su-nOESTE - SDSU Library and Information Access
su-nOESTE - SDSU Library and Information Access
F o R T Y • S E C o N D v o L ..u ·lMI E GAYLE CHRISTIANSEN MICHAEL EDINGER CAROL DEL SAN EDITOR LAYOUT DA-VVSON ART su-nOESTE DIEGO STATE COLLEGE I e 4: Built centuries ago by the early settlers of California as guardian of the entrance of Mission Valley, the Presidio and Fort Stockton stand today as bastions of a different sort. They symbolize San Diego's historic buildings which preserve and foster the Spanish traditions so much a part of our surroundings. Representative of the city's underlying love of beauty and appreciation for culture is the California Tower, the symbol of Balboa Park. Although constructed in 1915 for the PanamaCalifornia Exposition, the buildings continue to serve the public interest as museums and art galleries, while the park provides breathing space for a growing city. , h y 0 ["[ u n inM'the, n Southern California's philosop sun" is echoed throughout the county. l n ItS 10 Ba Park, only a few years rem~)Ved [rom use ess y Ian d , a burgeoning tourist trade has swamp d rom ted construction of many ~cw an beautfful hotels, such as the one pictured below. San Diego's skyline shimmers across the harbor to Coronado where a ferry, veteran of countless channel crossings, watches and notes the difference that just five years of growth makes. 6 Montezuma regards the campus with solemnity from his corner of the Quad. Reflecting science's penchant for precision is the geometric architecture of the Chemistql"Geology building. Hello \Valk gets constant use as students hurry between classes. 8 9 The Music building offer. harmony of d ign. t Two student take time out for a chat. ~he Main Quad is a popular ga thering place any tune of day. Rapid expansion marks SDS; here the new BusinessMath building nears completion. 11 .A.DlWLI~IST:R,.A. TI COLLEGE DEA S San Diego State University Imperial Valley Campus 720 Heber Calexico, CA 92231 DR. DONALD R. WATSON Dean of the College DR. ERNEST B: O'BYRNE Vic!" President PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE This volume of the 1964 Del SUdoeste is one which you will no doubt cherish as one of the most valuable annuals in your scholastic career. It will serve as a constant reminder of many of your diversified activities on the campus whether they were curricular or extra-curricular. You will be most proud to retain . this volume in your library and from time to time compare the campus dunng your residence here with several years hence. There is no doubt that in future years you will become more appreciative of the real value of a college education an~ of the excellent assistance San Diego State has extended to you. I trust you WIll have profited greatly as a result of your social and academic experiences so that you may fit more successfully into your vocational and community life. In this present day a college educated individual is much more in demand than ever before. May you become most happy in whatever profession you select. 14 DR MAURICE M. LE~ME Dean of Graduate Studies DR. DARRELL HOLMES Executive Lrea.n 15 President COLLEGE ADMINISTRATORS DR. HERBERT C. PEIFFER Dean of Students MRS. MARGERY ANN WARMER Dean of Activities DR. MELVIN A. ANDERSON Dean of Admissions and Records VERNON C .. ROSENE Activities Advisor 16 DR. SIDNEY L. GULICK Dean of Arts and Sciences DR. DONALD F. HARDER Dean of Counseling and Testing FRANK HOOLE Activities Advisor MISS ROBERTA J. HALES Activities Advisor 17 COLLEGE ADMINISTRATORS LT. COL. ROY 9UDITH Division Chairman DR. WILL M. KIDWELL Director of Placement and Financial Aids - 18 DR. JOHN M. YARBOROUGH Director of Housing HARVEY J. GOODFRIEND Graduate Manager 19 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION EDUCATION, CAMPUS LAB SCHOOL DR. CHARLES W. LAMDEN Dean of School of Business Admini~tration ~~---- DR. MANFRED SCHRUPP Dean of School of Education 21 ENG INEERING ;\- :..~.':' .. ,~ ~/ . DR. MARTIN CAPP D an of Engineering School FINE ARTS . , HEALTH, PE, RECREATION DR. WILLIAM TERRY Division Chairman HUMANITIES DR. JOHN R. ADAMS Division Chairman PHYSICAL SCIENCE LI E SCIENCE DR. DUDLEY H. R BINSON Division Chairman DR. J;\~ES E. CROUCH DIvIsIOn Chairman 26 SOCIAL SCIENCE LIBRARY DR.DAVID . MILNE Division Chairman DR. LOUISA. KENNEY Librarian HEALTH SERVICES _.-..l:.... -_DR. 28 FRAN ROBER:fSDl'S'I---Director of Health Services NEDRA SNYDER AS Secretary Associated Student Officers JERRY HAR.MON AS Vice President DENNIS MOO.RE Commissioner of Finance ASSOCIATED STUDENTS PRESIDENT 30 31 Associated Student Council VINCE BIONDO MIKE LEMBECK Upper Division Representatives MIKE MYERS JIM STREET BOB WHITE Upper Division Representatives JIM BEN CLAY Freshman Representative TOM LUHNOW Sophomore Representative DICK BUCK Junior Representative ELON PLACE Senior Representative ASHCRAFT JUDY GOTTLIEB Lower Division Representatives LARRY TAYLOR Lower Division . . Representative MIKE PALMER Graduate Representative 32 33 AS o Boards J ACTIVITIES BOARD (from left) : Judy Johnson, Tom Morgan, Alice Budzinski Miss Roberta Hales. Jeff Skinner, Jim Street, Dr. Thomas L. Gillette. Not pictured: Dr. William Snyder. FI;\E Owe-ns, ARTS BOARD. FRONT ROW: Lee Marion Li ttic, Joyce Cordell, Judy Gott- lieb. BACK ROW: William Bowne, Dr. Robert L. Benjamin. A!HLETIC BOARD (from left): D. I. Eidemiller, M. L. Crawford, Al Olson, Larry Taylor, Elan Place, Tom Logans, William Terry. Not pictured: Harvey Goodfriend, Joe Kiefer, Dr. Herbert C. Peiffer. INTERNATIONAL Peirce, Mike Palmer. NOT PICTURED: ling, David Neptune, J. Dayton Smith, BOARD (from left): Judy Pat Holewinski. Dennis Tilton, Larry StirMinos D. Generales. ! FINANCE BOARD (from left)· Ron Roach Carol);'n Myers, Penny Rutledge, Denny Moore; Joe KIefer, Dean Leptich, Harvey Goodfriend. INTRAMURAL BOARD (from left): Dr. Gerald Person, Robert Hanson, Gary Branstetter, Ben Clay, Winnie Krone, Ron Peterson. 34 35 AS Boards LECTURES AND CONCERTS BOARD (from left): Kathy Estey, Dr. William Saigh, Pat DeForest, David Loomis, Mike Lembeck, Victor Druskin, Lloyd Ta}'lor, Mike Spurgeon. NOT PICTURED: Frank Hoole, Dr. Robert Canary, Linda Oden, Maureen Hill, Major Charles L. Waid. PUBLICATIONS BOARD (from left): Dr. Charles Yahr, Roger Roppe, Rex SalI?on, ~ob White Frank Holowach, Dr. James Juhan, MI~e Spurg~on, Joe Kiefer, Sandie Ship~, Gayle Ch:lstiansen, Chic Duggan. Not pictured : DIck Nichols. LONG RANGE PLANNING BOARD: The Long Range Planning Board coordinated the financing, architectural design, activities, program, and organizational structure of the proposed San Diego State Student Union Building. Board members are: Harvey Goodfriend, Robert McCoy, Dr. Donald Theil, Dean Margery Warmer, Jerry Harmon, Dave Johnson, Mike Myers, Mike Spurgeon. PUBLIC RELATIONS BOARD, FRONT ROW: Margie Boyd, Gayle Christiansen. BACK ROW: Bob Yale, Dr. Frank Irgang, Doug Pattillo, Dr. Frank Robertson, Roy Lessard. PEP .BOARD (from left): Barbara Green, Ron Dermer, Carol. ~ilson, Dr. Millard Biggs, Vern Rosene, Dr. wnu, Kendall, Jan Tilds. BACK ROW: Don Weaver, Jim Ashcraft. SPECIAL EVENTS BOARD, FRONT R<?W: Doug Townsend, Judy Gottlieb, Carol WIlson, Jill Warren Ginger Irvine, Dot Hartman. BACK ROW: Vern Rosene, Frank Hoole, Tom Luhnow, Dean Leptich. 37 Associated Women Students All the women students at SDS arc members of the Associated Women Students. AWS sponsors twenty programs for women students each scm ester. Among them are the Program Planning Party during Orientation Week, a lecture series "it's a Woman's World," the Towle Silver Display, and an International Students Dessert. The Knobby Knees Contest and Fresh Fete are included in All Women's Week a highlight of the fall semester. ' The AWS Woman of the Month and Woman of the Year a wards are given to outstanding women leaders. Miss Roberta Hales is faculty advisor. Associated Men Students The Associated Men Students student body at SDS. AMS tries to provide is an organization well-rounded comprised of the male and diversified activities for men students. Among AMS-sponsored activities are surfing and sports films, after-game a folk festival, a Christmas charity project, and Fite Nite. dances, AMS also presents the Man of the Month and Man of the Year awards to deserving campus leaders. Frank Hoole is faculty advisor. JERRY MONELL President D MINIE CAPPADONNA President LINDA ODEN Vice President NANCY WINTERS Secretary BEVERLY SODOMKA Treasurer AWS COUNCIL, FRONT ROW (f If). Oden, Nancy Winters. rom e t . Beverly Sodomka, Dominie Cappadonna, Linda BACK ROW: Miss Roberta Hales ad' . B . H f . Corinne Gardner, Christine Lam r~u ~I~or, onrue ae er, Ten Shonaker, Sherrill Hatfield, son, Nedra Snyder, Betsy Cunnin:harr:, 1~z~~~~ic~.unnae Gavett, Betty Bradley, Joanne Per- JOHN LACY Vice President DENNIS DANIEL Secretary DENNY MacDONALD Treasurer AMS COUNCIL, FRONT ROW (from left): Larry Manson, Tommy Logans, Tom Jimenez, George Abdelnour, Mike Sund, Ron Long. . " . BACK ROW: Mike Munz, Dennis Daniel, RIch Smith, Jim Dale, Denny MacDonald, Terry Storevik, Jerry Monell, John Lacy, Lou Gadless. Senior Class Junior Class The activities of the senior class were centered around graduation. Senior Awards Day, held May 21, honored outstanding class members for their contributions to SDS. Baccalaureate services were scheduled with an informal reception for graduating seniors and their parents. Commencement exercises culminated class activities. The junior class sponsored the February Flop dance, held the first week of the spring semester. A Bare Foot Drag and the traditional Blue Book Ball rounded out the year's activities. MERRELL DAVIS President DOUG FRED MILEY Vice President - 40 SENIOR CLASS COD . Driver, Rich Johnston. NCIL MEMBERS MARION LITTLE Secretary (f rom I f e t): Marion Little, Merrell RICH Davis, Diane JOHNSTON Treasurer BOB ODLE Vice President BONNIE ALDER Secretary UNIOR CLASS COUNCIL MEMBERS ~ob OdIe, Bonnie Alder, Doug Manchester, MAN HE TER President LYNN BEECHLER Treasurer (from left): Gary Hart, Erin Schmidt, Lynn Beechler, Janet Johnson. Diane Zervas, 41 Sophomore Class Freshman Class The sophomore class sponsore? several activities .this past year, including a Sadie Hawkms d~nce held dunng AWS "Catch a Man Week." Later in the semester the class sponsored a "Bring Your Favorite Fool to the April Fools Dance." The freshman class sponsored the Blue Book Ball held at the end of the fall semester. The dance, held traditionally at the end of finals, featured the Elliott Brothers band. The Belle of the Blue Book Ball was selected from a group of freshman candidates. TEVE IB President JIM WHITE Pre ident ROBIN CHRISTY Vice President DONNA PETERSEN Secretary MYRA SCHWARTZ Treasurer £ FRESHMAN 42 CLASS COUNCIL MEMBERS PSOPHOMORE orter, , FRONT ROW: Clo Ann Vaughan, Kay BACK ROW: R bi Ch Jim White. 0 In risty, Donna Petersen M S h , yra c wartz, Alex Brucker, Bob Sitcoscy, Ault, ROW ROW ROW KAREN THOMPSON Treasurer SHARON TAYLOR Secretary TOM AULT Vice President N • CLASS COUNCIL MEMBERS, ROW 1: Karen Thompson, Steve Gibson, Tom Sharon Tayl<;,r. .., Menzie Anne Merman, Judi Norberg, Judi Jones. 2: Anne MIller, ':'Ickl Slhradton,SChatrhon G or<Tgi~ Janet Gilbert, Kathy Houser, Eben Dale. 3: Paula Gray, Elissa Fe n ers, aye ". , 4: Art Aratin, Ben Clay. 43 A.CTI'V"ITIES SDS Doors Open to .Welcome Its New and Returning Students IWW hig!l in cnrolhucnt was reached when 14,'i'i(J students f('gistcred for classes in September. To new students, this was an experience long to be remembered. To the veterans of registration, the lines only S('('!Iwd t g·t longer and the ria ses seemed to dose faster. Plastic identification cards, used for the first time last fall, helped to speed the process of mass education. At the end f the three day episode, it was evident to seniors as well as freshmen, that in the eyes of the administration 1I ill" equal. ... Animal husbandry ... a-n-i-m- ... But that's not possible-that Neither rain I , nor s eet, nor dark of night shall sta " '. y these stud en ts from t hci I' phgh t. class was just open a second ago. A spirited assembly was a highlight of Orientation Week. 47 ~~~'.\.:... 1d ~'~-:.": .. ----- --~ .'t!'",.,....~_~,,~-.... ~ ..~.................... ,~..-~.", ... Presents Cheerleaders stimulate SDS school spirit. Mixed emotions are evident at the sidelines. Chi Omega Showboat A rose, is a rose, is a rose ... AWS Femme Fashion Show The sophisticated young females at SDS find a chance to view the best of fashions. One of the annual fall highlights is "Showboat," sponsored by Chi Omega sorority. The traditional theme is accented by the southern dress of the sorority members. Voting for King Cotton is held at the dance and this year's king was Kent Lawson, sponsored by Sigma Chi. Advertising for the event is provided by a cotton picking contest on the bookstore lawn. A free bid to the dance is awarded to the best cotton picker. ... And the king is crowned. IN I"" ".""IoRU \liego Siale CoRet! Student Union Plans Approved A record number of students voted, in October, on the proposed plans for the Studer:t Union. The vote resulted III the approval of the student tax needed to make a dream b~c?me a reality. The planned addition to the campus will provide study rooms, an auditorium, sna~~. shop, and recreational.faClhtles. Although the constru~tI~:m date is still in the future, It IS the present day students who have. provided the spirit and enthusiasm to get the student center under way. * * !STUDENT OHIOI JR RESPOMSIBIUn TO yOU 1< lit' t~iUrS.: * OCT. 7:30 ..... til1(l:OO , .... MAIN QUAD & frool ~ BOOK Peace Corps Director Speaks on Campus Kicking off his California recruitment tour, R. Sargent Shriver spoke to San Diego State students on the Peace Corps program. Mr. Shriver, director of the U.S. Peace Corps, emphasized the fact that California supplied a majority of the 7,000 volunteers stationed in 46 countries. During the week of Oct. 7, a team of representatives set up a Peace Corps center on campus to supply students with information about the program and to administer entrance tests. As a result of the campaign, San Diego State set a national recruiting record for colleges and universities. AWS Towle Silver Display 51 Frosh Camp To the new students of San Diego State, Frosh Camp provides an opportunity to become better acquainted with their campus. On a Friday afternoon they retreat to the mountains for a weekend. Along with fun, there are informative seminars led by campus leaders and school administrators. IFC Bidding Fraternity life can be a rewarding experience for any college man. Selecting the right group is a serious and, sometimes, tedious procedure. The Inter-Fraternity Council has organized the system of bidding to provide equal membership among the campus fraternities. -and then the rains came. What do you mean-I can only have one? The male students gather together to await results of bidding. Splish, splash, taking a walk on a Tuesday morning. 52 53 j Carnival Becomes a Part of Homecoming House Decoration All work, no play is the motto for those who work on house decorations. The Homecoming Carnival stimulated the interest and spirit the students, as a climax to Homecoming Week. To enrich the activities of the week, the Carnival made its first appearance this year. There was fun and [rolir for all to participate i~. and enjoy. The Carnival proved to be a successful addition to the activities of the week. of By the light takes shape. of the moon a showboat Arms and legs-but what, no head? 54 55 • Homecoming 1963 .i->: I The fi rst ferns. wheel won second place honors for Kappa Sigma fraternity. Pi Kappa Alpha and Gamma Phi Beta teamed to win the Sweepstakes trophy. Long hours and hard work resulted in this first place effort by Alpha Tau Omega and Alpha Chi Omega. Sigma Chi and Kappa AIp h a Theta's house decoration was awarded third place. .._~~-~--~~~-~ AZTECS: Stop~ "EM I . For an entire week the spirit of the 1890's prevailed at San Diego State College. The first indication of its beginning was the feverish construction of house decorations, which added sparkle and enthusiasm to the activities ahead. Chairman Dale Trower and adviser Ken Sovay inaugurated new activities which made Homecoming a success. Among these events were a bicycle-built-for-two race, the crowning of Homecoming Queen Gayle Griggs at the Main Arch, and a carnival which enhanced, even more, the mood of the festivities. The week was climaxed by a 42-14 football triumph over the University of California at Santa Barbara. The dance held that evening brought to a close the panorama of sound and color that was Homecoming. Best use of materials-Theta 56 Ch'I and Kappa Delta. Best portrayal of theme-Delta Sigma Phi. 57 Bicycle Race and Dance Highlight Homecoming -And the Queen is finally announced. Terry McPherson and Sandi Owens speed to victory in the Bicycle-Built-for-Two Race. Miss Gayle Griggs is crowned 1963 Homecoming Queen by AS President Mike Spurgeon. The Homeconiing' Dance at the EI Cortez Hotel was the finale of HomecomingWeek events. Miss is escorted to her car by Larry ,wIckstrom, president of her spo!!sormg organization, Tau Kappa Epsilon. 58 59 AS Elections Ben Trovaten auctions off members of the Sigma Phi Epsilon pledge class as slaves for a day. The slaves' tasks often include everything duties at sorority houses. from washing cars to pledge Sig Ep Slave Sale Campaign speeches were the order of the day as AS elections approached November. Pumpkin Pani Alpha Gamma Delta annually adds enthusiasm to the Halloween season when they. hold their Pumpkin Panic. Contestants in the e.vent compete for coveted ~ltles by carving a pumpkin Into a thing of beauty. The final results are often frightful as well as funny. I I , 60 International Student Night International Student Night provided our students from other countries with an opportunity to become better acquainted with each other and San Diego State. The friendly atmosphere of the Wesley Foundation Hall aided in giving a warm welcome to the new students. in LAC Presents Peter, Paul, and Mary Appearing before a sell-out crowd in Peterson Gym, Peter, Paul, and Mary brought to SDS a lively hootenanny spirit. The famous folksinging trio were making a fall tour of college campuses. Their appearance was greeted with anxiety and enthusiasm, Jven to the extent that a new sound system was installed for the occasion. Freshmen coeds were selected to model in Frosh Fete. Let's all do the twist ... Julie London Adding air <j)fsophistication to the pr.ogram, JUlie. London appeared at San Diego State with Bobby Troup and his Jazz group. Miss London entertained III the Greek Bowl with a medley of her popular songs, including "Cry Me a River." Don Cossack Dancers The Don Cossack Dancers and Chorus appeared in concert in the CLS Auditorium.. The program, sponsored by the LAC, included Russian folksongs Cossack. battle songs, sword dan~es, and national dances of Byelorussia. AWS All Women's Week One week each year is planned by AWS especially to catch the interest of the college coed. A highlight of All Women's Week was the Knobby Knees contest. A penny a vote determined the winner who was Bill Stubbs, sponsored by Kappa Delta sorority. Ten freshman coeds ~odeled campus clothes, sports outfits, and cocktail dresses III the annual Frosh Fete. Councilwoman Helen Cobb and three SDS male faculty members held a debate on "A Woman's Role in Politics." A surfing movie, "Autumn Leaves" banquet, and dance concluded the week. Bonnie Haefer served as chairman of the event. Bill Stubbs, Knobby Knees winner, is shown holding his trophy. Chariot Races Pledges work harder at chariot races in the fall than at any other time. Each fraternity enters a racing chariot pulled by fou~ pledges and a decorated chanot for the pageantry award. Th.e decorated chariots enter the held carrying the group's Ch~riot . Queen candidate. Winnmg this . year's contest was Lam?d~ ChI Alpha and its Qu~en NIC~l Armanino. Delta SIgma PhI was given the pageantry award. Charity Football Game The pledge classes of Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity and Chi Omega sorority played a rough and rugged football game in the Charity Bowl last December. The money from the game was donated to the Muscular Dystrophy Association. Needless to say, the Chi Omega team team won a decisive 19-7 victory over the Sigma Phi Epsilon team. . , The wmnmg team, Lam bd alpChi AI ha , and Chariot Races Queen Nicki Armanino. Farmers' Frolic Farmers' Frolic, sponsored by Kappa Sigma, never fails to bring fun and excitement to the SDS campus. The pledges of the fraternity dress as farn:ers during the week to advertise the upcomIng dance. In keeping with the spirit of the event, the fraternity holds a buttermilk drinking contest and a greased pig chase. Winners of those contests win a free bid to the dance. 64 -\ 65 , ~.,., ~ " .uv-v Ii ~., • Hootenanny Sev ral popular folk hootenannies wer held during the year for the enjoyment of SDS students. Christmas Carol Prof. E. Kingsley Povenmire gave his annual reading of Charles Dickens' "Christmas Carol" at an assembly held during the Yuletide season. 67 Finals and Blue Book Ball End Fall Semester Stephan!e Smith is crowned Belle of the Blue Book Ball, by Steve GIbson, Freshman Class President. Registration Begins the Spring Semester The Belle of the Ball and her court (from left): Marilyn Woker, Sharon Taylor, Stephanie Smith Stephanie Bedillion Linda Elliott. ' , In the library we find eager students studying for final exams. 69 Brass Quintet The Chad ¥itchell Trio \ Drew Pearson Danish Gym Team Joan Baez I 71 I I Fite Nite Catch-A-Man- Week 1964 being a leap year provided A WS wit~ the theme for Catch A Man Week. The events of the week centered around the interests of the college women ronternplating marriage. Included in the activities were a bridal fashion show and a ring display. A discussion by Dr. Thomas Gillette gave the single girl an insight into the secrets of catching a man and provided a fitting conclusion to a most interesting week. Joan McCarl and Archie Moore have a little talk during Fite Nite. Miss McCarl was selected to reign as Miss Knockout. Fite Nite, sponsored by AMS, is one of the highlights of the spring semester. Sigma Phi Epsilon won the Fite Nite title by scoring a total of 59 points. with a total of some 800 spectators viewing the event. Miss Joan McCarl, a member of Alpha Phi sorority. won the title of Miss Knockout. She was sponsored by Sig Eps. Miss Sally Hallenbeck, Best Dressed Ooed (In Campus, models during the Bridal Fashion Show. Most Uncatchable Man, Henry Ramirez. 72 MISS KNOCKOUT CANDIDATES (from left): Juelle Lamb, Joan ~cCarl, Karen Boyce, Linda Dickens, Gerri Jamieson, Sandi Owens, Jeannie Lomac, Waskah MIller, and Fran Wargo. Each candidate spoke on "Why I Like Men." 73 I Polka Party The wearing of Tyrolean costumes by G~~ma Phi Beta members announced the soronty s annual Polka Party. Bids for the dance were sold from a Swiss chalet on campus. The Swiss Club in Chula Vista was the setting for the event, with music provided by the Ray-Nears. Tim MacNeil buys a bid from Judy Bacon, Gayle Christiansen and Linda Williams. SIR JULIAN HUXLEY ALLEN DULLES LAC Culture Programs Scientist and philosopher Sir Julian Huxley spoke at San Diego State on the "Humanist Revolution." He was at one time a professor at the University of London and, later, executive director of UNESCO. Former CIA Chief Allen Dulles spoke at San Diego State as part of his tour of California State Colleges. His address concerned the CIA's responsibility in combating subversive movements and Communism. Suzann~ Owen represen ts Peach Flambe m the production of Le Gourmand. The San Diego Ballet Company pr.esented three ballets for the entertamment of SDS students. TKE-PiKA Auxiliary Game A challenge football game between the Sweethearts of the Diamond, Pi Kappa Alpha auxiliary and the Daughters of Diana, Tau Kappa Epsilon auxiliary, was held this spring in Aztec Bowl. Both teams showed real gridiron spirit but Daughters of Diana emerged with a 6-0 win. 74 75 Alpha Chi Omega Easter Seal Drive Goldwater Camp<tig;ns at'SnS As an annual event Alpha Chi Omega sorority conducts an Easter Seal Drive on campus. The donations, in excess of $400, went to the sorority's philanthropy which is the National Society for Crippled Children anclAdults. A highlight of the week-long drive was a roller skating contest. Pairs of skaters raced through the Main Quad with the winnin~ team receiving a trophy from the Easter Seal Child of San Diego. As part of his whirlwind tour of Southern California, Sen. Barry Goldwater spoke in the San Diego State Open Air Theater. After an introductory statement, the senator answered questions directed at him. Holding their first place t~ophies ~re Taffy Polster and Ashley Bishop, wmners for the second straight year. Art Exhibit To enlighten SDS students on the su~~ ject of art, exhibits are shown .t~rou;dd out the semester. These exhIbIts to the cultural activities of our campus. 76 71 Sigma Chi Derby Day AS Elections Miss Derby Day, CAROL LANE ~_~_-r-.. $p.ur&eQ~speaks~to durmg ~e elections assembly. the students-oj SDS Candidates wait patiently for their turn to speak. 'the ml')nih <>fApril brought elections of AS officers. Candidates campaigned vigorously for various offices. Voting results made Jerry Harmon the victor in the l;'ac~for ASl>ociatedStudents president for the coming year. Denny Moore, Linda 'tbornpson~and Jim Ashcraft were elected to serve with him as vice president, liecretary~and commissioner of finance respectively. How to grab a derby in One easy ( ?) lesson. Th~ men of Sigma Chi fraternity sponsored their annual camEus event known as D~r~b;I'_;"""' __ ~The men wore black derbies symbolizing the event during the week prior to the event. Teams from each sorority and women's dorm competed for honors in contests such as a tricycle race flour frolic can-~an re.lay, and a tug-a-war.' Chi Omega' s~ronty skillfully captured this year's winmng trophy and Carol Lane, Kappa Alpha Theta, was selected as Miss Derby Day. 78 ...... __ AS,,;~resident~ike -':---~ Whoa, there! An abundance of posters herald upcoming elections. 79 "Playboy of the Western World." "A Game of Chess," (from left) : Dean Shannon, Steve Engel, David Cannon, Joe Woodard. The TheatJ'(~ Guild pu-scnts a series of produrt ious throughout the )('al which giw the dlalll~ students cxpcricncr- in professional production as well as providing the community with a SOUlC(' of [inc entertainment. Participants in the plays arc chosen by casting and readings. Such productions as Importauo- of Being Earnest, qU('('1l of the Rebels, Beti, and View From the Bridge were presented by the group. "Rhinoceros," (from left): ster, Jack Montgomery. 80 "Playboy of the Western World," (from left): Colin McKay, Ann Win~all" Pat Mun- 81 "The Importance of Being Earnest," (from left): Sarah Witty, Jim Brown, Jim Eggleston, Linda Kampley. "This Property Is Condemned," (from left): Connie Kellog, James Carlsen. "The Queen and the Rebels," (from left): David Cannon, Robert Luster, Kerry Slattery. "A View From the Bridge," (from left): Dan Asmann, Jan Rotchstein, Anthony Kretowicz. 82 83 This is our college, the rapidly expanding campus of San Diego State. With a total of approximately 14,500 students, SDS ranks third in enrollment among the seventeen California state colleges. It is the institution which offers "everything under the sun" to students living in the harbor of the sun, San Diego. 84 THIS IS SAN DIEGO,STATE COLLEGE, 1964 85 Our Campus Expands To come ... Campanile Mall. 86 87 Homecoming Queen, 1963 Homecoming Court , )fiss Skerttt! .Hotlield )fiss eoroliHo PittmoH , ... )tiss (jol/le (jriggs )fiss /Vedra SHlIder )fiss !lol1e Wrigltt 89 Dream Girl of Delta Sigma Phi )liss POHlelo WilsUH Sweetheart of Kappa Alpha Psi Miss :DuHo/do )lusoV Dream Girl of Kappa Sigma Miss KarliN Cross and Crescent Girl of Lambda Chi Al ha rltOJJfIlS )liss !VaNcil StroNg Dream Girl of Pi Kappa Alpha Sweetheart of Sigma Chi ) )liss iJioJlo Stopp )fiss Rozl/J1J1c)II/ell Sigma Nu White Rose Queen )tiss SHerrill .Hot/ield Sigma Phi Epsilon Queen of Hearts )fiss Ka fifteen )toreg ';;'.,,~ -, ' ...-~ Sweetheart of Sigma. Pi )tiss PeDDIIv/lf/ell • __.' '- ------~~~--- -_ ...~-_~_~,...~ ..".,..... ",~.~_. ·'lll'i''t ...... __ ... ~e'loi'\ •• ,., ....... ' • Sweetheart of Tau Kappa Epsilon )tiss vllllle (jriDDs • Dream Girl of Theta Chi )fiss feci/io goduou! Sw-eetheart of Zeta Beta Tau \ )liss SuzoHHelVewIHoH Mili tary Ball Queen Best Dressed College Coed Area I Queen of Selected by the Arnold Air Society )tiss !l1ne Anne Wriglt t Sweetheart of Glamour Magazine )tiss Susa« )teAr/ltur Miss Port of San Diego Alpha Phi Omega )tiss Sl1ndrl1 )t11£well )tiss ~(1ZI1Hne)tl1ek 103 ! \ O::RG.A.~IZ.A. TIO~S t MAYA HALL FIRST FLOOR, ROW I (from left): Lorenc Bunker, Mary Breniman, Sue Dunston, Maureen Osborne Kathy Bowers, Pat Freeman. . . M n ROW 2 ~ Adena Ames, Linda Waldo, Chris Pratt, Joan Rosten, Carol KUJawa, Linda c ee, Delores Armijo, Phyllis Galant, Lorence Laine, Gayle Mullen. . ROW 3: Fernanda Kisso, Myra Hopper, Chris Ives, Lynne Cooper, Leslie Turner, Kare~ Grace, Tony Bozich, Diane Krarnb, Eileen Buckel, Mary Ann Ruhwedder, Lynn Randall, Frankie Lake, Judi Jones. DORM OFFICE~~, ROW I (from left): man, ArmIJO· ROW Delor~s 2: Sidoney Sta If·re Id I Ph yIrsI Galant SECOND FLOOR, ROW 1 (from left): Margaret Nesbit, Becky Gunderson, Marsha Morga?, Peggy Higgins, Lois Gleeson, Esther Sherwood, Karen Wa.lling, Dianna Lesikar, Nancy Norris, Grace Hines. . . ROW 2: Judy Gottlieb, Marsha Keene, Mary Stergios, Jane Graves, Karen Vanhoose, Phyllis Elijah, Carol Clark, Cathy Duell, Stephanie Miller, Julie Greene, Sue Tilsworth, Carole Young, Sheila Ellis, Nhi Nguyen. THIRD FLOOR, ROW I (from left): Nancy Jacques, Jeanne Colfer, Julie Anderson, Heidi Georgenson, Kathy Barto, Carol Smith, Judy Scheetz, Carol Davila, Elizabeth Cameron, Karen Hull, Dona Adams. 106 , ,Judy Gottlieb, Mary Breni- Harriet Lantz, Sharon M ·yer. STANTS (from left): Peggy Nesbit, RESIDENT ASSIW a,II Karen Hull. Not pictured: DexJeni Duke, Sharon ter Fisher. ROW 3: Jeni Duke, Donna. Brownell, Linda Davidson, Peggy Baxter, Sally Tavagliorie, Nancy Fisher, Kathy Clarke, Liz David, Sonya Holtan, Martha Paine, Linda Hixson, Nancy Hqbbs, Barbara Bush, Sandy Vail, Nancy Nevin, Gerry Narky, Sue Stansbury, Karen Bettinger, Linda Green, Ann Seccombe, Kay Anderson. ROW 2: ~avelle Foos, Betty Miele, Nancy Burton, Sande Katz, Janet Ikerd, Janet Johnson, ~roy Peschke, Jill Marquez, TinaCohen, Dail. Sharon Meyer, Carol Jenkins " Gail Pearson Beverly Ostroman, Adriana W R9 3: C~rolee Moor~, Lesley McPhaden, Midge Cadman, Sharon Wall, Marilyn Couch, Nancy Pamter,Jam<:e~o.tchsteIn,Sally Baldwin, Sally Roesch, Anna Stephens, Bonnie Alder, .Pat Dowell, Sally Virginia Troutt, Dena Mandel, Lonnie Wicklund, Kathy Johnston, Jenmfer Selbert, Mary Fay, Ann Hawley. Linda MeB Why don't you come up an d see u S some time? Meet your new roommates. 