Electronics and Electrical instruments
Electronics and Electrical instruments
ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENTS AND DEVICES SAMAR s.r.l. Web: www.samar-instruments.it Via della Pace n. 25 Fr. Zivido - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese - Milano – Italy Tel.: (++39) 02 98242255 (r.a.) Fax:(++39) 02 98242279 E-mail: [email protected] Catalogo on line: www.samarinternet.com TECHNOLOGIES FOR INDUSTRY AND EDUCATIONAL SAMAR Anonymous Milan Company Radio-electric apparatus From the name written in full it is possible to note that our company is over thirty years old. During these years our company has been distinguishing itself on national and international market and enjoined respect and prestige by supplying equipment for industrial and educational laboratories. Our instruments have been used all over the world by technicians and students of various generations. Today, thanks to investments for research and technological innovation, SAMAR catalogue shows a wide range of different products. SAMAR is a leader company thanks to • Advanced technologies • Accurate quality test and control • Timely service of technical assistance • Specialized trained staff • Sales department and commercial networks that are always at customers’ disposal to solve their daily problems. All these reasons enabled us to grow and become a point of reference for industries and schools. We can resume our purposes in these two significant slogans: FUTURE IS NOW Our equipment is and will be always innovative OUR COMPANY IS IN THE SERVICE OF PROGRESS We want to be again in future a perfect partner for our customers 2 ver 04.15 SAMAR s.r.l. Web: www.samar-instruments.it Via della Pace n. 25 Fr. Zivido - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese - Milano – Italy Tel.: (++39) 02 98242255 (r.a.) Fax:(++39) 02 98242279 E-mail: [email protected] Catalogo on line: www.samarinternet.com WORKBENCH see dedicated catalog TYPE TU200 The workbench is suitable to satisfy the laboratory requests in the various sectors of the school. • Standard dimensions mm 2000x1000x900h (ON DEMAND: other dimensions). • Tubular structures mm 40x40x2 • Wooden plane covered on both sides in plastic laminated with anti-scratch work plane. • Rounded corners bordered in rubber • Feet adjustable by screw • Painting with epoxy thermo-hardening dust and phospho-degreasing treatment (the bench is guaranteed against scratch and rust). Availability of a wide range of options afterwards described that increases the versatility of the desk. Adaptability to the various requests of the user. OPTIONS FOR THE WORKBENCH • • • • • • • DRAWERS: mounted under the worktop, single or double, side by side or as a chest of drawers. Handle and lock included. UNDER-POWER: powers mounted under the worktop on the short or long side of the bench including wide range of accessories. UP-POWER: powers mounted on the worktop on the short or long side of the bench (in this last case put side by side or single ) including wide range of accessories. SUPPORT PLACE: suitable to lodge instruments including wide range of accessories. Placed on the worktop on the short or long side of the bench. POWER SUPPLY: several models are available. See the relevant leaflet for detailed descriptions KEYBOARD HOLDER: extractable keyboard placed under the worktop to lodge keyboard and mouse PC TOWER SUPPORT: for PC tower to be fixed under the worktop OPZIONI: 3 ver 04.15 SAMAR s.r.l. Web: www.samar-instruments.it Via della Pace n. 25 Fr. Zivido - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese - Milano – Italy Tel.: (++39) 02 98242255 (r.a.) Fax:(++39) 02 98242279 E-mail: E [email protected] instruments.it Catalogo on line: www.samarinternet.com on request customized versions COVER ANTI-VANDALISM ANTI 4 ver 04.15 SAMAR s.r.l. Web: www.samar-instruments.it Via della Pace n. 25 Fr. Zivido - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese - Milano – Italy Tel.: (++39) 02 98242255 (r.a.) Fax:(++39) 02 98242279 E-mail: [email protected] Catalogo on line: www.samarinternet.com DESKTOP POWER SUPPLY MULTIFUNCTION SINGLE-THREE PHASE POWER SUPPLY TYPE RZ01 Designed to be used in laboratory and for supplying fixed and variable d.c. and a.c. feedings necessary to make experiences. Complete of all safety devices established by Standards. Supplied with a certification that declares quality and compliance with EN61010 Standard. Built in metal case with frontal panel having a clear synoptic of the various functions. Painting according to standards of security and good quality. Guaranteed against rust and scratches. The turret can be opened at the rear and at front in order to make inspections and maintenance . Terminals according to safety rules 4 mm protected against casual contacts. Dimensions: 1000x400x350 mm Feeding 400 V three-phase + N + PE 50 Hz (ON DEMAND: different power supply) ON DEMAND: additional securities: coverings in polycarbonate of the frontal side. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS SAFETY SECTION: • Emergency mushroom button • Automatic residual current circuit breaker • Starting Key • Signal lamp • Protection fuses at OUTPUT SECTION (on request magnetothermic) OUTPUTS • 3 fixed universal single-phase outlets 220 V 10/16 A • 1 three-phase fixed outlet + N + T 380 V (on request, different configuration ) • 1 adjustable three-phase output 0– 500 V / 5A • 1 adjustable single-phase output 0 – 250 V / 5 A· • 1 adjustable d.c. rectified output 0 – 250 V / 5 A • 1 stabilized adjustable power supply 0 – 30 V / 0 – 5 A ( ON REQUEST: different outputs or dual version, three-outputs and so on ) Complete of:· • Digital instrument 3 ½ digits that indicates d.c. rectified output voltage • Digital instruments 3 ½ digits that indicate voltage and current supplied by stabilized power supply· • Digital instruments 3 ½ digits that indicate single-phase and three-phase output voltage selected by switch. Switch to select single-phase or three-phase output. POWER SUPPLY SERIES A0240 FOR ELECTRICAL MACHINES – POWER 200W or 1KW or 3KW (on request other powers) Designed to be used in electrical laboratory for supplying fixed and variable d.c. and a.c. feedings necessary to make experiences. Complete of all safety devices established by standards. Supplied with a certification that declares quality and compliance with EN61010 Standard. Built in metal case with frontal panel having a clear synoptic of the various functions. Painting according to Standards of security and good quality. Guaranteed against rust and scratches. The turret can be opened at the rear and at front in order to make inspections and maintenance . Terminals according to safety rules 4 mm protected against casual contacts. General and outputs protections guarantee the user and the unit against misuse and/or faulty operation. A.c. and d.c. outputs are variable with continuity and the values of current and voltage are suitable for machines under test. Each output is equipped with digital instrument. Terminals according to safety rules. Dimensions: 1000x400x350 mm Feeding 400 V three-phase + N + PE 50 Hz (ON DEMAND: different power supply) ON DEMAND: additional securities: coverings in polycarbonate of the frontal side. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS SAFETY SECTION: Emergency mushroom button Automatic residual current circuit breaker Starting Key Signal lamp OUTPUTS POWER: available version 200W or 1KW or 3KW (on request other powers) Three-phase adjustable output: 0-440 V/0-250 V a.c. (current depends on the power you choose) Single-phase adjustable output: 0-220 V a.c./d.c. (current depends on the power you choose) Single-phase adjustable output: 0-220 V d.c./1 A (current depends on the power you choose) Three-phase fixed output 380 V 13 A with EEC plug N. 2 Single-phase fixed output 220 V 16 A with Shuko plug or universal type differential magnetothermic protection high sensitivity 4 x 20 mA button, terminals according to safety rules interconnected by means of a synoptic, measuring instruments on the outputs and protection of max speed rotation of motors. Complete of: • Switch to select single-phase or three-phase output. Different three-phase output voltage selected by switch. • Start/stop button • Signal lamp • • Digital instruments 3 ½ digits that indicate voltage and current single-phase and three-phase output selected by switch. Magnetothermic protection for a.c. line and d.c. line • Digital instruments 3 ½ digits that indicates d.c. rectified output voltage and current, protection with magnetothermic protection 5 ver 04.15 SAMAR s.r.l. Web: www.samar-instruments.it Via della Pace n. 25 Fr. Zivido - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese - Milano – Italy Tel.: (++39) 02 98242255 (r.a.) Fax:(++39) 02 98242279 E-mail: [email protected] Catalogo on line: www.samarinternet.com Programmable power supplies Type VAE/1 (code 1385) and VAE/2 (code 1386) They allow regulating the test voltage controlled from PC ensuring such a perfect linearity for a better optimisation of tests. Each model includes two three-phase variacs with adjustable separately outputs single-phase and three-phase voltages in d.c. and a.c. and driven by motors through RS232 of PC . Possibilities of local control by buttons. Included two digital instruments 3 ½ digits for the reading of the supplied voltage, two insulation transformers for separation of the output voltage and switch to reduce the output voltage to 1/10 of the nominal voltage. Power supplies 3x380 V. Provided with safety devices. Dimensions: 800x600x1000 mm. Weight 120 or 170 kg approx according to the model: VAE/1 1200 VA for output (total 2400 VA) VAE/2 3200 VA for output (total 6400 VA). For both models: adjustable output dc voltage from 0 to 250 V; adjustable three phase output voltage from 0 to 400 V with possibility of single-phase use; on request other output voltage or powers. On request also not programmable versions. POWER SUPPLY SERIES PULP Designed to be used in laboratory and for supplying fixed and variable d.c. and a.c. feedings necessary to make experiences. Complete of all safety devices established by standards. Supplied with a certification that declares quality and compliance with EN61010 standard. Built in metal case with frontal panel having a synoptic light of the various functions. Painting according to standards of security and good quality. Guaranteed against rust and scratches. At your choice Single-phase fixed output 220 V 16 A with Shuko plug or universal type Three-phase fixed output 380 V 13 A with EEC plug or terminals Automatic residual current circuit breaker Starting Key Signal lamp Emergency mushroom button Three-phase adjustable output Single-phase adjustable output d.c. adjustable output protection by fuse or magnetothermic PULP/XX – Small size and low cost On request customized versions Proposed for electrical machines WITH PLC proposed for electrical machines multipurpose all-purpose The power supplies can include the following solutions to be combined with pleasure: - Safety: differential thermal breaker, push-button, key consent, ON / OFF switch, mains detection ... .. - Fixed outputs single-phase and / or three phase different ranges - Variable and continuously adjustable outputs three-phase 0-500V / power to define - Variable and continuously adjustable outputs single-phase 0-250V / power to define - Variable and continuously adjustable dc 0 - 250V / power to define - Outputs stabilized single, dual, triple various ranger - Cover anti-vandalism protect computer tools etc .... on request custom power supplies 6 ver 04.15 SAMAR s.r.l. Web: www.samar-instruments.it Via della Pace n. 25 Fr. Zivido - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese - Milano – Italy Tel.: (++39) 02 98242255 (r.a.) Fax:(++39) 02 98242279 E-mail: [email protected] Catalogo on line: www.samarinternet.com CHAIRS – STOOLS swivel stools and chairs 5-pronged Swivels Adjustable Height can be adjusted by using a pneumatic gas lift They are also available with casters With or With or without footrest polyurethane type polyurethane type TROLLEY CABINET available with wheels 7 ver 04.15 SAMAR s.r.l. Web: www.samar-instruments.it Via della Pace n. 25 Fr. Zivido - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese - Milano – Italy Tel.: (++39) 02 98242255 (r.a.) Fax:(++39) 02 98242279 E-mail: [email protected] Catalogo on line: www.samarinternet.com LABORATORY'S ACCESSORIES LABORATORY'S CABLES (suitable security rules) + RACK FOR CABLES AVAILABLE COLOURS: red, black, yellow, green, yellow-green, blue LENGTHS: 25 - 50 - 100 - 150 - 200 cm WORKING VOLTAGE: 1000 V CAT III TEST : 7400 Vrms lasted 1 minute TRACTION: 150 N CURRENTS: versions from 16 - 20 - 30 A (on request other versions) CABLE: PVC section 1 or 1.5 or 2.5 mm2 (on request other sections) TEMPERATURE: 70 °C DIAMETER: 4 mm On request other diameters On request TERMINALS (according to safety rules) Security terminals concentric type for each plug AVAILABLE COLOURS: red, black, yellow, green Admissible max current: 32A On request other versions PLUG (According with safety rules) Security plugs concentric type Protected banana-plug by plastic cylinder ( only model according to actual rules ) AVAILABLE COLOURS: red, black, yellow, green admissible max current: 32A On request other versions On request alligator clips ADAPTER Suitable to be inserted in a traditional terminal to make it in compliance with safety rules. Easy fixing, AVAILABLE COLOURS: red, black, yellow, green Diameter 4 mm admissible max current: 32A On request other versions VOLTAGE AND CURRENT SWITCHES To make the circuit connections in a full safety way: • COVOLT allows voltage measures of three-phase systems with a single voltmeter • COPHAS10 three-pole reverse switch allows quick operations of inversion on the three-phase circuits • COWATT allows the power measures of three-phase systems using a single single-phase wattmeter On request other versions TAPPING KEY (box execution, max security, in compliance with standards) used to open and close the circuits Single tapping key type ST/1B Max. Current: 10A to 380V and15A to 220V Double tapping key type DT/1B Max. Current: 10A to 380V and 15A to 220V SWITCH (box execution, max security, in compliance with standards ) to be used for inversions of circuit, charge and discharge of condensers and so on… switch type CI/1B Max. current: 10A to 380V and 15A to 220V Reversing switch type CI/2B Max. current: 10A to 380V and 15A to 220V PARALLEL BOX type SINC/1 for electrical motors connections Short Circuit plug type SCC/1 used to short-circuiting an ammeter. The circuit is closed by plugging-in contact resistance: 0.002 about 1A max. current 5A Max. voltage 60Vdc 8 ver 04.15 SAMAR s.r.l. Web: www.samar-instruments.it Via della Pace n. 25 Fr. Zivido - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese - Milano – Italy Tel.: (++39) 02 98242255 (r.a.) Fax:(++39) 02 98242279 E-mail: [email protected] Catalogo on line: www.samarinternet.com NOT STABILIZED POWER SUPPLIES • • VOLTAGE SOURCE TYPE AT/1 CURRENT SOURCE TYPE AC/1 Code 1370 Code 1371 Designed to supply dc or ac mains frequency adjustable voltage TECNICAL PARTICULARS TYPE AT/1 DC output voltage: 150–300–600V (30% overload) / 1–0.5– 0.2 A max AC output voltage : 150 – 300 – 600 Vrms / 1 – 0.5 – 0.2 Arms max Power supply 230 V, 160 VA, 50 ÷ 60 Hz, fuse 1 A / 250V power cord 1.5m length provided. Complete of range selector, two terminals for dc and two for ac output, fuse output, push button power switch and power lamp. Dimensioni: 490x330x230mm Peso: 15 Kg (AT/1) and current (AC/1) TECNICAL PARTICULARS TYPE AC/1 DC output Current: 5 – 25 – 50 A / 7 V no load AC output current : 5 – 25 – 50 Arms / 5 Vrms no load Power supply 230 V, 300 VA, 50 ÷ 60 Hz, fuse 1.5 A / 250V power cord 1.5m length provided. Complete of range selector ac/dc, three range terminals and common for dc and three for ac, fuse output, push button power switch and power lamp. Type AS/VAR DC power supply with rectifier and ac outputs adjustable with continuity range 0 - 30 V / 0 - 2 A Equipped with digital instrument 3 1/2 digits showing the supplied voltage. Type AS/FIX DC power supply with rectifier and ac fixed outputs: 6 - 12 - 18 - 24 V / 10 A OTHER FIXED AND VARIABLE OUTPUTS ON REQUEST WITH 220V OR 380V OR OTHER VALUES AND WITH EMERGENCY BUTTON, AND OTHER SAFETY APPARATUS Various power supplies We are at your disposal to propose power supplies of several types with d.c. and a.c. outputs and with the incorporated instrumentation you wish. AC POWER SOURCE 9 0 - 300 Vac / 45 - 500Hz ver 04.15 SAMAR s.r.l. Web: www.samar-instruments.it Via della Pace n. 25 Fr. Zivido - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese - Milano – Italy Tel.: (++39) 02 98242255 (r.a.) Fax:(++39) 02 98242279 E-mail: [email protected] Catalogo on line: www.samarinternet.com LOADS STANDARD RLC LOADS Dimensions: 1000 x 300 x 350 mm (type RLC) Available powers: 200 VA/VAR, 1000 VA/VAR, 3000 VA/VAR (on request different powers from the ones shown). Regulation by Step with separated powers on each phase Use: single-phase and three-phase, possibility of connection star / delta Nominal voltage 220/380 V Panel equipped with security clamps and synoptic AVAILABLE LOADS ONLY RESISTIVE OR ONLY CAPACITIVE OR ONLY INDUCTIVE Same powers and characteristic as the model described above. (on request custom executions) RESISTIVE LOADS Available powers: 200 VA, 1000 VA, 3000 VA (on request different powers) Regulation by Step with separated powers on each phase Use: single-phase and three-phase, possibility of connection star / delta Nominal voltage 220/380 V Panel equipped with security clamps and synoptic CAPACITIVE LOADS Available powers: 200 VAR, 1000 VAR, 3000 VAR (on request different powers) Regulation by Step with separated powers on each phase Use: single-phase and three-phase, possibility of connection star / delta Nominal voltage 220/380 V Panel equipped with security clamps and synoptic INDUCTIVE LOADS Available powers: 200 VAR, 1000 VAR, 3000 VAR (on request different powers) Regulation by Step with separated powers on each phase Use: single-phase and three-phase, possibility of connection star / delta Nominal voltage 220/380 V Panel equipped with security clamps and synoptic PROGRAMMABLE MONO AND THREE-PHASE RLC LOAD Type RLC/1K-P Dimensions: 1000 x 300 x 350 mm Weight: 20 Kg Three-phase load balanced with connection to star with neutral accessible suitable also for use in single-phase Maximum line tension 380 V with nominal power P = 1000 W with 4 steps each 250 W Qx = 1000 VAR 4 steps each 250 W Qc = 1000 VAR 4 steps each 250 W The load is supplied with manual/automatic switch and switches for the manual insertion of the elements R, L, C. On request various programmable power loads OPTION trolley for loads Comfortable and practical trolley to lodge loads of several types for easy and practical shifting Provided with housing for accessories. Several models and measurements are available. ON REQUEST SPECIAL LOADS OF SEVERAL POWERS AND DIMENSIONS A few examples: Load for tests on switches in compliance with IEC 1058-1 (simulates capacitive loads) Load for tests on switches in compliance with 1058-2 (simulates tungsten filament lamps) Load of ant inductive resistors for the discharge B.T lamp simulation. Load of ant inductive resistors for the discharge AT lamp simulation. (For luminous signboards) Capacitive load suitable for the test in field of the single-phase limiting device switches installed on the electric energy meters. 