dickinson hall - City of Lake Forest
dickinson hall - City of Lake Forest
DICKINSON HALL 847-234-2209 SEPT- O CT 2 015 Registration begins Thursday, September 3 at 9 am Social Events at Dickinson Hall bring friends together! Women’s Club Annual Raffle Fundraiser More than 80 valuable prizes await on Wednesday, September 30! Raffle tickets are available for purchase anytime at Dickinson Hall, or early on event day. Don’t wait to purchase your chance to win! Tickets: $1 each, 6 for $5, winner need not be present to win. All proceeds benefit Dickinson Hall programs I ♥ Lake Forest & Lake Bluff, A Watercolor Art Show Friday, September 18 5:30-7:00 pm Free Location: Northern Trust Bank, 265 E. Deerpath Enjoy a glass of wine and refreshments, as the Dickinson Hall Watercolor Artists present original artwork from Lake Forest and Lake Bluff scenes. Colorful renditions of your favorite sights are perfect for holiday giving; artists will be on hand and accept commissions. The show will be on display at the Northern Trust Bank September 18-28, 2015. Bring your friends to this free event! “Artist Couples” with Cindy Lewis Tuesdays, October 6, 13, 20, 27 10:00-11:30 am $16 per lecture/$18 per lecture guests Discover four pairs of love-driven artists and their effect on one another’s creativity. Vincent van Gogh once gave artists this advice: “What is done in love is done well.” Over the years, it seems like great artists took his advice, but with varying results. Come explore the obsessed, troubled, and inspired romances that helped steer the lives and works of some of the most influential artists of the twentieth century. Please visit us Monday–Friday 8:30 am–4:30 pm Great Room doors open fifteen minutes prior to special events Reservations are needed for all events—847.234.2209 AGE SPECTACULARLY! Lecture, Lunches and More! Religion is NOT Inherently Violent Presenter: Jim Kenney Friday, September 11 Noon lunch $15 all registrants That’s the controversial thesis of Fields of Blood, the newest bestseller by renowned religious scholar Karen Armstrong. The book is a strong and, at the same time fascinating rebuke to emerging militant atheism. Don’t miss this exciting presentation with Jim Kenney, co-founder of Common Ground—a center for inquiry, study and dialogue in the human quest for understanding and the human pursuit of significance. He is a Trustee-Founder of the Parliament of the World’s Religions and served as the organization’s Global Director from 1995-2002. He is currently the Director of the Interreligious Engagement Project. Reservations due by September 9. Join Us for a Taste of Tuscany! Presenter: Antal Zsupan, Regional Director of Dining Services for Brookdale Hawthorn Lakes Thursday, September 17 3:30 pm Free Antal will be at Dickinson Hall to share his knowledge of Tuscany by pairing wines and foods from the region. A video presentation set to music will set the atmosphere for a tasting of his handpicked wines. Reservations due by September 15. German P.O.W. Camps of Chicago Thursday, September 24 Noon lunch $15 all registrants Presenter: James Meierhoff, PhD Candidate in Archaeology at University of Illinois Come learn about Chicago area World War II German POW Camps with Mr. Meierhoff. He will talk about his findings at Camp Pine, Camp Thornton and Camp Skokie Valley and how his interactions with prisoners were often the only link between the war raging in Europe and the American home front. Reservations due by September 22. Barry Bradford is Back!! 10:00 am Free for DH Members, $10 guests Sponsored by BrightStar Care Friday, September 18 Al Capone, Big Jim & Johnny Torrio: Organizing the Outfit in Chicago Al Capone is arguably the most famous gangster of all time, but he did not create “the Outfit” and his reign as leader was relatively brief. Learn how the Outfit came to rule the Chicago Underworld. Friday, October 2 Walt Disney: Animating America No individual changed American popular culture more than Walt Disney. But that is just scratching the surface of his overwhelming contributions to America. He revolutionized the way we spend our free time, the way movies are marketed, our view of the environment, our faith in technology and the way we think about art. Friday, November 6 Election 2008 The election of 2008 has been called the “game change election.” It was a wild ride that featured a heroic former POW, the first female, first African-American, and first Hispanic candidates to have a realistic shot of winning and a plethora of colorful supporting characters. Learn the inside story of how the campaigns used social media, the Internet, and advertising in unique ways during the exciting and groundbreaking election of 2008! 