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View the e-Paper here outside of the viewer. - Minden Press
Honoring All Those Who Served MINDEN PRESS-HERALD November 11, 2014 | 50 Cents TUESDAY 3 3 Heflin man accused of drugging, raping teen 3 PAT CULVERHOUSE [email protected] !# L 2396; :.; 5.@ /22; 05.?421 D6A5 @6:=92 ?.=2 3<? .9924219F 1?B4 46;4 A52; @2EB.99F .@@.B9A6;4 . 32:.92 7BC2 ;692 ,2/@A2? %.?6@5 (52?633 .?F (2EA<; @.61 F2.? <91 (5.; ;<; .?9 @5D<?A5 D5< 4.C2 .; .11?2@@ 6; A52 /9<08 <3 ?.;896; '<.1 5.@ /22; 05.?421 D6A5 @6:=92 ?.=2 .3A2? 52 D.@ =60821 B= <; . D.??.;A 6@@B21 ?61.F I,2 D2?2 0<;A.0A21 /F (=?6;45699 =<9602 .3A2? A52 F2.? <91 C60A6: .;1 52? :<A5 2? ?2=<?A21 A52 @2EB.9 .@@.B9A K (2EA<; @.61 I)52 C60A6: A<91 <33602?@ A5.A @5D<?A5 4.C2 52? @<:2A56;4 A< 1?6;8 .;1 @52 /20.:2 1?<D@F (52 A<91 <33602?@ @52 .D<82 D6A5 56: <; A<= <3 52? ?.=6;4 52? K An 18-year-old Bennie Adkins in his Army uniform before his deployment to Vietnam. Courtesy Photo See RAPE, Page 3 3 3 . + $ . "", & .." 1 . . + ,. $. $ .$ # BONNIE CULVERHOUSE [email protected] 9<0.9 C2A2?.; 5.@ /22; ?20<4;6G21 ;.A6<;.99F .3A2? A2996;4 56@ @A<?F <3 D.? 6; . :.4.G6;2 @6:=9F 0.9921 +62A;.: I)52 D.F A56@ 5.==2;21 D.@ 16C6;2 4?.02 K 2;;62 186;@ @.61 I)52?2 @ .;<A52? 2;;62 186;@ J . 4BF D5< 4<A . :21.9 <3 5<;<? A D.@ <; A52 ;2D@ <; ( $B? @A<?62@ .?2 22?69F .9682 $B? ;.:2@ .?2 Vol. 46 No. 97 @=29921 A52 @.:2 2 5.1 . 3?62;1 869921 5.1 . 3?62;1 869921 K 186;@ D.@ ?2.16;4 A52 :.4.G6;2 +62A;.: .;1 @.D D52?2 A52 <A52? 2;;62 186;@ ?2026C21 A52 0<: :2;1.A6<; I 0.9921 A52 :.4.G6;2 .;1 A<91 A52: 5.1 ;2C2? ?2026C21 . :21.9 <3 5<;<? K 186;@ @.61 I)52 216A<? 96@ A2;21 .;1 ?2@2.?0521 6A .;1 0.9921 :2 /.08 .;1 .@821 63 D<B91 D?6A2 :F Vietnam veteran Bennie Adkins' story of war appears in the See VETERAN, Page 2 December issue of Vietnam. Bonnie Culverhouse/Press-Herald >> TOMORROW ’S OUTLOOK @mindenph Sunny. Winds NNE at 10 to 15 mph. Tax amnesty ends Friday MICHELLE BATES [email protected] <? /B@6;2@@2@ .;1 6;16C61B.9@ D5< 5.C2 ;<A =.61 A526? A.E2@ A56@ D228 6@ A52 A6:2 A< 1< @< $;9F . 32D 1.F@ ?2:.6; A< A.82 .1C.; A.42 <3 !<B6@6.;. ).E :;2@AF 6A 2;1@ ?61.F #<C '2= 2;2 '2F;<91@ 6@ A?60A @.61 A56@ 46C2@ =2<=92 . 05.;02 A< =.F <BA@A.;16;4 A.E2@ D6A5<BA .;F =B;6A6C2 1.:.42@ I A D.@ =?2AAF @B002@@3B9 9.@A F2.? K 52 @.61 I A 5.@ /22; 529=3B9 6; ?.6@6;4 ?2C2;B2 3<? A52 @A.A2 K )52 !<B6@6.;. 2=.?A:2;A <3 '2C2;B2 D699 D.6C2 .99 .==960./92 =2;.9A62@ .9<;4 D6A5 =2?02;A <3 .00?B21 6;A2?2@A D52; A.E=.F2?@ =.F =2?02;A <3 A526? A.E /.9 .;02 @.61 (20?2A.?F <3 '2C2;B2 )6: .?36291 I,2 2;0<B?.42 .;F<;2 D5< 5.@ 3.992; /256;1 <; A526? A.E2@ A< 9<<8 6;A< A52 See TAX, Page 3 3 33 3 $$/ " . + $, 2 ' + 1 , &$ & # $2 " + . &$, $ $ $ ./+ 2( &' + . $ . '+ + 3# + $ &$ &"&+ / + & " 2 02 &,. %- $ &# # $ + & 2 + ,.2( $. + + . 3 $/# + & "& " 0 . + $, .&&! ' +. $ . 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A6<; <3 :2160.A6<;@ <;2 <; <;2 @2@@6<;@ D6A5 . [email protected]?6@A .;1 4?<B= A52?.=F I C2 .AA2;121 4?<B= A52?.=F 3<? F2.?@ K 52 @.61 D52?2 52 I=.F@ 6A 3<? D.?1 K I 26;4 . 5?6@A6.; @22 12.A5 6; . 16332?2;A 9645A ;<D K 186;@ @.61 I(<:2 D52?2 .9<;4 A52 D.F D.;A21 :F 9632 6; <?12? .;1 @A699 :.82@ 96@A@ =?6 <?6A6G6;4 :F 9632 K 186;@ A2.052@ @2;6<? :2;@ 09.