Network Scan Data - Kentucky River Area Development District
Network Scan Data - Kentucky River Area Development District
Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Update FY 2014-2015 -- ---- - -- - - --=-- --- - - ~ • • • Mapping the Progress of the Kentucky River Area Economy - . - Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY . ... ..... .... ... .... . ... .. . ...... .... .. . ... . . ... ... .. ... .. ... ... ....... .2-3 PUBLIC/PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS Organization and Management . .. .. . . .... ... ...... . .. . .... . ... ... . . .. ... ... .... ... .. 4-6 Integration of State's Economic Priorities .. . .... .. . .. .. . .... .... . .. . .... ... .. ... ... ..6 Information Scan of the Area ................. . .. . ..... ... .. .. .... .. .. . ... ... . .. ..... 6-20 ECONOMY ANALYSIS A. - Economic Background of the Region Economy .... .......... . .. .. ... ... .. .... ..... .. ........ .. ...... ... ..... .. ........ ... ....20 Industrial Parks ..... ................ .. ....... .......... .......... .. ...... .. ................ ... 21-23 Education .. ... ...... .............. .. ..... ... ... ..... .. ... .... ..... .. .. ... .. ... ... ... ... .24 Workforce Development. ... ...... .... ... .......... .. . ...... ...... . ....... ..... 24-25 Transportation ... .. . ..... ..... .... .... ... .......... .. ... .... .. .. .. .... .... ... .. ... 25-26 Infrastructure .. ...... ..... .. ... ..... .... ... .. ... ... ..... .... ....... ... .. ....... .. .26-28 Environment. ... ........ ..... ... ........ ... ..... ... .... ....... .... ... .... .. .......28-29 B. Strengths and Weaknesses ... .. ... . .. . .. ... .... .. . .... . ...... . ... . .. . .... . ....... .. 29-31 C. Other Plans & Strategies ..... . .. ... .... ...... .. . .. . ...... ............... ... ... .. ...... .. .31 D . List of Past and Present Economic Development Projects .. .. .. .. .......... 31-33 ECONOMIC CLUSTER ANALYSIS ..... . ... . .. ..... .. ... ..... . .. .. ... .. .. .... . . ... ... ...33-34 ACTION PLAN .. . .. . ... .... . . ... ... ...... ... . .... . . .. .... .. ... ... ... . ... .. ... ... ... ... ... .. .....34-37 STRATEGIC PROJ ECTS .. . ... . .. .. . ... ... . .. . .. ... ... .... ...... .. .... .... . .. .. .. . .... .. .. .37-38 EVALUATION I PERFORMANCE MEASURES ... .. . ...... .. .... .. . .. .. .. ... ..... .... 38-41 APPENDICES I. II . Il l. IV . Authorizing Resolution Board Membership Lists Industrial Park Maps Priority Projects lists EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Kentucky River Area Development District (KRADD) is a quasi-governmental regional planning agency serving the citizens of Breathitt, Knott, Lee, Leslie, Letcher, Owsley, Perry and Wolfe Counties. Elected officials and citizens from each county make up the region-wide KRADD Board of Directors. As an Economic Development District, KRADD is responsible for creating and maintaining a regional Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS). This document represents the FY 14-15 annual update of KRADD's CEDS document. The CEDS contains the following elements: • An analysis of economic and community development problems and opportunities, including incorporation of any relevant material or suggestions from other government sponsored or supported plans; • A background and history of the region's economic development situation, including a resource analysis and a discussion of community participation in the planning effort; • Goals and objectives for taking advantage of the opportunities and solving economic development problems of the area; • A plan of action, including suggested projects to implement goals and objectives set forth in the strategy; and • Performance measures that will be used to evaluate if, and to what extent, goals and objectives have been or are being met. One of the basic purposes of the Area Development Districts is to convene people for the development of ideas, and convey these ideas to better facilitate effective program development to best serve area needs. This purpose has been improved by the development and use of the District's Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy. In the past, emphasis is placed on the creation of jobs and an overall improvement in the economy. Quality of life factors remain important and significant to attracting new industry and people as well as retaining them. A detailed project listing is incorporated in Section VI that delineates the priorities identified within the district by both its individual communities and the region. Continued use of this strategy and its corresponding updates will promote new ideas and innovations, create a vital/ink among all sectors of the regional economy and ultimately help provide solutions to mutual problems locally, regionally and statewide. 2 HYDEN 1 LESLIE 3 PUBLIC I PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS Organization and Management A critical element in the creation of the CEDS document is the importance of working together as a region, focusing federal, state, local and private programs and funding toward common goals, and ultimately creating partnerships to stimulate local economic growth. Local officials, leaders, KRADD board members and functional committee members as well as KRADD staff utilize individual expertise to identify new ideas, needs and opportunities within their counties and the region. The ultimate goals of this planning process are: 1) to create a two-way flow of information; 2) for the State and the ADD to disseminate information back to the local communities and individuals; and 3) to allow ordinary citizens the opportunity to voice their concerns and needs for their respective communities. The Kentucky River Area Development District appointed a CEDS committee to guide the creation of this document. The functions of the committee were to provide: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Guidance and broad perspective throughout the CEDS development process Technical expertise Identifying community and economic development needs Identifying goals and strategies, and Development of a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis for the region. In addition to the CEDS committee, the following functional committees of the ADD provided invaluable assistance for the district's CEDS: • • • • • • KRADD Board of Directors Transportation Planning and Safety Committee Natural Resources Planning Committee for Solid Waste Advisory Council for Aging Executive Committee Regional Water Management Council Public input also provided feedback for the development of the Strategy. The document was placed on the KRADD website for public review and comment. The public was 4 invited to all CEDS committee meetings, as well as all KRADD board and committee meetings. KENTUCKY RIVER AREA DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT FY 15 CEDS Committee Membership MEMBER AFFILIATIONS Judl(e Jimmy Sizemore Mayor James W. Craft Judge Jim Ward Dale Bishop Mayor Scott Cornett Hiram Cornett Eugene Stewart James McDannel Freddie Combs Meriweather Hall Charles Colwell Julian Slone Bob Smith Judl(e Dennis Brooks Ronnie Callahan County Government Attorney-at-Law, City Government County Government, KRADD Chairman Retired business owner, KRADD Vice-Chair Collel(e Administrator, KRADD Treasurer Banking Industry Business Owner College Professor Real Estate Al(ency Advertisinl( Coal Fields Regional Industrial Authority Chair Appalachian Industrial Authority Chair Pine Ridge Industrial Authority Chair County Government Owsley Co./Booneville Industrial Authority A complete listing of all Kentucky River Area Development District Board of Directors members, as well as functional committee membership and staff is included in appendix II. Area Organizations and Governance The Kentucky River Area Development District consists of the following 21 units of local government, serving a population of 114, 762 individuals, within a 2, 566 square mile region of the Eastern Kentucky Mountains. · Unit of Government Breathitt County City of Jackson Area Square Miles Knott County City of Hindman City of Pippa Passes 352 495 Form of Government County Judge and 4 Magistrates Mayor and 6 Council members County Judge and 4 Magistrates Mayor and 6 Council members Mayor and 6 Council members 5 Lee County City of Beattyville 211 County Judge and 4 Magistrates Mayor and 6 Council members Leslie County City of Hyden 402 County Judge and 4 Magistrates Mayor and 4 City Commissioners Letcher County City of Whitesburg City of Jenkins City of Fleming-Neon 339 County Judge and 5 Magistrates Mayor and 6 Council members Mayor and 6 Council members Mayor and 6 Council members Owsley County City of Booneville 198 County Judge and 3 Magistrates Mayor and 4 Council members Perry County City of Hazard City of Vicco City of Buckhorn 341 County Judge and 3 Magistrates Mayor and 4 City Commissioners Mayor and 4 City Commissioners Mayor and 4 City Commissioners Wolfe County City of Campton 223 County Judge and 3 Magistrates Mayor and 4 City Commissioners Integration of States Economic Priorities Because each area development district can be seen as a local extension of the Commonwealth's Economic Development Cabinet, it is important that parity and continuity exist between the goals of each ADD and the goals of the State of Kentucky. Information Scan of the Area As reflected in this report, the Kentucky River region is an area of contradiction. The counties in the region are composed of strong willed individuals who have faced diversity and hardships but who continue to love their land. The Region is an area of natural beauty, but marred by man. This is an area for tourists, but litter needs attention. This area provides a quality of life unique to rural areas, but citizens lack sufficient infrastructure. The citizens have high work ethics; however, jobs are not available. This area has developed greatly in the past 50 years, but much work is still needed. The eight counties have made great strides during the past 50 years, particularly with development of infrastructure. Nonetheless, it continues to be an area of high unemployment and poverty rates. The 2010 census shows that the area is losing population. Much of this loss can be attributed to those who leave the area after completing high school and college to seek employment or further training and education. The coal industry continues to be a major employer of the area. According to studies by the Kentucky Geological Survey, there could be as few as 20 years of minable coal reserves remaining. However, new mining techniques and economies has caused 6 reserves, previously deemed unminable, to become attractive and current estimates are in the 20- 25 year range. Diversification of the economy must be a priority of the area. Efforts must be made to provide employment opportunities for the dislocated worker, with proper training made available to give these individuals the new skills they will need in a diversified economy. Education of the workforce, with adult literacy programs and other education or training programs must be a priority. Efforts to diversify in the region include focusing on the areas of telecommunications, the wood industry, development of small businesses from within the Kentucky River ADD, tourism, and the recruitment of industry into the area. Other needs identified are consistent with statistical data available: solid waste/clean-up, leadership, water, sewer, roads, better quality and more affordable health care, better schools and more affordable housing. Natural Resources The Kentucky River Area Development District lies almost entirely within the Kentucky River Basin. The 2, 566 square mile area is in the Mountain and Eastern Coal Fields physiographic region. This area is along the western edge of the Appalachian Plateau and is referred to as the Cumberland Plateau. The mountainous areas have been heavily mined for coal, and the production of oil, natural gas and timber contribute to the economic stability of the region. This region is subdivided into three areas: The Escarpment Area, the Plateau Area, and the Mountain and Creek Bottom Area. A small portion of the northwestern part of the District is in the Escarpment Area. This area is characterized by deep, narrow valleys and narrow ridges. The balance of Wolfe, Lee, and Owsley Counties lies within the Plateau area characterized by undulating to rolling land. The remaining five counties are in the Mountain and Creek Bottom area. This sub region contains rugged terrain with sharp crested high ridges, little level upland, and narrow valleys. The ridges extend in a northeast/southwest direction, and the mountains are more rugged in the southern boundaries of the District In the mountain and creek bottom area, the ridge tops range from 1,400 to 1,600 feet above mean sea level, except near Pine Mountain, where they are 1, 600 to 2, 500 feet. Side slopes on the mountains are generally steep and vary from vertical cliffs in the Escarpment Area to 20- 60 percent slopes in the Plateau Area. The most significant geological feature is coal. Knott, Leslie, Letcher, Perry and Breathitt Counties comprise the largest coal producing area in Eastern Kentucky. Coal is of the Pennsylvanian Age (about 240 million years old) and coal beds are from 1 to 48 inches in thickness; locally, beds up to 120 inches are reported. The dominant geologic formation in the Mountains Creek Bottom area is the Breathitt Formation of Middle Pennsylvanian age. It consists of variable sequences of shale 7 sandstone and coal with thin lenses of limestone generally not more than two feet thick. In the Escarpment area, rock formations of Mississippian Age (about 260 million years old) are exposed. It consists of conglomerate sandstones and limestone of the Pennsylvanian Lee Formation, and Mississippian Newman and St. Louis Formations. The three tributaries of the Kentucky River are located in the District and provide the drainage for 95 percent of the land area. The headwaters of the Cumberland and Big Sandy River are also in the District. Groundwater of the area is closely related to the type of geologic formation. Within the Eastern Coal Field region, bedrock of sandstone, siltstone, and conglomerate yields, to most wells drilled in valleys, enough water for home use. Few wells are drilled more than 200 feet deep for fear of encountering salt water. The calcium carbonate content of well water is generally 25 to 150 ppm or moderately soft, sulfate content is high in water draining from deep mines and strip mine spoil. Twelve areas of the District have municipal water and sewer systems. Over 82 percent of the land area is covered by forests. Approximately 4 percent is used for cropland and 5 percent is used for pasture/range land. Approximately 3 percent is urbanized and developed. There are no designated wet lands in the District. There are two water impoundments operated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: Buckhorn Lake located in Perry and Leslie County and Carr Creek Lake in Knott County. There are no permitted sites within the Kentucky River ADD for storing or disposing of hazardous or toxic wastes. Two areas in the District have been established as unique or ecologically sensitive. These areas are Bad Branch Falls and the Lilley Cornett Woods area, both in Letcher County. Eight Threatened or Endangered Species are listed for the counties of the Kentucky River Area Development District. They are as follows: Lee County: Indiana Bat- Myotis soda list Gray Bat- Myotis grisescens Virginia big-eared bat- Plecotus townsendii virginianus Letcher County: Eastern cougar- Felis concolor cougar Indiana bat- Myotis sodalist Mountain blackside dace - Phoxinus cumberlandensis Cumberland Johnny darter- Etheostoma nigrum susanae Wolfe County: Virginia big-eared bat - Plecotus townsendii virginianus Indiana bat- Myotis sodalist Red-cockaded woodpecker - Picoides borealis 8 White-haired goldenrod- Solidago albopilosa There are numerous areas within the District that fall within the floodplain . Communities participating in the flood insurance program are eligible for flood insurance. Historic Preservation has become an integral part of community and economic development planning as citizens see the economic value of reinvesting in historic downtowns and older neighborhoods. Preserving and redeveloping our historic downtowns also plays a role in industrial recruitment strategies because communities exhibit a vitality and sense of purpose through downtowns. Several sites in the area are on the National Register and recognized as historic buildings of sites. Recreational and green space is also a vital part of community and economic development for the area. In addition to federal and state recreational/and, each of the eight counties in the District has locally owned/operated recreational facilities. An overview of local recreational facilities is as follows. Breathitt County The Breathitt County Museum houses permanent exhibits relating to early county and city government, agriculture, mining, quilting, textile production, logging, education, hunting, music and Breathitt County war history. There is also a library room containing archive collections of oral history tapes, videos, photographs, old books and old records. Douthitt Memorial Park, located in Jackson, includes baseball, soccer and softball fields, basketball courts, tennis courts, picnic shelters, shuffleboard, concession stands, restrooms, Malone Miller Memorial Skate Park, Splash Park and four play grounds. The Breathitt County War memorial, located on Main Street in Jackson, features several large stone monuments to honor those from Breathitt County who lost their lives while defending our nation during wars and conflicts. The Breathitt County Elk View Station is located on Highway 1098. The station provides an overlook of the area for wildlife as well as a walking track. A campground is in the planning stages at this time. Knott County The Knott County Sportsplex is the most modern, state-of-the art multi-sports facility in the state of Kentucky. Located six miles east of Hindman on Highway 80, the facility offers the following: 66,000 square feet of indoor fun, 5 full size hardwood maple basketball courts, 5 volleyball courts, 3 baseball fields with lights for night games, 2 soccer fields, arcade with prizes, 8 lane bowling alley, state of the art fitness center, gymnastics center, conference room, sports museum, indoor walking track, sports shop, concessions (indoor and outdoor), eating and viewing area. 9 The Knott County A TV Center and Trails is one of only five training centers in the United States. It is the only center than includes a training center, a skills test course, as well as a beginner, intermediate and challenge trails accessible right from the training center. The Ball Creek Community Park contains a tennis court, a volleyball court, a basketball court, a picnic area, a shelter, playground, and a walking track. The Kite Community Park offers a walking track, playground, and basketball court. The Red Fox Community Park, located near Carr Fork Lake, offers a walking track, playground and basketball court. The Hindman/Knott County Park, located in Hindman, offers two basketball courts, a playground, walking track, picnic area, picnic shelter, two tennis courts, a baseball field, a skate board park and a swimming pool. The Appalachian Artisan Center located in Hindman has a mission of "preserving our heritage by serving our artisans". The Center includes an exhibit gallery and a retail section for regional artwork. Workshops and demonstrations are also given. The Kentucky School of Craft is a professional crafting school located in Hindman, offering instruction in jewelry, metals and wood. They offer both long-term training for college credit and short-term workshops. The School includes a public viewing gallery. The Knott County Historical Genealogical Society and Bed and Breakfast is located in the 65 year old Smith Home in Hindman. The house serves as a bed and breakfast, in addition to the headquarters of the Historical Genealogical Society. The Carr Creek Lake Marina is a full service marina located on the beautiful 750-acre Carr Creek Lake. Visitors can enjoy the beach, water sports and fishing. Camping facilities are located nearby. The Carr Creek State Park is located on Carr Creek Lake in Sassafras. The Park includes camping, a public beach, and a nearby marina. Anglers visiting the park can fish for bass, crappie, and walleye. The Carr Fork Wildlife management Area is located near the Carr Creek Lake. Scenic mountainous areas are forested with big hardwoods. This is a popular area for deer, squirrel and grouse hunting. Camping is permitted in the Corps maintained campground. Four Star Village Pay Lake and Catering is located in Red Fox, offering a family oriented Pay Lake. The lake includes a snack bar, tournaments, and "tag fish". The facility can be rented for reunions, picnics and other special occasions. Catering services are also available. The Littcarr Wildlife Viewing Area, located in Littcarr, is a 6 acre marsh area for the viewing of various plants and wildlife. Quail, wood duck, wild turkey, striped skunk, and white tail deer can all be seen in this area. 10 The Sugar Branch Trail is an Army Corps of Engineers maintained trail, built along an old fire road. This hiking trail is 6 miles long, with a moderate degree of difficulty. Biking, horses and motorized vehicles are prohibited on this trail. Lee Countv The Beattyville Boat Dock on the Kentucky River is located on East Main Street in Beattyville, KY. It includes a boat dock, a pier, and a pontoon deck to fish or just enjoy the river. It is also handicap accessible. Lee County Happy Top Park, located at 500 Happy Top Road, Beattyville, KY includes a community center with kitchen, amphitheater, softball field, basketball courts, horseshoe pits, playground equipment, a scenic walking trail, and an overlook of the Kentucky River. The park is handicap accessible. The St. Thomas Episcopal Church, located at 73 Woodford Ave, Beattyville, KY has been designated a Kentucky Historical Landmark. This church was constructed in the late 1800's, is built of native hewn sandstone and has unique woodworks. Tours are available by appointment by contacting Peoples Exchange Bank at 606-464-3611. The Three Forks Historical Center is located on Highway 11 South in Beattyville, KY. Visitors of this museum will see painting and artifacts which depict the history of Beattyville over the past 100 years. A variety of items from the coal and oil industry, and farming are on display. Lock #14 on the Kentucky River is located in Heidleberg, on Highway 399 near Beattyville. This small roadside public fishing area has a ramp and offers great fishing for bluegill, largemouth bass, catfish, and sunfish. A picnic area is provided. The Beattyville Country Club, located on Highway 11 South, is open 9:00AM to sunset. This 9-hole course is well-maintained, and the greens are some of the best. The Beattyville City Park, on River Drive, is open from 9:00AM to Sunset. Located on the banks of the North Fork, KY River behind the historic City Hall, the park offers a picnic area with a covered shelter and BBQ, playground equipment, and horseshoe pits. To reserve shelter, Contact City of Beattyville at 606-464-5007 The Lee County Saddle Club is located on Highway 11 South, Beattyville, KY is open year around, and holds horse shows, trail rides. They have a practice show ring, concession stand, a covered pavilion, restrooms and showers. Campers are welcome. Lee County War Memorial Park is open year around. Lee County Veterans are honored with a small roadside park which has a wall with the names of the veterans. Benches are provided. 11 Bear Track Park is located at 6944 Highway 52 west and is open year round. Bring a blanket and relax at this small scenic roadside park which is located in a wooded area. It is used mainly for picnics, reunions and weddings. The Beattyville Tennis Courts on East Third Street in Beattyville are open year round. The courts are lighted and free to the public. The Sheltowee Trace Trail #1 00 is located in Lee County. The hiking, biking and horse trails in this district are approximately 34 miles long. Portions may be multiple use and other sections may be marked "foot travel only". For more information go to www. southernregion.!TRAILsta.HTM Leslie Countv Leslie County offers the Richard M. Nixon Recreation Center. The center is equipped with a gymnasium, outside basketball courts, a playground, four tennis courts, an Olympic sized swimming pool, a pavilion type shelter, picnic areas, and a baseball field. The City of Hyden has a city park that is available for local residents. The park has a walking track, playground areas for young and elderly, a picnic area, a skate park, an outdoor movie screen, and a performance stage. The Creekside Go-Kart track includes a new state of the art 550 ft. go cart track, featuring electric go carts, concession stand, and restrooms. Red Bird Mission Crafts, located at Beverly, creates economic opportunities and cottage industries for local Appalachian crafters. Wooden plaques, toys, native animals and ornaments along with local books and note cards can be found at this facility. The Leslie County Heritage Society, located in Hyden, is dedicated to preserving the history of the people and places in Leslie County. The Society provides personal files, census records and other information for genealogy research. The Red Bird Wildlife Management Area, located in Big Creek, is the site of one of the largest Elk releases in Kentucky. The 25, 529 acres of gentle slopes in bottom lands and on ridge tops was established for wildlife restoration and management. The Cawood U.S. Forest Recreation Center is located in the Red Bird Wildlife Management Area. The Center includes primitive campsites and a picnic area by a brook. Trace Branch and Confluence Recreational areas and the Mary Breckenridge Memorial park are located near Buckhorn. They are situated on Buckhorn Lake, offering campgrounds, a day-use picnic shelter available for reservation, a boat ramp, playground, horseshoe pits, courtesy dock and restroom facilities. 12 The Red Bird Crest Trail, in Big Creek, is a 65 mile loop trail open to hikers, horses, mountain bikes and off-highway vehicles. This is one of the longest OHV trails in Kentucky. Letcher Countv The Letcher County Recreation Center, located in Whitesburg, KY, is a new 43,000 square foot recreational facility. The two story structure consists of basketball courts, bowling alley, a climbing wall, golf simulator, party rooms, a children's play zone, fitness area, walking track, multi-purpose rooms, batting cages, concession stand, and an office wing. Appalshop, Inc. is a nationally known not-for-profit multidisciplinary arts and education center located in Letcher County. The center features an art gallery, film, video, theatre, music and more. Concerts, exhibitions and events are hosted at the center. Carcassonne Community Center, located in Blackey, is a circa 1930's mountain high school that hosts old-time square dances each month. The dancers from the center have been featured at the Smithsonian Appalachian Festival and the Kentucky Folklife Festival, as well in the National Geographic Magazine. The Letcher County Historical and Genealogical Society is located in Whitesburg. It is considered one of the best genealogical reference libraries in Eastern Kentucky. It is dedicated to preserving the history of the people and places in Letcher County. The G.B. Caudill Store Museum, located in Blackey, is an excellent example of an oldtime country store. The store was established in 1933 and has many items depicting the 201h century Appalachian culture, such as farm and mining implements, obsolete kitchen utensils, glassware and much more. The Oven Fork Mercantile, in Eolia, was built in the 1930's and has its original counters. One side of the room served as the post office from 1945 to 1988 and the old post office boxes still remain. A 1500 piece collection of arrowheads is on display as well as local arts, crafts and antiques. The David A. Zegeer Coal-Railroad Museum in Jenkins is located in a restored 1911 train depot. The museum contains an amazing collection of photographs, artifacts and scrip. Visitors to the museum can learn about the daily life of the miners who worked for Consolidation Coal Company. The Letcher County Museum, located in Hemphill, serves as the site for exhibits, antiques, a children's section, coal mining artifacts, baby's room, office equipment, and classroom settings displayed by the Letcher County Historical Society. Also on the site is a Coal Miner's Monument, a memorial to all those in Letcher County who suffered from working in and around the coal industry. Bad Branch Hiking Trail and Nature Preserve is located near Whitesburg. 7.4 miles of trails are located in the preserve. The area protects Kentucky's only nesting pair of 13 common ravens and many rare species of plants. The area includes a waterfall and Bad Branch Stream. Lilley Cornett Woods is an old growth forest, designated a Registered National Landmark by the U.S. Department of the Interior. 