PERATURAN PELENGKAP PERLOMBAAN Sekretariat Panitia & Rally Headquarters: PENGPROV. IMI - SUMUT Jl. Taruma No. 52 Medan 20112 Tel: +62 61 452 0672 Fax: +62 61 452 8821 North Sumatera - Indonesia SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS PENGANTAR Rally ini akan dilaksanakan sepenuhnya berdasarkan International Sporting Code ( beserta seluruh lampirannya), 2015 FIA Regional Rallies Championships Sporting Regulations yang dipergunakan untuk semua Kejuaraan Rally FIA, Peraturan Kejuaraan Nasional IMI 2015 yang berpedoman pada Peraturan FIA dengan Adendumnya, dan Peraturan Pelengkap Perlombaan ini. Perbaikan, tambahan dan atau perubahan–perubahan pada Peraturan Pelengkap Perlombaan ini akan diumumkan hanya melalui Bulletin (yang diterbitkan oleh Panitia atau Pengawas Perlombaan). Bila terjadi perbedaan interpretasi pada isi Peratuan Pelengkap Perlombaan ini maka yang berlaku adalah salinan dalam bahasa Inggris 2015 FIA Regional Rallies Championships Sporting Regulations dapat di download dari website FIA, http: // www. 2 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS DAFTAR ISI 1. 2. 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. 2.6. 2.7. 2.8. 2.9. 3. 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. 3.5. 4. 5. 5.1. 5.2. 5.3. 6. 7. 8. 8.1. 8.2. 8.3. 8.4. 9. 9.1. 9.2. 9.3. 10. 10.1. 10.2. 11. 11.1. 11.2. PROGRAM RALLY .............................................................................. 5 KEPANITIAAN DAN PENJELASAN .................................................... 7 Gelar Kejuaraan pada Rally ini............................................................. 7 Status Perlombaan: .............................................................................. 8 No. Ijin .................................................................................................. 8 Nama Penyelenggara ........................................................................... 8 Alamat dan Kontak Panitia ................................................................... 8 Panitia Penyelenggara ......................................................................... 8 Jenis Lintasan ...................................................................................... 9 Lokasi Rally HQ .................................................................................. 10 Lokasi Parc Ferme setiap Leg............................................................ 10 PENDAFTARAN ................................................................................. 10 Prosedur Pendaftaran ........................................................................ 10 Peserta, Maksimum Peserta dan Kelas yang diperlombakan ........... 10 Biaya Pendaftaran .............................................................................. 12 Cara Pembayaran .............................................................................. 13 Pengembalian .................................................................................... 14 ASURANSI ......................................................................................... 14 IKLAN ................................................................................................. 14 Pembatasan ....................................................................................... 14 Iklan Panitia ........................................................................................ 14 Tanda Pengenal ................................................................................. 14 BAN .................................................................................................... 15 BAHAN BAKAR .................................................................................. 15 SURVEY / RECONNAISSANCE ........................................................ 15 Prosedur Pendaftaran Survey ............................................................ 15 Jadwal Survey .................................................................................... 15 Ketentuan Khusus .............................................................................. 15 Tanda Pengenal Survey .................................................................... 16 MELENGKAPI ADMINISTRASI ......................................................... 16 Dokumen yang dipersiapkan .............................................................. 16 Tempat ............................................................................................... 16 Waktu ................................................................................................. 16 SCRUTINEERING, PEMBERIAN TANDA SEGEL ............................ 16 Tempat ............................................................................................... 16 Jadwal ................................................................................................ 16 SHAKEDOWN / TESTING ................................................................. 17 Shakedown ......................................................................................... 17 Testing ................................................................................................ 17 3 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS 11.3. 12. 12.1. 12.2. 12.3. 12.4. 12.5. 12.6. 12.7. 12.8. 12.9. 12.10. 12.11. 12.12. 12.13. 12.14. 13. 14. 14.1. 14.2. 14.3. 15. 15.1. 15.2. 15.3. Waktu Testing .................................................................................... 17 JALANNYA RALLY ........................................................................... 17 Prosedur Ceremonial Start dan Start Leg 1 ....................................... 17 Ceremonial Start ................................................................................ 17 Start Leg 1 - Official Start Rally ........................................................ 17 Start Leg 2 .......................................................................................... 18 Pergantian Time Card ........................................................................ 18 Tata Cara Start Special Stage............................................................ 18 Re-Start .............................................................................................. 19 Lapor lebih awal di akhir Leg.............................................................. 19 Tanda-tanda Petugas ......................................................................... 20 Laporan Kecelakaan .......................................................................... 20 Pengunduran Diri ............................................................................... 20 Prosedur Finish Leg 1, Leg 2 dan Parc Fermé Akhir ......................... 20 Flexi-Service ....................................................................................... 20 Ketentuan Khusus pada Transport Stage .......................................... 21 KENDARAAN KHUSUS JALAN TANAH ........................................... 21 HADIAH .............................................................................................. 21 Pembagian Hadiah ............................................................................. 21 Kejuaraan Tri Nations Rally 2015, Putaran 2 ..................................... 22 Kejuaraan Nasional Rally 2015, Putaran 2 ....................................... 22 SCRUTINEERING AKHIR DAN PROTES ......................................... 23 Scrutineering Akhir ............................................................................. 23 Biaya Protes ....................................................................................... 23 Banding .............................................................................................. 23 LAMPIRAN 1 - ITINERARY................................................................ 24 LAMPIRAN 2 – JADWAL SURVEY / RECONNAISSANCE .............. 26 LAMPIRAN 3 – NAMA DAN PHOTO CRO ........................................ 27 LAMPIRAN 4 – NO. PESERTA DAN STICKER IKLAN ..................... 28 LAMPIRAN 5 – KECELAKAAN & PROSEDUR KESELAMATAN ..... 29 4 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS 1. PROGRAM RALLY Jadwal Sebelum Minggu Rally Senin, 21 September 09:00 wib Pendaftaran Peserta dibuka Sekretariat Pengprov IMI Sumut; Jl. Taruma No. 52 Medan Telp./Fax. +62 61 4520672 e-mail : [email protected] website : Jadwal pada minggu Rally Senin, 12 Oktober 09:00 wib 09:00-17:00 wib Rally Headquarters dan Official Notice Board dibuka Rally Headquarters, Pengprov IMI Sumut Jl. Taruma No. 52 Medan Road Books dan Supplementary Regulations tersedia Rally HQ, Medan Pengambilan Materi & Dokumen Administrative Checks Rally HQ, Medan Pendaftaran Peserta, Reconnaissance, Service Car & Mekanik Rally HQ, Medan Selasa, 13 Oktober 09:00-18:00 wib 18:00 wib Pengambilan Materi & Dokumen Administrative Checks Rally HQ, Medan Pendaftaran Peserta, Reconnaissance, Service Car & Mekanik Rally HQ, Medan Penutupan Pendaftaran Peserta Akhir pemasukan Data Co- Driver Rally HQ, Medan Rabu, 14 Oktober 08:00–17:00 wib Reconnaissance SS Rambong Sialang Lihat Jadwal Recce 09:00-18:00 wib Pengambilan Materi & Dokumen Administrative Checks Rally HQ, Medan 10.00 wib Media Accreditation & Press Room dibuka Rally HQ, Medan 18:00 wib Pengumuman Jadwal Scrutineering Rally HQ, Medan 5 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS Entry List berdasar Seeded Alokasi Akhir Tenda Service Park Penempatan Stiker Official Notice Board ` Kamis, 15 Oktober 08:00–17:00 wib Reconnaissance SS Rambong Sialang Lihat Jadwal Recce 14:00- 16.00 wib Scrutineering & Pemberian Tanda Segel untuk Peserta yang tidak mengikuti Sprint Rally SpeedLine Auto, Jl. H. Adam Malik, Medan 17:00 wib Rapat Pertama Pengawas Perlombaan Rally HQ, Medan 18.00 wib Pengumuman Start List Leg 1 Rally HQ, Medan Official Notice Board Jum'at, 16 Oktober 08:00 wib Tenda Service dibuka untuk Peserta Rambong Sialang Service Park 10:00 wib Briefing Peserta Stadion Rambong Sialang 10:30 wib Pre-Rally Press Conference Stadion Rambong Sialang 08:00 wib Mobil Peserta melapor di Rambong Sialang Parc Ferme Rambong Sialang Parc Ferme 09:00 wib Start Leg 1 (Start Resmi) Rambong Sialang Parc Ferme 17:00 wib Overnight Parc Ferme Rambong Sialang Parc Ferme 18:30 hrs Pengumuman Hasil Sementara (Leg 1) Sub Rally HQ Official Notice Board 19:00 hrs Pengumuman Start List Leg 2 Sub Rally HQ Official Notice Board Sabtu, 17 Oktober Minggu, 18 Oktober 09.00 wib Start Leg 2 Rambong Sialang Parc Ferme 14.00 wib Akhir Rally, Parc Ferme In Rambong Sialang Parc Ferme 14.15 wib Final Scrutineering Rambong Sialang Parc Ferme 6 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS Sub Rally HQ, Rambong Sialang Official Notice Board 16:00 wib Pengumuman Hasil Sementara 16:30 wib Pengumuman Hasil Akhir 19:30 hrs Ceremonial Finish Lapangan Benteng, Medan 20:30 wib Post Event Press Conference Lapangan Benteng, Medan 12:00 wib Press Room ditutup Rally HQ, Medan 17:00 wib Rally Headquarters ditutup Rally HQ, Medan Sub Rally HQ, Rambong Sialang Official Notice Board Senin, 19 Oktober RALLY SECRETARIAT& OFFICIAL NOTICE BOARD Lokasi : PENGPROV. IMI – SUMUT, Jl. Taruma No. 52, Medan Waktu : Jam kerja 9:00 – 18:00 wib RALLY HEADQUARTERS & OFFICIAL NOTICE BOARD Lokasi : PENGPROV. IMI – SUMUT, Jl. Taruma No. 52, Medan Waktu : Senin sampai dengan sampai dengan Senin, 12 - 18 Oktber 2015 SUB RALLY HEADQUARTERS & OFFICIAL NOTICE BOARD Lokasi : Rambong Sialang Service Park, Perkebunan Lonsum Waktu : Sabtu sampai Minggu, 17 – 18 Oktober 2015 Lokasi : Waktu : MEDIA CENTRE & MEDIA NOTICE BOARD Rally HQ, Medan Rabu, sampai dengan Senin, 14 – 19 Oktober 2015 Lokasi : Waktu : Sub Rally HQ, lokasi seperti diatas Sabtu sampai Minggu, 17 – 18 Oktober 2015 2. KEPANITIAAN DAN PENJELASAN 2.1. Gelar Kejuaraan pada Rally ini 2.1.1. Gelar Kejuaraan Tri Nation’s Rally 2015 pada Rally ini Juara Tri Nation Rally 2015 Driver & Co-driver untuk Kelas TN 1 Juara Tri Nation Rally 2015 Driver & Co-driver untuk Kelas TN 2 Juara Tri Nation Rally 2015 Driver & Co-driver untuk Kelas TN 3 7 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS 2.1.2. Gelar Kejuaraan Nasional pada Rally ini Juara Nasional Rally 2015 Driver & Co-driver Juara Nasional Rally 2015 Driver & Co-driver untuk Group GR2 Juara Nasional Rally 2015 Non Seeded Driver & Co-driver untuk Group N15 Juara Nasional Rally 2015 Driver & Co-driver terbaik untuk Group S Juara Nasional Rally 2015 Driver & Co-driver terbaik untuk Group J Juara Nasional Team Rally 2015 2.2. Status Perlombaan: INDONESIA RALLY 2015 merupakan Kejuaraan Tri Nation’s Rally 2015, Putaran 2 INDONESIA RALLY 2015 merupakan Kejuaraan Rally Nasional 2015, Putaran 2 2.3. No. Ijin REK. IMI