News and Views October, 2015 - Tanque Verde Unified School District
News and Views October, 2015 - Tanque Verde Unified School District
Ta n que Verd e U n if ied S c h o o l D i st ri c t News and Views Fall October 2015 Collective Focus for Student Success Open Letter from TVUSD Superintendent, Kim Sharp Dear Community, There was a time when the year 2016 seemed like a futuristic number, at least to me. And the year 2029? Almost impossible to imagine. TVHS Receives Top Award for Civic Engagement Thirty Schools Recognized by Arizona Department of Education for Dedication to High Quality Civic Learning Tanque Verde High School received the Arizona Department of Education’s highest recognition as a “School of Excellence” in the 2014-15 Excellence in Civic Engagement Program (ECEP). Currently in its third year, ECEP recognizes and supports the important role schools play in ensuring that students are informed and engaged citizens. Both traditional and charter public schools from around the state were awarded recognition as an Arizona Civic Engagement school with one of the following designations: School of Merit, School of Distinction, or School of Excellence. Of the thirty schools awarded, only four, including Tanque Verde High School, received the highest level of recognition for their achievements as a School of Excellence. The ECEP identifies schools through an application process. The 2014-15 application was researched and documented by recently retired TVUSD teacher, Dr. Sharon Akridge. Dr. Akridge completed 82 written pages to document Tanque Verde High School’s efforts to “demonstrate knowledge and effective implementation of the following six proven practices in civic learning: classroom instruction in civics and government, history, economics, geography, law and democracy; service learning linked to classroom learning; experiential learning; learning through participation in models and simulations of democratic processes and procedures; guided classroom (See Civic Engagement, page 2) October 2015 - Tanque Verde Unified School District • News And Views As you know, we are there, right now. The Tanque Verde Unified School District School Year 2015 / 2016 is underway, and our Kindergarten students will receive their high school diplomas in 2029. Right now, technology has impacted almost every aspect of our lives. I am humbled by our students, who have access to information immediately, often resulting in a passion for learning unlike previous generations. I am humbled by our teachers. They continually strive to meet each TVUSD student at his or her unique point of need. This commitment would not be possible if we relied on only one educational delivery method, which is one of the hallmarks of public education. We all know: the delivery of education is changing. There is more choice available when considering the delivery of scholastic endeavors, and boundaries between school districts have become dotted lines. Funding of public education is continually under review, and it is often difficult to predict mid-year funding shifts that may be imposed. These are educational realities at the current point in time, and at TVUSD, the collective focus on student (See Superintendent Letter page 5) 1 “Excellence is our goal, understanding our foundation.” District Vision TVUSD will be the premier choice for K-12 education. Our students will achieve academic and personal success in an ever changing world. District Mission TVUSD will ensure effective communication, collaboration, school partnerships and state of the art facilities that support our vision for students as well as benefit all constituents. Our balanced budget ensures continuity of programs and empowers growth. TVUSD Governing Board / District Goals School Year 2015 / 2016 1. Ensure the fiscal sustainability of the District. 1.1 Review salary issues and competitive benefits for the recruitment and retention of all employees. 1.2 Pursue new significant revenue sources, including grants and gifts. 1.3 Increase school level administrative autonomy in budgetary oversight and decision making. 1.4 Improve operational efficiency district wide. 2. Maintain and enhance a rigorous and relevant curriculum. 2.1 Support the implementation of the Arizona College and Career Readiness Standards and Assessment requirements. 2.2 Report assessment data to inform and support student academic achievement. 2.3 Evaluate and develop districtwide curriculum options that prepare students for 21st Century learning and employment aligned with the current Arizona Standards. 2.4 Support continuous academic growth, and emphasize the writing skills curriculum. 2.5 Fully implement district technology programs, and transition to a 1:1 technology program that integrates web-based resources and a sound infrastructure for student learning. 2.6 Emphasize character development, performance-based learning, relationships and individual responsibility. 3. Promote professional development and instructional improvement. 3.1 Continue to evaluate and refine the state-mandated performance based evaluation system, considering the effective evaluation of and the requirements for evaluating all teachers in the district. 3.2 Move to school level management of faculty and staff development that will enhance student achievement. 3.3 Encourage employee wellness and personal health awareness. 3.4 Investigate the development of a district pre-school program. 4. Involve and engage community in District pursuits. 4.1 Encourage and support partnerships and collaborations with business and community groups. 4.2 Enhance communications by improving the district website and improve social media presence by utilizing other forms of digital communications. 4.3 Promote the strengths of the district by recognizing contributions and achievements students, community members, and employees. 4.4 Offer programs and facilities which invite community participation. 5. Sustain modern, safe and Civic Engagement (Continued from page 1) discussion of current issues and events; and meaningful participation in school governance.” In the three years of the ECEP program, TVHS has been recognized as a School of Merit (2012-13), School of Distinction (2013-14), and School of Excellence (2014-15). 2 The schools were formally recognized at an award ceremony on September 17, 2015—Constitution Day. Samiyah Strickland was selected to represent TVHS as a Student Speaker at the awards ceremony. efficient facilities for students, staff and community 5.1 Continue to investigate and implement strategic safety and security improvements at each school site. 5.2 Continue to provide ongoing emergency preparedness training and practice at all district facilities to ensure the safety and security of students and staff. DISTRICT INFORMATION TANQUE VERDE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION OFFICE 2300 N. Tanque Verde Loop Rd, Tucson, Arizona 85749 (520)749-5751 FAX (520)749-5400 WEBSITE: GOVERNING BOARD Board President - Peter Livingston [email protected] Board Clerk - Carlos Ruiz [email protected] Member - Steven Auslander [email protected] Member - Susan Fry [email protected] Member - Jeff Neff [email protected] ADMINISTRATION Superintendent - Kimberly C. Sharp [email protected] 749-5751 ext. 4101 AGUA CALIENTE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Principal - Sherri Rosalik [email protected] 749-2235 TANQUE VERDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Principal - Susan Centers [email protected] 749-4244 EMILY GRAY JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Principal - Greg Miller [email