10 ver 04.15 SAMAR s.r.l. Web: www.samar-instruments.it Via della Pace n. 25 Fr. Zivido - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese - Milano – Italy Tel.: (++39) 02 98242255 (r.a.) Fax:(++39) 02 98242279 E-mail: [email protected] Catalogo on line: www.samarinternet.com STANDARD RESISTORS Fixed value standard resistances, high-accuracy used as standard in laboratory. SAMAR certificate of calibration is supplied with each standard resistor. The standard production includes sample resistances multiple of 10. (On request various values and precision described below and boxes containing several values at your choice.) HIGH PRECISION VERSION SERIES RC80 Use in air and oil - - Type Nominal value Ω Max. Current In air A Max current In oil A Power dissipation in air W Precision % t= 20 ± 0.5 °C Max deviation from nominal value t= 20 ± 0.5 °C RC80/1 RC80/2 RC80/3 RC80/4 RC80/5 RC80/6 RC80/7 RC80/8 RC80/9 RC80/10 RC80/11 RC80/12 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000 10,000,000 300 75 30 5 1.5 0.5 0.2 0.07 0.015 0.005 0.0005 Vmax=500V 600 200 70 15 4 2.5 0.5 0.15 0.03 0.01 0.01 Vmax=500V 9 5.6 9 2.5 2.25 2.5 4 5 2.25 2.5 0.25 ± 0.01 ± 0.01 ± 0.005 ± 0.002 ±0.002 ± 0.002 ± 0.002 ± 0.002 ± 0.002 ± 0.005 ± 0.005 ± 0.005 ± 0.05 ± 0.02 ± 0.01 ± 0.005 ± 0.005 ± 0005 ± 0.005 ± 0.005 ± 0.005 ± 0.01 ± 0.02 ± 0.02 Long term stability: +/- 10 ppm per year The resistances from 0.0001 to 10 Ω are 4 terminals. The potential terminals are screwed with plug connection. Current terminals are of electrolytic copper widely sizeable. The resistances from 100Ω to 10MΩ are two electrolytic copper terminals with 2 screws, one for current and one for voltage. % VERSION HIGH VALUES SERIES RC80/M TYPE Nominal voltage 500V Nominal value MΩ 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000 10,000,000 100,000,000 RC80/M2 RC80/M3 RC80/M4 RC80/M5 RC80/M6 RC80/M7 RC80/M8 RC80/M9 Tolerance at 20 °C % ±1 ±1 ±1 ±1 ±1 ±5 ±5 ± 10 BASIC VERSION SERIES RC-E 50 Use in air - - Resistances realized in manganine with temperature coefficient of ± 20 ppm/°C (independent from temperature between 15 and 30 °C) Long term stability: ≤ ± 50 ppm per year The resistances from 0.0001 to 0.1 Ω are 4 terminals, two potential and two current. The resistances from 1Ω to 10MΩ are wrapped in an ant-inductive way and are two terminals with 2 screws for potential and current. Type Nominal value Ω RC-E 50/00 RC-E 50/0 RC-E 50/1 RC-E 50/2 RC-E 50/3 RC-E 50/4 RC-E 50/5 RC-E 50/6 RC-E 50/7 RC-E 50/8 RC-E 50/9 RC-E 50/10 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000 10,000,000 Max current in air A 100 30 10 3 1 0.3 0.1 0.03 0.01 0.003 0.001 Vmax=500V Power dissipation in air W 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Vmax=500V Precision % Max deviation from nominal value % T= 20 ± 0.5 °C T= 20 ± 0.5 °C ± 0.05 ± 0.1 ± 0.01 ± 0.05 ± 0.01 ± 0.05 ± 0.01 ± 0.05 ±0.01 ± 0.05 ± 0.01 ± 0.05 ± 0.01 ± 0.05 ± 0.01 ± 0.05 ± 0.01 ± 0.05 ± 0.01 ± 0.05 ± 0.01 ± 0.05 ± 0.01 ± 0.05 EDUCATIONAL VERSION Same values as the model RC-E 50 but precision: 0.5% 11 ver 04.15 SAMAR s.r.l. Web: www.samar-instruments.it Via della Pace n. 25 Fr. Zivido - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese - Milano – Italy Tel.: (++39) 02 98242255 (r.a.) Fax:(++39) 02 98242279 E-mail: [email protected] Catalogo on line: www.samarinternet.com RESISTORS BOX RESISTOR BOX TYPE CRC/1 Used as a potential divider or for calibration (for example insulation tester). Series of resistances connected in series, each one supplied with terminals to obtain the desired values combining the resistances. Chemical resistances of high stability, with dissipation 1W Precision 1% dc and ac up to 1 MHz. (on request execution at 0.1% ) Range: 0 to 500MΩ with terminals for the following values: 0.5 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 10 - 20 -30 - 40 - 50 - 100 - 200 - 300 - 400 - 500 KΩ 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 10 - 20 -30 - 40 - 50 - 100 - 200 - 300 - 400 - 500 MΩ Execution in reading-desk metal case. HIGH VALUE RESISTORS BOX TYPE CRC/4 Decade box with spires studied to simulate high resistance, suitable to check the insulation testers with test voltage up to 5000 V d.c. Ranges that can be made with the 4 contact spires supplied:10x1 MΩ ; 10x10 MΩ; 10x100 MΩ; 10x1 GΩ. In this way are selectable all values of resistance included between 1 MΩ and 11.11 GΩ with steps of 1 MΩ . Accuracy: ±1%. Temperature coefficient: 100 ppm °C . Max power 2 W for each element. Applicable max voltages : 1250 V with 1 MΩ , 2500 V with 2 MΩ, 3750 V with 3 MΩ and 5000 V for values higher than 3 MΩ. In a case with removable cover. STANDARD CAPACITANCE Precision capacitances designed as laboratory standards. SAMAR certificate of calibration is supplied with each standard capacitance HIGH PRECISION VERSION SERIES CC (Fixed value) Nominal voltage: 500Vdc Temperature coefficient: - (100 ± 50) x 10-6 /°C Test voltage: 2,000Vdc Insulation resistance: 500,000 MΩ Precision ± 0.1 % at 1,000 Hz, between terminals ON REQUEST DIFFERENT VALUES FROM THE ONES SHOWN VERSION SERIES CC- E 50 (FIXED VALUE) Nominal voltage : 500Vdc Temperature coefficient: - (100 ± 50) x 10-6 /°C Test voltage: 2,000Vdc Insulation resistance: 500,000 MΩ Precision: ± 0.5 % at 1,000 Hz, between terminals ON REQUEST DIFFERENT VALUES FROM THE ONES SHOWN TYPE CC/1 CC/2 CC/3 CC/4 CC/5 CC/6 TYPE CC - E 50/1 CC - E 50/2 CC – E 50/3 CC – E 50/4 CC – E 50/5 CC – E 50/6 Nominal value µF 1 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.01 0.001 Nominal value µF 1 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.01 0.001 Tang δ to 1 KHz ≤ 0.0008 ≤ 0.0008 ≤ 0.0008 ≤ 0.0005 ≤ 0.0005 ≤ 0.0005 Tang δ to 1 KHz ≤ 0.0008 ≤ 0.0008 ≤ 0.0008 ≤ 0.0005 ≤ 0.0005 ≤ 0.0005 EDUCATIONAL VERSION Same values as the model CC-E 50 but precision: 1 % 12 ver 04.15 SAMAR s.r.l. Web: www.samar-instruments.it Via della Pace n. 25 Fr. Zivido - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese - Milano – Italy Tel.: (++39) 02 98242255 (r.a.) Fax:(++39) 02 98242279 E-mail: [email protected] Catalogo on line: www.samarinternet.com STANDARD INDUCTOR Inductances of precision used as standard in laboratory. SAMAR certificate of calibration is supplied with each standard inductor. HIGH PRECISION VERSION SERIES IC (Fixed value) Precision: ± 0.1 % at 1,000 Hz, between terminals TYPE Nominal value H 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 IC/1 IC/2 IC/3 IC/4 dc Resistance ≈Ω 142 19.5 2.15 0.62 Q to 100 Hz Max. current A 4.4 3.2 2.9 1.01 0.3 0.5 1.5 1.5 ON REQUEST DIFFERENT VALUES FROM THE ONES SHOWN BASIC VERSION SERIES IC- E 50 (Fixed value) Precision: ± 0.5 % at 1,000 Hz, between terminals TYPE IC – E 50/1 IC - E 50/2 IC – E 50/3 IC – E 50/4 Nominal value H 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 dc resistance ≈Ω 530 43 4.6 0.53 Q to 100 Hz 1.18 1.46 1.36 1.18 Max. current A 0.06 0.25 0.7 1.5 ON REQUEST DIFFERENT VALUES FROM THE ONES SHOWN MUTUAL SAMPLE INDUCTANCES FIXED VALUE Precision: ± 0.5 % at 1.000 Hz, between terminals TYPE M/1 M/2 M/3 M/4 Nominal value H 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 dc resistance ≈Ω 340 24 4 1 Max. current A 0.2 0.4 1 1.2 ON REQUEST DIFFERENT VALUES FROM THE ONES SHOWN VERSIONE EDUCATIONAL Same values as the model IC-E 50 but precision: ± 1 % at 1,000 Hz On request special versions 13 ver 04.15 SAMAR s.r.l. Web: www.samar-instruments.it Via della Pace n. 25 Fr. Zivido - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese - Milano – Italy Tel.: (++39) 02 98242255 (r.a.) Fax:(++39) 02 98242279 E-mail: [email protected] Catalogo on line: www.samarinternet.com CALIBRATOR AC/DC VOLTAGE GENERATOR TYPE 202 Calibrator suitable for providing a.c. and d.c. voltages with high precision for checks and calibrations PROGRAMMABLE ON THE PANEL or RS-232 100 AVAILABLE MEMORY PROGRAMS SIGNAL FREQUENCY 40 - 650 Hz RANGE 0- 600 V 6 RANGES BASIC PRECISION : 0.1 % dc / 0.25 % ac LOCAL OR INTERFACED CONTROL POWER SUPPLY 230V WITH OPTION OPTIC FIBRE LINK FOR WATTMETERS CALIBRATION RANGES dc / ac 0 - 11 mV 0 - 110 mV 0 - 1100 mV 0 - 11 V 0 - 110 V 0 - 600 V RESOLUTION 1 µV 10 µV 100 µV 1 mV 10 mV 100 mV AC/DC CURRENT GENERATOR TYPE 201 Calibrator suitable for providing a.c. and d.c. current with high precision for checks and calibrations PROGRAMMABLE ON THE PANEL or RS-232 100 AVAILABLE MEMORY PROGRAMS SIGNAL FREQUENCY 40 - 650 Hz RANGE 0- 11 A 6 RANGES PRECISION: 0.1% dc / 0.25 % ac LOCAL OR INTERFACED CONTROL POWER SUPPLY 230V WITH OPTION OPTIC FIBRE LINK FOR WATTMETERS CALIBRATION RANGES dc / ac 0 - 110 µA 0 – 1.1 mA 0 - 11 mA 0 - 110 mA 0 – 1.1 A 0 - 11 A RESOLUTION 10 nA 100 nA 1 µA 10 µA 0.1 mA 1 mA REFERENCES DC VOLTAGE STANDARD DC voltage reference standard providing standard cell accuracy for use in measuring laboratories. TYPE SC51 TYPE SC61 Nominal e.m.f.: 1.01865 calibration 5° decimal digits Nominal e.m.f : 1,01865 calibration 6° decimal digits Precision: ± 50 µV precision: ± 25 µV max output current: 1 mA continuative max output current : 1 mA continuative stability: < 20 ppm/month with working temperature 15 - 25 °C stability: < 10 ppm//month with working temperature 15 - 25 and relative humidity 45-85% °C and relative humidity 45-85% • Temperature: 0 to +40 °C operating and storage temperature: - 15 °C to + 60 °C • Power supply: 230V • SAMAR certificate of calibration is supplied with each reference dc voltage standard. 14 ver 04.15 SAMAR s.r.l. Web: www.samar-instruments.it Via della Pace n. 25 Fr. Zivido - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese - Milano – Italy Tel.: (++39) 02 98242255 (r.a.) Fax:(++39) 02 98242279 E-mail: E [email protected] instruments.it Catalogo on line: www.samarinternet.com POTENTIOMETER AND DC / AC BRIDGE POTENTIOMETER designed for measurement rement of dc voltages TYPE PT 20005/G Completely autonomous. Designed for measurement of dc voltages from 0.5mV to 600V. Precision: 0.05 % Ranges: 0.0005 to 1.5V with divider x1 and 1.5 to 600V with divider Power supply: 230V ECONOMIC VERSION TYPE PT-D/1 PT Completely autonomous. Reading directed with source e.m.f. 0 to 1.5V. Precision: 0.2 % Ranges: 100mV to 1.5V with divider x1 and 1.5 to 600V with divider DC BRIDGES Laboratory's ry's equipment suitable for resistance measurement. THOMSON - WHEATSTONE BRIDGE TYPE TW-E/G E/G (precision 0.05%) Reading to 4 digits Range: from 0.1 µΩ to 1.111MΩ 1.111M Accessories: external standard resistances type RC-E/50 RC values: 0.001Ω - 0.01Ω - 0.1Ω - 1Ω and meter eter arm scale type TF/1 Available model PDT/2 precision 0.02% that needs external electronic galvanometer and resistors series RC 80. WHEATSTONE BRIDGE TYPE PW/5 (precision 0.05%) Reading to 4 digits Range: 1.000 Ω to 11.11 MΩ M WHEATSTONE BRIDGE TYPE PW-E/G (precision 0.1%) Reading to 4 digits Range: 1.000 Ω to 11.11 MΩ M WHEATSTONE BRIDGE TYPE PW-D/1 Range: 100 mΩ m to 1 MΩ Precision: 1% THOMSON BRIDGE TYPE PDT-D/1 Range: 100 µΩ to 10 Ω Precision: 2% WHEATSTONE - VARLEY – MURRAY BRIDGE Bridge completely autonomous for resistance measures and the localization of breakdowns in the cables according to the methods Murray - Varley. Reading to 4 digits Range: 1.000 Ω to 11.11 MΩ Precision: 0.01 % AC BRIDGE Laboratory equipment suitable for the measure of inductances and capacity MAXWELL - DE SAUTY BRIDGE (precision 0.1 or 0.5 %) The precision depends on the accessories used. Reading to 4 digits Measuring at 1,000 Hz with external generator g detector for: Inductances from 100.0 µH to 111.1 H Capacity from 10.00 pF to111.1 µF Available only the version: MAXWELL type PM/3 or DE SAUTY type PDS/3 MAXWELL BRIDGE TYPE PM-D/1 Range: 1 mH to 100H Precision: 1 % DE SAUTY BRIDGE TYPE PDS-D/1 Range: 1 nF to 100µF 100 Precision: 1 % SCHERING BRIDGE Ranges: 10pF – 0.1µF Precision: ± 0.5 in the capacity measure. Adjustable test voltage from 0 to3KV Designed to the measurement of tg δ.. Internal sample capacity 100 pF precision 0.1% tgδ tg < 0.0005. Power supply 230V On request test electrode diameter 80 mm. approx UNI 4289 AC GENERATORS - DETECTORS Used as a power source for ac bridges at 1 KHz with self-contained self contained null detector. Wagner branch is built-in built TYPE GP3 Generator: frequency 1000Hz ± 2%; distortion ≤ 1% max output voltage 20V rms. Amplifier: max. sensitivity 10µV/div V/div to 1000Hz Power supply Power supply 230V50-60 60 Hz power cord 1.5 length provided TYPE GP-E/2 Generator: frequency 1000Hz ± 2%; distortion ≤ 1% max output voltage 8V rms. Amplifier: max. sensitivity 20µV/div to1000Hz Power supply battery 15 ver 04.15 SAMAR s.r.l. Web: www.samar-instruments.it Via della Pace n. 25 Fr. Zivido - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese - Milano – Italy Tel.: (++39) 02 98242255 (r.a.) Fax:(++39) 02 98242279 E-mail: E [email protected] instruments.it Catalogo on line: www.samarinternet.com RLC MEASURES see dedicated catalog LCR-8000G Series Name: Precision LCR Meter, LCR-8000G Frequency Range: 10 / 5 / 1 MHz Basic Accuracy: 0.1% Basic Accuracy Interface: RS232 / GPIB Model Name: LCR-8110G, LCR-8105G, LCR-8101G LCR-800 Series Name: Precision LCR Meter, LCR-800 Frequency Range: 200 / 100 / 10 / 2kHz Basic Accuracy: 0.05% ~ 0.1% Interface: RS232 or Handler Model Name: LCR-821, LCR-819, LCR-817, LCR-816, LCR-829, 829, LCR-827, LCR LCR-826 LCR-900 Series Name: Handheld LCR Meter, LCR-900 Frequency Range: 100Hz / 120Hz / 1kHz / 10kHz / 100kHz Basic Accuracy: 0.2% Basic Accuracy Interface: USB Model Name: LCR-916, LCR-915, LCR-914 MILLIOHMMETER GOM-802 802 Name: DC Milli-Ohm Meter, GOM-802 Display: 4 3/4 Counts: 30,000 Counts Basic Accuracy: 0.05% Best Accuracy Interface: Handler, Scan (same connector) Model Name: GOM-802 GALVANOMETERS AND AC DETECTORS ELECTRONIC GALVANOMETERS TYPE GE/4 professional 12 ranges: ± 0.1/0.2/0.5/1/2/5/10/20/50 nA/div 0.1/0.2/0.5µA/div 0.1/0.2/0.5 stability: ± 3 div TYPE GE-S/1 4 measuring fields: ± 30/300nA 3/30µA – sensitivity max 1 nA/div (1µV/div) (1 stability: ± 1 div TIPO GE-B/1 4 ranges: ± 300nA 3/30/300 µA – max. sensitivity 10 nA/div (10µV/div) stability: ± 1 div ON REQUEST MICROVOLTMETER VERSION PIVOT GALVANOMETERS Pivot galvanometers with permanent magnet and moving coil Current sensitivity : 1µA/div A/div internal resistance 400Ω 400 • TYPE SL150G scale length125mm 125mm with ant parallax mirror • TIPO SLD-E/G scale length 80 mm RECOMMENDED ACCESSORY FOR BOTH MODELS UNIVERSAL SHUNT TYPE RU-B Using for varying sensitivity of galvanometer 7 multipliers: 1/1 – ½ - 1/5 – 1/10 – 1/50 – 1/100 – 1/1000 contact resistance less than 0.01Ω SPECIAL VERSIONS: same technical constructive features of the types shown above but with incorporated reducer of sensitivity 1/10 Type SL150G/R and type SLD-E/GR 16 ver 04.15 SAMAR s.r.l. Web: www.samar-instruments.it Via della Pace n. 25 Fr. Zivido - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese - Milano – Italy Tel.: (++39) 02 98242255 (r.a.) Fax:(++39) 02 98242279 E-mail: [email protected] Catalogo on line: www.samarinternet.com DECADE BOXES RESISTANCE DECADES BOXES OF RESISTANCE with switch precision 0.05% at terminals TYPE CR/6DC1 CR/6DC2 CR/6DC3 CR/5DC1 Calibration precision: ± 0.02 % The precision shown refers to the terminals and therefore is total resistance included the resistance of zero Resistors are in manganine wire (temperature coefficient ± 10 ppm/°C) wrapped in ant-inductive way. Thanks to an opportune seasoning process the long term stability is ensured: 10 ppm in the first year and max 20 ppm in three years. Switches have a resistance of contact lower than 0.001 Ω invariable in