C I S FS AS O F 9 / 3 0 / 2 0 0 4 License Number Reeistered Thompson, Hmily Lundy 09203 2/27/1986 Thorndyke, Lisa Almond 6/27/2001 Thompson, Erin Atvveil 11811 7/24/1992 Thorne, Angela Mozingo 06618 9/15/1976 Thompson, Frank Richard 04127 7/7/1958 Thome, Joseph Phillip 13LS8 7/25/1995 Thompson, Garrett Reed 11353 7/24/1991 Thornhill, lina Hairison 084 79 8/3/1983 Thompson, H a n y Franklin 10045 8/I/I9S8 Thornton, Heidi Bowden 05965 4/12/1973 Thompson, James Addison 16703 1/28/2003 Ihornton, Kristina 06614 9/15/1976 Thompson, Jane Stafford 11048 7/25/1990 Thorntciii, Phillip Lee 11462 7/24/1991 Thompson, JetTrey Allen 17066 1/22/2004 Thottananiyil, Thresiamma Stephen 12424 2/24/1994 Thompson, Jennifer Blair 08160 7/26/1982 Thrasher, Kimherly Anne 15574 7/13/2000 Thompson, Jennifer Duke 07746 7/21/1981 Thrasher, William John 06507 4/5/1976 Thompson, Jo VVaggy 09599 3/2/1987 'Ihrelkeld, Sheri-y Ann 08371 7/19/1983 Thompson, John Richardson 06619 9/15/1976 Thrower, Donald Ray 12698 7/26/1994 Thompson, Raren Elizabeth 05291 4/10/1969 Thrower, William Nathan 12694 7/26/1994 Thompson, Katherine Sweeney 09202 2/27/1986 Thurlow, Lisa Adams 13604 7/24/1996 Thompson, Kcnrick Wayne 15412 5/16/2000 'fhurman, Laurie Joan 16893 7/1/2003 Thompson, Kizzy Senita 11282 7/23/1991 Thurman, William Scott 13603 7/24/1996 Thompson, Kristen Thomas 06009 9/18/1973 I h u t t , Kathiyn Bowen 14015 7/15/1997 Thompson, Kristy Buchanan 06069 9/18/1973 Thutt, Thomas Russell 10557 7/26/1989 Thompson, Lori Elizabeth 16914 7/2/2003 12699 7/26/1994 Thompson, Matthew Baxter 12355 9/21/1993 Tickle, Kathleen Cuff-Sheehan 10558 7/26/1989 Thompson, Michael Edward 08820 7/30/1984 Tidwcll, Donna Blake 10152 8/1/1988 Thompson, Michael Gray 1 7067 1/22/2004 Tidwell, Nelson Duncan 08767 7/30/1984 Thompson, Molly M e a d e 17068 1/22/2004 Tidwell, Tracy Baltimore 07847 7/24/1981 Thompson, Monte Carroll 16189 I 1/27/2001 Tiebout, Priscilla Mae 12279 7/26/1993 Thompson, Nancy Waldroup 09095 7/26/1985 Tiffany, Gaiy Ellwood 15004 7/6/1999 Thompson, Robert McLean 15005 7/6/1999 Tignor, Audrey Rector 15618 7/18/2000 Thompson, Ross Wayne 06847 9/16/1977 Tiktin, Sallie Fonvielle 08792 7/30/1984 Thompson, Susan Small 06712 4/15/1977 Tillett, Benjamin Wyche 12818 1/18/1995 Thompson, Thomas Richard 05443 4/2/1970 Tilley, Claude Stroud 05217 10/3/1968 Thompson, William Lawrence 1 1535 10/28/1991 'filley, Robyn Stone 07521 10/21/1980 Thompson, Wilma Alston 13157 7/25/1995 Tillis, Crystle Thompson 16490 6/28/2002 Thomsen, Careena Alice 14447 7/2/1998 Timberlake, Amelia Davis 07284 1 1/1/1979 Thorn, Michael David 15575 7/13/2000 Timko, Alicia Marie 12194 7/26/1993 Thornburgh, Kimberly Lassiter 10208 9/20/1988 Tindall, Michael Wayne 05967 4/12/1973 'Ihomdyke, Andrew Fonnan 07286 1 1/1/1979 Tingen, Charles Andrew License Date Number Registered 14742 1/27/1999 LS919 Phamiacist N a m e Date Phamiacist Name Tice, Hilary Lynn REGISTERED License Date Number Registered 07495 7/25/1980 05143 P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Registered Tingen, Esther Diana 16690 1/22/2003 Train, Michael A. 4/4/1968 Tinkler, John Bruce 09096 7/26/1985 Trammell, Daniel Boyd 04752 7/2/1964 Tinkler, Linda Routh 14868 6/30/1999 Trammell, Rristen Bullard 10163 8/1/I9S8 Tinney, Robin Watts 14026 7/15/1997 Tran, Quyen Le 09458 7/29/1986 Tippett, William Harrison 16676 1/22/2003 Tran, Quynh-Van ND 04529 7/10/1962 Tippit, Ingrid Beckert 17145 5/18/2004 Tran, Stephanie Ha 10833 7/17/1990 Tipton, Joyce A 16899 7/1/2003 Trantas, Shannon Weidman 11283 7/23/1991 Tischenkel, Jay M 13609 7/24/1996 Traparick, Raren Alice 10154 8/1/1988 To, Van Thanh 13905 6/27/1997 Trautman, Suzanne Helen 04869 9/23/1965 Todd, Charles Edward 14941 6/30/1999 Travers, Marlena Schwarz 08893 1/15/1985 Todd, Joan Shafer 06092 10/16/1973 Travis, Robert Yount 07057 11/3/1978 Todd, Pamela Roberson 12276 7/26/1993 Treadway, Maiy Thaggard 04721 3/4/1964 Todd, William Hoyt 14972 7/2/1999 Treish, Iniad Munif 13073 7/25/1995 Toenjcs, Lori Kesterson 05843 9/5/1972 Trexler, Katherine McCuUough 15723 10/23/2000 Tofade, Olabisi Alfred 17462 9/21/2004 Tribble, Arthur Lee 12686 7/26/1994 Tofade, Oluwatoyin Oluwasimibo 15243 11/16/1999 Trichon, Sally Shannon 12700 7/26/1994 Toler, Linda Sollinger 15920 6/27/2001 Trimbeiger, Mary Elizabeth 1 1550 1 1/19/1991 Toler, William Thomas 1 1946 1/19/1993 Trimboli, Patrick A 16408 6/19/2002 Tolle, Julie Lynne 17398 7/30/2004 Trinh, Lehuyen Nu 06070 9/18/1973 Tolley, Michael Dean 15619 7/18/2000 Trinidad, Juan B 15105 7/20/1999 Tomasic, Lois M 17006 9/19/2003 Tripathi, Bhasker U 15313 3/20/2000 Toinlin, Riinberly Sue 14474 7/2/1998 Triplett, Preston Shane 10530 7/26/1989 Tomlinson, Elizabeth Owens 05779 4/7/1972 Triplett, Thomas Neil 08023 5/18/1982 Tompkins, Marjorie Ann 13569 7/24/1996 Tripoli, Nicole Dawn 15106 7/20/1999 Tompkins, Trent Lee 04982 10/6/1966 Tripp, Jimmy Noah 09760 7/22/1987 Torda, Stephen Joseph 07166 4/27/1979 Tripp, Robert Horace 16196 1/9/2002 Torrisi, Cathy Rose 07496 7/25/1980 Tripp, Stephen Wayne 1 1735 7/24/1992 Toso, Cynthia Dascani 11348 7/24/1991 Troxler, Kathryne Hamilton 07617 2/27/1981 Toth, Larry James 16894 7/1/2003 Truesdale, Tracey Howard 1 1 170 1 1/20/1990 Tower, Alton G 1 1546 1 1/19/1991 Truesdale, Wendy Jackson 09182 1 1/19/1985 Towne, Kenneth Stuaii 07445 7/25/1980 fruitt, Cheryl King 13973 7/1/1997 Townsend, Deborah Moide 08264 2/22/1983 Truitt, Gloria Hargett 15837 5/15/2001 Townsend, Mary Louise 16378 6/19/2002 Trullingcr, Dalia Girgis 12222 7/26/1993 Townsend, Michelle Moretz 17313 7/7/2004 Truman, Elizabeth Jane 12894 3/21/1995 Townsend, Scott Allen 16940 7/8/2003 Truong, Mylicn Thi Pharmacist N a m e Pharmacist N a m e R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Reeistered Trygstad, Troy Rirby 12284 7/26/1993 Turner, James Daniel 7/26/1989 Tsaniutalis, Elefteria Chrisanthi 07326 3/18/1980 Turner, Jaines Raymond 13606 7/24/1996 Tse, Elaine Yung-chee 03315 6/30/1949 Tuiner, Joseph Relly 15630 7/19/2000 Tsiaras, Theodora Spiro 07S8S 9/15/1981 Turner, Ray Jones 13607 7/24/1996 Tsipis, Jonathan Peter 14475 7/2/1998 1 urner, Lisa Nieuwenhuis 14129 9/16/1997 Tsipis, Leigh Stoeber 17291 7/7/2004 Turner, Michelle Saunders 15933 6/28/2001 Tsui, Susan 13778 2/25/1997 Turner, Robert Allison 04985 10/25/1966 Tucci, Louis Anthony 05444 4/2/1970 Turner, Robert Allison 09947 2/24/1988 Tuck, Eddie Carlton 09459 7/29/1986 Turner, Teresa Lynn 15534 7/6/2000 Tucker, Amy Vreugdenhil 06407 1 1/6/1975 Turner, Virginia Clark 14973 7/2/1999 Tucker, Deborah Gass 08310 3/15/1983 Turnham, Carolyn Pay 06398 9/9/1975 Tucker, Denise Whicker 14845 5/18/1999 Tuipin, Brandi Hope 15906 6/27/2001 Tucker, Ginna Pike 05144 4/4/1968 Tutherow, Paul Davis 13452 7/24/1996 Tucker, Heather Conner 09140 9/17/1985 Twarkowski, Adam Stanley 06157 4/9/1974 Tucker, Jaines Gordon 11845 7/24/1992 Twiford, Joel White 14653 9/15/1998 Tucker, Raren Allen 12156 7/26/1993 Twiford, Zachary Hardman 15531 7/6/2000 Tucker, Lee Jay 07424 7/25/1980 Twitty, Sharon Conley 04922 3/31/1966 Tucker, Marsha Barrow 15969 7/5/2001 Twombly, Rebecca Greene 15532 7/6/2000 Tucker, Mai-y Brooks 04086 2/28/1958 Tyler, Jack Loyd 1 1620 2/21/1992 Tucker, Susan Whitley 1441 1 6/26/1998 Tyler, Painela Bell 16623 9/24/2002 Tuell, Renneth William 06505 4/5/1976 Tyndall, James David 07167 4/27/1979 Tugwell, Jeftery Paul 12285 7/26/1993 Tyndall, Lewis Brent 08801 7/30/1984 Tugwell, JoAnne Stuber 08809 7/30/1984 Tysinger, Bobby Dale 15620 7/18/2000 Tuite, John Erancis 10156 8/1/1988 Tysinger, Charles Dean 15033 7/15/1999 Tullis, Pamela Joy 10577 8/3/1989 Tyson, Jesse Hardy 14027 7/15/1997 Tulsey, Suzanne Marie 14698 11/24/1998 Tyson, Robert John 16895 7/1/2003 Tunnell, Alexander Edward 15113 7/29/1999 Tyson, Shemega Anedra 05968 4/12/1973 Tunnell, Stanley Elbert 16148 11/20/2001 Tysor, Misty Dawn 16183 11/20/2001 Turaga, Prasad Sivadanteswar 15511 7/6/2000 10421 7/18/1989 Turchin, Jerome Andrew 16410 6/19/2002 Ubbcns, Mellissa Ann 07850 7/24/1981 Turlington, Mary Joan 17017 10/24/2003 Ugwa, Chioma U 06375 9/9/1975 Turlington, Rebecca Sue 06576 9/15/1976 Uhrin, Dianne January 03481 6/28/1951 Turner, Christopher Columbus 06621 9/15/1976 Uhrin, John Rogers 1 1844 7/24/1992 Turner, Christy Wynn 09763 7/22/1987 Ujheiyi, Michael Robert 06620 9/15/1976 Turner, Deborah Stewan 12864 2/22/1995 Uko, Itoro E License Date Nuinber Registered 16409 6/19/2002 10560 Phannacist Name Pharmacist Name Tzendzalian, Rristin Elayne R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Registered Ul-Haq, Raza 11729 7/24/1992 Van Sciver, Ratherine Cowper 6/30/1999 Ulrich, Lori Wilson 07587 2/27/1981 Van Tassel, Susan Brittingham 17146 5/1S/2004 Uineano, Chinyelu-Ngozi Bernadin 03482 6/28/1951 Van Valkenburgh, William Boling 04038 7/4/1957 Uniphiett, H a n y Bassett 12702 7/26/1994 Vance, John Robei-t 05218 10/3/1968 Umstead, Allan Wardell 1641 1 6/19/2002 Vance, Reith Alan 12076 7/20/1993 Underwood, Alicia Colette 10994 7/25/1990 Vance, Rristen Hunt 12701 7/26/1994 Underwood, Allison Leigh 07962 3/1/1982 Vance, Laura McLeod 02954 6/18/1941 Underwood, Hamilton Polk 15924 6/27/2001 Vance, Sara Weaver 09241 2/27/1986 Underwood, Mildred Ann 16896 7/1/2003 Vance, Shawn Lee 08161 7/26/1982 Upchurch, David Emmett 11847 7/24/1992 Vance, William Alan 09460 7/29/1986 Upchurch, Eugenia Anne 13612 7/24/1996 Vandergriff, Jennifer Ellen 04008 3/1/1957 Upchurch, Julian Emmett 11284 7/23/1991 VanDevere, Ted Nonnan 05780 4/7/1972 Upchurch, Thomas Ransome 15477 6/28/2000 VanGraafeiland, Patricia Patterson 06071 9/18/1973 Updegrave, Robert Renneth 09764 7/22/1987 Vanhooke, Janeen LaVay 11309 7/24/1991 Updegravc, Virginia Burton 10209 9/20/1988 VanMouwerik, Timothy Joe 07168 4/27/1979 Upshaw, Constance Stein 15554 7/10/2000 Vann, Herbert H a m s s 04722 3/4/1964 Upton, Jack Herndon 05781 4/7/1972 Vann, Livvie Washington 12288 7/26/1993 Urbanek, Gail Frances 12844 2/22/1995 Vanover, Shelly Lynne 10562 7/26/1989 Urquhart, Betsey Den- 14953 6/30/1999 Vargas, Julie L 11468 7/24/1991 Usher, Harold Griftin 09375 7/29/1986 Vamer, Laurie Carroll 04403 3/6/1961 Usher, Harold Griftln 1 1051 7/25/1990 Varner, William Scott 10738 2/21/1990 Usher, J e n y Lionel 16448 6/24/2002 Vamey, Megan Ann 06714 4/15/1977 Utsey, Louis Johnston 12865 2/22/1995 Vasa, Shimul Paresh 10996 7/25/1990 Utt, Melissa Miller 14251 2/23/1998 Vasileva, May H 09814 8/12/1987 Uttech, Ray Marie 06219 9/17/1974 Vass, Regina Eanes 15117 8/3/1999 Valentin, Cassandra Rebecca 16897 7/1/2003 Vassie, Gregory John 15708 9/19/2000 Valentine, Jan Susan 16412 6/19/2002 Vaughan, Cathy Ann 1 71 06 3/16/2004 Valerio, Louis M 15533 7/6/2000 Vaughan, David Michael 16240 1/15/2002 Valgus, John Michael 14763 3/16/1999 Vaughan, Janna Cathey I 1171 1 1/20/1990 Vallabh, Gitaben V 16638 10/14/2002 Vaughan, Leigh Morton 12519 7/19/1994 Vails, Prancisco Jose' 09948 2/24/1988 Vaughan, Robert Earl 15476 6/28/2000 Van Dyk, Carel LeRoux 05969 4/12/1973 Vaughan, William Thomas 17038 1 1/18/2003 Van Patton, Brandi Sweet 1 1704 7/24/1992 Vaughn, Joell Bell 13277 1/17/1996 Van Sant, Richard Lee 05765 4/7/1972 Vaughn, Martha l l e n i n g 14083 7/23/1997 Van Schaack, Jeff EdwanI 05782 4/7/1972 Vaughn, William Edward License Dale Number Reeistered 16769 6/5/2003 14958 Phannacist Name Phannacist Name REGISTERED P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9 / 3 0 / 2 0 0 4 License Date Number Reeistered Pharmacist N a m e Vauter, Robert A 13134 7/25/1995 Virkler. Amy Rose 7/26/1989 Vecchiolla, James Arthur 16029 7/17/2001 Visco, Jessica Lynn 10474 7/26/1989 Vecchiolla, Theresa Marie 10787 3/20/1990 Viscomi, Erank Anthony 13851 5/14/1997 Vechlekar, Deepak Laxman 15245 1 1/16/1999 Vitello, Salvatore James 10158 8/1/1988 Veeder, Laurel Evans 16662 1 1/20/2002 Vithalani, Virginia McLendon 09099 7/26/1985 Veeder, Robert Reith 06715 4/15/1977 Vlachos, John Tom 14733 1/20/1999 Vega, Celeste Robyn 10623 9/23/1989 Vladimcry, Peter 07070 1 1/3/1978 Velasco, Carol Summer 10740 2/21/1990 Vlahos, Angelo George 14700 1 1/24/1998 Veltri, George William 1 1984 2/24/1993 Vlahos, Rristi Warren 07851 7/24/1981 Venabie, Michael Laurence 16941 7/8/2003 08575 2/22/1984 Vereen, Lisa McCrillis 12486 5/10/1994 Voelker, Susan Bucan 15576 7/13/2000 Veres, Shawn Raie 11848 7/24/1992 Vogeler, Karen Ann 06416 12/30/1975 Verhulst, Gregoiy Louis 13278 1/17/1996 Vogler, Stephanie Cornette 106S2 1/16/1990 Vernick, Adolphine N 15838 5/15/2001 Volin-Robhins, Linda Luciie 05579 9/28/1970 Vernier, David Lawrence 11113 9/18/1990 von Alten, Nancy Lee 12703 7/26/1994 Vernon, Tammy Saunders 08971 5/21/1985 von Dohlen, Jill Jones 13779 2/25/1997 Verrico, Jessica Lynn 1 1850 7/24/1992 Vongxay-Sano, Prasathip Pat 12359 9/21/1993 Verrigni, Alexander Leo 08521 9/20/1983 VonSeggern, Randal Lee 17107 3/16/2004 Veixinder, Sumana 17395 8/2/2004 Vora, Urvi B 17108 3/16/2004 Verrinder, William 14469 7/2/1998 Vormittag, Christine Saddler 08641 3/20/1984 Vess, George Edward 10272 2/27/1989 Vossers, Suzanne Dunlap 17399 7/30/2004 Veverka, Angie 13657 9/17/1996 Voytko, Sarah Mills 14321 5/12/1998 Via, David Martin 15839 5/15/2001 Vu, Chinh Q. 09815 7/21/1987 Viafora, Robert Douglas 16716 2/20/2003 Vu, Han 09268 3/18/1986 Vick, Raron Elaine 13253 11/21/1995 Vu, Thanh Sally 15709 9/19/2000 Vick, Tara Rivers 15921 6/27/2001 Vu, Tung T 06394 9/9/1975 Vick, William Dorsey 12290 7/26/1993 Vyas, Rajesh Dhananjaybhai 06174 9/17/1974 Vickeiy, Dianne Angel 12866 2/22/1995 Wade, Cheryll Johnson 12289 7/26/1993 Villanova, Jonathan Robert 05205 10/3/1968 Wade, Ray Johnson 08331 6/24/1983 Vinci, Thomas Joseph 16898 7/1/2003 Wade, Vicki Lynette 08162 7/26/1982 Vinson, Joseph Stephen 08524 9/20/1983 Wager, Douglas Calvin 16976 8/19/2003 Vinti, Angela R 07169 4/27/1979 Waggett, John Davie 13538 7/24/1996 Viola, Angela Milton 15774 1/24/2001 Wagner, Reith Alden 11493 7/30/1991 Violette, Nancy Cline 14654 9/15/1998 Wagner, Lida J 10264 2/27/1989 Viracola, Cheiyl Asbill 11668 5/20/1992 Wagner, Todd Jeffrey License Date Number Reeistered 14220 1/22/1998 10563 Pharmacist N a m e Vlastelica, Lisa Ann R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S A S O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Registered Wagoner, Christopher Chad 10160 8/1/1988 Wall, Katherine Denise 11/6/1986 Wagoner, Lisa Joyce Rroenung 05215 10/3/1968 Wall, Lynn Canady 13335 2/21/1996 Wagoner, Richard Clyde 10491 7/26/1989 Wall, Lynne Reams 16449 6/24/2002 Wagstaft; Leslie Ruth 1 1471 7/24/1991 Wall, Mary Martha 14221 1/22/1998 Wait, Trudy Ray 05734 10/1/1971 Wall, Thoinas Edward 03523 11/20/1951 Wakefield, Griffin 06622 9/15/1976 Wall, Timothy Danyl 13408 7/16/1996 Wakeford, Jennifer Stinson 1 1852 7/24/1992 Wall, Trossie Watkins 08667 5/22/1984 Wakeland, Paula Leslie 16283 4/30/2002 Wallace, Allison Wood 14599 7/31/1998 Waldeck, Barbara Ann 13384 5/14/1996 Wallace, Catherine Crume 10564 7/26/1989 Waldrop, Daryl Manning 16942 7/8/2003 Wallace, Jennifer Leigh 08810 7/30/1984 Waldrop, Talbert Lee 07923 1/19/1982 Wallace, Joe Kenneth 10624 9/23/1989 Waleska, Rosemarie Kay 14142 10/13/1997 Wallace, Jonathan Andrew 07853 7/24/1981 Walker, Ann Sweet I 1472 7/24/1991 Wallace, Joseph Wayne 06073 9/18/1973 Walker, Amold Marshall 10954 7/25/1990 Wallace, Kristie Jackson 15634 7/21/2000 Walker, Bertina Kathleen 15840 5/15/2001 Wallace, Paul John 09510 9/16/1986 Walker, Clifford Milton 11473 7/24/1991 Wallace, Richard Caswell 08205 1 1/16/1982 Walker, Cramer Smith 16471 6/27/2002 Wallen, Stephanie Carol 06716 4/15/1977 Walker, Dennis Eugene 15990 7/9/2001 14412 6/26/1998 Walker, Emily Jane 16252 2/25/2002 Walsh, June Anne 16767 5/21/2003 Walker, Ernest Lee 08372 7/19/1983 Walsh, Richard Howard 13702 11/19/1996 Walker, George Edward 13216 9/19/1995 Walt, Bonnie Evalyn 15970 7/5/2001 Walker, Holly Lenee 12052 5/18/1993 Walters, Keith Hannon 06531 8/19/1976 Walker, John Buster 16350 6/19/2002 Walters, Keiri Eland 12620 7/26/1994 Walker, Joy Kittinger 13613 7/24/1996 Walters, Leisha Hoyland 13956 7/1/1997 Walker, Melanie Holshouser 12867 2/22/1995 Walters, Linda Jean 061 12 4/9/1974 Walker, Nancy Caddell 10742 2/21/1990 Walters, Lori Penelope 04183 2/27/1959 Walker, Paul Morgan 15480 6/28/2000 Walton, Laura Willcts 08668 5/22/1984 Walker, Robert Allen 06306 4/10/1975 Walton, Williain Edward 15478 6/28/2000 Walker, Suzanne Tunstall 12291 7/26/1993 Wainslcy, Lisa Marie 15246 11/16/1999 Walker, Thomas Raymond 16215 1/16/2002 Wandell, Catherine Elizabeth 15922 6/27/2001 Walker, William 1 homas 15139 9/21/1999 Wands, Erica Barnum 05445 4/2/1970 Walker, William Timothy 15753 1/23/2001 Wang, Charles 16774 6/6/2003 Waiko, Christine Marie 15358 3/22/2000 Wang, I lelcna Maria 14476 7/2/1998 Wail, Amelia Margaret 13364 3/1 9/1 996 Wang, Huei-Hsiang Lisa 05103 10/10/1967 Wall, CJcorgc Heniy 16413 6/19/2002 Wang, Jialvnn K License Date Number Reeistered 12706 7/26/1994 09518 Phamiacist N a m e Phamiacist Name Walls, Mark Anthony R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS OE 9/30/2004 License Date Nuinber Reuistered License Date Number Reeistered 13900 6/27/1997 Wang, Jing 14477 7/2/1998 05446 4/2/1970 Wang, Serena Ha 10660 1 1/21/1989 Warwick, John Charles 15743 1 1/21/2000 Wang, Tracy Kathryn 17082 2/17/2004 Washam, Jeffrey Brent 12416 1/19/1994 Wanjohi-Makuini, Clare Muthoni 10210 9/20/1988 Washington, Christina Hampton 15775 1/24/2001 Warciski, Glenn Samuel 17109 3/16/2004 Washington, Deana Marie 14911 6/30/1999 Ward, Anita Jones 10500 7/26/1989 Washington, Karen Livennan 09765 7/22/1987 Ward, David Brooks 13616 7/24/1996 Washington, LaShaun Yvette 13 1() 1 7/25/1995 Ward, David Pverett I41S2 11/24/1997 Washington, Paula Colette 12603 7/26/1994 Ward, Deborah Hollingswoiih 15034 7/15/1999 Washington, Temetra Rice 12579 7/26/1994 Ward, Jamie Durham 09513 9/16/1986 Wasilick, Rosemary CaiT 06624 9/15/1976 Ward, Joseph Jutson 10179 9/7/1988 Waslaski, Glenda Rae 14872 6/30/1999 Ward, Kimbcily Carroll 08481 8/3/1983 Wassel, Karen Ann Yatsko 14954 6/30/1999 Ward, Kristi Walker 06940 4/14/1978 16810 7/1/2003 Ward, Melissa Mitchell 16972 8/6/2003 05145 4/4/1968 Ward, Needhain Eldon 12360 9/21/1993 Waterman, Tammy Harvey 14702 1 1/24/1998 Ward, Pamela Gladney 09995 5/17/1988 Waters, Christopher Russell 05783 4/7/1972 Ward, Phillip Thomas 05447 4/2/1970 Waters, Jack 06395 9/9/1975 Ward, Richard Thoinas 1021 1 9/20/1988 Waters, Paul Emoiy 14703 1 1/24/1998 Ward, Ron Antonio 16414 6/19/2002 Waters, Wesley Vernon Arthur 05568 9/22/1970 Ward, Ronald Young 08730 7/30/1984 Watkins, Ann Flynn 13992 7/1/1997 Ward, Steven Bernard 10565 7/26/1989 Watkins, James Nathaniel 10161 8/1/1988 Ward, Suzanne Marsh 15008 7/8/1999 Watkins, Michael Lee 11832 7/24/1992 Ward, Tracy Somers 12707 7/26/1994 Watkins, Steven Boyd 07072 1 1/3/1978 Ward, Williain Thoinas 1 1475 7/24/1991 Watkins, Tammie Chavis 06104 2/19/1974 Ware, Audrey Smith 13039 7/25/1995 Watson, AzJta Hajisheikli 15184 9/21/1999 Warner, Delia Jean 09889 11/17/1987 Watson, Beverly Blackwood 09601 3/2/1987 Warner, Lloyd Alan 05569 9/22/1970 Watson, Charles Millard 11762 7/24/1992 Warren, Charleen Hargro 05784 4/7/1972 Watson, Duncan McNeill 13615 7/24/1996 Warren, Dana Leggette 04039 7/4/1957 Watson, Emory Milner 13162 7/25/1995 Wairen, Deanna Lynn 07073 1 1/3/1978 Watson, Gary James 17314 7/7/2004 Warren, Emily Ann 16241 1/15/2002 Watson, Jaines Archer 04866 9/23/1965 W a n e n , Elynn Wilford 05384 12/10/1969 Watson, James Carl 04865 9/23/1965 Warren, Lany Joe 09766 7/22/1987 Watson, John William 06845 9/16/1977 Wan-en, Michael Ray 09103 7/26/1985 Watson, Kimberly Lassiter 13614 7/24/1996 Warren-Davis, Charlene LaVerne 15577 7/13/2000 Watson, Mara Helen Phannacist Name . Pharmacist Name Warrick, Leigh Ellen Wasson, Lou Ann Watanabe, Yoshiko R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date License Date Number Reeistered Number Reeistered U700I 11/3/1978 Watson, Page Chenovvetli 14956 6/30/1999 Weaver, Rebecca Rnox 11355 7/24/1991 Watson, Rebecca Heavner 08165 7/26/1982 Weaver, Royal Woith 07855 7/24/1981 Watson, Susan Bradford 04493 3/6/1962 Weaver, Van Darwin 16768 5/21/2003 Watson, Timothy Howard 07804 7/24/1981 Webb, Alison Jordan 11476 7/24/1991 Watts, Cale Edward I36I7 7/24/1996 Webb, Britt Alan 04674 3/5/1964 Watts, Jack Glenn 16047 7/17/2001 Webb, Elizabeth Ellis 06846 9/16/1977 Watts, John Franklin 08619 2/22/1984 Webb, Gregory Donald 09753 7/22/1987 Watts, Raren Stephenson 11054 7/25/1990 Webb, Jennifer Wandling 11383 7/24/1991 Watts, Kathleen Knebe! 