protected] 749-3838 TANQUE VERDE HIGH SCHOOL Principal - AJ Malis [email protected] 760-0801 Assistant Principal - Terry Lantz / Athletic Director [email protected] 760-0801 October 2015 - Tanque Verde Unified School District • News And Views Tanque Verde High School Goes Green with LED Field Lights The Tanque Verde High School Hawks are proud to be green in more ways than one. Their stadium field will be lighted for the 2015-16 athletics season by the latest in energy efficient, darksky compatible, LED lighting systems. The LED system, installed by MUSCO Lighting, is the “first to be installed in a public school district in Tucson,” according to John Abney, Project Manager for MUSCO. Tanque Verde High School was established in 2005, rounding out the district’s former kindergarten through 9th grades, to provide a comprehensive K-12 program. The TVHS athletic department had been renting portable lights for previous athletic seasons and community events. Now, athletes, fans, neighbors and the night sky will benefit from the cleaner, quieter, more efficient and refined lighting on the main athletic field of this northeast Tucson high school campus. The project is also accomplishing significant progress toward district goals. “It marks another step forward for our high school,” Athletic Director Terry Lantz said. “This is a solid show of commitment by the District and Governing Board to our high school program on and off the field. It brings obvious improvements for our football and soccer programs that use the field on a competitive level. It also moves us forward in our goal to provide programs and facilities which invite student and community pride and participation.” The Governing Board was concerned about the potential effect of field lights on the surrounding neighborhoods, and wanted to provide improved lighting with the least impact to the neighbors. They also wanted to reflect the values of the dark-sky initiative in Tucson. TVUSD Governing Board President, Dr. Peter Livingston, said, “We are proud that the district is continuing in our effort to be good stewards of energy through the use of LED lights. The LED lighting system is also the lowest contributor to light pollution, which supports the district’s goal to sustain modern, safe and efficient facilities. This project also reflects our effort to be good neighbors in our community.” Neighbors immediately surrounding the high school site were invited to participate in a community linkage committee which shared concerns and provided feedback about the lighting and stadium projects. Following the debut of the lights, one committee member called to congratulate the school and stated, “The lights were exactly what were promised.” There is virtually no “spill-over” and no “up-light” created by the LED technology when properly shielded, as is the case with the MUSCO LED lighting system. All of the light is directed to the field, unlike some older stadium-lighting systems where as little as 25% of the light produced reaches the field. The stadium field improvements were approved by the TVUSD Governing Board at their July 29th meeting. Also recently completed were a district-wide solar power project and an energyefficiency audit and improvements. These projects were completed in order to bring utilities cost savings to the district. The annual savings from these projects will help bolster the district’s M&O budget, and will be directed toward district programs and facilities October 2015 - Tanque Verde Unified School District • News And Views The LED system are the first installed at a Tucson public school district improvements such as the vastly improved TVHS field lighting. Items slated for upgrades in the stadium improvement project include the LED field lighting installed by MUSCO, and an 800-1000 seat capacity bleacher system and press box to be installed by NORCON Industries, Inc. after the football season has concluded. Fans look forward to the additional seating, which is also badly needed to accommodate the growth of the 70+ student marching band, as well as the home-game overflow crowd, who now bring lawn chairs and stand along the sidelines of the field. The facility will provide needed seating capacity for graduation ceremonies and other school related community events. The season home opener vs. San Carlos was held on Friday, August 21st under the new lights, with a traditional Back to School BBQ to kick off the season. It was a record crowd, bringing in the highest gate receipts to date, when the Tanque Verde community turned out to celebrate the new season, and the new lighting! The Hawks donned their school colors, green, black and silver – and they were proud to be green in more ways than one. 3 TVUSD Governing Board Welcomes New Board Member Susan Fry TUCSON - The TVUSD Governing Board is pleased to welcome Ms. Susan Fry as the newly appointed District Governing Board Member. Ms. Fry was sworn in before the August 27, 2015 Meeting of the Governing Board. Susan Fry, a district resident and parent of students at Agua Caliente Elementary School, is a graduate of Stanford University and holds two advanced degrees. She brings a wealth of experience in early childhood education. A long time resident of Tucson, Susan and her husband chose to move into the district because of the high level of student achievement, and reputation for educational excellence in our district schools. Susan “looks forward to sharing (her) background in early childhood education and adding to the diversity of talents and expertise on the current board.” Ms. Fry is the current Director of the Arizona Parent Kit Project, a statewide initiative of First Things First. She is also the past Project Manager of the Kindergarten Developmental Inventory Stakeholder Taskforce, a study conducted through a partnership of the Arizona Department of Education (ADE), the Arizona State Board of Education, First Things First (FTF), and Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust. The candidates who applied for the vacant governing board position participated in an interview process with an Advisory Committee. This committee made a recommendation to the Pima County School Superintendent’s Office, which resulted in the selection and appointment of Ms. Fry to the TVUSD Governing Board. Susan Fry taking the oath of office The district was fortunate to have several highly qualified individuals as applicants for the open position. The Governing Board and Superintendent appreciate Ms. Fry’s willingness to serve our community and our school district in this capacity. TVUSD 2015-16 Student Governing Board Members Congratulations Grace Gerbing and Tino Watson! Grace Gerbing and Tino Watson have been selected to serve as the Student Members of the TVUSD Governing Board for the 2015-16 school year. The Tanque Verde Unified School District is unique in Arizona in that it selects student governing board members each school year to serve on the Governing Board. The Student Board Member’s role is to inform the District Governing Board about student activities throughout the district, and to provide an avenue of communication between the high school and other district schools. Tino Watson, a Senior at TVHS, will serve on the board as the primary representative for the Fall Semester of the 2015-16 school year. Tino enjoys classes that involve math and technology, and he plans to attend college to earn a degree in either engineering or architecture. He is currently involved in several clubs and activities, including Yearbook, SkillsUSA, and ChemClub. Tino was elected as the 2015-16 Secretary