@@ .A 05B?05 5.@ /22; . 05B?05 12.0<; @6;02 .;1 05.6?:.; <3 A52 12.0<; /<.?1 @6;02 I C2 /22; A5?<B45 . 9<A .;1 0.; A?B9F @.F :F 4<C 2?;:2;A 5.@ 529=21 :2 K 186;@ @.61 I @64;21 A52 1<AA21 96;2 82=A :F 2;1 <3 A52 /.?4.6; .;1 A52 * ( 4<C2?;:2;A /2;A <C2? /.08D.?1 3<? :2 .;1 82=A A526? 2;1 <3 A52 /.?4.6; K 2 6@ . :2;A<? A< <A52?@ D5< .?2 4<6;4 A5?<B45 A52 A56;4@ 52 5.@ 2E=2?62;021 I"F .1C602 A< F<B;4 :2; 42A 529= .@ >B6089F .@ =<@@6/92 K 186;@ @.61 I .@@6@A . 9<A <3 C2A2?.;@ 6; 42AA6;4 A526? /2;236A@ ,5.A C2 92.?;21 ./<BA A52 + 52.9A50.?2 @F@A2: C2 =.@@21 <; /BA .9@< A<<8 .; <912? C2A2?.; A< A52 + 5<@=6A.9 .;1 4<A 56: @A.?A21 6; A52 @F@A2: 20.B@2 92.?;21 A52 5.?1 D.F :.12 . =?<:6@2 A< <1 A5.A 63 2 D<B91 529= :2 42A :F 9632 6; <?12? .;1 42A :F /2;236A@ @A?.645A D<B91 /2 A52 /92@@6;4 6; A52 9632 <3 .;<A52? C2A2?.; K WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS OF PTSD? PTSD symptoms usually start soon after the traumatic event, but they may not appear until months or years later. They also may come and go over many years. If the symptoms last longer than four weeks, cause you great distress, or interfere with your work or home life, you might have PTSD. There are four types of symptoms of PTSD: 1. Reliving the event (also called re-experiencing symptoms) You may have bad memories or nightmares. You even may feel like you're going through the event again. This is called a flashback. 2. Avoiding situations that remind you of the event You may try to avoid situations or people that trigger memories of the traumatic event. You may even avoid talking or thinking about the event. 3. Negative changes in beliefs and feelings The way you think about yourself and others may change because of the trauma. You may feel fear, guilt, or shame. Or, you may not be interested in activities you used to enjoy. This is another way to avoid memories. 4. Feeling keyed up (also called hyperarousal) You may be jittery, or always alert and on the lookout for danger. Or, you may have trouble concentrating or sleeping. This is known as hyperarousal. Source: Overton Brooks VA Medical Center Where did daddy go? "<::F D52?2 161 .11F 4< .@821 ,299 5<;2F D52; .11F 4<A <; A5.A .6?=9.;2 52 392D <C2?@2.@ A< &.A.? @52 .;@D2?21 )< :F 3<B? F2.? <91 B;12?@A.;16;4 &.A.? 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Barajaz sits with his children Mia and Benjamin before his deployment to Qatar. Courtesy Photo ,. + 3++ ,. 6AF .;1 =.?6@5 9.D 2;3<?02 :2;A <33602?@ :.12 A52 3<99<D6;4 .??2@A@ 3<? A52 =2?6<1 #<C A5?<B45 #<C .;629 208 <3 A52 /9<08 <3 (5?2C2=<?A '<.1 "6; 12; 3B46A6C2 3?<: ,2/@A2? %.?6@5 (52?633 @ 2=.?A:2;A "605.29 %.9:2? ? . ?2@ 612;A <3 A52 /9<08 <3 <:2? '<.1 "6;12; <; D.??.;A .C61 .D8 D5< 96C2@ 6; A52 /9<08 <3 <:2? ?<.1 "6;12; <; D.??.;A <;.91 .9.5.; <3 A52 Continued from page 1 2A20A6C2@ 92.?;21 @5 D<?A5 5.1 /?6239F 1.A21 A52 C60A6: @ :<A52? (2EA<; @.61 (52?633 @ 12A20A6C2@ 161; A A.82 9<;4 A< :.82 A52 .??2@A .3A2? (=?6;45699 =<9602 ;<A63621 A52: A52 @52?633 .1121 I,2 ?2026C21 A52 =5<;2 0.99 .?<B;1 = : .;1 5.1 Continued from page 1 .:;2@AF =?<4?.: /23<?2 A52 <==<?AB;6AF 2;1@ K .?36291 @.61 )52 =?<4?.: <332?