554 acres of trees and wildflowers, two trails and picnicking areas can be found here. Little laurel Park is the home of Fish Pond Lake. The Park, located in Payne Gap, contains over 534 acres with primitive campsites and picnic shelters. The Raven Rock Golf Course, located in Jenkins, is an 18 hole course situated on a reclaimed strip mine. Also located near the course are a driving range, training facility, pro shop, snack bar, and cart and club rentals. Mountain Motor Speed Park, located in /sam, is a 3/8 mile drag strip and dirt track hosting racing every Friday and Saturday night. Blair Lake is a 5 acre lake stocked with catfish from March - September. The pay lake, located in Partridge, also features primitive camping sites. The Pine Mountain/Hensley Public Wildlife Management Area features over 6,000 acres in Letcher and Harlan Counties. One of the only places in Kentucky where black bear can be seen consistently, the area has turkey, grouse, deer, elk and other wildlife. Some unique species of plants and some old-growth forest can also be found in this area. Jenkins Lake and City Park includes picnic tables, kiddie slides, swings, a picnic shelter and stage. The park hosts the annual Jenkins Festival with live entertainment, carnival and food booths. Riverside Park is a lovely community park located in Whitesburg. The park includes picnic areas, and a walking track. Skyview Park is a 40-acre park in Cromona. The park includes ball fields, picnic areas, as well as a meeting room. Letcher County's public park, located in Whitesburg, includes a swimming pool, two playgrounds, a football field, a baseball field and four tennis courts. Owsley Countv The Owsley County Park offers local citizens a baseball field, two tennis courts, a basketball court, picnic area, shelter, and a playground on a four acre site. A drive-in movie theatre is near the park. Noble's Pioneer Museum is located 4 miles north of Booneville at Lerose in Owsley County. Rare Indian Artifacts, log houses, antiques and other primitive treasures are found at the museum. A log homestead building, built in 1874 is filled with items used in homes of the 1870's and 1880's up to the present date. The farm buildings on site house 14 the farming artifacts of the same time periods. A smokehouse displays old time methods for preserving meats and vegetables. One building houses an extraordinary rock and fossil collection. The William Moore House on this site was built in 1806. The building has been preserved as the first house constructed within the city limits of Booneville. The Owsley County Sportsman's Club maintains a horse show ring and conducts an annual horse show and trail ride. The trail ride continues 30 miles through picturesque parts of Owsley County. Perrv Countv In Perry County, a new campground has just opened in the Buckhorn Lake area. Eagle's Landing is located only a few miles from the State Resort Park. Renovations to the area include a new RV camping area with power and bathrooms, primitive camping, grills and a campground. The Hazard Pavilion has an indoor pool, three racquetball courts, an indoor track, two indoor tennis courts, an aerobics floor, stationary bikes, a weight room, a sauna, party room, a dining patio and locker rooms. The Perry County Park is located in the City of Hazard. The park, known as the NeaceGarman Park, includes a walking track, baseball fields, picnic areas, shelters, miniature golf course, two basketball courts, a swimming pool with bath house, a skate park, two tennis courts, a children's playground and a handicap accessible playground along with a horse show ring. The First Federal Center, located on the campus of Hazard Community College, consists of a 1, 000 seat convocation hall, a small auditorium, classrooms, art gallery, activities center, a bookstore and dining facilities. The Forum at the Hal Rogers Center is a 35,000 square-foot facility built in 2002 by the City of Hazard. The Forum provides a cornerstone for the arts, to produce live and taped programming materials, and presentations. The Leatherwood/Cornettsville Park located at Cornettsville consists of picnic areas, waking track and picnic shelter. The Buckhorn Log Cathedral was constructed in 1928 with wood, land and labor all donated by local citizens. The Cathedral includes a Hunter-Hook Pipe Organ. Services are still held weekly, with seating available for 400. The Fugate Cinema, located in Hazard, includes five theatres each with seating for 100 people. The complex includes a snack bar and tables for birthday parties. Fugate's Bowl-a-Rama includes twenty electronic bowling lanes which can accommodate 6 people each. They also have a game room, pool room and snack bar. 15 Hillside Theater has four theatres and features first run movies weekly and a snack bar and game room. The Bobby Davis Museum and Park located in Hazard includes a local history museum displaying artifacts and photographs that depict life in Hazard and Perry County from the founding in 1795 to present. The museum is located inside a beautiful park with an herb garden and picnic area. The Museum and park were constructed in 1945 to honor all the young citizens killed in World War II including Bobby Davis. The Place of the Patriots is a stone monument in front of City Hall in Hazard honoring the dead from Perry County in all wars. There is a special monument for those missing in action. Buckhorn Lake State Resort Park is located on beautiful Buckhorn Lake. The park offers a marina, beach, gift shop, lodge, cottages, dining room and conference center, tennis, shuffleboard, horseshoes, volleyball, miniature golf, hiking, fishing and boating. Buckhorn Lake Wildlife Area is open for hunting. This area has mountainous terrain and is primarily forested with some open land bottoms. The trail system in Buckhorn includes three trails. The Moonshine Trail is 1 mile with a . 5 mile return along the park road. Connecting with Moonshine Hollow, the Leatherwood Trail is a . 5 mile circuit strenuous hiking trail and has several steps on the ascent. There is an overlook providing a gorgeous view of the lake. The Stillhouse trail is a fine gravel hiking trail which has some hills, with moderate degree of difficulty. Currently~ mile of the trail is open with 1 ~ miles yet to be completed. All these trails are open to foot traffic only. Robinson Forest, located in Perry, Breathitt and Knott Counties, is an old-growth ecosystem on the Cumberland Plateau which has numerous songbirds and other forest species. A 10,000 acre block has been designated a wildlife refuge, and remaining acreage in 3 blocks is open to the public for hunting. Wolfe Countv The Campton Community Park has a tennis court, a basketball court, a playground and a baseball field. The Red River Gorge is near Campton (located in Wolfe & Powell Counties) and is a popular place for campers and hikers from far and wide. The Koomer Ridge area has picnic facilities and campsites available to visitors. The Pioneer Weapons Reserve is an area limiting hunters to primitive weapons. The Natural Bridge State Resort Park located near Slade, KY is also a popular recreational site for Wolfe County residents. The park offers a lodge, a lake with pedal boats, picnic facilities and playgrounds. A new monument is being planned for construction in Wolfe County. The Eastern Kentucky Heritage Monument consists of three large, steel, stylized traditional instruments - a guitar, banjo and fiddle- resting on a round, stepped, concrete plinth 16 covered by a faqade of recycled Civilian Conservation Corps sandstone. The instruments will be arranged in a triangular pattern. The framework of each instrument, which defines the shape, will be made of steel. The framework is a sculpture, with no solid tops or backs. The instruments, in addition to their attributes as sculpture, will serve as giant wind harps. A visitor standing between the instruments will hear the harmonic vibrations caused by the wind blowing across the strings. Inscribed on the platform floor will be the autographs and hometowns of Eastern Kentucky musicians, authors, and artists. The goal of the monument is to honor a diverse cross-section of deserving Eastern Kentucky artists ranging from the famous to the back porch variety. The monument will sit on top of a hill. The combination of visual and auditory stimuli will be quite stunning, truly astonishing and absolutely unforgettable. The monument is being organized and funded through a grassroots project of the Appalachian Heritage Alliance. Kentucky Agricultural Development Information System (KADIS) The KADIS is a partnership between the Kentucky Department of Agriculture, the Governor's Office of Agriculture Policy, the US Economic Development Administration and the Kentucky Area Development Districts in an effort to link together all organizations, institutions, agencies, and individuals seeking to promote and develop the agricultural sector of the Kentucky economy. The ADD's work with each county in their respective region to gather data sets that will collectively produce an all-inclusive spatial/non-spatial Geographic Information System of all agricultural resources and assets throughout the Commonwealth of Kentucky. This web-based GIS driven system will create an emphasis on linkages and integration towards future planning and projects that affect the agriculture economy. Some of the datasets included in KADIS include: • Sites/buildings suitable for agricultural businesses and industry • Soils data • Existing ag businesses and facilities • Disaster prone facilities, crop loss data, etc. • Agricultural friendly land use regulations • Kentucky Proud facilities, farmers markets, organic products, etc. • Bio-energy resources/produce and local food resources • Distribution/aggregation facilities • Livestock resources • Land uses including prime farmland, environmentally sensitive and protected areas, etc. • Workforce development/technical training resources and programs • Crop production information • Transportation resources (rail, ports, etc.) • Linkages to other resources such as water, sewer, etc. 17 HUMAN RESOURCES Each county in the Kentucky River Area Development District is served by the Kentucky River Area Agency on Aging, a network that creates a connection between older persons and the services they need. The federal government provides funding for a portion of many services and programs under the Older Americans Act of 1965. These funds, along with state and local dollars, are used by local agencies and organizations to provide services to allow senior citizens to remain in their homes as long as possible. There is no charge for services provided by the Older American Act, although contributions are encouraged. Other senior services are based on the ability to pay. The services available in the eight county area of the District may vary according to different communities. Services provided include: *In-Home Service: These services are available for persons aged 60 and older who have disabilities, handicaps, or other self-care problems. The recipients prefer to remain in their home and live independently. Services include assessment, case management, chores, home delivered meals, home maker/home management, personal care, respite, home repair, escort, friendly visiting, telephone reassurance, information, assistance, public education, cash & counseling and outreach. *Senior Citizens Centers: Many opportunities and programs are available for the person 60 years and older at the Senior Citizens Centers located in each of the eight counties. Services offered at the Centers include congregate meals, benefits counseling, education, health promotion, information and assistance, legal assistance, outreach, recreation, and transportation. * Adult Day and Alzheimer's Respite Programs: Adult day and Alzheimer's respite programs are community based group programs designed to provide social and related supportive services for older persons and Alzheimer's individuals. These programs are designed to assist the person and the caregivers in the difficulties of daily living and enable the person to continue living in the home. * Long Term Care Ombudsman: This program, on behalf of long term care residents or their families, receives and investigates complaints and problems that trouble residents in the local nursing homes. Issues are resolved or referred to proper authorities. The program promotes volunteer, resident, and community involvement. *Senior Citizen Community Service Program: This program provides training and parttime employment opportunities to low income persons 55 years of age and older in five of the eight counties. Enrollees are assigned to non-profit agencies.] *Community Collaboration for Children: This program focuses on prevention of child abuse, with in home services, focusing on parenting skills, etc. 18 * National Family Caregivers Program: This program assist the caregiver caring for older adults and others with information, assistance counseling, support groups, training, respite and supplemental services. *Kentucky Grandparents Program: This program is designed for grandparents of any age raising grandchildren under 17 years of age with assistance, information, training, support groups, respite, counseling and supplemental services. *Consumer Directed Option Program: In home community based Medicaid waiver program providing for consumer directed services, homemaking, personal care, respite and attendant care to eligible individuals. *State Health Insurance Program: Assist with information concerning Medicare and/or Medicaid programs. PUBLIC PROTECTION Public protection in the Kentucky River Area Development District is provided by 19 area police departments, staffed by 88 police officers. In addition, protection is also provided by local sheriff's departments and the Kentucky State Police. There are 51 Fire Departments located in the region. A total of 1,113 fire fighters man these departments. HOUSING A dramatic change has been taking place in the type of housing in the Kentucky River Area Development District. In 1960, there were very few mobile homes; however, by 2000, 25% of the housing stock was comprised of mobile homes. Mobile homes have the advantage of lower cost, flexible location, and ease of financing, desirable traits for Eastern Kentucky residents. The percentage of homes that are multi-family is much lower in KRADD when compared to the state as a whole. A long with the changes in the type of housing the quality of the housing stock has also improved. As per census data, almost 90 percent of the household in the KRADD area have complete plumbing facilities. While this figure is still /ower than that of the state as a whole, the gap has narrowed drastically since the 80's and 90's. HEALTH There are five hospitals located in the area, with a total of 433 beds available. Also in the Kentucky River area are numerous clinics. These include: Kentucky River District Health - main office located in Hazard, Perry County, KY- with clinics located in the City of Jackson, Breathitt County; City of Hindman, Knott County; City of Beattyville, Lee County; City of Hyden, Leslie County, City of Whitesburg, Letcher County; City of Booneville, Owsley County; City of Hazard, Perry County; and the City of Campton, Wolfe County. 19 Mountain Comprehensive Health Corporation operates 10 clinics in the District. These are: Breathitt County Medical Clinic, Jackson, Whitesburg Medical Clinic, Letcher County; Respiratory Clinic of Eastern Kentucky, Whitesburg; Leatherwood/Biackey Medical Clinic, Cornettesvil/e, Perry County; Owsley County Medical Clinic, Booneville; East KY Health Services Center, Hindman, Knott County; Daniel Boone Clinic, Whitesburg, Letcher County; Campton Medical Clinic, Wolfe County; and the Buckhorn Medical Clinic, Perry County. Other health services located in the District include: Prenatal Clinic, operated by Hazard ARH and located in Perry County; KY Cancer Program Regional Office, serving the counties of Breathitt, Knott, Lee, Leslie, Owsley, Perry and Wolfe, located in Hyden, Leslie County; Hospice, located in Hazard, Perry County; June Buchanan Clinic, located in Knott County; KY River ADD Homecare Program, providing in-home services through the health centers in all eight counties. There are 12 1ong term care facilities in the region, with a total of 1,290 beds available. ECONOMY ANALYSIS ECONOMIC BACKGROUND OF THE REGION ECONOMY Some diversification is beginning to take place in the region. Jobs in the health care field, secondary wood industry, as well as manufacturing jobs, are becoming available. Retail and service type jobs are also developing; however, these jobs, especially retail, although a vital part of the region, pay only minimum wage. The coal miner has been paid a higher hourly rate; therefore, the standard of living has decreased for some families in the area due to a steady decline in manpower required in the mining industry. The largest employers in the area continue to be in the healthcare and education fields. Unemployment in the area continues to stay at a higher rate than the State or National rates. Along with the "displaced worker", the region has a high percentage of "discouraged" workers, who no longer actively seek employment and are, therefore, not included in the official unemployment statistics. Therefore, the official unemployment rates in the region are deceptively lower than actual unemployment. A study by the University of Kentucky Appalachian Center stated that the true unemployment rates for this area range from 33 to 52 percent. Economic growth within the District continues to lag behind the State and National performance. Even though personal income has risen over recent years, income from income maintenance, unemployment, retirement, dividends, interest and rent are providing a larger portion of the derived total personal income. 20 In the Kentucky River ADD the largest percentage of employees is in the service industry (including healthcare), with 34%. State and Local government employees make up 25% of those currently employed with 21% employed in retail. Mining and quarrying employs 13% of those in the region 's workforce. There are currently 1, 717 persons employed in manufacturing jobs in the region, representing 5% of the workforce. INDUSTRIAL PARKS There are eight industrial I business parks located within the Kentucky River ADD region. These sites range from 7. 5 acres to 385 acres in size and offer a variety of options for new business locations. The Panbowl Lake Industrial Park is located in Breathitt County. The site has a total of 31 available acres, with a 12 inch water line on site and an 8 inch gravity sewer line 500 feet northwest of the site. There is a 40,500 square feet speculative building located on a 4.4 acre site located within the park. The Park is owned and maintained by the Breathitt County/City of Jackson Industrial Development Authority. The Lee County Industrial Park is located 2 miles southwest of Beattyville in Lee County. The site has a total of 27.6 available acres, with a 6 inch waterline and 8 inch gravity sewer line on site. One business, Jackson Energy, is currently located in the park. The Park is owned and maintained by the Lee County Fiscal Court. The Crystal Creek Industrial Park is located in Beattyville, Lee County. There are 110 available acres. There is a 6 inch water line approximately 525 feet west of the site, and a 4 inch force main sewer line adjacent to the western site boundary. The Park is owned and maintained by the City of Beattyville. The Gateway Regional Business Park is located near Jenkins in Letcher County. There are 283 available acres in the park at this time. The site is served by a 10 inch water line and an 8 inch gravity sewer line. Gas distribution lines were recently installed. There are six businesses located within the park at this time: B.J. Services Company, Taylor Metal Roofing & Siding, Inc., WI.N.G.S. Helipad Evacuation, Ferus, Inc., KRCC and Equitable Productions. The park is owned and maintained by the Appalachian Industrial Authority, a multi-county authority representing Floyd, Knott, Letcher and Pike counties. The Whitesburg Industrial Site is located in Whitesburg, Letcher County. The site has 7.5 available acres, with an 8 inch water line on site and a 10 inch gravity sewer line located 40 feet east of the site. There is currently one business, Pine Mountain Lumber, located at the site. The site is owned and maintained by the City of Whitesburg. The Lone Oak Industrial Park is located 1.5 miles south of Booneville in Owsley County. The Loan Oak Park has 75. 1 acres available at this time, with a 6 inch water line and 8 inch gravity sewer line serving the park. There is one available speculative building within the park: a 25,920 square foot building, located on 4.6 acres. There is one business 21 located in the park at this time, Wolfe Creek Metal Fabrication. The park is owned and maintained by the Owsley County Industrial Authority. The Coal Fields Regional Business Park is located 10. 7 miles northwest of Hazard in Perry County. The park has a total acreage of 385. 7, with 338. 1 available at this time. There are 8 inch and 12 inch water lines serving the park, as well as 8 inch and 10 inch gravity sewer lines. There are four businesses currently located in the park: Sykes, Inc., FedEx Distribution Center, Scott King Equipment and AODD Transport. EcoPower has an option to purchase 125 acres for the construction of a wood fired power plant which is currently in the permitting process. The park is owned and maintained by the Coal Fields Regional Industrial Authority, a multi-county authority representing Perry, Harlan, Leslie, Breathitt and Knott counties. The Pine Ridge Regional Business Park is located 1 mile west of Campton in Wolfe County. The park has a total acreage of 117. 7 with the largest possible tract being 56.6 acres. The site is served by a 6 inch water line and a 6 inch force main sewer line. One business, KY Truss, Inc., is currently located in the park. The park is owned and operated by the Pine Ridge Regional Industrial Authority, a multi-county authority representing Breathitt, Lee, Owsley, Powell and Wolfe counties. Maps of industrial parks and available buildings in the District are included in attachment Ill. A list of existing industries and employment information by major industry for the Kentucky River Area is as follows. FIRM Appalachian Regional Mfg. Breathitt County Voice COUNTY Breathitt Breathitt CITY Jackson Jackson Combs Custom Mfg. The Wells Group Dotweld Kentucky Explorer Combs Custom Cycles Breathitt Breathitt Breathitt Breathitt Knott Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Leburn Knott Knott Knott Lee Hindman Hindman Leburn Beattyville Lee County Wood Products Lee Beattyville PWM,Inc. ASC Commercial Solutions Three Forks Tradition Begley Lumber Co. Inc. Leslie County News Lee Lee Lee Leslie Leslie Beattyville Beattyville Beattyville Hyden Hyden Troublesome Creek Times Appalachian Truss Design DeSIGN Beattyville Enterprises PRODUCTS Electrical Manufacturing Publish Weekly Newspaper Truck bumpers & accessories, push bars, grilles & guards ready mix concrete & asphalt Metal fabrication Monthly Magazine Publishing Manufacturer of Custom Motorcycles weekly newspaper publishing & typesetting Engineered wooden trusses Sign design Newspaper publishing sawmill: hardwood & softwood lumber & wooden pallets machine shop; arc, welding, drilling, boring, honing, cutting, metal fabricating Data entry Newspaper publishing Hardwood lumber sawmill Newspaper publishing EMP 67 6 2 6 3 2 4 5 5 1 2 17 2 60 2 50 3 22 The Wells Group B.J. Services Equitable Productions Letcher Letcher Letcher Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jabo & Sons, Inc. Taylor Metal Drill Steel Service Inc. Hall Equipment & Supply Co. Ferus Corporation Pine Mountain Lumber LLC The Mountain Eagle LP Standard Laboratories JAC Glass Specialist Mine Signs & Decals Mountain Aggregates Booneville Sentinel Thomas Brothers Sawmill Wolfe Creek Metal, Inc. Letcher Letcher Letcher Letcher Letcher Letcher Letcher Letcher Letcher Letcher Letcher Owsley Owsley Owsley Jenkins Jenkins Whitesburg Whitesburg Jenkins Whitesburg Whitesburg Whitesburg Ermine Cromona Burdine Booneville Booneville Booneville AAA Mine Service CATTS Teague Metal & Truss Hazard Herald Perry Perry Perry Perry Hazard Chavies Jeff Hazard Home Lumber Co. Inc. Home Lumber Ready Mix Martin Signs UPS Wayne Supply Perry Perry Perry Perry Perry Hazard Hazard Hazard Hazard Hazard Sportsworld I Sykes, Inc. Ultra Lok Fasteners Halsey Meat Processing S&S Lumber Perry Perry Perry Wolfe Wolfe Hazard Hazard Busy Pine Ridge Rogers Danny's Welding, Inc. KY Buildings LLC Spencer Cabinet Shop Wolfe Wolfe Wolfe Campton Campton Campton 4 85 10 concrete Gas well servicing natural gas collection and distribution machine shop: machining, lathe & mill work, mining machinery repair service metal siding and roofing steel rods & processing mining machinery rebuilding Liquid nitrogen rough lumber & railroad ties Newspaper publishing Soil and coal testing Stained glass windows Screen printing Limestone quarry Newspaper publishing custom wood sawing, rough lumber Metal Fabrication machine shop; general machining, surface grinding, welding, boring, cutting, lathe & mill work Distribution center Wooden trusses and metal siding Newspaper publishing millwork, custom wooden cabinets, laminated counter tops & architectural glass, redid-mix concrete ready-mixed concrete wooden & painted signs Package distribution Industrial heavy equipment Contract sewing & embroidering services, textile screen printing, trophies & awards data processing Self- Tapping Bolt production Meat processing Rough lumber Truck dump boxes, custom metal fabricating & welding service Manufactured metal buildings Pre-fabricated cabinets 10 7 32 18 20 94 8 40 1 2 30 1 6 3 66 4 30 10 27 11 1 23 152 3 800 5 6 20 9 5 3 23 EDUCATION The Kentucky River region ensures that all students receive an opportunity to all levels of education. The schools in the Kentucky River area strive to meet all state and federal requirements for primary, secondary and post-secondary education. Vocational education in the area is provided through the Kentucky Community and Technical College System, with vocational education centers located throughout the area. A listing of educational facilities follows. COUNTY SCHOOL NAME SCHOOL TYPE Breathitt Breathitt County Schools K-12 Breathitt Jackson Independent Schools K-12 Breathitt Hazard Community & Technical College, Lees College Campus Post-secondary Breathitt Morehead State University at Jackson Post-secondary Breathitt Breathitt County Area Technology Center Technical Knott Knott County Schools K-12 Knott June Buchanan K-12 Knott Hazard Community & Technical College, Knott County Branch Post-secondary Knott Alice Lloyd College Post-secondary Knott Knott County Area Technology Center Technical Lee Lee County Schools K-12 Lee Lee County Area Technology Center Technical Leslie Leslie County Schools K-12 Leslie Hazard Community & Technical College, Leslie County Branch Post-secondary medical Leslie Frontier School of Midwifery and Family Nursing Leslie Leslie County Area Technology Center Technical Letcher Letcher County Schools K-12 Letcher Jenkins Independent Schools K-12 Letcher Southeast Community & Technical College, Whitesburg Campus Post-secondary Letcher Letcher County Area Technology Center Technical Owsley Owsley County Schools K-12 Perry Hazard Independent Schools K-12 Perry Perry County Schools K-12 Perry Hazard Community & Technical College, Technical Campus Technical Perry Hazard Community & Technical College, Main Campus Post-secondary Wolfe Wolfe County Schools K-12 WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT Workforce Development efforts in the Kentucky River region are handled by the East Kentucky Concentrated Employment Program (EKCEP) through their JobSight. 24 Eastern Kentucky's JobSight brings more than a dozen state and federal employment and training programs together under one roof to meet the needs of eastern Kentucky's job seekers and employers. Services for job seekers include: job placement, career planning, skills assessment, vocational rehabilitation, G. E. D. courses, education and training information, student financial assistance, on-the-job training, assistance for older workers, and unemployment insurance. Each JobSight center includes a Career Resources Center where job seekers can prepare a resume, get information about labor markets and in-demand jobs, access the internet to look for jobs, and use a collection of instructional books and videos on topics that range from successful job interview techniques to time management. Services for employers include: help with finding, screening and testing job applicants; research on the local labor pool or economy; facilities for interviewing applicants; and help with developing customized or on-the-job training programs. TRANSPORTATION The Kentucky River Area Development District is served by two modes of commercial transportation: public highways and railroads. Only five of the eight counties within the District are accessed by rail: Lee, Breathitt, Perry, Letcher and Knott Counties. The major use of rail transportation is the movement of coal produced in the area. Approximately 85% of the coal produced is shipped by rail. The major arterial highways in the ADD include the Hal Rogers Parkway, the Mountain Parkway, KY 80, KY 15, US 119, US 23 and US 421 . These major roads along with the network of state secondary and county roads comprise the highway transportation system within the ADD. There are no commercial air transportation systems with the ADD. Air transportation is available to citizens at Lexington, KY, Knoxville, TN, and Bristol, TN. These commercial airports are all within 1.5 to 2.5 hours driving time from the District. There are two public airfields in the District which serve the aviation needs of the counties in which they are located. The Julian Carroll Airport, located near Jackson, provides service for small private aircraft. However, the airport does not have adequate runway for larger commercial or corporate aircraft. The Wendell Ford Airport in Perry County has the capacity to accommodate small private aircraft as well as corporate and commercial jet flights. There is no commercial water transportation within the District. Lee County and the City of Beattyville are the only areas within the ADD that are located on the main stem of the Kentucky River; however, channel siltation and lack of maintenance of locks and dams has limited water transportation to small pleasure craft and fishing boats. 