October 2015
October 2015
Bear Tracks The Suda East Butler High School Alumni Newsletter Page 1 September/October 2015 Class of ’65 Join Golden Bears Ranks Event attracts 210 Alumni, Faculty and Friends Inside this issue: Page 2 Milan Perpich Tribute Page 3 Golden Bear Pictures Page 4 Memberships Taking Off Wine and Music Fest Page 5 Perpich cont. Tax Help! Alumni War Memorial Update Page 6 Alumni News Obituaries On Friday, September 25 we hosted our fourth Golden Bear Induction/Dinner. This year we inducted the Class of 1965. This has quickly become our signature event and gains in popularity each year. For the past two years, the class being inducted has made it a reunion weekend by planning a Saturday afternoon luncheon. This year the Classes of ‘64 and ‘65 held their Saturday luncheons at the same venue (different rooms). Both events were well attended. The Class of ‘65 did its part to make this a successful event. Susan Keys Grant and Gil Rice headed up committees to help with both events. “We want the class being inducted to enjoy themselves, but we do need their help. The Class of ‘65 did just that. We received at least 50 new memberships and made over $4,000 as a result. We also received several nice comments from the attendees,” explained SEBAA President Fred Wright, ’58. My wife Cindy and I really, really enjoyed both events. I expected I would but the two days exceeded my expectations. It was great! … Harry Jones ’65 I am so glad I came. Seeing classmates after 50 years is a rude awakening! It was fun, exciting and well done. Reliving some of the fond memories was wonderful…Irma Turley Alvis ‘65 SEBAA did a great job with all the arrangements. It really came off well. It was a wonderful weekend... Joe Grant ‘65 Judy Cook Herbert, Darlene Blair Kelley, Rosalie Groskurd Randles Bandy, Bonnie Corum Dearing, Doreen West Cromis, Susan Keys Grant The event was nicely done and I know it took a lot of work. I want the Alumni Association to know it was appreciated. Thanks for all the hard work that you did for the Golden Bear event and the Class of 1965 Reunion… Ron Dearing, ’65 class president Joyce and I want to thank everyone for such hard work into making the Class of ‘65 reunion a resounding success. We were a little apprehensive about renewing acquaintances after 50 years, but it could have not been more rewarding. The band did a superb job and the food service was equally efficient and polite... Don Akridge ’65 and Joyce Snawder Akridge ‘65 I had a great time and really appreciate all the hard work that went in to making this a great even. I had lots of fun catching up with old friends….Peggy Spratt Flynn ‘65 Fred Krebs has attended every Golden Bear Induction and he wants to make sure the event continues to improve. Krebs said, “We have had some very good suggestions that we want to implement. The faculty is very popular and we want to make sure everyone gets to spend some time with them. This year we added some classic cars as people entered the gym. No telling what we will add next year.” He continued, “We will be forming a committee soon to plan next year’s event. We can use some help and I promise it will be a lot of fun.” Editor’s Note: If you would like to help with the 2016 Golden Bear Induction planning committee, send a note to [email protected] Page 2 Butler Community Mourns the Passing of Coach Perp Teacher, Coach and Gentleman On September 1, Butler High School lost a true legend, Milan Perpich. It is hard to find another who left such a large footprint on the school. Most remember him as the school’s first varsity football coach (12 years) and first baseball coach (28 years), but there is so much more. Coach Perpich was also an assistant basketball coach and he built the football bleachers (along with the help of his shop students) which stood over 50 years. Perp was also the official timer for football and basketball until the late ‘90s. Many remember him from summers at Shively Park. He ran the summer program, which, at that time, was one of the largest programs in the Louisville area. Coach Perp was also a great teacher, a