No : 164/IMI/SK-OR/A/X/2015 REK. IMI Pengprov SUMUT No. : 096/IMI-SU/REK-OR/A/IX/2015 2.4. Nama Penyelenggara Nama Penyelenggara : Ikatan Motor Indonesia, Pengprov SUMUT Nama Badan Nasional Olahraga Otomotif : Ikatan Motor Indonesia 2.5. Alamat dan Kontak Panitia PENGPROV. IMI - SUMUT Jl. Taruma No. 52 Medan 20112 Tel: +62 61 452 0672 Fax: +62 61 452 8821 Website : 2.6. Panitia Penyelenggara PELINDUNG : - GUBERNUR SUMATERA UTARA PENASEHAT : - KAPOLDA SUMUT - PANGDAM I/BB - KETUA UMUM PP IMI - KETUA DPRD SUMUT - WALIKOTA MEDAN - BUPATI SERDANG BEDAGAI - DIREKSI PT. PP LONDON SUMATERA TBK PANITIA PENYELENGGARA (OC) Ketua Umum Ketua PelaksanaI Sekretaris Umum Wakil Sekretaris Bendahara Wakil Bendahara :Ijeck : Kisharianto Pasaribu : Prihatin Kasiman : Hanin Dito : Faisal A. Nasution : Tina Kumalasari 8 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS Koord. Bidang Dana / Sponsor Koord. Bidang Umum/Perlengkapan : - Rudi Siregar - Harun Nasution - Edwin Nasution - Dian AP. Harahap : - Willy Puaha Koord. Acara Koord. Lintasan Koord. Keamanan Bidang Umum : Mahyu Danil : Tantin Pasaribu : Polres Sergai : Fani Maya Nur PENGAMAT : - tba - tba - tba (Thailand) (AAM – Malaysia) (IMI – Indonesia) PENGAWAS PERLOMBAAN : - Poedio Bintoro - Irwan Soewondo - Kisharianto Pasaribu (PP. IMI Steward, Chairman) (PP. IMI Steward) (IMI North Sumatra Steward) IMI SAFETY OFFICER : tba PANITIA PELAKSANA (RC) Pimpinan Lomba Deputy Pimpinan Lomba Asst. I Pimpinan Lomba Asst. II Pimpinan Lomba Asst. III Pimpinan Lomba Sekretaris Lomba Competitor Relation Officer : Elwin Siregar : Poedio Oetojo : Elfino Tanjung : Constantin Pasaribu : M. Aswinsyah putra : Said Irfan : Prihatin Kasiman Arnold Sipahutar : Hanin Dito : Armansyah Taher : Said Irfan : Michael Andries : Marman : Sofianto : Rudi Iskandar Siregar : Harmen Reza Siregar/Bagoes : Kapolsek Firdaus : Yanto Hasibuan : Dr. M. Syafrin Syahlevi : Meiji Morico : - Chandra Dinata Suar - Rendra K - Darwizal P Lubis : - Ery Adrian - Syahril Deni - Ivan K Sekretariat Media Relation Officer Chief Marshall Chief Scrutineering Deputy Chief Scrutineering Chief Comminication Chief Time Keeper Koord. Result Koord. Keamanan Safety / Penonton Koord. Service Park & Parc Ferme Koord. Kesehatan Koord. Rescue Stage Commander Deputy. Stage Commander 2.7. Jenis Lintasan 9 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS Semua Special Stages adalah tanah. 2.8. Lokasi Rally HQ PENGPROV. IMI – SUMUT, Jl. Taruma No. 52, Medan Jam kerja : 09:00 wib - 18:00 wib 2.9. Lokasi Parc Ferme setiap Leg Sabtu, 17 Oktober Leg 1 Minggu, 18 Oktoberr Leg 2 - Rambong Sialang Parc Ferme, Perkebunan Lonsum - Rambong Sialang Parc Ferme, Perkebunan Lonsum 3. PENDAFTARAN 3.1. Prosedur Pendaftaran 3.1.1. 3.1.2. Pendaftar wajib mengisi formulir Pendaftaran, dan disertai biaya pendaftaran atau dengan bukti pembayaran yang dikeluarkan Panitia Penyelenggara. Semua detail pada formulir pendaftaran wajib dilengkapi pada penutupan pendaftaran, sampai Selasa, 13 Oktober 2015, jam 20:00 wib. Formulir pendaftaran dikirim ke alamat : PENGPROV. IMI - SUMUT Jl. Taruma No. 52, Medan 20132 Tel: +62 61 452 0672 Data dari Co-driver wajib disampaikan sebelum pk. 20:00 wib, Rabu, 14 Oktober 2015. Jika Pendaftaran dikirim dengan Fax atau e-mail, paling lambat pada penutupan pendaftaran fomulir aslinya telah diterima oleh Sekretariat 3.1.3. Peserta Luar Negeri pemegang License bukan Indonesia wajib memiliki Surat Ijin dari Badan Nasional Olahraga Otomotif di negaranya atau dengan membubuhkan stempel pada Formulir Pendaftaran. 3.1.4. Pembukaan dan Penutupan Pendaftaran - Pembukaan Pendaftaran - Penutupan Pendaftaran - Penutupan Pendaftaran Team : 09:00 wib, Senin, 21 September 2015 : 18:00 wib, Selasa, 14 Oktober 2015 : 20:00 wib, Jum’at, 16 Oktober 2015 (untuk Kejurnas Rally) 3.2. Peserta, Maksimum Peserta dan Kelas yang diperlombakan 3.2.1. KATEGORI PESERTA Semua Kategori Perserta dapat mengikuti INDONESIA RALLY 2015 Ketentuan Kategori sesuai dengan Daftar Kategori yang tercantum pada Peraturan Perlombaan Rally & Sprint IMI 2015. Gelar Kejuaraan Tri Nation’s Rally hanya diberikan kepada Peserta yang telah terdaftar mengikuti Seri Tri Nation’s Rally 2015. 3.2.2. JUMLAH PESERTA YANG DIPERKENANKAN MENGIKUTI Jumlah maksimum peserta adalah 70 peserta, jika pendaftar melebihi 70, maka Panitia mempunyai hak menentukan Peserta mana yang akan diterima. 10 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS Semua peserta wajib telah menyelesaikan semua biaya sebelum penutupan Pemeriksaan Administrasi, Rabu 19 Oktober 2015. 3.2.3. 0 KENDARAAN Kapasitas cc Grup ANR Grup GR2 Grup N15 - R2 1 N15 1600 Grup S Grup 1 >1600 - 2000 2 J1 < 2500 A N4 R4 Open > 2500 J2 Kendaraan yang dapat mengikuti INDONESIA RALLY 2015 adalah : Group A, Group N, Group R, Group GR2, Group N15, Group S dan Group J sesuai dengan ketentuan Peraturan Perlombaan Rally & Sprint IMI 2015, sebagai tercantum diatas. Semua Kendaraan dari Group atau Kelas tercantum diatas dapat mengikuti dan memperebutkan Kejuaraan Nasional bagi pengemudi Indonesia. Peserta Seeded dengan Kendaraan N15 mengikuti Kejurnas ini pada Group / Kelas GR2 Note : Spesifikasi masing-masing Kelas sesuai pada Peraturan Rally IMI 2015 Ketentuan Ban untuk Group J: yang dijinkan mengikuti mempergunakan ban Rally khusus sedan dengan maksimum ukuran 29 inch ban A/T atau M/T Group J dibagi 2 Kelas: 1. J1 : 0 sd 2500 cc , 2. J2 : >2500 cc 3.2.4. KEJUARAAN TRI NATION’S RALLY 2015 Kendaraan yang dapat mengikuti Kejuaraan Indonesia Open Championship 2015 adalah kendaraan2 yang memenuhi persyaratan tersebut diatas, dengan pembagian Kelas sebagai berikut: 1. TN 1 sampai dengan 1600 cc 2. TN 2 1601 sampai dengan 2000 cc 3. TN 3 2001 keatas, 4WD 3.2.5. TEAM CLUB 2(dua) atau 3 (tiga) Peserta dengan dengan Kendaraan Group A, N, R, GR2, N15, S dan J dapat mendaftar sebagai Team Club, walaupun dengan kendaraan dari Group berbeda ataupun Entrant berbeda Perhitungan Pemenang ditentukan Jumlah Point yang tertinggi dari 2(dua) Peserta yang terbaik Peraturan lengkapnya Lihat Peraturan Perlombaan Rally IMI 2015, Lampiran V Pendaftaran paling lambat Jum’at, 16 Oktober 2015, 20:00 wib 11 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS 3.3. Biaya Pendaftaran BIAYA PENDAFTARAN Non Privateer Privateer Sedan Group A / N Rp 4.000.000,- Sedan Non Group N Group J / S Rp. 2.000.000,- TERMASUK 2 (dua) ID Peserta 1 (satu) Buku Rally Guide 1 (satu) Buku Route 1 (satu) Buku Pelengkap Peraturan Perlombaan 1 (satu) unit Lahan Service (5 X 10 m), pada setiap Service Park 1 (satu) Pendaftaran Service Car : 1 (satu) Service Plate, 4 (empat) Service Crew ID, 1 (satu) Service Book BIAYA TAMBAHAN Tanpa / tidak memasang Stiker Sponsor yang diminta Panitia ditambah : Rp 3,000,000 BIAYA TAMBAHAN SERVICE CAR & AUXILIARY VEHICLE TERMASUK - 1 (satu) Service / Auxilliary Plate Rp 500,000 - 1 (satu) Service Books - 4 (four) Service Crew ID 1 (satu) Service Crew ID Rp 100,000 TENDA SERVICE (Tenda Sarnafil 5x5m) - 1 (satu) unit Lahan Service (5 X 5 m) dengan Lahan (5x 5 m) parkir Service Car, untuk 2(dua) hari TERMASUK - 1 (satu) meja 12 - SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS - 4 (empat) kursi - 1 (satu) lampu TENDA SERVICE (Tenda Biasa 4 x 6m) - 1 (satu) unit Lahan Service (4 X 6 m) dengan Lahan (4 x 5 m) parkir Service Car, untuk 2(dua) hari TERMASUK Rp 1.000,000 - 1 (satu) meja - 4 (empat) kursi - 1 (satu) lampu SERVICE AREA -1 (satu) unit Area Service (5 X 5m) dengan (5 x 5 m) parkir Service Car Rp 300,000 MANAGER SET Mendapat: Rp 350,000 - 1 (satu) Manager ID - 1 (satu) Buku Route - 1 (satu) Buku Pelengkap Peraturan Perlombaan PENGGANTIAN DRIVER ATAU CO DRIVER Rp 500,000 Penggantian salah satu awak peserta setelah diterbitkan Entry List, sebelum Scrutineering SCRUTINEERING DILUAR JADWAL / TERLAMBAT Rp. 200.000 PENDAFTARAN TEAM CLUB Paling lambat Jum’at, 16 Oktober 2015, 20:00 wib Rp. 750.000 3.4. Cara Pembayaran Pembayaran Biaya Pendaftaran dapat juga dilakukan dengan transfer melalui Rekening Bank Panitia : Nama Account : PENGDA IMI SUMUT No.Account : 383 0633 633 Bank : Bank Central Asia (BCA) Setelah melakukan transfer, pendaftar segera mengirimkan Bukti Transfer disertai keterangan data Peserta, Kendaraan, Kelas serta rincian peruntukan pembayaran. 13 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS 3.5. Pengembalian Biaya pendaftaran akan dikembalikan secara utuh apabila : Calon peserta ditolak pendaftarannya. Penyelenggaraan rally tidak dapat dilaksanakan. Penyelenggara akan mengembalikan 50% biaya pendaftaran jika terjadi “force majeure” (dinyatakan oleh IMI) dimana rally tidak dapat dilaksanakan. 4. ASURANSI Biaya pendaftaran sudah termasuk Premi Asuransi yang menjamin kepentingan peserta untuk diri masing-masing maupun terhadap pihak ke 3 (tiga). . Asuransi meliputi : Meninggal dunia Cacat tetap maksimum Rumah Sakit & pengobatan maksimum (termasuk ambulance) Rp. 10.000.000,Rp. 10.000.000,Rp. 2.000.000,- Jaminan Asuransi mulai berlaku sejak start hingga akhir perlombaan atau hingga saat pengunduran diri, didiskualifikasi atau pemecatan. Service Car tidak dianggap sebagai Peserta dan Jaminan Asuransi tidak berlaku bagi mereka sehingga setiap kecelakaan yang terjadi selama perlombaan tetap menjadi tanggung jawab mereka sendiri. 5. IKLAN 5.1. Iklan Panitia No. Peserta, Rally Plate and Sticker iklan panitia wajib di pasang di kendaraan sebelum Scrutineering. di posisi yang telah ditetapkan Panitia, kecuali menyelesaikan kewajiban membayar untuk tidak memasang Sticker iklan panitia. Sticker iklan panitia wajib dipasang dalam keadaan utuh / tidak digunting yang dapat merubah image, Panitia berhak memasang kembali bila pemasangan tidak sesuai. Pelanggaran atas ketentuan ini akan dikenakan denda sebesar Rp. 1.000.000,- / sticker. 5.2. Tanda Pengenal 5.2.1. 5.2.2. Rally Plate and No. Peserta akan disediakan Panitia, sesuai dengan Pasal 11, FIA Regional Rallies Championships Sporting Regulations 2015 dan wajib dipasang sesuai yang tercantum pada Lampiran 4. Untuk keperluan Pengawasan dan Safety, No. Peserta tambahan yang wajib dipasang pada bagian tengah dari kaca pintu belakang kendaraan (yang pada Event ini tidak disediakan oleh Panitia), dengan ketentuan, Huruf: Hevetica , Ukuran: tinggi 25 cm dan tebal huruf 25 mm, Warna: Fluorescent Orange (PMS 804), Sticker: Cutting Sticker Dipasang berdekatan dengan Nama Peserta. 5.2.3. 5.2.4. Hukuman atas tidak dipasangnya no peserta ini:, denda Rp. 1.000.000,Service Car Plate wajib dipasang dari dalam pada kaca depan sebelah kiri service. 14 kendaraan SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS 6. BAN 6.1. Penggunaan ban berpaku dilarang dengan sanksi didiskwliikasi atau pemecatan. Sesuai Lampiran IV FIA General Prescription 2010. 6.2. Ban yang dipergunakan untuk survey harus ban dengan desain untuk dipergunakan di jalan aspal. 7. BAHAN BAKAR 7.1. Penggunaan bahan bakar Offical FIA diperkenankan, tetapi Panitia tidak menyiapkan pengadaannya. 7.2. Refuel Zone: Pengisian Bahan Bakar hanya diperkenankan dilakukan didaerah Refueling yang terdapat di Rambong Sialang Service Park dan pengisian dilakukan 7 (tujuh) kali sesuai pada Itinerary’. 8. SURVEY / RECONNAISSANCE 8.1. Prosedur Pendaftaran Survey Sebelum melakukan Survey peserta diwajibkan memberikan semua data dari kendaraan yang akan dipergunakan survey. Setiap Peserta akan mendapatkan sticker Survey yang wajib dipasang selama survey dikaca depan sebelah kiri atas and kaca belakang sebelah kiri atas. 8.2. Jadwal Survey Lihat Lampiran 2. 8.3. Ketentuan Khusus 8.3.1. 8.3.2. 8.3.3. 8.3.4. 8.3.5. Setiap peserta akan mendapat Kartu Survey yang berlaku untuk dua kali menjalani setiap special stage ( kecuali untuk SS yang digabung, dapat diatur lain) sesuai dengan jadwal waktu survey. Kartu ini wajib diperlihatkan dan diisi petugas diawal dan akhir setiap lintasan special stage selama waktu survey. Setiap peserta diperbolehkan maksimum 2 (dua) kali menjalani setiap special stage sesuai dengan jadwal waktu survey. Dengan kecepatan rendah dan mematuhi peraturan lalu lintas. Pelanggaran atas peraturan Survey dapat menyebabkan sanksi sampai pelarangan untuk start. .