@ 1296;>B2;A A.E=.F2?@ . 05.;02 A< =.F A526? 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H %//. </-+66/. #8/ 90 7C 79=> :<3D/. :3/-/= 90 =:9<>= 7/79<+ ,363+ =3>= 98 + =2/60 38 7C 9003-/ >J= + ,9B 90 )2/+>3/= ,</+50+=> -/</+6 A3>2 + :3->?</ 90 )3663= %//. 38 23= 83-5= ?83 09<7 =></>-2381 9?> 09< + =29> )2/8 C9? 1/> C9?< :3->?</ 98 + )2/+>3/= ,9B C9?J@/ .98/ =97/>2381 :</>>C +A/=97/ )2+> 7+5/= 3> /B><+ =:/-3+6 3= >2/ 0+-> >2+> >23= 63@381 6/1/8. 98 >2/ ,+=5/>,+66 -9?<> E +8. 38 >2/ .//< A99.= E 38=-<3,/. 3> 09< 7/ CLASSIFIEDS 8 Tuesday, November 11, 2014 - Minden Press-Herald NORTHWEST LOUISIANA The Marketplace of Webster and Bossier Parishes. MINDEN PRESS-HERALD | *OHDVRQ6WUHHWÝ0LQGHQ/D__ZZZSUHVVKHUDOGFRP MOBILE HOMES SINGLE WIDE MOBILE HOME in Dub- berly for sale. To be moved. 16X80 3BR 2BA, good condition $19,500 318218-9113 EMPLOYMENT ALLIANCE NORTHWEST HEALTHCARE is seeking Grow Your Business DSW/CNA’s in the Minden area. Lifting required. Please FRQWDFW WKH RI¿FH at 318-742-4510 to apply. &DOO-DPLQWRSODFH\RXUDG 377-1866 PLACE YOUR AD TODAY! PRE-SCHOOL ASSISTANT Lagniappe &ODVVLßHGOLQHDGVDUH SXEOLVKHG0RQGD\ WKURXJK)ULGD\LQWKH 0LQGHQ3UHVV+HUDOG %RVVLHU3UHVV7ULEXQH DQGRQOLQHDW MISC. Rates FREE Wood Pallets. Pricing is easy! TENTS $7.75 Per Day - Up to 20 words! Additional words are only 30¢ cents more! Behind the Minden Press-Herald TENTS RENT! FOR All occa- sions. Call Archie @ 371-0000, 4221497, or 422-1797 RENTAL 107 WASHING- TON. 2BR 1BA Central air & heat. Garage Sales No word limit. $11 One Day $16.50 Two Days Receive a FREE Garage Sale Kit with your two day ad! *Garage Sale ads must be prepaid. Deadlines Ads Line ads must be submitted by noon the day before publication. Display ads two days prior to publication. Public Notices Public notices must be submitted two days prior to publication date depending on the length. Notices may be emailed to [email protected] Payments Cash, Checks, Billing Real Estate Notice “All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate, which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. $650/mo. agent. Owner Call 469- 6603 or 371-9131 3BR 2BA on secluded lot. $800/mo 318-423-4716 BOATS FOR SALE 2008 Nitro Z-6 115 HP Merc. $12,500 Firm. 318-265- 0266 Montessori and Children’s Center has an immediate opening for a full-time pre-school DVVLVWDQW %HQH¿WV include vacation, holiday and sick pay. Experience preferred. Please apply in person at 619 Lee Street, Minden, LA. RECEPTIONST/ ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Needed for local company. Send resumes to: PO Box 762 Minden, LA 71058 ROSEBURG FOREST PRODUCTS is seeking an Industrial Electrician for its Simsboro, LA facility. For more information and to apply for the position interested applicants should access the following website http://roseburg.iapplicants. com An Equal Opportunity Employer including Disability & Veterans. TOWN & COUNTRY HEALTH & REHAB IN MINDEN, LA is currently seeking full time & part time LPN’s; full time & part time CNA’s. We offer competitive pay, EHQH¿WV D JUHDW working environment. Apply is person @ 614 Weston St., Minden, LA 71055 Tax having been p.m. with regard authorized at a to the proposed special election adoption thereof. held in the Village AIR CRAFT HANG- of November 4, November 11, 2014 Minden Press-Herald ER (5F0) 40X40. 