2 How to Register for Programs, Trips and Events at Dickinson Hall: Registration on Thursday, September 3 at 9:00 am is by phone 847-234-2209 or email [email protected] only. Reservations are taken on a first come, first served basis. After September 3 you may register by phone, mail or in person at Dickinson Hall for any trip on the trip page, event or program. BE PATIENT- Everyone wants to register at 9:00 am on September 3. If you do not reach us right away, please try again in a few minutes. You will get through as soon as others complete their registration. BE CONSIDERATE & BE PREPARED – Plan ahead, have your list ready with your selections so you can read them off quickly on voicemail. Men’s Group All men are welcome to join this lecture & luncheon program and enjoy a wonderful afternoon at Dickinson Hall. Reservations are required by October 19 847.234.2209 Thursday, October 22 Noon lunch $15 Lake Forest Founders and First Presbyterian Church Presenter: Reverend Chris Chakoian The history of First Presbyterian Church is closely intertwined with that of Lake Forest itself, and our founders’ “DNA” is still embedded in many of our institutions. Discover early stories that will illuminate our character today, with Reverend Chris Chakoian. A frequent speaker on WTTW’s “30 Good Minutes,” Rev. Chakoian is also a columnist for The Presbyterian Outlook and The Christian Century. Women’s Club All women are welcome to join this lecture & luncheon program and enjoy these wonderful programs at Dickinson Hall. Reservations required 847-234-2209 Fashion Show at Dickinson Hall!! Wednesday, September 30 Noon Lunch $15 all registrants Chico’s of Lincolnshire along with the Women’s Club at Dickinson Hall present the latest styles in women’s designer clothing, accessories and more. Chico’s is known for its casualto-dressy clothing and complimentary accessories. Don’t miss this opportunity to see the latest Fall & Winter fashions. Those attending will also receive a $10 coupon to be used at the Lincolnshire Chico’s store! Reservations required by Sept. 28. Women’s Club Annual Raffle Fundraiser Over 80 valuable prizes await! Raffle tickets are available now at Dickinson Hall. Tickets: $1 each, 6 for $5. All proceeds generously benefit Dickinson Hall programs. Winners need not be present. Sonia Sotomayor and Barbara Walters Wednesday, October 28 Noon Lunch $15 Jenny Riddle returns to dramatize Sonia Sotomayor’s autobiography, My Beloved World, and Barbara Walter’s memoir, Audition. First, Jenny, as Sotomayor, shares Sonia’s remarkable journey of a young girl from a Bronx housing project to a judge on the U.S. Supreme Court, the first Hispanic ever to hold this position. Next, Jenny brings to life Barbara Walters, another woman who was first in her field: the first woman cohost of The Today Show and the first female network news co-anchor. Reservations due by October 23. Lectures, Lunches and More! I ♥ Lake Forest & Lake Bluff, A Watercolor Art Show Friday, September 18 5:30-7:00 pm Free Location: Northern Trust Bank, 265 E. Deerpath Enjoy a glass of wine and refreshments, as Dickinson Hall Watercolor Artists present original artwork from Lake Forest and Lake Bluff scenes. Colorful renditions of your favorite sights are perfect for holiday giving; artists will be on hand and accept commissions. The show will be on display at the Northern Trust Bank September 18-28, 2015. Lake Forest Symphony Rehearsal Tuesday, October 13 1:00-4:00 pm Free to all I’m retiring! I would like to thank all of the wonderful members I’ve met since starting with the City of Lake Forest in 1999. It’s been a pleasure to meet and work with all of you. I’ve been honored to be part of your lives; to hear your stories and meet your families. My last day at Dickinson Hall will be September 30, 2015. I hope that you will stop by my office before then and say good-bye. Thank you again for the great memories! And maybe I’ll see you around town. Sincerely, Sherry Miller Drop in anytime for a free peek as the Lake Forest Symphony rehearses! Celebrating more than 55 