Walk-In Unit Coolers
Walk-In Unit Coolers
BN-PC-PL Mar. 2012 ® Product Catalog with Price List Introduction 4 - 13 HP Air-Cooled Condensing Units with Bitzer Compressors See page 2A - 43 13 - 50 HP Air-Cooled Condensing Units with Bitzer Compressors See page 2A - 73 26 - 100 HP Air-Cooled Condensing Units with Bitzer Compressors See page 2A - 96 PRO3 Side Mount Packaged Refrigeration System See page 2D - 8 Two Stage Condensing Units & Systems See page 4B - 2 Monitoring & Control System See page 4B - 6 ProSelectTM Software Box Load / Product Selection / Quotations See page 5A - 4 Rev. 03/12 Step-In Unit Coolers 1C Walk-In Unit Coolers 1D Refrigerated Warehouse Unit Coolers 1E Glycol Unit Coolers 1F CO2 Unit Coolers Section 1 1B Compressorized Products 2A Air-Cooled Condensing Units 2B Water-Cooled Condensing Units 2C Remote Compressor Units 2D PRO3 Packaged Refrigeration Systems Section 2 ½ - 6 HP Air-Cooled Condensing Units with HyperCoreTM MicroChannel Coils & VSEC Condenser Fan Motors See page 2A - 1 Reach-In Unit Coolers Condensers & Fluid Coolers 3A Air-Cooled Condensers 3B Fluid Coolers Section 3 CO2 Unit Coolers See page 1F - 1 1A More Products & Services 4A Refrigeration Controls & Technology 4B Other Products & Services Section 4 Microchannel Condenser See page 3A - 28 Unit Coolers Resources & Information 5A Resources 5B Terms of Sale & Product Warranty 5C Product Index List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Section 5 Featured Products ... Quick Section Listing 1 Table of Contents Section 1A: Reach-In Unit Coolers Thin Profile Air Defrost����������������������������������������������������1A - 1 Thin Profile Electric Defrost��������������������������������������������1A - 3 C Profile�����������������������������������������������������������������������������1A - 5 V Profile�����������������������������������������������������������������������������1A - 7 Back Bar����������������������������������������������������������������������������1A - 9 Mullion����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1A - 11 Reverse Mullion��������������������������������������������������������������1A - 13 Twin Flow������������������������������������������������������������������������1A - 15 Dual Air����������������������������������������������������������������������������1A - 17 Shipped-Loose Accessories�����������������������������������������1A - 19 Section 1B: Step-In Unit Coolers Extended Thin Profile�������������������������������������������������������1B - 1 Performance & Specification Data����������������������������������1B - 2 Models & Options Pricing�����������������������������������������������1B - 3 Shipped-Loose Accessories�������������������������������������������1B - 4 Section 1C: Walk-In Unit Coolers Low Profile����������������������������������������������������������������������� 1C - 1 Performance & Specification Data��������������������������������� 1C - 2 Air Defrost Models & Options���������������������������������������� 1C - 6 Electric Defrost Models & Options������������������������������� 1C - 10 Hot Gas Defrost Models & Options������������������������������ 1C - 15 Hot Gas Reverse Cycle Kits���������������������������������������� 1C - 20 Hot Gas 3-Pipe Kits����������������������������������������������������� 1C - 21 Shipped-Loose Accessories���������������������������������������� 1C - 22 Low Flow������������������������������������������������������������������������ 1C - 23 Performance & Specification Data������������������������������� 1C - 24 Air Defrost Models & Options�������������������������������������� 1C - 26 Electric Defrost Models & Options������������������������������� 1C - 28 Hot Gas Defrost Models & Options������������������������������ 1C - 29 Shipped-Loose Accessories���������������������������������������� 1C - 31 Low Velocity Center Mount������������������������������������������� 1C - 32 Performance & Specification Data������������������������������� 1C - 33 Air Defrost Models & Options�������������������������������������� 1C - 35 Electric Defrost Models & Options������������������������������� 1C - 37 Hot Gas Defrost Models & Options������������������������������ 1C - 38 Shipped-Loose Accessories���������������������������������������� 1C - 40 Center Mount����������������������������������������������������������������� 1C - 41 Performance & Specification Data������������������������������� 1C - 42 Air Defrost Models & Options�������������������������������������� 1C - 44 Electric Defrost Models & Options������������������������������� 1C - 46 Shipped-Loose Accessories���������������������������������������� 1C - 47 Medium Profile��������������������������������������������������������������� 1C - 48 Performance & Specification Data������������������������������� 1C - 49 Air Defrost Models & Options�������������������������������������� 1C - 52 Electric Defrost Models & Options������������������������������� 1C - 56 Hot Gas Defrost Models & Options������������������������������ 1C - 63 Hot Gas Reverse Cycle Kits���������������������������������������� 1C - 68 Shipped-Loose Accessories���������������������������������������� 1C - 69 Section 1D: Refrigerated Warehouse Unit Coolers Large Unit Coolers���������������������������������������������������������� 1D - 1 Performance & Specification Data��������������������������������� 1D - 2 Air Defrost Models & Options���������������������������������������� 1D - 8 Electric Defrost Models & Options��������������������������������1D - 11 2 Hot Gas Defrost Models & Options������������������������������ 1D - 17 Hot Gas Reverse Cycle Kits���������������������������������������� 1D - 23 Shipped-Loose Accessories���������������������������������������� 1D - 24 Section 1E: Glycol Unit Coolers Low Profile������������������������������������������������������������������������1E - 1 Performance & Specification Data����������������������������������1E - 2 Air Defrost Models & Options�����������������������������������������1E - 4 Electric Defrost Models & Options����������������������������������1E - 5 Warm Fluid Defrost Models & Options���������������������������1E - 6 Low Velocity Center Mount����������������������������������������������1E - 7 Performance & Specification Data����������������������������������1E - 8 Air Defrost Models & Options���������������������������������������1E - 10 Electric Defrost Models & Options��������������������������������1E - 11 Warm Fluid Defrost Models & Options�������������������������1E - 12 Center Mount������������������������������������������������������������������1E - 13 Performance & Specification Data��������������������������������1E - 14 Air Defrost Models & Options���������������������������������������1E - 16 Medium Profile����������������������������������������������������������������1E - 17 Performance & Specification Data��������������������������������1E - 18 Air Defrost Models & Options���������������������������������������1E - 19 Shipped-Loose Accessories�����������������������������������������1E - 21 Section 1F: CO2 Unit Coolers Low Profile������������������������������������������������������������������������1F - 1 Performance & Specification Data����������������������������������1F - 2 Air Defrost Models & Options�����������������������������������������1F - 4 Electric Defrost Models & Options����������������������������������1F - 5 Low Velocity Center Mount����������������������������������������������1F - 6 Performance & Specification Data����������������������������������1F - 7 Air Defrost Models & Options�����������������������������������������1F - 9 Electric Defrost Models & Options����������������������������������1F - 9 Center Mount������������������������������������������������������������������1F - 10 Performance & Specification Data�������������������������������� 1F - 11 Electric Defrost Models & Options��������������������������������1F - 12 Medium Profile����������������������������������������������������������������1F - 13 Performance & Specification Data��������������������������������1F - 14 Electric Defrost Models & Options��������������������������������1F - 16 Air Defrost Models & Options���������������������������������������1F - 16 Section 2A: Air-Cooled Condensing Units ½ - 6 HP Horizontal Air Discharge�����������������������������������2A - 1 Performance Data�����������������������������������������������������������2A - 2 Unit Specifications����������������������������������������������������������2A - 8 Electrical Data��������������������������������������������������������������� 2A - 11 Standard & Configurable Models Pricing����������������������2A - 16 Factory-Installed Options����������������������������������������������2A - 21 Factory-Installed Electric Defrost Options��������������������2A - 23 Shipped-Loose Accessories�����������������������������������������2A - 24 3 - 22 HP Horizontal Air Discharge��������������������������������2A - 25 Performance Data���������������������������������������������������������2A - 26 Unit Specifications��������������������������������������������������������2A - 29 Electrical Data���������������������������������������������������������������2A - 31 Standard & Configurable Models Pricing����������������������2A - 35 Factory-Installed Options����������������������������������������������2A - 38 Factory-Installed Electric Defrost Options��������������������2A - 41 Shipped-Loose Accessories�����������������������������������������2A - 42 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Table of Contents 4 - 13 HP Horizontal Air Discharge��������������������������������2A - 43 Performance Data���������������������������������������������������������2A - 44 Unit Specifications��������������������������������������������������������2A - 45 Electrical Data���������������������������������������������������������������2A - 46 Configurable Models Pricing�����������������������������������������2A - 47 Factory-Installed Options����������������������������������������������2A - 49 Factory-Installed Electric Defrost Options��������������������2A - 51 Shipped-Loose Accessories�����������������������������������������2A - 52 12 - 40 HP Vertical Air Discharge����������������������������������2A - 53 Performance Data���������������������������������������������������������2A - 54 Unit Specifications��������������������������������������������������������2A - 58 Electrical Data���������������������������������������������������������������2A - 60 Configurable Models Pricing�����������������������������������������2A - 65 Factory-Installed Options����������������������������������������������2A - 68 Factory-Installed Electric Defrost Options��������������������2A - 71 Shipped-Loose Accessories�����������������������������������������2A - 72 13 - 50 HP Horizontal Air Discharge������������������������������2A - 73 Performance Data���������������������������������������������������������2A - 74 Unit Specifications��������������������������������������������������������2A - 75 Electrical Data���������������������������������������������������������������2A - 76 Configurable Models Pricing�����������������������������������������2A - 78 Factory-Installed Options����������������������������������������������2A - 79 Factory-Installed Electric Defrost Options��������������������2A - 81 Shipped-Loose Accessories�����������������������������������������2A - 82 24 - 80 HP Dual Compressor�����������������������������������������2A - 83 Performance Data���������������������������������������������������������2A - 84 Unit Specifications��������������������������������������������������������2A - 86 Electrical Data���������������������������������������������������������������2A - 87 Configurable Models Pricing�����������������������������������������2A - 89 Factory-Installed Options����������������������������������������������2A - 91 Factory-Installed Electric Defrost Options��������������������2A - 94 Shipped-Loose Accessories�����������������������������������������2A - 95 26 - 100 HP Dual Compressor���������������������������������������2A - 96 Performance Data���������������������������������������������������������2A - 97 Unit Specifications��������������������������������������������������������2A - 98 Electrical Data���������������������������������������������������������������2A - 99 Configurable Models Pricing���������������������������������������2A - 100 Factory-Installed Options��������������������������������������������2A - 102 Factory-Installed Electric Defrost Options������������������2A - 106 Shipped-Loose Accessories���������������������������������������2A - 107 Section 2B: Water-Cooled Condensing Units ½ - 6 HP�����������������������������������������������������������������������������2B - 1 Performance Data�����������������������������������������������������������2B - 2 Unit Specifications����������������������������������������������������������2B - 5 Electrical Data�����������������������������������������������������������������2B - 6 Configurable Models Pricing�������������������������������������������2B - 9 Factory-Installed Options����������������������������������������������2B - 11 Factory-Installed Electric Defrost Options��������������������2B - 12 Shipped-Loose Accessories�����������������������������������������2B - 13 ¾ - 22 HP�������������������������������������������������������������������������2B - 14 Performance Data���������������������������������������������������������2B - 15 Unit Specifications��������������������������������������������������������2B - 18 Electrical Data���������������������������������������������������������������2B - 19 Configurable Models Pricing�����������������������������������������2B - 22 Factory-Installed Options����������������������������������������������2B - 24 Factory-Installed Electric Defrost Options��������������������2B - 25 Shipped-Loose Accessories�����������������������������������������2B - 26 Rev. 03/12 Section 2C: Remote Compressor Units ¾ - 22 HP�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 2C - 1 Performance Data���������������������������������������������������������� 2C - 2 Unit Specifications��������������������������������������������������������� 2C - 7 Electrical Data���������������������������������������������������������������� 2C - 9 Configurable Models Pricing���������������������������������������� 2C - 14 Factory-Installed Options��������������������������������������������� 2C - 16 Factory-Installed Electric Defrost Options������������������� 2C - 17 Shipped-Loose Accessories���������������������������������������� 2C - 18 Section 2D: PRO3 Packaged Refrigeration Systems Top Mount������������������������������������������������������������������������ 2D - 1 Performance & Specifications���������������������������������������� 2D - 2 Standard Models Pricing������������������������������������������������ 2D - 5 Side Mount����������������������������������������������������������������������� 2D - 8 Performance & Specifications���������������������������������������� 2D - 9 Standard Models Pricing���������������������������������������������� 2D - 12 Section 3A: Air-Cooled Condensers 1 - 26 Ton���������������������������������������������������������������������������3A - 1 Performance & Specifications Data��������������������������������3A - 2 Congfiurable Models & Options Pricing��������������������������3A - 5 Ship-Loose Accessories�������������������������������������������������3A - 7 11 – 264 Ton����������������������������������������������������������������������3A - 8 Performance & Specifications Data��������������������������������3A - 9 Configurable Models Pricing�����������������������������������������3A - 17 Options Pricing - VSEC Models������������������������������������3A - 21 Options Pricing - Fixed Speed Models�������������������������3A - 22 Coil Options Pricing - All Models�����������������������������������3A - 24 Microchannel Condenser�����������������������������������������������3A - 28 Performance & Specifications Data������������������������������3A - 29 Energy and Sound Performance����������������������������������3A - 30 Configurable Models Pricing�����������������������������������������3A - 35 Options Pricing – VSEC Models�����������������������������������3A - 35 Section 3B: Fluid Coolers Small Fluid Coolers����������������������������������������������������������3B - 1 Performance & Specifications Data��������������������������������3B - 2 Configurable Models & Options Pricing��������������������������3B - 5 Shipped-Loose Accessories�������������������������������������������3B - 6 Large Fluid Coolers����������������������������������������������������������3B - 7 Performance & Specifications Data��������������������������������3B - 8 Configurable Models Pricing�����������������������������������������3B - 14 Options Pricing – All Models�����������������������������������������3B - 15 Shipped-Loose Accessories�����������������������������������������3B - 16 Section 4A: Refrigeration Controls & Technology Beacon II™ Refrigeration System�����������������������������������4A - 1 InterLink Smart Defrost Kit™������������������������������������������4A - 3 ServiceMate™�������������������������������������������������������������������4A - 3 Adjustable Nozzle Distributor�����������������������������������������4A - 4 HyperCore™ Micro-Channel Coils����������������������������������4A - 4 Section 4B: Other Products & Services Mohave™ Advanced Hot Gas Defrost System��������������4B - 1 Two Stage Condensing Units & Systems�����������������������4B - 2 FlexPack™������������������������������������������������������������������������4B - 3 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 3 Table of Contents Air Handlers����������������������������������������������������������������������4B - 4 Refrigeration Racks����������������������������������������������������������4B - 4 Compressor Protection Plan�������������������������������������������4B - 5 Extended Service Agreements����������������������������������������4B - 6 Monitoring & Control System������������������������������������������4B - 6 Section 5A: Resources Quick Load Calculations��������������������������������������������������5A - 1 Rapid Load Calculator�����������������������������������������������������5A - 3 ProSelect™ Software�������������������������������������������������������5A - 4 Access2Answers��������������������������������������������������������������5A - 4 Glossary of Refrigeration Terms�������������������������������������5A - 5 Section 5B: Terms of Sales & Product Warranty Terms & Conditions of Sale���������������������������������������������5B - 1 Catalog Products Warranty���������������������������������������������5B - 4 Warranty FAQ��������������������������������������������������������������������5B - 6 Section 5C: Product Index Standard & Configurable Models����������������������������������� 5C - 1 4 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Reach-In Unit Coolers Thin Profile Air Defrost Overview • Textured aluminum cabinet • Molded Polycarbonate guards and fans • Drain fitting mounted at 45° angle so drain can be run through back or bottom of refrigerator • Expansion valve can be mounted inside the cabinet • Stainless steel screws • Motors are thermally protected and permanently lubricated • Convenient, moisture proof motor plug • Compact design achieves a big job in a small space • Internal junction box for electrical connection • Sweat inlet connection standard to reduce leaks Options • Flare connection available as a ship loose option • Optional coated coil available (Model TAK) for enhanced protection in corrosive environments Product Description Model TA is a thin profile air defrost unit which mounts in the top of a refrigerator and makes the entire top shelf area usable. The attractive low silhouette makes the unit particularly desirable for display type refrigerators. It can also be used in back bars, under counter cabinets, or wherever space is at a premium and is ideal for 35° to 45°F fixtures at 10° to 15° TD applications with 16 hours maximum compressor run time per day. Certifications Nomenclature Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 1A - 1 Section 1 Standard Features Reach-In Unit Coolers Thin Profile Air Defrost Specifications & Pricing Performance & Electrical Data Model TA(K)43 and TA(K)55 require an external equalized expansion valve Motor Data Section 1 Capacity Bohn Base (BTUH) Model 10°F TD 115/1/60 208-230/1/60 Connections (in.) CFM No. of Fans Total FLA Total FLA Coil Inlet OD Suction ID Drain OD Approx. Ship Wt. (lbs) TA(K)10 1,000 120 1 0.8 0.4 3/8 3/8 1/2 14 TA(K)13 1,300 170 2 1.6 0.8 3/8 3/8 1/2 17 TA(K)17 1,700 210 2 1.6 0.8 3/8 3/8 1/2 21 TA(K)23 2,300 330 3 2.4 1.2 3/8 3/8 1/2 28 TA(K)30 3,000 360 3 2.4 1.2 3/8 1/2 1/2 33 TA(K)43 4,300 540 4 3.2 1.6 1/2 5/8 1/2 44 TA(K)55 5,500 650 5 2.0 2.0 1/2 5/8 1/2 53 Dimensional Data Dimensions (in.) Bohn Base Model A B C D E F H J K L M W TA(K)10 14 5/8 14 15/16 13 1/2 10 1/2 11 3/8 4 1/2 8 7/8 2 1/2 15/16 4 3/8 16 1/2 TA(K)13 18 5/8 14 15/16 13 1/2 10 1/8 10 1/4 4 1/2 8 3/8 9 1/2 15/16 4 3/8 20 1/2 TA(K)17 22 1/8 15 15/16 14 1/2 11 1/8 12 4 1/2 9 3/8 11 1/4 15/16 4 3/8 24 TA(K)23 29 3/4 15 15/16 14 1/2 13 20 7/8 4 1/2 10 3/4 10 1/4 15/16 4 3/8 31 5/8 TA(K)30 38 1/8 15 15/16 14 1/2 13 29 3/4 4 1/2 10 3/4 9 3/4 15/16 4 3/8 40 TA(K)43 51 1/2 15 15/16 14 1/2 13 48 3/4 4 1/2 10 3/4 13 1/4 15/16 4 3/8 53 3/8 TA(K)55 51 1/2 15 15/16 14 1/2 13 49 6 3/4 10 3/4 11 15/16 4 3/8 53 3/8 Model Pricing Bohn Standard Model Voltage List Price ($US) Bohn Standard Model Voltage List Price ($US) Bohn Standard Model Voltage List Price ($US) TA10AG 115/1/60 609 TA43AG 115/1/60 1,965 TAK23AG 115/1/60 1,304 TA10BG 208-230/1/60 654 TA43BG 208-230/1/60 2,101 TAK23BG 208-230/1/60 1,395 TA13AG 115/1/60 787 TA55AG 115/1/60 2,489 TAK30AG 115/1/60 1,591 TA13BG 208-230/1/60 844 TA55BG 208-230/1/60 2,663 TAK30BG 208-230/1/60 1,702 TA17AG 115/1/60 920 TAK10AG 115/1/60 711 TAK43AG 115/1/60 2,159 TA17BG 208-230/1/60 983 TAK10BG 208-230/1/60 762 TAK43BG 208-230/1/60 2,312 TA23AG 115/1/60 1,171 TAK13AG 115/1/60 904 TAK55AG 115/1/60 2,770 TA23BG 208-230/1/60 1,256 TAK13BG 208-230/1/60 971 TAK55BG 208-230/1/60 2,967 TA30AG 115/1/60 1,454 TAK17AG 115/1/60 1,030 TA30BG 208-230/1/60 1,554 TAK17BG 208-230/1/60 1,104 1A - 2 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Reach-In Unit Coolers Thin Profile Electric Defrost Overview Product Description Model TL low temperature unit cooler has a completely automatic defrost system. Mounted in the top of a refrigerator, its extremely compact cabinet makes it possible to utilize the entire top shelf area for storage. Having a normal operating range of +20°F. to –20°F., this unit is ideally suited applications including commercial freezers, ice cream boxes, bakery freezers and dual-temp reach-in boxes. Mechanical contact is provided between the heater elements and the drain pan, ensuring a warm pan during the defrost cycle. Opting for EC motors makes this product qualified to be included in the E Solutions™ product portfolio because of increased energy efficiency and cost savings. • Electric defrost ensures positive heat source • Built-in fan delay allows coil to be chilled before returning to the normal cooling cycle • Defrost terminates on coil temperature eliminating excessive defrost period • Textured aluminum cabinet • Molded Polycarbonate guard • Knockouts provided on sides for electrical connections - opening in rear for coil connections • Expansion valve can be mounted inside the cabinet • Stainless steel screws • Motors are thermally protected and permanently lubricated • Internal junction box for electrical connection • Plate type aluminum fins with full collars on expanded copper tubes • Coils are dehydrated and sealed • Easy to install and maintain • Sweat inlet connection to reduce leaks • All models UL listed for the US and Canada • UL classified to NSF standardsDimensional Data Options • Flare connection available as a ship loose option • EC motors available for some models Certifications Nomenclature Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 1A - 3 Section 1 Standard Features Reach-In Unit Coolers Thin Profile Electric Defrost Specifications & Pricing Performance & Electrical Data Models TL35 and TL55 require an external equalized expansion valve Section 1 Capacity (BTUH) Motor Data Defrost Heater Data Connections (in.) Approx. Bohn 115/1/60 208-230/1/60 208Ship Wt. Base 10°F TD 10°F TD 115/1/60 No. of 230/1/60 Model 20°F SST -10°F SST CFM Fans Total FLA Total FLA Coil Inlet Suction Drain (lbs) Watts OD ID OD Amps Amps TL09 1,050 900 110 1 0.8 0.4 3/8 3/8 1/2 14 475 4.1 2.1 TL12 1,380 1,200 210 2 1.6 0.8 3/8 1/2 1/2 19 600 5.2 2.6 TL16 1,780 1,600 210 2 1.6 0.8 3/8 1/2 1/2 23 700 6.1 3.0 TL21 2,400 2,100 240 1 1.0 0.5 3/8 1/2 1/2 24 1,100 9.6 4.8 TL28 3,200 2,800 335 3 2.4 1.2 3/8 1/2 1/2 27 1,430 11.4 5.7 TL35 4,000 3,500 420 2 - 1.0 1/2 5/8 1/2 38 1,600 - 7.0 TL53 6,100 5,300 595 3 - 1.5 1/2 7/8 1/2 53 1,950 - 8.5 Dimensional Data Dimensions (in.) Bohn Base Model A B C D E F H J K L M N P W TL09 14 5/8 14 15/16 13 1/2 10 1/2 11 3/8 4 1/2 8 7/8 2 1/2 15/16 4 3/8 - 1 16 1/2 TL12 18 5/8 14 15/16 13 1/2 10 1/8 10 1/4 4 1/2 8 3/8 9 1/2 15/16 4 3/8 - 1 20 1/2 TL16 22 1/8 15 15/16 14 1/2 11 1/8 12 4 1/2 9 3/8 11 1/4 15/16 4 3/8 - 1 24 TL21 22 1/8 16 1/2 15/16 16 1/2 14 1/2 18 7/8 6 3/4 11 7/8 17 1/4 15/16 4 3/8 - 1 1/2 24 TL28 29 3/4 15 15/16 14 1/2 13 20 3/4 6 3/4 9 3/4 9 7/8 15/16 4 3/8 - 1 31 5/8 TL35 35 3/4 16 1/2 15/16 16 1/2 14 1/2 33 1/4 6 3/4 11 5/8 18 3/8 15/16 6 5 1/8 1 1/2 38 3/8 TL53 46 1/2 16 1/2 1 1/8 16 1/2 14 1/2 44 6 3/4 11 5/8 30 3/8 1 1/2 6 5 1/8 1 1/2 49 1/8 Model Pricing Bohn Standard Model Voltage List Price ($US) Bohn Standard Model Voltage List Price ($US) TL09AG 115/1/60 1,016 TL21AG 115/1/60 1,716 TL09BG 208-230/1/60 1,016 TL21BG 208-230/1/60 1,716 TL12AG 115/1/60 1,221 TL28AG 208-230/1/60 2,159 TL12BG 208-230/1/60 1,221 TL28BG 208-230/1/60 2,159 TL16AG 115/1/60 1,510 TL35BG 208-230/1/60 2,436 TL16BG 208-230/1/60 1,510 TL53BG 208-230/1/60 3,353 1A - 4 EC Motors Available! Standard motors on all models are shaded pole. EC motors are also available on Models TL21, TL35, and TL55. Contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Reach-In Unit Coolers C Profile Overview • Textured aluminum cabinet • Molded Polycarbonate guard • Drain fitting at 45-degree angle so drain can be run through bottom or back of refrigerator • Aluminum hangers automatically space the unit to the correct distance from the back wall • Stainless steel screws prevent rust streaks • Room for expansion valve inside the unit • Knockouts in sides and top plus openings in rear provide maximum flexibility for electrical connection • Full collar aluminum fins on expanded copper tubes • Internal junction box with pigtail leads for electrical connection • Motors are thermally protected and permanently lubricated • Sweat inlet connection standard to reduce leaks • All models UL listed for US and Canada • UL classified to NSF standards Options Product Description Model C is ideal for refrigerated reach-ins. It mounts to the top of the refrigerator and discharges cold air against the back wall. With this air flow pattern, the air is not blasted on the product but is diffused along the back wall and then gently drawn across the product as it returns to the unit. Thus, uniform temperatures are maintained throughout the refrigerator. In addition, door sweating and refrigeration loss due to door opening is greatly reduced because the air is not discharged against the doors. Mounting is made easy by means of aluminum hangers that automatically space the unit the correct distance from the back wall. The expansion valve fits inside, out of sight. Opting for EC motors makes this product qualified to be included in the E Solutions™ product portfolio because of increased energy efficiency and cost savings. • Flare connection available as a ship loose option • Optional coated coil available (Model CK) for enhanced protection in corrosive environments • EC motors available Certifications Nomenclature Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 1A - 5 Section 1 Standard Features Reach-In Unit Coolers C Profile Specifications & Pricing Performance & Electrical Data Model C(K)43 requires an external equalized expansion valve Motor Data Connections (in.) 115/1/60 208-230/1/60 No. of Coil Inlet Suction Drain Fans Total FLA Total FLA OD ID OD Approx. Ship Wt. (lbs) CFM C(K)13 1,300 235 1 1.0 0.5 3/8 3/8 1/2 16 C(K)17 1,700 250 1 1.0 0.5 3/8 1/2 1/2 17 C(K)23 2,300 265 1 1.0 0.5 3/8 1/2 1/2 22 C(K)30 3,000 480 2 2.0 1.0 3/8 1/2 1/2 27 C(K)43 4,300 520 2 2.0 1.0 1/2 1/2 1/2 40 Section 1 Bohn Base Model Capacity (BTUH) 10°F TD Dimensional Data Dimensions (in.) Bohn Base Model A B C D W C(K)13 12 5/8 12 3/8 11 7/16 1 3/8 14 1/4 C(K)17 15 5/8 12 3/8 14 7/16 1 3/8 17 1/4 C(K)23 21 1/8 12 3/8 21 1/16 7/8 22 3/4 C(K)30 25 15/16 12 3/8 25 13/16 1 27 3/4 C(K)43 36 5/16 - - - 38 Model Pricing Bohn Standard Model 1A - 6 Voltage List Price ($US) Bohn Standard Model Voltage List Price ($US) C13AG 115/1/60 780 CK13AG 115/1/60 837 C13BG 208-230/1/60 837 CK13BG 208-230/1/60 895 C17AG 115/1/60 823 CK17AG 115/1/60 893 C17BG 208-230/1/60 884 CK17BG 208-230/1/60 954 C23AG 115/1/60 958 CK23AG 115/1/60 1,030 C23BG 208-230/1/60 1,029 CK23BG 208-230/1/60 1,104 C30AG 115/1/60 1,234 CK30AG 115/1/60 1,424 C30BG 208-230/1/60 1,372 CK30BG 208-230/1/60 1,518 C43AG 115/1/60 1,542 CK43AG 115/1/60 1,837 C43BG 208-230/1/60 1,652 CK43BG 208-230/1/60 1,969 EC Motors Available! Standard motors on all models are shaded pole. EC motors are also available on all models. Contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Reach-In Unit Coolers V Profile Overview Standard Features Model VA is a deluxe unit designed for use in small reach-ins, back bar and under counter refrigerators, and many other applications where a small, compact unit is required. The thermal expansion valve mounts inside the unit. The unit can be mounted from the ceiling or off the back wall or end walls, or can be used in a mullion application. Opting for EC motors makes this product qualified to be included in the E Solutions™ product portfolio because of increased energy efficiency and cost savings. Textured aluminum cabinet Molded Polycarbonate fan guard Improved drain pan overlaps coil surface to catch all condensate Stainless steel screws prevent rust streaks Plate-type aluminum fins with full collars on expanded copper tubes Expansion valve can be mounted inside the cabinet Internal junction box for electrical connection Pigtail leads in junction box Motors are thermally protected and permanently lubricated Top quality throughout in a compact size Sweat inlet connection standard to reduce leaks All models UL listed for US and Canada UL classified to NSF standards Section 1 Product Description • • • • • • • • • • • • • Options • Flare connection available as a ship loose option • Optional coated coil available (Model VAK) for enhanced protection in corrosive environments • EC motors available for some models Certifications Nomenclature Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 1A - 7 Reach-In Unit Coolers V Profile Specifications & Pricing Performance & Electrical Data Section 1 Bohn Base Model Motor Data Capacity (BTUH) 10°F TD 115/1/60 CFM No. of Fans Total FLA Connections (in.) 208-230/1/60 Total FLA Coil Inlet OD Suction ID Drain OD Approx. Ship Wt. (lbs) VA(K)06 600 135 1 0.8 0.4 3/8 3/8 1/2 9 VA(K)08 800 130 1 0.8 0.4 3/8 3/8 1/2 9 VA(K)12 1,200 265 2 1.6 0.8 3/8 3/8 1/2 14 VA(K)17 1,700 245 1 1.0 0.5 3/8 3/8 1/2 11 Dimensional Data Dimensions (in.) Bohn Base Model A B C D E F H J K W VA(K)06 4 5/16 13 1/4 4 5/16 - - 3 3/8 6 7/8 5 1/4 8 1/8 12 1/4 VA(K)08 4 5/16 13 1/4 4 5/16 - - 3 3/8 6 7/8 5 1/4 8 1/8 12 1/4 VA(K)12 4 1/2 18 3/4 5 5/16 - - 3 3/8 8 4 7/8 8 1/8 18 VA(K)17 5 1/4 14 3/4 5 1/4 9 2 1/2 4 9 3/4 6 13/16 10 1/2 14 Models Pricing Bohn Standard Model Voltage List Price ($US) Bohn Standard Model Voltage List Price ($US) VA06AG 115/1/60 513 VAK06AG 115/1/60 592 VA06BG 208-230/1/60 549 VAK06BG 208-230/1/60 629 VA08AG 115/1/60 549 VAK08AG 115/1/60 625 VA08BG 208-230/1/60 591 VAK08BG 208-230/1/60 669 VA12AG 115/1/60 747 VAK12AG 115/1/60 808 VA12BG 208-230/1/60 802 VAK12BG 208-230/1/60 864 VA17AG 115/1/60 844 VAK17AG 115/1/60 904 VA17BG 208-230/1/60 901 VAK17BG 208-230/1/60 971 1A - 8 EC Motors Available! Standard motors on all models are shaded pole. EC motors are also available on Models VA(K)17. Contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Reach-In Unit Coolers Back Bar Overview Product Description Model BB, available in medium and low temperature, a compact, wall-mounted units featuring a low height making them ideal for under counter reach-in or drawertype fixtures. The unit draws air in at the bottom and discharges out the front. An optional air deflector is included and can be mounted over the center of the fan to direct air up and out. The deflector can be fieldformed to direct the air where needed, usually onto drop-in trays of condiments in salad bar or sandwich preparation fixtures. An S-type mounting angle is included to position the unit 3/4” off the wall, allowing for optimum air circulation and performance. • Molded Polycarbonate fan guards • Coils have copper tubes with aluminum fins, mechanically bonded for efficient heat transfer. The coils are dehydrated and sealed • Textured aluminum cabinet • Knockouts are conveniently located for refrigerant lines • Screws are hardened, stainless steel • Expansion valve can be mounted inside the cabinet and connections are sweat-type • Motors are thermally protected and permanently lubricated • Master units include the basic unit plus factory mounted expansion valve, solenoid, and temperature control. Also right-hand piping extended 8”- 12” outside the housing, sealed and pressurized to 20 - 30 PSI. A 1/4” OD liquid feed to slave is included • Slave units include the basic unit plus factory mounted expansion valve with left-hand piping extended 8” - 12” outside the housing, sealed and pressurized to 20 - 30 PSI • Sweat inlet connection to reduce leaks Options • Flare connection available as a ship loose option • Consult Factory for 208-230V units Certifications Nomenclature Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 1A - 9 Section 1 Standard Features Reach-In Unit Coolers Back Bar Specifications & Pricing Section 1 Performance & Electrical Data Motor Data Approx. Motor 115/1/60 208-230/1/60 Ship Wt. (lbs) HP Total FLA Total FLA Defrost Heater Data Bohn Base Model Capacity (BTUH) 10°F TD CFM No. of Fans Amps Amps BBL10 1,000 90 1 1/150 0.8 0.4 17 275 2.7 1.4 BBM11 1,100 90 1 1/150 0.8 0.4 16 - - - BBL15 1,500 180 2 1/150 1.6 0.8 20 350 3.5 1.7 BBM16 1,600 180 2 1/150 1.6 0.8 19 - - - Watts 115/1/60 208-230/1/60 Dimensional Data Dimensions (in.) Bohn Base Model A B C D E F W BBL10 19 1/8 18 17 1/2 7 1/16 - 16 5/8 19 3/4 BBM11 19 1/8 18 17 1/2 7 1/16 - 16 5/8 19 3/4 BBL15 25 5/8 24 1/2 24 4 13/16 8 5/8 23 1/8 26 1/4 BBM16 25 5/8 24 1/2 24 4 13/16 8 5/8 23 1/8 26 1/4 Typical Section of Sandwich Station Model BBM Model Pricing Consult factory for 208-230V units Bohn Standard Model Voltage List Price ($US) Bohn Standard Model Voltage List Price ($US) BBM11AG 115/1/60 1,063 BBL10AG 115/1/60 1,432 BBM16AG 115/1/60 1,283 BBL15AG 115/1/60 1,701 BBMM11AG 115/1/60 2,341 BBLM10AG 115/1/60 3,093 BBMM16AG 115/1/60 2,564 BBLM15AG 115/1/60 3,451 BBMS11AG 115/1/60 2,032 BBLS10AG 115/1/60 2,784 BBMS16AG 115/1/60 2,257 BBLS15AG 115/1/60 3,144 1A - 10 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Reach-In Unit Coolers Overview Mullion Standard Features Light grained aluminum cabinets PVC coated fan guard Stainless steel hardware Coils have full collar aluminum fins on expanded copper tubes Coated coil for enhanced protection in corrosive environments Refrigerant connection knockouts provided on both ends of unit Expansion valve can be mounted inside the cabinet Motors are thermally protected and permanently lubricated Internal junction box for electrical connection Adjustable air deflector included provides different air patterns. Air can be directed where it’s needed • Sweat inlet connection to reduce leaks • All models UL listed for the US and Canada • UL classified to NSF standards Section 1 • • • • • • • • • • Options • Flare connection available as a ship loose option Product Description Model KMK is ideal for under-counter reachin refrigerators. The thin line design allows the unit to be mounted behind the mullion with sufficient clearance for tray slides. A down flow fan arrangement is used with air drawn in at the top and discharged at the bottom. This design provides superior air circulation and ensures uniform temperature throughout the cabinet. This versatile design is also adaptable for mounting on the back wall or ends of a cooler. The method of air circulation ensures minimum box temperature rise when the cabinet doors are open. Ideal for bottled goods and beverage coolers. Certifications Nomenclature Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 1A - 11 Reach-In Unit Coolers Mullion Specifications & Pricing Section 1 Performance & Electrical Data Bohn Base Model Capacity (BTUH) 10°F TD KMK13 KMK17 KMK23 Motor Data Connections (in.) Approx. Ship Wt. (lbs) 208-230/1/60 CFM No. of Fans 115/1/60 Total FLA Total FLA Coil Inlet OD Suction ID Drain OD 1,300 180 2 1.6 0.8 3/8 3/8 5/8 19 1,700 170 2 1.6 0.8 3/8 3/8 5/8 20 2,300 255 3 2.4 1.2 3/8 1/2 5/8 28 Dimensional Data Dimensions (in.) Bohn Base Model H L KMK13 17 3/4 KMK17 19 3/4 KMK23 19 3/4 M W X Y Z 16 7/8 9 15 5/8 2 3/4 5 1/2 6 15/16 16 7/8 10 15 5/8 2 3/4 6 1/2 7 15/16 23 1/4 10 22 2 5/16 6 1/2 7 15/16 Model Pricing Bohn Standard Model Voltage List Price ($US) KMK13AG 115/1/60 1,119 KMK13BG 208-230/1/60 1,196 KMK17AG 115/1/60 1,353 KMK17BG 208-230/1/60 1,446 KMK23AG 115/1/60 1,619 KMK23BG 208-230/1/60 1,733 1A - 12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Reach-In Unit Coolers Reverse Mullion Overview Standard Features Textured aluminum cabinet PVC coated fan guard Stainless steel hardware Coils have full collar aluminum fins on expanded copper tubes Coated coil for enhanced protection in corrosive environments Refrigerant connection knockouts provided on both ends of unit Expansion valve can be mounted inside the cabinet Motors are thermally protected and permanently lubricated Internal junction box for electrical connection Adjustable air deflector included provides different air patterns. Air can be directed where it’s needed • Sweat inlet connection standard to reduce leaks • All models are UL listed for the US and Canada • UL classified to NSF standards Section 1 • • • • • • • • • • Options • Flare connection available as a ship loose option Product Description Model RAMK is ideal for under-counter reach-in refrigerators, under-counter drawer type refrigerators and salad bars. The unit is suitable for mounting behind a mullion or on a wall. An up flow air pattern is used with air drawn in at the bottom and discharged out the top. This provides optimum temperature for drop in trays on salad bars or prep tables. It also keeps drawer stored product in premium condition. An adjustable and detachable air deflector/splash protector is included. The deflector can be adjusted to direct the air up and out at a 45° angle. This feature provides excellent air distribution over drop in trays or containers.Food in the trays and containers stays colder, lasts longer, and retains the desired appearance. The deflector can be adjusted to distribute air out both sides when used as a mullion unit. Certifications Nomenclature Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 1A - 13 Reach-In Unit Coolers Reverse Mullion Specifications & Pricing Performance & Electrical Data Section 1 Bohn Base Model Motor Data Capacity (BTUH) 10°F TD No. of Fans CFM 115/1/60 208-230/1/60 Total FLA Total FLA Connections (in.) Coil Inlet OD Suction ID Drain OD Approx. Ship Wt. (lbs) RAMK13 1,300 180 2 1.6 0.8 3/8 3/8 5/8 19 RAMK17 1,700 170 2 1.6 0.8 3/8 3/8 5/8 20 RAMK23 2,300 255 3 2.4 1.2 3/8 1/2 5/8 28 Dimensional Data Bohn Base Model Dimensions (in.) H L M W X Y Z RAMK13 17 3/4 16 7/8 9 15 5/8 2 3/4 5 1/2 6 15/16 RAMK17 19 3/4 16 7/8 10 15 5/8 2 3/4 6 1/2 7 15/16 RAMK23 19 3/4 23 1/4 10 22 2 5/16 6 1/2 7 15/16 Models Pricing Bohn Standard Model Voltage List Price ($US) RAMK13AG 115/1/60 1,119 RAMK13BG 208-230/1/60 1,196 RAMK17AG 115/1/60 1,353 RAMK17BG 208-230/1/60 1,446 RAMK23AG 115/1/60 1,619 RAMK23BG 208-230/1/60 1,733 1A - 14 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Reach-In Unit Coolers Twin Flow Overview Product Description Model BTO is a compact two-way design with medium velocity airflow. The unit is mounted flush to the ceiling and draws air in through the fan and discharges out both sides. The air pattern reduces air loss when doors are opened and the medium velocity reduces product drying. Twin flow units are for temperatures of 35°F. and higher. Box temperatures are kept more constant throughout and fresh products last longer. Seven sizes are available with BTUH from 900 to 5500 at 10° TD. Opting for EC motors makes this product qualified to be included in the E Solutions™ product portfolio because of increased energy efficiency and cost savings. • Compact two-way design with medium velocity air flow • Mounts flush to the ceiling and draws air in through the fan and discharges out both sides • Air pattern reduces air loss when doors are opened and the medium velocity reduces product drying • Textured aluminum cabinet • Stainless steel fasteners • Molded Polycarbonate fan guards • Drain pan and fan panel is easily removed for installation and servicing • Coils are constructed of copper tubing with aluminum fins • Expansion valve can be mounted inside the cabinet • Internal junction box is provided for electrical connection • Motors are thermally protected and permanently lubricated • Sweat inlet connection to reduce leaks • All models are UL listed for the US and Canada • UL classified to NSF standards Options • Flare connection available as a ship loose option • Optional coated coil available (Model BTOK) for enhanced protection in corrosive environments • EC motors available for some models Certifications Nomenclature Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 1A - 15 Section 1 Standard Features Reach-In Unit Coolers Twin Flow Specifications & Pricing Performance & Electrical Data Section 1 Capacity (BTUH) Bohn Base Model 10°F TD 15°F TD CFM No. of Fans BTO(K)09 BTO(K)13 BTO(K)18 BTO(K)25 BTO(K)35 BTO(K)45 BTO(K)55 900 1,300 1,800 2,500 3,500 4,500 5,500 1,350 1,950 2,700 3,750 5,250 6,750 8,250 130 240 255 460 425 550 730 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 Motor Data 115/1/60 208-230/1/60 Connections (in.) Total FLA Total FLA Coil Inlet OD Suction ID Drain OD 0.8 1.6 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.1 0.4 0.8 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 5/8 5/8 Approx. Ship Wt. (lbs) 12 14 15 23 24 34 34 Dimensional Data Bohn Base Model A B C D BTO(K)09 BTO(K)13 BTO(K)18 BTO(K)25 BTO(K)35 BTO(K)45 BTO(K)55 16 1/8 16 1/8 16 1/8 18 1/8 18 1/8 21 1/8 21 1/8 19 1/8 19 1/8 19 1/8 26 1/8 26 1/8 29 1/8 29 1/8 7 9/16 7 9/16 7 9/16 11 1/16 11 1/16 8 3/16 8 3/16 4 4 4 4 4 7 3/4 7 3/4 E 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 7/16 7/16 F 9 9/16 9 9/16 9 9/16 13 1/16 13 1/16 10 5/8 10 5/8 Dimensions (in.) G H J 2 3/4 2 3/4 2 3/4 2 3/4 2 3/4 3 1/2 3 1/2 4 7/8 5 3/4 5 3/4 6 3/4 6 3/4 9 1/4 8 1/2 4 1/2 4 1/2 4 1/2 5 1/2 5 1/2 8 8 K L M 8 5/8 8 5/8 8 5/8 12 1/8 12 1/8 13 5/8 13 5/8 2 1/2 2 1/2 2 1/2 3 1/2 3 1/2 5 15/16 5 15/16 2 5/8 2 5/8 2 5/8 2 5/8 2 5/8 4 1/4 4 1/4 4 4 4 8 8 7 7 N P R 9/16 9/16 9/16 1/16 1/16 9/16 9/16 10 10 10 10 10 14 14 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 1 3/4 1 3/4 Model Pricing Bohn Standard Model Voltage List Price ($US) BTO09AG BTO09BG BTO13AG BTO13BG BTO18AG BTO18BG BTO25AG BTO25BG BTO35AG BTO35BG BTO45AG BTO45BG BTO55AG BTO55BG BTOK09AG BTOK09BG BTOK13AG BTOK13BG BTOK18AG BTOK18BG BTOK25AG BTOK25BG BTOK35AG BTOK35BG BTOK45AG BTOK45BG BTOK55AG BTOK55BG 115/1/60 208-230/1/60 115/1/60 208-230/1/60 115/1/60 208-230/1/60 115/1/60 208-230/1/60 115/1/60 208-230/1/60 115/1/60 208-230/1/60 115/1/60 208-230/1/60 115/1/60 208-230/1/60 115/1/60 208-230/1/60 115/1/60 208-230/1/60 115/1/60 208-230/1/60 115/1/60 208-230/1/60 115/1/60 208-230/1/60 115/1/60 208-230/1/60 641 685 845 903 981 1,049 1,206 1,284 1,563 1,670 1,980 2,119 2,514 2,691 758 815 910 973 1,152 1,234 1,420 1,516 1,842 1,971 2,306 2,466 2,864 3,066 1A - 16 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Reach-In Unit Coolers Dual Air Overview Standard Features Textured aluminum cabinet Full collar aluminum fins on expanded copper tubes Detachable drain pan that is easy to clean Molded 3-prong motor connector to save installation time and expense Motors are thermally protected and permanently lubricated Optional coated coil available (Model UK) for enhanced protection in corrosive environments • Sweat inlet connection to reduce leaks • All models are UL recognized for the US and Canada • UL classified to NSF standards Options • Flare connection available as a ship loose option Product Description Model U unit cooler is used wherever a small, compact unit is required, such as salad boxes, back bars and direct draw boxes. It can be mounted on the ceiling or wall. The Model U unit draws air in through the front and discharges it out both sides to ensure proper distribution of cool air and thus maintain a uniform box temperature. Certifications Nomenclature Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 1A - 17 Section 1 • • • • • • Reach-In Unit Coolers Dual Air Specifications & Pricing Performance & Electrical Data Capacity (BTUH) Motor Data Section 1 U(K)009 850 Connections (in.) 115/1/60 208-230/1/60 Bohn Base Model 10°F TD 15°F TD CFM 1,275 Total FLA Total FLA Coil Inlet OD Suction ID Drain OD 190 0.45 0.55 1/2 3/8 1/2 Approx. Ship Wt. (lbs) 9 U(K)012 1,150 1,725 250 0.45 0.55 1/2 3/8 1/2 10 U(K)015 1,500 2,250 310 1.1 0.55 1/2 3/8 1/2 14 Dimensional Data Dimensions (in.) Bohn Base Model H W D A B C U(K)009 8 1/2 11 1/2 8 7/8 6 4 3 1/2 U(K)012 8 1/2 17 1/2 8 7/8 12 4 9 1/2 U(K)015 9 1/2 17 1/2 10 7/8 12 4 9 1/2 Model Pricing Bohn Standard Model Voltage List Price ($US) U0090 115/1/60 632 U0091 208-230/1/60 833 U0120 115/1/60 719 U0121 208-230/1/60 901 U0150 115/1/60 806 1A - 18 U0151 208-230/1/60 998 UK0090 115/1/60 724 UK0091 208-230/1/60 947 UK0120 115/1/60 818 UK0121 208-230/1/60 1,043 UK0150 115/1/60 920 UK0151 208-230/1/60 1,129 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Reach-In Unit Coolers Shipped-Loose Accessories Can’t Find Something or need help selecting the appropriate accessory for your unit? Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. Part Number Description List Price ($US) Notes 2891040 Room Thermostat 256 - 28963101 Electronic Room Thermostat 324 - 4267W Adjustable Defrost Control / Fan Delay Switch 240 - Section 1 Room Thermostats Defrost Controls Expansion Valves (TXV) When placing order, please specify refrigerant type, saturated suction temperature (SST), liquid temperature, and room temperature. Part Number List Price ($US) Capacity Range (BTUH) TXV024 298 24,000 BTUH and under Liquid-line Solenoid Valves (LLSV) Capacity Range (R-404A) Part Number List Price ($US) Size Medium Temperature Application (BTUH) Low Temperature Application (BTUH) 29318013 284 3/8 12,000 BTUH and under 11,000 BTUH and under Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 1A - 19 Section 1 Reach-In Unit Coolers Page left blank intentionally. 1A - 20 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Step-In Unit Coolers Extended Thin Profile Overview Product Description Extended Thin Profile LTA & LTL unit coolers are the most compact designed units for reach in display cases. The unit’s low height design allows the unit to ‘hide’ at the top of the cooler, which gives the case a cleaner look and also allows for more room for shelves and product. These units have front access end panels for easy access to the refrigerant and electrical compartments, along with modular front access panels that make it easy to access the motors. Internally enhanced tube design produces better unit performance. • Low height makes it the most compact unit for display cases where space is limited, giving the case a clean look and allowing for more shelving and product storage • Textured aluminum cabinet • Easy access to motors and the refrigerant and electrical components with front access panels • Modular front access panels can be removed independently of the drain pan • Plastic vibration isolators for fan panels and drain pan reduce noise and vibration • Liquid-line solenoid wire harness comes standard for quick installation • Internally enhanced tube design produces better unit performance • Heaters are attached to the coil for easier serviceability • Defrost termination control • Fan delay control • Heater safety control Better performance, easy installation, serviceability and high quality make this unit the perfect fit for your display case needs. Certifications Nomenclature Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 1B - 1 Section 1 Standard Features Step-In Unit Coolers Extended Thin Profile Performance & Specification Data Performance Data Capacity (BTUH) Bohn Base Model Fan Data Fan Data 10°F TD 25°F SST 10°F TD -10°F SST No. of Fans LTL046 - 4,600 2 850 LTL068 - 6,800 3 1,300 1,800 LTL093 - 9,300 4 1,700 2,250 LTL115 - 11,500 5 2,100 2,550 LTL133 - 13,300 6 2,550 10°F TD 25°F SST 10°F TD -10°F SST No. of Fans CFM LTA053 5,300 - 2 850 LTA079 7,900 - 3 1,350 LTA102 10,200 - 4 LTA134 13,400 - 5 LTA172 17,200 - 6 Air Defrost Section 1 Capacity (BTUH) Bohn Base Model CFM Electric Defrost Electrical Data Shaded Pole Motor 115/1/60 208-230/1/60 Amps Watts Amps Watts Capacity Correction Factors For Electric Defrost Models Defrost Heaters 208-230/1/60 Amps Watts No. of Fans Motor HP 2 1/20 3.6 220 2.0 200 4.8 1,100 3 1/20 5.4 330 3.0 300 7.2 1,650 4 1/20 7.2 440 4.0 400 9.6 2,200 5 1/20 9.0 550 5.0 500 12.0 2,750 6 1/20 10.8 660 6.0 600 14.4 3,300 Saturated Suction Temperature +20°F -10°F -20°F 1.11 1.00 0.96 Physical Data (All Models) Suction connection is swedged to directly accept piping No. of Fans Connections (in.) Coil Inlet ODF Suction ID External Equalizer OD Drain MPT Approx. Net Weight (lbs.) 2 1/2 5/8 1/4 3/4 48 3 1/2 5/8 1/4 3/4 69 4 1/2 7/8 1/4 3/4 85 5 1/2 7/8 1/4 3/4 108 6 1/2 1 1/8 1/4 3/4 124 Dimensional Data (All Models) Dimensions (in.) H J K No. of Fans A B C D E F G L M N P R 2 18 1/8 40 7/8 8 7/8 19 3 40 7/8 5 9/16 7 1/2 3 1/2 2 6 11/16 1 5/32 1 1/2 24 11/16 - - 3 18 1/8 60 5/8 8 7/8 19 3 60 5/8 5 9/16 7 1/2 3 1/2 2 6 11/16 1 5/32 1 1/2 34 9/16 - - 4 18 1/8 80 3/8 8 7/8 19 3 39 1/2 5 9/16 7 1/2 3 5/16 2 6 11/16 1 5/32 1 1/2 44 7/16 40 7/8 - 5 18 1/8 100 1/8 8 7/8 19 3 59 1/4 5 9/16 7 1/2 3 5/16 2 6 11/16 1 5/32 1 1/2 54 5/16 40 7/8 - 6 18 1/8 119 7/8 8 7/8 19 3 39 1/2 5 9/16 7 1/2 3 3/16 2 6 11/16 1 5/32 1 1/2 64 5/32 40 7/8 39 1/2 1B - 2 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. S Rev. 03/12 Step-In Unit Coolers Extended Thin Profile Models & Options Pricing • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Bohn Configurable Model List Price ($US) Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders($US) Electrical Options Beacon II Assembly Room TSTAT Mechanical Options TXV TXV & LLSV White Cabinet Coil Options BohnGuard™ Fin Protection Copper Fin Coils Section 1 Bohn Standard Model Air Defrost Models with Shaded Pole Motors, 115/1/60 LTA053AA LTA053SA 2,924 2,456 283 395 672 186 991 Call Factory LTA079AA LTA079SA 3,266 2,456 283 395 672 186 991 Call Factory LTA102AA LTA102SA 3,997 2,456 283 395 672 186 991 Call Factory LTA134AA LTA134SA 4,640 2,456 283 395 672 186 991 Call Factory LTA172AA LTA172SA 5,242 2,456 283 395 672 186 991 Call Factory Air Defrost Models with Shaded Pole Motors, 208-230/1/60 LTA053BA LTA053SA 2,924 2,456 283 395 672 186 991 Call Factory LTA079BA LTA079SA 3,266 2,456 283 395 672 186 991 Call Factory LTA102BA LTA102SA 3,997 2,456 283 395 672 186 991 Call Factory LTA134BA LTA134SA 4,640 2,456 283 395 672 186 991 Call Factory LTA172BA LTA172SA 5,242 2,456 283 395 672 186 991 Call Factory 395 672 186 - Call Factory Electric Defrost Models with Shaded Pole Motors, 208-230/1/60 LTL046BA LTL046SA 3,128 2,456 283 LTL068BA LTL068SA 3,513 2,456 283 395 672 186 - Call Factory LTL093BA LTL093SA 4,330 2,456 283 395 672 186 - Call Factory LTL115BA LTL115SA 5,004 2,456 283 395 672 186 - Call Factory LTL133BA LTL133SA 5,671 2,456 283 395 672 186 - Call Factory Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 1B - 3 Step-In Unit Coolers Extended Thin Profile Shipped-Loose Accessories Can’t Find Something or need help selecting the appropriate accessory for your unit? Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. Part Number Description List Price ($US) Notes 2891040 Room Thermostat 256 - 28963101 Electronic Room Thermostat 324 - Adjustable Defrost Control / Fan Delay Switch 240 - Section 1 Room Thermostats Defrost Controls 4267W Expansion Valves (TXV) When placing order, please specify refrigerant type, saturated suction temperature (SST), liquid temperature, and room temperature. Part Number TXV024 List Price ($US) Capacity Range (BTUH) 298 24,000 BTUH and under Liquid-line Solenoid Valves (LLSV) Capacity Range (R-404A) Part Number List Price ($US) Size 29318013 284 3/8 12,000 BTUH and under 11,000 BTUH and under 4502Z 284 3/8 12,000 BTUH to 24,000 BTUH 11,000 BTUH to 21,000 BTUH 1B - 4 Medium Temperature Application (BTUH) Low Temperature Application (BTUH) List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Walk-In Unit Coolers Low Profile Overview Product Description The low profile unit cooler, available in air, electric, and hot gas defrost, is designed for maximum capacity while occupying a minimum amount of space inside a walk-in cooler or freezer. These units are ideal for many applications including restaurants and convenience stores. Opting for EC motors or the Beacon II™ Refrigeration System makes this product qualified to be included in the E Solutions™ product portfolio because of increased energy efficiency and cost savings. Certifications Ease of Installation & Service • Cabinet design features front access panels on each side for easy access to electrical and refrigeration components • All electrical components factory wired to terminal board and identified, making it easy to field wire the unit • Liquid line solenoid wire harness is factory-installed for quick installation • Pre-drilled holes on the back of the unit for room thermostat • Coil heater slots have been enlarged for easier installation and replacement • On 4-6 fan models, drain pan has a lanyard for easy and safe access • Motors plug into wiring harness for easier servicing • Hot gas loop on bottom of coil for easier access is standard for hot gas defrost models Reliable & Durable • Sweat connections to reduce potential for leaks • Molded fan guard design made of strong plastic material • Heavy gauge grained aluminum cabinet cleans easily and looks attractive Performance • Internal panels are isolated for quiet operation • Internally enhanced tubing and fin design for higher efficiency • Reduced heater wattages • Fixed defrost termination for electric, adjustable defrost termination for hot gas • Extended drain pan heaters for more uniform defrost throughout the drain pan and additional heat in end compartments Versatile • Large diameter drain hole (3/4” ID) is located on the back of the unit • Minimal height of the low profile series makes it ideal for low ceiling coolers Section 1 Standard Features Nomenclature Section 5 Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 1C - 1 Walk-In Unit Coolers Low Profile Performance & Specification Data Performance Data – 60 Hz Bohn Base Model Capacity (BTUH) 10°F TD 25°F SST 10°F TD -20°F SST Fan Data No. of Fans CFM Section 1 Air Defrost Models - 6 FPI Bohn Base Model Capacity (BTUH) 10°F TD 25°F SST Fan Data 10°F TD -20°F SST No. of Fans CFM Hot Gas Defrost Models - 6 FPI ADT040 4,000 - 1 730 HGT035 - 3,500 1 700 ADT052 5,200 - 1 700 HGT040 - 4,000 1 700 ADT065 6,500 - 1 650 HGT047 - 4,700 1 650 ADT070 7,000 - 2 1,460 HGT065 - 6,500 2 1,400 ADT090 9,000 - 2 1,400 HGT075 - 7,500 2 1,300 ADT104 10,400 - 2 1,400 HGT090 - 9,000 2 1,300 ADT120 12,000 - 2 1,300 HGT120 - 12,000 3 2,100 ADT130 13,000 - 2 1,300 HGT140 - 14,000 3 1,950 ADT140 14,000 - 3 2,100 HGT160 - 16,000 4 2,600 ADT156 15,600 - 3 2,100 HGT180 - 18,000 4 2,600 ADT180 18,000 - 3 1,950 HGT200 - 20,000 5 3,250 ADT208 20,800 - 4 2,800 HGT240 - 24,000 6 3,900 ADT260 26,000 - 5 3,250 HGT280 - 28,000 6 3,900 ADT312 31,200 - 6 3,900 ADT370 37,000 - 6 3,900 Electric Defrost Models - 6 FPI Hot Gas Defrost Models - 4 FPI HGT041 - 4,100 1 690 HGT068 - 6,800 2 1,380 LET035 - 3,500 1 700 HGT080 - 8,000 2 1,380 LET040 - 4,000 1 700 HGT102 - 10,200 3 2,170 LET047 - 4,700 1 650 HGT136 - 13,600 4 2,760 LET065 - 6,500 2 1,400 HGT170 - 17,000 5 3,450 LET075 - 7,500 2 1,300 HGT204 - 20,400 6 4,140 LET090 - 9,000 2 1,300 HGT235 - 23,500 6 4,140 LET120 - 12,000 3 2,100 LET140 - 14,000 3 1,950 LET160 - 16,000 4 2,600 LET180 - 18,000 4 2,600 LET200 - 20,000 5 3,250 LET240 - 24,000 6 3,900 LET280 - 28,000 6 3,900 Capacity Correction Factors For Electric and Hot Gas Defrost Models Saturated Suction Temperature +20°F -10°F -20°F -30°F 1.15 1.04 1.00 0.90 Electric Defrost Models - 4 FPI LLE041 - 4,100 1 690 LLE068 - 6,800 2 1,380 LLE080 - 8,000 2 1,380 LLE102 - 10,200 3 2,170 LLE136 - 13,600 4 2,760 LLE170 - 17,000 5 3,450 LLE204 - 20,400 6 4,140 LLE235 - 23,500 6 4,140 1C - 2 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Walk-In Unit Coolers Low Profile Performance & Specification Data Fan Motors (All Models) Motor HP Shaded Pole Motor 115/1/60 PSC Motor 208-230/1/60 115/1/60 EC Motor 208-230/1/60 Amps Watts Amps Watts Amps Watts Amps Watts 460/1/60 115/1/60 Amps Watts Amps Watts 208-230/1/60 Amps Watts 1 1/15 1.8 116 1.0 122 1.0 82 0.5 91 0.4 117 0.9 57 0.5 59 2 1/15 3.6 232 2.0 244 2.0 164 1.0 182 0.8 234 1.8 114 1.0 118 3 1/15 5.4 348 3.0 366 3.0 246 1.5 273 1.2 351 2.7 171 1.5 177 4 1/15 7.2 464 4.0 488 4.0 328 2.0 364 1.6 468 3.6 228 2.0 236 5 1/15 9.0 580 5.0 610 5.0 410 2.5 455 2.0 585 4.6 285 2.5 295 6 1/15 10.8 696 6.0 732 6.0 492 3.0 546 2.4 702 5.5 342 3.0 354 Defrost Heaters (Electric Defrost Models) Drain Pan Heaters (Hot Gas Defrost Models) Includes coil heaters and drain pan heaters. Hot gas drain pan standard. Electric drain pan available at no additional charge. Total Amps No. of Watts Fans 208-230/1/60 208-230/3/60 460/1/60 1 900 3.9 2.3 2.0 No. of Fans Watts 1 300 Total Amps 115/1/60 208-230/1/60 460/1/60 2.6 1.3 0.7 2 1,800 7.8 4.5 3.9 3 2,700 11.7 6.8 5.9 2 600 5.2 2.6 1.3 3 900 7.8 3.9 2.0 4 3,600 15.7 9.0 7.8 5 4,500 19.6 11.3 9.8 4 1,200 10.4 5.2 2.6 11.7 5 1,500 13.0 6.5 3.3 6 1,800 15.7 7.8 3.9 6 5,400 23.5 13.6 Section 1 No. of Fans Connection Data Bohn Base Model Connections (In.) No. of Fans Coil Inlet OD Coil Inlet ODF Suction ID External Equalizer OD Drain MPT Side Port OD Hot Gas Pan Conns. OD Approx. Net Weight (lbs.) Air Defrost Models - 6 FPI ADT040 1 1/2 - 5/8 1/4 3/4 - - 28 ADT052 1 1/2 - 5/8 1/4 3/4 - - 31 ADT065 1 1/2 - 7/8 1/4 3/4 - - 34 ADT070 2 1/2 - 7/8 1/4 3/4 - - 45 ADT090 2 1/2 - 7/8 1/4 3/4 - - 48 ADT104 2 1/2 - 7/8 1/4 3/4 - - 49 ADT120 2 1/2 - 7/8 1/4 3/4 - - 51 ADT130 2 1/2 - 7/8 1/4 3/4 - - 53 ADT140 3 1/2 - 7/8 1/4 3/4 - - 63 3 1/2 - 7/8 1/4 3/4 - - 67 3 1/2 - 7/8 1/4 3/4 - - 69 ADT208 4 1/2 - 1 1/8 1/4 3/4 - - 82 ADT260 5 1/2 - 1 1/8 1/4 3/4 - - 103 ADT312 6 1/2 - 1 1/8 1/4 3/4 - - 124 ADT370 6 1/2 - 1 3/8 1/4 3/4 - - 127 Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Section 5 ADT156 ADT180 1C - 3 Walk-In Unit Coolers Low Profile Bohn Base Model Performance & Specification Data Connections (In.) No. of Fans Coil Inlet OD Coil Inlet ODF Suction ID External Equalizer OD Drain MPT Side Port OD Hot Gas Pan Conns. OD Approx. Net Weight (lbs.) Section 1 Electric Defrost Models - 6 FPI LET035 1 1/2 - 5/8 1/4 3/4 - - 24 LET040 1 1/2 - 5/8 1/4 3/4 - - 26 LET047 1 1/2 - 5/8 1/4 3/4 - - 29 LET065 2 1/2 - 5/8 1/4 3/4 - - 43 LET075 2 1/2 - 5/8 1/4 3/4 - - 45 LET090 2 1/2 - 7/8 1/4 3/4 - - 48 LET120 3 1/2 - 7/8 1/4 3/4 - - 60 LET140 3 1/2 - 7/8 1/4 3/4 - - 62 LET160 4 1/2 - 1 1/8 1/4 3/4 - - 81 LET180 4 1/2 - 1 1/8 1/4 3/4 - - 84 LET200 5 1/2 - 1 1/8 1/4 3/4 - - 101 LET240 6 1/2 - 1 1/8 1/4 3/4 - - 121 LET280 6 1/2 - 1 1/8 1/4 3/4 - - 124 Electric Defrost Models - 4 FPI LLE041 1 1/2 - 5/8 1/4 3/4 - - 28 LLE068 2 1/2 - 7/8 1/4 3/4 - - 44 LLE080 2 1/2 - 7/8 1/4 3/4 - - 47 LLE102 3 1/2 - 7/8 1/4 3/4 - - 59 LLE136 4 1/2 - 1 1/8 1/4 3/4 - - 80 LLE170 5 1/2 - 1 1/8 1/4 3/4 - - 100 LLE204 6 1/2 - 1 1/8 1/4 3/4 - - 120 LLE235 6 1/2 - 1 1/8 1/4 3/4 - - 123 Hot Gas Defrost Models - 6 FPI HGT035 1 - 5/8 5/8 1/4 3/4 3/8 5/8 26 HGT040 1 - 5/8 5/8 1/4 3/4 3/8 5/8 28 HGT047 1 - 5/8 5/8 1/4 3/4 3/8 5/8 31 HGT065 2 - 5/8 5/8 1/4 3/4 3/8 5/8 45 HGT075 2 - 5/8 7/8 1/4 3/4 3/8 5/8 47 HGT090 2 - 7/8 7/8 1/4 3/4 3/8 5/8 50 HGT120 3 - 7/8 7/8 1/4 3/4 3/8 5/8 62 HGT140 3 - 7/8 7/8 1/4 3/4 3/8 5/8 64 HGT160 4 - 7/8 1 1/8 1/4 3/4 3/8 5/8 83 HGT180 4 - 1 1/8 1 1/8 1/4 3/4 3/8 5/8 86 HGT200 5 - 1 1/8 1 1/8 1/4 3/4 3/8 5/8 103 HGT240 6 - 1 1/8 1 1/8 1/4 3/4 3/8 5/8 123 HGT280 6 - 1 1/8 1 1/8 1/4 3/4 3/8 5/8 126 5/8 5/8 1/4 3/4 3/8 5/8 30 Hot Gas Defrost Models - 4 FPI HGT041 1 - HGT068 2 - 5/8 7/8 1/4 3/4 3/8 5/8 46 HGT080 2 - 5/8 7/8 1/4 3/4 3/8 5/8 49 HGT102 3 - 7/8 7/8 1/4 3/4 3/8 5/8 61 HGT136 4 - 7/8 1 1/8 1/4 3/4 3/8 5/8 82 HGT170 5 - 7/8 1 1/8 1/4 3/4 3/8 5/8 102 HGT204 6 - 7/8 1 1/8 1/4 3/4 3/8 5/8 122 HGT235 6 - 1 1/8 1 1/8 1/4 3/4 3/8 5/8 125 1C - 4 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Walk-In Unit Coolers Performance & Specification Data Section 1 Low Profile Dimensional Data (All Models) Note: Hanger brackets will accept 3/8” hanger rods. Dimensions (in.) No. of Fans A B C D 1 29 1/2 17 1/4 - - 2 45 1/2 33 1/4 - - 3 61 1/2 49 1/4 - - 4 77 1/2 65 1/4 - - 5 93 1/2 81 1/4 48 5/8 32 5/8 6 109 1/2 97 1/4 48 5/8 48 5/8 Section 5 Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 1C - 5 Walk-In Unit Coolers Low Profile Air Defrost Models & Options • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Section 1 Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Bohn Standard Model Bohn List Electrical Options Mechanical Options Coil Options Configurable Price QCF, BohnGuard™ Model ($US) Beacon II Room TXV TXV & TXV, & BohnKote™ ElectroFin Fin Bronz-Glow Assembly TSTAT LLSV Coil LLSV Protection Air Defrost Models with EC Motors - 115/1/60 ADT040AEK ADT040SK 1,732 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 425 Call Factory 971 Call Factory ADT052AEK ADT052SK 1,823 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 425 Call Factory 971 Call Factory ADT065AEK ADT065SK 2,046 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 425 Call Factory 971 Call Factory ADT070AEK ADT070SK 2,743 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 631 Call Factory 991 Call Factory ADT090AEK ADT090SK 3,052 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 631 Call Factory 991 Call Factory ADT104AEK ADT104SK 3,211 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 631 Call Factory 991 Call Factory ADT120AEK ADT120SK 3,387 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 631 Call Factory 991 Call Factory ADT130AEK ADT130SK 3,575 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 631 Call Factory 991 Call Factory ADT140AEK ADT140SK 4,332 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 922 Call Factory 1,011 Call Factory ADT156AEK ADT156SK 4,646 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 922 Call Factory 1,011 Call Factory ADT180AEK ADT180SK 5,129 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 922 Call Factory 1,011 Call Factory ADT208AEK ADT208SK 6,063 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory Call Factory 1,032 Call Factory ADT260AEK ADT260SK 7,550 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory Call Factory 1,056 Call Factory ADT312AEK ADT312SK 8,739 1,358 283 746 1,064 1,635 Call Factory Call Factory 1,078 Call Factory ADT370AEK ADT370SK 9,700 1,358 283 746 1,064 1,635 Call Factory Call Factory 1,078 Call Factory 395 672 1,241 425 Call Factory 971 Call Factory Air Defrost Models with EC Motors - 208-230/1/60 ADT040BEK ADT040SK 1,830 1,358 283 ADT052BEK ADT052SK 1,843 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 425 Call Factory 971 Call Factory ADT065BEK ADT065SK 2,163 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 425 Call Factory 971 Call Factory ADT070BEK ADT070SK 2,878 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 631 Call Factory 991 Call Factory ADT090BEK ADT090SK 3,084 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 631 Call Factory 991 Call Factory ADT104BEK ADT104SK 3,245 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 631 Call Factory 991 Call Factory ADT120BEK ADT120SK 3,420 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 631 Call Factory 991 Call Factory ADT130BEK ADT130SK 3,611 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 631 Call Factory 991 Call Factory ADT140BEK ADT140SK 4,371 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 922 Call Factory 1,011 Call Factory ADT156BEK ADT156SK 4,696 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 922 Call Factory 1,011 Call Factory ADT180BEK ADT180SK 5,178 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 922 Call Factory 1,011 Call Factory ADT208BEK ADT208SK 6,381 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory Call Factory 1,032 Call Factory ADT260BEK ADT260SK 7,947 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory Call Factory 1,056 Call Factory ADT312BEK ADT312SK 9,190 1,358 283 746 1,064 1,635 Call Factory Call Factory 1,078 Call Factory ADT370BEK ADT370SK 10,115 1,358 283 746 1,064 1,635 Call Factory Call Factory 1,078 Call Factory Federal Regulation Requires EC Motors! Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors 1C - 6 Notes: • Beacon II must be ordered as a system. Not available on 460/1/60 and 230/3/60. • TXV = Expansion Valve; LLSV = Liquid Line Solenoid Valve; QCF = Quick Connect Fittings. • PSC-TE Fan Motors, Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan, and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Walk-In Unit Coolers Low Profile Air Defrost Models & Options • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Bohn Standard Model Bohn List Electrical Options Mechanical Options Coil Options Configurable Price QCF, BohnGuard™ Model ($US) Beacon II Room TXV TXV & TXV, & BohnKote™ ElectroFin Fin Bronz-Glow Assembly TSTAT LLSV Coil LLSV Protection Air Defrost Models with PSC Motors - 115/1/60 - ADT040SK 1,379 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 425 Call Factory 971 Call Factory ADT052AHK ADT052SK 1,470 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 425 Call Factory 971 Call Factory ADT065AHK ADT065SK 1,693 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 425 Call Factory 971 Call Factory ADT070AHK ADT070SK 2,037 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 631 Call Factory 991 Call Factory ADT090AHK ADT090SK 2,346 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 631 Call Factory 991 Call Factory ADT104AHK ADT104SK 2,505 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 631 Call Factory 991 Call Factory ADT120AHK ADT120SK 2,681 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 631 Call Factory 991 Call Factory ADT130AHK ADT130SK 2,869 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 631 Call Factory 991 Call Factory ADT140AHK ADT140SK 3,273 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 922 Call Factory 1,011 Call Factory ADT156AHK ADT156SK 3,587 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 922 Call Factory 1,011 Call Factory - ADT180SK 4,070 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 922 Call Factory 1,011 Call Factory ADT208AHK ADT208SK 4,651 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory Call Factory 1,032 Call Factory ADT260AHK ADT260SK 5,785 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory Call Factory 1,056 Call Factory ADT312AHK ADT312SK 6,621 1,358 283 746 1,064 1,635 Call Factory Call Factory 1,078 Call Factory - ADT370SK 7,582 1,358 283 746 1,064 1,635 Call Factory Call Factory 1,078 Call Factory Section 1 Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Air Defrost Models with PSC Motors - 208-230/1/60 - ADT040SK 1,477 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 425 Call Factory 971 Call Factory - ADT052SK 1,490 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 425 Call Factory 971 Call Factory - ADT065SK 1,810 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 425 Call Factory 971 Call Factory - ADT070SK 2,172 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 631 Call Factory 991 Call Factory - ADT090SK 2,378 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 631 Call Factory 991 Call Factory - ADT104SK 2,539 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 631 Call Factory 991 Call Factory - ADT120SK 2,714 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 631 Call Factory 991 Call Factory ADT130BHK ADT130SK 2,905 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 631 Call Factory 991 Call Factory - ADT140SK 3,312 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 922 Call Factory 1,011 Call Factory ADT156BHK ADT156SK 3,637 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 922 Call Factory 1,011 Call Factory - ADT180SK 4,119 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 922 Call Factory 1,011 Call Factory - ADT208SK 4,969 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory Call Factory 1,032 Call Factory - ADT260SK 6,182 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory Call Factory 1,056 Call Factory - ADT312SK 7,072 1,358 283 746 1,064 1,635 Call Factory Call Factory 1,078 Call Factory - ADT370SK 7,997 1,358 283 746 1,064 1,635 Call Factory Call Factory 1,078 Call Factory Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors Rev. 03/12 Section 5 Federal Regulation Requires EC Motors! Notes: • Beacon II must be ordered as a system. Not available on 460/1/60 and 230/3/60. • TXV = Expansion Valve; LLSV = Liquid Line Solenoid Valve; QCF = Quick Connect Fittings. • PSC-TE Fan Motors, Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan, and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 1C - 7 Walk-In Unit Coolers Low Profile Air Defrost Models & Options • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Section 1 Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Bohn Standard Model Bohn List Electrical Options Mechanical Options Coil Options Configurable Price QCF, BohnGuard™ Model ($US) Beacon II Room TXV TXV & TXV, & BohnKote™ ElectroFin Fin Bronz-Glow Assembly TSTAT LLSV Coil LLSV Protection Air Defrost Models with PSC Motors - 460/1/60 - ADT040SK 1,475 - 283 395 672 1,241 425 Call Factory 971 Call Factory - ADT052SK 1,488 - 283 395 672 1,241 425 Call Factory 971 Call Factory - ADT065SK 1,808 - 283 395 672 1,241 425 Call Factory 971 Call Factory - ADT070SK 2,170 - 283 395 672 1,241 631 Call Factory 991 Call Factory - ADT090SK 2,377 - 283 395 672 1,241 631 Call Factory 991 Call Factory - ADT104SK 2,536 - 283 395 672 1,241 631 Call Factory 991 Call Factory - ADT120SK 2,709 - 283 395 672 1,241 631 Call Factory 991 Call Factory - ADT130SK 2,903 - 283 395 672 1,241 631 Call Factory 991 Call Factory - ADT140SK 3,307 - 283 395 672 1,241 922 Call Factory 1,011 Call Factory - ADT156SK 3,632 - 283 395 672 1,241 922 Call Factory 1,011 Call Factory - ADT180SK 4,114 - 283 395 672 1,241 922 Call Factory 1,011 Call Factory - ADT208SK 4,963 - 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory Call Factory 1,032 Call Factory - ADT260SK 6,173 - 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory Call Factory 1,056 Call Factory - ADT312SK 7,062 - 283 746 1,064 1,635 Call Factory Call Factory 1,078 Call Factory - ADT370SK 7,989 - 283 746 1,064 1,635 Call Factory Call Factory 1,078 Call Factory Air Defrost Models with Shaded Pole Motors - 115/1/60 ADT040AK ADT040SK 1,218 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 425 Call Factory 971 Call Factory ADT052AK ADT052SK 1,309 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 425 Call Factory 971 Call Factory ADT065AK ADT065SK 1,532 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 425 Call Factory 971 Call Factory ADT070AK ADT070SK 1,715 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 631 Call Factory 991 Call Factory ADT090AK ADT090SK 2,024 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 631 Call Factory 991 Call Factory ADT104AK ADT104SK 2,183 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 631 Call Factory 991 Call Factory ADT120AK ADT120SK 2,359 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 631 Call Factory 991 Call Factory ADT130AK ADT130SK 2,547 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 631 Call Factory 991 Call Factory ADT140AK ADT140SK 2,790 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 922 Call Factory 1,011 Call Factory ADT156AK ADT156SK 3,104 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 922 Call Factory 1,011 Call Factory ADT180AK ADT180SK 3,587 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 922 Call Factory 1,011 Call Factory ADT208AK ADT208SK 4,007 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory Call Factory 1,032 Call Factory ADT260AK ADT260SK 4,980 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory Call Factory 1,056 Call Factory ADT312AK ADT312SK 5,655 1,358 283 746 1,064 1,635 Call Factory Call Factory 1,078 Call Factory ADT370AK ADT370SK 6,616 1,358 283 746 1,064 1,635 Call Factory Call Factory 1,078 Call Factory Federal Regulation Requires EC Motors! Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors 1C - 8 Notes: • Beacon II must be ordered as a system. Not available on 460/1/60 and 230/3/60. • TXV = Expansion Valve; LLSV = Liquid Line Solenoid Valve; QCF = Quick Connect Fittings. • PSC-TE Fan Motors, Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan, and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Walk-In Unit Coolers Low Profile Air Defrost Models & Options • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Bohn Standard Model Bohn List Electrical Options Mechanical Options Coil Options Configurable Price QCF, BohnGuard™ Model ($US) Beacon II Room TXV TXV & TXV, & BohnKote™ ElectroFin Fin Bronz-Glow Assembly TSTAT LLSV Coil LLSV Protection Air Defrost Models with Shaded Pole Motors - 208-230/1/60 ADT040BK ADT040SK 1,316 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 425 Call Factory 971 Call Factory ADT052BK ADT052SK 1,329 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 425 Call Factory 971 Call Factory ADT065BK ADT065SK 1,649 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 425 Call Factory 971 Call Factory ADT070BK ADT070SK 1,850 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 631 Call Factory 991 Call Factory ADT090BK ADT090SK 2,056 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 631 Call Factory 991 Call Factory ADT104BK ADT104SK 2,217 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 631 Call Factory 991 Call Factory ADT120BK ADT120SK 2,392 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 631 Call Factory 991 Call Factory ADT130BK ADT130SK 2,583 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 631 Call Factory 991 Call Factory ADT140BK ADT140SK 2,829 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 922 Call Factory 1,011 Call Factory ADT156BK ADT156SK 3,154 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 922 Call Factory 1,011 Call Factory ADT180BK ADT180SK 3,636 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 922 Call Factory 1,011 Call Factory ADT208BK ADT208SK 4,325 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory Call Factory 1,032 Call Factory ADT260BK ADT260SK 5,377 1,358 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory Call Factory 1,056 Call Factory ADT312BK ADT312SK 6,106 1,358 283 746 1,064 1,635 Call Factory Call Factory 1,078 Call Factory ADT370BK ADT370SK 7,031 1,358 283 746 1,064 1,635 Call Factory Call Factory 1,078 Call Factory Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors Rev. 03/12 Section 5 Federal Regulation Requires EC Motors! Notes: • Beacon II must be ordered as a system. Not available on 460/1/60 and 230/3/60. • TXV = Expansion Valve; LLSV = Liquid Line Solenoid Valve; QCF = Quick Connect Fittings. • PSC-TE Fan Motors, Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan, and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Section 1 Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) 1C - 9 Walk-In Unit Coolers Low Profile Electric Defrost Models & Options • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Section 1 Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Bohn Standard Model Bohn Configurable Model FPI List Price ($US) Electrical Options Beacon II Assembly Mechanical Options Coil Options Adj. Defrost Term. / Fan Delay Room TSTAT TXV TXV & LLSV QCF, TXV, & LLSV Bronz-Glow 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory Electric Defrost Models with EC Motors - 208-230/1/60 LET035BEK LET035SK 6 2,411 1,358 LET040BEK LET040SK 6 2,520 1,358 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LET047BEK LET047SK 6 2,772 1,358 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LET065BEK LET065SK 6 3,723 1,358 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LET075BEK LET075SK 6 3,857 1,358 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LET090BEK LET090SK 6 4,070 1,358 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LET120BEK LET120SK 6 5,345 1,358 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LET140BEK LET140SK 6 5,986 1,358 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LET160BEK LET160SK 6 7,123 1,358 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LET180BEK LET180SK 6 7,791 1,358 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LET200BEK LET200SK 6 9,027 1,358 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LET240BEK LET240SK 6 10,367 1,358 471 283 746 1,064 1,635 Call Factory LET280BEK LET280SK 6 11,487 1,358 471 283 746 1,064 1,635 Call Factory LLE041BEK LLE041SK 4 2,336 1,358 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LLE068BEK LLE068SK 4 3,996 1,358 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LLE080BEK LLE080SK 4 4,259 1,358 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LLE102BEK LLE102SK 4 5,304 1,358 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LLE136BEK LLE136SK 4 7,021 1,358 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LLE170BEK LLE170SK 4 8,861 1,358 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LLE204BEK LLE204SK 4 10,185 1,358 471 283 746 1,064 1,635 Call Factory LLE235BEK LLE235SK 4 11,311 1,358 471 283 746 1,064 1,635 Call Factory 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory Electric Defrost Models with EC Motors - 208-230/3/60 LET035CEK LET035SK 6 2,515 - LET040CEK LET040SK 6 2,588 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LET047CEK LET047SK 6 2,920 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LET065CEK LET065SK 6 3,974 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LET075CEK LET075SK 6 4,057 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LET090CEK LET090SK 6 4,321 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LET120CEK LET120SK 6 5,595 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LET140CEK LET140SK 6 6,255 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LET160CEK LET160SK 6 7,372 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LET180CEK LET180SK 6 8,118 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory Federal Regulation Requires EC Motors! Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors. 1C - 10 Notes: • Electric Drain Pan is standard. • Beacon II must be ordered as a system. Not available on 460/1/60 and 230/3/60. • TXV = Expansion Valve; LLSV = Liquid Line Solenoid Valve; QCF = Quick Connect Fittings. • PSC-TE Fan Motors, Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Walk-In Unit Coolers Electric Defrost Models & Options Low Profile • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Bohn Configurable Model FPI List Price ($US) Electrical Options Beacon II Assembly Adj. Defrost Term. / Fan Delay Mechanical Options Room TSTAT TXV TXV & LLSV QCF, TXV, & LLSV Coil Options Bronz-Glow LET200CEK LET200SK 6 9,279 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LET240CEK LET240SK 6 10,619 - 471 283 746 1,064 1,635 Call Factory LET280CEK LET280SK 6 11,870 - 471 283 746 1,064 1,635 Call Factory LLE041CEK LLE041SK 4 2,446 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LLE068CEK LLE068SK 4 4,142 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LLE080CEK LLE080SK 4 4,367 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LLE102CEK LLE102SK 4 5,554 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LLE136CEK LLE136SK 4 7,277 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LLE170CEK LLE170SK 4 9,112 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LLE204CEK LLE204SK 4 10,450 - 471 283 746 1,064 1,635 Call Factory LLE235CEK LLE235SK 4 11,629 - 471 283 746 1,064 1,635 Call Factory Section 1 Bohn Standard Model Electric Defrost Models with PSC Motors - 208-230/1/60 - LET035SK 6 2,058 1,358 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory - LET040SK 6 2,167 1,358 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory - LET047SK 6 2,419 1,358 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LET065BHK LET065SK 6 3,017 1,358 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory - LET075SK 6 3,151 1,358 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LET090BHK LET090SK 6 3,364 1,358 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LET120BHK LET120SK 6 4,286 1,358 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LET140BHK LET140SK 6 4,927 1,358 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LET160BHK LET160SK 6 5,711 1,358 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LET180BHK LET180SK 6 6,379 1,358 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LET200BHK LET200SK 6 7,262 1,358 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory - LET240SK 6 8,249 1,358 471 283 746 1,064 1,635 Call Factory - LET280SK 6 9,369 1,358 471 283 746 1,064 1,635 Call Factory - LLE041SK 4 1,983 1,358 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory - LLE068SK 4 3,290 1,358 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory - LLE080SK 4 3,553 1,358 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory - LLE102SK 4 4,245 1,358 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory - LLE136SK 4 5,609 1,358 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory - LLE170SK 4 7,096 1,358 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory - LLE204SK 4 8,067 1,358 471 283 746 1,064 1,635 Call Factory - LLE235SK 4 9,193 1,358 471 283 746 1,064 1,635 Call Factory Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors. Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Section 5 Federal Regulation Requires EC Motors! Notes: • Electric Drain Pan is standard. • Beacon II must be ordered as a system. Not available on 460/1/60 and 230/3/60. • TXV = Expansion Valve; LLSV = Liquid Line Solenoid Valve; QCF = Quick Connect Fittings. • PSC-TE Fan Motors, Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. 1C - 11 Walk-In Unit Coolers Electric Defrost Models & Options Low Profile • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Section 1 Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Bohn Standard Model Bohn Configurable Model FPI List Price ($US) Electrical Options Beacon II Assembly Mechanical Options Coil Options Adj. Defrost Term. / Fan Delay Room TSTAT TXV TXV & LLSV QCF, TXV, & LLSV Bronz-Glow 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory Electric Defrost Models with PSC Motors - 208-230/3/60 - LET035SK 6 2,162 - - LET040SK 6 2,235 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory - LET047SK 6 2,567 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory - LET065SK 6 3,268 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory - LET075SK 6 3,351 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory - LET090SK 6 3,615 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory - LET120SK 6 4,536 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory - LET140SK 6 5,196 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory - LET160SK 6 5,960 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory - LET180SK 6 6,706 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory - LET200SK 6 7,514 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory - LET240SK 6 8,501 - 471 283 746 1,064 1,635 Call Factory - LET280SK 6 9,752 - 471 283 746 1,064 1,635 Call Factory - LLE041SK 4 2,093 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory - LLE068SK 4 3,436 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory - LLE080SK 4 3,661 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory - LLE102SK 4 4,495 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory - LLE136SK 4 5,865 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory - LLE170SK 4 7,347 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory - LLE204SK 4 8,332 - 471 283 746 1,064 1,635 Call Factory - LLE235SK 4 9,511 - 471 283 746 1,064 1,635 Call Factory Electric Defrost Models with PSC Motors - 460/1/60 LET035MK LET035SK 6 2,159 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LET040MK LET040SK 6 2,233 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LET047MK LET047SK 6 2,565 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LET065MK LET065SK 6 3,263 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LET075MK LET075SK 6 3,349 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LET090MK LET090SK 6 3,613 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LET120MK LET120SK 6 4,531 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LET140MK LET140SK 6 5,193 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LET160MK LET160SK 6 5,956 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LET180MK LET180SK 6 6,698 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory Federal Regulation Requires EC Motors! Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors. 1C - 12 Notes: • Electric Drain Pan is standard. • Beacon II must be ordered as a system. Not available on 460/1/60 and 230/3/60. • TXV = Expansion Valve; LLSV = Liquid Line Solenoid Valve; QCF = Quick Connect Fittings. • PSC-TE Fan Motors, Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Walk-In Unit Coolers Electric Defrost Models & Options Low Profile • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Bohn Configurable Model FPI List Price ($US) Electrical Options Beacon II Assembly Adj. Defrost Term. / Fan Delay Mechanical Options Room TSTAT TXV TXV & LLSV QCF, TXV, & LLSV Coil Options Bronz-Glow LET200MK LET200SK 6 7,505 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LET240MK LET240SK 6 8,492 - 471 283 746 1,064 1,635 Call Factory LET280MK LET280SK 6 9,741 - 471 283 746 1,064 1,635 Call Factory LLE041MK LLE041SK 4 2,090 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LLE068MK LLE068SK 4 3,273 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LLE080MK LLE080SK 4 3,499 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LLE102MK LLE102SK 4 4,492 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LLE136MK LLE136SK 4 5,857 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LLE170MK LLE170SK 4 7,341 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LLE204MK LLE204SK 4 8,324 - 471 283 746 1,064 1,635 Call Factory LLE235MK LLE235SK 4 9,502 - 471 283 746 1,064 1,635 Call Factory Section 1 Bohn Standard Model Electric Defrost Models with Shaded Pole Motors - 208-230/1/60 LET035BK LET035SK 6 1,897 1,358 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LET040BK LET040SK 6 2,006 1,358 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LET047BK LET047SK 6 2,258 1,358 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LET065BK LET065SK 6 2,695 1,358 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LET075BK LET075SK 6 2,829 1,358 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LET090BK LET090SK 6 3,042 1,358 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LET120BK LET120SK 6 3,803 1,358 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LET140BK LET140SK 6 4,444 1,358 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LET160BK LET160SK 6 5,067 1,358 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LET180BK LET180SK 6 5,735 1,358 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LET200BK LET200SK 6 6,457 1,358 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LET240BK LET240SK 6 7,283 1,358 471 283 746 1,064 1,635 Call Factory LET280BK LET280SK 6 8,403 1,358 471 283 746 1,064 1,635 Call Factory LLE041BK LLE041SK 4 1,822 1,358 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LLE068BK LLE068SK 4 2,968 1,358 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LLE080BK LLE080SK 4 3,231 1,358 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LLE102BK LLE102SK 4 3,762 1,358 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LLE136BK LLE136SK 4 4,965 1,358 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LLE170BK LLE170SK 4 6,291 1,358 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LLE204BK LLE204SK 4 7,101 1,358 471 283 746 1,064 1,635 Call Factory LLE235BK LLE235SK 4 8,227 1,358 471 283 746 1,064 1,635 Call Factory Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors. Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Section 5 Federal Regulation Requires EC Motors! Notes: • Electric Drain Pan is standard. • Beacon II must be ordered as a system. Not available on 460/1/60 and 230/3/60. • TXV = Expansion Valve; LLSV = Liquid Line Solenoid Valve; QCF = Quick Connect Fittings. • PSC-TE Fan Motors, Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. 1C - 13 Walk-In Unit Coolers Electric Defrost Models & Options Low Profile • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Section 1 Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Bohn Standard Model Bohn Configurable Model FPI List Price ($US) Electrical Options Beacon II Assembly Adj. Defrost Term. / Fan Delay Mechanical Options Coil Options Room TSTAT TXV TXV & LLSV QCF, TXV, & LLSV Bronz-Glow 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory Electric Defrost Models with Shaded Pole Motors - 208-230/3/60 LET035CK LET035SK 6 2,001 - 471 LET040CK LET040SK 6 2,074 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LET047CK LET047SK 6 2,406 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LET065CK LET065SK 6 2,946 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LET075CK LET075SK 6 3,029 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LET090CK LET090SK 6 3,293 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LET120CK LET120SK 6 4,053 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LET140CK LET140SK 6 4,713 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LET160CK LET160SK 6 5,316 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LET180CK LET180SK 6 6,062 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LET200CK LET200SK 6 6,709 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LET240CK LET240SK 6 7,535 - 471 283 746 1,064 1,635 Call Factory LET280CK LET280SK 6 8,786 - 471 283 746 1,064 1,635 Call Factory LLE041CK LLE041SK 4 1,932 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LLE068CK LLE068SK 4 3,114 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LLE080CK LLE080SK 4 3,339 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LLE102CK LLE102SK 4 4,012 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LLE136CK LLE136SK 4 5,221 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LLE170CK LLE170SK 4 6,542 - 471 283 395 672 1,241 Call Factory LLE204CK LLE204SK 4 7,366 - 471 283 746 1,064 1,635 Call Factory LLE235CK LLE235SK 4 8,545 - 471 283 746 1,064 1,635 Call Factory Federal Regulation Requires EC Motors! Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors. 1C - 14 Notes: • Electric Drain Pan is standard. • Beacon II must be ordered as a system. Not available on 460/1/60 and 230/3/60. • TXV = Expansion Valve; LLSV = Liquid Line Solenoid Valve; QCF = Quick Connect Fittings. • PSC-TE Fan Motors, Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Walk-In Unit Coolers Low Profile Hot Gas Defrost Models & Options • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Bohn Configurable Model FPI List Price ($US) Drain Pan Options Mechanical Options Electric Hot Gas Loop Insulated TXV ElectroFin Coil Bronz-Glow Coil Options Hot Gas Defrost Models with EC Motors - 115/1/60 HGT035AEK HGT035SK 6 2,341 No Charge Standard 122 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT040AEK HGT040SK 6 2,493 No Charge Standard 122 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT047AEK HGT047SK 6 2,807 No Charge Standard 122 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT065AEK HGT065SK 6 3,608 No Charge Standard 168 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT075AEK HGT075SK 6 3,914 No Charge Standard 168 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT090AEK HGT090SK 6 4,243 No Charge Standard 168 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT120AEK HGT120SK 6 5,264 No Charge Standard 208 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT140AEK HGT140SK 6 6,031 No Charge Standard 208 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT160AEK HGT160SK 6 6,837 No Charge Standard 255 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT180AEK HGT180SK 6 7,575 No Charge Standard 255 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT200AEK HGT200SK 6 8,272 No Charge Standard 281 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT240AEK HGT240SK 6 9,818 No Charge Standard 319 746 Call Factory Call Factory HGT280AEK HGT280SK 6 10,930 No Charge Standard 319 746 Call Factory Call Factory HGT041AEK HGT041SK 4 2,430 No Charge Standard 122 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT068AEK HGT068SK 4 4,109 No Charge Standard 168 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT080AEK HGT080SK 4 4,325 No Charge Standard 168 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT102AEK HGT102SK 4 5,180 No Charge Standard 208 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT136AEK HGT136SK 4 6,781 No Charge Standard 255 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT170AEK HGT170SK 4 8,392 No Charge Standard 281 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT204AEK HGT204SK 4 9,854 No Charge Standard 319 746 Call Factory Call Factory HGT235AEK HGT235SK 4 10,948 No Charge Standard 319 746 Call Factory Call Factory Section 1 Bohn Standard Model Hot Gas Defrost Models with EC Motors - 208-230/1/60 HGT035BEK HGT035SK 6 2,390 No Charge Standard 122 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT040BEK HGT040SK 6 2,549 No Charge Standard 122 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT047BEK HGT047SK 6 2,870 No Charge Standard 122 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT065BEK HGT065SK 6 3,814 No Charge Standard 168 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT075BEK HGT075SK 6 4,120 No Charge Standard 168 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT090BEK HGT090SK 6 4,499 No Charge Standard 168 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT120BEK HGT120SK 6 5,561 No Charge Standard 208 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT140BEK HGT140SK 6 6,226 No Charge Standard 208 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT160BEK HGT160SK 6 7,221 No Charge Standard 255 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT180BEK HGT180SK 6 8,079 No Charge Standard 255 395 Call Factory Call Factory Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors Rev. 03/12 Section 5 Federal Regulation Requires EC Motors! Notes: • Adjustable Defrost Term. / Fan Delay is standard. • When using hot gas defrost units on 0°F degree applications and below, an insulated drain pan is required for models with hot gas drain pans. • TXV = Expansion Valve • PSC-TE Fan Motors, Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan, and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 1C - 15 Walk-In Unit Coolers Hot Gas Defrost Models & Options Low Profile • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Section 1 Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Bohn Standard Model Bohn Configurable Model FPI List Price ($US) Drain Pan Options Mechanical Options Hot Gas Loop TXV HGT200BEK HGT200SK 6 8,727 No Charge Standard 281 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT240BEK HGT240SK 6 10,459 No Charge Standard 319 746 Call Factory Call Factory Electric Insulated Coil Options ElectroFin Coil Bronz-Glow HGT280BEK HGT280SK 6 11,698 No Charge Standard 319 746 Call Factory Call Factory HGT041BEK HGT041SK 4 2,485 No Charge Standard 122 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT068BEK HGT068SK 4 4,204 No Charge Standard 168 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT080BEK HGT080SK 4 4,437 No Charge Standard 168 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT102BEK HGT102SK 4 5,473 No Charge Standard 208 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT136BEK HGT136SK 4 7,155 No Charge Standard 255 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT170BEK HGT170SK 4 8,853 No Charge Standard 281 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT204BEK HGT204SK 4 10,393 No Charge Standard 319 746 Call Factory Call Factory HGT235BEK HGT235SK 4 11,603 No Charge Standard 319 746 Call Factory Call Factory Hot Gas Defrost Models with PSC Motors - 115/1/60 - HGT035SK 6 1,988 No Charge Standard 122 395 Call Factory Call Factory - HGT040SK 6 2,140 No Charge Standard 122 395 Call Factory Call Factory - HGT047SK 6 2,454 No Charge Standard 122 395 Call Factory Call Factory - HGT065SK 6 2,902 No Charge Standard 168 395 Call Factory Call Factory - HGT075SK 6 3,208 No Charge Standard 168 395 Call Factory Call Factory - HGT090SK 6 3,537 No Charge Standard 168 395 Call Factory Call Factory - HGT120SK 6 4,205 No Charge Standard 208 395 Call Factory Call Factory - HGT140SK 6 4,972 No Charge Standard 208 395 Call Factory Call Factory - HGT160SK 6 5,425 No Charge Standard 255 395 Call Factory Call Factory - HGT180SK 6 6,163 No Charge Standard 255 395 Call Factory Call Factory - HGT200SK 6 6,507 No Charge Standard 281 395 Call Factory Call Factory - HGT240SK 6 7,700 No Charge Standard 319 746 Call Factory Call Factory - HGT280SK 6 8,812 No Charge Standard 319 746 Call Factory Call Factory - HGT041SK 4 2,077 No Charge Standard 122 395 Call Factory Call Factory - HGT068SK 4 3,403 No Charge Standard 168 395 Call Factory Call Factory - HGT080SK 4 3,619 No Charge Standard 168 395 Call Factory Call Factory - HGT102SK 4 4,121 No Charge Standard 208 395 Call Factory Call Factory - HGT136SK 4 5,369 No Charge Standard 255 395 Call Factory Call Factory - HGT170SK 4 6,627 No Charge Standard 281 395 Call Factory Call Factory - HGT204SK 4 7,736 No Charge Standard 319 746 Call Factory Call Factory - HGT235SK 4 8,830 No Charge Standard 319 746 Call Factory Call Factory Federal Regulation Requires EC Motors! Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors 1C - 16 Notes: • Adjustable Defrost Term. / Fan Delay is standard. • When using hot gas defrost units on 0°F degree applications and below, an insulated drain pan is required for models with hot gas drain pans. • TXV = Expansion Valve • PSC-TE Fan Motors, Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan, and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Walk-In Unit Coolers Low Profile Hot Gas Defrost Models & Options • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Bohn Configurable Model FPI List Price ($US) Drain Pan Options Mechanical Options Hot Gas Loop Insulated TXV ElectroFin Coil Bronz-Glow Electric Coil Options Hot Gas Defrost Models with PSC Motors - 208-230/1/60 - HGT035SK 6 2,037 No Charge Standard 122 395 Call Factory Call Factory - HGT040SK 6 2,196 No Charge Standard 122 395 Call Factory Call Factory - HGT047SK 6 2,517 No Charge Standard 122 395 Call Factory Call Factory - HGT065SK 6 3,108 No Charge Standard 168 395 Call Factory Call Factory - HGT075SK 6 3,414 No Charge Standard 168 395 Call Factory Call Factory - HGT090SK 6 3,793 No Charge Standard 168 395 Call Factory Call Factory - HGT120SK 6 4,502 No Charge Standard 208 395 Call Factory Call Factory - HGT140SK 6 5,167 No Charge Standard 208 395 Call Factory Call Factory - HGT160SK 6 5,808 No Charge Standard 255 395 Call Factory Call Factory - HGT180SK 6 6,667 No Charge Standard 255 395 Call Factory Call Factory - HGT200SK 6 6,962 No Charge Standard 281 395 Call Factory Call Factory - HGT240SK 6 8,341 No Charge Standard 319 746 Call Factory Call Factory - HGT280SK 6 9,580 No Charge Standard 319 746 Call Factory Call Factory - HGT041SK 4 2,132 No Charge Standard 122 395 Call Factory Call Factory - HGT068SK 4 3,498 No Charge Standard 168 395 Call Factory Call Factory - HGT080SK 4 3,731 No Charge Standard 168 395 Call Factory Call Factory - HGT102SK 4 4,414 No Charge Standard 208 395 Call Factory Call Factory - HGT136SK 4 5,743 No Charge Standard 255 395 Call Factory Call Factory - HGT170SK 4 7,087 No Charge Standard 281 395 Call Factory Call Factory - HGT204SK 4 8,274 No Charge Standard 319 746 Call Factory Call Factory - HGT235SK 4 9,484 No Charge Standard 319 746 Call Factory Call Factory Section 1 Bohn Standard Model Hot Gas Defrost Models with PSC Motors - 460/1/60 - HGT035SK 6 2,038 No Charge Standard 122 395 Call Factory Call Factory - HGT040SK 6 2,195 No Charge Standard 122 395 Call Factory Call Factory - HGT047SK 6 2,520 No Charge Standard 122 395 Call Factory Call Factory - HGT065SK 6 3,111 No Charge Standard 168 395 Call Factory Call Factory - HGT075SK 6 3,416 No Charge Standard 168 395 Call Factory Call Factory - HGT090SK 6 3,797 No Charge Standard 168 395 Call Factory Call Factory - HGT120SK 6 4,504 No Charge Standard 208 395 Call Factory Call Factory - HGT140SK 6 5,170 No Charge Standard 208 395 Call Factory Call Factory - HGT160SK 6 5,817 No Charge Standard 255 395 Call Factory Call Factory - HGT180SK 6 6,673 No Charge Standard 255 395 Call Factory Call Factory Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors Rev. 03/12 Section 5 Federal Regulation Requires EC Motors! Notes: • Adjustable Defrost Term. / Fan Delay is standard. • When using hot gas defrost units on 0°F degree applications and below, an insulated drain pan is required for models with hot gas drain pans. • TXV = Expansion Valve • PSC-TE Fan Motors, Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan, and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 1C - 17 Walk-In Unit Coolers Hot Gas Defrost Models & Options Low Profile • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Section 1 Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Bohn Standard Model Bohn Configurable Model FPI - HGT200SK 6 - HGT240SK 6 - HGT280SK - HGT041SK - List Price ($US) Drain Pan Options Mechanical Options Electric Hot Gas Loop Insulated TXV ElectroFin Coil Bronz-Glow 6,970 No Charge Standard 281 395 Call Factory Call Factory 8,354 No Charge Standard 319 746 Call Factory Call Factory 6 9,593 No Charge Standard 319 746 Call Factory Call Factory 4 2,096 No Charge Standard 122 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT068SK 4 3,420 No Charge Standard 168 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT080SK 4 3,651 No Charge Standard 168 395 Call Factory Call Factory - HGT102SK 4 4,298 No Charge Standard 208 395 Call Factory Call Factory - HGT136SK 4 5,583 No Charge Standard 255 395 Call Factory Call Factory - HGT170SK 4 6,890 No Charge Standard 281 395 Call Factory Call Factory - HGT204SK 4 8,036 No Charge Standard 319 746 Call Factory Call Factory - HGT235SK 4 9,246 No Charge Standard 319 746 Call Factory Call Factory Coil Options Hot Gas Defrost Models with Shaded Pole Motors - 115/1/60 HGT035AK HGT035SK 6 1,827 No Charge Standard 122 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT040AK HGT040SK 6 1,979 No Charge Standard 122 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT047AK HGT047SK 6 2,293 No Charge Standard 122 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT065AK HGT065SK 6 2,580 No Charge Standard 168 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT075AK HGT075SK 6 2,886 No Charge Standard 168 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT090AK HGT090SK 6 3,215 No Charge Standard 168 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT120AK HGT120SK 6 3,722 No Charge Standard 208 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT140AK HGT140SK 6 4,489 No Charge Standard 208 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT160AK HGT160SK 6 4,781 No Charge Standard 255 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT180AK HGT180SK 6 5,519 No Charge Standard 255 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT200AK HGT200SK 6 5,702 No Charge Standard 281 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT240AK HGT240SK 6 6,734 No Charge Standard 319 746 Call Factory Call Factory HGT280AK HGT280SK 6 7,846 No Charge Standard 319 746 Call Factory Call Factory HGT041AK HGT041SK 4 1,916 No Charge Standard 122 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT068AK HGT068SK 4 3,081 No Charge Standard 168 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT080AK HGT080SK 4 3,297 No Charge Standard 168 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT102AK HGT102SK 4 3,638 No Charge Standard 208 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT136AK HGT136SK 4 4,725 No Charge Standard 255 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT170AK HGT170SK 4 5,822 No Charge Standard 281 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT204AK HGT204SK 4 6,770 No Charge Standard 319 746 Call Factory Call Factory HGT235AK HGT235SK 4 7,864 No Charge Standard 319 746 Call Factory Call Factory Federal Regulation Requires EC Motors! Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors 1C - 18 Notes: • Adjustable Defrost Term. / Fan Delay is standard. • When using hot gas defrost units on 0°F degree applications and below, an insulated drain pan is required for models with hot gas drain pans. • TXV = Expansion Valve • PSC-TE Fan Motors, Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan, and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Walk-In Unit Coolers Low Profile Hot Gas Defrost Models & Options • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Bohn Configurable Model FPI List Price ($US) Drain Pan Options Mechanical Options Hot Gas Loop Insulated TXV ElectroFin Coil Bronz-Glow Electric Coil Options Hot Gas Defrost Models with Shaded Pole Motors - 208-230/1/60 HGT035BK HGT035SK 6 1,876 No Charge Standard 122 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT040BK HGT040SK 6 2,035 No Charge Standard 122 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT047BK HGT047SK 6 2,356 No Charge Standard 122 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT065BK HGT065SK 6 2,786 No Charge Standard 168 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT075BK HGT075SK 6 3,092 No Charge Standard 168 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT090BK HGT090SK 6 3,471 No Charge Standard 168 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT120BK HGT120SK 6 4,019 No Charge Standard 208 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT140BK HGT140SK 6 4,684 No Charge Standard 208 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT160BK HGT160SK 6 5,164 No Charge Standard 255 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT180BK HGT180SK 6 6,023 No Charge Standard 255 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT200BK HGT200SK 6 6,157 No Charge Standard 281 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT240BK HGT240SK 6 7,375 No Charge Standard 319 746 Call Factory Call Factory HGT280BK HGT280SK 6 8,614 No Charge Standard 319 746 Call Factory Call Factory HGT041BK HGT041SK 4 1,971 No Charge Standard 122 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT068BK HGT068SK 4 3,176 No Charge Standard 168 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT080BK HGT080SK 4 3,409 No Charge Standard 168 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT102BK HGT102SK 4 3,931 No Charge Standard 208 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT136BK HGT136SK 4 5,099 No Charge Standard 255 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT170BK HGT170SK 4 6,282 No Charge Standard 281 395 Call Factory Call Factory HGT204BK HGT204SK 4 7,308 No Charge Standard 319 746 Call Factory Call Factory HGT235BK HGT235SK 4 8,518 No Charge Standard 319 746 Call Factory Call Factory Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors Rev. 03/12 Section 5 Federal Regulation Requires EC Motors! Notes: • Adjustable Defrost Term. / Fan Delay is standard. • When using hot gas defrost units on 0°F degree applications and below, an insulated drain pan is required for models with hot gas drain pans. • TXV = Expansion Valve • PSC-TE Fan Motors, Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan, and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Section 1 Bohn Standard Model 1C - 19 Walk-In Unit Coolers Low Profile Hot Gas Reverse Cycle Kits Need a Hot Gas Reverse Cycle Kit? Use the instructions below to help select the appropriate kit. Still need help? Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. Section 1 Selection Instructions: 1. Decide if kits are to be shipped-loose or factory-installed. 2. Select the correct TXV bypass kit based on unit model number and TXV style. Selections for units with the electric drain pan option are finished. For units with the standard hot gas drain pan, please proceed with instructions 3 and 4. 3. Select the appropriate drain pan and suction-line check valve kits based on unit model number. Drain pan and suction-line check valves and piping can be supplied by others but are necessary to complete the piping. 4. If room temperature is 0°F or below, please select an insulated drain pan as a factory-installed option. Selection for hot gas pan unit is finished. When placing an order, please specify: • Unit model number • Drain pan type (hot gas or electric). If ordering hot gas pan, indicate whether unit is to have insulated pan. • Reverse cycle kit option codes or part numbers. If ordering factory-mounted kits, please specify TXV style, refrigerant, saturated suction temperature (SST) and liquid temperature. TXV Bypass Assembly Kits Factory-Installed Bohn Hot Gas Models Type EG Type HFESC Type SQE/SBF Option Code Option Code Option Code Shipped-Loose List Price Adder Type EG Type HFESC Type SQE/SBF ($US) Part Number Part Number Part Number List Price ($US) 6 FPI 4 FPI 035 - 075 041 - 080 RCBP.EG-1 RCBP.HF-1 RCBP.SQ-1 1,108 50169213 50169216 50169210 147 090 - 160 102 - 204 RCBP.EG-2 RCBP.HF-2 RCBP.SQ-2 1,108 50169214 50169217 50169211 147 180 - 280 235 RCBP.EG-3 RCBP.HF-3 RCBP.SQ-3 1,108 50169215 50169218 50169212 147 Notes: • Factory-Installed Kits include the TXV price. Customer must specify valve model, refrigerant and SST on order. • Shipped-Loose Kits do NOT include the TXV price. Check Valve Kits Only available for models with the standard hot gas loop drain pan. Bohn Hot Gas Models 6 FPI 4 FPI Drain Pan Loop Check Valve Kit Factory-Installed Option Code List Price Adder ($US) Suction Line Check Valve Kit Shipped-Loose Part Number Factory-Installed Shipped-Loose List Price ($US) Option Code List Price Adder ($US) Part Number List Price ($US) 035 - 065 041 DPLC.CV-1 754 50169304 136 SLCV.CV-1 832 50169604 217 075 - 140 068 - 102 DPLC.CV-2 754 50169305 136 SLCV.CV-2 832 50169605 217 160 - 280 136 - 235 DPLC.CV-3 754 50169306 136 SLCV.CV-3 832 50169606 217 Notes: • It is recommended that the customer order both check valve kits. • Shipped-Loose Kits do NOT include the valve prices. • The drain pan check valve kit can be ordered as an independent item, but the suction-line check valve kit must be ordered with the drain pan check valve kit in order to complete the piping 1C - 20 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Walk-In Unit Coolers Low Profile Hot Gas 3-Pipe Kits Need a Hot Gas 3-Pipe Kit? Use the instructions below to help select the appropriate kit. Still need help? Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. 1. Decide if kits are to be shipped-loose or factory-installed. 2. Select the appropriate 3-pipe kits based on unit model number. Drain pan loop check valve and piping can be supplied by others but are necessary to complete the piping. 3. If room temperature is 0°F or below, please select an insulated drain pan as a factory-installed option. Selection for hot gas pan unit is finished. When placing an order, please specify: Section 1 Selection Instructions: • Unit model number • Drain pan type (hot gas or electric). If ordering hot gas pan, indicate whether unit is to have insulated pan. • 3-Pipe kit option codes or part numbers. If ordering factory-mounted kits, please specify TXV style, refrigerant, saturated suction temperature (SST) and liquid temperature. TXV Bypass Assembly Kits Bohn Hot Gas Models 6 FPI 4 FPI 035 - 075 041 - 080 090 - 160 102 - 204 180 - 280 235 Factory-Installed Shipped-Loose List Price List Type EG Type HFESC Type SQE/SBF Adder Type EG Type HFESC Type SQE/SBF Price ($US) Option Code Option Code Option Code Part Number Part Number Part Number ($US) PIP.EG-1 PIP.HF-1 PIP.SQ-1 1,061 50169413 50169416 50169410 107 PIP.EG-2 PIP.HF-2 PIP.SQ-2 PIP.EG-3 PIP.HF-3 PIP.SQ-3 1,061 50169414 50169417 50169411 107 1,061 50169415 50169418 50169412 107 Notes: • Factory-Installed Kits include the TXV price. Customer must specify valve model, refrigerant and SST on order. • Shipped-Loose Kits do NOT include the TXV price. Check Valve Kits Only available for models with the standard hot gas loop drain pan. Bohn Hot Gas Models Drain Pan Loop Check Valve Kit Factory-Installed Shipped - Loose 6 FPI 4 FPI Option Code List Price Adder ($US) Part Number List Price ($US) 035 - 065 041 PIPCV.CV-1 754 50169504 132 075 - 140 068 - 102 PIPCV.CV-2 754 50169505 132 160 - 280 136 - 235 PIPCV.CV-3 754 50169506 132 Notes: • Shipped-Loose Kits do NOT include the valve prices. Section 5 Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 1C - 21 Walk-In Unit Coolers Low Profile Shipped-Loose Accessories A wide range of shipped-loose accessories are available to order. Can’t Find Something or need help selecting the appropriate accessory for your unit? Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. Description List Price ($US) Notes 2891040 Room Thermostat 256 - 28963101 Electronic Room Thermostat 324 - 4267W Adjustable Defrost Control / Fan Delay Switch 240 - 21340101 Defrost Timer (60 Hz) 300 - 5505-R 30-Amp Contactor 321 Use as fan or heater contactor - Part Number Section 1 Room Thermostats Defrost Controls Check Valves 4146T 5/8” Suction Line Check Valve 85 5890C 7/8” Suction Line Check Valve 181 - 5889C 1 1/8” Suction Line Check Valve 351 - 2933022 1 3/8” Suction Line Check Valve 724 - 6 ft. Drain Line heater (208-230V, 42 Watts) 130 - 5594P 12 ft. Drain Line heater (208-230V, 84 Watts) 142 - 5595P 18 ft. Drain Line heater (208-230V, 126 Watts) 168 - 5596P 36 ft. Drain Line heater (208-230V, 252 Watts) 257 - 5597P 60 ft. Drain Line heater (208-230V, 420 Watts) 475 - 24200004 Heat Exchanger used on 035 - 047 (6FPI) and 041 - 068 (4FPI) Electric & Hot Gas Defrost Models 213 3/8” Liquid Connection OD, 5/8” Suction Connecction OD, 14” Length, 2lbs Approx. Ship Wt. 24200005 Heat Exchanger used on 065 - 094 (6FPI) and 080 - 105 (4FPI) Electric & Hot Gas Defrost Models 233 3/8” Liquid Connection OD, 7/8” Suction Connecction OD, 14” Length, 2lbs Approx. Ship Wt. 24200006 Heat Exchanger used on 120 - 140 (6FPI) and 136 - 139 (4FPI) Electric & Hot Gas Defrost Models 251 1/2” Liquid Connection OD, 7/8” Suction Connecction OD, 11” Length, 2lbs Approx. Ship Wt. 24200007 Heat Exchanger used on 160 - 180 (6FPI) and 170 - 174 (4FPI) Electric & Hot Gas Defrost Models 273 1/2” Liquid Connection OD, 1-1/8”” Suction Connecction OD, 14” Length, 2lbs Approx. Ship Wt. 24200008 Heat Exchanger used on 200 - 280 (6FPI) and 204 - 235 (4FPI) Electric & Hot Gas Defrost Models 457 5/8” Liquid Connection OD, 1-3/8”” Suction Connecction OD, 14” Length, 3lbs Approx. Ship Wt. Drain Line Heaters 5508Q Heat Exchangers Expansion Valves (TXV) When placing order, please specify refrigerant type, saturated suction temperature (SST), liquid temperature, and room temperature. Part List Price Number ($US) TXV024 298 Capacity Range (BTUH) 24,000 BTUH and under TXV036 298 24,000 BTUH to 36,000 BTUH TXV060 483 36,000 BTUH to 60,000 BTUH Liquid-line Solenoid Valves (LLSV) Part List Price Number ($US) Capacity Range (R-404A) Size Medium Temperature Application (BTUH) Low Temperature Application (BTUH) 29318013 284 3/8 12,000 BTUH and under 11,000 BTUH and under 4502Z 284 3/8 12,000 BTUH to 24,000 BTUH 11,000 BTUH to 21,000 BTUH 29318011 307 3/8 24,000 BTUH to 44,000 BTUH 21,000 BTUH to 38,000 BTUH 29318012 307 1/2 36,000 BTUH to 51,000 BTUH 31,000 BTUH to 44,000 BTUH 1C - 22 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Walk-In Unit Coolers Low Flow Overview Product Description Low Flow unit coolers, available in air, electric, and hot gas defrost, are ideal for meat storage and preparation rooms, floral coolers, dough retarding and many other applications requiring low air velocities and low sound levels. With low velocity unit coolers, high humidities can be maintained to prevent product drying and weight loss. These units are ideal for any type of workroom where human comfort is important. Opting for EC motors makes this product qualified to be included in the E Solutions™ product portfolio because of increased energy efficiency and cost savings. Ease of Installation & Service • All factory installed electrical components are wired to a terminal board in the junction box making field wiring quick and easy • Access port on the suction connection allows superheat to be easily and accurately set • Motors are factory-wired to unit junction box for fast installation Reliable & Durable • Rust-free, all-aluminum white case with louvered intake grille for attractive appearance • Sweat-type cooling coil connections reduce the potential for leaks • Nickel-steel alloy heaters provide a positive defrost and have long life • Hot gas models use inner drain pans with low-wattage electric heaters. This eliminates the braze joints and tubing associated with hot gas drain pan loops Performance • Statically and dynamically balanced fans are designed for quiet air movement • Electric defrost coils have a hermetically sealed defrost termination thermostat that does not require adjustment. Hot gas defrost units are available with an optional adjustable defrost termination thermostat (shipped-loose accessory). • Cross-fin cooling coils with corrugated aluminum fins spaced 6 FPI & 3/8” OD staggered copper tubes provide optimum heat transfer and reduce the amount of refrigerant required • Generous coil surface helps to maintain steady room temperature and minimize product shrinkage • All models use inner drain pans to reduce sweating • Thermal overload protected motors are resiliently mounted inside the unit to assure minimum noise level Versatile • Inlet connection allows for external mounting of TXV Section 1 Standard Features Certifications Nomenclature Section 5 Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 1C - 23 Walk-In Unit Coolers Performance & Specification Data Low Flow Performance Data (All Models) – 60 HZ * = D for electric defrost, G for hot gas defrost. Section 1 Bohn Base Model Capacity (BTUH) 10°F TD 25°F SST 15°F TD 25°F SST Fan Data 20°F TD 25°F SST No. of Fans CFM LO*070 7,000 10,500 14,000 2 1,200 LO*087 8,700 13,050 17,400 2 1,200 LO*118 11,800 17,700 23,600 2 1,300 LO*125 12,500 18,750 25,000 2 1,300 LO*150 15,000 22,500 30,000 2 1,900 LO*165 16,500 24,750 33,000 2 1,900 LO*189 18,900 28,350 37,800 2 2,400 LO*225 22,500 33,750 45,000 2 2,700 LO*266 26,600 39,900 53,200 2 3,200 Fan Motors (All Models) * = D for electric defrost, G for hot gas defrost. 115/1/60 not available on Electric Defrost Models Bohn Base Model Shaded Pole Motor 115/1/60 Amps PSC Motor 208-230/1/60 Watts Amps Watts 115/1/60 Amps Watts 208-230/1/60 Amps Watts EC Motor 460/1/60 Amps Watts 115/1/60 Amps Watts 208-230/1/60 Amps Watts LO*070 3.6 232 2.4 244 1.24 164 0.82 182 – – 1.8 57 1.0 59 LO*087 3.6 232 2.4 244 1.24 164 0.82 182 – – 1.8 57 1.0 59 LO*118 3.6 232 2.4 244 1.24 164 0.82 182 – – 1.8 57 1.0 59 LO*125 3.6 232 2.4 244 1.24 164 0.82 182 – – 1.8 57 1.0 59 LO*150 3.6 232 2.4 244 1.24 164 0.82 182 – – 1.8 57 1.0 59 LO*165 3.6 232 2.4 244 1.24 164 0.82 182 – – 1.8 57 1.0 59 LO*189 – – – – 2.8 230 1.4 230 0.8 288 4.8 210 2.4 215 LO*225 – – – – 2.8 230 1.4 230 0.8 288 4.8 210 2.4 215 LO*266 – – – – 2.8 230 1.4 230 0.8 288 4.8 210 2.4 215 Defrost Heaters (Electric Defrost Models) 208-230/1/60 Drain Pan Heaters (Hot Gas Models) 460/1/60 Bohn Base Model Amps Watts Amps Watts LOD070 11.5 2,650 – LOD087 11.5 2,650 – LOD118 16.7 3,850 LOD125 16.7 3,850 LOD150 16.7 LOD165 16.7 115/1/60 208-230/1/60 Bohn Base Model Amps Watts – LOG070 5.8 660 2.9 – LOG087 5.8 660 2.9 – – LOG118 8.4 960 4.2 – – LOG125 8.4 960 4.2 3,850 – – LOG150 8.4 960 3,850 – – LOG165 8.4 960 Amps Watts 460/1/60 Amps Watts 660 – – 660 – – 960 – – 960 – – 4.2 960 – – 4.2 960 – – LOD189 20.7 4,770 10.4 4,770 LOG189 10.4 1,190 5.2 1,190 2.6 1,190 LOD225 24.8 5,700 12.4 5,700 LOG225 12.4 1,426 6.2 1,426 3.1 1,426 LOD266 24.8 5,700 12.4 5,700 LOG266 12.4 1,426 6.2 1,426 3.1 1,426 1C - 24 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Walk-In Unit Coolers Low Flow Performance & Specification Data Section 1 H Dimensional Data (All Models) * = D for electric defrost, G for hot gas defrost. Dimensions (in.) Bohn Base Model A B C D E F G H LO*070 82 1/8 49 - 16 9/16 14 1/2 20 5/16 19 1/2 23 3/4 LO*087 82 1/8 49 - 16 9/16 14 1/2 20 5/16 19 1/2 23 3/4 LO*118 110 1/8 - 38 1/2 16 9/16 15 1/8 20 5/16 19 1/2 23 3/4 LO*125 110 1/8 - 38 1/2 16 9/16 15 1/8 20 5/16 19 1/2 23 3/4 LO*150 112 3/4 - 38 1/2 17 7/8 16 5/8 20 5/16 19 1/2 23 3/4 LO*165 112 3/4 - 38 1/2 17 7/8 16 5/8 20 5/16 19 1/2 23 3/4 LO*189 132 3/4 - 48 1/2 17 7/8 16 4/5 20 5/16 19 1/2 23 3/4 LO*225 151 3/4 - 58 17 7/8 16 4/5 20 5/16 19 1/2 23 3/4 LO*266 157 - 58 20 1/2 20 1/4 20 5/16 24 1/2 28 3/4 Connection Data Bohn Base Model Connections (in.) Coil Inlet OD Suction OD Hot Gas OD Approx. Net Weight (lbs.) Air Defrost Models Bohn Base Model Connections (in.) Coil Inlet OD Suction OD Hot Gas OD Approx. Net Weight (lbs.) Hot Gas Defrost Models LO070 1/2 7/8 - 178 LOG070 7/8 7/8 1/2 178 LO087 1/2 7/8 - 189 LOG087 7/8 7/8 1/2 189 LO118 1/2 7/8 - 262 LOG118 7/8 7/8 1/2 262 LO125 1/2 7/8 - 264 LOG125 7/8 7/8 1/2 264 LO150 1/2 7/8 - 280 LOG150 7/8 7/8 1/2 280 LO165 1/2 7/8 - 285 LOG165 7/8 7/8 1/2 285 LO189 1/2 7/8 - 298 LOG189 7/8 7/8 1/2 298 LO225 1/2 7/8 - 366 LOG225 7/8 7/8 1/2 366 LO266 1/2 7/8 - 405 LOG266 7/8 7/8 5/8 405 Electric Defrost Models 1/2 7/8 - 178 LOD087 1/2 7/8 - 189 LOD118 1/2 7/8 - 262 LOD125 1/2 7/8 - 264 LOD150 1/2 7/8 - 280 LOD165 1/2 7/8 - 285 LOD189 1/2 7/8 - 298 LOD225 1/2 7/8 - 366 LOD266 1/2 7/8 - 405 Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Section 5 LOD070 1C - 25 Walk-In Unit Coolers Low Flow Air Defrost Models & Options • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. Section 1 When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Bohn Standard Model Bohn Configurable Model List Price ($US) Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Coil Options ElectroFin Coil BohnGuard™ Fin Protection Bronz-Glow Air Defrost Models with EC Motors - 115/1/60 - LO070SE 5,226 Call Factory 2,007 Call Factory - LO087SE 5,472 Call Factory 2,007 Call Factory - LO118SE 6,445 Call Factory 2,007 Call Factory - LO125SE 6,840 Call Factory 2,007 Call Factory - LO150SE 7,228 Call Factory 2,007 Call Factory - LO165SE 7,974 Call Factory 2,007 Call Factory - LO189SE 8,723 Call Factory 2,429 Call Factory - LO225SE 9,436 Call Factory 2,429 Call Factory - LO266SE 10,156 Call Factory 2,429 Call Factory Air Defrost Models with EC Motors - 208-230/1/60 - LO070SE 5,393 Call Factory 2,007 Call Factory - LO087SE 5,634 Call Factory 2,007 Call Factory - LO118SE 6,608 Call Factory 2,007 Call Factory - LO125SE 7,005 Call Factory 2,007 Call Factory - LO150SE 7,400 Call Factory 2,007 Call Factory - LO165SE 8,140 Call Factory 2,007 Call Factory - LO189SE 8,882 Call Factory 2,429 Call Factory - LO225SE 9,600 Call Factory 2,429 Call Factory - LO266SE 10,318 Call Factory 2,429 Call Factory Air Defrost Models with PSC Motors - 115/1/60 - LO070SE 4,470 Call Factory 2,007 Call Factory - LO087SE 4,716 Call Factory 2,007 Call Factory - LO118SE 5,689 Call Factory 2,007 Call Factory - LO125SE 6,084 Call Factory 2,007 Call Factory - LO150SE 6,472 Call Factory 2,007 Call Factory - LO165SE 7,218 Call Factory 2,007 Call Factory LO189AE LO189SE 7,630 Call Factory 2,429 Call Factory LO225AE LO225SE 8,343 Call Factory 2,429 Call Factory LO266AE LO266SE 9,063 Call Factory 2,429 Call Factory Federal Regulation Requires EC Motors! Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) Notes: • Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors. 1C - 26 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Walk-In Unit Coolers Low Flow Air Defrost Models & Options • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Bohn Configurable Model List Price ($US) Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Coil Options ElectroFin Coil BohnGuard™ Fin Protection Bronz-Glow Section 1 Bohn Standard Model Air Defrost Models with PSC Motors - 208-230/1/60 - LO070SE 4,637 Call Factory 2,007 Call Factory - LO087SE 4,878 Call Factory 2,007 Call Factory - LO118SE 5,852 Call Factory 2,007 Call Factory - LO125SE 6,249 Call Factory 2,007 Call Factory - LO150SE 6,644 Call Factory 2,007 Call Factory - LO165SE 7,384 Call Factory 2,007 Call Factory LO189BE LO189SE 7,789 Call Factory 2,429 Call Factory LO225BE LO225SE 8,507 Call Factory 2,429 Call Factory LO266BE LO266SE 9,225 Call Factory 2,429 Call Factory 2,007 Call Factory Air Defrost Models with Shaded Pole Motors - 115/1/60 LO070AE LO070SE 4,132 Call Factory LO087AE LO087SE 4,378 Call Factory 2,007 Call Factory LO118AE LO118SE 5,351 Call Factory 2,007 Call Factory LO125AE LO125SE 5,746 Call Factory 2,007 Call Factory LO150AE LO150SE 6,134 Call Factory 2,007 Call Factory LO165AE LO165SE 6,880 Call Factory 2,007 Call Factory Air Defrost Models with Shaded Pole Motors - 208-230/1/60 LO070BE LO070SE 4,299 Call Factory 2,007 Call Factory LO087BE LO087SE 4,540 Call Factory 2,007 Call Factory LO118BE LO118SE 5,514 Call Factory 2,007 Call Factory LO125BE LO125SE 5,911 Call Factory 2,007 Call Factory LO150BE LO150SE 6,306 Call Factory 2,007 Call Factory LO165BE LO165SE 7,046 Call Factory 2,007 Call Factory Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) Notes: • Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors. Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 1C - 27 Section 5 Federal Regulation Requires EC Motors! Walk-In Unit Coolers Low Flow Electric Defrost Models & Options • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. Section 1 When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Bohn Standard Model Bohn Configurable Model List Price ($US) Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Electrical Options Coil Options Fixed Defrost Term. Thermostat Bronz-Glow Electric Defrost Models with EC Motors - 208-230/1/60 - LOD070SE 5,701 Standard Call Factory - LOD087SE 6,327 Standard Call Factory - LOD118SE 7,796 Standard Call Factory - LOD125SE 8,005 Standard Call Factory - LOD150SE 8,185 Standard Call Factory - LOD165SE 9,452 Standard Call Factory - LOD189SE 9,887 Standard Call Factory - LOD225SE 10,982 Standard Call Factory - LOD266SE 11,552 Standard Call Factory Electric Defrost Models with PSC Motors - 208-230/1/60 - LOD070SE 4,945 Standard Call Factory - LOD087SE 5,571 Standard Call Factory - LOD118SE 7,040 Standard Call Factory - LOD125SE 7,249 Standard Call Factory - LOD150SE 7,429 Standard Call Factory - LOD165SE 8,696 Standard Call Factory LOD189BE LOD189SE 8,793 Standard Call Factory LOD225BE LOD225SE 9,889 Standard Call Factory LOD266BE LOD266SE 10,458 Standard Call Factory Electric Defrost Models with Shaded Pole Motors - 208-230/1/60 LOD070BE LOD070SE 4,607 Standard Call Factory LOD087BE LOD087SE 5,233 Standard Call Factory LOD118BE LOD118SE 6,702 Standard Call Factory LOD125BE LOD125SE 6,911 Standard Call Factory LOD150BE LOD150SE 7,091 Standard Call Factory LOD165BE LOD165SE 8,358 Standard Call Factory Federal Regulation Requires EC Motors! Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors. 1C - 28 Notes: • Electric Drain Pan is standard on electric defrost models. • Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Walk-In Unit Coolers Low Flow Hot Gas Defrost Models & Options • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Bohn Configurable Model List Price ($US) Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Coil Options Section 1 Bohn Standard Model Bronz-Glow Hot Gas Defrost Models with EC Motors - 115/1/60 - LOG070SE 5,606 Call Factory - LOG087SE 6,229 Call Factory - LOG118SE 7,696 Call Factory - LOG125SE 7,904 Call Factory - LOG150SE 8,091 Call Factory - LOG165SE 9,348 Call Factory - LOG189SE 9,787 Call Factory - LOG225SE 10,882 Call Factory - LOG266SE 11,452 Call Factory Hot Gas Defrost Models with EC Motors - 208-230/1/60 - LOG070SE 5,771 Call Factory - LOG087SE 6,392 Call Factory - LOG118SE 7,859 Call Factory - LOG125SE 8,067 Call Factory - LOG150SE 8,253 Call Factory - LOG165SE 9,519 Call Factory - LOG189SE 9,951 Call Factory - LOG225SE 11,049 Call Factory - LOG266SE 11,619 Call Factory Hot Gas Defrost Models with PSC Motors - 115/1/60 - LOG070SE 4,850 Call Factory - LOG087SE 5,473 Call Factory - LOG118SE 6,940 Call Factory - LOG125SE 7,148 Call Factory - LOG150SE 7,335 Call Factory - LOG165SE 8,592 Call Factory LOG189AE LOG189SE 8,693 Call Factory LOG225AE LOG225SE 9,789 Call Factory LOG266AE LOG266SE 10,358 Call Factory Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors. Rev. 03/12 Look on page 1C-31 for the available kits in the Shipped-Loose Accessories. Section 5 Federal Regulation Requires EC Motors! Need a Reverse Cycle Kit? Notes: • Electric Drain Pan is standard on hot gas defrost models. Hot gas loop not available. • Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 1C - 29 Walk-In Unit Coolers Low Flow Hot Gas Defrost Models & Options • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. Section 1 When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Bohn Standard Model Bohn Configurable Model List Price ($US) Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Coil Options Bronz-Glow Hot Gas Defrost Models with PSC Motors - 208-230/1/60 - LOG070SE 5,015 Call Factory - LOG087SE 5,636 Call Factory - LOG118SE 7,103 Call Factory - LOG125SE 7,311 Call Factory - LOG150SE 7,497 Call Factory - LOG165SE 8,763 Call Factory LOG189BE LOG189SE 8,858 Call Factory LOG225BE LOG225SE 9,955 Call Factory LOG266BE LOG266SE 10,525 Call Factory Hot Gas Defrost Models with Shaded Pole Motors - 115/1/60 LOG070AE LOG070SE 4,512 Call Factory LOG087AE LOG087SE 5,135 Call Factory LOG118AE LOG118SE 6,602 Call Factory LOG125AE LOG125SE 6,810 Call Factory LOG150AE LOG150SE 6,997 Call Factory LOG165AE LOG165SE 8,254 Call Factory Hot Gas Defrost Models with Shaded Pole Motors - 208-230/1/60 LOG070BE LOG070SE 4,677 Call Factory LOG087BE LOG087SE 5,298 Call Factory LOG118BE LOG118SE 6,765 Call Factory LOG125BE LOG125SE 6,973 Call Factory LOG150BE LOG150SE 7,159 Call Factory LOG165BE LOG165SE 8,425 Call Factory Federal Regulation Requires EC Motors! Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors. 1C - 30 Need a Reverse Cycle Kit? Look on page 1C-31 for the available kits in the Shipped-Loose Accessories. Notes: • Electric Drain Pan is standard on hot gas defrost models. Hot gas loop not available. • Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Walk-In Unit Coolers Low Flow Shipped-Loose Accessories Can’t Find Something or need help selecting the appropriate accessory for your unit? Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. Description List Price ($US) Notes 2891040 Room Thermostat 256 - 28963101 Electronic Room Thermostat 324 - Adjustable Defrost Control / Fan Delay Switch 240 - 7/8” Suction Line Check Valve 181 - 6 ft. Drain Line Heater (208-230V, 42 Watts) 130 - 5594P 12 ft. Drain Line Heater (208-230V, 84 Watts) 142 - 5595P 18 ft. Drain Line Heater (208-230V, 126 Watts) 168 - 5596P 36 ft. Drain Line Heater (208-230V, 252 Watts) 257 - 5597P 60 ft. Drain Line Heater (208-230V, 420 Watts) 475 - Air Filters 336 Use on Models LO/LOD/LOG 070-125 Part Number Section 1 Room Thermostats Defrost Controls 4267W Check Valves 5890C Drain Line Heaters 5508Q Air Filters 89900801 89900802 Air Filters 281 Use on Models LO/LOD/LOG 150-225 89900803 Air Filters 281 Use on Models LO/LOD/LOG 266 24200005 Heat Exchanger used on 070 - 118 Electric & Hot Gas Defrost Models 233 3/8” Liquid Connection OD, 7/8” Suction Connecction OD, 14” Length, 2lbs Approx. Ship Wt. 24200006 Heat Exchanger used on 125 - 165 Electric & Hot Gas Defrost Models 251 1/2” Liquid Connection OD, 7/8” Suction Connecction OD, 11” Length, 2lbs Approx. Ship Wt. 24200007 Heat Exchanger used on 189 - 225 Electric & Hot Gas Defrost Models 273 1/2” Liquid Connection OD, 1-1/8”” Suction Connecction OD, 14” Length, 2lbs Approx. Ship Wt. 24200008 Heat Exchanger used on 266 Electric & Hot Gas Defrost Models 457 5/8” Liquid Connection OD, 1-3/8”” Suction Connecction OD, 14” Length, 3lbs Approx. Ship Wt. Heat Exchangers Expansion Valves (TXV) When placing order, please specify refrigerant type, saturated suction temperature (SST), liquid temperature, and room temperature. Part Number List Price ($US) TXV024 298 24,000 BTUH and under TXV036 298 24,000 BTUH to 36,000 BTUH TXV060 483 36,000 BTUH to 60,000 BTUH Capacity Range (BTUH) Liquid-line Solenoid Valves (LLSV) Capacity Range (R-404A) Part Number List Price ($US) 29318013 284 3/8 12,000 BTUH and under 4502Z 284 3/8 12,000 BTUH to 24,000 BTUH 29318011 307 3/8 24,000 BTUH to 44,000 BTUH 29318012 307 1/2 36,000 BTUH to 51,000 BTUH 5766Y 307 1/2 51,000 BTUH to 72,000 BTUH • Electric pan is standard on all hot gas models. Hot gas loop not available. • Kits includes one check valve and piping for liquid bypass around expansion valve and instructions for field installation. TXV Bypass Kits Bohn Models Used On Part Number List Price ($US) LOG070 - LOG225 89900901 276 LOG266 89901001 466 Medium Temperature Application (BTUH) List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Section 5 Rev. 03/12 Size Hot Gas Reverse Cycle Kits (Hot Gas Models Only) 1C - 31 Walk-In Unit Coolers Low Velocity Center Mount Overview Section 1 Standard Features Product Description The low velocity center mount units, available in air, electric, and hot gas defrost, are ideal for floral storage, fresh fruit and vegetables, dough retarding, fresh meat storage and preparations, and many other applications. The low air flow and quiet fans are classically suited for work room applications. The generous coil surface combined with close T.D. system balance provides high humidity characteristics to minimize product shrinkage and drying. Opting for EC motors or the Beacon II™ Refrigeration System makes this product qualified to be included in the E Solutions™product portfolio because of increased energy efficiency and cost savings. Certifications Ease of Installation & Service • Liquid line solenoid wire harness is factory-installed for quick installation • All electrical components factory wired to terminal board and identified, making it easy to field wire the unit • Cabinet design features access panels on each end for easy access to electrical and refrigeration components • Fan panel is lightweight and can easily be lowered for easy servicing and installation • Expansion valve mounts inside the cabinet Reliable & Durable • Heavy gauge grained aluminum cabinet cleans easily and looks attractive • Stainless steel screws prevent rust streaks • Wire fan guards with PVC coating for durability • Sweat connections to reduce potential for leaks • Coils are dehydrated and sealed at the factory • Double drain pan eliminates drain pan sweating • Motor rail is design for maximum strength and durability Performance • Internally enhanced tubing and fin design for higher efficiency • Electric defrost models incorporate high quality tubular heaters and a standard fixed defrost termination thermostat • Hot gas defrost models come with a shipped-loose adjustable fan delay and defrost termination thermostat • Motors are life lubricated and thermal overload protected Versatile • Low height makes it ideal for low ceiling coolers - larger models are only 15 inches tall, allowing for maximum headroom and more product storage • Unit designed to be mounted flush against the ceiling or suspended on rods Nomenclature 1C - 32 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Walk-In Unit Coolers Performance & Specification Data Performance Data – 60 HZ Capacity (BTUH) Bohn Base Model 10°F TD 15°F TD 25°F SST 25°F SST Fan Data 50-55°F DB 50-55°F DB 55% RH 55% RH No. of 20°F TD 20°F TD Fans Total Sensible Defrost Heaters (Electric Defrost Models) Bohn Base Model CFM Air Defrost Models 208-230/1/60 Amps Watts WKE050 8.7 2,000 WKE075 10.5 2,400 WK050 5,000 7,500 10,000 8,500 1 725 WKE100 12.2 2,800 WK075 7,500 11,250 15,000 12,750 1 730 WKE130 17.4 4,000 WK100 10,000 15,000 20,000 17,000 2 1,450 WKE155 17.4 4,000 WK130 13,000 19,500 26,000 22,100 2 1,470 WKE180 17.4 4,000 WK155 15,500 23,250 31,000 26,350 2 1,460 WKE210 22.6 5,200 WK180 18,000 27,000 36,000 30,600 3 2,130 WKE270 22.6 5,200 WK210 21,000 31,500 42,000 35,700 4 2,840 WKE340 30.4 7,000 WK270 27,000 40,500 54,000 45,900 4 2,800 WK340 34,000 51,000 68,000 57,800 5 3,500 725 Electric Defrost Models WKE050 Drain Pan Heaters (Hot Gas Models) 730 Bohn Base Model Amps Watts 1,450 WKG100 3.0 2 1,470 WKG130 4.4 - 2 1,460 WKG155 - - 3 2,130 WKG180 31,500 - - 4 2,840 27,000 40,500 - - 4 2,800 34,000 51,000 - - 5 3,500 5,000 7,500 - - 1 WKE075 7,500 11,250 - - 1 WKE100 10,000 15,000 - - 2 WKE130 13,000 19,500 - - WKE155 15,500 23,250 - WKE180 18,000 27,000 WKE210 21,000 WKE270 WKE340 Section 1 Low Velocity Center Mount 115/1/60 208-230/1/60 Amps Watts 350 1.5 350 500 2.2 500 4.4 500 2.2 500 4.4 500 2.2 500 WKG210 5.7 650 2.8 650 WKG270 5.7 650 2.8 650 WKG340 7.6 875 3.8 875 Hot Gas Defrost Models WKG100 10,000 15,000 - - 2 1,450 WKG130 13,000 19,500 - - 2 1,470 WKG155 15,500 23,250 - - 2 1,460 WKG180 18,000 27,000 - - 3 2,130 WKG210 21,000 31,500 - - 4 2,840 WKG270 27,000 40,500 - - 4 2,800 WKG340 34,000 51,000 - - 5 3,500 Fan Motors (All Models) 115/1/60 not available on Electric Defrost Models. No. of Fans 115/1/60 PSC Motor 208-230/1/60 115/1/60 EC Motor 208-230/1/60 115/1/60 208-230/1/60 Amps Watts Amps Watts Amps Watts Amps Watts Amps Watts Amps Watts 1 2.1 135 1.1 135 0.9 90 0.5 90 0.9 55 0.5 55 2 4.2 270 2.2 270 1.8 180 1.0 180 1.8 110 1.0 110 3 6.3 405 3.3 405 2.7 270 1.5 270 2.7 165 1.5 165 4 8.4 540 4.4 540 3.6 360 2.0 360 3.6 220 2.0 220 5 10.5 675 5.5 675 4.5 450 2.5 450 4.5 275 2.5 275 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Section 5 Rev. 03/12 Shaded Pole Motor 1C - 33 Walk-In Unit Coolers Low Velocity Center Mount Performance & Specification Data E A H G J H L F G 3/8" DIA. MTG. HOLES Section 1 B C AIR OUT AIR OUT S DRAIN ELECTRICAL CONNECTION AIR IN REFRIGERANT CONNECTION (OPPOSITE SIDE) AIR IN Dimensional Data (All Models) REFRIGERANT CONNECTION D * = E for electric defrost, G for hot gas defrost. Bohn Base Model Dimensions (in.) A B C D E F G H J L P S WK*050 53 1/2 6 7/8 9 5/16 26 1/2 28 3/4 4 22 - 5 1/2 27 13/16 14 3/8 5 3/8 WK*075 75 1/2 6 7/8 9 5/16 26 1/2 28 3/4 4 22 11 5 1/2 27 13/16 14 3/8 5 3/8 WK*100 75 1/2 9 3/8 11 4/5 26 1/2 28 3/4 4 22 11 5 1/2 27 13/16 14 3/8 7 7/8 WK*130 75 1/2 13 1/8 15 1/2 26 1/2 28 3/4 4 22 11 5 1/2 27 13/16 14 3/8 11 7/16 WK*155 75 1/2 13 1/8 15 1/2 26 1/2 28 3/4 4 22 11 5 1/2 27 13/16 14 3/8 11 7/16 WK*180 75 1/2 13 1/8 15 1/2 26 1/2 28 3/4 4 22 11 5 1/2 27 13/16 14 3/8 11 7/16 WK*210 97 1/2 13 1/8 15 1/2 26 1/2 28 3/4 4 22 - 5 1/2 27 13/16 14 3/8 11 7/16 WK*270 97 1/2 13 1/8 15 1/2 26 1/2 28 3/4 4 22 - 5 1/2 27 13/16 14 3/8 11 7/16 WK*340 119 1/2 13 1/8 15 1/2 26 1/2 28 3/4 4 22 11 5 1/2 27 13/16 14 3/8 11 7/16 Connection Data Bohn Base Model Connections (in.) No. Approx. Coil External of Suction Drain Net Weight Equalizer Fans Inlet (lbs.) OD FPT OD OD Air Defrost Models Bohn Base Model Connections (in.) No. Approx. Coil External of Suction Drain Net Weight Equalizer Fans Inlet (lbs.) OD FPT OD OD Hot Gas Defrost Models WK050 1 1/2 7/8 1/4 3/4 70 WKG100 2 1/2 7/8 1/4 3/4 131 WK075 1 1/2 7/8 1/4 3/4 103 WKG130 2 1 1/8 1 1/8 1/4 3/4 170 WK100 2 1/2 7/8 1/4 3/4 106 WKG155 2 1 1/8 1 1/8 1/4 3/4 174 WK130 2 1 1/8 1 1/8 1/4 3/4 145 WKG180 3 1 1/8 1 1/8 1/4 3/4 185 WK155 2 1 1/8 1 1/8 1/4 3/4 149 WKG210 4 1 1/8 1 1/8 1/4 3/4 223 WK180 3 1 1/8 1 1/8 1/4 3/4 160 WKG270 4 1 3/8 1 3/8 1/4 3/4 228 WK210 4 1 1/8 1 1/8 1/4 3/4 193 WKG340 5 1 3/8 1 3/8 1/4 3/4 270 WK270 4 1 3/8 1 3/8 1/4 3/4 200 WK340 5 1 3/8 1 3/8 1/4 3/4 242 Electric Defrost Models WKE050 1 1/2 7/8 1/4 3/4 75 WKE075 1 1/2 7/8 1/4 3/4 108 WKE100 2 1/2 7/8 1/4 3/4 111 WKE130 2 1 1/8 1 1/8 1/4 3/4 150 WKE155 2 1 1/8 1 1/8 1/4 3/4 154 WKE180 3 1 1/8 1 1/8 1/4 3/4 157 WKE210 4 1 1/8 1 1/8 1/4 3/4 203 WKE270 4 1 3/8 1 3/8 1/4 3/4 208 WKE340 5 1 3/8 1 3/8 1/4 3/4 250 1C - 34 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Walk-In Unit Coolers Low Velocity Center Mount Air Defrost Models & Options • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) List Price ($US) Electrical Options Beacon II Assembly Mechanical Options Room TSTAT TXV TXV & LLSV QCF, TXV, & LLSV Coil Options ElectroFin Coil BohnGuard™ Fin Protection Bronz-Glow Air Defrost Models with EC Motors - 115/1/60 WK050AEC WK050SC 3,617 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory 971 Call Factory WK075AEC WK075SC 4,157 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory 971 Call Factory WK100AEC WK100SC 5,253 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory 1,431 Call Factory WK130AEC WK130SC 6,055 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory 1,431 Call Factory WK155AEC WK155SC 6,717 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory 1,431 Call Factory WK180AEC WK180SC 8,343 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory 1,951 Call Factory WK210AEC WK210SC 9,577 1,358 283 508 785 - Call Factory 2,273 Call Factory WK270AEC WK270SC 10,410 1,358 283 508 785 - Call Factory 2,273 Call Factory WK340AEC WK340SC 13,325 1,358 283 833 1,205 - Call Factory 3,084 Call Factory 971 Call Factory Section 1 Bohn Bohn Standard Configurable Model Model Air Defrost Models with EC Motors - 208-230/1/60 WK050BEC WK050SC 3,798 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory WK075BEC WK075SC 4,371 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory 971 Call Factory WK100BEC WK100SC 5,500 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory 1,431 Call Factory WK130BEC WK130SC 6,355 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory 1,431 Call Factory WK155BEC WK155SC 7,054 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory 1,431 Call Factory WK180BEC WK180SC 8,744 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory 1,951 Call Factory WK210BEC WK210SC 10,023 1,358 283 508 785 - Call Factory 2,273 Call Factory WK270BEC WK270SC 10,903 1,358 283 508 785 - Call Factory 2,273 Call Factory WK340BEC WK340SC 13,958 1,358 283 833 1,205 - Call Factory 3,084 Call Factory 971 Call Factory Air Defrost Models with PSC Motors - 115/1/60 - WK050SC 3,238 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory - WK075SC 3,778 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory 971 Call Factory - WK100SC 4,497 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory 1,431 Call Factory - WK130SC 5,299 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory 1,431 Call Factory - WK155SC 5,961 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory 1,431 Call Factory - WK180SC 7,208 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory 1,951 Call Factory - WK210SC 8,063 1,358 283 508 785 - Call Factory 2,273 Call Factory - WK270SC 8,896 1,358 283 508 785 - Call Factory 2,273 Call Factory - WK340SC 11,433 1,358 283 833 1,205 - Call Factory 3,084 Call Factory Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors. Rev. 03/12 Section 5 Federal Regulation Requires EC Motors! Notes: • Beacon II must be ordered as a system. • TXV = Expansion Valve; LLSV = Liquid Line Solenoid Valve; QCF = Quick Connect Fittings. • 460V Fan Motors, Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan, and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 1C - 35 Walk-In Unit Coolers Low Velocity Center Mount Air Defrost Models & Options • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Section 1 Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Bohn Bohn Standard Configurable Model Model List Price ($US) Electrical Options Beacon II Assembly Room TSTAT Mechanical Options TXV TXV & LLSV QCF, TXV, & LLSV Coil Options ElectroFin Coil BohnGuard™ Fin Protection Bronz-Glow 971 Call Factory Air Defrost Models with PSC Motors - 208-230/1/60 - WK050SC 3,419 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory - WK075SC 3,992 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory 971 Call Factory - WK100SC 4,744 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory 1,431 Call Factory - WK130SC 5,599 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory 1,431 Call Factory - WK155SC 6,298 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory 1,431 Call Factory - WK180SC 7,609 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory 1,951 Call Factory - WK210SC 8,509 1,358 283 508 785 - Call Factory 2,273 Call Factory - WK270SC 9,389 1,358 283 508 785 - Call Factory 2,273 Call Factory - WK340SC 12,066 1,358 283 833 1,205 - Call Factory 3,084 Call Factory 971 Call Factory Air Defrost Models with Shaded Pole Motors - 115/1/60 WK050AC WK050SC 3,070 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory WK075AC WK075SC 3,610 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory 971 Call Factory WK100AC WK100SC 4,160 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory 1,431 Call Factory WK130AC WK130SC 4,962 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory 1,431 Call Factory WK155AC WK155SC 5,624 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory 1,431 Call Factory WK180AC WK180SC 6,703 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory 1,951 Call Factory WK210AC WK210SC 7,390 1,358 283 508 785 - Call Factory 2,273 Call Factory WK270AC WK270SC 8,223 1,358 283 508 785 - Call Factory 2,273 Call Factory WK340AC WK340SC 10,591 1,358 283 833 1,205 - Call Factory 3,084 Call Factory 971 Call Factory Air Defrost Models with Shaded Pole Motors - 208-230/1/60 WK050BC WK050SC 3,251 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory WK075BC WK075SC 3,824 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory 971 Call Factory WK100BC WK100SC 4,407 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory 1,431 Call Factory WK130BC WK130SC 5,262 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory 1,431 Call Factory WK155BC WK155SC 5,961 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory 1,431 Call Factory WK180BC WK180SC 7,104 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory 1,951 Call Factory WK210BC WK210SC 7,836 1,358 283 508 785 - Call Factory 2,273 Call Factory WK270BC WK270SC 8,716 1,358 283 508 785 - Call Factory 2,273 Call Factory WK340BC WK340SC 11,224 1,358 283 833 1,205 - Call Factory 3,084 Call Factory Federal Regulation Requires EC Motors! Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors. 1C - 36 Notes: • Beacon II must be ordered as a system. • TXV = Expansion Valve; LLSV = Liquid Line Solenoid Valve; QCF = Quick Connect Fittings. • 460V Fan Motors, Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan, and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Walk-In Unit Coolers Low Velocity Center Mount Electric Defrost Models & Options • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Bohn Configurable Model List Price ($US) Electrical Options Beacon II Assembly Mechanical Options Adj. Defrost Term. / Fan Delay Room TSTAT TXV Coil Options TXV & LLSV QCF, TXV, & LLSV Bronz-Glow Section 1 Bohn Standard Model Electric Defrost Models with EC Motors - 208-230/1/60 WKE050BEC WKE050SC 4,195 1,358 471 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory WKE075BEC WKE075SC 4,835 1,358 471 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory WKE100BEC WKE100SC 6,043 1,358 471 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory WKE130BEC WKE130SC 6,997 1,358 471 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory WKE155BEC WKE155SC 7,786 1,358 471 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory WKE180BEC WKE180SC 9,613 1,358 471 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory WKE210BEC WKE210SC 10,981 1,358 471 283 508 785 - Call Factory WKE270BEC WKE270SC 11,970 1,358 471 283 508 785 - Call Factory WKE340BEC WKE340SC 15,337 1,358 471 283 833 1,205 - Call Factory Electric Defrost Models with PSC Motors - 208-230/1/60 - WKE050SC 3,816 1,358 471 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory - WKE075SC 4,456 1,358 471 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory - WKE100SC 5,287 1,358 471 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory - WKE130SC 6,241 1,358 471 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory - WKE155SC 7,030 1,358 471 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory - WKE180SC 8,478 1,358 471 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory - WKE210SC 9,467 1,358 471 283 508 785 - Call Factory - WKE270SC 10,456 1,358 471 283 508 785 - Call Factory - WKE340SC 13,445 1,358 471 283 833 1,205 - Call Factory Electric Defrost Models with Shaded Pole Motors - 208-230/1/60 WKE050BC WKE050SC 3,648 1,358 471 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory WKE075BC WKE075SC 4,288 1,358 471 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory WKE100BC WKE100SC 4,950 1,358 471 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory WKE130BC WKE130SC 5,904 1,358 471 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory WKE155BC WKE155SC 6,693 1,358 471 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory WKE180BC WKE180SC 7,973 1,358 471 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory WKE210BC WKE210SC 8,794 1,358 471 283 508 785 - Call Factory WKE270BC WKE270SC 9,783 1,358 471 283 508 785 - Call Factory WKE340BC WKE340SC 12,603 1,358 471 283 833 1,205 - Call Factory Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors. Rev. 03/12 Notes: • Electric Drain Pan is standard. • Beacon II must be ordered as a system. • TXV = Expansion Valve; LLSV = Liquid Line Solenoid Valve; QCF = Quick Connect Fittings. • 460V Fan Motors, Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan, and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Section 5 Federal Regulation Requires EC Motors! 1C - 37 Walk-In Unit Coolers Low Velocity Center Mount Hot Gas Defrost Models & Options • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. Section 1 When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Bohn Standard Model Bohn Configurable Model List Price ($US) Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Mechanical Options TXV TXV & LLSV Coil Options ElectroFin Coil Bronz-Glow Need a Reverse Cycle Kit? Look on page 1C-40 for the available kits in the Shipped-Loose Accessories. Hot Gas Defrost Models with EC Motors - 115/1/60 - WKG100SC 5,521 508 785 Call Factory Call Factory - WKG130SC 6,849 508 785 Call Factory Call Factory - WKG155SC 7,617 508 785 Call Factory Call Factory - WKG180SC 9,413 508 785 Call Factory Call Factory - WKG210SC 10,763 508 785 Call Factory Call Factory - WKG270SC 11,725 508 785 Call Factory Call Factory - WKG340SC 15,020 833 1,205 Call Factory Call Factory Hot Gas Defrost Models with EC Motors - 208-230/1/60 - WKG100SC 5,787 508 785 Call Factory Call Factory - WKG130SC 7,194 508 785 Call Factory Call Factory - WKG155SC 8,010 508 785 Call Factory Call Factory - WKG180SC 9,881 508 785 Call Factory Call Factory - WKG210SC 11,272 508 785 Call Factory Call Factory - WKG270SC 12,297 508 785 Call Factory Call Factory - WKG340SC 15,755 833 1,205 Call Factory Call Factory Hot Gas Defrost Models with PSC Motors - 115/1/60 - WKG100SC 4,765 508 785 Call Factory Call Factory - WKG130SC 6,093 508 785 Call Factory Call Factory - WKG155SC 6,861 508 785 Call Factory Call Factory - WKG180SC 8,278 508 785 Call Factory Call Factory - WKG210SC 9,249 508 785 Call Factory Call Factory - WKG270SC 10,211 508 785 Call Factory Call Factory - WKG340SC 13,128 833 1,205 Call Factory Call Factory Hot Gas Defrost Models with PSC Motors - 208-230/1/60 - WKG100SC 5,031 508 785 Call Factory Call Factory - WKG130SC 6,438 508 785 Call Factory Call Factory - WKG155SC 7,254 508 785 Call Factory Call Factory - WKG180SC 8,746 508 785 Call Factory Call Factory - WKG210SC 9,758 508 785 Call Factory Call Factory - WKG270SC 10,783 508 785 Call Factory Call Factory - WKG340SC 13,863 833 1,205 Call Factory Call Factory Federal Regulation Requires EC Motors! Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors. 1C - 38 Notes: • Electric Drain Pan is standard. Hot gas loop not available. • Adjustable Defrost Term. / Fan Delay is standard. • TXV = Expansion Valve; LLSV = Liquid Line Solenoid Valve. • 460V Fan Motors, Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan, and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Walk-In Unit Coolers Low Velocity Center Mount Hot Gas Defrost Models & Options • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Bohn Configurable Model List Price ($US) Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Mechanical Options TXV TXV & LLSV Coil Options ElectroFin Coil Bronz-Glow Need a Reverse Cycle Kit? Look on page 1C-40 for the available kits in the Shipped-Loose Accessories. Hot Gas Defrost Models with Shaded Pole Motors - 115/1/60 WKG100AC WKG100SC 4,428 508 785 Call Factory Call Factory WKG130AC WKG130SC 5,756 508 785 Call Factory Call Factory WKG155AC WKG155SC 6,524 508 785 Call Factory Call Factory WKG180AC WKG180SC 7,773 508 785 Call Factory Call Factory WKG210AC WKG210SC 8,576 508 785 Call Factory Call Factory WKG270AC WKG270SC 9,538 508 785 Call Factory Call Factory WKG340AC WKG340SC 12,286 833 1,205 Call Factory Call Factory Section 1 Bohn Standard Model Hot Gas Defrost Models with Shaded Pole Motors - 208-230/1/60 WKG100BC WKG100SC 4,694 508 785 Call Factory Call Factory WKG130BC WKG130SC 6,101 508 785 Call Factory Call Factory WKG155BC WKG155SC 6,917 508 785 Call Factory Call Factory WKG180BC WKG180SC 8,241 508 785 Call Factory Call Factory WKG210BC WKG210SC 9,085 508 785 Call Factory Call Factory WKG270BC WKG270SC 10,110 508 785 Call Factory Call Factory WKG340BC WKG340SC 13,021 833 1,205 Call Factory Call Factory Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors. Rev. 03/12 Section 5 Federal Regulation Requires EC Motors! Notes: • Electric Drain Pan is standard. Hot gas loop not available. • Adjustable Defrost Term. / Fan Delay is standard. • TXV = Expansion Valve; LLSV = Liquid Line Solenoid Valve. • 460V Fan Motors, Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan, and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 1C - 39 Walk-In Unit Coolers Low Velocity Center Mount Shipped-Loose Accessories Can’t Find Something or need help selecting the appropriate accessory for your unit? Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. Description List Price ($US) Notes 2891040 Room Thermostat 256 - 28963101 Electronic Room Thermostat 324 - Part Number Section 1 Room Thermostats Defrost Controls 4267W Adjustable Defrost Control / Fan Delay Switch 240 21340101 Electric Defrost Timer (60 Hz) 300 - 5505-R 30-Amp Contactor 321 Use as fan or heater contactor Check Valves 5890C 7/8” Suction Line Check Valve 181 - 5889C 1 1/8” Suction Line Check Valve 351 - 2933022 1 3/8” Suction Line Check Valve 724 - 5508Q 6 ft. Drain Line heater (208-230V, 42 Watts) 130 - 5594P 12 ft. Drain Line heater (208-230V, 84 Watts) 142 - 5595P 18 ft. Drain Line heater (208-230V, 126 Watts) 168 - 5596P 36 ft. Drain Line heater (208-230V, 252 Watts) 257 - 5597P 60 ft. Drain Line heater (208-230V, 420 Watts) 475 - 24200004 Heat Exchanger used on 050 Electric Defrost Models 213 3/8” Liquid Connection OD, 5/8” Suction Connecction OD, 14” Length, 2lbs Approx. Ship Wt. 24200005 Heat Exchanger used on 075 - 100 Electric & Hot Gas Defrost Models 233 3/8” Liquid Connection OD, 7/8” Suction Connecction OD, 14” Length, 2lbs Approx. Ship Wt. 24200006 Heat Exchanger used on 130 - 155 Electric & Hot Gas Defrost Models 251 1/2” Liquid Connection OD, 7/8” Suction Connecction OD, 11” Length, 2lbs Approx. Ship Wt. 24200007 Heat Exchanger used on 180 - 270 Electric & Hot Gas Defrost Models 273 1/2” Liquid Connection OD, 1-1/8”” Suction Connecction OD, 14” Length, 2lbs Approx. Ship Wt. 24200008 Heat Exchanger used on 340 Electric & Hot Gas Defrost Models 457 5/8” Liquid Connection OD, 1-3/8”” Suction Connecction OD, 14” Length, 3lbs Approx. Ship Wt. Drain Line Heaters Heat Exchangers Expansion Valves (TXV) Hot Gas Reverse Cycle Kits When placing order, please specify refrigerant type, saturated suction (Hot Gas Models Only) temperature (SST), liquid temperature, and room temperature. • Electric pan is standard on all hot gas models. Hot gas loop not available. List Part • Kits includes one check valve and piping Price Capacity Range (BTUH) for liquid bypass around expansion valve and Number ($US) instructions for field installation. TXV024 298 24,000 BTUH and under TXV036 298 24,000 BTUH to 36,000 BTUH TXV060 483 36,000 BTUH to 60,000 BTUH TXV120 613 60,000 BTUH to 120,000 BTUH Type SQE, SBF, or HFESC Type S List Price ($US) Part Number Part Number WKG100 89897801 89898001 369 Capacity Range (R-404A) WKG130 - WKG270 89897802 89898002 369 Medium Temperature Application (BTUH) WKG340 89897803 89898003 369 Liquid-line Solenoid Valves (LLSV) Part Number List Price ($US) Size 29318013 284 3/8 12,000 BTUH and under 4502Z 284 3/8 12,000 BTUH to 24,000 BTUH 29318011 307 3/8 24,000 BTUH to 44,000 BTUH 29318012 307 1/2 36,000 BTUH to 51,000 BTUH 5766Y 307 1/2 51,000 BTUH to 72,000 BTUH 1C - 40 TXV Bypass Kits Bohn Models Used On List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Walk-In Unit Coolers Center Mount Overview Product Description Center mount unit coolers, available in air or electric defrost, are ideal for tight storage situations because they are ceiling mount and have a height of only 8 5/8” allowing for maximum headroom in a cooler or freezer. The center mount design allows for product to be stacked all around while air flow distributes evenly throughout the box. Opting for EC motors or the Beacon II™ Refrigeration System makes this product qualified to be included in the E Solutions™ product portfolio because of increased energy efficiency and cost savings. Section 1 Standard Features Ease of Installation & Service • Panels on ends quickly remove for complete access to refrigerant components and electrical terminal block during installation and servicing • Tapered mounting provides proper slope for condensate drainage to one end of the unit Reliable & Durable • Heavy-gauge grained aluminum cabinet cleans easily and looks attractive • Stainless steel screws prevent rust streaks • Wire fan guards with PVC coating for durability • Coils are dehydrated and sealed at the factory • Double drain pan eliminates drain pan sweating Performance • Quick disconnect, waterproof plug and receptacle for each motor in all models • High-efficiency aluminum fins with full collars cover mechanically expanded copper tubes • Highest quality tubular heaters provide fast and economical defrost • Generous coil surface gives proper compressor balance • Standard adjustable defrost termination fan delay thermostat • Motors are life lubricated and thermal overload protected • Air moves across the ceiling in both directions providing even air distribution throughout the cooler Versatile • Compact, ceiling mount and center mount design allows for shelving and storage of product around all walls Certifications Nomenclature Section 5 Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 1C - 41 Walk-In Unit Coolers Performance & Specification Data Center Mount Performance Data – 60 HZ Bohn Base Model Capacity (BTUH) 10°F TD 25°F SST Fan Data 15°F TD 25°F SST 10°F TD -20°F SST No. of Fans CFM 7,800 - 1 610 Air Defrost Models Section 1 SM052 5,200 SM076 7,600 11,400 - 2 1,300 SM090 9,000 13,500 - 2 1,260 SM102 10,200 15,300 - 2 1,220 SM108 10,800 16,200 - 3 1,950 SM134 13,400 20,100 - 3 1,890 SM156 15,600 23,400 - 3 1,830 SM179 17,900 26,850 - 4 2,520 SM208 20,800 31,200 - 4 2,440 SM249 24,900 37,350 - 5 3,050 - 4,000 1 610 Electric Defrost Models SME040 - SME054 - - 5,400 2 1,300 SME065 - - 6,500 2 1,260 SME090 - - 9,000 3 1,950 SME130 - - 13,000 3 1,830 SME174 - - 17,400 4 2,440 Capacity Correction Factors For Electric Defrost Models Saturated Suction Temperature +20°F -10°F -20°F -30°F 1.15 1.04 1.00 0.9 Fan Motors (All Models) 115/1/60 not available on Electric Defrost Models. No. of Fans Motor HP 1 2 Shaded Pole Motor 115/1/60 PSC Motor 208-230/1/60 115/1/60 Amps Watts Amps Watts Amps 1/15 2.1 135 1.1 135 1/15 4.2 270 2.2 270 3 1/15 6.3 405 3.3 4 1/15 8.4 540 4.4 5 1/15 10.5 675 5.5 EC Motor 208-230/1/60 Watts Amps 0.9 90 1.8 180 405 2.7 540 3.6 675 4.5 115/1/60 Watts Amps 0.5 90 1.0 180 270 1.5 360 2.0 450 2.5 208-230/1/60 Watts Amps Watts 0.9 55 0.5 55 1.8 110 1.0 110 270 2.7 165 1.5 165 360 3.6 220 2.0 220 450 4.5 275 2.5 275 Defrost Heaters (Electric Defrost Models) Bohn Base 208-230/1/60 Model Amps Watts SME040 5.3 1,200 SME054 8.7 2,000 SME065 8.7 2,000 SME090 10.5 2,400 SME130 15.7 3,600 SME174 20.9 4,800 1C - 42 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Walk-In Unit Coolers Center Mount Performance & Specification Data E A F G L G H H J 3/8" DIA. MTG. HOLES C AIR OUT AIR OUT S DRAIN ELECTRICAL CONNECTION (OPPOSITE SIDE) AIR IN REFRIGERANT CONNECTION (OPPOSITE SIDE) AIR IN REFRIGERANT CONNECTION D Section 1 B Dimensional Data (All Models) Dimensions (in.) No. of Fans A B C D E F G H J L P S 1 31 1/2 6 7/8 9 1/4 26 5/8 28 11/16 5 1/2 22 - 4 27 11/16 14 5/16 5 5/16 2 53 1/2 6 7/8 9 1/4 26 5/8 28 11/16 5 1/2 22 - 4 27 11/16 14 5/16 5 5/16 3 75 1/2 6 7/8 9 1/4 26 5/8 28 11/16 5 1/2 22 11 4 27 11/16 14 5/16 5 5/16 4 97 1/2 6 7/8 9 1/4 26 5/8 28 11/16 5 1/2 22 - 4 27 11/16 14 5/16 5 5/16 5 119 1/2 6 7/8 9 1/4 26 5/8 28 11/16 5 1/2 22 11 4 27 11/16 14 5/16 5 5/16 Connection Data Connections (in.) Bohn Base Model No. of Fans Coil Inlet OD Suction OD External Equalizer OD Drain FPT Approx. Net Weight (lbs.) Air Defrost Models SM052 1 1/2 7/8 1/4 3/4 42 SM076 2 1/2 7/8 1/4 3/4 64 SM090 2 1/2 7/8 1/4 3/4 70 SM102 2 1/2 7/8 1/4 3/4 83 SM108 3 1/2 7/8 1/4 3/4 105 SM134 3 1/2 7/8 1/4 3/4 117 SM156 3 1/2 7/8 1/4 3/4 123 SM179 4 1/2 7/8 1/4 3/4 149 SM208 4 1/2 1 1/8 1/4 3/4 164 SM249 5 1/2 1 1/8 1/4 3/4 206 Electric Defrost Models 1 1/2 7/8 1/4 3/4 90 SME054 2 1/2 7/8 1/4 3/4 120 SME065 2 1/2 7/8 1/4 3/4 120 SME090 3 1/2 7/8 1/4 3/4 160 SME130 3 1/2 7/8 1/4 3/4 174 SME174 4 1/2 1 1/8 1/4 3/4 218 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Section 5 Rev. 03/12 SME040 1C - 43 Walk-In Unit Coolers Center Mount Air Defrost Models & Options When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. Section 1 Factory Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Bohn Bohn List Electrical Options Mechanical Options Coil Options Standard Configurable Price QCF, Model Model ($US) Beacon II Room TXV TXV & TXV, & BohnKote™ ElectroFin BohnGuard™ Bronz-Glow Assembly TSTAT LLSV Coil Fin Protection LLSV Air Defrost Models with EC Motors - 115/1/60 SM052AEE SM052SE 2,502 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 609 Call Factory 568 Call Factory SM076AEE SM076SE 3,478 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 836 Call Factory 779 Call Factory SM090AEE SM090SE 3,784 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 836 Call Factory 779 Call Factory SM102AEE SM102SE 4,073 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 836 Call Factory 779 Call Factory SM108AEE SM108SE 4,742 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory Call Factory 1,105 Call Factory SM134AEE SM134SE 5,225 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory Call Factory 1,105 Call Factory SM156AEE SM156SE 5,675 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory Call Factory 1,105 Call Factory SM179AEE SM179SE 6,640 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory Call Factory 1,375 Call Factory SM208AEE SM208SE 7,186 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory Call Factory 1,375 Call Factory SM249AEE SM249SE 8,817 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory Call Factory 1,771 Call Factory Air Defrost Models with EC Motors - 208-230/1/60 SM052BEE SM052SE 2,658 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 609 Call Factory 568 Call Factory SM076BEE SM076SE 3,665 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 836 Call Factory 779 Call Factory SM090BEE SM090SE 3,970 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 836 Call Factory 779 Call Factory SM102BEE SM102SE 4,262 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 836 Call Factory 779 Call Factory SM108BEE SM108SE 4,971 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory Call Factory 1,105 Call Factory SM134BEE SM134SE 5,445 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory Call Factory 1,105 Call Factory SM156BEE SM156SE 5,895 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory Call Factory 1,105 Call Factory SM179BEE SM179SE 6,896 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory Call Factory 1,375 Call Factory SM208BEE SM208SE 7,449 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory Call Factory 1,375 Call Factory SM249BEE SM249SE 9,106 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory Call Factory 1,771 Call Factory Air Defrost Models with PSC Motors - 115/1/60 - SM052SE 2,123 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 609 Call Factory 568 Call Factory - SM076SE 2,720 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 836 Call Factory 779 Call Factory SM090AHE SM090SE 3,026 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 836 Call Factory 779 Call Factory - SM102SE 3,315 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 836 Call Factory 779 Call Factory - SM108SE 3,605 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory Call Factory 1,105 Call Factory SM134AHE SM134SE 4,088 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory Call Factory 1,105 Call Factory - SM156SE 4,538 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory Call Factory 1,105 Call Factory - SM179SE 5,124 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory Call Factory 1,375 Call Factory - SM208SE 5,670 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory Call Factory 1,375 Call Factory - SM249SE 6,922 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory Call Factory 1,771 Call Factory Federal Regulation Requires EC Motors! Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors. 1C - 44 Notes: • Beacon II must be ordered as a system. • TXV = Expansion Valve; LLSV = Liquid Line Solenoid Valve; QCF = Quick Connect Fittings. • 460V Fan Motors, Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan, and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Walk-In Unit Coolers Air Defrost Models & Options Center Mount • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Bohn Bohn List Electrical Options Mechanical Options Coil Options Standard Configurable Price QCF, Model Model ($US) Beacon II Room TXV TXV & TXV, & BohnKote™ ElectroFin BohnGuard™ Bronz-Glow Assembly TSTAT LLSV Coil Fin Protection LLSV Air Defrost Models with PSC Motors - 208-230/1/60 - SM052SE 2,279 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 609 Call Factory 568 Call Factory - SM076SE 2,907 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 836 Call Factory 779 Call Factory - SM090SE 3,212 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 836 Call Factory 779 Call Factory - SM102SE 3,504 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 836 Call Factory 779 Call Factory - SM108SE 3,834 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory Call Factory 1,105 Call Factory - SM134SE 4,308 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory Call Factory 1,105 Call Factory - SM156SE 4,758 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory Call Factory 1,105 Call Factory - SM179SE 5,380 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory Call Factory 1,375 Call Factory - SM208SE 5,933 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory Call Factory 1,375 Call Factory - SM249SE 7,211 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory Call Factory 1,771 Call Factory Section 1 Factory Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Air Defrost Models with Shaded Pole Motors - 115/1/60 SM052AE SM052SE 1,955 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 609 Call Factory 568 Call Factory SM076AE SM076SE 2,384 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 836 Call Factory 779 Call Factory SM090AE SM090SE 2,690 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 836 Call Factory 779 Call Factory SM102AE SM102SE 2,979 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 836 Call Factory 779 Call Factory SM108AE SM108SE 3,101 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory Call Factory 1,105 Call Factory SM134AE SM134SE 3,584 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory Call Factory 1,105 Call Factory SM156AE SM156SE 4,034 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory Call Factory 1,105 Call Factory SM179AE SM179SE 4,452 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory Call Factory 1,375 Call Factory SM208AE SM208SE 4,998 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory Call Factory 1,375 Call Factory SM249AE SM249SE 6,082 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory Call Factory 1,771 Call Factory Air Defrost Models with Shaded Pole Motors - 208-230/1/60 SM052BE SM052SE 2,111 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 609 Call Factory 568 Call Factory SM076BE SM076SE 2,571 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 836 Call Factory 779 Call Factory SM090BE SM090SE 2,876 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 836 Call Factory 779 Call Factory SM102BE SM102SE 3,168 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 836 Call Factory 779 Call Factory SM108BE SM108SE 3,330 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory Call Factory 1,105 Call Factory SM134BE SM134SE 3,804 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory Call Factory 1,105 Call Factory SM156BE SM156SE 4,254 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory Call Factory 1,105 Call Factory SM179BE SM179SE 4,708 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory Call Factory 1,375 Call Factory SM208BE SM208SE 5,261 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory Call Factory 1,375 Call Factory SM249BE SM249SE 6,371 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory Call Factory 1,771 Call Factory Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors. Rev. 03/12 Section 5 Federal Regulation Requires EC Motors! Notes: • Beacon II must be ordered as a system. • TXV = Expansion Valve; LLSV = Liquid Line Solenoid Valve; QCF = Quick Connect Fittings. • 460V Fan Motors, Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan, and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 1C - 45 Walk-In Unit Coolers Electric Defrost Models & Options Center Mount • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Section 1 Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Bohn Standard Model Bohn Configurable Model List Price ($US) Electrical Options Beacon II Assembly Mechanical Options Room TSTAT TXV TXV & LLSV QCF, TXV, & LLSV Coil Options Bronz-Glow Electric Defrost Models with EC Motors - 208-230/1/60 SME040BEE SME040SE 3,222 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory SME054BEE SME054SE 4,477 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory SME065BEE SME065SE 4,619 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory SME090BEE SME090SE 5,908 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory SME130BEE SME130SE 6,408 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory SME174BEE SME174SE 8,330 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory Electric Defrost Models with PSC Motors - 208-230/1/60 - SME040SE 2,843 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory - SME054SE 3,719 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory - SME065SE 3,861 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory - SME090SE 4,771 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory - SME130SE 5,271 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory - SME174SE 6,814 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory Electric Defrost Models with Shaded Pole Motors - 208-230/1/60 SME040BE SME040SE 2,675 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory SME054BE SME054SE 3,383 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory SME065BE SME065SE 3,525 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory SME090BE SME090SE 4,267 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory SME130BE SME130SE 4,767 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory SME174BE SME174SE 6,142 1,358 283 508 785 1,360 Call Factory Federal Regulation Requires EC Motors! Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors. 1C - 46 Notes: • Electric Drain Pan and Adjustable Defrost Term. / Fan Delay are standard. • Beacon II must be ordered as a system. • TXV = Expansion Valve; LLSV = Liquid Line Solenoid Valve; QCF = Quick Connect Fittings. • 460V Fan Motors, Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan, and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Walk-In Unit Coolers Center Mount Shipped-Loose Accessories Can’t Find Something or need help selecting the appropriate accessory for your unit? Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. Description List Price ($US) Notes 2891040 Room Thermostats 256 - 28963101 Electronic Room Thermostat 324 - Adjustable Defrost Control / Fan Delay Switch 240 - 5890C 7/8” Suction Line Check Valve 181 - 5889C 1 1/8” Suction Line Check Valve 351 - 6 ft. Drain Line heater (208-230V, 42 Watts) 130 - 5594P 12 ft. Drain Line heater (208-230V, 84 Watts) 142 - 5595P 18 ft. Drain Line heater (208-230V, 126 Watts) 168 - 5596P 36 ft. Drain Line heater (208-230V, 252 Watts) 257 - 5597P 60 ft. Drain Line heater (208-230V, 420 Watts) 475 - 24200004 Heat Exchanger used on 040 Electric Defrost Models 213 3/8” Liquid Connection OD, 5/8” Suction Connecction OD, 14” Length, 2lbs Approx. Ship Wt. 24200005 Heat Exchanger used on 054 - 090 Electric Defrost Models 233 3/8” Liquid Connection OD, 7/8” Suction Connecction OD, 14” Length, 2lbs Approx. Ship Wt. 24200007 Heat Exchanger used on 130-174 Electric Defrost Models 273 1/2” Liquid Connection OD, 1-1/8” Suction Connecction OD, 14” Length, 2lbs Approx. Ship Wt. Part Number Section 1 Room Thermostats Defrost Controls 4267W Check Valves Drain Line Heaters 5508Q Heat Exchangers Expansion Valves (TXV) When placing order, please specify refrigerant type, saturated suction temperature (SST), liquid temperature, and room temperature. Part Number List Price ($US) TXV024 298 24,000 BTUH and under TXV036 298 24,000 BTUH to 36,000 BTUH TXV060 483 36,000 BTUH to 60,000 BTUH Capacity Range (BTUH) Liquid-line Solenoid Valves (LLSV) Capacity Range (R-404A) List Price ($US) Size Medium Temperature Application (BTUH) Low Temperature Application (BTUH) 29318013 284 3/8 12,000 BTUH and under 11,000 BTUH and under 4502Z 284 3/8 12,000 BTUH to 24,000 BTUH 11,000 BTUH to 21,000 BTUH 29318011 307 3/8 24,000 BTUH to 44,000 BTUH 21,000 BTUH to 38,000 BTUH Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Section 5 Part Number 1C - 47 Walk-In Unit Coolers Medium Profile Overview Section 1 Standard Features Product Description Medium profile unit coolers, available in air, electric, and hot gas defrost, are ideal for numerous commercial and industrial applications. With a modular design that is only 25 inches high, these units provide superior quality and a long, dependable life for many different applications. Opting for EC motors or the Beacon II™ Refrigeration System makes this product qualified to be included in the E Solutions™ product portfolio because of increased energy efficiency and cost savings. Ease of Installation & Service • All electrical components factory wired to terminal board and identified, making it easy to field wire the unit • Schrader valve provided for suction pressure measurement • Liquid line solenoid wire harness is factory-installed for quick installation • Coil heater slots have been enlarged for easier installation and replacement • Heaters are coil face mounted for easy access • Front hinged drain pan for easy access • Motors plug into wiring harness for easier servicing Reliable & Durable • Heavy gauge textured aluminum cabinet • Sweat connections to reduce potential for leaks • Patented Thermo-Flex™ coil design allows the coil to “flex” during periods of defrost resulting in expansion of the coil surface comes with a 5-year warranty • Heavy plastic molded fan guards for extended air throw • Reliable nickel steel alloy defrost heater elements • Thermally protected, lifetime-lubricated single phase PSC motors Performance • External equalizer connection • Internal panels are isolated for quiet operation • Electric defrost models have fixed defrost termination / fan delay and heater limit thermostats • PSC motors Versatile • Large diameter drain fitting (3/4” ID) • Beacon II™ compatible • Different motor and voltage options available Certifications Nomenclature 1C - 48 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Walk-In Unit Coolers Medium Profile Performance & Specification Data Performance Data – 60 Hz Capacity Correction Factors For Electric and Hot Gas Defrost Models Air throw data based on 12-ft. high ceilings with no obstructions where velocity drops to 50 FPM. Standard molded fan guards allow for extended air throw; optional wire guards promote air diffusion. Capacity (BTUH) 10°F TD 25°F SST 10°F TD -20°F SST Fan Data Saturated Suction Temperature Air Throw (ft.) No. of Fans CFM Dia. (in.) Extended (Std) Diffused (Opt.) +20°F -10°F -20°F -30°F 1.15 1.04 1.00 0.90 Section 1 Bohn Base Model Air Defrost Models - 7 FPI BMA130 13,000 - 1 2,300 18 65 50 BMA155 15,500 - 1 2,200 18 65 50 BMA245 24,500 - 2 4,600 18 65 50 BMA300 30,000 - 2 4,400 18 65 50 BMA365 36,500 - 3 6,900 18 65 50 BMA450 45,000 - 3 6,600 18 65 50 BMA510 51,000 - 4 9,200 18 65 50 BMA600 60,000 - 4 8,800 18 65 50 BMA710 71,000 - 5 10,500 18 65 50 Electric Defrost Models - 6 FPI BME101 - 10,100 1 2,350 18 65 50 BME140 - 14,000 1 2,250 18 65 50 BME190 - 19,000 2 4,700 18 65 50 BME260 - 26,000 2 4,500 18 65 50 BME310 - 31,000 3 7,050 18 65 50 BME390 - 39,000 3 6,750 18 65 50 BME430 - 43,000 4 8,800 18 65 50 BME520 - 52,000 4 8,400 18 65 50 BME620 - 62,000 5 10,000 18 65 50 Electric Defrost Models - 4.5 FPI BML100 - 10,000 1 2,325 18 65 50 BML165 - 16,500 2 4,900 18 65 50 BML220 - 22,000 2 4,650 18 65 50 BML250 - 25,000 3 7,350 18 65 50 BML330 - 33,000 3 6,975 18 65 50 BML370 - 37,000 4 9,100 18 65 50 BML440 - 44,000 4 8,700 18 65 50 BML530 - 53,000 5 10,350 18 65 50 Hot Gas Defrost Models - 6 FPI BMG190 - 19,000 2 5,570 18 65 50 BMG260 - 26,000 2 7,620 18 65 50 BMG310 - 31,000 3 9,080 18 65 50 BMG390 - 39,000 3 11,420 18 65 50 BMG430 - 43,000 4 12,590 18 65 50 BMG520 - 52,000 4 15,230 18 65 50 Hot Gas Defrost Models - 4.5 FPI - 16,500 2 4,830 18 65 50 BMF220 - 22,000 2 6,440 18 65 50 BMF250 - 25,000 3 7,320 18 65 50 BMF330 - 33,000 3 9,670 18 65 50 BMF370 - 37,000 4 10,840 18 65 50 BMF440 - 44,000 4 12,890 18 65 50 Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Section 5 BMF165 1C - 49 Walk-In Unit Coolers Medium Profile Performance & Specification Data Fan Motors (All Models) 115/1/60 not available on Electric Defrost Models. Section 1 PSC Motor EC Motor No. of 115/1/60 208-230/1/60 460/1/60 575/1/60 115/1/60 208-230/1/60 Fans Motor Motor Motor Motor Motor Motor Amps Watts Amps Watts Amps Watts Amps Watts Amps Watts Amps Watts HP HP HP HP HP HP 1 1/4 4.0 275 1/4 1.8 275 1/4 1.0 275 1/3 0.7 310 1/4 2.8 210 1/4 1.4 205 2 1/4 8.0 550 1/4 3.6 550 1/4 2.0 550 1/3 1.4 620 1/4 5.6 420 1/4 2.8 410 3 1/4 12.0 825 1/4 5.4 825 1/4 3.0 825 1/3 2.1 930 1/4 8.4 630 1/4 4.2 615 4 1/4 16.0 1,100 1/4 7.2 1,100 1/4 4.0 1,100 1/3 2.8 1,240 1/4 11.2 840 1/4 5.6 820 5 1/4 - - 1/4 9.0 1,375 1/4 5.0 1,375 1/3 3.5 1,550 1/4 - - 1/4 7.0 1,025 Defrost Heaters (Electric Defrost Models) Drain Pan Heaters (Hot Gas Defrost Models) Total Amps No. of Watts Fans 208-230/1/60 208-230/3/60 460/1/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 Total Amps No. of Watts Fans 115/1/60 208-230/1/60 460/1/60 575/1/60 Includes coil heaters and drain pan heaters. Electric drain pan standard. Hot gas drain pain optional. 1 2,730 11.9 8.2 5.9 4.1 3.3 2 950 8.3 4.1 2.1 1.7 2 5,350 23.3 16.0 11.6 8.3 6.6 3 1,350 11.7 5.9 2.9 2.3 4 1,800 15.7 7.8 3.9 3.1 3 7,750 33.7 23.2 16.8 12.0 9.6 4 10,200 - 30.5 22.2 15.8 12.6 5 11,600 - 34.7 25.2 18.1 14.4 Connection Data * Supplied with adapter to 7/8 ODF Connections (in.) Bohn Base No. of Approx. Net Model Fans Coil Inlet Suction External Equalizer Drain Side Port Hot Gas Pan Weight (lbs.) ODF ODF ODF FPT ODF Conns. ODF Air Defrost Models - 7 FPI BMA130 1 1/2 7/8 1/4 3/4 - - 115 BMA155 1 1/2 1 1/8 1/4 3/4 - - 123 BMA245 2 7/8 1 1/8 1/4 3/4 - - 134 BMA300 2 7/8 1 1/8 1/4 3/4 - - 148 BMA365 3 7/8 1 3/8 1/4 3/4 - - 200 BMA450 3 1 1/8* 1 3/8 1/4 3/4 - - 227 BMA510 4 1 1/8* 1 5/8 1/4 3/4 - - 230 BMA600 4 1 1/8* 1 5/8 1/4 3/4 - - 255 BMA710 5 1 1/8* 1 5/8 1/4 3/4 - - 285 7/8 1/4 3/4 - - 118 Electric Defrost Models - 6 FPI BME101 1 1/2 BME140 1 1/2 7/8 1/4 3/4 - - 126 BME190 2 7/8 1 1/8 1/4 3/4 - - 138 BME260 2 1 1/8* 1 3/8 1/4 3/4 - - 153 BME310 3 1 1/8* 1 3/8 1/4 3/4 - - 210 BME390 3 1 1/8* 1 3/8 1/4 3/4 - - 237 BME430 4 1 1/8* 1 5/8 1/4 3/4 - - 267 BME520 4 1 1/8* 1 5/8 1/4 3/4 - - 300 BME620 5 1 1/8* 1 5/8 1/4 3/4 - - 338 1C - 50 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Walk-In Unit Coolers Medium Profile Performance & Specification Data Connection Data * Supplied with adapter to 7/8 ODF Connections (in.) Bohn Base No. of Approx. Net Coil Inlet Suction External Equalizer Drain Side Port Hot Gas Pan Weight (lbs.) Model Fans ODF ODF ODF FPT ODF Conns. ODF BML100 1 1/2 7/8 1/4 3/4 - - 125 BML165 2 7/8 1 1/8 1/4 3/4 - - 136 BML220 2 1 1/8* 1 3/8 1/4 3/4 - - 151 BML250 3 1 1/8* 1 3/8 1/4 3/4 - - 207 BML330 3 1 1/8* 1 3/8 1/4 3/4 - - 234 BML370 4 1 1/8* 1 5/8 1/4 3/4 - - 262 BML440 4 1 1/8* 1 5/8 1/4 3/4 - - 295 BML530 5 1 1/8* 1 5/8 1/4 3/4 - - 332 Section 1 Electric Defrost Models - 4.5 FPI Hot Gas Defrost Models - 6 FPI BMG190 2 1 1/8* 1 1/8 1/4 3/4 5/8 7/8 175 BMG260 2 1 1/8* 1 3/8 1/4 3/4 5/8 7/8 190 BMG310 3 1 1/8* 1 3/8 1/4 3/4 5/8 7/8 210 BMG390 3 1 1/8* 1 3/8 1/4 3/4 5/8 7/8 237 BMG430 4 1 1/8* 1 5/8 1/4 3/4 5/8 7/8 267 BMG520 4 1 1/8* 1 5/8 1/4 3/4 5/8 7/8 300 Hot Gas Defrost Models - 4.5 FPI BMF165 2 1 1/8* 1 1/8 1/4 3/4 5/8 7/8 173 BMF220 2 1 1/8* 1 3/8 1/4 3/4 5/8 7/8 188 BMF250 3 1 1/8* 1 3/8 1/4 3/4 5/8 7/8 207 BMF330 3 1 1/8* 1 3/8 1/4 3/4 5/8 7/8 234 BMF370 4 1 1/8* 1 5/8 1/4 3/4 5/8 7/8 262 BMF440 4 1 1/8* 1 5/8 1/4 3/4 5/8 7/8 295 18-7/8" 480 mm 17-1/2" 444 mm 390 mm 64 mm 590 mm Refrigerant Connection End 15-1/2" 2-1/2" 23 -1/4" Air Flow 24" 608 mm Electrical Connection End 22-3/4" 578 mm Dimensional Data (All Models) Note: Hanger brackets will accept 1/2” hanger rods Dimensions (in.) A B C D E F 1 39 5/16 30 1/4 - - - 5 2 67 5/16 58 1/4 - - - 5 3 95 5/16 86 1/4 - - - 5 4 123 5/16 114 1/4 56 58 1/4 - 5 5 138 13/16 129 3/4 51 53 1/4 25 1/2 5 Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Section 5 No. of Fans 1C - 51 Walk-In Unit Coolers Medium Profile Air Defrost Models & Options • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. Section 1 When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Bohn Bohn List Electrical Options Standard Configurable Price Model Model ($US) Beacon II Room Assembly TSTAT Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Mechanical Options TXV Coil Options TXV & Adjust. ElectroFin BohnGuard™ BohnKote™ Bronz-Glow LLSV Nozzle Coil Fin Protection Air Defrost Models with VSEC Motors - 115/1/60 - BMA130SA 4,324 2,155 283 536 816 - 1,185 Call Factory 1,072 Call Factory - BMA155SA 4,964 2,155 283 536 816 - BMA245SA 7,510 2,155 283 536 816 - 1,185 Call Factory 1,072 Call Factory - Call Factory Call Factory 1,130 Call Factory - BMA300SA 9,128 2,155 283 536 - BMA365SA 11,681 2,155 283 719 816 - Call Factory Call Factory 1,130 Call Factory 1,155 - Call Factory Call Factory 1,191 Call Factory - BMA450SA 13,505 2,155 283 719 - BMA510SA 16,128 2,155 283 719 1,155 796 Call Factory Call Factory 1,191 Call Factory 1,155 796 Call Factory Call Factory 1,245 Call Factory - BMA600SA 16,922 2,155 283 719 1,155 796 Call Factory Call Factory 1,245 Call Factory 1,185 Call Factory 1,072 Call Factory Air Defrost Models with VSEC Motors - 208-230/1/60 - BMA130SA 4,387 2,155 283 536 816 - - BMA155SA 5,021 2,155 283 536 816 - 1,185 Call Factory 1,072 Call Factory - BMA245SA 7,629 2,155 283 536 816 - Call Factory Call Factory 1,130 Call Factory - BMA300SA 9,248 2,155 283 536 816 - Call Factory Call Factory 1,130 Call Factory - BMA365SA 11,866 2,155 283 719 1,155 - Call Factory Call Factory 1,191 Call Factory - BMA450SA 13,692 2,155 283 719 1,155 796 Call Factory Call Factory 1,191 Call Factory - BMA510SA 16,370 2,155 283 719 1,155 796 Call Factory Call Factory 1,245 Call Factory - BMA600SA 17,168 2,155 283 719 1,155 796 Call Factory Call Factory 1,245 Call Factory - BMA710SA 19,862 2,155 283 1,043 1,601 796 Call Factory Call Factory 1,277 Call Factory 1,185 Call Factory 1,072 Call Factory Air Defrost Models with EC Motors - 115/1/60 - BMA130SA 4,095 2,155 283 536 816 - - BMA155SA 4,735 2,155 283 536 816 - 1,185 Call Factory 1,072 Call Factory - BMA245SA 7,052 2,155 283 536 816 - Call Factory Call Factory 1,130 Call Factory - BMA300SA 8,670 2,155 283 536 816 - Call Factory Call Factory 1,130 Call Factory - BMA365SA 10,994 2,155 283 719 1,155 - Call Factory Call Factory 1,191 Call Factory - BMA450SA 12,818 2,155 283 719 1,155 796 Call Factory Call Factory 1,191 Call Factory - BMA510SA 15,212 2,155 283 719 1,155 796 Call Factory Call Factory 1,245 Call Factory - BMA600SA 16,006 2,155 283 719 1,155 796 Call Factory Call Factory 1,245 Call Factory Regulations Require EC or VSEC Motors! Federal Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors. California Energy Commission Title 24, Section 126 Effective 01/01/2010, refrigerated warehouses with a total cold storage and frozen storage area exceeding 3,000 square feet with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be variable speed EC motors and controlled in response to space conditions. 1C - 52 Notes: • Beacon II must be ordered as a system. • Variable Speed EC (VSEC) motors require a customer supplied 0-10V signal. • TXV = Expansion Valve; LLSV = Liquid Line Solenoid Valve • Molded fan guards are standard and ring fan guards optional at no additional cost. • Double Wall Insulated Pans, Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan, and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Walk-In Unit Coolers Medium Profile Air Defrost Models & Options • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. Bohn Bohn List Electrical Options Standard Configurable Price Model Model ($US) Beacon II Room Assembly TSTAT Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Mechanical Options TXV Coil Options TXV & Adjust. ElectroFin BohnGuard™ BohnKote™ Bronz-Glow LLSV Nozzle Coil Fin Protection Air Defrost Models with EC Motors - 208-230/1/60 - BMA130SA 4,158 2,155 283 536 816 - 1,185 Call Factory 1,072 Call Factory - BMA155SA 4,792 2,155 283 536 816 - 1,185 Call Factory 1,072 Call Factory - BMA245SA 7,171 2,155 283 536 816 - Call Factory Call Factory 1,130 Call Factory - BMA300SA 8,790 2,155 283 536 816 - Call Factory Call Factory 1,130 Call Factory - BMA365SA 11,179 2,155 283 719 1,155 - Call Factory Call Factory 1,191 Call Factory - BMA450SA 13,005 2,155 283 719 1,155 796 Call Factory Call Factory 1,191 Call Factory - BMA510SA 15,454 2,155 283 719 1,155 796 Call Factory Call Factory 1,245 Call Factory - BMA600SA 16,252 2,155 283 719 1,155 796 Call Factory Call Factory 1,245 Call Factory - BMA710SA 18,717 2,155 283 1,043 1,601 796 Call Factory Call Factory 1,277 Call Factory Section 1 When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Air Defrost Models with PSC Motors - 115/1/60 BMA130AA BMA130SA 3,475 2,155 283 536 816 - 1,185 Call Factory 1,072 Call Factory BMA155AA BMA155SA 4,115 2,155 283 536 816 - 1,185 Call Factory 1,072 Call Factory BMA245AA BMA245SA 5,812 2,155 283 536 816 - Call Factory Call Factory 1,130 Call Factory BMA300AA BMA300SA 7,430 2,155 283 536 816 - Call Factory Call Factory 1,130 Call Factory BMA365AA BMA365SA 9,134 2,155 283 719 1,155 - Call Factory Call Factory 1,191 Call Factory BMA450AA BMA450SA 10,958 2,155 283 719 1,155 796 Call Factory Call Factory 1,191 Call Factory BMA510AA BMA510SA 12,732 2,155 283 719 1,155 796 Call Factory Call Factory 1,245 Call Factory BMA600AA BMA600SA 13,526 2,155 283 719 1,155 796 Call Factory Call Factory 1,245 Call Factory Air Defrost Models with PSC Motors - 208-230/1/60 BMA130BA BMA130SA 3,538 2,155 283 536 816 - 1,185 Call Factory 1,072 Call Factory BMA155BA BMA155SA 4,172 2,155 283 536 816 - 1,185 Call Factory 1,072 Call Factory BMA245BAF BMA245SA 5,931 2,155 283 536 816 - Call Factory Call Factory 1,130 Call Factory BMA300BA BMA300SA 7,550 2,155 283 536 816 - Call Factory Call Factory 1,130 Call Factory BMA365BA BMA365SA 9,319 2,155 283 719 1,155 - Call Factory Call Factory 1,191 Call Factory BMA450BA BMA450SA 11,145 2,155 283 719 1,155 796 Call Factory Call Factory 1,191 Call Factory BMA510BA BMA510SA 12,974 2,155 283 719 1,155 796 Call Factory Call Factory 1,245 Call Factory BMA600BA BMA600SA 13,772 2,155 283 719 1,155 796 Call Factory Call Factory 1,245 Call Factory BMA710BA BMA710SA 15,617 2,155 283 1,043 1,601 796 Call Factory Call Factory 1,277 Call Factory Regulations Require EC or VSEC Motors! Federal Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) California Energy Commission Title 24, Section 126 Effective 01/01/2010, refrigerated warehouses with a total cold storage and frozen storage area exceeding 3,000 square feet with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be variable speed EC motors and controlled in response to space conditions. Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Section 5 Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors. Notes: • Beacon II must be ordered as a system. • Variable Speed EC (VSEC) motors require a customer supplied 0-10V signal. • TXV = Expansion Valve; LLSV = Liquid Line Solenoid Valve • Molded fan guards are standard and ring fan guards optional at no additional cost. • Double Wall Insulated Pans, Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan, and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. 1C - 53 Walk-In Unit Coolers Medium Profile Air Defrost Models & Options • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. Section 1 When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Bohn Bohn List Electrical Options Standard Configurable Price Model Model ($US) Beacon II Room Assembly TSTAT Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Mechanical Options TXV Coil Options TXV & Adjust. ElectroFin BohnGuard™ BohnKote™ Bronz-Glow LLSV Nozzle Coil Fin Protection Air Defrost Models with PSC Motors - 460/1/60 BMA130MA BMA130SA 3,718 2,155 283 536 816 - 1,185 Call Factory 1,072 Call Factory BMA155MA BMA155SA 4,354 2,155 283 536 816 - 1,185 Call Factory 1,072 Call Factory BMA245MA BMA245SA 6,293 2,155 283 536 816 - Call Factory Call Factory 1,130 Call Factory BMA300MA BMA300SA 7,911 2,155 283 536 816 - Call Factory Call Factory - Call Factory BMA365MA BMA365SA 9,855 2,155 283 719 1,155 - Call Factory Call Factory - Call Factory BMA450MA BMA450SA 11,683 2,155 283 719 1,155 796 Call Factory Call Factory - Call Factory BMA510MA BMA510SA 13,691 2,155 283 719 1,155 796 Call Factory Call Factory 1,245 Call Factory BMA600MA BMA600SA 14,489 2,155 283 719 1,155 796 Call Factory Call Factory 1,245 Call Factory BMA710MA BMA710SA 16,515 2,155 283 1,043 1,601 796 Call Factory Call Factory 1,277 Call Factory 283 536 816 - 1,185 Call Factory 1,072 Call Factory Air Defrost Models with PSC Motors - 575/1/60 BMA130LA BMA130SA 3,791 2,155 BMA155LA BMA155SA 4,441 2,155 283 536 816 - 1,185 Call Factory 1,072 Call Factory BMA245LA BMA245SA 6,419 2,155 283 536 816 - Call Factory Call Factory 1,130 Call Factory BMA300LA BMA300SA 8,071 2,155 283 536 816 - Call Factory Call Factory 1,130 Call Factory BMA365LA BMA365SA 10,050 2,155 283 719 1,155 - Call Factory Call Factory 1,191 Call Factory BMA450LA BMA450SA 11,917 2,155 283 719 1,155 796 Call Factory Call Factory 1,191 Call Factory BMA510LA BMA510SA 13,967 2,155 283 719 1,155 796 Call Factory Call Factory 1,245 Call Factory BMA600LA BMA600SA 14,778 2,155 283 719 1,155 796 Call Factory Call Factory 1,245 Call Factory BMA710LA BMA710SA 16,844 2,155 283 1,043 1,601 796 Call Factory Call Factory 1,277 Call Factory 1,185 Call Factory 1,072 Call Factory Air Defrost Models with Totally-Enclosed PSC Motors - 208-230/1/60 - BMA130SA 3,775 2,155 283 536 816 - - BMA155SA 4,409 2,155 283 536 816 - 1,185 Call Factory 1,072 Call Factory - BMA245SA 6,405 2,155 283 536 816 - Call Factory Call Factory 1,130 Call Factory - BMA300SA 8,024 2,155 283 536 816 - Call Factory Call Factory 1,130 Call Factory - BMA365SA 10,030 2,155 283 719 1,155 - Call Factory Call Factory 1,191 Call Factory - BMA450SA 11,856 2,155 283 719 1,155 796 Call Factory Call Factory 1,191 Call Factory - BMA510SA 13,922 2,155 283 719 1,155 796 Call Factory Call Factory 1,245 Call Factory - BMA600SA 14,720 2,155 283 719 1,155 796 Call Factory Call Factory 1,245 Call Factory - BMA710SA 16,802 2,155 283 1,043 1,601 796 Call Factory Call Factory 1,277 Call Factory Regulations Require EC or VSEC Motors! Federal Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors. California Energy Commission Title 24, Section 126 Effective 01/01/2010, refrigerated warehouses with a total cold storage and frozen storage area exceeding 3,000 square feet with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be variable speed EC motors and controlled in response to space conditions. 1C - 54 Notes: • Beacon II must be ordered as a system. • Variable Speed EC (VSEC) motors require a customer supplied 0-10V signal. • TXV = Expansion Valve; LLSV = Liquid Line Solenoid Valve • Molded fan guards are standard and ring fan guards optional at no additional cost. • Double Wall Insulated Pans, Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan, and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Walk-In Unit Coolers Air Defrost Models & Options Medium Profile • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. Bohn Bohn List Electrical Options Standard Configurable Price Model Model ($US) Beacon II Room Assembly TSTAT Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Mechanical Options TXV Coil Options TXV & Adjust. ElectroFin BohnGuard™ BohnKote™ Bronz-Glow LLSV Nozzle Coil Fin Protection Air Defrost Models with Totally-Enclosed PSC Motors - 460/1/60 - BMA130SA 3,955 2,155 283 536 816 - 1,185 Call Factory 1,072 Call Factory - BMA155SA 4,591 2,155 283 536 816 - 1,185 Call Factory 1,072 Call Factory - BMA245SA 6,767 2,155 283 536 816 - Call Factory Call Factory 1,130 Call Factory - BMA300SA 8,385 2,155 283 536 816 - Call Factory Call Factory 1,130 Call Factory - BMA365SA 10,566 2,155 283 719 1,155 - Call Factory Call Factory 1,191 Call Factory - BMA450SA 12,394 2,155 283 719 1,155 796 Call Factory Call Factory 1,191 Call Factory - BMA510SA 14,639 2,155 283 719 1,155 796 Call Factory Call Factory 1,245 Call Factory - BMA600SA 15,437 2,155 283 719 1,155 796 Call Factory Call Factory 1,245 Call Factory - BMA710SA 17,700 2,155 283 1,043 1,601 796 Call Factory Call Factory 1,277 Call Factory Regulations Require EC or VSEC Motors! Federal Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) California Energy Commission Title 24, Section 126 Effective 01/01/2010, refrigerated warehouses with a total cold storage and frozen storage area exceeding 3,000 square feet with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be variable speed EC motors and controlled in response to space conditions. Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Section 5 Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors. Notes: • Beacon II must be ordered as a system. • Variable Speed EC (VSEC) motors require a customer supplied 0-10V signal. • TXV = Expansion Valve; LLSV = Liquid Line Solenoid Valve • Molded fan guards are standard and ring fan guards optional at no additional cost. • Double Wall Insulated Pans, Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan, and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. Section 1 When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? 1C - 55 Walk-In Unit Coolers Medium Profile Electric Defrost Models & Options • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Section 1 Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Bohn Standard Model Bohn Configurable Model FPI List Price ($US) Electrical Options Beacon II Assembly Drain Pan Options Mechanical Options Coil Options Room TSTAT Electric Double Wall Insulated TXV TXV & LLSV Adjust. Nozzle Bronz-Glow Electric Defrost Models with VSEC Motors -208-230/1/60 - BME101SA 6 5,074 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory - BME140SA 6 5,853 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory - BME190SA 6 8,431 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory - BME260SA 6 10,935 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory - BME310SA 6 12,529 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory - BME390SA 6 14,792 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory - BML100SA 4.5 5,236 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory - BML165SA 4.5 7,761 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory - BML220SA 4.5 10,011 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory - BML250SA 4.5 11,420 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 - Call Factory - BML330SA 4.5 14,301 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory Electric Defrost Models with EC Motors - 208-230/1/60 - BME101SA 6 4,845 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory - BME140SA 6 5,624 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory - BME190SA 6 7,973 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory - BME260SA 6 10,477 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory - BME310SA 6 11,842 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory - BME390SA 6 14,105 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory - BML100SA 4.5 5,007 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory - BML165SA 4.5 7,303 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory - BML220SA 4.5 9,553 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory - BML250SA 4.5 10,733 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 - Call Factory - BML330SA 4.5 13,614 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory Electric Defrost Models with EC Motors - 208-230/3/60 - BME101SA 6 4,845 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory - BME140SA 6 5,624 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory - BME190SA 6 7,973 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory - BME260SA 6 10,477 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory - BME310SA 6 11,842 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory Regulations Require EC or VSEC Motors! Federal Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors. California Energy Commission Title 24, Section 126 Effective 01/01/2010, refrigerated warehouses with a total cold storage and frozen storage area exceeding 3,000 square feet with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be variable speed EC motors and controlled in response to space conditions. 1C - 56 Notes: • Adjustable Defrost Term/Fan Delay standard. • Beacon II must be ordered as a system. • Variable Speed EC (VSEC) motors require a customer supplied 0-10V signal. • TXV = Expansion Valve; LLSV = Liquid Line Solenoid Valve • Molded fan guards are standard and wire fan guards optional at no additional cost. • Low Temp Motors, Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan, and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Walk-In Unit Coolers Medium Profile Electric Defrost Models & Options • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Bohn Configurable Model FPI - BME390SA 6 - BME430SA 6 - BME520SA - BME620SA - List Price ($US) Electrical Options Drain Pan Options Mechanical Options Coil Options Beacon II Assembly Room TSTAT Electric Double Wall Insulated TXV TXV & LLSV Adjust. Nozzle Bronz-Glow 14,105 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory 15,800 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory 6 17,589 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory 6 19,337 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 1,043 1,601 796 Call Factory BML100SA 4.5 5,007 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory BML165SA 4.5 7,303 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory - BML220SA 4.5 9,553 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory - BML250SA 4.5 10,733 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 - Call Factory - BML330SA 4.5 13,614 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory - BML370SA 4.5 15,268 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory - BML440SA 4.5 16,951 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory - BML530SA 4.5 18,689 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 1,043 1,601 796 Call Factory Section 1 Bohn Standard Model Electric Defrost Models with PSC Motors - 208-230/1/60 BME101BA BME101SA 6 4,225 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory BME140BA BME140SA 6 5,004 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory BME190BA BME190SA 6 6,733 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory BME260BA BME260SA 6 9,237 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory BME310BA BME310SA 6 9,982 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory BME390BA BME390SA 6 12,245 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory BML100BA BML100SA 4.5 4,387 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory BML165BA BML165SA 4.5 6,063 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory BML220BA BML220SA 4.5 8,313 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory BML250BA BML250SA 4.5 8,873 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 - Call Factory BML330BA BML330SA 4.5 11,754 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory Electric Defrost Models with PSC Motors - 208-230/3/60 BME101CA BME101SA 6 4,225 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory BME140CA BME140SA 6 5,004 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory BME190CA BME190SA 6 6,733 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory BME260CA BME260SA 6 9,237 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory BME310CA BME310SA 6 9,982 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory Regulations Require EC or VSEC Motors! Federal Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) California Energy Commission Title 24, Section 126 Effective 01/01/2010, refrigerated warehouses with a total cold storage and frozen storage area exceeding 3,000 square feet with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be variable speed EC motors and controlled in response to space conditions. Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Section 5 Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors. Notes: • Adjustable Defrost Term/Fan Delay standard. • Beacon II must be ordered as a system. • Variable Speed EC (VSEC) motors require a customer supplied 0-10V signal. • TXV = Expansion Valve; LLSV = Liquid Line Solenoid Valve • Molded fan guards are standard and wire fan guards optional at no additional cost. • Low Temp Motors, Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan, and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. 1C - 57 Walk-In Unit Coolers Medium Profile Electric Defrost Models & Options When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. Section 1 Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Bohn Standard Model Bohn Configurable Model FPI List Price ($US) Electrical Options Beacon II Assembly Room TSTAT Drain Pan Options Electric Double Wall Insulated Mechanical Options TXV Coil Options TXV & LLSV Adjust. Nozzle Bronz-Glow BME390CA BME390SA 6 12,245 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory BME430CA BME430SA 6 13,320 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory BME520CA BME520SA 6 15,109 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory BME620CA BME620SA 6 16,237 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 1,043 1,601 796 Call Factory BML100CA BML100SA 4.5 4,387 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory BML165CA BML165SA 4.5 6,063 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory BML220CA BML220SA 4.5 8,313 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory BML250CA BML250SA 4.5 8,873 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 - Call Factory BML330CA BML330SA 4.5 11,754 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory BML370CA BML370SA 4.5 12,788 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory BML440CA BML440SA 4.5 14,471 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory BML530CA BML530SA 4.5 15,589 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 1,043 1,601 796 Call Factory Electric Defrost Models with PSC Motors - 460/1/60 BME101MA BME101SA 6 4,480 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory BME140MA BME140SA 6 5,257 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory BME190MA BME190SA 6 7,233 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory BME260MA BME260SA 6 9,739 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory BME310MA BME310SA 6 10,732 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory BME390MA BME390SA 6 12,997 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory BME430MA BME430SA 6 14,323 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory BME520MA BME520SA 6 16,112 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory BME620MA BME620SA 6 17,492 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 1,043 1,601 796 Call Factory BML100MA BML100SA 4.5 4,637 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory BML165MA BML165SA 4.5 6,565 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory BML220MA BML220SA 4.5 8,817 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory BML250MA BML250SA 4.5 9,372 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 - Call Factory BML330MA BML330SA 4.5 12,509 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory BML370MA BML370SA 4.5 13,789 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory BML440MA BML440SA 4.5 15,471 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory BML530MA BML530SA 4.5 16,842 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 1,043 1,601 796 Call Factory Regulations Require EC or VSEC Motors! Federal Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors. California Energy Commission Title 24, Section 126 Effective 01/01/2010, refrigerated warehouses with a total cold storage and frozen storage area exceeding 3,000 square feet with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be variable speed EC motors and controlled in response to space conditions. 1C - 58 Notes: • Adjustable Defrost Term/Fan Delay standard. • Beacon II must be ordered as a system. • Variable Speed EC (VSEC) motors require a customer supplied 0-10V signal. • TXV = Expansion Valve; LLSV = Liquid Line Solenoid Valve • Molded fan guards are standard and wire fan guards optional at no additional cost. • Low Temp Motors, Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan, and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Walk-In Unit Coolers Medium Profile Electric Defrost Models & Options • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Bohn Configurable Model FPI List Price ($US) Electrical Options Beacon II Assembly Drain Pan Options Mechanical Options Coil Options Room TSTAT Electric Double Wall Insulated TXV TXV & LLSV Adjust. Nozzle Bronz-Glow Electric Defrost Models with PSC Motors - 460/3/60 BME101DA BME101SA 6 4,480 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory BME140DA BME140SA 6 5,257 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory BME190DA BME190SA 6 7,233 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory BME260DA BME260SA 6 9,739 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory BME310DA BME310SA 6 10,732 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory BME390DA BME390SA 6 12,997 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory BME430DA BME430SA 6 14,323 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory BME520DA BME520SA 6 16,112 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory BME620DA BME620SA 6 17,492 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 1,043 1,601 796 Call Factory BML100DA BML100SA 4.5 4,637 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory BML165DA BML165SA 4.5 6,565 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory BML220DA BML220SA 4.5 8,817 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory BML250DA BML250SA 4.5 9,372 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 - Call Factory BML330DA BML330SA 4.5 12,509 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory BML370DA BML370SA 4.5 13,789 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory BML440DA BML440SA 4.5 15,471 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory BML530DA BML530SA 4.5 16,842 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 1,043 1,601 796 Call Factory Section 1 Bohn Standard Model Electric Defrost Models with PSC Motors - 575/3/60 BME101EA BME101SA 6 4,572 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory BME140EA BME140SA 6 5,360 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory BME190EA BME190SA 6 7,377 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory BME260EA BME260SA 6 9,937 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory BME310EA BME310SA 6 10,948 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory BME390EA BME390SA 6 13,257 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory BME430EA BME430SA 6 14,613 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory BME520EA BME520SA 6 16,433 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory BME620EA BME620SA 6 17,843 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 1,043 1,601 796 Call Factory BML100EA BML100SA 4.5 4,731 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory BML165EA BML165SA 4.5 6,693 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory Regulations Require EC or VSEC Motors! Federal Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) California Energy Commission Title 24, Section 126 Effective 01/01/2010, refrigerated warehouses with a total cold storage and frozen storage area exceeding 3,000 square feet with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be variable speed EC motors and controlled in response to space conditions. Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Section 5 Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors. Notes: • Adjustable Defrost Term/Fan Delay standard. • Beacon II must be ordered as a system. • Variable Speed EC (VSEC) motors require a customer supplied 0-10V signal. • TXV = Expansion Valve; LLSV = Liquid Line Solenoid Valve • Molded fan guards are standard and wire fan guards optional at no additional cost. • Low Temp Motors, Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan, and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. 1C - 59 Walk-In Unit Coolers Medium Profile Electric Defrost Models & Options • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Section 1 Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Bohn Standard Model Bohn Configurable Model FPI BML220EA BML220SA 4.5 BML250EA BML250SA 4.5 BML330EA BML330SA BML370EA BML370SA BML440EA BML530EA List Price ($US) Electrical Options Drain Pan Options Mechanical Options Beacon II Assembly Room TSTAT Electric Double Wall Insulated TXV 8,993 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 9,558 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 4.5 12,759 2,155 283 Standard 4.5 14,066 2,155 283 Standard BML440SA 4.5 15,780 2,155 283 Standard BML530SA 4.5 17,177 2,155 283 Standard Coil Options TXV & LLSV Adjust. Nozzle Bronz-Glow 536 816 - Call Factory 719 1,155 - Call Factory Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory Call Factory 1,043 1,601 796 Call Factory Electric Defrost Models with Totally-Enclosed PSC Motors - 208-230/1/60 - BME101SA 6 4,462 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory - BME140SA 6 5,241 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory - BME190SA 6 7,207 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory - BME260SA 6 9,711 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory - BME310SA 6 10,693 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory - BME390SA 6 12,956 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory - BML100SA 4.5 4,624 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory - BML165SA 4.5 6,537 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory - BML220SA 4.5 8,787 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory - BML250SA 4.5 9,584 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 - Call Factory - BML330SA 4.5 12,465 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory Electric Defrost Models with Totally-Enclosed PSC Motors - 208-230/3/60 - BME101SA 6 4,462 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory - BME140SA 6 5,241 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory - BME190SA 6 7,207 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory - BME260SA 6 9,711 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory - BME310SA 6 10,693 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory - BME390SA 6 12,956 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory - BME430SA 6 14,268 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory - BME520SA 6 16,057 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory - BME620SA 6 17,422 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 1,043 1,601 796 Call Factory - BML100SA 4.5 4,624 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory - BML165SA 4.5 6,537 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory Regulations Require EC or VSEC Motors! Federal Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors. California Energy Commission Title 24, Section 126 Effective 01/01/2010, refrigerated warehouses with a total cold storage and frozen storage area exceeding 3,000 square feet with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be variable speed EC motors and controlled in response to space conditions. 1C - 60 Notes: • Adjustable Defrost Term/Fan Delay standard. • Beacon II must be ordered as a system. • Variable Speed EC (VSEC) motors require a customer supplied 0-10V signal. • TXV = Expansion Valve; LLSV = Liquid Line Solenoid Valve • Molded fan guards are standard and wire fan guards optional at no additional cost. • Low Temp Motors, Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan, and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Walk-In Unit Coolers Medium Profile Electric Defrost Models & Options • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Bohn Configurable Model FPI - BML220SA 4.5 - BML250SA 4.5 - BML330SA - BML370SA - List Price ($US) Electrical Options Drain Pan Options Mechanical Options Beacon II Assembly Room TSTAT Electric Double Wall Insulated TXV 8,787 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 9,584 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 4.5 12,465 2,155 283 Standard 4.5 13,736 2,155 283 Standard BML440SA 4.5 15,419 2,155 283 Standard BML530SA 4.5 16,774 2,155 283 Standard Coil Options TXV & LLSV Adjust. Nozzle Bronz-Glow 536 816 - Call Factory 719 1,155 - Call Factory Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory Call Factory 1,043 1,601 796 Call Factory Section 1 Bohn Standard Model Electric Defrost Models with Totally-Enclosed PSC Motors - 460/1/60 - BME101SA 6 4,717 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory - BME140SA 6 5,494 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory - BME190SA 6 7,707 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory - BME260SA 6 10,213 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory - BME310SA 6 11,443 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory - BME390SA 6 13,708 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory - BME430SA 6 15,271 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory - BME520SA 6 17,060 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory - BME620SA 6 18,677 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 1,043 1,601 796 Call Factory - BML100SA 4.5 4,874 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory - BML165SA 4.5 7,039 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory - BML220SA 4.5 9,291 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory - BML250SA 4.5 10,083 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 - Call Factory - BML330SA 4.5 13,220 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory - BML370SA 4.5 14,737 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory - BML440SA 4.5 16,419 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory - BML530SA 4.5 18,027 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 1,043 1,601 796 Call Factory Electric Defrost Models with Totally-Enclosed PSC Motors - 460/3/60 - BME101SA 6 4,717 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory - BME140SA 6 5,494 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory - BME190SA 6 7,707 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory - BME260SA 6 10,213 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory - BME310SA 6 11,443 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory Regulations Require EC or VSEC Motors! Federal Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) California Energy Commission Title 24, Section 126 Effective 01/01/2010, refrigerated warehouses with a total cold storage and frozen storage area exceeding 3,000 square feet with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be variable speed EC motors and controlled in response to space conditions. Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Section 5 Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors. Notes: • Adjustable Defrost Term/Fan Delay standard. • Beacon II must be ordered as a system. • Variable Speed EC (VSEC) motors require a customer supplied 0-10V signal. • TXV = Expansion Valve; LLSV = Liquid Line Solenoid Valve • Molded fan guards are standard and wire fan guards optional at no additional cost. • Low Temp Motors, Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan, and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. 1C - 61 Walk-In Unit Coolers Medium Profile Electric Defrost Models & Options • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Section 1 Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Bohn Standard Model Bohn Configurable Model FPI - BME390SA 6 - BME430SA 6 - BME520SA - BME620SA - List Price ($US) Electrical Options Mechanical Options Coil Options Beacon II Assembly Room TSTAT Electric Double Wall Insulated TXV TXV & LLSV Adjust. Nozzle Bronz-Glow 13,708 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory 15,271 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory 6 17,060 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory 6 18,677 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 1,043 1,601 796 Call Factory BML100SA 4.5 4,874 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory BML165SA 4.5 7,039 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory - BML220SA 4.5 9,291 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 536 816 - Call Factory - BML250SA 4.5 10,083 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 - Call Factory - BML330SA 4.5 13,220 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory - BML370SA 4.5 14,737 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory - BML440SA 4.5 16,419 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 719 1,155 796 Call Factory - BML530SA 4.5 18,027 2,155 283 Standard Call Factory 1,043 1,601 796 Call Factory Regulations Require EC or VSEC Motors! Federal Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors. California Energy Commission Title 24, Section 126 Effective 01/01/2010, refrigerated warehouses with a total cold storage and frozen storage area exceeding 3,000 square feet with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be variable speed EC motors and controlled in response to space conditions. 1C - 62 Drain Pan Options Notes: • Adjustable Defrost Term/Fan Delay standard. • Beacon II must be ordered as a system. • Variable Speed EC (VSEC) motors require a customer supplied 0-10V signal. • TXV = Expansion Valve; LLSV = Liquid Line Solenoid Valve • Molded fan guards are standard and wire fan guards optional at no additional cost. • Low Temp Motors, Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan, and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Walk-In Unit Coolers Medium Profile Hot Gas Defrost Models & Options When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Bohn Configurable Model FPI List Price ($US) Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Drain Pan Options Electric Hot Gas Loop Mechanical Options Double Wall Insulated TXV Coil Options ElectroFin Coil Bronz-Glow Hot Gas Defrost Models with VSEC Motors - 115/1/60 - BMG190SA 6 7,926 Standard 641 Call Factory 536 - Call Factory - BMG260SA 6 10,227 Standard 641 Call Factory 536 - Call Factory - BMG310SA 6 11,776 Standard 769 Call Factory 719 - Call Factory - BMG390SA 6 13,915 Standard 769 Call Factory 719 - Call Factory - BMG430SA 6 15,714 Standard 896 Call Factory 1,043 - Call Factory - BMG520SA 6 17,399 Standard 896 Call Factory 1,043 - Call Factory - BMF165SA 4.5 7,734 Standard 641 Call Factory 536 Call Factory Call Factory - BMF220SA 4.5 10,026 Standard 641 Call Factory 536 Call Factory Call Factory - BMF250SA 4.5 11,495 Standard 769 Call Factory 719 Call Factory Call Factory - BMF330SA 4.5 13,506 Standard 769 Call Factory 719 Call Factory Call Factory - BMF370SA 4.5 15,273 Standard 896 Call Factory 1,043 Call Factory Call Factory - BMF440SA 4.5 16,901 Standard 896 Call Factory 1,043 Call Factory Call Factory Section 1 Bohn Standard Model • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. Hot Gas Defrost Models with VSEC Motors - 208-230/1/60 - BMG190SA 6 8,052 Standard 641 Call Factory 536 - Call Factory - BMG260SA 6 10,415 Standard 641 Call Factory 536 - Call Factory - BMG310SA 6 11,963 Standard 769 Call Factory 719 - Call Factory - BMG390SA 6 14,102 Standard 769 Call Factory 719 - Call Factory - BMG430SA 6 15,966 Standard 896 Call Factory 1,043 - Call Factory - BMG520SA 6 17,649 Standard 896 Call Factory 1,043 - Call Factory - BMF165SA 4.5 7,859 Standard 641 Call Factory 536 Call Factory Call Factory - BMF220SA 4.5 10,153 Standard 641 Call Factory 536 Call Factory Call Factory - BMF250SA 4.5 11,679 Standard 769 Call Factory 719 Call Factory Call Factory - BMF330SA 4.5 13,696 Standard 769 Call Factory 719 Call Factory Call Factory - BMF370SA 4.5 15,525 Standard 896 Call Factory 1,043 Call Factory Call Factory - BMF440SA 4.5 17,154 Standard 896 Call Factory 1,043 Call Factory Call Factory 641 Call Factory 536 - Call Factory Hot Gas Defrost Models with EC Motors - 115/1/60 - BMG190SA 6 7,468 Standard - BMG260SA 6 9,769 Standard 641 Call Factory 536 - Call Factory - BMG310SA 6 11,089 Standard 769 Call Factory 719 - Call Factory Regulations Require EC or VSEC Motors! Federal Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) California Energy Commission Title 24, Section 126 Effective 01/01/2010, refrigerated warehouses with a total cold storage and frozen storage area exceeding 3,000 square feet with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be variable speed EC motors and controlled in response to space conditions. Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Section 5 Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors. Notes: • Adjustable Defrost Term/Fan Relay standard. • Variable Speed EC (VSEC) motors require a customer supplied 0-10V signal. • TXV = Expansion Valve • Molded fan guards are standard and wire fan guards optional at no additional cost. • When using hot gas defrost units on 0°F degree applications and below, an insulated drain pan is required for models with hot gas drain pans. • Low Temp Motors, Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan, and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. 1C - 63 Walk-In Unit Coolers Hot Gas Defrost Models & Options Medium Profile • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. Section 1 When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Bohn Standard Model Bohn Configurable Model FPI - BMG390SA 6 Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) List Price ($US) Electric Hot Gas Loop 13,228 Standard Drain Pan Options 769 Mechanical Options Coil Options Double Wall Insulated TXV ElectroFin Coil Bronz-Glow Call Factory 719 - Call Factory - BMG430SA 6 14,798 Standard 896 Call Factory 1,043 - Call Factory - BMG520SA 6 16,483 Standard 896 Call Factory 1,043 - Call Factory - BMF165SA 4.5 7,276 Standard 641 Call Factory 536 Call Factory Call Factory - BMF220SA 4.5 9,568 Standard 641 Call Factory 536 Call Factory Call Factory - BMF250SA 4.5 10,808 Standard 769 Call Factory 719 Call Factory Call Factory - BMF330SA 4.5 12,819 Standard 769 Call Factory 719 Call Factory Call Factory - BMF370SA 4.5 14,357 Standard 896 Call Factory 1,043 Call Factory Call Factory - BMF440SA 4.5 15,985 Standard 896 Call Factory 1,043 Call Factory Call Factory Hot Gas Defrost Models with EC Motors - 208-230/1/60 - BMG190SA 6 7,594 Standard 641 Call Factory 536 - Call Factory - BMG260SA 6 9,957 Standard 641 Call Factory 536 - Call Factory - BMG310SA 6 11,276 Standard 769 Call Factory 719 - Call Factory - BMG390SA 6 13,415 Standard 769 Call Factory 719 - Call Factory - BMG430SA 6 15,050 Standard 896 Call Factory 1,043 - Call Factory - BMG520SA 6 16,733 Standard 896 Call Factory 1,043 - Call Factory - BMF165SA 4.5 7,401 Standard 641 Call Factory 536 Call Factory Call Factory - BMF220SA 4.5 9,695 Standard 641 Call Factory 536 Call Factory Call Factory - BMF250SA 4.5 10,992 Standard 769 Call Factory 719 Call Factory Call Factory - BMF330SA 4.5 13,009 Standard 769 Call Factory 719 Call Factory Call Factory - BMF370SA 4.5 14,609 Standard 896 Call Factory 1,043 Call Factory Call Factory - BMF440SA 4.5 16,238 Standard 896 Call Factory 1,043 Call Factory Call Factory 641 Call Factory 536 - Call Factory Hot Gas Defrost Models with PSC Motors - 115/1/60 BMG190AA BMG190SA 6 6,228 Standard BMG260AA BMG260SA 6 8,529 Standard 641 Call Factory 536 - Call Factory BMG310AA BMG310SA 6 9,229 Standard 769 Call Factory 719 - Call Factory BMG390AA BMG390SA 6 11,368 Standard 769 Call Factory 719 - Call Factory BMG430AA BMG430SA 6 12,318 Standard 896 Call Factory 1,043 - Call Factory BMG520AA BMG520SA 6 14,003 Standard 896 Call Factory 1,043 - Call Factory Regulations Require EC or VSEC Motors! Federal Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors. California Energy Commission Title 24, Section 126 Effective 01/01/2010, refrigerated warehouses with a total cold storage and frozen storage area exceeding 3,000 square feet with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be variable speed EC motors and controlled in response to space conditions. 1C - 64 Notes: • Adjustable Defrost Term/Fan Delay standard. • Variable Speed EC (VSEC) motors require a customer supplied 0-10V signal. • TXV = Expansion Valve • Molded fan guards are standard and wire fan guards optional at no additional cost. • When using hot gas defrost units on 0°F degree applications and below, an insulated drain pan is required for models with hot gas drain pans. • Low Temp Motors, Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan, and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Walk-In Unit Coolers Hot Gas Defrost Models & Options Medium Profile • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Bohn Configurable Model FPI List Price ($US) Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Drain Pan Options Mechanical Options Double Wall Electric Hot Gas Loop Insulated TXV Coil Options ElectroFin Coil Bronz-Glow BMF165AA BMF165SA 4.5 6,036 Standard 641 Call Factory 536 Call Factory Call Factory BMF220AA BMF220SA 4.5 8,328 Standard 641 Call Factory 536 Call Factory Call Factory BMF250AA BMF250SA 4.5 8,948 Standard 769 Call Factory 719 Call Factory Call Factory BMF330AA BMF330SA 4.5 10,959 Standard 769 Call Factory 719 Call Factory Call Factory BMF370AA BMF370SA 4.5 11,877 Standard 896 Call Factory 1,043 Call Factory Call Factory BMF440AA BMF440SA 4.5 13,505 Standard 896 Call Factory 1,043 Call Factory Call Factory 641 Call Factory 536 - Call Factory Section 1 Bohn Standard Model Hot Gas Defrost Models with PSC Motors - 208-230/1/60 BMG190BA BMG190SA 6 6,354 Standard BMG260BA BMG260SA 6 8,717 Standard 641 Call Factory 536 - Call Factory BMG310BA BMG310SA 6 9,416 Standard 769 Call Factory 719 - Call Factory BMG390BA BMG390SA 6 11,555 Standard 769 Call Factory 719 - Call Factory BMG430BA BMG430SA 6 12,570 Standard 896 Call Factory 1,043 - Call Factory BMG520BA BMG520SA 6 14,253 Standard 896 Call Factory 1,043 - Call Factory BMF165BA BMF165SA 4.5 6,161 Standard 641 Call Factory 536 Call Factory Call Factory BMF220BA BMF220SA 4.5 8,455 Standard 641 Call Factory 536 Call Factory Call Factory BMF250BA BMF250SA 4.5 9,132 Standard 769 Call Factory 719 Call Factory Call Factory BMF330BA BMF330SA 4.5 11,149 Standard 769 Call Factory 719 Call Factory Call Factory BMF370BA BMF370SA 4.5 12,129 Standard 896 Call Factory 1,043 Call Factory Call Factory BMF440BA BMF440SA 4.5 13,758 Standard 896 Call Factory 1,043 Call Factory Call Factory Hot Gas Defrost Models with PSC Motors - 460/1/60 BMG190MA BMG190SA 6 6,866 Standard 641 Call Factory 536 - Call Factory BMG260MA BMG260SA 6 9,228 Standard 641 Call Factory 536 - Call Factory BMG310MA BMG310SA 6 10,184 Standard 769 Call Factory 719 - Call Factory BMG390MA BMG390SA 6 12,337 Standard 769 Call Factory 719 - Call Factory BMG430MA BMG430SA 6 13,589 Standard 896 Call Factory 1,043 - Call Factory BMG520MA BMG520SA 6 15,277 Standard 896 Call Factory 1,043 - Call Factory BMF165MA BMF165SA 4.5 6,669 Standard 641 Call Factory 536 Call Factory Call Factory BMF220MA BMF220SA 4.5 8,967 Standard 641 Call Factory 536 Call Factory Call Factory BMF250MA BMF250SA 4.5 9,902 Standard 769 Call Factory 719 Call Factory Call Factory Regulations Require EC or VSEC Motors! Federal Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) California Energy Commission Title 24, Section 126 Effective 01/01/2010, refrigerated warehouses with a total cold storage and frozen storage area exceeding 3,000 square feet with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be variable speed EC motors and controlled in response to space conditions. Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Section 5 Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors. Notes: • Adjustable Defrost Term/Fan Delay standard. • Variable Speed EC (VSEC) motors require a customer supplied 0-10V signal. • TXV = Expansion Valve • Molded fan guards are standard and wire fan guards optional at no additional cost. • When using hot gas defrost units on 0°F degree applications and below, an insulated drain pan is required for models with hot gas drain pans. • Low Temp Motors, Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan, and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. 1C - 65 Walk-In Unit Coolers Medium Profile Hot Gas Defrost Models & Options Section 1 When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Bohn Standard Model Bohn Configurable Model FPI BMF330MA BMF330SA 4.5 • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) List Price ($US) Electric Hot Gas Loop 11,934 Standard Drain Pan Options 769 Mechanical Options Coil Options Double Wall Insulated TXV ElectroFin Coil Bronz-Glow Call Factory 719 Call Factory Call Factory BMF370MA BMF370SA 4.5 13,149 Standard 896 Call Factory 1,043 Call Factory Call Factory BMF440MA BMF440SA 4.5 14,778 Standard 896 Call Factory 1,043 Call Factory Call Factory 641 Call Factory 536 - Call Factory Hot Gas Defrost Models with PSC Motors - 575/1/60 BMG190LA BMG190SA 6 7,002 Standard BMG260LA BMG260SA 6 9,412 Standard 641 Call Factory 536 - Call Factory BMG310LA BMG310SA 6 10,388 Standard 769 Call Factory 719 - Call Factory BMG390LA BMG390SA 6 12,585 Standard 769 Call Factory 719 - Call Factory BMG430LA BMG430SA 6 13,863 Standard 896 Call Factory 1,043 - Call Factory BMG520LA BMG520SA 6 15,583 Standard 896 Call Factory 1,043 - Call Factory BMF165LA BMF165SA 4.5 6,804 Standard 641 Call Factory 536 Call Factory Call Factory BMF220LA BMF220SA 4.5 9,147 Standard 641 Call Factory 536 Call Factory Call Factory BMF250LA BMF250SA 4.5 10,100 Standard 769 Call Factory 719 Call Factory Call Factory BMF330LA BMF330SA 4.5 12,172 Standard 769 Call Factory 719 Call Factory Call Factory BMF370LA BMF370SA 4.5 13,413 Standard 896 Call Factory 1,043 Call Factory Call Factory BMF440LA BMF440SA 4.5 15,075 Standard 896 Call Factory 1,043 Call Factory Call Factory 536 - Call Factory Hot Gas Defrost Models with Totally-Enclosed PSC Motors - 208-230/1/60 - BMG190SA 6 6,828 Standard 641 - BMG260SA 6 9,191 Standard 641 Call Factory 536 - Call Factory - BMG310SA 6 10,127 Standard 769 Call Factory 719 - Call Factory - BMG390SA 6 12,266 Standard 769 Call Factory 719 - Call Factory - BMG430SA 6 13,518 Standard 896 Call Factory 1,043 - Call Factory - BMG520SA 6 15,201 Standard 896 Call Factory 1,043 - Call Factory - BMF165SA 4.5 6,635 Standard 641 Call Factory 536 Call Factory Call Factory - BMF220SA 4.5 8,929 Standard 641 Call Factory 536 Call Factory Call Factory - BMF250SA 4.5 9,843 Standard 769 Call Factory 719 Call Factory Call Factory - BMF330SA 4.5 11,860 Standard 769 Call Factory 719 Call Factory Call Factory - BMF370SA 4.5 13,077 Standard 896 Call Factory 1,043 Call Factory Call Factory - BMF440SA 4.5 14,706 Standard 896 Call Factory 1,043 Call Factory Call Factory Regulations Require EC or VSEC Motors! Federal Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors. California Energy Commission Title 24, Section 126 Effective 01/01/2010, refrigerated warehouses with a total cold storage and frozen storage area exceeding 3,000 square feet with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be variable speed EC motors and controlled in response to space conditions. 1C - 66 Call Factory Notes: • Adjustable Defrost Term/Fan Delay standard. • Variable Speed EC (VSEC) motors require a customer supplied 0-10V signal. • TXV = Expansion Valve • Molded fan guards are standard and wire fan guards optional at no additional cost. • When using hot gas defrost units on 0°F degree applications and below, an insulated drain pan is required for models with hot gas drain pans. • Low Temp Motors, Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan, and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Walk-In Unit Coolers Hot Gas Defrost Models & Options Medium Profile When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Bohn Configurable Model FPI List Price ($US) Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Drain Pan Options Electric Hot Gas Loop Mechanical Options Double Wall Insulated TXV Coil Options ElectroFin Coil Bronz-Glow Hot Gas Defrost Models with Totally-Enclosed PSC Motors - 460/1/60 - BMG190SA 6 7,340 Standard 641 Call Factory 536 - Call Factory - BMG260SA 6 9,702 Standard 641 Call Factory 536 - Call Factory - BMG310SA 6 10,895 Standard 769 Call Factory 719 - Call Factory - BMG390SA 6 13,048 Standard 769 Call Factory 719 - Call Factory - BMG430SA 6 14,537 Standard 896 Call Factory 1,043 - Call Factory - BMG520SA 6 16,225 Standard 896 Call Factory 1,043 - Call Factory - BMF165SA 4.5 7,143 Standard 641 Call Factory 536 Call Factory Call Factory - BMF220SA 4.5 9,441 Standard 641 Call Factory 536 Call Factory Call Factory - BMF250SA 4.5 10,613 Standard 769 Call Factory 719 Call Factory Call Factory - BMF330SA 4.5 12,645 Standard 769 Call Factory 719 Call Factory Call Factory - BMF370SA 4.5 14,097 Standard 896 Call Factory 1,043 Call Factory Call Factory - BMF440SA 4.5 15,726 Standard 896 Call Factory 1,043 Call Factory Call Factory Regulations Require EC or VSEC Motors! Federal Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) California Energy Commission Title 24, Section 126 Effective 01/01/2010, refrigerated warehouses with a total cold storage and frozen storage area exceeding 3,000 square feet with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be variable speed EC motors and controlled in response to space conditions. Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Section 5 Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors. Notes: • Adjustable Defrost Term/Fan Delay standard. • Variable Speed EC (VSEC) motors require a customer supplied 0-10V signal. • TXV = Expansion Valve • Molded fan guards are standard and wire fan guards optional at no additional cost. • When using hot gas defrost units on 0°F degree applications and below, an insulated drain pan is required for models with hot gas drain pans. • Low Temp Motors, Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan, and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. Section 1 Bohn Standard Model • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. 1C - 67 Walk-In Unit Coolers Medium Profile Hot Gas Reverse Cycle Kits Need a Hot Gas Reverse Cycle Kit? Need help? Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. Section 1 Kits for Models with Standard Electric Pan Hot Gas Models Used On Factory-Installed Shipped-Loose BMG BMF Option Code List Price Adder ($US) Part Number List Price ($US) 190 - 260 165 - 220 RCK.EP-1 2,393 89867601 341 310 - 520 250 - 440 RCK.EP-2 2,648 89867602 503 Notes: • Factory-installed kits include expansion valve and TXV bypass check valve assembly. Specify valve model style, refrigerant, and SST on order. • Shipped-loose kits include one check valve and piping for TXV bypass around expansion valve. Kit does not include expansion valve. Kits for Models with Optional Hot Gas Pan Hot Gas Models Used On Factory-Installed Shipped-Loose BMG BMF Option Code List Price Adder ($US) Part Number List Price ($US) 190 165 RCK.HGP-1 3,125 89869403 + 8987601 936 260 220 RCK.HGP-2 3,679 89869402 + 89867601 1,152 310 - 390 250 - 330 RCK.HGP-3 3,934 89869402 + 89867602 1,314 430 - 520 370 - 440 RCK.HGP-4 4,080 89869401 + 89867602 1,403 Notes: • Factory installed kits included expansion valve, TXV Bypass check valve assembly, suction check valve assembly, and drain pan check valve assembly. Kit does not include hot gas pan price. Specify valve model style, refrigerant, and SST on order. • Shipped-loose kits include one check valve and piping for TXV bypass around expansion valve, one check valve and piping for drain pan assembly and one check valve and piping for suction assembly. Kit does not include Hot gas pan pricing. Kit does not include expansion valve. Hot Gas 3-Pipe Kits Available. Contact your local sales representative or Account Engineer for more information. 1C - 68 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Walk-In Unit Coolers Medium Profile Shipped-Loose Accessories A wide range of shipped-loose accessories are available to order. Can’t Find Something or need help selecting the appropriate accessory for your unit? Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance Description List Price ($US) Notes Room Thermostat Electronic Room Thermostat 256 324 - Collar for Air Sock (18” fan) 210 Must be used with wire fan guards. Must order 1 per fan. Electric Defrost Timer (60 Hz) 30-Amp Contactor 50-Amp Contactor 300 321 365 Use as fan or heater contactor Use as fan or heater contactor 7/8” Suction Line Check Valve 1 1/8” Suction Line Check Valve 1 3/8” Suction Line Check Valve 1 5/8” Suction Line Check Valve 181 351 724 731 - 6 ft. Drain Line Heater (208-230V, 42 Watts) 12 ft. Drain Line Heater (208-230V, 84 Watts) 18 ft. Drain Line Heater (208-230V, 126 Watts) 36 ft. Drain Line Heater (208-230V, 252 Watts) 60 ft. Drain Line Heater (208-230V, 420 Watts) 130 142 168 257 475 - Part Number 2891040 28963101 Air Sock Collars 89865801 Defrost Controls 21340101 5505-R 5738-N Section 1 Room Thermostats Check Valves 5890C 5889C 2933022 5731F Drain Line Heaters 5508Q 5594P 5595P 5596P 5597P Heat Exchangers 24200005 24200007 24200008 24200009 Heat Exchanger used on 130 Air Defrost Model and 100 140 Electric Defrost Models Heat Exchanger used on 155 - 300 Air Defrost Models and 165 - 190 Electric & Hot Gas Defrost Models Heat Exchanger used on 365 - 450 Air Defrost Models, 260 390 (6 FPI) Electric & Hot Gas Defrost Models, and 220 - 330 (4 FPI) Electric & Hot Gas Defrost Models Heat Exchanger used on 510 - 710 Air Defrost Models and 370 - 620 Electric & Hot Gas Defrost Models 233 273 3/8” Liquid Connection OD, 7/8” Suction Connecction OD, 14” Length, 2lbs Approx. Ship Wt. 1/2” Liquid Connection OD, 1 1/8” Suction Connecction OD, 14” Length, 2lbs Approx. Ship Wt. 457 5/8” Liquid Connection OD, 1 3/8” Suction Connecction OD, 14” Length, 3lbs Approx. Ship Wt. 502 7/8” Liquid Connection OD, 1 5/8” Suction Connecction OD, 16” Length, 4lbs Approx. Ship Wt. Expansion Valves (TXV) When placing order, please specify refrigerant type, saturated suction temperature (SST), liquid temperature, and room temperature. Part Number List Price ($US) Capacity Range (BTUH) TXV024 TXV036 TXV060 TXV120 TXV360 298 298 483 613 772 24,000 BTUH and under 24,000 BTUH to 36,000 BTUH 36,000 BTUH to 60,000 BTUH 60,000 BTUH to 120,000 BTUH 120,000 BTUH to 360,000 BTUH Liquid-line Solenoid Valves (LLSV) List Price ($US) Size 29318013 4502Z 29318011 29318012 5766Y 5768Y 284 284 307 307 307 408 3/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 5/8 Rev. 03/12 Capacity Range (R-404A) Medium Temperature Application Low Temperature Application (BTUH) (BTUH) 12,000 BTUH and under 12,000 BTUH to 24,000 BTUH 24,000 BTUH to 44,000 BTUH 36,000 BTUH to 51,000 BTUH 51,000 BTUH to 72,000 BTUH 72,000 BTUH to 144,000 BTUH 11,000 BTUH and under 11,000 BTUH to 21,000 BTUH 21,000 BTUH to 38,000 BTUH 31,000 BTUH to 44,000 BTUH 44,000 BTUH to 62,000 BTUH 62,000 BTUH to 120,000 BTUH List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Section 5 Part Number 1C - 69 Section 1 Walk-In Unit Coolers Page left blank intentionally. 1C - 70 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Refrigerated Warehouse Unit Coolers Large Unit Coolers Overview Product Description The large unit cooler line, available in air, electric, and hot gas defrost, is ideal for warehouse cooler/ freezer applications. These superior quality, heavy duty evaporators are available in a wide range of capacities to support many applications. Opting for EC motors or the Beacon II™ Refrigeration System makes this product qualified to be included in the E Solutions™ product portfolio because of increased energy efficiency and cost savings. Certifications Nomenclature Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 1D - 1 Section 1 Standard Features Ease of Installation & Service • Liquid line solenoid wiring harness for faster installation • Standardized terminal board for easier field wiring • Hinged drain pan and access panels for easy servicing • Suction Schrader fitting for easier suction temperature measurement • Captive fasteners on access panels for easy servicing — no fumbling with loose bolts and nuts Reliable & Durable • Thermo-Flex™ (with five-year limited warranty) is innovative, eliminates leaks, and reduces risk of refrigerant loss • Mill finish aluminum provides an attractive design and structurally sound cabinet • PVC coated steel wire fan guards Performance • 850 rpm motors are quiet and reliable • Long air throw is ideal for large warehouse and industrial application • High CFM motors Versatile • Adjustable defrost control can be customized per application • Available with air, electric, or hot gas defrost • Beacon II™ compatible • Many motors and voltages available Refrigerated Warehouse Unit Coolers Large Unit Coolers Performance & Specification Data Performance Data – 60Hz: With Standard Motors Bohn Base Model Capacity (BTUH) Fan Data 10°F TD 10°F TD No. of 25°F SST -20°F SST Fans Air Defrost Models - 6 FPI Section 1 BHA520 52,000 - 2 Capacity (BTUH) Fan Data Dia. (in.) CFM Bohn Base Model BHG950 - 95,000 4 24 16,800 24 9,000 BHG1020 - 102,000 3 30 20,700 10°F TD 10°F TD No. of 25°F SST -20°F SST Fans Dia. (in.) CFM BHA630 63,000 - 2 24 9,000 BHG1200 - 120,000 3 30 20,700 BHA750 75,000 - 3 24 12,600 BHG1390 - 139,000 3 30 24,300 BHA850 85,000 - 3 24 12,600 BHG1650 - 165,000 3 30 26,550 BHA930 93,000 - 4 24 16,800 BHG2120 - 212,000 4 30 35,400 9,400 Hot Gas Defrost Models - 4.5 FPI BHA1100 110,000 - 4 24 16,800 BHA1170 117,000 - 3 30 20,700 BHF400 - 40,000 2 24 BHA1400 140,000 - 3 30 20,700 BHF480 - 48,000 2 24 9,400 BHA1610 161,000 - 3 30 24,300 BHF560 - 56,000 3 24 13,200 BHA1900 190,000 - 3 30 26,500 BHF650 - 65,000 3 24 13,200 BHA2200 220,000 - 4 30 30,400 BHF710 - 71,000 4 24 17,600 BHA2440 244,000 - 4 30 35,400 Air Defrost Models - 8 FPI BHF840 - 84,000 4 24 17,600 BHF890 - 89,000 3 30 21,600 BHA2160 216,000 - 3 30 25,950 BHF1050 - 105,000 3 30 21,600 BHA2500 250,000 - 4 30 29,600 BHF1220 - 122,000 3 30 25,200 BHA2780 278,000 - 4 30 34,600 BHF1440 - 144,000 3 30 27,600 BHF1860 - 186,000 4 30 36,800 Electric Defrost Models - 6 FPI BHE450 - 45,000 2 24 9,000 BHE550 - 55,000 2 24 9,000 BHE640 - 64,000 3 24 12,600 BHE740 - 74,000 3 24 12,600 BHE810 - 81,000 4 24 16,800 BHE950 - 95,000 4 24 16,800 BHE1020 - 102,000 3 30 20,700 BHE1200 - 120,000 3 30 20,700 BHE1390 - 139,000 3 30 24,300 BHE1650 - 165,000 3 30 26,550 BHE2120 - 212,000 4 30 35,400 Electric Defrost Models - 4.5 FPI BHL400 - 40,000 2 24 9,400 BHL480 - 48,000 2 24 9,400 BHL560 - 56,000 3 24 13,200 BHL650 - 65,000 3 24 13,200 BHL710 - 71,000 4 24 17,600 BHL840 - 84,000 4 24 17,600 BHL890 - 89,000 3 30 21,600 BHL1050 - 105,000 3 30 21,600 BHL1220 - 122,000 3 30 25,200 BHL1440 - 144,000 3 30 27,600 BHL1860 - 186,000 4 30 36,800 Hot Gas Defrost Models - 6 FPI BHG450 - 45,000 2 24 9,000 BHG550 - 55,000 2 24 9,000 BHG640 - 64,000 3 24 12,600 BHG740 - 74,000 3 24 12,600 BHG810 - 81,000 4 24 16,800 1D - 2 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Refrigerated Warehouse Unit Coolers Large Unit Coolers Performance & Specification Data Performance Data – 60Hz: With High CFM Motors Models with High CFM Motors can handle external static pressure up to ½” of water, designed for operation below 15°F SST, and CFM is at 0.0 external static pressure. Capacity (BTUH) Fan Data 10°F TD 10°F TD No. of 25°F SST -20°F SST Fans Electric Defrost Models - 6 FPI Dia. (in.) CFM Bohn Base Model Capacity (BTUH) Fan Data 10°F TD 10°F TD No. of 25°F SST -20°F SST Fans Hot Gas Defrost Models - 6 FPI Dia. (in.) CFM BHE450 - 49,500 2 24 11,300 BHG450 - 49,500 2 24 11,300 BHE550 - 60,500 2 24 11,300 BHG550 - 60,500 2 24 11,300 BHE640 - 70,400 3 24 15,900 BHG640 - 70,400 3 24 15,900 BHE740 - 81,400 3 24 15,900 BHG740 - 81,400 3 24 15,900 BHE810 - 89,100 4 24 21,200 BHG810 - 89,100 4 24 21,200 BHE950 - 104,000 4 24 21,200 BHG950 - 104,000 4 24 21,200 BHE1020 - 107,100 3 30 23,300 BHG1020 - 107,100 3 30 23,300 BHE1200 - 126,000 3 30 23,300 BHG1200 - 126,000 3 30 23,300 BHE1390 - 146,000 3 30 27,200 BHG1390 - 146,000 3 30 27,200 BHE1650 - 174,000 3 30 29,700 BHG1650 - 174,000 3 30 29,700 BHE2120 - 223,000 4 30 39,600 BHG2120 - 223,000 4 30 39,600 Electric Defrost Models - 4.5 FPI Section 1 Bohn Base Model Hot Gas Defrost Models - 4.5 FPI BHL400 - 42,000 2 24 12,200 BHF400 - 42,000 2 24 12,200 BHL480 - 50,400 2 24 12,200 BHF480 - 50,400 2 24 12,200 BHL560 - 58,800 3 24 17,000 BHF560 - 58,800 3 24 17,000 BHL650 - 68,300 3 24 17,000 BHF650 - 68,300 3 24 17,000 BHL710 - 74,600 4 24 22,600 BHF710 - 74,600 4 24 22,600 BHL840 - 88,200 4 24 22,600 BHF840 - 88,200 4 24 22,600 BHL890 - 91,200 3 30 23,800 BHF890 - 91,200 3 30 23,800 BHL1050 - 107,600 3 30 23,800 BHF1050 - 107,600 3 30 23,800 BHL1220 - 125,000 3 30 32,800 BHF1220 - 125,000 3 30 32,800 BHL1440 - 147,000 3 30 30,600 BHF1440 - 147,000 3 30 30,600 BHL1860 - 190,000 4 30 40,800 BHF1860 - 190,000 4 30 40,800 Capacity Correction Factors For Electric and Hot Gas Defrost Models Saturated Suction Temperature -10°F -20°F -30°F +20°F 1.15 1.04 1.00 0.90 -40°F 0.80 Air Throw - 60 Hz Air throw data is based on 30 ft. ceiling height with no obstruction where velocity drops to 50 fpm. Models Used On 8 FPI 6 FPI 4.5 FPI With Standard Motors With High CFM Motors Motor Motor Motor Motor Air Throw (ft.) Air Throw (ft.) Air Throw (ft.) Air Throw (ft.) RPM RPM RPM RPM Standard With Collar Standard With Collar (1-PH) (3-PH) (1-PH) (3-PH) Air Defrost Models - 520 - 1100 - 850 1140 70 85 - - - - - 1170 - 1610 - - 850 100 115 - - - - 2160 - 2780 1900 - 2440 - - 1140 120 140 - - - 100 Electric & Hot Gas Defrost Models Rev. 03/12 - 450 - 550 400 - 480 850 1140 70 85 - 1750 85 - 640 - 950 560 - 840 - 1140 70 85 - 1750 85 100 - 1020 - 1390 890 - 1220 - 850 100 115 - 1750 110 130 - 1650 - 2120 1440 - 1860 - 1140 120 140 - 1750 130 150 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 1D - 3 Refrigerated Warehouse Unit Coolers Large Unit Coolers Performance & Specification Data Fan Motor Data – Standard Motors (Air Defrost Models) 208-230/1/60 460/1/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 Motor Motor Motor Motor Motor 8 FPI 6 FPI Amps Watts Amps Watts Amps Watts Amps Watts Amps Watts HP HP HP HP HP Single Pole Motors Wired 1-Phase Section 1 Models Used On - 520 - 630 1/2 6.4 1,200 1/2 3.4 1,250 - - - - - - - - - - 750 - 850 1/2 9.6 1,800 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 930 - 1100 1/2 12.8 2,400 - - - - - - - - - - - - Single Pole Motors Wired 3-Phase - 750 - 850 1/2 5.5 1,800 - - - 1/2 5.5 1,800 1/2 3.0 1,875 - - - - 930 - 1100 - - - - - - 1/2 8.7 2,400 1/2 4.7 2,500 - - - Three Pole Motors Wired 3-Phase - 520 - 630 - - - - - - 3/4 6.0 1,200 3/4 3.0 1,200 1/2 1.8 1,200 - 750 - 850 - - - - - - 3/4 9.0 1,800 3/4 4.5 1,800 1/2 2.7 1,800 - 930 - 1100 - - - - - - 3/4 12.0 2,400 3/4 6.0 2,400 1/2 3.6 2,400 - 1170 - 1400 - - - - - - 1 13.8 2,550 1 6.9 2,550 1 7.8 3,600 - 1610 - - - - - - 1 1/2 19.8 4,050 1 1/2 6.9 4,050 1 1/2 7.8 3,600 2160 1900 - - - - - - 1 1/2 21.0 5,250 1 1/2 10.5 5,250 1 1/2 8.4 4,800 2500 2200 - - - - - - 1 1/2 26.4 5,400 1 1/2 13.2 5,400 1 1/2 10.4 4,800 2780 2440 - - - - - - 1 1/2 28.0 7,000 1 1/2 14.0 7,000 1 1/2 11.2 6,400 Fan Motor Data – Standard Motors (Electric & Hot Gas Defrost Models) Models Used On 208-230/1/60 460/1/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 Motor Motor Motor Motor Motor 6 FPI 4.5 FPI Amps Watts Amps Watts Amps Watts Amps Watts Amps Watts HP HP HP HP HP Single Pole Motors Wired 1-Phase 450 - 550 400 - 480 1/2 6.4 1,200 1/2 3.4 1,250 - - - - - - - - - Single Pole Motors Wired 3-Phase 640 - 740 560 - 650 1/2 5.5 1,800 1/2 3.0 1,875 - - - - - - - - - 810 - 950 710 - 840 1/2 8.7 2,400 1/2 4.7 2,500 - - - - - - - - - Three Pole Motors Wired 3-Phase 450 - 550 400 - 480 - - - - - - 3/4 6.0 1,200 3/4 3.0 1,200 1/2 1.8 1,200 640 - 740 560 - 650 - - - - - - 3/4 9.0 1,800 3/4 4.5 1,800 1/2 2.7 1,800 810 - 950 710 - 840 - - - - - - 3/4 12.0 2,400 3/4 6.0 2,400 1/2 3.6 2,400 1020 - 1200 890 - 1050 - - - - - - 1 13.8 2,550 1 6.9 2,550 1 7.8 3,600 1390 1220 - - - - - - 1 1/2 19.8 4,050 1 1/2 6.9 4,050 1 1/2 7.8 3,600 1650 1440 - - - - - - 1 1/2 21.0 5,250 1 1/2 10.5 5,250 1 1/2 8.4 4,800 2120 1860 - - - - - - 1 1/2 28.0 7,000 1 1/2 14.0 7,000 1 1/2 11.2 6,400 Fan Motor Data – High CFM Motors (Electric & Hot Gas Defrost Models) Models Used On 208-230/3/60 Motor 6 FPI 4.5 FPI Amps Watts HP Three Pole Motors Wired 3-Phase 460/3/60 Motor HP Amps Watts 450 - 550 400 - 480 2 12.0 3,100 2 6.0 3,100 640 - 740 560 - 650 2 18.0 4,650 2 9.0 4,650 810 - 950 710 - 840 2 24.0 6,200 2 12.0 6,200 1020 - 1650 890 - 1440 3 24.6 7,500 3 12.3 7,500 2120 1860 3 32.8 10,000 3 16.4 10,000 1D - 4 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Refrigerated Warehouse Unit Coolers Large Unit Coolers Performance & Specification Data Defrost Heaters (Electric Defrost Models) Includes coil heaters and drain pan heaters. 6 FPI Total Amps Watts 4.5 FPI 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 450 - 550 400 - 480 9,900 27.5 13.9 11.1 640 - 740 560 - 650 12,900 35.8 18.1 14.5 810 - 950 710 - 840 17,050 47.8 24.3 19.1 1020 - 1390 890 - 1220 21,400 64.2 32.1 22.8 1650 1440 33,600 87.2 47.5 34.9 2120 1860 49,850 128.4 70.0 56.0 Section 1 Models Used On Drain Pan Heaters (Hot Gas Defrost Models) Electric drain pan standard. Hot gas drain pain optional. * Model supplied with 3-Phase drain pan heaters. Models Used On 6 FPI 4.5 FPI 450 - 550 400 - 480 Total Amps Watts 208-230/1/60 460/1/60 575/1/60 2,100 9.2 4.6 3.7 640 - 740 560 - 650 2,700 11.8 5.9 4.7 810 - 1390 710 - 1220 4,000 17.4 8.7 6.9 1650 1440 4,200 18.2 9.1 7.3 2120 1860 6,450 23.2* 13.4 10.8 Connection Data * Opposite end connections Bohn Base Model Connections (in.) No. of Fans Coil Inlet Suction ODF ODF External Equalizer ODF Drain FPT Hot Gas Side Port ODF Hot Gas Drain Pan Ref. Conn. (when supplied) Approx. Net Weight (lbs.) Air Defrost Models - 6 FPI BHA520 2 1 1/8 1 5/8 1/4 1 1/4 - - 270 BHA630 2 1 1/8 1 5/8 1/4 1 1/4 - - 300 BHA750 3 1 3/8 2 1/8 1/4 1 1/4 - - 390 BHA850 3 1 3/8 2 1/8 1/4 1 1/4 - - 430 BHA930 4 1 3/8 2 1/8 1/4 1 1/4 - - 515 BHA1100 4 1 3/8 2 1/8 1/4 1 1/4 - - 565 BHA1170 3 1 3/8 2 1/8 1/4 1 1/4 - - 738 BHA1400 3 1 5/8 2 1/8 1/4 1 1/4 - - 800 BHA1610 3 (2) 1 3/8 (2) 2 1/8 (2) 1/4 1 1/4 - - 850 BHA1900 3 1 3/8 2 5/8 1/4 1 1/4 - - 1,160 BHA2200 4 1 3/8 2 5/8 1/4 1 1/4 - - 1,500 BHA2440 4 1 5/8 2 5/8 1/4 1 1/4 - - 1,600 Air Defrost Models - 8 FPI BHA2160 3 1 3/8 2 5/8 1/4 1 1/4 - - 1,160 BHA2500 4 1 3/8 2 5/8 1/4 1 1/4 - - 1,500 BHA2780 4 1 3/8 2 5/8 1/4 1 1/4 - - 1,600 1 5/8 1/4 1 1/4 - - 280 Electric Defrost Models - 6 FPI BHE450 2 1 1/8 BHE550 2 1 1/8 1 5/8 1/4 1 1/4 - - 310 BHE640 3 1 3/8 2 1/8 1/4 1 1/4 - - 405 BHE740 3 1 3/8 2 1/8 1/4 1 1/4 - - 445 Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 1D - 5 Refrigerated Warehouse Unit Coolers Large Unit Coolers Performance & Specification Data Connection Data * Opposite end connections Section 1 Bohn Base Model Connections (in.) No. of Fans Coil Inlet Suction ODF ODF External Equalizer ODF Drain FPT Hot Gas Side Port ODF Hot Gas Drain Pan Ref. Conn. (when supplied) Approx. Net Weight (lbs.) BHE810 4 1 3/8 2 1/8 1/4 1 1/4 - - 535 BHE950 4 1 3/8 2 1/8 1/4 1 1/4 - - 585 BHE1020 3 1 3/8 2 1/8 1/4 1 1/4 - - 753 BHE1200 3 1 5/8 2 1/8 1/4 1 1/4 - - 815 BHE1390 3 (2) 1 3/8 (2) 2 1/8 (2) 1/4 1 1/4 - - 865 BHE1650 3 1 3/8 2 5/8 1/4 1 1/4 - - 1,175 BHE2120 4 1 5/8 2 5/8 1/4 1 1/4 - - 1,620 Electric Defrost Models - 4.5 FPI BHL400 2 1 1/8 1 5/8 1/4 1 1/4 - - 277 BHL480 2 1 1/8 1 5/8 1/4 1 1/4 - - 306 BHL560 3 1 3/8 2 1/8 1/4 1 1/4 - - 400 BHL650 3 1 3/8 2 1/8 1/4 1 1/4 - - 440 BHL710 4 1 3/8 2 1/8 1/4 1 1/4 - - 528 BHL840 4 1 3/8 2 1/8 1/4 1 1/4 - - 578 BHL890 3 1 3/8 2 1/8 1/4 1 1/4 - - 744 BHL1050 3 1 5/8 2 1/8 1/4 1 1/4 - - 805 BHL1220 3 (2) 1 3/8 (2) 2 1/8 (2) 1/4 1 1/4 - - 854 BHL1440 3 1 3/8 2 5/8 1/4 1 1/4 - - 1,160 BHL1860 4 1 5/8 2 5/8 1/4 1 1/4 - - 1,600 1 5/8 1/4 1 1/4 5/8 1 1/8 280 Hot Gas Defrost Models - 6 FPI BHG450 2 1 1/8 BHG550 2 1 1/8 1 5/8 1/4 1 1/4 5/8 1 1/8 310 BHG640 3 1 3/8 2 1/8 1/4 1 1/4 7/8 1 1/8 405 BHG740 3 1 3/8 2 1/8 1/4 1 1/4 7/8 1 1/8 445 BHG810 4 1 3/8 2 1/8 1/4 1 1/4 7/8 1 1/8 535 BHG950 4 1 3/8 2 1/8 1/4 1 1/4 7/8 1 1/8 585 BHG1020 3 1 3/8 2 1/8 1/4 1 1/4 7/8 1 3/8 753 BHG1200 3 1 5/8 2 1/8 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/8 1 3/8 815 BHG1390 3 (2) 1 3/8 (2) 2 1/8 (2) 1/4 1 1/4 (2) 7/8 1 3/8 865 BHG1650 3 (2) 1 3/8 (2) 2 5/8 (2) 1/4 1 1/4 (2) 7/8 1 5/8* 1,175 BHG2120 4 (2) 1 3/8 (2) 2 5/8 (2) 1/4 1 1/4 (2) 7/8 1 5/8* 1,620 Hot Gas Defrost Models - 4.5 FPI BHF400 2 1 1/8 1 5/8 1/4 1 1/4 5/8 1 1/8 277 BHF480 2 1 1/8 1 5/8 1/4 1 1/4 5/8 1 1/8 306 BHF560 3 1 3/8 2 1/8 1/4 1 1/4 7/8 1 1/8 400 BHF650 3 1 3/8 2 1/8 1/4 1 1/4 7/8 1 1/8 440 BHF710 4 1 3/8 2 1/8 1/4 1 1/4 7/8 1 1/8 528 BHF840 4 1 3/8 2 1/8 1/4 1 1/4 7/8 1 1/8 578 BHF890 3 1 3/8 2 1/8 1/4 1 1/4 7/8 1 3/8 744 BHF1050 3 1 5/8 2 1/8 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/8 1 3/8 805 BHF1220 3 (2) 1 3/8 (2) 2 1/8 (2) 1/4 1 1/4 (2) 7/8 1 3/8 854 BHF1440 3 (2) 1 3/8 (2) 2 5/8 (2) 1/4 1 1/4 (2) 7/8 1 5/8* 1,160 BHF1860 4 (2) 1 3/8 (2) 2 5/8 (2) 1/4 1 1/4 (2) 7/8 1 5/8* 1,600 1D - 6 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Refrigerated Warehouse Unit Coolers Large Unit Coolers Performance & Specification Data Dimensional Drawings Diagram 1 A B 6 7/8 8 C Section 1 26 1/4 24 1/4 F G 21 5/32 29 1/2 4 9/16 Accepts 1/2” Hanger Rod Refrigerant Piping End Diagram 2 35 21/32 C 79/16 34 D E Electrical End A B F G 233/4 47/16 Refrigerant Piping End 32 413/32 Electrical End Accepts 5/8” Hanger Rod Dimensional Data (All Models) Air Defrost Models Electric and Hot Gas Defrost Models Dimensions (in.) Diagram 6 FPI 8 FPI 6 FPI 4.5 FPI 520 - 450 400 630 - 550 480 Diagram 1 83 3/32 68 1/8 - - - 37 3/16 40 11/32 750 - 640 560 Diagram 1 105 5/32 90 3/16 45 3/32 - - 37 3/16 40 11/32 850 - 740 650 Diagram 1 105 5/32 90 3/16 45 3/32 - - 37 3/16 40 11/32 930 - 810 710 Diagram 1 135 7/32 120 1/4 60 1/8 - - 37 3/16 40 11/32 1100 - 950 840 Diagram 1 135 7/32 120 1/4 60 1/8 - - 37 3/16 40 11/32 1170 - 1020 890 Diagram 2 135 13/32 120 9/32 40 3/32 80 3/16 - 44 1/2 50 1/4 1400 - 1200 1050 Diagram 2 135 13/32 120 9/32 40 3/32 80 3/16 - 44 1/2 50 1/4 1610 - 1390 1220 Diagram 2 135 13/32 120 9/32 40 3/32 80 3/16 - 50 7/32 55 7/8 1900 2160 1650 1440 Diagram 2 142 15/16 127 7/8 42 5/8 85 1/4 - 50 7/32 55 7/8 2200 2500 - - Diagram 2 185 1/2 170 1/2 42 5/8 85 1/4 127 7/8 44 1/2 50 11/16 2440 2780 2120 1860 Diagram 2 185 1/2 170 1/2 42 5/8 85 1/4 127 7/8 50 7/32 56 5/32 Rev. 03/12 Diagram 1 A B C D E F G 83 3/32 68 1/8 - - - 37 3/16 40 11/32 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 1D - 7 Refrigerated Warehouse Unit Coolers Large Unit Coolers Air Defrost Models & Options • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. Section 1 When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Bohn Standard Model Bohn Configurable Model List Price ($US) Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Electrical Options Beacon II Assembly Room TSTAT Mechanical Options TXV TXV & LLSV Adjust. Nozzle Coil Options ElectroFin Coil BohnGuard™ Fin Protection Bronz-Glow Air Defrost Models with Totally Enclosed VFD Approved Motors - 208-230/3/60 - BHA520SA 11,917 4,063 283 958 1,489 796 Call Factory 1,271 Call Factory - BHA630SA 13,138 4,063 283 958 1,489 796 Call Factory 1,271 Call Factory - BHA750SA 16,188 4,063 283 958 1,489 796 Call Factory 1,349 Call Factory - BHA850SA 17,414 4,063 283 958 1,489 796 Call Factory 1,349 Call Factory - BHA930SA 19,085 4,063 283 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory 1,451 Call Factory - BHA1100SA 20,768 4,063 283 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory 1,451 Call Factory - BHA1170SA 25,425 4,063 283 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory 1,553 Call Factory - BHA1400SA 28,485 4,063 283 1,136 1,799 - Call Factory 1,553 Call Factory - BHA1610SA 30,017 Call Factory 283 1,400 Call Factory - Call Factory 1,553 Call Factory - BHA1900SA 35,225 Call Factory 283 1,242 1,983 - Call Factory 2,498 Call Factory - BHA2160SA 38,897 Call Factory 283 1,242 1,983 - Call Factory 1,836 Call Factory - BHA2200SA 38,388 Call Factory 283 1,242 1,983 - Call Factory 2,498 Call Factory - BHA2440SA 44,361 Call Factory 283 1,242 1,983 - Call Factory 2,498 Call Factory - BHA2500SA 43,134 Call Factory 283 1,242 1,983 - Call Factory 2,037 Call Factory - BHA2780SA 46,349 Call Factory 283 1,242 1,983 - Call Factory 2,037 Call Factory Air Defrost Models with Totally Enclosed VFD Approved Motors - 460/3/60 - BHA520SA 11,917 4,063 283 958 1,489 796 Call Factory 1,271 Call Factory - BHA630SA 13,138 4,063 283 958 1,489 796 Call Factory 1,271 Call Factory - BHA750SA 16,188 4,063 283 958 1,489 796 Call Factory 1,349 Call Factory - BHA850SA 17,414 4,063 283 958 1,489 796 Call Factory 1,349 Call Factory - BHA930SA 19,085 4,063 283 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory 1,451 Call Factory - BHA1100SA 20,768 4,063 283 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory 1,451 Call Factory - BHA1170SA 25,425 4,063 283 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory 1,553 Call Factory - BHA1400SA 28,485 4,063 283 1,136 1,799 - Call Factory 1,553 Call Factory - BHA1610SA 30,017 Call Factory 283 1,400 Call Factory - Call Factory 1,553 Call Factory - BHA1900SA 35,225 Call Factory 283 1,242 1,983 - Call Factory 2,498 Call Factory - BHA2160SA 38,897 Call Factory 283 1,242 1,983 - Call Factory 1,836 Call Factory - BHA2200SA 38,388 Call Factory 283 1,242 1,983 - Call Factory 2,498 Call Factory - BHA2440SA 44,361 Call Factory 283 1,242 1,983 - Call Factory 2,498 Call Factory - BHA2500SA 43,134 Call Factory 283 1,242 1,983 - Call Factory 2,037 Call Factory - BHA2780SA 46,349 Call Factory 283 1,242 1,983 - Call Factory 2,037 Call Factory Regulation Requires VFD Approved Motors! California Energy Commission Title 24, Section 126 Effective 01/01/2010, refrigerated warehouses with a total cold storage and frozen storage area exceeding 3,000 square feet must be variable speed and controlled in response to space conditions. Single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be variable speed EC motors. Exception: Evaporators served by a single compressor without unloading capability. 1D - 8 Notes: • Beacon II must be ordered as a system. Models 1610, 2440, 2500, 2780 and the models 1900, 2160, 2200 (when used with 404A) require special split circuiting. • Customer to supply VFD to control VFD approved motors. • TXV = Expansion Valve; LLSV = Liquid Line Solenoid Valve • Double Wall Insulated Pans, Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan, Drain Pan Baffles, Electric Re-Heat Option, Dual Circuited Coils, and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Refrigerated Warehouse Unit Coolers Large Unit Coolers Air Defrost Models & Options • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Bohn Configurable Model List Price ($US) Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Electrical Options Beacon II Assembly Room TSTAT Mechanical Options Coil Options TXV TXV & LLSV Adjust. Nozzle ElectroFin Coil BohnGuard™ Fin Protection Bronz-Glow Air Defrost Models with Standard Motors - 208-230/1/60 BHA520BA BHA520SA 11,027 4,063 283 958 1,489 796 Call Factory 1,271 Call Factory BHA630BA BHA630SA 12,248 4,063 283 958 1,489 796 Call Factory 1,271 Call Factory BHA750BA BHA750SA 14,853 4,063 283 958 1,489 796 Call Factory 1,349 Call Factory BHA850BA BHA850SA 16,079 4,063 283 958 1,489 796 Call Factory 1,349 Call Factory BHA930BA BHA930SA 17,305 4,063 283 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory 1,451 Call Factory BHA1100BA BHA1100SA 18,988 4,063 283 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory 1,451 Call Factory Air Defrost Models with Standard Motors - 208-230/3/60 BHA520CPA BHA520SA 11,714 4,063 283 958 1,489 796 Call Factory 1,271 Call Factory BHA630CPA BHA630SA 13,095 4,063 283 958 1,489 796 Call Factory 1,271 Call Factory BHA750CA BHA750SA 14,853 4,063 283 958 1,489 796 Call Factory 1,349 Call Factory BHA750CPA BHA750SA 15,911 4,063 283 958 1,489 796 Call Factory 1,349 Call Factory BHA850CA BHA850SA 16,079 4,063 283 958 1,489 796 Call Factory 1,349 Call Factory BHA850CPA BHA850SA 17,091 4,063 283 958 1,489 796 Call Factory 1,349 Call Factory BHA930CA BHA930SA 17,305 4,063 283 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory 1,451 Call Factory BHA930CPA BHA930SA 18,681 4,063 283 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory 1,451 Call Factory BHA1100CA BHA1100SA 18,988 4,063 283 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory 1,451 Call Factory BHA1100CPA BHA1100SA 20,367 4,063 283 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory 1,451 Call Factory BHA1170CPA BHA1170SA 24,657 4,063 283 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory 1,553 Call Factory BHA1400CPA BHA1400SA 27,717 4,063 283 1,136 1,799 - Call Factory 1,553 Call Factory BHA1610CPA BHA1610SA 29,249 Call Factory 283 1,400 Call Factory - Call Factory 1,553 Call Factory BHA1900CPA BHA1900SA 34,457 Call Factory 283 1,242 1,983 - Call Factory 2,498 Call Factory BHA2160CPA BHA2160SA 38,129 Call Factory 283 1,242 1,983 - Call Factory 1,836 Call Factory BHA2200CPA BHA2200SA 37,364 Call Factory 283 1,242 1,983 - Call Factory 2,498 Call Factory BHA2440CPA BHA2440SA 43,337 Call Factory 283 1,242 1,983 - Call Factory 2,498 Call Factory BHA2500CPA BHA2500SA 42,110 Call Factory 283 1,242 1,983 - Call Factory 2,037 Call Factory BHA2780CPA BHA2780SA 45,325 Call Factory 283 1,242 1,983 - Call Factory 2,037 Call Factory Air Defrost Models with Standard Motors - 460/1/60 BHA520MA BHA520SA 11,027 4,063 283 958 1,489 796 Call Factory 1,271 Call Factory BHA630MA BHA630SA 12,248 4,063 283 958 1,489 796 Call Factory 1,271 Call Factory Air Defrost Models with Standard Motors - 460/3/60 BHA520DPA BHA520SA 11,714 4,063 283 958 1,489 796 Call Factory 1,271 Call Factory BHA630DPA BHA630SA 13,095 4,063 283 958 1,489 796 Call Factory 1,271 Call Factory Regulation Requires VFD Approved Motors! California Energy Commission Title 24, Section 126 Effective 01/01/2010, refrigerated warehouses with a total cold storage and frozen storage area exceeding 3,000 square feet must be variable speed and controlled in response to space conditions. Single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be variable speed EC motors. Exception: Evaporators served by a single compressor without unloading capability. Rev. 03/12 Notes: • Beacon II must be ordered as a system. Models 1610, 2440, 2500, 2780 and the models 1900, 2160, 2200 (when used with 404A) require special split circuiting. • Customer to supply VFD to control VFD approved motors. • TXV = Expansion Valve; LLSV = Liquid Line Solenoid Valve • Double Wall Insulated Pans, Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan, Drain Pan Baffles, Electric Re-Heat Option, Dual Circuited Coils, and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 1D - 9 Section 1 Bohn Standard Model Refrigerated Warehouse Unit Coolers Large Unit Coolers Air Defrost Models & Options • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. Section 1 When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Bohn Standard Model Bohn Configurable Model List Price ($US) BHA750DA BHA750SA BHA750DPA BHA850DA Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Electrical Options Beacon II Assembly Room TSTAT 14,853 4,063 BHA750SA 15,911 BHA850SA 16,079 BHA850DPA BHA850SA BHA930DA BHA930SA Mechanical Options Coil Options TXV TXV & LLSV Adjust. Nozzle ElectroFin Coil BohnGuard™ Fin Protection Bronz-Glow 283 958 1,489 796 Call Factory 1,349 Call Factory 4,063 283 958 1,489 796 Call Factory 1,349 Call Factory 4,063 283 958 1,489 796 Call Factory 1,349 Call Factory 17,091 4,063 283 958 1,489 796 Call Factory 1,349 Call Factory 17,305 4,063 283 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory 1,451 Call Factory Call Factory BHA930DPA BHA930SA 18,681 4,063 283 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory 1,451 BHA1100DA BHA1100SA 18,988 4,063 283 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory 1,451 Call Factory BHA1100DPA BHA1100SA 20,367 4,063 283 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory 1,451 Call Factory BHA1170DPA BHA1170SA 24,657 4,063 283 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory 1,553 Call Factory BHA1400DPA BHA1400SA 27,717 4,063 283 1,136 1,799 - Call Factory 1,553 Call Factory BHA1610DPA BHA1610SA 29,249 Call Factory 283 1,400 Call Factory - Call Factory 1,553 Call Factory BHA1900DPA BHA1900SA 34,457 Call Factory 283 1,242 1,983 - Call Factory 2,498 Call Factory BHA2160DPA BHA2160SA 38,129 Call Factory 283 1,242 1,983 - Call Factory 1,836 Call Factory BHA2200DPA BHA2200SA 37,364 Call Factory 283 1,242 1,983 - Call Factory 2,498 Call Factory BHA2440DPA BHA2440SA 43,337 Call Factory 283 1,242 1,983 - Call Factory 2,498 Call Factory BHA2500DPA BHA2500SA 42,110 Call Factory 283 1,242 1,983 - Call Factory 2,037 Call Factory BHA2780DPA BHA2780SA 45,325 Call Factory 283 1,242 1,983 - Call Factory 2,037 Call Factory Air Defrost Models with Standard Motors - 575/3/60 BHA520EPA BHA520SA 11,949 4,063 283 958 1,489 796 Call Factory 1,271 Call Factory BHA630EPA BHA630SA 13,356 4,063 283 958 1,489 796 Call Factory 1,271 Call Factory BHA750EPA BHA750SA 16,229 4,063 283 958 1,489 796 Call Factory 1,349 Call Factory BHA850EPA BHA850SA 17,432 4,063 283 958 1,489 796 Call Factory 1,349 Call Factory BHA930EPA BHA930SA 19,054 4,063 283 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory 1,451 Call Factory BHA1100EPA BHA1100SA 20,774 4,063 283 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory 1,451 Call Factory BHA1170EPA BHA1170SA 25,149 4,063 283 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory 1,553 Call Factory BHA1400EPA BHA1400SA 28,271 4,063 283 1,136 1,799 - Call Factory 1,553 Call Factory BHA1610EPA BHA1610SA 29,833 Call Factory 283 1,400 Call Factory - Call Factory 1,553 Call Factory BHA1900EPA BHA1900SA 35,144 Call Factory 283 1,242 1,983 - Call Factory 2,498 Call Factory BHA2160EPA BHA2160SA 38,892 Call Factory 283 1,242 1,983 - Call Factory 1,836 Call Factory BHA2200EPA BHA2200SA 38,111 Call Factory 283 1,242 1,983 - Call Factory 2,498 Call Factory BHA2440EPA BHA2440SA 44,206 Call Factory 283 1,242 1,983 - Call Factory 2,498 Call Factory BHA2500EPA BHA2500SA 42,954 Call Factory 283 1,242 1,983 - Call Factory 2,037 Call Factory BHA2780EPA BHA2780SA 46,174 Call Factory 283 1,242 1,983 - Call Factory 2,037 Call Factory Regulation Requires VFD Approved Motors! California Energy Commission Title 24, Section 126 Effective 01/01/2010, refrigerated warehouses with a total cold storage and frozen storage area exceeding 3,000 square feet must be variable speed and controlled in response to space conditions. Single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be variable speed EC motors. Exception: Evaporators served by a single compressor without unloading capability. 1D - 10 Notes: • Beacon II must be ordered as a system. Models 1610, 2440, 2500, 2780 and the models 1900, 2160, 2200 (when used with 404A) require special split circuiting. • Customer to supply VFD to control VFD approved motors. • TXV = Expansion Valve; LLSV = Liquid Line Solenoid Valve • Double Wall Insulated Pans, Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan, Drain Pan Baffles, Electric Re-Heat Option, Dual Circuited Coils, and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Refrigerated Warehouse Unit Coolers Large Unit Coolers Electric Defrost Models & Options • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Bohn Standard Model Bohn Configurable Model List Price ($US) Electrical Options Beacon II Assembly Room TSTAT Drain Pan Options Electric Double Wall Insulated Mechanical Options Coil Options TXV TXV & LLSV Adjust. Nozzle Bronz-Glow Electric Defrost Models with Totally Enclosed VFD Approved Motors - 208-230/3/60 - BHE450SA 13,907 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory - BHE550SA 15,897 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory - BHE640SA 17,720 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory - BHE740SA 20,781 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory - BHE810SA 25,360 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory - BHE950SA 27,510 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory - BHE1020SA 28,485 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory - BHE1200SA 32,466 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 - Call Factory - BHE1390SA 35,529 Call Factory 283 Standard Call Factory 1,400 Call Factory - Call Factory - BHE1650SB 45,789 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,983 - Call Factory - BHE2120SB 55,999 Call Factory 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,983 - Call Factory - BHL400SA 12,986 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory - BHL480SA 15,743 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory - BHL560SA 17,414 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory - BHL650SA 19,099 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory - BHL710SA 20,923 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory - BHL840SA 27,048 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory - BHL890SA 28,177 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory - BHL1050SA 31,856 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory - BHL1220SA 35,225 Call Factory 283 Standard Call Factory 1,400 Call Factory - Call Factory - BHL1440SB 44,257 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,983 - Call Factory - BHL1860SB 53,548 Call Factory 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,983 - Call Factory Electric Defrost Models with Totally Enclosed VFD Approved Motors - 460/3/60 - BHE450SA 13,907 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory - BHE550SA 15,897 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory - BHE640SA 17,720 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory - BHE740SA 20,781 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory - BHE810SA 25,360 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory - BHE950SA 27,510 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory - BHE1020SA 28,485 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory - BHE1200SA 32,466 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 - Call Factory - BHE1390SA 35,529 Call Factory 283 Standard Call Factory 1,400 Call Factory - Call Factory Regulation Requires VFD Approved Motors! California Energy Commission Title 24, Section 126 Effective 01/01/2010, refrigerated warehouses with a total cold storage and frozen storage area exceeding 3,000 square feet must be variable speed and controlled in response to space conditions. Single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be variable speed EC motors. Exception: Evaporators served by a single compressor without unloading capability. Rev. 03/12 Notes: • Adjustable Defrost Term/Fan Delay standard. • Beacon II must be ordered as a system. Models 1220, 1390, 1860, and 2120 (when used with 404A) require special split circuiting. • Customer to supply VFD to control VFD approved motors. • TXV = Expansion Valve; LLSV = Liquid Line Solenoid Valve • 3 Phase Low temp motors and Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan, Drain Pan Baffles, Electric Re-Heat Option, Dual Circuited Coils, and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 1D - 11 Section 1 Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Refrigerated Warehouse Unit Coolers Large Unit Coolers Electric Defrost Models & Options • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Section 1 Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Bohn Standard Model Bohn Configurable Model List Price ($US) - BHE1650SB - BHE2120SB - Electrical Options Drain Pan Options Mechanical Options Coil Options TXV TXV & LLSV Adjust. Nozzle Bronz-Glow Beacon II Assembly Room TSTAT Electric Double Wall Insulated 45,789 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,983 - Call Factory 55,999 Call Factory 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,983 - Call Factory BHL400SA 12,986 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory BHL480SA 15,743 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory - BHL560SA 17,414 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory - BHL650SA 19,099 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory - BHL710SA 20,923 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory - BHL840SA 27,048 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory - BHL890SA 28,177 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory - BHL1050SA 31,856 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory - BHL1220SA 35,225 Call Factory 283 Standard Call Factory 1,400 Call Factory - Call Factory - BHL1440SB 44,257 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,983 - Call Factory - BHL1860SB 53,548 Call Factory 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,983 - Call Factory Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory Call Factory Electric Defrost Models with Standard Motors - 208-230/3/60 BHE450CA BHE450SA 13,017 4,063 283 Standard BHE450CPA BHE450SA 13,706 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 BHE550CA BHE550SA 15,007 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory BHE550CPA BHE550SA 15,683 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory BHE640CA BHE640SA 16,385 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory BHE640CPA BHE640SA 17,397 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory BHE740CA BHE740SA 19,446 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory BHE740CPA BHE740SA 20,519 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory BHE810CA BHE810SA 23,580 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory BHE810CPA BHE810SA 24,930 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory BHE950CA BHE950SA 25,730 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory BHE950CPA BHE950SA 27,105 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory BHE1020CPA BHE1020SA 27,717 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory BHE1200CPA BHE1200SA 31,698 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 - Call Factory BHE1390CPA BHE1390SA 34,761 Call Factory 283 Standard Call Factory 1,400 Call Factory - Call Factory BHE1650CPB BHE1650SB 45,021 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,983 - Call Factory BHE2120CPB BHE2120SB 54,975 Call Factory 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,983 - Call Factory BHL400CA BHL400SA 12,096 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory BHL400CPA BHL400SA 12,770 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory Regulation Requires VFD Approved Motors! California Energy Commission Title 24, Section 126 Effective 01/01/2010, refrigerated warehouses with a total cold storage and frozen storage area exceeding 3,000 square feet must be variable speed and controlled in response to space conditions. Single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be variable speed EC motors. Exception: Evaporators served by a single compressor without unloading capability. 1D - 12 Notes: • Adjustable Defrost Term/Fan Delay standard. • Beacon II must be ordered as a system. Models 1220, 1390, 1860, and 2120 (when used with 404A) require special split circuiting. • Customer to supply VFD to control VFD approved motors. • TXV = Expansion Valve; LLSV = Liquid Line Solenoid Valve • 3 Phase Low temp motors and Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan, Drain Pan Baffles, Electric Re-Heat Option, Dual Circuited Coils, and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Refrigerated Warehouse Unit Coolers Large Unit Coolers Electric Defrost Models & Options • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Bohn Standard Model Bohn Configurable Model List Price ($US) Electrical Options Beacon II Assembly Room TSTAT Drain Pan Options Electric Double Wall Insulated Mechanical Options Coil Options TXV & LLSV Adjust. Nozzle Bronz-Glow TXV BHL480CA BHL480SA 14,853 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory BHL480CPA BHL480SA 15,543 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory BHL560CA BHL560SA 16,079 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory BHL560CPA BHL560SA 17,091 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory BHL650CA BHL650SA 17,764 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory BHL650CPA BHL650SA 18,773 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory BHL710CA BHL710SA 19,143 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory BHL710CPA BHL710SA 20,519 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory BHL840CA BHL840SA 25,268 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory BHL840CPA BHL840SA 26,643 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory BHL890CPA BHL890SA 27,409 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory BHL1050CPA BHL1050SA 31,088 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory BHL1220CPA BHL1220SA 34,457 Call Factory 283 Standard Call Factory 1,400 Call Factory - Call Factory BHL1440CPB BHL1440SB 43,489 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,983 - Call Factory BHL1860CPB BHL1860SB 52,524 Call Factory 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,983 - Call Factory Electric Defrost Models with Standard Motors - 460/3/60 BHE450DA BHE450SA 13,017 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory BHE450DPA BHE450SA 13,706 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory BHE550DA BHE550SA 15,007 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory BHE550DPA BHE550SA 15,683 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory BHE640DA BHE640SA 16,385 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory BHE640DPA BHE640SA 17,397 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory BHE740DA BHE740SA 19,446 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory BHE740DPA BHE740SA 20,519 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory BHE810DA BHE810SA 23,580 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory BHE810DPA BHE810SA 24,930 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory BHE950DA BHE950SA 25,730 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory BHE950DPA BHE950SA 27,105 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory BHE1020DPA BHE1020SA 27,717 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory BHE1200DPA BHE1200SA 31,698 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 - Call Factory BHE1390DPA BHE1390SA 34,761 Call Factory 283 Standard Call Factory 1,400 Call Factory - Call Factory BHE1650DPB BHE1650SB 45,021 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,983 - Call Factory BHE2120DPB BHE2120SB 54,975 Call Factory 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,983 - Call Factory Regulation Requires VFD Approved Motors! California Energy Commission Title 24, Section 126 Effective 01/01/2010, refrigerated warehouses with a total cold storage and frozen storage area exceeding 3,000 square feet must be variable speed and controlled in response to space conditions. Single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be variable speed EC motors. Exception: Evaporators served by a single compressor without unloading capability. Rev. 03/12 Notes: • Adjustable Defrost Term/Fan Delay standard. • Beacon II must be ordered as a system. Models 1220, 1390, 1860, and 2120 (when used with 404A) require special split circuiting. • Customer to supply VFD to control VFD approved motors. • TXV = Expansion Valve; LLSV = Liquid Line Solenoid Valve • 3 Phase Low temp motors and Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan, Drain Pan Baffles, Electric Re-Heat Option, Dual Circuited Coils, and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 1D - 13 Section 1 Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Refrigerated Warehouse Unit Coolers Large Unit Coolers Electric Defrost Models & Options • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Section 1 Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Bohn Standard Model Bohn Configurable Model List Price ($US) Electrical Options Drain Pan Options Beacon II Assembly Room TSTAT Electric Double Wall Insulated Mechanical Options Coil Options TXV TXV & LLSV Adjust. Nozzle Bronz-Glow BHL400DA BHL400SA 12,096 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory BHL400DPA BHL400SA 12,770 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory BHL480DA BHL480SA 14,853 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory BHL480DPA BHL480SA 15,543 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory BHL560DA BHL560SA 16,079 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory BHL560DPA BHL560SA 17,091 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory BHL650DA BHL650SA 17,764 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory BHL650DPA BHL650SA 18,773 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory BHL710DA BHL710SA 19,143 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory BHL710DPA BHL710SA 20,519 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory BHL840DA BHL840SA 25,268 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory BHL840DPA BHL840SA 26,643 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory BHL890DPA BHL890SA 27,409 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory BHL1050DPA BHL1050SA 31,088 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory BHL1220DPA BHL1220SA 34,457 Call Factory 283 Standard Call Factory 1,400 Call Factory - Call Factory BHL1440DPB BHL1440SB 43,489 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,983 - Call Factory BHL1860DPB BHL1860SB 52,524 Call Factory 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,983 - Call Factory Electric Defrost Models with Standard Motors - 575/3/60 BHE450EPA BHE450SA 13,979 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory BHE550EPA BHE550SA 15,996 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory BHE640EPA BHE640SA 17,744 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory BHE740EPA BHE740SA 20,928 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory BHE810EPA BHE810SA 25,428 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory BHE950EPA BHE950SA 27,645 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory BHE1020EPA BHE1020SA 28,271 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory BHE1200EPA BHE1200SA 32,331 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 - Call Factory BHE1390EPA BHE1390SA 35,458 Call Factory 283 Standard Call Factory 1,400 Call Factory - Call Factory BHE1650EPB BHE1650SB 45,921 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,983 - Call Factory BHE2120EPB BHE2120SB 56,073 Call Factory 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,983 - Call Factory BHL400EPA BHL400SA 13,027 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory BHL480EPA BHL480SA 15,853 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory BHL560EPA BHL560SA 17,432 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory BHL650EPA BHL650SA 19,149 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory Regulation Requires VFD Approved Motors! California Energy Commission Title 24, Section 126 Effective 01/01/2010, refrigerated warehouses with a total cold storage and frozen storage area exceeding 3,000 square feet must be variable speed and controlled in response to space conditions. Single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be variable speed EC motors. Exception: Evaporators served by a single compressor without unloading capability. 1D - 14 Notes: • Adjustable Defrost Term/Fan Delay standard. • Beacon II must be ordered as a system. Models 1220, 1390, 1860, and 2120 (when used with 404A) require special split circuiting. • Customer to supply VFD to control VFD approved motors. • TXV = Expansion Valve; LLSV = Liquid Line Solenoid Valve • 3 Phase Low temp motors and Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan, Drain Pan Baffles, Electric Re-Heat Option, Dual Circuited Coils, and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Refrigerated Warehouse Unit Coolers Large Unit Coolers Electric Defrost Models & Options • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Bohn Standard Model Bohn Configurable Model List Price ($US) BHL710EPA BHL710SA BHL840EPA BHL840SA Electrical Options Drain Pan Options Mechanical Options Coil Options TXV TXV & LLSV Adjust. Nozzle Bronz-Glow Beacon II Assembly Room TSTAT Electric Double Wall Insulated 20,928 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory 27,176 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory BHL890EPA BHL890SA 27,957 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory BHL1050EPA BHL1050SA 31,710 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory BHL1220EPA BHL1220SA 35,144 Call Factory 283 Standard Call Factory 1,400 Call Factory - Call Factory BHL1440EPB BHL1440SB 44,359 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,983 - Call Factory BHL1860EPB BHL1860SB 53,573 Call Factory 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,983 - Call Factory Electric Defrost Models with High CFM Motors - 208-230/3/60 - BHE450SA 15,697 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory - BHE550SA 17,687 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory - BHE640SA 20,405 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory - BHE740SA 23,466 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory - BHE810SA 28,940 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory - BHE950SA 31,090 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory - BHE1020SA 31,473 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory - BHE1200SA 35,454 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 - Call Factory - BHE1390SA 38,517 Call Factory 283 Standard Call Factory 1,400 Call Factory - Call Factory - BHE1650SB 48,777 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,983 - Call Factory - BHE2120SB 59,983 Call Factory 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,983 - Call Factory - BHL400SA 14,776 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory - BHL480SA 17,533 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory - BHL560SA 20,099 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory - BHL650SA 21,784 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory - BHL710SA 24,503 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory - BHL840SA 30,628 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory - BHL890SA 31,165 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory - BHL1050SA 34,844 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory - BHL1220SA 38,213 Call Factory 283 Standard Call Factory 1,400 Call Factory - Call Factory - BHL1440SB 47,245 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,983 - Call Factory - BHL1860SB 57,532 Call Factory 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,983 - Call Factory Electric Defrost Models with High CFM Motors - 460/3/60 - BHE450SA 15,697 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory - BHE550SA 17,687 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory Regulation Requires VFD Approved Motors! California Energy Commission Title 24, Section 126 Effective 01/01/2010, refrigerated warehouses with a total cold storage and frozen storage area exceeding 3,000 square feet must be variable speed and controlled in response to space conditions. Single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be variable speed EC motors. Exception: Evaporators served by a single compressor without unloading capability. Rev. 03/12 Notes: • Adjustable Defrost Term/Fan Delay standard. • Beacon II must be ordered as a system. Models 1220, 1390, 1860, and 2120 (when used with 404A) require special split circuiting. • Customer to supply VFD to control VFD approved motors. • TXV = Expansion Valve; LLSV = Liquid Line Solenoid Valve • 3 Phase Low temp motors and Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan, Drain Pan Baffles, Electric Re-Heat Option, Dual Circuited Coils, and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 1D - 15 Section 1 Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Refrigerated Warehouse Unit Coolers Large Unit Coolers Electric Defrost Models & Options • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Section 1 Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Bohn Standard Model Bohn Configurable Model List Price ($US) - BHE640SA - BHE740SA - Electrical Options Drain Pan Options Coil Options TXV TXV & LLSV Adjust. Nozzle Bronz-Glow Beacon II Assembly Room TSTAT Electric 20,405 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory 23,466 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory BHE810SA 28,940 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory BHE950SA 31,090 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory - BHE1020SA 31,473 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory - BHE1200SA 35,454 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 - Call Factory - BHE1390SA 38,517 Call Factory 283 Standard Call Factory 1,400 Call Factory - Call Factory - BHE1650SB 48,777 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,983 - Call Factory - BHE2120SB 59,983 Call Factory 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,983 - Call Factory - BHL400SA 14,776 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory - BHL480SA 17,533 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory - BHL560SA 20,099 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory - BHL650SA 21,784 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 958 1,489 796 Call Factory - BHL710SA 24,503 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory - BHL840SA 30,628 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory - BHL890SA 31,165 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory - BHL1050SA 34,844 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,799 796 Call Factory - BHL1220SA 38,213 Call Factory 283 Standard Call Factory 1,400 Call Factory - Call Factory - BHL1440SB 47,245 4,063 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,983 - Call Factory - BHL1860SB 57,532 Call Factory 283 Standard Call Factory 1,136 1,983 - Call Factory Regulation Requires VFD Approved Motors! California Energy Commission Title 24, Section 126 Effective 01/01/2010, refrigerated warehouses with a total cold storage and frozen storage area exceeding 3,000 square feet must be variable speed and controlled in response to space conditions. Single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be variable speed EC motors. Exception: Evaporators served by a single compressor without unloading capability. 1D - 16 Mechanical Options Double Wall Insulated Notes: • Adjustable Defrost Term/Fan Delay standard. • Beacon II must be ordered as a system. Models 1220, 1390, 1860, and 2120 (when used with 404A) require special split circuiting. • Customer to supply VFD to control VFD approved motors. • TXV = Expansion Valve; LLSV = Liquid Line Solenoid Valve • 3 Phase Low temp motors and Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan, Drain Pan Baffles, Electric Re-Heat Option, Dual Circuited Coils, and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Refrigerated Warehouse Unit Coolers Large Unit Coolers Hot Gas Defrost Models & Options • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Bohn Configurable Model List Price ($US) Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Drain Pan Options Electric Mechanical Options Double Wall Hot Gas Loop Insulated Coil Options TXV ElectroFin Coil Bronz-Glow Hot Gas Defrost Models with Totally Enclosed VFD Approved Motors - 208-230/3/60 - BHG450SA 13,445 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory - BHG550SA 15,591 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory - BHG640SA 17,259 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory - BHG740SA 20,323 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory - BHG810SA 24,445 Standard 536 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory - BHG950SA 27,048 Standard 536 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory - BHG1020SA 27,873 Standard 957 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory - BHG1200SA 32,006 Standard 957 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory - BHG1390SA 35,068 Standard 957 Call Factory 1,400 Call Factory Call Factory - BHG1650SA 42,878 Standard 957 Call Factory 1,400 Call Factory Call Factory - BHG2120SB 54,005 Standard 1,377 Call Factory 1,400 Call Factory Call Factory - BHF400SA 12,682 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory - BHF480SA 15,284 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory - BHF560SA 17,108 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory - BHF650SA 18,943 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory - BHF710SA 20,768 Standard 536 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory - BHF840SA 26,740 Standard 536 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory - BHF890SA 27,873 Standard 957 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory - BHF1050SA 31,394 Standard 957 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory - BHF1220SA 35,068 Standard 957 Call Factory 1,400 Call Factory Call Factory - BHF1440SA 43,798 Standard 957 Call Factory 1,400 Call Factory Call Factory - BHF1860SB 53,089 Standard 1,377 Call Factory 1,400 Call Factory Call Factory Hot Gas Defrost Models with Totally Enclosed VFD Approved Motors - 460/3/60 - BHG450SA 13,445 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory - BHG550SA 15,591 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory - BHG640SA 17,259 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory - BHG740SA 20,323 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory - BHG810SA 24,445 Standard 536 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory - BHG950SA 27,048 Standard 536 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory - BHG1020SA 27,873 Standard 957 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory - BHG1200SA 32,006 Standard 957 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory - BHG1390SA 35,068 Standard 957 Call Factory 1,400 Call Factory Call Factory - BHG1650SA 42,878 Standard 957 Call Factory 1,400 Call Factory Call Factory Regulation Requires VFD Approved Motors! California Energy Commission Title 24, Section 126 Effective 01/01/2010, refrigerated warehouses with a total cold storage and frozen storage area exceeding 3,000 square feet must be variable speed and controlled in response to space conditions. Single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be variable speed EC motors. Exception: Evaporators served by a single compressor without unloading capability. Rev. 03/12 Notes: • Adjustable Defrost Term/Fan Delay standard. • Customer to supply VFD to control VFD approved motors. • TXV = Expansion Valve • 3 Phase Low temp motors and Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan, Drain Pan Baffles, Electric Re-Heat Option, Dual Circuited Coils, and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 1D - 17 Section 1 Bohn Standard Model Refrigerated Warehouse Unit Coolers Large Unit Coolers Hot Gas Defrost Models & Options • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. Section 1 When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Bohn Standard Model Bohn Configurable Model List Price ($US) Electric - BHG2120SB 54,005 Standard Drain Pan Options Mechanical Options Double Wall Hot Gas Loop Insulated 1,377 Call Factory Coil Options TXV ElectroFin Coil Bronz-Glow 1,400 Call Factory Call Factory - BHF400SA 12,682 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory - BHF480SA 15,284 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory - BHF560SA 17,108 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory - BHF650SA 18,943 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory - BHF710SA 20,768 Standard 536 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory - BHF840SA 26,740 Standard 536 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory - BHF890SA 27,873 Standard 957 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory - BHF1050SA 31,394 Standard 957 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory - BHF1220SA 35,068 Standard 957 Call Factory 1,400 Call Factory Call Factory - BHF1440SA 43,798 Standard 957 Call Factory 1,400 Call Factory Call Factory - BHF1860SB 53,089 Standard 1,377 Call Factory 1,400 Call Factory Call Factory Hot Gas Defrost Models with Standard Motors - 208-230/1/60 BHG450BA BHG450SA 12,555 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory BHG550BA BHF400BA BHG550SA 14,701 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory BHF400SA 11,792 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory BHF480BA Call Factory BHF480SA 14,394 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory Hot Gas Defrost Models with Standard Motors - 208-230/3/60 BHG450CPA BHG450SA 13,246 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory BHG550CPA BHG550SA 15,389 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory BHG640CA BHG640SA 15,924 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory BHG640CPA BHG640SA 16,998 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory BHG740CA BHG740SA 18,988 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory BHG740CPA BHG740SA 20,060 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory BHG810CA BHG810SA 22,665 Standard 536 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory BHG810CPA BHG810SA 24,043 Standard 536 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory BHG950CA BHG950SA 25,268 Standard 536 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory BHG950CPA BHG950SA 26,643 Standard 536 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory BHG1020CPA BHG1020SA 27,105 Standard 957 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory BHG1200CPA BHG1200SA 31,238 Standard 957 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory BHG1390CPA BHG1390SA 34,300 Standard 957 Call Factory 1,400 Call Factory Call Factory BHG1650CPA BHG1650SA 42,110 Standard 957 Call Factory 1,400 Call Factory Call Factory BHG2120CPB BHG2120SB 52,981 Standard 1,377 Call Factory 1,400 Call Factory Call Factory BHF400CPA BHF400SA 12,480 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory Regulation Requires VFD Approved Motors! California Energy Commission Title 24, Section 126 Effective 01/01/2010, refrigerated warehouses with a total cold storage and frozen storage area exceeding 3,000 square feet must be variable speed and controlled in response to space conditions. Single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be variable speed EC motors. Exception: Evaporators served by a single compressor without unloading capability. 1D - 18 Notes: • Adjustable Defrost Term/Fan Delay standard. • Customer to supply VFD to control VFD approved motors. • TXV = Expansion Valve • 3 Phase Low temp motors and Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan, Drain Pan Baffles, Electric Re-Heat Option, Dual Circuited Coils, and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Refrigerated Warehouse Unit Coolers Large Unit Coolers Hot Gas Defrost Models & Options • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Bohn Configurable Model List Price ($US) Electric BHF480CPA BHF480SA 15,086 Standard Drain Pan Options Mechanical Options Double Wall Hot Gas Loop Insulated Coil Options TXV ElectroFin Coil Bronz-Glow 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory BHF560CA BHF560SA 15,773 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory BHF560CPA BHF560SA 16,844 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory BHF650CA BHF650SA 17,608 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory BHF650CPA BHF650SA 18,681 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory BHF710CA BHF710SA 18,988 Standard 536 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory BHF710CPA BHF710SA 20,367 Standard 536 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory BHF840CA BHF840SA 24,960 Standard 536 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory BHF840CPA BHF840SA 26,335 Standard 536 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory BHF890CPA BHF890SA 27,105 Standard 957 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory BHF1050CPA BHF1050SA 30,626 Standard 957 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory BHF1220CPA BHF1220SA 34,300 Standard 957 Call Factory 1,400 Call Factory Call Factory BHF1440CPA BHF1440SA 43,030 Standard 957 Call Factory 1,400 Call Factory Call Factory BHF1860CPB BHF1860SB 52,065 Standard 1,377 Call Factory 1,400 Call Factory Call Factory Hot Gas Defrost Models with Standard Motors - 460/1/60 BHG450MA BHG450SA 12,555 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory BHG550MA BHG550SA 14,701 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory BHF400MA BHF400SA 11,792 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory BHF480MA BHF480SA 14,394 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Hot Gas Defrost Models with Standard Motors - 460/3/60 BHG450DPA BHG450SA 13,246 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory BHG550DPA BHG550SA 15,389 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory BHG640DA BHG640SA 15,924 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory BHG640DPA BHG640SA 16,998 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory BHG740DA BHG740SA 18,988 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory BHG740DPA BHG740SA 20,060 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory BHG810DA BHG810SA 22,665 Standard 536 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory BHG810DPA BHG810SA 24,043 Standard 536 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory BHG950DA BHG950SA 25,268 Standard 536 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory BHG950DPA BHG950SA 26,643 Standard 536 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory BHG1020DPA BHG1020SA 27,105 Standard 957 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory BHG1200DPA BHG1200SA 31,238 Standard 957 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory BHG1390DPA BHG1390SA 34,300 Standard 957 Call Factory 1,400 Call Factory Call Factory BHG1650DPA BHG1650SA 42,110 Standard 957 Call Factory 1,400 Call Factory Call Factory Regulation Requires VFD Approved Motors! California Energy Commission Title 24, Section 126 Effective 01/01/2010, refrigerated warehouses with a total cold storage and frozen storage area exceeding 3,000 square feet must be variable speed and controlled in response to space conditions. Single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be variable speed EC motors. Exception: Evaporators served by a single compressor without unloading capability. Rev. 03/12 Notes: • Adjustable Defrost Term/Fan Delay standard. • Customer to supply VFD to control VFD approved motors. • TXV = Expansion Valve • 3 Phase Low temp motors and Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan, Drain Pan Baffles, Electric Re-Heat Option, Dual Circuited Coils, and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 1D - 19 Section 1 Bohn Standard Model Refrigerated Warehouse Unit Coolers Large Unit Coolers Hot Gas Defrost Models & Options • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. Section 1 When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Bohn Standard Model Bohn Configurable Model List Price ($US) Electric BHG2120DPB BHG2120SB 52,981 Standard 1,377 BHF400DPA BHF400SA 12,480 Standard BHF480DPA BHF480SA 15,086 Standard BHF560DA BHF560SA 15,773 BHF560DPA BHF560SA 16,844 Drain Pan Options Mechanical Options Double Wall Hot Gas Loop Insulated Coil Options TXV ElectroFin Coil Bronz-Glow Call Factory 1,400 Call Factory Call Factory 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory BHF650DA BHF650SA 17,608 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory BHF650DPA BHF650SA 18,681 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory BHF710DA BHF710SA 18,988 Standard 536 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory BHF710DPA BHF710SA 20,367 Standard 536 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory BHF840DA BHF840SA 24,960 Standard 536 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory BHF840DPA BHF840SA 26,335 Standard 536 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory BHF890DPA BHF890SA 27,105 Standard 957 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory BHF1050DPA BHF1050SA 30,626 Standard 957 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory BHF1220DPA BHF1220SA 34,300 Standard 957 Call Factory 1,400 Call Factory Call Factory BHF1440DPA BHF1440SA 43,030 Standard 957 Call Factory 1,400 Call Factory Call Factory BHF1860DPB BHF1860SB 52,065 Standard 1,377 Call Factory 1,400 Call Factory Call Factory Hot Gas Defrost Models with Standard Motors - 575/3/60 BHG450EPA BHG450SA 13,511 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory BHG550EPA BHG550SA 15,698 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory BHG640EPA BHG640SA 17,339 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory BHG740EPA BHG740SA 20,463 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory BHG810EPA BHG810SA 24,524 Standard 536 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory BHG950EPA BHG950SA 27,186 Standard 536 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory BHG1020EPA BHG1020SA 27,612 Standard 957 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory BHG1200EPA BHG1200SA 31,862 Standard 957 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory BHG1390EPA BHG1390SA 34,987 Standard 957 Call Factory 1,400 Call Factory Call Factory BHG1650EPA BHG1650SA 42,954 Standard 957 Call Factory 1,400 Call Factory Call Factory BHG2120EPB BHG2120SB 54,041 Standard 1,377 Call Factory 1,400 Call Factory Call Factory BHF400EPA BHF400SA 12,730 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory BHF480EPA BHF480SA 15,387 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory BHF560EPA BHF560SA 17,182 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory BHF650EPA BHF650SA 19,054 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory BHF710EPA BHF710SA 20,774 Standard 536 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory BHF840EPA BHF840SA 26,864 Standard 536 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory Regulation Requires VFD Approved Motors! California Energy Commission Title 24, Section 126 Effective 01/01/2010, refrigerated warehouses with a total cold storage and frozen storage area exceeding 3,000 square feet must be variable speed and controlled in response to space conditions. Single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be variable speed EC motors. Exception: Evaporators served by a single compressor without unloading capability. 1D - 20 Notes: • Adjustable Defrost Term/Fan Delay standard. • Customer to supply VFD to control VFD approved motors. • TXV = Expansion Valve • 3 Phase Low temp motors and Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan, Drain Pan Baffles, Electric Re-Heat Option, Dual Circuited Coils, and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Refrigerated Warehouse Unit Coolers Large Unit Coolers Hot Gas Defrost Models & Options • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Bohn Configurable Model List Price ($US) Electric BHF890EPA BHF890SA 27,645 Standard Drain Pan Options Mechanical Options Double Wall Hot Gas Loop Insulated 957 Call Factory Coil Options TXV ElectroFin Coil Bronz-Glow 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory BHF1050EPA BHF1050SA 31,238 Standard 957 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory BHF1220EPA BHF1220SA 34,987 Standard 957 Call Factory 1,400 Call Factory Call Factory BHF1440EPA BHF1440SA 43,891 Standard 957 Call Factory 1,400 Call Factory Call Factory BHF1860EPB BHF1860SB 53,104 Standard 1,377 Call Factory 1,400 Call Factory Call Factory Hot Gas Defrost Models with High CFM Motors - 208-230/3/60 - BHG450SA 15,236 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory - BHG550SA 17,382 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory - BHG640SA 19,944 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory - BHG740SA 23,008 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory - BHG810SA 28,025 Standard 536 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory - BHG950SA 30,628 Standard 536 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory - BHG1020SA 30,861 Standard 957 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory - BHG1200SA 34,994 Standard 957 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory - BHG1390SA 38,056 Standard 957 Call Factory 1,400 Call Factory Call Factory - BHG1650SA 45,866 Standard 957 Call Factory 1,400 Call Factory Call Factory - BHG2120SB 57,989 Standard 1,377 Call Factory 1,400 Call Factory Call Factory - BHF400SA 14,473 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory - BHF480SA 17,075 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory - BHF560SA 19,793 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory - BHF650SA 21,628 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory - BHF710SA 24,348 Standard 536 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory - BHF840SA 30,320 Standard 536 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory - BHF890SA 30,861 Standard 957 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory - BHF1050SA 34,382 Standard 957 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory - BHF1220SA 38,056 Standard 957 Call Factory 1,400 Call Factory Call Factory - BHF1440SA 46,786 Standard 957 Call Factory 1,400 Call Factory Call Factory - BHF1860SB 57,073 Standard 1,377 Call Factory 1,400 Call Factory Call Factory Hot Gas Defrost Models with High CFM Motors - 460/3/60 - BHG450SA 15,236 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory - BHG550SA 17,382 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory - BHG640SA 19,944 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory - BHG740SA 23,008 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory - BHG810SA 28,025 Standard 536 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory Regulation Requires VFD Approved Motors! California Energy Commission Title 24, Section 126 Effective 01/01/2010, refrigerated warehouses with a total cold storage and frozen storage area exceeding 3,000 square feet must be variable speed and controlled in response to space conditions. Single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be variable speed EC motors. Exception: Evaporators served by a single compressor without unloading capability. Rev. 03/12 Notes: • Adjustable Defrost Term/Fan Delay standard. • Customer to supply VFD to control VFD approved motors. • TXV = Expansion Valve • 3 Phase Low temp motors and Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan, Drain Pan Baffles, Electric Re-Heat Option, Dual Circuited Coils, and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 1D - 21 Section 1 Bohn Standard Model Refrigerated Warehouse Unit Coolers Large Unit Coolers Hot Gas Defrost Models & Options • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. Section 1 When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Bohn Standard Model Bohn Configurable Model List Price ($US) Electric - BHG950SA 30,628 Standard Drain Pan Options 536 Call Factory Coil Options TXV ElectroFin Coil Bronz-Glow 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory - BHG1020SA 30,861 Standard 957 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory - BHG1200SA 34,994 Standard 957 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory - BHG1390SA 38,056 Standard 957 Call Factory 1,400 Call Factory Call Factory - BHG1650SA 45,866 Standard 957 Call Factory 1,400 Call Factory Call Factory - BHG2120SB 57,989 Standard 1,377 Call Factory 1,400 Call Factory Call Factory - BHF400SA 14,473 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory - BHF480SA 17,075 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory - BHF560SA 19,793 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory - BHF650SA 21,628 Standard 536 Call Factory 958 Call Factory Call Factory - BHF710SA 24,348 Standard 536 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory - BHF840SA 30,320 Standard 536 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory - BHF890SA 30,861 Standard 957 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory - BHF1050SA 34,382 Standard 957 Call Factory 1,136 Call Factory Call Factory - BHF1220SA 38,056 Standard 957 Call Factory 1,400 Call Factory Call Factory - BHF1440SA 46,786 Standard 957 Call Factory 1,400 Call Factory Call Factory - BHF1860SB 57,073 Standard 1,377 Call Factory 1,400 Call Factory Call Factory Regulation Requires VFD Approved Motors! California Energy Commission Title 24, Section 126 Effective 01/01/2010, refrigerated warehouses with a total cold storage and frozen storage area exceeding 3,000 square feet must be variable speed and controlled in response to space conditions. Single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be variable speed EC motors. Exception: Evaporators served by a single compressor without unloading capability. 1D - 22 Mechanical Options Double Wall Hot Gas Loop Insulated Notes: • Adjustable Defrost Term/Fan Delay standard. • Customer to supply VFD to control VFD approved motors. • TXV = Expansion Valve • 3 Phase Low temp motors and Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan, Drain Pan Baffles, Electric Re-Heat Option, Dual Circuited Coils, and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Refrigerated Warehouse Unit Coolers Large Unit Coolers Hot Gas Reverse Cycle Kits Need a Hot Gas Reverse Cycle Kit? Need help? Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. Kits for Models with Standard Electric Pan Factory-Installed Shipped-Loose Section 1 Bohn Hot Gas Models Used On List Price Part List Price Adder Number ($US) ($US) BHG BHF Option Code 450 - 550 400 - 480 RCK.EP-1 2,860 89910901 640 - 950 560 - 840 RCK.EP-2 2,860 89910902 920 1020 890 RCK.EP-3 2,860 89910903 1,148 1200 1050 RCK.EP-4 4,171 89910904 1,274 1390 1220 RCK.EP-5 4,171 89911101 1,418 1650 - 2120 1440 - 1860 RCK.EP-6 4,171 89911301 1,418 804 Notes: • Factory-installed kits include expansion valve and TXV bypass check valve assembly. Specify valve model style, refrigerant, and SST on order. • Shipped-loose kits include one check valve and piping for TXV bypass around expansion valve. Kit does not include expansion valve. Kits for Models with Optional Hot Gas Pan Bohn Hot Gas Models Used On Factory-Installed Shipped-Loose List Price Part List Price Adder Number ($US) ($US) BHG BHF Option Code 450 - 550 400 - 480 RCK.HGP-1 640 - 950 560 - 840 RCK.HGP-2 4,911 89910906 2,529 1020 890 RCK.HGP-3 5,140 89910907 2,757 4,375 89910905 1,991 1200 1050 RCK.HGP-4 5,721 89910908 3,100 1390 1220 RCK.HGP-5 7,723 89911102 4,863 1650 1440 RCK.HGP-6 8,212 89911302 5,352 2120 1860 RCK.HGP-7 8,227 89911303 5,368 Notes: • Factory installed kits included expansion valve, TXV Bypass check valve assembly, suction check valve assembly, and drain pan check valve assembly. Kit does not include hot gas pan price. Specify valve model style, refrigerant, and SST on order. • Shipped-loose kits include one check valve and piping for TXV bypass around expansion valve, one check valve and piping for drain pan assembly and one check valve and piping for suction assembly. Kit does not include Hot gas pan pricing. Kit does not include expansion valve. Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 1D - 23 Refrigerated Warehouse Unit Coolers Large Unit Coolers Shipped-Loose Accessories A wide range of shipped-loose accessories are available to order. Can’t Find Something or need help selecting the appropriate accessory for your unit? Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. Description List Price ($US) Notes 2891040 Room Thermostat 256 - 28963101 Electronic Room Thermostat 324 - 89910701 Collar for Air Throw (24” fan) 444 Must be used with wire fan guards. Must order 1 per fan. 89904401 Collar for Air Throw (30” fan) 592 Must be used with wire fan guards. Must order 1 per fan. 21340101 Electric Defrost Timer (60 Hz) 300 - 5505-R 30-Amp Contactor 321 Use as fan or heater contactor 5738-N 50-Amp Contactor 365 Use as fan or heater contactor 5731F 1 5/8” Suction Line Check Valve 731 - 2933034 2 1/8” Suction Line Check Valve 1,497 - 2933042 2 5/8” Suction Line Check Valve 1,724 - 6 ft. Drain Line heater (208-230V, 42 Watts) 130 - 5594P 12 ft. Drain Line heater (208-230V, 84 Watts) 142 - 5595P 18 ft. Drain Line heater (208-230V, 126 Watts) 168 - 5596P 36 ft. Drain Line heater (208-230V, 252 Watts) 257 - 5597P 60 ft. Drain Line heater (208-230V, 420 Watts) 475 - 24200009 Heat Exchanger used on 520 - 630 Air Defrost Models, 450 - 550 Electric & Hot Gas Defrost Models (6 FPI), and 400 - 480 Electric & Hot Gas Defrost Models (4.5 FPI) 502 7/8” Liquid Connection OD, 1 5/8” Suction Connecction OD, 16” Length, 4lbs Approx. Ship Wt. 24200010 Heat Exchanger used on 750 - 850 Air Defrost Models 771 7/8” Liquid Connection OD, 2 1/8” Suction Connecction OD, 17” Length, 6lbs Approx. Ship Wt. 24200011 Heat Exchanger used on 930 - 1400 Air Defrost Models, 640 Electric & Hot Gas Defrost Models (6 FPI), and 560 - 650 Electric & Hot Gas Defrost Models (4.5 FPI) 1,057 7/8” Liquid Connection OD, 2 1/8” Suction Connecction OD, 25” Length, 8lbs Approx. Ship Wt. 24200012 Heat Exchanger used on 740 - 1390 Electric & Hot Gas Defrost Models (6 FPI), and 710 - 1220 Electric & Hot Gas Defrost Models (4.5 FPI) 1,241 1 1/8” Liquid Connection OD, 2 1/8” Suction Connecction OD, 27” Length, 9lbs Approx. Ship Wt. 24200013 Heat Exchanger used on 1610 - 2440 Air Defrost Models 1,334 1 1/8” Liquid Connection OD, 2 5/8” Suction Connecction OD, 28” Length, 10lbs Approx. Ship Wt. 24200015 Heat Exchanger used on 2500 - 2780 Air Defrost Models, 1650 - 2120 Electric & Hot Gas Defrost Models (6 FPI), and 1440 - 1860 Electric & Hot Gas Defrost Models (4.5 FPI) 1,800 1 1/8” Liquid Connection OD, 2 5/8” Suction Connecction OD, 28” Length, 10lbs Approx. Ship Wt. Part Number Section 1 Room Thermostats Extended Throw Defrost Controls Check Valves Drain Line Heaters 5508Q Heat Exchangers 1D - 24 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Refrigerated Warehouse Unit Coolers Shipped-Loose Accessories Large Unit Coolers Expansion Valves (TXV) Part Number List Price ($US) Capacity Range (BTUH) TXV036 298 24,000 BTUH to 36,000 BTUH TXV060 483 36,000 BTUH to 60,000 BTUH TXV120 613 60,000 BTUH to 120,000 BTUH TXV360 772 120,000 BTUH to 360,000 BTUH TXV540 1,119 360,000 BTUH to 540,000 BTUH Section 1 When placing order, please specify refrigerant type, saturated suction temperature (SST), liquid temperature, and room temperature. Liquid-line Solenoid Valves (LLSV) Capacity Range (R-404A) Part Number List Price ($US) Size 5766Y 307 1/2 51,000 BTUH to 72,000 BTUH 44,000 BTUH to 62,000 BTUH 5768Y 408 5/8 72,000 BTUH to 144,000 BTUH 62,000 BTUH to 120,000 BTUH 5804E 504 7/8 144,000 BTUH to 216,000 BTUH 120,000 BTUH to 185,000 BTUH 5803E 630 1 1/8 216,000 BTUH to 380,000 BTUH 185,000 BTUH to 315,000 BTUH 29318011 307 3/8 24,000 BTUH to 44,000 BTUH 21,000 BTUH to 38,000 BTUH 29318012 307 1/2 36,000 BTUH to 51,000 BTUH 31,000 BTUH to 44,000 BTUH 5825N 910 1 1/8 380,000 BTUH to 652,000 BTUH 315,000 BTUH to 540,000 BTUH 4272P 910 1 3/8 540,000 BTUH to 764,000 BTUH 448,000 BTUH to 633,000 BTUH Rev. 03/12 Medium Temperature Application Low Temperature Application (BTUH) (BTUH) List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 1D - 25 Section 1 Refrigerated Warehouse Unit Coolers Page left blank intentionally. 1D - 26 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Glycol Unit Coolers Low Profile Overview Ease of Installation & Service • Cabinet design features front access panels on each side for easy access to electrical and refrigeration components • All electrical components factory wired to terminal board and identified, making it easy to field wire the unit • Pre-drilled holes on the back of the unit for room thermostat • Coil heater slots have been enlarged for easier installation and replacement • On 4-6 fan models, drain pan has a lanyard for easy and safe access • Motors plug into wiring harness for easier servicing Product Description Low profile glycol unit coolers, are available in air, electric, or warm fluid defrost. These units are designed to offer an environmentally-friendly product that provides maximum capacity while occupying a minimum amount of space inside a walk-in cooler or freezer. These units are ideal for many applications including restaurants and convenience stores. The use of alternative refrigerants makes this product qualified to be included in the E Solutions™ product portfolio. Additional savings can be seen by opting for EC motors or the Beacon II™ Refrigeration System. Reliable & Durable • Sweat connections to reduce potential for leaks • Molded fan guard design made of strong plastic material • Heavy gauge grained aluminum cabinet cleans easily and looks attractive Performance • Internal panels are isolated for quiet operation • Internally enhanced tubing and fin design for higher efficiency • Reduced heater wattages • Adjustable defrost termination for warm fluid defrost models • Extended drain pan heaters for more uniform defrost throughout the drain pan and additional heat in end compartments Versatile • Large diameter drain hole (3/4” ID) is located on the back of the unit • Minimal height of the low profile series makes it ideal for low ceiling coolers Certifications Nomenclature Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 1E - 1 Section 1 Standard Features Glycol Unit Coolers Low Profile Performance & Specification Data Performance & Physical Data – 60 HZ Initial temperature difference (ITD) is (Room air temperature – Entering fluid temperature). Multiply the reference capacity by the ITD to get the total reference capacity. Section 1 Bohn Base Model Capacity BTUH/°ITD Fan Data No. of CFM Fans FPI Tube OD (in.) Coil Data Approx. Condensate Net Weight # Connections Finned Drain FPT (in.) (lbs.) Circuits OD (in.) Length (in.) Air Defrost Models ADTG0400 400 2 1,400 6 3/8 4 7/8 32 3/4 50 ADTG0475 475 2 1,300 6 3/8 5 7/8 32 3/4 52 ADTG0525 525 2 1,300 6 3/8 6 7/8 32 3/4 55 ADTG0725 725 3 1,950 6 3/8 10 7/8 48 3/4 70 ADTG0900 900 4 2,600 6 3/8 10 1 1/8 64 3/4 83 ADTG1000 1,000 5 3,250 6 3/8 10 1 1/8 80 3/4 104 ADTG1300 1,300 5 3,125 6 1/2 10 1 1/8 80 3/4 109 ADTG1475 1,475 6 3,750 6 1/2 10 1 1/8 96 3/4 134 Electric Defrost Models LETG0400 400 2 1,400 6 3/8 4 7/8 32 3/4 50 LETG0475 475 2 1,300 6 3/8 5 7/8 32 3/4 52 LETG0525 525 2 1,300 6 3/8 6 7/8 32 3/4 55 LETG0725 725 3 1,950 6 3/8 10 7/8 48 3/4 70 LETG0900 900 4 2,600 6 3/8 10 1 1/8 64 3/4 83 LETG1000 1,000 5 3,250 6 3/8 10 1 1/8 80 3/4 104 LETG1300 1,300 5 3,125 6 1/2 10 1 1/8 80 3/4 109 LETG1475 1,475 6 3,750 6 1/2 10 1 1/8 96 3/4 134 Warm Fluid Defrost Models HGTG0475 475 2 1,300 6 3/8 5 7/8 32 3/4 55 HGTG0525 525 2 1,300 6 3/8 6 7/8 32 3/4 58 HGTG0725 725 3 1,950 6 3/8 10 7/8 48 3/4 73 HGTG0900 900 4 2,600 6 3/8 10 1 1/8 64 3/4 86 HGTG1300 1,300 5 3,125 6 1/2 10 1 1/8 80 3/4 113 HGTG1475 1,475 6 3,750 6 1/2 10 1 1/8 96 3/4 139 Fan Motors (All Models) No. of Fans PSC Motor 460/1/60 Amps Watts EC Motor 115/1/60 208-230/1/60 Amps Watts Amps Watts 2 0.8 234 1.8 114 1.0 118 3 1.2 351 2.7 171 1.5 177 4 1.6 468 3.6 228 2.0 236 5 2.0 585 4.6 285 2.5 295 6 2.4 702 5.5 342 3.0 354 Defrost Heaters (Electric Defrost Models) Drain Pan Heaters (Warm Fluid Defrost Models) Includes coil heaters and drain pan heaters. No. of Fans 1E - 2 208-230/1/60 Amps Watts 460/1/60 Amps Watts 208-230/3/60 Amps Watts No. of Fans 115/1/60 Amps Watts 208-230/1/60 Amps Watts 460/1/60 Amps Watts 2 5.2 600 2.6 600 1.3 600 2 7.8 1,800 3.9 1,800 4.5 1800 3 7.8 900 3.9 900 2.0 900 3 11.7 2,700 5.9 2,700 6.8 2700 4 10.4 1,200 5.2 1,200 2.6 1,200 4 15.7 3,600 7.8 3,600 9.0 3600 5 13.0 1,500 6.5 1,500 3.3 1,500 5 19.6 4,500 9.8 4,500 11.3 4500 6 15.7 1,800 7.8 1,800 3.9 1,800 6 23.5 5,400 11.7 5,400 13.6 5400 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Glycol Unit Coolers Low Profile Performance & Specification Data 1 5/16" 33mm 1 15/16" TYP 49mm Outlet Inlet 1 3/4" TYP 44mm Electrical Connection End Piping Connection End 6 1/8" 156mm "C" "D" "B" "A" 13 1/4" 337mm 6 1/8" 156mm Section 1 2 7/8" 73mm Outlet AIR FLOW 14 15/16" 379mm 3 5/16" 84mm 8 1/8" 16" 206mm 407mm Inlet Connections 3/4" MPT (14 NPS) 19mm Drain Connection 12" 305mm 14 7/8" 378mm 1 3/4" 44mm Dimensional Data (All Models) Hanger brackets will accept up to 3/8” threaded rod. Rev. 03/12 Dimensions (in.) No. of Fans A B C D 2 45 1/2 33 1/4 - - 3 61 1/2 49 1/4 - - 4 77 1/2 65 1/4 - - 5 93 1/2 81 1/4 48 5/8 32 5/8 6 109 1/2 97 1/4 48 5/8 48 5/8 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 1E - 3 Glycol Unit Coolers Low Profile Air Defrost Models & Options • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Section 1 Factory - Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Bohn Standard Model Bohn Configurable Model List Price ($US) No. of Fans Coil Options BohnKote™ ElectroFin Coil BohnGuard™ Fin Protection Bronz-Glow Air Defrost Models with EC Motors - 115/1/60 - ADTG0400SK 3,049 2 631 Call Factory 991 Call Factory - ADTG0475SK 3,154 2 631 Call Factory 991 Call Factory - ADTG0525SK 3,454 2 631 Call Factory 991 Call Factory - ADTG0725SK 4,714 3 922 Call Factory 1,011 Call Factory - ADTG0900SK 6,236 4 Call Factory Call Factory 1,032 Call Factory - ADTG1000SK 7,784 5 Call Factory Call Factory 1,056 Call Factory - ADTG1300SK 8,043 5 Call Factory Call Factory 1,056 Call Factory - ADTG1475SK 9,021 6 Call Factory Call Factory 1,078 Call Factory Air Defrost Models with EC Motors - 208-230/1/60 - ADTG0400SK 3,117 2 631 Call Factory 991 Call Factory - ADTG0475SK 3,222 2 631 Call Factory 991 Call Factory - ADTG0525SK 3,516 2 631 Call Factory 991 Call Factory - ADTG0725SK 4,815 3 922 Call Factory 1,011 Call Factory - ADTG0900SK 6,891 4 Call Factory Call Factory 1,032 Call Factory - ADTG1000SK 8,580 5 Call Factory Call Factory 1,056 Call Factory - ADTG1300SK 8,839 5 Call Factory Call Factory 1,056 Call Factory - ADTG1475SK 9,923 6 Call Factory Call Factory 1,078 Call Factory Air Defrost Models with PSC Motors - 460/1/60 - ADTG0400SK 2,623 2 631 Call Factory 991 Call Factory - ADTG0475SK 2,729 2 631 Call Factory 991 Call Factory - ADTG0525SK 3,022 2 631 Call Factory 991 Call Factory - ADTG0725SK 3,969 3 922 Call Factory 1,011 Call Factory - ADTG0900SK 5,692 4 Call Factory Call Factory 1,032 Call Factory - ADTG1000SK 7,028 5 Call Factory Call Factory 1,056 Call Factory - ADTG1300SK 7,287 5 Call Factory Call Factory 1,056 Call Factory - ADTG1475SK 8,018 6 Call Factory Call Factory 1,078 Call Factory Federal Regulation Requires EC Motors! Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors. 1E - 4 Notes: • Base price includes vent and drain valves. • Plastic fan guards are standard. • Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. • See page 1E-21 for available shipped-loose Balance Valve and Shut-off Valve options. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Glycol Unit Coolers Low Profile Electric Defrost Models & Options • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Bohn Configurable Model List Price ($US) No. of Fans Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Coil Options Bronz-Glow Section 1 Bohn Standard Model Electric Defrost Models with EC Motors - 208-230/1/60 - LETG0400SK 4,088 2 Call Factory - LETG0475SK 4,142 2 Call Factory - LETG0525SK 4,306 2 Call Factory - LETG0725SK 5,750 3 Call Factory - LETG0900SK 7,488 4 Call Factory - LETG1000SK 9,296 5 Call Factory - LETG1300SK 9,555 5 Call Factory - LETG1475SK 10,639 6 Call Factory Electric Defrost Models with EC Motors - 208-230/3/60 - LETG0400SK 4,341 2 Call Factory - LETG0475SK 4,395 2 Call Factory - LETG0525SK 4,558 2 Call Factory - LETG0725SK 6,001 3 Call Factory - LETG0900SK 7,739 4 Call Factory - LETG1000SK 9,548 5 Call Factory - LETG1300SK 9,808 5 Call Factory - LETG1475SK 10,891 6 Call Factory Electric Defrost Models with PSC Motors - 460/1/60 - LETG0400SK 3,874 2 Call Factory - LETG0475SK 3,928 2 Call Factory - LETG0525SK 4,091 2 Call Factory - LETG0725SK 5,182 3 Call Factory - LETG0900SK 6,567 4 Call Factory - LETG1000SK 8,022 5 Call Factory - LETG1300SK 8,282 5 Call Factory - LETG1475SK 9,013 6 Call Factory Federal Regulation Requires EC Motors! Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors. Rev. 03/12 Notes: • Base price includes vent & drain valves, heater limit thermostats and adjustable defrost termination fan delay. • Plastic fan guards are standard. • Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. • See page 1E-21 for available shipped-loose Balance Valve and Shut-off Valve options. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 1E - 5 Glycol Unit Coolers Low Profile Warm Fluid Defrost Models & Options • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. Section 1 When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Bohn Standard Model Bohn Configurable Model List Price ($US) Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) No. of Fans Coil Options ElectroFin Coil Bronz-Glow Warm Fluid Defrost Models with EC Motors - 115/1/60 - HGTG0475SK 4,097 2 Call Factory Call Factory - HGTG0525SK 4,554 2 Call Factory Call Factory - HGTG0725SK 6,255 3 Call Factory Call Factory - HGTG0900SK 7,076 4 Call Factory Call Factory - HGTG1300SK 8,556 5 Call Factory Call Factory - HGTG1475SK 10,155 6 Call Factory Call Factory Warm Fluid Defrost Models with EC Motors - 208-230/1/60 - HGTG0475SK 4,485 2 Call Factory Call Factory - HGTG0525SK 4,943 2 Call Factory Call Factory - HGTG0725SK 6,643 3 Call Factory Call Factory - HGTG0900SK 7,842 4 Call Factory Call Factory - HGTG1300SK 9,470 5 Call Factory Call Factory - HGTG1475SK 11,436 6 Call Factory Call Factory Warm Fluid Defrost Models with PSC Motors - 460/1/60 - HGTG0475SK 3,991 2 Call Factory Call Factory - HGTG0525SK 4,449 2 Call Factory Call Factory - HGTG0725SK 5,797 3 Call Factory Call Factory - HGTG0900SK 6,643 4 Call Factory Call Factory - HGTG1300SK 7,918 5 Call Factory Call Factory - HGTG1475SK 9,531 6 Call Factory Call Factory Federal Regulation Requires EC Motors! Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors. 1E - 6 Notes: • Base price includes vent and drain valves. • All Warm Fluid Defrost Models have Fan Defrost Control included • Plastic fan guards are standard. • Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. • See page 1E-21 for available shipped-loose Balance Valve and Shut-off Valve options. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Glycol Unit Coolers Low Velocity Center Mount Overview Product Description Low velocity glycol center mount units, are available in air, electric, or warm fluid defrost. These units are designed to offer an environmentally friendly product that is ideal for floral storage,fresh fruit and vegetables, dough retarding, fresh meat storage and preparations, and many other applications. The low air flow and quiet fans are classically suited for work room applications. The generous coil surface combined with close T.D. system balance provides high humidity characteristics to minimize product shrinkage and drying. The use of alternative refrigerants makes this product qualified to be included in the E Solutions™ product portfolio. Additional savings can be seen by opting for EC motors or the Beacon II™ Refrigeration System. Ease of Installation & Service • All electrical components factory wired to terminal board and identified, making it easy to field wire the unit • Cabinet design features access panels on each end for easy access to electrical and refrigeration components • Fan panel is lightweight and can easily be lowered for easy servicing and installation Reliable & Durable • Heavy gauge grained aluminum cabinet cleans easily and looks attractive • Stainless steel screws prevent rust streaks • Wire fan guards with PVC coating for durability • Sweat connections to reduce potential for leaks • Coils are dehydrated and sealed at the factory • Double drain pan eliminates drain pan sweating • Motor rail is design for maximum strength and durability Performance • Internally enhanced tubing and fin design for higher efficiency • All warm-fluid defrost models have heater/fan control factory set and wired • All electric defrost models include defrost termination thermostats • Motors are life lubricated and thermal overload protected Versatile • Low height makes it ideal for low ceiling coolers - larger models are only 15 inches tall, allowing for maximum headroom and more product storage • Unit designed to be mounted flush against the ceiling or suspended on rods Certifications Nomenclature Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 1E - 7 Section 1 Standard Features Glycol Unit Coolers Low Velocity Center Mount Performance & Specification Data Performance & Physical Data – 60 HZ Initial temperature difference (ITD) is (Room air temperature – Entering fluid temperature). Multiply the reference capacity by the ITD to get the total reference capacity. Section 1 Bohn Base Model Capacity BTUH/°ITD Fan Data Coil Data No. of Tube # Connections Finned CFM FPI Fans OD (in.) Circuits OD (in.) Length (in.) Condensate Approx. Drain FPT Net Weight (in.) (lbs.) Air Defrost Models WKAG0330 330 1 725 6 3/8 4 7/8 44 3/4 72 WKAG0425 425 1 730 6 3/8 6 7/8 66 3/4 105 WKAG0700 700 2 1,450 6 3/8 10 7/8 66 3/4 108 WKAG0875 875 2 1,470 6 3/8 12 1 1/8 66 3/4 151 WKAG0975 975 2 1,470 6 3/8 20 1 1/8 66 3/4 151 WKAG1025 1,025 3 2,130 6 3/8 12 1 1/8 66 3/4 163 WKAG1225 1,225 3 2,130 6 3/8 20 1 1/8 66 3/4 163 WKAG1450 1,450 4 2,840 6 3/8 20 1 1/8 88 3/4 196 WKAG1650 1,650 5 3,500 6 3/8 20 1 3/8 110 3/4 247 Electric Defrost Models WKEG0330 330 1 725 6 3/8 4 7/8 44 3/4 72 WKEG0425 425 1 730 6 3/8 6 7/8 66 3/4 105 WKEG0700 700 2 1,450 6 3/8 10 7/8 66 3/4 108 WKEG0875 875 2 1,470 6 3/8 12 1 1/8 66 3/4 151 WKEG0975 975 2 1,470 6 3/8 20 1 1/8 66 3/4 151 WKEG1025 1,025 3 2,130 6 3/8 12 1 1/8 66 3/4 163 WKEG1225 1,225 3 2,130 6 3/8 20 1 1/8 66 3/4 163 WKEG1450 1,450 4 2,840 6 3/8 20 1 1/8 88 3/4 196 WKEG1650 1,650 5 3,500 6 3/8 20 1.375 110 3/4 247 Warm Fluid Defrost Models WKGG0700 700 2 1,450 6 3/8 10 7/8 66 3/4 111 WKGG0875 875 2 1,470 6 3/8 12 1 1/8 66 3/4 155 WKGG0975 975 2 1,470 6 3/8 20 1 1/8 66 3/4 155 WKGG1025 1,025 3 2,130 6 3/8 12 1 1/8 66 3/4 167 WKGG1225 1,225 3 2,130 6 3/8 20 1 1/8 66 3/4 167 WKGG1450 1,450 4 2,840 6 3/8 20 1 1/8 88 3/4 204 WKGG1650 1,650 5 3,500 6 3/8 20 1 3/8 110 3/4 254 Fan Motors (All Models) No. of Fans 1E - 8 EC Motor 115/1/60 208-230/1/60 Defrost Heaters Drain Pan Heaters (Electric Defrost Models) (Warm Fluid Defrost Models) No. of Fans 208-230/1/60 115/1/60 208-230/1/60 Watts No. of Fans 10.5 2,400 2 3.0 350 1.5 350 17.4 4,000 3 4.4 500 2.2 500 17.4 4,000 4 5.7 650 2.8 650 22.6 5,200 5 7.6 875 3.8 875 Amps Watts Amps Watts 1 0.9 55 0.5 55 1 2 1.8 110 1.0 110 2 3 2.7 165 1.5 165 3 4 3.6 220 2.0 220 4 5 4.5 275 2.5 275 5 30.4 7,000 Amps Amps Watts Amps List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Watts Rev. 03/12 Glycol Unit Coolers Performance & Specification Data Section 1 Low Velocity Center Mount Dimensional Data (All Models) Note: 3/8” diameter mounting holes Bohn Base Model No. of Fans Dimensions (in.) A B C D E F G H J L P S T 53 1/2 6 7/8 9 1/3 26 1/2 28 7/9 4 22 - 5 1/2 27 4/5 14 2/5 6 2 7/8 Air Defrost Models WKAG0330 1 WKAG0425 1 75 1/2 6 7/8 9 1/3 26 1/2 28 7/9 4 22 - 5 1/2 27 4/5 14 2/5 5 2/5 3 1/2 WKAG0700 2 75 1/2 9 3/8 11 4/5 26 1/2 28 7/9 4 22 11 5 1/2 27 4/5 14 2/5 7 7/8 4 1/8 WKAG0875 2 75 1/2 13 1/8 15 1/2 26 1/2 28 7/9 4 22 11 5 1/2 27 4/5 14 2/5 11 7/8 2 1/2 WKAG0975 2 75 1/2 13 1/8 15 1/2 26 1/2 28 7/9 4 22 11 5 1/2 27 4/5 14 2/5 12 1/4 2 4/5 WKAG1025 3 75 1/2 13 1/8 15 1/2 26 1/2 28 7/9 4 22 11 5 1/2 27 4/5 14 2/5 12 2 1/2 WKAG1225 3 75 1/2 13 1/8 15 1/2 26 1/2 28 7/9 4 22 11 5 1/2 27 4/5 14 2/5 12 1/4 2 4/5 WKAG1450 4 97 1/2 13 1/8 15 1/2 26 1/2 28 7/9 4 22 - 5 1/2 27 4/5 14 2/5 12 1/4 2 7/8 WKAG1650 5 119 1/2 13 1/8 15 1/2 26 1/2 28 7/9 4 22 11 5 1/2 27 4/5 14 2/5 12 1/4 2 7/8 Electric Defrost Models WKEG0330 1 53 1/2 6 7/8 9 1/3 26 1/2 28 7/9 4 22 - 5 1/2 27 4/5 14 2/5 6 2 7/8 WKEG0425 1 75 1/2 6 7/8 9 1/3 26 1/2 28 7/9 4 22 - 5 1/2 27 4/5 14 2/5 5 2/5 3 1/2 WKEG0700 2 75 1/2 9 3/8 11 4/5 26 1/2 28 7/9 4 22 11 5 1/2 27 4/5 14 2/5 7 7/8 4 1/8 WKEG0875 2 75 1/2 13 1/8 15 1/2 26 1/2 28 7/9 4 22 11 5 1/2 27 4/5 14 2/5 11 7/8 2 1/2 WKEG0975 2 75 1/2 13 1/8 15 1/2 26 1/2 28 7/9 4 22 11 5 1/2 27 4/5 14 2/5 12 1/4 2 4/5 WKEG1025 3 75 1/2 13 1/8 15 1/2 26 1/2 28 7/9 4 22 11 5 1/2 27 4/5 14 2/5 12 2 1/2 WKEG1225 3 75 1/2 13 1/8 15 1/2 26 1/2 28 7/9 4 22 11 5 1/2 27 4/5 14 2/5 12 1/4 2 4/5 WKEG1450 4 97 1/2 13 1/8 15 1/2 26 1/2 28 7/9 4 22 - 5 1/2 27 4/5 14 2/5 12 1/4 2 7/8 WKEG1650 5 119 1/2 13 1/8 15 1/2 26 1/2 28 7/9 4 22 11 5 1/2 27 4/5 14 2/5 12 1/4 2 7/8 Warm Fluid Defrost Models Rev. 03/12 WKGG0700 2 75 1/2 9 3/8 11 4/5 26 1/2 28 7/9 4 22 11 5 1/2 27 4/5 14 2/5 7 7/8 4 1/8 WKGG0875 2 75 1/2 13 1/8 15 1/2 26 1/2 28 7/9 4 22 11 5 1/2 27 4/5 14 2/5 11 7/8 2 1/2 WKGG0975 2 75 1/2 13 1/8 15 1/2 26 1/2 28 7/9 4 22 11 5 1/2 27 4/5 14 2/5 12 1/4 2 4/5 WKGG1025 3 75 1/2 13 1/8 15 1/2 26 1/2 28 7/9 4 22 11 5 1/2 27 4/5 14 2/5 12 2 1/2 WKGG1225 3 75 1/2 13 1/8 15 1/2 26 1/2 28 7/9 4 22 11 5 1/2 27 4/5 14 2/5 12 1/4 2 4/5 WKGG1450 4 97 1/2 13 1/8 15 1/2 26 1/2 28 7/9 4 22 - 5 1/2 27 4/5 14 2/5 12 1/4 2 7/8 WKGG1650 5 119 1/2 13 1/8 15 1/2 26 1/2 28 7/9 4 22 11 5 1/2 27 4/5 14 2/5 12 1/4 2 7/8 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 1E - 9 Glycol Unit Coolers Low Velocity Center Mount Air Defrost Models & Options • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. Section 1 When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Bohn Standard Model Bohn Configurable Model List Price ($US) Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) No. of Fans Coil Options ElectroFin Coil BohnGuard™ Fin Protection Bronz-Glow 971 Call Factory Air Defrost Models with EC Motors - 115/1/60 - WKAG0330SC 3,660 1 Call Factory - WKAG0425SC 4,337 1 Call Factory 971 Call Factory - WKAG0700SC 5,461 2 Call Factory 1,431 Call Factory - WKAG0875SC 6,745 2 Call Factory 1,431 Call Factory - WKAG0975SC 7,027 2 Call Factory 1,431 Call Factory - WKAG1025SC 8,899 3 Call Factory 1,951 Call Factory - WKAG1225SC 9,261 3 Call Factory 1,951 Call Factory - WKAG1450SC 10,608 4 Call Factory 2,273 Call Factory - WKAG1650SC 13,854 5 Call Factory 3,084 Call Factory 971 Call Factory Air Defrost Models with EC Motors - 208-230/1/60 - WKAG0330SC 4,021 1 Call Factory - WKAG0425SC 4,766 1 Call Factory 971 Call Factory - WKAG0700SC 5,956 2 Call Factory 1,431 Call Factory - WKAG0875SC 7,346 2 Call Factory 1,431 Call Factory - WKAG0975SC 7,702 2 Call Factory 1,431 Call Factory - WKAG1025SC 9,701 3 Call Factory 1,951 Call Factory - WKAG1225SC 10,064 3 Call Factory 1,951 Call Factory - WKAG1450SC 11,592 4 Call Factory 2,273 Call Factory - WKAG1650SC 15,121 5 Call Factory 3,084 Call Factory Federal Regulation Requires EC Motors! Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors. 1E - 10 Notes: • Base price includes vent and drain valves. • Wire fan guards are standard. • Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. • See page 1E-21 for available shipped-loose Balance Valve and Shut-off Valve options. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Glycol Unit Coolers Low Velocity Center Mount Electric Defrost Models & Options • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. Bohn Standard Model Bohn Configurable Model List Price ($US) No. of Fans Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Coil Options Section 1 When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Bronz-Glow Electric Defrost Models with EC Motors - 208-230/1/60 - WKEG0330SC 4,912 1 Call Factory - WKEG0425SC 5,622 1 Call Factory - WKEG0700SC 7,001 2 Call Factory - WKEG0875SC 8,337 2 Call Factory - WKEG0975SC 8,656 2 Call Factory - WKEG1025SC 10,814 3 Call Factory - WKEG1225SC 11,177 3 Call Factory - WKEG1450SC 12,836 4 Call Factory - WKEG1650SC 16,445 5 Call Factory Federal Regulation Requires EC Motors Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors. Rev. 03/12 Notes: • Base price includes vent & drain valves, heater limit thermostats and adjustable defrost termination fan delay. • Wire fan guards are standard. • Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. • See page 1E-21 for available shipped-loose Balance Valve and Shut-off Valve options. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 1E - 11 Glycol Unit Coolers Low Velocity Center Mount Warm Fluid Defrost Models & Options • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. Section 1 When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Bohn Standard Model Bohn Configurable Model List Price ($US) Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) No. of Fans Coil Options ElectroFin Coil Bronz-Glow Warm Fluid Defrost Models with EC Motors - 115/1/60 - WKGG0700SC 5,742 2 Call Factory Call Factory - WKGG0875SC 7,134 2 Call Factory Call Factory - WKGG0975SC 7,436 2 Call Factory Call Factory - WKGG1025SC 9,581 3 Call Factory Call Factory - WKGG1225SC 9,977 3 Call Factory Call Factory - WKGG1450SC 11,524 4 Call Factory Call Factory - WKGG1650SC 15,194 5 Call Factory Call Factory Warm Fluid Defrost Models with EC Motors - 208-230/1/60 - WKGG0700SC 6,277 2 Call Factory Call Factory - WKGG0875SC 7,734 2 Call Factory Call Factory - WKGG0975SC 8,037 2 Call Factory Call Factory - WKGG1025SC 10,515 3 Call Factory Call Factory - WKGG1225SC 10,912 3 Call Factory Call Factory - WKGG1450SC 12,546 4 Call Factory Call Factory - WKGG1650SC 16,664 5 Call Factory Call Factory Federal Regulation Requires EC Motors! Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors. 1E - 12 Notes: • Base price includes vent and drain valves. • All Warm Fluid Defrost Models have Fan Defrost Control included. • Wire fan guards are standard. • Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. • See page 1E-21 for available shipped-loose Balance Valve and Shut-off Valve options. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Glycol Unit Coolers Center Mount Overview Product Description Center mount glycol unit coolers are available in air defrost. They are ideal for tight storage situations because they are ceiling mount and have a height of only 8 - 5/8” allowing for maximum headroom in a cooler or freezer. The center mount design allows for product to be stacked all around while air flow distributes evenly throughout the box. The use of alternative refrigerants and energy efficient EC motors makes this product qualified to be included in the E Solutions™ product portfolio. Ease of Installation & Service • Panels on ends quickly remove for complete access to refrigerant components and electrical terminal block during installation and servicing • Tapered mounting provides proper slope for condensate drainage to one end of the unit Reliable & Durable • Heavy-gauge grained aluminum cabinet cleans easily and looks attractive • Stainless steel screws prevent rust streaks • Wire fan guards with PVC coating for durability • Coils are dehydrated and sealed at the factory • Double drain pan eliminates drain pan sweating Performance • Quick disconnect, waterproof plug and receptacle for each motor in all models • High-efficiency aluminum fins with full collars cover mechanically expanded copper tubes • Highest quality tubular heaters provide fast and economical defrost • Motors are life lubricated and thermal overload protected • Air moves across the ceiling in both directions providing even air distribution throughout the cooler Versatile • Compact, ceiling mount and center mount design allows for shelving and storage of product around all walls Certifications Nomenclature Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 1E - 13 Section 1 Standard Features Glycol Unit Coolers Center Mount Performance & Specification Data Performance & Physical Data – 60 HZ Initial temperature difference (ITD) is (Room air temperature – Entering fluid temperature). Multiply the reference capacity by the ITD to get the actual capacity. Section 1 Capacity Bohn Base Model BTUH/°ITD Fan Data Coil Data No. of Fans CFM FPI Tube OD (in.) # Circuits Approx. Condensate Net Weight Connections Finned Drain FPT (in.) (lbs.) OD (in.) Length (in.) Air Defrost Models SMAG0475 475 2 1,300 6 3/8 6 7/8 44 3/4 64 SMAG0525 525 2 1,260 6 3/8 6 7/8 44 3/4 70 SMAG0550 550 2 1,220 6 3/8 4 7/8 44 3/4 83 SMAG0575 575 2 1,220 6 3/8 6 7/8 44 3/4 83 SMAG0600 600 3 1,950 6 3/8 6 7/8 66 3/4 105 SMAG0625 625 3 1,890 6 3/8 6 7/8 66 3/4 117 SMAG0775 775 3 1,830 6 3/8 6 7/8 66 3/4 123 SMAG0800 800 4 2,520 6 3/8 6 1 1/8 88 3/4 149 SMAG0925 925 4 2,520 6 3/8 10 1 1/8 88 3/4 149 SMAG0975 975 4 2,440 6 3/8 8 1 1/8 88 3/4 164 SMAG1050 1,050 5 3,050 6 3/8 8 1 1/8 110 3/4 206 Fan Motors (All Models) No. of Fans 1E - 14 EC Motor 115/1/60 Amps 208-230/1/60 Watts Amps Watts 2 1.8 110 1.0 110 3 2.7 165 1.5 165 4 3.6 220 2.0 220 5 4.5 275 2.5 275 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Glycol Unit Coolers Performance & Specification Data Section 1 Center Mount Dimensional Data (All Models) Dimensions (in.) Bohn Base Model No. of Fans H I L SMAG0475 2 6 7/8 8 1/2 6 1/2 3 1/4 2 1/8 1 9/16 4 11/16 22 53 1/2 SMAG0525 2 6 7/8 8 1/2 3 3/8 5 1/4 3 1/4 2 1/4 1 9/16 4 11/16 22 53 1/2 SMAG0550 2 6 7/8 8 1/2 3 3/8 5 1/4 3 1/4 2 1/4 1 9/16 4 11/16 33 75 1/2 SMAG0575 2 6 7/8 8 1/2 2 3/4 5 1/4 3 1/4 2 1/8 1 9/16 4 11/16 33 75 1/2 SMAG0600 3 6 7/8 8 1/2 1 7/8 1 9/16 4 11/16 33 75 1/2 A B C 4 4 D 6 1/2 E 3 F G SMAG0625 3 6 7/8 8 1/2 2 1/2 6 1/2 3 1 7/8 1 9/16 4 11/16 33 75 1/2 SMAG0775 3 6 7/8 8 1/2 2 3/4 5 1/4 3 1 7/8 1 9/16 4 1/8 44 97 1/2 3 SMAG0800 4 6 7/8 8 1/2 3 3/8 5 1/4 SMAG0925 4 6 7/8 8 1/2 3 3/8 5 1/4 4 1/4 2 1 9/16 4 11/16 44 97 1/2 1 3/4 1 9/16 4 11/16 44 97 1/2 SMAG0975 4 6 7/8 8 1/2 2 5/8 5 1/8 3 2 1 9/16 4 11/16 44 97 1/2 SMAG1050 5 6 7/8 8 1/2 2 5/8 5 1/8 3 1 7/8 1 9/16 4 11/16 55 119 1/2 Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 1E - 15 Glycol Unit Coolers Center Mount Air Defrost Models & Options Section 1 When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Bohn Standard Model Bohn Configurable Model List Price ($US) • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. Factory - Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) No. of Fans Coil Options BohnKote™ ElectroFin Coil BohnGuard™ Fin Protection Bronz-Glow Call Factory 779 Call Factory Air Defrost Models with EC Motors - 115/1/60 - SMAG0475SE 3,531 2 836 - SMAG0525SE 3,837 2 836 Call Factory 779 Call Factory - SMAG0550SE 4,259 2 836 Call Factory 779 Call Factory - SMAG0575SE 4,392 2 836 Call Factory 779 Call Factory - SMAG0600SE 5,007 3 Call Factory Call Factory 1,105 Call Factory - SMAG0625SE 5,490 3 Call Factory Call Factory 1,105 Call Factory - SMAG0775SE 5,940 3 Call Factory Call Factory 1,105 Call Factory - SMAG0800SE 6,826 4 Call Factory Call Factory 1,375 Call Factory - SMAG0925SE 7,038 4 Call Factory Call Factory 1,375 Call Factory - SMAG0975SE 7,372 4 Call Factory Call Factory 1,375 Call Factory - SMAG1050SE 9,136 5 Call Factory Call Factory 1,771 Call Factory Air Defrost Models with EC Motors - 208-230/1/60 - SMAG0475SE 3,718 2 836 Call Factory 779 Call Factory - SMAG0525SE 4,023 2 836 Call Factory 779 Call Factory - SMAG0550SE 4,448 2 836 Call Factory 779 Call Factory - SMAG0575SE 4,580 2 836 Call Factory 779 Call Factory - SMAG0600SE 5,237 3 Call Factory Call Factory 1,105 Call Factory - SMAG0625SE 5,710 3 Call Factory Call Factory 1,105 Call Factory - SMAG0775SE 6,161 3 Call Factory Call Factory 1,105 Call Factory - SMAG0800SE 7,082 4 Call Factory Call Factory 1,375 Call Factory - SMAG0925SE 7,294 4 Call Factory Call Factory 1,375 Call Factory - SMAG0975SE 7,628 4 Call Factory Call Factory 1,375 Call Factory - SMAG1050SE 9,424 5 Call Factory Call Factory 1,771 Call Factory Federal Regulation Requires EC Motors! Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors. 1E - 16 Notes: • Base price includes vent and drain valves. • Plastic fan guards are standard. • Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. • See page 1E-21 for available shipped-loose Balance Valve and Shut-off Valve options. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Glycol Unit Coolers Medium Profile Overview Product Description Medium profile glycol unit coolers are available in air defrost models. These units are designed to offer an environmentally-friendly product and are ideal for numerous commercial and industrial applications. With a modular design that is only 25 inches high, these units provide superior quality and a long, dependable life to many different applications. The use of alternative refrigerants makes this product qualified to be included in the E Solutions™product portfolio. Additional savings can be seen by opting for EC motors or the Beacon II™ Refrigeration System. Ease of Installation & Service • All electrical components factory wired to terminal board and identified, making it easy to field wire the unit • Front hinged drain pan for easy access • Motors plug into wiring harness for easier servicing Reliable & Durable • Heavy gauge textured aluminum cabinet • Sweat connections to reduce potential for leaks • Patented Thermo-Flex™ coil design allows the coil to “flex” during periods of defrost resulting in expansion of the coil surface comes with a 5-year warranty • Heavy plastic molded fan guards for extended air flow • Thermally protected, lifetime-lubricated single phase PSC motors Performance • Internal panels are isolated for quiet operation • PSC motors Versatile • Large diameter drain fitting (3/4” ID) • Different motor and voltage options available Certifications Nomenclature Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 1E - 17 Section 1 Standard Features Glycol Unit Coolers Medium Profile Performance & Specification Data Performance & Physical Data – 60 HZ Initial temperature difference (ITD) is (Room air temperature – Entering fluid temperature). Multiply the reference capacity by the ITD to get the actual capacity. Section 1 Bohn Base Model Capacity Fan Data BTUH/°ITD No. of Fans CFM Coil Data FPI Tube OD (in.) # Circuits Approx. Condensate Net Weight Connections Finned Drain FPT (in.) (lbs.) OD (in.) Length (in.) Air Defrost Models BMAG0900 900 1 2,100 6 1/2 6 7/8 28 3/4 132 BMAG1100 1,100 2 4,400 6 1/2 5 1 1/8 56 3/4 150 BMAG1275 1,275 2 4,200 6 1/2 6 7/8 56 3/4 165 BMAG1600 1,600 2 4,200 6 1/2 9 1 1/8 56 3/4 165 BMAG1700 1,700 3 6,600 6 1/2 9 1 1/8 84 3/4 225 BMAG1900 1,900 3 6,600 6 1/2 13 1 1/8 84 3/4 225 BMAG2175 2,175 3 6,300 6 1/2 12 1 3/8 84 3/4 247 BMAG2400 2,400 4 8,800 6 1/2 13 1 5/8 112 3/4 267 BMAG2425 2,425 4 8,400 6 1/2 12 1 3/8 112 3/4 300 BMAG2850 2,850 4 8,400 6 1/2 18 1 3/8 112 3/4 300 BMAG3100 3,100 5 10,000 6 1/2 18 1 3/8 127.5 3/4 338 Fan Motors (All Models) PSC Motor data includes open drip-proof (ODP) and special order totally-enclosed (TEAO) motors (460V) No. of Fans PSC Motor 208-230/1/60 Amps EC Motor 460/1/60 Watts Amps Watts 575/1/60 Amps Watts 115/1/60 Amps 208-230/1/60 Watts Amps Watts 1 1.8 275 1 275 0.7 310 2.8 210 1.4 205 2 3.6 550 2 550 1.4 620 5.6 420 2.8 410 3 5.4 825 3 825 2.1 930 8.4 630 4.2 615 4 7.2 1100 4 1100 2.8 1240 11.2 840 5.6 820 5 9 1375 5 1375 3.5 1550 - - 7 1025 Dimensional Data (All Models) Note: Hanger brackets will accept up to ½” threaded rod. Dimensions (in.) No. of Fans A B C E H 1 39 1/3 30 1/4 - - 17 1/2 1E - 18 2 67 1/3 58 1/4 - - 17 1/2 3 95 1/3 86 1/4 - - 17 1/2 4 123 1/3 114 1/4 56 - 17 1/2 5 138 5/6 129 3/4 51 25 1/2 17 1/2 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Glycol Unit Coolers Medium Profile Air Defrost Models & Options • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Bohn Configurable Model Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) No. of Fans Coil Options BohnKote™ ElectroFin Coil BohnGuard™ Fin Protection Bronz-Glow 1,185 Call Factory 1,072 Call Factory Section 1 Bohn Standard Model List Price ($US) Air Defrost Models with EC Motors - 115/1/60 - BMAG0900SA 5,015 1 - BMAG1100SA 7,047 2 Call Factory Call Factory 1,130 Call Factory - BMAG1275SA 8,706 2 Call Factory Call Factory 1,130 Call Factory - BMAG1600SA 9,084 2 Call Factory Call Factory 1,130 Call Factory - BMAG1700SA 11,104 3 Call Factory Call Factory 1,191 Call Factory - BMAG1900SA 11,571 3 Call Factory Call Factory 1,191 Call Factory - BMAG2175SA 13,340 3 Call Factory Call Factory 1,191 Call Factory - BMAG2400SA 15,735 4 Call Factory Call Factory 1,245 Call Factory - BMAG2425SA 16,131 4 Call Factory Call Factory 1,245 Call Factory - BMAG2850SA 16,820 4 Call Factory Call Factory 1,245 Call Factory Air Defrost Models with EC Motors - 208-230/1/60 - BMAG0900SA 5,143 1 1,185 Call Factory 1,072 Call Factory - BMAG1100SA 7,287 2 Call Factory Call Factory 1,130 Call Factory - BMAG1275SA 8,946 2 Call Factory Call Factory 1,130 Call Factory - BMAG1600SA 9,324 2 Call Factory Call Factory 1,130 Call Factory - BMAG1700SA 11,472 3 Call Factory Call Factory 1,191 Call Factory - BMAG1900SA 11,947 3 Call Factory Call Factory 1,191 Call Factory - BMAG2175SA 13,715 3 Call Factory Call Factory 1,191 Call Factory - BMAG2400SA 16,222 4 Call Factory Call Factory 1,245 Call Factory - BMAG2425SA 16,622 4 Call Factory Call Factory 1,245 Call Factory - BMAG2850SA 17,312 4 Call Factory Call Factory 1,245 Call Factory Air Defrost Models with PSC Motors - 208-230/1/60 - BMAG0900SA 4,523 1 1,185 Call Factory 1,072 Call Factory - BMAG1100SA 6,047 2 Call Factory Call Factory 1,130 Call Factory - BMAG1275SA 7,706 2 Call Factory Call Factory 1,130 Call Factory - BMAG1600SA 8,084 2 Call Factory Call Factory 1,130 Call Factory - BMAG1700SA 9,612 3 Call Factory Call Factory 1,191 Call Factory - BMAG1900SA 10,087 3 Call Factory Call Factory 1,191 Call Factory - BMAG2175SA 11,855 3 Call Factory Call Factory 1,191 Call Factory - BMAG2400SA 13,742 4 Call Factory Call Factory 1,245 Call Factory - BMAG2425SA 14,142 4 Call Factory Call Factory 1,245 Call Factory - BMAG2850SA 14,832 4 Call Factory Call Factory 1,245 Call Factory - BMAG3100SA 16,178 5 Call Factory Call Factory 1,277 Call Factory Federal Regulation Requires EC Motors! Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors. Rev. 03/12 Notes: • Base price includes vent and drain valves. • Plastic fan guards are standard. • Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. • See page 1E-21 for available shipped-loose Balance Valve and Shut-off Valve options. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 1E - 19 Glycol Unit Coolers Medium Profile Air Defrost Models & Options • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. Section 1 When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Bohn Standard Model Bohn Configurable Model List Price ($US) Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) No. of Fans Coil Options BohnKote™ ElectroFin Coil BohnGuard™ Fin Protection Bronz-Glow Air Defrost Models with PSC Motors - 460/1/60 - BMAG0900SA 4,675 1 1,185 Call Factory 1,072 Call Factory - BMAG1100SA 6,363 2 Call Factory Call Factory 1,130 Call Factory - BMAG1275SA 8,020 2 Call Factory Call Factory 1,130 Call Factory - BMAG1600SA 8,399 2 Call Factory Call Factory 1,130 Call Factory - BMAG1700SA 10,076 3 Call Factory Call Factory 1,191 Call Factory - BMAG1900SA 10,548 3 Call Factory Call Factory 1,191 Call Factory - BMAG2175SA 12,315 3 Call Factory Call Factory 1,191 Call Factory - BMAG2400SA 14,365 4 Call Factory Call Factory 1,245 Call Factory - BMAG2425SA 14,762 4 Call Factory Call Factory 1,245 Call Factory - BMAG2850SA 15,452 4 Call Factory Call Factory 1,245 Call Factory - BMAG3100SA 17,076 5 Call Factory Call Factory 1,277 Call Factory 1 1,185 Call Factory 1,072 Call Factory Air Defrost Models with PSC Motors - 575/1/60 - BMAG0900SA 4,747 - BMAG1100SA 6,489 2 Call Factory Call Factory 1,130 Call Factory - BMAG1275SA 8,093 2 Call Factory Call Factory 1,130 Call Factory - BMAG1600SA 8,470 2 Call Factory Call Factory 1,130 Call Factory - BMAG1700SA 10,281 3 Call Factory Call Factory 1,191 Call Factory - BMAG1900SA 10,782 3 Call Factory Call Factory 1,191 Call Factory - BMAG2175SA 12,550 3 Call Factory Call Factory 1,191 Call Factory - BMAG2400SA 14,640 4 Call Factory Call Factory 1,245 Call Factory - BMAG2425SA 15,051 4 Call Factory Call Factory 1,245 Call Factory - BMAG2850SA 15,741 4 Call Factory Call Factory 1,245 Call Factory - BMAG3100SA 17,404 5 Call Factory Call Factory 1,277 Call Factory Federal Regulation Requires EC Motors! Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors. 1E - 20 Notes: • Base price includes vent and drain valves. • Plastic fan guards are standard. • Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. • See page 1E-21 for available shipped-loose Balance Valve and Shut-off Valve options. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Glycol Unit Coolers Shipped-Loose Accessories Balance & Shut-Off Valves Part Number GPM Balance Valve Size Balance Valve Shut-off Valve List Price ($US) 0 - 3.0 1/2 (5/8” OD) 29320305 29320405 387 3.1 - 8.7 3/4 (7/8” OD) 29320304 29320404 447 8.8 - 14.0 1 (1-1/8” OD) 29320301 29320401 552 14.1 - 20.0 1-1/4 (1-3/8” OD) 29320302 29320402 762 20.1 - 25 1-1/2 (1-5/8” OD) 29320303 29320403 788 Rev. 03/12 Notes: • Balance Valve and Shut-off Valve are sold together. • Secondary loop selection program must be used to calculate the required GPM rating for the glycol unit cooler before selecting the appropriate balance and shut-off valves List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 1E - 21 Section 1 Balance and shut-off valves must be selected by GPM rating and not valve size. In order to calculate the proper GPM rating for your glycol unit cooler, please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. Section 1 Glycol Unit Coolers Page left blank intentionally. 1E - 22 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 CO₂ Unit Coolers Low Profile Overview Product Description Low profile CO2 unit coolers designed for use with carbon dioxide systems are available in air or electric defrost for medium and low temperature overfeed/ recirculation or low temperature DX applications. These units are designed to offer an environmentally-friendly product that provides maximum capacity while occupying a minimum amount of space inside a walkin cooler or freezer.The use of alternative refrigerants and energy efficient EC motors makes this product qualified to be included in the E Solutions™ product portfolio. Ease of Installation & Service • Cabinet design features front access panels on each side for easy access to electrical and refrigeration components • All electrical components factory wired to terminal board and identified, making it easy to field wire the unit • Coil heater slots have been enlarged for easier installation and replacement • On 4-6 fan models, drain pan has a lanyard for easy and safe access • Motors plug into wiring harness for easier servicing Reliable & Durable • Sweat connections to reduce potential for leaks • Molded fan guard design made of strong plastic material • Heavy gauge grained aluminum cabinet cleans easily and looks attractive Performance • Internal panels are isolated for quiet operation • Internally enhanced tubing and fin design for higher efficiency • Defrost termination control supplied for electric defrost • Extended drain pan heaters for more uniform defrost throughout the drain pan and additional heat in end compartments • EC motors Versatile • Large diameter drain hole (3/4” ID) is located on the back of the unit • Minimal height of the low profile series makes it ideal for low ceiling coolers Certifications Nomenclature Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 1F - 1 Section 1 Standard Features CO₂ Unit Coolers Low Profile Performance & Specification Data Performance & Physical Data – 60 HZ Bohn Base Model Capacity (BTUH) 10°F TD 25°F SST Fan Data 10°F TD -20°F SST No. of Fans Coil Data CFM FPI Coil Inlet Coil Outlet Suction Condensate Drain FPT Approx. Net Weight (lbs.) Section 1 Medium Temperature Overfeed / Recirculation - Air Defrost Models ADTR065 6,500 - 1 650 6 3/8 3/8 - 3/4 34 ADTR070 7,000 - 2 1,460 6 3/8 3/8 - 3/4 45 ADTR090 9,000 - 2 1,400 6 3/8 3/8 - 3/4 48 ADTR104 10,400 - 2 1,400 6 3/8 3/8 - 3/4 49 ADTR130 13,000 - 2 1,300 6 3/8 3/8 - 3/4 53 ADTR156 15,600 - 3 2,100 6 3/8 3/8 - 3/4 67 ADTR180 18,000 - 3 1,950 6 3/8 3/8 - 3/4 69 ADTR208 20,800 - 4 2,800 6 1/2 3/8 - 3/4 82 ADTR260 26,000 - 5 3,250 6 1/2 1/2 - 3/4 103 Medium Temperature Overfeed / Recirculation - Electric Defrost Models LETR065 7,475 - 2 1,400 6 3/8 3/8 - 3/4 43 LETR090 10,350 - 2 1,300 6 3/8 3/8 - 3/4 48 LETR120 13,800 - 3 2,100 6 3/8 3/8 - 3/4 60 LETR140 16,100 - 3 1,950 6 3/8 3/8 - 3/4 62 LETR160 18,400 - 4 2,600 6 3/8 3/8 - 3/4 81 LETR200 23,000 - 5 3,250 6 1/2 1/2 - 3/4 101 LETR240 27,600 - 6 3,900 6 1/2 1/2 - 3/4 121 LETR280 32,200 - 6 3,900 6 1/2 1/2 - 3/4 124 Low Temperature DX - Electric Defrost Models LETC065 - 6,500 2 1,400 6 1/2 - 3/8 3/4 43 LETC090 - 9,000 2 1,300 6 1/2 - 1/2 3/4 48 LETC120 - 12,000 3 2,100 6 1/2 - 1/2 3/4 60 LETC140 - 14,000 3 1,950 6 1/2 - 1/2 3/4 62 LETC160 - 16,000 4 2,600 6 1/2 - 1/2 3/4 81 LETC200 - 20,000 5 3,250 6 1/2 - 1/2 3/4 101 LETC240 - 24,000 6 3,900 6 1/2 - 5/8 3/4 121 LETC280 - 28,000 6 3,900 6 1/2 - 5/8 3/4 124 LLEC080 - 8,000 2 1,380 4.5 1/2 - 3/8 3/4 47 LLEC102 - 10,200 3 2,170 4.5 1/2 - 1/2 3/4 59 LLEC136 - 13,600 4 2,760 4.5 1/2 - 1/2 3/4 80 LLEC170 - 17,000 5 3,450 4.5 1/2 - 1/2 3/4 100 LLEC235 - 23,500 6 4,140 4.5 1/2 - 5/8 3/4 120 Fan Motors (All Models) Defrost Heaters (Electric Defrost Models) 115/1/60 not available on Electric Defrost Models. No. of Fans Motor HP 1 1/15 2 1/15 1F - 2 EC Motor 115/1/60 Amps 208-230/1/60 No. of Fans Amps Watts Watts 2 7.8 1,800 208-230/1/60 Watts Amps 0.9 57 0.5 59 3 11.7 2,700 1.8 114 1 118 4 15.7 3,600 1.5 177 5 19.6 4,500 6 23.5 5,400 3 1/15 2.7 171 4 1/15 3.6 228 2 236 5 1/15 4.5 285 2.5 295 6 1/15 - - 3 354 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 CO₂ Unit Coolers Low Profile Performance & Specification Data Dimensional Diagram: Medium Temperature Overfeed / Recirculation 1 5/16" 33mm 1 15/16" TYP 49mm Outlet Inlet 1 3/4" 44mm TYP Electrical Connection End Piping Connection End 6 1/8" 156mm "C" "D" "B" "A" 13 1/4" 337mm Section 1 2 7/8" 73mm 6 1/8" 156mm Outlet AIR FLOW 14 15/16" 379mm 3 5/16" 84mm 8 1/8" 16" 206mm 407mm Inlet Connections 3/4" MPT (14 NPS) 19mm Drain Connection 12" 305mm 14 7/8" 378mm 1 3/4" 44mm Dimensional Diagram: Low Temperature DX Dimensional Data (All Models) Note: Hanger brackets will accept up to 3/8” threaded rod. Dimensions (in.) No. of Fans A B C D 1 29 1/2 17 1/4 - - 2 45 1/2 33 1/4 - - 3 61 1/2 49 1/4 - - 4 77 1/2 65 1/4 - - 5 93 1/2 81 1/4 48 5/8 32 5/8 6 109 1/2 97 1/4 48 5/8 48 5/8 Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 1F - 3 CO₂ Unit Coolers Low Profile Air Defrost Models & Options • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. Section 1 When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Bohn Standard Model Bohn Configurable Model List Price ($US) Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) No. of Fans Defrost Type Coil Options BohnKote™ ElectroFin Coil BohnGuard™ Fin Protection Bronz-Glow Call Factory 971 Call Factory Medium Temperature Overfeed / Recirculation Models with EC Motors-115/1/60 - ADTR065SK 2,122 1 Air Defrost 425 - ADTR070SK 2,827 2 Air Defrost 631 Call Factory 991 Call Factory - ADTR090SK 3,156 2 Air Defrost 631 Call Factory 991 Call Factory - ADTR104SK 3,320 2 Air Defrost 631 Call Factory 991 Call Factory - ADTR130SK 3,703 2 Air Defrost 631 Call Factory 991 Call Factory - ADTR156SK 4,800 3 Air Defrost 922 Call Factory 1,011 Call Factory - ADTR180SK 5,309 3 Air Defrost 922 Call Factory 1,011 Call Factory - ADTR208SK 5,405 4 Air Defrost Call Factory Call Factory 1,032 Call Factory - ADTR260SK 7,802 5 Air Defrost Call Factory Call Factory 1,056 Call Factory 971 Call Factory Medium Temperature Overfeed / Recirculation Models with EC Motors-208-230/1/60 - ADTR065SK 2,249 1 Air Defrost Call Factory - ADTR070SK 2,970 2 Air Defrost 631 Call Factory 991 Call Factory - ADTR090SK 3,188 2 Air Defrost 631 Call Factory 991 Call Factory - ADTR104SK 3,358 2 Air Defrost 631 Call Factory 991 Call Factory - ADTR130SK 3,739 2 Air Defrost 631 Call Factory 991 Call Factory - ADTR156SK 4,853 3 Air Defrost 922 Call Factory 1,011 Call Factory - ADTR180SK 5,362 3 Air Defrost 922 Call Factory 1,011 Call Factory - ADTR208SK 6,598 4 Air Defrost Call Factory Call Factory 1,032 Call Factory - ADTR260SK 8,216 5 Air Defrost Call Factory Call Factory 1,056 Call Factory Federal Regulation Requires EC Motors! Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors. 1F - 4 425 Notes: • Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 CO₂ Unit Coolers Low Profile Electric Defrost Models & Options • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. Bohn Standard Model Bohn Configurable Model List Price ($US) No. of Fans Defrost Type Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Coil Options Section 1 When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Bronz-Glow Medium Temperature Overfeed / Recirculation Models with EC Motors-208-230/1/60 - LETR065SK 3,856 2 Electric Defrost Call Factory - LETR090SK 4,222 2 Electric Defrost Call Factory - LETR120SK 5,538 3 Electric Defrost Call Factory - LETR140SK 6,211 3 Electric Defrost Call Factory - LETR160SK 7,378 4 Electric Defrost Call Factory - LETR200SK 9,351 5 Electric Defrost Call Factory - LETR240SK 10,736 6 Electric Defrost Call Factory - LETR280SK 11,907 6 Electric Defrost Call Factory Low Temperature DX Models with EC Motors-208-230/1/60 - LETC065SK 3,856 2 Electric Defrost Call Factory - LETC090SK 4,222 2 Electric Defrost Call Factory - LETC120SK 5,538 3 Electric Defrost Call Factory - LETC140SK 6,211 3 Electric Defrost Call Factory - LETC160SK 7,378 4 Electric Defrost Call Factory - LETC200SK 9,351 5 Electric Defrost Call Factory - LETC240SK 10,736 6 Electric Defrost Call Factory - LETC280SK 11,907 6 Electric Defrost Call Factory - LLEC080SK 4,424 2 Electric Defrost Call Factory - LLEC102SK 5,495 3 Electric Defrost Call Factory - LLEC136SK 7,272 4 Electric Defrost Call Factory - LLEC170SK 9,181 5 Electric Defrost Call Factory - LLEC235SK 11,727 6 Electric Defrost Call Factory Federal Regulation Requires EC Motors! Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors. Rev. 03/12 Notes: • Electric Drain Pan is standard. • Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 1F - 5 CO₂ Unit Coolers Low Velocity Center Mount Overview Section 1 Standard Features Product Description Low velocity CO2 center mount units designed for use with carbon dioxide systems are available in air or electric defrost. These units are designed to offer an environmentally friendly product that is ideal for floral storage, fresh fruit and vegetables, dough retarding, fresh meat storage and preparations, and many other applications. The low air flow and quiet fans are classically suited for work room applications. The use of alternative refrigerants and energy efficient EC motors makes this product qualified to be included in the E Solutions™ product portfolio. Ease of Installation & Service • All electrical components factory wired to terminal board and identified, making it easy to field wire the unit • Cabinet design features access panels on each end for easy access to electrical and refrigeration components • Fan panel is lightweight and can easily be lowered for easy servicing and installation Reliable & Durable • Textured aluminum cabinet cleans easily and looks attractive • Stainless steel screws prevent rust streaks • Wire fan guards with coating for durability • Sweat connections to reduce potential for leaks • Coils are dehydrated and sealed at the factory • Double drain pan eliminates drain pan sweating • Motor rail is design for maximum strength and durability Performance • Internally enhanced tubing and fin design for higher efficiency • Electric defrost models incorporate high quality tubular heaters and a standard fixed defrost termination thermostat • Motors are life lubricated and thermal overload protected • EC motors Versatile • Low height makes it ideal for low ceiling coolers - larger models are only 15 inches tall, allowing for maximum headroom and more product storage • Unit designed to be mounted flush against the ceiling or suspended on rods Certifications Nomenclature 1F - 6 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 CO₂ Unit Coolers Low Velocity Center Mount Performance & Specification Data Performance & Physical Data – 60 HZ Capacity (BTUH) Bohn Base Model 10°F TD 25°F SST Fan Data No. of Fans CFM Coil Data FPI Coil Inlet Coil Outlet Condensate Drain FPT Approx. Net Weight (lbs.) WKAR050 5,000 1 725 6 3/8 3/8 3/4 70 WKAR075 7,500 WKAR100 10,000 1 730 6 3/8 3/8 3/4 103 2 1,450 6 3/8 3/8 3/4 106 WKAR130 WKAR155 13,000 2 1,470 6 3/8 3/8 3/4 145 15,500 2 1,460 6 3/8 3/8 3/4 149 WKAR180 18,000 3 2,130 6 3/8 3/8 3/4 160 WKAR210 21,000 4 2,840 6 1/2 3/8 3/4 193 WKAR270 27,000 4 2,800 6 1/2 1/2 3/4 200 WKAR340 34,000 5 3,500 6 1/2 1/2 3/4 242 Section 1 Medium Temperature Overfeed / Recirculation - Air Defrost Models Medium Temperature Overfeed / Recirculation - Electric Defrost Models WKER050 5,000 1 725 6 3/8 3/8 3/4 75 WKER075 7,500 1 730 6 3/8 3/8 3/4 108 WKER100 10,000 2 1,450 6 3/8 3/8 3/4 111 WKER130 13,000 2 1,470 6 3/8 3/8 3/4 150 WKER155 15,500 2 1,460 6 3/8 3/8 3/4 154 WKER180 18,000 3 2,130 6 3/8 3/8 3/4 157 WKER210 21,000 4 2,840 6 1/2 3/8 3/4 203 WKER270 27,000 4 2,800 6 1/2 1/2 3/4 208 WKER340 34,000 5 3,500 6 1/2 1/2 3/4 250 Fan Motors (All Models) Defrost Heaters (Electric Defrost Models) 115/1/60 not available on Electric Defrost Models. No. of Motor Fans HP Rev. 03/12 EC Motor 115/1/60 208-230/1/60 Amps Watts Amps Watts 1 1/15 0.9 55 0.5 55 2 1/15 1.8 110 1.0 110 3 1/15 2.7 165 1.5 165 4 1/15 3.6 220 2.0 220 5 1/15 4.5 275 2.5 275 Bohn Base Model 208-230/1/60 Amps Watts WKER050 8.7 2,000 WKER075 10.5 2,400 WKER100 12.2 2,800 WKER130 17.4 4,000 WKER155 17.4 4,000 WKER180 17.4 4,000 WKER210 22.6 5,200 WKER270 22.6 5,200 WKER340 30.4 7,000 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 1F - 7 CO₂ Unit Coolers Low Velocity Center Mount Performance & Specification Data Dimensional Diagram: Medium Temperature Overfeed / Recirculation A E OUTLET CONNECTION F 3/8 DIA(10 mm) MOUNTING HOLES J Section 1 L T S G DRAIN 3/4 FPT (19mm) C H G H B D ELECTRICAL CONNECTION (7/8 DIA. KO) ( 22 mm DI A.) INLET CONNECTION Dimensional Data (All Models) Note: 3/8” diameter mounting holes Bohn Base Model Dimensions (in.) No. of Fans A B C D E F G H J L S T 53 1/2 6 7/8 9 5/16 26 1/2 28 3/4 4 22 - 5 1/2 27 13/16 6 2 7/8 Air Defrost Models WKAR050 1 WKAR075 1 75 1/2 6 7/8 9 5/16 26 1/2 28 3/4 4 22 - 5 1/2 27 13/16 5 3/8 3 1/2 WKAR100 2 75 1/2 9 3/8 11 13/16 26 1/2 28 3/4 4 22 11 5 1/2 27 13/16 7 7/8 4 1/8 WKAR130 2 75 1/2 13 1/8 15 1/2 26 1/2 28 3/4 4 22 11 5 1/2 27 13/16 11 7/8 2 1/2 WKAR155 2 75 1/2 13 1/8 15 1/2 26 1/2 28 3/4 4 22 11 5 1/2 27 13/16 12 1/4 2 13/16 WKAR180 3 75 1/2 13 1/8 15 1/2 26 1/2 28 3/4 4 22 11 5 1/2 27 13/16 12 1/4 2 13/16 WKAR210 4 97 1/2 13 1/8 15 1/2 26 1/2 28 3/4 4 22 - 5 1/2 27 13/16 12 1/4 2 7/8 WKAR270 4 97 1/2 13 1/8 15 1/2 26 1/2 28 3/4 4 22 - 5 1/2 27 13/16 12 1/4 2 7/8 WKAR340 5 119 1/2 13 1/8 15 1/2 26 1/2 28 3/4 4 22 11 5 1/2 27 13/16 12 1/4 2 7/8 6 7/8 9 5/16 26 1/2 28 3/4 4 22 - 5 1/2 27 13/16 6 2 7/8 Electric Defrost Models WKER050 1 53 1/2 WKER075 1 75 1/2 6 7/8 9 5/16 26 1/2 28 3/4 4 22 - 5 1/2 27 13/16 5 3/8 3 1/2 WKER100 2 75 1/2 9 3/8 11 13/16 26 1/2 28 3/4 4 22 11 5 1/2 27 13/16 7 7/8 4 1/8 WKER130 2 75 1/2 13 1/8 15 1/2 26 1/2 28 3/4 4 22 11 5 1/2 27 13/16 11 7/8 2 1/2 WKER155 2 75 1/2 13 1/8 15 1/2 26 1/2 28 3/4 4 22 11 5 1/2 27 13/16 12 1/4 2 13/16 WKER180 3 75 1/2 13 1/8 15 1/2 26 1/2 28 3/4 4 22 11 5 1/2 27 13/16 12 1/4 2 13/16 WKER210 4 97 1/2 13 1/8 15 1/2 26 1/2 28 3/4 4 22 - 5 1/2 27 13/16 12 1/4 2 7/8 WKER270 4 97 1/2 13 1/8 15 1/2 26 1/2 28 3/4 4 22 - 5 1/2 27 13/16 12 1/4 2 7/8 WKER340 5 119 1/2 13 1/8 15 1/2 26 1/2 28 3/4 4 22 11 5 1/2 27 13/16 12 1/4 2 7/8 1F - 8 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 CO₂ Unit Coolers Low Velocity Center Mount Air Defrost Models & Options • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Bohn Configurable Model List Price ($US) Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) No. of Fans Defrost Type Coil Options ElectroFin Coil BohnGuard™ Fin Protection Bronz-Glow Section 1 Bohn Standard Model Medium Temperature Overfeed / Recircution Models with EC Motors - 115/1/60 - WKAR050SC 3,771 1 Air Defrost Call Factory 971 Call Factory - WKAR075SC 4,339 1 Air Defrost Call Factory 971 Call Factory - WKAR100SC 5,458 2 Air Defrost Call Factory 1,431 Call Factory - WKAR130SC 6,302 2 Air Defrost Call Factory 1,431 Call Factory - WKAR155SC 6,996 2 Air Defrost Call Factory 1,431 Call Factory - WKAR180SC 8,677 3 Air Defrost Call Factory 1,951 Call Factory - WKAR210SC 9,945 4 Air Defrost Call Factory 2,273 Call Factory - WKAR270SC 10,820 4 Air Defrost Call Factory 2,273 Call Factory - WKAR340SC 13,854 5 Air Defrost Call Factory 3,084 Call Factory 971 Call Factory Medium Temperature Overfeed / Recircution Models with EC Motors - 208-230/1/60 - WKAR050SC 3,957 1 Air Defrost Call Factory - WKAR075SC 4,561 1 Air Defrost Call Factory 971 Call Factory - WKAR100SC 5,723 2 Air Defrost Call Factory 1,431 Call Factory - WKAR130SC 6,620 2 Air Defrost Call Factory 1,431 Call Factory - WKAR155SC 7,351 2 Air Defrost Call Factory 1,431 Call Factory - WKAR180SC 9,096 3 Air Defrost Call Factory 1,951 Call Factory - WKAR210SC 10,412 4 Air Defrost Call Factory 2,273 Call Factory - WKAR270SC 11,334 4 Air Defrost Call Factory 2,273 Call Factory - WKAR340SC 14,517 5 Air Defrost Call Factory 3,084 Call Factory Low Velocity Center Mount Bohn Standard Model Bohn Configurable Model List Price ($US) No. of Fans Electric Defrost Models & Options Defrost Type Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Coil Options Bronz-Glow Medium Temperature Overfeed / Recirculation Models with EC Motors - 208-230/1/60 - WKER050SC 4,376 1 Electric Defrost Call Factory - WKER075SC 5,049 1 Electric Defrost Call Factory - WKER100SC 6,290 2 Electric Defrost Call Factory - WKER130SC 7,293 2 Electric Defrost Call Factory - WKER155SC 8,120 2 Electric Defrost Call Factory - WKER180SC 10,008 3 Electric Defrost Call Factory - WKER210SC 11,420 4 Electric Defrost Call Factory - WKER270SC 12,459 4 Electric Defrost Call Factory - WKER340SC 15,965 5 Electric Defrost Call Factory Federal Regulation Requires EC Motors! Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors. Rev. 03/12 Notes: • Electric Drain Pan is standard on electric defrost models. • Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 1F - 9 CO₂ Unit Coolers Center Mount Overview Section 1 Standard Features Product Description Center Mount CO2 unit coolers designed for use with carbon dioxide systems are available in electric defrost. They are ideal for tight storage situations because they are ceiling mount and have a height of only 8 - 5/8” allowing for maximum headroom in a cooler or freezer. The center mount design allows for product to be stacked all around while air flow distributes evenly throughout the box. The use of alternative refrigerants and energy efficient EC motors makes this product qualified to be included in the E Solutions™ product portfolio. Ease of Installation & Service • Panels on ends quickly remove for complete access to refrigerant components and electrical terminal block during installation and servicing • Tapered mounting provides proper slope for condensate drainage to one end of the unit Reliable & Durable • Heavy-gauge grained aluminum cabinet cleans easily and looks attractive • Stainless steel screws prevent rust streaks • Wire fan guards with coating for durability • Coils are dehydrated and sealed at the factory • Double drain pan eliminates drain pan sweating Performance • Quick disconnect, waterproof plug and receptacle for each motor in all models • High-efficiency aluminum fins with full collars cover mechanically expanded copper tubes • Highest quality tubular heaters provide fast and economical defrost • Standard adjustable defrost termination fan delay thermostat • Motors are life lubricated and thermal overload protected • Air moves across the ceiling in both directions providing even air distribution throughout the cooler • EC motors Versatile • Compact, ceiling mount and center mount design allows for shelving and storage of product around all walls Certifications Nomenclature 1F - 10 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 CO₂ Unit Coolers Center Mount Performance & Specification Data Performance & Physical Data – 60 HZ Capacity (BTUH) Bohn Base Model Fan Data 10°F TD -20°F SST No. of Fans Coil Data CFM FPI Coil Inlet OD Suction OD Condensate Drain FPT Approx. Net Weight (lbs.) SMEC090 9,000 3 1,950 6 1/2 1/2 3/4 160 SMEC130 13,000 3 1,830 6 1/2 1/2 3/4 174 SMEC174 17,400 4 2,440 6 1/2 1/2 3/4 218 Fan Motors Defrost Heaters (Electric Defrost Models) EC Motor No. of Fans Section 1 Low Temperature DX - Electric Defrost Models 208-230/1/60 Amps Watts 3 1.5 165 4 2 220 Bohn Base Model 208-230/1/60 Amps Watts SMEC090 10.5 2,400 SMEC130 15.7 3,600 SMEC174 20.9 4,800 Dimensional Diagram: Low Temperature DX E A F G L G H H J 3/8" DIA. MTG. HOLES B C AIR OUT AIR OUT S DRAIN ELECTRICAL CONNECTION (OPPOSITE SIDE) AIR IN REFRIGERANT CONNECTION (OPPOSITE SIDE) AIR IN D REFRIGERANT CONNECTION Dimensional Data (All Models) Dimensions (in.) No. of Fans A B C D E F G H J L P S 3 75 1/2 6 7/8 9 1/4 26 5/8 28 11/16 5 1/2 22 11 4 27 11/16 14 5/16 5 5/16 4 97 1/2 6 7/8 9 1/4 26 5/8 28 11/16 5 1/2 22 - 4 27 11/16 14 5/16 5 5/16 Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 1F - 11 CO₂ Unit Coolers Center Mount Electric Defrost Models & Options • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. Section 1 When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Bohn Standard Model Bohn Configurable Model List Price ($US) No. of Fans Defrost Type Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Coil Options Bronz-Glow Low Temperature DX Models with EC Motors-208-230/1/60 - SMEC090SE 6,121 3 Electric Defrost Call Factory - SMEC130SE 6,646 3 Electric Defrost Call Factory - SMEC174SE 8,635 4 Electric Defrost Call Factory Federal Regulation Requires EC Motors! Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors. 1F - 12 Notes: • Electric Drain Pan and Adjustable Defrost Term. / Fan Delay are standard. • Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 CO₂ Unit Coolers Overview Medium Profile Product Description Medium profile CO2 unit coolers for use with carbon dioxide systems are available in air or electric defrost models. These units are designed to offer an environmentally friendly product and are ideal for numerous commercial and industrial applications. With a modular design that is only 25 inches high, these units provide superior quality and a long, dependable life to many different applications. The use of alternative refrigerants and energy efficient EC motors makes this product qualified to be included in the E Solutions™ product portfolio. Ease of Installation & Service • All electrical components factory wired to terminal board and identified, making it easy to field wire the unit • Schrader valve provided for suction pressure measurement • Coil heater slots have been enlarged for easier installation and replacement • Heaters are coil face mounted for easy access • Front hinged drain pan for easy access • Motors plug into wiring harness for easier servicing Reliable & Durable • Heavy gauge textured aluminum cabinet • Sweat connections to reduce potential for leaks • Patented Thermo-Flex™ coil design allows the coil to “flex” during periods of defrost resulting in expansion of the coil surface comes with a 5-year warranty • Plastic molded fan guards for extended air flow • Reliable nickel steel alloy defrost heater elements Performance • Internal panels are isolated for quiet operation • Electric defrost models have fixed defrost termination / fan delay and heater limit thermostats • EC motors Versatile • Large diameter drain fitting (3/4” ID) • Different motor and voltage options available Certifications Nomenclature Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 1F - 13 Section 1 Standard Features CO₂ Unit Coolers Medium Profile Performance & Specification Data Performance & Physical Data – 60 HZ Capacity (BTUH) Bohn Base Model 10°F TD 25°F SST Fan Data 10°F TD -20°F SST No. of Fans Dia. (in.) Coil Data CFM FPI Coil Inlet (in.) Coil Outlet (in.) Suction (in.) Condensate Drain FPT (in.) Approx. Net Weight (lbs.) 3/8 3/8 - 3/4 115 Section 1 Medium Temperature Overfeed / Recirculation - Air Defrost Models BMAR130 13,000 - 1 18 2,300 6 BMAR155 15,500 - 1 18 2,200 6 3/8 3/8 - 3/4 123 BMAR245 24,500 - 2 18 4,600 6 1/2 1/2 - 3/4 134 BMAR300 30,000 - 2 18 4,400 6 1/2 1/2 - 3/4 148 BMAR365 36,500 - 3 18 6,900 6 1/2 1/2 - 3/4 200 BMAR450 45,000 - 3 18 6,600 6 5/8 5/8 - 3/4 227 Low Temperature DX - Electric Defrost Models BMLC100 - 10,000 1 18 2,325 4.5 1/2 - 1/2 3/4 125 BMLC165 - 16,500 2 18 4,900 4.5 1/2 - 1/2 3/4 136 BMLC220 - 22,000 2 18 4,650 4.5 1/2 - 1/2 3/4 151 BMLC250 - 25,000 3 18 7,350 4.5 1/2 - 5/8 3/4 207 BMLC330 - 33,000 3 18 6,975 4.5 1/2 - 5/8 3/4 234 Fan Motors (All Models) 115/1/60 not available on Electric Defrost Models. EC Motor No. of Fans Motor HP Amps Watts Amps 1 1/4 2.8 210 1.4 205 2 1/4 5.6 420 2.8 410 3 1/4 8.4 630 4.2 615 115/1/60 208-230/1/60 Watts Defrost Heaters (Electric Defrost Models) No. of 208-230/1/60 Fans Amps Watts 1 1F - 14 11.9 2,730 2 23.3 5,350 3 33.7 7,750 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 CO₂ Unit Coolers Medium Profile Performance & Specification Data Section 1 Dimensional Diagram: Medium Temperature Overfeed / Recirculation Dimensional Diagram: Low Temperature DX 18-7/8" 480 mm 17-1/2" 444 mm 2-1/2" 64 mm 23 -1/4" Air Flow 24" 608 mm 590 mm Refrigerant Connection End 15-1/2" 390 mm Electrical Connection End 22-3/4" 578 mm Dimensional Data (All Models) Note: Hanger brackets will accept up to ½” threaded rod. No. of Fans Rev. 03/12 Dimensions (in.) A B C D E F 1 39 1/3 30 1/4 - - - 5 2 67 1/3 58 1/4 - - - 5 3 95 1/3 86 1/4 - - - 5 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 1F - 15 CO₂ Unit Coolers Medium Profile Air Defrost Models & Options • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Section 1 Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Bohn Standard Model Bohn Configurable Model List Price ($US) No. of Fans Defrost Type Coil Options BohnKote™ ElectroFin Coil BohnGuard™ Fin Protection Bronz-Glow Medium Temperature Overfeed / Recirculation Models with EC Motors - 115/1/60 - BMAR130SA 4,233 1 Air Defrost 1,185 Call Factory 1,072 Call Factory - BMAR155SA 4,906 1 Air Defrost 1,185 Call Factory 1,072 Call Factory - BMAR245SA 7,272 2 Air Defrost Call Factory Call Factory 1,130 Call Factory - BMAR300SA 8,969 2 Air Defrost Call Factory Call Factory 1,130 Call Factory - BMAR365SA 11,340 3 Air Defrost Call Factory Call Factory 1,191 Call Factory - BMAR450SA 13,255 3 Air Defrost Call Factory Call Factory 1,191 Call Factory 1,072 Call Factory Medium Temperature Overfeed / Recirculation Models with EC Motors - 208-230/1/60 - BMAR130SA 4,301 1 Air Defrost 1,185 Call Factory - BMAR155SA 4,964 1 Air Defrost 1,185 Call Factory 1,072 Call Factory - BMAR245SA 7,394 2 Air Defrost Call Factory Call Factory 1,130 Call Factory - BMAR300SA 9,096 2 Air Defrost Call Factory Call Factory 1,130 Call Factory - BMAR365SA 11,536 3 Air Defrost Call Factory Call Factory 1,191 Call Factory - BMAR450SA 13,451 3 Air Defrost Call Factory Call Factory 1,191 Call Factory Medium Profile Electric Defrost Models & Options • Choose when there is not a standard model listed or you want to add factory-installed options. • When ordering a configurable model, remember to specify the voltage and fan motor type. When Do You Choose a Configurable Model? Bohn Standard Model Bohn Configurable Model List Price ($US) No. of Fans Defrost Type Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Coil Options Bronz-Glow Low Temperature DX Models with EC Motors - 208-230/1/60 - BMLC100SA 5,193 1 Electric Defrost Call Factory - BMLC165SA 7,532 2 Electric Defrost Call Factory - BMLC220SA 9,897 2 Electric Defrost Call Factory - BMLC250SA 11,064 3 Electric Defrost Call Factory - BMLC330SA 14,092 3 Electric Defrost Call Factory Federal Regulation Requires EC Motors! Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors. 1F - 16 Notes: • Electric Drain Pan and Adjustable Defrost Term. / Fan Delay are standard on electric defrost models. • Stainless Steel Cabinet & Pan and Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensing Units Overview ½ - 6 HP Horizontal Air Discharge Cabinet & Construction • • • • HyperCore microchannel coil technology standard on most models. Painted steel cabinets for superior strength and corrosion protection Heavy duty steel raised base with 1-1/2” legs Fan guards and wiring conduit on indoor models Serviceability The 1/2 through 6 HP line of air-cooled condensing units with HyperCore™ microchannel coil technology is ideal for convenience store, restaurant and other commercial applications. Available with hermetic, Scroll®, or semihermetic compressors and indoor or outdoor models, this line is a good fit for many applications. Opting for the Beacon II™ Refrigeration System with Smart Defrost, factory-installed Smart Defrost Kit™ (SDK), or Variable Speed EC (VSEC) motor with Orbus™ Controller increases energy efficiency and qualifies this product for the E Solutions™ product portfolio. Quality • All units are completely leak tested in a helium environment, bump tested and allowed to cycle off on the high and low pressure control. Each unit has a copy of the run data shipped inside the electrical panel • Electrical circuits are completely checked for continuity • Piping is laid out to minimize stress and vibration and is pre-bent to eliminate leaks • Encapsulated, auto-reset, high and low pressure controls to eliminate leaks (standard on all high and medium temperature models, adjustable low pressure control standard on low temperature models) Components Certifications Fan • Specifically matched with motor and coil to attain maximum air movement and cooling Motor • Rated for 50 and 60 cycle application • Standard PSC or optional Variable Speed EC (VSEC) with Orbus™ Controller Compressor • Wide variety of compressors including: hermetic, semi-hermetic and scroll. R-22 and R-404A/507 available for both medium and low temperature applications • Spring-mounted compressors with vibration eliminators on all 1-1/2 to 6 HP semi-hermetic compressors; 1/2 to 1 HP compressors are rigid mounted and have a discharge loop • Discharge service valves come standard on all units including hermetics Nomenclature Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2A - 1 Section 2 Product Description • Suction service valves for hermetic and scroll compressors located outside the cabinet for quick installations. Semi-hermetic compressor models have a suction valve on the compressor and an access fitting on the suction line entering the cabinet. • Receiver with fusible plug, liquid shutoff valve and charging port is standard • Large electrical panel for ease of access • Prefabricated wiring harnesses for tight crimp connections and consistent labeling • Unit stays on if the hood is removed for servicing • Sight glass is easily viewable Air-Cooled Condensing Units Performance Data ½ - 6 HP Horizontal Air Discharge Models with Hermetic Compressors * = T for Outdoor, N for Indoor, S for Beacon II™ † = RS Compressor not suitable for R-507 Bohn Base Model Suction Compressor Temp. °F Capacity (BTUH) Ambient Temperature °F 90°F 95°F 100°F 110°F Section 2 High Temperature (R-404A/507) BH*005H6 BH*005H6 BH*009H6 BH*009H6 BH*010H6 BH*010H6 BH*015H6 BH*015H6 BH*025H6 BH*025H6 BH*032H6 BH*032H6 BH*040H6 BH*040H6 BH*050H6 BH*050H6 RST45C1E RST45C1E RST64C1E RST64C1E RS70C1E† RS70C1E† CS10K6E CS10K6E CS14K6E CS14K6E CS20K6E CS20K6E CS27K6E CS27K6E CS33K6E CS33K6E 40°F 35°F 40°F 35°F 40°F 35°F 40°F 35°F 40°F 35°F 40°F 35°F 40°F 35°F 40°F 35°F 8,910 8,150 12,520 11,570 13,720 12,610 21,400 19,460 26,320 24,270 42,890 39,110 52,240 48,170 57,030 52,650 8,510 7,790 11,980 11,080 13,010 11,960 20,260 18,400 25,000 23,030 40,730 37,110 49,580 45,670 54,240 50,060 8,120 7,430 11,440 10,580 12,310 11,320 19,120 17,350 23,690 21,810 38,560 35,100 46,920 43,180 51,440 47,460 7,340 6,710 10,350 9,580 10,920 10,040 16,880 15,280 21,100 19,410 34,210 31,070 41,630 38,220 45,860 42,260 Extended Temperature (R-404A/507) BH*005X6 BH*005X6 BH*005X6 BH*005X6 BH*005X6 BH*005X6 BH*005X6 BH*008X6 BH*008X6 BH*008X6 BH*008X6 BH*008X6 BH*008X6 BH*008X6 BH*009X6 BH*009X6 BH*009X6 BH*009X6 BH*009X6 BH*009X6 BH*009X6 BH*010X6 BH*010X6 BH*010X6 BH*010X6 BH*010X6 BH*010X6 BH*010X6 BH*015X6 BH*015X6 BH*015X6 2A - 2 RST45C1E RST45C1E RST45C1E RST45C1E RST45C1E RST45C1E RST45C1E RST55C1E RST55C1E RST55C1E RST55C1E RST55C1E RST55C1E RST55C1E RST64C1E RST64C1E RST64C1E RST64C1E RST64C1E RST64C1E RST64C1E RS70C1E† RS70C1E† RS70C1E† RS70C1E† RS70C1E† RS70C1E† RS70C1E† CS10K6E CS10K6E CS10K6E 30°F 25°F 20°F 0°F -10°F -20°F -25°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 0°F -10°F -20°F -25°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 0°F -10°F -20°F -25°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 0°F -10°F -20°F -25°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 6,850 6,530 6,200 5,540 6,270 5,970 5,670 5,060 5,710 5,440 5,170 4,610 3,690 3,510 3,330 2,950 2,810 2,660 2,510 2,210 1,980 1,850 1,720 1,470 1,550 1,430 1,310 1,080 8,130 7,730 7,320 6,530 7,450 7,070 6,700 5,970 6,790 6,440 6,090 5,410 4,430 4,180 3,930 3,450 3,490 3,280 3,070 2,670 2,710 2,550 2,390 2,070 2,400 2,250 2,100 1,820 9,590 9,150 8,720 7,830 8,820 8,420 8,010 7,200 8,080 7,710 7,340 6,580 5,350 5,090 4,830 4,310 4,240 4,020 3,810 3,390 3,270 3,100 2,920 2,580 2,850 2,690 2,540 2,250 10,060 9,400 8,790 7,700 9,300 8,850 8,290 7,140 8,660 8,170 7,680 6,590 5,540 5,120 4,760 4,080 4,080 3,770 3,430 3,010 2,750 2,610 2,230 1,680 2,050 1,820 1,570 16,430 15,400 14,210 12,150 15,090 13,960 13,150 11,110 13,550 12,800 11,780 10,030 Bohn Base Model BH*015X6 BH*015X6 BH*015X6 BH*015X6 BH*020X6 BH*020X6 BH*020X6 BH*020X6 BH*020X6 BH*020X6 BH*020X6 BH*025X6 BH*025X6 BH*025X6 BH*025X6 BH*025X6 BH*025X6 BH*025X6 BH*030X6 BH*030X6 BH*030X6 BH*030X6 BH*030X6 BH*030X6 BH*030X6 BH*032X6 BH*032X6 BH*032X6 BH*032X6 BH*032X6 BH*032X6 BH*032X6 BH*040X6 BH*040X6 BH*040X6 BH*040X6 BH*040X6 BH*040X6 BH*040X6 BH*050X6 BH*050X6 BH*050X6 BH*050X6 BH*050X6 BH*050X6 BH*050X6 Suction Compressor Temp. °F CS10K6E CS10K6E CS10K6E CS10K6E CS12K6E CS12K6E CS12K6E CS12K6E CS12K6E CS12K6E CS12K6E CS14K6E CS14K6E CS14K6E CS14K6E CS14K6E CS14K6E CS14K6E CS18K6E CS18K6E CS18K6E CS18K6E CS18K6E CS18K6E CS18K6E CS20K6E CS20K6E CS20K6E CS20K6E CS20K6E CS20K6E CS20K6E CS27K6E CS27K6E CS27K6E CS27K6E CS27K6E CS27K6E CS27K6E CS33K6E CS33K6E CS33K6E CS33K6E CS33K6E CS33K6E CS33K6E 0°F -10°F -20°F -25°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 0°F -10°F -20°F -25°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 0°F -10°F -20°F -25°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 0°F -10°F -20°F -25°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 0°F -10°F -20°F -25°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 0°F -10°F -20°F -25°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 0°F -10°F -20°F -25°F Capacity (BTUH) Ambient Temperature °F 90°F 95°F 100°F 110°F 7,910 5,280 3,610 2,970 18,590 17,000 15,420 9,110 6,330 4,030 3,270 20,150 18,630 17,270 10,900 8,050 5,740 4,760 29,490 27,030 24,550 14,390 10,600 7,380 6,180 32,420 29,620 26,840 15,930 12,200 8,780 7,000 43,970 39,510 35,150 20,560 14,980 11,830 8,690 44,600 43,160 39,300 24,160 17,610 13,500 11,700 7,220 5,060 3,330 2,630 17,490 16,000 14,470 8,370 5,830 3,860 2,830 18,920 17,490 16,250 10,090 7,530 5,230 4,330 27,840 25,490 23,130 13,480 9,710 6,750 5,620 30,530 27,890 25,240 14,800 11,200 7,930 6,220 41,480 37,270 33,160 19,400 14,130 11,160 8,200 42,300 41,000 37,180 22,370 17,300 12,700 10,900 6,660 4,580 2,930 2,270 16,410 14,990 13,380 7,700 5,280 3,420 2,420 17,730 16,390 15,220 9,390 6,950 4,770 3,930 26,190 23,970 21,800 12,570 8,880 6,120 5,110 28,600 26,160 23,750 13,740 10,300 7,050 5,370 38,980 35,030 31,180 18,240 13,290 10,500 7,700 39,800 38,760 34,810 20,760 16,200 11,800 10,000 5,410 3,650 2,140 1,540 14,270 12,980 11,550 6,460 4,410 2,580 1,660 15,430 14,450 13,230 8,100 5,760 3,860 2,990 23,000 21,020 18,970 10,810 7,100 4,940 4,140 24,840 22,790 20,580 11,490 8,260 5,270 3,630 35,150 31,240 27,520 15,210 11,290 8,920 6,550 35,200 34,060 30,530 19,000 14,100 10,400 9,010 7,030 6,240 6,840 5,750 6,310 5,170 5,240 4,450 Low Temperature (R-404A/507) BH*011L6 BH*011L6 CF04K6E CF04K6E 0°F -5°F List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensing Units Performance Data ½ - 6 HP Horizontal Air Discharge Models with Hermetic Compressors * = T for Outdoor, N for Indoor, S for Beacon II™ † = RS Compressor not suitable for R-507 BH*011L6 BH*011L6 BH*011L6 BH*011L6 BH*014L6 BH*014L6 BH*014L6 BH*014L6 BH*014L6 BH*014L6 BH*019L6 BH*019L6 BH*019L6 BH*019L6 BH*019L6 BH*019L6 BH*025L6 BH*025L6 BH*025L6 BH*025L6 BH*025L6 BH*025L6 BH*031L6 BH*031L6 BH*031L6 BH*031L6 BH*031L6 BH*031L6 Capacity (BTUH) Ambient Temperature °F 90°F 95°F 100°F 110°F Suction Compressor Temp. °F CF04K6E CF04K6E CF04K6E CF04K6E CF06K6E CF06K6E CF06K6E CF06K6E CF06K6E CF06K6E CF06K6E CF06K6E CF06K6E CF06K6E CF06K6E CF06K6E CF09K6E CF09K6E CF09K6E CF09K6E CF09K6E CF09K6E CF12K6E CF12K6E CF12K6E CF12K6E CF12K6E CF12K6E -10°F -20°F -25°F -30°F 0°F -5°F -10°F -20°F -25°F -30°F 0°F -5°F -10°F -20°F -25°F -30°F 0°F -5°F -10°F -20°F -25°F -30°F 0°F -5°F -10°F -20°F -25°F -30°F 5,370 3,850 3,330 2,630 10,500 9,380 7,830 6,090 4,890 4,080 12,100 10,180 8,910 6,580 5,530 4,570 15,550 14,500 12,700 9,000 7,560 6,230 18,840 17,800 15,140 11,540 9,790 8,070 4,920 3,650 3,020 2,360 9,900 8,840 7,750 5,670 4,710 3,680 11,400 10,100 8,750 6,040 5,030 4,150 15,400 13,700 12,000 8,300 6,950 5,750 17,690 16,800 14,360 10,910 9,170 7,470 4,460 3,300 2,660 2,070 9,310 8,280 7,280 5,280 4,350 3,510 10,700 9,430 8,170 5,810 4,570 3,700 14,500 12,800 11,200 8,130 6,410 5,220 17,600 15,090 13,410 10,700 9,040 7,320 3,620 2,630 2,100 8,310 7,340 6,420 4,580 3,730 2,990 9,330 8,170 7,040 4,920 3,980 3,090 12,700 11,400 9,900 7,030 5,760 4,590 15,700 14,000 12,400 9,250 7,690 6,100 7,470 7,170 6,850 5,640 5,410 5,200 5,090 4,870 4,680 4,610 4,410 4,430 4,170 3,990 3,990 3,740 3,580 3,410 2,940 2,790 10,690 10,280 9,850 8,990 8,540 8,160 8,080 7,740 7,400 7,310 6,980 6,660 6,610 6,310 5,970 5,850 5,580 5,310 4,540 4,320 11,360 10,870 10,380 10,100 9,120 8,690 8,620 8,150 7,820 7,730 7,350 6,910 6,840 6,490 6,140 6,070 5,740 5,410 6,240 4,960 4,430 4,010 3,550 3,190 8,930 7,820 6,710 6,020 5,390 4,770 9,490 8,250 6,950 6,170 5,440 4,380 Medium & High Temperature (R-22) BH*005H2 BH*005H2 BH*005H2 BH*005H2 BH*005H2 BH*005H2 BH*005H2 BH*008H2 BH*008H2 BH*008H2 BH*008H2 BH*008H2 BH*008H2 BH*008H2 BH*010H2 BH*010H2 BH*010H2 BH*010H2 BH*010H2 BH*010H2 Rev. 03/12 ART82C1-CAV ART82C1-CAV ART82C1-CAV ART82C1-CAV ART82C1-CAV ART82C1-CAV ART82C1-CAV RS64C2 RS64C2 RS64C2 RS64C2 RS64C2 RS64C2 RS64C2 RS70C1 RS70C1 RS70C1 RS70C1 RS70C1 RS70C1 40°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 15°F 10°F 0°F 40°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 15°F 10°F 0°F 40°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 15°F 10°F Bohn Base Model BH*010H2 BH*015H2 BH*015H2 BH*015H2 BH*015H2 BH*015H2 BH*015H2 BH*015H2 BH*020H2 BH*020H2 BH*020H2 BH*020H2 BH*020H2 BH*020H2 BH*020H2 BH*029M2 BH*029M2 BH*029M2 BH*029M2 BH*029M2 BH*029M2 BH*029M2 BH*030H2 BH*030H2 BH*030H2 BH*030H2 BH*030H2 BH*030H2 BH*030H2 BH*040H2 BH*040H2 BH*040H2 BH*040H2 BH*040H2 BH*040H2 BH*040H2 BH*050H2 BH*050H2 BH*050H2 BH*050H2 BH*050H2 BH*050H2 BH*050H2 Suction Compressor Temp. °F RS70C1 CR18KQ CR18KQ CR18KQ CR18KQ CR18KQ CR18KQ CR18KQ CR24KQ CR24KQ CR24KQ CR24KQ CR24KQ CR24KQ CR24KQ CR37KQ CR37KQ CR37KQ CR37KQ CR37KQ CR37KQ CR37KQ CR37KQ CR37KQ CR37KQ CR37KQ CR37KQ CR37KQ CR37KQ CR53KQ CR53KQ CR53KQ CR53KQ CR53KQ CR53KQ CR53KQ CRN-0500 CRN-0500 CRN-0500 CRN-0500 CRN-0500 CRN-0500 CRN-0500 0°F 40°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 15°F 10°F 0°F 40°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 15°F 10°F 0°F 40°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 15°F 10°F 0°F 40°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 15°F 10°F 0°F 40°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 15°F 10°F 0°F 40°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 15°F 10°F 0°F Capacity (BTUH) Ambient Temperature °F 90°F 95°F 100°F 110°F 4,280 14,580 12,910 11,350 9,910 8,100 5,650 24,360 19,930 17,760 15,650 13,650 11,640 8,560 26,210 23,630 21,300 18,870 16,620 11,700 41,190 33,300 29,500 25,830 22,330 19,040 13,210 57,430 46,140 40,790 35,620 30,740 26,150 18,100 64,770 52,240 46,250 40,490 35,010 29,860 20,740 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 3,870 13,830 12,210 10,670 9,260 7,510 5,130 23,190 18,980 16,910 14,900 12,990 11,090 8,150 25,100 22,780 20,270 17,880 15,450 10,900 38,230 31,710 28,090 24,610 21,260 18,140 12,580 54,690 43,950 38,840 33,930 29,270 24,920 17,240 61,680 49,760 44,050 38,560 33,340 28,440 19,750 13,070 11,500 10,000 8,600 6,890 4,410 22,030 18,030 16,070 14,160 12,340 10,540 7,740 23,980 21,720 19,260 16,910 14,470 37,270 30,130 26,690 23,380 20,200 17,220 11,950 51,960 41,760 36,890 32,240 27,820 23,670 16,390 58,600 47,270 41,850 36,630 31,680 27,020 18,760 11,590 10,100 8,230 6,880 5,650 19,770 16,180 14,410 12,680 11,000 9,400 6,490 21,750 19,600 17,030 14,730 12,520 33,900 27,120 23,870 20,760 17,820 15,080 10,350 48,390 38,470 33,780 29,320 25,120 21,230 14,550 54,770 43,730 38,490 33,470 28,740 24,340 16,760 2A - 3 Section 2 Bohn Base Model Air-Cooled Condensing Units Performance Data ½ - 6 HP Horizontal Air Discharge Models with Scroll Compressors * = T for Outdoor, N for Indoor, S for Beacon II™ Section 2 Capacity (BTUH) Ambient Temperature °F 90°F 95°F 100°F 110°F Medium Temperature (R-404A/507) Bohn Base Model Compressor Suction Temp. °F BZ*020M6 BZ*020M6 BZ*020M6 BZ*020M6 BZ*020M6 BZ*020M6 BZ*020M6 BZ*020M6 BZ*025M6 BZ*025M6 BZ*025M6 BZ*025M6 BZ*025M6 BZ*025M6 BZ*025M6 BZ*025M6 BZ*030M6 BZ*030M6 BZ*030M6 BZ*030M6 BZ*030M6 BZ*030M6 BZ*030M6 BZ*030M6 BZ*035M6 BZ*035M6 BZ*035M6 BZ*035M6 BZ*035M6 BZ*035M6 BZ*035M6 BZ*035M6 BZ*045M6 BZ*045M6 BZ*045M6 BZ*045M6 BZ*045M6 BZ*045M6 BZ*045M6 BZ*045M6 BZ*055M6 BZ*055M6 BZ*055M6 BZ*055M6 BZ*055M6 BZ*055M6 BZ*055M6 BZ*055M6 BZ*060M6 ZS15K4E ZS15K4E ZS15K4E ZS15K4E ZS15K4E ZS15K4E ZS15K4E ZS15K4E ZS19K4E ZS19K4E ZS19K4E ZS19K4E ZS19K4E ZS19K4E ZS19K4E ZS19K4E ZS21K4E ZS21K4E ZS21K4E ZS21K4E ZS21K4E ZS21K4E ZS21K4E ZS21K4E ZS26K4E ZS26K4E ZS26K4E ZS26K4E ZS26K4E ZS26K4E ZS26K4E ZS26K4E ZS30K4E ZS30K4E ZS30K4E ZS30K4E ZS30K4E ZS30K4E ZS30K4E ZS30K4E ZS38K4E ZS38K4E ZS38K4E ZS38K4E ZS38K4E ZS38K4E ZS38K4E ZS38K4E ZS45K4E 40°F 35°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 10°F 0°F -5°F 40°F 35°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 10°F 0°F -5°F 40°F 35°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 10°F 0°F -5°F 40°F 35°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 10°F 0°F -5°F 40°F 35°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 10°F 0°F -5°F 40°F 35°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 10°F 0°F -5°F 40°F 2A - 4 24,810 22,630 21,160 19,690 18,210 15,340 12,640 11,390 29,280 26,730 25,070 23,390 21,700 18,380 15,230 13,750 35,760 32,760 30,580 28,360 26,170 21,900 17,950 16,140 43,200 39,310 36,730 34,130 31,560 26,540 21,850 19,690 48,460 46,490 43,050 39,760 36,560 30,480 24,890 22,310 57,230 53,990 50,410 46,970 43,530 36,770 30,380 27,400 65,560 23,850 21,760 20,350 18,930 17,510 14,750 12,150 10,950 28,110 25,700 24,110 22,490 20,870 17,670 14,640 11,790 34,460 31,500 29,400 27,270 25,160 21,060 17,260 15,520 41,600 37,800 35,320 32,820 30,350 25,520 21,010 18,930 46,740 44,700 41,390 38,230 35,150 29,310 23,930 21,450 54,940 51,910 48,470 45,160 41,860 35,360 29,210 26,350 62,910 22,870 20,890 19,540 18,170 16,810 14,160 11,660 10,510 26,950 24,670 23,150 21,590 20,040 16,960 14,050 12,690 33,150 30,240 28,220 26,180 24,150 20,220 16,570 14,900 39,990 36,290 33,910 31,510 29,140 24,500 20,170 18,170 44,990 42,910 39,730 36,700 33,740 28,140 22,970 20,590 52,630 49,830 46,530 43,350 40,190 33,950 28,040 25,300 60,260 20,920 19,150 17,910 16,660 15,410 12,980 10,690 9,640 24,600 22,620 21,220 19,760 18,370 15,550 14,190 11,630 30,500 27,720 25,870 24,000 22,140 18,530 15,190 13,660 36,690 33,260 31,080 28,880 26,710 22,460 18,490 16,660 41,430 39,340 36,420 33,640 30,930 25,790 21,060 18,880 47,970 45,680 42,650 39,740 36,840 31,120 25,700 23,190 - Bohn Base Model Compressor Suction Temp. °F BZ*060M6 BZ*060M6 BZ*060M6 BZ*060M6 BZ*060M6 BZ*060M6 BZ*060M6 ZS45K4E ZS45K4E ZS45K4E ZS45K4E ZS45K4E ZS45K4E ZS45K4E 35°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 10°F 0°F -5°F Capacity (BTUH) Ambient Temperature °F 90°F 95°F 100°F 110°F 61,960 58,120 54,430 50,680 43,160 35,890 32,490 59,580 55,880 52,340 48,730 41,500 34,510 31,240 57,200 53,640 50,250 46,780 39,840 33,130 29,990 49,170 46,060 42,880 36,520 30,370 27,490 11,970 9,920 8,940 8,010 7,130 6,310 4,900 14,880 12,320 11,120 9,960 8,890 7,900 6,230 16,540 13,730 12,400 11,130 9,930 8,840 6,980 19,800 16,490 14,910 13,420 12,000 10,710 8,530 24,720 20,360 18,300 16,410 14,570 12,840 9,800 29,950 24,730 22,260 20,010 17,820 15,800 12,440 11,510 9,540 8,600 7,700 6,860 6,070 4,710 14,310 11,850 10,690 9,580 8,550 7,600 5,990 15,900 13,200 11,920 10,700 9,550 8,500 6,710 19,040 15,860 14,340 12,900 11,540 10,300 8,200 23,740 19,490 17,590 15,690 13,880 12,210 9,360 28,870 23,820 21,550 19,260 17,390 15,160 11,910 11,050 9,160 8,260 7,390 6,590 5,830 4,520 13,740 11,380 10,260 9,200 8,210 7,300 5,750 15,260 12,670 11,440 10,270 9,170 8,160 6,440 18,280 15,230 13,770 12,380 11,080 9,890 7,870 22,780 18,740 16,770 14,910 13,180 11,780 8,890 27,800 23,060 20,700 18,490 16,980 14,770 11,390 10,130 8,400 7,570 6,780 6,040 5,340 4,140 12,590 10,430 9,410 8,430 7,520 6,690 5,270 13,990 11,620 10,490 9,420 8,400 7,480 5,900 16,760 13,960 12,620 11,350 10,160 9,060 7,220 20,980 16,960 15,120 13,390 11,790 10,910 8,460 25,790 21,200 19,030 16,980 15,100 14,000 10,340 Low Temperature (R-404A/507) BZ*020L6 BZ*020L6 BZ*020L6 BZ*020L6 BZ*020L6 BZ*020L6 BZ*020L6 BZ*025L6 BZ*025L6 BZ*025L6 BZ*025L6 BZ*025L6 BZ*025L6 BZ*025L6 BZ*030L6 BZ*030L6 BZ*030L6 BZ*030L6 BZ*030L6 BZ*030L6 BZ*030L6 BZ*035L6 BZ*035L6 BZ*035L6 BZ*035L6 BZ*035L6 BZ*035L6 BZ*035L6 BZ*045L6 BZ*045L6 BZ*045L6 BZ*045L6 BZ*045L6 BZ*045L6 BZ*045L6 BZ*055L6 BZ*055L6 BZ*055L6 BZ*055L6 BZ*055L6 BZ*055L6 BZ*055L6 ZF06K4E ZF06K4E ZF06K4E ZF06K4E ZF06K4E ZF06K4E ZF06K4E ZF08K4E ZF08K4E ZF08K4E ZF08K4E ZF08K4E ZF08K4E ZF08K4E ZF09K4E ZF09K4E ZF09K4E ZF09K4E ZF09K4E ZF09K4E ZF09K4E ZF11K4E ZF11K4E ZF11K4E ZF11K4E ZF11K4E ZF11K4E ZF11K4E ZF13K4E ZF13K4E ZF13K4E ZF13K4E ZF13K4E ZF13K4E ZF13K4E ZF15K4E ZF15K4E ZF15K4E ZF15K4E ZF15K4E ZF15K4E ZF15K4E 0°F -10°F -15°F -20°F -25°F -30°F -40°F 0°F -10°F -15°F -20°F -25°F -30°F -40°F 0°F -10°F -15°F -20°F -25°F -30°F -40°F 0°F -10°F -15°F -20°F -25°F -30°F -40°F 0°F -10°F -15°F -20°F -25°F -30°F -40°F 0°F -10°F -15°F -20°F -25°F -30°F -40°F List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensing Units Performance Data ½ - 6 HP Horizontal Air Discharge Models with Scroll Compressors * = T for Outdoor, N for Indoor, S for Beacon II™ Compressor Suction Temp. °F BZ*060L6 BZ*060L6 BZ*060L6 BZ*060L6 BZ*060L6 BZ*060L6 BZ*060L6 ZF18K4E ZF18K4E ZF18K4E ZF18K4E ZF18K4E ZF18K4E ZF18K4E 0°F -10°F -15°F -20°F -25°F -30°F -40°F Capacity (BTUH) Ambient Temperature °F 90°F 95°F 100°F 110°F 36,360 30,140 27,160 24,330 21,680 19,240 15,100 34,960 28,970 26,120 23,390 20,850 18,500 14,520 33,560 27,810 25,080 22,450 20,010 17,760 13,950 30,770 25,490 22,990 20,580 18,340 16,270 12,780 35°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 10°F 35°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 10°F 35°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 10°F 35°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 10°F 35°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 10°F 35°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 10°F 35°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 10°F 22,080 20,420 18,800 17,220 14,260 26,080 24,190 22,340 20,530 17,090 31,970 29,490 27,080 24,750 20,360 38,930 35,820 32,830 29,970 24,520 45,920 42,010 38,300 34,810 28,450 54,050 49,950 45,960 42,100 34,600 63,670 58,960 54,320 49,800 41,190 21,230 19,630 18,080 16,560 13,710 25,080 23,260 21,480 19,740 16,430 30,740 28,360 26,040 23,800 19,580 37,430 34,440 31,570 28,820 23,580 44,150 40,390 36,830 33,470 27,360 51,970 48,030 44,190 40,480 33,270 61,220 56,690 52,230 47,880 39,610 20,380 18,850 17,360 15,900 13,160 24,080 22,330 20,620 18,950 15,770 29,510 27,230 25,000 22,850 18,800 35,930 33,060 30,310 27,670 22,640 42,380 38,770 35,360 32,130 26,270 49,890 46,110 42,420 38,860 31,940 58,770 54,420 50,140 45,970 38,030 19,530 18,060 16,630 15,240 12,610 23,070 21,400 19,760 18,160 15,120 28,280 26,090 23,960 21,900 18,010 34,440 31,690 29,040 26,510 21,690 40,620 37,160 33,880 30,790 25,170 47,810 44,190 40,660 37,240 30,610 56,320 52,160 48,050 44,050 36,440 0°F -10°F -15°F -20°F -25°F -30°F 11,610 9,400 8,380 7,450 6,590 5,840 11,060 10,840 8,950 8,770 7,980 7,820 7,090 6,950 6,280 6,150 5,560 5,450 10,290 8,320 7,420 6,590 5,840 5,170 Medium Temperature (R-22) BZ*020M6 BZ*020M6 BZ*020M6 BZ*020M6 BZ*020M6 BZ*025M6 BZ*025M6 BZ*025M6 BZ*025M6 BZ*025M6 BZ*030M6 BZ*030M6 BZ*030M6 BZ*030M6 BZ*030M6 BZ*035M6 BZ*035M6 BZ*035M6 BZ*035M6 BZ*035M6 BZ*045M6 BZ*045M6 BZ*045M6 BZ*045M6 BZ*045M6 BZ*055M6 BZ*055M6 BZ*055M6 BZ*055M6 BZ*055M6 BZ*060M6 BZ*060M6 BZ*060M6 BZ*060M6 BZ*060M6 ZS15K4E ZS15K4E ZS15K4E ZS15K4E ZS15K4E ZS19K4E ZS19K4E ZS19K4E ZS19K4E ZS19K4E ZS21K4E ZS21K4E ZS21K4E ZS21K4E ZS21K4E ZS26K4E ZS26K4E ZS26K4E ZS26K4E ZS26K4E ZS30K4E ZS30K4E ZS30K4E ZS30K4E ZS30K4E ZS38K4E ZS38K4E ZS38K4E ZS38K4E ZS38K4E ZS45K4E ZS45K4E ZS45K4E ZS45K4E ZS45K4E Bohn Base Model Compressor Suction Temp. °F BZ*020L6 BZ*025L6 BZ*025L6 BZ*025L6 BZ*025L6 BZ*025L6 BZ*025L6 BZ*025L6 BZ*030L6 BZ*030L6 BZ*030L6 BZ*030L6 BZ*030L6 BZ*030L6 BZ*030L6 BZ*035L6 BZ*035L6 BZ*035L6 BZ*035L6 BZ*035L6 BZ*035L6 BZ*035L6 BZ*045L6 BZ*045L6 BZ*045L6 BZ*045L6 BZ*045L6 BZ*045L6 BZ*045L6 BZ*055L6 BZ*055L6 BZ*055L6 BZ*055L6 BZ*055L6 BZ*055L6 BZ*055L6 BZ*060L6 BZ*060L6 BZ*060L6 BZ*060L6 BZ*060L6 BZ*060L6 BZ*060L6 ZF06K4E ZF08K4E ZF08K4E ZF08K4E ZF08K4E ZF08K4E ZF08K4E ZF08K4E ZF09K4E ZF09K4E ZF09K4E ZF09K4E ZF09K4E ZF09K4E ZF09K4E ZF11K4E ZF11K4E ZF11K4E ZF11K4E ZF11K4E ZF11K4E ZF11K4E ZF13K4E ZF13K4E ZF13K4E ZF13K4E ZF13K4E ZF13K4E ZF13K4E ZF15K4E ZF15K4E ZF15K4E ZF15K4E ZF15K4E ZF15K4E ZF15K4E ZF18K4E ZF18K4E ZF18K4E ZF18K4E ZF18K4E ZF18K4E ZF18K4E -40°F 0°F -10°F -15°F -20°F -25°F -30°F -40°F 0°F -10°F -15°F -20°F -25°F -30°F -40°F 0°F -10°F -15°F -20°F -25°F -30°F -40°F 0°F -10°F -15°F -20°F -25°F -30°F -40°F 0°F -10°F -15°F -20°F -25°F -30°F -40°F 0°F -10°F -15°F -20°F -25°F -30°F -40°F Capacity (BTUH) Ambient Temperature °F 90°F 95°F 100°F 110°F 4,590 14,560 11,800 10,540 9,380 8,310 7,340 5,780 15,940 13,070 11,750 10,500 9,340 8,260 6,460 19,310 15,870 14,270 12,760 11,360 10,080 7,900 23,490 19,140 17,140 15,280 13,560 12,000 9,400 28,800 23,490 21,050 18,770 16,360 14,750 11,550 33,800 27,550 24,670 21,970 19,480 17,220 13,440 4,370 13,870 11,240 10,040 8,930 7,910 6,990 5,500 15,180 12,450 11,190 10,000 8,890 7,870 6,150 18,390 15,110 13,590 12,150 10,820 9,600 7,520 22,370 18,230 16,320 14,550 12,910 11,430 8,950 27,430 22,370 20,050 17,880 15,580 14,050 11,000 32,190 26,240 23,490 20,920 18,550 16,400 12,800 4,280 13,590 11,020 9,840 8,750 7,750 6,850 5,390 14,880 12,200 10,970 9,800 8,710 7,710 6,030 18,020 14,810 13,320 11,910 10,600 9,410 7,370 21,920 17,870 15,990 14,260 12,650 11,200 8,770 26,880 21,920 19,650 17,520 15,270 13,770 10,780 31,550 25,720 23,020 20,500 18,180 16,070 12,540 4,060 12,900 10,450 9,340 8,310 7,360 6,500 5,120 14,120 11,580 10,410 9,300 8,270 7,320 5,720 17,100 14,050 12,640 11,300 10,060 8,930 6,990 20,800 16,950 15,180 13,530 12,010 10,630 8,320 25,510 20,800 18,650 16,630 14,490 13,070 10,230 29,940 24,400 21,850 19,460 17,250 15,250 11,900 Low Temperature (R-22) BZ*020L6 BZ*020L6 BZ*020L6 BZ*020L6 BZ*020L6 BZ*020L6 Rev. 03/12 ZF06K4E ZF06K4E ZF06K4E ZF06K4E ZF06K4E ZF06K4E List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2A - 5 Section 2 Bohn Base Model Air-Cooled Condensing Units Performance Data ½ - 6 HP Horizontal Air Discharge Models with Semi-Hermetic Compressors * = T for Outdoor, N for Indoor, S for Beacon II™ Bohn Base Model Suction Compressor Temp. °F Capacity (BTUH) Ambient Temperature °F 90°F 95°F 100°F 110°F Section 2 Medium Temperature (R-404A/507) Bohn Base Model Suction Compressor Temp. °F Capacity (BTUH) Ambient Temperature °F 90°F 95°F 100°F 110°F BS*008L6 KAM-007E -25°F 3,050 2,810 2,540 2,030 BS*010M6 KAR-010E 25°F 9,680 9,140 8,680 7,740 BS*008L6 KAM-007E -30°F 2,580 2,390 2,100 1,620 BS*010M6 KAR-010E 20°F 8,730 8,300 7,950 7,000 BS*008L6 KAM-007E -40°F 1,820 1,620 1,400 970 BS*010M6 KAR-010E 15°F 7,930 7,600 7,110 6,350 BS*010L6 KAJ-010E 0°F 7,770 7,220 6,900 6,040 BS*010M6 KAR-010E 10°F 7,260 6,870 6,410 5,720 BS*010L6 KAJ-010E -5°F 6,990 6,480 6,180 5,370 BS*010M6 KAR-010E 5°F 6,500 6,150 5,780 5,120 BS*010L6 KAJ-010E -10°F 6,240 5,790 5,470 4,720 BS*010M6 KAR-010E 0°F 5,890 5,550 5,220 4,600 BS*010L6 KAJ-010E -20°F 4,830 4,520 4,160 3,510 BS*010M6 KAR-010E -5°F 5,000 4,730 4,450 3,900 BS*010L6 KAJ-010E -25°F 4,190 3,940 3,570 2,960 BS*020M6 KAK-020E 25°F 16,890 16,240 15,590 14,290 BS*010L6 KAJ-010E -30°F 3,610 3,390 3,030 2,470 BS*020M6 KAK-020E 20°F 15,110 14,530 13,950 12,790 BS*010L6 KAJ-010E -40°F 2,640 2,440 2,150 1,660 BS*020M6 KAK-020E 15°F 13,590 13,070 12,550 11,500 BS*015L6 KAL-015E 0°F 11,780 10,960 10,520 9,290 BS*020M6 KAK-020E 10°F 12,260 11,790 11,320 10,380 BS*015L6 KAL-015E -5°F 10,600 9,930 9,460 8,320 BS*020M6 KAK-020E 5°F 11,070 10,640 10,210 9,360 BS*015L6 KAL-015E -10°F 9,470 8,920 8,410 7,370 BS*020M6 KAK-020E 0°F 9,940 9,560 9,180 8,410 BS*015L6 KAL-015E -20°F 7,340 6,990 6,440 5,560 BS*020M6 KAK-020E -5°F 8,690 8,360 8,030 7,360 BS*015L6 KAL-015E -25°F 6,370 6,110 5,540 4,710 BS*021M6 ERC-021E 25°F 19,930 18,850 17,840 15,840 BS*015L6 KAL-015E -30°F 5,500 5,300 4,700 3,930 BS*021M6 ERC-021E 20°F 17,400 16,500 16,280 14,610 BS*015L6 KAL-015E -40°F 4,020 3,930 3,300 2,580 BS*021M6 ERC-021E 15°F 15,800 14,900 14,870 12,600 BS*020L6 EAD-020E 0°F 13,780 12,530 12,140 10,510 BS*021M6 ERC-021E 10°F 14,300 13,500 13,440 11,850 BS*020L6 EAD-020E -5°F 12,290 11,160 10,730 9,210 BS*021M6 ERC-021E 5°F 12,800 12,700 11,970 10,470 BS*020L6 EAD-020E -10°F 10,860 9,870 9,400 7,950 BS*021M6 ERC-021E 0°F 11,840 11,140 10,450 9,180 BS*020L6 EAD-020E -20°F 8,260 7,520 6,970 6,000 BS*021M6 ERC-021E -5°F 10,220 9,580 8,940 7,770 BS*020L6 EAD-020E -25°F 7,120 6,490 5,920 4,720 BS*030M6 ERF-031E 25°F 30,880 29,690 28,500 26,130 BS*020L6 EAD-020E -30°F 6,100 5,560 4,980 3,880 BS*030M6 ERF-031E 20°F 28,310 27,220 26,130 23,950 BS*020L6 EAD-020E -40°F 4,470 3,980 3,530 2,610 BS*030M6 ERF-031E 15°F 25,730 24,740 23,750 21,770 BS*021L6 EAV-021E 0°F 15,120 13,920 13,390 11,670 BS*030M6 ERF-031E 10°F 23,180 22,290 21,400 19,620 BS*021L6 EAV-021E -5°F 13,660 12,600 12,110 10,570 BS*030M6 ERF-031E 5°F 20,690 19,890 19,090 17,500 BS*021L6 EAV-021E -10°F 12,200 11,280 10,810 9,450 BS*030M6 ERF-031E 0°F 18,260 17,560 16,860 15,450 BS*021L6 EAV-021E -20°F 9,420 8,780 8,260 7,130 BS*030M6 ERF-031E -5°F 15,950 15,340 14,730 13,500 BS*021L6 EAV-021E -25°F 8,140 7,610 7,060 5,990 BS*021L6 EAV-021E -30°F 6,980 6,520 5,940 4,900 Low Temperature (R-404A/507) BS*005L6 KAN-005E 0°F 3,530 3,310 3,100 2,680 BS*021L6 EAV-021E -40°F 5,160 4,590 4,050 2,950 LAC-032E 0°F - - - - BS*005L6 KAN-005E -5°F 3,150 2,940 2,760 2,360 BS*030E6 BS*005L6 KAN-005E -10°F 2,760 2,580 2,400 2,030 BS*030E6 LAC-032E -5°F - - - - LAC-032E -10°F - - - - BS*005L6 KAN-005E -20°F 2,050 1,900 1,750 1,440 BS*030E6 BS*005L6 KAN-005E -25°F 1,720 1,580 1,450 1,160 BS*030E6 LAC-032E -20°F 16,780 15,700 14,630 12,510 LAC-032E -25°F 14,570 13,550 12,530 10,510 BS*005L6 KAN-005E -30°F 1,420 1,300 1,170 900 BS*030E6 BS*005L6 KAN-005E -40°F 930 830 750 520 BS*030E6 LAC-032E -30°F 12,540 11,580 10,640 8,760 BS*030E6 LAC-032E -40°F 9,010 8,270 7,540 6,090 BS*008L6 KAM-007E 0°F 6,010 5,520 5,290 4,560 BS*008L6 KAM-007E -5°F 5,360 4,900 4,680 4,010 BS*030L6 LAH-032E 0°F 22,600 21,310 20,020 17,480 LAH-032E -5°F 20,320 19,100 17,890 15,490 LAH-032E -10°F 18,090 16,930 15,790 13,530 BS*008L6 KAM-007E -10°F 4,730 4,320 4,100 3,470 BS*030L6 BS*008L6 KAM-007E -20°F 3,570 3,280 3,020 2,480 BS*030L6 2A - 6 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensing Units Performance Data ½ - 6 HP Horizontal Air Discharge Models with Semi-Hermetic Compressors * = T for Outdoor, N for Indoor, S for Beacon II™ Suction Compressor Temp. °F Capacity (BTUH) Ambient Temperature °F 90°F 95°F 100°F 110°F Bohn Base Model Suction Compressor Temp. °F Capacity (BTUH) Ambient Temperature °F 90°F 95°F 100°F 110°F BS*030L6 LAH-032E -20°F 13,810 12,800 11,790 9,800 BS*020M2 KAK-0200 40°F - - - - BS*030L6 LAH-032E -25°F 11,830 10,880 9,940 8,080 BS*020M2 KAK-0200 30°F - - - - BS*030L6 LAH-032E -30°F 9,970 9,100 8,230 6,490 BS*020M2 KAK-0200 25°F 17,190 16,530 15,870 14,550 BS*030L6 LAH-032E -40°F 6,780 6,040 5,300 3,750 BS*020M2 KAK-0200 20°F 15,510 14,910 14,310 13,120 Medium & High Temperature (R-22) BS*020M2 KAK-0200 10°F 12,450 11,970 11,490 10,530 BS*008H2 KAN-0075 40°F 9,110 8,840 8,520 7,860 BS*020M2 KAK-0200 0°F 9,880 9,500 9,120 8,360 BS*008H2 KAN-0075 30°F 7,630 7,310 7,030 6,470 BS*021M2 ERC-0200 40°F - - - - ERC-0200 30°F - - - - BS*008H2 KAN-0075 25°F 6,900 6,630 6,370 5,860 BS*021M2 BS*008H2 KAN-0075 20°F 6,230 5,990 5,750 5,280 BS*021M2 ERC-0200 25°F 18,350 17,640 16,930 15,520 ERC-0200 20°F 16,650 16,010 15,370 14,090 BS*008H2 KAN-0075 10°F 4,640 4,430 4,230 3,840 BS*021M2 BS*008H2 KAN-0075 0°F - - - - BS*021M2 ERC-0200 10°F 13,520 13,000 12,480 11,440 ERC-0200 0°F 10,850 10,430 10,010 9,180 BS*008M2 KAE-0075 40°F - - - - BS*021M2 BS*008M2 KAE-0075 30°F - - - - BS*029M2 ERF-0310 40°F - - - - ERF-0310 30°F - - - - BS*008M2 KAE-0075 25°F 7,850 7,510 7,190 6,480 BS*029M2 BS*008M2 KAE-0075 20°F 7,110 6,780 6,470 5,860 BS*029M2 ERF-0310 25°F 25,570 24,720 23,850 22,150 ERF-0310 20°F 23,190 22,400 21,610 20,040 BS*008M2 KAE-0075 10°F 5,770 5,510 5,250 4,760 BS*029M2 BS*008M2 KAE-0075 0°F 4,420 4,250 4,270 3,840 BS*029M2 ERF-0310 10°F 18,860 18,200 17,530 16,210 ERF-0310 0°F 15,330 14,760 14,200 13,080 BS*010H2 KAR-0100 40°F 12,910 12,410 11,910 10,920 BS*029M2 BS*010H2 KAR-0100 30°F 10,670 10,260 9,850 9,030 BS*030H2 ERF-0310 40°F 37,070 35,640 34,210 31,370 ERF-0310 30°F 30,820 29,630 28,450 26,070 BS*010H2 KAR-0100 25°F 9,630 9,260 8,890 8,150 BS*030H2 BS*010H2 KAR-0100 20°F 8,630 8,300 7,970 7,300 BS*030H2 ERF-0310 25°F 27,870 26,800 25,720 23,580 ERF-0310 20°F 25,100 24,130 23,160 21,240 BS*010H2 KAR-0100 10°F 6,830 6,570 6,310 5,780 BS*030H2 BS*010H2 KAR-0100 0°F - - - - BS*030H2 ERF-0310 10°F 20,160 19,380 18,600 17,050 BS*030H2 ERF-0310 0°F - - - - BS*010M2 KAM-0100 40°F - - - - BS*010M2 KAM-0100 30°F - - - - BS*010M2 KAM-0100 25°F 9,920 9,580 9,240 8,530 BS*010M2 KAM-0100 20°F 8,950 8,630 8,310 7,670 BS*010M2 KAM-0100 10°F 7,110 6,840 6,570 6,030 BS*010M2 KAM-0100 0°F 5,370 5,140 4,910 4,430 BS*015H2 KAG-0150 40°F 16,990 16,340 15,690 14,380 BS*015H2 KAG-0150 30°F 13,880 13,350 12,820 11,750 BS*015H2 KAG-0150 25°F 12,720 12,230 11,740 10,760 BS*015H2 KAG-0150 20°F 11,440 11,000 10,560 9,680 BS*015H2 KAG-0150 10°F 9,120 8,770 8,420 7,720 BS*015H2 KAG-0150 0°F - - - - BS*020H2 ERA-0200 40°F 22,270 21,310 19,300 17,200 BS*020H2 ERA-0200 30°F 16,800 15,900 15,000 13,400 BS*020H2 ERA-0200 25°F 14,500 13,700 12,900 11,500 BS*020H2 ERA-0200 20°F 12,300 11,500 10,800 9,540 BS*020H2 ERA-0200 10°F 7,970 7,220 6,540 5,510 BS*020H2 ERA-0200 0°F - - - - Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2A - 7 Section 2 Bohn Base Model Air-Cooled Condensing Units Unit Specifications ½ - 6 HP Horizontal Air Discharge Models with Hermetic Compressors * = T for Outdoor, N for Indoor, S for Beacon II™ † = RS Compressor not suitable for R-507 Bohn Base Model Compressor Connections (in.) Receiver Dimensions Approx. Liquid Suction 90% Full Fan(s) Cabinet Depth Width Height Net Weight (lbs.) (lbs.) ID ID (in.) (in.) (in.) Sound Data dBA High Temperature (R-404A/507) BH*005H6 RST45C1E 3/8 1/2 5.5 1 A 28-1/4 23-3/4 17-1/4 135 68 BH*009H6 RST64C1E 3/8 5/8 5.5 1 A 28-1/4 23-3/4 17-1/4 144 68 BH*010H6 RS70C1E† 3/8 5/8 5.5 1 A 28-1/4 23-3/4 17-1/4 138 68 BH*015H6 CS10K6E 3/8 5/8 9.0 2 B 28-1/4 37-3/4 17-1/4 193 71 BH*025H6 CS14K6E 3/8 7/8 9.0 2 B 28-1/4 37-3/4 17-1/4 208 74 BH*032H6 CS20K6E 1/2 7/8 20.0 1 D 30-1/4 42-1/2 29-3/4 275 76 BH*040H6 CS27K6E 1/2 1-1/8 20.0 1 D 30-1/4 42-1/2 29-3/4 281 73 BH*050H6 CS33K6E 1/2 1-1/8 20.0 1 D 30-1/4 42-1/2 29-3/4 313 73 5.5 1 A 28-1/4 23-3/4 17-1/4 135 68 Extended Temperature (R-404A/507) Section 2 BH*005X6 RST45C1E 3/8 1/2 BH*008X6 RST55C1E 3/8 1/2 5.5 1 A 28-1/4 23-3/4 17-1/4 135 68 BH*009X6 RST64C1E 3/8 5/8 5.5 1 A 28-1/4 23-3/4 17-1/4 144 68 BH*010X6 RS70C1E† 3/8 5/8 5.5 1 A 28-1/4 23-3/4 17-1/4 138 68 BH*015X6 CS10K6E 3/8 5/8 9.0 2 B 28-1/4 37-3/4 17-1/4 193 71 BH*020X6 CS12K6E 3/8 7/8 9.0 2 B 28-1/4 37-3/4 17-1/4 203 73 BH*025X6 CS14K6E 3/8 7/8 9.0 2 B 28-1/4 37-3/4 17-1/4 208 74 BH*030X6 CS18K6E 1/2 7/8 20.0 1 D 30-1/4 42-1/2 29-3/4 290 73 BH*032X6 CS20K6E 1/2 7/8 20.0 1 D 30-1/4 42-1/2 29-3/4 275 76 BH*040X6 CS27K6E 1/2 1-1/8 20.0 1 D 30-1/4 42-1/2 29-3/4 281 73 BH*050X6 CS33K6E 1/2 1-1/8 20.0 1 D 30-1/4 42-1/2 29-3/4 313 73 Low Temperature (R-404A/507) BH*011L6 CF04K6E 3/8 5/8 5.5 1 A 28-1/4 23-3/4 17-1/4 139 73 BH*014L6 CF06K6E 3/8 5/8 5.5 1 A 28-1/4 23-3/4 17-1/4 170 73 BH*019L6 CF06K6E 3/8 5/8 9.0 2 B 28-1/4 37-3/4 17-1/4 200 69 BH*025L6 CF09K6E 3/8 7/8 9.0 2 B 28-1/4 37-3/4 17-1/4 222 76 BH*031L6 CF12K6E 1/2 7/8 14.0 2 C 28-1/4 37-3/4 19-1/4 223 77 Medium & High Temperature (R-22) BH*005H2 ART82C1-CAV 3/8 1/2 6.0 1 A 28-1/4 23-3/4 17-1/4 135 67 BH*008H2 RS64C2 3/8 1/2 6.0 1 A 28-1/4 23-3/4 17-1/4 141 68 BH*010H2 RS70C1 3/8 5/8 6.0 1 A 28-1/4 23-3/4 17-1/4 136 68 BH*015H2 CR18KQ 3/8 5/8 10.0 2 B 28-1/4 37-3/4 17-1/4 189 71 BH*020H2 CR24KQ 3/8 7/8 10.0 2 B 28-1/4 37-3/4 17-1/4 193 72 BH*029M2 CR37KQ 1/2 7/8 16.0 2 C 28-1/4 37-3/4 19-1/4 214 72 BH*030H2 CR37KQ 1/2 7/8 22.0 1 D 30-1/4 42-1/2 29-3/4 281 73 BH*040H2 CR53KQ 1/2 1-1/8 22.0 1 D 30-1/4 42-1/2 29-3/4 299 73 BH*050H2 CRN-0500 1/2 1-1/8 22.0 1 D 30-1/4 42-1/2 29-3/4 310 75 Notes: Estimated sound pressure values are 10 feet from the unit. For estimating sound pressure from the unit at different distances, deduct the following from the unit values: 20 feet, deduct 6 dBA for 40 feet, deduct 12 dBA for 80 feet, deduct 18 dBA. This data is typical of “free field” conditions for horizontal air cooled condensing units at the outlet of the discharge air. The actual sound measurements may vary depending on the condensing unit installation. Factors such as reflecting walls, background noise and mounting conditions may have a significant influence on this data. 2A - 8 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensing Units Unit Specifications ½ - 6 HP Horizontal Air Discharge Models with Scroll Compressors * = T for Outdoor, N for Indoor, S for Beacon II™ Bohn Base Model Compressor Connections (in.) Receiver Dimensions Approx. 90% Full Fan(s) Cabinet Net Weight Liquid Suction Depth Width Height (lbs.) (lbs.) ID ID (in.) (in.) (in.) Sound Data dBA Medium Temperature (R-404A/507) BZ*020M6 ZS15K4E 1/2 7/8 14.0 2 C 28-1/4 37-3/4 19-1/4 209 71 BZ*025M6 ZS19K4E 1/2 7/8 14.0 BZ*030M6 ZS21K4E 1/2 7/8 20.0 2 C 28-1/4 37-3/4 19-1/4 218 73 1 D 30-1/4 42-1/2 29-3/4 287 72 BZ*035M6 ZS26K4E 1/2 7/8 BZ*045M6 ZS30K4E 1/2 1-1/8 20.0 1 D 30-1/4 42-1/2 29-3/4 290 74 20.0 1 D 30-1/4 42-1/2 29-3/4 317 73 BZ*055M6 ZS38K4E 1/2 BZ*060M6 ZS45K4E 1/2 1-1/8 20.0 1 D 30-1/4 42-1/2 29-3/4 317 74 1-1/8 20.0 1 D 30-1/4 42-1/2 29-3/4 317 76 BZ*020L6 ZF06K4E 1/2 7/8 14.0 2 C 28-1/4 37-3/4 19-1/4 209 71 BZ*025L6 ZF08K4E 1/2 7/8 14.0 2 C 28-1/4 37-3/4 19-1/4 218 73 BZ*030L6 ZF09K4E 1/2 7/8 14.0 2 C 28-1/4 37-3/4 19-1/4 218 71 BZ*035L6 ZF11K4E 1/2 7/8 14.0 2 C 28-1/4 37-3/4 19-1/4 217 73 BZ*045L6 ZF13K4E 1/2 1-1/8 20.0 1 D 30-1/4 42-1/2 29-3/4 307 73 BZ*055L6 ZF15K4E 1/2 1-1/8 20.0 1 D 30-1/4 42-1/2 29-3/4 313 74 BZ*060L6 ZF18K4E 1/2 1-1/8 20.0 1 D 30-1/4 42-1/2 29-3/4 317 76 Section 2 Low Temperature (R-404A/507) Notes: Estimated sound pressure values are 10 feet from the unit. For estimating sound pressure from the unit at different distances, deduct the following from the unit values: 20 feet, deduct 6 dBA for 40 feet, deduct 12 dBA for 80 feet, deduct 18 dBA. This data is typical of “free field” conditions for horizontal air cooled condensing units at the outlet of the discharge air. The actual sound measurements may vary depending on the condensing unit installation. Factors such as reflecting walls, background noise and mounting conditions may have a significant influence on this data. Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2A - 9 Air-Cooled Condensing Units Unit Specifications ½ - 6 HP Horizontal Air Discharge Models with Semi-Hermetic Compressors * = T for Outdoor, N for Indoor, S for Beacon II™ Bohn Base Model Compressor Connections (in.) Receiver Dimensions 90% Full Fan(s) Cabinet Liquid Suction Depth Width Height (lbs.) ID ID (in.) (in.) (in.) Approx. Net Weight (lbs.) Sound Data dBA Medium Temperature (R-404A/507) BS*010M6 KAR-010E 3/8 5/8 5.5 1 A 28-1/4 23-3/4 17-1/4 178 67 BS*020M6 KAK-020E 3/8 7/8 9.0 2 B 28-1/4 37-3/4 17-1/4 189 69 BS*021M6 ERC-021E 3/8 7/8 9.0 2 B 28-1/4 37-3/4 17-1/4 301 70 BS*030M6 ERF-031E 1/2 7/8 20.0 1 D 30-1/4 42-1/2 29-3/4 397 71 1/2 5.5 1 A 28-1/4 23-3/4 17-1/4 172 67 Section 2 Low Temperature (R-404A/507) BS*005L6 KAN-005E 3/8 BS*008L6 KAM-007E 3/8 5/8 5.5 1 A 28-1/4 23-3/4 17-1/4 172 67 BS*010L6 KAJ-010E 3/8 5/8 5.5 1 A 28-1/4 23-3/4 17-1/4 178 67 BS*015L6 KAL-015E 3/8 7/8 9.0 2 B 28-1/4 37-3/4 17-1/4 225 69 BS*020L6 EAD-020E 3/8 7/8 9.0 2 B 28-1/4 37-3/4 17-1/4 291 70 BS*021L6 EAV-021E 3/8 7/8 9.0 2 B 28-1/4 37-3/4 17-1/4 301 70 BS*030L6 LAH-032E 1/2 7/8 14.0 2 C 28-1/4 37-3/4 19-1/4 357 71 BS*030E6 LAC-032E 1/2 7/8 14.0 2 C 28-1/4 37-3/4 19-1/4 391 71 Medium & High Temperature (R-22) BS*008H2 KAN-0075 3/8 5/8 6.0 1 A 28-1/4 23-3/4 17-1/4 180 66 BS*008M2 KAE-0075 3/8 5/8 6.0 1 A 28-1/4 23-3/4 17-1/4 180 66 BS*010H2 KAR-0100 3/8 5/8 6.0 1 A 28-1/4 23-3/4 17-1/4 175 66 BS*010M2 KAM-0100 3/8 5/8 6.0 1 A 28-1/4 23-3/4 17-1/4 178 66 BS*015H2 KAG-0150 3/8 7/8 10.0 2 B 28-1/4 37-3/4 17-1/4 221 69 BS*020H2 ERA-0200 3/8 7/8 10.0 2 B 28-1/4 37-3/4 17-1/4 293 69 BS*020M2 KAK-0200 3/8 7/8 10.0 2 B 28-1/4 37-3/4 17-1/4 189 69 BS*021M2 ERC-0200 3/8 7/8 10.0 2 B 28-1/4 37-3/4 17-1/4 301 69 BS*029M2 ERF-0310 1/2 7/8 16.0 2 C 28-1/4 37-3/4 19-1/4 391 69 BS*030H2 ERF-0310 1/2 7/8 22.0 1 D 30-1/4 42-1/2 29-3/4 385 70 Notes: Estimated sound pressure values are 10 feet from the unit. For estimating sound pressure from the unit at different distances, deduct the following from the unit values: 20 feet, deduct 6 dBA for 40 feet, deduct 12 dBA for 80 feet, deduct 18 dBA. This data is typical of “free field” conditions for horizontal air cooled condensing units at the outlet of the discharge air. The actual sound measurements may vary depending on the condensing unit installation. Factors such as reflecting walls, background noise and mounting conditions may have a significant influence on this data. 2A - 10 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensing Units Electrical Data ½ - 6 HP Horizontal Air Discharge Models with Hermetic Compressors * = T for Outdoor, N for Indoor, S for Beacon II™ Bohn Base Model Compressor P/N Compressor Beacon II or Air Defrost Fan Motor Voltage RLA LRA Qty Motor FLA MCA MOPD HP Electric Defrost MCA MOPD Evap. Fans Elec. Htrs High Temperature (R-404A/507) BH*005H6B RST45C1E-CAV 208-230/1/60 4.5 26.5 1 1/15 0.5 15.0 15 - - - - BH*009H6B RST64C1E-CAV 208-230/1/60 7.6 43.0 1 1/15 0.5 15.0 15 - - - - BH*010H6B RS70C1E-PFV 208-230/1/60 6.9 34.2 1 1/15 0.5 15.0 15 - - - - BH*010H6C RS70C1E-TFC 208-230/3/60 4.7 31.0 1 1/15 0.5 15.0 15 - - - - BH*015H6B CS10K6E-PFV 208-230/1/60 11.1 56.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 25 - - - - BH*015H6C CS10K6E-TF5 208-230/3/60 7.2 51.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 15 - - - - BH*025H6B CS14K6E-PFV 208-230/1/60 12.4 61.0 2 1/15 1.0 20.0 25 - - - - BH*025H6C CS14K6E-TF5 208-230/3/60 8.5 55.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 20 - - - - BH*032H6B CS20K6E-PFV 208-230/1/60 17.9 96.0 1 1/3 3.5 25.9 40 - - - - BH*032H6C CS20K6E-TF5 208-230/3/60 13.3 75.0 1 1/3 3.5 20.2 30 - - - - BH*040H6K CS27K6E-TF5 230/3/60 14.1 105.0 1 1/3 3.5 21.1 35 - - - - BH*050H6K CS33K6E-TF5 230/3/60 16.5 102.0 1 1/3 3.5 24.2 40 - - - - BH*005X6B RST45C1E-CAV 208-230/1/60 4.6 26.5 1 1/15 0.5 15.0 15 20.0 20 8 15 BH*008X6B RST55C1E-CAV 208-230/1/60 6.1 33.7 1 1/15 0.5 15.0 15 20.0 20 8 15 BH*009X6B RST64C1E-CAV 208-230/1/60 8.0 43.0 1 1/15 0.5 15.0 15 20.0 20 6 15 BH*010X6B RS70C1E-PFV 208-230/1/60 6.3 34.2 1 1/15 0.5 15.0 15 20.0 20 7 15 BH*010X6C RS70C1E-TFC 208-230/3/60 4.2 31.0 1 1/15 0.5 15.0 15 20.0 20 8.6 15 BH*015X6B CS10K6E-PFV 208-230/1/60 9.8 56.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 20 24.0 25 6 19 BH*015X6C CS10K6E-TF5 208-230/3/60 6.7 51.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 15 20.0 20 7 15 BH*020X6B CS12K6E-PFV 208-230/1/60 9.8 56.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 20 24.0 25 6 19 BH*020X6C CS12K6E-TF5 208-230/3/60 6.7 51.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 15 24.0 25 9 19 BH*025X6B CS14K6E-PFV 208-230/1/60 11.2 61.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 25 29.0 30 6 23 BH*025X6C CS14K6E-TF5 208-230/3/60 8.2 55.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 15 24.0 25 9 19 BH*025X6D CS14K6E-TFD 460/3/60 4.2 28.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 15 20.0 20 ^ ^ BH*030X6B CS18K6E-PFV 208-230/1/60 14.4 82.0 1 1/3 3.5 21.0 35 38.0 45 12 30 23 BH*030X6C CS18K6E-TF5 208-230/3/60 9.4 65.5 1 1/3 3.5 15.0 20 29.0 30 7 BH*030X6D CS18K6E-TFD 460/3/60 3.9 33.0 1 1/3 1.9 15.0 15 24.0 25 ^ ^ BH*032X6B CS20K6E-PFV 208-230/1/60 16.7 96.0 1 1/3 3.5 24.0 40 38.0 50 12 30 23 BH*032X6C CS20K6E-TF5 208-230/3/60 10.3 75.0 1 1/3 3.5 20.0 25 29.0 30 7 BH*032X6D CS20K6E-TFD 460/3/60 4.6 40.0 1 1/3 1.9 15.0 15 24.0 25 ^ ^ BH*040X6B CS27K6E-PFV 208-230/1/60 21.5 121.0 1 1/3 3.5 30.3 50 44.0 60 12 35 BH*040X6C CS27K6E-TF5 208-230/3/60 13.7 105.0 1 1/3 3.5 20.7 30 38.0 45 12 30 BH*040X6D CS27K6E-TFD 460/3/60 7.6 52.0 1 1/3 1.9 15.0 15 29.0 30 11 23 BH*050X6B CS33K6E-PFV 208-230/1/60 27.6 125.0 1 1/3 3.5 38.0 50 59.0 60 12 47 BH*050X6C CS33K6E-TF5 208-230/3/60 16.8 102.0 1 1/3 3.5 24.5 40 38.0 50 12 30 BH*050X6D CS33K6E-TFD 460/3/60 8.8 48.0 1 1/3 1.9 15.0 20 29.0 30 10 23 Section 2 Extended Temperature (R-404A/507) Notes: Consult factory for 50 HZ applications. Per UL and NEC, RLA values have been calculated by dividing the Maximum Continuous Current (MCC) by 1.56. ^ = 230/1/60 Defrost Power Supplied by Customer (Outdoor & Indoor configurable models only). Customer supplied defrost power amps cannot exceed the electric defrost timer amp rating of 30A. Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2A - 11 Air-Cooled Condensing Units Electrical Data ½ - 6 HP Horizontal Air Discharge Models with Hermetic Compressors * = T for Outdoor, N for Indoor, S for Beacon II™ Bohn Base Model Compressor Compressor P/N Beacon II or Air Defrost Fan Motor Voltage RLA LRA Qty Motor FLA MCA MOPD HP Electric Defrost MCA MOPD Evap. Fans Elec. Htrs Low Temperature(R-404A/507) BH*011L6B CF04K6E-PFV 208-230/1/60 8.6 59.2 1 1/15 0.5 15.0 15 20.0 25 7 15 BH*011L6C CF04K6E-TF5 208-230/3/60 3.9 52.0 1 1/15 0.5 15.0 15 20.0 20 8 15 BH*014L6B CF06K6E-PFV 208-230/1/60 10.3 59.2 1 1/15 0.5 15.0 20 20.0 25 4 15 BH*014L6C CF06K6E-TF5 208-230/3/60 6.3 52.0 1 1/15 0.5 15.0 15 24.0 25 9 19 BH*019L6B CF06K6E-PFV 208-230/1/60 10.3 59.2 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 20 24.0 30 6 19 BH*019L6C CF06K6E-TF5 208-230/3/60 6.3 52.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 15 24.0 25 9 19 BH*025L6B CF09K6E-PFV 208-230/1/60 15 87.0 2 1/15 1.0 20.0 30 29.0 40 6 23 BH*025L6C CF09K6E-TF5 208-230/3/60 9.2 72.2 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 20 21.0 25 7 15 BH*031L6B CF12K6E-PFV 208-230/1/60 17 105.0 2 1/15 1.0 22.3 35 37.5 50 12 30 BH*031L6C CF12K6E-TF5 208-230/3/60 10.7 85.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 25 28.8 30 7 23 BH*031L6D CF12K6E-TFD 460/3/60 5.3 42.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 15 23.8 25 ^ ^ Section 2 High Temperature (R-22) BH*005H2B ART82C1-CAV 208-230/1/60 5.9 30.0 1 1/15 0.5 15.0 15 20.0 20 8 15 BH*008H2B RS64C2-CAV 208-230/1/60 6.9 37.0 1 1/15 0.5 15.0 15 20.0 20 8 15 BH*010H2B RS70C1-PFV 208-230/1/60 6.3 34.2 1 1/15 0.5 15.0 15 20.0 20 7 15 BH*010H2C RS70C1-TFC 208-230/3/60 4.2 31.0 1 1/15 0.5 15.0 15 20.0 20 8.6 15 BH*015H2B CR18KQ-PFV 208-230/1/60 8.1 41.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 15 24.0 25 6 19 BH*015H2C CR18KQ-TF5 208-230/3/60 4.9 40.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 15 24.0 20 7 19 BH*015H2D CR18KQ-TFD 460/3/60 2.8 23.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 15 20.0 20 ^ ^ BH*020H2B CR24KQ-PFV 208-230/1/60 12.2 70.5 2 1/15 1.0 20.0 25 29.0 30 6 23 BH*020H2C CR24KQ-TF5 208-230/3/60 6.7 40.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 15 24.0 25 9 19 BH*020H2D CR24KQ-TFD 460/3/60 3.6 28.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 15 20.0 20 ^ ^ BH*030H2B CR37KQ-PFV 208-230/1/60 16.7 100.3 1 1/3 3.5 24.3 35 15.0 50 12 30 BH*030H2C CR37KQ-TF5 208-230/3/60 9.9 85.0 1 1/3 3.5 20.0 25 38.0 40 12 30 BH*030H2D CR37KQ-TFD 460/3/60 5 39.0 1 1/3 1.9 15.0 15 24.0 25 ^ ^ BH*040H2B CR53KQ-PFV 208-230/1/60 26 140.0 1 1/3 3.5 36.0 50 48.0 60 12 35 BH*040H2C CR53KQ-TF5 208-230/3/60 16.3 107.0 1 1/3 3.5 23.9 40 38.0 50 12 30 BH*040H2D CR53KQ-TFD 460/3/60 8.1 55.0 1 1/3 1.9 15.0 15 29.0 30 11 23 BH*050H2B CRN5-0500-PFV 208-230/1/60 30.8 142.0 1 1/3 3.5 42.0 50 59.0 60 12 47 BH*050H2C CRN5-0500-TF5 208-230/3/60 19.2 130.0 1 1/3 3.5 28.0 45 40.0 50 12 30 BH*050H2D CRN5-0500-TFD 460/3/60 8.7 65.0 1 1/3 1.9 15.0 20 29.0 30 10 23 Medium Temperature (R-22) BH*029M2B CR37KQ-PFV 208-230/1/60 16.7 100.3 2 1/15 1.0 21.8 20 38.0 50 12 30 BH*029M2C CR37KQ-TF5 208-230/3/60 9.9 85.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 15 38.0 40 12 30 BH*029M2D CR37KQ-TFD 460/3/60 5 39.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 40 38.0 25 ^ ^ Notes: Consult factory for 50 HZ applications. Per UL and NEC, RLA values have been calculated by dividing the Maximum Continuous Current (MCC) by 1.56. ^ = 230/1/60 Defrost Power Supplied by Customer (Outdoor & Indoor configurable models only). Customer supplied defrost power amps cannot exceed the electric defrost timer amp rating of 30A. 2A - 12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensing Units Electrical Data ½ - 6 HP Horizontal Air Discharge Models with Scroll Compressors * = T for Outdoor, N for Indoor, S for Beacon II™ Bohn Base Model Compressor P/N Compressor Beacon II or Air Defrost Fan Motor Voltage RLA LRA Qty Electric Defrost Motor FLA MCA MOPD MCA HP MOPD Evap. Fans Elec. Htrs BZ*020M6B ZS15K4E-PFV 208-230/1/60 12.2 61.0 2 1/15 1.0 20.0 25 38.0 40 12 30 BZ*020M6C ZS15K4E-TF5 208-230/3/60 8.3 55.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 15 24.0 25 9 19 BZ*020M6D ZS15K4E-TFD 460/3/60 3.8 27.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 15 24.0 25 ^ ^ BZ*025M6B ZS19K4E-PFV 208-230/1/60 14.7 73.0 2 1/15 1.0 20.0 30 38.0 45 12 30 BZ*025M6C ZS19K4E-TF5 208-230/3/60 8.7 63.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 20 29.0 30 11 23 BZ*025M6D ZS19K4E-TFD 460/3/60 4.5 31.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 15 24.0 25 ^ ^ BZ*030M6B ZS21K4E-PFV 208-230/1/60 14.7 88.0 1 1/3 3.5 22.0 35 38.0 45 12 30 BZ*030M6C ZS21K4E-TF5 208-230/3/60 9.9 77.0 1 1/3 3.5 20.0 25 38.0 40 12 30 BZ*030M6D ZS21K4E-TFD 460/3/60 5.1 39.0 1 1/3 1.9 15.0 15 24.0 25 ^ ^ BZ*035M6B ZS26K4E-PFV 208-230/1/60 18.6 109.0 1 1/3 3.5 27.0 45 39.0 50 12 30 30 BZ*035M6C ZS26K4E-TF5 208-230/3/60 12.2 88.0 1 1/3 3.5 20.0 30 38.0 40 12 BZ*035M6D ZS26K4E-TFD 460/3/60 6.4 44.0 1 1/3 1.9 15.0 15 24.0 25 ^ ^ BZ*045M6B ZS30K4E-PFV 208-230/1/60 24.0 129.0 1 1/3 3.5 34.0 50 59.0 60 11 47 BZ*045M6C ZS30K4E-TF5 208-230/3/60 13.5 99.0 1 1/3 3.5 20.0 30 44.0 45 12 35 BZ*045M6D ZS30K4E-TFD 460/3/60 7.4 49.5 1 1/3 1.9 15.0 15 29.0 30 11 23 BZ*055M6B ZS38K4E-PFV 208-230/1/60 28.8 169.0 1 1/3 3.5 40.0 50 59.0 60 12 47 BZ*055M6C ZS38K4E-TF5 208-230/3/60 19.2 123.0 1 1/3 3.5 28.0 45 44.0 50 12 35 BZ*055M6D ZS38K4E-TFD 460/3/60 8.7 62.0 1 1/3 1.9 15.0 20 29.0 30 10 23 BZ*060M6C ZS45K4E-TF5 208-230/3/60 21.5 156.0 1 1/3 3.5 30.0 50 44.0 60 12 35 BZ*060M6D ZS45K4E-TFD 460/3/60 8.3 70.0 1 1/3 1.9 15.0 20 29.0 30 10.6 23 Section 2 Medium Temperature (R-404A/507) Low Temperature (R-404A/507) BZ*020L6B ZF06K4E-PFV 208-230/1/60 12.2 61.0 2 1/15 1.0 20.0 25 38.0 40 12 30 BZ*020L6C ZF06K4E-TF5 208-230/3/60 8.3 55.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 15 24.0 25 9 19 BZ*020L6D ZF06K4E-TFD 460/3/60 3.8 27.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 15 24.0 25 ^ ^ BZ*025L6B ZF08K4E-PFV 208-230/1/60 14.7 73.0 2 1/15 1.0 20.0 30 38.0 45 12 30 23 BZ*025L6C ZF08K4E-TF5 208-230/3/60 8.7 63.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 20 29.0 30 11 BZ*025L6D ZF08K4E-TFD 460/3/60 4.5 31.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 15 24.0 25 ^ ^ BZ*030L6B ZF09K4E-PFV 208-230/1/60 14.7 88.0 2 1/15 1.0 20.0 30 38.0 45 12 30 BZ*030L6C ZF09K4E-TF5 208-230/3/60 9.9 77.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 20 24.0 25 6 19 BZ*030L6D ZF09K4E-TFD 460/3/60 5.1 39.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 15 15.0 15 ^ ^ BZ*035L6B ZF11K4E-PFV 208-230/1/60 18.6 109.0 2 1/15 1.0 24.0 40 38.0 50 12 30 BZ*035L6C ZF11K4E-TF5 208-230/3/60 12.2 88.0 2 1/15 1.0 20.0 25 29.0 30 6 23 BZ*035L6D ZF11K4E-TFD 460/3/60 6.4 44.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 15 15.0 15 ^ ^ BZ*045L6B ZF13K4E-PFV 208-230/1/60 24.0 129.0 1 1/3 3.5 34.0 50 45.0 60 11 30 BZ*045L6C ZF13K4E-TF5 208-230/3/60 13.5 99.0 1 1/3 3.5 20.0 30 38.0 40 11 30 BZ*045L6D ZF13K4E-TFD 460/3/60 7.4 49.5 1 1/3 1.9 15.0 15 24.0 25 9 19 BZ*055L6B ZF15K4E-PFV 208-230/1/60 28.8 169.0 1 1/3 3.5 40.0 50 50.0 60 10 30 BZ*055L6C ZF15K4E-TF5 208-230/3/60 19.2 123.0 1 1/3 3.5 28.0 45 40.0 50 10 30 BZ*055L6D ZF15K4E-TFD 460/3/60 8.7 62.0 1 1/3 1.9 15.0 20 24.0 25 8 19 BZ*060L6C ZF18K4E-TF5 208-230/3/60 21.5 156.0 1 1/3 3.5 30.0 50 44.0 60 12 35 BZ*060L6D ZF18K4E-TFD 460/3/60 8.3 70.0 1 1/3 1.9 15.0 20 29.0 30 11 23 Notes: Consult factory for 50 HZ applications. Per UL and NEC, RLA values have been calculated by dividing the Maximum Continuous Current (MCC) by 1.56. ^ = 230/1/60 Defrost Power Supplied by Customer (Outdoor & Indoor configurable models only). Customer supplied defrost power amps cannot exceed the electric defrost timer amp rating of 30A. Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2A - 13 Air-Cooled Condensing Units Electrical Data ½ - 6 HP Horizontal Air Discharge Models with Semi-Hermetic Compressors * = T for Outdoor, N for Indoor, S for Beacon II™ Bohn Base Model Compressor Compressor P/N Beacon II or Air Defrost Fan Motor Voltage RLA LRA Qty Motor FLA MCA MOPD HP Electric Defrost MCA MOPD Evap. Fans Elec. Htrs Medium Temperature(R-404A/507) KARB-010E-CAV 208-230/1/60 6.4 40.0 1 1/15 0.5 15.0 15 20.0 20 7 15 BS*010M6C KARA-010E-TAC 208-230/3/60 3.8 27.0 1 1/15 0.5 15.0 15 20.0 20 9 15 BS*020M6B KAKB-021E-CAV 208-230/1/60 9.1 55.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 20 24.0 25 6 19 BS*020M6C KAKA-020E-TAC 208-230/3/60 5.8 50.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 15 24.0 25 9 19 19 BS*010M6B BS*021M6C ERCA-021E-TAC 208-230/3/60 7.9 46.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 15 24.0 25 9 BS*021M6D ERCA-020E-TAD 460/3/60 3.1 23.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 15 20.0 20 ^ ^ BS*030M6C ERFA-031E-TAC 208-230/3/60 11.2 82.0 1 1/3 3.5 20.0 25 38.0 40 12 30 BS*030M6D ERFA-031E-TAD 460/3/60 5.2 41.0 1 1/3 1.9 15.0 15 24.0 25 ^ ^ Low Temperature (R-404A/507) KANB-005E-CAV 208-230/1/60 3.1 24.0 1 1/15 0.5 15.0 15 20.0 20 9 15 BS*005L6C KANA-006E-TAC 208-230/3/60 2.0 13.2 1 1/15 0.5 15.0 15 20.0 20 9.6 15 BS*008L6B KAMB-007E-CAV 208-230/1/60 5.1 36.0 1 1/15 0.5 15.0 15 20.0 20 8 15 BS*008L6C KAMA-007E-TAC 208-230/3/60 2.9 19.9 1 1/15 0.5 15.0 15 20.0 20 9 15 Section 2 BS*005L6B BS*010L6B KAJB-010E-CAV 208-230/1/60 6.2 40.0 1 1/15 0.5 15.0 15 20.0 20 8 15 BS*010L6C KAJA-011E-TAC 208-230/3/60 4.1 27.0 1 1/15 0.5 15.0 15 20.0 20 9 15 BS*015L6B KALB-015E-CAV 208-230/1/60 8.9 55.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 20 24.0 25 8 19 BS*015L6C KALA-016E-TAC 208-230/3/60 6.0 50.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 15 20.0 20 7.6 15 BS*015L6D KALA-016E-TAD 460/3/60 3.1 25.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 15 20.0 20 9 15 BS*020L6C EADA-020E-TAC 208-230/3/60 6.1 46.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 15 20.0 20 7 15 BS*021L6B EAVB-021E-CAV 208-230/1/60 13.2 102.0 2 1/15 1.0 20.0 30 29.0 30 4 23 BS*021L6C EAVA-021E-TAC 208-230/3/60 6.6 50.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 15 20.0 20 7 15 BS*021L6D EAVA-021E-TAD 460/3/60 2.9 26.6 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 15 20.0 20 9 15 BS*030L6C LAHA-032E-TAC 208-230/3/60 11.5 112.0 2 1/15 1.0 20.0 25 29.0 35 12 23 BS*030L6D LAHA-032E-TAD 460/3/60 5.4 56.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 15 15.0 15 ^ ^ Extra Low Temperature (R-404A/507) BS*030E6C LACA-032E-TAC 208-230/3/60 11.5 112.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 25 29.0 35 12 23 BS*030E6D LACA-032E-TAD 460/3/60 5.4 56.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 15 15.0 15 ^ ^ KAN2-0075-CAV 208-230/1/60 5.4 36.0 1 1/15 0.5 15.0 15 20.0 20 8 15 BS*008H2C KAN1-0075-TAC 208-230/3/60 3.1 19.9 1 1/15 0.5 15.0 15 20.0 20 9 15 BS*010H2B KAR2-0100-CAV 208-230/1/60 6.6 40.0 1 1/15 0.5 15.0 15 20.0 20 7 15 BS*010H2C KAR1-0100-TAC 208-230/3/60 3.8 27.0 1 1/15 0.5 15.0 15 20.0 20 9 15 High Temperature (R-22) BS*008H2B BS*015H2B KAGB-0150-CAV 208-230/1/60 8.6 55.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 20 24.0 25 9 19 BS*015H2C KAGA-0150-TAC 208-230/3/60 4.9 35.5 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 15 20.0 20 8 15 BS*015H2D KAGA-0150-TAD 460/3/60 2.2 18.2 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 15 20.0 20 ^ ^ 19 BS*020H2C ERA1-0200-TAC 208-230/3/60 5.9 46.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 15 24.0 25 9 BS*020H2D ERA1-0200-TAD 460/3/60 3.1 46.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 15 20.0 20 ^ ^ BS*030H2C ERF1-0311-TAC 208-230/3/60 11.2 82.0 1 1/3 3.5 20.0 25 38.0 40 12 30 BS*030H2D ERF1-0311-TAD 460/3/60 5.2 41.0 1 1/3 1.9 15.0 15 24.0 25 ^ ^ Notes: Consult factory for 50 HZ applications. Per UL and NEC, RLA values have been calculated by dividing the Maximum Continuous Current (MCC) by 1.56. ^ = 230/1/60 Defrost Power Supplied by Customer (Outdoor & Indoor configurable models only). Customer supplied defrost power amps cannot exceed the electric defrost timer amp rating of 30A. 2A - 14 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensing Units Electrical Data ½ - 6 HP Horizontal Air Discharge Models with Semi-Hermetic Compressors * = T for Outdoor, N for Indoor, S for Beacon II™ Bohn Base Model Compressor Compressor P/N Beacon II or Air Defrost Fan Motor Voltage RLA LRA Qty Motor FLA MCA MOPD HP Electric Defrost MCA MOPD Evap. Fans Elec. Htrs Medium Temperature (R-22) BS*008M2B KAE2-0075-CAV 208-230/1/60 4.9 36.0 1 1/15 0.5 15.0 15 20.0 20 8 15 BS*008M2C KAE1-0075-TAC 208-230/3/60 3.0 19.9 1 1/15 0.5 15.0 15 20.0 20 9 15 BS*010M2B KAM2-0100-CAV 208-230/1/60 6.7 40.0 1 1/15 0.5 15.0 15 20.0 20 7 15 BS*010M2C KAM1-0100-TAC 208-230/3/60 4.0 27.0 1 1/15 0.5 15.0 15 20.0 20 9 15 KAKB-0200-CAV 208-230/1/60 9.5 55.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 20 24.0 25 6 19 KAKA-0200-TAC 208-230/3/60 6.1 50.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 15 24.0 25 9 19 BS*021M2C ERC1-0200-TAC 208-230/3/60 6.1 46.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 15 24.0 25 9 19 BS*021M2D ERC1-0200-TAD 460/3/60 3.3 23.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 15 20.0 20 ^ ^ BS*029M2C ERF1-0311-TAC 208-230/3/60 11.2 82.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 25 29.0 35 12 23 BS*029M2D ERF1-0311-TAD 460/3/60 5.2 41.0 2 1/15 1.0 15.0 15 15.0 25 ^ ^ Section 2 BS*020M2B BS*020M2C Notes: Consult factory for 50 HZ applications. Per UL and NEC, RLA values have been calculated by dividing the Maximum Continuous Current (MCC) by 1.56. ^ = 230/1/60 Defrost Power Supplied by Customer (Outdoor & Indoor configurable models only). Customer supplied defrost power amps cannot exceed the electric defrost timer amp rating of 30A. Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2A - 15 Air-Cooled Condensing Units ½ - 6 HP Horizontal Air Discharge Standard & Configurable Models Pricing Configurable Models Standard Outdoor • • • • Prepainted galvanized cabinet Head pressure control valve Crankcase heater Fixed low pressure control for H2, M2, M6, & H6 models. • Adjustable low pressure control for L6 & X6 models • Liquid-line drier assembly • Electric defrost timer on 011035L6 and electric defrost kit on 040-060L6 Standard Outdoor Bohn Model List Price ($US) Outdoor (T) Indoor (N) • • • • Prepainted galvanized cabinet Head pressure control valve Crankcase heater Fixed low pressure control for H2, M2, M6, & H6 models. • Adjustable low pressure control for L6 & X6 models Need to customize? Outdoor (T) Bohn Model • • • • No cabinet hood Fan guards Wiring conduit Fixed low pressure control for H2, M2, M6, & H6 models. • Adjustable low pressure control for L6 & X6 models • • • • Outdoor Unit with hood Head pressure control valve Wired for Beacon II™ control Beacon II™ fan cycling for two fan units only Look at the factory-installed options starting on page 2A-21. Indoor (N) List Price ($US) Beacon II™ Outdoor (S) Beacon II™ Outdoor (S) List Bohn Model Price Bohn Model ($US) List Price ($US) Voltage Cabinet Notes - Section 2 Hermetic High Temperature (R-404A/507) BHT005H6BF 5,506 BHT005H6B 5,013 BHN005H6B 3,979 BHS005H6B 5,427 208-230/1/60 A BHT009H6BF 5,947 BHT009H6B 5,454 BHN009H6B 4,198 BHS009H6B 5,866 208-230/1/60 A - BHT010H6BF 6,259 BHT010H6B 5,766 BHN010H6B 4,507 BHS010H6B 6,179 208-230/1/60 A See footnote 1 BHT010H6CF 6,183 BHT010H6C 5,690 BHN010H6C 4,574 BHS010H6C 6,102 208-230/3/60 A See footnote 1 BHT015H6BF 6,790 BHT015H6B 6,297 BHN015H6B 5,031 BHS015H6B 7,070 208-230/1/60 B - BHT015H6CF 6,767 BHT015H6C 6,274 BHN015H6C 5,010 BHS015H6C 7,045 208-230/3/60 B - BHT025H6BF 7,459 BHT025H6B 6,966 BHN025H6B 5,955 BHS025H6B 7,593 208-230/1/60 B - BHT025H6CF 7,283 BHT025H6C 6,790 BHN025H6C 5,817 BHS025H6C 7,418 208-230/3/60 B - BHT032H6BF 8,229 BHT032H6B 7,658 BHN032H6B 6,745 BHS032H6B 8,070 208-230/1/60 D - BHT032H6CF 8,055 BHT032H6C 7,484 BHN032H6C 6,569 BHS032H6C 7,898 208-230/3/60 D - BHT040H6KF 9,743 BHT040H6K 9,172 BHN040H6K 8,290 BHS040H6K 9,582 230/3/60 D - BHT050H6KF 10,560 BHT050H6K 9,989 BHN050H6K 9,107 BHS050H6K 10,402 230/3/60 D See footnote 2 Hermetic Extended Temperature (R-404A/507) BHT005X6BFM 5,652 BHT005X6B 5,159 BHN005X6B 4,125 BHS005X6B 5,572 208-230/1/60 A BHT005X6BFMT 6,176 - - - - - - 208-230/1/60 A See footnote 3 BHT008X6BFM 5,702 BHT008X6B 5,209 BHN008X6B 4,160 BHS008X6B 5,621 208-230/1/60 A See footnote 2 BHT008X6BFMT 6,226 - - - - - - 208-230/1/60 A See footnote 3 BHT009X6BFM 6,092 BHT009X6B 5,599 BHN009X6B 4,344 BHS009X6B 6,012 208-230/1/60 A See footnote 2 BHT009X6BFMT 6,616 - - - - - - 208-230/1/60 A See footnote 3 BHT010X6BFM 6,405 BHT010X6B 5,912 BHN010X6B 4,652 BHS010X6B 6,324 208-230/1/60 A See footnote 1, 2 BHT010X6BFMT 6,929 - - - - - - 208-230/1/60 A See footnote 1, 3 BHT010X6CFM 6,327 BHT010X6C 5,834 BHN010X6C 4,574 BHS010X6C 6,248 208-230/3/60 A See footnote 1, 2 BHT010X6CFMT 6,851 - - - - - - 208-230/3/60 A See footnote 1, 3 See footnote 2 BHT015X6BFM 6,936 BHT015X6B 6,443 BHN015X6B 5,175 BHS015X6B 7,214 208-230/1/60 B BHT015X6BFMT 7,460 - - - - - - 208-230/1/60 B See footnote 3 BHT015X6CFM 6,912 BHT015X6C 6,419 BHN015X6C 5,155 BHS015X6C 7,190 208-230/3/60 B See footnote 2 BHT015X6CFMT 7,436 - - - - - - 208-230/3/60 B See footnote 3 BHT020X6BFM 7,308 BHT020X6B 6,815 BHN020X6B 5,547 BHS020X6B 7,587 208-230/1/60 B See footnote 2 BHT020X6BFMT 7,832 - - - - - - 208-230/1/60 B See footnote 3 Notes: 1. Not Suitable for R-507 2. Suction accumulator is available as an option. 3. Includes electric defrost timer. 4. Includes air defrost timer. Suitable for medium temperature applications only. 5. Includes standard liquid line required for liquid injection. Can also be used for R-22 medium and low temperature applications. 6. Model provided with Round Tube Plate Fin (RTPF) condenser coil instead of microchannel coil. 2A - 16 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensing Units ½ - 6 HP Horizontal Air Discharge Standard & Configurable Models Pricing Bohn Model Outdoor (T) Indoor (N) List Price ($US) Bohn Model List Price ($US) Beacon II™ Outdoor (S) List Bohn Model Price Bohn Model ($US) List Price ($US) Voltage Cabinet Notes See footnote 2 BHT020X6CFM 7,452 BHT020X6C 6,959 BHN020X6C 5,694 BHS020X6C 7,730 208-230/3/60 B BHT020X6CFMT 7,976 - - - - - - 208-230/3/60 B See footnote 3 BHT025X6BFM 7,898 BHT025X6B 7,405 BHN025X6B 6,100 BHS025X6B 7,739 208-230/1/60 B See footnote 2 BHT025X6BFMT 8,422 - - - - - - 208-230/1/60 B See footnote 3 BHT025X6CFM 7,759 BHT025X6C 7,266 BHN025X6C 5,963 BHS025X6C 7,563 208-230/3/60 B See footnote 2 BHT025X6CFMT 8,283 - - - - - - 208-230/3/60 B See footnote 3 - - BHT025X6D 8,139 BHN025X6D 6,834 BHS025X6D 8,452 460/3/60 B See footnote 2 BHT030X6BFM 7,929 BHT030X6B 7,358 BHN030X6B 6,444 BHS030X6B 7,771 208-230/1/60 D See footnote 2 BHT030X6BFMT 8,453 - - - - - - 208-230/1/60 D See footnote 4 BHT030X6CFM 7,755 BHT030X6C 7,184 BHN030X6C 6,273 BHS030X6C 7,595 208-230/3/60 D See footnote 2 BHT030X6CFMT 8,279 - - - - - - 208-230/3/60 D See footnote 4 - - BHT030X6D 8,071 BHN030X6D 7,159 BHS030X6D 8,484 460/3/60 D See footnote 2 BHT032X6BFM 8,374 BHT032X6B 7,803 BHN032X6B 6,891 BHS032X6B 8,216 208-230/1/60 D See footnote 2 BHT032X6BFMT 8,898 - - - - - - 208-230/1/60 D See footnote 4 BHT032X6CFM 8,201 BHT032X6C 7,630 BHN032X6C 6,714 BHS032X6C 8,043 208-230/3/60 D See footnote 2 BHT032X6CFMT 8,725 - - - - - - 208-230/3/60 D See footnote 4 - - BHT032X6D 8,538 BHN032X6D 7,626 BHS032X6D 8,952 460/3/60 D See footnote 2 BHT040X6BFM 10,096 BHT040X6B 9,525 BHN040X6B 8,641 BHS040X6B 9,936 208-230/1/60 D See footnote 2 BHT040X6BFMT 10,620 BHT040X6CFM 9,888 BHT040X6CFMT 10,412 - - - - - - 208-230/1/60 D See footnote 4 BHT040X6C 9,317 BHN040X6C 8,434 BHS040X6C 9,728 208-230/3/60 D See footnote 2 See footnote 4 - - - - - - 208-230/3/60 D - - BHT040X6D 10,352 BHN040X6D 9,471 BHS040X6D 10,766 460/3/60 D See footnote 2 BHT050X6BFM 10,931 BHT050X6B 10,360 BHN050X6B 9,476 BHS050X6B 10,771 208-230/1/60 D See footnote 2 See footnote 4 BHT050X6BFMT 11,456 BHT050X6CFM 10,705 BHT050X6CFMT 11,229 - - - - - - - - 208-230/1/60 D BHT050X6C 10,134 BHN050X6C 9,252 BHS050X6C 10,548 208-230/3/60 D See footnote 2 - - - - - - 208-230/3/60 D See footnote 4 BHT050X6D 11,259 BHN050X6D 10,376 BHS050X6D 11,670 460/3/60 D See footnote 2 Hermetic Low Temperature (R-404A/507) BHT011L6BF 6,761 BHT011L6B 5,744 BHN011L6B 4,689 BHS011L6B 6,156 208-230/1/60 A - BHT011L6CF 6,873 BHT011L6C 5,856 BHN011L6C 4,782 BHS011L6C 6,268 208-230/3/60 A - BHT014L6BF 6,787 BHT014L6B 5,770 BHN014L6B 4,719 BHS014L6B 6,183 208-230/1/60 A - BHT014L6CF 6,916 BHT014L6C 5,899 BHN014L6C 4,831 BHS014L6C 6,313 208-230/3/60 A - BHT019L6BF 7,102 BHT019L6B 6,085 BHN019L6B 4,926 BHS019L6B 6,678 208-230/1/60 B - BHT019L6CF 7,323 BHT019L6C 6,306 BHN019L6C 5,136 BHS019L6C 6,885 208-230/3/60 B - BHT025L6BF 7,415 BHT025L6B 6,398 BHN025L6B 5,130 BHS025L6B 7,169 208-230/1/60 B - BHT025L6CF 7,728 BHT025L6C 6,711 BHN025L6C 5,440 BHS025L6C 7,482 208-230/3/60 B - BHT031L6BF 9,765 BHT031L6B 8,670 BHN031L6B 7,807 BHS031L6B 9,443 208-230/1/60 C - BHT031L6CF 9,898 BHT031L6C 8,803 BHN031L6C 7,938 BHS031L6C 9,575 208-230/3/60 C - - - BHT031L6D 9,280 BHN031L6D 8,415 BHS031L6D 10,050 460/3/60 C - Notes: 1. Not Suitable for R-507 2. Suction accumulator is available as an option. 3. Includes electric defrost timer. 4. Includes air defrost timer. Suitable for medium temperature applications only. 5. Includes standard liquid line required for liquid injection. Can also be used for R-22 medium and low temperature applications. 6. Model provided with Round Tube Plate Fin (RTPF) condenser coil instead of microchannel coil. Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2A - 17 Section 2 Standard Outdoor Air-Cooled Condensing Units ½ - 6 HP Horizontal Air Discharge Standard & Configurable Models Pricing Standard Outdoor Bohn Model List Price ($US) Outdoor (T) Bohn Model List Price ($US) Indoor (N) Beacon II™ Outdoor (S) List Bohn Model Price Bohn Model ($US) List Price ($US) Voltage Cabinet Notes Section 2 Hermetic High Temperature (R-22) BHT005H2BF 5,843 BHT005H2B 5,350 BHN005H2B 4,194 BHS005H2B 5,804 208-230/1/60 A - BHT008H2BF 5,866 BHT008H2B 5,373 BHN008H2B 4,216 BHS008H2B 5,830 208-230/1/60 A - BHT010H2BF 6,609 BHT010H2B 6,116 BHN010H2B 4,662 BHS010H2B 6,569 208-230/1/60 A - BHT010H2CF 6,498 BHT010H2C 6,005 BHN010H2C 4,840 BHS010H2C 6,461 208-230/3/60 A - BHT015H2BF 7,330 BHT015H2B 6,837 BHN015H2B 5,437 BHS015H2B 7,689 208-230/1/60 B - BHT015H2CF 7,506 BHT015H2C 7,013 BHN015H2C 5,612 BHS015H2C 7,866 208-230/3/60 B - - - BHT015H2D 8,220 BHN015H2D 6,562 BHS015H2D 9,072 460/3/60 B - BHT020H2BF 7,698 BHT020H2B 7,205 BHN020H2B 5,753 BHS020H2B 8,059 208-230/1/60 B - BHT020H2CF 7,990 BHT020H2C 7,497 BHN020H2C 6,042 BHS020H2C 8,350 208-230/3/60 B - - - BHT020H2D 8,789 BHN020H2D 7,334 BHS020H2D 9,641 460/3/60 B - BHT030H2BF 8,945 BHT030H2B 8,374 BHN030H2B 7,317 BHS030H2B 8,831 208-230/1/60 D See footnote 6 BHT030H2CF 8,870 BHT030H2C 8,299 BHN030H2C 7,257 BHS030H2C 8,757 208-230/3/60 D See footnote 6 - - BHT030H2D 9,305 BHN030H2D 8,132 BHS030H2D 9,760 460/3/60 D See footnote 6 BHT040H2BF 11,658 BHT040H2B 11,087 BHN040H2B 10,073 BHS040H2B 11,541 208-230/1/60 D See footnote 6 BHT040H2CF 11,223 BHT040H2C 10,652 BHN040H2C 9,657 BHS040H2C 11,107 208-230/3/60 D See footnote 6 - - BHT040H2D 11,720 BHN040H2D 10,708 BHS040H2D 12,175 460/3/60 D See footnote 6 BHT050H2BF 12,620 BHT050H2B 12,049 BHN050H2B 11,036 BHS050H2B 12,504 208-230/1/60 D See footnote 6 BHT050H2CF 12,271 BHT050H2C 11,700 BHN050H2C 10,692 BHS050H2C 12,155 208-230/3/60 D See footnote 6 - - BHT050H2D 12,882 BHN050H2D 11,988 BHS050H2D 13,338 460/3/60 D See footnote 6 BHN029M2B 6,924 BHS029M2B 8,774 208-230/1/60 C - Hermetic Medium Temperature (R-22) - - BHT029M2B 7,919 BHT029M2CF - 8,427 BHT029M2C 7,856 BHN029M2C 6,866 BHS029M2C 8,711 208-230/3/60 C - - BHT029M2D 8,927 BHN029M2D 7,802 BHS029M2D 9,780 460/3/60 C - Scroll Medium Temperature (R-404A/507) - - BZT020M6B 7,660 BZN020M6B 7,054 BZS020M6B 8,432 208-230/1/60 C - - - BZT020M6C 7,720 BZN020M6C 7,113 BZS020M6C 8,493 208-230/3/60 C - - - BZT020M6D 8,166 BZN020M6D 7,555 BZS020M6D 8,936 460/3/60 C - - - BZT025M6B 7,824 BZN025M6B 7,215 BZS025M6B 8,595 208-230/1/60 C - - - BZT025M6C 7,941 BZN025M6C 7,337 BZS025M6C 8,714 208-230/3/60 C - - - BZT025M6D 8,390 BZN025M6D 7,781 BZS025M6D 9,162 460/3/60 C - - - BZT030M6B 8,449 BZN030M6B 7,838 BZS030M6B 8,859 208-230/1/60 D - - - BZT030M6C 8,613 BZN030M6C 8,006 BZS030M6C 9,025 208-230/3/60 D - - - BZT030M6D 8,989 BZN030M6D 8,379 BZS030M6D 9,399 460/3/60 D - - - BZT035M6B 9,382 BZN035M6B 8,772 BZS035M6B 9,793 208-230/1/60 D - - - BZT035M6C 9,546 BZN035M6C 8,939 BZS035M6C 9,959 208-230/3/60 D - - - BZT035M6D 9,921 BZN035M6D 9,312 BZS035M6D 10,335 460/3/60 D - - - BZT045M6B 10,188 BZN045M6B 9,578 BZS045M6B 10,599 208-230/1/60 D - - - BZT045M6C 10,355 BZN045M6C 9,747 BZS045M6C 10,769 208-230/3/60 D - - - BZT045M6D 10,729 BZN045M6D 10,164 BZS045M6D 11,142 460/3/60 D - - - BZT055M6B 10,851 BZN055M6B 10,243 BZS055M6B 11,264 208-230/1/60 D - Notes: 1. Not Suitable for R-507 2. Suction accumulator is available as an option. 3. Includes electric defrost timer. 4. Includes air defrost timer. Suitable for medium temperature applications only. 5. Includes standard liquid line required for liquid injection. Can also be used for R-22 medium and low temperature applications. 6. Model provided with Round Tube Plate Fin (RTPF) condenser coil instead of microchannel coil. 2A - 18 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensing Units ½ - 6 HP Horizontal Air Discharge Standard & Configurable Models Pricing Standard Outdoor Bohn Model List Price ($US) - Outdoor (T) Indoor (N) Beacon II™ Outdoor (S) Bohn Model List Price ($US) List Bohn Model Price Bohn Model ($US) List Price ($US) Voltage Cabinet Notes - BZT055M6C 11,020 BZN055M6C 10,411 - BZT055M6D 11,394 BZN055M6D 10,782 BZS055M6C 11,431 208-230/3/60 D - BZS055M6D 11,807 460/3/60 D BZT060M6CF 12,914 BZT060M6C 12,343 BZN060M6C 11,721 - BZS060M6C 12,755 208-230/3/60 D See footnote 6 - - BZT060M6D 12,718 BZN060M6D 12,093 BZS060M6D 13,129 460/3/60 D See footnote 6 9,305 BZN020L6B 8,697 BZS020L6B 10,078 208-230/1/60 C See footnote 5 - - BZT020L6B - - BZT020L6C 9,483 BZN020L6C 8,874 BZS020L6C 10,256 208-230/3/60 C See footnote 5 - - BZT020L6D 9,951 BZN020L6D 9,343 BZS020L6D 10,723 460/3/60 C See footnote 5 - - BZT025L6B 9,478 BZN025L6B 8,870 BZS025L6B 10,251 208-230/1/60 C See footnote 5 - - BZT025L6C 9,647 BZN025L6C 9,037 BZS025L6C 10,419 208-230/3/60 C See footnote 5 - - BZT025L6D 10,118 BZN025L6D 9,506 BZS025L6D 10,889 460/3/60 C See footnote 5 - - BZT030L6B 9,814 BZN030L6B 9,204 BZS030L6B 10,587 208-230/1/60 C See footnote 5 BZT030L6CF 10,520 BZT030L6C 9,996 BZN030L6C 9,385 BZS030L6C 10,768 208-230/3/60 C See footnote 5 - - BZT030L6D 10,470 BZN030L6D 9,861 BZS030L6D 11,242 460/3/60 C See footnote 5 BZT035L6BF 11,298 BZT035L6B 10,773 BZN035L6B 10,164 BZS035L6B 11,545 208-230/1/60 C See footnote 5 BZT035L6CF 11,466 BZT035L6C 10,942 BZN035L6C 10,334 BZS035L6C 11,713 208-230/3/60 C See footnote 5 - - BZT035L6D 11,419 BZN035L6D 10,809 BZS035L6D 12,188 460/3/60 C See footnote 5 - - BZT045L6B 12,071 BZN045L6B 11,464 BZS045L6B 12,483 208-230/1/60 D See footnote 5 BZT045L6CF 12,984 BZT045L6C 12,237 BZN045L6C 11,627 BZS045L6C 12,649 208-230/3/60 D See footnote 5 - - BZT045L6D 12,611 BZN045L6D 11,999 BZS045L6D 13,020 460/3/60 D See footnote 5 - - BZT055L6B 12,445 BZN055L6B 11,835 BZS055L6B 12,857 208-230/1/60 D See footnote 5 BZT055L6CF 13,358 BZT055L6C 12,611 BZN055L6C 11,999 BZS055L6C 13,020 208-230/3/60 D See footnote 5 - - BZT055L6D 12,985 BZN055L6D 12,378 BZS055L6D 13,396 460/3/60 D See footnote 5 BZT060L6CF 14,157 BZT060L6C 13,410 BZN060L6C 12,802 BZS060L6C 13,821 208-230/3/60 D See footnote 5 - - BZT060L6D 13,783 BZN060L6D 13,175 BZS060L6D 14,195 460/3/60 D See footnote 5 Semi-Hermetic Medium Temperature (R-404A/507) - - BST010M6B 7,342 BSN010M6B 6,377 BSS010M6B 7,754 208-230/1/60 A - - - BST010M6C 7,361 BSN010M6C 6,399 BSS010M6C 7,773 208-230/3/60 A - - - BST020M6B 9,568 BSN020M6B 8,573 BSS020M6B 10,340 208-230/1/60 B See footnote 6 - - BST020M6C 9,422 BSN020M6C 8,412 BSS020M6C 10,193 208-230/3/60 B See footnote 6 - - BST021M6C 10,479 BSN021M6C 9,470 BSS021M6C 11,250 208-230/3/60 B See footnote 6 - - BST021M6D 11,065 BSN021M6D 10,054 BSS021M6D 11,837 460/3/60 B See footnote 6 - - BST030M6C 12,498 BSN030M6C 11,613 BSS030M6C 12,912 208-230/3/60 D See footnote 6 - - BST030M6D 13,079 BSN030M6D 12,196 BSS030M6D 13,494 460/3/60 D See footnote 6 Semi-Hermetic Low Temperature (R-404A/507) - - BST005L6B 6,487 BSN005L6B 5,701 BSS005L6B 6,898 208-230/1/60 A - - - BST005L6C 6,567 BSN005L6C 5,781 BSS005L6C 6,977 208-230/3/60 A - - - BST008L6B 7,013 BSN008L6B 6,048 BSS008L6B 7,426 208-230/1/60 A - - - BST008L6C 7,030 BSN008L6C 6,066 BSS008L6C 7,442 208-230/3/60 A - - - BST010L6B 7,489 BSN010L6B 6,528 BSS010L6B 7,899 208-230/1/60 A - - - BST010L6C 7,497 BSN010L6C 6,541 BSS010L6C 7,909 208-230/3/60 A - Notes: 1. Not Suitable for R-507 2. Suction accumulator is available as an option. 3. Includes electric defrost timer. 4. Includes air defrost timer. Suitable for medium temperature applications only. 5. Includes standard liquid line required for liquid injection. Can also be used for R-22 medium and low temperature applications. 6. Model provided with Round Tube Plate Fin (RTPF) condenser coil instead of microchannel coil. Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2A - 19 Section 2 Scroll Low Temperature (R-404A/507) Air-Cooled Condensing Units ½ - 6 HP Horizontal Air Discharge Standard & Configurable Models Pricing Standard Outdoor Bohn Model List Price ($US) Outdoor (T) Bohn Model List Price ($US) Indoor (N) Beacon II™ Outdoor (S) List Bohn Model Price Bohn Model ($US) List Price ($US) Voltage Cabinet Notes BST015L6BF 9,881 BST015L6B 8,864 BSN015L6B 7,877 BSS015L6B 9,635 208-230/1/60 B See footnote 6 BST015L6CF 9,846 BST015L6C 8,829 BSN015L6C 7,844 BSS015L6C 9,602 208-230/3/60 B See footnote 6 - - BST015L6D 10,427 BSN015L6D 9,430 BSS015L6D 11,198 460/3/60 B See footnote 6 BST020L6CF 11,535 BST020L6C 10,518 BSN020L6C 9,516 BSS020L6C 11,289 208-230/3/60 B See footnote 6 BST021L6BF 11,961 BST021L6B 10,944 BSN021L6B 9,940 BSS021L6B 11,717 208-230/1/60 B See footnote 6 BST021L6CF 11,816 BST021L6C 10,799 BSN021L6C 9,794 BSS021L6C 11,569 208-230/3/60 B See footnote 6 - - BST021L6D 12,462 BSN021L6D 11,453 BSS021L6D 13,236 460/3/60 B See footnote 6 BST030L6CF 13,610 BST030L6C 12,515 BSN030L6C 11,637 BSS030L6C 13,288 208-230/3/60 C See footnote 6 - - BST030L6D 13,573 BSN030L6D 12,587 BSS030L6D 14,344 460/3/60 C See footnote 6 Semi-Hermetic Extra Low Temperature (R-404A/507) BST030E6CF 13,610 BST030E6C 12,515 BSN030E6C 11,637 BSS030E6C 13,288 208-230/3/60 C See footnote 6 - - BST030E6D 13,573 BSN030E6D 12,587 BSS030E6D 14,344 460/3/60 C See footnote 6 Section 2 Semi-Hermetic High Temperature (R-22) - - BST008H2B 7,399 BSN008H2B 6,325 BSS008H2B 7,856 208-230/1/60 A - - - BST008H2C 7,430 BSN008H2C 6,356 BSS008H2C 7,885 208-230/3/60 A - - - BST010H2B 7,987 BSN010H2B 6,881 BSS010H2B 8,439 208-230/1/60 A - - - BST010H2C 7,994 BSN010H2C 6,928 BSS010H2C 8,452 208-230/3/60 A - - - BST015H2B 9,617 BSN015H2B 8,501 BSS015H2B 10,470 208-230/1/60 B See footnote 6 BST015H2CF 10,066 BST015H2C 9,573 BSN015H2C 8,458 BSS015H2C 10,425 208-230/3/60 B See footnote 6 - - BST015H2D 11,363 BSN015H2D 10,245 BSS015H2D 12,217 460/3/60 B See footnote 6 BST020H2CF 11,424 BST020H2C 10,931 BSN020H2C 9,812 BSS020H2C 11,785 208-230/3/60 B See footnote 6 - - BST020H2D 12,765 BSN020H2D 11,646 BSS020H2D 13,619 460/3/60 B See footnote 6 BST030H2CF 14,121 BST030H2C 13,550 BSN030H2C 12,548 BSS030H2C 14,005 208-230/3/60 D See footnote 6 - - BST030H2D 14,913 BSN030H2D 13,933 BSS030H2D 15,368 460/3/60 D See footnote 6 Semi-Hermetic Medium Temperature (R-22) - - BST008M2B 7,399 BSN008M2B 6,325 BSS008M2B 7,856 208-230/1/60 A - - - BST008M2C 7,430 BSN008M2C 6,356 BSS008M2C 7,885 208-230/3/60 A - - - BST010M2B 7,987 BSN010M2B 6,881 BSS010M2B 8,439 208-230/1/60 A - - - BST010M2C 7,994 BSN010M2C 6,928 BSS010M2C 8,452 208-230/3/60 A - - - BST020M2B 10,439 BSN020M2B 9,324 BSS020M2B 11,292 208-230/1/60 B See footnote 6 - - BST020M2C 10,250 BSN020M2C 9,133 BSS020M2C 11,104 208-230/3/60 B See footnote 6 - - BST021M2C 10,931 BSN021M2C 9,812 BSS021M2C 11,785 208-230/3/60 B See footnote 6 - - BST021M2D 12,765 BSN021M2D 11,646 BSS021M2D 13,619 460/3/60 B See footnote 6 BST029M2CF 13,677 BST029M2C 13,106 BSN029M2C 12,105 BSS029M2C 13,959 208-230/3/60 C - - - BST029M2D 14,469 BSN029M2D 13,491 BSS029M2D 15,321 460/3/60 C - Notes: 1. Not Suitable for R-507 2. Suction accumulator is available as an option. 3. Includes electric defrost timer. 4. Includes air defrost timer. Suitable for medium temperature applications only. 5. Includes standard liquid line required for liquid injection. Can also be used for R-22 medium and low temperature applications. 