October, 2015 - First Baptist Church of Haddonfield
October, 2015 - First Baptist Church of Haddonfield
October 2015 The Messenger Volume 26, No. 10 The First Baptist Church of Haddonfield What’s the Story? Can you feel the change in the weather? I enjoy the cooler days after some hot and heavy summer afternoons. Yes, Autumn is in the air and it makes me yearn for new beginnings! There is a great new beginning taking place at the First Baptist Church of Haddonfield. We are engaged in a faith journey called The Story. The Book of Genesis tells us in 3:8 that Adam and Eve “heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day.” It was customary at creation for the Lord to walk through the garden with Adam and Eve in the cool of the evening. What a beautiful image! How many of us have ever felt that God was with us as we are walking through the journey of life? I have! The Bible is basically the story of God relentlessly loving us. Despite the cycles of good times and bad; times when we rejected God in our life and times we sought after God, God is always seeking to be with us and walk though this life with us. “Where are you?” God is depicted as saying after Adam and Eve deliberately chose to disobey God’s command not to eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. But it wasn’t God who didn’t know where Adam was. Rather, it was Adam who didn’t know who or where he was after he had rejected God. page. The Story is a journey through a relationship with God that unfolds with every turn of the Join us on that journey. The Story is an edition of the NIV version of the Bible laid out clearly and in chronological order. It’s great for those who ever felt lost in the Bible, like me. So many things will be clarified. The Story reads easily and clearly. I’ll be preaching on the theme of the week, and there are only about ten pages in each chapter of this version of the Bible. We’ll have all of our small groups, adult class, and Sunday School class, in an age appropriate version, covering the Bible this year. Come Sunday mornings. Come to the class. Have your children participate at home in family-friendly discussion starters we will provide with take-home sheets or on our website. Get to know so much more of the Bible. Walk your journey in life intentionally with the Lord. Blessings, Praise and Prayer John Reheis - Praise that John has accepted Christ! Praise also for continued recovery. Jan Gardner - Continuing her recovery. Joan - Pam McCullough’s sister, diagnosed Judi Brick - Jane Brick’s sister-in-law. Healing with cancer. after knee replacement surgery. Greg Nutt - having issues with his legs; Jaclyn Smith - Friend of Madeline Yezzi. numbness and weakness. Health issues. Sue Nutt - prayers that she is granted proper Betty Hand - Friend of Anna Keppen. Medical medical care following elevator accident. issues. Michael DoBosh, Jr. - Pat Papa’s nephew. Gracie Elizabeth Craytor - baby born 7 weeks Pancreatic cancer. early. Marilyn Nuttt requests prayers for growth and development. Jim Reinich - Marilyn Nutt’s brother-in-law. Hip implant and rehabilitation. Jack Yezzi - father of John Yezzi. Dealing with Debbie Little - Fay Gasparo’s daughter. Broke medical issues. her shoulder. Lisa - friend of Jim and Sandra Dennion. Sciatica. Kelli Dreyer - Liam Jones’ Grandmother. Brenda Lee Watson’s family - Please pray for Betsy Maya - Requests prayer for her friend a relative with heroin addiction. Sue, who is struggling with chemotherapy and personal issues; and for herself with health Marion Chorley - Barbara Tarditi’s mother. issues. Mary Tharom - Marilyn Steadman’s friend. Brain injury from fall. Sandy Williams - Continuing her recovery from surgery; undergoing radiation. Anna Keppen - asks continuing healing of wound on her leg. Diane Dunbar - Marilyn Nutt’s sister. Health issues. Donald Steadman - Marilyn Steadman’s brother. Re-occurrence of cancer. Selecia Whitkey - Friend of Ken Guy. Cancer. Shirley Printz - Elaine Nieukirk’s sister. Pray for her continued healing. Brian Carpenter - Friend of Julie Eckert. Cancer. Lauren Guy - battling thyroid issues. Please Continue to Pray for These People With Ongoing Needs John and Sue Nazak; Connie Asquith; Ivan & Rachel Ann Avery; Jim Dennion’s niece, Nicole; Chip Chapman's friends Tim & Karin White; Jim & Pam McCullough’s grandchildren Kate McCullough, Hugh & Luke Creegan; Mike & Isabel Rumer’s friend Bonnie Carola; Margo Schreiber’s friend Joanne; Liam; Nancy Hubbard; Marilyn Nutt’s sister Bobbie Clouston; Pat Papa; Mildred Mayes; Alma Goodman’s daughter-in-law Randi; Pastor Erin Phillips; Brian Brick; Jeffrey Brick’s friend Robert Edmund; John Reheis; teen with eating disorder (Jane Brick’s friend); Allan & Janet (Eleanor Shockey’s brother and sister-in-law); Mary Ann Boyle; Lisa Pestcoe; Loue & Campbell Families. 2 October Birthdays and Anniversaries Happy Birthday! 17 Denise Krch 18 Matthew Tarditi Ruth Hresan Jeri Alvarez 22 Andrew Purves Happy Anniversary! 