the time. ADMISSIBLE MAX CURRENT No. SECTIONS Resistance Dissipation 1W for coil decades FOR DECADE CONTINUE SERVICE Ω Total Ω AMPERE DECADE Ω 6 1,111,110 10 x ( 1+10+100+1K+10K+100K) Ω 0.01 3 6 111.1111 10 x ( 0.1+1+10+100+1K+10K) Ω 0.1 3 6 11,111.1 10 x ( 0.01+0.1+1+10+100+1K) Ω 1 1 5 111.110 10 x ( 1+10+100+1K+10K) Ω CR/5DC2 5 10 x ( 0.1+1+10+100+1K) Ω 11.111 10 0.3 CR/5DC3 5 10 x ( 0.1+0.1+1+10+100) Ω 1.111.1 100 0.1 CR/4DC1 CR/4DC2 4 4 10 x ( 1+10+100+1K) Ω 10 x (0.1+1+10+100) Ω 11.110 1.111 1.000 0.03 0.01 CR/4DC3 4 10 x ( 0.01+0.1+1+10) Ω 10.000 111.1 100.000 0.003 ON REQUEST BOXES TO 1-2-3 DECADES (SEVERAL SECTIONS) DECADES BOXES OF RESISTANCE with switch precision 0.1% at terminals Calibration precision: ± 0.02 % The precision shown refers to the terminals and therefore is total resistance included the resistance of zero Resistors are in manganine wire (temperature coefficient ± 10 ppm/°C) wrapped in ant-inductive way. Thanks to an opportune seasoning process the long term stability is ensured: : 10 ppm in the first year and max. 20 ppm in three years. Switches have a resistance of contact lower than 0.002 Ω invariable in the time. SECTIONS Ω Resistance Total Ω CR-E/7DC1 No. De cad es 7 10 x ( 1+10+100+1K+10K+100K+1M) Ω 11,111,110 CR-E/7DC2 7 10 x ( 0.1+1+10+100+1K+10K+100K) Ω 1,111,1111 CR-E/6DC1 6 10 x ( 1+10+100+1K+10K+100K) Ω 1,111,110 1 0.7 CR-E/6DC2 6 10 x ( 0.1+1+10+100+1K+10K) Ω 111,111 10 0.22 CR-E/5DC1 5 10 x ( 1+10+100+1K+10K) Ω 11,110 100 0.07 CR-E/5DC2 5 10 x ( 0.1+1+10+100+1K) Ω 11,111 0.022 CR-E/4DC1 CR-E/4DC2 4 4 10 x ( 1+10+100+1K) Ω 10 x ( 0.1+1+10+100) Ω 1,000 11,110 1.111 10,000 0.007 CR-E/3DC1 3 10 x ( 1+10+100) Ω 1,110 100,000 0.0022 10 x ( 0.1+1+10) Ω 111 1,000,000 0.0007 TYPE CR-E/3DC2 3 ADMISSIBLE MAX CURRENT Dissipation 0.5W for coil FOR DECADE CONTINUE SERVICE DECADE Ω AMPERE 0.1 2.2 ON REQUEST BOXES TO 1-2 DECADES (SEVERAL SECTIONS) DECADES BOXES OF RESISTANCE with switch precision 0.1% at terminals DC and AC up to 1MHz Resistors are to metal film with low coefficient of temperature and high stability. Switches have a resistance of contact lower than 0.01 (invariable in the time ). The precision shown refers at the terminals and therefore the total resistance includes also the resistance of zero ON REQUEST BOXES TO 1-2 DECADES (SEVERAL SECTIONS) 17 CR-B/7DC1 CR-B/6DC1 CR-B/6DC2 CR-B/5DC1 number decades 7 6 6 5 SECTIONS Ω 10 x ( 1+10+100+1K+10K+100K+1M) Ω 10 x ( 1+10+100+1K+10K+100K) Ω 10 x ( 10+100+1K+10K+100K+1M) Ω 10 x ( 1+10+100+1K+10K) Ω Resistance Total Ω 11,111,110 1,111,110 11,111,100 111,110 CR-B/5DC2 CR-B/5DC3 CR-B/4DC1 CR-B/4DC2 CR-B/4DC3 CR-B/4DC4 CR-B/3DC1 CR-B/3DC2 CR-B/3DC3 CR-B/3DC4 CR-B/3DC5 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 10 x ( 10+100+1K+10K+100K) Ω 10 x ( 100+1K+10K+100K+1M) Ω 10 x ( 1+10+100+1K) Ω 10 x ( 10+100+1K+10K) Ω 10 x ( 100+1K+10K+100K) Ω 10 x ( 1K+10K+100k+1M) Ω 10 x ( 1+10+100) Ω 10 x ( 10+100+1K) Ω 10 x ( 100+1K+10K) Ω 10 x ( 1K+10K+100k) Ω 10 x ( 10K+100K+1M) Ω 1,111,100 11.111.000 11,110 111,100 1,111,000 11,110,000 1,110 11,100 111,000 1,110,000 11,100,000 TYPE ver 04.15 SAMAR s.r.l. Web: www.samar-instruments.it Via della Pace n. 25 Fr. Zivido - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese - Milano – Italy Tel.: (++39) 02 98242255 (r.a.) Fax:(++39) 02 98242279 E-mail: [email protected] Catalogo on line: www.samarinternet.com DECADE BOXES RESISTANCE DECADES BOXES OF RESISTANCE PRECISION 0.5% EDUCATIONAL VERSION • • • • • • • Power: 0.5 W permanent Resistances: 0.1Ω and 1 Ω to coil, from 10Ω to 1 MΩ metal film to 50ppm Security rule terminals Plastic box, panel of aluminium with serigraphy Double insulation Work frequency: 0 – 500 KHz Precision: 0.5 % ON REQUEST: certificate of calibration of our laboratory TYPE NO. DECADES RANGE R40 R50 R60 R70 R80 R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 4 5 6 7 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 from 10x1Ω to 10x1KΩ From 10x1 Ω to 10 x 10 KΩ From 10x1Ω to 10x100 KΩ From 10x1Ω to 10x1 MΩ From 10x0.1Ω to 10x1MΩ 10x0.1 Ω 10x1 Ω 10x10 Ω 10 x 100 Ω 10 x 1 KΩ 10 x 10 KΩ 10 x 100 KΩ 10 x 1 MΩ DIMENSIONS (mm) 290x80x60 420x80x60 490x80x60 490x80x60 490x80x60 82x82x60 82x82x60 82x82x60 82x82x60 82x82x60 82x82x60 82x82x60 82x82x60 DECADES BOXES OF RESISTANCE 1 DECADE With switch - precision 1% at terminals dc and ac up to 1MHz. same technical features as the previous models. TYPE RANGE CR-B/1DC0 CR-B/1DC1 CR-B/1DC2 CR-B/1DC3 CR-B/1DC4 CR-B/1DC5 CR-B/1DC6 CR-B/1DC7 10x0.1 10x1 Ω 10x10 Ω 10 x 100 Ω 10 x 1 KΩ 10 x 10 KΩ 10 x 100 KΩ 10 x 1 MΩ DIMENSION (mm) 110x70x70 110x70x70 110x70x70 110x70x70 110x70x70 110x70x70 110x70x70 110x70x70 Possibility of connection as photo KIT ASSEMBLY OF WHEATSTONE BRIDGE Included: • Plug-in ratio arm type LDR-B/4 arm A and B 10-100-1,000-10,000 precision 1% • Decade resistances box type CR-B/4DC1 • Pivot galvanometer type SLD-E/G • Switch PB/9 with battery 9V with limiting device resistance • Unknown resistance on panel with terminals 4 mm • NO. 5 cables. 18 ver 04.15 SAMAR s.r.l. Web: www.samar-instruments.it Via della Pace n. 25 Fr. Zivido - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese - Milano – Italy Tel.: (++39) 02 98242255 (r.a.) Fax:(++39) 02 98242279 E-mail: [email protected] Catalogo on line: www.samarinternet.com DECADE BOX CAPACITANCE DECADES BOXES OF CAPACITY with switch precision 2% at terminals SECTIONS µF Capacity Total µF CC-B/5DC1 No.. Deca de des 5 10 x (0.0001+0.001+0.01+0.1+1) µF 11.111 CC-B/4DC1 4 10 x (0.0001+0.001+0.01+0. 1) µF 1.111 CC-B/4DC2 4 10 x (0.001+0.01+0.01+0.1+1) µF 11.11 CC-B/3DC1 3 10 x (0.0001+0.001+0.01) µF 0.111 CC-B/3DC2 3 10 x (0.001+0.01+0.1) µF 1.11 CC-B/3DC3 3 10 x (0.01+0.1+1) µF 11.1 TYPE Polypropylene capacitor Tangδ: ≤ 0.003 to 1KHz Precision: to 1.000Hz at terminals ±2% Working voltage: 400Vdc max; 100V switching ON REQUEST BOXES AT VARIOUS SECTIONS AND TO 1 OR 2 DECADES DECADES BOXES OF CAPACITY EDUCATIONAL VERSION GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Type NO. decades Range C50 C1 C2 C3 C4 5 1 1 1 1 From 10x100 pF to 10x1 µF 10 x 1 nF 10 x 10 nF 10 x 100 nF 10 x 1 µF Precision At 20 °C 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% Dimension (mm) 420 x 80 x 60 82 x 82 x 60 82 x 82 x 60 82 x 82 x 60 82 x 82 x 60 Plastic not polarized film condensers; terminals according to safety rules; plastic box, panel of aluminium with serigraphy; double insulation. Precision: 1 %. Working voltage: 400Vdc or 250 Vac. Drift in temperature: 80 ppm / °C ON REQUEST: certificate of calibration of our laboratory U-PLUG DECADE BOX OF CAPACITY Type C20-E. Precision 1%. Values : 0.5-1-2-2-5-10 µF linkable in order to cover the range from 0.5 to 20.5 µF with resolution of 0.5 µF. Max working voltage 400 Vdc. Plastic box, execution with double insulation. On request other ranges or transparent panel DECADE BOX INDUCTORS DECADES BOXES OF INDUCTANCE with switch - precision 1% at terminals Copper coils wrapped in air Precision to1.000Hz at terminals ±1% CI-E/5DC1 No. decades 5 SECTIONS H 10 x ( 0.0001+0.001+0.01+0.1+1) µH CI-E/4DC1 4 10 x ( 0.0001+0.001+0.01+0. 1) µH 1.111 CI-E/4DC2 CI-E/3DC1 CI-E/3DC2 CI-E/3DC3 4 3 3 3 10 x ( 0.001+0.01+0.1+1) µH 10 x ( 0.0001+0.001+0.01) µH 10 x ( 0.001+0.01+0.1) µH 10 x ( 0.01+0.1+1) µH 11.11 0.111 1.11 11.1 TYPE inductance total H 11.111 MAX CURRENT ADMISSIBLE FOR DECADE DECADE H mAMPERE 0.0001 500 0.001 200 0.01 100 0.1 50 1 25 ON REQUEST BOXES AT VARIOUS SECTIONS AND TO 1 OR 2 DECADES DECADES BOXES OF INDUCTANCE with switch - precision 5% at terminals Copper coils wrapped in air Precision at 1.000Hz at terminals ±5% TYPE CI-B/5DC1 CI-B/4DC1 CI-B/4DC2 CI-B/3DC1 CI-B/3DC2 CI-B/3DC3 No. decades 5 4 4 3 3 3 SECTIONS H 10 x ( 0.0001+0.001+0.01+0.1+1) µH 10 x ( 0.0001+0.001+0.01+0. 1) µH 10 x ( 0.001+0.01+0.1+1) µH 10 x ( 0.0001+0.001+0.01) µH 10 x ( 0.001+0.01+0.1) µH 10 x ( 0.01+0.1+1) µH inductance total H 11.111 1.111 11.11 0.111 1.11 11.1 MAX CURRENT ADMISSIBLE FOR DECADE DECADE H mAMPERE 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 500 200 100 50 25 ON REQUEST BOXES AT VARIOUS SECTIONS AND TO 1 OR 2 DECADES DECADES BOXES OF INDUCTANCE EDUCATIONAL VERSION GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS • Inductances: coils realized on ferrite with central core, that assures a high over voltage value. Security rule terminals. Plastic box, panel of aluminium with serigraphy. Double insulation Precision: 5 % • ON REQUEST: certificate of calibration of our laboratory Decades I rms Resistance Q min 19 10x1 µH 250 mA 0.02Ω 30 10x10 µH 180 mA 0.28 Ω 30 10x100 µH 150 mA 1.35 Ω 30 10x1 mH 100 mA 5.6 Ω 50 10x10 mH 70 mA 80 Ω 50 10x100 mH 50 mA 200 Ω 50 10x1 H 30 mA 280 Ω 50 Type L70 L50 L40 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 NO. decades 7 5 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Range From 10 x 1 µH to 10 x 1 H from 10 x 100 µH to 10 x 1 H From 10 x 1 mH to 10 x 1 H 10 x 1 µH 10 x 10 µH 10 x 100 µH 10 x 1 mH 10 x 10 mH 10 x 100 mH 10 x 1 H Dimension (mm) 490x80x65 420x80x60 290x80x60 82x82x60 82x82x60 82x82x60 82x82x60 82x82x60 82x82x60 82x82x60 ver 04.15 SAMAR s.r.l. Web: www.samar-instruments.it Via della Pace n. 25 Fr. Zivido - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese - Milano – Italy Tel.: (++39) 02 98242255 (r.a.) Fax:(++39) 02 98242279 E-mail: [email protected] Catalogo on line: www.samarinternet.com VARIOUS ACCESSORIES WELDING STATIONS / DESOLDERING - WELDERS – FUME EXTRACTORS – ACCESSORIES welding station / desoldering fume extractor desoldering pump pistol welder various accessories for welding METER ARM SCALE Type TF/1 metal base, with two supports, one of which releasable and movable 10 by 10 cm from 0.. to 1 m. On each of the supports the device opportunely dimensioned for the clamping of the threads or twin-leads is mounted, with clamps of attack for the current and clamps of attack for the voltage drop to the double bridge or the micro ohmmeter. The two aim knives are of stainless steel. Measurable length: from 0.5 to 1 m - Diameter or thickness that can be inserted: from 0.5 to 15 mm On request Type TF/3 for circular conductors or chordates with diameter from 0.1 to 40 mm Dimension: 1240 x 115 x 125 mm Weight: 11 Kg POTENTIAL DIVIDER – HV PROBE Are available probes of several types on request TOOLS FOR ELECTRONICS TOOL KIT includes a holder and six utensils. CASE FOR TOOLS Several configurations of sets equipped with utensils contained in a comfortable compartment case are available. A portable laboratory, ideal for all the jobs of electricity, hydraulic, mechanical, etc. SPECIAL CASE FOR: - data processing net systems electrical network systems - optic fibres net systems SINGLE TOOL SET On request various tool set for laboratory 20 ver 04.15 SAMAR s.r.l. Web: www.samar-instruments.it Via della Pace n. 25 Fr. Zivido - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese - Milano – Italy Tel.: (++39) 02 98242255 (r.a.) Fax:(++39) 02 98242279 E-mail: [email protected] Catalogo on line: www.samarinternet.com MEASUREMENT TRANSFORMERS - SHUNT CURRENT TRANSFORMERS series TA0.6 Portable precision current transformer for higher ranges than self-contained in a.c. ammeters TECHNICAL DATA Working frequency: 50 – 60 Hz Max voltage of reference for the insulation: 0.6 KV Nominal secondary current: 5 A. (1 A on request) Type TA 0.6/20P TA 0.6/20S TA 0.6/5 primary rated currents A On terminals: 15/50/150 By inserting turns : 200/250/300/500/600 On terminals: 1.5/3/7.5 7.5/15/30 10/25/50 15/30/60 1.5/3-7.5/15/30 Rated burden VA Class Hole diameter mm Dimensions mm Weight Kg Code 15 0.5 0.2 40 175x110x225 3.1 1405 1406 1.1 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 5 0.5 - 140x70x160 On request type TA 0.6/20 for primary current values up to 6000 A POTENTIAL TRANSFORMER SERIES TV 0.6/20 Portable precision potential transformer for higher ranges than self-contained in ac voltmeters. Working frequency : 50 – 60 Hz Max voltage of reference for the insulation : 1.2 KV Test voltage 3 KV Nominal secondary voltage: 100 V On request with secondary voltage of 150 V and with different ratios Type TV 0.6/20P TV 0.6/20S TV 0.6/20P TV 0.6/20S Rated burden VA 20 Class 0.5 0.5 0.2 0.2 ratios 250 – 500/100 500- 1000/100 250 – 500/100 500- 1000/100 Dimension mm Weight Kg 220 X 235 X 210 6.6 Code 1420 1421 1422 1423 SHUNT Various ranges available on request Voltage: 60-75-100 mV (other values on request) accuracy class available: 0.1 to 0.2 - 0.5 to 1 21 ver 04.15 SAMAR s.r.l. Web: www.samar-instruments.it Via della Pace n. 25 Fr. Zivido - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese - Milano – Italy Tel.: (++39) 02 98242255 (r.a.) Fax:(++39) 02 98242279 E-mail: [email protected] Catalogo on line: www.samarinternet.com RATIOMETER Type RTD/4 Designed for measurement of transformation ratio in single-phase and three-phase transformers. Transformation ratio measuring range: from 1 to 10000. 4 ranges accuracy +/- 0.2%. Two selectable test voltages: 20V 2V Indication of polarity (direct or reverse). Indication also of the current drawn during the test, useful to detect any anomalies. Heavy duty container suitable for use in the field. Power rechargeable batteries with built-in charger, complete with cord 1.5 m with safety plug for the mains 230V. Dimensions: 28x26x18 cm; weight: 4 kg RATIOMETER Type RTD/5 Suitable for measuring of transformation ratio of single and three phase transformers of any power. Transformation ratio: from 1 to 10000 4 ranges or autoranges with accuracy +/- 0.2%. Two selectable test voltages: 20V 2V. Indication of polarity (direct or reverse). Indication also of the current drawn on phase 1 during the test, useful to detect any anomalies. Selection phase by 6 position. (1-2, 2-3, 3-1, 1-n, 2-n, 3-n). In the case of three-phase transformers indication in degrees with a resolution of 0.1 ° of the phase angle between primary and secondary (time group). Accuracy of +/- 1 ° electric. Heavy duty container suitable for use in the field. Power rechargeable batteries with built-in charger, complete with cord 1.5 m with safety plug for the mains 230V. Dimensions: 50x44x21 cm; Weight: 7 kg EPSTEIN SQUARE 25 cm Type PE-B/1 Epstein square 25 cm (Epstein reduced) suitable for the measurement of the total iron losses of sheets and strips whether oriented and also not oriented with working frequencies from 16 to 100 Hz and conforming with the requirement CEI 68-1 TECHNICAL DATA Internal cross section of tube: 32 x 10 mm . Tube thickness: 2 mm. Tube length: 215 mm Length covered by coils: 190 mm Secondary winding with two terminals: total turns: 4 x 175 = 700; total resistance: < 2.5 Ω Primary winding with two terminals: total turns: 4 x 175 = 700; total resistance: < 0.6 Ω RECOMMENDED ACCESSORIES Autotransformer type M6IP20 Moving iron voltmeter type SL 150 R 15 – 30 – 60 V, class 0.5 Average voltmeter type SL 150 B/NC 15 – 30 – 60 V, class 0.5 Moving iron ammeter type SL 150 R 1 – 2 A, class 0.5 Dynamometer Wattmeter type SL 150 ED 1 – 2 A/15 – 30 – 60 V, cos∅ = 0.2 class 0.5 Digital frequency meter Dimension: 400 x 400 x 130 mm Weight: 10 Kg DIDACTIC KITS: • software and instrumentation with RS232 interface for computerized data measurement • digital oscilloscope for measurement of the significant curves RECOMMENDED OPTION: FLUXMETER FLUX/1 for the relief of the magnetic flow and the flow density (induction). The beginning of working is based on the measure of the electromotive strength induced in a coil for the Faraday law : e=n dφ ⋅ 10 −8 dt volt where e is the induced voltage, n the number of coil and F is the flow in Maxwell. Power supply battery 9V MAGNETIC SHEET METAL TEST DEVICE Type PLM/1 Compliance with the directive CEE 73-23 and 93-68 according to the rule CEI EN61010 part 1 and to the directive CEE 89-392 according to the rules EN50081-1 CEI 110-7 and EN50082-1 CEI 110-8. Device suitable for the direct digital reading of induction and loss obtained putting directly the probe on the magnetic sheet metal in strips. The instruments allows to determine very fast the loss of magnetic sheets metals having 0.35, 0.5, 0.65 mm thickness, normal type and to oriented crystals. The test takes place the probe or only one samples of metal sheet and setting up on the instruments the thickness and the induction (1 or 1.5 Tesla). The loss reading is direct , without necessity of shearing strips of special form or additional calculations. The working principle consists in creating a magnetic flow on the metal sheet under test by means of a good accuracy wattmeter, to read what is the power necessary to create such flux. Dimensions 250x250x150m The instrument is calibrated by our laboratory by comparison with Peso: 3,5 Kg magnetic sheets iron whose loss values are determined by means of Epstein square. 