years, the Lake Forest Symphony is the only fully professional orchestra in Lake County. The orchestra has been honored numerous times by the Illinois Council of Orchestras, winning Illinois Orchestra of the Year in 2006 and Symphony Guild of the Year in 2006 and 2011. We are honored to host this gracious event! Oktoberfest Friday, October 16 Noon luncheon $25 members/$30 guests Reservations due by October 13 When Berghoffs prepares authentic German cuisine, you know it’s going to be exceptional, and when Gabe and the boys in Lederhosen bring their instruments to the Great Room, you know it’s going to be fun! Enjoy a cold German beer and celebrate in style. Sponsored by Right at Home Veteran’s Day Breakfast Tuesday, November 10 10:00 am Veterans Dine Free/$10 all others Reservations due by November 6 Veterans and Miltiary Service Personnel of any age are invited to be our guest for a delicious breakfast celebrating the dedication and selflessness of all who serve our country in times of need. Sponsored by Silverado Congressional Legislative Update Monday, October 19 Noon luncheon $10/$15 NM Reservations due by October 14 U.S. Representative Bob Dold will brief us on what’s happening in Washington D.C. and address the many questions received at his legislative office on Social Security, Medicare, health and long term care programs, as well as resources of interest to seniors. Most importantly, he is seeking your input, so bring your questions for the Congressman on all federal issues. “Artist Couples” with Cindy Lewis Tuesdays, 10:00-11:30 am $16 pre lecture/$18 NM October 6 Jo Nivison Hopper and Edward Hopper October 13 Elaine and Willem de Kooning October 20 Lee Krasner and Jackson Pollock October 27 Dorothea Tanning and Max Ernst Discover four pairs of love-driven artists and their effect on one another’s creativity. Come explore the obsessed, troubled, and inspired romances that helped steer the lives and works of some of the most influential artists of the twentieth century. AROUND the TOWN Check Please! Dickinson Hall Members Only! 11:00 am bus departure Call for your reservation 847.234.2209 See if you agree with the reviewers on WTTW’s restaurant critique show. Transportation is $10; meal is Dutch treat. Wednesday, September 16 Bob Chinn’s Crab House For over 30 years Bob Chinn’s has served some of the freshest seafood from around the globe. Also on the menu are steaks, pasta and more-all served by friendly and helpful staff! Wednesday, October 14 Psistaria Select from a bountiful menu of traditional authentic Greek dishes in a warm, comfortable atmosphere. Enjoy dishes like chargrilled octopus, moussaka, dolmades, lamb, fresh fish filleted tableside and flaming saganaki. Girl’s Night Out! –a fun-filled evening with the girls! The payment is Dutch treat, but call Dickinson Hall at 847-234-2209 for reservations, two days in advance Tuesday, September 15 5:00 pm The Lantern in Lake Forest Enjoy a fun night out together at this local causal eatery, featuring the comfort foods you love! Tuesday, October 13 5:00 pm Francesca’s Intimo Come for simple, rustic cooking in a friendly atmosphere! Dickinson Hall Explorers Walking Group Tuesdays and Thursdays 8:45 am Must be a Dickinson Hall Member to participate Enjoy walking in the outdoors and the beauty of the fall foliage with our wonderful walking group. We walk the scenic areas of Lake Forest, Lake Bluff and beyond! Our walks are usually 2 miles long through neighborhoods, walking trails and forest preserve sites. We also have several getaway field trips each year. Our walking venues are e-mailed to the group on Monday morning for the upcoming week. To join call 847.234.2209 or e-mail [email protected] 3 Donations to the Lake Forest-Lake Bluff Senior Citizen’s Foundation Raymond & Barbara Acopiado Nancy Akred Anne Anderson Majlis Anderson Vernon Armour Carolyn Ashley Carol Bagan Wallace & Shirley Basco James & Betty Benton Hal & Peggy Bernthal Pauline Barry Emerson & Ellen Bodell Ann Bolander Jim & Sharon Borg Basil & Ellie Borders Ann Bowen Bill & Pat Bruce Dr & Mrs Andrew Bunta Gail Burns Edith Burns James & Caroline Buzard Betty Carbol James & Nancy Carey Alan & Carol Champ Thomas & Constance Colby Kathryn Cordell Ron & Shary Costello Penny Crowley Warren & Polly Davis Laurel & John Delin Janice Dittmer Robert & Lorraine Doran Terry & Dolores Duggan Catherine Eardley-Murphy