2 Pat Hertzog 23 Arabelle Pennypacker 3 Saowanee Sweeney 25 10 Ruth Hartigan David DellaValle, Jr. Khamsavohn (Tee) Phiathep 12 Margaret Hunt 26 Diane Meredith 13 Noah Prate 27 Crystal Miller 14 Eleanor Shockey 29 Marie Kennan 15 David Lamont 4 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hoskins, Jr. 8 Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Nutt 13 Mr. & Mrs. JohnMichael Earwood 14 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Giacobbe 25 Mr. & Mrs. Khamphahn Phiathep WE WANT TO CELEBRATE WITH YOU! IF YOU HAVE A BIRTHDAY OR WEDDING ANNIVERSARY TO ADD TO OUR LIST, PLEASE SEND THE INFORMATION TO JUDY IN THE CHURCH OFFICE AT [email protected] OR CALL 856-429-2326. New Praises and Prayer Requests To add someone to the prayer chain, contact Linda Jacobson at 856-354-1031 or fill out a blue prayer card. We love to hear updates and praises as well as concerns! Please notify the office if someone can be removed. 3 First Baptist Family News The Nominating Committee is meeting October 1 at 7:00 p.m. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Family Night Dinner scheduled for October 15 has been postponed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Quarterly Business Meeting will be held after the worship service on Sunday, October 18 at 12:30 p.m. in the Social Hall. A light lunch will be served. 2015 Fellowship Hour Assignments January - Christian Ed July - Finance February - Music & Arts August - Music & Arts March - Mission September - Diaconate April - Diaconate October - Mission May - Christian Ed November - Property June - Property December - Finance The Diaconate Food Drive is ongoing. You may place items in the large wooden box in the Middleton Room. Share your blessings. Every item helps, thank you! 4 Annual Women’s Fall Kickoff Dinner September 28 To God Be the Glory! A delicious catered dinner was enjoyed by all. Alma Goodman led us in saying Grace, and Eleanor Shockey led us in songs of praise. Our guest, Michele Foster Lucas, gave her testimony and displayed her inspired artwork. We were also joined by the ladies of Lake Tract Bible Church, Michele’s home church. Thank you to Sandra Mezger for all of her work organizing this lovely evening of fellowship. 5 6 STUDIES and GROUPS FOCUSING ON STUDY OF THE BIBLE USING “THE STORY” FOR ALL SUNDAY MORNING ADULT BIBLE STUDY - Begins October 4 and will meet every Sunday at 9:30 a.m. in the Board Room. Pastor Michael is leading a study of “The Story.” All are welcome! FOR WOMEN FRIENDS IN THE SPIRIT - The next meeting is October 7 at 1:30 p.m. in the Board Room. We will be studying “The Story,” and will start with The Beginning of Life as We Know It, focusing on Creation (Genesis 1 -8.) If you have questions, contact Sandra Mezger at 856-429-7540. All are welcome! FRIENDS IN FAITH - will meet on October 5 at Carol Hoeberg’s home and October 19 at Pam McCullough’s home. We gather at 9:30 a.m. for Christian fellowship and study. We will be using “The Story” as our study guide. Call Sue Nazak at 856 -321-9360 if you would like to join this group. FOR MEN MEN’S FELLOWSHIP BREAKFAST - The breakfasts take place at 8:00 a.m. on the second Saturday of the month, alternating between First Baptist and Mt. Olivet Baptist Church. The next one will be October 10th at Mt. Olivet. Women are welcome! The Men's 2015 Annual Retreat will be held Friday, November 13 and Saturday, November 14 at the home of Moses Chandran in Mt. Laurel. More information will be forthcoming! 7 Sunday morning Adult Bible Study will begin October 4, 2015 at 9:30 AM. Meets in the Board Room. The study of “The Story” will be led by Pastor Michael. All are Welcome! 8 HISTORICAL COMMITTEE The annual "Friends Helping Friends" fund raiser will take place on Tuesday, October 20 at all Boscov's stores. The Historical Committee will once again be participating in this fund raising opportunity for non-profit organizations. We will be offering, for $5.00, a 25% discount shopping pass for purchases made that day at any Boscov's store. We will have a table at Boscov's at the Moorestown Mall on October 20 from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm and will also offer the shopping passes to the congregation on upcoming Sundays. The entire $5.00 from every discount ticket benefits the church. 9 On Sunday, October 4 at 10 AM join us in the Sanctuary for a Praise and Prayer service, led by Jason Hahn. This service will take place on the first Sunday of each month. WOMEN’S BOOK & BREAKFAST - Next meeting is Friday, October 2 at 10:00 a.m. The group will be discussing “The Churchill Factor” by Boris Johnson. Meets at The Bistro Restaurant on the corner of Kings Highway and Tanner. Any questions, contact Sandra Mezger at 856-429-7540. All are invited! MUSIC MINISTRY AT FBC CHANCEL CHOIR rehearses on Thursday evenings at 7:45 p.m. We are VERY EXCITED to reunite with our dear choir family and to welcome new singers. Remember...if you come for the first time as a “trial run” you are not automatically committed to joining. We love exploratory guests! CAROL CHOIR rehearses on Sundays at 12:30. Boys and girls ages 5 through 8th grade are welcome to join this group. We are looking forward to another wonderful year! 10 Share God’s love with a child this Christmas. We are collecting shoeboxes and the items to fill them for needy boys & girls around the world. You can fill a box on your own or donate items from the attached list which our Sunday School children will use to assemble boxes. Place donated items in the Operation Christmas Child basket in The Middleton Room. Boxes and instructions on filling are available in the hall outside the nursery. A donation of $7 (payable to Samaritan’s Purse) is requested to pay shipping costs. If you have any questions, contact Linda Jacobson at 856-354-1031. Boxes are due by 11/8! 