LIMC (Malpensa)
LIMC (Malpensa)
Airport Information LIMC (Malpensa) JEPPESEN JeppView General Info Milan, ITA N 45° 37.8' E 08° 43.4' Mag Var: 0.0°W Elevation: 767' Public, Control Tower, IFR, Landing Fee, Rotating Beacon, Customs Fuel: 100LL, Jet A-1 Time Zone Info: GMT+1:00 uses DST Runway Info Runway 17L-35R 12861' x 197' asphalt Runway 17R-35L 12861' x 197' asphalt Runway 17L (169.0°M) TDZE 745' Lights: Edge, ALS, Centerline Displaced Threshold Distance 3094' Runway 17R (169.0°M) TDZE 764' Lights: Edge Runway 35L (349.0°M) TDZE 714' Lights: Edge, ALS, TDZ Right Traffic Displaced Threshold Distance 1329' Runway 35R (349.0°M) TDZE 708' Lights: Edge, ALS, Centerline, TDZ Right Traffic Communications Info ATIS 121.625 Departure Service ATIS 120.025 Arrival Service Malpensa Tower 257.80 Military Malpensa Tower 128.35 Malpensa Tower 119.0 Malpensa Ground West Ground Control 121.9 Malpensa Ground North Ground Control 121.825 Malpensa Clearance Delivery 120.9 Milan Arrival Control 132.7 Milan Departure Control 126.3 Milan Departure Control 126.75 Notebook Info Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 LIMC/MXP MALPENSA + JEPPESEN 11 JAN 08 10-1P JEPPESEN JeppView MILAN, ITALY AIRPORT.BRIEFING 1. GENERAL 1.1. ATIS ATIS Arrival ATIS Departure Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 LIMC/MXP MALPENSA + JEPPESEN 11 JAN 08 10-1P1 JEPPESEN JeppView MILAN, ITALY AIRPORT.BRIEFING 1. GENERAL 120.02 121.62 1.2. NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURES 1.2.1. GENERAL ACFT classified according to ICAO Annex 16, Volume I, Chapter 2 are not allowed to use APT except in case of emergency. In this case, take-off is allowed from RWY 17R only. Use of a different RWY will be authorized in case of adverse meteorological conditions or safety reasons only. 1.2.2. RWY USAGE RWY utilization will be selected by ATC according to the following wind components: MAX 10 KT steady and measured tail wind component. When the RWY selection by ATC is considered not suitable for the operation desired, pilots may request permission to use a different RWY. In such case the ACFT may be subject to delay. 1.2.3. RWY USAGE AT NIGHT Between 2230-0530LT RWY 35L must be used for landing and RWY 17R must be used for take-off. When RWY 17R is not available for safety reasons, meteorological conditions and delays of more than 20 minutes, RWY 35L will be used for take-off. If RWY 35L/17R is closed RWY 35R will be used for take-off. 1.2.4. RUN-UP TESTS Engine tests other than engine pre-flight tests are not allowed. Additional engine tests may be approved on request and shall not last for more than 10 minutes during period SR-SS. 1.2.5. AUXILIARY POWER UNIT (APU) Use of APU is allowed 5 minutes before STD but only to start-up engines. In case of extraordinary reasons APU can be used; however this operation shall be limited to the shortest time. If ground generator units are not available at the aerodrome, APU can be started up to 60 minutes before STD and switched off 20 minutes after arrival. The term ground generator unit is intended to mean the power supply and air-conditioning units associated with the finger. 1.3. LOW VISIBILITY PROCEDURES (LVP) For LVP taxi routings refer to 10-9 charts. 1.3.1. GENERAL In low visibility conditions the following reference points are available for ACFT movements: a) RWY holding positions CAT II/III: - GW-GE to RWY 35L, - CA to RWY 35R. b) intermediate holding positions, identified by lighted signs with yellow inscription on black panel positioned on the right sides of the TWY, transversal yellow lights and dashed transversal yellow marking: - on TWY C in direction North/South: C1 c) intermediate holding positions, identified by lighted signs with yellow inscription on black panel positioned on the left sides of the TWY, transversal yellow lights and dashed transversal yellow marking: - on TWY C in direction North/South: C2, C3 & C4, - on TWY W in direction North/South: W0 thru W8 & W10, - on Apron TWY K in direction North/South: K1 thru K8, - on Apron TWY Y in direction North/South: Y1 and Y2, - on TWY GE in direction South/North: GE1, - on TWY GW in direction RWY holding position GW: GW1. RVR and CEILING - Preparation : RVR TDZ less or equal than 800m and/or CEILING = 200 ' - Activation: RVR TDZ less or equal than 550m and/or CEILING less than 200 ' - Deactivation: RVR TDZ more than 550m and/or CEILING more or equal than 200 ' - Termination: RVR TDZ more than 800m. When RVR is less than 550m and/or CEILING is less than 200m, RWYs shall be used as follows: - RWY 35R only for take-off, - RWY 35L only for landing, - RWY 17L/R not usable. a) ACFT arriving on RWY 35L directed to Terminal 1 shall vacate the RWY only on TWY L and/or EW and/or BW and Apron TWY N, P, R, S and T to West apron. b) ACFT arriving on RWY 35L directed to Terminal 2 shall vacate only on TWY BA and/or BE. c) ACFT departing from RWY 35R shall taxi to CA holding point/CAT II/III position: - only on TWY C if coming from Terminal 2, - only on TWY W or TWY K or Apron TWY Y (direction North/South) and then via TWY GW-GE to cross RWY 35L, if coming from Terminal 1. - ACFT from Terminal 1 to join TWY W shall use Apron TWY S and T (ATC discretion) and Apron TWY V. d) SINGLE RWY OPERATIONS Whenever one of the RWYs is not available and RVR measured on TDZ is equal to or less than 550m and/or CEILING is less than 200', RWY shall be used as follows: RWY 35L - Arriving ACFT directed to Terminal 1, shall vacate the RWY only via TWY L and/or TWY EW and/or BW; - Arriving ACFT directed to Terminal 2, shall vacate the RWY only via TWY BA and/or TWY BE; - Departing ACFT coming from Terminal 1, shall taxi to GW CAT I/II/III holding position, only via TWY W or TWY K or Apron TWY Y (direction North-South). - Departing ACFT coming from Terminal 2 shall taxi to GE CAT I/II/III holding position, only via TWY C. RWY 35R - Arriving ACFT directed to Terminal 1, shall vacate the RWY only via TWY D and/or TWY E; - Arriving ACFT directed to Terminal 2, shall vacate the RWY only via TWY E and/or AB and/or AA; - Departing ACFT coming from Terminal 1 shall taxi to CA CAT II/III holding position, only via TWY W or TWY K or Apron TWY Y and then via TWY GW - GE to cross RWY 35L. - Departing ACFT coming from Terminal 2 shall taxi to CA CAT II/III holding position, only via TWY C. TWYs AA, AB, E, D, CB, BA, EM, DE, DM, CF, FE, WB, F, DB, DA, L, EW, BW are not usable to enter the RWYs. | JEPPESEN, 2004, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | JEPPESEN, 2004, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 LIMC/MXP MALPENSA + JEPPESEN 9 NOV 07 10-1P2 MILAN, ITALY AIRPORT.BRIEFING NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 LIMC/MXP MALPENSA + JEPPESEN 9 NOV 07 1. GENERAL 1.3.2. GROUND MOVEMENT SMR (Surface Movement radar) operative: When RVR is less than 600m, ACFT movement on the manoeuvring area and on the aprons shall be in accordance with information and sequence provided by TWR, following the indicated course. Follow-me assistance provided on pilot's request. ACFT separation shall be determined by means of reference points that assure longitudinal separation . This separation may be reduced, whenever the pilot declares, under his own responsibility, that the preceding ACFT is in sight and separation can be maintained. SMR (Surface Movement radar) inoperative: When RVR is between 550m and 150m, ACFT movement on manoeuvring area and aprons, shall be in accordance with information and sequence provided by TWR, following the indicated course. Follow-me assistance provided on pilot's request. ACFT separation shall be determined by means of not adiacent reference points on the same TWY in order to achieve a greater separation. When RVR measured on TDZ point of one the RWYs is below 150m, RWY 35L only shall be used for landing and take-off. Only one ACFT at the time shall be allowed to taxi on the manoeuvring area and follow-me assistance shall be provided on pilot's request. Only one ACFT at the time shall be allowed to taxi on the aprons and follow-me car assistance is mandatory, No entry TWYs E-D-CB-DA-DB shall be protected by ICAO compliant physical barriers. 1.3.3. MOVEMENT FROM/TO APRON GS Arriving traffic must vacate RWY 35L via TWY EW and then proceed to GS Aviation apron via TWY W. Follow-me car assistance mandatory to join GS apron TWY. Follow-me car assistance mandatory to reach TWY W intersection for ACFT departing from GS Aviation apron. Once on TWY W, ACFT movement must be in accordance with Tower instruction. 1.3.4. CONTIGENCIES Lost ACFT on the manoeuvring area: Whenever an ACFT reports being lost on the manoeuvring area and TWR is not able to determine the ACFT position, all APT operations shall be immediately suspended. TWR shall instruct all the taxiing ACFT to report and maintain position and will keep them informed of the lost ACFT last known/reported position. TWY will instruct a follow-me to search for the lost ACFT, supplying all the available information, including lost ACFT last reported position and taxiing ACFT position on the manoeuvring area. Radio failure on the manoeuvring area: Whenever an ACFT experiences a radio failure on the manoeuvring area, shall operate as follows: - Departing ACFT: He shall continue taxiing, along the assigned route, to the clearance limit position, paying particular attention in avoiding any diversion; in this position, he shall wait for the follow-me to go back to his parking stand. - Arriving ACFT: After vacating RWY and sensitive areas on the appropriate TWY, he shall maintain position and wait for the follow-me assistance to reach the parking stand. The above applies in all cases, without exceptions, provided that all APT operations shall be suspended with SMR inoperative. State of emergency and/or accident: Whenever a state of emergency or accident occurs, Tower shall instruct all ACFT taxiing on the manoeuvring area to report and maintain their position. Tower shall give maximum priority and assistance to the rescue means, according to the APT Emergency Plan. CHANGES: Movement from/to Apron GS. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2004, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 10-1P3 MILAN, ITALY AIRPORT.BRIEFING 1. GENERAL 1.4. RWY OPERATIONS 1.4.1. RWY 17R/35L CROSSING PROCEDURES ACFT which are required to cross RWY 17R/35L will be issued instructions which will include a taxi clearance limit, in which the ACFT will be required to hold short of the RWY, by: - the Ground Movement Controller, if taxiing out from the aprons. - the Air Controller responsible for operations on RWY 17L/35R, if landed on RWY 17L/35R. When approaching the clearance limit specified in the taxiing instructions, the ACFT will be instructed to change frequency to that of the Air Controller responsible for operations on RWY 17R/35L. After crossing RWY and having reported 'RWY vacated' with the Air Controller, the ACFT will be instucted to change frequency to that of the appropriate Controller. 1.5. TAXI PROCEDURES 1.5.1. GENERAL TWY AA to be used for vacating RWY 17L/35R or for departure RWY 17L with aerodrome operative in CAT I. TWY GS MAX wingspan 78'/24m and must be used with follow-me assistance when proceeding to GA apron. Apron TWY N linking TWY P and Apron TWY N MAX wingspan 157 '/48m. TWY AB to be used for vacating RWY 17L/35R or for departures from start point A RWY 17L with aerodrome operative in CAT I (red lights off and TWY centerline lights available); not to be used with aerodrome operative in CAT II/III (red lights on and TWY centerline lights off). 1.5.2. TWY PREFERENTIAL USE For the description of TWY preferential use the following terms are employed: - "IN" to indicate the TWY used to reach the apron. - "OUT" to inicate the TWY used to leave the apron. Apron West: - TWY W used as TWY "IN". - Apron TWY K and apron TWY Y used as TWY "OUT". Apron North: - Apron TWY A and B used as TWY "IN". - Apron TWY C used as TWY "OUT". Heavy ACFT approaching RWY 35R shall conduct the landing in order to clear the RWY via TWY E. Heavy ACFT approaching 35L shall conduct the landing in order to clear the RWY via TWY B, if directed to Terminal 2, or via TWY EW instead, if directed to Terminal 1. When on TWY W it will be given initially W0 as clearance limit. In order to reduce acoustic pollution, heavy ACFT and MD80 shall perform line-up and take-off from RWY 35L using TWY GW or GE. TWY DB shall be used by landed ACFT proceeding Apron TWY S, T, U and V. TWY DA, L and EW shall be used by ACFT proceeding to Apron TWY N, P and R (holding at W2). ACFT coming from TWY BW will be given W10 as clearance limit. ACFT coming from TWY EW will be given W0 as clearance limit. Preferential use of Apron TWY with RWY 35L/R in use: - Apron TWY N, P, R, S and V shall be used to enter the apron. - Apron TWY T and U shall be used to leave the apron. Preferential use of Apron TWY with RWY 17L/R in use: - Apron TWY S, T, U and V shall be used to enter the apron. - Apron TWY N, P and R shall be used to leave the apron. CHANGES: None. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2004, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 LIMC/MXP MALPENSA + JEPPESEN 10-1P4 21 SEP 07 MILAN, ITALY AIRPORT.BRIEFING 1. GENERAL 1.6. PARKING INFORMATION Stands 106, 108 thru 114, 401 thru 413, 501 thru 513 and 601 thru 613 equipped with docking guidance system. On stands 101 thru 118, 302, 304, 307, 309, 312, 314, 317, 319, 401 thru 413, 501 thru 513, 601 thru 625 and 701 thru 718 push-back required. On stands 301, 303, 305, 306, 308, 310, 311, 313, 315, 316, 318 and 320 power-back required. 1.7. OTHER INFORMATION NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 LIMC/MXP MALPENSA + JEPPESEN 21 SEP 07 10-1P5 MILAN, ITALY AIRPORT.BRIEFING 2. ARRIVAL MOVING ACFT ON THE MOVEMENT AREA Select XPDR or its equivalent depending on the specifications of the installed model; Select AUTO mode, if the function is available; Do not select the OFF or STAND BY functions; Set Mode A code to 1000. 2.4.2. ACFT NOT EQUIPPED WITH MODE S TRANSPONDER OR WITH UNSERVICEABLE MODE S TRANSPONDER ARRIVING ACFT Set the Mode A + C transponder to OFF as soon as the RWY is vacated. 1.7.1. GENERAL Overflying city of Milan prohibited. Parachuting. RWYs 35L and 35R right-hand circuit. 1.7.2. USE OF HOLDING BAY/POSITIONS Holding bays/positions CF1, CF2, CA1 and CA2 usable with APT operating in CAT I and DAY only. CF2 may be used as parking stand (in emergency only). In this case movements on TWYs CF and F btn RWY 17R/35L and TWY C are not allowed. CA1 and CA2 available for ACFT with MAX wingspan of 118'/36m and MAX length of 153'/46.5m. Holding bays/positions GE2, GE3, H1, H2, H3, K8 and Z1 available for self-manoeuvring ACFT with APT operating in CAT I and DAY only. GE2 and GE3 used for engine test. GW1, GW2, K8 and Z1 available for de-icing. 2. ARRIVAL MOVING ACFT ON THE MOVEMENT AREA Maintain Mode A + C transponder to OFF for all the duration of displacement. 