~~------------------~~ ._, /t(/ , ' :), I'r) (,';; ,' .' JURORS (TIPPERARY). "~" , ~'. \, . . .,\ :,: . .1.•,~ ','~ J I .. .; ~ .'i. • j ':'J "" .....~', , ,: ,l ~/ ~, .:.~; 1I... t ' ..,. ~fj.::!~ Order Iff the Honourahle The H ouse of C,lmm'\!lP, • ,p. " I ' ~'.~ ',' ~".'" .:! dated ~4 April 1844 j-:!ur, ", ' / ' . ,'.~ -;"'':', "J .\ LIST of the N AnES or all Persons qualified to ~crve as J onoRs in the NORTH En N ])IVi~l(ni of ... County RETUHN til all . vf TIPPERARY, returned by the Collectors of Jury Cess to the Clerk of the Peace, submitted by him to the )Iahristrate5 at ~pecial ,Sessions, agreeably to the Act 3 & 4 'WILL. 4, Co, 91, con.lmencing Spring Assizes lSJU, aud ending Sprmg ASS1'l.eS 1844 :-AIso, a RETURN, fOl' the same Penod. of the LONG PA N 'E L of the above County, from which PETTY J URIES are selected. Ordered, by The House of Commons, to m PTil1ted, 13 June 18H. , I r A UST of the N,\lIr£s of nIl Penons quoJifielllo servo t18 JunOlls in the NOIlT H Dn' lsloN of the County Tipperary, returned by the Collecton of Jury COS!! to the Clerk of tho P en.ce, submitted by him to the MagistrnfBi! 1\t Special SeMions, ng reellbty to tho Act 3 &. 4 Will. 4, c. 01, commanoing Spring A88izOl .1840, nnd ending Spring Assizc' 1844. 2 NAMES OF PERSONS Q.UALIFI ED wt of the Namo of all Pel'Mltll qU.J.!.ilied to serve u F~, Partido Foley, WilliaIll. Fitt, Jonl1. Fogarty. Mar tin. Fal'"cett, George. Pagnl'l}', J ohn. Foprty, J ohll. Feehan, KaYTau. Frank. John. l"ittpatrick. Wil\i(llll. FI!.1kiIU!r, Daniel. Fahey, Edmund, Fogany, William Burke. Feehan, Wi1li2DJ. FlJUIiug, Edl'1lODd. Fahq-, J ohn. Fox, Johll. Fox, Tholll u . Fn.tIks, Henry. Fletcher, JoM. Fogm)", Sylftlttr. Fitzpatrick.l&111et. Fleming, James. FJeet<rood, Jamdl. FIuIeT)', Willinm. Falkmer, Frtderid:. F itJ:p3triek, Off(Gl1". Flumay, Danid. FlaD1JUy. l oho. FlemiDg. Thomas. Flannery. Mattbell'. Frith, JI1DeL Flanery, William. Fioch, V,·"Uliam. Well, ltIiehad.. F1aaery. IIIie:haeJ. F rilh, GwrSf. Foner, Smlutl. FOI'i:1,-th, Rnbert. Fletcber,lolui. Fletcher. Robert. FilUlan, T hallilU P. F1!UlDery, J nhn. Flannery, l'IIicb~l. Feehan, Patrick. Gl&!!cock, JClb.n. Ouest, John. Goest, Jam~ GltftOlI, Patriek. GodfJe,., Tbowu. G~, 'Georgt. Gorman, LUlrenel!. GI~n , Thomu. Gfty, William. Guilfuyle. Du~. Gleeson, Timothy. Guilmartin. :t.Iichad. Gleeson, Thom:l!l. Grant, HeorY.l Clling, Chllrleil. Glteson, JlIlOeI. GI_n, Jl'lInn. Grur. llichul. Grace, John. Grace, JitIlltL Grace, Duby. Gregan, Tbomu. GJecsnu, Doniel. GI_DD, Jo.mes. GlfftOo, Denio. GooIde, Thom. . Grey, Will inm. Glb_ca, Joho. Gaynor, HeDT)'. Grace, John. Guilfo-,.le, Josepb. Goolde, William. GrilCf, Thomu. Gw1sedinc, 'fhOnl:U;. 01«900, i\Jichll.C'l. Gle&!'Oo, Jaml!ll. Griffin, lHicllatl. GleefoOn, Rud r. Griffio, Puri~k. Gayoor. Joho. a ueu, Thoma!. Gue!i" John. Gllen, Willillm,jl,nior. Cue"" J oh n, jUl1ior, Gnm,J,,1' n. GuC'JS, William. GaYllcr, John. Going, Henry. GooJdeo, WilJinm. GllyDnr , Frane;" Guelll, J ame.. GleeAOn. Corlleli us. Glet50n, Jereroi.h. G\ec$oo, Morty. Gleewn, D. oi~. Gleeson, Marty. Oleeion, Den is, j~llior. Gleeson, J oho. Gleeson, Jobl1. Ooing, OtJeb. Grace, Gerald. Gleeson, James. Gleeson, J ohn. GI~, Patrick. GletSOn. Ma.rtio. GIet!50n, Timllthy. GUilm.a.t-till, Lanty. Heffernan, J lmefl. HellfUSSeY, Thoma". ~l eenlIl, Deni!. Hackett, Jolw. Hickey, Johll. Biekey, Timothy. Hieker. Timothy, Htl<SOD, G~e. HotcbillBOn, 'VUliam. Hotchill!lOo, Joho. Hart, Charle.. Hendy, Thorn.,. Hayes, George. Halloran. Joha. BlllWIlenley, l'a1attn-. Hoyel, Johll. Harney, John. Hunt, Y.tre. Hodges, George William. H;mIl". Simon. Harding, John H. Bayclellt Patrick. Hickey, P.ttrick. Hemme~tey, J CIII!ph. Hamey, Mllthew. Hlllueraley, Patrick. Hanley. Michael. Hunt, Vert DaIf1Otl.. Hogan, ilIalthew. Hogan, Mattbew. Hogan, Thomas. Hogln, J ohn. Hn.rding, PhiUip. Bogall, Con.y. Head, Michael P. Healy. Daliiel. Hogan, John. Hickey, Lau relloCe. Harding, Jonatb&l1, Hayell, Johll . Holland. Obadiah. Heany, Jamell Webb. Hodgins, Jalllel. Hodgin~, Thom:u. Heu\I!worth, TbullllllI, jllll.ior. HUlly. Thllm.:u. Huket, J lllie'ph. Hanly, Patncl:. Hanabtrr, William, Ha... kllhalfli!. Benjilmio. Henul'lorth, William. Hconworlh; Henry. Hickey, Patriek. HCldgiTUl. Samuel Ha..Ie)", JUic.hael. Hanley, Jam/IL Hognll. Michael. Hogan, Hugh. Harty, William. Hogan, l)~rby. lUnly, J ohn. Hootor, Danif'!. Hodgins, John. Hanly, Iftnis. Hodes. Jamcs. HoI James.. Hogan. lIJartill, Hlnly, JI.lIll'a. lboly, Patrick. Hodgilll!, Thomu. Hodgilla, JOhll, Hoctor, i\Ji c~1. H(l.Ill1Y, ilnchnel. Hanrahan, P:lt)'ick. Hill, Henrv. Hanley, Miebael. Holmes, Peter. Hont. J ohn. Howlrd Richud. Hllri~ Willicrrn, Hogan. Daoiel. Hill, Stephen. Hill, Samuel. Jones, Heu.ry. JOII~. John. Jonet, Hohert. J::u:k.on, John. Joy, Jame~. JackllOll. Georg\'. KinshuJa, John. Kinlhnla, John.. Kirwan, Thotru.s. K~ugh, Luke. Keonedy, Jnme!l. Koagg1l, Ja~. Keo.IIY, l\1icb~l. Kingun iTI. Thmna.!. Kelly, Thoma!. Kelly, Jamel!. Keogh, 1\.Jicnul. Kennedy, James. Kennedy. Kilbride, Denil. Ki lbride, P:it!"ick. Kelly, 3bthiu. KellJ,wy, P atrick. Kcooedy, John. Kellnedy, Brian. Kennedy. Michael. Keny. TholIUl&. Kelly, WiIli:un. Kenoy, Pa.tric:.k. Kt'Dny, Jerembh. Kennedy, Brian. Kennedy, Andrew. Ktnuedy, Joho. K ~ II ~y, Denis, Kfnnedy, Jame!!. Kenaedy, Andrtw. Kellnedy, Micb .......1. Ke."l}'ft, Christopher. Kennedy, Ed ....ard. Kellnedy. Daniel. Keolltdy, William. Kennedy, Jame.. Kennedy, Juhn. Kell,., Edward. Kent., Rirhud. K ~DDedy, James. King1ly, William. Kw.Dtdy, Rod,-. Kennedy, James. Ken no, Jllhn. Rmlo Thomas.. Kenned)", Edmond. Kelilledy, Willi;)'nl. Ken DOIly, John. Ke nMdv, Thomu. Kelly, ,VilJiam. K ~nlKlly,!I. Kyt.!, Joseph. Kennedy, P atrick. KenllCdy, William. Kennedy, Willinm. Kyte. Ambroee. Kennedy, J llhn. Keuy, i IIllH. Kennedy, Thomu. Kennedy, Dauit:!. Kenne!ly, Martin. Lampbtir. Vernon. Lynoh, J ohn. Lyol:ll, Patrick. Lampheir, Authony. L8.lIigan, Thomas. Lampheir, John. Laffil n, Th(llllu. LaB"an, Nichobs. La.If'1).n, Williua. Laffan, J ohn. LaJrall, NicLobs. Long, Edmulld. Long, J eremilh. Led'lltll, nt ichncl. Langley, William. I.erter, Joshua. Lloyd. John. Lio,d, John. Lloyd, Robert. Uo)·d. Hnrotio. Lafl"an, Nicholas. Lester, Ha.oiltun. Lloyd, G~rgc. Uoyd, Hugh. Lande.... JamCl. Lao i~, Jame.. Loug IlI1Re, John. Lahey, Patrick. Lamey, JOhll, Ltt. John. Lee. Henry. Lillyd, William. J, TO SERVE AS JURORS I N - Ju rors in tlll1; Northern Divi5ion La.rkill, James. -- Leary, J ames. LeWin, William. Lewil, Rice. Magrath, Phillip. lIbn!, Michael. i"Ibner, Tboru~. iIIoran, !\JllTtin. J\Icaghl!l", W·i1liaut. Leonard, Godfrey. Murry, WiIliu,jllD;r. l.&cy, Dlldd. I.e,,·i., WillilUD. Loughnane. J aDlCS. Lewit, John. Mabel', nIahu:by. Manllon, Rollt!rt. lIf8.llDOn, John. Moroney. Funcia. Meaghl'r, Wl11iom. Meagher, William, senior, lIIonk, H. Charlea. Mux, William. Meagher, Curnclius. Moloughlley, Patrick. 1oI0loughncy. J oh.n. U eagher, John. MorkllM, Sttpbl.ll1 It l\Iahet", J amt:!l. Mnher, J\ l ichad. Maher. DllD.iel. Mills. Oliver. T\Jololley. TholDU. lrolumby, Richanl, lIIllher, J ohll. Mar&, Michael. Mockler, Jallles. Maller, Martio. Abs,y, Ww. C. ltIeuhcr, ~h.rti.o. Mc.oAbtr, Mn.tthell'. i\IO~'la.II. P atrick. Meagher, Joh n. Jlfacky, John. IIIcftghcr, PhIllip. lI1e"1:11cr, Wi1linm. !\Jctgher, Thoma,. Mackey, J olin. IIIllCkey. P hillip. Mall!lt'lI, Willialll. Mnni.y, J01111. Murphy, Michael. Murphy, DlUlid. Mengh~r, Danicl. Meagher. J ohn . Meagher, lIbttill. l\IiDiblln, Jomes. n.bildeo, John. l\['Grnth, I'hillip. M'Carty. 1ofllthiu. !\1orri.. WilJi:lIu. Murphy, Fh;!ip. lIJuT}lhy, lIlic:llacl. MUrrll)" Jame;,. Magrath, Matthew. M'CutchMII, William. Ma\lnsel1, George. Malr"'th, Thom<lS. Magrath, Ihniel. ~J olony, William. Maher,lolln. MIIgr&th, Jaml'li. lIfouip, T homllll. Mouip, J onath!Ul. l\b.chy, Jallll!ll. Mllylan, John. Maher, Maurice. Marn, '1'homu . MurnlY, John. Mara, Patrick. Mahu, Thomllt. Mara, P atrick. IIlam, llnn)cl. Moylan. Thom~. 1\10I:'Tlllb. J ohn. Magl'ath, Denis. l\Ingrll th, Edwor!l. M~h, Palrick. Ma t T, W;JIjam. 1ofahflf, JlI.Illeti. Mooney, William. ZHOSIIi pp, Willin,n. Miochin , Joh n. Mun. Patrick. Magratb, Patrick. Murphy, Andrtw. lI'l.ouglin, P atrick. Matlin, Wi1!i~m. 1Ill!agbe r, Rielmt!!. t.l'Donl1d, Edmund. Meagher, Michael. Meaghtr, Daniel. l.fara~ Rodger. Mara, ratrick. ; Mag ra lb, Thonus. "1 'Carty, Denis. U uloughner, JOM. MoyJIUl, l\IicbaeL libra, J oha. Nagle, WiIIi.D\. Newman, EdmGlld. Nell'lllan, Joa Nir, JlII1es. Nugeot, Thgtna. Ncwsttad, Robtrt. Nas.h, Uich.ud. Nagle, JIJDe., N~gle, Pr.trick. Nagle, LIIk,. NiehollclfI, TbGmU, O'Mca.nL, Johll. O'Mullaoe, Jt'1't1I!iali. O'MallL, VlIeotille. O'Shl!ll, &Imond. O'Brien, Ktooedr. t O'Brifn,T~ O'Brien, John. O'Brien, JlII1e1. O'Brien, Dwiel. O·Brien,I)atrick. O'Brien, Dtnia. O'BriCl'l, Edmond. O'Keonedy, John. O'Meara, JIDlet. O'Brien, TilllOtbr. O'Brien, John. O'Brien, J ohn. Oldfield, Johll. O'Brien, Jamer. Pun:ell, TlIOllAl. Pou nd, ThollW. Pound, Nicholas. P UTefll)". Ccl.ClIleI. Pcten<, Patrick. Purcell, Lallreocl Phelan. Thollllt. P hebn, Williul. Pht,lan, Patrick. l'heliU1, John. P hillips, SlImutl. 1>oo<er, Pirrct. PbilJipi. Robm. Plrk~r, WiJliUIl. PbilliJll, Richard, ju. Po.lmer, Jow:ph 1.. Poe, James J ooel,11. P ike, Thom:u.. P rendcrgllt, Gcofrq. l 'uker, An1ho.a1. Parker, John. Pun-it, ThOIlW, Pike, Robert. u... PPe,WiJliam. PCIC!, Thc)1D U. P ike, Ru~rt. Paninstoa • .A hn1za. Pcpper, John. Pepper, MlIIIIItfl. Quiolan, Maltia. Quiuliak, P.trick. Quirke, Jertal;u. Quirke, Dalliel. Quinn:lUe, Jobn. Quinullllt, JenmiliQuinoDJIC, Siltll.lll. QuillIan. .l1lIllCh Quirke, Pattick. Quillll, Patrick. Quinn, Mi.:hal!l. Quirke, l),tritk. Quion:l.llI', l\lie;..!. QuinuaJlC, D:uby. Quirke, William. Quinll, N~iJ[. Quirke, John. Quirke, Miehw. Quirke. Pbillip. Hyan, Riehm Ryan, GeDrIe, RYlln, Micl!el. Ryan, ThDIIlas. n yall, Rich. rd. UY&l), Phillip. Ryan, P:l.lTick. Rodr'rI, RieblnL R\l$SCU, loba. .' t, THE N ORTHERN DIVISION OF THE COUNTY OF TIPPERARy. . . R~;", ruchud. R :,,,, I'a,,;.1.:. R;"" Timotbr· ll~n- R;.....Jl. Am". R,':2, Julio. n·~i!. }kcIj=ill. R...', ~bthio.·, R;';rl. lii""hill. Rahil!, li)llOlhr· Rno. Job. R~, TbOll!"'II~J::, Thoaiel. R;u, Edmoud, Ri-u. \'JU;c1;. R~:I,J_ R"...;l, Johll. IL ",~· ncr~,Johli. R~.~r, William. Il,"", Wi\liaJP. R~t.:I, Uaniot R;'", Jam"R"", '1h"UlU- iI;.". PlliDip. R'll! •.~II!oo)·. R;" '" 1'. lrid:. , , • of the Co uuty of Tipperary, for SI)rillg A uiza 18 40-c0.tlinmol. . R,,,::. Willillm. R;'aJ;. Ricban:l. I ~III, Patri<Ir. jnniol-. R~''''' Id ich>d. 11;111, Patrick (Denis). 1I.}-III, John. I ,·..n.