6. Model provided with Round Tube Plate Fin (RTPF) condenser coil instead of microchannel coil. 2A - 20 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensing Units Factory-Installed Options ½ - 6 HP Horizontal Air Discharge • Make sure you have selected a configurable model. When ordering, remember to specify the option codes and list price adders for each selected option. • Can’t Find Something? Other options and accessories might be available on a custom order basis. Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. Need Factory-Installed Options? List Price Adder ($US) Option Code Description Models Used On Notes DFT.001 Defrost Timer - Air All H2, M2, M6, X6 Medium temperature applications only. 524 524 - SW.001 Adjustable low pressure control H2, H6 M2, M6 Standard on L6, E6, X6 models. 145 - - SW.005 Adjustable low pressure control H2, H6 M2, M6 Standard on L6, E6, X6 models. - 145 - SW.002 Dual pressure control with superhose All - 326 326 - Outdoor Indoor Beacon II™ (T) (N) Outdoor (S) FSD.001-1 Mounted fused disconnect 005-035 - 518 - 518 FSD.001-2 Mounted fused disconnect 040-060 - 954 - 954 PLM.004 Phase Loss Monitor All - 1,030 1,030 - FCY.008 Fan Cycling - Fixed Temperature Cabinet B & C 2 fan units; Can’t combine HPV & VSEC 360 360 - MS.001A Variable Speed EC Motor with Orbus Controller Cabinet A VSEC with Orbus in place of head pressure control valve 769 - 769 MS.001BC Variable Speed EC Motor with Orbus Controller Cabinet B & C VSEC with Orbus in place of head pressure control valve 1,140 - 1,140 MS.001D Variable Speed EC Motor with Orbus Controller Cabinet D (Except 460V) VSEC with Orbus in place of head pressure control valve 1,034 - 1,034 Mechanical Options LIQ.001-1 Liquid-line filter drier, sight glass and shut-off valve 005-025 Standard on L6 models with ZF Scroll Compressor 493 493 493 LIQ.001-2 Liquid-line filter drier, sight glass and shut-off valve 027-060 Standard on L6 models with ZF Scroll Compressor 571 571 571 LIQ.003 Replaceable core liquid-line filter drier, sight glass, shut-off valve Cabinet D Also available on 031 L6 with hermetic compressor 1,050 1,050 1,050 LIQ.002-1 Liquid-line solenoid valve and pump-down switch with liquidline filter drier, sight glass and shut-off valve 005-025 Not recommended on applications with line runs more than 25 feet. 1,050 1,050 - LIQ.002-2 Liquid-line solenoid valve and pump-down switch with liquidline filter drier, sight glass and shut-off valve 027-060 Not recommended on applications with line runs more than 25 feet. 1,129 1,129 - SUC.003-1 Suction-line filter 005-025 - 314 314 314 SUC.003-2 Suction-line filter 030-060 - 373 373 373 SUC.005 Replaceable core suction-line filter Cabinet D Also available on 031 L6 with hermetic compressor 1,092 1,092 1,092 SUC.007-1 Suction accumulator 005-025 - 394 394 394 SUC.007-2 Suction accumulator 027-060 - 656 656 656 DIS.004 Head pressure control flooding valve 005-060 - Standard 465 Standard DIS.001 Oil separator with discharge line check valve Cabinet D Can not be used with 44# reciever with relief valve option (REC.044). 1,181 1,181 - Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2A - 21 Section 2 Electrical Options Air-Cooled Condensing Units Factory-Installed Options ½ - 6 HP Horizontal Air Discharge • Make sure you have selected a configurable model. When ordering, remember to specify the option codes and list price adders for each selected option. • Can’t Find Something? Other options and accessories might be available on a custom order basis. Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. Need Factory-Installed Options? List Price Adder ($US) Option Code Description Models Used On Notes DIS.017 Oil separator with discharge line check valve Cabinet D Can not be used with 44# reciever with relief valve option (REC.044). - - 1,181 REC.044 44# receiver with relief valve Cabinet D Can not be ordered with replaceable core liquid-line filter drier option (LIQ.003). 1,171 1,171 1,171 REC.001 Low ambient kit with heated and insulated reciever, time delay relay All Can not be used with dual pressure control option (SW.002). 655 - 655 PRE.002A Pre-Charged w/ Quick Connects (R404A) Cabinet A Must be ordered with liquid-line assemblies. 673 673 - PRE.002BC Pre-Charged w/ Quick Connects (R404A) Cabinet B&C Must be ordered with liquid-line assemblies. 805 805 - PRE.002D Pre-Charged w/ Quick Connects (R404A) Cabinet D Must be ordered with liquid-line assemblies. 983 983 - Section 2 Outdoor Indoor Beacon II™ (T) (N) Outdoor (S) 2A - 22 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensing Units ½ - 6 HP Horizontal Air Discharge Factory-Installed Electric Defrost Options • Make sure you have selected a configurable model. When ordering, remember to specify the option codes and list price adders for each selected option. • Electric defrost kits and components are available to be factory mounted in the electrical box of indoor or outdoor condensing units used in medium/ low temp applications with electric defrost evaporators. Selecting the proper kit is as easy as … 1 2 3 Add up the total fan motor amps and electric heater amps for all evaporators in the refrigeration system. Definitions Electric Defrost Timer Initiates and terminates defrost cycles based on a predetermined time schedule. Lockout Relay Prevents the electric defrost heaters from energizing when the compressor is in operation. Not available on electric defrost timer only options. For the selected condensing unit, find the rated defrost power amps for both the fan motor amps and electric heater amps. Fan Contactor Carries amperage load for evaporator fan motors. If the evaporator total fan motor amps and electric defrost heater amps calculated in Step 1 are less than the condensing unit’s rated defrost power amps found in Step 2 then proceed below to select the appropriate kit/components and list price adders. If not then contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. InterLink™ Smart Defrost Kit™ (SDK) The InterLink™ SDK is a revolutionary product that is designed to be used on any electric defrost walk-in freezer system with an electro-mechanical defrost timer set for three or more scheduled defrosts per day. The InterLink™ SDK accurately estimates frost accumulation on the evaporator coil and decides if it can skip the preprogrammed defrost period that is set on the defrost timer. This helps eliminate unneeded defrost cycles, saving energy and increasing product integrity Heater Contactor Carries amperage load for evaporator electric defrost heaters. List Price Adder ($US) Option Code Description Models Used On Notes DFT.002 Defrost Timer - Electric 005-035 and L6, M2, M6, E6, X6 - 524 524 DFT.007 Electric Defrost Kit 040-060 and L6, M2, M6, E6, X6 Includes (1) electric defrost timer, (1) heater & (1) fan contactors, and (1) lockout relay. 747 747 SDK.001 InterLink™ Smart Defrost Kit™ 005-060 and L6, M2, M6, E6, X6 Can not be used alone. Must also select a electric defrost timer or electric defrost kit. 812 812 Rev. 03/12 Section 2 Need an electric defrost timer or kit? Outdoor (T) Indoor (N) List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2A - 23 Air-Cooled Condensing Units Shipped-Loose Accessories ½ - 6 HP Horizontal Air Discharge A wide range of shipped-loose accessories are available to order. Can’t Find Something? Other options and accessories might be available on a custom order basis. Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. Part Number Description Models Used On Notes List Price ($US) 22681501 InterLink™ Smart Defrost Kit™ 005-060 and L6, M2, M6, E6, X6 Can not be used alone. Must be used with a electric defrost timer or electric defrost kit. Can not be used with Beacon II. 812 29318012 1/2” Solenoid valve, 115/230V coil - - 307 8077893 10ft Wire harness for air or electric defrost units All Not available for 115V evaporator motors 289 5009969 15ft Wire harness for air or electric defrost units All Not available for 115V evaporator motors 344 8077894 20ft Wire harness for air or electric defrost units All Not available for 115V evaporator motors 373 5009970 25ft Wire harness for air or electric defrost units All Not available for 115V evaporator motors 435 8077895 35ft Wire harness for air or electric defrost units All Not available for 115V evaporator motors 504 8077896 55ft Wire harness for air or electric defrost units All Not available for 115V evaporator motors 592 12” Extended legs (shipped-loose) Cabinet A - 283 283 Electrical Options Mechanical Options Section 2 50014701 50014702 12” Extended legs (shipped-loose) Cabinet B&C - 50014703 12” Extended legs (shipped-loose) Cabinet D - 283 50014710 8” Extended legs (shipped-loose) Cabinet A - 283 50014711 8” Extended legs (shipped-loose) Cabinet B&C - 283 50014712 8” Extended legs (shipped-loose) Cabinet D - 283 59985601 Hail guards (shipped-loose) Cabinet A - 343 59985701 Hail guards (shipped-loose) Cabinet B&C - 370 59985801 Hail guards (shipped-loose) Cabinet D - 381 Precharged Line Set with Refrigerant and Quick Connect Fittings at Both Ends For proper selection, you must know the system capacity, suction temperature, line length, and aeroquip fitting size at both the condensing unit and unit cooler. Not available for R-22. Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. 7 Feet Line Sizes Part Number 10 Feet List Price ($US) 15 Feet List Part Price Number ($US) Part Number 20 Feet List Price ($US) Part Number 30 Feet List Price ($US) Part Number List Price ($US) 50 Feet Part Number List Price ($US) 3/8” x 5/8” 8049918 585 8049933 585 8049921 631 8049930 625 8049924 801 8049927 1,078 3/8” x 7/8” 8049919 611 8049934 639 8049922 683 8049931 762 8049925 1,079 8049928 1,630 1/2” x 1 1/8” 8049920 701 8049935 816 8049923 945 8049932 1,085 8049926 1,338 8049929 2,006 Crankcase Pressure Regulator (CPR) Valves A selection program must be used to pick the proper valve. The selection program requires the following inputs: system capacity, suction temperature, and maximum holding temperature. Not available for use on Beacon II™ Outdoor units. Should not be used with MOP type expansion valves in unit coolers. Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. Size Part Number List Price ($US) 5/8” 2930142 272 7/8” 29346101 374 1 1/8” 29399012 549 1 3/8” 4227W 1,501 2A - 24 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensing Units Overview 3 - 22 HP Horizontal Air Discharge Cabinet & Construction • All units feature the Floating Tube ™ coil design which eliminates tube sheet leaks • Painted steel cabinet for superior strength and corrosion resistance Serviceability • Manual pumpdown switch on all units • Convenient access panels to easily service internal components • Large electrical panel to facilitate ease of access Quality & Performance • • • • The 3-22 HP condensing units feature an enhanced grill design that gives up to 40% more free-air area than prior models and its vertical receiver needs less refrigerant to ensure a full column of liquid reaches the expansion valve. Fan motors and serviceable components are accessible via the front grill for quick service and the sight glass is conveniently placed so that charging is quick, easy and accurate. Thorough cleaning of the coil is easier because the unit’s top panel is one piece and lighter for easy removal. A liquid base valve and suction service tap is placed on the outside of the cabinet for easy pumpdowns and quick diagnosis. The footprint is smaller for easy jobsite placement. These condensing units utilize the Floating Tube™ coil design, which eliminates tubesheet, allowing for a 5-year warranty against tube-sheet leaks. PSC motors come standard to help save you energy. • • • • Components Compressor • Discus compressors are spring mounted with suction and discharge eliminators • Receivers are sized for sufficient pumpdown capacity with inlet and outlet service valves Other • Sight glass and permanent line filter Motors • Available with Variable Speed EC Motors Opting for the Beacon II™ Refrigeration System with Smart Defrost, factory-installed Smart Defrost Kit™ (SDK), Variable Speed EC (VSEC) motor with Orbus™ Controller increases energy efficiency and qualifies this product for the E Solutions™ product portfolio Certifications Nomenclature Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2A - 25 Section 2 Product Description: Sight Glass is easily viewable Fixed high pressure switch eliminates capillary tubes Refrigeration duty, rifled copper condenser tubing Piping is laid out to minimize stress and vibration and is pre-bent to eliminate braze joints where possible to reduce leak potential All joints are sweat type connections, no mechanical joints to leak Separate subcooling circuit in condenser for added capacity and vapor free liquid Pressure relief valve on receiver ServiceMate™ diagnostic module standard on all non-Beacon™ condensing units Air-Cooled Condensing Units Performance Data 3 - 22 HP Horizontal Air Discharge Models with Discus® Compressors * = T for Outdoor, N for Indoor, S for Beacon II™ L6 models require the demand cooling option for R-22 operation. Capacity (BTUH) Suction Compressor Temp. Ambient Temperature °F °F 90°F 95°F 100°F 110°F Medium Temperature (R-404A/507) Capacity (BTUH) Suction Compressor Temp. Ambient Temperature °F °F 90°F 95°F 100°F 110°F Low Temperature (R-404A/507) BD*0500M6 BD*0500M6 BD*0500M6 BD*0500M6 BD*0500M6 BD*0500M6 BD*0501M6 BD*0501M6 BD*0501M6 BD*0501M6 BD*0501M6 BD*0501M6 BD*0750M6 BD*0750M6 BD*0750M6 BD*0750M6 BD*0750M6 BD*0750M6 BD*0751M6 BD*0751M6 BD*0751M6 BD*0751M6 BD*0751M6 BD*0751M6 BD*0800M6 BD*0800M6 BD*0800M6 BD*0800M6 BD*0800M6 BD*0800M6 BD*1000M6 BD*1000M6 BD*1000M6 BD*1000M6 BD*1000M6 BD*1000M6 BD*1200M6 BD*1200M6 BD*1200M6 BD*1200M6 BD*1200M6 BD*1200M6 BD*1500M6 BD*1500M6 BD*1500M6 BD*1500M6 BD*1500M6 BD*1500M6 BD*0300L6 BD*0300L6 BD*0300L6 BD*0300L6 BD*0300L6 BD*0400L6 BD*0400L6 BD*0400L6 BD*0400L6 BD*0400L6 BD*0600L6 BD*0600L6 BD*0600L6 BD*0600L6 BD*0600L6 BD*0601L6 BD*0601L6 BD*0601L6 BD*0601L6 BD*0601L6 BD*0750L6 BD*0750L6 BD*0750L6 BD*0750L6 BD*0750L6 BD*0900L6 BD*0900L6 BD*0900L6 BD*0900L6 BD*0900L6 BD*1000L6 BD*1000L6 BD*1000L6 BD*1000L6 BD*1000L6 BD*1200L6 BD*1200L6 BD*1200L6 BD*1200L6 BD*1200L6 BD*1500L6 BD*1500L6 BD*1500L6 BD*1500L6 BD*1500L6 BD*2200L6 BD*2200L6 BD*2200L6 Section 2 Bohn Base Model 2A - 26 2DC3R53KE 2DC3R53KE 2DC3R53KE 2DC3R53KE 2DC3R53KE 2DC3R53KE 2DD3R63KE 2DD3R63KE 2DD3R63KE 2DD3R63KE 2DD3R63KE 2DD3R63KE 2DL3R78KE 2DL3R78KE 2DL3R78KE 2DL3R78KE 2DL3R78KE 2DL3R78KE 2DA3R89KE 2DA3R89KE 2DA3R89KE 2DA3R89KE 2DA3R89KE 2DA3R89KE 3DA3R10ME 3DA3R10ME 3DA3R10ME 3DA3R10ME 3DA3R10ME 3DA3R10ME 3DB3R12ME 3DB3R12ME 3DB3R12ME 3DB3R12ME 3DB3R12ME 3DB3R12ME 3DF3R15ME 3DF3R15ME 3DF3R15ME 3DF3R15ME 3DF3R15ME 3DF3R15ME 3DS3R17ME 3DS3R17ME 3DS3R17ME 3DS3R17ME 3DS3R17ME 3DS3R17ME 40°F 30°F 20°F 15°F 0°F -10°F 40°F 30°F 20°F 15°F 0°F -10°F 40°F 30°F 20°F 15°F 0°F -10°F 40°F 30°F 20°F 15°F 0°F -10°F 40°F 30°F 20°F 15°F 0°F -10°F 40°F 30°F 20°F 15°F 0°F -10°F 40°F 30°F 20°F 15°F 0°F -10°F 40°F 30°F 20°F 15°F 0°F -10°F 56,550 49,130 41,390 33,780 26,610 20,610 64,500 56,160 47,920 39,480 31,490 24,820 78,520 68,490 58,930 48,810 39,060 30,850 95,540 83,510 71,440 59,380 47,760 37,700 111,970 98,210 83,450 69,400 55,730 44,150 128,860 114,710 97,920 82,310 62,280 52,260 150,790 133,280 116,610 98,100 79,540 63,260 176,330 156,910 134,090 112,610 90,910 72,080 53,940 46,880 39,280 32,220 25,330 19,560 61,590 53,590 45,530 37,700 30,080 23,810 74,990 65,510 56,000 46,750 37,380 29,570 90,870 79,960 68,060 56,890 45,670 36,060 107,150 94,270 80,170 66,800 53,610 42,460 123,170 109,930 93,930 79,060 63,630 50,180 144,290 127,640 111,940 94,270 76,300 61,160 168,560 150,350 128,610 108,240 87,380 69,470 51,100 45,880 44,590 40,200 37,400 33,670 30,500 27,400 24,070 21,520 18,790 16,540 58,670 52,820 51,090 46,390 43,640 39,160 35,950 32,270 28,670 25,980 22,710 20,540 71,410 62,540 57,070 53,530 48,910 44,690 40,220 35,700 32,500 28,180 25,330 86,130 77,750 76,400 69,330 65,470 59,180 54,140 49,200 43,490 39,600 34,200 30,540 102,420 92,590 90,330 82,550 77,330 70,980 63,930 58,770 51,480 47,440 40,620 36,900 117,590 105,200 94,900 90,730 82,760 75,350 68,920 60,950 55,900 47,890 43,240 137,400 123,360 107,260 97,720 89,720 82,840 73,200 67,700 58,540 53,680 160,860 146,980 143,860 129,870 124,130 113,470 103,290 94,610 83,840 77,220 66,530 60,500 Bohn Base Model 2DF3F16KE 2DF3F16KE 2DF3F16KE 2DF3F16KE 2DF3F16KE 2DL3F20KE 2DL3F20KE 2DL3F20KE 2DL3F20KE 2DL3F20KE 2DB3F25KE 2DB3F25KE 2DB3F25KE 2DB3F25KE 2DB3F25KE 3DA3F28KE 3DA3F28KE 3DA3F28KE 3DA3F28KE 3DA3F28KE 3DB3F33KE 3DB3F33KE 3DB3F33KE 3DB3F33KE 3DB3F33KE 3DF3F40KE 3DF3F40KE 3DF3F40KE 3DF3F40KE 3DF3F40KE 3DS3F46KE 3DS3F46KE 3DS3F46KE 3DS3F46KE 3DS3F46KE 4DA3F47KE 4DA3F47KE 4DA3F47KE 4DA3F47KE 4DA3F47KE 4DL3F63KE 4DL3F63KE 4DL3F63KE 4DL3F63KE 4DL3F63KE 4DT3F76KE 4DT3F76KE 4DT3F76KE 0°F -10°F -20°F -30°F -40°F 0°F -10°F -20°F -30°F -40°F 0°F -10°F -20°F -30°F -40°F 0°F -10°F -20°F -30°F -40°F 0°F -10°F -20°F -30°F -40°F 0°F -10°F -20°F -30°F -40°F 0°F -10°F -20°F -30°F -40°F 0°F -10°F -20°F -30°F -40°F 0°F -10°F -20°F -30°F -40°F 0°F -10°F -20°F 33,130 26,750 20,750 15,530 11,470 38,320 31,200 24,500 18,590 13,820 44,920 36,970 29,340 22,440 16,730 49,300 40,810 32,530 25,110 19,140 57,490 47,800 38,230 29,550 22,550 75,860 62,020 49,030 37,670 28,660 82,110 67,850 54,240 42,040 31,990 90,990 74,350 58,560 44,600 33,380 112,860 93,820 75,470 58,730 44,520 128,840 108,680 88,210 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 31,390 25,320 19,560 14,500 10,490 36,470 29,620 23,140 17,400 12,750 42,830 35,160 27,770 21,070 15,490 47,060 38,920 30,940 23,710 17,830 54,880 45,630 36,410 27,960 21,030 72,600 59,280 46,730 35,680 26,850 78,620 64,870 51,680 39,780 29,910 86,720 70,880 55,650 41,970 30,700 107,630 89,380 71,720 55,530 41,710 122,150 103,010 83,410 29,220 26,200 23,560 21,060 18,380 16,040 13,470 11,440 9,520 7,580 34,630 30,970 28,040 24,900 21,790 19,100 16,220 13,890 11,690 9,590 40,730 36,590 33,360 29,780 26,210 23,110 19,700 16,990 14,260 11,800 44,820 40,390 37,050 33,350 29,370 26,250 22,330 19,610 16,530 13,960 52,280 47,130 43,470 39,210 34,600 31,040 26,380 23,260 19,520 16,540 69,350 62,910 56,570 51,180 44,440 39,920 33,700 29,810 25,050 21,490 75,150 68,260 61,900 56,030 49,130 44,090 37,540 33,100 27,840 23,740 82,470 74,030 67,420 60,580 52,770 47,050 39,360 34,190 28,040 24,030 102,420 92,110 84,970 76,230 67,990 60,620 52,350 46,070 38,930 33,400 115,500 102,320 97,380 86,230 78,650 69,210 Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensing Units Performance Data 3 - 22 HP Horizontal Air Discharge Models with Discus® Compressors * = T for Outdoor, N for Indoor, S for Beacon II™ L6 models require the demand cooling option for R-22 operation. BD*2200L6 BD*2200L6 Capacity (BTUH) Suction Compressor Temp. Ambient Temperature °F °F 90°F 95°F 100°F 110°F 4DT3F76KE 4DT3F76KE -30°F -40°F 68,690 51,450 64,540 47,660 60,410 43,880 52,230 36,370 40°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 10°F 40°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 10°F 40°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 10°F 40°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 10°F 40°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 10°F 40°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 10°F 40°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 10°F 40°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 10°F 58,950 49,590 45,060 40,670 32,430 66,260 56,150 51,220 46,420 37,360 81,780 69,770 64,000 58,450 48,200 96,300 81,470 74,510 67,940 56,140 116,560 99,580 91,330 83,330 68,320 135,700 116,150 106,650 97,430 80,110 152,900 130,010 119,030 108,500 89,220 180,630 152,650 139,230 126,360 102,810 57,000 47,830 43,380 39,060 30,960 64,090 54,200 49,380 44,680 35,800 79,200 67,480 61,860 56,450 46,500 93,130 78,700 71,930 65,540 54,120 113,110 96,520 88,450 80,610 65,890 131,720 112,540 103,250 94,230 77,290 148,190 125,900 115,210 104,950 86,170 174,980 147,820 134,780 122,270 99,390 55,050 46,050 41,690 37,460 29,500 61,910 52,250 47,530 42,930 34,230 76,600 65,190 59,710 54,460 44,800 89,960 75,920 69,350 63,150 52,100 109,650 93,460 85,570 77,890 63,450 127,680 108,940 99,850 91,030 74,450 143,480 121,790 111,390 101,400 83,140 169,340 142,990 130,340 118,190 95,960 51,130 42,510 38,320 34,240 26,560 57,540 48,330 43,820 39,430 31,100 60,590 55,420 50,460 41,400 83,620 70,380 64,200 58,380 48,060 102,720 87,330 79,800 72,460 58,590 101,740 93,060 84,640 68,800 103,750 94,320 77,080 158,050 133,350 121,460 110,040 89,120 0°F -10°F -20°F -30°F -40°F 30,290 23,370 17,270 12,330 8,890 28,840 22,160 16,240 11,420 8,030 27,390 20,950 15,220 10,510 7,160 24,490 18,530 13,170 8,710 5,420 Medium Temperature (R-22) BD*0500M6 BD*0500M6 BD*0500M6 BD*0500M6 BD*0500M6 BD*0501M6 BD*0501M6 BD*0501M6 BD*0501M6 BD*0501M6 BD*0750M6 BD*0750M6 BD*0750M6 BD*0750M6 BD*0750M6 BD*0751M6 BD*0751M6 BD*0751M6 BD*0751M6 BD*0751M6 BD*0800M6 BD*0800M6 BD*0800M6 BD*0800M6 BD*0800M6 BD*1000M6 BD*1000M6 BD*1000M6 BD*1000M6 BD*1000M6 BD*1200M6 BD*1200M6 BD*1200M6 BD*1200M6 BD*1200M6 BD*1500M6 BD*1500M6 BD*1500M6 BD*1500M6 BD*1500M6 2DC3R53KE 2DC3R53KE 2DC3R53KE 2DC3R53KE 2DC3R53KE 2DD3R63KE 2DD3R63KE 2DD3R63KE 2DD3R63KE 2DD3R63KE 2DL3R78KE 2DL3R78KE 2DL3R78KE 2DL3R78KE 2DL3R78KE 2DA3R89KE 2DA3R89KE 2DA3R89KE 2DA3R89KE 2DA3R89KE 3DA3R10ME 3DA3R10ME 3DA3R10ME 3DA3R10ME 3DA3R10ME 3DB3R12ME 3DB3R12ME 3DB3R12ME 3DB3R12ME 3DB3R12ME 3DF3R15ME 3DF3R15ME 3DF3R15ME 3DF3R15ME 3DF3R15ME 3DS3R17ME 3DS3R17ME 3DS3R17ME 3DS3R17ME 3DS3R17ME Low Temperature (R-22) BD*0300L6 BD*0300L6 BD*0300L6 BD*0300L6 BD*0300L6 Rev. 03/12 2DF3F16KE 2DF3F16KE 2DF3F16KE 2DF3F16KE 2DF3F16KE Bohn Base Model BD*0400L6 BD*0400L6 BD*0400L6 BD*0400L6 BD*0400L6 BD*0600L6 BD*0600L6 BD*0600L6 BD*0600L6 BD*0600L6 BD*0601L6 BD*0601L6 BD*0601L6 BD*0601L6 BD*0601L6 BD*0750L6 BD*0750L6 BD*0750L6 BD*0750L6 BD*0750L6 BD*0900L6 BD*0900L6 BD*0900L6 BD*0900L6 BD*0900L6 BD*1000L6 BD*1000L6 BD*1000L6 BD*1000L6 BD*1000L6 BD*1200L6 BD*1200L6 BD*1200L6 BD*1200L6 BD*1200L6 BD*1500L6 BD*1500L6 BD*1500L6 BD*1500L6 BD*1500L6 BD*2200L6 BD*2200L6 BD*2200L6 BD*2200L6 BD*2200L6 Capacity (BTUH) Suction Compressor Temp. Ambient Temperature °F °F 90°F 95°F 100°F 110°F 2DL3F20KE 2DL3F20KE 2DL3F20KE 2DL3F20KE 2DL3F20KE 2DB3F25KE 2DB3F25KE 2DB3F25KE 2DB3F25KE 2DB3F25KE 3DA3F28KE 3DA3F28KE 3DA3F28KE 3DA3F28KE 3DA3F28KE 3DB3F33KE 3DB3F33KE 3DB3F33KE 3DB3F33KE 3DB3F33KE 3DF3F40KE 3DF3F40KE 3DF3F40KE 3DF3F40KE 3DF3F40KE 3DS3F46KE 3DS3F46KE 3DS3F46KE 3DS3F46KE 3DS3F46KE 4DA3F47KE 4DA3F47KE 4DA3F47KE 4DA3F47KE 4DA3F47KE 4DL3F63KE 4DL3F63KE 4DL3F63KE 4DL3F63KE 4DL3F63KE 4DT3F76KE 4DT3F76KE 4DT3F76KE 4DT3F76KE 4DT3F76KE 0°F -10°F -20°F -30°F -40°F 0°F -10°F -20°F -30°F -40°F 0°F -10°F -20°F -30°F -40°F 0°F -10°F -20°F -30°F -40°F 0°F -10°F -20°F -30°F -40°F 0°F -10°F -20°F -30°F -40°F 0°F -10°F -20°F -30°F -40°F 0°F -10°F -20°F -30°F -40°F 0°F -10°F -20°F -30°F -40°F 34,790 27,220 20,500 14,820 10,400 41,490 32,700 24,910 18,330 13,080 45,920 36,390 27,740 20,430 15,020 54,910 44,060 34,180 25,680 18,800 70,480 55,750 42,730 31,600 22,450 75,470 59,800 45,880 33,960 25,450 84,950 65,760 48,710 35,070 24,040 104,910 83,500 64,300 47,760 34,500 121,160 96,420 74,190 55,290 40,940 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 33,310 25,870 19,290 13,760 9,490 39,830 31,180 23,540 17,120 12,250 44,070 34,760 26,290 19,090 13,570 52,700 42,060 32,340 23,960 17,490 67,890 53,290 40,440 29,540 21,020 72,700 57,230 43,500 31,830 22,500 82,860 63,600 46,800 32,800 21,780 100,880 79,760 60,820 44,520 31,460 116,660 92,430 70,610 52,030 37,530 31,830 28,870 24,530 21,840 18,090 15,680 12,690 10,560 8,570 6,730 38,180 34,860 29,660 26,630 22,170 19,440 15,920 13,510 11,120 9,070 42,230 38,530 33,140 29,890 24,840 21,930 17,750 15,040 12,260 9,630 50,480 46,050 40,050 36,040 30,500 26,820 22,230 18,770 15,640 12,290 65,300 60,130 50,830 45,910 38,160 33,580 27,490 23,360 19,090 15,560 69,940 64,430 54,660 49,510 41,140 36,420 29,690 25,420 20,640 16,910 80,780 76,660 61,440 57,160 44,590 40,160 30,530 26,070 19,510 14,900 96,860 88,840 76,020 68,570 57,340 50,390 41,270 34,760 28,450 22,410 112,170 103,220 88,450 80,520 67,050 59,930 48,770 42,230 34,470 28,350 2A - 27 Section 2 Bohn Base Model Air-Cooled Condensing Units Performance Data 3 - 22 HP Horizontal Air Discharge Models with Scroll Compressors * = T for Outdoor, N for Indoor, S for Beacon II™ Section 2 Bohn Base Model Capacity (BTUH) Suction Compressor Temp. Ambient Temperature °F °F 90°F 95°F 100°F 110°F Bohn Base Model Capacity (BTUH) Suction Compressor Temp. Ambient Temperature °F °F 90°F 95°F 100°F 110°F Medium Temperature (R-404A/507) BZ*1300L6 ZF40K4E -20°F 48,700 47,010 45,320 41,950 BZ*0650M6 - BZ*1300L6 ZF40K4E -30°F 38,720 37,330 35,940 33,180 ZB50KCE 40°F 73,560 70,350 67,150 BZ*0650M6 ZB50KCE 30°F 65,680 62,810 60,060 - BZ*1300L6 ZF40K4E -40°F 30,610 29,410 28,220 26,590 BZ*0650M6 ZB50KCE 25°F 60,810 58,130 55,940 50,660 BZ*1500L6 ZF48K4E 0°F 80,840 77,970 75,050 69,270 BZ*0650M6 ZB50KCE 20°F 56,780 54,250 51,810 47,350 BZ*1500L6 ZF48K4E -10°F 67,710 65,370 62,980 58,270 BZ*0650M6 ZB50KCE 10°F 47,320 45,470 43,280 38,940 BZ*1500L6 ZF48K4E -20°F 55,200 53,282 51,370 47,560 BZ*0700M6 ZB58KCE 40°F 89,490 85,490 81,120 72,150 BZ*1500L6 ZF48K4E -30°F 44,020 42,440 40,870 37,750 BZ*0700M6 ZB58KCE 30°F 78,520 74,920 71,190 63,775 BZ*1500L6 ZF48K4E -40°F 34,860 33,510 32,160 29,470 BZ*0700M6 ZB58KCE 25°F 72,930 69,460 66,020 59,100 Low Temperature (R-22) BZ*0700M6 ZB58KCE 20°F 67,220 63,990 60,830 54,390 BZ*0750L2 ZF24K4E 0°F 38,320 37,330 36,350 34,380 BZ*0700M6 ZB58KCE 10°F 55,640 52,860 50,350 44,670 BZ*0750L2 ZF24K4E -10°F 31,430 30,610 29,790 28,150 BZ*0750M6 ZB66KCE 40°F 101,820 97,640 93,460 84,560 BZ*0750L2 ZF24K4E -20°F 25,220 24,540 23,860 22,500 BZ*0750M6 ZB66KCE 30°F 89,790 86,190 82,610 75,430 BZ*0750L2 ZF24K4E -25°F 22,450 21,820 21,200 19,960 BZ*0750M6 ZB66KCE 25°F 83,570 80,250 76,960 70,410 BZ*0750L2 ZF24K4E -30°F 19,920 19,350 18,780 17,630 BZ*0750M6 ZB66KCE 20°F 77,340 74,290 71,250 65,180 BZ*1000L2 ZF33K4E 0°F 53,630 52,500 51,380 49,130 BZ*0750M6 ZB66KCE 10°F 65,010 62,450 59,880 55,210 BZ*1000L2 ZF33K4E -10°F 43,950 42,940 41,940 39,920 BZ*0860M6 ZB76KCE 40°F 112,460 107,350 102,270 - BZ*1000L2 ZF33K4E -20°F 35,470 34,620 33,780 32,090 BZ*0860M6 ZB76KCE 30°F 100,510 96,150 83,330 BZ*1000L2 ZF33K4E -25°F 31,700 30,960 30,220 28,740 91,950 BZ*0860M6 ZB76KCE 25°F 94,050 90,090 86,040 78,100 BZ*1000L2 ZF33K4E -30°F 28,270 27,640 27,030 25,790 BZ*0860M6 ZB76KCE 20°F 87,480 83,760 80,050 73,030 BZ*1300L2 ZF40K4E 0°F 67,310 65,640 63,970 60,620 BZ*0860M6 ZB76KCE 10°F 73,830 71,100 68,040 62,360 BZ*1300L2 ZF40K4E -10°F 54,910 53,530 52,160 49,400 BZ*1000M6 ZS92K4E 40°F 135,560 129,960 124,400 - BZ*1300L2 ZF40K4E -20°F 43,840 42,720 41,590 39,360 BZ*1000M6 ZS92K4E 30°F 121,480 116,720 110,910 - BZ*1300L2 ZF40K4E -25°F 38,910 37,900 36,890 34,880 BZ*1000M6 ZS92K4E 25°F 113,480 108,200 104,720 95,780 BZ*1300L2 ZF40K4E -30°F 34,450 33,540 32,630 30,810 BZ*1000M6 ZS92K4E 20°F 104,610 100,490 97,380 89,190 BZ*1500L2 ZF48K4E 0°F 76,290 74,400 72,520 68,740 BZ*1000M6 ZS92K4E 10°F 89,330 82,700 75,650 BZ*1500L2 ZF48K4E -10°F 62,410 60,860 59,300 56,190 BZ*1401M6 ZS11M4E 40°F 163,950 157,320 150,780 137,740 BZ*1500L2 ZF48K4E -20°F 49,940 48,680 47,400 44,880 BZ*1401M6 ZS11M4E 30°F 144,760 138,240 132,610 122,370 BZ*1500L2 ZF48K4E -25°F 44,380 43,230 42,090 39,820 BZ*1500L2 ZF48K4E -30°F 39,320 38,290 37,260 35,210 85,340 BZ*1401M6 ZS11M4E 25°F 134,110 128,920 123,660 114,500 BZ*1401M6 ZS11M4E 20°F 124,310 119,450 115,580 106,270 BZ*1401M6 ZS11M4E 10°F 105,470 102,300 97,690 89,670 Low Temperature (R-404A/507) BZ*0750L6 ZF24K4E 0°F 40,520 39,060 37,590 34,680 BZ*0750L6 ZF24K4E -10°F 33,850 32,650 31,460 29,090 BZ*0750L6 ZF24K4E -20°F 27,510 26,540 25,580 23,660 BZ*0750L6 ZF24K4E -30°F 21,860 21,060 20,260 18,690 BZ*0750L6 ZF24K4E -40°F 17,230 16,540 15,850 14,490 BZ*1000L6 ZF33K4E 0°F 56,860 54,890 52,920 49,010 BZ*1000L6 ZF33K4E -10°F 47,390 45,630 43,860 40,350 BZ*1000L6 ZF33K4E -20°F 38,430 36,890 35,350 32,290 BZ*1000L6 ZF33K4E -30°F 30,240 28,940 27,650 25,080 BZ*1000L6 ZF33K4E -40°F 23,070 22,050 21,040 19,020 BZ*1300L6 ZF40K4E 0°F 72,010 69,440 66,890 61,740 BZ*1300L6 ZF40K4E -10°F 59,990 57,900 55,810 51,640 2A - 28 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensing Units Unit Specifications 3 - 22 HP Horizontal Air Discharge Models with Discus® Compressors * = T for Outdoor, N for Indoor, S for Beacon II™ Bohn Base Unit Compressor Model HP Connections (in.) Receiver 90% Full (lbs.) Liquid OD Suction OD Std Opt Depth (in.) Approx. Sound Net Weight Data Width Height (lbs.) dBA (in.) (in.) Dimensions Medium Temperature (R-404A/507) BD*0500M6 2DC3R53KE 5.0 1/2 1-1/8 28.0 52.0 36-3/4 51-3/4 39-1/4 751 78 BD*0501M6 2DD3R63KE 5.0 1/2 1-1/8 28.0 52.0 36-3/4 51-3/4 39-1/4 751 78 BD*0750M6 2DL3R78KE 7.5 1/2 1-1/8 28.0 52.0 36-3/4 51-3/4 39-1/4 761 78 BD*0751M6 2DA3R89KE 7.5 5/8 1-3/8 67.0 78.0 36-3/4 63-3/4 39-1/4 985 82 BD*0800M6 3DA3R10ME 8.0 5/8 1-3/8 67.0 78.0 36-3/4 63-3/4 39-1/4 1,020 82 BD*1000M6 3DB3R12ME 10.0 5/8 1-3/8 67.0 78.0 36-3/4 63-3/4 39-1/4 1,045 82 BD*1200M6 3DF3R15ME 12.0 5/8 1-3/8 67.0 78.0 36-3/4 63-3/4 39-1/4 1,065 82 BD*1500M6 3DS3R17ME 15.0 7/8 1-5/8 87.0 98.0 41-3/4 75-1/8 48-3/4 1,182 81 BD*0300L6 2DF3F16KE 3.0 1/2 1-1/8 28.0 52.0 36-3/4 51-3/4 39-1/4 737 78 BD*0400L6 2DL3F20KE 4.0 1/2 1-1/8 28.0 52.0 36-3/4 51-3/4 39-1/4 741 78 BD*0600L6 2DB3F25KE 6.0 1/2 1-1/8 28.0 52.0 36-3/4 51-3/4 39-1/4 751 78 BD*0601L6 3DA3F28KE 6.0 1/2 1-1/8 28.0 52.0 36-3/4 51-3/4 39-1/4 781 81 BD*0750L6 3DB3F33KE 7.5 1/2 1-1/8 28.0 52.0 36-3/4 51-3/4 39-1/4 805 81 BD*0900L6 3DF3F40KE 9.0 5/8 1-3/8 67.0 78.0 36-3/4 63-3/4 39-1/4 1,030 82 BD*1000L6 3DS3F46KE 10.0 5/8 1-3/8 67.0 78.0 36-3/4 63-3/4 39-1/4 1,035 82 BD*1200L6 4DA3F47KE 12.0 7/8 1-5/8 67.0 87.0 41-3/4 75-1/8 48-3/4 1,199 82 BD*1500L6 4DL3F63KE 15.0 7/8 1-5/8 67.0 87.0 41-3/4 75-1/8 48-3/4 1,234 82 BD*2200L6 4DT3F76KE 22.0 7/8 1-5/8 87.0 98.0 41-3/4 75-1/8 48-3/4 1,224 82 Section 2 Low Temperature (R-404A/507) Medium Temperature (R-22) BD*0500M6 2DC3R53KE 5.0 1/2 1-1/8 33.0 60.0 36-3/4 51-3/4 39-1/4 751 78 BD*0501M6 2DD3R63KE 5.0 1/2 1-1/8 33.0 60.0 36-3/4 51-3/4 39-1/4 751 78 BD*0750M6 2DL3R78KE 7.5 1/2 1-1/8 33.0 60.0 36-3/4 51-3/4 39-1/4 761 78 BD*0751M6 2DA3R89KE 7.5 5/8 1-3/8 78.0 90.0 36-3/4 63-3/4 39-1/4 985 82 BD*0800M6 3DA3R10ME 8.0 5/8 1-3/8 78.0 90.0 36-3/4 63-3/4 39-1/4 1,020 82 BD*1000M6 3DB3R12ME 10.0 5/8 1-3/8 78.0 90.0 36-3/4 63-3/4 39-1/4 1,045 82 BD*1200M6 3DF3R15ME 12.0 5/8 1-3/8 78.0 90.0 36-3/4 63-3/4 39-1/4 1,065 82 BD*1500M6 3DS3R17ME 15.0 7/8 1-5/8 96.0 113.0 41-3/4 75-1/8 48-3/4 1,182 81 Low Temperature (R-22) BD*0300L6 2DF3F16KE 3.0 1/2 1-1/8 33.0 60.0 36-3/4 51-3/4 39-1/4 737 78 BD*0400L6 2DL3F20KE 4.0 1/2 1-1/8 33.0 60.0 36-3/4 51-3/4 39-1/4 741 78 BD*0600L6 2DB3F25KE 6.0 1/2 1-1/8 33.0 60.0 36-3/4 51-3/4 39-1/4 751 78 BD*0601L6 3DA3F28KE 6.0 1/2 1-1/8 33.0 60.0 36-3/4 51-3/4 39-1/4 781 81 BD*0750L6 3DB3F33KE 7.5 1/2 1-1/8 33.0 60.0 36-3/4 51-3/4 39-1/4 805 81 BD*0900L6 3DF3F40KE 9.0 5/8 1-3/8 78.0 90.0 36-3/4 63-3/4 39-1/4 1,030 82 BD*1000L6 3DS3F46KE 10.0 5/8 1-3/8 78.0 90.0 36-3/4 63-3/4 39-1/4 1,035 82 BD*1200L6 4DA3F47KE 12.0 7/8 1-5/8 78.0 100.0 41-3/4 75-1/8 48-3/4 1,199 82 BD*1500L6 4DL3F63KE 15.0 7/8 1-5/8 78.0 100.0 41-3/4 75-1/8 48-3/4 1,234 82 BD*2200L6 4DT3F76KE 22.0 7/8 1-5/8 96.0 113.0 41-3/4 75-1/8 48-3/4 1,224 82 Notes: Estimate sound pressure values are 5 feet from the unit. For estimating sound pressure from unit at different distances, deduct the following from the unit values: 10 feet deducts 6 dba, 20 feet deducts 12 dba, 40 feet deducts 18 dba. This data is typical of “free field” conditions for horizontal air cooled condensing units at the outlet of the discharge air. The actual sound measurements may vary depending on the condensing unit installation. Factors such as reflecting walls, background noise, and mounting conditions may have a significant influence on this data. Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2A - 29 Air-Cooled Condensing Units Unit Specifications 3 - 22 HP Horizontal Air Discharge Models with Scroll Compressors * = T for Outdoor, N for Indoor, S for Beacon II™ Bohn Base Unit Compressor Model HP Connections (in.) Liquid OD Receiver 90% Full (lbs.) Suction OD Std Opt Dimensions Approx. Sound Net Weight Data Depth Width Height (lbs.) dBA (in.) (in.) (in.) Medium Temperature (R-404A/507) BZ*0650M6 ZB50KCE 6.5 1/2 1-1/8 28.0 52.0 36-3/4 51-3/4 39-1/4 574 78 BZ*0700M6 ZB58KCE 7.0 5/8 1-3/8 67.0 78.0 36-3/4 63-3/4 39-1/4 800 80 BZ*0750M6 ZB66KCE 7.5 5/8 1-3/8 67.0 78.0 36-3/4 63-3/4 39-1/4 813 80 BZ*0860M6 ZB76KCE 8.5 5/8 1-3/8 67.0 78.0 36-3/4 63-3/4 39-1/4 818 80 BZ*1000M6 ZS92K4E 10.0 5/8 1-3/8 67.0 78.0 36-3/4 63-3/4 39-1/4 908 82 BZ*1401M6 ZS11M4E 14.0 7/8 1-5/8 67.0 78.0 41-3/4 75-1/8 48-3/4 1,235 82 Low Temperature(R-404A/507) BZ*0750L6 ZF24K4E 7.5 1/2 1-1/8 28.0 52.0 36-3/4 51-3/4 39-1/4 671 82 BZ*1000L6 ZF33K4E 10.0 1/2 1-1/8 28.0 52.0 36-3/4 51-3/4 39-1/4 671 82 BZ*1300L6 ZF40K4E 13.0 5/8 1-3/8 67.0 78.0 36-3/4 63-3/4 39-1/4 910 84 BD*1500L6 ZF48K4E 15.0 5/8 1-3/8 67.0 78.0 36-3/4 63-3/4 39-1/4 891 83 Section 2 Low Temperature (R-22) BZ*0750L2 ZF24K4E 7.5 1/2 1-1/8 33.0 60.0 36-3/4 51-3/4 39-1/4 671 82 BZ*1000L2 ZF33K4E 10.0 1/2 1-1/8 33.0 60.0 36-3/4 51-3/4 39-1/4 671 82 BZ*1300L2 ZF40K4E 13.0 5/8 1-3/8 78.0 90.0 36-3/4 63-3/4 39-1/4 910 84 BZ*1500L2 ZF48K4E 15.0 5/8 1-3/8 78.0 90.0 36-3/4 63-3/4 39-1/4 891 83 Notes: Estimate sound pressure values are 5 feet from the unit. For estimating sound pressure from unit at different distances, deduct the following from the unit values: 10 feet deducts 6 dba, 20 feet deducts 12 dba, 40 feet deducts 18 dba. This data is typical of “free field” conditions for horizontal air cooled condensing units at the outlet of the discharge air. The actual sound measurements may vary depending on the condensing unit installation. Factors such as reflecting walls, background noise, and mounting conditions may have a significant influence on this data. 2A - 30 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensing Units Electrical Data 3 - 22 HP Horizontal Air Discharge Models with Discus® Compressors * = T for Outdoor, N for Indoor, S for Beacon II™ Bohn Base Model Compressor Voltage RLA LRA Qty Electric Defrost Low Amps Beacon II or Air Defrost Fan Motor Electric Defrost High Amps Evap. Elec. Evap. Elec. Motor MCA MOPD FLA MCA MOPD MCA MOPD Fans Htrs Fans Htrs HP BD*0500M6C 208-230/3/60 20.0 12.0 1 1/3 2.7 27.7 45 - - - - 50.0 60 15 40 (1) BD*0500M6D 460/3/60 9.4 60.0 1 1/3 1.9 15.0 20 - - - - 25.0 BD*0500M6E 575/3/60 6.9 49.0 1 1/3 1.2 15.0 15 - - - - 20.0 30 8 20 (1) 20 6.4 16 (1) BD*0501M6C 208-230/3/60 20.0 12.0 1 1/3 2.7 27.7 45 - - - - 50.0 60 15 40 (1) BD*0501M6D 460/3/60 9.4 60.0 1 1/3 1.9 15.0 20 - - - - 25.0 30 8 20 (1) BD*0501M6E 575/3/60 7.1 49.0 1 1/3 1.2 15.0 15 - - - - 20.0 20 6.4 16 (1) BD*0750M6C 208-230/3/60 28.3 169.0 1 1/3 2.7 38.1 60 - - - - 60.0 80 20 48 (1) BD*0750M6D 460/3/60 12.4 85.0 1 1/3 1.9 20.0 25 - - - - 31.3 35 10 25 (1) BD*0750M6E 575/3/60 11.9 67.0 1 1/3 1.2 20.0 25 - - - - 25.0 35 8 20 (1) BD*0751M6C 208-230/3/60 28.7 169.0 2 1/3 5.4 41.3 70 - - - - 61.3 90 20 48 (1) BD*0751M6D 460/3/60 12.6 85.0 2 1/3 3.8 20.0 30 - - - - 31.3 40 10 25 (1) BD*0751M6E 575/3/60 11.9 67.0 2 1/3 2.4 20.0 25 - - - - 25.3 35 80 20 (1) 36.8 215.0 2 1/3 5.4 51.4 80 - - - - 87.5 100 20 70 (2) BD*0800M6C 208-230/3/60 BD*0800M6D 460/3/60 17.9 106.0 2 1/3 3.8 26.2 40 - - - - 43.8 50 13 35 (1) BD*0800M6E 575/3/60 14.7 84.0 2 1/3 2.4 20.8 35 - - - - 35.0 45 10.4 28 (1) BD*1000M6C 208-230/3/60 39.1 215.0 2 1/3 5.4 54.3 90 - - - - 87.5 110 20 70 (2) BD*1000M6D 460/3/60 17.9 106.0 2 1/3 3.8 26.2 40 - - - - 43.8 50 13 35 (1) BD*1000M6E 575/3/60 14.8 84.0 2 1/3 2.4 20.9 35 - - - - 35.0 45 10.4 28 (1) BD*1200M6C 208-230/3/60 43.2 275.0 2 1/3 5.4 59.4 100 - - - - 87.5 110 20 70 (2) BD*1200M6D 21.2 138.0 2 1/3 3.8 30.2 50 - - - - 43.8 60 13 35 (1) 53.5 275.0 2 3/4 8.8 75.7 125 90.7 125 15 70 (2) 100.0 125 20 80 (2) 460/3/60 BD*1500M6C 208-230/3/60 BD*1500M6D 460/3/60 26.0 138.0 2 3/4 4.4 36.9 60 51.9 70 15 40 (1) 75.0 80 15 60 (2) BD*1500M6E 575/3/60 21.2 111.0 2 3/4 3.6 30.0 50 42.0 60 12 32 (1) 60.0 60 12 48 (1) 102.0 1 1/3 2.7 20.6 35 - - - - 50.0 50 15 40 (1) Low Temperature (R-404A/507) BD*0300L6C 208-230/3/60 14.0 BD*0300L6D 460/3/60 7.1 52.0 1 1/3 1.9 15.0 15 - - - - 25.0 25 8 20 (1) BD*0300L6E 575/3/60 6.0 41.0 1 1/3 1.2 15.0 15 - - - - 20.0 20 6.4 16 (1) BD*0400L6C 208-230/3/60 2.3 161.0 1 1/3 2.7 32.2 50 - - - - 60.0 70 15 48 (1) BD*0400L6D 460/3/60 9.2 60.0 1 1/3 1.9 15.0 20 - - - - 31.3 35 8 25 (1) BD*0400L6E 575/3/60 6.9 49.0 1 1/3 1.2 15.0 15 - - - - 25.0 25 6.4 20 (1) BD*0600L6C 208-230/3/60 25.3 161.0 1 1/3 2.7 34.4 50 - - - - 75.0 80 20 60 (2) BD*0600L6D 460/3/60 11.9 80.0 1 1/3 1.9 20.0 25 - - - - 37.5 40 10 30 (1) BD*0600L6E 575/3/60 8.6 63.0 1 1/3 1.2 15.0 20 - - - - 30.0 30 8 24 (1) BD*0601L6C 208-230/3/60 24.0 150.0 1 1/3 2.7 32.7 50 - - - - 75.0 80 20 60 (2) BD*0601L6D 460/3/60 10.8 77.0 1 1/3 1.9 20.0 25 - - - - 37.5 40 10 30 (1) BD*0601L6E 575/3/60 9.4 62.0 1 1/3 1.2 15.0 20 - - - - 30.0 30 8 24 (1) BD*0750L6C 208-230/3/60 27.6 161.0 1 1/3 2.7 37.2 60 - - - - 75.0 80 20 60 (2) Notes: Consult factory for 50 HZ applications. Number of defrost heater contactors in parentheses. Two fan large units have the ability for a reduced amp electric defrost kit (low amps). Confirm proper defrost kit prior to ordering or installing. Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2A - 31 Section 2 Medium Temperature (R-404A/507) Air-Cooled Condensing Units Electrical Data 3 - 22 HP Horizontal Air Discharge Models with Discus® Compressors * = T for Outdoor, N for Indoor, S for Beacon II™ Section 2 Bohn Base Model Compressor Voltage RLA LRA Qty Electric Defrost Low Amps Beacon II or Air Defrost Fan Motor Electric Defrost High Amps Evap. Elec. Evap. Elec. Motor MCA MOPD FLA MCA MOPD MCA MOPD Fans Htrs Fans Htrs HP BD*0750L6D 460/3/60 14.1 83.0 1 1/3 1.9 20.0 30 - - - - 31.5 40 10 30 (1) BD*0750L6E 575/3/60 9.9 67.0 1 1/3 1.2 15.0 20 - - - - 30.0 30 8 24 (1) BD*0900L6C 208-230/3/60 33.2 215.0 2 1/3 5.4 46.9 80 - - - - 87.5 100 20 70 (2) BD*0900L6D 460/3/60 15.0 106.0 2 1/3 3.8 22.6 35 - - - - 43.8 50 13 35 (1) BD*0900L6E 575/3/60 14.1 84.0 2 1/3 2.4 20.0 30 - - - - 35.0 40 10.4 28 (1) BD*1000L6C 208-230/3/60 37.2 215.0 2 1/3 5.4 51.9 80 - - - - 87.5 100 20 70 (2) BD*1000L6D 460/3/60 16.7 106.0 2 1/3 3.8 24.6 40 - - - - 43.8 50 13 35 (1) BD*1000L6E 575/3/60 14.6 84.0 2 1/3 2.4 20.6 35 - - - - 35.0 45 10.4 28 (1) BD*1200L6C 208-230/3/60 40.9 220.0 2 3/4 8.8 59.9 100 74.9 110 15 40 (1) 87.5 110 20 70 (2) BD*1200L6D 460/3/60 20.4 110.0 2 3/4 4.4 30.0 50 45.0 60 15 25 (1) 50.0 60 15 40 (1) BD*1200L6E 575/3/60 15.6 106.0 2 3/4 3.6 23.1 35 35.1 50 12 20 (1) 40.0 50 12 32 (1) BD*1500L6C 208-230/3/60 47.2 278.0 2 3/4 8.8 67.8 110 82.8 125 15 48 (1) 92.8 125 25 70 (2) BD*1500L6D 460/3/60 23.6 136.0 2 3/4 4.4 33.9 50 48.9 70 15 25 (1) 50.0 70 15 40 (1) BD*1500L6E 575/3/60 18.8 113.0 2 3/4 3.6 27.1 45 39.1 50 12 20 (1) 40.0 50 12 32 (1) BD*2200L6C 208-230/3/60 57.7 374.0 2 3/4 8.8 80.9 125 95.9 150 15 48 (1) 105.9 150 25 70 (2) BD*2200L6D 460/3/60 28.8 187.0 2 3/4 4.4 40.5 60 55.5 80 15 25 (1) 60.0 80 15 48 (1) BD*2200L6E 575/3/60 21.7 135.0 2 3/4 3.6 30.7 50 42.7 60 12 20 (1) 47.5 60 12 38 (1) Medium Temperature (R-22) BD*0500M6C 208-230/3/60 20.0 120.0 1 1/3 2.7 27.7 45 - - - - 50.0 60 15 40 (1) BD*0500M6D 460/3/60 9.4 60.0 1 1/3 1.9 15.0 20 - - - - 25.0 30 8 20 (1) BD*0500M6E 575/3/60 6.9 49.0 1 1/3 1.2 15.0 15 - - - - 20.0 20 6.4 16 (1) BD*0501M6C 208-230/3/60 20.0 120.0 1 1/3 2.7 27.7 45 - - - - 50.0 60 15 40 (1) BD*0501M6D 460/3/60 9.4 60.0 1 1/3 1.9 15.0 20 - - - - 25.0 30 8 20 (1) BD*0501M6E 575/3/60 7.1 49.0 1 1/3 1.2 15.0 15 - - - - 20.0 20 6.4 16 (1) BD*0750M6C 208-230/3/60 28.3 169.0 1 1/3 2.7 38.1 60 - - - - 60.0 80 20 48 (1) BD*0750M6D 460/3/60 12.4 85.0 1 1/3 1.9 20.0 25 - - - - 31.3 35 10 25 (1) BD*0750M6E 575/3/60 11.9 67.0 1 1/3 1.2 20.0 25 - - - - 25.0 35 8 20 (1) BD*0751M6C 208-230/3/60 28.7 169.0 2 1/3 5.4 41.3 70 - - - - 61.3 90 20 48 (1) BD*0751M6D 460/3/60 12.6 85.0 2 1/3 3.8 20.0 30 - - - - 31.3 40 10 25 (1) BD*0751M6E 575/3/60 11.9 67.0 2 1/3 2.4 20.0 25 - - - - 25.3 35 8 20 (1) BD*0800M6C 208-230/3/60 36.8 215.0 2 1/3 5.4 51.4 80 - - - - 87.5 100 20 70 (2) BD*0800M6D 460/3/60 17.9 106.0 2 1/3 3.8 26.2 40 - - - - 43.8 50 13 35 (1) BD*0800M6E 575/3/60 14.7 84.0 2 1/3 2.4 20.8 35 - - - - 35.0 45 10.4 28 (1) 39.1 215.0 2 1/3 5.4 54.3 90 - - - - 87.5 110 20 70 (2) BD*1000M6C 208-230/3/60 BD*1000M6D 460/3/60 17.9 106.0 2 1/3 3.8 26.2 40 - - - - 43.8 50 13 35 (1) BD*1000M6E 575/3/60 14.8 84.0 2 1/3 2.4 20.9 35 - - - - 35.0 45 10.4 28 (1) BD*1200M6C 208-230/3/60 43.2 275.0 2 1/3 5.4 59.4 100 - - - - 87.5 110 20 70 (2) BD*1200M6D 21.2 138.0 2 1/3 3.8 30.2 50 - - - - 43.8 60 13 35 (1) 460/3/60 Notes: Consult factory for 50 HZ applications. Number of defrost heater contactors in parentheses. Two fan large units have the ability for a reduced amp electric defrost kit (low amps). Confirm proper defrost kit prior to ordering or installing. 2A - 32 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensing Units Electrical Data 3 - 22 HP Horizontal Air Discharge Models with Discus® Compressors * = T for Outdoor, N for Indoor, S for Beacon II™ Bohn Base Model Compressor Voltage RLA LRA Qty Electric Defrost Low Amps Beacon II or Air Defrost Fan Motor Electric Defrost High Amps Evap. Elec. Evap. Elec. Motor MCA MOPD FLA MCA MOPD MCA MOPD Fans Htrs Fans Htrs HP BD*1500M6C 208-230/3/60 53.5 275.0 2 3/4 8.8 75.7 125 90.7 125 15 70 (2) 100.0 125 20 80 (2) BD*1500M6D 460/3/60 26.0 138.0 2 3/4 4.4 36.9 60 51.9 70 15 40 (1) 75.0 80 15 60 (2) BD*1500M6E 575/3/60 21.2 110.0 2 3/4 3.6 30.0 50 42.0 60 12 32 (1) 60.0 60 12 48 (1) BD*0300L6C 208-230/3/60 14.4 102.0 1 1/3 2.7 20.6 35 - - - - 50.0 50 15 40 (1) BD*0300L6D 460/3/60 7.1 52.0 1 1/3 1.9 15.0 15 - - - - 25.0 25 8 20 (1) BD*0300L6E 575/3/60 6.0 41.0 1 1/3 1.2 15.0 15 - - - - 20.0 20 6.4 16 (1) BD*0400L6C 208-230/3/60 23.6 161.0 1 1/3 2.7 32.2 50 - - - - 60.0 70 15 48 (1) BD*0400L6D 460/3/60 9.2 60.0 1 1/3 1.9 15.0 20 - - - - 31.3 35 8 25 1() BD*0400L6E 575/3/60 6.9 49.0 1 1/3 1.2 15.0 15 - - - - 25.0 25 6.4 20 (1) BD*0600L6C 208-230/3/60 25.3 161.0 1 1/3 2.7 34.4 50 - - - - 75.0 80 20 60 (2) BD*0600L6D 460/3/60 11.9 80.0 1 1/3 1.9 20.0 25 - - - - 37.5 40 10 30 (1) BD*0600L6E 575/3/60 8.6 63.0 1 1/3 1.2 15.0 20 - - - - 30.0 30 8 24 (1) BD*0601L6C 208-230/3/60 24.0 150.0 1 1/3 2.7 32.7 50 - - - - 75.0 80 20 60 (2) BD*0601L6D 460/3/60 10.8 77.0 1 1/3 1.9 20.0 25 - - - - 37.5 40 10 30 (1) BD*0601L6E 575/3/60 9.4 62.0 1 1/3 1.2 15.0 20 - - - - 30.0 30 8 24 (1) BD*0750L6C 208-230/3/60 27.6 161.0 1 1/3 2.7 37.2 60 - - - - 75.0 80 20 60 (2) BD*0750L6D 460/3/60 14.1 83.0 1 1/3 1.9 20.0 30 - - - - 37.5 40 10 30 (1) BD*0750L6E 575/3/60 9.9 67.0 1 1/3 1.2 15.0 20 - - - - 30.0 30 8 24 (1) BD*0900L6C 208-230/3/60 33.2 215.0 2 1/3 5.4 46.9 80 - - - - 87.5 100 20 70 (2) BD*0900L6D 460/3/60 15.0 106.0 2 1/3 3.8 22.6 35 - - - - 43.8 50 13 35 (1) BD*0900L6E 575/3/60 14.1 84.0 2 1/3 2.4 20.0 30 - - - - 35.0 40 10.4 28 (1) BD*1000L6C 208-230/3/60 37.2 215.0 2 1/3 5.4 51.9 80 - - - - 87.5 100 20 70 (2) BD*1000L6D 460/3/60 16.7 106.0 2 1/3 3.8 24.6 40 - - - - 43.8 50 13 35 (1) BD*1000L6E 575/3/60 14.6 84.0 2 1/3 2.4 20.6 35 - - - - 35.0 45 10.4 28 (1) BD*1200L6C 208-230/3/60 40.9 220.0 2 3/4 8.8 59.9 100 74.9 110 15 40 (1) 87.5 110 20 70 (2) BD*1200L6D 460/3/60 20.4 110.0 2 3/4 4.4 30.0 50 45.0 60 15 25 (1) 50.0 60 15 40 (1) BD*1200L6E 575/3/60 15.6 106.0 2 3/4 3.6 23.1 35 35.1 50 12 20 (1) 40.0 50 12 32 (1) BD*1500L2C 208-230/3/60 47.2 278.0 2 3/4 8.8 67.8 110 82.8 125 15 48 (1) 15.0 125 25 70 (2) BD*1500L2D 460/3/60 23.6 136.0 2 3/4 4.4 33.9 50 48.9 70 15 25 (1) 50.0 70 15 40 (1) BD*1500L2E 575/3/60 18.8 113.0 2 3/4 3.6 27.1 45 39.1 50 12 20 (1) 40.0 50 12 32 (1) BD*2200L6C 208-230/3/60 57.7 374.0 2 3/4 8.8 80.9 125 95.9 150 15 48 (1) 105.9 150 25 70 (2) BD*2200L6D 460/3/60 28.8 187.0 2 3/4 4.4 40.5 60 55.5 80 15 25 (1) 60.0 80 15 48 (1) BD*2200L6E 575/3/60 21.7 113.0 2 3/4 3.6 30.7 50 42.7 60 12 20 (1) 47.5 60 12 38 (1) Notes: Consult factory for 50 HZ applications. Number of defrost heater contactors in parentheses. Two fan large units have the ability for a reduced amp electric defrost kit (low amps). Confirm proper defrost kit prior to ordering or installing. Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2A - 33 Section 2 Low Temperature (R-22) Air-Cooled Condensing Units Electrical Data 3 - 22 HP Horizontal Air Discharge Models with Scroll Compressors * = T for Outdoor, N for Indoor, S for Beacon II™ Bohn Base Model Compressor Voltage RLA LRA Beacon II or Air Defrost Fan Motor Qty Electric Defrost Low Amps Electric Defrost High Amps Motor Evap. Elec. Evap. FLA MCA MOPD MCA MOPD MCA MOPD HP Fans Htrs Fans Elec. Htrs Section 2 Medium Temperature (R-404A/507) BZ*0650M6C BZ*0650M6D BZ*0650M6E BZ*0700M6C BZ*0700M6D BZ*0700M6E BZ*0750M6C BZ*0750M6D BZ*0750M6E BZ*0860M6C BZ*0860M6D BZ*0860M6E BZ*1000M6C BZ*1000M6D BZ*1000M6E BZ*1401M6C BZ*1401M6D BZ*1401M6E 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 25.6 13.5 9.7 27.6 14.7 11.5 26.9 15.7 11.2 37.2 17.9 11.9 47.4 22.4 17.9 53.8 25.3 20.2 196.0 100.0 90.0 195.0 95.0 80.0 225.0 114.0 80.0 239.0 125.0 80.0 350.0 158.0 125.0 452.0 187.0 148.0 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 3/4 3/4 3/4 2.7 1.9 1.2 5.4 3.8 2.4 5.4 3.8 2.4 5.4 3.8 2.4 5.4 3.8 2.4 8.8 4.4 3.6 34.8 20.0 15.0 39.9 22.2 20.0 39.1 23.4 20.0 51.9 26.2 20.0 64.7 31.8 24.8 76.1 36.0 28.9 60 30 20 60 35 25 60 35 25 80 40 25 110 50 40 125 60 45 91.1 51.0 40.9 125 70 60 15 15 12 26.9 14.1 10.3 39.1 18.9 14.4 47.4 23.7 19.0 49.4 21.8 17.6 189.0 94.0 74.0 278.0 127.0 100.0 350.0 175.0 140.0 425.0 187.0 148.0 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 2.7 1.9 1.2 2.7 1.9 1.2 5.4 3.8 2.4 5.4 3.8 2.4 36.4 19.5 14.0 51.6 25.5 19.2 64.7 33.4 26.1 67.1 31.0 24.4 60 30 20 90 40 30 90 50 45 90 50 40 - - - - 26.9 14.1 10.3 39.1 18.9 14.4 47.4 23.7 19.0 49.4 21.8 17.6 189.0 94.0 74.0 278.0 127.0 100.0 350.0 175.0 140.0 425.0 187.0 148.0 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 2.7 1.9 1.2 2.7 1.9 1.2 5.4 3.8 2.4 5.4 3.8 2.4 36.4 20.0 15.0 51.6 25.5 20.0 64.7 33.4 24.8 67.1 31.0 24.4 60 30 20 90 40 30 110 50 40 110 50 40 - - - - 50.0 26.7 20.0 60.0 32.2 25.0 60.0 33.4 25.0 87.5 43.8 35.0 87.5 44.8 35.2 70 (2) 100.0 40 (1) 75.0 32 (1) 60.0 70 40 25 80 45 35 80 45 35 100 50 35 125 60 50 125 80 60 15 8 6.4 20 10 8 20 10 8 20 13 10.4 20 13 10.4 20 15 12 40 (1) 20 (1) 16 (1) 48 (1) 25 (1) 20 (1) 48 (1) 25 (1) 20 (1) 70 (2) 35 (1) 28 (1) 70 (2) 35 (1) 28 (1) 80 (2) 60 (2) 48 (1) 75.0 37.5 30.0 75.0 37.5 30.0 87.5 46.4 35.2 87.5 44.0 35.0 80 40 30 110 50 40 125 70 50 125 60 50 20 10 8 20 10 8 20 13 10.4 20 13 10.4 60 (2) 30 (1) 24 (1) 60 (2) 30 (1) 24 (1) 70 (2) 35 (1) 28 (1) 70 (2) 35 (1) 28 (1) 75.0 37.5 30.0 75.0 37.5 30.0 87.5 46.4 35.2 87.5 44.0 35.0 80 40 30 110 50 40 125 70 50 125 60 50 20 10 8 20 10 8 20 13 10.4 20 13 10.4 60 (2) 30 (1) 24 (1) 60 (2) 30 (1) 24 (1) 70 (2) 35 (1) 28 (1) 70 (2) 35 (1) 28 (1) Low Temperature (R-404A/507) BZ*0750L6C BZ*0750L6D BZ*0750L6E BZ*1000L6C BZ*1000L6D BZ*1000L6E BZ*1300L6C BZ*1300L6D BZ*1300L6E BZ*1500L6C BZ*1500L6D BZ*1500L6E 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 Low Temperature (R-22) BZ*0750L2C BZ*0750L2D BZ*0750L2E BZ*1000L2C BZ*1000L2D BZ*1000L2E BZ*1300L2C BZ*1300L2D BZ*1300L2E BZ*1500L2C BZ*1500L2D BZ*1500L2E 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 Notes: Consult factory for 50 HZ applications. Number of defrost heater contactors in parentheses. Two fan large units have the ability for a reduced amp electric defrost kit (low amps). Confirm proper defrost kit prior to ordering or installing. 2A - 34 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensing Units 3 - 22 HP Horizontal Air Discharge Standard & Configurable Models Pricing Configurable Models Standard Outdoor Outdoor (T) • Prepainted galvanized cabinet • Manual pump-down switch • Electronic oil failure switch (Discus Compressors) • Spring mounted compressors with suction and discharge vibration eliminators (Discus Compressors) • Head pressure control valve • Crankcase heater • Fixed high and adjustable low pressure switches • Sight glass & permanent liquidline filter Need to customize? Indoor (N) • • • • • • • • No cabinet hood Fan guards & wiring conduit Manual pump-down switch Electronic oil failure switch (Discus Compressors) Spring mounted compressors with suction and discharge vibration eliminators (Discus Compressors) Crankcase heater Fixed high and adjustable low pressure switches Sight glass & permanent liquidline filter Beacon II™ Outdoor (S) • Outdoor Unit with hood • Manual pump-down switch • Electronic oil failure switch (Discus Compressors) • Spring mounted compressors with suction and discharge vibration eliminators (Discus Compressors) • Crankcase heater • Head pressure control valve • Wired for Beacon II™ control. Beacon II™ fan cycling for two fan units only • Fixed high and adjustable low pressure switches • Sight glass & permanent liquid-line filter Look at the factory-installed options starting on page 2A-38. Standard Outdoor Outdoor (T) Indoor (N) List List List Bohn Model Price Bohn Model Price Bohn Model Price ($US) ($US) ($US) Discus Medium Temperature (R-404A/507/22) Beacon II™ Outdoor (S) List Bohn Model Price ($US) Voltage Cabinet Notes - - BDT0500M6C 20,143 BDN0500M6C 19,714 BDS0500M6C 20,905 208-230/3/60 1 Fan - - - BDT0500M6D 21,476 BDN0500M6D 21,046 BDS0500M6D 22,240 460/3/60 1 Fan - - - BDT0500M6E 21,906 BDN0500M6E 21,466 BDS0500M6E 22,684 575/3/60 1 Fan - - - BDT0501M6C 20,643 BDN0501M6C 20,211 BDS0501M6C 21,406 208-230/3/60 1 Fan - - - BDT0501M6D 21,977 BDN0501M6D 21,544 BDS0501M6D 22,738 460/3/60 1 Fan - - - BDT0501M6E 22,416 BDN0501M6E 21,977 BDS0501M6E 23,194 575/3/60 1 Fan - - - BDT0750M6C 25,398 BDN0750M6C 24,966 BDS0750M6C 26,693 208-230/3/60 1 Fan - - - BDT0750M6D 26,729 BDN0750M6D 26,301 BDS0750M6D 28,023 460/3/60 1 Fan - - - BDT0750M6E 27,265 BDN0750M6E 26,824 BDS0750M6E 28,582 575/3/60 1 Fan - BDT0751M6CF 25,556 BDT0751M6C 25,556 BDN0751M6C 24,981 BDS0751M6C 27,224 208-230/3/60 2 Fan - - - BDT0751M6D 26,886 BDN0751M6D 26,312 BDS0751M6D 28,554 460/3/60 2 Fan - - - BDT0751M6E 27,424 BDN0751M6E 26,838 BDS0751M6E 29,125 575/3/60 2 Fan - - - BDT0800M6C 29,620 BDN0800M6C 29,046 BDS0800M6C 31,289 208-230/3/60 2 Fan - - - BDT0800M6D 31,032 BDN0800M6D 30,455 BDS0800M6D 32,701 460/3/60 2 Fan - - - BDT0800M6E 31,653 BDN0800M6E 31,065 BDS0800M6E 33,355 575/3/60 2 Fan - - - BDT1000M6C 31,028 BDN1000M6C 30,473 BDS1000M6C 32,650 208-230/3/60 2 Fan - - - BDT1000M6D 33,238 BDN1000M6D 32,663 BDS1000M6D 34,906 460/3/60 2 Fan - - - BDT1000M6E 33,902 BDN1000M6E 33,315 BDS1000M6E 35,602 575/3/60 2 Fan - BDT1200M6CF 33,591 BDT1200M6C 33,591 BDN1200M6C 33,034 BDS1200M6C 35,212 208-230/3/60 2 Fan - - - BDT1200M6D 35,027 BDN1200M6D 34,422 BDS1200M6D 36,648 460/3/60 2 Fan - - - BDT1500M6C 34,408 BDN1500M6C 33,851 BDS1500M6C 36,029 208-230/3/60 2 Fan Large - - - BDT1500M6D 36,024 BDN1500M6D 35,421 BDS1500M6D 37,646 460/3/60 2 Fan Large - - - BDT1500M6E 36,746 BDN1500M6E 36,128 BDS1500M6E 38,399 575/3/60 2 Fan Large - Section 2 • Prepainted galvanized cabinet • Manual pump-down switch • Electronic oil failure switch (Discus Compressors) • Spring mounted compressors with suction and discharge vibration eliminators (Discus Compressors) • Head pressure control valve • Crankcase heater • Fixed high and adjustable low pressure switches • Sight glass & permanent liquid-line filter • ServiceMate™ Diagnostic Module Discus Low Temperature (R-404A/507/22) - - BDT0300L6C 19,576 BDN0300L6C 19,147 BDS0300L6C 20,340 208-230/3/60 1 Fan See Note 1 - - BDT0300L6D 20,906 BDN0300L6D 20,477 BDS0300L6D 21,672 460/3/60 1 Fan See Note 1 - - BDT0300L6E 21,325 BDN0300L6E 20,887 BDS0300L6E 22,101 575/3/60 1 Fan See Note 1 - - BDT0400L6C 21,279 BDN0400L6C 20,849 BDS0400L6C 22,040 208-230/3/60 1 Fan See Note 1 - - BDT0400L6D 22,610 BDN0400L6D 22,178 BDS0400L6D 23,370 460/3/60 1 Fan See Note 1 - - BDT0400L6E 23,060 BDN0400L6E 22,622 BDS0400L6E 23,840 575/3/60 1 Fan See Note 1 Notes: 1. For R-22 low temperature operation, add Demand Cooling Kit. Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2A - 35 Air-Cooled Condensing Units 3 - 22 HP Horizontal Air Discharge Standard & Configurable Models Pricing Standard Outdoor List Bohn Model Price ($US) Outdoor (T) Indoor (N) List List Bohn Model Price Bohn Model Price ($US) ($US) Beacon II™ Outdoor (S) List Bohn Model Price ($US) Voltage Cabinet Notes - - BDT0600L6C 22,359 BDN0600L6C 21,928 BDS0600L6C 23,121 208-230/3/60 1 Fan See Note 1 - - BDT0600L6D 23,690 BDN0600L6D 23,260 BDS0600L6D 24,451 460/3/60 1 Fan See Note 1 - - BDT0600L6E 24,163 BDN0600L6E 23,725 BDS0600L6E 24,938 575/3/60 1 Fan See Note 1 BDT0601L6CF 24,885 BDT0601L6C 23,679 BDN0601L6C 23,249 BDS0601L6C 24,441 208-230/3/60 1 Fan See Note 1 - - BDT0601L6D 25,008 BDN0601L6D 24,579 BDS0601L6D 25,770 460/3/60 1 Fan See Note 1 - - BDT0601L6E 25,509 BDN0601L6E 25,070 BDS0601L6E 26,286 575/3/60 1 Fan See Note 1 BDT0750L6CF 28,869 BDT0750L6C 27,663 BDN0750L6C 27,232 BDS0750L6C 28,958 208-230/3/60 1 Fan See Note 1 - - BDT0750L6D 28,995 BDN0750L6D 28,564 BDS0750L6D 30,288 460/3/60 1 Fan See Note 1 - - BDT0750L6E 29,576 BDN0750L6E 29,134 BDS0750L6E 30,893 575/3/60 1 Fan See Note 1 - - BDT0900L6C 30,423 BDN0900L6C 29,849 BDS0900L6C 32,089 208-230/3/60 2 Fan See Note 1 - - BDT0900L6D 31,752 BDN0900L6D 31,177 BDS0900L6D 33,422 460/3/60 2 Fan See Note 1 - BDT0900L6E 32,389 BDN0900L6E 31,803 BDS0900L6E 34,089 575/3/60 2 Fan See Note 1 34,077 BDT1000L6C 32,731 BDN1000L6C 32,154 BDS1000L6C 34,395 208-230/3/60 2 Fan See Note 1 - - BDT1000L6D 33,418 BDN1000L6D 32,841 BDS1000L6D 35,085 460/3/60 2 Fan See Note 1 - - BDT1000L6E 34,085 BDN1000L6E 33,498 BDS1000L6E 35,785 575/3/60 2 Fan See Note 1 Section 2 BDT1000L6CF - - BDT1200L6C 33,412 BDN1200L6C 32,809 BDS1200L6C 35,033 208-230/3/60 2 Fan Large See Note 1 - - BDT1200L6D 34,558 BDN1200L6D 33,953 BDS1200L6D 36,178 460/3/60 2 Fan Large See Note 1 - - BDT1200L6E 35,249 BDN1200L6E 34,632 BDS1200L6E 36,902 575/3/60 2 Fan Large See Note 1 - - BDT1500L6C 34,907 BDN1500L6C 34,303 BDS1500L6C 36,528 208-230/3/60 2 Fan Large See Note 1 - - BDT1500L6D 37,637 BDN1500L6D 37,032 BDS1500L6D 39,258 460/3/60 2 Fan Large See Note 1 - - BDT1500L6E 38,391 BDN1500L6E 37,774 BDS1500L6E 40,045 575/3/60 2 Fan Large See Note 1 - - BDT2200L6C 40,878 BDN2200L6C 40,274 BDS2200L6C 42,500 208-230/3/60 2 Fan Large See Note 1 - - BDT2200L6D 41,393 BDN2200L6D 41,159 BDS2200L6D 43,011 460/3/60 2 Fan Large See Note 1 - - BDT2200L6E 42,220 BDN2200L6E 41,603 BDS2200L6E 43,872 575/3/60 2 Fan Large See Note 1 22,225 BZN0650M6C 21,794 BZS0650M6C 23,519 208-230/3/60 1 Fan - Scroll Medium Temperature (R-404A/507) - - BZT0650M6C - - BZT0650M6D 23,670 BZN0650M6D 23,239 BZS0650M6D 24,962 460/3/60 1 Fan - - - BZT0650M6E 24,141 BZN0650M6E 23,705 BZS0650M6E 25,463 575/3/60 1 Fan - - - BZT0700M6C 22,278 BZN0700M6C 21,846 BZS0700M6C 23,947 208-230/3/60 2 Fan - - - BZT0700M6D 23,725 BZN0700M6D 23,294 BZS0700M6D 25,264 460/3/60 2 Fan - - - BZT0700M6E 24,229 BZN0700M6E 23,798 BZS0700M6E 25,768 575/3/60 2 Fan - - - BZT0750M6C 23,317 BZN0750M6C 22,743 BZS0750M6C 24,986 208-230/3/60 2 Fan - - - BZT0750M6D 24,764 BZN0750M6D 24,188 BZS0750M6D 26,430 460/3/60 2 Fan - - - BZT0750M6E 25,256 BZN0750M6E 24,669 BZS0750M6E 26,957 575/3/60 2 Fan - - - BZT0860M6C 27,637 BZN0860M6C 27,063 BZS0860M6C 29,307 208-230/3/60 2 Fan - - BZT0860M6D 28,296 BZN0860M6D 27,723 BZS0860M6D 29,965 460/3/60 2 Fan - - - BZT0860M6E 28,862 BZN0860M6E 28,277 BZS0860M6E 30,563 575/3/60 2 Fan - - - BZT1000M6C 30,389 BZN1000M6C 28,716 BZS1000M6C 32,058 208-230/3/60 2 Fan - - - BZT1000M6D 30,636 BZN1000M6D 28,963 BZS1000M6D 32,303 460/3/60 2 Fan - - - BZT1000M6E 31,249 BZN1000M6E 29,542 BZS1000M6E 32,949 575/3/60 2 Fan - - - BZT1401M6C 33,931 BZN1401M6C 32,163 BZS1401M6C 35,695 208-230/3/60 2 Fan Large - - - BZT1401M6D 35,249 BZN1401M6D 32,419 BZS1401M6D 35,955 460/3/60 2 Fan Large - - - BZT1401M6E 34,871 BZN1401M6E 33,067 BZS1401M6E 36,674 575/3/60 2 Fan Large - Scroll Low Temperature (R-404A/507) - - BZT0750L6C 21,015 BZN0750L6C 20,583 BZS0750L6C 22,308 208-230/3/60 1 Fan - - - BZT0750L6D 22,308 BZN0750L6D 21,879 BZS0750L6D 23,603 460/3/60 1 Fan - - - BZT0750L6E 22,753 BZN0750L6E 22,315 BZS0750L6E 24,074 575/3/60 1 Fan - - - BZT1000L6C 26,084 BZN1000L6C 25,655 BZS1000L6C 27,380 208-230/3/60 1 Fan - Notes: 1. For R-22 low temperature operation, add Demand Cooling Kit. 2A - 36 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensing Units 3 - 22 HP Horizontal Air Discharge Standard & Configurable Models Pricing Standard Outdoor List Bohn Model Price ($US) Outdoor (T) Indoor (N) List List Bohn Model Price Bohn Model Price ($US) ($US) Beacon II™ Outdoor (S) List Bohn Model Price ($US) Voltage Cabinet Notes - - BZT1000L6D 27,439 BZN1000L6D 27,007 BZS1000L6D 28,730 460/3/60 1 Fan - - - BZT1000L6E 27,987 BZN1000L6E 27,548 BZS1000L6E 29,307 575/3/60 1 Fan - - - BZT1300L6C 29,289 BZN1300L6C 28,716 BZS1300L6C 30,958 208-230/3/60 2 Fan - - - BZT1300L6D 29,987 BZN1300L6D 29,412 BZS1300L6D 31,659 460/3/60 2 Fan - - - BZT1300L6E 30,587 BZN1300L6E 30,001 BZS1300L6E 32,290 575/3/60 2 Fan - - - BZT1500L6C 30,248 BZN1500L6C 29,674 BZS1500L6C 31,919 208-230/3/60 2 Fan - - - BZT1500L6D 30,947 BZN1500L6D 30,371 BZS1500L6D 32,618 460/3/60 2 Fan - - - BZT1500L6E 31,564 BZN1500L6E 30,979 BZS1500L6E 33,270 575/3/60 2 Fan - - - BZT0750L2C 23,239 BZN0750L2C 22,759 BZS0750L2C 24,669 208-230/3/60 1 Fan - - - BZT0750L2D 24,669 BZN0750L2D 24,193 BZS0750L2D 26,100 460/3/60 1 Fan - - - BZT0750L2E 25,159 BZN0750L2E 24,675 BZS0750L2E 26,620 575/3/60 1 Fan - - - BZT1000L2C 28,843 BZN1000L2C 28,369 BZS1000L2C 30,277 208-230/3/60 1 Fan - - - BZT1000L2D 30,341 BZN1000L2D 29,864 BZS1000L2D 31,770 460/3/60 1 Fan - - - BZT1000L2E 30,947 BZN1000L2E 30,461 BZS1000L2E 32,406 575/3/60 1 Fan - - - BZT1300L2C 32,388 BZN1300L2C 31,754 BZS1300L2C 34,233 208-230/3/60 2 Fan - - - BZT1300L2D 33,158 BZN1300L2D 32,523 BZS1300L2D 35,007 460/3/60 2 Fan - - - BZT1300L2E 33,822 BZN1300L2E 33,174 BZS1300L2E 35,705 575/3/60 2 Fan - - - BZT1500L2C 33,447 BZN1500L2C 32,812 BZS1500L2C 35,294 208-230/3/60 2 Fan - - - BZT1500L2D 34,220 BZN1500L2D 33,584 BZS1500L2D 36,067 460/3/60 2 Fan - - - BZT1500L2E 34,902 BZN1500L2E 34,257 BZS1500L2E 36,788 575/3/60 2 Fan - Section 2 Scroll Low Temperature (R-22) Notes: 1. For R-22 low temperature operation, add Demand Cooling Kit. Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2A - 37 Air-Cooled Condensing Units Factory-Installed Options 3 - 22 HP Horizontal Air Discharge • Make sure you have selected a configurable model. When ordering, remember to specify the option codes and list price adders for each selected option. • Can’t Find Something? Other options and accessories might be available on a custom order basis. Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. Need Factory-Installed Options? List Price Adder ($US) Option Code Description Models Used On Notes DFT.001 Defrost Timer - Air All M6 SW.007 Adjustable high pressure switch w/ manual reset & adjustable low pressure switch SW.002 Outdoor (T) Indoor (N) Beacon II™ Outdoor (S) Medium temperature applications only. 524 524 - 2 Fan & 2 Fan Large - 370 370 370 Dual pressure control with adjustable high & low pressure settings All Standard heated and insulated receiver kit option can’t be used with this option. Contact factory 145 145 - FSD.001-1 Mounted fused disconnect 1 Fan (230V) - 993 - 993 FSD.001-2 Mounted fused disconnect 1 Fan (460V) - 1,144 - 1,144 FSD.001-3 Mounted fused disconnect 2 Fan (230V) - 1,745 - 1,745 FSD.001-4 Mounted fused disconnect 2 Fan (460V) - 2,009 - 2,009 FSD.001-5 Mounted fused disconnect 2 Fan Large (230V) - 2,399 - 2,399 FSD.001-6 Mounted fused disconnect 2 Fan Large (460V) - 3,286 - 3,286 Section 2 Electrical Options PLM.001 Phase Loss Monitor All - 1,077 1,077 1,077 FCY.002-1 Fan Cycling - Temperature & Pressure 1 Fan - 374 - Press. Std. FCY.014 Fan Cycling - Temperature & Pressure 2 Fan - 518 - Press. Std. FCY.002-2 Fan Cycling - Temperature & Pressure 2 Fan Large - 518 - Press. Std. ELC.007-1 Circuit Breakers (Compressor, Control & Fan) 2 Fan Large - 230V - 2,240 2,240 - ELC.007-2 Circuit Breakers (Compressor, Control & Fan) 2 Fan Large - 460V - 3,401 3,401 - CFS.001 Compressor Fusing 2 Fan Large - 386 386 386 ELC.008-2 NEMA Contactors 2 Fan Large - 230V - 2,048 2,048 - ELC.008-1 NEMA Contactors 2 Fan Large - 460V - 1,187 1,187 - MS.001-1 Variable Speed EC Motor with Orbus Controller 1 Fan (208-230/3/60) - 1,034 - 1,034 MS.001-2 Variable Speed EC Motor with Orbus Controller 2 Fan (208-230/3/60) - 1,835 - 1,835 All - 444 444 444 Mechanical Options LIQ.003 Replaceable core liquid-line filter drier & sight glass Regulation Requires Variable Speed Fan Motors! California Energy Commission Title 24, Section 126 Effective 01/01/2010, refrigerated warehouses with a total cold storage and frozen storage area exceeding 3,000 square feet require: 1.All condenser fans for air-cooled condensers/condensing units shall be continuously variable speed and the condensing temperature or pressure control system shall control the speed of all condenser fans serving a common condenser loop in unison. The minimum condensing temperature set point shall be less than or equal to 70 degrees Fahrenheit or reset in response to ambient dry bulb temperature or refrigeration system load. 2.All single phase condenser/condensing unit fan motors less than 1 horsepower and less than 460 volts shall be either permanent split capacitor or electronically 2A - 38 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensing Units Factory-Installed Options 3 - 22 HP Horizontal Air Discharge • Make sure you have selected a configurable model. When ordering, remember to specify the option codes and list price adders for each selected option. • Can’t Find Something? Other options and accessories might be available on a custom order basis. Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. Need Factory-Installed Options? Description Models Used On Notes LIQ.002-3 Liquid-line solenoid valve 1 Fan LIQ.002-4 Liquid-line solenoid valve LIQ.002-5 Outdoor (T) Indoor (N) Beacon II™ Outdoor (S) Not recommended on applications with line runs more than 25 feet. 581 581 - 2 Fan Not recommended on applications with line runs more than 25 feet. 652 652 - Liquid-line solenoid valve 2 Fan Large Not recommended on applications with line runs more than 25 feet. 893 893 - SUC.003-1 Suction-line filter 1 Fan - 444 444 444 SUC.003-2 Suction-line filter 2 Fan - 754 754 754 SUC.003-3 Suction-line filter 2 Fan Large - 1,204 1,204 1,204 SUC.005-1 Replaceable core suction-line filter 1 Fan - 853 853 853 SUC.005-2 Replaceable core suction-line filter 2 Fan - 1,164 1,164 1,164 SUC.005-3 Replaceable core suction-line filter 2 Fan Large - 1,576 1,576 1,576 SUC.007-1 Suction accumulator 1 Fan - 683 683 683 SUC.007-2 Suction accumulator 2 Fan - 1,061 1,061 1,061 SUC.007-3 Suction accumulator 2 Fan Large - 2,572 2,572 2,572 DIS.004-1 Head pressure control valve - 180psi fixed 1 & 2 Fan - Standard 333 Standard DIS.004-2 Head pressure control valve adjustable 2 Fan Large - Standard 1,130 Standard DIS.001-1 Oil separator with discharge line check valve 1 Fan - 1,235 1,235 1,235 DIS.001-2 Oil separator with discharge line check valve 2 Fan - 1,304 1,304 1,304 DIS.001-3 Oil separator with discharge line check valve 2 Fan Large - 1,543 1,543 1,543 UNL.001 Compressor Unloading (One Step) 2 Fan Large - 2,129 2,129 - DMD.001 Demand Cooling for low temperature R-22 All L6 Discuss Compressors Only 2,231 2,231 2,231 REC.010-3 Oversized receiver 1 Fan R-22 = 60 lbs.; R-404A/507 = 52 lbs. 1,163 1,163 1,163 REC.010-2 Oversized receiver 2 Fan R-22 = 90 lbs.; R-404A/507 = 78 lbs. 579 579 579 REC.010-1 Oversized receiver 2 Fan Large See technical bulletin for Volumes 357 357 357 LOW.001-1 Heated & Insulated reciever with low pressure cut-out time delay 1 & 2 Fan - 747 - 747 LOW.001-2 Heated & Insulated reciever with low pressure cut-out time delay 2 Fan Large - 998 - 998 LVR.001-1 Louvered guard for snowbelt regions 1 Fan - 1,130 - 1,130 LVR.001-2 Louvered guard for snowbelt regions 2 Fan - 1,287 - 1,287 Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2A - 39 Section 2 List Price Adder ($US) Option Code Air-Cooled Condensing Units Factory-Installed Options 3 - 22 HP Horizontal Air Discharge • Make sure you have selected a configurable model. When ordering, remember to specify the option codes and list price adders for each selected option. • Can’t Find Something? Other options and accessories might be available on a custom order basis. Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. Need Factory-Installed Options? Option Code List Price Adder ($US) Description Models Used On Notes Outdoor (T) Indoor (N) Beacon II™ Outdoor (S) CS.PRO-1 BohnGuard™ condenser fin protection 1 Fan - 1,159 1,159 1,159 CS.PRO-2 BohnGuard™ condenser fin protection 2 Fan - 1,602 1,602 1,602 CS.PRO-3 BohnGuard™ condenser fin protection 2 Fan Large - 2,250 2,250 2,250 CS.CPR-1 Copper condenser fins 1 Fan - Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Section 2 Coil Options CS.CPR-2 Copper condenser fins 2 Fan - Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory CS.CPR-3 Copper condenser fins 2 Fan Large - Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory CS.ELEC-1 ElectroFin coil coating 1 Fan - Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory CS.ELEC-2 ElectroFin coil coating 2 Fan - Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory CS.ELEC-3 ElectroFin coil coating 2 Fan Large - Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory CS.BRZ-1 Bronz-Glow coil coating 1 Fan - Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory CS.BRZ-2 Bronz-Glow coil coating 2 Fan - Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory CS.BRZ-3 Bronz-Glow coil coating 2 Fan Large - Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory 2A - 40 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensing Units 3 - 22 HP Horizontal Air Discharge Factory-Installed Electric Defrost Options • Make sure you have selected a configurable model. When ordering, remember to specify the option codes and list price adders for each selected option. • Electric defrost kits and components are available to be factory mounted in the electrical box of indoor or outdoor condensing units used in medium/ low temp applications with electric defrost evaporators. Selecting the proper kit is as easy as … 1 2 3 Definitions Electric Defrost Timer Initiates and terminates defrost cycles based on a predetermined time schedule. Add up the total fan motor amps and electric heater amps for all evaporators in the refrigeration system. Lockout Relay Prevents the electric defrost heaters from energizing when the compressor is in operation. Evaporator Hold Out Relay Allows each evaporator to individually terminate defrost on temperature when multiple evaporators are used in a single system. For the selected condensing unit, find the rated defrost power amps for both the fan motor amps and electric heater amps. Fan Contactor Carries amperage load for evaporator fan motors. If the evaporator total fan motor amps and electric defrost heater amps calculated in Step 1 are less than the condensing unit’s rated defrost power amps found in Step 2 then proceed below to select the appropriate kit/components and list price adders. If not then contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. Option Code Description Heater Contactor Carries amperage load for evaporator electric defrost heaters. InterLink™ Smart Defrost Kit™ (SDK) The InterLink™ SDK is a revolutionary product that is designed to be used on any electric defrost walk-in freezer system with an electro-mechanical defrost timer set for three or more scheduled defrosts per day. The InterLink™ SDK accurately estimates frost accumulation on the evaporator coil and decides if it can skip the preprogrammed defrost period that is set on the defrost timer. This helps eliminate unneeded defrost cycles, saving energy and increasing product integrity List Price Adder ($US) Models Used On Notes Outdoor (T) Indoor (N) DFT.007-2 Electric Defrost Kit (High Amps) 1 Fan Includes (1) electric defrost timer, (1 or 2) heater & (1) fan contactors, terminal strip 1,206 1,206 DFT.007-3 Electric Defrost Kit (High Amps) 2 Fan Includes (1) electric defrost timer, (1 or 2) heater & (1) fan contactors, terminal strip 1,346 1,346 DFT.028 Electric Defrost Kit (Low Amps) 2 Fan Large Includes (1) electric defrost timer, (1 or 2) heater & (1) fan contactors, terminal strip 1,826 1,826 DFT.029 Electric Defrost Kit (High Amps) 2 Fan Large Includes (1) electric defrost timer, (1 or 2) heater & (1) fan contactors, terminal strip 2,627 2,627 DEF.066 Fuses for electric defrost kits 1 & 2 Fan - 428 428 DEF.067 Fuses for electric defrost kits 2 Fan Large - 428 428 EHR.001 Evaporator hold out relay 2 Fan Large - 213 213 SDK.001 InterLink™ Smart Defrost Kit™ All Can not be used alone. Must also select a electric defrost timer or electric defrost kit. 812 812 Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2A - 41 Section 2 Need an electric defrost kit? Air-Cooled Condensing Units Shipped-Loose Accessories 3 - 22 HP Horizontal Air Discharge A wide range of shipped-loose accessories are available to order. Can’t Find Something? Other options and accessories might be available on a custom order basis. Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. Part Number Description Models Used On Notes List Price ($US) All Can not be used alone. Must be used with a electric defrost timer or electric defrost kit. Can not be used with Beacon II. 812 Electrical Options 22681501 InterLink™ Smart Defrost Kit™ Mechanical Options 50053301 12” Extended Legs 1 Fan & 2 Fan - 389 59894901 12” Extended Legs 2 Fan Large - 453 59898801 Hail Guards 1 Fan - 416 59898901 Hail Guards 2 Fan - 471 59896801 Hail Guards 2 Fan Large - 526 Crankcase Pressure Regulator (CPR) Valves A selection program must be used to pick the proper valve. The selection program requires the following inputs: system capacity, suction temperature, and maximum holding temperature. Not available for use on Beacon II™ Outdoor units. Should not be used with MOP type expansion valves in unit coolers. Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. Section 2 Size Part Number List Price ($US) 5/8” 2930142 272 7/8” 29346101 374 1 1/8” 29399012 549 1 3/8” 4227W 1,501 1 5/8” 4262Q 2,349 2A - 42 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensing Units Overview 4 - 13 HP Horizontal Air Discharge Cabinet & Construction • All units feature the Floating Tube ™ coil design, eliminating tube sheet leaks • Painted steel cabinet for superior strength and corrosion resistance • Enhanced grill design provides 25-40% increase in free-air area Serviceability • • • • • The 4-13 HP condensing unit product line with Bitzer® compressors feature an enhanced grill design that gives up to 40% more free-air area than prior models and its vertical receiver needs less refrigerant to ensure a full column of liquid reaches the expansion valve. Fan motors and serviceable components are accessible via the front grill for quick service and the sight glass is conveniently placed so that charging is quick, easy and accurate. Thorough cleaning of the coil is easier because the unit’s top is one piece and lighter for easy removal. A liquid base valve and suction service tap is placed on the outside of the cabinet for easy pump-downs and quick diagnosis. The footprint is smaller for easy jobsite placement. These condensing units utilize the Floating Tube™ design, which eliminates tube-sheet leaks, allowing a 5-year warranty against tube-sheet leaks. PSC motors come standard to help you save money Quality • • • • • Sight Glass is easily viewable Fixed high and adjustable low pressure switch Refrigeration duty, rifled copper condenser tubing Electrical box relocated outside of air stream (improved air flow) Piping is laid out to minimize stress and vibration and is pre-bent to eliminate braze joints where possible, to reduce leak potential Components Compressor • Units feature Bitzer® semi-hermetic compressors. • Available with compressor unloading Other • Crankcase heater and head pressure valve on all outdoor units • Sight glass and permanent liquid line filter Motors • Available with Variable Speed EC Motors Section 2 Product Description: Manual pumpdown switch on all units Dual isolation valves on receiver Base valve and high/low pressure taps on outside of cabinet Removable grill for access to all serviceable parts Lighter, one-piece top is easily removed for improved serviceability Opting for the Beacon II™ Refrigeration System with Smart Defrost, factory-installed Smart Defrost Kit™ (SDK), Variable Speed EC (VSEC) motor with Orbus™ Controller increases energy efficiency and qualifies this product for the E Solutions™ product portfolio Certifications Nomenclature Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2A - 43 Air-Cooled Condensing Units Performance Data 4 - 13 HP Horizontal Air Discharge Models with Bitzer Compressors * = T for Outdoor, N for Indoor, S for Beacon II™ Bohn Base Model Capacity (BTUH) Suction Compressor Temp. Ambient Temperature °F °F 90°F 95°F 100°F 110°F Section 2 Medium Temperature (R-404A/507) Bohn Base Model Capacity (BTUH) Suction Compressor Temp. Ambient Temperature °F °F 90°F 95°F 100°F 110°F BB*0601L6 4C1385SL -20°F 32,320 30,410 28,510 24,810 BB*0551M6 4C0969SH 40°F 89,700 85,620 81,720 74,280 BB*0601L6 4C1385SL -30°F 25,910 24,260 22,630 19,540 BB*0551M6 4C0969SH 30°F 75,460 72,064 68,710 62,010 BB*0601L6 4C1385SL -40°F 22,910 21,500 20,090 17,370 BB*0551M6 4C0969SH 25°F 68,740 65,580 62,440 56,230 BB*0611L6 4C1480PL 0°F 56,010 52,610 49,660 43,790 BB*0551M6 4C0969SH 20°F 62,260 59,360 56,460 50,730 BB*0611L6 4C1480PL -10°F 43,740 41,241 38,770 33,850 BB*0551M6 4C0969SH 15°F 56,190 53,510 50,870 45,720 BB*0611L6 4C1480PL -15°F 38,540 36,230 33,910 29,460 BB*0551M6 4C0969SH 5°F 45,520 43,270 41,170 36,550 BB*0611L6 4C1480PL -20°F 33,870 31,750 29,680 25,640 BB*0751M6 4C1145SH 40°F 105,280 100,690 95,530 86,960 BB*0611L6 4C1480PL -30°F 26,730 24,980 23,280 19,980 BB*0751M6 4C1145SH 30°F 88,720 84,739 80,270 72,380 BB*0611L6 4C1480PL -40°F 23,080 21,650 20,230 17,430 BB*0751M6 4C1145SH 25°F 80,750 76,660 72,960 65,640 BB*0751L6 4C1761PL 0°F 68,040 64,570 61,090 54,180 BB*0751M6 4C1145SH 20°F 72,780 69,360 65,960 59,210 BB*0751L6 4C1761PL -10°F 53,710 50,780 47,800 41,660 BB*0751M6 4C1145SH 15°F 65,640 62,500 59,380 53,160 BB*0751L6 4C1761PL -15°F 47,320 44,580 41,840 36,480 BB*0751M6 4C1145SH 5°F 53,140 50,500 47,880 42,700 BB*0751L6 4C1761PL -20°F 41,590 39,080 36,600 31,870 BB*0901M6 4C1385SH 40°F 129,090 124,130 118,700 107,220 BB*0751L6 4C1761PL -30°F 32,760 30,720 28,700 24,750 BB*0901M6 4C1385SH 30°F 108,780 101,623 99,390 90,050 BB*0751L6 4C1761PL -40°F 28,200 26,530 24,910 21,590 BB*0901M6 4C1385SH 25°F 99,120 94,750 90,440 81,730 BB*1001L6 4C2067PL 0°F 78,200 74,200 70,160 63,210 BB*0901M6 4C1385SH 20°F 89,850 85,870 81,860 76,750 BB*1001L6 4C2067PL -10°F 61,470 58,050 54,740 48,110 BB*0901M6 4C1385SH 15°F 81,200 77,500 73,800 66,340 BB*1001L6 4C2067PL -15°F 54,150 51,030 47,940 41,820 BB*0901M6 4C1385SH 5°F 65,960 62,760 59,840 53,950 BB*1001L6 4C2067PL -20°F 47,560 44,700 41,880 36,370 BB*1001M6 4C1480PH 40°F 137,470 131,010 125,080 113,750 BB*1001L6 4C2067PL -30°F 37,620 35,240 32,860 28,310 BB*1001M6 4C1480PH 30°F 115,200 107,509 105,430 94,630 BB*1001L6 4C2067PL -40°F 32,550 30,500 28,620 24,710 BB*1001M6 4C1480PH 25°F 104,860 100,040 95,260 85,740 BB*1201L6 4C2397PL 0°F 93,390 88,580 83,830 74,420 BB*1001M6 4C1480PH 20°F 94,930 90,550 86,090 77,130 BB*1201L6 4C2397PL -10°F 74,920 69,208 65,150 57,070 BB*1001M6 4C1480PH 15°F 85,670 81,560 77,450 69,510 BB*1201L6 4C2397PL -15°F 64,440 60,680 56,890 49,580 BB*1001M6 4C1480PH 5°F 69,300 65,840 62,560 55,590 BB*1201L6 4C2397PL -20°F 56,560 53,090 49,680 43,080 BB*1201L6 4C2397PL -30°F 44,620 41,750 38,850 33,170 BB*1201L6 4C2397PL -40°F 38,400 36,060 33,630 28,760 Low Temperature (R-404A/507) BB*0401L6 4C0969SL 0°F 35,200 33,380 31,560 28,020 BB*0401L6 4C0969SL -10°F 27,690 26,222 24,690 21,680 BB*1301L6 4B2707PL 0°F 105,360 100,530 95,590 85,790 BB*0401L6 4C0969SL -15°F 24,440 23,040 21,620 18,870 BB*1301L6 4B2707PL -10°F 83,410 79,221 75,110 66,870 BB*0401L6 4C0969SL -20°F 21,520 20,210 18,930 16,460 BB*1301L6 4B2707PL -15°F 73,740 69,890 66,030 58,590 BB*0401L6 4C0969SL -30°F 17,090 16,000 14,930 12,820 BB*1301L6 4B2707PL -20°F 65,040 61,530 58,040 51,230 BB*0401L6 4C0969SL -40°F 15,030 14,090 13,200 11,330 BB*1301L6 4B2707PL -30°F 51,830 48,880 45,950 40,350 BB*0551L6 4C1145SL 0°F 42,930 40,770 38,600 34,290 BB*1301L6 4B2707PL -40°F 45,050 42,600 40,250 35,390 BB*0551L6 4C1145SL -10°F 33,890 32,073 30,230 26,620 BB*0551L6 4C1145SL -15°F 29,880 28,200 26,510 23,190 BB*0551L6 4C1145SL -20°F 26,310 24,770 23,230 20,270 BB*0551L6 4C1145SL -30°F 20,960 19,650 18,370 15,830 BB*0551L6 4C1145SL -40°F 18,450 17,320 16,240 14,010 BB*0601L6 4C1385SL 0°F 52,890 50,250 47,530 42,230 BB*0601L6 4C1385SL -10°F 41,590 39,334 37,070 32,610 BB*0601L6 4C1385SL -15°F 36,690 34,580 32,480 28,460 2A - 44 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensing Units Unit Specifications 4 - 13 HP Horizontal Air Discharge Models with Bitzer Compressors * = T for Outdoor, N for Indoor, S for Beacon II™ Bohn Base Model Unit Compressor HP Connections (in.) Liquid OD Reciever 90% Full (lbs.) Suction OD Std Opt Dimensions Approx. Net Weight Depth Width Height (lbs.) (in.) (in.) (in.) Medium Temperature (R-404A/507) BB*0551M6 4C0969SH 5.5 5/8 1 3/8 67.0 78.0 36 3/4 63 3/4 39 1/4 823 BB*0751M6 4C1145SH 7.5 5/8 1 3/8 67.0 78.0 36 3/4 63 3/4 39 1/4 862 BB*0901M6 4C1385SH 9 7/8 1 5/8 67.0 87.0 41 3/4 75 1/8 48 3/4 993 BB*1001M6 4C1480PH 10 7/8 1 5/8 67.0 87.0 41 3/4 75 1/8 48 3/4 1,101 BB*0401L6 4C0969SL 4 1/2 1 1/8 28.0 52.0 36 3/4 51 3/4 39 1/4 595 BB*0551L6 4C1145SL 5.5 1/2 1 1/8 28.0 52.0 36 3/4 51 3/4 39 1/4 645 BB*0601L6 4C1385SL 6 5/8 1 3/8 67.0 78.0 36 3/4 63 3/4 39 1/4 775 BB*0611L6 4C1480PL 6.5 5/8 1 3/8 67.0 78.0 36 3/4 63 3/4 39 1/4 865 BB*0751L6 4C1761PL 7.5 5/8 1 3/8 67.0 78.0 36 3/4 63 3/4 39 1/4 935 BB*1001L6 4C2067PL 10 5/8 1 3/8 67.0 78.0 36 3/4 63 3/4 39 1/4 1,000 BB*1201L6 4C2397PL 12 7/8 1 5/8 67.0 87.0 41 3/4 75 1/8 48 3/4 1,082 BB*1301L6 4B2707PL 13 7/8 1 5/8 67.0 87.0 41 3/4 75 1/8 48 3/4 1,173 Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Section 2 Low Temperature (R-404A/507) 2A - 45 Air-Cooled Condensing Units Electrical Data 4 - 13 HP Horizontal Air Discharge Models with Bitzer Compressors * = T for Outdoor, N for Indoor, S for Beacon II™ Condensing unit data plate ratings for electric defrost applications will be based on actual system match. Contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. Bohn Base Model Voltage Compressor RLA LRA Beacon II or Air Defrost Fan Motor Qty Motor HP FLA MCA MOPD Electric Defrost Kit Amps MCA MOPD Evap. Fans Elec. Htrs Section 2 Medium Temperature (R-404A/507) BB*0551M6C 208-230/3/60 26.5 163.0 2 1/3 5.4 38.5 60 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory BB*0551M6D 460/3/60 12.8 66.5 2 1/3 3.8 19.8 30 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory BB*0551M6E 575/3/60 8.3 48.0 2 1/3 2.4 12.8 20 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory BB*0751M6C 208-230/3/60 29.0 215.0 2 1/3 5.4 41.7 70 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory BB*0751M6D 460/3/60 13.8 88.0 2 1/3 3.8 21.1 35 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory BB*0751M6E 575/3/60 10.3 63.5 2 1/3 2.4 15.3 25 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory BB*0911M6C 208-230/3/60 32.7 215.0 2 3/4 8.8 49.7 80 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory BB*0911M6D 460/3/60 16.3 88.0 2 3/4 4.4 24.8 40 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory BB*0911M6E 575/3/60 13.1 63.5 2 3/4 3.6 20.0 30 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory BB*1001M6C 208-230/3/60 38.5 222.0 2 3/4 8.8 56.9 90 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory BB*1001M6D 460/3/60 19.2 111.0 2 3/4 4.4 28.4 45 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory BB*1001M6E 575/3/60 15.4 89.0 2 3/4 3.6 22.9 35 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Low Temperature (R-404A/507) BB*0401L6C 208-230/3/60 16.7 142.0 1 1/3 2.7 23.6 40 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory BB*0401L6D 460/3/60 9.0 58.0 1 1/3 1.9 13.2 20 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory BB*0401L6E 575/3/60 7.0 51.5 1 1/3 1.2 10.0 15 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory BB*0551L6C 208-230/3/60 19.4 163.0 1 1/3 2.7 27.0 45 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory BB*0551L6D 460/3/60 10.6 66.5 1 1/3 1.9 15.2 25 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory BB*0551L6E 575/3/60 8.7 48.0 1 1/3 1.2 12.1 20 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory BB*0601L6C 208-230/3/60 24.9 215.0 2 1/3 5.4 36.5 60 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory BB*0601L6D 460/3/60 14.2 88.0 2 1/3 3.8 21.6 35 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory BB*0601L6E 575/3/60 10.8 63.5 2 1/3 2.4 15.9 25 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory BB*0611L6C 208-230/3/60 24.4 150.0 2 1/3 5.4 35.9 60 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory BB*0611L6D 460/3/60 12.2 75.0 2 1/3 3.8 19.1 30 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory BB*0611L6E 575/3/60 9.6 60.0 2 1/3 2.4 14.4 20 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory BB*0751L6C 208-230/3/60 28.2 180.0 2 1/3 5.4 40.7 60 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory BB*0751L6D 460/3/60 14.1 90.0 2 1/3 3.8 21.4 35 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory BB*0751L6E 575/3/60 12.2 72.0 2 1/3 2.4 17.7 30 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory BB*1001L6C 208-230/3/60 34.6 222.0 2 1/3 5.4 48.7 80 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory BB*1001L6D 460/3/60 17.3 111.0 2 1/3 3.8 25.4 40 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory BB*1001L6E 575/3/60 14.4 89.0 2 1/3 2.4 20.4 30 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory BB*1201L6C 208-230/3/60 39.7 252.0 2 3/4 8.8 58.4 90 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory BB*1201L6D 460/3/60 19.9 126.0 2 3/4 4.4 29.3 45 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory BB*1201L6E 575/3/60 15.9 101.0 2 3/4 3.6 22.5 35 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory BB*1301L6C 208-230/3/60 43.6 294.0 2 3/4 8.8 63.3 100 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory BB*1301L6D 460/3/60 21.8 147.0 2 3/4 4.4 31.7 50 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory BB*1301L6E 575/3/60 17.3 117.0 2 3/4 3.6 25.2 40 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Notes: Consult factory for 50 HZ applications. MCA = Minimum Circuit Ampacity MOPD = Maximum Overcurrent Protection Device 2A - 46 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensing Units 4 - 13 HP Horizontal Air Discharge Configurable Models Pricing Configurable Models Outdoor (T) Indoor (N) • • • • • • • • • • • Prepainted galvanized cabinet Manual pump-down switch Electronic oil failure switch Spring mounted compressors with suction and discharge vibration eliminators Head pressure control valve Crankcase heater Fixed high and adjustable low pressure switches Sight glass & permanent liquid-line filter ServiceMate™ Diagnostic Module Need to customize? List Price ($US) • • No cabinet hood Fan guards & wiring conduit Manual pump-down switch Electronic oil failure switch Spring mounted compressors with suction and discharge vibration eliminators Crankcase heater Fixed high and adjustable low pressure switches Sight glass & permanent liquid-line filter ServiceMate™ Diagnostic Module Beacon II™ Outdoor (S) • Outdoor Unit with hood • Manual pump-down switch • Spring mounted compressors with suction and discharge vibration eliminators • Crankcase heater • Head pressure control valve • Wired for Beacon II™ control. Beacon II™ fan cycling for two fan units only • Fixed high and adjustable low pressure switches • Sight glass & permanent liquid-line filter Look at the factory-installed options starting on page 2A-49. Outdoor (T) Bohn Model • • • • • Indoor (N) Bohn Model Beacon II™ Outdoor (S) List Price ($US) Bohn Model List Price ($US) Voltage Cabinet Notes BBT0551M6C 22,728 BBN0551M6C 22,296 BBS0551M6C 23,968 208-230/3/60 2 Fan - BBT0551M6D 23,864 BBN0551M6D 23,411 BBS0551M6D 25,166 460/3/60 2 Fan - BBT0551M6E 24,341 BBN0551M6E 23,878 BBS0551M6E 25,669 575/3/60 2 Fan - BBT0751M6C 25,556 BBN0751M6C 25,070 BBS0751M6C 26,950 208-230/3/60 2 Fan - BBT0751M6D 26,834 BBN0751M6D 26,324 BBS0751M6D 28,298 460/3/60 2 Fan - BBT0751M6E 27,370 BBN0751M6E 26,849 BBS0751M6E 28,864 575/3/60 2 Fan - BBT0901M6C 30,286 BBN0901M6C 29,711 BBS0901M6C 31,938 208-230/3/60 2 Fan Large - BBT0901M6D 31,801 BBN0901M6D 31,196 BBS0901M6D 33,537 460/3/60 2 Fan Large - BBT0901M6E 32,436 BBN0901M6E 31,820 BBS0901M6E 34,207 575/3/60 2 Fan Large - BBT1001M6C 30,870 BBN1001M6C 30,284 BBS1001M6C 32,555 208-230/3/60 2 Fan Large - BBT1001M6D 32,414 BBN1001M6D 31,797 BBS1001M6D 34,183 460/3/60 2 Fan Large - BBT1001M6E 33,062 BBN1001M6E 32,434 BBS1001M6E 34,867 575/3/60 2 Fan Large - Section 2 Medium Temperature (R-404A/507) Low Temperature (R-404A/507) BBT0401L6C 21,279 BBN0401L6C 20,897 BBS0401L6C 22,214 208-230/3/60 1 Fan - BBT0401L6D 22,110 BBN0401L6D 21,712 BBS0401L6D 23,080 460/3/60 1 Fan - BBT0401L6E 22,557 BBN0401L6E 22,150 BBS0401L6E 23,546 575/3/60 1 Fan - BBT0551L6C 22,359 BBN0551L6C 21,958 BBS0551L6C 23,341 208-230/3/60 1 Fan - BBT0551L6D 23,232 BBN0551L6D 22,813 BBS0551L6D 24,251 460/3/60 1 Fan - BBT0551L6E 23,702 BBN0551L6E 23,275 BBS0551L6E 24,741 575/3/60 1 Fan - BBT0601L6C 26,828 BBN0601L6C 26,345 BBS0601L6C 28,004 208-230/3/60 2 Fan - BBT0601L6D 27,874 BBN0601L6D 27,372 BBS0601L6D 29,097 460/3/60 2 Fan - BBT0601L6E 28,437 BBN0601L6E 27,926 BBS0601L6E 29,684 575/3/60 2 Fan - BBT0611L6C 27,475 BBN0611L6C 26,980 BBS0611L6C 28,679 208-230/3/60 2 Fan - BBT0611L6D 28,546 BBN0611L6D 28,033 BBS0611L6D 29,799 460/3/60 2 Fan - BBT0611L6E 29,123 BBN0611L6E 28,599 BBS0611L6E 30,400 575/3/60 2 Fan - BBT0751L6C 28,652 BBN0751L6C 28,137 BBS0751L6C 29,909 208-230/3/60 2 Fan - BBT0751L6D 29,770 BBN0751L6D 29,233 BBS0751L6D 31,075 460/3/60 2 Fan - Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2A - 47 Air-Cooled Condensing Units 4 - 13 HP Horizontal Air Discharge Outdoor (T) Bohn Model List Price ($US) BBT0751L6E 30,372 Indoor (N) Configurable Models Pricing Beacon II™ Outdoor (S) Bohn Model List Price ($US) Bohn Model List Price ($US) Voltage Cabinet Notes BBN0751L6E 29,825 BBS0751L6E 31,704 575/3/60 2 Fan - BBT1001L6C 32,731 BBN1001L6C 32,142 BBS1001L6C 34,166 208-230/3/60 2 Fan - BBT1001L6D 34,007 BBN1001L6D 33,395 BBS1001L6D 35,500 460/3/60 2 Fan - BBT1001L6E 34,694 BBN1001L6E 34,071 BBS1001L6E 36,217 575/3/60 2 Fan - BBT1201L6C 33,412 BBN1201L6C 32,810 BBS1201L6C 34,878 208-230/3/60 2 Fan Large - BBT1201L6D 34,715 BBN1201L6D 34,089 BBS1201L6D 36,238 460/3/60 2 Fan Large - BBT1201L6E 35,416 BBN1201L6E 34,779 BBS1201L6E 36,970 575/3/60 2 Fan Large - 34,907 BBN1301L6C 34,280 BBS1301L6C 36,438 208-230/3/60 2 Fan Large - 36,269 BBN1301L6D 35,616 BBS1301L6D 37,860 460/3/60 2 Fan Large - BBT1301L6E 37,002 BBN1301L6E 36,336 BBS1301L6E 38,625 575/3/60 2 Fan Large - Section 2 BBT1301L6C BBT1301L6D 2A - 48 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensing Units Factory-Installed Options 4 - 13 HP Horizontal Air Discharge • Make sure you have selected a configurable model. When ordering, remember to specify the option codes and list price adders for each selected option. • Can’t Find Something? Other options and accessories might be available on a custom order basis. Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. Need Factory-Installed Options? Option Code List Price Adder ($US) Outdoor Indoor Beacon II™ (T) (N) Outdoor (S) Description Models Used On Notes DFT.001 Defrost Timer - Air All M6 Medium temperature applications only. 524 524 - SW.007 Adjustable high pressure switch w/ manual reset & adjustable low pressure switch All - 370 370 370 SW.002 Dual pressure control with adjustable high & low pressure settings All FSD.001-3 FSD.001-4 FSD.001-5 FSD.001-6 FSD.001-7 FSD.001-8 PLM.001 FCY.002-1 FCY.014 FCY.002-2 ELC.007-1 ELC.007-2 CFS.001 ELC.008-2 ELC.008-1 MS.001-1 MS.001-2 Mounted fused disconnect 1 Fan (230V) Mounted fused disconnect 1 Fan (460V) Mounted fused disconnect 2 Fan (230V) Mounted fused disconnect 2 Fan (460V) Mounted fused disconnect 2 Fan Large (230V) Mounted fused disconnect 2 Fan Large (460V) Phase Loss Monitor All Fan Cycling - Temperature & Pressure 1 Fan Fan Cycling - Temperature & Pressure 2 Fan Fan Cycling - Temperature & Pressure 2 Fan Large Circuit Breakers (Compressor, Control & Fan) 2 Fan Large - 230V Circuit Breakers (Compressor, Control & Fan) 2 Fan Large - 460V Compressor Fusing 2 Fan Large NEMA Contactors 2 Fan Large - 230V NEMA Contactors 2 Fan Large - 460V Variable Speed EC Motor with Orbus 1 Fan (208-230/3/60) Controller Variable Speed EC Motor with Orbus 2 Fan (208-230/3/60) Controller Standard heated and insulated receiver kit option can’t be used with this option. Contact factory - 145 145 - 993 1,144 1,745 2,009 2,399 3,286 1,077 374 518 518 2,240 3,401 386 2,048 1,187 1,077 2,240 3,401 386 2,048 1,187 993 1,144 1,745 2,009 2,399 3,286 1,077 Press. Std. Press. Std. Press. Std. 386 - - 1,034 - 1,034 - 1,835 - 1,835 - 444 444 444 581 581 - 652 652 - 893 893 - 444 754 1,204 444 754 1,204 444 754 1,204 Mechanical Options LIQ.003 Replaceable core liquid-line filter drier & sight glass All LIQ.002-1 Liquid-line solenoid valve 1 Fan LIQ.002-2 Liquid-line solenoid valve 2 Fan LIQ.002-3 Liquid-line solenoid valve 2 Fan Large SUC.003-1 SUC.003-2 SUC.003-3 Suction-line filter Suction-line filter Suction-line filter 1 Fan 2 Fan 2 Fan Large Not recommended on applications with line runs more than 25 feet. Not recommended on applications with line runs more than 25 feet. Not recommended on applications with line runs more than 25 feet. - Regulation Requires Variable Speed Fan Motors! California Energy Commission Title 24, Section 126 Effective 01/01/2010, refrigerated warehouses with a total cold storage and frozen storage area exceeding 3,000 square feet require: 1. All condenser fans for air-cooled condensers/condensing units shall be continuously variable speed and the condensing temperature or pressure control system shall control the speed of all condenser fans serving a common condenser loop in unison. The minimum condensing temperature set point shall be less than or equal to 70 degrees Fahrenheit or reset in response to ambient dry bulb temperature or refrigeration system load. 2. All single phase condenser/condensing unit fan motors less than 1 horsepower and less than 460 volts shall be either permanent split capacitor or electronically commutated. Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2A - 49 Section 2 Electrical Options Air-Cooled Condensing Units Factory-Installed Options 4 - 13 HP Horizontal Air Discharge Need Factory-Installed Options? Section 2 Option Code Description SUC.005-1 Replaceable core suction-line filter SUC.005-2 Replaceable core suction-line filter SUC.005-3 Replaceable core suction-line filter SUC.007-1 Suction accumulator SUC.007-2 Suction accumulator SUC.007-3 Suction accumulator DIS.004-1 Head pressure control valve - 180psi fixed DIS.004-2 Head pressure control valve - adjustable DIS.001-1 Oil separator with discharge line check valve DIS.001-2 Oil separator with discharge line check valve DIS.001-3 Oil separator with discharge line check valve UNL.001 Compressor Unloading (One Step) REC.010-3 Oversized receiver REC.010-2 Oversized receiver REC.010-1 Oversized receiver Heated & Insulated reciever with low LOW.001-1 pressure cut-out time delay Heated & Insulated reciever with low LOW.001-2 pressure cut-out time delay LVR.001-1 Louvered guard for snowbelt regions LVR.001-2 Louvered guard for snowbelt regions • Make sure you have selected a configurable model. When ordering, remember to specify the option codes and list price adders for each selected option. • Can’t Find Something? Other options and accessories might be available on a custom order basis. Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. Models Used On 1 Fan 2 Fan 2 Fan Large 1 Fan 2 Fan 2 Fan Large 1 & 2 Fan 2 Fan Large 1 Fan 2 Fan 2 Fan Large All 1 Fan 2 Fan 2 Fan Large Notes List Price Adder ($US) Outdoor Indoor Beacon II™ (T) (N) Outdoor (S) 853 1,164 1,576 683 1,061 2,572 Standard Standard 1,235 1,304 1,543 2,129 R-22 = 60 lbs.; R-404A/507 = 52 lbs. 1,163 R-22 = 90 lbs.; R-404A/507 = 78 lbs. 579 See technical bulletin for Volumes 357 853 1,164 1,576 683 1,061 2,572 333 1,130 1,235 1,304 1,543 2,129 1,163 579 357 853 1,164 1,576 683 1,061 2,572 Standard Standard 1,235 1,304 1,543 1,163 579 357 1 & 2 Fan - 747 - 747 2 Fan Large - 998 - 998 1 Fan 2 Fan - 1,130 1,287 - 1,130 1,287 1 Fan 2 Fan 2 Fan Large 1 Fan 2 Fan 2 Fan Large 1 Fan 2 Fan 2 Fan Large 1 Fan 2 Fan 2 Fan Large - 1,159 1,602 2,250 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory 1,159 1,602 2,250 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory 1,159 1,602 2,250 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Coil Options CS.PRO-1 CS.PRO-2 CS.PRO-3 CS.CPR-1 CS.CPR-2 CS.CPR-3 CS.ELEC-1 CS.ELEC-2 CS.ELEC-3 CS.BRZ-1 CS.BRZ-2 CS.BRZ-3 2A - 50 BohnGuard™ condenser fin protection BohnGuard™ condenser fin protection BohnGuard™ condenser fin protection Copper condenser fins Copper condenser fins Copper condenser fins ElectroFin coil coating ElectroFin coil coating ElectroFin coil coating Bronz-Glow coil coating Bronz-Glow coil coating Bronz-Glow coil coating List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensing Units 4 - 13 HP Horizontal Air Discharge Factory-Installed Electric Defrost Options Selecting the proper kit is as easy as … 1 2 3 Option Code Add up the total fan motor amps and electric heater amps for all evaporators in the refrigeration system. For the selected condensing unit, contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer to find out the rated defrost power amps for both the fan motor amps and electric heater amps. The condensing unit data plate ratings are based on the actual system match. Your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer will help you select the proper electric defrost kit and components. Definitions Electric Defrost Timer Initiates and terminates defrost cycles based on a predetermined time schedule. Lockout Relay Prevents the electric defrost heaters from energizing when the compressor is in operation. Evaporator Hold Out Relay Allows each evaporator to individually terminate defrost on temperature when multiple evaporators are used in a single system. Fan Contactor Carries amperage load for evaporator fan motors. Heater Contactor Carries amperage load for evaporator electric defrost heaters. InterLink™ Smart Defrost Kit™ (SDK) The InterLink™ SDK is a revolutionary product that is designed to be used on any electric defrost walk-in freezer system with an electro-mechanical defrost timer set for three or more scheduled defrosts per day. The InterLink™ SDK accurately estimates frost accumulation on the evaporator coil and decides if it can skip the preprogrammed defrost period that is set on the defrost timer. This helps eliminate unneeded defrost cycles, saving energy and increasing product integrity Description List Price Adder ($US) Models Used On Notes 1,775 1,775 Outdoor (T) Indoor (N) DFT.KIT Electric Defrost Kit All Includes (1) electric defrost timer, (1) heater contactor (48 amp maximum heater load), (1) fan contactor, terminal strip, and fusing DFT.CHR Additional Heater Contactor and hold out relay All 48 amp maximum heater load per heater contactor. Can only have a maximum of 2 heater contactors per unit. 642 642 SDK.001 InterLink™ Smart Defrost Kit™ All Can not be used alone. Must also select a electric defrost timer or electric defrost kit. 812 812 Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2A - 51 Section 2 Need an electric defrost kit? • Make sure you have selected a configurable model. When ordering, remember to specify the option codes and list price adders for each selected option. • Electric defrost kits and components are available to be factory mounted in the electrical box of indoor or outdoor condensing units used in medium/ low temp applications with electric defrost evaporators. Air-Cooled Condensing Units Shipped-Loose Accessories 4 - 13 HP Horizontal Air Discharge A wide range of shipped-loose accessories are available to order. Can’t Find Something? Other options and accessories might be available on a custom order basis. Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. Part Number Description Models Used On Notes List Price ($US) InterLink™ Smart Defrost Kit™ All Can not be used alone. Must be used with a electric defrost timer or electric defrost kit. Can not be used with Beacon II. 812 Electrical Options 22681501 Mechanical Options 50053301 12” Extended Legs 1 Fan & 2 Fan - 389 59894901 12” Extended Legs 2 Fan Large - 453 59898801 Hail Guards 1 Fan - 416 59898901 Hail Guards 2 Fan - 471 59896801 Hail Guards 2 Fan Large - 526 Crankcase Pressure Regulator (CPR) Valves A selection program must be used to pick the proper valve. The selection program requires the following inputs: system capacity, suction temperature, and maximum holding temperature. Not available for use on Beacon II™ Outdoor units. Should not be used with MOP type expansion valves in unit coolers. Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. Section 2 Size Part Number List Price ($US) 5/8” 2930142 272 7/8” 29346101 374 1 1/8” 29399012 549 1 3/8” 4227W 1,501 1 5/8” 4262Q 2,349 2A - 52 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensing Units 12 - 40 HP Vertical Air Discharge Overview Cabinet & Construction • All units feature the Floating Tube™ coil which eliminates tube sheet leaks • Painted steel cabinet for superior strength and corrosion resistance Serviceability • Manual pumpdown switch on all units • Convenient access panels to easily service internal components • Large electrical panel to facilitate ease of access Quality The 12-40 HP vertical condensing units are designed to meet the needs of a demanding commercial and industrial refrigeration market. The product is configured to be flexible in its design and construction to allow it to respond to the requirements of refrigeration contractors, consulting engineers and facility owners/operators. The Floating Tube™ coil design incorporated in the product provides reliability against tube sheet leaks. Opting for the Beacon II™ refrigeration system with Smart Defrost, Factory installed Smart Defrost Kit™ (SDK) or Variable Speed EC motors increases this products energy efficiency and qualifies it for the E Solutions™ product portfolio. Certifications • • • • • • • • Sight Glass is easily viewable Fixed high and adjustable low pressure switch Refrigeration duty, rifled copper condenser tubing Piping is laid out to minimize stress and vibration and is pre-bent to eliminate braze joints where possible to reduce leak potential All joints are sweat type connections, no mechanical joints to leak Separate subcooling circuit in condenser for added capacity and vapor free liquid Pressure relief valve on receiver ServiceMate™ diagnostic module standard on all non-Beacon™ condensing units Components Compressor • Spring-mounted compressors with suction and discharge eliminators • Receivers are sized for sufficient pumpdown capacity with inlet and outlet service valves. Other • Sight glass and permanent liquid line filter Motors • Available with Variable Speed EC Motors Section 2 Product Description Nomenclature Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2A - 53 Air-Cooled Condensing Units 12 - 40 HP Vertical Air Discharge Performance Data Standard Models with Discus Compressors * = LV for Limitizer®, DVS for Beacon II™ For 50 cycle capacity, multiply values by .86 L6 models require the demand cooling option for R-22 operation. L6 models will work in 120°F ambient. Capacity (BTUH) Ambient Temperature °F 90°F 95°F 100°F 110°F Medium Temperature (R-404A/507) Section 2 Bohn Suction Base Compressor Temp. Model °F B*1500M6 B*1500M6 B*1500M6 B*1500M6 B*1500M6 B*1500M6 B*1500M6 B*1500M6 B*2000M6 B*2000M6 B*2000M6 B*2000M6 B*2000M6 B*2000M6 B*2000M6 B*2000M6 B*2500M6 B*2500M6 B*2500M6 B*2500M6 B*2500M6 B*2500M6 B*2500M6 B*2500M6 B*2600M6 B*2600M6 B*2600M6 B*2600M6 B*2600M6 B*2600M6 B*2600M6 B*2600M6 B*3000M6 B*3000M6 B*3000M6 B*3000M6 B*3000M6 B*3000M6 B*3000M6 B*3000M6 B*3500M6 B*3500M6 B*3500M6 B*3500M6 B*3500M6 B*3500M6 2A - 54 3DS3R17ME 3DS3R17ME 3DS3R17ME 3DS3R17ME 3DS3R17ME 3DS3R17ME 3DS3R17ME 3DS3R17ME 4DA3R18ME 4DA3R18ME 4DA3R18ME 4DA3R18ME 4DA3R18ME 4DA3R18ME 4DA3R18ME 4DA3R18ME 4DH3R22ME 4DH3R22ME 4DH3R22ME 4DH3R22ME 4DH3R22ME 4DH3R22ME 4DH3R22ME 4DH3R22ME 4DH3R22ME 4DH3R22ME 4DH3R22ME 4DH3R22ME 4DH3R22ME 4DH3R22ME 4DH3R22ME 4DH3R22ME 4DJ3R28ME 4DJ3R28ME 4DJ3R28ME 4DJ3R28ME 4DJ3R28ME 4DJ3R28ME 4DJ3R28ME 4DJ3R28ME 6DH3R35ME 6DH3R35ME 6DH3R35ME 6DH3R35ME 6DH3R35ME 6DH3R35ME 30°F 25°F 20°F 15°F 10°F 0°F -5°F -10°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 15°F 10°F 0°F -5°F -10°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 15°F 10°F 0°F -5°F -10°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 15°F 10°F 0°F -5°F -10°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 15°F 10°F 0°F -5°F -10°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 15°F 10°F 0°F 159,000 147,700 135,600 124,000 114,000 92,500 82,500 73,300 169,300 155,400 142,400 129,200 117,700 94,300 83,700 74,000 193,700 176,900 161,100 147,700 120,900 109,400 99,500 216,900 199,300 181,900 165,100 153,400 124,800 112,600 102,100 261,100 240,800 220,900 201,200 183,900 147,900 131,400 116,200 331,000 306,000 280,100 255,500 234,600 189,300 152,100 141,400 129,900 118,700 109,200 88,500 78,900 69,900 161,300 147,800 135,500 122,600 111,700 89,200 79,100 69,800 185,400 169,500 154,000 141,000 115,200 104,200 94,700 207,900 190,800 174,100 157,900 146,500 118,900 107,200 97,200 250,100 229,900 210,900 191,800 175,500 141,100 125,200 110,700 315,600 292,600 268,500 244,100 223,900 180,300 145,200 135,200 124,200 113,500 104,500 84,500 75,200 66,500 153,200 140,900 128,500 116,100 105,700 84,200 74,500 65,600 177,100 161,500 146,800 134,200 109,500 98,900 89,900 198,600 182,400 166,300 136,200 139,600 113,000 101,800 92,200 238,400 219,900 201,300 164,500 167,200 134,200 119,000 105,200 300,900 279,100 255,600 210,000 214,600 171,200 131,500 122,400 112,800 103,100 95,000 76,600 68,100 60,000 136,500 125,600 114,300 103,200 93,800 74,300 65,500 57,400 160,200 146,100 132,300 121,000 98,300 88,700 80,600 180,400 165,400 150,700 136,200 125,700 101,400 91,100 82,600 214,000 197,800 181,100 164,500 150,500 120,700 107,000 94,700 272,100 252,200 230,900 210,000 192,300 153,300 Bohn Suction Base Compressor Temp. Model °F B*3500M6 6DH3R35ME B*3500M6 6DH3R35ME B*4000M6 6DJ3R40ME B*4000M6 6DJ3R40ME B*4000M6 6DJ3R40ME B*4000M6 6DJ3R40ME B*4000M6 6DJ3R40ME B*4000M6 6DJ3R40ME B*4000M6 6DJ3R40ME B*4000M6 6DJ3R40ME -5°F -10°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 15°F 10°F 0°F -5°F -10°F Capacity (BTUH) Ambient Temperature °F 90°F 95°F 100°F 110°F 168,500 149,300 381,300 353,700 324,700 296,900 273,300 222,800 199,700 178,400 160,000 141,300 364,900 338,600 310,600 283,900 261,100 212,500 190,200 169,600 151,500 133,400 348,500 323,400 296,500 271,000 250,500 202,200 180,600 160,900 135,000 117,800 316,500 293,200 268,600 244,700 224,900 182,000 162,300 144,000 88,600 72,800 65,100 57,400 43,900 32,800 111,700 92,400 83,400 74,600 58,200 44,100 130,900 110,300 99,400 89,000 69,400 51,900 167,000 138,300 123,500 110,400 85,000 63,700 187,900 155,600 139,000 124,300 96,000 72,600 84,000 69,500 61,700 54,800 41,400 30,100 105,300 88,100 79,400 70,900 55,100 41,500 124,200 104,300 94,200 84,200 65,300 48,100 158,100 130,900 118,100 104,800 80,200 59,200 178,900 147,200 132,600 117,700 90,300 67,600 79,900 66,100 58,600 51,900 38,800 27,500 100,800 83,900 75,500 67,300 52,000 38,700 117,900 99,100 89,000 79,400 61,100 44,300 150,400 124,400 112,100 99,300 75,300 54,700 169,900 140,300 125,600 111,220 84,500 62,200 72,100 59,100 52,900 46,300 33,700 22,300 90,300 75,400 67,700 60,200 45,800 33,300 104,800 87,500 79,100 70,300 53,000 36,700 135,300 112,300 100,200 88,300 65,700 45,700 151,200 125,200 111,700 98,400 73,200 51,400 181,800 166,300 151,900 138,000 124,500 175,500 160,900 147,000 133,500 120,400 169,700 155,800 142,100 129,000 116,200 158,400 145,500 132,300 119,900 107,900 Low Temperature (R-404A/507) B*1200L6 B*1200L6 B*1200L6 B*1200L6 B*1200L6 B*1200L6 B*1500L6 B*1500L6 B*1500L6 B*1500L6 B*1500L6 B*1500L6 B*2200L6 B*2200L6 B*2200L6 B*2200L6 B*2200L6 B*2200L6 B*2700L6 B*2700L6 B*2700L6 B*2700L6 B*2700L6 B*2700L6 B*3000L6 B*3000L6 B*3000L6 B*3000L6 B*3000L6 B*3000L6 4DA3F47KE 4DA3F47KE 4DA3F47KE 4DA3F47KE 4DA3F47KE 4DA3F47KE 4DL3F63KE 4DL3F63KE 4DL3F63KE 4DL3F63KE 4DL3F63KE 4DL3F63KE 4DT3F63KE 4DT3F63KE 4DT3F63KE 4DT3F63KE 4DT3F63KE 4DT3F63KE 6DL3F93KE 6DL3F93KE 6DL3F93KE 6DL3F93KE 6DL3F93KE 6DL3F93KE 6DT3F11M3 6DT3F11M3 6DT3F11M3 6DT3F11M3 6DT3F11M3 6DT3F11M3 0°F -10°F -15°F -20°F -30°F -40°F 0°F -10°F -15°F -20°F -30°F -40°F 0°F -10°F -15°F -20°F -30°F -40°F 0°F -10°F -15°F -20°F -30°F -40°F 0°F -10°F -15°F -20°F -30°F -40°F Medium Temperature (R-22) B*1500M6 B*1500M6 B*1500M6 B*1500M6 B*1500M6 3DS3R17ME 3DS3R17ME 3DS3R17ME 3DS3R17ME 3DS3R17ME 40°F 35°F 30°F 25°F 20°F List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensing Units 12 - 40 HP Vertical Air Discharge Performance Data Standard Models with Discus Compressors * = LV for Limitizer®, DVS for Beacon II™ For 50 cycle capacity, multiply values by .86 L6 models require the demand cooling option for R-22 operation. L6 models will work in 120°F ambient. B*1500M6 B*2000M6 B*2000M6 B*2000M6 B*2000M6 B*2000M6 B*2000M6 B*2500M6 B*2500M6 B*2500M6 B*2500M6 B*2500M6 B*2500M6 B*2600M6 B*2600M6 B*2600M6 B*2600M6 B*2600M6 B*2600M6 B*3000M6 B*3000M6 B*3000M6 B*3000M6 B*3000M6 B*3000M6 B*3500M6 B*3500M6 B*3500M6 B*3500M6 B*3500M6 B*3500M6 B*4000M6 B*4000M6 B*4000M6 B*4000M6 B*4000M6 B*4000M6 3DS3R17ME 4DA3R18ME 4DA3R18ME 4DA3R18ME 4DA3R18ME 4DA3R18ME 4DA3R18ME 4DH3R22ME 4DH3R22ME 4DH3R22ME 4DH3R22ME 4DH3R22ME 4DH3R22ME 4DH3R22ME 4DH3R22ME 4DH3R22ME 4DH3R22ME 4DH3R22ME 4DH3R22ME 4DJ3R28ME 4DJ3R28ME 4DJ3R28ME 4DJ3R28ME 4DJ3R28ME 4DJ3R28ME 6DH3R35ME 6DH3R35ME 6DH3R35ME 6DH3R35ME 6DH3R35ME 6DH3R35ME 6DJ3R40ME 6DJ3R40ME 6DJ3R40ME 6DJ3R40ME 6DJ3R40ME 6DJ3R40ME Capacity (BTUH) Ambient Temperature °F 90°F 95°F 100°F 110°F 15°F 40°F 35°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 15°F 40°F 35°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 15°F 40°F 35°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 15°F 40°F 35°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 15°F 40°F 35°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 15°F 40°F 35°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 15°F 111,700 197,900 179,200 162,400 145,500 130,200 115,600 189,200 170,700 152,600 252,600 232,600 212,700 193,100 174,000 155,400 299,500 274,500 251,100 227,700 205,300 183,300 383,800 351,000 320,700 290,800 262,100 235,000 437,400 403,500 369,700 338,000 306,900 277,100 107,900 190,800 172,400 156,100 139,900 125,100 111,200 182,900 164,800 147,200 244,900 225,300 205,900 186,800 168,100 149,900 288,900 265,500 242,600 219,900 198,000 176,500 372,100 340,600 310,800 281,600 253,700 227,300 423,200 389,000 357,200 326,300 296,100 267,200 104,100 182,900 166,300 149,600 134,100 120,000 106,700 176,500 158,900 141,800 237,100 218,000 199,100 180,400 162,200 144,400 279,100 256,800 234,700 212,400 190,700 169,700 359,400 329,700 300,800 272,400 245,300 219,600 407,500 376,000 344,600 314,700 285,300 257,200 96,500 169,100 152,400 137,300 122,700 109,700 97,800 163,800 147,100 130,800 221,600 203,100 185,300 167,600 150,300 133,400 260,100 239,200 217,950 196,700 176,000 155,900 336,300 307,900 280,700 253,900 228,300 204,100 379,300 349,100 320,200 291,300 263,700 237,300 0°F -10°F -15°F -20°F -30°F -40°F 0°F -10°F -15°F 83,900 81,900 79,800 64,700 62,500 60,400 56,100 53,800 51,700 48,100 46,100 43,900 34,300 31,800 29,600 23,000 20,800 18,600 104,000 100,100 96,200 82,900 79,200 75,000 73,000 69,100 65,500 75,800 56,200 47,600 39,500 25,300 12,200 88,200 67,700 58,700 Bohn Suction Base Compressor Temp. Model °F B*1500L6 B*1500L6 B*1500L6 B*2200L6 B*2200L6 B*2200L6 B*2200L6 B*2200L6 B*2200L6 B*2700L6 B*2700L6 B*2700L6 B*2700L6 B*2700L6 B*2700L6 B*3000L6 B*3000L6 B*3000L6 B*3000L6 B*3000L6 B*3000L6 4DL3F63KE 4DL3F63KE 4DL3F63KE 4DT3F63KE 4DT3F63KE 4DT3F63KE 4DT3F63KE 4DT3F63KE 4DT3F63KE 6DL3F93KE 6DL3F93KE 6DL3F93KE 6DL3F93KE 6DL3F93KE 6DL3F93KE 6DT3F11M3 6DT3F11M3 6DT3F11M3 6DT3F11M3 6DT3F11M3 6DT3F11M3 -20°F -30°F -40°F 0°F -10°F -15°F -20°F -30°F -40°F 0°F -10°F -15°F -20°F -30°F -40°F 0°F -10°F -15°F -20°F -30°F -40°F Capacity (BTUH) Ambient Temperature °F 90°F 95°F 100°F 110°F 63,500 47,300 33,100 123,500 98,200 86,200 75,200 56,000 40,900 152,500 121,300 107,100 93,600 69,800 49,100 181,900 145,400 127,700 111,600 83,400 60,400 60,300 43,800 30,200 119,100 93,900 82,400 71,600 52,900 37,500 147,000 116,100 102,100 88,800 64,800 45,000 174,700 138,500 121,800 106,100 78,100 55,400 56,500 40,800 27,300 114,600 89,900 78,600 68,200 49,600 34,500 141,500 110,900 97,100 84,000 60,700 40,800 167,500 132,100 115,900 101,000 73,700 51,100 49,900 34,300 21,500 105,600 81,900 71,300 61,000 42,900 28,400 130,500 100,900 87,700 74,900 51,700 32,500 153,000 119,900 104,700 90,100 63,900 42,400 Low Temperature (R-22) B*1200L6 B*1200L6 B*1200L6 B*1200L6 B*1200L6 B*1200L6 B*1500L6 B*1500L6 B*1500L6 Rev. 03/12 4DA3F47KE 4DA3F47KE 4DA3F47KE 4DA3F47KE 4DA3F47KE 4DA3F47KE 4DL3F63KE 4DL3F63KE 4DL3F63KE List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2A - 55 Section 2 Bohn Suction Base Compressor Temp. Model °F Air-Cooled Condensing Units Performance Data 12 - 40 HP Vertical Air Discharge High Efficiency Models with Discus Compressors and Oversize Condensers * = LV for Limitizer®, DVS for Beacon II™ For 50 cycle capacity, multiply values by .86 All models will work in 120°F ambient. Capacity (BTUH) Bohn Suction Base Compressor Temp. Ambient Temperature °F Model °F 90°F 95°F 100°F 110°F Section 2 High Temperature (R-404A/507) Capacity (BTUH) Bohn Suction Base Compressor Temp. Ambient Temperature °F Model °F 90°F 95°F 100°F 110°F B*1201L6 4DA3F47KE -15°F 67,040 63,820 60,630 54,330 B*1501H6 3DS3R17ME 40°F 196,190 187,260 178,350 161,300 B*1201L6 4DA3F47KE -20°F 59,180 56,220 53,290 47,500 B*1501H6 3DS3R17ME 35°F 182,850 174,670 166,700 150,900 B*1201L6 4DA3F47KE -30°F 45,090 42,420 39,780 34,570 B*1501H6 3DS3R17ME 30°F 169,550 162,100 155,020 139,880 B*1201L6 4DA3F47KE -40°F 33,870 31,160 28,450 22,930 B*1501H6 3DS3R17ME 25°F 156,350 149,600 142,870 129,470 B*1501L6 4DL3F63KE 0°F B*1501H6 3DS3R17ME 20°F 142,960 136,850 130,760 118,640 B*1501L6 4DL3F63KE -10°F 95,660 91,120 86,600 77,670 B*1501H6 3DS3R17ME 15°F 129,800 124,290 118,790 107,870 B*1501L6 4DL3F63KE -15°F 86,020 81,620 77,700 69,520 B*2001H6 4DA3R18ME 40°F 213,540 203,560 193,630 173,660 B*1501L6 4DL3F63KE -20°F 76,720 72,890 69,090 61,590 B*2001H6 4DA3R18ME 35°F 198,220 188,950 179,690 161,040 B*1501L6 4DL3F63KE -30°F 59,610 56,350 53,120 46,770 B*2001H6 4DA3R18ME 30°F 182,890 174,270 165,630 148,290 B*1501L6 4DL3F63KE -40°F 45,060 42,330 39,510 33,960 B*2001H6 4DA3R18ME 25°F 167,610 159,620 151,560 135,550 B*2201L6 4DT3F76KE 0°F 137,620 129,270 122,200 108,700 B*2001H6 4DA3R18ME 20°F 152,550 145,140 137,710 122,920 B*2201L6 4DT3F76KE -10°F 114,060 108,150 102,270 90,590 B*2001H6 4DA3R18ME 15°F 137,790 130,950 124,140 110,550 B*2201L6 4DT3F76KE -15°F 102,840 97,420 B*2501H6 4DH3R22ME 40°F 270,120 258,420 247,190 224,680 B*2201L6 4DT3F76KE -20°F 91,630 86,870 81,680 72,120 B*2501H6 4DH3R22ME 35°F 249,720 239,140 228,660 207,690 B*2201L6 4DT3F76KE -30°F 71,180 66,890 62,620 54,200 B*2501H6 4DH3R22ME 30°F 229,680 219,940 210,190 190,710 B*2201L6 4DT3F76KE -40°F 53,270 49,360 45,470 37,800 B*2501H6 4DH3R22ME 25°F 210,070 201,030 192,000 173,900 B*2701L6 6DL3F93KE 0°F 178,040 168,760 159,390 143,400 B*2501H6 4DH3R22ME 20°F 190,970 182,610 174,260 157,570 B*2701L6 6DL3F93KE -10°F 145,620 137,830 131,100 116,690 B*2501H6 4DH3R22ME 15°F 17,200 164,900 157,210 141,860 B*2701L6 6DL3F93KE -15°F 129,580 123,370 116,120 103,970 B*3001H6 4DJ3R28ME 40°F 320,940 306,860 292,280 262,960 B*2701L6 6DL3F93KE -20°F 114,240 108,440 102,810 91,490 B*3001H6 4DJ3R28ME 35°F 299,070 285,660 272,190 245,320 B*2701L6 6DL3F93KE -30°F 87,910 82,880 77,880 67,980 B*3001H6 4DJ3R28ME 30°F 276,660 264,260 251,780 227,020 B*2701L6 6DL3F93KE -40°F 66,000 61,360 56,760 47,620 B*3001H6 4DJ3R28ME 25°F 254,250 242,830 231,370 208,610 B*3001L6 6DT3F11ME 0°F 196,300 186,800 177,640 157,280 B*3001H6 4DJ3R28ME 20°F 232,010 221,530 211,090 190,280 B*3001L6 6DT3F11ME -10°F 161,650 152,400 144,640 128,990 B*3001H6 4DJ3R28ME 15°F 210,150 200,620 191,120 17,290 B*3001L6 6DT3F11ME -15°F 143,700 136,160 128,850 114,760 B*3501H6 6DH3R35ME 40°F 405,680 387,500 368,860 332,890 B*3001L6 6DT3F11ME -20°F 127,400 120,850 114,140 100,870 B*3501H6 6DH3R35ME 35°F 377,320 360,570 344,090 310,920 B*3001L6 6DT3F11ME -30°F 98,390 92,270 86,580 74,970 B*3501H6 6DH3R35ME 30°F 349,540 334,330 319,060 288,380 B*3001L6 6DT3F11ME -40°F 74,820 69,270 63,790 52,930 B*3501H6 6DH3R35ME 25°F 321,910 307,860 293,770 265,100 High Temperature (R-22) B*3501H6 6DH3R35ME 20°F 294,350 281,420 268,460 242,480 B*1501H6 3DS3R17ME 40°F 192,560 186,050 179,540 169,665 B*3501H6 6DH3R35ME 15°F 267,160 255,280 243,390 219,620 B*1501H6 3DS3R17ME 35°F 177,710 171,700 165,690 154,800 B*4001H6 6DJ3R40ME 40°F 462,780 443,100 423,350 383,640 B*1501H6 3DS3R17ME 30°F 161,370 155,915 150,460 140,410 B*4001H6 6DJ3R40ME 35°F 431,770 413,390 394,830 357,840 B*1501H6 3DS3R17ME 25°F 145,720 140,795 135,870 126,610 B*4001H6 6DJ3R40ME 30°F 400,470 383,350 366,170 331,750 B*1501H6 3DS3R17ME 20°F 130,870 126,445 122,020 113,490 B*4001H6 6DJ3R40ME 25°F 369,160 353,210 337,300 305,510 B*1501H6 3DS3R17ME 15°F 116,930 112,980 109,030 101,175 B*4001H6 6DJ3R40ME 20°F 338,070 323,370 308,680 279,360 B*2001H6 4DA3R18ME 40°F 214,820 207,555 200,290 184,890 B*4001H6 6DJ3R40ME 15°F 307,580 294,040 280,530 253,560 B*2001H6 4DA3R18ME 35°F 194,260 187,690 181,120 166,420 Low Temperature (R-404A/507) B*2001H6 4DA3R18ME 30°F 174,590 168,690 162,790 149,020 B*1201L6 4DA3F47KE 0°F 92,350 87,890 83,530 75,210 B*2001H6 4DA3R18ME 25°F 155,920 150,650 145,380 132,750 B*1201L6 4DA3F47KE -10°F 75,300 71,760 68,240 61,280 B*2001H6 4DA3R18ME 20°F 138,350 133,670 128,990 117,710 2A - 56 115,220 109,810 104,430 94,240 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 91,730 81,350 Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensing Units 12 - 40 HP Vertical Air Discharge Performance Data High Efficiency Models with Discus Compressors and Oversize Condensers * = LV for Limitizer®, DVS for Beacon II™ For 50 cycle capacity, multiply values by .86 All models will work in 120°F ambient. B*2001H6 4DA3R18ME 15°F 121,950 117,825 113,700 104,025 B*2501H6 4DH3R22ME 40°F 270,930 261,765 252,600 236,910 B*2501H6 4DH3R22ME 35°F 248,340 239,940 231,540 216,675 B*2501H6 4DH3R22ME 30°F 226,120 218,475 210,830 196,770 B*2501H6 4DH3R22ME 25°F 204,390 197,475 190,560 177,305 B*2501H6 4DH3R22ME 20°F 183,260 177,065 170,870 158,390 B*2501H6 4DH3R22ME 15°F 162,880 157,370 151,860 140,180 B*3001H6 4DJ3R28ME 40°F 318,160 307,400 296,640 277,255 B*3001H6 4DJ3R28ME 35°F 291,570 281,710 271,850 253,685 B*3001H6 4DJ3R28ME 30°F 265,450 256,470 247,490 230,430 B*3001H6 4DJ3R28ME 25°F 239,960 231,850 223,740 207,645 B*3001H6 4DJ3R28ME 20°F 215,300 208,020 200,740 185,480 B*3001H6 4DJ3R28ME 15°F 191,630 185,150 178,670 164,100 B*3501H6 6DH3R35ME 40°F 407,800 394,010 380,220 358,100 B*3501H6 6DH3R35ME 35°F 372,570 359,970 347,370 326,650 B*3501H6 6DH3R35ME 30°F 338,390 326,950 315,510 296,160 B*3501H6 6DH3R35ME 25°F 305,540 295,210 284,880 266,910 B*3501H6 6DH3R35ME 20°F 274,300 265,025 255,750 239,075 B*3501H6 6DH3R35ME 15°F 244,930 236,650 228,370 212,920 B*4001H6 6DJ3R40ME 40°F 462,070 446,440 430,810 401,980 B*4001H6 6DJ3R40ME 35°F 424,540 410,180 395,820 368,630 B*4001H6 6DJ3R40ME 30°F 388,090 374,970 361,850 336,210 B*4001H6 6DJ3R40ME 25°F 352,840 340,910 328,980 304,920 B*4001H6 6DJ3R40ME 20°F 319,000 308,210 297,420 274,955 B*4001H6 6DJ3R40ME 15°F 286,780 277,080 267,380 246,525 Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Section 2 Capacity (BTUH) Bohn Suction Base Compressor Temp. Ambient Temperature °F Model °F 90°F 95°F 100°F 110°F 2A - 57 Air-Cooled Condensing Units 12 - 40 HP Vertical Air Discharge Unit Specifications Standard Models with Discus Compressors * = LV for Limitizer®, DVS for Beacon II™ Bohn Base Compressor Model Receiver 90% Full (lbs.) Fan Motor Connections (in.) Qty Liquid (OD) Suction (OD) Standard Depth (in.) Width (in.) Height (in.) 7/8 1 5/8 123 44 1/2 144 55 15/16 1,580 Dia. Dimensions Approx. Net Weight. (lbs.) Medium Temperature (R-404A/507) B*1500M6 3DS3R17ME 2 26 B*2000M6 4DA3R18ME 2 26 7/8 1 5/8 123 44 1/2 144 55 15/16 1,580 B*2500M6 4DH3R22ME 2 26 1 1/8 2 1/8 123 44 1/2 144 55 15/16 1,630 B*2600M6 4DH3R22ME 2 30 1 1/8 2 1/8 123 44 1/2 170 11/16 55 15/16 1,770 B*3000M6 4DJ3R28ME 2 30 1 1/8 2 1/8 188 44 1/2 170 11/16 55 15/16 1,860 B*3500M6 6DH3R35ME 3 30 1 1/8 2 1/8 188 44 1/2 225 11/16 55 15/16 2,260 B*4000M6 6DJ3R40ME 3 30 1 1/8 2 1/8 188 44 1/2 225 11/16 55 15/16 2,360 Section 2 Low Temperature (R-404A/507) B*1200L6 4DA3F47KE 2 26 7/8 1 5/8 81 44 1/2 144 55 15/16 1,500 B*1500L6 4DL3F63KE 2 26 7/8 1 5/8 81 44 1/2 144 55 15/16 1,500 B*2200L6 4DT3F76KE 2 26 7/8 2 1/8 81 44 1/2 144 55 15/16 1,500 B*2700L6 6DL3F39KE 2 26 1 1/8 2 1/8 123 44 1/2 144 55 15/16 1,670 B*3000L6 6DT3F11ME 2 30 1 1/8 2 1/8 123 44 1/2 170 11/16 55 15/16 1,870 Medium Temperature (R-22) B*1500M6 3DS3R17ME 2 26 7/8 1 5/8 142 44 1/2 144 55 15/16 1,580 B*2000M6 4DA3R18ME 2 26 7/8 1 5/8 142 44 1/2 144 55 15/16 1,580 B*2500M6 4DH3R22ME 2 26 1 1/8 2 1/8 142 44 1/2 144 55 15/16 1,630 B*2600M6 4DH3R22ME 2 30 1 1/8 2 1/8 142 44 1/2 170 11/16 55 15/16 1,770 B*3000M6 4DJ3R28ME 2 30 1 1/8 2 1/8 216 44 1/2 170 11/16 55 15/16 1,860 B*3500M6 6DH3R35ME 3 30 1 1/8 2 1/8 216 44 1/2 225 11/16 55 15/16 2,260 B*4000M6 6DJ3R40ME 3 30 1 1/8 2 1/8 216 44 1/2 225 11/16 55 15/16 2,360 Low Temperature (R-22) B*1200L6 4DA3F47KE 2 26 7/8 1 5/8 93 44 1/2 144 55 15/16 1,500 B*1500L6 4DL3F63KE 2 26 7/8 1 5/8 93 44 1/2 144 55 15/16 1,500 B*2200L6 4DT3F76KE 2 26 7/8 2 1/8 93 44 1/2 144 55 15/16 1,500 B*2700L6 6DL3F39KE 2 26 1 1/8 2 1/8 142 44 1/2 144 55 15/16 1,670 B*3000L6 6DT3F11ME 2 30 1 1/8 2 1/8 142 44 1/2 170 11/16 55 15/16 1,870 2A - 58 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensing Units 12 - 40 HP Vertical Air Discharge Unit Specifications High Efficiency Models with Discus Compressors and Oversize Condensers * = LV for Limitizer®, DVS for Beacon II™ Bohn Base Compressor Model Receiver 90% Full (lbs.) Fan Motor Connections (in.) Dimensions Qty Dia. Liquid (OD) Suction (OD) Standard Depth (in.) Width (in.) Height (in.) 7/8 1 5/8 123 44 1/2 170 11/16 55 15/16 1,680 Approx. Net Weight. (lbs.) High Temperature (R-404A/507) B*1501H6 3DS3R17ME 2 30 B*2001H6 4DA3R18ME 2 30 7/8 1 5/8 123 44 1/2 170 11/16 55 15/16 1,760 B*2501H6 4DH3R22ME 3 30 1 1/8 2 1/8 188 44 1/2 225 11/16 55 15/16 1,750 B*3001H6 4DJ3R28ME 3 30 1 1/8 2 1/8 188 44 1/2 225 11/16 55 15/16 2,160 B*3501H6 6DH3R35ME 4 30 1 1/8 2 1/8 188 44 1/2 280 11/16 55 15/16 2,770 B*4001H6 6DJ3R40ME 4 30 1 1/8 2 1/8 188 44 1/2 280 11/16 55 15/16 2,870 Low Temperature (R-404A/507) B*1201L6 4DA3F47KE 2 26 7/8 2 1/8 81 44 1/2 144 55 15/16 1,600 B*1501L6 4DL3F63KE 2 26 7/8 1 5/8 81 44 1/2 144 55 15/16 1,750 B*2201L6 4DT3F76KE 2 26 7/8 2 1/8 81 44 1/2 144 55 15/16 1,780 B*2701L6 6DL3F93KE 2 30 1 1/8 2 1/8 123 44 1/2 170 11/16 55 15/16 1,970 B*3001L6 6DT3F11ME 2 30 1 1/8 2 1/8 123 44 1/2 170 11/16 55 15/16 2,070 3DS3R17ME 2 30 7/8 1 5/8 142 44 1/2 170 11/16 55 15/16 1,680 B*2001H6 4DA3R18ME 2 30 7/8 1 5/8 142 44 1/2 170 11/16 55 15/16 1,760 B*2501H6 4DH3R22ME 3 30 1 1/8 2 1/8 216 44 1/2 225 11/16 55 15/16 1,750 B*3001H6 4DJ3R28ME 3 30 1 1/8 2 1/8 216 44 1/2 225 11/16 55 15/16 2,160 B*3501H6 6DH3R35ME 4 30 1 1/8 2 1/8 216 44 1/2 280 11/16 55 15/16 2,770 B*4001H6 6DJ3R40ME 4 30 1 1/8 2 1/8 216 44 1/2 280 11/16 55 15/16 2,870 B*1501H6 Section 2 High Temperature (R-22) Low Temperature (R-22) B*1201L6 4DA3F47KE 2 26 7/8 2 1/8 93 44 1/2 144 55 15/16 1,600 B*1501L6 4DL3F63KE 2 26 7/8 1 5/8 93 44 1/2 144 55 15/16 1,750 B*2201L6 4DT3F76KE 2 26 7/8 2 1/8 93 44 1/2 144 55 15/16 1,780 B*2701L6 6DL3F93KE 2 30 1 1/8 2 1/8 142 44 1/2 170 11/16 55 15/16 1,970 B*3001L6 6DT3F11ME 2 30 1 1/8 2 1/8 142 44 1/2 170 11/16 55 15/16 2,070 Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2A - 59 Air-Cooled Condensing Units 12 - 40 HP Vertical Air Discharge Electrical Data Standard Models with Discus Compressors * = LV for Limitizer®, DVS for Beacon II™ Bohn Base Model Compressor Voltage RLA LRA Fan Motor Beacon II or Air Defrost Electric Defrost Kit Low Amps Qty FLA MCA MOPD MCA MOPD Electric Defrost Kit High Amps Evap Elec Evap Elec MCA MOPD Fans Htrs Fans Htrs System with One Evaporator (1L or 1H) Section 2 B*1200L6 208-230/3/60 45.2 220.0 2 8.0 59.0 100 74.0 110 15 40 74.0 110 15 48 B*1200L6 460/3/60 22.6 110.0 2 4.0 30.0 50 40.0 60 10 19 40.0 60 10 24 B*1200L6 575/3/60 17.4 106.0 2 5.0 24.1 35 34.1 45 10 16 34.1 45 10 24 B*1500L6 208-230/3/60 52.6 278.0 2 8.0 67.0 110 82.0 125 15 40 82.0 125 15 48 B*1500L6 460/3/60 26.3 139.0 2 4.0 34.0 50 49.0 70 15 24 49.0 70 15 40 B*1500L6 575/3/60 20.9 113.0 2 5.0 28.1 45 40.1 50 12 19 40.1 50 12 32 B*1500M6 460/3/60 29.0 138.0 2 4.0 37.0 60 52.0 80 15 40 52.0 80 15 48 B*1500M6 575/3/60 23.6 110.0 2 5.0 31.0 50 43.0 60 12 32 43.0 60 12 38 B*2000M6 460/3/60 33.0 154.0 2 4.0 41.0 70 56.0 80 15 40 56.0 80 15 48 B*2000M6 575/3/60 24.7 135.0 2 5.0 32.3 50 44.3 60 12 32 44.3 60 12 38 B*2200L6 208-230/3/60 66.0 374.0 2 8.0 80.0 125 95.0 150 15 40 95.0 150 15 48 B*2200L6 460/3/60 33.0 187.0 2 4.0 40.0 60 55.0 80 15 40 55.0 80 15 48 B*2200L6 575/3/60 24.2 135.0 2 5.0 31.7 50 43.7 60 12 32 43.7 60 12 38 B*2700L6 460/3/60 40.4 225.0 2 4.0 49.0 80 64.0 100 15 40 64.0 100 15 48 B*2700L6 575/3/60 32.5 172.0 2 5.0 41.1 70 53.1 80 12 32 53.1 80 12 38 B*3000L6 460/3/60 47.8 235.0 2 7.0 61.0 100 76.0 110 15 40 76.0 110 15 48 B*3000L6 575/3/60 39.6 200.0 2 6.0 50.0 80 62.0 90 12 40 62.0 90 12 48 2 8.0 59.0 100 74.0 110 15 34 79.0 110 20 74 System with Two Evaporators (2L or 2H) B*1200L6 208-230/3/60 45.2 220.0 B*1200L6 460/3/60 22.6 110.0 2 4.0 30.0 50 40.0 60 10 19 45.0 60 15 38 B*1200L6 575/3/60 17.4 106.0 2 5.0 24.1 35 34.1 45 10 24 34.1 45 10 32 B*1500L6 208-230/3/60 52.6 278.0 2 8.0 67.0 110 87.0 125 20 80 91.0 125 20 91 B*1500L6 460/3/60 26.3 139.0 2 4.0 34.0 50 49.0 70 15 32 49.0 70 15 48 B*1500L6 575/3/60 20.9 113.0 2 5.0 28.1 45 40.1 50 12 26 40.1 50 12 38 B*1500M6 208-230/3/60 59.6 275.0 2 8.0 75.0 125 99.9 150 25 80 99.9 150 25 96 B*1500M6 460/3/60 29.0 138.0 2 4.0 37.0 60 52.0 70 15 48 64.0 80 15 64 B*1500M6 575/3/60 23.6 110.0 2 5.0 31.0 50 43.0 60 12 40 51.0 60 12 51 B*2000M6 208-230/3/60 66.0 308.0 2 8.0 83.0 125 102.6 150 20 80 103.0 150 20 96 B*2000M6 460/3/60 33.0 154.0 2 4.0 41.0 70 56.0 80 15 48 64.0 80 15 64 B*2000M6 575/3/60 24.7 135.0 2 5.0 32.3 50 44.3 60 12 44 51.0 60 12 51 B*2200L6 208-230/3/60 66.0 374.0 2 8.0 80.0 125 100.0 150 20 80 100.0 150 20 96 B*2200L6 460/3/60 33.0 187.0 2 4.0 40.0 60 55.0 80 15 48 64.0 80 15 64 B*2200L6 575/3/60 24.2 135.0 2 5.0 31.7 50 43.7 60 12 38 43.7 60 12 43 B*2500M6 460/3/60 41.1 214.0 2 4.0 50.0 80 65.0 100 15 48 80.0 100 15 80 B*2500M6 575/3/60 34.4 172.0 2 5.0 43.1 70 59.1 80 16 51 71.0 80 16 71 B*2600M6 460/3/60 41.1 214.0 2 7.0 53.0 90 68.0 100 15 48 80.0 110 15 80 Notes: Consult factory for 50 HZ applications. MCA = Minimum Circuit Ampacity MOPD = Maximum Overcurrent Protection Device Beacon II™ and Air Defrost Units do not carry any of the evaporator fan or heater loads. Power is brought directly to the evaporators and does not go through the condensing unit. 2A - 60 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensing Units Electrical Data 12 - 40 HP Vertical Air Discharge Standard Models with Discus Compressors * = LV for Limitizer®, DVS for Beacon II™ Bohn Base Model Fan Motor Compressor Voltage RLA LRA Beacon II or Air Defrost Electric Defrost Kit Low Amps Qty FLA MCA MOPD MCA MOPD Electric Defrost Kit High Amps Evap Elec Evap Elec MCA MOPD Fans Htrs Fans Htrs B*2600M6 575/3/60 34.4 172.0 2 6.0 44.1 70 64.0 90 16 64 71.0 90 16 71 B*2700L6 208-230/3/60 80.8 450.0 2 8.0 99.0 150 119.0 175 20 80 119.0 175 20 96 B*2700L6 460/3/60 40.4 225.0 2 4.0 49.0 80 64.0 100 15 48 64.0 100 15 64 B*2700L6 575/3/60 32.5 172.0 2 5.0 41.1 70 53.1 80 12 38 53.1 80 12 51 B*3000L6 208-230/3/60 95.6 470.0 2 14.0 121.0 200 141.0 225 20 80 141.0 225 20 96 B*3000L6 460/3/60 47.8 235.0 2 7.0 61.0 100 76.0 110 15 48 80.0 110 15 80 B*3000L6 575/3/60 39.6 200.0 2 6.0 50.0 80 62.0 90 12 48 64.0 90 12 64 B*3000M6 460/3/60 47.0 135.0 2 7.0 60.0 100 80.0 110 15 80 96.0 110 20 96 B*3000M6 575/3/60 39.3 200.0 2 6.0 49.7 80 65.7 100 16 64 77.0 100 16 77 B*3500M6 460/3/60 53.5 283.0 3 11.0 71.0 110 91.0 125 20 80 96.0 125 20 96 B*3500M6 575/3/60 42.5 230.0 3 8.0 55.8 90 71.8 100 16 64 77.0 100 16 77 B*4000M6 460/3/60 71.0 297.0 3 11.0 90.0 150 110.0 150 20 80 110.0 150 20 96 B*4000M6 575/3/60 53.5 245.0 3 8.0 68.4 110 84.4 125 16 64 84.4 125 16 77 B*1200L6 208-230/3/60 45.2 220.0 2 8.0 59.0 100 81.0 110 22 48 81.0 110 22 64 B*1500L6 208-230/3/60 52.6 278.0 2 8.0 67.0 110 92.0 125 25 64 92.0 125 25 91 Section 2 System with up to Four Evaporators (4L or 4H) B*1500L6 460/3/60 26.3 139.0 2 4.0 34.0 50 49.0 70 15 48 49.0 70 15 48 B*1500L6 575/3/60 20.9 113.0 2 5.0 28.1 45 40.1 50 12 38 40.1 50 12 38 B*1500M6 208-230/3/60 59.6 275.0 2 8.0 75.0 125 100.0 150 25 96 108.0 150 25 108 B*1500M6 460/3/60 29.0 138.0 2 4.0 37.0 60 52.0 70 15 48 64.0 80 15 64 B*1500M6 575/3/60 23.6 110.0 2 5.0 31.0 50 43.0 60 12 40 51.0 60 12 51 B*2000M6 208-230/3/60 66.0 308.0 2 8.0 83.0 125 108.0 150 25 96 108.0 150 25 108 B*2000M6 460/3/60 33.0 154.0 2 4.0 41.0 70 56.0 80 15 48 64.0 80 15 64 B*2000M6 575/3/60 24.7 135.0 2 5.0 32.3 50 44.3 60 12 44 51.0 60 12 51 B*2200L6 208-230/3/60 66.0 374.0 2 8.0 80.0 125 105.0 150 25 96 105.0 150 25 105 B*2200L6 460/3/60 33.0 187.0 2 4.0 40.0 60 55.0 80 15 48 55.0 80 15 48 B*2200L6 575/3/60 24.2 135.0 2 5.0 31.7 50 43.7 60 12 40 43.7 60 12 40 B*2500M6 208-230/3/60 82.2 428.0 2 8.0 100.0 150 125.0 175 25 125 181.0 225 30 181 B*2500M6 460/3/60 41.1 214.0 2 4.0 50.0 80 70.0 100 20 64 96.0 110 20 96 B*2500M6 575/3/60 34.4 172.0 2 5.0 43.1 70 59.1 80 16 51 71.0 80 16 71 B*2600M6 208-230/3/60 82.2 428.0 2 14.0 106.0 175 131.0 200 25 125 181.0 225 30 181 B*2600M6 460/3/60 41.1 214.0 2 7.0 53.0 90 73.0 110 20 64 96.0 110 20 96 B*2600M6 575/3/60 34.4 172.0 2 6.0 44.1 70 64.0 90 16 64 71.0 90 16 71 B*2700L6 208-230/3/60 80.8 450.0 2 8.0 99.0 150 124.0 175 25 96 124.0 175 25 108 B*2700L6 460/3/60 40.4 225.0 2 4.0 49.0 80 64.0 100 15 48 64.0 100 15 64 B*2700L6 575/3/60 32.5 172.0 2 5.0 41.1 70 53.1 80 12 48 53.1 80 12 51 Notes: Consult factory for 50 HZ applications. MCA = Minimum Circuit Ampacity MOPD = Maximum Overcurrent Protection Device Beacon II™ and Air Defrost Units do not carry any of the evaporator fan or heater loads. Power is brought directly to the evaporators and does not go through the condensing unit. Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2A - 61 Air-Cooled Condensing Units 12 - 40 HP Vertical Air Discharge Electrical Data Standard Models with Discus Compressors * = LV for Limitizer®, DVS for Beacon II™ Compressor Fan Motor Beacon II or Air Defrost Electric Defrost Kit Low Amps Electric Defrost Kit High Amps Bohn Base Model Voltage B*3000L6 208-230/3/60 95.6 470.0 2 14.0 121.0 200 151.0 225 30 150 181.0 225 30 181 B*3000L6 460/3/60 47.8 235.0 2 7.0 61.0 100 81.0 110 20 64 91.0 110 20 91 RLA LRA Qty FLA MCA MOPD MCA MOPD Evap Elec Evap Elec MCA MOPD Fans Htrs Fans Htrs B*3000L6 575/3/60 39.6 200.0 2 6.0 50.0 80 66.0 100 16 64 72.6 100 16 73 B*3000M6 208-230/3/60 94.0 470.0 2 14.0 119.0 200 150.0 225 30 149 181.0 225 30 181 B*3000M6 460/3/60 47.0 135.0 2 7.0 60.0 100 80.0 110 20 64 96.0 125 20 96 B*3000M6 575/3/60 39.3 200.0 2 6.0 49.7 80 65.7 100 16 64 77.0 100 16 77 B*3500M6 208-230/3/60 107.0 565.0 3 21.0 141.0 225 176.0 250 35 160 192.0 250 35 192 B*3500M6 460/3/60 53.5 283.0 3 11.0 71.0 110 91.0 125 20 64 96.0 125 20 96 B*3500M6 575/3/60 42.5 230.0 3 8.0 55.8 90 71.8 100 16 64 77.0 100 16 77 B*4000M6 230/3/60 142.0 594.0 3 21.0 180.0 300 215.0 300 35 160 215.0 300 35 192 460/3/60 71.0 297.0 3 11.0 90.0 150 110.0 150 20 64 110.0 150 20 96 575/3/60 53.5 245.0 3 8.0 68.4 110 84.4 125 16 64 84.4 125 16 77 Section 2 B*4000M6 B*4000M6 Notes: Consult factory for 50 HZ applications. MCA = Minimum Circuit Ampacity MOPD = Maximum Overcurrent Protection Device Beacon II™ and Air Defrost Units do not carry any of the evaporator fan or heater loads. Power is brought directly to the evaporators and does not go through the condensing unit. 2A - 62 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensing Units 12 - 40 HP Vertical Air Discharge Electrical Data High Efficiency Models with Discus Compressors and Oversize Condensers * = LV for Limitizer®, DVS for Beacon II™ Bohn Base Model Compressor Voltage RLA LRA Fan Motor Beacon II or Air Defrost Electric Defrost Kit High Amps Electric Defrost Kit Low Amps Qty FLA MCA MOPD MCA MOPD Evap Elec MCA Fans Htrs MOPD Evap Fans Elec Htrs B*1201L6 208-230/3/60 45.2 220.0 2 8.0 59.0 100 74.0 110 15 40 74.0 110 15 48 B*1201L6 460/3/60 22.6 110.0 2 4.0 30.0 50 40.0 60 10 19 40.0 60 10 24 B*1201L6 575/3/60 17.4 106.0 2 5.0 24.1 35 34.1 45 10 16 34.1 45 10 24 B*1501H6 460/3/60 29.0 138.0 2 7.0 40.0 60 55.0 80 15 40 55.0 80 15 48 B*1501H6 575/3/60 23.6 110.0 2 6.0 32.0 50 40.0 60 12 32 44.0 60 12 38 B*1501L6 208-230/3/60 52.6 278.0 2 8.0 67.0 110 82.0 125 15 40 82.0 125 15 48 B*1501L6 460/3/60 26.3 139.0 2 4.0 34.0 50 49.0 70 15 24 49.0 70 15 40 B*1501L6 575/3/60 20.9 113.0 2 5.0 28.1 45 40.1 50 12 19 40.1 50 12 32 B*2001H6 460/3/60 33.0 154.0 2 7.0 44.0 70 59.0 80 15 40 59.0 80 15 48 B*2001H6 575/3/60 24.7 135.0 2 6.0 33.3 50 45.3 60 12 32 45.3 60 12 38 B*2201L6 208-230/3/60 66.0 374.0 2 8.0 80.0 125 95.0 150 15 40 95.0 150 15 48 B*2201L6 460/3/60 33.0 187.0 2 4.0 40.0 60 55.0 80 15 40 55.0 80 15 48 B*2201L6 575/3/60 24.2 135.0 2 5.0 31.7 50 43.7 60 12 32 43.7 60 12 38 B*2701L6 460/3/60 40.4 225.0 2 7.0 52.0 80 67.0 100 15 40 67.0 100 15 48 B*2701L6 575/3/60 32.5 172.0 2 6.0 42.1 70 54.1 80 12 32 54.1 80 12 38 B*3001L6 460/3/60 47.8 235.0 2 7.0 61.0 100 76.0 110 15 40 76.0 110 15 48 B*3001L6 575/3/60 39.6 200.0 2 6.0 50.0 80 62.0 90 12 40 62.0 90 12 48 2 8.0 59.0 100 74.0 110 15 34 79.0 110 20 74 Section 2 System with One Evaporator (1L or 1H) System with Two Evaporators (2L or 2H) B*1201L6 208-230/3/60 45.2 220.0 B*1201L6 460/3/60 22.6 110.0 2 4.0 30.0 50 40.0 60 10 19 45.0 60 15 38 B*1201L6 575/3/60 17.4 106.0 2 5.0 24.1 35 34.1 45 10 24 34.1 45 10 32 B*1501H6 208-230/3/60 59.6 275.0 2 14.0 81.0 125 106.0 150 25 80 106.0 150 25 96 B*1501H6 460/3/60 29.0 138.0 2 7.0 40.0 60 55.0 80 15 48 64.0 80 15 64 B*1501H6 575/3/60 23.6 110.0 2 6.0 32.0 50 44.0 60 12 38 44.0 60 12 42 B*1501L6 208-230/3/60 52.6 278.0 2 8.0 67.0 110 87.0 125 20 80 91.0 125 20 91 B*1501L6 460/3/60 26.3 139.0 2 4.0 34.0 50 49.0 70 15 32 49.0 70 15 48 B*1501L6 575/3/60 20.9 113.0 2 5.0 28.1 45 40.1 50 12 26 40.1 50 12 38 B*2001H6 208-230/3/60 66.0 308.0 2 14.0 89.0 125 109.0 150 20 80 109.0 150 20 96 B*2001H6 460/3/60 33.0 154.0 2 7.0 44.0 70 56.0 80 15 48 64.0 80 15 64 B*2001H6 575/3/60 24.7 135.0 2 6.0 33.3 50 45.3 60 12 38 45.3 60 12 42 B*2201L6 208-230/3/60 66.0 374.0 2 8.0 80.0 125 100.0 150 20 80 100.0 150 20 96 B*2201L6 460/3/60 33.0 187.0 2 4.0 40.0 60 55.0 80 15 48 64.0 80 15 64 B*2201L6 575/3/60 24.2 135.0 2 5.0 31.7 50 43.7 60 12 38 43.7 60 12 43 B*2501H6 460/3/60 41.1 214.0 3 11.0 57.0 90 72.0 100 15 48 80.0 100 15 80 B*2501H6 575/3/60 34.4 172.0 3 8.0 46.9 70 58.9 80 12 38 64.0 80 12 64 B*2701L6 208-230/3/60 80.8 450.0 2 14.0 105.0 175 125.0 175 20 80 125.0 1765 20 96 B*2701L6 460/3/60 40.4 225.0 2 7.0 52.0 80 67.0 100 15 48 67.0 100 15 64 B*2701L6 575/3/60 32.5 172.0 2 6.0 42.1 70 54.1 80 12 38 54.1 80 12 51 B*3001H6 460/3/60 47.0 235.0 3 11.0 63.0 100 80.0 110 15 80 96.0 125 20 96 B*3001H6 575/3/60 39.3 200.0 3 8.0 52.5 80 64.5 90 12 48 77.0 100 16 77 Notes: Consult factory for 50 HZ applications. MCA = Minimum Circuit Ampacity MOPD = Maximum Overcurrent Protection Device Beacon II™ and Air Defrost Units do not carry any of the evaporator fan or heater loads. Power is brought directly to the evaporators and does not go through the condensing unit. Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2A - 63 Air-Cooled Condensing Units 12 - 40 HP Vertical Air Discharge Electrical Data High Efficiency Models with Discus Compressors and Oversize Condensers * = LV for Limitizer®, DVS for Beacon II™ Compressor Bohn Base Model Voltage B*3001L6 B*3001L6 Fan Motor Beacon II or Air Defrost Electric Defrost Kit High Amps Electric Defrost Kit Low Amps Qty FLA MCA MOPD MCA MOPD MCA MOPD Evap Fans Elec Htrs 80 141.0 225 20 96 48 80.0 110 15 80 Evap Elec Fans Htrs RLA LRA 208-230/3/60 95.6 470.0 2 14.0 121.0 200 141.0 225 20 460/3/60 47.8 235.0 2 7.0 61.0 100 76.0 110 15 B*3001L6 575/3/60 39.6 200.0 2 6.0 50.0 80 62.0 90 12 48 64.0 90 12 64 B*3501H6 460/3/60 53.5 283.0 4 14.0 74.0 110 94.0 125 20 80 96.0 125 20 96 B*3501H6 575/3/60 42.5 230.0 4 11.0 58.6 90 74.6 110 16 48 77.0 110 16 77 B*4001H6 460/3/60 71.0 297.0 4 14.0 93.0 150 113.0 175 20 80 113.0 175 20 96 B*4001H6 575/3/60 53.5 245.0 4 11.0 71.2 110 87.2 125 16 48 87.2 125 16 77 Section 2 System with up to Four Evaporators (4L or 4H) B*1201L6 208-230/3/60 45.2 220.0 2 8.0 59.0 100 81.0 110 22 48 81.0 110 22 64 B*1501H6 208-230/3/60 59.6 275.0 2 14.0 81.0 125 106.0 150 25 96 108.0 150 25 108 B*1501H6 460/3/60 29.0 138.0 2 7.0 40.0 60 55.0 70 15 48 64.0 80 15 64 B*1501H6 575/3/60 23.6 110.0 2 6.0 32.0 50 44.0 60 12 40 51.0 60 12 51 B*1501L6 208-230/3/60 52.6 278.0 2 8.0 67.0 110 92.0 125 25 64 91.0 125 25 91 B*1501L6 460/3/60 26.3 139.0 2 4.0 34.0 50 49.0 70 15 48 49.0 70 15 48 B*1501L6 575/3/60 20.9 113.0 2 5.0 28.1 45 40.1 50 12 38 40.1 50 12 38 B*2001H6 208-230/3/60 66.0 308.0 2 14.0 89.0 125 114.0 150 25 96 114.0 150 25 108 B*2001H6 460/3/60 33.0 154.0 2 7.0 44.0 70 59.0 80 15 48 64.0 80 15 64 B*2001H6 575/3/60 24.7 135.0 2 6.0 33.3 50 45.3 60 12 44 51.0 60 12 51 B*2201L6 208-230/3/60 66.0 374.0 2 8.0 80.0 125 105.0 150 25 96 105.0 150 25 105 48 B*2201L6 460/3/60 33.0 187.0 2 4.0 40.0 60 55.0 80 15 48 55.0 80 15 B*2201L6 575/3/60 24.2 135.0 2 5.0 31.7 50 43.7 60 12 40 43.7 60 12 40 B*2501H6 208-230/3/60 82.2 42.8 3 21.0 113.0 175 138.0 200 25 125 181.0 225 30 181 B*2501H6 460/3/60 41.1 214.0 3 11.0 57.0 90 77.0 110 20 64 96.0 110 20 96 B*2501H6 575/3/60 34.4 172.0 3 8.0 46.9 70 62.9 90 16 51 71.0 90 16 71 B*2701L6 208-230/3/60 80.8 450.0 2 14.0 105.0 175 130.0 200 25 96 130.0 200 25 108 B*2701L6 460/3/60 40.4 225.0 2 7.0 52.0 80 67.0 100 15 48 67.0 100 15 64 B*2701L6 575/3/60 32.5 172.0 2 6.0 42.1 70 54.1 80 12 48 54.1 80 12 51 B*3001H6 208-230/3/60 94.0 470.0 3 21.0 126.0 200 156.0 225 30 149 181.0 225 30 181 B*3001H6 460/3/60 47.0 235.0 3 11.0 63.0 100 83.0 125 20 64 96.0 125 20 96 B*3001H6 575/3/60 39.3 200.0 3 8.0 52.5 80 68.5 100 16 64 77.0 100 16 77 B*3001L6 208-230/3/60 95.6 470.0 2 14.0 121.0 200 151.0 225 30 150 181.0 225 30 181 B*3001L6 460/3/60 47.8 235.0 2 7.0 61.0 100 81.0 110 20 64 91.0 110 20 91 B*3001L6 575/3/60 39.6 200.0 2 6.0 50.0 80 66.0 100 16 64 72.6 100 16 73 B*3501H6 208-230/3/60 107.0 565.0 4 28.0 148.0 225 183.0 250 35 160 192.0 250 35 192 B*3501H6 460/3/60 53.5 283.0 4 14.0 74.0 110 94.0 125 20 64 96.0 125 20 96 B*3501H6 575/3/60 42.5 230.0 4 11.0 58.6 90 74.6 110 16 64 77.0 110 16 77 B*4001H6 230/3/60 142.0 594.0 4 28.0 187.0 300 222.0 300 35 160 222.0 300 35 192 B*4001H6 460/3/60 71.0 297.0 4 14.0 93.0 150 113.0 175 20 64 113.0 178 20 96 B*4001H6 575/3/60 53.5 245.0 4 11.0 71.2 110 87.2 125 16 64 87.2 125 16 77 Notes: Consult factory for 50 HZ applications. MCA = Minimum Circuit Ampacity MOPD = Maximum Overcurrent Protection Device Beacon II™ and Air Defrost Units do not carry any of the evaporator fan or heater loads. Power is brought directly to the evaporators and does not go through the condensing unit. 2A - 64 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensing Units 12 - 40 HP Vertical Air Discharge Configurable Models Pricing Configurable Models Outdoor • Prepainted galvanized cabinet with easily removable service panels • Condenser built with rifled tubing and a separate subcooler coil for extra performance • Adjustable flooded head pressure valves on all models • Liquid line with drier, sight glass, and shut-off valve • Electronic oil safety control • Spring mounted compressors with suction and discharge vibration eliminators • Large electrical panel, including compressor contactor and pump-down switch • Fixed high pressure control and separate adjustable low pressure control with flexible braided hose • ServiceMate™ Diagnostic Module Need to customize? Beacon II™ Outdoor • Prepainted galvanized cabinet with easily removable service panels • Condenser built with rifled tubing and a separate subcooler coil for extra performance • Adjustable flooded head pressure valves on all models • Liquid line with drier, sight glass, and shut-off valve • Electronic oil safety control • Spring mounted compressors with suction and discharge vibration eliminators • Large electrical panel, including compressor contactor and pump-down switch • Fixed high pressure control and separate adjustable low pressure control with flexible braided hose • Wired for Beacon II™ control with fan cycling. Look at the factory-installed options starting on page 2A-68. Outdoor Notes BLV1500M6C 35,745 BDVS1500M6C 38,375 208-230/3/60 Standard - BLV1500M6D 36,451 BDVS1500M6D 39,081 460/3/60 Standard - BLV1500M6E 37,179 BDVS1500M6E 39,861 575/3/60 Standard - BLV2000M6C 39,776 BDVS2000M6C 42,404 208-230/3/60 Standard - BLV2000M6D 40,482 BDVS2000M6D 43,112 460/3/60 Standard - BLV2000M6E 41,292 BDVS2000M6E 43,972 575/3/60 Standard - BLV2500M6C 47,457 BDVS2500M6C 50,087 208-230/3/60 Standard - BLV2500M6D 48,162 BDVS2500M6D 50,793 460/3/60 Standard - BLV2500M6E 49,125 BDVS2500M6E 51,809 575/3/60 Standard - BLV2600M6C 53,302 BDVS2600M6C 55,930 208-230/3/60 Standard - BLV2600M6D 54,006 BDVS2600M6D 56,640 460/3/60 Standard - BLV2600M6E 55,087 BDVS2600M6E 57,772 575/3/60 Standard - BLV3000M6C 55,659 BDVS3000M6C 58,290 208-230/3/60 Standard - BLV3000M6D 56,367 BDVS3000M6D 58,995 460/3/60 Standard - BLV3000M6E 57,493 BDVS3000M6E 60,174 575/3/60 Standard - BLV3500M6C 63,002 BDVS3500M6C 65,948 208-230/3/60 Standard - BLV3500M6D 63,583 BDVS3500M6D 66,531 460/3/60 Standard - BLV3500M6E 64,856 BDVS3500M6E 67,861 575/3/60 Standard - BLV4000M6D 70,457 BDVS4000M6D 73,400 460/3/60 Standard - BLV4000M6K 69,510 BDVS4000M6K 72,455 230/3/60 Standard - BLV4000M6E 71,865 BDVS4000M6E 74,868 575/3/60 Standard - Section 2 Beacon II™ Outdoor List List Voltage Model Type Bohn Model Price Bohn Model Price ($US) ($US) Standard Models: Medium Temperature (R-404A/507/22) Standard Models: Low Temperature (R-404A/507/22) BLV1200L6C 36,653 BDVS1200L6C 39,280 208-230/3/60 Standard See Note 2 BLV1200L6D 37,363 BDVS1200L6D 39,991 460/3/60 Standard See Note 2 BLV1200L6E 38,108 BDVS1200L6E 40,792 575/3/60 Standard See Note 2 BLV1500L6C 38,368 BDVS1500L6C 40,996 208-230/3/60 Standard See Note 2 BLV1500L6D 39,075 BDVS1500L6D 41,704 460/3/60 Standard See Note 2 BLV1500L6E 39,857 BDVS1500L6E 42,538 575/3/60 Standard See Note 2 Notes: 1. High Efficiency Models come with an oversized condenser. 2. For R-22 low temperature operation, add Demand Cooling Kit. Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2A - 65 Air-Cooled Condensing Units 12 - 40 HP Vertical Air Discharge Outdoor Bohn Model List Price ($US) Beacon II™ Outdoor List Bohn Model Price ($US) Configurable Models Pricing Voltage Model Type Notes BLV2200L6C 45,029 BDVS2200L6C 47,660 208-230/3/60 Standard See Note 2 BLV2200L6D 45,737 BDVS2200L6D 48,365 460/3/60 Standard See Note 2 BLV2200L6E 46,650 BDVS2200L6E 49,332 575/3/60 Standard See Note 2 BLV2700L6C 51,755 BDVS2700L6C 54,382 208-230/3/60 Standard See Note 2 BLV2700L6D 52,460 BDVS2700L6D 55,089 460/3/60 Standard See Note 2 BLV2700L6E 53,510 BDVS2700L6E 56,191 575/3/60 Standard See Note 2 BLV3000L6C 57,426 BDVS3000L6C 60,053 208-230/3/60 Standard See Note 2 BLV3000L6D 58,131 BDVS3000L6D 60,760 460/3/60 Standard See Note 2 BLV3000L6E 59,295 BDVS3000L6E 61,976 575/3/60 Standard See Note 2 Section 2 High Efficiency Models: High Temperature (R-404A/507/22) BLV1501H6C 39,532 BDVS1501H6C 42,163 208-230/3/60 High Efficiency See Note 1 BLV1501H6D 40,240 BDVS1501H6D 42,869 460/3/60 High Efficiency See Note 1 BLV1501H6E 41,046 BDVS1501H6E 43,728 575/3/60 High Efficiency See Note 1 BLV2001H6C 41,677 BDVS2001H6C 44,308 208-230/3/60 High Efficiency See Note 1 BLV2001H6D 42,385 BDVS2001H6D 45,012 460/3/60 High Efficiency See Note 1 BLV2001H6E 43,234 BDVS2001H6E 45,912 575/3/60 High Efficiency See Note 1 BLV2501H6C 58,728 BDVS2501H6C 61,675 208-230/3/60 High Efficiency See Note 1 BLV2501H6D 59,502 BDVS2501H6D 62,446 460/3/60 High Efficiency See Note 1 BLV2501H6E 60,690 BDVS2501H6E 63,695 575/3/60 High Efficiency See Note 1 BLV3001H6C 61,290 BDVS3001H6C 64,238 208-230/3/60 High Efficiency See Note 1 BLV3001H6D 61,999 BDVS3001H6D 64,942 460/3/60 High Efficiency See Note 1 BLV3001H6E 63,238 BDVS3001H6E 66,242 575/3/60 High Efficiency See Note 1 BLV3501H6C 76,638 BDVS3501H6C 79,859 208-230/3/60 High Efficiency See Note 1 BLV3501H6D 77,343 BDVS3501H6D 80,568 460/3/60 High Efficiency See Note 1 BLV3501H6E 78,891 BDVS3501H6E 82,180 575/3/60 High Efficiency See Note 1 BLV4001H6C 77,496 BDVS4001H6C 80,721 208-230/3/60 High Efficiency See Note 1 BLV4001H6D 78,202 BDVS4001H6D 81,425 460/3/60 High Efficiency See Note 1 BLV4001H6E 79,766 BDVS4001H6E 83,056 575/3/60 High Efficiency See Note 1 High Efficiency Models: Low Temperature (R-404A/507/22) BLV1201L6C 38,256 BDVS1201L6C 40,885 208-230/3/60 High Efficiency See Note 1, 2 BLV1201L6D 38,965 BDVS1201L6D 41,595 460/3/60 High Efficiency See Note 1, 2 BLV1201L6E 39,745 BDVS1201L6E 42,427 575/3/60 High Efficiency See Note 1, 2 BLV1501L6C 41,106 BDVS1501L6C 43,737 208-230/3/60 High Efficiency See Note 1, 2 BLV1501L6D 41,813 BDVS1501L6D 44,440 460/3/60 High Efficiency See Note 1, 2 BLV1501L6E 42,648 BDVS1501L6E 45,327 575/3/60 High Efficiency See Note 1, 2 BLV2201L6C 47,854 BDVS2201L6C 50,483 208-230/3/60 High Efficiency See Note 1, 2 BLV2201L6D 48,563 BDVS2201L6D 51,193 460/3/60 High Efficiency See Note 1, 2 BLV2201L6E 49,534 BDVS2201L6E 52,218 575/3/60 High Efficiency See Note 1, 2 BLV2701L6C 57,529 BDVS2701L6C 60,474 208-230/3/60 High Efficiency See Note 1, 2 BLV2701L6D 58,234 BDVS2701L6D 61,179 460/3/60 High Efficiency See Note 1, 2 BLV2701L6E 59,399 BDVS2701L6E 62,401 575/3/60 High Efficiency See Note 1, 2 BLV3001L6C 60,724 BDVS3001L6C 63,668 208-230/3/60 High Efficiency See Note 1, 2 BLV3001L6D 61,431 BDVS3001L6D 64,373 460/3/60 High Efficiency See Note 1, 2 BLV3001L6E 62,661 BDVS3001L6E 65,663 575/3/60 High Efficiency See Note 1, 2 BLV1201L6C 38,256 BDVS1201L6C 40,885 208-230/3/60 High Efficiency See Note 1, 2 Notes: 1. High Efficiency Models come with an oversized condenser. 2. For R-22 low temperature operation, add Demand Cooling Kit. 2A - 66 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensing Units 12 - 40 HP Vertical Air Discharge Outdoor Configurable Models Pricing Bohn Model List Price ($US) Beacon II™ Outdoor List Bohn Model Price ($US) BLV1201L6D 38,965 BDVS1201L6D 41,595 460/3/60 High Efficiency See Note 1, 2 BLV1201L6E 39,745 BDVS1201L6E 42,427 575/3/60 High Efficiency See Note 1, 2 Voltage Model Type Notes BLV1501L6C 41,106 BDVS1501L6C 43,737 208-230/3/60 High Efficiency See Note 1, 2 BLV1501L6D 41,813 BDVS1501L6D 44,440 460/3/60 High Efficiency See Note 1, 2 BLV1501L6E 42,648 BDVS1501L6E 45,327 575/3/60 High Efficiency See Note 1, 2 BLV2201L6C 47,854 BDVS2201L6C 50,483 208-230/3/60 High Efficiency See Note 1, 2 BLV2201L6D 48,563 BDVS2201L6D 51,193 460/3/60 High Efficiency See Note 1, 2 BLV2201L6E 49,534 BDVS2201L6E 52,218 575/3/60 High Efficiency See Note 1, 2 BLV2701L6C 57,529 BDVS2701L6C 60,474 208-230/3/60 High Efficiency See Note 1, 2 BLV2701L6D 58,234 BDVS2701L6D 61,179 460/3/60 High Efficiency See Note 1, 2 BLV2701L6E 59,399 BDVS2701L6E 62,401 575/3/60 High Efficiency See Note 1, 2 60,724 BDVS3001L6C 63,668 208-230/3/60 High Efficiency See Note 1, 2 61,431 BDVS3001L6D 64,373 460/3/60 High Efficiency See Note 1, 2 BLV3001L6E 62,661 BDVS3001L6E 65,663 575/3/60 High Efficiency See Note 1, 2 Section 2 BLV3001L6C BLV3001L6D Notes: 1. High Efficiency Models come with an oversized condenser. 2. For R-22 low temperature operation, add Demand Cooling Kit. Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2A - 67 Air-Cooled Condensing Units 12 - 40 HP Vertical Air Discharge Factory-Installed Options • Make sure you have selected a configurable model. When ordering, remember to specify the option codes and list price adders for each selected option. • Can’t Find Something? Other options and accessories might be available on a custom order basis. Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. Need Factory-Installed Options? Option Code List Price Adder ($US) Description Models Used On Notes Outdoor Beacon II™ Outdoor Section 2 Electrical Options DFT.001 Defrost Timer - Air All Medium temperature applications only. 524 - FCY.001-1 Fan Cycling - Temperature 1200-3000 Standard Models 1201-2201 High Effieciency Models Fan closest to the header is not cycled. 1,666 - FCY.001-2 Fan Cycling - Temperature 3500-4000 Standard Models 2501-3001 High Efficiency Models Fan closest to the header is not cycled. 1,984 - FCY.001-3 Fan Cycling - Temperature 3501-4001 High Efficiency Models Fan closest to the header is not cycled. 2,262 - FCY.002-1 Fan Cycling - Pressure 1200-3000 Standard Models 1201-2201 High Efficiency Models Fan closest to the header is not cycled. 1,666 Standard FCY.002-2 Fan Cycling - Pressure 3500-4000 Standard Models 2501-3001 High Efficiency Models Fan closest to the header is not cycled. 1,984 Standard FCY.002-3 Fan Cycling - Pressure 3501-4001 High Efficiency Models Fan closest to the header is not cycled. 2,262 Standard FSD.001-1 Fused Disconnect 1200-2701 (230V) - 1,585 1,585 Fused Disconnect 1200-2701 (460V) 3000 & 3001 (230V) - 2,310 2,310 FSD.001-2 FSD.001-3 Fused Disconnect 3000-4001 (460V) - 3,363 3,363 NFD.008-1 Non-Fused Disconnect 1200-2701 (230V) - 1,487 1,487 NFD.008-2 Non-Fused Disconnect 1200-2701 (460V) 3000 & 3001 (230V) - 2,142 2,142 NFD.008-3 Non-Fused Disconnect 3000-4001 (460V) - 3,133 3,133 230V - 2,460 2,460 CBK.002-2 Compressor Circuit Breaker CBK.002-1 Compressor Circuit Breaker 460V - 1,143 1,143 PLM.00X Phase Loss Monitor 230V & 460V - 1,077 1,077 TDR.002 Anti-short Cycling Timer All - 621 621 HPS.001 Manual Reset High Pressure Switch All - 297 297 Variable Speed EC Motor MS.0012C with proportional pressure controller 1500-2500M6 Standard Models (230V) 1200-2700L6 Standard Models (230V) 1201L6-2201L6 High Efficiency Models (230V) - 4,805 4,805 Variable Speed EC Motor MS.0012D with proportional pressure controller 1500-2500M6 Standard Models (230V) 1200-2700L6 Standard Models (230V) 1201L6-2201L6 High Efficiency Models (230V) - 14,654 14,654 Regulation Requires Variable Speed Fan Motors! California Energy Commission Title 24, Section 126 Effective 01/01/2010, refrigerated warehouses with a total cold storage and frozen storage area exceeding 3,000 square feet require: 1. All condenser fans for air-cooled condensers/condensing units shall be continuously variable speed and the condensing temperature or pressure control system shall control the speed of all condenser fans serving a common condenser loop in unison. The minimum condensing temperature set point shall be less than or equal to 70 degrees Fahrenheit or reset in response to ambient dry bulb temperature or refrigeration system load. 2. All single phase condenser/condensing unit fan motors less than 1 horsepower and less than 460 volts shall be either permanent split capacitor or electronically commutated. 2A - 68 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensing Units 12 - 40 HP Vertical Air Discharge Factory-Installed Options • Make sure you have selected a configurable model. When ordering, remember to specify the option codes and list price adders for each selected option. • Can’t Find Something? Other options and accessories might be available on a custom order basis. Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. Need Factory-Installed Options? Option Code List Price Adder ($US) Description Models Used On Notes Variable Speed EC Motor MS.0012L with proportional pressure controller 2600-3000M6 Standard Models (230V & 460V) 3000L6 Standard Model (230V & 460V) 1501-2001H6 High Efficiency Models (230V & 460V) 2701L6-3001L6 High Efficiency Models (230V & 460V) Variable Speed EC Motor MS.0013L with proportional pressure controller Variable Speed EC Motor MS.0014L with proportional pressure controller Outdoor Beacon II™ Outdoor - 17,837 17,837 3500-4000M6 Standard Models (230V & 460V) 2501-3001H6 High Efficiency Models (230V & 460V) - 25,740 25,740 3501-4001H6 High Efficiency Models (230V & 460V) - 33,643 33,643 LIQ.003-1 Replaceable core liquidline filter drier & sight glass 1200-2201 - 444 444 LIQ.003-2 Replaceable core liquidline filter drier & sight glass 2500-4001 - 652 652 LIQ.002-1 Liquid-line solenoid valve 1200-2201 Not recommended on applications with line runs more than 25 feet. 893 - LIQ.002-2 Liquid-line solenoid valve 2500-4001 Not recommended on applications with line runs more than 25 feet. 958 - Section 2 Mechanical Options SUC.003-1 Suction-line filter 1200-2001 - 1,204 1,204 SUC.003-2 Suction-line filter 2200-4001 - 1,542 1,542 SUC.005-1 Replaceable core suctionline filter 1200-2001 - 1,575 1,575 SUC.005-2 Replaceable core suctionline filter 2200-4001 - 1,645 1,645 SUC.007-1 Suction accumulator 1200-2001 - 2,572 2,572 SUC.007-2 Suction accumulator 2200-4001 - 2,950 2,950 DIS.001-1 Oil separator with discharge line check valve 1200-3001 - 1,542 1,542 DIS.001-2 Oil separator with discharge line check valve 3500-4001 - 2,607 2,607 MUF.001 Discharge muffler All - 437 437 Regulation Requires Variable Speed Fan Motors! California Energy Commission Title 24, Section 126 Effective 01/01/2010, refrigerated warehouses with a total cold storage and frozen storage area exceeding 3,000 square feet require: 1. All condenser fans for air-cooled condensers/condensing units shall be continuously variable speed and the condensing temperature or pressure control system shall control the speed of all condenser fans serving a common condenser loop in unison. The minimum condensing temperature set point shall be less than or equal to 70 degrees Fahrenheit or reset in response to ambient dry bulb temperature or refrigeration system load. 2. All single phase condenser/condensing unit fan motors less than 1 horsepower and less than 460 volts shall be either permanent split capacitor or electronically commutated. Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2A - 69 Air-Cooled Condensing Units 12 - 40 HP Vertical Air Discharge Factory-Installed Options • Make sure you have selected a configurable model. When ordering, remember to specify the option codes and list price adders for each selected option. • Can’t Find Something? Other options and accessories might be available on a custom order basis. Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. Section 2 Need Factory-Installed Options? List Price Adder ($US) Option Code Description Models Used On Notes DIS.002-1 Three way heat reclam valve with check valve installed 1200-2000 DIS.002-2 Three way heat reclam valve with check valve installed UNL.001 Outdoor Beacon II™ Outdoor - 1,592 1,592 2001-4001 - 2,333 2,333 Compressor Unloading with pressure control for (1) cyl. Bank All - 1,583 - DMD.001 Demand Cooling for low temperature R-22 1200-3001L6 - 2,231 2,231 REC.001-1 Low Ambient kit with heated and insulated receiver and time delay relay 1200-3001 - 2,436 2,436 REC.001-2 Low Ambient kit with heated and insulated receiver and time delay relay 3500-4001 - 3,200 3,200 Coil Options CS.PRO-1 BohnGuard™ condenser fin protection 1200-3000 Standard Models 1201-2201 High Efficiency Models - 1,874 1,874 CS.PRO-2 BohnGuard™ condenser fin protection 2501-3001 High Efficiency Models - 2,353 2,353 CS.PRO-3 BohnGuard™ condenser fin protection 3500-4000 Standard Models - 2,399 2,399 CS.PRO-4 BohnGuard™ condenser fin protection 3501-4001 High Efficiency Models - 3,363 3,363 CS.ELEC-1 ElectroFin coil coating 1200-3000 Standard Models 1201-2201 High Efficiency Models - Call Factory Call Factory CS.ELEC-2 ElectroFin coil coating 2501-3001 High Efficiency Models - Call Factory Call Factory CS.ELEC-3 ElectroFin coil coating 3500-4000 Standard Models - Call Factory Call Factory CS.ELEC-4 ElectroFin coil coating 3501-4001 High Efficiency Models - Call Factory Call Factory CS.CPR-1 Copper condenser fins 1200-3000 Standard Models 1201-2201 High Efficiency Models - Call Factory Call Factory CS.CPR-2 Copper condenser fins 2501-3001 High Efficiency Models - Call Factory Call Factory CS.CPR-3 Copper condenser fins 3500-4000 Standard Models - Call Factory Call Factory CS.CPR-4 Copper condenser fins 3501-4001 High Efficiency Models - Call Factory Call Factory CS.BRZ-1 Bronz-Glow coil coating 1200-3000 Standard Models 1201-2201 High Efficiency Models - Call Factory Call Factory CS.BRZ-2 Bronz-Glow coil coating 2501-3001 High Efficiency Models - Call Factory Call Factory CS.BRZ-3 Bronz-Glow coil coating 3500-4000 Standard Models - Call Factory Call Factory CS.BRZ-4 Bronz-Glow coil coating 3501-4001 High Efficiency Models - Call Factory Call Factory 2A - 70 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensing Units 12 - 40 HP Vertical Air Discharge Factory-Installed Electric Defrost Options Selecting the proper kit is as easy as … 1 2 3 Option Code Add up the total fan motor amps and electric heater amps for all evaporators in the refrigeration system. For the selected condensing unit, contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer to find out the rated defrost power amps for both the fan motor amps and electric heater amps. The condensing unit data plate ratings are based on the actual system match. Your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer will help you select the proper electric defrost kit and components. Definitions Electric Defrost Timer Initiates and terminates defrost cycles based on a predetermined time schedule. Lockout Relay Prevents the electric defrost heaters from energizing when the compressor is in operation. Evaporator Hold Out Relay Allows each evaporator to individually terminate defrost on temperature when multiple evaporators are used in a single system. Fan Contactor Carries amperage load for evaporator fan motors. Heater Contactor Carries amperage load for evaporator electric defrost heaters. InterLink™ Smart Defrost Kit™ (SDK) The InterLink™ SDK is a revolutionary product that is designed to be used on any electric defrost walk-in freezer system with an electro-mechanical defrost timer set for three or more scheduled defrosts per day. The InterLink™ SDK accurately estimates frost accumulation on the evaporator coil and decides if it can skip the preprogrammed defrost period that is set on the defrost timer. This helps eliminate unneeded defrost cycles, saving energy and increasing product integrity List Price Adder ($US) Description Models Used On Notes DFT.014 Electric Defrost Kit for system with one evaporator - Low Amps (1L) 1200-2201L6 (230V) 1500-2001M6 (460V & 575V) 1200-3001L6 (460V & 575V) Includes (1) electric defrost timer, (1) heater & (1) fan contactors, terminal strip 1,709 DFT.015 Electric Defrost Kit for system with one evaporator - High Amps (1H) 1200-2201L6 (230V) 1500-2001M6 (460V & 575V) 1200-3001L6 (460V & 575V) Includes (1) electric defrost timer, (1) heater & (1) fan contactors, terminal strip 1,709 DFT.011 Electric Defrost Kit for system with two evaporators - Low Amps (2L) 1500-2001M6 (230V) 1500-4001M6 (460V & 575V) 1200-3001L6 (230V, 460V, 575V) Includes (1) electric defrost timer, (2) heater & (1) fan contactors, terminal strip 2,460 DFT.012 Electric Defrost Kit for system with two evaporators - High Amps (2H) 1500-2001M6 (230V) 1500-4001M6 (460V & 575V) 1200-3001L6 (230V, 460V, 575V) Includes (1) electric defrost timer, (2) heater & (1) fan contactors, terminal strip 2,460 DFT.009 Electric Defrost Kit for system with up to four evaporators - Low Amps (4L) 1500-4001M6 (all voltages) 1500-3001L6 (all voltages) Includes (1) electric defrost timer, (4) heater & (1) fan contactors, terminal strip 3,208 DFT.010 Electric Defrost Kit for system with up to four evaporators - High Amps (4H) 1500-4001M6 (all voltages) 1500-3001L6 (all voltages) Includes (1) electric defrost timer, (4) heater & (1) fan contactors, terminal strip 3,208 DEF.017 Fuses for electric defrost kits (1L/1H) 1200-2201L6 (230V) 1500-2001M6 (460V & 575V) 1200-3001L6 (460V & 575V) For systems with one evaporator 428 Rev. 03/12 Outdoor List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2A - 71 Section 2 Need an electric defrost kit? • Make sure you have selected a configurable model. When ordering, remember to specify the option codes and list price adders for each selected option. • Electric defrost kits and components are available to be factory mounted in the electrical box of indoor or outdoor condensing units used in medium/ low temp applications with electric defrost evaporators. Air-Cooled Condensing Units 12 - 40 HP Vertical Air Discharge Factory-Installed Electric Defrost Options Description DEF.039 Fuses for electric defrost kits (2L/2H) 1500-2001M6 (230V) 1500-4001M6 (460V & 575V) 1200-3001L6 (230V, 460V, 575V) For systems with two evaporators 855 DEF.052 Fuses for electric defrost kits (4L/4H) 1500-4001M6 (all voltages) 1500-3001L6 (all voltages) For systems with up to four evaporators 1,716 EHR.001 Evaporator hold out relays - 2 Evaps & 2 Contactors (2L/2H) 1500-2001M6 (230V) 1500-4001M6 (460V & 575V) 1200-3001L6 (230V, 460V, 575V) For use with 2L/2H Electric Defrost Kits with two evaporators 330 EHR.002 Evaporator hold out relays - 2 Evaps & 4 Contactors (4L/4H) 1500-2001M6 (230V) 1500-4001M6 (460V & 575V) 1200-3001L6 (230V, 460V, 575V) For use with 4L/4H Electric Defrost Kits with only two evaporators 330 EHR.003 Evaporator hold out relays - 4 Evaps & 4 Contactors (4L/4H) 1500-2001M6 (230V) 1500-4001M6 (460V & 575V) 1200-3001L6 (230V, 460V, 575V) For use with 4L/4H Electric Defrost Kits with four evaporators 660 SDK.001 InterLink™ Smart Defrost Kit™ All Can not be used alone. Must also select a electric defrost timer or electric defrost kit. 812 Models Used On Notes Outdoor 12 - 40 HP Vertical Air Discharge Section 2 List Price Adder ($US) Option Code Shipped-Loose Accessories A wide range of shipped-loose accessories are available to order. Can’t Find Something? Other options and accessories might be available on a custom order basis. Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. Part Number Description Models Used On Notes List Price ($US) All Can not be used alone. Must be used with a electric defrost timer or electric defrost kit. Can not be used with Beacon II. 812 Electrical Options 22681501 InterLink™ Smart Defrost Kit™ Crankcase Pressure Regulator (CPR) Valves A selection program must be used to pick the proper valve. The selection program requires the following inputs: system capacity, suction temperature, and maximum holding temperature. Not available for use on Beacon II™ Outdoor units. Should not be used with MOP type expansion valves in unit coolers. Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. Size Part Number List Price ($US) 7/8” 29346101 374 1 1/8” 29399012 549 1 3/8” 4227W 1,501 1 5/8” 4262Q 2,349 2 1/8” 29399089 2,693 2A - 72 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensing Units Overview 13 - 50 HP Vertical Air Discharge Cabinet & Construction • All units feature the Floating Tube ™ coil which eliminates tube sheet leaks • Painted steel cabinets for superior strength and corrosion resistance Serviceability • Manual pumpdown switch on all units • Convenient access panels to easily service internal components • Large electrical panel to facilitate ease of access Quality • • • • The 13-50 HP condensing unit product line with Bitzer® compressors is designed to meet the needs of a demanding commercial and industrial refrigeration market. The product is configured to be flexible in its design and construction to allow it to respond to the requirements of refrigeration contractors, consulting engineers and facility owners/operators. The Floating Tube™ coil design incorporated in the product provides protection against tube sheet leaks. Opting for the Beacon II™ refrigeration system with Smart Defrost, Factory installed Defrost Kit™ (SDK) or Variable Speed EC motors increases this product’s energy efficiency and quailifies it for the E Solutions™ product portfolio • • • • Components Compressor • Units feature Bitzer® semi-hermetic compressors. • Available with compressor unloading • Receivers are sized for sufficient pumpdown capacity with inlet and outlet service valves Other • Sight glass and permanent liquid line filter Section 2 Product Description Sight glass is easily viewable Fixed high pressure switch eliminates capillary tubes Refrigeration duty, rifled copper tubing Piping is pre-bent to eliminate braze joints, where possible, to reduce leak potential All joints are sweat type connections, no mechanical joints to leak Separate sub-cooling circuit in condenser for added capacity and vapor free liquid Pressure relief valve on receiver ServiceMate™ diagnostic module standard on all non-Beacon™ condensing units Certifications Nomenclature Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2A - 73 Air-Cooled Condensing Units Performance Data 13 - 50 HP Vertical Air Discharge Models with Bitzer Compressors – 60 HZ * = LV for Limitizer, DVS for Beacon II™, For 50 HZ capacity, multiply values by .86 Capacity (BTUH) Ambient Temperature °F 90°F 95°F 100°F 110°F Medium Temperature (R-404A/507) Section 2 Suction Bohn Base Compressor Temp. Model °F B*150BM6 B*150BM6 B*150BM6 B*150BM6 B*150BM6 B*150BM6 B*200BM6 B*200BM6 B*200BM6 B*200BM6 B*200BM6 B*200BM6 B*220BM6 B*220BM6 B*220BM6 B*220BM6 B*220BM6 B*220BM6 B*250BM6 B*250BM6 B*250BM6 B*250BM6 B*250BM6 B*250BM6 B*300BM6 B*300BM6 B*300BM6 B*300BM6 B*300BM6 B*300BM6 B*330BM6 B*330BM6 B*330BM6 B*330BM6 B*330BM6 B*330BM6 B*350BM6 B*350BM6 B*350BM6 B*350BM6 B*350BM6 B*350BM6 B*400BM6 B*400BM6 B*400BM6 B*400BM6 B*400BM6 B*400BM6 2A - 74 4C2067PH 4C2067PH 4C2067PH 4C2067PH 4C2067PH 4C2067PH 4C2397PH 4C2397PH 4C2397PH 4C2397PH 4C2397PH 4C2397PH 4B2707PH 4B2707PH 4B2707PH 4B2707PH 4B2707PH 4B2707PH 4B3139PH 4B3139PH 4B3139PH 4B3139PH 4B3139PH 4B3139PH 4B3604PH 4B3604PH 4B3604PH 4B3604PH 4B3604PH 4B3604PH 6B4060PH 6B4060PH 6B4060PH 6B4060PH 6B4060PH 6B4060PH 6B4709PH 6B4709PH 6B4709PH 6B4709PH 6B4709PH 6B4709PH 6B5406PH 6B5406PH 6B5406PH 6B5406PH 6B5406PH 6B5406PH 40°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 15°F 5°F 40°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 15°F 5°F 40°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 15°F 5°F 40°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 15°F 5°F 40°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 15°F 5°F 40°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 15°F 5°F 40°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 15°F 5°F 40°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 15°F 5°F 197,120 165,780 150,650 136,230 122,680 98,790 230,460 192,070 174,410 157,400 141,810 113,840 254,200 212,600 193,960 175,330 157,850 127,090 291,480 245,260 222,450 201,510 181,830 146,820 339,410 2,874,940 259,200 235,080 211,960 171,290 385,050 321,570 292,920 263,780 237,640 190,700 438,780 369,160 335,750 303,260 273,630 220,740 505,840 425,630 388,520 352,010 317,530 256,880 188,290 157,400 143,110 129,380 116,550 93,540 219,760 183,360 166,320 150,000 134,810 107,790 244,040 204,700 185,270 167,820 150,960 121,320 279,820 234,460 213,660 193,150 173,860 140,070 324,930 273,150 248,290 225,050 202,640 163,320 368,290 308,190 279,790 225,590 227,190 181,990 421,120 353,880 321,530 290,650 261,560 210,580 483,740 408,880 371,110 336,760 303,520 245,160 178,750 150,410 132,640 123,010 110,440 88,070 209,960 175,590 158,250 142,470 127,880 101,800 232,880 195,360 177,330 160,390 144,070 115,590 268,270 225,090 203,930 184,500 165,980 133,380 311,370 261,580 237,590 214,940 193,290 155,450 352,830 296,110 267,620 241,230 216,720 173,230 401,770 338,590 306,610 277,520 249,500 200,500 463,250 391,180 354,990 321,570 289,250 233,350 162,020 134,650 121,880 109,570 98,170 77,590 191,380 157,870 142,410 127,770 113,890 89,390 213,790 177,890 161,290 145,490 130,340 103,770 243,980 204,400 185,400 167,350 150,090 119,580 285,650 238,360 215,910 194,800 174,680 139,050 323,590 268,900 243,190 218,990 195,850 155,250 368,420 307,100 278,580 251,470 225,500 179,780 424,260 355,120 322,990 291,390 261,700 209,240 Suction Bohn Base Compressor Temp. Model °F B*500BM6 B*500BM6 B*500BM6 B*500BM6 B*500BM6 B*500BM6 6B6462PH 6B6462PH 6B6462PH 6B6462PH 6B6462PH 6B6462PH 40°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 15°F 5°F Capacity (BTUH) Ambient Temperature °F 90°F 95°F 100°F 110°F 592,370 501,120 457,060 414,850 375,030 304,620 567,970 479,900 437,280 396,510 357,970 290,190 543,770 485,690 417,510 378,160 341,040 275,780 494,050 415,900 378,430 341,770 307,300 246,360 105,960 81,650 70,890 61,310 46,800 39,880 123,250 95,940 83,810 73,030 56,580 48,750 141,040 110,120 96,260 83,860 64,670 55,050 156,330 120,650 104,810 90,770 69,550 59,470 184,510 142,790 124,340 107,930 83,040 71,140 204,160 158,700 138,390 120,340 92,900 80,050 245,130 189,440 164,710 142,690 109,060 93,380 100,880 77,300 66,880 57,620 43,630 37,260 117,250 90,740 78,930 68,530 52,580 45,290 133,910 104,050 90,640 78,710 60,140 51,170 148,990 114,230 98,870 85,340 64,720 55,420 175,840 135,120 117,270 101,510 77,430 66,410 194,480 150,250 130,550 113,100 86,400 74,380 232,960 178,850 154,820 133,540 100,910 86,320 95,790 72,980 62,900 53,960 40,420 34,420 111,270 85,500 74,120 63,970 48,520 41,760 126,850 97,980 85,090 73,500 55,580 47,240 141,590 107,830 92,970 79,790 59,860 51,350 166,300 127,430 110,260 94,950 71,770 61,560 190,060 141,860 122,800 105,750 79,830 68,650 220,670 168,260 144,950 124,260 92,610 79,130 85,810 64,920 55,370 46,770 33,650 29,100 99,750 75,940 64,930 55,110 40,050 34,500 112,960 86,810 63,370 63,370 46,070 39,070 127,330 96,230 81,890 69,200 49,790 43,220 148,750 113,350 96,980 82,350 59,880 51,750 165,790 126,570 108,090 91,680 66,380 56,190 196,830 148,730 126,420 106,400 74,580 63,910 Low Temperature (R-404A/507) B*130BL6 B*130BL6 B*130BL6 B*130BL6 B*130BL6 B*130BL6 B*150BL6 B*150BL6 B*150BL6 B*150BL6 B*150BL6 B*150BL6 B*200BL6 B*200BL6 B*200BL6 B*200BL6 B*200BL6 B*200BL6 B*220BL6 B*220BL6 B*220BL6 B*220BL6 B*220BL6 B*220BL6 B*250BL6 B*250BL6 B*250BL6 B*250BL6 B*250BL6 B*250BL6 B*300BL6 B*300BL6 B*300BL6 B*300BL6 B*300BL6 B*300BL6 B*400BL6 B*400BL6 B*400BL6 B*400BL6 B*400BL6 B*400BL6 4B2707PL 4B2707PL 4B2707PL 4B2707PL 4B2707PL 4B2707PL 4B3139PL 4B3139PL 4B3139PL 4B3139PL 4B3139PL 4B3139PL 4B3604PL 4B3604PL 4B3604PL 4B3604PL 4B3604PL 4B3604PL 6B4060PL 6B4060PL 6B4060PL 6B4060PL 6B4060PL 6B4060PL 6B4709PL 6B4709PL 6B4709PL 6B4709PL 6B4709PL 6B4709PL 6B5406PL 6B5406PL 6B5406PL 6B5406PL 6B5406PL 6B5406PL 6B6462PL 6B6462PL 6B6462PL 6B6462PL 6B6462PL 6B6462PL 0°F -10°F -15°F -20°F -30°F -40°F 0°F -10°F -15°F -20°F -30°F -40°F 0°F -10°F -15°F -20°F -30°F -40°F 0°F -10°F -15°F -20°F -30°F -40°F 0°F -10°F -15°F -20°F -30°F -40°F 0°F -10°F -15°F -20°F -30°F -40°F 0°F -10°F -15°F -20°F -30°F -40°F List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensing Units Unit Specifications 13 - 50 HP Vertical Air Discharge Models with Bitzer Compressors * = LV for Limitizer, DVS for Beacon II™ Bohn Base Model Unit Compressor HP Connections (in.) Liquid (OD) Receiver 90% Full (lbs.) Dimensions Depth Width (in.) (in.) Height (in.) Approx. Net Weight (lbs.) Suction (OD) Standard 7/8 1 5/8 123 44 1/2 144 55 3/5 1,400 Medium Temperature (R-404A/507) B*150BM6 4C2067PH 15 B*200BM6 4C2397PH 20 7/8 1 5/8 123 44 1/2 171 55 3/5 1,625 B*220BM6 4B2707PH 22 1 1/8 2 1/8 123 44 1/2 171 55 3/5 1,690 B*250BM6 4B3139PH 25 1 1/8 2 1/8 123 44 1/2 171 55 3/5 1,935 B*300BM6 4B3604PH 30 1 1/8 2 1/8 188 44 1/2 226 55 3/5 1,615 B*330BM6 6B4060PH 33 1 1/8 2 1/8 188 44 1/2 226 55 3/5 1,785 B*350BM6 6B4709PH 35 1 1/8 2 1/8 188 44 1/2 226 55 3/5 1,885 B*400BM6 6B5406PH 40 1 1/8 2 1/8 188 44 1/2 281 55 3/5 2,440 B*500BM6 6B6462PH 50 1 1/8 2 1/8 188 44 1/2 281 55 3/5 2,835 B*130BL6 4B2707PL 13 7/8 1 5/8 81 44 1/2 144 55 3/5 1,590 B*150BL6 4B3139PL 15 7/8 1 5/8 81 44 1/2 144 55 3/5 1,800 B*200BL6 4B3604PL 20 7/8 2 1/8 81 44 1/2 144 55 3/5 1,870 B*220BL6 6B4060PL 22 7/8 2 1/8 123 44 1/2 171 55 3/5 2,075 B*250BL6 6B4709PL 25 1 1/8 2 1/8 123 44 1/2 171 55 3/5 2,170 B*300BL6 6B5406PL 30 1 1/8 2 1/8 123 44 1/2 171 55 3/5 2,180 B*400BL6 6B6462PL 40 1 1/8 2 1/8 188 44 1/2 226 55 3/5 1,920 Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Section 2 Low Temperature (R-404A/507) 2A - 75 Air-Cooled Condensing Units Electrical Data 13 - 50 HP Vertical Air Discharge Models with Bitzer Compressors * = LV for Limitizer, DVS for Beacon II™ Condensing unit data plate ratings for electric defrost applications will be based on actual system match. Contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. Bohn Base Model Voltage Compressor Fan Motor RLA Qty FLA 2 9.6 LRA Beacon II or Air Defrost Electric Defrost Kit Amps MCA MOPD Evap Fans Elec Htrs 110 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory MCA MOPD Medium Temperature (R-404A/507) Section 2 B*150BM6 208-230/3/60 48.7 294.0 70.5 B*150BM6 460/3/60 24.4 147.0 2 4.8 35.3 60 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory B*150BM6 575/3/60 19.6 117.0 2 4.6 29.1 40 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory B*200BM6 208-230/3/60 57.7 352.0 2 14.0 86.1 125 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory B*200BM6 460/3/60 28.8 176.0 2 7.0 43.0 70 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory B*200BM6 575/3/60 23.6 140.0 2 5.6 35.1 50 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory B*220BM6 208-230/3/60 61.5 352.0 2 14.0 90.9 150 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory B*220BM6 460/3/60 30.8 176.0 2 7.0 45.5 70 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory B*220BM6 575/3/60 24.4 140.0 2 5.6 36.1 60 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory B*250BM6 208-230/3/60 75.6 436.0 2 14.0 108.5 175 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory B*250BM6 460/3/60 37.8 218.0 2 7.0 54.3 90 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory B*250BM6 575/3/60 30.1 165.0 2 5.6 43.2 70 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory B*300BM6 208-230/3/60 89.7 490.0 3 21.0 133.1 200 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory B*300BM6 460/3/60 44.9 245.0 3 10.5 66.6 110 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory B*300BM6 575/3/60 35.9 196.0 3 8.4 53.3 80 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory B*330BM6 208-230/3/60 100.0 550.0 3 21.0 146.0 225 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory B*330BM6 460/3/60 50.0 275.0 3 10.5 73.0 110 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory B*330BM6 575/3/60 39.7 220.0 3 8.4 58.0 90 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory B*350BM6 208-230/3/60 105.1 550.0 3 21.0 152.4 250 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory B*350BM6 460/3/60 52.6 275.0 3 10.5 76.3 125 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory B*350BM6 575/3/60 41.7 220.0 3 8.4 60.5 100 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory B*400BM6 208-230/3/60 141.0 700.0 4 28.0 204.3 325 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory B*400BM6 460/3/60 70.5 350.0 4 14.0 102.1 150 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory B*400BM6 575/3/60 56.4 280.0 4 11.2 81.7 125 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory B*500BM6 208-230/3/60 143.6 950.0 4 28.0 207.5 350 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory B*500BM6 460/3/60 71.8 425.0 4 14.0 103.8 175 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory B*500BM6 575/3/60 57.1 340.0 4 11.2 82.6 125 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory 294.0 2 9.6 64.1 100 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Low Temperature (R-404A/507) B*130BL6 208-230/3/60 43.6 B*130BL6 460/3/60 21.8 147.0 2 4.8 32.1 50 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory B*130BL6 575/3/60 17.3 117.0 2 4.6 26.2 40 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory B*150BL6 208-230/3/60 46.2 294.0 2 9.6 67.4 110 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory B*150BL6 460/3/60 23.1 147.0 2 4.8 33.7 50 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Notes: Consult factory for 50 HZ applications. MCA = Minimum Circuit Ampacity MOPD = Maximum Overcurrent Protection Device Beacon II™ and Air Defrost Units do not carry any of the evaporator fan or heater loads. Power is brought directly to the evaporators and does not go through the condensing unit. An evaporator heater hold out relay (option) is recommended when two or more evaporators are connected to a single condensing unit to allow termination on coils that have already defrosted to prevent unnecessary steaming. This option is not needed on Beacon II™ systems wired for a Master / Slave operation. Power is brought to each Beacon II™ evaporator. Each coil terminates its own defrost. Refrigeration will not start until all coils have terminated defrost. 2A - 76 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensing Units Electrical Data 13 - 50 HP Vertical Air Discharge Models with Bitzer Compressors * = LV for Limitizer, DVS for Beacon II™ Condensing unit data plate ratings for electric defrost applications will be based on actual system match. Contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. Voltage Compressor Fan Motor RLA Qty LRA FLA Beacon II or Air Defrost MCA MOPD Electric Defrost Kit Amps MCA MOPD Evap Fans Elec Htrs B*150BL6 575/3/60 18.6 117.0 2 4.6 27.9 45 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory B*200BL6 208-230/3/60 57.7 352.0 2 9.6 81.7 125 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory B*200BL6 460/3/60 28.8 176.0 2 4.8 40.8 70 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory B*200BL6 575/3/60 23.1 140.0 2 4.6 33.5 50 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory B*220BL6 208-230/3/60 65.4 436.0 2 14.0 95.8 150 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory B*220BL6 460/3/60 32.7 218.0 2 7.0 47.9 80 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory B*220BL6 575/3/60 26.9 174.0 2 5.6 38.5 60 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory B*250BL6 208-230/3/60 69.2 436.0 2 14.0 100.5 150 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory B*250BL6 460/3/60 34.6 218.0 2 7.0 50.3 80 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory B*250BL6 575/3/60 27.6 174.0 2 5.6 40.1 60 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory B*300BL6 208-230/3/60 84.6 490.0 2 14.0 119.8 200 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory B*300BL6 460/3/60 42.3 245.0 2 7.0 59.9 100 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory B*300BL6 575/3/60 33.3 196.0 2 5.6 47.2 80 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory B*400BL6 208-230/3/60 97.4 700.0 3 21.0 142.8 225 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory B*400BL6 460/3/60 48.7 350.0 3 10.5 71.4 110 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory B*400BL6 575/3/60 39.1 280.0 3 8.4 57.3 90 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Section 2 Bohn Base Model Notes: Consult factory for 50 HZ applications. MCA = Minimum Circuit Ampacity MOPD = Maximum Overcurrent Protection Device Beacon II™ and Air Defrost Units do not carry any of the evaporator fan or heater loads. Power is brought directly to the evaporators and does not go through the condensing unit. An evaporator heater hold out relay (option) is recommended when two or more evaporators are connected to a single condensing unit to allow termination on coils that have already defrosted to prevent unnecessary steaming. This option is not needed on Beacon II™ systems wired for a Master / Slave operation. Power is brought to each Beacon II™ evaporator. Each coil terminates its own defrost. Refrigeration will not start until all coils have terminated defrost. Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2A - 77 Air-Cooled Condensing Units Configurable Models Pricing 13 - 50 HP Vertical Air Discharge Configurable Models Outdoor • Prepainted galvanized cabinet with easily removable service panels • Condenser built with rifled tubing and a separate subcooler coil for extra performance • Adjustable flooded head pressure valves on all models • Liquid line with drier, sight glass, and shut-off valve • Electronic oil safety control • Spring mounted compressors with suction and discharge vibration eliminators • Large electrical panel, including compressor contactor and pump-down switch • Fixed high pressure control and separate adjustable low pressure control with flexible braided hose • Crankcase heater • ServiceMate™ Diagnostic Module Need to customize? Outdoor Bohn Model Look at the factory-installed options starting on page 2A-79. Beacon II™ Outdoor List Price ($US) Bohn Model List Price ($US) Outdoor Voltage Medium Temperature R-404A/507 Section 2 Beacon II™ Outdoor • Prepainted galvanized cabinet with easily removable service panels • Condenser built with rifled tubing and a separate subcooler coil for extra performance • Adjustable flooded head pressure valves on all models • Liquid line with drier, sight glass, and shut-off valve • Electronic oil safety control • Spring mounted compressors with suction and discharge vibration eliminators • Large electrical panel, including compressor contactor and pump-down switch • Fixed high pressure control and separate adjustable low pressure control with flexible braided hose • Crankcase heater • Wired for Beacon II™ control with fan cycling. Beacon II™ Outdoor Bohn Model List Price ($US) Bohn Model List Price ($US) Voltage BLV500BM6C 89,119 BDVS500BM6C 93,487 208-230/3/60 BLV150BM6C 35,745 BDVS150BM6C 37,496 208-230/3/60 BLV500BM6D 90,189 BDVS500BM6D 94,608 460/3/60 BLV150BM6D 36,173 BDVS150BM6D 37,946 460/3/60 BLV500BM6E 91,971 BDVS500BM6E 96,479 575/3/60 Low Temperature R-404A/507 BLV150BM6E 36,888 BDVS150BM6E 38,696 575/3/60 BLV200BM6C 41,677 BDVS200BM6C 43,719 208-230/3/60 BLV130BL6C BLV200BM6D 42,176 BDVS200BM6D 44,244 460/3/60 BLV200BM6E 43,010 BDVS200BM6E 45,118 575/3/60 36,968 BDVS130BL6C 38,927 208-230/3/60 BLV130BL6D 37,485 BDVS130BL6D 39,472 460/3/60 BLV130BL6E 38,225 BDVS130BL6E 40,251 575/3/60 BLV220BM6C 47,457 BDVS220BM6C 49,782 208-230/3/60 BLV150BL6C 41,106 BDVS150BL6C 43,285 208-230/3/60 BLV220BM6D 48,027 BDVS220BM6D 50,380 460/3/60 BLV150BL6D 41,682 BDVS150BL6D 43,891 460/3/60 BLV220BM6E 48,976 BDVS220BM6E 51,375 575/3/60 BLV150BL6E 42,504 BDVS150BL6E 44,757 575/3/60 BLV250BM6C 53,302 BDVS250BM6C 55,913 208-230/3/60 BLV200BL6C 47,854 BDVS200BL6C 50,391 208-230/3/60 BLV250BM6D 53,942 BDVS250BM6D 56,586 460/3/60 BLV200BL6D 48,525 BDVS200BL6D 51,097 460/3/60 BLV250BM6E 55,008 BDVS250BM6E 57,703 575/3/60 BLV200BL6E 49,482 BDVS200BL6E 52,105 575/3/60 BLV300BM6C 56,246 BDVS300BM6C 59,002 208-230/3/60 BLV220BL6C 51,850 BDVS220BL6C 54,599 208-230/3/60 BLV300BM6D 56,920 BDVS300BM6D 59,711 460/3/60 BLV220BL6D 52,575 BDVS220BL6D 55,363 460/3/60 BLV300BM6E 58,046 BDVS300BM6E 60,890 575/3/60 BLV220BL6E 53,613 BDVS220BL6E 56,454 575/3/60 BLV330BM6C 63,002 BDVS330BM6C 66,089 208-230/3/60 BLV250BL6C 57,529 BDVS250BL6C 60,578 208-230/3/60 BLV330BM6D 63,758 BDVS330BM6D 66,882 460/3/60 BLV250BL6D 58,335 BDVS250BL6D 61,426 460/3/60 BLV330BM6E 65,019 BDVS330BM6E 68,204 575/3/60 BLV250BL6E 59,485 BDVS250BL6E 62,638 575/3/60 BLV350BM6C 70,457 BDVS350BM6C 73,908 208-230/3/60 BLV300BL6C 60,724 BDVS300BL6C 63,942 208-230/3/60 BLV350BM6D 71,302 BDVS350BM6D 74,796 460/3/60 BLV300BL6D 61,573 BDVS300BL6D 64,837 460/3/60 BLV350BM6E 72,711 BDVS350BM6E 76,274 575/3/60 BLV300BL6E 62,788 BDVS300BL6E 66,115 575/3/60 BLV400BM6C 77,486 BDVS400BM6C 81,283 208-230/3/60 BLV400BL6C 70,457 BDVS400BL6C 74,191 208-230/3/60 BLV400BM6D 78,417 BDVS400BM6D 82,259 460/3/60 BLV400BL6D 71,443 BDVS400BL6D 75,229 460/3/60 BLV400BM6E 79,965 BDVS400BM6E 83,884 575/3/60 BLV400BL6E 72,851 BDVS400BL6E 76,713 575/3/60 2A - 78 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensing Units Factory-Installed Options 13 - 50 HP Vertical Air Discharge • Make sure you have selected a configurable model. When ordering, remember to specify the option codes and list price adders for each selected option. • Can’t Find Something? Other options and accessories might be available on a custom order basis. Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. Need Factory-Installed Options? List Price Adder ($US) Option Code Description Models Used On Notes DFT.001 Defrost Timer - Air All M6 FCY.001-1 Fan Cycling - Temperature FCY.001-2 Fan Cycling - Temperature FCY.001-3 Outdoor Beacon II™ Outdoor Medium temperature applications only. 524 - 130B-250B Fan closest to the header is not cycled. 1,666 - 300B-350B Fan closest to the header is not cycled. 1,984 - Fan Cycling - Temperature 400B-500B Fan closest to the header is not cycled. 2,262 - FCY.002-1 Fan Cycling - Pressure 130B-250B Fan closest to the header is not cycled. 1,666 Press. Std. FCY.002-2 Fan Cycling - Pressure 300B-350B Fan closest to the header is not cycled. 1,984 Press. Std. FCY.002-3 Fan Cycling - Pressure 400B-500B Fan closest to the header is not cycled. 2,262 Press. Std. FSD.001-1 Fused Disconnect 130B-220B (230V) - 1,585 1,585 Fused Disconnect 130B-250B (460V) 300B only (230V) - 2,310 2,310 FSD.001-2 FSD.001-3 Fused Disconnect 300B-400B (460V) - 3,363 3,363 NFD.008-1 Non-Fused Disconnect 130B-250B (230V) - 1,487 1,487 NFD.008-2 Non-Fused Disconnect 130B-250B (460V) 300B only (230V) - 2,142 2,142 NFD.008-3 Non-Fused Disconnect 300B-400B (460V) - 3,133 3,133 CBK.002-2 Compressor Circuit Breaker 230V - 2,460 2,460 CBK.002-1 Compressor Circuit Breaker 460V - 1,143 1,143 PLM.00X Phase Loss Monitor All - 1,077 1,077 TDR.002 Anti-short Cycling Timer All - 621 621 HPS.001 Manual Reset High Pressure Switch All - 297 297 MS.0012C Variable Speed EC Motor with proportional pressure controller 150BM6 (230V) 130B-200BL6 (230V) - 4,805 4,805 MS.0012D Variable Speed EC Motor with proportional pressure controller 150BM6 (460V) 130B-200BL6 (460V) - 14,654 14,654 MS.0012L Variable Speed EC Motor with proportional 200B-250BM6 (230V & 460V) pressure controller 220B-300BL6 (230V & 460V) - 17,837 17,837 MS.0013L Variable Speed EC Motor with proportional 300B-350BM6 (230V & 460V) pressure controller 400BL6 (230V & 460V) - 25,740 25,740 MS.0014L Variable Speed EC Motor with proportional 400B-500BM6 (230V & 460V) pressure controller - 33,643 33,643 Mechanical Options LIQ.003-1 Replaceable core liquid-line filter drier & sight glass 130B-220B - 444 444 LIQ.003-2 Replaceable core liquid-line filter drier & sight glass 250B-400B - 652 652 Regulation Requires Variable Speed Fan Motors! California Energy Commission Title 24, Section 126 Effective 01/01/2010, refrigerated warehouses with a total cold storage and frozen storage area exceeding 3,000 square feet require: 1. All condenser fans for air-cooled condensers/condensing units shall be continuously variable speed and the condensing temperature or pressure control system shall control the speed of all condenser fans serving a common condenser loop in unison. The minimum condensing temperature set point shall be less than or equal to 70 degrees Fahrenheit or reset in response to ambient dry bulb temperature or refrigeration system load. 2. All single phase condenser/condensing unit fan motors less than 1 horsepower and less than 460 volts shall be either permanent split capacitor or electronically commutated. Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2A - 79 Section 2 Electrical Options Air-Cooled Condensing Units Factory-Installed Options 13 - 50 HP Vertical Air Discharge Section 2 Need Factory-Installed Options? • Make sure you have selected a configurable model. When ordering, remember to specify the option codes and list price adders for each selected option. • Can’t Find Something? Other options and accessories might be available on a custom order basis. Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. List Price Adder ($US) Option Code Description Models Used On Notes LIQ.003-3 Replaceable core liquid-line filter drier & sight glass 500B LIQ.002-1 Liquid-line solenoid valve LIQ.002-2 Outdoor Beacon II™ Outdoor - 781 781 130B-220B Not recommended on applications with line runs more than 25 feet. 893 - Liquid-line solenoid valve 250B-400B Not recommended on applications with line runs more than 25 feet. 958 - LIQ.002-3 Liquid-line solenoid valve 500B Not recommended on applications with line runs more than 25 feet. 1,150 - SUC.003-1 Suction-line filter 130B-220B - 1,204 1,204 SUC.003-2 Suction-line filter 250B-400B - 1,542 1,542 SUC.003-3 Suction-line filter 500B - 1,929 1,929 SUC.005-1 Replaceable core suction-line filter 130B-220B - 1,575 1,575 SUC.005-2 Replaceable core suction-line filter 250B-400B - 1,645 1,645 SUC.005-3 Replaceable core suction-line filter 500B - 2,057 2,057 SUC.007-1 Suction accumulator 130B-220B - 2,572 2,572 SUC.007-2 Suction accumulator 250B-400B - 2,950 2,950 SUC.007-3 Suction accumulator 500B - 3,835 3,835 DIS.001-1 Oil separator with discharge line check valve 130B-330B - 1,543 1,543 DIS.001-2 Oil separator with discharge line check valve 350B-400B - 2,607 2,607 DIS.001-3 Oil separator with discharge line check valve 500B - 3,129 3,129 MUF.001 Discharge muffler All - 437 437 DIS.002-1 Three way heat reclam valve with check valve installed 130B-200B - 1,592 1,592 DIS.002-2 Three way heat reclam valve with check valve installed 220B-400B - 2,333 2,333 DIS.002-3 Three way heat reclam valve with check valve installed 500B - 2,800 2,800 UNL.001 Compressor Unloading - with pressure control for (1) cyl. Bank All - 1,583 - REC.001-1 Low Ambient kit with heated and insulated receiver and time delay relay 130B-330B - 2,436 2,436 REC.001-2 Low Ambient kit with heated and insulated receiver and time delay relay 350B-500B - 3,200 3,200 Coil Options CS.PRO-1 BohnGuard™ condenser fin protection 130B-330B - 1,874 1,874 CS.PRO-2 BohnGuard™ condenser fin protection 350B-500B - 2,399 2,399 CS.ELEC-1 ElectroFin coil coating 130B-330B - Call Factory Call Factory CS.ELEC-2 ElectroFin coil coating 350B-500B - Call Factory Call Factory CS.CPR-1 Copper condenser fins 130B-330B - Call Factory Call Factory CS.CPR-2 Copper condenser fins 350B-500B - Call Factory Call Factory CS.BRZ-1 Bronz-Glow coil coating 130B-300B - Call Factory Call Factory CS.BRZ-2 Bronz-Glow coil coating 330B-500B - Call Factory Call Factory 2A - 80 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensing Units Need an electric defrost kit? Factory-Installed Electric Defrost Options • Make sure you have selected a configurable model. When ordering, remember to specify the option codes and list price adders for each selected option. • Electric defrost kits and components are available to be factory mounted in the electrical box of indoor or outdoor condensing units used in medium/ low temp applications with electric defrost evaporators. Selecting the proper kit is as easy as … 1 2 3 Add up the total fan motor amps and electric heater amps for all evaporators in the refrigeration system. For the selected condensing unit, contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer to find out the rated defrost power amps for both the fan motor amps and electric heater amps. The condensing unit data plate ratings are based on the actual system match. Your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer will help you select the proper electric defrost kit and components. Definitions Electric Defrost Timer Initiates and terminates defrost cycles based on a predetermined time schedule. Lockout Relay Prevents the electric defrost heaters from energizing when the compressor is in operation. Evaporator Hold Out Relay Allows each evaporator to individually terminate defrost on temperature when multiple evaporators are used in a single system. Fan Contactor Carries amperage load for evaporator fan motors. Heater Contactor Carries amperage load for evaporator electric defrost heaters. InterLink™ Smart Defrost Kit™ (SDK) The InterLink™ SDK is a revolutionary product that is designed to be used on any electric defrost walk-in freezer system with an electro-mechanical defrost timer set for three or more scheduled defrosts per day. The InterLink™ SDK accurately estimates frost accumulation on the evaporator coil and decides if it can skip the preprogrammed defrost period that is set on the defrost timer. This helps eliminate unneeded defrost cycles, saving energy and increasing product integrity List Price Adder ($US) Option Code Description DFT.00X1 Electric Defrost Kit for system with one evaporator All Models 230 and 460V Includes (1) electric defrost timer, (1) heater & (1) fan contactors, terminal strip, and fusing. 48 amp maximum heater load per heater contactor. 2,138 DFT.00X2 Electric Defrost Kit for system with two evaporators All Models 230 and 460V Includes (1) electric defrost timer, (2) heater & (1) fan contactors, terminal strip, and fusing. 48 amp maximum heater load per heater contactor. 3,645 DFT.00X4 Electric Defrost Kit for system with four evaporators All Models 230 and 460V Includes (1) electric defrost timer, (4) heater & (1) fan contactors, terminal strip, and fusing. 48 amp maximum heater load per heater contactor. 5,583 SDK.001 InterLink™ Smart Defrost Kit™ All Can not be used alone. Must also select a electric defrost timer or electric defrost kit. 812 Rev. 03/12 Models Used On Notes Outdoor List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2A - 81 Section 2 13 - 50 HP Vertical Air Discharge Air-Cooled Condensing Units Shipped-Loose Accessories 13 - 50 HP Vertical Air Discharge A wide range of shipped-loose accessories are available to order. Can’t Find Something? Other options and accessories might be available on a custom order basis. Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. Part Number Description Models Used On Notes List Price ($US) All Can not be used alone. Must be used with a electric defrost timer or electric defrost kit. Can not be used with Beacon II. 812 Electrical Options 22681501 InterLink™Smart Defrost Kit™ Crankcase Pressure Regulator (CPR) Valves A selection program must be used to pick the proper valve. The selection program requires the following inputs: system capacity, suction temperature, and maximum holding temperature. Not available for use on Beacon II™ Outdoor units. Should not be used with MOP type expansion valves in unit coolers. Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. Size Part Number List Price ($US) 29346101 374 29399012 549 1 3/8” 4227W 1,501 1 5/8” 4262Q 2,349 2 1/8” 29399089 2,693 Section 2 7/8” 1 1/8” 2A - 82 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensing Units Overview 24 - 80 HP Dual Compressor Cabinet & Construction • All units feature the Floating Tube™ coil which eliminates tube sheet leaks • Painted steel cabinets for superior strength and corrosion resistance • Available in standard or parallel piped configurations Serviceability • Manual pumpdown switch on all units • Convenient access panels to easily service internal components • Large electrical panel to facilitate ease of access Quality The 24-80 HP Dual Vertical condensing unit is designed to meet the needs of a demanding commercial and industrial refrigeration market. The product is configured to be flexible in its design and construction to allow it to respond to the requirements of refrigeration contractors, consulting engineers and facility owners/operators. The Floating Tube™ coil design incorporated in the product provides protection against tube sheet leaks. Opting for the Beacon II™ refrigeration system with Smart Defrost, factory installed Smart Defrost Kit™ (SDK) or Variable Speed EC motors increases this product’s energy efficiency and qualifies it for the E Solutions™ product portfolio. • • • • Sight glass is easily viewable Fixed high pressure switch eliminates capillary tubes Refrigeration duty, rifled copper tubing Piping is pre-bent to eliminate braze joints, where possible, to reduce leak potential All joints are sweat type connections, no mechanical joints to leak Separate sub-cooling circuit in condenser for added capacity and vapor free liquid Pressure relief valve on receiver ServiceMate™ diagnostic module standard on all non-Beacon II™ condensing unit Components Compressor • Spring-mounted compressors with suction and discharge eliminators • Receivers are sized for sufficient pumpdown capacity with inlet and outlet service valves Other • Sight glass and permanent liquid line filter Section 2 Product Description: • • • • Certifications Nomenclature Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2A - 83 Air-Cooled Condensing Units 24 - 80 HP Dual Compressor Performance Data Models with Discus Compressors * = LD for Limitizer®, DDS for Beacon II™ L6 models require the demand cooling option for R-22 operation. Bohn Base Model Compressor (2 Each) Suction Temp. °F Capacity (BTUH) Ambient Temperature °F 95°F Section 2 Medium Temperature (R-404A/507) Bohn Base Model Compressor (2 Each) Suction Temp. °F Capacity (BTUH) Ambient Temperature °F 95°F J*7000M6 6DH3R35ME 25°F 585,200 J*3000M6 3DS3R17ME 30°F 304,200 J*7000M6 6DH3R35ME 20°F 537,000 J*3000M6 3DS3R17ME 25°F 282,800 J*7000M6 6DH3R35ME 15°F 488,200 J*3000M6 3DS3R17ME 20°F 259,800 J*7000M6 6DH3R35ME 10°F 447,800 J*3000M6 3DS3R17ME 15°F 237,400 J*7000M6 6DH3R35ME 5°F 403,400 J*3000M6 3DS3R17ME 10°F 218,400 J*7000M6 6DH3R35ME 0°F 360,600 J*3000M6 3DS3R17ME 5°F 197,400 J*7000M6 6DH3R35ME -5°F 320,000 J*3000M6 3DS3R17ME 0°F 177,000 J*7000M6 6DH3R35ME -10°F 282,600 J*3000M6 3DS3R17ME -5°F 157,800 J*8000M6 6DJ3R40ME 30°F 729,800 J*3000M6 3DS3R17ME -10°F 139,800 J*8000M6 6DJ3R40ME 25°F 677,200 J*4000M6 4DA3R18ME 30°F 322,600 J*8000M6 6DJ3R40ME 20°F 621,200 J*4000M6 4DA3R18ME 25°F 295,600 J*8000M6 6DJ3R40ME 15°F 567,800 J*4000M6 4DA3R18ME 20°F 271,000 J*8000M6 6DJ3R40ME 10°F 522,200 J*4000M6 4DA3R18ME 15°F 245,200 J*8000M6 6DJ3R40ME 5°F 472,600 J*4000M6 4DA3R18ME 10°F 223,400 J*8000M6 6DJ3R40ME 0°F 425,000 200,200 J*8000M6 6DJ3R40ME -5°F 380,400 6DJ3R40ME -10°F 339,200 J*4000M6 4DA3R18ME 5°F J*4000M6 4DA3R18ME 0°F 178,400 J*8000M6 J*4000M6 4DA3R18ME -5°F 158,200 Low Temperature (R-404A/507) J*4000M6 4DA3R18ME -10°F 139,600 J*2400L6 4DA3F47KE 0°F 168,000 J*5000M6 4DH3R22ME 30°F - J*2400L6 4DA3F47KE -10°F 139,000 J*5000M6 4DH3R22ME 25°F 370,800 J*2400L6 4DA3F47KE -15°F 123,400 J*5000M6 4DH3R22ME 20°F 339,000 J*2400L6 4DA3F47KE -20°F 109,600 J*5000M6 4DH3R22ME 15°F 308,000 J*2400L6 4DA3F47KE -25°F 95,600 J*5000M6 4DH3R22ME 10°F 282,000 J*2400L6 4DA3F47KE -30°F 82,800 J*5000M6 4DH3R22ME 5°F 256,400 J*2400L6 4DA3F47KE -40°F 60,200 J*5000M6 4DH3R22ME 0°F 230,400 J*3000L6 4DL3F63KE 0°F 210,600 J*5000M6 4DH3R22ME -5°F 208,400 J*3000L6 4DL3F63KE -10°F 176,200 J*5000M6 4DH3R22ME -10°F 189,400 J*3000L6 4DL3F63KE -15°F 158,800 J*5200M6 4DH3R22ME 30°F 415,800 J*3000L6 4DL3F63KE -20°F 141,800 J*5200M6 4DH3R22ME 25°F 381,600 J*3000L6 4DL3F63KE -25°F 125,600 J*5200M6 4DH3R22ME 20°F 348,200 J*3000L6 4DL3F63KE -30°F 110,200 J*5200M6 4DH3R22ME 15°F 315,800 J*3000L6 4DL3F63KE -40°F 83,000 J*5200M6 4DH3R22ME 10°F 293,000 J*4400L6 4DT3F76KE 0°F 248,400 J*5200M6 4DH3R22ME 5°F 264,200 J*4400L6 4DT3F76KE -10°F 208,600 J*5200M6 4DH3R22ME 0°F 237,800 J*4400L6 4DT3F76KE -15°F 188,400 J*5200M6 4DH3R22ME -5°F 214,400 J*4400L6 4DT3F76KE -20°F 168,400 J*5200M6 4DH3R22ME -10°F 194,400 J*4400L6 4DT3F76KE -25°F 149,400 J*6000M6 4DJ3R28ME 30°F 500,200 J*4400L6 4DT3F76KE -30°F 130,600 J*6000M6 4DJ3R28ME 25°F 459,800 J*4400L6 4DT3F76KE -40°F 96,200 J*6000M6 4DJ3R28ME 20°F 421,800 J*5400L6 6DL3F93KE 0°F 316,200 J*6000M6 4DJ3R28ME 15°F 383,600 J*5400L6 6DL3F93KE -10°F 261,800 J*6000M6 4DJ3R28ME 10°F 351,000 J*5400L6 6DL3F93KE -15°F 236,200 J*6000M6 4DJ3R28ME 5°F 315,800 J*5400L6 6DL3F93KE -20°F 209,600 J*6000M6 4DJ3R28ME 0°F 282,200 J*5400L6 6DL3F93KE -25°F 184,200 J*6000M6 4DJ3R28ME -5°F 250,400 J*5400L6 6DL3F93KE -30°F 160,400 J*6000M6 4DJ3R28ME -10°F 221,400 J*5400L6 6DL3F93KE -40°F 118,400 J*7000M6 6DH3R35ME 30°F 631,200 J*6000L6 6DT3F11KE 0°F 357,800 2A - 84 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensing Units Performance Data 24 - 80 HP Dual Compressor Models with Discus Compressors * = LD for Limitizer®, DDS for Beacon II™ L6 models require the demand cooling option for R-22 operation. Compressor (2 Each) Suction Temp. °F Capacity (BTUH) Ambient Temperature °F 95°F Bohn Base Model Compressor (2 Each) Suction Temp. °F Capacity (BTUH) Ambient Temperature °F 95°F J*6000L6 6DT3F11KE -10°F 294,400 J*7000M6 6DH3R35ME 20°F 507,400 J*6000L6 6DT3F11KE -15°F 265,200 J*7000M6 6DH3R35ME 15°F 454,600 J*6000L6 6DT3F11KE -20°F 235,400 J*7000M6 6DH3R35ME 10°F - J*6000L6 6DT3F11KE -25°F 207,000 J*8000M6 6DJ3R40ME 40°F 846,400 J*6000L6 6DT3F11KE -30°F 180,600 J*8000M6 6DJ3R40ME 35°F 778,000 J*6000L6 6DT3F11KE -40°F 135,200 J*8000M6 6DJ3R40ME 30°F 714,400 J*8000M6 6DJ3R40ME 25°F 652,600 Medium Temperature (R-22) J*3000M6 3DS3R17ME 40°F 351,000 J*8000M6 6DJ3R40ME 20°F 592,200 J*3000M6 3DS3R17ME 35°F 321,800 J*8000M6 6DJ3R40ME 15°F 534,400 J*3000M6 3DS3R17ME 30°F 294,000 J*8000M6 6DJ3R40ME 10°F - J*3000M6 3DS3R17ME 25°F 267,000 Low Temperature (R-22) J*3000M6 3DS3R17ME 20°F 240,800 J*2400L6 4DA3F47KE 0°F 163,800 J*3000M6 3DS3R17ME 15°F 215,800 J*2400L6 4DA3F47KE -10°F 125,000 J*3000M6 3DS3R17ME 10°F - J*2400L6 4DA3F47KE -15°F 107,600 J*4000M6 4DA3R18ME 40°F 381,600 J*2400L6 4DA3F47KE -20°F 92,200 J*4000M6 4DA3R18ME 35°F 344,800 J*2400L6 4DA3F47KE -25°F 77,400 J*4000M6 4DA3R18ME 30°F 312,200 J*2400L6 4DA3F47KE -30°F 63,600 J*4000M6 4DA3R18ME 25°F 279,800 J*2400L6 4DA3F47KE -40°F 41,600 J*4000M6 4DA3R18ME 20°F 250,200 J*3000L6 4DL3F63KE 0°F 200,200 J*4000M6 4DA3R18ME 15°F 222,100 J*3000L6 4DL3F63KE -10°F 158,400 J*4000M6 4DA3R18ME 10°F - J*3000L6 4DL3F63KE -15°F 138,200 J*5000M6 4DH3R22ME 40°F - J*3000L6 4DL3F63KE -20°F 120,600 J*5000M6 4DH3R22ME 35°F - J*3000L6 4DL3F63KE -25°F 103,800 J*5000M6 4DH3R22ME 30°F - J*3000L6 4DL3F63KE -30°F 87,600 J*5000M6 4DH3R22ME 25°F 365,800 J*3000L6 4DL3F63KE -40°F 60,400 J*5000M6 4DH3R22ME 20°F 329,600 J*4400L6 4DT3F76KE 0°F 238,200 J*5000M6 4DH3R22ME 15°F 294,400 J*4400L6 4DT3F76KE -10°F 187,800 J*5000M6 4DH3R22ME 10°F - J*4400L6 4DT3F76KE -15°F 164,800 J*5200M6 4DH3R22ME 40°F 489,800 J*4400L6 4DT3F76KE -20°F 143,200 J*5200M6 4DH3R22ME 35°F 450,600 J*4400L6 4DT3F76KE -25°F 123,200 J*5200M6 4DH3R22ME 30°F 411,800 J*4400L6 4DT3F76KE -30°F 105,800 J*5200M6 4DH3R22ME 25°F 373,600 J*4400L6 4DT3F76KE -40°F 75,000 J*5200M6 4DH3R22ME 20°F 336,200 J*5400L6 6DL3F93KE 0°F 294,000 J*5200M6 4DH3R22ME 15°F 299,800 J*5400L6 6DL3F93KE -10°F 232,200 J*5200M6 4DH3R22ME 10°F - J*5400L6 6DL3F93KE -15°F 204,200 J*6000M6 4DJ3R28ME 40°F 577,800 J*5400L6 6DL3F93KE -20°F 177,600 J*6000M6 4DJ3R28ME 35°F 531,000 J*5400L6 6DL3F93KE -25°F 153,600 J*6000M6 4DJ3R28ME 30°F 485,200 J*5400L6 6DL3F93KE -30°F 129,600 J*6000M6 4DJ3R28ME 25°F 439,800 J*5400L6 6DL3F93KE -40°F 90,000 J*6000M6 4DJ3R28ME 20°F 396,000 J*6000L6 6DT3F11KE 0°F 349,400 J*6000M6 4DJ3R28ME 15°F 353,000 J*6000L6 6DT3F11KE -10°F 277,000 J*6000M6 4DJ3R28ME 10°F - J*6000L6 6DT3F11KE -15°F 243,600 J*7000M6 6DH3R35ME 40°F 744,200 J*6000L6 6DT3F11KE -20°F 212,200 J*7000M6 6DH3R35ME 35°F 681,200 J*6000L6 6DT3F11KE -25°F 183,800 J*7000M6 6DH3R35ME 30°F 621,600 J*6000L6 6DT3F11KE -30°F 156,200 J*7000M6 6DH3R35ME 25°F 563,200 J*6000L6 6DT3F11KE -40°F 110,800 Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Section 2 Bohn Base Model 2A - 85 Air-Cooled Condensing Units Unit Specifications 24 - 80 HP Dual Compressor Models with Discus Compressors * = LD for Limitizer®, DDS for Beacon II™ Bohn Base Model Compressor (2 Each) Connections (in.) Standard (2 Each) Connections (in.) Parallel Piped Liquid (OD) Liquid (OD) Parallel Piped Suction (OD) Receiver 90% Full (lbs.) Dimensions Suction (OD) Parallel Depth Width Height Standard Parallel Piped (in.) (in.) (in.) Piped Approx. Net Weight (lbs.) Medium Temperature (R-404A/507) J*3000M6 3DS3R17ME 7/8 1 5/8 1 1/8 2 1/8 123.0 188.0 87 3/43 144 55 3/5 3,160 J*4000M6 4DA3R18ME 7/8 1 5/8 1 1/8 2 1/8 123.0 188.0 87 3/43 144 55 3/5 3,160 J*5000M6 4DH3R22ME 1 1/8 2 1/8 1 3/8 2 5/8 123.0 269.0 87 3/43 144 55 3/5 3,230 J*5200M6 4DH3R22ME 1 1/8 2 1/8 1 3/8 2 5/8 123.0 269.0 87 3/43 171 55 3/5 3,520 J*6000M6 4DJ3R28ME 1 1/8 2 1/8 1 3/8 2 5/8 188.0 269.0 87 3/43 171 55 3/5 3,720 J*7000M6 6DH3R35ME 1 1/8 2 1/8 1 5/8 3 1/8 188.0 363.0 87 3/43 226 55 3/5 4,320 J*8000M6 6DJ3R40ME 1 1/8 2 1/8 1 5/8 3 1/8 188.0 363.0 87 3/43 226 55 3/5 4,760 Section 2 Low Temperature (R-404A/507) J*2400L6 4DA3F47KE 7/8 1 5/8 1 1/8 2 1/8 81.0 188.0 87 3/43 144 55 3/5 3,000 J*3000L6 4DL3F63KE 7/8 1 5/8 1 1/8 2 5/8 81.0 188.0 87 3/43 144 55 3/5 3,000 J*4400L6 4DT3F76KE 7/8 2 1/8 1 1/8 2 5/8 81.0 188.0 87 3/43 144 55 3/5 3,000 J*5400L6 6DL3F93KE 1 1/8 2 1/8 1 3/8 3 1/8 123.0 269.0 87 3/43 171 55 3/5 3,770 J*6000L6 6DT3F11KE 1 1/8 2 1/8 1 3/8 3 1/8 123.0 269.0 87 3/43 171 55 3/5 3,770 7/8 1 5/8 1 1/8 2 1/8 142.0 216.0 87 3/43 144 55 3/5 3,160 Medium Temperature (R-22) J*3000M6 3DS3R17ME J*4000M6 4DA3R18ME 7/8 1 5/8 1 1/8 2 1/8 142.0 216.0 87 3/43 144 55 3/5 3,160 J*5000M6 4DH3R22ME 1 1/8 2 1/8 1 3/8 2 5/8 142.0 309.0 87 3/43 144 55 3/5 3,230 J*5200M6 4DH3R22ME 1 1/8 2 1/8 1 3/8 2 5/8 142.0 309.0 87 3/43 171 55 3/5 3,520 J*6000M6 4DJ3R28ME 1 1/8 2 1/8 1 3/8 2 5/8 216.0 309.0 87 3/43 171 55 3/5 3,720 J*7000M6 6DH3R35ME 1 1/8 2 1/8 1 5/8 3 1/8 216.0 416.0 87 3/43 226 55 3/5 4,320 J*8000M6 6DJ3R40ME 1 1/8 2 1/8 1 5/8 3 1/8 216.0 416.0 87 3/43 226 55 3/5 4,760 Low Temperature (R-22) J*2400L6 4DA3F47KE 7/8 1 5/8 1 1/8 2 1/8 93.0 216.0 87 3/43 144 55 3/5 3,000 J*3000L6 4DL3F63KE 7/8 1 5/8 1 1/8 2 5/8 93.0 216.0 87 3/43 144 55 3/5 3,000 J*4400L6 4DT3F76KE 7/8 2 1/8 1 1/8 2 5/8 93.0 216.0 87 3/43 144 55 3/5 3,000 J*5400L6 6DL3F93KE 1 1/8 2 1/8 1 3/8 3 1/8 142.0 309.0 87 3/43 171 55 3/5 3,770 J*6000L6 6DT3F11KE 1 1/8 2 1/8 1 3/8 3 1/8 142.0 309.0 87 3/43 171 55 3/5 3,770 2A - 86 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensing Units 24 - 80 HP Dual Compressor Electrical Data Models with Discus Compressors * = LD for Limitizer®, DDS for Beacon II™ Evap Fans and Elec Htrs loads are shown per compressor circuit. Bohn Base Model Compressor Beacon II or Air Defrost Fan Motor Voltage RLA LRA Qty Dia. Electric Defrost Kit FLA MCA MOPD MCA MOPD Evap Fans Elec Htrs 16.0 108.0 125 138.0 175 15 48.0 J*2400L6 208-230/3/60 45.2 220.0 4 26 J*2400L6 460/3/60 22.6 110.0 4 26 8.0 54.0 70 74.0 100 10 24.0 J*3000L6 208-230/3/60 52.6 278.0 4 26 16.0 122.2 150 152.2 175 15 48.0 J*3000L6 460/3/60 26.3 139.0 4 26 8.0 61.1 80 91.1 110 15 40.0 J*3000M6 208-230/3/60 59.6 275.0 4 26 16.0 136.4 175 195.9 225 25 96.0 J*3000M6 460/3/60 29.0 138.0 4 26 8.0 66.6 90 99.5 125 15 48.0 J*4000M6 208-230/3/60 66.0 308.0 4 26 16.0 150.4 200 198.7 250 20 96.0 J*4000M6 460/3/60 33.0 154.0 4 26 8.0 75.2 100 105.2 125 15 48.0 J*4400L6 208-230/3/60 66.0 374.0 4 26 16.0 145.8 200 175.8 225 15 48.0 J*4400L6 460/3/60 33.0 187.0 4 26 8.0 72.9 100 103.1 125 15 48.0 J*5000M6 208-230/3/60 82.2 428.0 4 26 16.0 181.9 250 - - - - J*5000M6 460/3/60 41.1 214.0 4 26 8.0 90.9 125 136.4 150 15 68.2 J*5200M6 208-230/3/60 82.2 428.0 4 30 28.0 193.9 250 - - - - J*5200M6 460/3/60 41.1 214.0 4 30 14.0 96.9 125 136.4 150 15 68.2 J*5400L6 208-230/3/60 80.8 450.0 4 26 16.0 179.0 250 219.0 250 20 96.0 J*5400L6 460/3/60 40.4 225.0 4 26 8.0 89.5 125 119.5 150 15 48.0 J*6000L6 208-230/3/60 95.6 470.0 4 30 28.0 221.0 300 261.0 300 20 96.0 J*6000L6 460/3/60 47.8 235.0 4 30 14.0 110.5 150 140.5 175 15 48.0 J*6000M6 208-230/3/60 94.0 470.0 4 30 28.0 217.8 300 - - - - J*6000M6 460/3/60 47.0 235.0 4 30 14.0 108.9 150 156.7 175 20 77.0 J*7000M6 208-230/3/60 107.0 565.0 6 30 42.0 258.3 350 - - - - J*7000M6 460/3/60 53.5 283.0 6 30 21.0 129.2 175 174.6 200 20 84.0 J*8000M6 208-230/3/60 142.0 594.0 6 30 42.0 327.6 450 - - - - J*8000M6 460/3/60 71.0 297.0 6 30 21.0 163.8 225 205.8 250 20 96.0 16.0 108.0 125 152.0 175 22 64.0 Section 2 System with One Evaporator per Compressor Circuit System with Two Evaporators per Compressor Circuit J*2400L6 208-230/3/60 45.2 220.0 4 26 J*2400L6 460/3/60 22.6 110.0 4 26 8.0 54.0 70 84.0 100 15 38.0 J*3000L6 208-230/3/60 52.6 278.0 4 26 16.0 122.2 150 175.0 200 25 83.0 J*3000L6 460/3/60 26.3 139.0 4 26 8.0 61.1 80 96.5 110 15 48.0 J*3000M6 208-230/3/60 59.6 275.0 4 26 16.0 136.4 175 195.9 225 25 96.0 J*3000M6 460/3/60 29.0 138.0 4 26 8.0 66.6 90 113.6 125 15 56.8 J*4000M6 208-230/3/60 66.0 308.0 4 26 16.0 150.4 200 216.0 250 25 108.0 J*4000M6 460/3/60 33.0 154.0 4 26 8.0 75.2 100 113.6 125 15 56.8 J*4400L6 208-230/3/60 66.0 374.0 4 26 16.0 145.8 200 210.1 250 25 105.0 J*4400L6 460/3/60 33.0 187.0 4 26 8.0 72.9 100 113.6 125 15 56.8 Notes: MCA = Minimum Circuit Ampacity MOPD = Maximum Overcurrent Protection Device Beacon II™ and Air Defrost Units do not carry any of the evaporator fan or heater loads. Power is brought directly to the evaporators and does not go through the condensing unit. Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2A - 87 Air-Cooled Condensing Units Electrical Data 24 - 80 HP Dual Compressor Models with Discus Compressors * = LD for Limitizer®, DDS for Beacon II™ Evap Fans and Elec Htrs loads are shown per compressor circuit. Compressor Voltage Section 2 Bohn Base Model RLA LRA Beacon II or Air Defrost Fan Motor Qty Dia. FLA MCA MOPD Electric Defrost Kit MCA MOPD Evap Fans Elec Htrs J*5000M6 208-230/3/60 82.2 428.0 4 26 16.0 181.9 250 272.7 300 30 136.4 J*5000M6 460/3/60 41.1 214.0 4 26 8.0 90.9 125 137.1 150 20 67.0 J*5200M6 208-230/3/60 82.2 428.0 4 30 28.0 193.9 250 272.7 300 30 136.4 J*5200M6 460/3/60 41.1 214.0 4 30 14.0 96.9 125 159.1 175 20 79.5 J*5400L6 208-230/3/60 80.8 450.0 4 26 16.0 179.0 250 229.5 300 25 106.0 J*5400L6 460/3/60 40.4 225.0 4 26 8.0 89.5 125 128.3 150 15 64.0 J*6000L6 208-230/3/60 95.6 470.0 4 30 28.0 221.0 300 318.2 350 30 159.1 J*6000L6 460/3/60 47.8 235.0 4 30 14.0 110.5 150 156.6 175 20 76.0 J*6000M6 208-230/3/60 94.0 470.0 4 30 28.0 217.8 300 - - - - J*6000M6 460/3/60 47.0 235.0 4 30 14.0 108.9 150 156.7 175 20 77.0 J*7000M6 208-230/3/60 107.0 565.0 6 30 42.0 258.3 350 - - - - J*7000M6 460/3/60 53.5 283.0 6 30 21.0 129.2 175 174.6 200 20 84.0 J*8000M6 208-230/3/60 142.0 594.0 6 30 42.0 327.6 450 - - - - J*8000M6 460/3/60 71.0 297.0 6 30 21.0 163.8 225 205.8 250 20 96.0 Notes: MCA = Minimum Circuit Ampacity MOPD = Maximum Overcurrent Protection Device Beacon II™ and Air Defrost Units do not carry any of the evaporator fan or heater loads. Power is brought directly to the evaporators and does not go through the condensing unit. 2A - 88 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensing Units Configurable Models Pricing 24 - 80 HP Dual Compressor Configurable Models Outdoor • Prepainted galvanized cabinet with easily removable service panels • Condenser built with rifled tubing and a separate subcooler coil for extra performance • Flooded head pressure valves on all models • Liquid line with drier, sight glass, and shut-off valve • Parallel-piped units include replaceable core suction filter, replaceable liquid-line filter, suction accumulator, and oil management system. • Electronic oil safety control • Spring mounted compressors with suction and discharge vibration eliminators • Large electrical panel, including compressor contactor and pump-down switch • Fixed high pressure control and separate adjustable low pressure control with flexible braided hose • ServiceMate™ Diagnostic Module Need to customize? Outdoor Bohn Model Beacon II™ Outdoor • Prepainted galvanized cabinet with easily removable service panels • Condenser built with rifled tubing and a separate subcooler coil for extra performance • Flooded head pressure valves on all models • Liquid line with drier, sight glass, and shut-off valve • Electronic oil safety control • Spring mounted compressors with suction and discharge vibration eliminators • Large electrical panel, including compressor contactor and pump-down switch • Fixed high pressure control and separate adjustable low pressure control with flexible braided hose • Wired for Beacon II™ control with fan cycling. Look at the factory-installed options starting on page 2A-91. Beacon II™ Outdoor List Price ($US) Bohn Model List Price ($US) Voltage Model Type Notes JLD3000M6C 71,491 JDDS3000M6C 74,713 208-230/3/60 Individually Piped JLD3000M6D 72,905 JDDS3000M6D 76,125 460/3/60 Individually Piped - JLD4000M6C 79,552 JDDS4000M6C 82,775 208-230/3/60 Individually Piped - JLD4000M6D 80,960 JDDS4000M6D 84,183 460/3/60 Individually Piped - JLD5000M6C 94,912 JDDS5000M6C 98,135 208-230/3/60 Individually Piped - JLD5000M6D 96,328 JDDS5000M6D 99,551 460/3/60 Individually Piped - Section 2 Individually Piped Models: Medium Temperature (R-404A/507/22) - JLD5200M6C 106,603 JDDS5200M6C 109,824 208-230/3/60 Individually Piped - JLD5200M6D 108,015 JDDS5200M6D 111,241 460/3/60 Individually Piped - JLD6000M6C 111,317 JDDS6000M6C 114,542 208-230/3/60 Individually Piped - JLD6000M6D 112,732 JDDS6000M6D 115,957 460/3/60 Individually Piped - JLD7000M6C 126,007 JDDS7000M6C 129,500 208-230/3/60 Individually Piped - JLD7000M6D 127,165 JDDS7000M6D 130,659 460/3/60 Individually Piped - JLD8000M6D 140,910 JDDS8000M6D 144,402 460/3/60 Individually Piped - JLD8000M6K 139,024 JDDS8000M6K 142,516 230/3/60 Individually Piped - Individually Piped Models: Low Temperature (R-404A/507/22) JLD2400L6C 73,301 JDDS2400L6C 76,526 208-230/3/60 Individually Piped See Note 1, 2 JLD2400L6D 74,725 JDDS2400L6D 77,947 460/3/60 Individually Piped See Note 1, 2 JLD3000L6C 76,734 JDDS3000L6C 79,958 208-230/3/60 Individually Piped See Note 1, 2 JLD3000L6D 78,145 JDDS3000L6D 81,368 460/3/60 Individually Piped See Note 1, 2 JLD4400L6C 90,059 JDDS4400L6C 93,280 208-230/3/60 Individually Piped See Note 1, 2 JLD4400L6D 91,473 JDDS4400L6D 94,696 460/3/60 Individually Piped See Note 1, 2 JLD5400L6C 103,509 JDDS5400L6C 106,733 208-230/3/60 Individually Piped See Note 1, 2 JLD5400L6D 104,924 JDDS5400L6D 108,149 460/3/60 Individually Piped See Note 1, 2 JLD6000L6C 114,847 JDDS6000L6C 118,071 208-230/3/60 Individually Piped See Note 1, 2 JLD6000L6D 116,262 JDDS6000L6D 119,488 460/3/60 Individually Piped See Note 1, 2 Notes: 1. L6 models include head cooling fan. 2. For R-22 low temperature operation, add Demand Cooling Kit. Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2A - 89 Air-Cooled Condensing Units 24 - 80 HP Dual Compressor Outdoor Bohn Model Configurable Models Pricing Beacon II™ Outdoor List Price ($US) Bohn Model List Price ($US) Voltage Model Type Notes 208-230/3/60 Parallel Piped - Parallel-Piped Models: Medium Temperature (R-404A/507/22) JLD3000M6CPP 89,775 - - JLD3000M6DPP 91,099 - - 460/3/60 Parallel Piped - JLD4000M6CPP 97,322 - - 208-230/3/60 Parallel Piped - JLD4000M6DPP 98,640 - - 460/3/60 Parallel Piped - JLD5000M6CPP 112,919 - - 208-230/3/60 Parallel Piped - JLD5000M6DPP 114,244 - - 460/3/60 Parallel Piped - JLD5200M6CPP 123,860 - - 208-230/3/60 Parallel Piped - JLD5200M6DPP 125,186 - - 460/3/60 Parallel Piped - JLD6000M6CPP 128,277 - - 208-230/3/60 Parallel Piped - JLD6000M6DPP 129,601 - - 460/3/60 Parallel Piped - JLD7000M6CPP 143,455 - - 208-230/3/60 Parallel Piped - JLD7000M6DPP 144,541 - - 460/3/60 Parallel Piped - JLD8000M6DPP 157,404 - - 460/3/60 Parallel Piped - JLD8000M6KPP 155,639 - - 230/3/60 Parallel Piped - Section 2 Parallel-Piped Models: Low Temperature (R-404A/507/22) JLD2400L6CPP 91,470 - - 208-230/3/60 Parallel Piped See Note 1, 2 JLD2400L6DPP 92,803 - - 460/3/60 Parallel Piped See Note 1, 2 JLD3000L6CPP 94,684 - - 208-230/3/60 Parallel Piped See Note 1, 2 JLD3000L6DPP 96,004 - - 460/3/60 Parallel Piped See Note 1, 2 JLD4400L6CPP 107,994 - - 208-230/3/60 Parallel Piped See Note 1, 2 JLD4400L6DPP 109,317 - - 460/3/60 Parallel Piped See Note 1, 2 JLD5400L6CPP 120,967 - - 208-230/3/60 Parallel Piped See Note 1, 2 JLD5400L6DPP 122,293 - - 460/3/60 Parallel Piped See Note 1, 2 JLD6000L6CPP 131,580 - - 208-230/3/60 Parallel Piped See Note 1, 2 JLD6000L6DPP 132,902 - - 460/3/60 Parallel Piped See Note 1, 2 Notes: 1. L6 models include head cooling fan. 2. For R-22 low temperature operation, add Demand Cooling Kit. 2A - 90 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensing Units 24 - 80 HP Dual Compressor Factory-Installed Options • Make sure you have selected a configurable model. When ordering, remember to specify the option codes and list price adders for each selected option. • Can’t Find Something? Other options and accessories might be available on a custom order basis. Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. Need Factory-Installed Options? Option Code Description Models Used On Notes List Price Adder ($US) Beacon II™ Outdoor Outdoor Electrical Options Defrost Timers - Air All - Individually Piped Defrost Timers - Air All - Parallel Piped FCY.001-1 Fan Cycling - Temperature 2400-6000 Individually Piped FCY.001-1P Fan Cycling - Temperature 2400-6000 Parallel Piped FCY.001-2 Fan Cycling - Temperature 7000-8000 Individually Piped FCY.001-2P Fan Cycling - Temperature 7000-8000 Parallel Piped FCY.002-1 Fan Cycling - Pressure 2400-6000 Individually Piped FCY.002-1P Fan Cycling - Pressure 2400-6000 Parallel Piped FCY.002-2 Fan Cycling - Pressure 7000-8000 Individually Piped Medium temperature applications only. 1,049 Medium temperature applications only. Call Factory Fan closest to the header is not cycled. 3,332 Fan closest to the header is not cycled. Call Factory Fan closest to the header is not cycled. 3,968 Fan closest to the header is not cycled. Call Factory Fan closest to the header is not cycled. 3,332 Fan closest to the header is not cycled. Call Factory Fan closest to the header is not cycled. 3,968 FCY.002-2P Fan Cycling - Pressure 7000-8000 Parallel Piped CBK.002-2 Compressor Circuit Breakers 230V - Individually Piped Fan closest to the header is not cycled. Call Factory - 4,922 Standard Standard 4,922 CBK.002-2P Compressor Circuit Breakers 230V - Parallel Piped - Call Factory - CBK.002-1 Compressor Circuit Breakers 460V - Individually Piped - 2,288 2,288 CBK.002-1P Compressor Circuit Breakers 460V - Parallel Piped - Call Factory 2,154 PLM.00X Phase Loss Monitors 230V & 460V - Individually Piped - 2,154 PLM.00XP Phase Loss Monitors 230V & 460V - Parallel Piped - Call Factory - TDR.002 Anti-short Cycling Timers All - Individually Piped - 1,241 1,241 TDR.002P Anti-short Cycling Timers All - Parallel Piped - Call Factory - HPS.001 Manual Reset High Pressure Switches All - Individually Piped - 592 592 HPS.001P Manual Reset High Pressure Switches All - Parallel Piped - Call Factory - MS.0014L-1 Variable Speed EC Motor with proportional pressure controller 5200-6000M6 Parallel Piped (230V & 460V) 6000L6 Parallel Piped (230V & 460V) - 33,643 - MS.0014L-2 Variable Speed EC Motor with proportional pressure controller 5200-6000M6 Individually Piped (230V & 460V) 6000L6 Individually Piped (230V & 460V) - 35,671 35,671 MS.0014S-1 Variable Speed EC Motor with proportional pressure controller 3000-5000M6 Parallel Piped (230V) 2400-5400L6 Parallel Piped (230V) - 9,378 - MS.0014S-2 Variable Speed EC Motor with proportional pressure controller 3000-5000M6 Individually Piped (230V) 2400-5400L6 Individually Piped (230V) - 9,610 9,610 MS.0014S-3 Variable Speed EC Motor with proportional pressure controller 3000-5000M6 Parallel Piped (460V) 2400-5400L6 Parallel Piped (460V) - 23,035 - Regulation Requires Variable Speed Fan Motors! California Energy Commission Title 24, Section 126 Effective 01/01/2010, refrigerated warehouses with a total cold storage and frozen storage area exceeding 3,000 square feet require: 1. All condenser fans for air-cooled condensers/condensing units shall be continuously variable speed and the condensing temperature or pressure control system shall control the speed of all condenser fans serving a common condenser loop in unison. The minimum condensing temperature set point shall be less than or equal to 70 degrees Fahrenheit or reset in response to ambient dry bulb temperature or refrigeration system load. 2. All single phase condenser/condensing unit fan motors less than 1 horsepower and less than 460 volts shall be either permanent split capacitor or electronically commutated. Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2A - 91 Section 2 DFT.001 DFT.001P Air-Cooled Condensing Units 24 - 80 HP Dual Compressor Need Factory-Installed Options? Factory-Installed Options • Make sure you have selected a configurable model. When ordering, remember to specify the option codes and list price adders for each selected option. • Can’t Find Something? Other options and accessories might be available on a custom order basis. Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. List Price Adder ($US) Beacon II™ Outdoor Outdoor Option Code Description Models Used On Notes MS.0014S-4 Variable Speed EC Motor with proportional pressure controller 3000-5000M6 Individually Piped (460V) 2400-5400L6 Individually Piped (460V) - 25,064 25,064 MS.0016L-1 Variable Speed EC Motor with proportional pressure controller 7000-8000M6 Parallel Piped (230V & 460V) - 49,449 - MS.0016L-2 Variable Speed EC Motor with proportional pressure controller 7000-8000M6 Individually Piped (230V & 460V) - 51,477 51,477 Section 2 Mechanical Options LIQ.003-1 Replaceable core liquid-line filter driers & sight glasses 2400-4400 Individually Piped - 887 887 LIQ.003-1P Replaceable core liquid-line filter driers & sight glasses 2400-4400 Parallel Piped - Standard - LIQ.003-2 Replaceable core liquid-line filter driers & sight glasses 5000-8000 Individually Piped - 1,301 1,301 LIQ.003-2P Replaceable core liquid-line filter driers & sight glasses 5000-8000 Parallel Piped - Standard - LIQ.002-1 Liquid-line solenoid valves 2400-4400 Individually Piped Not recommended on applications with line runs more than 25 feet. 1,785 - LIQ.002-1P Liquid-line solenoid valves 2400-4400 Parallel Piped Not recommended on applications with line runs more than 25 feet. Call Factory - LIQ.002-2 Liquid-line solenoid valves 5000-8000 Individually Piped Not recommended on applications with line runs more than 25 feet. 1,916 - LIQ.002-2P Liquid-line solenoid valves 5000-8000 Parallel Piped Not recommended on applications with line runs more than 25 feet. Call Factory 2,407 SUC.003-1 Suction-line filters 2400-4000 Individually Piped - 2,407 SUC.003-1P Suction-line filters 2400-4000 Parallel Piped - Call Factory - SUC.003-2 Suction-line filters 4400-8000 Individually Piped - 3,083 3,083 SUC.003-2P Suction-line filters 4400-8000 Parallel Piped - Call Factory - 2400-4000 Individually Piped - 3,151 3,151 SUC.005-1P Replaceable core suction-line filters 2400-4000 Parallel Piped - Standard - SUC.005-2 Replaceable core suction-line filters 4400-8000 Individually Piped - 3,192 3,192 SUC.005-1 Replaceable core suction-line filters SUC.005-2P Replaceable core suction-line filters 4400-8000 Parallel Piped - Standard - 2400-4000 Individually Piped - 5,145 5,145 Suction accumulators 2400-4000 Parallel Piped - Standard - Suction accumulators 4400-8000 Individually Piped - 5,900 5,900 SUC.007-2P Suction accumulators 4400-8000 Parallel Piped - Standard - DIS.001-1 Oil separators with discharge line check valves 2400-6000 Individually Piped - 3,083 3,083 DIS.001-1P Oil separators with discharge line check valves 2400-6000 Parallel Piped - Standard - DIS.001-2 Oil separators with discharge line check valves 7000-8000 Individually Piped - 5,214 5,214 DIS.001-2P Oil separators with discharge line check valves 7000-8000 Parallel Piped - Standard - MUF.001 Discharge mufflers All - Individually Piped - 875 875 MUF.001P Discharge mufflers All - Parallel Piped - Call Factory - SUC.007-1 Suction accumulators SUC.007-1P SUC.007-2 2A - 92 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensing Units 24 - 80 HP Dual Compressor • Make sure you have selected a configurable model. When ordering, remember to specify the option codes and list price adders for each selected option. • Can’t Find Something? Other options and accessories might be available on a custom order basis. Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. List Price Adder ($US) Beacon II™ Outdoor Outdoor Option Code Description Models Used On Notes DIS.002-1 Three way heat reclam valves with check valves installed 2400-4400 Individually Piped - 4,664 4,664 DIS.002-1P Three way heat reclam valves with check valves installed 2400-4400 Parallel Piped - Call Factory - DIS.002-2 Three way heat reclam valves with check valves installed 5000-6000 Individually Piped - 6,078 6,078 DIS.002-2P Three way heat reclam valves with check valves installed 5000-6000 Parallel Piped - Call Factory - DIS.002-3 Three way heat reclam valves with check valves installed 7000-8000 Individually Piped - 8,802 8,802 DIS.002-3P Three way heat reclam valves with check valves installed 7000-8000 Parallel Piped - Call Factory - UNL.001 Compressor Unloading - with pressure control for (1) cyl. Bank All - Individually Piped - 3,167 - UNL.001P Compressor Unloading - with pressure control for (1) cyl. Bank All - Parallel Piped - Call Factory - DMD.001 Demand Cooling for low temperature R-22 2400-6000L6 Individually Piped - 4,461 4,461 DMD.001P Demand Cooling for low temperature R-22 2400-6000L6 Parallel Piped - Call Factory - REC.001-1 Low Ambient kits with heated and insulated receivers and time delay relays 2400-6000 Individually Piped - 4,871 4,871 2400-6000 Parallel Piped - Call Factory - 7000-8000 Individually Piped - 6,399 6,399 7000-8000 Parallel Piped - Call Factory - Low Ambient kits with heated and REC.001-1P insulated receivers and time delay relays REC.001-2 Low Ambient kits with heated and insulated receivers and time delay relays Low Ambient kits with heated and REC.001-2P insulated receivers and time delay relays Coil Options CSG.PRO-1 BohnGuard™ condenser fin protection 2400-5000 - 3,131 3,131 CSG.PRO-2 BohnGuard™ condenser fin protection 5200-6000 - 5,214 5,214 CSG.PRO-3 BohnGuard™ condenser fin protection 7000-8000 - 5,843 5,843 CS.ELEC-1 ElectroFin coil coating 2400-5000 - Call Factory Call Factory CS.ELEC-2 ElectroFin coil coating 5200-6000 - Call Factory Call Factory CS.ELEC-3 ElectroFin coil coating 7000-8000 - Call Factory Call Factory CSB.CPR-1 Copper condenser fins 2400-5000 - Call Factory Call Factory CSB.CPR-2 Copper condenser fins 5200-6000 - Call Factory Call Factory CSB.CPR-3 Copper condenser fins 7000-8000 - Call Factory Call Factory CS.BRZ-1 Bronz-Glow coil coating 2400-5000 - Call Factory Call Factory CS.BRZ-2 Bronz-Glow coil coating 5200-6000 - Call Factory Call Factory CS.BRZ-3 Bronz-Glow coil coating 7000-8000 - Call Factory Call Factory Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2A - 93 Section 2 Need Factory-Installed Options? Factory-Installed Options Air-Cooled Condensing Units 24 - 80 HP Dual Compressor Need an electric defrost kit? Factory-Installed Electric Defrost Options • Make sure you have selected a configurable model. When ordering, remember to specify the option codes and list price adders for each selected option. • Electric defrost kits and components are available to be factory mounted in the electrical box of indoor or outdoor condensing units used in medium/ low temp applications with electric defrost evaporators. Section 2 Selecting the proper kit is as easy as … 1 2 3 Option Code Add up the total fan motor amps and electric heater amps for all evaporators in the refrigeration system. For the selected condensing unit, contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer to find out the rated defrost power amps for both the fan motor amps and electric heater amps. The condensing unit data plate ratings are based on the actual system match. Your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer will help you select the proper electric defrost kit and components. Definitions Electric Defrost Timer Initiates and terminates defrost cycles based on a predetermined time schedule. Lockout Relay Prevents the electric defrost heaters from energizing when the compressor is in operation. Evaporator Hold Out Relay Allows each evaporator to individually terminate defrost on temperature when multiple evaporators are used in a single system. Fan Contactor Carries amperage load for evaporator fan motors. Heater Contactor Carries amperage load for evaporator electric defrost heaters. InterLink™ Smart Defrost Kit™ (SDK) The InterLink™ SDK is a revolutionary product that is designed to be used on any electric defrost walk-in freezer system with an electro-mechanical defrost timer set for three or more scheduled defrosts per day. The InterLink™ SDK accurately estimates frost accumulation on the evaporator coil and decides if it can skip the preprogrammed defrost period that is set on the defrost timer. This helps eliminate unneeded defrost cycles, saving energy and increasing product integrity Description Models Used On Electric Defrost Kit for system with one evaporator per compressor circuit Electric Defrost Kit for system with one evaporator per compressor circuit Electric Defrost Kit for system with two evaporators per compressor circuit Electric Defrost Kit for system with two evaporators per compressor circuit Fuses for electric defrost kit for system with one evaporator per compressor circuit Fuses for electric defrost kit for system with one evaporator per compressor circuit Fuses for electric defrost kit for system with two evaporators per compressor circuit Fuses for electric defrost kit for system with two evaporators per compressor circuit 3000-4000M6 (230V) Individually Piped 2400-6000L6 (230V) Individually Piped 2400-8000 (460V) Individually Piped 3000-4000M6 (230V) Parallel Piped 2400-6000L6 (230V) Parallel Piped 2400-8000 (460V) Parallel Piped 3000-5200M6 (230V) Individually Piped 2400-6000L6 (230V) Individually Piped 2400-8000 (460V) Individually Piped 3000-5200M6 (230V) Parallel Piped 2400-6000L6 (230V) Parallel Piped 2400-8000 (460V) Parallel Piped 3000-4000M6 (230V) Individually Piped 2400-6000L6 (230V) Individually Piped 2400-8000 (460V) Individually Piped 3000-4000M6 (230V) Parallel Piped 2400-6000L6 (230V) Parallel Piped 2400-8000 (460V) Parallel Piped 3000-5200M6 (230V) Individually Piped 2400-6000L6 (230V) Individually Piped 2400-8000 (460V) Individually Piped 3000-5200M6 (230V) Parallel Piped 2400-6000L6 (230V) Parallel Piped 2400-8000 (460V) Parallel Piped SDK.001 InterLink™ Smart Defrost Kit™ All - Individually Piped SDK.001P InterLink™ Smart Defrost Kit™ All - Parallel Piped DFT.016 DFT.016P DFT.013 DFT.013P DEF.XXX1 DEF.XXX1P DEF.XXX2 DEF.XXX2P 2A - 94 Notes List Price Adder ($US) Outdoor Includes (1) electric defrost timer, (1) heater & (1) fan contactors, terminal strip 3,417 Includes (1) electric defrost timer, (1) heater & (1) fan contactors, terminal strip Call Factory Includes (1) electric defrost timer, (2) heater & (1) fan contactors, terminal strip 4,922 Includes (1) electric defrost timer, (2) heater & (1) fan contactors, terminal strip Call Factory - 855 - Call Factory - 1,710 - Call Factory Can not be used alone. Must also select a electric defrost timer or electric defrost kit. Can not be used alone. Must also select a electric defrost timer or electric defrost kit. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 1,623 Call Factory Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensing Units Shipped-Loose Accessories 24 - 80 HP Dual Compressor A wide range of shipped-loose accessories are available to order. Can’t Find Something? Other options and accessories might be available on a custom order basis. Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. Part Number Description Models Used On Notes List Price ($US) InterLink™ Smart Defrost Kit™ All - Individually Piped Can not be used alone. Must be used with a electric defrost timer or electric defrost kit. Can not be used with Beacon II. 1,624 Electrical Options 22681501D Crankcase Pressure Regulator (CPR) Valves A selection program must be used to pick the proper valve. The selection program requires the following inputs: system capacity, suction temperature, and maximum holding temperature. Must have one valve per compressor. Not available for use on Beacon II™ Outdoor units. Should not be used with MOP type expansion valves in unit coolers. Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. Size Part Number List Price ($US) 29346101 374 1 1/8” 29399012 549 1 3/8” 4227W 1,501 1 5/8” 4262Q 2,349 2 1/8” 29399089 2,693 2 5/8” 29314001 6,095 Section 2 7/8” Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2A - 95 Air-Cooled Condensing Units 26 - 100 HP Dual Compressor Overview Cabinet & Construction • All units feature the Floating Tube™ coil which eliminates tube sheet leaks • Painted steel cabinets for superior strength and corrosion resistance Serviceability • Manual pumpdown switch on all units • Convenient access panels to easily service internal components • Large electrical panel to facilitate ease of access Quality Product Description: Section 2 The 26-100 HP Dual Vertical condensing unit product line with Bitzer® compressors is designed to meet the needs of a demanding commercial and industrial refrigeration market. The product is configured to be flexible in its design and construction to allow it to respond to the requirements of refrigeration contractors, consulting engineers and facility owners/operators. The Floating Tube ™ coil design incorporated in the product provides protection against tube sheet leaks. Opting for the Beacon II™ refrigeration system Smart Defrost, factory installed Smart Defrost Kit™ (SDK) or Variable Speed EC motors increases this product’s energy efficiency and qualifies it for the E Solutions™ product portfolio. • • • • • • • • Sight glass is easily viewable Fixed high pressure switch eliminates capillary tubes Refrigeration duty, rifled copper condenser tubing Piping is pre-bent to eliminate braze joints, where possible, to reduce leak potential All joints are sweat type connections, no mechanical joints to leak Separate sub-cooling circuit in condenser for added capacity and vapor free liquid Pressure relief valve on receiver ServiceMate™ diagnostic module standard on all non-Beacon II™ condensing unit Components Compressor • Units feature Bitzer® semi-hermetic compressors. • Spring-mounted compressors with suction and discharge eliminators • Receivers are sized for sufficient pumpdown capacity with inlet and outlet service valves Other • Sealed sight glass and liquid line filter Certifications Nomenclature 2A - 96 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensing Units Performance Data 26 - 100 HP Dual Compressor Models with Bitzer Compressors * =LD for Limitizer®, DDS for Beacon II™ J*300BM6 J*300BM6 J*300BM6 J*300BM6 J*300BM6 J*300BM6 J*400BM6 J*400BM6 J*400BM6 J*400BM6 J*400BM6 J*400BM6 J*440BM6 J*440BM6 J*440BM6 J*440BM6 J*440BM6 J*440BM6 J*500BM6 J*500BM6 J*500BM6 J*500BM6 J*500BM6 J*500BM6 J*600BM6 J*600BM6 J*600BM6 J*600BM6 J*600BM6 J*600BM6 J*660BM6 J*660BM6 J*660BM6 J*660BM6 J*660BM6 J*660BM6 J*700BM6 J*700BM6 J*700BM6 J*700BM6 J*700BM6 J*700BM6 J*800BM6 J*800BM6 J*800BM6 J*800BM6 J*800BM6 J*800BM6 Rev. 03/12 4C2067PH 4C2067PH 4C2067PH 4C2067PH 4C2067PH 4C2067PH 4C2397PH 4C2397PH 4C2397PH 4C2397PH 4C2397PH 4C2397PH 4B2707PH 4B2707PH 4B2707PH 4B2707PH 4B2707PH 4B2707PH 4B3139PH 4B3139PH 4B3139PH 4B3139PH 4B3139PH 4B3139PH 4B3604PH 4B3604PH 4B3604PH 4B3604PH 4B3604PH 4B3604PH 6B4060PH 6B4060PH 6B4060PH 6B4060PH 6B4060PH 6B4060PH 6B4709PH 6B4709PH 6B4709PH 6B4709PH 6B4709PH 6B4709PH 6B5406PH 6B5406PH 6B5406PH 6B5406PH 6B5406PH 6B5406PH 40°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 15°F 5°F 40°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 15°F 5°F 40°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 15°F 5°F 40°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 15°F 5°F 40°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 15°F 5°F 40°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 15°F 5°F 40°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 15°F 5°F 40°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 15°F 5°F 394,250 331,570 301,290 272,450 245,360 197,580 460,920 384,140 348,820 314,800 283,620 227,670 508,400 425,210 387,920 350,670 315,710 254,190 582,960 490,520 444,900 403,020 363,660 293,650 678,820 569,890 518,410 470,170 423,920 342,580 770,100 643,130 585,850 527,550 475,270 381,390 877,570 738,320 671,500 606,520 547,270 441,480 1,011,680 851,260 777,050 704,020 635,050 513,760 376,590 314,800 286,220 258,760 233,090 187,090 439,520 366,730 332,640 299,990 269,620 215,570 488,080 409,390 370,550 335,640 301,920 242,630 559,640 468,920 427,310 386,290 347,710 280,140 649,850 546,290 496,570 450,090 405,270 326,630 736,570 616,390 559,580 505,170 454,380 363,990 842,230 707,760 643,050 581,300 523,130 421,160 967,490 817,760 742,220 673,510 607,050 490,320 357,490 300,810 265,290 246,010 220,890 176,140 419,910 351,180 316,500 284,950 255,760 203,590 465,770 390,720 354,660 320,780 288,130 231,170 536,530 450,170 407,850 369,000 331,970 266,760 622,730 523,150 475,180 429,890 386,590 310,890 705,660 592,210 535,230 482,450 433,450 346,540 803,550 677,170 613,220 555,030 498,990 400,990 926,490 782,360 709,980 643,140 579,050 466,700 324,040 269,290 243,760 219,040 196,340 155,170 382,760 315,740 284,830 255,530 227,790 178,780 427,590 355,770 322,580 290,970 260,680 207,540 487,960 408,790 370,800 334,690 300,180 239,150 571,310 476,730 431,820 389,600 349,370 278,110 647,170 537,790 486,380 437,980 391,700 310,500 736,830 614,200 557,150 502,940 451,000 359,560 848,530 710,240 645,990 582,780 523,390 418,470 Capacity(BTUH) Ambient Temperature °F 90°F 95°F 100°F 110°F Bohn Suction Compressor Base Temp. (2 Each) Model °F J*110BM6 J*110BM6 J*110BM6 J*110BM6 J*110BM6 J*110BM6 6B6462PH 6B6462PH 6B6462PH 6B6462PH 6B6462PH 6B6462PH 40°F 30°F 25°F 20°F 15°F 5°F 1,184,730 1,002,230 914,120 829,690 750,050 609,230 1,135,930 959,810 874,560 793,020 715,930 580,370 1,087,530 917,380 835,020 756,310 682,090 551,560 988,100 831,800 756,870 683,550 614,590 492,720 201,760 154,600 133,760 115,230 87,260 74,510 234,490 181,480 157,870 137,070 105,150 90,590 267,830 208,090 181,280 157,420 120,290 102,350 297,970 228,460 197,730 170,680 129,450 110,850 350,950 270,240 234,530 203,020 154,850 132,800 388,960 300,490 261,100 226,200 172,800 148,770 465,930 357,700 309,630 267,080 201,830 172,630 191,580 145,970 125,810 107,910 80,840 68,840 222,550 170,990 148,240 129,950 97,030 83,510 253,710 195,590 170,180 146,990 111,160 94,480 283,180 215,670 185,940 159,580 119,730 102,700 332,610 254,860 220,520 189,890 143,530 123,120 380,130 283,720 245,600 211,500 159,650 137,310 441,340 336,520 289,900 248,530 185,220 158,260 171,630 129,850 110,740 93,530 67,290 58,200 199,500 151,890 129,860 110,220 80,094 68,990 225,910 173,620 148,940 126,740 92,150 78,130 254,650 192,460 163,780 138,390 99,570 86,450 297,490 226,690 193,970 164,690 119,770 103,500 331,580 253,140 216,170 183,350 132,760 112,380 393,670 297,450 252,840 212,800 149,700 127,820 Low Temperature (R-404A/507) J*260BL6 J*260BL6 J*260BL6 J*260BL6 J*260BL6 J*260BL6 J*300BL6 J*300BL6 J*300BL6 J*300BL6 J*300BL6 J*300BL6 J*400BL6 J*400BL6 J*400BL6 J*400BL6 J*400BL6 J*400BL6 J*440BL6 J*440BL6 J*440BL6 J*440BL6 J*440BL6 J*440BL6 J*500BL6 J*500BL6 J*500BL6 J*500BL6 J*500BL6 J*500BL6 J*600BL6 J*600BL6 J*600BL6 J*600BL6 J*600BL6 J*600BL6 J*800BL6 J*800BL6 J*800BL6 J*800BL6 J*800BL6 J*800BL6 4B2707PL 4B2707PL 4B2707PL 4B2707PL 4B2707PL 4B2707PL 4B3139PL 4B3139PL 4B3139PL 4B3139PL 4B3139PL 4B3139PL 4B3604PL 4B3604PL 4B3604PL 4B3604PL 4B3604PL 4B3604PL 6B4060PL 6B4060PL 6B4060PL 6B4060PL 6B4060PL 6B4060PL 6B4709PL 6B4709PL 6B4709PL 6B4709PL 6B4709PL 6B4709PL 6B5406PL 6B5406PL 6B5406PL 6B5406PL 6B5406PL 6B5406PL 6B6462PL 6B6462PL 6B6462PL 6B6462PL 6B6462PL 6B6462PL 0°F -10°F -15°F -20°F -30°F -40°F 0°F -10°F -15°F -20°F -30°F -40°F 0°F -10°F -15°F -20°F -30°F -40°F 0°F -10°F -15°F -20°F -30°F -40°F 0°F -10°F -15°F -20°F -30°F -40°F 0°F -10°F -15°F -20°F -30°F -40°F 0°F -10°F -15°F -20°F -30°F -40°F 211,930 163,290 141,770 122,620 93,600 79,760 246,490 191,890 167,610 146,060 113,170 975,003 282,080 220,240 192,520 167,720 129,340 110,090 312,650 241,300 209,620 181,550 139,100 118,940 369,030 285,580 248,670 215,850 166,080 142,280 408,320 317,410 276,770 240,670 185,790 160,100 490,250 378,890 329,420 285,380 218,130 186,770 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2A - 97 Section 2 Capacity(BTUH) Ambient Temperature °F 90°F 95°F 100°F 110°F Medium Temperature (R-404A/507) Bohn Suction Compressor Base Temp. (2 Each) Model °F Air-Cooled Condensing Units Unit Specifications 26 - 100 HP Dual Compressor Models with Bitzer Compressors * = LD for Limitizer®, DDS for Beacon II™ Connections (in) Standard (2 Each) Bohn Base Compressor Model (2 Each) Liquid (OD) Suction (OD) Connections (in) Parallel Piped Liquid (OD) Parallel Piped Suction (OD) Parallel Piped Receiver 90% Full (Ibs.) Dimensions Approx. Net Parallel Depth Width Height Weight Standard (lbs.) Piped (in.) (in.) (in.) Medium Temperature (R-404A/507) J*300BM6 4C2067PH 7/8 1 5/8 1 1/8 2 1/8 123.0 188.0 87 3/43 144 55 3/5 2,805 J*400BM6 4C2397PH 7/8 1 5/8 1 1/8 2 1/8 123.0 188.0 87 3/43 171 55 3/5 3,250 J*440BM6 4B2707PH 1 1/8 2 1/8 1 1/8 2 1/8 123.0 269.0 87 3/43 171 55 3/5 3,380 J*500BM6 4B3139PH 1 1/8 2 1/8 1 3/8 2 5/8 123.0 269.0 87 3/43 171 55 3/5 3,875 J*600BM6 4B3604PH 1 1/8 2 1/8 1 3/8 2 5/8 188.0 269.0 87 3/43 226 55 3/5 3,225 J*660BM6 6B4060PH 1 1/8 2 1/8 1 3/8 2 5/8 188.0 269.0 87 3/43 226 55 3/5 3,570 J*700BM6 6B4709PH 1 1/8 2 1/8 1 5/8 3 1/8 188.0 363.0 87 3/43 226 55 3/5 3,770 J*800BM6 6B5406PH 1 1/8 2 1/8 1 5/8 3 1/8 188.0 363.0 87 3/43 281 55 3/5 4,880 J*110BM6 6B6462PH 1 1/8 2 1/8 1 5/8 3 1/8 188.0 363.0 87 3/43 281 55 3/5 5,670 Section 2 Low Temperature (R-404A/507) J*260BL6 4B2707PL 7/8 1 5/8 1 1/8 2 1/8 81.0 188.0 87 3/43 144 55 3/5 3,175 J*300BL6 4B3139PL 7/8 1 5/8 1 1/8 2 5/8 81.0 188.0 87 3/43 144 55 3/5 3,605 J*400BL6 4B3604PL 7/8 2 1/8 1 1/8 2 5/8 81.0 188.0 87 3/43 144 55 3/5 3,735 J*440BL6 6B4060PL 7/8 2 1/8 1 3/8 3 1/8 123.0 269.0 87 3/43 171 55 3/5 4,145 J*500BL6 6B4709PL 1 1/8 2 1/8 1 3/8 3 1/8 123.0 269.0 87 3/43 171 55 3/5 4,240 J*600BL6 6B5406PL 1 1/8 2 1/8 1 3/8 3 1/8 123.0 269.0 87 3/43 171 55 3/5 4,355 J*800BL6 6B6462PL 1 1/8 2 1/8 1 3/8 3 1/8 188.0 363.0 87 3/43 226 55 3/5 3,835 2A - 98 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensing Units Electrical Data 26 - 100 HP Dual Compressor Models with Bitzer Compressors * = LD for Limitizer®, DDS for Beacon II™ Condensing unit data plate ratings for electric defrost applications will be based on actual system match. Contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. Voltage J*300BM6 J*300BM6 J*300BM6 J*400BM6 J*400BM6 J*400BM6 J*440BM6 J*440BM6 J*440BM6 J*500BM6 J*500BM6 J*500BM6 J*600BM6 J*600BM6 J*600BM6 J*660BM6 J*660BM6 J*660BM6 J*700BM6 J*700BM6 J*700BM6 J*800BM6 J*800BM6 J*800BM6 J*110BM6 J*110BM6 J*110BM6 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 Qty FLA Beacon II or Air Defrost MCA MOPD 294.0 147.0 117.0 352.0 176.0 140.0 352.0 176.0 140.0 436.0 218.0 165.0 490.0 245.0 196.0 550.0 275.0 220.0 550.0 275.0 220.0 700.0 350.0 280.0 950.0 425.0 340.0 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 19.2 9.6 9.2 28.0 14.0 11.2 28.0 14.0 11.2 28.0 14.0 11.2 42.0 21.0 16.8 42.0 21.0 16.8 42.0 21.0 16.8 56.0 28.0 22.4 56.0 28.0 22.4 128.8 64.5 53.3 157.8 78.8 64.3 166.4 83.3 66.1 198.1 99.1 78.9 243.8 122.0 97.6 267.0 133.5 106.1 278.5 139.4 110.6 373.3 186.6 149.3 379.1 189.6 150.9 294.0 147.0 117.0 294.0 147.0 117.0 352.0 176.0 140.0 436.0 218.0 174.0 436.0 218.0 174.0 490.0 245.0 196.0 700.0 350.0 280.0 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 19.2 9.6 9.2 19.2 9.6 9.2 19.2 9.6 9.2 28.0 14.0 11.2 28.0 14.0 11.2 28.0 14.0 11.2 42.0 21.0 16.8 117.3 58.7 48.1 123.2 61.6 51.1 149.0 74.4 61.2 175.2 87.6 70.4 183.7 91.9 73.3 218.4 109.2 86.1 261.2 130.6 104.8 Compressor RLA LRA Medium Temperature (R-404A/507) 48.7 24.4 19.6 57.7 28.8 23.6 61.5 30.8 24.4 75.6 37.8 30.1 89.7 44.9 35.9 100.0 50.0 39.7 105.1 52.6 41.7 141.0 70.5 56.4 143.6 71.8 57.1 Fan Motor Electric Defrost Kit Amps MCA MOPD Evap Fans Elec Htrs 175 80 70 200 100 80 225 110 90 250 125 100 325 150 125 350 175 125 350 175 150 500 250 200 500 250 200 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory 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Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory 150 80 60 150 80 70 200 100 80 225 110 90 250 125 100 300 150 110 350 175 125 Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Call Factory Section 2 Bohn Base Model Low Temperature (R-404A/507) J*260BL6 J*260BL6 J*260BL6 J*300BL6 J*300BL6 J*300BL6 J*400BL6 J*400BL6 J*400BL6 J*440BL6 J*440BL6 J*440BL6 J*500BL6 J*500BL6 J*500BL6 J*600BL6 J*600BL6 J*600BL6 J*800BL6 J*800BL6 J*800BL6 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 43.6 21.8 17.3 46.2 23.1 18.6 57.7 28.8 23.1 65.4 32.7 26.3 69.2 34.6 27.6 84.6 42.3 33.3 97.4 48.7 39.1 Notes: MCA = Minimum Circuit Ampacity MOPD = Maximum Overcurrent Protection Device Beacon II™ and Air Defrost Units do not carry any of the evaporator fan or heater loads. Power is brought directly to the evaporators and does not go through the condensing unit. Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2A - 99 Air-Cooled Condensing Units Configurable Models Pricing 26 - 100 HP Dual Compressor Configurable Models Outdoor • Prepainted galvanized cabinet with easily removable service panels • Condenser built with rifled tubing and a separate subcooler coil for extra performance • Flooded head pressure valves on all models • Liquid line with drier, sight glass, and shut-off valve • Parallel-piped units include replaceable core suction filter, replaceable liquidline filter, suction accumulator, and oil management system. • Electronic oil safety control • Spring mounted compressors with suction and discharge vibration eliminators • Large electrical panel, including compressor contactor and pump-down switch • Fixed high pressure control and separate adjustable low pressure control with flexible braided hose • ServiceMate™ Diagnostic Module Need to customize? Outdoor Bohn Model Beacon II™ Outdoor • Prepainted galvanized cabinet with easily removable service panels • Condenser built with rifled tubing and a separate subcooler coil for extra performance • Flooded head pressure valves on all models • Liquid line with drier, sight glass, and shut-off valve • Electronic oil safety control • Spring mounted compressors with suction and discharge vibration eliminators • Large electrical panel, including compressor contactor and pumpdown switch • Fixed high pressure control and separate adjustable low pressure control with flexible braided hose • Wired for Beacon II™ control with fan cycling. Look at the factory-installed options starting on page 2A-102. Beacon II™ Outdoor List Price ($US) Bohn Model List Price ($US) Voltage Model Type Notes 208-230/3/60 Individually Piped - Section 2 Individually Piped Models: Medium Temperature (R-404A/507) JLD300BM6C 71,490 JDDS300BM6C 73,849 JLD300BM6D 72,348 JDDS300BM6D 74,734 460/3/60 Individually Piped - JLD400BM6C 83,353 JDDS400BM6C 86,104 208-230/3/60 Individually Piped - JLD400BM6D 84,354 JDDS400BM6D 87,138 460/3/60 Individually Piped - JLD440BM6C 94,914 JDDS440BM6C 98,046 208-230/3/60 Individually Piped - JLD440BM6D 96,053 JDDS440BM6D 99,223 460/3/60 Individually Piped - JLD500BM6C 106,604 JDDS500BM6C 110,121 208-230/3/60 Individually Piped - JLD500BM6D 107,883 JDDS500BM6D 111,443 460/3/60 Individually Piped - JLD600BM6C 112,492 JDDS600BM6C 116,204 208-230/3/60 Individually Piped - JLD600BM6D 113,842 JDDS600BM6D 117,598 460/3/60 Individually Piped - JLD660BM6C 126,004 JDDS660BM6C 130,162 208-230/3/60 Individually Piped - JLD660BM6D 127,515 JDDS660BM6D 131,724 460/3/60 Individually Piped - JLD700BM6C 140,912 JDDS700BM6C 145,563 208-230/3/60 Individually Piped - JLD700BM6D 142,603 JDDS700BM6D 147,309 460/3/60 Individually Piped - JLD800BM6C 154,973 JDDS800BM6C 160,086 208-230/3/60 Individually Piped - JLD800BM6D 156,832 JDDS800BM6D 162,008 460/3/60 Individually Piped - JLD110BM6C 178,240 JDDS110BM6C 184,122 208-230/3/60 Individually Piped - JLD110BM6D 180,379 JDDS110BM6D 186,332 460/3/60 Individually Piped - Individually Piped Models: Low Temperature (R-404A/507) JLD260BL6C 73,936 JDDS260BL6C 76,522 208-230/3/60 Individually Piped - JLD260BL6D 74,971 JDDS260BL6D 77,594 460/3/60 Individually Piped - JLD300BL6C 82,212 JDDS300BL6C 85,090 208-230/3/60 Individually Piped - JLD300BL6D 83,363 JDDS300BL6D 86,280 460/3/60 Individually Piped - JLD400BL6C 95,710 JDDS400BL6C 99,059 208-230/3/60 Individually Piped - JLD400BL6D 97,049 JDDS400BL6D 100,447 460/3/60 Individually Piped - JLD440BL6C 103,699 JDDS440BL6C 107,328 208-230/3/60 Individually Piped - JLD440BL6D 105,152 JDDS440BL6D 108,832 460/3/60 Individually Piped - 2A - 100 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensing Units 26 - 100 HP Dual Compressor Outdoor Bohn Model Configurable Models Pricing Beacon II™ Outdoor List Price ($US) Bohn Model List Price ($US) Voltage Model Type Notes JLD500BL6C 115,059 JDDS500BL6C 119,085 208-230/3/60 Individually Piped - JLD500BL6D 116,669 JDDS500BL6D 120,753 460/3/60 Individually Piped - JLD600BL6C 121,446 JDDS600BL6C 125,698 208-230/3/60 Individually Piped - JLD600BL6D 123,148 JDDS600BL6D 127,457 460/3/60 Individually Piped - JLD800BL6C 140,912 JDDS800BL6C 145,844 208-230/3/60 Individually Piped - JLD800BL6D 142,886 JDDS800BL6D 147,886 460/3/60 Individually Piped - JLD300BM6CPP 85,787 - - 208-230/3/60 Parallel Piped - JLD300BM6DPP 86,817 - - 460/3/60 Parallel Piped - JLD400BM6CPP 100,024 - - 208-230/3/60 Parallel Piped - JLD400BM6DPP 101,225 - - 460/3/60 Parallel Piped - JLD440BM6CPP 113,897 - - 208-230/3/60 Parallel Piped - JLD440BM6DPP 115,263 - - 460/3/60 Parallel Piped - JLD500BM6CPP 127,925 - - 208-230/3/60 Parallel Piped - JLD500BM6DPP 129,460 - - 460/3/60 Parallel Piped - JLD600BM6CPP 134,990 - - 208-230/3/60 Parallel Piped - JLD600BM6DPP 136,610 - - 460/3/60 Parallel Piped - JLD660BM6CPP 151,205 - - 208-230/3/60 Parallel Piped - JLD660BM6DPP 153,019 - - 460/3/60 Parallel Piped - JLD700BM6CPP 169,095 - - 208-230/3/60 Parallel Piped - JLD700BM6DPP 171,124 - - 460/3/60 Parallel Piped - JLD800BM6CPP 185,966 - - 208-230/3/60 Parallel Piped - JLD800BM6DPP 188,198 - - 460/3/60 Parallel Piped - JLD110BM6CPP 213,888 - - 208-230/3/60 Parallel Piped - JLD110BM6DPP 216,454 - - 460/3/60 Parallel Piped - Section 2 Parallel-Piped Models: Medium Temperature (R-404A/507) Parallel-Piped Models: Low Temperature (R-404A/507) JLD260BL6CPP 88,724 - - 208-230/3/60 Parallel Piped - JLD260BL6DPP 89,965 - - 460/3/60 Parallel Piped - JLD300BL6CPP 98,654 - - 208-230/3/60 Parallel Piped - JLD300BL6DPP 100,035 - - 460/3/60 Parallel Piped - JLD400BL6CPP 114,852 - - 208-230/3/60 Parallel Piped - JLD400BL6DPP 116,460 - - 460/3/60 Parallel Piped - JLD440BL6CPP 124,439 - - 208-230/3/60 Parallel Piped - JLD440BL6DPP 126,182 - - 460/3/60 Parallel Piped - JLD500BL6CPP 138,070 - - 208-230/3/60 Parallel Piped - JLD500BL6DPP 140,003 - - 460/3/60 Parallel Piped - JLD600BL6CPP 145,736 - - 208-230/3/60 Parallel Piped - JLD600BL6DPP 147,777 - - 460/3/60 Parallel Piped - JLD800BL6CPP 169,095 - - 208-230/3/60 Parallel Piped - JLD800BL6DPP 171,462 - - 460/3/60 Parallel Piped - Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2A - 101 Air-Cooled Condensing Units Factory-Installed Options 26 - 100 HP Dual Compressor • Make sure you have selected a configurable model. When ordering, remember to specify the option codes and list price adders for each selected option. • Can’t Find Something? Other options and accessories might be available on a custom order basis. Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. Need Factory-Installed Options? List Price Adder ($US) Option Code Description Models Used On Notes DFT.001 Defrost Timers - Air All - Individually Piped DFT.001P Defrost Timers - Air FCY.001-1 Outdoor Beacon II™ Outdoor Medium temperature applications only. 1,049 - All - Parallel Piped Medium temperature applications only. Call Factory - Fan Cycling - Temperature 260B-500B Individually Piped Fan closest to the header is not cycled. 3,332 - FCY.001-1P Fan Cycling - Temperature 260B-500B Parallel Piped FCY.001-2 Fan Cycling - Temperature 600B-700B Individually Piped FCY.001-2P Fan Cycling - Temperature 600B-700B Parallel Piped FCY.001-3 Fan Cycling - Temperature 800B & 110B Individually Piped FCY.001-3P Fan Cycling - Temperature 800B & 110B Parallel Piped FCY.002-1 Fan Cycling - Pressure 260B-500B Individually Piped FCY.002-1P Fan Cycling - Pressure 260B-500B Parallel Piped FCY.002-2 Fan Cycling - Pressure 600B-700B Individually Piped FCY.002-2P Fan Cycling - Pressure 600B-700B Parallel Piped FCY.002-3 Fan Cycling - Pressure 800B & 110B Individually Piped FCY.002-3P Fan Cycling - Pressure 800B & 110B Parallel Piped CBK.002-2 Compressor Circuit Breakers 230V - Individually Piped - 4,922 4,922 CBK.002-2P Compressor Circuit Breakers 230V - Parallel Piped - Call Factory - CBK.002-1 Compressor Circuit Breakers 460V - Individually Piped - 2,288 2,288 CBK.002-1P Compressor Circuit Breakers 460V - Parallel Piped - Call Factory - PLM.00X Phase Loss Monitors All - Individually Piped - 2,154 2,154 PLM.00XP Phase Loss Monitors All - Parallel Piped - Call Factory - Section 2 Electrical Options Fan closest to the header Call Factory is not cycled. - Fan closest to the header is not cycled. - 3,968 Fan closest to the header Call Factory is not cycled. - Fan closest to the header is not cycled. - 4,526 Fan closest to the header Call Factory is not cycled. Fan closest to the header is not cycled. 3,332 Fan closest to the header Call Factory is not cycled. Fan closest to the header is not cycled. 3,968 Fan closest to the header Call Factory is not cycled. Fan closest to the header is not cycled. 4,526 Fan closest to the header Call Factory is not cycled. Standard Standard Standard - Regulation Requires Variable Speed Fan Motors! California Energy Commission Title 24, Section 126 Effective 01/01/2010, refrigerated warehouses with a total cold storage and frozen storage area exceeding 3,000 square feet require: 1. All condenser fans for air-cooled condensers/condensing units shall be continuously variable speed and the condensing temperature or pressure control system shall control the speed of all condenser fans serving a common condenser loop in unison. The minimum condensing temperature set point shall be less than or equal to 70 degrees Fahrenheit or reset in response to ambient dry bulb temperature or refrigeration system load. 2. All single phase condenser/condensing unit fan motors less than 1 horsepower and less than 460 volts shall be either permanent split capacitor or electronically commutated. 2A - 102 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensing Units 26 - 100 HP Dual Compressor Need Factory-Installed Options? Factory-Installed Options • Make sure you have selected a configurable model. When ordering, remember to specify the option codes and list price adders for each selected option. • Can’t Find Something? Other options and accessories might be available on a custom order basis. Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. Description Models Used On TDR.002 Anti-short Cycling Timers All - Individually Piped TDR.002P Anti-short Cycling Timers All - Parallel Piped Notes Outdoor Beacon II™ Outdoor - 1,241 1,241 - Call Factory - HPS.001 Manual Reset High Pressure Switches All - Individually Piped - 592 592 HPS.001P Manual Reset High Pressure Switches All - Parallel Piped - Call Factory - MS.0014L-1 Variable Speed EC Motor with proportional pressure controller 400B-500BM6 Parallel Piped (230V & 460V) 440B-600BL6 Parallel Piped (230V & 460V) - 33,643 - MS.0014L-2 Variable Speed EC Motor with proportional pressure controller 400B-500BM6 Individually Piped (230V & 460V) 440B-600BL6 Individually Piped (230V & 460V) - 35,671 35,671 MS.0014S-1 Variable Speed EC Motor with proportional pressure controller 300BM6 Parallel Piped (230V) 260B-400BL6 Parallel Piped (230V) - 9,378 - MS.0014S-2 Variable Speed EC Motor with proportional pressure controller 300BM6 Individually Piped (230V) 260B-400BL6 Individually Piped (230V) - 9,610 9,610 MS.0014S-3 Variable Speed EC Motor with proportional pressure controller 300BM6 Parallel Piped (460V) 260B-400BL6 Parallel Piped (460V) - 23,035 - MS.0014S-4 Variable Speed EC Motor with proportional pressure controller 300BM6 Individually Piped (460V) 260B-400BL6 Individually Piped (460V) - 25,064 25,064 MS.0016L-1 Variable Speed EC Motor with proportional pressure controller 600B-700BM6 Parallel Piped (230V & 460V) 800BL6 Parallel Piped (230V & 460V) - 49,449 - MS.0016L-2 Variable Speed EC Motor with proportional pressure controller 600B-700BM6 Individually Piped (230V & 460V) 800BL6 Individually Piped (230V & 460V) - 51,477 51,477 MS.0018L-1 Variable Speed EC Motor with proportional pressure controller 800B - 110BM6 Parallel Piped (230V & 460V) - 65,255 - MS.0018L-2 Variable Speed EC Motor with proportional pressure controller 800B - 110BM6 Individually Piped (230V & 460V) - 67,283 67,283 Mechanical Options LIQ.003-1 Replaceable core liquid-line filter driers & sight glasses 260B-440B Individually Piped - 887 887 LIQ.003-1P Replaceable core liquid-line filter driers & sight glasses 260B-440B Parallel Piped - Standard - LIQ.003-2 Replaceable core liquid-line filter driers & sight glasses 500B-800B Individually Piped - 1,301 1,301 LIQ.003-2P Replaceable core liquid-line filter driers & sight glasses 500B-800B Parallel Piped - Standard - LIQ.003-3 Replaceable core liquid-line filter driers & sight glasses 110B Individually Piped - 1,564 1,564 LIQ.003-3P Replaceable core liquid-line filter driers & sight glasses 110B Parallel Piped - Standard - LIQ.002-1 Liquid-line solenoid valves 260B-440B Individually Piped Not recommended on applications with line runs more than 25 feet. 1,785 - LIQ.002-1P Liquid-line solenoid valves 260B-440B Parallel Piped Not recommended on applications with line runs more than 25 feet. Call Factory - LIQ.002-2 Liquid-line solenoid valves 500B-800B Individually Piped Not recommended on applications with line runs more than 25 feet. 1,916 - Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2A - 103 Section 2 List Price Adder ($US) Option Code Air-Cooled Condensing Units 26 - 100 HP Dual Compressor Section 2 Need Factory-Installed Options? Factory-Installed Options • Make sure you have selected a configurable model. When ordering, remember to specify the option codes and list price adders for each selected option. • Can’t Find Something? Other options and accessories might be available on a custom order basis. Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. List Price Adder ($US) Option Code Description Models Used On Notes LIQ.002-2P Liquid-line solenoid valves 500B-800B Parallel Piped LIQ.002-3 Liquid-line solenoid valves LIQ.002-3P Outdoor Beacon II™ Outdoor Not recommended on applications with line runs more than 25 feet. Call Factory - 110B Individually Piped Not recommended on applications with line runs more than 25 feet. 2,300 - Liquid-line solenoid valves 110B Parallel Piped Not recommended on applications with line runs more than 25 feet. Call Factory - SUC.003-1 Suction-line filters 260B-440B Individually Piped - 2,407 2,407 SUC.003-1P Suction-line filters 260B-440B Parallel Piped - Call Factory - SUC.003-2 Suction-line filters 500B-800B Individually Piped - 3,083 3,083 SUC.003-2P Suction-line filters 500B-800B Parallel Piped - Call Factory - SUC.003-3 Suction-line filters 110B Individually Piped - 3,857 3,857 SUC.003-3P Suction-line filters 110B Parallel Piped - Call Factory - SUC.005-1 Replaceable core suction-line filters 260B-440B Individually Piped - 3,151 3,151 SUC.005-1P Replaceable core suction-line filters 260B-440B Parallel Piped - Standard - SUC.005-2 Replaceable core suction-line filters 500B-800B Individually Piped - 3,291 3,291 SUC.005-2P Replaceable core suction-line filters 500B-800B Parallel Piped - Standard - SUC.005-3 Replaceable core suction-line filters 110B Individually Piped - 4,114 4,114 SUC.007-1 Suction accumulators 260B-440B Individually Piped - 5,145 5,145 SUC.007-1P Suction accumulators 260B-440B Parallel Piped - Standard - SUC.007-2 Suction accumulators 500B-800B Individually Piped - 5,900 5,900 SUC.007-2P Suction accumulators 500B-800B Parallel Piped - Standard - SUC.007-3 Suction accumulators 110B Individually Piped - 7,669 7,669 SUC.007-3P Suction accumulators 110B Parallel Piped - Standard - DIS.001-1 Oil separators with discharge line check valves 260B-600B Individually Piped - 3,083 3,083 DIS.001-1P Oil separators with discharge line check valves 260B-600B Parallel Piped - Standard - DIS.001-2 Oil separators with discharge line check valves 660B-800B Individually Piped - 5,214 5,214 DIS.001-2P Oil separators with discharge line check valves 660B-800B Parallel Piped - Standard - DIS.001-3 Oil separators with discharge line check valves 110B Individually Piped - 6,259 6,259 DIS.001-3P Oil separators with discharge line check valves 110B Parallel Piped - Standard - MUF.001 Discharge mufflers All - Individually Piped - 875 875 MUF.001P Discharge mufflers All - Parallel Piped - Call Factory - DIS.002-1 Three way heat reclam valves with check valves installed 260B-400B Individually Piped - 3,184 - 2A - 104 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensing Units 26 - 100 HP Dual Compressor Need Factory-Installed Options? Factory-Installed Options • Make sure you have selected a configurable model. When ordering, remember to specify the option codes and list price adders for each selected option. • Can’t Find Something? Other options and accessories might be available on a custom order basis. Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. Description Models Used On Notes DIS.002-1P Three way heat reclam valves with check valves installed 260B-400B Parallel Piped DIS.002-2 Three way heat reclam valves with check valves installed DIS.002-2P Outdoor Beacon II™ Outdoor - Call Factory - 440B-800B Individually Piped - 4,665 - Three way heat reclam valves with check valves installed 440B-800B Parallel Piped - Call Factory - DIS.002-3 Three way heat reclam valves with check valves installed 110B Individually Piped - 5,599 - DIS.002-3P Three way heat reclam valves with check valves installed 110B Parallel Piped - Call Factory - UNL.001 Compressor Unloading - with pressure control for (1) cyl. Bank All - Individually Piped - 3,167 - UNL.001P Compressor Unloading - with pressure control for (1) cyl. Bank All - Parallel Piped - Call Factory - REC.001-1 Low Ambient kits with heated and insulated receivers and time delay relays 260B-500B Individually Piped - 4,871 4,871 REC.001-1P Low Ambient kits with heated and insulated receivers and time delay relays 260B-500B Parallel Piped - Call Factory - REC.001-2 Low Ambient kits with heated and insulated receivers and time delay relays 600B-110B Individually Piped - 6,399 6,399 REC.001-2P Low Ambient kits with heated and insulated receivers and time delay relays 600B-110B Parallel Piped - Call Factory - Coil Options CSG.PRO-1 BohnGuard™ condenser fin protection 300BM6, 260B-400BL6 - 3,131 3,131 CSG.PRO-2 BohnGuard™ condenser fin protection 400B-500BM6, 440B-600BL6 - 5,214 5,214 CSG.PRO-3 BohnGuard™ condenser fin protection 600B-700BM6, 800BL6 - 5,843 5,843 CSG.PRO-4 BohnGuard™ condenser fin protection 800B-110BM6 - 7,791 7,791 CS.ELEC-1 ElectroFin coil coating 300BM6, 260B-400BL6 - Call Factory Call Factory CS.ELEC-2 ElectroFin coil coating 400B-500BM6, 440B-600BL6 - Call Factory Call Factory CS.ELEC-3 ElectroFin coil coating 600B-700BM6, 800BL6 - Call Factory Call Factory CS.ELEC-4 ElectroFin coil coating 800B-110BM6 - Call Factory Call Factory CSB.CPR-1 Copper condenser fins 300BM6, 260B-400BL6 - Call Factory Call Factory CSB.CPR-2 Copper condenser fins 400B-500BM6, 440B-600BL6 - Call Factory Call Factory CSB.CPR-3 Copper condenser fins 600B-700BM6, 800BL6 - Call Factory Call Factory CSB.CPR-4 Copper condenser fins 800B-110BM6 - Call Factory Call Factory CS.BRZ-1 Bronz-Glow coil coating 300BM6, 260B-400BL6 - Call Factory Call Factory CS.BRZ-2 Bronz-Glow coil coating 400B-500BM6, 440B-600BL6 - Call Factory Call Factory CS.BRZ-3 Bronz-Glow coil coating 600B-700BM6, 800BL6 - Call Factory Call Factory CS.BRZ-4 Bronz-Glow coil coating 800B-110BM6 - Call Factory Call Factory Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2A - 105 Section 2 List Price Adder ($US) Option Code Air-Cooled Condensing Units 26 - 100 HP Dual Compressor Need an electric defrost kit? Factory-Installed Electric Defrost Options • Make sure you have selected a configurable model. When ordering, remember to specify the option codes and list price adders for each selected option. • Electric defrost kits and components are available to be factory mounted in the electrical box of indoor or outdoor condensing units used in medium/ low temp applications with electric defrost evaporators. Section 2 Selecting the proper kit is as easy as … 1 2 3 Option Code Add up the total fan motor amps and electric heater amps for all evaporators in the refrigeration system. For the selected condensing unit, contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer to find out the rated defrost power amps for both the fan motor amps and electric heater amps. The condensing unit data plate ratings are based on the actual system match. Your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer will help you select the proper electric defrost kit and components. Definitions Electric Defrost Timer Initiates and terminates defrost cycles based on a predetermined time schedule. Lockout Relay Prevents the electric defrost heaters from energizing when the compressor is in operation. Evaporator Hold Out Relay Allows each evaporator to individually terminate defrost on temperature when multiple evaporators are used in a single system. Fan Contactor Carries amperage load for evaporator fan motors. Heater Contactor Carries amperage load for evaporator electric defrost heaters. InterLink™ Smart Defrost Kit™ (SDK) The InterLink™ SDK is a revolutionary product that is designed to be used on any electric defrost walk-in freezer system with an electro-mechanical defrost timer set for three or more scheduled defrosts per day. The InterLink™ SDK accurately estimates frost accumulation on the evaporator coil and decides if it can skip the preprogrammed defrost period that is set on the defrost timer. This helps eliminate unneeded defrost cycles, saving energy and increasing product integrity Description Models Used On Notes Electric Defrost Kit for system with one evaporator per compressor circuit Electric Defrost Kit for system with one evaporator per compressor circuit Electric Defrost Kit for system with one evaporator per compressor circuit Electric Defrost Kit for system with two evaporators per compressor circuit Electric Defrost Kit for system with two evaporators per compressor circuit Electric Defrost Kit for system with two evaporators per compressor circuit 300B-400BM6 (230V) Individually Piped 260B-440BL6 (230V) Individually Piped All Models (460V) Individually Piped 300B-400BM6 (230V) Parallel Piped 260B-440BL6 (230V) Parallel Piped All Models (460V) Parallel Piped SDK.001 InterLink™ Smart Defrost Kit™ All - Individually Piped SDK.001P InterLink™ Smart Defrost Kit™ All - Parallel Piped Includes (1) electric defrost timer, (1) heater & (1) fan contactors, terminal strip, and fusing. 48 amp maximum heater load per heater contactor. Includes (1) electric defrost timer, (1) heater & (1) fan contactors, terminal strip, and fusing. 48 amp maximum heater load per heater contactor. Includes (1) electric defrost timer, (1) heater & (1) fan contactors, terminal strip, and fusing. 48 amp maximum heater load per heater contactor. Includes (1) electric defrost timer, (2) heater & (1) fan contactors, terminal strip, and fusing. 48 amp maximum heater load per heater contactor. Includes (1) electric defrost timer, (2) heater & (1) fan contactors, terminal strip, and fusing. 48 amp maximum heater load per heater contactor. Includes (1) electric defrost timer, (2) heater & (1) fan contactors, terminal strip, and fusing. 48 amp maximum heater load per heater contactor. Can not be used alone. Must also select a electric defrost timer or electric defrost kit. Can not be used alone. Must also select a electric defrost timer or electric defrost kit. DFT.016-1 DFT.016P DFT.016-2 DFT.013-1 DFT.013P DFT.013-2 2A - 106 440B-110BM6 (230V) 500B-800BL6 (230V) 300B-600BM6 (230V) Individually Piped All L6 Models (230V) Individually Piped All Models (460V) Individually Piped 300B-600BM6 (230V) Parallel Piped All L6 Models (230V) Parallel Piped All Models (460V) Parallel Piped 660B-110BM6 (230V) List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. List Price Adder ($US) Outdoor 4,275 Call Factory Call Factory 7,292 Call Factory Call Factory 1,623 Call Factory Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensing Units Shipped-Loose Accessories 26 - 100 HP Dual Compressor A wide range of shipped-loose accessories are available to order. Can’t Find Something? Other options and accessories might be available on a custom order basis. Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. Part Number Description Models Used On Notes List Price ($US) InterLink™ Smart Defrost Kit™ All - Individually Piped Can not be used alone. Must be used with a electric defrost timer or electric defrost kit. Can not be used with Beacon II. 1,624 Electrical Options 22681501D Crankcase Pressure Regulator (CPR) Valves A selection program must be used to pick the proper valve. The selection program requires the following inputs: system capacity, suction temperature, and maximum holding temperature. Must have one valve per compressor. Not available for use on Beacon II™ Outdoor units. Should not be used with MOP type expansion valves in unit coolers. Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. Size Part Number List Price ($US) 29346101 374 29399012 549 1 3/8” 4227W 1,501 1 5/8” 4262Q 2,349 2 1/8” 29399089 2,693 2 5/8” 29314001 6,095 Section 2 7/8” 1 1/8” Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2A - 107 Section 2 Air-Cooled Condensing Units 2A - 108 Page left blank intentionally. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Water-Cooled Condensing Units ½ - 6 HP Overview Cabinet & Construction • Component location and unit size are optimized for easy field replacement and space limited applications Serviceability • Large electrical box allows easy service and installation of additional components • A pump-down switch is provided on all models for easy field servicing • Color-coded wire harnesses are labeled and coded for easy identification • Suction line rotolock service valve is provided on the compressor for service • An additional shut-off valve is mounted in the discharge line of the compressor for quick and easy compressor isolation Quality The 1/2 through 6 HP water cooled condensing unit product line features hermetic and scroll® compressors. These condensing units’ component selection, location, base and unit dimensions are all optimized for easy field replacement or installation in new applications where space is limited. The electrical box is designed with extra space for easier servicing. The area is large enough to accommodate circuit breakers, compressor contactors, time clocks and all start components in one enclosure. Standard features include: compressor isolation valves that enable service technicicans to isolate the compressor for service and an oversized receiver which provides total refrigerant pump down. These products are ideal for units requiring long runs. Components • Features Copeland hermetic and Scroll® compressors • Compressors are mounted with vibration eliminating rubber grommets • All units come standard with a water regulating valve for superior head pressure control • Oversized receiver with liquid shut-off valve is provided for installations with long refrigerant lines Certifications Nomenclature Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2B - 1 Section 2 Product Description: • Sight glass (optional) is easily viewable • Every unit is subjected to a helium leak test to ensure the unit is leak free • Shipped with nitrogen holding charge to enable installer to verify unit is leakfree upon arrival • Every unit is run-tested and cycled on both the high and low pressure controls • All electrical circuits are also tested for functional integrity Water-Cooled Condensing Units ½ - 6 HP Performance Data Models with Hermetic Compressors Capacity rating conditions: 85°F Entering Water, 105°F Condensing Temperature for X6/L6/H2 models and 110°F Condensing Temperature for H6 models, 20°F ITD, 0°F Subcooling. (ITD = Condensing temperature – entering condenser water temperature) BTUH = British Thermal Units (All capacities are rated at 60 Hz operation) GPM = Gallons per minute (Water flow rate) PSI = Pounds per Square Inch (Water pressure drop through Condenser) Bohn Base Model Compressor Suction Temp. °F Capacity Ratings BTUH GPM PSI High Temperature (R-404A/507) Section 2 HWN005H6 RST45C1E 40°F 8,160 1.5 1.2 Capacity Ratings Bohn Base Model Compressor Suction Temp. °F HWN010X6 RS70C1E 0°F 5,200 1.1 0.9 HWN010X6 RS70C1E -10°F 3,770 0.4 0.3 BTUH GPM PSI HWN005H6 RST45C1E 35°F 7,370 1.3 1.0 HWN010X6 RS70C1E -20°F 2,335 0.3 0.3 HWN009H6 RST64C1E 40°F 12,310 2.1 2.6 HWN010X6 RS70C1E -25°F 1,600 0.3 0.3 HWN009H6 RST64C1E 35°F 11,190 1.8 2.1 HWN015X6 CS10K6E 30°F 16,300 4.8 3.1 HWN010H6 RS70C1E 40°F 13,900 2.3 2.9 HWN015X6 CS10K6E 20°F 12,900 3.3 1.6 HWN010H6 RS70C1E 35°F 12,430 2.0 2.3 HWN015X6 CS10K6E 10°F 9,710 2.3 0.9 HWN015H6 CS10K6E 40°F 20,830 3.9 2.2 HWN015X6 CS10K6E 0°F 6,930 1.5 0.5 HWN015X6 CS10K6E -10°F 4,580 1.0 0.4 HWN015H6 CS10K6E 35°F 18,510 3.3 1.6 HWN025H6 CS14K6E 40°F 27,910 5.7 4.2 HWN015X6 CS10K6E -20°F 2,815 0.8 0.3 HWN025H6 CS14K6E 35°F 25,060 4.8 3.2 HWN015X6 CS10K6E -25°F 2,000 0.6 0.2 HWN032H6 CS20K6E 40°F 40,790 6.8 3.7 HWN020X6 CS12K6E 30°F 19,200 6.6 4.3 HWN032H6 CS20K6E 35°F 36,490 5.6 2.7 HWN020X6 CS12K6E 20°F 15,100 4.3 2.6 HWN040H6 CS27K6E 40°F 53,600 12.8 11.3 HWN020X6 CS12K6E 10°F 11,490 2.8 1.2 HWN040H6 CS27K6E 35°F 48,220 10.3 7.5 HWN020X6 CS12K6E 0°F 8,340 1.8 0.6 HWN050H6 CS33K6E 40°F 59,150 10.3 3.8 HWN020X6 CS12K6E -10°F 5,670 1.6 0.5 HWN050H6 CS33K6E 35°F 53,250 8.7 2.8 HWN020X6 CS12K6E -20°F 3,615 0.9 0.4 HWN020X6 CS12K6E -25°F 2,650 0.8 0.4 1.4 HWN025X6 CS14K6E 30°F 21,800 7.2 6.6 4.2 Extended Temperature (R-404A/507) HWN005X6 RST45C1E 30°F 6,480 1.6 HWN005X6 RST45C1E 20°F 5,270 1.2 0.9 HWN025X6 CS14K6E 20°F 17,500 4.7 HWN005X6 RST45C1E 10°F 4,220 0.9 0.5 HWN025X6 CS14K6E 10°F 13,630 3.2 1.7 HWN025X6 CS14K6E 0°F 10,140 1.8 0.8 HWN005X6 RST45C1E 0°F 3,290 0.7 0.3 HWN005X6 RST45C1E -10°F 2,460 0.4 0.2 HWN025X6 CS14K6E -10°F 7,160 1.1 0.5 HWN005X6 RST45C1E -20°F 1,665 0.2 0.2 HWN025X6 CS14K6E -20°F 4,900 0.5 0.2 HWN005X6 RST45C1E -25°F 1,280 0.2 0.2 HWN025X6 CS14K6E -25°F 3,840 0.2 0.1 HWN008X6 RST55C1E 30°F 7,950 2.6 3.0 HWN030X6 CS18K6E 30°F 28,300 10.5 10.4 HWN008X6 RST55C1E 20°F 6,460 1.9 1.7 HWN030X6 CS18K6E 20°F 22,700 8.0 8.0 HWN008X6 RST55C1E 10°F 5,140 1.4 1.1 HWN030X6 CS18K6E 10°F 17,400 4.9 3.3 HWN030X6 CS18K6E 0°F 12,600 2.9 1.4 HWN008X6 RST55C1E 0°F 4,010 1.0 0.6 HWN008X6 RST55C1E -10°F 3,070 0.7 0.4 HWN030X6 CS18K6E -10°F 8,570 1.5 0.6 HWN008X6 RST55C1E -20°F 2,340 0.5 0.3 HWN030X6 CS18K6E -20°F 5,825 0.9 0.4 HWN008X6 RST55C1E -25°F 2,060 0.4 0.2 HWN030X6 CS18K6E -25°F 4,590 0.5 0.2 6.6 HWN009X6 RST64C1E 30°F 9,620 2.4 3.2 HWN032X6 CS20K6E 30°F 34,000 9.5 HWN009X6 RST64C1E 20°F 7,870 1.8 2.1 HWN032X6 CS20K6E 20°F 25,600 5.0 2.2 HWN032X6 CS20K6E 10°F 19,220 2.6 1.1 HWN009X6 RST64C1E 10°F 6,320 1.4 1.3 HWN009X6 RST64C1E 0°F 4,970 0.9 0.7 HWN032X6 CS20K6E 0°F 14,210 1.8 0.8 HWN009X6 RST64C1E -10°F 3,820 0.5 0.3 HWN032X6 CS20K6E -10°F 10,110 1.3 0.6 HWN009X6 RST64C1E -20°F 2,880 0.2 0.2 HWN032X6 CS20K6E -20°F 6,505 0.8 0.4 HWN032X6 CS20K6E -25°F 4,650 0.5 0.2 13.6 HWN009X6 RST64C1E -25°F 2,480 0.2 0.2 HWN010X6 RS70C1E 30°F 11,200 2.7 3.9 HWN040X6 CS27K6E 30°F 40,740 15.0 HWN010X6 RS70C1E 20°F 8,700 1.8 2.1 HWN040X6 CS27K6E 20°F 31,622 10.8 8.1 1.5 HWN040X6 CS27K6E 10°F 23,901 5.5 2.6 HWN010X6 2B - 2 RS70C1E 10°F 6,800 1.5 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Water-Cooled Condensing Units ½ - 6 HP Performance Data Models with Hermetic Compressors Capacity rating conditions: 85°F Entering Water, 105°F Condensing Temperature for X6/L6/H2 models and 110°F Condensing Temperature for H6 models, 20°F ITD, 0°F Subcooling. (ITD = Condensing temperature – entering condenser water temperature) BTUH = British Thermal Units (All capacities are rated at 60 Hz operation) GPM = Gallons per minute (Water flow rate) PSI = Pounds per Square Inch (Water pressure drop through Condenser) Compressor Suction Temp. °F HWN040X6 CS27K6E 0°F HWN040X6 CS27K6E -10°F Capacity Ratings Capacity Ratings BTUH GPM PSI Bohn Base Model Compressor Suction Temp. °F 17,547 2.7 1.2 HWN005H2 ART82C1-CAV 20°F 5,390 1.3 1.0 12,406 1.8 0.8 HWN005H2 ART82C1-CAV 10°F 4,220 1.0 0.6 0.4 BTUH GPM PSI HWN040X6 CS27K6E -20°F 8,628 1.3 0.6 HWN005H2 ART82C1-CAV 0°F 3,220 0.7 HWN040X6 CS27K6E -25°F 6,819 0.8 0.4 HWN008H2 RS64C2 40°F 11,990 2.7 2.7 HWN050X6 CS33K6E 30°F 48,684 13.6 6.2 HWN008H2 RS64C2 30°F 9,820 2.1 1.6 HWN050X6 CS33K6E 20°F 37,733 9.0 3.0 HWN008H2 RS64C2 20°F 7,500 1.5 1.0 HWN050X6 CS33K6E 10°F 28,838 6.2 1.6 HWN008H2 RS64C2 10°F 5,530 1.1 0.6 HWN050X6 CS33K6E 0°F 21,505 4.5 1.0 HWN008H2 RS64C2 0°F 3,840 0.6 0.4 HWN050X6 CS33K6E -10°F 15,433 3.1 0.7 HWN010H2 RS70C1 40°F 14,280 3.8 6.8 HWN050X6 CS33K6E -20°F 10,515 2.1 0.1 HWN010H2 RS70C1 30°F 11,350 2.7 4.1 HWN050X6 CS33K6E -25°F 8,100 1.3 0.1 HWN010H2 RS70C1 20°F 8,810 1.8 2.1 HWN010H2 RS70C1 10°F 6,600 1.3 1.2 0.4 Low Temperature (R-404A/507) HWN011L6 CF04K6E 10°F 10,680 6.0 7.4 HWN010H2 RS70C1 0°F 4,550 0.5 HWN011L6 CF04K6E 0°F 7,590 3.0 3.7 HWN015H2 CR18KQ 40°F 19,100 6.1 4.0 HWN011L6 CF04K6E -10°F 5,310 1.6 1.4 HWN015H2 CR18KQ 30°F 14,860 3.7 2.0 HWN011L6 CF04K6E -20°F 3,570 1.0 0.6 HWN015H2 CR18KQ 20°F 11,240 2.6 1.1 HWN011L6 CF04K6E -25°F 2,810 0.7 0.4 HWN015H2 CR18KQ 10°F 8,190 1.8 0.6 HWN011L6 CF04K6E -30°F 2,080 0.5 0.2 HWN015H2 CR18KQ 0°F 5,700 1.5 0.5 HWN014L6 CF06K6E 10°F 15,070 5.0 8.0 HWN020H2 CR24KQ 40°F 25,100 8.0 8.0 HWN014L6 CF06K6E 0°F 11,780 4.0 7.4 HWN020H2 CR24KQ 30°F 19,190 4.9 3.3 HWN014L6 CF06K6E -10°F 8,700 2.5 3.4 HWN020H2 CR24KQ 20°F 14,330 3.2 1.7 HWN014L6 CF06K6E -20°F 5,990 1.5 1.5 HWN020H2 CR24KQ 10°F 10,330 1.8 0.8 HWN014L6 CF06K6E -25°F 4,810 1.3 1.2 HWN020H2 CR24KQ 0°F 7,120 1.1 0.5 HWN014L6 CF06K6E -30°F 3,770 1.0 0.8 HWN030H2 CR37KQ 40°F 41,470 13.0 9.9 HWN025L6 CF09K6E 10°F 21,970 8.5 8.5 HWN030H2 CR37KQ 30°F 31,640 6.8 3.7 CR37KQ 20°F 23,660 4.2 1.8 HWN025L6 CF09K6E 0°F 17,060 5.8 4.4 HWN030H2 HWN025L6 CF09K6E -10°F 12,590 3.5 2.0 HWN030H2 CR37KQ 10°F 17,140 2.0 0.9 HWN025L6 CF09K6E -20°F 8,720 2.0 0.8 HWN030H2 CR37KQ 0°F 11,950 1.4 0.6 HWN025L6 CF09K6E -25°F 7,040 1.5 0.6 HWN040H2 CR53KQ 40°F 56,820 18.0 12.7 HWN025L6 CF09K6E -30°F 5,560 1.0 0.2 HWN040H2 CR53KQ 30°F 44,620 12.0 6.7 HWN031L6 CF12K6E 10°F 27,140 11.0 12.0 HWN040H2 CR53KQ 20°F 33,740 7.5 3.0 HWN031L6 CF12K6E 0°F 21,180 9.5 9.8 HWN040H2 CR53KQ 10°F 23,880 5.8 2.2 HWN031L6 CF12K6E -10°F 16,060 5.75 4.4 HWN040H2 CR53KQ 0°F 14,850 5.1 1.9 HWN031L6 CF12K6E -20°F 11,570 3.4 1.9 HWN050H2 CRN5-0500 40°F 64,890 12.0 13.1 HWN031L6 CF12K6E -25°F 9,510 2.5 1.2 HWN050H2 CRN5-0500 30°F 51,570 13.5 6.1 HWN050H2 CRN5-0500 20°F 40,460 9.0 3.0 HWN050H2 CRN5-0500 10°F 30,630 6.1 1.5 HWN050H2 CRN5-0500 0°F 21,510 4.0 0.9 HWN031L6 CF12K6E -30°F 7,550 1.25 0.6 Medium & High Temperature (R-22) HWN005H2 ART82C1-CAV 40°F 8,760 3.0 2.7 HWN005H2 ART82C1-CAV 30°F 6,860 1.8 1.6 Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Section 2 Bohn Base Model 2B - 3 Water-Cooled Condensing Units ½ - 6 HP Performance Data Models with Scroll Compressors Capacity rating conditions: 85°F Entering Water, 105°F Condensing Temperature, 20°F ITD, 0°F Subcooling. (ITD = Condensing temperature – entering condenser water temperature) BTUH = British Thermal Units (All capacities are rated at 60 Hz operation) GPM = Gallons per minute (Water flow rate) PSI = Pounds per Square Inch (Water pressure drop through Condenser) Bohn Base Model Compressor Suction Temp. °F Capacity Ratings BTUH GPM PSI Section 2 Extended Temperature (R-404A/507) Capacity Ratings Bohn Base Model Compressor Suction Temp. °F BTUH GPM PSI ZWN060X6 ZS45K4E 10°F 41,850 9.0 2.0 ZWN030X6 ZS21K4E 40°F 35,200 10.8 8.4 ZWN060X6 ZS45K4E 0°F 34,160 6.9 1.2 ZWN030X6 ZS21K4E 30°F 29,310 6.8 3.7 ZWN060X6 ZS45K4E -10°F 27,360 5.0 1.2 ZWN030X6 ZS21K4E 20°F 24,110 4.4 1.8 ZWN060X6 ZS45K4E -20°F 21,820 3.3 0.8 ZWN030X6 ZS21K4E 10°F 19,740 2.7 1.2 ZWN060X6 ZS45K4E -25°F 19,220 3.1 0.8 ZWN030X6 ZS21K4E 0°F 16,070 2.0 0.9 ZWN030X6 ZS21K4E -10°F 12,840 1.6 0.7 ZWN030L6 ZF09K4E 0°F 16,300 6.5 4.1 ZWN030X6 ZS21K4E -20°F 10,230 1.3 0.6 ZWN030L6 ZF09K4E -10°F 13,200 4.3 2.6 ZWN030X6 ZS21K4E -25°F 9,010 1.2 0.6 ZWN030L6 ZF09K4E -20°F 10,500 3.0 1.3 Low Temperature (R-404A/507) ZWN035X6 ZS26K4E 40°F 43,650 12.0 6.7 ZWN030L6 ZF09K4E -25°F 9,300 2.6 1.1 ZWN035X6 ZS26K4E 30°F 36,400 8.8 3.9 ZWN030L6 ZF09K4E -30°F 8,270 2.3 0.9 ZWN035X6 ZS26K4E 20°F 29,950 6.8 2.6 ZWN030L6 ZF09K4E -40°F 6,380 1.8 0.6 ZWN035X6 ZS26K4E 10°F 24,490 6.0 2.3 ZWN035L6 ZF11K4E 0°F 20,200 7.5 7.1 ZWN035X6 ZS26K4E 0°F 19,930 5.6 2.1 ZWN035L6 ZF11K4E -10°F 16,200 5.2 3.6 ZWN035X6 ZS26K4E -10°F 15,910 5.2 1.9 ZWN035L6 ZF11K4E -20°F 12,900 4.7 3.1 ZWN035X6 ZS26K4E -20°F 12,740 5.1 1.9 ZWN035L6 ZF11K4E -25°F 11,500 3.2 1.7 ZWN035X6 ZS26K4E -25°F 11,270 4.6 1.9 ZWN035L6 ZF11K4E -30°F 10,170 2.7 1.3 ZWN045X6 ZS30K4E 40°F 50,100 15.1 9.8 ZWN035L6 ZF11K4E -40°F 7,900 1.9 0.8 ZWN045X6 ZS30K4E 30°F 42,320 11.9 6.6 ZWN045L6 ZF13K4E 0°F 23,800 10.1 10.0 ZWN045X6 ZS30K4E 20°F 35,030 8.5 3.7 ZWN045L6 ZF13K4E -10°F 19,100 8.0 8.0 ZWN045X6 ZS30K4E 10°F 28,480 6.8 2.6 ZWN045L6 ZF13K4E -20°F 15,000 5.2 3.6 ZWN045X6 ZS30K4E 0°F 22,870 5.8 2.1 ZWN045L6 ZF13K4E -25°F 13,200 4.5 2.9 ZWN045X6 ZS30K4E -10°F 17,960 5.5 2.0 ZWN045L6 ZF13K4E -30°F 11,480 3.6 2.1 ZWN045X6 ZS30K4E -20°F 14,390 5.2 1.9 ZWN045L6 ZF13K4E -40°F 8,570 2.6 1.2 ZWN045X6 ZS30K4E -25°F 12,810 5.1 1.9 ZWN055L6 ZF15K4E 0°F 28,900 11.3 12.3 ZWN055X6 ZS38K4E 40°F 62,350 21.0 13.1 ZWN055L6 ZF15K4E -10°F 23,300 9.0 8.6 ZWN055X6 ZS38K4E 30°F 51,980 14.5 7.0 ZWN055L6 ZF15K4E -20°F 18,500 6.3 4.7 ZWN055X6 ZS38K4E 20°F 42,780 10.3 3.8 ZWN055L6 ZF15K4E -25°F 16,400 5.5 3.8 ZWN055X6 ZS38K4E 10°F 34,970 7.5 2.2 ZWN055L6 ZF15K4E -30°F 14,480 4.3 2.6 ZWN055X6 ZS38K4E 0°F 28,420 5.8 1.1 ZWN055L6 ZF15K4E -40°F 11,080 2.9 1.5 ZWN055X6 ZS38K4E -10°F 22,640 4.8 1.0 ZWN060L6 ZF18K4E 0°F 34,500 13.1 11.1 ZWN055X6 ZS38K4E -20°F 18,050 3.4 0.6 ZWN060L6 ZF18K4E -10°F 27,700 9.0 6.0 ZWN055X6 ZS38K4E -25°F 15,920 3.1 0.5 ZWN060L6 ZF18K4E -20°F 22,000 5.5 2.6 ZWN060X6 ZS45K4E 40°F 74,750 23.9 10.1 ZWN060L6 ZF18K4E -25°F 19,500 4.5 2.1 ZWN060X6 ZS45K4E 30°F 62,130 17.7 6.8 ZWN060L6 ZF18K4E -30°F 17,260 4.2 1.8 ZWN060X6 ZS45K4E 20°F 51,090 12.6 3.7 ZWN060L6 ZF18K4E -40°F 13,260 2.5 1.1 2B - 4 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Water-Cooled Condensing Units ½ - 6 HP Unit Specifications Models with Hermetic Compressors ODS = Outside Diameter Sweat; FPT = Female Pipe Thread; MPT = Male Pipe Thread Bohn Base Model Connections (in.) Dimensions Receiver Approx. Compressor Suction Liquid Water In Water Out 90% Full Depth Width Height Net Weight (lbs.) (lbs.) (ODS) (ODS) (FPT) (MPT) (in.) (in.) (in.) High Temperature (R-404A/507) HWN005H6 RST45C1E 1/2 3/8 1/2 1/2 5.5 22 14 17 98 HWN009H6 RST64C1E 5/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 5.5 22 14 17 103 HWN010H6 RS70C1E 5/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 5.5 22 14 17 107 HWN015H6 CS10K6E 5/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 9 27 22 21 148 HWN025H6 CS14K6E 7/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 9 27 22 21 152 HWN032H6 CS20K6E 7/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 20 27 22 28 182 HWN040H6 CS27K6E 7/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 20 29 25 28 183 HWN050H6 CS33K6E 7/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 20 29 25 28 207 HWN005X6 RST45C1E 1/2 3/8 1/2 1/2 5.5 22 14 17 98 HWN008X6 RST55C1E 1/2 3/8 1/2 1/2 5.5 22 14 17 98 HWN009X6 RST64C1E 5/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 5.5 22 14 17 103 HWN010X6 RS70C1E 5/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 5.5 22 14 17 107 HWN015X6 CS10K6E 5/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 9 27 22 21 148 HWN020X6 CS12K6E 7/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 9 27 22 21 148 HWN025X6 CS14K6E 7/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 9 27 22 21 152 HWN030X6 CS18K6E 7/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 20 27 22 28 172 HWN032X6 CS20K6E 7/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 20 27 22 28 182 HWN040X6 CS27K6E 7/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 20 29 25 28 183 HWN050X6 CS33K6E 7/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 20 29 25 28 207 Section 2 Extended Temperature (R-404A/507) Low Temperature (R-404A/507) HWN011L6 CF04K6E 5/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 9 27 22 21 114 HWN014L6 CF06K6E 5/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 9 27 22 21 114 HWN025L6 CF09K6E 5/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 9 27 22 21 120 HWN031L6 CF12K6E 7/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 20 27 22 21 136 3/8 1/2 1/2 6 22 14 17 77 Medium & High Temperature (R-22) HWN005H2 ART82C1-CAV 1/2 HWN008H2 RS64C2 1/2 3/8 1/2 1/2 6 22 14 17 92 HWN010H2 RS70C1 5/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 6 22 14 17 91 HWN015H2 CR18KQ 5/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 10 27 22 21 136 HWN020H2 CR24KQ 5/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 10 27 22 21 141 HWN030H2 CR37KQ 7/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 22 29 25 28 174 HWN040H2 CR53KQ 7/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 22 29 25 28 196 HWN050H2 CRN5-0500 7/8 1/2 3/4 3/4 22 29 25 28 221 Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2B - 5 Water-Cooled Condensing Units ½ - 6 HP Unit Specifications Models with Scroll Compressors ODS = Outside Diameter Sweat; FPT = Female Pipe Thread; MPT = Male Pipe Thread Bohn Base Model Connections (in.) Compressor Suction Liquid Water In Water Out (ODS) (ODS) (FPT) (MPT) Dimensions Approx. Depth Width Height Net Weight (lbs.) (in.) (in.) (in.) Receiver 90% Full (lbs.) Extended Temperature (R-404A/507) ZWN030X6 ZS21K4E 7/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 20.0 29 25 28 171 ZWN035X6 ZS26K4E 7/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 20.0 29 25 28 186 ZWN045X6 ZS30K4E 7/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 20.0 29 25 28 207 ZWN055X6 ZS38K4E 7/8 1/2 3/4 3/4 20.0 29 25 28 226 ZWN060X6 ZS45K4E 7/8 1/2 3/7 3/4 20.0 29 25 28 241 1/2 1/2 1/2 20.0 27 22 28 159 Low Temperature (R-404A/507) ZWN030L6 ZF09K4E 7/8 ZWN035L6 ZF11K4E 7/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 20.0 27 22 28 165 ZWN045L6 ZF13K4E 7/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 20.0 27 22 28 185 ZWN055L6 ZF15K4E 7/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 20.0 27 22 28 201 ZWN060L6 ZF18K4E 7/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 20.0 29 25 28 207 Section 2 ½ - 6 HP Electrical Data Models with Hermetic Compressors Consult factory for 50 HZ applications. Per UL and NEC, RLA values have been calculated by dividing the Maximum Continuous Current (MCC) by 1.56. Bohn Base Model Compressor P/N Voltage Compressor Air Defrost RLA LRA MCA 4.5 26.5 15.0 Electric Defrost MOPD MCA MOPD Evap. Fans Elec. Htrs High Temperature (R-404A/507) HWN005H6B RST45C1E-CAV 208-230/1/60 HWN009H6B RST64C1E-CAV 208-230/1/60 7.6 43.0 HWN010H6B RS70C1E-PFV 208-230/1/60 6.9 34.2 15 - - - - 15.0 15 - - - - 15.0 15 - - - - HWN010H6C RS70C1E-TFC 208-230/3/60 4.7 31.0 15.0 15 - - - - HWN015H6B CS10K6E-PFV 208-230/1/60 11.1 56.0 15.0 25 - - - - HWN015H6C CS10K6E-TF5 208-230/3/60 7.2 51.0 15.0 15 - - - - HWN025H6B CS14K6E-PFV 208-230/1/60 12.4 61.0 20.0 25 - - - - HWN025H6C CS14K6E-TF5 208-230/3/60 8.5 55.0 15.0 15 - - - - HWN032H6B CS20K6E-PFV 208-230/1/60 17.9 96.0 22.4 40 - - - - HWN032H6C CS20K6E-TF5 208-230/3/60 133.0 75.0 20.0 30 - - - - HWN040H6K CS27K6E-TF5 230/3/60 14.1 105.0 20.0 30 - - - - HWN050H6K CS33K6E-TF5 230/3/60 16.5 102.0 20.7 35 - - - - Extended Temperature (R-404A/507) HWN005X6B RST45C1E-CAV 208-230/1/60 4.6 26.5 15.0 15 20.0 20 15 8 HWN008X6B RST55C1E-CAV 208-230/1/60 6.1 33.7 15.0 15 20.0 20 15 8 HWN009X6B RST64C1E-CAV 208-230/1/60 8.0 43.0 15.0 15 20.0 20 15 6 HWN010X6B RS0C1E-PFV 208-230/1/60 6.3 34.2 15.0 15 20.0 20 15 7 HWN010X6C RS70C1E-TFC 208-230/3/60 4.2 31.0 15.0 15 20.0 20 15 8.6 HWN015X6B CS10K6E-PFV 208-230/1/60 9.8 56.0 15.0 20 24.0 25 19 6 HWN015X6C CS10K6E-TF5 208-230/3/60 6.7 51.0 15.0 15 20.0 20 15 7 HWN020X6B CS12K6E-PFV 208-230/1/60 9.8 56.0 15.0 20 24.0 25 19 6 2B - 6 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Water-Cooled Condensing Units Electrical Data ½ - 6 HP Models with Hermetic Compressors Consult factory for 50 HZ applications. Per UL and NEC, RLA values have been calculated by dividing the Maximum Continuous Current (MCC) by 1.56. Compressor P/N Voltage Compressor RLA LRA Air Defrost MCA Electric Defrost MOPD MCA MOPD Evap. Fans Elec. Htrs HWN020X6C CS12K6E-TF5 208-230/3/60 6.7 51.0 15.0 15 25.0 25 19 9 HWN025X6B CS14K6E-PFV 208-230/1/60 11.2 61.0 15.0 20 29.0 30 23 6 HWN025X6C CS14K6E-TF5 208-230/3/60 8.2 55.0 15.0 15 24.0 25 19 9 HWN025X6D CS14K6E-TFD 460/3/60 4.2 28.0 15.0 15 20.0 20 15 8.3 HWN030X6B CS18K6E-PFV 208-230/1/60 14.4 82.0 18.0 30 38.0 40 30 12 HWN030X6C CS18K6E-TF5 208-230/3/60 9.4 65.5 15.0 20 29.0 30 23 7 HWN030X6D CS18K6E-TFD 460/3/60 3.9 33.0 15.0 15 24.0 25 10 19 HWN032X6B CS20K6E-PFV 208-230/1/60 16.7 96.0 21.0 30 38.0 50 30 12 HWN032X6C CS20K6E-TF5 208-230/3/60 10.3 75.0 15.0 20 29.0 30 23 7 HWN032X6D CS20K6E-TFD 460/3/60 4.6 40.0 15.0 15 24.0 25 19 10 HWN040X6B CS27K6E-PFV 208-230/1/60 21.5 121.0 27.0 45 44.0 60 35 12 HWN040X6C CS27K6E-TF5 208-230/3/60 13.7 105.0 20.0 30 38.0 40 30 12 HWN040X6D CS27K6E-TFD 460/3/60 7.6 52.0 15.0 15 29.0 30 23 11 HWN050X6B CS33K6E-PFV 208-230/1/60 27.6 1250.0 35.0 50 59.0 60 47 12 HWN050X6C CS33K6E-TFC 208-230/3/60 16.8 102.0 21.0 35 38.0 45 30 12 HWN050X6D CS33K6E-TFD 460/3/60 8.8 48.0 15.0 15 29.0 30 23 10 Section 2 Bohn Base Model Low Temperature (R-404A/507) HWN011L6B CF04K6E-PFV 208-230/1/60 9.6 59.2 15.0 15 20.0 20 15 8 HWN011L6C CF04K6E-TF5 208-230/3/60 6.4 52.0 15.0 15 20.0 20 15 8 HWN014L6B CF06K6E-PFV 208-230/1/60 11.4 59.2 15.0 20 20.0 25 23 4 HWN014L6C CF06K6E-TF5 208-230/3/60 7.0 52.0 15.0 15 20.0 20 19 9 6 HWN025L6B CF09K6E-PFV 208-230/1/60 16.7 87.0 20.0 30 25.0 35 30 HWN025L6C CF09K6E-TF5 208-230/3/60 10.2 72.2 15.0 20 20.0 25 19 7 HWN031L6B CF12K6E-PFV 208-230/1/60 19.0 105.0 21.0 35 38.0 50 30 12 HWN031L6C CR12K6E-TF5 208-230/3/60 11.9 85.0 15.0 20 29.0 30 23 7 HWN031L6D CF12K6E-TFD 460/3/60 5.9 42.0 15.0 15 24.0 25 19 10 Medium & High Temperature (R-22) HWN005H2B ART82C1-CAV 208-230/1/60 5.9 30.0 15.0 15 20.0 20 15 8 HWN008H2B RS64C2-PAV 208-230/1/60 6.9 37.0 15.0 15 20.0 20 15 8 HWN010H2B RS70C1-PFV 208-230/1/60 6.3 34.2 15.0 15 20.0 20 15 7 HWN010H2C RS70C1-TFC 208-230/3/60 4.2 31.0 15.0 15 20.0 20 15 8.6 HWN015H2B CR18KQ-PFV 208-230/1/60 8.1 47.0 15.0 15 24.0 25 19 6 HWN015H2C CR18KQ-TF5 208-230/3/60 4.9 40.0 15.0 15 24.0 25 19 7 HWN015H2D CR18KQ-TFD 460/3/60 2.8 23.0 15.0 15 20.0 20 15 9 6 HWN020H2B CR24KQ-PFV 208-230/1/60 12.2 70.5 20.0 25 29.0 30 23 HWN020H2C CR24KQ-TF5 208-230/3/60 6.7 40.0 15.0 15 24.0 25 19 9 HWN020H2D CR24KQ-TFD 460/3/60 3.6 28.0 15.0 15 20.0 20 15 8.5 HWN030H2B CR37KQ-PFV 208-230/1/60 16.7 100.3 21.0 35 38.0 45 30 12 HWN030H2C CR37KQ-TF5 208-230/3/60 9.9 85.0 15.0 20 38.0 40 30 12 HWN030H2D CR37KQ-TFD 460/3/60 5.0 39.0 15.0 15 24.0 25 19 9 HWN040H2B CR53KQ-PFV 208-230/1/60 26.0 140.0 33.0 50 45.0 60 35 12 HWN040H2C CR53KQ-TF5 208-230/3/60 16.3 107.0 20.0 35 38.0 45 30 12 HWN040H2D CR35KQ-TFD 460/3/60 8.1 55.0 15.0 15 29.0 30 23 11 Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2B - 7 Water-Cooled Condensing Units ½ - 6 HP Electrical Data Models with Hermetic Compressors Consult factory for 50 HZ applications. Per UL and NEC, RLA values have been calculated by dividing the Maximum Continuous Current (MCC) by 1.56. Compressor Air Defrost Electric Defrost Bohn Base Model Compressor P/N Voltage RLA LRA MCA HWN050H2B CRN5-0500-PFV 208-230/1/60 30.8 142.0 39.0 50 59.0 60 47 12 HWN050H2C CRN5-0500-TF5 208-230/3/60 19.2 130.0 24.0 40 37.5 50 30 12 HWN050H2D CRN5-0500-TFD 460/3/60 8.7 65.0 15.0 15 29.0 30 23 10 MOPD MCA MOPD Evap. Fans Elec. Htrs Models with Scroll Compressors Consult factory for 50 HZ applications. Per UL and NEC, RLA values have been calculated by dividing the Maximum Continuous Current (MCC) by 1.56. Bohn Base Model Compressor P/N Voltage Compressor Air Defrost RLA LRA MCA Electric Defrost MOPD MCA MOPD Evap. Fans Elec. Htrs Section 2 Medium Temperature (R-404A/507) ZWN030X6B ZS21K4E-PFV 208-230/1/60 14.7 88.0 18.4 30 38.0 45 30 12 ZWN030X6C ZS21K4E-TF5 208-230/3/60 9.9 77.0 15.0 20 38.0 40 30 12 ZWN030X6D ZS21K4E-TFD 460/3/60 5.1 39.0 15.0 15 24.0 25 19 10 ZWN035X6B ZS26K4E-PFV 208-230/1/60 18.6 109.0 23.2 40 38.0 50 30 12 ZWN035X6C ZS26K4E-TF5 208-230/3/60 12.2 88.0 15.2 25 38.0 40 30 12 ZWN035X6D ZS26K4E-TFD 460/3/60 6.4 44.0 15.0 15 24.0 25 19 9 ZWN045X6B ZS30K4E-PFV 208-230/1/60 24.0 129.0 30.0 50 59.0 60 47 11 ZWN045X6C ZS30K4E-TF5 208-230/3/60 13.5 99.0 17.0 30 44.0 45 35 12 ZWN045X6D ZS30K4E-TFD 460/3/60 7.4 49.5 15.0 15 29.0 30 23 11 ZWN055X6B ZS38K4E-PFV 208-230/1/60 28.8 169.0 36.0 60 59.0 60 47 12 ZWN055X6C ZS38K4E-TF5 208-230/3/60 19.2 123.0 24.0 40 44.0 50 35 12 ZWN055X6D ZS38K4E-TFD 460/3/60 8.7 62.0 15.0 15 29.0 30 23 10 ZWN060X6C ZS45K4E-TF5 208-230/3/60 21.5 156.0 27.0 45 38.0 60 30 12 ZWN060X6D ZS45K4E-TFD 460/3/60 8.3 70.0 15.0 15 29.0 30 23 10.6 14.7 88.0 18.0 30 38.0 45 30 12 Low Temperature (R-404A/507) ZWN030L6B ZF09K4E-PFV 208-230/1/60 ZWN030L6C ZF09K4E-TF5 208-230/3/60 9.9 77.0 15.0 20 24.0 25 19 6 ZWN030L6D ZF09K4E-TFD 460/3/60 5.1 39.0 15.0 15 24.0 25 19 10 ZWN035L6B ZF11K4E-PFV 208-230/1/60 18.6 109.0 23.0 40 38.0 50 30 12 ZWN035L6C ZF11K4E-TF5 208-230/3/60 12.2 88.0 15.0 25 29.0 30 23 6 ZWN035L6D ZF11K4E-TFD 460/3/60 6.4 44.0 15.0 15 24.0 25 19 10 ZWN045L6B ZF13K4E-PFV 208-230/1/60 24.0 129.0 30.0 50 41.0 60 30 11 ZWN045L6C ZF13K4E-TF5 208-230/3/60 13.5 99.0 17.0 30 38.0 40 30 11 ZWN045L6D ZF13K4E-TFD 460/3/60 7.4 49.5 15.0 15 24.0 25 19 9 ZWN055L6B ZF15K4E-PFV 208-230/1/60 28.8 169.0 36.0 60 38.0 60 30 10 ZWN055L6C ZF15K4E-TF5 208-230/3/60 19.2 123.0 24.0 40 38.0 50 30 10 ZWN055L6D ZF15K4E-TFD 460/3/60 8.7 62.0 15.0 15 25.0 25 19 8 ZWN060L6C ZF18K4E-TF5 208-230/3/60 21.5 156.0 27.0 45 44.0 60 35 12 ZWN060L6D ZF18K4E-TFD 460/3/60 8.3 70.0 15.0 15 29.0 30 23 11 2B - 8 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Water-Cooled Condensing Units ½ - 6 HP Configurable Models Pricing Standard Features • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Compressor mounting (rubber grommets) Compressor discharge service valve (in line brass base valve) Compressor suction service valve — rotolock Large capacity refrigerant receiver (up to 100 ft. runs) Receiver service valve (located on outlet) Coaxial condenser (counterflow tube in tube) Extra large electric box (encloses all options and start components) Electric conduit (UL recognized, high impact, flame retardant copolymer) Low pressure control switch (adjustable) High pressure encapsulated safety switch (fixed) Superhose on low pressure control (higher leak resistance) Liquid injection (Scroll® — low temperature models only) Pump-down control switch (pre-wired) Water valve (mounted on condenser inlet) Agency approvals UL, ULC Need to customize? Look at the factory-installed options starting on page 2B-11. Voltage Notes Bohn Model List Price ($US) HWN040X6C 8,656 Voltage Notes 208-230/3/60 - HWN005H6B 3,581 208-230/1/60 See footnote 1 HWN040X6D 8,920 460/3/60 - HWN009H6B 3,782 208-230/1/60 See footnote 1 HWN050X6B 9,355 208-230/1/60 - HWN010H6B 4,114 208-230/1/60 See footnote 1 HWN050X6C 9,488 208-230/3/60 - HWN010H6C 4,264 208-230/3/60 See footnote 1 HWN050X6D 9,710 460/3/60 - Hermetic Low Temperature (R-404A/507) HWN015H6B 4,301 208-230/1/60 - HWN015H6C 4,528 208-230/3/60 - HWN011L6B 4,274 208-230/1/60 - HWN025H6B 5,160 208-230/1/60 - HWN011L6C 4,357 208-230/3/60 - HWN025H6C 5,559 208-230/3/60 - HWN014L6B 4,326 208-230/1/60 - HWN032H6B 6,437 208-230/1/60 - HWN014L6C 4,450 208-230/3/60 - HWN032H6C 6,692 208-230/3/60 - HWN025L6B 4,506 208-230/1/60 - HWN040H6K 8,656 230/3/60 - HWN025L6C 4,630 208-230/3/60 - HWN050H6K 9,488 230/3/60 - Hermetic Extended Temperature (R-404A/507) HWN005X6B 3,581 208-230/1/60 See footnote 1 HWN008X6B 3,662 208-230/1/60 See footnote 1 HWN031L6B 6,494 208-230/1/60 - HWN031L6C 6,660 208-230/3/60 - HWN031L6D 6,775 460/3/60 - Section 2 Bohn Model List Price ($US) Hermetic High Temperature (R-404A/507) Hermetic High Temperature (R-22) HWN009X6B 3,782 208-230/1/60 See footnote 1 HWN005H2B 3,534 208-230/1/60 - HWN010X6B 4,114 208-230/1/60 See footnote 1 HWN008H2B 3,939 208-230/1/60 - HWN010X6C 4,264 208-230/3/60 See footnote 1 HWN010H2B 4,081 208-230/1/60 - HWN015X6B 4,301 208-230/1/60 - HWN010H2C 4,032 208-230/3/60 - HWN015X6C 4,528 208-230/3/60 - HWN015H2B 4,269 208-230/1/60 - HWN020X6B 4,784 208-230/1/60 - HWN015H2C 4,490 208-230/3/60 - HWN020X6C 5,228 208-230/3/60 - HWN015H2D 5,154 460/3/60 - HWN025X6B 5,160 208-230/1/60 - HWN020H2B 4,412 208-230/1/60 - HWN025X6C 5,559 208-230/3/60 - HWN020H2C 4,619 208-230/3/60 - HWN025X6D 5,926 460/3/60 - HWN020H2D 5,287 460/3/60 - HWN030X6B 6,124 208-230/1/60 - HWN030H2B 6,081 208-230/1/60 - HWN030X6C 6,357 208-230/3/60 - HWN030H2C 6,182 208-230/3/60 - HWN030X6D 6,624 460/3/60 - HWN030H2D 6,625 460/3/60 - HWN032X6B 6,437 208-230/1/60 - HWN040H2B 8,322 208-230/1/60 - HWN032X6C 6,692 208-230/3/60 - HWN040H2C 8,101 208-230/3/60 - HWN032X6D 6,925 460/3/60 - HWN040H2D 8,686 460/3/60 - HWN040X6B 8,457 208-230/1/60 - HWN050H2B 9,168 208-230/1/60 - Notes: 1. Not Suitable for R-507 2. Scroll “L6” models must have a liquid line option specified. Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2B - 9 Water-Cooled Condensing Units ½ - 6 HP Bohn Model List Price ($US) Configurable Models Pricing Voltage Notes HWN050H2C 8,833 208-230/3/60 - HWN050H2D 9,572 460/3/60 - Scroll Extended Temperature (R-404A/507) ZWN030X6B 8,358 208-230/1/60 - ZWN030X6C 8,470 208-230/3/60 - ZWN030X6D 8,858 460/3/60 - ZWN035X6B 8,905 208-230/1/60 - ZWN035X6C 9,023 208-230/3/60 - ZWN035X6D 9,300 460/3/60 - ZWN045X6B 9,251 208-230/1/60 - ZWN045X6C 9,384 208-230/3/60 - ZWN045X6D 9,651 460/3/60 - ZWN055X6B 9,520 208-230/1/60 - ZWN055X6C 9,656 208-230/3/60 - ZWN055X6D 10,086 460/3/60 - ZWN060X6C 11,246 208-230/3/60 - ZWN060X6D 11,431 460/3/60 - Section 2 Scroll Low Temperature (R-404A/507) ZWN030L6B 8,799 208-230/1/60 See footnote 2 ZWN030L6C 8,934 208-230/3/60 See footnote 2 ZWN030L6D 10,051 460/3/60 See footnote 2 ZWN035L6B 9,265 208-230/1/60 See footnote 2 ZWN035L6C 9,403 208-230/3/60 See footnote 2 ZWN035L6D 9,631 460/3/60 See footnote 2 ZWN045L6B 9,680 208-230/1/60 See footnote 2 ZWN045L6C 9,809 208-230/3/60 See footnote 2 ZWN045L6D 10,039 460/3/60 See footnote 2 ZWN055L6B 10,066 208-230/1/60 See footnote 2 ZWN055L6C 10,190 208-230/3/60 See footnote 2 ZWN055L6D 10,430 460/3/60 See footnote 2 ZWN060L6C 11,499 208-230/3/60 See footnote 2 ZWN060L6D 12,129 460/3/60 See footnote 2 Notes: 1. Not Suitable for R-507 2. Scroll “L6” models must have a liquid line option specified. 2B - 10 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Water-Cooled Condensing Units ½ - 6 HP Need Factory-Installed Options? Option Code Factory-Installed Options • Make sure you have selected a configurable model. When ordering, remember to specify the option codes and list price adders for each selected option. • Can’t Find Something? Other options and accessories might be available on a custom order basis. Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. Description Models Used On Notes List Price Adder ($US) Defrost Timer - Air All H2, X6 Medium temperature applications only. 524 Liquid-line Drier & Sight Glass 005-025 - 493 Electrical Options DFT.001 LIQ.001-1 LIQ.001-2 Liquid-line Drier & Sight Glass 030-060 - 571 LIQ.002-1 Liquid-line Drier, Sight Glass & Solenoid Valve 005-025 - 1,050 LIQ.002-2 Liquid-line Drier, Sight Glass & Solenoid Valve 030-060 - 1,129 SUC.003-1 Suction-line filter 005-025 - 314 SUC.003-2 Suction-line filter 030-060 - 373 SUC.004-1 Suction-line filter & accumulator 005-025 - 708 SUC.004-2 Suction-line filter & accumulator 030-060 - 1,029 SUC.007-1 Suction accumulator 005-025 - 394 SUC.007-2 Suction accumulator 027-060 - 656 Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Section 2 Mechanical Options 2B - 11 Water-Cooled Condensing Units ½ - 6 HP Factory-Installed Electric Defrost Options Need an electric defrost timer or kit? • Make sure you have selected a configurable model. When ordering, remember to specify the option codes and list price adders for each selected option. • Electric defrost kits and components are available to be factory mounted in the electrical box of indoor or outdoor condensing units used in medium/ low temp applications with electric defrost evaporators. Section 2 Selecting the proper kit is as easy as … 1 2 3 Add up the total fan motor amps and electric heater amps for all evaporators in the refrigeration system. For the selected condensing unit, find the rated defrost power amps for both the fan motor amps and electric heater amps. If the evaporator total fan motor amps and electric defrost heater amps calculated in Step 1 are less than the condensing unit’s rated defrost power amps found in Step 2 then proceed below to select the appropriate kit/ components and list price adders. If not then contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. Option Code Description DFT.002 Defrost Timer - Electric DFT.007 Electric Defrost Kit SDK.001 InterLink™ Smart Defrost Kit™ 2B - 12 Definitions Electric Defrost Timer Initiates and terminates defrost cycles based on a predetermined time schedule. Lockout Relay Prevents the electric defrost heaters from energizing when the compressor is in operation. Not available on electric defrost timer only options. Fan Contactor Carries amperage load for evaporator fan motors. Heater Contactor Carries amperage load for evaporator electric defrost heaters. InterLink™ Smart Defrost Kit™ (SDK) The InterLink™ SDK is a revolutionary product that is designed to be used on any electric defrost walk-in freezer system with an electro-mechanical defrost timer set for three or more scheduled defrosts per day. The InterLink™ SDK accurately estimates frost accumulation on the evaporator coil and decides if it can skip the preprogrammed defrost period that is set on the defrost timer. This helps eliminate unneeded defrost cycles, saving energy and increasing product integrity Models Used On Notes List Price Adder ($US) 005-060 L6, H2, X6 (208-230V) - 524 HWN: 040-050 H2, X6 (208-230V) Includes (1) electric defrost timer, (1) heater ZWN: 030-060 X6, L6 (208-230V) & (1) fan contactors, and (1) lockout relay. All: 015-060 H2, X6, L6 (460V) 747 Can not be used alone. Must also select a electric defrost timer or electric defrost kit. 812 005-060 and L6, H2, X6 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Water-Cooled Condensing Units ½ - 6 HP Shipped-Loose Accessories A wide range of shipped-loose accessories are available to order. Can’t Find Something? Other options and accessories might be available on a custom order basis. Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. Part Number Description Models Used On Notes List Price ($US) 005-060 and L6, H2, X6 Can not be used alone. Must be used with a electric defrost timer or electric defrost kit. 812 Electrical options 22681501 InterLink™ Smart Defrost Kit™ Crankcase Pressure Regulator (CPR) Valves A selection program must be used to pick the proper valve. The selection program requires the following inputs: system capacity, suction temperature, and maximum holding temperature. Not available for use on Beacon II™ Outdoor units. Should not be used with MOP type expansion valves in unit coolers. Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. Part Number List Price ($US) 5/8” 2930142 272 7/8” 29346101 374 1 1/8” 29399012 549 1 3/8” 4227W 1,501 Section 2 Size Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2B - 13 Water-Cooled Condensing Units ¾ - 22 HP Overview Cabinet & Construction • Component location and unit size are optimized for easy field replacement and space limited applications Serviceability • • • • • • Spacious, pre-painted electrical box Pump-down switch Easy access refrigerant piping Captive door fasteners Single electrical connection location Removable electrical box provides convenient front access to the oil pump and compressor Quality • • • • Product Description: Section 2 The 3/4 through 22 HP water-cooled condensing unit product line features semi-hermetic compressors. These condensing units are “vessel-mounted” indoor watercooled condensing units complete with a shell and tube condenser. The cleanable condenser is perfect for applications where air-cooled condensers would not be practical and/or areas where water is readily available. Pre-bent tubing reduces the possibility of leaks Shipped with a dry nitrogen holding charge Heavy duty metal base plate Non-metallic conduit on all wiring runs Components • Semi-hermetic reciprocating compressors • Rigid mounted compressors on models 0075-0400 and spring mounted compressors with suction and discharge vibration eliminators on models 0499 and above • Fixed low pressure switch (adjustable on low temperature models) • Fixed high pressure switch • Sealed liquid line filter drier and sight glass These units provide an economical, compact alternative to traditional air-cooled condensing units. Certifications: Nomenclature 2B - 14 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Water-Cooled Condensing Units ¾ - 22 HP Performance Data Models with Semi-Hermetic Compressors Capacity rating conditions: 85°F Entering Water, 105°F Condensing Temperature, 5°F Subcooling BTUH = British Thermal Units (All capacities are rated at 60 Hz operation) GPM = Gallons per minute (Water flow rate) PSI = Pounds per Square Inch (Water pressure drop through Condenser) Compressor Suction Temp. °F Capacity Ratings BTUH GPM PSI Medium Temperature (R-404A/507) Capacity Ratings Bohn Base Model Compressor Suction Temp. °F BTUH GPM PSI SWN0200L6 EADA-020E -20°F 7,770 2.0 0.2 SWN0090M6 KARA-010E 40°F - - - SWN0200L6 EADA-020E -25°F 6,620 1.7 0.1 SWN0090M6 KARA-010E 35°F - - - SWN0200L6 EADA-020E -30°F 5,570 1.5 0.1 SWN0090M6 KARA-010E 30°F - - - SWN0200L6 EADA-020E -40°F 3,590 1.1 0.2 SWN0090M6 KARA-010E 25°F 10,340 2.4 1.6 SWN0210L6 EAVA-021E 0°F 16,280 4.7 0.8 SWN0090M6 KARA-010E 20°F 9,140 2.1 1.3 SWN0210L6 EAVA-021E -10°F 12,290 3.3 0.4 SWN0090M6 KARA-010E 15°F 8,140 1.8 1.0 SWN0210L6 EAVA-021E -20°F 8,820 2.3 0.2 SWN0199M6 KAKA-020E 40°F - - - SWN0210L6 EAVA-021E -25°F 7,350 1.9 0.2 SWN0199M6 KAKA-020E 35°F - - - SWN0210L6 EAVA-021E -30°F 5,990 1.6 0.1 SWN0199M6 KAKA-020E 30°F - - - SWN0210L6 EAVA-021E -40°F 3,980 1.2 0.2 SWN0199M6 KAKA-020E 25°F 16,750 4.8 6.7 SWN0310E6 LACA-032E 0°F - - - SWN0199M6 KAKA-020E 20°F 15,120 4.2 5.0 SWN0310E6 LACA-032E -10°F - - - SWN0199M6 KAKA-020E 15°F 13,490 3.5 3.7 SWN0310E6 LACA-032E -20°F 18,060 4.7 0.8 SWN0200M6 ERCA-021E 40°F - - - SWN0310E6 LACA-032E -25°F 15,330 3.9 0.6 SWN0200M6 ERCA-021E 35°F - - - SWN0310E6 LACA-032E -30°F 12,810 3.2 0.4 SWN0200M6 ERCA-021E 30°F - - - SWN0310E6 LACA-032E -40°F 8,540 2.1 0.2 SWN0200M6 ERCA-021E 25°F 21,790 6.5 1.4 SWN0310L6 LAHA-032E 0°F 26,360 7.3 1.9 SWN0200M6 ERCA-021E 20°F 19,430 5.6 1.1 SWN0310L6 LAHA-032E -10°F 19,850 5.0 0.9 SWN0200M6 ERCA-021E 15°F 17,220 4.8 0.8 SWN0310L6 LAHA-032E -20°F 14,180 3.4 0.4 SWN0310M6 ERF1-031E 40°F - - - SWN0310L6 LAHA-032E -25°F 11,760 2.8 0.3 SWN0310M6 ERF1-031E 35°F - - - SWN0310L6 LAHA-032E -30°F 9,560 2.3 0.2 SWN0310M6 ERF1-031E 30°F - - - SWN0310L6 LAHA-032E -40°F 5,940 1.5 0.1 SWN0310M6 ERF1-031E 25°F 31,450 8.5 2.5 SWN0311L6 2DF3F16KE 0°F 34,440 9.1 2.8 SWN0310M6 ERF1-031E 20°F 28,090 7.3 1.8 SWN0311L6 2DF3F16KE -10°F 26,570 6.6 1.6 SWN0310M6 ERF1-031E 15°F 24,990 6.2 1.4 SWN0311L6 2DF3F16KE -20°F 19,950 4.8 0.9 SWN0500M6 2DC3R53KE 40°F 68,040 24.6 14.9 SWN0311L6 2DF3F16KE -25°F 17,120 4.1 0.6 SWN0500M6 2DC3R53KE 35°F 61,160 20.0 9.9 SWN0311L6 2DF3F16KE -30°F 14,600 3.5 0.5 SWN0500M6 2DC3R53KE 30°F 54,810 16.5 6.8 SWN0311L6 2DF3F16KE -40°F 10,050 2.4 0.2 SWN0500M6 2DC3R53KE 25°F 48,930 13.7 4.8 SWN0400L6 2DL3F20KE 0°F 41,160 12.0 4.7 SWN0500M6 2DC3R53KE 20°F 43,470 11.5 3.4 SWN0400L6 2DL3F20KE -10°F 31,920 8.5 2.5 SWN0500M6 2DC3R53KE 15°F 38,480 9.7 2.4 SWN0400L6 2DL3F20KE -20°F 24,260 6.1 1.3 Low Temperature (R-404A/507) SWN0400L6 2DL3F20KE -25°F 20,900 5.2 1.0 SWN0150L6 KALA-016E 0°F 11,550 3.1 2.9 SWN0400L6 2DL3F20KE -30°F 17,850 4.4 0.7 SWN0150L6 KALA-016E -10°F 9,030 2.3 1.6 SWN0400L6 2DL3F20KE -40°F 12,480 3.0 0.3 2DA3F23KE 0°F 46,520 12.2 3.8 SWN0150L6 KALA-016E -20°F 6,830 1.7 0.9 SWN0599L6 SWN0150L6 KALA-016E -25°F 5,880 1.5 0.7 SWN0599L6 2DA3F23KE -10°F 36,440 9.0 2.1 SWN0599L6 2DA3F23KE -20°F 27,930 6.7 1.2 SWN0150L6 KALA-016E -30°F 4,940 1.3 0.5 SWN0150L6 KALA-016E -40°F 3,160 0.8 0.2 SWN0599L6 2DA3F23KE -25°F 24,260 5.7 0.9 2DA3F23KE -30°F 20,900 4.9 0.7 2DA3F23KE -40°F 14,790 3.4 0.3 SWN0200L6 EADA-020E 0°F 13,970 3.8 0.5 SWN0599L6 SWN0200L6 EADA-020E -10°F 10,500 2.7 0.3 SWN0599L6 Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Section 2 Bohn Base Model 2B - 15 Water-Cooled Condensing Units ¾ - 22 HP Performance Data Models with Semi-Hermetic Compressors Section 2 Capacity rating conditions: 85°F Entering Water, 105°F Condensing Temperature, 5°F Subcooling BTUH = British Thermal Units (All capacities are rated at 60 Hz operation) GPM = Gallons per minute (Water flow rate) PSI = Pounds per Square Inch (Water pressure drop through Condenser) Capacity Ratings Bohn Base Model Compressor Suction Temp. °F BTUH GPM SWN0600L6 2DB3F25KE 0°F 50,190 13.7 Capacity Ratings PSI Bohn Base Model Compressor Suction Temp. °F BTUH GPM PSI 4.8 SWN2200L6 4DT3F76KE -30°F 68,670 16.2 0.3 4DT3F76KE -40°F 48,600 11.3 0.2 SWN0600L6 2DB3F25KE -10°F 39,170 9.9 2.6 SWN2200L6 SWN0600L6 2DB3F25KE -20°F 29,930 7.3 1.4 Medium & High Temperature (R-22) SWN0600L6 2DB3F25KE -25°F 25,830 6.2 1.0 SWN0075H2 KAN1-0075 40°F 9,740 1.7 0.8 SWN0600L6 2DB3F25KE -30°F 22,050 5.2 0.7 SWN0075H2 KAN1-0075 35°F 8,620 1.5 0.7 SWN0600L6 2DB3F25KE -40°F 15,460 3.6 0.4 SWN0075H2 KAN1-0075 30°F 7,620 1.3 0.5 SWN0601L6 3DA3F28KE 0°F 55,760 16.5 6.8 SWN0075H2 KAN1-0075 25°F 6,700 1.2 0.4 SWN0601L6 3DA3F28KE -10°F 43,680 11.8 3.6 SWN0075H2 KAN1-0075 20°F 5,860 1.0 0.3 SWN0601L6 3DA3F28KE -20°F 33,600 8.6 2.0 SWN0075H2 KAN1-0075 15°F 5,090 0.9 0.2 SWN0601L6 3DA3F28KE -25°F 29,190 7.4 1.4 SWN0075M2 KAE1-0075 40°F - - - SWN0601L6 3DA3F28KE -30°F 25,200 6.3 1.0 SWN0075M2 KAE1-0075 35°F - - - SWN0601L6 3DA3F28KE -40°F 18,260 4.5 0.5 SWN0075M2 KAE1-0075 30°F - - - SWN0750L6 3DB3F33KE 0°F 65,840 13.1 3.1 SWN0075M2 KAE1-0075 25°F 8,000 1.5 0.7 SWN0750L6 3DB3F33KE -10°F 51,560 10.1 1.9 SWN0075M2 KAE1-0075 20°F 7,130 1.3 0.5 SWN0750L6 3DB3F33KE -20°F 39,800 7.7 1.1 SWN0075M2 KAE1-0075 15°F 6,310 1.2 0.4 SWN0750L6 3DB3F33KE -25°F 34,760 6.8 0.9 SWN0090H2 KARA-010E 40°F 13,170 2.6 2.1 SWN0750L6 3DB3F33KE -30°F 30,030 5.9 0.7 SWN0090H2 KARA-010E 35°F 11,740 2.3 1.6 SWN0750L6 3DB3F33KE -40°F 21,670 4.3 0.4 SWN0090H2 KARA-010E 30°F 10,510 2.1 1.3 SWN0900L6 3DF3F40KE 0°F 80,750 20.1 1.0 SWN0090H2 KARA-010E 25°F 9,370 1.8 1.0 SWN0900L6 3DF3F40KE -10°F 63,210 15.1 0.6 SWN0090H2 KARA-010E 20°F 8,330 1.6 0.8 SWN0900L6 3DF3F40KE -20°F 48,620 11.3 0.3 SWN0090H2 KARA-010E 15°F 7,370 1.4 0.6 SWN0900L6 3DF3F40KE -25°F 42,210 9.8 0.2 SWN0100H2 KAM1-0100 40°F 15,070 2.9 2.5 SWN0900L6 3DF3F40KE -30°F 36,440 8.4 0.2 SWN0100H2 KAM1-0100 35°F 13,430 2.6 1.9 SWN0900L6 3DF3F40KE -40°F 26,440 6.1 0.1 SWN0100H2 KAM1-0100 30°F 12,040 2.3 1.5 SWN1000L6 3DS3F46KE 0°F 89,460 23.5 1.3 SWN0100H2 KAM1-0100 25°F 10,690 2.0 1.2 SWN1000L6 3DS3F46KE -10°F 70,880 17.7 0.8 SWN0100H2 KAM1-0100 20°F 9,480 1.8 0.9 SWN1000L6 3DS3F46KE -20°F 55,020 13.3 0.4 SWN0100H2 KAM1-0100 15°F 8,380 1.6 0.7 SWN1000L6 3DS3F46KE -25°F 47,990 11.5 0.3 SWN0150H2 KAGA-0150 40°F 17,090 3.5 3.6 SWN1000L6 3DS3F46KE -30°F 41,480 9.8 0.3 SWN0150H2 KAGA-0150 35°F 15,270 3.1 2.8 SWN1000L6 3DS3F46KE -40°F 30,140 7.1 0.1 SWN0150H2 KAGA-0150 30°F 13,630 2.7 2.2 SWN1500L6 4DL3F63KE 0°F 120,650 29.5 1.1 SWN0150H2 KAGA-0150 25°F 12,150 2.4 1.7 SWN1500L6 4DL3F63KE -10°F 95,660 22.5 0.6 SWN0150H2 KAGA-0150 20°F 10,760 2.1 1.3 SWN1500L6 4DL3F63KE -20°F 75,390 17.3 0.4 SWN0150H2 KAGA-0150 15°F 9,450 1.8 1.0 SWN1500L6 4DL3F63KE -25°F 66,360 15.2 0.3 SWN0200H2 ERA1-0200 40°F 24,980 6.2 1.3 SWN1500L6 4DL3F63KE -30°F 57,960 13.2 0.2 SWN0200H2 ERA1-0200 35°F 21,780 5.3 1.0 SWN1500L6 4DL3F63KE -40°F 41,760 9.5 0.1 SWN0200H2 ERA1-0200 30°F 18,810 4.4 0.7 SWN2200L6 4DT3F76KE 0°F 144,900 39.1 1.8 SWN0200H2 ERA1-0200 25°F 16,090 3.7 0.5 SWN2200L6 4DT3F76KE -10°F 115,710 29.3 1.0 SWN0200H2 ERA1-0200 20°F 13,530 3.1 0.3 SWN2200L6 4DT3F76KE -20°F 90,720 22.0 0.6 SWN0200H2 ERA1-0200 15°F 11,170 2.5 0.2 SWN2200L6 4DT3F76KE -25°F 79,380 18.9 0.5 SWN0200M2 ERC1-0200 40°F - - - 2B - 16 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Water-Cooled Condensing Units ¾ - 22 HP Performance Data Models with Semi-Hermetic Compressors Capacity rating conditions: 85°F Entering Water, 105°F Condensing Temperature, 5°F Subcooling BTUH = British Thermal Units (All capacities are rated at 60 Hz operation) GPM = Gallons per minute (Water flow rate) PSI = Pounds per Square Inch (Water pressure drop through Condenser) Compressor Suction Temp. °F BTUH GPM SWN0200M2 ERC1-0200 35°F - - Capacity Ratings PSI Bohn Base Model Compressor Suction Temp. °F BTUH GPM PSI - SWN0761H2 3DA3R10ME 15°F 74,160 13.9 3.5 SWN0200M2 ERC1-0200 30°F - - - SWN1000H2 3DB3R12ME 40°F 149,650 41.5 3.9 SWN0200M2 ERC1-0200 25°F 19,480 4.6 0.7 SWN1000H2 3DB3R12ME 35°F 135,300 35.8 2.9 SWN0200M2 ERC1-0200 20°F 17,020 3.9 0.5 SWN1000H2 3DB3R12ME 30°F 122,490 31.2 2.3 SWN0200M2 ERC1-0200 15°F 14,810 3.4 0.4 SWN1000H2 3DB3R12ME 25°F 110,190 27.0 1.7 SWN0300H2 ERF1-0311 40°F 39,310 9.1 2.8 SWN1000H2 3DB3R12ME 20°F 99,020 23.6 1.3 SWN0300H2 ERF1-0311 35°F 35,260 7.9 2.2 SWN1000H2 3DB3R12ME 15°F 88,710 20.7 1.0 SWN0300H2 ERF1-0311 30°F 31,620 6.9 1.7 SWN1500H2 3DS3R17ME 40°F 198,850 51.1 3.0 SWN0300H2 ERF1-0311 25°F 28,290 6.1 1.3 SWN1500H2 3DS3R17ME 35°F 179,890 44.2 2.3 SWN0300H2 ERF1-0311 20°F 25,220 5.3 1.0 SWN1500H2 3DS3R17ME 30°F 161,950 38.3 1.8 SWN0300H2 ERF1-0311 15°F 22,400 4.7 0.8 SWN1500H2 3DS3R17ME 25°F 146,060 33.5 1.4 SWN0499H2 2DC3R53KE 40°F 65,090 16.1 6.5 SWN1500H2 3DS3R17ME 20°F 131,200 29.3 1.1 SWN0499H2 2DC3R53KE 35°F 58,320 13.8 4.9 SWN1500H2 3DS3R17ME 15°F 117,310 25.6 0.8 SWN0499H2 2DC3R53KE 30°F 52,020 11.8 3.6 SWN2000H2 4DA3R18ME 40°F 219,860 60.6 4.2 SWN0499H2 2DC3R53KE 25°F 46,230 10.2 2.7 SWN2000H2 4DA3R18ME 35°F 197,310 51.3 3.0 SWN0499H2 2DC3R53KE 20°F 40,900 8.8 2.0 SWN2000H2 4DA3R18ME 30°F 176,300 43.6 2.2 SWN0499H2 2DC3R53KE 15°F 35,930 7.5 1.5 SWN2000H2 4DA3R18ME 25°F 156,830 37.2 1.7 SWN0500H2 2DD3R63KE 40°F 75,240 21.0 10.9 SWN2000H2 4DA3R18ME 20°F 139,910 32.0 1.2 SWN0500H2 2DD3R63KE 35°F 67,500 17.7 7.9 SWN2000H2 4DA3R18ME 15°F 124,230 27.6 0.9 SWN0500H2 2DD3R63KE 30°F 60,370 15.0 5.7 SWN0500H2 2DD3R63KE 25°F 53,810 12.8 4.2 SWN0500H2 2DD3R63KE 20°F 47,710 11.0 3.1 SWN0500H2 2DD3R63KE 15°F 42,080 9.4 2.3 SWN0750H2 2DL3R78KE 40°F 93,690 16.9 5.1 SWN0750H2 2DL3R78KE 35°F 84,310 14.9 4.0 SWN0750H2 2DL3R78KE 30°F 75,700 13.2 3.1 SWN0750H2 2DL3R78KE 25°F 67,750 11.6 2.5 SWN0750H2 2DL3R78KE 20°F 60,320 10.3 1.9 SWN0750H2 2DL3R78KE 15°F 53,450 9.0 1.5 SWN0760H2 2DA3R89KE 40°F 105,680 20.4 7.3 SWN0760H2 2DA3R89KE 35°F 95,330 17.9 5.6 SWN0760H2 2DA3R89KE 30°F 85,690 15.7 4.4 SWN0760H2 2DA3R89KE 25°F 76,770 13.8 3.4 SWN0760H2 2DA3R89KE 20°F 68,420 12.1 2.7 SWN0760H2 2DA3R89KE 15°F 60,580 10.6 2.1 SWN0761H2 3DA3R10ME 40°F 127,100 27.5 13.0 SWN0761H2 3DA3R10ME 35°F 114,800 23.8 9.8 SWN0761H2 3DA3R10ME 30°F 103,270 20.7 7.5 SWN0761H2 3DA3R10ME 25°F 92,810 18.1 5.8 SWN0761H2 3DA3R10ME 20°F 83,130 15.9 4.5 Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Section 2 Capacity Ratings Bohn Base Model 2B - 17 Water-Cooled Condensing Units ¾ - 22 HP Unit Specifications Models with Semi-Hermetic Compressors ODS = Outside Diameter Sweat; FPT = Female Pipe Thread; MPT = Male Pipe Thread Bohn Base Model Connections (in.) Compressor Suction (ODS) Liquid (ODS) Receiver Water In Water Out 90% Full (lbs.) (FPT) (MPT) Dimensions Approx. Depth Width Height Net Weight (lbs.) (in.) (in.) (in.) Medium Temperature (R-404A/507) SWN0090M6 KARA-010E 7/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 18.0 35 23 3/4 37 3/8 180 SWN0199M6 KAKA-020E 7/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 18.0 35 23 3/4 37 3/8 210 SWN0200M6 ERCA-021E 7/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 15.0 38 3/8 23 3/4 37 3/8 260 SWN0310M6 ERFA-031E 1 1/8 1/2 3/4 3/4 17.0 38 3/8 26 3/4 36 3/8 325 SWN0500M6 2DC3-050E 1 3/8 5/8 1 1/4 1 1/4 34.0 42 1/2 30 3/8 39 1/4 400 Section 2 Low Temperature (R-404A/507) SWN0150L6 KALA-016E 7/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 18.0 35 23 3/4 37 3/8 195 SWN0200L6 EADA-020E 7/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 15.0 35 23 3/4 37 3/8 325 SWN0210L6 EAVA-021E 7/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 15.0 35 23 3/4 37 3/8 325 SWN0310L6 LAHA-032E 1 1/8 1/2 3/4 3/4 17.0 38 3/8 26 3/4 36 3/8 325 SWN0310E6 LACA-032E 1 1/8 1/2 3/4 3/4 17.0 38 3/8 26 3/4 36 3/8 325 SWN0311L6 2DF3-030E 1 3/8 1/2 3/4 3/4 17.0 38 3/8 26 3/4 36 3/8 340 SWN0400L6 2DL3-040E 1 3/8 1/2 3/4 3/4 17.0 38 3/8 26 3/4 36 3/8 385 SWN0599L6 2DA3-060E 1 3/8 5/8 1 1/4 1 1/4 34.0 42 1/2 30 3/8 39 1/4 415 SWN0600L6 2DB3-060E 1 3/8 5/8 1 1/4 1 1/4 34.0 42 1/2 30 3/8 39 1/4 415 SWN0601L6 3DA3A060E 1 3/8 5/8 1 1/4 1 1/4 34.0 42 1/2 30 3/8 39 1/4 430 SWN0750L6 3DB3A075E 1 5/8 5/8 1 1/4 1 1/4 52.0 55 1/2 35 3/8 41 1/2 465 SWN0900L6 3DF3A090E 1 5/8 5/8 1 1/4 1 1/4 57.0 55 1/2 35 3/8 41 1/2 560 SWN1000L6 3DS3A100E 1 5/8 7/8 1 1/4 1 1/4 57.0 55 1/2 35 3/8 41 1/2 715 SWN1500L6 4DL3-150E 2 1/8 7/8 1 1/2 1 1/2 109.0 55 1/2 35 3/8 41 1/2 780 SWN2200L6 4DT3-220E 2 1/8 7/8 1 1/2 1 1/2 109.0 55 1/2 35 3/8 41 1/2 865 Medium & High Temperature (R-22) SWN0075H2 KAN1-0075 5/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 21.0 35 23 3/4 37 3/8 165 SWN0075M2 KAE1-0075 5/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 21.0 35 23 3/4 37 3/8 165 SWN0090H2 KARA-010E 5/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 21.0 35 23 3/4 37 3/8 180 SWN0100H2 KAM1-0100 7/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 21.0 35 23 3/4 37 3/8 180 SWN0150H2 KAGA-0150 7/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 21.0 35 23 3/4 37 3/8 195 SWN0200H2 ERA1-0200 7/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 17.0 35 23 3/4 37 3/8 260 SWN0200M2 ERC1-0200 7/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 17.0 35 23 3/4 37 3/8 260 SWN0300H2 ERF1-0311 1 1/8 1/2 3/4 3/4 19.0 38 3/8 26 3/4 36 3/8 325 SWN0499H2 2DC3-050E 1 3/8 5/8 1 1/4 1 1/4 39.0 42 1/2 30 3/8 39 1/4 400 SWN0500H2 2DD3-050E 1 3/8 5/8 1 1/4 1 1/4 39.0 42 1/2 30 3/8 39 1/4 400 SWN0750H2 2DL3-075E 1 3/8 5/8 1 1/4 1 1/4 60.0 55 1/2 35 3/8 41 1/2 465 SWN0760H2 2DA3-075E 1 3/8 5/8 1 1/4 1 1/4 60.0 55 1/2 35 3/8 41 1/2 465 SWN0761H2 3DA3A075E 1 3/8 5/8 1 1/4 1 1/4 60.0 55 1/2 35 3/8 41 1/2 465 SWN1000H2 3DB3A100E 1 5/8 7/8 1 1/4 1 1/4 66.0 55 1/2 35 3/8 41 1/2 715 SWN1500H2 3DS3A150E 1 5/8 7/8 1 1/2 1 1/2 125.0 55 1/2 35 3/8 41 1/2 735 SWN2000H2 4DA3-200E 1 5/8 7/8 1 1/2 1 1/2 125.0 55 1/2 35 3/8 41 1/2 795 2B - 18 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Water-Cooled Condensing Units ¾ - 22 HP Electrical Data Models with Semi-Hermetic Compressors Consult factory for 50 HZ applications. Per UL and NEC, RLA values have been calculated by dividing the Maximum Continuous Current (MCC) by 1.56. Number of defrost heater contactors in parentheses. Bohn Base Model Compressor Voltage RLA LRA Air Defrost MCA Electric Defrost - Low Amps MOPD MCA Electric Defrost - High Amps MOPD Evap. Fans Elec. Htrs MCA MOPD Evap Fans Elec Htrs - - - - Medium Temperature (R-404A/507) SWN0090M6B 208-230/1/60 6.4 40.0 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 10 (1) SWN0090M6C 208-230/3/60 3.8 27.0 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 10 (1) - - - - SWN0199M6B 208-230/1/60 9.1 55.0 15.0 20 25.0 25 6 20 (1) 50.0 50 12 40 (1) SWN0199M6C 208-230/3/60 5.8 50.0 15.0 15 25.0 25 6 20 (1) - - - - SWN0200M6C 208-230/3/60 7.9 46.0 15.0 15 25.0 25 6 20 (1) - - - - SWN0310M6C 208-230/3/60 11.2 82.0 15.0 25 25.0 30 6 20 (1) 50.0 50 12 40 (1) SWN0310M6D 460/3/60 5.2 41.0 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 10 (1) 25.0 25 6 20 (1) SWN0310M6E 575/3/60 4.5 30.0 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 8 (1) 20.0 20 5 16 (1) SWN0500M6C 208-230/3/60 20.0 120.0 25.0 45 31.0 50 6 20 (1) 50.0 50 12 40 (1) SWN0500M6D 460/3/60 9.4 60.0 15.0 20 15.0 20 3 10 (1) 25.0 25 6 20 (1) SWN0500M6E 575/3/60 6.9 49.0 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 8 (1) 20.0 20 5 16 (1) - - - - SWN0150L6B 208-230/1/60 8.9 55.0 15.0 20 25.0 25 6 20 (1) SWN0150L6C 208-230/3/60 5.0 50.0 15.0 15 25.0 25 6 20 (1) - - - - SWN0150L6D 460/3/60 3.1 25.0 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 10 (1) - - - - SWN0200L6C 208-230/3/60 6.1 46.0 15.0 15 25.0 25 6 20 (1) - - - - SWN0210L6B 208-230/1/60 13.2 102.0 20.0 25 25.0 35 6 20 (1) - - - - SWN0210L6C 208-230/3/60 6.6 50.0 15.0 15 25.0 25 6 20 (1) - - - - SWN0210L6D 460/3/60 2.9 26.6 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 10 (1) - - - - SWN0210L6E 575/3/60 2.8 20.0 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 8 (1) - - - - 208-230/3/60 11.5 112.0 15.0 25 25.0 30 6 20 (1) 50.0 50 12 40 (1) SWN0310L6D SWN0310L6C 460/3/60 5.4 56.0 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 10 (1) 25.0 25 6 20 (1) SWN0310L6E 575/3/60 3.7 30.0 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 8 (1) 20.0 20 5 16 (1) 208-230/3/60 11.5 SWN0310E6C SWN0310E6D SWN0311L6C SWN0311L6D SWN0311L6E SWN0400L6C SWN0400L6D SWN0400L6E SWN0599L6C SWN0599L6D SWN0599L6E SWN0600L6C 112.0 15.0 25 25.0 30 6 20 (1) 50.0 50 12 40 (1) 5.4 56.0 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 10 (1) 25.0 25 6 20 (1) 208-230/3/60 14.4 102.0 20.0 30 25.0 35 6 20 (1) 50.0 50 12 40 (1) 52.0 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 10 (1) 25.0 25 6 20 (1) 460/3/60 460/3/60 7.1 575/3/60 6.0 41.0 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 8 (1) 20.0 20 5 16 (1) 208-230/3/60 23.6 161.0 29.5 50 35.5 50 6 20 (1) 50.0 60 12 40 (1) 60.0 15.0 20 15.0 20 3 10 (1) 25.0 25 6 20 (1) 460/3/60 9.2 575/3/60 6.9 49.0 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 8 (1) 20.0 20 5 16 (1) 208-230/3/60 25.8 161.0 32.3 50 38.3 60 6 20 (1) 50.0 70 12 40 (1) 60.0 15.0 20 15.0 20 3 10 (1) 25.0 25 6 20 (1) 460/3/60 9.2 575/3/60 8.1 49.0 15.0 15 15.0 20 3 8 (1) 20.0 20 5 16 (1) 208-230/3/60 25.3 161.0 31.7 50 37.7 60 6 20 (1) 50.0 60 12 40 (1) SWN0600L6D 460/3/60 11.9 80.0 15.0 25 20.0 25 3 10 (1) 25.0 30 6 20 (1) SWN0600L6E 575/3/60 8.6 63.0 15.0 15 15.0 20 3 8 (1) 20.0 20 5 16 (1) 208-230/3/60 24.0 150.0 30.1 50 36.1 60 6 20 (1) 50.0 60 12 40 (1) SWN0601L6D SWN0601L6C 460/3/60 10.8 77.0 15.0 20 20.0 25 3 10 (1) 25.0 30 6 20 (1) SWN0601L6E 575/3/60 9.4 62.0 15.0 20 15.0 20 3 8 (1) 20.0 25 5 16 (1) 208-230/3/60 27.6 161.0 34.5 60 50.0 70 12 40 (1) 87.5 90 16 70 (2) SWN0750L6C Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2B - 19 Section 2 Low Temperature (R-404A/507) Water-Cooled Condensing Units ¾ - 22 HP Electrical Data Models with Semi-Hermetic Compressors Consult factory for 50 HZ applications. Per UL and NEC, RLA values have been calculated by dividing the Maximum Continuous Current (MCC) by 1.56. Number of defrost heater contactors in parentheses. Bohn Base Model Air Defrost RLA LRA MCA Electric Defrost - Low Amps MOPD MCA Electric Defrost - High Amps MOPD Evap. Fans Elec. Htrs MCA MOPD Evap Fans Elec Htrs SWN0750L6D 460/3/60 14.1 83.0 20.0 30 25.0 35 6 20 (1) 50.0 50 12 40 (1) SWN0750L6E 575/3/60 9.9 67.0 15.0 20 20.0 25 5 16 (1) 40.0 40 10 32 (1) 208-230/3/60 33.2 215.0 41.5 70 53.5 80 12 40 (1) 87.5 90 16 70 (2) SWN0900L6D 460/3/60 15.0 106.0 20.0 30 25.0 35 6 20 (1) 50.0 50 12 40 (1) SWN0900L6E 575/3/60 14.1 84.0 20.0 30 22.6 35 5 16 (1) 40.0 40 10 32 (1) 208-230/3/60 37.2 SWN0900L6C 215.0 46.5 80 58.5 90 12 40 (1) 87.5 90 16 70 (2) SWN1000L6D 460/3/60 16.7 106.0 20.8 35 26.8 40 6 20 (1) 50.0 50 12 40 (1) SWN1000L6E 575/3/60 14.6 84.0 20.0 30 23.2 35 5 16 (1) 40.0 40 10 32 (1) 208-230/3/60 47.2 278.0 59.0 100 87.5 110 16 70 (2) 120.0 125 25 96 (2) SWN1000L6C SWN1500L6C SWN1500L6D 460/3/60 23.6 139.0 29.5 50 50.0 60 12 40 (1) 87.5 90 16 70 (2) SWN1500L6E 575/3/60 18.8 113.0 23.5 40 40.0 50 10 32 (1) 70.0 70 12 56 (2) 208-230/3/60 59.2 374.0 74.0 125 90.0 125 16 70 (2) 120.0 150 25 96 (2) SWN2200L6C Section 2 Compressor Voltage SWN2200L6D 460/3/60 29.6 187.0 37.0 60 50.0 70 12 40 (1) 87.5 90 16 70 (2) SWN2200L6E 575/3/60 21.7 135.0 27.1 45 40.0 50 10 32 (1) 70.0 70 12 56 (2) Medium & High Temperature (R-22) SWN0075H2B 208-230/1/60 5.4 36.0 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 10 (1) - - - - SWN0075H2C 208-230/3/60 3.1 19.9 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 10 (1) - - - - SWN0075M2B 208-230/1/60 4.9 36.0 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 10 (1) - - - - SWN0075M2C 208-230/3/60 3.0 19.9 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 10 (1) - - - - SWN0090H2B 208-230/1/60 6.4 40.0 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 10 (1) - - - - SWN0090H2C 208-230/3/60 3.8 27.0 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 10 (1) - - - - SWN0100H2B 208-230/1/60 6.7 40.0 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 10 (1) - - - - SWN0100H2C 208-230/3/60 4.0 27.0 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 10 (1) - - - - SWN0100H2D 460/3/60 1.0 13.5 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 10 (1) - - - - SWN0150H2B 208-230/1/60 8.6 55.0 15.0 15 25.0 25 6 20 (1) 50.0 500 12 40 (1) SWN0150H2C 208-230/3/60 4.9 35.5 15.0 15 25.0 25 6 20 (1) - - - - SWN0150H2D 460/3/60 2.2 18.2 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 10 (1) - - - - SWN0200H2C 208-230/3/60 5.9 46.0 15.0 15 25.0 25 6 20 (1) - - - - SWN0200H2D 460/3/60 3.1 46.0 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 10 (1) - - - - SWN0200H2E 575/3/60 3.1 23.0 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 8 (1) - - - - SWN0200M2C 208-230/3/60 6.1 46.0 15.0 15 25.0 25 6 20 (1) - - - - SWN0200M2D 3.3 23.0 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 10 (1) - - - - 208-230/3/60 11.2 SWN0300H2C 460/3/60 82.0 15.0 25 25.0 30 6 20 (1) 50.0 50 12 40 (1) SWN0300H2D 460/3/60 5.2 41.0 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 10 (1) 25.0 25 6 20 (1) SWN0300H2E 575/3/60 4.7 30.0 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 8 (1) 20.0 20 5 16 (1) 208-230/3/60 20.0 120.0 25.0 45 31.0 50 6 20 (1) 50.0 50 12 40 (1) SWN0499H2D SWN0499H2C 460/3/60 9.4 60.0 15.0 20 15.0 20 3 10 (1) 25.0 25 6 20 (1) SWN0499H2E 575/3/60 6.9 49.0 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 8 (1) 20.0 20 5 16 (1) 208-230/3/60 20.0 120.0 25.0 40 31.0 50 6 20 (1) 50.0 50 12 40 (1) SWN0500H2D SWN0500H2C 460/3/60 9.4 60.0 15.0 20 15.0 20 3 10 (1) 25.0 25 6 20 (1) SWN0500H2E 575/3/60 7.1 49.0 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 8 (1) 20.0 20 5 16 (1) 208-230/3/60 28.3 169.0 35.4 60 50.0 70 12 40 (1) 87.5 90 16 70 (2) SWN0750H2C 2B - 20 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Water-Cooled Condensing Units ¾ - 22 HP Electrical Data Models with Semi-Hermetic Compressors Consult factory for 50 HZ applications. Per UL and NEC, RLA values have been calculated by dividing the Maximum Continuous Current (MCC) by 1.56. Number of defrost heater contactors in parentheses. Compressor Voltage Air Defrost RLA LRA MCA Electric Defrost - Low Amps MOPD MCA MOPD Electric Defrost - High Amps Evap. Fans Elec. Htrs MCA MOPD Evap Fans Elec Htrs SWN0750H2D 460/3/60 12.4 85.0 20.0 25 25.0 30 6 20 (1) 50.0 50 12 40 (1) SWN0750H2E 575/3/60 11.9 67.0 15.0 25 20.0 30 65 16 (1) 40.0 40 10 32 (1) 208-230/3/60 28.7 169.0 35.9 60 50.0 70 12 40 (1) 87.5 90 16 70 (2) SWN0760H2D 460/3/60 12.6 85.0 20.0 25 25.0 30 6 20 (1) 50.0 50 12 40 (1) SWN0760H2E 575/3/60 11.9 67.0 15.0 25 20.0 30 5 16 (1) 40.0 40 10 32 (1) 208-230/3/60 36.8 215.0 46.0 80 58.0 90 12 40 (1) 87.5 90 16 70 (2) SWN0760H2C SWN0761H2C SWN0761H2D 460/3/60 17.9 106.0 22.4 40 28.4 45 6 20 (1) 50.0 50 12 40 (1) SWN0761H2E 575/3/60 14.7 84.0 20.0 30 23.4 35 5 16 (1) 40.0 40 10 32 (1) 208-230/3/60 39.1 215.0 48.9 80 60.9 90 12 40 (1) 87.5 100 16 70 (2) SWN1000H2C SWN1000H2D 460/3/60 17.9 106.0 22.4 40 28.4 45 6 20 (1) 50.0 50 12 40 (1) SWN1000H2E 575/3/60 14.8 84.0 20.0 30 23.5 35 5 16 (1) 40.0 40 10 32 (1) 208-230/3/60 53.5 275.0 66.9 110 87.5 125 16 70 (2) 120.0 125 25 96 (2) SWN1500H2C SWN1500H2D 460/3/60 26.0 138.0 32.5 50 50.0 70 12 40 (1) 987.5 90 16 70 (2) SWN1500H2E 575/3/60 21.2 110.0 26.4 45 40.0 50 10 32 (1) 70.0 70 12 56 (2) 208-230/3/60 52.7 308.0 65.9 110 87.5 125 16 70 (2) 120.0 125 25 96 (2) SWN2000H2C SWN2000H2D 460/3/60 26.3 154.0 32.9 50 50.0 70 12 40 (1) 87.5 90 16 70 (2) SWN2000H2E 575/3/60 21.3 135.0 26.7 45 40.0 50 10 32 (1) 70.0 70 12 56 (2) Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2B - 21 Section 2 Bohn Base Model Water-Cooled Condensing Units ¾ - 22 HP Configurable Models Pricing Standard Features • Solid mounted semi-hermetic Reed and Discus® compressors up to and including 0400 • Spring mounted compressor 0499 and above • Oil pressure switch (where required) • High-low pressure controls Need to customize? Compressor contactor Shell and tube water-cooled condenser with pressure relief Liquid-line filter drier and sight glass Pump-down switch Look at the factory-installed options starting on page 2B-24. Bohn Model List Price ($US) Voltage Notes Semi-Hermetic Medium Temperature (R-404A/507) SWN0601L6D 21,294 460/3/60 - SWN0090M6B 8,805 208-230/1/60 - SWN0601L6E 21,721 575/3/60 - SWN0090M6C 8,923 208-230/3/60 - SWN0750L6C 21,404 208-230/3/60 - SWN0750L6D 23,229 460/3/60 - Bohn Model List Price ($US) Section 2 • • • • Voltage Notes SWN0199M6B 10,325 208-230/1/60 - SWN0199M6C 10,390 208-230/3/60 - SWN0750L6E 23,694 575/3/60 - 23,792 208-230/3/60 - SWN0200M6C 11,521 208-230/3/60 - SWN0900L6C SWN0310M6C 13,505 208-230/3/60 - SWN0900L6D 25,619 460/3/60 - SWN0900L6E 26,131 575/3/60 - SWN0310M6D 14,829 460/3/60 - SWN0310M6E 15,123 575/3/60 - SWN1000L6C 26,123 208-230/3/60 - SWN1000L6D 26,959 460/3/60 - SWN0500M6C 15,871 208-230/3/60 - SWN0500M6D 17,308 460/3/60 - SWN1000L6E 27,498 575/3/60 - SWN1500L6C 31,623 208-230/3/60 - - SWN1500L6D 32,429 460/3/60 - SWN1500L6E 33,078 575/3/60 - Semi-Hermetic Low Temperature (R-404A/507) SWN0150L6B 9,581 208-230/1/60 SWN0150L6C 9,627 208-230/3/60 - SWN0150L6D 11,066 460/3/60 - SWN2200L6C 37,023 208-230/3/60 - SWN2200L6D 37,825 460/3/60 - SWN2200L6E 38,580 575/3/60 - SWN0200L6C 11,632 208-230/3/60 - SWN0210L6B 11,810 208-230/1/60 - Semi-Hermetic Medium & High Temperature (R-22) SWN0210L6C 11,632 208-230/3/60 - SWN0210L6D 13,119 460/3/60 - SWN0075H2B 8,692 208-230/1/60 - SWN0075H2C 8,623 208-230/3/60 - SWN0210L6E 13,381 575/3/60 - SWN0310E6C 13,185 208-230/3/60 - SWN0090H2B 9,064 208-230/1/60 - SWN0090H2C 8,955 208-230/3/60 - SWN0310E6D 14,670 460/3/60 - SWN0310L6C 13,185 208-230/3/60 - SWN0100H2B 9,064 208-230/1/60 - 8,955 208-230/3/60 - SWN0310L6D 14,670 460/3/60 - SWN0100H2C SWN0310L6E 14,961 575/3/60 - SWN0100H2D 10,547 460/3/60 - SWN0150H2B 9,663 208-230/1/60 - SWN0311L6C 15,840 208-230/3/60 - SWN0311L6D 17,323 460/3/60 - SWN0150H2C 9,714 208-230/3/60 - SWN0150H2D 11,308 460/3/60 - SWN0311L6E 17,669 575/3/60 - SWN0400L6C 16,984 208-230/3/60 - SWN0200H2C 11,625 208-230/3/60 - SWN0200H2D 13,268 460/3/60 - SWN0400L6D 18,501 460/3/60 - SWN0400L6E 18,870 575/3/60 - SWN0200H2E 13,804 575/3/60 - 13,766 208-230/3/60 - SWN0599L6C 17,488 208-230/3/60 - SWN0300H2C SWN0599L6D 18,973 460/3/60 - SWN0300H2D 15,414 460/3/60 - SWN0300H2E 15,724 575/3/60 - SWN0599L6E 19,356 575/3/60 - SWN0600L6C 18,648 208-230/3/60 - SWN0499H2C 18,250 208-230/3/60 - SWN0499H2D 19,897 460/3/60 - SWN0600L6D 20,132 460/3/60 - SWN0600L6E 20,535 575/3/60 - SWN0499H2E 20,293 575/3/60 - - SWN0500H2C 19,011 208-230/3/60 - SWN0601L6C 2B - 22 19,807 208-230/3/60 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Water-Cooled Condensing Units Configurable Models Pricing Bohn Model List Price ($US) Voltage Notes SWN0500H2D 20,654 460/3/60 - SWN0500H2E 21,067 575/3/60 - SWN0750H2C 21,942 208-230/3/60 - SWN0750H2D 23,965 460/3/60 - SWN0750H2E 24,439 575/3/60 - SWN0760H2C 21,942 208-230/3/60 - SWN0760H2D 23,965 460/3/60 - SWN0760H2E 24,439 575/3/60 - SWN0761H2C 23,674 208-230/3/60 - SWN0761H2D 25,694 460/3/60 - SWN0761H2E 26,207 575/3/60 - SWN1000H2C 27,629 208-230/3/60 - SWN1000H2D 28,517 460/3/60 - SWN1000H2E 29,088 575/3/60 - SWN1500H2C 30,998 208-230/3/60 - SWN1500H2D 31,881 460/3/60 - SWN1500H2E 32,517 575/3/60 - SWN2000H2C 35,565 208-230/3/60 - SWN2000H2D 36,456 460/3/60 - SWN2000H2E 37,185 575/3/60 - SWN0075M2B 8,692 208-230/1/60 - SWN0075M2C 8,623 208-230/3/60 - SWN0200M2C 11,625 208-230/3/60 - SWN0200M2D 13,268 460/3/60 - Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Section 2 ¾ - 22 HP 2B - 23 Water-Cooled Condensing Units ¾ - 22 HP Need Factory-Installed Options? Option Code Factory-Installed Options • Make sure you have selected a configurable model. When ordering, remember to specify the option codes and list price adders for each selected option. • Can’t Find Something? Other options and accessories might be available on a custom order basis. Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. Models Used On Notes List Price Adder ($US) Defrost Timer - Air All H2, M2, M6 Medium temperature applications only. 524 CBK.001-1 Circuit Breakers (Compressor & Control Circuit) 0075-0311 (208-230/1/60 or 230V/1/60) - 457 CBK.001-2 Circuit Breakers (Compressor & Control Circuit) 0075-2000 (230V/3/60) - 540 CBK.001-3 Circuit Breakers (Compressor & Control Circuit) 0100-2200 (460V/3/60) - 1,293 CBK.001-4 Circuit Breakers (Compressor & Control Circuit) 2200L6C - 2,041 CCH.001 Crankcase Heater All - 297 SW.002 Dual pressure control with adjustable high & low pressure settings All - 145 0300-2200 - 804 583 Description Electrical Options DFT.001 Mechanical Options Section 2 LIQ.003 Replaceable core liquid-line filter drier & sight glass LIQ.002-1 Liquid-line solenoid valve 0075-0400 Not recommended on applications with line runs more than 25 feet. LIQ.002-2 Liquid-line solenoid valve 0499-0900 Not recommended on applications with line runs more than 25 feet. 652 LIQ.002-3 Liquid-line solenoid valve 1000-2200 Not recommended on applications with line runs more than 25 feet. 893 CMT.002 Spring Mounted Compressor 0075-0400 Includes discharge and suction vibration eliminators. Standard on 0499 and above 396 SUC.003-1 Suction-line filter 0075-0210 - 329 SUC.003-2 Suction-line filter 0300-0400 - 754 SUC.005 Replaceable core suction-line filter 0300-0400 - 1,185 SUC.007-1 Suction accumulator 0075-0210 - 490 SUC.007-2 Suction accumulator 0300-0400 - 763 SUC.010 Suction-line filter 0499-2200 - 1,164 SUC.012 Replaceable core suction-line filter 0500-2200 - 1,185 SUC.014-1 Suction accumulator 0499-1000 - 1,220 SUC.014-2 Suction accumulator 1500H2-2000H2 & 1500L62200L6 - 2,229 DIS.001 Oil separator with discharge line check valve 0300-0400 - 1,235 DIS.009-1 Oil separator with discharge line check valve 0499-0500 - 1,235 DIS.009-2 Oil separator with discharge line check valve 0599-1000 - 1,304 DIS.009-3 Oil separator with discharge line check valve 1500-2200 - 1,543 2B - 24 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Water-Cooled Condensing Units ¾ - 22 HP Factory-Installed Electric Defrost Options • Make sure you have selected a configurable model. When ordering, remember to specify the option codes and list price adders for each selected option. • Electric defrost kits and components are available to be factory mounted in the electrical box of indoor or outdoor condensing units used in medium/ low temp applications with electric defrost evaporators. Need an electric defrost timer or kit? Selecting the proper kit is as easy as … Electric Defrost Timer Initiates and terminates defrost cycles based on a predetermined time schedule. Add up the total fan motor amps and electric heater amps for all evaporators in the refrigeration system. For the selected condensing unit, find the rated defrost power amps for both the fan motor amps and electric heater amps. Lockout Relay Prevents the electric defrost heaters from energizing when the compressor is in operation. Not available on electric defrost timer only options. Fan Contactor Carries amperage load for evaporator fan motors. Heater Contactor Carries amperage load for evaporator electric defrost heaters. If the evaporator total fan motor amps and electric defrost heater amps calculated in Step 1 are less than the condensing unit’s rated defrost power amps found in Step 2 then proceed below to select the appropriate kit/ components and list price adders. If not then contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. InterLink™ Smart Defrost Kit™ (SDK) The InterLink™ SDK is a revolutionary product that is designed to be used on any electric defrost walk-in freezer system with an electro-mechanical defrost timer set for three or more scheduled defrosts per day. The InterLink™ SDK accurately estimates frost accumulation on the evaporator coil and decides if it can skip the preprogrammed defrost period that is set on the defrost timer. This helps eliminate unneeded defrost cycles, saving energy and increasing product integrity Section 2 1 2 3 Definitions Option Code Description Models Used On Notes List Price Adder ($US) DFT.028-1 Electric Defrost Kit (Low Amps) 0075-1000, 1500-2200 (460V & 575V) Includes (1) electric defrost timer, (1 or 2) heater & (1) fan contactors, terminal strip 921 DFT.028-2 Electric Defrost Kit (Low Amps) 1500-2200 (230V) Includes (1) electric defrost timer, (1 or 2) heater & (1) fan contactors, terminal strip 1,353 DFT.029-1 Electric Defrost Kit (High Amps) 0150H2B, 0199M6B, 0300-0601, 07501000 (460V & 575V) Includes (1) electric defrost timer, (1 or 2) heater & (1) fan contactors, terminal strip 921 DFT.029-2 Electric Defrost Kit (High Amps) 0750-1000 (230V), 1500-2200 Includes (1) electric defrost timer, (1 or 2) heater & (1) fan contactors, terminal strip 1,353 DEF.067-1 Fuses for electric defrost kits (Low Amps) 0075-1000 - 381 DEF.067-2 Fuses for electric defrost kits (Low Amps) 1500-2200 - 540 DEF.068-1 Fuses for electric defrost kits (High Amps) 0150H2B, 0199M6B, 0300-0601 - 381 DEF.068-2 Fuses for electric defrost kits (High Amps) 0750-2200 - 540 SDK.001 InterLink™ Smart Defrost Kit™ All Can not be used alone. Must also select a electric defrost timer or electric defrost kit. 812 Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2B - 25 Water-Cooled Condensing Units ¾ - 22 HP Shipped-Loose Accessories A wide range of shipped-loose accessories are available to order. Can’t Find Something? Other options and accessories might be available on a custom order basis. Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. Part Number Description Models Used On Notes List Price ($US) All Can not be used alone. Must be used with a electric defrost timer or electric defrost kit. 812 335 Electrical Options 22681501 InterLink™ Smart Defrost Kit™ Mechancial Options 2935028 Water Regulating Valve 0075-0311 - 2935031 Water Regulating Valve 0400-0601 - 335 2935041 Water Regulating Valve 0750-0900 - 1,076 2935042 Water Regulating Valve 1000, 1500L6, 2200L6 - 1,076 87409001 Water Regulating Valve 1500H2, 2000H2 - 2,892 50055901 Two Tier Rack (Small) 0075 - 1000 - 3,039 50055902 Two Tier Rack (Large) 1500 - 2200 - 3,039 Crankcase Pressure Regulator (CPR) Valves Section 2 A selection program must be used to pick the proper valve. The selection program requires the following inputs: system capacity, suction temperature, and maximum holding temperature. Not available for use on Beacon II™ Outdoor units. Should not be used with MOP type expansion valves in unit coolers. Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. Size Part Number List Price ($US) 5/8” 2930142 272 7/8” 29346101 374 1 1/8” 29399012 549 1 3/8” 4227W 1,501 1 5/8” 4262Q 2,349 2B - 26 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Remote Compressor Units ¾ - 22 HP Overview Cabinet & Construction • • • • • • Spacious, pre-painted electrical box Fixed low pressure switch (adjustable on low temp models) Fixed high pressure switch Pump down switch 230V control circuit transformer on 460V units Standard 16-3/4” tall box - (large 29-1/4” tall box is standard when defrost components are selected) • Sealed liquid line filter drier and sight glass Serviceability • • • • Easy access refrigerant piping Captive door fasteners Single electrical connection location Removable electrical box provides convenient front access to the oil pump and compressor Quality • Every unit is subjected to a helium leak test to ensure the unit is leak free • Shipped with nitrogen holding charge to enable installer to verify unit is leakfree upon arrival • All the units are completely leak tested in a helium environment, compressor is bump tested and high and low pressure controls are cycled. Each unit has a copy of the run data shipped inside the electrical panel. The indoor SRN and ZRN remote compressor units feature semi-hermetic or Scroll® compressors. These units are specicially designed for use in supermarket restaurant, warehouse and other commercial and industrial applications. The design focuses on easy of installation and maintenance along with the flexibility to fit most application requirements. Components • • • • Pre-bent tubing reduces the possibility of leaks Shipped with dry nitrogen charge Heavy duty base plate Non-metallic conduit on all wiring runs Section 2 Product Description Certifications Nomenclature Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2C - 1 Remote Compressor Units ¾ - 22 HP Performance Data Models with Semi-Hermetic Compressors Capacity rating conditions for High/Medium Temperature: 120°F Condensing Temperature, 8°F Subcooling Capacity rating conditions for Low Temperature: 110°F Condensing Temperature, 6°F Subcooling Bohn Base Compressor Model Suction Temp. °F Capacity (BTUH) Medium Temperature (R-404A/507) Section 2 SRN0090M6 KARA-010E 40°F Bohn Base Compressor Model Suction Temp. °F Capacity (BTUH) SRN0200L6 EADA-020E -30°F 5,130 - SRN0200L6 EADA-020E -40°F 3,240 SRN0090M6 KARA-010E 35°F - SRN0210L6 EAVA-021E 0°F 15,370 SRN0090M6 KARA-010E 30°F - SRN0210L6 EAVA-021E -10°F 11,550 SRN0090M6 KARA-010E 25°F 8,880 SRN0210L6 EAVA-021E -20°F 8,270 SRN0090M6 KARA-010E 20°F 7,780 SRN0210L6 EAVA-021E -25°F 6,890 SRN0090M6 KARA-010E 15°F 6,910 SRN0210L6 EAVA-021E -30°F 5,610 SRN0199M6 KAKA-020E 40°F - SRN0210L6 EAVA-021E -40°F 3,720 SRN0199M6 KAKA-020E 35°F - SRN0310E6 LACA-032E 0°F - SRN0199M6 KAKA-020E 30°F - SRN0310E6 LACA-032E -10°F - SRN0199M6 KAKA-020E 25°F 14,150 SRN0310E6 LACA-032E -20°F 17,070 SRN0199M6 KAKA-020E 20°F 12,850 SRN0310E6 LACA-032E -25°F 14,310 SRN0199M6 KAKA-020E 15°F 11,450 SRN0310E6 LACA-032E -30°F 11,960 SRN0200M6 ERCA-021E 40°F - SRN0310E6 LACA-032E -40°F 7,930 SRN0200M6 ERCA-021E 35°F - SRN0310L6 LAHA-032E 0°F 24,910 SRN0200M6 ERCA-021E 30°F - SRN0310L6 LAHA-032E -10°F 18,660 SRN0200M6 ERCA-021E 25°F 18,480 SRN0310L6 LAHA-032E -20°F 13,250 SRN0200M6 ERCA-021E 20°F 16,310 SRN0310L6 LAHA-032E -25°F 10,920 SRN0200M6 ERCA-021E 15°F 14,470 SRN0310L6 LAHA-032E -30°F 8,790 SRN0310M6 ERFA-031E 40°F - SRN0310L6 LAHA-032E -40°F 5,300 SRN0310M6 ERFA-031E 35°F - SRN0311L6 2DF3F16KE 0°F 32,860 SRN0310M6 ERFA-031E 30°F - SRN0311L6 2DF3F16KE -10°F 25,330 SRN0310M6 ERFA-031E 25°F 27,080 SRN0311L6 2DF3F16KE -20°F 19,080 SRN0310M6 ERFA-031E 20°F 24,080 SRN0311L6 2DF3F16KE -25°F 16,320 SRN0310M6 ERFA-031E 15°F 21,380 SRN0311L6 2DF3F16KE -30°F 13,760 SRN0500M6 2DC3R53KE 40°F 58,540 SRN0311L6 2DF3F16KE -40°F 9,250 SRN0500M6 2DC3R53KE 35°F 52,600 SRN0400L6 2DL3F20KE 0°F 39,330 SRN0500M6 2DC3R53KE 30°F 47,090 SRN0400L6 2DL3F20KE -10°F 30,530 SRN0500M6 2DC3R53KE 25°F 42,030 SRN0400L6 2DL3F20KE -20°F 23,110 SRN0500M6 2DC3R53KE 20°F 37,370 SRN0400L6 2DL3F20KE -25°F 19,820 SRN0500M6 2DC3R53KE 15°F 33,050 SRN0400L6 2DL3F20KE -30°F 16,890 SRN0400L6 2DL3F20KE -40°F 11,670 11,020 SRN0599L6 2DA3F23KE 0°F 44,630 2DA3F23KE -10°F 34,870 Low Temperature (R-404A/507) SRN0150L6 KALA-016E 0°F SRN0150L6 KALA-016E -10°F 8,480 SRN0599L6 SRN0150L6 KALA-016E -20°F 6,470 SRN0599L6 2DA3F23KE -20°F 26,710 2DA3F23KE -25°F 23,110 SRN0150L6 KALA-016E -25°F 5,510 SRN0599L6 SRN0150L6 KALA-016E -30°F 4,620 SRN0599L6 2DA3F23KE -30°F 19,840 2DA3F23KE -40°F 13,860 SRN0150L6 KALA-016E -40°F 2,790 SRN0599L6 SRN0200L6 EADA-020E 0°F 13,250 SRN0600L6 2DB3F25KE 0°F 48,120 2DB3F25KE -10°F 37,520 SRN0200L6 EADA-020E -10°F 9,960 SRN0600L6 SRN0200L6 EADA-020E -20°F 7,310 SRN0600L6 2DB3F25KE -20°F 28,620 6,150 SRN0600L6 2DB3F25KE -25°F 24,700 SRN0200L6 2C - 2 EADA-020E -25°F List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Remote Compressor Units ¾ - 22 HP Performance Data Models with Semi-Hermetic Compressors Capacity rating conditions for High/Medium Temperature: 120°F Condensing Temperature, 8°F Subcooling Capacity rating conditions for Low Temperature: 110°F Condensing Temperature, 6°F Subcooling Suction Temp. °F Capacity (BTUH) Bohn Base Compressor Model Suction Temp. °F Capacity (BTUH) SRN0600L6 2DB3F25KE -30°F 21,030 SRN0075H2 KAN1-0075 25°F 5,970 SRN0600L6 2DB3F25KE -40°F 14,580 SRN0075H2 KAN1-0075 20°F 5,190 SRN0601L6 3DA3F28KE 0°F 53,640 SRN0075H2 KAN1-0075 15°F 4,460 SRN0601L6 3DA3F28KE -10°F 42,080 SRN0075M2 KAE1-0075 40°F - SRN0601L6 3DA3F28KE -20°F 32,330 SRN0075M2 KAE1-0075 35°F - SRN0601L6 3DA3F28KE -25°F 27,980 SRN0075M2 KAE1-0075 30°F - SRN0601L6 3DA3F28KE -30°F 24,080 SRN0075M2 KAE1-0075 25°F 7,110 SRN0601L6 3DA3F28KE -40°F 17,190 SRN0075M2 KAE1-0075 20°F 6,320 SRN0750L6 3DB3F33KE 0°F 63,280 SRN0075M2 KAE1-0075 15°F 5,580 SRN0750L6 3DB3F33KE -10°F 49,710 SRN0090H2 KARA-010E 40°F 11,800 SRN0750L6 3DB3F33KE -20°F 38,370 SRN0090H2 KARA-010E 35°F 10,500 SRN0750L6 3DB3F33KE -25°F 33,390 SRN0090H2 KARA-010E 30°F 9,390 SRN0750L6 3DB3F33KE -30°F 28,810 SRN0090H2 KARA-010E 25°F 8,360 SRN0750L6 3DB3F33KE -40°F 20,490 SRN0090H2 KARA-010E 20°F 7,420 SRN0900L6 3DF3F40KE 0°F 77,800 SRN0090H2 KARA-010E 15°F 6,560 SRN0900L6 3DF3F40KE -10°F 60,950 SRN0100H2 KAM1-0100 40°F 13,570 SRN0900L6 3DF3F40KE -20°F 46,850 SRN0100H2 KAM1-0100 35°F 12,060 SRN0900L6 3DF3F40KE -25°F 40,700 SRN0100H2 KAM1-0100 30°F 10,820 SRN0900L6 3DF3F40KE -30°F 35,020 SRN0100H2 KAM1-0100 25°F 9,580 SRN0900L6 3DF3F40KE -40°F 25,140 SRN0100H2 KAM1-0100 20°F 8,480 SRN1000L6 3DS3F46KE 0°F 86,180 SRN0100H2 KAM1-0100 15°F 7,460 SRN1000L6 3DS3F46KE -10°F 68,260 SRN0150H2 KAGA-0150 40°F 15,550 SRN1000L6 3DS3F46KE -20°F 52,890 SRN0150H2 KAGA-0150 35°F 13,830 SRN1000L6 3DS3F46KE -25°F 46,000 SRN0150H2 KAGA-0150 30°F 12,270 SRN1000L6 3DS3F46KE -30°F 39,690 SRN0150H2 KAGA-0150 25°F 10,920 SRN1000L6 3DS3F46KE -40°F 28,520 SRN0150H2 KAGA-0150 20°F 9,630 SRN1500L6 4DL3F63KE 0°F 116,390 SRN0150H2 KAGA-0150 15°F 8,430 SRN1500L6 4DL3F63KE -10°F 92,330 SRN0200H2 ERA1-0200 40°F 21,160 SRN1500L6 4DL3F63KE -20°F 72,720 SRN0200H2 ERA1-0200 35°F 18,200 SRN1500L6 4DL3F63KE -25°F 64,020 SRN0200H2 ERA1-0200 30°F 15,600 SRN1500L6 4DL3F63KE -30°F 55,780 SRN0200H2 ERA1-0200 25°F 13,100 SRN1500L6 4DL3F63KE -40°F 39,900 SRN0200H2 ERA1-0200 20°F 10,920 SRN2200L6 4DT3F76KE 0°F 138,750 SRN0200H2 ERA1-0200 15°F 8,790 SRN2200L6 4DT3F76KE -10°F 110,880 SRN0200M2 ERC1-0200 40°F - SRN2200L6 4DT3F76KE -20°F 86,710 SRN0200M2 ERC1-0200 35°F - SRN2200L6 4DT3F76KE -25°F 75,790 SRN0200M2 ERC1-0200 30°F - SRN2200L6 4DT3F76KE -30°F 65,300 SRN0200M2 ERC1-0200 25°F 17,260 SRN2200L6 4DT3F76KE -40°F 45,370 SRN0200M2 ERC1-0200 20°F 15,080 Medium & High Temperature (R-22) SRN0200M2 ERC1-0200 15°F 13,100 SRN0075H2 KAN1-0075 40°F 8,750 SRN0300H2 ERF1-0311 40°F 35,780 SRN0075H2 KAN1-0075 35°F 7,730 SRN0300H2 ERF1-0311 35°F 32,030 6,810 SRN0300H2 ERF1-0311 30°F 28,700 SRN0075H2 Rev. 03/12 KAN1-0075 30°F List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Section 2 Bohn Base Compressor Model 2C - 3 Remote Compressor Units ¾ - 22 HP Performance Data Models with Semi-Hermetic Compressors Capacity rating conditions for High/Medium Temperature: 120°F Condensing Temperature, 8°F Subcooling Capacity rating conditions for Low Temperature: 110°F Condensing Temperature, 6°F Subcooling Section 2 Bohn Base Compressor Model Suction Temp. °F Capacity (BTUH) Bohn Base Compressor Model Suction Temp. °F Capacity (BTUH) SRN0300H2 ERF1-0311 25°F 25,580 SRN1500H2 3DS3R17ME 25°F 134,160 SRN0300H2 ERF1-0311 20°F 22,670 SRN1500H2 3DS3R17ME 20°F 120,640 SRN0300H2 ERF1-0311 15°F 20,070 SRN1500H2 3DS3R17ME 15°F 108,160 SRN0499H2 2DC3R53KE 40°F 58,860 SRN2000H2 4DA3R18ME 40°F 200,720 SRN0499H2 2DC3R53KE 35°F 52,520 SRN2000H2 4DA3R18ME 35°F 179,920 SRN0499H2 2DC3R53KE 30°F 46,700 SRN2000H2 4DA3R18ME 30°F 161,200 SRN0499H2 2DC3R53KE 25°F 41,290 SRN2000H2 4DA3R18ME 25°F 143,520 SRN0499H2 2DC3R53KE 20°F 36,300 SRN2000H2 4DA3R18ME 20°F 127,920 SRN0499H2 2DC3R53KE 15°F 31,620 SRN2000H2 4DA3R18ME 15°F 114,090 SRN0500H2 2DD3R63KE 40°F 68,220 SRN0500H2 2DD3R63KE 35°F 61,050 SRN0500H2 2DD3R63KE 30°F 54,390 SRN0500H2 2DD3R63KE 25°F 48,320 SRN0500H2 2DD3R63KE 20°F 42,640 SRN0500H2 2DD3R63KE 15°F 37,340 SRN0750H2 2DL3R78KE 40°F 85,590 SRN0750H2 2DL3R78KE 35°F 76,860 SRN0750H2 2DL3R78KE 30°F 68,850 SRN0750H2 2DL3R78KE 25°F 61,380 SRN0750H2 2DL3R78KE 20°F 54,500 SRN0750H2 2DL3R78KE 15°F 48,050 SRN0760H2 2DA3R89KE 40°F 96,510 SRN0760H2 2DA3R89KE 35°F 86,940 SRN0760H2 2DA3R89KE 30°F 78,000 SRN0760H2 2DA3R89KE 25°F 69,680 SRN0760H2 2DA3R89KE 20°F 61,780 SRN0760H2 2DA3R89KE 15°F 54,290 SRN0761H2 3DA3R10ME 40°F 116,480 SRN0761H2 3DA3R10ME 35°F 105,040 SRN0761H2 3DA3R10ME 30°F 94,430 SRN0761H2 3DA3R10ME 25°F 84,740 SRN0761H2 3DA3R10ME 20°F 75,710 SRN0761H2 3DA3R10ME 15°F 67,390 SRN1000H2 3DB3R12ME 40°F 138,320 SRN1000H2 3DB3R12ME 35°F 124,800 SRN1000H2 3DB3R12ME 30°F 112,320 SRN1000H2 3DB3R12ME 25°F 101,120 SRN1000H2 3DB3R12ME 20°F 90,690 SRN1000H2 3DB3R12ME 15°F 81,020 SRN1500H2 3DS3R17ME 40°F 182,000 SRN1500H2 3DS3R17ME 35°F 165,360 SRN1500H2 3DS3R17ME 30°F 148,720 2C - 4 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Remote Compressor Units ¾ - 22 HP Performance Data Models with Scroll Compressors Bohn Base Compressor Model Suction Temp. °F Capacity (BTUH) Extended Temperature (R-404A/507) Bohn Base Compressor Model Suction Temp. °F Capacity (BTUH) ZRN055X6 ZS38K4E -20°F 17,170 ZS45K4E 40°F 69,660 ZRN020X6 ZS15K4E 40°F 23,980 ZRN060X6 ZRN020X6 ZS15K4E 30°F 19,980 ZRN060X6 ZS45K4E 30°F 57,780 ZS45K4E 20°F 47,630 ZRN020X6 ZS15K4E 20°F 16,520 ZRN060X6 ZRN020X6 ZS15K4E 10°F 13,500 ZRN060X6 ZS45K4E 10°F 39,100 ZS45K4E 0°F 31,970 ZRN020X6 ZS15K4E 0°F 11,020 ZRN060X6 ZRN020X6 ZS15K4E -10°F 8,820 ZRN060X6 ZS45K4E -10°F 25,920 ZRN060X6 ZS45K4E -20°F 20,950 ZRN020X6 ZS15K4E -20°F 6,990 ZRN025X6 ZS19K4E 40°F 29,590 Medium Temperature (R-404A/507) ZRN025X6 ZS19K4E 30°F 246,320 ZRN0650M6 ZB50KCE 40°F 83,380 ZRN025X6 ZS19K4E 20°F 20,300 ZRN0650M6 ZB50KCE 30°F 69,010 ZRN025X6 ZS19K4E 10°F 16,630 ZRN0650M6 ZB50KCE 20°F 56,380 ZRN025X6 ZS19K4E 0°F 13,500 ZRN0650M6 ZB50KCE 10°F 44,500 ZRN025X6 ZS19K4E -10°F 10,910 ZRN0700M6 ZB58KCE 40°F 92,020 ZRN025X6 ZS19K4E -20°F 8,620 ZRN0700M6 ZB58KCE 30°F 76,030 ZRN030X6 ZS21K4E 40°F 32,830 ZRN0700M6 ZB58KCE 20°F 62,320 ZRN030X6 ZS21K4E 30°F 27,220 ZRN0700M6 ZB58KCE 10°F 50,110 ZRN030X6 ZS21K4E 20°F 22,460 ZRN0750M6 ZB66KCE 40°F 102,600 ZRN030X6 ZS21K4E 10°F 18,470 ZRN0750M6 ZB66KCE 30°F 85,320 ZRN030X6 ZS21K4E 0°F 15,120 ZRN0750M6 ZB66KCE 20°F 70,200 ZRN030X6 ZS21K4E -10°F 12,200 ZRN0750M6 ZB66KCE 10°F 57,240 ZRN030X6 ZS21K4E -20°F 9,830 ZRN0860M6 ZB76KCE 40°F 122,040 ZRN035X6 ZS26K4E 40°F 40,930 ZRN0860M6 ZB76KCE 30°F 101,200 ZRN035X6 ZS26K4E 30°F 34,020 ZRN0860M6 ZB76KCE 20°F 83,380 ZRN035X6 ZS26K4E 20°F 28,190 ZRN0860M6 ZB76KCE 10°F 68,360 ZRN035X6 ZS26K4E 10°F 23,110 ZRN1000M6 ZS92K4E 40°F 145,800 ZRN035X6 ZS26K4E 0°F 18,790 ZRN1000M6 ZS92K4E 30°F 122,040 ZRN035X6 ZS26K4E -10°F 15,230 ZRN1000M6 ZS92K4E 20°F 100,440 ZRN035X6 ZS26K4E -20°F 12,200 ZRN1000M6 ZS92K4E 10°F 82,620 ZRN045X6 ZS30K4E 40°F 47,090 ZRN1400M6 ZS11M4E 40°F 166,320 ZRN045X6 ZS30K4E 30°F 39,200 ZRN1400M6 ZS11M4E 30°F 139,320 ZRN045X6 ZS30K4E 20°F 32,400 ZRN1400M6 ZS11M4E 20°F 115,560 ZRN045X6 ZS30K4E 10°F 26,570 ZRN1400M6 ZS11M4E 10°F 95,040 ZRN045X6 ZS30K4E 0°F 21,490 Low Temperature (R-404A/507) ZRN045X6 ZS30K4E -10°F 17,280 ZRN020L6 ZF06K4E 0°F 11,550 ZRN045X6 ZS30K4E -20°F 13,720 ZRN020L6 ZF06K4E -10°F 9,380 ZRN055X6 ZS38K4E 40°F 58,320 ZRN020L6 ZF06K4E -20°F 7,520 ZRN055X6 ZS38K4E 30°F 48,170 ZRN020L6 ZF06K4E -30°F 5,900 ZRN055X6 ZS38K4E 20°F 39,740 ZRN020L6 ZF06K4E -40°F 4,450 ZRN055X6 ZS38K4E 10°F 32,510 ZRN025L6 ZF08K4E 0°F 14,730 ZRN055X6 ZS38K4E 0°F 26,460 ZRN025L6 ZF08K4E -10°F 11,870 ZRN055X6 ZS38K4E -10°F 21,380 ZRN025L6 ZF08K4E -20°F 9,510 Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Section 2 Capacity rating conditions for Extended/Medium Temperature: 120°F Condensing Temperature, 8°F Subcooling Capacity rating conditions for Low Temperature: 110°F Condensing Temperature, 6°F Subcooling 2C - 5 Remote Compressor Units ¾ - 22 HP Performance Data Models with Scroll Compressors Capacity rating conditions for Extended/Medium Temperature: 120°F Condensing Temperature, 8°F Subcooling Capacity rating conditions for Low Temperature: 110°F Condensing Temperature, 6°F Subcooling Section 2 Bohn Base Compressor Model Suction Temp. °F Capacity (BTUH) Bohn Base Compressor Model Suction Temp. °F Capacity (BTUH) ZRN025L6 ZF08K4E -30°F 7,480 ZRN1500L6 ZF48K4E 0°F 89,040 ZRN025L6 ZF08K4E -40°F 5,770 ZRN1500L6 ZF48K4E -10°F 72,080 ZRN030L6 ZF09K4E 0°F 16,320 ZRN1500L6 ZF48K4E -20°F 57,240 ZRN030L6 ZF09K4E -10°F 13,140 ZRN1500L6 ZF48K4E -30°F 45,160 ZRN030L6 ZF09K4E -20°F 10,580 ZRN1500L6 ZF48K4E -40°F 34,770 ZRN030L6 ZF09K4E -30°F 8,360 ZRN030L6 ZF09K4E -40°F 6,440 ZRN035L6 ZF11K4E 0°F 20,350 ZRN035L6 ZF11K4E -10°F 16,430 ZRN035L6 ZF11K4E -20°F 13,140 ZRN035L6 ZF11K4E -30°F 10,390 ZRN035L6 ZF11K4E -40°F 8,020 ZRN045L6 ZF13K4E 0°F 23,430 ZRN045L6 ZF13K4E -10°F 18,760 ZRN045L6 ZF13K4E -20°F 14,840 ZRN045L6 ZF13K4E -30°F 11,660 ZRN045L6 ZF13K4E -40°F 8,950 ZRN055L6 ZF15K4E 0°F 28,730 ZRN055L6 ZF15K4E -10°F 23,210 ZRN055L6 ZF15K4E -20°F 18,550 ZRN055L6 ZF15K4E -30°F 14,630 ZRN055L6 ZF15K4E -40°F 11,340 ZRN060L6 ZF18K4E 0°F 34,560 ZRN060L6 ZF18K4E -10°F 27,980 ZRN060L6 ZF18K4E -20°F 22,470 ZRN060L6 ZF18K4E -30°F 17,810 ZRN060L6 ZF18K4E -40°F 13,670 ZRN0750L6 ZF24K4E 0°F 42,190 ZRN0750L6 ZF24K4E -10°F 34,130 ZRN0750L6 ZF24K4E -20°F 27,240 ZRN0750L6 ZF24K4E -30°F 21,310 ZRN0750L6 ZF24K4E -40°F 16,320 ZRN1000L6 ZF33K4E 0°F 59,360 ZRN1000L6 ZF33K4E -10°F 47,810 ZRN1000L6 ZF33K4E -20°F 38,160 ZRN1000L6 ZF33K4E -30°F 29,790 ZRN1000L6 ZF33K4E -40°F 22,470 ZRN1300L6 ZF40K4E 0°F 72,610 ZRN1300L6 ZF40K4E -10°F 59,360 ZRN1300L6 ZF40K4E -20°F 47,590 ZRN1300L6 ZF40K4E -30°F 37,630 ZRN1300L6 ZF40K4E -40°F 28,730 2C - 6 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Remote Compressor Units ¾ - 22 HP Unit Specifications Models with Semi-Hermetic Compressors Bohn Base Compressor Model Connections (in.) Suction Discharge Liquid Line Condenser Return Receiver 90% Full (lbs.) Dimensions Depth (in.) Width (in.) Height (in.) Approx. Net Weight (lbs.) Medium Temperature (R-404A/507) SRN0200M6 ERCA-021E 7/8 1/2 3/8 1/2 26.0 35 23 3/4 36 3/8 245 SRN0310M6 ERFA-031E 1 1/8 5/8 1/2 5/8 57.0 40 26 3/4 39 1/4 305 SRN0500M6 2DC3R53KE 1 3/8 7/8 5/8 5/8 57.0 42 30 3/8 39 1/4 375 SRN0150L6 KALA-016E 7/8 1/2 3/8 3/8 26.0 35 23 3/4 36 3/8 175 SRN0200L6 EADA-020E 7/8 1/2 3/8 1/2 26.0 35 23 3/4 36 3/8 305 SRN0210L6 EAVA-021E 7/8 1/2 3/8 1/2 26.0 35 23 3/4 36 3/8 305 SRN0310L6 LAHA-032E 1 1/8 5/8 1/2 5/8 26.0 40 26 3/4 39 1/4 305 SRN0310E6 LACA-032E 1 1/8 5/8 1/2 5/8 26.0 40 26 3/4 39 1/4 305 SRN0311L6 2DF3F16KE 1 3/8 7/8 1/2 5/8 57.0 40 26 3/4 39 1/4 320 SRN0400L6 2DL3F20KE 1 3/8 7/8 1/2 5/8 57.0 40 26 3/4 39 1/4 360 SRN0599L6 2DA3F34KE 1 3/8 7/8 5/8 5/8 57.0 42 30 3/8 39 1/4 390 SRN0600L6 2DB3F25KE 1 3/8 7/8 5/8 5/8 57.0 42 30 3/8 39 1/4 390 SRN0601L6 3DA3F28KE 1 3/8 1 1/8 5/8 5/8 57.0 42 30 3/8 39 1/4 405 SRN0750L6 3DB3F33KE 1 5/8 1 1/8 5/8 7/8 106.0 47 35 3/8 43 1/2 385 SRN0900L6 3DF3F40KE 1 5/8 1 1/8 5/8 7/8 106.0 47 35 3/8 43 1/2 465 SRN1000L6 3DS3F46KE 1 5/8 1 1/8 7/8 7/8 106.0 47 35 3/8 43 1/2 595 SRN1500L6 4DL3F69KE 2 1/8 1 1/8 7/8 7/8 106.0 47 35 3/8 43 1/2 655 SRN2200L6 4DT3F76KE 2 1/8 1 1/8 7/8 7/8 106.0 47 35 3/8 43 1/2 725 Section 2 Low Temperature (R-404A/507) Medium & High Temperature (R-22) SRN0075H2 KAN1-0075 5/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 30.0 35 23 3/4 36 3/8 155 SRN0075M2 KAE1-0075 5/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 30.0 35 23 3/4 36 3/8 155 SRN0090H2 KARA-010E 5/8 1/2 3/8 3/8 30.0 35 23 3/4 36 3/8 160 SRN0090M2 KARA-010E 7/8 1/2 3/8 3/8 26.0 35 23 3/4 36 3/8 160 SRN0100H2 KAM1-0100 7/8 1/2 3/8 3/8 30.0 35 23 3/4 36 3/8 160 SRN0150H2 KAGA-0150 7/8 1/2 3/8 3/8 30.0 35 23 3/4 36 3/8 175 SRN0199M2 KAKA-020E 7/8 1/2 3/8 1/2 26.0 35 23 3/4 36 3/8 200 SRN0200H2 ERA1-0200 7/8 1/2 3/8 1/2 30.0 35 23 3/4 36 3/8 245 SRN0200M2 ERC1-0200 7/8 1/2 3/8 1/2 30.0 35 23 3/4 36 3/8 245 SRN0300H2 ERF1-0311 1 1/8 5/8 1/2 5/8 66.0 40 26 3/4 39 1/4 305 SRN0500H2 2DD3R63KE 1 3/8 7/8 5/8 5/8 66.0 42 30 3/8 39 1/4 375 SRN0750H2 2DL3R78KE 1 3/8 7/8 5/8 7/8 122.0 47 35 3/8 43 1/2 385 SRN0760H2 2DA3R89KE 1 3/8 7/8 5/8 7/8 122.0 47 35 3/8 43 1/2 385 SRN0761H2 3DA3R10ME 1 3/8 1 1/8 5/8 7/8 122.0 47 35 3/8 43 1/2 385 SRN1000H2 3DB3R12ME 1 5/8 1 1/8 7/8 7/8 122.0 47 35 3/8 43 1/2 595 SRN1500H2 3DS3R17ME 1 5/8 1 1/8 7/8 1 1/8 171.0 47 35 3/8 43 1/2 615 SRN2000H2 4DA3R18ME 1 5/8 1 3/8 7/8 1 1/8 171.0 47 35 3/8 43 1/2 665 Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2C - 7 Remote Compressor Units ¾ - 22 HP Unit Specifications Models with Scroll Compressors Connections (in.) Bohn Base Compressor Liquid Condenser Model Suction Discharge Line Return Dimensions Receiver 90% Full (lbs.) Depth (in.) Width (in.) Height (in.) Approx. Net Weight (lbs.) Extended Temperature (R-404A/507) ZRN020X6 ZS15K4E 7/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 20.0 29 25 28 163 ZRN025X6 ZS19K4E 7/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 20.0 29 25 28 169 ZRN030X6 ZS21K4E 7/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 20.0 29 25 28 171 ZRN035X6 ZS26K4E 7/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 20.0 29 25 28 186 ZRN045X6 ZS30K4E 7/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 20.0 29 25 28 207 ZRN055X6 ZS38K4E 7/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 20.0 29 25 28 226 ZRN060X6 ZS45K4E 7/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 20.0 29 25 28 241 Section 2 Medium Temperature (R-404A/507) ZRN0650M6 ZB50KCE 1 3/8 7/8 5/8 5/8 106.0 47 35 3/8 43 1/2 192 ZRN0700M6 ZB58KCE 1 3/8 1 1/8 5/8 5/8 106.0 47 35 3/8 43 1/2 194 ZRN0750M6 ZB66KCE 1 3/8 1 1/8 5/8 5/8 106.0 47 35 3/8 43 1/2 195 ZRN0860M6 ZB76KCE 1 5/8 1 1/8 7/8 7/8 106.0 47 35 3/8 43 1/2 354 ZRN1000M6 ZS92K4E 1 5/8 1 1/8 7/8 7/8 149.0 47 35 3/8 43 1/2 442 ZRN1400M6 ZS11M4E 1 5/8 1 1/8 7/8 7/8 149.0 47 35 3/8 43 1/2 465 Low Temperature (R-404A/507) ZRN020L6 ZF06K4E 7/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 20.0 27 22 28 155 ZRN025L6 ZF08K4E 7/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 20.0 27 22 28 159 ZRN030L6 ZF09K4E 7/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 20.0 27 22 28 159 ZRN035L6 ZF11K4E 7/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 20.0 27 22 28 165 ZRN045L6 ZF13K4E 7/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 20.0 27 22 28 185 ZRN055L6 ZF15K4E 7/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 20.0 27 22 28 201 ZRN060L6 ZF18K4E 7/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 20.0 29 25 28 201 ZRN0750L6 ZF24K4E 1 3/8 7/8 5/8 5/8 57.0 42 1/2 30 3/8 39 1/4 286 ZRN1000L6 ZF33K4E 1 5/8 1 1/8 5/8 5/8 106.0 47 35 3/8 43 1/2 221 ZRN1300L6 ZF40K4E 1 5/8 1 1/8 5/8 5/8 106.0 47 35 3/8 43 1/2 292 ZRN1500L6 ZF48K4E 1 5/8 1 1/8 7/8 7/8 106.0 47 35 3/8 43 1/2 335 2C - 8 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Remote Compressor Units ¾ - 22 HP Electrical Data Models with Semi-Hermetic Compressors Consult factory for 50 HZ applications. Per UL and NEC, RLA values have been calculated by dividing the Maximum Continuous Current (MCC) by 1.56. Number of defrost heater contactors in parentheses. Bohn Base Model Voltage Compressor RLA Air Defrost Electric Defrost - Low Amps Electric Defrost - High Amps LRA MCA MOPD MCA MOPD Evap Fans Elec Htrs MCA MOPD Evap Fans Elec Htrs Medium Temperature (R-404A/507) SRN0090M6B 208-230/1/60 6.4 40.0 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 SRN0090M6C 208-230/3/60 3.8 27.0 15.0 15 SRN0199M6B 208-230/1/60 9.1 55.0 15.0 20 SRN0199M6C 208-230/3/60 5.8 50.0 15.0 SRN0200M6C 208-230/3/60 7.9 46.0 15.0 10 (1) - - - - 15.0 15 3 10 (1) - - - - 25.0 25 6 20 (1) 50.0 50 12 40 (1) 15 25.0 25 6 20 (1) - - - - 15 25.0 25 6 20 (1) - - - - SRN0310M6C 208-230/3/60 11.2 82.0 15.0 25 25.0 30 6 20 (1) 50.0 50 12 40 (1) SRN0310M6D 460/3/60 5.2 41.0 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 10 (1) 25.0 25 6 20 (1) SRN0310M6E 575/3/60 4.5 30.0 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 8 (1) 20.0 20 5 16 (1) 20.0 120.0 25.0 45 31.0 50 6 20 (1) 50.0 50 12 40 (1) SRN0500M6C 208-230/3/60 SRN0500M6D 460/3/60 9.4 60.0 15.0 20 15.0 20 3 10 (1) 25.0 25 6 20 (1) SRN0500M6E 575/3/60 6.9 49.0 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 8 (1) 20.0 20 5 16 (1) 25.0 25 6 20 (1) - - - - SRN0150L6B 208-230/1/60 8.9 55.0 15.0 20 SRN0150L6C 208-230/3/60 5.0 50.0 15.0 15 25.0 25 6 20 (1) - - - - SRN0150L6D 3.1 25.0 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 10 (1) - - - - 460/3/60 SRN0200L6C 208-230/3/60 6.1 46.0 15.0 15 25.0 25 6 20 (1) - - - - SRN0210L6B 208-230/1/60 13.2 102.0 20.0 25 25.0 35 6 20 (1) - - - - SRN0210L6C 208-230/3/60 6.6 50.0 15.0 15 25.0 25 6 20 (1) - - - - SRN0210L6D 460/3/60 2.9 26.6 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 10 (1) - - - - SRN0210L6E 575/3/60 2.8 20.0 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 8 (1) - - - - SRN0310L6C 208-230/3/60 11.5 112.0 15.0 25 25.0 30 6 20 (1) 50.0 50 12 40 (1) SRN0310L6D 460/3/60 5.4 56.0 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 10 (1) 25.0 25 6 20 (1) SRN0310L6E 575/3/60 3.7 30.0 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 8 (1) 20.0 20 5 16 (1) SRN0310E6C 208-230/3/60 11.5 112.0 15.0 25 25.0 30 6 20 (1) 50.0 50 12 40 (1) SRN0310E6D 5.4 56.0 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 10 (1) 25.0 25 6 20 (1) 460/3/60 SRN0311L6C 208-230/3/60 14.4 102.0 20.0 30 25.0 35 6 20 (1) 50.0 50 12 40 (1) SRN0311L6D 460/3/60 7.1 52.0 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 10 (1) 25.0 25 6 40 (1) SRN0311L6E 575/3/60 6.0 41.0 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 8 (1) 20.0 20 5 16 (1) SRN0400L6C 208-230/3/60 23.6 161.0 29.5 50 35.5 50 6 20 (1) 50.0 60 12 40 (1) SRN0400L6D 460/3/60 9.2 60.0 15.0 20 15.0 20 3 10 (1) 25.0 25 6 20 (1) SRN0400L6E 575/3/60 6.9 49.0 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 8 (1) 20.0 20 5 16 (1) SRN0599L6C 208-230/3/60 25.8 161.0 32.3 50 38.3 60 6 20 (1) 50.0 70 12 40 (1) SRN0599L6D 460/3/60 9.2 60.0 15.0 20 15.0 20 3 10 (1) 25.0 25 6 20 (1) SRN0599L6E 575/3/60 8.1 49.0 15.0 15 15.0 20 3 8 (1) 20.0 20 5 16 (1) SRN0600L6C 208-230/3/60 25.3 161.0 31.7 50 37.7 60 6 20 (1) 50.0 60 12 40 (1) SRN0600L6D 460/3/60 11.9 80.0 15.0 25 20.0 25 3 10 (1) 25.0 30 6 20 (1) SRN0600L6E 575/3/60 8.6 63.0 15.0 15 15.0 20 3 8 (1) 20.0 20 5 16 (1) SRN0601L6C 208-230/3/60 24.0 150.0 30.1 50 36.1 60 6 20 (1) 50.0 60 12 40 (1) SRN0601L6D 460/3/60 10.8 77.0 15.0 20 20.0 25 3 10 (1) 25.0 30 6 20 (1) SRN0601L6E 575/3/60 9.4 62.0 15.0 20 15.0 20 3 8 (1) 20.0 25 5 16 (1) Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Section 2 Low Temperature (R-404A/507) 2C - 9 Remote Compressor Units ¾ - 22 HP Electrical Data Models with Semi-Hermetic Compressors Consult factory for 50 HZ applications. Per UL and NEC, RLA values have been calculated by dividing the Maximum Continuous Current (MCC) by 1.56. Number of defrost heater contactors in parentheses. Section 2 Bohn Base Model Voltage Compressor Air Defrost Electric Defrost - Low Amps Electric Defrost - High Amps RLA LRA MCA MOPD MCA MOPD Evap Fans Elec Htrs MCA MOPD Evap Fans Elec Htrs SRN0750L6C 208-230/3/60 27.6 161.0 34.5 60 50.0 70 12 40 (1) 87.5 90 16 70 (2) SRN0750L6D 460/3/60 14.1 83.0 20.0 30 25.0 35 6 20 (1) 50.0 50 12 40 (1) SRN0750L6E 575/3/60 9.9 67.0 15.0 20 20.0 25 5 16 (1) 40.0 40 10 32 (1) SRN0900L6C 208-230/3/60 33.2 215.0 41.5 70 53.5 80 12 40 (1) 87.5 90 16 70 (2) SRN0900L6D 460/3/60 15.0 106.0 20.0 30 25.0 35 6 20 (1) 50.0 50 12 40 (1) SRN0900L6E 575/3/60 14.1 84.0 20.0 30 22.6 35 5 16 (1) 40.0 40 10 32 (1) SRN1000L6C 208-230/3/60 37.2 215.0 46.5 80 58.5 90 12 40 (1) 87.5 90 16 70 (2) SRN1000L6D 460/3/60 16.7 106.0 20.8 35 26.8 40 6 20 (1) 50.0 50 12 40 (1) SRN1000L6E 575/3/60 14.6 84.0 20.0 30 23.2 35 5 16 (1) 40.0 40 10 32 (1) SRN1500L6C 208-230/3/60 47.2 278.0 59.0 100 87.5 110 16 70 (2) 120.0 125 25 96 (2) SRN1500L6D 460/3/60 23.6 139.0 29.5 50 50.0 60 12 40 (1) 87.5 90 16 70 (2) SRN1500L6E 575/3/60 18.8 113.0 23.5 40 40.0 50 10 32 (1) 70.0 70 12 56 (2) SRN2200L6C 208-230/3/60 59.2 374.0 74.0 125 90.0 125 16 70 (2) 120.0 150 25 96 (2) SRN2200L6D 460/3/60 29.6 187.0 37.0 60 50.0 70 12 40 (1) 87.5 90 16 70 (2) SRN2200L6E 575/3/60 21.7 135.0 27.1 45 40.0 50 10 32 (1) 70.0 70 12 56 (2) Medium & High Temperature (R-22) SRN0075H2B 208-230/1/60 5.4 36.0 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 10 (1) - - - - SRN0075H2C 208-230/3/60 3.1 19.9 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 10 (1) - - - - SRN0075M2B 208-230/1/60 4.9 36.0 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 10 (1) - - - - SRN0075M2C 208-230/3/60 3.0 19.9 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 10 (1) - - - - SRN0090H2B 208-230/1/60 6.4 40.0 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 10 (1) - - - - SRN0090H2C 208-230/3/60 3.8 27.0 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 10 (1) - - - - SRN0100H2B 208-230/1/60 6.7 40.0 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 10 (1) - - - - SRN0100H2C 208-230/3/60 4.0 27.0 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 10 (1) - - - - SRN0100H2D 1.0 13.5 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 10 (1) - - - - SRN0150H2B 208-230/1/60 460/3/60 8.6 55.0 15.0 15 25.0 25 6 20 (1) 50.0 50 12 40 (1) SRN0150H2C 208-230/3/60 4.9 35.5 15.0 15 25.0 25 6 20 (1) - - - - SRN0150H2D 2.2 18.2 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 10 (1) - - - - 460/3/60 SRN0200H2C 208-230/3/60 5.9 46.0 15.0 15 25.0 25 6 20 (1) - - - - SRN0200H2D 460/3/60 3.1 46.0 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 10 (1) - - - - SRN0200H2E 575/3/60 3.1 23.0 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 8 (1) - - - - 6.1 46.0 15.0 15 25.0 25 6 20 (1) - - - - SRN0200M2C 208-230/3/60 SRN0200M2D 460/3/60 SRN0300H2C 208-230/3/60 3.3 23.0 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 10 (1) - - - - 11.2 82.0 15.0 25 25.0 30 6 20 (1) 50.0 50 12 40 (1) SRN0300H2D 460/3/60 5.2 41.0 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 10 (1) 25.0 25 6 20 (1) SRN0300H2E 575/3/60 4.7 30.0 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 8 (1) 20.0 20 5 16 (1) SRN0499H2C 208-230/3/60 20.0 120.0 25.0 45 31.0 50 6 20 (1) 50.0 50 12 40 (1) SRN0499H2D 460/3/60 9.4 60.0 15.0 20 15.0 20 3 10 (1) 25.0 25 6 20 (1) SRN0499H2E 575/3/60 6.9 49.0 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 8 (1) 20.0 20 5 16 (1) SRN0500H2C 208-230/3/60 20.0 120.0 25.0 40 31.0 50 6 20 (1) 50.0 50 12 40 (1) SRN0500H2D 9.4 60.0 15.0 20 15.0 20 3 10 (1) 25.0 25 6 20 (1) 2C - 10 460/3/60 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Remote Compressor Units ¾ - 22 HP Electrical Data Models with Semi-Hermetic Compressors Consult factory for 50 HZ applications. Per UL and NEC, RLA values have been calculated by dividing the Maximum Continuous Current (MCC) by 1.56. Number of defrost heater contactors in parentheses. Voltage SRN0500H2E 575/3/60 Compressor RLA Air Defrost Electric Defrost - Low Amps Electric Defrost - High Amps LRA MCA MOPD MCA MOPD Evap Fans Elec Htrs MCA MOPD Evap Fans Elec Htrs 7.1 49.0 15.0 15 15.0 15 3 8 (1) 20.0 20 5 16 (1) SRN0750H2C 208-230/3/60 28.3 169.0 35.4 60 50.0 70 12 40 (1) 87.5 90 16 70 (2) SRN0750H2D 460/3/60 12.4 85.0 20.0 25 25.0 30 6 20 (1) 50.0 50 12 40 (1) SRN0750H2E 575/3/60 11.9 67.0 15.0 25 20.0 30 5 16 (1) 40.0 40 10 32 (1) 28.7 169.0 35.9 60 50.0 70 12 40 (1) 87.5 90 16 70 (2) SRN0760H2C 208-230/3/60 SRN0760H2D 460/3/60 12.6 85.0 20.0 25 25.0 30 6 20 (1) 50.0 50 12 40 (1) SRN0760H2E 575/3/60 11.9 67.0 15.0 25 20.0 30 5 16 (1) 40.0 40 10 32 (1) SRN0761H2C 208-230/3/60 36.8 215.0 46.0 80 58.0 90 12 40 (1) 87.5 90 16 70 (2) SRN0761H2D 460/3/60 17.9 106.0 22.4 40 28.4 45 6 20 (1) 50.0 50 12 40 (1) SRN0761H2E 575/3/60 14.7 84.0 20.0 30 23.4 35 5 16 (1) 40.0 40 10 32 (1) SRN1000H2C 208-230/3/60 39.1 215.0 48.9 80 60.9 90 12 40 (1) 87.5 100 16 70 (2) SRN1000H2D 460/3/60 17.9 106.0 22.4 40 28.4 45 6 20 (1) 50.0 50 12 40 (1) SRN1000H2E 575/3/60 14.8 84.0 20.0 30 23.5 35 5 16 (1) 40.0 40 10 32 (1) SRN1500H2C 208-230/3/60 53.5 275.0 66.9 110 87.5 125 16 70 (2) 120.0 125 25 96 (2) SRN1500H2D 460/3/60 26.0 138.0 32.5 50 50.0 70 12 40 (1) 87.5 90 16 70 (2) SRN1500H2E 575/3/60 21.2 110.0 26.4 45 40.0 50 10 32 (1) 70.0 70 12 56 (2) SRN2000H2C 208-230/3/60 52.7 308.0 65.9 110 87.5 125 16 70 (2) 120.0 125 25 96 (2) SRN2000H2D 460/3/60 26.3 154.0 32.9 50 50.0 70 12 40 (1) 87.5 90 16 70 (2) SRN2000H2E 575/3/60 21.3 135.0 26.7 45 40.0 50 10 32 (1) 70.0 70 12 56 (2) Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Section 2 Bohn Base Model 2C - 11 Remote Compressor Units ¾ - 22 HP Electrical Data Models Scroll Compressors Consult factory for 50 HZ applications. Per UL and NEC, RLA values have been calculated by dividing the Maximum Continuous Current (MCC) by 1.56. Number of defrost heater contactors in parentheses. Bohn Base Model Voltage Compressor RLA Air Defrost Electric Defrost - Low Amps Electric Defrost - High Amps LRA MCA MOPD MCA MOPD Evap Fans Elec Htrs MCA MOPD Evap Fans Elec Htrs Section 2 Extended Temperature (R-404A/507) ZRN020X6B 208-230/1/60 12.2 61.0 27.4 25 37.5 40 12 30 (1) - - - - ZRN020X6C 208-230/3/60 ZRN020X6D 460/3/60 8.3 55.0 18.8 15 37.5 40 12 30 (1) - - - - 3.8 27.0 8.7 15 23.8 25 10 19 (1) - - - - ZRN026X6B 208-230/1/60 14.7 73.0 ZRN025X6C 208-230/3/60 8.7 63.0 33.2 30 37.5 45 12 30 (1) - - - - 19.5 15 37.5 40 12 30 (1) - - - - ZRN025X6D 460/3/60 4.5 31.0 10.1 15 23.8 25 10 19 (1) - - - - ZRN030X6B 208-230/1/60 14.7 88.0 33.2 30 37.5 45 12 30 (1) - - - - ZRN020X6C 208-230/3/60 9.9 77.0 22.4 20 37.5 40 12 30 (1) - - - - ZRN020X6D 460/3/60 5.1 39.0 11.5 15 23.8 25 10 19 (1) - - - - ZRN035X6B 208-230/1/60 18.6 109.0 41.8 40 37.5 50 12 30 (1) - - - - ZRN035X6C 208-230/3/60 12.2 88.0 27.4 25 37.5 40 12 30 (1) - - - - ZRN035X6D 460/3/60 6.4 44.0 14.4 15 23.8 25 9 19 (1) - - - - ZRN045X6B 208-230/1/60 24.0 129.0 54.1 50 58.8 60 11 47 (1) - - - - ZRN045X6C 208-230/3/60 13.5 99.0 30.3 30 43.8 45 12 35 (1) - - - - ZRN045X6D 460/3/60 7.4 49.5 16.6 15 28.8 30 11 23 (1) - - - - ZRN055X6B 208-230/1/60 28.5 169.0 64.2 60 58.8 70 12 40 (1) - - - - ZRN055X6C 208-230/3/60 19.2 123.0 43.3 40 43.8 50 12 35 (1) - - - - ZRN055X6D 460/3/60 8.7 62.0 19.5 15 28.8 30 10 23 (1) - - - - ZRN060X6C 208-230/3/60 22.8 156.0 51.2 50 40.4 60 12 30 (1) - - - - ZRN060X6D 460/3/60 8.3 70.0 18.8 15 28.8 30 10.6 23 (1) - - - - Medium Temperature (R-404A/507) ZRN0650M6C 208-230/3/60 25.6 196.0 57.7 50 50.0 60 12 40 (1) 87.5 90 16 70 (2) ZRN0650M6D 13.5 100.0 30.3 30 25.0 35 6 20 (1) 50.0 50 12 40 (1) ZRN0700M6C 208-230/3/60 27.6 195.0 62.0 60 50.0 70 12 40 (1) 87.5 90 16 70 (2) ZRN0700M6D 14.7 95.0 33.2 30 25.0 35 6 20 (1) 50.0 50 12 40 (1) 460/3/60 460/3/60 ZRN0750M6C 208-230/3/60 26.9 225.0 60.6 60 50.0 70 12 40 (1) 87.5 90 16 70 (2) ZRN0750M6D 15.7 114.0 35.3 35 25.6 40 6 20 (1) 50.0 50 12 40 (1) 460/3/60 ZRN0860M6C 208-230/3/60 37.2 239.0 83.7 80 58.5 90 12 40 (1) 87.5 90 16 70 (2) ZRN0860M6D 17.9 125.0 40.4 40 28.4 45 6 20 (1) 50.0 50 12 40 (1) 460/3/60 ZRN1000M6C 208-230/3/60 47.4 350.0 106.7 100 87.5 110 16 70 (2) 120.0 125 25 96 (2) ZRN1000M6D 22.4 158.0 50.5 50 50.0 60 12 40 (1) 87.5 90 16 70 (2) 460/3/60 ZRN1400M6C 208-230/3/60 53.8 425.0 121.2 110 87.5 125 16 70 (2) 120.0 125 25 96 (2) ZRN1400M6D 25.3 187.0 50 50.0 60 12 40 (1) 87.5 90 16 70 (2) 460/3/60 57.0 Low Temperature (R-404A/507) ZRN020L6B 208-230/1/60 12.2 61.0 20.0 25 37.5 40 12 30 (1) - - - - ZRN020L6C 208-230/3/60 8.3 55.0 15.0 15 23.8 25 6 19 (1) - - - - ZRN020L6D 460/3/60 3.8 27.0 15.0 15 23.8 25 10 19 (1) - - - - ZRN025L6B 208-230/1/60 14.7 73.0 20.0 30 37.5 45 12 30 (1) - - - - ZRN025L6C 208-230/3/60 8.7 63.0 15.0 15 23.8 25 6 19 (1) - - - - ZRN025L6D 460/3/60 4.5 31.0 15.0 15 23.8 25 10 19 (1) - - - - 2C - 12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Remote Compressor Units ¾ - 22 HP Electrical Data Models Scroll Compressors Consult factory for 50 HZ applications. Per UL and NEC, RLA values have been calculated by dividing the Maximum Continuous Current (MCC) by 1.56. Number of defrost heater contactors in parentheses. Voltage Compressor RLA Air Defrost Electric Defrost - Low Amps Electric Defrost - High Amps LRA MCA MOPD MCA MOPD Evap Fans Elec Htrs MCA MOPD Evap Fans Elec Htrs ZRN030L6B 208-230/1/60 12.8 88.0 20.0 25 37.5 40 12 30 (1) - - - - ZRN030L6C 208-230/3/60 8.7 77.0 15.0 15 23.8 25 6 19 (1) - - - - ZRN030L6D 460/3/60 4.5 39.0 15.0 15 23.8 25 10 19 (1) - - - - ZRN035L6B 208-230/1/60 18.6 109.0 23.2 40 37.5 50 12 30 (1) - - - - ZRN035L6C 208-230/3/60 10.9 88.0 15.0 20 28.8 30 6 23 (1) - - - - ZRN035L6D 460/3/60 5.8 44.0 15.0 15 23.8 25 10 19 (1) - - - - ZRN045L6B 208-230/1/60 22.4 129.0 28.0 50 39.0 60 11 30 (1) - - - - ZRN045L6C 208-230/3/60 11.9 99.0 15.0 25 37.5 40 11 30 (1) - - - - ZRN045L6D 460/3/60 6.4 49.5 15.0 15 23.8 25 9 19 (1) - - - - ZRN055L6B 208-230/1/60 24.7 169.0 30.8 50 40.8 60 10 30 (1) - - - - ZRN055L6C 208-230/3/60 17.0 123.0 21.2 35 37.5 45 10 30 (1) - - - - ZRN055L6D 460/3/60 8.0 62.0 15.0 15 23.8 25 8 19 (1) - - - - ZRN060L6C 208-230/3/60 19.6 156.0 24.4 40 43.8 50 12 35 (1) - - - - ZRN060L6D 460/3/60 8.0 70.0 15.0 15 28.8 30 11 23 (1) - - - - ZRN0750L6C 208-230/3/60 23.4 189.0 29.2 50 35.2 50 6 20 (1) 50.0 60 12 40 (1) ZRN0750L6D 11.9 99.0 15.0 25 20.0 25 3 10 (1) 25.0 30 6 20 (1) 460/3/60 ZRN1000L6C 208-230/3/60 31.4 278.0 39.3 70 51.3 80 12 40 (1) 51.3 80 12 40 (1) ZRN1000L6D 17.3 127.0 21.6 35 27.6 40 6 20 (1) 27.6 40 6 20 (1) 460/3/60 ZRN1300L6C 208-230/3/60 40.4 350.0 50.5 90 62.5 100 12 40 (1) 62.5 100 12 40 (1) ZRN1300L6D 19.9 158.0 24.8 40 30.8 50 6 20 (1) 30.8 50 6 20 (1) 460/3/60 ZRN1500L6C 208-230/3/60 49.4 425.0 61.7 110 73.7 110 12 40 (1) 87.5 125 16 70 (2) ZRN1500L6D 21.8 187.0 27.2 50 33.2 50 6 20 (1) 50.0 60 12 40 (1) Rev. 03/12 460/3/60 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Section 2 Bohn Base Model 2C - 13 Remote Compressor Units ¾ - 22 HP Configurable Models Pricing Standard Features • Solid mounted semi-hermetic Reed and Discus® compressors up to and including 0400 • Spring mounted compressor 0499 and above • Oil pressure switch (where required) • High-low pressure controls Need to customize? 7,487 7,619 8,815 8,769 9,755 10,795 12,118 12,359 12,605 14,326 14,614 208-230/1/60 208-230/3/60 208-230/1/60 208-230/3/60 208-230/3/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 - Section 2 Semi-Hermetic Low Temperature R-404A/507 SRN0150L6B SRN0150L6C SRN0150L6D SRN0200L6C SRN0210L6B SRN0210L6C SRN0210L6D SRN0210L6E SRN0310E6C SRN0310E6D SRN0310L6C SRN0310L6D SRN0310L6E SRN0311L6C SRN0311L6D SRN0311L6E SRN0400L6C SRN0400L6D SRN0400L6E SRN0599L6C SRN0599L6D SRN0599L6E SRN0600L6C SRN0600L6D SRN0600L6E SRN0601L6C SRN0601L6D SRN0601L6E SRN0750L6C SRN0750L6D SRN0750L6E SRN0900L6C SRN0900L6D 2C - 14 7,990 7,980 9,466 9,865 9,865 10,043 11,353 11,582 10,877 12,361 10,877 12,361 12,611 13,002 14,487 14,776 14,249 15,734 16,050 14,820 16,306 16,632 14,925 16,409 16,736 15,644 17,129 17,472 18,280 20,109 20,510 19,313 21,137 208-230/1/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 208-230/3/60 208-230/1/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 Compressor contactor Liquid receiver with pressure relief Liquid-line filter drier and sight glass Pump-down switch Look at the factory-installed options starting on page 2C-16. Bohn Model List Price ($US) Voltage Notes Semi-Hermetic Medium Temperature R-404A/507 SRN0090M6B SRN0090M6C SRN0199M6B SRN0199M6C SRN0200M6C SRN0310M6C SRN0310M6D SRN0310M6E SRN0500M6C SRN0500M6D SRN0500M6E • • • • - Bohn Model List Price ($US) SRN0900L6E SRN1000L6C SRN1000L6D SRN1000L6E SRN1500L6C SRN1500L6D SRN1500L6E SRN2200L6C SRN2200L6D SRN2200L6E 21,563 21,358 21,553 21,984 25,487 26,293 26,820 29,270 30,075 30,677 Voltage Notes 575/3/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 - Semi-Hermetic High Temperature R-22 SRN0075H2B SRN0075H2C SRN0090H2B SRN0090H2C SRN0100H2B SRN0100H2C SRN0100H2D SRN0150H2B SRN0150H2C SRN0150H2D SRN0200H2C SRN0200H2D SRN0200H2E SRN0300H2C SRN0300H2D SRN0300H2E SRN0499H2C SRN0499H2D SRN0499H2E SRN0500H2C SRN0500H2D SRN0500H2E SRN0750H2C SRN0750H2D SRN0750H2E SRN0760H2C SRN0760H2D SRN0760H2E SRN0761H2C SRN0761H2D SRN0761H2E SRN1000H2C SRN1000H2D SRN1000H2E SRN1500H2C 7,414 7,334 7,616 7,500 7,775 7,658 9,187 7,923 7,974 9,571 9,669 11,317 11,544 10,409 12,053 12,295 13,880 15,842 16,159 15,169 16,813 17,149 16,228 18,100 18,463 16,909 18,930 19,309 18,426 20,450 20,857 20,053 20,925 21,344 23,068 208-230/1/60 208-230/3/60 208-230/1/60 208-230/3/60 208-230/1/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 208-230/1/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 208-230/3/60 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Remote Compressor Units Bohn Model List Price ($US) SRN1500H2D SRN1500H2E SRN2000H2C SRN2000H2D SRN2000H2E 23,955 24,434 25,496 26,382 26,911 Voltage Notes 460/3/60 575/3/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 - Semi-Hermetic Medium Temperature R-22 SRN0075M2B SRN0075M2C SRN0200M2C SRN0200M2D 7,334 7,414 9,669 11,317 208-230/1/60 208-230/3/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 - Scroll Extended Temperature R-404A/507 ZRN020X6B ZRN020X6C ZRN020X6D ZRN025X6B ZRN025X6C ZRN025X6D ZRN030X6B ZRN030X6C ZRN030X6D ZRN035X6B ZRN035X6C ZRN035X6D ZRN045X6B ZRN045X6C ZRN045X6D ZRN055X6B ZRN055X6C ZRN055X6D ZRN060X6C ZRN060X6D 6,865 6,977 7,364 6,743 6,856 7,243 7,290 7,402 7,790 7,169 7,288 7,564 7,515 7,648 7,915 7,348 7,485 7,914 8,361 8,547 208-230/1/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 208-230/1/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 208-230/1/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 208-230/1/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 208-230/1/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 208-230/1/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 - Bohn Model List Price ($US) ZRN025L6B ZRN025L6C ZRN025L6D ZRN030L6B ZRN030L6C ZRN030L6D ZRN035L6B ZRN035L6C ZRN035L6D ZRN045L6B ZRN045L6C ZRN045L6D ZRN055L6B ZRN055L6C ZRN055L6D ZRN060L6C ZRN060L6D ZRN0750L6C ZRN0750L6D ZRN0750L6E ZRN1000L6C ZRN1000L6D ZRN1000L6E ZRN1300L6C ZRN1300L6D ZRN1300L6E ZRN1500L6C ZRN1500L6D ZRN1500L6E 7,796 7,932 9,048 8,263 8,399 9,516 8,560 8,698 8,926 8,974 9,104 9,333 9,185 9,310 9,549 10,431 11,061 14,225 15,709 16,037 17,695 19,524 19,925 19,148 20,973 21,399 20,837 21,030 21,462 Voltage Notes 208-230/1/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 208-230/1/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 208-230/1/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 208-230/1/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 208-230/1/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 - Section 2 Configurable Models Pricing ¾ - 22 HP Scroll Medium Temperature R-404A/507 ZRN0650M6C ZRN0650M6D ZRN0650M6E ZRN0700M6C ZRN0700M6D ZRN0700M6E ZRN0750M6C ZRN0750M6D ZRN0750M6E ZRN0860M6C ZRN0860M6D ZRN0860M6E ZRN1000M6C ZRN1000M6D ZRN1000M6E ZRN1400M6C ZRN1400M6D ZRN1400M6E 11,798 13,626 13,969 12,644 14,474 14,842 13,013 14,843 15,211 14,144 14,933 15,311 16,959 17,761 18,194 19,136 19,938 20,370 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 - Scroll Low Temperature R-404A/507 ZRN020L6B ZRN020L6C ZRN020L6D Rev. 03/12 7,499 7,635 8,752 208-230/1/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 - List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2C - 15 Remote Compressor Units ¾ - 22 HP Need Factory-Installed Options? Option Code Factory-Installed Options • Make sure you have selected a configurable model. When ordering, remember to specify the option codes and list price adders for each selected option. • Can’t Find Something? Other options and accessories might be available on a custom order basis. Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. Description Models Used On Notes List Price Adder ($US) Defrost Timer - Air All H2, M2, M6, X6 Medium temperature applications only. 524 457 Electrical Options DFT.001 CBK.001-1 Circuit Breakers (Compressor & Control Circuit) 0075-0311 (208-230/1/60 or 230V/1/60) - CBK.001-2 Circuit Breakers (Compressor & Control Circuit) 0075-2000 (230V/3/60) - 540 CBK.001-3 Circuit Breakers (Compressor & Control Circuit) 0100-2200 (460V/3/60) - 1,293 CBK.001-4 Circuit Breakers (Compressor & Control Circuit) 2200L6C - 2,041 CCH.001 Crankcase Heater All SRN - 297 SW.002 Dual pressure control with adjustable high & low pressure settings 0075-2200 - 145 Section 2 Mechanical Options LIQ.001 Liquid-line filter drier & sight glass 020-060 ZRN Required on all L6 models with scroll compressors. 571 LIQ.002-1 Liquid-line solenoid valve 0075-0400 Not recommended on applications with line runs more than 25 feet. 583 LIQ.002-2 Liquid-line solenoid valve 0499-0900 SRN, 0650-0750M6 ZRN, 0750-1300L6 ZRN Not recommended on applications with line runs more than 25 feet. 652 LIQ.002-3 Liquid-line solenoid valve 1000-2200 SRN, 0860-1400M6 ZRN, 1500L6 ZRN Not recommended on applications with line runs more than 25 feet. 893 LIQ.002-4 Liquid-line solenoid valve 020-060 ZRN Not recommended on applications with line runs more than 25 feet. 1,129 LIQ.003 Replaceable core liquid-line filter drier & sight glass 0300-2200 SRN, 0650-1500 ZRN - 804 SUC.003-1 Suction-line filter 0075-0210 SRN - 329 SUC.003-2 Suction-line filter 020-060 ZRN - 373 SUC.003-3 Suction-line filter 0750-1500L6 ZRN - 754 SUC.003-4 Suction-line filter 0650-1400M6 ZRN - 1,164 SUC.005 Replaceable core suction-line filter 0310-0400 SRN, 0650-1500 ZRN - 1,185 SUC.010 Suction-line filter 0499-2200 SRN - 1,164 SUC.012 Replaceable core suction-line filter 0300 & 0499-2200 SRN - 1,185 SUC.007-1 Suction accumulator 0075-0210 SRN - 490 SUC.007-2 Suction accumulator 020-060 ZRN - 656 SUC.007-3 Suction accumulator 0300-0400 SRN, 0750L6-1500L6 ZRN - 763 SUC.007-4 Suction accumulator 0650M6-1400M6 ZRN - 1,220 SUC.014-1 Suction accumulator 0499-1000 SRN - 1,220 SUC.014-2 Suction accumulator 1500-2200 SRN - 2,229 DIS.001-1 Oil separator with discharge line check valve 0300-0400 SRN, 0750L6-1500L6 ZRN - 1,235 DIS.001-2 Oil separator with discharge line check valve 0650M6-1400M6 ZRN - 1,304 DIS.004-1 Head pressure control flooding valve, fixed 020-060 ZRN - 465 DIS.004-2 Head pressure control flooding valve, fixed 0075-0400 SRN, 0650-1500 ZRN - 476 DIS.009-1 Oil separator with discharge line check valve 0499-0500 SRN - 1,235 DIS.009-2 Oil separator with discharge line check valve 0599-1000 SRN - 1,304 DIS.009-3 Oil separator with discharge line check valve 1500-2200 SRN - 1,543 DIS.010-1 Head pressure control flooding valve, fixed 0499-1000 SRN - 476 DIS.010-2 Head pressure control flooding valve, fixed 1500-2200 SRN - 807 2C - 16 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Remote Compressor Units ¾ - 22 HP Factory-Installed Electric Defrost Options • Make sure you have selected a configurable model. When ordering, remember to specify the option codes and list price adders for each selected option. • Electric defrost kits and components are available to be factory mounted in the electrical box of indoor or outdoor condensing units used in medium/ low temp applications with electric defrost evaporators. Selecting the proper kit is as easy as … 1 2 3 Add up the total fan motor amps and electric heater amps for all evaporators in the refrigeration system. For the selected condensing unit, find the rated defrost power amps for both the fan motor amps and electric heater amps. If the evaporator total fan motor amps and electric defrost heater amps calculated in Step 1 are less than the condensing unit’s rated defrost power amps found in Step 2 then proceed below to select the appropriate kit/ components and list price adders. If not then contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. Option Code Description Models Used On DFT.002 Defrost Timer - Electric ZRN: 020-060X6/L6 DFT.007 Electric Defrost Kit Electric Defrost Kit (Low Amps) Electric Defrost Kit (Low DFT.028-2 Amps) Electric Defrost Kit DFT.029-1 (High Amps) DFT.028-1 DFT.029-2 DEF.067-1 DEF.067-2 DEF.068-1 DEF.068-2 SDK.001 Rev. 03/12 Electric Defrost Kit (High Amps) Fuses for electric defrost kits (Low Amps) Fuses for electric defrost kits (Low Amps) Fuses for electric defrost kits (High Amps) Fuses for electric defrost kits (High Amps) InterLink™ Smart Defrost Kit™ Definitions Electric Defrost Timer Initiates and terminates defrost cycles based on a predetermined time schedule. Lockout Relay Prevents the electric defrost heaters from energizing when the compressor is in operation. Not available on electric defrost timer only options. Fan Contactor Carries amperage load for evaporator fan motors. Heater Contactor Carries amperage load for evaporator electric defrost heaters. InterLink™ Smart Defrost Kit™ (SDK) The InterLink™ SDK is a revolutionary product that is designed to be used on any electric defrost walk-in freezer system with an electro-mechanical defrost timer set for three or more scheduled defrosts per day. The InterLink™ SDK accurately estimates frost accumulation on the evaporator coil and decides if it can skip the preprogrammed defrost period that is set on the defrost timer. This helps eliminate unneeded defrost cycles, saving energy and increasing product integrity Notes Includes (1) electric defrost timer, (1) heater ZRN: 020-060X6/L6 & (1) fan contactors, and (1) lockout relay. SRN: 0075-1000 & 1500-2200 (460V & 575V); Includes (1) electric defrost timer, (1 or 2) ZRN: 0650-0860 (230V) & 0650-1500 (460V & 575V) heater & (1) fan contactors, terminal strip SRN: 1500-2200 (230V): Includes (1) electric defrost timer, (1 or 2) ZRN: 1000-1400M6 (230V) heater & (1) fan contactors, terminal strip SRN: 0150H2B, 0199M6B, 0300-0601, 0750-1000 (460V & 575V); Includes (1) electric defrost timer, (1 or 2) ZRN: 0750L6 (230V), 0650-0860M6/L6 (460V & 575V) heater & (1) fan contactors, terminal strip SRN: 0750-1000 (230V), 1500-2200; Includes (1) electric defrost timer, (1 or 2) ZRN: M6 (230V), 1000-1500L6 (230V), 1000-1400M6 (460V & heater & (1) fan contactors, terminal strip 575V) SRN: 0075-1000; ZRN: 0560-0860M6, 0750-1500L6 SRN: 1500-2200; ZRN: 1000-1400M6 SRN: 0150H2B, 0199M6B, 0300-0601; ZRN: 0750L6 SRN: 0750-2200; ZRN: 0650-1400M6, 1000-1500L6 Can not be used alone. Must also select a All electric defrost timer or electric defrost kit. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Section 2 Need an electric defrost timer or kit? List Price Adder ($US) 524 747 921 1,353 921 1,353 381 540 381 540 812 2C - 17 Remote Compressor Units ¾ - 22 HP Shipped-Loose Accessories A wide range of shipped-loose accessories are available to order. Can’t Find Something? Other options and accessories might be available on a custom order basis. Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. Part Number Description Models Used On Notes List Price ($US) All Can not be used alone. Must be used with a electric defrost timer or electric defrost kit. 812 Electrical Options 22681501 InterLink™ Smart Defrost Kit™ Mechancial Options 50055901 Two Tier Rack (Small) 0075 - 1000, 020 - 060 - 3,039 50055902 Two Tier Rack (Large) 1500 - 2200 - 3,039 Crankcase Pressure Regulator (CPR) Valves A selection program must be used to pick the proper valve. The selection program requires the following inputs: system capacity, suction temperature, and maximum holding temperature. Not available for use on Beacon II™ Outdoor units. Should not be used with MOP type expansion valves in unit coolers. Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. Section 2 Size Part Number List Price ($US) 5/8” 2930142 272 7/8” 29346101 374 1 1/8” 29399012 549 1 3/8” 4227W 1,501 1 5/8” 4262Q 2,349 2C - 18 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 PRO³ Packaged Refrigeration System Top Mount Overview Product Description The PRO³ Top Mount packaged refrigeration system, designed to maximize storage space inside walk-in coolers and freezers, is ideal for small- to medium-sized restaurant and convenience store applications where holding temperature is the primary goal. The system combines evaporator and condensing unit into one unit expediting installation time and reducing refrigerant charge — saving time, money, and energy. The reduced refrigerant charge, compared to comparable split systems, and availability of EC motors, for increased energy efficiency, makes this product line qualified to be included in the E Solutions™ product portfolio. Certifications Ease of Installation and Service • Installation takes a fraction of the time required for a split system: no piping or loose components to install, refrigerant is pre-charged at factory and a field superheat adjustment is not required (see installation manual for more information) • No drain line required on indoor models - come standard with a condensate evaporation pan • Flexible design allows for multiple installation methods: optimized for indoor use, but outdoor models available with weatherhood installed. Outdoor models also come with: crankcase heater, drain line heater and fan-cycling for head pressure control • Maximizes storage area in a cooler or freezer: evaporator grill mounts flush on a standard 4” or a recessed 5 1/2” ceiling panel Ease of Use • System is factory-assembled, evacuated, charged, run-tested and wired; no additional components or refrigerant charging required; most models come with a 26” power cord ready to plug-in • Controls preset for typical applications: +38° F for high temp. coolers, +35° F for medium temp. coolers, -10° F for freezers and are easy to adjust Reliable & Durable • Electronic control provides accurate temperature control • Liquid-line filter drier (medium and large cabinet only) • Two-year parts warranty Energy Efficient & Environmentally Friendly • Optional EC motors available for evaporator section only • Reduced refrigerant charge: system uses approximately 10 percent* of refrigerant required for a comparable split system * Results may vary. Estimate based on a typical 25-foot refrigerant line length. Nomenclature Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2D - 1 Section 2 Features and Benefits PRO³ Packaged Refrigeration System Top Mount Performance & Specifications Capacity Ratings: Medium & High Temperature – Air Defrost – Cooler Applications * = T for Outdoor, N for Indoor Bohn Base Model Capacity (BTUH) @ Ambient Temperature & Box Temperature 80°F Ambient 90°F Ambient 95°F Ambient 100°F Ambient 110°F Ambient 35°F 38°F 35°F 38°F 35°F 38°F 35°F 38°F 35°F 38°F PTN026H6 2,970 3,100 2,730 2,860 2,610 2,740 2,470 2,600 2,230 2,340 PTN031H6 3,590 3,750 3,300 3,450 3,160 3,310 2,980 3,140 2,390 2,820 PTN042H6 4,950 5,170 4,560 4,760 4,360 4,570 4,110 4,330 3,710 3,890 PT*050H6 5,820 6,080 5,350 5,600 5,120 5,370 4,830 5,080 4,360 4,570 PT*067H6 7,800 8,150 7,180 7,500 6,860 7,190 6,470 6,810 5,850 6,130 PT*076H6 8,610 9,060 7,890 8,260 7,500 7,840 7,100 7,420 6,270 6,540 PT*104H6 12,990 13,750 11,800 12,490 11,190 11,810 10,550 11,200 9,260 9,840 PT*133H6 14,780 15,600 13,530 14,260 12,790 13,500 12,040 12,750 10,740 11,310 Capacity Ratings: Medium Temperature – Electric Defrost – Cooler Applications Section 2 * = T for Outdoor, N for Indoor Capacity (BTUH) @ Ambient Temperature & Box Temperature Bohn Base Model 80°F Ambient 35°F 35°F 35°F 35°F 35°F PTN024M6 2,970 2,730 2,610 2,470 2,230 PTN029M6 3,590 3,300 3,160 2,980 2,390 PTN040M6 4,950 4,560 4,360 4,110 3,710 PT*047M6 5,820 5,350 5,120 4,830 4,360 PT*063M6 7,800 7,180 6,860 6,470 5,850 90°F Ambient 95°F Ambient 100°F Ambient 110°F Ambient PT*072M6 8,610 7,890 7,500 7,100 6,270 PT*099M6 12,990 11,800 11,190 10,550 9,260 PT*128M6 14,780 13,530 12,790 12,040 10,740 Capacity Ratings: Low Temperature – Electric Defrost – Freezer Applications * = T for Outdoor, N for Indoor Bohn Base Model Capacity (BTUH) @ Ambient Temperature & Box Temperature 80°F Ambient 0°F -10°F 90°F Ambient -20°F 0°F -10°F 95°F Ambient -20°F 0°F -10°F 100°F Ambient -20°F 0°F -10°F -20°F 110°F Ambient 0°F -10°F -20°F PTN019L6 2,960 - - 2,640 - - 2,470 - - 2,270 - - 1,910 - - PT*021L6 3,220 2,590 1,610 2,860 2,300 1,430 2,680 2,160 1,340 2,470 1,990 1,230 2,080 1,670 1,030 2D - 2 PT*031L6 5,060 3,830 2,470 4,500 3,400 2,200 4,220 3,190 2,060 3,880 2,940 1,900 3,260 2,470 1,600 PT*044L6 7,040 5,440 4,080 6,260 4,830 3,630 5,870 4,530 3,400 5,400 4,170 3,130 4,540 3,500 2,630 PT*052L6 8,400 6,430 4,690 7,470 5,720 4,170 7,000 5,360 3,910 6,440 4,930 3,600 5,410 4,140 3,020 PT*069L6 10,870 8,520 6,300 9,670 7,850 5,600 9,060 7,100 5,250 8,340 6,530 4,830 7,010 5,490 4,060 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 PRO³ Packaged Refrigeration System Top Mount Performance & Specifications Specifications – All Models MOPD Unit Amps Evap. Fans CFM Cabinet Size Refrig. Charge R-404A (lbs.) Approx. Net Weight (lbs.) 7.4 15 5.9 340 Small 0.80 88 8.3 15 6.9 340 Small 1.00 90 115/1/60 11.3 15 9.3 340 Small 0.90 92 115/1/60 14 20 11.6 350 Medium 1.70 192 208-230/1/60 7 15 5.9 350 Medium 1.70 192 208-230/1/60 11.5 15 9.5 550 Medium 1.80 207 Bohn Base Model Voltage MCA PTN026H6A 115/1/60 PTN031H6A 115/1/60 PTN042H6A PTN050H6A PT*050H6B PT*067H6B PT*076H6B 208-230/1/60 9.3 15 7.8 500 Medium 2.00 211 PT*104H6V 208-230/1/60 14.8 20 12.4 875 Large 2.90 270 PT*104H6C 208-230/3/60 11 15 9.3 875 Large 2.90 265 PT*133H6B 208-230/1/60 14.8 20 12.4 825 Large 3.30 290 PT*133H6C 208-230/3/60 11 15 9.3 825 Large 3.30 285 PTN024M6A 115/1/60 7.4 15 5.9 340 Small 0.80 88 PTN029M6A 115/1/60 8.3 15 6.9 340 Small 1.00 90 PTN040M6A 115/1/60 11.3 15 9.3 340 Small 0.90 92 PTN047M6A 115/1/60 14 20 11.6 350 Medium 1.70 192 PT*047M6B 208-230/1/60 7 15 5.9 350 Medium 1.70 192 PT*063M6B 208-230/1/60 11.5 15 9.5 550 Medium 1.80 207 PT*072M6B 208-230/1/60 9.3 15 7.8 500 Medium 2.00 211 PT*099M6B 208-230/1/60 14.8 20 12.4 875 Large 2.90 270 PT*099M6C 208-230/3/60 11 15 9.3 875 Large 2.90 265 PT*128M6B 208-230/1/60 14.8 20 12.4 825 Large 3.30 290 PT*128M6C 208-230/3/60 11 15 9.3 825 Large 3.30 285 PTN019L6A 115/1/60 13 20 13 340 Small 0.90 101 PT*021L6A 115/1/60 14.5 20 12.3 350 Medium 1.60 213 PT*021L6B 208-230/1/60 7.6 15 6.5 350 Medium 1.60 213 PT*031L6B 208-230/1/60 13.8 15 11.6 550 Medium 1.60 221 PT*044L6B 208-230/1/60 15.9 20 13.3 520 Medium 1.80 225 PT*052L6B 208-230/1/60 18.1 20 15.3 900 Large 2.80 275 PT*052L6C 208-230/3/60 12.2 15 13 900 Large 2.80 270 PT*069L6B 208-230/1/60 23.8 30 20 875 Large 2.90 280 PT*069L6C 208-230/3/60 15.9 20 14.2 875 Large 2.90 275 Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Section 2 * = T for Outdoor, N for Indoor. 2D - 3 PRO³ Packaged Refrigeration System Top Mount Performance & Specifications Dimensions: Small Cabinet (Indoor Only) Section 2 Dimensions: Medium Cabinet (Indoor & Outdoor) *-21.5” (54.61 cm) on outdoor models with weatherhood Dimensions: Large Cabinet (Indoor & Outdoor) *-23.5” (59.69 cm) on outdoor models with weatherhood 2D - 4 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 PRO³ Packaged Refrigeration System Top Mount Bohn Standard Model Application Location Voltage Evap Fan Motor Type Plug Supplied Matching NEMA Receptacle Cabinet Size Medium & High Temperature - Air Defrost - Cooler Applications (R-404A) PTN026H6AE 5,365 Indoor 115/1/60 EC Motor Yes 5-20R Small PTN026H6AH 5,057 Indoor 115/1/60 PSC Motor Yes 5-20R Small PTN031H6AE 5,896 Indoor 115/1/60 EC Motor Yes 5-20R Small PTN031H6AH 5,520 Indoor 115/1/60 PSC Motor Yes 5-20R Small PTN042H6AE 6,112 Indoor 115/1/60 EC Motor Yes 5-20R Small PTN042H6AH 6,013 Indoor 115/1/60 PSC Motor Yes 5-20R Small PTN050H6AE 8,001 Indoor 115/1/60 EC Motor Yes 5-20R Medium PTN050H6AH 7,655 Indoor 115/1/60 PSC Motor Yes 5-20R Medium PTN050H6BE 8,008 Indoor 208-230/1/60 EC Motor Yes 6-15R Medium PTN050H6BH 7,876 Indoor 208-230/1/60 PSC Motor Yes 6-15R Medium PTN067H6BE 9,153 Indoor 208-230/1/60 EC Motor Yes 6-15R Medium PTN067H6BH 8,125 Indoor 208-230/1/60 PSC Motor Yes 6-15R Medium PTN076H6BE 9,924 Indoor 208-230/1/60 EC Motor Yes 6-15R Medium PTN076H6BH 9,106 Indoor 208-230/1/60 PSC Motor Yes 6-15R Medium PTN104H6BE 11,647 Indoor 208-230/1/60 EC Motor Yes 6-20R Large PTN104H6BH 9,998 Indoor 208-230/1/60 PSC Motor Yes 6-20R Large PTN104H6CE 10,916 Indoor 208-230/3/60 EC Motor - - Large PTN104H6CH 9,920 Indoor 208-230/3/60 PSC Motor - - Large PTN133H6BE 13,057 Indoor 208-230/1/60 EC Motor Yes 6-20R Large PTN133H6BH 11,273 Indoor 208-230/1/60 PSC Motor Yes 6-20R Large PTN133H6CE 11,991 Indoor 208-230/3/60 EC Motor - - Large PTN133H6CH 11,020 Indoor 208-230/3/60 PSC Motor - - Large PTT050H6BE 9,066 Outdoor 208-230/1/60 EC Motor - - Medium PTT050H6BH 8,679 Outdoor 208-230/1/60 PSC Motor - - Medium PTT067H6BE 10,084 Outdoor 208-230/1/60 EC Motor - - Medium PTT067H6BH 9,286 Outdoor 208-230/1/60 PSC Motor - - Medium PTT076H6BE 10,809 Outdoor 208-230/1/60 EC Motor - - Medium PTT076H6BH 9,977 Outdoor 208-230/1/60 PSC Motor - - Medium PTT104H6BE 12,169 Outdoor 208-230/1/60 EC Motor - - Large PTT104H6BH 11,031 Outdoor 208-230/1/60 PSC Motor - - Large PTT104H6CE 12,129 Outdoor 208-230/3/60 EC Motor - - Large PTT104H6CH 11,017 Outdoor 208-230/3/60 PSC Motor - - Large PTT133H6BE 13,342 Outdoor 208-230/1/60 EC Motor - - Large PTT133H6BH 12,303 Outdoor 208-230/1/60 PSC Motor - - Large PTT133H6CE 13,264 Outdoor 208-230/3/60 EC Motor - - Large PTT133H6CH 12,096 Outdoor 208-230/3/60 PSC Motor - - Large Federal Regulation Requires EC Motors! Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors. Rev. 03/12 Section 2 001 List Price ($US) Standard Models Pricing Need help selecting a model? Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2D - 5 PRO³ Packaged Refrigeration System Top Mount Bohn Standard Model Section 2 002 List Price ($US) Standard Models Pricing Application Location Voltage Evap Fan Motor Type Plug Supplied Matching NEMA Receptacle Cabinet Size Medium Temperature - Electric Defrost - Cooler Applications (R-404A) PTN024M6AE 5,445 Indoor 115/1/60 EC Motor Yes 5-20R Small PTN024M6AH 5,135 Indoor 115/1/60 PSC Motor Yes 5-20R Small PTN029M6AE 5,978 Indoor 115/1/60 EC Motor Yes 5-20R Small PTN029M6AH 5,599 Indoor 115/1/60 PSC Motor Yes 5-20R Small PTN040M6AE 6,288 Indoor 115/1/60 EC Motor Yes 5-20R Small PTN040M6AH 6,188 Indoor 115/1/60 PSC Motor Yes 5-20R Small PTN047M6AE 8,173 Indoor 115/1/60 EC Motor Yes 5-20R Medium PTN047M6AH 7,826 Indoor 115/1/60 PSC Motor Yes 5-20R Medium PTN047M6BE 8,602 Indoor 208-230/1/60 EC Motor Yes 6-15R Medium PTN047M6BH 7,953 Indoor 208-230/1/60 PSC Motor Yes 6-15R Medium PTN063M6BE 9,284 Indoor 208-230/1/60 EC Motor Yes 6-15R Medium PTN063M6BH 8,160 Indoor 208-230/1/60 PSC Motor Yes 6-15R Medium PTN072M6BE 10,053 Indoor 208-230/1/60 EC Motor Yes 6-15R Medium PTN072M6BH 9,234 Indoor 208-230/1/60 PSC Motor Yes 6-15R Medium PTN099M6BE 12,044 Indoor 208-230/1/60 EC Motor Yes 6-20R Large PTN099M6BH 11,330 Indoor 208-230/1/60 PSC Motor Yes 6-20R Large PTN099M6CE 11,758 Indoor 208-230/3/60 EC Motor - - Large PTN099M6CH 11,230 Indoor 208-230/3/60 PSC Motor - - Large PTN128M6BE 13,524 Indoor 208-230/1/60 EC Motor Yes 6-20R Large PTN128M6BH 11,924 Indoor 208-230/1/60 PSC Motor Yes 6-20R Large PTN128M6CE 13,002 Indoor 208-230/3/60 EC Motor - - Large PTN128M6CH 11,848 Indoor 208-230/3/60 PSC Motor - - Large PTT047M6BE 9,179 Outdoor 208-230/1/60 EC Motor - - Medium PTT047M6BH 8,792 Outdoor 208-230/1/60 PSC Motor - - Medium PTT063M6BE 10,365 Outdoor 208-230/1/60 EC Motor - - Medium PTT063M6BH 9,405 Outdoor 208-230/1/60 PSC Motor - - Medium PTT072M6BE 10,910 Outdoor 208-230/1/60 EC Motor - - Medium PTT072M6BH 10,106 Outdoor 208-230/1/60 PSC Motor - - Medium PTT099M6BE 12,415 Outdoor 208-230/1/60 EC Motor - - Large PTT099M6BH 11,262 Outdoor 208-230/1/60 PSC Motor - - Large PTT099M6CE 12,365 Outdoor 208-230/3/60 EC Motor - - Large PTT099M6CH 11,256 Outdoor 208-230/3/60 PSC Motor - - Large PTT128M6BE 13,607 Outdoor 208-230/1/60 EC Motor - - Large PTT128M6BH 12,574 Outdoor 208-230/1/60 PSC Motor - - Large PTT128M6CE 13,518 Outdoor 208-230/3/60 EC Motor - - Large PTT128M6CH 12,351 Outdoor 208-230/3/60 PSC Motor - - Large Federal Regulation Requires EC Motors! Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors. 2D - 6 Need help selecting a model? Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 PRO³ Packaged Refrigeration System Top Mount Bohn Standard Model Application Location Voltage Evap Fan Motor Type Plug Supplied Matching NEMA Receptacle Cabinet Size Low Temperature - Electric Defrost - Freezer Applications (R-404A) PTN019L6AE 7,319 Indoor 115/1/60 EC Motor Yes 5-20R Small PTN019L6AH 7,164 Indoor 115/1/60 PSC Motor Yes 5-20R Small PTN021L6AE 9,185 Indoor 115/1/60 EC Motor Yes 5-20R Medium PTN021L6AH 8,804 Indoor 115/1/60 PSC Motor Yes 5-20R Medium PTN021L6BE 9,210 Indoor 208-230/1/60 EC Motor Yes 6-15R Medium PTN021L6BH 8,804 Indoor 208-230/1/60 PSC Motor Yes 6-15R Medium PTN031L6BE 10,484 Indoor 208-230/1/60 EC Motor Yes 6-15R Medium PTN031L6BH 9,630 Indoor 208-230/1/60 PSC Motor Yes 6-15R Medium PTN044L6BE 11,946 Indoor 208-230/1/60 EC Motor Yes 6-20R Medium PTN044L6BH 10,988 Indoor 208-230/1/60 PSC Motor Yes 6-20R Medium PTN052L6BE 13,659 Indoor 208-230/1/60 EC Motor - - Large PTN052L6BH 12,332 Indoor 208-230/1/60 PSC Motor - - Large PTN052L6CE 13,654 Indoor 208-230/3/60 EC Motor - - Large PTN052L6CH 12,332 Indoor 208-230/3/60 PSC Motor - - Large PTN069L6BE 14,585 Indoor 208-230/1/60 EC Motor - - Large PTN069L6BH 13,187 Indoor 208-230/1/60 PSC Motor - - Large PTN069L6CE 14,574 Indoor 208-230/3/60 EC Motor - - Large PTN069L6CH 13,187 Indoor 208-230/3/60 PSC Motor - - Large PTT021L6BE 10,393 Outdoor 208-230/1/60 EC Motor - - Medium PTT021L6BH 9,966 Outdoor 208-230/1/60 PSC Motor - - Medium PTT031L6BE 11,804 Outdoor 208-230/1/60 EC Motor - - Medium PTT031L6BH 10,919 Outdoor 208-230/1/60 PSC Motor - - Medium PTT044L6BE 13,457 Outdoor 208-230/1/60 EC Motor - - Medium PTT044L6BH 12,460 Outdoor 208-230/1/60 PSC Motor - - Medium PTT052L6BE 15,317 Outdoor 208-230/1/60 EC Motor - - Large PTT052L6BH 13,944 Outdoor 208-230/1/60 PSC Motor - - Large PTT052L6CE 15,305 Outdoor 208-230/3/60 EC Motor - - Large PTT052L6CH 13,944 Outdoor 208-230/3/60 PSC Motor - - Large PTT069L6BE 16,367 Outdoor 208-230/1/60 EC Motor - - Large PTT069L6BH 14,925 Outdoor 208-230/1/60 PSC Motor - - Large PTT069L6CE 16,357 Outdoor 208-230/3/60 EC Motor - - Large PTT069L6CH 14,925 Outdoor 208-230/3/60 PSC Motor - - Large Federal Regulation Requires EC Motors! Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors. Rev. 03/12 Section 2 003 List Price ($US) Standard Models Pricing Need help selecting a model? Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2D - 7 PRO³ Packaged Refrigeration System Side Mount Overview Features and Benefits Section 2 Product Description The PRO³ Side Mount packaged refrigeration system, designed to maximize storage space inside walkin coolers and freezers and optimized for outdoor applications, is ideal for small- to medium-sized restaurant and convenience store applications where maximum airflow is essential for pulling down the temperature of foods or beverages. The system combines evaporator and condensing unit into one unit expediting installation time and reducing refrigerant charge — saving time, money, and energy. The reduced refrigerant charge, compared to comparable split systems, and availability of EC motors, for increased energy efficiency, makes this product line qualified to be included in the E Solutions™ product portfolio. Certifications Ease of Installation and Service • Installation takes a fraction of the time required for a split system: refrigerant is pre-charged at factory, superheat adjustment is not required and unit slides into slots in standard walk-in panel (see installation manual for more information) • Designed for simple serviceability: the condensing unit section’s cabinet door can be quickly removed; in addition, the electrical box is located outside the cabinet for easy access • Flexible design allows for multiple installation methods: Optimized for outdoor use, but can be used indoors as well (with drain connection) • Lifting lugs and hanging brackets in evaporating section allow for easy installation Ease of Use • System is factory-assembled, evacuated, charged, run-tested and wired; no additional components required • Controls preset for typical applications: +38° F for high temp. coolers, +35° F for medium temp. coolers, -10° F for freezers and are easy to adjust Performance • Maximized airflow: evaporator placement in walk-in box with pull through fans • Suitable for temperature pull-down and holding temperature • Increased condenser capacity, by avoiding compressor heat • Improved tolerance in high-ambient conditions • Electric defrost in medium temperature models, allowing for maximum performance in storage applications just above 32°F • Fan-cycling for head pressure control • Crankcase heater • Drain line heater Reliable & Durable • Electronic microprocessor control provides accurate temperature control • Liquid-line filter drier • Two-year parts warranty Energy Efficient & Environmentally Friendly • Optional EC motors available for evaporator section only • Reduced refrigerant charge: the PRO³ Side Mount packaged refrigeration system uses approximately 10 percent* of refrigerant required for a comparable split system * Results may vary. Estimate based on a typical 25-foot refrigerant line length. Nomenclature 2D - 8 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 PRO³ Packaged Refrigeration System Side Mount Performance & Specifications Capacity Ratings: Medium & High Temperature – Air Defrost – Cooler Applications Bohn Base Model Capacity (BTUH) @ Ambient Temperature & Box Temperature 80°F Ambient 90°F Ambient 95°F Ambient 100°F Ambient 35°F 35°F 35°F 35°F 38°F 38°F 38°F 110°F Ambient 38°F 35°F 38°F PST070H6 7,066 7,414 6,860 7,198 6,641 6,968 6,442 6,759 5,678 5,957 PST090H6 9,196 9,644 8,928 9,363 8,643 9,064 8,383 8,792 7,389 7,749 PST131H6 13,244 13,946 12,859 13,540 12,448 13,107 12,074 12,714 10,643 11,207 PST147H6 14,982 15,702 14,545 15,245 14,081 14,758 13,658 14,315 12,039 12,618 Capacity Ratings: Medium Temperature – Electric Defrost – Cooler Applications Bohn Base Model Capacity (BTUH) @ Ambient Temperature & Box Temperature 80°F Ambient 90°F Ambient 95°F Ambient 100°F Ambient 110°F Ambient 35°F 35°F 35°F 35°F 35°F PST066M6 7,066 6,860 6,641 6,442 5,678 PST086M6 9,196 8,928 8,643 8,383 7,389 PST124M6 13,244 12,859 12,448 12,074 10,643 PST141M6 14,982 14,545 14,081 13,658 12,039 Bohn Base Model Section 2 Capacity Ratings: Low Temperature – Electric Defrost – Freezer Applications Capacity (BTUH) @ Ambient Temperature & Box Temperature 80°F Ambient 0°F 90°F Ambient -10°F -20°F 0°F 95°F Ambient -10°F -20°F 0°F 100°F Ambient -10°F -20°F 0°F -10°F -20°F 110°F Ambient 0°F -10°F -20°F PST034L6 5,584 4,052 2,659 5,031 3,651 2,395 4,746 3,444 2,260 4,366 3,168 2,079 3,726 2,704 1,774 PST051L6 7,683 6,025 4,377 6,922 5,428 3,943 6,530 5,121 3,720 6,008 4,711 3,423 5,126 4,020 2,920 PST057L6 8,873 6,748 4,609 7,994 6,079 4,153 7,541 5,735 3,918 6,938 5,276 3,604 5,920 4,502 3,075 PST077L6 11,769 9,079 6,694 10,602 8,179 6,030 10,002 7,716 5,689 9,202 7,099 5,234 7,852 6,057 4,466 Specifications – All Models Bohn Base Model Rev. 03/12 Voltage MCA MOPD Evap. Fans CFM Cabinet Size Refrig. Charge R-404A (lbs.) Approx. Net Weight (lbs.) PST070H6B 208-230/1/60 15 20 625 Small 2.30 260 PST090H6B 208-230/1/60 15 20 625 Small 2.30 265 PST131H6B 208-230/1/60 15 20 1,350 Large 2.50 320 PST147H6B 208-230/1/60 15 20 1,350 Large 2.50 325 PST066M6B 208-230/1/60 15 20 1,350 Small 2.30 260 PST086M6B 208-230/1/60 15 20 625 Small 2.30 265 PST124M6B 208-230/1/60 15 20 1,350 Large 2.50 320 PST141M6B 208-230/1/60 15 20 1,350 Large 2.50 325 PST034L6B 208-230/1/60 15 20 625 Small 2.30 260 PST051L6B 208-230/1/60 15 20 625 Small 2.30 265 PST057L6B 208-230/1/60 15 20 1,350 Large 2.50 320 PST077L6B 208-230/1/60 20.7 35 1,350 Large 2.50 325 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2D - 9 PRO³ Packaged Refrigeration System Side Mount Performance & Specifications Dimensions: Small Cabinet TOP VIEW 49-1/8" 1248 mm 13-3/8" 340 mm 16-1/4" 413 mm 31-3/4" 806 mm 27-7/8" 708 mm 23" 584 mm 28" 711 mm 30" 762 mm Section 2 30-1/2" 775 mm 1-3/4" 44 mm SIDE VIEW 29-5/8" 752 mm 20-1/4" 514 mm BACK VIEW 49-1/8" 1248 mm 46-1/4" 1175 mm 1-3/4" 44 mm 1-3/4" 44 mm 1-5/8" 41 mm 35-5/8" 905 mm 34" 864 mm 17-1/4" 438 mm 12-1/4" 311 mm 32-5/8" 905 mm 2D - 10 16-5/8" 422 mm 30" 762 mm List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 PRO³ Packaged Refrigeration System Side Mount Performance & Specifications Dimensions: Large Cabinet TOP VIEW 49-1/8" 1248 mm 13-3/8" 340 mm 36-1/2" 927 mm 1-3/4" 45 mm 16-1/4" 413 mm 37-3/4" 959 mm 33-7/8" 860 mm 29" 737 mm 36" 914 mm Section 2 34" 864 mm SIDE VIEW 29-5/8" 752 mm 20-1/4" 514 mm BACK VIEW 49-1/8" 1248 mm 46-1/4" 1175 mm 38-1/2" 978 mm 17-1/4" 438 mm 32-5/8" 905 mm 1-5/8" 41 mm 1-3/4" 44 mm 12-1/4" 311 mm Rev. 03/12 1-3/4" 44 mm 40-1/8" 1019 mm 36" 914 mm 16-5/8" 422 mm List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 2D - 11 PRO³ Packaged Refrigeration System Side Mount Bohn Standard Model 001 Section 2 003 Application Location Voltage Evap Fan Motor Type Cabinet Size Medium & High Temperature - Air Defrost - Cooler Applications (R-404A) PST070H6BE 002 List Price ($US) Standard Models Pricing 9,370 Outdoor 208-230/1/60 EC Motor Small PST070H6BH 9,017 Outdoor 208-230/1/60 PSC Motor Small PST090H6BE 9,900 Outdoor 208-230/1/60 EC Motor Small PST090H6BH 9,547 Outdoor 208-230/1/60 PSC Motor Small PST131H6BE 11,315 Outdoor 208-230/1/60 EC Motor Large PST131H6BH 10,608 Outdoor 208-230/1/60 PSC Motor Large PST147H6BE 12,376 Outdoor 208-230/1/60 EC Motor Large PST147H6BH 11,669 Outdoor 208-230/1/60 PSC Motor Large Medium Temperature - Electric Defrost - Cooler Applications (R-404A) PST066M6BE 9,794 Outdoor 208-230/1/60 EC Motor Small PST066M6BH 9,441 Outdoor 208-230/1/60 PSC Motor Small PST086M6BE 10,324 Outdoor 208-230/1/60 EC Motor Small PST086M6BH 9,972 Outdoor 208-230/1/60 PSC Motor Small PST124M6BE 11,739 Outdoor 208-230/1/60 EC Motor Large PST124M6BH 11,032 Outdoor 208-230/1/60 PSC Motor Large PST141M6BE 12,800 Outdoor 208-230/1/60 EC Motor Large PST141M6BH 12,093 Outdoor 208-230/1/60 PSC Motor Large 208-230/1/60 EC Motor Small Low Temperature - Electric Defrost - Freezer Applications (R-404A) PST034L6BE 11,491 Outdoor PST034L6BH 11,138 Outdoor 208-230/1/60 PSC Motor Small PST051L6BE 12,552 Outdoor 208-230/1/60 EC Motor Small PST051L6BH 12,199 Outdoor 208-230/1/60 PSC Motor Small PST057L6BE 13,967 Outdoor 208-230/1/60 EC Motor Large PST057L6BH 13,260 Outdoor 208-230/1/60 PSC Motor Large PST077L6BE 15,028 Outdoor 208-230/1/60 EC Motor Large PST077L6BH 14,321 Outdoor 208-230/1/60 PSC Motor Large Federal Regulation Requires EC Motors! Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) Walk-Ins manufactured on or after 01/01/2009 and under 3,000 square feet in area with single phase evaporator fan motors less than 1 HP and less than 460V must be EC motors. 2D - 12 Need help selecting a model? Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensers 1 - 26 Ton Overview Standard Features Product Description Direct drive air-cooled condensers, available from 1 through 26 ton models, are the industry standard for remote air-cooled applications. They are designed for efficient performance and low maintenance and are great for many applications. Ease of Installation & Service • Weatherproof junction box with motor leads terminating for single-point field wiring Reliable & Durable • Heavy gauge smooth aluminum cabinet for long life and attractive appearance • Coated steel fan guards • Internally protected, permanently lubricated ball bearing motors with automatic reset Performance • Fully baffled fan sections to provide structural strength and prevent fan windmillng in the off cycle • PSC motors come standard to help save on energy costs Versatile • Horizontal or vertical air discharge • Multicircuiting at no additional charge Section 3 Certifications Nomenclature Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 3A - 1 Air-Cooled Condensers 1 - 26 Ton Performance & Specifications Data Performance Data for 60 Hz. Bohn Base Model Fan Data No. of Fan Dia. Fans (in.) Capacity (MBH / °F TD) CFM Max No. of Feeds 1°F R-22 10°F 15°F R-404A/507 20°F 30°F 1°F 10°F 15°F 20°F 30°F DVT001 1 18 2,400 1 0.76 7.60 11.40 15.30 22.90 0.74 7.50 11.20 15.00 22.40 DVT002 1 18 2,400 2 1.02 10.20 15.30 20.30 30.50 1.00 10.00 15.00 19.90 29.90 DVT003 1 18 2,100 3 1.57 15.70 23.50 31.40 47.10 1.54 15.40 23.00 30.80 46.20 DVT005 1 24 5,050 8 2.43 24.30 36.50 48.70 73.00 2.38 23.80 35.80 47.70 71.50 DVT008 1 26 6,450 16 4.00 40.00 60.00 80.00 120.00 3.92 39.20 58.80 78.40 117.60 DVT010 2 24 10,100 16 4.87 48.70 73.00 97.30 146.00 4.77 47.70 71.50 95.40 143.10 DVT012 2 26 12,400 16 6.08 60.80 91.20 121.60 182.40 5.96 59.60 89.40 119.20 178.80 DVT014 2 26 13,700 16 6.99 69.90 104.80 139.70 209.70 6.85 69.50 102.70 136.90 205.50 DVT016 2 26 12,900 32 7.99 79.90 119.80 159.70 239.60 7.83 78.30 117.40 156.50 234.80 DVT021 3 26 20,500 24 10.50 105.00 157.10 209.50 314.20 10.29 102.90 154.00 205.30 307.90 DVT023 3 26 19,900 24 11.30 113.00 169.80 226.40 339.60 11.07 110.70 166.40 221.90 332.80 DVT026 3 26 19,400 32 13.30 133.00 199.10 265.50 398.20 13.03 130.30 195.10 260.20 390.20 Electrical Ratings & Fan Motor Data for 60 Hz. PSC Motors are 1075 RPM and Polyphase Motors are 1140 RPM Section 3 PSC Motor 3A - 2 Bohn Base Model MCA MOPD DVT001 15 DVT002 15 DVT003 DVT005 115/1/60 Polyphase Motor 208-230/1/60 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 Motor HP Motor FLA Motor HP Motor FLA Motor HP Motor FLA Motor HP Motor FLA Motor HP Motor FLA 15 1/10 3.3 1/4 2.0 1/3 2.6 1/3 1.3 - - 15 1/10 3.3 1/4 2.0 1/3 2.6 1/3 1.3 - - 15 15 - - 1/4 2.0 1/3 2.6 1/3 1.3 - - 15 15 - - 1/3 3.4 1/3 2.6 1/3 1.3 1/3 0.95 DVT008 15 15 - - 1/2 3.9 1/3 2.6 1/3 1.3 1/3 0.95 DVT010 15 15 - - 1/3 6.8 1/3 5.2 1/3 2.6 1/3 1.90 DVT012 15 15 - - 1/2 7.8 1/3 5.2 1/3 2.6 1/3 1.90 DVT014 15 15 - - 1/2 7.8 1/3 5.2 1/3 2.6 1/3 1.90 DVT016 15 15 - - 1/2 7.8 1/3 5.2 1/3 2.6 1/3 1.90 DVT021 15 15 - - 1/2 11.7 1/3 7.8 1/3 3.9 1/3 2.90 DVT023 15 15 - - 1/2 11.7 1/3 7.8 1/3 3.9 1/3 2.90 DVT026 15 15 - - 1/2 11.7 1/3 7.8 1/3 3.9 1/3 2.90 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensers 1 - 26 Ton Performance & Specifications Data Physical Data Bohn Base Model Fan Config. DVT001 1x1 Net Dimensions A (in.) E (in.) Inlet ODS 37 1/2 31 1/4 Outlet ODS Approx. Net Weight (lbs.) 3/8 96 Connections (in) 3/8 DVT002 1x1 37 1/2 31 1/4 7/8 5/8 96 DVT003 1x1 37 1/2 31 1/4 7/8 5/8 114 DVT005 1x1 40 30 1 1/8 7/8 180 DVT008 1x1 50 40 1 1/8 7/8 260 DVT010 1x2 70 60 (2) 1 1/8 (2) 7/8 450 DVT012 1x2 70 60 (2) 1 1/8 (2) 7/8 470 DVT014 1x2 90 80 (2) 1 1/8 (2) 7/8 510 DVT016 1x2 90 80 (2) 1 3/8 (2) 1 1/8 530 DVT021 1x3 130 120 (2) 1 5/8 (2) 1 1/8 550 DVT023 1x3 130 120 (2) 1 5/8 (2) 1 1/8 580 DVT026 1x3 130 120 (2) 1 5/8 (2) 1 1/8 625 Minimum Ambient For Fan Cycling Based on 90°F Condensing Temperature No. of Fans 30°F 25°F 20°F 15°F 10°F DVT010 2 35 45 55 60 70 DVT012 2 35 45 55 60 70 DVT014 2 35 45 55 60 70 DVT016 2 35 45 55 60 70 DVT021 3 15 30 40 55 65 DVT023 3 15 30 40 55 65 DVT026 3 15 30 40 55 65 Section 3 Design TD Bohn Base Model Models with 2 or 3 fans are available with either ambient or pressure activated fan cycling packages. Head pressure can be controlled by varying the air flow across the coil in response to changes in ambient temperatures or refrigerant pressures. The table above shows the minimum ambient temperatures for fan cycling. Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 3A - 3 Air-Cooled Condensers 1 - 26 Ton Performance & Specifications Data Dimensional Drawings Model DVT001 - 003 27 5/8” 700mm 2 7/16” 62mm 7/16” Diameter Hole 11mm 15 1/4” 390mm 22” 590mm 8” 200mm 18” 460mm 22” 560mm 13/32” x 1/2” Slots Unit legs are removable 6mm x 13mm from units installed for horiziontal air 31 1/4” 790mm 9/16” 14mm 2” 51mm 37 1/2” 950mm 2” 51mm Model DVT005 - 26 with Vertical Air Flow 43” 1,090mm Optional External Electrical Box A 24 1/2” 620mm Section 3 16” 410mm 17” 430mm 34” 860mm 21 1/2” 550mm 7/8” Diameter Holes 22mm 9” 230mm 8” 200mm 1” 25mm E Model DVT005 - 026 with Horizontal Air Flow 43” 1,090mm 2 1/2” 64mm 3A - 4 37 1/2” 950mm 42 1/2” 1,080mm 9” 230mm 7/8” Diameter Holes 22mm E 1” 25mm A List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensers 1 - 26 Ton Configurable Models & Options Pricing Configurable Models, Factory-Installed Options, & List Prices • Specify model motor voltage and type at time of order. 208-230/1/60 motors may be field converted to 230/3/60 power. • Variable speed motor is on the header fan only; All other motors in a 1x2 or 1x3 are fixed speed motors that cycle on or off as needed. Must have variable speed controller (customer supplied or select factory-installed option). Ambient fan cycling is included in the factory-installed variable speed controller package. • Standard Control Circuit Voltage is 230V unless otherwise specified. 24V & 115V are available at no additional cost. Specify control circuit voltage when ordering. • Fan cycling pricing does not include control circuit transformer for 460V or 575V units. If needed, transformer can be ordered from ship-loose accessories. Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Bohn List Price Configurable ($US) Model Fan Cycling Options 1 PH 3 PH Amb. Amb. Electrical Options 1 PH Press. 3 PH Press. Coil Coatings Ind. Sealtite Var Sp BohnGuard™ ElectroFin Bronz-Glow Motor Wiring Controller Coated Fins Coil Coating Fuses 208-230/1/60 with PSC Motors 001 DVT001 2,017 - - - - - 696 - 190 Call Factory Call Factory DVT002 2,651 - - - - - 696 - 213 Call Factory Call Factory DVT003 2,958 - - - - - 696 - 261 Call Factory Call Factory DVT005 5,394 - - - - 718 696 - 318 Call Factory Call Factory DVT008 6,813 - - - - 718 696 - 507 Call Factory Call Factory DVT010 8,327 489 - 891 - 939 1,239 - 571 Call Factory Call Factory DVT012 9,350 489 - 891 - 939 1,239 - 629 Call Factory Call Factory DVT014 10,694 489 - 891 - 939 1,239 - 761 Call Factory Call Factory DVT016 11,721 489 - 891 - 939 1,239 - 932 Call Factory Call Factory DVT021 13,515 682 - 1,125 - 1,164 1,278 - 1,032 Call Factory Call Factory DVT023 13,896 682 - 1,125 - 1,164 1,278 - 1,177 Call Factory Call Factory DVT026 15,173 682 - 1,125 - 1,164 1,278 - 1,334 Call Factory Call Factory 208-230/1/60 with Variable Speed Motor DVT005SM 5,811 - - - - 718 696 2,130 318 Call Factory Call Factory DVT008SM 7,230 - - - - 718 696 2,130 507 Call Factory Call Factory DVT010SM 8,744 - - Call Factory - 939 1,239 2,130 571 Call Factory Call Factory DVT012SM 9,768 - - Call Factory - 939 1,239 2,130 629 Call Factory Call Factory DVT014SM 11,111 - - Call Factory - 939 1,239 2,130 761 Call Factory Call Factory DVT016SM 12,138 - - Call Factory - 939 1,239 2,130 932 Call Factory Call Factory DVT021SM 13,932 - - Call Factory - 1,164 1,278 2,130 1,032 Call Factory Call Factory DVT023SM 14,314 - - Call Factory - 1,164 1,278 2,130 1,177 Call Factory Call Factory DVT026SM 15,590 - - Call Factory - 1,164 1,278 2,130 1,334 Call Factory Call Factory 208-230/3/60 with Polyphase Motors 003 DVT005 5,714 - - - - 718 696 - 318 Call Factory Call Factory DVT008 7,061 - - - - 718 696 - 507 Call Factory Call Factory DVT010 8,934 - 1,231 - 1,635 939 1,239 - 571 Call Factory Call Factory DVT012 9,852 - 1,231 - 1,635 939 1,239 - 629 Call Factory Call Factory DVT014 11,195 - 1,231 - 1,635 939 1,239 - 761 Call Factory Call Factory DVT016 12,223 - 1,231 - 1,635 939 1,239 - 932 Call Factory Call Factory Notes: 1. For selection or sizing assistance, use Heatcraft’s New ProSelect software or contact your local your Sales Representative or Account Engineer. 2. Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 3A - 5 Section 3 002 Air-Cooled Condensers 1 - 26 Ton Configurable Models & Options Pricing Configurable Models, Factory-Installed Options, & List Prices • Specify model motor voltage and type at time of order. 208-230/1/60 motors may be field converted to 230/3/60 power. • Variable speed motor is on the header fan only; All other motors in a 1x2 or 1x3 are fixed speed motors that cycle on or off as needed. Must have variable speed controller (customer supplied or select factory-installed option). Ambient fan cycling is included in the factory-installed variable speed controller package. • Standard Control Circuit Voltage is 230V unless otherwise specified. 24V & 115V are available at no additional cost. Specify control circuit voltage when ordering. • Fan cycling pricing does not include control circuit transformer for 460V or 575V units. If needed, transformer can be ordered from ship-loose accessories. Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Bohn List Price Configurable ($US) Model Fan Cycling Options 1 PH 3 PH Amb. Amb. Electrical Options 1 PH Press. 3 PH Press. Coil Coatings Ind. Sealtite Var Sp BohnGuard™ ElectroFin Bronz-Glow Motor Wiring Controller Coated Fins Coil Coating Fuses DVT021 14,272 - 1,518 - 1,968 1,164 1,278 - 1,032 Call Factory Call Factory DVT023 14,650 - 1,518 - 1,968 1,164 1,278 - 1,177 Call Factory Call Factory DVT026 15,926 - 1,518 - 1,968 1,164 1,278 - 1,334 Call Factory Call Factory 208-230/3/60 with Variable Speed Motor 004 DVT010SM 9,351 - - - Call Factory 939 1,239 2,130 571 Call Factory Call Factory DVT012SM 10,269 - - - Call Factory 939 1,239 2,130 629 Call Factory Call Factory DVT014SM 11,612 - - - Call Factory 939 1,239 2,130 761 Call Factory Call Factory DVT016SM 12,640 - - - Call Factory 939 1,239 2,130 932 Call Factory Call Factory DVT021SM 14,689 - - - Call Factory 1,164 1,278 2,130 1,032 Call Factory Call Factory DVT023SM 15,067 - - - Call Factory 1,164 1,278 2,130 1,177 Call Factory Call Factory DVT026SM 16,343 - - - Call Factory 1,164 1,278 2,130 1,334 Call Factory Call Factory 460/3/60 with Polyphase Motors Section 3 005 DVT005 5,714 - - - - 718 696 - 318 Call Factory Call Factory DVT008 7,061 - - - - 718 696 - 507 Call Factory Call Factory DVT010 8,934 - 1,231 - 1,635 939 1,239 - 571 Call Factory Call Factory DVT012 9,852 - 1,231 - 1,635 939 1,239 - 629 Call Factory Call Factory DVT014 11,195 - 1,231 - 1,635 939 1,239 - 761 Call Factory Call Factory DVT016 12,223 - 1,231 - 1,635 939 1,239 - 932 Call Factory Call Factory DVT021 14,272 - 1,518 - 1,968 1,164 1,278 - 1,032 Call Factory Call Factory DVT023 14,650 - 1,518 - 1,968 1,164 1,278 - 1,177 Call Factory Call Factory DVT026 15,926 - 1,518 - 1,968 1,164 1,278 - 1,334 Call Factory Call Factory 460/3/60 with Variable Speed Motor 006 DVT010SM 9,351 - - - Call Factory 939 1,239 2,130 571 Call Factory Call Factory DVT012SM 10,269 - - - Call Factory 939 1,239 2,130 629 Call Factory Call Factory DVT014SM 11,612 - - - Call Factory 939 1,239 2,130 761 Call Factory Call Factory DVT016SM 12,640 - - - Call Factory 939 1,239 2,130 932 Call Factory Call Factory DVT021SM 14,689 - - - Call Factory 1,164 1,278 2,130 1,032 Call Factory Call Factory DVT023SM 15,067 - - - Call Factory 1,164 1,278 2,130 1,177 Call Factory Call Factory DVT026SM 16,343 - - - Call Factory 1,164 1,278 2,130 1,334 Call Factory Call Factory Notes: 1. For selection or sizing assistance, use Heatcraft’s New ProSelect software or contact your local your Sales Representative or Account Engineer. 2. Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. 3A - 6 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensers Configurable Models & Options Pricing 1 - 26 Ton Configurable Models, Factory-Installed Options, & List Prices • Specify model motor voltage and type at time of order. 208-230/1/60 motors may be field converted to 230/3/60 power. • Variable speed motor is on the header fan only; All other motors in a 1x2 or 1x3 are fixed speed motors that cycle on or off as needed. Must have variable speed controller (customer supplied or select factory-installed option). Ambient fan cycling is included in the factory-installed variable speed controller package. • Standard Control Circuit Voltage is 230V unless otherwise specified. 24V & 115V are available at no additional cost. Specify control circuit voltage when ordering. • Fan cycling pricing does not include control circuit transformer for 460V or 575V units. If needed, transformer can be ordered from ship-loose accessories. Factory-Installed Options List Price Adders ($US) Bohn List Price Configurable ($US) Model Fan Cycling Options 1 PH 3 PH Amb. Amb. Electrical Options Coil Coatings Ind. Sealtite Var Sp BohnGuard™ ElectroFin Bronz-Glow Motor Wiring Controller Coated Fins Coil Coating Fuses 1 PH Press. 3 PH Press. - - - - 575/3/60 with Polyphase Motors 007 DVT005 6,085 - 696 - 318 Call Factory Call Factory DVT008 7,433 - - - - DVT010 9,677 - 1,231 - 1,635 - 696 - 507 Call Factory Call Factory - 1,239 - 571 Call Factory Call Factory DVT012 10,595 - 1,231 - DVT014 11,937 - 1,231 - 1,635 - 1,239 - 629 Call Factory Call Factory 1,635 - 1,239 - 761 Call Factory Call Factory DVT016 12,965 - 1,231 DVT021 15,386 - 1,518 - 1,635 - 1,239 - 932 Call Factory Call Factory - 1,968 - 1,278 - 1,032 Call Factory Call Factory DVT023 15,764 - DVT026 17,040 - 1,518 - 1,968 - 1,278 - 1,177 Call Factory Call Factory 1,518 - 1,968 - 1,278 - 1,334 Call Factory Call Factory Notes: 1. For selection or sizing assistance, use Heatcraft’s New ProSelect software or contact your local your Sales Representative or Account Engineer. 2. Copper Fin Coils are available. Contact your Sales Representative or Account Engineer for more information. Can’t Find An Option or Accessory? Part Number Rev. 03/12 Section 3 Ship-Loose Accessories 1 - 26 Ton Other options and accessories might be available on a custom order basis. Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. Description Models Used On List Price ($US) Notes 8980700-1 Discharge Air Gravity Damper 1x1 1,165 Includes 1 damper per fan cell 8980700-2 Discharge Air Gravity Dampers 1x2 2,330 Includes 1 damper per fan cell 8980700-3 Discharge Air Gravity Dampers 1x3 3,495 Includes 1 damper per fan cell R038253919 Control Circuit Transformer ALL 513 - List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 3A - 7 Air-Cooled Condensers 11 – 264 Ton Overview Standard Features Product Description These air-cooled condensers feature improved energy efficiency and low sound levels sought after by the supermarket and grocery industry. Traditional condensers using 1140 RPM motors offer high capacities, but cannot meet the low sound and energy efficiency standards demanded today by this industry. High capacities for operation along with the low sound and energy efficiency requirements are brought together in these units for a great fit for many applications. Choosing a model with the patented QuietEdge™ Fan Blade or Variable Speed EC motors makes this product qualified to be included in the E Solutions™ product portfolio. Section 3 Certifications • 10 fins per inch spacing standard. 8, 12, and 14 fins per inch spacing available as an option. • Floating Tube™ coil design virtually eliminates tube sheet leaks • Internal baffles provided between all fan cells • Condensers up to 3 fans in length use 3/8” diameter tube to minimize refrigerant charge.Condensers 4 or more fans in length use 1/2” diameter tube to minimize refrigerant pressure drop • Coated steel fan guards • Weather resistant control panel with factory-mounted door interrupt disconnect switch • 2-year warranty on product and 5-year warranty on Floating Tube™ Models with Variable Speed EC Motors (VSEC) • EC motor, swept fan blade and venturi incorporating integrated variable speed technology • Broad capacity range from 16 to 264 tons • Aluminum housing for an attractive appearance and corrosion protection, with painted galvanized steel, or galvanized steel as an option • Side access panels for ease of cleaning coils • 3-year warranty on EC motors Models with 830 or 540 RPM Fixed Speed Motors • Direct drive fan motors in 830 or 540 RPM • The patented QuietEdge™ fan blade provides an unprecedented sound level of 49.6 dBA (540 RPM @ 10 ft.) • Patented ServiceEase™ motor mount feature, allows for ease of motor service and reduces likelihood of damage to the coils during servicing • Condenser coils incorporate the latest advancements in coil technology to provide maximum capacity • Broader product range to address all applications — capacities ranging from 11 to 225 nominal tons • Galvanized steel housing • High efficiency, three-phase fan motors with ball bearings and internal overload protection Models with 1140 RPM Fixed Speed Motors • Direct drive fan motors • Patented ServiceEase™ motor mount • New, high efficiency condenser coil designed for optimum performance • Expanded product range from 15 to 249 nominal tons • Galvanized steel housing • High efficiency, three-phase fan motors with ball bearings and internal overload protection Nomenclature 3A - 8 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensers 11 – 264 Ton Performance & Specifications Data Performance Data 10 fins per inch spacing is standard. 8, 12, and 14 fins per inch are available as an option. Bohn Base Model Fan Data No. of Fans CFM Capacity (MBH / 1°TD) R-22 / R-410A 8 FPI 10 FPI 12 FPI R-404A 14 FPI 8 FPI 10 FPI 12 FPI 14 FPI BNES01A008 1 11,000 6.8 7.7 8.5 9.1 6.6 7.6 8.3 9.0 BNES01A009 1 10,500 8.3 9.3 10.0 10.6 8.1 9.1 9.8 10.4 BNES02A011 2 23,400 10.2 11.3 12.4 13.1 10.0 11.1 12.1 12.9 BNES02A015 2 22,000 13.9 15.4 16.5 17.3 13.6 15.1 16.2 17.0 BNES02A018 2 20,900 16.6 18.1 19.2 20.3 16.3 17.8 18.8 19.9 BNES03A023 3 33,100 20.9 23.1 24.8 25.9 20.4 22.7 24.3 25.4 BNES03A027 3 31,400 24.9 27.2 28.7 31.7 24.4 26.7 28.2 31.1 BNES04A031 4 42,600 27.8 30.8 33.0 34.6 27.2 30.2 32.4 33.9 BNES04A036 4 40,000 33.2 36.3 38.3 40.6 32.6 35.5 37.5 39.8 BNES05A039 5 53,200 35.6 39.3 41.6 43.8 34.9 38.5 40.8 42.9 BNES05A047 5 50,000 43.0 46.6 48.8 51.5 42.1 45.7 47.8 50.5 BNES06A056 6 60,000 52.0 56.0 58.6 61.8 50.5 54.8 57.4 60.5 BNES07A065 7 70,000 58.7 64.6 68.6 71.6 57.6 63.3 67.3 70.2 BNED04A023 4 46,700 20.4 22.7 24.8 26.2 19.9 22.2 24.3 25.7 BNED04A031 4 44,100 27.8 30.8 33.1 34.6 27.2 30.2 32.4 33.9 BNED04A036 4 41,800 33.2 36.3 38.3 40.6 32.6 35.5 37.5 39.8 BNED06A046 6 66,100 41.7 46.2 49.5 51.9 40.9 45.3 48.6 50.8 BNED06A054 6 62,700 49.8 54.4 66.1 63.4 48.8 53.3 56.3 62.2 BNED08A062 8 85,100 55.6 61.7 76.6 69.2 54.5 60.5 64.7 67.8 BNED08A073 8 80,000 66.5 72.5 83.2 81.3 65.2 71.1 75.1 79.7 BNED10A079 10 106,400 71.1 78.6 97.6 87.5 69.7 77.0 81.6 85.8 BNED10A093 10 100,100 85.9 93.3 117.1 103.0 84.2 91.4 95.7 100.9 BNED12A112 12 120,100 103.1 111.9 57.4 123.6 101.0 109.7 114.8 121.1 BNED14A129 14 140,100 117.5 129.2 137.2 143.1 115.2 126.7 134.5 140.3 Section 3 Models with VSEC Motors Models with 540 RPM (0.5 HP) Fixed Speed Motors BNQS01A005 1 5,400 4.6 5.2 5.6 5.9 4.6 5.1 5.5 5.8 BNQS01A006 1 5,200 5.5 6.1 6.4 6.6 5.4 5.9 6.2 6.5 BNQS02A008 2 11,200 7.2 8.0 8.7 9.1 7.0 7.8 8.5 8.9 BNQS02A010 2 10,800 9.4 10.3 10.8 11.8 9.2 10.1 10.6 11.6 BNQS02A011 2 10,400 10.8 11.5 11.9 12.3 10.6 11.2 11.7 12.0 BNQS03A016 3 16,100 14.1 15.6 16.2 16.9 13.8 15.2 15.9 16.6 BNQS03A017 3 15,600 16.2 17.2 17.9 19.8 15.9 16.9 17.5 19.4 BNQS04A021 4 21,500 18.8 20.7 21.6 23.5 18.4 20.3 21.2 23.0 BNQS04A023 4 20,800 21.6 22.9 23.8 24.5 21.2 22.4 23.3 24.0 BNQS05A026 5 26,900 23.5 25.9 27.0 29.3 23.1 25.4 26.4 28.8 BNQS05A029 5 26,000 27.0 28.6 29.8 30.7 26.5 28.1 29.2 30.1 BNQS06A034 6 31,200 32.4 34.4 35.7 36.8 31.8 33.7 35.0 36.1 BNQS07A042 7 36,400 38.4 41.6 42.8 44.3 37.7 40.7 41.9 43.4 BNQD04A016 4 22,300 14.3 16.0 17.3 18.2 14.0 15.6 16.9 17.9 BNQD04A021 4 21,500 18.8 20.7 21.6 23.6 18.4 20.3 21.2 23.2 BNQD04A023 4 20,800 21.6 22.9 23.8 24.5 21.2 22.4 23.3 24.0 Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 3A - 9 Air-Cooled Condensers Performance & Specifications Data 11 – 264 Ton Performance Data 10 fins per inch spacing is standard. 8, 12, and 14 fins per inch are available as an option. Bohn Base Model BNQD06A031 Fan Data No. of Fans CFM 6 32,300 Capacity (MBH / 1°TD) R-22 / R-410A R-404A 8 FPI 10 FPI 12 FPI 14 FPI 8 FPI 10 FPI 12 FPI 14 FPI 28.2 31.0 32.4 33.8 27.6 30.4 31.8 33.1 BNQD06A034 6 31,200 32.4 34.4 35.7 39.5 31.8 33.7 35.0 38.7 BNQD08A041 8 43,000 37.6 41.4 43.2 47.0 36.9 40.6 42.3 46.1 BNQD08A046 8 41,600 43.2 45.8 47.6 49.0 42.4 44.9 46.7 48.1 BNQD10A052 10 53,700 47.0 51.8 54.0 58.7 46.1 50.7 52.9 57.5 BNQD10A057 10 52,100 54.0 57.3 59.5 61.3 53.0 56.1 58.3 60.1 BNQD12A069 12 62,500 64.8 68.7 71.4 73.6 63.6 67.3 70.0 72.1 BNQD14A083 14 72,900 76.8 83.1 85.5 88.6 75.3 81.5 83.8 86.8 Section 3 Models with 830 RPM (1.0 HP) Fixed Speed Motors BNXS01A006 1 7,600 5.6 6.4 7.0 7.4 5.5 6.2 6.8 7.3 BNXS01A008 1 7,300 6.8 7.5 8.1 8.4 6.6 7.4 7.9 8.3 BNXS02A010 2 15,900 8.8 9.8 10.6 11.3 8.6 9.6 10.4 11.0 BNXS02A013 2 15,200 12.0 13.1 13.8 14.8 11.8 12.8 13.6 14.5 BNXS02A015 2 14,700 14.0 15.1 15.7 16.0 13.7 14.8 15.3 15.7 BNXS03A020 3 22,900 18.0 19.7 20.8 21.8 17.7 19.3 20.4 21.4 BNXS03A023 3 22,000 21.0 22.7 23.5 25.3 20.5 22.3 23.0 24.8 BNXS04A026 4 29,800 24.1 26.3 27.7 29.3 23.6 25.7 27.1 28.8 BNXS04A030 4 28,400 27.9 30.3 31.3 32.0 27.4 29.7 30.7 31.4 BNXS05A033 5 37,300 30.1 32.8 34.6 36.7 29.5 32.1 33.9 36.0 BNXS05A038 5 35,500 34.9 37.8 39.2 40.1 34.2 37.1 38.4 39.3 BNXS06A045 6 42,600 41.9 45.4 47.0 48.1 41.1 44.5 46.1 47.1 BNXS07A052 7 49,700 47.7 52.0 54.8 56.1 46.8 51.0 53.7 55.0 BNXD04A020 4 31,700 17.5 19.6 21.2 22.5 17.2 19.2 20.8 22.0 BNXD04A026 4 30,500 24.1 26.2 27.7 29.7 23.6 25.7 27.1 29.1 BNXD04A030 4 29,300 27.9 30.3 31.3 32.0 27.4 29.7 30.7 31.4 BNXD06A039 6 45,700 36.1 39.4 41.5 43.7 35.4 38.6 40.7 42.8 BNXD06A045 6 44,000 41.9 45.4 47.0 50.6 41.1 44.5 46.1 49.6 BNXD08A052 8 59,700 48.1 52.5 55.4 58.6 47.1 51.4 54.3 57.5 BNXD08A061 8 56,800 55.9 60.6 62.7 64.1 54.8 59.3 61.4 62.8 BNXD10A066 10 74,600 60.1 65.6 69.2 73.5 58.9 64.3 67.8 72.0 BNXD10A076 10 71,000 69.9 75.7 78.3 80.1 68.5 74.2 76.8 78.5 BNXD12A091 12 85,200 83.8 90.8 94.0 96.1 82.1 89.0 92.1 94.2 BNXD14A104 14 99,400 95.5 104.1 109.6 112.2 93.6 102.0 107.5 110.1 Models with 830 RPM (1.5 HP) Fixed Speed Motors BNLS01A007 1 8,400 5.9 6.7 7.3 7.9 5.8 6.6 7.2 7.7 BNLS01A008 1 8,000 7.2 8.0 8.6 9.0 7.0 7.8 8.4 8.8 BNLS02A010 2 17,500 9.1 10.1 11.0 11.7 8.9 9.9 10.8 11.4 BNLS02A014 2 16,700 12.6 13.9 14.9 15.7 12.4 13.6 14.6 15.4 BNLS02A016 2 16,100 15.0 16.1 16.8 17.6 14.7 15.8 16.5 17.3 BNLS03A021 3 25,100 19.0 20.9 22.3 23.4 18.6 20.5 21.8 23.0 BNLS03A024 3 24,100 22.5 24.2 25.2 26.9 22.0 23.8 24.7 26.3 BNLS04A028 4 32,800 25.3 27.8 29.7 31.2 24.8 27.3 29.1 30.6 3A - 10 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensers 11 – 264 Ton Performance & Specifications Data Performance Data 10 fins per inch spacing is standard. 8, 12, and 14 fins per inch are available as an option. Bohn Base Model Fan Data No. of Fans CFM Capacity (MBH / 1°TD) R-22 / R-410A 8 FPI 10 FPI 12 FPI R-404A 14 FPI 8 FPI 10 FPI 12 FPI 14 FPI BNLS04A032 4 31,200 30.0 32.3 33.6 35.2 29.4 31.7 32.9 34.5 BNLS05A035 5 41,000 32.1 35.5 37.4 39.0 31.4 34.7 36.6 38.2 BNLS05A042 5 39,100 38.4 41.6 43.4 44.7 37.7 40.8 42.5 43.8 BNLS06A050 6 46,900 46.1 49.9 52.1 53.6 45.2 48.9 51.0 52.6 BNLS07A055 7 54,700 50.5 55.0 58.0 60.2 49.5 53.9 56.8 59.0 BNLD04A020 4 35,000 18.1 20.2 22.0 23.3 17.7 19.8 21.5 22.9 BNLD04A028 4 33,500 25.3 27.8 29.7 31.4 24.8 27.3 29.1 30.7 BNLD04A032 4 32,100 30.0 32.3 33.6 35.2 29.4 31.7 32.9 34.5 BNLD06A042 6 50,200 37.9 41.8 44.5 46.9 37.2 40.9 43.7 45.9 BNLD06A048 6 48,200 45.0 48.4 50.4 53.7 44.1 47.5 49.4 52.7 BNLD08A056 8 65,600 50.6 55.7 59.4 62.4 49.6 54.6 58.3 61.1 BNLD08A065 8 62,500 60.0 64.6 67.2 70.4 58.8 63.3 65.8 69.0 BNLD10A071 10 82,000 64.2 70.9 74.7 78.0 62.9 69.5 73.2 76.5 BNLD10A083 10 78,100 76.9 83.1 86.8 89.4 75.3 81.5 85.0 87.6 BNLD12A100 12 93,700 90.4 99.8 104.1 107.3 92.2 97.8 102.0 105.1 BNLD14A110 14 109,300 101.1 110.0 116.0 120.3 99.1 107.9 113.7 117.9 8.0 8.6 6.3 7.2 7.9 8.5 BNHS01A007 1 9,900 6.4 7.3 BNHS01A009 1 9,500 7.8 8.7 9.5 10.0 7.6 8.6 9.3 9.8 BNHS02A011 2 20,500 9.6 10.7 11.7 12.4 9.4 10.5 11.5 12.1 BNHS02A015 2 19,800 13.1 14.5 15.6 16.3 12.8 14.2 15.3 16.0 BNHS02A017 2 19,000 15.7 17.1 18.1 19.2 15.3 16.7 17.7 18.8 BNHS03A022 3 29,700 19.7 21.8 23.4 24.5 19.3 21.4 22.9 24.0 BNHS03A026 3 28,500 23.5 25.7 27.1 29.9 23.1 25.2 26.6 29.3 BNHS04A029 4 38,600 26.2 29.1 31.2 32.6 25.7 28.5 30.5 32.0 BNHS04A034 4 37,000 31.4 34.2 36.1 38.3 30.7 33.5 35.4 37.6 BNHS05A037 5 48,300 33.6 37.1 39.3 41.3 32.9 36.4 38.5 40.5 BNHS05A044 5 46,200 40.5 44.0 46.1 48.6 39.7 43.1 45.1 47.6 BNHS06A053 6 55,400 48.6 52.8 55.3 58.3 47.7 51.7 54.1 57.1 BNHS07A061 7 64,700 55.4 61.0 64.7 67.5 54.3 59.8 63.5 66.2 BNHD04A021 4 41,000 19.2 21.4 23.4 24.8 18.8 21.0 22.9 24.3 BNHD04A029 4 39,600 26.2 29.1 31.2 32.6 25.7 28.5 30.6 32.0 BNHD04A034 4 38,100 31.4 34.2 36.1 38.3 30.7 33.5 35.4 37.6 BNHD06A044 6 59,400 39.4 43.6 46.7 48.9 38.6 42.8 45.8 47.9 BNHD06A051 6 57,100 47.0 51.3 54.2 59.8 46.1 50.3 53.1 58.7 BNHD08A058 8 77,200 52.5 58.2 62.3 65.3 51.4 57.0 61.1 63.9 BNHD08A068 8 73,900 62.7 68.4 72.3 76.7 61.5 67.1 70.8 75.1 BNHD10A074 10 96,500 67.1 74.2 78.5 82.6 65.7 72.7 76.9 80.9 BNHD10A088 10 92,400 81.0 88.0 92.1 97.2 79.4 86.2 90.2 95.2 BNHD12A106 12 110,900 97.2 105.6 110.5 116.6 95.3 103.5 108.3 114.2 BNHD14A122 14 129,400 110.8 121.9 129.5 135.0 108.6 119.5 126.9 132.4 Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Section 3 Models with 1140 RPM (1.5 HP) Fixed Speed Motors 3A - 11 Air-Cooled Condensers 11 – 264 Ton Performance & Specifications Data Specifications Data Bohn Base Model 208-230/3/60 Motor FLA MCA 460/3/60 MOPD Motor FLA MCA 575/3/60 MOPD Motor FLA MCA MOPD Unit KW Conn. (in.) Max No. of Feeds Approx. Net Weight (lbs.) Section 3 Models with VSEC Motors BNES01A008 7.0 15.0 25 3.5 15.0 15 - - - 2.0 1 3/8 7 330 BNES01A009 7.0 15.0 25 3.5 15.0 15 - - - 2.0 1 3/8 14 360 BNES02A011 14.0 20.0 35 7.0 15.0 15 - - - 4.0 1 3/8 14 590 BNES02A015 14.0 20.0 35 7.0 15.0 15 - - - 4.0 1 5/8 21 640 BNES02A018 14.0 20.0 35 7.0 15.0 15 - - - 4.0 2 1/8 28 690 BNES03A023 21.0 22.8 40 10.5 15.0 20 - - - 6.0 2 1/8 21 930 BNES03A027 21.0 22.8 40 10.5 15.0 20 - - - 6.0 2 1/8 28 1,010 BNES04A031 28.0 29.8 45 14.0 15.0 20 - - - 8.0 2 1/8 21 1,220 BNES04A036 28.0 29.8 45 14.0 15.0 20 - - - 8.0 2 5/8 28 1,320 BNES05A039 35.0 36.8 50 17.5 20.0 25 - - - 10.0 2 5/8 21 1,520 BNES05A047 35.0 36.8 50 17.5 20.0 25 - - - 10.0 2 5/8 28 1,650 BNES06A056 42.0 43.8 60 21.0 21.9 30 - - - 12.0 2 5/8 28 1,960 BNES07A065 49.0 50.8 70 24.5 25.4 35 - - - 14.0 2 @ 2 5/8 28 2,260 BNED04A023 28.0 29.8 45 14.0 15.0 20 - - - 8.0 2 @ 1 3/8 28 1,290 BNED04A031 28.0 29.8 45 14.0 15.0 20 - - - 8.0 2 @ 1 5/8 42 1,390 BNED04A036 28.0 29.8 45 14.0 15.0 20 - - - 8.0 2 @ 2 1/8 56 1,490 BNED06A046 42.0 43.8 60 21.0 21.9 30 - - - 12.0 2 @ 2 1/8 42 2,060 BNED06A054 42.0 43.8 60 21.0 21.9 30 - - - 12.0 2 @ 2 1/8 56 2,210 BNED08A062 56.0 57.8 70 28.0 28.9 35 - - - 16.0 2 @ 2 1/8 42 2,730 BNED08A073 56.0 57.8 70 28.0 28.9 35 - - - 16.0 2 @ 2 5/8 56 2,930 BNED10A079 70.0 71.8 90 35.0 35.9 45 - - - 20.0 2 @ 2 5/8 42 3,410 BNED10A093 70.0 71.8 90 35.0 35.9 45 - - - 20.0 2 @ 2 5/8 56 3,660 BNED12A112 84.0 85.8 100 42.0 42.9 50 - - - 24.0 2 @ 2 5/8 56 4,370 BNED14A129 98.0 99.8 110 49.0 49.9 60 - - - 28.0 4 @ 2 5/8 56 5,070 Models with 540 RPM (0.5 HP) Fixed Speed Motors BNQS01A005 3.5 15.0 15 1.8 15.0 15 - - - 0.4 1 3/8 7 330 BNQS01A006 3.5 15.0 15 1.8 15.0 15 - - - 0.4 1 3/8 14 360 BNQS02A008 7.0 15.0 15 3.6 15.0 15 - - - 0.9 1 3/8 14 580 BNQS02A010 7.0 15.0 15 3.6 15.0 15 - - - 0.9 1 5/8 21 630 BNQS02A011 7.0 15.0 15 3.6 15.0 15 - - - 0.9 2 1/8 28 680 BNQS03A016 10.5 15.0 20 5.4 15.0 15 - - - 1.3 2 1/8 21 930 BNQS03A017 10.5 15.0 20 5.4 15.0 15 - - - 1.3 2 1/8 28 1,000 BNQS04A021 14.0 15.0 20 7.2 15.0 15 - - - 1.7 2 1/8 21 1,210 BNQS04A023 14.0 15.0 20 7.2 15.0 15 - - - 1.7 2 5/8 28 1,310 BNQS05A026 17.5 20.0 25 9.0 15.0 15 - - - 2.2 2 5/8 21 1,510 BNQS05A029 17.5 20.0 25 9.0 15.0 15 - - - 2.2 2 5/8 28 1,640 BNQS06A034 21.0 21.9 30 10.8 15.0 15 - - - 2.6 2 5/8 28 1,950 BNQS07A042 24.5 25.4 35 12.6 15.0 15 - - - 3.1 2 @ 2 5/8 28 2,240 BNQD04A016 14.0 15.0 20 7.2 15.0 15 - - - 1.7 2 @ 1 3/8 28 1,240 BNQD04A021 14.0 15.0 20 7.2 15.0 15 - - - 1.7 2 @ 1 5/8 42 1,340 BNQD04A023 14.0 15.0 20 7.2 15.0 15 - - - 1.7 2 @ 2 1/8 56 1,440 3A - 12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensers 11 – 264 Ton Performance & Specifications Data Specifications Data Bohn Base Model 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 Conn. (in.) Max No. of Feeds Approx. Net Weight (lbs.) Motor FLA MCA MOPD Motor FLA MCA MOPD Motor FLA MCA MOPD Unit KW BNQD06A031 21.0 21.9 30 10.8 15.0 15 - - - 2.6 2 @ 2 1/8 42 1,990 BNQD06A034 21.0 21.9 30 10.8 15.0 15 - - - 2.6 2 @ 2 1/8 56 2,140 BNQD08A041 28.0 28.9 35 14.4 15.0 20 - - - 3.5 2 @ 2 1/8 42 2,630 BNQD08A046 28.0 28.9 35 14.4 15.0 20 - - - 3.5 2 @ 2 5/8 56 2,830 BNQD10A052 35.0 35.9 45 18.0 20.0 20 - - - 4.4 2 @ 2 5/8 42 3,290 BNQD10A057 35.0 35.9 45 18.0 20.0 20 - - - 4.4 2 @ 2 5/8 56 3,540 BNQD12A069 42.0 42.9 50 21.6 22.1 25 - - - 5.2 2 @ 2 5/8 56 4,230 BNQD14A083 49.0 49.9 60 25.2 25.7 30 - - - 6.1 4 @ 2 5/8 56 4,910 BNXS01A006 4.8 15.0 15 2.4 15.0 15 - - - 1.1 1 3/8 7 330 BNXS01A008 4.8 15.0 15 2.4 15.0 15 - - - 1.1 1 3/8 14 360 BNXS02A010 9.6 15.0 20 4.8 15.0 15 - - - 2.2 1 3/8 14 580 BNXS02A013 9.6 15.0 20 4.8 15.0 15 - - - 2.2 1 5/8 21 630 BNXS02A015 9.6 15.0 20 4.8 15.0 15 - - - 2.2 2 1/8 28 680 BNXS03A020 14.4 20.0 25 7.2 15.0 15 - - - 3.4 2 1/8 21 930 BNXS03A023 14.4 20.0 25 7.2 15.0 15 - - - 3.4 2 1/8 28 1,000 BNXS04A026 19.2 20.4 30 9.6 15.0 15 - - - 4.5 2 1/8 21 1,210 BNXS04A030 19.2 20.4 30 9.6 15.0 15 - - - 4.5 2 5/8 28 1,310 BNXS05A033 24.0 25.2 35 12.0 15.0 15 - - - 5.6 2 5/8 21 1,510 BNXS05A038 24.0 25.2 35 12.0 15.0 15 - - - 5.6 2 5/8 28 1,640 BNXS06A045 28.8 30.0 40 14.4 15.0 20 - - - 6.7 2 5/8 28 1,950 BNXS07A052 33.6 34.8 45 16.8 20.0 20 - - - 7.8 2 @ 2 5/8 28 2,240 BNXD04A020 19.2 20.4 30 9.6 15.0 15 - - - 4.5 2 @ 1 3/8 28 1,240 BNXD04A026 19.2 20.4 30 9.6 15.0 15 - - - 4.5 2 @ 1 5/8 42 1,340 BNXD04A030 19.2 20.4 30 9.6 15.0 15 - - - 4.5 2 @ 2 1/8 56 1,440 BNXD06A039 28.8 30.0 40 14.4 15.0 20 - - - 6.7 2 @ 2 1/8 42 1,990 BNXD06A045 28.8 30.0 40 14.4 15.0 20 - - - 6.7 2 @ 2 1/8 56 2,140 BNXD08A052 38.4 39.6 50 19.2 20.0 25 - - - 8.9 2 @ 2 1/8 42 2,630 BNXD08A061 38.4 39.6 50 19.2 20.0 25 - - - 8.9 2 @ 2 5/8 56 2,830 BNXD10A066 48.0 49.2 60 24.0 24.6 30 - - - 11.2 2 @ 2 5/8 42 3,290 BNXD10A076 48.0 49.2 60 24.0 24.6 30 - - - 11.2 2 @ 2 5/8 56 3,540 BNXD12A091 57.6 58.8 70 28.8 29.4 35 - - - 13.4 2 @ 2 5/8 56 4,230 BNXD14A104 67.2 68.4 80 33.6 34.2 40 - - - 15.6 4 @ 2 5/8 56 4,910 Models with 830 RPM (1.5 HP) Fixed Speed Motors BNLS01A007 6.6 15.0 25 3.3 15.0 15 2.6 15.0 15 1.4 1 3/8 7 330 BNLS01A008 6.6 15.0 25 3.3 15.0 15 2.6 15.0 15 1.4 1 3/8 14 360 BNLS02A010 13.2 15.0 30 6.6 15.0 15 5.2 15.0 15 2.7 1 3/8 14 580 BNLS02A014 13.2 15.0 30 6.6 15.0 15 5.2 15.0 15 2.7 1 5/8 21 630 BNLS02A016 13.2 15.0 30 6.6 15.0 15 5.2 15.0 15 2.7 2 1/8 28 680 BNLS03A021 19.8 21.5 35 9.9 15.0 15 7.8 15.0 15 4.1 2 1/8 21 930 BNLS03A024 19.8 21.5 35 9.9 15.0 15 7.8 15.0 15 4.1 2 1/8 28 1,000 BNLS04A028 26.4 28.1 45 13.2 15.0 20 10.4 15.0 15 5.4 2 1/8 21 1,210 Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 3A - 13 Section 3 Models with 830 RPM (1.0 HP) Fixed Speed Motors Air-Cooled Condensers 11 – 264 Ton Performance & Specifications Data Specifications Data Bohn Base Model 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 Conn. (in.) Max No. of Feeds Approx. Net Weight (lbs.) Motor FLA MCA MOPD Motor FLA MCA MOPD Motor FLA MCA MOPD Unit KW BNLS04A032 26.4 28.1 45 13.2 15.0 20 10.4 15.0 15 5.4 2 5/8 28 1,310 BNLS05A035 33.0 34.7 50 16.5 20.0 25 13.0 15.0 20 6.8 2 5/8 21 1,510 BNLS05A042 33.0 34.7 50 16.5 20.0 25 13.0 15.0 20 6.8 2 5/8 28 1,640 BNLS06A050 39.6 41.3 50 19.8 20.6 25 15.6 20.0 20 8.1 2 5/8 28 1,950 BNLS07A055 46.2 47.9 60 23.1 23.9 30 18.2 20.0 25 9.5 2 @ 2 5/8 28 2,240 BNLD04A020 26.4 28.1 45 13.2 15.0 20 10.4 15.0 15 5.4 2 @ 1 3/8 28 1,240 BNLD04A028 26.4 28.1 45 13.2 15.0 20 10.4 15.0 15 5.4 2 @ 1 5/8 42 1,340 BNLD04A032 26.4 28.1 45 13.2 15.0 20 10.4 15.0 15 5.4 2 @ 2 1/8 56 1,440 BNLD06A042 39.6 41.3 50 19.8 20.6 25 15.6 20.0 20 8.1 2 @ 2 1/8 42 1,990 BNLD06A048 39.6 41.3 50 19.8 20.6 25 15.6 20.0 20 8.1 2 @ 2 1/8 56 2,140 BNLD08A056 52.8 54.5 70 26.4 27.2 35 20.8 21.5 25 10.8 2 @ 2 1/8 42 2,630 BNLD08A065 52.8 54.5 70 26.4 27.2 35 20.8 21.5 25 10.8 2 @ 2 5/8 56 2,830 BNLD10A071 66.0 67.7 80 33.0 33.8 40 26.0 26.7 30 13.5 2 @ 2 5/8 42 3,290 BNLD10A083 66.0 67.7 80 33.0 33.8 40 26.0 26.7 30 13.5 2 @ 2 5/8 56 3,540 BNLD12A100 79.2 80.9 90 39.6 40.4 45 31.2 31.9 35 16.2 2 @ 2 5/8 56 4,230 BNLD14A110 92.4 94.1 110 46.2 47.0 50 36.4 37.1 40 18.9 4 @ 2 5/8 56 4,910 Section 3 Models with 1140 RPM (1.5 HP) Fixed Speed Motors BNHS01A007 7.0 15.0 25 3.5 15.0 15 2.8 15.0 15 1.9 1 3/8 7 330 BNHS01A009 7.0 15.0 25 3.5 15.0 15 2.8 15.0 15 1.9 1 3/8 14 360 BNHS02A011 14.0 20.0 35 7.0 15.0 15 5.6 15.0 15 3.8 1 3/8 14 580 BNHS02A015 14.0 20.0 35 7.0 15.0 15 5.6 15.0 15 3.8 1 5/8 21 630 BNHS02A017 14.0 20.0 35 7.0 15.0 15 5.6 15.0 15 3.8 2 1/8 28 680 BNHS03A022 21.0 22.8 40 10.5 15.0 20 8.4 15.0 15 5.8 2 1/8 21 930 BNHS03A026 21.0 22.8 40 10.5 15.0 20 8.4 15.0 15 5.8 2 1/8 28 1,000 BNHS04A029 28.0 29.8 45 14.0 15.0 20 11.2 15.0 15 7.7 2 1/8 21 1,210 BNHS04A034 28.0 29.8 45 14.0 15.0 20 11.2 15.0 15 7.7 2 5/8 28 1,310 BNHS05A037 35.0 36.8 50 17.5 20.0 25 14.0 15.0 20 9.6 2 5/8 21 1,510 BNHS05A044 35.0 36.8 50 17.5 20.0 25 14.0 15.0 20 9.6 2 5/8 28 1,640 BNHS06A053 42.0 43.8 60 21.0 21.9 30 16.8 20.0 25 11.5 2 5/8 28 1,950 BNHS07A061 49.0 50.8 70 24.5 25.4 35 19.6 20.3 25 13.5 2 @ 2 5/8 28 2,240 BNHD04A021 28.0 29.8 45 14.0 15.0 20 11.2 15.0 15 7.7 2 @ 1 3/8 28 1,240 BNHD04A029 28.0 29.8 45 14.0 15.0 20 11.2 15.0 15 7.7 2 @ 1 5/8 42 1,340 BNHD04A034 28.0 29.8 45 14.0 15.0 20 11.2 15.0 15 7.7 2 @ 2 1/8 56 1,440 BNHD06A044 42.0 43.8 60 21.0 21.9 30 16.8 20.0 25 11.5 2 @ 2 1/8 42 1,990 BNHD06A051 42.0 43.8 60 21.0 21.9 30 16.8 20.0 25 11.5 2 @ 2 1/8 56 2,140 BNHD08A058 56.0 57.8 70 28.0 28.9 35 22.4 23.1 30 15.4 2 @ 2 1/8 42 2,630 BNHD08A068 56.0 57.8 70 28.0 28.9 35 22.4 23.1 30 15.4 2 @ 2 5/8 56 2,830 BNHD10A074 70.0 71.8 90 35.0 35.9 45 28.0 28.7 35 19.2 2 @ 2 5/8 42 3,290 BNHD10A088 70.0 71.8 90 35.0 35.9 45 28.0 28.7 35 19.2 2 @ 2 5/8 56 3,540 BNHD12A106 84.0 85.8 100 42.0 42.9 50 33.6 34.3 40 23.1 2 @ 2 5/8 56 4,230 BNHD14A122 98.0 99.8 110 49.0 49.9 60 39.2 39.9 45 26.9 4 @ 2 5/8 56 4,910 3A - 14 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensers 11 – 264 Ton Refrigerant Charge & Sound Data Condenser Refrigerant Charge The normal summer operating charge for condensers is shown in the table below. This charge can also be used in condensers with fan cycling kits, since added refrigerant is not required for mild weather control. Refer to the technical guide for 1. Calculating the additional refrigerant charge required when using flooded style head pressure controls 2. Calculating the additional refrigerant charge required when fan cycling is used in conjunction with a flooded style head pressure control. Configurable Models BNQ BNX BNL BNH R-22 R-410A R-404A R-134A BNES01A008 BNQS01A005 BNXS01A006 BNLS01A007 BNHS01A007 8 7 7 8 BNES01A009 BNQS01A006 BNXS01A008 BNLS01A008 BNHS01A009 10 9 9 10 BNES02A011 BNQS02A008 BNXS02A010 BNLS02A010 BNHS02A011 10 9 9 10 BNES02A015 BNQS02A010 BNXS02A013 BNLS02A014 BNHS02A015 15 14 14 15 BNES02A018 BNQS02A012 BNXS02A015 BNLS02A016 BNHS02A017 20 19 18 20 BNES03A023 BNQS03A016 BNXS03A020 BNLS03A021 BNHS03A022 22 20 20 22 BNES03A027 BNQS03A017 BNXS03A023 BNLS03A024 BNHS03A026 30 28 27 30 BNES04A031 BNQS04A021 BNXS04A026 BNLS04A028 BNHS04A029 51 47 46 50 BNES04A036 BNQS04A023 BNXS04A030 BNLS04A032 BNHS04A034 70 65 64 69 BNES05A039 BNQS05A026 BNXS05A033 BNLS05A036 BNHS05A037 64 60 58 63 BNES05A047 BNQS05A029 BNXS05A038 BNLS05A042 BNHS05A044 86 80 78 85 BNES06A056 BNQS06A034 BNXS06A045 BNLS06A050 BNHS06A053 102 95 93 101 BNES07A065 BNQS07A042 BNXS07A052 BNLS07A055 BNHS07A061 118 110 107 117 BNED04A023 BNQD04A016 BNXD04A020 BNLD04A020 BNHD04A021 19 18 17 19 BNED04A031 BNQD04A021 BNXD04A026 BNLD04A028 BNHD04A029 29 27 26 29 BNED04A036 BNQD04A023 BNXD04A030 BNLD04A032 BNHD04A034 40 37 36 40 BNED06A046 BNQD06A031 BNXD06A039 BNLD06A042 BNHD06A044 44 41 40 44 BNED06A054 BNQD06A034 BNXD06A045 BNLD06A048 BNHD06A051 58 54 53 57 BNED08A062 BNQD08A041 BNXD08A053 BNLD08A056 BNHD08A058 104 97 95 103 BNED08A073 BNQD08A046 BNXD08A061 BNLD08A065 BNHD08A068 140 130 127 139 BNED10A079 BNQD10A052 BNXD10A066 BNLD10A071 BNHD10A074 125 116 114 124 BNED10A093 BNQD10A057 BNXD10A076 BNLD10A083 BNHD10A088 172 160 157 170 BNED12A112 BNQD12A069 BNXD12A091 BNLD12A100 BNHD12A106 201 187 183 199 BNED14A129 BNQD14A083 BNXD14A104 BNLD14A110 BNHD14A123 236 219 215 234 Section 3 BNE Summer Charge (lbs) Sound Data Sound Data (dBA@ 10 ft.) VSEC Motor Speed No. of Fans Rev. 03/12 Fixed Speed Motor Type 1030 RPM 830 RPM 630 RPM 420 RPM 540 RPM (0.5 HP) 830 RPM (1.0 HP) 830 RPM (1.5 HP) 1140 RPM (1.5 HP) 1 66.9 62 52.9 45.3 49.6 60.8 63.4 72.3 2 69.9 65 55.9 48.3 52.6 63.8 66.4 75.3 3 71.7 66.8 57.7 50.1 54.4 65.6 68.1 77.1 4 72.9 68 58.9 51.3 55.6 66.8 69.4 78.3 5 73.9 69 59.9 52.3 56.6 67.8 70.3 79.3 6 74.7 69.8 60.7 53.1 57.4 68.6 71.1 80.1 7 75.4 70.5 61.4 53.8 58.1 69.3 71.8 80.8 8 75.9 71 61.9 54.3 58.6 69.8 72.4 81.3 10 76.9 72 62.9 55.3 59.6 70.8 73.4 82.3 12 77.7 72.8 63.7 56.1 60.4 71.6 74.1 83.1 14 78.4 73.5 64.4 56.8 61.1 72.3 74.8 83.8 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 3A - 15 Air-Cooled Condensers 11 – 264 Ton Dimensional Data Condenser Dimensions End Views Single Row of Fans Double Row of Fans Side Views 1X3 2X3 1X2 2X2 1X4 2X4 Section 3 1X1 1X5 2X5 1X6 2X6 1X7 2X7 3A - 16 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensers 11 – 264 Ton Configurable Models Pricing • Look on page starting 3A-21 for factory-installed fan cycling, electrical, and mechanical options. • Look on page starting 3A-24 for condenser fin and coil protection options. Need to customize? Configurable Models, Motor Voltages, & List Prices Specify model motor voltage at time of order Bohn Configurable Model List Price by Motor Voltage ($US) 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 Fan Config. Notes Models with VSEC Motors BNES01A008 16,298 16,298 - 1x1 - BNES01A009 18,046 18,046 - 1x1 - BNES02A011 27,901 27,901 - 1x2 - BNES02A015 31,987 31,987 - 1x2 - BNES02A018 34,981 34,981 - 1x2 - BNES03A023 48,024 48,024 - 1x3 - BNES03A027 52,526 52,526 - 1x3 - BNES04A031 64,856 64,856 - 1x4 - BNES04A036 70,030 70,030 - 1x4 - BNES05A039 80,898 80,898 - 1x5 - BNES05A047 89,000 89,000 - 1x5 - BNES06A056 106,800 106,800 - 1x6 - BNES07A065 124,385 124,385 - 1x7 - BNED04A023 54,986 54,986 - 2x2 - BNED04A031 64,039 64,039 - 2x2 - BNED04A036 70,030 70,030 - 2x2 - BNED06A046 96,037 96,037 - 2x3 - BNED06A054 105,039 105,039 - 2x3 - BNED08A062 128,412 128,412 - 2x4 Model has oversized electrical box. BNED08A073 140,421 140,421 - 2x4 Model has oversized electrical box. BNED10A079 162,095 162,095 - 2x5 Model has oversized electrical box. BNED10A093 178,333 178,333 - 2x5 Model has oversized electrical box. BNED12A112 213,946 213,946 - 2x6 Model has oversized electrical box. BNED14A129 249,120 249,120 - 2x7 Model has oversized electrical box. 7,483 - 1x1 - Section 3 <001> Models with 540 RPM (0.5HP) Motors <001> BNQS01A005 7,483 BNQS01A006 8,963 8,963 - 1x1 - BNQS02A008 12,382 12,382 - 1x2 - BNQS02A010 16,601 16,601 - 1x2 - BNQS02A011 18,629 18,629 - 1x2 - BNQS03A016 25,916 25,916 - 1x3 - BNQS03A017 28,845 28,845 - 1x3 - BNQS04A021 35,093 35,093 - 1x4 - BNQS04A023 39,001 39,001 - 1x4 - BNQS05A026 44,330 44,330 - 1x5 - BNQS05A029 49,213 49,213 - 1x5 - BNQS06A034 59,446 59,446 - 1x6 - Notes: For sizing and selection assistance, use Heatcraft’s new ProSelect software or contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer. Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 3A - 17 Air-Cooled Condensers 11 – 264 Ton Configurable Models Pricing • Look on page starting 3A-21 for factory-installed fan cycling, electrical, and mechanical options. • Look on page starting 3A-24 for condenser fin and coil protection options. Need to customize? Configurable Models, Motor Voltages, & List Prices Specify model motor voltage at time of order <002> List Price by Motor Voltage ($US) Bohn Configurable Model 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 BNQS07A042 72,282 72,282 BNQD04A016 26,636 BNQD04A021 35,093 BNQD04A023 BNQD06A031 Fan Config. Notes - 1x7 - 26,636 - 2x2 - 35,093 - 2x2 - 39,001 39,001 - 2x2 - 53,509 53,509 - 2x3 - BNQD06A034 59,446 59,446 - 2x3 - BNQD08A041 72,325 72,325 - 2x4 Model has oversized electrical box. BNQD08A046 80,196 80,196 - 2x4 Model has oversized electrical box. BNQD10A052 90,820 90,820 - 2x5 Model has oversized electrical box. BNQD10A057 100,642 100,642 - 2x5 Model has oversized electrical box. BNQD12A069 121,012 121,012 - 2x6 Model has oversized electrical box. BNQD14A083 146,703 146,703 - 2x7 Model has oversized electrical box. 7,521 - 1x1 - Models with 830 RPM (1.0HP) Motors Section 3 BNXS01A006 7,521 BNXS01A008 9,101 9,101 - 1x1 - BNXS02A010 12,193 12,193 - 1x2 - BNXS02A013 16,692 16,692 - 1x2 - BNXS02A015 19,420 19,420 - 1x2 - BNXS03A020 25,633 25,633 - 1x3 - BNXS03A023 29,745 29,745 - 1x3 - BNXS04A026 34,574 34,574 - 1x4 - BNXS04A030 40,027 40,027 - 1x4 - BNXS05A033 43,486 43,486 - 1x5 - BNXS05A038 50,308 50,308 - 1x5 - BNXS06A045 60,649 60,649 - 1x6 - BNXS07A052 69,631 69,631 - 1x7 - BNXD04A020 25,513 25,513 - 2x2 - BNXD04A026 34,559 34,559 - 2x2 - BNXD04A030 40,043 40,043 - 2x2 - BNXD06A039 52,410 52,410 - 2x3 - BNXD06A045 60,633 60,633 - 2x3 - BNXD08A052 70,581 70,581 - 2x4 Model has oversized electrical box. BNXD08A061 81,550 81,550 - 2x4 Model has oversized electrical box. BNXD10A066 88,434 88,434 - 2x5 Model has oversized electrical box. BNXD10A076 102,143 102,143 - 2x5 Model has oversized electrical box. BNXD12A091 122,734 122,734 - 2x6 Model has oversized electrical box. BNXD14A104 140,726 140,726 - 2x7 Model has oversized electrical box. Notes: For sizing and selection assistance, use Heatcraft’s new ProSelect software or contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer. 3A - 18 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensers 11 – 264 Ton Configurable Models Pricing • Look on page starting 3A-21 for factory-installed fan cycling, electrical, and mechanical options. • Look on page starting 3A-24 for condenser fin and coil protection options. Need to customize? Configurable Models, Motor Voltages, & List Prices Specify model motor voltage at time of order Bohn Configurable Model List Price by Motor Voltage ($US) 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 Fan Config. Notes Models with 830 RPM (1.5HP) Motors BNLS01A007 8,396 8,396 8,612 1x1 - BNLS01A008 9,928 9,928 10,144 1x1 - BNLS02A010 12,590 12,590 13,022 1x2 - BNLS02A014 17,309 17,309 17,741 1x2 - BNLS02A016 20,069 20,069 20,501 1x2 - BNLS03A021 25,969 25,969 26,617 1x3 - BNLS03A024 30,129 30,129 30,777 1x3 - BNLS04A028 34,574 34,574 35,438 1x4 - BNLS04A032 40,148 40,148 41,012 1x4 - BNLS05A035 44,050 44,050 45,130 1x5 - BNLS05A042 51,663 51,663 52,743 1x5 - BNLS06A050 61,940 61,940 63,236 1x6 - BNLS07A055 68,311 68,311 69,823 1x7 - BNLD04A020 25,152 25,152 26,016 2x2 - BNLD04A028 34,575 34,575 35,439 2x2 - BNLD04A032 40,148 40,148 41,012 2x2 - BNLD06A042 51,879 51,879 53,175 2x3 - BNLD06A048 60,172 60,172 61,468 2x3 - BNLD08A056 69,465 69,465 71,193 2x4 Model has oversized electrical box. BNLD08A065 80,574 80,574 82,302 2x4 Model has oversized electrical box. BNLD10A071 88,363 88,363 90,523 2x5 Model has oversized electrical box. BNLD10A083 103,549 103,549 105,709 2x5 Model has oversized electrical box. BNLD12A100 124,172 124,172 126,764 2x6 Model has oversized electrical box. BNLD14A110 136,900 136,900 139,924 2x7 Model has oversized electrical box. Section 3 <003> Models with 1140 RPM (1.5HP) Motors <004> BNHS01A007 8,563 8,563 8,779 1x1 - BNHS01A009 10,261 10,261 10,477 1x1 - BNHS02A011 12,572 12,572 13,004 1x2 - BNHS02A015 16,538 16,538 16,970 1x2 - BNHS02A017 19,446 19,446 19,878 1x2 - BNHS03A022 24,849 24,849 25,497 1x3 - BNHS03A026 29,219 29,219 29,867 1x3 - BNHS04A029 33,930 33,930 34,794 1x4 - BNHS04A034 38,955 38,955 39,819 1x4 - BNHS05A037 42,250 42,250 43,330 1x5 - BNHS05A044 50,115 50,115 51,195 1x5 - Notes: For sizing and selection assistance, use Heatcraft’s new ProSelect software or contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer. Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 3A - 19 Air-Cooled Condensers 11 – 264 Ton Configurable Models Pricing • Look on page starting 3A-21 for factory-installed fan cycling, electrical, and mechanical options. • Look on page starting 3A-24 for condenser fin and coil protection options. Need to customize? Configurable Models, Motor Voltages, & List Prices Specify model motor voltage at time of order List Price by Motor Voltage ($US) Bohn Configurable Model 208-230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 BNHS06A053 60,137 60,137 Fan Config. Notes 61,433 1x6 - BNHS07A061 69,953 69,953 71,465 1x7 - BNHD04A021 24,351 24,351 25,215 2x2 - BNHD04A029 33,140 33,140 34,004 2x2 - BNHD04A034 38,955 38,955 39,819 2x2 - BNHD06A044 49,689 49,689 50,985 2x3 - BNHD06A051 58,428 58,428 59,724 2x3 - BNHD08A058 66,615 66,615 68,343 2x4 Model has oversized electrical box. BNHD08A068 78,272 78,272 80,000 2x4 Model has oversized electrical box. 84,801 84,801 86,961 2x5 Model has oversized electrical box. BNHD10A088 100,566 100,566 102,726 2x5 Model has oversized electrical box. BNHD12A106 120,623 120,623 123,215 2x6 Model has oversized electrical box. BNHD14A122 140,253 140,253 143,277 2x7 Model has oversized electrical box. Section 3 BNHD10A074 Notes: For sizing and selection assistance, use Heatcraft’s new ProSelect software or contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer. 3A - 20 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensers 11 – 264 Ton Options Pricing - VSEC Models Other options and accessories might be available on a custom order basis. Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. Can’t Find An Option? Factory-Installed Fan Cycling, Electrical, and Mechanical Options • Motors are 208-230/3/60 or 460/3/60. • Power outlet is supplied unwired. • Fused disconnect option is only available on units with an MOP of 60 or less. Please see accompanying technical specifications. Option Code Option Description List Price Adder by Fan Configuration (US$) 1x1 1x2 1x3 1x4 1x5 1x6 1x7 2x2 2x3 2x4 2x5 2x6 2x7 2,031 2,031 2,031 2,031 2,031 2,031 2,031 4,060 4,060 4,060 4,060 4,060 4,060 Fan Cycling Options FC.019 Proportional Pressure Control Electrical Options DISC.002 Fused Disconnect 222 443 668 889 1,112 1,331 1,557 889 1,331 1,781 2,225 2,664 3,111 MP.002 Individual Motor Fuses 222 444 666 888 1,110 1,332 1,554 888 1,332 1,776 2,220 2,664 3,108 - - - - 444 MP.004 Paired Motor Fuses - - MP.003 Individual Circuit Breakers (230V or 460V) 617 885 1,317 1,765 2,198 2,647 3,056 1,765 666 888 1,110 1,332 1,554 2,647 3,513 4,396 5,279 5,905 MP.005 Paired Circuit Breakers (230V or 460V) - - - - - - - 885 1,317 1,765 2,198 2,647 3,056 MTB.001 Individual Motor Terminal Boards 155 309 463 617 772 927 1,081 617 927 1,483 1,792 2,100 2,409 MTB.002 Paired Motor Terminal Boards - - - - - - - 309 463 617 772 927 1,081 PO.001 Power Outlet (115V) 309 309 309 309 309 309 309 309 309 309 309 309 309 Mechanical Options Galvanized Cabinet w/ Side Access -247 -494 -741 -988 -1,235 -1,482 -1,729 -988 Extended Legs, 30” 111 222 333 444 555 666 777 222 -1,482 -1,976 -2,470 -2,964 -3,458 333 444 555 666 777 LEGS.003 Extended Legs, 36” 111 222 333 444 555 666 777 222 333 444 555 666 777 LEGS.004 Extended Legs, 42” 111 222 333 444 555 666 777 222 333 444 555 666 777 LEGS.005 Unit Frame, Std. Legs, 20” 1,572 2,268 2,966 4,248 5,140 5,894 6,845 2,268 2,966 4,248 5,140 6,129 7,119 LEGS.006 Unit Frame, Ext. Legs, 42” 1,682 2,491 3,299 4,693 5,697 6,535 7,594 2,491 3,299 4,693 5,697 6,796 7,898 LEGS.007 Paratemp, 20” - 370 - 742 - - - 370 - 742 - - - LEGS.008 Paratemp, Extended Legs, 30” - 594 - 1,186 - - - 594 - 1,186 - - - LEGS.009 Paratemp, Extended Legs, 36” - 594 - 1,186 - - - 594 - 1,186 - - - LEGS.010 Paratemp, Extended Legs, 42” - 594 - 1,186 - - - 594 - 1,186 - - - HM.00X Connection Manifold (shipped-loose) - - - - - - - 1,142 1,483 1,514 1,668 1,730 1,915 Rev. 03/12 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. 3A - 21 Section 3 CM.004 LEGS.002 Air-Cooled Condensers Options Pricing - Fixed Speed Models 11 – 264 Ton Other options and accessories might be available on a custom order basis. Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. Can’t Find An Option? Factory-Installed Fan Cycling, Electrical, and Mechanical Options • Fans are cycled in pairs on double wide units. • Pressure fan cycling and variable speed control options are not available on multi-circuited units. • Variable speed motors are not available for 575/3/60. • Variable speed motor is on fan closest to header only. • Variable speed motors have a full speed RPM of 1140 and are typically used on condensers that have either 1140RPM or 830RPM 1.5HP fixed speed motors. For condensers with 830RPM 1HP or 540RPM motors, contact factory for assistance. • Motor circuit breakers are not available on 575V units. Option Code Option Description • Motor terminal boards are not available on units with fan cycling. • When ordering toggle switch option, please specify whether switches are to be internally or externally mounted. • Fused disconnect option is only available on units with an MOP of 60 or less. Please see accompanying technical specifications. • Power outlet is supplied unwired. • Fan cycling kit does not include control circuit transformer. Optional factory installed control transformers are available to convert 460V or 575V man power supplies to 230V, 115V or 24V control power or 230V main power to 115V or 24V control power. List Price Adder by Fan Configuration (US$) 1x1 1x2 1x3 1x4 1x5 1x6 1x7 2x2 2x3 2x4 2x5 2x6 2x7 1,110 1,332 1,554 888 1,332 1,776 2,220 2,664 3,108 Section 3 Fan Cycling Options (Must Select Fan Cycling and Contactor Option) FCC.004 Individual Motor Contactors: 230V, 115V, or 24V 222 444 666 888 FCC.001 Paired Motor Contactors: 230V, 115V, or 24V - - - - FC.003 Ambient Fan Cycling - FC.004 Pressure Fan Cycling Mech. w/o Header - FC.006 Pressure Fan Cycling Mech. w/ Header FC.005 Pressure Fan Cycling Elec. w/o Header 853 - - - 1,150 1,533 1,915 2,298 2,681 444 853 666 888 1,110 1,332 1,554 1,150 1,533 1,915 2,298 2,681 1,287 1,409 1,878 2,348 2,817 3,286 1,287 1,409 1,878 2,348 2,817 3,286 1,510 1,630 2,100 2,570 3,040 3,509 3,978 1,630 2,100 2,570 3,040 3,509 3,978 - 1,336 1,675 2,782 3,889 4,995 5,868 1,336 1,675 2,782 3,889 4,995 5,868 FC.007 Pressure Fan Cycling Elec. w/ Header 1,560 1,897 3,004 4,111 5,218 6,081 7,146 1,897 3,004 4,111 5,218 6,081 7,146 FC.008 Variable Speed with Ambient 2,162 2,452 2,756 3,139 3,522 3,905 4,287 2,452 2,756 3,139 3,522 3,905 4,287 FC.010 Variable Speed with Pressure (Mech.) 2,538 2,725 3,015 3,483 3,954 4,424 4,892 2,725 3,015 3,483 3,954 4,424 4,892 FC.011 Variable Speed with Pressure (Elec.) 2,687 2,977 3,281 4,387 5,495 6,347 7,413 2,977 3,281 4,387 5,495 6,347 7,413 FC.014 Microprocessor Relay Board 2,657 2,657 2,657 2,657 2,657 2,657 2,657 2,657 2,657 2,657 2,657 2,657 2,657 FC.015 Microprocessor Relay Board w/ Split - - - - - - - 525 525 525 2,871 2,871 2,871 2,871 2,871 2,871 Electrical Options CV.002 Control Circuit Transformer: 230V, 115V, or 24V 525 525 525 525 MP.002 Individual Motor Fuses 222 444 666 888 MP.004 Paired Motor Fuses - - - - MP.003 Individual Circuit Breakers (230V or 460V) 617 885 MP.005 Paired Circuit Breakers (230V or 460V) - - - - - - - 885 MTB.001 Individual Motor Terminal Boards 155 309 463 617 772 927 1,081 617 927 MTB.002 Paired Motor Terminal Boards - - - - - - - 309 463 617 772 FCS.002 Fan Toggle Switches 92 186 277 370 463 556 649 370 556 742 927 FCS.004 Paired Fan Toggle Switches - - - - - - - 186 277 370 463 1,110 1,332 1,554 - - - 525 888 444 525 525 525 525 525 1,332 1,776 2,220 2,664 3,108 666 888 1,110 1,332 1,554 1,317 1,765 2,198 2,647 3,056 1,765 2,647 3,513 4,396 5,279 5,905 1,112 1,331 1,557 1,483 1,792 2,100 2,409 927 1,081 1,112 1,297 556 649 DISC.002 Fused Disconnect 222 443 668 889 COND.001 Sealtite Wiring to Motor Rail 193 240 363 488 COND.002 Sealtite Wiring to Electrical Box 642 PO.001 Power Outlet (115V) 309 309 309 309 CM.004 Aluminum Cabinet 247 494 741 988 1,235 1,482 1,729 988 1,482 1,976 2,470 2,964 3,458 CM.003 Pre-Painted Steel Cabinet 247 494 741 988 1,235 1,482 1,729 988 1,482 1,976 2,470 2,964 3,458 CM.004 Coil Access Panels, Galv 247 494 741 988 1,235 1,482 1,729 988 1,482 1,976 2,470 2,964 3,458 CM.005 Coil Access Panels, Aluminum 495 990 604 727 849 889 1,317 1,765 2,198 2,647 3,056 488 1,331 1,781 2,225 2,664 3,111 727 969 1,215 1,456 1,689 1,285 1,928 2,570 3,212 3,855 4,498 2,570 3,855 5,140 6,178 7,414 8,650 309 309 309 309 309 309 309 309 309 Mechanical Options 3A - 22 1,485 1,980 2,475 2,970 3,465 1,980 2,970 3,960 4,950 5,940 6,930 List Prices Effective March 15, 2012. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Rev. 03/12 Air-Cooled Condensers 11 – 264 Ton Options Pricing - Fixed Speed Models Other options and accessories might be available on a custom order basis. Please contact your local Sales Representative or Account Engineer for assistance. Can’t Find An Option? Factory-Installed Fan Cycling, Electrical, and Mechanical Options • Fans are cycled in pairs on double wide units. • Pressure fan cycling and variable speed control options are not available on multi-circuited units. • Variable speed motors are not available for 575/3/60. • Variable speed motor is on fan closest to header only. • Variable speed motors have a full speed RPM of 1140 and are typically used on condensers that have either 1140RPM or 830RPM 1.5HP fixed speed motors. For condensers with 830RPM 1HP or 540RPM motors, contact factory for assistance. • Motor circuit breakers are not available on 575V units. Option Code Option Description • Motor terminal boards are not available on units with fan cycling. • When ordering toggle switch option, please specify whether switches are to be internally or externally mounted. • Fused disconnect option is only available on units with an MOP of 60 or less. Please see accompanying technical specifications. • Power outlet is supplied unwired. • Fan cycling kit does not include control circuit transformer. Optional factory installed control transformers are available to convert 460V or 575V man power supplies to 230V, 115V or 24V control power or 230V main power to 115V or 24V control power. List Price Adder by Fan Configuration (US$) 1x1 1x2 1x3 1x4 1x5 1x6 1x7 2x2 2x3 2x4 2x5 2x6 2x7 990 1,485 1,980 2,475 2,970 3,465
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