22 ver 04.15 SAMAR s.r.l. Web: www.samar-instruments.it Via della Pace n. 25 Fr. Zivido - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese - Milano – Italy Tel.: (++39) 02 98242255 (r.a.) Fax:(++39) 02 98242279 E-mail: [email protected] Catalogo on line: www.samarinternet.com DIGITAL GAUSSMETER TYPE DGT/1 Portable instruments of easy use for the measure of permanent magnetic fields with an effect hall sensor. Thanks to the small dimension sensor, the magnetic field is measured locally ( about 4mm2 the flow integration area ) with about 0.1 sec . TECHNICAL DATA Two measurement ranges: 2 and 20 Gauss (0.2/2 Tesla) Precision: ± 1% a 25° C on all the measurement range Transient of heating: 3 min. to allow the auto-reset offset Thermal drift: 0.4%°C Power supply : 2 battery 9V (IEC 6f22) with low bat indication Consumption: less than 5mV Measurement probes: axial ∅ 11 x 60 mm / transversal 1.5 x 16 x 60 mm DIGITAL TACHOMETER SMDT2268 ( on request contact versions and/or interface) Range from 0.5 to 100.000 RPM Resolution of 0.1 RPM for range< 1000 RPM accuracy 0,05% Storing of the value max min and last with recall through the button MEMORY LCD display to high visibility Power supply battery Optical tachometer: 5 to 99999 RPM Contact tachometer: 0.5 to 19999 RPM Superficial velocity: 0.05 to 1999.9 m / min (0.2 to 6560 ft / min) DIGITAL STROBOSCOPE WITH RS-232 SMDT-2269 (on request without RS232) Range: 20 to 10.500 RPM/flash min High precision interface RS-232 Memory for 10 measure with data recall Display 14mm LED 5 digits Power supply : AC 110V/220V/230V, 50/60Hz ENVIRONMENTAL MEASUREMENT Some basic models and with interface RS-232 are available -On request there are other types with various technical data THERMOMETER WITH ONE OR TWO INPUTS INFRARED THERMOMETER TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY INSTRUMENTS DIGITAL LUXMETER ANEMOMETER DIGITAL PH METER MEASURE OF AMOUNT OF OXYGEN DIGITAL DYNAMOMETER WITH RS-232 DIGITAL MANOMETER MULTIPARAMETRIC PHOTOMETER AND REAGENTS TEST CHEMICAL MULTIPARAMETRIC KITS CONDUCTIVITY METER SOUND LEVEL METER FIELDMETER and isotropic probe METEO STATION ON REQUEST ARE AVAILABLE: - AIR ANALYSIS - MICROCLIMATE ANALYSIS - STRUCTURE ANALYSIS 23 ver 04.15 SAMAR s.r.l. Web: www.samar-instruments.it Via della Pace n. 25 Fr. Zivido - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese - Milano – Italy Tel.: (++39) 02 98242255 (r.a.) Fax:(++39) 02 98242279 E-mail: [email protected] Catalogo on line: www.samarinternet.com VARIATORS VARIAC The variac are normally used on circuits of power where a precise voltage value is required. They provide the power supply necessary for the test development ADJUSTABLE SINGLE-PHASE AUTOTRANSFORMERS WITH CONSTANT CURRENT Execution: • IP.00 uncased with / without dial and knob • IP.20, in metal case, no accessory required option: motorizations dc or ac AVAILABLE POWERS: from 100 to 8000 VA (on request other values) Input voltage : from 100 to 250 V (on request other values) Output voltage adjustable with continuity: from 0 to 125/220/250 V (on request other values) ADJUSTABLE THREE-PHASE AUTOTRANSFORMERS WITH CONSTANT CURRENT Execution: • IP.00 uncased with / without dial and knob • IP.20, in metal case, no accessory required option: motorizations dc or ac AVAILABLE POWERS: from 500 to 20000 VA (on request other values) Input voltage : 3x 220/380V (on request other values) Output voltage adjustable with continuity: from 3x 0 a 220/380/440 V(on request other values) ON REQUEST: special versions OPTIONS FOR ALL THE VERSIONS • analogue and digital display with indications of: voltage, current, voltage and current • safety protections • trolley ON REQUEST: mechanical stabilizers or electronic and inverter. RHEOSTATS Rectilinear slide rheostats suitable for the regulation of the current and the voltage Special executions on request: - double candle - circulars Available standard models with power 160W – 320W – 640W – 960W – 3x320W (on request other values) Several resistive values, by choice: 0.5 – 1 – 3 – 10 – 30 – 50 – 100 – 300 – 500 – 1000 – 3000 – 5000 Ω (on request other values) 24 ver 04.15 SAMAR s.r.l. Web: www.samar-instruments.it Via della Pace n. 25 Fr. Zivido - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese - Milano – Italy Tel.: (++39) 02 98242255 (r.a.) Fax:(++39) 02 98242279 E-mail: [email protected] Catalogo on line: www.samarinternet.com ANALOGUE INSTRUMENTS The proposed instruments are an example of the various available combinations: • • • Analogue professional types in typical bakelite case and digital versions Analogue and digital types in plastic case Analogue and digital type in aluminium case for use on the desk or vertical with possibility of plug-in insertion in the suitable support structure GENERAL TECNICAL CHARACTERISTICS FOR INSTRUMENTS • • • • • DC, AC, DC and AC use Type of instruments: ammeter, voltmeter, wattmeter, varmeter, frequency-meter, power factor meter etc.. Some models are supplied with RS232 interface Ranges: to be defined 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 …. ranges Instruments precision: 0.2 – 0.5 – 1 – 1.5 – 2 – 2.5 - ….. We are at disposal to quote the configuration you wish / included the certificate of calibration Analogue professional instruments in typical bakelite case AMMETERS, VOLTMETERS, WATTMETERS, VARMETERS, PHASEMETERS, POWER FACTOR METERS, FREQUENCY-METERS class 0.2 – 0.5 -1 % AVAILABLE VERSIONS: • Moving coil • Moving iron • Dynamometer Scale arc 125mm with fine divisions on white enamelled metallic dial and ant parallax mirror Full range of instruments for dc and ac use to different ranges and precision Terminals with concentric profile according to safety rules; knife edge pointer. On request: shunts/ voltage and current transformers Dimensions:140x170x80mm Weight: approx 2,5 Kg VOLTMETERS, AMMETERS MOVING COIL TYPES FOR DC AND AC 4 RANGES Class 0.2 Class 0.5 Class 1 VOLTMETER Type SL 200B Code Type SL 150 B/NC Code Type SL 150 B/E Code 0..5 – 0.25 – 1 – 5 V 0.1 – 0.5 – 2.5 – 10 V 1 – 5 – 25 – 100 V 6 – 30 – 150 – 600 V 3110 3113 3116 3120 3160 3163 3166 3170 3190 3193 3196 3200 4 ranges MICROAMMETERS MILLIAMMETERS AMMETERS 20 – 100 – 500 – 2500 µA 0.1 – 0.5 – 2.5 - 10 mA 0.5 – 2.5 – 10 - 50 mA 1 – 5 – 25 - 100 mA 5 – 25 – 100 - 500 mA 10 – 50 – 250 – 1000 mA 0.05 – 0.25 – 1 - 5 A 0.1 – 0.5 – 2.5 - 10 A 0.2 – 1 – 5 - 25 A 0.3 – 1.5 – 7.5 – 30 A 25 Class 0.2 Type SL 200B Code 2960 2961 2962 2963 2964 2965 2966 2967 2968 2969 Class 0.5 Type SL 150B/NC Code 3046 3047 3048 3049 3050 3051 3052 3053 3054 Internal resistance Ω/V Moving coil instruments for dc and ac measures of currents and voltage on request, carrying case 133.33 133.33 1000 1000 Class 1 Type SL 150B/E Code 3090 3091 3092 3093 3094 3101 3102 3103 3104 VOLTMETERS On request other ranges up to 600V NO. ranges: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 AMMETERS MILLIAMMETERS MICROAMMETERS On request other ranges NO. ranges: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 ver 04.15 SAMAR s.r.l. Web: www.samar-instruments.it Via della Pace n. 25 Fr. Zivido - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese - Milano – Italy Tel.: (++39) 02 98242255 (r.a.) Fax:(++39) 02 98242279 E-mail: [email protected] Catalogo on line: www.samarinternet.com MOVIMG IRON VOLTMETERS, AMMETERS TYPES FOR DC AND AC moving iron instruments for voltage and current measures dc and ac (50-60 Hz) AMMETERS MILLIAMPEROMETRI 50 – 250 mA 100 – 500 mA 0.5 – 2,5 A 1–5A 2.5 – 5 A 10 – 20 A 15 – 30 A 50 – 100 A 50 – 200 – 1000 mA 0.1 – 0.5 – 2.5 A 0.5– 2 – 10 A 1 – 5 – 20 A Class 0.5 Type SL 150R Code 3330 3331 3332 3333 3335 3336 3337 3339 3340 3341 3342 3343 Class 1 Type SL 150 R/E Code 3390 3391 3392 3393 3394 3396 3327 3329 3397 3398 3399 3400 Consumption VOLTMETERS 1 VA 7,5 – 15 - 30 V 15 – 30 – 60 V 60 – 120 - 240 V 150 – 300 - 600 V 60 – 120 – 240 - 480 V 75 – 150 – 300 - 600 V Class 0.5 Type SL 150R Code 3410 3411 3412 3413 3414 3415 Class 1 Type SL 150 R/E Code 3470 3471 3472 3473 3474 3475 Consumption approx 300 mA 200 mA 45 mA 35 mA 45 mA 40 mA On request other ranges NO. ranges: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 ON REQUEST CLASS 0.2 on request, carrying case DINAMOMETER VOLTMETERS, AMMETERS, WATTMETERS, POWER FACTOR METERS INSTRUMENTS DC AND AC USE UP TO 100Hz class 0.5 (on request 0.2) VOLTMETERS 15 – 30 - 75 V 75-150-300-450 V On request other ranges Class 0.5 Type SL 150ED Code 3410 3411 Consumption approx 2 VA Short-time highest overload 100% range selection by rotary switch with off position AMMETERS 0. – 0.2 A 1–2A 25. – 5 A 5 – 10 A On request other ranges Class 0.5 TYPE SL 150ED Code 2810 2811 2812 2813 Consumption approx 2 VA Short-time highest overload 100% range selection by switch on request, carrying case SINGLE AND THREE PHASE WATTMETERS TYPE SL150ED BALANCED LOAD (ON REQUEST VARMETERS) current ranges voltage ranges code notes Special executions On request 0. – 0. A 1–2A 2. – 5 A 5 – 10 A 0. – 0. A 1–2A 2. – 5 A 5 – 10 A 15-30-75-150V 75-150-300-450 V 2820 2821 2822 2823 2825 2826 2827 2828 Current range selection by switch Voltage range selection by rotary switch with off position . Complete with reversing switch in the voltage circuit Consumption current circuit 1,5 VA approx to 5 A 50-60Hz and voltage circuit 15mA (1KΩ/60V) Version cosφ 0. or 0. Version three phase for balanced loads other ranges Short-time highest overload current circuit 100% voltage circuit 50% On request voltage and wattmeter switches POWER FACTOR METER TYPE SL150Ф Single and three phase types 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 ranges current ranges 1–2A 2.5 – 5 A 5 – 10 A 10 – 20 A voltage ranges notes No. 1 internal range choice among: 100-125-160-220-280-380-440 V Current range selection by switch. Consumption current circuit 2.5 VA approx 5 A 50-60Hz and voltage circuit 2x40mA Short-time highest overload current circuit 100% - voltage circuit 50% Other ranges realized by outside additional resistor on request, carrying case FREQUENCY METERS Class 0.5 type SL150F Analogue electronic frequency-meters suitable for the measure of the frequency of the ac industrial voltage by static converter. On request other ranges Electronic educational frequency-meter Measuring field HZ Voltage 45 -55 55 - 65 45 - 65 One value at your choice among: 100 – 220 – 380 V Analogue electronic frequency-meter Type SLD-E/F Range from 45 to 65 Hz. Working voltage from 100 to 400 V. Precision 1. 26 ver 04.15 SAMAR s.r.l. Web: www.samar-instruments.it Via della Pace n. 25 Fr. Zivido - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese - Milano – Italy Tel.: (++39) 02 98242255 (r.a.) Fax:(++39) 02 98242279 E-mail: [email protected] Catalogo on line: www.samarinternet.com PHASEMETERS Phasemeter type STD10000. Educational equipment suitable for measuring 50-60 Hz the vectors of voltage and current. (phase and opposite) Equipped with two analogue instruments which simultaneously measure the components phase and opposite referred to a voltage or a current. The instrument is suitable to study a alternate circuit and show the phase diagrams. The phasemeter STD10000 is equipped with an auxiliary exit 0-10 V 50-60Hz to supply the circuits. Power supply 230 V. Single phase digital phasemeter type FDM/DEG Current range : 0.5 – 5 A Voltage range : 100 – 450 V Precision ± 1°± 1 digit Power supply 230 V single and three phase dynamometer phasemeters with balanced load 50 Hz. Type SL 150 Ø. Couples of available current ranges (1-2) ; (2.5-5) ; (5-10) ; (10- 20)A voltage ranges a your choice between: 100- 125- 160- 230- 280- 400 V (others on request) Scale 0.2ind-1-0.8cap. on request other ranger examples: (0ind-1) or (0.5ind-1- 0.5cap). Precision 1% Analogue electronic phasemeters. Type SLD-E/ØAM single phase type SLD-E/ØAMT single – three phase Range 80 to 450 V and 0.3 to 5A Scale 0.2ind-1-0.8cap. on request other ranger examples (0ind-1) o (0.5ind-1- 0.5cap). Precision 1%. Power supply 230 V EDUCATIONAL INSTRUMENTS Analogue instruments in plastic case AMMETERS, VOLTMETERS, WATTMETERS, VARMETERS, PHASEMETERS, FREQUENCY-METERS Accuracy 1 – 1.5 - 2 – 2.5 % AVAILABLE TYPES: • • • • Moving coil Moving iron Dynamometer Electronic Full range of instruments for dc and ac use to several ranges and precision Scale arc 60 – 90 -125mm with fine divisions on white enamelled metallic dial with or without ant parallax mirror Terminals with concentric profile according to safety rules; knife-edge pointer. Fuse protected 27 ver 04.15 SAMAR s.r.l. Web: www.samar-instruments.it Via della Pace n. 25 Fr. Zivido - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese - Milano – Italy Tel.: (++39) 02 98242255 (r.a.) Fax:(++39) 02 98242279 E-mail: [email protected] Catalogo on line: www.samarinternet.com Digital instruments in plastic case AMMETERS, VOLTMETERS, WATTMETERS, VARMETERS, PHASEMETERS, FREQUENCY-METERS Accuracy 1 – 1.5 - 2 – 2.5 % Display: 3 or 3 ½ or 4 or 4 ½ digits AVAILABLE R232-USB-WIRELESS VERSION Full range of instruments for dc and ac use with several ranges and precision Terminals with concentric profile according to safety rules. On request: shunt / current and voltage transformers DOUBLE DISPLAY DIGITAL AND ANALOGUE Low cost energy analyzer type APR/FR Measure of electrical parameters in a single-phase and threephase networks. From 0 to 500 V and from 0 to 6 A multirange (8 for voltage, 8 for current) • simultaneous acquisition of: RMS voltages, RMS currents, frequency, cosφ, powers, energies, THD… • in field configuration of CT and VT ratios for direct values reading (automatic selection engineering units) • a single device for all type of connection: single-phase, three-phase with 2 CT (ARON), three-phase with 3 CT • automatic change of groups of measures • averaging with selectable response time • addressable RS485 serial output on request Auxiliary power supply 230 V AC analogue and digital type in aluminium case for use on the desk or vertically with possibility of plug-in insertion in the suitable support structure AMMETERS, VOLTMETERS, WATTMETERS, VARMETERS, PHASEMETERS, FREQUENCY-METERS Accuracy 1 – 1.5 - 2 – 2.5 % AVAILABLE TYPES: • Moving coil • Moving iron • Dynamometer • Electronic Digital type with display: 3 or 3 ½ or 4 or 4 ½ digits Available interface wireless or USB for digital type Full range of instruments for dc and ac with several ranges and precision On request: shunt / current and voltage transformers FREQUENCYMETERS Frequency meter analog electronic Measuring range from 45 to 65 Hz. Voltage of use from 100 to 400 V. Accuracy 0.5. Frequency meter electronic educational analog measuring range from 45 to 65 Hz. Operating voltage from 100 to 400 V. Accuracy 1. digital frequency meter 28 ver 04.15 SAMAR s.r.l. Web: www.samar-instruments.it Via della Pace n. 25 Fr. Zivido - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese - Milano – Italy Tel.: (++39) 02 98242255 (r.a.) Fax:(++39) 02 98242279 E-mail: [email protected] Catalogo on line: www.samarinternet.com POWER ANALYSER AND HARMONICS TYPE APR/FR-ARM2 with interface – software - harmonic measures Multifunction instruments with graphic display for local and telecontrol measurements type APR/FR-ARM2 with interface – software - harmonic measures. Single and three-phase at 3 and 4 wires power analyzer MEASUREMENTS - Measurements with automatic or manual scanning of: W, Waverage, VAr, VA, VAaverage, cosø , cosø average, V, I, I average, HZ, THD (min and max for all the measurements), KWh, KVArh on 4 quadrants. TRMS measurements in twisted wave form (voltage and currents) · RANGE max : 430V / 5A direct (option: expansion with current clamps) (on request: other ranges) · DIGITAL DISPLAY · USB OUTPUT AND SOFTWARE · Included software and study of the harmonicas Microprocessor 32bit ; Class 0.5; back lighted display with 4 simultaneous measures Harmonic analysis (FFT) up to 50° with graphic and digital indication (current and voltage); rising harmonic source. Autorange for voltage and current inputs Power supply 230 V Equipped with software OPTIONS: N. 3 current clamps 600/1 A ( on request other ranges) / bag for clamps TYPE APR/FR-ARM with harmonic measures Multifunction instruments with graphic display for local measurements type APR/FR-ARM with harmonic measures. Single and three-phase at 3 and 4 wires power analyzer MEASUREMENTS - Measurements with manual scanning of: W, Waverage, VAr, VA, VAaverage, cosø , cosø average, V, I, I average, HZ, THD (min and max for all the measurements), KWh, KVArh on 4 quadrants. TRMS measurements in twisted wave form (voltage and currents) · RANGE max : 430V / 5A direct (option: expansion with current clamps) (on request: other ranges) · DIGITAL DISPLAY Microprocessor 32bit ; Class 0.5; back lighted display with 4 simultaneous measures Harmonic analysis (FFT) up to 50° with graphic and digital indication (current and voltage); rising harmonic source. Autorange for voltage and current inputs Power supply 230 V OPTIONS: N. 3 current clamps 600/1 A ( on request other ranges) / bag for clamps POWER ANALYSER TYPE APR/FR Multifunction instruments for local measurements type APR/FR. Single and three-phase at 3 and 4 wires power analyzer It makes possible the following measurements: voltages, currents, active power, reactive power, apparent power, power factor, energy. Display with selection of measurement. Range: 5 A/400 V direct (option: expansion with current clamps) (on request: other ranges) constructed in a strong external box Plastic panel. Power supply 230 V Equipped with software OPTIONS: N. 3 current clamps 600/1 A ( on request other ranges) / bag for clamps APR-FR 29 ver 04.15 SAMAR s.r.l. Web: www.samar-instruments.it Via della Pace n. 25 Fr. Zivido - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese - Milano – Italy Tel.: (++39) 02 98242255 (r.a.) Fax:(++39) 02 98242279 E-mail: [email protected] Catalogo on line: www.samarinternet.com AUTOMATED ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENTS Data acquisition system in electrical measurements and electrical machinery of any power and electrical characteristics SERIES ETC WIRELESS INTERFACE We propose several trainers dedicated to the study of various electrical machines and power measurements in a three-phase system ARON. Includes WIRELESS interface and software that guides the user step by step. Ability to connect the system to LIM and TABLET for a modern teaching and sharing of tests performed. TRAINER WIRELESS SINGLE PHASE TRANSFORMER Type ETCW/TM terminal according accident prevention The system includes: - Module measuring instruments: digital instrumentss 4 digits 10,000 points, precision ac 0.5%, interface wireless.Tipo MS / TRTRMON V1 - measure dc and ac range 100V - 750Vac / 1000Vdc V2 - measure dc range 100V - 1000V dc A1 - measure dc and ac range 1000mA - 10 A W1- range 1000W - 10.000W W2- range 1000W - 10.000W A4110S - SINGLE PHASE TRANSFORMERS Educational transformer basically industrial models especially equipped to be suitable for training. For this purpose the windings ends are connected to 4 mm safety sockets in a metal housing on top of which a clear electrical drawing shows the internal logic. The students can therefore easily understand operation and windings connections. The primary windings have a central tap to make it possible to supply full or half of the nominal voltage. The secondary windings are implemented in two sections for separate use or, by connecting them in series, for cumulative output voltage. Nominal Power: 200 VA (Other Nominal Powers are available on request ) Voltage: 110-220 V 50-60 Hz (Other Voltages can be specified on the order included 24 / 48 V ) - Set of cables accident prevention wires of varying length red and black colors for the tests - Manual and guided experiences - Software unlimited license SOFTWARE SUITABLE FOR EXPERIENCES WITH SINGLE-PHASE TRANSFORMER, COMPLETE OF CALCULATION OF CONVENTIONAL EFFICIENCY AND RELEVANT DIAGRAMS TYPE ETC-SWTM 1 Measurement of winding resistance by voltage-current method. 