~n. K,,$,rt,·. Eolmolld. . , .... jen-O'Ou.b. iii!=> Lawrtnee. R,·.... l3mcS. ~Th ......... R~"", ))amitL By..", :\Iich..el (J I.m\."It Bran, P.trkk. R ru, F.dlllOl1d. Pat rick, a p..; Philip. t lip..., Rr ..... Conl(i'lI" nylOn. John. n Y&II, l\I ichllel. nUI ••II, John. Smi th, Georg~. &nit". Robert. Sr-io, Rody. RYlLII. Jobn. n )'J.1I, Geott:e. RfLD, Tl,oll1Q. Rya ll, Hugh. RyLD, Den;'" Shanahan, '1I'OIllIU . S h.n..n.. ... J ohll , StJIlin. Patrick. Shu,.han, Come1,Os. UraD, T horn"" "cDior. Shell)', Ed mond. Ryan, Sttopholl. Rr..n, John. H)'an, Joh ... SW~Dl. Dan~. SJ. t tl" y. Mallhe .., Spruo, J"ho. Smitbwick, WillilUll. Smith, Samuel. Smithwi.~k, R obert. RY"II, r'lIl riclr. S..eeDJ. Purick. Ryaa.J~ S ...eeny, Jobll. S ..eeIl1, Johll. Smith, William. Small, William. Skehal!, Richanl. ShOM , William. SlDdlmall, William.ju~or. Slnalh:nan, Wilham, R lUor. l:Ipl iat, T homa SlUith, William. Smith, SidDer. lit'plcton, DeuiL Stapletfn, J olI .,. Sm ith,.;.,k, Wimam. Sb~a., Wimam. Sheehy, Mi~L S~lin" Jobo. Smith-.ricl<, H~cry., Corllelilli. S"", n, .l'IIich.el., Thoma •. Story, Thom.. B. S.ittu, Sam u~l. ll,h.pp&n!. W illi. m. s.unden, Hell"! 0, Stud d art, Mllurice. Sheppard. J lUle •• !.Iunley, Thoml1&. Smith. Ralph g, Stnin, J ohD. Spain, JOlIta. Sectt, Alallndn. Shea. Jalllts. ::lhn rt, Riehud. ShOTt, Joho. Thomplfln, GlKlrge. T Ilb\>t, Joho. Toohey, P atrick. Tierney, Thom ... Toohy, P au iek. Uyan, Thom.oa. RUliell, Thom~s. R~-.n, T imothy. Rya n, Phillip. Ryan, M arrin. Ryan, Martin. lWeigh, Pitriek. Rr'lI, Deni!. Ryan, Plltrick. R YOl!>, Miehael . Ryan, Miehoel. RY&ll, IIl iehotl. Ryln, J a ml'5. Ryan, William. n~. WeUil'gtoli A. RY'ln, Denit. R~nill({tQ!I, Robert. Ryan, Phillip. Reid. J ame •. R•.,d den, T imothy. R:>lph . Jam~ Re(ney, J ames. Roberts, Theobsld P epper. UnloillSOIl, Arthur, IIDbiDeOn , H obert. RobilUO!'. T iwnut •• RohilUOll , Auguscul. 1I0hin.on, 'Thomlll' S. D. !lyan, J ohn. R)'In, P atrick. R)'an, J ohn. Il yln, L . .... r<:nl:e. R y..... J.mes. AII<' William n. Annwoog, Jobn. Am..<ttOQ~, William. HohOl!>, Th"rn". n .';en, T imnthy. Drien, J nbn. lIriell, Martin. L'rien. 1':!trick. Hurke, WiUia.m. A=st.~ag, n"ul~ha ... Hugh B. lliRI, Thc",,,u. A"lin, John. Ah, T("'life. ilurb, William. Ryrnc. Thomp. Ilurke, Andrew. Aotm.s, Tbocou. Bo.ler, DillS. Burk~, Abbot!, Tho:n ~ ThOlllp.CIo. Ab.:'lItthr, William. Anlill.Jllhn. A.",ita~e, William. Am.i ., John. Acrt., June... Ao!i",!. Cbriitopber. AI 't"n "II, P"," Armi!>;!'. J''''f\,h. Arm:I:I;;t-. '\->lIillo. lloru..lI. G«qe. Burke. W illiam. Burke. Wi1Iiam. Do.rke, .101,,,. Arm~N1Ig. Willi a"' . Arm'lfll"S. ThQIUJ-I. Arrt<, ."-d..... I, Bri>l.... Jobo. \ ' in, ' Bt<."e:!, Grorgc. lIon~r. John. .,.,.. l'JInni. Rorkt, W.lIi"",: t ( Salkr, George. Smith, WilIi:un. Stoney, Thomas GOODS'. S tOlll)y, Toom.. J. Slutf;ry.IabJL T~1bat, l.tet:e. T .lbot. Thom ... T,.,,,:ey, Daniel. TilUlll, P urick. Tncy. P ltrick. T horn, GlKlrge . 11101'11, Robert. Too~y, John. Tr=:)', Mi chad. T albot, Ed ... rd . TbClmpsall, M armadub. Trench, StewRrd. T albot, Thomaa. 'hlllp&De, Michael . T oohey, Mattne ... TIS,-")', Daniel. T uthill, JOOn. T ibeaude, Ricb~nl. TibeDude, William. Toohey, Jemlliah. Tinny, 1I0ger. TumpllD" o..niel. T umpalle. DulieL T oohoy. WillilUll. T w:lltr, Nion. Vaughan, William. W(U"'gton, TheDb&Jd B. Webb, Nassg r. ''''''bile, Benjamill. Whitt-. Thom.. S~1Hr. WcdnU, William. Woods, William, Wl'llillgto". J ohn. W illiams, Thoma.... Waddick, Jeremiah. Whi~ Hen ry. While, FillCh. Walte .... JubI.. Waterl, J olul. Wa-.Jarnea. Walshe, ThOln U. While, Robert. William., Richart!. WilJilll1l, &bert. WilJi~JohD. W.ilq, W illiam. Willi.", ., William. ",,,m.., , Wil liam. W.tcon, Feltbam. Wallet, Get>rle. Waller, William. Walkes-, JUJI(L Will iam., hlllet. Wi11Wu, Tbomu, jDniar. WiIliom., 'Ihomu, ~ior. w.m--, & hm. W..uer, Sir Edmoa.d. Wellill(ton, J.1I1eL Wbeilln, Michael. Waddick, P &trick. YI>UIlJ. 7I>o...... .euior. Young, SlPllleL YOU"{, lknjomin. Young, Robert. Young, David. You og, Hem,.'. Young, Duid E. Young. Frond • . Young, SimCNL Spn l NG A SS IZ ES , 1 8 41 , f I 3 Botti..:. J,,,:e.. :8Q:n, .':uri.\.:. &.k.-. ~id,oI ... lIark,.!. Barke. :>'. i.haoL :a..,:ia. Patri..!:. Bc~., ... d. Br.~ .... 1b""u. Barb, Th~tn.1o ~.... Joba. Bar>:., Joho. Boll.l~d, Il.ithrd. s... ~. J uhn. ~.J<>bft. 1 Brirc, Thom",. I Ba d." J ..II ... I Brirn. llichv1. Buhn, lht,ieL 1I.b-r. Witl:..... jollior. Be.Ct tt, Tb mu ... Bou r.ttI• Joh. ~Wr. Jana. B.ft!.r. Job... ~·,John. tk., J~h.n. , ,.,80. Durh , Richard. fIoh ... n, l'tIich:>el, BMW'll , John. B.nin, M i cha~L lIichnv. Duder, G'''rge. Hulkr, Junn. n..nio. Hugh. Burke, J oh n. Butler, ClKlrge. Bu tler, John. Burkc, Mich ael. Burke, Milo. Butler, P Ilirhl'gt'1l.. D~Die1. ButJe-r, Will iam. Bu rh. Ricbar.l. Blltk~. J aho. Dutlet. J . m..... Rark~, l\tRuin. B urke, LaWTI." lIte, D~rke, H i~hud. Doyle)', J nhn. n..yley, R. U ni.clr. &yl)', u\lnOl!lot. llenllctt, John. lknoett, Will •. Bmoctt, 'l'1Iomo. Byron, Francil. Burke, Joho. B~rr, Ilichard. Burr. George. Boyd, J ohn. Boyd. Ituholrt. Boyd, JOitph . Brindley, Henry . Brindley, Samuel. Brindley, J ohll. Durke. Duby. Bolnd. Matlh",-. BnlDud, Willi. m. 'B ri.IRue . EdmuJld. 8 ri.iaoe, Jim", Bur r, George. Boutcl.ier, John. H"obury, Thomal. BII.."'" Samuel, junior. Eiddulph, Nicholu. &yly, I~ltr. Eyu!