25 Public transportation resources in the eight counties of the Kentucky River Area Development District are very limited at present. The three Community Action Agencies in the area provide most of the public transportation services to citizens of the region and are listed below: 1) LKLP Community Action Agency, serving Knott, Leslie, Letcher and Perry Counties: 1. 2. 3. 4. Head Start Buses; Senior Citizen Vans; Medical Transportation; Rural Transportation - on-demand through a dispatcher in each of the four counties. 2) Daniel Boone Area Development Council, serving Lee, Owsley and Wolfe Counties, provides Medical Transportation. 3) Middle Kentucky Area Development Council, serving Breathitt, Owsley, Lee and Wolfe Counties: 1. 2. 3. Head Start Buses; Senior Citizen Vans; Medical Transportation The only other mode of public transportation is privately operated taxi service. Transportation planning in the District is primarily undertaken by the Kentucky River ADD's Transportation Planning Committee in conjunction with the Transportation Cabinet's District Highway offices serving the eight county area. INFRASTRUCTURE There are currently 11 municipal waste water treatment plants, 3 Special District waste water plants and one intersystem utility in the Kentucky River ADD region. These systems serve a total of 9,721 households. Also in the region are 52 package treatment plants serving a variety of businesses, schools, private dwellings, industrial sites, and subdivisions. Only about 20 percent of households in the region are served by municipal or package sewer treatment plants. The remaining households in the area rely on septic systems or illegal straight line pipes to streams to dispose of waste water. There are 18 water systems in the region, 11 of which have their own water treatment plants. These systems serve a total of 30,623 households. The remaining households in the region rely on private wells, cisterns or hauled water for their potable water needs. 26 The following is Information on existing wastewater systems in the District. SYSTEM LOCATI ON Jenkins Neon Whitesburg Vicco Hazard Jackson Campton Booneville Beattyville Pippa Passes Hindman Hyden Millstone (LCWS D) Perry Sanitation Ball Creek (TEA) DATE CONST. OR UPGRA DED 1991 1988 2009 1969 1995 1992 2004 1997 1996 1985 1997 2005 2001 2012 DESIGN AV. DA ILY FLOW (GPO) [(GPO) 600,000 50,000 520,000 162,233 232,000 600,000 100,000 76,419 3,000,000 1,859,370 750,000 280,000 320,000 213,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 248,000 100,000 100,000 120,000 147,000 200,000 75,000 2,000 9000 68,2 16 100,000 2,000 T YPE CUSTOMERS D ISCHARGE S tream 753 Stream 857 Stream 700 Stream 132 Stream 2,501 Stream 1,373 Stream 255 Stream 479 Stream 942 S trea m 150 Stream 31 0 Stream 556 Stream 22 KISOP 1,485 Stream 51 The following is Information on existing water systems in the District. SYSTEM DATE CONSTRUCTED LOCATION OR UPGRADED Jenkins 1986 Neon 1983 Whitesburg 1994 . Vicco Hazard 2002 Jackson 2005 Campton 2011 Booneville 1987 Beattyville 2008 Knoll Co Water & Sewer Dist.- Carr Cr 2009 Hi ndman 1994 Hyden 2012 . Breathitt Co. Water Dist . Village of Buckhorn Mount Carmel High/Boarding School 1977 . Phoenix Place Water System . Letcher Co Water & Sewer Dist. DESIGN CURRENT DEMAND INTAKE (GPO) SOURCE (GPO) 1,000,000 504,005 Elkhorn Lake 360,000 273,066 Mine Shafi 860,000 761,830 North Fork . 218,332 KCWSD 5,000,000 3,758,605 North Fork 2,500,000 1,000,000 North Fork 1,000,000 43 1,614 Campton Lake 720,000 381,630 South Fork 2,000,000 741 ,929 North Fork 2,000,000 1,800,000 Carr Fork Lake 400,000 1,046 KCWSD 1,500,000 1,003,830 Middle Fork . 182,855 Jackson . 81,416 Hazard 9000 5,893 2 wells . 28,950 KCWSD . 65 144 1 KCWSD STORAGE CUSTOMERS CAPACITY 894 750,000 800,000 1,136 1,545,500 1,3 15 434,000 1,032 10,694,000 2,398 695,000 3,181 I ,4 11,000 1,850 1,547,500 2,585 I ,670,000 2,484 2,625,1 00 801 775,000 3,480 2,130,480 1,510 I ,372,000 234 250,000 13 10,000 194 212,000 2910 635000 2430 27 SOLID WASTE The following is a listing of solid waste information for cities and counties in the region. COUNTY Breathitt Jackson Knott Lee Beattyville Leslie Letcher Whitesburg Jenkins Owsley (1) Owsley (2) Perry Hazard Wolfe LANDFILL Laurel Ridge Laurel Ridge Mount Sterling Irvine Blue Ridge Laurel Ridge Laurel Ridge Pike County Pike County Irvine Montgomery Co. Laurel Ridge Laurel Ridge Irvine CAPACITY 17 Years 17 Years 15 Years 17 Years 19 Years 15 Years 15 Years 15 Years 15 Years 15 Years 15 Years 17 Years 17 Years 15 Years COLLECTION Waste Connections City Rumpke Veolia City Rumpke County City City Veolia Franchise #2 Waste Connections City Veolia RATES PER MONTH $10.00 $12.50 $12.53 $10.00 $8.00 $15.00 $12 .00 $8.75 $9.50 $10.00 $13.20 $11.88 $15.00 $8.50 ENVIRONMENT The environment of the region has improved drastically in the past ten years. A large portion of this improvement can be attributed to the PRIDE initiative. The PRIDE Initiative promotes Personal Responsibility in a Desirable Environment in 38 counties in Southern and Eastern Kentucky. The PRIDE Initiative was launched in 1997 by Congressman Hal Rogers and the late General James Bickford, the former Secretary of the Kentucky Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Cabinet. Their vision was to restore the natural beauty of their native region by encouraging citizens to take responsibility for protecting their environment and by providing the education and resources they need to do so. PRIDE unites citizens with the resources of federal, state and local governments in order to: 1. Improve water quality in the region, 2. Clean up illegal trash dumps and other solid waste problems, and 3. Promote environmental awareness and education. Since the program's inception thousands of volunteers and community leaders are turning back decades of pollution and a new generation is learning to avoid the mistake of the past. In the past ten years, the following progress has been made towards four environmental goals of the region: 1. Clean the Region's waterways 6, 756 Septic Systems have been installed 20,273 homes service by sewer projects 27,029 total homes with access to sanitary wastewater treatment 28 2. Remove Illegal Dumps and Clean up Solid Waste 2,268 Illegal dumps eliminated 441,074 bags of trash collected 881,564 old tires recovered 156,223 junk appliances recycled 3. Promote environmental education and awareness 788 Environmental Education Grants awarded 343 Outdoor classrooms built 98 greenhouses built 57 nature trails built 42 Wetlands & Rain Gardens built 32 School recycling projects launched 43 Environmental Learning Resources in use 25 EnviroScape, River and Cave models in use 24 Teacher Training & Student Outreach Opportunities funded 3 Solar Energy projects at work 4. Personal Responsibility 203,914 Volunteers devoted 584,993 Volunteer hours to these efforts B. Strengths and Weaknesses The following strengths and weaknesses for each of these areas have been identified: Human Resources Strengths: • Mountain Comprehensive Health Care • Some County I City governments- receptive and helpful • Hospice/Home Health • Hospitals • After Hours Treatment Facilities Weaknesses: • Lack of sufficient Drug Rehabilitation Treatment Facilities in the region • Shortage of primary care health/mental health • Poor child support enforcement • Lack of transportation services • Politics - inability/unwillingness to recognize problems • Lack of health care options for children, adults, and the elderly • Lack of affordable housing and group homes • Lack of adequate child care • Lack of preventive health and mental health care 29 Tourism Strengths: • Scenic Beauty • Culture • Competitiveness of region • Abundant lakes, rivers, and forests • Abundant Wildlife • O.H. V. recreational trails Weaknesses: • Lack of knowledge of regional resources between counties in the area • Lack of good marketing • Lack of the ability to overcome mind set • Trash and other litter in rivers, streams, lakes and on roadsides • Lack of education of tourism benefits • Winter pool/eve/ of area Corps lakes too low during winter months for tourism Economy Strengths: • A val/able labor force • Labor rate • Training organizations • Work ethic • Energy cost and availability • Location relative to nation population • Natural resources (including timber, coal and natural gas) • Cooperation between regional economic development organizations • Small business support • Service business infrastructure in selected areas (telecommunications) • Quality of life • Water supply • Productivity of local workforce • Established regional airport • Local educational resources Weaknesses: • Unskilled labor force • Housing inventory • Lack of value added wood industry • Lack of manufacturing support services • Perception of remoteness of Eastern KY area • Self-perception • Lack of recreation facilities that market well for tourism • Lack of regional crafts marketing coop 30 • • • • • • • • Lack of regional marketing for agriculture products Lack of local community development organizations Lack of entrepreneurs High cost of land Lack of developable land outside the flood plain Lack of Interstate highways High percentage of absentee land ownership Lack of affordable medical insurance for small business owners Infrastructure Strengths: • Solid waste plans on file and updated • Air quality • People are cleaning up the region • Opportunity to do real planning as it pertains to solid waste in the region • Media sources • PRIDE Septic System Grant Program and PRIDE litter/education programs • Public Awareness • 2020 Statewide Initiative (to have water to all households by year 2020) • Carr Creek Lake, Buckhorn Lake and Kentucky River as water sources Weaknesses: • Litter in lakes, rivers, streams and on the roadsides • No landfills in the region • Limited recycling • Outside control of landfills • Strong personal opinions about solid waste • Apathy towards regional solid waste • Sparse population • Soil types not conducive to onsite septic systems • Rugged terrain and sparseness of population make it cost prohibitive to provide water and wastewater to rural areas C. OTHER PLANS AND STRATEGIES All existing plans and strategies in the eight county area were reviewed and considered when preparing this document. These included, but were not limited to, tourism plans, economic development strategies, transportation plans, downtown revitalization plans, etc. D. LIST OF PAST AND PRESENT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS A listing of past and present Economic Development projects in the Kentucky River Area Development District region include: 31 1. Campton Wastewater Treatment Plant ($3,610, 125)- Construction of a new wastewater treatment plant to serve the City of Campton and surrounding areas of Wolfe County. The plant also allowed for the provision of sewer service to the Pine Ridge Regional Business Park. 2. Booneville Wastewater Extension Project ($4,273,300) - Extension of sewer service to areas of Owsley County previously unserved. The project also provided improved sewer service to the Lone Oak Industrial Park. 3. American Woodmark Corporation - Location of a new production plant in the Coal Fields Regional Business Park in Hazard, Perry County. The project involved the construction of a 220,000 square foot dimension lumber plant which currently employs 180 people. 4. Appalachian Industrial Authority Speculative Building ( $800,577) Construction of a 40,000 square foot speculative building in the Gateway Regional Business Park located in Jenkins, Letcher County. The project included $640,000 of Economic Development Administration funding. 5. MB Lumber Company - relocation of a furniture component factory to the Coal Fields Regional Business Park. The plant currently employs 15 people. 6. Taylor Metal Company - Construction of an expansion facility for the Taylor Metal Company. The new facility is located in the Gateway Regional Business Park in Letcher County and currently employs 13 people. 7. B.J. Services, Inc. - Construction of a new gas well servicing facility in the Gateway Regional Business Park in Letcher County. The company is operational and currently employs 20 people. 8. Breathitt County Industrial Authority Spec Building - Construction of a 41,000 square foot speculative building in the Panbowllndustrial Park. The park and building are owned and operated by the Breathitt County Industrial Authority and located in Jackson, Breathitt County. The financing for the facility included a $700,000 EDA grant as well as $300,000 in Local Government Economic Development Funds. 9. City of Jackson Sewer Extension - Extension of sewer service along KY 15 to the Kentucky River Community Care complex. The project allowed for 44 new employees at the facility. Funding for the project included a $250,000 EDA grant. 10. AODD Transport Relocation - Relocation of a trucking warehousing facility from Tennessee. The company is in the process of relocating their facility to the Coal Fields Regional Business Park in Hazard, Perry County. They own and operate 50 tractor/trailer trucks for which they hire drivers, as well as contract with private truck owners. 11. Jenkins Industrial Park Water/Sewer- provision of water/sewer to the Jenkins Industrial Park, which is now a portion of the Gateway Regional Business Park. EDA investment of $288,000, with a total project cost of $845,321. The project has allowed for expansion of the city park into a regional park, representing four counties. There are currently 48 new employees in the park, with new clients looking at the location on a regular basis. 12. Owsley County Industrial Park Access & Water/Sewer- Construction of an access road and provision of water and sewer service to the Lone Oak Industrial Park. 32 13. City of Jackson Water Plant Construction project - Construction of a new water plant to serve the City of Jackson and surrounding areas. This $6,610, 777 project, which utilized $1,500,000 in EDA funding, has allowed for a total of 175 jobs, including new and retained, in the area. 14. SYKES Inc. - re-opening of Sykes, Inc. in the Coal Fields Regional Business Park. The company now has 700 employees working 4 shifts. 15. Whitesburg Wastewater Treatment Plant Construction Project Construction of a new 600, 000 GPO wastewater treatment plant for the City of Whitesburg. The financing for this project includes a $2,000,000 CDBG grant, $1,011,100 Environmental Protection Agency grant, $1,000,000 Coal Development Fund grant, $500,000 Appalachian Regional Commission grant, $500,000 Coal Severance funds, $1,000,000 KIA bond, and $1,422,000 Rural Development funds. 16. Carr Creek Water Treatment Plant- Construction of a 2,000, 000 gpd water treatment plant. Total project funding of $10,920,365 includes USDA of $3,519,860; CDBG $2,000,000; ARC $500,000; EPA $1,900,500; State funding $3,000,000. The project is complete at this time. 17. Ferus Corporation- location of new industry in the Gateway Regional Business Park in Jenkins, KY. Company currently employs 30 people. 18. Equitable Resources- location of new industry in the Gateway Regional Business Park in Jenkins, KY. Company currently employs 10 people. 19. Letcher County Federal Prison Project - Letcher County Planning Commission received an Economic Development Administration Grant to prepare a strategic plan to evaluate potential federal prison sites, etc. to aid in the recruitment of a federal prison to the Letcher County area. 20. Ball Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant and Collection Lines Proj ectConstruction of a 100,000 GPO treatment plant with collection lines to service the Chestnut Mountain Development area. Total Project funding $5,013,817 includes KY Infrastructure Clean Water State Revolving Loan (ARRA) $1,500,000; State Funding $3,013,817 and US Corp of Engineers Section 531 Grant $500,000. ECONOMIC CLUSTER ANALYSIS Many Kentuckians might recognize the Kentucky River Area Development District region for its history of coal mining, yet most probably do not realize that there exist several other important industrial clusters in our area. These clusters are critical in the provision ofjobs for our citizens and which filter millions of dollars into our local economies each year. The KRADD region is home to a variety of clusters, such as wood/timber, healthcare, retail/wholesale trade, tourism, etc. In recent years, healthcare has emerged as another vital industrial cluster in the region, and continues to show promise of future expansion. The following is a brief overview of the economic clusters located within the Kentucky River region. 33 MINING Because Kentucky has been one of the top three coal producing states in the nation for the past fifty years, it should come as no surprise that the coal industry is vital to the economic development of the KRADD region. The eight counties in the region are all located in the Eastern Coal Fields. Although production has decreased across the nation in the past two decades, coal mining remains a way of life for many in the KRADD region. As of 2012, only 38 mining operations remained open in the region: 2 in Breathitt County, 4 in Knott County, 4 in Lee County, 3 in Leslie County, 7 in Letcher County, 6 in Owsley County, and 12 in Perry County. The coal mining industry currently provides 4,399 jobs in the eight county regions. TIMBER I WOOD PRODUCTS The timber and wood products industry has quickly become a vital cluster in the economy of the KRADD region. Currently there are 23 timber related industries in the area. Wolfe County has the most industries with 10. HEALTHCARE In recent years, the healthcare industry has emerged as one of the strongest and fastest growing economic clusters in the KRADD region. There are currently 256 healthcare establishments in the eight county regions. As of 2010 there were 5,984 employees in the healthcare industry, with an annual payroll of $172,659,000. RETAIL I SERVICE The retail I service industry is understandable a vital cluster in any region. Without these basic support services and retail establishments, other industry could not thrive. There are currently 318 retail I service establishments in the region. These establishments employed 7,275 people in 2010. ACTON PLAN The following is a list of goals, objectives and development strategies for the Kentucky River Area Development District. 1. COORDINATION AND COLLABORATION; A REGIONAL APPROACH TO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Economic development efforts for the KRADD region should be done through collaboration and cooperation of the eight KRADD counties to maximize the potential of success and maintain the greatest flexibility to meet growth/relocating company's needs. GOAL #1: To generate a regional economic development strategy that crosses jurisdictional boundaries. Action #1 : Cultivate a sense of trust and cooperation between the various economic development agencies in the region through scheduled meetings at the ADD offices. Action #2: Promote the hiring of knowledgeable, professional staff to fill positions relating to planning and economic development. 34 Action #3: Ensure regular education/training sessions are available and advised for elected officials, department managers and community leaders that address various issues involving economic development within the region. Action #4: Strive to achieve consensus among the KRADD counties before taking action on public issues. GOAL #2: Make available a regional data clearinghouse to provide complete, consistent information to recruitment prospects. Action #1: Continue to work with local, county and state government agencies on collecting and organizing information for each of the eight counties. Action #2: Provide access to all regional GIS and document files on the KRADD website. GOAL #3: To create opportunities for KRADD counties to partner in economic development deals. Action #1: Work with each county to create a needs and opportunities list relating to their specific economic development goals and objectives. Action #2: hosting Economic Development collaboration meetings between bordering counties. 2. INFRASTRUCTURE; BUILD THE FOUNDA T/ON FOR SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIC GROWTH: Providing adequate infrastructure for the entire KRADD region facilitates the opportunity to expand and enhance target marketing efforts. GOAL #1: To provide reliable, efficient and accessible infrastructure and public services to accommodate new development. Action #1: Encourage city/county capital improvement programs to coordinate public investment in infrastructure with economic development priorities. Action #2: Encourage water/sewer system regionalization and promote cluster development to minimize infrastructure costs and ensure quality, sustainable growth. GOAL #2: To expand and upgrade water and wastewater facilities into the more rural areas of the region through partnerships with private and public utilities. Action #1: Increase the availability of affordable water and sewer service throughout the region, pursuing state and Federal grants and low-interest loans to expedite implementation of existing water/sewer facility plans. Action #2: Identify potential short-term growth areas within the region to prioritize infrastructure investment. 2. TRANSPORTATION; IMPROVE THE CONNECTIVITY OF THE KRADD REGION: Continued improvement of all transportation systems will open opportunities within the region . GOAL #1: To improve road access within the region, particularly into the more rural areas of the region, opening economic development opportunities outside the county seat areas. Action #1: Plan and construct transportation facility improvements in accordance with strategies to facilitate economic growth. 35 Action #2: Promote road projects that improve access to the interstate system in the more rural areas of the region. Action #3: Investigate the best locations to create/improve connectivity between the various interstates through the more rural counties. 3. ECONOMY; PROMOTE ECONOMIC GROWTH AND EXPANSION: Maintaining a strong, healthy industry base will foster internal industry growth while projecting a probusiness image to prospective companies. GOAL #1 : To enhance the region's economic base and general prosperity by encouraging existing businesses to expand their operations and employment. Action #1: Implement business retention and expansion program, providing technical and administrative assistance in navigating through regulatory issues and utilizing existing incentive programs. Action #2: Work with local, county and state agencies to develop innovative solutions to growth and expansion needs of local businesses. Action #3: Encourage community leaders to become better educated in economic development issues by attending economic development seminars sponsored by economic development agencies and organizations. GOAL #2: To attract economic development that will enhance the growth and economy of the KRADD region and improve the quality of life for its citizens. Action #1: Expand and coordinate local industrial recruiting efforts with the Cabinet for Economic Development. Action #2: Coordinate the development of small- to medium- sized, publicly owned industrial parks in strategic locations throughout the region, encouraging joint cost and revenue sharing between various counties. Action #3: Assist in infrastructure improvements, when necessary, to facilitate development in targeted growth areas. 4. QUALITY OF LIFE; ENHANCE THE KRADD REGION'S LIVABILITY THROUGH ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Making the region a great place to live is as important as making it a great place to do business to be successful in business retention and expansion. GOAL #1: To protect, preserve and enhance the natural resources and physical environment of the region. Action #1: Promote the wisest and best use of the region's agricultural, mineral, forest and water resources, protecting those resources from the negative externalities of development. Action #2: Provide technical and professional expertise to KRADD members to ensure compliance with all state and Federal environmental guidelines. Action #3: Promote the use of recognized best management practices (BMPs) to reduce water pollution from agricultural, industrial and residential development activities. Action #4: Work together as a region in expanding parks and public space that crosses county lines. 36 GOAL #2: To ensure that quality, affordable health care services and facilities are accessible to all citizens in the KRADD region. Action #1: Recruit medical practitioners to establish practices in underserved rural areas. Action #2: Encourage area hospitals to construct urgent care centers in areas distant from full-service hospitals. Action #3: Encourage private development of long-term nursing facilities and assisted living facilities. Action #4: Assist health districts to locate and obtain funds to expand services. GOAL #3: To provide a comprehensive, coordinated system of services to enable the elderly to maintain active, independent lives. Action #1 : Encourage private sector development of affordable long-term care facilities for the elderly residents of the region. Action #2: Expand supportive services for the elderly such as home delivered meals, homemaker, personal care, transportation and other services. Action #3: Construct additional senior citizen facilities in close proximity to needed services. Action #4: Promote preventative health care programs and expand home-based health care services. 5: HOUSING; PROVIDE QUALITY, AFFORDABLE HOUSING: Focused efforts to provide quality, affordably priced housing closer to regional employment centers will attract more laborers while improving the image of the entire region. GOAL #1: To provide all area citizens access to safe affordable housing and eliminate the homeless population in the KRADD region. Action #1 : Work with developers to provide affordable housing options as part of larger residential developments, using state and Federal programs to provide subsidies. Action #2: Support the rehabilitation of aging and substandard housing units, providing information to property owners on state and Federal programs that offer financial assistance. Action #3 Help secure increased funding for civic and charitable organizations which provide housing facilities for the low-income and homeless. STRATEGIC PROJECTS Based on the goals and strategies reported above, KRADD reviewed the major capital improvement projects throughout the KRADD region. Projects have been ranked by priority in the region by the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, Regional Transportation Council and Regional Water Management Council using the following criteria: 1. Regional Impact- projects were reviewed based on their overall impact to the region. 