2.5. TAXI PROCEDURES 2.5.1. TAXI ROUTINE RWY 17L If going to apron North via TWY C. If going to apron West via: - TWY C - TWY FE or C - TWY CF (hold short RWY 17R/35L). - TWY GE (hold short RWY 17R/35L). RWY 35L If going to apron North via TWY B or BA. If going to apron West via: - TWY EW - TWY W or TWY BW. - TWY L - TWY DA for stands with access via Apron TWY N, P and R. - TWY L - TWY DB for stands with access via Apron TWY S, T, U and V. RWY 35R 2.1. SPEED RESTRICTIONS Unless otherwise instructed by ATC pilots must comply with following speed control: - 270 KT at or below FL250 within area defined by following points: GEN-PIA-ORI-MARCO-ABESI-CANNE-ODINA-AKASU-PIMOT-TOP-LAGEN-GEN. - 230 KT at or below FL100. - 210 KT at VERCE/RIGON points or at 20NM from TDZ on straight-in approach RWY 35L/R. - 180 KT at 9NM from TDZ. - 160 KT at 5NM from TDZ. If going to apron North via TWY E - TWY A or AB and/or AA. If going to apron West via: - TWY E - TWY EM (hold short RWY 17R/35L) - TWY D - TWY DE for stands with access via Apron TWY N, P and R (hold short RWY 17R/35L) - TWY D - TWY DM for stands with access via Apron TWY S, T, U and V (hold short RWY 17R/35L) 2.6.OTHER INFORMATION 2.6.1. GENERAL 2.2. CAT II/III OPERATIONS RWY 35L and 35R approved for CAT II/III operations; special aircrew and ACFT certification required. Arriving traffic is requested to provide MALPENSA Tower with indication of distance on final at first contact. 2.6.2. RADAR SEPARATION ON FINAL APPROACH A minimum of 3NM Radar Separation will be provided between ACFT established on the same LOC course RWY 35L/35R (with additional longitudinal separation as required for wake turbulence). 2.3. RUNWAY OPERATIONS 2.3.1. MINIMUM RWY OCCUPANCY Landing ACFT on RWY 35R are requested to vacate the RWY not after intersection E as fast as practicable. ACFT unable to comply must advise MALPENSA Tower at the first contact. Landing heavy ACFT on RWY 35L should perform their landing in order to vacate the RWY via TWY B or EW, or when landed on RWY 35R via TWY E. 2.4. USE OF MODE S TRANSPONDER ON THE GROUND 2.4.1. ACFT EQUIPPED WITH MODE S TRANSPONDER ARRIVING ACFT AFTER LANDING UNTIL AT THE STAND Select XPDR or its equivalent depending on the specifications of the installed model; Select AUTO mode, if the function is available; Do not select the OFF or STAND BY functions; Maintain the Mode A code assigned by ATC. CHANGES: Parking information. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2004, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 2.6.3. "LANDING AFTER" PROCEDURE RWY 35R Land after procedure is implemented with the following in mind: When two successive ACFT are in sequence to land, the second one may be allowed to land before the first one has vacated the RWY in use. The procedure may be applied only during daylight provided that: - the RWY is dry and free of any kind of precipitation, - the second ACFT has been informed and is able to see the first ACFT, continually, until it has vacated the runway. When applying Land After Procedure, ATC will not issue a landing clearance. ATC will give to the second ACFT the instruction to land after the preceding ACFT using the following phraseology: " (CALL SIGN) Land After (ACFT TYPE) landing on RWY 35R." Responsibility for ensuring adequate separation between the two ACFT rests with the pilot of the second ACFT including respect of prescribed wake turbulence separation. CHANGES: None. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2004, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 LIMC/MXP MALPENSA + JEPPESEN 11 JAN 08 MILAN, ITALY 10-1P6 AIRPORT.BRIEFING JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 LIMC/MXP MALPENSA + JEPPESEN 11 JAN 08 2. ARRIVAL MILAN, ITALY 10-1P7 AIRPORT.BRIEFING 3. DEPARTURE 2.6.4. PARALLEL ILS APPROACHES TO RWY 35L AND 35R CONDITIONS Dependent parallel approaches may be conducted to parallel RWYs provided that: - Radar service is operative, - ILS equipment is operative on both RWYs and the ACFT are making ILS approaches, - ACFT are advised that approaches are in use to both RWYs; this information may be provided through the ATIS. 3.1. DE-ICING De-Icing/De-Snowing takes place at following De-Icing Areas: Area 1: Position H1, H2 and K8 (MAX CAT E), Z1 (MAX CAT C). Area 2: Position 791 thru 793 (MAX CAT C). Area 3: Position 202 (MAX CAT E), 201, 203 (MAX CAT C). De-Icing Operation H24. Minimum standard taxi-time may increase in accordance to weather condition. SEPARATION A minimum of 1000' vertical separation or a minimum of 5NM radar separation will be provided between ACFT during turn-on to parallel LOC courses. The minimum radar separation between ACFT established on a LOC course will be: - 3NM between ACFT on the same LOC course (with additional longitudinal separation as required for wake turbulence). - 3NM between successive ACFT on adjacent localizer course. Radar service will terminate when one of the following occurs: - Visual separation occurs. - The ACFT reports the approach lights or RWY in sight. - The ACFT has been instructed to contact MALPENSA Tower. Responsibilities: All De-Icing/De-Snowing operations are under AO/Pilot in Command responsibility. Procedures: AO/Pilots of ACFT shall put request to De-Icing provider through ramp agent attending the flight. Pilot at Start-up will report to Tower to have agreed upon previously De-Icing operations. For Area 1 (Main Area) expect Tower instructions to Y2 or K7 holding positions. After that, taxiing to De-Icing Areas with follow-me car. Marshaller will guide ACFT to De-Icing positions. Pilot in Command shall report to Tower 'Ready to move' only after ground De-Icing procedures have been completed. ACFT engines status during operation: Twin-engine ACFT: Both on idle power Three-engine ACFT: Tail out, external idle power. Four-engine ACFT: External out, internal idle power. Prop ACFT: Propellers should be stopped. 3.2. START-UP AND TAXI PROCEDURES 3.2.1. APRON MANAGEMENT Preflight data, ATC- and start-up clearance will be issued on MALPENSA Delivery. Pilots must require taxi clearance on appropriate apron frequency. Pilots shall request start-up clearance 5 min before ready to start engines, handling operations completed. Further information concerning apron service could be provided on ATIS. 3.2.2. TAXI ROUTINE RWY 35L coming from apron West via: - TWY Y - TWY GW for ACFT parked at stands 609 thru 613, 621 thru 625 or 701 thru 718. - TWY K - TWY WB for medium/light ACFT parked at the remaining stands of apron West. - TWY K - TWY GW for heavy ACFT. - TWY U - TWY W - TWY WB or TWY W - TWY GW. RWY 35R coming from apron West via: - TWY U - TWY F (hold short of RWY 35L). - TWY K - TWY GW or TWY Y - TWY GW (hold short of RWY 35L). RWY 35L coming from apron North via: - TWY C - TWY GE. RWY 35R coming from apron North via: - TWY C - TWY CA. RWY 17R coming from apron West via: - Apron TWY N, P and R then TWY W then TWY EW or TWY BW. RWY 17R coming from apron North via: - TWY BA or TWY B. | JEPPESEN, 2004, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | JEPPESEN, 2004, 2008. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 LIMC/MXP MALPENSA + JEPPESEN 17 AUG 07 10-1P8 Eff.30.Aug MILAN, ITALY AIRPORT.BRIEFING 3. DEPARTURE 3.3.SPEED RESTRICTIONS MAX 250 KT below FL100 when under radar control. If unable to comply advise ATC when requesting start-up clearance. ATC removes limitations by the phrase: "NO ATC RESTRICTION ON SPEED". Similarly, whenever such a situation should arise during flight, advise ATC immediately and maintain minimum operational speed acceptable. 3.4. NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURES 3.4.1. RUNWAY USAGE During trial period the following alternate RWY usage scheme for take-offs will be in force: - First DAY: - between 0530-0930LT: RWY 35L; - between 0930-1730LT: RWY 35R; - between 1730-2230LT: RWY 35L. - Second DAY: - between 0530-0930LT: RWY 35R; - between 0930-1730LT: RWY 35L; - between 1730-2230LT: RWY 35R. - Third DAY: usage as for the first DAY. - Fourth DAY: usage as for the second DAY, and so on. A tolerance of +/- 15 minutes is allowed to the established time for RWY change. The alternate RWY usage scheme may not be applied: - if required for safety reasons (i.e. operational or meteorological conditions); - between 0830-1030LT and 1930-2130LT; these two hour periods may be shifted, if required by the peak-traffic forecast and, if necessary, a tolerance of +/- 15 minutes is allowed at beginning and end; - a third one hour period of flexibility may be used to cope with the peak of traffic that could affect the regularity of APT operations; the use of this period will be limited to a maximum of 100 DAYs per year. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 LIMC/MXP MALPENSA + JEPPESEN 17 AUG 07 10-1P9 Eff.30.Aug MILAN, ITALY AIRPORT.BRIEFING 3. DEPARTURE 3.6. USE OF MODE S TRANSPONDER ON THE GROUND WARNING: TCAS should be selected before entering the RWY, after receiving line-up clearance; it should be deselected after vacating the RWY. 3.6.1. ACFT equipped with mode S transponder Departing ACFT, from either push-back or taxi request, whichever the earlier Enter through the FMS or transponder control panel: - Flight Identification as specified in item 7 of ICAO flight plan form; or - In the absence of Flight Identification, the Aircraft Registration; Select XPDR or its equivalent depending on the specifications of installed model; Select AUTO mode, if the function is available; Do not select the OFF or STAND BY functions; Set the Mode A code assigned by ATC. Moving ACFT on the movement area: Select XPDR or its equivalent depending on the specifications of the installed model; Select AUTO mode, if the function is available; Do not select the OFF or STAND BY functions; Set Mode A code to 1000. 3.6.2. ACFT not equipped with Mode S transponder or with unserviceable Mode S transponder Departing ACFT: Maintain Mode A + C transponder to OFF until line-up. Moving ACFT on the movement area: Maintain Mode A + C transponder to OFF for all the duration of displacement. Due to daily periodic inspections RWY 35/17 are closed at certain times. Expect short time alterations due to traffic congestion. During take-off climb, standard noise abatement procedures established by operators in compliance with manufacturer technical documentation must be applied. During the initial climb phase, pilots shall maintain the following parameters: a) up to 1500' QFE - take-off power; - take-off flap; - climb at V 2 + 10/20 KT or as limited by body angle; b) at 1500' QFE c) at 3000' QFE - reduce thrust and climb at V 2 10/20 KT until reaching - accelerate smoothly to enroute climb speed with flap retraction. 3.5. RUNWAY OPERATIONS 3.5.1. MINIMUM RWY OCCUPANCY Departing ACFT shall comply with ATC clearance to line-up without any delay and line-up manoeuvre shall start immediately after the preceding departing ACFT has initiated the take-off run. As far as possible pre-flight checks shall be completed before line-up. Any other checks following line-up shall be carried out as quickly as possible. Take-off run shall start immediately after take-off clearance. Prior to line-up, pilots must inform MALPENSA Tower if unable to comply with above minimum RWY occupancy criteria. CHANGES: Printing sequence. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2004, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CHANGES: Printing sequence. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2004, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 D3 0 2657' MC405 FL100 30 6091' GEN VOR DME 10000 HOLDINGS OVER RIGON 0 08-30 09-00 09-30 10-00 LEMKI 332^ 08-00 2214' VERCE 26 22/ 00 07-30 CHANGES: Reissue. (G) 22 CONTOUR INTERVALS VERCE RIGON D 40 00 0 MHA X 6 els MA er levC highby AT 2000 ^ 325 43-30 3 6000 4 FL110 5 6000 MIL AN ITAL MA LIM Y R SE MF ILLE IR (G) FRA LFMM NCE FIR MA if higher 6000 4000 LI(P)-3 3478' D ^ R152 L 1 FL145 2 FL70 or TL NOV ^ 145 4000 UNUSUAL CONTOUR STAGGERING (G IR ) R 5337' RO FI M E R L 20 10 N45 18.2 E009 06.9 12000 8000 10 N45 13.8 E008 32.9 LEMKI 20 D1 LI(P)-92 LI(P)-2 MC406 6954' 2847' GENOA N45 16.8 E008 39.2 00 ABN NDB VERCE RIGON N45 19.1 E008 58.7 12 6104' N45 29.0 E008 54.8 40 2^ 33 2339' ALBENGA 14000 44-00 (IAF) D9 0 5901' LASIX (IAF) N45 23.3 E008 37.1 16000 10310' NOVARA N45 25.4 E008 47.6 6000 50^ 5576' 180^ 292 NOV NOV D26 50 1 0 D6 FL90 6163' 0 PARMA PAR NDB 6 4446' D9 3235' 0 40 5000 D2 12 0 0 40 TOP VOR DME 44-30 N45 38.9 E008 50.9 10 4000 LI(P)-96 VOGHERA MORAD N45 36.3 E008 36.3 4000 VOG VOR DME MALPENSA 13 4000 LI(P)-94 TORINO 111.2 MAL MAL MC404 LI(P)-93 21 0 ^ D (T) N45 38.6 E008 44.1 TZO VOR DME NOV NDB LIN LINATE VOR DME 0 D6 45-00 NOVARA TREZZO NOT TO SCALE 141 0^ FL90 MAL NDB FL70 or TL if higher 10 4000 14 ^D 24 2612' 0 D3 5000 Milan (Linate) 3000 090^ ^ 300 MALPENSA MC402 N45 51.5 E008 41.1 14.510 FL1 14 0 1 FL1 4000 K NA 2 Milan (Malpensa) N45 52.9 E008 45.3 14 FL110 1 MC403 IXORA 6583' 5 4000 2 By ATC. N45 50.2 E008 35.3 176^ 2 8530' 12111' ORI NDB FL 100 Bergamo 2 45-30 ORIO AL SERIO 6622' 6000' within 10 NM ODI 14 FL180 FL 130 2K 4711' FL110 3 4 LI(P)-57 FL180 FL14010928' 2 4021' U AKAS 8563' SARONNO SRN VOR DME 7090' FL195 ^ 060 6452' 12726' 46-00 15203' FL180 D30 163^ 8369' CAM TAC 11670' SU CAMERI MALPENSA MAL VOR DME 1 N46 06.3 E008 39.9 ^ 151 166^ 11657' 9678' 275^ 3000' ODINA N46 06.6 E008 29.7 13284' 8000' MSA MAL VOR PRNAV RECOMMENDED FROM NORTH AKASU 12143' 072^ RNAV ARRIVALS 12812' ^ 11129' ^ 12136' 030 1 1 [AKAS1H] 2, AKASU 2K [AKAS2K] ODINA 2K [ODIN2K] A AK 17 0 8 FL1 17 0 FL18 1H ND D LA N ) ER RLA D/E Z IT ZE R ( SWWIT FI Y S AS AL LS IT 10,000' D22 D60 ^ 330 1 20 46-30 D12 AKASU 1H 11214' 14022' 7552' 767' R18 11204' 7333' 120.02 .RNAV.STAR. Alt Set: hPa Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000' Holdings are defined by conventional navigation. MAL9^ 7710' Apt Elev MC406 D2 MHA2/26 132.7 *126.3 126.75 ATIS Arrival MA 4000 higheXr 6000 vels by Ale TC 767' 10-2 11 AUG 06 009^ Apt Elev North MALPENSA 197^ South Alt Set: hPa Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000' 2. Minimum 1. Altitudes are based on Milan QNH. altitudes provide 1000' obstacle clearance within 3 NM from aircraft position until 20 NM from radar antenna and within 5 NM from aircraft position beyond 20 NM from radar antenna. D9 8443' 0 10413' 11129' 11854' 0^ MILAN, ITALY JEPPESEN LIMC/MXP D16 MILANO Departures (APP) .RADAR.MINIMUM.ALTITUDES. 009^ 10-1R 23 MAR 07 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 10 4000 MALPENSA *MILANO Arrivals (APP) MILAN, ITALY JEPPESEN LIMC/MXP JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 205 ^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 10-30 | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CHANGES: Waypoint GIKOM replaced by LEMKI. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2003, 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 MILAN, ITALY JEPPESEN MALPENSA 10-2A 11 AUG 06 ATIS Arrival Apt Elev 120.02 767' .RNAV.STAR. Alt Set: hPa Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000' Holdings are defined by conventional navigation. 