_ lin .... ", Ph ilip. !luken-ille, John. Fluke" ,lle, Williun. lIaskernlle. Goorge. Bnskerville, Bc~jnmio . Hartoll, Nath ....ifll. Ben , J o}",. Burke, Ridllu'Il. KetnaO, Henry D. :&ulield, Jahn. Cr~ ... ford, WinillUlCarroll. ,\",! ....... C&rroll.)hchatl. Conke, Weh..d. Cranlvi<.". J _ph.'. J~hl1. CM-ury , Phili p. CAr mack, .I01.n. Connn.-k, Michael . C.lu11. Philip. Carroll . J:..,,.,, CannWt, P hillip. C.nnack, Johll. G.J.rro!l , J ohn . CClIDoIly,l\llLCthe.r. Caroetl , Richard M. Creagh. Heary J . Cohill, Job .... Cleo.ry, Jobll. C. 'nbioe, &>lomna L. CIII'III."k, P billi p. Carroll, Willi am. CUloul.JI, Andrew-. Connaek, Tbomu. Clare, Martin. Chadwick, J.mes. CaUaIlAO, Denit. A2 , Cooke, Samuel . Cl.lIt ....ell, Alltan,.. Conn:lck, Timoth)". Cul1~n, WiUi om . CorllJllck, Jams. CotmJlck, Jobll.. Counell, t. Jichacl . Carroll, Ificha.el. a-y, Patrick. Co_dord , Richart!. Colllerlnrd. Kie ........ Cloke, Archibald. Cooke. Adam. CD.hi1t, Purick. c.n.aan, CoTlwiu .. Cormock, Joh n. Cro"'!, William. Co.bin. Timothy. Cahill, J o}'o. Ca..d • ." Sir JIetlT)'. Cahill, T boDlal. CooII.ollr, John. CorlJl..,k, John. Corroa~k, J ohu. Cooke, Samuel. Cormack, CarMli.... Cm-loilA, EdmP<ld . CION:. Nuoo. ero .. e, T i"",th,.. Costello. J l mtt. Ca hill, P hillip. Corbitt. P.triek. CrOlle, J obll. Conoon , P~illip. Cooltt, J o1m. CTnwe, T ho,n.t. Gnn_, Edmond. Cra,,·rord. William C. CsT'"', ThDrou. C . hill. Duic1Carroll. Sir W . P. Carron. W illiam, jllll;C!', ('Oll,hlan, J lmes. C<lmw:\:, J alnet. Cormac\:, Patriek. COTlnack, Edmond. Ctlglolft u,llichatd .. ('4lm'lIlCk. Edmood. Call! , Daniel. Cuh. Michael, c...tcUo, Jalln. COIItello, T imothy. Connac:k. Joho. Coffte, J am"- Oro"', Michael. Denit. Cummios, John. Cumminl, Johll.. CleuT, Thomu. Cleary, Martin. Co..tidioe, Brian. Corbiu, J oha. Corrigall, J. eambi., Charles. Cunhie, S. B. Care .... A1eIUdtr. Care"" J ohll. el'llote, wm. ClIIl-.!U, William, Cn.wfnrd. Jllbn. CllTh, J ohn. Clarlre. J_ph. CaVllDqb, JUDG. Cormick, CCfll fli!1J. C ~lleD, J ohn. l'ullfn, Charla. Cl iffo.d, Job n. Clifford. Mi.heI. Clilfurd, William. CliBOrd. P .trick. Co .. tn, J ohll. eoWI'II, Edllloswi a.,rh, Alul.l1der. Corbett, J ohn. Car\'f. Kent>tdy. Corboy, DanieL Cofft!e, Jamta. Colf~. lobll. Dudley, Lorge. Doherty, JamtI. Du dley, Wi11iun. Doyle, J ohn. DeIahuDty, Patrick, jllJl.i~r, D..yer, IbnitL Dalton, Jobll. Doyle, Darby. Delany, EdrnoD<l. Dwodr. D... id. Davy, T homu. Dacta,J&mel. Dull'" Mi"bMl Deqao, DUlieL Doherty, J olin.. .. r NAM E S OF P ERSONS QUALIFI ED TO SERVE AS J URO R S IN 4 - Lilt (If tbe N:lmll3 of all Ptl'SllM qualified to rtNe as Jurors in the Northcm Division ----------------------; Duherh ', 'J'homl!J. Delllhu~~. Roger. Delahu nty, Thomas. Doyle. Pili!lip. Dcl:m,.. Martin. Dunn, P atri ck. Fogarty, William E . FiOD, J ohu.. F:ulllin, John. Fognrty, John. Th.oult.'v, Willi:llll. F."'~tr, Dee, j ohn. J obn. Fal\'ccU, Gwrge. Dc m~y, Cb&rJ~ lh~"er. Anthon}', Th:mpwy. JOIItph. ~egan. John. ' Da.")·I M ic~1. Dudley, Samuel. Dwyer, Denb. D avh, T bonlU Delll.ll}" John. Dana, J ohn. Davis, ~ocge. Dudley, Fraod.. Dwyer, J ohn. Duggan. J ames. D wyer , Thollllll. U "'~'er, John. D elany, r,htbias. Delany, MichBtl. Doyle, De.rid. Doyle, Laori=nce. DwyI!r, John. Delan.y, Qlrndi\ll. Day. Thomas. Dalton, P ettr', Daltoo, J AllIei. Dalton, J oba. Dugrll, Will~m. Duno, Pntrick. D nd1ey, J ohn. Day, John. Dwyer. J :UIl«' Dlllllbullt. Robt". DantU, Thomu B. Dignnra, Chri5tophcr. Duey, John. DOJlOh ne, Thom:u. Dear, Cb.yto n. lft.,),er. D ungt.n, Henry. Dooo'l'l.o, R ielard. Dargt Winiam. D odley, John. Dcl&hunt, Riehard. n .... yff, Hellry. Drought, P hilip F. Darey, J aflX'l. Doubtny. J ohn. D LlfPo, Mich&l!l. DunclM,llf1!9. Egan, Denil. P.g:uJ. Deois,junior. Egan, Stephttl. Egan, Martin.. E\'an.. 1 1101'$. EvnllS, J Ame!. Evans, GeGrgll. :EgaD, John. EgaD, Gi lbert. E"4lIs, Frederielc. E ly, TMIllU. E ly, Henry. Finu, Williua. l i nn, Denis. . Fina, Michl.,el. FiOIl, Lau~lICe. Fannon. William. Fognrty, DeDU. Fogarty. EdtnODd. Fogany, WiJlj. m, FinD, Patrick •. Fogany.l\fi~huJ. F oglU'ty, Philip. Fogarty. JOhfl . Finn, EdmoMl. Fugarty, Cuunc;.r. Fogany. Thomas. F ognrty, :Patrick... F-030rty, l\lavalh. FClgarty, Richard. Fogarty, J~t. Fogarty, P a.trick. FCI(lfty, P atrick. Felloelly, :Patrick. }'itt. John. Fogarty, Plltrick. Foley, WilIillll. Fll.nistln, E llO'llrd. Fogan y, Miehnel. F"UlIIIIO, Thomu. Fteb~ Kynn.. Fnwk. J oho. Joh ... Furlon;;, G~fge. Peelull1, Willbm. Funiog, £dD1011d. Fwy. John. Fox, Jolm. Fin, Tholllll!l. F'1aoeryt John. fl~I'IO'OOd, J ame.. Fnlkneir, Frederick. Fit:t:patriclr, G~ory. F1aoet'}·, Dlniel F1emiog, Thom:1.SAMery, Juhn. li nth, Willillm. FI)'DlI, Mieh..el Fosier, SlImuel. Fletcher, Joho M. Fletcher, John. Fogarty, Syl'"'ter. Finn:w, Tho"lll33 P. Fiocb, William. Fr.lOks, Henry. Glaacod., John. Guen,John. GUe!lt., Jamea. Gltt"$On, Pat rick. OllUlce,.. Franci'" GOnD."LI1, Lo"rtnccGieeaon, Thom:>.S. Gleesoo, Joh o. GleeIOo. Patriek. Gorman, Edmond. Gorman, J IIJIlCS. Guilfo)'le, Daniel. Gethall, Tirootby. Guinan, J uhn. Godfrcy, .JU!t,Ph. Griffith, n al1lel... Gold&t1, Thfll'Oa!. Gke,oo, Thoruas. Glrootl, Thomu. Glcewo. Jtnmiah. Gleeson, r\ odre ..... Olootoo, T homlll. Gleeson, J ohn. Gleesoo, JamesOlceson, John. Gleclon, Pstriek. G~, Corneliaa. Grace, Gerald. Gkl'llOn;Patricl.:. O~II,i\llrtin. Going, Caleb. GI~o, o.rnel..iue. G~ Gerald. GI~D, Patrick. G~n,Mutin. Guilfoyle, Corn~lius. Gaynor, Heory. Gn..o:::e, J uhn. Guilfoyle, JO~llh. G001l1e, Witlbm. Goolde, Thomas. Graee, Thomas. Guillidioe, Thom&!. Glet'tOlJ, Michael.. OriRio, Michael. Gleesoo, Ja1Uell. Gleeson, &dy. Gaynor, J OOI). Gutllt, Thomu. Gueat, Thomn. GUQt., Willilro. Guat., John. Gayoor, J oho. G ~llIg, Heory. Golden, W.Jliam. GAynor, FnlDcis. GUelil, JIUDl'ft. Guest., John. Ouoo, Richard. G!eelOo, Ro<ly. OI'llY, WitlilUn. Gib.on, J ohD. Gll'tSOn, Edward. Cll~n, J ,mea.. Cleeson, J'ma. Grlldy, J ohn. Graot, l\lich."