Quarter 2-3 2015 - Michigan Accordion Society
Quarter 2-3 2015 - Michigan Accordion Society
1 Summer / Fall 2015 “Advancing the Accordion in Michigan & Beyond.....” A 501 c 3 Tax Deductible Organization Officers: President: Joe Recchia Vice President: Bob Berta Secretary: TBD-Open A. Recchia Acting Treasurer: TBD-Open J. Recchia Acting www.michiganaccordion.org Please remember that our Monthly events are being held at a new location. We have received great feedback and our members would like to continue going to Picano’s Restaurant located at 3775 Roc hester Rd, Tr o y, M I pho ne 248 - 689-5500. Mr. Picano appreciates our patronage and will continue special MAS Food Menu’s for us to enjoy! R em e m b er ! T h e M ic hi ga n Ac co r di o n S o ci e ty no w acc e p ts Vis a a n d M as t er Car d ! Music Editors: Bob Berta, Joe Recchia Accordion Teachers: Visit our website at www.michiganaccordion.org Accordionists for Hire: Visit our website at www.michiganaccordion.org Past Presidents: Steve Stolaruk: 1996-2005 Lana Gore: 2006 Ray Battani: 2007-2010 Stephen Kaye: 2011 Bob Berta 2012 Joe Recchia 2013—2014 Sept 15th — Accordion Duets & Modern Accordion Studio Reunion. At Picano’s in Troy, MI doors open at 6:30 PM October 20th—Joe Natoli from Cleveland, Ohio at Picano’s in Troy, MI, Doors at 6:30PM November 17th—TBD December 8th - Xmas Party at Picano’s in Troy Web Page: Robert Stead [email protected] Photographers: Tony La Tona & Bob Berta Sept 11 & 12—Ann Arbor October Fest, Arbor Brewing Company Sept 18th—20th Carpathia Club Oktoberfest Address/Phone: Michigan Accordion Society 37365 Hanson Dr. Sterling Heights, MI 48310 586-530-1546 [email protected] Membership Committee: Antonella Recchia UPCOMING EVENTS The Michigan Accordion Society is very pleased to invite you to our September 15th Music Event at Picano’s. We will be featuring a Modern Accordion Studio Reunion Night and a wonderful music duet performance by 2 great “Modern Accordion Studio” students Ms. Pam Manos & Mr. John Sterbenz! Board Members: Angela Masi Beaumont John Gabalis Tony La Tona Lorraine Lozovoj Sam Randazzo Antonella Recchia TBD-Open TBD-Open Newsletter Committee: Bob Berta Editor, Bob Stead, Joe Recchia, Tony La Tona Vol. 19 No. 2/3 John Sterbenz, Jr. began studying the accordion in 1979 at the age of 8 at Modern Accordion Studios and he continued his instruction under Lana Gore, moving with her as she opened The Music Centre (Dearborn Heights, MI) through 1982 John competed at many state, regional, national and international levels. John became an instructor at The Music Centre in 1987 to 1992. Pam McGowan began studying the accordion at the age of 5 at Modern Accordion Studios and continued her instruction at to The Music Centre. Pam competed in numerous competitions at the state, regional, national and international level, holding titles to such awards as the Michigan Cup, the Mid-West Cup, the International Grand Prix, the AAA Championship, and also placed 5th in the Coupe Mondiale, held in Folkestone, England in 1984. Both Pam and John are a great talent and they continue to enjoy performing in various venues. Please plan on attending this event and help us support these wonderful accordionists! December 31, 2015— MAS New years Eve party Carpathia Club MAS members receive $10.00 discount on tickets more details to follow. For more details visit our Events Page on our Web- For up to date MAS info please visit our Facebook page at:: www.facebook.com/ michiganaccordionsociety Please consider Joining Facebook it is a great way to connect with Accordionists all over the world! FOR MORE EVENTS AND INFO VIST OUR EVENTS PAGE at www.michiganaccordion.org/events 2 MESSAGE FROM OUR PRESIDENT We hope each of you are doing well and enjoying the great summer that we are having. So glad to see a lot of great Accordion activity with our MAS Members in Michigan and Beyond! This addition of our Newsletter also includs our annual distribution of our MAS Membership List. This Membership list is only sent out to current 2015 and past 2014 members. Please note that we still have not seen payments from some of our 2014 members. Remember your 2014 Memberships expired on December 31, 2014. If you have paid your 2015 Annual Dues thank you! If you have not paid your 2015 Dues please send us a payment using the enclosed