(Pasal 11.1 dari General Prescription 2010). Setiap peserta hanya diijinkan memasuki lintasan special stage dari lokasi Start yang tercantum dibuku route dan tidak mengemudi dengan arah yang berlawanan dengan arah rally, kecuali di instruksikan Panitia. Seluruh Kendaraan harus selalu menghidupkan lampu besar pada saat berjalan di lintasan Special Stage. Selama Survey, Peserta wajib mentaati Peraturan Lalu- lintas dan Jalan Raya Republik Indonesia dan juga ketentuan dari Panitia sebagaimana yang tercantum pada 15 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS buku Peraturan atau pada Bulletin. Keselamatan dan hak dari pemakai jalan umum lainnya harus dihormati setiap saat. 8.4. Tanda Pengenal Survey Setiap Peserta akan mendapatkan sticker Survey/ no. Survey yang wajib dipasang selama survey dikaca depan sebelah kiri atas dan Pengenal / Time Card survey yang wajib diperlihatkan dan diisi petugas pos. 9. MELENGKAPI ADMINISTRASI 9.1. Dokumen yang dipersiapkan Pada Pemeriksaan Administrasi akan diperiksa dokumen-dokumen sebagai berikut : Entrant License Kartu Ijin Start Driver and Co-driver SIM Driver and Co-driver Stempel ASN ( Badan Olahraga Nasional) atau Surat Ijin bagi peserta luar negeri STNK Mengisi lengkap Formulir Pendaftaran Note: Homologation Form dan lampirannya wajib dibawa pada waktu scrutineering Sebelum menjalani Scrutineering peserta wajib mendapat tanda Lulus Administrasi pada form Scrutineering. 9.2. Tempat Sekretariat : PENGPROV. IMI - SUMUT Jl. Taruma No. 52 Medan 20112 Tel: +62 61 452 0672 9.3. Waktu Pemeriksaan dan melengkapi Administrasi dapat dilakukan di Rally Headquarters pada Jam Kerja, sampai dengan Rabu, 14 Oktober 2015, 18:00 wib. 10. SCRUTINEERING, PEMBERIAN TANDA SEGEL Sebelum menjalani Scrutineering peserta wajib mendapat tanda Lulus Administrasi pada form Scrutineering. No Start, Rally Plate, Sticker Iklan Panitia sudah dipasang sebelum menjalani Scrutineering. 10.1. Tempat Tempat Waktu : Speedline Auto, Jl. H.Adam Malik, Medan : Kamis, 15 Oktober 2015, 14:00 – 16:00 wib. 10.2. Jadwal Jadwal masing-masing Peserta akan diumumkan dengan Bulletin pada hari Rabu, 14 Oktober 2015, 18:00 wib, di Official Notice Board – Rally HQ & Website 16 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS 11. SHAKEDOWN / TESTING 11.1. Shakedown Ditiadakan 11.2. Testing Akan disediakan lintasan untuk Peserta yang akan melakukan Testing. Keterangan mengenai Testing dapat menghubungi Panitia 11.3. Waktu Testing Senin dan Selasa, 12 - 13 Oktober 2015, 09:00 – 16:00 wib 12. JALANNYA RALLY 12.1. Prosedur Start Leg 12.1.1. Pengumuman Jadwal Start Start Leg 1 (TC 0A) : Tempat : Official Notice Board, Rally HQ & Website. Waktu : Kamis 15 Oktober 2015, 18:00 wib. Start Leg 2 List : Tempat : Official Notice Board – Rambong Sialang Sub Rally HQ & Website. Waktu : Sabtu 17 Oktober 2015, 19:00 wib 12.1.2. Waktu Resmi Waktu Resmi yang dipergunakan selama Rally ini adalah Waktu Indonesia Barat (wib) / Waktu Lokal. Display “Waktu Resmi” akan ditampilkan pada Official Notice Board di Rally HQ, Medan 12.2. Ceremonial Start 12.2.1 Pada Rally ini tidak diadakan Ceremonial Start, awal dari Rally ini adalah pada Start Leg 1 dari Parc ferme Rambong Sialang. 12.3. Start Leg 1 - Official Start Rally 12.3.1 Start Leg 1, dimulai dari TC 0A Parc Ferme Out yang merupakan Official Start atau Start Resmi dari Rally ini (Perhitungan Rally). Tempat : Rambong Sialang Service Park, Perkebunan Lonsum Waktu : Sabtu, 17 Oktober 2015, Jadwal mobil pertama 09:00 wib 12.3.2 Parc Ferme Rambong Sialang Sebelum Parc Ferme Out / TC 0A Kendaraan-kendaraan peserta ditempatkan dalam area yang berupa Parc Ferme. Setiap peserta bertanggung jawab untuk memastikan kendaraannya berada di Parc Ferme dilapangan Rambong Sialang Service Park, pada hari Sabtu, 17 Oktober 2015 17 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS dengan Jadwal paling lambat 08:00 wib, dan boleh dilakukan oleh crew lain / bukan Driver atau Co-Driver. Catatan: Tidak diberlakukan Hukuman Waktu untuk keterlambatan pada waktu melapor Parc Ferme Rambong Sialang tersebut diatas. Kendaraan Peserta yang melapor diluar waktunya akan dikenakan hukuman denda Rp. 50.000,-/ menit , dengan Maximum Rp. 750.000,(Menunjuk Pasal 16.3 pada FIA Rally General Prescriptions 2010) 12.4. Start Leg 2 Tempat : Rambong Sialang Service Park, Perkebunan Lonsum / TC 5E Waktu : Minggu, 18 Oktober 2015, Jadwal mobil pertama 08:30 wib 12.5. Pergantian Time Card Selama Rally, Peserta akan diberikan Time Card baru pada Start setiap Section : Leg 1: Section 1, Section 2, Section 3 Leg 2: Section 4, Section 5 12.6. Tata Cara Start Special Stage 12.6.1. 12.6.2. 12.6.3. Waktu Resmi yang dipergunakan selama Rally ini adalah Waktu Indonesia Barat (wib) / Waktu Lokal. Displai “Waktu Resmi” akan ditampilkan pada Official Notice Board di Rally Headquarter. Sesuai dengan Pasal 19.5 dari General Prescriptions dapat dilakukan dengan beberapa cara. Tanda Start dilakukan dengan lampu atau jam yang jelas terlihat dari posisi start. Pelanggaran terhadap sensor digaris start sebelum Tanda Start, dinyatakan sebagai Salah Start. Bila alat countdown elektronik atau system sensor tidak berfungsi, sebagai system utama yang akan dipergunakan sebagaimana pada Pasal 19.5.1 dari General Prescriptions, akan digantikan dengan cara ditunjukan papan "1 minute” dan papan "30 second " sebelum waktu start, kemudian hitungan 5,4,3,2,1,….go Waktu Special Stages akan diambil sampai hitungan 1/10 detik bila dipergunakan Timing System yang memungkinkan atau sampai hitungan detik penuh bila mempergunakan Jam Seiko / dengan printer. Urutan Start Urutan Start akan ditentukan berdasarkan masing-masing Kelompok/ Group Kejuaraan pada Rally ini A/N4/R - GR2- N15 - J - S yang setiap Kelompok kejuaraan diatur berdasarkan sebagai berikut : 1. Prestasi di Tri Nation’s Rally 2. Prestasi di Kejurnas 3. Kategori IMI 4. Ditentukan Pimpinan Perlombaan Urutan Start Leg 2, Reseeding berdasarkan hasil dari Leg 1, dengan catatan untuk Peserta yang Restart dapat ditentukan oleh Pengawas Perlombaan posisinya, untuk kepentingan Safety. 12.6.4. Interval Start Antar Peserta akan diberikan Interval Waktu Start selama 2 menit untuk seluruh Rally, kecuali bila ditentukan Pengawas Perlombaan. Interval antara masing-masing Kelompok/ Group Kejuaraan akan ditentukan oleh Pengawas Perlombaan. 18 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS 12.7. Re-Start - - RESTART pada Kejuaraan Tri Nation’s Rally 2015 dan Kejuaraan North Sumatera Rally 2015 dan adalah sbb : Peserta yang berhenti / tidak finish pada satu Section dapat kembali mengikuti Rally pada Section berikutnya, dan tetap memperebutkan Kejuaraan Umum. Waktu yang diberikan sejak peserta itu berhenti sampai akhir Section diperhitungkan sebagai berikut: - Peserta yang berhenti ditengah satu Section diperbolehkan Restart / Start Kembali pada Section berikutnya, mendapat hukuman kehilangan Time Control 2 menit 30 detik dan Waktu tempuh SS dihitung sebagai berikut: waktu SS dari peserta yang tercepat di Kelas / Groupnya ditambah 5 menit untuk setiap kehilangan Special Stage. - Jika tidak ada peserta di Kelas / Groupnya yang menjalani suatu SS, maka pengawas perlombaan akan menetapkan waktu untuk peserta itu dengan seadiladilnya, dengan memperhatikan peserta Kelas / Group lain dan tambahan 2 menit 30 detik tersebut. - Waktu tempuh SS peserta tercepat ditambah 5 menit merupakan waktu tempuh SS maksimum pada Kelas atau Group tersebut, peserta yang waktu tempuh SS nya lebih lama akan mendapat waktu tempuh maksimum tersebut. Dan ketentuan ini tidak hanya berlaku pada SS dimana terdapat peserta sesuai dengan Kelas / Group yang berhenti atau tidak menjalani SS dan masih diperhitungkan waktunya untuk Restart, tetapi berlaku pada semua Kelas / Group. - Jika Peserta tidak menghendaki Restart / Start Kembali pada Section berikutnya, peserta wajib segera melengkapi dan menyerahkan lembar Notification Withdrawal Form yang terdapat dibelakang Road Book kepada panitia, sebelum Jadwal Section berikutnya. - Demikian pula pada Section terakhir, jika peserta gagal menyelesaikan Section terahkir, peserta akan diberikan hukuman dan waktu SS seperti aturan di atas dengan syarat peserta dan kendaraannya harus masuk pada Parc Ferme Akhir sebelum Hasil Sementara diumumkan. - Waktu paling lambat lapor bagi peserta yang akan Restart / Start Kembali pada Regrouping di setiap Section adalah waktu Start Peserta Pertama pada setiap Section atau akan diputuskan oleh Pengawas Perlombaan. - Waktu paling lambat lapor bagi peserta yang akan Restart / Start Kembali pada Regrouping di setiap Leg adalah 1 jam sebelum waktu Start Peserta Pertama pada setiap Leg atau akan diputuskan oleh Pengawas Perlombaan - Pengawas Perlombaan dapat menentukan atau merubah posisi start peserta yang Restart dengan mempertimbangkan factor safety. - Demikian pula pada Leg terakhir, jika peserta gagal menyelesaikan Leg terahkir, peserta akan diberikan hukuman dan waktu SS seperti aturan di atas dengan syarat peserta dan kendaraannya harus masuk pada Parc Ferme Akhir sebelum Hasil Sementara diumumkan, untuk dapat diperhitungkan sebagai Finisher dari Rally ini - Menghadirkan Kendaraan pada Parc Ferme Akhir dengan bantuan pihak ketiga dikenakan Hukuman 2 menit 30 detik. 12.8. Lapor lebih awal di akhir Leg Peserta diperbolehkan melapor lebih awal tanpa mendapat sanksi hukuman pada : Leg 1, Section 3: TC 5A, 5B, 5C, 5D Leg 2, Section 5: TC 9A, 9B, 9C, 9D, 9E 19 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS 12.9. Tanda-tanda Petugas Koordinator Pos dan petugas lainnya akan memakai tanda-tanda berikut: Koor. Petugas : Rompi Orange dengan hitam logo Petugas Pos : Rompi Kuning dengan hitam logo Koordinator Special Stage : Rompi Orange dengan hitam logo Kesehatan : Rompi Putih dengan hitam logo Scrutineer : Rompi kuning dengan hitam logo Competitor Relations Officers : Rompi Hijau dengan hitam logo Komunikasi-Results Marshal : Rompi Abu-abu dengan hitam logo Safety Marshal : Rompi Hijau dengan hitam logo Pengaman Penonton : Kaos dengan Tulisan “ SAFETY” Panitia lainnya : Kaos Panitia 12.10. Laporan Kecelakaan Bila Peserta pada waktu menjalani SS melihat Peserta lain mengalami kecelakaan dimana Peserta menderita luka-luka dan menunjukan tanda Palang Merah, Peserta tersebut bertanggung jawab untuk melaporkan pada Radio Point pertama berikutnya, sebagaimana yang tercantum pada Buku Route dan diberi rambu sesuai dengan yang tertera pada Lampiran III Safety in International Rallies Pasal 3.3.2 dari General Prescriptions. Bila Peserta lalai menjalankan peraturan ini, Pengawas Perlombaan akan menjatuhkan hukuman kepada peserta yang sampai dapat berupa hukuman pemecatan. Prosedur penanganan kecelakaan ini harus juga sesuai dengan Undang-undang Negara juga. 12.11. Pengunduran Diri Setiap peserta yang mengundurkan diri dari Rally diwajibkan segera melaporkan pengunduran diri dengan mempergunakan “Withdrawal Form” yang terlampir di Buku Route/ Road Book. Tidak melaksanakan hal ini akan dikenakan sanksi yang akan diputuskan Pengawas Perlombaan. 12.12. Prosedur Finish Leg 1, Leg 2 dan Parc Fermé Akhir Finish Leg 1, Leg 1 Rally ini akan berakhir pada TC 5D, Parc Ferme IN, Rambong Sialang Overnight Parc Ferme.. Finish Leg 2, yang juga merupakan Official Finish atau Finish Resmi Rally ini (Perhitungan Rally) adalah pada waktu Peserta melapor di pos Regroup IN TC 9C, Rambong Sialang Parc Ferme yang merupakan Parc Ferme Akhir Rally ini, dimana akan dilakukan Scrutineering Akhir. Setelah Pengumuman Hasil Akhir / Final Official Classification Peserta wajib mengikuti Convoy menuju Lapangan Benteng, Medan, Perbaungan untuk mengikuti Finish Ceremony / Prize Giving. Bila ada hambatan pada perjalanan Convoy dari Rambong Sialang Parc Ferme ke Lapangan Benteng, Medan, Peserta wajib segera melaporkan kepada Pimpinan Perlombaan untuk dapat dibantu perjalanannya ke Lapangan Benteng, Medan. 12.13. Flexi-Service 12.13.1 Untuk Peserta yang telah terdaftar, pasangan terdiri dari 2 (dua) peserta / kendaraan dapat melakukan dengan Flexi Service sebagai berikut. Flexi-service adalah kesempatan yang diberikan kepada 2 (dua) Peserta untuk mengadakan service Kendaraan pada waktu yang berlainan dengan group mekanik 20 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS yang sama. Flexi-service dapat dilakukan oleh: 2 (dua) Peserta yang mendaftar sebagai satu team , 2 (dua) peserta dari satu entrant, atau 2 (dua) dua peserta dari entrant yang berlainan dan telah mendaftar mengikuti Flexi-service. Pasal-pasal ini untuk Service Park dengan waktu service 30 menit atau 45 menit (selain waktu service terakhir dari Rally) yang akan selalu diikuti dengan Regroup sebagaimana General Prescriptions Pasal 18.9. Setiap Peserta, kecuali peserta dengan Mobil ke II / Flexi, harus memasuki Service Park sesuai Jadwal Waktunya. Pada waktu Mobil ke I / Flexi sedang di service, Mobil ke II / Flexi menunggu di PreService Parc Ferme, diperbolehkan menunggu paling lama 35 menit untuk Flexi Service 30 menit dan 50 menit untuk Flexi Service 45 menit, sebelum memasuki Service Park tanpa dikenakan hukuman. 