\tI. Grace, J olui. Gf'IICI:, Jame!!. Graef, Darby. Orepo, T horn:t!. Glci!Y)!I, Dani~1. Guing, JohD. Goillg, Chule\. lioing, Richard. Gll'eSOlI, Thofll~ Gleesoo, Michael. Gleeson, ]amel!. Harden. Thomu. H:u:ktlt, Edmond. lIenrumy, Jamea. Heffernan, J l me,. Hen_ y, Thomas. Hackett, J oho. Hickel', J ollu. Hickey, Timothy. H",yet, Thoru"". Hicke)" Timothy. HayeJ, JOhD. Hanley, WiUillm. He:lly, William. Hog:l.n, William. Healy, Thomaa. HenDmy, Denie. lIR.rney, JoLn. Harnty, MichaeL Healy. J ohn. HelfllOlI, George. Hnrtfnrd, Augu!tUll. Menon, Francia. He..-.ol1, William. Hutchio50n, Willillm H. Hutchinsoo, Job.u. n. HIU't, ChlU"les.. Hllyes, George. HUDt, Ven . HarlleY, J ohn. HotIgin &, George Willillm. HlIllly. Simeoll. HUll'. Henry. Hardiog, John H. Hoydell, Ptltrick. Hiekcy, P:mick. Harney, Matthnr. Horan, Jama. H anlcrsley, Patrick l-layts, John. H arriagtllD. Patrick. Harringtun, Abrahim. Henry, Michncl. H I~tt, J nhD. H ead. Ilcllry Darhy. Hun t , John. Hill, Henry. Hill, StI! phen. Hill, Samuel . Bm, William. Iioglo. D&oiei. Holmee. Peter. H oward, Richard. Hanly, Michael. Hudy, William. Head, WillillUl Heu ry. Henuwortb, 'l'homM. Hem.worth, l'holuu G. He.'ltI1, ThumM. HaUdt, Joseph. Hauly, Patriek. Hennebury, William. Hnwbha"", Beujarnio. Holmes, Peter. Hodgins, SilDlu~1. Holy, Michael Hauly. J arun. Hopo, Hugh. Hlrty, WillilUll. Hogan, Darby. Hanly, J ohn. Hoctor,D:miel. HtJdAin.. J ohn. Hull'. Deuis. Hodgin' , J am",. IiOOb!, J.lOl..... Hollaud, Obadilh , Hili!, Robert,juo. Hanly, Pol rick, HOOgi/ll, Thom;!.S. Ho~gin~, J ohn. Hoct/lr, Michlel. Head. Michael H. HQgI1ll, William. Hogan, Thomas. Hog-tin, John. HOjpD, Matthew. Hog~o, J"h ll. Hogan, Mutthe". Hogoo, Corocliu$. I fayc-, John. Hawklha", Beojalnio. H:l.I'·bhnw, Hcpry, llardiug, Phili£!. rrwin, TholllU.S. Jones, nobert. JoP"" J nhn. J ...1:$on, John. J llCkSOll, G~'Orge. J aclaon, George. J uy, J ;unlll!. Ki n.bllla, J 'lhn. K illllhull1, John. Kirwan. '1'homu. Kirwan, Thomu. Kea.ting, CnnU!lillll.. Kennedy, J ohn . Keogh, Timothy. "Kennedy, Patrick, Kenoedy, JnlXlt'l. Kenued .... John. Keontd~. James.. Kelllled;', Jos~ph. Kinpmill, ·JbolflllS. Keuugh. Danicl. Kaagg$. J:lruel!. Kenny. Micha~l. ~Jly. J amea. Keunedy, Richa.n!' Kennedy, Edwnnl. Kirwll.lI, Putrick. KJlbride!, !hni.. Kelly, Matbill&. Kelly. J oh n. KeDJle(I ..., P atrick. Kennedy, J ohn. Kennedy, Drinn. Kelly, T homll&. Kelly, ThnllUJl. KeDny, l)lltrick. Kenll}" Jeremia.h . KeaDedy, Brien. Kennedy, Edward. Kennedy, Willi:rm. K~"nooy, John. Kmneciy, Edmood. Kelly, Willinm. Kennedy, JntnC!l. Kennedy, D:Uliel. Keoned .... Wimntn. Kenned)" J nhn 1'. John. Kem1Hl)', Hugll. KeonOOY, l'I liehlWl. Kun nell),. Miehel. Kennedy, Daniel. Kermed)·, Thom:La. Kytc, J ,)kph. Kyle, ;I,mhrose. Kenllt(l,., .Edwnnl. Kennedy, William. Kenne,ly, Dani"l. l<eut, RichRrd.·, William. Kenned}', R od I'. Kennotly, JnlnesK~lIna, Jolin. Kellt, Them:lll. Kennedy, Jam,.. Kennedy, Daniel. Kennedy, J ohn. K.!lInL~ly. Denis. KenllCdy, J ames, Kennedy, John.. Kennedy, Michad. Kent, Joha. Kent, J ohn. Kears, Chriltopher. Keuo~,IJ', l.a.hy, W illiam. Lynch, John. LYIlch, Potrick. LyoILll, 1'R.trick. Loug, Andre". I...:utipheir. J oh n P. Lalfnn, Nicholas. Laffnn, Nichol ..... Lanigan, Mich:tcl. Lidwill, Robert. LOllcrgllD, P atrick. LeaJ,y. Edmond . Long, ThOnih. f..nffRO, Thorau. Lahy, Williaru. Lid ...dl, ThnllUll. Lalllpheir, Vnnoo. Ln.m (lheir, Anth ODY. LMigaa. J ohn. Llopt, J ohn. U.)~·d. IJell'1' \'. UlDg, JcrcllIialt. Laby, Thomu.. Lid",~lI, Mi.:batL - u..ter, Jo.;hua. Looby. William. J.anigIU, J lilItI. L) t., flury. Lang ley, Job... Uo.r.ig&n, Juhn. l loyd, Johll. UtI,,,,,], Frederick.'e, 'J'aJhot. Lloyd, George. Lluyd, Rubert. Lloyd. HOTmI~ Lloyd, John. LArge, Lloyu, !leary. llllgb. Landt.., JRmu Lontrglll, Jallitl. Lnughoaoc, Lenmy, Jobn. Lee, Joh n. lnoghMorot. Jttes. Lynch, P&rritk. Lynch, Joha. Lalor, Joho." David. U!uy, Jam". !..«son, Williuu. J. Lew;", Rice. r..fOnard, GOIlrrq<. Lewi" William. t-n, J uba. wltcn, J:tUl(lI. Lee, 1-lellry,!!1l. Lee, H~ory,jua. Maher. Niellolu. Mathew, J obn. .I\lulnny. MiclIarL l\Jllltr, ~J llaehy. Maner, P.uiek. Mahe r, Darby. Molloy, !.IidueL Mnlcahy, H\IIk. Malwr, Willi,lIl. M'Ellery, Jol"l. MaLer, Patrick. MIlh'lny, Patfiel:. Mncltler, JamtS. !II&her, WUliam,_ Mlther, William,jPU Mdgh,m, Joon. MnllO""D\', ·JhDIIIJI· Monck, Hon.