Doris Earhart Erika Eddy Jim & Honey Ehret Janice Engle Marjory Everson Betsy Farwell Minna-Rae Friedman Bob & Judy Fuller William Gentry Dona Georgeson Patricia Giangiorgi Ambrose & Gladys Glombowski Jack Goggin Sara & Keith Goodrich Karen Gordon Leslie & Elizabeth Graham Tom & Ann Grant Bernice Gregorio Mike & Peggy Griem Jean Grost Marlene Guthrie Mildred Hall Blanche Hall Joanne Halligan Lester & Margrit Hammar Elizabeth Hamiltion Elizabeth Hamlin Mary Janice Hartigan Carrol Herber Fred & Mary Herlocker Robin & Fran Hoffer Dean & Faye Holm Joyce Holson 4 Connie Howe Bernice Hyde Helen Jahnke Bobette Janus Ginny Jensen Richard & Elvida Johnson Phyllis & Ken Johnsen Kenneth & Gretchen Johnson Wanda Kaminski Bob & Karol Karlblom Rita Kawula Margaret & Bill Keiffer Sally Kelly Howard & Patricia Kerr Donna Kissel Dirk Kitzmiller Fred Klein Betty Klingenberg Genevieve Kluza Bill & Inge Knauz Carol Kopriwa Pat Kurschner Ralph & Marge Lambrecht Bert & Judy Lattan Judith Lazarus Paul & Kathy Lemieux Betty Leone Eleanor Liguroi Carol Madsen Kathleen & Thomas Malinger Catherine Mariella Mary Ellen McGoey Michael & Jenny McMurray Kay Mekaelian Mary Cashen Metcalf Nancy & Terry Mieling Antoinette Minuzzo Yvonne & George Mitchell Roger & Pauline Mohr Richard Molokie Anne Morgan John Morrison Pricilla Murphy Grace Murray Benita Myles Barbara Nathan Joyce Newcomb Barbara O’Connell Helen O’Neill P. Ortseifen Gerald Palmer Jody Pappas Gwen Patterson Judy & Ray Pawlak Tom & Marie Pfeiffer Minh Phan Judith Polk Lisa Pommer Byron & Ruth Prais Ann Roberts Elinor Roberts Joseph & Joan Roberti Eleanor Rohde Missy Romanoff Kathleen Ann Romberg Barbara Rother Jane Ryan Gerald & Barbara Schultz Peg & Carl Scichili Donald Sheppard Shields Township Jerry & Linda Shields Mr. & Mrs. Richard Slayton Joan Sparrow Don & Mia Spooner Clement Springer Lawrence & Nancy Stack Joe & Gladys Steele Dr. Ralph & Sally Stoll Carole Stroh Lois Switzer Inga Britta Syme Takeda Corporation Janet Tamer Ron & Anne Taylor Beth Teich Helen Triptow Marjorie Triplett Marilyn & Dominic Turchi Alice Valentine Austin & Marlene VandenHeuvel Anne Vanderbilt Diane Viti Carol & Ben Wagner Frank Waldeck Cynthia Washburne David & Kathy Williams Karen Winsor Valerie Wolfgram Roycealee Wood Jane Wood Hercules Zagoras Ginny & Conrad Zion For the Senior Advocate Paul & Kathy Blahunka In Honor of Loretta Castellari, Janet Fryer, Patty Jenkins, Marla Schachtel Mrs. Ernest Ford In Honor of Jack F. Reichert Corrine Reichert In Honor of Wonderful Staff Ellie Moderwell In Memory of Joe Sommers Mrs. Ernest Ford In Memory of Joanie Jones Blanche Hall In Memory of Dolores Homer Mary Janice Hartigan Donna Hartigan CLASSES GAMES & MORE (Dickinson Hall Members Only) SILVER SNEAKERS FITNESS PROGRAM at Dickinson Hall is free for members who qualify through Healthways Insurance. Contact Audrey, SilverSneakers Flex Instructor, at 847-736-2671 or [email protected] Visit a class Monday-Friday, 9:00 am-10:00 am to see if you qualify for this program. You may also purchase a punch card in the main office- $64 for 8 classes. Mah Jongg Tuesdays, 9:30 am & Thursdays, 1:00 pm Stretch Class Mondays & Wednesdays 9:00 am-10:00 am Come play and meet new friends!! Bridge Thursdays 10:00 am Join this Thursday morning drop-in group for a great game-new players welcome! Poker Mondays & Fridays Noon New players welcome! A low-impact class to improve flexibility and balance while increasing muscular endurance Canasta Wednesdays, September 9, 23 October 7, 21 1:00 pm Gentle Yoga (no floor work) Tuesdays & Thursdays 9:00 am-10:00 am Bingo Fridays, September 4 & October 2 1:00 pm Standing and seated positions for ALL levels--benefits include balance, increased flexibility and relaxation Cardio & Strength Fridays 9:00 am-10:00 am Step movements for aerobic fitness and total body conditioning. A great afternoon laughing, snacking and having fun! Cards $1 unlimited! Fun prizes! Bunco Fridays, September 4 & October 2 Noon $8 lunch We’ll show you how to play this fun and easy to learn game! New players are always welcome!! Knitting with Caryl Mondays 1:00 pm Our talented knitting leader has attracted a group of knitters of all levels who come to her for inspiration as well as assistance. Dickinson Hall Members only Movies for Members at Dickinson Hall! Mondays 10:30 am & 1:00 pm Free Tai Chi with Lee Ann Tuesdays, July 