07483 7/25/1980 Webb, Julie Lynne 10510 7/26/1989 Watts, Katie Mayo 13255 1 1/21/1995 Webb, Stephen Lee 04723 3/4/1964 Watts, Mitchell Wayne 16737 4/21/2003 Webber, Elvira Berdennicova 07288 11/1/1979 Watts, Robert Bowman 15814 3/20/2001 Weber, Timothy David 07074 11/3/1978 Walts, Ronald Dean 05427 4/2/1970 Webster, Constance 10164 8/1/1988 Watts, Stanley Oakley 10234 1 1/15/1988 Webster, David Glenn 10165 8/1/1988 Watts, Thomas Richard 07289 11/1/1979 Webster, Kathy Park 11494 7/30/1991 Watts, Val Joseph 02936 2/20/1941 Webster, Willie Broox 1 1772 7/24/1992 Watts, Valerie Hooper 12361 9/21/1993 Wedel, Eileen V 05970 4/12/1973 Waugh, H a n y Lynn 14222 1/22/1998 Weeks, Ava Lindy 13254 1 1/21/1995 Waypa, Shirley Low 11731 7/24/1992 Weeks, Cynthia Creech 09817 7/21/1987 Weaks, Louis Hysmith 13908 6/27/1997 Weeks, Dawn Haywood 0671 7 4/15/1977 Weanl, Theodore Franklin 06755 9/2/1977 Weeks, Edgar Dickson 11053 7/25/1990 Wease, Billy Ray 08934 2/26/1985 Weeks, Melissa Tillman 05735 10/1/1971 Wease, Billy Ray 11123 10/25/1990 Weeks, Rhonda Darby 1 1477 7/24/1991 Wease, Noima Webster 16306 5/14/2002 Wei, Rowena Rivera 04635 7/5/1963 Weatherly, William John 10626 9/23/1989 Weiler, Brenda Diane 04636 7/5/1963 Weathers, Donald Lawrence 10661 1 1/21/1989 Weiler, Williain Edward 12708 7/26/1994 Weaver, Bradley Stevenson 1 1931 1 1/17/1992 Weill, Edwin Lee 1 1527 9/17/1991 Weaver, Dana Sue 14133 9/16/1997 Weisberg, Harry Allen 13760 2/25/1997 Weaver, Elizabeth Kostin 17315 7/7/2004 Weisman, Stefanie L 06294 4/10/1975 Weaver, Elizabeth Roach 12709 7/26/1994 Weist, Mathew Ryan 13852 5/14/1997 Weaver, Gregoiy Allen 13164 7/25/1995 Welborn, Michelle Warren 11853 7/24/1992 Weaver, Jolynn Dru 16900 7/1/2003 Welch, Adam C 06795 9/16/1977 Weaver, Lauralyle Johnson 13994 7/1/1997 Welch, David Albert 04648 7/30/1963 Weaver, Mark Kaye 1541 1 5/16/2000 Welch, Richard M 14846 5/18/1999 Weaver, Matthew Gerard 08167 7/26/1982 Welch, Ronald Matlin Pharmacist N a m e Phannacist N a m e R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Reeistered License Date Number Reeistered 13458 7/24/1996 Weiler, Couilncy Deadnion 12677 7/26/1994 Westbrook, Sandra Robeits 05971 4/12/1973 Wellons, Edmund Michael 11216 2/19/1991 Westby, Gregoiy Alan 09244 2/27/1986 Wells, Annah Shearin 06509 4/5/1976 Wester, Barry Donald 16915 7/2/2003 Wells, Autumn Sicily 12834 2/22/1995 Westmoreland, Rristin Clark 09310 5/I2/I986 Wells, Billie Hall 11670 5/20/1992 Weston, Geoffrey Gregory 04129 7/18/1958 Wells, Elizabeth Ann 13996 7/1/1997 Wetzel, Charles Henry 04239 7/2/1959 Wells, Franklin Ennis 16137 9/18/2001 Weybrecht, Price Webster 14873 6/30/1999 Wells, Leslie Carter 13385 5/14/1996 Whalen, Lesa Martino 06964 8/30/1978 Weils, Roger Dale 03959 7/4/1956 Whaley, Edsel Frank 09983 5/17/1988 Wells, Sandra Gentry 06396 9/9/1975 Wiialey, Frances Drennan 05010 4/1/1967 Wells, Sara 04088 2/28/1958 Whaley, Hobart Glenn 16948 7/14/2003 Wells, Stephanie Suzanne 17316 7/7/2004 Whaley, Laura Kristen 05165 6/19/1968 Welsh, Jesse Luckey 1 1555 11/19/1991 Wharton, Jaines Edward 03513 10/29/1951 Welsh, Olin Henderson 1 1480 7/24/1991 Wheatley, Troy James 06220 9/17/1974 Welsh, Olin Henderson 17317 7/7/2004 Wheaton, Jessica Rowell 16216 1/16/2002 Welter, Karissa Janelle 06221 9/17/1974 Wheeler, David Stewart 13618 7/24/1996 Wentz, Debra A 05629 3/29/1971 Wheeler, Julia M 13366 3/19/1996 Wentzel, Donald Hunter 09225 2/27/1986 Wheeler, Rathiyn K e u 06748 8/2/1977 Werley, Leroy Delbert 13619 7/24/1996 Wheeler, Lance 09890 1 1/17/1987 Werlz, David Gourley 07387 4/24/1980 Wheeler, Robert Vernon 11986 2/24/1993 Wessel, Erika Carolina 06659 4/15/1977 Wheeler. Sharon Campbell 15479 6/28/2000 Wessell, Andrea Michelle 13461 7/24/1996 Wheeler, Stephanie Dillard 09053 7/26/1985 Wesson, Diane Killian 11217 2/19/1991 Wheeler-Non-is, Pamela Nicole 16253 3/4/2002 West, Beverly Dew 14415 6/26/1998 Wheeless, Carlie Neil 13995 7/1/1997 West, Gaiy Douglas 14753 1/27/1999 Whipple. Ronda Schrimper 06625 9/15/1976 West, Gregory Bryan 15710 9/19/2000 Whisler, Maiy Faye Smith 03755 7/6/1954 West, James Robert 1571 1 9/19/2000 Whitaker, Amy Lynn 05448 4/2/1970 West, Ray McCray 07153 4/27/1979 White, Amy Mittman 09769 7/22/1987 West, Rimberly Margaret 16217 1/16/2002 White, Avis Rochelle 11350 7/24/1991 West, Lori Hammond 06825 9/16/1977 White, B Ray Patterson 07891 1 1/17/1981 West, Marquita Ann 07084 12/1/1978 White, Betty A 06626 9/15/1976 West, Thomas Latham 08140 7/26/1982 White, Carol Muse 03514 10/29/1951 West, Waits Artemus 14584 7/21/1998 White, Carolyn Denise 16925 7/7/2003 Westbrook, Jason Reid 05363 10/2/1969 White, Charles Craig 14414 6/26/1998 Westbrook, Randall Billy 1 1855 7/24/1992 White, Charles Heniy Phamiacist Name Phamiacist Name R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9 / 3 0 / 2 0 0 4 License Date Number Reeistered White, Edward Pinckney 15712 9/19/2000 Whiteley, Marilyn Herbst White, Ered Lee 09468 8/19/1986 Whilesell, Richard Jones 11/18/1986 White, Gaiy Eveiett 06078 9/18/1973 Whitesell, Sherrod Sanders 16691 1/22/2003 White, Gloria Ruth 16415 6/19/2002 Whitley, Amanda Bradford 03858 7/5/1955 White, Grey Bullock 12295 7/26/1993 Whitley, Carla T 06076 9/18/1973 White, H a n y Lee 11058 7/25/1990 Whitley, Christy Wainwright I55S9 7/14/2000 White, James Alan 10168 8/1/1988 Whitley, Jeffrey Dwayne 06510 4/5/1976 White, James Emoiy 13998 7/1/1997 Whitley, Jesse Glenn 16281 4/1/2002 White, Janet Lynne 14595 7/29/1998 Whitley, Kelly Denice 04494 3/6/1962 White, John Richard 11856 7/24/1992 Whitley, Kenneth Lee 09770 7/22/1987 White, John Richard I180I 7/24/1992 Whitley, Mia McRorie 03752 6/30/1954 White, Joseph Graham 09910 1/19/1988 Whitlock, Ellen Michele 11218 2/19/1991 White, Joseph Mark 12827 2/22/1995 Whitmore, Lisa Angel 10544 7/26/1989 White, Rimberly Rowland 08812 7/30/1984 Whitmore, Marilynn Turner 06368 9/9/1975 White, Marianne Rjaycirik 16626 9/24/2002 Whitsett, Julie Johnson 12155 7/26/1993 White, Melanie Hardee 11059 7/25/1990 Whitt, Lynn Koonce 16901 7/1/2003 While, Meredith Gay 1 1 172 1 1/20/1990 Whitten, Kim Mays 07875 9/15/1981 White, Nonna Jeffries 17421 8/20/2004 Whittington, Jennifer Leigh 04643 8/1/1963 White, Paul Howell 08483 8/3/1983 Whittle, Gaiy Alan 08169 7/26/1982 White, Paul Mclntyre 07121 4/27/1979 Whittlesey, Gina Chamberlain 05293 4/10/1969 White, Rodgers Selwyn 11060 7/25/1990 Wicher, Stephen Anthony 08170 7/26/1982 White, Romas Templeton 05972 4/12/1973 Wicker, William 07925 I/19/I982 White, Ronald Earl 09269 3/18/1986 Widle, Kent Gaiy 06307 4/10/1975 White, Sandra Brown 09771 7/22/1987 Wiedenmayer, Karin Anne 08712 7/30/1984 White, Sara Bush 09974 3/22/1988 Wieder, Robert Charles 13910 6/27/1997 White, Shalonda 11118 9/18/1990 Wieder, Steven Mark 16505 7/3/2002 White, Tara Deonne 09670 7/22/1987 Wiener, Robin Anne 05785 4/7/1972 White, William Jaines 14604 8/7/1998 Wiens, Cheiyl Ann 14064 7/15/1997 White-HaiTis, Carla Yvonne 03723 3/1/1954 Wiggins, Kenneth L 05093 10/7/1967 Whitehead, Charles Michael 14416 6/26/1998 Wiggins, Michael Gregg 06077 9/18/1973 Whitehead, Jefferson Draughn 07131 4/27/1979 Wiggins, Susan Eurey 06065 9/18/1973 Whitehead, Mavournecn Stallings 13621 7/24/1996 Wightman, Donna Stroup 093 1 1 5/12/1986 Whitehead, Wiley Leon 15715 9/28/2000 Wijcwickrama, Thishanthi Kumari 04335 7/6/1960 Whitehead, Willis Lee 16275 3/19/2002 Wilcox, Martha Kcssel 04 1 84 2/27/1959 Whitehurst, Paul Adams 14065 7/15/1997 Wild, Stephen Wesley License Date Number Reeistered 11056 7/25/1990 07290 11/1/1979 09547 Phannacist Name Phannacist Name R K G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Reeistered Wiley, R. Scott 15282 1/18/2000 Williams, Daphne Delane 7/1/2003 Wilhami, Lindsay Joy 15535 7/6/2000 Williams, Delltonia Levete I4S47 5/18/1999 Wilinski, Sharon Anne 08312 3/15/1983 Williams, Dennis Michael 06079 9/18/1973 Wiikerson, Edwin Cisco 06511 4/5/1976 Williams, Douglas Marvin 05094 10/7/1967 Wilkerson, Robert Douglas 04867 9/23/1965 Williams, Elizabeth Clark 04018 7/4/1957 Wilkes, Ernestine Baker 16248 2/6/2002 Williams, Erin Rae 13911 6/27/1997 Wilkes, Jen-y Wayne 04240 7/2/1959 Williams, Franklin Ervin 08813 7/30/1984 Wilkins, Charles Allen 12014 3/16/1993 Williams, Frederick Lee 10298 2/27/1989 Wilkins, Charles Murray 03629 3/3/1953 Williams, Glenwood Lee 12306 7/26/1993 Wilkins, Rim Yates 17318 7/7/2004 Williams, Gregory Michael 13168 7/25/1995 Wilkins, Nick Mitchell 06399 9/9/1975 Williams, James Anhur 08003 3/I6/I982 Wilkins, Raymond Dale 07464 7/25/1980 Williams, Jan Lassiter 12296 7/26/1993 Wilkins. Roben Roy 12170 7/26/1993 Williams, Jean Hong 08484 8/3/1983 Wilkins, Sandra Rrentz 15818 4/10/2001 Williams, Jeffrey Alan 14589 7/27/1998 Wilkinson, Alicia Anne 06936 4/14/1978 Williams, Jennifer Stancil 14377 6/26/1998 Wilkinson, Lori Major 07857 7/24/1981 Williams, Jeny O'Neil i 1061 7/25/1990 Wiilard, Ronnie Dale 05824 9/5/1972 Williams, Jo Ann Hale 1 1414 7/24/1991 Willefoid, Jennifer Pare 06883 4/14/1978 Williams, JoAnn Canadas' 05294 4/10/1969 Willets, George Marshall 10470 7/26/1989 Williams, Judy Morris 15980 7/9/2001 Williams, Allison Hoots 12872 3/21/1995 Williams, Ratherine Rrueger 1 1482 7/24/1991 Williams, Amy 17319 7/7/2004 Williams, Rendal Leigh Ann 12078 7/20/1993 Williams, Angela Stella 12298 7/26/1993 Williams, Rendel Neil 13217 9/19/1995 Williams, Anita M B 16538 7/12/2002 Williams, Ren-ie Patrice 13999 7/1/1997 Williams, Audra Beth 16450 6/24/2002 Williams, Riinberly Deanna 05095 10/7/1967 Williams, Berry Lynn 13588 7/24/1996 Williams. Lara Simpson 12271 7/26/1993 Williams, Beth Steinbeck 04241 7/2/1959 Williams, Lawrence Lanier 06941 4/14/1978 Williams, Bruce Alexander 12097 7/26/1993 Williams, LeAnn Bridgets 15481 6/28/2000 Williams, Casey Benjamin 12711 7/26/1994 Williams, Lionel Demea 10728 2/21/1990 Williams, Chandra Mintz 15251 1/4/2000 15022 7/12/1999 Williams, Charlene Rhinehait 11857 7/24/1992 Williams, Lisa Lloyd 08024 5/18/1982 Williams, Charles Claybome 11063 7/25/1990 Williams, Luanne Kemp 15621 7/18/2000 Williams, Charles Lee 06080 9/18/1973 Williams, Luther George 09772 7/22/1987 Williams, Christine Guy 06222 9/17/1974 Williams, Lynwood Ashley 12297 7/26/1993 Williams, Christopher Gray 05096 10/7/1967 Williams, Mark Oliver 09647 5/11/1987 Williams, Clara Ellen 14899 6/30/1999 Williams, Melissa Eispeth License Date Number Reeistered 11898 9/22/1992 16902 Pharmacist N a m e Phamiacist N a m e Williams, Lisa G R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Reeistered Phannacist Name Williams, Michael George 04862 9/23/1965 Williford, Mary Lou 7/25/1990 Williams, Michael Glenn 08995 7/16/1985 Williford, Stephen Lee 15590 7/14/2000 Williams, Michele Diane 04724 3/4/1964 Williford, Thomas Alton 11065 7/25/1990 Williams, Michelle Bunce 16704 1/28/2003 Williman, Benjamin Shane 10628 9/23/1989 Williams, Morgan Lewis 1 1990 2/24/1993 Willinghain, Tami Leigh 16007 7/11/2001 Williams, Otis Vincent 07076 11/3/1978 Willis, Bonnie Fay 09245 2/27/1986 Williams, Patricia Lynn 15716 9/29/2000 Willis, Jennifer Bingham 05459 4/21/1970 WillianTS, Richard Darwin 10514 7/26/1989 Willis, Libby McLemore 06947 5/12/1978 Williams, Robeit Glen 17321 7/7/2004 W i l l i s , Michael Gregoiy 12300 7/26/1993 Williams, 12144 7/26/1993 Willis, Michele Garchar 14275 3/17/1998 Williams, Sheiry Lynn 09949 2/24/1988 Willms, Roger 16904 7/1/2003 Williams, Stephanie Wood 15536 7/6/2000 Willoughby, David Leslie 10559 7/26/1989 Williams, Suzanne Trunk 12301 7/26/1993 Wills, Angela 16627 9/24/2002 Williams, Tammy Lynn 10131 8/1/1988 Wilson, Angela Reutman 07389 4/24/1980 Williams, Timothy Rae 12451 2/24/1994 Wilson, Beth Tyndall 161 19 9/18/2001 Williams, Vicki Lynn 08487 8/3/1983 Wilson, Brenda Lee 15957 7/5/2001 Williams, Victoria Crawford 14183 1 1/24/1997 Wilson, Cannen Sue 13912 6/27/1997 Williams, Wendy Lynn 07327 3/18/1980 Wilson, Charlene Searson 04601 3/5/1963 Williams, William Thurston 06965 8/30/1978 Wilson, Charles Marion 1 1854 7/24/1992 Williams, Wren Weaver 11860 7/24/1992 Wilson, Daniel Allen 16973 8/6/2003 Williams, Yolanda Douglas 15745 12/5/2000 Wilson, Deanne Knick 17320 7/7/2004 Williamson, Bobbie Jo 10861 7/25/1990 Wilson, Donna Arthur 14512 7/10/1998 Williamson, Brian Wayne 17322 7/7/2004 Wilson, James Louis 07978 3/1/1982 Williamson, Dan Edwin 13610 7/24/1996 Wilson, Jane Tyndall 10733 2/21/1990 Williamson, Dianne Sellars 11531 9/17/1991 Wilson, Joel Lany 16021 7/17/2001 Williamson, Elizabeth Hargett 04815 3/3/1965 Wilson, John David 08158 7/26/1982 Williamson, Jenny Strickland 15353 3/21/2000 Wilson, Julia Susan 13169 7/25/1995 Williamson, John Christopher 13170 7/25/1995 Wilson, Kevin Lane 16506 7/3/2002 Williamson, Johnny Wade 08972 5/21/1985 Wilson, Revin Morris 17391 7/27/2004 Williamson, Resha Ticole 16520 7/9/2002 Wilson, Kristi Krawietz 06628 9/15/1976 Williamson, Patricia Thrower 07979 3/1/1982 Wilson, Lany Glenn 17169 7/7/2004 Williford, Amanda Bowles 12101 7/26/1993 Wilson, Laura Burns 08289 2/22/1983 Williford, Hennan Van 10169 8/1/1988 Wilson, Lori Wilkins 15926 6/27/2001 Williford, Joey Wood 13171 7/25/1995 Wilson, Michelle Reynolds 16903 7/1/2003 Williford, Laura Kimberly 06512 4/5/1976 Wilson, Neill Emmett License Date Number Reeistered 057S7 4/7/1972 1 1064 Phannacist Name Robert Miller R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S AS O E 9 / 3 0 / 2 0 0 4 License Date Number Reeistered Wilson, Patricia Marie 15247 11/16/1999 Winh, Bradford Philip Wilson, Rebecca Dawn Prevette 12015 3/16/1993 Wirth, Peter Edward Wilson, Sameerah 17435 9/21/2004 Wise, Beth Anne 9/24/2002 Wilson, Sharon Jefferson 07188 6/26/1979 Wisham, Robert Preston 0940S 7/29/1986 Wilson, Susan Hogan 12781 11/15/1994 Wiskow, Raren Marie 09442 7/29/1986 Wilson, Susan Sample 17379 7/20/2004 Witiner, Domia Royster 05570 9/22/1970 Wilson, Thomas Steve 07890 9/15/1981 Wivagg, Robeit Thomas 11701 7/24/1992 Wilson, Tracy Bane 17324 7/7/2004 Wobbleton, Debra Lee 03486 6/28/1951 Wilson, William Hooper 16184 11/20/2001 Wodlinger, Anna Maria 08488 8/3/1983 Wilverding, Thomas Jolin 16218 1/16/2002 Wolfe, Catherine Ann 16416 6/19/2002 Wimberly, Sheena Sherrington 1 1234 3/19/1991 Wolfe, David Renneth 11777 7/24/1992 Wimmer, Maiy Hull 13410 7/16/1996 Wolfe, Diane Lynn 08936 2/26/1985 Winchell, Ronald Stuart 14658 10/9/1998 Wolfe, Jennifer B e n y 16562 7/16/2002 Winchester, Catherine O'Cain 14066 7/15/1997 Wolfe-Morgan, Robin Michele 10569 7/26/1989 Windley, Gina Mangas 14224 1/22/1998 Wolff, Greta Heilker 04924 3/31/1966 Winfree, James Huntley 10570 7/26/1989 Wolff, Stefani Ann 09975 3/22/1988 Wingate, Wayne Douglas 12957 7/18/1995 Wolford, Nancy Lynn 16663 1 1/20/2002 Winget, Myron Holly 07287 1 1/1/1979 Wolhar, Judith Watson 05974 4/12/1973 Winn, John Bennett 13336 2/21/1996 Wolle, Angelin Elizabeth 16138 9/18/2001 Winn, John David 12650 7/26/1994 Wolter, Jennifer Moore 10823 5/15/1990 Winn, William Myles 06082 9/18/1973 Womack. Billy Ray 10788 3/20/1990 Winquist, William Arthur 11556 1 1/19/1991 Womack, Mary Elizabeth 08881 11/20/1984 Winslow, Robeil Mark 05736 10/1/1971 Womack, Sallie Ann Brooks 15482 6/28/2000 Winslow, Troy Javonne 05737 10/1/1971 Womble, Logan Nyal 14418 6/26/1998 Winslow-Mizelle, Becky Anne 06001 9/18/1973 Womble, Thomas Franklin 15917 6/27/2001 Winsor, Cecily Summey 12304 7/26/1993 Wong, Selena Rit 13048 7/25/1995 Winstead, Heather Hindsley 11483 7/24/1991 Wood, B a n y Ronald 06081 9/18/1973 Winstead, Marsha Barefoot 14959 6/30/1999 Wood, Carl Andrew 07858 7/24/1981 Winstead, Ronald Jackson 13623 7/24/1996 Wood, David Wayne 14789 3/16/1999 Wint, Susan Rene 06241 2/25/1975 Wood, Jesse Richardson 1I9S1 2/24/1993 Winters, Andrea Smith 03821 2/28/1955 Wood, John Dee 05975 4/12/1973 Winters, George Thomas 13858 6/27/1997 Wood, Raren Anderson 15284 1/21/2000 Winters, Timothy Brooks 09840 9/15/1987 Wood, Lynne Landon 13808 3/18/1997 Wire, John Andrew 14070 7/21/1997 Wood, Melissa Elizabeth 13809 3/18/1997 Wire, Mary Glenn 16692 1/22/2003 Wood. Nancy L. License Date Number Reeistered 14223 1/22/1998 16444 6/24/2002 17323 7/7/2004 16628 Pharmacist Name Phamiacist Name R E G I S T E R E D P H A R M A C I S T S A S O F 9/30/2004 License Number Date Reeistered License Number Date Reeistered 04725 3/4/1964 Wood, Roben Michael 08173 7/26/1982 Wooten, Daria Wuycik 07180 5/15/1979 Wood, Roland Vance 05107 10/18/1967 Wooten, Ernest Aubrey 12305 7/26/1993 Wood, William Howard 16739 4/29/2003 Wooten, James Daniel 04931 4/19/1966 Wood, William Wallace 12715 7/26/1994 Wooten, Michael Steven 07172 4/27/1979 Woodall. Emerson Eugene 14734 1/20/1999 Wooton, Teri Corinne 05652 3/29/1971 Woodall, Hal Breen 08530 9/20/1983 Worden, James Penland 12016 3/16/1993 Woodall, Patricia Stephenson 07780 7/24/1981 Worden, Tammy Everett 09270 3/18/1986 Woodard, Alan Mar\'in 09246 2/27/1986 Worf, Alicia Zuinwalt 13625 7/24/1996 Woodard. Catherine Lea 07928 1/19/1982 Work, David Roger 05572 9/22/1970 Woodard, Charles Eby 06223 9/17/1974 Worley, James Thomas 05041 4/1/1967 Woodard, Erwin Carlyle 05870 9/5/1972 Worley, Robert Wilton 04816 3/3/1965 Woodard, James William 11863 7/24/1992 Worley, Tonya Loye 05366 10/2/1969 Woodard, John Vemon 11607 2/21/1992 Worley, Tonya Paul 09271 3/18/1986 Woodard, Razuyo Sakamoto 15644 7/25/2000 Worst, Holly Beth 07292 11/1/1979 Woodard, Michael Sugg 11484 7/24/1991 Worthington, Mickey Dean 08808 7/30/1984 Woodard, Princess Thopmson 07980 3/1/1982 Worthington, Patricia Jean 17152 6/4/2004 Woodberry, Jerome 07929 1/19/1982 Wozniak, Leon Andrew 05498 9/18/1970 Woodbur>', Julian Taliafeno 12134 7/26/1993 Wray, Tammy Derway 16693 1/22/2003 Woodbury, Wayne Adrian 13319 2/21/1996 Wrenn, Julie Miller 08816 7/30/1984 Woodcox, William Dennis 11530 9/17/1991 Wrenn, Kathleen 07498 7/25/1980 Woodell, William Ralph 14002 7/1/1997 Wright, Aaron Colbeit 14830 5/18/1999 Woodie, Angela Denise 1671 1 2/4/2003 Wright, Albert Leroy 16099 8/31/2001 Woodman, Allistcr Reith 12985 7/25/1995 Wright, Amanda Evelyn 11862 7/24/1992 Woodring-Oldham, Jennifer Anne 16518 7/8/2002 Wright, Andrew Gordon 13175 7/25/1995 Woods, Corinne Michele 13628 7/24/1996 Wright, Donald John 16494 7/1/2002 Woods, Michael Sidney 16009 7/11/2001 Wright, Ellie 09223 2/27/1986 Woods, Robin Jones 15185 9/21/1999 Wright, James Tyrone 16185 1 1/20/2001 Woodward, Monica Jenkins 16510 7/8/2002 Wright, Kristen 06158 4/9/1974 Woody, Alvin Dell 14960 6/30/1999 Wright, Laura Suzanne 12017 3/16/1993 Woody, David Lewis 15537 7/6/2000 Wright, Lisa dcBruyne 07520 9/16/1980 Woody, James Claybronc 12124 7/26/1993 Wright, Loreen Lynne 14001 7/1/1997 Woolard, Amanda Thornton 05871 9/5/1972 Wright, Marjorie Susan 1 1767 7/24/1992 Woolard, Christie Heath 06720 4/15/1977 12452 2/24/1994 Woolard, Timcjthy Neil 17326 7/7/2004 Wright, Nathan Samuel 17325 7/7/2004 Wooten, Amanda Michelle 06513 4/5/1976 Wright, Randolph lilake Pharmacist Name Pharmacist Name Jane Farris Wright, Michael Gregory REGISTERED P H A R M A C I S T S AS O F 9/30/2004 License Date Number Reeistered Wright, Russell David 16907 7/1/2003 Yardley, Michelle Elizabeth 2/22/1995 Wright, Taniika Lavon 05872 9/5/1972 Yates, Danny Joe 05170 7/19/1968 Wrinkle, Charles Ancel 06583 9/15/1976 Yates, Jane Wallis 15183 9/21/1999 Wurst, Reele Elise 16528 7/10/2002 Yates, Rimberly Renee 11140 10/25/1990 Wyatt, Alan Craig 15136 8/25/1999 Yee, Sandy 14003 7/1/1997 Wyatt, April Hinson 13630 7/24/1996 Yehle, David Bruce 12716 7/26/1994 Wyatt, Biyan John 13177 7/25/1995 Yehle, Tracy Loggins 10939 7/25/1990 Wyatt, Riniber Hairis 10171 8/1/I98S 12117 7/26/1993 Wyble, Lori Coe 07499 7/25/1980 Yelvenon, Cynthia Coe 16186 1 1/20/2001 Wyche, Sandra Yvonne 08174 7/26/1982 Yelverton, Michael Preston 16905 7/1/2003 Wylie, Rathiyn Rebecca 1 7069 1/23/2004 Yerex, Susan Jones 06848 9/16/1977 Wynne, Ratherine Schmidt 05098 10/7/1967 Yim, Man Ro 05653 3/29/1971 Wynne, Walter Bruce 09777 7/22/1987 Yiottis, Tessie 07622 2/27/1981 Wyrick, Biyan Reith 14068 7/15/1997 Yoblinski, Mary Denise 14004 7/1/1997 Wyrick, Crystal Mayola 16249 2/6/2002 Yoch, Douglas Roman 17327 7/7/2004 Wyrick, Jason Chad 11068 7/25/1990 Yoder, Douglas Montell 15297 1/27/2000 Wysong, Ratherine Helene 14226 1/22/1998 Yoder, Patricia Ann 10022 7/19/1988 Wysor, Merle Ann 15776 1/24/2001 Yohinan, Anthony Paul 13704 1 1/19/1996 Yablonski, Frank John 10172 8/1/1988 Yon, Soon Rwong 12869 2/22/1995 Yaccarino, Cheiyl Renee 16093 8/9/2001 Yoncy, Dennis Michael 14225 1/22/1998 Yaconetti, Marie 11069 7/25/1990 Yongue, Douglas Yates 16069 7/18/2001 Yale, Melinda Anne 10662 1 1/21/1989 York, Francenc Rristoff 1 1991 2/24/1993 Yancey, Rathyrn Anne 04298 2/25/1960 Yost, Thomas Marion 03206 9/5/1947 Yandell, Charles Robinson 15841 5/15/2001 Youmans, David Leonard 12870 2/22/1995 Yandle, David Franklin 12718 7/26/1994 Young, Charla Marie Holmes 10571 7/26/1989 Yaniv, Angela Womack 03410 8/17/1950 Young, Charles Wesley 13629 7/24/1996 Yankee, Roxanne Marie 15777 1/24/2001 Young, David George 10629 9/23/1989 Yann, Frank Guy 05099 10/7/1967 Young, David Marion 14848 5/18/1999 Yapp, Michael Elsworth 06310 4/10/1975 Young, Janet Perry 04534 7/10/1962 Yarborough, Frank Flowers 11802 7/24/1992 Young, Julie Ellen 05016 4/1/1967 Yarborough, Margaret Clayton 10572 7/26/1989 Young, Raren Leigh 08622 2/22/1984 Yarborough, T e n y Eugene 08176 9/14/1982 Young, Lou Scott 06401 9/9/1975 Yarborough, William Hardy 11 740 7/24/1992 Young, Pamela Dowless 14961 6/30/1999 Yarbrough, Jason Brent 05147 4/4/1968 Young. Ronald Edwin 05989 6/19/1973 Yarbrough, Williain Columbus 07623 2/27/1981 Young, Stuan Ray License Date Number Reeistered 060S3 9/18/1973 12868 Phamiacist Name Phannacist Name Yelton, Teresa Ann Williams REGISTERED License Date Number Reeistered L3705 11/19/1996 16908 P H A R M A C I S T S AS O E 9 / 3 0 / 2 0 0 4 License Date Number Registered Young, Teresa Fanner 12308 7/26/1993 Zigmont, Ellen Anna 7/1/2003 Young-Citro, Amy Marie 15079 7/20/1999 Zillmer, Rhonda Hoover 13631 7/24/1996 Youngennan, Renee Lee 15023 7/12/1999 Zimmennan, Catherine Ann 06721 4/15/1977 Young-Smith, Bea 15309 2/23/2000 Zimmennan, Kristin Kay 09942 2/24/1988 Younkins, Carol Slagle 10950 7/25/1990 Zimmennan, Melinda Pons 09778 7/22/1987 Younkins, Glenn David 07390 4/24/1980 Z i n d a , J a n e Jaeger 10633 11/3/1989 Yount, Gregoiy Dale 08330 5/10/1983 Zingelmann, Mark Kristian 10741 2/21/1990 Yount, Wendy Waddell 13218 9/19/1995 Zinka, John F 09466 7/29/1986 Younts, Jane Amber 10173 8/1/1988 Zinkeler, Derek Alan 09977 3/22/1988 Youssef, Nessim F 12671 7/26/1994 Zohn, Laura Rene 1510S 7/20/1999 Yowell, Sally Lynn 1 1948 1/19/1993 Zoinpa, Hemy Anthony 13256 11/21/1995 Yowler, Richard Thomas 10037 8/1/1988 Zone, Christine Elizabeth 15134 8/23/1999 Ysidron, Denise M 16909 7/1/2003 Zook, Robin Hannon 15981 7/9/2001 Yu, Hsin Yun Hsieh 06629 9/15/1976 Zook, Thomas Edward 1 1486 7/24/1991 Yu-lsenberg, Riistina So Yon 12719 7/26/1994 Zuber, Elizabeth P 10069 8/1/1988 Zaccardelli, Debra Ray 16665 1 1/20/2002 Zuege, Darlene Luella 17428 9/7/2004 Zachariah, Manchu Maiy 15538 7/6/2000 Zunk, Angela Starnes 04406 3/6/1961 Zachary, James Neville 06921 4/14/1978 Zurek, Deborah Andrea 05976 4/12/1973 Zachaiy, Mark Stephen 09109 7/26/1985 Zweigart, Sandra Main 06974 10/17/1978 Zahran, Lucy M 16595 8/27/2002 Zwolinski, Michael Arthur 06943 4/14/1978 Zaieon, Carolyn Renee 11487 7/24/1991 Zygmuntowicz, Alisha Hurst 07751 7/21/1981 Zaleon, Philip 15355 3/21/2000 Zaieski, Matthew David 16664 1 1/20/2002 Zailar, Sheri Lynn 04090 2/28/1958 Zambito, Joseph i 0790 3/20/1990 Zatti, John Battista 14276 3/17/1998 Zawilla, Emil G 13257 1 1/21/1995 Zazen, Darrell Michael 09747 7/22/1987 Zeitany, Marsha Sigmon 17346 7/13/2004 Zelich, Katherine Roy 1631 1 5/14/2002 Zeinene, Teklhimanot Alamrew 15414 5/16/2000 Zepp, Robert Preston 15196 10/25/1999 Zhang, Jian 16738 4/24/2003 Zhao, Yun 05889 1/16/1973 Zier, Roger Bruce Phannacist Name Pharmacist Name PHARMACISTS LICENSED BY EXAMINATION E R O M 1 0 / 0 1 / 2 0 0 3 T H R O U G H 09/30/2004 License Date Number Registered License Date Number Registered 17409 8/9/2004 Ackennan, Holly Virginia 17079 2/11/2004 Childress, Samuel Lee I716I 7/7/2004 Adkins, Christina Lea 17120 4/30/2004 Chokshi, Shimul Shobhan 17390 7/27/2004 Ali, Sainia R 17178 7/7/2004 Christensen, Amanda Beth 17359 7/21/2004 Anderson, Holly Faye 17179 7/7/2004 Cloninger, Melissa Darlene 17334 7/12/2004 Baldwin, Allison Hughes 17087 2/20/2004 Cole, Mikel Rathleen 17162 7/7/2004 Ball, Melissa Paige 17383 7/23/2004 Colley, Isabel 17163 7/7/2004 Banks, Ratherine Jane 17180 7/7/2004 Confer, Mandy Lee 17425 9/7/2004 Banks, Matthew Leroy 17429 9/14/2004 17164 7/7/2004 Becton, NaQuon Taggett 17181 7/7/2004 Cring, Marcey L 17411 8/10/2004 Bennett, Christopher Lee 17182 7/7/2004 Crisp, Abbie Applewhite 17165 7/7/2004 Best, Carol LeAnn 17184 7/7/2004 Dang, Dong Vien 17335 7/12/2004 Blackwell, Jane Anders 17185 7/7/2004 Davis, Aaron Taylor 17380 7/23/2004 Bliek, Erika Joy 17186 7/7/2004 Davis, Jason Michael 17166 7/7/2004 Boateng, Kwame Owusu 17187 7/7/2004 Davis, J e n y Heath 17167 7/7/2004 Boiling, Sara Marie 17394 8/2/2004 Davis, Shawn Steven 17013 10/8/2003 Boney, Angela 17188 7/7/2004 Davis, Sheena Greene 17168 7/7/2004 Bookstaver, Paul Brandon 17189 7/7/2004 Dean-Smith, Crystal Lynn 17230 7/7/2004 Bowen, Julie Thuy 17356 7/20/2004 Decker, Janice M 17170 7/7/2004 Bowman, James Matthew 17385 7/26/2004 DeMaria, Paula Michelle 17171 7/7/2004 Boyd, Emily Elizabeth 17351 7/16/2004 Denny, Marci Lynn 17172 7/7/2004 Brown, Dana Ayscue 17191 7/7/2004 Desai, Vaidehi Shashin 17221 7/7/2004 Brown, Rachel Lynn 17337 7/12/2004 Di Dio, Lawrence Peter 17173 7/7/2004 Brown, Toni Michelle 17386 7/26/2004 Domenico, Lindsay Anne 17336 7/12/2004 Brunner, Peter James 17347 7/14/2004 Dowd, Justin Jeffrey 17174 7/7/2004 Bruton, Stacey Shaw 17192 7/7/2004 Duda, Carina Charlotte 17075 2/4/2004 Bui, Song-Hong Nguyen 17193 7/7/2004 Dunn, Steven Patrick 17175 7/7/2004 Bullock, Trish Nicole 17194 7/7/2004 Durr, Emily Anne 17393 8/2/2004 Byrd, Susan Ellen 17195 7/7/2004 Dzikowski, Amy 1 17341 7/12/2004 Carroll, Patricia Brennan 17328 7/8/2004 Edwards, James Ashley 17176 7/7/2004 Carver, Maty Emily 17196 7/7/2004 Eldridge, Melissa Sue 17412 8/10/2004 Chan, Karen 17381 