107 OLMECA HALL FIRST FLOOR, ROW 1 (from left): P,:ttie Wardwell, ~at Fo~ster, Karen M. Anderson, Sharon Wise, Jill Cowan, Barbara Mosso, LaDeha McGrew, j ulia Molina. . ROW 2: Stephanie Short, Mary Raddatz, Jane Hersh, Lynn G.reenway, ~usan. Tate, LIn~a Ta?or, Karen Thompson, Janet Hornung, Joyce Carvin, Joann Schnitzer, Tracie Oliver, Margie EWIng, Phyllis Pansegrau, Clara Rippy. ROW 3: Sharon Lair, Jane Sprigg, Carol Hart, Pat Lane. f Anne Hunter Barbara Strutton, Mariann DORM OFFICERS, ROW 1 (ffom.le t): c Harve Marsha Graton, Capaiu, Alice Rathb~n, Ca:olYlnKWelgelk~:ennYJacobut Carol Tubesing, Caron Todd, ROW 2~ Sharon WIse, Krista ruse, Betty Arbon. SECOND FLOOR, ROW 1 (from left): Pat Cummings, Judy Johnson, Pauline Bachakes, Kristal Kruse, Betty Arbon, Carol A. Curtis, Kathy Difani, Nancy Whitlock, Nancy Lebowitz. . ROW 2: Cynthia Honig, Mary Ageno, Linda Taniguchi, Linda R. Williams, Jean Haskins, Michelle Normandin, Lee Anne Laughery, Joyce Kaskey, Lynn Kambestad, Sandra Norvell, Nancy Norwood, Sharon Eastwood, Suzanne Grundstmm,. Sandra Cochran. ROW 3: Linda Voran, Joan Gregory, Diane Kwolik, Peggy True, Barbara Bohman, Dana Rullo, Donna McFarland, Carolyn Foelschow, Carolyn Weigel, Barbara Hedrick, Nancy Harvey, Susan Clayburgh, Mary Hamilton, Diane Loomis. SISTANTS (from left): Leni Lawatch, RESIDENT A.S W'II' Janet Ewalt, ~mda I lams, Joan Nelson , Peggy Gurley, Martha MacKirdy. THIRD FLOOR, ROW 1 .(from left): Marti Mattraw, Lynn Beechler, Sue Clarke, Diane Butler, Lynn Koleto, Joy Bell. Auxier, Caron Todd, Carol Tubesing, Sandy Smith, Melinda Halverson, Pat Scholefield, Barbara 108 ROW 2: Carol Jamison, Kathie Anderson, Carol S. Smith, Sue Shaw, Carol Plumb, Cheryl MeP~r1and, Kay ~oberts.on, joline Schrock, Barbara Strutton, Peggy Sturm, Marcia Freedman, Mary Titus, Stephanie KreIder, Irene Pomeroy, Ellen Leichliter, Marianne Capaiu, ROW 3: Barbara Wesley, Sally Wood, Barbara Bates, Sue L. Smith, Kathy Cunningham, Linda Wood, Mary StIck~e, Joanne Haldeman, Susan Rossman, Alice B. Rathbun, Gayle Griggs, Sharon ~I~ncy, Janet S~U1res,Joan Dussaman, Beth Hindley, Yvonne Greathouse, Dena Windsor, Marjorre Bell, Marcia Graton, Carol Forbes, Mary Woods. ROW 4: Carol GayleRyden, Strand, Pam Bunny Cooper, Anne Hunter, Karen Kinsella, Priscilla Price, Janice Fletcher, Dukes. You should see us in the morning. Olmeca mobilizes for war. 109 ZAPOTEC HALL FIR T FLOOR ROW) (from left): Lancey Holly, Ronnie Go~ton, Susie Ogren, Kathie Moss, J nn Dahlen Sheryl Cummings, Linda Yibrba,Nancy Burk! Jamce Crowell:. . ROW 2: Darice Tippets, Barbara Javorik, Ka~hy Axtell, Linda Garbett, Rita Robinson, Jackie Van Ausdal Katie Mitchell, Donna Lloyd, j udibeth James, . ROW 3: Greer Grant, Carol Zeni, Kathy Clark, Susan Gayer, Sandy ~adden, Linda Kearn, Marilyn Hansen, Jennifer Forsberg, Linda Bewley, Beth Hopper, Karen Christy, Cathy Blackstock, Mary Melchione, Judy Enkosky. FALL DORM OFFICER~, FR9NT ROW: Pat Mikolyczyk, Linda Morns, Susie Ogren. BACK ROW: Jeri Nelson, Pat Hand, Donna Truran, Pat Ford. SECOND FLOOR, ROW) (from left): Marty Langley, Janet Fahrner, Marietta Cunningham, Susan Vening, Jan Tilds, Ardith Fields, Bonnie Frazer, Carolyn Pratt, Daira Paulson, Sharon Shirley, Jan Lopez. . . ROW 2: Carolina Pittman, Joanne Pearlman, Catherine Evers, Susan Bowness, Demse Kmght, Francie Farnell, Karen Sowe!!, Judy L'Hommedieu Q.arlaBollr'!lk.Jl!£!>: Dingle!~een CO!1~-~~_~~~~_~--~-l'--------rad, Barbara Scott. SPRING DORM OFFICERS. (from lefdt)I: . 0gre,n Jackie Van Aus Gloria Bareno, S usie . M L' da, Bonnie Frazer, Pat Hand, Katie oss, in a Morris. ROW 3: Catherine McWhorter, Beverly Bates, Nancy White, Diane$imon, Charlotte Swycaffe,r, Donna Burns, Neshat Elihu, Sharon Langsdorf, Linda Siegle, Nancy English, Florice Kurtz; Sharon Cunningham, Bonnie Herkelrath, Donna Truran, Cathleen Grigsby, Robin Crooms, Pam Weidaw. ROW 4: Linda Morris, Jeri Nelson, Marianne Malone, Susan Batrud, Mary MacLeod, Janie Sympson, Joan English, Judi Balestra, Linda Jedlicka, Sue Small, Joanne Laible, BarbaraB,radt, Sugar Nicholson, Sue Skarie, Carolyn Seibert, Patty York, Jill Vanderhoof, Elizabeth Marston, Loretta Crirn, Deborah Winans. ! j T~IRD ~LOO~, ROW) (from left): Sue Fe.rguson, Yoshie Higashizawa, Phan Thi Hue, Nipa RaJavaralkara, Carol Wendland, Gall Seltz Linda Myers Maggie Headman Suzanne Capune Wendy Wood, ~ar.ol Eonds, Pam Thack~r, Michele Rehfe'ld, K~thy Roche, J~n Outeen. ' ROW 2,: Phyllis Conrad, Terry Drumaglm, Ann Marriner, Sharen Zatkin, Mary Enland, Carol H~touman, Gale Atwood, Dena Munch, Bobbi White Sally Thomas Dianne Henkelman Pat Mikolyczyk, Patty Capp, Eonnie Bellwood, Rainis Hamilton " Barba~a Piggott Shirley Petty, Pat Ford. 110 ROW 3: Lynne G0.1dsmith,J~dy Kara, MMie Hitchcock, Karen Lusk, Pat Hand, Carol Svendsen, Anna Ganino, B<,>mtaLong, ?ally Gray, DIanna Woy, Diane Crowell, Sharon Maguire, Jennifer "Yells, Diana Wirtz, Suzy rlerma! Laura J urin, Carol Lueck, Eva Dostal, Connie Lang, Ann Callahan, Pat Hf'nry, Sandra English, Barhara Polinger, Sally Wilson, Carol Housel, Kathy Plett. Does your chewing gum lose its flavor ... My goodness-an electric Gotcha game! 111 · .. ~ ..... - --- -- ~----~ TARASTEC HALL DORM OFFICERS (from .Ie~t): R;on Kopp, Richard Stewart, Claire Hlg!l'lDs, BIll HOWie, Rich Browning, Don Alger, Tim Coleman, Wes Smith. FIRST FLOOR ROW I (from left) : Don Wozniak, Fred James, Chester Yamaga, Bill Radke, Claire Higgins, jim White, David Blankenship, Mike McNew, Dwight Wool,hase, ROW 2: Art Davis, Mike Grover, Barry Thompson, H,erbert Holtan, RIChard Shultz, Pete Junger, Rich Browning, Barry Klein, J. T. Smith, John Nilsen. .' ROW 3: Dick Donaldson, Vern Daniels, Jee DeVore, Larry .Galyea~, Bob Eldridge, John Neeson, Ron Dernier, Ron Bippert, Jim Scott, Stan Bareham, Rick DaVIS, Steve Hutcherson, John Pickett, Paul Bakkom, Bill Brees. ~;I~:r~,e t;~;)~~rt~~~RD~~~a~sg~~; ~:M~so~:e£'?~TsJ_~~ll lt~~~;t!Wht~il:::sJ~~!k_~~------~---"""" hansing, Harvey Watkins, ROW 2: Jim Moore, Manuel Aceves, Art Martinez, Ron Dukes, Bob Skelton, Leonard Zagwolski, Mike Williams, Craig Beam, Mike Hill, Randy Wood, Dave Gould, Bill Howie. ROW 3: Gary Means, Al Mech, Octavia no Quintero, Jim Griswold, Joe Vincent, Tom Lederer, Dennis Smith, Larry Hieger, Paul Jozwicki, John Cleverdon, Ken Carpi, Herb Hitney, Art Hoelderlin, Mike Johnson, Marc Nichols, Rich Kelber, Lee Woodard, Ron Jones. 112 THIRD FLOOR, ROW. 1 (,from left): Bob MacFarlane, David Strachan, Gary Slater, Stu Thomson, Ted Schultz, Tim Coleman, Wayne Noble, Randy Swan Richard Herkert Gary Keapproth, Don Alger, Stew Zodrow, Robert Hickethier. ' , ROW 2: Rich. ThoH;as, Fr~d Hopkins, Randy Raycroft, Ben Stromberg, Dave Votaw, Dave Argall, Wes Smith, Wilham Causley,. Tom Hobbs, Davc May, Jim Stuart, Go Aono, Rich Stewart. RqW 3: Robert Brindley, Bob Wl1loughby, Lee Whitman, Steve Smolen, Skip Kempff, Bob Feigcn, Mike Kahuna, La~rence Mormon, Bob C~}YIngton,Charles Christian, Jon Fink, John Nance, Bob .Duell, Allen Bnckman, Ray.Bathnck, Jim Stacy. ROW ~: Dick McRe.ynolds, Richard Kirkpatrick .. Lyn Anderson, Bob Baldwin, P. W. Witham, Ron Peterson, V~lentIne Prclle, Steve Reinert, Mike Towles, Jim Ashcraft, Joe Tamulonis, Robert Hall, Byron Fennema, Don Hilts, John Westling. RESIDENT ASSISTANTS (from le.ft): Don Hilts Dick Donaldson, John Westhng, Mrs. Dorothy Greer, housemother; Gary Means, Ron Jones. f 1 --~~ j ..... _--"- -~~ 1 I Sorry-wrong number. A Tarastec scholarship committee meeting. 113 I t' TOLTEC HALL r. FIRST FLOOR, ROW 1 (from left): John Blanchard, Philip Henry, Frank Lindeberg, John Tobey, Frank Alling. ROW 2: Wayne Peevey, Mark Rosen, Larry Anders, Tom Bagley, Shuhong Chu, Michael Stolarsky. ROW 3: Art Aratin, Ed Mann, Larry Test, Bob Hovey, Eric Eliason, Jim Beckman, Robert Ruth. FALL DORM OFFICERS (from left): Gary Dunn, Dick Nichols, Don Jenkins, Tom Boswell, Steve Swedberg, Mike Stolarsky, Bob DeGroote. --"""""',...-- ....... SECOND FLOOR, ROW 1 (from left): David Wainwright, Soup Marline, Bill Giles, Rich Johnson, Lewis Johnson. ROW 2: Dennis Stone, Albert Hall, David Crawford, Greg Marken, Lou Kreitzer, Dick Morrison, Jim Bob DeGroote, Corbett Phibbs, Nichols, Robin SPRING DORM OFFICERS (from left): ~d Mann, Larry Test, Eric Eliason, John Bost, Jim Curtis. _-~~._- Wid~ery.ROW3: Gary Phillippi, Simon C. Khoury III, Vi~~or Vinson, Bob McClaugherty, Ned Kilius, Richard Markle)', MIke Evans, Mark Burgeson, Mike Wolpert, Stan Rowe, Nguyen-dong Thinh. THIRD FLOOR, ROW I (from left): John Eliason, Dennis Kiefer, Bill Sward, Jim Keatley, David Kidder. ROW 2: Leonard Fallscheer, Jim Pendley, Eric Spangenberg, Chris Clemens, Ben Ecklar, Jim MacLaggan. 114 INTERDORM COUNCIL, FRONT ROW .(from left): Harriet Lantz, Peggy Gurley, Dotti Proh~ska, LaD elia McGrew, Barbara Barrett, Linda Taylor, Linda Morns, Barbara Scott, Marsha Keene. BACK ROW: Barbara Bell, Larry Test, Eric Eliason, Jim ~cott, Torn Hobbs, Rich Thomas, Claire Higgins, Dick Nichols, Marianne Capaiu, David Wilson. 115 Phi Eta Sigma Phi Eta Sigma is a national honorary scholastic fraternity for freshmen men. Its major purpose is to encourage and reward high scholarship. Membership is based on a minimum of 3.5 for either semester of the freshman year. This year Dennis Bunde served as president. Al pha Lambda Delta ..... r£1 NANCY PRAGER President CHARLENE SQUIRE Vice President JOHANNE HANSEN Secretary Alpha Lambda Delta, a national society for women which honors high scholastic achicve~lent. in the. f~rst or s~cond semester in college, promotes intelligent hvmg, a high standard of learning, and encourages superior attainment among the freshmen women. A spring initiation banquet was held in conjunction with Phi Eta Sigma as well as several lectures by SDS faculty members. It also co-sponsored the Founders' Day Scholarship Tea and provided guides for the California Scholarship Federation regional convention. ROW 1 (from left): Brian Wick, Jim Moffett Dennis Matson Dennis Bunde. ROW 2: David Hamill, Ed Goshorn, Richard'Foley. ' ROW 3: Hyman Lee, Mike Sprintzer, Jim Ball, Dr. Herbert Peiffer. Las Meninas GLORIA FISHER Treasurer Initiation ceremony. Las Menin~s, a Junior women's ho.norary, encourages leadership, high standards of sC,holar.s~IJ?'s~hool and c?~muruty service and friendship in Junior women. This year s. actrvrties mcl.uded a joint community project with other service organizations, a sprIng tea hono~ml? Cap and Gown.' a scholarship reception in honor of students on the Dean s list, and sponsorship of freshmen girls. \I 116 ROW 1 (from left): Martha MacKirdy, Nancy Winters Alice Hsu Eileen Davy Judy Anderson J anet Johnson, Sandy Rogers, Alice Budzinski. ' , , , RShOW2: Mrs. Marj?rie Cox, Bonnie Olson, Dot Hartman Judy Cross Maureen Hill Robin Vail aron Waxon, Patti Wardell. "" FRONT ROW (from left): Joan Bumgar?ner, .~ay Lynne ~eterson, Elisa Merino, Marjorie Ewing, Jane Birgelaitis, Carol Millton.' Jennefer Brown, Donna DcCunea, Nancy Prager. BACK ROW. Merla Porter, Pat Gamel, Andrea Gorgen, Taura-j een McMahon, Margaret Harding, Charlene Squire, Mary Skulavic.k, L!z Reich~rt1 Sandy Jordan, Linda Tabor, Sheila Marion, Gloria Fisher, Vicki Royalty, Johanne Hansen. 117 Kappa Pi DICK SHIELDS President Beta Gamma Sigma B ta Gamma Sigma is rh only schoJasti honor so icry in the field of ornmerce and busine s re ogniz d by th American Asso iation of Collegiate Schools of Business. The group's purposes are to ncourag and r ward scholarship and a ompli h· rnent among the students of comm r e ~'ld busin s administration to promot thv advancemci.t of du ation in the art and s .ience of business; and to foster integrity in the condu t of business operation. The society limits its membership to those who rank in the upper ten per cent of their graduating class. To obtain continuity in the local chapters, juniors among th highest four pCI' cent of their class may be elected in the last term or semester of the year. Each spring Beta Gamma Sigma holds a banquet honoring its new initiates. BOB JEWELL Vice Presiden t Kappa Pi, a national art fraternity, endeavors to uphold the highest ideals of a liberal education a~d. e~('0\lrag?s study and development of arnstic inclinations, This year the members participated in the InterCollegiate Art Show, sponsored a Christmas art sale using only student products, de('orat~d the ('?ildrens' hospital at Sharp ~emon~1 Hospital, displayed their work III the LI?rary and Commons, presented a scholarship, and gave' a gift to the art departmen t. LYNN WOODWARD Secretary NANCY WALL Treasurer SUZIE SWENSON Corresponding Secretary ROW 1 (from left): Victor Houle, Arthur Tye, James Hodges, Stephen Brown, Earl Chrysler. ROW 2: Edwin Fix, Mrs. Ethel Sykes, Geneva Hickman, Dean Charles Lamden, Mrs. Evangeline LeBarron, Oliver Galbraith, Dr. William Barber, William Harned. ROW 3: Dr. Glenn Hodge, Dr. Robert Hungate, Dr. Vern Odrnark, Kathleen Hodapp, Dr. Lynn Peters, Dr. Arthur Brodshatzer, Simon Reznikoff, Dr. Robert Langenbach, William Hippaka, Dr. Alexander Srbich, Dr. Allen Sinsheimer, Dr. Gerald Sharkey, Glenn Dunn. Kappa Delta Pi Kappa Delta Pi, a national society for promotion of high standards of preparation and fellowship among teachers, encourages high professional, intellectual, and personal standards as well as recognizI~g outstanding contribunons to education. The m~ior activity of the group this year was to send its president to the national convention held at Purdue Universi ty. 118 ROW 1 (from left): Douglas Dailard Dick Sh' Id ROW 2: Nancy Wall Lynn Woodwa;d S ie s. ROW 3: Carol Clark: Sue Olson Maril u~nffe ~wenso~, Lor!e Wallace. Bob Jewell. ,yn 0, tephame SWlggett Marie Hoff S W 11 ROW • , , ue a ace 4: Syed Yunus, Jan Hamner, Barbara Ruthford Je . NIp , , n e son, am Peters, Georgia Moffett. Harry Astrab, Peggy Baxter, Ginger Bradshaw, Linda Bray, Anne Brownell, Lee Burkett, Bernard Con.nolly, Shirley Crawford Sharon Crossley, Linda Davidson, Eileen Davy, Pat' Dennis, Jim DeVore, William Garrison, Diane Gehlin, Robert Graf, James Griswold, Pat Harders, Hilda Ishimine, Richard Johnson, Dianne Jones, Susan Kaiser, Donald Long, Claire Manfredi, Alga Mate, Robert Mello, L. Roe Meredith, Wallace Millson, Barbara Morgan, Antonio Morillo, Nikki Norstrom, Mn riAnne Pehka, Carol Petersen, Barbara Phillips, Mary Quiett, Jennie Rindone, John Rindone, Hisae Shima, Ferne Steck, Roy Stone, Morley Tadma n, Douglas Thompson, Clarence Uri, William West, Carolyn Wolf, Yuriko Yoshihara. 119 Epsilon Pi Tau 1\ / MARION LITTLE President JAMES POST President ALICE FOX Secondary Vice President TERRY CROCKER Elementary Vice President MARY CAIRNS Secretary Student California ,,---Teachers Association MARILYN GREEN Treasurer The Student California Teachers Association is an affiliate of the California Teachers Association and is open to all students interested in the field of education. Among the major purposes of SCT A is the development of professional attitudes and ethics among students. This year it heard speakers in the education field such as Dr. Dan Dawson and sponsored the Seven Professional Problems Conference. The theme of the conference was, "Should I teach in a culturallr, deprived area school? ' JAMES LANE Secn,tary- T reasurer Epsilon Pi Tau, an international honorary professional ~ratern.ity in industrial arts and industrial-vocational education, sponsored the Epsilon PI Tau Banquet, the Industrial Arts Conference and several scholarship activities this year. One of its major purposes is to raise the level of in?ividual and group rompetencies in industrial arts. The trustees are Dr. W. Carlisle Anderson and Dr. Lawrence Luce. ROW 1 (from left): Donna Breedlove, Mary Barbour, Kathy Dauwalder. ROW 2: Irvin Shimmin, Nancy Schroeder, Dr. Leonard Strom. I ROW 1 (from left): Dr. James McMullen, Michael Sullivan, Ernest Hirata, John McManus, James DeVore, Raymond Fukamizu. ROW 2: Dr. Lawrence Luce, James Heath, Edward Aguirre, Dr. 120 Gerald Hammer, James Lane, Dr. W. Carlisle Anderson. ROW 3: Donald Fuhr, Greg Bailey Gary Grebbien, Dr. Frank Irgang, Howard Stofer, James Post,' Kenneth Bouchard, William Mattoon. SCT A members. 121 Aztec Ski Club WYNN HOUSEL President BILL QUAPP Vice President SUE SHAFFER Secretary HORACE HERRMAN Advisor GERR Y ANDERSON President The Aztec Ski Club is designed for the promotion of interest in skiing. I t provides an opportunity for its members to make skiing trips at reduced group rates. This year it held dry land ski lessons and traveled to Big Bear, June Mountain, Mammoth, and Alta. The highlight of the year was a trip to the Winter Olympics in Austria. In addition to skiing outings it provided a large variety of parties for its members. BILL ADAIR Vice President BARBARA OLECHNOWICZ Secretary BILL FREUDENBERG Treasurer American Marketing Association The American Marketing Association opens its membership to any student who is interested in marketing and also to prominent local businessmen. A tour of large business firms in the Los Angeles area highlights each semester. Marketing Information Day, organized by the AMA, provides an opportunity for students to question local businessmen concerning marketing opportunities, Aztec Ski Club members. Marketing" Information Day in action. ZTEC SK\ CLUB Y4\t\lER OLYMPICl~\lR ROW 1 (from left): Dr. William Saigh, George Westover, Tom Shipman, Carl Weaver, Bob Nelson Art Creatura, Al Mc Irmes. . d b G A ROW Dr Donald Lawson, Dr. William Barber, Dr. Alan Hale, ~ill Freu e~ erg', erry ~Bill Adair Jerry Alford, Bill Stock, Bill Newman, Bill d erson, J',im 'M c D errno tt , Ray Talmage ," , Craiz .' Georae Barbara 0 Iec h nOWlCZ, '" R 0 d ger R usc,h Harrison I ,,,,, , S tern M an 'I yn H ansen, Mike Chuck Martinolich, Peter Force, Dr. Gerald Sharkey, Mr, Wotruba. 2, 123 Oceotl Alpha Phi Omega Alpha Phi Omega national service fraternity serves SDS by compiling the student Redbook, distributing Careers booklets to seniors and ushering at LAC programs and football games. The spring semester president is Homer B. Clayton. Oc~otl wa~ four:ded at SDS i~ 1.933 as a s~r\.:!ce organization. Among the group's vaned projects include the pamtmg of the S on Black Mountain and presentation of the John Fitzgerald Kennedy Memorial Athletic Scholarship. JOHN WILLS President MERRELL DAVIS President Matthew Anderson Mike Angus Bill Bistline George Abdelnour Jim Box Eldridge Cooks Dean MeDanlel Mike Meltzer Pbillip Nails J?eter Paladino Louts Pollock Doug-Allyn Mel Brav Alex Doig Jim Ashcraft Alex Brucker Chips Fleming Vince Biondo Dick Buck Jerry Harmon John Blackwood Jim Carruthers Bob Harms Don Bowers Gll Challet Jerry Ingle Ralph Seewald John Lacy Pete Newman Jeff Stark Steve Isaacson Denny MacDonald John Ramsey Ben Trovaten John Shivel 124 Michael Slavit David West Michael Dave Johnson Leroy Martin Phil Salfel Cl iff Weedman Rich J ahnston Lance Miller Dick Sims Bob White Ron Korporaal Jerry Monell Dave Sleet Larry Wickstrom Roy Lessard Denny O'Neel Jim Street Don Levi Bill Pine Joe Sullivan Tom Logans Elon Place Mike Sund Bill Kronberger Mike Munz Pat Stalnaker Lee Witham Yavno 125 Cetza Cetza, an honorary freshman women's organization, requires fifteen hours of service prior to being tapped for membership. The tapping ceremony was held at the AWS banquet during AWS All Women's Week. A 2.5 GPA must be maintained for membership. RICHARD HART President RALPH PARRY Vice President ERIC ELIASON Secretary RICHARD JOHN Treasur r ON Circle K ROW 1 (from left) : Jill Warren, Janell Short, Judy Peirce. ROW 2: Susan Hearold, Vicki Schneider Dottie Jondall Pat Rolan Christine Lamprou. ,." Spurs Betty Ragenovich , Spurs, an honorary sophomore women's service organization, requires a 2.5 CPA to gain membership. This year it worked with the blind at a children's home, assisted during elections and the Student Union campaign, and washed faculty car windows to promote safety during the Christmas season. Circle K, a service organization for college men, IS sponsored by the Kiwanis. Its purposes are to render service to the campus, develop leadership, and to promot~ the ~merican way of life. This year its activities have included a pancake breakfast, a canned food drive for the Salvation Army ushering at LAC c~ncerts, sponsorship of the Campus Beautification Week, See's candy sale and a campus dance. it also was the host club for the district convention which included delegates from California Nevada, and Hawaii. ., . ; 126 ~OW 1 (from left): Miss Mary C C 1 M' s0I!' Betty Bradley, Melinda Thom:sveSus:~o Healv~~~n,BS~~dk Pearovich. ROW 2: Shaula Paul, Lenore 'Huggins, Penny 'Pic~u~, ~~:t7~ Jondall, Judy Peirce, Vickie Gray, Marti Mattraw, Vicki, Pat Rolan, Judy Luxenburg, Jill Warren, Janel1 Short, Christine Lamprou, Cathy Chesrown. ROW KOW ROW ROW 1 (from left): Eric Eliason. Richard Hart, Ralph Parry, Richard ~ohnson. '!.: wing Hoo, John Cherry, Dave Johnson, Dean McDamel, Dr. 0 Byrne. 3: Larry Roe, Fred Peter, Larry Taylor, Paul ~uehler .. 4: Bob Oliver, Allen Carson, Mac Brazelton, Jim Ozbirn. 127 This year Hillel, a national organization for students jnterested in Judaism, sent delegates to a leadership convention for the Pacific Coast area, sponsored a lecture by Mrs. Jonas Salk on "Open Housing," held a Hanuka party, and participated in a program of Israeli singing and dancing. Hillel also conducted a Passover Model Seder commemorating the liberation of the Israelites from Egyptian slavery. Hillel ROW 1 (from left): Carole Shannahoff, Royanne Raikow, Gloria Fisher, Linda Karel, Dr. Harry Ruja, Edward Naiman, Joanne Feldman. ROW 2: Douglas Cohen, Bunny Feurzeig, Victor Druskin, Jim Bookbinder, Neshat Elihu, Sheldon Polovin, Anthony Albert. Sigma Alpha Iota Sigma Alpha Iota, a national women's music fraternity, places special emphasis on the development of better musicianship, scholarship, ·anA.~_.~ performance. This year its members ushered at concerts and sponsored a concert in the fall and spring semesters. . I' ROW 1 (from left): Judy Taylor, Judy Sine air, J eanne H ue b n er , Bunny Feurzeig, Karen Laffoon, Bonnie Rogers. K J h ROW 2: Dorothy Hutchinson, Linda Snyder, Pam Lawrence, ay , 0 nson. Newman Club 128 The Newman Cl.ub works to develop spiritual, educational, cultural, and social interests of Catholic students on the campus. This year it sponsored a dance after the Fresno State basketball g~me, held a party for an orphanage, conducted two mountain trips, and held discussions at the Newman Club Center twice a week. ROWJ~ (fIZID 1eft):Jeanne Schnautz, Sheryl Hand, Beverly Oster1 Ray LeDesma, Maureen Baldwin, Diane DeVinman, ~m ee ey, ney, ~Ichel.e Rehfeld, Pam McPhie, Larry Faucl\.er ROW 2· Father Straling, Bill Emerton, Mary Cattano Sue Hoover V· . P . cano, Carolyn Kline, Jackie Dolan, Ja~e Lyons, Ma;k ~~~~e, J~~~ Da;rlJy, Mike Powers, Kathy ~oche. ROW 3: Tony Fisher, Diane Pritchett, Charlene Lavery, Lmda Picco, Betty Miele Karen Vitlip, ~~g~, Pat Forster, Lin Vigneault. ROW 4': Mike Griffin, Walt S~ ff~b~dbgeL' Bob Rohlinge~, Terry Gaughen, Fred Totten, e in, 0 oya, Paul Martin, Fred Gunther. Christian Science Organization t Chamberlain, Gwen ROW 1 (from left): Nancy Wulzen, M argare B bbe ThompNowry, Sherry Fleener, Cindi Newby, Sally co~awaY'V;eeland Judy son, David Fares. ROW 2: Paul Stefanson, ancy , This year the Christ~an Science organization held a reception for new students, gave a scholarship,. h~ar~ lec~urers, participated in Rehgl?n-m-LI~e vyeek, and held weekly meetmgs which included readings and testimonies. e Susan Vreeland, Lancey Holly, Darice T Jody Stee,I G ary Pag , Ti~;~ts, Sandy Rees, Barbara Grove. 129 Angel Flight Angel Flight, an auxiliary to Arnold Air Society, promotes the Air Force program on campus and in the community as well as serving as the official hostesses of SDSC. In its official capacity as an honorary service organization Angel Flight ushered at both Freshmen Orientation and Baccalaureate, distributed information to visitors on Founders' Day and sponsored a Christmas party for orphans. Angel Flight members must be at least second semester freshmen coeds with a minimum grade point ave-rage of 2.5. Arnold Air Society, a professional honorary service organization of AFROTC cadets, sponsors the AFROTC Sabre Drill Team and the Military Ball. Members ushered at football games, distributed information to visitors on Founders' Day and sponsored a Christmas party for orphans. One of the group's major aims is to aid in the development of effective Air Force officers. Arnold Air Society Robert Allen Robert Baldwin JEANNE POWELL Fall Commander M~RY KAY TORREY Spring Commander WILLIAM WAIT Commander Joseph Cunningham Robert Estrada Jay Howard Richard Humphrey David Myers Fred Schulz Judy Anderson Susan Hanzlik Carla Hosmer Carolina Pittman Donna Pitts Joanne Ruthford Linda Thompson Pam Wilson Jane Wright Diane Zervas 130 Kay Clark Cindy Hartwig Janet Jensen Jan Collins Sherrill Hatfield Carol Kidder Barbara Eloore ~eth Hindley Marilou Lange Richard Bojack John Flinn Peter Junger Robert Bubel Robert Forrest Kenneth Lyon Randy Buby Michael Foster James Mardis William Campbell Michael Freitas Robert Marzano Mark Seagers Joseph Stengel Richard Tazelaar Fred Totten James Weir William Willoughby Dennis Ybarra 131 The Daily The Daily Aztec was published {our times a week this year, including coverage of national and international events as well as campus news. The newspaper featured ~-------f'0hlmn sueh as he-b@aFned:v.i@w;------ __ ~---.~ Party Line, Socially Speaking, the Fifth Column, and After Hours. Aztec Staff ~_~ .._ i JIM BOX Fall Editor in Chief RON ROACH·· Spring News Editor SANDIE SHIPE Fahl News Editor REX SALMON Spring Editor in Chief ~I ROSIE STERN Spring Layout-Features Editor ART COMINGS Fall Make-up Editor 132 GERALD RIFE Fall Managing Editor Spring Chief Reporter MIKE SUND Fall Sports Editor Spring Managing Editor DENNIS TRIS'I1RAM Editorial Assist nt P T STALNAKER Fall Copy Editor KEN GARDNER Spring Photo Editor 133 Sigma Delta Chi SHIRLEY HAAS Fall Society Editor KAREN VITLIP Spring Society Editor This year Sigma Delta Chi, a national journalism society for men, sponsored a dinner in honor of students who made outstanding contributions to campus journalism, conducted two high school journalism competitions, and presented a trophy to the county newspaper which contributed the most to education. One of the major purposes of Sigma Delta Chi is to elevate the prestige of journalism in every respect. DR. JAMES JULIAN Adviser REX SALMON President Sigma Delta Chi Editor, Daily Aztec Managing Editor, Daily Aztec Student Activities News Director JOE SULLIVAN Fall Advertising Manager JERRY VARON Spring Advertising Manager BARRY Reporter, BERNDES Daily Aztec JAMES BOX Vice President Sigma Delta Chi Editor, Daily Aztec Managing Editor, Daily Aztec News Editor, Daily Aztec JAMES CONNER KENNON GARDNER Photo Editor, Daily Aztec Photographer Del Sudoeste JAMES GILL Salesman, Daily Aztec CHIC DUGGAN Advertising Secretary ALEX PURTEE Spring Sports Editor DONALD LEARNED Columnist, Daily Aztec Reporter, Daily Aztec Photog-rapher Del Sudoeste WAYNE LOCKWOOD ALEX PURTEE Sports Editor, Daily Aztec OZY REYNOLDS Reporter, Daily Aztec GERALD RIFE Managing Editor, Daily Aztec News Editor, Daily Aztec Chief Reporter Daily Aztec MICHAEL SUND Managing Editor, Daily Aztec Sports Editor Daily Aztec BRIAN WIERSEMA Reporter, Daily Aztec Photog-rapher, Daily Aztec MARV HUMPHREY Cartoonist DICK CHASE Photographer 134 RONALD ROACH News Editor, Daily Aztec Sports Editor, Daily Aztec Reporter, Daily Aztec JAMES SCHRUPP Secretary- Treasurer ~ Sigma Delta Chi Copy Desk, Daily Aztec Reporter, Daily Aztec PATRICK STALNAKER President, Sigma Delta Chi Editor, Daily Aztec News Editor, Daily Aztec Copy Editor, Daily Aztec 135 Del Sudoeste Staff Being a part of the DEL SUDOESTE fun and frolic. staff is not all It takes hours of painstaking work, with much attention to details and specific obligations, to produce a yearbook. Other classes and part-time jobs tend to diminish in importance as deadlines draw near and the pace becomes chaotic. The 1964 Del Sud staff was an unusually cooperative and unified group, working closely to assure the completion of an exceptional yearbook. Encouraged by a benignly patient, generally jovial editor in chief, staff members learned to face countless problems and decisions independently. We strove to bring you "Everything SHARON STEVENS Activities Editor DIANE ROSTEN Administration Editor ERIN SCHMIDT Beauties Editor DIANE ZERVAS Copy Editor under the Sun." May we humbly offer to each student the final product of many months and many minds, the recorded memory of a college year: your 1964 DEL SUDOESTE. GAYLE CHRISTIANSEN Editor in Chief ROGER ROPPE Sports Editor Fall MIKE EDINGER Layout Editor Photographer CAROL DAWSON Art Editor TIM MACNEIL Photographer Sports Editor Spring BETTY ARBON Photo Secretary TOYCE GOOD . Index Editor 136 JEFF GIARDE Organizations Editor MIKE COLLINS Fraternity Editor MARTI LELAND Sorority Editor HARVEY CHERNACK Business Manager SUE LANGE Senior Editor 137 CHUCK AUSTIl\; Del ERNIE COWAN Sudoeste Photographers JON LEWIS CHUEN KWONG MAK SPRING STAFF Editor in Chief Waltcr B. Thompson Feature Editor. Errol Gagnon Managing Editor.. __ William Leonard Ad Manager.. -Joe Geckter Business Manager.. Joe Caballero Comptroller. Carlos Jimeniz Editorial Staff -Jerry Trotter, Gary Dunsmore, Richard DePagter, James Deuchars, George Howard, Fred Crone, Richard Davidson, Joe Truban, Rex Bogart. The Aztec Engin er, a non-profit t chnical magazin ,i publish d four tim s yearly, in Novemb r, January March and May, by th enginecring students of San Di go State. The publication, one of th few on the West Coast strives to give cngin ering students the xp rience of working on a techni al magazine and allow them the opportunity to have their own work published. LEE LOUIS DENNIS SCHMITZ DICK 132 FALL STAFF Editor in ChieL David S. Kidwell Editor.. Walter B. Thompson Feature EditoL----------------.Joe Geckter Managing Editor.. Bill Leonard Ad Manager.. Harvey Pedersen Business Manager.. Errol Gagnon Comptroller Bili Shen Editorial Staff Gary Dunsmore, Rickey Bertram, Jerry Trotter, Fred Crone, Rex Bogart, George Howard. Aztec Engineer TAZELAAR - BOB YALE "You mean she threw out ALL our pages?" ROW 1: Joe Caballero. ROW 2: George Howard, Bob Bream, Marcon Joe, Bill Leonard, Joe Geckter, Harvey Pedersen. ROW 3: Dr. Lester Hoel, James Deuchars, Richard Davidson, Joe Truban, Rex Bogart, Carlos Jimeniz. ROW 4: Jerry Trotter, Gary Dunsmore, Ed Ferreras. Errol Gagnon, 139 Song Leaders Cheer Leaders SYDNEY LAFONTA \ \ ___J \~ r ~ BARBA LEAMON DON WEAVER NIKKI NORD LIZ WEBSTER JAN WOODS DAVE SLEET ~~gKNTROROW"'!S(hfro.fnGleftd) :JJanWTilds, Barba Leamon, . en 00, an oods, Sydney LaFonta. Flag Majorettes Twirlers J J FRONT ROW: Janet Jensen, Marilyn Dupree. BACK ROW: Sandy Pearson, Carol Hollingsead. JANET JENSEN SUE,SHOOP FRONT ROW: Sue Shoop, Nancy Gorrell. BACK ROW: Pat Englander, Nancy Orrell. ) J CAROL 142 HOLLINGSEAD SANDY PEARSON MARIL YN DUPREE NANCY ORRELL NANCY GORRELL 143 Sym phonic Band Orchestra This year the Symphonic Band held two formal concerts, two . music pops cone e I'ts in the Main Quad , a concert at the county . festival, and a concert at Morse High School. The spnng semester Symphonic Band is made up of the members of the fall Marching Band. The Orchestra held four public performances this year. It featured student and faculty soloists as well as the music of a stud nt composer. The Orchestra, conducted by Paul V. Anderson also accompanied the Coli ge Chorus in the fall and spring semesters. PAUL V. ANDERSON Conductor NORMAN ROST Conductor Symphonic Band rehearsal. I ,~ Orchestra rehearsal. 