10,000' 205 ^ LIMC/MXP 1 SRN 1K RNAV ARRIVAL LUSIL 1Y [LUS1Y], OSKOR 1Y [OSK1Y] RNAV TRANSITIONS 1 8000' 275^ 072^ 3000' MSA MAL VOR 1 6000' within 10 NM JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 MILAN, ITALY JEPPESEN LIMC/MXP MALPENSA 10-2B 7 APR 06 ATIS Arrival Apt Elev 120.02 767' MEBUR 1H .Eff.13.Apr. .RNAV.STAR. Alt Set: hPa Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000' Holdings are defined by conventional navigation. 10,000' 1 1 [MEBU1H], MEBUR 1K [MEBU1K] 2 RNAV ARRIVALS GEN 1Z 2, IDONA 1Z [IDO1Z], KALIK 1Z [KAL1Z] RNAV TRANSITIONS PRNAV RECOMMENDED FROM NORTHEAST 205 ^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 8000' 275^ 072^ 3000' MSA MAL VOR 1 6000' within 10 NM PRNAV RECOMMENDED FROM SOUTHEAST LUSIL D (T) N46 02.6 E010 07.0 111.2 MAL MAL MALPENSA 2 By ATC. N45 38.6 E008 44.1 ^ 242 ^ 332 D22 R189^ D26 009^ he AT hig by 6 2/2 00 D2 A 406000els MHMAX r levC 4 4000 2 M MAL D22 R189^ R MEBU 009^ 15 00 50 0^ 14 20 5/ D1 FL90 33 1K 2 346^ ^ 3 24 D2 MHA24/26 MAX 6 000 19 FL90 MC406 higher 000 ve by Ale TC ls VERCE 0 FL9BUR ME 1H 3 5 2^ 12 0 400 2^ 400.5 COD COD N45 13.6 E009 32.5 4^ R1 4 5000 N44 57.8 E008 58.3 CODOGNO MEBUR N44 45.6 E009 10.3 GEN 10 Z 20.5 FL9 010^ GENOA N44 25.5 E009 04.9 N44 25.4 E009 05.0 | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2003, 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CHANGES: RNAV STARs & transitions establd, transitions transf. 2 FL9 4 0 10 MC410 N44 33.4 E009 38.8 K FL1 AL 00 1Z IK 300 ^ KALIK 345^ 332^ M er C highby AT /2 6 D22 400000 6 0 ls MHA AX leve NOT TO SCALE GEN 318 GENGEN 112.8 GEN 48 FL90 1Z A D IDON 22 MA D ^ R152 L RIGON ^ NOT TO SCALE 3 24 ^ 320 HOLDING OVER RIGON CHANGES: Waypoint GIKOM replaced by LEMKI. D2 2^ R15 AL 12 VOGHERA N44 57.9 E008 58.2 D ^ 325 115.5 VOG VOG 333.5 VOG VOG D VERCE MC411 N45 03.6 E009 04.6 5^ 31 172^ 21 000 N45 38.8 E009 01.3 N45 18.2 E009 06.9 LEMKI GIKOM SARONNO 113.7 SRN LEMKI N45 19.1 E008 58.7 RIGON N45 15.4 E009 00.9 21 00 40 4 K S RN 1 ^ 145 4000 (IAF) RIGON MC412 MC407 N45 13.0 E008 37.9 N45 38.8 E009 01.4 N45 25.4 E008 47.6 0 SRN 330 SRN SRN N45 19.1 E008 58.7 4 D D2 NOVARA 269^ OSKOR 1Y (IAF) RIGON 400 32^ 3 6 46 FL100 168^ 292 NOV NOV OSKOR N45 39.0 E010 07.0 2 D2 ^ 2^ R06 R089^ N45 16.8 E008 39.2 MC401 N45 45.6 E009 19.8 ^ 15 0 0 FL1 3 25 (IAF) 2 R15 169^ N45 38.6 E008 44.1 N45 25.4 E008 47.6 VERCE HOLDINGS OVER RIGON 00 40 MALPENSA ^ 145 r FL70 o her ig TL ifXh280 KT 349^ MA 000 MHA 6 KT 111.2 MAL MAL NOVARA SI LU 10 MAX 2 D (T) 292 NOV NOV 37 40 FL1 L 1Y N44 28.1 E009 50.9 IDONA N43 59.1 E009 25.9 | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2003, 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 1 6000' within 10 NM PRNAV RECOMMENDED FROM SOUTHWEST CHANGES: RNAV STARs & transitions establd, transitions transf. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2003, 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CHANGES: Distance between AKASU & MC442. 376.5 ORI ORI D RIGON N45 19.1 E008 58.7 NOT TO SCALE N45 38.8 E009 01.3 SARONNO SRN 330 SRN SRN N45 38.8 E009 01.4 34 6000 2^ R06 R089^ NOV N45 25.4 E008 47.6 292 NOV (IAF) NOVARA 0^ 14 N45 38.6 E008 44.1 28 30 1 J 1 FL SU MALPENSA IN OD 12 0 4 00 111.2 MAL MAL ^ 150 D 30^ 3 7R0 6 0 0 0^ 32 7 R000 6 D D (T) 24 0 3 J FL1 A 1 113.7 SRN MC401 SULUR ODINA N46 06.6 E008 29.7 N44 12.1 E008 43.5 N45 45.6 E009 19.8 14 0 D29 2 FL1 MARCO ^ A AK AKASU 30 FL90 ANAKI 001^ higher 00 vels by Ale TC D2 MHA24/26 MAX 6 000 0 009^ MC406 N44 41.8 E008 44.8 030 ^ MAL D22 R189^ VERCE 3 25 N45 44.3 E008 55.2 D1 NOVIG N46 06.3 E008 39.9 9/2 FL9 4 0 350^ HOLDING OVER VERCE ^ 145 4000 ^ 15 FL90 NOVIG 1H N44 56.5 E008 17.4 D 15 5 FL8 ASTIG 169^ N45 45.0 E008 56.6 N44 56.3 E008 41.7 R266^ R21 0 TOP 1W D29 MAX D1 9 18 FL90 ANAKI 1W 086^ MC409 r FL70 oher ig TL if h280 KT MAX 000 MHA 2610 KT 349^ MC442 04 1^ D29/34 VOG 266^ FL100 VOGHERA N44 57.9 E008 58.2 AS FL9 10 0 1HTIG N45 03.7 E008 26.3 N44 55.5 E007 51.6 115.5 VOG VOG D 17 4000 MC408 N44 55.5 E007 51.7 HOLDINGS OVER NOV SRN TORINO N45 52.2 E009 38.1 D26 1 40 2.5 00 114.5 TOP TOP 392.5 TOP TOP N45 38.6 E009 50.5 009^ 4 4000 MC407 D ORIO AL SERIO 269^ ^ N45 16.8 E008 39.2 N45 13.0 E008 37.9 OSKOR 1J 12 FL95 267^ N45 39.0 E010 07.0 (SRN R-089/D46) D52 3 25 (IAF) VERCE D22 R189^ N45 25.4 E008 47.6 ^ 145 4000 NOVARA SI LU 292 NOV NOV 23 0 4 J FL1 L 1 N45 38.6 E008 44.1 ^ 242 LUSIL MALPENSA OSKOR 111.2 MAL MAL NOT TO SCALE Trans alt: 6000' PROCEDURES ARE NOT TO BE PLANNED BY RNAV/FMS EQUIPPED ACFT FROM NORTH, NORTHEAST & EAST N46 02.6 E010 07.0 D (T) .STAR. SRN 1H ARRIVAL AKASU 1J [AKA1J], LUSIL 1J [LUS1J] ODINA 1J [ODI1J], OSKOR 1J [OSK1J] TRANSITIONS 6000' within 10 NM MSA MAL VOR Alt Set: hPa Trans level: By ATC 1 275^ 3000' MSA MAL VOR 072^ 767' 1 NOVIG 1H [NOVI1H] RNAV ARRIVALS ANAKI 1W [ANA1W], TOP 1W RNAV TRANSITIONS 120.02 1 8000' 8000' [ASTI1H], Apt Elev 275^ 1 10-2D 21 APR 06 ATIS Arrival 1 ASTIG 1H 10,000' MALPENSA 10,000' 767' 205 ^ 120.02 Alt Set: hPa Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000' Holdings are defined by conventional navigation. MILAN, ITALY JEPPESEN LIMC/MXP D Apt Elev .RNAV.STAR. 185^ ATIS Arrival .Eff.13.Apr. 20 4000 10-2C 7 APR 06 SRN 1H MALPENSA NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 3000' MILAN, ITALY JEPPESEN LIMC/MXP JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 205 ^ NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 072^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2005, 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 6000' within 10 NM VOG 1H ARRIVAL GEN 1F, KALIK 1F [KAL1F] , PAR 1F, TOP 1F TRANSITIONS PROCEDURES ARE NOT TO BE PLANNED BY RNAV/FMS EQUIPPED ACFT FROM SOUTH & WEST ^ N44 28.1 E009 50.9 KALIK D4 8 307 ^ GEN 318 GENGEN 41 FL90 TOP 1F N44 25.4 E009 05.0 G 112.8 GEN D 6 6 500 D R1710^ CHANGES: STARs completely revised; chart redrawn. 086^ N44 55.5 E007 51.6 N44 28.1 E009 50.9 | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2005, 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. MC446 MC447 TORINO 114.5 TOP TOP 392.5 TOP TOP NOVARA 292 NOV NOV (IAF) N45 38.6 E008 44.1 MALPENSA 111.2 MAL MAL D 3 25 0^ 32 KALIK 346^ D67 ^ 145 4000 00 50 ^ 140 CHANGES: None. D (T) 25 FL95 1E KALIK HOLDINGS OVER COD NOV 344^ VOG 1H N44 55.5 E007 51.7 SALSO N44 52.3 E009 43.5 4000 N45 25.4 E008 47.6 339^ D42 NOT TO SCALE ^ 325 18 N45 08.5 E008 54.2 R166^ 14 6000 ^ 145 4000 D 11 5000 N44 25.5 E009 04.9 MC445 D N45 05.1 E009 36.8 351^ 27 FL90 F EN 1 NOT TO SCALE TIDON D D 9 5000 VOGHERA N45 13.6 E009 32.5 GENOA CODOGNO 5000 E009 06.7 D16 10 50 6 D 2 77^ 0 0 R1 400.5 COD COD N44 57.6 E008 49.8 R266^ 5000 o r T 20 CODL if hig 290 ^ 1H her 6 R097^ N44 57.0 N45 25.4 E008 47.6 N44 57.8 E008 58.3 FL70 N44 57.9 E008 58.2 NOVARA 115.5 VOG VOG 333.5 VOG VOG 292 NOV NOV KA FL1 42 LI 00 K 1F LIMBA N45 20.5 E009 06.0 (IAF) N44 54.2 E009 04.9 MC448 MC444 169^ 14 400 0 MC443 N45 38.6 E008 44.1 352^ 5000 172^ 41 N45 33.6 E009 30.4 111.2 MAL FL10 PAR 10F PARMA MAL MALPENSA TREZZO 27^ D (T) 111.8 TZO TZO HOLDING OVER VOG N45 38.8 E009 01.4 278^ 306 PAR PAR SARONNO N44 51.9 E008 59.5 SRN 113.7 SRN D .STAR. Trans alt: 6000' N44 49.3 E010 17.6 1 Alt Set: hPa Trans level: By ATC .Eff.13.Apr. N44 55.6 E009 20.0 3000' MSA MAL VOR BY ATC PROCEDURES ARE NOT TO BE PLANNED BY RNAV/FMS EQUIPPED ACFT FROM SOUTHEAST D 275^ 072^ 767' 8000' 6000' within 10 NM COD 1H ARRIVAL KALIK 1E [KAL1E] TRANSITION 120.02 1 1 1 10,000' Apt Elev MSA MAL VOR Trans alt: 6000' 10-2F 7 APR 06 ATIS Arrival 275^ 767' MALPENSA 1 120.02 Alt Set: hPa Trans level: By ATC MILAN, ITALY JEPPESEN LIMC/MXP 8000' Apt Elev .STAR. 1 ATIS Arrival 10-2E 10,000' 21 APR 06 205 ^ MALPENSA NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 3000' MILAN, ITALY JEPPESEN LIMC/MXP JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 205^ NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 072^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2005, 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. (CAT 6 At or above or if higher FL70 TL 9 6 237 BLA 5C ^ 205 ^ 1 6000' C) 250^ 31 0^ 28 0 ^ within 10 NM 273^ BLA 5 C DO N OT O VERSH OOT D9 MAL 6 BLA 5C At or above Radius Bank D (T) FL70 TL BIELLA N45 29.7 E008 06.0 At or above 205^ BL A NOT TO SCALE D15 BLA At or above At or above 6 R3 1200' 3000' D 05 113.7 SRN SRN SARONNO ^ N45 38.8 E009 01.4 3 FL70 D3 MAL 1750' 252^ MALPENSA N45 38.6 E008 44.1 BIELLA 15 At or above FL100 2^ ^ 50 R07 R0 255^ 2 MAX .SID. INITIAL CLIMB/ROUTING Climb on 340^ track, at or above 1200' turn LEFT, intercept MAL R-320 to D6 MAL, 2 turn RIGHT, intercept SRN R-305 inbound to D8 SRN, turn RIGHT, intercept BLA R-072 inbound to BLA. BLA 5F Climb on 340^ track, at or above 1200' turn LEFT, intercept MAL R-320 to D6 MAL, turn LEFT, intercept BLA R-050 inbound to BLA. 2 No restriction for acft type BAE 146. 2 Acft up to class MD80, of type B757 and other heavy acft; alternatively of class A310/A320. Departure procedure when MAL unserviceable Climb on runway heading to 1450', turn LEFT to RMG according to ATC clearance. This Departure requires a minimum climb gradient of 352' per NM (5.8%) until passing TL for ATC purposes. If unable to comply advise ATC. JEPPESEN JeppView FL120 MHA280 KT FL100 MHA 10 KT These SIDs require a minimum climb gradient of 425' per NM (7%) until passing 3000'. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 425' per NM 532 709 1063 1418 1772 2127 352' per NM 441 587 881 1175 1468 1762 MILAN, ITALY 075^ SID BLA 5E 36 .Eff.7.Jul N45 29.7 E008 06.0 BLA 5E, BLA 5F RWY 35L DEPARTURES 116.1 BLA BLA BY ATC TO BE USED WHEN RMG UNSERVICEABLE EXPECT RADAR CLEARANCE TO APPROPRIATE TRANSITION ROUTE | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2004, 2005. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. D 10-3A 111.2 MAL MAL JEPPESEN D (T) 1 JUL 05 At or above PROCEDURES ON TRIAL BASIS 0^ 32 ^ 340 At or above or if higher TL 5000' D6 MAL N45 43.1 E008 38.5 1 6000' within 10 NM At or above 7 Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. BLA 5F NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 ^ D8 SRN N45 43.4 E008 52.0 LIMC/MXP 0 23 5000' MSA MAL VOR 8 Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000' 1. SIDs are also minimum noise routings. Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 2. EXPECT close-in obstacles lower than 200' above DER. At or above 12 5^ MALPENSA D21 BLA 3000' 767' 1275^ Apt Elev 072^ 4000' 8 5E 3 CHANGES: BLA SIDs establd; RMG SIDs transf; chart redrawn. 1 At or above LI(P)-57 10,000' 8000' .SID. FL100 INITIAL CLIMB/ROUTING Climb on 340^ track, as soon as practicable, even before DER , 4 but not below 1200' turn LEFT ( CAT C: 250^ track), intercept MAL R-280 to D9 MAL, turn LEFT, 2 intercept BLA R-057 inbound to BLA. BLA 5D Climb on 340^ track, at or above 1200' turn LEFT, intercept MAL R-310 to D6 MAL, 3 turn LEFT, intercept BLA R-055 inbound to BLA. No restriction for acft type BAE 146. 2 Acft up to class B737(except BAE 146)/A310/A320. 3 Acft up to class A310/A320/MD80 and other medium acft. Departure procedure when MAL unserviceable Climb on runway heading to 1450', turn LEFT to RMG according to ATC clearance. This Departure requires a minimum climb gradient of 352' per NM (5.8%) until passing TL for ATC purposes. If unable to comply advise ATC. JEPPESEN JeppView 116.1 BLA BLA SID BLA 5C MILAN, ITALY D MAX 75 100 150 200 250 300 562 749 1124 1499 1873 2248 441 587 881 1175 1468 1762 360^ 075^ N45 38.8 E009 01.4 .Eff.7.Jul. FL MHA280 KT FL100 MHA 210 KT SARONNO BLA 5C, BLA 5D RWY 35L DEPARTURES 5^ R05 057^ 5^ R 25 120 Gnd speed-KT 450' per NM 352' per NM 113.7 SRN SRN BY ATC TO BE USED WHEN RMG UNSERVICEABLE EXPECT RADAR CLEARANCE TO APPROPRIATE TRANSITION ROUTE | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2004, 2005. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 15 These SIDs require a minimum climb gradient of 450' per NM (7.4%) until passing TL. D N45 38.6 E008 44.1 At or above or if higher 15 MALPENSA 10-3 NOT TO SCALE 111.2 MAL MAL 1.5 or 25^ 5 JEPPESEN 4500' D15 BLA 1 JUL 05 N45 40.1 E008 31.4 Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. MSA MAL VOR 1200' NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 At or above 6 D15 BLA 3000' BLA 5D LIMC/MXP 5000' 1275^ MALPENSA ^ 5 235 BLA 5D 072^ Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000' 1. SIDs are also minimum noise routings. Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 2. EXPECT close-in obstacles lower than 200' above DER. D21 BLA 1 DER 4, 1200' 3100' 767' At or above At or above 10,000' 8000' As soon as practicable, even before but not below Apt Elev N45 42.4 E008 37.5 340^ CHANGES: BLA SIDs establd; FARAK SIDs transf; chart redrawn. reached on 340^ track and minimum climb gradient of 450' per NM (7.4%) must be maintained. 5 If unable to comply advise ATC at start-up. 6 Acft of type B737 400 unable to comply advise ATC at startup and request alternative SID. BLA 5C D6 MAL PROCEDURES ON TRIAL BASIS BLA 5C: 4 Turn altitude of 1200' must be MALPENSA 10-3B 6 JUL 07 .SID. 205 ^ Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000' Apt Elev 1. SIDs are also minimum noise routings. Strict adherence within 767' the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 2. EXPECT close-in obstacles lower than 200' above DER. 10,000' 8000' 1 072^ FARAK 6C [FARA6C] FARAK 8D [FARA8D] FARAK 7F [FARA7F] RWY 35L DEPARTURES 1 FARAK 6C: 5 Turn altitude of 1200' must be reached on 340^ track and minimum climb gradient of 450' per NM (7.4%) must be maintained. 6If unable to comply advise ATC at start-up. 7Acft of type B737 400 unable to comply advise ATC at start-up and request alternative SID. D6 MAL N45 43.2 E008 38.6 3000' FARAK 6C As soon as practicable, even before but not below At or above DER 5, 1200' 1750' 6 9 D9 MAL N45 40.2 E008 31.4 338^ At or above Radius Bank 1.5 or 25^ 6 4500' 8^ D73 R33 NIL LIN 116.0 GEN GEN .8 112 At or above NOT TO SCALE D (T) 337 RMG RMG These SIDs require minimum climb gradients of FARAK 6C, 8D 450' per NM (7.4%) until passing TL. FARAK 7F 425' per NM (7%) until passing 3000'. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 450' per NM 562 749 1124 1499 1873 425' per NM 532 709 1063 1418 1772 352' per NM 441 587 881 1175 1468 N45 42.4 E008 37.6 D6 MAL N45 43.2 E008 38.6 At or above 4000' At or above 3000' D8 SRN N45 43.4 E008 52.0 3100' RMG 6C, 8D, 8F At or above or if higher FL70 RMG 8F 0 23 RMG 8E ^ At or above 8 8E At or above N45 37.7 E008 24.4 1750' RMG 8D FL80 C) (CAT 9 3 250^ 31 0 280^ ^ 273^ 1200' turn LEFT, intercept MAL R-320 to D6 MAL. ROUTING Turn LEFT, intercept 230^ bearing towards RMG, at D12 MAL turn LEFT, intercept 158^ bearing from RMG to FARAK. No restriction for acft type BAE 146. 2 Acft up to class B737(except BAE 146)/A310/A320. 3 Acft up to class A310/A320/MD80 and other medium acft. 4 Acft up to class MD80, of type B757 and other heavy acft; alternatively of class A310/A320. Departure procedure when MAL unserviceable Climb on runway heading to 1450', turn LEFT to RMG according to ATC clearance. This Departure requires a minimum climb gradient of 352' per NM (5.8%) until passing TL for ATC purposes. If unable to comply advise ATC. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2004, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. RMG 6 DO N C OT OVER SHOO T 7 RMG 6C At or above MAL D (T) 300 2248 2127 1762 05 ^ 268^ D9 MAL 4500' SARONNO N45 38.8 E009 01.3 R3 1.5 or 25^ 6 Radius Bank N45 40.2 E008 31.4 PROCEDURES ON TRIAL BASIS 113.7 SRN SRN D RMG 6C 6 5 NOT TO SCALE 7 At or above 11 At or above if higher or 5000' 12 5^ D3 MAL 12 25 Climb on 340^ track, at or above CHANGES: NCRP replaced by CRP. reached on 340^ track and minimum climb gradient of 450' per NM (7.4%) must be maintained. 6 If unable to comply advise ATC at start-up. 7 Acft of type B737 400 unable to comply advise ATC at startup and request alternative SID. D6 MAL MALPENSA FARAK 7F 4 SPEED CONTROL PROCEDURE MAX 250 KT below FL100 when under radar control. If unable to comply advise ATC when requesting start-up clearance. ATC removes limitations by the phrase: "NO ATC RESTRICTION ON SPEED". TL RMG 6C: 5 Turn altitude of 1200' must be FOR TRANSITIONS FROM RMG REFER TO CHARTS 10-3S & 10-3T within 10 NM 111.2 MAL MAL FARAK 8D 3 1 6000' RMG 6C INITIAL CLIMB Climb on 340^ track, as soon as practicable, even before DER 5 , but not below 1200' turn LEFT ( CAT C: 250^ track), intercept MAL R-280 to D9 MAL. Climb on 340^ track, at or above 1200' turn LEFT, intercept MAL R-310 to D6 MAL. 2 MSA MAL VOR 7 158^ FARAK N45 33.3 E008 27.0 SID FARAK 6C RMG 6C, RMG 8D RMG 8E, RMG 8F RWY 35L DEPARTURES 3000' N45 38.6 E008 44.1 27 9^ FL90 FARAK 6C NRS 1200' SRN 113.7 7 .SID. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000' Apt Elev 1. SIDs are also minimum noise routings. Strict adherence within 767' the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 2. EXPECT close-in obstacles lower than 200' above DER. 340^ N45 39.2 E008 27.0 At or above FARAK 6C DO N O T OVER SHOOT 10-3C 0^ 32 C D12 MAL 340^ FARAK 6 273^ C) 3 250^ 10^ 280^ (CAT 1275^ 6 JUL 07 3 3100' 3 1 072^ TL FARAK 8D, 7F 3 0^ 32 RMG 3 N45 42.4 E008 37.6 10,000' 8000' MILAN, ITALY JEPPESEN LIMC/MXP MALPENSA ROMAGNANO D3 MAL 10 At or above N45 37.7 E008 24.4 6000' within 10 NM PROCEDURES ON TRIAL BASIS D6 MAL 337 RMG MSA MAL VOR At or above FARAK 7F FARAK 8D ROMAGNANO 3000' FOR TRANSITIONS FROM FARAK REFER TO CHARTS 10-3N, 10-3P & 10-3Q SPEED CONTROL PROCEDURE MAX 250 KT below FL100 when under radar control. If unable to comply advise ATC when requesting start-up clearance. ATC removes limitations by the phrase: "NO ATC RESTRICTION ON SPEED". 0^ 23 9 1275^ NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 360^ MILAN, ITALY JEPPESEN LIMC/MXP JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. RM G NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 205 ^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. MALPENSA As soon as practicable, even before but not below DER 5, 1200' 111.2 MAL These SIDs require minimum climb gradients RMG 8D, 8E, 8F of N45 38.6 E008 44.1 RMG 6C, 8D: 450' per NM (7.4%) until passing TL. At or above 1200' RMG 8E, 8F: 425' per NM (7%) until passing 3000'. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 If BLA unserviceable Transitions AOSTA 8J, 8K 450' per NM 562 749 1124 1499 1873 2248 (refer to chart 10-3T) are to be flown with RNAV equipment and under radar control. 425' per NM 532 709 1063 1418 1772 2127 If unable to comply advise ATC prior to engine 352' per NM 441 587 881 1175 1468 1762 start-up. SID RMG 6C INITIAL CLIMB/ROUTING Climb on 340^ track, as soon as practicable, even before DER , 5 but not below 1200' turn LEFT ( CAT C: 250^ track), intercept MAL R-280 to D9 MAL, turn LEFT, 2 intercept 230^ bearing to RMG. RMG 8D Climb on 340^ track, at or above 1200' turn LEFT, intercept MAL R-310 to D6 MAL, 3 turn LEFT, intercept 230^ bearing to RMG. RMG 8E Climb on 340^ track, at or above 1200' turn LEFT, intercept MAL R-320 to D6 MAL, 4 turn RIGHT, intercept SRN R-305 inbound to D8 SRN, turn RIGHT, intercept SRN R-268 to RMG. RMG 8F Climb on 340^ track, at or above 1200' turn LEFT, intercept MAL R-320 to D6 MAL, 4 turn LEFT, intercept 230^ bearing to RMG. No restriction for acft type BAE 146. 2 Acft up to class B737(except BAE 146)/A310/A320. 3 Acft up to class A310/A320/MD80 and other medium acft. 4 Acft up to class MD80, of type B757 and other heavy acft; alternatively of class A310/A320. Departure procedure when MAL unserviceable Climb on runway heading to 1450', turn LEFT to RMG according to ATC clearance. This Departure requires a minimum climb gradient of 352' per NM (5.8%) until passing TL for ATC purposes. If unable to comply advise ATC. CHANGES: None. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2004, 2005. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2004, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 075^ MAX MH280 KT L100 MHA F210 KT 7^ R075^ R05 0 A FL12 15 FL100 At or above BIELLA These SIDs require minimum climb gradients of BLA 5G 352' per NM (5.8%) until passing 3000'. BLA 5H 450' per NM (7.4%) until passing 4000', then 352' per NM (5.8%). BLA 5L 352' per NM (5.8%) until passing 2000'. 75 100 150 200 250 300 Gnd speed-KT 352' per NM 441 587 881 1175 1468 1762 450' per NM 562 749 1124 1499 1873 2248 NOT TO SCALE PROCEDURES ON TRIAL BASIS D (T) G: 39 BLAA 55H: 42 L B FL70 TL At or above or if higher 6 BLA 5L: MAX 220 KT. INITIAL CLIMB/ROUTING SID On 358^ track to MAL 4 DME, turn RIGHT, intercept SRN R-305 inbound to D8 SRN, BLA 5G turn RIGHT, intercept VOG R-355 inbound, when passing 2 4000' turn RIGHT, intercept BLA R-075 inbound to BLA. BLA 5H Climb on 358^ track, at 1300' turn RIGHT (CAT C: 070^ track), intercept MAL 3 R-040 to D5 MAL, turn RIGHT, 175^ track, when passing 4000' turn RIGHT, intercept BLA R-075 inbound to BLA. BLA 5L 2 On 358^ track to MAL 4 DME, turn LEFT, intercept BLA R-057 inbound to BLA. No restriction for acft type BAE 146. 2 Acft up to class A310/A320/MD80, of type B757 and other medium & heavy acft. 3 Acft up to class B737(except BAE 146). Departure procedure when MAL unserviceable Climb on runway heading to 1450', turn LEFT to RMG according to ATC clearance. This Departure requires a minimum climb gradient of 352' per NM (5.8%) until passing TL for ATC purposes. If unable to comply advise ATC. N44 57.9 E008 58.2 VOGHERA 115.5 VOG VOG D N45 38.6 E008 44.1 MALPENSA BLA 5H 2000' CHANGES: None. 116.1 BLA BLA N44 57.9 E008 58.2 INITIAL CLIMB/ROUTING Climb on 340^ track, at or above 1200' turn LEFT, intercept MAL R-310 to D6 MAL, turn LEFT, intercept MAL R-269 inbound to MAL, continue on SRN R-269 inbound to 2 SRN. SRN 8F Climb on 340^ track, at or above 1200' turn LEFT, intercept MAL R-320 to D6 MAL, turn RIGHT, intercept SRN R-305 inbound to SRN. 3 TELVA 7F Climb on 340^ track, at or above 1200' turn LEFT, intercept MAL R-320 to D6 MAL, turn RIGHT, intercept SRN R-305 inbound to D8 SRN, turn RIGHT, intercept VOG 3 R-356 inbound to TELVA. No restriction for acft type BAE 146. 2 Acft up to class A310/A320/MD80 and other medium acft. 3 Acft up to class MD80, of type B757 and other heavy acft; alternatively of class A310/A320. Departure procedure when MAL unserviceable Climb on runway heading to 1450', turn RIGHT to SRN according to ATC clearance. This Departure requires a minimum climb gradient of 352' per NM (5.8%) until passing TL for ATC purposes. If unable to comply advise ATC. 4000' 255^ 111.2 MAL MAL N45 42.4 E008 48.7 D5 MAL 6 C) 070^ At or above VOGHERA N45 29.7 E008 06.0 R356^ 115.5 VOG VOG D A BL FL100 NOT TO SCALE 358^ 14 5L N45 30.1 E008 55.2 At or above 300 2248 2127 1762 (CAT BLA 5H ^ TELVA SID SRN 8D CHANGES: NCRP replaced by CRP. 1 25 L FL90 ^ 237 111.2 MAL MAL At or above MALPENSA 5 D (T) N45 38.6 E008 44.1 These SIDs require minimum climb gradients of SRN 8D 450' per NM (7.4%) until passing 4500'. SRN 8F, TELVA 7F 425' per NM (7%) until passing 3000'. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 450' per NM 562 749 1124 1499 1873 425' per NM 532 709 1063 1418 1772 352' per NM 441 587 881 1175 1468 11 5G A D37 VOG At or above 4500' 4 DME 12 089^ 5000' R269^ R3 0 5^ R269^ At or above 089^ 0^ 9 14 31 176^ 3100' 1200' TELVA 7F At or above 3 D21 BLA 6 8D SR 8 N 8F SPEED CONTROL PROCEDURE MAX 250 KT below FL100 when under radar control. If unable to comply advise ATC when requesting start-up clearance. ATC removes limitations by the phrase: "NO ATC RESTRICTION ON SPEED". N 0^ 0^ 32 3 4 D6 MAL N45 42.4 E008 37.6 FL70 TL At or above 3 SR At or above or if higher B 1750' When passing NRS within 10 NM SRN 8F At or above 0^ 3000' 3000' FL100 D3 MAL At or above D 6000' R355^ 175^ 1300' At or above Turn at SRN 8D At or above 7 S 113 RN .7 N45 38.8 E009 01.4 TELVA 7F ^ BY ATC TO BE USED WHEN RMG UNSERVICEABLE EXPECT RADAR CLEARANCE TO APPROPRIATE TRANSITION ROUTE R30 5^ N45 38.8 E009 01.3 1 6000' D8 SRN N45 43.4 E008 52.0 N45 43.4 E008 52.0 N45 43.2 E008 38.6 360^ SRN 8F TELVA 7F D6 MAL SARONNO D8 SRN 4000' SRN 330 SRN SRN 113.7 SRN .SID. BLA 5G, BLA 5H, BLA 5L RWY 35R DEPARTURES within 10 NM D 8 1 25 1 6000' PROCEDURES ON TRIAL BASIS At or above 1 MSA MAL VOR FOR TRANSITIONS FROM SRN REFER TO CHART 10-3K FOR TRANSITIONS FROM TELVA REFER TO CHART 10-3L SPEED CONTROL PROCEDURE MAX 250 KT below FL100 when under radar control. If unable to comply advise ATC when requesting start-up clearance. ATC removes limitations by the phrase: "NO ATC RESTRICTION ON SPEED". 3000' 1275^ 072^ SRN 8D, SRN 8F, TELVA 7F[TELV7F] RWY 35L DEPARTURES 767' 1275^ 10-3E Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000' 1. SIDs are also minimum noise routings. Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 2. EXPECT close-in obstacles lower than 200' above DER. Apt Elev D15 BLA 1 6 JUL 07 At or above 10,000' 8000' MALPENSA MSA MAL VOR 205^ Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000' Apt Elev 1. SIDs are also minimum noise routings. Strict adherence within 767' the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 2. EXPECT close-in obstacles lower than 200' above DER. MILAN, ITALY JEPPESEN LIMC/MXP 3000' .SID. 10,000' 8000' 10-3D 3000' 6 JUL 07 At or above MALPENSA NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 072^ MILAN, ITALY JEPPESEN LIMC/MXP JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 205 ^ NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 04 JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2004, 2005. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 MILAN, ITALY JEPPESEN 10-3F 6 JUL 07 .SID. 2000' RMG 6G, 5L C) (CAT FARAK 6H RMG 8H FL90 6 Turn at At or above 4000' 1300' 111.2 MAL MAL MALPENSA N45 38.6 E008 44.1 MSA MAL VOR 1 6000' 070^ 6 within 10 NM D5 MAL N45 42.4 E008 48.7 At or above 3000' S SRRN N 6G 8H : 8 : 10 SRN 330 SRN SRN SARONNO 113.7 SRN N45 38.8 E009 01.3 N45 38.8 E009 01.4 At or above 6000' R30 5 ^ D37 VOG At or above or if higher FL70 TL TELVA N45 30.1 E008 55.2 At or above These SIDs require minimum climb gradients of SRN 6G 352' per NM (5.8%) until passing 3000'. TELVA 6G 352' per NM (5.8%) until passing TL. SRN 8H, TELVA 6H 462' per NM (7.6%) until passing 3000', then 352' per NM (5.8%). Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 352' per NM 441 587 881 1175 1468 1762 462' per NM 577 770 1154 1539 1924 2309 FL100 R356^ GEN | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2004, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. D8 SRN N45 43.4 E008 52.0 ^ SRN 8H TELVA 6H C) (CAT 3000' 5 MAL NIL MALPENSA D (T) ME 4D 111.2 MAL RMG 5L: MAX 220 KT. INITIAL CLIMB/ROUTING SID FARAK 5G On 358^ track to MAL 4 DME, turn RIGHT, intercept SRN R-305 inbound to D8 SRN, 4000' turn RIGHT, intercept SRN R-268 turn RIGHT, 176^ heading, when passing 3 towards RMG, at D21 SRN turn LEFT, intercept 158^ bearing from RMG to FARAK. FARAK 6H Climb on 358^ track, at 1300' turn RIGHT (CAT C: 070^ track), intercept MAL R-040 to D5 MAL, turn RIGHT, 176^ heading, when passing 4000' turn RIGHT, in4 tercept SRN R-268 towards RMG, at D21 SRN turn LEFT, intercept 158^ bearing from RMG to FARAK. RMG 6G On 358^ track to MAL 4 DME, turn RIGHT, intercept SRN R-305 inbound to D8 SRN, 4000' turn RIGHT, interturn RIGHT, intercept VOG R-356 inbound, when passing 3 cept SRN R-268 to RMG. RMG 8H Climb on 358^ track, at 1300' turn RIGHT (CAT C: 070^ track), intercept MAL R-040 to D5 MAL, turn RIGHT, 176^ heading, when passing 4000' turn RIGHT, in4 tercept SRN R-268 to RMG. RMG 5L 5 On 358^ track to MAL 4 DME, turn LEFT, intercept 230^ bearing to RMG. No restriction for acft type BAE 146. 3 Acft up to class A310/A320/MD80, of type B757 and other medium & heavy acft. 4 Acft up to class B737(except BAE 146). 5 Usable according to specific CAA provision only. Departure procedure when MAL unserviceable Climb on runway heading to 1450', turn LEFT to RMG according to ATC clearance. This Departure requires a minimum climb gradient of 352' per NM (5.8%) until passing TL for ATC purposes. If unable to comply advise ATC. CHANGES: NCRP replaced by CRP. SRN 8H TELVA 6H 4000' 2 1 25 2000' 1275^ 176^ 2 At or above When passing 268^ 1 072^ D 9 TELVA 6G::11 TELVA 6H 3000' GEN 8 FL90 At or above These SIDs require minimum climb gradients of FARAK 5G, RMG 6G 352' per NM (5.8%) until passing 3000'. FARAK 6H, RMG 8H N45 38.6 E008 44.1 462' per NM (7.6%) until passing 4000', then 27 9^ 352' per NM (5.8%). LIN RMG 5L 116.0 352' per NM (5.8%) until passing 2000'. PROCEDURES ON Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 TRIAL BASIS 352' per NM 441 587 881 1175 1468 1762 462' per NM 577 770 1154 1539 1924 2309 D (T) 3 8 ^ 2. D73 R3 11 At or above 113.7 SRN 358^ 58^ FARAK N45 33.3 E008 27.0 D5 MAL N45 42.4 E008 48.7 3000' 11 N45 38.8 E009 01.3 VOG V O G 1 338^ NOT TO SCALE SRN SARONNO R30 5^ FARAK 5G, 6H RMG 6G, 8H D21 SRN N45 38.1 FARAK E008 31.4 5G, 6H ^ 115.5 RMG 6G, 8H 6 D8 SRN R356^ 1300' 070^ 358^ Turn at 5 FARAK 6H RMG 8H At or above SRN 6G TELVA 6G N45 43.4 E008 52.0 10,000' 8000' SPEED CONTROL PROCEDURE MAX 250 KT below FL100 when under radar control. If unable to comply advise ATC when requesting start-up clearance. ATC removes limitations by the phrase: "NO ATC RESTRICTION ON SPEED". PROCEDURES ON TRIAL BASIS 3000' 23 .SID. FOR TRANSITIONS FROM SRN REFER TO CHART 10-3K FOR TRANSITIONS FROM TELVA REFER TO CHART 10-3L within 10 NM At or above 1 25 10-3G SRN 6G, SRN 8H TELVA 6G [TELV6G], TELVA 6H [TELV6H] RWY 35R DEPARTURES 3000' 1 6000' 17hdg6^ RMG 8H At or above E 4 DM RM 2 G 1 5L FL70 TL FARAK 5G RMG 6G 11 6 JUL 07 Trans alt: 6000' Apt Elev Trans level: By ATC 1. SIDs are also minimum noise routings. Strict adherence within 767' the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 2. EXPECT close-in obstacles lower than 200' above DER. MSA MAL VOR 21 23 0 N45 37.7 E008 24.4 ^ At or above At or above or if higher 072^ 1275^ MALPENSA If BLA unserviceable Transitions AOSTA 8J, 8K (refer to chart 10-3T) are to be flown with RNAV equipment and under radar control. If unable to comply advise ATC prior to engine start-up. 0^ RMG 1 FOR TRANSITIONS FROM FARAK REFER TO CHARTS 10-3N, 10-3P & 10-3Q FOR TRANSITIONS FROM RMG REFER TO CHARTS 10-3S & 10-3T ROMAGNANO 337 RMG 10,000' 8000' FARAK 5G [FARA5G], FARAK 6H [FARA6H] RMG 6G, RMG 8H, RMG 5L RWY 35R DEPARTURES 04 SPEED CONTROL PROCEDURE MAX 250 KT below FL100 when under radar control. If unable to comply advise ATC when requesting start-up clearance. ATC removes limitations by the phrase: "NO ATC RESTRICTION ON SPEED". 