7/23/2004 Eldridge, Renee Ellen 17296 7/7/2004 Chandler, Crystal Shull 17197 7/7/2004 Ellis, Ashley Flood 17177 7/7/2004 Chandonnet, Jennifer Lee 17198 7/7/2004 Ellis, Rimberly Ann Phannacist Name Phannacist Name Corley, Jennifer Lynn PHARMACISTS LICENSED BY EXAMINATION F R O M 10/01/2003 T H R O U G H 0 9 / 3 0 / 2 0 0 4 Date License Date Number Registered Number Registered 17342 7/13/2004 Ellison, Brian Reith Long 17222 7/7/2004 Hodges, LeRoy Alexander 17199 7/7/2004 Elmore, Michael Wayne 17423 8/25/2004 Hole, Nai Tina Tou Prong 17200 7/7/2004 Elsdon, Lisa Michelle 17223 7/7/2004 Holland, Shannon Marie 17201 7/7/2004 Etheredge, Teresa Bauer 17224 7/7/2004 Hollowell, Stephanie Burge 17202 7/7/2004 Evans, Joy Bowman 17225 7/7/2004 Holt, Christan Turner 17203 7/7/2004 Eaircloth, Susanne Inman 17226 7/7/2004 Houze, Tiffany Petrice 17204 7/7/2004 Farchoukh, Lina Oussama 17227 7/7/2004 Howard, Christopher Troy 17387 7/26/2004 Ferro, Melissa M 17228 7/7/2004 Howarth, Shannon Michelle 17205 7/7/2004 Flack, Ashelea Elizabeth 17229 7/7/2004 Hoye, Reri Melissa 17206 7/7/2004 Ford, Sarah Ratherine 17231 7/7/2004 Hwang, Ji Hee 17080 2/11/2004 Foster, Heather Rappler I 7083 2/18/2004 Hydro, Casey C 17207 7/7/2004 Frazer, Russell Alan 17119 4/27/2004 Hylton, Leigh Anne 17208 7/7/2004 Furlough, Woodson Ray 17232 7/7/2004 Ivey, Jena Leigh 17360 7/21/2004 Games, Dona Maria 17233 7/7/2004 Jackson, Heather Wade 17209 7/7/2004 Gardner, Casey Rimzey 17348 7/14/2004 Johnston, Christopher Alan 17210 7/7/2004 Goodwin, Corey Minton 17078 2/11/2004 Jones, Faith Marrissa 1721 1 7/7/2004 Gregoiy, Patrick Brandon 17234 7/7/2004 Jones, Jennifer Leigh 17212 7/7/2004 Grimsley, Alison Lydia I74I9 8/20/2004 Joseph, Ashi 17278 7/7/2004 Guillen, Rristy P e n y 17085 2/19/2004 Raufman, Alan Manin 17213 7/7/2004 Haddon, Lisa Ann 17235 7/7/2004 Kinnion, Jason Donald 17214 7/7/2004 Hammons, Kimberly Ballard I712I 4/30/2004 Riser, Jennifer Justice 17215 7/7/2004 Hand, Katherine Susanne 17236 7/7/2004 Klimczak, Kelly Nicole 17216 7/7/2004 Haney, Sara Anne 17415 8/11/2004 Koganti, Kalyani 17217 7/7/2004 Hansen, Christine Nicole 17044 12/8/2003 Kos, Richard Michael 17218 7/7/2004 Hansen, Nicole Leigh 17343 7/13/2004 Routsikos, Eleni George 17410 8/9/2004 Hanis, Heather Sylvia 17237 7/7/2004 Ruhit, Michelle Mari 17219 7/7/2004 Harris, Meghan Ashley 17338 7/12/2004 Kulkarni, Pooja 17388 7/26/2004 Hairison, Keri Kolleen 17238 7/7/2004 LaBreche, Matthew Thomas 17074 2/4/2004 Hedgepeth, Mary Lindsey 17239 7/7/2004 Lamm, April Lynn 17352 7/16/2004 Hedrick, Randall Shane 17240 7/7/2004 Langley, Julie Gail 17329 7/8/2004 Heidrick, Joseph Eli 17353 7/16/2004 Lawrence, Kristi Davis 17392 7/29/2004 Hersey, Keith Lionel 17241 7/7/2004 Laxton, Lyndie Daniel 17220 7/7/2004 Hitch, William Joseph 17344 7/13/2004 Lazo, Jennifer License Phamiacist Name Phannacist Name PHARMACISTS LICENSED BY E X A M I N A T I O N F R O M 10/01/2003 T H R O U G H 0 9 / 3 0 / 2 0 0 4 License Date License Number Nuinber Registered Registered 17242 7/7/2004 Lee, Jessica Ratherine 17269 7/7/2004 Nassehzadeh-Tabrizi, Zahra 17243 7/7/2004 Lee, Rristyn Nicole 17382 7/23/2004 Nelson-Nerenberg, Tara Lee 17244 7/7/2004 Lee, Loc Vinh 17270 7/7/2004 Neuheimer, Sabin Aaron 17245 7/7/2004 Lec, Melissa Renae 17345 7/13/2004 17246 7/7/2004 Lewis, Jason Dwiglu 17271 7/7/2004 Niffenegger, Lisa Beth 17247 7/7/2004 Liles, Philip Bracken 17272 7/7/2004 Ofori-Boateng, Sonia Sussie 17248 7/7/2004 Lionbarger, Stephanie Ester 17389 7/26/2004 Ohuabunwa, Chidiebere Obiage 17403 8/5/2004 Littlepage, SheiTy Lynn 17339 7/12/2004 Ovenniller, Dean Jose 17249 7/7/2004 Longwith, Melissa Sue 17330 7/8/2004 Palumbos, Sabrina Hope 17183 7/7/2004 Lopez, Jennifer Crovitz 17413 8/10/2004 Pandya, Sejal A 17250 7/7/2004 Lowe, Christopher Ryan 17402 8/5/2004 Papadopoulos, Stella 17426 9/7/2004 Lunasin, Eleanor Duran 17273 7/7/2004 Parekh, Bhavita Rashmikant 17251 7/7/2004 Maier, Sara Rathi-yn 17354 7/16/2004 Pariyadath, Rristine McGraw 17252 7/7/2004 Mayes, Erik Todd 17274 7/7/2004 Parker, Amy Rebecca 17253 7/7/2004 Mazurek, Julie Ann 17275 7/7/2004 Pastakia, Sonak D 17254 7/7/2004 McCraiy, Tracey Amber 17357 7/20/2004 Patel, Mayur Khandu 17255 7/7/2004 McGrath, Gregoiy Scott 17340 7/12/2004 Patel, Nikunj Hasmukh 17256 7/7/2004 McLellan, Amanda Lynn 17045 12/8/2003 Patel, Purva 17257 7/7/2004 McNeely, David Kilpatrick 17276 7/7/2004 Patel, Shivani Harshad 17118 4/27/2004 Mejia-Millan, Elizabeth Anne 17277 7/7/2004 Pendoia, Jacqueline Candace 17076 2/4/2004 Miller, Mark Walter 17279 7/7/2004 Poole, Lisa Marie 17258 7/7/2004 Miller, Richard Lee 17280 7/7/2004 Preimats, Jeana Elizabeth 17259 7/7/2004 Minton, Jeanie Elaine 17281 7/7/2004 Price, Jennifer Nicole 17260 7/7/2004 Mitchell, Benjamin Forrest 17282 7/7/2004 Pridgen, Caroline Wyatt 17084 2/18/2004 Mitchener, Leiia Ann 17420 8/20/2004 Puszcznski, Mariusz 17261 7/7/2004 Molnar, Shelley Melissa 17430 9/14/2004 Radhakrishnan, Senthilvelan 17262 7/7/2004 Moon, Eun Jin 17283 7/7/2004 Randolph, Sara Ellen 17263 7/7/2004 Moore, Alicia Michelle 17284 7/7/2004 Rapp, Brett David 17264 7/7/2004 Muni, Christopher Randolph 17408 8/9/2004 Regner, Rersten Marie 17265 7/7/2004 Murphy, Crystal Michelle 17285 7/7/2004 Rizzo, Shannon Ann 17266 7/7/2004 Nadkarni, Devaki Chinmay 17286 7/7/2004 Roark, Jeremiah 17267 7/7/2004 Najar, Leila G 17190 7/7/2004 Roarke, Dana Deese 17268 7/7/2004 Nail, Christy Denise 17287 7/7/2004 Roper, Jaime Price Phannacist Name Date Phannacist Name Neyarapally, George Anthony PHARMACISTS LICENSED BY EXAMINATION E R O M 10/01/2003 T H R O U G H 0 9 / 3 0 / 2 0 0 4 License Date Number Registered Roustai, Hamid 17310 7/7/2004 Suggs, Counney Michelle 7/7/2004 Rudisill, Celeste Nicole 1731 1 7/7/2004 Tappouni, Hiba L 17289 7/7/2004 Ruggles, Rebekah Diane 1 7049 2/18/2004 Tate, Arlene Olaer 17290 7/7/2004 Rwakazina, Irene Umugwaneza 17312 7/7/2004 Tate, Matthew Ford 17292 7/7/2004 Savage, Jared Clinton 17313 7/7/2004 Truman, Elizabeth Jane 17012 10/6/2003 Scavelli, Deborah Jean 17291 7/7/2004 Turner, Michelle Saunders 17293 7/7/2004 Seamon, Sara Brooke 17017 10/24/2003 17436 9/22/2004 Sever, Rimberly 17395 8/2/2004 Vora, Urvi B 17294 7/7/2004 Seymour, Maiy Beth Aldridge 17314 7/7/2004 Warren, Emily Ann 17021 i 1/5/2003 Shaw, Jacob Johnston 17315 7/7/2004 Weisman, Stefanie L 17295 7/7/2004 Shaw, Mathew Robert 17316 7/7/2004 Whaley, Laura Kristen 17077 2/4/2004 Shouse, Miyuki Nakayama 17317 7/7/2004 Wheaton, Jessica Rowell 17297 7/7/2004 Siharath, Viengkeo Homsombai 17421 8/20/2004 Whittington, Jennifer Leigh 17298 7/7/2004 Simmons, Natasha Dale 17318 7/7/2004 Williams, Gregory Michael 17427 9/7/2004 Simms, John Cardwell 17319 7/7/2004 Williams, Kendal Leigh Ann 17299 7/7/2004 Small, Rristie Dawn 17320 7/7/2004 Williamson, Bobbie Jo 17355 7/16/2004 Smith, Brian Scott 17391 7/27/2004 Williamson, Resha Ticole 17422 8/24/2004 Smith, Caroline Quanaer I 7169 7/7/2004 Williford, Amanda Bowles 17358 7/20/2004 Smith, Hershal 17321 7/7/2004 Willis, Michael Gregory 171 1 1 3/19/2004 Smith, Margaret Jane 17322 7/7/2004 Wilson, James Louis License Date Number Registered 1 7086 2/19/2004 17288 Phamiacist Name Phamiacist Name Ugwa, Chioma U 17300 7/7/2004 Smith, Melissa Melvin 17323 7/7/2004 Wilson, Sameerah 17301 7/7/2004 Smith, Valerie Renee 17324 7/7/2004 Wobbleton, Debra Lee 17302 7/7/2004 So, Tse-Rin Renneth 17325 7/7/2004 Wooten, Ainanda Michelle 17303 7/7/2004 Soltanian, Farshad 17326 7/7/2004 Wright, Nathan Samuel 17331 7/8/2004 Spahr, Matthew Russell 17327 7/7/2004 Wyrick, Jason Chad 17304 7/7/2004 Spell, Norma Marie 17428 9/7/2004 Zachariah, Manchu Mary 17305 7/7/2004 Spence, Mark Henderson 17346 7/13/2004 Zelich, Katherine Roy 17306 7/7/2004 Stan-, Angela Elaine 17414 8/10/2004 Steedley, Karla Zeigler 17307 7/7/2004 Stewart, Hillary Langston 17117 4/12/2004 17308 7/7/2004 Strickland, Jason Heath 17309 7/7/2004 Strickland, Krista Ris'enbark Strange, Nichole D PHARMACISTS LICENSED BY RECIPROCITY F R O M 10/01/2003 T H R O U G H 9/30/2004 License Date Number Registered 17361 7/20/2004 License Date Pharmacist Name Number Registered Achai-ya, Sonali Alpa 17126 9/21/2004 Adam, Penny D. 17148 6/23/2004 Adams, Laura Leigh 17053 6/11/2004 Aftlnito, Anthony V. 17431 F r o m : NY 17362 7/20/2004 1 1/3/2003 Aftlnito, Marianne L. 17070 8/6/2004 Anderson, David Robert 17095 3/2/2004 Anderson, Stephanie Ann 17054 7/14/2004 Anna, Kavitha M. 17157 1 1/3/2003 Anthony, Teressa Ann 171 10 9/21/2004 Arnold, Gloria Marie 17127 1/22/2004 Arrington, Dana Kathryn 17155 5/18/2004 Bailey, Billie Ann 17022 5/18/2004 Barber, Harlus F. 17439 1/22/2004 Barbera, Peter Guy 17023 1/22/2004 Barnhouse, Roger Franklin 17128 2/23/2004 Bass, Patricia Anne 17016 6/4/2004 Blan, Leena H. 17129 7/20/2004 Boone, LaTarshia Yvette 17024 11/18/2003 F r o m : SC 5/18/2004 Conov, Natalia 6/15/2004 Cox, Sharon Marie 11/18/2003 Cox, Thomas Mitchell 9/21/2004 Crandeli, Brian Christopher 11/18/2003 Crill, Nadine 5/18/2004 Crusoe, John Anthony 10/10/2003 Dale, Stephanie Blake 5/18/2004 Davidson, Leslie Ann 11/18/2003 Davis, Henr>' Russell F r o m : VA Bork, Sara Jenevieve 17097 F r o m : IN 17039 Conoley, Ruthann Marie F r o m : CO F r o m : GA 17363 3/16/2004 F r o m : GA F r o m : lA 17149 Ciccarello, Joseph Brian F r o m : SC F r o m : NJ 17088 6/21/2004 F r o m : KS F r o m : OH 17052 Caporale, Maripaz F r o m : AZ F r o m : NY 17051 1/22/2004 F r o m : GA F r o m : TX 17125 Canale, Michael Joseph F r o m : MA F r o m : TX 17124 3/16/2004 F r o m : NY F r o m : MS 17050 Campbell, Noll Linden F r o m : SC F r o m : TX 17438 1/23/2004 F r o m : VA F r o m : VA 17019 Butts, Curtis Wayne F r o m : NJ F r o m : IL 17349 9/21/2004 F r o m : PA F r o m : AL 17093 Butler, Melissa Gerri F r o m : IN F r o m : SC 17404 i/22/2004 F r o m : IN F r o m : NY 17020 Burford, Julie Bennett F r o m : PA F r o m : MA 17154 5/18/2004 F r o m : TN F r o m : AZ 17158 Bmsh, Tiffany Laing F r o m : AL F r o m : GA 17437 5/18/2004 Pharmacist Name 3/16/2004 Dearinger, Caroline E. F r o m : MD Brown, Martha Jane 17098 3/16/2004 F r o m : MD Dearinger, Max Hanley PHARMACISTS LICENSED BY RECIPROCITY F R O M 10/01/2003 T H R O U G H License Date iNuniber Registered 171 12 3/25/2004 Pharmacist Name DeLeon, Andrew 9/30/2004 License Date Number Registered Pharmacist Name 7/20/2004 Gibbs, Winter Joy 17366 F r o m : TX F r o m : TX 17014 10/8/2003 DeLoatch, Felicia Denise 17026 F r o m : VA 17046 12/22/2003 DiCenzo, Michael Anthony 17122 F r o m : IN 17096 3/16/2004 3/16/2004 Dickert, Kendall Jewett 17131 1 1/26/2003 DiRocco, Kristi Karen 17094 7/20/2004 Dixon, Melissa Renee 17442 9/21/2004 Dolder, Christian Robert 17055 7/20/2004 Donohue, Michael Joseph 17443 8/6/2004 Dorsch, Relli Regina 17367 9/21/2004 Dorsch, Michael Patrick 17132 11/18/2003 Dujnic, Joanne 17133 8/2/2004 Exner, James Joseph 17134 7/30/2004 Ferri, Anne Christine 17135 3/31/2004 Finnie, Lynn Diane 17089 6/28/2004 Fish, Clare Sherman 17444 3/16/2004 Gadsden, Renee J e m 17368 5/18/2004 Gainor, Carl 17027 12/22/2003 Galameau, William E. 17028 7/23/2004 F r o m : OH 5/18/2004 Hatfield, James William 5/18/2004 Haugh, Mark Eamer 5/18/2004 Hawk, Christopher John 5/18/2004 Hawk, Ellen Kay 2/23/2004 Hawkins, Ernest Berley 9/21/2004 Haxby, James Amold 7/20/2004 Heck. George Shayne 11/18/2003 Herald, Nicole Desiree 1 1/18/2003 Herold, Donnetta Lea F r o m : WV Garrett, Rebecca Ann 17445 F ' r o m : MI 17384 Hatcher, Rimberly Via F r o m : IN F r o m : NY 17048 7/20/2004 F r o m : OH F r o m : PA 17130 Harter, Tami Renee F r o m : OR F r o m : OH 17100 9/21/2004 F r o m : SC F r o m : IL 17160 Haimon, Tonny Lynn F r o m : DE F r o m : MO 17114 1/22/2004 F r o m : MD F r o m : PA 17396 Hannan, James Parce F r o m : IL F r o m : NY 17401 9/21/2004 F r o m : OR F r o m : SC 17025 Green, Julie L. F ' r o m : VA F r o m : OH 17441 3/2/2004 I'Yom: SC F r o m : OH 17405 Gommer, Jennifer Lauren F r o m : SC F r o m : NY 17365 5/18/2004 F r o m : CT F r o m : NV 17440 Golonka, Jason John F r o m : AZ F r o m : WV 17364 4/27/2004 F r o m : PA F r o m : PA 17040 Girgis, George Nazmy F r o m : MI F r o m : SC 17099 11/18/2003 F r o m : MD 9/21/2004 Herrington, Ronald Wilson F r o m : MS George, Anjum Zainab 17432 9/21/2004 F r o m : OH Hess, Barbara L PHARMACISTS LICENSED BY RECIPROCITY F R O M 10/01/2003 T H R O U G H 9/30/2004 Date License Date Number Registered Number Registered 17369 7/20/2004 License Pharmacist Name Hokanson, Gabrielle Nicole 17030 F r o m : VA 17041 12/4/2003 House, John Randle S/2/2004 17350 7/14/2004 Hudson, Diane Tate 17333 lannucci, Marge 17090 1/22/2004 Jasper, Stacy Lynn 17451 F r o m : OR 17446 9/21/2004 Jennings, Seth Edward 17018 F r o m : VA 17447 9/21/2004 Joachim, Diana Eyster 17101 F r o m : SC 17370 7/20/2004 Johnson, LaShawn Anitra 17416 8/18/2004 17452 F r o m : MS 17136 5/18/2004 Jones, Tonya Rosser 17433 5/18/2004 Joseph, Finny 17453 F r o m : NY 17153 6/11/2004 Kaa, Kathleen A. 17072 F r o m : SC 17057 1/22/2004 Kershaw, Jacelyn Lou 17371 7/20/2004 17029 11/18/2003 Kim, Stephanie Eunjung 17059 King, Charles Ellis 9/21/2004 17103 17372 7/20/2004 Kontaxes, Michael Peter 2/12/2004 9/21/2004 9/21/2004 F r o m : MH 3/25/2004 Mansson, Heather Oakley SC 17061 1/22/2004 Mathews, Jacob Joshua F r ( t m : IE LaBane, Wendy Ann 17104 F r o m : NY 17450 Malone-Cucino, Barbara A. NY 17113 F r o m : KS 17449 1/22/2004 From: Kuhn, Michelle Denise Major, Jessica Tliomas SC From: F r o m : PA 17081 3/16/2004 17060 F r o m : PA Mai, Thanh-Mai Thi MS From: Koelemeyer, Julie Anne Lyman, Nicole Denne OR 1/22/2004 From: F r o m : IL 17448 8/6/2004 From: F r o m : CO Lupton, Rurt Anthony OH 17406 F r o m : MO Lorenzi, Denise PA 1/23/2004 From: Lorek, Laura A. PA 9/21/2004 From: Loessi, Mark Scott MD 9/21/2004 From: Lindstrom, Frederick Malcolm MI 9/21/2004 From: F r o m : SC 17137 3/16/2004 F>om: Jones, David Paxton Lindstrom, Barbara Ann MI 17102 F r o m : SC Lilliston, Andrea Michelle GA 3/16/2004 From: Lilie, Lea A. NY 10/24/2003 From: Lerner, Robert P. IL 9/21/2004 From: Lee, William T. IL 2/23/2004 From: Laonipon, Donald Kent VA 7/8/2004 From: F r o m : NY 17056 1/22/2004 From: F r o m : VA Lance, Brian Edward Ml 17058 F r o m : MS 17400 11/18/2003 From: Pharmacist Name 3/16/2004 From: Lambrecht, Bruce David 17042 VA 12/4/2003 I^'rom: McClanahan, Gregoiy L MD MCClintock, Donald Gerard P H A R M A C I S T S L I C E N S E D BY R E C I P R O C I T Y F R O M 10/01/2003 T H R O U G H 9/30/2004 License Number Date Registered 17373 7/20/2004 Pharmacist Name McConnick, Rirsten Clay License Date Number Registered 17139 F r o m : VA 17M5 4/8/2004 5/18/2004 McDonald, John H 17140 12/4/2003 McGee, Tracy Renee 17092 9/3/2004 Mendys, Philip Mun'ay 17156 8/18/2004 Menezes, Ana Maria S. 17116 1 1/18/2003 Montgomeiy, Jennifer Renee 17105 7/20/2004 Moon, Rristine Marie 17456 1/22/2004 Moyo, Subira 17375 7/8/2004 Muny, Thomas Otis 17397 1/22/2004 Narup, Donald Alan 17064 1/23/2004 Nguyen, My-Hoa T. 17047 11/18/2003 Nguyen, Truong Trong 17151 11/18/2003 Nguyen, Tuan Anh 17457 9/21/2004 Nicholson, Patricia Parker 17458 8/6/2004 Njoku, Martin M. 17071 9/21/2004 Norman, Gregory Scott 17418 6/4/2004 Oguanobi, Chibuike Renneth 17015 2/23/2004 Painter, Daniel Watson 17034 5/18/2004 F r o m : NJ 1/22/2004 Pringle, Monica Jeneen 12/22/2003 Punch, Robert M. 6/4/2004 Punzalan, Christy Grizzard 9/21/2004 Quadrini, Regina N. 9/21/2004 Razmovski, Tracy Lynn 1/23/2004 Reddy, Savitha Mandala 8/18/2004 Riordan, Heidi Rikard 10/8/2003 Rosier, Rebecca Lynn 11/18/2003 Royer, Christie M. F r o m : MA Pak, Diane 17035 F r o m : TN 17138 Prindali, Jessica Lee F r o m : VA F r o m : SC 17091 7/30/2004 F r o m : SC F r o m : TX 17150 Prescott, Hillary A. F r o m : MD F r o m : VA 17455 7/20/2004 F r o m : NY F r o m : WV 17407 Poscich, Elizabeth W. F r o m : NY F r o m : LA 17454 9/21/2004 F r o m : VA F r o m : VA 17032 Phan, I h u y Nhu F r o m : GA F r o m : SC 17033 3/16/2004 F r o m : VA F r o m : IL 17073 Payne, Jolonda Washington F r o m : MA F r o m : GA 17063 4/8/2004 F r o m : VA F r o m : AR 17332 Patwardhan, Vinay Anil F r o m : TN F r o m : TN 17062 6/15/2004 F r o m : TX F r o m : PA 17374 Patwardhan, Renuka V. F r o m : SC F r o m : VA 1703! 2/23/2004 F r o m : MD F r o m : NY 17417 Patel, Swati J. F r o m : MD F r o m : SC 17424 5/18/2004 I M - o m : AL F r o m : TN 17043 Patel, Meera Rrishnavadan F r o m : AL F r o m : NY 17147 5/18/2004 Pharmacist Name 11/18/2003 Sanders, Ray Scott F r o m : SC Papier, Donald M. 17159 6/28/2004 F r o m : VA Sawyer, Amber Noelle PHARMACISTS LICENSED BY RECIPROCITY F R O M H)/01/2003 T H R O U G H 9 / 3 0 / 2 0 0 4 License Date Number Registered 17036 11/18/2003 License Date Pliarmacist Name Number Registered Scaipace, Sarah Lynn 17398 9/21/2004 Schelper, Randy Lee 17146 F r o m : lA 17376 7/20/2004 7/20/2004 Schinderle, Shelby Anne 17106 5/18/2004 Scott, George Rayner 17038 9/21/2004 Sellers, Genna Elizabeth 17107 4/27/2004 Shah, Mira Tushar 17108 5/18/2004 Sheth, Nutan Nitin 17399 9/21/2004 Shrewsbui-y, Robert Parks 17082 1 1/18/2003 Shu, Susanna IL 17109 1/22/2004 Smith, Kay 17435 9/21/2004 Sohi, Kuldip 17379 7/20/2004 Southern, Patricia 5/18/2004 Stollwerk, Muiray Aaron 5/18/2004 Taber, Rachel Calimlim Tailal, Heidi Lynn F r o m : NV 17066 1/22/2004 Thottananiyil, Thresiamma Staphs F r o m : NY 17067 1/22/2004 Tidwell, Nelson Duncan F r o m : VA 17068 1/22/2004 Tidwell, Tracy Baltimore F r o m : VA 17145 5/18/2004 Tran, Stephanie Ha F r o m : PA 17462 9/21/2004 F r o m ; GA 2/17/2004 3/16/2004 9/21/2004 7/20/2004 17152 6/4/2004 17069 1/23/2004 F r o m : MN F r o m : SC 17144 7/30/2004 Veverka, Angie Washam, Jeffrey Brent Washington, Deana Marie Wise, Beth Anne Witmcr, Donna Royster W o o d b e n y , Jerome F r o m : SC F r o m : NY 17143 Ven-inder, William F r o m : VA F Y o m : KS 17378 3/16/2004 F r o m : PA F r o m : VA 17434 Verrinder, Sumana F r o m : TX F r o m : SC 17065 3/16/2004 F r o m : AL F r o m : IL 17037 Van Patton, Brandi Sweet F r o m : NJ F r o m : KY 17461 11/18/2003 F r o m : AZ F r o m : NY 17142 Valerio, Louis M F r o m : AZ F r o m : NY 17123 3/16/2004 F r o m : SC F r o m : GA 17460 Umeano, Chinyelu-Ngozi Bemadi F r o m : NY F r o m : MO 17141 5/18/2004 F r o m : MD F r o m : IN 17377 Trinh, Lehuyen Nu F r o m : SC F r o m : NY 17459 7/30/2004 Pharmacist Name Tribble, Arthur Lee Yeiex, Susan Jones PHARMACISTS PLACED ON INACTIVE LIST F R O M 10/01/2003 T H R O U G H 9 / 3 0 / 2 0 0 4 -iccnse lumber Date Registered Pharmacist Name License Number Date Registered 15137 9/21/1999 Acree, Katrina Wessel 12493 7/19/1994 Cairasquillo-Calo, Nayda Ivette 10034 8/1/1988 Adcock, Charles Martin 04894 3/31/1966 Chester, Linda Templeton 1 1258 7/23/1991 Aker, Linda Carol 16149 11/20/2001 Chudzik, Mana Michelle 16012 7/16/2001 Aldred, Andrew Michael 14107 9/16/1997 Constantino, Michael Ray 14098 9/16/1997 Alfieri, Theodore Leonard 16108 9/18/2001 Cook, Janet Babb 10894 7/25/1990 Allen, Laura Clifton 06771 9/16/1977 Cooke, Joe Yates 12785 1/18/1995 Amick, Sabrina Earnhardt 15729 11/21/2000 Copeland, Patrick William 10750 3/20/1990 Anderson, Leigh Ann 16040 7/17/2001 Com, Jennifer Marie 15252 1/18/2000 Anthon, Margaret E 16451 6/25/2002 Craig, David Scott 12468 5/10/1994 Annstrong, David Lawrence 13267 1/17/1996 Craig, Elizabeth Maiy 12875 3/21/1995 Babb, Jaines David 06454 4/5/1976 Crantlll, Jaines Smoot 12786 1/18/1995 Barnes, Michael Alan 15122 8/4/1999 Crews, Coirie Lotz 10457 7/26/1989 Beck, Lucinda Crisp 09899 1/19/1988 Crofoot, Suzanne Elizabeth 1 1299 7/24/1991 Becker, Alison Jean 10908 7/25/1990 Cune, Sallie Faulslich 15141 9/21/1999 Bennett, Roben Eugene 10311 3/21/1989 Curry, Thomas Alton 15651 7/31/2000 Blakely, Shannon Sanderlin 15907 6/27/2001 Davis, Tonya Noel 15204 11/16/1999 Bobrovsky, John E 16347 6/19/2002 Decerbo, Mark Cyril 12332 9/21/1993 Bodenhainer, Sandy 03935 7/4/1956 DiEazio, Constance June 16519 7/9/2002 Brady, Rachael Lynn 10350 5/16/1989 Dodson, Beverly Barham 16139 9/27/2001 Brondum, Canae Siko 14616 9/15/1998 Duftle, Charles Brian 04899 3/31/1966 Brooks, Jerry Stroud 05414 4/2/1970 Edmunds, Joseph Boyce 16256 3/19/2002 Brown, Franchelle 14289 5/12/1998 Edwards, Dallas Nathaniel 09372 7/29/1986 Bumhain, Bruce Stanwood 12329 9/21/1993 Eitzinan, Mark Douglas 13543 7/24/1996 Byron, Megan Muiray 11933 1/19/1993 Eitzman, Olivia 0 03652 6/29/1953 Campbell, Rowe Bogle 14202 1/22/1998 Ekstain, Marilyn Bearden 12470 5/10/1994 Campbell, William Howard 16115 9/18/2001 English, Anastasia Green 14707 1/20/1999 Capps, Johnny Ray 05044 4/20/1967 Fencv, Dimitry Peter 15606 7/18/2000 Carlson, Melissa A 03705 3/1/1954 Pharmacist Name Ferguson, Junious Franklin P H A R M A C I S T S P L A C E D ON I N A C T I V E LIST F R O M 10/01/2003 T H R O U G H 9/30/2004 License Date Number Registered License Date Number Registered 06410 11/25/1975 Finnan, L Joseph 16157 11/20/2001 Holbrook, Toiya Gardner 10399 7/18/1989 First, Marie Ann 04164 2/27/1959 Hollowell, Aubrey Ellis 16532 7/1 1/2002 Fleming, Sloan Burch 07502 8/I9/I980 Holman, Bradford Earl 12489 6/28/1994 Foden, Arthur Edwin 11095 9/18/1990 Holston, Many Lloyd 14834 5/18/1999 Frenzcl, Shirin 13051 7/25/1995 Hood, Jefferson Hunter 09188 1/21/1986 Euhnnan, Laverne Clifton 03849 7/5/1955 Howard, Julius Erancis 07191 7/17/1979 Gaines, Archie Willis 16607 9/24/2002 Hsu, Ann 04420 6/30/1961 Garrett, Roy Lee 14259 3/17/1998 Hughes, Jessica Ferracci 12063 7/20/1993 Gentile, Valerie Wilson 06040 9/18/1973 Irion, James Carney 03682 9/17/1953 Gilmore, Lamar Miller 12800 1/18/1995 Jagdon, Voltaire R 1 1859 7/24/1992 Gilsenan, Alicia Wilson 16178 11/20/2001 Jasmine, Farha 16143 10/23/2001 Gitau, Elizabeth Mwihaki 13200 9/19/1995 Jones, Lawrence Philip 15871 6/27/2001 Goforth, Jeff Douglas 12765 11/15/1994 Jones, Steven Jeny 05315 9/30/1969 Goforth, Joseph Wayne 03900 3/3/1956 Rauffman, William Herbert 15795 3/20/2001 Grim, Rristin Danielle 11099 9/18/1990 Kendall, Robert Cromwell 16545 7/16/2002 Grubb, David Darryl 08539 11/15/1983 Rirkwood, Craig Frederick 15763 1/24/2001 GutieiTCz, James Siinon 05761 4/7/1972 Kistler, Clyde Dewey 15687 9/19/2000 Hamilton, Teresa Laraine 12749 9/20/1994 Koenig, Marianne Smith 06165 7/16/1974 Hanson, Dennis Biyon 09585 3/2/1987 Koon, Jennifer Arthur 16751 5/21/2003 Hardee, Scott Douglas 16653 1 1/20/2002 Kress, Robert Brett 03495 9/17/1951 Haiper, James E 10769 3/20/1990 Kyte, Ernest Raymond 04818 3/15/1965 Har[5CR, 07958 3/1/1982 Lapointe, Richard William 08679 8/2/1984 Hart, Larry Dean 09226 2/27/1986 Lassiter, Gaddy Matheson 13042 7/25/1995 Hasan, Zehra Farheen 04392 3/6/1961 Lassiter, Lucious Melvin 15674 9/12/2000 Hazey, Imogene Maynard 13916 6/27/1997 Lavinder, Hollie Elizabeth 10798 5/15/1990 Hebert, Carla Grose 16122 9/18/2001 LeCrone, Joseph Brian 05659 4/21/1971 Hinz. Dorothy Campbell 08509 9/20/1983 Leghart, Robert Allen 13723 1/22/1997 llohenberger, Ronald John 04414 6/1/1961 Piiarmacist Name Jeny Purser Pharmacist Name Livennan, James Stanley P H A R M A C I S T S PLACED ON INACTIVE LIST F R O M 10/01/2003 T H R O U G H 9/30/2004 License Number Date Registered Pharmacist Name License Number Date Registered 06162 5/30/1974 Love, George Andrew 16210 1/16/2002 Parker, Christopher A 16610 9/24/2002 Lowe, Christopher John 14756 2/2/1999 Pedota, Brenda Ann 14082 