12.13.2 12.13.3 12.13.4 12.13.5 Flexi Service 45’ Khusus Flexi Service 45’ setelah lapor TC SP (Service Park) In boleh dikemudikan yang mewakili peserta tersebut, keluar dan masuk TC PF dan waktu Service, serta waktu masuk lainnya boleh lebih cepat dari waktu yang ditentukan di atas, keterlambatan mengakibatkan dikenakan hukuman. Dua Peserta dapat mendaftar pada Sekretariat paling lambat sebelum Rapat Pertama Pengawas Perlombaan, hari Kamis 15 Oktober 2015, 17:00 wib 12.14. Ketentuan Khusus pada Transport Stage Pada perjalanan dari Rambong Sialang Parc Ferme Out / TC 9D menuju Lapangan Benteng, Medan untuk mengikuti Finish Ceremony / Prize Giving TC 9E, kendaraan diperkenankan dikemudikan oleh yang mewakili Peserta, dengan tetap berdasarkan Peraturan, Itinerary dan Route yang ditentukan, kesalahan tetap menjadi tanggung jawab Peserta. 13. KENDARAAN KHUSUS JALAN TANAH Kendaraan Gravel atau kendaraan khusus jalan tanah tidak diijinkan. . 14. HADIAH 14.1. Pembagian Hadiah Waktu Tempat : Minggu, 18 Oktober 2015, 19: 30 wib : Podium, Lapangan Benteng, Medan 14.2. Kejuaraan Tri Nations Rally 2015 PIALA JUARA Kelas TN 1 1 2 3 JUARA Kelas TN 2 1 2 3 Driver & Co Driver Driver & Co Driver Driver & Co Driver Driver & Co Driver Driver & Co Driver Driver & Co Driver 21 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS JUARA Kelas TN 3 1 2 3 Driver & Co Driver Driver & Co Driver Driver & Co Driver 14.3. Kejuaraan Nasional Rally 2015, Putaran 2 PIALA JUARA UMUM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Driver & Co Driver Driver & Co Driver Driver & Co Driver Driver & Co Driver Driver & Co Driver Driver & Co Driver Driver & Co Driver Driver & Co Driver Driver & Co Driver Driver & Co Driver JUARA UMUM NON SEEDED 1 2 3 4 5 Driver & Co Driver Driver & Co Driver Driver & Co Driver Driver & Co Driver Driver & Co Driver JUARA Group GR2 1 Driver & Co Driver JUARA Kelas R2 - Kelas N15 Non Seeded - Kelas GR2/1 - Kelas GR2/2 - Kelas S1 - Kelas S Open - Kelas J1 - Kelas J2, masingmasing: 1 Driver & Co Driver 2 Driver & Co Driver 3 Driver & Co Driver JUARA TEAM CLUB DRIVER WANITA TERBAIK UANG Rp10.000.000 Rp 7.000.000 Rp 5.000.000 Rp 3.000.000 Rp 2.000.000 Rp 3.000.000 Rp 2.500.000 Rp 2.000.000 Rp 1.500.000 Piala 1, 2, 3 Piala 1 Finish Ceremony diikuti oleh seluruh Peserta yang Finish / Finisher dengan urutan melalui Finish Ramp posisi Hasil terbawah lebih dahulu dan juara Tri Nation’s Rally Championship 3, 2, 1 diurutan terakhir, berdasarkan Final Result yang diterbitkan untuk Kejuaraan Tri Nation’s Rally 2015 Putaran 2 dan Kejuaraan Nasional Rally 2015 Putaran 2. Catatan: Apabila memenangi lebih dari satu Hadiah, maka Hadiah Uang diberikan hanya satu kali untuk hadiah dengan nilai tertinggi saja. Nilai Uang yang tercantum diatas hanya diberikan apabila jumlah peserta pada masingmasing kategori lebih dari 5 peserta. Apabila jumlah peserta kurang dari 5 maka Hadiah Uang hanya diberikan untuk juara ke-1 saja. 22 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS 15. SCRUTINEERING AKHIR DAN PROTES 15.1. Scrutineering Akhir Lokasi : Rambong Sialang Parc Ferme, Pekebunan Lonsum Waktu : Minggu, 18 Oktober, 14:00 wib sampai selesai. Kendaraan-kendaraan yang ditunjuk Pengawas Perlombaan untuk diperiksa, akan diperiksa oleh scrutineer pada Parc Ferme Akhir, untuk itu peserta diwajibkan menghadirkan mekaniknya membantu scrutineer. 15.2. Biaya Protes 15.2.1. Biaya Protes yang ditentukan IMI : Rp. 1.000.000,15.2.2. Bila Protes menyangkut pembongkaran dan pemasangan kembali bagian yang tidak sesuai dari kendaraan, harus disertakan biaya tambahan sebagai deposit. 15.2.3. Untuk Protes yang termasuk ketentuan bagian dari kendaraan (mesin, system rem, listrik, bagian body dsb.) : Rp. 1.500.000,15.2.4. Untuk Protes yang meliputi seluruh kendaraan : Rp. 3.000.000,15.2.5. Biaya yang timbul karena pekerjaan dan pengangkutan dari kendaraan tersebut akan menjadi beban pihak yang mengajukan Protes, apabila ternyata Protesnya tidak beralasan dan sebaliknya akan menjadi beban pihak Peserta yang diprotes apabila Protes tersebut diterima. 15.2.6. Bila Protes ditolak maka biaya yang timbul karena Protes tersebut (Scrutineer, Transport) dan lainnya lebih besar dari pada uang Deposit, maka selisih tersebut menjadi beban pihak yang mengajukan Protes, sebaliknya bila biaya tersebut lebih kecil maka selisihnya akan dikembalikan. 15.3. Biaya Banding Besar biaya Banding : 15.3.1. Biaya untuk Banding Nasional kepada IMI besarnya US$. 500., paling lambat diajukan dalam waktu 2 x 24 jam setelah keputusan Pengawas Perlombaan. . 23 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS Lampiran 1 - ITINERARY ITINERARY LEG 1 - 17 OCTOBER TC SS dist. Location 0A Rambong Sialang Parc Ferme OUT - Start LEG 1 0B Service IN 0,14 0,14 0:02 (0,14) (0,14) 0:15 Service OUT First Car due 9:02 9:17 Refuel R. Sialang , 0.05 km after TC 0C, from previous RZ: Distance to next refuel 1 Rambong Sialang A SS1 Rambong Sialang A 2 Rambong Sialang B SS2 Rambong Sialang B 2A Pre Service Parc Ferme / Technical Zone IN 2B Pre Service Parc Ferme OUT / Flexi Service IN (34,90) (4,73) (39,63) 1,63 1,63 0:08 15,34 2,16 (34,90) 9:25 9:28 17,50 0:35 19,56 FLEXI SERVICE B (RAMBONG SIALANG) 2C Target Time 10:03 10:06 0,94 20,50 0:41 (4,73) (39,63) 0:30 Flexi Service OUT / Regroup IN SECTION 1 0C Total dist. 9:00 SERVICE A (RAMBONG SIALANG) RZ1 Liaison dist. 10:47 11:17 Rambong Sialang Regroup - 1 RZ2 Regroup OUT 11:52 Refuel R. Sialang , 0.05 km after TC 2D, from previous RZ: (34,90) (4,73) (39,63) Distance to next refuel (39,19) (5,29) (44,48) 1,39 1,39 3 Rambong Sialang C SS3 Rambong Sialang C 4 Rambong Sialang A SS4 Rambong Sialang A 4A Pre Service Parc Ferme / Technical Zone IN 4B Pre Service Parc Ferme OUT / Flexi Service IN 1,63 (39,19) 11:58 12:01 25,48 0:50 15,34 FLEXI SERVICE C (RAMBONG SIALANG) 4C 0:06 23,85 12:51 12:54 2,27 17,61 0:36 (5,29) (44,48) 0:30 Flexi Service OUT / Regroup IN 13:30 SECTION 2 2D 14:00 Rambong Sialang Regroup - 2 Regroup OUT 14:35 Refuel R. Sialang , 0.05 km after TC 4D, from previous RZ: (39,19) (5,29) (44,48) Distance to next refuel (19,56) (2,76) (22,32) 1,82 1,82 5 Rambong Sialang B SS5 Rambong Sialang B 5A Pre Service Parc Ferme / Technical Zone IN (E) 5B Pre Service Parc Ferme OUT / Flexi Service IN (E) FLEXI SERVICE D (Rambong Sialang) 5C RZ4 5D 0:08 19,56 14:43 14:46 0,94 20,50 0:41 (19,56) (2,76) (22,32) 0:45 (19,56) (2,76) (22,32) Flexi Service OUT (E) 15:27 16:12 Refuel R. Sialang , 0.05 km after TC 5C, from previous RZ: Distance to next refuel - Rambong Sialang Overnight Parc Ferme IN (E) 0,05 LEG 1 TOTALS: 93,65 12,97 - At the 30 minutes Flexi Services crews may wait for up to 35 minutes before entering the Service Park without incuring penalty - At the 45 minutes Flexi Services crews may wait for up to 50 minutes before entering the Service Park without incuring penalty - (E) Denotes Early Arrival without incuring penalty 24 0,05 106,62 0:03 16:15 SECTION 3 4D RZ3 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS ITINERARY LEG 2 - 18 OCTOBER TC SS dist. Location 5E Rambong Sialang Parc Ferme OUT - Start LEG 2 5F Service IN 0,14 0:02 (0,14) (0,14) 0:15 9:02 9:17 Distance to next refuel SS6 Rambong Sialang C (43,36) Pre Service Parc Ferme / Technical Zone IN Pre Service Parc Ferme OUT / Flexi Service IN (47,23) 1,32 1,32 0:07 24,93 0:50 19,51 FLEXI SERVICE F (RAMBONG SIALANG) (43,36) 9:24 9:27 1,08 Rambong Sialang B - Reverse 7B (3,87) 23,85 Rambong Sialang B Reverse 7A 7C First Car due Refuel R. Sialang , 0.05 km after TC 5G, from previous RZ: Rambong Sialang C 7 0,14 Service OUT 6 SS7 Target Time 10:17 10:20 1,47 20,98 0:42 (3,87) (47,23) 0:30 Flexi Service OUT / Regroup IN SECTION 4 RZ5 Total dist. 9:00 SERVICE E (RAMBONG SIALANG) 5G Liaison dist. 11:02 11:32 Rambong Sialang Regroup - 3 RZ6 8 SS8 9 SS9 9A Regroup OUT 12:07 Refuel R. Sialang , 0.05 km after TC 7D, from previous RZ: (43,36) (3,87) (47,23) Distance to next refuel (39,32) (5,81) (45,13) 1,07 1,07 Rambong Sialang C Reverse Rambong Sialang C - Reverse Rambong Sialang A-Reverse RZ7 9C 26,97 0:54 15,48 Service IN (E) 12:12 12:15 3,13 Rambong Sialang A - Reverse SERVICE G (RAMBONG SIALANG) 9B 0:05 23,84 13:09 13:12 1,61 17,09 0:35 (39,32) (5,81) (45,13) 0:10 (39,32) (5,81) (45,13) (60,66) (60,66) 0,05 0,05 0:03 60,66 60,66 1:50 Service OUT (E) 13:47 13:57 Refuel R. Sialang , 0.05 km after TC 9B, from previous RZ: Distance to next refuel Regroup IN (E) 14:00 Rambong Sialang Regroup - 4 9D Regroup OUT - Convoy (E) 9E Medan, BENTENG Square - FINISH PARK IN (E) 9F FINISH CEREMONY - MEDAN, BENTENG SQUARE 15:45 17:35 19:30 LEG 2 TOTALS: 82,68 70,48 153,16 - At the 30 minutes Flexi Services crews may wait for up to 35 minutes before entering the Service Park without incuring penalty - At the 45 minutes Flexi Services crews may wait for up to 50 minutes before entering the Service Park without incuring penalty - (E) Denotes Early Arrival without incuring penalty TOTAL OF THE RALLY LEG 1 - 5 Special Stages LEG 2 - 4 Special Stages TOTAL - 9 Special Stages 25 SS Liaison Total % 93,65 12,97 106,62 87,84% 82,68 70,48 153,16 53,98% 176,33 83,45 259,78 67,88% SECTION 5 7D SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS Lampiran 2 – JADWAL SURVEY / RECONNAISSANCE JADWAL SURVEY / RECONNAISSANCE RECCE NO. LOKASI SS NO. SPECIAL STAGES JARAK KM. WAKTU KETERANGAN Rabu, 14 Oktober 2015 Semua Perkebunan Peserta Lonsum 1 / 4 RAMBONG SIALANG A 2 / 5 RAMBONG SIALANG B 15,34 3 / 6 RAMBONG SIALANG C 23,85 19,56 7 RAMBONG SIALANG B- REVERSE 19,51 8 RAMBONG SIALANG C- REVERSE 23,84 9 RAMBONG SIALANG A- REVERSE 15,48 7 RAMBONG SIALANG B- REVERSE 19,51 8 RAMBONG SIALANG C- REVERSE 23,84 9 RAMBONG SIALANG A- REVERSE 15,48 08:00-13:30 Start dari SS1/4 ke SS2/5 ke SS3/6 14:00-17:00 Start dari SS7 ke SS8 ke SS9 08:00-13:30 Start dari SS7 ke SS8 ke SS9 Kamis, 15 Oktober 2015 Semua Perkebunan Peserta Lonsum 1 / 4 RAMBONG SIALANG A 2 / 5 RAMBONG SIALANG B 15,34 3 / 6 RAMBONG SIALANG C 23,85 26 19,56 14:00-17:00 Start dari SS1/4 ke SS2/5 ke SS3/6 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS Lampiran 3 – NAMA DAN PHOTO CRO Prihatin Kasiman Arnold Sipahutar Competitor Relations Officer Competitor Relations Officer Mobile : +62 853 6056 8888 Mobile : +62 811 6300 81 +62 819 6300 81 Jadwal dan Lokasi Tugas CRO Kamis, 15 Oktober Scrutineering Steward Meeting 13:00 – 16:00 wib 17:00 wib Jum’at, 16 Oktober Briefing Peserta Jumpa Pers 10:00 wib 10:30 wib Sabtu, 17 Oktober Start Leg 1 Service Park & Parc Ferme Finish Leg 1 Sub Rally HQ 08:00 wib 12:00 – 17:00 wib 17:00 wib 19:00 wib Minggu, 18 Oktober Start Leg 2 Service Park & Parc Ferme Sub Rally HQ Finish Rally 08:00 wib 08:00 – 14:00 wib 14:00 wib 19:30 wib 27 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS Lampiran 4 – NO. PESERTA DAN STICKER IKLAN STIKER WAJIB: 1. 2. 3. 4. STIKER IKLAN: Letak dan Stikernya akan diumumkan melalui Bulletin, yang diterbitkan hari Rabu, 14 Oktober 2015, 18:00 wib. 5.3.2 Nomer Start : Pintu depan kiri dan kanan Nomer Start : Kaca pintu belakang kiri dan kanan Rally Plate : Kap mesin depan Stiker Event : Kaca depan atas Untuk keperluan Pengawasan Safety,No.Peserta tambahan yang wajib dipasang pada bagian tengah dari kaca pintu belakang kendaraan (yang pada Event ini tidak disediakan oleh Panitia), dengan ketentuan: Huruf : Helvetica, Ukuran : Tinggi 25 cm dan tebal huruf 25 mm, Warna : Fluorescent Orange (PMS 804). Stcker : Cutting Sticker Dipasang berdekatan dengan Nama Peserta. 28 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS Lampiran 5 – KECELAKAAN & PROSEDUR KESELAMATAN 1. Semua peserta wajib memahami Pasal 19.19 FIA Rally General Prescriptions, Competitor Safety Lampiran III, Pasal 3.4 Road Book. 2. Bila tanda “SOS” yang berwarna merah ditunjukan, adalah “PERINTAH” untuk berhenti dan membantu Peserta yang meminta pertolongan. 3. Adalah menjadi tanggung jawab untuk menolong yang terluka dan memastikan Petugas Keselamatan meluncur ketempat kejadian dengan segera. 4. Peserta yang pertama tiba ditempat kejadian wajib berhenti dan memberitahu Peserta yang datang berikutnya secara lengkap. 5. Peserta yang tiba berikutnya wajib menyampaikan informasi tersebut kepada SOS Radio Point berikutnya, yang mungkin juga adalah Pos Finish, Infomasi sebagai berikut: . No. Peserta yang mengalami kecelakaan. Jika ada dan berapa jumlah peserta dan penonton yang terjebak atau diluar kendaraan. Lokasi kejadian, atau pada ditunjukan Buku Route titik yang terdekat dari simpangan atau jarak dari pos. Infomasi penting lainnya seperti ada api, air dsb. 6 Mobil berikutnya wajib berhenti jika “SOS” berwarna merah ditunjukan. 7. Semua Peserta yang berhenti dilintasan wajib memasang Segitiga Pengaman merah pada jarak paling sedikit 50 m dari kendaraan yang berhenti. Kecuali bila kendaraan sudah diluar lintasan. 