205 ^ Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000' Apt Elev 1. SIDs are also minimum noise routings. Strict adherence within 767' the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 2. EXPECT close-in obstacles lower than 200' above DER. MILAN, ITALY JEPPESEN LIMC/MXP 0^ MALPENSA NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 04 LIMC/MXP JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 205 ^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOT TO SCALE 115.5 VOG VOG D VOGHERA N44 57.9 E008 58.2 INITIAL CLIMB/ROUTING On 358^ track to MAL 4 DME, turn RIGHT, intercept SRN R-305 inbound to SRN. Climb on 358^ track, at 1300', turn RIGHT (CAT C: 070^ track), intercept MAL 3 R-040 to D5 MAL, turn RIGHT, intercept SRN R-305 inbound to SRN. TELVA 6G On 358^ track to MAL 4 DME, turn RIGHT, intercept SRN R-305 inbound to D8 SRN, 2 turn RIGHT, intercept VOG R-356 inbound to TELVA. TELVA 6H Climb on 358^ track, at 1300', turn RIGHT (CAT C: 070^ track), intercept MAL 3 R-040 to D5 MAL, turn RIGHT, intercept VOG R-356 inbound to TELVA. No restriction for acft type BAE 146. 2 Acft up to class A310/A320/MD80, of type B757 and other medium & heavy acft. 3 Acft up to class B737(except BAE 146). Departure procedure when MAL unserviceable Climb on runway heading to 1450', turn RIGHT to SRN according to ATC clearance. This Departure requires a minimum climb gradient of 352' per NM (5.8%) until passing TL for ATC purposes. If unable to comply advise ATC. SID SRN 6G 2 SRN 8H CHANGES: NCRP replaced by CRP. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2004, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 .SID. At or above 4000' | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2004, 2005. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. MAL N45 38.5 E008 53.9 N45 38.8 E009 01.3 At or above 6000' MALPENSA 111.2 MAL N45 38.6 E008 44.1 At or above 3000' 268^ 21 RMG 6V 364 MAL MAL MALPENSA Turn when leaving 1500' 1 RM 9 By G 6 AT V R21 8^ INITIAL CLIMB/ROUTING Towards MAL Lctr, when leaving 1800' turn RIGHT, intercept BLA R-083 inbound (263^ bearing from MAL) to BLA. BLA 5Y On MAL R-170 via MAL Lctr to D7 MAL, turn LEFT, intercept SRN R-218 inbound to D6 SRN, turn LEFT to MAL VORDME, turn LEFT, intercept BLA R-071 inbound to BLA. 2 SID subject to traffic in Cameri ATZ. MA 075^ FL120 T MHA 280 K 00 FL1 KT A H M X 210 R083^ D (T) TL N45 32.7 E008 45.4 C 294^ RMG 6Y, SRN 6V NOT TO SCALE SARONNO N45 38.8 E009 01.4 At or above or if higher SID BLA 5V 2 75 100 150 200 250 300 562 749 1124 1499 1873 2248 380 506 760 1013 1266 1519 BLA 5V 255^ ^ R071 FL100 At or above BIELLA BLA N45 29.7 E008 06.0 116.1 BLA D 1 6000' within 10 NM NOT TO SCALE 31 These SIDs require minimum climb gradients of BLA 5V: 450' per NM (7.4%) until passing TL. BLA 5Y: 304' per NM (5%) until passing 1500'. Gnd speed-KT 450' per NM 304' per NM 2000' At or above D7 MAL N45 31.7 E008 45.8 263^ 1800' 28 Turn when leaving BLA 5V 1 SRN 330 SRN SRN 113.7 SRN Turn when passing but not before & not further than 2000' MAL Lctr ^ 233 E 8 DM MA L 356^ MSA MAL VOR within 10 NM ROMAGNANO FL70 3000' 1 6000' 16 PROCEDURES ON TRIAL BASIS 337 RMG RMG 1275^ MSA MAL VOR D RMG 6Y 3000' FOR TRANSITIONS FROM NOV REFER TO CHART 10-3M FOR TRANSITIONS FROM RMG REFER TO CHARTS 10-3S & 10-3T FOR TRANSITIONS FROM SRN REFER TO CHART 10-3K 7 072^ 1 072^ SR 18 N6 V D6 SRN N45 32.7 E008 45.4 MALPENSA 364 MAL MAL 270^ 12 R090^ 251^ 111.2 MAL MAL ^ N45 38.6 E008 44.1 038 MALPENSA 10,000' 8000' NOV 6V, RMG 6V, RMG 6Y, SRN 6V RWYS 17L/R DEPARTURES V NOV 6 1275^ .SID. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000' SIDs are also minimum noise routings. Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 767' BY ATC TO BE USED WHEN RMG UNSERVICEABLE EXPECT RADAR CLEARANCE TO APPROPRIATE TRANSITION ROUTE 170^ 205 ^ CHANGES: BLA SIDs established; TRANS transf; chart redrawn. .Eff.7.Jul. 168^ 1 10-3J 4 10,000' 8000' 1 JUL 05 N45 37.7 E008 24.4 4 170^ MALPENSA Apt Elev MILAN, ITALY JEPPESEN LIMC/MXP BLA 5V, BLA 5Y RWYS 17L/R DEPARTURES BL 10 A5 Y D (T) N45 34.1 E008 56.1 N45 38.8 E009 01.4 113.7 SRN SRN R21 8^ SARONNO .Eff.7.Jul. Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000' SIDs are also minimum noise routings. Strict adherence within the limits of aircraft performance is mandatory. 767' D 10-3H 1 JUL 05 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 038 ^ Apt Elev MILAN, ITALY JEPPESEN LIMC/MXP MALPENSA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 205 ^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. MAL 8 DME SRN R-233 or These SIDs require minimum climb gradients of NOV 6V, RMG 6Y, SRN 6V 304' per NM (5%) until passing 1500'. RMG 6V 450' per NM (7.4%) until passing TL. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 304' per NM 380 506 760 1013 1266 1519 450' per NM 562 749 1124 1499 1873 2248 SID NOV 6V RMG 6V BY ATC 23 RMG 6Y 292 NOV NOV NOVARA N45 25.4 E008 47.6 At or above 3000' 115.5 VOG VOG D VOGHERA N44 57.9 E008 58.2 INITIAL CLIMB/ROUTING To MAL Lctr, 168^ bearing to NOV. Towards MAL Lctr, when leaving 1500' turn RIGHT, intercept 294^ bearing to RMG. Via MAL Lctr towards NOV, when passing 2000' turn LEFT, but not before MAL Lctr and not further than MAL 8 DME or SRN R-233, intercept VOG R-356, intercept SRN R-268 to RMG. SRN 6V Via MAL Lctr towards NOV, when passing 2000' turn LEFT, but not before MAL Lctr and not further than MAL 8 DME or SRN R-233, intercept SRN R-218 inbound to SRN. 2 SID subject to traffic in Cameri ATZ. 3 If BLA unserviceable Transitions AOSTA 8J, 8K (refer to chart 10-3T) are to be flown with RNAV equipment and under radar control. If unable to comply advise ATC prior to engine start-up. 3 CHANGES: Chart reindexed. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2004, 2005. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 .TRANSITION. .Eff.5.Jul. Trans alt: 6000' 205 ^ Trans level: By ATC 10,000' 8000' 1 ABESI 7Q [ABE7Q], CANNE 7Q [CAN7Q] OSKOR 9Q [OSK9Q], PAR 8Q VAKON 7Q [VAK7Q] TRANSITIONS 072^ MALPENSA Apt Elev 767' 3000' At or above D41 D (T) D1 6 311 25 N45 38.6 E009 50.5 At or above FL95 12 9 N45 39.0 E010 07.0 21 R2 39 N45 11.2 E009 44.2 PARMA N44 49.3 E010 17.6 FL110 46 PI KAR VOGHERA N44 57.9 E008 58.2 N44 57.8 E008 58.3 306 PAR PAR PARMA 8J 115.5 VOG VOG 333.5 VOG VOG D 32 9J At or above SPEED CONTROL PROCEDURE MAX 250 KT below FL100 when under radar control. If unable to comply advise ATC when requesting start-up clearance. ATC removes limitations by the phrase: "NO ATC RESTRICTION ON SPEED". 306 PAR PAR B 4) VAKON FL90 NOT TO SCALE 16 12 .8 N1GEGEN 04 9^ N44 49.3 E010 17.6 ROUTING Proceed to BERGA, turn LEFT, intercept ORI R-311 via ADARI to NIKMO, turn RIGHT, intercept TZO R-331 to ABESI. Proceed to BERGA, turn LEFT, intercept ORI R-311 via ADARI and NIKMO to CANNE. Proceed via ORI Lctr to OSKOR. Proceed to PAR. Proceed via TZO to VAKON. CHANGES: VAKON transition established. PIKOT 9 proceeding via airway At or above OSKOR 9Q PAR 8Q VAKON 7Q N45 13.6 E009 32.5 N45 28.7 E010 00.0 N45 33.5 E009 30.6 CANNE 7Q R9 J 105^ R356^ P A 57 R 8Q 400.5 COD COD R PA 111.8 TZO TZO 345 TZO TZO N45 33.6 E009 30.4 proceeding via airway 2^ 13 156^ D FL125 (FL110 if CODOGNO I 8 31 J, PA FL125 (FL110 if TREZZO At or above B 4) At or above 113.7 SRN N45 38.8 E009 01.3 OSKOR 32 OSKOR 102^ B4 088^ 15 N45 39.0 E010 07.0 11 B4 088^ SARONNO N45 38.8 E009 01.4 KA RP ^ OSKOR 9Q R023^ 12 070^ LINATE 099^ 15 122 OSKORR279^ 8J ^ VOG 9J SRN 330 SRN SRN 18 ABESI 7Q CANNE 7Q OSKOR 9Q 089^ 13103^VA 21 2^ KO 7Q N ORI N45 30.1 E008 55.2 376.5 ORI N45 40.2 E009 42.4 FL125 LIN 116.0 LIN TELVA ORIO AL SERIO 112.6 ORI 176^ N45 38.6 E008 44.1 ORI ORIO AL SERIO D (T) At or above 376.5 ORI N45 38.6 E009 50.5 N45 27.7 E009 16.5 ^ 111.2 MAL MAL 111.8 TZO TZO 345 TZO TZO N45 33.5 E009 30.6 At or above 331 ABESI 7Q CANNE 7Q ORI ORIO AL SERIO TREZZO N45 33.6 E009 30.4 N45 50.7 E009 25.2 14 BERGA TRANSITION ABESI 7Q D FL140 N45 38.9 E009 37.2 1 6000' 9^ 11 7Q depending on Zurich QNH D MALPENSA N45 38.6 E008 44.1 I ES AB FL140/FL150 D (T) 111.2 MAL MAL ADARI N45 59.6 E009 10.4 3000' within 10 NM NOT TO SCALE NIKMO 1275^ MSA MAL VOR FROM TELVA D (T) depending on Zurich QNH At or above 1 072^ within 10 NM FL140/FL150 MALPENSA Trans alt: 6000' KARPI 8J [KAR8J], OSKOR 8J [OSK8J] PAR 9J, VOG 9J TRANSITIONS N46 09.6 E009 02.6 CA 1 NN 6 E 7Q N46 10.0 E008 52.9 Trans level: By ATC .TRANSITION. .Eff.5.Jul. 1 6000' ABESI CANNE 10-3L 29 JUN 07 10,000' 8000' 1275^ MSA MAL VOR FROM SRN D4 6 MILAN, ITALY JEPPESEN LIMC/MXP 05 767' 10-3K 29 JUN 07 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 ^ MALPENSA Apt Elev MILAN, ITALY JEPPESEN LIMC/MXP JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 205 ^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2004, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SPEED CONTROL PROCEDURE MAX 250 KT below FL100 when under radar control. If unable to comply advise ATC when requesting start-up clearance. ATC removes limitations by the phrase: "NO ATC RESTRICTION ON SPEED". TRANSITION KARPI 8J OSKOR 8J PAR 9J VOG 9J CHANGES: None. KARPI N44 29.1 E010 09.8 At or above FL195 ROUTING Intercept 122^ bearing to COD, then to PIKOT, then to KARPI. Intercept LIN R-279 inbound to LIN, turn LEFT to TZO, then to ORI Lctr, then to OSKOR. Intercept 122^ bearing to COD, then to PIKOT, then to PAR. Intercept VOG R-356 inbound to VOG. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2004, 2005. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 Trans level: By ATC 10-3M .TRANSITION. Trans alt: 6000' 205 ^ 10,000' 8000' 1 072^ KARPI 8Z [KAR8Z], LESAN 7Z [LES7Z] PAR 9Z, VOG 8Z TRANSITIONS 111.2 MAL MAL 767' 10-3N 6 JUL 07 Trans level: By ATC 10,000' 8000' 1275^ within 10 NM ABESI At or above N46 09.6 E009 02.6 At or above D4 6 FL140/FL150 depending on Zurich QNH FL140/FL150 I ES 7U N45 25.5 E008 47.6 NIKMO COD CODOGNO N45 59.6 E009 10.4 400.5 COD 111^ depending on Zurich QNH 11 AB CA 1 NN 6 E 7U D41 NOV ADARI N45 50.7 E009 25.2 At or above I 8Z 34 , PA R9 Z PIKOT 9 ^ 17 I 132 ^ KA8RZP 156 8Z 16 39 R345^ LESAN 7Z VOGHERA At or above N44 57.9 E008 58.2 ^ 306 PAR PAR PARMA At or above FL90 FL90 111.2 MAL MAL MALPENSA N45 38.6 E008 44.1 N45 30.1 E008 55.2 At or above FARAK N45 33.3 E008 27.0 099^ FL100 20 A BE S CANNEI 7U 7U 11 R279^ GEN TRANSITION KARPI 8Z LESAN 7Z PAR 9Z VOG 8Z Proceed Proceed Proceed Proceed to to to to CHANGES: NCRPs replaced by CRPs. 111.8 TZO TZO 345 TZO TZO TREZZO N45 33.6 E009 30.4 D (T) LIN LINATE 116.0 LIN N45 33.5 E009 30.6 N45 27.7 E009 16.5 GENOA 112.8 GEN N44 25.5 E009 04.9 ^ ^ D FL195 D 9 R23 ^ 059 15 At or above FL110 31 1 BERGA N45 38.9 E009 37.2 TELVA KARPI At or above 112.6 ORI N45 40.2 E009 42.4 18 N44 29.1 E010 09.8 N44 46.5 E008 48.7 ORI ORIO AL SERIO D (T) FL125 N44 49.3 E010 17.6 LESAN D1 6 At or above 29 N44 57.8 E008 58.3 9 04 At or above D (T) 16 9Z FL90 FL140 R PA 115.5 VOG VOG 333.5 VOG VOG D At or above 14 N45 11.2 E009 44.2 105^ 29 VOG SPEED CONTROL PROCEDURE MAX 250 KT below FL100 when under radar control. If unable to comply advise ATC when requesting start-up clearance. ATC removes limitations by the phrase: "NO ATC RESTRICTION ON SPEED". 5000' ^ 331 165^ 179^ N45 13.6 E009 32.5 KAR P 3000' 1 6000' within 10 NM SPEED CONTROL PROCEDURE MAX 250 KT below FL100 when under radar control. If unable to comply advise ATC when requesting start-up clearance. ATC removes limitations by the phrase: "NO ATC RESTRICTION ON SPEED". 1275^ MSA MAL VOR 1 6000' CANNE NOVARA 072^ FROM FARAK TO NORTH N46 10.0 E008 52.9 292 NOV 1 ABESI 7U [ABE7U], CANNE 7U [CAN7U] TRANSITIONS 3000' MALPENSA N45 38.6 E008 44.1 .TRANSITION. Trans alt: 6000' MSA MAL VOR FROM NOV RWYS 17L/R ONLY D (T) MALPENSA Apt Elev MILAN, ITALY JEPPESEN LIMC/MXP 04 7 1^ 767' 6 JUL 07 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 D MALPENSA Apt Elev MILAN, ITALY JEPPESEN LIMC/MXP JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 205 ^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE ROUTING COD, then to PIKOT, then to KARPI. LESAN. COD, then to PIKOT, then to PAR. VOG. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2004, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. TRANSITION ABESI 7U CANNE 7U ROUTING Intercept LIN R-279 inbound via TELVA to LIN, turn LEFT, LIN R-059 to TZO, TZO R-041 to BERGA, turn LEFT, intercept ORI R-311 via ADARI to NIKMO, turn RIGHT, intercept TZO R-331 to ABESI. Intercept LIN R-279 inbound via TELVA to LIN, turn LEFT, LIN R-059 to TZO, TZO R-041 to BERGA, turn LEFT, intercept ORI R-311 via ADARI and NIKMO to CANNE. CHANGES: NCRPs replaced by CRPs. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2004, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 1 LAGEN 8U [LAG8U], NEDED 7U [NED7U], TOP 8U TRANSITIONS 3000' 1 6000' within 10 NM 9U At or above FARAK FL195 N45 33.3 E008 27.0 199^ 114.5 TOP TOP 392.5 TOP TOP 111.2 MAL MAL MALPENSA N45 38.6 E008 44.1 TORINO N44 55.5 E007 51.7 N44 55.5 E007 51.6 At or above ENROUTE FL TRANSITION ROUTING Proceed to NOV, 119^ bearing, intercept TZO R-156 to KARPI. KARPI 9U OSKOR 8U Intercept LIN R-279 inbound via TELVA to LIN, turn LEFT to TZO, then to ORI Lctr, then to OSKOR. PAR 9U Proceed to NOV, then to PAR. VAKON 7U Proceed via TELVA to LIN, then to VAKON. NOT TO SCALE D (T) 28 KARPI RP N44 29.1 E010 09.8 KA N45 00.2 E009 50.9 PAR22 34 9U I SPEED CONTROL PROCEDURE MAX 250 KT below FL100 when under radar control. If unable to comply advise ATC when requesting start-up clearance. ATC removes limitations by the phrase: "NO ATC RESTRICTION ON SPEED". FL100 At or above 292 NOV NOV N45 25.5 E008 47.6 NOVARA 119^ KAR PARPI 9U 9U 17 099^ 118^ 1275^ MSA MAL VOR SPEED CONTROL PROCEDURE MAX 250 KT below FL100 when under radar control. If unable to comply advise ATC when requesting start-up clearance. ATC removes limitations by the phrase: "NO ATC RESTRICTION ON SPEED". | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2005, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 23 5 according to next awy segment 19 8U ^ 189^ N44 49.3 E010 17.6 PARMA N45 27.7 E009 16.5 51 LINATE LIN 116.0 LIN D (T) 31 087^ R279^ OSKOR 8U VAKON 7U 20 FARAK N45 33.3 E008 27.0 072^ FROM FARAK TO SOUTH D 15 FL100 At or above N45 30.1 E008 55.2 TELVA N45 38.6 E008 44.1 Trans alt: 6000' TONDA N45 06.6 E008 13.8 P TO R0 55^ NOT TO SCALE N 8U 111.2 MAL MAL .TRANSITION. .Eff.5.Jul. 45 CHANGES: VAKON transition established. 