7/23/1997 Ly, NamTran Nguyen 11302 7/24/1991 Penic, Mary Bender 16757 5/21/2003 Macaluso, Joseph Paul 15283 1/18/2000 Petersen, Leslie L 11133 10/25/1990 Mahiquez, Rosa Maria 11574 1/21/1992 Petiy, Wayne Evan 15803 3/20/2001 Maitin, Jennifer Ann 13341 3/19/1996 Pike, Angela Barnette 10327 3/21/1989 Mayer, Rose Wessinger 06757 9/9/1977 Pollard, Harvey Hoffman 15522 7/6/2000 McCalluni, Hyla Leann 04053 1/27/1958 Pressman, Alan Edward 14833 5/18/1999 McCutchen, Thomas Cairoll 16303 5/14/2002 Prevoski, Cynthia Marie 11248 5/21/1991 McEvilly, Margaret Maiy 11526 9/17/1991 Proujan, David Alan 03506 10/29/1951 McReithan, Herbert 16188 11/27/2001 Provost, Michael Moss 09986 5/17/1988 McRenzie, Constance A 12465 3/15/1994 Pustinger, Daniel Erancis 05539 9/22/1970 McRinley, Richard Saunders 04489 3/6/1962 Randleman, Ernest Augustus 08044 7/20/1982 Meadows, David Vaughn 16242 1/25/2002 Rapp, Leah Mairon 12928 7/18/1995 Mears, Regina Adams 07918 1/19/1982 Reese, Ronald Lee 15115 8/3/1999 Mobley, Juan D 15700 9/19/2000 Reilly, Catherine A 07263 11/1/1979 Moon, Janice McPhail 16521 7/9/2002 13658 9/17/1996 Moore, Theresa Lynn 12515 7/19/1994 Rivera-Irizany, Pedro 09519 11/18/1986 Morales, Maribel Bridget 16238 1/15/2002 Rottingen, Christopher James 09071 7/26/1985 Morris, Reith David 16270 3/19/2002 Rottingen, Ren'i Lynn 03389 7/6/1950 Moseley, Marina P C 07882 9/15/1981 Ruona, Lloyd Elias 14640 9/15/1998 Musisca, Joseph Anthony 10414 7/18/1989 Sasser, George Philip 10526 7/26/1989 Myers, Rimberly Newkirk 15277 1/18/2000 Scavo, Louis Vincent 15985 7/9/2001 Nguyen, Mai N P 12776 11/15/1994 Schillaci, Leo Joseph 15735 11/21/2000 Nichols, Laura Cuirie 15528 7/6/2000 Schuller, Brian Patrick 13915 6/27/1997 Onori, Endurance Onisuru 03400 7/6/1950 Sherwood, Nonnan Wagoner 16321 6/14/2002 Osmond, Owen 15345 3/21/2000 Shicchcl, Paul J 16302 5/14/2002 Pacana, Frank Anthony 15097 7/20/1999 Siddique, Abu B Pharmacist Name Richards, Jeirod Christian PHARMACISTS PLACED ON INACTIVE LIST F R O M 10/01/2003 T H R O U G H 9 / 3 0 / 2 0 0 4 License Number Date Registered Pharmacist Name License Number Date Registered Pharmacist Name 14187 1/22/1998 Skicst, Sheny Lynn 15396 5/16/2000 Walker, Leandra Oldaker 09545 I l/lS/1986 Slenipa, Gregoiy Walter 05362 10/2/1969 Wallace, Stephen Curtis 16193 12/1 1/2001 Smith, Susan Elizabeth 12460 3/15/1994 Wetta, Lisa Ann 08849 9/18/1984 Sox, George Lany 09852 9/15/1987 Wilkins, Johnny Thomas 12955 7/18/1995 Stafford, Paul Byron 03819 2/28/1955 Williford, Earl Hardy 16063 7/17/2001 Starkey, Christie Lynn 06400 9/9/1975 Wilson, Charles Peter 03480 6/28/1951 Stich, Wallace Charles 03753 6/30/1954 Wimbcrley, William Pcele 15224 11/16/1999 Stone, Rebecca Ann 08880 1 1/20/1984 Wingate, Marjorie 09093 7/26/1985 Stubbleficld, James Jeffrey 10489 7/26/1989 Wood, Rhonda Johnson 14752 1/27/1999 Stubbs, Julie Pace 14067 7/15/1997 Wright, Gregoiy Scott 11666 5/20/1992 Synhorst, Roben Bruce 15815 3/20/2001 Youngwirth, Darlene Marie 16581 7/29/2002 Tabor, Jennifer Renee 08669 5/22/1984 Zaieski, James Michael 13406 7/16/1996 Tamey, Linda Suzanne 15354 3/21/2000 Zaieski, Lori Lynn 05125 4/4/1968 Taylor, Marie Dierickx 07575 11/18/1980 Zboyovski, Andrew Michael 09265 3/18/1986 Teat, Daniel Winston 09266 3/18/1986 Teat, Lisa Hopkins 15359 3/29/2000 Teter, Christian John 15836 5/15/2001 Thomas, Audra Ruth 04852 7/2/1965 Thomas, L a n y Wilson 06320 5/21/1975 Thompson, Troy Hue 13219 11/1/1995 Trocard, Kelvin Dexter 15503 6/30/2000 Turner, Rachel Christine 16066 7/17/2001 Varalli, Daniel Michael 13215 9/19/1995 Vebber, Raymond Nelson 16491 6/28/2002 Viar, Jodi Nelson 11849 7/24/1992 Volk, Tamara Marie 16624 9/24/2002 Wackowski, Angela Ree 15087 7/20/1999 Wade, Maiy Ann Meredith LIST O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S AS O F 9/30/2004 A L P I I A B m C A L BY CITY - COUNTY 02397 Medical Phcy of Albemaric, Inc. MOORE Al)erdecn 320 Yadkin St 08535 Eckerd Drugs 08281 2219 Pinehurst Dr 07585 945 North Fifth Street Southern Pines Prescription Shoppe, Inc. 01674 1902-BN Sandhills Blvd 08104 08183 07937 DAVIE CVS/pharmacy Andrews 06896 5287 USHvvy 158 07755 Eckerd Drugs 04281 HERTFORD Drugco Discount Pharmacy 07680 06502 RerrDmg Hertford Uninsured Medications Pharmacy Mizelle's Discount Drug Co. Apex 08366 Roanoke-Chowan Hospital Phannacy CVS/phainiacy 08540 Eckerd Drugs 744 Hunter St Wal-Mart Pharmacy 06171 1532-1556 E Memorial Dr Rroger Phannacy 940 US 64 Hwy 08822 /^Jbemarie WAKE 5153 Sunset Lake Rd 500 Academy St 07936 Angier Discount Drug, Inc. 1 16 West Depot St, Hwy 210 & 55 925 E Memorial Dr 02527 HARNETT 15 Rawls Rd, Ste 202 Eckerd Drugs 828 South Academy Street 05759 Turner Discount Drugs Angier 417 Peacock St 08038 Ren- Drug Main St 312 S Academy St 08537 CHEROFCEE 286 Main St. 260 North Hwy SOI Ahoskie Wal-Mart Phannacy 640-1 Hwy 24/27 B y p E Advance 08536 The Medicine Shoppe 944 N First St Wal-Mart Pharmacy 250 Turner St 06893 Stanly Memorial Hospital Inc. 301 Yadkin St Walgreens 1706 N Sandhills Blvd 07935 NorthEast Oncology Associates Phannacy Target Store STANLY 1201 Beaver Creek Dr 07846 Albemarle Phannacy 05567 105 Yadkin St, Ste 103 06536 1210 Laura Village Dr CVS/phannacy 835 Hwy 24-27 08538 Eckerd Drugs Archdale (17464 1825 E Main St 08539 Winn-Dixie Phannacy Eckerd Drugs 205 Salisbuiy Ave RANDOLPH Archdale Drug Co., Inc. 11220 N Main St 06539 CVS/phannacy lOIOO S Main St LIST O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S A S O F 9/30/2004 A L P H A B E T I C A L BY CITY - COUNTY 08541 Eckerd Drugs 07556 11316 N Main St 5 Medical Park Dr 04589 Arden B and B Phannacy BUNCOMBE - 06540 Asheville Surgci-y Center Phannacy - 462 Haywood Rd CVS/phannacy ^3^^^ 2605 HendersonvilleRd Asheboro RANDOLPH Buncombe Co Hlth Dept-Phannacy Div 35 Woodfln St 08791 Cardinal Health 55-A Shiloh Rd 07178 Asheboro Drug Co., Inc. 306 White Oak St ^-^^^^ Cardiovascular Diagnostics LLC 5 Vanderbilt Dr Pk 03592 08473 Carter's Family Phamiacy 700 N Fayetteville St ^^^^^ ^"''^'^ Altemate Site Services, Inc. 2 Hendersonville Rd, Ste B-2 ^^^44 CVS/phannacy Central Carolina Phannaceutical Serv 308 White Oak St 24 Westgate Pky 06541 CVS/phannacy 838 E Dixie Dr ^^^45 CVS/phannacy 1080 Hendersonville Rd 06543 CVS/phannacy 285 N Fayetteville St ^^^46 CVS/phannacy 801 Fairvievv Rd Oakley Plz 08542 Eckerd Dmgs 1107 E Dixie Dr ^^^48 CVS/phannacy 159 Smokey Park Hwy 07140 Merce Clinic 1831 N Fayetteville St ^^549 CVS/phannacy 320 New Leicester Hwy 02816 Prevo Drugs, Inc. 363 Sunset Ave ^6550 CVS/phannacy 225 Charlotte Hwy Ste 2 04467 Randolph C o Hlth Dept Phcy 2222 S Fayetteville St ^6837 CVS/phannacy 612 Merrimon Ave 02587 Randolph Hospital, Inc. 364 White Oak St 0^543 Eckerd Drugs Two Riceviile Rd 07938 AshevlHe 05362 Wal-Mart Phamiacy 1226 E Dixie Dr _ ^^^544 BUNCOMBE _ ABCCM Medical Clinic 155 Livingston St 07152 08223 08546 Asheville Specialty Hospital Phannacy Eckerd Dmgs 1001 Patton Ave West 08547 Asheville Discount Phamiacy, Inc. 76 Patton Ave ^..^.^^ 800-1 Fairview Rd Advanced Services 30 Biyson St, Bldg A, Ste 1 04145 ,,3,3 Eckerd Drugs 846 Merrimon Ave Eckerd Drugs 1888 Hendersonville Rd 06973 Hospice Phannacy 85 Zillicoa Street LIST O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S AS O F 9/30/2004 ALPHABETICAL BY CITY - COUNTY 07815 Ingles Markets 05382 The Medicine Shoppe 1141 Tunnel Rd 08280 Ingles Markets 640 Merrimon Ave Unit 106 02500 Thorns Rehabilitation Hospital 575 New Leicester H^vy 08450 Ingles Phannacy 68 Sweeten Creek Rd. 06173 UNCA Student Hlth Services 863 Brevard Rd 06901 Ken- Drug One University Heights 08429 Walgreens 275 McDowell St 07012 Ken-Dmg 1835 Hendersonville Rd 07939 Wal-Mai1 Phannacy 1 124 Patton Ave 07373 KmanofNCLLP 1636 Hendersonville Rd S t # l 07940 Wal-Mart Phannacy 1001 Patton Ave 07374 KmanofNCLLP 29 Tunnel Rd 06141 WNC Community Hlth Serv, Inc. 4 S Tunnel Rd 07375 10 Ridgelawn Rd RmanofNCLLP Atkinson PENDER 1830 Hendersonville Rd 07376 R m a r t o f NC LLP 05061 Atkinson Drug 124 VV Main St 980 Brevard Rd 04269 L o r d s Drug Store 660-B Merrimon Ave 0453 1 Atlantic B e a c h 08548 CARTERET Eckerd Drugs Medical Center Phannacy 915-B West Fort Macon Rd Mem Miss Med Ctr 509 Biltmore 01070 Memorial Mission Hosp Phcy 509 Biltmore Ave 08308 Aidander 021 37 BERTIE Aulander Phannacy, Inc. 101 S Commerce St MSJ Medication Assistance Program 520 Biltmore Ave, Ste B Aurora 06491 BEAUFORT Nature's Phannacy 752 Biltmore Ave 03738 Valu-Rx Discount Drug Center 5th Street 06207 Planned Parenthood-Asheville Ctr 603 Biltmore Ave 03803 DARE PSA Beverly Hills Phannacy 948 Tunnel Rd 07676 Avon 04503 Beach Phannacy, II Sam's Phannacy PITT 645 Patton Ave 07768 Shertech Phannacy of Asheville, LLC A y den 03609 131 Third Street 90 Southside Ave, Ste 300 07294 St. Joseph's Hospital 428 Biltmore Ave 08299 Target Store 115 River Hills Rd Edwards Discount Phannacy 06512 RerrDrug 144-E Third St L I S T O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S A S O F 9/30/2004 A L P H A B E T I C A L BY C I T Y - C O U N T Y NASH Bailey 03402 Belmont GASTON Bailey Pharmacy Belmont's Drug Store, Inc. 08291 403 E Catawba St, Ste 100 631 I Deans St BI-LO Bakersville MFTCHELL 07642 6507 Wilkinson Blvd 03867 Bakersville Pharmacy, Inc. 682 Park St AVERY B a n n e r Elk OS 150 Eckerd Drugs 08551 625 Park St Banner Elk Phamiacy Walgreens I 10 Park Ave 08549 College Park Phannacy 02753 580 S 226 Jwy 07533 6802 W Wilkinson Blvd Eckerd Drugs wholephann 4059 NC Hwy 105 08303 26 N Main St, Ste 2 PAMLICO Bayboro Winn-Dixie Pharmacy 08342 07054 Bayboro Phamiacy 6404 Wilkinson Blvd 419 Main St Benson 08065 07722 203 North St 04952 JOHNSTON Hope Clinic Phamiacy Benson Drug Company 104 E Main St Pamlico County Hlth Dept 06514 Kerr Drug 403 E Main St Beaufort 02905 CARTERET 70 Crape Myrtle Dr, Ste 103 02766 Bells Drug Store Warren Dmg Company 209-A E Main St 331 Eront St 06551 Mcdicap Pharmacy Beaufort Drug Company 1404 Live Oak St 02543 0781 I 07604 Wood Phamiacy, Inc. CVS/pharmacy 1302 N Johnson St 1502 Live Oak St Bessemer City 08550 GASTON Eckerd Drugs 07021 1710 Live Oak St Central Drug of Bessemer City 1 12 W Virginia Ave Belhaven 06513 BEAUFORT 06552 Kerr Drug CVS/phannacy 902 Gastonia Hwy 418 Hwy 264 Bypass Bethel 00054 292 E Main St 04076 08198 Pungo River Pharmacy, Inc. 892 US Hwy 264, E Bypass Bethel Phannacy Box 428 Pungo District Hospital 202 E Water St 04520 PITT O'Neal's Drug Store, Inc. Beulaville 05244 DUPLIN Healthway Phannacy, Inc. 103 Crossover Rd L I S T O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S AS O F 9/30/2004 A L P H A B E T I C A L BY C I T Y - COUNTY 06518 02216 Kerr Drug Boone Drug at Kingstreet 202 West King St 308 Jackson St, North 04938 Boone Drug At New Market MONTGOMERY Biscoe 245 New Market Centre 06920 KeiT Drug 00073 529 E Main St 07941 WaLMart Pharmacy 07165 201 Montgomeiy Crossing Black Mountain 02267 BUNCOMBE 06555 08553 CVS/phannacy Eckerd Drugs 240 Shadowline Dr CVS./phannacy 07457 Foscoe Phannacy 520 Church Rd Eckerd Drugs 05787 540 N C H w y 9 06020 417 Meadou^iew Dr Black Mountain Center 425 West State St 0S552 Countiy Roads R.x 2575 H u y 105, Ste 100 932 Old US Hwy 70 06553 Boone Drug Company 617 West King St Hunger Coalition Phannacy 417 Meadowview Dr Mcdicap Phannacy 07377 3130 US Hwy 70 W KmanofNCLLP 1620 Blowing Rock Rd Bladenboro 04410 BLADEN 05343 Maiy S. Shook Stud Hlth Services Appalachian State Univ The Medicine Shoppe 102 South Main Street 07942 WaLMart Pharmacy 200 Watauga Village Dr Blowing Rock WATAUGA 02353 02277 Blowing Rock Hospital Watauga Medical Center Deerfield Rd Chestnut Dr 05266 Booneville The Village Phannacy Sunset Dr 04148 YADKIN Super Rex Drugs 106 E Main St Boiling Springs 06554 CLEVELAND Brevard CVS/phannacy 212 N Main St 07896 06747 CVS/phannacy 983 Asheville Hwy Professional Phannacy 139 1/2 East College Ave TRANSYLVANIA 07378 Rmartof NC LLP 804 N Broad St BRUNSWICK Bolivia 07226 04210 Brunswick Co. Health Dept. Metcalf Phannacy 920 Asheville Hwy Co Govt Complex Hwy 17 02473 Boone 02501 WATAUGA Boone Drug & Health Care at Deertield 345 Decrlleld Rd Transylvania Ct>mmunity Hospital Hospital Dr L I S T O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S AS O F 9/30/2004 A L P H A B E T I C A L BY C I T Y - C O U N T Y Bryson City SWAIN 07884 AlaMAP of Alamance Regional Med Ctr 1240 Huffman Mill Road 08787 Bryson City Pharmacy 00086 200 Valley Village S/C 07558 305 Trollinger Hospital Hill Phannacy 06027 470 Center Street 06902 Ken- Drug 08554 Swain County Hospital, Inc. Eckerd Drugs 2127 Chapel Hill Road 08556 45 Plateau St Eckerd Drugs 2574 S Church St Buies Creek 03175 Charles Drew Comm Hlth Ctr Phcy 221 N Graham-Hopedale Rd Box 1426, Hwy 19 & Slope 02420 Asher McAdams Drug Company HARNETT 08557 3465 S Church Street Campbell University Inc. Student Hlth Serv, 129 Lanier St Eckerd Drugs 07143 Edgewood Pliarmacy 2213 Edgewood Ave Burg aw 07104 PENDER Dees Drug 06523 Kerr Drug 07379 Pender County Hlth Dept Pender Memorial Hosp, Inc. 507 Fremont Street Medical Village Apothecaiy, Inc. 1610 Vaughn Rd 05919 Medicap Pharmacy 378 Harden St Burlington 05652 07643 R m a r t o f N C LLP 529 Huffman Mill Rd 02144 02290 llan-is Teeter Phannacy 2950 S Church St 206 US 117 S 04874 Glen Raven Phannacy, Inc. 1902 West Webb Ave 111 Wright St 06519 07468 Bl-LO Phannacai-e Services, Inc. 447 S Spring S St 2358 S Church St 07453 06559 CVS/pharmacy Winn-Dixie Phannacy 2727 S Church St 2344 S Church St 08555 Burnsville Eckerd Drugs 1909 N Church St 07943 07864 Wal-Mai-t Phannacy 08394 Burnsville Pharmacy 310 West Bypass ALAMANCE 06562 04089 BI-LO 35 West ByPass 3141 Garden Rd Burlington YANCEY Alamance Co Health Dept Phannacy CVS/phannacy 10 E Bypass 319 N Graham-Hopedale Rd 07790 04663 Alamance Regional Medical Ctr, Inc. Ingles Markets Hwy 19 East 1240 Huffman Mill Rd 07469 02361 Alamance-Andrews Drug Co. 138 Maple Ave J &: A Pharmaceutical Services, Inc. Rt 10, Box 662 L I S T O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S AS O F 9/30/2004 A L P H A B E T I C A L BY C I T Y - COUNTY 08453 Walgreens GR/VNVILLE Butner 1361 Lake Park Blvd John Umstead Hospital Phannacy 02617 Murdoch Center Pharmacy Can'boro Family Phannacy, Inc. 07700 02831 1600 104 54 West Bypass, Unit J EASIEST 02993 Quality Drugs, Inc. 03155 ORANGE Carrboro 1003 12th St Chapel Hill-Carrboro Hlth Ctr Pharm 301 Lloyd St 309 Central Ave DARE Buxton 06565 CVS/phannacy 200 N Greensboro St 08070 Dare County Health Department 08560 Eckerd Drugs PO Box 859 602-G Jones Feny Rd Calabash 08494 BRUNSWICK LTC Rx Solutions Carthage 06503 10227 Beach Dr SW 04087 04804 BUNCOMBE 08265 Gary Eckerd Drugs 01490 06566 Blue Ridge Paper Eam Med Ctr & Phcy 06568 2994 Rildaire Farm Rd CVS/phannacy 10 New Clyde Hwy 07622 Ingles Markets 08152 2797 Hwy 55 Eckerd Drugs 630 Champion Dr 08561 Martins Drug Store, Inc. 02960 103-BNcw Waverly PI Eckerd Drugs 24 Park St 08562 CARTERET Ciystal Coast Phannacy, PLLC 929 Rildaire Fann Rd Eckerd Drugs 08563 Cornerstone Vil,I945 Highhouse Rd 319 McLean Dr, Hwy 24 Eckerd Drugs 08564 Carolina Beach 1123 Rildaire Farm Rd CVS/phannacy 123 Park St Eckerd Drugs 08305 105 W Chatham St CVS/phannacy HAYWOOD Canton Cape Carteret WAICE Ashworth Rexall Drugs 41 Westridge Market Place 08559 The Prescription Shoppe 1042 Carriage Oaks Plz Allison's Phannacy 1263 Smokey Pk 08455 Moore Co. Health Dept. Carthage Clinic Candler 08558 Ren- Drug 1006 Monroe St Seashore Drugs PO B x 4 1 2 7 04151 MOORE NEWHANOVER 1200 North West Maynard Rd Eckerd Drugs 06564 CVS/phannacy 901 Dow Rd 08565 945 N Harrison Ave L I S T O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S AS O F 9/30/2004 A L i ' H A B K T I C A L IIV C I T Y - C O U N T Y 08566 Fckcrd Drugs 07733 2438 CaiyPk\v>'SVV 08567 Ingles Markets Hwy 64 East Eckerd Drugs Castle Ilayne NEWHANOVER 271 1 Jones Eranklin Rd 07033 Harris Teeter Phannacy 06569 5601 Castle Hayne Rd 2741 NC Hwy 55 West 07241 Harris Teeter Phannacy 2080 Kildare Fann Rd 08247 CVS/phannacy Catawba 04246 HaiTis Teeter Phannacy CATAWBA Medicap Phannacy Hwy 10 2nd St SW 270 Grande Heights Dr 07380 Chadbourn K m a n o f N C LLP 060 Rildaire Fann Rd 06129 06532 05507 Koonce Drug Company, Inc. l l 2 E 7 t h Ave Physicians Phamiacy Alliance, inc. 107 Edinburg Dr, Ste 205 08362 ReixDrug 81 1 N Brown St Rroger Phannacy 1273 NW Maynard Rd 081 77 COLUMBUS C h a p e l Hill CHATHAiM Quik Rx, Inc. 06571 649 Walnut St CVS/phannacy 11314 US 15-501 North 06219 Respicare Phannacy 547 Keisler Dr, Unit 201 08040 Target Store TrialCard, Inc. 1129 Weaver Da'ny Rd, Ste 400 Eckerd Drugs 08570 Wal-Mart Phannacy Winn-Dixie Phannacy Cashiers Glenwood Vil, 1218 Raleigh Rd Harris Teeter Phannacy 07182 1800 Airport Rd Harris Teeter Phannacy 08093 1393 Rildaire Farm Rd 04928 08569 Walgreens 2010 Kildaire Fann Rd 04623 1800 E Franklin St Eckerd Drugs 2323 Northwest Maynard Rd 07944 UNC Stu Hlth Serv Bid CB #7470 Eckerd Drugs 08568 Walgreens 3441 Rildaire Fann Rd 08469 1724 Chapel Hill-Durham Blvd Divison of Phannacy Services 03025 WakeMed Caiy Hospital 1900 Rildaire Fann Rd 08178 06570 Triangle Compounding Phannacy 550 New Waverly Pi #110 05371 1829 E Eranklin St, #200-D CVS/phannacy 6501 Weston Pkwy, Rm 370 07439 ORANGE Compounding Center of Chapel Hil 07458 2021 Walnut Street 08329 C h a p e l Hill JACKSON 1 16 West Barbee Chapel Rd Rerr Drug 06986 201-10 S Estes Dr Cashiers Valley Phannacy Highway 64 E Orange Co. Health Dept. 04807 2501 Homestead Rd L I S T O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S AS O F 9/30/2004 ALPHABEXrCALBVCITV07521 Phar-Com, Inc. COUNTY 07651 71 I9-A Crescent Ridge Dr 04306 Planned P'liood of Central North Carolina 8120 South Tiyon St 07652 1765 Dobbins Rd 03412 07653 159 E Eranklin St Bl-LO 12810 York Rd UNC Hosp Ambulatoiy Care Ctr Phcy 07SS6 Mason Fann Rd 01218 Bl-LO 5336 Prosperity Church Rd Suttons Drug Store, Inc. 05464 BI-LO BI-LO 2924 Mt Holly-Huntersvillc Rd UNC Hospitals 08449 101 Manning Dr bloom phannacy 6430 W Sugar Creek Rd Charlotte CABARRUS 08809 bloom phannacy 9323 N Tiyon St 08492 Han-is Teeter Phannacy 08191 9641 Brookdale Dr Charlotte 08423 MECKLENBURG 07151 01796 07645 07647 07649 00119 Carolinas Medical Center 1000 Blythe Blvd 05968 Carolinas Medical Center - Mercy 2001 Vail Ave 05971 Carolinas Medical Center - Pinevilic Phcy 10628 Park Rd 04471 Carolinas Medical Ctr at Univ Hospital Phc WT Harris Blvd at US 29 02289 Charlotte Institute of Rehabilitation 1100 Blythe Blvd 07060 CMC Biddle Point Pharmacy 1801 Rozzellcs Feny Rd 07077 CMC Nonh Park Phannacy 251 Eastway Dr BI-LO 8620 Camficid St CarolinaCARE Phannacy 4400 Golf Acres Dr Bldg J, Ste C Bl-LO 9108 Lawyers Rd 07650 08806 Bl-LO 7323 E Independence Blvd Carolina Vital Care, LLC 3111 Monroe Rd, Ste 202 Bl-LO 2226 Park Rd 07648 08374 BI-LO 6320 Albemarle Rd Carolina Radiophannacy CMH+MC, Inc. 1000 Blythe Blvd BI-LO 4430 The Plaza 07646 04493 BI-LO 1620 Ashley Rd Cannel Family Phannacy 10000 Park Cedar Dr Biddleville Phannacy 2506 Beatties Ford Rd 07644 07503 Behavioral Hlth Ctr CMC-Randolph 501 Billingsley Rd Cardinal Health 4418-A Monroe Rd Baxter Healthcare Renal Div Phcy 3031 Nevada Blvd 06086 08796 Advanced Services 1500 E Third St 07040 1001 Palmer Plaza Ln Accredo Health Group, Inc. 9625-D Southern Pines Blvd Cardinal Health 05631 CMC-Home Infusion and lujuipment 4701 HedgemoreDr, Ste300 LIST O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S AS O F 9/30/2004 A L P H A B E T I C A L BY C I T Y - C O U N T Y 04071 CiVIC-Myers Park Phannacy 07600 1235 Pecan Ave 1350 S Kings Dr 05935 Coram Alternate Site Serv, Inc. 07682 9401-J Southern Pine Blvd 07792 Costco Phannacy CVS/phannacy 07797 CVS/phamiacy 08049 CVS/phannacy 08050 CVS/phannacy 08524 CVS/phannacy 08306 CVS/phannacy 08571 CVS/phannacy 08572 CVS/phannacy 08573 CVS/phannacy 08574 CVS/phannacy 08575 CVS/phannacy 08576 CVS/phannacy 08577 CVS/phannacy 08578 CVS/phannacy 08579 CVS/phannacy 08580 CVS/phannacy 08581 CVS/phannacy 10515 Mallard Creek Rd Eckerd Drugs Eckerd Drugs Eckerd Drugs Eckerd Dmgs 6906 Matthews Mint Hill Rd 08582 Eckerd Drugs 8520 Park Rd 2035 N Sharon Amity Rd 07479 Eckerd Drugs 4130 E W.T. Hauis Blvd 4100 Cannel Rd, Ste F-2 07467 Eckerd Drugs 8124 Providence Rd 3440 Wilkinson Blvd 07465 Eckerd Drugs 7930 Idlewild Rd 5700 Albemarle Rd 07162 Eckerd Dmgs 4133 Park Rd 10223 University City Blvd 07159 Eckerd Drugs 761 1 Pineville Matthews Rd 9915 Park Cedar Dr 06587 Eckerd Dmgs 544 Providence Rd 61 10 The Plaza 06586 Eckerd Drugs 5740 N Graham St 1533 South Blvd 06585 East West Phannacy 1728 South Blvd 2325 Village Lake Dr 06584 Rd 10614 Providence Rd 2 3 l - 2 3 3 N T i 7 o n St 06583 Johnston 5300 South Blvd 2806 VV Sugar Creek Rd 06582 CVS/phannacy 4922 Albemarle Rd 2939 The Plaza 06580 CVS/phannacy 16035 523 Little Rock Rd 06578 CVS/phannacy 6416 Rea Road 4351 Central Ave 06576 CVS/phannacy 5100 Beatties Ford Rd 306 E Woodlawn Rd 06575 Rd 10730 Providence Rd 2115 Beatties Ford Rd 06573 CVS/phannacy 1 15 W A i T O W o o d 500 Tyvola Rd 06572 CVS/pharmacy 08583 Eckerd Drugs 3716-J W T Harris Blvd W L I S T O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S A S O F 9/30/2004 A L P H A H E T I C A L B\ C I T Y - C O U N T Y 08584 Eckerd Drugs 08604 3534 Mt Holly-HuntersvilleRd 2400 Little Rock Rd 08585 Eckerd Drugs 08605 0835 Monroe Rd 08586 Eckerd Drugs Eckerd Dmgs 08433 Eckerd Drugs 07523 Eckerd Drugs 07450 Eckerd Drugs 04195 Eckerd Drugs 07566 Eckerd Drugs 06179 Eckerd Drugs 06492 Eckerd Drugs 07210 Eckerd Dmgs 07267 Eckerd Drugs 07834 Eckerd Drugs 081 88 Eckerd Drugs 08307 Eckerd Drugs 08346 Eckerd Drugs 08415 Eckerd Drugs 084 16 Eckerd Drugs 08434 Eckerd Drugs 4215 Providence Rd Harris Teeter Phannacy 2201 W.T. Hairis Blvd 07 1 28 3250 Freedom Dr 08603 Hairis Teeter Phannacy 15007 John J. Delaney Dr 8532 University City Blvd 08602 Hairis Teeter Pharmacy 13000 York Rd 9107 Lawyers Rd 0860! Harris Teeter Phannacy 7823 Colony Road 6824 Harrisburg Rd 08600 Harris Teeter Phannacy 2720 Mallard Creek Church Rd 81 10 Mallard Creek Rd 08599 Hairis Teeter Phannacy 11516 Providence Rd 334 S Sharon Amity Rd 08598 Harris Teeter Phannacy 7852 Rea Rd 2215 West Arrowood Rd 08597 Harris Teeter Phannacy 3540 Mt. Holly-Iluntersville Rd 12830 York Rd 08596 H a n i s Teeter Phannacy 10616 Providence Rd 5672 International Way 08595 Harris Teeter Pharmacy 3333 Pineville-Matthews Rd 3 16 S Tr>'on St 08594 Harris Teeter Phannacy 6701 Morrison Blvd 5200 Albemarle Rd 08593 Griftln Health Care Phannacy 4231 Monroe Rd 4 2 2 0 N Tryon St 08592 Giant Genie Phannacy 5123A South Blvd 6321 Eairview Rd 08591 Giant Genie Closed Phannacy 5123A South Blvd 1415 N Wendover Rd 08590 Fresenius Medical Care North America 300 Forsyth Hall Rd 5811 Prosperity Church Rd 08589 Felicity Phannacy 8328 Pinevillc-Matdiews Rd, Ste 301-A 7115 E W.T. Hairis Blvd 08588 Eckerd Drugs 15221 John J. Delaney Dr 8424 Belhaven Blvd 08587 Eckerd Drugs Kindred Phannacy Services 4600 Lebanon Rd, Suite F 07382 Kmart of NC LLP 2701 Freedom Dr LIST O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S AS O F 9/30/2004 A L P H A B E T I C A L BY C I T Y - C O U N T Y 07100 Med Assist of Mecklenburg 05118 272i South Blvd 5 5 1 6 Central Ave 05200 Medical Center Plaza Phcy 07712 1001 BU-the Blvd Ste 201 08428 Medicme Shoppe-MCHC Metrovieu' Phannacy, Inc. 06240 Morrocroft Medical Phcy 08298 Nalle Phamiacy 08410 NeighborCare - Charlotte 05671 Northwest Mecklenburg Co Hlth Dept 05989 N o v a Factor, Inc. 06950 O P T I O N S in Health & Education, Inc. 07004 P h a n n a C a r e Specialty Phamiacy 08300 Phannaceutical Specialties, Inc. 04830 P h a n n a c y On T h e Park 05098 Phcy Services of America 08327 P i k e ' s Phannacy, Inc. 03013 Planned Parenthood N C - West 04585 Presbyterian Hospital Phannacy 07215 Presbyterian-Onhopedic Hospital 07242 Rx Emporium 07270 S a m ' s Phannacy 8909 JW Clav Rd Walgi-eens 6848 Albemarle Rd 07348 1300 Crossbeam Dr 08063 Walgreens 8538 N T o ' o n S t 1901 Randolph Rd 07135 Walgreens 3080 Milton Rd 200 Hawthorne Ln 05505 Univ. of NC at Charlotte Brocker Hlth Ctr, 9201 Univ City Blvd 4 8 2 2 Albemarle Rd, Ste 103 00932 The Phaitnaceutical Center #2 3535 Randolph Rd 2 1 3 3 Shamrock Dr 07070 The Medicine Shoppe 1520-D West Boulevard 5029-A West W T H a n i s Blvd 04081 The Medicine Shoppe 6021-C The Plaza 4 5 7 N Wendover Rd 05449 The Medicine Shoppe 2919 Central Ave 756 Tyvola Rd, Ste I I 2 - A 07593 Target Store 8830 Albennarle Rd 601 S Rings Dr 07602 Target Store 7860 Rea Rd 2 1 5 0 Park Drive, Ste 207 07759 Target Store 8120 University City Blvd 9 6 2 5 - D Southern Pines Blvd 08358 Target Store 9531 South Blvd 2 8 4 5 Beatties Ford Rd 07577 Stanley Lab, Inc. 3330 Mom-oe Rd 4301 Mon-is Park Dr 06241 Stanley Apothecar>' 3330 Monroe Rd, Ste A 1918 Randolph Rd, Ste 120 07196 SouthEast Pain Care/CMC-Univ Phannacy 8220 University Executive Park Dr 4501 Cameron Valley Pkwy, Ste 125 07565 Southeast Mecklenburg Co Hlth Dept 249 Billingsley Rd 1900 Randolph Rd 07883 Senior Care Pharmacy 4455 M o n i s Park Dr, Ste A 1520-D West Blvd 03601 Sedget'ield Discount Drugs Walgreens 3251 Freedom 07747 Walgreens 4701 South Blvd LIST O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S AS O F 9/30/2004 A L P H A B E T I C A L BY CITY - COUNTY 08138 Walgreens China Grove ROWAN 2800 W Mallard Creek Church Rd 08266 051 89 Walgreens China Grove Drug Company, Inc. 1 12 S Main 7711 Colony Rd 03041 Walkers Cotswold Drug Store Inc. 08606 508 Hwy 29N 4390 Coluick Rd 07945 05649 Wat-Man Pharmacy Wal-Man Phannacy Chocowinity 8180 S Tryon St 07947 Winn-Dixie Phannacy 1460 S Main St 9101 Albemarle Rd 07946 Eckerd Dmgs 07717 Wal-Man Phannacy BEAUFORT Chocowinity Phannacy, Inc. 685 US Hwy 33 E 3304 Eastway Dr 07948 Claremont W^al-Man Phannacy 8709 J.W. Clay Blvd 07949 03889 CATAWBA Medicap Phannacy 3319 E Main Wal-Man Phannacy 3209 Pineville Matthews Rd Clarkton 08531 BLADEN Wal-Man Pharmacy 08156 1830 Galleria Blvd Clarkton Drug, Inc. 80 E Green Street 05506 Winn-Dixie Pharmacy 818 East An-owood Rd 06183 Clayton Winn-Dixie Phannacy 04848 Beddingfield Drug Co 10215 University City Blvd 06210 Winn-Dixie Phannacy 325 E Main St 07623 CVS/phannacy 525 Little Rock Rd 07254 I 1911 US 70 West Winn-Dixie Phannacy 08607 Eckerd Drugs 1 1 108 South Tryon St Cherokee JOHNSTON 1 1360 US Hwy 70 W JACKSON 08325 Food Lion Phannacy 50 Neuse River Pkwy 07038 Cherokee Pharmacy El Camino Plz, Hwy 19 08430 Walgreens • Cherryville 05455 GASTON Wal-Mart Phannacy 12873 Hwy 70 West Houser Drug Co. 100 E. Main Street 06903 08293 11306 US 70 West 05402 Winn-Dixie Phannacy Clayton Crossing, 11407 US 70 West Ren- Drug 302 East Main St Clemmons 021 51 FORSYJH Med Ctr Phcy of Cheriyville Inc Academy St 05668 BrookcareofNC, Inc. 6000 Meadowbrook Mall, Ste 200 05423 Tas Drug 500 West Church St 06589 CVS/phamiacy 2770 Lewisville-Cleminons Rd LIST O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S AS O F 9/30/2004 A L P H A B E T I C A L BY CITY - C O U N T Y 06704 CVS/phamiacy HARNETT Coats 1433 Lcwisviile-Clemiiions Rd 08608 07899 Eckerd Drugs 393 N M c K i n l e y S t , Box 81 I 3629 Clemmons Rd 08609 Eckerd Dmgs Columbia 1485 River Ridge Dr 07385 03747 KmanofNCLLP Cleveland Drug Co. Butlers Phannacy, Inc. 06593 07472 07471 03788 408 Beaman St 07654 071 1 1 Rowan Rd County Complex 05150 607 Beamon St 05489 06594 Copperfield Oncology Phcy CVS/phannacy 44 Branchview Dr NE 07950 1415 Sunset Ave 06595 AMB Care Ctr & Hospice Serv of HRMC 06596 CVS/phannacy 589 US Hwy 601 Bypass South 560 LeRoy George Dr Haywood Regional Med Ctr Phcy CVS/phannacy 931 Concord Pkwy HAYWOOD 07601 02212 CVS/phannacy 5225 Poplar Tent Rd 262 Leroy George Dr 157 Paragon Pky Central Carolina Phcy Services, 1 200 Medical Park Dr, Ste 140 W a L M a n Phannacy 07951 Cabanus Health Alliance 807 Davidson Dr Sampson Reg Medical Ctr Phcy Wal-Mart Phannacy Bl-LO 298 Lincoln Ave Jordans Shopping Center Sampson County Health Dept. 07587 CADARRUS 595 US 601 ByPass South 209 W Main St Clyde St Lukes Hospital-Phannacy Dept. Concord Matthews Dmg Store 02679 Medicap Phannacy Compounding Lab 101 Hospital Dr 507 College St Eckerd Drugs 04761 Medicap Pharmacy SO Shuford Dr 307 Beaman St Eckerd Drugs 02621 CVS/phannacy 80 Shuford Dr CVS/phannacy 0861 1 POLK 333 West Mills St 204 Main St Clinton Drug Co. 08610 Martin-Tyrrell-W'ton Dist Hlth Dept Tyrrell Co Ctr Bridge St SAMPSON Clinton 06592 Columbia Phannacy Columbus 11745-B Statesville Blvd PO Bx 165 05533 04441 ROWAN Cleveland 03729 TYRRELL Main St 2455 Lewisville-Clemmons Rd 05010 Coats Phannacy, Inc. 08612 Eckerd Drugs 738 Cabarrus Ave L I S T O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S A S O F 9/30/2004 A L P H A B E T I C A L BY C I T Y - C O U N T Y 086 L3 Eckerd Drugs 07704 Compounding Specialties of Conover 1560 Hwy 29 North 08614 317-1 St Street East Eckerd Dmgs 06597 CVS/phamiacy 3645 Concord Pkwy South 06195 Hairis Teeter Phamiacy 102 Rock Barn Rd 07387 K m a n o f N C LLP 1245 Concord Pkwy 08491 508-K 10th St NW Harris Teeter Phamiacy 03132 Medical Village Phannacy 358 George W. Liles Pkwy NW 06923 Kerr Dmg 815 Fairgrove Church Rd 06040 Medical Village Vital Care, Inc. 3412 B Graystone Place SW 848 Union St South 06924 Kerr Drug 04631 Medicap Phannacy 690 Church St North 07386 203 I s t S t E Kmart o f N C LLP 05431 Mediphann 545 Concord Pkwy N 04523 3412 Graystone Place SW Medical Arts Phamiacy Conway NORTHAMPTON 920 Church St N 08126 07929 Medicap Phannacy Taylor Drug Company I 18 East Main St 361 George W Liles Pkwy, NW 05099 Moose Professional Pharmacy 270 Copperfield Blvd 00944 Cooleeniee 03395 NonhEast Medical Center DAVIE Davie Discount Drugs Cooleemee S/C, 141 Marginal St 920 Church St N 06068 Corenlius Pathways H o i n e Care 487 Lake Concord Rd 08309 08788 College Phannacy A M T 20905 Torrence Chapel Rd, Ste 203-B S a m ' s Phamiacy 2421 Super Center Dr 05619 MECIvLENBURG Cornelius MECKLENBURG The Community Pree Clinic, Inc. 528A Lake Concord Rd 07181 CVS/phannacy 19305 West Catawba Ave 05151 T h e Medicine Shoppe 08615 807 Davidson Dr Eckerd Drugs 20605 Toirence Chapel Rd 07440 Walgreens 08616 735 Caban-us Ave W Eckerd Drugs 19400 Catawba Ave 08470 Walgreens 07057 5230 Poplar Tent Rd Hairis Teeter Phannacy 19815 North Cove Rd 07952 W a L M a n Phannacy 150 Concord C'ommons Place 07697 Mid Atlantic Compounding Phannacy 19607 Catawba Ave Co^o^cr 07081 CATAWBA Bowman Drug Company, Inc. 126 First Ave S 04970 Neils Phannacy, Inc. L)607 Hwy 73 L I S T O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S AS O F 9/30/2004 A L P H A B E T I C A L BY CITY - COUNTY 04903 Denton Drug Store GASTON Cramerton 17941 NC 109 South 04472 Cramerton Drug 08419 149 Eighth Ave 17955 H u y 109 South GRANVILLE Creedmoor 08460 Best Care Pharmacy Denver 06600 1614 H u y 56 04337 CATA\\T3A CVS/phannacy 6050 South NC 16 Hwy Creedmoor Drug Company Denver Main St 08617 Yadkin Valley Healthcare, LLC 08821 Eckerd Drugs LINCOLN CareMor Family Phannacy, Inc. 3636 H u y 16 N 1560 H u y 56 06601 CVS./phannacy AVERY Crossnore 2128 North Hwy 16 08275 Crossnore Dmg Store 07126 4263 Linville Falls Hwy JACKSON Ciillowhee 3634 H u y 16 N 08619 Eckerd Dmgs 108 South H u y 16 University Health Center ]\62Bird Bldg, Hwy 107 South Denver Phcy of Lincoln Co, Inc. 08533 Woody Phannacy - Waterside 2 7 8 - C N Hwy 16 GASTON Dallas Dobson 06598 3126 Dallas High Shoals Huy 08618 06858 RerrDrug 101 E Atkins St Eckerd Drugs 04809 520 East Trade St 07205 SURRY CVS/phamiacy Suny County Health &L Nutrition Ctr. 118 Hamby Rd Winn-Dixie Phannacy 07912 3146 Dallas H u y Suny Drug Company 302 North White Street Danbury STOFCES BLADEN Dublin 03453 Stokes Phannacy 02851 05468 MECKLENBURG Davidson 06599 Junction Hwy 87 & 410 Stokes-Reynolds Mem Hosp, Inc. 1570 NC 8 & 89 Hwy North HARNETT Dunn Betsy Johnson Regional Hosp 02494 CVS/phannacy 800 Tilghman Dr CVS/phannacy 127 S Main St 06602 DAVIDSON Denton Jim's Discount Phcy, Inc. 2200 W Cumberland St Dunn Discount Drug, Inc. 07454 06866 CVS/phannacy 710 Envin Rd Hwv 109 & Fanner Rd Eckerd Drugs 08620 1721 W Cumberland St L I S T O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S A S O F 9/30/2004 A L P H A B E T I C A L BY C I T Y - C O U N T Y 08399 Family Medical Supply, Inc. 03051 14! 1 W Cumberland St 02957 Hospital Pharmacy, Inc. Duke Med Ctr Erwm Rd 00197 Medicine Center 03252 1402 W Cumberland St OS 197 Duke University Health System, Inc. Erwin Rd Thomas Drug Store 02995 609 E Cumberland St Durham Duke University Health System, Inc. Erwin Rd 200 N Ellis Ave 04161 Duke Univ Med Ctr Radiophannacy Durham Co Mental Health Center 414 E Main St DURHAM 046S5 Durham County Health Depaitment 414 E Main St 07041 Ba.vter Healthcare Renal Div Phcy 00210 5104 Chin Page Road 08260 Central Compounding Center 3643 N Roxboro St 0862! 2609 N Duke St, Ste 102 03428 Central Phannacy Clinic Phannacy 08622 Clinical Trial Services 08623 Costco Pharmacy 08624 CVS/phannacy 08625 CVS/phannacy 08626 CVS/pharmacy 08627 CVS/phannacy 08628 CVS/phannacy 07857 CVS/phannacy 691 1 07265 GaiTcU 07868 07869 Duke Student Health Center Phannacy 07237 Duke Univ Hlth Sys, Inc. - CHC Ei'win Rd Harris Teeter Phannacy 1817 Martin Luther King, Jr Pkwy 02265 Duke Clinic - Trent Drive 07545 Food Lion Phannacy 471 1 Hope Valley Rd 4321 Medical Pk De, Ste 101 03055 Food Lion Phannacy 3808 Guess Rd Road Duke Community Infusion Services Food Lion Phannacy 4900 NC Hwy 55 3573 Hillsborough Rd 07683 Eckerd Drugs 5319 Roxboro Rd 3300 Guess Rd 06610 Eckerd Drugs 1505 Broad St 2010 Sedwick Rd 06609 Eckerd Drugs 3798 Guess Rd I 845 Manin Luther King Pkwy 06608 Eckerd Drugs 3725 Wake Forest Hwy 5279 Roxboro Rd 06606 Eckerd Drugs 200 North LaSalle St 1510 Nonh Pointe Dr 06605 Eckerd Drugs 1311 N C H w y 5 4 4204 Technology Dr 07681 Eckerd Drugs 101 Woodcrofl Pkwy 1901 Hillandale Rd 08092 Eckerd Drugs Triangle Sq Pk, 4719 Apex Hwy 2609 N Duke St Ste 103 03880 Durham Regional Hospital Hillcrest Convalescent Home Inc 1417 W Pettigrew St 06957 Kerr Drug 2000 Chapel Hill Rd LIST O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S AS O F 9/30/2004 AIJMIABETICAL BY CITY - COUNTY 06960 Kerr Drug 08490 613 Wellons Village 0696! Kerr Drug 4005 Chapel Hill Blvd 08256 3600 N Duke St 0697! KeirDrug KeirDrug 08417 KmanofNCLLP 03201 Kroger Pharmacy 08790 Kroger Phamiacy 07280 Kroger Phannacy 08825 Kroger Phannacy 07953 Kroger Phannacy 07954 Wal-Mart Phannacy 3500 Roxboro Rd 07138 3457 Hillsborough Rd 08176 Wal-Man Phannacy 5450 New Hope Commons Dr 1802 Nonh Pointe Dr, N Pointe S/C 07317 Walgreens 6405 Fayetteville Rd 202 NC Hwy 54, S'pointe Crossing S/C 07164 Upchurch Drugs 5108 N Roxboro Rd 5116 N Roxboro Rd 07163 United Phannacy Services ofNC, Inc. 4022 StiiTup Creek Dr, Ste 325 3117 Shannon Rd 05772 Triangle Phannacy, Inc. 1700 E Hwy 54 4215 University Dr 04462 Target Store 4037 Durham Chapel Hill Blvd 710 I-ayetteville St 07389 Select Specialty Hospital-Durham 3643 N Roxbom Rd, 6th Floor 182! Hillandale Rd 07188 SanLs Phannacy Winn-Dixie Phannacy Kmart S/C, 2000 Avondale Dr Kroger Phannacy ROCKINGHAM Eden 3825 S Roxboro St, Ste 101 08810 Kroger Phannacy 06995 256 Boulevard 3420 Watkins Rd 01297 Lincoln Community Hith Ctr 06612 Main Street Phannacy 08629 NC Central Univ Hlth Ser Phcy 07336 NCSSM Health Clinic 04136 Nonh Carolina Specialty Hospital 01921 P.E.T.Net Phannaceuticals, Inc. 07678 Planned PThood of Central Nonh Carolina 02447 P P D Medical Communications 2655 Meridian Pkwy Mitchell's Discount Drugs, Inc. 641 Washington 820 Broad St 07367 Layne's Family Pharmacy 247 Kings Wwy 2310 Presidential D r # 1 0 8 05376 Joe Chandler-PhannacisI 407 Van Buren Rd Hwy 14 m o w Main St 07836 Eden Drug Store, Inc. 103 W Stadium Dr 1219 Broad St 07837 Eden Compounding Lab, LLC 103 W Stadium Dr Student Hlth Services 08336 Eckerd Drugs 109 South VanBuren Rd 213 W Main St 05196 CVS/phannacy 625 S Van Buren Rd 1301 Fayetteville St 07275 Boulevard Phannacy 04073 Mitchell's Disct Drugs Inc Store it! 544 Morgan Rd L I S T O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S AS O F 9/30/2004 A L P H A B E T I C A L BY CITY - C O U N T Y 02075 Morehead Memorial Hospital 01422 207-209 S Poindexter St 117 E Kings Hwy 05651 07956 Phamiacy Land 061 17 Wal-Mait Phamiacy Winn-Dixie Phannacy Winn-Dixie Phannacy 830 Halstead Blvd 842-K S Van Buren Rd 06077 Wal-Mart Phannacy 1873 W Eringhause 137 N Fieldcrest 07955 Todds Pharmacy, Inc. Eliza betlitowu BLADEN 640 S Vanburen Rd 02624 CHOWAN Edentoii 01464 Blount's Mutual Drugs, Inc. 05614 Chowan Hospital Phannacy 06616 04491 CVS/phannacy 07957 Mitchcners Phannacy ORANGE Enand Elkin 07272 Global Rx SURRY Britlge Street Pharmacy, Inc, 817 N Bridge St 4024 Carrington Ln Elizabetii C i t y Wal-Mart Phannacy 1347 W Broad Box 6 07264 Dickerson's Phannacy, Inc. 503 Doctors Dr 1316-H North Broad St 06071 CVS/phannacy 371 South Poplar Street 211 Virginia Rd 06613 Bladen County Hospital Clarkton Rd 323 S Broad St 07297 Anderson Drug Store, Inc. 206 S Poplar St PASQUOTANK 06617 CVS/phannacy 1 127 North Bridge St 08389 Apothecaty Shop 08630 104 E Main St 08482 Community Care Clinic 1475 N Bridge St 00224 501 Catalina Ave 06615 CVS/phannacy Dept of Phann., Albemarle Hosp. 02507 07958 Rcspiratoi-y Home Care Ellerbe 02728 2012B North Road St 07686 Wal-Mart Phannacy 2099 N Bridge St Ovennan and Stevenson 512 E Main St 07035 Hugh Chatham Mem Hosp Phcy Parkwood Dr 1 144 North Road St 0021 9 Elk Phannacy, Inc. 1 16 E M a i n St 101 West Ehringhaus St 02184 Eckerd Drugs Tarheel IMiannacy RICHMOND Ellerbe Phannacy 274 N Second St Elm C i t y WILSON 902 Roanoke Ave 0535 1 T o d d s Northsidc Pn)fessional Phcy 1141 North Rd St PO Box 1448 04043 Elm City Phannacy, Inc. i 18 E Main St L I S T O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S AS O F 9/30/2004 A L P H A B E T I C A L BY C I T Y - C O U N T Y ALAMANCE Eloii 05784 Cane Creek Phannacy, Inc. 66 Reta Rd 06220 R.N. Ellington Hlth Center Faison 100 Campus Dr DUPLIN 07867 E m e r a l d Isle Faison Phannacy CARTERET 206 SW Center St CVS/phannacy 06618 F^allston 300 Man Grove Rd HALIFAX Enfield CLEVELAND 04569 Fallston Phannacy, Inc. 4841 Fallston Rd Drum's Phannacy 04599 Farmville 132 Whitfield St 06521 03259 KeiT Drug 707 S McDaniel Byrds Plz HARNETT Erwin PITT BEST VALUE DRUG 3708 N Main St 06620 CVS/phannacy 222 Marlboro Rd 0491 1 Good Hope Hospital Phannacy 02192 410 Denim Dr 04171 3793 S Main St McPhaifs Phannacy, Inc. Fayetteville 105 East H St 07959 Kue's Phannacy Wal-Mait Phannacy 05726 590 Jackson Blvd ApotheCare 161 1-A Owen Dr HENDERSON Etowah CUMBERLAND 05596 Behavioral Health Care Phcy of CFVHS 3425 Melrose Rd. 07580 Etowah Pharmacy 07703 6527 Brevard Rd Fair Bluff 07885 1400 Walter Reed Rd COLUMBUS 07793 BI-LO 1 55 Bonanza Dr Elvington Phannacy 07802 1 126 Main St 04846 BLLO 3915 Ramsey St Fair Bluff Discount Drug, Inc. 03819 1089 Main St BI-LO Bordeaux Drug Co., Inc. Bordeaux S/C 1758 Owen Dr Fairmont 0751 1 ROBESON Fairmont Medical Clinic 101 N Walnut St 06527 Ken- Drug Cape Fear Valley Med Ctr Phcy 1638 Owen Dr 08792 Webster's Phannacy Cardinal Health 1840 Owen Dr, Ste 101 214 S Main St Fairview Cape Fear Discount Drug 2800-18 Raeford Rd 01431 414 N Walnut St 03606 08373 08069 Cumberland Co Med Access Program 227 Fountainhead Lane BUNCOMBE L I S T O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S A S O F 9/30/2004 A L P H A B E T I C A L BY C I T Y - C O U N T Y 05448 Cumberland Co Mental Hlth Ctr 05638 Medicap Phannacy 1431 Ramsey St 1724 Roxie Ave 04417 Cumberland Co. Health Dept. 04584 Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy 227 Fountainhead Ln 04982 Cumberland County Mental Health Ctr. 444 Owen Dr 01702 Prescription Center 915 Hay St 109 Bradford Ave Room 232 06622 CVS/pharmacy 07176 Professional Care Phannacy 938 Cambridge St 3026 Bragg Blvd 06623 CVS/phamiacy 04032 Spaulding Infinnaiy Fayetteville State Univ 522 Owen Dr 06627 CVS/phannacy 05990 4108 Raeford Rd 06628 CVS/phannacy 2056 Skibo Rd 05571 CVS/phannacy 03078 404 Ramsey St 06632 CVS/phannacy The CARE Clinic Phcy 239 Robeson St 100 Law Rd 06631 Target Store The Medicine Shoppe 530 Grove St 07804 VALLEY PHARMACN' 9539 Cliffdale Rd 08631 Eckerd Drugs 1638 Owen Dr 07805 3300 Ramsey St 2605 Raeford Road 08632 Eckerd Drugs 08135 5989 Morganton Rd 08633 Eckerd Drugs Walgreens Walgreens 2960 Hope Mills Rd 08139 Walgreens 102 Westwood S/C 08634 Eckerd Drugs 1600 Skibo Rd 08528 3296 Village Dr 906 Bingham Dr 08635 Eckerd Drugs Walgreens 07960 WaLMart Pharmacy 103 Country Club Dr 07787 Fayetteville l-amily Medical Care, P.A. 1550 Skibo Rd 07961 1307 Avon St 07328 Highsmith-Rainey Memorial Hospital 3725 Ramsey St Ste 100 08072 150 Robeson St 07391 Kmart o f N C LLP MacKcthan's Family Phcy 05680 Massey Hill Drug Co., Inc. Winn-Dixie Pharmacy Cliffdale Cor S/C, 690 Reilly Rd 07308 2813 Fort Bragg Rd 04760 Wal-Mart Phannacy 7701 South Raeford Rd 1931 Skibo Rd 05373 Wal-Mart Phannacy Winn-Dixie Phannacy 600 Cedar Creek Rd Flat Rock HENDERSON 1072 Southern Ave 055 1 5 Medical Arts Phannacy 101 Robeson St, Stcs 107 & 108 08334 Elizabeth House ' 581 South Allen Rd L I S T O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S AS O F 9/30/2004 A L P H A B E T I C A L BY CITY - C O U N T Y 08425 Ingles Markets 02431 220 Highland Lake Rd White Oak and Rivervicw St 07803 Fletciier Angel Medical Center Phcy BLLO HENDERSON 245 Macon Plaza Dr 07557 Ingles Markets 06904 6000 Hendersonville Rd 07107 NeighborCare-Hendersonville Park Ridge Hospital Pharmacy 07392 075 10 06457 RUTHERFORD 07963 08370 Compounding Center ofSmith's Drugs Franklinton Hardin's Drug 06505 FRANKLIN Rerr Drug 3422 US Hwy Hardin's Drug 1281 US Hwy 22 LA Fremont Ingles Markets 01042 756 S Church St, Ste 132 07543 Wal-Mart Phannacy 305 Holly Springs Plaza 720 S Church St 0381 i Plaza Phannacy 20 Franklin Plaza Dr 143 F. Main St 03075 R m a r t o f N C LLP 300 Westgate Plz Rd Naples Rd Porest City Drug 295 Westgate Plaza 189 Continuum Way, Ste C 01301 ReiT Medical Arts Phannacy, Inc. WAYNE Fremont Pharmacy 113 E Main St Fu(|uay WAKE 924 W Main St 08199 Medicine Box Phannacy 08094 1371 E Broad St 664 S Broadway 07506 Smith's Drugs Vital Care 139 E Main St 07516 06634 05125 Wal-Mart Phannacy Four Oaks 06506 Carter Phannacy ReiT Drug Fuquay-Varina 08636 Four Oaks Drug Company WAKE Eckerd Drugs Sunset Lake Mkt PI, 1372 N Main St 07785 RerrDrug Medicap Phannacy 305 North .ludd Pkwy 513 E Wellons St Franklin Elliotts Pharmacy 816 N Main St JOHNSTON 200 Main St 06528 CVS/phannacy 202 S Main St Hwy 301 N 02821 WAKE 1334 N Main St 197 Plaza Dr 03020 Fuquay Varina Smiths Drug Store 137-139 E Main St 07962 The Rroger Phannacy 08271 Walgreens 1401 N Main St MACON 07913 Wal-Mart Phannacy 1051 East Broad St LIST OF I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S AS O F 9/30/2004 A L P H A B E T I C A L BY C I T Y - C O U N T Y 07118 Windsor Point Phannacy, Inc. 07658 1221 Broad St 1955 Davis Park Rd JOHNSTON Garner BI-LO 06637 CVS/phannacy 1850 West Franklin Blvd CVS/phannacy 06639 06636 5680 N C 42 Hwy West 1803 S New Hope Rd Food Lion Pharmacy 06641 07754 75 Glen Road 07234 07696 127 Mast Drive CVS/phannacy 2580 Court Dr Garner WAKE 08640 Eckerd Drugs 3691 Robinwood Rd CVS/phannacy 0S64I 1571 US IKvy 70 W Eckerd Drugs 2206 W Franklin Blvd CVS/phannacy 07214 CVS/phannacy 2206 Union Rd Medicap Pharmacy 06635 CVS/phannacy 08642 790 Timber Dr Eckerd Drugs 1 10 West GaiTison Blvd Eckerd Drugs 08637 Timber Crossing S/C, 245 Timber Dr W 08643 Eckerd Drugs 545 Co.x Rd 08638 Eckerd Drugs Forest Hills S/C, 1333 5th Ave 08644 Eckerd Drugs 2465 South New Hope Rd Eckerd Drugs 08639 04557 2311 Timber Dr Gaston Co Dept Public Hlth Phcy 108 S Jacobs St Kroger Phannacy 06266 04558 2680 Timber Dr Gaston Co Dept Public Hlth Phcy 991 W Hudson Blvd Target Store 07005 04559 2700 Timber Dr Gaston Co Dept Public Hlth Phcy 1122 S Main St Target Store 08349 08345 1040 Timber Drive E 991 West Hudson Blvd Tom Jones Compounding Phcy, Inc. 08161 107 Vandora Springs Rd 01 191 06905 Vandora S/C Gaston Memorial Hospital Pharmacy 2525 Court Dr Tom Jones Discount Drug Center 031 17 Gaston Family Health Services Ken- Drug 1519 S York Rd Gastonia 0183! GASTON Akcrs Pharmacy 1595 E Garnison Blvd 07656 05629 Lowell Drug Store 2509 E Ozark Ave 03679 Medical Center Phannacy 515 Cox Rd BLLO 2204 Union Rd Kmart o f N C LLP 3580 E Franklin BLLO 2601 S New Hope Rd 07657 07393 07051 Moss Drugs 701 W Fnmklin Ave LIST O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S AS O F 9/30/2004 A L P H A B E T I C A L BY C I T Y - C O U N T Y 03932 Prescriptions Plus, Inc. 08238 1614 W Franklin Blvd 07858 2402 Wayne Memorial Dr Sam's Phannacy 03954 3540 East Franklin Blvd 06533 08123 121 VV Main Ave 07731 197 Old New Hope Rd 05502 1902 West Franklin Blvd 06644 2500 E Franklin Blvd 08645 2975 Union Rd Wal-Man Phannacy 08646 WaLMan Phannacy 08647 VVinn-Dixie Phannacy 07370 Goldsboro Drug Company, Inc. lOI N Center St York Chester Healthcare, LLC 02815 127 Wolfpack Rd 0'Berr>' Center Phannacy 400 Old Smithfield Rd 02656 Gates Eckerd Drugs 806 E Ash St 2970 S New Hope Rd 08388 Eckerd Drugs Neuse River S/C, 2455 US 117 S 223 Nonh Mynle School Rd 05418 Eckerd Drugs 100 S Berkeley Blvd 3000 E Franklin Blvd 08471 CVS/pharmacy 2203 Wayne Memorial Dr Walgreens 07964 Coor's Phannacy, Inc. 1 103 Wayne Memorial Dr Walgn-eens 08529 Carolina Phannacy Solutions, LLC 1600-G Wayne Memorial Dr Walgreens 08258 Carolina Compt)unding Center, Inc. 120S-B Parkway Dr Target Store 07813 Bob Boyd Drug 523 E Ashe St Smiths Drugs 07212 3 HC Phannacy Phannacy, Cheny Hospital GATES 201 Stevens Mill Rd 08504 Gates County Health Dept Phannacy ^^.^^^^ ^^^^ 29 Medical Center Rd Gatesville 03775 2303 Wayne Mem Dr GATES ' Gates County Phannacy 08383 " 2 2 3 701 US 158 West ^5991 Southeast Family Phannacy NC Hwy 111 South Target Store 1204 Sunburst Dr 08328 Todd's Phannacy of Gates County 504 Main Street 08418 WAGES Medication Management Center 601 E Royall Ave Glen A l p i n e 05572 BURKE ^345^ Clinic Drug Store, Inc. 2606 E Ash St 106 Linville St 079f)5 Wal-Man Phannacy 1002 N Spence Ave Glen Raven "• " 06642 CVS/phannacy 2017 W Webb Ave " " 0 3 8 7 3 Wayne Co Hlth Dept Phannacy 3^, ^ ^^^^ 04556 Goldsboro \\'A\'NE Wayne Memorial Hospital, Inc. 2700 Wayne Mem Dr LIST O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S AS O F 9/30/2004 A L P H A B E T I C A L BY CITY - C O U N T Y 03033 Wayne Pharmacy, inc. 07662 2302 Wayne Mem Dr 05599 Winn-Dixie Pharmacy 0459S 1805 Wayne Memorial Dr 07271 Brown-Gardiner Drug Co., Inc. 2101 N Elm St Winn-Dixie Phannacy 03537 2441 US 117 S Buiton's Phannacy 120 E Lindsay St 08192 G.'"'