8. +62 853 7310 8888 No Telephone EMERGENCY : +62 812 6019 5747 9. Bila mengundurkan diri dari pelombaan, wajib melapor ke : CRO +62 853 6056 8888 +62 811 6300 81 10. Semua Peserta yang mengundurkan diri dari perlombaan diminta segera menyerahkan Time Cardnya kepada Pos yang terdekat. Dan mengisi serta menyerahkan Notification of Withdrawal From Rally. 29 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS 30 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS 31 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS Permanent Office Address & Rally Headquarters: PENGPROV. IMI - SUMUT Jl. Taruma No. 52 Medan 20112 Tel: +62 61 452 0672 Fax: +62 61 452 8821 North Sumatera - Indonesia SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS PRELUDE The Rally will be run in compliance with the International Sporting Code (and its appendices), the 2015 FIA Regional Rallies Championships Sporting Regulations to all FIA Rally Championship, the Regulations Ikatan Motor Indonesia National Championship 2015 Regulations which complies with the FIA Regulations with the Addendum and this Supplementary Regulations Modification, amendments and / or changes of these Supplementary Regulations will be announced only by numbered and dated Bulletins (issued by the Organizer or the Stewards. The final text of these Supplementary Regulations is the English version which shall be used should any dispute arise as to their interpretation. The 2015 FIA Regional Rallies Championships Sporting Regulations to all FIA Rally Championship Regulations are available on the FIA website. http: //www. 2 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS INDEX 1. 1.1. 1.2. 2. 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. 2.6. 2.7. 2.8. 2.9. 3. 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. 4. 5. 5.1. 5.2. 5.3. 6. 7. 8. 8.1. 8.2. 8.3. 8.4. 9. 9.1. 9.2. 9.3. 10. 10.1. 10.2. 11. 11.1. PROGRAMME OF THE RALLY ........................................................... 5 Schedule for before the week of the Rally ........................................... 5 Schedule for the week of the Rally ....................................................... 5 Organization and Description ............................................................... 9 Titles for which the Rally counts ........................................................... 9 CompetitionStatus: ............................................................................... 9 Visa numbers ....................................................................................... 9 Organizer’s name ................................................................................. 9 Address and contact details ................................................................. 9 Organization Committee ....................................................................... 9 Road surface ...................................................................................... 11 Location of Rally HQ .......................................................................... 11 Location of Parc Ferme for each Leg ................................................. 11 Entries ................................................................................................ 11 Entry procedure .................................................................................. 11 ENTRY FEE ....................................................................................... 13 Payment Details ................................................................................. 14 Refunds .............................................................................................. 15 Insurance ............................................................................................ 15 Advertising and Identification ............................................................. 15 Restriction........................................................................................... 15 Organizers Advertising ....................................................................... 15 Identification Number ......................................................................... 15 Tires.................................................................................................... 15 Fuel ..................................................................................................... 16 Reconnaissance ................................................................................. 16 Procedure for registration ................................................................... 16 Reconnaissance Schedule ................................................................. 16 Specific restrictions ............................................................................ 16 Reconnaissance Identification Number .............................................. 17 Administrative Check .......................................................................... 17 Documents to be presented ............................................................... 17 Location .............................................................................................. 17 Times .................................................................................................. 17 Scrutineering, Sealing and Marking ................................................... 17 Location .............................................................................................. 17 Times / Schedule ................................................................................ 17 Shakedown / Testing .......................................................................... 18 Shakedown ......................................................................................... 18 3 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS 11.2. 11.3. 12. 12.1. 12.2. 12.3. 12.4. 12.5. 12.6. 12.7. 12.8. 12.9. 12.10. 12.11. 12.12. 12.13. 13. 14. 14.1. 14.2. 14.3. 15. 15.1. 15.2. 15.3. Testing ................................................................................................ 18 Testing Schedule ................................................................................ 18 Feature of The Rally ........................................................................... 18 Ceremonial Start and Official Start Procedure ................................... 18 Start Ceremony & Start Leg 1 ........................................................... 18 Start Leg 1 - Rally Official Start .......................................................... 18 Time Card change during the rally ..................................................... 19 Starting system of Special Stages ..................................................... 19 Re-Start ............................................................................................. 19 Early check-in at the end of a leg ....................................................... 20 Identification of Officials ..................................................................... 20 Accident Reporting ............................................................................. 21 Retirement .......................................................................................... 21 Finish Procedure and Final Parc Fermé ........................................... 21 Flexi Service ....................................................................................... 21 Special Conditions on Transport Stage .............................................. 22 SAFETY CARS .................................................................................. 22 Prizes .................................................................................................. 22 Prize-giving ......................................................................................... 22 Tri Nations Rally Championship 2015, Round 2........... ..................... 22 National Rally Championship 2015, Round 2 .................................... 22 Final Scrutineering and Protests ........................................................ 23 Final Scrutineering ............................................................................. 23 Protests fees....................................................................................... 23 Appeal fees......................................................................................... 24 APPENDIX 1 - ITINERARY ................................................................ 25 APPENDIX 2 - RECONNAISSANCE SCHEDULE ............................ 27 APPENDIX 3 - NAME AND PHOTOGRAPHS OF CRO .................... 28 APPENDIX 4 - COMPETITOR NUMBERS AND ADVERTISING ...... 29 APPENDIX 5- ACCIDENT & SAFETY PROCEDURE..................... 29 4 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS 1. PROGRAMME OF THE RALLY Schedule for before the week of the Rally Monday, 21 September 09:00 hrs Entries Open, Pre Event Information and Supplementary Regulation published Rally Secretariat Pengprov IMI Sumut; Jl. Taruma No. 52 Medan Telp./Fax. +62 61 4520672 e-mail:[email protected] website: Schedule for the week of the Rally Monday, 12 October 09:00 hrs Rally Headquarters and Official Notice Board opens Rally Headquarters : Pengprov IMI Sumut Jl. Taruma No. 52 Medan Telp./Fax. +62 61 4520672 09:00 – 17:00 hrs Road Books and Route Maps available for Collection at Rally Secretariat Rally HQ, Medan Collection of Materials and Documents, Administrative Checks Rally HQ, Medan Competitor, Reconnaissance and Service Vehicle & Crew Registration Rally HQ, Medan Tuesday, 13 October 09:00 – 18:00 hrs Collection of Materials and Documents, Administrative Checks Competitor, Reconnaissance and Service Vehicle & Crew Registration 5 Rally HQ, Medan Rally HQ, Medan SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS 18:00 hrs Closes Of Entries Closing for Co-driver details Rally HQ, Medan Wednesday, 14 October 08:00-17:00 hrs Start of Reconnaissance See Reconnaissance Schedule 09:00 – 17:00 hrs Collection of Materials and Documents, 10:00 hrs 18:00 hrs Rally HQ, Medan Administrative Checks Media Accreditation & Press Room open Rally HQ, Medan Publication of Scrutineering Schedule Entry List Final Service Bay Allocation Optional Advertising Space Rally HQ, Medan Thursday, 15 October 08:00 – 17:00 hrs Reconnaissance See Reconnaissance Schedule 14:00 – 16:00 hrs Scrutineering and Component Sealing & Marking SpeedLine Auto Jl. H. Adam Malik, Medan. 17:00 hrs First Meeting of the Stewards Rally HQ, Medan 18.00 hrs Publication of List of Crews Eligible to Start Rally HQ, Medan and Start List For Leg 1 Official Notice Board Friday, 16 October 08:00 hrs Service Area available for Competitors Rambong Sialang Service Park 10:00 hrs Competitors Briefing Grandstand Rambong Sialang Stadium 10:30 hrs Pre-Rally Press Conference Grandstand Rambong Sialang Stadium 08:00 hrs Cars report to Rambong Sialang Pacr Ferme Rambong Sialang Parc Ferme 09:00 hrs Start of Leg 1 (Official Start) Rambong Sialang Parc Ferme 17:00 hrs Overnight Parc Ferme Rambong Sialang Parc Ferme Saturday, 17 October 6 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS 18:30 hrs Publication of Partial Unofficial Classifications (Leg 1) Sub Rally HQ, Rambong Sialang Official Notice Board 19:00 hrs Publication of Start List for Leg 2 Sub Rally HQ, Rambong Sialang Official Notice Board Sunday, 18 October 09:00 hrs Start Leg 2 Rambong Sialang Parc Ferme 14:00 hrs End of Rally, Parc Ferme In Rambong Sialang Parc Ferme 14:15 hrs Final Scrutineering Rambong Sialang Parc Ferme 16:00 hrs Publication of Provisional Final Classification Sub Rally HQ, Rambong Sialang Official Notice Board 16:30 hrs Publication of Final Official Classification Sub Rally HQ, Rambong Sialang Official Notice Board 19:30 hrs Ceremonial Finish Benteng Square, Medan 20:30 hrs Post Event Press Conference Benteng Square, Medan Monday, 19 October 12:00 hrs Press Room closes Rally HQ, Medan 17:00 hrs Rally Headquarters closes Rally HQ, Medan 7 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS RALLY SECRETARIAT & OFFICIAL NOTICE BOARD Location: PENGPROV. IMI – SUMUT, Jl. Taruma No. 52, Medan Time: Office hours: 09:00 – 18:00 hrs RALLY HEADQUARTERS & OFFICIAL NOTICE BOARD Location: PENGPROV. IMI – SUMUT, Jl. Taruma No. 52, Medan Time: Monday till Monday, 12 - 19 October 2015 SUB RALLY HEADQUARTERS & OFFICIAL NOTICE BOARD Location: Rambong Sialang Service Park, Perkebunan Lonsum Time: Saturday till Sunday, 17 – 18 October 2015 MEDIA CENTRE & MEDIA NOTICE BOARD Location: Rally HQ, Medan Time: Wednesday, till Monday, 14 - 19 October 2015 Location: Sub Rally