craftsman and a true gentleman. We could go on and on but we think it’s more fitting to hear it from some of his players/students. Coach always said, "You have to earn respect." It didn't take him long to earn mine and over the past 60 years, that respect has continued to grow. Coach "Perp" touched a large number of young men in a positive way and I was fortunate to be one of the many…. Ralph Buckley, ’58 (former head football coach, Western High School) Coach was so competitive. I’m sure that is why I have been very competitive my whole life…..Bobby Clarkson, ’59 (member of Butler’s first football team and local businessman) Coach was tough but he took care of us. We were getting on the bus to play Fern Creek and it was the last game. It was freezing. Coach Perp left the bus and returned with several boxes of baseball socks for our legs. I know that doesn’t sound like much but it was a big deal and we all appreciated it. My senior year I received a letter from Georgetown College telling me I had been recommended to them as a prospective football player. Only one person would have done that for me and it had to be Coach. He may have sent them a list of every senior but I felt very honored…..Joe Crabtree, ’58, Butler’s first quarterback. We were playing Trinity for the first time. Coach was at home sick and couldn’t make the game. On our way home from the game, the entire football team stopped by his house with the game results….Butler tied Trinity! This was great medicine for Coach, he was a very happy man…..Guthrie Garrett, ‘58 After many years of working with Coach Perpich, the team affectionately gave him a nickname - Head Low Milo. He was always telling the players to keep their head low when running with the ball. Playing quarterback for four years under Coach was one of the greatest times of my life….Jack Robinson, ‘64 “Tough as nails." Coach Perpich fit that description perfectly. He was very tough on his players, and I later came to realize that it was all in an effort to instill that same quality in each of us. I lacked self-confidence when I first started playing. Coach Perpich believed in me and gave me the confidence I needed. That has benefited me my I’m like many others and I owe a lot to Coach Perpich. entire life. Tough but caring - through coaching he He did so much for Butler High School and the Shively helped many prepare for life and we didn’t even community…..Tinker Chapman ‘72 realize it at the time….Dan Maxberry, ’67 (retired principal, Marshall County High School) In the late ‘90s, I mailed Coach Perp two tickets to the Master's practice round. He and one of his buddies had planned to meet my wife and I at the practice green that morning, but they got caught in terrible traffic. He finally made it around noon. He told me later that he had a wonderful time walking the grounds and said to me, “If I died tomorrow, I have already seen what heaven looks like.” I was pleased that I could do something for him since he gave so much to his players and students….Bo Hawkins, ‘68 continued on page 5 SEBAA Lifetime Memberships Available for $25 Page 3 2015 Golden Bear Induction and Class of ‘65 Reunion Van Jones and Janice Stewart Preston Betty Wohl Schmidt Pat Sipes Brietholle Harold Leach and Ted Little Above: Members of the Class of 1965 enjoy their reunion luncheon on Saturday at South Park Country Club Gil and Donna Rice Jeanne White Andrada, Rosalie Randles Bandy, Wanda Flener, Norma Shelton-Bockting, Joe Page, Bill Ditto and Larry Blondell Trudy Elliott Jackson, Elvis and Billie Bennet Welker Click for more Golden Bear and reunion photos. Pictures added daily Don Akridge, Benita Aprile, Delores Buntain Dickman, Donna Goemmer Lacefield and Joyce Snawder Akridge. September/October 2015 Page 4 Memberships Taking Off Recent Memorial Memberships 154 Lifetime Members Added Since June SEBAA membership is one area that has taken off in the past few months. We have grown by over 10 percent since our last newsletter. We asked our membership chairperson, Brenda Darnell Cease, ’67, what she thought of the recent activity. Here is Brenda’s reply: I’m very pleased. The increase in new members is driven by many factors. The Golden Bear Induction brings in a lot of new members each year. You don’t have to be a SEBAA member to be a Golden Bear but most attendees join while they are there if they are not a member already. This year the class of 1965 was very supportive. Another reason for the increase is we are getting a lot of interest in memorials. The classes of ‘58, ‘67 and ‘70 have taken the lead in purchasing memorial memberships for their classmates that have passed away. This quarter alone, people have purchased 59 memorial memberships. We think other classes will do the same once the word gets out. I think the biggest reason is, this is a really good deal. We set this up as a one-time donation and we’ve proven we will follow that model. We may have a donation campaign from time to time but no one will ever be required to donate again to maintain their membership. We now have almost 1,200 members and I’m sure more people would join if they just knew what we are doing. We’re getting the word out day by day. If you’re not a member we need you to join. If you are a member, help us spread the word and ask your friends and family to join. Click to see if you are a SEBAA member 1958 1958 1958 1958 1958 1958 1958 1958 1958 1963 1964 1966 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 Robert D Bodner 1967 Susan Morrow Barbara Bruce Scott 1967 Phillip Ormes Evelyn Cherry Nalley 1967 Howard Patterson Donald Gregory 1967 Don Skip Pennington Louis Looney 1967 Marvin Roggenkamp Lou Mays 1967 Fred Rudisill John Perry 1967 Larry Schamore James (Steve) W Stephenson 1967 Donald Smith Tom F Worthington 1967 John Stewart Dorothy W. Sexton Casteel 1967 Frank Sumner Joyce Wood Seidl 1967 Bobby Tucker Ronald L. Duncan 1967 Rita Weilage Maggie Allen 1967 Marilyn Kay Wilcox Jerry Antle 1967 Craig Winders Leslie Arbuckle 1967 Charlene Wysbrod Miller Eddie Ashby 1967 Joan Zebiak Manzo Randy Beavers 1968 Dennis E. Davidson Richard Benock 1968 Brenda Jeffries Vicki Benton Muskopf 1970 Noble Briley Mark Billig 1970 Patsy A. Bryant Markham James L. (Jim) Brown 1970 Dean Clark Cheryl Christopher Barnes 1970 Steven M. Cook Jimbo Clark 1970 Barry D. Cowan Mike Clark 1970 Donald W. Deetch John Clausen 1970 Sherry L. Givens Ashlock Jan Colvin Ewald 1970 Judy Higgs Jewell Karen Corley Grigsby 1970 Gary Lawhorn Vivian Cummings Turbeville 1970 Leonard H. Mantooth Charles Robert Cureton 1970 Jane Mayfield Ballinger Ginger F. Douville Melton 1970 Joan Mayfield Clark Randy Duvall 1970 Marilyn R. McCoy Purdom Teri Foster Sarver 1970 Donald G. Milam Carl Fruechtenicht 1970 Barbara Nuss Felhoelter Andrew Fulton 1974 Connie M. Sexton Rider Bill Gabbert Rosina M. Hendricks Owen Faculty/Friend Milan Perpich Terry Hurd Robert Joe Insley Robert G. Kerfoot Jimmy Marcum Download a SEBAA Application Tom Middleton William Moore Wine and Music Fest 2015 Click for More Photos Paul Watkins ‘62 and Dr. Tom Wilkerson ‘60 On Sunday, October 11 SEBAA held its first Wine and Music Fest at Brooks Hill Winery. Approximately 130 people attended. SEBAA is very happy with the participation. “This event will be easy to grow,” stated Larry Birkenfeld ’67. “The weather was perfect and everyone enjoyed themselves. I’m sure the word will spread,” predicted Larry. Ron Milam ‘70 and Fern Milam enjoy the Winery dog SEBBA thanks Mike Hatzell ’61, owner of Brooks Hill Winery for hosting this event. Dr. Tom Wilkerson ’60 headed the September/October 2015 Milan Perpich continued Page 5 click on Milan Perpich Field Coach Perpich gave more than he received for the work and time he put into the Butler football and baseball programs. I remember Coach using his ‘57 Green Chevy to drag the baseball field in preparation for games, at his own expense. He also used the same car to prepare the baseball fields at Shively Park during the summers in the 1950's and 60's. He conducted what he called clinics three or four days a week during the summer. He made it fun to be at Shively Park. I have a great deal of respect for my Coach and friend….Tinker Chapman, ’72 member