2012 Annual Report - Olbrich Botanical Gardens
2012 Annual Report - Olbrich Botanical Gardens
ANNUAL REPORT Olbrich Botanical Society 2012 2012 OLBRICH BOTANICAL GARDENS STAFF ADMINISTRATION Roberta Sladky, Director, Olbrich Botanical Gardens Angela Donahue, Financial Coordinator Patti Jorenby, Program Assistant II/Rental Coordinator Kai Stanecki, Customer Service/Education Registrar GIFT SHOP Cindy Sullivan, Manager Connie Glasheen, Retail Associate Jeanne Kessenich, Retail Associate HORTICULTURE/OUTDOOR GARDENS Jeff Epping, Director Christina Akinlosotu, Horticulturist Samara Eisner, Horticulturist Tony Gomez, Horticulturist Christian Harper, Horticulturist Robert Kay, Garden Specialist Kate McWhirter, Plant Recorder Samantha Peckham, Horticulturist Mark Shimasaki, Horticulturist Phillip Stutz, Horticulturist Aaron Wilkie, Garden Facilitator VOLUNTEER SERVICES Marty Petillo, Volunteer Services Manager Seasonal Gardener: Shawn Christiansen DEVELOPMENT & MARKETING Ann Heiden, Director Sharon Cybart, Marketing & Public Relations Manager Melissa Jeanne, Special Events Coordinator Kelsey Dodson, Development Assistant Luba Konowalskyj, Development Specialist Katy Plantenberg, PR & Special Events Associate Nancy Vidlak, Personal Giving Manager Interns: Samantha Farrell, Brooke Gasteyer, Sylvia Janicki, Ramon Quiroga, Sarah Yaunke Blooming Butterflies: Kate Maley, Hazel Cybart-Fuson, Ryne Pagel, Suzanne Penfield CONSERVATORY & GREENHOUSE John Wirth, Curator Cindy Cary, Tropical Plant & Wildlife Specialist Jennifer Recoy, Assistant Curator Leaf Mulch Supervisor: Amanda Lazzari Intern: Dave Schreiner MAINTENANCE Jim Maier, Facility Maintenance Worker Don Saunders, Facility Mechanic II Building Attendants: David Antonacci, Jim Johnson, Dylan Jordee, Chad Norquist, Bobby Walsh, Bryant Ward EDUCATION Jane Nicholson, Director Jennifer Sterling, Youth & Family Programs Coordinator Elisa Collins Zinda, Youth & Family Programs Assistant Children’s Kitchen Garden Interns: Caitlin Peterson, Mikaela Robertson 1 LIBRARY Lynn Jacobson, Horticulture Librarian Special Events Intern: Allison Miller Tram Drivers: Bob Borman, Christine Kress, Sharon Larson, Amanda Lazzari, Judith Mayer, Jeanne Phillips, Russell Potter, John Regan FAREWELL TO Connie Beam, Director of Development & Marketing Theresa Gaspard, Plant Recorder Susan Kilmer, Development Assistant Building Attendants: Andrew Bleecker, Courtney Brown, Evelyn Gust, Greg Monson WELCOME NEW EMPLOYEES Kelsey Dodson, Development Assistant Ann Heiden, Director of Development & Marketing Kate McWhirter, Plant Recorder Building Attendants: David Antonacci, Dylan Jordee, Bobby Walsh, Bryant Ward 2012 OLBRICH BOTANICAL SOCIETY OFFICERS Janet Loewi, President Tim Sherry, Vice President R. Richard Wagner, Secretary Jennifer Curliss, Treasurer Dan Matson, Past President BOARD OF DIRECTORS DIRECTORS Fred Anderson Kevin Briski, Ex Officio Susan Davis Canty Carolyn Gilb Julie Herfel Kevin Hess Mark McFadden, Ex Officio Laurel Neverdahl, Ex Officio Erin Ogden Larry Palm, Ex Officio Tricia Perkins Marsha Rummel, Ex Officio Emanuel Scarbrough, Ex Officio Roberta Sladky, Ex Officio Susan Stein 2012 OLBRICH BOTANICAL SOCIETY OFFICERS Mary Beth Davis, President Sandra Dolister, Vice President Tim Sherry, Secretary/Treasurer ADVISORS Dennis Birke John A. Bolz Jt Covelli Mary Beth Davis Sandra Dolister Elizabeth Ogren Erickson Shirley Homburg Edith Lawrence-Hilliard Jeff Levy Dale Mathwich Jerry Minnich Anne Rodgers-Rhyme Barbara Tensfeldt Paul Williams FOUNDATION BOARD DIRECTORS Dennis Birke John A. Bolz Jennifer Curliss Jeff Levy Phillis Lovrien Janet Loewi Dan Matson Roberta Sladky Olbrich Botanical Society Foundation serves as the steward and investment manager of Olbrich’s endowment. In 2012, the Foundation contributed $159,613 to Olbrich Botanical Society’s annual operating budget. This is equivalent to 4.5% of the average balance of the fund in the previous 12 quarters. 2 Dear Friends of Olbrich Gardens, We are grateful to all of you that even in a year of economic uncertainty Olbrich Botanical Society met its revenue goals in 2012. Thank you for your participation in our efforts. We hope you’ll appreciate the Annual Report in its new electronic format. This allows us to expand the content without incurring cost of printing and mailing. Please contact Olbrich’s Administration office at 608-246-4550 if you’d like us to mail you a printed copy of the 2012 Annual Report. Again, thank you for your support in 2012! Janet Loewi, Board President Roberta Sladky, Director These Humble Hands That Garden by Fabu, Madison Poet Laureate These humble hands part earth quietly gently separating soil scooping out dirt pockets that transform into earthen vessels for hands to place growing treasures that will connect to the earth, root enrich and produce beauty and wonder. These humble hands coax a flower into bright life speak a silent language to plants, bushes and trees encouraging them to thrive expressing affection and appreciation for them blessing the land. These humble hands are covered in earth that captures and draws out pain weariness, anger, confusion all the perplexities of a human day drain down through these fingers into the ground heavy emotions break and float away peace settles deep into every joint and washes the mind. 3 Strengthened by our Partnerships Thank you to all of our community and corporate sponsors who supported special events and who help with the success of the Gardens. Please see page 21 for a complete list of sponsors. • Olbrich is proud of its volunteers!: With 26,560.50 hours by 623 volunteers and 7 volunteer groups, and an 80% retention rate, Olbrich had a remarkably successful 2012 volunteer program! These overall volunteer rates are practically identical to the previous year’s volunteer rates. Olbrich’s volunteer program is VERY stable. This allows staff to depend on volunteers to get needed work done. While there are changes in jobs, changes in schedules, and changes in abilities, the volunteer program delivers the assistance Olbrich needs every day. • Media Partners - The Everyday Visitor Campaign: In 2012, Olbrich received $51,471 in donated advertising (up from 2011) for the “everyday visitor campaign” by leveraging a small advertising budget of $4,500. The goals for the “everyday visitor campaign” are to encourage visitors to come to the Gardens during non-event periods; to visit for the first time; and to visit more frequently. • Olbrich participated in: National Public Gardens Day, Wisconsin Museums Week, Smithsonian Museum Day Live, Travel Green Wisconsin, Madison Museums Collaboration, and Wisconsin Invasive Species Council “Invader Crusader” awards ceremony. Support from Local Businesses/Rhapsody in Bloom 2012 Guests enjoyed the 1920s theme for Olbrich’s annual garden gala. The community was generous, with 32 local sponsor businesses and individuals. Donations for the silent auction were higher than ever as volunteer Rhapsody in Bloom committee members worked with staff to secure 69 silent auction items and four live auction items. The auction alone raised $15,234 - that’s $9,234 over goal! Olbrich Botanical Society and the City of Madison Parks Division partner in the operation of Olbrich Botanical Gardens. In 2012, the City of Madison spent $1,476,505 in direct costs for Olbrich Botanical Gardens which was offset by $307,741 in revenue earned, resulting in a net expenditure of $1,168,764. 4 Supporting our Community Olbrich directly supported our community in 2012 and also partnered with Madison area nonprofits to improve the quality of life in our community. • Donated 756 pounds of produce from the Children’s Kitchen Garden to the Second Harvest Foodbank of Southern Wisconsin. • Sponsored over 20 free concerts (donations were accepted) during the year that featured a variety of local musicians. • Participated in Wisconsin Public Television’s Garden Expo – a 3-day garden and gardener extravaganza at the Alliant Energy Center. • Designed two free flower shows, Spring Flower Show and Quilts in Bloom, for community enjoyment (donations accepted.) • Celebrated the cultures of rainforest regions and educated visitors about the connection between plants and people. In 2012, Brazilian and Polynesian dancers were featured. Olbrich Home Garden Tour 2012: This tour inspired home gardeners as they got up close and personal with creative plant combinations and landscape solutions. This year’s theme, “The Welcoming Garden,” featured six private home gardens in the Highlands neighborhood, along with the gardens at the Brittingham House. The Home Garden Tour experienced the highest attendance in the past four years with more than 940 patrons! Olbrich won first place as “Best Ceremony Venue” in the Wisconsin Bride Magazine, Best of 2012 Reader’s Choice Awards. 2012 Volunteer Excellence Award: OBS President Janet Loewi received the state-wide Wisconsin Federation of Museums’ 2012 Volunteer Excellence Award. Janet represents the ideal activelyengaged board member, able to lead and problem solve because of her intimate knowledge of Olbrich’s visitorship and how the organization operates. She was presented with the award at their November 12 Annual Meeting. 