11 CEDARS OF LEBANON 2020 GOAL: $2,000 - Current Total: $750 The goal is to raise $2,000 a year for the next 5 years to provide scholarships for kids to attend Camp Lebanon. I’m sure we can raise $2,000 in 2015 if we try hard enough! Envelopes are available in The Middleton Room for this special ongoing collection. Donors are asked to make their check out to “First Baptist Church” and write “Cedars of Lebanon” on the memo line. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION NEWS Another opportunity to serve our Lord… Have you considered teaching our young children about the love of Christ and the blessings you have received? Lead teachers and assistant teachers are needed for Nursery, K-5 and Middle School. Join our group of dedicated teachers. If you would like to learn more about the Sunday School Program, contact Jane Brick at 856-4285389 or Sandra Dennion at 609-267-7208. Adult volunteers are needed for the Nursery. We need an extra pair of hands to help with the little ones on Sundays from 9:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. (Or, if you can only come during the church service from 10:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., that will help too!) If you are interested in helping with this very important, very fulfilling ministry, please contact Sandra Dennion at 609-267-7208 or Marilyn Nutt at 856-845-8615. You’ll be helping FBC AND you get paid in tiny hugs and kisses! 12 Upcoming Concerts Mark these special dates and times on your calendar! 10/24 -The Philadelphia Ukulele Orchestra @ 7:30 PM 11/15 -Piano & Organ Concert "Keyboard Duet" @ 4:00 PM 12/13 -The Philadelphia Handbell Ensemble @ 7:30 PM Reception will follow performances, child care available. Donation of $5.00 minimum per adult is appreciated. 13 Quizzie Haddon is back! This monthly fun night continues on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 7 PM in the Social Hall. If you enjoy friendly competition and answering trivia questions, this is the event for you! Come as a small team or join an existing team. Snacks and beverage provided. Free will offering will be taken. All are invited! September’s Winners! “The Falling Leaves” JeVonna, Anna B., Douglas B., Sarah M., and Liz M. If you would like to receive The Messenger by email (and see it in full color!) please let Judy know by emailing her at [email protected] 14 Keep up with our events, updates and announcements!!! Check out our Facebook page and “Like” us! Our page name is: “First Baptist Church of Haddonfield” October is breast cancer awareness month and is when Team Willingmyre walks to raise funds and awareness to end breast cancer. Breast cancer affects thousands of women and a smaller amount of men each year. Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in women [excluding skin cancer] and second only to lung cancer as a cause of cancer death in women. I am a breast cancer survivor and the team will walk on October 25 at Cooper River Park. If you would like to make a donation, checks can be made out to American Cancer Society. Our team thanks you for any support. ~Betty Willingmyre Come join us for the Collingswood CROP Walk, sponsored by the First Baptist Church of Collingswood, on Sunday, October 11th Help end hunger! This year, 25% of the funds raised will be given to the Collingswood Food Pantry, as we fight hunger both locally and globally. Walk coordinator: Pastor Michael 15 The First Baptist Church of Haddonfield 124 Kings Highway East Haddonfield, NJ 08033 Deadline to submit for next issue: October 15th! WE ARE A RECYCLING COMMUNITY! PLEASE RECYCLE THIS NEWSLETTER. Church Staff: The Rev. Dr. Michael J. Feicht, Pastor Eleanor Shockey, Organist Dr. David Shockey, Director of Chancel Choir Robert Gardner, Director of Handbells Jane Brick, Sunday School Superintendent Judy Petrongolo, Office Administrator Betty WIllingmyre, Cemetery Administrator Sandy Williams, Custodian Church Office Hours: Monday through Friday 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM Phone: 856-429-2326 Fax: 856-795-3680 Email: [email protected] Website: www.firstbaptisthaddonfield.org Cemetery Phone: 856-429-1644 Every Sunday ~ 9:30 AM Adult Bible Study ~ 11:00 AM Worship Service ~ 11:15 AM Children’s Sunday School First Sunday of Each Month: ~ 10:00 AM Praise and Prayer Service ~ Communion is served at the 11 am worship service Sunday morning Adult Bible Study will begin October 4, 2015 at 9:30 AM. Meets in the Board Room. The study of “The Story” will be led by Pastor Michael. All are Welcome! 16
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