144 145 ,__ ... A.'~."~"""~""'''''''"'~'''-"",,' '~r+'" "-" , ....... "''''''.'. ' Music Department Opera Workshop rehearsal directed by Cleve Genzlinger. The Music Department offers a large number of activities for those who enjoy music. The departmental organizations include the svmphonic band, marching band, symphony orchestra, Aztec Concert Choir, Treble Clef, Men's Glee Club, Male Quartet, Opera Workshop, College Chorus, and several chamber music groups. One of the highlights of the year was the premiere performance by the College Chorus of THE SONG OF MOSES written by David Ward-Steinman. The Men's Glee Club prepares for a performance under the direction of David Loomis. Symphony practice session. 146 Frank Almond conducts the Treble Clef. J. Dayton Smith conducts a section of the College Chorus. 147 . -- ~ ........... , ~ Radio and Television Debate Team San Diego State students produce the entire KEBS-FM radio station programs. The station features music, news, educational programs and special events on campus. KEBS is a member of the National Education Radio Network. ~ I Freshman debater Sharon Maniss holds forth while colleague Carol Pederson searches for evidence. Opponents are Gil Clardy and Jim Carlsen. The SDS Television and Radio facilities have over $250,000 worth of equipment. The TV studios, which are operated by students, produce Profile and Comment which are shown on Channel 10. They also produce closed circuit programs for the health education and psychology departments. Kjell Amble rehearses for Profile series. Candy Trimble, president of Pi Kappa Delta, examines debate case while Coach Larry Samovar and Manager Pat Munster look on . .t KEBS control room. 148 ROW I (from left): Dr. Robert Benjamin, Patricia Mcjunkins, Carol Pederson, Gil Clardy, Marian Ely, Jim Carlsen, Susan Sparks, Barbara Jensen. ROW 2: Dr. Jack Mills, Dr. Larry Samovar, Robert Putman, Paul Lucas, Ed Millican, Gary Schneider, Loni St. John, Candy Trimble, Pat Munster, Sharon Maniss, Lee Owens, Dick Burch. 149 �~~~.""""'_.iJI":"_~' '1"'~Jr 41_....... "~' .....,,-,. . , Imperial Valley Campus The Imperial Valley Campus of San Diego State was established in 1959·. The IVC's program is an integral part of SDS under the direction of the Dean of Education and Extended Services. The school offers courses for upper division and graduate students in education. SAN DlEGO SlATE Through the cooperation of local schools, practical classroom experience is provided for students seeking teachingdegrees and credentials. Through this program students are able to earn three-fourths of a teacbe/ssal:i:"ry while earning college credits. The school is located on the campus of the Imperial Valley College, a junior college. The campus operates only from September until June, covering the time when climatic living conditions of the desert are ~t their best. All buildings, including offices and classrooms, are equipped with refrigeration air conditioning. Imperial Valley campus of San Diego State College. DR BALDWIN DR. CHARLES MR. GAST MRS. HAFLEGER Faculty Members DR. IKEDA DR. SCARBROUGH DR. SMITH AS Officers Activities Thubten ]igme Norbu, brother of the Dalai Lama. INEZ BROWN BERTHA MILLER LYLE RANGEL WINNIE RANDALL TAPLEY BYRD GARY CLARK SALLY WONG Student teacher Mary Leyton aids pupil. 150 Bertha Miller works with a reading class. 151 SPOR,TS Glory and Disappointment Mark 1963 Season One of the strongest teams in Aztec history gave ground to two major opponents during the season to give Coach DOll Coryell's Montezuma maulers a 7-2 record. The great team effort cannot be overlooked, but the -outstanding services of such men as Kern Carson, Mario Mendez and Neal Petties became the bulwark of the Aztec success. It is this depth and power which is giving to the professional ranks a variety of future draft choices. Carson, Mendez and Petties have already been signed. Mendez signed with the San Diego Chargers and Carson and Petties together signed with the Baltimore Colts of the NFL. Tackle John Farris is a future draft choice of the Chargers and Los Angeles Rams and fullback John Butler is a future draft choice of the Baltimore Colts. These athletes are an example of what has built in the last three seasons as Diego State College. He has been ably Bill Schutte, offensive line; Tom Bass, McCartney, defensive backfield; and end coach. Coach Don Corvcll head coach at San assisted by Coaches defensive line: Max Gary Potter, split Several long standing records were broken during the last two seasons, some of whichwere most points scored in one game (32) and most touchdowns in one game (5), Mario Mendez; most career receptions (63), most touchdowns on receptions (13), and most yards gained on passes (1,277) Neal Petties; most carri,es in one game (28) and most yards gained in rushing in one game (236) Kern Carson. Other standouts: Rod Dowhower, who passed for 1,287 yards while sparking the backfield and ends to a total offensive yardage of 3,264 yards. Art "The Mouse" Del- The coach ... vaux surprised the fans llIany times with his fantastic punt and kick-ofl' returns. Junior split end Eddie leI dez punted for O\Tr 1,200 yards [or a lO.1 yard 3\.erage (best in the nation) to say nothing of his lint' defensive wcu k. 'The front line, liJllitin~ opponents to only 2,2tll vards, was led by All-eCAA players john Farris, J),I\ id L;IY. l Javc Stenson, John Goddt'n and .ltlt· Meeker. Codden was out a good part of the season wi th ani nj ur~ . Also spear/leading the attack was I)J\e "Hullulo" Stenson, Mike Collins. John Farris. and .J;lt'k "Sh'py .lack" Milks. perhaps the lillest linebacker on the \H'St coast. Split-ends Roger Clark, Kent Lawson a nd Nca l Pettit'S proved their prowess on dcfvn«: as wcll as oll'cns«. Addill~ 11 lon' bed to the line wen' Re-nnie SiIlIIIlOllS, W~lt Cublcv, TOJll 11011'man, Lloyd McCoy, I )a\(' Pete-rson. DOll R'oyal and Joe Meeker. Vic Stark, the 1I1:.l1lwith the educated toe, added a uouof brilliance by putting' :) 1 extra points 0\('1' the noss hal'S. Eldridg-e Cooks, intercepting foul' passes during the se:.lSOII. averaged 2~)yards per re-turn besides OJl(' touchdown. Fullbacks JillllllY Stauber and Dak- Hawley, besides doing hruwork both on ofl'cn«: and deft'nse, added a littl« hit of ivv k-azuc ~ contrast to their otherwise rouuh ~ and ruuevd ~~ ('oun'terparts. The Aztecs were finally ruud as the se-ve-nth sruu ll nlllege team in the nation while a\('rag-ing an outstanding- :)8.1 points pn game and yieldillg to thl'ir oP\Jtl!H'lIts a Illl'n' 12.8 average. Hanging up the deals after anothn inspired year, the Aztl'c varsity Illen n'sulIled the roll' of plain studcnts. But they will retum and look out Ill'xt veal'. ... and stadium 155 Aztecs Maul Mustangs 69-0 ROGER CLARK JOHN FARRIS Larry Fernandez sweeps end against Cal Poly (SLO). WALT CUB EY .., t Kent Lawson makes a dive for the ball. · .. and the the men he coaches. 7~ LLOYD Mc OY SDS SDS SDS SDS SDS SDS SDS SDS SDS 42 ···..························ CaI Poly (Pomona) Cal Poly (San Luis Obispo) ..·..··..··..··..·..···· Long Beach State ..·..··..·· ·· Los Angeles State .................. · ·..· UC (Santa Barbara) .................................................................. Fresno State ....· · University of Pacific ...... · · San Fernando Valley State .......................................................................... MCRD 69 .............. · 33 30 42 34 34 21 12 7 o 8 43 14 6 18 6 16 1 Art Delvaux finds running room. ADON ROYAL 156 The Aztec starting eleven. Mendez grabs one in against Cal Poly (Pomona). LLOYD GAUFF Don Halte runs interference dridge Cooks. for El- "Charge" Touchdown JIM STAUBER .. 'ill'." .._ ........ ' , Diablos Shock SDS Gridders i 43-30 Upset at the Rose B wl Montezumen Overpower 49'ers 33-8 NEAL Tight ends (from left) : BUDDY JONES, MIKE COLLINS, JOE MEEKER, DON HAL TE. ~·l"'.f".... ETTIES MARIO MENDEZ Injury Coach Coryell sends Dale Hawley in with a play. DON HALTE VIC STARK Kern Carson breaks for another touchdown. TOM HOFFMAN ROD DOWHOWER MIKE COLLINS "Be tough now." Powerful Kern Carson struggles for that extra ~ ~ __.".,_ ........... _~ ------.--yard. "Come and get me." The tension was high in the Los Angeles State game. JIM ALLISON Rear guard action Fullbacks (from left): DALE HAWLEY, JIM STAUBER, LLOYD GAUFF, JOHN BUTLER. 'S8 JACK MILKS ELDRIDGE COOKS JOE GIBBS Aztec centers (from left): RENNIE SIMMONS. KENT LAWSON DAVE MORRIS, JOHN BUTLER DALE HAWLEY JACK MILKS, Mendez eludes an LA tackler for a short gain. GIL WARREN "Put me in, coach." 159 Aztecs Post 42-14 Homecoming Victory Split ends (from left): NEAL PETTIES, EDDIE MENDEZ, KENT LAWSON, ROGER CLARK. GABRIEL ESC!'\LERA Art Dclvaux sets up touchdown as ... The Aztecs trying to hold off another BOB KORZEP LA touchdown A concerned coach looks on. EDDIE -1'---DA VE PETERSON against Santa Barbara at Homecoming- JOHN GODDEN • ...]ohn .Butler getg,.an~assignmenw , . , Mario Mendez goes over for six, MENDEZ ~ ~The big defense against VOP. JOE MEEKER The pause that refreshes. 160 Kern Carson makes a large gain against VOP, Th" senior line (from left): JOE MEEKER, DAVE LAY, DAVE STENSON, MONS, JOE GIBBS, LLOYD McCOY, NEAL PETTIES, WARREN SIM- 161 Aztecs Lose Hard-Fought MCRD Game 16-12 WARREN SIMMONS GARY BAYLOR BILL BELL Managers Kern Carson sweeps off tackle against MCRD. Tailbacks (from left): CARSON. . GIL, WARREN, ART DELVAUX, KERN "Did you see how mad he got when I kicked him out?" Eddie Mendez boots another one of his long ones. Indi vidual Stars Shine Frosh Go Winless DAVE LAY Junior line (from left): MIKE COLLINS JOHN FARRIS DAVE MILKS, JOHN GODDEN, TOM HOFFMAN, KENT LAWSON. PETERSON, JV Football' JACK Strong frosh teams from UCLA, USC, Arizona State and several junior colleges composed the 1963 SDS junior varsity football schedule. Many hard fought games highlighted the season, giving the junior Aztecs innumerable bumps and bruises, plus a lot of valuable experience, but as a result the Papooses finished winless. Fine individual performances were uncovered in the passing of quarterback Dan Helzer and the excellent receiving of his two ends Tony Clark and Larry Dubbs. KERN CARSON SEASON RESULTS UCLA frosh score a TD despite the efforts of a determined Papoose squad. GEORGE FARRELL SDSC 12 19 7 o 12 Oceanside JC , Arizona State (Tempe) Hancock Junior College UCLA fresh USC frosh __ -__ ---..--. 29 __.__ __ 27 __ 54 __ 42 25 ART DELVAUX Rod Dowhower makes a desperate MCRD~amp. Neal Petties makes a diving attempt against MCRD. attempt to break free in a tense moment of the To the showers after a hard fought game. 163 Injuries Cost Harriers CCAA Crown The Aztecs compiled a 15-11 over-all record and placed third in the California Collegiate Athletic Association with a 6-4 mark. The Aztec hoopsters, sporting many fine individual performers, never seemed to get rolling for an extended period. Defensively the Aztecs were tough but the offense was erratic, moving through periods of high and low scoring. Their total of 183 points scored in two games against Orange State this season snapped the two game series mark of 182 points set against Fresno in 1956. However, they also played three straight games in which they averaged only 48 points per game. Fortunately for the Aztecs, the future is still bright because the starting team consisted of juniors. The entire team will lose only two players, seniors Forrest Glithero and George Roberts. All CCAA guard Jack Shawcroft, San Diego's fiery baJJ hawk, captured the Aztec individual scoring title for the second straight year. The 5'-10" backcourt star scored 363 points for a 14.0 average. Jim Bowers, was picked for the CCAA second team. Jim is a 6' guard, whose fastbreak layups and deadly jump shot from the corner, made him third in scoring for the Aztecs. AI Catlin, in his first year at San Diego State, did a tremendous job for the team. He led the team in rebounds and was second in scoring. Rounding out the squad were centers Bob Mackey and Larry Willis, forward Larry Meek, and outstanding sophomore guard Graig Nettles. Coach Choc Sportsman's defendit;lg champion Cross Country team from San Diego State failed o retain ilc$ :title hoy, placing se&;.oUli.,to .L",ong Beach State in the CCAA championships at Long Beach. Although riddled by injuries, the Aztecs still managed to place second through the fine performances of Ted Hack and Jim Montgomery, two former Helix High stars, and Gavin Riley. However, the absence of Jim Conlay and Mike Golden, both sidelined with knee injuries, probably cost the Aztecs the title. Conlay, who now holds the Aztec record for the Mt. SAC Invitational, was rated earlier in the year as the best Cross Country runner in San Diego State history by Coach Choc Sportsman. The new three mile Cross Country course laid out along Highway 80 near the medical center will facilitate future collegiate Cross Country competition at San Diego State College. Al Catlin drops in a beautiful left-handed layup. Runners, get on your marks. Aztec runner finishes far ahead of the other harriers. They're off. 164 Jim Bowers pots a jump shot off of a fastbreak. 165 JACK SHA WCROFT JIM It's my ball and I'm leaving. Big Bob Mackey stretches for the .ball. AAUGIU Larry Willis jumps high for a rebound. ED PEREZ 166 FIVE TOP SCORERS (from left)· AL CATLIN SHAW CROFT, LARRY MEEK. . • BOWERS M n SEASON RESULTS SDSC 65 _ __ _ __ Pepperdine 70 .. __ u. of San Diego 84 .__ .._._.. Whittier College 77 _ .__ . ._ __ Pepperdine 56 _ .._ _ Iowa State 49 .._ .. Drake University 73 _ ._. . Nebraska Wesleyan 76 _.. . _ .... U. of Calif. (Davis) 72 __ . .__ _.. Chapman 46 __.__ . _ Redlands University 74 _ _.. *Long Beach State 84 _ __ __ .__ *Cal Poly (SLO) 63 _ *Fresno State 81 __ ._ __ ._._. Whittier 94 . ._. .__ . Orange State 84 _ . *Los Angeles State 94 _.._. *San Fernando Valley 89 __ _ _ Orange State 68 ..__ .._ . Cal Poly (Pomona) 80 _ *Long Beach State 86 _._ . Cal Poly (Pomona) 90 __ _ _._ _ *Cal Poly (SLO) 61 _ _ ._.._ *Fresno State 82 _..__ _ ._.. *Los Angeles State 82 __ ._..__ *San Fernando State 86 __. .__ Pasadena Aztec rooters calmly encourage the refs. BOWl::RS, BOB MACKEY, JACK GRAIG NETTLES 79 69 63 75 93 79 78 47 48 48 70 72 74 75 64 91 74 64 96 69 75 64 68 89 72 88 AL CATLIN TOM TENNEY 167 GEORGE ROBERTS LARRY MEEK Where did I drop that gum? Tickle, tickle, Fresno player demonstrates coordination problem. Shawcroft scoops it in. FRITZ BOB MACKEY ZIEGENFUSS ,- Hey! Give me a boost, buddy. Coach Ziegenfuss outlines some strategy during a break. Meek drops it in for two. FORREST GLITHERO TOM BELL 169 BOB HOSS ROW 1 (from left): JACK SHAWCROFT, JIM BOWERS, GRAIG NETTLES, ED PEREZ, FRITZ ZIEGENFUSS, JAMES SCOTT, MANAGER. ROW 2: TOM TENNEY, BOB HOSS, AL CATLIN, TOM BELL, DICK PIERCE. ROW 3: COACH GEORGE ZIEGENFUSS, LARRY WILLIS, LARRY MEEK, BOB MACKEY, FORREST GLITHERO, GEORGE ROBERTS, ASSISTANT COACH LYLE OLSON. Get back! It's radioactive. r LARRY WILLIS Faces that tell the story of the game. 170 DICK PIERCE COACH GEORGE ZIEGENFUSS ASSISTANT COACH LYLE OLSON 171 Frosh Basketball Water Polo Under the direction of Coach Carl Benton, this year's freshman basketball squad was composed of a group of spirited athletes whose hustling style of play provided the fans with plenty of action and excitement. The Papooses relied on an alert defensive game alternating between a zone and a man-toman defense. Two defensive standouts were John Adams, who was often called on to guard the big man, and Mike O'Hare, a short but scrappy ball hawk. Spearheading the fastbreak offense employed by the frosh were John Adams and Tom Ault. Adams, playing the forward position, led the team in scoring with a 17 point average and was second in rebounding, while Ault, a guard, maintained a 10 point average. David Callender, in addition to good defensive play, finished the season with the most rebounds. The 1963 Water Polo Team had the distinction of being the only team in the country without a pool. Needless to say this was a difficult obstacle to overcome. As a result, the Aztecs lost all of their games. However, even the absence of a pool failed to dampen the team spirit. Many fine individual performers were uncovered who will help in future years. Among these were team captain, Al Spitalnick ; most improved player, Mike Gerry; most valuable player, Jarrett Lake: and holeman Dennis Tilton. Other outstanding performers included Court Kenaston, Gary Worth, Joe Rogers, and ob Gar nero It o aadition of water to the pool, the team hopes for a more successful season in 1964. A lot of action around the goal as Mike Gerry scores for the Aztecs. John Adams drives hard for the basket. Coach Carl Benton discusses strategy during a break. A determined FRONT ROW (from left): MIKE ZAMBRI, FRANK LINDEBURG, TOM AULT MIKE WEBSTER, MIKE O'HARE, TOM CHRISTENSEN. BACK ROW: JOHN NICHOLS DA VID CALLENDER, JOHN WEIR, MIKE DRAKE JOHN ADAMS, JIM FERGUSON. ' Joe Rogers gets ready to fire. ,r ROW I (from left): GARY WORTH, AL SPITALNICK, KEN THOMPSON, JOE ROGERS, RON DAVIS. ROW 2: MIKE GERRY, COURT KENASTON, BOB HOVEY, BOB GARDNER, JIM LANE, COACH BILL PHILLIPS. NOT SHOWN: DENNIS TILTON, JARRETT LAKE, STU THOMPSON, JIM SKELLEY, GARY BURSON. 172 173 Rugby Whoops, I think he spotted me. With the addition of Norman Ferrandy as the new coach of the Aztec Rugby Club, the team has progressed steadily and the caliber of their ball playing has improved. Ferrandy is a former international rugby player from South Africa. This year there is an increasing number of SDS students who have discovered the exciting game of rugby and are fortunate to be represented by a winning team. The SDS ruggers won the league in their first year, came in second the past five years, and seem a top league contender this season. They did an excellent job of displaying their power this year by destroying the UCLA ruggers 29-0. Several outstanding players include Bob Prahl, captain; Paul Plumb vice ~resid.ent; Phil G:ant, high scorer; David Lay, ' Den~ls WIse, and MIke Madigan, winger. With contmued success and increasing interest and support, rugby at San Diego State promises to become a more vital part of campus life. SEASON . J Don't be greedy Bill, sa\'(.'souu- for th ' Arab. RESULTS SDSC 24 24 29 11 16 16 8 ---- San Fernando Valley State 6 -Loyola 12 -----------------_____________________ UCLA o -- Eagle Rock Athletic Club 6 -------------- . ____ Astronautics o ------------__.. UDT 8 ---------__--__. Fullerton 28 Speedster Dennis Wise escapes the angered mob. Hey! Take it easy fellas, I think I have some spare change. Bob Prahl makes a great effort for the ball. ! I 174 Adept ball handling baffled the defense all afternoon. ROW I (from left): PAUL PLUMB, JIM STAUBER, PHIL GRANT, LARRY TAYLOR, MIKE MADIGAN, JOHN QUIG- LEY, GREG CAMPBELL, ROW 2: BOB WATKINS GENE ANDERSON, DAVID LAY, JOHN LUSTER, DENNIS'DIEB, BILL LEIMBACH, GEORGE ABDELNOUR, WISE. JOEL JIM PARKS, PIPER, GARY BOB PRAHL. McCAULEY DENNIS 175 Coach Harry Broadbent presents Tom Lessard with NTC trophy. MERRELL DAVIS Heavyweight-Captain ED HOFFMAN 177 lbs, FROM :LEFT: JOHN ZOOK, DENNIS PAYNE, ORVILLE HAY, WILLIAM CLAUDER, ED HOFFMAN, MERRELL DAVIS, TOM LESSARD, DAVE FLUCHT, FRANK BROWN, LARIMCDRE CUMMINS, JACK ROSS, JIM ANDERSON. NOT PICTURED: DALE KERNES, PAT CURREN. Wrestling The SDS wrestling squad finished the CCAA dual matches competition in a tie for first place with Cal Poly (SLO). However, the flip of a coin gave the Aztecs the trophy. In the first year of CCAA dual match competition two years ago the Aztecs were first and last season Cal Poly won. In the CCAA tournament at San Luis Obispo the Aztecs, nursing a rash of unexpected injuries, were unable to place higher than fourth. Individually, however a fine performance was turned in by freshman Eel Hoffman, who came through as expected to win the In-pound title. He was also undefeated in 11 dual matches this year. Merrell Davis, senior team captain who wrestled with an injured leg, was unable to claim his third straight title. Frank Brown placed third in the CCAA meet but finished the season as the leading point maker. John Zook, who led the team in pins, including a 36 second pin against Cal Poly (Pomona), was unable to compete because of illness. SEASON RESULTS SDSC 13 -University of Arizona 29 --San Diego City College 35 ---*San Fernando State 17 ----*Long Beach State 14 --*Cal Poly (S1.O) 14 --"Fresno State 33 -----*Los Angeles State 16 -University of California 19 --San Jose State 25 ~ Cal Poly (Pomona) 27 --Claremont College 22 -Grossrnont College .X- CCAA Match. 176 Frank Brown uses legs to subdue LA S ate competitor. 16 13 3 13 14 12 5 16 11 5 5 8 FRANK BROWN 167 Ibs. LARIMORE CUMMINS 157 Ibs. BILL CLAUDER 147 Ibs. DENNIS PAYNE 137 Ibs. ORVILLE HAY 130 Ibs. JOHN ZOOK 123 Ibs. 177 V arsi ty Track Jim Anderson applies a cross-face on his LA State opponent. ..~_'-!...!!~_.. Hundreds of spectators watched the Aztecs clash with the powerful Trojan war horse from the University of Southern California, the defending NCAA track and field champions, and a strong Long Beach State squad. This meet, a triangular affair held at the Aztec oval, saw some of the finest COACH CHOC SPORTSMAN athletes in the world compete. Among Trojan entrees were two all-time Southern California greats in javelin thrower Larry Stuart (267 ft., 3 inches) and pole vaulter Mike Flanagan (15-9). Other entries included seven-foot high jumper Joe Faust and Jamaican broad jumper Wellesley Clayton (23-201)· However, not all the talent emerged from the Trojan camp. The 1964 track season at SDS, at the time the Del Sudoeste went to press, saw numerous records broken. The 440 and 880 yard relay teams, comprised of Darryl Nelson, Larry Godfrey, Rich Heckler, and John Gedney, broke the school records in both events. Larry Godfrey defeated Dee Andrews, of Long Beach, in the 330 intermediate hurdles in :38.2 seconds to better an Aztec mark. Norm Me Millan also set a school record when he cleared 15 feet in the pole vault. ASSISTANT TONY SUCEC c: -- ROW 1, from left: Rich Bullock, Milt Silverman, Gavin Riley, Norm McMillan, Larry Godfrey, Rick Heckler, Bob Grant, Clyde Rilea. ROW 2: Ted Hack, Ken Fallon, Werner Willoughby, Jim Montgomery, Brad Baer, Ray Napier, John Gedney, Jordan Aftreth, Jim Webb. Hey ref, got a light? 178 "Wild Bill" Clauder executes an impressive pin State match. In the LA 179 TED HACK Distance Records Fall • 10 GAVIN RILEY Distance .TIM MONTGOMERY Distance 1964 LARRY GODFREY Hurdler 180 18.1 Freshman Track Outstanding freshmen thinclads performing for Coarh .ck Wells' frosh squad this inrluded Gary f r, outstanding mem Of Helix High squad In aprin broad jump and high jump' ul Manning, Grossmont High, 14-5 pole vault; and Carlton Jacobus, 6-5 h~h jumper from thula Vista. COACH DICK WELL Larry Godfrey takes the lead and 0 hurdles . g cs on to break the school record in tho,.>"3D ~. 'd mterme . dirate 182 .JOHN GEDNEY Javelin BACK ROW BRAD BAER Shot Put Hermann. FRONT ROW: (from left): Young, Gordon, Hafer, Duly, Jacobus, Schneider, 1M' Getzen, Steusel, Romero, Volchok, Campbell, DeVore, Rem ey, Hafner, anmng. Ellis, 183 ------------r--...,..,...,...,-.-- ---=----r---- __ ------~----------~ SEASON RESULTS SDSC 16 o 23 3 3 5 o 15 13 43 7 7 6 43 7 2 ----..- Orange State Orange State Cal Western . Whittier ..__. Cal Western _ Redlands '" Southern California _ University of Utah _ __ .. Pepperdine .......••...... _ . . Chapman __ __ ..__. Chapman - _ _ Montana State Brigham Young Brigham Young •...•................. U. of San Diego Air Force Academy Air Force Academy Air Force Academy - _. 1 2 7 2 5 6 5 0 8 7 1 2 1 0 2 8 16 5 COACH C. R. SMITH V arsi ty Baseball Relief pitchers and catchers joke around between innings. Roger Clark moves for the ball in left field. 184 ~OW 1 (from I~ft): Mike McGhee, Mike Murphy, Tom Cassie, Rich Serrano, Graig Nettles, JIm Rupe, Bo~ Sitcoscy, Mi.lo Lizalde. . Bill ROW 2: Eddie Mendez, Bill Marseilles Don Sada Roger Clark John Grove, Steve SImon, Lefler, Bob Estavillo. "" . . I ROW 3: Stan Michaels, Dave Martin Bob Vail Dave Flesner Gary Branstetter, CharlIe Nee, Norm Marr, Bob More, Coach C. R. S~ith, Man~ger Gary Bayl~r. 185 Coach Charlie mith watches the game from th dugout. 187 186 A panoramic view of the Aztec's home field located behind Peterson Gymnasium. �---------V:ar Aztec Outfielders ity Go f MCAA Contenders BUTCH CARTER ALAN CAMPBELL From left: Bob Estavillo, Roger Clark, Charlie Neel, Eddy Mendez, Jim Rupe, COACH FRANK Aztec Pitchers 'OTT The 1961 Azu-« Golf team coached by Frank Scott, proved itself to be om' of the country's top collegiate outfits, B winning the LA Invitati nal they bl at such fin,' teams as C, CLA, and Fresno State. The Aztec teams of Ian Campbell-Butch Carter, Emil' Hau rBruce Washburn and Jim ilbert-Paul Tuttle took th first thr 'C' place: and th Aztecs won seven out of th eight award given. At the time the yearbook went to press the Azt c held an impressive 8-2 record for dual matrhe and wer an expected contender for the A title. ROW 1 (from left): John Grove, Bill Lefler, Bob More. ROW 2: Stan Michaels, Bob Vail, Norm Marr. Aztec Infielders f • hy, Tom Cassie, sner, Don Sada, , l . From left: Coach Frank Scott, Ernie Hauser, Bruce "ashlllln,. Paul Tuttle, Butch Carter, Jim Gilbert, Eric Hauser. AI C mpbell Frank Merhar, an a , 189 Varsity Swimming V arsity Tennis • f s 1 s \ \ .... DR. WILLIAM C. BURGES \ COACH AL OLSEN DAVE The SDS netters, under the direction of Coach Al Olsen, posted their third win in four CCAA tilts by defeating Long Beach State 5-4 only a few hours before the Del Sud oeste went to press. Other victories came against Cal Poly (SLO) 7-2 and Fresno State 5-4. Their single league loss was to San Fernando State 5-4. Fine individual performances ~er~ given by John Wallen, first man m sl.ngles play; John Emrich, three year varsity letterman and the only senior on the team; John Cheney, and John Lehton. SZUCH When the Del Sudoeste went to press the highly improved SDS swimming team had compiled a 3-2 dual meet record while MARK BRUCE setting many school marks. Mike Gerry set two of the new marks with a 50.5 in the hundred yard freestyle and a I: 54.6 in the 200-yard freestyle. Mark Bruce broke his own record by finishing the 500-yard freestyle in 5: 24.3 to erase last year's mark o~ 5: 30.3. Another r~ord to fall came in the 400-yard freestyle relay. Four Aztec swimmers went the di tance in 3: 36.2 seconds. Sophomore Mark Bruce captured- three first places and Dave Szuch took two seconds at Long Beach in qualifying for the NCAA small college finals in the Western Regional championspips. ; ROW 1 (from left): Ron Davis, Chris Roberts, Mike Gerry, Ernie Ligon, Dave Szuch, Don Schirmer, Steve Wolcott. . ROW 2: Bill Mann Mark Bruce Jim Skelley Don Hutchinson, Ken Thompson, Jim Lane, Rick Evans.' , ' 190 JOHN WALLEN JOHN EMRICH 191 Gymnastics The San Diego State gymnastics team, comprised of sopHomores and juniors, made a slow start but improved rapidly as the season progressed. Sophomores Skip Spindler and Dennis Johnston led the team in scoring, and fine individual performances were also turned in by Mickey Johnston and Terry McPherson. Curt Gates, in his first year as gymnastics coach at San Diego State, has done an excellent job of rebuilding the team. Terry McPherson holds an L-position on the parallel bars. Freshman Don McDaniel lowers from a difficult handstand on the rings. Freshman John Gaines demonstrates a German Giant as a part of his routine. Mickey Johnston lowers to a straddle scale in his free exercise routine. FRONT ROW (from left): JOHN GAINES, JOE SAUNDERS, DON McDANIEL, MARC PAISIN, SKIP SPINDLER. Sophomore Skip Spindler shows a tuck back flip on the trampoline. BACK ROW' JOHN PEARSLEY, ROBIN HALLEY, RUSSEL BLOCK, MICKEY .JOHNSTON, TERRY McPHERSON, TEjtRY KLEMETSRUD, GEORGE GAUDET, DENNIS JOHNS. ON, LEE OLSON, COACH CURT GATES. 193 � • - 'I. -- , ~ " _'_ .. ,,- ~....~ r ~ . • M~' ,, • Crew In its fourth year of competition the SDS new was host to the Western Collegiate Rowing Championships for the first time. Entered in the meet were th 12 members of the Western Int rcollegiatc Rowing Association. The varsity crew, having only three returning 1 tterm n, dropped its first two dual meets of the year to OJ' gon State University and Orange Coast College. The junior varsity, who proved more sucres ful in winning both meets, should provide a source of additional str ngth for the varsity in 1965. From left: Bu y Alexander Bill Steward, Jim Crbuch, Gary W~ppes, AI .Harlow, John Ruzich, Gordon Sutonus, Tony Grindl. FRONT: Coxswain Dave Hodges. Del Beekley, who is president of the Western Coaches Crew Association and is on the executive board of the National Association of Amateur Oarsmen, coaches the Aztecs. Junior Varsity From left: Jim McClung, Larry Raymond, Tom Clark, Lee Hart, Bart Stein, Dick Powell, Bob Morgan, Tom Grader. FRONT: Coxswain Bill Emerton. Freshmen left: BiU Landreth, Gary Wappel, Alin Worley, Stan Bareham, Mike Winkle r, on McDougal, Sid From Cavey, Don Jones, FRONT: ColUwain Denis Kaplan. :' _" ...._- ..... ~- .. ~ _ ... ~- --~ - .• ~. • '''"'".J''- _..... """"" 1. ~_ _ __ IFC Sports The end of a long pass. Intramural sports continued their rapid expansion this year and have moved from essentially an IFC program to one that includes a high percentage of the male student body. Participation in the various sports has grown to over two thousand men entered in 34 leagues and tournaments this past year. New programs added this season were wrestling, independent flag football, and volleyball doubles. IFC competition in both the Black and Red leagues proved to be more evenly balanced, with frequent upsets in both divisions. Hundreds of spectators watched the Kappa Sig football team down the SAE's 13-6 in a crucial contest, and Sigma Chi beat Pi Kappa Alpha in a close match for the volleyball lead. Sigma Phi Epsilon, in a surprise upset, defeated Sigma Chi 42-39 in the opening game of the basketball season. An independent point contest very similar to the year-long fraternity contest moved into full swing for the independent groups, involving many campus clubs and organizations. The long reach for two. The gym comes to life. Bob Hoss takes the ball on a run. I ,I I I am the greatest! Hey buddy! The flag-NOT 196 the shorts. Egads! I'm pulling my own leg. 197 '=c"'~' '\.. : ..... - --"- .. _ .......... ~-'-:':- .. ::-~ ...,.. -- - ..... -...