5 The Arts in the Garden Olbrich hosted the Greater Madison Writing Project’s (GMWP) Summer Teacher Institute, which immersed the teacher participants in writing, reading, and teacher inquiry workshops to prepare them to be teacher-leaders in their own schools. This National Writing Project program is a widely recognized and successful model for K-16 professional development that helps teachers across grade levels and subject areas learn strategies to teach students to become accomplished writers and learners. The program also creates professional communities that help teachers keep their instruction fresh and vibrant. Olbrich’s outdoor gardens showcased an exhibition of Wisconsin sculptor Robert Anderson’s Inflated Steel Sculptures. “My parents and I really enjoyed our visit. They came to visit for the first time from Colombia, South America. They were thrilled by the variety of plants and beauty. The staff was outstanding, kind, helpful, AWESOME!!!” — Ana M. (onsite comment card) 6 A Big Celebration The Gardens celebrated the 10th anniversary of the opening of the Thai Pavilion and Garden: • Thai Fest 2012, an afternoon of food, music and dance, was held September 23. The Thai Cultural and Fine Arts Institute of Chicago brought a performing group who entertained thousands of guests with live music and dance, while Madison’s Sa Bai Thong restaurant provided delicious Thai food. The University of Wisconsin-Madison Thai Student Association participated with a demonstration of Loy Krathong and Olbrich’s Education Department provided take-home activity kits for children and families. It was a gorgeous afternoon made successful through the participation of many organizations and by the thoughtful preparations of Olbrich staff who readied the Thai Garden, made sure that enough power was available, and overall, helped with whatever was needed. • The fall Bolz Conservatory exhibit, Flora of Tropical Thailand, highlighted the different ways Thai people use the plants from their native forests. • The summer Evjue Commons Art Exhibit featured works inspired by the Thai Pavilion and Garden. • Olbrich’s Education Department scheduled numerous classes featuring tropical Thailand, including adult programs such as “Tropical Gardens of Thailand,” and youth & family programs with themes such as elephants, monkeys, tropical flowers, and coconuts! Bolz Conservatory exhibit “Flora of Tropical Thailand” Performances at Thai Fest by groups from the Thai Cultural and Fine Arts Institute of Chicago 7 People in the Gardens Olbrich counted 252,750 visitors in 2012, who entered between the hours of 9 am and 4 pm or participated in events. Visitors who take advantage of evening hours between April and October are in addition to this number. Olbrich encourages adults of all ages to make a connection with plants and the larger community through a year-long schedule of diverse, engaging events. All the while, these “fun-raisers” are also “fundraisers” that help support the mission of the Gardens! The year 2012 saw successful new events and record successes with returning events. • Cocktails in the Conservatory: This new event, designed to attract the after-work crowd, brought guests to the Bolz Conservatory for a winter evening of DJ music and tropical magic! • Botanical Boogie – Winter Concert Series: The ballroom crowd had fun dancing away a winter afternoon to live music. This new event has a promising future! • Indulgence: Wine and Chocolate Tasting: Indulgence helps visitors foster a connection with local producers, all the while enjoying samples of wine and chocolate inside the Conservatory and Botanical Center. Visitors were able to talk with almost 20 Wisconsin wine and chocolate purveyors, the most the event has ever showcased! A record number of tickets were sold — 374! • Pansy & Primula Sales: Visitors appreciated beautiful, healthy plants grown locally in Olbrich’s greenhouses. The Pansy Sale began at 10 a.m. and just one hour later more than half of the 1,000 pansies available had headed out the door! The Primula Sale is a new addition that brings color in the early spring. • CRACKLE, Fire & Froth: The successful second annual CRACKLE, Fire & Froth was an opportunity for adults of all ages to enjoy a crisp fall evening on the Great Lawn with live music, local beer, local food -- and bonfires! 8 Teaching About Plants & Gardens • 347 adults and 19 children enjoyed free Guided Garden Strolls on summer Sunday afternoons. • The Ecology Explorer School Program expanded from grades K-3 to grades K-5 by developing curriculum for 4th and 5th grades. • 2,091 students participated in the K-5 Explorer School Programs, Olbrich’s youth field trip program. Volunteer support doubled from the previous year to 619 hours in 2012. • In collaboration with the Madison School & Community Recreation, 131 students participated in the Children’s Kitchen Garden School Program. • 45 youth & family classes and 132 adult classes were offered to the public. • Olbrich’s Schumacher Library staff and volunteers hosted 4,027 library users, answered 1,830 garden and gardening questions, and logged 1,356 volunteer hours. • Staff developed an Olbrich booth display about sustainable gardening and Olbrich’s sustainable gardening practices for use with neighborhood events. • Olbrich participated in the WI Science Festival, September 27-30, 2012. Olbrich hosted The Joy of Looking at Soil presentation and offered docent-guided strolls of the outdoor gardens and Conservatory. • On Sunday afternoons in the summer, 11 Madison Herb Society members partnered with Olbrich volunteers to welcome, engage, and delight visitors as they experienced the Herb Garden. This educational commitment by the Madison Herb Society continues a 30-year partnership with Olbrich. • Horticultural staff Jeff Epping, Samantha Peckham, Phillip Stutz, and Tony Gomez lectured to 14 regional gardening groups during 2012. They also provided 9 tours of Olbrich Gardens to special outside groups ranging from Madison College landscape design students to garden professionals from around the region. Gardens Highlights • Planted Rose Gravel Garden adjacent to the Rose Garden • Created Moor Grass Meadow and expanded north tram path plantings • 23,607 plants produced in the production greenhouses for sales, outdoor gardens, flower shows, education, gift shop sales, and more • Displayed orchids at the Madison Orchid Guild’s show, Orchid Quest • Developed shrub poinsettias for the tropical-themed Holiday Flower and Train Show • The Bolz Conservatory staff replaced the loquat with sealing wax palm and mangosteen and added cinnamon, nutmeg, and poulisan to the collection “Once again thanks so much! You all did a fabulous job with the kids and look forward to coming back again! Keep up the wonderful job you are doing!” (elementary school teacher whose students enrolled in the Botany Explorer Program) 9 Sustainability for a Green Future Olbrich’s maintenance staff: • Began replacing HVAC valves for improved efficiency • Added weather stripping on external botanical center doors • Cleaned and tuned boilers • Worked with City of Madison engineering to replace outdoor garden, conservatory, greenhouse, and botanical center light fixtures with LED fixtures that have dimming capabilities and light sensors • Worked with City of Madison engineering to upgrade the greenhouse electrical systems to meet code • Replaced the water heater used for production greenhouse plant water with a high-efficiency model • Insulated and improved ventilation in atrium attic • Rebuilt flush valves in the lobby rest rooms • Rebuilt four large exhaust fans in the conservatory cupola for improved efficiency Olbrich’s marketing staff: • Replaced the print annual report with an electronic version • Consolidated events brochures • Used one postcard mailing to promote all plant sales Olbrich’s volunteer and event staff: • Emailed “thank you” notes to volunteers Olbrich’s education staff: • Communicated with schools by email Olbrich’s garden staff: “It feels so good to • Focused watering in outdoor gardens on targeted beds breathe inside the • Added a new Rain Garden and reduced turf areas • Never watered the Herb Gravel Garden, even during the summer drought conservatory! Thanks for being here!” • Reduced the fuel used to make leaf mulch by 400 gallons Matthew S. (on-site • Used bio-fungicide on poinsettias in place of harsher chemicals comment card) • Used only organic fertilizer on turf: compost tea and corn gluten Olbrich staff: • Purchased an LED TV for use in the lobby to inform visitors of Olbrich’s activities, programs, and events “This is the most beautiful and well kept garden! Thank you so much!” (on-site comment card) “Thank you so much for the opportunity to visit your awesome facility. It was the perfect time of year with many plants in bloom. All of our field trip participants raved about the beauty of Olbrich Gardens ...” (high school teacher via email) Herb Gravel Garden 10 Technology for a Green Future • Facebook: Olbrich’s Facebook page ‘officially’ launched in March. By June we had 500 “likes,” and by the