for the National Honor Society (NHS), and he plays on the TVHS Varsity Golf Team. Tino has attended TVUSD schools from Kindergarten through 12th Grade. He is interested in serving as a Student 4 Governing Board Member in order to gain a better understanding of how the School Board works, what the Board members do, and how the Board impacts the school district. Grace Gerbing, also a senior at TVHS, will serve on the board as the primary representative for the Spring Semester of the 2015-16 school year. Grace has also been a student in the Tanque Verde School District since kindergarten, and she says she has “loved her school experiences!” Grace plays tennis for the TVHS Tennis Team, and she is the Varsity Cheer Captain. Grace was elected as the 2015-16 NHS Vice President. She has experience in developing school spirit and leadership from her participation in Student Council. Grace is interested in majoring in elementary education. She hopes that this experience will provide an opportunity to learn more about how a school district works, and will add to her knowledge of the education profession. The Student Governing Board Member holds a highly regarded position of student leadership, and he or she represents all students served by the school district. It is a position of significant responsibility, and a student board member needs to be able to communicate and participate in a professional manner at several levels (with the board, school principals, student body, and community). The Student Board Member sits at the dais with the Board Members, but he or she does not have a vote on Governing Board actions, and is excused from Executive Sessions. In addition to reporting on school activities, they are asked for their viewpoint on some board discussion items. In addition, through the communication and interaction between the selected high school students and the junior high and elementary students (usually via the student councils), there is an avenue created for maintaining a relationship among the district’s student bodies. One of the objectives for the student governing board member(s) is to develop and/or support activities which promote K-12 communication and partnerships among our district schools. They also have the opportunity to attend the Pima County School District Collaborative Meetings, where issues of importance to public school districts are addressed. October 2015 - Tanque Verde Unified School District • News And Views District Update: Meet Kimberly C. Sharp Superintendent Kimberly Sharp Superintendent Letter (Continued from page 1) success keeps us grounded and united in our mission. Almost one year ago, we asked you, our community, to join us in this commitment to public education. When the override was passed by our constituents, we felt not only support from you, our community, but a strong sense of partnership. We are in this together. We ALL have a collective As Superintendent of Tanque Verde Unified School District, Kimberly C. Sharp is both committed and passionate about the work she does. She brings a thoughtful, creative, smart, articulate, and results-driven aspect to her job each and every day. Kim has expertise working in diverse environments demanding strong consulting, coaching, facilitation, training (assessment, design and delivery) and evaluation skills. She has a proven track record in the areas of employee relations, leadership development, change management, talent acquisition, compensation, succession planning and relationship building. Kim became Superintendent in July 2015. She joined TVUSD as the Human Resources Director in 2007. Prior to TVUSD, Kim was the Human Resources Manager at Canyon Ranch Health and Wellness Resort. She helped guide this award winning resort with the interpretation of HR policies and procedures; ensuring compliance with employment laws; leadership coaching; and the research, design and implementation of leadership development. From 1991 to 2004, Kim served in Human Resources at the University of Arizona as Organizational Consultant working in the areas of management supervision, strategic planning, organizational structure, training and development. Kim has a Bachelor of Arts in Behavioral Sciences magna cum laude from the University of Arizona, and a Masters of Education with Honors from Northern Arizona University. focus, together, on student success. Thank you, TVUSD community. please consider signing up to have our Constant Contact Newsletter delivered directly to your e-mail box. We are in this educational conversation together, and these students ‘of the future’ belong to the entire community. As our partners, we look forward to welcoming you in our schools, at the events, and in the various activities that set public education apart from what is available in other educational delivery venues. Within minutes from your home, we invite you to join us, and attend sporting events, art show exhibits, drama and musical productions, and festivals full of laughter and good will. Visit our TVUSD website for details, and Thank you, and Happy New School Year! Sincerely, Kimberly C. Sharp The Role of the TVUSD Community Liaison There is a new member of the district administrative team – Claire Place, former teacher, volunteer, and governing board member, has been hired as the District Community Liaison. The work of the community liaison will be a key part of the effort to develop and sustain relationships within our community in support of our students, staff and schools. Student Board Members Grace Gerbing and Tino Watson As the District Community Liaison, Ms. Place will work on community engagement projects and outreach initiatives, and develop business and community partnerships and collaborations. Public relations and media relations are also a priority as education issues remain in the headlines. Advocacy on issues of October 2015 - Tanque Verde Unified School District • News And Views importance to our schools is a key aspect of this position. A new initiative to update our district brand identity is being led by Ms. Place. The objective is to better communicate the level of educational excellence and professional integrity of our district. Our district brand communicates “who we are” to others within our Tanque Verde community, and among educational, business and political entities in the county and state. As the Community Liaison, Claire Place will support the superintendent and the district administrative team, and will help meet the Governing Board’s District Goals and Objectives. 