7-September 22 1:00-2:00 pm $60/$70 NM Those with previous Tai Chi experience will benefit from this class which brings mind and body together to reduce stress. Join anytime! Tap Dance Fitness with Lisa Jacobs Wednesdays, August 5-September 16 1:30-2:30 pm $70/80 NM Tap your way to great physical condition? You bet! The music is fun and you’ll have a great time too. AARP Driver Safety Class Monday, September 9 & Tuesday, September 10 9:30 am-1:30 pm $15 AARP Member/$20 Nonmember Develop strategies for adjusting to age-related changes in vision, hearing and reaction time. This 8-hour class may reduce your car insurance; check with your insurance agent for the amount. You must attend the full 8 hours to receive your discount. Reservations 847-234-2209 Continuing Spanish with Leslie Fenster Wednesdays, September 2-November 4 1:30-2:30 pm 8 weeks–$40 Would you like to brush up on your Spanish? Join this language skills class for five weeks of fun! Sept 7 Sept 14 Sept 21 Sept 28 Oct 5 Oct 12 Oct 19 Oct 26 Buena Vista Social Club (G) McFarland USA (PG) Woman in Gold (PG13) The 100-Year Old Man ® Far From the Madding Crowd (PG13) Two Days, One Night (PG13) The Age of Adaline (PG13) Young@Heart (PG) 105 min. 129 min. 109 min. 114 min. 119 min. 95 min. 109 min. 108 min. Dickinson Hall Memorial Tree Leaf Did you know that you can purchase an engraved LEAF on the donor tree in the front lobby? This could be for a memorial, birthday, anniversary or any event that is special to you. Please call the Lake Forest-Lake Bluff Senior Citizens Foundation office at 847-810-4675 for more information. This is a tax deductible gift and is a very special way to remember a loved one. Artists Wanted! Our Dickinson Hall hallway gallery would like your paintings, drawings, prints, photographs and more. Let us know if you are interested in showing your work, so our members and residents can enjoy what you create. Call Anne for information– 847-810-4676 REMINDERS! • Any unwanted medications can be dropped off at the LF Police Station for disposal. • Dickinson Hall is a polling place on November 3, 2015. Event space will be limited. 5 Wellness Center Wellness Lectures and events are free and open to all, regardless of age. For more information please contact Janet Fryer, LCPC, Senior Advocate at 847-810-4678 Medicare Changes Affecting You Thursday, September 17 11:00 am Free Jenny Prescia, MSN, RN, director of Case Management at Northwestern Lake Forest Hospital, will speak about the differences between Inpatient vs Observation hospital stays and their implications for Medicare coverage. Eric Thoennes, Community Relations Manager of Assure Home Healthcare will explain Medicare Bundling, a new way Medicare will pay for a grouping of services. Reservations required 847-234-2209. Refreshments Sponsored by Assure. It’s Time to Review or Change Your Medicare Drug Plan The Medicare Part D (Drug Plan) open enrollment period runs from October 15 through December 2. After getting a list of your current medications, dosages and quantity taken, our SHIP volunteers can use the Medicare.gov website to determine which drug plan will offer good service while saving you money. Once you enroll, the new plan will be effective January 1, 2016. Call Janet to reserve your time slot. Adult Caregiver Education & Support Group (ACES) Tuesdays, September 15 & October 20 2:00 pm-3:30 pm If you are caring for a loved one, even if that person does not live with you, you are a caregiver and subject to particular stresses. Come and join with others as we learn coping skills and support one another. Need a Handyman? A local handyman has agreed to help out members at a discounted rate. He can repair bi-fold doors, fix damaged walls, do tile repairs, install grab bars, do small carpentry jobs and more. Call Janet at 847.810.4678 to get the discount rate. Home Alone Group Tuesdays, September 8 & October 13 2:00-3:30 pm This friendly discussion group deals with issues relating to living alone, come and meet new friends! Social Services—Senior Advocate We serve older adults in the community by face-to-face meetings and home, hospital and nursing home visits, depending on the need. There is no charge for services, including assessments, counseling, referrals and assistance with medical and financial forms. Support is available for those who are homebound, lonely, caring for a spouse or parent or