~ Maher, James. Maher, CcnDOr. Ahchlll, ]111)" Maher, Tbomu. lIIaher, Jobn. Ma~r , Jaru& lUlI.W1iog. Joo. T. Manning, llobcrl Mnx, WillilUl. Mullaoy, P.mekMelYilJe, Jann. Mllck\·. Jana Jobn. l\l:t.htT,OuieL Molloy, John. Meara, Dell;'" Maher, J oluo.. ruabu, Moloumb,-, RidPIIMoylan, lncPeL Maher, Thorn.. Maber, Tltomu. Maher, John,j~1Io .Mnher, ' "lIIInthr· MoMr. PhiPip. Moher, l\Jic!ueL Mllhr, P.triek. Mahu, MiehWMoher. Dellis.. i\Jolough!lCf, Jobllo MolnDY, lbOlllIL Molooy, Jobl!. Mllhcr, Dlfbr· Mah~r, ConDOI'. M"her, Ma1Jt.h,. !'tlaher. PdtictMoloughney! 1'aIrit, "o{arkhalll, ::itrpbea Min.,Olim. 1\11l"a, ~Jich.1dMockler, J JII\tF. MIUY, Wi!1iIoD1 C. I f f' THE - - - , Philil" •w, Will;.~m. 1 ~?!,t. :\[aftln. Iij,oj.~l<WII, JaIll~" Kk-!:nn, Arthur. 1/J;r.Itb, l'hillil~ Maf~:, 1illlolhr· )(1.'.•,1\'. :\13thia•• Jw.:i,~ Will~'ID. )1.1'"'" Philip. )h :-p~~. )Ii.blt'i. Mo"wI, :'Ili~"""I. ~'1:uo. l'alriek. lhhn-, J~hn. IN)''l\.ll,I, f... h"ond. )tiNu1l, J~1l\e$. )bher • •\lirho~l. )khlr, Tilllothr· )Iwa, Thom:u. JIun., R'net. »--...r... Pame\:. }W(hil~ William. )I;o!", William. lIahtr, TJ"l1nl$. )lahfr, Will,am. )(.IT)', William, junior. )Gis, Luke. Mat'JtI~ Dl!ais. J&Io.r, l'atrid:. ),[u",U,1\licbal'l. lkara, Jen!lnial!. 'I'l'uh', Denis. lhlO\lghny, Patrick. )InR,Mio:hel. lIoru, Mubn. Mltralb, Phi~p. )k;Jlh:I.., ThoP'alI. )kJ",,)', William. J!, Juhn. j ) I ~. I ~1h,Jnm~ )Ij""elt, Rube, t. JIo..o~, 'rh~,na.o. JiDHP, JUJl;Itball. liarly,Jom .... lr"}·l.. , Julm. J.c..n. 1booJal!. :w.,a, Pl .riek. Jjurta)", Juhn. J:\.b.r,1hllmas. Jl&ra, P>.trirk. lhgrarh,Dfn"i •. . lIagr:!th, ~:.!tllOud. lb,rath. Patrick. lU.ber, William. K..!:er. J:unn. Ifurpby, .... whtw. It'lJougblin, Patrick. .ikdllll, WiHiam. J>Io,o" .p, Will ,JUII, lilln ..,·, J . mes. )i't'urCbb, Jam", ' lIal:ll>l!l, (;~orte. lil;!~Ib, iUattbur. · )('Cnto:hia, William. ~h.Thoml!l. liagrltb, Da"lel. x.,:Ie, Willi"". lfutblOD , E411u d. , l&i!; JII\W. »ew.rull, John. 1Ias1e, I1111n . Naj:lt, Patrick, ~le,ll1ke. ithuboo, Tborn:o.. , "bitt, 1'honlllJ. }llttet, Thomu. ~.u.d, Rubert. Jfu: Richard. , James. ~ 0'~1el.rt, John. , NORTHERN ~~, J~l1!nulh. I"IrII, Fn.nciL DI VISION OF THE COUNTY OF TIPPERARY. 5 • of Ihe County of Tippernrr, for Spring AS!izctl 1841--<*ltinwd. O'i\lc:lr", Valentine. O'Brien, Henry. O 'Unen, J ohn. O'Brien, J uhn. O'.Bri~n, J ames. Oldlield, John, O'Bricn, Edmoud . Osborne, WiUinm Toller. O'Rrien Motruugll. O'Meara, J:UII05. O'Brien. John. O'llrien, Jarues. O'Brien, Dn.nid. O'Brien, P atrick . O'Rnen, J oh n. Phd... n. JlJichacl, Purcell, William. Purt:~B. Walter. Purcell, ThoTDl\.l, P e-cock , James. P eacock, William. POlfilr, Thomas.. Po~nd , Thom:tJI, PhelaD, Jameg. Pctns, P .. tr;~k. Pcnn ef,1ther, Richard . P ureell, Law,ence. Ph~L1n, William. Phelan, Thomas. PhdlUl, Patrick. Purcell, J .. meft. PeD,.J"thl'l", Richaf'(1. PJl.1TingtM. AIJralmm. Pepp"r, J ohn. Powell, Calt!h. PDf, Tllo,nlU. Pri ttie, Thumu. P .. trick, John. ' Ptlrkor , Ed\~ .. rd. Poe, Jnhtl. P oe, Jam". P ue, William. Pren<iergllit, JdI'rey. Parker, Antou)'. P~rkn, JDhn. P urv;'" 'Chum1\lj:. ·p,ke, R obert. Pike, Holler!. P hilip ... Samll~1. Pl\ilip~, Wllli!">J, juniuI·. P hilil's , RoLcrt. Philip" R,)llC1·1. Philil'll, Rol",r!• I'lli!ipl, Samuel. Philip!, John. P hilip ... Richnrd. Power, l'i~rce. P:orker, Willi(lm, Quinlnn, lIIart in. Quill. John. Quil'ke, Je!'{!!lli~h, Q uirke, Daniel. Qui!lan~, Juhn. Qninauc. Simon. , Qninlan, Jamel. Qui an, P at";ck . Qu in n. Mich ... el. Quirke, l'~trick, Quinlln!, DnrLy. Quin&n~. JC~UliM. Qnirke, P atrick. Quirke, P hiliV' QuirKe. ~fiehel. R~ilill, Ryan, Rya.n, RY' II, Ryan, Ryan, Ryan, Ry&ll, Rynn, Thoma!. T hnffill.l. Richa.rd. Goorge. J 01ln. Thomal. Riclmrd. Daniel . JOhD. Rytul,!l.lich!ll.ll. Rynn, EdulOnd. Rynn, Michael. Ryan, Jam~ Ryall, Pllrick. Ryun, Tb OnJ3.IO. Ry:Ul, Riehnrd, Ryan, PI.i!;p. R~-an, Edmond. Ryan. William. llpn. "William. Ry.,n, Patrick. n~·:u', Richard. Ryan, P~lrick. Ryan, T imothy. ]lyan, T homu, It}"all, Willi.m. R}lIn, Martin . Ryan, D lnid. Ryln, R ichllrd. Rpn, JohQ. Ryan, Timothy. Ry~n, John. RYl n, Ti mothy. Ryan, J.." R u_\], John. Ry. n, Thom...s. HYl n. J llme!!. Ryan, Patrick. Uran, E,lmond. Ryan. Tll umu. H)·all, ThonH'" R ogl'l"" Patrick. R llSIiell. Amos. Ryan, John. RUI""I), Benjnmin. Ryan, Mathi .., Rudd, Minchin. R ro-n , Patrick. Ryu, J"me~, R ue, Ge!I'gc. RnDTke, John , Rhool!S, Rubert. Rue, WiIIL,m. R}lIn, Pbilill. n~"lI.n, An ton y. Ryall, Michel. . Ryall, P:l.trick tDenni.). Ryan. John . R)'lln, .tnm~ Byan, Denii. RnlT"ft)', &lnIO"d, Rya n, T hOlnlll. IlYan, Puriek. Ryan, Eohnond. Hynn, l):att"ick. Rya.n, PbWp, lha", Cornelion. Ryan, lUichael . n..Rn, Juhn. Ry~n, 'fb.nrn:\l. Hugh. RYall, Dellis. R\'an, 'fhomao,r.enior. R~tI, SlepllCn, R\'llu, .1o\]n, Ryall, Jobn. liyan, Patrick. R)"lIII, J a1l\e~, Ru"'cll, 'l1",ulll"Ryan, Timoth),. Ryan , Philip. Rpan. Jallleli. Ryan, P atrick. Ryan, P~triek, juaior. RyAn, William. Ryan, Hugh. H,ac, MiehllCl. lI yon , J ohn. R yan . Patrick. lip", John. Ryan, Johu. n.,.,.!>, Rndfurd , Ebrnc%er. Rnssell, John. Riall, George. R yl.Jl, ADd~\l", R yan , LD.wre~ Robert! , T. Peper. RohiMon, Arthur. Robill$On,A~gllil\IJ. Robimon, Th omll." kemint,t0D, H obert. Reid, runes. Reddy, 1·imothy. RigD~)', J ames. Ryan, W,lliam. R Yln, Thorn"" Myall, ;'.fich""l. RYM, Williall" Ryan , J amt .. nyu, MUfin. Rya.o, Martin. n}·an,D~Qi •. Ryan, ['atrick. Ryan,Michael. Rym, r.r iehl.l'l, Hate, Wellington A. Stapleton, Daniel. $tapleton, John. S,,·etney, P atr ick. :u.nlUhaD, Thon).