membership application form on Page 17 of this newsletter. Our Monthly Music Event new location at Picano’s Italian Restaurant has been very well received and we have received overwhelming support to continue to hold our monthly Music Events their. Mr. Picano is very delighted with our past turn outs and continues to invite us back each month with his special MAS menu and is even trying to get local news coverage of our events through some of his contacts at Fox 2 News! So don’t miss the opportunity to visit one of our events and even be on TV! We have seen a nice increase in walk-ins to our monthly events and a few of those people have now become Members. This is all great news and we are finally starting to see positive cash flow to help offset our losses. Our recent events have been great and will continue to facilitate a Open Mic as well as Featured performers at each music event as well as a Raffle. Any one can donate raffle gifts if you have anything your would like to donate, please bring it in the day of our Music Events. We have had a very busy quarter promoting the accordion and MAS is very excited to announce that we have made great progress with our “Accordion For Kids Program” Please read more about this great achievement in this newsletter edition! Also we have made public “The MAS Endowment Fund” which we are publically thanking each Donors of the Scholarships we have collected and also shows how we are using the funds collected to give back to the community. For more detailed information please visit our new Website link at www.michiganaccordion.org/endowment/ Your MAS Board works very hard to bring you the best that we can and we are looking forward in seeing each of you at our upcoming events, thank you for making this a great Accordion society! Joe Recchia, MAS President We are pleased to welcome the following new members this quarter; Gary Blair, Daniel Bryson, Jason Fligger, JoAnne Fligger, Chuck Henry Maurita Murphy Marx, Kathy Polansky, Mark Randisi, Gary Schunk, Adam Stachurski, Kristina Stachurski, Dylan Stachurski, Ray Tini & Johnny Trudell For PHONE ADDRESS OR EMAIL CHANGES, Please Contact “Toni Recchia” at [email protected] or 586-530-1546 3 MAS MEMBERS IN ACTION—Around the Countr y and locally IF YOU HAVE AN ACCORDION NEWS PHOTO, AN UPCOMING PERFORMANCE, PLEASE SEND IT TO BOB BERTA SO WE CAN INCLUDE IT IN YOUR NEXT NEWSLETTER & OUR FACEBOOK PAGE! 4 ACCORDIONS IN THE NEWS Check out this great interview with our MAS member Cory Pesaturo and Scott Page, famous Guitar and Saxophonist from Pick Floyd, Toto & Sumpertramp talking about great way to promote the Accordion! https:// www.youtube.com/watch? Our MAS Member's John & Mary Smoltz's son, John Smoltz receives highest Honor of being inducted into the Major League Baseball Hall of fame July 26, 2015 in Cooperstown, NY. His speech talks about growing up with the Accordion which can be seen at the link below at approx 6:15 into his acceptance speech. What a great speech and wonderful honor please help us to congratulate our Members John & Mary Smoltz! http://m.mlb.com/video/ v297990783/smoltz-discusses-illustrious-career-in-his-hof-speech 5 ACCORDION FOR KIDS PROGRAM UPDATE We are extremely pleased and delighted to announce that the Michigan Accordion Society has been very busy working to locate a school to host an Accordion For kids Program and thanks to our new Member Mr. Jason Fligger of Detroit we were able to secure a wonderful afterschool program which will hold an Accordion Class starting September 21, 2015. Classes will run for 10 weeks and the Michigan Accordion Society is helping by donating 12 Bass Accordions Rentals that were purchased with our Scholarship Program. Joe Recchia, MAS President said “We are so very pleased to be helping the school in offering an Accordion Class, I had a chance to meet with the School Principle Ms. Issablle Lauerman and she advised that the school is very excited to be offering this program and her entire staff feels it will be very successful and are already talking to us about hosting a Winter Accordion Class. This class could not have made possible without MAS Members Kathy Polansky who will be a great asset with the success of this program as she will be teaching the class as well as Jason Fligger who has offered to assist Ms. Polansky in the