-""-:;~.""...#i"'-_~,.. *"_';.:oo~~_.~_--~"""" .... ,.,,,. 1,1, ~ ~ , ----~ ~--- I G::REE:K:S , J The purpose of the Panhellenic Council is to establish further cooperation and understanding between the twelve sororities on campus. The Council is responsible for maintaining Panhellenic rules within the sororities. Manv Panhellenic activities are held jointly with the Inter-Fraternity Council, such as Greek Week and Greek Retreat. Panhellenic also sponsors Pledge Presents and an annual Panhellenic Workshop in the spring. PENNY RUTLEDGE President All fraternities at San Diego State College are national and are members of the Inter-Fraternity Council. The Inter-Fraternity Council is the governing body of the fraternities, and consists of the president of each fraternity, plus an additional delegate. The Council's object is to strengthen the Greek system at SDSC. Along with Greek Week and Greek Retreat held in conjunction with the Panhellenir Council, the Inter-Fraternity Council sponsors a fall and spring rush. During rush, IFC strives to pledge men who will be well-rounded individuals, academically as well as socially. TERI SHONAKER Vice President JIM CARR UTI-IERS President PANHELLENIC COUNCIL 200 ALLY Vi (' Pre sident ~INTER -FRATERNITY COUNCIL VICKIE GRAY Secretary SHIRLEY CLEMENTS Treasurer DO LANCE MILLER Secretary NANCY OTEY Office Manager BARBARA FERVER Rush Chairman RON LONG Treasurer GARY BRANSTETTER Commissioner of Athletics JOHN RAMSEY Rush Chairman 201 -., - .... ,-, .. ~ - .ALP:E:.A C:E:I - ----- O:M:EGA. MARY BEVINGTON President Gayle Atwell Mary Dunton Susie Blanc Elaine Durkin Mar1lyn BOland Kathy Englebrecht Jennefer Brown Karen Evenson Dominie Cappadonna Joyce Folts Diane Cavalhn Linda Ganc Carol Collier Cathy Georggln Penny Crowder Sheila Grim Shannon Crowley Bonnie Haefer Pat Depew Rente Hagar Terry Donaldson Brooke Harper J.hrlane DuM SherrHl H.lfleld Nanoy Dunn Kathy Holm •• PROMINENT MEMBERS DOMINIE CAPPADONNA A WS President; Who'., Who PAT DEPEW Homecoming Dance co-chairman BONNIE HAEFER A WS Program Chairman Sharon Lynch Franny Maloney Joal Maloney Anita Marton Shella Marion SHERRILL HATFIELD Sigma Nu White Rose Queen ROBIN VAIL Las Meninas; Dean's List SHARON WAXON Lambda Chi Alpha Crescents DIANE ZERVAS Del Sudoeste copy editor EVENTS AND HONORS Bicycle-Built-for- Two Race: first place Spring Sing: mixed division, first place Homecoming House Decorations: first place Easter Seal Drive and Roller Skating Contest CHAPTER OFFICERS PRESIDENT Mary Bevington VICE PRESIDENTS Pat Depew, Kathy Englebrecht SECRETARIES Marilyn Boland, Robi1n Vail TREASURER Kaye Herman 202 Susie Holt Bunny Mattek Claudia Peck Melinda Thomas Vicki ValUere Kathy Howe Sandy MCClain Tina Pettengill Jean Thompson Jill Warren Helen Hull Joy Moody Cherie Rhoads Paula Trask Sharon wexon Linn Humber Mary Olson Shari Stancil Tana Tuttle Jeannie Westhead Linda Johnson Sandi Owens Carolyn Stuhrman Kathie Upshaw Jean Worthington Juelle Lamb Shaula Paul Susie Swanson Robin Vail Diane Zervas "Look! She bit her tongue." 203 - -~ - -- ~~~-~~-~~-----~~ - - - -- --- - - .A Ll?:B:A. El?SILO~ PE: CAROLYN MYERS President Roberta Baranov Claire Hartstein Bunny Cooper Ronnie Hersh Marsha navis Sandra llofflng DeSu~e Ioent. Kane Betsy Bunny Feurzeig JoniKnoi Barbara Ftnerman wtnme Krone Sh Ua (lih.on 1\.t1 rU rA~lfuvJ Judy O<,ttlteb Marllyn Levy PROMINENT MEMBERS BUNNY FEURZEIG Sigma Alpha Iota JUDY GOTTLIEB Maya Hall president; AS Council LONNI KANE Frosh Fete model MARTI LELAND Del Sudoeste sorority editor MARILYN LEVY Little Sisters of the Maltese Cross CAROLYN MYERS Finance Board; Student Union Speakers' Bureau JAN TILDS Songleader; Pep Board EVENTS AND HONORS Laguna Mountain Retreat Spring Sing: Usherettes Parents' Day Pledge Presents Initiated into Alpha Epsilon Phi Spring Costume Dance, "Mardi Gras" CHAPTER OFFICERS PRESIDENT Carolyn Myers VICE PRESIDENTS Barbara Finerman, Judy Schultz SECRETARIES [oni Knox, Marilyn Levy TREASURER Sharyn Snyder 204 Toni Mandel J Ddt Roisman Ilene Schutzman Francie Swede Sharon Wise Maureen Moss Joan Sanders Roberta Schwartz Jan TUde Helene Zealand Rachel Ness Judy Schultz Peggy Sturm Sylvia Weinstein Marion Zmora . Phil b Mrs S I vi a Lin n and Mrs. Phyllis Minick. ~hIpter of Alpha Epsilon Phi at ceremonies Carolyn Myers is pledged. to Alpha Epsl~oln X- {d Alpha Epsilon local sorority became Epsi on 1 p e ge held November 26, 1963, in Scripps Cottage. 205 "- A. LP:E:A SALL Y LOGAN BOTTRO President -" -~ " ~ '.. _. • __ r' .... ~~.;~;; •• 'I:. ,"'_~:""'~~j •. :'A"'_ ~."~<",, ... GA.nIL nILA. .... _. '" • . __ _ ~ __ DE F Shannon Angus Nancy Dryer Dianne Baker Margaret Dudley Sharon Barrows Elissa Fehnders Virginia Campbell Carol Forbes Gwen Buelmell BarbaraFloore Katha Sandy carpenter Furbush Margie Marilyn Ohamberlaln Gabler Judy CiagUo Heldt Georgenoon Nanoy Cola""", Nol'ma Olann.... Colvlll L)'llIlQoldlln llydMy L,oretl.l Crlrn Borbora Oranland PROMINENT MEMBERS JAN BUCKNELL Orientation Week chairman BARBARA FLOORE Lambda Chi Alpha Crescents CAROL HOLLINGSEAD Aztec flagtwirler JERELYN Sigma Doris .Jahn Linda Jones McCORKELL Alpha Iota PENNY RUTLEDGE Panhellenic president; Who's Who SUZANNE SWENSON Kappa Pi CLO ANN VAUGHAN IFC office secretary EVENTS AND HONORS Pumpkin Christmas Panic Formal Spring Dinner-Dance Mother's Day Breakfast Spring Sing: women's division, second place CHAPTER OFFICERS PRESIDENT Sally Logan Bottroff VICE PRESIDENTS Barbara Floore, Carol Steinmetz SECRET ARIES Sharon Barrows, Ruth Reichert TREASURER Linda Jones 206 t,~__ Patricia Harvey Carolyn KUiper Katherine Rearden Linda Smith Suzanne Swenson Suzanne Henderson Jacqueline Lawatch Ruth Reichert Gay Scidmann Judy Tschogl Carol HolUngsead Jereiyu McCerkell Penelope Rutledge Suzanne Starbuck Clo Ann Vaughan Lyuda Huckaby gybtl McGlniey Yvonne Sheets carla Sleepy Judy Wllson .__ Sharon Hughes Ann Osiund Linda Shuster Carol Steinmetz Betty Winn Nancy Isenhour Ellen Pfadenhauer Martha Sleeper Clare Stewart Nancy Woodbridge "Who are you calling Pumpkinhead?" 207 .A.LP~A P:E1I TERRY SMITH President Susan Acord Barbara Ferver Cindy Anderson Suzanne Fisher Betty Bartlett Janet Gibson Pat Bartlett Melodie Glffln Pat Berry Jeannie Halvorson Diana Bonsignore Linda Harbaugh Melanie Bouer Susan Heide 'MarUyn Brunner Marie Hoff nusiin Dearinl! MarUyn lloU l'uty Dn g Dlmi Howe Sh ryl F ... C.rnl Hunt lcr PROMINENT MEMBERS BARBARA FERVER Pan hellenic rush chairman Sweethearts JANET GIBSON of the Diamond president NIKKI NORD Cheerleader TERI SHONAKER Panhellenic vice president BEV SODOMKA AWS treasurer Lambda NANCY STRONG Chi Alpha Cross and Crescent Girl JAN WATSON Cap and Gown; Angel Flight EVENTS AND HONORS Faculty Tea Alpha Phi-esta Sigma Chi Derby Day: Carol McDonald Cindy Null Sue Smith third place Alpha Phi District Scholarship Trophy CHAPTER OFFICERS PRESIDENT Terry Smith VICE PRESIDENTS Linda Meddock, Diane McQueen SECRETARIES Janet Gibson, Linda Harbaugh TREASURER Nancy Wall 208 Dottie J ondall Pene McDonald Gaye O'Neel Bev Sodomka Linda Thomas Paula Kimmer ling Ma.rcia Mcferren Nancy Larkey Marion Minor Taffy Polster Eileen Somerville Kathy Rumsey Kathy Sunheim Cynnie Troup Karen Thompson Susan Larkey Bobbi Munson Susan Sanders Bohbi Speer Nancy Wall Jeannie Lomac Sue Nachant Sherry Sharpe Carol Stahmann Jan Watson Carol Maggio Linda Nolan Sheila Shay Nancy Strong Barbara Weeks Joan McCarl Nikki Nord Teri Shonaker Bitsy Thayer Vickie Wiegand "That Soupy Sales is all-time!" 209 . .A LP:B:A "'~~ .. ...~.~ ... ~ •• _--.....-~~'";':"> :x:I :""'t--.~_---~-~ .... .............. ..,"t;~~'.~-'."""-':-.I-.~,"",",,,.,, Of" ~.,,"f' ~ ~ _ _ _ DELTA. LINDA WILLIAMS President The modern Alpha Xi Delta house provides living- accommodations for 30 girls. "Hey, Tillie, your date is here!" 211 ~".1I '\. ~>- ".-<. -~="-:~""~~~,;'I--r-~:' ~~~~ ....~' ...~,,~~ .. :.~ ....,... ...~~. ' ....r • r - C:a:I ~ • -~---~-- - - O:M:EG.A ALICE FOX President Kathy Anderson carol Davila Francie .Baker Pam Drew Ginger Battenfield Cathy Duell Nikki Beckett Stephante BedIllion Jan Falls Gayle G1en11ey Jean Bradner Marilyn Green Barbara Browne Diane Gxuss Jackie Cammack Joan f1ull Barbara Champion Gcrrl Jamieson Cathy Che.rown Georgia J ohnson Jayo. Cordoll Kathleen J no. Yvonn Call K.Uly Jonea PROMINENT MEMBERS GINGER BATTENFIELD Cap and Gown Alpha JEAN BRADNER Tau Omega Miss Shipwreck ALICE FOX SCT A vice president NIKKI NORSTROM Homecoming alumni chairman MYRA SCHWARTZ Sophomore class treasurer JUDY SHAFFER Who's Who LIZ WEBSTER Cheerleader; Angel Flight Janet Larkin Jeri Norstrom Mar-lane Liddell Nikki Norstrom Jean Loughman Gaye North Linda Lundquist Mary O'Keefe Linda Me Lennan Janet Olson EVENTS AND HONORS Showboat Christmas Formal Shen- Yo Breakfast Christmas Kindness Project Spring Sing: mixed division, second place CHAPTER OFFICERS PRESIDENT Alice Fox VICE PRESIDENT Francie Baker SECRETARY Sandy Rogers TREASURER Jeri Norstrom Linda Kanewske Anne MUler Sharon Phelan 212 Vicki Schneider Pat Squance Carol Kidder Donna Moe Ellyn Kay Por-terMyra Schwartz Margie Sundquist Gretchen Krienke Linda Moore Sandy Roger B JUdy Shaffer Jackie Walker Cheryl Kuhn Sue Murdock Kathy Roletto Diane Sherwood Claire Ward Randy Kusik Linda Myers Erin Schmidt Nancy Small Liz Webster Chris Lamprou Wendy N elaon Susie Schneider Jan Sorensen Pamela Wood. "At last we're a one-toothpaste family again!" 213 DELTA MARGE HIGGS President ZET.A 1 Merilyn Beyrer Jeanette Dutton Shirley Clements Sue Fisher Marilyn Couch Carolyn :Flood Eileen Davy Mary Fraine MerrUie DeArmond Gall Gerry Lynda Deegan Sally Gideon Carol Down Dee Lieberman Msrlanne Longe Robin Lovelady I..1ndaMoCalia PROMINENT MEMBERS MERILYN BEYRER Kappa Pi SHIRLEY CLEMENTS Panhellenic treasurer y lECTRIC EILEEN DAVY Las Meninas; Alpha Lambda Delta GERRY PATTERSON Sigma Nu Serpentenes president DIANE ROSTEN Del Sudoeste administration editor MARILYN RUE Sigma Alpha Iota MARY SERWE AWS Judiciary Board secretary EVENTS AND HONORS Fashion Show Pledge Car Wash Mother's Day Breakfast Come-As-You-Are Breakfast "Dream Whirl" Spring Formal CHAPTER OFFICERS PRESIDENT Marge Higgs VICE PRESIDENTS Georgia Miller, Sylvia Palmer SECRETARY Gerry Patterson TREASURER Anne Stone Marsha MeliuB SylVia Palmer 214 Lynn Randall Mary Serwe Linda Taylor Georgia Moffett Georgia MlIIer Gerry Patterson Pat Rolan Diane Rosten Donna Spencer Carol Tomlinson Anne Stone Nancy Wileon "Just a harmless prank, sir-we're wiping it off." Sharon Piper 215 ,. ,. , .. . - G.A. ::M:::M:.A. P:B:I -~--~----- ~- --- - BET.A. MARILOU LANGE President Dona Adams Gig! Gaston Gente Almond Barbara Gilbertson JUdy Antell Batty Gingery Betty Arbon Lealie Gottschall Bacon Carol Grant Judy Donna Benedict Paula Gray Diane Brophy Vickie Gray Karen- Casares SUe Gregory Gayle Christiansen l(a thee Corso Sue Holzer Sue Hanzlik Bav Elliott Linda lion y D 1>1>1FUJlt Ot a.nna HUH" PROMINENT MEMBERS BETTY ARBON Olmeca Hall wing president GA YLE CHRISTIANSEN Del Sudoeste editor-in-chief VICKIE GRAY Pan hellenic secretary ; Spurs Sue Lange Barbara Lazos Pam Marckwardt Linda McMenamy Jan Miller Marl Mardi JANET JENSEN Aztec flagtwirler; Angel Flight SUE LANGE Del Sudoeste senior editor SANDIE SHIPE Daily Aztec news editor; Who's Who SHARON TAYLOR Freshman class secretary EVENTS AND HONORS Polka Party Christmas Dinner-Dance "Little 500" Bike Race: first place Spring Sing: women's division, first place Homecoming House Decorations: sweepstakes award CHAPTER OFFICERS PRESIDENT Mari/ou Lange VICE PRESIDENTS Carol Roberts, Sandie Shipe SECRETARIES Genie Almond, Ellen Wendt TREASURER Betty Gingery 216 Kathy Houser Ann Nolan Annette Richards Susan Shields Susan Warner Janet Jensen Judi Norberg Carol Roberts Sandie Shipe Donna Kay Webster Margaret Johnson Barbara Olson Laura Robles Judy Sinclair Ellen Wendt Judi Jones Cathie Pauchnick Ellen Salmon Sharon Taylor Linda Williams Kay Kindley Donna Pitts Kathy Schaffner Terry Thomas Dianne Wilson Johanne Kuntz Betty Ragenovich Sidney Selby Thelma Walker Pam Woodberry "Forget the housemother-let , ., I" s smg It anyway. 217 --- B:.APP.A. .ALP:H:.A ---- -- TE:........ GINGER IRVINE President Nicole Armanino Judy Crooks NatalieAult Betsy Cnnningham Janet Bateman Judy Dill Janet Bettag Margaret Doig LInda Bishop Diane Driver Betty Bradley Cayle Edler . Barbsra Brush l.inda Elliott Patricia Burgad Kathy Esiey Elizabeth Burgert Norma Gale Nancy Burkheimer ces Godbout Margarei Cub Linda Griffith. Joan Chabot Sally Baltenbeck Judy Coop. Sh rTI lIan1lO{ord PROMINENT MEMBERS BETTY BRADLEY Spurs president KATHY ESTEY Cap and Gown; Who's Who CES GODBOUT Dreamgirl of Theta Chi GINGER IRVINE Spec.ial Events Board chairman; Sydney LaFonta Linda Lake Barbara Lamb Carol Lane Rozanne Mack MAry ~1aroio. Who's Who ROZANNE MACK Sweetheart of Sigma Chi DONNA Sophomore AWS PETERSEN class secretary NANCY WINTERS secretary; Las Meninas EVENTS AND HONORS Founders' Halloween Christmas Pan hellenic Homecoming Scholarship Day Party Formal Award: House Decorations: first place third place CHAPTER OFFICERS PRESIDENT Ginger Irvine VICE PRESIDENTS Natalie Auu, Kathy Estey SECRET ARIES Diane Drioer, Ces Godbout TREASURER Janet Bateman 218 Dot Hartman Margy McPherren Louise Neil Carolyn Reusch Mary WllIe Dorothy Hatalson Linda Mohr Joyce Nelson Dianne Rock Melinda Wills Maureen Hill Carole Mmminger Joanne Person Lynn Sawade Sally Wilson Nancy Hines Barbara Monteath Donna Petersen Salli Sma.Il Paula Winder Judy Hull Lurlie Moore Carol Plumb Sue Springstead Nancy Winters Judy E. Johnson Gayle Mullen Robyn Pollock Suzanne Stone Jan Woods Kay Kalanquin Donna Musil Barbara Ramet Patty Wilkerson Beth Zantiny "And then Little Red Riding Hood said ... " 219 - - :K:.A.l?l? A DELT.A J MARY JO MORLEY President Janice Anderson Barbara Fisher Judy Anderson Debby Friend Donna Barnard Naney Godfrey Wanda Barnard Gail Or er Peggy Bartz Judy Hendricks Sue Brady Barbara Kiloh All CrvfiY Sylvia Lowl., PROMINENT MEMBERS JUDY ANDERSON Las Mellilla.,; An ge] Flight PEGGY BARTZ Little Sisters of the Maltese Cross president PAT BELAND Aztec majorette JACKIE DU VIGNEAUD Sigma Phi Epsilon "Miss Fireside" DIANE HALLETT Sigma Chi Derby Day best athlete Little NANCI LELAND Sisters of the Maltese Cross CAROL MINTON Junior Panhellenic treasurer EVENTS AND HONORS Founders' Day Banquet Christmas Seal Drive Sigma Chi Derby Day: first place Elaine May Mary Lou Phiel Jackie Sooter Spring Sing: women's novelty, second place Homecoming House Decorations: best use of materials CHAPTER OFFICERS PRESIDENT Mary [o Morley VICE PRESIDENT Diane Morris SECRETARY Andi Vaccaro TREASURER Sylvia Lawler 220 N anot Leland Carol Minton Lois Roberts Karen Stahn Andi Vaccaro "And now, girls, may we present our mystery guest. Judy Luxenburg Diana Morris Judy Rohlf Denise Strickland BevWilliams Sharyn MaIm Carrie Nessler Susan RoBS Sue Sykora Diane Wright Charlene Martyn Bonnie Olson Carolyn Schrock Nancy Teter Carol Zeni 221 .- PI . ~. ..;)1'-- r.. '- .... __ . ,10' • , - BETA. - --- --- - -----~~----- -- PE:I JAN COLLINS President Betty Adame Linda Clea!or Bonnie Alder Cobb Anne Sharon Ansted! TIna Colllna Ma:rnle Gerl Berg Diane CrqweU Bl;>ck Pam DelahUll! J""" Blindbury Mandell Evans Margie Boyd stephanie Evans Ann Bnebinuln Sandra Ferguson Ann CarroU Barbara Carol Canel! Gayle Grigg. Green RobIn Cbrlety Sh rry Oro.. PROMINENT MEMBERS BONNIE ALDER Junior class secretary ROBIN CHRISTY Sophomore class vice president JAN COLLINS Angel Flight GAYLE GRIGGS Homecoming Queen; Tau Kappa Epsilon Sweetheart BETH HINDLEY Alpha Lambda Delta; Angel Flight PAM SELLMAN Angel Flight NEDRA SNYDER AS secretary; Homecoming attendant; Who's Who Carol Kujawa Joanne Miller EVENTS AND HONORS Annette Lindsay Waskah Miller 1\ Mom's Tea Christmas Formal Homecoming Mum Sale Parents' Christmas Party Dads' Night Football Game CHAPTER OFFICERS PRESIDENT Jan Collins VICE PRESIDENT Jo Hansen Lower SECRETARY Betty Adams TREASURER Ann Carroll 222 "Whaddya mean we can't be in Frosh Fete?" Mary Ann Haw ley Beth Hindley Joan Marsh Kappy Paul Susie ROBS Vicky Thompson Janice Mayer Claudia Pierson Cheryl Johnson Sheila McKenzie Leslie Poehlman Patti Jones Cheryl Millen Judy Roman Janel! Short Taffy Voyen Nedra Snyder Joan Wldel E Ilen Steddom Sandie Yarborough Kathy Kemper Bonnie Miller Debbie Ross Sue Hen Stickney Nancy Zetts 223 --- ~-~- S-IG::M:A :K:A.PPA. GAIL HICKCOX President Ltsbet Austin Patricia Colonell Marllou Ballagb Marilyn Dupree Mary Barbour Janice Ekrem Mary Barrett Pat Eurich Shannon Besoyan Mary Fronks Karen Boyce Short Good Breoda Broadway Darlene Gray Moreoe Brown Gay Halloran Nancy Browne Altee Rudzinski Julte Chllwn Janilee Janet Haught JanleellUlI. Hamner nsv ... Churchill Sh. ron Hoham PROMINENT MEMBERS CAROL DA WSU.'\i Del Sudoeste art editor SHERI GUOn Songleader GAIL HICKCOX Cap and Gown; Who's Who BARBA LEAMON Songteader KATHY MOREY Sigma Phi Epsilon Queen of Hearts LINDA ODEN AWS vice president; Who's Who PAMELA WILSON Dreamgirl of Delta Sigma Phi EVENTS AND HONORS Christmas Formal Scholarship Dinner Founders' Day Banquet Balboa Beach Retreat Spring Sing: mixed division, third place CHAPTER OFFICERS PRESIDENT Gail Hickcox VICE PRESIDENTS Betti Sams, Barbara Thomas SECRETARY Mary Barrett TREASURER Marilyn Dupree 224 Pat Holewinski Linda Menzie Elizabeth Ogden Gayle Sanborn Diane Taube Sharon Judy Toni Merchant Nancy Otey Barbara Shattuck Barbara Thomas Edell Kelley Anne Merman Sandra Pearson Kathryn Sha ttuck Barbara Turchan M. Kay Laswell Darlene Merritt Judith Peirce Donna Shumpert Ruth Wallace Barba Leamon Judy Mhoon earil Porter Stephanie Smith Kathleen Welty Norma Leppert Kathy Morey Cynthia Runyan Georgia Sorben Pamela Wilson Susan Mathis Linda Oden Betti Same Nancy Stamm Ann Wolfarth "Will the real Jack-Be-Nimble please stand up?" 225 .. ~"l. • 8-- ."'.- ~-~.,""",,-"""'.~~.;-: •.; ... ,....,: - ",,~~~-oeo...-;i,#:"l;.~-J ""_"-"",,",,}r;"'~~~"t...... ..•. -.-, ,... • - JUNIIDR PANHELLENIC JEAN WORTHINGTON President KATHY ANDERSON Vice President PRISCILLA TOWNS EN Secretary ROBYN POLLOCK Vice President -~~ - GREEK RETREAT COUNCIL Organized and directed by the pledge classes of on-campus sororities Junior Panhellenic s~rives to promote sorority ideals among the pledges. The group's varied activities included a hospital project, speakers and a Big and Little' Sisters' Tea. These events help the members to become better acquainted ~i~h college life, group hvmg, and the standards expected of a sorority woman. - Greeks representing 26 groups headed for a mountain retreat on a rainy Friday afternoon in November. Scheduled for the weekend were guest speakers, discussion groups, films, and a lot of fun. It didn't take long for the Greek representatives to realize that fraternal problems affect every organization. As a result, the controversial questions were discussed not by individuals, but by those interested in a stronger and more uni ted fraternal system. Guest speakers and their topics included Dean Margery Warmer, "Greeks at San Diego State"; Dr. Will Kidwell, "Greek Ideals versus Greek Practices"; Judge Richard Ault, "Greeks versus Member Groups"; and Dean Herbert Peiffer, Tom Fetterly and John Doggett, "Discrimination." After each speaker's presentation the assembly broke into small groups to look at each topic objectively and realistically. Through the efforts and planning of co-chairmen Doug Allyn and Teri Shonaker, Greek Retreat proved to be a rewarding experience for all who attended. Doane Pond makes a beautiful setting for one group. CAROL MINTON Treasurer INTER -FRATERNITY PLEDGE COUNCIL .. An informal group discusses ideas between seminars. 226 DA VE SICKELS President JIM MILLS Vice President HARVEY LENETT Secretary-Treasurer Greeks head toward the lodge for a morning seminar. 227 .ALl?:E:A T.Al:.7 MIKE MUNZ President Rob Balch John Coombes Al BenUey Dennis Daniel Chuck Best John Dtshton Larry BUss Tom Durbin Tom Bruyneei Steve Eddy Don Camphuis Jeff Fleener Bill Oantrelt Tom CireUo Russ Gustin Joe Hall Btu Coleman John Ha.lLer Ernte Conrad Pat. Hanah:fw Bruce Matlock Jim McCampbell .Milu% Cook John !loy. PROMINENT MEMBERS MIKE COOK Homecoming publicity chairman JOHN COOMBES Track DENNIS DANIEL AMS secretary Ray Lieberenz Steve McCormick JOE HALL V arsity wrestling LANCE MILLER IFC secretary; Oceotl MIKE MUNZ AMS Council; Oceotl JIM STACY Varsity wrestling EVENTS AND HONORS Spring Formal Shipwreck Dance IFC Sports Red League: Mike Lennon Gene Pastula Jerry Sasse first place Homecoming House Decorations: first place CHAPTER OFFICERS PRESIDENT Mike Munz VICE PRESIDENT Frank Sell SECRETARY Doug Townsend TREASURER Lance Miller 228 Paul Hebert Glenn McDowell Ralph Pawley Dan Schlotter Doug Townsend Jerry Hedges Bob Miller Jim Reese Jack Scholl Dick Vandervort Bernie Higgins Lance MUler Bob Ridout Frank Sell Steve Warshauer Doug Hone Tom Moore Mike Robe rteon Jamie Shande.ra Darell West Joe Kosmack Doug Ogilvie Phil Robbins Gerry Shoaf Daryl Williams Vic Landa Dale Paisley Randy Robinson Jim Stacy Chuck Wunderlick "Yo ho ho and a bottle of pop!" 229 DELT.A. SIG::M:.A. P:B: PRESIDENT Cliff Weed an Jeff Bada JauEmery Rich Badami Danny Eversole Roland Bible Paul Hamer-sly Bob Boal Pete Bollman ;Marty Harrison Doug Houser Ralph carrter Mike Jones Jack Close Ron Korporaal Alex Doig Bob Kraus. John t;ltsson Bill Landreth PROMINENT MEMBERS ALEX DOIG Oceotl JIM IVIE Rugby DOUG HOUSER Varsity crew RON KORPORAAL Oceotl DANNY VAN HORN Drama CLIFF WEEDMAN Oceotl EVENTS AND HONORS Sailors' Ball Carnation Ball Pledge Chariot Races: first place, pageantry Homecoming House Decorations: of theme best portrayal CHAPTER OFFICERS PRESIDENT Cliff Weedman VICE PRESIDENT Bob Martin SECRETARY Vance Mills TREASURER Bill Truex 230 Allen Lee Steve McDaniel Richard Rockwood Phil Tate Jim Walters Ryndle Lee Bob Nelson Bob Sargeant G1enn Thacher Cliff Wheeler Ken Leonard Gary Noel Bob Stahl Dennis Thorogood John Yeager Bob Martin Rick Perry Forrest Stewart Bill Truex John Zemcik "Which ones are spades?" 231 -- • :K:.A.PP.A ~ -- -_. - ._-- - SIG:M:.A BUCK WEAVER President John Adamske Brian Dan! Wayne Hay Doug Aebtscher Bob DeVore Rick Heckler AUJIL Ray Dittamore Rick Hedrtck Doug Gene Anderson Jack Erb Riohard Hess Wilen Anderson Ed Fer-reraa Bob Hoss Beb Brltnhall Frank Brown Doll FrinelJ Ken Fus$ell MlI<e Johoaon Wyoll Housel Mike Brown Walt Gibson Frank Jones Paul Cagle Mike Gontesky Dale Kennedy Dave Carroll Roque Gonzales Dale Kemes Mike Miller Sam Morebello Blll Carson Bob Goodell Chrlo Chrl.tlttn Bruc Go •• Jeff i.eSllg<' Juck tcwta John Cl...,vp.rdfJn J~,..ry Harmon Lantz I... cwi. Nt I<C""hnn lloyd /I., h Y Ai Lleano PROMINENT MEMBERS DOUG ALLYN IFC vice president; Oceotl JERRY HARMON AS vice president; Blue Key; Who's Who JEFF HEYSER Journal of Business editor Tom Morgan Jack Morris Frank O'Dwyer- Mark Owen. BOB PRAHL Rugby captain DA VE SICKELS IFPC president MIKESUND Daily Aztec sports editor; Oceotl EVENTS AND HONORS Farmers' Frolic Sweetheart Dance Christmas and New Year's Dances Homecoming House Decorations: second place CHAPTER OFFICERS PRESIDENT Buck Weaver VICE PRESIDENT Jerry Harmon SECRETARY Jeff Heyser TREASURER Paul Marsh 232 Don Letter-moserRon Paris Jim Ray Sid Shankland Jeff Thien Bill Manu Bill Perkins Fred Reed Dave Sickels John Tyler Paul Marsh Ted Phoenix Dick Russell Ed Simpson Ron Welch Don Jim Phil John Jim Massey Poole Saffel Speckmann Welty Gary McCauley Bob Prahl Tom Scali Al Spltalnlek Forrest West Jayce McClellan Leighton Pratt Gary Schweitzer Sonny Sturn Gile Williams Al McInnes Henry Ramirez Joho Seely Mike Sund Don Wozniak Terry McPherson Bill Ray Tom Self Dick Tazelaar Bill Yaussy "What did you call me, pledge?" 233 ~--.--=~ L.A::M::BD.A. C:E:I .A.LPE:A. JIM GLOVER President Jtcge c Auo rd Jim Carruthers Steve Bailey John Cary Dennis Baker Bill Clasen Vic Baker Les Crawford Charles Brunelle Bob Enochs Jack Berry Terry Crocker Brian Ertckson cna r Ies Buck Greg Ervtce Bub Horn Alan Jacobson Bob Bubel Fred JOIl Cairns Ewing PROMINENT MEMBERS DICK BLACKWELL Oceotl RON BRONK Oeeotl; Varsity tennis CHARLES BUCK Radio and TV Guild Jim Hodges Ken Kessler JIM CARRUTHERS IFC president; Oeeotl JON EWING Varsity swimming JIM GLOVER Oeeotl Fred Hernandez Steve Maloy BILL KRONBERGER Oeeotl EVENTS AND HONORS Housemother Kidnap "Little 500" Bike Race Bill Hansen Ken Lyon Jim Osborne Pledge Chariot Races: first place Cross and Crescent Spring Formal CHAPTER OFFICERS PRESIDENT Jim Glover VICE PRESIDENT Charles Buck SECRETARY Ron Reaume TREASURER Bob Bubel Lew Fay Jan Kleven Hagel' Mathison Jim Parsley Jlon Reaume 23,( Joe Filson Bill Kronberger Ed McCambridge Dave Paul John Ripka Cliff Finney Brian Lapwor th Don McDougal Ken Peterson Dick Robinson Ron Frindt Adrian Lenaln Babin Mroz Tom Power J1m Sterrett Gary Gollehon Jim Lewis Gary Neal John Quan Frank Swiderski Ed Gruber John Lukehart Brad Nelson Bob Rankin Don Thomas "Are you SURE Charlton Heston started out this way?" 1;....... PI .. •. ~ _. ::K:.APP .A. \ -".. _ _ __ _ .A.L P:H:.A. MIKE LEMBECK President John Arche.r Mike Buchanan Jim Atkins Larry Burnett Terry llaUow Mark CorneU Gary Bennett Jim Dale Joe Boschetto sandy Eves Jeff Benter Dennis Dieb Jerry Bouchard Keith Garland Roger Boman Allen Boyce Steve George Gibson Gourdln PROMINENT MEMBERS MIKE LEMBECK Upper division representative; Who's Who RON LONG IFC treasurer DENNY MOORE Commissioner of Finance MIKE SPURGEON AS president; Who's Who JIM STREET Upper division representative; Who's Who LARRY TAYLOR Lower division representative LEROY VADNEY Oceot/; Who's Who EVENTS AND HONORS r 'I Turkey Trot Dreamgirl Formal IFC Scholarship: first place, active Homecoming House Decorations: sweepstakes award CHAPTER OFFICERS PRESIDENT Mike Lembeck VICE PRESIDENT Jim Street SECRETARY Ron Myhro TREASURER Bob Harvey 236 Jim Hicks Jim Lyman Ron Myhro Pete .Rohfleisch Larry Taylor Dale Hl lmen Dan Martin Matt Nelson George Romero Mike Terrien Jeff Holt John Matthews Tom Newbro Jim Saxton Terry 'I'eudt Steve Hughes Bob McCorquodale Lanny Pasa.a Gordy Schmekel Mike Thorsnes Pete Johnson Tom MoFadden Jim Pasto Jim Stauber Gary Todd Lance Lembeck Phil Meeker George Radtci Jim Simmons Tom Ursich Tom Lester Doug Meyers Dave Rico Mike Spurgeon Bob Wagar Jack Lewin Denny Moore Ron Roach Jim Street Bill Wingo "Old Sal was a schoolteacher way out West. Ed Broderick Bob Ilarvey ~ ~_ _ SIG:M:.A A.LP:H:A. RON ROBERTS President BUddy Alexander Bob Cleatrrr Wally Freeman Dan Ander$on Don Clothier Skip Fritz TitnArn.ett Ken Co~ MIke Hager Frank Arlington Dennis Creason Lee Harris Ed Baslro Joe Berg Lane Criswell Sam Hartloff JifilCurran Ron Helsel Gary Bishop Steve Dale Va,nce)lopk'ins Boh Black Ed Daniels John Huff George Braun Mike Davis Ken Hulbert Ken Brooks Gary Duncan Jerry January Pete Culrm-rG:l ry nunsmcr. .Hm Keeton Chartu (-:aU,ll St \'4 ~."llr~dou J hn l\~ n.."1 t\ n Mil>.. Chrt "i'lm Fad. Ito,,", r King ueo u.y IlIIl Ijqb fl \cl;, r HQb K()~rln. PROMINENT MEMBERS DENNY MacDONALD AMS treasurer FRED MILEY Senior class vice president JERRY MONELL AMS president; Who's Who IH k M'llJliU BUD NELSON Varsity track DENNY O'NEEL Lower division representative ELON PLACE Senior class representative; Who's Who Al Masterson Ken Olson Chuck McKeown Joel Parks JOHN RAMSEY fFC rush chairman EVENTS AND HONORS Christmas Formal IFC SCholarship Award Purple and Gold Spring Formal IFC Football Black League: first place CHAPTER OFFICERS PRESIDENT Ron Roberts VICE PRESIDENT Chuck McKeown SECRETARY Mike Tucker TREASURER Bob Black 238 Chuck Lindsay Jay Meilusi Dick Pierce Doug Severance Jack Whaley Lutie Jerry Elan Rick John Lyman Monell Place Smith Wishon Denny MacDonald John Mocgner Marty Raborn Ron Taylor Jack Woy Chris Manning Roger Mumby Fred Rader Rich 'I'roncone Mike Way Tom Marckwardt Graig Nettles John Ramsey Mike Tucker Saul Wright Gary Martin Mike Nordmarken Paul Rosenberger Lon WaWer Richard Zane Andy Mason John O'Bryant Tim Shoemaker Harvey Walseth Dave Zeszut "Don't turn the page! I want to read Peanuts." 239 L'~' '\. " F.~.-'~ .. ~~ '" -"'j~-;:-,_. ~: ~........ ~.. .~~-, ~- SIG:M:A. ---~~-- --~ C:B:I PETE NEWMAN President George Abdelnour- Tony Clark Dick Donaldson Tom Ault Claude, Olea Englund BIH Frank Baker Ben Clay Bob Estavtuo Jim Beavers Vic Belprez Chuck Coburn Trny Fancher Mike Collins John Farris Mike Blad"w Bob CoW"" Thl,jph Brandemarte Chri s Crawford Don Fn:rBter R(>n Fall: Gary Branstetter Pat Curren Vance Gage Dick Bray Bob Bream Mike Custer Joe Gibbs Mike Daltch Larry Godfrey 0011 Barnette Menell Davia Steve Halman Wayne Britt John Davies Jeff Goff Duane 3IJilh Dave DeVore am Harp Hoger C4trk Rteh Dlabel! Gary Hart PROMINENT MEMBERS TOM AULT Freshman class vice president BEN CLAY Freshman class representative MERRELL DAVIS Senior class president; Oc eotl president STEVE EVANS Blue Key president; Who's Who DOUG MANCHESTER Junior class president Tom Lang Mike McGhee BOB ODLE Junior class vice president BOB WHITE Upper division representative; Diel, Langston Norm McMillan Kent Lawson Larry Meek Roy Lessard Ed Mendez Tom Lessard Marlo M ndea Who's Who JIM WHITE Sophomore class president Ray Keyes Dick Mather EVENTS AND HONORS Scott Reynolds Pete Knudson John MeA rthur Roger Roppe Sweetheart Ball Sigma Chi Derby Day IFC Sports: first place banner Greek Week College Bowl: first place CHAPTER OFFICERS PRESIDENT Pete Newman VICE PRESIDENT Frank Baker SECRETARY Bob Sitcoscy TREASURER George Abdelnour George Hauer Paul Locklin Jack Milks Dave Seldon Swint .vtn Dale Hawley Pete Logan Mike Morton Mike Sermersheim Jim Tyrrell Dan Helzer Rick Lowrey Dick Neel Dave Sheets Dave Van Matre steve Herron Rich Macy Ed Nefflen Mike Shreves Cap Wall ington Don Hilts Anthony Maio, Bob Odie Bob Sitcoscy Bob Whlte Jr. George ntff Doug Manchester Dave Peterson Mike Stafford Jim White Steve Jansen Bill Marseilles Dave Reed Bob Swanson Mike Wimbush Brother Barry and friends. 241 240 r'~~".: .. ':.t-'t#"": .. - < :- ~$ #":r.~~"t:~-~ <~-- :::0-.. ? - - .