^'^^'"' 06645 BLLO 2639 Lawndale Dr - Cardinal Health 1401-B W Wendover CVS/phannacy ^^^^^ 401 S Main St Cardinal Health 309-G S Westgate Dr Graham ALAMANCE 08365 Costco Phannacy 4201 West Wendover Ave 02 1 83 South Coun Drug Coinpanv, Inc. 210-AEEImSt ^7732 Custom Care Phannacy 2500-C Battleground Ave 08431 Tar Heel Rexall Drugs, Inc. . St 316 S Mam Gnindy 03817 CURRITUCK 06649 CVS/phannacy ' 4639 W Market St (3^^5fj CVS/phannacy Drugcare of Currituck ^000 Battleground Ave Hwy 158 GrandyS/C 06651 CVS/phannacy 309 East Cornwallis Dr G r a n i t e Fails CALDWELL 06652 02793 Granite Drug Center CVS/phannacy C^„^g^ j^^l 21 Falls Ave 06653 05030 Royal Apothecaiy, Inc. CVS/phannacy 3 3 ^ , Randleman Rd 100 Sunset St Grantsboro r.r...> 06648 06655 CVS/phannacy ' ^ 0 3 West Florida St 06657 CVS/phannacy ^ PAMLICO r n / c / u CVS/phannacy 2042 Rankin Mill Rd . . r ^ A T , • ,-, x r r ^ L . 1 1560 Unit 13, NC Hwy "3 5 Greensboro 08089 GUILFORD Accredo Health Group, Inc. 06658 CVS/phannacy 2215 Fleming Rd 06659 CVS/phannacy ^ 7866 Thorndike Rd 07278 Bennett's Pharmacy 1615 Spring Garden St 06660 301 E Wendover Ave, Ste 115 07659 Bl-LO 1040 Alamance d i u r c h Rd 08648 3516 Drawbridge Pkwy 07660 BLLO BI-LO 3120 Randleman Rd Eckerd Drugs 2998 Norlhline Ave 08649 1050 Alamance Church Rd 07661 CVS/phannacy Eckerd Drugs 4808 W Market St 08650 Eckerd Drugs 3391 Battleground Ave LIST O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S AS O F 9/30/2004 A L P H A B E T I C A L BV C I T Y - C O U N T Y 0S651 Eckerd Drugs 06862 2 4 0 3 Randleman Rd 08652 Eckerd Drugs 1435 E C o n e Blvd 07251 1700 Battleground Ave 08653 Eckerd Drugs Eckerd Drugs 071 31 Eckerd Drugs 07129 Eckerd Drugs 07395 Eellowship Hall, Inc. 0609S Food Lion Phamiacy 08240 Gate City Phamiacy, Inc. 07930 G o v e Health Center, UNC-G 05331 Greensboro College Student Hlth Ctr 08359 Greensboro Phannacy 08241 Guilford Co. Health Dept. Phcy 04312 H a n i s Teeter Phannacy • 0S386 07006 07451 Hemophilia First, LLC 07538 Hemophilia Resources of America, Inc, 07013 Integrity Healthcare Services, Inc. 01242 Rerr Drug 04974 Rerr Drug 3001 E Market St The W o m e n ' s Hospital of Greensboro 801 Green Valley Rd 08062 3205 S Holden Rd 06861 The Moses H. Cone Mem. Hospital 1200 N Elm St 6 9 0 9 International Dr, Ste 108 06860 The Moses H Cone Mem Hos Opr Coi-p Wesley Long Comm Hosp, 501 N Elam St 4 0 0 0 - E Spring Garden St OS 1 64 The Behavioral Health Center Campus 700 Walter Reed Dr 4 0 6 Willow Spring Ct 08815 Target Stoi-e 2701 Lawndale Dr 401 Pisgah Church Rd 08163 Target Store 1212 Bridford Pkwy 701 Erancis Ring St Han-is Teeter Phannacy Sebastian Student Hlth Center NC A & T State Univ Nocho St 1 100 E Wendover Ave 08107 S a m ' s Pharmacy 4418 W Wendover 1002 S Eugene St 02381 PSC MedSupply, LLC 224 C o m m e r c e Place 815 W Market St 07499 Planned P'thood of the Triad, Inc. 1704 Battleground Ave 1000 Spring Garden St 03890 PharMerica I2-A Oak Branch Dr 803-C Friendly Center Rd 0303 1 M E S H Phannacy 700 S Holden Rd 3 6 0 3 Groometown Rd 02378 Lane Drug 1 15 S Elm St 5 1 4 0 Dunstan Rd 077IS Kmart o f N C LLP 1302 Bridford Pkwy 361 I Groometown Rd 03267 Kindred Phannacy Services 3400 W Wendover Ave, Ste E 901 E Bessemer Ave 08656 Kindred Hospital - Greensboro 2401 Southside Blvd 2 1 0 0 North Elm St 08655 Kerr Drug 2190 Lawndale Dr 500 Pisgah Church Rd 08654 Ken- Drug Walgreens 4701 W Market St 083 17 Walgreens 3701 A High Point Rd L I S T O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S A S O F 9/30/2004 A L P H A B E T I C A L BY CITY - C O U N T Y 07966 W a L M a n Phamiacy 07397 373S Battleground Ave 07967 703 E Greenville Boulevard 0344 Wal-Man Phannacy 4424 VV Wendover Ave 07301 06182 Winn-Dixie Phannacy Leo Jenkins Cancer Ctr Phcy ECU Sch of Med, 600 Moye Blvd Wright's Phannacy 0233 709 E Market St, Ste 10 Greenville Kroger Phannacy Univ Commons, 3040 Evans St 1605 New Garden Rd . 08136 Kman o f N C LLP Pitt County Memorial Hospital Stantonsburg Rd & SR 1267 04432 PITT Pitt County Public Hlth Ctr 201 Government Circle 07726 Advanced Service 08209 1005 W.Il. Smith Blvd 07338 Brody Outpatient Phannacy 1970 Arlington Blvd, Ste D 08421 ECU Sch of Med, 600 Moye Blvd 06662 CVS/phannacy CVS/phannacy 08451 CVS/phannacy 05214 E C U Student Health Services 06138 E Carolina Family Practice Phannacy 08829 Eckerd Drugs 07764 Eckerd Drugs 07820 Eckerd Drugs 0784 Eckerd Drugs 13 07968 210 Greenville Blvd SW Eckerd Drugs Grifton 07354 105 SW Greenville BKd 07225 Wal-Mart Phannacy Eckerd Drugs 2101 Stantonsburg Rd 08662 Walgreens 103 Greenville Blvd SE 3012 E 10th St 08661 Walgreens 671 S Memorial Dr 2438 Stantonsburg Rd 08660 Walgreens 2105 E Firetower Rd 2098 E Firetower Rd 08659 UHS Employee Phannacy 2000 Venture Towers Dr 1401 S Charles Blvd 08658 Therapeutic Solutions 615-B S Memorial Dr ECU Sch of Med, 600 Moye Blvd 08657 Target Store 3040 S Evans St 5th St and Main Campus 0375 1 Surgicenter Services of Pitt, Inc. 102 Bethesda Dr 3116 East 10th St 03052 Rx East, Inc. 4320-B East 10th St 1895 E Firetower Rd 06665 Realo Discount Drug Store 1631 SE Greenville Blvd 505 S Memorial Dr 06663 Radiophannacy of Raleigh, Inc. PITT H and H Drug Company 310 W Queen St Healthwise Phartnacy Halifax HALIFAX 615-B S Memorial Dr 08 1 32 Jabez Home Infusion Company 2495 Hemby Lane, Ste B 04796 Halifax Co. Health Dept. Dobbs St LIST O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S AS O F 9/30/2004 A L P H A B E T I C A L BY C I T Y - C O U N T Y 04797 05313 Halifax Co. Health Dept. Beach Phannacy of Hatteras 215 McDaniel St 04798 Hwy 12 PO Box 428 HalitaxCo. Health Dept. Ilavelock CRAVEN House Ave. 06668 RICHMOND Hamlet Biniiinghani Drug Company. Inc. 02506 510 Hwy 70 W 08664 27 Main St Eckerd Drugs 101 W Main St KeiT Drug 06925 CVS/phannacy H a w River ALAMANCE 801 W Hamlet Ave 06560 Mabry's Drug Store 02227 1009 W Main St 41 Main St Sandhills Regional Medical Center 02476 05110 05771 Hampstead Haw River Discount Drugs, Inc. 740 E Main St 1000 West Hamlet Ave 06666 CVS/phannacy PENDER CVS/phamiacy Winn-Dixie Phannacy 1003 W Main St Ilayesville CLAY 14636 US Hwy 17 N 08083 Hampstead Family Pharmacy, LLC 05920 15489 US Hwy 17N Unit 2 07740 Medical Center Phannacy 06906 Pender Co Hith Dept & Resource Annex 06892 02759 Rx Services, Inc. Village Phannacy Hazelwood 15444 Bldg 9, US Hwy 17 Harmony 07444 Countryside Phannacy 429 Hazelwood Ave 06670 Harmony Drug, Inc. Harrisburg 08665 CVS/phannacy 07848 CVS/phannacy Eckerd Drugs 201 Trade St CABARRUS Food Lion Phannacy 1241 Dabney Dr 02492 Eckerd Drugs Maria Parham Medical Center Ruin Creek Rd 4305 NC Hwy 49 01735 liatteras VANCE 109 Dabney Dr 4300 Hwy 49 N 08663 HAYWOOD Hazelwood Phannacy Henderson 111 W Memorial Hwy, Box 476 06667 04034 IREDELL 979 W Memorial Hwy 05667 Town and Country Drug Center, Inc. 78 Sanderson St 21758 Hwy 1 7 North 07781 Medicine Shoppe 250 US Hwy 64 East 248 Transfer Sta Rd 08348 ReiT Drug 44 Hwy 64 West 14980 Hwy 17 N 05472 Kelley's Home Health Care 34 Creekside Circle, Ste 15 DARE Mast Family Drug Center 501 S Chestnut St L I S T O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S AS O F 9 / 3 0 / 2 0 0 4 A L P H A B E T I C A L BY C I T Y - C O U N T Y 05626 Mast Long Tcnn Care 04058 1910 Ross Mill Rd 02741 2024-H Asheville Hwy Medical Arts Phannacy 02824 511 Ruin Creek Road Suite 102 02204 Southside Drug Company, Inc. 07970 Walgreens 02631 Whitley Drugs, Inc. 605 Greenville Hwy Wal-Mart Phannacy 07089 200 N Cooper Rd 05569 Wal-Mart Phannacy 250 Highlands Square Dr 1411 Oxford Rd 07969 Southcenter Phannacy, Inc, Southcenter Plz 1005 Nicholas St 08360 Shelton Pharmacy Winn-Dixie Phannacy I 15 Four Seasons Winn-Dixie Phannacy Hertford PERQUIMANS 1520 Dabney Dr 08332 Hendersonville 08037 HENDERSON Cane Creek Phannacy 02822 600 Carolina Village 06672 Family Care Pharmacy 606 S Church St Woodards Phannacy 101 N Church St CVS/phannacy Hickory ALEXANDER 108 Henderson Crossing 06673 CVS/phannacy 07794 9471-A NC Hwy 127 623 Spartanburg Hwy 06674 CVS/phannacy 03133 Eckerd Drugs 1257 Asheville Hwy 08667 08668 08426 07398 Margaret R. Pardee Mem Hosp 800 N Justice St Catawba County Health Dept. Catawba Valley Medical Center 810 Fairgrove Church Rd SE 05520 Cooperative Christian Ministiy Phcy 31 1st A v e S E 06676 CVS/phannacy 2441 N Center St 06677 CVS/phannacy 2225 12th A v e N E 07321 Kmart o f N C LLP 1800 Four Seasons Blvd 01 309 02370 Ingles Markets 1980 Asheville Hwy American Phannaceutical Services 3070 l l t h Ave Dr SE Ingles Markets 3643 Howard Gap Rd 08427 03736 Fletcher Community Phannacy Park Ridge Hospital CATAWBA 1257 25th St Place SE Economy Drugs 605 5 th Ave W 08385 08185 Eckerd Drugs 662 Spartanburg Hwy 06024 Hickory Eckerd Drugs 1707 Brevard Hwy Laurel Pk S/C Bethlehem Pharmacy 9471 NC Hwy 127 N 2111 Asheville Hwy 08666 Bethlehem Compounding Center, Inc. CVS/'phannacy 2701 NC Hwy 127 07579 CVS/phannacy 1220 Hwy 321 NW L I S T O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S A S O F 9/30/2004 A L P H A B E T I C A L BY C I T Y - C O U N T Y 08669 Eckei-d Drugs 06070 1 160 16th Street NE 08670 Winn-Dixie Phannacy 2449 N Center St Eckerd Drugs H i g h Point GUILFORD 10 29th A v e N E 08789 03566 Eckerd Drugs 5209 W Wendo\er Ave 1501 Hwy 321 N W 05735 Eairbrook Clinic Pharmacy 07663 Fairgrove Primaiy Health 05540 Fiye Home Infusion 06679 Fiye Regional Medical Center 06680 H a n Industrial Clinic 06681 Health Center Phannacy, Inc 08671 Hickoi-y Family Pharmacy 08672 Measured Dose Phannacy 02274 Medical Center Phannacy, Inc 04143 S a m ' s Phannacy 2435 \UylO 02357 08248 04365 Target Store 02030 The Compounding Phannacy 07752 Viewmont Phannacy, Inc. 06871 Walgreens 06874 Wal-Mart Phannacy 06875 Winn-Dixie Phannacy 2515 Springs Rd NE Rerr Drug 2805 S Main St 2525 Hv^y 7 0 S E 06009 Rerr Drug 914 E Green St 2915 N Center Street 07971 ReiT Drug 944 N Main St 53 13th A v e N E 08322 HPU Student Health Center 833 Montlieu Ave,Campus Bx 9150 750 Fourth St SW 07247 High Point Reg'l Hosp Phcy 601 N Elm St 1910 Catawba Valley Blvd SE 07185 High Point Reg'l Hlth System-AHC Phcy 624 Quaker L n S t e 3 0 l - D 242 Union Sq 07347 H a n i s Teeter Phannacy 1589 Skeet Rd. Ste 140 SE Smith's Drugs of Hickoiy, Inc. Guilford Co. Health Dept. Phcy 501 E Green Dr 126 N Center St 07859 Elder Drug, Inc. 804 Lindsay St 750 Fourth St SW 01284 Eckerd Drugs 2012 N Main St 129 Hwy 127 SE 06456 Eckerd Drugs 1691 Westchester Dr 3070 N C Hwy 127 South 04183 CVS/phannacy 2200 Westchester Dr, ste 126 2850 Tate Blvd Se 08406 CVS/phannacy 124 Montlieu Ave 420 N Center St 07877 CVS/phannacy 1119 Eastchester Dr 420 N Center St 04077 Comm Clinic of High Point, Inc. 904 N Main St 3412 Graystone Plaza 07002 Bl-LO 2620 North Main St 1985 Stanown Rd 08331 Alcohol & Drug Serv of Guilford, Inc 06882 Rerr Drug 2531 Eastchester Dr L I S T O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S AS O F 9/30/2004 A L P H A B E T I C A L BY C I T Y - C O U N T Y 07400 Kmart o f N C LLP 04806 2850 S Main St 03829 300 W Tryon St McLarty Drug Company 07973 128 Church Ave PO Box 1028 07735 Orange Co. Health Dept. Wal-Mart Pharmacy 501 Hampton Pointe Blvd Med Central Holly Ridge ONSLOW 1720 Westchester Dr 07799 05390 MedCentral-South N Dyson St 231 Plaza Lane 07007 Target Store Holly Springs 1050 Mai! Loop Rd 07920 0S673 Walgreens WAKE Eckerd Drugs 251 N Main St 2019 N Main St 07972 Penslow Phannacy 08282 Wal-Mart Phannacy Walgreens 301 N Main St 2710 N Main St 04070 Wesleyan Anns Phannacy 1795 Westchester Dr 07455 H o p e Mills 07716 CUMBERLAND BLLO 3333 N Main St Winn-Dixie Pharmacy 265 Eastchester Rd 00859 Clinic Phannacy 3736 S Main St Highlands MACON 06625 05381 Highlands Phannacy 3100 Legion Rd 225 Main St 02368 08674 Highlands-Cashiers Hospital, Inc. H u y 64 at Buck Creek Rd 08061 07974 The Medicine Shoppe CVS/phannacy Wal-Mart Phannacy 3030 North Main BURKE Horseshoe 200 Hwy 70-A East 07730 08082 3127 N Main St 460 Main Street 06682 Eckerd Drugs 3001 Hope Mills Rd Main Street Phannacy Hildebran CVS/pharmacy 06619 East Burke Phannacy, Inc. HENDERSON CVS/phannacy 4 Crossroads Dr 521-A US Hwy 70 E Hudson Ilillshorongh 06684 06877 Kerr Drug 200 Hwy 70 East 07529 KerT 08675 Eckerd Drugs 3040 Hickor/ Blvd 06991 Lloyd's Phannacy 1I8-A W K i n g St CVS/phannacy 3369 Hickory Blvd Drug 1 10 Rebecca Dr 04776 CALDWELL ORANGE Health Options LTC 514 Central St 05657 Hudson Discount Dru; 510 Central St LIST O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S A S O F 9/30/2004 ALPHAF5ET1CAL BY CITY - C O U N T Y Iluiitersville MECKLENBURG 08295 Brynn Marr Hospital Phannacy 192 Village Dr 07664 BI-LO 07522 9815 Rose Commons Dr 05328 Carolinas Medical Ctr-Huntersville Phcy 215 Station St 08206 13001 Old Statesville Rd 08807 CMC-NorthCross Pharmacy CVS/phamiacy 06686 06687 CVS/pharmacy 04322 Eckerd Drugs 03726 08677 08678 377 Western Blvd 06948 Winn-Dixie Pharmacy 04735 UNION Johnson Drug Williamsburg 2200 Gumbranch Rd, Ste I 03616 Johnson Westpark Drug Co, Inc. 3085 Richlands Hwy, Ste 4 CVS/pharmacy 03028 4300 Old Monroe Rd Northwoods Drug Company 344 Henderson Dr Indian Trail Phamiacy 106 Indian Trail Rd South 08283 07269 BI-LO 13709 E Independence Blvd 02670 Johnson Drug Co., Inc. 714 New Bndge St Indian Trail 06722 HJV Home Infusion 3362 Henderson Dr 9759 Sam Furr Rd 07665 Eckerd Drugs Walgieens 1671 1 Birkdale Cominons Pkwy 06233 Eckerd Drugs 622 N Marine Blvd Target Store 9801 Sam Furr Rd 08351 Doctors Park Phannacy 1 14-B Memonal Dr Presbyterian Hospital Huntersville 10030 Gilead Rd 05992 Dels Discount Phannacy 3060 D Richlands Hwy 14120 Statesville Rd 08826 CVS/phannacy I 16 Branchwood S/C 9931 Gilead Rd, Rosedale S/C 08676 CVS/phannacy 122 College Plz 7920 Sam Fun- Rd 07636 Carolina Home Medical, Inc. 3050 Henderson Dr 16455 Statesville Rd, Ste 101 07281 Caring Community Clinic 04173 Onslow County Hlth Dept 612 College St Walgreens 06277 13720 Hwy 74 Onslow Memorial Flospital, Inc. 317 Western Blvd NORTHAMPTON Jackson 03288 Futrell Phannacy Services, Inc. 04282 Nonhampton Co Hlth Dept Phcy 081 17 3050 Henderson Dr 07452 9495 NC 305 Hwy J acksonville Realo Discount Drugs Target Store 1395 D Western Blvd 08814 Walgreens 359 Western Blvd ONSLOW 07975 Wal-Mart Phannacy 2025 N Marine Blvd L I S T O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S AS O F 9 / 3 0 / 2 0 0 4 A L P H A B E T I C A L BY C I T Y - C O U N T Y 07547 Jamestown Walgreens GUILFORD 1310 S Cannon Blvd BLLO 07666 05728 4835 W Wendover Ave, Ste 133 06688 Winn-Dixie Phannacy 950 S Cannon Blvd CVS/pharmacy 4835 W Wendover Ave, Ste 139 08679 Kamiapolis 02752 Eckerd Drugs 07976 Eood Lion Pharmacy Wal-Mart Phannacy 2420 Supercenter Dr NE 118 West Main St 06878 Manin Drug Company 1113 N Main St 5005 MacKay Rd 07900 ROWAN Rerr Drug Kenansville DUPLIN 407 W Main St 06691 ASIIE Jefferson Ashe Memorial Hospital, Inc. CVS/phannacy 134 Liberty Sq S/C 04381 02687 Duplin County Health DepartmenI 340 Seminar)' St Hospital Ave 200 Eckerd Drugs 02593 08680 Duplin Gen. Hospital Pharmacy Highway 11 749 E M a i n St Jefferson Drug Store Kenly 05064 JOHNSTON 418 E Main St 02597 Joncsvilie 04 1 98 YADKIN D-Rex Drugs of Jonesville, Inc. n o w Second St 081 55 450 Winston Rd Kannapolis 08095 CABARRUS BLLO Kernersville 06692 CabaiTus Health Alliance Chapman Pharmacy 06694 CVS/pharmacy 08683 Eckerd Drugs 08684 Eckerd Drugs 08506 Target Store 3333 Cloverleaf Pkwy Eckerd Drugs Gateway Phannacy, LLC 510 Pineview Dr 0X059 135 Dale Earnhart Blvd 05993 Eckerd Drugs 409 N Main St 1250 S Cannon lilvd 08682 CVS/phannacy 838 S Main St 520 Noith Cannon Blvd 08681 CVS/phannacy 1537 Union Cross Rd 563 Jackson Park Rd 06689 FORSYTH 1 105 S Main St 1307 S Cannon Blvd 04889 Renly Drug and Pharmacy, hic. 104 E Second St 1351 S Cannon Blvd 04433 Davis Drug Company, Inc. Harris Teeter Phannacy 971 S Main Street 07977 Wal-Mart Phannacy 1130 S Main St L I S T O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S A S OF9/30/2QQ4 A L P H A B E T I C A L BY C I T Y - C O U N T Y 02943 Caswell Center Phannacy DARE Kill D e v i ! Hills 2415 W Vernon Ave 06739 CVS/p!iannacy 08688 ! 101 S Croatan Hwy 08685 201 W Vernon Ave Eckerd Drugs 08689 2014 S Croatan Hwy 07402 05675 06530 1200 S Croatan Hwy STOKES 03193 07403 600 S N4ain St 04468 650 S N4ain St 02239 Lenoir Co. Hlth Dept Phcy 201 N McLewean St 02491 142 Main St 04490 609 South Main St Lenoir Memorial Hosp, Inc, 100 Aiipon Rd Stokes Medcare Phannacy 07760 Rmart o f N C LLP 1628 N Queen St King Drug Company 01706 Rinston Clinic Phannacy Nonh Doctors Dr Eckerd Drugs 08686 ReiT Drug 2412 N H e n t a g e S t Heritage Plz CVS/pharmacy 06695 Extensive Phannaceutical Services 306 N Queen St Walgreens King Eckerd Drugs 701 Plaza Blvd Kmart o f N C LLP 1901 N Croatan Hwy 08284 Eckerd Drugs Medical Center Phannacy 704-K Plaza Blvd Stokes Pharmacy, Inc. 04233 MedSource Phannacy 505 W Vernon Ave, Ste 100 Kings Mountain 06697 CLEVELAND 04428 Eckerd Drugs 07673 04084 Kings Mountain Hosp Phannacy 706 W King St 08039 Realo Discount Drug Store 1302 W Vernon Ave Gritfin Drug Center 129 Mountain St 08184 Phann-Save, Inc. 2545 Jetport Rd 601 E King St 05077 Option Care 505 W Vemon Ave, Ste 200 CVS/phannacy 1017 Shelby Rd 08687 05232 Realo Discount Drug Stores, Inc. 300 N Queen St 07978 W a l - M a n Phannacy 4101 W Vemon Ave KM Phannacy 1106 Shelby Rd. Kilty H a w k 07003 04664 709 West Mountain St Bear Drugs of Ritty Hawk 4820 N Croatan Hwy KJnston 06166 DARE Mountain Street Phannacy, Inc. LENOIR 06699 5547 Croatan Hwy Carolina Home Medical, Inc. 304 N Queen St CVS/phannacy 08690 Eckerd Drugs 5312 Virginia Dare Trail L I S T O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S AS O F 9/30/2004 A L P H A I J E T I C A L BY C I T Y - C O U N T Y 07979 06702 Wal-Mart Phannacy CVS/phannacy 5400 N Croatan Hwy, Suite 100 1 17-A Village Rd 07233 Kiiigiitdale Family Phannacy WAICE 1 12 G Village Rd 06700 CVS/phannacy 08181 PPS, inc. 7201 H u 7 64 E 079S0 1 17-C Wal-Mart Phannacy 08497 Walgreens 7106 E US H u y 64 319 Village Rd La G r a n g e 08222 LENOIR Food Lion Phannacy Lenoir CALDWELL 05655 Cajah's Mountain Discount Drug 301 E Washington St Lake Toxaway 06268 VNIAGE Rd 2006 Connelly Springs Rd TR/VNSYLVANIA 04193 Caldwell Memorial Hospital, Inc. 321 M u l b e n y S t S W Toxaway Phannacy 06703 16821 Rosman Hwy CVS/phannacy 845-M Blowing Rock Blvd NW Lake Waccamaw 03991 COLUMBUS 08692 Village Prescription Center 108 E Hwy 74-76 Laurinburg 102 Harber Ave 04759 Foothills Pharmacy 202 A Harper Ave NW SCOTLAND 07062 02198 Eckerd Drugs Community Drugs, Inc. Gamewell Family Drug 2655 Morganton Blvd 1028 Atkinson St 07174 08691 Eckerd Drugs Helping Hands Clinic of Cald Co, Inc. 810 Haiper Ave 101 Plaza Rd 06910 06926 Ken- Drug Kerr Drug 605 Haiper Ave 11 10 Aberdeen Rd 08472 08294 Medical Village Pharmacy Medical Arts Phannacy of Lenoir 328 Mulbeny St 517 Lauchwood Dr 08255 03447 Scotland County Health Dept. Prcs Immunotherapy Div Greer Labs, Inc 639 Nuway Circle 1405 W Blvd 07982 03933 Scotland Drug Company Wal-Mart Phannacy 845-R Blowing Rock Blvd. 140 S Main St 07326 02328 Scotland Memorial Hospital Winn-Dixie Phannacy 2025 Morganton Blvd Lauchwood Dr 04 1 96 T h e Medicine Shoppe 801 S Main St 07981 08693 Wal-Mart Phannacy Eckerd Drugs 6798 Shallowford Rd 901 US 401 Byp A'laiid Lewisvillc P.ULNSWICIv FORSVTII LIST O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S AS O F 9/30/2004 A L P H A B E T I C A L BY C I T Y - C O U N T Y Lexington 07667 DAVIDSON Lillington 06708 BLLO Center Street Phannacy 04799 316 E Center St 00958 Community Drug Store, Inc. 04800 Harnett Co. Health Dept. 904 W Edgenon St CVS/phannacy 05263 McPhaiPs Phcy of Lillington 815 West Eront St 309 E Center St 03861 Hamett Co. Health Dept. 307 Cornelius Harnett Blvd 206 \V Center St 06706 CVS/phannacy 813 Main St 135 Lowes Blvd 08285 HARNETT Davidson Co Health Dept Pharmacy Lincolntoii LINCOLN N M a m St 05365 Davidson Med Ministries Clinic Phcy 07887 BLLO 4 2 7 North Generals Blvd 4 2 0 N Salisbuiy St 08694 06709 Eckerd Drugs 1403 East Main St 305 Hwy 64 West 061 15 08695 Eairview Phannacy 0814S Kerr Drug Lexington Drug Company 07691 Lexington Mem Hospital, Inc. 04247 Medical Park Phannacy 02627 02894 PILL-TIME 04270 W a l - M a n Pharmacy West Davidson Phannacy, Inc. 05910 Your Phannacy of Lexington 07984 05918 06707 RANDOLPH CVS/phannacy Wal-Mart Phannacy 401 N General Blvd 100 W Third St Liberty T h e Drug Store 626 Center Dr 4 3 2 0 S Hwy 150 06116 Sentiy Drug Center U16 1446 E Gaston St Bldg 2 37 Plaza Pky 05341 Sentry Drug Center 2 6 2 2 E M a i n St 100 West 3rd St 07983 Lincoln Medical Center 200 Gamble Dr 2 3 1 6 S Main St 05676 Lincoln Co. Health Dept. 151 Sigmon Rd 2 5 0 Hospital Dr 04624 Keever Phannacy 102 Doctor's Pk 405 E Center St 02709 Helping Hands Phannacy 105 Dave Warlick Dr 1987 Cotton Grove Rd 05527 Eckerd D m g s 701 E Main St 250 Fairview Dr 06884 CVS/phannacy Winn-Dixie Phannacy 742 West Hwy 27 AVERY Linville 204 Liberty Plaza 07470 Libeily Drug Store 510 N Greensboro St 07550 Avery Phannacy & Health Care 436 Hospital Dr L I S T O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S AS O F 9/30/2004 A L P H A B E T I C A L BY C I T Y - C O U N T Y 02001 Chas A Cannon Jr Mem Hosp Phann 05283 Medical Arts Phcy of Lumberton, Inc. 1550 Godwin Ave 08120 Prescription Solutions Cmpdg. Center, Inc HALIFAX Littleton 4701 Fayetteville Rd, Ste A 0339S Littleton Pharmacy, Inc. 05478 123 E S Main Street Locust 0671 I Robeson County Detention Ctr 122 Legend Rd STANLY 04346 Robeson County Health Dept. 460 Countiy Club Rd CVS/phannacy 05206 101 E Main St Sam's Drug Store 104 W 27th St Louisburg 06712 FRANKLIN 06997 Franklin Regional Medical Center S R M C Woodhaven Phannacy 1150 Pine Run Dr 05 1 85 Harris Pharmacy, Inc. The Medicine Shoppe 2200 N Pine St 105 Main St 07985 Southeastern Regional Medical Ctr 300 W 27th St 100 Hospital Dr 05191 01998 Eckerd Dnags 518 Nash St 04730 Southeastern Occupational Health Works 725 0 a k r i d g e B I v d , S t e A 3 Shannon Vlg S/C 121 Shannon Vlg 08696 07581 CVS/phannacy 07986 Wal-Mart Pharmacy Wal-Mart Phannacy 5070 Fayetteville Rd 279 Franklin Plz Madison L u n i b e i ton ROBESON 06723 CVS/phannacy 06713 3001 Fayetteville Rd 2771 W 5th St 07408 R m a n o f N C LLP 102 New Market Plz 08380 Dr. A.J. Robinson Medical Clinic 07637 CVS/phannacy 717 North Highway St CVS/pharmacy 06715 ROCKINGHAM Madison Phannacy and Hoinecare 125 W Muiphy St 800 Manin Luther Ring, Jr. Dr Maiden CATAWBA Drugs America 04945 103 E 2 4 t h St 05234 2 0 L D Island Ford Rd PO Bo.x 123 Eckerd Drugs 08697 2832 N Elm St Hennitage Medical Clinic 07512 Manteo 06717 4308 LudgateSt R m a n o f N C LLP 07407 Center Phannacy of Maiden, Inc. DARE CVS/phannacy Hwy 64 E Chcsley Mall 04834 Dare Co. Health Dept. 04815 Island Phannacy, Inc, 2750 Roberts Ave Lumberton Drug Company 08485 4340 FayeUeville Rd 210 S Hwy 64 L I S T O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S A S O F 9/30/2004 A L P H A B P r n C A L BY CPFY - COUNTY 06720 CVS/phannacy PENDER M a p l e Hill 7210 E Marshville Blvd 0840S Maple Hill Pharmacy 055 10 Marshville Phannacy 4811 N C H w y S O 6330-A West Marshville Blvd MCDOWELL Marion Bl-LO Matthews 07866 07795 Costco Phannacy 500 Noilh Main St, Ste 1 CVS/pharmacy 2125 Matthews Township Pkwy 06721 06718 CVS/phannacy 555 N Main St 1305 Matthews Township Pkwy Eckerd Drugs 07145 08698 CVS/phannacy 625 W Henderson St, Ste 2 Marion Phannacy, Inc. 3610 Matthews Mint Hill Rd 08699 01899 232 S Main Eckerd Drugs 3108 Weddington Rd The McDowell Hospital Phannacy 02423 08700 430 Rankin Dr Eckerd Drugs 630 Matthews Township Pkwy Wal-Man Phannacy 061 10 07987 Hanis Teeter Phannacy 364 US 70 West, Ste 1 M a r s Hill 06719 1811 Matthews Township Pkwy MADISON Presbyterian Hospital Matthews 1500 Matthews Township Pkwy 081 18 Sam's Phannacy 1801 Windsor Square Dr Jane's RX Drugs 08823 N Main St 05544 05660 CVS/phannacy 60 Carl Eller Rd 07713 MECKLENBURG Target Store 1900 Matthews Township Pkwy Mars Hill Pharmacy 05766 144 Mountain View Rd Winn-Dixie Phannacy 13639 Providence Rd Marshall MADISON Matthews 03009 07798 66 NW US 25/70 03007 Maxton Madison County Hlth Dept 06927 140 Health Care Ln 07873 02261 Maxton Drug Company, Inc. 07800 The Medicine Shoppe 102 N Patterson St Mashburn Medical Center Phannacy 590 Medical Park Dr Marshville Rerr Drug 701 W e s t M LKing Mars Hill Medical Ctr Phcy I 19 Mountain View Rd 03008 ROBESON 106 Manin Luther King Dr Madison Phannacy & Gifts, Inc. 5115 US Hwy 25/70 05227 CVS/phannacy 14600 Lawyers Rd Laurel Medical Center Phannacy 80 Guntertown Rd. 04201 UNION Hot Springs Med Ctr Phcy UNION LIST O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S AS O F 9/30/2004 A L P H A B E T I C A L BY C I T Y - COUNTY 02249 iMcbanc Davie County Emergency Health Corp 223 Hospital St 06880 Rerr Drug 03135 Foster Drug Company, Inc. 123 E Center St 07466 495 Valley Rd VVinn-Dixie Phannacy 07988 Wal-Mart Phannacy 1020 Mebane Oaks Rd iMehane 1063 Yadkinvillc Rd ALAMANCE 06724 CVS/phannacy Moiicure 02996 CHATHAM Haywood-Moncure Hlth Ctr 1288 S 5th St Warrens Drug Store, Inc. 07327 Monroe 100 E Clay St Middlesex NASH UNION BLLO 07668 1642 Dickerson Blvd 03786 Middlesex Phannacy CVS/phannacy 06727 10196 S Nash St 2501 West Roosevelt Blvd Midland CABAJHiUS 07108 CVS/phannacy 06729 625 E Roosevelt Blvd Moose Midland Phannacy 08701 12925 H\\7 60l Eckerd Drugs 1208 Skyway Dr M i d w a y Park 07409 ONSLOW 08702 Rmart ofNC LLP 396 E Roosevelt Blvd 175 Ereedom Way, Ste 24 Millers Creek 05036 Millers Creek Pharmacy 06579 MECKLENBURG 07268 CVS/phannacy 061 39 07872 A Storehouse For Jesus DAVIE CVS/phannacy 08452 Davie Co. Health Dept. 210 Hospital St Sun Valley Phannacy, Inc. 4833 Old Charlotte Hwy 04390 1035 Yadkinvillc Rd 04465 Medicap Phannacy 751 E Roosevelt Blvd 464 Depot St 06726 R m a r t o f N C LLP 2120 W Roosevelt Blvd 9202 Lawyers Rd Mocksville Health Quest Pharmacy 412 E Franklin St 07410 Walgreens Franklin Street Pharmacy 610 E Eranklin St 4307 Wilgrove-Mint Hill Rd 07290 Franklin Street LT.C. Phannacy 610-B E Franklin St 04012 M i n t Hill Faulkner's Drugs 215 E Jefferson St WILICES 07875 04267 Eckerd Dmgs Union County Health Department 1224 W Roosevelt Blvd 06001 Union Reg Med Ctr, Inc. 600 Hospital Dr L I S T O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S A S O F 9/30/2004 A L P H A B E T I C A L BY CITY - C O U N T Y 07989 Wal-Mart Phannacy 04869 2406 W Roosevelt Blvd Mooresboro 07177 3920A Bridges St 07616 Carteret Family Practice Phannacy ^^^3^ U2 Medical Park ^^^^^^.