classroom each week.” The Waldorf School has already posted their Accordion Class on their website as shown Below: The Waldorf Philosophy The mission of the Detroit Waldorf School is to provide a rich and dynamic pre-K-8th grade Waldorf education to a geographically, racially, and socio-economically diverse student body in Detroit and Southeast Michigan. The Detroit Waldorf School is a community dedicated to helping each child develop his or her full human potential: clear, creative thought and expression, balance and compassion in feeling; and conscience and initiative in action. Waldorf education fosters the development of free-thinking, moral, and selfconfident individuals who lead successful and inspired lives. For more information on the Waldorf School please visit their website at http://www.detroitwaldorf.org/after-school-programs/ 6 ITALIAN NIGHT AT PICANOS JUNE 2nd 7 LA NASCITA DI ROMA APRIL 10TH MAS DINNER DANCE AT VILLA PENNA The Michigan Accordion Society would like to thank the numerous Sponsors for helping to make our April 10th 2015 Dinner Dance Event a Huge Success! We would like to thank all the wonderful people who purchased tickets (nearly 400 People) as well as the wonderful line up of incredible musician by Michele Ramo's Orchestra as well as the Executive Chef Sandy Polidori and George Penna at Villa Pennas and their incredible staff for putting together an incredible dinner and drink selection in their brand newly remodeled facility. Just goes to show you that great things happen when you bring the best Music, Food and People together! Very proud of all the MAS Musicians, Board members and other Members who attended to help make this event very memorable and successful! Thank you, so much! For those of you who missed out, we are already in talking stages about a repeat event! 8 MAY STUDENT NIGHT 9 MAS IN THE NEWS The Michigan Accordion Society was featured in several Local Papers; The Troy Somerset Gazatte, The Italian Tribune and the The Italian American and talked about how the Michigan Accordion Society is providing Scholarships in our community during our recent Music Event this past June of 2015. We are very proud of these kids and their parents for the work they are doing with the Accordion. Our Scholarship Donations could not have been made possible if it was not for our Scholarship Donors. Remember to visit our Facebook Page and Website were you can find legible copies of these articles at these links http://www.michiganaccordion.org/ inthenews.html https://www.facebook.com/ michiganaccordionsociety?ref=hl 10 JUNE FEATURED CHUCK HENRY 11 JULY FEATURED GARY BLAIR FROM SCOTLAND 12 ACCORDION HISTORY ANTHONY GALLA-RINI PIONEER, TEACHER, AND CONCERT ARTIST I have always considered Anthony Galla-Rini to be among the top accordion players of all time. Since I was born and lived in California for most of my life before retiring in Michigan in 2004 I had many times met him and heard him play and teach students. While there are many other famous accordionists, I would like to explain why I consider Anthony such a notable musician. But first a little background. He was born in Manchester, Connecticut, on January 18, 1904. His father, John, was a bandmaster who trained all his children to perform on the vaudeville stage. Anthony started playing cornet at the age of 4, and than at the age of 7, accordion lessons were added. In 1924 he separated from his dad’s act and formed his own act. From 1911 to 1933 he performed on many vaudeville stages and in that same period learned to play piuccolo, flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, French horn, trumpet, trombone, and tuba in addition to the accordion. But as he said, he never had his heart in that type of performance and so abandoned all instruments except accordion (which was his first love). His objectives that he decided to focus on were: 1 Teach the accordion as a professionally recognized instrument 2 Exploit the full capability of the accordion 3 Compose and arrange music 4 Promote the accordion in the concert field He started teaching in San Francisco but established studios in the surrounding areas, hiring his students as teachers. In 1936 he moved to New York where most of his music publishers were located. After a long career he moved back to California, but to say it was for