10-3Q 10,000' 8000' 306 PAR PAR FL110 At or above VAKON N45 28.7 E010 00.0 B 4) proceeding via airway FL125 (FL110 if At or above N45 39.0 E010 07.0 OSKOR 070^ ^ 39 R2 U 1 8 1 ^ KOR 9 05 O S VAKON 7U 12 088^ N45 33.5 E009 30.6 TZO 345 TZO TZO N45 33.6 E009 30.4 111.8 TZO D Trans level: By ATC 767' ^ 156 15 N45 38.6 E009 50.5 ORI 376.5 ORI Trans alt: 6000' 29 JUN 07 FROM FARAK TO EAST B4 1 6000' TREZZO MALPENSA Apt Elev MILAN, ITALY JEPPESEN LIMC/MXP LAGE MALPENSA .TRANSITION. .Eff.5.Jul. 165^ D (T) 10-3P KARPI 9U [KAR9U], OSKOR 8U [OSK8U] PAR 9U, VAKON 7U [VAK7U] TRANSITIONS MSA MAL VOR 1275^ 1 205 ^ within 10 NM 072^ 10,000' 8000' 3000' Trans level: By ATC 767' ORIO AL SERIO 29 JUN 07 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 25 NEDED 7U MALPENSA Apt Elev MILAN, ITALY JEPPESEN LIMC/MXP JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 205 ^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NEDED N44 41.6 E008 08.4 LAGEN At or above N44 23.7 E008 29.9 FL200 At or above FL110 TRANSITION LAGEN 8U NEDED 7U TOP 8U CHANGES: None. ROUTING Proceed to TONDA, then to LAGEN. Proceed to TONDA, then to NEDED. Proceed to TONDA, then to TOP. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2005. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 .TRANSITION. Trans alt: 6000' 10,000' 8000' 1 ABESI 7J [ABE7J], CANNE 7J [CAN7J] TRANSITIONS 072^ FROM RMG TO NORTHEAST BY ATC MALPENSA Apt Elev 1275^ MSA MAL VOR within 10 NM Trans alt: 6000' 10,000' 8000' AOSTA N45 47.8 E007 20.8 350 BLA BLA 337 RMG RMG D ABESI N46 09.6 E009 02.6 At or above At or above BLA (116.1) BLA AOSTA 8K N45 29.7 E008 06.0 At or above N45 37.7 E008 24.4 FL100 42 FL140/FL150 AO 10 ST A8 D20 BLA J depending on Zurich QNH 10 At or above 10 FL160 302 At or above 17 NOT TO SCALE 8K 340^ A ST AO 6 D (T) D2 D6 BLA AOSTA 8J 5 At or above FL100 N45 17.9 E007 48.1 CASELLE N45 13.2 E007 39.0 D TORINO When passing but not further than 235 FL150 D17 BLA 19 5^ R0 5 P TO 031 111.2 MAL MAL MALPENSA N45 38.6 E008 44.1 N44 55.5 E007 51.6 At or above ENROUTE FL according to next awy segment NEDED N44 41.6 E008 08.4 At or above NOT TO SCALE FL200 ROMAGNANO LAGEN 2 If BLA unserviceable Transitions are to be flown with RNAV equipment and under radar control. If unable to comply advise ATC prior to engine start-up. N45 37.7 E008 24.4 When passing FL135 CHANGES: None. ^ N 7J D (T) N45 38.6 E008 44.1 45 ^ N44 55.5 E007 51.7 337 RMG RMG CANNE 7J 7J MALPENSA SPEED CONTROL PROCEDURE MAX 250 KT below FL100 when under radar control. TONDA If unable to comply adN45 06.6 vise ATC when requesting E008 13.8 start-up clearance. ATC removes limitations by the phrase: "NO ATC RESTRICTION ON SPEED". LAGE 116.75 CSL CSL 114.5 TOP TOP 392.5 TOP TOP D 189^ E 25 NEDED 7J AB 111.2 MAL MAL 165^ CA 38 NN E 7J D17 BLA D8 CSL 42 I 7J S ^ ^ ^ 230 FL140 230 193^ N46 10.0 E008 52.9 ROMAGNANO FL120 DME BIELLA D10 BLA TRANSITION ABESI 7J 6000' within 10 NM AOSTA 8J depending on Zurich QNH ^ 230 MSA MAL VOR 1 At or above FL140/FL150 25 3000' N45 27.7 E008 07.4 depending on Geneva QNH CANNE ^ 039 1275^ BIELLA FL180/FL190 18 MAX 280 KT, Bank 15^ MAX 315 KT, Bank 20^ 1 072^ FROM RMG TO SOUTH & WEST At or above SPEED CONTROL PROCEDURE MAX 250 KT below FL100 when under radar control. If unable to comply advise ATC when requesting start-up clearance. ATC removes limitations by the phrase: "NO ATC RESTRICTION ON SPEED". .TRANSITION. AOSTA 8J [AOS8J], AOSTA 8K [AOS8K] LAGEN 7J [LAG7J], NEDED 7J [NED7J], TOP 7J TRANSITIONS 3000' 1 6000' 10-3T 6 JUL 07 Trans level: By ATC 767' MILAN, ITALY JEPPESEN LIMC/MXP 32 Trans level: By ATC 10-3S 205 ^ 767' 6 JUL 07 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 L AG NEDEEDN 7J TOP 7J7J MALPENSA Apt Elev MILAN, ITALY JEPPESEN LIMC/MXP JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 205 ^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. ROUTING FL135 turn RIGHT to RMG, 039^ bearOn 230^ bearing from RMG, when passing ing to ABESI. On 230^ bearing from RMG, when passing FL135 turn RIGHT to RMG, 031^ bearing to CANNE. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2005. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. TRANSITION AOSTA 8J 2 AOSTA 8K 2 LAGEN 7J NEDED 7J TOP 7J N44 23.7 E008 29.9 At or above FL110 ROUTING Proceed to BLA NDB, then to AOSTA. Climb on 230^ bearing via BLA NDB until passing FL150, but not further than D17 BLA, turn RIGHT, intercept CSL R-340 to AOSTA. Proceed to TONDA, then to LAGEN. Proceed to TONDA, then to NEDED. Proceed to TONDA, then to TOP. CHANGES: NCRPs replaced CRPs; INS coordinates. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2005, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 LIMC/MXP Apt Elev 767' MILAN, ITALY JEPPESEN 17 AUG 07 N45 37.8 E008 43.4 ATIS Departure *MALPENSA Delivery 121.62 120.9 West 121.9 10-9 .Eff.30.Aug. MALPENSA Ground North 0600-1200 2200-0600 1400-2000 121.82 08-42 08-43 08-44 Trees up to 11679^L 871' 901' TERMINAL 2 45-39 882' C 845' Trees up to VIZZOLA TICINO 45-38 C B W6 V Z 121.9 H3 W8 H2 H1 FOR PARKING POSITIONS SEE 10-9E GE3 Elev 688' 33459^L 45-37 GE2 GE GW GW1 Elev 691' CA1 GE1 WB JW Z1 K8 Ground CA CA2 W7 K7 C4 A Y2 West 746' W Y K 760' C A Y AIS + MET Trees up to FE CF2 809' 3920m Y1 K K6 976' C3 W5 F Control Tower CB CF CF1 K5 Take-off posn A Trees up to .JAR-OPS. 2 33459^R 799' Approved Operators HIRL, CL & mult. RVR req For AIRPORT BRIEFING refer to 10-1P pages Meters 0 1000 2000 500 3000 4000 1000 CHANGES: Taxiways. 5000 1500 45-36 A B C D Trees up to 804' 45-36 08-42 08-43 12,861' (3920m) 11,532' (3515m) 8366' (2550m) 20m W4 12,861' W Take-off posn B Feet 0 RWY 35L: From rwy head posn A posn B 12,861'39 C ARP W3 K4 During de-icing ops Westside area of Twy GW included into West Apron. 197' 60m B GRASS DM DB 819' 45-37 5 45-38 L K3 TERMINAL 1 Landing will be granted on specific request. PAPI (3.0^), HST-L TAKE-OFF RUN AVAILABLE RWY 17R: From rwy head 12,861' (3920m) posn A 9859' (3005m) RVR 11,532' 3515m 10,505' 3202m D W2 878' FOR PARKING POSITIONS SEE 10-9C 4 C2 DE DA 827' 822' 850' HIRL (60m) CL (15m) HIALS-II SFL TDZ E Take-off posn A W1 K2 Trees up to RVR HIRL (60m) CL (15m) PAPI (3.0^) EM W0 851' K1 886' 197' 60m 11,857' 3614m Take-off posn A A BA W10 851' 850' RVR 896' C1 EW W 865' 1 WIDTH 2 Trees up to VOR AB W 840' 3 4 5 MALPENSA TAKE-OFF RUN AVAILABLE RWY 17L: From rwy head 12,861' (3920m) posn A 9744' (2970m) 335L 843' GS 856' 45-39 BE BW GA 881' AA .Eff.30.Aug. PAPI (3.0^), HST-D 17R 892' C Elev 764' 865' Elev 767' 11679^R Trees up to VAR 0^ FOR PARKING POSITIONS SEE 10-9F 10-9A ADDITIONAL RUNWAY INFORMATION USABLE LENGTHS LANDING BEYOND Glide Slope Threshold TAKE-OFF RVR 9767' 2977m 8716' 2656m HIRL (60m) CL (15m) HIALS PAPI (3.0^) RWY 17L 1 2 MILAN, ITALY JEPPESEN 17 AUG 07 35R HIRL (60m) CL (15m) HIALS-II SFL TDZ 915' 868' 121.82 121.9 126.3 Trees up to Trees up to North Ground 0600-1200 2200-0600 1400-2000 LIMC/MXP MILAN Departure (R) North sector *South sector 119.0 128.35 126.75 121.9 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 MALPENSA MALPENSA Tower Rwy Rwy 17L/35R 17R/35L JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 08-44 | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1999, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 1 All Rwys TAKE-OFF LVP must be in Force RL, CL & mult. RVR req RL & CL RCLM (DAY only) or RL 125m 150m 200m 250m 150m 200m 250m 300m RCLM (DAY only) or RL NIL (DAY only) 400m 500m 1 Operators applying U.S. Ops Specs: CL required below 300m; approved guidance system required below 150m. 2 With approved guidance system: Rwys 35L/35R ABCD 75m. CHANGES: Usable lengths. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1999, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 LIMC/MXP MILAN, ITALY JEPPESEN MALPENSA 10-9B 5 OCT 07 RVR 550m or Less *MALPENSA Delivery 121.62 120.9 121.9 121.82 MALPENSA Tower Rwy Rwy 17L/35R 17R/35L 08-42.7 AA BE GE3 HOLDING POSITION INTERMEDIATE HOLDING POSITION CAT II/III HOLDING POSITION CAUTION: NO ENTRY GENERAL AVIATION 45-38 320 318 45-37.9 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION SEE 10-1P PAGES EM EW C Q14 45-37.8 413 412411 452 L 453 Q12 Y 408 409 410 455 Q11 456 457 458 459 ARP R C2 DA K L K K4 506 507 TERMINAL T1 CF Y Y C3 Y Q6 W3 K3 559 651 606 601 Y 608 613 W6 K6 610 612 611 W K 654 604 602 652 653 Q4 605 45-37.5 C K 556 45-37.6 S FE Y1 W 557 558 F AIS + MET 555 Q7 Q5 CF2 W5 Control Tower 655 Q3 609 656 45-37.5 K4 W4 657 658 659 C4 45-37.4 V W T CA W7 GE1 K7 Z J K8 WB W Y 401 Parking stand 625 Taxiway 624 623 622 GW 663 621 F U 45-37.3 K GE3 H1 W5 GE Z1 GW1 W K K5 LEGEND Y GE W8 661 Q2 Q1 Q6 Start-up posn for push-back Y2 45-37.4 T CA Y K CHANGES: None. 45-37.6 45-37.7 K 554 508 509 510 512 513 511 CB CF1 K5 504 Q8 505 552 553 S L W4 TERMINAL 1 5R W 503 501 17L/3 W3 5 17R/3 Y RWY K3 C ARP DB Y 502 RW Y D DM W2 551 45-37.7 W1 K2 Q10 Q9 DE K1 DB R W Y W2 K2 E W0 W K 454 406 401 DE DA 451 405 404 402 DIRECTIONAL LOW VISIBILITY TAXI ROUTE A BA W10 351 Q13 RWY GUARD LIGHTS C1 45-38 W1 K1 354 352 355 P 358 357 P RED LIGHTS GS W 359 360 362 365 363 W 303 301 353 356 361 W0 Q17 Q16 364 N 305 N Q15 08-43.2 302 304 308 306 310 315 313 311 316 YELLOW LIGHTS AB 307 309 312 314 317 319 MALPENSA 08-43.1 08-43 126.3 C3 10-9C 08-42.8 LEGEND CENTERLINE LIGHTS TAXIWAY AND APRON LOW VISIBILITY TAXI ROUTE MILAN, ITALY JEPPESEN 5 OCT 07 MILAN Departure (R) North sector *South sector 119.0 128.35 126.75 121.9 TERMINAL 2 BW LIMC/MXP LOW VISIBILITY TAXI ROUTES MALPENSA Ground North 0600-1200 2200-0600 1400-2000 West NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 5L 17R/3 RWY ATIS Departure JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. GW 08-42.7 | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2003, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CHANGES: Stands. 08-42.8 08-42.9 08-43 W Y 08-43.1 08-43.2 08-43.3 | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1999, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 LIMC/MXP JEPPESEN 5 OCT 07 10-9D MILAN, ITALY MALPENSA STAND No. COORDINATES N45 N45 N45 N45 N45 38.1 38.1 38.1 38.1 38.0 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 43.0 42.9 42.8 42.7 42.7 351 thru 355 356 thru 359 360 thru 365 401 402 thru 406 N45 N45 N45 N45 N45 38.0 38.0 38.0 37.9 37.9 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 43.0 42.9 42.8 42.8 42.9 408 409 410 thru 413 451 452 thru 454 N45 N45 N45 N45 N45 37.9 37.8 37.8 37.9 37.9 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 43.0 43.0 42.9 43.0 43.1 455 thru 459 501 thru 503 504 thru 508 509, 510 511 thru 513 N45 N45 N45 N45 N45 37.8 37.7 37.7 37.6 37.6 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 43.1 42.9 43.0 43.0 42.9 551 thru 554 555 556 557, 558 559 N45 N45 N45 N45 N45 37.7 37.6 37.6 37.6 37.6 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 43.1 43.1 43.2 43.1 43.2 STAND No. 601 602 thru 606 608, 609 610 thru 612 613 621, 622 623 thru 625 651 652 thru 657 658 thru 663 LIMC/MXP N45 N45 N45 N45 N45 37.5 37.5 37.5 37.4 37.4 37.3 37.3 37.5 37.5 37.4 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 42.9 43.0 43.1 43.0 42.9 43.1 43.0 43.1 43.2 43.2 08-43.1 08-43 COORDINATES N45 N45 N45 N45 N45 MILAN, ITALY JEPPESEN 10-9E 5 OCT 07 Y 08-43.2 701 702 703 08-43.6 08-43.7 45-37.3 U 751 Q18 704 705 752 W 753 754A 754B 755A Y1 755B 706 45-37.2 MALPENSA 08-43.4 707 Q19 708 5L 1 7 R /3 RWY 301 thru 305 306 thru 312 313 thru 318 319 320 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 08-42.9 45-37.3 INS COORDINATES JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. K W6 K6 45-37.2 756A 756B Y 709 V 45-37.1 45-37.1 757A 757B 710 758A 758B 759A 759B 711 Q20 712 45-37 713 Y 714 Q21 715 45-36.9 760A 760B K 791A 761A 791B 761B 762 Y2 W7 K7 Q22 45-36.8 45-36.9 WB 793 Z Z K 717 45-37 792 763 764 716 W J Y 45-36.8 718 Z1 45-36.7 751 Q18 W GW1 H3 LEGEND Parking stand W GW H 45-36.7 H2 Start-up posn for push-back GE GW H1 Taxiway H 45-36.6 08-42.9 W8 K8 08-43 08-43.1 08-43.2 08-43.3 08-43.4 45-36.6 08-43.5 08-43.6 08-43.7 INS COORDINATES STAND No. CHANGES: Stands. Coordinates. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. COORDINATES 701 thru 703 704 thru 707 708 thru 710 711 712, 713 N45 N45 N45 N45 N45 37.3 37.2 37.1 37.0 37.0 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 43.1 43.1 43.1 43.1 43.2 714 thru 716 717, 718 751, 752 753 thru 755B 756A thru 757B N45 N45 N45 N45 N45 36.9 36.8 37.3 37.2 37.1 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 43.2 43.2 43.3 43.3 43.3 CHANGES: None. STAND No. 758A thru 761B 762 thru 764 791A, 791B 792, 793 COORDINATES N45 N45 N45 N45 37.0 36.9 37.0 36.9 E008 E008 E008 E008 43.3 43.4 43.3 43.4 | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2001, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 LIMC/MXP 08-43.1 MILAN, ITALY JEPPESEN 21 SEP 07 08-43.2 08-43.3 10-9F 08-43.4 MALPENSA 08-43.6 08-43.5 08-43.7 08-43.8 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 LIMC/MXP 45-39 AB Taxiway Q4 Start-up position A. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION CARGO TERMINAL The docking system consists of a display unit in front of parking position and a number of sensors in the apron surface. On the display the left-hand pilot gets the correct alignment AA 45-38.9 45-38.9 Q7 102 118 117 104 105 115 Q1 114 113 45-38.7 Q6 a. b. c. d. e. Display indicating: Aircraft type. OK. TOO FAR. STOP SHORT. Display for STOP command. Two pairs of red lights = STOP position reached. Pair of green lights indicating the stop position reference. Pair of yellow lights indicating the aircraft is 10' (3m) before the STOP position. f. 11 pairs of green closing-rate information lights. g. Aircraft symbol h. Centerline bar i. Pair of green lights = permission to enter Gate . 5R 17L/3 116 45-38.8 RWY 103 45-38.8 B as well as the closing-rate and stop information. 101 TERMINAL 2 119 A 108 106 111 110 109 107 112 45-38.7 BE BW M B Q4 M Q3 213 212 227 211 210 209 226 225 224 223 222 221 Q2 45-38.6 RWY B AB 45-38.6 Q5 208 207 17R/3 220 - the stopbarlights are shown 206 5L 219 218 217 216 215 214 45-38.5 205 204 C. CENTERLINE GUIDANCE Centerline guidance is obtained by means of an illuminated bar in front of an aircraft BA C1 08-43.2 08-43.3 08-43.4 08-43.5 2. The pilot should be aware that the correct type of aircraft is shown before using the system. 203 202 201 45-38.4 B. ACTIVATED SYSTEM 1. The system is ready when: - the bottom pair of green lights are blinking - the aircraft type is shown (blinking) on the upper information block A C W 08-43.1 MALPENSA 10-9G VISUAL DOCKING GUIDANCE SYSTEM (SAFEGATE) LEGEND 45-38.5 MILAN, ITALY JEPPESEN 21 SEP 07 08-43.9 101 Parking stand 45-39 JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. symbol. The aircraft is on centerline when bar and symbol overlap each other. A 08-43.8 EM INS COORDINATES STAND No. COORDINATES 101 102 thru 104 105 thru 109 110 thru 113 114 N45 N45 N45 N45 N45 38.9 38.8 38.7 38.7 38.7 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 43.5 43.5 43.5 43.4 43.3 115 thru 118 119 201 thru 203 204, 205 206 thru 208 N45 N45 N45 N45 N45 38.8 38.9 38.4 38.5 38.5 E008 E008 E008 E008 E008 43.3 43.2 43.6 43.6 43.5 STAND No. 209 thru 213 214 thru 219 220 221 thru 227 COORDINATES N45 N45 N45 N45 38.6 38.5 38.5 38.6 E008 E008 E008 E008 43.5 43.5 43.4 43.4 TURN LEFT CHANGES: Parking stands. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1999, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CHANGES: None. ON CENTERLINE TURN RIGHT | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1999, 2004. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 LIMC/MXP NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 MILAN, ITALY JEPPESEN 5 NOV 04 Follow the lead-in line. 132.7 LOC IMSL Final Apch Crs 110.75 169^ STOP Alt Set: hPa 1. MAL VOR STOP ILS DA(H) Apt Elev Refer to Minimums 1846' RWY 121.9 10,000' 8000' 745' 072^ c MA L E Ar D M V ERSHOOT 1 1 TO 3 1545' 1 1 275 ^ 1355' 1201' 1385' D7.0 IMSL &B TA D CA C & T CA LI(R)-117 1398' D6.8 MAL 1504' STOP 1755' 2 I 1 6000' within 10 NM. TALY 2 SWITZERLAND 1621' D8.0 MAL D8.0 MAL STOP Vergiate IMSL ILS DME 169^ 110.75 IMSL 1206' 1854' ^ 336 ^ 329 4 WARNING: Short distance D3.5 IMSL between interception of LOC course and GS. D3.3 MAL D0.8 IMSL 45-40 9^ 13 (IAF) M111.2A LMAL D (T) 08-50 When the aircraft is correctly parked "OK" will be displayed after a few seconds. 4000' D6.8 MAL MANDATORY 3 3000' MANDATORY If the aircraft has overshot the stop-position "T-FAR" (too far) will be displayed. 1.2 STOP 3.5 Gnd speed-Kts STOP 70 3.00^ 377 ILS GS VOR 5000' D0.8 IMSL GS 1007' D3.5 IMSL D3.3 MAL GS 1846' 169^ 169^ c Red rectangular fields 336^ 329^ MM CAT A & B CAT C & D D7.0 IMSL 2.7 90 100 120 140 160 484 538 646 753 861 TCH displ thresh 49' RWY 17L 0.7 HIALS PAPI | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2001, 2004. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. .JAR-OPS. DA(H) A: B: ILS STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 955'(210') C: 975'(230') 965'(220') D: 985'(240') FULL Max Kts 100 ALS out B C RVR 600m RVR 1000m D CHANGES: Chart reindexed. Speed restriction. Minimums. NOT APPLICABLE 745' 3000' PAPI on 169^ CIRCLE-TO-LAND TO RWY 17R 17L LOC (GS out) A PANS OPS 4 The aircraft must be verified at least 39'/12m before the correct stop position. If this does not occur, the system displays "STOP" with two red, rectangular fields being lit in the azimuth guidance area of the display. While the aircraft is stopped, the system will attempt to verify it. If successful, the docking procedure will continue. If an unverified object is found in the scanning area during docking, the system will show "WAIT". When the object has disappeared the procedure will be resumed. MHA 3000 D13.0 MAL D8.2 IMSL D8.0 MAL MISSED APCH FIX 169^ 8 D13/1 349^ STOP 09-00 169^ 3 Turn at D8.2 IMSL/D8.0 MAL shall be performed descending from 4000' to 3000', in order to reduce acft spacing and delays. Pilots unable to comply with this constraint shall advise ATC as soon as possible, asking to be cleared on ILS Y Rwy 17L. Pilots are also required to be strictly compliant with the speed restrictions during the turn. MAL VOR STOP MALPENSA 00 50 19^ 3 169^ 39'/12m from the stop-position the closing rate field starts the indication of "Distance to go" by turning off one row of LEDs for each one half meter the aircraft advances towards the stop-position. MSA MAL VOR D8.2 IMSL 4 D8.2IMSL Solid yellow arrow 1464' 169^ NO DO Flashing red arrow Trans alt: 6000' MM CHANGES: Chart reindexed. 121.82 767' 3000' Rwy Elev: 27 hPa Trans level: By ATC 2. Procedure MAX 185 KT. LI(P)-57 When the correct stop-position ist reached all yellow closing rate field LEDs will be off, "STOP" and two red rectangular fields will appear on the display. Ground North 0600-1200 1400-2000 2200-0600 DME REQUIRED. 45-50 Closing rate field 121.9 119.0 GS D3.5 IMSL (1101') West MISSED APCH: Proceed on track 169^ to 3000' and hold between 1352' The flashing red and solid yellow arrows provide azimuth guidance information. The flashing red arrow shows the direction to steer, while the solid yellow arrow indicates how far the aircraft is off of the centerline. MALPENSA Tower (APP/TWR) D13.0/R-169 MAL and D18.0 MAL. Scrolling arrows When the solid yellow closing rate field appears, the aircraft has been caught by the scanning unit. The scanning unit checks the correct aircraft type and the display provides azimuth guidance information. *MILAN Arrivals (R) 120.02 TM BRIEFING STRIP Check that the correct aircraft type is displayed. The scrolling arrows indicate that the system is activated. 11-1 24 AUG 07 MALPENSA ATIS Arrival VISUAL DOCKING GUIDANCE SYSTEM (SAFEDOCK Type 3) MILAN, ITALY ILS Z Rwy 17L JEPPESEN LIMC/MXP MALPENSA 10-9H JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 20 5 ^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. MDA(H) VIS 1500m 135 1450' (683') 1450' (683') 180 1650' (883') 2400m 205 1690' (923') 3600m 1600m | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2004, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 Final Apch Crs 110.75 169^ 121.9 119.0 ILS DA(H) GS D3.5 IMSL (1101') Apt Elev Refer to Minimums 1846' RWY Ground North 0600-1200 1400-2000 2200-0600 121.82 767' 745' MISSED APCH: Proceed on track 169^ to 3000' and hold between 121.9 10,000' 8000' 072^ 1 1 275 ^ 3000' D13.0/R-169 MAL and D18.0 MAL. Alt Set: hPa 1. MAL VOR Rwy Elev: 27 hPa Trans level: By ATC 2. Procedure MAX 185 KT. Trans alt: 6000' 1352' 1545' 1385' LI(R)-117 ILS DME c 140 160 484 538 646 753 861 0.7 HIALS 955'(210') C: 975'(230') 965'(220') D: 985'(240') PAPI on 169^ 135 1450' (683') 1450' (683') 1500m B 180 1650' (883') 2400m 205 1690' (923') 3600m RVR 600m ALS out RVR 1000m D CHANGES: Chart reindexed. Speed restriction. Minimums. NOT APPLICABLE MDA(H) 90 100 120 140 160 474 527 632 737 843 1300'(555') VIS B | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2004, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. C 1000m RVR 1200m RVR 1600m RVR RVR D CHANGES: Chart reindexed. Speed restriction. Minimums. 1500m RWY 17L 1.0 PAPI 3000' PAPI on 745' 169^ CIRCLE-TO-LAND TO RWY 17R STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 17L RVR 1.0 HIALS 70 A 1600m 1430' 1.0 ALS out A C 1750' 369 MDA(H) 5000' D1.0 MAL Descent Gradient 5.2% MAP at D1.2 IMSL/D1.0 MAL .JAR-OPS. VOR D1.2 IMSL Gnd speed-Kts CIRCLE-TO-LAND TO RWY 17R 17L LOC (GS out) Max Kts 100 FULL PANS OPS 4 STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 3000' 169^ 8 D13/1 349^ 120 1.0 1120' D2.2 IMSL D3.0 MAL 2.0 2.0 169^ 100 D7.0 MAL 2.0 1430' 336^ 329^ D3.2 IMSL D5.0 MAL 1.0 MHA 3000 D2.0 MAL D5.2 IMSL 2390' MAL VOR 90 3.0 1750' CAT A & BD CAT C & D7.2 IMSL MISSED APCH FIX D13.0 MAL 08-50 3000' 745' 09-00 4.0 2070' D8.0 MAL RWY 17L 1398' 00 50 19^ 3 169^ 169^ 8 D13/1 349^ 2.7 1201' D3.2 IMSL/D3.0 MAL D2.2 IMSL/D2.0 MAL D1.2 IMSL/D1.0 MAL 5.0 2390' 169^ PAPI ILS 169^ 70 3.00^ 377 A: B: MAL VOR 00 50 19^ 3 169^ 2.7 1.0 2 1854' 1206' D8.2 IMSL TCH displ thresh 49' 1621' ITA LY SWITZERLAND 9^ 13 9^ 13 D3.5 IMSL D3.3 MAL GS 1846' MSA MAL VOR 2 1755' 169^ 110.75 IMSL Vergiate 111.2 MAL ALTITUDE D0.8 IMSL GS 1007' 3000' LOC DME 08-40 5000' 1 1 275 ^ IMSL IMSL D5.0 MAL ^ 336 ^ 329 ^ 336 ^ 329 336^ 329^ MM CAT A & B CAT C & D 072^ MALPENSA MAL DME VOR 10,000' 8000' Trans alt: 6000' LI(R)-117 1385' D5.2 MAL D13.0 MAL 08-50 169^ D7.0 MAL (IAF) MHA 3000 745' 1355' 45-40 MISSED APCH FIX RWY 121.9 (IF) 3 WARNING: Short distance between interception of LOC course and GS. 121.82 767' 1 6000' within 10 NM. D7.2 IMSL 1854' 08-40 DA(H) D8.0 MAL 09-00 D7.0 MAL D8.2 IMSL D6.2 IMSL D8.0 MAL D6.0 MAL 1464' D8.2 IMSL/D8.0 MAL D8.2 IMSL IMSL D7.2IMSL .JAR-OPS. 1352' D M111.2A LMAL ILS GS N DO 1504' MALPENSA Gnd speed-Kts LI(P)-57 2 169^ 110.75 IMSL D3.3 MAL Ground North 0600-1200 1400-2000 2200-0600 Apt Elev 2390'(1645') 1300'(555') MA L E Ar c D M V ERSHOOT 1 O 1 OT 1398' D3.5 IMSL MDA(H) Rwy Elev: 27 hPa Trans level: By ATC REQUIRED. 2. Procedure MAX 185 KT. DME 45-50 1201' 1206' (IAF) 1.0 169^ &B TA D CA C & T CA &B TA D CA C & T CA Vergiate D0.8 IMSL 2700' 110.75 121.9 119.0 Minimum Alt D5.2 IMSL 1545' D8.0 MAL D7.2 IMSL D7.0 MAL D6.2IMSL D6.0 MAL MM 169^ IMSL Final Apch Crs West MISSED APCH: Proceed on track 169^ to 3000' and hold between D13.0/R-169 MAL and D18.0 MAL. ITA LY SWITZERLAND D8.2 IMSL 3 1504' 3000' 2 MALPENSA Tower (APP/TWR) 132.7 LOC 1355' D8.0 MAL D (T) 1755' 1 6000' within 10 NM. 1621' D8.2IMSL 45-40 1464' 120.02 169^ NO DO 169^ c MA L E Ar D M V ERSHOOT 1 1 TO LI(P)-57 *MILAN Arrivals (R) Alt Set: hPa 1. MAL VOR MSA MAL VOR DME REQUIRED. 45-50 ATIS Arrival TM 132.7 LOC IMSL West 11-3 24 AUG 07 MALPENSA PANS OPS 4 TM 120.02 MALPENSA Tower (APP/TWR) MILAN, ITALY LOC Rwy 17L JEPPESEN LIMC/MXP BRIEFING STRIP *MILAN Arrivals (R) 20 5 ^ ATIS Arrival BRIEFING STRIP 11-2 24 AUG 07 MALPENSA NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 MILAN, ITALY ILS Y Rwy 17L JEPPESEN LIMC/MXP JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 20 5 ^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. Max Kts MDA(H) VIS 135 1450' (683') 1450' (683') 180 1650' (883') 2400m 205 1690' (923') 3600m 100 2000m 1500m 1600m | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2004, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 132.7 128.35 121.9 LOC IMA Final Apch Crs 109.1 349^ 121.82 ILS DA(H) GS D5.0 IMA (1599') Refer to Minimums 2295' RWY 10,000' 8000' 1 1 275 ^ 0 7 2^ 767' 696' 3000' MISSED APCH: Climb on track 349^ to 1450', then turn LEFT to RMG Lctr climbing to 4000'. Alt Set: hPa Rwy Elev: 25 hPa ROMAGNANO SRN M111.2A MAL L MALPENSA D (T) 088^ MHA 45-30 696' 0.7 ILS GS 3.00^ or LOC Descent Gradient 5.2% MAP at D1.0 IMA .JAR-OPS. DA(H) 1 100 120 140 160 377 485 539 647 755 862 ABC: D: FULL ILS 896'(200') 898'(202') 550m RVR RVR 600m 1140'(444') 1000m 900m RVR 1000m RVR 1400m CHANGES: Chart reindexed. Procedure. Minimums. PAPI RVR 1500m Gnd speed-Kts GS 3.00^ 349^ 100 135 MDA(H) N292ONOVV (IF) D12.0 IMA 309 ^ NOV NDB 3000' 4.3 0.7 HIALS-II 70 90 100 120 140 160 377 485 539 647 755 862 PAPI STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY CAT II ILS 1500m 1600m 180 1650'(883') 2400m 2000m 205 1690'(923') 3600m | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1999, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PAPI 1450' on 349^ 35L ABC 1450'(683') 1450'(683') 4000' 34 9^ RADAR VECTORING D RA 105' 796'(100') VIS RIGON (IAF) 3 08-50 IMA GS 924' 696' 1 40 0.0 00 VERCE (IAF) 3 08-40 .JAR-OPS. Not authorized West of airport Max Kts (IAF) 2 NOVARA D0.7 RVR 1800m RVR 08-30 RWY 35L on By ATC. Proc to be used only if MAL VOR and/or MAL DME u/s. 3 ILS Y 310 KT/Entry only along 268^ to RMG Lctr. TCH displ thresh 57' 1450' 2 ILS Z: D5.0IMA D5.0 IMA GS 2295' CIRCLE-TO-LAND ALS out RVR RVR C D MDA(H) ALS out A B PAPI LOC (GS out) ILS DME 4000' HIALS-II STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 35L IMA NOV NDB RADAR VECTORING 5.0 4.0 90 1 6000' within 10 NM. 349^ 109.1 IMA 230 KT 230 KT/Entry only along 268^ to RMG Lctr. 280 KT 3000' 2300' LI(R)-117 1093' MAX FL 75 or TL if higher FL 70 or TL if higher LI(R)-101 MSA MAL VOR Trans alt: 6000' D0.7 IMA IMA DME REQUIRED. 9.0 3630' 3000' MALPENSA D (T) ILS DME reads zero at rwy 35L displ thresh. 8.0 3310' 1 1 275 ^ MAL VOR Missed apch obstacle clearance is provided by 2.5% gradient. 5% gradient until 2000' is required to avoid uncontrolled ATZ. RIGON (IAF)3 08-50 0 7 2^ 113.7 SRN Btn D14/10 MAL, R-268 MAL: 4000 230 KT 10 34 9^ LOC 70 SRN M111.2A MAL L 337 RMG Btn D26/21 SRN, R-268 SRN: 4000 230 KT . 00 0 0 7.0 2990' D10.0 IMA IMA 0.3 RMG ROMAGNANO Trans level: By ATC WARNING: False LOC captures may occur, take MAX CAUTION. Special Aircrew & Acft Certification Required. 0 0.0 6.0 2670' D5.0 IMA D1.0 GS 2295' RWY 35L 45-30 NOV 40 35^ 00 5.0 2350' IMA GS 924' Rwy Elev: 25 hPa 4500 4000 2 NOVARA VERCE (IAF)3 696' 349^ 08-40 4.0 2030' RWY 10,000' 8000' climbing to 4000'. MHA 292 NOV 309 ^ 4 767' Refer to Minimums 2295'(1599') 121.9 Apt Elev Over RMG Lctr: (IAF) 349^ 08-30 Gnd speed-Kts 349^ 121.82 CAT II ILS RA/DA(H) GS D5.0 IMA D26/21 SRN D14/10 MAL D12.0 IMA IMA DME REQUIRED. TCH displ thresh 57' 109.1 Ground North 0600-1200 1400-2000 2200-0600 MISSED APCH: Climb on track 349^ to 1450', then turn LEFT to RMG Lctr 268^ (IF) ILS DME reads zero at rwy 35L displ thresh. D0.7 IMA IMA D5.0IMA Missed apch obstacle clearance is provided by 2.5% gradient. 5% gradient until 2000' is required to avoid uncontrolled ATZ. ALTITUDE 121.9 349^ 109.1 IMA D10.0 IMA 3.0 1720' 128.35 Final Apch Crs 088^ WARNING: False LOC captures may occur, take MAX CAUTION. 2.0 1400' 132.7 LOC ILS DME Btn D14/10 MAL, R-268 MAL: 4000 230 KT IMA DME 120.02 45-40 By ATC. Proc to be used only if MAL VOR and/or MAL DME u/s. 3 ILS Y MAX Btn D26/21 SRN, R-268 SRN: 4000 230 KT LOC (GS out) West 1 6000' within 10 NM. 2 ILS Z: D0.7 IMA D1.0 IMA Over RMG Lctr: 230 KT 4500 4000 230 KT/Entry only along 268^ to RMG Lctr. FL 75 or 280 KT TL if higher FL 70 or 310 KT/Entry only along 268^ to RMG Lctr. TL if higher LI(R)-101 MALPENSA Tower (APP/TWR) Alt Set: hPa LI(R)-117 1093' .7 SRN 268^ 113MAL VOR D26/21 SRN D14/10 MAL Trans alt: 6000' *MILAN Arrivals (R) 349^ R337MRMGG MSA MAL VOR Trans level: By ATC 349^ 45-40 PANS OPS 4 121.9 Apt Elev ATIS Arrival 1 120.02 Ground North 0600-1200 1400-2000 2200-0600 11-4A 24 AUG 07 0 0.0 West TM MALPENSA Tower (APP/TWR) BRIEFING STRIP *MILAN Arrivals (R) ^ ATIS Arrival MILAN, ITALY CAT II ILS Z or Y Rwy 35L JEPPESEN LIMC/MXP MALPENSA RA 118' 807'(111') DA(H) PANS OPS 4 TM BRIEFING STRIP 11-4 20 5 24 AUG 07 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 MILAN, ITALY ILS Z or Y Rwy 35L JEPPESEN LIMC/MXP MALPENSA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 40 35^ 00 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 205^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. DA(H) RVR 300m 1 1 Operators applying U.S. Ops Specs: Autoland or HGS required below RVR 350m. CHANGES: Chart reindexed. Procedure. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1999, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 2110' 767' RWY 691' 891' 1 1 275 ^ 0 7 2^ possible to join R-024 MAL climbing to 3000'. At 3000', not further than D7.0/R-024 MAL, turn RIGHT to SRN VOR. Maintain 3000' until D5.0 SRN, then climb to 4000'. 1385' LI(R)117 MALPENSA MM D4.0 MAL M364AMALL 349^ M 109.9 L PMLP 08-40 VERCE(IAF) m C GS 920' RWY 35R 691' 0.3 0 Gnd speed-Kts ILS GS 3.00^ or LOC Descent Gradient 5.2% MAP at D0.6 MLP/D2.0 MAL .JAR-OPS. DA(H) FULL 0.2 0.5 1500' 1.8 100 120 140 160 377 485 539 647 755 862 C 6.0 ALS out ALS out 900m RVR 1000m D CHANGES: Chart reindexed. Minimums. RVR 1000m RVR 1400m RVR 1500m SARONNO M364AMALL D4.5 MLP D6.0 MAL WARNING: False LOC captures may occur, take MAX CAUTION. (IF) D12.0 MAL (IF) D12.6 MLP TM LI(R)-101 08-40 VERCE (IAF) 08-30 D12.6 MLP D14.0 MAL 349^ 4000' 3000' 1.6 0.4 PAPI RWY 35R 1450' PAPI on RIGON (IAF) 09-00 m 08-50 LOM D12.0 D4.5 MLP D6.0 MAL GS 2110' MAL 691' Gnd speed-Kts GS 3.00^ 349^ 70 377 0 90 485 0.5 NOV NDB 34 9^ GS 920' TCH 57' HIALS-II 10 .0 40309 00 ^ MM RADAR VECTORING 09-10 D12.6 MLP D14.0 MAL 349^ 4000' 3000' RADAR VECTORING 6.0 3.8 0.4 1.6 11.9 100 120 140 160 539 647 755 862 .JAR-OPS. Not authorized West of airport Max Kts 100 135 MDA(H) HIALS-II PAPI 1500m 1650'(883') 2400m 2000m 205 1690'(923') 3600m | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1999, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CAT II ILS PAPI 1450' on 349^ 35R D RA 105' 791'(100') RA 110' 796'(105') DA(H) 1600m 180 STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY ABC VIS 1450'(683') 1450'(683') RVR 1800m RVR S113.7RSRNN CIRCLE-TO-LAND 1140'(449') B 550m NOV NDB 34 9^ 35R LOC (GS out) RVR RVR D12.0 MAL STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY A 09-10 11.9 MDA(H) 305 ^ D14.0 MAL 2110' 2.0 90 ILS ^ D NOVARA LOC LOC 70 891'(200') MM MLP N292ONOVV 45-30 D10.6 MLP MM TCH 57' MAX 210 KT ILS DME RIGON (IAF) 09-00 08-50 MLP D2.6 MLP D4.5 D4.0 MAL D6.0 MAL GS 2110' D2.0 MAL MSA MAL VOR 1663' NOVARA LOM D0.6 MLP MHA 4000 10 .0 0 10.0 08-30 125 40309 00 ^ 40 35^ 00 LI(R)-101 M111.2A MAL L 349^ 109.9 MLP N292ONOVV D14.0 MAL 3240' 2610' 1970' 1340' 3000' D5.0 SRN 1854' D (T) Missed apch obstacle clearance is provided by 2.5% gradient. 