HQ, Rambong Sialang Service Park Time: Saturday till Sunday, 17 – 18 October 2015 8 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS 2. ORGANIZATION AND DESCRIPTION 2.1. Titles for which the Rally counts Tri Nation’s Rally titles for which the Rally counts 2015 Tri Nation’s Rally Championship for Driver & Co-driver of TN 1 2015 Tri Nation’s Rally Championship for Driver & Co-driver of TN 2 2015 Tri Nation’s Rally Championship for Driver & Co-driver of TN 3 National titles for which the Rally counts 2015 National Rally Championship for Driver & Co-driver 2015 National Rally Championship for Driver & Co-driver of GR.2 2015 National Rally Championship for Best Non Seeded Driver & Co-driver of N15 2015 National Rally Championship for Best Driver & Co-driver of S 2015 National Rally Championship for Best Driver & Co-driver of J 2015 National Rally Championship for Club Team 2.2. Competition Status : INDONESIA RALLY 2015 is the Tri Nation’s Rally Championship 2015, Round 2 INDONESIA RALLY 2015 is the National Rally Championship 2015, Round 2 2.3. Visa numbers The IMI Visa No The Pengprov IMI Visa No : 164/IMI/SK-OR/A/X/2015 : 096/IMI-SU/REK-OR/A/IX/2015 2.4. Organizer’s name Name of the organizing Name of the National Sporting Authority : Ikatan Motor Indonesia, Pengprov SUMUT : Ikatan Motor Indonesia 2.5. Address and contact details PENGPROV. IMI - SUMUT Jl. Taruma No. 52 Medan 20112 Tel: +62 61 452 0672 Fax: +62 61 452 8821 / 2.6. Organization Committee PATRONS : - GOVERNOR OF NORTH SUMATRA ADVISORS : - NORTH SUMATERA REGION CHIEF POLICE - ARMED COMMANDER I OF BUKIT BARISAN - CHAIRMAN OF IMI - CHIEF OF HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVE NORTH SUMATRA 9 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS - MAYOR OF MEDAN - REGENT OF SERDANG BEDAGAI - DIRECTOR OF PT. PP LONDON SUMATERA TBK. Honorary Chairman Executive Chairman General Secretary Vice Secretary Treasurer Vice Treasurer :Ijeck : Kisharianto Pasaribu : Prihatin Kasiman : Hanin Dito : Faisal A. Nasution : Tina Kumalasari Funds and sponsor Coord. General Affair / Logistic Coord. : - Rudi Siregar - Harun Nasution - Edwin Nasution - Dian AP. Harahap : - Willy Puaha Programme Coord. Track Coord. Chief Safety Officer General Affair : Mahyu Danil : Tantin Pasaribu : Polres Sergai : Fani Maya Nur OBSERVER - tba - tba - tba (Thailand) (AAM – Malaysia) (IMI – Indonesia) STEWARDS OF THE MEETING : - Poedio Bintoro (PP. IMI, Steward) - Irwan Soewondo (PP. IMI, Steward) - Kisharianto Pasaribu (IMI North Sumatra Steward) IMI SAFETY OFFICER : tba RALLY COMMITTEE Clerk of the Course Deputy Clerk of the Course 1st Asst. Clerk of the Course 2nd Asst. Clerk of the Course 3rd Asst. Clerk of the Course Secretary Of The Event Competitor Relation Officer : Elwin Siregar : Poedio Oetojo : Elfino Tanjung : Constantin Pasaribu : M. Aswinsyah putra : Said Irfan : Prihatin Kasiman Arnold Sipahutar : Hanin Dito : Armansyah Taher : Said Irfan : Michael Andries : Marman : Sofianto : Rudi Iskandar Siregar : Harmen Reza Siregar Secretariat Media Relation Officer Chief Marshall Chief Scrutineering Deputy Chief Scrutineering Chief Communication Chief Time Keeper Scoring & Results Coord. 10 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS Chief Spectator Marshal Service Park & Parc Ferme Coord. Chief Medical Officer Rescue Coord. Stage Commander : Kapolsek Firdaus : Yanto Hasibuan : Dr. M. Syafrin Syahlevi : Meiji Morico : - Chandra Dinata Suar - Rendra K - Darwizal P Lubis : - Ery Adrian - Syahril Deni - Ivan K Deputy. Stage Commander 2.7. Road surface All special stages are gravel (Non Tarmac) 2.8. Location of Rally HQ PENGPROV. IMI – SUMUT, Jl. Taruma No. 52, Medan Secretariat Hours of Operation : 09:00 hrs - 18:00 hrs 2.9. Location of Parc Ferme for each Leg Saturday,17 October Leg 1 Sunday, 18 October Leg 2 - Rambong Sialang Parc Ferme, Lonsum Estate - Rambong Sialang Parc Ferme, Lonsum Estate 3. ENTRIES 3.1. Entry procedure 3.1.1 The entry application will only be accepted on the official entry form, if accompanied by the total entry fees or by a receipt issued by the Oginiser. All details on the entry form must be completed by close of entries being Wednesday, 14 Oktober, 2015. The entry forms are to be sent to : PENGPROV. IMI - SUMUT Jl. Taruma No. 52, Medan 20112 Tel: +62 61 452 0672 Fax: +62 61 452 8821 3.1.2 Data from the Co-driver must be submitted before, Wednesday, 14 October, 2015, 20:00 hrs. If the registration sent by fax or e-mail, no later than the closing of the original fomulir registration has been received by the Secretariat 3.1.3 Foreign License holders must hold an authority from their National Sporting Authority or obtain its stamp on the entry form. 3.1.4 Opening and closing dates - Opening date for entries : 09:00 hrs, Monday, 21 Septmber 2015 - First Closing date for entries : 18:00 hrs, Thursday, 18 October 2015 - Closing date for Club Team entries : 20:00 hrs, Friday, 16 October 2015 11 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS (National Rally Championship) 3.1.5 Criteria for Acceptance of Entries Entries will be accepted from all Drivers Categoriy as the National Rally, Category are listed on the National Rally & Sprint IMI 2015 Regulations Tri Nation’s Rally Championship 2015 title only given to Competitors who have registered following the Tri Nation’s Rally Championship Series 2015. 3.2. Number of Entrants accepted and Classes The maximum number of entries is 70. if more than 70 entries are received, the organizer reserves the right to decide which entries will be accepted. All competitor account must be setted prior to the close of administrative checks be eligible for scrutineering on Thursday, 15 October 2015. 3.1.6 Eligible Cars Kapasitas cc Grup ANR Grup GR2 Grup N15 - R2 1 N15 0 1600 Grup S 1 >1600 - 2000 2 Grup J1 < 2500 A N4 R4 Open > 2500 J2 Entries will be accepted from Group A, Group N, Group R, Group GR2, Group N15 and Group J cars accordance with the National Rally & Sprint IMI 2015 Regulations, as spcified above. All vehicles of the Group or Class listed above can follow and compete for the National Rally Championship for the Indonesian Driver. Seeded participants with vehicles on the N15 follow this National Rally Championship in Group / Class GR2. Note : The specification of each class according to the Regulation of the IMI Rally 2015 Tires provision for Group A: The following uses are permitted Special Rally sedan tires, or with a maximum size 29-inch tires A/T or M/T Group A divided by 2 Class: 1. J1 : 0 untill 2500 cc 2. J2 : >2500 cc 3.1.7 TRI NATION’S RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP 2015, Round 2 Vehicle are allowed to follow INDONESIA RALLY 2015 is vehicles that appropriate the above requirements, the division of classes as follows:. 1. TN 1 up to 1600 cc 2. TN 2 1601 cc up to 2000 cc 3. TN 3 2001 above, 4WD 12 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS 3.1.8 CLUB TEAM 2 (two) or 3 (three) participants with the Vehicle Group A, N, R, GR2, N15, S, and J can register as a Team Club, though with vehicles of different Group or Entrant Calculation of Point Winners are determined that the highest points of 2 (two) Participants of the best See the complete rules on the National Rally & Sprint IMI 2015 Regulations, Appendix V Registration no later than Friday, October 16, 2015, 20:00 hrs 3.3. ENTRY FEE ENTRY FEES Privateer Sedan Group A / N Non Privateer Rp 4.000.000,- Sedan Non Group N Group J / S Rp. 2.000.000,- INCLUDE 2 (two) Competitors ID 1 (one) Rally Guide 2 Book 1 (one) set of Road Books 1 (one) Supplementary Regulations Book 1 (one) unit Service Bay (5 X 10 m), in the Service Park 1 (one) Service Vehicle Registrations: 1 (one) Service Vehicle Plate, 4(four) Service Crew ID, 1 (one) Service Books ADDITIONAL ENTRY FEE Without the optional advertising proposed by the Organizers Rp 3,000,000 SERVICE & AUXILIARY VEHICLE ENTRY FEE INCLUDE - 1 (one) Service / Auxilliary Plate Rp 500,000 - 1 (one) Service Books - 4 (four) Service Crew ID 1 (one) Service Crew ID Rp 100,000 13 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS SERVICE TENT (Sarnafil Tent 5x5m) - 1 (one) unit Area Service size (5 X 5 m) include area (5 x 5 m) Service Vehicle parking for 2 (two) days. - INCLUDE - 1 (one) table - 4 (four) chair - 1 (one) lamp SERVICE TENT (regular tents 4x6m) - 1 (one) unit Area Service size (4 X 6m) include (3 x 5 m) Service Vehicle area parking for 2 (two) days. INCLUDE Rp 1.000,000 - 1 (one) table - 4 (four) chair - 1 (one) lamp SERVICE AREA -1 (one) unit Service Bay (5 X 5m) include (3 x 5 m) Service Vehicle parking area for 2 (two) days. Rp 300,000 MANAGER SET Receive: Rp 350,000 - 1 one) Manager ID - 1 (one) set Road Book - 1 (one) Supplementary Regulations CHANGE OF DRIVER OR CO DRIVER Rp 500,000 Change of the crew member after the entry list issued, before the scrutineering BEYOND SCRUTINEERING SCHEDULE / LATE Rp. 200.000 CLUB TEAM ENTRIES At the latest Friday, October 16, 2015, 20:00 hrs Rp. 500.000 3.1.9 Payment Details Fee payments can also be done by transfer through the Bank Account Committee: 14 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS Nama Account : PENGDA IMI SUMUT No.Account : 383 0633 633 Bank : Bank Central Asia (BCA) After transfer, the registrar immediately sent along with a description Data Transfer, Name of Entries, Vehicles, Group/ Class and payment allocation details. 3.1.10 Refunds Entry fees will be refunded in full only : To candidates whose entry has not been accepted. In the case of the rally not taking place. The Organizers may refund 50% of the entry fee to those competitors who, for reasons of “force majeure” (duly certified by their ASN / IMI), were unable to start in the rally. 4. INSURANCE The entry fees include the insurance coverage toward third party liability. The insurance covers : Death Rp. 10.000.000, Permanent Injury, maximum of Rp. 10.000.000, Hospital & Medication, Rp. 2.000.000,maximum of (including ambulance) The insurance cover will come into effect from the start and will cease at the end of the rally or at the moment of retirement, disqualification or exclusion. The service vehicles are not covered by the insurance policy of the rally and will remain the sole responsibility of their owners. 5. ADVERTISING AND IDENTIFICATION 5.1. Organizers Advertising Competitors numbers, rally plates and advertising shall be affixed on the car before scrutineering. Space for the organizer advertising must be reserved on the car, unless the entry fee without stickers proposed by the organize is paid. 5.2. The Organizer advertising shall be affixed in the condition no cutting which may change the image, the Organizer have previlege to reffix in case it might not appropriate. A fine of Rp.1000.000,-/ sticker will be imposed for any breach of this regulation. 5.3. Identification Number 5.3.1 5.3.2 Rally Plate and Competition Numbers will be provided by the organizer, in accordance with Article 9.1 of the 2007 FIA Rally Championship General Prescription, & must be affixed as specified in Appendix 4. For safety monitoring purposes additional numbers will also be provided and must be placed near the top of the rear passenger windows in a central location (which the Event is not supplied by Committee), with the following provisions: Font: Hevetica, Size: 25 cm height and 25 mm thickness, 15 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS Color: Fluorescent Orange (PMS 804), Sticker: Sticker Cutting Posted adjacent to the Participant Name 5.3.2 5.3.4 The penalty for failing is a fine of Rp. 1.000.000,Service vehicle plate shall be place on the inside of the wind screen in the top left corner. 6. TIRE 6.1. The use of studded or spiked tires is prohibited under pain of exclusion. Refer also to Appendix V of the 2010 General Prescription. 6.2. Tires used in reconnaissance must be designed primarily for use on tarmac road. 7. FUEL . 7.1. The use of Official FIA fuel is permitted but will not be made available by the Organizers. 7.2. Refuel Zone: Fuel filling is only allowed to do at Refueling Area located in Rambong Sialang Service Park and in 7( seven) times Refuel as on the Itinerary. 8. RECONNAISSANCE 8.1. Procedure for registration Before starting reconnaissance all crews must supply the Organizers with full details of the reconnaissance car. Each participant will get a Recce sticker that must placed in the top left corner of the wind screen during the reconnaissance. 