retirement would be a mistake as he kept up a very hectic schedule of writing, teaching and some performing right up to his death in 2006 at the age of 101. His arrangements and compositions utilize the attributes of the accordion such as the bellows and arrangement of the stradella bass to a greater level than is normally seen in arrangements. He favored classical music often as he wanted to show that the accordion was capable of serious music. Along the way he made several advancements in the design of the accordion. If your accordion switches show the circle with two lines and various dots denoting the reed selection….that was his idea. In addition he recognized that a full 7th chord limited the ability to create other chords by playing them along with a single bass note. So he removed the pin on the 5th and that allowed him to also play an augmented chord. That design is now standard on all accordions. Anthony had perfect pitch and had the amazing ability to hear any chord played by another person and could tell you which notes were played without seeing the player. He told me that while technic is important, musicality and phrasing is the soul of music. I remember his recommendation to try singing the piece you are playing at the same time as you play it. He said that often accordionists don’t take breathing breaks. He joked that if those players sang like they play, they would pass out from lack of oxygen! That reminded me of a comment by Ludwig Van Beethoven: “To play a wrong note is insignificant, to play without passion is inexcusable!” RKBerta 13 THE SUMMER ACCORDION LESSON HOW TO LEARN A NEW PIECE OF MUSIC The following method is what I use and while everyone will refine this to best fit their routine, it is important that whatever method you use that you are consistent so you won’t skip steps or cause problems down the road. TEMPO: At the outset I look at the tempo of the selection but DO not play at that tempo. I reduce the tempo down as I address each of the following steps. Many musicians skip or gloss over this step and as a result when they get to a fast part of the composition they play the notes sloppily in a way that for a better word to describe it causes the music to be “compressed”. Gradually you can work the tempo up as the piece falls “under your fingers”. Compression is a trap that I often have to deal with...often unsatisfactorily ;-) KEY-SIGNATURE: Be aware of the prevailing key signature at all times and do not be misled by accidentals or the mind may loose track of the key signature. Remember that the accidental is valid for the rest of the measure, unless it has been canceled. Make sure you apply the accidental to the note it is intended. ARTICULATION: The soul of the accordion is the bellows which give it the phrasing and articulation like that of a violin or wind instrument and it is VERY important to use this. This needs to be used from the very first reading. FINGERING: The practical fingering should be derived from the very first reading. On some music the SUGGESTED fingering is indicated but since not everyone has identical hands and length of fingers it is OK to develop your own fingering. In particular I spend a lot of time developing the left hand fingering. In particular I suggest that you use all the fingers on your left hand...even the thumb if that allows a more fluid playing. Using all those fingers will give them the strength for playing of bass solos and runs. PRACTICE HANDS SEPARATELY AS MUCH AS NEEDED: When you do combine the hands make sure you pay attention to the combination for tempo. If you find that you are slowing down in the more difficult parts of the piece...that is a sign that you are attempting to play the entire piece at a too fast tempo to early and need to slow down until you have it “under the fingers”. If you don’t do this you will likely find that your playing will continue to speed up and slow down while playing the selection and that is an obvious sign of poor preparation. DYNAMICS: Again this is part of the SOUL of the accordion performance. While blah dynamics yields a boring performance...over the top dynamics is very distracting also. Remember...Vaudeville is dead...so those over the top performances are a thing of the past. It really helps to hear how the original arranger or composer intended