(U;. ShanaI1.n, Connr. Shnnahall, JQhn. S ullivn.n, Jom~ Sweeny, Daniel. Smith, S .. mud. Sha,~, T homns.. Shee, EdmoDd H. Swt'eny. J uhn. S"~euy, J oho. SlTnngnlllP, TI,om u. Shanahno, Mieh....,l. Smithwick, Bobert. Smith, William. S ", ith, Sidney. S",aUmnn. Willi"m. Sp1iut. ' ·homn •. S(apl<lton, John. St~vlctnll, Ikni5l. SI'~i !l, J ulin. Sl)aia. J"hn. Sl'ain, Willi.m. Sp";n, William. Sc!>tt, A l",,:wo;Icr. Shea, Jnlllel!. Smitilwick, P eU'r. Shc,ry, MllCtiu. Short, Newton. Short, Juhn. Shurt, Hichrd. S:lunden, H. Owen. SIoD~Y, Thom3BButl~r. ~tUlICy, 'l'hu!1Iu George. Ston~y, Hollert T. !\toney, 1'hn",.. Gcing. ~ttlnrr, 'fho", .... T. Stundc'l"t, 1!lIlJ";ce. .Sheppard, William. Sbepll&rd, J.,uel. S&rlleir, Thllm:os,juniOl". Smith. Ralph S. Sl1Iith, Ralph. ~mith, Willit.m. Smith, (I t'Orge. Smith, Hohert. Salter, George., ROil}.. Spai n, Patri~k. Slattery, John. Slattery. !\fatthew. SpaiD, J ohn. Smithwick, WiUi l.l1l B. Sho.rling, Loftus. Shamng, Philip. Sh~h,', l\Iic[,acl. Smith·"i,.];, Henry . S mitl"";cl<, Michael. Slattery, Willialll. 8hca, Willi.un. Traul, John. TAlbot. J all n. 1'rih)" William. Tn!.}', Tobin. Ti.,..lIey, Pniri~k. Triby, O:mif l. TTihr, lin':l~" Took·,.., Paloick. T?mFWn, Cenrg<'. Tlnnn , l'all·j,-k. T, II.!l"Y. P~tri<,k. Tierll),. Rogel" Tonny, Jereflliah. Tumpntlt, .D:!.nicl. TumjI&Dc, Ih.n id. Toohy, William. Tucbr, Ninn. T reDch. Wilt'am S. T. UH)f, 'I hOlll a•. Tum]lan~, JlJiclJa~I, To"hy, Mn.ttlJe"·. Ti thill , J oh'l. Tibo!nu~c, Wi!linm, 'I'i1.oe.. ude, Hieh .." I. TAlbot, E,h';:ard. Thorn, Gouge. Thom, )luben;. 1'oulley, Jnh~. Vi( .. ~ Palritk. W..JIIhc, ThOi~IUI . W~b", Dan;"], Weston, J ulm. w.n, Andrew. Willi. Simon. White, Artll ur. Wliite, &njamiu. WAMIC, TbOl"~!l. WelJinJum, John. Woo,]" 'Villi..",. Wan, Edwa111. Wnod., MOUI!. Willia",., Tlmm ..... \\'dlinl!;t<Jn. Jal>lL'<. Whd~n. lllid,~el Wa,\, lirk. 1'1IIrid.~. W~bbc , Jgh~. Wal.he, Willinm. WillimlllJ, Willian'. Wbelu.n, WiUinm. "'als!.... Jml~th~n W. Wat.tun, Pehho"" W':lIer, TholOlL'I. Waller, Gtl<lTgt!. Walla, Willianl. Waller, Sir E<lnlOnn. W:l ~er, J all1e!!., J:llnl)$ . Wil1~~m .. John. Williams, Hol)~rt. Willi:lI\l$, 'fl>nn\Il$, juaior. Wiley, WiIIi.m. White, Henl")" Whyte, llichnrd. Whyte, Fi,,~h. W alk'l", Hell'\'. Waller, Sir Eihlllrd. ' Vnu,on, J ames. Waltel'll; Joilu, Young, ThoDllUl,jUl.ior. Y,mng, D a.. id En;land. Younr, FI'Ilncis. Young, Htnry. Young, Juhn. Young, Roller!, Koior. Young, \{oimt,jlloior. Yll1lng. John. YODng. Benjamill. SPUlNG AS SI Z8S, 1 842. ' :::'::-:-----,-----.:.:.~~::..::.:.:.-~---- . , - - - ' - -- \ Anlhill, John. Atdhill, Jame. · .4- , .... da.m • . Acre., Robert. ,! ::IlODg, William Blosse. A troug, William. · .. ~~~g, Tholl,as, , Pam. Ann!~t, J~h. -:-".""0. "All,"''''''ge W'U' 1~ee.' JUIl. Abi OOIt , T)"dd. 4 11U\trong, Jamt'!!. ,)00., Tho",". A blJott, Thomp,em. Ab.rnetlly, Willbm. Abcrn~thy, Johtl . Ardhill, J u1>n. Armitage, WiUi&m. Armit:ogc, John. ~'cres, J "mt'll. Anti~l, Chri&topher. AtkitlMln, Chal"lc.. :\tkill~n, Georgt. Drown, Samllel. DrieD, Timotby. Brien , J ohn. lJri~n. Pktriek. B";"n, Martin. Burke, William. Bigs", T hou"". n.'l1rclll~i r, Jnh';. Bunilury, Thonms: BlII'ry, Samnel, junior. Did<illlph, Nic1,g lllll. B'yly, P eter. Bayly, J ohn. Dennett, John. B~n"ett, \\-jlb. A 3 Biggs. Ed"'lU'd. Bald"in, Edward. BatllS, ThOtn:t1l. B"undly, David. DIU'.on, Michael Du.rg:eoos. George. Byrun, Francis. Burke, Wi!Ji,I.Pl. I3rtunun, Philip. l3!1>1kcrvillf, Jolin. I3n,h ... me, William. I3n.hrville, ~T' llru;kerviUe, Benjamin . Barton, NMI,aa. Denn, J ohn. Burke, Ricl>n~. Bridgema n, H"" I')' O. Bontielil, J"hn. BUlke, William. Bu rke, J:unt!. Banin, f'ntric~. Bergin, P .. trick . Bro... ne, '!110mu. Bu rke, Thomas. p",r~ll, John. P.u.rk& John. (~rmtin1ttd.) 6 r NAMES OF PERSONS Q.UALIF I ED TO SERVE AS JURORS I N ---------------------------------------------------~ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ .,--_ _ L_ "_t_o_r_'_"'_N_'_ru_~_o_r_._u P~rso1l8 quali6cd to 5l'rVe as J urors in the Nortbern Djvi~ion -,-----...:~~ Bollard, Riclu.Td. Burke, John. B utier, J ohn. Chadwick, R ichard. Carroll, P hilip. Cooke, Charles H. Deegan, Hen ry, D:<gg, William. Dudley, John. Fogarty. Patrick. Fenelty, Patrick. Fitt, J ohn. Butler, J ohn. B ohan, Dani.!, Carden, J oh n. Cra"ford, \Yil\iun. DWyl'r, Henry. Drought, Pllilip. Foley, WiIHa.m. Flanagan, Ed.,;nrd. HogaD, lIJatthew. H"san. John. Ho {lUl, Matthew. }laker, WilIiaQJ, junior. Bennett, J uhu. Canoll, Andrew. CalTOll, Miehael. Donohoe. John. Da.rt'y. James. Fania, T homafi. Fogarty, Willirun B. H01M. CorneliO!" Ha),l'S, Joh n. Rutlet, J ames. Cooke, Riehard. Duggan, Daniel. Fin, J uh u. Hawbl,aw, Bray, John. :Butler, Joha B urke, Ri.:hnrd. Rohan, Michael. IIo"'f, John. Daniu, Midllael. E ohan, Thollla. Eriel!, J ames. liutler, James. Birch, George. Birch, JlfllC!!. Bennett, J oh;}.. Bennett. George. Bridge, Viror. BenDl!tt, GwrlC. Dutler, .John. B ryan. Edlf1lro. Brierl y, Jamn. B uckler. Johl!. Belin, Falmoth. Dean, lticba,d. Benn., Thomas. Birch, William lJCllry. Burke, Rich:l.nI . Dud:e, J ames. Durkc, Patrick. Dull.:c, Richlfd. llurJ.:e, William. Durke, John. lhrm, Tholl.l.. Durb. Milo. B utUr, Willilm. Buller, James.. Burke, [.awrenC<". D urke, Corneliu s. Burke, Hugb. B urke, J uhn. B urk!!, R ichmr4. 