who need help considering options and making decisions. Medicare and Insurance Help Medicare, supplemental, drug plan and long-term care insurance information and assistance is available as a free service from our Senior Health Insurance Program (SHIP) volunteers, and is sponsored by the Department of Aging. Call Janet for a free consultation 847-810-4678. Massage Therapy with Linda Walker, Certified Therapist Tuesdays & Thursdays 10:30 am-3:00 pm Fees: members-$60 one hour, $35 half hour Nonmembers-$70 one hour, $40 half hour ARTHROSSAGE-45 minutes-$50 Arthrossage reduces pain in joints affected by osteoarthritis, degenerative joint disease and rheumatoid arthritis. Client remains fully clothed. Call 847.234.2209 to schedule an appointment Podiatrists: Dr. Dawn Hackel & Dr. Nick Ivancevic Appointments required. Dickinson Hall Members only please! Low Vision Group Join us for this interactive exchange of ideas and information to increase your knowledge and help you retain your independence while getting the support you need! High and low-tech solutions, community resources and adjustment issues will be discussed. Individuals of any age coping with vision loss and their family members are welcome. Rides may be available for those needing them--contact Janet. Kara Crumbliss of Lighthouse North Thursday, September 10 10:00 am Kara is an optometrist specializing in low vision and will speak about eye health, symptoms of eye disease, treatment advances and low vision interventions. Krista Erickson of the Lake County Center for Independent Living Thursday, October 8 10:00 am Krista will talk about their programs and products to make life easier. Tomasina Perry of LS & S Thursday, November 12 10:00 am Tomasina will be coming with a variety of products for the visually impaired and seniors. Medical Lending Closet at Dickinson Hall Wheelchairs, walkers, rollators, bathseats, canes, commodes— we lend equipment on a short term basis to LF & LB residents. Attend as our Guest Through the generosity of the LF-LB Senior Citizen’s Foundation, we are able to invite individuals with limited incomes to attend Dickinson Hall events as our guests. Eligibility is based on income levels of the Illinois Benefits Access program, which is a household income of $27,610 (one person), or $36,635 for a couple. Call Janet for more information 847-810-4678. All inquiries are confidential. Thank You–Our Social Service Program is in partnership with Family Service of Lake County which employs the Senior Advocate. Funding for the Senior Advocate position is provided by Shields Township and the Lake Forest-Lake Bluff Senior Citizens Foundation, supported by your donations 6 TRIPS…. Trip reservations open on Thursday, September 3 by calling (847) 234-2209 or email Sherry at [email protected] ONLY. Payment is due at time of registration. If you must cancel, refunds will be issued if we are able to fill the opening from a wait list. All trips leave from Dickinson Hall. Please arrive 15 minutes prior to departure time. Meal prices are not included unless noted Architecture River Cruise (wait list only) Wednesday, September 2 9:00 am $75/$85 guests “Marriage of Figaro” at Lyric Opera Wednesday, October 21 11:00 am $115 DH Members Begin your day with a tour of the Chamley-Persky House, designed by Louis Sullivan and his junior draftsman, Frank Lloyd Wright. Before we see more modern American architecture from the River Boat with DH member and guide, Sylvia Dunbeck, we’ll have lunch at Chicago Q, home to great BBQ! Enjoy Mozart’s masterpiece of mistaken identities, morals, and manners, directed by Chicago Shakespeare Theater’s brilliant Barbara Gaines with stunning new sets and sumptuous costumes. We will enjoy lunch together before the performance at the Tortoise Club. Have your own ticket? Ask about a seat on the bus! Jazzin’ at the Shedd (wait list only) Wednesday, September 9 4:00 pm $50/$60 guests “The Tempest” at Shakespeare Theater Wednesday, November 4 10:30 am $70/$80 guests Explore the galleries, Oceanarium, Wild Reef and Amphibians exhibit while listening to live jazz! Food stations will be set up throughout the Aquarium and tickets include drink vouchers. What a wonderful evening! Chicago Cubs vs Pittsburgh Pirates Friday, September 25 11:30 am $35/$45 guests A Cubs game in September—totally meaningless or could they really be in the midst of a race to