the piece to be played by listening to a recording. And of course if the piece has GOOD dynamics and phrasing indicated so much the better. BELLOWS REVERSAL: Each accordion has different amounts of bellows capacity depending on many factors so each accordion will need to have this worked out. Ideally you NEVER want to reverse bellows in a long phrase as that is a sure sign of lack of practice. And note that if you play the selection on more than one accordion you will need to work this out for each one. SELECT APPROPRIATE REGISTERS FOR YOUR ACCORDION: Don’t use the same combos all the time. For repeats choose different registers or octaves. RECORDING THE SELECTION: If you have a way to record your performance you will find the flaws very quickly. Bob Berta 14 FEATURED ACCORDION MUSIC THIS MONTH This time we are featuring an accordion duet of J.S.Bach’s Menuet in G arranged for accordion by MAS Member Silven Koltyk. He has given us a great collection of his accordion transcriptions of classical music that we will be sharing with you in future newsletters. While there is a first and second part, the first accordion part will stand by itself for solo performance. 15 DUET for ACCORDION PART 2 This accordion transcription written by Silven Koltyk or MAS members. Keep an eye out for future transcriptions from Silven on our newsletters. Thanks Silven!!! 16 MAS Business & Classified Section MAS Members Please Support the Business that support MAS! Accordion International offer MAS members: Address: 1760 South 450 West 20% discount on Accordion Straps and cases and Salt Lake City, UT 84115 special Member pricing on the lineup of Roland V Phone: (800) 935-0013 Accordions Website: www.accordionfactory.com Attention: Paul Pasquali Address: 30640 Dequindre Rd Warren, MI 48092 20% off all in stock items, including Lessons, Phone: 586 751-8616 Website: www.edbstudios.com Instruments and Professional Recordings! Attention: Eric or Donna EDP Studios offers MAS Members: Address: 38944 Dequindre Road Sterling Heights, MI 48310 20% off all in stock items, including Lessons & Phone: (586) 978-1816 Website: www.guszoppimusic.com Instruments! Attention: Tom Gus Zoppi Music Center offers MAS Members: Music Authority offers MAS members: Buy four lessons & get two free! ConCorde Inn offers MAS members: 20% discount on Rooms at both locations http://www.concordeinns.com/ Address: 24736 W. Warren St. Dearborn Heights, MI 48127 Phone: (313) 551-5420 Website: www.musicauthorityschool.com Attention: Pavel 1919 Star Batt Drive, Rochester Hills, MI 48309, Phone: 248-299-1210 Attention: Erin 44315 Gratiot, Clinton Township, MI 49036 Phone: 586-493-7300 Attention: Erin JR PRODUCTS LLC is offering A new Portable Charger and Power Adaptor now available for your Roland FR7/FR7x V Accordion which is specifically engineered and designed for your BP 24-45 Battery pack. Stop carrying around your bulky Roland Foot Pedal unit and upgrade with these great very small and portable devices. MAS Members receive a 25% discount. Please visit our new website at http://www.joerecchia.com/jrproducts MAS Members receive A wonderful 30 Plus % off on a brand new Borsini Accordion! www.borsiniaccordionsusa.com MAS Members receive one free Dance Lesson with any Dance Package Purchase www.argentinetangodetroit.com Please contact Mr. Jeffrey Iacono, President of Borsini Accordion of America 1814 Tanger Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (714)-269-8648 [email protected] 7758 Auburn Road Utica, MI 48317 586-254-0560 ask for Lori [email protected] ACCORDIONS FOR SALE We have a lot of great accordions and other items for sale, way to much to list here, so please visit our MAS Website link at www.michiganaccordion.org/classified_ads Our Classified listing is one of your Membership Perks! For advertising or to participate in the MAS discount program, please contact one of our Officers or Board Members 17 Join MAS and Enjoy these 2016 Membership Benefits! visit us a t w w w. mi c hi g a n a cc o r di o n. o rg a n d Your $30.00 MAS membership entitles you to: Receive our brand new official Membership card and use it to save money at local area business (please refer to our website for the latest list of our MAS business supporters and discount listing) Monthly Music Event Entrance Fee Discounts Be added on our Website