2. Purpose and Need - projects were also considered based on whether they meet an immediate need or deficiency. The Kentucky Infrastructure Authority, the Kentucky 37 Transpiration Cabinet and KRADD all provided some form of prioritization based on purpose and need. 3. Future Growth Potential - The committees also considered the potential impact for future economic development efforts. In this case, projects that offered the greatest short and long term growth potential in terms of new development received the greatest priority. The projects were subdivided into four project types: Wastewater Management, water service, transportation improvement and economic development projects. These projects are listed in appendix IV. EVALUATION/PERFORMANCEMEASURES During the coming year, under the oversight of the Board of Directors and Staff assistance, each committee of the KRADD Board of Directors will be responsible for implementation of the various development strategies. The committees will continue to function to ensure that implementation takes place. Periodic reports will be made to the Kentucky River ADD Board of Directors, the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Committee, other appropriate groups and individuals directly involved with the various strategies of projects. Work will continue with various community groups to implement specific strategies at the community level. The following projects reflect progress on the goals and objectives of the Kentucky River Area Development District region in the past year: • • • • • • • City of Jackson- Lift Station Rehab Project- Total Project Cost of $1,200,000. Project will rehab 13 lift stations throughout the city, three of which are in direct flow of the water intake. Currently under construction. City of Jackson- Wai-Mart Area Sewer Project- Total Project Cost of $510,000. Project will collect sewer from future development. Currently seeking funding. Breathitt County Water District - South Fork, Canoe and Houston Water Line Extensions Project- Total Project Cost of $4,233,000. Project will extend water lines to the South Fork area, Canoe area, Houston area, Cecil Clair property, and will rehab two pump stations. Project is substantially complete. Breathitt County Water District - KY 205 Water Line Extensions- Total Project Cost $186,435. Project will extend service to 15 households in the area. Project is expected to bid in November 2014. Breathitt County Water District- Roark Branch Water Line Extensions - Total Project Cost $107,203. Project will extend service to 10 households in the area. Project is expected to bid in November 2014. Breathitt County Water District - Bethany Road Water Line Extension - Total Project Cost $200,000. Project extended water service to 15 households. Project is substantially complete. Breathitt County Water District - K Y 1110/KY 28 Water Line InterconnectionTotal Project Cost $930,000. Project will provide a permanent interconnection 38 • • • • • • • • • • • • between the Water District and the Village of Buckhorn. Project will also improve service to 50 households in the area. Project is substantially complete. Troublesome Creek Environmental Authority- Ball Creek/Hindman Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Study- Total Project Cost of $150,000. A study to evaluate the potential of reducing partial flow of the Hindman System and rerouting it to the new Ball Creek Plant. Project is completed. Troublesome Creek Environmental Authority - Ball Creek WWTP Improvements Project- Total Project Cost $26,402. Project intends to improve the functionality of the plant. Substantially complete. Troublesome Creek Environmental Authority- Ball Creek Wastewater Lines Phase II- Total Project Cost $2,684,850. Project will extend sewer collector lines to the Jamestown Mobile Home Park and Phoenix Place Development. Project is partially funded. Knott County Water & Sewer District - Pippa Passes WWTP Improvements Project - Total Project Cost $27,023. Proj ect will make improvements to the plant. Substantially complete. Knott County Water & Sewer District - Vance Mountain RD Service Line Project Total Project Cost $15,352. Project will construct a service line to 4 households. Project is substantially complete. Knott County Water & Sewer District - Logan Gap Master Meter Replacement Project - Total Project Cost $5,874. Project will replace the existing master meter that services the interconnection to Letcher County Water & Sewer District. Project should begin construction soon. City of Jenkins - Water Line Improvement Project Phase II and Cane & McPeaks Branch - Total Project Cost of $2,400,469. Project has completed McPeaks and Cane Branch. Remainder of project will replace waterlines along HWY 805 and adjacent streets. Project has been reduced due to current funding limitations. It is expected to bid soon. City of Jenkins- Water Line Improvements Project Phase IV - Total Project Cost $2,400,000. Project will replace water lines on HWY 805 and adjacent roads in areas that have not yet been rehabbed. It will also rehab lines in the Marshall Branch Area. Project is expected to bid soon. City of Jenkins - Sewer Main Rehab Phase Ill - Total Project of $1,585,000. Replacement of lines along HWY 805. This project is currently under construction. Perry County Fiscal Court - Perry County Regional Water Study - Total Project Cost of $30,000. Feasibility study to look at two options---A plant at Buckhorn Lake and the ability of Carr Creek Plant to service Perry County. Currently underway. Perry County Fiscal Court- North Perry Water Project Phase II- Total Project Cost of $280,000. Project will provide water service to residents located in Stable Fork (8 households), Ladder Branch (19 households) and Pump (AKA Pomp) Hollow (6 households). Projects are constructed. Perry County Fiscal Court- South Perry Water Project Phase IV- Total Project Cost of $337,321 . Project will provide water service to Right Fork of Beehive (12 households); Owens Branch ( 10 households); Primrose Lane (6 households); Beetree Fork (6 households) and Lauren Lane (4 households). Projects are constructed. 39 • • • • • • • • • • • Perry County Fiscal Court- Fort Branch Water Line Extension Project- Total Project Cost $977,829. Project will provide water service to 51 households in the area. Project is partially funded and is currently seeking remainder of funds. Perry County Fiscal Court- Lewis Hollow Water Line Extension- Total Project Cost $210, 135. Project will construct water lines to service 12 households. Project is under construction. Perry County Fiscal Court- Pomp Hollow Water Line Extension- Total Project Cost $152,493. Project will provide water service to 7 households. Project is expected to bid soon. Village of Buckhorn- Route 28 Waterline Extension- Total Project Cost $110, 793. Project is phase 1 of 2 that will simultaneously be constructed in the area. This phase will re-route the water line that currently runs along the lake to improve service to residents. Project is expected to bid soon. City of Vicco Water Bill Project- Total project Cost of $150,000. Project will repay old water debt owed by the City. Project will also repair several fire hydrants to reduce water loss. Breathitt County Water District Breathitt and Perry County Waterline Interconnection- Total Project Cost of $1,220,000. This project will include water lines to serve KY 315 and KY 28 from Turner's Creek South to Perry County. It will a/so provide a connection to the Buckhorn water system to provide a reliable supplemental supply into Perry County. City of Vicco Wastewater Treatment Plant Phase Ill - Estimated Project Cost of $2, 036, 800. Will construct a new .WWTP to replace the existing plant, demolish the existing p lant and construct a low-water crossing to allow all weather access to the plant. City of Vicco Wastewater Treatment Plant Phase II - Estimated Project Cost of $200,000. Will allow for rehabilitation of the existing WWTP to get in compliance with the Agreed Order. The project involves rehabilitation work on the existing plant to get in compliance with the current Agreed Order with Division of Enforcement and avoid further Notice of Violations. The project will replace the rusted away aeration system, repair holes in the register, replace the severely rusted/deteriorated cat walk (currently unusable), replace some of the valves in the plant, and add a chlorination chamber and a de-chlorination chamber. City of Hazard Darfork Sanitary Sewer Project (for new East Perry Elementary Schooi)-Estimated Project Cost of $480,095. Will extend sewer lines to service the new East Perry Elementary School and allow for future development of the 100+ acre site surrounding the new school site. The project will service approximately 7 households on Darfork Hollow Road. Perry County Fiscal Court Regional GPS of Manholes, Valves and Hydrants Project- Estimated Project Cost of $137,200. The project involves 3 phases. The first phase involves collecting GPS coordinates and other attributes on manholes, main line water valves and fire hydrants for systems throughout the KRADD region. In the second phase the collected data will be uploaded into ArcMap system and shape files will be created. The final phase of the project involves sharing the data the systems and training them on how to use the software. Letcher County Fiscal Court Pine Mountain Water Supply Feasibility StudyEstimated Project Cost of $125,000. The project involves 3 phases. The first phase involves examining historic geological records and studies. The second 40 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • phase involves interviewing professionals with specific knowledge of the region. And based on the results, in the final phase an exploratory well will be drilled to determine if fresh water can be located in Pine Mountain, including flow test to determine the viability of serving the City of Jenkins and surrounding areas. City of Hyden Park Equipment Project- Estimated Project Cost of $49,280. The project will add 7 pieces of playground equipment to the City of Hyden Park. City of Vicco Park Equipment Project - The Project will allow for the purchase of property in downtown Vicco for development of a City Park. The project will allow for the purchase of playground equipment. City of Hyden Community Wei/ness Center Project- Estimated Project Cost of $6,000,000. Campton Trail Project (RTG $51,500; Local $51,500) Campton Water Line Project (HB1 $100,000) Thornton Water Line project Letcher Co. (LGEDFIKIA $1,800,000) Millstone Waterlines project Letcher Co. (KIA $750,000) Campton Sewer Line Project (CDBG $1,000,000; ARC $525,000; US Corps of Engineers Sect. 531 $275,000; KIA Loan $1,400,000) Pippa Passes Caney Creek Sewer Rehab Project (US Corps of Engineers Sect. 531 grant $250,000; USDA RD grant $100,000) Wolfe/Morgan Agriculture Industrial park project (program income $250,000) HWY 160/Premium Phase II (ARC $500,000; KIA HB1 $344,000) Letcher County Deane project (AML $1,000,000, LGEDF line item $150,000) Letcher County Pert Pine Cram Creek Waterline (LGEDF line item $500,000, AML $2,000,000) Carr Creek Water Treatment Plant Expansion Project Knott Co. (Multi County LGEDF $2,000,000; KIA HB1 $250,000) Letcher County Federal Prison Project & associated Water/Sewer/etc. Owsley County Spencer Fork Family Resources Center project (USDA RD $30,000) Letcher County Loggy Hollow Water Line project (LGEDF line item $370,000) Letcher County Millstone alternative wastewater project (funding being developed) KRCC Waterline project Knott county (project estimated at $497,600.00; funding being developed) Owsley County Housing Project (CDBG $200,000, other $200,000) Campton Water Plant (KIA $4,498,888; USDA RD $1, 784,000; ARC $300,000; KIA loan $683,200) Carr Creek Phase Ill Waterline Project Knott Co. (USDA RD $500,000 ARC $400,000, HB1 $1,025,000) Dry Creek Water Line project Knott Co. (AML$1,000,000, HB1 $825,000) RedStar Waterline project Letcher Co. (KIA $1,600,000) City of Jenkins- Payne Gap Waterline project- Total Project Cost $1,593,503. Project will construct water line extensions along Hwy 119 from Jenkins, connecting Jenkins and Letcher County Water & Sewer District water systems. Project would serve more than 500 households. Project is complete. 41 APPENDIX/ AUTHORIZING RESOLUTION Kentucky River Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Resolution WHEREAS, the Kentucky River Area Development District is one of fifteen Area Development Districts within the Commonwealth of Kentucky; and WHEREAS, the Kentucky Area Development Districts, in coordination with the Governor's Office for Local Development and the Economic Development Administration , engaged in a Commonwealth-wide community-based, strategic planning process known as the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy; and WHEREAS, the Kentucky River Area Development District Board of Directors, through it's CEDS Committee, completed a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS); and WHEREAS, the CEDS is a process enabling Kentuckians to strategically plan for themselves through consensus management of all resources; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors recognizes this plan as the Kentucky River Area Development District's consensus for future growth and revitalization in the region. NOW , THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Kentucky River Area Development District Board of Directors approve and adopt the Kentucky River Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Update document to the Economic Development Administration and Department for Local Development. Adopted this22nd day of October. 2014. ~~an Micha~ Executive Director APPENDIX/I BOARD MEMBERSHIP LIST KENTUCKY RIVER AREA DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS FY 14-15 OFFICERS: Chairman, Dale Bishop Vice-Chairman, Mayor Scott Cornett Treasurer, Judge/Executive Dennis Brooks Secretary, Mayor G. C. Kincer Parliamentarian, James McDannel BOARD OF DIRECTORS: County Judge Executives Harvey J. Richardson- Breathitt Co. Zach Weinberg- Knott Co. Steve Mays - Lee Co. Jimmy Sizemore - Leslie Co. Jim Ward- Letcher Co. Ronnie DeBord- Owsley Co. Denny Ray Noble - Perry Co. Dennis Brooks - Wolfe Co. Mayors Rose Wolfe- Jackson Janice Jarrell - Hindman Scott Cornett- Pippa Passes John S. Smith - Beattyville Lonnie Hendrix- Hyden Susan Polis - Fleming Neon James W Craft - Whitesburg G. C. Kincer - Jenkins Charles Long - Booneville Johnny Cummings- Vicco Nan Gorman - Hazard Veda Wooton - Buckhorn Gay Campbell - Campton Citizen Members Ellis Tincher Gary Campbell Ray Moore Larry Parke James 0 . Childers Harold Craft Floyd Johns Phyllis McCord Hiram Cornett Eugene Stewart James McDannel Jack Burkich Dale Bishop Derrick Bowling Freddie Combs Reverend John Pray Meriweather Wash-Hall Pam Pilgrim Roger Milligan Executive Director Mike D. Miller KENTUCKY RIVER AREA DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT FY 14-15 STAFF MIKE MILLER Executive Director ANNETTE NAPIER Physical Resources Program Director CAROLYN HOWARD Public Administration Specialist JENNIFER MciNTOSH Community Resources Planner ANGELIA SMITH HALL Community Resources Planner EUNICE HOLLAND Transportation Planner JOHN CHESTER GISI GPS Technician GLADYS SLONE Executive Secretary BETTY G. COMBS Receptionist/Secretary MICHELLE ALLEN Finance Officer KIMBERLY COOMER Staff Accountant DEBI MAGGARD Staff Accountant/Billing Clerk KARLENA SULLIVAN Staff Accountant/Billing Clerk PEGGY ROLL Human Services Director STACIE NOBLE Human Services Coordinator SHERRY BURCHELL Human Services Planner/ CCC Coordinator TED MANNS, JR. COO Support Broker KIMBERLY IRENE WATTS Homecare Case Manager SARA BRANDENBURG Homecare Case Manager MARCIA SWARTZENTRUBER CDO Support Broker SHEILA CORNETT Regional Ombudsman/SHIP Coordinator JESSICA WIREMAN CDO Support Broker TRACY BAKER CDO Support Broker LINDSAY NEACE CDO Support Broker TONYADELPH Registered Nurse CDO Support Broker EVA M. RITCHIE CDO Support Broker ANDREA DIXON CDO Support Broker JANET GIBSON CDO Support Broker SANDRA KING Homecare Aide STEPHANIE CAUDILL Homecare Aide HEATHER TROUT Homecare Aide ETNA CAUDILL Homecare Aide NEENA WINDSBY Homecare Aide APPENDIX Ill INDUSTRIAL PARK MAPS • Coal Fields Regional Industrial Park Existing Industry -State Road Local Road = Paved - = Unpaved • WatarTank • SewerTrea1ment Plant • Sewer Uft Station .•••••• watarune - -SewerUne [!) SUb8t8tion r:-~- ' t ,. 300 0 4 ' • ~-- - ~ ;: Sote has been graded . Contours do not renect current topography. '"'!! ' ' .. } LOCATION: 10.7 miles northwest of Hazard via KY 15 ZONING: Protective Covenants HIGHWAY ACCESS: Ky 151.3 miles east via paved access road; Hal Rogers Parkway and four-lane KY 80 10.7 miles south via KY 15; 1-75 interchange 66.5 miles west via KY 15 and Hal Rogers Parkway COMMERCIAL AIR ACCESS: Wendell H. Ford Airport (Hazard, KY) Distance: 2 miles north of site RAIL: Not rail served WATER: Hazard Utilities Size Line: 8-inch line serves the site; 12-lnch line serves the site SEWER: Hazard Utilities Size Line: 10-inch gravity line serves the site; 8-inch gravity line serves the site NATURAL GAS: Presently not available ELECTRICITY: AEP - Kentucky Power Company BROADBAND {Type:Servioe): Cable: TV Service & United Cable; DSL: Windstream Corp FLOOD DATA: Not in 100-yearflood plain OWNERSHIP: Perry, Harlan, Leslie, Breathitt, and Knott Regional Industrial Development Authority, Inc (See NOTE below) SCHOOL DISTRICT: Perry County Schools PRICE PER ACRE: $10,000- 20,000 NOTE: Physically In Peny Co., but governed by multk:ounty aulhortty of Breathitt, Harlan, Leslie and Peny coun1Jes. For more infonnation contact the Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development, Department for Business Development Old Cspitol Annex - 300 West Broadway - Frankfort, KY 40601 - Tel:(502)564-7140- Fax:(502)564-3256- AlllnformiJIJon regiJI!Jing DfODtlltY Is from soun:es deemed r&I/Bblo, but no wa1T811ty or ropresontotJon Is made by tho Commonwealth d Kantud<v or any of Its agencies as tons accU111cy. It Is sut>Joct to errors, omloofons; ch8{!fl6 ofptfco, prior sole, /easo, or wlthdrswal Without our~- Further, no wananty or18J'f!!SOnl8tlon Is made as to tho anvtronmenf81sultsbi/Jiy or condition of the property. PrWpactJVo puichasers and/orlessees sl>c<Jkl perform their own due c/11/(jence In detormlning thlJ scitllbllny d a property for tho/r Intended use. Map Date: 07/Hi/2013 Contour Interval: 40 feet l + + 1:l. University/College Hazard, Kentucky Perry County Local Airport Available Building Point of Interest - - Parkway - - State Road Local Road - - Paved - - - - Unpaved -Rail Sewer Treatment Plant - - - Municipal Boundary ·· - ··· County Boundary Tract Status --- .- e ~ '·. Occupied Vacant Vacant-building Other Daniel Boone National Forest _,,' ' -, \ ', . .,··: , ~.!;··'·-' ' ' ·....... Nashville 0 more Kentucky Cabinet for Eoonomic Development, Department for Business Development Old capitol Annex- 300 West Broadway- Frankfort, KY 40601 - Tel:(502)564-7140- Fax:(502)564-3256- http://www.thinkkentucky.oom AJI/nfonnatlon regarding DfT)()fJ{!y Is from SO<Jr'ClO$ deem«/ rollablo, biJI no WBITBnty or teJ)tOStlflllltlon Is madi by tho Commol1woBith at~- or any of/Is "ffiO'CC<<s es to Its BCC1Jr81:Y. Ills sub/eel to orroro, omissiOns; chill>{/& of prfce, prior seltl, ltlllso, or wllhdi8Wtll Wllhouf out~. FUJthor, no WBITIIIlty or ,_.,ntatlon Ts madi os to tti6 onv/ronmentolsu/leblury or condition of tho fXOP8/IY. Prospeci/Vo putchasors ondlor- should porfrxm tholr own duo <11/fjenoo In dollltmlnlng tti6 .utBbilty at o fX0P811Y frx their Intended use. Coal Fields Regional Industrial Park State Road Tract Sta1us OcaJpled Other Vacant Vacant-Building Located in Perry County, Kentucky Site 193-001 Coal Fields Regional Industrial Park 235.9 Acres/95.5 Hectares 300 0 LOCATION: 10.7 miles northwest of Hazard via KY 15 ZONING: Protective Covenants HIGHWAY ACCESS: Ky 151.3 miles east via paved access road; Hal Rogers Parkway and four-lane KY 80 10.7 miles south via KY 15; 1-75 interchange 66.5 miles west via KY 15 and Hal Rogers Parkway COMMERCIAL A IR ACCESS: Wendell H. Ford Airport (Hazard, KY) Distance: 2 miles north of site RAIL: Not rail served WATER: Hazard Utilities Size Line: 8-inch line serves the site; 12-inch line serves the site SEWER: Hazard Utilities Size Line: 10-inch gravity line serves the site; 8-inch gravity line serves the site NATURAL GAS: Presently not available ELECTRICITY: AEP • Kentucky Power Company BROADBAND (Type:Service): Cable: lV Service & United Cable; DSL: W indstream Corp FLOOD DATA: Not in 100-yearflood plain OWNERSHIP: Peny, Harlan, Leslie, Breathitt, and Knott Regional Industrial Development Authority, Inc (See NOTE below) SCHOOL DISTRICT: Peny County Schools PRICE PER ACRE: $10,000 • 20,000 NOTE: Phvslcally In Peny Co., but governed by multio()()Unty authority of Bneathltt, Aarian, Leslie and Peny counties. For more information contact the Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development, Department Business Development Old Cspitol Annex· 300 West Broadway· Frankfort, KY 40601 • Tel:(502)564-7140 • Fex:(502)564-3256 • All lnformiJtJon rogtll'di~ Is from-.. dtJ<lmed reffsbls, but no werran~811tstlon Is mods by the Commonwoafth d Kentr:;:<r. or 811Yd fts11g811Cies ss to Its~ gj~~ ~f~. p~$'ufc1."t:J.C::r:t/::=s"'.:'::",/, th8fr::,:;.=1~f%':;1;:,.,v:;;n~~i?.~"'/t~.:J:~:=~nl81 slitabl Map Date: 07/18/2013 Photo Date: Summer 2008 Gateway Regional Business Park Located in Letcher County, Kentucky Site 133-002 • Existing Industry A Point of Interest US Highway --State Road Local Road = Paved - = Unpaved 1111 Scenic Byways of Kentucky WaterTank ........ waterUne - - SewerUne -- - - Gas Une [!) Substation - - - • Electric Transmission Une --- Municipal Boundary .. - ... County Boundary f"'"""J 100 Year Flood Zone 1"i'8a Status e ~ Occupied Vacant Vacant-building Other 1000 0 300 0 Gateway Regional Business Park 260.9 Acres/1 05.7 Hectares LOCATION: Partially within southwestern city limits of Jenkins ZONING: Not Zoned HIGHWAY ACCESS: Gateway Drive connects to relocated four-lane US 23/119 directly east of site. COMMERCIAL AIR ACCESS: Tri-Citles Regional Airport (Bristol, TN) Distance: 75 miles south of Jenkins RAIL: Not rail served WATER: Jenkins Water Department Size Line: 10-inch line serves the site SEWER: Jenkins Sewer Department Size Line: 8-inch gravity line serves the site NATURAL GAS: Equitable Gas Company Size Line: 6-inch line serves the site ELECTRICITY: AEP- Kentucky Power Company BROADBAND {Type:Service): Presently Not Available FLOOD DATA: Not in 100-year flood plain OWNERSHIP: Owned by the Appalachian Industrial Development Authority (See NOTE below) SCHOOL DISTRICT: Letcher County Schools PRICE PER ACRE: $10,000 - 20,000 NOTE: Phvslcally In Letcher Co., but govemed by muJtl.county author1ty of Fk¥f, Knott, LetCher, aile! Pike counties. For more information contact the Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development, Department for Business Development Old Capitol Annex- 300 West Broadway- Frankfort, KY 40601 - Te1:(502)564-7140- Fax:(502)564-3256 - http://www.thinkkentucky.corn All lnfctmatlon f8!1ardlng lJI'ODfJflv ls from SO<M"CIIS doemod reliable, but no wamtnlY or roptOS6fltat/on Is made by the Commonwaalth d KJ>ntuckv or any of Its agondes as to Its ~ ff Is sub/ect to errors, omls&fons;ch81>!/0 atptfco, priorUlo, lease, or wtrhd~-our~- FurtiHir, no WIV78IIly or ~ntatlon Ts made as to tlfflonvfronmsntal SUUIIJIIIty or condition of the f'IO(*ty. ProsptK;1Ne puich&SIJfS and/or lossoes should petrorm tl>olr own duo tflls1an<;e In detetm/M>g tire SLittib.VIty ate ptOp«ty fortiHllr Intended uso. Map Date: 08107/2013 Contour Interval: 40 feet !) Fire Station .f::::.. Jenkins, Kentucky Letcher County Point of Interest - US Highway - StataRoad Local Road Paved - - - . Unpaved I I I I Scenic ~~}ways rA Kentucky ---Municipal Boundaly N A •• - •.County Boundary Tract Status Occupied ~ ='-building Vacant _, . ,,,, ,,,. .... ,'•",',' ( i " ,/ t I \ / \ ( / I / j---. , r ,/ ' ',• I i ' \ \ \. ---~---,./. I i /) ', -. David A Zegeer Coal - Railroad Museum -- .. - -· ~ ---. ' ·~ - _.,. .. I Letcher County .,. .......•; .·-··--· .-' / ', / ,._ .· .. .!··-·., /.,,/ ........: ..'· .. -.! Wise County _..' ...............· .. ~ 0 Kilometers For more infonnation contact the Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development, Department for Business Development Old capitol Annex- 300 West Broadway - Frankfort, KY 40601 - Te1:(502)564-7140 - Fex:(502)564-3256- - 0 All Information regBtdlng flnJDelty Is from ..,...... deemed reliable, but no watnlllty or mpresentstion Is mBde by the Commonwedth ofKsnluckv or any of 113 ~as to 113 IJCt!UIBC'Y. n Is subJect to errors, omJssfons; ch811f16 ofptfce, ptfor . .te. lease, or wfthd18W811itftho<4 OU" ~. Further, no~ or ~ntation lsllllld8 as to the envln>nmenta/ sutl8blury or condl/lon of the prcpetty. ProsptK:fNe puichaslll3 and/or /esse8s $hould perfonn their""" due d/1/fienCO In diJtonn/nlng tliio slitliblllty of a prcpetty for IM/r In/ended uso. Map Date: 08/0712013 - US Highway State Road Municipal Boundary County Boundary Tract Status Occupied Other Vacant Vacant-Building Gateway Regional Business Park Located in Letcher County, Kentucky Site 133-002 --...------r-~ Gateway Regional Business Park 260.9 Acres/1 05.7 Hectares LOCATION: Partially within southwestern city limits of Jenkins ZONING: Not Zoned HIGHWAY ACCESS: Gateway Drive connects to relocated four-lane US 23/119 directly east of site. COMMERCIAL AIR ACCESS: Tri-Cities Regional Airport (Bristol, TN) Distance: 75 miles south of Jenkins RAIL: Not rail served WATER: Je nkins Water Department Size Line: 10-inch line serves the site SEWER: Jenkins Sewer Department Size Line: 8-inch gravity line serves the site NATURAL GAS: Equitable Gas Company Size Line: 6-inch line serves the site ELECTRICITY: AEP- Kentucky Power Company BROADBAND (Type:Service): Presently Not Available FLOOD DATA: Not in 100-year flood plain OWNERSHIP: Owned by the Appalachian Industrial Development Authority (See NOTE below) SCHOOL DISTRICT: Letcher County Schools PRICE PER ACRE: $10,000- 20,000 NOTE: Physically In Letcher Co., but govemed by multi-county authonty of Floyd, Knott, Letcher, ahd Pike oountles. Map Date: 08/07/2013 Photo Date: Summer 2008 - - Parkway --State Road Local Road = Paved - = Unpaved @ Water Treatment Plant e e Pine Ridge Regional Business Park Wolfe County, Kentucky WaterTank Sewer Treatment Plant Site 237-002 • Sewer Lift Station ........ WaterUne - -SewerUne ---- Gas Une - --Municipal Boundary D Foreign Trade Zone ~ 100 Year Flood Zone Tract Status ~ Occupied Vacant Vacant-building Other Daniel Boone National Forest Tr. 02 of s1te has been graded. Contours do not reflect current topography, Pine Ridge Regional Business Park 112.5 Acres/45.6 Hectares LOCATION: 1.0 mile west of Campton city limits ZONING: Not Zoned; Protective Covenants exist HIGHWAY ACCESS: Bert T. Combs Mountain Parkway interchange south of site via KY 1653 and KY 3039. 1-64 interchange 4 1 miles northwest of site via Bert T. Combs Mountain Parkway. COMMERCIAL AIR ACCESS: Blue Grass Airport (Lexington, KY) Distance: 70 miles northwest of site RAIL: Not rail served WATER: Campton WaterWorks Size Line: 6-inch line serves the site; 6-inch line serves the site SEWER: Campton Sewage Company Size Line: 6-inch force main line serves the site NATURAL GAS: Jefferson Gas Transmission Company Size Line: 4-inch line serves site ELECTRICITY: Licking Valley RECC BROADBAND (Type:Service): DSL: Mountain Telephone Cooperative FLOOD DATA: Not in 100-yearflood plain OWNERSHIP: Pine Ridge Regional Industrial Authority (See NOTE below) SCHOOL DISTRICT: Wolfe County Schools PRICE PER ACRE: $10,000 to $20,000 NOTE: Physically In Wolfe Co., but governed bv mullk:ounty authority of Breathitt, l ee, OWsley, Powell, and Wolfe counlles. more contact the Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development, Department for Business Development Old Capitol Annex - 300 West Broadway - Frankfort, KY 40601 - Tel:(502)564-7140 - Fax:(502)564-3256 - http:l! AJI /nlbm>stlon reg81d/ng DfOD6I1V Is from ..,....,... dtHJm<Jd re/lllblo, but no WIIITill11}f or represenllltlon Is made by the Commonwealth d Kentuckv or any of /1$ ~· •• to /1$ ~y. It Is sub/eel to onors, omlssk>ns; chOJ>gO of ptfco, ptlor..Ill, loaso, or wlthd~IWfi/>OUt our~ Furthfir, no WIIITIIIII)' or ~tlon Is madllas to 1118 onvironmontal sultablllt'/ or condition of the ptOpOIIy. Prr»pecttiio puichosers end/or /ossoas should potform tholr own due dili{ionoo In detomllnlng 1118 SLil!ibllty d a ptOpOIIy fortholr lntand«J uso. Map Date: 04/18/2014 Contour Interval: 20 feet Campton, Kentucky Wolfe County N ~ . . . .. -...... / A . ... .. .. ; ... ' t ....... _, .. _...._,-' .. --\ .. _,-·- ' ..._/ , ......_.... -.. --.. ,.. .... .. .... .. _ / ... ... : . " .. .... .. :. ,' ... • _/...... : ,........~ .. ... , .- ~~ .... ,' '; .. ~t' ,' Sft8 237-002 ··.)· / -- : / / .... : . . . . , .,........ ~·- . 1L12.5Acres -;:- 8 Fire Station Parkway --State Road Local Road --Paved -- -- Unpaved 1111 Scenic Byways of Kentucky @ Water Treatment Plant e Sewer Treatment Plant - - - Municipal Boundary Tract Status ~ Occupied Vacant Vacant-building Other "' Daniel Boone National Forest -Nashvlle 0 For more information contact the Kentucky cabinet for Economic Development, Department for Business Development Old capitol Annex- 300 West Broadway- Frankfort, KY 40601 - Tel:(502)564-7140 - Fax:(502)564-3256 - Alllnfbnnal/on reg81dlng=:,1• from SOUff:8S doem&d re/lsblo, but no WO~tJt>tel/on Is made by the Colm>onwoaltll of KB= Oi' tJt>yolb ~as to b Map Date: 04/21/2014 tJCCUrB<;y. 'Jj~~~. p~t1Gf,C:SC"~:=,;s'".tZ:/r:J/,m,thtllr~~w:~=~:?a~'""':SC,::t.~"':'nlal•<ifllblllty - Pari<way State Road Municipal Boundary Tract Status Occupied Other Vacant Vacant-Building Pine Ridge Regional Business Park Wolfe County, Kentucky Site 237-002 -------.--~ Pine Ridge Regional Business Park 112.5 Acres/45.6 Hectares 300 0 LOCATION: 1.0 mile west of campton city limits ZONING: Not Zoned; Protective Covenants exist HIGHWAY ACCESS: Bert T. Combs Mountain Parkway interchange south of site via KY 1653 and KY 3039. 1-64 interchange 41 miles northwest of site via Bert T. Combs Mountain Parkway. COMMERCIAL AIR ACCESS: Blue Grass Airport (lexington, KY) Distance: 70 miles northwest of site RAIL: Not rail served WATER: campton WaterWorks Size Line: 6-inch line serves the site; 6-inch line serves the site SEWER: campton Sewage Company Size Line: 6-inch force main line serves the site NATURAL GAS: Jefferson Gas Transmission Company Size Line: 4-inch line serves site ELECTRICITY: Licking Valley RECC BROADBAND (Type:Service): DSL: Mountain Telephone Cooperative FLOOD DATA: Not in 100-year flood plain OWNERSHIP: Pine Ridge Regional Industrial Authority (See NOTE below) SCHOOL DISTRICT: Wolfe County Schools PRICE PER ACRE: $10,000 to $20,000 NOTE: Physically In Wolfe Co., but governed bv multk:ounty author1ty of Breathitt, lee, OWsley, Powell, and Wolfe counlles. For more information contact the Kentucky cabinet for Eoonomic Development, Department for Business Development Old capitol Annex- 300 West Broadway- Frankfort, KY 40601 - Te1:(502)564-7140 - Fax:(502)564-3256 - http://www.thinkkentucky.oom A!llnfonnatlon 1'9{Jatrllng lJfTJDfJrly Is from souroes doemed rollsble, but no wa/71111ty or roDI'9S«>ttttlon Is made by the Commonwos/th d K/Jntuckv or eny of Its _.aes es to Its~· It Is sublect to etTOr.l, omlssbns; chsnge ofprlet>, prior sslo, loese, or wfthdfJIW81 Wltho<4 our~. FurthN, no W8171111ty or ~ntatlon 1$ , _ es to the envfrollmental stitBb/1/ty or condition of the ptt>pOity. PtospectNe pui'chesers and/or 1tJssees should perfomr their own dl/8 dlllfjonoe In detennlnlng thesuttablllty de pt0p01ty for tho/r lnlend<Jd use. Map Date: 04/18/2014 Photo Date: Summer 2008 l University/College • @ Available Building Existing lndustly Fire Station ,6. Point of Interest + --State Road Local Road =Paved - = Unpaved WaterTank ········ Waterline - - Sewer Line ---- Gas line - --Municipal Boundary E'::] 100 Year Flood Zone Tract Status CJOccupied Vacant Vacant-building Other Jackson, Kentucky Breathitt County Site 025-001 e § Panbowl Lake Industrial Park 31.0 Acres/12.6 Hectares LOCATION: Within northern city limits of Jackson ZONING: 1-1 (Industrial} HIGHWAY ACCESS: KY 15 approximately 1.2 miles southwest of site via Lakeside Drive; Bert T. Combs Mountain Parkway 22 m iles north of site via KY 15 COMMERCIAL AIR ACCESS: Blue Grass Airport (Lexington, KY) Distance: 94 miles northwest of Jackson · RAIL: Not rail served WATER: Jackson Municipal WaterWorks Size Line: 6-inch line serves the site; 12-inch line serves the site SEWER: Jackson Municipal Sewer Company Size Line: 8-inch gravity line 500 feet northwest of site along Lakeside Drive NATURAL GAS: Public Gas Company Inc Size Line: 4-inch line northwest of site along southeast side of Lakeside Dr. ELECTRICITY: AEP • Kentucky Power Company BROADBAND (Type:Service): Cable: Time Wamer Cable; DSL: AT&T FLOOD DATA: portion of site is in 100 year flood-plain OWNERSHIP: Breathitt County/City of Jackson Industrial Development Authority SCHOOL DISTRICT: Breathitt County Schools PRICE PER ACRE: $10,000-$20,000 more contact the Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development, Department for Business Development Old Cspitol Annex - 300 West Broadway- Frankfort, KY 40601 - Tel:(502)564-7140 - Fax:(502)564-3256 - Alllnfotmsllon reg81d/ng tJiODOity Is from sources doemod f811able, but no wstr811ty_ or18pt8Senfatlon Is~ by the Commonwealth of Ksntuci<Y or sny ofIts tii/6I)CI6s as to Its 8CCUftJ(;jl. It Is subJect to error.;, offllssk>ns; chlll?!