end of the year, 1,400 likes! This is an excellent way to communicate behind-thescenes information and reach a new audience. Like us on Facebook! • E-news: 2012 was the first entire year for the program, an excellent way for people to connect with the Gardens. There were 111,601 e-mails sent in 2012. Feature articles that offered direct expertise from Olbrich’s horticulture staff, such as how to deal with Japanese beetles, were the most popular. • Twitter: In 2012, we had fun Tweeting with a hashtag of #MartyMonarch during Olbrich’s Blooming Butterflies to promote the “adopt a butterfly” program. Marty migrated in August, but may return in 2013! • 2012 Website: Website visits are steadily rising. In 2012, there were 192,491 visits to www. olbrich.org, compared to 178,597 visits in 2011. That’s 13,894 more visits. • Don’t Miss: This feature was added on Olbrich’s homepage to highlight something exciting growing in the gardens or Conservatory – something different each week that you don’t want to miss! Publicity highlights: • Country Gardens magazine, published by Better Homes and Gardens, chose Olbrich for the article, “Our Favorite Public Gardens,” by nationally syndicated garden writer Marty Ross. Olbrich was among a very prestigious list of the magazine’s favorite 20 gardens, right up there with Chicago, Missouri, Longwood, Monticello, Chanticleer, Winterthur, and more! In describing Olbrich the article stated, “Ideas worth taking home: Olbrich’s pots are gorgeous: containers, planted with annuals, perennials, bulbs, herbs, vegetables, and bog plants, are skillfully placed throughout the garden. Don’t miss: Beautiful rain gardens limit storm water runoff. A knot garden of herbs is the centerpiece of the exuberant Herb Garden. In winter, lose yourself in the lush tropical plants in the Conservatory.” • In 2012, Olbrich was highlighted in almost 150 feature articles in local, regional, and national media. Staff members shared their expertise in dozens of interviews. Sustainable topics were prominently featured. “Thank you so much. We had a wonderful visit and the gardens were gorgeous. We are so fortunate to have such a glorious place to visit.” Sue S. (via email) 11 Olbrich Botanical Society & Olbrich Botanical Society Foundation Consolidated Statements of Financial Position From Audited Financial Statement, December 31, 2012 ASSETS Cash & Cash Equivalents Pledges Receivable Accounts Receivable Inventories Prepaid Expenses Madison Community Foundation Endowment Investments Total Assets LIABILITIES Accounts Payable & Accrued Expenses Deferred Revenue Total Liabilities $ 400,499 2,818 120 61,229 21,893 37,431 4,700,472 $ 5,224,462 $ 57,781 8,071 65,852 NET ASSETS Unrestricted Temporarily Restricted Pemanently Restricted 4,436,596 680,662 41,352 Total Net Assets 5,158,610 Total Liabilites & Net Assets $ 5,224,462 UNRESTRICTED NET ASSETS Support & Revenue Net Gift Shop Sales (net) Contributions Membership Dues Education Annual Events Investment Income (loss) Miscellaneous Total Unrestricted Support & Revenue Expenses Program Services Education Garden & Conservatory Annual Events Public Relations Volunteer Program Total Program Expenses Supporting Activities General Administrative Fundraising & Development Membership Total Supporting Activity Expenses Total Expenses TEMPORARILY RESTRICTED NET ASSETS Contributions $ 66,177 Satisfaction of Restrictions (29,155) Change in Temporarily Restricted Net Assets Change in Net Assets Net Assets Released from Restrictions Change in Unrestricted Net Assets $ 19,499 366,072 324,611 58,612 488,951 605,581 7,834 1,871,160 233,453 286,208 363,245 211,100 5,220 1,099,226 61,227 174,426 69,697 305,350 1,404,576 29,155 $ 495,739 37,022 $ 532,761 12 Gifts to the Gardens $1,000 and above Anonymous (2) Dennis Birke & Susan Vial Joyce Bisbee Richard Christofferson Jt & Claude Covelli Bequests Nancy Doll & Michael Bernhard Estate of Jeanne H. Lang Judy & Dick Ela Jean & Russ Endres GIFTS ABOVE MEMBERSHIP Vera Entwistle Thank you for these gifts and pledges Mary & Ray Evert to fund the annual programs and George Fait services of the Gardens as well as major Judith & Gordon Faulkner projects. Mary & Bruce Feay Barbara J. Fraser $50,000 and above Mary & Jay Gallagher Mead Witter Foundation, Inc. Ed & Betty Hasselkus Shirley & Harold Homburg $10,000 and above James & Joan Horsfall Bolz Family Endowment Fund for Olbrich Kiwanis Club of Madison East Gardens Kuypers Family Fund of the Madison William Miller Community Foundation Dan Rich Robert Lenz Cheryl & Don Schmudlach Marvin Levy Loraine Zeier David Lewis & Kate Wheeler Patrick & Peg Luby $5,000 and above Madigan Family Foundation Jack & Marian Bolz Madison Herb Society Courtier Foundation, Inc. Doug & Patty Malmquist Pam & Adrian Duszynski Dale & Lila Mathwich The Evjue Foundation, Inc. Evelyn McMillan & W. Jerome & Pleasant Frautschi Daniel McMillan, Jr. John A. Johnson Foundation, Walter & Stacy Meanwell a component fund of the Madison Walter & Jean Meanwell Community Foundation Jerry Minnich Walter A. & Dorothy Jones Frautschi Dollie Newlun Charitable Unitrust Olbrich Garden Club Irving & Dorothy Levy Joan Daniels Pedro Family Foundation, Inc. Pleasant T. Rowland Foundation Jeffrey Levy Pamela Ploetz & John Henderson Janet & Jay Loewi Nancy & Ken Ragland Maurice J. & Arlene H. Reese Tim & Pat Size Foundation George & Rosemarie Sladky John & Jean Skinner Kurt & Kim Stege Steinhauer Charitable Trust Joseph & Jamie Steuer Daws Strother $3,000 and above Barbara & Bill Tensfeldt Anonymous Bette Theisen Phyllis Lovrien & John Sommers The Warwick Foundation Tim & Jill Sherry West Side Garden Club Paul & Coe Williams Joyce Weston OLBRICH FOREVER Thank you for bequests and gifts received from these supporters and placed into endowment to support the Gardens in perpetuity. 13 Jack & Sandra Winder Wisconsin Daylily Society Wisconsin Hardy Plant Society $500 and above Michelle & Paul Blaskowski Robert & Diane Bless The Bruce Company of Wisconsin, Inc. Fritz & Laurine Carstens Carolyn Coffey Jefferson Davis Judith & James DeMuth Sandy & Jim Dolister Rita & René Dupuis Tom Duter Gwen Feit Milton & Emily Ford Jennifer & Richard Geib Patricia Hackworthy Karen & Gil Herman Katherine Herrin Thomas Kent Kirk Dan & Diane Matson Nancy McGill McGladrey Karen McLaughlin Goodin & Frank Goodin Mike & Sally Miley James & Rita Mitchell Lucie & Ron Schaefer Roberta Sladky Else Solberg Summit Fund of the Madison Community Foundation SVA Bob & Susan Titus Larry & Sarah Urben Raymond & Patricia Wahlton Robert & Elaine Waldo Florence Wetzel Debbie & Dennis Zeier Mary Zins $100 and above Anonymous(6) ACS, Inc. Bonnie & Stuart Allbaugh Kay Allen Diann & Mike Allsen Judith Amacker Should you observe errors in these listings please notify Olbrich Gardens at (608) 246-4724 Robert & Ann Anderson Carolyn Anderson Sam & Joan Arneson Aric & Latham Arneson Bill Arthur & Kathleen Kane Marian Ashman Badger State Dahlia Society Genevieve Bancroft Rachel Barnes & Playgroup Robert & Nancy Barth Jeffrey & Denise Baylis Connie & David Beam Thomas Beard & Lisa Nelson-Beard Terri & Dave Beck-Engel Sylvia & Bill Beckman DeEtte Beilfuss-Eager & Leonard Eager Maureen and Stephen Beilke Patricia Bernhardt Patricia & Linda Bernhardt Pat Bernhardt, David, Nancy & Rick Konkel & Linda Laura Bertucci & Karen Simon Catherine Bloomer Mary Borenz Marlene Hanna Borman Ronald & Karen Bowen Dean & Ann Bowles Leticia Brekke Jennivie Brennum William & Treva Breuch Michaela Brockstedt Laurel Brooks & Gregory Motl Paul Aspinwall J’Ette Buck John Cannon & John Fritsch Nick Carvin, Becky, Erica, Lisa & Cameron Jane Chamberlin Bruce & Linda Christensen Jarl & Ardell Christianson Nancy Ciezki & Diane Kostecke Petra Clipperton & Harry Browne Wendy & David Coe Foster Colby Anne & Tim Connor Carol & Ken Connor Keith & Kathleen Cooley Robert & Mara Coon Bob & Honner Cooper Corporate Valuation Advisors Inc. Jean Cowden Jean Cronon Crosstown African Violet Club Lionel & Marilyn Crowley Carol & Mark Cullen Betty & Corkey Custer Mary Ann & Michael Damm Peg Davey & Tom Zanzig Mary Beth Davis Teresa DeVault Angie & Charles Diggs Jackie Doeler Marian & Francis Drake William Draper Frederick & Ivy Edelman Fred & Juanita Ehrke Ellen, Lindsey, Lauren & Hilary Peggy & Gerhard Ellerkamp Janet Emmerich Chuck & Kittie Endres Energy Services, Inc. Keep Wisconsin Warm Fund Elizabeth Ogren Erickson & Robert Erickson James & Kathy Esser Douglas Steege & Kristine Euclide Paul & Monica Fahrni Darald Fairbrother Jessie Fiedler Beverly Flanigan Gordon Flesch Kara & Erin Flynn Margaret Franklin Patricia Franks Marie Fraser Jim & Barbara Freeman Janet Freeman Jennifer & Robert Friedl Ganshert Nursery & Landscapes Paul & Betsy Ganshert Andrew Garcia & Susanne Mowris Jac & Edith Garner Sarah Garner Gere Tree Care, Inc. Gingras, Cates & Luebke John Glaeser Bob & Carolyn Glah Josie & Tom Gobel Albert Goldstein & Phyllis Lefcowitz Goodman’s Jewelers Lawrence & Beverly Gottlieb Ruth & Mike Grady Georgia & Robert Graves Debby Gray greenTONE a cappella Frank & Catherine Greer Richard A. Greiner Ann & Richard Grieco Jeanne & Tom Grist Connie & Wayne Grogan Dr. Helen