8.2. Reconnaissance Schedule Reconnaissance schedule see Appendix 2 8.3. Specific restrictions 8.3.1 8.3.2 8.3.3 8.3.4 Each crew will be issued with a reconnaissance card valid for up to two passages over each special stage according to the reconnaissance time schedule. This card must be shown to and endorsed by an official at the start and the end of each stage during reconnaissance. Crews are authorized to drive a maximum of two times over the route of each special stage, in accordance with the Time Schedule, at a reduced speed and fully respecting the road traffic laws. Failure to comply with the reconnaissance regulations may result in refusal to start.(Article 11.1 of the 2010 General Prescription). Crews are only permitted to enter a special stage at the point shown in the Road Book as the start and not under any circumstances drive in a direction opposite to that of the rally, unless instructed by an official of the event. All cars must have their headlights on at all times whilst traveling on the special stages. During reconnaissance, competitors must comply strictly with the road traffic laws of Indonesia and any further requirements of the Organizers as published in these 16 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS regulations or a Bulletin. At all times, the safety and rights of other road users must be respected. 8.4. Reconnaissance Identification Number Each crew will be issued with one sticker vehicle identification number which must be displayed on the top left of the front windscreen and one identification cards displayed on the left rear side window during reconnaissance. 9. ADMINISTRATIVE CHECK 9.1. Documents to be presented The following items will be checked at Administrative Checks : Entrants License Driver and Co-driver competition license Driver and Co-driver civil driving license ASN stamp/visa for foreign competitors Vehicle registration papers Completed entry form Note: Homologation forms and appendices should be available to the scrutineers Competitors are required to hold a signed Administrative Clearance on the Scrutineering Form prior to Scrutineering. 9.2. Location Secretariat : PENGPROV. IMI - SUMUT Jl. Taruma No. 52 Medan 20112 Tel: +62 61 452 0672 9.3. Time Administrative checking and completed is available during the Secretariat / Rally Headquarters is Open, untill Wednesday, 14 October 2015, 18:00 hrs. 10. SCRUTINEERING, SEALING AND MARKING Administrative Check must be completed prior to Scrutineering. Competition Numbers, Rally Plate and Advertising decals shall be affixed on the car before entering the Scrutineering venue. 10.1. Location Place Time : Speedline Auto, jl. H Adam Malik, Medan : Thursday, 15 October 2015, 14:00 – 16:00 hrs. 10.2. Time / Schedule Specific time will be notified by Bulletin to be published at 18:00 hrs, Wednesday 14 October 2015 on the Official Notice Board – Rally HQ & Website 17 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS 11. SHAKEDOWN / TESTING 11.1. Shakedown Shakedown eliminated 11.2. Testing Participants will be provided for the stage that will do the testing. Details of testing can contact the Committee 11.3. Testing Schedule Monday and Tueday , 12 – 13 October 2015, 09:00 – 16:00 wib 12. FEATURE OF THE RALLY 12.1. Ceremonial Start and Official Start Procedure 12.1.1 Publication of Starting List Start Leg 1 (TC 0A): Place : Official Notice Board - Rally HQ & Website Time : Thursday, 15 October 2015, 18:00 hrs Start Leg 2 : Place : Official Notice Board – Rambong Sialang Sub Rally HQ & Website. Time : Saturday, 17 October 2015, 19:00 hrs 12.1.2 Official Time Official Time throughout the entire rally will be Indonesia Mid Time / Local Time. A display of “Official Time” will be located on the Official Notice Board at Rally Headquarters, Medan. 12.2. Ceremonial Start The Ceremonial Start is not held, the Official Start of the Rally is the Start Leg 1 at Rambong Sialang Parc ferme 12.3. Start Leg 1 - Rally Official Start 12.3.1 Start Leg 1: Starting from Parc Ferme Out, TC 0A as the Official Start of the Rally (Calculation of the Rally). Place : Rambong Sialang Service Park, Perkebunan Lonsum Time : Saturday, 17 October 2015, First car schedule 09:00 hrs 12.3.2 Parc Ferme Rambong Sialang Before the Start Leg 1/ TC 0A the Participants Vehicles are placed in Parc Ferme Area. Each participant is responsible for ensuring vehicles are in Parc 18 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS Ferme, Rambong Sialang Service Park, on Saturday, 17 October, 2015, no later than 8:00 hrs schedule, and may be performed by another crew / not the Driver or Co-Driver. Note: No Time Penalty imposed for the time delay in reporting the Parc Ferme In, Rambong Sialang . Participants who reported a vehicle outside the time be fined up to Rp. 50.000, - / min, with a maximum of Rp. 750.000, (Reference to Article 16.3 FIA General prescriptions Rally 2010) 12.4. Time Card change during the Rally Through out the Rally, crews will be issued with new Ttime Card at the start of each Section : Leg 1 : Section 1, Section 2, Section 3 Leg 2 : Section 4, Section 5 12.5. Starting system of Special Stages 12.5.1 Official Time throughout the entire rally will be Waktu Indonesia Barat (Western Indonesia Time), Local Time. A display of “Official Time” will be located on the Official Notice Board at Rally Headquarters. 12.5.2 In accordance with Article 19.5 of the General Prescriptions an alternate start method will apply. The start signal will be by an electronic display clearly visible to the crew from the start position. The breaking of the start line detection device (beam) prior to the starting signal shall be deemed a false start. Should either the electronic countdown system or start line detection device (beam) be inoperative, the primary system as outlined in Article 19.5.1 of the General Prescriptions will apply. In addition, a hand held “1 minute” board and "30 second” board will be displayed prior to the competitors start time, then counts 5,4,3,2,1, .... go. The Special Stages will be taken to a count of 1/10 sec when used eligible Timing System or until the split second when it uses the Printer Seiko Clock 12.5.3 Start Order will be determined based on each group / Group Rally Championship on this A/N4/R - GR2-N15 - J - S: 1. Top Rank of Tri Nation’s Rally Championship 2015, Round 1 2. Achievements in the National Championship 3. IMI Category 4. Determined by COC Leg 2, Start order of reseeding based on the results of Leg 1, with a note to Restart Participants can be determined by Stewards, for the sake of safety. 12.5.4 There will be 2 minutes start-interval between all competitors for the whole rally, except determined by the Stewards Gap between Group will be determinded by the Stewards. 12.6. Re-Start Any crew which has retired from one Section may re-start the Rally from the Start of the next Section. and still run over the General Championship. Given time since the participant was stopped until the end of the section is calculated as follows: The crew will be penalized with a 2 minute 30 second for 15 min. lost one Time Control and added 5 minute penalty to the fastest time achieved in its Class / Group to each missed Special Stage. In case none of the participants in the Class / its Group run the SS, then the 19 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS Stewards will set a time for the participants with fairly as possible, taking into account the participants Class / Group and added another 2 minutes 30 seconds of it. The fastest SS time plus 5 minutes is the Maximum Time in this SS for the Class or Group, the participants which got longer SS time, will get the Maximum SS Time And this provision does not apply only to the SS where there are participants in accordance with the Class / Group who stopped or do not finish the SS and still count the time to restart, but applies to all Class / Group If the crew does not wish to re-start at Start next Section, the Notification Of Withdrawal Form located in the rear of the Road Book must be completed and lodged to the Organizer as soon as possible before the next Section Schedule. The latest report time for the participant to Restart at Regrouping in each section is a First Car start Time schedule of each Section, or will be decided by the Stewards. The participants who are late presenting the vehicle was not permitted Start for the Section, but are allowed Start on the next Section The latest report time for the participant to Restart at Regrouping next Leg is one hour before the First Car start Time schedule of next Leg, or will be decided by the Stewards. Stewards can determine or to change the position of Restart participants start by considering the safety factor. In the last section, if the participant fails to complete the Last Section, participants will be given a time penalty and SS as a rule over the terms of participants and vehicles must enter the Last Parc Ferme before the Final Results As announced, to be counted as a Finisher of the Rally Vehicles Presenting the Final Parc Ferme with the help of a third party subject to penalty 2 minutes 30 seconds 12.7. Early check-in at the end of a leg Crews may check in early without incurring any penalty at : Leg 1, Section 3 : TC 5A, 5B, 5C, 5D Leg 2, Section 5 : TC 9A, 9B, 9C, 9D, 9E 12.8. Identification of Officials The Post Chief and other marshals will be identified as follows : Chief Officer : Orange vest with black logo Other Post Marshals : Yellow vest with black logo Special Stage Commanders : Orange vest with black logo Medical Officers : White vest with black logo Scrutineers : Yellow vest with black logo Competitor Relations Officers : Green vest with black logo Communication-Results Marshals : Grey vest with black logo Safety Marshals : Green vest with black logo Spectator Marshals : Shirt with “SAFETY” word Other Officials : Official shirt 20 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS 12.9. Accident Reporting If a driver taking part in the rally is involved in an accident in which a member of the public sustains physical injury, the driver concerned must report this to the next radio point as specified in the road book and signposted on the route according to Appendix III Safety in International Rallies Article 3.3.2 of the General Prescriptions. If he/she fails to observe this rule, the Stewards may impose on the crew responsible a penalty which may go as far as exclusion. The laws of the country must also be complied with in relation to procedures at accidents. 12.10. Retirement Any crew retiring permanently from the Rally must report such retrirement to the orginizers as soon as possible using “ withdrawal Form “ at the of the Road Book. Any crew failing to comply will be liable to sanction at the Stewards discretion. 12.11. Finish Procedure and Final Parc Fermé Finish Leg 1, Leg 2 will end in TC 5D, Parc Ferme IN, Overnight Parc Ferme Rambong Sialang Finish Leg 2. which is also the Official Finish or Finish this Official Rally (Rally calculation) is the time to report the TC 9C Regroup IN, Rambong Sialang Parc Ferme, which is the end Parc Ferme of this rally, where the Final Scrutineering will be done After publication of Final Results / Final Official Classification Participants must follow the Convoy towards Benteng Square, Medan, to follow the Finish Ceremony / Prize Giving. If there are obstacles on the way Convoy of Parc Ferme Rambong Sialang into Lapangan Benteng Square, Medan, the Participant shall immediately report to the Clerk of the Course in order to help his trip to the Benteng Square, Medan. 12.12. Flexi Service For the Registered Entrants, any entrant of a 2-car team can utilize the benefits of flexi service as follows. 12.12.1 Flexi-service is intended to provide an opportunity for a 2 (two) cars team to service its cars at different times. For the purpose of flexi-service, a 2(two) cars team shall be a registered Entrant, or a team composed of different Entrants which has registered with the Organizer at least three weeks before the start of the Rally. 12.12..2 This Article shall apply to service parks of 30 minutes and 45 minutes (excluding the final service park of the rally) which shall be followed by a regroup as per General Prescriptions Art 18.9. 12.12.3 Each car, except the s car of a two car team the Flexi Service registered which arrives second, must enter the Service Park at its scheduled time. 12.12.4 If a team’s firstI car is in service, the second car must wait in the Parc Ferme. It may wait for up to 35 minutes for 30 minutes Flexi-Serive and 50 minutes for 45 minutes Flexi-Serive before entering the Service Park without incurring penalty. 