2014. _______________ Water & lights. IS $10,500. 548-8503 NOTICE H E R E B Y IMPORTANT MOBILE HOME W/ FURTHER GIVEN I N F O R M AT I O N 7.15 ACRES OF YOUR that the Mayor ABOUT LAND with timber. and Board of DRINKING WATER Front & back porch, Aldermen will garage with 2 build- meet on Monday, M o n i t o r i n g ings. Great loca- December 1, 2014, Requirement not tion. $130,000. Call at six (6:00) o’clock met by Gilark 377-5036 or 510- p.m., at the Town Water System. Hall, 624 College 0398 Street, Doyline, We are required Louisiana, at which to monitor your PETS water time there will be drinking FREE KITTENS IN a public hearing IRU VSHFLÀF MINDEN. Call 318- on the adoption contaminants on of the aforesaid a regular basis. 382-3834 Results of regular ordinance. monitoring are an indicator of whether /s/ Sharon Eiland or not your drinking Clerk water meets health /s/ Cleveland standards. VILLAGE OF %UDGÀHOG DOYLINE During the reporting Mayor NOTICES period of February SALES TAX It was moved 01, 2014 through by Wilhelmina February 28, 2014 NOTICE OF INTRODUCTION Pickett, seconded the Gilark Water OF ORDINANCE by Billy Reeves, System “did not and unanimously monitor or test” or NOTICE IS approved, that the “did not complete monitoring HEREBY GIVEN following ordinance all or testing” for that the following be introduced: coliform bacteria entitled ordinance as set forth in the ORDINANCE was introduced at State and Federal a meeting of the Drinking ordinance Primary Mayor and Board An of Aldermen of the providing for the Water Regulations Village of Doyline, levy within the [Part XII of the State State of Louisiana, Village of Doyline, Louisiana on Monday, State of Louisiana, Sanitary Code (LAC November 3, 2014, effective January 51:XII)]. Therefore, and laid over for 1, 2015, of a one publication of percent (1%) sales and use tax (the notice: “Tax”) upon the sale at retail, the use, the ORDINANCE lease or rental, the An ordinance consumption, and providing for the the storage for use levy within the or consumption, of Village of Doyline, tangible personal State of Louisiana, property and upon effective January the sale of services 1, 2015, of a one in said Village and percent (1%) sales for the assessment, and use tax (the collection, payment “Tax”) upon the sale thereof and the of at retail, the use, the dedication lease or rental, the the proceeds of consumption, and said Tax and the the storage for use purpose for which or consumption, of the proceeds of tangible personal the Tax may be said property and upon expended, Tax having been the sale of services in said Village and authorized at a election for the assessment, special collection, payment held in the Village thereof and the of November 4, dedication of 2014. the proceeds of said Tax and the and that a public purpose for which hearing be held on the proceeds of Monday, December the Tax may be 1, 2014, starting at expended, said six o’clock (6:00) FOR SALE the Gilark Water System cannot be sure of the quality of your drinking water during