the playoffs as expert after expert has predicted? Take a chance and join the fun! Shakespeare’s enchanted island is transformed in this inventive production from Aaron Posner and Teller (of the legendary duo Penn & Teller). This classic tale of revenge is reimagined as a traveling tent show of trickery and amazement, underscored by the haunting ballads of Tom Waits and Kathleen Brennan and the pioneering choreography of Pilobolus. In a production full of “such stuff as dreams are made on,” sorcery gives way to inclinations of the heart. Let us know at registration whether you prefer to explore Navy Pier on your own before the 1:00 pm performance, or join us for lunch at Riva’s. Have your own ticket? Ask about a seat on the bus! “Hollywood’s Greatest Song Hits” at Light Opera Works Thursday, October 8 11:30 am $50/$60 guests Come along for a performance that will celebrate the extraordinary variety of the songs of the silver screen, from the Thirties’ art deco gems that set Fred and Ginger dancing, to the classic theme songs of the Fifties and Sixties, to the most memorable contemporary ballads, all sung by a cast of Light Opera Words favorites. Lunch will be at Creperie Saint Germaine. 7 Dickinson Hall LF-LB Senior Citizens Foundation 100 East Old Mill Road Lake Forest, IL 60045 Non-Profit Org. US Postage Paid Lake Forest, IL 60045 Permit No. 153 Or Current Resident Mission Statement The Mission of Dickinson Hall is to offer adults educational, social and cultural opportunities as well as services fostering independence, involvement and continued personal growth, in a welcoming and dynamic environment. Dickinson Hall Lake Forest-Lake Bluff Senior Center 100 East Old Mill Road Lake Forest, IL 60045 847.234.2209 Fax 847.615.3526 www.dickinsonhall.com From the Manager: Staff I nurture a growing interest in what I see as the parallels between spirituality and science. I think our forebears did us a great disservice by cleaving a wedge between what we find meaningful in our existence, and knowledge about the tangible reality of our existence. Humans have been around for thousands of years, but we are just beginning to tap the quantifiable reality of our life together. Patty Jenkins Manager TBD Program Coordinator Sherry Miller Administrative Assistant/ Transportation Coordinator Janet Fryer Senior Advocate Sue Suhling Program Assistant Senior Resources Commission Steven Potsic Chairperson Nancy Carey Sally Kelly Tom Sullivan LF-LB Senior Citizens Foundation Les Hammar Jim Bauer President Tom Grant Steven Ballen Lloyd Hood Treasurer Bob Karlblom Margaret Lindman Howard Kerr Exec. VP Public Relations Diane Chikos Foundation Office Jim Blanda Mary Jo Davis Pat Kurschner Roger Mohr Steven Potsic Donna Slayton Dawn Weston I was listening to a radio program from NPR’s Krista Tippett on my way to work recently. She was interviewing Dr. Mario Livio, a senior astrophysicist at the Hubble Space Telescope Science Institute. Dr. Livio noted that we used to think Earth was the center of the solar system. Once people (very) grudgingly accepted we were not the center of the solar system, they insisted we must be the center of the galaxy. Long story short, Earth and its life forms are not the physical center of anything. Dr. Livio continued: “Our physical existence has become more and more miniscule. But our minds somehow manage to get around all of this. All of these things are discoveries that we made…[Even as we realize our physical existence] as smaller and smaller, our minds become more important. Our minds expand at the same rate as our discoveries of the universe.” The process of aging is often experienced as a series of physical diminishments. We can be fooled into thinking that as our bodies diminish, we do too. But the universe brings us a resounding hope: even as our physical existence becomes relatively smaller, who we really are—our deepest essence—expands and will continue to expand, farther than our imagination can carry us. Patty Jenkins Visit our website www.dickinsonhall.com SEPTEMBER 2015 Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 8:45 Walking Group 9:00 Gentle Yoga 9:30 Mah Jongg 10:00 Massage Therapy 1:00 Tai Chi 1:00 Scrabble Shop Hawthorn 7 8 8:45 Walking Group 9:00 Gentle Yoga 9:30 Mah Jongg 10:00 Massage Therapy 1:00 Tai Chi 1:00 Scrabble 2:00 Home Alone Group 14 15 8:45 Walking Group 9:00 Gentle Yoga 9:30 