12.12.5 Flexi Service 45 ' Flexi Service Special 45 ', after a report TC SP (Service Park), an authorized representative of the participants may be driven, out and in TC PF and the Service, and allowed report earlier than the time scheduled, but the delay resulted in penalties. Two Participants can register at the Secretariat at the latest before the First 21 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS Stewards Meeting, Thursday, October 15, 2015, 17:00 hrs. 12.13. Special Conditions on Transport Stage On the way from Parc Ferme Rambong Sialang Out / TC 9D toward Benteng Square, Medan to follow the Finish Ceremony / Prize Giving TC 9E, allowed the vehicle driven by a participant represents, while Regulation, Itinerary and Route is specified, the errors remain the responsibility of participants 13. SAFETY CARS Safety Cars (Gravel cars) are not permitted on this event. 14. PRIZES 14.1 Prize-giving Date Time Place : : : Sunday, 18 October 2015 19:30 hrs Benteng Square Finish Ramp, Medan 14.2 Tri Nations Rally Championship 2015 Class TN 1 1 2 3 Class TN 2 1 2 3 Class TN 2 1 2 3 Driver & Co Driver Driver & Co Driver Driver & Co Driver Driver & Co Driver Driver & Co Driver Driver & Co Driver Driver & Co Driver Driver & Co Driver Driver & Co Driver 14.3 National Rally Championship 2015, Round 2 Trophy Cash Awards General Classification Awards 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Driver & Co Driver Driver & Co Driver Driver & Co Driver Driver & Co Driver Driver & Co Driver Driver & Co Driver Driver & Co Driver Driver & Co Driver Driver & Co Driver Driver & Co Driver 22 Rp10.000.000 Rp 7.000.000 Rp 5.000.000 Rp 3.000.000 Rp 2.000.000 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS Non Seeded Awards 1 2 3 4 5 Group GR2 1 Driver & Co Driver Driver & Co Driver Driver & Co Driver Driver & Co Driver Driver & Co Driver Driver & Co Driver Class R2 - Class N15 Non Seeded - Class GR2/1 - Class GR2/2 - Class S1 - Class S Open - Class J1 - Class J2, each Class: 1 Driver & Co Driver 2 Driver & Co Driver 3 Driver & Co Driver Club Team : Ladies Awards : Rp 3.000.000 Rp 2.500.000 Rp 2.000.000 Rp 1.500.000 Trophy 1, 2, 3 Trophy 1 Finish Ceremony followed by all participants who finish / Finisher with order to Finish Ramp the lowest position in advance and 3, 2, 1 Tri Nation’s Rally Champions in the last, based on the published Tri Nation's Championship Rally Championship Round 2 and the National Rally Championship 2015 Round 2 Final Result. Note: Competitor only qualified to received one cash award, the prize money given only once for the prize with the highest value only. Money values listed above are given only if the number of participants in each category is more than 5 participants. If the number of participants is less than 5 then the prize money is awarded only to 1st winners 15. Final Scrutineering and Protests 15.1. Final Scrutineering Cars which appointed to be checks, will be taken under the Organizers supervision to post - event scrutiny. Place : Time : Rambong Sialang Parc Ferme, Lonsum Estate Sunday, 18 October, 14:00 hrs 15.2. Protests Fees 15.2.1. 16.2.2 16.2.3 Sum of the protest fee set by the IMI : Rp. 1.000.000,National Rally Championship : Rp. 1.000.000,If the protest requires the dismantling and the reassemble of different parts of the car, the claimant must pay an additional deposit : For a protest involving a clearly defined part of the car (engine, transmission, steering, braking system, electrical installation, body work etc.): Rp. 1.500.000,- 23 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS 16.2.4 16,2.5. 16.2.6 For a protest involving the whole car : Rp. 3.000.000,The expenses incurred by the work and by the transport of the car shall be borne by the claimant if the protest is unfounded, or by the competitor against whom the protest is lodged if it is upheld. If the protest is unfounded, and if the expenses incurred by the protest (scrutineering, transport, etc.) are higher than the amount of the deposit, the difference shall be borne by the claimant. Conversely, if the expenses are less, the difference shall be returned to them. 15.3. Appeal Fees Sum of the Appeal Fee : 16.3.1 Sum for a national appeal fee to the IMI is US$. 500., submit no later than within 2 x 24 hours after the Stewards Decision 24 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS APPENDIX 1 - ITINERARY ITINERARY LEG 1 - 17 OCTOBER TC SS dist. Location 0A Rambong Sialang Parc Ferme OUT - Start LEG 1 0B Service IN 0,14 0,14 0:02 (0,14) (0,14) 0:15 Service OUT First Car due 9:02 9:17 Refuel R. Sialang , 0.05 km after TC 0C, from previous RZ: Distance to next refuel 1 Rambong Sialang A SS1 Rambong Sialang A 2 Rambong Sialang B SS2 Rambong Sialang B 2A Pre Service Parc Ferme / Technical Zone IN 2B Pre Service Parc Ferme OUT / Flexi Service IN (34,90) (4,73) (39,63) 1,63 1,63 0:08 15,34 2,16 (34,90) 9:25 9:28 17,50 0:35 19,56 FLEXI SERVICE B (RAMBONG SIALANG) 2C Target Time 10:03 10:06 0,94 20,50 0:41 (4,73) (39,63) 0:30 Flexi Service OUT / Regroup IN SECTION 1 0C Total dist. 9:00 SERVICE A (RAMBONG SIALANG) RZ1 Liaison dist. 10:47 11:17 Rambong Sialang Regroup - 1 RZ2 Regroup OUT 11:52 Refuel R. Sialang , 0.05 km after TC 2D, from previous RZ: (34,90) (4,73) (39,63) Distance to next refuel (39,19) (5,29) (44,48) 1,39 1,39 3 Rambong Sialang C SS3 Rambong Sialang C 4 Rambong Sialang A SS4 Rambong Sialang A 4A Pre Service Parc Ferme / Technical Zone IN 4B Pre Service Parc Ferme OUT / Flexi Service IN 1,63 (39,19) 11:58 12:01 25,48 0:50 15,34 FLEXI SERVICE C (RAMBONG SIALANG) 4C 0:06 23,85 12:51 12:54 2,27 17,61 0:36 (5,29) (44,48) 0:30 Flexi Service OUT / Regroup IN 13:30 SECTION 2 2D 14:00 Rambong Sialang Regroup - 2 Regroup OUT 14:35 Refuel R. Sialang , 0.05 km after TC 4D, from previous RZ: (39,19) (5,29) (44,48) Distance to next refuel (19,56) (2,76) (22,32) 1,82 1,82 5 Rambong Sialang B SS5 Rambong Sialang B 5A Pre Service Parc Ferme / Technical Zone IN (E) 5B Pre Service Parc Ferme OUT / Flexi Service IN (E) FLEXI SERVICE D (Rambong Sialang) 5C RZ4 5D 0:08 19,56 14:43 14:46 0,94 20,50 0:41 (19,56) (2,76) (22,32) 0:45 (19,56) (2,76) (22,32) Flexi Service OUT (E) 15:27 16:12 Refuel R. Sialang , 0.05 km after TC 5C, from previous RZ: Distance to next refuel - Rambong Sialang Overnight Parc Ferme IN (E) 0,05 LEG 1 TOTALS: 93,65 12,97 - At the 30 minutes Flexi Services crews may wait for up to 35 minutes before entering the Service Park without incuring penalty - At the 45 minutes Flexi Services crews may wait for up to 50 minutes before entering the Service Park without incuring penalty - (E) Denotes Early Arrival without incuring penalty 25 0,05 106,62 0:03 16:15 SECTION 3 4D RZ3 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS ITINERARY LEG 2 - 18 OCTOBER TC SS dist. Location 5E Rambong Sialang Parc Ferme OUT - Start LEG 2 5F Service IN 0,14 0:02 (0,14) (0,14) 0:15 9:02 9:17 Distance to next refuel SS6 Rambong Sialang C (43,36) Pre Service Parc Ferme / Technical Zone IN Pre Service Parc Ferme OUT / Flexi Service IN (47,23) 1,32 1,32 0:07 24,93 0:50 19,51 FLEXI SERVICE F (RAMBONG SIALANG) (43,36) 9:24 9:27 1,08 Rambong Sialang B - Reverse 7B (3,87) 23,85 Rambong Sialang B Reverse 7A 7C First Car due Refuel R. Sialang , 0.05 km after TC 5G, from previous RZ: Rambong Sialang C 7 0,14 Service OUT 6 SS7 Target Time 10:17 10:20 1,47 20,98 0:42 (3,87) (47,23) 0:30 Flexi Service OUT / Regroup IN SECTION 4 RZ5 Total dist. 9:00 SERVICE E (RAMBONG SIALANG) 5G Liaison dist. 11:02 11:32 Rambong Sialang Regroup - 3 RZ6 8 SS8 9 SS9 9A Regroup OUT 12:07 Refuel R. Sialang , 0.05 km after TC 7D, from previous RZ: (43,36) (3,87) (47,23) Distance to next refuel (39,32) (5,81) (45,13) 1,07 1,07 Rambong Sialang C Reverse Rambong Sialang C - Reverse Rambong Sialang A-Reverse RZ7 9C 26,97 0:54 15,48 Service IN (E) 12:12 12:15 3,13 Rambong Sialang A - Reverse SERVICE G (RAMBONG SIALANG) 9B 0:05 23,84 13:09 13:12 1,61 17,09 0:35 (39,32) (5,81) (45,13) 0:10 (39,32) (5,81) (45,13) (60,66) (60,66) 0,05 0,05 0:03 60,66 60,66 1:50 Service OUT (E) 13:47 13:57 Refuel R. Sialang , 0.05 km after TC 9B, from previous RZ: Distance to next refuel Regroup IN (E) 14:00 Rambong Sialang Regroup - 4 9D Regroup OUT - Convoy (E) 9E Medan, BENTENG Square - FINISH PARK IN (E) 9F FINISH CEREMONY - MEDAN, BENTENG SQUARE 15:45 17:35 19:30 LEG 2 TOTALS: 82,68 70,48 153,16 - At the 30 minutes Flexi Services crews may wait for up to 35 minutes before entering the Service Park without incuring penalty - At the 45 minutes Flexi Services crews may wait for up to 50 minutes before entering the Service Park without incuring penalty - (E) Denotes Early Arrival without incuring penalty TOTAL OF THE RALLY LEG 1 - 5 Special Stages LEG 2 - 4 Special Stages TOTAL - 9 Special Stages 26 SS Liaison Total % 93,65 12,97 106,62 87,84% 82,68 70,48 153,16 53,98% 176,33 83,45 259,78 67,88% SECTION 5 7D SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS APPENDIX 2 – RECONNAISSANCE SCHEDULE RECONNAISSANCE SCHEDULE RECCE NO. LOCATION SS NO. SPECIAL STAGES DIST. KM. TIME REMARKS 08:00-13:30 Start from SS1/4 to SS2/5 to SS3/6 14:00-17:00 Start from SS7 to SS8 to SS9 08:00-13:30 Start from SS7 to SS8 to SS9 14:00-17:00 Start from SS1/4 to SS2/5 to SS3/6 Wednesday, 14 October 2015 All Lonsum Competitors Estate 1 / 4 RAMBONG SIALANG A 15,34 2 / 5 RAMBONG SIALANG B 19,56 3 / 6 RAMBONG SIALANG C 23,85 7 RAMBONG SIALANG B- REVERSE 19,51 8 RAMBONG SIALANG C- REVERSE 23,84 9 RAMBONG SIALANG A- REVERSE 15,48 7 RAMBONG SIALANG B- REVERSE 19,51 8 RAMBONG SIALANG C- REVERSE 23,84 9 RAMBONG SIALANG A- REVERSE 15,48 Thursday, 15 October 2015 All Lonsum Competitors Estate 1 / 4 RAMBONG SIALANG A 15,34 2 / 5 RAMBONG SIALANG B 19,56 3 / 6 RAMBONG SIALANG C 23,85 27 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS APPENDIX 3 - NAME AND PHOTOGRAPHS OF CRO Prihatin Kasiman Arnold Sipahutar Competitor Relations Officer Competitor Relations Officer Mobile : +62 853 6056 8888 Mobile : +62 811 6300 81 +62 819 6300 81 CRO Hours of Operation And Location Thursday, 15 October Scrutineering Steward Meeting 13:00 – 16:00 hrs 16:00 hrs Friday, 16 October Competitor Briefing Press Confrence 10:00 hrs 10:30 hrs Saturday, 17 October Start Leg 1 Service Park & Parc Ferme Finish Leg 1 Sub Rally HQ 08:00 hrs 12:00 – 17:00 hrs 17:00 hrs 19:00 hrs Sunday, 18 October Start Leg 2 Service Park & Parc Ferme Sub Rally HQ Finish Rally 08:00 hrs 08:00 – 14:00 hrs 14:00 wib 19:30 hrs 28 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS APPENDIX 4 - COMPETITOR NUMBERS AND ADVERTISING COMPULSORY STICKERS : 1. Car Number : 2. Car Number : 3. Rally Plate : 4. Event Sticker : left and right side front door left and right side rear passenger windows front hood top of front windscreen OPTIONAL ADVERTISING: The location and stickers will be advise through the Bulletin, published on Wednesday, October 14, 2015, 18:00 hrs. . 5.3.2 For safety monitoring purposes additional numbers will also be provided and must be placed near the top of the rear passenger windows in a central location (which the Event is not supplied by Committee), with the following provisions: Font: Hevetica, Size: 25 cm height and 25 mm thickness, Color: Fluorescent Orange (PMS 804), Sticker: Sticker Cutting Posted adjacent to the Participant Name 29 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS APPENDIX 5- ACCIDENT & SAFETY PROCEDURE 1. All competitors must be conversant with FIA Rally General Prescriptions Article 19.19 Competitor Safety Appendix III and Article 3.4 Road Book. 2. When a red “SOS” is displayed it is “MANDATORY” to stop and assist the crew requiring help. 3. You are responsible to help the injured and make sure that safety services are mobilised as quickly as possible. 4. The first crew to arrive at the scene of an accident must stop and inform the next car of all the details. 5. The next car must take the following information to the NEXT radio post which may be the finish control. The information as follow: Competition number of the crew involved. If and how many crew members or spectators are injured. If any crew member or spectator are trapped in or outside the car. Location of the accident, i.e. the closest road book junction or kilometre post. any other vital information, i.e. fire, water. 6. The following cars must stop if the red “SOS” is displayed. 7. All competitors stopped in a stage must place their red triangle at least 50 m before where the car is stopped. Even if the car is clear of the road. 8. The event emergency telephone number is 9. If you retire you must inform the organizers: : +62 853 7310 8888: +62 812 6019 5747 CRO +62 853 6056 8888 +62 811 6300 81 10. All competitors retiring from the event are obliged to hand in their time card to the nearest control point as soon as possible. 30