^^ j , ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ , ^ ^^^^.^^ j , , ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ • ^^^^^^ ^^,^^^^^5^, 3^^^,^ Causeway RUTHERl^ORD Rutherford East Phannacy 607 Highway 120 Mooresville IREDELL " 06731 Carteret Co Hlth Dept " ^ " CVS/phannacy "^74 N Main St 02384 ' ' Caneret General Hospital 3500 Arendell St 08384 Coastal Care Phannacy Morehead Crossing S/C 06732 CVS/phannacy 559 R.verHvvy '^^^^33 CVS/phannacy 5008 Hwy 70 West 08703 Eckerd Drugs 631 Brawley School Rd, Ste 300 08704 ^^^^''^ ^'"^g'^ 2912 Arendell St Eckerd Drugs 230 East Plaza Dr Rmart ofNC LLP 4915-A Arendell St 05057 07599 Iredell Co Hlth Dept 610 E Center Ave 04342 Medical Park Phannacy, Inc. 301 Penny Ln PO Box 1586 ^''^"^^ Morehead City Drug Company Lake Nonnan RegnM Med Ctr Phcy 171 Fairview Rd 1704 Arendell St 07707 Medicap Phannacy 439 E Statesville St 0^"^^' Wal-Mart Phannacy 300 Hwy 24 07780 Medicap Phannacy 675 Brawley School Rd 08134 Mooresville Compounding Specialties Morganton ^^601 439 E Statesville St 04780 08218 07909 07990 05425 BURICE Broughton Hospital Phannacy 1000 S Sterling St Neil Medical Group Phcy Serv Div ^4^NM-"St Target Store ^ 594 River Hwy ^ Walgreens 5''2R'^'^^"^^'y ^3^^^ 05037 ^^^^^ ^^^.^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ _ p,^^^^^^^^^ PO Box 1266 N T NI I Burke Phannacy, Inc. 301 W Meetmg St Cannon Pharmacy 342 E Parker Road Wal-Mart Pharmacy ^ 169 Nonnan Station Blvd 06734 CVS/phainiacy 200 N Green St Woody Phannacy ^^^^^ Drexel Discount Dmg Rite ^ , , 0 , , 835-E Williamson Rd , 11Ih M o r e h e a d City CARTERET 08706 U S /U ^ B Eckerd Drugs 868 N Green St 08058 Broad Street Clinic 500 N 35th Street, Ste 3 ^^'^^^ ^^^^""^ ^'"^'Ss 101 E Fleming Dr LIST O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S AS O F 9/30/2004 A L P H A B E T I C A L BY C I T Y - COUNTY 06US7 Good Saiiiaiitan Clinic Phamiacy 06881 1 132 W Pine St 305 West Union St 02343 Grace Hospital Phannacy 07179 J. Iverson Riddle Developmental Center 08125 300 Enola Rd 07345 Jones Drugs, Inc. 08106 02362 Kman ofNC LLP Morganton Drug Store 08827 The Medicine Shoppe 08828 Wal-Man Phannacy 05647 Suny Medical Ministries 813 Rockford St Winn-Dixie Pharmacy 05393 1 11 Independence Blvd Morrisville Suny County Senior Services 1218 State St, Ste 200 1227 Burkemont Ave 06498 Respi-Med, Inc. 701 West Pine St 200 W Fleming Dr 07992 Northern Hospital of Suny Co. 830 Rockford St 105 BouchelleSt 052 1 1 Mt. Aiiy Drug, Inc. 701 W P i n e S t , Stes 4 0 0 ( ^ 5 0 0 110-1 12 Bost Rd 03944 Maybeny Phannacy, LLC 933 Old Rockford Street, Ste 3 208 Avei-y Ave 07413 Kerr Drug 722 W Independence Blvd 2201 S Sterling St 02677 Kerr Dmg Wally"s Pharmacy 933 Old Rockford St, Ste 5 WAKE 07993 Wal-Mart Phannacy 2241 Rockford St 05938 Coram Alternate Site Services, Inc. 1 100 Perimeter Park Dr Ste 114 08130 CVS/phannacy M o u n t Gilead 0221 7 1 9 9 0 N W C a i 7 Pkwy 07363 MONTGOMERY Cochrane-Ridenhour Drug Co. #2 S Main St Mid-Carolina Homecare Specialists M o u n t Holly GASTON 600 Airpon Blvd, Ste 500 07080 00984 Option Care 125 W Central Ave 991 Aviation Pkwy, Ste 300 08210 Radiophannacy of Raleigh, Inc. 08709 08708 SURRY Eckerd Drugs M o u n t Olive 08710 Gates Phannacy 02304 Hosp Phannacy of Mt Airy NC Inc 814 Worth St 08097 Hospital Phannacy LTC, Inc. 814 Worth Street Eckerd Drugs Glenn & Martin Drug Co. 100 S Center St 364 N South St 04591 W^AYNE 1019 N Breazeale Ave 114 E Lebanon St 08819 Eckerd Drugs 617 Highland St 10404 Chapel Hill Rd, Ste 100 M o u n t Airy Charlie's Drug & Sundnes, Inc. 08254 Parker Drug Company 113 North Center St L I S T O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S AS O F 9/30/2004 A L P H A B E T I C A L BY C I T Y - C O U N T Y 06842 M o u n t Pleasant RerrDi-ug CABARRUS 703 E Washington St 05395 Moose Drug Company 04803 8374 W Franklin St 07582 214 S Barnes St CURRITUCK Movock 04645 N e w Bei n Mt. Olive Mt. Ohve Pharmacy 08797 Murfreesboro HERTFORD 700 E M a i n St 08141 CVS/pharmacy 2117 South Glenburnie Rd Carolina Home Medical, Inc. 2630 Maitin Luther King, Jr Blvd 849 W Main St 04336 O a v e n Co. HeaUh Dept. PO Bo.x 12610 CHEROKEE 02250 08263 191 2-D Trent Blvd Carolina Home Medical, Inc. 07030 Colonial Pharmacy, Inc. Murphy 240 Middle St Cardinal Health 61 5 N Breazeale Ave 06738 CRAVEN Bsiium's Drug Store, Inc. WAYNE 02484 03404 Ward Drug Co. 117 VV Church St Todds Pharmacy ofCunituck 532-A CaratokeHwy 08289 Nash Co. Health Dept. Cherokee County Health Department Craven Regional Medical Center 2000 Neuse Blvd 180 Hilton St, Ste A 05576 06914 KeirDrug Craven Surgery Center 630 McCarthy Blvd Ingles S/C, 2044 Hwy 19 06740 05158 King's Phannacy CVS/phannacy 331 I Martin Luther Ring Jr Blvd 30 Peachtiee St 0871 I 03677 Murphy Med Ctr Hosp Phcy Eckerd Drugs 710 Degraffenreid Ave 4130 US Hwy 64 East 06181 00498 Parker's Drug Store Hairis Teeter Pharmacy 2019 S Glenburnie Rd 14 Valley River Ave 05941 06039 Parker's of Peachtree McCarthy Square Phannacy, LLC 755 McCarthy Blvd 4418 E US 64 East 08442 07994 Wal-Man Phannacy Medicap Phannacy 1904 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd 2330 Hwy 19 07078 Nags Head 07908 1315 Tatum Dr DARE 02704 The Outer Banks Hospital 04747 07751 NASH Health En Counters of Ward Drug I 17 \V Church St New Bern Medical Arts Phannacy 1916 Neuse Blvd 4800 S Croatan Hwy Nashville Merci Clinic Phannacy Phannacy Pius of New [3ern 1204 S Glenburnie Rd 0703 1 Realo Discount Drugs 21 17 South Glenburnie Rd L I S T O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S AS O F 9/30/2004 A L P H A B E T I C A L BY C I T Y - C O U N T Y 08143 Realo Discount Drugs of Eastern NC #2 03030 Newton Grove Drug Co., Inc. 03478 Tri County Community Health Center 2630 Manin Luther Ring, Jr Blvd 08326 Realo Discount Drugs of ENC 135 Bridge Town Blvd 04470 Smith Discount Drug Norliiia WARREN 1046 Broad St 06162 06081 Target Store I 10 Division St 3 4 1 0 D r M L Ring Jr Blvd 04453 The Medicine Shoppe North Wilkesboro 2713 Neuse Blvd 05257 05164 Trent East Pharmacy 05985 06742 CVS/phannacy 06743 CARTERET Family Phannacy & Home Medical CVS/phannacy CVS/phannacy 240 Spana Rd 08713 346 Howard Blvd Eckerd Drugs 1350 West D St 0242 1 Newton Care Connection Pharmacy 1320-6 West D Street 325 Pineola St 05654 Blue Ridge Phannacy Midtown 1370 West D St AVERY Newport Blue Ridge Phannacy 306 Midtown Plz 3105 D r M L Ring Blvd 06868 04955 Wal-Man Pharmacy Nevvlaiid WILKES Nonh Park S/C 23 A Sparta Rd Trent East Crossing 937 Hwy 70 E 07995 Norlina Pharmacy Wilkes Regional Medical Center CATAWBA 1370 West D St PO Box 609 Crossroads Phannacy 08174 05729 3123 Plateau Rd Winn-Dixie Phannacy US 421 A CVS/phannacy 06741 Norwood 36 N West Blvd 06929 Eckerd Drugs 08712 2005 N o n h w e s t Blvd Ren- Drug 552 Fork Rd H &. W Drug Company, Inc. 02992 STANLY 08297 12 E First St Norwood Phannacy 269 S Main St Medicap Phannacy 07639 O a k Island 07685 Walker's Phannacy 05207 Oak Ridge 425 West A St Newton Grove Seashore Drugs 1101 Yaupon Dr 33 N College Ave Winn-Dixie Phannacy 07591 BRUNSWICK 401 West A Street 08501 SAMPSON CVS/pharmacy 2300 Hwy 150 C;UILFORD L I S T O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S AS O F 9/30/2004 A L P H A B E T I C A L BY C I T Y - C O U N T Y Oakboro STANLY 07734 Oakboro Pharmacy Pikcville WAYNE 08221 Food Lion Phannacy 218 Alonzo Rd O c e a n Isle B e a c h 4700 US H u 7 1 I 7 N BRUNSWICK 043 17 Thigpen Phannacy, Inc. 1 I 1 Railroad St 06744 CVS/pharmacy Pilot M o u n t a i n 7295 Beach Dr Ocracoke HYDE 06746 SURRY CVS/phannacy 204 West Main St 07719 Ocracoke Health Center 05907 Mount Pilot Drug, Inc. 305 Back Rd O l d Fort 05666 1 19 West Main St iVICDOWELL Family Phannacy of Old Foil Pinehurst 08714 25 Thomason St Oxford 08304 Eckerd Drugs 244 Central Pk Ave GRANVILLE 06025 Moore Regional Hospital 155 Memorial Dr Best Care Phannacy 202 E Industiy Dr 06745 MOOlUE Pinetops CVS/pharmacy 04750 EDGECOMBE Service Drug Store 215 Williamshoro St 02346 Granville Medical Center Pineville 1010 College St 01377 Jones Drug Store, Inc. 07670 I 16 Hillsboro St 08444 Option Care 08715 Professional Phannacy 07415 07564 714 Granville Corners 081 89 ROBESON HealthKeeperz Phannacy P i n k Hill 04576 Healthkeeperz Pharmacy U2 Ren-Drug 503 W 3rd St 02408 Pembroke Drug Center, Inc. Odom and West Third St LENOIR Pink Hill Pharmacy, Inc. 100 S Central Ave 07025 508 East Third Street, Ste 1 06930 Sam's Phannacy 11425 Carolina Place Pkwy 812 Candy Park Ln 08319 RmanofNCLLP 10500 Centrum Pky Wal-Man Pharmacy Pembroke Eckerd Drugs 10020 Pineville Matthews Rd 140 Roxboro Rd 07996 BI-LO 9101 Matthews Pineville Rd 142 Roxboro Rd 08445 MECICLENBURG Realo Discount Drugs 107 W Broadway St 08224 Southern Phannacy Services 202 S Pine St L I S T O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S AS O F 9/30/2004 A L P H A B E T I C A L BY C I T Y - C O U N T Y Pisgah Forest TRANSYLVANIA 06748 CVS/phannacy 230 Cole Ave 07669 BPLO 07835 210 Forest Gate Ctr 07997 402 S Main St Wal-Mart Phannacy 04392 400 Forest Gate Ctr CHATHAM 04307 Howell Drug Company, Inc. 311 Teal Dr Chatham Health Dept 02369 80 East St 06501 Hoke County Hlth Ctr Phcy 429 E Central Ave Pittsboro 04878 HCC, Inc.-Phannacy-DME McCain Con-ectional Hospital 855 Old NC 211 Ken-Drug 321 East Street Raleigh Pleasant Garden GUILFORD WAINJE Ambulaloiy Phannaceutical Services 08393 01786 3029 Stonybrook Dr, Ste 109 Pleasant Garden Drug Store, Inc. 4822 Pleasant Garden Rd Biologies, Inc. 05622 625 Oberlin Rd Plymouth WASHINGTON BioPhann Therapeutics, Inc. 07810 06843 Kerr Drug 8378 Six Forks Rd, Ste 201 I I US Hwy 64 East Blue Ridge Phannacy 07276 04442 Manin-Tyi-rcll-Wton Dist Hlth Dept Washington Co Ctr 2601 Blue Ridge Rd Hwy 45 N Cardinal Health 08798 04086 Washington Co Hospital Phcy 23 Sunnybrook Rd, Ste 101 958 Hwy. 64 East Caremark, Inc. 05915 02263 Womble Drug Store Ul 543 Pylon Dr 814 Hwy 64 East Central Phann, NC Dept of Correction 02629 2211 Schieffelin Rd Pollocksville J O N E S Central Prison Hospital/Mental Health 02942 07153 Allen Drugs 1300 Western Blvd 4285 MSG CVS/phannacy 06749 Princeton 07097 200 Fayetteville St J O H N S T O N Woodard Drug Store, inc. CVS/phannacy 06750 3914 Capital Blvd 102 Edwards St Prospect Ilili 02997 CASWELL 06752 3051 New Bern Ave Prospect Hill lllth Center Phannacy 06753 140 Main St Raeford CVS/phannacy CVS/phannacy 6131 Six Forks Rd IIOKK 07240 CVS/phannacy 2340 Spring Forest Rd 04406 Barbce Phannacy Marl 4 1 5 Han-is Ave 07323 CVS/pharmacy 6840 Glenwood Ave L I S T O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S AS O F 9/30/2004 A L P H A B E T I C A L BY CITY - C O U N T Y 07919 CVS/pharmacy 07819 13200 New Falls of Neuse Rd 3500 Wake Forest Rd 02600 Dorothea Dix Hospital Phannacy 01497 Duke Health Raleigh Hospital 083 16 Eckerd Drugs 08347 Eckerd Drugs 05149 Eckerd Drugs 07895 Eckerd Drugs 06510 9101-129 Lecsville Rd 08720 Eckerd Drugs Eckerd Drugs 06959 Eckerd Drugs 06962 Eckerd Drugs 06964 Eckerd Drugs 06965 Eckerd Drugs 06967 Eckerd Drugs 06975 Eckerd Drugs 06976 Eckerd Drugs 07753 Eckerd Drugs 081 16 Eckerd Drugs 081 75 Food Lion Phannacy 05612 Food Lion Phannacy 7440 Louisburg Rd Kighfs Medical Corp. 3222A Wellington Ct 07130 Kindred Phannacy Services 1645 Old Louisburg Rd 1121 Falls River Ave 07598 Keir Health Care Services, LLC 8431 Garvey Dr, Ste 121 7440 Creedmoor Rd 07597 Ren- Health Care Services, LLC 8431 Garvey Dr, Ste 109 5631 Creedmoor Rd 08730 Kerr Dmg 2901 Wakefield Pines Dr 8841 Six Forks Rd 08729 Rerr Drug 6140 Falls of the Neuse Rd 7505 Louisburg Rd 08728 Rerr Drug 8385 Creedmoor Hwy 6325 Falls of die Neuse Rd 08727 Reir Drug 4441 Six Forks Road 5045 Falls of the Neuse Rd 08726 Rerr Drug 2233-113 Avent Feriy Rd 2850 Capital Blvd 08725 Rerr Drug 1219 Buck Jones Road 510 Woodburn Rd 08724 Rerr Drug Tower S/C, 3649 New Bem Ave 3201-127 Edwards Mill Rd 08723 Rerr Drug 9650 Strickland Rd, Ste 105 509 W Whitaker Mill Rd 08722 ReirDmg 2720 Lake Wheeler Rd 1910 Falls Valley Rd 08721 Holly Hill/Psych. Sol. of N.C., Inc. 3019 Falstatr Rd 2462 WyclitTRd 08719 Hayes-Barton Phannacy, Inc. 2000 Fairview Rd 1601-51 Cross Link Rd 08718 Hairis Teeter Phannacy 13210 Strickland Rd Ridgewood S/C, 3520 Wade Ave 08717 Harris Teeter Phannacy 9600 Falls of The Neuse Rd 3400 Wake Forest Rd 08716 Hamlin Drug Company 126 E Hargett St 820 S Boylan Ave 07250 Food Lion Pliarmacy 07416 Kmart o f N C LLP 4300 Fayetteville Rd L I S T O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S AS O F 9/30/2004 A L P H A B E T I C A L BY CITY - COUNTY 07417 Kmart o f N C LLP 05369 100 S Boylan Ave 4500 Western Blvii 07418 Kmart o f N C LLP 08121 Kmart o f N C LLP 07204 Kroger Health Solutions 08527 350 Six Forks Rd 05062 Rroger Phannacy Rroger Phannacy 00566 Kroger Phannacy 07039 Kroger Phannacy 07675 Kroger Pharmacy 08812 Kroger Phannacy 06231 Medcare Pharmacy, Inc. 07767 Medical Solutions of America, Inc. 06951 Mcdicap Phannacy 08301 MedPn) Rx 08350 NC Correctional Institution for Women 08824 NC State Univ, c/o Student Health Center 08074 NCSU Sch Veterinary Medicine - Phcy 08137 Open Door Clinic 08 1 03 Person Street Disct^unt Pharmacy 08147 Person Street Phannacy 702 N Person St The Medicine Shoppe 9600 Strickland Rd 07249 301 Pace Street 03305 'Ihe Medicine Shoppe 2900 Millbrook Rd 840 Seman Dr 08142 The Rroger Phannacy 1610 Manin Luther Ring, Jr Blvd 4700 Hillsborough St 05008 The Compounding Center at Blue Ridge 2601 Blue Ridge Road 2815 Gates Ave, Box 7304 04232 Target Store 4191 The Circle at Nonh Hills St 1034 Bragg St 03222 Target Store 7900 Old Wake Forest Rd 8392 Six Forks Rd, Ste 201 05107 Target Store 8651 Brier Creek Pkwy 6675 Falls of the Neuse Rd, Ste 101 08390 Target Store 4841 Grove Barton Rd 3209-144 Gresham Lake Rd 07829 St. Augustine's College 1315 Oakwood Ave 5805 Departure Dr, Ste E 07709 Spectrum Infusion, Inc. 2601 Blue Ridge Rd, Ste 002 14460 New Falls of Neuse Rd, Ste 145 08401 Sam's Pharmacy 2537 S Saunders St 8345 Creedmoor Rd 07546 Sam's Phannacy 3001 Calvaiy Dr 350 Six Forks Rd 06157 Rex Phannacy of Raleigh 4420 Lake Boone Trail 7905 Falls of the Neuse Rd 061 30 Rex Hospital Phannacy 4420 Lake Boone Trl 4111-101 New Bem Ave 05606 Resources for Seniors, Inc. MEDS Program 6300-150 Creedmoor Rd 05563 Raleigh Women's Health Org., Inc. 3613 Hayworth Dr 8701 Six Forks Rd 07489 Raleigh Specialty Pharmacy 2210 E Millbrook Rd, Ste 1 15 6200 Capital Blvd 07419 Planned Parenthood Health Systems The Plaza Pharmacist 3400 Wake Forest Rd 04437 Wake Co Alcoholism rreatinent Center 3000 Falstaff Rd L I S T O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S A S O F 9/30/2004 A L P H A B E T I C A L BY C I T Y - C O U N T Y 04837 Wake Co Hlth Dept, Wake Forest 08001 Wal-Man Phannacy 1021 High Point Rd Brook and Owens St 04838 Wake Co I^lth Dept, Zebulon Red Springs ROBESON 1010 Shepard School Rd 03140 Wake Co Med Ctr-Out Patient Phann 06755 805-A Hwy 21 I 3000 New Bern Ave 01805 Wake Co Medical Ctr Phannacy 07513 Wake Co. Health Dept. 03908 Wake County Health Department, SRC 05394 Walgreens Reidsvillc 4408 New Bem Ave 07998 04755 Wal-Mart Phannacy 07139 Wal-Mart Phannacy 06887 07421 Winn-Dixie Phannacy 07816 04859 Ramseur Phannacy Moses H Cone Mem Hosp Opr Coq) Reidsvillc Phannacy, Inc. 924 S Scales St 08382 RANDOLPH CVS/phannacy Randleman Drug 600 West Academy St R.xCARE, Inc. 219 Gilmer St 08085 The Senior Wellness Center 105 Lawsonvilie Ave 652 W Academy St 08153 Moses H Cone Mem I losp Opr Coip 618 S Main St 105 Weatherly Sq 06754 K m a n o f N C LLP 618 S Main St 07817 Kerr Drug Kerr Drug 1623 Way RANDOLPH Randleman Free Clinic of Reidsvillc Sc Vicinity, Inc. 533 S Scales St 6525 Jordan Rd 08387 Eckerd Drugs 315 S Main St Winn-Dixie Phannacy Ramseur CVS/phannacy 1703 Freeway Dr 8100 Brier Creek Pkwy 06886 08731 Wal-Mart Phannacy 1514 N Gamer Station 08249 Carolina Apothecary 1615 Way St 4431 New Bem Ave 05568 06756 Wal-Mart Phannacy 10050 Glenwood Ave 08532 Belmont Phannacy, Inc. 726 S Scales St 1725 New Hope Church Rd 08361 03796 WaLMart Phannacy 6600 Glennwood Ave 08000 ROCKINGHAM 1309 Coach Rd 1527 Gamer Station Blvd 07999 Townsend's Phannacy I M S Main St 130 N Judd NE Pkwy 08405 Red Springs Drug Company 114 S Main St 3010 New Bern Ave 081 10 Johnson Medical Clinic 222 S Main St 3000 New Bern Ave 04812 CVS/phannacy 07322 Winn-Dixie Phannacy 1606 Way St L I S T O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S AS O F 9/30/2004 A L P H A B E T I C A L BY C I T Y - C O U N T Y Ricli S q u a r e NORTHAMPTON 03705 Ditmore Drugs 129 Byp 03107 Holliiigswonh Pliarmacy, Inc. 06915 124 South Main St Fort Hill S/C 4 Sweetwater Rd STANLY Richfield 071 10 CVS/pharmacy R o b e r s o n \ ille 03102 396 W Church St ONSLOW Big Value Discount Drug Center 06758 08733 Richlands Plz, 9005 Richlands Hwy 05 I 17 RICHMOND CVS/phannacy 1206 E Broad Ave Kerr Drug Ric'jehvood Village Phar of Robersonville Inc Rockingham H u y 258 Academy St 06844 MARTIN 108 S Main St l^chlaiids 04753 KeirDrug COLUMBUS 07777 FirstHealth Richmond Memorial Hospital 925 Long Dr Riegelwood Mutual Drug 03460 202 Riegelwood S/C Eckerd Drugs 934 S Long Dr Medical Center Phannacy 805 Long Dr Roanoke Rapids 06757 H.ALIF.