Gurkow Jill & June Haglund Terry L. Haller Fund of the Madison Community Foundation Dorothy Sawle Halverson Mary Hamel John & Nancy Harper Brenda & Owen Harried Sarah Hartman & Josh Moran Jennifer & Matt Hayner Kendra Heckmann Barb Herreid Joyce Hessefort HFP Capital Markets Fannie Frazier Hicklin Jane N. Hill Kim Hiney Enid Hoffman Irene Hofmaster Homburg Contractors, Inc. Daniel Hoover Doreen Howard Anne & Bill Hunnex Marlene & John Hurst William Hutchison Patricia Huyett Ikebana Intl Madison Chapter #28 Indian Hills Garden Club Greg & Jacqueline Jackson Nancy Jacobsen John Jakubik Laura James William & Jane Johnson Peggy & Rocky Johnson Joints in Motion Medical, LLC Doris Jones Beth Junge Alice Jungemann & Dave Wilken Jill & Jim Kaphengst, Ward & Kay Peterson, Kieth & Liz Seward Virginia Kaufman Mary Ellen Kearney Janice Kellogg Should you observe errors in these listings please notify Olbrich Gardens at (608) 246-4724 14 Eileen Kennedy & Milton Johnson John & Joann Kessler Kevin Kesterson & Tim Zinkgraf Cleo Kiergaard & Robert Sorenson Joyce & Richard Kiesling Kiwanis Club of Madison West Bradford & Diane Kleemann Scott & Theresa Klug Beverly Klumph Dan & Tamara Knickmeier Jack Ladinsky Ronald Lampe Carl Landsness Alexandra Larsen Jan & Jon Leverenz Elsa Leverington Marsha Lindsay & Rick Stone Katherine Lindsay Efrat Livny Lockstein Photography Joan Lofgren Dale Love & Chris & Natalie Walts The Madison Club Inc. Paul & Renate Madsen Douglas & Norma Madsen Eileen & Mary Maher Allisa Maier & Duane Kleinfeldt Joanne & Olav Malvik Ann & R E Marineau Joe & Pam Martin Mike Mathews & Sarah Smith Carol & John Mathis Mauretta & Bill Mattison Judy Mayer Kim & Patrick McBride Bob & Pam McDonald Blair & Joy McMillan Colin & Shawn Mehlum Mendota Gardeners Club Jane Mercier Margaret Metcalfe Don & Iris Mickey Ed & Sue Minihan Shelley Moffatt & Tom Fendrick Monona Grove Hockey Club Inc. Mortenson Family Foundation Sue Mueller H. Elaine Nagel Clare Nichols & Glenn Cushing Herbert & Patricia Nordbrock Mary Oberer Larry & Mary O’Brien 15 Office of Educational Accountability Team/DPI Olbrich Staff O’Leary Family William Olson & Cathy Spann Tom & Ginny Olson Gabriela & Reid Olson Mary A. O’Malley Jennifer Ondrejka & Thomas Rudy Orchid Growers Guild of Madison Orthopedic Nurses at Mercy Hospital Janesville Pam Palmer Parkwood Hills Garden Club Susan Paskewitz & Bill Barker Ruth Pasley Patricia & William Paul Ina Penberthy Frank & Laurie Peregrine Mary Ellen Peters Ernest Peterson Doreen Peterson Marty & Fred Petillo Stephen & Rita Pieroni Kathy & Robert Poi Carol & Nicholas Pollis Linda Porter Diane Prellwitz Opal Prochnow Steven & Patricia Pullara Marian Quade Donald & Roz Rahn Carol & Don Reeder Tracy Reyes Philip & Laurel Rice Jo Richards Alan Rickey & Catherine McCormick Jean Rideout Tom & Shirley Riggs Jean & Gene Roark Diane Rodefeld Lois Roets Pat & Jeff Roggensack Jane Rouleau & Dwight Beaverson Elinor Runey Carole Ryczek Barbara Ryder Marguerite Saecker Carol Ann Schlatter Beverly & Harold Schluenz Kenneth Schmitt James & Shirley Schommer Jackie & James Schutz Allan & Sparrow Senty Joan Severa Margaret & David Sharpe Jeremy & Ann Shea Toby & Peg Sherry Shorewood Hills Garden Club Philip & Phyllis Sillman JoAnn Six Patty Sladky Smith & Gesteland LLP SmithGroupJJR Mary & Tom Sobota Eileen & Guy Somers Ann & Ben Sowaske Judith Stolper & Eugene Haug Sundowners African Violet Club Surges Family Joanne & Richard Sutherland Georgiana & Jerry Suttin Virginia Swingen Marguerite & Jim Sykes Jean A. Taffs Michael Szulczewski & Barbara Tesch Kristy Thalacker Jim Thielman Bjorn & Gail Thompson Nan Thompson Mary Thompson & Larry Jenkins Randy & Lisa Tiedt Stuart & Karen Updike Mary & Earl Updike Toby & Nancy Vidlak Jane & Michael Voichick Victoria Vollrath Shari & Dale Voss Liz Vowles R. Richard Wagner Marvin & Grace Wagner Frances & Laurence Weinstein Keith & Karen Weiss Dennis & Sandra Weston Beverly Wilke Roger & Kristi Williams Wisconsin Council of African Violet Clubs Wisconsin Garden Club Federation Madison District John & Nancy Woods Rose Zerwick Should you observe errors in these listings please notify Olbrich Gardens at (608) 246-4724 Jean Zieman Jane Zinda Under $100 Anonymous Shirley Aasen AAUW Monona Branch Nancy Acker-Skolaski & Stan Skolaski Eugene & Mary Adams Ann & Jim Ahearn Annette & Steve Alderson Billy & Linda Alexander Lorelei & Donald Allen Jane Allen-Jauch Paula Stec Alt & Robert Alt Jean Alt American Family Insurance Robert & Sharon Anderson Jean L. Anderson Karen Anderson Janice Anderson Lynn Anderson & Holly Erickson Fred & Maren Anderson Emy Andrew Anonymous Gilma & Jorge Arenas Marion Armstrong Patricia Arndorfer Anne Arnesen Pat Arthur Benjamin & Gretchen Atkinson Terri Badger Bob & Linda Baer Marilyn & Winfred Bahr Valerie Bailey-Rihn & David Rihn Peggy Baldwin Bonnie & Glenn Ball Howard & Lindy Barden Joel Bardsley & Chris Carmichael William & Phyllis Bartlett David & Marge Bartlett James Barton Garrett & Jeni Bartowitz Amanda & Brian Baughman Linda Baumann Lucy Bautz Mr. & Mrs. William Bayci Barth & Ruth Becker Cathy & Robert Beckman Nancy Becknell Robert Beilman Mary & Robin Benton Daniel & Robin Berg Paul & Barbara Bergum Donna Berkowitz Shirley Berry Peter & Mary Berthold Rachel Best Kari Bestul-Schultz Bill & Laurie Bibo Nicole Bilotti Spencer Black Merrilee Blackmer Shirley Blank Julie Blankenburg Gail & Frank Blau Dorothy Blotz Mary Kay & Richard Boehme Janet Bohn Linda Boldt Natalie Borenstein Pamela Boucher Claire Boyce Ann Boyer Marjorie Boyle Debra & John Brandenstein Julia & Timothy Brennan Lynn Brethouwer Burnie Bridge & John Selbo Steve & Sue Brink Peter & Patricia Brinkman Don & Carol Brinkmeier Mary Brod Cathy Brodbeck Sarah Bronson Janis & Rodney Brooks Chris & Jerry Brost Barbara Brown & Jane Greischar Valerie Brumder Todd Brunner Anne Bruno John Bryant Roger Buffett Ruth Burdick Arlene & James Burke Connie Burke Robert Burnham Paul & Vivi Butler Beverly & Melvin Butor Amy Callahan & Kathryn Rindy Brittany Cannon Peter & Marsha Cannon Bernie & Judy Caporele Jean & Dennis Carlson Carolyn Carlson Debra Carrazana and Family Barbara Carson Patricia Castelli Daniel & Mary Caulfield Lori Caygill Lynn & Lorran Celley Bill Cerny, Sr. & Joanne Cerny Jessica Chmell & Kevin Coleman Erica Christman Suzanne & Bruce Christoffersen Reuben & Liz Clark David & Susan Clary Henry & Sue Clement Terri Connelly Cronk & Jack Connelly Carol Conway Arne & Jessica Cook Sue Coomber Bonnie & Gary Corbett Pat & Dan Cornwell Barbara & Ted Crabb Mary & Richard Crane Beverly Crapp Amanda Crim & Chad Seys Mary Bird Crist and James Crist Karen & Alan Crossley Shirley Culp Susan Curtis Magie Dabe Arne Dahl Heather Daniels & Alan Hiebert Linda Danielson Sue Dauberman Judith Davidoff Kathy Davis N. Wayne & Sarah Davis Jeff & Sharon Davis Louise Deahr Mark & Monika Dechene David & Diane Deci Deerfield Schools Richard Deihl David & Kathryn DeMets Liz & Harold Dettinger Jan & Robert Devoe Joanne & Cliff Dibelius Lorraine Dickman Bill & Cailin Docter Mary Ann Doherty Eric & Heather Donovan Should you observe errors in these listings please notify Olbrich Gardens at (608) 246-4724 16 Mary Doran David & Rita Dosemagen Barbara & Bob Douglas Wallace & Peggy Douma Robin Douthitt & Brian Gould Michelle Downer & Mitchell Freund Sharon Doyle Gretchen Dresen Karen & James Dreyer Joy & Dave Drummond Bette & Tom Duff Linda Duncan Charles & Helen Duncan Mary & David Dwyer Susan & Walter Ebersohl Janet Edge & Bruce Schreiber Bruce Edmonson & Kathleen Massoth Kenneth Eeg Ron & Ingrid Eggert Win Eide Joanne Einersen Christine Elholm Mary & Maurie Ellis Emerson Sunshine Club Phyllis Ermer Patricia Evans Bob & Roberta Everson Ronald & Gloria Evert Mary Ann Fahl Dick & Helen Falch Mary Anne Farley Jean Farrell-Holtan & Paul Holtan Susan Feldhausen Carol Ferguson Emily Ferries Jim & Judy Fillback David Finger & Ann Hayden-Finger C.W. Firari Harriet Fish Pat Fisher Meghan & Peter Fisher Mary Fix Karen Flanagan Donald & Shirley Flasch Terrilee Fletcher Kaj & Karen Foget Elizabeth Folberg & Jason Jacobs John & Bim Foote Pamela & Richard Forcier 17 Forest Products Laboratory Sally & Vernon Forsberg Beverly Fowler Jean B. Frank Donna & Dale Freiman Patricia & Richard Friday Friends & Family of Ethel Ziegler Friends & Family of Val Nelson Friends of the Morris Wetland Management District Friends of John Weston Christine Fritsch-Hammes Janet & Ann Fuhrman Brenda Fujikawa & Alan Kinnaman Edward & Joyce Fujikawa Patricia Gadow Jane Gahlman Anco Gallay Janet Galle Michael & Patricia Garren Darlene Gaska Steve & Anne Gaydos GBP Corporate Environmental Jo Ann Gehrman Christopher Gerber Dorothy Gertsch & Dale Beske Kiren Ghei Kim Giese & Robert Stabler The Giggle Girls Joan & R. Duwayne Gilbertson Sandy & James Gilbertson Carol & Bill Gillen The Gillette Family Susan Glotzer Wanda & William Godshall Mary Goers Theodore Gold Jeannette & Kenneth Golden Elaine Gorder Douglas & Lee Gothier Bryon & Kim Graff Sue Gratzke John C. Green Katherine Green Kathy & Pat Green Betty & Doug Green Dianne Greenley Bruce & Marsha Gregg Dick Gregory Susan & John Gremmer Bill & Nancy Griffel Janet & Phillip Grimes Janice & Fritz Grutzner Bernice & Bill Guerten Susan & Howard Gundlach Lynn Gutknecht LaVerne Haagensen Habitat for Humanity of Dane County, Inc. Ellen Hadidian & Peter Baugher John & Margaret Hadsell Joe Hadsell Yvonne Hagen & June Hagen Gary & Marta Hake Jane Hallock Maxine Hameister Gloria Hannon Valerie Hansen Erin Hanson and Family Renee Happel Don & Mary Harkness Patricia Harrington Heidi Harrison & Jerry Stevens The Hart Family: Michael, Shelly, Rebecca and Max Michael Hartman Emily Hauck & Janet Swain Mary Haukereid Kim & Robert Haukereid Cindy Hayden Pamela Heaney Harriet Heath Donald & Norma Heeren Ann Heiden & Tom Edwards John & Sally Helgeson Donna Hellenbrand Justin Hellickson & Amanda Leipold Margaret Helming & Joseph Powell Lorraine & Rodney Helmke Cecelia Hempel Hilda Henryson, Ann & Fred Hitzhusen Kathy & James Herman Lillian Hermsdorf Tracy & Michael Herold Deborah & John Herrem Kristi Herritz Josie Herson Virginia Hesse LaJeane Hettrick Mariana & Peter Hewson Should you observe errors in these listings please notify Olbrich Gardens at (608) 246-4724 Kathryn & Kevin Hicks Daniel & Dawn Hildebrand Lois Hindhede & Reta Harring Daughters of Sandra Derickson Judith & William Hogan Deb & Bill Holden Sally Holl James & Rita Honnold Dianne & Dale Hopkins Lorri Houston Geraldine B. Hovland Mary & Charles Howting Jeff Huebner Kathleen & Timothy Hueffner Paul Huggett & Michelle Schueller Don & Laurel Huibregtse Donna & Robert Huntington Jennifer & Randy Hurlebaus David & Kathleen Irwin Julia Isaacs & Charles Schobert Megan Isaacson Connie & Jeff Jackson Rollie & Shar Jacobsen Eleanore Jacobsen Stanley & Susan Jahn Nancy Johnson Bruce & Katherine Johnson JoAnn & Brad Johnson Norbert & Sue Johnson Anita & Noel Johnson Mary & Robert Johnson Lynn & Steve Johnston Rosemary & Lee Jones Jennifer Jungenberg Nancy Kaech Annemarie Kalson Ruth Kamrath Jaap Kap & Maria Speller Charles & Ruby Karpelenia Kate Katzban-Beren Bonnie & John Kees Dave & Rita Kelliher Joan Kelly Hilary & Kenneth Kemp Mark Kenas Heidi Kent & Mark McFadden Jeanne & Dan Kessenich Ivan & Nadia Kieler Karen Kiener & Linda Alanen Bill Kilgour & Laurel Kailin Kathleen & John King Robert Kivela & Julie Joyce Ruth Kleban & Vincent Fish Mary Ann & Karl K Kleemann James & Linda Kleinschmidt Richard & Cynthia Klemme Katie Klimowicz Katie Knight Betty Lou & Rodney Knight Sharon & Tom Knoop James & Ruth Knutson Lynn & Jane Knutson Jeanette & Ted Koch Alvis & Kathleen Koedam Jim & Melinda Kohrt Monna Kolbe Beverly & Richard Koos Judith Koppa Adam & Anastasia Korbitz Rena Kornblum & Joseph Schmitt Kraft Foods Matching Gifts Program Sue Krebs & Kevin Crowns Nancy Kressin Susan Kreul-Frank & Paul Frank Joan & James Krikelas David & Mary Jo Kroneman Bonnie Kruckenberg Nancy Krumei Walter Kubly Sarah Kuehl Heidi & Peter Kuhman Jena Kujak Bob Kurtenacker Eileen LaBarre Margaret Lacy Ronald & Beverly Lampe Jeff & Kate Lanphear Lucille & Robert Lansing Ann & Richard Larios Kathy Larson Mary Larson Dan & Hedi Lauffer Roy LaValley & Jennifer Roth Edith Lawrence-Hilliard Tracy Lazarus Linda Lazenby Philip Leavenworth Rose Mary & Jim Leaver Sally & Glen Lee Myrtle Lehnertz Janice Lehnherr Joanne Levenick Stuart Levy & Karen Medina Ann Lewis Jean & Ron Lewis Christine Lilek Peggy Lindberg James & Kay Lindblade Beth & Paul Lindorff Jon & Barbara Lindwall Magdelena Lloyd-Mead & Mary Mead Susan & Brian Lochen John & Jean Looze Rachel Lorentz Sally Lorenz Edward C. Lorenz, Jr. Jean & Richard Lottridge Judy & Richard Loveless Scott Lovrine Renata Lucht David & Mary Luebke Pamela Lunder Marion Lussier Frank & Lenore Lusson Jennifer Lutzke Sheila & John Lynch Kathy & Mike Mahoney Rosemary Maier Merlin & Verna Maiers Maija Maki-Laurila Joann Malcolm Bob Malli Kathleen Manner Patricia A. Marshall Nancy Marshall Bauer Mary Lou Pamela & Daniel Mather Priscilla Mather & Lisa Seidman Jeffrey & Helen Mattox Constance Matzat Harry McCarthy & Pat Mackler-McCarthy Gordon & Janet McChesney Tom & Miri McDonald Nicole & Patrick McElfresh Brenda McNatt Laurie & Tom Mecum Meghan M. Meeker Mary Mehn Linda Melenbacker Alex Metz Donna & Nick Meyer LuAnn & Joe Meyers Lisa Michelbrink & Rickey King Should you observe errors in these listings please notify Olbrich Gardens at (608) 246-4724 18 Sharon Milliken Bonnie & Jack Mitchell Chuck Mitchell & Sally Weidemann Pamela & Robert Moe Sharon & Richard Monteleone Mark & Nancy Moore Jennifer & Dan Moore Dornis Morin, Jr. Patricia Morris Nancy & Roger Morris Joyce & Robert Morrison Stephen Morton Sally Mueller Lisa Munro Betsy Munro Judy & Jim Munro Anne Marie Munson Ann & Bruce Munson Carla & Peter Murphy Catherine & Richard Murray Marilyn Mussallem Jack & Lois Mussey Christine Nelson Ruth & Tom Nelson Bernice Nelson Ann Nelson Nancy & Jay Nelson Billie & Scott Nettum Cheryl Nichols Martha Nicholson Virginia Nickeson Peggy Nied Angela Noel Donald & Louise Novotny Lynn Nyhart & Tom Broman Sarah & Curt Nyhus, Jennifer Klestinski, & Andrea Brandt Meredith & Rob Oehlkers Kay & Ross Oestreich Janette & Steve Olcott Marita Oliver Sharon Olley Gerry & Don Olson Margaret A. Olson Warren & Nancy Onken Marcella & Terrence Ortman Andreas Ostenso Jeff & M. Jeanne Otteson Kathryn Otto Cindy & Bill Owen Cindy Owen 19 Jenny Page Susan Palmer Anita Palmer Mary Kay Parks Gwen & Paulo Pavelski Earl & Sylvia Payne Henry & Merikay Payne Heide & Willie Peickert Judy & Ed Peirick Rhoda Pelliccia Suzanne Penfield Catherine & Michael Perry Mary & Daniel Petersen Armin Peterson Patricia Peterson Roger Pettersen Marveen & Russell Phelps Dave & Susan Phillips The Physical Therapy Program Norm & Ginny Piazza Cary & Lenore Pierce Marie Pietruszka Carl & Betty Pigott Everett Podebradsky Mary & Paul Podlaski Joyce & Victor Pohl Carolyn & Randy Pollek Carrie Pomije George Potaracke Barbara Premo Carol Pribbenow Jorge & Pilar Prieto Patricia Prime Mary & Sid Pringle Diane & Robert Quackenboss Garland Quamme Lori & Dana Radavich Kathryn Ramberg Chris & Jean Ramos Lori Randall & James Summers Cynthia Rankin Jeanine Gleason Ranzen & Eric Elizabeth Rasmussen Mary J. Raup Jean Rawson Nancy Rebholz Irene Remsik Resident Services Darlene & John Rettallick Pamela Rich Rhonda Rich Gail & Ron Richardson Carol Rickey Judy Riddle Adeline Riemenschneider Marilyn & P.J. Rindy Gerry Ring Bob & Jean Ristau Robert Rivoire Kristin Roach Peg Roberts Celeste L. Robins Jay Robinson Richard Robinson Claire & Shirley Robinson Dean & Mary Rockstad Anne Rodgers-Rhyme & Richard Rhyme Peter Roe Barbara & Richard Roe Jim & Jane Roeber Patricia & Jim Rogeberg Susan Rogers Carol & Roger Rohde Margaret Roisum Alexander & Andrea Rolich Betty Rosenbaum Kathy Rosien Darlene & Rodney Rossdeutscher Barbara Rothwell Mark Rounds Louise Rowe Joanne & Barry Rowe Rosalie Roy Cindy Rudie Jean Rush Susan & Clayton Sager Victoria Sampson Barbara Samuel Peggy & Tom Samuelson Donna Sarafin & Susan Kilmer Mary & Rob Savage Susan Schaefer David Schaffer Diane & Ferd Schlapper Gretchen & Steve Schmelzer Chris & Patti Schmelzer Carrie & Eric Schmidt Jenine & Ted Schmidt Larry Schmitz & Roseanne Drake-Schmitz Helen Schneider Monica Schneider Ruth Schnell Should you observe errors in these listings please notify Olbrich Gardens at (608) 246-4724 Mary & Jim Schnitzler Marion Schreihart Ann & Don Schroeder Beth Schroeder & Jason Torchisnky Jennifer Schroeder & Jennifer Torino The Schuultz Family Patricia Schulz Ken & Gina Schumacher Lael Schumann Leo Sebald Marcia Jean Seeker Paul Segerson Muriel Segerson Patti & Tim Seifriz Barbara Seifriz Gwen & Terry Shaker Jean Shaw Cathy & Phillip Sheets Jeremey & Katie Shepherd Jane Sherwood Karen Showers Amy Shumway Donna Silver & George Savage Warren Sime Irene Skattum Jim & Wendy Skinner Chuck & Connie Smalley Karl & Lois Smith Julie & Michael Smith Jo Smith Louis & Elsbeth Solomon James & Pauline Sparks Claudia Standorf Carisa Stanek Karen Stanek Jeanne Stankey Ray & Harriet Statz Anna & Peter Stebbins Lee Ann Steele Allan & Mary Stegemann Harriett & Robert Steil Shirley & Charles Steinberg Chuck & Gail Steiner Judy & Walt Stevenson Janet Stockhausen Don & Nancy Stoddard Kirk Stone Sara L. Strom Janowski Mary Stumpf Laurel Sturges James & Judith Sullivan Shirley Sundquist Ronald & Lynn Sunne Bruce & Barbara Sutherland Elizabeth & Scott Swanson Richard Sweet Dennis Tande & Mary Manering Jerry, John & Mary Tarr Edward Terry Jane Tharp Arlene & Terry Thompson Cliff & Judith Thompson Dee & Donald Thompson Gary & Judith Thompson Mary Thompson Howard & Judith Thompson Jennifer Thompson Cheryl Thoreson Anne Tigan Doris Tippens Lois Tollefson Adam, Josh, Rebecca & Theresa Traczek Lauri & Steven Tredinnick Amanda Treviranus Bonnie Trudell & Jo Kollath Mary Lou Tyne Peg & Bill Unger Judith Van Blarcom Masarah Van Eyck Kent Van Horn Pat & Jim Vandenberg Martin Verhelst John & Judith Verwiel Ellen & Marty Vogel Pearl Vogt George & Nancy Vogt Darrell & Kathleen Vogt Jennifer Voichick Karen & Steve Wagner Von Wagner Linda Wald Barbara & Bill Warner Susan & Terry Warnke Dana Warren Nancy Washburn Joanne Waterman Margaret Watson Ken Wattles Maureen Griffin & Max Weber Jean Weinbrenner Ronald & Margaret Weiss John & Celeste Wencel Jan Wentz & Cheryl & Bob McGovern Steven R. Werlein Tim & Jackie West Corinne Westmas & Sterling Glass Klaus & Margaret Westphal Bill White Ronald & Carolyn White Patricia Wieczorek Roger & Maj Wiese Connie & Jeffrey Williams Sally Wilmeth & Terry Geurkink Jan Wilson & Kate, Shannon, Kathy, Katie Beverly Wilson Judith & Damien Wilson Arliene Winner WIPFLI Hewins Investment Advisors, Ed Drake & Dean Stange Jerald & Pamela Wirth Jim & Carol Wiskowski Darlene Woldt Helen, Hulet & John Wood Kathryn Woodson & David Jurgensen Sandra Wysock Joan C. Yagla Doug Yanggen & Ellen Fisher Nicole Yoss Carolyn Young Darlene Zevnik Dwight & Bonnie Ziegler Carol Ziesemer Dave & Jill Zimbal Dee Zimmerman Jim & Laurie Zimmerman Donna Zink Joyce & Ronald Zwieg William Wartmann Should you observe errors in these listings please notify Olbrich Gardens at (608) 246-4724 20 Concerts Oakwood Village Prairie Ridge CRACKLE, Fire & Froth Madison Block & Stone, Inc. Pop Deluxe International Inc. The Great Dane Pub & Brewing Co., Inc. Tim and Jill Sherry Olbrich’s Blooming Butterflies Bagels Forever Group Health Cooperative of South Central Wisconsin John J. Frautschi Family Foundation, Inc. Meriter Health Services Michael’s Frozen Custard ProAssurance Wisconsin Insurance Company Olbrich’s Holiday Express American Family Insurance Home Garden Tour Avant Gardening & Landscaping Bassett, Inc.: Arborcare, Lawn, & Landscapeworks Chalet Ski & Patio Estate “The Tree Care Specialist” Isthmus J.W. Jung Seed Company Klein’s Floral & Greenhouses, Inc. Madison Area Master Gardeners Assoc. The Flower Factory The Vinery, Inc. Indulgence, Wine & Chocolate Angelo’s Monona State Bank Quilt Show Katherine Herrin Oakwood Village Prairie Ridge Rhapsody in Bloom ACS, Inc. Advanced Pain Management American Family Insurance Associated Bank Avant Gardening & Landscaping BMO Harris Private Bank Boardman & Clark LLP 21 Capitol Bank Epic Fortune Family Foundation Goodman’s Jewelers Grantham-Heinrichs Group at Merrill Lynch Homburg Contractors, Inc. Homburg Equipment, Inc. J.H. Findorff & Son Inc. Ken Saiki Design Maurice and Arlene Reese Metcalfe’s Market Michael Best & Friedrich LLP MIG Commercial Real Estate Murphy Desmond S.C. Pizza Hut Of Southern Wisconsin QTI Group, Inc. Reinders, Inc./FX Luminaire Reinhart Partners, Inc. Smith & Gesteland LLP SVA TDS Telecom Tetrad, Inc. US Bank Webcrafters, Inc. Rhapsody in Bloom Silent & Live Auction Donors Jeffrey Allen American TV Aniu Anonymous donor (2) Rab Bauman Bed, Bath & Beyond Black Earth Woodworks Bloom Bake Shop Bluephies Capital Fitness Capital Brewery Century House Circolo Catering Jt Covelli Jennifer Curliss Daffodil*Parker Sandy Dolister Douglas Art & Frame Duluth Trading Co. Eagle Optics En Vino Elizabeth Ogren Erickson Matt Fish Janet Fishbain Forward Theater Co. Fromagination Gail Ambrosius Chocolatier Edye & Jac Garner Gentle Breezes Carolyn Gilb Graze/L’etoile Christian Harper Julie Herfel Kevin Hess Hotel Red Java Bay Coffee Jewelers Workshop Johannsen’s Greenhouses & Gifts Jamie & Doug Keehn Klein’s Floral & Greenhouses Greg & Bonnie Kruckenberg Jeff Levy Lewiston Perennial Farm Libbey Food Service Livingston Inn Janet Loewi Dale & Lila Mathwich Dan & Diane Matson Kim McBride Metcalfe’s Market Monches Farm Neena Northleaf Winery Erin Ogden Orchids Garden Centre Overture Center for the Arts Paras Chiropractic Passamenterie Tricia Perkins Tad & Hannah Pinkerton R.C. Anderson Co. LLC Reinders, Inc. Schoenheit Gardens Scott’s Low Voltage Lighting Tim & Jill Sherry Roberta Sladky Steenbock’s on Orchard Sundara Inn & Spa Susan Stein Tandem Press The Flower Factory Twigs Velvet Waxing Vermont View Greenhouse Nancy & Toby Vidlak Vom Fass Should you observe errors in these listings please notify Olbrich Gardens at (608) 246-4724 Dick Wagner Paul Williams Wisconsin Cutlery Wollersheim Winery Woodworkers Guild MATCHING GIFTS Alliant Energy Foundation ExxonMobil Foundation IBM Corp Matching Grants Program Kraft Foods Matching Gifts Program Mead Witter Foundation, Inc. Schneider Electric/Square D Foundation Matching Gift Program U.S. Bancorp Foundation, Matching Gifts IN KIND GIFTS A to Z RentAll & Sales Adams Outdoor Advertising Ad-Lit Distributing & Publishing Alnisa Allgood American Printing Company, Inc. Burr Angle & Dolores Kester Anonymous Capital Newspapers, Inc. Cindy Cary Clasen’s European Bakery Patricia Cox Crema Cafe Crocker Design Company Heather Daniels & Alan Hiebert Mary Beth Davis Joe De Maio Photography Decision Point Norma DeHaven Kathy Deibert Amy Diebaren Eplegaarden Felly’s Flowers, Inc. Fiskars Brands, Inc. Flagstad Floral Valerie Hansen Christian Harper Ann Heiden & Tom Edwards Heritage Rose Group Audrey Honaker Patricia Jameson Barb Jenkin Charles & Ruby Karpelenia Jeanne & Dan Kessenich Jan & John Kinar Heidi & Peter Kuhman Kathryn Lederhause & Daryl Sherman Dale & Barbara Lenz Madison Magazine Mid-West Family Broadcasting NBC15-WMTV Barbara & Robert Park Patio Pleasures Robert & Joan Pekowsky Suzanne Penfield Mary Polancih George Potaracke Barbara Premo Opal Prochnow Red Wave Pictures Jerome & Shirley Scriver Donna Sereda Shaw Nature Reserve Roberta Sladky Summers Christmas Tree Farm Towns & Associates, Inc. UW Animal Sciences Toby & Nancy Vidlak Whole Foods Market Williamson Street Grocery Cooperative Wisconsin Hosta Society Kenneth Wood IN MEMORY Gifts were received in memory of the following individuals. Cheryl Ackerman June Ahrens Hazel Arp Jean Arpin Gayle Barnard Natalie Lynn Beard Esther Bentin Claire Hoffman Bernardo Hilda & Lester Blumer Dr. Hal Borenz Robbie & Ritchie Brooks Robbie Brooks Danny Brown Jane Burrows Buffett Mary Carpenter Penny Carson Peggy Chung Rick “Rapid” Coats Evelyn Colwill Timothy Daggett Timothy Pharoah Damm Jane Davis Mary M. Davis Jack DeWitt Jean Ebersohl John Elholm Eleanor Erickson Paul Farris Janice Friis Don Gahlman Betty Gilson Leif Grimstad Jo Grunewald June Hanson Merrillyn Hartridge Kay Hendrickson Stan Hill Thomas Holloway Laurel & Don Huibregtse Alexander & Virginia Iams Ruth Jelliffe Lillian F. Jensen Sarah Brashi Jones Pam Kaker Lydia Kalaida John R. King Louise Kleemann Loren Klein Audrey Kleinschmidt Patricia Ann Kleinschmidt Jack Koning Naomi Y. Kubly Jim MacDonald Alice Martin Florence Kathrine Mathison Randy Maynard Thelma Meyer Beulah “Bea” Moeser Drs. Barbara & Phil Mounts Donovan Nagel Camy Nelson Val Nelson Dagny Okeson Arnold H. Potthast Betty Priebe Jane Rich Vilas Rickey Pearl Rogg Vivian Rohrer Dr. Edward Ryder Marlyn Sachtjen Robert Sassetti Should you observe errors in these listings please notify Olbrich Gardens at (608) 246-4724 22 Dietrich Schaaf Valerie A. Schmudlach David Schrieber Corinne Sexe Dean Showers Catherine Smejkal Elizabeth Sommerfeldt Jameson Lyric Spohn Nancy Stapay Michael & Andy Stolper Eldred Swingen Kim M. Sylvia Norma Szabo & Jerrod Pierce Norma Szabo Anna May Thurber Louise Tortorelli Florence Ulrick Hedwig Veit Vicki Warren’s Mother Bradford Wagoner Esther Warshaw John Weston Sue Weston Kathleen Marie Williams Joan Wolf Margaret Wonn Donald & Margaret Wonn Dorothy Yohn Maria R. Zeier Ethel Ziegler IN TRIBUTE Gifts were received in honor of the following individuals. Lisa Carlson Connie Carpenter Signe Cooper Amy Diebaren’s Theresa Drury & Aye Kyaing Kung JoAnne & Rockne Flowers Lynne & Mike Garner Dora Gugger Lena Gutknecht Helen Hartwich Julie Herfel Jeannine Johnson Audrey & Patricia Kleinschmidt Stan Knudson Mary Larson Jean & Bill Lenling Mariel Lund 23 William C. & Lorraine A. Miller Familiy Elspeth Mungall & Bruce Garner Alys Murphy Olbrich Staff Olbrich Volunteers Matthew D. Olson Arthur H. Palmer Karen Powell Mary Pringle Carol Rickey Joan Riggs Ken & Regina Schumacher Emilie Scott JoAnn Six Plesko Marjorie Steffen Dr. & Mrs. William A. Stini Pat Wahlton Jim D. Winter John Wirth OLBRICH CIRCLE The following supporters are lifetime members of the Olbrich Botanical Society in 2012. Nancy Acker-Skolaski & Stan Skolaski June Ahrens Bonnie & Stuart Allbaugh Andrews Allen Kay Allen Carolyn Anderson Charles F. Anderson Charles & Jean Anderson Steven & Amy Anderson Marion Applegate Sam & Joan Arneson Marian Ashman Joyce Baer & George Socha Genevieve Bancroft Walt Baranowski & Diana Kruse Jacquelyn Barnes Susan Barthel & Jerry Reich Thomas & Martha Beach Connie & David Beam Terri & Dave Beck-Engel Brooks & Mary Helen Becker Sylvia & Bill Beckman Richard & Katherine Bentley Jim & Holly Berkenstadt Patricia Bernhardt Mr. & Mrs. Robert Besteman Nicole Bilotti Dennis Birke & Susan Vial Robert & Caryn Birkhauser Joyce Bisbee Robert & Diane Bless Anne Bolz Jack & Marian Bolz John & Amy Bolz Julia Bolz Gloria & James Borchert Mary Borenz Barbara Ann Borman Marlene Hanna Borman Ronald & Karen Bowen William Boyle Pat Breitenbach Peter & Marcia Brenner William & Treva Breuch Peter & Patricia Brinkman Joann & Frank Bucaida Roger Buffett William & Rosemary Buglass Kenneth & Mary Sue Burbach Henry H. Bush, Jr. & Joanne Bush Craig Campbell Denis Carey Betty K. Carpenter Fritz & Laurine Carstens Cindy Cary Mrs. Fredric Chase Mike & Sandy Chopin Gary Chrisinger Bruce & Linda Christensen Richard Christofferson Nancy Ciezki & Diane Kostecke Joan & Jeff Cleary Barbara & Ted Cochrane Jane Coleman Reed & Ann Coleman Ann Cooper Bob & Honner Cooper Pat & Dan Cornwell Jt & Claude Covelli Robert & Loeta Cress Ann & George Croal Crocker Design Company Jean Cronon Mary Ann Crosby Jim & Ann Cue Carol Cybart Don Dahnke Doris Dale Mary Ann & Michael Damm Should you observe errors in these listings please notify Olbrich Gardens at (608) 246-4724 Jefferson Davis Mary Beth Davis Joe De Maio & Kim Conradt Bob & Jean Dent Neil & Nancy Denton Nancy Derauf Larry & Nancy Dewey Mavis Disch Sandy & Jim Dolister Rita & René Dupuis Pam & Adrian Duszynski John & Elizabeth Eaton Alison Einbender Judy & Dick Ela Chuck & Kittie Endres Jean & Russ Endres Joan Engel & Richard Engel, Jr. Vera Entwistle Elizabeth Ogren Erickson & Robert Erickson Fran & Dick Erney Gary Esse Mary & Ray Evert Paul & Monica Fahrni Darald Fairbrother George Fait Judith & Gordon Faulkner Al Felly Eileen Fix Drew Fondrk Milton & Emily Ford Sara & Chris Fortune Greg & Cheryl Francis Margaret Franklin Barbara Fraser Elizabeth Frautschi John J. Frautschi W. Jerome & Pleasant Frautschi Jim & Barbara Freeman The Freitag Family John French Olga & John French Mr. & Mrs. Robert Friedman Judy & Richard Fritz Greg & Roylene Galbraith Harold & Evelyn Galbraith Tim & Dawn Galbraith William Galbraith Mary & Jay Gallagher Paul & Betsy Ganshert Jac & Edith Garner George Gaus Arne Gausmann Bob Gilson & Sharon White Gilson Bob & Carolyn Glah Ron & Angie Glogovsky Edward & Kathleen Glover Goetz Graefe & Barbara Peters Sylvia & Donald Green Frank & Catherine Greer Janet L. Greger Richard A. Greiner Ann & Richard Grieco Linda & Philip Grosz Daniel James Guilfoil Shirley Gunderson Brenda Hacker Patricia Hackworthy Marjorie Hagan Terry Haller Dorothy Sawle Halverson Robert Harker Lewis Harned Blanche Hart Larry Hartzke Ed & Betty Hasselkus Carol & Ron Hay Kendra Heckmann Ann Heiden & Tom Edwards John Heinrichs Donna Hellenbrand Betty & Gene Henry Karen & Gil Herman Katherine Herrin Fannie Frazier Hicklin Jane N. Hill Pamela Hill & Sheryl Jones Louise Hill-Strutz & Earl Strutz Susan Hobart & William Feitlinger Enid Hoffman Patricia & Vern Holtan Andrew & Sandy Homburg Chris & Janet Homburg Shirley & Harold Homburg Beverly & Frank Horn James & Joan Horsfall Max Howell Huston Design, LLC Bradley Hutter Joelle Hutter Jay & Patricia Iams William Iams Mary Iams Daniel Jesse & Nancy Ishikawa Nancy Jacobsen Judy Jacobson Art Johnson Frances Johnson James Johnson Norm & Sue Johnson Norman E. Johnson Peggy & Rocky Johnson Rosemary Johnson Doris Jones Juanita Judd Ellen Shoshony Kaim Lydia Kalaida Jeffrey Kassel Virginia Kaufman Ruth Kearl John & Joann Kessler Edward & Nancy Killeen Jane Kinney Dave & Teri Kinney Thomas Kent Kirk Roy & Sarah Klehm Bill & Cindy Klein Loren Klein Audrey & Patricia Kleinschmidt Sue Klein Johnson & Family Nancy Knight Otto Stan Knudson Erwin Koenig Jane & John Koning Carol & Gordon Kowing Bob Kurtenacker Joan Kuypers Mary LaMar & Michael Price Raymond Lang Jr. & Jeanne Lang Werner Langheim Hank & Annrita Lardy Christina Larson Timothy Leavitt Mary Lehner Robert Lenz Steve Lesch Jeffrey Levy Marvin Levy Phillip A. Levy David Lewis & Kate Wheeler Mora Lincoln Marilyn Lindau K. Don Lindsay Janet & Jay Loewi Phyllis Lovrien & John Sommers Susan Lubar & Kenton Peters Should you observe errors in these listings please notify Olbrich Gardens at (608) 246-4724 24 Patrick & Peg Luby Merl Lucas Henry Lufler Roger Luhn & Sarah Streed John & Laurie Lunenschloss Jack Lussier Jim & Dawn Lussier Laura Lussier Leslie Lyon Stuart & Louise Macdougall Griff & Mary Beth Madigan Mary Magray Jule & William Marks Carol & John Mathis Dale & Lila Mathwich Dan & Diane Matson Mauretta & Bill Mattison Mr. & Mrs. Allan Mayer Mrs. Oscar Mayer Hal & Christy Mayer Gordon & Janet McChesney Jean McCormick John & Jane McDermott Nancy & Monte McDonald Richard & Mary McGary Nancy McGill Betsey & Clayton McKinney Blair & Joy McMillan Evelyn McMillan & Daniel McMillan, Jr. Nancy & Howard Mead Walter & Jean Meanwell Bill & Jill Meddings Gladys Meier Maureen Menéndez & José Menéndez III Margaret Metcalfe Diane & Douglas Meyer Grace Mickelsen & Mikala Wong Mike & Sally Miley William Miller Jerry Minnich Faith Miracle James & Rita Mitchell Tom & Judi Mixtacki Dick Moll Thomas P. & DeAnn Moore Family Janet Morse Loren & Boo Mortenson Dawn & Robert Mozgawa Becky & Bruce Mueller Gene & Judith Mueller Jeanne Mueller 25 Mary Lou Munts Olive Munz Harold Myhre Donovan Nagel David & Nancy Nedveck Clare Nichols & Glenn Cushing Virginia Nickeson Leon J. Nicks Allan E. Niemi & Barbara Ahrens Herbert & Patricia Nordbrock Marilyn Oberst & Marian McGarry Richard Olbrich Mary A. O’Malley Margaret Ottum Ruth Pasley Tim Peckham & Darcy Danner Joan Daniels Pedro Ina Penberthy Guiseppe & Renee Perna Barbara D. Peters Mary Ellen Peters Marty & Fred Petillo Richard & Marian Pirkl Pamela Ploetz & John Henderson Kathy & Robert Poi Marge Pondell Cass Pressentin Opal Prochnow Nancy & Ken Ragland Kathryn Ramberg Lorraine Ranney Elizabeth Rasmussen Maurice & Arlene Reese Gordon & Janet Renschler Dan Rich Ronda Richards Jean Rideout Tom & Shirley Riggs Herbert & Arlene Rindy Bob & Jean Ristau Jean & Gene Roark Anne Rodgers-Rhyme & Richard Rhyme Mary Roeder Lois Roets Pat & Jeff Roggensack John & Sue Roll Barbara Rothwell Jane Rouleau & Dwight Beaverson Barbara Ryder Marlyn Sachtjen Patricia & Ken Saiki Neil Salyapongse & LaRynda Thoen Dennis & Connie Sammons Charles & Peggy Sanna Lucie & Ron Schaefer Jennifer Schlimgen & Miles Meyer Beverly & Harold Schluenz Kenneth Schmitt Ruth & Norbert Schmitz Cheryl & Don Schmudlach Melissa Schnitzler Dolly Schoenberg Ken & Gina Schumacher Karen Schwanz Marian Seno Joe & Mary Ellyn Sensenbrenner Allan & Sparrow Senty Joan Severa Natalie Sewell Jeremy & Ann Shea Toby & Peg Sherry Tim & Jill Sherry John & Twila Sheskey James Shilling Philip & Phyllis Sillman JoAnn Six Plesko Tim & Pat Size John & Jean Skinner George & Rosemarie Sladky Roberta Sladky & Thomas Holloway Jane Anne Smith Else Solberg Dolores Sorenson Shirley Sperle Flora & Phil Sprecher Daniel Stapay Ray & Harriet Statz Sherry Steffel Chuck & Denise Steinhauer Frederick C. Steinhauer Joseph & Jamie Steuer Hat Stevens Michael Stieghorst Margaret Stiles Kathy & David Stockland Merry Stoll Judith Stolper & Eugene Haug Daws Strother Margaret Stroud Earl Strutz Anne & Larry Stuart Joan & Glen Stuesser Valeria Sutter John Hayes & Cathy Swanson-Hayes Should you observe errors in these listings please notify Olbrich Gardens at (608) 246-4724 Virginia & Eldred Swingen Stuart & Elizabeth Sykes Barbara & Bill Tensfeldt Dolores & Ken Theisen Bette Theisen & Dollie Newlun Deborah Thomas Al & Mary Thompson Paul & Judy Thomsen Olive Thomson Gregg & Janice Tipple Bob & Susan Titus Dorothy Traisman Maxine Triff Betsy True & Danny Aerts Stuart & Karen Updike Margaret Van Alstyne Gale VandeBerg James & Roberta Vellucci Toby & Nancy Vidlak Katherine Voight Bonnie & Garrick Volkmann Victoria Vollrath Marvin & Grace Wagner R. Richard Wagner Raymond & Patricia Wahlton Charles & Julianne Wahtola Robert & Elaine Waldo William Wartmann Ken & Vera Watson Nora & Jeff Welch Steven R. Werlein John & Joyce Weston Florence Wetzel Roger & Maj Wiese Beverly Wilke Paul & Coe Williams Peggy Williams Sally Wilmeth & Terry Geurkink Eric & Cathy Wilson Jack & Sandra Winder Margaret Winston Loretta Wittenburg Mikala Wong Marie Wunsch Cy & Dora Yelk Everett & Mary Yost Paul & Shirley Youngdale Debbie & Dennis Zeier Loraine Zeier Rose Zerwick Mary Zins MICHAEL B. OLBRICH LEGACY SOCIETY The following have made planned gifts to support the Gardens and are members of the Michael B. Olbrich Legacy Society as of Dec. 31, 2012. Charles & Jean Anderson Susan Barthel & Jerry Reich Connie Beam Marlene Hanna Borman Richard Christofferson Kay Cowing Ann & George Croal Jean Cronon Sue Dauberman Mary Beth Davis Sandy & Jim Dolister Milton & Emily Ford Barbara Fraser Jane Gahlman Steve & Anne Gaydos Helen Gurkow Betty & Gene Henry Mary Howting Greg & Alice Johnson Harold & Rita Kreitz Barb Lee Vera Lee David & Cheri Lemke Janet & Jay Loewi Phyllis Lovrien Mariel Lund Dale & Lila Mathwich Nancy McGill Grace Mickelsen Dollie Newlun Opal Prochnow Nancy & Ken Ragland Gordon & Janet Renschler Kenneth & Joan Riggs Susan Rogers Beverly & Harold Schluenz JoAnn Six Eldred & Virginia Swingen Bette Theisen Susan & Bob Titus Paul & Jackie Vastola Toby & Nancy Vidlak R. Richard Wagner Raymond & Patricia Wahlton Betty Wass Karen Wedde Boyd Whitt & Shannon Burington-Whitt Kathleen Woit Peggy Woolever Rose Zerwick Jean Zieman DONOR’S ARBOR The following are those whose cumulative giving to Olbrich Botanical Society has reached $5,000 or more. They are permanently recognized on the outdoor Donor’s Arbor. Lotus Donors $1 Million and above Eugenie Mayer Bolz Family Foundation Magnolia Donors $500,000 to $999,999 John A. Johnson Foundation The Rennebohm Foundation Gardenia Donors $250,000 to $499,999 Arno & Hazel Kurth American Family Insurance A Friend The Capital Times The Evjue Foundation, Inc. Rose Donors $100,000 to $249,999 Adams Outdoor Advertising Jack & Marian Bolz Burdean Struckmeyer Ethel K. Allen Ilah M. Ostrum Jane Graff John B. Heim Mabel Hupprich John J. Frautschi Family Foundation Jack Lussier Madison Community Foundation Mid-West Family Broadcasting Olbrich Garden Club Pleasant T. Rowland Foundation Maurice & Arlene Reese Steinhauer Charitable Trust The Brittingham Foundation Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Should you observe errors in these listings please notify Olbrich Gardens at (608) 246-4724 26 Peony Donors $50,000 to $99,999 Ad-Lit Distributing & Publishing Adams Outdoor Advertising J. Susanne Ames Sylvia & Bill Beckman Charles & Betty Carpenter Joe De Maio Jeanette Swatos Eino & Rose Kinunen George Fait Fiskars Brands, Inc. W. Jerome & Pleasant Frautschi Elizabeth Frautschi Homburg Equipment Jeffrey Levy Mrs. Oscar Mayer Mead Witter Foundation, Inc. Michael’s Frozen Custard Oscar Mayer Reinders Harry & Merry Stoll Frances Z. Cumbee Lois W. Backus Walter & Dorothy Frautschi Towns & Associates, Inc. U.S. Bank Marvin P Verhulst William & Joyce Wartmann Wisconsin State Journal Welch Design Group Lily Donors $25,000 to $49,999 Altria Group, Inc. American Girl Company Carolyn Anderson Attic Angel Association LaVerne & Bernard Bartel Kenneth & Mary Sue Burbach Lyle & Cindy Cary Robert Conrad Cuna Mutual Group DeWitt Ross & Stevens, S.C. Dick & Judy Ela Mary & Ray Evert Esther L. Kalvestran Harold & Teddy Kubly Josephine Darling Josephine Martin Martha F. Beglinger Mary Benson 27 Gaylord Catering Service Jack & Lucia Gruenhagen Dr. Ed & Betty Hasselkus Betty & Gene Henry Homburg Contractors, Inc. John Huston George Icke Ken Saiki Design Dorothy & Irving Levy Mora Lincoln Litho Productions, Inc. Longshadow Phyllis Ann Lovrien Madison Gas & Electric Madison Herb Society Madison Magazine Mathea Helen Mollere Dale & Lila Mathwich Michael Best & Friedrich LLP Jim & Rita Mitchell Mortenson Family Foundation Helen & Donovan Nagel NBC15-WMTV Ken & Nancy Ragland Beverly & Harold Schluenz Ken & Gina Schumacher Stanley Smith Horticultural Trust William Steuber Joseph & Jamie Steuer Suttle-Straus Barbara & Bill Tensfeldt The Norman Bassett Foundation The Webcrafters-Frautschi Foundation Leroy & Bernice Cutler Nathaniel and Violet Eugenia Marans Joseph & Betty Spradling SVA Bette Theisen & Dollie Newlun Betty Vaughn John & Joyce Weston Paul & Coe Williams Dr. Margaret Winston Wisconsin Department of Tourism Helene & Chandler Young Trillium Donors $10,000 to $24,999 A to Z RentAll & Sales ACS, Inc. American Printing Company, Inc. Ameritech Carolyn Anderson Mary Antoine Associated Bank Joyce Baer Bagels Forever Bank One Nicole Bilotti Mr & Mrs Robert M. Bolz Susan Vial & Dennis Birke Florence Branch William & Treva Breuch Leo & Mary Brodzeller Roger & Jane Buffett Dan Capps Peg French Clark Bob & Honner Cooper Jt & Claude Covelli Crocker Design David & Jean Cronon Don & Carol Dahnke Mary Beth Davis Dr. Jefferson & Mary Davis Rita & René Dupuis East Towne Mall Jean & Russ Endres Vera Entwistle Robert & Elizabeth Erickson ESRI Blair P. Kruger Doris D. Woychik Edith Knutson Florence Whitefield Helen N. Thompson Marian Kerr Robert & Janet Hougas Virginia A. Ecke Catherine Feil Al Felly Felly’s Flowers, Inc. Fleming Development, Inc. Four Lakes Colorgraphics Barbara Fraser G-I Office Technologies Betty Gilson Robert & Irwin Goodman Goodman’s Jewelers Linda & Philip Grosz Terry Haller Russ & Vade Henderson Katherine Herrin Rex & Enid Hoffman Vern & Patricia Holtan Harold & Shirley Homburg Should you observe errors in these listings please notify Olbrich Gardens at (608) 246-4724 James & Joan Horsfall J.H. Findorff & Son Inc. Sam Jacobsen Family Kalmbach Publishing Co. Ruth Kearl Klehm’s Song Sparrow Nursery Stan & Milly Knudson Joan & Jerome Kuypers Barbara & Jerry Lafferty Lands’ End, Inc. The Loewi Family Patrick & Peg Luby M&I Bank Griff & Mary Beth Madigan Madison Area Iris Society Madison Kipp Corporation Madison Rotary Foundation Madison Service Corps Mauretta & Bill Mattison Dan & Diane Matson Hal & Christy Mayer Mayor’s Civic Promotion Fund Walter & Jean Meanwell Mendota Gardeners Club Thomas & Margaret Metcalfe Charles & Sally Miley William & Lorraine Miller Jerry Minnich Monsanto Fund Mary O’Malley Parkwood Hills Garden Club Physicians Plus Insurance Corp. Qual Line Fence Corporation Quarra Stone Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren sc Dan & Jane Rich George Roggensack Romance Jewelers RSM McGladrey, Inc. Schoep’s Ice Cream Co., Inc. Sentry Foods Hillsdale Joe & Mary Ellyn Sensenbrenner Tim & Jill Sherry Toby & Peg Sherry JoAnn & E.J. Six Plesko Spectra Print Corporation Chuck & Denise Steinhauer Daws Strother Joan & Glen Stuesser Tetrad, Inc. The Bruce Company of Wisconsin, Inc. Betsy True & Danny Aerts Mary Jane Hayes Meng R. Richard Wagner Webcrafters, Inc. West Side Garden Club Florence Wetzel White Horse Inn Whole Foods Market Eugene & Beverly Wilke Jack & Sandy Winder Wisconsin Daylily Society Wisconsin Garden Club Federation Wisconsin Hardy Plant Society Wisconsin Landscape Contractors Association Marv & Mary Jane Woerpel Loraine Zeier Travis M. Zeier & the Zeier Family Iris Donors $5,000 to $9,999 Affiliated Engineers, Inc. Alliant Energy Foundation Otto G. Ahrens Stuart & Bonnie Allbaugh Marion Applegate Sam & Joan Arneson Marian Ashman Badger State Dahlia Society Barnes & Noble Booksellers Mary Ellen Beach Ela Beam Technologies Robert Beck Brooks & Helen Becker Ron Skoronski Bob & Diane Bless Harvey Bluschke Boardman, Suhr, Curry & Field LLP Mary A. Borenz Barbara Ann Borman Ronald & Karen Bowen William & Rosemary Buglass Craig Campbell Carl G. & Ruth R. Mayer Family Foundation Fritz & Laurine Carstens Richard Christofferson Mike & Sandy Chopin CitiARTS Pat & Dan Cornwell Robert & Leota Cress George & Ann Croal Crowley & Associates Marion Crownhart Family Decision Point Bob & Jean Dent Sandy & Jim Dolister Edwin & Jean Duszynski Rex & Ann Duter Chuck & Kittie Endres Richard & Joan Engel, Jr. Entercom WMMM, WCHY, WOLX Gary & La Rhee Esse Carl & Elaine Guell Irene Newman Dr. Joan E. Mulligan Cele Fagan Margaret Franklin John Frautschi Earl & Janice Friis Richard & Judy Fritz Mary & Jay Gallagher Jack & Edith Garner Gaus Family General Casualty Companies Frank & Cathy Greer Janet Greger Group Health Cooperative of South Central Wisconsin Gunderson Funeral Home Dorothy Sawle Halverson Doris Hanson Heartland Litho Gladys Hefty Gil & Karen Herman Demus & Willie Frazier Highsmith Inc. Lucille Hiller IBM International Foundation In Business Magazine Norman & Joan Johnson Johnson Bank Jt Covelli Marketing & Media Resources, Inc. Ellen Kaim Virginia Kaufman Kiwanis Club Of Downtown Madison Kiwanis Club of Madison East Oscar & Joyce Klein Erwin Koenig Kramer Printing Evelyn & Irvin Kreisman Landscape Designs, Inc. Robert J. Lenz Phillip Levy Should you observe errors in these listings please notify Olbrich Gardens at (608) 246-4724 28 Marvin Levy Laura Linden K. Don Lindsay Madison Area Master Gardner Association Madison Association of Life Underwriters Madison Central Lions Club Madison Metropolitan Woman’s Club Marshall Erdman & Associates Harriet & Jim Mathews Richard & Mary McGary Russ & Evelyn McMillan Maureen & Jose Menéndez III Josephine Miller Jane & Jack Mitchell Sylvia Moldenhauer Thomas & Deann Moore Family Monrovia Mortenson Investment Group Mortenson, Matzelle, & Meldrum, Inc. Mary Lou Munts National Guardian Life Insurance Co. National Trust for Historic Preservation Clare Nichols & Glenn Cushing Leon Nicks George Northrup Joan Olson Orchid Growers Guild of Madison Ruth Pasley Joan Daniels Pedro Pilch & Barnet Pamela Ploetz & John Henderson Kathleen & Robert Poi Prairie Nursery ProAssurance Wisconsin The QTI Group, Inc. Quarles & Brady LLP Research Products Corporation Reynolds Transfer & Storage Walter & Jean Rideout Bob & Jean Ristau Philip & Lois Roets Jennifer Schlimgen & Miles Schlimgen Family & Friends of Karen Marie Stanley & Frances Schumacher Scott’s Low Voltage Lighting Joan Severa Natalie Sewell Jeremy & Ann Shea John & Jean Skinner Dolores Sorenson Gene Haug & Judith Stolper C. L. Swanson Corporation Elizabeth & Stuart Sykes Bill Thompson Thompson Investment Management, Inc. Bob & Susan Titus Veridian Homes Foundation Toby & Nancy Vdlak Miriam Vinje Virchow, Krause & Company, LLP Bonnie & Garrick Volkmann Raymond & Patricia Wahlton Robert & Elaine Waldo Ken & Beverly Watson Glenn & Josephine Weeks Steven Werlein Wisconsin Bell Wisconsin Hosta Society Wisconsin Packaging Corp WISC-TV Loretta Wittenburg Woman’s Club Of Madison Woodman’s Food Market, Inc. WPS Health Insurance Marie & Aaron Wunsch Cy & Dora Yelk “Yes, those lights were brilliant. I over-heard several people remark that they ‘felt like they were on vacation.’ Not too shabby for a Wisconsin winter! ...” (via email from a ‘Cocktails in the Conservatory’ attendee) 29 Should you observe errors in these listings please notify Olbrich Gardens at (608) 246-4724 Olbrich Botanical Gardens 3330 Atwood Avenue Madison, WI 53704 Photo Credits Jeff Epping Katy Plantenberg Kai Stanecki Jennifer Sterling Justin Woodward
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