5 TVUSD Welcomes New Staff Members Welcome New Staff Members! We are VERY fortunate to have a wealth of highly qualified, motivated and enthusiastic teachers, counselors, and administrators joining our exceptional staff in the Tanque Verde Unified School District. We would like to introduce them here, tell you a little about their background, and ask you to extend them a warm Tanque Verde WELCOME when you see them on campus and in our community! Many thanks to the awesome New Teacher Induction Committee members, Frances Verbois, Debbie Harris, Della Thompson, Judy Bower, and Sally Glennon who made our new teachers feel very welcome! The team would like to extend a big thank you to Le Buzz for providing coffee each day, and Grand Canyon University for providing sub sandwiches for one of our lunches at the New Teacher Induction, July 22 - 24. We appreciate your generosity! In alphabetical order, we would like to introduce: Rhonda Burnett is a new Counselor at TVHS. Ms. Burnett comes into this position with extensive experience in student programs and support services at the University of Arizona SALT Center. Ms. Burnett holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology, Master of Educational Leadership and Master of School Counseling and Mental Health. She has many additional accomplishments, and was most recently honored as a 2015 member of the Worldwide Who’s Who. Stacey Carter is a new Fourth Grade Teacher at ACES. Ms. Carter comes to us from Los Ninos Elementary School in the Sunnyside School District, where she most recently worked as a Reading Interventionist. Ms. Carter previously taught fourth grade and worked as an Academic Behavior Interventionist. She holds a B.A. in Spanish Literature and a post baccalaureate degree in Bilingual Elementary Education. Nicole Curry is the new Dance Instructor at TVHS. She hails from Minnesota, where she graduated Magna Cum Laude from Minnesota State University, earning her B.S. Degree in Dance. Ms. Curry comes to Tucson via Veneta, Oregon, where she was working as a lead dance facilitator at Art and Youth Empowerment summer camps. Ms. Curry was also a Dance Instructor and the Director of Dance Program at the Arts High School in Springfield, Oregon. Most recently, she taught dance locally at the Breakout Dance Studio. Christina Donithan is a new Third Grade Teacher at TVES. Ms. Donithan was recently a student teacher in a second grade classroom at Agua Caliente Elementary School! We were pleased to be able to hire her into a position in our district. Ms. Donithan earned her B.S. Degree in Elementary Education from the University of Arizona South, after also completing her Associate of Arts from Pima Community College with a concentration in Elementary Education. Ms. Donithan was previously employed in the medical field with a Neurology practice in NW Tucson. Michael Edwards is the new Leadership Teacher at TVHS. Mr. Edwards began his career in the U.S. Army, where he was a Chief Warrant Officer 2 (P) Chinook Helicopter Instructor Pilot in Oahu, Hawaii. He relocated to Tucson and founded a graphics business while pursuing his B.A. in Political Science, and his Masters of Education in Teaching and Teacher Education, from the University of Arizona. Mr. Edwards was previously employed at Flowing Wells Middle School, where he taught 7th grade Social Studies. He most recently earned both his Masters of Business Administration and his Juris Doctor from Texas Tech in Lubbock, Texas. Mr. Edwards has been coaching middle school, high school and club Girls Basketball teams since 2010. 6 October 2015 - Tanque Verde Unified School District • News And Views Lisa Foster is returning to the Tanque Verde district as a Fifth Grade Teacher at TVES. Ms. Foster was previously a Fourth Grade Teacher at TVES. We are very happy to have her return to our staff. Ms. Foster earned her B.S. in Elementary Education, graduating Summa Cum Laude from the University of Arizona. She also has extensive experience as a private tutor in the Tucson area. Lori Gahr is a new History Teacher at TVHS. Ms. Gahr may be familiar to you, as she has been working as a substitute teacher on a regular basis at TVHS and EGJH. She was most recently a Social Studies Substitute Teacher in Fairfax, Virginia after working in Pennsylvania as an American History Teacher. Ms. Gahr has also held positions as an Honors and Standard World History, and History and Civics teacher, and was a County Instructional Trainer and Head Cheerleading Coach. Ms. Gahr holds her B.A. in Government and Russian Studies from the College of William and Mary, and her Masters of Secondary Education in Social Studies from George Mason University. Molly Garcia is a new Kindergarten Teacher at ACES. Ms. Garcia comes to us from Nash Elementary School, in the Amphitheater School District, where she most recently taught Kindergarten. Ms. Garcia also has taught a Second-Third Grade combination, as well as Fourth Grade, and she was a substitute teacher in K-3 classrooms in the Tucson area. She earned her B.A. at the University of Arizona, and completed a post baccalaureate teaching degree from the University of Phoenix. She also holds an Early Childhood Endorsement. Julie Groce is a new Fourth Grade Teacher at TVES. Ms. Groce hails from Michigan, where she worked as a Substitute Teacher. Most recently she was employed as a Math and English Language Arts Teacher at Copper Point Schools, in Tucson. Prior to that she was a Math and Science Teacher in the Vail School District. Ms. Groce earned a B.A. in Music from Michigan State University, and a Masters of Arts in Teaching Elementary Education from Oakland University, in Rochester, Michigan. Mindi Hust is a new Second Grade Teacher at TVES. Ms. Hust most recently taught Kindergarten through Fourth Grades in the Vail School District. She was an Instructional Facilitator, Teacher Mentor and Instructional Team Leader while teaching there. Ms. Hust holds her B.A. in Elementary Education from the University of Arizona, and her Master of Education in Educational Leadership from Northern Arizona University. Sara Kroll-Franks is the new Elementary Counselor working at both ACES and TVES. Ms. Kroll-Franks was most recently working for the Tanque Verde district as a Paraprofessional in the Special Education Department. Prior to that, she worked as a Clinical Social Worker for Banner-University Medical Center, in Pediatric Hematology/Oncology. Ms. Kroll-Franks earned her B.A. in Sociology from the University of Arizona, and her Master of Social Work from Arizona State University. She holds her Masters of Social Work License through the Arizona State Board of Behavioral Health Examiners. October 2015 - Tanque Verde Unified School District • News And Views 7 Lisa Ledvina is a new P.E. Teacher at TVHS. Ms. Ledvina has an international teaching background, as well as her experience teaching in the Amphitheater and Tucson Unified School Districts, and substitute teaching in the Flowing Wells and Marana School Districts. She earned her B.A. in Elementary Education from the University of Arizona, and her Masters of Education in Elementary Education from Northern Arizona University. Ms. Ledvina’s international teaching experiences took her to Pattaya, Thailand, and Cairo, Egypt, where she was employed as a Physical Education and Health Educator. Brandy Lee is a new Science and Health Teacher at EGJH. Ms. Lee may be familiar to you as she has been working as a substitute teacher in the district. Prior to working in the district, Ms. Lee was a dedicated volunteer at TVES, and preschools in the Tucson area. In her prior career, Ms. Lee was a Civil Engineer, working for McGovern, MacVittie, Lodge & Associates, in Tucson, Arizona. Ms. Lee holds her B.S. in Civil Engineering. Kari Lovering is the new Girls P.E. Teacher at TVHS. Ms. Lovering is a recent graduate, having earned her Bachelor of Science and Health from the University of Wisconsin, in La Crosse. She also has a minor in Adapted P.E. Ms. Lovering’s experiences include working as a gymnastics instructor, a school age teacher with the YMCA, and a student teacher in K-5 P.E. and Adapted P.E. in Evergreen Elementary, and K-12 P.E. and Adapted P.E. in La Farge School District, in La Farge, Wisconsin. A.J. Malis joins us as the new Tanque Verde High School Principal. Mr. Malis has extensive teaching and administrative experience which he brings to support his leadership role at TVHS. He worked for sixteen years as a classroom Chemistry teacher, teaching regular, Honors and AP Chemistry, at Catalina Foothills HS, Salpointe Catholic HS, and Palo Verde Magnet HS. Mr. Malis then moved into an Instructional Support Assistant