- ,"_. "-" " --~~~~~~~~~ ~-~~----- ------ SIG:M:A. DAVE WEST President Bob Baker Gil Challet Phil Beutley John Couser Jerry Bressler Jeff Gi.rd. Brtan !.lost DemUs Ford Bob Cartwright George Harris Members of Sigma Nu Serpentenes, the fraternity's auxiliary, art> (from left) FRONT ROW: Shirley Haas, Sheila Carroll, Diane Lang. BACK ROW: Sherrill Hatfield, Gayle Christiansen, Gerry Patterson, Linda Cleator, Sharon Sybert. PROMINENT MEMBERS GIL CHALLET Oceotl JEFF GIARDE Del Sudoeste organizations editor TOM KINNERSLEY Phi Eta Sigma TOM LUHNOW Sophomore class representative MIKE MYERS Upper division representative; Who's Who BOB PEIFFER IFC rush brochure editor DAVE WEST Interfaith Council president EVENTS AND HONORS White Rose Formal Ugly Man Trophy Winner IFC Scholarship: second place AMS Tricycle Race: first place CHAPTER OFFICERS PRESIDENT Dave West VICE PRESIDENT Dave Hulett SECRETARY Tom Luhnow TREASURER Cecil Humes 242 Dave Hulett Don Learned Dave Pais Ray Ranta Ted Ulovtc Cecil Humes Tom Luhnow Bob Peiffer Hugh Saddmgton Greg Underhill KarW Jacobus Jim Males John Peiffer Bill Stern Nick volchok Curt Phil Pete Rich Roge Krueger Neill Quechenberger Tompkins r Wright "Congratulations, AI, you're FINALLY in tune!" 243 SIG:M:.A VINCE BION President l?:a::I El?SILO~ a Bob Agnew Bill Corlett Bob Gaines Barry Ault carmine Corrente George Gallagher Dick Bachman Lee Coulter Bob Gardner Howard Baumann Branch Cox Chuck Graf Larry Belden Ron Dake Jeremy Gray Tom Burke Eben Dale Randy Hedstrom Walt Bur-rowe Joe Chuck Davis Gene Herron Chuck Devereux Tim MacNeil Denni s 0' Shea Rick Roston Joe Sullivan Reg Vitek Jim Martin!' Hunter paden Jay Shinn Joe Super Roger Warren Byrom Wes Hills Jon Byl'UID Tom Devereux Jerry Hutter Mike Carter Jim Ellsworth Tom. 180m Sid Cavey John Emrloh Tom Jimenez Dave Clark Win FIlehs Oennl. KI mb<>ll PROMINENT MEMBERS VINCE BIONDO Upper division representative; Who's Who JOHN EMRICH Varsity tennis; Blue Key BOB GARDNER Varsity water polo JOHN LACY AMS vice president JIM MILLS IFPC vice president JOE SULLIVAN Daily Aztec advertising manager; Oceotl DENNIS TIL TON Varsity water polo EVENTS AND HONO~S Pledge Slave Sale Queen of Hearts Ball·· Charity Football Game IFC Scholarship: second place CHAPTER OFFICERS PRESIDENT Vince Biondo VICE PRESIDENT John Lacy SECRETARY Dick Bachman TREASURER Chuck Devereux John Jim Rick Dick Tom Lacy Nedlik Phelps Sims Swiet-s Jim Lane Tom Nowell Jim Planchon Dave Smith Dennis Tilton Duke Lembeck Doug Newcomb Gary Rankin Richard Sorem Ben Trovaten John Tom Dick Ray Bob Loss Odegard Rice Stansbury Trovaten Lee Louis Brian Odell Randy Riggs Jim Stuart Wayne Trutna "Listen, fellas, I'm NOT a wishbone!" 245 244 SIG:M:A. PI JEFF STARK President Prank All itrgJim Parne Jim Ashcraft Jon Fink Bob Baldwin John Fox Mlke Day Jim Hare J olm Blanchard Bob Hamilton Lowell Dietz Lacry Hlege r Larry Claire Edens Higgln. The Sigma Pi fraternity house is located at 5822 Lindo Paseo. PROMINENT MEMBERS JIM ASHCRAFT Lower division representative; Oceotl CLAIRE HIGGINS Tarastec Hall president DA VE JOHNSON Interdormitory Council president; Oceotl RICH JOHNSTON Senior class treasurer; Oceotl JIM McCLUNG Varsity crew DICK SHULTZ Varsity crew; varsity water polo JIM WHITE Varsity water polo EVENTS AND HONORS Orchid Ball Red League Bowling: first place Red League Baseball: first place Reactivated national charter granted in 1949 CHAPTER OFFICERS PRESIDENT Jeff Stark VICE PRESIDENT Lee Witham SECRETARY Larry Edens TREASURER Marty Wanders 246 "Where's the white tornado?" Jerry Hofmaister John Lyon Wally Prelle Rich Stewart Marty Wanders Dave Johnson Stu Markham Randy Raycroft Dennis Szidak Bob Watkins Richard Johnston Dave Martin Steve Reinert Dave Thompson Jim White Lee Lanfrted Jim McClung Dick Schultz Mike Towles Stu Wilson Steve Lewis Ron Peterson Jeff Skinner Rod Verrips Lee Witham 247 T.AU- ::K:.APPA. EPSIL~ LARRY WICKSTROM President Art Arattn George Den Brooks Dick Brown Mike Curry Ball Ron Danielsen Buddy Batiz Tom Bruderhn Dennis Devore Duane Bellinger Bfl'l Callahan Fred Dickson Nick Bohl Dave Collins Gabby Escalera Jim Birkel Ron Chillo Roland Dowell Don Bowers Aido Comparini 'rtno Escalera Greg Boyer Joe Correia Ray Finkle Marvin Bl'ady Don Couchman Marty Freedman Gory Brag. Jack Cratger- l"klp Brnu n Tom Gaughen Jon nQn Cullin. Olu,8il,.1r PROMINENT MEMBERS JIM BIRKEL AMS Council LARRY MANSON AMS Council DENNIS NIX Rugby Dave Kettela Bob Kim DAVE SLEET Head cheerleader; Oc eotl KEN SOVAY Homecoming advisor DALE TROWER Homecoming chairman Steve Kenyon Ty Reid EVENTS AND HONORS Carnation Carousel IFC Golf: first place Spring Sing: mixed division, Spring Sing: novelty division, first place first place CHAPTER OFFICERS PRESIDENT Larry Wickstrom VICE PRESIDENT Dave Sleet SECRETARY Dave Erickson TREASURER Dennix Nix " .. add two eggs, a teaspoon of vanilla . . " John Grant Dick Martin Chris Roberts Dave Sleet Randy Veal Dallas Gray Jerry Maxwell Mike Roberts Tod Snodgrass Ray Wade Jim Healey Larry Manson Bill Scott Sam Spadaro Bob Weissberg Ed Hoopes Dennis Nix Randy Se lton Mike Supancich Doug Willingham Bob Hubon Don Pepper Ted Sheldon Gordon Sutorius Steve Wolcott Roger Jones Jim Pieri Bill Simpson Jack Swing Dave Woodhill 249 248 T:E:ETA. . C:H:I JERRY INGLE President -~ Ernie Andrade Jack Colbert Jules Barad Gary Davis The patio of the Theta for parties. Wendell Bemis Robert Ellis Chi house provides a lovely setting PROMINENT MEMBERS DICK BUCK Junior class representative; Oceotl PAT DENNIS Blue Key Publicity MIKE EVANS Code Committee CHIPS chairman FLEMING Oc eotl JERRY INGLE Oceot! GERE JOHANSING T'arastec Hall wing president DON WEAVER Cheerleader EVENTS AND HONORS Drcamgirl IFC Sports: Christmas Formal second place Party for Underprivileged Homecoming Children House Decorations: use of ma tr-rials best CHAPTER OFFICERS PRESIDENT Jerry Ingle VICE PRESIDENT Dick Buck SECRETARY Reynolds 1'0711 TREASURER Joe Go f eney "Zing! What a feeling with a Coke!" 250 Chips Fleming Bill Ginn Dave Hartley Fred Neavold Ken Thompson Cltnt Flynn Joe Goffeney Gere Johansing Tom Reynolds Don Thorn Chuck Franck Tony Grind! Bruce Luyendyk Joe Rogers Bob Van Stell e Ken Gardner Bob Haeger Mike Moser BUl Stubbs Art Yarmon 251 ZETA. BETA. TA.l:J DON LEVI President Bob Abelson Ha rvey Chernack Roland Barach Bart Doctor Ron Baranov Mar-e Donner Mel:Brav Ron Frankel Mike Bennett Bob Friedman Dan Bergman Alex Brucker Lou Oadleas Ned Getline Gary Byrnes Dave Gould PROMINENT MEMBERS MEL BRAV Rugby; Oceotl ALEX BRUCKER Oceotl; Chariot Races chairman HARVEY CHERNACK Del Sud oeste business manager LOUIS GADLESS AMS Council STEVE ISAACSON Oc eotl ; MUN; International DON LEVI Greek Week co-chairman; Board Oc eotl JERRY VARON Blue Key; Who's Who EVENTS AND HONORS ZBTahiti Party Initiation Dance Sweetheart Dance First place awards at ZBT National Convention National ZBT Award for social service projects CHAPTER OFFICERS PRESIDENT Don Levi VICE PRESIDENT Mel Brav SECRETARY Bart Doctor TREASURER Louis Gadless 252 Chuck Holmes Harvey Lenett Ron Mallick Mike Rossman Phil Sosna Steve Isaacson Ron Leesem Ron Petcher Sheldon Sadan Ken Suvada Dave Kidder Jay Lieberman Bill Pine Bob Singer Morris Winicki . kes too f ar.I" "They're carrying those elephant JO John Kramer Roger Lowttz Dave Pine Don Smith llja Weinrieb Erwin Krasnow Sandy Martin Mark Rosen Mark Solomon Sheldon Zemen 253 CRESCENTS Lambda Chi Alpha Auxiliary FRONT ROW: Strong, Dimaris BACK ROW: phanie Evans, Floore. SIGMA PHI EPSILON SWEETHEARTS Auxiliary Sharon Waxon, Nancy Howe, Jan Miller. Dena Anderson, SteVickie Gray, Bobbi FRONT ROW: Mary Ellen Hecker, Sandy Pearson, Phyllis Elijah, Kathy Morey, Diane Eaton. BACK ROW: Sue Mathis, Vicky Johnson, Barbara Anderson, Jackie McAleer, Susie Adams. LITTLE SISTERS OF THE MALTESE CROSS Alpha Tau Omega Auxiliary FRONT ROW: Barbara Fisher, Nanci Leland, San dee Kochendorfer, Kip Holmes, Brooke Harper. BACK ROW: Kathy Barto, Jill Cohen, Anne Muhlig, Pam Medine, Mary Dickinson, Barbara Ayers. LITTLE SISTERS OF MINERVA Sigma Alpha Epsilon Auxiliary FRONT ROW: Beth Zan tiny, Kathy Jones, Judy Johnson, Jackie Cammack, Mike Brinnen, Taffy Voyen. BACK ROW: Janet Bettag, Liz Webster Pam Marckwardt, Margie Boyd, Suz~nne Van Woy, Sally Hallenbeck. SWEETHEARTS OF THE DIAMOND Pi Kappa Alpha Auxiliary FRONT ROW: Virginia Sanderson, Diana Stagg, Elaine Myhro, Taffy. Polster, Jan Woods, Nancy Bannister, [uelle Lamb. BACK ROW: Barbara Ramet, Melanie Bouer, Sue Heide, Carole Walker, Cheri Bennett, Leslie Poehlman, Sandra Maxwell, Susan Acord, Janet Gibson. SWEETHEARTS OF THE NILE Delta Sigma Phi Auxiliary FRONT ROW: Jonni Nev!n, ~haron McNamara Barbara Holewinski, Pam Wilson, De~von Heilm~n. . . ROW 2: Carol RossI, Adeline Williams, Ellen Gear, Mairzy Barbour, Lorri Petrie, Linda Henderson. ROW 3: Sue Walters, Kathy Kelly, Penny Pickup, Brenda Broadway, Sharon Jones, Sandi Lyons. SE~IO:RS Cap and Gown Blue Key To be tapped for membership in Cap and Gown, an upper division woman must have attained an over-all grade point average of at least 2.8 and be considered outstanding in two different fields. The group's purposes are to promote and maintain a high standard of scholarship, and to develop a finer type of college woman. Cap and Gown's major projects are a leadership school for outstanding freshmen and sophomore women, a banquet for its alumnae members, and the promotion of various cultural activities such as the ballet. Dean Margery Warmer is faculty advisor to the group. t STEVE EVAN President Membership in Blue Key national honor fraternity is based on the display of outstanding leadership in all fields of campus activity. Men tapp d for membership must have a grade point average above the all men's average and be considered outstanding in at least two fields. Each emester Blue Key sponsors a $50 scholarship for outstanding- underclassmen displaying leadership potential. ~- Members not pictured are Frank Hoole and Doug Palenschat. Peggy Bartz Kathy Estey Ginger Battenfield Janet Ewalt LaRue Brown Corinne Gardner Janice Crowell Gail Hickcox MIKE LEMBECK Vice President r- ~__ ~--- Vince Biondo Merrell Davis .Jerry Harmon .......... ,_---"'""'ffiFFat-Stalnaker~--- .......- Dick Buck Pat Dennis .Joe Kiefer :lerry Varon' ....----~ Randy Chaffin .John Emrich Tom Logans Bob White HYMAN LEE Corresponding Secretary Geneva Hickman Marilyn Butcrtue Nancy MIKE SLAVIT Secretary-Treasurer McCaslin Barbara Thomas Jan Watson 261 260 '~ IIIIIIIIIi. _ WILLIAM H. ADAIR DONNALEE ADAMS Marketing; American Marketing Association, vice president: Tau Sigma. Elementary Education; Alpha Xi Delta. president; Anahuac. SANDRA LEE ALLEN SANDRA MAY ALLEN Elementary Education. Sociology; Social Welfare; CHARLES C. AIKEN Latin-American Studies; LINDA M. ALLEN pa Alpha. Alpha Epsilon, president; Crew. JOHN MICHAEL ALLOWAY Social Science; Aztec Ski Club. DOUGLAS ALLYN Banking and Finance; Kappa ROGER CARL ALSBORG Accounting; Anahuac. DAVlDAMOS . Music Education; Phi Mu Al~ Sailing Club; Wesley Fellowship. Sigma pha SinIonia; Kappa De1taPi; Gamma; Hillel, Alpha Mu president; Interfaith treat and Week Claalrmens. vice- president ROGER ANDERSON Marketing; Tau Sigma, vice president; American Marketing Association, president. Accounting; Sigma Chi, president; Accounting Society; ASB Supreme Court Justice; Interfraternity Council. JOAN MARIE ANDERSON WILEN ANDERSON Education. Accounting Soci- ety; Aztec Ski Club. ERNEST G. ANDRADE Business; Theta Chi; Anahuac; Society for the Advancement of Management. Social Welfare. Political EVELYN L AUSTIN JACK AVERY JUDY PAMELA BACON Social Science; Gamma Beta. Phi KAREN BABSON GREG W. BAILEY Secretarial Management. Industrial Arts; Epsilon Pi Tau. STEVE BAILEY Geology; Lambda Chi Alpha; MAXINE M. BAKER Economics. JAMES KENNETH BAKER Chemistry; Sigma Pi; SAAes. DOUGLAS PAUL BARBER Music Education; Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonla. Tri- AIAA. Aztec Geography Club. Delvers. Accounting; Zeta Beta Tau. BARBARA ANN BARRETT Home Economics; Zepotec Hall, treasurer; Resident Assistant; Anahuac. PENNIE LYNN AVERY Elementary Education; SeTA. Tecton HAROLD RONALD BARANOV Science. Aero-Engineering; Education. CoUn<:U, WILLIAM L BARNHILL Sociology. PAUL ARNOLD Music; Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia; Symphonic and Marching Bands. ADA M. AYERS JANET LOU BANKS Marketing; American Marketlui: Association. DONNA M. BARKER Secretarial Management; S;Anahu8C MARIO ANTONELLIS DONALD WILLIAM ARTIMEZ Elementary Education; Olmeca Wing president; Anahuac; BARBARA BANE :£hglish; National Student Chrlstlan Federation, Public Administration; Kappa Sigma; Journal of Business. THOMAS P. ANDERT Accounting; Education. Sigma; IFe, vice presid-ent; Reconstruction Board; Junfor Class vice prestdemr Greek Re- GERALD ANDERSON Elementary Elementary DEAN PAUL BALDRIDGE Radio-Television; Alpha Epsilon Rho, president; KEBS Announcer. MARTIJA ANN ALLEN Elementary Education; Anabuac~ JERALD A. ALFORD Marketing; Lambda Chi Alpha; Aztec Ski Club; Arrrertcan Marketing Association. EARL E. ALEXANDER jR. Business Management? Kap- ROBERT WILLIAM BAKER Elementary Education. PATRICIA BARTLETf French; retary; Alpha 'Phi; AWS, secCetza; purs. MARGARET ANN BARTZ Anthropology; Kappa Delta, secretary, house manager; Ski Club; Cap and Gown; Las Menines, vice president; Dean's List. JANICE M. BASLER Elementary Education; Anahuac. MICHAEL ALLEN BENNETT Political Science; Zeta Beta Tau, historian; Young Democrats. NANCY BENNETT HOWARD WAYNE BAUMANN Chemistry; Sigma Phi Epsilon; Aesculapians: Rowing. ANDREW Sociolngy. PAUL BAZAR RUTH BELL BENSON Education. GREGORY BERG Physical Education; Phi Sigma Kappa; CAHPER; Golf. CYNTHIA Elementary A. BEAN Education; MARVIN W. BEYER jR. Industrial Arts; Industrial Arts Club. PETER A. BILICKI Social Science; Anahuac; CAHPER. ROBERT BERG Business Management; Pi Kappa Alpha. VINCENT F. BIONDO jR. Pre-Law; Sigma Phi Epsilon, president, treasurer; Blue Key; Oceotl; Upper Division Representative; AS Commissioner of Finance; Who's Who; Dean's List. WILLIAM JOHN BIRD Accounting; Arnold Air Society; AFROTC Drill Team; Sabre Society. and Corrections Club. D. BEAN Epsilon; SCTA. GABRlEL EARL BRADFORD . Accounting; Accounting Sect- KENNETH BLISS Geology; Tecton Delvers. JANET BLISS Psychology. ELTZABETH ANN BODGE Elementary Education; SeTA. Chemi- DENISE CLEORA Education. HENRY R. BORCHERS Industrial Arts; Industrial Arts Club. MELANIE W. BOUER Accounting; Alpha Phi; Anahuac; Sweethearts of the Diamonds. DONALD GENE BOWERS Insurance; Tau Kappa Epsilon, president, secretary, house manager; Oceotl; IFC Judiciary Council. JAMES MARVIN BOX Journalism; Sigma Delta Chi; VIRGINIA Nursing. LEE BOYLE editor. news editor. CYNTHIA BOYD Sociology; Student Nurses' Association; Anahuac; College- Y; XOLOTL; Social Work and Corrections Club. GINGER BRADSHAW Elementary Education; Kappa Delta Pi, treasurer, president; Delta Phi Upsilon, secretary. ARLYCE BRASHER Elementary Education. GEORGE FRANK BRAUN General Science; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Varsity Crew. CAROL A. BRAWN Physical Education; SPEC; CARPER; Woman's Athletic Association. president. SCT A. BREES BOLLES JAMES H. BOOKBINDER Mathematics; Sigma Pi Sigma; Hillel. ~~i~~~PD:il~iA~:~~ ~h~~~ GLADYS F.BERNER Education; Anahuac; Kappa Delta Pi; Verse Choir. WILLIAM WALTER Phychology. JAN K. BOHREN Personnel Management. KENNETH C. BOUCHARD Industrial Arts; Industrial Arts Club, secretary; Epsilon Pi Tau. BARRY MILTON BERNDES journalism; Ski Club; Daily Atlec, reporter; Sociedad De La Amistad; Sigma Delta Chi. Society. DENNIS BRADLEY Banking and Finance; Phi Beta Sigma; Beta Gamma Sigma; Dean's List. DONNA BREEDWVE Elementary Education; CAROL LYNN BLECHA Elementary Education. managing OONNABEARD Social Welfare; Social Work Kappa ely; Pre-Legal we; ALICE FAYE BOE Chemistry; American cal Society, Elementary Education; Tau GREGORY SCTA. PHILIP H. BOYNTON Social Science; Anahuac; Delta Kappa; Phi Alpha Theta. Pi ,- WAYNE EDWARD BREISE Business Management; Pi CHARLES R. BRINDELL Political Science. CHARLIE MACK BROADAWAY WAYNE WILLIS BRfIT Social Science; Sigma Chi. ic Engineers; TERRYV. BROWN Social Science; Phi Alpha Theta; Phi Eta Sigma; Kappa Del Pi. TERRY FAYE BRUMAGIM Home Economics; AWS [udietary Board; Home Econom- BARBARAJ.BRYANT Elementary Education. Basketball. NANCY ELIZABETH BRYANT Political Science. ARTHlIR j. CESARIO General; Amold AIr Society; AFROTC; Lambda.Delta Sigma, LINDA ANN CHAPMAN Social Science. BUESING Industrial. Engfneeringj In51'itute of Industrial Engineers; Students for Freedom; Young Republicans, Society of Aarc- GERAlD F. BlJGGERT' Sociology. WAYNE L. CHAPMAN Social Science RUTH M. CHARLES Elementary Education. HARRY PAUL BUDDLE KARL MICHAEL Industrial Club. Arts; Industrial Arts ics Club; Sailing Club. JR. Elementary Education. LA RUE BROWN Psychology: Spurs; Alpha Lambda Delta; Psi Chi; and Gown. :~~{Efect~~r:riJ]fjec~~= Kappa Alpha. SUSAN ELIZABETH BROWN Cap INEZ MYRA BROWN Elementary Education; SCTA, president; ASS Student at Large; "Student Prince~ director. motive Engineers. FREDERICK WILLIAM BURKEJR Political Science; Marching Aztecs; MUN; Young Democrats; Society for the Advancement of Management. ELAYNE BURKIN Elementary Education. NANCY E. BURTON Microbiology; Phi Mu Epsilon. OSCAR F. BURTON Elementary Education. Pep DON BURNETTE Elementary Education; Chi. Sigma PATRICIA BUSH Social Science; Phi Alpha Theta. WILLARD C. BUXTON Business Management. ELIZABETH ANN CALLAHAN Elementary Education; SCTA; Newman Club. DAVID CABUSH Elementary Education. MARY E. CAIRNS Elementary Education; Anahuac; SCTA, secretary. PEDRO R. CALMA Social Welfare; Social Work and Corrections Club. MATHEW CAMARILLO Social Science; Arnold Air ciety; Track. jUDlTY ANN BURDS Elementary Education; Board Chairman. So- JOHN CASWELL CALLAHAN Social Science; Social Work and Corrections Club. DOMINIE ANNE CAPPADONNA Home Economics; vice president; Leadership Seminar chairman. MARY Genera. ALFONSO F. CARDENAS Electrical Engineering; International Student Association; Varsity Tennis. JAMES W. CARLSEN Speech Arts; Phi Mu Alpha; Dorm Judicial Board; Readers Theatre CI.y.b, secretary; Anahuac; Debate; "Thls Property Is Condemned." Alpha Chi ~h~~:\J~~~A ~g~~Jlj~~~: AS l' CARADINE JOAN CARLSON Elementary Education; Kappa Delta Pi. ANN LOUISE CARROLL Psychology; Pi Beta Phi, treasurer, secretary; Cetza; Spurs, treasurer; Anahuac; Aesculaplans; Dean's-List. I MONA ELISE CHASTAIN Anahuac; SCTA; National Ed· ucation Association; Delta Phi gru~lon; Roger Williams LOIS EDRJE CHATTERLEY Elementary Education. STEFANA CIRINO Elernentar:v- Education; Delta Pi; Dean's List. Kappa SABRA CLARDY Elementary Education; vice president. Wing JAMES I.CLARK CECILE A. CLARK Psychology. Civil Engineering; American SOciety of Civil Engineers; Ar- nold Air Society; AFROTC: Sigma Delta. DAVID G. COLEMAN SANDY COHEN Marketing; American ing Association. Market 4 Elementary Education; J udiciary Board; Interdcrm Council; Tarastec Hall, wing president; JACK W. CLOSE General: Delta Sigma Phi, FAIN P. COCHRAN JR. Industrial Arts: CTA; ScrA; president; pledge trainer; Inter-Fraternity Council. Industrial LINDA RAE COLEMAN CLINTON L. COLLIER AFROTC; Arnold Air Society: Secretarial Management; Anahuac; 'Trl-S, vice president. NORRIS COCHRAN Anthropology; Kappa Sigma. WALTER S. COCHRAN JR DONNA LOUISE COLLIER Physical Education; Modern Dance Club; Dance Group of DOROTHY COLLlER San Diego State. vice president. Arts Club; National Education; Kappa Delta Pi; Verse Chotr, treasurer. DENNIS DANIEL Biology; Alpha Tau Ornega; IFC, secretary; AMS, secretary. BRUCE M. COHEN Industrial Arts; Industrial Arts Club. Education Association. . Biological elation, Photographic Ass0- Elementary Education; Alpha Lambda Delta: Olmeca Hall, JAMES T. COLLINS General Elementary: scr A. JAMES F. DARK ~h Arts; Alpha Epsilon RICHARD W. DAVIDSON Emtineering; American Society pfCivi] Engineers, treasurer. SCTA. PATRICIA COLONELL Social Welfare; Sigma Kappa; Social Welfare and Corrections Clubs; Anahuac. ARTHUR T. COMINGS English; Daily Aztec; Phoenix. MERRELL E. DAVIS Journalism; Sigma Delta Chi. Latin-American Studies; Sigma Chi, president, vice president, treasurer; Oceotl, president, treasurer; Senior Class president; Wrtstling. ROSALIE CORREA Elementary Education; XOLOTL; Anahuac; Sailing JAMES J. CONNER JJJ JANET IRENE COLSTON ~~~~~r~~SLambda Delta Sigma. English; German Club. CAROL DAWSON JOHN H. CONSER II Social Science; Sigma Nu; Alpha Phi Omega; Sabre Society. ELDRIDGE COOKS Industrial Arts; Kappa Alpha Psi; Oceotl: Varsity Football. Home Econom ics. CAROLYNN COSENZA Elementary Education; SeTA; Junior Class Council. Club: Sigma Kappa; Kappa Pi; Del Sud"",le, art editor; SCTA;NEA. BARBARA M DAY SecretQrial VALERIE JEAN COSKY Elementary Education; Kappa Delta Pi; Spurs; Graduate with honors and distinction; Wesley Foundation. BERNARD CRAWFORD JOHN M. COSTELI.O jR. General; Sigma Chi; Varsity Football and Baseball. LENORE COWAN Elementary Education. Mathematics. CAROL CRICK CAROLYN ALDEN CROWE Elementary Education; Beta Sigma Phi; Anahuac; National Educators Association; SeTA. Sociology; Daily Aztec; Del Sudoeste; Verse Choir. TERRY S. CROCKER Elementary Education; Lamb- da Chi Alpha: SCTA; Crew, manager. MARJE CUNNINGHAM English; Alpha Phi; Cetza; Kappa Pi. MARGARET JO CURTICE Elementary Education. JANICE LYNN CROWELL Mathematics; Zapotec Hall, w,':!g president, hall president, resident assistant; Interdorm Council; Spurs; Las Meninas; Cap and Gown. FRANK A. CUSUMANO Engineering; Newman RICHARD CARL DAHLINJR. Recreation. Club. EVILLE agement. MARIE DEHOFF Mathematics; Ski Club. ALBERT GORDON DEMPSEY Social Science; American Marketing Association; Circle K; Pi; Alpha Gam- RICHARD H. DE PAGTER Engineering; Society of Automotive Engineers; AIM; Aztec Engineer. EARL S. DICKSON Elementary Education; Anahuac;SCTA. M1LAN DIMlCH Physical Education; CARPER; Football. ~~E~~ta PAULA DICKERSON General Elementary Educenon; Delta Phi Upsilon. JOSEPH MICHAEL Electrical Engineer; DEVAN IEEE. CHARLES R. DEVEREUX Accounting; Sigma Phi Epsilon comptroller. social chairman; Aceounttng Society; Tau Sigma; Wesley Foundation. MARGARET LOUISE DEWITT Social welfare, Chi Om1kj ~~~; fWs RONALD PRESTON DEWISE Social Science. KATHRYN ENGELBRECHT Psychology; Alpha ChI Omega; Anllhuac; Ski Clnb. c:,~~~jen~ chairman. PHILIP D. DODGE Psychology. SUZANNE DOEG Secretarial Management; Alpha Phi. WILLIAM R. ENGLANDER Accounting; Sigma Phi Epsilon; Accounting Society. REGJNASTADLER ENOCHS Sociology; Aztec. reporter; Del Su:doesto. administration edttor; Newman Club. JQHNF.ERll Social Science;Kappa Sigma. PORTIA DUCKETT Elementary Education; Alpha Gamma Delta; Cetza; Newman Club. LEROY DENNIS DUERKSEN Business Management. MARILYN C. DUPREE Home Economics; Sigma Kappa, social chairman, treasurer; Cetza, secretary; Home Economics Club; Freshman and Sophomore Class, treasurer; Flag Twirler. LOIS EARNER English; Young Republicans; Tennis. PATRICIA AILEEN Social Science. EBERT CAROLYN Elementary DUNCAN Education. GARY K. DUNN Mathematics; T oltec Hall, treasurer; Ski Club; Sailing Club. CHARLES T. EASLEY Industrial Arts; Industrial Arts Club. GENIE ANGELA EASTMAN Elementary Education. CAROL ANN EGGERT Anahuac; Delta Phi Upsilon; Kappa Delta Pi. DONALDEDIC General; Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship, president. JUDITH ANN EIFERT Psychology; Luthern Students Association; Psi Chi. ERIC PARK ELBEL General; Arnold Air Society; Cross Country; Baptist Student Union. WILLIAM J. ELLIOTT Geology; Sigma Phi Epsilon; Tecton Delvers, president; Phi Eta Sigma. PATRICIA SUE ELLIOTT English; Sigma Kappa, EVELYN Education. JOAN HANCOCK EMBREE Journalism; Gamma Phi Beta; ~cf..~r~;~sj~O~~~il: society edt- JOHN G. EMERSON General. F. ELLIS ROBERT C. EMERY Social Science. JOHN JACOB EMRICH Chemistry; Sigma Phi Epsilon; Aesculapians: Blue Key; Phi Eta Sigma, treasurer; SAACS; Varsity Tennis, captain. LYNNE ERICKSON Elementary Education; Anahuac, secretary; SCTA; Delta Phi Upsilon; esley Foundation. BRUCE STE Art; Anahuac. ARD ERTLE PENELOPE E ESTES l!IlgIish. MARY KATHERINE ESTEY DANA BETH EVANS ~v~~~;..'t~, ~~~~e. Elemenfary Education. MARGARET E. EVANS Elementary Education. president; Spurs; Las Meninas; Cap and Gown; Alpha Lambda Delta; Who's Cetae, STEVEN J. EVANS Zoology: Sigma Chi, president 0ce0tJ; CAHPER; Blue Key, president; Varsity Baseball and Basketball; Dean's List. JANET M. EWALT English; Omeea Hall, resident assistant, wing president. vice president: Cap and Gown; Las Meninas; Alpha Lambda Delta; Phi Alpha 'Thera. LLOYD FALL Industrial Arts: Industrial Arts Club. LORETTA O. FANT Elementary 'Education. CAROLYNN J; GALKOSKI Education; SCTA; CAHPER, treasurer; SPEC; Dean's List. ROSALlN GARCIA Elementary Education. 8UlNTEN FERNALD LAWRENCE B. FERNANDEZ Industrial Arts; Sigma Chi; Vanity Football. CORINNE SUE GARDNER Social Science; Olmeea Hall, ANNE H. GASSAWAY French; Kappa Delta PI. Wl!o. PHILIP R FARIAS Social Science; Kappa Sigma; V arsity Football. CAROL ANNE FARNEY Nursing. LEW FAY Marketing; Lambda Chi Alpha; Track; MUN, controller, MORTON MICHAEL FELDBAUM Mathematics; Zeta Beta Tau; Hillel. NORMA lEAN FERGUSON Elementary Education: SCT A. ivil Engineer; American Society of Civil Engineers, president. sident; man. SALVATORE FERRANTELU NORMA GIANNONE SHARON LEE FINNEY Physical Education; Music; Pi Kappa Alpha; Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia; Italian Club, president; Opera Workshop; Who's Who; Aztec Ambassadors. CAHPER; Little Sisters of VERONICA FIEW Zoology; SAACS; Alpha Elementary Education; Kappa Delta; Little Sisters of the Maltese Cross; Aztec Ski Club. Lambda Delta; Aesculaplans. Minerva; Sophomore Council. Class BARBARA 10 FISHER ElementarylEducation; Alpha Gamma Delta, activities and altroisticch8.irman; SeTA; Ski Club, JEFFREY U GIARDE Pre-Lent; h'lgma Nu; Sigma Delta Phi;TJel Sudoeste "'Janizatiolis editor; UCCF. JAMJ'lS C. GWVER Radio and Television; LambDONNA MARIE FLEMING Elementary Education; Wing Donn, president, resident assistant. BARBARA L. FLOORE Elementary Education; Alpha Gamma Delta, scribe, vice =~~ep:~~f~~~~b Cres- NORMA LEE FLORES ¥3:1~~ntary Education; Kappa ALBERT FLOYD Business Management; Society for the Advancement of Management. Board. ALICIA ELIZABETH FOWA Spanish; Alpha Mu Gamma. RICHARD BRYAN FOLEY Psychology; Anahuac; Circle K; Social Work and Corrections Club; Phi Et'a Sigma. ROBERT A FORREST Epsilon Pi Tau; Arnold Air Society. PATRICIA MAUREEN FORSBERG Physical Education; SPEC, president, vice president, treas- PATRICIA D. FORD Elementary Education; Dorm Wing president, resident assistant. RONALD L. FOREMAN Electrical Engineering. RICHARD MARTIN FOWLER Industrial Arts; SCTA; Roger Williams Club; Industrial Arts Club. ALICE MARIE FOX English; Chi Omega, presi- urer; CAHPER dent, vice president; SCTA, treasurer, vice president; Las Meninas; Spurs. SHIRLEY FRANKLIN Psychology. 10HN C. FREYMUELLER Industrial Artsj Lambda Chi Industrial Arts Club; H. WILLIAM FREUDENBERG Marketing; American Marketing Association, treasurer. ~-¥A: NORMA SUE GALE Elementary Education; Alpha Theta. Kappa da Chi Alpha, president; Oceod;Afptla Epsilon Rho; Dean's List; Society for the Advancement of Management. CECILIA J/INET GODBOUT English; Ka~pa Alpha Theta, _l1tY: Kappa Delta Pi; Las' Meni Chi; De Dean's List. amgirl of Theta este, copy editor; BURDETTE JUDITH K. GODDARD Elementary Education; Alpha Theta. Kappa RAYMOND J. GOODWIN Aceounting~ Anahuac; Alpha Phi. Beta JEFF GOFF jR KENNETH JAMES GOLDKAMP Civil Engineering; American Society of Civil Engineers; Sigma Delta; Newman Club. NOMIGOLIK English. MICHAEL T. GONTESKY JEFFREY BRENT GRAHAM MARSHA L. GRATON Nursing; KATIlY GRAY Elementary Education. MELICENT Zoology; LEO DAVID GOGGINS jR. Zoology; Sigma Chi; Premedical SOciety. General Sigma. BARBARA ANNETTE GORDON Elementary Education; 'Kappa Pre-Legal; Phi Eta Rugby. Aztec Ski Club; Sail. Art; Kappa Sigma; Rugby; Crew; Pep Boerd. ing Club; Student Nurses Assccteucu, DelraPi. RAYMOND L. GRIEBEL JOHN PATRICK GREEN Pre-Legal. Business Education; Pi Omega Pi. GAYLE LYNN GRIGGS JOAN GREGORY Elementary Education; ley Foundation. Wes- LOWELL A. GRiMAUD Social Science; Anthropology Society; Geography Club. DOROTHY H. GRINER Nursing; Pi Beta Phi; Angel Flight; Daughters of Diana; Homecoming Queen; Sweetheart of Tau Kappa Epsilon. Elementary Education; IRENE M. GUERRERO JOHN GURRAD Pre-Legal Psychology. FREDRICK JOHN GUNTHER Geology; Tarastec Judiciary Board; Tecton Delvers; Newman Club. General. Society. JAMES DON GUTZMER Political Science; Alpha Epsilon Rho, treasurer. WALTER H. HAGEN CHEUNG-FaNG HA Mathematics. ALFRED JOHN HADZIMA General. MARY MARGUERITE HALSTED Civil Engineer; American Society of Civil Engineers; Sigma Delta, president. Elementary JOHN S. HALL 10 ANN HAMILTON Political Science. LEONARD E. HANSFORD SHARON' MARIE HANSON Elementary Education; Olme('3 Hali.vtoe president. jEUNESSE HANUS Speech Am, Oeneral Social Science. Secondar}'; Chi Omega; Theater Gojld: Reader's Theatre Club: Utile Sister of Minerva. CAROLYN HARDEMAN Elementary Education; SeTA. ROBERT R. HARMS English; Pi Kappa Alpha, peesidem, vice president: Oceotl, president, chaplain. Education; SeTA; Newman Club. Elementary SUSAN ELIZABETH HARRIS Elementary Education; Kappa Alpha Theta. JACK GROSS jR. Economics; New- man Club. MARION C. GRaB DALE GRUBE KENNETH C. HANCOCK Social SCience. JEPF TODD HARRIS German; Kappa Sigma. JANET ANN GRISWOLD General. Speech Arts; Zeta Beta Tau; Foreign Student Club; Oratory Society; Summer Theater. ELAINE GRAY Speech Arts; Delta Sigma Theta; Reader's TheatTe:;Speech TournamentS;· Wf.