\X CVS/pharmacy 08467 Drugco Discount Phannacy 107 Smith Church Rd 08732 04 1 33 Richmond County Hlth Dept 127 Caroline St 04205 Halifa.x Regional Medical Center 250 Smith Church Rd 04088 Richmond County Health Department 127 Caroline St Eckerd Drugs 1825 East 10th St 02926 Medical Park Phannacy 921 Long Dr 1 I 18 E 10th St 05053 06891 The Sandhills Phannacy 310 1/2 E Washington St 08003 Spears Phannacy, Inc. Wal-Mart Phannacy 1788 East Broad Ave 405 Becker Dr Rockwell 08507 01640 101 Smith Church Rd 08002 ROWAN Walgreens Crescent Phannacy, Inc. 314 E Main St Wal-Man Pharmacy 06759 251 Premier Blvd CVS/phannacy 960 W Main St Robhins MOORE R o c k y Mourrt 08463 03 1 05 300 S Middleton St Almands Discount Drugs l329 TarboroSt Robbinsville 0446 1 EDGECOMBE Tar Heel Drug Delozier Drug Store 430 Bypass GRAHAM 08736 Eckerd Drugs 1123 N Raleigh Rd L I S T O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S AS O F 9/30/2004 A L P H A B E T I C A L BV CITY - C O U N T Y 05543 Edgecombe Co Hlth Dept Rolesville WAKE 107 Atlantic Ave 02429 06763 Oakwood Phamiacy, Inc. CVS/phannacy 41 1-C South Main St 329 Fairview Rd Rocky Mount 02981 NASH Almands Discount Drug Store R o s e Hill 06845 Ken- Drug 208 N Sycamore St Westridge Vlg S/C 01519 Almands Drug Store 07544 Sam's Pharmacy 110 S Sycamore St 130 S Main St 05611 Coastal Plain Hospital 2301 Medpark Dr 06760 06761 Roseboro 06S46 CVS/pharmacy 420 Goldrock Rd DUPLIN SAMPSON Kerr Drug Lakewood Plz S/C 00609 CVS/phamiacy Tart and West, Druggists 110 \V Roseboro St 2605 Sunset Ave 08734 Eckerd Drugs 1630 Benvenue Rd 08735 08381 ROBESON Pee Dee Home Medical Supply 101 S Bend St Eckerd Drugs 800 Raleigh Rd 08737 Rowland 07514 Rowland Medical Clinic 102 North Bond St Eckerd Drugs 1 15 N Winstead Ave Roxboro 07423 PERSON Rmart o f N C LLP 720 Sutlers Crk Blvd 01445 Cole's Pharmacy 1 17 N Main St 08091 LifeCare Hospitals of Noith Carolina 1031 Noell Ln 03015 Community Phannacy Services 719 N Main St 07330 Nash Co Home Health Agency 301 S Church St, Station Square 06764 CVS/phannacy 900 N Madison Blvd 04801 Nash Co. Health Dept. 322 S Franklin St 08738 Eckerd Drugs 304 N Madison Blvd 02744 Nash General Hospital 08133 Food Lion Phannacy 1005 N Madison Blvd 05339 Rocky Mount Medical Park Phcy 901 N Winstead Ave Ste 100 02262 Person Memorial Hosp Phcy 615 Ridge Rd 051 1 1 Thompson Phannacy, Inc. 365 Falls Rd 04915 Thomas <^ Oakley Drug Store 109 Main St 08323 Walgi-eens 2624 Sunset Ave 08005 Wal-Mart Phannacy 1049 Durham Rd, Ste A 08004 Wal-Mart Phannacy 1511 Benvenue Rd Phcy #2 L I S T O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S A S O F 9/30/2004 A L P H A B E T I C A L BY C I T Y - C O U N T Y R u r a l Hall FORSYTH 08742 Eckerd Drugs 640 Jake Alexander Blvd West 0S739 Eckerd Drugs 08101 Food Lion Phannacy 995 Bethania Rural Hall Rd 525 Jake Alexander Blvd W Rutherford College 08246 BURKE Innes Street Drug Co. No. 3 1706 W Innes St College Discount Drug 05608 721 Malcolm Blvd 06765 05609 Innes Street Drug Company 112 S Main St CVS/phannacy 07424 301 US 70 R m a n o f N C LLP 815 E Innes St Rutherfordton 06766 RUTHERFOIU) 07849 Eckerd Drugs 05173 Rutherford Hospital Phannacy 288 S Ridgecrest Ave 07481 The Medicine Box Phcy of Rutherfordton, In Rowan County Hlth Dept 1811 E Innes St 073 12 Rowan Prescription Center 91 I West Henderson St, Ste L20 ROBESON 01264 04927 O.P.T.I.O.N. Care 1357 W Innes St 04190 200 Charlotte Rd Saint Pauls MedExpress Phannacy, LTD 1431 West Innes St 121 Railroad Ave 02367 Lutheran Serv for the Aging, Inc Phcy 820 Rlumac Rd H I S Main St 08740 061 11 CVS/phannacy Brisson Drug Inc. Rowan Reg Med Ctr Phcy 612 Mocksville Ave 217 W Broad St 08217 06849 Salisbuiy Phannacy, Inc. Rerr Drug 1431 West Innes St 419 \V Broad St 08144 02799 St. Pauls Drug Company 223 N Fulton Street 04018 Salemhurg 04046 03425 08369 06145 ROWAN Community Care Clinic of Rowan Co CVS/phannacy 08006 CVS/phannacy 1924 Statesville Blvd 08741 Eckerd Drugs 1605 Ea.st Innes St Wal-Mart Phannacy 323 South Arlington St 06184 1702 E Innes St 06769 Walgreens 1906 W Innes St 3 1 5G Mocksville Ave 06767 Towne Phannacy, Inc. 1408 W Innes St 112 West College St Salisbury The Medicine Shoppe 1357 W Innes St SAMPSON Salemhurg Phannacy The Good Shepherd's Clinic Winn-Dixie Phannacy 908 Nonh Salisbuiy GQ Ave 08208 Winn-Dixie Phannacy 710 Jake Alexander Blvd L I S T O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S AS O F 9/30/2004 A L P H A B E T I C A L BV C I T Y - C O U N T Y 02841 Our Community Hospital, Inc. LEE Sanford 921 Jr. High Rd 03896 Central Carolina Hospital Sea L e v e l 1 135 Carthage St 06771 05487 CVS/phannacy Sea Level Hospital/ECF Phcy Hwy 70 E 1802 S Horner Blvd 06772 CARTERET CVS/phannacy Seagrove RANDOLPH 2240 Jefferson Davis Hwy 08743 07551 Eckerd Drugs 510 N Broad St 2045 S Homer Blvd 08744 Eckerd Dmgs Selma 1131 Spring Lane 08526 Prevo Dmg, Seagrove 00640 Enrichment Center Meds Program JOHNSTON Creech Drug Company, Inc. 126 N Raiford St 1615 S Third St 05976 Shallottc Home Care Phannacy ' 104 Park Ave 0651 1 Kmart ofNC LLP 03068 08008 CLEVELAND Shelby Medicine Park Phannacy Cleveland Co. Health Dept. 04794 315 E Grover St Quality Home Health Care Cleveland Mem Hospital Phannacy 02235 201 Grover St Walgreens Community Phannacy, Inc. 1956 S Horner Blvd 08007 Wal-Mart Phannacy 4540 Main St Lee County Hlth Dept 106 Park Ave 08302 Thomas Drugs Main St Lee Co Helping Hands Clinic 100 Park Ave 07107 Eckerd Drugs 4600-2 Main St 106 Hillcrest Dr 03476 CVS/phannacy 08745 507 N Steele St 04880 06774 4553 Main St 2515 Homer Blvd 07706 Coastal Drug Store Kerr Drug 2414 S Horner Blvd 07425 00641 KeiT Drug 500 Wicker St 06515 BRUNSWICK 08200 1194 Wyke Rd WaLMart Phannacy CVS/pharmacy 3000 S Horner Blvd Scotland Neck 06775 HALIFAX 1830 W Dixon Blvd CVS/phannacy 06777 06847 300 E Grover St KeiT Dmg Eckerd Drugs 805 Main St 08746 04377 319 E Marion St McDowelTs Phannacy, Inc. Eckerd Drugs 1004 Main St 08747 330 West Dixon Blvd LIST O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S AS O F 9/30/2004 A L P H A B E T I C A L BY C I T Y - COUNTY 06955 08748 KeirDrug Eckerd Drugs 104 N Brightleaf Blvd 1141 E Marion St 07426 Kmart ofNC LLP 02186 Johnston Mem. Hosp Phcy 706 E Dixon Blvd. 07485 509 N Bright Leaf Blvd Medical Arts Phannacy 07708 Realo Discount Drug Store 108 Grover St 05475 6 0 1 - D N 8th St 0801 I The Medicine Shoppe Wal-Mart Phannacy 1299 N Brightleaf Blvd 707A S Lafayette St 08009 Wal-Man Pharmacy Sneads Ferry ONSLOW 705 East Dixon Blvd 06780 Slierrills F o r d 05378 CVS/phannacy CATAWTiA General Store Discount Phannacy 1309 H U 7 210 OS 140 Sneads Ferry Clinic Phcy 6360 Hwy 150E Slier C i t y 04879 1319 Hwy 210, Ste 2 CHATHAM Chatham Co Hlth Dept S n o w Hill 07190 Kerr Drug 1000 S 10th Ave 02599 1 106 King Gold Blvd Chatham Hospital. Inc. Phannacy 08436 Realo Discount Drugs W Third & Ivey Sts 07617 GREENE 104 Parkwood Dr Chatham Phannacy Soul City WARREN 518 West Raleigh St 06778 03754 CVS/phannacy Opponunity Rd 1506 East 1 1th St 07741 Eood Lion Phannacy S o u t h e r n Pines 109 Food Lion Plaza 08420 07907 10564 US H^vy,15 & 501 08749 1690 US Hwy 1 Simpson 0S750 Phannerica Drug Systems, Inc. 07705 JOHNSTON Carroll Phannacy NeighborCare - Aberdeen 340 Commerce Ave, Yadkin Pk 05220 840 S Brightleaf Blvd 06773 Health Innovations Phannacy, Inc. 295 Pinehurst Ave, Bldg 2 07195 Smithfield Eckerd Drugs 38 Pinecrest Plz PITT 749-A Simpson St 03326 Eckerd Drugs Wal-Man Pharmacy 14215 US Hwy 64 West 07931 MOORE BI-LO SilerCity Phaimacy 202 E Raleigh St 08010 Vance-Wairen Comp Hlth Plan Town Center Phannacy, Inc. 610 S Bennett CVS/phai7nacy Southport HRUNSWICK 1 180 N Bright Leaf Blvd 06781 CVS/phannacy 4961 Long Beach Rd SE, Ste 1 L I S T O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S A S O F 9/30/2004 A L P H A B E T I C A L BV CITY - C O U N T Y 02347 Doshcr Mem Hospital Phamiacy 051 S3 Blue Ridge Hospital System, Inc. 924 Howe St 06848 125 Hospital Dr Kerr Drug 06784 CVS/phannacy 1531 North Howe St 0881 1 12121 S 226 Hwy New Hope Clinic, Inc. 03539 4705 Southpoil-Supply Rd, Ste 202 0S012 409 Altapass Rd Wal-Mart Phannacy 07791 1675 N Howe St - - ALLEGHANY ^ - 02665 Alleghany Co Mem Hospital 06S40 Halsev Drug Company ^^^^^ 07515 415 S Main St ROWAN KeirDrug 06785 RUTHERFORD Senior Care Phannacy 08751 -- ^^.^^ _.._NASH ^^3^^ _ Southside Phannacy, Inc. ^ a^att 04037 _ c. . WH.SON n u Stantonsburg Drug Co. Star CVS/phannacy ^2493 MONTGOMERY Montgomeiy Drug, Inc. T,r,^. • c 339 Mam St Wal-Mart Phannacy 670 Lillington Hwy Spruce Pine ' 07302 The Citv Phannacy of Stanley 220 S Mam St 105 S Mam St 1137 N Bragg Blvd 08013 Professional Phannacy Serxices Stantonsburg ' 2 3 E Ashe St 06783 paniily Med Phannacy 221 Thompson St Spindale LTC Phannacy, Inc. 107 West Mam St SP''"gL'''^e Eckerd Drugs H O E Dallas Rd 'O'^VMamSt 07891 CVS/phannacy 403 Hwy 27 S ^^^3^ Spindale Drug Company Spring Hope GASTON 442 South Hwy 27 193Callahan-KoonRd,Stel32 07501 Si. Pauls Medical Clinic Stanley 317 N Salisbuiy Ave 02897 ROBESON 128 East Broad St Spencer 07612 Phannacy St. P a u l s Ken-Drug Spindale ~ -- \y,\.M.n 2514 Halltown Rd SSSMa.nSt 07186 Spruce Pine Phannacy 431 Altapass Rd Doctors St 0688S Ingles Markets English & Greenwood 00668 Sparta ' Hospital Drive Phannacy Statesville 05384 1st Rx Phannacies, Inc. g^^^,. Banner Drug Co. iMITCHELL Blue Ridge Home Care 220 Hospital Dr _ - 837 N Center St 3^^^ ^ 3,.^^^ 5^ IREDELL _ LIST O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S AS OF 9/30/2004 A L P H A B E T I C A L BV C I T V - COUNTY 07865 08149 BI-LO The Drug Store 1909 E Broad St 05240 104 Hemy St Cooke's Phamiacy S t o n y Point ALEXAiNDER 1207 W Front St 06787 05995 CVS/phannacy Mack's 1st R.x Phcy, Inc. 8782 NC Hwy 90 E 215 N Center St 06788 CVS/pharmacy Summertleld 1737 Wilkesboro Huy, Ste D 06789 06792 GUILFORD CVS/phannacy CVS/phannacy 4601 US H u y 220 Nonh 3111 Taylorsville Hwy 06790 Sunset B e a c h CVS/phannacy 178 Tuniersburg Hwy 07634 0S2S6 Walgreens 852 Sunset Blvd Nonh Davis Regional Medical Center 218 Old Mocksville Rd 08752 BRUNSWICK Supply BRUNSWICK Eckerd Drugs 03475 1716 E Broad St Brunswick Community Hospital 1 Medical Center Dr 04383 Family Pharmacy of Statesville 208 Old Mocksville Rd 07362 Iredell County Health Depanment S u r f City 06177 1400 5th St 03984 PENDER Surf City Phannacy, Inc. 302 S Topsail Dr Iredell County Hlth Dept 3 1 8 Tuniersburg Hwy 02410 Iredell Memorial Hospital, Inc. Svvannanoa 07746 03163 Kmart ofNC LLP P. S. A. Clinic Phannacy 2294 US Hwy 70 1530 E Braod St 07292 Ingles Markets 2299 Hwy 70 East 557 Brookdale Dr 07429 BUNCOMBE Lowiy Drug Company, Inc. Swansboro ONSLOW 750 Hanness Rd 06045 06131 Carolina Vital Care Open Door Clinic 1400 Fifth St 04326 05229 Southside Drug Swansboro Drugs, Inc. 710 W Corbett Ave 430 Western Ave 08015 Wal-Man Phannacy 1116 Crosscroads Dr Stedman Sylva 06793 CVS/phannacy 36 Hwy 107 CUMBERLAND 05324 04621 JACKSON Stedman Drug Center, Inc. Eastgate Phannacy 93 Eastgate Dr 7435 Clinton Rd 08753 Stoneville ROC I x I N C H I A M Eckerd Dmgs 60 Sylva Plaza L I S T O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S AS O F 9/30/2004 A L P H A B E T I C A L BV CITV - C O U N T Y 02306 Hairis Regional Hospital 04887 331 1st A v e S W , Ste 1 68 Hospital Rd 02307 ReLSave Discount Drugs 08071 Erye Regional Medical Center Alexander Facility, 325 3rd Street SW 38 E Main St 08016 Alexander Co Hlth Dept 03967 Wal-Mai-t Phannacy Oftice Practice of Phannacy 92 Main Avenue Drive 210 Wal-Mart Plaza 02325 Peoples Drug Store COLUMBUS T a b o r City 327 Third St SW 0091 7 Daineron Drug Store, Inc. 01435 100 S Main St 06850 08435 53 E Main Ave Ken-Drug 808 E 5th St 08018 Hills Plz Medicine Mart Long Tenn Care Tlionias\'ille Medicine Mart Vital Care 05268 The Tabor City iMedicine Mart, Inc. DAVIDSON Chair City Pharmacy 916-C Randolph St 218 Suite B South Main St 05348 Wal-Mart Phannacy 901 NC Hwy 16 South 214A S Main St 07828 Town and Countiy Drugs 06795 CVS/phannacy 1620 National Hwy 220 S Main St 06796 T a r Heel CVS/phannacy BLADEN 1 122 Randolph St Ste 104 08321 Smithfield Fannly Medical Ctr & Phcy 03860 16526 NC Hwy West Tarboro 04733 EDGECOMBE 03938 05405 06899 Kerr Drug 108 E M a i n St Edgecombe Co. Health Dept. 07430 Kmart o f N C LLP I 122 Randolph St Heritage Hospital Pharmacy 0601 I Omnicare of Carolina I I l-A Salem St Thorne Discount Drug 04474 2900 Main St 08017 Guy's Family Phannacy, Inc. 817 Randolph St Eckerd Drugs 111 Hospital Dr 04293 Eckerd Drugs 1404 National Hwy 2909 Main St 07219 Eckerd Drugs 901 Randolph St Biyan Drugs, Inc. 1600 N Main St 04795 08755 08756 421 Main St 08754 203 Old Lexington Rd Biyan Clinic Phannacy 101 Clinic Dr Davidson Co Hlth Dept Phcy The Medicine Shoppe 702 Randolph St Wal-Mart Phannacy 02545 110 River Oaks Dr Thomasville Medical Center 207 Old Lexington Rd Taylorsville ALEXANDER 08145 Walgreens 1015 Randolph Street LIST O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S AS O F 9/30/2004 A L P H A B E T I C A L BY CITY - COUNTY 08081 03631 WaLMait Phannacy Cor Fannlife Ave &. Main St 1585 Liberty Dr, S t e # l JONES Trenton 04978 Vanceboro Phannacy Vass 03891 Jones Co Hlth Dept MOORE Cooper's Pharmacy Hwy 58 S 05952 Realo Disc Drug Store of Trenton Wadesboro ANSON 125 W Jones St 07052 Troutman 06935 IREDELL 500 Morven Rd 04156 KeiT Drug Anson County Hlth Dept n o Ashe St 522 N Main St 07261 Anson Connnunity Hospital Troutman 1st Rx Pharmacy, Inc. 04842 Anson Phannacy 806 Camden Rd 106 Wagner St 06798 CVS/phannacy MONTGOlMERY Troy I 156 E Caswell St CVS/phannacy 06797 04738 902 Albemarle Rd 100 S Green St First Health Standard Drug Co. 06988 Parsons Bias, Inc. 08019 522 Allen St, Ste 102 Wal-Mart Phannacy 1047 East Caswell Street Montgomery Memorial Hosp 06044 W a k e Forest 520 Allen St 06799 Troy Phannacy 08437 08757 436 Albemarle Rd Troy S/C Tryon CVS/phannacy 403 Brooks St 1061 Albemarle Rd White Star Discount Phannacy 04237 WAKE POLK Eckerd Drugs 12225 Capital Blvd 08493 Harris Teeter Phannacy 3638 Rogers Rd 02189 Owens Phannacy 08219 38 N Trade St 05333 12000 Retail Dr Tiyon Phannacy 08830 620 S Trade St Valdesc 08253 BURKE 08498 07552 Winn-Dixie Phannacy 931 Durham Rd Rock Drug Store Walkertown Valdese General Hospital Phannacy 720 Malcolm Blvd Vanceboro Wal-Mart Pharmacy 2114 S Main St Blue Ridge Long Tenn Care Phannacy 240 W Main St 01045 Wake Forest Drug 110 Capcoin Ave 298 Perkins Rd 00826 Target Store 08758 Eckerd Drugs 3015 Old Hollow Rd CRAVEN FORSYTH L I S T O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S AS O F 9/30/2004 A L P H A B E T I C A L BV C I T Y - C O U N T Y DUPLIN WalLace 06800 CVS/phamiacy Wasliiugton 04466 02406 Graham Drug Company 116 E Main St OS 1 24 Hl-Medeq, Inc. Pharmacy 06802 08759 Medicap Phamiacy 08087 Scottic Discount Drugs Wallace Drug Co., Inc. Family Pharmacy of Washington, Inc. 1261 Highland Dr 01809 100 W Main St 08020 Eckerd Drugs 951 Washington Sq Mall 1 14 North East Railroad St 05081 CVS/pharmacy 1020 John Small Ave 5706 South NC 41 Hwy 0361 I Beaufort Co. Hospital Assoc. 628 E 12th St 5642 S N C 4 I Hwy 08102 Beaufoil Co. Health Dept. 1436 Highland Dr 1224-12 N Norwood 04948 BEAUFORT Hospital Phannacy 601 E 12th St 06S52 Wal-Mart Pharmacy 715 N Norwood Kerr Drug 1316 John Small Ave 08021 Walnut Cove Wal-Mart Phannacy STOKES 570 Pamlico Plaza 06801 CVS/pharmacy Waxliavv 610 North Main Street 05086 Family Pharmacy 08051 Main St 02095 UNION CVS/phannacy 1307 N Broome St Hicks Pharmacy Waynesville HAYWOOD 1072 N Main St 08356 Warreusville 08376 ASHE Mountain Family Care Center 301 N Haywood St 06804 WaiTensville Diugstore, Inc. 08760 Eckerd Drugs 590 Russ Ave 5121 NC Hwy 88 West Warrenton CVS/phannacy 267 Barber Blvd 255 Northwest Lane 04679 Carolina Breathing Solutions WARREN 07432 Kmart OfNC LLP 1300 Dellwood Rd 06500 Boyce Drugs, Inc. 01153 108 N Main St 02024 117 Montgomeiy St Hunter Drug Company, Inc. 07932 126 S Main St 06516 03204 126 E Macon St 02416 204 N Front St Village Pharmacy 345 Walnut St DUPLIN Warsaw Drug Company PharMerica 88 Frasier St. Ste 2 KeiT Drug W^arsaw Morris Compounding Phannacy 05762 Waynesville Phannacy 477 Hazelwood Ave L I S T O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S AS O F 9/30/2Q04 A L P H A B E T I C A L BV C I T V - COUNTY Weaverville BUNCOMBE 08182 Carolina Respiratoiy Services 730 Davis Ave CVS/pharmacy 06805 02686 129 Weaver Blvd 500 Jefferson St Ingles Markets 08411 06807 140 Weaver Bh'd 08762 65 Weaver Blvd 01270 Eckerd Drugs 1728 S Madison St Wea\'erviile Drug Company 00745 3 North Main St Guiton's Drug Store, Inc. 801 S Madison St Welcome DAVIDSON 08761 CVS/phannacy 902 N J K Powell Blvd Kerr Drug 06919 Columbus Co Hospital Phannacy 05573 Libeny Medical Specialties, Inc. 612-10 Jefferson St Eckerd Drugs 07711 H u y 52, Welcome Plz McNeill's Long Tenn Care Phannacy 712 Tram Rd WY'iidell WAICE 07232 04935 East Coast Diabetic Supply, Inc. 4030 Wendell Blvd Weiitwoith 05679 Medicap Phannacy 700 Jefferson St ROCKINGHAM 04810 04S08 McNeill's Phannacy 4 McNeill Plz Rockingham Co Hlth Dept Phcy Phcy of Columbus Co Public Hlth Dept 304 Jefferson St PO Box 204 08468 Wesley Chapel 08483 700 Jefferson St UNION 08023 Harris Teeter Phannacy 07289 MOORE The Seven Lakes Prescription Shoppe, Inc. Whitsett 08808 08335 West Jefferson ASHE Peoples Rexall Drug Store 423 E Second St 08022 Midtown Phannacy 6307-N Burlington Rd Wilkesboro 08024 04813 Wal-Man Pharmacy Whiteville COLUMBUS Baldwin Woods Phannacy 607 Jefferson St WILKES Wal-Mart Phannacy 1834 Winkler St Hwy 221 Wilkes Co. Health Dept. 306 College St 1489 Mt. Jefferson Rd 03874 CVS/pharmacy CVS/phannacy US Hwy 221 & Rt 194 01767 GUILFORD 6310 Burlington Rd 120 MacDougall Dr 06806 Wal-Mart Phannacy 200 Columbus Corner Dr 5920 Weddington-Monroe Rd W e s t End Waccamaw Compounding Phannacy Williarnston 08310 Clark's Phannacy 1 12 A East Main St MARTIN L I S T O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S AS O F 9/30/2004 A L P H A B E T I C A L BY CITV - C O U N T Y 06809 CVS/phamiacy 06818 815 East Blvd St 08763 1929 Oleander Dr Eckerd Drugs 08458 718 East BK'd 07245 Mailin General Hosp Phcy 08764 Maitin-Tyrrell-Wton Dist Hlth Dept 08765 Mast Long Term Care-Williamston 08766 Mast Phannacy 08767 Eckerd Dmgs 4310 Shipyard Blvd Wal-Man Phannacy 08768 809 East Blvd Wilmington Eckerd Drugs 6930 Market St 307 West Blvd 08025 Eckerd Drugs 2401 College Rd Nonh 1 12-B E Main Street 03766 Eckerd Drugs 23 S Kerr Ave 210 W Liberty 05603 Davis Health Care Center Pharmacy 1007 Poner's Neck Rd 310 S McCaskey Rd 04443 CVS/phannacy Eckerd Drugs 6800 Wrightsville Ave iNEWHANOVER 08769 Eckerd Drugs 3501 Oleander Dr 08440 AAC Medical, Inc. 08770 428 Bayshore Dr 07279 CapeEear Hospital Cape Eear Compounding Phannacy 05986 Cape Fear Respicare, Inc. 06854 Cardinal HeaUh 07435 CVS/phannacy 07094 CVS/pharmacy 07305 CVS/phannacy 05247 CVS/phannacy 05304 CVS/pharmacy 07839 CVS/phannacy 05065 CVS/phannacy 3625 S College Rd Medicine Shoppe 1612 Market St 07539 6901 Market St 06817 Medicap Phannacy 5235 S College Rd 4600 Oleander Dr 06816 Medicap Phamiacy 2231 S College Rd 6400 Carolina Beach Rd 06815 Medical Ctr Phcy of Wilmington, Inc. 1960 S 16th St Ste 2 2302 S 17th St 06814 Libeny Medical Specialties 3240 Bumt Mill Dr, Ste 5 1712 Eastwood Rd 06813 LCF Hospice Care Center Phannacy 1406 Physicians Dr 2607 Carolina Beach Rd 06812 Kman ofNC LLP 815 S College Rd 1215 Medical Center Dr 0681 1 Ren- Dmg Wrightsboro Plz 2601 -B Castle Hayne R 6427A Windmill Way 08799 Hanis Teeter Phannacy 820 S College 4202 Oleander Dr, Ste A 07286 Eckerd Drugs 1618 Dawson St 5301 Wrightsville Ave 07635 Hanover Ctr Medox Pharmacy 438 Raleigh St 07840 Monkey Junction Compounding Phannacy 5235 S College Rd L I S T O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S AS O F 9/30/2004 A L P H A B E T I C A L UV C I T Y - C O U N T Y 03996 New Hanover Co Hlth Dept 06895 2029 S 17 St 05570 New Hanover Conitn Hlth Ctr 4005 Oleander Dr 07096 925 N 4th St 02366 New Hanover Regional Med Ctr Phcy Wilmington Hlth Access for Teens Winter Park Discount Drug, Inc. 5220 Wrightsville Ave Wilson WILSON 2131 S 17th St 08495 N H R M C Outpatient/Employee Phcy 06820 3739 Nash Street NW 2239 S 17ih St 08167 OpUon Care of Wilmington 06821 Oxy-Care Phamiacy 08771 Planned P'thood of Capital & Coast 08772 Porter's Neck Pharmacy 08773 Sam's Phamiacy 08073 Seashore Discount Drugs 055 1 I Target Store 02460 The Children's Pharmacy 06223 The Medicine Shoppe 02647 Tileston Outreach Health Clinic 04464 Toms Drug Company 07890 U N C W Pharmacy 07910 Walgreens 08028 Walgreens 04305 Wal-Man Pharmacy 08330 Wal-Man Phamiacy 5135 Carolina Beach Rd Wilson Community Health Center 303 E Green St 5226 Sigmon Rd 08027 Wilson Co Dept of Public Health Phcy 1801 Glendale Dr 3720 S College Rd 08026 Wal-Man Pharmacy 2500 Forrest Hills Rd West 4521 Oleander Dr 08530 Walgreens 2653 Ward Blvd 601 S College Rd 08207 Walgreens 3001 NC Hwy 42 West 1 N Front St 05485 Thomas Drug Store 303 W Nash St 412 Ann St 00766 Tenninal Drug Store, Inc. 408 E N a s h St 4202 Oleander Dr 07482 Omnicare of Carolina 4901 Caswell Place West, Ste D 1920 S 16th Street 05 1 55 Nonh Carolina Special Care Center Ward Blvd 471 1 New Centre Dr 05435 Medicap Pharmacy 1000 Tarboro St West Ste A 2059 Carolina Beach Rd 07091 Food Lion Pharmacy 371 1 Peppermill Drive Nonh 412 S College Rd 01830 Eckerd Drugs 2650 Ward Blvd 8207 A Market St 07850 Eckerd Drugs 1326 Ward Blvd 3953-A Market St 08396 Eckerd Drugs 1500 Manin Luther Ring Blvd SE 3502 Wrightsville Ave 05534 CVS/pharmacy 1601 Forest Hill Rd 1 146 Shipyard Blvd 06524 CVS/phamiacy 02092 Wilson Medical Center 1705 Tarboro St SW L I S T O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S AS O F 9/30/2004 A L P H A B E T I C A L BY C [ T Y - COUNTY 06823 Windsor CVS/phannacy BERTIE 201 W 4th St 04793 Bertie Co. Health Dept. 06824 502 Barringer St 02547 2221 Cloverdale Ave Bertie County Memorial Hospital 06825 1403 S King St 06855 06829 Pittman's Phannacy, Inc. 06831 06830 DAVIDSON CVS.^phannacy 06834 CVS/phannacy CVS/phannacy 588 Hanes Mall Blvd CVS/phannacy 06835 CVS/phannacy 5001 Country Club Rd Eckerd Drugs 12216 North NC Hwy 150 07086 06832 550 Martin Luther King Jr Dr 10478 North NC Hwy #109 08774 CVS/phannacy 3195 Peters Creek Pky 189 Hickory Tree Rd, Ste 120 06949 CVS/phannacy 5471 University Pkwy 305 W Granville St Winston-Salem CVS/pharmacy 3596 Yadkinvillc Rd Kerr Drug Windsor Sq S/C, 119 US 13 Bypass 03722 CVS/phannacy 07099 Downtown Health Plaza Phannacy 741 Highland Ave Winn-Dixie Pharmacy 08775 189 Hickory Tree Rd Eckerd Drugs 4840 Country Club Rd Winston-Salem 0551 8 FORSYTH Addiction Recovei-y Care Assn (ARCA) 1931 Union Cross Rd 051 13 08457 08424 04726 08780 Eckerd Drugs 1115 Silas Creek Pkwy 08781 Eckerd Drugs 2810 University Pkwy 08782 Eckerd Drugs 240 S Stratford Rd 04778 Forsyth Co Dept of Public Hlth 799 N Highland Ave 01 129 CVS/phannacy 3325 Robin Hood Rd Eckerd Drugs 3539 Patterson Ave Crisis Control Ministry, Inc. Phcy. 200 E Tenth St 06822 08779 Costco Phannacy 1085 Hanes Mall Blvd Eckerd Drugs 2920 Waughtown St Comprehensive Cancer Center Phannacy North Carolina Baptist Hospital 07833 08778 BLLO 1200 West Clemmonsville Rd Eckerd Drugs 3440 Robin Hood Rd Baptist Hospital Home Care 3187 Peters Creek Pkwy 07671 08777 Andrews Phannacy 1305 S Hawthorne Rd Eckerd Drugs 3601 Reynolda Rd Advanced Services 770 Highland Oaks Dr 01966 08776 Forsyth Co Dept of Public Hlth Phcy 725 N Highland Ave 08368 Forsyth Health Care Phannacy 3333 Silas Creek Pkwy L I S T O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S AS O F 9/30/2004 A L P H A B E T I C A L BV C I T V - C O U N T Y 02071 Forsyth Memorial Hospital, Inc. 08160 3333 Silas Creek Parkway 08060 Harris Teeter Phannacy 284 Summit Sq Blvd 08154 1955 N Peacehaven Road 08086 Hanis Teeter Phannacy H a u i s Teeter Pharmacy 03822 Holladay Healthcare, Inc. 07008 Hospice and Palliative CareCenter 07160 Jonestown Phannacy 06232 KBR Hospice Home Phannacy 05921 R m a n o f N C LLP 08397 Legacy Consultant Phannacy 08438 Marley Drug, Inc. 08029 Medical Park Hospital Phcy 08030 Medicap Phannacy 08078 Medipack Phannacy, LLC 05454 WFU Baptist Behavioral Health Phcy WFU Student Health Service Phcy Wingate Rd 06096 130-A Stratford Ct 00819 W a L M a n Pharmacy 3637 Old Vineyard Rd 3719 Reynolda Rd 08432 W a L M a n Pharmacy 4550 Restcr Mill Rd 1950 Hawthorne Rd 08333 Walgreens 320 East Hanes Mill Road 5030 Peters Creek Pkwy 02761 Walgreens 3634 Reynolda Rd 4410-M Providence Lane 08320 Trinity HIthcare of Winston-Salem Inc 3488 Robin Hood Rd 2690 Peters Creek Pky 08042 The Hawthorne Pharmacy 3918 West Point B h d 101 Hospice Lane 07438 Target Store 1622 S Hawthorne Rd 300 Jonestown Rd, Ste 5 07789 Pkwy 1040 Hanes Mall Blvd 1 1 0 0 - C S Stratford Rd 08041 Target Store 5420 University 2560 Landmark Dr 07788 Student Hlth Ctr, NC Sch of Aits 200 Waughtown St 150 Grant Hill Lane 04512 SempcrCare Hospital of Winston-Salcm 3333 Silas Creek Pkwy 2281 Cloverdale Ave 08484 Sam's Phannacy W-S Health Care Phcy 250 ChaHois Blvd. N.C, Baptist Hospital Phcy Winterville PITT Medical Center Blvd 08264 Nonh Carolina Phannaceutical Serv LLC 08783 4816 Old T a r R d 1010 Bethesda Ct 07894 P.E.T.Net Pharmaceuticals Inc. Medical Center Blvd 05465 Eckerd Dnigs Winton 04965 HERTFORD fienford Co Hlth Dept Phcy Piedmont Plaza Pharmacy 1 Piedmont Plz, 1920 W First St 05332 Planned P l h o o d of the 'friad. Inc. 3000 Maplewood Ave, Ste I 12 07830 Sam's Phannacy 930 Hanes Mall Blvd Yadkinville 06838 CVS/phannacy 921 South State St YADKIN L I S T O F I N S T A T E P H A R M A C I E S AS O F 9/30/2004 A L P H A B E T I C A L BY CITY - C O U N T Y 08784 Eckerd Drugs Hwy 601 05613 Hoots Memorial Hospital, Inc. 625 W Main St 04208 Yadkin Co. Hlth Dept 217 E Willow St Yancevville 03238 CASWELL North Village Phamiacy, Inc. 1493 Main St 02360 Yanceyville Drug Company, Inc. 106 Court Sq Zebulon 08785 WAI-CE Eckerd Drugs 320 N Arendell Avenue 06963 KeiT Drug 1016 N Arendell Ave 08044 Wendell Dmg Company, Inc 3430 Wendell Blvd 04655 Zebulon Drug Co. 303 N Arendell Ave B97B13«'7[3ej I 0 6 / 0 6 / 0 7 4G210 ^ This item circulates for a 4-week period and is due on the last date stamped below. It may be renewed for one additional 4-week period.The fine for late return is 50C a day. T-304 rev 4/03 uncp 1 9 9 n
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