position and was Science Department Chair at Amphitheater Middle School. He was most recently employed as an Assistant Principal and Instructional Support Assistant at Ironwood Ridge High School. In addition, Mr. Malis is the Founder, Coach and CEO of Zona Volleyball Club, Inc. He was also an Assistant Volleyball Coach for the University of Arizona! Mr. Malis studied Business Administration at Arizona State University, before earning his B.A. in Education, with a major in Chemistry and a minor in math and physics from the University of Arizona. He completed his Master of Education in Education Leadership with a Principal K-12 emphasis, earning a degree with distinction from Northern Arizona University. Erin Moore is a new Science Teacher at TVHS. Ms. Moore has extensive experience in the field of science, working as a Geology Field Research Assistant, a Field Technician in seismic services, an intern for the Mineral Policy Center in Washington, D.C., and a Teaching Assistant in the Physical Geology Lab and Solar Systems Lab at the University of California, Davis, California. Ms. Moore earned her B.S. in Geology with a combined minor in Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry from the University of Arizona. She completed her Master of Science in Geology from U.C. Davis. Garrett Novinski is a new Adaptive P.E. Teacher in the district. Mr. Novinski is a recent graduate, earning his B.S. in Physical Education with a minor in Adaptive Physical Education from the University of Wisconsin in La Crosse. In addition, he holds certifications in Water Safety Instruction, Basic Archery and Belay. Mr. Novinski’s experience includes working as an Exercise Specialist with the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse with adults with disabilities, and as a Skills Assistant in the UWL Adventure Program. Mr. Novinski has been involved with youth sports as a baseball and basketball coach for Pre-K - 2nd Grade and students with disabilities. He also played Baseball for the University of Wisconsin- La Crosse, and was selected to the 2013 All-Wisconsin Intercollegiate Athletic Conference Team! 8 October 2015 - Tanque Verde Unified School District • News And Views Michelle O’Donnell is a new Kindergarten Teacher at TVES. Ms. O’Donnell comes to us from Allen, Texas, where she was employed as a First Grade Teacher at Private Elementary School. Ms. O’Donnell earned her B.S. degree in University Studies with emphases in Art, History and Psychology. She has also completed her TEFL International Certificate course, and the AngloHellenic Teacher Training in Corinth, Greece. Claire Place is the new Community Liaison for the Tanque Verde School District. Ms. Place was formerly a Social Studies Teacher at Emily Gray Jr. High School. She has been involved in the district in different capacities for 24 years, and has experience in volunteer management, community engagement, district policy governance, and education advocacy. Ms. Place served on the District Governing Board from 2009 to 2015, before being hired to fill this new position in the district. She holds her B.A. degree in Political Science from the University of Arizona. Sarah Ramos is a new English Teacher at TVHS. Ms. Ramos was a Language Arts Teacher at Emily Gray Junior High and a High School regular and Honors English Teacher at Pusch Ridge Christian Academy. We are pleased to welcome her back on staff in TVUSD! Ms. Ramos earned her B.S. in English Education from Northern Arizona University. Molly Romano-Homoki is a new Fourth Grade Teacher at ACES. Ms. Romano-Homoki has an extensive academic background, and is a published author in the field of elementary classroom management, and teaching theory and practice, as well as an Arizona parent resource guide for children who are deaf or hard of hearing. She most recently worked as a grant project manager for the University of Arizona, Department of Teaching, and has been employed as a substitute teacher in our district. Prior to that, Ms. Romano-Homoki was an Adjunct Instructor and Assistant Professor at the University of Arizona. She earned her B.A. in Elementary Education, and her M.A. and Ph.D. in Teaching and Teacher Education, from the University of Arizona. Joseph Rudin is a new Mathematics Teacher at TVHS. Mr. Rudin had been on a guest teaching assignment in the Sahuarita Unified School District. Prior to teaching, Mr. Rudin worked as a Product Metallurgist and Improvement facilitator for Gerdau Special Steel North American Division. Mr. Rudin earned his B.S. Degree in Metallurgical Engineering from Missouri University of Science and Technology. Jeremy Samoy is a new History Teacher at TVHS. Prior to joining our district staff, Mr. Samoy was a 7th and 8th Grade Social Studies Teacher at Copper Point Schools in Tucson. He has also worked as a Social Studies Teacher for the Girls Leadership Academy of Phoenix, and as a long-term sub in 11th Grade American History and AP U.S. History. Mr. Samoy graduated Summa Cum Laude with his B.A. Degree in Secondary Education. He was also a University of Arizona Football Walk-on Player from 2005-2009! Go Cats! Sunny Thompson is the new Music Teacher at TVES. She hails from North Carolina and last taught at Highland Elementary School, in Sanford, N.C. Ms. Thompson’s experience combines music therapy, special education and regular education, as well as international teaching experience, in Pyeongtaek, South Korea! Ms. Thompson earned her Master of Arts in Music Education, from East Carolina University in Greenville, North Carolina. She also works as a piano teacher! October 2015 - Tanque Verde Unified School District • News And Views 9 Geneasa Varner is a new Fourth Grade Teacher at TVES. She comes to us by way of North Carolina, where she was last teaching third grade in Dunn, NC. She also taught second and fourth grades and was a Colorguard and Dance Coach for grades 6-12. Ms. Varner earned her B.A. degree in Elementary Education from the University of North Carolina, and her Master of Education in Elementary Education, from the University of North Carolina, Wilmington, NC. Welcome New Classified Staff Members! We have a GREAT team of Classified Staff Members and Support Personnel who work throughout the district. We would like to extend a hearty welcome to our new Classified Staff who are joining the TVUSD Team ACES: Sarah Barker, Paraprofessional I; Meara Lesho, Paraprofessional I TVES: Ashley Cruz, Paraprofessional II/III; Tracie Felix, Paraprofessional I; Gregory Gaines, Science Lab Coordinator; Deana Rosales, Motor Lab Aide; Melisa Ryan, Paraprofessional II/III; Jeanne Stewart, Paraprofessional I; and Christy Winters, Paraprofessional III EGJH: Rebecca Shockley, Food Service Assistant TVHS: Currently no new classified staff Congratulations TVUSD Governing Board Member Carlos Ruiz! Eller Hispanic Honorary 2015 Outstanding Community Leader Tanque Verde Unified School District Governing Board and Administrative Staff Bus 17 arrives at Ague Caliente Elementary School on the first day of school 10 October 2015 - Tanque Verde Unified School District • News And Views TVHS Drama Department Presents “Beanie and the Bamboozling Book Machine” The TVHS Drama Department continues its tradition of presenting theater for children with “Beanie and the Bamboozling Book Machine.” “Beanie Boren, a science wiz who is not keen on reading, has designed a book reading machine for the science fair. Unfortunately, the machine is neither user friendly nor bug free. When Beanie turns it on, lights flash, thunder booms and out pop the witches from Snow White, Hansel and Gretel and