Performers Directory and Teachers Directory Promotion of your CD's, events & performances Periodic Updates / Email News Flash & Newsletters Free Classified Advertising in our Newsletter (Pending Available Room) and Website Receive a copy of our MAS members list and begin to access a great network of Musicians Membership Incentive—a little effort and you can get your membership for free (see below incentives) Invitation to work shops and special appearance as they become available MAS Membership is still a great deal for only $30.00 a year! Membership Dues Expire December 31 of 2016 $5.00 Finders Fee Details: Membership Incentive Programs: FREE CURRENT C/Y COMPLIMENTARY MAS MEMBERSHIP! In order to qualify, all of the following must apply: Solo Music performance during one of our Membership Meetings Placed on our playing roster by the Clubs Music Editors To qualify, you must not have been a past MAS member. You must be a current and paid in full MAS member The new member must also be paid in full The new member you refer must have never been a MAS member Your name must be placed on our MAS Application form where it says “Referred By” Michigan Accordion Society Application Form We would be delighted if you would join the Michigan Accordion Society! Please fill out the form below and mail back with your enclosed check at: “Michigan Accordion Society, 37365 Hanson Dr., Sterling Heights, MI 48310 Membership Type Dues are to be made payable New Member to the “Michigan Accordion Society” with application for membership. I express my talent as: Single Mem- bership dues are $30.00/year or $15.00/year for students. Spouse / Family (Includes children Plan 18 Accordion Fan / Supporter Play For My Own Enjoyment and Please print clearly under) just $20.00 extra with Single Membership Pur- chase. 2015 CY Sliding scale for new single members/ Spouse & Family plans are: Jan—Feb = $30.00/$20.00 March—April = $25.00/$18.00 $30.00/$20.00 Other Amount Paid $__________ Phone Number: “Referred by” = Teacher City, State, ZIP: July—August = $15.00/$10.00 (*paid through 2016 CY) Performer Address: Email Address: *Nov—Dec Student (must be under 18 yrs of age) Name: May—June = $20.00/$15.00 Sept—Oct = $10.00/$5.00 Membership Renewal Signature: _______________________________Date: _______ MAS Membership Form Revision Aug 2015 18 MAS Last Note News ACCORDION FRIENDLY OPEN MIC LOCATIONS Many of our members enjoy attending not only MAS but OPEN MIC clubs in the area. There are a few outstanding Open MIC clubs that are particularly popular with our members. An OPEN MIC club has attendees sign up to play 2-3 tunes when they arrive. On any given night you will hear just about every possible type of instrument, different types of music such as folk, country, jazz, classical, and some light pop music. The performers skill level ranges from the low end to professionals but everyone supports all the players whatever their ability and it is common for attendees to get together for future duets, combos, etc. Ages range from young to “well seasoned” and all are family & Accordion friendly events. Please help us by supporting our partners below and attend their events: THE SHELBY MUSIC SOCIETY—Meets the second Saturday of each month from 7:00-10:00pm at the Shelby Senior Center Auditorium on Van Dyke near 23 Mile Rd. Shelby Township, MI. Center is located at the rear of the city library. Admission is by donation. Attendees often bring desserts to share at the break. THE STARKWEATHER ARTS CENTER IN ROMEO—Meets the fourth Friday of each month from 7:00-10:00 pm. Admission is $4 for non-members and $3 for members. Location is at 219 N. Main St. in Romeo, MI SLOVENE AMERICAN CLUB, Melvindale, MI Accordion Jam, Every Friday Night 7:00 pm, MAS Members welcomed! Also check out www.openmicdetroit.com for more locations to investigate and if you find a friendly Accordion location, please let us know so we can post the event on our Facebook page and on our Website! PLEASE REMEMBER YOUR 2015 MEMBERSHIP WILL EXPIRE on DECMEBER 31, 2015. YOU CAN RENEW YOUR 2016 CY MEMBERSHIP AS EARLY AS YOU WOULD LIKE AND WE ARE TAKING VISA AND MASTERCARD TO MAKE IT MORE CONVIENIENT CALL TONI at 586-530-1546 AND FEEL FREE TO RENEW SOON, THANK YOU! Michigan Accordion Society 37365 Hanson Dr. Sterling Heights, Michigan 48310 Place Stamp Here