Mah Jongg 10:00 Massage Therapy 1:00 Tai Chi 1:00 Scrabble 2:00 Caregiver Support 5:00 Girls Night Out: The Lantern Shop Hawthorn 21 22 8:45 Walking Group 9:00 Gentle Yoga 9:30 Mah Jongg 10:00 Massage Therapy 1:00 Tai Chi 1:00 Scrabble Labor Day closed 9:00 Stretch Class 9:30 Podiatrist 10:30 Line Dance 10:30 Movie Noon Poker 1:00 Movie 1:00 Knitting 9:00 Stretch Class 9:00 Podiatrist 10:30 Movie Noon Poker 1:00 Movie 1:00 Knitting 28 9:00 Stretch Class 10:30 Movie Noon Poker 1:00 Movie 1:00 Knitting 29 8:45 Walking Group 9:00 Gentle Yoga 9:30 Mah Jongg 10:00 Massage Therapy 1:00 Tai Chi 1:00 Scrabble Thursday 2 9:00 Stretch Class 9:00 Trip River Cruise 12:45 Tap Dance 1:30 Spanish Class Friday 3 8:45 Walking Group 9:00 Gentle Yoga 10:00 Bridge 10:00 Massage Therapy 1:00 Mah Jongg Shop Jewel 9 10 8:45 Walking Group 9:00 Gentle Yoga 9:30 AARP Driver Safety 10:00 Bridge 10:00 Massage Therapy 10:00 Low Vision 1:00 Mah Jongg Shop Jewel 16 9:00 Stretch Class 11:00 Check Please: Bob Chinn’s Crab House 12:45 Tap Class 1:30 Spanish Class 17 8:45 Walking Group 9:00 Gentle Yoga 10:00 Bridge 11:00 Medicare Changes 1:00 Mah Jongg 3:30 Taste of Tuscany Shop Jewel 9:00 Stretch Class 9:30 AARP Driver Safety 12:45 Tap Dance 1:00 Canasta 1:30 Spanish Class 4:00 Trip Jazz at Shedd Shop Hawthorn 23 9:00 Stretch Class 12:45 Tap Class 1:00 Canasta 1:30 Spanish Class Shop Hawthorn 4 9:00 Cardio Class Noon Bunco 1:00 Bingo 9:00 Cardio Class Noon Jim Kenney Noon Poker 18 9:00 Cardio Class 10:00 Bradford Lecture: “The Outfit” in Chicago Noon Poker 5:30 Art Show at Northern Trust Bank 24 8:45 Walking Group 9:00 Gentle Yoga 10:00 Bridge Noon POW Camps of Chicago 1:00 Mah Jongg Shop Jewel 25 9:00 Cardio Class 11:30 Trip Cubs Noon Poker 30 9:00 Stretch Class Noon Fashion Show 12:45 Tap Class 1:30 Spanish Class Welcome New Members! Vincent Chang Nan Cohen Suzanne Conolly-Dye Jane Davies Linda Ganzer Sue Gieske Mabel Harris Ceil Jaworski Kay Krusinski Mary Thomas Patricia McClean Magdalena Merits Richard & Joan Opfer Roger Peddle 11 Charles & Gretchen Ricker Susan Roen James Runkle & Donna Beer Franz Schulz Randy & Mary Sweitzer Sunny Lu OCTOBER 2015 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 1 8:45 Walking Group 9:00 Gentle Yoga 10:00 Bridge 10:00 Massage Therapy 1:00 Mah Jongg Shop Jewel 5 9:00 Stretch Class 9:00 Podiatrist 10:30 Movie Noon Poker 1:00 Movie 1:00 Knitting 12 9:00 Stretch Class 9:30 Podiatrist 10:30 Movie Noon Poker 1:00 Movie 1:00 Knitting 19 9:00 Stretch Class 10:30 Movie Noon Poker Noon Dold Update 1:00 Movie 1:00 Knitting 26 9:00 Stretch Class 10:30 Movie Noon Poker 1:00 Movie 1:00 Knitting 6 8:45 Walking Group 9:00 Gentle Yoga 9:30 Mah Jongg 10:00 Massage Therapy 10:00 “Artist Couples” lecture 1:00 Scrabble 1:00 Tai Chi 13 8:45 Walking Group 9:00 Gentle Yoga 9:30 Mah Jongg 10:00 Massage Therapy 10:00 “Artist Couples” lecture 1:00 Scrabble 1:00 Tai Chi 1:00 LF Symphony 2:00 Home Alone Group 5:00 Girls Night Out: Francesca’s Intimo Shop Hawthorn 20 8:45 Walking Group 9:00 Gentle Yoga 9:30 Mah Jongg 10:00 Massage Therapy 10:00 “Artist Couples” lecture 1:00 Scrabble 1:00 Tai Chi 2:00 Caregiver Support Shop Hawthorn 27 8:45 Walking Group 9:00 Gentle Yoga 9:30 Mah Jongg 10:00 Massage Therapy 10:00 “Artist Couples” lecture 1:00 Scrabble 1:00 Tai Chi 7 9:00 Stretch Class 12:45 Tap Dance 1:00 Canasta 1:30 Spanish Class Shop Hawthorn 14 9:00 Stretch Class 11:00 Check Please: Psistaria 12:45 Tap Dance 1:30 Spanish Class 21 9:00 Stretch Class 11:00 Trip Figaro 12:45 Tap Dance 1:00 Canasta 1:30 Spanish Class 28 9:00 Stretch Class Noon Women’s Club 12:45 Tap Dance 1:30 Spanish Class Shop Hawthorn 8 8:45 Walking Group 9:00 Gentle Yoga 10:00 Bridge 10:00 Low Vision 10:00 Massage Therapy 11:30 Trip Hollywood’s Hits 1:00 Mah Jongg Shop Jewel 15 8:45 Walking Group 9:00 Gentle Yoga 10:00 Bridge 10:00 Massage Therapy 1:00 Mah Jongg Shop Jewel 22 8:45 Walking Group 9:00 Gentle Yoga 10:00 Bridge 10:00 Massage Therapy Noon Men’s Group 1:00 Mah Jongg Shop jewel 29 8:45 Walking Group 9:00 Gentle Yoga 10:00 Bridge 10:00 Massage Therapy 1:00 Mah Jongg Shop Jewel Friday 2 9:00 Cardio Class 10:00 Bradford Lecture: Walt Disney Noon Poker Noon Bunco 1:00 Bingo 9 9:00 Cardio Class Noon Poker 16 9:00 Cardio Class Noon Poker Noon Oktoberfest 23 9:00 Cardio Class Noon Poker 30 9:00 Cardio Class Noon Poker
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