the The Wizard of Oz, each set to wreak havoc! Beanie must get them back into the books with help from the good guys in the same stories. Afterward, he is eager to read about his new friends-the old fashioned way.” The evening performance, which is open to the public, is Thursday, Dec. 3 at 6pm. Tickets are $4 for adults, and $3 for students and children. Tickets may be purchased in advance online at (Tickets will be sold at the door but may be limited depending on online sales.) There will be a short Q & A with the actors after the show so children in the audience can learn more about the production. There are two in-school shows on December 1st which are sold out, with over 400 students from ACES attending. School Resource Officer Program Provides Resources to TVUSD Schools The Pima County Sheriff’s Department has restored the School Resources Unit after a hiatus of several years. The Tanque Verde School District is fortunate to have the services of Deputy Elisha Caywood and Deputy Keith Barnes available to our school and community. Deputy Caywood is assigned to Tanque Verde High School. Deputy Barnes is assigned to Emily Gray Jr. High School as well as Agua Caliente and Tanque Verde Elementary Schools. The School Resource Officer (SRO) Unit is new to the Sheriff’s Department. The unit has four main components: Mentoring, Law Enforcement Asset to the School District, Enforcement and Safety, and Instruction. As mentors, the School Resource Officers are integrated within their assigned schools and will regularly be on campus. The focus is on building relationships with students, parents and staff members alike. related problems. If a violation of the law happens, the SRO will conduct a full and thorough investigation of the incident, as well as take mandatory reports as described by state statute. Welcome Deputy Elisha Caywood and Deputy Keith Barnes! The SRO’s are assigned to a particular school and that school will become part of their assigned patrol area. They assist in providing a safe campus for all students. As an asset to the school, the SRO will also assist the school in a collaborative effort to solve school October 2015 - Tanque Verde Unified School District • News And Views 11 Adult education students enjoying class Adult Community Programs Where art and friendships are created Adult Community Programs classes at the Sorensen Tanque Verde Community Center are in full swing and reaching the mid-point of our first Fall Session. Our next eight week session will begin in October and extend through early December. The Fall classes are always fun for so many reasons, one of which is the excitement shown by our students as they create holiday gifts in many different media. The families and friends who receive these lovely handmade items are fortunate indeed. Please visit the website (go to the district website, then to community programs, adult leisure classes) to view Community Partners What Parents Need to Know About Estate Planning – Part One In this regular feature, we will invite partners in our community to contribute articles of interest to parents, staff and community members from their area of expertise. Elizabeth Spilotro, President of the Tanque Verde Foundation, and ACES PTG Board Member, provides valuable information on estate planning for parents, in Part One of this two part series. It’s estimated that fewer than 40% of parents with minor children have even a basic will in place, and for obvious reasons. Planning for one’s demise is unsettling, sometimes frustrating, and easily procrastinated given the general unlikelihood of premature death combined with the pressing needs of daily life. However, there are several reasons why parents of minor children need to be especially concerned about setting up an estate plan and should 12 our offerings and register. We also invite you to visit our courtyard area directly west of the district administration building to see the new garden art created by our pottery students and teachers. We have installed three “totems” featuring work by beginning to advanced students using a variety of techniques. From masks to teapots – it’s a fanciful and delightful experience. While you’re there look closely at the milkweed plants where you may be lucky enough to find a caterpillar, a pupa, or an emerging queen or monarch butterfly! not rely on the routine machinations of the law in the event of disaster. Part One: Custody of your children. Custody of your children. If you have children under the age of 18, at a minimum you need to have a will that indicates who you would want to serve as guardian of those children in the event of your untimely demise. Absent such an instruction as to your preference, your children face a period of deep uncertainty as to who will take care of them—potentially even including some period of interim foster care--during what would already be a period of great trauma and grief. The adults who make up your surviving family members would have to decide amongst themselves who would be best suited to take on this responsibility, possibly leading to squabbles at best, and a court fight at worst. You might very likely also have the person you’d least want to take responsibility for your children as the only person willing to do so, while another person you might well prefer stays out of the matter. (Many of We are excited to announce that our facility will host the community wide Country Fair and Art Show in December. You may find further details about the event in this issue and more information will be forthcoming. Please mark your calendars for December 6. This promises to be a fun family day and is an important opportunity to raise funds for the Tanque Verde Schools art program. We hope you will join the fun in some of our activities and classes. my clients express the opposite concern: that no one will step forward to take their kids! I think they are kidding.) Single parents need to take special care as to this choice; widowed parents are clearly running a far greater risk that something could happen leaving their children with no living biological parent. In the event of divorced parents, a surviving biological parent would automatically assume custody absent some compelling reason such arrangement would not be appropriate; however, the deceased parent’s wishes as to alternate guardian arrangements could affect visitation rights and other arrangements for surviving family members who wish to remain involved in the life of the child. Next time: Providing for your children financially. October 2015 - Tanque Verde Unified School District • News And Views TVHS Hawks in the Community On Wednesday, September 9th, a group of TVHS Cheerleaders, parent volunteers and Cheerleading Coach Andrea Heck used the early release school time to volunteer at the Ronald McDonald House. The group enjoyed their volunteer time preparing lunch for the families in residence there. Food for the lunches was donated by the cheerleader team’s families. The ladies had a great time preparing the lunches and talking with some of the residents. THVS Cheerleaders volunteer at the Ronald McDonald House Happy Trails to You: Year #10 By Mr. Jeff Crane, ACES Sixth Grade Teacher & Community Programs Instructor As the 22 students wiggled into their ponchos or made rain hoods from garbage bags found on the school bus, Mr. Crane talked about a word he had never used all his years of hiking in June: ‘hypothermia.’ The courageous hikers started climbing up the Aspen Draw, and soon the June 5th downpour began to lighten up. Jackets were gradually shed, and smiles came out with the sun as the students reached the 9,000 foot summit of Ski Valley on Mt. Lemmon. For the last 10 summers, Tanque Verde Community Schools has offered a two to three week hiking class: “Happy Trails to You.” Jeff Crane (6th grade, ACES), and his trusty trail beagle Dexter, have been leading the hikes on Mt. Lemmon departing from TVHS at 8:00 am and returning by 2:00 pm. The hikes vary in difficulty and are usually three to five miles in length. Students range in age from 7 to 17 and come from all four schools in TVUSD, as well as Catalina Foothills High School and Basis North. Parent volunteers often hike with the class as well. The class explores all the trails on upper Mt. Lemmon as well as the Palisades and Mt. Bigelow areas. Hikers are exposed to breath taking views—many for the first time—of greater Tucson, Mt. Wrightson, the Rincons, and Mt. Graham. The students are responsible for bringing their own food and water, but the end-of the-hike stop at the Mt. Lemmon General Store for some delicious home-made fudge is always a highlight. Mr. Crane and Dexter are already making plans for the summer of 2016. See you on the trails! Part Time Opportunities Sam Blackwell getting air Parent chaperones couldn’t believe the fog Are you a person who would enjoy working very part-time in our school district? TVUSD will sometimes seek very part-time employees, and at times, these positions can be very difficult to fill. It is not attractive to employees to drive out here if the position posted is only ten (10) hours per week. This is not typically an issue for district residents. If you or someone you know is interested in working at TVUSD, even on a very part-time basis, please call Human Resources (749-5751, ext. 4107) or visit our website ( to see what is available. As an incentive – all TVUSD employees are eligible to take one Community Programs class per semester with no registration fee! October 2015 - Tanque Verde Unified School District • News And Views 13 Students Create Stunning Artwork in Inaugural TVUSD Chalk Art Marathon In an inaugural district art event conceived by TVES art teacher Alicia Marrano, 75 TVES students (including 3 from EGJH) and 30 ACES students participated in creating drawings which depicted the Art of Science or the Science of Art. This was a juried competition, with winning pieces from each elementary school to be featured in two unique calendars, which will be available for purchase this fall. Inspired by her collaborative work with the district STEAM Team , which is focused on integrated curriculum in Science-Technology-Engineering-ArtsMathematics, Ms. Marrano developed this event as an opportunity for students to express their knowledge of art illustration and science. Ms. Marrano reflected on the Chalk Art event, stating, “I think a new tradition has begun. It is a joy to work in this community!” Ms. Marrano is working collaboratively with ACES/EGJH art teacher Jenine Grisez, former TVES art educator Charlene Atkinson, and TVUSD Adult Community Programs coordinator Karen Reifschneider, to create unique Art events for this school year. Their goals are to bring more awareness and interest to the arts programs in our district, to provide unique fundraising opportunities, and to continue to build the art culture in our community. These beautiful chalk-art creations will be featured in calendars which Kiley Baldauf - grade 8 Science Around the World 14 are planned as a fall fundraiser at each elementary school. Ms. Marrano was assisted in preserving the drawings by volunteers who quickly photographed these fleeting works of art as soon as they were completed. Athalia Davis- Sunsets on Saturn The students’ drawings were scored by a panel of judges in six different categories. Based on these scores the top 6 winners at TVES were: #51 Francesca Flocco - grade 4 - Untitled; #29 Lili Heath grade 6 - Rainforest Cheetah; #3 Kiley Baldauf - grade 8 - Science Around the World; #8 Samantha Allen - grade 3 - Magnified Butterfly; #57 Lia Larsen - grade 5 - Untitled; #52 Sophia Flocco - grade 6 - From Deep Inside the Lab. Another category was added for grades K-2 and the top drawing in that category is: #38 Ellie DeSmith - grade 2 - Molecules, the Building Blocks of Life. Grace Stobie- Iguana The top 6 winners at ACES are (in no particular order): Allie Hayes- Life Cycle of a Butterfly; Jack Tuer and Declan Gwilliam- The Insect Flower; Grace Stobie- Iguana; Ella Pearlman and Emma Mullins-Mad Scientist; Athalia DavisSunsets on Saturn; Anna Wall- The Enchanted Garden Some of the winning drawings from this event are featured in this issue of the News and Views. Please lend your support to this fundraising effort for the elementary art program by purchasing a calendar when they become available! Samantha Allen - grade 3 Magnified Butterfly Ella Pearlman and Emma MullinsMad Scientist Sophia Flocco - grade 6 From Deep Inside the Lab October 2015 - Tanque Verde Unified School District • News And Views EGJH Cross Country Undefeated in 2015 Season "I like a sport where you're constantly moving," says 7th grader Charlie Maxwell. This year's Emily Gray Junior High girls and boys cross country team was constantly on the move. After a four meet season in the Southern Valley League, both the girls and boys teams came in first place at every meet. The team also participated in the Desert Solstice Cross Country Invitational on Sept. 11 in Marana. The girls team came in 5th place out of 16 teams with 8th grader Anna Summer placing 3rd overall in the individual competition. Under the leadership of head coach Lindsay Ventola and assistant coach Anna Smith, the team practiced four days each week in August and September, often in 100 degree temperatures. Besides their distance training, the coaches had them participate in cross fit activities, such as strength and conditioning exercises, to prepare them for the meets. Parent volunteers Nicole Behmer and Tim Benenati were very helpful in assisting at the practices. Coach Ventola reflected on the Emily Gray team, "I feel so proud of all the runners on this team; their hard work and dedication to do well is so inspiring. I love helping kids learn that running can be fun, that improving your personal times and feeling a sense of accomplishment is more important than winning. The one aspect I so admire of our runners is their sportsmanship and capacity to support each other. After a long practice or a grueling race, the runners on this team don't throw in the towel - most of my top runners return to the course to jog beside a teammate who may be struggling to finish. Watching kids motivate and support each other is a rare, beautiful sight to witness; I have been fortunate to witness kids grow as runners and teammates in my two seasons with Emily Gray." Coach Smith added her thoughts, "I am very fortunate to have been a part of this cross country team. They are an amazing group of kids. They support each other at every practice and meet, and we have all become one big 'running family'. Running involves responsibility, commitment, and persistence. Each runner works very hard on this team and exemplifies all of these qualities, but most of all, they have fun and enjoy being together. I absolutely enjoy every minute of coaching this team, and I love seeing their determination and smiles!" Cross country is a sport in which teams and individuals run in an open air race often across fields, trails, grass, and sometimes through woodlands. It is both an individual and a team sport where runners are judged on individual times and teams by a points-scoring method. Cross country