\'iley· Foundation. LEE GARDNER GOOD Psychology. Education; SeTA. ELWIN BURTON HART Political Science; Alpha Sigma Lambda. CLARENCE C. HAWK History; Verse Choir. JANET RUTH HARTMAN Elementary Education; Kappa Delta Pi; Delta Phi Upsilon. ROBERT OWEN HARVEY Industrial Management; Pi Kappa Alpha, treasurer, vice president; IFe, treasurer. RONALD E. HASBROOKE Psychology. PHiliP E. HAWTHORNE OTIS P. HEALD CARLENE.LUCIA HEARST Elementary Education; SCTA; Economics .. IE- Marketing; Kappa Sigma; American Marketing Asrodation. DAVID NORMAN General. HASS PAUL.WItSON HEBERT jR. Chemistry; Alpha Tau Omega; A/$culapians; SAACS. Alpha Xi Delta. treasurer, chaplain; VCCF, treasurer, BOBBIE HATFIELD Elementary Education;SCTA; SANDRA lEE HOFl.'lNG Elementary Education; Alpha NEA. Epsilon, president; Young Democrats: Dean's List; Hillel. JERRY HEDGES Marketing; Alpha Tau Omega; American Marketing Associa· tfon. MICHAEL HEENAN Elementary ..idu¢atiol1; EUGENE E. HOlMERUD Physic,; Anahuac; Sigma Pi Sigma. VICKI LEE HOFFMAN Elementary Education; Lambda Delta Sigma. SVSANK. HOLT Elementary Education; Chi Omega. Alpha vice president. KATI:lARlNE B. HOPKINS Englishi Wesley Foundation; DIANNE HELBERG Elementary Education. BONNIE HERKELRATH Elementary Education. ~h::~c~~ng LARRY j. HELGESON Chemistry; Aesculapians; man Club; SAACS. KAYE HERMAN Elementary Education; Alpha Chi Omega; Cetza. IDA HORTON Sociology; Alpha Kappa Alpha. Ger- JAN FRANCIS HERR English; Young Republicans; International Students Association. RICHARD GENE HERRON Finance; Sigma Phi Epsilon. GENEVA K. HICKMAN Business Education; Alpha Lambda Delta; Pi Omega Pi; Beta Gamma Sigma; Kappa Delta Pi; Cap and Gown. HERSCHEL CHESTER HICKS Psychology; Society lor the Advancement of Management. DOUGLAS Education. ARTHUR HILL MARILYN VAN DOREN HILPERT English. ERNEST HIRATA Industrial Arts; Anahuac; SCTA; Epsilon Pi Tau; Kappa Delta Phi. DUANE WARREN Recreation. HOBEl STEVEN M. HERRON English; Sigma Chi. DIMARIS MARJORIE HIGGS Elementary Education; Delta Zeta, president; Little Sisters of the Maltese Cross. YUKO HIGUCHI Sociology, JOYCE HINES Chemistry; SAACS. JUDY HINRICHS Home Economics; Kappa Delta, treasurer; Home Economics Club. JAMES W. HODGES Pre-Legal; Lambda Chi Al- P~::;~l~i~~~;alB:t~a~~m. rna ELtEN HOWE Elementary Education; Alpha GAIL HICKCOX Home Economics; Sigma Kappa. president, house manager; Sigma Phi Epsilon Sweethearts Club; Cap and Gown; Las Meninas. Sigma. JAMES HAL HODGSON English. Club; jR. Phi; Spurs, president. ALMETTA Mathematics. E HUDSON JEANNE ANN HUEBNER Music; Sigma Alpha Iota. ALLEN JAFFE Real Estate; Tau Sigma. DAVID EUGENE HULETT Political Science; Sigma Nu. PRJSClLLA JAMES Art Education. BARBARA ICKIS Elementary Education; SCT A; Maya Hall, resident assistant; Standards Board chairman. WANDA IHRJG JUDY JAMESON Elementary Education. EVALYNN E.IENNINGS Elementary Education: Anahuae; UCCF. Elementary Education. SHARON INGRAM Elementary Education; RALPH SeTA. LEONARD ARTHUR JOHNSON Music; Phi Mu Alpha Sinfcnia; Opera Workshop; Canterbury Club. ROBERT W. JOHNSON Education. DAVID A. JOHNSON Management; Sigma Pt, vice presldent; T arasrec Hall, president; Judiciary-Board; Interdorm Council; president; Ocecrl: Circle K,secretary. LEWIS CHARLES JOHNSON Biology; Wesley Foundation. MARY ELAiNE JOHNSON Elementary Education; Olmeca Hall, council. YVONNE JOHNSON Education; Delta Sigma Theta; Kappa Delta Pi; Delta Phi Upsilon; Pi Lambda Theta. VICKY LYNNE JOHNSON General; Sigma Phi Epsilon; Sweetheart Club; Ski Club. RICHARD W. JOHNSTON Marketing; Sigma Pi, president; Tarastec Hall, treasurer, resident assistant; Senior Class treasurer; Oceotl. DALE HARRIS JONES Elementary Education; SCTA. XENOPHON M. IONES Social Science. LINDA JONES Zoology; Alpha Gamma Delta, treasurer; Spurs. JAMES J. JOYCE Marketing; Kappa Sigma. SHARON DIANE JUDY Business Education; Sigma Kappa; Anahuac; Homecoming secretary. LARRY S. KARMAN Marketing; American Marketing Association; Track. NEIL EDWARD JUSTUS Elementary Education; SCTA; Tarastec Wing officer. MICHAEL G. KELLY Economics. VIRGINIA MARJE IRVINE Sociology; Kappa Alpha Theta, priBjdent;Spurs, secretary; Special Events Board chairman LAWRENCE C. JOHNSON General Secondary Teacher. DONALD D. KELLY Accounting; Anahuac; Accounting Society. INZj)NZA Latin-American Studies. JlJDlTB ANN JOHNSON English; Spurs, .historian; Iota Nu Kappa. vJce president; Cap. and Gown, chancellor;; _Las Meninas, president; Alpha Lambda Pi. Delta; KAY ANN KENDALL Physical Education; CAHPER: SPEC: Sailin~ MICHAEL JOHN KENDEL Engineering: AIAA. Club; Newman Club; Interdorm Council. KENNETH V. KERNS ludustrialManagement: Newman Club; Society for the Ad· vartcemeerof TERRY KERR Elementary Education. Management; Anahuac. Kappa Delta LELA H. KERTH Political Science; UCCF. CAROL ANN KIDDER Speech Corr"hion: Chi Orne~a; Brocas: AnF;el Flight; Cetza. EDWARDL. KILLGORE Industrial ArtS; Industrial Arts Club, president. ROGER MERRITT KING Marketing; Sigma Alpha EpsiMarketing As- ~~ia=rican ROBERT MICHAEL KITCHIN Biology; Dean's List; Wrestling. ARNOLD 1. KLOVEN IR. Business Management; Lambda Chi Alpha; Anahuac; Arnold Air Society; Society for the Advancement of Management. MARGARET KNITTEL Elementary Education. lONIKNOX Elementary Education; Alpha Epsilon Phi, secretary; Hillel. ARTHUR TERRANCE KEBORT Geology; Newman Club. JACQUELINE Education. M. KELTZ TOHN C. KEN ASTON JR. Broadcasting; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Water Polo. THOMAS KOLBY Social Welfare; Social Welfare and Corrections Club, vice president. KATHRYN ELLEN KOSVIC Elementary Education. VIRGINIA KREPPS Elementary Education. HELEN ELIZABETH KRIENKE Secretarial Management; Anahuac. BILL KRONBERGER Political Science; Alpha, president, Lambda Chi social chair- d:;:;~~~'Th6~;:bB~~-lalions director; Special Events WINIFRED KRONE Sociology; Alpha Epsilon Phi; Student Recreation Scclers, secretary; Aztec Ski Club; Associated Students Intramural Board. secretary. ROBERT F. KUHNERT Political Science; Pre-Legal Society, vice president; Anabuec. SYDNEY LA FONT A Elementary Educerlcru Kappa Alpha Theta; Sweethearts of the Diamond; Songleader, EDNAV. General. LAMB MARILOU LANGE English; Gamma Phi Beta, preslderit, vice president, effi» ciency chairman; Student Speakers' Bureau; Newman Club; Anj(el Flight;"! Lambda Theta; DeaITS List. BRENDA LANZA Elementary Educetton. VICTOR G. LARES Spanish. JUDY M. LARlCK ElementaryEdueatil:m;~A; College Y. JOANNLOWER Elementary Education; Pi Beta Phi, vice president i SGTA; Little Sisters of the Maltese Cross. Board, chairman. MICHAEL SIDNEY LAMBE Mathematics; Anahuac, vice president. IOHN C. LAMOTT IR Social Science. lAMES A. LANE Industrial Arts; Industrial Arts Club; Epsilon Pi Tau. secretary. LENI LAWATCH TERESA S. LAWSON Speech Correction; Olmeca Hall, resident assistant; Brocas. Social Welfare; College Park Presbyterian College Group. SYLVIA LOUISE LAWLER DWIGHT RYNDLE LEE Elementary Education; Kappa Delta, treasurer. Anahuac. Economics; ater Club. Political Science; Phi Eta Sigma; Blue Key; Pi Sigma Alpha. INGERBORG Social I. LEHMAN Science. MICHAEL E. LEMBECK Physical Science; Pi Kappa Alpha, president, vice president; Blue Kev, vice president; Who's Who; Upper Division representative; IFC Judiciary; Lectures and Concerts Board. Education. LUTHER LYMAN Social Science; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; San Diego State Cheerleader; Pep Board. FRANK LEE McCARTY Music; Phi Mu Alpha StnloWILLIAM KENNETh! LYON Social Science; Lambda Chi Alpha, secretary, executive committee; Toltec, wing president; Young Republicans, president; Alpha Phi Om&;a; MUN. director. nia; Band and Orchestra; Reader's Theater. NANCY McCASLIN f~~h:r~~St~e~cla~~iationi College Y; Cap and Gown; Delta Phi Upsilon; Kappa Delta Pi. RAYMONDW. MacDONALD Sociology; Alpha Epsilon Phi, recording secretary; Little Sisters of the Maltese Cross; DORIS L. Education. Hillel. STEVEN EDW ABO LEWIS VICTOR W. LEW Accounting; Phi Alpha MIDGE LURIE Elementary ALBERT C. McDANIEL H. MARILYN LEVY History; Education. Delta Sigma Phi. DAVID S. LEINBACH English; MUN; Readers' TheHYMAN I. LEE IR. MARTIN L. LUNT LEWIS Economics; Young Social Science. mocrats, SANDRA LV McDOUGALL History; Phi Alpha Theta; Pi Sigma Alpha. Sigma Pi. Theta. IOHN P. LIPPITT LYNNE DARLENE LILLEY Elementary Anahuac. Education; RICHARD ERNEST LINDNER Pre-Legal; Ski Club; Pre-Legal Society; Track. Civil Engineering; American Society of Civil Engineers, vice president. MARION BEATRICE LITTLE Elementary Education; SCTA, president; Pep Club, president, vice president; Anahuac; 50ciedad Hispanic, treasurer; Senior Class secretary; AWS Service chairman. DONNA LOUISE McFARLAND JOHN CHRISTIAN LOSS DONALD B. LONG Industrial Arts; Industrial Club; Kappa Delta Pi. NATALIE I. LONG Social Science. Arts Business Management; Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Elementary Education; Wesley Foundation. FRANKLIN PAUL LOWE THOMAS HUGH McGRATH Biology; Pre-Medical; SCTA; try; Track. Cross Coun- Aesculapians. ALAN WALLACE MciNNES JAMES R. MciNTIRE PAGET ANNE McKEE WlLLIAM C. McKINSTRY BARBARA A. McLAUGHLIN Marketing; Kappa Sigma; T{)J~ tee Hall; Amern-an Marketing Association. Mechanical Engineering; Dorm Wing president; Society of Automotive Enaineers. Elementary Education; Alpha Phi; Inter-Dorm Council; Pep Club; Anahuac. Marketing; American jng Association. Elementary. JOHN EDMOND McPHERREN DIANE McQUEEN PALMER BROOKS MADISON JACK L. MAHAN JR. Psychology; Institute of the Aerospace Sciences; Psi Chi. president; Dean's Lisi Engineering; Aztec Sailing Club; Aztec Ski Club; Society of Automotive Engineers; Crew. Speech Correction; Alpha Phi, vice president, pledge trainer; \Ving officer; Brocas; Student Recreation Society, secretary. treasurer; Pep Club. Management; Tau Kappa Epsilon. historian. SHIRLEY L. MANN Psychology; Anahuac; Sailing Club, secretary, treasurer; Ski Club; Flying Club; Wesley Foundation. Education. WILLIAM R. MALE 'I'erasrec Student Speech; Council; Council. Inter ..Dormitory KATHLEEN M. MacLEOD Elementary Education; SCTA; Anahuac; Roger Williams Club. CRAIG WARREN McNEELY JOAL DEA MALONEY BILLC.MANN Social Science; Alpha Civil Engineering; Sigma Delta;· American SQ('iety .ol Cjyil Engineers; Omeee. Chi Mathematics. ARLENE L. Mll.LER BERTHA L MILLER Arts-e-Speech: SCTA; NEA; Lutheran Student Association. Elementary Education. ELOISE MILLER LA MAR A. MILLER JR. English; Alpha Phi; Junior Panbellenle, president; AWS Service Chairman. Accounting; Beta Alpha Psi. RICHARD ANTHONY MARKS Art, Graphic Communications; Kappa Pi; Dean's List; Newman Club. MARCINE M. MILLJ1,R General Education. PAUL MARSH JOE MARCON Engineering; American of Civil Engineers. 'Market- Society Accounting; Kappa Sigma, treasurer, president; Beta Alpha Psi; Varsity Football. LINDA D. MILLS rOYCE K. MARTIN Elementary Education; SCTA; Delta Phi Upsilon; Roger Williams Club. JACQUELINE A. MARTIN Biology. JEROME B. MARTIN Physics; Delta Chi; Sigma Sigma. Pi TERRY LEE MILLER Chemistry; Pi Kappa Alpha; Phi Eta Sigma. Elementary Education; Dorm Wing, vice president; Spurs, historian, president, junior advisor; Anahuac. MARION MINOR LOIS E. MARTIN Elementary Education; Phi; Song Leader. Political Science; Alpha Chi Omega; Alpha Lambda Delta; Concert Orchestra. Alpha BARBARA MONAHAN Elementary Education. JERRY L. MONELL NANCY PAULINE MARTIN Elementary Kappa. Education; Sigma DENNIS LUDWIG MATSON Physics; Phi Eta Sigma, treasurer; Sigma Pi Sigma. RICHARD MARTINDALE Psychology; Society for Advancement of Management. JOSEPH M. MAYO Management. LINDA LEE MOHR Sociology; Kappa AlPP3 Theta; One of 10 Best Dressed Women. Social Science; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Oceotl, treasurer; Sophomore Class president; unior Class treas~r; Cheer- leader: AMS Council; AMS, presid~nt; AMS Judiciary Board. JOSEPH MERjAN SHARRON G. MELONE Secretarial Management; S. secretary. Trl- TONI MARIE MERCHANT Social Science; Sigma Kappa; Anahuac; Dean's List. Business Management; Society for the Advancement of Management, vice president; Finance Club, treasurer. GENEVIEVE M. MERSHON Elementary Education; Reader's Theater; Delta Phi Upsilon; Kappa Delta Pi. CAROLE MONNlNGER M. KATHRYN METCALF Elementary Education; Kappa Alpha Theta; Aztec Ski Club. HENRY E. MEYER Ceograph ft; Gamma Theta oger Williams gr:~~on; RICHARD STEPHEN MEYER Broadcasting; Aztec Ski Club; Alpha Epsilon Rho, secretary, vice president. IUAN LUIS MIJARES Civil Engineering. Elementary Education; Alpha Theta. Kappa j~6FJr~~iiy Biology; Track, Cross Country. THOMAS H. MOORE Psychology; Alpha Tau Omega; Dean's List. SAM MOREBELLO Elementary Education: Kappa HECTOR KATHLEEN MORENO Accounting; Football. MOREY General; Sigma Kappa; Sweet- Sigma. IUANITA MORGAN Education. heart of Sigma Phi Epsilon. JOf\N CLIFFORD MORGANTI Mathematics. J.RMORGAN Geology; Tecton Delvers; Ski Club; Phi Eta Sigma. JOHN ERIC NORDIN II 11eonomics; Alpha Phi Omega; Pre-Legal Society, president; ArnQld Air Society. NIKKI D. NORSTROM Elementary Education; Chi Omega, rush chairman: SCTA; Kappa Delta PI; Cetaa; Spurs: Jumor Class secretary. ANTONIO MORILLO Spanish; Sociedad Hispanica, president; Alpha Mu Gamma. ARTHUR A. MORIN Accounting Society; Newman Cluh. LINDA JEANNE MORRIS Political Science; Zapotec, president; Inter-Dorm Council; Wesley Foundation. CHARLES Elementary A. MOSBURG Education. MARTHA Nursingc SUSAN MOSER Student Nurses Association; Aztec Ski Club; C3l1rebury Association. SABIN J. MROZ Social Science; Lambda Chi Alpha. CLARENCE W. MUIRHEAD Mathematics, General Secondary. LYDlA E. MUELLER English; Sembradores Amistad; SeTA. ROBERT JAMES MULLIN Mechanical Engineering; Society of Automotive Engineers; de la ELAINE M. MYHRO Elementary Education; Sweethearts of the Diamond; Spurs, D. DINAURI MW ANIKI Political Science: International Students Association. EDWARDJ. NANARTOWICH Business Administration. DAVID A. NEAL jR. English; Young Democrats. JOHN FRANCIS NEESON Physics; Tarastec Hall, secretary; Newman Club. MICHJ\.EL LANCE NEIL Industrial Arts; Sigma Chi; SCTA;NEA. STANLEY R. NELSON Physical Education. GARVIN T. NOWELL JR. Electrical Engineering; Sigma Phi Epsflcn, secretary; IEEE_ LINDA LEE ODEN Home Economics; Si~ma Kappa, house manager; Maya Hall, treasurer, president; Home Economics Club, vice president; Spurs: AWS vice president; Newman Club. Newman Club. ESTER MUSURACA Elementary Education; SeTA; Newman Club. SUSAN NEBEL-THAU Elementary Education; Gamma Phi Beta. RAMRAN MOSHTAGHf Mathematics; International Student Assoctatton. MARY CECILIA NEESON English; Zapotec Hall, secretary, treasurer; Newman Club; Young Republicans. DIANNE H. OETTING Speech Correction; Brocas; Speech Corrections nb. RONALD E. OFIESH Marketing. TADAHIKO OFUJI Engineering; International Students Association, president. BARBARA ELIZAB OGDEN Elementary Educa Kappa; Spurs; Ho Awards chairman. a fOHN L. OLDHAM Physics; Sigma Pi Sigma. ing BARBARA OLECHNOWICZ Marketing; Dorm, treasurer; Inter-Dorm Council; Wing secretary; Anahuac: Tau Sigma; American Marketing As~ sociation, secretary. ROBERT C. NETT Industrial Arts; SeTA; Industrial Arts Club; Cross Country; Track and Field. ROSS DOUGLAS NEWMAN Accounting; Kappa Sigma; Society for the Advancement of Management; Anahuac; Marketing Society; Football; Track. WILLIAM I. NEWMAN Marketing; American Marketing Association. 10 ANN RICHARD R. NICHOLS Elementary Education; AFROTC; Tohee Hall, treasurer; Inter-Dorm Council, treasurer; Student at Large on Publications Board. CARL W. NOBLE Industrial Arts; Industrial Arts Club. NIEWOEHNER Art; Chi Omega; Kappa Pi; Spurs; Publicity Code chairman. KARL OLSON Health Education. RONALDR ORR Iournalisrru Sigma Daily Aztec. Delta Chi; RICHARD W. ORVIK Civil Engineer; American S0ciety of Civil Engineers; Sigma Delta. ANN OSLUND Home Economics; Alpha Gamma Delta; Inter-Dorm CHERONPAGE Home Economics; nomics Club. Home ANNALEE PAlXAO Elementary Education; Phi Upsilon. Eco- Council; Home Economics Delta Club: Sisters of the Maltese Cross: Cetea. VERONICA Biology. ANNE PARRY JAMES 1'. PARSLEY JR. Elementary Education; Lamb- STANLEY E. PAUL Finance; Kappa Sigma; Rugby. JULIA LEE PARSONS MUN; SIti Club. da Chi Alpha; Kappa Delta Pi; Debate Team. BONNIE J. PENDERGAST English; Zapotec Hall resident assistant; Inter-Dorm Council. BRUCE E. PENDERGAST Economics. GEORGE RAY PALLAS Public Administration; Wesley Foundation; Young Republicans; PhiSigrna Alpha. LILLIAN M. PALMER Business Education; Anahuac'; 'Tau Sigma. ROBERT llARBARA PECK Nursing; Student Nurses ctenen: Ski Club. CLAUDIA Elementary Education; .Alpha Chi Omega, house manager; Crescents. treasurer; Lamlxl.a Chi Alpha Princess; Verse ROBERT WILLIAM PEIFFER Chemistry; SAAGS; Anahuac; Sigma Delta Phi; SIgma Nu, president, treasurer; IFPC. Choir treesurer. ANGELA Nursing. pENERA Asso- PECK BRUNO PALOS Prcducttou Management. WILLIAM SAMUEJ.,pINE Speech ArtS; Beta Tau; 7..,,,, Circle K; Arnold Air Society; Reader's Hillel. Theater; ROBERT TIl0MAS PIRAZZINI Social Science. Anahuac; ELaN A PLACE kr:,~;::ld~BI~~t~;EpsiOceotl; Upper Division representative; Senior Representative; Chairman of PR and Activi1ies Board, AMS [udiciery Board. JAMES LLOYD pLANCHON Sigma Phi Epsilon, house manager, social chairman. CHARLES p. PENNELL Public Administration; Social Work and Corrections Club. MILDRED JEANETTE PRITCHETT SANDRA ELAINE PERMAN Social Science; Sigma Kappa, vice president; Anahuac, secretary. DONALD D. PEPPER Art; Tau Kappa Epsilon. SHIRLEY PERKINSON Elementary Education. LYNWOOD General. Club; S. PETERSON DAVID C PETERSON Personnel Management; Society for the Advancement of Management. JOHN DAVID PETERSON Business Management. MICHAEL Chemistry; CHARLES W. PETTERSEN Accounting; Beta Alpha Psi; Dean's List. NEAL PETTIES Recreation; Kappa Alpha Psi; Varsity Football; All Amer- BARBARA ANN PHILLIPS Elementary Education; Delta Phi Upsilon; Kappa Delta Pi; Alpha Lambda Delta; Daughters of Diana. EUGE!'1E Insurance. j. PHELPS president; chairman. Scripps Board, DONALD Physics. QUIST CHARLES RACZKOWSKI Industrial Management; Society for the Advancement of Management. WILMA RAICHED Chemistry; Alpha Lambda Delta; Anahuac; SAACS; Dean's List; Aesculapians. G. PETIT Sigma Pi Sigma. WILLIAM PETERSON Industrial Arts; Industrial Arts Club. ican. ~it~lffr;n~ri~~ XvYS~~ ROBERTA LOUISE QUALIN Sociedad Hlspanica; SCTA; NEA; Alpha Mu Gamma. RONALD CRAIG PETCHER General; Zeta Beta Tau; Aesculapians; Anahuac; Dean's List. LAWRENCE MICHAEL PETERS Physics; Lambda Chi Alpha; Sigma Pi Sigma. CHRISTOPHER C. PETERSON Geography; Geography Wesley Foundation. DONALD L. POWERS Art; Aztec Christian fellowship. PAMELA KLAIRE PIANKA Elementary Education; NEA; SCTA; Newman Club. ROBERT A. RAMIREZ Personnel Management; pa Sigma. GAYNEL RAMSEY Elementary Education. Kap- ALICE ANN RATHBUN Nursing; Olmeca Hall, president; Student Nurses Associa- LOTHAB REUSS Getman; German Club; Alpha Mu Carmne. KENNETH L. RICE History. GAYLE L. RICHARDSON Home Economics; Home Economics Club; Ski Club. CONNJE M. RIEG Elementary Education. GERALD D. RIFE Journalism; Sigma Delta Chi; Dally Aztec, news edttcr, managing editor. JOHN MICHAEL RltllY Physical Bducanon; Sigma Phi Epsilon; CAH1'ER; Baptist Student Union. RONALD WADE ROACH Journalism; .Pi Kappa Alpha; Sigma Delta Chi. MICHAEL ROARK CAROL ROBERTS GEORGE F. ROBERTS Art; Varsity Basketball. LOlS ROBERTS Rome Economics; Kappa Del. ta; Home Eeonomfes Club. DANIEL E. ROBERTSON Accounting. tion. REERlLEY Life Science; Modern Dance Club; Sigma Phi Epsilon Sweethearts. Elementary Education; Gamma Phi Beta. vice president; Banking and Finance; Sigma Nu; Society for the Advancement of Management; Ski 'ISABELLA MARGARET MARY SARIEGO EducatLOn. LYNFORDL. SCARBOROUGH Engineering; IEEE. DAVE A. SCHERLINC Psychology. Sweethearts of the Diamond, Ski Club. Club. RENETTE ROMERO CAROLYN ROE Elementary Education; SCTA. MARY ANN ROHWEDDER Elementary Education. Elementary Education; Zapotee, wing president; La Sembradores, secretary; Dean's List. ANNE LOUISE SCHILBE English: Delta ;Phi Gamma; Wesley Foundaricn; Alpha Mu Gamma; ~a_ Delta PI. PAUL DAVID ROSENBERGER Zoology; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Newman Club. MARIO ROSSO Speech; SCTA, president. JOSEPHINE ROUSE Elementary Education; Ana- huac; SCTA; Delta Phi Upsilon; KaPDR Delta Pi. PHILIP B. ROWLEY Social Science; Kappa Sigma; Cheer Leader. KAREN RUm WELTONJ. Anahuac; !PAG. treasurer. ROYjR. SCHNICK Elementary Education: Alpha Xi Delta, treasurer; SCTA; Spanish; Sociedad Hispanica. HARRIETT A. RUSSELL Elementary Education. Psychology; Alpha Gamma Delta; Psi Chi; Panhellenic, secretary, vice president, president; AWS Council; Finance Board. RAY NEWTON JOUNE ANN SCHROCK Elementary Education; Anahuac; SCTA. Accounting; Anahuac; Accounting Society. PENELOPE A. RUTLEDGE WILLIAM LOWELL RUPP ANN SCHOONOVER Speech Correction; Brocas: Ski Club; Sailing Club. ROBERTA SqIWARTZ Elementary Ed\lClltlon; Alpha Epsilon Phi; Yotmg Democrats; Hillel. SYLVIA L. SCHWILK Nursing; Student Nurses Ass0ciation; Donn Wing, president. ALAN K. SEEMAN Biology. RYLAND Broadcasting. ADAMSAUNG SHELDON L. RYLAND Business Management. M. PHILLIP SAFFEL Physical Education; Kappa Sigma; Interfaith Council; CAHPER; Oceotl , Industrial Management; ety for the Advancement Management. Sociof REX L. SALMON Journalism; Sigma Delta Chi, president, treasurer; Daily Aztec, editor, managing editor, news editor, photo editor. L. R. DON SEIBERT ELIZABETH SAMS Political Biology; Swimming Team. Science; Sigma Kap- S~~~L~~rMe~f~~~e::r~~~~y ; AWS, secretary; Sigma Pi Alpha. ANITAMARlE SANDSTROM Speech Arts; Brocas. JEROME D. SANDSTROM Physics; Sigma Pi Sigma. JOANSElD Elementary Education. MARY SANTOS Nursing; Student Nurses Association. SHERRY L. SHARPE Art Education; Alpha Phi; Ski Club;SCTA. suSAN E. SHARPE Physical Education; SPEC, president, fRAN NICOLLE SHEPARD Elementary Education; SCTA. treasurer; VIRGINIA SHEPERSKY Sociology; Luthenm Student Association. president. CARPER; Kappa Delta Pi; Dean's List; Graduate with Honors and Distinction. JAMES E.SIBBET III MORGAN SILVERTHORN Physical Education; Business: Manageme1lt; CARPER; Varsity Football; Rugby. Kappa Epsilon. Tau SANDRA SUE SHlPE Journalism; Gamma Phi Beta. vice president; Lambda Chi Alpha Crescents; Upper GERALD D. SHOAF Science; Alpha Tau Political Omega. Division representative; Who's Who; Daily Aztec, editor, society editor, RICHARD p. SIMS Physics; Sigma Phi Epsilon. vice president; Oceotl; Sigma Pi Sigma; AMS Council; JACK D. SINCL."JR Accountinl!. ROBERT SKINNER Business MarJeeting; Marketing Association. WENDELL NELSON SHOBERG Music; Phi Mo Alpha;Lutheran StudentsAS$)C:iation;Band; Orchesrr .. JAMES R. SORENSEN Chemistry; SAACS; 'Tarastec, Judiciary Board. GLADYS C. SPARKS Zoology. TERESA M. SOUSA Elementary Educetlon; Delta Phi Upsilon; Pi Lambda Theta; Kappa Delta Pi. SUZANNE SPATZIER English. Debate Team. EDWIN D. SLATTER Anthropology; Anahuac; Anthropology Society. LAVANA SUE SMALL Elementary Education. ROBERT GERARD SLYKER JR. Geology; Tecton Delvers. CHAALES A SMITH Business Management; Roger Williams Club. BARBARA SPEER Elementary Education; Alpha Phi. JOHN MICHAEL SPURGEON CLYDEW.SMITHJR. Accounfing; T arastec Hall, historian, social chairman. EDWARD LARA Y SMITH Physics; Sigma Pi Sigma. DONNA SPENCER FONDA S. SMITH Elementary Education; Personnel Sigma Phi Epsilon Sweethearts. Elementary Education;. Delt.B Zeta; SCTA; Sigma Phi BpslIon Sweethearts. JOANN SMITH Physical Education; CAHpER. Management; Pi Kappa Alpha; Oceotl; Who's Who; AS, president, vice president; Sophomore representstive; Dorm, resident assistant. JANET M. SQUIRES Elementary Education; Anahuac; Olmeca Hall, historian. JUDITH ANN SMITH Soci?J~gy; Cetza; Intervarslty Christian Fellowship. TERRY JEAN SMITH English; Alpha Phi, president. LAWRENCE THOMAS SMITH LINDA KAREN SMITHSON Elementary Education. Physics. JOHN NELSON SNAPPER General. JIMMY HOWARD SNYDER Mathematics. PATRICK S. $TALNAKER Journalism; BI'\" Ke)';,Oceotl: Sigma Delta Chi; Whos Who, Daily Aztec. editor. MARY K. STARR Elementary Education. FERNE C. STECK Home Economics; nomics Club. Home Ecc- LINDA SNYDER Music; Sigma Alpha Iota; MENC; Madrigals. NEDRA JEAN SNYDER Speech Arts; Pi Beta Phi; Brocas; AS secretary; Homecoming Atrendant; Who's Who; Jr. Panhellenic Advisor' Greek Week chai.rman. ' ROBERTA JEAN SODERBERG KATHRYNSTEFANATZ Art; Kappa Pi. Art; Anahuac. CHARLES SOOTER GARY A SOLBUE Social Welfare; Pi Kappa Al- Aerospace pha; Upper Division representative; Who's Who' Homecoming chairman; Board. WAlD G. SOOTER Pep General Engineering. CAROL STEINMETZ Secretarial Management; AI· pha Gamma Delta; Spurs. BARBARA ANN STENCIL Elementary Educaucn. JOSEPH EDWARD ~'TENGE¥ jR. Mathematics; Arnold Air So. clety; AFROTe Rifle Teem. RONALD ROBERT STENGER Engineering; ROSEMARY S1'ERl'I Journalism; Daily· Aztec; Iota Nu Kappa. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. HOWARD STOFER Ind1l$Uiai Arts; Industrial Arts CloJj, tU'll$u",r; AmbaF sadors.presid~nt. ~t"" LEONARD P. STOLL Industrial Management; Theta Chi; SocietY for th"Advance.mentof Mai')4gement; Ne\Y;' MIj(E TOWLES Marketing; Sigma Pi; Varsity SWimming Team. man Clob. ANDREA TROMBLEE Home Economics; AJpha Phi; Ceua, vice president; Freshman Class, secretary; Sophomore, vice president. JAMES W. STREET Pre-Legal; Pi Kappa Alpha, vice president. secretary; Oceorl, Who's Who; Freshman Class president; Lower Division representative; Upper Division representative. BARBARA L. STRUTTON Nursing; Olmeca Hall, treesurer; Student·NufsesAsstiCia~ DOLORES SUAREZ Elemenrary MICHAEL ALLEN SULUVAN Industrial ArtS; Aztec Ambas. sadors; SCTA; E~iIon Pi Tao; IndustrialAtts C1uh. Education. tion. TED T. SUMMERS ZQOIogy;Junior Class Ire asurer, MARILYN EUZABETl:I SUTORIUS Art; Alpha Phi; Cap and Gown; Kappa Pi. JOSEPH EDWARD TRURAN CivitEngineering; ASCE. DONNA TRURAN Psychology; Zapotec Hall, president; Inter-Dorm Coun- eil; Lutheran Students Association. DAVID E. SZUCH English; Anahuac; Varsity Swimming; List. Track; Dean's RAYMOND B. TALMAGE Marketing; American ing Association. LINDA LAMAR 'rALLL"-N Secretarial Management; Sigma Kappa, treasurer; Anahuac. RICHARD S. TAZELAAR jR. Sociology; Kappa Sigma, house manager; Arnold Air Society; AFROTC RiAe Team; Del Sudoeste. photographer. THOMAS N. TENNEY Physical Education. Market- JOYCE L. TAYLOR Kappa Delta Pi, vice president. GREG UNDERHILL Accounting; Sigma Nu, treasurer, It. commander; Accounring Society. ALVA V. THOMAS LEROY VADNEY Art; Kappa Pi. BARBARA ANN THOMAS Secondary Education; Sigma Kappa, pledge trainer; Spurs; Las Meninas; Phi Mu Epsilon; Sigma Phi Epsilon Sweethearts; Cap and Gown. ANDIVACCARO Elementary Education'; Kappa Delta, secretary; scrA;An«~ huac; Little Sisters of the Maltese Cross; Dean's List; b~~I;j,g~~~~~r~~rxo1!o¥i; Upper Division representative; Who's Who; Dean's List; Commissioner of Elections; IFC. JAN! VAN DEUSEN Elementary Education; Ski Club; SCTA; Anahuac. LANCE EDWARD THOMAS LEWIS H. THORNTON Economics. Economics. OLIN E. THOMPSON HENRY B. THORSEN English; Alpha Gamma ma; Speech. Sig- JUDITH ANNE TIPPEY Home Economics; Home Economics Club, vice president. THOMAS T. TIRA jR. Spanish; Sociedad Hispanlca. Elementary Education; uate with Honors. JERRY EDWA!w Sociology; Grad- VARON Zeta, Beta Tau, ~~:~~do~~~f~BY=~;~~; Wbo; Dean's !:,isl; IFC Judi. ciary; Hillel. EDWARD E. VAUGHAN Broadcasting. RICHARD VAUGHAN General; Lambda Chi Alpha; Oceotl: Marketing Association; Newman Club. CARON TODD Sociology; Olmeca, Dorm Officer. GARY ALLEN TODD Physical Education; Pi Kappa Alpha, treasurer, pledge master; CAHPER, treasurer; AMS, secretary; Track. ROXANNA JANE TOOY Education. LINDA ELLEN TOOARS General; International'Stu_ dents Association; Social Welfare Club; Socfedad Hispanlca. MICHAEL A. TOMASULO The Phoenix, Journalism; editor. JOHN TOMPKINS Social Science. EVELYN VIRGINIA VIGNEAULT Sociology; Anahuac; Newman Club. VINTON C. VINT Mathematics. VINTON C. VINT 11 Zoology. SUSAN WARNER Elementary Education; maPhi Beta. Gam- REG VITEK Pre-Law; Sigma Phi Epsilon; Ski Club; Pre-Legal Society. OOROTHY ELLEN WADE Horne Economics; Horne Ec0.- JANET E. WATSON CAROL ANN WEA YER ~U:~~~i.AJ.f1d~ ~:;C=~ts; Cap and Gown; Kappa Delta NICHOLAS R. WAITE General. CHARLES RAY WALDIE Political Science. NANCY WALL Art; Alpha Phi, treasurer; treasurer; Ski Club; MARVIN fOHN WEBSTER Elementary Education; NEA; SCTA. BARBARAf.WEEKS Elementary Education; Alpha Phi. EDWARD WEICHEL Industrial Arts; Industrial Arts Club. nomics Club. Elementary Education; Ski Club; SCTA. ~~~h~~:' RONNA WARD Heme Bconcrmcs.Hcme nomics Ciub, president. Eco- fMfES CLAYTON WRIGHT Education; Graduate with Distinction. JANE ANN WRIGHT Home Eeonomics; Alpha Phi Omega Sweethean; Angel Flight; Homecoming Queen Court; Military Ball Queen; Home Eeonomics Club. WARREN A. YATES Physics. WILLIAM A. YAUSSY Public Administration; Kappa Sigma; Pi Sigma Alpha. Pi; Phi Alpha Theta; Spurs. JAMES A. WHiTE VIRGINIA A. WENDT Sociology; Ski Club. Accounting; Sigma Pi; Accounting Society; Water JEAN MARIE WHALEN Polo. English; Ski Club; Newman Club; Alpha Mu Gamma; Dean's List. SYDNEY JAMISON WHITE Biology; College Y. RONALD A. WHITFORD Electrical Engineering; IEEE. BILLY J. WHiTING Social Science. THOMAS F. ~ARROLA Industrial Arts; Industrial Arts Club. JUANITA ZARlLLA Sociology. STEVEN A. WICKS Engineering; IEEE. SANDRA CRAIN WIEBE Physical Education; Kappa Delta; CAHPER; SPEC. SANDRA LEE YOUTSEY Elementary Education. JEAN H. ZAWALNICKI Elementary Education; New~ man Club: SCTA. CAROL MARIE ZENI MAXINE WILLE Sociology; Lutheran Student Association. LINDA SUSAN WILLIAMS Elementary Education; Olmeca Hall, resident assistant, vice president. ASRATWOLDE Art. MARLENE ANN WOLNER Sociology. Home Economics; Kappa Del- MIKE WIMBUSH ta; AWS Judiciary Board; General; Sigma Chi. Anahuac; Home Economics Board; Newman Club. KY ELLEN WINCHESTER Elementary Education; Kappa NANCY J. ZETTS Alpha Theta; SCTA; NEA; Education; Ski Club; Cantebury Association. SCTA. Pi Beta Phi; LINDA ANN WOOD Zoology. MITCHELL ROBERT WOODBURY Elementary Education; Sigma Chi; Toltec Hall, resident assistant, president. MARION ZMORA NANCY WARD WOODROOF Education. WILLIAM THOMAS WOOTTON Social Science; Anahuac. Elementary JACK WOY Mathematics; Epsilon. Education; Alpha Epsilon Phi; Hillel; Young Sigma Alpha GLADYSW. WOZENCRAFT Education. Democrats. CYNTHIA ANNETTE ZooK Psychology. Alumni Association EDITO MESSAGE OFFICERS MR. WALLACE FEATHERINGILL President MR. TONY NEWBOLD Vice President MR. HARVEY GOODFRIEND Treasurer MRS. PAMELA GREENWOOD Secretary BOARD MEMBERS Mr. Ross Bond Mr. Frederick F. Cicalo Mr. Daniel W. Hale Mr. Robert House Mr. Murdock T. Kidder Mr. Walter Lang Dr. Malcolm Love Mr. Mike Spurgeon Mrs. Muriel Tolle PAST PRESIDENTS The San Diego State College Alumni Association is involved in many activities related to the campus and the alumni. They co-sponsor the annual Red-Black game; participate in Founders' Day by providing buses to tour the campus, and sponsor the alumni reception. A monthly alumni newsletter is sent to all members of the Association containing campus highlights and a calendar of the current month. A meeting- of the Alumni Association Board is held monthly during which time plans are made for presentation of awards, dinners and other academic and social events. 296 Mrs. Vesta Muehleisen-1931 Dr. Earl Andreen-1932 Mrs. Helen S. Clarke-1933 Dr. Richmond Barbour-1934 Dr. Terrence Geddis-1935 Mr. Jefferson Stickney-1936 Mr. Bob Barbour-1937 Mr. Don Clarkson-1938 Mr. Bert McLees, Jr.-1939 Dr. Sue Earnest-1940 Mr. Barney Carman-1946 Mrs. Jean C. Self-1946 Mr. Bob Breitbard-1947 Mr. Joe Suozzo-1948 Hon. Byron Lindsley-1949 Mr. Gordon Wiggins-1950 Hon. Richard Ault-1951 Mr. William S. Miller-1952 Mr. Fred Whitney-1953 Mr. Dwain Kantor-1954 Mrs. Muriel Tolle-1955 Mr. Grant Nielsen-1956 Mr. Ken Barnes-1957 Dr. Harvey Urban-1958 Mr. Lynn McLean-1959-1960 B. Gen. Bryant Kearney-1961 Hon. Frank H. Nottbusch, Jr.-1962 Mr. Ed Blcssing-1963 The 1964 DEL SUDOESTE is the result of the efforts of not only the yearbook staff its:lf but also ~o the cooperation of many others whose assistance was mvaluable. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to- -Cecil Hamil ton (and Helen), the Daily Aztec, Mr. Joe Renteria, Bob Goddard, Ray Fukamizu, and Richard Barnes for their photographic contributions. -Mrs. Marybelle Bigelow and Dr. W. Carlisle Anderson. -The fall pledge classes of Gamma .Phi Bet~ a~d Zeta Beta Tau and to Cetza and Spurs service orgamzations for their help in sales promotion. -So K. Smith Company and R. Wallace Pi chel for th cover and publication of the annual. -The Publications Board for giving me the opportunity to serve as editor. -Mr. Frank advice. Holowach for his unfailing patience -The 1964 DEL SUD OESTE staff itself and the core of hard workers within it who unfailingly strived for excellence to make our publication outstanding. -You the student body, for your support as evidenced by the 'exceptionally high yearbook sales this year. We hope you are as proud to own your copy of the 1964 DEL SUD OESTE as we are to have produced it. -Mrs. Marie Boutelle, the cashiers in the Aztec Shops, and Mrs. Veva Link for handling the necessary paper work involved in yearbook production. -Mike Evans and Linda Suiter for their encouragement and assistance. and Editor, 1964 DEL SUDOESTE INDEX Abdelnour,George 39,125,175,240 Abelson,Bob 252 Aceves,Manuel 112 Acord,Susan 208,255 Adoir,William 123,262 Adams, Betty 222 Adams,Dona 106,216 Adoms,Donalee 210,262 Adams,John 172 Adams, Dr. John R. 25 Adams,Susie 255 Adomske , John 232 Aebischer, Doug 232 Aftreth,Jordan 179 Ageno,Mary 108 Agnew, Bob 244 Aguirre,Edward 120 Aiken,Charies 262 Albert ,Anthony 128 Alder,Bonnie 41,106,222 Alexander, Buddy 194,238· Alexander, Earl E. Jr. 262 Alford,Jerald 123,262 Alford,Roger 234 Alger,Don 112,113 Allen, Linda 262 A lien ,Mortha 262 Allen,Robert 131 A lien, Sandro Lee 262 Allen,Sandra Moy 262 Alling,Frank 114,246 Allison,Jim 159,160 Alloway,John 262 Allyn,Doug 125,201,232,262 Almond, Frank 146 Almond,Genie 216 A Isborg, Roger 262 Ames,Adena 106 Amos,David 262 Anderle,Charlee 210 Anders, Larry 114 Anderson, Barbara 255 Anderson,Dr. W. Carlisle 120 Anderson,Cindy 208 Anderson,Dan 238,262 Anderson, Dena 254 Anderson, Gene 175,232 Anderson,Gerald 123,262 Anderson,Janice 220 Anderson,Jim 176,178 Ande rson, Joan 262 Anderson,Judy 116,130,220 Anderson,Julie 106 Anderson, Karen 108 Anderson, Kathy 108 Anderson, Kathy 212,226 Anderson,Lyn 112 Anderson,Matthew 124 Anderson,Dr. Melvin A. 16 Anderson,Paul 145 Anderson,Roger 262 Anderson,Wilen 232,262 Ande rt , Thomas 262 Andrade ,Ernie 250,262 Andrew, Pat 210 Angus,Mike 124 Angus,Shannon 206 Anstedt, Sharon 222 Antell,Judy 216 Antonellis,Mario 262 Aono,Go 112 Aratin,Art 43,114,248 Arbon,Betty 108,109,137,216 Archer, John 236 Argall,Dave 112 Armanino,Nicole 65,218 Armijo,Delores 106,107 Arms trang, Peggy 128 Arnett, Tim 238 Arnold,Paul262 Arrington, Frank 238 Artimez,Donald William 262 Ashcraft,Jim 33,36,112,125,246 Asmann, Dan 83 Astrab,Harry 119 Atkins,Jim 235 Atkinson,Ray 112 Atwell, Gayle 202 Atwoad,Gale 110 Ault,Barry 244 Ault,Natalie 218 Ault, Tom 43,172,240 Austin,Chuck 138 Austin,Evelyn 262 Austin,Lisbet 224 Auxier,Joy 108 Avery,Jack 262 Avery, Penn ie 262 Axtell r Kathy 110 Ayers,Ada M. 262 l.yers,Barbara 254 Babson, Karen 262 Bachakes,Pauline 108 Bachman ,Dick 244 Bacon,Judy 75,216,262 Bada ,Jeff 230 Badami, Rich 230 Baer,Brad 179,182 Bailey,Greg 262 Bailey,Steve 234,262 Baker ,Bob 242 Baker,Dennis 234 Baker,Dianne 206 Baker, Francie 212 Baker, Frank 240 Baker ,James Kenneth 262 Baker ,Maxine 262 Baker, Robert Wi II iam 262 Baker, Vic 234 Bakkom, Paul 112 Balch,Rob 228 Baldock,Louis 263 Baldridge,Dean Paul 263 Baldwin,Dr. Bernard 151 Baldwin,Bob 112,131,246 Baldwin,Maureen 128 Baldwin,Sally 106 Balestra,Judi 110 Ba II, George 248 Ball,Jim 116 Ballagh,Marilou 224 Ballow, Terry 236 Bane ,Barbara 263 Banks,Janet Lou 263 Bannister,Nancy 255 Barach,Roland 252 Barad,Jules 250 Baranov, Roberta 204 Baranov,Ron 252,263 Barber,Douglas Paul 263 Barber,William 119,123 Barbour,Mary 121,224,255 Bareham,Stan 112,194 Barker, Donna M. 263 Barnard, Donna 220 Barnard, Wanda 221 Barnhill,William L. 263 Barrett,Barbara Ann 115,263 Barrett ,Mary 224 Barrows,Sharon 206 Bartlett,Betty 208 Bartlett, Pat 208,263 Barto,Kathy 106,254 Bartz,Peggy 221,260,264 Basko,Ed 238 Basler,Janice M. 264 Bass, Bob 253 Bateman ,Janet 218 Bates,Beverly 110 Bathrick, Ray 112 Batiz ,Buddy 248 Battenfield,Ginger 212,260 Baumann ,Howard 244 Baxter, Peggy 106,119 Baylor,Gary 163,184 Bazar ,Andrew Paul 264 Beam,Craig 112 Bean, Gregory D. 264 Beard, Donna 264 Beavers, J im 240 Beckett, Nikki 212 Beckman,Jim 114 Bedillion,Stephanie 68,212 Beechler, Lynn 41,108 Beekley,Del195 Be Iden, Larry 244 Bell,Barbara 108,115 Bell,Bill 163 Bell,Marjorie 108 Bell, Tom 169,171 Bellinger,Duane 248 Bellwood,Bonnie 110 Belprez, Vic 240 Bemis,Wendell 250 Benedict,Donna 217 Benjamin,Dr. Robert L. 35,149 Bennett ,Cheri 255 Bennett, Gary 236 Bennett,Mike 253,264 Benson, Ruth Bell 264 Benter, Jeff 236 Bentley,AI 228 Bentley,Phil242 Benton,Cari 172 Berg, Geri 222 Berg, Gregory 264 Berg,Joe 238 Bergman, Dan 253 Berndes, Barry 135,264 Berner, Gladys F. 264 Berry ,Jack 234 Berry, Pat 209 Besoyan ,Shannon 224 Best ,Chuck 228 Bettag,Janet 218,254 Bettinger,Karen 106 Bevington,Mary 202 Bewley, Linda 110 Beyer,Marvin W. Jr. 264 Beyrer ,Meri Iyn 214 Bible,Roland 230 Bierma,Suzy 110 Biggs,Dr. Millard 36 Bi Iger ,John 237 Bilicki, Peter 264 Biondo,Maria 211 Biondo, Vince 32,125,244,261, 263,264 Bippert,Ron 112 Bird, Wi Iliam John 264 Birgelailis,Jane 117 Birkel,Jim 248 Bishop,Ashley 76 Bishop,Gary 239 Bishop,Linda 218 Bistline,Bill 124 Black,Bob 239 Black,Marnie 223 Blackstock,Cathy 110 Blackwood,John 125,237 Bladow,Mike 240 Blanc ,Susie 202 Blanchard,John 114,246 Blankenship,David 112 Blecha,Carol Lynn 264 Bley,Bob 249 Blindbury,Joan 223 Bliss,Janet 264 Bliss, Kenneth 264 BIiss, Larry 228 Block,Russel 193 Boal,Bob 231 Bodge, Elizabeth 264 Boe,Alice Faye 264 Bogart,Rex 139 Bogley, Tom 114 Bohl, Nick 249 Bohman,Barbera 108 Bohren,Jan 264 Bo jac, Richard 131 Bolan ,Rick 235 Boland,Marilyn 202 Bolles, Denise Cleora 264 Bollman,Pete 231 Boman, Roger 237 Bonds,Carol 110 Bonsignore,Diana 209 Boochard, Kenneth 284 Bookbinder ,James H. 128,264 Borchers,Henry 264 Boschetto ,Joe 237 Bost, Brian 242 Bost ,John 115 Boswell,Tom 115 Bottroff,Sally Logan 206 Bouchard,Jerry 237 Bouchard,Kenneth 120 Bouer,Melanie 209,255,264 Bouman ,Howard Wayne 264 Bowers,Don 125,249,264 Bowers,Jim 165,166,167,171 Bowers,Kathy 106 Bowne,William 35 Bowness,Susan 110 Box,Jim 125,132,135,264 Bayce,Allen 237 Boyce, Karen 73,225 Bayd,Cynthia 264 Boyd,Margie 37,223,254 Boyer, Greg 249 Boyle, Virginia 264 Boynton,Philip 264 Bozich, Toni 106 Bradford, Gabriel 265 Bradley, Betty 38,126,219 Bradley, Dennis 265 Bradner,Jean 213 Bradshaw,Ginger 119,265 Bradt ,Barbera 110 Brady,Marvin 249 Brady,Sue 221 Brafman ,Simon 253 Brage ,Gary 249 Brandemarte,Ralph 241 Branstetter, Gary 35,201,241 Brasher, Arl yce 265 Bratten,Skip 249 Braun ,George 239,265 Brav,Melvyn Jay 125,252 Brawn,Carol A. 265 Bray, Dick 241 Bray,Linda 119 Brazelton,Mac 127 Bream,Bob 139,241 Breedlove,Donna 121,265 Brees,Bill 112,265 Brega, Dana 243 Breise, Wayne Edward 266 Breniman,Mary 106,107 Bress ler, Jerry 243 Brickman,Allen 112 Brimhall,Bob 232 Brindell ,Charles 266 Bridley, Robert 112 Brinnen,Mike 254 Britt,Wayne 241,266 Broadbent, Harry 177 Broadway,Brenda 225,255 Broadway,Charlie Mack 266 Broderick,Ed 237 Brodshatzer, Dr. Arthur 119 Bronk, Rona Id Scott 235 Brooks, Don 248 Brooks ,James 251 Brooks, Ken 239 Brophy,Diane 217 Brown, A Ian 235 Brown,Dick 248 Brown,Frank 176,177,233 Brown, Inez Myra 150,266 Brown,Jennefer 117,202 Brown, J im 82 Brown,LaRue 260,266 Brown,Mike 233 Brown,Morene 225 Brown, Ramona 211 Brown,Stephen 119 Brown,Susan Elizabeth 266 Brown, Terry V. 265 Browne, Barbara 213 Browne, Nancy 225 Brownell ,Anne 119 Brownell,Donna 106 Browning,Rich 112,113 Bruce ,Mark 128,191 Brucker,Alex 42,125,253 Bruderlin, Tom 248 Brumagim, Terry 110,266 Brunelle ,Charles 235 Brunner ,Marilyn 209 Brush,Barbara 219 Bruynee I, Tom 229 Bryant, Barbara 266 Bryant,Nancy Elizabeth 266 Bubel,Bob 131,235 Buby , Randy 131 Buchanan,Mike 236 Buck,Charies 235 Buck,Dick 33,124,125,251,261 Buckel,Eileen 106 Buckne II, Gwen 206 Buddle,PauI266 Budzinski,Alice 34,116,224 Buehler,Paul 127 Bueh Iman ,Ann 223 Buesing, Karl Michael 266 Buggert, Gerald F. 266 Bullock,Rich 179 Bumgardner, Joan 117 Bunde,Dennis 116 Bunker, Lorene 106 Burch,Dick 149 Burds,Judity 266 Burgad, Patricia 218 Burgert, Elizabeth 219 Burgeson ,Mark 114 Burgess,Dr. William C. 191 Burke, Frederick Wi lIiam Jr. 266 Burke , Tom 245 Burkett, Lee 119 Burkheimer ,Nancy 219 Burkin,Elayne 266 Burnett, Larry 236 Burnette,Don 241,266 Burns,Donna 110 Burrows, Walt 245 Burson,Gary 173 Burton,Nancy 106,266 Burton,Oscar F. 266 Burk, Nancy I 10 Bush,Barbera 106 Bush, Duane 241 Bush, Patric ia 266 Butler, Diane 108 Butler ,John 158,159,161 Buxton, Wi liard C. 266 Byrd,Randall 150 Byrnes, Gary 253 Byrum, Jon 245 Caballero, Joe 139 Cabush,David 266 Cadman ,M idge 106 Cagle,Paul233 Cairns, Fred 235 Cairns,Mary 121,266 Callahan,BiI1248 Callahan,Elizabeth 210,266 Callahan,John Caswell 266 Callender, David 172 Calma, Pedro R. 266 Calmer, Pete 239 Camarillo,Mathew 266 Cameron, Elizabeth 106 Cammack,Jackie 213,254 Campbe II ,Alan 189 Campbell,Greg 175 Campbe II, Lane 183 Campbell, Virginia 207 Campbell,William 131 Camphuis,Don 229 Cannon, David 80,82 Cantrell,Bil1229 Capaiu,Marianne 108,109,115 Capehart, Dav id 124 Capp,Dr. Martin 22 Capp, Patty 110 Cappadonna,Dominie 38,202,263, 266 Capune,Suzanne 110 Caradine ,Mary J. 266 Cardenas,Alfonso F. 266 Carlsen, James W. 83,149,266 Carlson, Joan 266 Carpenter, Katha 207 Carpi ,Ken 112 Carr,Barry 124 Carrier, Ralph 231 Carroll,Ann 223,266 Carroll ,Dave 233 Carroll,Sheila 243 Carruthers,Jim 125,201,234 Carson, Allen 127 Carson, Bill 233 Carson, Kern 158,159,160,162 Carter, Butch 189 Carter,Mike 245 Cortwright, Bob 243 Carvin,Joyce 108 Cary ,John 234 Cosores, Karen 217 Cash ,Margaret 219 Cashore, Richard 247 Cassell ,Carol 223 Cassie,Tom 184,188 Catlin,AII65,166,167,171 Cattano,Mary 128 Cattell ,Charlie 239 Causley,William 112 Cavallin,Diane 203 Cave ,Miss Mary 126 Cavey,Sid 194,245 Cerveny, Bette 221 Cesario, Arthur J. 267 Chabot,Joan 219 Chaffin, Randy 261 Challet, Gil 125,242 Chamberlain,Margie 129,207 Champion, Barbara 213 Chapman, Linda Ann 267 Chapman, Wayne 267 Charles,Dr. Carol 151 Charles,Ruth M. 267 Chase,Dick 134 Chastain,Mona Elise 267 Chatfie Id, Eldon 124 Chatterley, Lois Edrie 267 Cheney, John 190 Chernack,Harvey 137,252 Cherry, John 127 Chesrown,Cathy 126,213 Chillo,Ron 248 Chilton,Julie 225 Christian,Chris 112,233 Christiansen, Gayle Christian 37, 75,136,217,243,297 Christensen, Tom 172 Christino,Mike 239 Christy, Karen 11 0 Christy, Robin 42,223 Chrysler, Earl 119 Chu,Shuhong 114 Church,Bob 249 Churchill,Davene 225 Ciaglio,Judy 207 Cirello, Tom 229 Cirino,Stefana 267 Clancy,Sharon 108 Clardy,GiI 149 Clardy, Sabra 267 Clark,Carol 106,118 Clark,Cecile 268 Clark, Dave 245 Clark, Gary 150 Clark,James 268 Clark,Kathy 110 Clark,Kay 130 Cf~rk,Roger 157,161,184, 185,188,241 Clark,Tom 194 Clark , Tony 240 Clarke, Kathy 106 Clarke,Sue 108 Clasen,Bill 234 Clauder,BilI176, 177, 178,240 Clay,Ben 33,35,43,240 Clay,Bi11239 C layburgh, Susan 108 Clayton,Homer 124 Cleator,Bob 238 Cleator,Linda 222,243 Clemens,Chris 114 Clements,Shirley 200,214 Cleverdon,John 112,233 Close,Jack 231,268 Cloth ier, Don 238 Cobb,Anne 222 Coburn,Chuck 240 Cochran, Fain P. 268 Cochran,Nick 233 Cochran ,Norris 268 Cochran ,Sandra 108 Cochran,Walter S. Jr. 268 Coffer, Jeanne 106 Cohen, Bruce M. 268 Cohen, Douglas 128 Cohen,Jill 106,254 Cohen , Sandy 268 Colbert, Jack 250 Coleman ,Bi II 229 Coleman,David G. 268 Coleman, Linda Rae 268 Coleman, Nancy 207 Coleman,Tim 112,113 Collier,Carol203 Collier ,Clinton 268 Collier, Donna 268 Collier, Dorothy 268 Collins, Dove 249 Collins, James 268 Collins,Jan 130,222 Collins,Michael Joseph 136, 158,159,162,240 Coil ins, Tina 222 Colonell, Patricio 224,268 Colston,Jonet Irene 268 Colvin,Sydney 207 Comings,Art 133,268 Comparini ,Aldo 249 Conawoy,Sally 129 Conner,Jomes 135,268 Connolly, Bernard 119 Conrad,Charleen 110 Conrad, Em ie 229 Conrad,Phyllis 110 Conser, John 124,242,268 Cook,Mike 124,229 Cooks,Eldridge 125,157,158, 160,268 Coombes,John 228 Cooper, Bunny 108,204 Cooper, Lynne 106 Coops,Judy 219 Cordell, Joyce 35,213 Corlett, Bill 244 Cornell,Mark 236 Correa, Rosa Iie 268 Corre ia, Joe 249 Corrente ,Carmine 244 Corso, Kathee 217 Coryell,Mr. Don 157,158 Cosenza,Corolynn 268 Cosky, Valerie 268 Costello ,John 268 Couch,Morilyn 106,214 Couchman,Don 249 Coulter,Lee 244 Covington,Bob 112 Cowan, Bob 240 Cowan,Ernie 138 Cowan,Jill 108 Cowan, Lenore 268 Cox, Branch 244 Cox, Ken 238 Cox,Mrs. Marjorie 116 Cox, Yvonne 213 Craiger, Jock 249 Crawford,Bernard 268 Crawford,Chris 241 Crawford, David 114 Crowford,Les 234 Crawford,M. L. 34 Crowford,Shirley 119 Creason, Denn is 238 Creoturo,Art 123 Crick,CoroI268 Crim, Loretto 110,207 Criswell, Lone 238 Crocker, Terry 121,234,268 Crooks,Judy 218 Croome, Robin 110 Cross, Judy 116 Crossley,Shoron 119 Crouch, Dr. James E. 26 Crouch,Jim 194 Crouch, Joe 235 Crowder ,Penny 203 Crowe,Corolyn Alden 268 Crowell ,Dione 110,222 Crowell ,Janice 110,260,268 Crowley,Shonnon 203 Crumpacker ,Steve 190 Cubley, Walt 157 Cullins, Ron 249 Culver, Mike 235 Cummings, Pat 108 Cummings,Sheryi 110 Cummins,Lorimore 176,177 Cunningham ,Betsy 38,218 Cunninghom,Joseph 131 Cunningham ,Marie 268 Cunninghom,Morietto 110 Cunninghom,Shoron 110 Curran, Jim 238 Curren, Pot 176,241 Curry,Mike 248 Curtice,Morgoret Jo 268 Curtis,Carol A. 108 Curtis,Jim 115 Custer ,Mike 241 Cusumano, Frank A. 268 Dohlen,Jenny 110 Dahlin,Richord Carl Jr. 268 Dail, Tina 106 Dailard,Douglos 118 Doke ,Ronald 244 Dale, Daryl 190 Dale,Eben 43,245 Dole ,Jim 39,236,269 Dale ,Steve 239 Dalich,Mike 241 Doni ,Brion 232 Daniel, Dennis 39,22B,269 Daniels, Ed 239 Daniels, Vern 112 Danielsen, Ron 248 Darby,Joon 128 Dark, James F. 269 Dauwolder, Kathy 121,211 Dovey, Tom 235 ' Dovid,Caroline 210 David,Liz 106 Dovidson,Lindo 106,119 Dovidson,Richord 139,269 Davies,John 241 Davila,Carol 106,212 Davis,Art 110 Dovis,Chuck 245 Dovis,Gory 250 Davi", Karen 269 Davis,Marsho 204 Dovis,Merrell 40,124,176,177, 241,261,269 Davis,Mike 239 Davis/I\." '. 112 Dovis,RonI13,191 Davy,Eileen 116,119,215 Dawson,Carol J. 136,269 Day, Barbaro Mandeville 269 Day,Mike 247 Dearing, Dusti n 209 DeArmond,Merrilie 215 DeCunea, Donna 117 Deegan,Lyndo 215 Deets,Lindo 210 DeForest, Pot 36 DeGroote,Bob 114,115 Dehoff,Morie 270 Delahunt, Pam 223 Delvoux,Art 125,161,162 Dempsey,Albert 270 Dennis,Pot 119,261 DePogter,Richord 270 Depew, Pot 203 Dernier,Ron 36,112,124 DeSure, Betsy 205 Deuchars,Jomes 139 Devon,Joseph Michael 270 Devereux,Chuck 245,270 Devereux, Tom 245 DeVinney, Dione 128 DeVore, Bob 232 DeVore, Dove 241 DeVore,Dennis 1B3,248 DeVore,Jee 112 DeVore,Jim 119,120 Dewise, Ronald Preston 270 Dewitt ,Margaret Louise 270 Diobeti, Rich 241 Dickens,Lindo 73 Dickerson, Paulo 270 Dickinson,Mory 254 Dickson ,EarlS, 270 Dickson, Fred 248 Dieb,Dennis 175,236 Dietz,Lowell 247 D ifan i ,Kathy 108 Dill,Judy 218 Dimich,Milon 270 Dingle,Judy 110 Dishion,John 228 D ittamore, Ray 232 Doctor, Bart 252 Dodge, Phil ip D. 270 Doeg ,Suzy 209,270 Doig,Alex 125,231,270 Doig,Margaret 218,270 Dolon,Jackie 128 Donaldson, Dick 112,113,240 Donaldson, Terry 202 Donner, Morv 252 Dostal,Evo 110 Dowell,Pot 106 Dowell,Roland 248 Dowhower, Rod 158, 162 Down,Carol215 Droke,Mike 172 Drew,Pom 212 Driver,Dione 40,218 Druskin,Mr. Victor 36,128 Dryer, Nancy 206 Duckett, Portio 270 Dudley,Morgoret 206 Duell,Bob 112 Duell ,Cathy 212 Duerkson, Leroy Denn is 270 Duggon,Chic 37,134 Duke,Jeni 106,107 Dukes,Pom 108 Dukes,Ron 112 Duly, Ron 183 Duncon,Carolyn 270 Duncan, Gary 239 Dunn,Gory K. 115,270 Dunn, Glenn 119 Dunn ,Marlane 203 Dunn, Nancy 203 Dunsmore, Gory 139,239 Dunston,Sue 106 Dunton ,Mary 202 Dupree,Marilyn 142,224,273 Durbin, Tom 228 Durkin,Eloine 202 Dussomon, Joan 108 Dutton,Jeanette 214 Earner, Lois 270 Easley,Charles T. 270 Eas twood, 5 horon 108 Eoton,Diane 221,255 Ebersole ,Steve 237 Ebert ,Patricia 270 Ecklar,Ben 114 Eddy,Steve 229 Edens, Lorry 247 Edic,Donald 270 Edinger,Michael Anthony 138 Edler,Goyle 218 Eggert ,Carol 270 Eggleston,Jim 82 Eidemiller,D.1. 34 Eifert,Judith 270 Ekrem,Jonice 224 Elbel,Eric 270 136, Eldridg ,Bob 112 Elioson,Eric 114,115,127 Elioson,John 114,231 Elihu,N shat 110,128 Elijoh,Phyllis 106,255 Elliott,Bev 217 Elliatt,Linda 68,218 Elliott, Patricio Su 270 Elliott,William J. 270 Ellis,Bob 183 Ellls,Ev Iyn F. 270 Ellis, Robert 250 Ellil,Sheila 106 Ellsworth, J im 245 Ely,Morion 149 Embr ,Joan Hancock 270 Em rson, John 270 Emerton,Bill 128,194, Em ry,Ro rt 270 Emrich, John 190,245,261,270 Em ry, Jon 230 Eng I,Steve 80 Engelbrecht ,Kathryn 202,211 England r, Pat 143,271 Englander,William 271 English,Joan 110 Engllsh,Nancy 110 English,Sandra 110 Englund,GI n 240 Enkosky,Judy 110 Enlond,Mary 110 Enoch., Bob 235 Enochs, Regina 271 Erb,Jock 232,271 Erickson, Brian 235 Erickson, Dove 249 Erickson, Lynne 271 Ertle ,Bruce Steward 271 Ervice, Greg 235 Escalonte,Rueben 237 Escalera ,Gabriel 161,249 Escalera, Tina 249 Estavillo,Bob 184,188,240 Estes,Penelope L. 271 Estey, Kathy 36,218,260,265,272 Estrada, Robert 131 Eurich,John 251 Evans, Dana Be th 272 Evons,Moridell223 Evans,Mike 114 Evans,Mike 251 Evons,Rick 191 Evons,Stephanie 223,254 Evons,Steve 261,265,272 Evorkiou,Steve 239 Evenson, Karen 202 Evers,Catherine 110 Eversole ,Donny 230 Eves, Sandy 237 Ewalt,Jonet 109,260,272 Ewing,Jon 235 Ewing,Morgie 108,117 Fahner, Janet 110 Fall, Lloyd 272 Fallon, Ken 179 Falls,Jon 212 Fa Iischeer, Leonard 114 Fancher, Troy 240 Fant, Loretta 272 Fares,David 129 Forios,Philip 272 Faris, Tim 239 Forne,Jim 246 Farnell, Francie 110 Farney, Caroi 270 Forre II, George 162 Forris,John 157,162,240 Fassler, Sheryl 209 Fauc her, Larry 128 Fay, Lew 234,272 Fehnders,Elissa 43,206 Feigen,Bob 112 Feldbaum,Morton 253,272 Fe Idman, Joanne 128 Fennema, Byron 112 Ferguson,Jim 172 Ferguson, Norma 272 Ferguson, Sandra 223 Ferguson,Sue 110 Fernold,Quinten 272 Fernandez,Lorry 157,162,272 Ferrantelli,SoI267,272 Ferreras,Ed 139,232 Fe rver, Barbara 200,208 Feurzeig,Bunny 128,129,205 Field, Veronica 272 Fields,Ardith 110 FII.on,J 734 Fin rrnan,Borboro OS Fin ,Jon 112, 46 Fin J oy 249 Finn y,CIi f 234 Finn y, Sho ....n 272 Fish r,Borboro 220, 54,271 Fish r,Glorlo 117,18 Fllh r,Naney 106 FIsh r,Su 214 Fish r,Svzann 2 Fish r , Tony 128 Fh<,Edwln 119 FI n r,J Fl n r,Sh rry 129 FI Ing,Chlp 125,250 FI ",ing,Danno 272 FI s" r,Dav 184,t88 FI teh r, b 239 FI teh r,Janle t08 Flinn, John 131 Fllnt,D bbi 217 Flood,Carolyn 214 Floor ,Barba .... 130,206,254,272 Flor .,Norma 272 Floyd,AI rt' 272 Flvcht,Dav 176 Flynn,Clint 250 Fa l.ehow,Corolyn 108 FG9 Imon, G o'g 253 Foldl,Allela 272 Fel y,Rlehord 116,272 FGlts,Joye 702 FOG',Lav II 106 Forb .,Carol 108,207 Fore ,Pet 112,123 Ford, Denni. 242 FG,d,Pat 110,272 Foreman, Rona Id 272,Robert t31 ,272 Forsberg,Jennlf> r 110 Forsberg,Potricia 272 Forster, Don 240 Forster,Pat 108,128 Foster ,Michael 123 Fowler, Richard 272 Fox,Allce 120,212,272 Fox, John 246 Fox,Ron 241 Foy,Sally 106 Fraine ,Mary 215 Franck, Chuck 250 Frankel,Ron 253 Franklin ,Shirely 272 Frankl,Mory 224 Frazer, Bonnie 110 Freedman ,Marcia Freedmon,Marvin 249 Freeman, Pat 106 Freeman,Wolly 238 Freudenberg,Wililam 123,272 Frelto.,Michael 131 Freymueller,John 272 Friedmon,Bob 253 Friend,Debby 220 Fr ind t ,Ron 234 Frine II, Don 232 Fritz,Skip 238 Fuch., Win 245 Fukomlzu,Raymand 120 Fu lIer, Paul 243 Furbush, Sandy 207 Fusse II, Ken 233 t rn9 loa Gobler,Marilyn 207 Gadle .. ,Lou 39,253 Gage,Vance 241 Gagnon, Erra I 139 Goines, John 193 Galbraith,Ollve 119 Gaines, Bob 244 Gaines, John 192 Golant,Phyllis 106,107 Gale,Normo 219,272 Gallagher, George 244 Galloski,Carolynn 273 Gaughen , Terry 12B Galyean, Larry 112 Gamel,Pot 117 Gono,Linda 203 Garbett, Linda 11 0 Gorcio,Rosalin 273 Gardner, Bob 173,244 Gardner ,Corinne 38,260,273 Gardner,Ken 133,135,251 Garland, Keith 237 Gorrlson,William 119 Gassaway, Anne 273 Gast,Mr.151 Gaston, Gigi 216 Gates,Curt 193 Gaudet, George 193 Gauff,L1ayd 157,158 Gaughen, Tam 249 Gavett,Sunnae 38 Gayer,Susan 110 Gear, Ellen 255 Geckter ,Joe 139 Gedney,Jahn 179,182 Gehlin,Diane 119 Gearge,Craig 123 Geargen ,Andrea I17 Geargensan,Heidi 106,207 Gearggin,Cathy 43,203 Gerry,Gail215 Gerry,Mike 173,191 Getline,Ned 253 Getzen, Bob 183 Giannone, Norma 207,273 Giarde,Jeff 136,243,273 Gibbs,Joe 158,160,161,241 Gibson,Janet 208,255 Gibson,Sheila 205 Gibson,Steve 43,68,237 Gibson, Walt 233 Gideon,Ann 210 Gideon,Sally 215 Giffin,Melodie 208 Gilbert ,Janey 43 Gilbert,Jim 189 Gilbertson , Barbara 216 Giles,Bill 114 Gill,James 135 Gillette,Dr. Thomas 34 Gillis,Janet 211 Gingery ,Betty 216 Ginn,Bili 250 Glasier,Jon 249 Gleeson,Lois 106 Glenney,Gayle 212 Glithero,Forrest 168,171 Glover ,James 234,273 Godbout,Cecilia 219,273 Goddard,Judith 274 Godden, John 160, 162 Godfrey,Larry 179,180,182,241 Godfrey ,Nancy 220 Goff,Burdette 241,274 Goffeney,Joe 250 Goggins,Leo 274 Goldkamp, Kenneth 274 Goldsmith,Lynne 110 Golik,Noml274 Gollehon,Gary 234 Gontesky,Mike 233,274 Gonzales,Roque 233 Good,Lee 274 Good,Joyce 137 Good,Sheri 140,225 Goodell ,Bob 233 Goodfriend,Harvey 18,34,36 Goodwin,Raymond 274 Gordon, Barbara 274 Gordon, Don 183 Gorrell,Nancy 143 Gorton, Ronnie 110 Goshorn, Ed 116 Goss ,Bruce 233 Gottlieb,Judy 33,35,37,106, 107,205 Gottschall, Leslie 216 Gould,Dave 112,253 Gourdin, George 237 Grace,Karen 106 Grader, Tom 194 Graf,Chuck 244 Graf, Robert 119 Graham, Je ffrey 274 Gran land, Barbara 207 Grant,Bob 179 Grant,Carol216 Grant,Greer 110 Grant ,John 248 Granton,Marsha 274 Graton,Marsha 108,109 Grant ,Phil 175 Graves, Jane 106 Gray,Dalias 248 Gray, Darlene 225 Gray,Jeremy 244 Gray, Kathy 274 Gray,Melicent 274 Gray,Paula 43,217 Gray,Sally 110 Gray,Vickie 126,200,217,254 Greathou.e, Yvonne 108 Grebbien,Gary 274 Green, Barbaro 36,223 Green,Jahn 274 Green, Linda 106 Green,Marilyn 213 Green,Julie 106 Greenway, Lynn 108 Greer, Dorathy 113 Greogary,Joan 274 Greogory,Sue 217 Griebel ,Ray 274 Griffin,Mike 128 Griffith. Linda 219 Griggs,Gayle 58,88,89,108, 223,274 Grigsby,Cathleen 110 Grimand,Loweli 274 Grin,Sheila 203 Grindl, Tony 194,250 Griner ,Dorothy 274 Griswold,Janet 274 Griswold,Jim 112,116 Grabe,Marian 274 Grose ,Sherry 223 Gross,Jack 274 Grove,Barbara 129 Grave,Jahn 184,188 Grover,Gail221 Grover,Mike 112 Grube,Dale 274 Gruber, Ed 235 Guerrero, Irene 274 Grundstrom, Suzanne 108 Gruss, Diane 213 Gudith,Lt. Cal. Roy 19 Gulick,Dr. Sidney 16 Gunderson, Becky 106 Gunther, Frederick 128,274 Gurley, Peggy 98, 109,115 Gurrad, John 274 Gustin, Russ 229 Gutzmer,James 274 t Ha,Cheung-Fang 274 Hack, Ted 179,181 Haas,Shirely 134 ,243 Hadzima ,Alfred 274 Haefer",Bonnie 38,203 Haeger, Bob 250 Hafer, Bruce 183 Hafner, Gary 183 Hafleger,Mrs. 151 Hagar, Renie 203 Hagen, Walter 274 Hager ,Mike 238 Hagerman, Larry 112 Hagiwara, Tsu-Shi 112 Haiman,Steve 241 Haldeman, Joanne 108 Hale,Dr. Alan 123 Hales,Roberta 17,34,38 Hall,Albert 114 Hall,Joe 229 Hall,John S. 274 Hall,Robert 112 Halienbeck,Sally 72,219,254 Haller,John 229 Halley, Robin 183 Halloran ,Gay 225 Halsted,Mary 274 Halte,Don 157,158,159 Halverson,Melinda 108 Halvorson,Jeannie 209 Hamersley, Paul 230 Hamill,David 116 Hamilton,Bob 246 Hamilton,JoAnn 274 Hamilton,Mary 108 Hamilton,Rainis 110 Hammer,Gerald 120 Hamner,Jan 118,225 Hancock, Kenneth 275 Hand,Sheryl 128 Hand,Pat 110 Hannaford,Sherri 219 Hansen, Bill 235 Hansen,Johanne 117 Hansen,Marilyn 110,123 Hanshaw, Pat 229 Hansford , Leonard 275 Hanson, Robert 35 Hanson,Sharon 275 Hanus, Jeunesse 275 Hanzlik,Sue 130,217 Harbaugh,Linda 209 Hardeman,Carolyn 275 Harder, Dr. Dona Id 16 Harders, Pat 119 Hardie, Les 247 Harding ,Margaret 117 Hare ,Jim 247 Harlow,Al194 Harmon,Jerry 31,36,125,233, 261,267 Harms,Bob 125,275 Harned,Quinn 124 Hamed,William 119 Harp,Bili 241 Harper,Brooke 203,254 Harris, George 243 Harris,Jeff 275 Harris, Lee 238 Harris,Susan 275 Harrison ,Marty 231 Hart,Carol 108 Hart,Elwim 276 Hart,Gary 41,241 Hart, Lee 194 Hart ,Richard 127 Hartley,Boyd 233 Hartley, Dave 250 Hartloff ,Sam 238 Hartman,Dot 37,116,218 Hartman ,Janet 276 Hartstein,Claire 204 Hartwig,Cindy 130 Harvey, Bob 237,276 Harvey,Nancy 108,109 Harvey, Patrie ia 206 Hasbrooke,Ronald 276 Haskins,Jean 108 Hass, David 112,276 Hata Ison, Dorothy 218 Hatfield,Bobbie 276 Hatfield,Sherrili 38,96,130, 203,243,276 Haught, Janet 225 Hauser, Eric 189 Hauser,Ernie 189 Hawk,Clarence 276 Hawley,Dale 158,159,240 Hawley,Mary 106,222 Hawthorne, Phi lip 276 Hay, Wayne 232 Hayes,John 229 Hay,Orvilie 176,177 Headman ,Maggie 110 Heald,Otis 276 Healey,Jim 248 Hearold,Susan 126 Hearst ,Carlene 211 ,276 Heath,James 120 Hebert, Paul 228,276 Hecker ,Mary 255 Heckler,Rick 179,180,232 Hedges,Jerry 228,276 Hedrick,Barbara 108 Hedrick,Rick 232 Hedstrom ,Randy 245 Heenan,Michael 276 Heide,Susan 209,255 Heilamn,Deavon 255 Helberg,Dianne 276 Helgeson,Larry 276 Helsel,Ron 238 Helzer ,Dan 240 Henderson, Linda 255 Henderson,Suzanne 206 Hendricks, Judy 221 Henkelman,Dianne 110 Henry,Pat 110 Henry,Philip 114 Herkelrath,Bonnie 110,276 Herkert, Richard 112 Herman, Kaye 276 Hermann,Rick 183 Hernandez, Fred 235 Herr,Jan 276 Herriman,Horace 122 Herron, Richard 245,276 Herron,Steve 240,276 Hersh ,Jane 108 Hersh,Ronnie 204 Hess, Richard 232 Hickcox,Gaii 224,260,269,276 H icketh ier ,Robert 112 Hickman,Geneva 119,260,276 Hicks,Herschel 276 Hicks,Jim 236 Hieger, Larry 112,247 Higashizawa, Yoshie 110 Higgins,Bernie 228 Higgins,Claire 110,113,115,247 Higgins,Peggy 106 Higgs,Marge 214,276 Higuchi, Yuko 276 Hill, Douglas 276 Hill,Maureen 116,218 H ill ,Mike 112 Hillis,Janice 225 Hills,Wes 245 H i1men, Do Ie 236 Hilpert,Marilyn 276 Hilts,Don 112,113,240 Hindley,Beth 108,130,222 Hines,Joyce 276 Hines,Nancy 218 Hinrichs, Judy 276 H ippaka ,William 119 Hirata,Ernest 120,276 Hitchcock,Marie 110 Hitney,Herb 112 Hixson, Linda 106 Hobbs, Nancy 106 Hobbs, Tom 112,115 Hobel ,Duane 276 Hodapp, Kath leen 119 Hodge,Glenn 119 Hodges,Dave 194 Hodges , James 235,276 Hodgson,James 276 Hoel ,Dr. Lester 139 Hoelderlin,Art 112 Hoff,Marie 118,209 Hoff,Marilyn 118,209 Hoffing,Sa';d~a 204,277 Hoffman,Ed 176,177 Hoffman, Tom 158,162 Hoffman, Vicki 277 Hofmaister,Jerry 246 Hoham, Sharon 225 Holewinski ,Barbara 255 Holewinski ,Pat 35,224 Hollingsead,Carol 142,206 Hollrah,Caria 110 Holly,Lancey 110,129 Holmerud, Eugene 277 Holms,Chuck 252 Holms,Dr. Darrell 15 Holmes, Kathy 203 Holmes, Kip 254 Holowach,Frank 37 Holt ,Jeff 236 Holt ,Suan 202,277 Holtan,Herbert 112 Holzer,Sue 217 Hone, Doug 228 Honey,Linda 217 Honig,Cynthia 108 Hoo, Wing 127 Hoole, Frank 17,37 Hoopes,Ed 248 Hoover,Sue 128 Hopkins,Fred 112 Hopkins, Katharine 277 Hopkins, Vance 239 Hopper, Beth 110 Hopper,Myra 106 Horn ,Bob 235 Hornung ,Janet 108 Horton, Ida 277 Hosea,Deanna 217 Hosmer,Caria 130 Hoss,Bob 170,171,196,232 Houle, Victor 119 Housel,Carol 110 Housel, Wynn 122,232 Houser, Doug 231 Houser, Kathy 43,216 Hovey,Bob 114,173 Howard , George 139 Howard,Jay 131 Howe,Dimaris 209,254,277 Howe, Katy 202 Howie,Bili 112,113 Hsu,Alice 116 Huben,Bob 248 Huckaby, Lynda 206 Hudson,Almetta 277 Hue,Phan 110 Huebner,Jeanne 129,278 Huff,John 239 Huggins,Lenore 126 Hughes,Sharan 207 Hughes, Steve 236 Hulbert, Ken 239 Hulett,David 242,278 Hull,Helen 202 Hull,Joan 213 Hull ,Judy 218 Hull , Karen 106,107 Humber, Linn 202 Humes,Cecil242 Humphrey,Marv 134 Humphrey, Richard 131 Hungate, Robert 119 Hunt ,Carol 209 Hunter,Anne 108,109 Hutcherson,Steve 112 Hutchinson,Don 191 Hutchinson,Dorothy Hutter,Jerry 245 129 Ikeda,Dr. Hitoshi 151 Ikerd ,Janet 106 Ickis, Barbara 278 Ihrig, Wanda 278 IIiff,George 240 Ingle,Jerry 125,250 Ingram, Sharon 278 Inzunza,Ralph 278 Irgang,Dr. Frank 37,120 Irvine, Ginger 37,218,269 Irvine, Virginia 278 Isaacson, Steve 125,252 Isenhour, Nancy 207 Ishimine,Hilda 119 Isom, Tom 245 Ives,Chris 106 Jacobson,Alan 235 Jacobus, Karen 109 Jacobus,Karhl 183,242 Jacques, None y 106 Jaffe ,Allen 278 James,Fred 112 James,Judibeth 110 James, Prise i 110 278 Jameson, Judy 278 Jamieson,Gerri 73,213 Jamison ,Carol 108 Jansen,Steve 241 January,Jerry 239 Javorik, Barbara 110 Jedlicka,Linda 110 Jenkins,Carol 106 Jenkins,Don 115 Jennings,Evalynn 278 Jensen, Barbara 149 Jensen,Janet 130,142,216 Jewell,Bob 118 Jimeniz ,Carlos 139 Jimeniz, Tom 39,245 Joe,Marcon 139,282 Johansing,Gere 112,250 Johnson ,Chery I 222 Johnson,Dave 36,125,127,246,278 Johnson,Georgia 213 Johnson, Greg 112 Johnson, Kay 129,278 Johnson ,Janet 41,106,116 Johnson ,Judith 278 Johnson,Judy 34,260,271 Johnson, Judy 108 Johnson ,Judy E. 219,254 Johnson, Lawrence 278 Johnson, Leonard 278 Johnson, Lewis 114,278 Johnson, Linda 202 Johnson ,Margaret 216 Johnson ,Mary 278 Johnson ,M ike 112,233 Johnson, Pete 236 Johnson,Rich 114,119,127 Johnson, Robert 278 Johnson,Vicky 255,278 Johnson, Yvonne 278 Johnston, Denn is 193 Johnston, Kathy 106 Johnston ,Mickey 192,193 Johnston,Richard 125,278 Jondall,Dottie 126,208 Jones,Buddy 157,158 Jones,Dale 278 Jones,Diane 119 Jones, Don 194 Jones,Frank 233 Jones,Judi 43,106,216 Jones, Kath leen 213 Jones, Kathy 213,254 Jones, Linda 207 Jones,Linda 278 Jones,Mike 231 Jones, Patti 222 Jones, Roger 249 Jones,Ron 112,113 Jones,S haron 255 Jones ,Xenaphon 278 Jordan,Sallie 14 Jordan, Sandy 117 Joyce, James 278 Jozwicki, Paul 112 Judy,Sharon 224 Judy,Sharon D. 278 Julian,Dr. James 37,135 Junger,Pete 112,131 Jurin,Laura Justus,Neil 110 278 Kahuna,Mike 112 Kaiser,Susan 119 Kalanquin, Kay 219 Kambestad, Lynn 108 Kampley, linda 82 Kane, Lonn ie 205 Kanewske, linda 212 Kaplan,Denis 194 Kara,Judy 110 Karel,Linda 128 Karman, Larry 27B Koskey, Joyce 108 Katz,Sande 106 Keapproth, Gary 112 Kearn, Linda 110 Keatley,Jim 114 Kebort ,Arthur 278 Keeley,Jim 128 Keene,Marsha 106,115 Keeton,Jim 239 Kelber,Rich 112 Kelford, Kimary 211 Kelley,Edeli 224 Kellog,Connie 83 Kelly,Donald 278 Ke lIy, Kathy 255 Kelly,Michael278 Keltz,Jacqueline 278 Kemper, Kathy 223 Kempff,Skip 112 Kenaston,Court 173 Kenaston,John 239,278 Kenda II ,Kay 279 Kendall,Dr. Willis 36 Kendel,Michael 279 Kennedy, Dale 233 Kenney, Dr. Louis 29 Kenyon,Steve 249 Kernes,Dale 176,233 Kerns, Kenneth 279 Kerr, Terry 279 Kerth,Lela 279 Kess ler, Ken 235 Kette la, Dave 249 Keyes,Ray 241 Khoury,Simon 114 Kidder,Carol 130,212,279 Kidder,Dave 114,252 Kidwell ,Dr. Will 18 Kiefer,Joe 34,37,114,261 Kilius,Ned 114 Killigore,Edward 279 Kiloh,Barbara 221 Kim,Bob 249 Kimbell ,Dennis 245 Kimmerl ing, Paula 208 Kindley,Kay 216 King ,Roger 239,279 Kinse 110, Karen 108 Kirkpatrick,Richard 112 Kisso, Fernanda 106 Kitchin,Robert 279 Klein,Barry 110 Klemetsrud, Terry 193 Kline,Carolyn 128 Klovin,Arnold 279 K loven, Jan 234 Knight,Denise 110 Knittel ,Margaret 279 Knox,Joni 205,279 Knudson,Pete 241 Kochendorfor,Sandee 254 Koering, Bob 239 Koester, Tom 249 Koleto,Lynn 108 Kolly, Thomas 279 Kopp,Ron 113 Korporaal,Ron 125,231 Korzep, Bob 161 Kosmack ,Joe 229 Kosvic, Kathryn 279 Kramb,Diane 106 Kramer, John 253 Krasnow, Erwin 253 Krause,Bob 231 Kreider,Stephanie 108 Kreitzer ,Lou 114 Krepps, Virginia 280 Kretowicz,Anthony 83 Krienke ,Gretchen 212 Krienke,Helen 280 Kronberger,Bill 125,234,280 Krone, Winnie Poo 35,205,280 Krueger ,Curt 243 Kruse, Kristal 108,109 Kuhn,Cheryl212 Kuhnert, Robert 280 Kuiper,Carolyn 206 Kujawa,Carol 223 Kuntz,Johanne 217 