2 Determination of the transformation ratio with direct reading of voltage. 3 No-load test with determination of Po, Io, Cosfìo. 4 Short circuit test with determination of Pcc, Vcc, Cosfìcc. 5 Determination of the equivalent circuit and calculation of efficiency and voltage drop, according to load variations. 30 ver 04.15 SAMAR s.r.l. Web: www.samar-instruments.it Via della Pace n. 25 Fr. Zivido - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese - Milano – Italy Tel.: (++39) 02 98242255 (r.a.) Fax:(++39) 02 98242279 E-mail: [email protected] Catalogo on line: www.samarinternet.com TRAINER WIRELESS THREE PHASE TRANSFORMER Type ETCW/TT terminal according accident prevention The system includes: - Module measuring instruments: digital instrumentss 4 digits 10,000 points, precision ac 0.5%, interface wireless.Tipo MS / TRTRTRI V1 - measure dc and ac range 100V - 750Vac / 1000Vdc V2 - measure dc and ac range 100V - 750Vac / 1000Vdc A1 - measure dc and ac range 1000mA - 10 A A2 - measure dc and ac range 1000mA - 10 A A3 - measure dc and ac range 1000mA - 10 A W1- range 1000W - 10.000W W2- range 1000W - 10.000W A4120S - THREE PHASE TRANSFORMERS Educational transformer basically industrial models especially equipped to be suitable for training. For this purpose the windings ends are connected to 4 mm safety sockets in a metal housing on top of which a clear electrical drawing shows the internal logic. The students can therefore easily understand operation and windings connections. The primary windings have a central tap to make it possible to supply full or half of the nominal voltage. The secondary windings are implemented in two sections for separate use or, by connecting them in series, for cumulative output voltage. Nominal Power: 200 VA (Other Nominal Powers are available on request ) Voltage: 220-380 V 50-60 Hz (Other Voltages can be specified on the order included 24 / 48 V ) - Set of cables accident prevention wires of varying length red and black colors for the tests - Manual and guided experiences - Software unlimited license SOFTWARE SUITABLE FOR EXPERIENCES WITH THREE-PHASE TRANSFORMER, COMPLETE OF CALCULATION OF CONVENTIONAL EFFICIENCY AND RELEVANT DIAGRAMS TYPE ETC-SWTT 1 Measurement of winding resistance by voltage-current method. 2 Determination of the transformation ratio with direct reading of voltage. 3 No-load test with determination of Po, Io, Cosfìo. 4 Short circuit test with determination of Pcc, Vcc, Cosfìcc. 5 Determination of the equivalent circuit and calculation of efficiency and voltage drop, according to load variations. 31 ver 04.15 SAMAR s.r.l. Web: www.samar-instruments.it Via della Pace n. 25 Fr. Zivido - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese - Milano – Italy Tel.: (++39) 02 98242255 (r.a.) Fax:(++39) 02 98242279 E-mail: [email protected] Catalogo on line: www.samarinternet.com TRAINER WIRELESS AC MOTOR Type ETCW/MCA terminal according accident prevention The system includes: - Module measuring instruments: digital instrumentss 4 digits 10,000 points, precision ac 0.5%, interface wireless. Tipo MS / TRMOTTRI V1 - measure dc and ac range 100V - 750Vac / 1000Vdc V2 - measure dc and ac range 100V - 750Vac / 1000Vdc A1 - measure dc and ac range 1000mA - 10 A A2 - measure dc and ac range 1000mA - 10 A A3 - measure dc and ac range 1000mA - 10 A W1- range 1000W - 10.000W W2- range 1000W - 10.000W A4220 - SQUIRREL CAGE THREE PHASE MOTORS Educational motors basically industrial models especially equipped to be suitable for training. For this purpose the windings ends are connected to 4 mm safety sockets in a metal housing on top of which a clear electrical drawing shows the internal logic. The students can therefore easily understand operation and windings connections that can be configured for STAR or DELTA schemes. Nominal Power 200W (Other Nominal Powers are available on request ) Voltage: 220 /380 V (Other Voltages can be specified on the order included 24 / 48 V ) Nominal Speed 2850 50 Hz Included: Star-Delta starter - Set of cables accident prevention wires of varying length red and black colors for the tests - Manual and guided experiences - Software unlimited license SOFTWARE SUITABLE FOR EXPERIENCES WITH ELECTRICAL MOTORS, COMPLETE OF CALCULATION OF CONVENTIONAL EFFICIENCY AND RELEVANT GRAPHIC REPRESENTATIONS AND CIRCULAR DIAGRAMS, WHERE NECESSARY TYPE ETC-SWM 1 Measurement of stator and rotor resistance by voltage-current method. 2 Measurement of the transformation ratio 3 No-load test with determination of Po, Io, Cosfìo. 4 Short circuit test with determination of Icc, Cosfìcc. 5 Tracing of the circular diagram and calculation of the conventional efficiency. 6 Direct test with determination of electrical and mechanical characteristics with relevant visualization by tables and diagrams. OPTION AC MOTOR CONTROL TYPE REG/CA ELECTRONIC MODULE OF SPEED ADJUSTMENT IN A.C. OPEN AND CLOSED LOOP 32 ver 04.15 SAMAR s.r.l. Web: www.samar-instruments.it Via della Pace n. 25 Fr. Zivido - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese - Milano – Italy Tel.: (++39) 02 98242255 (r.a.) Fax:(++39) 02 98242279 E-mail: [email protected] Catalogo on line: www.samarinternet.com TRAINER WIRELESS DC MOTOR Type ETCW/MCC terminal according accident prevention The system includes: - Module measuring instruments: digital instrumentss 4 digits 10,000 points, precision ac 0.5%, interface wireless. Tipo MS / TRMOTCC V1 - measure dc range 100V - 1000Vdc V2 - measure dc range 100V - 1000Vdc A1 - measure dc range 1000mA - 10 A A2 - measure dc and ac range 1000mA - 10 A W1- range 1000W - 10.000W A4240 - DC COMPOUND EXCITATION MACHINES AVAILABLE A4242 - DC SERIES EXCITATION MACHINES A4244 - DC SHUNT EXCITATION MACHINES Educational motors/generators basically industrial models especially equipped to be suitable for training. For this purpose the windings ends are connected to 4 mm safety sockets in a metal housing on top of which a clear electrical drawing shows the internal logic. The students can therefore easily understand operation and windings connections. The machine has two excitation windings: one for series and one for shunt excitations. Nominal Power 200W (Other Nominal Powers are available on request ) Motor Input Voltage - Generator Output Voltage : 220 V (Other Voltages can be specified on the order included 24 / 48 V ) Nominal Speed 2850 50 Hz Excitation Voltage 220V Included: Starting Rheostat and Excitation Rheostat - Set of cables accident prevention wires of varying length red and black colors for the tests - Manual and guided experiences - Software unlimited license SOFTWARE SUITABLE FOR EXPERIENCE ON D.C. MACHINES TYPE ETC-SWCC D.C. MOTOR WITH SEPARATE EXCITATION 1 Measurement of winding resistance by voltage current method. 2 Determination of excitation characteristic 3 Determination of external characteristics 4 Determination of regulation characteristic. 5 Determination of mechanical and iron loss. 6 Calculation of the conventional efficiency. 7 Determination of the characteristics couple – speed and efficiency. OPTION DC MOTOR CONTROL TYPE REG/CC ELECTRONIC MODULE OF SPEED ADJUSTMENT IN D.C. SYSTEM OF MOTOR CONTROL FOR D.C. COMPOSED BY SPEED CONTROL BOARD FOR SERVOMOTOR OF LATEST GENERATION 33 ver 04.15 SAMAR s.r.l. Web: www.samar-instruments.it Via della Pace n. 25 Fr. Zivido - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese - Milano – Italy Tel.: (++39) 02 98242255 (r.a.) Fax:(++39) 02 98242279 E-mail: [email protected] Catalogo on line: www.samarinternet.com TRAINER WIRELESS SYNCHRONOUS THREE PHASE MACHINES Type ETCW/MS terminal according accident prevention The system includes: - Module measuring instruments: digital instrumentss 4 digits 10,000 points, precision ac 0.5%, interface wireless. Tipo MS / TRMOTSIN V1 - measure dc and ac range 100V - 750Vac / 1000Vdc V2 - measure dc and ac range 100V - 750Vac / 1000Vdc A1 - measure dc and ac range 1000mA - 10 A A2 - measure dc and ac range 1000mA - 10 A A3 - measure dc and ac range 1000mA - 10 A W1- range 1000W - 10.000W W2- range 1000W - 10.000W A4223S - SYNCHRONOUS THREE PHASE MACHINES Educational motors/generators basically industrial models especially equipped to be suitable for training. For this purpose the windings ends are connected to 4 mm safety sockets in a metal housing on top of which a clear electrical drawing shows the internal logic. The students can therefore easily understand operation and windings connections. The stator can be configured for STAR or DELTA schemes. Nominal Power 200W (Other Nominal Powers are available on request ) Voltage 220 - 380 V (Other Voltages can be specified on the order included 24 / 48 V ) Nominal Speed 2850 50 Hz Included: Excitation Rheostat - Set of cables accident prevention wires of varying length red and black colors for the tests - Manual and guided experiences - Software unlimited license SOFTWARE SUITABLE FOR EXPERIENCE ON ALTERNATOR TYPE ETC-SWMS 1 Determination of winding resistance by voltage-current method. 2 Determination of no-load or magnetization characteristics 3 Determination of short circuit characteristic and calculation of the synchronous impedance. 4 Determination of additional losses. 5 Determination of external characteristic by the simplified method of Behn-Eshemburg. 6 Tracing of the regulation characteristic by using the simplified method of Behn-Eshemburg and calculation of the conventional efficiency. SWITCH FOR MEASURING RESISTANCE TYPE SWITCH / 4 Switch specifically designed for the measurement of resistance to very low value. Particularly useful on engines and transformers when using the resistance measurement to determine the temperature rise of a winding and want to quickly switch up to 4 windings. It 'a 4-way switch, two for amperometric circuit for currents up to 50 A and two for voltage circuit capable of switching signals of very low level of the order of mV. The switching is achieved with completely different devices: • current switching with power contactors, capable of switching up to 50 A but not suitable for very low signals • voltage switching with relay gold contacts suitable for low level signals and capable of switching up to 1 A • Both circuits are controlled by a rotary switch. The maximum voltage of use is 100 V dc or ac. The outputs are on terminals with the possibility of the use of the fork. • The equipment is realized in a plastic box of dimensions 40x30x12 cm. • Auxiliary power supply to 230 V. 34 ver 04.15 SAMAR s.r.l. Web: www.samar-instruments.it Via della Pace n. 25 Fr. Zivido - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese - Milano – Italy Tel.: (++39) 02 98242255 (r.a.) Fax:(++39) 02 98242279 E-mail: [email protected] Catalogo on line: www.samarinternet.com TRAINER WIRELESS THREE PHASE SYSTEM Type ETCW/ST terminal according accident prevention The system includes: - Module measuring instruments: digital instrumentss 4 digits 10,000 points, precision ac 0.5%, interface wireless. Tipo MS / TRTRIF V1 - measure dc and ac range 100V - 1000Vdc A1 - measure dc and ac range 1000mA - 10 A A2 - measure dc and ac range 1000mA - 10 A A3 - measure dc and ac range 1000mA - 10 A W1- range 1000W - 10.000W W2- range 1000W - 10.000W - Set of cables accident prevention wires of varying length red and black colors for the tests - Manual and guided experiences - Software unlimited license 1 Measurement of power in a single-phase circuit. 2 Measurement of power and power factor in three-phase symmetrical and balanced system by ARON insertion. ACQUISITION MODULE LINK WIRELESS TYPE SM/RFLINK Link Module acquisition to be connected to the USB port of the computer to acquire data wireless 35 ver 04.15 SAMAR s.r.l. Web: www.samar-instruments.it Via della Pace n. 25 Fr. Zivido - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese - Milano – Italy Tel.: (++39) 02 98242255 (r.a.) Fax:(++39) 02 98242279 E-mail: [email protected] Catalogo on line: www.samarinternet.com ELECTRICAL TEST COMPUTER ETC ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENT INSTRUMENTS AND AUTOMATED SYSTEM SAMAR is offering a system for data acquisition and control, suitable for electrical measures and machines. The purpose of our suggested system, combined with the traditional measuring methods, is to ensure that future technicians compare traditional methods with new technologies and with different work methods. USB interface. The Data Acquisition Unit consists of: - multi function instruments with interface, 4000 points LCD and bar-graph display, on which readings of AC and DC voltages and currents, resistance, temperature and frequency can be manually scrolled; they are particularly useful in performing the general electricity measures. – power analyser with graphic display to measure power related parameters such as V, I, W, VAR, cosf , Hz, KWh, KVARh, averages, and distortion measures up to the 50th harmonic. They can also be scrolled manually. - set RPM optical sensor and instruments and torque sensor and instruments The system enables: - Electrical measurements and electrical machines - Energy measurement, electrical power network analysis, energy quality, energy saving - harmonic distortion analysis It guides the user through the exercises by means of clear menu and instructions, online helps, input data validation as far as ranges and consistency are concerned. Reproductions of instrument faces are shown on the computer monitor and their readings are updated in real time. The data acquired are visualized on tables and graphs for detailed analysis and for subsequent printing. The parameters and characteristics such as colours and lines can be selected by the user. By manually inserting test data through the PC keyboard, instead of acquiring them from the computer, it is possible to simulate and demonstrate tests and exercises without having connected any equipment. The system enables: - Electrical measurements and electrical machines - Energy measurement, energy saving - Analysis of electrical mains, energy quality - Analysis of harmonics The system of electrical automated measurements includes: a) Measurement unit type ETC-N: turret including instrument with graphical display for measurements of V, I, W, VAR, cosfi,Hz, KWh, KVARh, average and harmonics up to 50° in single-phase and three-phase systems and n. 2 digital multimeters with large display , 4000 readings and bargraph for measurement d.c. and a.c. of voltage and current + temperature and frequency. This unit can be used also for general electrical measurements. b) Group to detect mechanical measurements type ETC-M: (number of rounds and optical sensor) and couple (instrument and load cell to be installed on the brake not included) c) USB adapter type ETC-SKUSB Design & Project & Production & Trading of Industrial and Educational Instruments Software consists of: Refer to the list of software described above (available English manuals) 1) SOFTWARE SUITABLE FOR EXPERIENCES IN GENERAL ELECTROTECHNICS TYPE ETC-SWEG 2) SOFTWARE SUITABLE FOR EXPERIENCES WITH SINGLE-PHASE TRANSFORMER, COMPLETE OF CALCULATION OF CONVENTIONAL EFFICIENCY AND RELEVANT DIAGRAMS TYPE ETC-SWTM 3) SOFTWARE SUITABLE FOR EXPERIENCES WITH THREE-PHASE TRANSFORMER, COMPLETE OF CALCULATION OF CONVENTIONAL EFFICIENCY AND RELEVANT DIAGRAMS TYPE ETC-SWTT 4) SOFTWARE SUITABLE FOR EXPERIENCES WITH ELECTRICAL MOTORS, COMPLETE OF CALCULATION OF CONVENTIONAL EFFICIENCY AND RELEVANT GRAPHIC REPRESENTATIONS AND CIRCULAR DIAGRAMS, WHERE NECESSARY TYPE ETC-SWM 5) SOFTWARE SUITABLE FOR EXPERIENCE ON D.C. MACHINES TYPE ETC-SWCC 6) SOFTWARE SUITABLE FOR EXPERIENCE ON ALTERNATOR TYPE ETC-SWMS 7) SOFTWARE FOR ELECTRICAL MAINS AND HARMONICS TYPE ETC-SWAR 36 ver 04.15 SAMAR s.r.l. Web: www.samar-instruments.it Via della Pace n. 25 Fr. Zivido - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese - Milano – Italy Tel.: (++39) 02 98242255 (r.a.) Fax:(++39) 02 98242279 E-mail: [email