/6 of ptlce, pl1or $8/e, Ieese, or wflhd18WSIWftllouf our~. Further, no wananty or l'fli/I!!S6nlatlon Ts l7l8diJ es to the envtronmental su/tsb/IJty or condition of the property. ProspectNe puir;hssers and/or /esse8s should perfolm their own due dill(jence In determining the sulttiblllty of a propetty for their Intended use. Map Date: 04/08/2014 Contour Interval: 20 feet ,t Jackson, Kentucky University/College + + Local Airport Available Building .6,. Point of Interest Breathitt County --State Road Local Road --Paved ---- · Unpaved ~Rail - - - Municipal Boundary Tract Status ~ Occupied Vacant Vacant-building Other : ... . ,~",, .. ... _ , .. , ,..J>, .. _ -- . ... -:' ~.. .., --0 0 Miles Kilometers Nashv!Ue 0 For more infonnation contact the Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development. Department for Business Development Old Capitol Annex - 300 West Broadway - Frankfort, KY 40601 - Tel:(502)564-7140- Fax:(502)564-3256- AlllnfotmBUon regarrllng lJfODfJrlv Is from sources dO<Jmoc/ re//sble, but no wananty orTIIIX8Sen18Uon Is made by the CommonwoBith at KJJntucicY or any atIts lJf/MC/es as to Its ace~. It Is sub/6Ct to errors, omissions; cl181!f16 af prloo, prlor se/6, 188se, or wlthdrtJWtJI Wfthouf our~. Further, no wananty or -ntstlon Is made os to tho envltonmontol suitabilitY or condtJon af tho propetty. P~ puiciiMfKO and/or lesse8s should porform 1116/r own due diligence In dotennlnlng 1118 slltJiblllty at a properly for tholr Intended usa. Map Date: 04/08/2014 + Available Building State Road Municipal Boundary Tract Status Occupied Other Vacant Vacant-Building Jackson, Kentucky Breathitt County Site 025-001 Panbowl Lake Industrial Park 31 .0 Acres/12.6 Hectares LOCATION: Within northern city limits of Jackson ZONING: 1-1 (Industrial) HIGHWAY ACCESS: KY 15 approximately 1.2 miles southwest of site via Lakeside Drive; Bert T. Combs Mountain Parkway 22 miles north of site via KY 15 COMMERCIAL AIR ACCESS: Blue Grass Airport (Lexington, KY) Distance: 94 miles northwest of Jackson RAIL: Not rail served WATER: Jackson Municipal WaterWorks Size Line: 6-inch line serves the site; 12-inch line serves the site SEWER: Jackson Municipal Sewer Company Size Line: 8-inch gravity line 500 feet northwest of site along Lakeside Drive NATURAL GAS: Public Gas Company Inc Size Line: 4-inch line northwest of site along southeast side of Lakeside Dr. ELECTRICITY: AEP - Kentucky Power Company BROADBAND (Type:Service): Cable: Time Wamer Cable; DSL: AT&T FLOOD DATA: portion of site is in 100 year flood-plain OWNERSHIP: Breathitt County/City of Jackson Industrial Development Authority SCHOOL DISTRICT: Breathitt County Schools PRICE PER ACRE: $10,000-$20,000 more contact 1 Development, Department for Business Development Old Capitol Annex - 300 West Broadway- Frankfort, KY 40601 - Te1:(502)564-7140- Fax:(502)564-3256- All lnfonnatlon regBtdlng IXDD6flv Is from sourcos diHJmod re/tablo, but no watr11111)' or roprasootatlon Is m- by tho Commonwoatlh al Kontuckv or ooy of Its egonclos as to Its acc~ncy. It I• sub/oct to Orrot'$, omlssfons; chM.f/0 ofptfce, prior ..Ill, taoso, or withdrawal wtlhouf our~- Further, no wat7111lty or !OPfi!.SOntat/on Is made as to tho onvfronmental s<itab/1/ty or condition of tho property. PrrispoctiVo puichasero and/or lessefis should perform lholr own due clllg<!nce In detorm/nlng thO •tit8blltty ala property for their ln/ondad uso. Map Date: 04/08/2014 Photo Date: Summer 2008 • Existing Industry -State Road Local Road = Paved - = Unpaved >--+---Rail ........ waterUne - -Sewer Una ---- GasUne O 100 Year Flood Zone ~ Vacant Vacant-building Other Beattyville, Kentucky Lee County Site 129-001 Tract Status Occupied Lee County Industrial Park 27.6 Acres/11.2 Hectares LOCATION: 2 miles southwest of southern city limits of Beattyville ZONING: Not Zoned HIGHWAY ACCESS: BertT. Combs Mountain Parkway is 22 miles northeast of site via KY 11 which is adjacent to southern boundary of site. Site is approximately 22 miles from nearest federal/state authorized truck network. COMMERCIAL AIR ACCESS: Blue Grass Airport (Lexington, KY) Distanoe: 82 miles northwest of site RAIL: Not rail served WATER: Southside Water Association Size Line: 6-inch line along KY 11; 6-inch line on site SEWER: Beattyville Wastewater Treatment Size Line: 8-inch gravity line serves the site; 6-inch force main line along south side of KY 11 NATURAL GAS: Delta Natural Gas Company Size Line: 4-inch line on south side of KY 11 ELECTRICITY: Jackson Energy Cooperative BROADBAND (Type:Servioe): DSL: AT&T FLOOD DATA: Not In 100-year flood plain OWNERSHIP: Lee County Fiscal Court SCHOOL DISTRICT: Lee County Schools PRICE PER ACRE: $12,500 Map Date: 04/18/2014 Contour Interval: 20 feet (!) l Fire Station Beattyville, Kentucky Lee County University/College - -State Road Local Road Paved -- -- Unpaved N -Rail (j) A Water Treatment Plant e Sewer Treatment Plant ---Municipal Boundary Tract Status ~ Occupied Vacant Vacant-building Other Lee County ...... _ 0 0 1 Kilometers ~~----~~~~ For more infonnation contact the Kentucky cabinet for Economic Development, Department for Business Development Old Capitol Annex - 300 West Broadway- Frankfort, KY 40601 - Tel:(502)564-7140- Fax:(502)564-3256 - Alllnfonnatlon regarding JJroDtKI>' Is from sauces doomed rollsble, but no wanatJty or roP~~JSentatlon Is made by the CommonweBith cl KonWckv or eny ofb ~ es to Its IJCt!li&I?Y. It Is sub/Bet to errors, omlssfons; chenge c1 price, prior sele, Ieese, orwfthdrowalwtthout e<r ~. Furthtir, no ~or-ntatlon Is mediJ es to tlie fliiVfronmGnta/ sUtabllltY or con<itlon of the property. ProspectNo ~and/or JossHs should pelfotm tt>ttlr own duo rll/fi6t>CO t> determining the sdtliblllty d a property for their Intended use. Map Date: 04/18/2014 State Road -..Rail Tract Status Occupied Other Vacant Vacant-Building Beattyville, Kentucky Lee County Site 129-001 Lee County Industrial Park 27.6 Acres/11.2 Hectares LOCATION: 2 miles southwest of southern city limits of Beattyville ZONING: Not Zoned HIGHWAY ACCESS: Bert T. Combs Mountain Parkway is 22 miles northeast of site via KY 11 which is adjacent to southern boundary of site. Site is approximately 22 miles from nearest federal/state authorized truck network. COMMERCIAL AIR ACCESS: Blue Grass Airport (Lexington, KY) Distance: 82 miles northwest of site RAIL: Not rail served WATER: Southside Water Association Size Line: 6-inch line along KY 11; 6-inch line on site SEWER: Beattyville Wastewater Treatment Size Line: 8-inch gravity line serves the site; 6-inch force main line along south side of KY 11 NATURAL GAS: Delta Natural Gas Company Size Line: 4-inch line on south side of KY 11 ELECTRICITY: Jackson Energy Cooperative BROADBAND (Type:Service): DSL: AT&T FLOOD OATA: Not in 100-year flood plain OWNERSHIP: Lee County Fiscal Court SCHOOL DISTRICT: Lee County Schools PRICE PER ACRE: $12,500 more Cabinet for Economic Development, Department for Business Development Old Capitol Annex - 300 West Broadway- Frankfort, KY 40601 - Tel:(502)564-7140 - Fex:(502)564-3256- http:/! Alllnfonnatlon regwdlng JXOIXNtY Is from SO<.m>s deortHJd rt>/18ble, but no Witminty or ropresontstlon Is mtJde by the Convnonwoalth d Kentud<v or ony of Its egencles as toNs ecc....,cy. It Is sublect to etror.~. omlssfons; chllllgG ofprice. prior sale, Ieese, or wlthdrtNI8lWithoUt our~. Fut1htir, no wananty or -ntetlon Is med6 as to tliflenvfronmentelsultablllty or condition of the fJi'OP8'1Y. ProspectNe pui'chesers end/or lessees should perfolm their own dUtl cJIJgonce In detormlring the sUIBbllty de fJi'OP8'IY for their Intended USfJ. Map Date: 04/18/2014 Photo Date: Summer 2008 • • Available Building Booneville, Kentucky Owsley County Existing Industry -State Road Local Road = Paved - = Unpaved • WaterTank ••••••• water una Site 189-001 - - Sewer Una ---Municipal Boundary f"":/1 100 Year Flood Zone TriiCi Status ~ Occupied Vacant =-Widing Lone Oak Industrial Park 76.1 Acres/30.8 Hectares LOCATION: 1.5 miles south of Booneville city limits. Site is approximately 30 miles from the nearest federal/state authorized truck network. ZONING: Not Zoned HIGHWAY ACCESS: KY 11 adjacent to northeastern boundary of site COMMERCIAL AIR ACCESS: Blue Grass Airport (Lexington, KY) Distance: 92 miles northwest of site RAIL: Not rail served WATER: Booneville Water and Sewer District Size Line: 6-lnch line serves the site SEWER: Booneville Water and Sewer District Size Line: 8-inch gravity line serves the site NATURAL GAS: Presently not available ELECTRICITY: Jackson Energy Cooperative BROADBAND (Type:Service): DSL: Peoples Rural Telephone Cooperative FLOOD DATA: Not In 100-yearflood plain OWNERSHIP: Owsley County Industrial Authority SCHOOL DISTRICT: Owsley County Schools PRICE PER ACRE: $8000- $10,000 0 300 For more information contact the Kentucky cabinet for Economic Development, Department for Business Development Old capitol Annex- 300 West Broadway- Frankfort, KY 40601 - Tel:(502)564-7140- Fax:(502)564-3256- http://w\Nw.thinkkentucky.oom =:.'• AI/ Information regarriln g from SO<.ft:OO dH mod mllablo, but no wanw>~tatlon 1$ mode by the Ccmmonweelth d ~or onyof Its~,.. to Its sec~ ~~~~,'lf.:r~. p~=t:orar:::·:=a.=;::, thelr~~CX::.~-:r,::'tff.~~ptap«ty~a,g:r,:,~ntal·- Map Date: 08107/2012 Contour Interval: 20 feet + Booneville, Kentucky Owsley County Available Building --State Road Local Road - - Paved -- -- Unpaved - - - Municipal Boundary Tract Status ~ N Occupied A Vacant Vacant-building Other I .... _... _,' . .-: I i i I I i i \ Booneville \,,,_ ......... . . .... ...... ( ___.._______..- - ... / , ....... - ' ' ', ................ ,_. Chestnut Gap '- .. -- .... - NasiMIIe 0 0 For more information contact the Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development, Department for Business Development Old Capitol Annex- 300 West Broadway- Frankfort, KY 40601 - Tel:(502)564-7140- Fax:(502)564-3256- http://www.thinkkentucky.corn Alllnfonnallon reganflng DITXJfJit'/ I• from sources deemed 181/abie, but no wonanty or roDt8SOIIIallon Is made by tho Commonweslllr of Kentuckv or eny oil!$~ 83 to It$-n Is sub/eel to errors, omlssk>ns; c/1811g& ofprfce, prior sele, Ieese, or wfthdnwral Wftho<L,... ~- FuttiHir, no wananty o r , _ _ is rnedi> eo to tile envftotlmente/sliteb/lity or condition of tho property. PrcispectNe puichesflf3 and/or /o.....,. should patform their own due clli(jence In dalanri/Nlg tli8 SJittibllty of a property for their lnlanded usa. Kilometers Map Date: 08/07/2012 •.--_.._ T......... """'- ""' "' v.......,._ Booneville, Kentucky Owsley County Vocont Site 189-001 Lone Oak Industrial Park 76.1 Acres/30.8 Hectares LOCATION: 1.5 miles south of Booneville city limits. Site is approximately 30 miles from the nearest federal/state authorized truck network. ZONING: Not Zoned HIGHWAY ACCESS: KY 11 adjacent to northeastern boundary of site COMMERCIAL AIR ACCESS: Blue Grass Airport (Lexington, KY) Distance: 92 miles northwest of site RAIL: Not rail served WATER: Booneville Water and Sewer District Size Line: 6-inch line serves the site SEWER: Booneville Water and Sewer District Size Line: 8-inch gravity line serves the site NATURAL GAS: Presently not available ELECTRICITY: Jackson Energy Cooperative BROADBAND {Type:Service): DSL: Peoples Rural Telephone Cooperative FLOOD DATA: Not in 100-year flood plain OWNERSHIP: Owsley County Industrial Authority SCHOOL DISTRICT: Owsley County Schools PRICE PER ACRE: $8000- $1 0,000 Map Date: 08/07/2012 Photo Date: Summer 2008 APPEND/XIV PR/0/RTY PROJECTS LISTINGS __ __ ,..... WRIS- Project Summary- KRADD Wastewater Ranking FY 15 - KAADO - J Ji lxtf..... ........ • ............ ·-- .......... T•• -- t J! ~ 1Ut121M1 - --- JacbOri•C.F"'-t:l ~f-.CV lH·~ U.,CifJ.C:borl - -- KAADO - - l-~ Jac:ltton·"-Y't!•• h ...........,. . ,.,. I !i' .J .....""' ~~·-"'· ... -- - - ..... ..... ..,..,.~ li! JZ - l~CIM!t~ R*lltlon ~~ :1! ·--CoMwetlon ~ T~· ...... , Rt$ocatlon """""" lJ !/:'i I >~·~ :I:E~ -Comtructlon ......... :. ~ T"" KAADO """" - """" Report Generated : IQtff- , i'O OIW ubC OI ! UlH t11106l :ca~ ........ 0244-2013 -- S......~ *11 H'll)'30 Ealtk»IJck ~Honor Roed. ~ntludlrQtM JIINn Cerrol Nport WI MM tbN 16 .....,._. 11.000.000~ ltJOO.OOO~ 1111.000~ 02-0f-2013 13.1.,000 .......... 13.118,000 Knoa:~S ttiW R ..,MN•IOAfi~ . ,.,. ....... or- 111460 ICJAtRH~~~n• At..UU:Wl $1.«:1::1 AAC ............ ..... ..... TEA · & Cou>ltyWWTP and Coledion Ur.. tUIOUC»> Knli"n Co..w'lty WIAW & S.V... o.ttriet ,.,..w.. ottt~ec.trc~ JK~c~c:~n 1' ..., .... W"'"""Nt.a stw«,,..IKC IXliOZIOOT I<AAOO .. St U~~ t l &o\AM.\ ( J.'f.'~H -- KAADO ....... - IU50.CXIO ~-4~ H .. tM ClyciJkborl I .......... II ~ s-w---.eo ~ 120homM i'lthl Cob FOflc,IMir Fotk Md Hwroy52 J500.000~ 11 .000.000~ 11,150.000 '~'lf'o\O.M N0M1M11 fllh<:qci.IKbori 10-24-2011 "'""""-- -r... !10~ ...,,,.. -·- """" .... ..._to llbor.ll MP7.S03~ ...,,... .......... .,., .. "·-- - - · lhw• ~ .....,., ....... '·-· :t 14 , ~~~5 ~1 L'* 1_, ., J ! Clt)'oiJkborl ........ - .. ,.,.. ~-·· ~---t~· C.,CifJIC\Wt't KRADO 02.()4..201) lo3,400,000 $3.400.000 I M!!tlrlll 11 .....- - S230.CXlO Mtieipated TMprcikt~colttt.__.tom ,.,..... ~W~cl~2.150 Anticipat~ LF dfr be• Motrltl MIS 2 • tOO GPM lift M.lboM. The Jac:bon protect. . ~ HMcelnd tllorw' for dewlopmnon the property~- to tt. ~ky RJvo.- Udo:.r $250,000 so""" so SXI.OOO~ c.nt•. 'Thtft-~lilongltMI«<n'idotol ...uurarts .ndadcf6:INifntdic;.ll cdices. 15.000 TCUI ComrNcled F~ $&5,712 $365,000 ... .. Tot-'~IC.O.t Fund~ C..p 10 PJQjKI Fl.lnding StJtus so ~lwtlup«ltydonnot.m.t.tlhistm.tolllowlortlw~ uuuu. $510 ,000 10.'011'2014 12.()8..2013 $510,000 Notf'uncSI>cl ~ ,_,II'INW'I $40,000 USACOE Sec 531 120.000 LC EOF - ~eo.t~ $50CI,OCIO~ U$0,000 ~ $55,000 EPA SO AAC SI,SOO,OOO ~.., $500,000 Applied For SZS,OOO PMd[ng i.Jntltttn $1 ,580,6~ Antic~lod J4n,830 $3,802,745 Teu!:CornrniCc.dFI.ndlng $0Tilbii~ICo$t $4,510,850 S4.330.fS50 Profitct FINing Stltvs Cf'Mk ....... ~Ctwbtiln khooe lnd can.yo EiltnltblySchoot ..... llbo~$4IC'Yieod, 0111W201 I uuutn $250,000 so fwdlg~ S380.21'5 Projkt ..... biM • MW tOO,OOOCPO_._.. w.tmenl planllnd CONtruet coleetion ._to the lmt 10f181201 0210112014 0&-11·2012 P__.Fwdtd $4~,150 ~·..)fo!o) A O l~ U~J RO OraN ................:'! t47.tXINUiplll«t ThisprcifKt llllllrtplac•~H&tnotMtd.....,cot«t.onlinM~thl•~wn -lt Wil tt 0U70~ lllo~OJ,.,.,¥MOUtiiWi'dll~tht•pllm. s.v..a..,....~ _.... -·- t2SQ.OOO CorrmDid 03/IVZOI tiOO.OOO Conwnlltcl 0 t*.COO -.1100 I ~wii . . . . IM ..... «"PIKfdM n.c•wy ....,.., 04.0112013 03-05-2012 PtiUh 'f'llldld PagolofB WRIS- Project Summary- KRADD Wastewater Ranking FY 15 T~CtMkEnWOt'W'I'ltC'UII TEA.· 8d ( rfllk W•.«I"Nit« tklts PUH I Adll:lllr..tiiJtl '..,. -'"' -·- .. lll """"""' Rekl<:.tion """'""'"" I .,..,._ M iscthl'ltO!n KJW)() ....-"""' '"" i IX2nt '" '' 140, 0().) USACO!: Se:!l l U.o® COBG $0 H8 265Coa1Gtant $250,000 $1 ,000,000 $300,000 $62,500 $0"""' SO H8 1 CoalCr.,.. Oilf111201 bta:.d off of HWY 1098 and also an ltN along KY eo from SoftSMI, KY It tht W:emction of KY 1098/10&7 and KY eo to tht J*"*town v~ anc1 u. ~Alee sl.lbdMIIons•theKnctt*"CC PwryCcultyW. Thtcottctionlnei'Xplt'ISiotl~lrMIM 245potenbllcut.IOINrlalongK'Ytotndh-....rMI'tiOI'Md~ TM $32t.517 Arillldpleld 3 fOf 03122/201 2 c~~ .,tft~Hd* pottbgot piMlb lftdU.PfiO!rill Ate. Home OMMn A.noc:iation (PPHOA.,) 1\H t tqUMied TEA to~ tMir s~twn to til In to their $20.833 Committed tm,400ARC $2,2:W,750 USACOE he 531 $0 TEA ptO!)(MSIO~hunil:lfYColl.etion syttwn tolncW.YellowMountalt'IRoad ConYnattd 09i1Q'201 Anlk:lpatld 3 Aneiclpa:ttd Committed J-s-and~Ptk•~ ... c~....-.dbya"'cMof ~72$.000 ~ SO Total Cornmlntd Fund~ $333,333 $ 111 ,700 Total Proit<tCost $2,M',650 F~G*f) colleoctionaVll«n ('M'Ik.h "'"" rtqV!t1 ~~)and tlmlnlte PPHOA's opttltlond U,6&4,050 $2.351,517 PMtialyF!NM Projtoct F~SUM f ~ ~ I ! tM pxbgot plant$. Tl'lttt art nwnttWS r~ Wong KY 110 that Uln bt MfWd from the PfOPQHdeohction WwhkhcllflWitly 1\aw straigttprp.UitlbtydiKharge« 04/30!'201 ' - I ~Mptkspt-. ~-.a,o , ~~ *'ngKY 80, Tht~(Dres.kSem}ll'ld Hl.lftt Fotftt ($ mWera), lNtt c:.n..,.,.bytNirOWNn10Wift10hptOpOM(Icoe.;eiont.}"1tmll'lheyM .,..., n. 'Y"ttm d iroeJudot 62,000 LF of 6" ,._.-rore, n-. vNa H\'ttll Wt s.t.lticiM de$lof'lld II) t<Commoo:Latt a low rMin tint to maxlmll:t .-.sidtn! grinder pump IJt c:yck. The c:oiKtion lint and . - l i f t t.lltiont. v.ll be COMIM:t«< within the KY Rt eo DOT ROW ccm:tor wtlkh his t...n pN'oioWy lf'Mrotmlntaly ~led wllth 1M c~lion ol I'M road. n. PfOPOMd ptefKt ontirnate a. t.2.SM Wid ttw. ... be • ~ ol ~bleb ldrld. Corp 531, COBG. ARC {liM~• .net S.V. Coun1Y 0&'0112015 I II j 2 I I,._ 1 KRAOO ........ - 14 - TtublesotntCtMII~ IX2UI ..., I .............. Ttb.mW~Lbo&tent.kln ·-- """ ._ s """"""' Uod . : -.. l I : .,..,._ Cont.t1\lc:tion ~ E~ '"" 2 - T~Ct'llt~ ,_ ........- •RAOO Ulttt ,.._PIICe~n ..... Llit f-cti"!HHI J! T~CfMk E~ ....-- IX2tli .... Pouum Trot WII!f.MWtLJM~~ """'" .... $0 TcUZc-nitledF~ $0 TotaiPI'Cljecteo.t - $1.000.000 Areklpt&td $500,000 ...,_lpettd $500,000 ...,.~pad $250.000 Ateltlpllltd $60.000 Mclelpattd $30,000 AN:Ielpll:td -- ~ - ~ PrcitdVItlu:ttndwastwta~wlnMhmhBIICt..tWNTPtolheTak:...-n.,..ol Knott County. ~ 1110 ~ ..... be Mroictd 'ria 34,000 lf' ofT lint .net 541,000 LFot6"1int. ..... i"lc.,.,aslrion. I Thill PRfld;. a MC<Indpt_.klh ra~arr~ w.-....LN ~ ... -~ eoledlr tM1 hm Tlb.m kl PtiOiftOI 110 ...-a The JII"'ffiCl ~ Aloe...,_.... "'"""""' »0.000 COMi~U T••,.• '* ... ,..,.., •"WW'Id 8.000LFoll"llnt s; $4000.) CDftQ ·-- tVIA44 ~ur.Ak- $0 TC:U.Commtledf'~ $2$,000 T~Prc;lc:tCo&t $252,200 U( --- - Thb projt(:l '1M eldtnd wasttwaltti!Ms from Highway eo to tht Possum Trot wM ol Knott Col.rtf, The pn+ectv.ll pnMde1$)r~wtthecc:Ms to wulewai:IM' Mt'o'ke. The ptefKt h:Wn a lift station wd 3:2.000 lF otT h wd 28,500 lF of$" h . $2.6«'.010 $1.640.010 Not FuMed f'~Gap J"2,070,500 Pfqel;t FW!ding St.wt. IC $0 St~ :ltO .., ...... Ao" J 1,000.000 Antlclptttd $ 1.640,010 Arel¢lpaled 0142·2013 -- ,.1!11 ~~.e{~l:N!f":.ot~t TMBIIOWIWWTP~prafiC1n.nd:tkl~h~--h Wa-..tWWtP T'Milf'IIICC ...... ~~W-&a-.h.wtykiC10tCral TlMw«FftMdlbtllet.....,.,.,lndl*-h u .. ......,. - l i ..... ,..,, """" ..... Ultlt .... 06-20-2013 ,,;; ),, Uod ~ ConstNetion ...a 1llitQI opwatlont••wet. $3,837.280 $3.937.260 HOC FuMed $1n,31oF~~ $3,8)7,2$0 ~~F~$t1M lrdlllftl:lfltlv. lI - 3 opwaledbytMKnott~WII.If&S.W.~t(KCWS.D)Mdupontht~ of toMIIIICtion at'ld'4JP opertdom. thh prQftet will be Nmld OYif to KCWSD fof $3,071.~ ., ~ =~G """' 125,000 OtMr $343,700 HB 1 Co.lll Gf_.. CoMSIYwat'lel.-'lt.ri.aryWMttodbe~tohEWC..WNfP'tllltlitha.bttlg I ..., .... ........ ~.. I --- "" ,;>..., ...... KJW)() 1«),000 COBG $30,000 ARC $2$0,000 HB 265 C:O..G-WII $0 USACOE S.C: 531 OS.21·20141 Pf"'"" . pllntt~tDbe~.8pec*plltll:~dbiMthe~ ~~t::. 1 :u:J e~,lii !~~·111'1 t' lll..ldonlfAhFWC~ lot grt: NmiMII• ...tJon.t.WdQotfWdnO N ~ncllll ()4..0).2014 ••ro~ll.kJ .:~ ... ~Jf . . Knoac...ny~...,l«Oitli;f ,,,..,,. . . . ftTf'T,. .. ~ ..... ,.,:t4~ ....S"lli-«114 .., KJW)() - satuM,..,,OJI' , Jl&<t , ;:~ lxtt t t """' - ,.,.!M,CII' U\"4 •« """' The Plppe,...... WNrP ~ ~ ll'tenl»lo.,.._..,...._bonlllyol IP'I PWI....._ WNfP. T'MP"'ttd.,.orw-MoaeowtyWtiM&s......tDIIItct&tw IMI)'kltl"'ll.,._~tA ...... IowWtnMI~~frctn .... <l~~&.::;n a l.l-:t.~:lt UMPAdAicei,.Jo!rdOolltl c:: P'NctM~.,.Ird.lde~kiiM ..,.....~~eklng-""hiU:IQ4Iflft'ICJrlllllcKUt -,,2 Ot-())..20U C.;.-t'W(" I CCyof~· KAAOO ,-_ ,-_ 3 1 Roport Gone rated: I X2t1 ,..., wdfiMUVdl4 s.w«h• s~,.,_ea: M :t.-'dl'tii.M U'IOOQ RD..o.-. Reloxltion »0.000 SO Total Commin«< FUI'Iding lUnd rJ l ~ l =~, :; ·-- .. Ccmtn.lttion .T••,..,._ ¥-JWI 11::'\ n "'"" J 10,000 Total ProfeetCoJt *·715 FundirQGap $378,800 Pfoieoci FW'!A $0 $0 $41 ,40! Thtpn+ect !M.... ~·~·d~~.,..toh~Ciyof S.teGOCOM~ ~,...,.,lr&nlllCNint.-..etiond.Wonta.t..,..Wid~ A--fofh l11(J\ftd M~M I c:~otaNW800GPM~ 'IIitbl. n.fWNfP""'''IPitltloft,~hv.IIMtW" thtrn.Wipumpt.lltlonfottheCiryolBNttyvilao, dr~• • ~. 540GPM $S75,000 $S75,000 , t.Wlorl~ h WM~comtM:Iedln 1 983. IUfUift 07·2~20 14 1111512015 ""'""""' l Pago2of 8 WRIS- Project Summary- KRADD Wastewater Ranking FY 15 co,~- i ~ Highwly ............... tt SOIA! Sewer line~ ...... .... I · ··-1! I ........ RtAoeatlcn I I KRAOO ...-- i~ IX21t2tOOS ... CcnstNctiort :! T"" $.40,000 KIA SRF Fund A Loin (CW) C08G "' $0 TCUJCotrmitttd Fl.l"'ding $5,000 Total Prqec;l~t $241,220 f unding Gap St,$50.000 Prc;eoet F~ $Uihn "'"' 11,000,000~ Con$.tMiMWW~ *'ngtfNY 11, -..t'ld~Md - . 1 otlw S1 1Jf»,OOOAntic~'.oltownonc&dKY$2, ~VIriwa ~ mlllnhoiM ~town. .ckln1.s Mdinwc lu'* ~ tht colltctlon syNwn lind the \WfTPand constMt• ~ f-KIIity fotc\tri'lg and repU'ing gM6w pumps. Thb proftct .... MM ·~4oly 180CUltom.J. $2,01):),0():) S2,01X),OIX) .......... TMMdlmw!l:hsun .... rrommudandrv<:llandgrlflnctingl's-w~y~INMWttpiNII - $158,780 $2,000,000 llrom btobn tnal'ltloiM W Wlow prob&tmt,, The ely hH bMn ~en b own to icSerdy ..... ol Wbl¥ .-.diN)'~ bMn l'tJI&Klno Metionf. olliMs Mit milking Nplin. 12.0112014 ~·W~TrMlmenl KRAOO ...-- lM 13 II 2 F'Wtt&:plmlon ~~~-11i ~~ II 1Xltt2t007 CflyolHyden -- -""""""""' ~~ T.... I H.,..;.n ·Town RWb PNM Ill ..... 12 2 -""'""- • ·- l l I IX2tUt O!H ...... 1! ·-·- ~~ I :! """""'... I I 4 ""'~-- -- ~-Wooton~Piatt~ KRAOO --- 5 1 Report Generated: IXZIUSOOI ~ EnginMtlng - """"""""' ......... t-- TN" ~~~T.... IOQ),OOO .$31,522 HB 265 Coal C"nl $0 USACOE S.C 218 "''""' "' $0 Total CotnrriiUd Fll'ldiii'IO $11Ul0 Total Pni;tcteou $413,711 f~Gap SO~ FiniingSliM ~~;r :.- 1 . ~; I ~ ~ >~ ~ ComiNct~on ~=~ "'"' $0~StateLIMitem "' SO T< CornmOc.d f~ SO Total~ ..,........,.,.. $0 Prcfok;tF"folndina$taM $500,000 $450,CXlO Anticlpattd 11..01-2011 $8,000,000 18.000.000 .......... $125,000 Corrmltttd $375.000 Sl5.e33 Comrnitttd 121051201 2 021241'201 ......., 021241201 $515.633 . so Pwdng StU lN Item "' TMpropos41daetlondconsist ofthtconttNttioncf8" 01 and PI/CIInts,1.25* PIIC fore• Malo, 10 ~ grfnderpump tt.Uolts, anci1"14W ~ lttht o.lry OUMnllt Station, ThtM IWns ~ locMtd In scattncl..-.n 'ftthln the C.ty fA Hyden. Pr<+tel propoM:ttorep&lc.twuttwalerlinesMdextWtt#!Nito~e~OII'III't. 04-30-2014 1$0.000 Partlf.t(FIM'dtd $500,000 _,.. . ArU:~td -;-- Prc;eetd ~MM ~..., 3 m1ts olttwMIQfc•"""" and 50grtndtr pump stadons. ~t..tllncb:s. Nt. VWw Htlgta Md US ~I . - . .....000 .....000 .......... ()3..()5..201' "'"' "' """'"' 10 ARC r --, 1500,000 Ar6:fp161d ST701X»~ Phas.t Ill oltM MWtt ~ foJ 1M Qy oC Hydtn w11 ptooMtW»t-.ttt , . , _ . s.Mc•to~70~1Ntcwrwcty~~septic •VllWtlllnli'or Wllis;tllpipM. ~\IIoii~'-W'IStlltloftr.lllldhtll~23,000 SO Totaleornmta.d F\Widlng SOTot.II Pr~ $0 F"\W'Idirlg C,p $1,270,000 ~1F~StaM "'"' "' hariMtofTaftd)'tof(;• ,.._...._, $1,270,000 $1.270,000 NOC Functed 0).08.2013 "')'MIYV'I 10 ARC IOCOBG $0 USACOE S.C 5)1 $0 ~ St.t•LN lttm $0 ROloan $0 ROGrant 1500.000~ ConsbucticnofMWWp&riMdcolltctionllnntoproroMI-MMc.lnhWoottn -olltsit~• $1,000,000 Anlk~ S$00,000 Antic:ipced $1,000,000 Antic:~td $&40,000 Anticip..ttd $360,000 Anticipattd ~.200.000 $0 TOUICotmlirttd~ $0T~Prq.c;teo.t $0F"~G.-p $<1.200.000 Prcfok;t F"~ SUM S20,e73 COBG $10.0::0 ARC $5.000 "'"""' "'""" $145,737 $634.900 T<UI Committtd F"urdlng $0 Totti p,q.ctCost SO C oncintt ~ n '"'"' CIOCkl'*'"clitdl proc:"s.two cla'ifltn . ..oblc cfloMitn, mechanic.. ~·~..,., ltlld buting,lnftutnt grit ~ SVlt.fn, •l'ld auoclattd ancltary c0fTI90MI'Ih:, \~A.,_, ,.............. ... Cta'b Coley Sanllty 5 . - Prc;Kt • PNM 1 .. ~~~-=~~~~=~~ ~~~ ~ oCtllhbniJ O,,MGO\WfTPtoO.e NGO. WorttK~ COMtNttionol ~ $8,000,000 ' Eq.Apmtt'll ~ E~ IXltUUtt Lt«IWCol.lntyF'I$UICourt Lete"* .... i z 1 ""'"' TN" Io ~ leonstnKllon ·- IXJt U tOIU KAAOO .............. lt. l onlil 4 I .--·-t ! l = I! I""'"'-' .. -+---+- H'fden. SaMiry s - Ext-'on:s Phau Ill KAAOO ·-..... $0 Pro;KlF~St.IM 1 MFK~ Clrr""- - $220,000 Furding Gap ..._. """"""""' ............. ,.,., .... $1,050,01):) Antlc:iplttd Tob! ~ EqJpment I T"'•I 3 ...... ~r :_ $3,50CI,CXlOA.rDc:ipattd ...000 Rtkx.clon ~ PIIMino ~ Hydttl • Wast-.tet EllpaMion PNH U KRAOO IX2tUUIO'Z >E-.... .... $1,000.000 $25,000 RO LC¥1 $85,000 RO Grant I~' I 540.000 COBG $40,000 Ptnding State Llnllttm S502,000 T<Ut~F~ IAdrnlnbtrJW. KRAOO ...... - ~-bultd8"~valw. -,.,., I ~ ""'~- 12.QS.201) theoxtdation&ehwi!tl pumps and lti'I'I(Mthe Hdtrntntation. R•P'K• st.-1 chttktltd pbl• on cla!Nt bridgts will'l •taln!Ms 11.... utend wslkwlys ~ sUffx• to the othM hall' of bridgts to fot -hdown. lxttnd hanchib, repbe• two tM&ed 12" IliUM aew.t. PldOt....,..... .-act TM~.tehtplant'NI:d::l ~ todewat• I 3 Hcl.wwr• ...,.._.._~ p&riwn constNtttd. ildidnot~gril,.,.._.~. SOSOtMoleht~....,Midnfnmhra.c hthiGIII:IcWicndktl, W.•to • .1 ,..,..JWI Ft~Mingc,p 0).08.201) $4.200.000 W.200.000 .......... SAM.OOO Ccmmitttd f'tlaH 1- Ctafts Colty $lnlaty - StwM Coltctlon syst.m ~t. oe tn. lnstalldorl of tore. main ........ 10 ~My 50,....,.. orft* pwnp st.tioM, ~~ and'*"..,.,. 1500,000 Af'Pied For • $100,000 Anticiplletd 121011201 suoo CornrniaM ......,. ~ 5tltion. CW2tl'201 ......... TNtl'ftlftd.,.cctlnKt thtenbColeyportionolthtpftlfKitotht ~WarlmwtwtltltionwldthtDiyfortwctionoC!htpn:;.cltoiMP~Innlift ' T,..,.,....,.occ.,..Ctl'lt~YNITP. t»(l6.2014 C$'0112014 st,cm,eoo $800,000 Partilly Funded P~«ifWI~tS~• Pago3of8 WRIS - Project Summary - KRADD Wastewat er Ranking FY 15 ~hwCountyW..M&s.wti'Ontncl t..k.Mf·IA)'FotSt•¥f.,.-t«~ M~.t»tt.-t~t J ·ta~ -·- ........ """" ~ .. -·- I(JWX) - """" """"' ....., ~ ·- -·,_ .. Jl • i f - ~ .. C~"5tt"<H ,. .~,.,,... 1! ~ -- '"" ~·~ ....;, 1 :t .. .. f.ltr.~ ~~ (q..o-!1111'1 )t..cH~ ·-· .... ~·-·· ...... c~"''' ~·•nP~C~l*'"..L!rt_..,.. .. J ~ ~ ~ ~ • ·;\4,__., u..,.,........,.,. 1 ...... I M CW..tat._,. land """"" '"'"" - 2 l II :l=C«yd~ 'Mihsburg. s.Mkt Mia s.w.r [)d...... ..- lt? - t ..... Adntil.tra!Ht land ~ ~ ~ =:" l~ 1 ··=-- IX21UJ010 - 1 """" 11 J • :::" ; :~ SlQt t U OOI ~I - L_ ,.,._... T~• Cityd'NNI:n*g ..... ........ . _ Adn'lil'ntt~ Whitesburg · P.rt CI'MII AIMs- E!rt-lom l J ·land KRAOO """" -, I X2t tUOU ... ... t CiydJ....,.,. Jtridnl·W~T,..,.,.,.,.PIItt~ ""'"' 5 Report Generated: Ui«;~ I ·-·--""" KRAOO leldlolt ,.,._... Adrrlirlbtt. . . I - """""""' Equipment ! ! I 4 11.01·2011 1 SXlt1U020 . -.R' ... .:1~ ."' ~ to P ...Ma.SllftL·M•Iaot a... edeNtoN,_,. tl ~the OooM CrMk ..... end PotWt Fcft. WI, IMtWI 1«)0,000~ $ 1 ,000,000~ ~2 13hoo.Mtlokb St.CIO..OOO ...._ U.Q1·2011 11,400.000 .. PJ¥d .......... MI'W»I'Ih"'""""' 8ftdMdtoblrtl _.... . . . . . VWICM $1.31».000~ CIINrltfttl . . . . . . l'lh ......... lOO .....IUOO.OOO IUOO,OOO .." U.Ot..:Ott 0: ' $40~A0l.ta'l UOAM .. s-.~ in EM MaytMg $ 1,575,000 Anticlpt!lld RO Rc~o~~t $~.000 ARC S&O,OOO PRIDE w kg.ntar.n to 270c:u.lorMt5. Pr~t 'd ~._. a c:~ofgriYifyandforc•MtlnhWtfline1~US1 1811'1d t.~roadt"omtM physleal~dWhitnbwgto)usti'IOI'thoftnt~w.a. Tlne~»C~ $675,000 Arelelptt.:l t500,000 Arltlelplt..:l $250,000 Mlelplll..:l trNtmw!1: pC.anh WI be ein'Wted In thb phase. $2'71.500 TCU. Committed f'Widing $2.200,000 Tctll Ptc;KtCott $43,500 fundrog Gap $0PYojtctFI.ndingStaM $220,000 $3,000,000 .. .... .. $0AAC 11.01·2011 $3,000,000 $3,000,000 NocF!itiCMd $500,000 /4.tiCic.lpiiQd SO~Stal.h>!Mrn Projec:twll~-~to105c:u.~inhUtdck- $1,553,000~ SO Td.ll Commltt41d F~ SOTd.IIPr~tCosl SO Funding Gap $2,0»,000 Pfcikt F~ Statla .. .... .. $1,053,000 U ,053,000 NOCFI.InCMd 12.()6..2011 .__,M'\nf't'o SO P.ncl~ng St• t• UM h.m s-uMc• ut-loclm t ~:~ aboul50 c~ntomws lntn. p«t c'"*' .,.,., $ 1,119,000 ,.t,n(lcls*lld SOTOUI~F\II'Iditlo SO Td.ll Ptc;Kteoft S1.11t.OOO SO F\ndingGap 11.119,000 NOCFI.I'ded SO Pftlject Fundling Svtur. 12.()6..2011 S1 ,11t,OOO ._1 11CUYY'I St•.OOO IUASRFFIM'IdA\Mn(CW) St.OOO $ 1;100,000 NcK~ t- ~profeoc·~~---bng~CtMCmlntp.nttorncft ~t.ctymMt~diKNfvllimb SOTobi~Fundling CoMtn~t;tion SO Tot.! PrqoKteot1 $<*,000 FP'Iding ~p $ 153,000 Pt~tF~$taM $$10.000 ,.,._... $ 110,000 ! ~~ ' ) ! :s: ..L 4Nif.M.' JJ~'! .• \~burg·~gNu Se.wrblettAOMPhlltet KRAOO 3 120CUIII:IrNB_,.... .._....,..IIII1fld~,.., f_ .........l ,¥(,.... . ." "''"" s........-. .. ........ .. ~ ..... I lut t .... ....... - 01.(12·20U U.:At~ ay .. _ : II~;Sat:HiMir. £,. ... ,,...... C~M ':'111.101 A,Ht:I.!'M ... ~··e!!(lNISH4t f ....41i:I!!.!IM. ~ C4y d WhitMbul'g ,.; •'4 - ....., ""'* ........ .. "M'tiiiM ,.,. "'Mf ,, Cot«Cor ..,_ lnd be• mM'I\10 ..,.... Hwy 15 b«wMn tM fi'IOO..Ch d COfNI al'ld 1M juno:b)ndHwy34Q2 W•Pt~btyc:orYMetiont ..,.,_ £a..,ga ..t ....,.,.s.... t.cnJM Hl1e.'201 0 $1 .070.000 [ ~ ll.ooilt'OM ~ -... ·-__ --...._ $250,000 ~ $420.000 AI'CoCIPfihd l.t)6" KAADO .... .,.....,. n ~lbrwpmil:lndthe o..t-rtndustMIPn $1,200.000 $1.200,000 NOCF'~ '"''"" I 02.().4-2013 03.'011'2012 T~• Page 4 of 8 I WRIS - Project Summary - KRADD Wastewater Ranking FY 15 """"" - ...... letehef ... = T•ut ,. .:..:~-.. ... Pn:l;ectPhl KAAOO - '"""' - l "0 .. .. ~ '"'"" ..... ;. ... ............ .,....,.. ....... ·-,_ ~ ..:~ ~ CcucrW-& s - Dltwt ,, lCWS.D·,_J Rhlt 14Hl' ,~ :~t<-"'wN.:.