that time. can do this by posting this notice in a public place or distributing copies by hand or mail. This situation was This notice is due to: being sent to you by Gilark Failure to Water System, collect required LA111012. If you b a c t e r i o l o g i c a l have questions samples for about this notice monitoring period please contact February 01, 2014 the water system through February directly: Cynthia 28, 2014 for the H a w k i n s , Gilark Water President at 318System 377-0345. What does mean? this November 11, 2014 Minden Press-Herald _______________ This is not an emergency. There is nothing you need to do at this time. As our customer, you have the right to know what happened and what is being done to correct the situation. Please share this information with all the other people who drink this water, especially those who may not have received this notice directly (for example, people in apartments, nursing homes, schools, and businesses). You Grow Your Your Business Bus siness The Press-Herald wants to help you grow your business. Contac Contact ct advertising representatives p T Telina elina McV e McVay ay and Curtis ay Mays today today.. Phone: 377-1866 E-mail: advertising@pres [email protected] Tuesday, T uesday, November 11, 11, 2014 - Minden Press-Herald ld 9 CLASSIFIEDS STATEWIDE S TATEWIDE A ADS DS Education HV HVAC VAC TRAINEES NEW CAREER! Learn to service & Install Heating & AC Systems at A Ayers! yers! NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED! Training T raining & Job Placement! A 1-888-246-7451 N MEDICAL ASSISTANT ASSIST TA ANT TRAINEES NEEDED! Dr’s, Hospitals & Clinics need you! NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED! Ayers A yers will get you trained & job ready! disclosures 1-888-2474392 N Stop Levies, Liens and Wage Wage Garnishments. Call The Tax Ta ax DR Now to see if you Qualify 1-800-9161 800 916 6934 For Sale DIRECTV starting at $24.95/mo. Free 3-Months of HBO, starz, SHOWTIME & CINEMAX FREE RECEIVER Upgrade! 2014 NFL Sunday T Ticket icket Included with Select Packages. 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The LP LPA PA 2014 Direct Directory toryy is now available. Order Od der y yours now - THE sou source rce ffor info i on Louisiana’s na’s newspapers p p as well as b broadcast d t media di in i the th state. Names, addresses, ses, p phone and fax numbe numbers, ers, d demographics g p - it’s all here. Call h C ll the LP LPA PA at 2 22525344-9309 or 800-7 800-701018753 to order order.. YOUR AD HERE! Pla Place ace \RXU FODVVLÀHG FODVVLÀHG DG LQ over 100 Louisiana ana newspapers, p p with a ttotal t l circulation circulatio i l t n of m more ore than 1 million for only o $265. W We e also of offer fer out For of state placement. p information callll Mike at Press The Louisiana Pre ess 225-344Association 225-3 449309. Satellite TV REDUCE YOUR CABLE BLE BILL!* Get a who wholeolehome Satellite syst system tem installed at NO COST and a programming starting at $19.99/mo. FREE HD/ H DVR Upgrade to new n callers, SO CALL NO NOW OW 1-800-470-2056 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ADVERTISE HERE! ! 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