5% gradient until 3000' (D7.0/R-024 MAL) is required to avoid uncontrolled ATZ. 1 1 275 ^ 1 6000' within 10 NM. 1398' MALPENSA (IF) D12.6 MLP ALTITUDE SRN 113.7 SRN Missed apch obstacle clearance is provided by 2.5% gradient. 5% gradient until 3000' (D7.0/R-024 MAL) is required to avoid uncontrolled ATZ. (IF) 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 1504' 0 7 2^ Trans alt: 6000' LI(R)117 0 10.0 D12.0 MAL MLP DME 1385' D7.0 MAL 349^ 349^ D10.6 MLP LOC (GS out) Trans level: By ATC 0 ILS DME RECOMMENDED ALTITUDES Rwy Elev: 25 hPa 121.9 10,000' 8000' MALPENSA D4.5 MLP D6.0 MAL 45-30 691' Special Aircrew & Acft Certification Required. SARONNO D2.6 MLP MALPENSA RWY Alt Set: hPa 1206' D 767' Trans alt: 6000' 1292' ^ 121.82 Apt Elev Refer to Minimums 2110'(1419') 1487' 305 121.9 CAT II ILS RA/DA(H) Ground North 0600-1200 1400-2000 2200-0600 MISSED APCH: Climb on track 349^ to 1450', then turn RIGHT as soon as 45-40 D0.6 MLP 1663' 349^ 119.0 GS LOM 1 6000' within 10 NM. MAX 210 KT D2.0 MAL 109.9 West MSA MAL VOR 125 ^ MHA 4000 D (T) WARNING: False LOC captures may occur, take MAX CAUTION. MLP Final Apch Crs D5.0 SRN 1854' M111.2A MAL L 45-40 1398' 132.7 LOC 5 1292' D7.0 MAL 024^ LOC (GS out): In case 1504' of DME failure after FAF, climb immediately 1206' performing missed apch procedure. 1487' MALPENSA Tower (APP/TWR) possible o join R-024 MAL climbing to 3000'. At 3000', not further than D7.0/R-024 MAL, turn RIGHT to SRN VOR. Maintain 3000' until D5.0 SRN, then climb to 4000'. 3000' Trans level: By ATC 120.02 15 Rwy Elev: 25 hPa 121.9 10,000' 8000' MISSED APCH: Climb on track 349^ to 1450', then turn RIGHT as soon as Alt Set: hPa PANS OPS 4 121.82 Apt Elev *MILAN Arrivals (R) 024^ 349^ 121.9 ILS DA(H) (200') ATIS Arrival 11-5A 40 35^ 00 109.9 119.0 GS LOM (1419') 24 AUG 07 5 MLP Final Apch Crs Ground North 0600-1200 1400-2000 2200-0600 10 132.7 LOC West BRIEFING STRIP MALPENSA Tower (APP/TWR) PANS OPS 4 120.02 TM BRIEFING STRIP *MILAN Arrivals (R) MILAN, ITALY CAT II ILS-Papa Rwy 35R JEPPESEN LIMC/MXP MALPENSA C ATIS Arrival 11-5 20 5 ^ 24 AUG 07 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 MILAN, ITALY ILS-Papa Rwy 35R JEPPESEN LIMC/MXP MALPENSA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 20 5 ^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. DA(H) RVR 300m 1 1 Operators applying U.S. Ops Specs: Autoland or HGS required below RVR 350m. CHANGES: Chart reindexed. RA. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1999, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 MALPENSA Tower (APP/TWR) West 120.02 132.7 128.35 121.9 LOC MLP Final Apch Crs 109.9 349^ GS LOM (1419') Ground North 0600-1200 1400-2000 2200-0600 121.82 ILS DA(H) (200') 2110' 121.9 Apt Elev 767' RWY 691' 891' 10,000' 8000' 1 1 275 ^ 072^ 3000' MISSED APCH: Climb on track 349^ to 1450', then turn RIGHT to SRN VOR/Lctr climbing to 4000'. Alt Set: hPa Rwy Elev: 25 hPa Trans level: By ATC LI(R)117 1504' 1854' 1206' PROCEDURE BY ATC. Trans alt: 6000' 1 *MILAN Arrivals (R) MALPENSA Tower (APP/TWR) West 120.02 132.7 128.35 121.9 LOC MLP Final Apch Crs 109.9 349^ M 40 A X 0 D D0.7 MLP 45-40 SRN SARONNO M364AMALL MALPENSA Missed apch obstacle clearance is provided by 2.5% gradient. 5% gradient until 2000' is required to avoid uncontrolled ATZ. D4.5 MLP 45-30 (IAF) M 08-40 09-00 D4.5 MLP GS 2110' C 3.00^ 377 ILS GS LOC 2110' 3000' RWY 35R 100 120 140 160 485 539 647 755 862 HIALS-II DA(H) PANS OPS 4 FULL STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY ILS 891'(200') 550m RVR 1000m D CHANGES: Chart reindexed. Minimums. NOT APPLICABLE 3.00^ 100 120 140 160 377 485 539 647 755 862 HIALS-II PAPI 1650'(883') 2400m 205 1690'(923') 3600m | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1999, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. D DA(H) RVR 1 349^ RA 110' 796'(105') DA(H) 1500m on CAT II ILS RA 105' 791'(100') VIS 1450' PAPI STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 35R ABC 180 135 11.9 90 .JAR-OPS. 1600m 100 B RVR GS 349^ 1450'(683') 1450'(683') A C MDA(H) 7.6 3.8 0.5 70 Not authorized West of airport Max Kts ALS out on CIRCLE-TO-LAND 35R LOC (GS out) 3000' 0 Gnd speed-Kts 1450' PAPI 4000' RADAR VECTORING 691' 11.9 90 NOV NDB 349^ TCH 57' RADAR VECTORING 7.6 3.8 D4.5 MLP GS 2110' D0.7 MLP GS 920' 4000' 34 9^ PAPI .JAR-OPS. MM NOV NDB PANS OPS 4 70 09-00 LOM 0 Gnd speed-Kts M 08-50 C 0.5 N292ONOVV NOVARA 349^ 349^ 691' SARONNO WARNING: False LOC captures may occur, take MAX CAUTION. LOM RWY 35R S113.7R SRNN D ILS DME N292ONOVV TCH 57' KT MLP NOVARA MM 00 0 21 0 D0.7 MLP WARNING: False LOC captures may occur, take MAX CAUTION. D0.7 MLP GS 920' SARONNO 349^ 109.9 MLP Missed apch obstacle clearance is provided by 2.5% gradient. 5% gradient until 2000' is required to avoid uncontrolled ATZ. 08-50 M AX S330RSRNN 1 25 ^ 4 MM To be used only if MAL VOR and/or MAL DME u/s. MLP 08-40 1 6000' within 10 NM. MALPENSA D4.5 MLP (IAF) 3000' 305 ^ PROCEDURE BY ATC. 113.7 SRN 1 1 275 ^ MSA MAL VOR Trans alt: 6000' M111.2A LMAL D (T) 349^ 109.9 MLP 45-30 072^ 1854' ILS DME M364AMALL 691' KT MM MALPENSA RWY 10,000' 8000' MISSED APCH: Climb on track 349^ to 1450', then turn RIGHT to SRN VOR/Lctr climbing to 4000'. SARONNO 00 21 767' Refer to Minimums 2110' 121.9 Apt Elev LI(R)-117 S330RSRNN 1 25 ^ 121.82 CAT II ILS RA/DA(H) GS LOM (1419') 1206' MALPENSA Ground North 0600-1200 1400-2000 2200-0600 Alt Set: hPa Rwy Elev: 25 hPa Trans level: By ATC Special Aircrew & Acft Certification Required. 6000' within 10 NM. 305 ^ To be used only if MAL VOR and/or MAL DME u/s. 11-6A ATIS Arrival 1398' M111.2A LMAL D (T) 24 AUG 07 349^ 349^ 45-40 MSA MAL VOR TM *MILAN Arrivals (R) MILAN, ITALY CAT II ILS-Sierra Rwy 35R JEPPESEN LIMC/MXP MALPENSA BRIEFING STRIP ATIS Arrival 20 5 ^ TM BRIEFING STRIP 11-6 24 AUG 07 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 MILAN, ITALY ILS-Sierra Rwy 35R JEPPESEN LIMC/MXP MALPENSA JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 20 5 ^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 300m 1 Operators applying U.S. Ops Specs: Autoland or HGS required below RVR 350m. CHANGES: Chart reindexed. RA. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1999, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 161^ 121.9 121.82 Apt Elev MDA(H) 2390'(1645') 1300'(555') 10,000' 8000' 745' RWY 1 MISSED APCH: Proceed on 169^ to 3000' and hold between D13.0/R-169 and D18.0. Alt Set: hPa Rwy Elev: 27 hPa Trans level: By ATC 072^ Trans alt: 6000' 161^ LI(P)57 1352' 1621' (IF) D7.0 1385' 45-45 ^ 329 & B D5.0 [FD17L] ^ 2390' D5.0 1.0 2.0 Gnd speed-Kts 70 Descent Gradient 5.32% or 378 Descent angle [3.05^] [FD17L] D3.0 1.0 1430' 90 100 120 140 160 486 540 648 755 863 45-30 MISSED APCH FIX MDA(H) PANS OPS 4 A B C D RVR RVR 1000m RVR 1200m RVR RVR CHANGES: Minimums. 1500m 1600m 2000m D5.0 SRN MHA 4000 MAL MAX 210 KT D2.0MAL 305 [MD35R] Missed apch obstacle clearance is provided by 2.5% gradient. 5%gradient until 3000' (D7.0/R-024 MAL) is required to avoid uncontrolled ATZ. (IF) S113.7RSRNN SARONNO D ^ LI(R)-101 2.0 860' ALTITUDE HIALS PAPI 3000' PAPI on RWY 35R Max Kts 100 691' 169^ 0.4 MDA(H) MAL NDB 4000' 353^ 6.0 90 100 120 140 160 Descent Gradient 5.24% or Descent angle [3.00^] 372 478 531 637 743 849 HIALS-II PAPI 1450' PAPI on 353^ MAP at D2.0 MAL .JAR-OPS. STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY MDA(H) 1450' (683') 4.0 70 Gnd speed-Kts 6.0 2100' D12.0 2100' 0^] [3.0 09-10 5.0 1790' [FD35R] [MD35R] 745' RIGON (IAF) 09-00 D6.0 MAL [TCH 57'] RWY 17L 08-50 4.0 1480' D2.0 MAL [TCH displ thresh 50'] 1.0 10 .0 3.0 1170' MAL VOR 1.0 NOVARA 40309 00 ^ 08-40 VERCE(IAF) 08-30 MAL DME 5000' [MD17L] N292ONOVV D14.0 MAL CIRCLE-TO-LAND TO RWY 17R ALS out 1398' 1854' MAL 1.0 1120' D1.0 17L 1300' (555') MSA MAL VOR 1 6000' within 10 NM. LI(R)117 MALPENSA 111.2 MAL D12.0 VIS 135 1450'(683') 1600m 180 1650'(883') 2400m 205 1690'(923') 3600m | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1998, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CIRCLE-TO-LAND 35R Not authorized West of airport 1150'(459') Max Kts ALS out 1500m A PANS OPS 4 STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 3000' 125 ^ MHA 3000 MAP at D1.0 .JAR-OPS. 1 1 27 5^ [FD35R] VOR 329^ 319^ [2~VOR] 1750' 2.0 1206' In case of DME failure after FAF, climb immediately performing missed apch procedure. 45-40 09-00 2.0 1430' D2.0 [3~VOR] 072^ 1201' 1385' D7.0 MAL 1292' 121.9 10,000' 8000' Trans alt: 6000' 353^ D7.0 [3.05 ^] 691' 1545' 1352' 169^ 18 D13/ 349^ D8.0 3000' Trans level: By ATC 1504' 169^ 9^ 31 69^ 1 3.0 1750' CAT A & B CAT C & D 161^ Rwy Elev: 25 hPa 1487' MAL VOR 00 50 ALTITUDE RWY possible to join R-024 MAL climbing to 3000'. At 3000', not further than D7.0 MAL, turn RIGHT to SRN VOR. Maintain 3000' until D5.0 SRN, then climb to 4000'. D13.0 4.0 2080' 767' 1150'(459') 2100' 121.82 Apt Elev D6.0 MAL 08-50 5.0 2390' MDA(H) 1663' BUSTO ARSIZIO overflying below 800'AGL prohibited 08-40 121.9 119.0 Minimum Alt D6.0 MAL (1409') Ground North 0600-1200 1400-2000 2200-0600 West MISSED APCH: Climb on track 353^ to 1450', then turn RIGHT as soon as D (T) 9^ 13 9 31 45-35 MAL DME 353^ D3.0[3~VOR] D2.0[2~VOR] D1.0 [MD17L] D 111.2 MAL 111.2 1206' & MAL MALPENSA D (T) MAL Final Apch Crs 1854' Vergiate TC CA (IAF) 45-40 1398' 132.7 VOR Alt Set: hPa COMO overflying below 1500' AGL prohibited LI(R)-117 1504' TA CA D8.0 3000' 120.02 COMO HOSPITAL overflying below 2000' AGL prohibited 1355' D8.0 MAX 200 KT ^ 1 6000' within 10 NM. 1464' 1545' 1 275 MSA MAL VOR MAL DME REQUIRED. 1188' 121.9 767' MALPENSA Tower (APP/TWR) 0 10.0 111.2 119.0 Minimum Alt D5.0 *MILAN Arrivals (R) 40 35^ 00 MAL Final Apch Crs ATIS Arrival ^ 132.7 VOR Ground North 0600-1200 1400-2000 2200-0600 West 13-2 24 AUG 07 MALPENSA TM TM 120.02 MALPENSA Tower (APP/TWR) MILAN, ITALY VOR DME Rwy 35R JEPPESEN LIMC/MXP BRIEFING STRIP *MILAN Arrivals (R) 20 5 ^ ATIS Arrival BRIEFING STRIP 13-1 24 AUG 07 MALPENSA NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 MILAN, ITALY VOR Rwy 17L JEPPESEN LIMC/MXP JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 02 4^ NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 205 JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. RVR 1000m B C RVR D RVR 1600m CHANGES: Minimums. VIS 1500m 180 1650'(883') 2400m 205 1690'(923') 3600m 135 RVR 1200m MDA(H) 1450'(683') 1450'(683') 100 RVR 1500m 2000m 1600m | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1999, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 132.7 VOR MAL Final Apch Crs 111.2 353^ West 121.9 119.0 Minimum Alt MAL Lctr MDA(H) Ground North 0600-1200 1400-2000 2200-0600 121.82 Apt Elev 767' RWY 691' 2100'(1409') 1150'(459') 10,000' MISSED APCH: Climb on R-353 MAL to 1450', then turn RIGHT as soon as Trans level: By ATC Rwy Elev: 25 hPa 30 1385' 5^ 1487' 024^ 1504' 3000' MAL D5.0 SRN 111.2 MAL 305 259^ 350^ 45-40 S113.7RSRNN SARONNO D 1854' 22 2^ 353^ 353^ 14.0 MALPENSA PANS OPS 4 08-40 115.5 VOG 333.5 90 100 120 140 08-50 NOV NDB MAL Lctr R-222 SRN 4000' 353^ 350 RWY 35R PAPI MAL 1450' PAPI on 111.2 R-353 .JAR-OPS. CIRCLE-TO-LAND 35R 691' Max Kts 100 RVR 1500m 135 180 RVR 2000m 205 7.4 11.9 HIALS MDA(H) MDA(H) A 1450'(683') 1450'(683') 1500m 1650'(883') 2400m 1690'(923') 3600m 1600m | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1999, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. RVR 1000m RVR 1200m RVR 1600m B C RVR RVR D CHANGES: Minimums. 1450' PAPI on 350^ CIRCLE-TO-LAND Not authorized West of airport 1300' (609') ALS out VIS PAPI STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 35R Not authorized West of airport 1150'(459') ^ 2100' Gnd speed-Kts HIALS 4000' 348^ 4.3 0 70 90 100 120 140 160 Descent Gradient 5.2% 369 474 527 632 737 843 MAL Lctr to MAP 4.3 3:41 2:52 2:35 2:09 1:51 1:37 5.9 160 09-00 09-10 2100' 353^ RVR 1200m CHANGES: Minimums. 348^ 0 16. 33050^0 6 V O G VOGHERA D 3.8 0.5 STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY RVR 1600m SARONNO N292ONOVV 09-00 ALS out D S113.7R SRNN (IAF) NOT TO SCALE Descent Gradient 5.2% 369 474 527 632 737 843 MAL Lctr to MAP 3.8 3:15 2:32 2:17 1:54 1:38 1:26 or MAP at R-259 SRN C D M364AMAL L PANS OPS 4 4000 691' 1000m KT 305 ^ NOVARA MAL Lctr R-259 SRN RVR 40 0 21 0 111.2 MAL N292ONOVV 08-40 B S330RSRNN 45-30 08-50 MAL VOR A MSA MAL Lctr (IAF) LI(R)-101 MDA(H) 3000' AX MAL D (T) 285^ ^ 050 SARONNO 0 MAX 210 KT 8000' 1 325^1.8 4000 1 D16.0 VOG .JAR-OPS. 10,000' MALPENSA 45-20 70 691' LI(R)-117 M LI(D)-121 (IAF) Gnd speed-Kts RWY 121.9 767' 1 25 ^ MHA 4000 ^ 121.82 Apt Elev 2100'(1409') 1300'(609') NOVARA RWY 35R MDA(H) MISSED APCH: Climb on track 350^ to 1450', then turn RIGHT to SRN VOR/Lctr climbing to 4000'. Missed apch obstacle clearance is provided by 2.5% gradient. 5% gradient until 3000' (R-305 SRN) is required to avoid uncontrolled ATZ. (IF) 08-30 121.9 119.0 Minimum Alt MAL Lctr 4.3 MALPENSA 45-30 364 350^ ^ 242 353^ M364AMALL MAL Final Apch Crs Ground North 0600-1200 1400-2000 2200-0600 West 1854' MALPENSA 1663' 132.7 Lctr 1206' 125 ^ D (T) 120.02 MALPENSA Tower (APP/TWR) Rwy Elev: 25 hPa Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000' Alt Set: hPa Missed apch obstacle clearance is provided by 2.5% gradient. 5% gradient until 2000' is required to avoid uncontrolled ATZ. MSA MAL VOR Trans alt: 6000' *MILAN Arrivals (R) 1398' 1292' 45-40 275^ ATIS Arrival 350^ 1206' LI(R)117 8000' 0 7 2^ possible to join R-024 MAL climbing to 3000'. At 3000', not further than R-305 SRN, turn RIGHT to SRN VOR. Maintain 3000' until D5.0 SRN, then climb to 4000'. Alt Set: hPa 121.9 16-1 24 AUG 07 MALPENSA TM TM 120.02 MALPENSA Tower (APP/TWR) MILAN, ITALY Lctr Rwy 35R JEPPESEN LIMC/MXP BRIEFING STRIP *MILAN Arrivals (R) 20 5 ^ ATIS Arrival BRIEFING STRIP 13-3 24 AUG 07 MALPENSA NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 01-2008 MILAN, ITALY VOR Rwy 35R JEPPESEN LIMC/MXP JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 20 5 ^ JEPPESEN JeppView Licensed to max. Printed on 16 Feb 2008. 1500m Max Kts MDA(H) VIS 135 1450' (683') 1450' (683') 1600m 180 1650' (883') 2400m 205 1690' (923') 3600m 100 2000m 1500m | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 1999, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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