-... .lrd!WliiiiiCra 07-1&.2012 ,.,~t\1'111 T'NilpnlfKt ... bep.s.ld•OI 41MOO ~~~to~~ "" -BIK"'Y f'NMI_.eoruvet IOOMWGOpn Md ~~ AF\. llrQII:Ion.~-~ . . - - - - TlM.,..ct ... ~.,........, $2.'NO.OOO ~IK-IDrlhl~rl~.,.,~tllrWiwu~ (f!--~· f)..O .... I .,. $1,235,000 $ 1.235.000 NotFI.II'dtd 10 10 $110,000 t l ....,.., ~ i WUNt.. $0 TotaiPrCifeetCosl $.),000f~Gap $144,000 PrqKt Fundiino StilUS st30,000 Equiprnenl 71Wt••• IWf:.ANJ..::• Pr<;lctconslstlcllpproximattlye700LFcl8"gtJVity.........,.ln Jot'• Btarl(hnwlht City cl Jtnldnt. ApprOl!SrNttry 30 hornM .,. in lht ptojkl arM. $),000 Total C«MMItttd F\lndlng ~ ~ ("""'"'""' ~ MiK•bnlous CMt!I'IOtl'ICltl lAfdMicO&r.tyWII'I.tK& s.WiiOeirW:t - lGWSO • R<iC:~C- $1.235,000 Arltlelplted $$.000 >~ I I 7 $40,000 Pending Stat• Unt Item Admini!.tr.UV. Jl I a.JUUJ.JOSO ,.... '""' ' ' Jtnicm ·Jon 8ftfl(h S....... Unt Exltflllon CirydJtl"'lltM ~rw.,..._,.-.....lo.,.~I<'Rrwr-NonraFcn~.. cr.....,. ""'""""' "'"' " "" planl -~prollt~dpowM~~~· lollboo.ll200~hMfll.iltCNtCourl)',~hCt)'di!IK.,. TNIPI'CifeCI.bepl'ln4tld•014tUOD...........,trMim«<t'-ettylobto~ WtNTPAnd ~'- -"*'"'} b•4 -·- """"" """" ...... I !J • ClydJtnlrh --- i .......... $3.450.000 " ........" en,.......,... T"'ol .., ...,.. ..,,_ I I l lUIUU.W ·- JtoMSM s.w. ~~ Project KAADO ...... - I SX2tUJIM '"'"" 8 Boclr-'h Pump .St.ldon Rehab Qycl~ """"" ""'"' """" 10 2 I r IX21t lt002 .. - I ""'"'- KAAOO - Boonr.oih-H~t t s-Eld-loM II .............. ..... , ~ 1 ! I=.,. l T~· ·-l· I ~ ,s::. 1- ~~ ~l'IR~..,....Ptcli«t T l and """"" 6 ""'"' ""'"' II f XlttttOOf I I 1 ctyd~ """"" 3 """" """" Report Generated: &X21tltOOI 8ooMvh ~ P\mp R.p.te«<''WWCI & Repih I I I ·-·- J I ~ """'""'""' """"-""' T~• ~ II II~' I ... i - Reloe~ ,..~ I :; C«aln.ldiofl " "'- ~ ~~ 02-04·2013 ~Funding t ~ s-al~atOI.II'IdlheCilytA J . . . . . hi;~Jo.'lBrltleh. 12-0&-20tt NOIF~ SliM 10 10 10 t j ._, .,,/'I HVY'I $10,000 IOASRF F.....SA LOll'! (CW) This Pft'IKI ... , - . . . . _ , (11) MWif purnplbtiotas lit ~&ted bebw: $273.500 At*fp.a!..S "·""' PSI1 Hwy )I) It N...., 8ridg. • Rerp&Ke ~- dlh, cMd1"""'" lnd guicM r81 PS-J2 Gr.S. Sc.hocl· ~and 11'-'de rail $0Totii~F~ $0 TCitll Prtl;eciC.t $5.000 FlrldingG.Iop $-U ,21& Proj4oc:t f~ Slltws $ U113,000 $273,500 021011'201$ PSI-4 Hwy 28 BMg. ·Replace puonpt Md lnc:t~ $IOI'age ca.p-ac¢)' PSIS N~nlng Home • Rtpb-ee puiTiflt Md Ql.66e r•l PSI6~t· R~e~. vWm and piping PSI7 B«k CtMk • R~e pumps Md corcrot pMel 1 .. ..,..20, ~·Replaq~ PSnDwrlp .W·Repa.::.~ ~11"11_.. . $1,791,t20 AIU~ed . ....$2,23:UOO Sl4Ut8FundingG-ap $2.239.to0 ProiKt fining StiiM 10 10 ............. ... _ _ s-lineext-malongOkl Hwy 11, Hwy1 1 andvarioutlpwtoadslo<;&tednotltlol thedytA Boorwoee lltld k>-eatedblt-.1-twy 11•nd the $outtl Forkclthll Kel'lt~ky Rlvw. TMprotectwoulda.....-. 120twfflCintomttsandlnclude4" PVCg"'vityHWet, -c• PI/C, 4" PVC foru mM, lltld 2 . _ .-.-. mtionl. 1M proteci WI $-&4 7,M0Mtk~J*ed $4,000 RDGrant $20,000 $0 TotafCctrvniled FWiding $ 10,000 TCIUI Prc;.eteo.t .. lti-Uftll """"""' ..Stt.2&4 ,'"'_.. $2$,000 RDLOWI $1.754,041 PS1301dHwy1 1· Reptlce~and~«WVooP'f* $273,500 10 10 '""" :1 """"""""' I 03104/2011 $ 1.500.000 $1,500.000 $0F~Gap S1,500,000 T~· I '"""" $500,000 Anticipated $1,000,000 AI'Kklpated $0 Totll Committed Flll'leting $0 TCitll Pl'ojKIColt "....""""""''" ,............... ·-. .. l ! !=: I Clydeoon.wlll SO USACOE S.C Slt SO ~ing Sta:e Lklt Item 10 I ~ I"""'""'""' --t-+ IXlttttOOJ ""'"' I"""""'"''" I ,,.,, """ .f- ""'·""' $~.000 Not FurocM>d 10 10 SII.OOO """'-'" TIAdrnlrlhtlatM , ~=--- Prc;Kt--~-~torMidemciOMyHoli:Jrwanddhttlolftl4Md I -¥Ciwl~ TM PftliKI ... IIIoalr.We~lhltftlllWchint lrCo EMwft t..t.,u.,_,.,..._.torlheCir)"oi Jefllcft. $0 TCitll Pfciecteo61 S2,000 Flnfing G.Iop $48,000 Pfciecl Funding SliM $175.000 Aanning ~ eon.tnooOlon 12.()8..2011 $0TCitii~F'tft:lino ~ I Eng~ ~ I Con$W«<on I I """" 6 ·-- -... ll ! ·" "t '·ll! 6 QydJ'""*'t s unbe~ftiX211))100 S2SO.OOO~FOt C$'161201 t10600Nt lds.tdlttk • land """"" ....-...o.tot:ZOCU~~GrNr~Md~~Mww.tor • M\ft2n~ TNf~~Pt~J...,.. $.1 U.c+f..,..-M~ JtnkinsO:IIIryHo.,wStwtt~ , _ ~ .....,.II Wll hctMM N P*11 tom 0 o:t MOO p1wt1 toO 141 UOD Col«:cor ....... lM~IoC.MI CtMk" Pf.a ~f-1 Pt.. 11-,.ptOII'Ide .......... .......... -~ .:: ~rM'Y'f' o .r_......, (Gioolp~ .. l 12-o&-201 1 Conlln.ct.on. . CCII"Mtrl~l ..... rl~---hpepowd ..__..~ ... be lhe"'*"*IJ'IIm) ~cnepac.tcaoe ......... I '-tr..tmw-c Jl&lnt. 0Sf1~1 4 10.29-2013 $175,333 ,,~cn-o $20.000 Ki1o SRF F.....S A loen (C'N) $ 10.000 $1.526.000 At*lpated .$20.000 TCitiiCorrvniaedFI.IMil'lg SO Tout~ $10,000 Flfttlng Glop $l ll,l81 Profott1 Fundlng$t1M I $1,526,000 $1,5M.OOO NOCFI.II'Ided ""'"" 0310112015 st. 1.-o.eoo 10 10 $114, U t ._,or;')olttYY'I $0 HB265Coa1Gtllt 10 10 lb<. SOTotiiConvYitledF~ SO ToliiPro;eciColt $0 FW'!dingGap $1 1.-*~F~St.IM 10 10 10 I S17,000 Antic:lp«ed $1,36-( Anlklp.lted 3-14 .36-4 $14,354 .......... r- + -- 1 fUUUft Cla'0112014 PNpare SSIES Study to detetmlne -.wee dill wiiHI"' the uhting HnoUry s - S:~t.m. BasedonN!t41bot&tucfyrepbc:eOt..-n.~O.t20lFo14".........-h.037 mertdn In~-. 1,180 LF o14" .__line and 7 INMo6es , _ EJenwUty khool.lltld 1000LFotS"-IirM Md5m.lrlltdn II: TrlllwPwton Faivound RoM. Thb PftliKiy,tl be done fn multipM conttac11. Al!M pnentlime ~ ha..-.not been lmpeetedll~theii11SSES reportOI"'Ihe._ a~tem'NI$1n2002. EI~hiW ' 11-0&-2013 bMnbntdonthe IOtmerWJdyin cO!'I'IbNtlon~ vbUIIIot.ervan-en clfto¥n ~ raltl.-.wltl Md egoeotplprlg. l«''gth olhb bntdon prefKI WJdy-.. Pnlfecl Wtll lkoiMlllerMt«ll:lhe11'6.1etc$itlolthlplani:I*•*-.,.NOYhrnOCN-Itot ~~ll"'dbell; ot mll:efOI"'~ ProjectwilcOI"'IkkolthefolcMIIIg: 1. SpMC.,. Pump Stltiol"' · Replt p4.11'1'1Jl' end repbee MW olw ttos•. 2. N~hg Home ~Station · Repalt pumps. 3. Grade School Pump Sbtion • Replir bolh p.mps. -c.~ Pump SUtion. Pl.reN:M Cine 5. Bur;ll; C1ee11; Pump Stltion . f'Wd\ne cne ,_pump. _pump_ C$-30-2014 This b • 'Nillew"C« conwy:anc. ·~l«n ~'Mint~ prq.ct. TheN we no,_ MWif n1ensiom Ot cOMettioM ptOYided. n..te we no,_~ Ot trNtmenllKiiliM I provided. Thwe -noMWCIIStomet'ICOMetled. Page 5 of 8 l_ -1I .- WRIS ·Project Summary · KRADD Wastewater Ranking FY 15 Cicy«&onr.41e KAADO - ""'"' - 5 ""'"' KRADO - ""'"' - 4 ""'"' 1Xlt1 ..... .,.,.. I ~ l IX2t1 _ aoon.a.. Qntru: Gap$..-~ """ ·--... I Englnwlng ~ ConstMtion ~t+wy 1411 $.-~ ~ ..... """""""""' ,.............. ~ tN• ! I I """ .-- . .. ... ~.~ ~!R.&ocltlon 'Ill ~ ~ Comtndon z ·- SO TotaiP'rcfeetCot.t $&U ,OOO $5,000F~(>Jp $8t1,000 NOC Funded SM,&$8 Funding SIAIM 02-04-201) $441,184 "' $5,000 $44.120 U.11tm $G02.GOO~ $15.000 KIASRFFWidAI..oii'I (CW) ...000 $ 10,000 Tot.! Ccnvnltted Funclong SO Total Proft,ctCo$1 $10,000 Functng Gap $97,002 Plo;Kt Funding SlaM ltmi)Y.JnMdt. NoCFIA"decc I#I##J "' _ _ __ -- llUtt tl ....__ 140.000 SH.OOO EPA SSOU30 ROLQM $3.he.227 RDGnnt SO Pending StJt• LIM rttrn "' $389.823 Total Commiatd F!ol'lding .......,.{._.l.. ~ UJII 4 ,yc,..,_..~ Report Generated: -- .. ··--.... ..... 1 Jl~ i Cityc.-Vkco i :;: ·-1! ~ ·-- :;:-....- I ~ L .., ~ 1 t N• 0110 112014 06-1 1·2012 , L...,.--''----'----..JP'rqtd""""",_..,.,•"~-.;.-~~ewn ".," " '~ _ 140 000 ARC so l <UI ProfectCott SO Fll"'dingGap $40,000 CDBG $50,000 ARC SO KIA SRF Fund A 1Mn (CW) "' $2$,000 TC!tll Conmitled F~ S3a8.)40 TGC.IIPro;eeteoK $1.1181,750 Fundi\) Gap SOPrqec:t F~StiM 0><>0-201> &4,70),441 t.t k.t<tf.r.•ls.-~~o $.474,5410 PrqKt Fl.lllding St1M l3.2U,510 ... -· I ~'*"'-''dhCtydH&zMII ,.,_.._ .... ................ , """ ......... V.eeo Wnt-.!M Treatment PIMt & S.W. CCOtction Prof«I·Phas• IU SX211~. ....703.411 eo.....lion """""" ~CiinkWRot.intonE.IImwearykhooi. Tllltprc;.ctrn~y t.....,...__in f~ft\4~~1 M ltU.~AJ'•""•U IMA ~W~ 00 COOG SO RDGtanl SOROt.o.n $323,970 sun,950 l ocal Convrlitttd FUI'Iditl; · -~ llU11 1 .. W. P"'ftd ~ lrocu. onlhl c-wcticn ot a 100,000 GPO WI/IITP to t.~,...,lhe~• c:lr'K~T,...,.,..._Cftek..,....NI'IIk•wll~ 2tSc~ vdth~~,._.....,NmO¥a.ldlboproo.4dllMMt•tolhl p.,....,,,..,.""'" ...!A~ .Ul H..,...~ - 3 .. ... Haurd~TAIM R~ The~ pheM d P~ FI.n:led _,~~~~·~~ ,&.~ 1t) KRAOO - S4.M1.780 $4,438,780 N;uiJ~taC Ciy ......... $250.000 ...... Tot.~Pro;.eteo.t ..,,~ea -------~ ....,.;;;-.,,.,.. - l axttt __ ·-""' t2.0S.2011 $1,000,000 A.r*lp«td $500,000 Appied FO' 0Uia'201 $500,000 Appitd F• I $250,000 Corm'litl:td 011271201 $1,000,000 Anticiiptlttd $7ea,71SIAntie. .td 1ot1&'201 $329,.76 Antiefpal~ I $1,500.000 Antielpat«t SOLGEOF·~Coel~ KAADO - coec $40,000 USACOE S.C 531 ------·~si'Hi tii ....,....,. KRAOO _.,.35........ C.f73.000 p ...~·~· '~ $ 10.000 ARC JA.eet.7eo Also ~IMigNIIottM.tMM3tS"""""" &x211M«<2t.bMII~..mllftP'Of'dat_. twe ~...w.lo a cudcWMts . .)73.CIOO» TEA • P.ry C«rry S...... Pnlf-ct Phase I ..... -- -·-I -- - :'OII,qU,~tl 14flot'ltiii·~J4 IICied~~o~t~_.tllt~o~a I 8 - 11/I(IJI#J Articiplllld ... .:nw::-raca.ate~•W ~.C:tiON..,----,.. L1 Md --.ton of ..... ~to Hwy 301oleroM. kQef CWnp.~~WNeMhtlnor~l+wyllll~P-": lntMiel•poriiDfldHwytt:seand 11,1 13.000~ KRAOO • 1000.000- T~CI'MtEnWonrnental 0244-201) -~0311<>200 .,... - ""'"' 0&'1~1<4 $415, 111 eoon.,;,.. .....,.,.h;....--~~ ...., """" This PfOiect.,.,.com.tNct 1.2S I'I'IIH cl8"91'1h'ity MWtf linn 1o ...,.. 18 mJcMnts alotlg Hwy 1411 'Nhocwrdyretyonfalng t)'1ttml Met ttralght ~ lottMWwast_.., ""'·"" ""'·"" """"" - s...- WS«nnom lolhe~G.p-. $61t .OOO~ $$.000 $15.000 Total Convnitl4ld F~ R-ation > '1i I $10,000 P«Qng Sur. LN lt4tl\ pxi,OOO~ For The Pf'Oitet ...,.lrocw on u. t :VI31201 11 .250,000~ "'*'-1M tNt Nm Uwough 6own&own Haunl. Tht po;.etb . . . . . . lotmliiUOO LF ctlO"PVC/Mtle~Md ...pac....,..ottS maholrt$. Tht dtcing ...... ~ctC«KNICltand~ ~-" $1,000,000 Anticiplt«< $115,378 Antielpattd $348,132 Antiei~>*IN I ~ety50yuncti.SotMpartsctthehw~groundllndatetxpoM<Ito the Wlmtnt1lnc,...ang tl» dtt.oo.tJon ct the liM. Other WNS of the lint dnct!)' CIOU tht~~IMd.ndar.alriskf« c ontarnlnatloftctltlltwat.rthtd . 1##1#11 $3,2 11,510 $3,211,510 0710112014 12-11·2013 .......... $ 1,000,000 Antie~td $500,000 Anci(~td $1,1&3,26S~ip«td $2,A3.2$S $2,A3,2GS ~ 1 ()'1$120 .. The JltoiKt wll COMINCi t . _0 .225 MGO MqUtfltlal balch reaelot (SOli) wasl-.t• lrN tmentplani(!MVTP)on tht-tingplanltlh. Theproftc:t wiiW~dtmollt.hing tht m ting0.10MGDWNTP. Theproflcl wllbMg hWWTPinc~ t W&hh ci6TWIC lgi'MdordtrW&hh DMslonol Enof'ctmttlt.cas. no. OOH.QQ0370& OCNJ· 02444. Thtprofkc tbo~W.~ ct·~-(;fl)$~foftl~ acuu so tht p&att. 0 1·13-2014 NoCFUIIIChd "' $1M,175 I O M,1 ?1t'l; Page6of8 I -·---.... ... WRIS - Project Summary- KRADD Wastewater Ranking FY 15 T~Ct..t~ Homepbc•Cink:W.n._..,UM~ ........., I<AAOO ·:: ......,.., I - t 7 f---+---'-1 KRAOD ~ ....,..... ,_, J,l ~ """"""' I ComtNction z PCSOt1·a.nittW~.-Cok11onSp&em· PMyCOI.reySanitationDiltlfct """"' I j ...,..... I 1 KRAOO - ~ I 2 I ~ Col.lnty S..I'Qtion ~llkt '", PCSDit1. : ~ W&liM&IIf eoa.Gtion $yattM. PNw 3 ::: - I IXJttU010 ·~ I .....,""""'...,._"""", I'm"""I 1---+--~ IPCS"'' ·""""'w"-·"-""•"1'"'· -· _j 'cc,.t~HUM. .;..~s.i.;;'t,~d...4l!:¥1tfiiGi"MI~\rl .._ so i:; -t- I $3$,000 HB 235 Coal s.w.anc:e Gnnc S15,000 ARC S20,000 KIA S RF Fund A. Lo.n (CW) --··............ so R~1t.'on SO S l10,305 $471.438 $0 """""'""' -·- so SO T<UICotrvnicedf~ SS$,705 TCIC:II Pro;KtC0$1 $4 11 ,4M F~Gact Coni.Wr;tiQI'I $0 $5.000 ..... . - I..... ~tfundingSt.M SO T<UI Conwnlled Fwdng $0T«M~ S11 2,75S FuncSirlgG.a,p $414,11&4 Pfclect Funding SliM Com&Nc:tion so ~ - :;;:: - Report Generated: lutt- C.,vl~ ......... SU,62t Comll\lction sn3,.&5e nt._._..• hmthk.,.. ~flowthfoi.IJiih IMChN.H ~collc:cion tyMem - 08-12·2014 to tbe-PCSD'sW~ THIIItNfCPfMII(~b)'lhtendol2014)b ~lpa¢1<1 I ----, ........ SM4.897 HOC Funded i I lnstalation ol this lj)CM'o~t"'f 16, 53-4,... o1 , _ fore• maiM rMglng fn ske frcm 1 tn lncl"oK to o&"oK~ be imtaled ~long Spenc«CtMk Rd. ttom KY 28 1otbeetld. Righl FrtcoiSpenwCrtRd., VJoll Dr, Dlweylnlfldlldlaabi!Or. n.-..,.39 fmdlris., . . be S«WWd.,.,. ._. ..... .,....,....-*$ The-..-.urftomtNl.,..wouldtlowehfouOhtheKY15andh~~ I (11.12·2014 ~S)'$1.mtotnt,...., PCSO'IWI$1.......- TrNtrnentPift (cornpklt..:IIJthetld I $0~Gap i Pfoiect F~ St.MI.It n...- 12~fn1f'lis-Chllf:-*fbe......,b)'1hne&n.. $32:4,000 $32:4,000 HotFiftded ThewnlewtillfhmtNlWN WI!Wd l\owtt.ol.lgfllheKY28endh~nhling coleoetion sy,tem to lhe , _ PCSD'1 Wlltewtl« TrN!mlnl Plant (c0f1"41kitld ~the etld ol2014) f« tr.attrw.l. so ~1 2·201 4 $5,000 ....,s . llllo~L'MIIll .! __ 1 loM.172 ArCcCIIIe4 ... ..., tlMUI. . ..172 . . .172 "" P'unded TMCIJcf ....... ~~fof•'*"'.,.....,......,'~tobi~• ........... .....,.. .. O*I~Cerew.ft•lfll . . . . . . . cf~tiN ........,.~. llcMr............ .._cc,._ ..... ...._tor ... ~ TMIIIC.fllcWCiwltw~,_,ln.,._IO...-dlb """*"ltolpot .......... ncrult_ ......... _Midttplln....,Md _____ ___ __ prw~r:Ma.,.we,-.-.,...,.. ,_,.........,II)'Mim1MIMrftbottiHM ......... ... ................ 'llllhdl .. ~......, The ......., . ........ ln.,... ......... ............. _. .. ,..._. .,...... ....._ to :wl'l!fii'II:M I --~a...MIMM~- TNI~•cWNIOthomt"or~tbuaMM. &.....,..., 14 ~~'* ~. . . . . .DO' . . Ulllll .....,._. 1z.o6.2011 ~·------· HA~~-- ~ · ........, ..... _._.....,.....,.._Qiyablhl /IAIWIIIM. ... .....,.,......... ~thlrN~t¥HaMIPIIrr)'~~...,.._ .. ,..., - tt ......, -~ ~..__. (AIItH). ~~fof•arMY ...... I)'MnMI-"0-Ihi CI)' HN'II..._.buiNI.HI.,hUuN ... .. #14.1l..-'UIIIt... • ' ... .. .,., k6-~ ... ........ ... C~\tM ......... UU01.730 U!,I01.7)0 TlA'Mi fDffftld br' ............ ,.,..... ........... NI!'IMIIMf'I'ICetothM _ . , . _ . ........ tocllldllongT~CIMtfna.-&ICtl:lallllfPMy c.... n..,.. .................. ,_...... ~ .. ....,eowc,. ... ._..,K..-CN'Ifrfi:IIMI'I'ICiedbr... .._lllc-tWWTP ............ _ . . .........,,.,.,...., TMW . . . . . . OOI'IIIIuCCa UD.OOOOPOVNnP .... ......... Cinlc.wHI~ ........ ~.,.CIIflldt1-450.000 OPO T1we.e111M b1 2 • . . , . . . . ,... PNfldll~ 12·1N012 tt\¥>17\., . .... ;( ........ ........ Hot F~Mded tnlnchn tolhchw-.M be hsllled ~~~ong KY28Mdlllong ~ ROML $0T<UI~t Jlt ,.., ·~·...,1 ,,.,. - ...., . tmtabtiM olthb •wo*rWefy 11, 585 o1 st'IWr tore• maiM rangtno In stt. frcm 1 112 ~hn to 4 1nel"oK would be htlallotd •long KY 25 !rom,...... 11pple LAnt to Jim E'te9 W1y. There m 39 rnldenl:s h this 11ea tNt WOIJd be ........ bot theM hs. •pprol~Wnattly 1,400 f..r btyoncl $0T<Ut~F...-. ._ .... ...... Mllllnll•&.:iMifM.Witr\tMti.CW--U\,I!Mtl (11.12·2014 ln$blationolthll~ 10.3eOI>IItd...,_kltc;e~~fnsketrom 1 --... I S180,000 Anticlpad $200,000 ~ipl!..:l $ 17$,000 At&lpllled sz.~ ...,, '""'' j! I (NHP)Jl'ldthe~Et.menl.llykhool). $15,000 C~u 1 ·- $$,000 S11 ,257 1J f ,.. - ~ Je71.000 ......, '~" T£A·PM)'*"rC.,..,,\ ..,,._ ol2014)forlt...,...., ..,,......., T~CIMII:~ 01~·2013 ChalliH E~khoof and llsos.,....lhe NOGCA.Cr..t•rN. There- 11 ,.,~ h thb arN thll WOI.dd be MtWd by 1'-" lints and two smaR Will_.!., pae~~.tge pWitt tl'lat WOI.IId be taken OIA ol HMce (Ron's (ONICW1) Mobile Hom. PMk 07/011201$ $4 14,897 Anticipa!..:l so . _... j!~ $250.000 fST.:r,ait ·.;.,;;: ···-· tMt..s.tionollhll •~ 11 , 24Sft.cotMWttlofcemlhsr~lnMNirom1 1121nel'les to I lnd~t would be btalld along KY 15 from Combs Brw:h RO to lhe I S)$,000 l oe., $8,000 OtMr .... ......... I $180,000Antic~ $XICI,OOO Anticipattod $198.000 An:k~ $9,861 . ,.,.,onv. I+ I ;................ ..... ..... I Pfqect FurodingSI.IIM $4,000 ARC SO I<JA SRF Fund A.loen (CW) Admirlhtri !Ne ~ 1 -·-·-~~~!~~ ·-0 S2,593,460 S2.5i3,460 Not F!Mded S14,257 {j ! ._ :. Total ComrniUed f~ Total ProjKtCon f WidinQG.a;p '"'""" Slt,OOO HB 23.5Coii~•GI'an1 ~'-' I will s.w.e.tOO ~Wittl20.000 LFoiT hand 26,500 l F olfih, $ 172,310 ,,oo;l:l,#lll' l ... z I t 1---+--..:s, so lines from Talcum 1ft Knoa Col.ftyto The~Ciini; In PM)' County. The project $1,093,<460~ed $25,000 Total Convnlrted Fll!'ldlng ,~. t- I IJUttnoot ,...,. $.500.000Antit~ $241,SIOO Total PtojKtCo$1 . _... , I ...,. I......... r 1 s 'l ~ ; . _ PC$0.1 . Cfwl'liK Wnt-r.w ~ Sy.tttn • PN.w 2 f P.rr 0 le z P«ry CotA'Ity Sri.a:ion Dbtrict 9 ,~. nn~tilc~~loltheTtlk..,..Pf'llftct. Thbpcoik!Wiutend«<lector S l,f#JJX»Anticipleed $2,028,250 FWIC!ing Gap $0 ProjoKI F'Widor'lg $taM Admlnhtrltiwo ~f I ~ 1 - 7 ~ + MD.OOO CDBG SXI.COO ARC .$50,000 LGEDF • ~ C«<ntyeo.l s-~ , . , . ... 4. ... lt$.3.000,010 l»llo) ~•'IAI'oSWILHI• ..,, 11!»JJ#J~ Pt...I...,..~ SUIOOL'flltn.......atvnts-totO"IN lllJIJfJJI»Areldllllld . . ......... ..w. .............,._..., .tDOhDWdclt ..._. .. ........... ..,,..,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ........... . ~ .. &Jaltl3002 $7.20SMI n.203."'n t:t.OS.2011 ~OCP'Ynded .u..-~ (.,W"ttl'ftM 3•'"----~ Pogo 7 ora WRIS ·Project Summary· KRADD Wastewater Ranking FY 15 c..npton-trq.:...wt!!.w.,.;.' C.,d""'- - ... - ....~ .......,-'.;:... , -:•·... ll :=: •IWX> - Woh IX21H 1'002 J! .. """"" w... - il IQI IS1001 Cl:)'o1Catr4lton - -- :sw..rwo--to:M'"~alonQ~,~~ctt~wctY"otCamf::ton =;;;--=---. f2:73.JOO c.Cfl.oftHd ~ bPw"'f do "'.........1 ·-.... ... 12~2011 r._.... l -- c:.mpcon StVM RtNDPr*ct .... t s:=: 1o ~ C.;.<~" ••M I'll!) .._,..,. ..... ' H • II'II•!IIN• KRAOO - w• I &X2tH7004 I w... I I I I fl. I ~ Relocation ~=... ~ N.&a.«<I 11-..; ! " ~ "',.141 .wu..l ....1 -Conwuetion ' Equipmeot ~'" &ewwtne--.omto . . . jUII norft clhCinlp&orllake J24UOO~ . bli"WI LaM Report Geneoated: --- " T"'•' ~~~~~~~ ~W.tNM1t4N[.....,.... w.... .. so - c~~" ""'"'"- 81 - ...eao ,..t2,_ 12.()8.2011 " ..... SI.227,0IXINOe~p.t~ $41),0® 1(.11\ SRf fltlll t o\ I.Ot!l {CW) with~! 40% .. ......... $1.227,000 Pftlieoet FINing $tiNS Not f unchd taltd lnthll 111«1'1 otthll ~ rNtttbl b.rlgtllytkot ~ t llypipt,(VCP). Thb I'Nit..Wh~to«.e~ttldbfealcing~toitbtb5wwn,thutiii<Ming~ $1,.227,000 $0F~Gap ....,.,.. $ 151,500 1M ctycl carnp:on hh • ,......., l)'ll«nc;ompriahg 57,438 It, (ncC k'lc~the , _ s.w.r I~ Pro;.etol2014), Over haltd thh •)"temwas N $2,500 T<UI Committed funding $0 TctafPJofecteo.l ~ I#UIIU 0711)11201$ Wlow(M.I')keohMIJI'tfS}"'-. lnc.rnpton.alotthe&owtotMVNir Pb~fftlma""""Mtu.dofttotto.piaN, ~.It UUaMOUS wat« h getting Into the plpM, that watet t1a1to do be p.mptd to h pljnt, N otcNy doM lhlshc iNU ~CO.t, W ih.o UMSu.atrNnl ctp.c lty. I TI•Qypropos«< to TV about 2e,OOOfMtofMWtfto6etenninethl bMt r.rnedylorthe s~ Sorro.ofhmelhocb ofNihlb wedig Mdfepbce, spot ,.,., cui~ w-.k _ .........,.....,.,,... r.IPDI,........... • ~..,..~, Page 8 of 8 C$-IQ--2014 ------- WRIS- Project Summary- KRADD Water Ranking FY 15 ctAdfhM;tltle.Uin ~KJW)Q "'"""" """""' I ii WX%t OHOOt BrNChaCourcyWlll.•~ ....... - - I - - --·- ~ CoMWCIIon <l .,....,_,.. % KRADD - I~ ~ ~. ........, ,..,._ R.aoc:ltion - WX%102<010 r - T... ' &Nihitt · KY315Atr4Hwy28Wlt.•LNP'refett 11I~:·1 1 5~ I ~CourltyW.twDistrtc:t · - -.,....,_,.. '& ~ eon:.~Nctlon % -·5· - T"" BrNthltt • Hwy $40£ Elcl:.mlom (F~ AIM PhaSI II!) ,,.., ..... """""" KIW)() ........ I OrN.thlttCounty Wat.,Oiltr'oct -....... I<AADO - - ..""""' Bt.alhill · Hwy 2~ Ak9ort R~ W• t., Line HJgN.nd Road WILtt Unt Eld~ I<AADO WX2tnJOU W•~R<*IW*Lhl~ -- Jofw'Gon F«kWIAMUnt~ T"" ...... ..... """I ~E~ . ........, ~- ~ Conl!Mtlorl EquiprMnt ~ .-- T... ...... WX210150SS $0 $115.000 $1.500.000 S30.000~Stltel.lnel&em $2.»4.000 $10,418AML sto.O:Irota~ConvnittedFiind¥lg ~lon :;: t ~ ·--.. c-wec. ~ Tout .....000 .....000 :-r- Thbprcitct..einc:UCJewlltertinnto..,....KY315andKY2$abo~. Awa!w ltOf9tankiMI.taob4!n.:b:led. I I i 00.1.2013 Thi1. ~~Is f«wtt•...,. •J.t-lom a1onQ Hwy S40 ~about 00 Ct.I1101'NB. AMlfundWig. This~~ Is ~Mill oftlltM pMsM rortn. FrOHn lvN Watwl.lne Pfq«t; tlwothlf I)NSM Cll'l be t.t.fW!Ctd i'I W X21025012 and WX21CI25Cll:$. Oncatheproi«:titc.ornp.tedll¥1411proo.Waloo91of~¥0hkhb ~to~muirnlzebothDowand pmt.tntothb.,...,. R~ fnti'IIWN cloi'JWittt on Wlh, ebhms and OINt tourU& b their~.,....., ~ tw.. i TMrah potential b 04o'Oif2012 0211512012 rett -M- 07·1&-2012 "'-t!INIINoh~oiRnw•ptWIIw!IW...twE•ha~dPdedfth ~ ....700 .....000 $15,000 ~S~t.Untlttm $0 RO l "'" $0 ROCrant - I Anticipated $S23,.200AI'Itkipa:t.d $130,«10 Antitlp«~ T $0 $0 Totll Comrritttd F\Ning $110,i'20 TotafProj~ctCo$~ $40,CXIOF~~ $0 ProjKI Funding St.t~o~t ....... + >-- I Thb pr~ l 'olril ConttnKI • watet1ine to lM airport Wid WNthtt •tation. TIM Pf1)fKI wil ~bM•c~~f;';tilelronand PVC plptlnWIIn•25,CXI09'IOflwat., t ~tw'lk.ndi50GPMp.wnpw.tion. TMCourity k cCQ,idering~~ I cfhiiUioftlldiiNpt<Uction, Q.S.O.l.2013 NCIIF~ $0 ---.I .....000 $15,000 K1A SRF f tnt F LOM (OW) SS.CIOO $0 Totll eonmtt.d Fwding $0 Totii Proj~ctCo$~ $5.000 F'"*"' C.., ..e1 Prottct Fr.mingSt.t"" m. $640,000 "'*~ -~ Thb ~tvotl C-tn.lel t'IINIWitw linM lo 1M Highllnd RNd.,.. o1 er..thill County. n.prq.ctlt~to~MI'Wicllo ... ~. .....000 S$40,000 NotFIMI6Id I WOt /2014 1210112014 10.26-2013 .....000 $0 $0 ....... -:-r·-.- $5,000 KlA $RF F\N F loM (OW) $2,000 $5,000 Flll'ldlng~p $55,092 Ptofect Fining Status $144,000 $0 $0 $227,000 Arcicip.Ud n.,prq.ctwilc-tl\let•-*hlohW•Shoi!IRoedNMoi~Col.dr. T'Mpra;iKth*IIJ*Mdto-~Mw~ON 20GPM ~pwl'lplutionwii~~W(ted. $227,000 $227,000 Not Funded 1110112014 12/0 112014 10.2&-2013 ........ $127.000 $10,000 KlA $RF Fl.N F l..oM (CNI) $2,000 $0 Total Committ.ct FuncUng $0 Total ProjectC0$1 $355,000 """""" l ! 5- Articlpat..:t $0 $0 T"" :._ $2,3$4,000 $2.3$4,000 N«f\II'WHd 07·16-2012 : ........ - I -.1 as RO!n...U E~tmentaty School and Sugat CaiT1' Gor' CowM. J0411XXJ "'"""""" .,..._,.. Admlniltrltiw $30-4,000 Mticlpl.tlfd $0 Totalf"rq.etC<nt "·000 FW'Idhg Gap $112,882 Pfolecl floftdino StaMI $5,000 Funding Gap s n.oea Protect FIRing SUNS $242,000 $0 $0 $23,to2 ,..., ..... Artie~ AntiGiplttd I $0 AAC $0 $5,000 Total Ccmrnitttd F...ndlng Jl.4~,(t)S TCUI ProfotdCou $1,0$0,935 Fyndhg Gap SO Proflcl F~ StiNt $0 $18$,030 """""" ,..., ..... 1',000,000 $30,000 COBG $0 TotM~FIA'tditiQ ~"' T"" ...... .....: . ~ Sltay Brancn Wat« LIM $0Proftct f~S.."" $0 Tot.! ProjedCO$t Com!Mtion I SU500,000 $1,500,000 NotFIM'dld $1,150,000 FundOng Gap Land Relocation KIW)() Report Generated: ~ T ~ E~ WX210210M er..thit~CountyWa:«Oilttkt -- .. --I .. -II! ··--l I ·. ·- -- .b E(l'.lipmlnt :;: KRAOO - ...... """""" =- ~E~ WK2tO~fOU lhltNa.Courly*t - Adrnlnlw.UW . I I • ;==t! ~ I<AAOO - I Z 1 er..the County Wilt« catrkt """""""' ~"' T«oo r ... &•athitl """""' ....... :;: x % BtMlNa.CourtrWifttObtr'oct ·-- ~~ $'.()00Totai~Ft.ll'ldlno $202,380 Total Ptoj..etCo$1 Land WX2t0210tc -~ ....... - lI WX2t02501) ····~ pco(.Jt'''"'WIIIwh~-m ltMtingJ,niMstd KY IS on Hwy30E.HI and rurW'Iing toCMc«W~CyliM. This ~M~IYifiHI'W ~ 300cwtomeBas $0 $11,000 KIA SRF Fund F lOM (OW) $2,000 $0 Total Committed Funding $0 TCIUfPro!K~ $$.000F~ G41p $111.213 ~~ Fwrdng StiM S533,000 ~2.7 1 7 --- TW$ projlc:tW. pt0WM I wT.• h v2Miklon to 1M J~Forte NM cl BtatiVIl County. t 7c~ t $355.000, ........... $355,000 s 717,ooo! Antklpa!N 11/011201• I 1210112014 -o-r-~-- 10.2&-2013 Thbprojoto:t'fttl•xttnd-t•""" totM Stt.,-&.nc:l'l hNofe.-.ati'IIIICounty. TIM prq.;tts •~INto I..,..IPPf~~20cllltomen. Tl'loe prq.ct ~ludn ' omti\Ktion of• 50,000 Galonwr.• llor~l8nk. $717,000 $717,000 ........... $0 $0 $7 17.000 f $.355,000! k&ip.:.d _j - I t110tf2014 12.10112014 10-N-2013 Ll Page l of 11 WRIS- Project Summary- KRADD Water Ranking FY 15 Breathiti:CountyWa!ttOis.trict ~htottc..HW~«I.Jne ~ KRAOO I~""""" "-~~ 1I I WX210210M ........ I I ~ """""""" 17 Bruhii!CcuqoWil.ttl:lbtrkt KAAOO ........ - BCWOVItWt.. and[~P'w(~ WX210211UI I J &wtHtt Coi.M'Itt w.~., Dbtrlct 1 1 6 - ~ &..lhia:ColnyW.U.thlrict Soi.Chf<Wti:U:v-WIItth ·-- ---..~ ""'"""""' """""""' T...._ ..... ..... ~~ R-.xarion l II :!: """""""' iAArnog WX21021040 ·-- -t-- -- -....... - ... WX2102104t - ; Bru thiUCountyW•t•Oi'lltict Hunli1g c;;;k Wlterh ProjKI - -++ CitycfJICbon l I --. - KRAOO .,..... Protect i'' WXZ101Ait ........ Jaekwn HWY 15 Wl1« lmprowmwll: I """""""' T""' ..... ..... R.loca:Jon ~- ·-.... .._)!E~ I :!: """""""' """""""' ..... T""' I ~~~It~ Jl ~::;: "-~~ I :S: ,..,""',.. I EquiprMnt """'- ContingetlciM 1 ar..Naeovt:tW....,Oblritl KRAOO ........ - 11 C..WUOtioo ~tniCM ~ ~ l I CilyofJaekwn ,uno ---t---1- Jaeban · lio$pib!WIIMTanlProiKI i WXll02110 1 T""' I ~~ , :!:~ KRAOO ........ - """""""' I 1 s........, i I ·-... ···""'- :,E~ I 8 1 ·- ~~ KRAOO 3 ~tt.W. -- ·-t-;... KAAOO 2 ·-... Construction l II :!:~"""""""' I I ·- """""""' T"" 1 ,uno -t 1- O..Uide Road WaiM line Exl.ens.Jon i ........ ........ 14 T""' ~ ~ ~E~ ~- KRAOO WX210HOM Mise~ ..._ I I I ·"""""""' ............. ..... ..... ----.-1- I -........-- 18 Admimtfatr.. Rtlloc.ation ....... - 13 ... ,uno I - Report Generated: WXl10210M I I T.... ............... ..... ..... .......... RobiNoft Fcwtl: Ntd Fft l rail Rold WIIM lH i l I~ I ~~ · E~ ·Plarri'lg ~ ~ :; Conmlction """""""' T"" $3,000 KIA SRF Fund F loan (OW) $1.000 1213,000 Antklpa!td Prottct wl eldtnd wat• linn to tn. Puneheon Cfeelc Alu rt Bl•athln County, TM ! I SOTotaiConvrittMF~ Pf'OiKI v.Q H1W aWtQJ:lrN*A/y Pour Cln!OI'T'II!'$. SO TotaiProftct(:ot.t U.OCIOF-Gop ........$223,000 $54.334PYcftdF~S.tllvl $ 145,540 I 1110112014 1VOII2014 ~20 1 3 10 10 $14 .028 sm.oe» ___._ ............... $100,000~ SO HB:M5Coa1Gtant 10""" 10 Thew.:. Di&bkt htnds iO ~MCNM a Compact T*t LOidW Met a,_ tNtlr. for thW ~- F~ k poYidtd by HB 2&5. I I - SOTotaiComrnitttdf~ SOTOU!Proj.::t~t $ 100,596 ........- SO Flollld.tngGap I $100,596 SO Pre;KI FY'Idlng St1M $ 1 00~ 10 10 - -- $ 100.598 S8.400 RDGrant $3,600 RDlwn 10 SO TCCIIeommr=.d FI.Widling $40,400 Anticipated $ 161,600 Mtlclpated U,OOOTotal~ $202,000 $44,6SQ 1\ft:ling Glp S121,000 Prcftd Fundir'G StMut 10 10 $12.341 $'202.000 $40.000 MC $5.000 EM I ! .. $500,000 MCidpiMd U42,000 Mtielplt«< $0 lou.!Colrv'Ntttd fundong ,_ xo.u~tlonoi 4'PVC~toseMc•ln~. 05-20-2013 ~ I I $1 .«2.000 $1,442,000 Not FuMed T;;i; prolt(t wil PfOYfdt S«'rit• l o51MidtntS In the aiU, Proftet wil- --;;-lu.:;h liM I ~ ...... CONtNd •-=-tiN to the D:V'iwftng-localM!Ifl HWY 108S ($ol4 I 10 $5,000 lotaiProjectCos.t $1151,530 F~ Gap $1,100,000 Proftet FuMing Stilus 04-15-2013 -r- I I $202.000 ·~- --- - - 0710112013 - · Foo10.lht ... hc"'""""Ybet1g~fofATVlr.. ricMMd~..-d poutit,houMI, lht~,_,.~t•f"htott. . . . ....:t.tllndllde 1 CUltomtf IM!et,. 40,000 Oaloft ~-tank,. 20,000 plotl ~-tank Wid.~ t tlot.ion. 0710112015 0810112015 0&-»201<1 10 10 $1 10,<170 $1 .«2.000 $<40,000 COBO .$5,000 ARC - $5&&,500Antic:ipaled 1 $5&8,500 Antlciplted I --~- 10 T IPro;eet wll HMc• u-.. H~ CtHk hN. Prcttett Wttludtt 2'" Wid 4" PVC Prp., 35 CUS!omtfmtltrtlfld a pw'nptt.tlotl, $0 Tcc.l Comnftled FI.Widing $5.000lcc.l~t $143.414 f~Gap $057,JOOPro;to:.t F~~ 10 10, ....... $t,tS7,000 $1,137,000 I 071011'2015 Oa'CU/2015 ____,__ $1.137.000 $40,000 AAC .$5,000 EM $10,000 Pwdil\; Sb:•I..N Item $500,000 ~ fOI' oonmo1o S«\S,OOO Applied fOI' $105.000 Anticipll:td "''''"'". i 10 $.$,000 TOCaiConvnitted Funding $1-48.500 Total Prof.ctCos.t $002,000 Fwnding Gap SO Pftiact FUI'Idin; SUCUt 01$-3().2014 ""'""""' I l}jspt\lfed.t!WdtNCta$00,000f*Jotlt.ankloc.Ctdnwlhl~tantCNChno tong.._~..,OM~hcJI'M.oneiTIII'UICNMG COITij:IWTy, two~oehoob and approdrrWtfy 170homes.. ProjedYitllnttuc»~ 25001inMrl..cofrWNb. I $1,2 10,000 $1 ,210,000 ,.,.,_._ 07· 16--2012 10 $101,500 St .2t0.000 $40,000 KIA. SRF FuM F Loan (OW) 1 $5,000 ARC -;---1- S1,4n,970Antlclp4ot H $500.000 10 I A.ntk"*" I l~ I SOTOCIII~FIII'Iditlg SS.OOOTOCIII~t $ t84.5e0 F~Gap S1,125,ec» Pftlitct F~Stltvl 10 10 $112.581 s1.•n.t10 $12,800 AAC Sl.200 KIA.$RFFift:IFIMn{O'.V) $0 HB 2$5 CoM Grant , , ...n.t10 prtpetvwlltrr.,_--aand.aowfof~Oft-~~to- $1,4n,t70 041011'2015 "~"""""' 05.'0112015 08-26-2014 .......Pfovtd•M'k•. r OVOt/2012 $2.2t,:535..,.~ eonma.ct Klftucky!UwwMNka!C«<I:et. n.t.w.pianla)ongtht~ofr~lt'ld Poc..wl fof 4 MW ~t.n.tomen and 85 Ct.n.tofntn d .-.eM ~"*"'AI oll'le~. I $22t,5)$~FOf $138,465 proftet wll CfMI• • higMr wat• prfttUI'• ZOM to,_ lM undetHtWid lltU arwnd W.w.tart..lmtabtionof~tfy 1 2,449l.Fofe"'lt'ld$'PVCwM•h. • dupln uationWilh t~and. ~ pi.IIT'4tlt.llionwkt'lw.m.try. Prq.ct wil~--....,.._the~P'tcric:.-WIIM~T-*- TMJIC.bon 1210512012 f"'ooitd~..w.:l ~ 12, 500 lF of6",<1" and2" PVC linate~22 ~In I M -. TMpro;.ctWIMAd.t.oeons.lruttOM~ Wtion. 10 $.$,000 Tota!Cotrwnlrtad Funding $67,054 Total ~Cos.! $255,000 F~ Gap $0 .,..,... 10 $2<1,14$ Prcfk~Fi.nfngsutvs $138,465 -.000 - ..._ ""'·"' o&/011'2014 07/0112014 12-10.2012 Page 2of 11 < WRIS - Project Summary - KRADD Water Ranking FY 15 BrM:HII Courty IN&'At~ -.. 8tuttla Md hny Cow'lly WE.tine lrW"«~Mtebon .... I 5 """ KRADO .- I II f I i .... WX2102$02:1 -- KRAOO - 14 I II 1 (. - - ~ o\h•l'll••·• , · kfP:r~ .. . ....... ... l.t-.:ca." *' (.~ -::'oUI ...,....,. .., ,.,.,.... . ,. .., t wf ...-.aft• ' J! WXJtU. .t ~ .,.,,.,__ A--.;.4 1- ~t::::J ra.,..JI•t ,_.. .... .... ...... IJ.:~· ---1' nfiM...Wa.ttw... • .. . R...WM ~ V'O KAADO i ....... I I ~ ~:::1 ........ i Wllttlllff ~ """' _, Mo~c.rtrV....I......-.:e~ W4••~··P.~......,t.l'IIIC~f.:S' .olroit.hAflf!rt KAAOO ~ l~ WUitCM2t ! --- '-00611 0. t.ldO" t.I«.V RfPIKOMetlt Ptc,a« T""'"'"T"""' KRAOO 2 1 Ii WX2ttlto22 ~ KAAOO """" - - ·-"..• .-~~ CciifitYw* I I WXJttt- ~ .~ t - - "' SO TotaiConvnifttd Flll'lldOng $43,700 Total f'roitctCo$1 $123,000 Flol'dtlg ~ SO P'tofKt F~ $Ulut "' $ 12.300 " .... ~11UW I $123,000 Applied For NJ••-=•1'1~, ~ ·~ ·~•t-oitO:.".;a oe.'Ot /2012 <»o'OH2012 --.- 0210112012 SUl,OOO Atd:icipattcl ·....1100 $192,000 $123,000 ...... Pn:;fct d iii!MndWIII•Iine~WII CrMitRoadandC«netaryRoad ~ : 0151011201 4 0710112014 10.2&-201) ....... C... t~.~ t2 Hlrmlerl.,..,.to"'*"ti'IW~_..,.,.n, ~ Hib:Nito-.-oW~ llllngollnll'll'lllln2!0.000Qidon......, . . . tlnk llwslri ..... lt'll'l20ywtold and•.,..diM,...,..,tantii'IHfttNn't ~ lptlrn TMCty ~ . . IIM "'..,C .... to ........ IWootrw..., . . . tlnlls•MI•,.._...,.. ____............................ . . . . .... l,!'leoo Sl:UOQ .... ~ ................... Tiwii"'PCC.............................. ,..... , ~. - _IIMM_h...,.......740CIUIWMirtMdlllall: t 800S*ICINCU'I'IfiDW' Mf\oed.,hCir. 'nlePfll'id . . . . . . . . . . Cily .. ,.,..lilnMft . . . . . . to Ol-1f,.20" .... ....,.,. ..... ttNVseo&e~~.... --,.,.....,...,.,...,,~ ...,...,..,.. n. ... -. ... poWee~ttMMMG~tWt,ta..,......,~ UIW U 1SOe4 .. ~• .......,,...,._d 2.3lll*tofti . W'IrloUIIWprojltd~• ........ t!IIMIM-........ ....,.,. ~...,._.....,..WW'iii..,.IOPMP~ton"*" " ~ IJ~·;--~, ....., !.i""""'...."'· . ~ ~~--,~.~~· .,., mu:.o ............. n:.,.:t Cowfy .... ..... "tt.wyseo J T~ CO) ...,..,,.. I~$U» 1245-2011 ..., n..,..a. . . . ctlllr\~h&WrlorMdwal . . . . . . . . . cl ... "'14 ; . . '-=-.....hlll'f' .. .....--Oft...... &...,. ...... - .......... ,... ................ ,...75.000QIIIICiftiiDMgle..........,...,.. ... .,. t7~·~ wr_.,:~ l : l...... .:ilf ~P.:owr•«-Mt_. F......,... and...._,,._..._...,._ 1hl Hair"- nil Holt OM ..... . M ~ ~'"·' ::::~ n.~ NlllldlltiiM.... *IIWIIf'l._.toh .... INI~JOidl. ,.._ .... _ INI htlnla . . 1ft~ 10 core..... ..-..,g lhl eu&tonwt clthl Cly Cll KnfmM SU1 l» ,.~ , .,.. je.,f IUL~ 12*"20U ".,., vu n" t:; lJI Qf•iit'..e O:~fJ LMI'I•"*""'e ..,,. " ... ~"" "14 1 4~ tt~~JrCt'•·"""J 'A~ !3.0&-:tu 1\UU~tt: f"' ... .:~, S1!.1l -~~'!\!: V.aUueain"-dfldNI...,IarAUl"'**CC tt.Pflillel....... r~ .,.,.fltN«sa.-.o ....... ..,..,,.lhlll.tlllr'WMI'\"a to . . . . . . llloriOV..C. ...... Tht ............ ~4~ I I ~2014 "-.:.J......... ..... ~~ ~ ,,~ ....,..,..,.,~.-- .... ""' ......... 5~ ._ ~ ·--- """""""' ... S4 t.Ot.Df .... ·SitlgleCountyCNI!~ $0 FW~ding~ $$.874 $1J#J~Funclirlg~ $4,874 "'"' l~O'~ PtNt~D tU!tl..""i:t ~aM S10CW RDL HII"4 .s.,o.:~ j:t~ li· ), '--"""' h ....., ............ ., $$,874 ""'/"' "'•'··· "'" I~. .r~....... .....,... SS.I14 MI~~ $0 T«aa Committtd FUI'Id~t~g $0 T«aa PYcfKtCosl ~ •oa,... :::~~:c.:-:··~ lli&Ul.> ,...., .IN ~P~ fl·~"f S»"-1 00."0~12014 sie!••~~-""'*~ ~~~ ~F« Co\ny W1!1t & SI'WtJ Di$111el Thtellh~rnttw hdatedlndneldslobl upgrldtd to thl~ t.CMoloO'/. ......,.,. I """"""' C 11!!:!!. ~ For !:Stht~:~~==~n:::ii::~:=:~~t::::n I OIW1512014 '~ ~d ~l~ tt4.0001t«cfpotlbttWIII«INsWi nn! KI'IOU "'"""""" 04110'2000 Cc:ucy~<.-lly Thl .... tobJl......, . ....... ~ .... cfnnlt<noiiC«riy n.w. .. ~.70~,... ...... ~ . . . . . . hl~di) .................. -..acuc.. .. d""*"',.,....,.~ .... ..-..-.-..--.IUCtt~-..&t~~ortnhmlliedorii*IQit411111iC l41!Uet $'. 1 !&.1~ , ,..... ho.Mcf:NI'IIIItydoetmiNwiNMIOUJ'CIIIO~e.~ ............ INftciii.I4WICI Jrill , ...r ... .,~ C~- H .T11hl Report Generated: -- t a ,_eU\-tomws. 1210$'2012 ~ "" 01-22·201) ~"Y m.oooConvnltt..:~ S7!000AIIl<~~ ~!}!~; ~~~Ji:.U Thispo;.ct wllantiUdewat.-k-IO"M KY31$II'ICIKY 2a llom T""*" Crelk Scuttltoi'MyCourcy.ltWIGo~ l c.omectiontoh But»>om.,... l)"twnto prtMtH 1 ,..-... ·~•upptyho PenyCounty. $14),000 $1,220,000 st.on.®O S!OG~OO ~~•J F o: " ~,.......,.~ TGitl s;N;i OKtr-d KCWSO· (Ne:j,-~ ·,~.a..rt.~t-tl :4or•wn Pc.«~ ......."' Sl.210.000 $12,o400 ARC $GOO KIA SRF Fund f Loan (0\'V) SO H8 265Coa1Grl nt .,.....,...., -- - 0211512012 ( 1\fMI..I e on=.~~ t<noll so "t.jT•a~ll~~ ! ~ ~~ KnollCountyF~(o.wt SO Tctllf Proj..:tCosl $14U11 Funcing G.Ip Ur43,000 ~IF~ St.ltut ll J18 .MS C••Orl"'l .,~~ ......... flf.,.,_ ...,. """' - ·-- """""""' ,..... .... KAADO .....-- 5 ._ - ~ """"-"'" T~JI WDUtNU .,.,,.,_ - ,..... ......... ~t;_.~.~ u;t;• P;;;;--- KAADO """' """' --... E~ Adri'lbtti!M WX210HOH C4yo1H....,.,.. Reklellllon - Col\itfU(tbft T.... ~oadWIIMl.N ~eMion $143,000 c--nil!ltd s ~ SO T«<I ConmiUed FUN!hg ,....,._... 10 UO.OCIO NA $11,000 AMl so · e~ 0:. BtMNt County OiWk.t - Page 3of 11 t2.QS.20U WRIS- Project Summary- KRADD Water Ranking FY 15 $twtt DIW~I KCWSO·VW~t '"~I; A,·, u·'V'4f .....>, ....., - ....- U.'-C~l R~ L~ll' .t.;l~.f'·lr.·•• """'' 'l l wx:tlttoll ! ,_ "'" l .-.... .P !OO F::::I;J~It'l ~~~IC.: ~r''':"'t:~"'f ~"'. ~~~ t~ 4"' $l ••"' rnt • -oo« 'Aw ~!7·&!1~~-: ~ :..~ ~'I.>O(o'l ,,.___ _, ll!4tttf~-;..r .... SIO&HC>l .. 10 ~14,36l~FOI 0411C>'2009 S~IS~t: ~olldF« "'""""" $1t'0:11:S.<O(CIC..-.,d --~ ...,'11'./tllot ....., - i i[ i w.utll*' """' """' ' ..: ---- .. C.WfiOwc.• """' - l! ' City~- - 31 l,~, SOTotal~tCost ·- I .... t4Ueo ··~ ""'l ~---~ .t scuo~ ....- I s ~~: 1 WUIIIIOOI ..,.,_ .·-....... t " ~ £:~:...ct~~L PNMrvw.c.s,-. t•~~~N•*~'* ~ t.1411t;...,..L~aJ:, ~· ~~~""" kRAOO ...... ...... -.M ~~ '*" I I ~""""""' I Report Generated: ·-- >-E~ - Cmtingenein I 41 f I ' ~ "'"""'""" ~ WX21Ut004 I WX21U100S 07·18-2012 ,~, PhaHVW.- S)'llem~ -+ '""' t I ~~ ~ Rllloc:etion ~- W....._...,..,.~......, SAi~lic-4 - 07·1&-2012 i~a.dW S!,o~ ccaa ~-- l \AA., Ilft: .so H92$$~Grn "''"'" $1 ,500 $152.000 Total Committed F-..nding $1 ,000.000 T<U!Pr$(;1~1 SO Funding Gap SO PrcftdF~Sutus ss~.o~»N~t~Cipahd ~~AM ,~,~t~clpCed S3SO.OOO~Iplted $63,500 hltklp«ed $1 ,263.500 $1,263,$00 I I I I I I $100,000 S500.000~ecl $5.000 ARC $125,000 Antle~ $30,000 MdciNI:td .......... T..., SO Proftc,t FIJMingSta:ut IOS5.000 $655.000 Not funded I I Ptc;tetdlbofncW.I 50,000galon~tri: a.ndlbocrl.ter,t.atiotlvetl~. NotfUI'ICIM 15.000 HB 265 Coal Gtart p,,.,.pro¥iiM,_MtW:•to~501.11"1Mf'Ytdc~wiUI ~ 10,...o1WIItdwi. $1.2$).!100 10 $00,000 .....000 -- Ptqeele<NM~fl~2·.200lFdJ"MCI~--INIIDMMft'IMtiWI30 " "'J" $1,500 Tot.ll Committed F~ S$3.500 TCUII Pnlftet¢01.1 $$00,000 F~ Gap .,.,...... """'""""' ~ea.c.~Frwd~ ROIICI. ..... FOtiiD"ltiHw(tt Holthllnltttwy-.Mt~F~Roed J.IYH:t COMtNetion ~E~ :i: _ ...... S.tU,:.&o..rocflllltd l'tot'""U.. 1.~ ........-... ..... I KfW)f) I S7UC~ .. DH..t'$tol ~,o:.:f.<"t~:H~•b• ~~:zJ ~L..a.CountyW.-Dntrkt c-truet.ondw...;;.,.... toMI'W~20cW~ V'lll -P~ taoc:a ;eur-.. .. A~ .: - 01·18-2013 .......... t.uee r,.u~c~~...-..- G¥tAtlf.:tt 31 --- $1CUCO'A.tclc...W lie (~0 IJ! :;- -..... '" .... l16~r I;) IIIMJIJ H•llh N .-, ...... ""' f~......l ...... WOI/2012 .. ...,~~!1-t' . ,- CQ'OI/2012 c~ l ,...,...r.t, ~CowleyWriMClti6tlk1 I Thl$ pro!Kt-'d ~eMDfl&ig~« been brohntTdtipe timn and h u~n.lnQ the cay and rnldttn to incur • pctentlll t\Nith risk. the~~ b Htimattdto '~etM e:dstirlg tine with 10.423 1ineat1Mt de" line. T4o wxtU IMTt '"- I , ... ~v.,.._,,...,ur•l!Mo\N.4~": KJW)O - ~f.. o~~,.~~ ta::r""""'.. lttJd ""11'1~ j - I so :_!!f.:..-'I!HI:..'),k.J• ;,_,.""' Loo NctF~ lOPt-~•· ;S.I-"*Lte•Ti ue~ ""' KAAOO .$612,000 $612.000 SO FlnlirQGap U7,000 PrcifKtFundingSbtus .....000 COI'IIbftae.ll 03-07·2013 $412,CGON'&icipa!td $0 TQtal Cornrnitttd Funding ,__ I 11 ~-.:I '1.-'».f suoo II J! I ~ c.m"""""' WXlll2to04 1 $1!~Cto:j J!a:~~t 1 ~ ! Col vto) 11UM IOA!:Rr httHL.Mti{I)W) .... ~ A:~tion '".... .... ft!c< . e~ ~,l.!f:,J~~ ., ".., its.._;· .,); I= =iQ KRAOO PfOI'td.•locWcllllong~nl.mttwy2102r.WMI«nK.noti:Coc.nly. ~":""..:tJt"'tr:"~'V:f:"C':b"; ~,. ,.,~'*.. h·~ ,..,... ~ OMttyyile·S.VTt•o.W...,...R~Medl 0).07-2013 W ...... ~pro,edCIIIMI'Itfl.ll'lder.W,IO~Pf........ ~*'"'*' " ... R~- ~~:~ """' ..UOIB-..cttllc~ JC!tfv"':»:J uu~ ..... i ......,. WXJtllt?ll TNt~ • • tb.l(tylhll ncMSM hcotKtmd~. -aw ~.,.... Mtoryandohf..,.UIOdetilrn'wMIIht.-..t . . . Ky~t5,11'1CiucWlQ .. brlncfrl ....,.'*"~ bw'pr..-wiiWHICI accMbM Thttt .,....benoC<WWtr\lction S-'ICOG ....., . ,,.,u....,,. .... 12~2011 "'* UIC~ ~,......,.,.~ . . ....., . . . . j,~ 1.1-.::.....e.N~ .......,- _,d~hffWr'l-~...-t\ l-Ite.! (..;:tAIUdCI'O f.ow'i-'lrl Knoi!ColnyWU& CtNICNitiJI...W<f.t;t'L,.fP ·~ t~ooc...«~ ~·cti!O~* ;:e; .. .,.....,., )> f" ! - :;:: '*"-'cl....._ _ _ Theo..ctCI.mnltydoMNII.._I:M~Ioc:~IJ'Iil~~ !.:tf~~~ SWJ!t ""''" s.:. ~-· ~~"~~ ~lt'4J'2 ....., ...... "**~•""'-orbec:tlnaswhaskcalc'lllibm'-"dorW"'wptac•,..._.. "'Y.$&!~ C!le~ KnoaCOY"'tyWrAM&s-CMtr.ct KCWSO·Rid~.;~A,IIL ~wiltom-tMIIC>PfooJI'Nt•"'1 teo,ooo IMI o1 potable"'W.t.t hs in rurart<..ioa Cow'lty~lty TN.,...Iobea«Wd-s~~Mt!Knott0ounty Theti ... ~SIO~twNt-*CVMOr'l'*t.,~ .... tNlCU'I'W.Gydo i-I0$1!(Wj P~ r~r'li T'lit ftCI~ -- •pccftlewatlpprowdt-1•·11c~onMproNedtttift.btlng,ubmltttdby 03{)$.2013 p,,.,. f'IPbc.e t1ne ellhtlnQ waw boouar t.tltiont.. The boot.ler ~ . .the PS, Eule PS lftd S . PS. ~ I CJ3.08.2013 I I Page4of11 ........ l ! ·- WRIS- Project Summary- KRADD Water Ranking FY 15 ~Ccu't)' Wiftta.tric:t Pbas.VIW.ttt$)$Wn~ KAAOO ... l eslie 5 $0Totll~tdFundirlg ~.000 ConltNCtion PNwoll!$)'$ltm~ KIWlO leslie l WX21U100l :;: ~ 1, I ~l"litc;;t; W.ater~tric:t Hyden/I.HiiiWatw S'J'lltom I~ PN$• 11 ... Lelle ....., .... I~ :- l wxttUtHt , ~; ~ -C..WCbon E~ COM!nttM~H L*hir~WII«& ~ T~WULN( ..... Il-JM t<RAOO - """"' ....... -·- $\~:: :=~-= $0 ROGtllll $2,500 ARC n " "'" PfojedwlllntllidetM~Ciftht . .tlflodam•W; olther.w W.:.5CUCe I 07101.12014 louttld on the MlcSdWotk Clf !hot KtnM~ Rivet.~ tho lntludn iMtalltlon Clf VfD's at the~ •• wt4l n st~. tl- pump •tatbn at W o«e CrMk and HIW!kana. Repbc~ pump ttadoM .C Enie, Wild«, ~\Kio;)tlMM and Gt.dy Bntnch IM.talla=ion t1 a at PNip$ Fortt. Y~s tnd s.m Branch. A,_ wat« Wit.,... C6'011201S O&'Oi f201S boos.t«atNebi'ukalMMandL6dcWortt.8uciQtllnt~ioanrtfinan(lnghtMamol.lnl OS.25-2014 ol$2,«:10,000 Wid~~ dl.ftlo ~tNCtlon In the III"'''IUnt ol $30.000. $323,000 $8,070,000 $5,747,000 SO Totll ComTil!ed Funding _ ! $500,000 Anckfp.:tld $2,$17,000 Artie~ ·- Sl.430,000 Totll P'fofedCost $284,500 FW'Iding Gap $8.070,000 ~ Ftn:Sing SliM $0 H B608Coa1Gtant $0 HB&I5~Grn SIOO,OOO,Convni!ttld $750,000 'Comrnitttcl ·- $0 FUI'IIiinoO.., $2,000,000 Pnlfee1 F~ Statut. "'"' II _ 117.ZC.;.) Ml ~C.-Ott'~: .,.co),) ,.a 1 t~t:..._,2ill,t, •.e~ OtMOC l4 WJ~C-4.'._...l.._\f.rC..It..,..U ~~ i.OI~~- ..._..:..._,tr~.....,.,... '_ .1~:.» r~:~a:.:.'2ANtW14N 0211012000 · The PIOI»ltcl ptOfKI ..... Intlude 10 mhs upgr.cled waterline lcxattcl on KY ISO and US 421 Wdl two pump station upgt~. It oMII Mo h¢1udt •woximat~ 15 m1ts ol rMW WI~ liM$ and MI"WW ~.ty 0710112013 ,...... uoooooo ~oa:J . """"" .....000 12.000,000 SU50.000 $0TCIUI~I Ta• """"' $323.000 Committtcl SOTCitii~Fun<linO R.toc:ltlon 2 $300.000 Artieipa!M "' l! > 6 ~ $50,000 H8 265 eo.! Gtllll $30,000 AML $7,500 CDBQ $377,500 AD lOW! .,_,. Adr!Wobtrat""- KIWlO Q:3.06..2013 .....000 """""'""' TOUI .....000 .....000 Not Funded Proftet F~ Statut. "'"' m,ooo TOUI ~CourtyWIII.wDistrkt 13 "' ·-""""'"'""' --......... .... t I ·-·- .. :;: Pro)Ktwii . . . . . ~5"""Cif~nbetos t....... WC..IiMWid ~YI'Ih6"PVC. $156.000 U*-m $500,000 Unllmwn $ 1,500 Pro;.cl<:o$t $93,500 Funding Gap ~ E~ WX21Ut001 , 4 $.5.000 Local $$,000 HB 2$$ eo, Gnn1 ..... 'Otl"'mUtd 1:!~~~ ~:.;t~ ~orMIIDed ~.tao~ tteeU! ,.,.,... 100 c..nl0ti'IIW'f loc~tld cnvarloutcOJ«rytoNs. 0&'01/2013 03(1$.-201) ~ ~--·-- __ _ _ _ _ _ I W...,IN~trom~Oip {tMyllll2)toH'wyeo5ancltt*'lonto ~-... c..-C4MidwD ... Cfrtl~tr*mlndontotcon~M~n . . . CC~M~Cttth~tylllfft f'wllldwNcJ.-w.,..,_.ns 02J02J2fX11 011311201t r:nKJ1120f11 07maool .....,.... w-.. ta.fii'(MSidbri'IIC»rtl~to. . L*Mrc.n, 11toet~ Wlilllrn ...... Ciillnc Nto.h..,.ct,......_._,-*' ... uoo-.IMitlr_w..,.....,,....,.. . llf'O'I'dtfnltme....,llr'IIQto o:s-owou I'•Det-» -tNMrt-hJIIf'lltiOl.,_waN,..... ... nchr.-d..-,..... ..,....,_.,• .,..,.,..eullomtft ....~* ~.~.-~,... ~.~..., 11"'!0111 .......,CO&drW'*'&a... t<RAOO ,_,.. ........ _,...., ........ ........ - -·- --~--~ ,.,..,...,~t'lh . . d . . . . . . . . Cr661ft~C...-.y h,...:t,_,.. . . . .,.,._........ -~--be......_..., ,.,.,._ .. OM112013 . -·--I! ·-- .. .... l! ~Ne«~WIIillhlnl:lfCOMKtion WX21tU011 l. ·-- """""""'" """"""'"' ........... TOUI .... C oMtNCiion l«~'* I I 0111712011 ~,......., eorut,,._.,~., ........ to ...COIIfiSUOO.OOO r,.. ~ftiNCCIIftr.lhll E~ 1001/201) ~11-2012 ·-·- _. TOUI LeAi;.l -,-, P~ s~. t..1r.1 lt«n $20.000 $10,000 Total Commitltcl,~ G.ap $245.000 $2,000,000 ProfKt F~ SlaM .,...,...,._._,......eweow.ll"d~tN:fr*\glll'll,_..tth..,dh ~ .,..up~ 1ft.,.. fllniM-....trllt ....... hLCWIDIIIICIIINithl ... fMWto,_. The LtWSD,_,..............,200tDuclliftediNIIIIfl .......,.. ...... Tht Ot·l$-2014 LCWSO.-......, ...,.............,ICIOft'lllltft ... h LONID_. ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .dllftl .,,.....,. . ,..... ... NII...,MWt'IW,...._brrwde.,_.WIIIOft~ceell . . . .... ........ .,......Mibllro,_. . . ., ......... betflcl .... .,..., .......... .,_._ --Aoohh----~ WMerloM elrtenslons to250t1.1Siomars elong Hv.y 160 In the~ er.titand Antielpat..:t OscaJocn. atNS. W• require~ tla IOUJte. Carr Creek lake appNtS IO bell'ol ot'JyrNiislk~...... F~ SOTottl~l lllllfi. . LIIctttrC..,W..4.a.-rDIIfttn.cwaot_....., . . . . lllwtb ,.........,__,,... • ...,.,ewLCWIO.... ~e.\llfldl,....,.toh .... ,..n'ltiiOd .... lnb . . . tlhLCW&D"""*hm:l,.....to10 .................. --.7nwutt . . .,_.P«trlllat. • .,...,..., .. VIIIJI...,Cif,..,..,....,....,._.._h.... 1:"'*7:0 ltMUO ,............ .... l ttcMt • Khg' CI..WO.CIIIOOU WXltt J'SO'Z Cit)'ci Jenkm .... ,, ,...,.,, ljt)-'~0:,_..... ·USI)O l !r:;' 6 t.:::CNO..-..F• I•I.UI KIWlO Report Genemted: DIWD2010 ............. ~~ l tteNr County W~.-r & Dntlkt 8 07JIS12001 (......-1 a:t·eo~ '-• """"" """" (~ U!ll~ tiMttc.) I I "''"" '"'"" ll7'U60 11:\:tail~ IHUell lAW*ONf»'W.... &a...... KRAOO LCWSD·YIIWitffMtrP~ """"' SUOO,OOO 12.600.000 Not fundad 12"-201 1 "'"' $200,000 $2.600.000 $15.000 Local .$4.000 RO IMn $2,000 ROCtatll "' $150,000 ArltltlpatiCI $17$,000 Arltidpa!ICI $75,000 AI'Cklpatld ~-...~-~ IMid.Jtionolwat«hsand~lotonnec t lheCityolJiriliniWidlheCityol ~--.'twallrcfslribYIIon syt.t«T''I. l3,Cli» TCiliiConwniita.d f undling $&2,500 TGtllProfeottCost $28$,000 ~Gap $0 Pfcl«lfi.W'odlngStaM $<00,000 ,.,.,000 01· 22·2013 Not funded "' $215,500 .....000 l. Page 5 of 11 J WRIS - Project Summary - KRADD Water Ranking FY 15 .............. ...... t..eta.-Hwy510'Goti:SonWaliM~ LA«hwCcutyWCtt&S.W. .·,_ =::: """"' 1\JW)() l etcMr II WX21t UOII letct. """' q I ..=It ~ ~ T"" o..mbel1andRiwfWII.ttlNExl~ IA«MrColnyW.:.r&s- Ohtlkl KRAOO I - """" '"""" 5 I WX2tt UIOO II~: I . letcMr · CumbeNnd R"-Wit«~-lon ~t · Ph. U KRADO - -e :;: ~ I '*"" 2 L llftttler~ndRNMWr!.«liM Eld:MIIon l ttci'M(«.onty & Stwtr tObtlkl ! .,............ T"" Ill ·-""""""""' 1-land Phne ltl ~ I TOUI l ! ·-·5- ~- --It.= -........ .. I Letet- :l """'"""""' 3 IAkhw eow.tyw;t. & s.w. KJW)I) 1.,............ - H.azant.letchw Col.rityWmt lrhrconnecdon Pnlfecl """"' T"" ...... """' I WX2 11U024 l'ttthW """"""""' ,.... _,_ land wuu non '"""" Llit~~W*$~1.0iiWHCiOWv.•ttw_..._ .... ~ec;t:t -·- """" """" - , (•!"-• r .. ~ .... "'Itt_,., ,,..., .... I! I """" wa.:.. ~• .:,.,..,.....::.. W~wlm~..~-IN/IIt i WXJ IUSOD :: ttultr4M , ....tlll .. t ...... &AClMWEik,fMk(CirWMIW«tt),&6M:I "'""" KRADD 9 Cly oiF!tmln;-NitOI'I I I "'""' 5 Report Generated: WX21UJ02t I Watw TrNtment PW4 UpgtNt Proit'et T R-'ocation 5- .. ·--... -·- ~~ ~"""""""' .,......... TOUI 1 , ·-land KAACO "'""' - ~, I I I I ~ """""""" s~ ~~ I I I ~ I ·""'""""""""'Td. W~t.wlint~Anbunm.-.a-t.mportioncfhc;~llor'llttNy510. !' so AboHwy160ttldttwy~fttheGordoi'IWM.Pro;ect~-abol,(CWOfl'ltl'1. $.40,000 TotaiConvr\tttd Funding $380,000 TOUJ p,q.eteost $2,000,000 F'lrldtng ~p Projtc;t f U'IdingSt.IO.I$ $2,739,000 $2,731,000 so I I 124201 1 NOI FW*d so $200.000 Sl.nt.OOO $)5,000 LGEOF • s:uoo s.;g.. County COlli s-ane. $0 Total Proj«;ICosl SO fi.W'dingGap $1N,702 ProjKt F~ $tiM $1,188,250 so so st tt.m I $1 ,000,000~ ' ·- s53e.2n ....... $0 Firding~ $170.000 Jt.oos.m so so Pfcjlclf~Sl.llln $1 50,&45 $1 .378.~ $40,000 P«tding Statelht Item $1,378,11M $1.37...., I 1 $1,088,&$0 Antk~t.ct $0 f'undinQC..., $135.200Ptofedf~Sl.llln $78S,$$0 so so $118.000 $t.oeuso $15,000 ARC $2.237 H826SC:O.Grwt .......... I so so so Total CommiUed Funding Tota1Profe«Co$t Furocling Gap Pl'cfec.I Func!irGSt.lul IPNIM U of INs ptOftcl wll COM!Mia 50,000 O*IOft ~... ~~ lMkl• \WI as .0,800 1inNrt..cof 6" 1ontMCI 5,9001oM.arfMtof4' 11M. TM~t -..cov.ttM folowi'lg ....a.1; US I HI. Bwlow &.nth,J~ &.n<:h, HorHhoe &.n<:tl Mel portioM of Eoil. I This phHe of tM p-cfec.t wil construct • ~.000 galon wet« UOr~ tMk es \WI H 31,8001iiMwfMI:oll"lliM,UOO.._J..cot.-h,M<I 2.000.._,_of3"h. lt 0).07·2013 ilupect.dto~101 houMholds. I , I L I ~ ~.OOOAnticlpad $ 1~.000 I I ! $5,000 Td.ll C«nmittM Flrding $1,088.1:50 $1.081.150 02·22·2013 ' $5,000 $0T<Ul~l HWt!Cculty~Hwy l l9i'ltoletcMrCcM!ty.Wa~tts.eMc•YMibeptO'VIdMIO 500 linear 1Mt d 3"h. TM l ttehtr CouteyW1ttt and s.w.r omtlct w11 v.m the linn 16'0112013 and purthi"M tr-..d Wlttt tom !he ely d CumbeMnd. CQ"'I/2013 I .......... Pro;Ktwillcomtrutt1WCt1 heJd.emion lromthe Clyd~Dhlirlg h f t 170 ClniOI"''*'S. lM pt$tt YdJ alto COMU\.Ic.l l 100,000 oallon Wit~ 1 s.tor~Qetank 11 Wll c onsllutt 30.1001inwt 1tott of$" h . 2,6001iM11Mtt d 4" haM ---=-J $1 ,378,~1 ~~:.ct -· ~ lppro~Cimltely I $1,$31,217 st.5JUn $.40,000 Pending St.-.. U,. tt.m $7,500 $5,000 TCIUI Fl.ll'dirlg $0 TGUI Project(:ost -~- $1,000,000 ~ ff110U2007 $5,000 Total ConYnit!:tcl F~ tUUM ·- ~ s.w.r $)0:),000Antic~ ,, t ,.....,. J 11 ~= ' •• LttehW eowwy WIIM & $700,000~ $0 $0 $8:5,263 $47!,000 ...S'l' ........ ·I """"' st.OOO RO loan $10.000 ROGwll: ~~. I ~ E~ '& 6 Contln.ICtlon z 7 """"" """" - ·--- ~~ KRADO - c-tnKtion 5- WX2ttsJOtl '"'"" - ·--·- ;,>-'- 1 1Lttcl'ltt(«.onty W•ter & Stwtr ~Irk I 12 --.~.... .,............ 4 S1 J:#J.t:IXJAntic:~ $ 100,000 P«ding Sbte lftllm I Anticlplt.ct ~7-20 1 3 Tile ptefect wi1 connect 1M City of Hlurd end 1M LC'* Co\nyWaht and s-- Dbfri«(lCWSO,.,....t~.CR.ctStar. Thbdpi'O'oicSeasourceofpotabeewater b both 1M Haunt WICILCWSD ·~terns~ awn.& of-verq. The tytt- -.6::1 bednV'MdtotnOYt~100,0000f>lonl;ofWII!erpetd¥yw-tM.._ $$2$.000 .::s..=l I l r'llems. The ptcft<t ._.abo upgr..:te 1,900 tcuch rNdWIII:wmeten to rMio 1.-d 12/01f2014 mecen. In addition to upgradWig ~ mtten for C!Aiomtn 665 ellhllng cllllomtn 'oWl 10.'0112014 0&-30-2013 ]•. t41JCO TheP'¥Ct;..-..-..;.., ..... ...;:;-~~ ,,.o L.OQi;.w;;RM.s '~.)W l'le•t~*-'i•Cii-fl '*'....,w.--~ t1e.&i!l~ v.:w . .. "'""· "''3•••.:'w"'.,rlltJ1oa' .,... ......, ~"14el IIH . . I'IOIIIWIMid.... Cirrd~Wid...,. TGewR-s Ttwa . . ~ 1 7,_...~ ... tMWMihlldonci~hlw• ....... WICI ¥A.'I . . acuuol~...,>o 118-4.1 :0 04-30-2014 IJIUfiAiW .., N&W l:t.t..a StU~ ni12&S.CM10ttlnl --SSOO.OOON!tic~ t~IJM $5,000 Total F~ $0 Total Profe<;t<At $5.000 F~G.ap s.&e.57• Profact Ftming .st..M $3S3,12t I I $500,000' $500.000 Not F\n:kd Tile ptefect wil exaand water b s to 1M W CtMirJEic CtMk .,._. (C...CHWW .,.., I ' nor!Mast olthe~oiBiaekty. Thwa..-• ~tl'f3epotentlalc"'tor'l'leB\Iotlowil behi'V*:IIntl'lb.rNthlt donote~~~~.U..bletnd»ftiO!.I'C•otcltlnldng woiO<. 1213112012 02/0112013 01.()7·2013 so so ""·"" $500,000 $40,000 KIA S RF F;;;jF loan (OW) $5,000 COBO $0 RDI.owl $0 RDGnrt l $1,000,000 Mtlclf»t«f $1,000,000 Antle~ ~, $800,000Antic~ $200,000 ~~~~Mfyv.ithmanyJ*C*· Ntw~ .......... lnc. . tnal9'fdeiwltC~. Aipt.sanlbme,the c:.....,.,.WI(wlupp/yisNQhhhf'lc.orhnt: $5,000 uat,1eo $2,«10,000 $0 $0 $250.&40 $3.000.000 Proit'et Mil do an upgr..:M to tM .m~~ng p4antat McRob«h. Prc;eet to lncludt r~tornen~ olwatttprocet.s ~pr!Wit, cM!Wealleed S)'$ttm. -~·~and ~OW**'. ~buildino rooiWwlndcws. and r-wmt wppty. IJI 1)'$tam, ~~pad TGUI Conwn1ted F~ TGUI PrqeetCost FUI'ICiirloGap $3,000.000 $3,000,000 p,q.etFundingSUIU$ NotFIII'Idtd IVOI/2014 thbPftlied ... -...ll:lo~tbeirwi.Cthe~bymodl)1rqthec:Wftl'lt-a. c:trllilg 8 MWMIOf byklcatinganlllemltiw-.n:•oiWUJ. Tile fltOiect wtlnotaftect t UOt/2014 I II 10-1$--2013 tbepbftcarpac.lty. I I '' Page e or11 WRIS - Proj ect Summary - KRADD Water Ranking FY 15 .... PIM~W.IItr L.r¢Mr County f"rual CN1 KAAilO '"""' - """" 10 I SO ARC so ·--- ·-.... Conlltlftl\dU T•• Jriin.-:e~Lat,: .. ~ CtydJtnldm .• ....,,..,...~a~, ......... """"" """" - I~ , !:;: l l WX21tJSOlt AdnWIIW.VV. land I,.. J '""'* "'" .. lto:~rY" ,.~ .. , .. ,.,..~ ~ I J~ ·Wat«T-*1 lUI. . I - """" 12 - -,I > EnginMI1ng -... ··--- • :l-- Jeni!Sm · F'I$hpondll z ·- WXJIU$047 I T"" ,.............. W.ll« Prqotel """ I - 11 .._ """"'-"' CtyoiJ........ KRAOD ''""" ''""" I WX21tSSNf '"""' - ~JI\IN•rttlv• 1 1 ~ 1 iE: KRAOD 1! I I! .....""""""""' Relocation ! I :;: I I I CC:,ciJ. . . . cc,. orlri:m . E.iJ; ...._. C._H¥atl T.. ...... .... .._ ;., St25.000 ToliiProjeetCoU SO FwwlrlgGap SO~FundlngStalut. so so Tht prq.ct li'lvcMt eonduc&lsJ a Wldyontha water •upply avabbll:ty lnllwo Pint 02/011'2012 031061'2012 MourUC'Ir.giondletehlrCountylo6tttt't!'lintlfU.ab•'o'l.abMwatwlupply~ to prcMda a~. eOMWil water~ Jor tha mldarc• ~ tha Ciy « Jen!Ons and pot.$1lfy'llf Countyand~~ Thallultfb.dllras 3i)has.H. Tha lir1t phaM hdws -**'g ~ NCOf'dl and ltudiM. Mtllf'il ,..Iori!; $125.000 $12$,000 Not F""** ~ltc:omplad,lnteMiowl~-mldawltlpdfttlontlll\lllllh~ Q3.0$.2013 ~cflflh.tag~Dn. lvtdb8Mdonh~,fth'-'phaHan~wa1 IMI ba dtSad to -.:""*'t lfmtl wat:w c:an ba bc:a:ad In tNI mcMftaln, ~low t.,_t IQ6atamft tha ""*Y cf .....tng tha cty cf J-*fm Mel~~ atea,, " St21 003 Sl P..-.oo'ltSMML"t rln .. .. ... " 1-3 oo~~..: se~:OOO ~opltN i!:).:l 000 " TNiprqact dlnfMpotiMIOtha~ fA\'r)lat.on ctu.toWit«W..tltatettaltM ~ ~ dtN rewWitar Thill prcfa(CWII chdOI tha EIChorn laQ to ¥lctMM 1M ""'-'"*" YOUMdhW.Md~lhaMiw~fOfbturtae.tor.lre4 $1.1~~00 14 1!!1..... 1 $100,000 Appkd Fot $125,000 Apphd F0t SO Total CorrmittM FI.Wtdlng ~· .,._ :t.,...... ..,.....,~ CityoiJeonl<.irl$ $0 LGEOF • f.!uld-Counly Coli S.O..anc:e Jt.t~~oo 07-1~2012 ..."1 .-d ,.~, IU6HW UOOOO AAC U.OOOP•MtiOSU:oLNIW!I so $2S.O,QOO ArltKipa!ed This pr(ljaet v.ould rWbllotata !M a:dstittg JeN::im Wltwltnlc ll'ld r~• tl"4 0\lnNm Will:., bnk lor tha purJ>QSa d adding ltO!'ai' and bat!« tarka to aldtting c:~ntornan. $ 1 0,000Total~funding $2,000 Total Prejecteosl $71.000F~~ $4'20,000 Pf+<.t f\lldng St.~t~n S11.000 $$)(),000 2800,000 .......... 0'7·1$o20t2 so $<12,000 2800.000 $7'0.000 KIA SRF f LMn (OW) $ 10,000 ~~·Uneontm so SO TotaiCommlnMFundifiO $ 10,000 TCUI~Cou $211 ,000 Fining Gac> $1,403,500 PrcifKt Ft.Wdrig $t.ttut so so $1,850,000 Antlcipattd $850,000 Anticlpltltd TMPR'!a«""'comtNet a r-wat«irUb, ~.t.ltionandplpal'fom F'~t..ab tot1"4114$ting_..,t~Wtmar~tplat'!CtoptO'o'iclean~~• otwt.t•upa.'*d Y'-'d~EiOO.OOOgalontlddit.ional par ~y. Thaptofael lncll.ldatappr~ttfl' 1&,000 bar t..c d 12" PVC. $ 1,850.000 $1.850.000 .......... 121011201\ 16'011'2011 0 1·22·2013 lt4U~ ttUOOOO ·~•,: tt:rvc1,.AI!Titllhind ~:.aaoo~ J;t.J~OO ,_~ KRAOD - ....,,_ """" """" iI! CitydJenkins KAAilO - ltt''"' """" 15 - ; WX21111* I l -- -- .l«<ldfts · WatM~ - I • -- ~ ·WIIM~ uowooo .. .:: ..........0,:. ... ........._....... -·- ·l II i i ·Lond i 1 I CCyodwtlhsbwg ~ h Consuuetlotl 'riRehlblitleion """""'""" T""--.... r t AdmftJtr.w. ·Lond KAAilO - letchlr WX2 11SIIOO I "'""' 13 I i I Ii 1 11i ·-.... Eng"-ring ConstNetion ~ - - - - - +--- I """' .......... T"" Ali'nink~ WhiCd:ug • WliM 1......,....Pbnt~ -iii ··Lond KAAilO - "''"" LttcMr - - 14 Report Generated: WX.ZIU11Cit ' 1 I I I I I 1 ll I i ·-Comln<tion C w~u T•• t.) "·'Ciui~Hoft" .." 140000 07·1CS·2012 1}6~t00 ., ~ftC Pro;adweud~h~~-n.:mancpUnl:lnordartori'II::Q~ely Mcictp,::ad SUO,..OOOAtticipltad $1 ,000,000 Atticiplttd UUCit!Nrh, SO CDOG so $3,000 Total Comml:tltd FIA"'ding $274,000 TN~ Pref«!Cott $2,100,000 F~ ~ $2'50.000 ~~F~St..M w .ooo S3 000.000 SOROLOM SO ROGrant "'"'':1M $1Mtha ~tlngc:vs.tomw~nWIIInptOY\clafotll.t!.n ~.P'tlkWrl'l ath G.att'MI)'Indu!IMIPIIk. $3,000,000 $3.000,000 07·1&-2012 ""'...... -- so SO TotaiCommitltodFUtJdinD SO TotaiPrqtct<mt SO Furdin;Ga:> $7SO,OOO Prof«;! Fl.ll'lding Stallll so so DB Pf'l:lia<;twtl daan tnd ~ etla .0: $525,000 Anl:ielpltad $225,000 Allticlt*«< .m-;;-mnot tncs ~ hWIUt tys!lfn. TN. 'M1W"~Mntl'lathtlnb.,.~an~ancl..,.c:oncliliontoc:«'&ua--..ingtha CllltomaR dtha l.ltilty, 0t tha 8 tanks 5 Mil ba flAy bla!.tad and raplftad hslclll and 01A whhb~Uni!:VItlfritreclilw tpol. bla!.~ andNCOidacfOtltha IM&daand 1pol. $750.000 $750,000 Noi:FUI'Idad ~onlhtoutlkla. 12.(18.2011 so $750.000 $70,000 P<lndino sue. .... tt.n $30.000 K1A. SRF Fla'ld F loan (OW) SO ARC SO COOG $10,000 EDA -+-- $2,000,000 ~ ......,~hmthaNorf'IFor1CdthaKyRmtln~. ~-.Mc:onsiltd addir'IIJ ........ ~~lo.mtingr.pdmlltandltocc!Mon bash.~~ $020,000 Mil Mo add tWa MCOin to tha MdimarUtion baWls, cl\lnglng tha M:w rnPa and imlallingMWMW11olncrNMf.ll:«eapael)'. n-...~lllsot.tht~ dMabow Oi/()1/2012 gr~Wit«ttcngatri andrnpt(IWt'IMJt'lh at k'IW:ath. /ltJnac:toSu••'l' •~ as .• nd to comply with dritlldl'lg wa:., trmmane lind disW.Cilon requiramant1. Pr4ftc:t wilt lnclucla rap&aclll'l'll'lt aidll¥-lg undars!Hd bkkwMh llgoom. with Wdga; 0&'01f2012 $5,400.000 Total Corrvrlitt" Funo:ling SO Total ProjoetCost $200.000 FI.Ming ~ $7,000,000 $7,000,000 Ut.).03\I Ptclt~f~aSut.~t N " fl.illdad~ srooooeo Th&WfPII 1 ~0.8S&aorl~f*6¥fplant~ l Wlf..C.I~ (bw $3,000,000 Aneiclt*«i $500,000 Areic:lt*«i $1,000,000 Antklt*«< $500,000 Anrlclpatad I I I •pmant thic.~ « and 61WttwW'Ig lql.lfpmant. Fn.fy, profact d lnwfw dawlopmant of I u.ect'ICWyr-~«..ourc:alrOtntMgt~«~. Page 7of11 01·22-2013 WRIS - Project Summary - KRADD Water Ranking FY 15 CCyd~ll*n ....., """" - J.....,.WihtLINRr••·.,..,,._~ ·-- ·' ' , .. ·-,.. ..... - U" _,, """" ..... J 6 ...._.... ---~ .. -1!11~ i ~ f ! IIIJI'--I!Rf t·~ l4 ... ~•t ..... ~ ""'"- I KRAOO - I WX21t ONoloy ~W¥.«T.....It'JIP1Nl Ai'IWII.IttN* .... ·-otlon ..... l 1 ~.,....,....... ---t- +- I ,... I .... l i- ·-- :£~ £ :l "-""''"" ONoloy 3 I --- rI KlWlO - ICiyotaoon....ile ONoloy I 4 - Reb:llion Ow> WX21' ONoloy ~ ~ :;~ ............ .,....,....... _, I .... - KRACO - WX21• ONoloy - 0..\oy 6 1 - - ·---+-- - - 0..\oy ""'"- t ,.... ·- I W)Cl'1' ..... 6 r---I KRAOO - WX21' ONoloy ONoloy - : ~ PlaMing ComtNction .,....,....... MiK-thMOVt T~ - WX21' ONoloy ONoloy I Report Generated: ~ .L__ - - ~01,~- 01-2'2·2013 ... $10003000 SSO,OOG COSO 114.01)0 ARC $1,000,000~ I $0 AD Loan $10,000 EOA $$$7,713 P.ndinoS~ Lnt lt.m JS,IM,OOO $40,000 Tot.! ConwnlledFuMing $0 Toc.IP'f+cteo.t S$07,137 I Anliclpaad $5,000 RD Grant S375,toO~iplltd $1.~.120 Antklpated St;C.IOO,OOO Antklpa!:ed $2.000,000 Mtleipated I - »« ....... .$252,000 Antklpated $2.000 Total Committed Funding SO Total Pro;Kteom $1,000 Flnlir'G Gap $C2,~71 f'Ycft<:t FW!din; Stli!Us $1a1 ,.U I $252,000 $251,000 .......... I 10 10 $18,105 $252.000 $0H82$S~~ I I $33,0001111tie~ttd $3,059Antic~ ....... ....... --- I Not Funded - ~ Boot--.WIU!tT........_Aitll~ T~ ... I I ~ Engin~~Mg ~ COMIAICtlon - ---T 8ooMv11e Highwly 11fWotle Cleek loop J_ I- .,_,.. , T~ .... ~ Aiming ~ EngiMwing ~~Cion l T ' 10 10 10 --- .,....,....... , T~ ~~~~~,... """ ~~ :l "-""""" .............. Contot\OOM!d T«•t $0 $10,000 $132,$40 $$3.4,300 I I I 1 ~ I I ..... "" -·"" I I Not Funded, .....l!OO t:.os.2Qit I $1.000.000 Antic~ $!100.000 Anticlplhd I Total Commit!:~ F~ Toe..! PJorec!Co!.t Funding ~P PY+;t F\Widing SlaM R~•10.040 LF of4" PVC.In51d 13,760 LF crl3" PVC.:;:;i lnsttl 1,5e0 LF ofl" PVC. N.linM 1-...d upgt~inglo IMW lht WNS andnrve P"~ ~ .....,. There \l'oill be 5 MWCIAiomiR ~ 5 .mting CIAiomiR that wil beNfll from the upgradecllinel. ~Wit.ninnwil ...... htlftloricdCowc...k.&a-gtf<iCh RNC:t, Mlrt.wn Ro.s lnd Big~ RoM. 12..Q5..2011 Pref«I WIIcomhldthe~ ~ 1. WatwTrewn.nt Plani· Rtpbc:...._..d_t_~ ~. MNklfto tlltfNIWitll bnGh ll'ld two,_ tor lHh "*..and rtpbc:e coolno ,._.for h purn(lli, VFOforCher..VI'IICII~. 2.RNII'Crouk'lj1·~~tocOMICttolt\lwcf'OUilg. OIS-3C).201~ TN:s b 11rNCment flclt;'~land ltiMmluJon INitriarb !MfthiM proftct. Thlr•.,. no ,_watwlinlmenslont.orconn~etbftl ~- T~ .,.no,.,.,., ~«tr..tll"'enfacilidn~. Thlf• w•noMWc~n~omettcOMKIId. Ntw plpelnstllltionlltobeh.tal4dt.rldlf •'f*ale~lndJIII'mitting• R~. . GWngt'l'llltenMta"7.ciofNdt'l'lllten.~laptopll'ldMCMt.ll)' ...,_., i -- ~ $18,000 COBG $4,000 ~St!Ql.Nhm """ R.-oc.-, 8oonMie Pwnp $tiCion UpgrNI SOTCital~ sor~~ $10,000 PYoft<t F\ll'ldng SI.IM !I :-i---r I I $4M,SOOArlliclpltld $0Totii~F~ :l l="" I I S3S.ost $0 TotiiPn:ljectcoH $0 FlnfongGIC) S3$,05e ProftdF~StiM 10 10 10 Dnign Md eomtNct antrN 1 MGD wa:.t~planl tQ-the Cly of~ and theirellltomltl cUslcM tht Clyln OM.ItyCounty,l'\ftl.leky. 1 S4,3Tt,IIOO SI,3Tt,800 F'~Gap $S.37UOO Profett F~ SliM $5,000 ~SUit OM lttm $1,000 IOAAC """ I ClydBoonevile KRACO 7 - li:OtHOO b• SOTCICM~Funding ~ EnglnMrlng I ""'"- ..,=~~'""lt.M n. wtl t.. "*'b- ~Pflfld--'4'0"..-..~~ 10 I ""'"- ~,~~~~~~· Sl:HO~OO 10 ..... 10 ~~ 6 Atpllc<t...... "~~~-~NhMci.Obi repiiiiiS"ilt)lleiiid\+DWd . . . . . . . . . . ......, ~'Of*- t.:ll•IIIC..-9'col'~rt ·--·-l I ·-.,_ --l I ·... ·--... -·l ! ·-·--... ·-l I ··I eoor-tle Radio Reed Miter Pt$c1 ... ~w.w. I l! I ONoloy 2 - - -t-+ ~ KRAOO 11 ~PI,;mpRiplh I loy -- >"- L """- KRACO - T«• Admlnhttr.M Lint ElrttMioM • 2010 WX21t ONoloy 5 ~ W.ttr .. $1,104,000 $1,104,000, NotFW'Idlcl I 12.()5.2011 Comtruetioncrllddiliottr.ll c~kiMdlrlllr, &allsandtociAiklt, a«:wty sptem. ftHll"*. fef:llleee.rbon JMdlr, teplacel!.~'t~Wyt'l'lllten lllc""'-'- Rtpbc:e bactwnh ~ lnd malf,e .-ded ~ h comota lnd • back~ po¥oW wppey. I ---. 12.()5.201 1 I ' 10 10 ..,_ S1.1<M.OOO S1,000 P«dng Sta!:e Ln. 111m S111 ,(JI1)Antic~ld u .oco SO Total Committed F~ SO Total ProjectCol.t SIH,eoo so.-~o.ap $1H,IOO Not Funded u t.eoo PfolectF\Indingsucvs ~~ up;;d. ChKIIU Gap Mel ad Hwy II ~ •tatlons wil:tl MW ...... c.ontrob, ~ 1.......... - . I 12.()5..2011 . . .. 000 10 10 $8.000 S1 H .eoo $3,000 ARC $2,000 . 7 __ , _ _ $204,200 SOToUIConvriti:~F~ SO TCUI Pr$e~Coit SS.OOO FundllrlgG'P $3$,04$ Pft+Kt F~SliM 10 10 r ConstruGtion d wttlt h to C:ont~e¢1 Hwy 11 SN:h and w;;h Q-MII: water h s to providewat~tfromcJ.W.renttanksles. I ::::= .......... nu.150 $14,40S S204200 Antitlpa~ed I I - -- - ~--- !I 12..Q5..2011 -'· ______ _l_ -- Page8of 11 ~ ~ ~ :r' . I.I il.i t• iI i~~ i~f~~ ;l;ht ll l ~ 0 ~~~s • :l~§ ,fJ~=~ .I je~;, 1! II J ~ lj ~ ll· IJ! I i ;Ill• p ~ j ~iht ~~i~J llilill jtf l!l.l i',_;;;l ,.~~~~ 11 ' 11 ~~~~~. . lil'l•' l'' 11,.1 , n· ~p~if H • li@lf H~~ fl 1 El 1 1~ ~~ 1 1 H~·t l • II •1! !1fi! 'l i! ·~p=I H I ~~~~~~ Jlt)f'f6t -1 If·· f Jf~hJ!~I ~ ~~ft ~ ~~ h.~!t si& ~If..I f! ! 6z 1&~~ 81 1 1,J' hH!!~ ~ ~ i it IP th• ~ nlz !!fl:! !!Hj'J 8~~-& .. . !! !!I llli' ii~- i n u ;; ... ... l! £ i It) ~ ~ i a i } • !J ~ 1,. i ! ~ .! ~~[i w~ ;;,i . :IS -~n ... ... ~~-.. a:r; ~ I ~ . !!:!1 ;; :ij HI !!!!!! . ~:!1 z~~ =:::~ :;:;~ a:.~ § r ~ H j ~i~ i~ B~ Jial ~~ - - II'IIJII1tllt( ! ~ :; a:: ... ~~~ I~a p!i tn ~ r Hi ~~~ f ~ '~ ..r t J I >- ~ LL ' mf 1: :X - l i ~ , .... • !I ~ ·u~- ~ GO - ij 1... j ,_., JJ ·r lx _____, f i !J h ~ I HI r 1: H ~ ::: =~~· I ij ~ ~ 2 Oo §E !t iih & II ~ ~~~ tf!i~ l l I ij !u v 'J.Jl ~i h iI, ~ .. &%1!! ~ j:a}.J ~~~i~ i ~ ~ r:::s H' ~ Q. I II is-a 0 I I •I .. J i IH I f ~ ~H ~, ! 0 IF jh~ lhl!i •• c i r; ~u c f~~~ ~ 11 . ij il I! 1Jt•AZ'() eit tA Z"() ~j iON """"""'" .......... _.. "lt - - & $ lj.c ~ .11 ~ f ~ l ! l 3 . 