of the Butler Baseball Hall of Fame. My fondest memories were from Shively Park. I went to his baseball clinics just about every day. No matter how many kids showed up, we all got to take batting and fielding practice. He would make up little games and the winner would get a snow cone from the concession stand. We would do everything possible to get that snow cone. It was his way of teaching us to never give up. He took interest in all of us, to make us better players and better people. He will be missed by many…..Donnie ‘Rock’ Lane, ’72 Editor’s Note: Space limitations only allowed us to publish excerpts from the notes received. Tax Help! Form 990 Required We have good news and not-so-good news. The good news is that SEBAA is generating money for the school. The other side of that coin is for the first time, we will be required to file the full federal income tax form 990. Up until now, we have been able to file the EZ version of the form and we have been able to handle this ourselves. But no longer. Now we need a CPA or a certified tax preparer. If you can help us or point us in the right direction, we’d love to hear from you. Our financial records are in great shape, but this is a task we need to have completed by a professional. Please email us at [email protected] if you can help us. Alumni War Memorial Update After we dedicated the Alumni Memorial we learned that we omitted one of our classmates. Thomas William Warren, ’68, was killed in combat while serving in Vietnam. He died in a helicopter crash on December 2, 1971. Thomas’ name has been placed on our monument. We published a program the day of the dedication, and in one case we gave incorrect information. David Huckelberry, ’63, was in the US Navy and was among 99 crewmen of the nuclear submarine Scorpion lost in the Atlantic. He was a PO 2 and died on May 22, 1968. Thomas Warren ‘;68 We apologize to the families and friends of these great men. Butler’s Veterans' Day Program Best In Area On Wednesday November 11, Butler High School will host its 15th Annual Veterans’ Day program to honor the family members of Butler Alumni, current students, faculty and staff who have served in the military. After the program a reception, including lunch, for all veterans will be held in the small Visit our website at www.butlerhighalumni.com Suda E. Butler Alumni Association SEBAA PO Box 16685 Louisville, KY 40256-0685 Suda E. Butler High School Alumni Association Website: www.butlerhighalumni.com Email Address: [email protected] Board of Directors Fred Wright ’58, President Eddie Cannon ’72, Vice President Kathy Embry Denzik ’74, Secretary Brittany Campbell Braun ’00, Treasurer Earl Dever ’59 Larry Birkenfeld ’67 Brenda Darnell Cease ’67 Diane Potts ’71 Vicki Sinegra Ziegler ‘72 David Moody ‘75 Advisory Board Dr. Alan Akridge ‘59 Dr. Tom Wilkerson ‘60 Fred Krebs ’61 Charles Rogalinski ‘62 Joan Sternberg Butler ’64 John King ‘64 Dr. Aaron Lucas ‘67 Scott Kolter ‘73 Marc Jennings ’74 Bonnie Biblehauser Davis ‘94 Kylie Kiesel ‘08 Principal William M. Allen Bear Tracks Staff Eddie Cannon ‘72 Marc Jennings ‘74 Butler Notes / Alumni News Former Butler Girls’ Basketball Players Please contact Coach Larry Just with your contact information for some upcoming events Alumni Obituaries We extend our sympathy to the family and friends of these Butler Bears. If we have missed the passing of one of our friends, please let us know and we will publish it in our next newsletter. James ‘Steve’ Stephenson 1958 David Neel 1959 Eddie Ben Ray 1962 Eddie ‘Buddy’ Bryant 1963 Laura Carter Yadon 1964 Joyce Wood Seidl 1964 Linda Ice Payne 1965 Phil Travis 1968 Butler Alumni Annual Meeting Patsy Bryant Markham 1970 Monday, December 7 at 6 PM Board of Directors Elections Michael Burden 1970 Jane Mayfield Ballinger 1970 Garnett Gaines 1971 Robert Hampton 1971 David W. Meredith 1977 Veterans' Day Program November 11 at 11 a.m. All Veterans’ are welcome. Alumni that are Veterans will be recognized. Butler Festival of Trees Saturday, December 5 Photo Credits Floyd Phelps ‘58 and Mike Berry ‘64 Visit our website at www.butlerhighalumni.com