protected] Catalogo on line: www.samarinternet.com Energy saving kit type KRE Kit analysis and study of energy saving. Trainer kit to investigate and study the concepts of applications based on energy saving in industrial and residential systems. Includes: N. 1 Module with n.3 lamps E26 N. 1 Module simulation single-phase system N. 1 Module halogen lamp 230V 75W N. 1 Module incandescent lamp 230V 75W N. 1 Module fluorescent lamp and low-consumption light output equivalent to a 75W incandescent bulb Connection cables The kit proposes the study of energy saving applied to a lighting system. In particular compare a lighting system with traditional incandescent lamps and lamps "energy saving" low consumption. Both systems offer the same luminous flux (neglecting the color tone) and can be regarded as equivalent. The comparison will highlight the various technical aspects and costs. The module is a lighting dummy with an installed capacity of about 7500W (incandescent). OPTION: digital instruments A-V- W-VAR- Wh- VARh- cosØ for single and three-phase measurements type APR-FR/ARM2 with interface – software – harmonics ANALYSIS OF ELECTRICAL NETWORK, POWER QUALITY, DISTURBANCE AND HARMONICS TYPE KIT/ANALDIST The module studies and measures the quality of the electric energy, relief of the harmonicas, takes the relative corrective provisions to obtain acceptable wave forms for the good working of the electric and electronic equipment fed by the electrical network. It is possible: realization of the typical circuits, acquisition of the wave forms: voltage, current, evaluation of the harmonic distortions and the level of the disturbance, use of filters to simulate troubles or improve the situation after the analysis of the electric energy and the tracking of troubles. ELECTRICAL MACHINES (see dedicated brochure) SINGLE AND THREE PHASE TRANSFORMERS SINGLE AND THREE PHASE ASYNCHRONOUS MOTORS (squirrel cage- slip ring- single phase) SYNCRHRONOUS MACHINES DC MACHINES AND GENERATORS BRAKING DC GENERATORS EDDY CURRENT BRAKES STARTER RHEOSTAT - EXCITATION RHEOSTAT TROLLEY COUPLING BASE COUPLE AND RPM INSTRUMENTS RLC LOADS CABLES AND ACCESSORIES 37 ver 04.15 SAMAR s.r.l. Web: www.samar-instruments.it Via della Pace n. 25 Fr. Zivido - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese - Milano – Italy Tel.: (++39) 02 98242255 (r.a.) Fax:(++39) 02 98242279 E-mail: [email protected] Catalogo on line: www.samarinternet.com INSULATION TESTER UP TO 5000V TYPE MI/D Suitable for fast and accurate measures of insulation resistance of cables, electrical machines and in the installation and maintenance of electrical installations. It equipped with two digital displays for the reading of the output voltage and insulation resistance. The test voltage can be continuously varied from 500 to 5000 V in two ranges, operating on a potentiometer. It equipped with button measurement with self-discharge capacity of the external circuit. Measure from 0.1 MΩ to 200 GΩ in 5 ranges switchable: 20-200MΩ -2-20-200 GΩ Accuracy: ± 1.5% ± 5 digits from 0.1 MΩ to 2 GΩ; ± 5% from 2 to 20 GΩ; 10% from 20 to 20 GΩ to 200 GΩ Short circuit current: about 0.5 mA.- self-discharge resistor 100 Kohm. Power supply 230 V, with rechargeable batteries and battery charger built. In a plastic box with cover. Supplied with two measurement leads 1.5 m long, with banana terminals and two crocodiles. Dimensions: 240x210x190 mm. / Weight: 1.9 kg (including batteries). ANALOGUE INSULATION TESTER UP TO 5000 V TYPE MI/10 Suitable for fast and accurate measures of the insulation resistance in the installation and maintenance. DESCRIPTION • analogue instruments with a 110mm long scale direct reading • Setting knob for resetting • Connection safety terminals to the external circuit • Terminal guard to drain the surface currents • Button of measurement • Complete with pair of cables and crocodiles TECHNICAL DATA •Ranges test: 1000-2000-5000 VDC • Voltage 1000V scale numbered from 0 to 2000 Mohm • Voltage 2000V scale numbered from 0 to 4000 Mohm • Voltage 5000V scale numbered from 0 to 10000 Mohm • Change ranges by terminal voltage • Accuracy ± 2% of the angular scale • Self-discharge less than 30 seconds • Power supply 230 V with built-in rechargeable battery and battery charger. Execution in plastic box with cover and carrying handle DIGITAL INSULATION TESTER Dual backlit display Hold Function Test Indication of out of scale Power supply: 6 batteries 1.5V AAA Supplied with carrying case, batteries and 6 probes Dimensions: 200 x 92 x 50 mm Weight: 700 gr. Functions AC Voltage Ranges Resol. max Accuracy 750V 1V ±1.2% reading ±10 dgt DC Voltage 1000V 1V ±0.8% reading ±3 dgt Resistance 200-2000Mohm 0.1-1 ohm ±1% reading ±2 dgt 200M-2000Mohm 100kohm - 1 Mohm ±3.5% reading ±5 dgt Insulation Resistance Voltage test 250V-200 Mohm / 500V – 200 Mohm / 1000V-2000 Mohm Continuity test <40ohm / test current: <200mA TERAOHMMETERS TYPE TOA/1 Suitable for fast and accurate measures of high value resistors up to 1 x 1 x 1015 ohms with volt-ampere method and amplifier. It can therefore be used to test the insulation of materials and insulating oils, the insulation resistance of plastics, cables, capacitors, flooring, etc ... TECHNICAL DATA DC voltages: 10-100-500-1000 V selectable by switch. Portata Ohm Tensione V Accuracy: ± 2% of the angular scale. Warm-up time: about 2 minutes X1 X 10 Power supply: 230V, 50 Hz complete with long cord 1.5 m with safety plug. 0.01 T ÷ 1 T 0.1 T ÷ 10 T Recommended accessories 10 Electrode test disc according to UNI 4288. Fig 2 and metallic box electrode 100 0.1 T ÷ 10 T 0.1 T ÷ 100 T holder 500 0.5 T ÷ 50 T 5 T ÷ 500 T 1000 1 T ÷ 100 T 10 T ÷ 1000 T RESISTIVITY METER FOR MEDIUM RESISTANCE TYPE AMR / 1 Suitable for measuring resistivity of moderately conductive materials as required by standard UNI50608-65. The method used is the volt-ampere. Output voltage: 0 to 300V. Maximum output current: from 0 to about 120mA from 30V to 100V about 30mA from 100V to 300V approximately 14mA. Ranges the high-impedance voltmeter: 2-20 - 200V Accuracy of voltmeters: <0.5% of reading + 5 digits. Ranges milliammeter: 0.2mA - 2mA - 20mA - 200mA. Accuracy milliammeter: <0.5% of reading + 3 digits. Measuring range for resistance: from 1ohm 30 Mohm Complete with test electrode according UNI5060865 standards. Dimensions: 316x210x365mm Weight: 5kg 38 ver 04.15 SAMAR s.r.l. Web: www.samar-instruments.it Via della Pace n. 25 Fr. Zivido - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese - Milano – Italy Tel.: (++39) 02 98242255 (r.a.) Fax:(++39) 02 98242279 E-mail: [email protected] Catalogo on line: www.samarinternet.com DIELECTRIC STRENGTH TESTER UP TO 5KV TYPE PRD This measurement aids in determining the insulation system’s ability to withstand overvoltages Suitable for non-destructive and destructive measurements of dielectric strength of electrical and electronic components, electric motors, coils, electrical appliances, electrical panels with preselection of the trip current protection and of the voltage application time. Digital kilovoltmeter to read the test voltage. Digital milliammeter to read the current during the test. Variable adjustment of the test voltage. Knob for the current intervention. Timer for adjusting the voltage application time. Illuminated pushbutton for recovery. Start button with indicator light. Stop button. Button to activate the timer or exclusion. Spy for reporting intervention. Coaxial connectors for high voltage output. TECHNICAL DATA Test voltage adjustable from 0 to 5000 V a.c. Power of 1,500 W Complete with pair of wires carrying high voltage end of a probe tip with retractable safety. Current protection trip set before the test between 10 and 300 mA Voltage application time by timer, may be excluded, from 0 to 60 s. (others on request) Power supply: 230 V, 50 Hz power cord length 1.5 m. DIELECTRIC STRENGTH TESTER UP TO 50KV TYPE PRD/50KV Building with elevator transformer separate from the control unit. Test voltage adjustable from 0 to 50KV Frequency: 50 or 60 Hz Leakeage current: adjustable from 1 to 10mA adjustable timer from 1 to 60s Power supply: 230 V, 50 or 60 Hz. Digital voltmeter 4 digit range 60 kV accuracy 2% Digital Milliammeter 4 digit range 10mA accuracy 1.5% for reading the current Interlock circuit AC/DC DIELECTRIC STRENGTH TESTER TYPE PRD/12-0.2 Suitable for dielectric strength tests in DC and AC on dry type transformers, electrical and electronic components, electric motors, coils, home appliances, electrical panels, etc.etc. The device PRD12-0.2 allows for dielectric strength tests with manually adjustable voltage from 0 to 6 kV and from 0 to 12 kV in continuous or alternating. The AC/DC output 0-6 kV is realized on 2 + 2 terminals of insulating material and is provided with 2 safety pistols with high voltage cables. (1.5 m long) The AC/DC output of 0-12 kV is built on 2 + 2 terminals of insulating material and is equipped with two high voltage cables (3 m long) each with a crocodile not isolated. (For the use of this output you must enable the switch to consent to the test by a contact on the test chamber or on the test cell, not included) Leakeage current: adjustable from 10 to 200mA Digital kilovoltmeter to read the test voltage. Digital milliammeter to read the current during the test Analog milliammeter to read the current High voltage applied by static relay to avoid extra-tensions Emergency button AT floating Terminals not referenced to ground for accident prevention choice of 6 or 12 kV through key selector External block with limit switch test cell (not included) Flashing light machine under test and fault trip + buzzer Led RUN/STOP/FAULT Programmable Timer 0-600sec (other on request) option: cart with two wheels with brakes. DIGITAL INSULATION TEST 30 kV TYPE MI/D30 Suitable for testing dielectric strength up to 30 kV DC voltage with the preparation of the Leakeage current. Test voltage adjustable from 1 to 30kV DC trip current: adjustable from 1 to 5mA Power supply: 230 V, 50 or 60 Hz. Digital voltmeter 3½ digits accuracy 1.5% Digital milliammeter 3½ digits accuracy 1% Buttons POWER ON, START, RESET. Indicator lights for signaling test passed or failed. September leads and clamps supplied. Dimension: 500x500x500 mm Weight: 45kg BOX TEST FOR MEASURES WITH DANGEROUS VOLTAGE Box test suitable to perform in complete safety tests electric dangerous voltages. Made of transparent polycarbonate. The box included two compartments test separated by a wall and accessible from the front by means of a sliding panel. The test object is placed in one of the front compartments. The door is equipped with position switches Safety tamperproof. The two compartments are independent and a special switching system allows you to perform the electrical connections in one of the compartments while the other is in progress tested. This ensures time saving in the replacement of the objects under test. The interlock between the box and the equipment used for testing ensures that the operator does not come into contact with dangerous voltages. Standard dimensions: 1000 x 400 x 440 mm Note: Product made only on order with dimensions on request. Check dimensions of your product, connection mode, size and type of door required. Also available with single test box - door can be opened from above. 39 ver 04.15 SAMAR s.r.l. Web: www.samar-instruments.it Via della Pace n. 25 Fr. Zivido - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese - Milano – Italy Tel.: (++39) 02 98242255 (r.a.) Fax:(++39) 02 98242279 E-mail: [email protected] Catalogo on line: www.samarinternet.com EQUIPMENT FOR CHEKING THE ELECTRICAL SAFETY TEST TYPE PMQ/CE Practical metal case with removable cover, can perform in single mode and manual the following tests: • Dielectric strength test with adjustable voltage 0 – 5000 V, trip current 100mA, digital display 3 1/2 digits. (Power = 500 W) • Insulation at 500 V with scale up to 100 Mohm/ infinity; with scale indicator for easier reading • Continuity (equipotentiality) at 10 A and 25 A. Scale from 0 to 2000 mΩ. Display 3 1/2 digits This equipment ,makes possible the end of line and laboratory test at your product. Included N.2 safety probe and cables. Dimension: 660x365x160mm ; Weight ~ 25 Kg. Power supply 230 V OPTION only at the time of purchase Thermometer section enabling to measurement of the temperature up to 200 °C with PT100 probe. Switch for internal and external temperature AUTOMATIC EQUIPMENT FOR CHEKING THE ELECTRICAL SAFETY TEST AND FUNCTIONALITY TYPE AST/TS Usefull to test in line or in laboratory eletric equipment with resident memory to store the tests and PC interface to download the data. Software included. Equipped with a practical touch screen for displaying the test, the data threshold and results. The same operations can also be done by PC. The machine includes differential thermal breaker, emergency button, Tension light, interlock circuit with option test box. can perform in single mode and manual or automatic the following tests: • Dielectric strength test with adjustable voltage 0 – 4000 V, touch screen control • Insulation cc at 500 V from 1 to 100 Mohm, touch screen control • Continuity (equipotentiality) at 10 A and/or 25 A. Scale from 0 to 2000 mΩ, touch screen control • Functionality: tests of voltage, current, power, cosϕ and leakage current in accordance with procedures set. touch screen control All tests are stored on the memory of the instrument or downloaded to a PC. Each test measures the values and indicates whether there is exceeded the thresholds with message on the display, lamp and buzzer. ACCESSORIES Y FOR PMQ/CE, AST/TS EQUIPMENT FOR VERIFICATION OF RESIDUAL VOLTAGE TYPE PTR/EC Suitable verify the time required for the voltage in a circuit falls to a value lower than 50V when taken off the power. Battery power supply. Indication time from 0.1 to 200 sec. with digital 3 1/2 digit BOX STANDARD RESISTOR TYPE SCA/1 plastic box included: • a calibrated resistance of 100 Ωm to 10A in class 1 for the calibration of the test section continuity; • a 10 ΩM 500 V Class 1 for calibrating the section insulation AC/DC; • a 150 Ωk 1500 V 2% for the calibration of the test section dielectric strength. Including certificate of our laboratory. Other values on request. DIGITAL MULTIMETER WITH VOLTAGE DIVIDER PROBE Measuring system suitable for testing AC voltages up to 6KV and beyond. Including certificate of our laboratory. MEASURING OF RESISTANCE OF CONDUCTOR PROTECTION AND EQUIPOTENTIAL IN MEDICAL SECTOR Suitable to measure low resistances with test current 10 A in the medical field and Armour Material of reinforced concrete Continuity of the protective conductor in electrical equipment and electrical machinery • Measurement of continuity: 0-1999 Ωm; Resolution 1 Ωm with pair of cables and crocodiles. • Measurement of voltage drop: 0 - 19.99 V, resolution 0.01 V precision: ± 1% rdg ± 5 digits • Test voltage adjustable from 0 to 12 VAC through variac and safety transformer • Test current 10 A AC (other values on request) • Reading data through n. 2 display 3 ½ digits readings for current and ohm or mV • Power supply 220 V; 50-60 Hz. Dimension 240x130x180 mm. Weight 7 kg 40 ver 04.15 SAMAR s.r.l. Web: www.samar-instruments.it Via della Pace n. 25 Fr. Zivido - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese - Milano – Italy Tel.: (++39) 02 98242255 (r.a.) Fax:(++39) 02 98242279 E-mail: [email protected] Catalogo on line: www.samarinternet.com POWER SUPPLY SINGLE PHASE WITH MULTIFUNCTION INSTRUMENT FOR MEASUREMENT OF POWER TYPE TORRETTA 45 Power supply to accurately test the absorption single phase equipments with a maximum power of 2.5 kW. (optional custom models). The test voltage is adjustable up to 260V. (isolated from the network with isolation transformer). The power supply is protected with a differential circuit breaker In = 16A Id = 30mA, emergency stop button. It includes on/off key. TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS The instrument inside contains a digital multifunction power meter for measuring active power in single-phase trms , the voltage and current. Each measure has the following ranges that can be selected manually or autorange: Current: 160-320-640mA-1,280-2,560-5,120-10,24 A Voltage: 5-10-20-40-80-160-320-640 V Power: from 800,0 mW to 6,55 kW The maximum power measurable directly to 230 V will be 2355.2 W The accuracy at 23 ° C ± 5 ° C with sine wave is: ± 0.1% of reading ± 2 digits for current and voltage ± 0.2% of reading ± 2 digits for the power The maximum input voltage is 1000 V (peak) and 700 V (rms) Possibility to insert multiplying factors with current transformers and / or voltage with k ranging from 1 to 9999. Overload indication: O.L. The instrument also allows the measurement of the power factor from 0.001 to 1.000 and the frequency from 40.0 to 400.0 Hz 4-digit digital displays. Power supply: 230 V. VOLTAGE MEASUREMENT OF STEP AND CONTACT EQUIPMENT FOR MEASURING VOLTAGE OF STEP AND CONTACT TYPE MPC/3P • Suitable for measuring voltages of step and contact in electrical substations, transformer stations and in the generation plants. Metal case and wheels. Currents up to 60 A includes: • Variable single phase voltage: 0-230 V, 7000 VA. • Single-phase transformer 2 ratios: 230/125 - 500 V, 7000 VA. • Protection that interrupts the power in case of accidental opening of the test circuit. • Digital ammeter 4 digits class 0.5 • Digital voltmeter 4 digits class 0.5 with 1000 Ω internal resistance and possibility of measure the voltage source or step and