1. • 1 i • I ! - --· 5 t ~ ~ 1 -·. H i i i ) "g i .I H j ~ ~ c0 .~' ~ ~ ~ ! ~f E E = -.. (/) < .) I i ! f g I ~ ! f f i i i ~ifif ~lfif G) 0' Q. ' (/) ii: ~1l1f l•! •! 3: I I ~I "B B I -~ l·!~! i ~ i ~ifif I I; i I i ~~~~~ ~1f1f I <'& t: .,8. 0: :I WRIS- Project Summary- KRADD Water Ranking FY 15 CCyoiV~ -- ,.., ~"t..·Gtoofge'l!•.l'!c· KRAOO - J~ WXZfttMtl - -- -- II ~ fi,._ t·--~ -- ";".a• ""' \'"" c~ .. .. !;t.. -- - -- """"" - """"""- .. .. l !;.. . l,...., i:!:~~ "4;".......... '~t.ttt.:... ""'""""- Wol!o ........... 'T:«.It r-....Rodoi i.M.JttPL!It, .";l.,~ ,_, ... I ' "., j ... ...,........ ....,;i ......... ............. ,_ If..:.,~. ..... ~T-t.»:MMIP~ IJl.I ~ WX2UJ70tf ~ z I ""'""""- Tnt•FcrttWJI«h~l t ~ KAAOO .~ WX212'l7012 Wdlo - ! Woh -- ~ Clyofc.mplon - Woh ~ I l ·-·-. _... '"" ...... c.mpton South Valtr11 WJt« Eldemlon ~~ Adrnll'lbtrJ!lwo .... ~ Woh . ,...._... ·- I :.:"""""""" ~-- II WX2t2.»741 - CoMtNction ...... """ """- I KAAOI) ~E~ :;: I ·-- ... ............ ·- ;~ ~ Comlnlction ~ en ,:;~·::~':~· f~. IJ•lo;.;f:.f-~ t:~P~r ....... s--. ... 03-07·201) JH&O~~~ TNpropoMdpoo,edwll~lll'lp'OY8di,__._• •~coooo~ c..ocy seeoeoo.r.tC~e~ -~dDMCCiftMIJy,..,.'WIIIIIf..-..c4 - S1.,.1&e~ bw .......... ..a.Nhprc!fKC . . . . . Sl471t01 " Sl~t:.) IUi'Uc.) l:!.t:a:.(;&.l 1-!'0C~O~.-..:t ~ ...... tUIHO""*iJ*IId -- ~·u~r~saa.t~ J, '!2.,"-'ot:, IUUIOt-Oior .,,~t~riiM'fS:tl~"' addllonlil...._.._toMI'YI,..,., (».01.201) Varbllltlorl...,....~w.IJrtCocfty,~4--~dhCCy d~ . . . ttwy3)57,~Bra..._Oinnyer-RoeON~ S.:.U!~~ --.: .,.,_PintRJdoe.,..dw.tltt ISOINCiftWCC..........,~Iow'__,pNt._-.'111~100 rt. . . . •CYWOfHrWCJIJt• ..,.,.....,......,...,..,...lftpootNCM Tl'lllprapoMCI,.,..-utaofM .............. ~""" ....... ~-~lhl-~b .... ,__.., ,..Nl.dM•Ihor'l ........ ort.._..,.,.,..,~Wele CourerMII• lboft .........,.. .. &c4ftiC ....,. _..,__.. _.., PlltiOn ciWoll l1~!COO 12.($..2011 1H~O:.~ H.:.trutt,».t " UlHO l~ot.tQ IJ.AIO Thlet,d~ ... .,_..,_HBI20ttllllaallotlfiiS8CI0001o~3.200 llnrW. . dS"PYC....,_~T-....IblpfiiMCI!YIIIIOII'Ifl~ TN ii ! .;o.;,.,~-,~ "'-"""' l. ft.t.~ - -. .-.c:t......,.,_..,.,.~d--..........-.w...... ~ uu:>6 ftll;lt.ftti. . MUMdiDtNql.lftd~lrMa.WptC!jlct~~ uoo~ t1.lo:l!'•'4'"4iJll"..4 u . .... •WifllllF«<'CUitof'tllft~ '4QIIf<oifl.ttt O).()S.20t2 071t0201t 0511$12011 .. ll.i.lo:l " ssoo 000 Nil"fpad Sltt OOO ...,O:ipleed UUOO AAC 11'-..0::.0 CDIQ I S28$,000Arfic~lld st.m,ooo Mlc;~ $196,857 Total Committed Funding $1 .180.000 T«tt Prof«,tec.t 10--C.,. $0 $111,04.3 $1.578_000 $2,680 $1,000 $0 $0 ,._, Funcir~g $tlbn a.v.tedWit«Tritoft:.--s.tonotttf*lyto,.,.wt'Cr"~wtttflo$1dl.lmg I 11t'0112014 ew«st:~C*«VltwRM<Wtand«h«nrn nNit:Jt. nt.proiectd.tsotoMttuct ~ t.tallon to l«'<''t• the PineR~ link Md d rtplac• an ubthg pump 1tation loc:Jt~ t!Nr Ptl.mmw Str.t. nt. ~I abo hclucSH • t.rnal MnOI.II'It olwatJI 1110H'201S llnerep&ac«nnlll:, tl).lt-2013 tU78.000 SI.S78,000 Not F""*d I KIA SRF FWIIS F loJn (OW) TOUI ComrMted Funding TOUI Pfof«;tCost $OF~ Gap $1 8,531 ~FI.I'dingStJM $5),711 TlWJJICo;td ... ~h"**'oPiMRidQe Wit«Tri'IWh•r-.w200,000gallofl I 1 10 I $80,180 Al'llklpa:tod $&0,1~1 I ,.,.,....., $80,180 06.'0112015 ~'14tomett• ,_4" wa:.1i!Minto M nbting6'WIIerh Jllhl~tioncf KY lit WTrac:•FOI'kRoN. Thisv.tlb.-Jt-.wwttMiMio MtWJ~II I hor'nn v.Nch turrlln!ty do not ha..-. Kt"l to J pWk w.~:., t.)'$1..,.,. TM Qy of ~halan•llhtw~QS'~erh-'«<g ICY I lit wth-IOOPSt Thltohting rnt$1M t cUd ~ I«W::• to~ of &he llorntt.along Trac:• FOI'k Ro.d. 07JOII201S 09-10..2014 10 10 $11, 178 sao.t80 150.000 ~lng Stat• Lint it..,., SS,OOO ROI.OM $10,000 11.0 Gratll $1142,<100. Mlc;lpf~ ::::~== 10 s~ '"" '7H~ Si'SCM ftQI,VIMt JUt'~!~" 1'.~~ ..o:IC $10,000 EOA SO KIA SRF Fund F LOM (OW) Mminbtrltlw I -r ~.\~ ~ .lwtu~ s:t:e~ - ~. KRAOO w... ~·-=It· l ......... ""'""""- Report Generated: 1: '~·· )eQ •;c,t~ ,t~~~Ut ~~Le-t: ~~: .... I I! =i- :.:............ ~·WtAtii.'Mt.lf~ ..... , " . l f ,, ,_......~,'C,I~f..... ~• • .., Wiia:tl....,.., - 31 ..,.. ,..,~ «. -- 21 S(!T:uf~tl( , . . . . .I """"" - 91 u ...., C....,.·Pw.'I,OitW......,.fC••• _,_ >JW)() _'--t&JIJV"'h~ ..... .,liboiA ~".:tttf''r ..oCIU~ 'A..U:.... ""'""""- Ol-07·201S " . , , ~c-3 ..... ..... ! ~"'~""'Mod . ......, . " H.E:tUIIK!.t . J!C!UC:~ ,,..:,.c;o ~ ;::r:~. su~• t<U,l;:. £..1r;ipl•t .,* .......... ':".1- - 11 )I C-n """"'"" Wl~--~; a!QflgGeoJve'a8renchtG133c~ " !5"~-t,~c.r. 'h•.qa j; c.-..... V~teo·'ftiiii!!Nl.c.tllbll KRAOO 81 "'" ...... ._,_ 5 .._ S7,SOO TCUI Camrntttd Funding $104,500 TCIUI ~ $477,400 F\ftinoG.Ij) $0 ProfletF~StaM .....,. $1,142,400 $1,142,400 NOCFI.In!Md 10 t1.1•U,400 - -~---- ~ ~ ' l I ProiKI hck.Ou WI,_,. liM along •portlofl of Hvoy74&, S~ RoN, and Big Branch Ro.d.NiolrK.IIIOM J100.000e:allonground llor.gttank. w•pr<~Yi(N stf\'k• to39,_ c~~ TM dy w'I!M<MM Wit« from FrW!thbl.f91o pt<MJI MMc•. I I I 12.()6..201 1 I I Page 10 of11 WRIS- Project Summary- KRADD Water Ranking FY 15 rn ""'"""'""""" Wo& W<Jt• Report Generated: QydCam.,ton-Bir'klfBtandoi·WMtEn--.s .............. ,.... ·""" l ~ • j f ~= l ""'"""""'"'"' ] WX211lJOtO ~ Relocllion i Equ~pmtnt TOUO $7.900 $S,OOO HB:ZSS~Gtlll'll: $5,000 Tout Comrnitltd Fut'lding SOTotal~t $0f'~GI!p $~.0» $109, 185 $0 $0 $10~19 S167,03S ProiK1 Fl.lftdiiolo SLIM SSO,OOO~td ,,.,0001 ·-l !:~= ...... l n. pvfeecW.Rtndwa:.w _...a upean.Brwdlh Pow~~ c:cu.y, Tht ptO)Kt ... 03o''011201) &ti'Vke apptO) 10 l'louhl on 8arbr BrarKI'I. 00.'011201) -- ~·- 111011201) 0+15-2013 ____L__...!_ - - - Pago11 ol 11 Kentucky River ADD FY 2013 PRIORITIZATION ESTIMATED CONTROL# COUNTY ROUTE LENGTH DESCRIPTION COSTTIER 1 <$2 MILLION COST LOCAL RANK 2013 REG TIER REG RANK OVERALL 2013 RANK2013 Rank 1-13 12 067 00015 3.00 Letcher KY15 0.397 Reconstruct intersection with KY 3401 and add turn lane for Parkway Inn Motel access. $1999 999 1 1 9 10 119 00191113.26 Wolfe KY 191 0.200 Reconstruction of KY 191 & KY 1010 intersection $195 000 2 2 10 10 097 0045190.00 Perry KY451 0.300 Minor widening at Yerkes $345,000 2 3 11 12 067 80119 35.90 l etcher us 119 0.500 intersection. US 119 MP 8.905 - 9.405 t he curve at KY 806 Eolia. $915,000 2 4 12 10 119 00715 1.20 Wolfe KY715 0.200 Reconstruction of KY 715 & KY 2016 intersection $530000 3 5 10 119 00191113.16 Wolfe KY 191 0.200 Reconstruction of KY 191 & KY 1812 intersection 10 097 00015 2.00 Perrv KY15 1.600 Improve railroad crossing and approaches at M.P. 3.61, M.P. 2.53 and M.P. 2.20. 11 066 00699 1.00 Leslie KY699 0.100 Realign existing curve MP 1.9 to 2.0 and replace bridge (0066B00033N SR=61.0). $1645,495 1 8 10 013 00030 7.80 Breathitt KY30 0.340 To provide motorist w it h a saf e modern f acility f or regional access. $1,500000 4 9 10 095 000111.00 Owsley KY11 0.400 To provide motorist w ith a safe modern facility for regional access. $1,605 000 5 10 Reconstruct this portion of US 119 in order to improve the sight distance deficiencies that exist in this $780000 1 6 $1700000 5 7 12 060 00899 2.00 Knott KY899 Construct a Pedest rian bridge on KY 899 at the ent rance to Alice lloyd College in order to separate pedest rian and vehicles, improve safety by seperating transportation systems of highway and 0.100 pedestrian traffic. $850,000 5 11 10 095 00708 1.00 Owsley KY708 0.200 Replace bridge and realign roadway $1355 000 6 12 12 060 01087 5.00 Knott KY 1087 0.200 Curve revision 3.654 miles east of intersection of KY 3209 & KY 1087. $1,200,000 6 13 Kentucky River ADD CONTROL# FY 2013 PRIORITIZATION COUNTY ROUTE LENGTH ESTIMATED COST DESCRIPTION COSTTIER2 $2 MILLION • $10 MILLION REG REG LOCAL TIER OVERALL RANK 2013 RANK 2013 RANK 2013 Rank 1-16 12 060 00899 1.00 Knott KY899 Reconstruct this curve in order to provide a better transition from the new section to the old section while eliminating the curvature problems at the bottom of the hill. KY 160 MP 3.7 • 4.2 at Short 0.500 Branch near Pippa Passes. 10 097 00080 8.50 Perry KY80 4 .200 Rehabilitation from MP 10.1 to 15.1 $3,900,000 4 2 6 12 060 00015 80.00 Knott KY 15 Reduce the number of right angle, rear end and side swipes collisions while maintaining or improving 0.300 traffic flow on KY 15 at the intersection of KY 160. $2,170,000 4 3 7 8 $5,070,000 2 1 5 To alleviate the congestion along this segment of roadway to better accommodate motorist and 12 067 02034 1.00 Letcher KY2034 shoppers in this area or enter into the entrances of the various businesses. As well as to reduce the 0.800 occurences of crashes. Walmart shopping area at Ermine $4,440,000 5 4 12 067 0093114.00 Letcher KY931 1.500 Curve revisions at three locations between Eagle Road and Cookville Road. $3,700,000 3 5 10 013 00030 7.15 Breathitt KY30 1.395 To provide motorist with a safe modern facility for regional access. $2,000,000 5 6 12 067 00007 13.00 Letcher KY7 0.860 Reconstruct intersection with KY 15 $2,200,000 4 7 10 097 00699 3.00 Perry KY699 0.100 Correct continuous maintenance issues at railroad tunnel. $2,000,000 6 8 10 013 00030 5.00 Breathitt KY30 0.400 To provide motorist with a safe modern facility for regional access. $2,325,000 6 9 10 095 00028 1.00 Owsley KY28 0.800 Upgrade the existing deficient system for local motorist. $2,000,000 4 10 10 065 00052 3.00 Lee KY52 1.335 To provide motorist with a modern facility for regional access. $3,055,000 6 11 10 065 0001110.00 Lee KY11 M INOR W IDENING FROM 0.3 Ml N OF KY 587 TO 0 .3 Ml N OF KY 3150 (WEST RIDGE RD) IN 1.100 BEATTYVILLE $8,610,000 4 12 10 097 01146 2.00 Perry KY 1146 1.250 To provide improved access from a local road to a regional corridor. $4,550,000 3 13 10 095 0001110.00 Owsley KY 11 1.861 To provide motorist with a modern facility that will allow for future economic development. $8,100,000 3 14 10 065 00052 19.00 Lee KY 52 0.300 To provide motorist with a modern facility for regional access. $4,555,000 5 15 10 097 00028 8.00 Perry KY28 0.450 Curve revision at Keneva $5,350,000 16 Kentucky River ADD CONTROL# FY 2013 PRIORITIZATION COUNTY ROUTE LENGTH DESCRIPTION COSTTIER2 $2 M ILLION - $10 MILLION REG TIER REG OVERALL ESTIMATED LOCAL RANK RANK RANK COST 2013 20 13 2013 Rank 1-16 12 060 00899 1.00 Knott KY899 Reconstruct this curve in order to provide a better transition from the new section to the old section while eliminating the curvature problems at the bottom of the hill. KY 160 MP 3.7- 4.2 at Short 0.500 Branch near Pippa Passes. 10 097 00080 8.50 Perry_ KY80 4.200 Rehabilitation from MP 10.1 to 15.1 $3,900,000 4 2 6 12 060 00015 80.00 Knott KY15 Reduce the number of right angle, rear end and side swipes collisions w hile maintaining or improving 0.300 traffic flow on KY 15 at the intersection of KY 160. $2,170,000 4 3 7 Letcher KY 2034 To alleviate the congestion along this segment of roadway to better accommodate motorist and shoppers in this area or enter into the entrances of the various businesses. As w ell as to reduce the 0.800 occurences of crashes. Walmart shopping area at Ermine $4,440,000 5 4 8 5 12 067 02034 1.00 $5,070,000 2 1 5 12 067 0093114.00 Letcher KY931 1.500 Curve revisions at three locations between Eagle Road and Cookville Road. $3,700,000 3 10 013 00030 7.15 Breathitt KY30 1.395 To provide motorist with a safe modern facility for regional access. $2,000,000 5 6 12 067 00007 13.00 Letcher KY7 0.860 Reconstruct intersection with KY 15 $2,200,000 4 7 10 097 00699 3.00 Perrv KY699 0.100 Correct continuous maintenance issues at railroad tunnel. $2,000,000 6 8 10 013 00030 5.00 Breathitt KY30 0.400 To provide motorist with a safe modern facility for regional access. $2,325,000 6 9 10 095 00028 1.00 Owsley KY 28 0.800 Upgrade the existing deficient system for local motorist. $2,000,000 4 10 10 065 00052 3.00 Lee KY52 1.335 To provide motorist with a modern facility for regional access. $3,055,000 6 11 10 065 0001110.00 Lee KY 11 MINOR W IDENING FROM 0.3 M l N OF KY 587 TO 0.3 Ml N OF KY 3150 (WEST RIDGE RD) IN 1.100 BEATTYVILLE $8,610,000 4 12 10 097 01146 2.00 Perry KY 1146 1.250 To provide improved access from a local road t o a regional corridor. $4,550,000 3 13 10 095 0001110.00 Owsley KYll 1.861 To provide motorist with a modern facility that w ill allow for future economic development. $8,100,000 3 14 10 065 00052 19.00 Lee KY52 0.300 To provide motorist with a modern facility for regional access. $4,555,000 5 15 10 097 00028 8.00 Perry KY28 0.450 Curve revision at Keneva $5,350,000 16 Kentucky River ADD FY 2013 PRIORITIZATION ' CONTROL I COUNTY ROUTE LENGTH DESCRIPTION COSTTIER3 10 097 D0015 17.00 Perrv >$10MIWON LOCAL REG TIER REG OVERALL ESTIMATED RANK RANK RANK COST 2013 2013 2013 Rank 1-20 KY15 4.053 Reconstruct KY 15 from Lower Second Creek RD to 0.092 Ml N of Gambill DR. $92 520000 1 1 1 10 013 D0015 3.16 Breathitt KY 15 3.875 Relocation of KY 15 from 0.322 Ml N of Dube RD to 0.474 Ml N of KY 1110. $88 665000 1 2 2 10 013 D0015 3.13 Breathitt KY15 3.290 Relocation of KY 15 from 0.567 Ml S of Noble RD to 0.322 Ml N of Dube RD. $73 390000 2 3 3 10 095 D0030 81.50 Owsley KY30 5.000 To provide motorist with a safe modem facility for regional access. $32 000000 1 4 4 NEW Provide an Improved access Into McRoberts and Fleming Neon by constructing a new connecting roadway to US 23 at the Pike-letcher County Line. This roadway Is proposed to begin at KY 343 and 1.500 extend throu•h Barkcamo Branch alon• the surface mlnin• at the countv line. $11750000 6 5 12 067 coooo 1.00 letcher Reconstruct KY 160 using the guidance of the 1999 Seeping Study in order to replace the substandard road with a new facility that meets current standards and better serves the motorist. From KY 899 to 12 060 D0160 26.15 Knott KY160 1.222 KY 3391 KY 160 MP 8.198- 9.420. $26450000 1 6 10 065 00052 33.00 Lee KY52 5.250 To provide motorist with a modern facility for regional access. $32167 000 1 7 10 119 D0191113.10 Wolfe KY 191 3.818 To orovide motorist with a convenient modem facility that accesses the Mountain Parkwav Corridor. $18 275000 4 8 10 065 00052 1.00 Lee KY52 3.100 To provide motorist with a modem facility for regional access. $13905000 2 9 11 066 B0421 29.50 Leslie US421 HYDEN BYPASS- RELOCATE US 421 FROM lESLIE COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL TO HYDEN SPUR (KY 118). SEE 2.500 PRIORITY SECTION 2 IN OCTOBER 2004 HARlAN TO HAZARD PlANNING STUDY. $70000000 2 10 10 065 D0498 10.00 Lee KY498 2.464 lmorove the svstem llnka2e throu2h Lee County bv correctln2 substandard 2eometrics. $14000000 3 11 11 066 B0421 29.30 Leslie US421 Correct poor pavement, substandard curves, and Inadequate lanes and shoulders In order to Improve 2.607 connectlbillty, mobility, and safety on US 421 from Trace Branch/Warbranch Road to Mozelle. $29 700000 6 12 10 119 00191113.20 Wolfe KY191 3.463 To provide motorist with a convenient modem facllitv that accesses the Mountain Parkwav Corridor. $15 997000 6 13 10 095 D0011 2.00 Owsley KY11 1.000 To provide motorist with a safe modem facility for regional access. $15 825 000 2 14 US421 Relocate from South of Hoskinston to near th e Leslie High and Middle Schools. Eliminate Inadequate curvature design for current traffic conditions and address a major slope failure site at Stinnett 6.400 Mountain near mp 15.7. $88,900,000 3 15 11 066 B042129.40 Leslie 10 013 D0030 7.10 Breathitt KY30 12.090 To provide motorist with a safe modern facility for regional access. $74,103, 000 3 16 11 066 8042126.00 Leslie US421 9.300 Reconstruct US 421 from Rockhouse to the Leslle/Oay County Line. $63,631,500 5 17 Improve access connectibilty, moblity, and safety; decrease congestion. Improve KY 15 adequacy 8.900 conditions to better accommodate the type traffic It carries for Its classification. $172,500,000 3 18 12 060 00015 85.20 Knott KY 15 11 066 B042129.10 Leslie US421 2.000 Reconstruct US 421 from the Leslie/Harlan County Line to MP 2.00. $51,590,000 4 19 10 119 00715 1.00 Wolfe KY715 5.765 To provide motorist with a safe modern facility for regional access. $31,000,000 5 20 Unscheduled Needs List (UNL) CONTROL# FY 2013 PRIORITIZATION COUNTY ROUTE LENGTH DESCRIPTION KRAOO ESTIMATED Cost COST Tier 10 013 01278 1.00 Breathitt KY 1278 0.400 To provide motorist w ith a reliable facility for system access. $1,450,000 1 10 013 00030 7.80 Breathitt KY30 0.340 To provide motorist with a safe modern f acility for regional access. $1,500 000 1 10 013 00030 7.15 Breathitt KY30 1.395 To provide motorist w ith a safe modern facility for regional access. $2,000,000 2 10 013 00030 5.00 Breathitt KY30 0.400 To provide motorist with a safe modern facility for regional access. $2,325,000 2 10 013 00015 3.90 Breathitt KY15 1.715 MAJOR WIDENING TO 5 LANES FROM KY 1812 AT JACKSON TO KY 30 $3,704,000 2 10 013 00205 9.00 Breathitt KY205 2.050 To provide motorist with a co nvenient modern facility that accesses the Mountain Parkway Corridor. $15,514000 3 10 013 00015 3.13 Breathitt KY15 3.290 Relocation of KY 15 from 0.567 Ml S of Noble RD to 0.322 M l N of Dube RD. $73,390,000 3 10 013 00030 7.10 Breathitt KY30 $74,103000 3 10 013 00015 3.16 Breathitt KY 15 3.875 Relocation of KY 15 from 0.322 Ml N of Dube RD to 0.474 Ml N of KY 1110. $88,665 000 3 12 060 00015 84.00 Knott KY 15 Increase driver awareness while traveling this roadway in order to reduce collisions caused by crossing 9.400 the centerline. From Perrv County Line to Letcher County Line KY 15 MP 0- 9.4. $270000 1 12.090 To provide motorist with a safe modern facility for regional access. Construct a Pedestrian bridge on KY 899 at the entrance to Alice Lloyd College in order to separate 12 060 00899 2.00 Knott KY 899 12 060 00080 11.00 Knott KY 80 0.120 Eliminate rockfall hazards 0.2 mile west of Intersection of KY 1087 & KY 80. 12 060 01087 5.00 Knott KY 1087 0.200 Curve revision 3.654 miles east of intersection of KY 3209 & KY 1087. Reduce the number of right angle, rear end and side swipes collisions while maintaining or improving $1,200,000 1 12 060 00015 80.00 Knott KY15 $2,170,000 2 12 060 00899 1.00 Knott KY899 0.300 traffic flow on KY 15 at the intersection of KY 160. Reconstruct this curve in order to provide a better transition from the new section to the o ld section 0.500 while eliminating the curvature problems at the bottom of the hill. KY 160 MP 3. 7-4.2 at Short $5,070,000 2 12 060 00080 14.00 Knott KY80 1.310 Eliminate rockfall hazards from kY 2029 to Rock Fork Road. Reconstruct KY 160 using the guidance of the 1999 Seeping Study in order to replace the substandard $6,500,000 2 12 060 00160 26.15 Knott KY160 1.222 KY 3391, KY 160 MP 8.198- 9.420. $26,450,000 3 $172,500,000 3 $850,000 1 $900000 1 road with a new facility that meets current standards and better serves the motorist. From KY 899 to 12 060 00015 85.20 Knott KY15 10 065 000117.00 Lee KY11 0.200 Improve access to existing regional businesses. I I pedestrian and vehicles, improve safety by seperating transportation systems of highway and 0.100 I pedestrian traffic. Improve access connectibilty, mobilty, and safety; decrease congestion. Improve KY 15 adequacy 8.900 conditions to better accommodate the type traffic it carries for its classification. I $305,0Q() _ 1 Unscheduled Needs List (UNL) FY 2013 PRIORITIZATION KRADD ! CONTROL# COUNTY ROUTE LENGTH D£SCRIPTION 10 065 D00114.00 Lee KY11 0.700 Extend two way left turning lane (TWLTL) 10 065 D0052 15.00 Lee KY52 10 065 D0052 3.00 Lee 10 065 D0052 19.00 ESTIMATED COST Cost Tier $650,000 1 1.000 To provide motorist with a modern facility for regional access. $2,430,000 2 KY52 1.335 To provide motorist with a modern facility for regional access. $3,055,000 2 Lee KY52 $4,555,000 2 10 065 D001110.00 Lee KY11 0.300 To provide motorist w ith a modern facility for regional access. M INOR W IDENING FROM 0.3 Ml N OF KY 587 TO 0.3 Ml N OF KY 3150 (WEST RIDGE RD) IN 1.100 BEATTYVILLE $6,794,000 2 10 065 D0052 1.00 Lee KY52 3.100 To provide motorist with a modern facility for regional access. $13,905,000 3 10 065 D0498 10.00 Lee KY498 2.464 Improve the system linkage through Lee County by correcting substandard geometries. $14,000,000 3 10 065 D0052 33.00 Lee KY52 5.250 To provide motorist with a modern facility for regional access. $32,167,000 3 11 066 D0699 1.00 Leslie KY699 0.100 Realign existing curve MP 1.9 to 2.0 and replace bridge (0066B00033N SR=61.0). $1,645,495 1 11 066 B0421 29.30 Leslie US421 2.607 connectibility, mobility, and safety on US 421 from Trace Branch/Warbranch Road to Mozelle. $29,700,000 3 11 066 D0257 55.00 Leslie KY257 $47,750,000 3 11 066 B0421 29.10 Leslie US421 2.000 Reconstruct US 421 from the leslie/Harlan County line to MP 2.00. $51,590,000 3 11 066 B0421 26.00 Leslie US421 9.300 Reconstruct US 421 from Rockhouse to the Leslie/Clay County line. $63,631,500 3 11 066 B0421 29.50 Leslie US421 HYDEN BYPASS- RELOCATE US 421 FROM LESLIE COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL TO HYDEN SPUR (KY 118). SEE 2.500 PRIORITY SECTION 2 IN OCTOBER 2004 HARLAN TO HAZARD PLANNING STUDY. $70,000,000 3 $88,900,000 3 $125,900,000 3 $100,000 1 $307,000 1 Correct poor pavement, substandard curves, and inadequate lanes and shoulders in order to improve 10.985 NEW ACCESS ROAD TO BUCKHORN STATE PARK FROM HYDEN TO CONFLUENCE Relocate from South of Hoskinston to near the Leslie High and Middle Schools. Eliminate inadequate curvature design for current traffic conditions and address a major slope failure site at Stinnett 11 066 B0421 29.40 Leslie US421 6.400 Mountain near mp 15.7. 11 066 80421 29.20 Leslie US421 Relocate this 5.700 section of US421 from South of Helton (including the Beech Fork Elementary area) 5.700 to North of Mozelle. Construct a Park and Ride facility to better accommodate those persons carpooling more safely by constructing a frontage road just beyond the Contol of Access Fence and constructing the parking area 12 067 B0119 34.90 Letcher us 119 12 067 D0015 84.00 Letcher KY 15 0.002 behind the fence. Increase driver awareness while traveling this roadway in order to reduce collisions caused by crossing 10.675 the centerline. US 119 to the Knott County_LJrl~KY 15 MP 0-10.675. Unscheduled Needs List (UNL) CONTROL# FY 2013 PRIORITIZATION COUNTY DESCRIPTION ROUTE LENGTH KRADD ESnMATED COST Cost ner 12 067 00015 4.00 Letcher KY15 0.248 Add turn lane for Parkway Inn Motel access Reconstruct this portion of US 119 in order to improve the sight distance deficiencies that exist in this $600,000 1 12 067 B0119 35.90 Letcher us 119 0.500 intersection. US 119 MP 8.905- 9.405 the curve at KY 806, Eolia. $915,000 1 12 067 00463 1.00 Letcher KY463 0.200 Reconstruct section with sharp curve at KY 463 intersection with KY 510. $1,400,000 1 12 067 00015 3.00 Letcher KY 15 $1,500,000 1 12 067 00160 1.00 Letcher KY 160 0.200 Reconstruct intersection with KY 3401 Correct insufficient turning radius at intersection KY 160 and KY-588 for continuous flow of traffic and 0.300 freight movement. $1,800,000 1 12 067 00007 13.00 Letcher KY7 0.860 Reconstruct intersection with KY 15 $2,200,000 2 12 067 coooo 2.00 Letcher NEW 0.750 Provide a new connector on US 119 in Jenkins to the Gateway Industrial Park $2,700,000 2 12 067 0093114.00 Letcher KY931 1.500 Curve revisions at three locations between Eagle Road and Cookville Road. $3,700,000 2 12 067 00805 2.00 Letcher KY805 0.700 roadway lane w idth and shoulder width. Between Cambden and Joes Branch KY 805 MP 10.3- 11.0 $3,800,000 2 $4,440,000 2 $11,750,000 3 $17,351,000 3 $201,000,000 3 Improve this road segment in order to eliminate the substandard curvature while improve the the To alleviate the congestion along this segment of roadway to better accommodate motorist and shoppers in this area or enter into the entrances of the various businesses. As well as to reduce the 12 067 02034 1.00 Letcher KY 2034 0.800 occurences of crashes. Walmart shopping area at Ermine Provide an improved access into McRoberts and Fleming Neon by constructing a new connecting roadway to US 23 at the Pike-Letcher County Line. This roadway is proposed to begin at KY 343 and 1.500 extend through Barkcamp Branch along the surface mining at the county line. 12 067 coooo 1.00 Letcher NEW 12 067 coooo 3.00 Letcher NEW 2.030 Provide a new connector at MP 12.672 on KY 805 in Jenkins to US 23. As defined in the 1996 scoping study, either major widening should occur on KY 15 in Letcher County 12 067 00015 85.10 Letcher KY15 9.200 or the route be relocated. 10 095 00708 1.00 Owsley KY708 0.200 Replace bridge and realign roadway $1,355,000 1 10 095 000111.00 Owsley KY11 0.400 To provide motorist with a safe modern facility for regional access. $1,605,000 1 10 095 00028 1.00 Owsley KY28 0.800 Upgrade the existing deficient system for local motorist. $2,000,000 2 10 095 0001110.00 Owsley KY11 1.861 To provide motorist with a modern facility that will allow for future economic development. $8,100,000 2 10 095 00011 2.00 Owsley KY11 1.000 To provide motorist with a safe modern facility for regional access. $15,825,000 3 FY 2013 PRIORITIZATION Unscheduled Needs List (UNL) CONTROL# COUNTY ROUTE LENGTH DESCRIPTION KRADD ESTIMATED COST Cost ner 10 095 00030 81.50 Owsley KY30 5.000 To provide motorist with a safe modern facility for regional access. $32,000,000 3 10 095 00030 82.00 Owsley KY 30 8.166 To provide motorist with a safe modern facility for regional access. $64,646,000 3 10 097 00476 92.00 Perry KY476 0.100 Reconstruct intersection with KY 1146 to improve safety and eliminate flooding. $94,000 1 10 097 00080 1.00 Perry KY80 0.200 Replace existing drainage structure and realign approaches. $600,000 1 10 097 01440 10.00 Perry KY 1440 0.200 Reconstruct roadway to eliminate flooding beginning at the intersection with KY 550. $858,000 1 10 097 00476 91.00 Perry KY476 0.500 RECONSTRUCT CURVE & INTERSECTION AT KY 3351 $1,682,000 1 10 097 00015 2.00 Perry KY15 1.600 Improve railroad crossing and approaches at M .P. 3.61, M.P. 2.53 and M.P. 2.20. $1,700,000 1 10 097 00080 7.00 Perry KY80 0.400 Improve safety and substandard geometries from Baker St to KY 15. $1,705,000 1 10 097 00451 91.10 Perry KY451 1.000 Improve safety and deficiencies along a local roadway system that links to a regional corridor. $1,705,000 1 10 097 00476 1.00 Perry KY476 0.300 Improve safety and deficiencies along a local roadway system that links to a regional corridor. $1,805,000 1 10 097 00080 2.00 Perry KY80 0.400 To provide improved access from a local road to a regional corridor. $1,905,000 1 10 097 00699 3.00 Perry KY699 0.100 Correct continuous maintenance issues at railroad tunnel. Improve safety and drainage deficiencies along a local roadway system that links to a regional $2,000,000 2 10 097 00476 3.00 Perry KY476 0.200 corridor. $2,000,000 2 10 097 00080 4 .00 Perry KY80 0.300 To provide improved access from a local road to a regio nal corridor. $2,450,000 2 10 097 01146 2.00 Perry KY 1146 1.250 To provide improved access from a local road to a regional corridor. $4,550,000 2 10 097 004511.00 Perry KY451 1.019 Improve safety along a loca l roadway system that links to a regional corridor. $4,600,000 2 10 097 00080 95.00 Perry KY 80 1.565 To provide an improved link for local users between Leslie and Perry Counties. $4,833,000 2 10 097 00451 2.00 Perry KY451 0.885 To provide improved access from a loca l road to a regional corridor. $6,625,000 2 10 097 00476 4.00 Perry KY476 1.000 Reconstruct KY 476 from KY 1146 near Bulan to 0.077 Ml North of Francis Lane. $7,300,000 2 10 097 00476 2.00 Perry KY476 0.900 Improve safety and deficiencies along a local roadway system that links to a regional corridor. $7,600,000 2 10 097 00007 1.30 Perry KY7 4.400 Improve safety and deficiencies along a local roadway system that links to a regional corridor. $28,300,000 3 i Unscheduled Needs List {UNL) CONTROL# FY 2013 PRIORITIZATION COUNTY ROUTE LENGTH DESCRIPTION KRAOD ESTIMATED COST Cost ner 10 097 D0007 1.60 Perry KY7 5.800 Improve safety and deficiencies along a local roadway system that links to a regional corridor. $36,200,000 3 10 097 D0015 21.00 Perry KY15 2.654 Reconstruct KY 15 from 0.092 M l N of Gambill DR to Regional Airport RD. $62,890,000 3 10 097 00007 1.00 Perry KY7 $86,933,000 3 10 097 D0015 23.00 Perry KY15 1.360 Reconstruct KY 15 from Regional Airport RD to 0.567 Ml S of Noble RD in Breathitt CO. $87,265,000 3 10 097 D0015 17.00 Perry KY 15 4.053 Reconstruct KY 15 from Lower Second Creek RD to 0.092 Ml N of Gambill DR. $92,520,000 3 $154,759,000 3 11.113 Improve safety and deficiencies along a local roadway system that links to a regional corridor. 10 097 D0015 85.30 Perry KY15 MAJOR W IDEN ING FROM KY 7 S OF HAZARD TO RED OAK BRANCH NEAR CARR FORK LAKE. LINE A DESCRIBED IN DECEMBER, 1996 DRAFT $COPING STUDY. SEE KNOTI & LETCHER CO LISTINGS FOR 5.961 CONTINUATION TO WHITESBURG. 10 119 D0191113.26 Wolfe KY191 0.200 Reconstruction of KY 191 & KY 1010 intersection $195,000 1 10 119 D0715 1.20 Wolfe KY715 0.200 Reconstruction of KY 715 & KY 2016 intersection $530,000 1 10 119 D0191113.16 Wolfe KY191 0.200 Reconstruction of KY 191 & KY 1812 intersection $780,000 1 10 119 D0191112.00 Wolfe KY 191 0.950 To provide motorist w ith a safe modern facility for regional access. $5,934,000 2 10 119 D01911.00 Wolfe KY 191 2.009 To provide motorist with a safe modern facility for regional access. $7,500,000 2 10 119 D0205 9.20 Wolfe KY205 0.479 RECONSTRUCTION FROM KY 191 TO US 460 W OF WEST LIBERTY $12,625,000 3 10 119 D0191113.20 Wolfe KY191 3.463 To provide motorist w ith a convenient modern facility that accesses the Mountain Parkway Corridor. $15,997,000 3 10 119 D0191114.00 Wolfe KY191 3.981 HILL AND BLIND CURVE CORRECTION BETWEEN KY 203 AT HAZEL GREEN AND KY 205 $18,039,000 3 10 119 D0191113.10 Wolfe KY 191 3.818 To provide motorist with a convenient modern facility that accesses the Mountain Parkway Corridor. $18,275,000 3 10 119 D0715 1.00 Wolfe KY715 5.765 To provide motorist with a safe modern facility for regional access. $31,000,000 3 I Prepared by: Kentucky River Area Development District 917 Perry Park Road Hazard, Kentucky 41701 606-436-3158
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