meets first started in England in the 1820's and have continued to gain popularity ever since. Emily Gray runners were recently asked what they like best about cross country running: "I really like how cross country running makes you strong. I push myself," said 7th grader AJ McMickle. "I like the reward of winning. I want to do the best I can," noted 7th grader Jack Murphy. "I like being with friends while you practice. I like to push myself - I push myself as far as I can. I shoot for bigger goals," said 8th grader Keith Sanderson. “I like racing. On Fridays we play running games as a reward for our hard work,” commented 8th grader Cristal Resendiz-Zarazua. “I like knowing that there are people to support me along the way. I like the feeling of finishing the race and hearing your time,” said 8th grader Isabelle Stobie. “I like running with friends as exer- October 2015 - Tanque Verde Unified School District • News And Views Kai Ward Anna Summer cise. My motivation is to beat others,” noted 7th grader Delila Medlin. The cross country team was certainly motivated this year. As an end of season reward, the coaches hosted a movie party and the team watched the cross country movie McFarland USA. The story is based on an actual cross country team from a small farming town in San Joaquin Valley, California who won the state championship several years in row. Emily Gray Junior High hosted the league championship meet on Sept. 24 at Tanque Verde High School. All the teams in the league competed. EGJH girls and boys both received 1st place team trophies. Look for those junior high runners out there in the Tanque Verde Valley, even after cross country season is over and the fall weather finally arrives! by Paula Nasiatka 15 Health and Wellness In this regular column we will feature articles and updates on student and staff health and wellness related topics TVUSD Wellness Committee Sets School Year Goals District Offices – Sleep Well! As we start the new school year, it’s time to develop plans, set goals, monitor progress; make adjustments if necessary, and continue working toward the goal(s). This applies to most EVERYTHING we do in life whether it is personal, professional, financial, or health, fitness and wellness. Included in the Governing Board and District goals this year is: Goal 3. Promote professional development and instructional improvement; Subset goal 3.3 Encourage employee wellness and personal health awareness The district participates in two staff Wellness Challenges a year; one in the Fall and the second in the Spring. These challenges are intended to be fun and serve as gentle reminders to be healthy and take good care of ourselves. The challenges typically last about 3 weeks, and require participants to track whatever behavior is the target of the challenge. The Fall Wellness Challenge this year is Sleep–Well. This one, as you might guess, asks participants to track their sleep for 3 weeks. “Why a Sleep Challenge? People seem to wear their lack of sleep like a badge of honor. However, a good night’s sleep is critical. It is the foundation that powers overall well-being affecting activity, nutrition, drive, productivity and more. Logging solid shut-eye boosts energy levels, impacts immune system, focus at work and drive to get things done.” Each week staff will learn tidbits of knowledge relating to the importance of sleep. Week 1: The Impact of Lost Sleep on your Brain; Week 2: The Domino Effect Sleep has on your body; Week 3: Lack of Sleep and its effect on Behavior We have some exciting WELLNESS activities happening on some of our campuses; some focused on students, others on staff and some on both! Emily Gray Junior High School – Let the PLANKING begin! The staff is participating in a Planking Challenge. 20 seconds to start, and adding 10 seconds each day, there will be a Staff “Plank Off” on Wednesday, October 7. The students are getting into the action too, they are planking each day in PE and will also have a “Plank Off” on Oct. 7. Tanque Verde Elementary School – Wellness for Life! This year the TVES campus is focusing on creating a healthier campus community and encouraging WELLNESS FOR LIFE. Student Council will be creating posters expressing healthier eating and the importance of daily exercise to display on campus; classrooms are creating a work of art on their front door depicting a healthy lifestyle – focusing on the importance of drinking lots of water and eliminating sugary drinks. Agua Caliente Elementary School – Be Well! The ACES campus has a well- established Wellness Committee focusing on their students. This is a partnership between the staff and parents promoting wellness and actions that generate healthy choices affecting the community. Some BIG ideas are happening at ACES this year: The Garden Students work in a beautiful garden and learn about science, nature and food. The goal is to utilize the produce to provide healthy additions to the cafeteria. SMOOTHIES at school! The first Friday of each month, the food fairy will mix up delicious, nutritious smoothies for students to try. Wellness Weeks / Family Health and Wellness Newsletter Promoting and informing students and families about the importance of daily exercise, learning about nutrition, hydration, using Sunscreen and the consequences of tobacco use. PRODUCE ON WHEELS WITHOUT WASTE! The fourth Saturday of each month starting in November ACES will host Produce on Wheels without Waste (POWWOW). This wonderful program offers 60 pounds of produce for $10! 16 October 2015 - Tanque Verde Unified School District • News And Views More Winning Artwork From The TVUSD Chalk Art Marathon Allie Hayes- Life Cycle of a Butterfly Jack Tuer and Declan GwilliamThe Insect Flower Lia Larsen - grade 5 - Untitled Anna Wall- The Enchanted Garden Lili Heath grade 6 - Rainforest Cheetah Francesca Flocco - grade 4 - Untitled Arts/Crafts, Music, Food, Demonstrations, Animals = Family Fun! Save the Date for: The Tanque Verde Arts and Crafts Market Sunday, December 6, 2015, from 9am to 3pm At 2300 N. Tanque Verde Loop Rd. Tucson, Arizona 85749 All of the Art programs in the Tanque Verde District are collaborating to create an exciting community event. This event includes a variety of activities: shopping, music, refreshments, and demonstrations in the style of a country fair. The Arts and Crafts Market will host vendors and alpacas (yes, the baby alpacas will be there) as part of a southern Arizona fiber festival as well as community artisans selling hand made arts and crafts. Tanque Verde District Art students will also be selling hand crafted items, and hot food in student crafted mugs, as well as hosting “make and take” crafting booths for children. Bring your family for a day of Arts and Crafts fun and fabulous holiday shopping. This event is possible due to the extreme generosity and collaborative efforts of the adult community class program. Follow us at District Calendar TVES Fall Festival - October 23rd 6-9 p.m. – • Tanque Verde Elementary School Thanksgiving Holiday - November 26th & 27th TVHS Theater - “Beanie and the Bamboozling Book Machine.” • Dec. 3, 6pm, TVHS Auditorium The Tanque Verde Arts and Crafts Market • Dec. 6, from 9am to 3pm, Lew Sorensen Community Programs Bldng Choir/Musical Theatre Winter Concert • Wed, Dec 9. EGJH MPR - 7:00 p.m. TVHS Band Winter Concert • Thur, Dec 10, 6pm – 9pm, TVHS Auditorium Last Day of First Semester – Dec. 17 All proceeds will support arts in Tanque Verde District. October 2015 - Tanque Verde Unified School District • News And Views 17
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