Kurtz,Flarice 110 Kusik, Randy 212 Kustner, Jay 253 Kwint, Bob 253 Kwolik,Diane 108 Lacy,John 39,125,244 Laffoon, Karen 129 LaFonta,Sydney 140,219,280 Laible,Joanne 110 Laine,Lorence 106 Lair,Sharon 108 Lake, Frank ie 106 Lake ,Jarrett 173 Lake ,Linda 219 Lamb,Barbera 219 Lamb, Edna 280 Lamb,Juelle 73,203,255 Lambden,Bill253 Lambe,MichaeI28Lamden, Dr. Charles W. 20,119 Lamott,John C. 280 Lamprau,Christine 38,126,213 Landa, Vic 229 Landreth,Bill 194,231 Lane,CaroI78,219 Lane ,Jim 120,173,191,244,280 Lane, Pat 108 Lanfried, Lee 246 Lang,Connie 110 Lang ,Diane 210,243 Lang, Tom 241 Lange,Marilou 130,216,280 Lange,Sue 137,217 Langenbach, Robert 119 Langley,Marty 110 Langsdorf,Sharon 110 Langston, Dick 241 Lantz, Harriet 107,115 Lanza, Brenda 280 Lapworth, Brian 234 Lares, Victor G. 280 Larick,Judy M. 280 Larkey, Nancy 208 Larkey,Susan 208 Larkin, Janet 213 Laswell,M. Kay 224 Laughery, Lee Anne 108 Lavery,Charlene 128 Lawatch, Jacque line 206 Lawatch,Leni 109,280 Lawler,Sylvia 221,280 Lawrence,Pam 129 Lawson,Dr. Donald 123 Lawson, Kent 157,159,161,162, 241 Lawson , Teresa S. 280 Lay,Dave 161,162,175 Lazos,Barbara 217 Leaman,Barba 140,224 Learned, Don 135 ,242 LeBarron,Evangeline 119 Lebowitz,Nancy 108 Lederer,Tom 112 LeDesma,Ray 128 Lee,Allen 230 Lee, Dwight R. 280 Lee,Hyman 116,261,280 Lee, Ryndle 230 Leeds, Gary 253 Lefler,Bili 184,188 Lehman , Ingerborg 280 Leichliter,Ellen 108 Leimbach,Bill 175,237 Leinbach,David 280 Leiser,Mary 221 Leland,Marti 136,205 Leland, Nanci 220,254 Lembeck, Duke 244 Lembeck, Lance 237 Lembeck,Mike 32,36,236,261, 271 ,280 Lemme,Dr. Maurice M. 15 Lenain,Adrian 234 Lenett,Harvey 226,252 Lenke,Diane 210 Lennon,Mike 229 Leonard ,Bi II 139 Leonard, Ken 230 Leppert, Norma 225 Leptich,Dean 34,37 LeSage, Jeff 233 Lesikar, Dianna 106 Lessard, Roy 37,125,241 Lessard, Tam 176,177,241 Lessem ,Ron 252 Lester, Tom 237 Levi, Dan 125 Levy,Marilyn Peachblassom 205,280 Lew, Victor W. 280 Lewin,Jack 237 Lewis,Doris L. 280 Lewis,Jack 233 Lewis ,J im 234 Lewis,Jahn 237 Lewis,Jan 138 Lewis,Lantz 233 Lewis,Steve 247,280 Leyton,Mary 151 L'Hommedieu,Judy 110 Liddell,Mariane 213 Lieberenz, Ray 229 Lieberman, Dee 215 Lieberman, Jay 252 Ligon,Ernie 191 Lilley,Lynne D. 280 Lindeberg,Frank 114,172 Lindner, Richard 280 Lindsay,Annette 223 Lindsay,Chuck 238 Lippitt ,John 280 Little,Marion 35,40,121,280 Lizalde,Milo 184 Lizano, AI 233 Lloyd,David 124 Lloyd, Donna 1 10 Locklin, Paul 240 Lockwood, Wayne 135 Logan, Pete 240 Logans, Tommy 34,39,125,261 273 Lomac,Jeannie 73,209 Long,Bonita 110 Long,Donald B. 119,280 Long,Natalie J. 280 Long,Ran 39,201,237 Lange,Marianne 215 Loomis,Dr. David D. 36,147 Loomis,Diane 108 Lopez,Jan 110 Loss,John 244,280 Lottermoser, Don 232 Loughman, Jean 213 Louis,Lee 138,244 Love,Dr. Malcolm A. 14 Lovelady,Robin 215 Lowe, Frank lin P. 280 Lower,Jo Ann 281 Lowitz, Roger 253 Lowrey,Rick 240 Loya,Bob 128 Lucas,Paul 149 Luce ,Lawrence 120 Lueck,Carol 110 Luhnow, Tom 33,37,242 Lukehart, John 235 Lundquist, Linda 213,281 Lunt ,Martin 281 Lurie,Midge 281 Lusk, Karen 110 Luster ,John 175 Luster,Robert 82 Lux,John 237 Luxenburg, Judy 126,220 Luyendyk, Bruce 250 Lyman,Jim 236 Lyman,Lutie 238,281 Lynch,Sharon 203 Lyon ,John 246 Lyon,Ken 124,131,235,281 Lyons,Jane 128 Lyons,Sandi 255 MacDonald,Denny 39,125,238 MacDonald, Raymond 281 MacFarlane,Bob 112,249 Mack,Rozanne, 38,95,103,219 Mackey,Bob 166,167,168,171 MacKirdy,Martha 109,116 MacLaggan,Jim 114 Macleod, Kathleen 282 MacLeod,Mary 110 MacNeil ,Timothy 75,136,245 Macy,Rich 240 Madden, Sandy 110 Madigan,Mike 175 Madison ,Brooks 249 Madison, Palmer 282 Maggio,Carol 209 Magu ire ,Sharon 110 Mahon,Jock L. 282 Maio, Tony 240 Mak,Chuen Kwong 138 Male,Wllliam R. 282 Males,Jim 242 Maim ,Sharyn 220 Malone ,Marionn 110 Maloney, Franny 203 Ma laney, Joa I 203,282 Maloy,5t ve 235 Manch ster,Doug 41,240 Mend I,D na 106 Mandel, Toni 204 Manfredi,Clal 119 Maniss,Sharan 149 Mann,Bili 191,232,282 Mann,Ed 114,115 Mann,Shirley 282 Manning,Chri.238 Mannlng,Paul 183 Manson, Larry 39,248 Morckwardt,Pam 217,254 Marckwardt, Tom 238 Mardl.,James 123 Marlan,Anlto 203 Morion,Sheila 117,203 Marken, Gr 9 114 Markham ,Stu 246 Markley,Richard 114 Marks,Richard A. 282 Marquez,Adriano 106 Marr,Norm 184,188 Marriner,Ann 110 Marseilles,Bill 184,188,241 Marsh, Joan 222 Marsh,Paul 232,282 Marston ,EI izabeth 110 Marstan,Mary 219 Martin,Bob 231 Martin, Dan 236 Martin, Dave 184,246 Mart,in, Dick 248 Martin, Gary 238 Martin,Jacqueline 282 Martin,Jerome B. 282 Martin,Joyce K. 282 Mart in, Leroy 125 Martin, Lois E. 282 Martin, Nancy P. 282 Martin, Paul 128 Martin, Rick 245 Martin,Sandy 253 Martin, Tom 231 Martindale ,Richard 282 Martinez,Art 112 Martinolich,Chuck 123 Martins,Jim 245 Martyn,Chariene 221 Marzano, Robert 123 Mason ,Andy 239 Massey, Don 232 Masterson,AI 239 Mate,Algo 119 Mather, Dick 241 Mathis,Susan 225,255 Math ison, Roger 234 Matline,Soup 114 Matlock,Bruce 229 Matson,Dennis L. 116,282 Mattek, Bunny 202 Matthews, John 236 Mattoon,William 120 Mattrow,Marti 108,126 Maxwell ,Jerry 248 Maxwell,Sandra 102,225,255 May,Dave 112 May,Elaine 221 Mayer,Janice 222 Mayo, Joseph 282 McAleer ,Jackie 255 McArthur ,John 241 McArthur, Susan 103 McBee,Linda 106,107 McCalla, Linda 215 McCampbell,Jim 229 McCambridge,Ed 128,234 McCarl, Joan 73,209 McCarty, Frank L. 281 McCaslin,Nancy 260,281 McCauley, Gary 175,232 McC 10in, Sandy 202 McClaughert,Bob 114 McClellan,Jayce 232 McClung,Jim 194,246 McClure,Mike 239 McCorkell ,Jerelyn 206 McCormick,Steve 229 McCorquoda Ie, Bob 236 McCoy, Lloyd 157,161 McCoy ,Mr. Robert 36 McCoy,Rob rt 124 McDoni I,AI rt C. 281 McOonl I,D ,,124,127 McOanl 1,00n 193 McDani I,St" 230 McD ,,"ott,Jlm 123 McDonald,Carol 209 McDonold,P n 208 McOougol,Do" 194,234 McDovgall ,Sandra 281 McDow II ,Glenn 228 McEncroo, Jock 239 McFadd n, Tom 236 McFarland,Conno 108,281 McGh ,Mik 184,241 McGI,,1 y,S)'b1l 206 McGrath, Thomlll 281 McGr w,LoD Iio 108,115 Mclnn s,AI 123,233,282 Mclntlr ,Jam s 282 Mcjunkins, Po rlclo 149 Me ,PalO t A. 282 McKentl ,Sh 1111 122 McK wn,Chuck 239 McKinstry, William 282 McKlttrfck,Mlke 239 McLaughlin,Borboro 282 McL nnon, Lindo 213 McMahon, Tau ....-J on 117 McManus, John 120 McM nomy,L1ndo 217 McMlllan,No,," 179,180,241 McMullon,James 120 McMullen, John 239 McNamara,Shoran 255 McNeoly,Craig 282 McNow,Mlko 112 McPhad n,Lesley 106 McPhorland,Cheryl 108 McPherren, John 282 McPherren,Marcia 208 McPherren,Morgy 218 McPherson, Terry 59, 193,233 McPhie,Pamelo 128,210 McQueen,Diano 282 McReynolds, Dick 112 McWhorter ,Catherine 110 Means,Gary 112,113 Mech,AI 112 Medine,Pomelo 225,254 Meek,Larry 166,169,171,241 Meeker,Joe 158,160,161 Meeker, Phil 237 Meggitt,Rick 239 Melchione,Mary 110 Melius,Marsha 214 Mello,Rabert 119 Mellusi,Jay 238 Melone,SholTOn 282 Meltzer,Mike 124 Mendez,Eddie 161,163,184, 188,241 Mendez,Morio 159,160,161,241 Menzie, Lindo 224 Menzie, Sharon 43 Merchant, Toni 224,282 Meredlth,L. Roe 119 Memar, Fronk 189 Merlno,Elisa 117 Merion, Joseph 282 Merman ,Anne 43,224 Merritt, Darlene 224 Mershon,Genevieve 282 Metcalf,M. Kathryn 282 Meyer,Henry E. 282 Meyer,Richard S. 282 Meyer,Shoron 196,107 Meyers, Doug 237 Mhoan,Judy 224 Michaels,Stan 184,188 Miele,Betty 106,128 Mijares,Juan 282 Mikolyczyk,Pat 110 Miley,Fred 40 Milk.,Jack 158,159,160,162, 240 Millen,Cheryl 222 Miller,Anne 43,212 Miller,Arlene 283 Miller,Bertha 150,151,283 Miller ,Bob 228 Miller,Bonnie 223 Miller,Eloise 283 Miller, Georgia 214 Miller,Jan 217,254 Miller,Joan 223 Miller,La Mar 283 Miller,Lance 125,201,228 Miller,Marcine 283 Miller,Mike 233 --.-------------------------Miller,Stephanie 106 Miller, Terry 283 Miller, Waskah 73,223 Millican,Ed 149 Mills,Dr. Jack 149 Mills,Jim 226,245 Mills,Linda 283 Millsan,Wallace 119 Milne,Dr. David 28 Minar,Marion 208,283 Minton,Caral 117,126,220,226 Mitchell,Katie 110 Moe, Donna 212 Moffett, Georgia 118,214 Maffett,Jim 116 Mohr,Linda 218,283 Molino,Julia 108 Mollick,Ron 252 Monahan,Barbara Muggins 283 Monell,Jerry 39,125,238,273, 283 Monninger,Carole 218,283 Manteath,Barbara 218 Montgomery,Jack 81 Mantgomery,Jim 179,181,283 Moody, Joy 202 Moore,Carolee 106 Moore,Dennis 31 Moore, Denny 34,237 Moore,Jim 112 Maore,Linda 212 Moore,Lurlie 218 Maore,Tom 228,284 More ,Bob 184,188 Marebe I 10, Sam 233,284 Mareno, Hector 284 Morey, Kathleen 97,225,255, 284 Morey,Rick 245 Morgan, Barbora 119 Morgan,Bob 194 Morgan, John 284 Morgan,Juanita 284 Morgan, Jun ior 284 Morgan,Marsha 106 Morgan , Mary 210 Morgan, Tam 34,233 Morgner, John 238 Morillo,Antonio 119,284 Morin,Arthur 284 Morley,Mary Jo 220 Morris, Dave 159 Morris,Diana 220 Morris ,Jack 233 Marris,Linda 110,115,284 Morris,Meri 217 Morris,Nancy 106 Morrisan,David 114 Marr ison Lawrence 112 Morton,Mike 240 Mosburg ,Charles 284 Mosby,Donalda 91 Maser ,Martha 284 Moser,Mike 250 Moshtaghi, Kamran 284 Moss,Kathie 110 Moss ,Maureen 204 Mosso, Barbara 108 Moucheron,Marcel 284 Mroz,Sabin 234,284 Mueller, Lydia 284 Muhlig,Anne 254 Muirhead,Clarence 284 Mullen,Gayle 106,219 Mullin,Robert 284 Mumby,Roger 238 Munch,Dena 110 Munson, Babbi 208 Munster, Pat 81,149 Munz,Mike 39,125,228 Murdock, Don 245 Murdock ,Sue 212 Murphy, Larry 245 Murphy,Mike 184,188 Murray, Janet 210 Musil , Donna 219 Musuraca, Ester 284 Mwank i ,D. D inauri 284 Myers,Caralyn 34,204,205 Myers,David 131 Myers, Linda 110,212 Myers,Mike 32,36,275 Myhro, Elaine M. 284 M yhra, Ron 236,254 1 Nachant ,Sue 209 Nails,Phillip 124 Naiman,Edward 128 Nanartowich, Edward J. 284 Nance, John 112 Napier, Ray 179 Narky,Gerry 106 Neal,David 284 Neal,Gary 234 Nebel-Thau,Susan 284 Nedlick,Jim 244 Neel,Charlie 184,188,240 Neeson,John 112,284 Neeson,Mary 284 Nefflen,Edgar 240 Neil ,Louise 218 Neil,Michael L. 284 Neill,PhiI243 Nelson,Bob 123,230 Nelson, Brad 235 Nelson,Jeri 110,118 Nelson,Joan 109 Nelson, Joyce 218 Nelson,Matt 236 Nelson,Stanley 284 Nelson, Wendy 213 Nesbit ,Margaret 106,107 Ness,Rachel 204 Nessler,Carrie 220 Nesvold, Fred 250 Nett, Robert 284 Nettles,Craig 166,171,184, 188,238 Nevin,Jonni 255 Nevin,Nancy 106 Newbro,Tom 236 Newby,Cindi 129 Newcomb, Doug 244 Newman,Bill 123 Newman,Pete 125,240 Newman, Ross 284 Newman ,Suzanne 101 Newman ,William 284 Nguyen,Nhi 106 Nichols, Dick 37,114,115,284 Nichols,John 172 Nichols,Marc 112 Nicholson,Sugar 110 Niewoehner,Jo Ann 284 Nilsen,John 112 Nix, Denn is 248 Noble, Wayne 112,284 Noel,Gary 230 Nolan,Ann 216 Nolan,Linda 209 Norberg,Judi 43,216 Norbu, Thubten 151 Nord,Nikki 141,209 Nordinii,John 285 Nordmarken,Mike 238 Nonnandin,Michelle 108 Norstrom,Jeri 213 Norstrom,Nikki 119,213,285 North, Gaye 213 Norvell ,Sandra 108 Norwood, Nancy 108 Nottol i, James 285 Nowell,Garvin 285 Nowell,Jim 244 Nowry, Gwen 129 Null ,Cindy 209 O'Bryant ,John 239 O'Byrne,Dr. Ernest B. 15,127 Odegard, Tom 244 Odell, Brian 244 Oden,Linda 38,225,275,285 Odie ,Bob 41,240 Odmark, Vern 119 O'Dwyer, Frank 233 Oetting,Dianne 285 Ofiesh, Ronald 285 Ofui!, Tadahiko 285 Ogden,Elizabeth 224,285 Ogilvie ,Doug 229 Ogren,Susie 110 O'Hare,Mike 172 O'Keefe,Mary 213 Oldham ,John 285 Olechnowicz,Barbara 123,285 Oliver ,Bob 127 Oliver, Tracie 108 Olson,AI 34,190 Olson,Barbaro 216 Olson,Bonnie 116,221 Olson,Janet 213 Olson, Karl 285 Olson, Ken 239 Olson,Lee 193 Olson, Lyle 171 Olson,Mary 202 Olson,Sue 118 O'Neel,Denny 125,239 O'Neel,Gaye 208 Orr, Rona Id 285 Orrell,Na~cy 143 Orvik,Richard 286 Osborne ,Jim 235 Osborne ,Maureen 106 O'Shea, Denn is 245 Oslund,Ann 207,286 Ostermcn , Beverly 128 Ostroman,Beverly 106 Otey,Nancy 200,224 Outeen , Jan 110 Owen,Barry 239 Owens, Lee 35,149 Owens,Mark 233 Owens, Sandi 59,73,202 Ozbirn,Jim 127 Paden, Hun ter 245 Page ,Cheron 286 Page,Gary 129 Paine,Martha 106 Po in ter ,Nancy 106 Pais,Dave 242 Paisin,Marc 193 Paisley,Dale 229 Po ixao, Anna lee 286 Paladino, Peter 124 Pallas,George 286 Palmer, Lillian 286 Palmer, Mike 33,35 Palmer,Sylvia 214 Palos,Robert 286 Pansegrau,Phyllis 108 Papper, Donald 286 Paris ,Ron 232 Parks,Joel 175,239 Parry,Ralph 127 Parry, Veronica 286 Parsley,Jim 234,286 Parsons, Jul ia 286 Pasas, Lanny 236 Pasto,Jim 236 Pastula, Gene 229 Patterson, Gerry 214,243 Pattillo,Doug 37 Pauchnick,Cathie 216 Paul, Dave 234 Pau I, Kappy 222 Paul,Shaula 126,203 Paul ,Stanley 286 Paulson,Daira 110 Pawley, Ralph 228 Payne, Dennis 176,177 Pearlman,Joanne 110 Pearsley,John 193 Pearson, Gail 106 Pearson,Sandra 126,142,224,255 Peck,Barbora 286 Peck,Claudia 202,286 Pedersen, Harvey 139 Pederson ,Carol 149 Peevey, Wayne 114 Pehka,Marianne 119 Peiffer,Bab 242,286 Peiffer,Dr. Herbert 16,116 Peiffer, John 242 Peirce,Judith 126,224 Pendergast, Bonnie 286 Pendergast, Bruce 286 Pendley,Jim 114 Penera, Angela 286 Pennell ,Charles 286 Pepper, Don 248 Pererson,Christopher 286 Perez,Ed 166,171,239 Perkins, Bill 232 Perkinson,Shirley 286 Perlis,Seymour 14 Pennon, Sandra 286 Pernicana, Vince 128 Perry,Rick 231 Person,Dr. Gerald 35 Person, Joanne 38,218 Peschke, Troy 106 Petcher, Ron 252,286 Peter ,Fred 127 Peters, Lawrence 286 Peters,Lynn 119 Peters,Pam 118 Pe tersen ,Caro I 119 Petersen ,Donna 42,218 Peterson,Dave 160,162,240,286 Peterson, John 286 Pe terson ,Ken 234 Peter50n, Lynwood 286 Peterson, Ray 117 Peterson,Ron 35,112,247 Peterson, Wi Iliam 286 Petit ,Michael 286 Petrie, Lorri 255 Pettengill, Tina 202 Pettersen,Charies 286 Petties, Neal 158,161,162,286 Petty ,Shirley, 110 Pfadenhauer, EIfen 207 Phelan,Sharon 212 Phelps,Eugene 286 Phelps, Rick 244 Phibbs,Corbett 114 Phiel ,Mary 221 Phil I ippi, Gary 114 Phillips,Barboro 119,286 Phillips,Bill173 Phoenix, Ted 232 Pianka, Pamela 286 Picco, Linda 128 Pickett, John 112 Pickup, Penny 126,255 Pierce,Dick 170,171 ,238 Pierce,Judy 35 Pieri ,Jim 249 Pierson,Claudia 222 Piggott, Barbora 110 Pine, Bill 252,287 Pine, Dave 253 Piper ,Jim 175 Piper ,Sharon 214 Pirazzini,Robert 287 Pittman,Carolina 110,130,287 Pitts,Donna 130,216 Place ,Elan 33,34,125,238,277, 287 Planchon,Jim 244,287 Plett, Kathy 110 Plumb,Caroll08,218 Plumb,Paul 175 Poeh Iman, Les lie 222,255 Po linger, Barbara 110 Pollock, Louis 124 Pollock,Robyn 219,226 Polovin,Sheldon 128 Polster, Taffy 76,208,255 Pomeroy, Irene 108 Porter ,Cari I 224 Porter,Ellen 42,212 Porter ,Merlo 117 Post, James 120 Pavenmire, E. Kingsley 66 Powell,Dick 194 Power, Tom 234 Powers, Donald 287 Pawers,Mike 128 Prager, Nancy 117 Prahl,Bob 174,175,232 Pratt ,Carolyn 110 Pratt ,Chris 106 Pratt, Le ighton 232 Prelle, Valentine 112,246 Price,Priscilia 108 Pritchett, Diane 128 Pritchett ,Mildred 287 Prohaska, Datt i 115 Purtee,Alex 134,135 Putnam,Robert 149 Qualyn, Roberta 287 Quan,John 234 Quapp,Bili 122 Quechenberger, Pete 243 Quiett,Mary 119 Quigley,John 175 Quilty,John 190 Quintero,Octaviano 112 Quist,Danald 287 Raborn,Marty 238 Raczkowski ,Charles 287 Raddatz ,Mary 108 Rader, Fred 238 Radic i, George 237 Radke,Bili 112 Ragenovich,Betty 126,217 Raichart, Liz 117 Ra ikow, Rayanne 128 Ra javara ikara, N ipo 110 Ra jcher, Wilma 287 Ramet,Barbara 219,255 Ram irez, Henry 72,233 Ramirez ,Robert 287 Ramsey, Gayne I 287 Ramsey, John 125,201,238 ....--IBIII!I----Rondall, Lynn 106,214 Rangel, Lyle 150 Rankin, Bob 235 Rank in, Gary 244 Ranta, Ray 242 Rathburn,Alice 108,109,288 Ray,Bi11233 Ray, Jim 232 Roycroft, Randy 112,246 Raymond, Larry 194 Rearden, Katherine 206 Reaume, Ron 234 Reed, Dave 241 Reed, Fred 232 Rees,Sandy 129 Reese, J im 228 Rehfeld,Michele 110,128 Re ichert, Ruth 206 Reid,Ty 249 Reinert,Steve 112,246 Remley, Dan 183 Reusch,Carolyn 218 Reuss, Lothar 288 Reynalds,Ozy 135 Reynolds,Scott 241 Reynolds, Tom 250 Reznikoff,Simon 119 Rhoads, Cherie 202 Rice, Dick 244 Rice, Kenneth 288 Rice, Tinalee 210 Richards ,Annette 216 Richardson, Gayle 288 Rico, Dave 237 Ridout, Bob 228 Rieg,Connie 288 Rife,Gerald 132,135,288 Riggs, Randy 244 Rilea ,C Iyde 179 Riley,Gavin 179,181 Riley,John Michael 288 Riley,Ree 288 Rindone,Jennie 119 Rindone,John 119 Ripko,John 234 Rippy,Clara 108 Roach,Ron 34,133,135,237,288 Roark,Michael288 Robbins, Phil 229 Roberts, Carol 216,288 Roberts,Chris 191,248 Roberts, George 168,171,288 Roberts, Lois 220,288 Roberts,Mike 248 Robertson ,Daniel 288 Robe rtson, Dr. Frank 29,37 Robertson, Kay 108 Robertson,Mike 228 Robinson ,Dick 234 Robinson ,Dr. Dudley H. 27 Robinson, Randy 229 Robinson,Rita 110 Robles,laura 216 Roche,Kathy 110,128 Rock,Dianne 218 Rockwood, Richard 230 Roe, Carolyn 288 Roe, Larry 127 Roesch, Sally 106 Rogers,Bonnie 129 Rogers,Joe 173,258 Rogers,Sandy 116,212 Rohfleisch, Pete 236 Rohlf,Judy 220 Rohlinger,Bob 128 Rohwedder ,Mary 288 Roisman,Jadi 204 Rolan,Pat 126,214 Roletto, Kathy 212 Roman, Judy 222 Romero, George 236 Romero, Pat 183 Romero, Renette 288 Roppe,Roger 37,137,241 Rosen,Mark 114,253 Rosenberger, Paul 238,288 Rosene,Vernan C. 17,36,37,157 Ross, Debbie 223 Ross, Jack 176 Ross, Susan 220 Ross,Susie 222 Rossi ,Carol 255 Rossman ,M ike 252 Rossman,Su50n 108 Ros50,Morio 288 Rost, Norman 144 Rosten,Diane 137,214 Rosten, Joan 106 Roston,Rick 245 Rotchstein,Jonice 83,106 Rause,Josephine 288 Rowe ,Stan 114 Rowley,Philip B. 288 Roy, Welton 288 Royal,Don 157,160 Royalty,Vicki 117 Ruhwedder ,Mary Ann 106 Ruia,Dr. Harry 128 Rullo,Dona 108 Rumsey, Kathy 208 Runyan,Cynthia 225 Rupe,Jim 184,188 Rupp,William 288 Rusch, Rodger, 123 Russell,Dick 232 Russell ,Harriett 288 Ruth,Robert 114 Ruthford,Barbara 118 Ruthfard ,Joanne 130 Rutledge,Penny 34,200,206, 277,288 Ruzich,Jahn 194 Ryden,Carol 108 Ryland, Ray 288 Ryland,Sheldon 288 Soda, Dan 184,188 Saddington,Hugh 242 Saffel,PhiI125,232,288 Saigh,Dr. William 36,123 Sailing,Adam 288 Salman,Ellen 216 Salmon,Rex 37,132,135,288 Samovar, Dr. Larry 149 Sams,Elizabeth 225,288 Sanborn ,Gayle 224 Sanders, Joan 204 Sanders, Susan 208 Sanderson, Virginia 255 Sandstrom, An i to 288 Sandstrom, Jerome 288 Santos ,Mary 288 Sarborough ,Mari Iyn 289 Sarfan,Sheldon 252 Sargeant ,Bob 230 Sariego, Isabella 289 Sasse ,Jerry 229 Saunders,Joe 193 Sawade,Lynn 218 Saxton,Jim 236 Seal i, Tam 232 Scarborough, Lynford 289 Scarbrough, Dr. Pau I 151 Schaffner ,Kathy 216 Scheetz,Judy 106 Schereling,Dave 289 Schilbe,Anne 289 Schirmer,Dan 191 S·chlatter,Dan 228 Schmekel ,Gordy 236 Schmidt ,Erin 41,137,212 Schmitz, Dennis Bertha 138 Schnautz, Jeanne 128 Schneider,Gary 149 Schneider,John 183 Schneider ,Susie 213 Schneider, Vicki 126,212 Schnick,Karen 210,289 Schnitzer, Joann 108 Scholefield, Pat 108 Schall,Jack 228 Schoonover ,Ann 289 Schrock,Carolyn 221 Schrock,Joline 108,289 Schraeder,Nancy 121 Sc hrupp, James 135 Schrupp,Dr. Manfred 21 Schultz, Dick 246 Schultz,Judith 204 Schultz, Ted 112 Schulz,Fred 131 Schutzman, Ilene 204 Schwartz,Myra 42,212 Schwartz,Roberta 204,289 Schweitzer, Gary 232 Schwilk,Sylvia 289 Scott,Barbara 110,115 Scott ,Bill 248 Scott, Frank 189 Scatt,Jim 112,115,171 Seagers,Mark 131 Seccombe,Ann 106 Seely,John 233 Seeman,Alan 289 Seewald,Ralph 124 Seibert ,Carolyn 110 Seibert, L. R. 289 Seid,Joan 289 Seitz,Gailll0 Selbert,Jennifer 106 Selby,Sidney 217 Seldon,Dave 240 Self, Tom 233 Se II ,Frank 228 Selton,Randy 248 Sermersheim ,Mike 240 Serrana,Rich 184,188 Serwe,Mary 214 Severance, Doug 238 Shaffer,Judy 212,279 Shaffer,Sue 122 Shandera,Jaime 228 Shankland, Sid 232 Shannahoff,Carole 128 Shannon, Dean 80 Sharkey ,Dr. Gerald 119,123 Sharpe,Sherry 209,290 Sharpe, Susan 290 Shattuck, Barbara 224 Shattuck, Kathryn 224 Shaw, Sue 108 Showcraft,Jack 166,169,171 Shay,Sheila 209 Sheets, Dave 240 Sheets, Yvonne 206 Sheldon, Ted 248 Shepard,Jean Nicolle 290 Shepersky, Virginia 290 Sherwood,Diane 212 Sherwood, Esther 106 Shields, Dick 118 Shields,Susan 216 Shima,Hisae 119 Shimmin,lrvin 121 Shinn,Jay 245 Shipe,Sandie 37,133,216,281, 290 Shipman, Tom 123 Shirley,Sharan 110 Shivel,John 124 Shoaf,Gerry 229,290 Shoberg, Wendell 290 Shoemaker, Tim 239 Shonaker, Teri 38,200,209 Shoop,Sue 143 Short ,Janell 126,222 Short ,Stephanie 108 Shreves,Mike 240 Shultz, Richard 112 Shumpert, Donna 224 Shuster, Linda 207 Sibbet ,James 290 Sickels, Dave 226,232 Siedler,Sharon 210 Siegle,Linda 110 Silvennan,Milt 179 Si Iverthorn ,Morgan 290 Simmans,Jim 237 Simmans,Warren 159,160,161, 163 Simon,Diane 110 Simon ,Steve 184 Simpsan,Bil1249 Simpson,Ed 232 Sims, Dick 125,244,290 Sims, Harvey 120 Sinclair,Judy 129,216 Singer, Bob 252 Sinsheimer,Allen 119 Siroton, Vicki 43 Sitcoscy ,Bob 42, 184,188,240 Siurson,Elizabeth 290 Skarie,Sue 110 Skelley,Jim 173,191 Skelton, Bob 112 Skinner,Jeff 34,247 Skinner,Robert 290 Skulavik,Mary 117 Skulavik, Vera Jo 290 Slater, Gary 112 Slatter, Edwin 290 Slattery, Kerry 82 Slavit,MichaeI124,261 Sleeper,Martha 207 Sleet,Dave 125,141,248 Slyker, Robert 290 Sma II ,Lavana Sue 290 Small,Nancy 212 Small,Salli 218 Small,Sue 110 Smith, Dr. Alan 151 Smith,Carol 106 Smith,Carol 5.108 Smith,Charies A. 290 Smith,Clyde 290 Smith,C.R. 184,187 Sm ith ,Dave 244 Smith,Dennis 112 _ Smith,Don 253 Sm ith ,Edwa rd Laray 290 Smith,Fonda 290 Smith,Jaann 290 Smith,Mr. J. Dayton 35,147 Smith,J. T. 112 Smith,Judith Ann 290 Smith,Lawrence Thomas 290 Smith,Linda 206 Smith, Rich 39 Smith,Rick 238 Smith,Sandy 108 Sm ith, 5 tephan ie 68,224 Smith,Sue 209 Smith, Terry 208,290 Smith,Wes 112,113 Smithson,Linda Karen 290 Smolen,Steve 112 Snapper ,John Nelson 290 Snodgrass, Tad 248 Snyder, Jimmy Howard 290 Snyder, Linda 129,290 Snyder,Nedra 31,38,89,222, 283,290 Soderberg, Roberta 290 Sodomka, Beverly 38,208 Solbue,Gary 290 50 Idman, Gay 206 Solomon,Mark 253 Somerville, Eileen 208 Sonheim, Kathy 208 Sooter ,Charles 290 Sooter ,Jackie 221 Sooter, Wade G. 290 Sorben, Georgia 225 Sorem,Richard 244 Sorensen,James R.,291 Sorensen, Jan 213 Sorenson, George 23 Sosna, Ph i I 252 Sousa, Teresa 291 Sowell,Karen 110 Spadaro ,Sam 248 Spangenberg, Eric 114 Sparks,Gladys 291 Sparks,Susan 149 Spatzier,Suzanne 291 Speckmann, John 232 Speer, Bobb i 208,291 Spencer, Donna 214,291 Spindler,Skip 192,193 Spitalnick,AI 173,232 Spartsman,Mr. Chac 164 Sprigg,Jane 108 Springstead ,Sue 218 Sprintzer,Mike 116 Spurgean,Mike 30,36,37,58,79, 237,285,291 Squance,Pat 212 Squire,Charlene 117 Squires,Janet 108,291 Srbich,Alexander 119 Stacy,Jim 229 Staffield,Sidney 107 Stafford ,M ike 240 Stagg,Diana 94,255 Stahl,Bob 230 Stahmann,Carol209 Stahn, Karen 220 Stalnaker,Pat 125,133,135, 261,287,291 Stamm, Nancy 225 Stancil,Sharie 202 Stansbury, Ray 244 Stansbury,Sue 106 Starbuck,Suzanne 206 Stark ,Jeff 125,246 Stark, Vic 159 Starr,Bill112 Starr ,Mary 291 Stauber,Jim 157,158,175,236 Steck, Ferne C. 119,291 Steddom ,Ellen 222 Steel,Jody 129 5 teepy ,Carla 206 Stefanatz, Kathryn 291 Stefanson,Paul 129 Steffin, Walt 128 Stein, Bart 194 Steinmetz,Carol 207,291 Stencil , Barbara 292 Stengel, Joseph 131,292 Stenger, Ronald 292 Stenson, Dave 161 Stephens, Anna 106 Stergios,Mary 106 Stern,Bill 123,242 Stern, Rosemary 133,292 Sterrett ,Jim 234 Steusel, Paul 183 Stevens, Sharon 137 Steward,Bili 194 Stewart ,Clare 207 Stewart, Forrest 231 Stewart,Rich 112,113,246 Stickle,Mary 108 Stickney,Suellen 223 51. John, Loni 149 Stack, BiII 123 Stofer ,Howard 120,292 Stolarsky,Michael 114,115 Stall, Leonard 292 Stone,Anne 214 Stone,Dennis 114 Stane,James 292 Stone,Roy 119 Stane,Suzann 219 Storevik, Terry 39 Strachan,David 112 Stral ing, Father 128 Strand, Gayle 108 Street,Jim 32,34,125,237, 289,292 Strickland, Denise 220 Stram, Leonard 121 Stromberg, Ben 112 Strong, Nancy 83,209,254 Struhon, Barbaro 292 Struttan,Barbara 108,109 Stuart ,Jim 112,244 Stubbs,Bili 251 Stuhrman,Carolyn 202 Stunn,Peggy 108,204 Sturn,Sonny 232 Suarez, Dolores 292 Sullivan,Joe 125,134,245 Sullivan,Michael 120,292 Summer<, Ted 292 Sund,Mike 39,125,132,135,233 Sundquist ,Margie 212 Suponcich,Mike 248 Super ,Joe 245 Sutorius,Gordon 194,248 Sutorius,Marilyn 260,292 Suvada, Ken 252 Svendson,Caral 110 Swan, Randy 112 Swanson ,Bob 241 Swanson, Sus ie 203 Sward,Bili 114 Swedberg,Steve 115 Swede, Frances 204 Swenson, Suzanne 118,206 Swiderski, Frank 234 Swiers, Tom 244,292 Swiggett ,Stephanie 118 Swing,Jack 249 Swint, Win 240 Swycaffer,Chariotte 110 Sybert, Sharon 243 Sykes,Ethel119 Sykora, Sue 220 Sympson,Janie 110 Szidak,Dennis 246 Szuch, David E. 191,292 Tabor,Linda 108,117 Tadman,Morley 119 Tallian, Linda 292 Talmage,Raymond 123,292 Tamulonis,Joe 112 Taniguchi,Linda 108 Tapley,Winnie 150 Tate,Phil230 Tate,Susan 108 Taube,Diane 224 Tavaglione,Sally 106 Taylar,Joyce L. 292 Taylor ,Judy 129 Taylar,Larry 33,34,127,175, 236 Taylor,Linda 115,214 Taylor,L1oyd 36 Taylor,Ron 238 Taylor,Sharan 43,68,216 Tazelaar,Dick 131,138,233, 292 Tenney, Thomas 167,171 ,292 Terrien,Mike 236 Terry,Dr. William 24,34 Test, Larry 114,115 Teter ,Nancy 221 Teudt , Terry 236 Thacher, Glenn 230 Thacker, Pam 110 Thayer, Bitsy 209 Theil ,Donald 36 Th ien, Jeff 232 Thinh,Nguy n-.:long 114 Thomos,Alva 292 Thomas, Barbaro 224,260,292 Thomas,Don 235 Thomas, Karyn 92 Thomas, Lane 292 Thomas, Lindo 208 Thomas,M linda 126,202 Thomas,Rich 112,115 Thomas,Solly 110 Thomas, Terry 216 Thompson, Barry 112 Thompson, Bobb 129 Thompsan,Dov 246 Thompson,Douglos 119 Thompson,J on 202 Thompson, Kor n 43, 108,208 Thompson,K n 173,191,250 Thompson, Linda 130 Thompson,Olin 292 Thompson,Stu 173 Thompson, Vicky 222 Thomson ,Stu 173 Thornton, Lowls 292 Thorogood,D nnis 230 Thorsen, Henry 292 Thorsne. ,M ike 236 Tild.,Jan 36,110,140,204. Ti I.worth ,Sue 106 Tilton,Denni. 173,244 Tippets, Dorice 110,129 Tlppey, Judith 292 Tiro, Thoma. 292 Titus,Mary lOB Tabey,Jahn 114 Todar<, Linda 292 Todd,Caron 108,109,292 Todd, Gary 236,292 Tody ,Roxanna Jane 292 Tomasulo ,Michael 292 Tomlinson ,Carol 214 Tompkins,John 292 Tampkins,Rich 243 Totten, Fred 128,131 Towles,Mike 112,246,293 Townsen,Priscilia 210,226 Tawnsend,Daug 37,228 Trask,Poula 202 Trible,Candy 149 Tristram,Dennis 133 Tromblee,Andrea 293 Troncone,Rich 23B Trotter, Jerry 139 Troup,Cynnie 208 Troutt, Virginia 106 Trovaten,Ben 60,125,244 Trovo ten, Bob 244 Truban,Jaseph 139,293 True,Judy 129 True,Peggy 108 Truex,Bili 231 Truran,Donna 110,293 Trutna,Wayne 244 Tschog I, Judy 206 Tubesing,Carol 108,109 Tucker ,Mike 238 Turchan, Barbara 224 Tumer,Leslie 106 Tuttle,Paul 198 Tuttle, Tana 202 Tye,Arthur 119 Tyler,John 232 Tyrrell ,Jim 240 Ulavic, Ted 242 Underhill ,Greg 242,293 Upshow, Kathie 202 Uri,Clarence 119 Ursich, Tom 237 Vaccaro,Andi 220,293 Vadney, Leroy 291,293 Vail,Bab 184,188 Vail,Rabin 116,203 Vail,Sandy 106 Valliere, Vicki 202 Van Ausdal ,Jackie 110 Vanderhoof,Jili 110 Vandervoat ,Dick 228 Van Deusen,Jani 293 Vanhoose, Karen 106 Van Matre, Dave 240 Van Stelle, Bab 250 Van Way,Suzanne 254 Varon,Jerry 134,261,293 Vaughn,Cla Ann 42,206 � ~ ~ ~ t t t ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I Vaughn, Edward E. 293 Vaughn, Richard 293 Veal, Randy 248 Vening,Susan 110 Verrips,Rad 247 Vigneault,Evelyn 128,293 Vincent ,Joe 112 Vinson, Victor 114 Vint, Vinton C. 293 Vint, Vinton C. 11,294 Vitek ,Reggie 245,294 Vitlip,Karen 128 Volchok,Nick 183,242 Varon, Linda 108 Votaw, Dave 112 Voyen, Taffy 222,254 Vree land, Nancy 129 Vreeland,Susan 129 Wade, Dorothy 294 Wade, Ray 248 Wagar, Bob 237 Wahler, Lan 238 Wainwright ,Jim 114 Wait,William 131 Waite,Nichalas 294 Walcott ,Steve 191 Waldie,Charies 294 Waldo,Linda 106 Walker,Carole 255 Walker, Jackie 212 Walker, Thelma 217 Wall ,Nancy 118,208,294 Wall,Sharon 106,107 Wallace,Lorie 118 Wallace,Ruth 224 Wallace,Sue 118 Wallen,John 190 Walling,Karen 106 Wallington,Cap 240 Walseth,Harvey 239 Walters, Jim 230 Walters,Sue 255 Wanders ,Marty 246 Wappes,Gary 194 Ward,Claire 212 Ward,Ranna 294 Wardwell,Pattie 108,116 Wargo, Fran 73 Warmer,Mrs. Margery 17,36 Wamer,Susie 216,294 Warren, Gil 158,162 Warren,Jill 37,126,202 Warren, Roger 245 Warshauer, Steve 228 Washburn, Bruce 189 Watkins,Bab 175,246 Watkins,Harvey 112 Watson,Dr. Donald R. 15 Watson, Jan 209,260,294 Waxon,Sharon 116,202,254 Weaver, Buck 232 Weaver,Cari 123 Weaver,Carol 294 Weaver,Don 36,141 Webb,Jim 179 Webster,Donna Kay 216 Webster,Liz 141,212,254 Webster ,Marvin J. 294 Webster,Mike 172 Weedman,Cliff 125,230 Weeks,Barbara 209,294 Weichel ,Edward 294 Weidaw,Pam 110 Weigel,Carolyn 108,109 Weinrieb,lIja 253 Weinstein,Sylvia 204 Weir ,James 131 Weir,John 172 Weissberg, Bob 248 Welch,Ran 232 Wells,Dick 183 Wells, Janet 294 Wells,Jennifer 110 Welty,Jim 232 Welty, Kathleen 224 Wendland,Carol 110 Wendt,Ellen 216 Wendt, Virginia 294 Wesley,Barbara 108 West, Dare II 228 West ,David 124,241 West, Forrest 232 West,William 119 Westhead,Jeannie 202 Westling,John 112,113 Westover ,George 123 Whalen, Jean 294 Whaley,Jack 238 Wheeler,Cliff 230 White,Bob 32,37,125,240,261 295 White,Bobbi 110 White,Jim 42,112,240,294 White,Jim 246 White, Nancy 110 White,Sydney 294 Whitford ,Ronald 294 Whiting,Billy 294 Whitlock, Nancy 108 Whitman,Lee 112 Wick,Brian 116 Wicklund,Lonnie 106 Wicks,Steven 294 Wickstrom,Larry 58,125,248 Widel,Joan 222 Widgery,Robin 114 Wiebe,Sandra 294 Wiegand, Vick ie 209 Wiemeyer, Lona 210 Wiersema,Brian 135 Wilkerson,John 112 Wilkerson,Patty 219 Wille,Mary 218 Wille,Maxlne 294 Williams,Adeline 255 Wiliiams,Bev 220 Williams,Daryl229 Williams,Gile 232 Williams,Linda 75,210,216 Williams, Linda R. 108,109 Wllliams,Linda S. 294 Williams,Mike 112 Williams,Mona 210 Willingham,Doug 248 Willis,Larry 166,170,171 Willoughby,Bob 112 Willoughby ,Werner 179 Willaughby,William 131 Wills,John 124 Wills,Melinda 218 Wilson,Carol 36,37,210 Wilson,David 115 Wilson,Dianne 216 Wilson,Emily 210 Wilson, Judy 206 Wilson,Nancy 214 Wilson,Pamela 90,130,225,255 Wilson,Sally 110,218 Wilson,Stu 246 Wimbush ,M ike 241,294 Winans, Deborah 110 Winchester ,Ky 294 Winder, Paula 218 Windsor, Dena 108 Wingo,Bill 237 Winicki ,Morris 252 Winkle,Mike 194 Winn,Betty 207 Winters,Nancy 38,.116,218 Wirtz,Diana 110 Wise,Dennis 175,176 Wise,Sharon 108,109,204 Wishon, John 238 Witham,Lee 125,247 Witham, P. W. 112 Witt ,Stewart 112 Witty,Sarah 82 Woker,Marilyn 68 Wolcott ,Steve 248 Wolde,Asrat 294 Wolf,Carolyn 119 Wolfarth,Ann 225 Wolner ,Marlene 294 Wolpert ,Mike 114 Wong,Sally 150 Wood , Linda A. 294 Wood,Pamela 213 Wood,Randy 112 Wood,Sally 108 Wood,Wendy 110 Woodard,Joe 80 Woodard,Lee 112 Woodward,Lynn 118 Woodberry, Pam 217 Woodbridge, Nancy 207 Woodbury ,Mitchell 294 Woodhill,Dave 249 Woadroof,Nancy W. 294 Woods,Jan 140,219,255 Woods,Mary 108 Woo Ihouse , Dwight 112 Wootton ,William 294 Worley,Alin 194 Worth,Gary 173 Worthington,Jean 202,226 Woy,Dianna 110 Woy,Jack 238,294 Woy,Mike 238 Wozencraft, Gladys 294 Wozniak,Don 112,233 Wright, Diane 220 Wright, James 295 Wright, Jane Anne 89,102,130, 220,295 Wright, Roger 243 Wright, Sou I 238 Wulzen, Nancy 129 Wunderlick,Chuck 229 Yahr,Dr. Charles 37 Yale,Bob 37,138 Yamage,Chester 112 Yarborough, Dr. John M. Yarborough ,Sandie 222 'f armon, Art 251 Yaussy,BiI1233,295 Yates,Warren 295 Yauno,Michael 124 Ybarra,Dennis 131 Ybarrola, Thomas 295 Yeager, John 230 Yorba , Linda 110 York, Patty 11 0 Yoshihara, Yuriko 119 Young,Carole 106 Young,Jim 183 Youtsey,Sandra 295 Yunus,Syed 118 18 Zagwolski,Leonard 112 Zambri ,Mike 172 Zane,Richard 238 Zantiny,Beth 219,254 Zarilla,Juanita 295 Zatkin,Sharen 110 Zawalnicki ,Jean 295 Zealand,Helene 204 Zemcik,John 231 Zemen, She Idon 253 Zeni ,Carol 110,221,295 Zervas, Diane Meredith 41-,130, 137,203 Zeszut, Dave 239 Zetts,Nancy 223,295 Ziegenfuss,Fritz 169,171 Z iegen fuss, Dr. George 168, 171 Ziegler,Suzanne 210 Zmora,Marion Zammy 204,295 Zodrow, Steve 112 Zook ,Carolyn 210 Zook,Cynthia 295 Zook,John 176,177
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