contact. • Reverser of the applied voltage with a central position of 0. • Switch electromagnetic protection with indicator light • Equipped with 2 copper plates, 4 metal tubes with copper conical connection, hammer and set of cables. recommended accessory • Digital Multimeter equipped with external resistor to switch the input resistance between 1000 Ω and 1 ΩM TYPE MPC/1 current up to 10 A, metal case includes: Variable single phase voltage: 0-230 V, 1320 VA. Single-phase transformer 2 ratios: 230/125 - 1320 VA. Digital ammeter 4 digits class 0.5 range 20 A Digital voltmeter 4 digits class 0.5 with 1000 Ω internal resistance and possibility of measure the voltage source or step and contact. • Reverser of the applied voltage with a central position of 0. • Switch electromagnetic protection with indicator light • Equipped with 2 copper plates, 4 metal tubes with copper conical connection, hammer and set of cables. recommended accessory • Digital Multimeter equipped with external resistor to switch the input resistance between 1000 Ω and 1 ΩM INJECTOR CURRENT TYPE PCI 400 High current power supply capable of supplying an alternating current at industrial frequency, adjustable by voltage variator and transformer. applications: • Check the tripping time of circuit breakers, thermal relays, fuses. • Tests of heating cables, busbars, terminals etc. • Measurement of contact resistance in AC The maximum current in continuous service is 240A. The current ratio with intermittent 2.5 minutes ON / OFF 15minutes is 400 A The timer can be used in automatic or manual mode. The capacity is 999,000 s. The apparatus includes: • A variator with knob control for the adjustment of the voltage and current supplied. • A step-down transformer with ratio 220/4 V 240 A continuous. • Two output terminals • A digital ammeter with direct reading in A range 1000A; class 1.5 • A digital voltmeter 20V range and resolution 0.01V; class 1.5 • A circuit breaker 10A for the power supply of the apparatus. • A thermal protection "Thermal protection" set at 6A and upstream of the transformer • A timer can be used manually or automatically activated by the passage of current. NOTE: Other models also available with currents up to 35000 A 41 ver 04.15 SAMAR s.r.l. Web: www.samar-instruments.it Via della Pace n. 25 Fr. Zivido - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese - Milano – Italy Tel.: (++39) 02 98242255 (r.a.) Fax:(++39) 02 98242279 E-mail: [email protected] Catalogo on line: www.samarinternet.com DIFFERENTIAL TEST EQUIPMENT WITH CURRENT UP TO 3A TYPE APD3A Suitable to check the current and the trip time differential switches with nominal current of between 0.03 and 3 A. Working principle: the pressure of the test button is picked between phase and earth current test set with the switch. A timer with a resolution of 1/100 seconds indicates the time of intervention. The instrument is protected by a circuit that prevents the execution of the test in case of incorrect connection or voltage too high. If you do not want to stress the earthing system it is of course possible to insert the instrument between upstream and downstream of the differential. The equipment includes: • 3-digit digital voltmeter for the indication of the applied voltage. • Digital ammeter with 3 digits for current reading. Test currents: 0:03 - 0.1 - 0.3 - 0.5 - 1 1.5 - 3 A • Digital display 3-digit intervention time with reading from 0.01 to 5 seconds.L’apparecchio è dotato di: The timer keeps stored the measurement even in the absence of power supply. Power supply: 230 V or rechargeable battery with charger. Autonomy at least 500 tests; executable tests consecutively at maximum current: ~ 20 Plastic case heavy duty Dimension: 350x300x170mm. Weight kg. 3 Also available on request with test current up to 10 A EQUIPMENT TESTING DIFFERENTIAL HIGH CURRENT UP TO 100 A TYPE APDF/1 Suitable to check the current and the trip time of the circuit breakers with rated current from 1 to 100 A. DIGITAL MICROHMMETER TYPE 20022 Microhmmetro for field use. Plastic box airtight. Battery powered (supplied as standard). Measuring resistive elements comprised between 320Ω and 100nΩ, even in presence of high inductive components as in large transformers in medium and high voltage. It allows measuring relative, absolute, percentage, the bipolar automatic measure, the setting of a filter to improve stability of measurement when it is executed with the low current with a sensitivity in voltage 100nV, the choice between two measurement currents. All information is always displayed in the 2.8 inch display: an indication of the range, the state of Auto / Manual, measure Direct / Reverse, measure Bipolar, charge status of the battery. • 32000 measuring points / 5 measurements per second. Measuring accuracy ± 0.05% rdg ± 2dgts • 6 ranges from 320Ω to 3200μΩ (resolution 10Mohm in 100nΩ) • current measurement selectable. Maximum current of 10 A • choice of automatic or manual range • Principal measure + relative absolute and percentage measure MILLIOHMMETER HIGH CURRENT TEST TYPE TIPO ME/001 Suitable for measuring resistances of low value by injecting a high test current. This allows to urge the element under test highlighting any localized overheating, loosening of bolts, etc ... A digital ammeter and a voltmeter with accuracy of ± 0.5% of reading ± 5 digits, allows the measurement of current and voltage on 'element under test The resistance measurement is obtained from the relationship V / I. The measuring range is from Ω100μ to Ω100m with ± 1%. The current test is can be supplied as follows: 150A in continuous / 300A for 6 minutes (starting from cold machine) / 600A for 20 seconds (starting from cold machine). The instrument is supplied with: N ° 2 cables l = 5m 50mm2 section complete with clamps; # 2 cables l = 5m section 1.5mm2 complete with plugs; # 1 red crocodile clip; # 1 black crocodile clip; Carrying bag accessories. Instrument dimensions: 660x365x160 mm Weight: 48kg NANOHMMETER TYPE 20024 Suitable for precision measurements on cables of large sections. Power supply: 230V ± 10% 20 VA / rechargeable battery. Autonomy 1.5 hours (with measuring current of 10A always working) Ranges: 32 µΩ risol. 0,001µΩ current 10A / 320µΩ risol. 0,01µΩ current 10A / 3200µΩ risol. 0,1µΩ current 1A/10A / 32mΩ risol. 1µΩ current 100mA/1A / 320mΩ risol. 10µΩ current 10mA/100mA / 3200mΩ risol. 100µΩ current 1mA/10mA / 32Ω risol. 1mΩ current 100µA/1mA / 320Ω risol. 10mΩ current 10µA/100µA Number of measuring points 32000 Accuracy ± 0.05% ± 3 digits. Frequency of measurement update 3Hz Filtering of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 samples type measures - resistance - Relative absolute (visible at the same time) - Relative percentage - Measure with reversed polarity and bipole measuring (average of two measurements with opposite polarity) - Automatic zero / compensation cables - Selection ranges automatic / manual - hold - bar graph - saving and call set-up (range, automatic / manual, filtering, etc.). - On / Off Display Backlighting - Graphic display 128x64 pixels Dimensions 243x89x273 (width x height x depth) This instrument allows you to set keyboard ambient temperature with the resolution of the tenth grade. The instrument is able to calculate the resistance value at the temperature of 20 ° C. Using the function of carryover at 20 ° C, the instrument simultaneously indicates the measured value to the ambient temperature and that calculated at the reference temperature. METER ARM SCALE Type TF/1 metal base, with two supports, one of which releasable and movable 10 by 10 cm from 0.. to 1 m. On each of the supports the device opportunely dimensioned for the clamping of the threads or twin-leads is mounted, with clamps of attack for the current and clamps of attack for the voltage drop to the double bridge or the micro ohmmeter. The two aim knives are of stainless steel. Measurable length: from 0.5 to 1 m - Diameter or thickness that can be inserted: from 0.5 to 15 mm On request Type TF/3 for circular conductors or chordates with diameter from 0.1 to 40 mm 42 Dimension: 1240 x 115 x 125 mm Weight: 11 Kg ver 04.15 SAMAR s.r.l. Web: www.samar-instruments.it Via della Pace n. 25 Fr. Zivido - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese - Milano – Italy Tel.: (++39) 02 98242255 (r.a.) Fax:(++39) 02 98242279 E-mail: [email protected] Catalogo on line: www.samarinternet.com TESTING CONTINUITY CURRENT UP TO 10A Type RCP-E / 2M performs measurements in alternating current for the verification of the continuity of the protection circuit. Allows verification of the continuity of protective conductors and equipotential conductors and additional in patient rooms, clinics doctors types A and B in accordance with the requirements of rules Used to verify the continuity of the reinforcing bars of reinforced concrete structures. The measurement is performed by applying a voltage adjustable up to 12V, injecting an alternating current adjusted to 10 A approx. In this way it is read directly the resistance value of the circuit under control. Method of measurement 4-wire to minimize the influence of the contact resistance. Measure of continuity (resolution): 0-1999 mΩ (1 M) Dimension: 240 x 130 x 180 mm Measure the voltage drop (resolution): 0 to 19.99 V (0.01 V) Weight: 7 Kg Accuracy: 1% rdg. +/- 5 dgts. Reading: two LED displays 3 ½ digits, one for the current reading, the other for reading Ω / mV. This instrument is supplied with two cables bipolar measurement and pair of crocodiles. Power supply: 230 V a.c. cable l = 1,5 m CURRENT UP TO 0,5A Type CT / 1 allows the verification of the continuity of the equipotential conductors and additional according to rules. The measurement is performed by applying a DC adjustable voltage by injecting a DC adjustable current approximately 500mA. In this way it is read directly the resistance value of the circuit under control. Ranges: 2Ω-20 Ω This instrument is supplied with two cables measurement and pair of crocodiles. Power supply: 230 V a.c. cable l = 1,5 m On request: Type CT/1B battery powered and injected current of 200mA Dimension: 185 x 135 x 70 mm Weight: 1 Kg TESTING EARTHING Type PMT / D1 allows to measure the resistance of the connection between the ground terminal or the ground contact and the metal parts that are connected to it. The resistance is measured by the voltage drop between terminal or earthing contact and the metal part and to the current that is passed between these parts. Voltage adjustable from 0 to 12 V, 50 Hz Adjustable current up to 25 A. Digital voltmeter Digital ammeter Power supply 230 V a.c. with power cord. Type PMT / 3D version similar to the previous one but up to 100A. 43 ver 04.15 SAMAR s.r.l. Web: www.samar-instruments.it Via della Pace n. 25 Fr. Zivido - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese - Milano – Italy Tel.: (++39) 02 98242255 (r.a.) Fax:(++39) 02 98242279 E-mail: [email protected] Catalogo on line: www.samarinternet.com ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENTS See specific catalog POWER SUPPLIES FOR LABORATORY HIGH VOLTAGE POWER SUPPLIES type High voltage output SM10-HV10000A SM10-HV6000A SM10-HV5000A 0 – 10000 V /10 mA 0 – 6000 V /3 mA 0 – 5000 V /2 mA output voltage heating option 6,3V / 3 A 6,3V / 3 A 6,3V / 3 A SINGLE STABILIZED POWER SUPPLY DOUBLE STABILIZED POWER SUPPLY TRIPLE STABILIZED POWER SUPPLY QUADRUPLE STABILIZED POWER SUPPLY 44 ver 04.15 SAMAR s.r.l. Web: www.samar-instruments.it Via della Pace n. 25 Fr. Zivido - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese - Milano – Italy Tel.: (++39) 02 98242255 (r.a.) Fax:(++39) 02 98242279 E-mail: [email protected] Catalogo on line: www.samarinternet.com POWER SUPPLY AC / DC non stabilized Type AL 30/5 range: 0-30 V/5 A. ON REQUEST A CUSTOM VERSIONS outputs voltage and current adjustable and fixed DIFFERENT MODULES OF POWER SUPPLY ON REQUEST A CUSTOM VERSIONS MODULES POWER SUPPLY • Differential circuit breaker • Sockets universal or standard single-phase 230 V - 10/16 A (A REQUEST different configuration) • Sockets three-phase 400 V + N + T (OPTIONAL different configuration) • lamps for power on and key consent • Emergency push button Accessories to the user's request• Interruttore magnetotermico differenziale anti-vandalism On request different versions: - Adjustable outputs up to 10 or 20 A or higher values of current and voltage - Programmable versions - Multi-output versions - Power ac or ac / dc 45 ver 04.15 SAMAR s.r.l. Web: www.samar-instruments.it Via della Pace n. 25 Fr. Zivido - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese - Milano – Italy Tel.: (++39) 02 98242255 (r.a.) Fax:(++39) 02 98242279 E-mail: E [email protected] instruments.it Catalogo on line: www.samarinternet.com AC POWER SUPPLIES See specific catalog APS-1102A Name: AC/DC Power Supply, APS-1102A AC Voltage Range: (AC 100V) 0.0V~155.0V 155.0V & (AC 200V) 0.0V~310.0V 0.0V DC Voltage Range: (AC 100V) 10A & (AC 200V) 5A +220.0V & (AC 200V) -440.0V~+440.0V AC Current Range: (AC 100V) -220.0V~+220.0V DC Current Range: (AC 100V) 10A & (AC 200V) 5A Max. Power Range: INPUT (100~180V) 180V) 750W & INPUT (180 ~ 250V) 1000W Interface: USB (USBTMC) Model Name: APS-1102A APS-1102 Name: AC/DC Power Supply, APS-1102 AC Voltage Range: (AC 100V) 0.0V~135.0V 135.0V & (AC 200V) 0.0V~270.0V 0.0V AC Current Range: (AC 100V) 10A & (AC 200V) 5A +190.0V & (AC 200V) -380.0V~+380.0V DC Voltage Range: (AC 100V) -190.0V~+190.0V DC Current Range: (AC 100V) 10A & (AC 200V) 5A Max. Power Range: INPUT (100~180V) 180V) 750W & INPUT (180 ~ 250V) 1000W Interface: USB (USBTMC) Model Name: APS-1102A S-7000 Series Name: Programming AC Power Supply, APS-7000 AC Voltage Range: 0~155Vrms, 0~310Vrms AC Current Range: 4.2A/2.1A(APS-7050), 8.4A/4.2A (APS-7100) 7100) Max. Power Range: 500VA, 1kVA Interface: USB Host, LAN, GPIB(Opt), RS232/USB CDC(Opt) Model Name: APS-7050, APS-7100 APS-9000 Series Name: AC Power Supply, APS-9000 AC Voltage Range: 0.0 ~ 300.0VAC AC Current Range: (0~150V) 2.6 / 4.2 / 8.4Arms & (0~300V)1.3 / 2.1 / 4.2Arms Max. Power Range: 300 / 500 / 1000VA Model Name: APS-9102, APS-9501, APS-9301 ELECTRONIC LOADS LOAD PEL-2000 Series Name: DC Electronic Load, PEL-2000 Channel: 1 ~ 2 to each Module Voltage Range: 1 ~ 80V & 2.5 ~ 500V Current Range: 1 ~ 40A Max. Power Range: 30 ~ 350W Module / Benchtop Type: Module Type Interface: RS-232C & USB & GPIB(Option) Model Name: PEL-2002, PEL-2004, PEL-2020, PEL-2030, 2030, PEL-2040, PEL PEL-2041 PEL-3000 Series Name: DC Electronic Load, PEL-3000 Channel: 1 Voltage Range: 1.5V~150V Current Range: 35A ~ 420A Max. Power Range: 175W ~ 2100W Module / Benchtop Type: Benchtop Type 232 , GPIB (Optional) Interface: USB 2.0 Device / Host , RS-232 Model Name: PEL-3021, PEL-3041, PEL-3111, PEL-3211, 3211, PEL-3212, PEL PEL-3323, PEL-3424, PEL-3535 46 ver 04.15 SAMAR s.r.l. Web: www.samar-instruments.it Via della Pace n. 25 Fr. Zivido - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese - Milano – Italy Tel.: (++39) 02 98242255 (r.a.) Fax:(++39) 02 98242279 E-mail: E [email protected] instruments.it Catalogo on line: www.samarinternet.com OSCILLOSCOPE see dedicated catalog GDS-3000 Series Name: Visual Persistence DSO, GDS-3000 3000 Channel: 2, 4 Bandwidth: 500MHz, 350MHz, 250MHz, 150MHz Memory Depth: 25k points Model Name: GDS-3502, GDS-3352, 3352, GDS-3252, GDS GDS-3152, GDS-3504, GDS-3354, 3354, GDS-3254, GDS GDS-3154 GDS-2000A Series Name: Visual Persistence DSO, GDS-2000A 2000A Channel: 2, 4 Bandwidth: 300MHz, 200MHz, 100MHz, 70MHz Memory Depth: 2M points Model Name: GDS-2304A, GDS-2302A, 2302A, GDS-2204A, GDS GDS-2202A, GDS-2104A, GDS2102A, GDS-2074A, GDS-2072A GDS-2000E Series Name: Digital Storage Oscilloscope, GDS-2000E GDS Channel: 2, 4 Bandwidth: 200MHz, 100MHz, 70MHz Memory Depth: 10M Model Name: GDS-2072E, GDS-2074E, 4E, GDS-2102E, GDS GDS-2104E, GDS-2202E, GDS2204E GDS-1000A-U Series Name: Digital Storage Oscilloscope, GDS-1000A-U GDS Channel: 2 Bandwidth: 150MHz, 100MHz, 70MHz Memory Depth: 1M points 1102A-U, GDS-1072A-U Model Name: GDS-1152A-U, GDS-1102A GDS-1000-U Series Name: Digital Storage Oscilloscope, GDS-1000-U GDS Channel: 2 Bandwidth: 100MHz, 70MHz, 50MHz Memory Depth: 25k points Model Name: GDS-1102-U, GDS-1072-U, U, GDS-1052-U GDS GBS-1000 Series Name: Digital Storage Oscilloscope, GBS-1000 GBS Channel: 4 Bandwidth: dth: 200MHz, 100MHz, 60MHz Memory Depth: 25k R/T Sampling Rate: 1GSa/s E/T Sampling Rate: 25GSa/s Model Name: GBS-1204, GBS-1104, 1104, GBS-1074 GBS 47 ver 04.15 SAMAR s.r.l. Web: www.samar-instruments.it Via della Pace n. 25 Fr. Zivido - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese - Milano – Italy Tel.: (++39) 02 98242255 (r.a.) Fax:(++39) 02 98242279 E-mail: E [email protected] instruments.it Catalogo on line: www.samarinternet.com GDS-300/200 Series Name: Compact Oscilloscope, GDS-300/200 300/200 Channel: 2 Bandwidth: 70 / 100 / 200MHz Memory Depth: 5M / 1M R/T Sampling Rate: 1GSa/s Auto Measurement: 36 DMM Function: Yes Screen Size: 7" TFT LCD Interface: USB Device Model Name: GDS-320, GDS-310, GDS--307, GDS-220, GDS-210, GDS-207 GDS-122 Name: Handheld Oscilloscope, GDS-122 122 Channel: 2 Bandwidth: 20MHz Memory Depth: 6k Points/Channel R/T Sampling Rate: 100MSa/s Auto Measurement: 5 DMM Function: Yes Screen Size: 3.7" STN Color Interface: USB Device Model Name: GDS-122 GRS-6000A Series Name: Real Time / Digital Storage Oscilloscope, Oscil GRS-6000A Channel: 2 Bandwidth: 50MHz, 30MHz Memory Depth: 2k Words/CH R/T Sampling Rate: 100MSa/s E/T Sampling Rate: 500MSa/s Interface: RS-232C Screen Size: 6" CRT Model Name: GRS-6052A, GRS-6032A GOS-6100 Series Name: Analog Oscilloscope, GOS-6100 6100 Channel: 2 Bandwidth: 100MHz Screen Size: 6" CRT Model Name: GOS-6112, GOS-6103, 6103, GOS-6103C GOS GOS-653G & GOS-652G Name: Analog Oscilloscope, GOS-653G/652G 653G/652G Channel: 2 Bandwidth: 50MHz Screen Size: 6" CRT Model Name: GOS-653G, GOS-652G 48 ver 04.15 SAMAR s.r.l. Web: www.samar-instruments.it Via della Pace n. 25 Fr. Zivido - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese - Milano – Italy Tel.: (++39) 02 98242255 (r.a.) Fax:(++39) 02 98242279 E-mail: E [email protected] instruments.it Catalogo on line: www.samarinternet.com GOS-635G & GOS-622G Name: Analog Oscilloscope, GOS-635G/622G 635G/622G Channel: 2 Bandwidth: 35MHz, 20MHz Screen Size: 6" CRT Model Name: GOS-635G, GOS-622G GOS-630FC Name: Analog Oscilloscope, GOS-630FC 630FC Channel: 2 Bandwidth: 30MHz Screen Size: 6" CRT Model Name: GOS-630FC GOS-620FG Name: Analog Oscilloscope, GOS-620FG 620FG Channel: 2 Bandwidth: 20MHz Screen Size: 6" CRT Model Name: GOS-620FG GOS-630 & GOS-620 Name: Analog Oscilloscope, GOS-630/620 630/620 Channel: 2 Bandwidth: 30MHz, 20MHz Screen Size: 6" CRT Model Name: GOS-630, GOS-620 GDB-03 Name: Oscilloscope & Training Kit, GDB-03 GDB Applicable models: GDS-3000, GDS-2000A 2000A Model Name: GDB-03 GDB-02 Name: Oscilloscope & Training Kit, GDB-02 GDB Applicable models: GDS-1000A-U, GDS-1000-U Model Name: GDB-02 49 ver 04.15 SAMAR s.r.l. Web: www.samar-instruments.it Via della Pace n. 25 Fr. Zivido - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese - Milano – Italy Tel.: (++39) 02 98242255 (r.a.) Fax:(++39) 02 98242279 E-mail: E [email protected] instruments.it Catalogo on line: www.samarinternet.com SPECTRUM ANALYZERS see dedicated catalog GSP-9300 Name: Spectrum Analyzer, GSP-9300 Frequency Range: 9kHz ~ 3GHz Phase Noise: -88dBc/Hz 88dBc/Hz @1GHz, 10kHz Offset Amplitude Measurement Range: DANL to 30 dBm Display: 8.4 inchs Color TFT LCD with SVGA (800 x 600) Interface: USB Host/Device, RS-232C, 232C, GPIB(Option), MicroSD, Lan(LXI Standard), SVGA Output Model Name: GSP-9300 GSP-830 Name: Spectrum Analyzer, GSP-830 Frequency Range: 9kHz ~ 3GHz Phase Noise: -80dBc/Hz @1GHz, 20kHz offset Amplitude Measurement Range: -117dBm 117dBm ~ +20dBm Display: 6.4 inchs Color TFT LCD with VGA (640 x 480) Interface: USB Host/Device, RS-232C, 232C, GPIB(Option), VGA Output Model Name: GSP-830 GSP-730 Name: Spectrum Analyzer, GSP-730 Frequency Range: 150kHz ~ 3GHz Phase Noise: -85dBc/Hz 85dBc/Hz @1GHz, 500kHz offset Amplitude Measurement Range: -100dBm 100dBm ~ +20dBm Display: 5.6 inchs Color TFT LCD with VGA (640 x 480) Interface: USB Host/Device, RS-232C, 232C, VGA Output Model Name: GSP-730 GSP-810 Name: Spectrum Analyzer, GSP-810 Frequency Range: 150kHz ~ 1GHz Phase Noise: -77dBc/Hz 77dBc/Hz @ 1GHz 30kHz offset Amplitude Measurement Range: -100dBm~+20dBm 100dBm~+20dBm Display: CRT Display, 8 x 10 graticule, 6-inch 6 waveform screen Interface: RS-232C Model Name: GSP-810 50 ver 04.15 SAMAR s.r.l. Web: www.samar-instruments.it Via della Pace n. 25 Fr. Zivido - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese - Milano – Italy Tel.: (++39) 02 98242255 (r.a.) Fax:(++39) 02 98242279 E-mail: E [email protected] instruments.it Catalogo on line: www.samarinternet.com FUNCTION GENERATORS see dedicated catalog ARBITRARY SERIES AFG-3000 Series Name: Arbitrary Function Generator, AFG-3000 AFG Analog Channel: 1 Frequency Range: 80MHz , 50MHz Sample Rate: 200MSa/s Vertical Resolution: 16 bits Memory Length: 1M points Model Name: AFG-3081, AFG-3051 AFG-2225 Name: Arbitrary Function Generator, AFG-2225 AFG Analog Channel: 2 Frequency Range: 1μHz ~ 25MHz Sample Rate: 120MSa/s Vertical Resolution: 10-bit Memory Length: 4k points Model Name: AFG-2225 AFG-2100 & AFG-2000 2000 Series Name: Arbitrary Function Generator, AFG-2100/2000 AFG Analog Channel: 1 Frequency Range: 0.1Hz ~ 5/12/25 MHz Sample Rate: 20 MSa/s Vertical Resolution: 10-bit Memory Length: 4k points Model Name: AFG-2125, AFG-2112, 2112, AFG-2105, AFG AFG-2025, AFG-2012, AFG-2005 AFG-200/100 Series Name: USB Arbitrary Function Generator, AFG-200/100 AFG Analog Channel: 1 / 2 Frequency Range: 25MHz Frequency Resolution: 1uHz Sample Rate: 120 MSa/s Vertical Resolution: 10 bits Memory Length: 4k point Display: None Model Name: AFG-125, AFG-225, AFG--125P, AFG-225P 51 ver 04.15 SAMAR s.r.l. Web: www.samar-instruments.it Via della Pace n. 25 Fr. Zivido - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese - Milano – Italy Tel.: (++39) 02 98242255 (r.a.) Fax:(++39) 02 98242279 E-mail: E [email protected] instruments.it Catalogo on line: www.samarinternet.com DDS SERIES FG-2100 & SFG-2000 Name: DDS Function Generator, SFG-2000 2000 Analog Channel: 1 Frequency Range: 0.1Hz ~ 4/10MHz Frequency Resolution: 0.1Hz Display: 9 digits LED Model Name: SFG-2110, SFG-2010, 2010, SFG-2004 SFG SFG-1000 Series Name: DDS Function Generator, SFG-1000 1000 Analog Channel: 100MSa/s Frequency Range: 0.1Hz~3MHz Frequency Resolution: 0.1Hz Display: 6 digits LED Model Name: SFG-1003, SFG-1013 ANALOGIC SERIES GFG-3015 Name: Analog alog Function Generator, GFG-3015 GFG Analog Channel: 1 Frequency Range: 0.01Hz~15MHz Display: 6 Digits Model Name: GFG-3015 GFG-8200A Series Name: Analog Function Generator, GFG-8200A GFG Analog Channel: 1 Frequency Range: 0.3Hz ~ 3/5MHz Frequency Resolution: 0.1Hz Display: 6 digits LED Model Name: GFG-8255A, GFG-8250A, 8250A, GFG-8219A, GFG GFG-8217A, GFG-8216A, GFG-8215A 8215A GFG-8020H Name: Analog Function Generator, GFG-8020H GFG Analog Channel: 1 Frequency Resolution: 0.1Hz Frequency Range: 0.2Hz ~ 2MHz Display: 4 Digits LED Model Name: GFG-8020H GFG-8015G Name: Analog Function Generator, GFG-8015G GFG Analog Channel: 1 Frequency Range: 0.2Hz ~ 2MHz Frequency Resolution: 0.1Hz Display: No Display Model Name: GFG-8015G 52 ver 04.15 SAMAR s.r.l. Web: www.samar-instruments.it Via della Pace n. 25 Fr. Zivido - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese - Milano – Italy Tel.: (++39) 02 98242255 (r.a.) Fax:(++39) 02 98242279 E-mail: E [email protected] instruments.it Catalogo on line: www.samarinternet.com MULTIMETER see dedicated catalog GDM-8261A Name: 6 1/2 Digit Dual Measurement Multimeter, GDM-8261A 8261A Display: 6 1/2 Counts: 1,200,000 Counts Basic Accuracy: 0.0035% DCV Accuracy Interface: RS-232C/ USB Device/ GPIB/ LAN/ Digital I/O Model Name: GDM-8261A GDM-8255A Name: 5 1/2 Digit Dual Measurement Multimeter, GDM-8255A 8255A Display: 5 1/2 Counts: 199,999 Counts Basic Accuracy: 0.012% DCV Accuracy Interface: RS232 / USB Device / Digital I/O Model Name: GDM-8255A GDM-8351 Name: 5 1/2 Digit Dual Measurement Multimeter, GDM-8351 8351 Display: 5 1/2 Counts: 120,000 Counts Basic Accuracy: 0.012% DCV Accuracy Interface: RS232 / USB Device / Digital I/O Model Name: GDM-8351 GDM-8342 & GDM-8341 Name: 4 3/4 Digit Dual Measurement Multimeter, GDM-834x 834x Display: 4 3/4 Counts: 50,000 counts Basic Accuracy: 0.02% DCV Accuracy Interface: USB Device/ USB Storage / GPIB Model Name: GDM-8342, GDM-8341 GDM-8245 Name: 4 3/4 Digit Dual Measurement Multimeter, GDM-8245 8245 Display: 4 3/4 Counts: 50,000 counts Basic Accuracy: 0.03% DCV Accuracy Model Name: GDM-8245 GDM-8145 Name: 4 1/2 Digit Dual Measurement Multimeter, GDM-8145 8145 Display: 4 1/2 Counts: 19,999 counts Basic Accuracy: 0.03% DCV Accuracy Model Name: GDM-8145 GDM-400 & GDM-300 Name: Handheld Digital Multimeter, GDM-400/300 Display: 4 1/2 ~ 3 1/2 Counts: 1999 ~ 22000 counts Basic Accuracy: 0.05% ~ 0.8% DCV Best Accuracy Interface: RS-232 (GDM-461/397/396) Model Name: GDM-461, GDM-452, GDM-397, GDM-360, 360, GDM-398, GDM GDM-357, GDM-350B GCM-403 & GCM-407 Name: Digital Clamp Meter, GCM-403/407 Model Name: GCM-403, GCM-407 53 ver 04.15 SAMAR s.r.l. Web: www.samar-instruments.it Via della Pace n. 25 Fr. Zivido - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese - Milano – Italy Tel.: (++39) 02 98242255 (r.a.) Fax:(++39) 02 98242279 E-mail: E [email protected] instruments.it Catalogo on line: www.samarinternet.com ANALOG MULTIMETER MULTIMETER DIGITAL AND ANALOG MAD32 Functions Large digital display Analog scale with mirror for accurate readings 9 functions selectable knob Manual selection of the range Overload protection Dual display (LCD + Analog) Measurement of AC / DC voltage up to 600V Measurement of AC / DC current up to 10A Measurement of resistance up to 20Mohm Measure of capacity up to 20μF Check the batteries to 1.5V and 9V Input impedance: 10MOhm Included Accessories: 9V battery, test leads, manual RANGES Accuracy Voltage CC 0.2/2/20/200/600V ±0.5% +2d Voltage CA 0.2/2/20/200/600V ±0.8% +3d Current CC 2m/20m/200m/10A ±0.8% +3d Current CA 2m/20m/200m/10A ±1.5% +3d Resistance 200/2K/20K/200K/2M/20MOhm ±0.8% +3d Capacity 2n/20n/200n/2µ/20µF ±2.5% +5d Diode Test di corrente 1mA, test di tensione 2.8V Dimension 180 x 92 x 48 mm Weight circa 210 grammi batteria inclusa Category EN61010-1, CAT III, 600V ANALOG MULTIMETER PROFESSIONAL PROFESSIO 680R -Large-Scale (unique) 100 ° with minimum external dimensions of the instrument -High Precision for a multimeter analog type (class 2) -Quick Use ohmmeter (no need for manual reset) -Wide Range of accessories for special measuring analogue -Puntali Cable with ultra-soft silicone and resistant to heat -Misurazione Ohmmetrici of low values (up to a tenth of ohms). ohms LOGIC PROBE GLP-1A Name: Logic Probe & Pulser, GLP-1A Model Type: Handheld Type Model Name: GLP-1A IC TESTER IC TESTER GUT-6000B GUT-6600A Name: Bench-Top Digital IC Tester, GUT6000B Test Function: Digital IC Tester Model Type: Desktop Type Model Name: GUT-6000B Name: Handheld Digital IC Tester, GUT-6600A 6600A Test Function: Digital IC Tester Model Type: Handheld Type Model Name: GUT-6600A FREQUENCIMETERS GFC-8010H GFC-8270H & GFC-8131H Name: Digital Frequency Counter, GFC8010H Model Type: Digital Frequency Counter Frequency Range: 10Hz ~ 120MHz Display: 8 Digits Display Model Name: GFC-8010H Name: Intelligent Counter, GFC8270H/8131H Model Type: Intelligent Counter Frequency Range: 0.01Hz ~ 2.7GHz / 1.3GHz Display: 8 Digits Display Model Name: GFC-8270H, GFC-8131H ACCESSORIES CABLES INTERFACE 54 CABLES PROBE RF ACCESSORIES ACCESSORI BAGS ver 04.15 SAMAR s.r.l. Web: www.samar-instruments.it Via della Pace n. 25 Fr. Zivido - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese - Milano – Italy Tel.: (++39) 02 98242255 (r.a.) Fax:(++39) 02 98242279 E-mail: [email protected] Catalogo on line: www.samarinternet.com CLAMP METERS CLAMP METER DT266 LCD, 3 1/2 digit, with insulation test function. Powered by a standard 9V battery. Decimal point position automatically and display of negative polarity (SIGN -). Switch to select the desired range. Low battery indication. Read speed 3 readings per second Indication Overload Data hold ACA; ACV; DCV Size 23 × 7 × 3.7 cm Weight 310 grams with battery AC current from 0.1A to 1000A AC voltage from 1V to 750V DC voltage from 1V to 1000V Resistance from 20kohm to 100Mohm Insulation testing by 1000kOhm to 2000MOhm (with joined opzionable 500V) Continuity test with 50 ± 25Ohm beep AC/DC CLAMP METER WIRELESS PAW47 Clamp meter which displays the measurements automatically on your PC thanks to the wireless transmitter and the USB interface Function Ranges Accuracy Current AC 1000A ±(2.5%+4d) Current DC 1000A ±(2.0%+5d) Voltage AC 600V ±(1.5%+2d) Voltage DC 600V ± (0.5%+1d) Resistance 40MOhm ±(3.0%+5d) Capacity 40 mF ±(2.5%+5d) Frequency 10MHz ±(1.2%+2d) Temperature 1000°C/1832°F ±(3.0%+3d) Peak Current 600A ±(1.5%+2d) Continuity Buzzer 50Ohm Diode Test current 0.3mA CLAMP DIGITAL CURRENT AC mod. 695B -Indication Digital LCD 3 1/2 digit 2000 points reading -Opening Side of the jaws for a more 'easy insertion cables -measures of conductors ø 30 mm DIGITAL CLAMP FOR HIGH CURRENT AC / DC mod. 694 -Indication Digital LCD 3 1/2 digit 2000 points reading -Commutazione Automatic all ranges -measures of wires or bars ø 52 mm 50 x 5 mm - 45 x 10 mm - 40 x 20 mm CLAMP FOR DIGITAL AUTORANGE CURRENT AC / DC mod. 760 -Frequency Digital display LCD 3 3/4 digit 4000 reading points -Opening of the pincer max 55 mm CLAMP FOR DIGITAL AUTORANGE CURRENT AC mod. 750 -Frequency Digital display LCD 3 3/4 digit 4000 reading points -Opening of the pincer max 55 mm CLAMP DIGITAL CURRENT AC / DC IN TRUE RMS (AC measurements) WITH MEASURE CRANCKING START MOTORS (INRUSH CURRENT) mod. DT 3368 -Indication Digital LCD 6600 reading points -Opening of the pincer max 30 mm CLAMP DIGITAL CURRENT AC / DC WITH MEASURE OF POWER IN TRUE RMS (WATT AC) mod. DT 3348 -Indication Digital LCD 3 3/4 digit 4000 reading points -Opening Of the pincer max 30 mm CLAMP DIGITAL CURRENT - CURRENT LEAKAGE AC mod. DT 9809 -Indication Digital LCD 3 3/4 digit 4000 points to complete reading of Bar Graph 40 divisions CLAMP FOR CURRENT AC / DC IN TRUE RMS (AC measurements) mod. MS 3300 -Maximum Diameter of conductors in test ø 50 mm -Opening Of the pincer max 55 mm 55 ver 04.15 SAMAR s.r.l. Web: www.samar-instruments.it Via della Pace n. 25 Fr. Zivido - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese - Milano – Italy Tel.: (++39) 02 98242255 (r.a.) Fax:(++39) 02 98242279 E-mail: [email protected] Catalogo on line: www.samarinternet.com THERMOTRONICS see dedicated catalog 56 ver 04.15 SAMAR s.r.l. Web: www.samar-instruments.it Via della Pace n. 25 Fr. Zivido - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese - Milano – Italy Tel.: (++39) 02 98242255 (r.a.) Fax:(++39) 02 98242279 E-mail: [email protected] Catalogo on line: www.samarinternet.com RENEWABLE ENERGIES see dedicated catalog gried connected 57 ver 04.15 SAMAR s.r.l. Web: www.samar-instruments.it Via della Pace n. 25 Fr. Zivido - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese - Milano – Italy Tel.: (++39) 02 98242255 (r.a.) Fax:(++39) 02 98242279 E-mail: [email protected] Catalogo on line: www.samarinternet.com AUTOMATION SENSORS - TRANSDUCTORS SIMULATORS PLC CONTROLLED ARDUINO RASPBERRY 3D PRINTER APPLICATION WITH PLC PLC AND SCADA ACQUISITION MODULE AND CONTROLS SCADA The system consists of data acquisition module and terminal boards with clear educational synoptic for easy wiring and programming. The kit includes: 1 Port COM RS23 - 1 port MiniUSB Processor NXP LPC2387 6 digital isolated input (1 counter 10 kHz) - 2 analog Input 0-10Vdc - 4 digital isolated Output Relè 1 expansion bus I2C High-speed, 16 digital input, 8 digital Output, 5 analog input, 4 analog output programming tool included, Programming cable 220/12 V Adapter Software Programming Ladder Diagram (LD), Instruction List (IL) / C language, SCADA SOFTWARE Option : • Touch screen LCD Display • Ethernet port for local network/internet connection • I/O simulator with switch push button and LEDS possibility of using other PLC of your choice 58 ver 04.15 SAMAR s.r.l. Web: www.samar-instruments.it Via della Pace n. 25 Fr. Zivido - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese - Milano – Italy Tel.: (++39) 02 98242255 (r.a.) Fax:(++39) 02 98242279 E-mail: E [email protected] instruments.it Catalogo on line: www.samarinternet.com PANEL INSTRUMENTS INSTRUMENTS Several models are available dc and ac different models and dimensions dimension Ammeters, voltmeters moving coil and moving iron, power meters, power factor meters varmeters single and three phase, frequencymeters to index Lamellas, synchroscopes, phase sequence ....... ASK DOCUMENTATION TO OUR OFFICES 59 ver 04.15 SAMAR s.r.l. Web: www.samar-instruments.it Via della Pace n. 25 Fr. Zivido - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese - Milano – Italy Tel.: (++39) 02 98242255 (r.a.) Fax:(++39) 02 98242279 E-mail: [email protected] Catalogo on line: www.samarinternet.com MULTIFUNCTION INSTRUMENT A / V Simply changing the connection the instrument becomes ammeter or voltmeter DC or AC benefits: • it allows you to reduce inventory in stock Dimension: DIN 36x72x95mm Power supply: 230Vac 50/60Hz / 24/48/115/120Vac 50/60Hz Range: -1999/0/9999 Conversion: SAR 16bit – 5 lett/sec Accuracy: dc <0,1% / ac <0,5% Decimal point: Programmable Mathematics: Zero arbitrary / Gain arbitrary Digital Filter: Media sliding x1 x4 x8 x12 Analog Filter: ON / OFF 3 digit function: ON / OFF Lock keyboard: ON / OFF options: Outputs Alarm Relay RS485 2-wire isolated Data Logger with RTC label and custom front panel (by quantity) INTEGRATED WITH: USB INTERFACE KIT WI-FI TIPO SM36 RANGES: Vdc: 0,1 – 1 – 10 – 100 – 1000V (800 max) Vac: 0,1 – 1 – 10 – 100 – 1000V (600 max) Adc: 10mA – 100mA – 5A Aac: 10mA – 100mA – 5A Process: signal current loop 4-20mA Shunt: all shunt /60/100/150mV TA current transformers : all TA /10mA/100mA/1A/5A TV voltage transformers : all TV MULTIFUNCTION INSTRUMENT W SINGLE-PHASE WATTMETER - ACTIVE AND APPARENT POWER - POWER FACTOR - VRMS - IRMS - HZ - POWER benefits: • it allows you to reduce inventory in stock Dimension: DIN 36x72x95mm Power supply: 230Vac 50/60Hz / 24/48/115/120Vac 50/60Hz Range: -1999/0/9999 Conversion: Analog Device ADE7753 Accuracy: active power: 0,1% for range 1000/1 Reading: 5 per second Easy Setup Decimal point: Programmable Mathematics: Zero arbitrary / Gain arbitrary Digital Filter: Media sliding x1 x4 x8 x12 Analog Filter: ON / OFF 3 digit function: ON / OFF Lock keyboard: ON / OFF options: Outputs Alarm Relay RS485 2-wire isolated Data Logger with RTC label and custom front panel (by quantity) INTEGRATED WITH: USB INTERFACE KIT WI-FI 60 TIPO SM36W RANGES: Vac: 75 – 150 – 300 – 600 Aac: TA /1A – TA/5A Displaying: Vac – Aac – Hz P.Attiva – P.Apparente Fattore di Potenza ver 04.15