'B urke, Patrick. Burke, Richattl. Darly , Joho. &yl)', Richard Uo.i ack. &yl]" Launl"Cint. Dennett, J oba. Deonett, Wills. Dennett, Thomas. BHon, 1"I1I.IICil. B~rke, John. B urr, Ri ebnrd. Doyel, Johll. Darel , RobetL Doyd, JO!!ep1l. Briudly, Ht nrr· Ddndly, Sarn~1. Brilltilr, J obQ.. Burke, Darur· DoIruul, tl-Ito.tthew. Boland, WiIlia.... Brishne, Edl\'ard. Blitbne, Jlllnei. C''3.\.-ford, WiUiam Cooper. Carey, Tb.olM..!. C .. hill, Daniel. Corroll, Sir Will iam I'. Corroll, WiUinm H., j unior. Co;-hlrui, J ames. COl1naek, J nmes, j unior. Cormack, Erlmond. Conn.u:k, Patriek. Coghlan, Richard. Conuack, Edmond. Crampton, J oseph . Crotty, J ohn. Cleary, Philip. Cormack, John. Cormack, iUicbad. Carroll, Jam~. Cahill, Pbili[lCormack, Philip. Cormack,Joho. Conolr, !\faubel\·. Cnrden , Richud i\T. Creagh, HenryJ. Cleary, 1\1ichael. Cambie, Solomoo Lnlor. Cormack, P hilip. Q.noll, Will iam . Calanlll'1 , Andrew. Cormack, ThoDlllS. Cleare, Marlin. Chnrlwick, James. Cnoke, Samuel. Cormack, Ti motby, Cullea, WilliDW., Jan,es. Connack, J ohn. ConllclJ, IIi khae l. Coluerford, Richard. Cookc , Arch ibald. Cooke, Adam. Cahil, Patrick. CaJanln, CorD~lius., John. Crowe, William. Cahil, Timothy. Cahil, JoLn. Carrlen, Sir Hellry R. Cahil, Thomas ~'. Conoll)", Joho. Cleary, 1'1Itrick. Co nnell, Philip. Cahill. Philip. CabiU, Michael. Carr()ll. Daniel. Cahil, J ames. Cormack, Pa trick. Cav.n~gb, Miclud. Cahi l, J ... lm. Q.~h. Dllnicl. Cash, Michael. Costello, J obn. CO!iI~lIl!, Ti loot], )·. Cotnn ck, Jolm. Coft"c>e, Jame.;. Crowe, l\[iehacl. C rowe, Deoi~. Cnmmill!, John. CnmmiJlI$, Jobu . C!eav, Tbom:tif. ~t~no, JOUle!iCthil!, P hilip. COl'bctt, Plltrlt;k. Crowe, John. Con nell, P hilip. Cookc, Job ll. Crowc, T homas. Corbell, Edmond. COIItcllo, FranclllCa.rter, Tb olll:\j. Cnhil. l\li~b(lel. Cullen, J ul. D. Cu)!cn, Gharlo:s. Cliffiml, J"hn. Cliffiml, ilJichael. Clifford, Willin'n. ClilTorti. P otrick. Cowen, John. Co''ren, l-.:dmond. Cltuke, Alexander. Carhett, John. t:nrey, Kenntdy. Corboy, Dnniel. Coff('/), J1Ima Coffi.-e, John. CIC1lry, l\l llrtin. Con.,ooine, Brian. Corbet t, John. Cogh1ao, E.J ...ard. GoI"rigan, J. Lewis. Cn.mhic, Chlltlca. Cambie, Solomon B. Carett, Altxander. Carew, John. Ctnlrel1, William . Cox, William. C.u roll, Dalton. Q.'lttell, J od.uo. Cl"l\lTfol'd. Jnhn. CI~tke, John. Oarkc, J OM!llh. ea..,ana,v:h, J amC!<CormllCl., Corn~liu~. Cle3t)·. Patrick. Cb1lrlc~, George. Clenry, J ('IllU. Cl'ui~s. \\'illialll Verc. Delnhunty, Robert. DeJallUntl', R icha rd. Dancer, Thonlt\~ D. Dignam, Ch ristopbcr. Darcy, .Ioh n. Donohue, T huillM. De;}.y. Claylon. Dwy~I', Miehl'oCl. Doh~ny, Jobll. Deegan, Michael. DUDdaD, James. Dudley, Large. Doherty, J ames. Dudlcy, William. Doylc, John.. Debhuoty, P atrick, junior. Dalton, J ob n. Doyle, Darby. Delany, Edmond. Deary, Thoman. Dacre, Jam e~. D unn, Micl"el. Deeg1ln, D IIDiel. DelAhunt)·, Roger. Doherty, J ohn. Doyle, Philip. Delany, l\Jartin. Doran, Patrick. D oole, WilliMl. o...-e, John. Duan, J oh n. Dempsey, Chat·lea. Dwyer, Antony. Delan\', Martia. DempSey. Joseph. DecpiD. John. Da\'j". J\Iichael. Dudley, Samuel. O.q·e r, Denis. Da';is, T homas. Delany, J ohn. Dann: J uhn. DII.,iB, G~~ltge. J)udJcI', Fnncis. DlJnov;,U, Falmotb. Dol,erty, JHichacJ, Duff, J ohn. Da.,it, WiUinm. Dwyer, Thoma!. Do.,le, Da.,i d. D~' er, J ohn. Del~nr, Mathin ~ . DO"Je, L~ •• re llcc. LJ'''g, Thom:J.~. Dalton, Pet~t Count. Dalton, J ohn. Dalton, J ames. Dunll, Patr.ek . DU~1In, Willirun. Dutlle)", John. Dagg, .J"IIII. Dw)'er, .J~ln~~. E"nn!;, }-'n...-lerick. Evans, J ohn. E"an", Alf.....!. Elliott, .J"IIII. Ellan, l\]icllad. Egan, Dt!nis Sot. Eva.ns, James. EVllns, Jamea. Evans, George. EgaD, Stephen. EJ:"ru" Martin. Ely, Thomn.<;, jullior. Elr, Hen ry. Franks, }JCIl IV. Finell, WiJJ~~,il. Fleetwood, J ames. F:tlknier, Richard. Fol knier, Frerleridr.. Fitzpn.triek, Gn.gory. Flanery, D1Inici. Flanery, John. Flanery, Thoma~. Finch, William. Flin, Michael. Flanery, Michacl. Fi!~[l4tr;cIi:, J ames. Fll'Zicr, SllllIuel. Flctch~r, J oh n M. Fletcher, Joho. FI"t~hcr, Robe,t. Firrn;lIl, 'fhODlD..'1, p, Fill, Michael. Fanin, Wil liam. Fogurt}', D""i~. Fogarty, Michal!J. FUS:"Hy, ",,,hu. F"j:artl', T huma... ( Filtinrt)', !' al rkk . Fallin, J oh n. Fannin, Piltrick. Fogarty, J ohn. F~han, Keyn.D. Frank, John. Fawcett, J ohn. F;}''fcctt, Geo rge. Fo;.:, J01n. Fo;.:, T homa. Flanerr, John. Gleci()n, Joh n. Gleeson, J eremiah. Gleeson, An dre.... Gleeson, 'fbomad. Gleeson, J1Im el. G1Ce!;()II, J ohn . GI~n. Patrick. GJet!lon, Cornelius. Grace, Gemld. Gleeon, Patrick Gleeson, Martin. Going, Caleh. Glet:5()lI, Cornelius. Grace, Gcrald. Gl~n, P1Ilrick, Gleeson, l\bt tin . Guilfoyle, Corneliu~. Guilmal'tiu, l\Iichae!. Guilm1lrtin, Timothy. Gleeson, Thomns. G rant, Willirun. G rant, Heory. Guilfiryle, Daniel. Golden, Thomll$, Glascock, J ohn. GUelIt, J ohu. GUC!lt, J ames. G lcl"!l(;o, John. Gl ee!IOo, Patrick. Gleeson, Michael. Gui.ler, Dnniel. Goornao, Etlru(lud. Gorm1ln, JIlIlIJ!Ij. G nilfoyle, Daniel. Gchan, Tillloth y. GuinDu, Joh n. Godrrey, Jo.iCl lh. Gleeson, William. G1I),Dor, Henry. G.':tce, Jolm. Guilfoyle, J Dl!Cph.. Gooldc, Thoma~. Goold~, Winiam. Gtare, ThoUla~"e, '1'holllllS. Gk'el'IIU, lIJiel.ael. Griffill, JHi cbncl. Gleeson, Jam~. GaYDor, J"hn. Guut, T ho Dllls. GUI:~t, T hom1lS. GUC$t, Will iam, Guest., J oh n. Gaynor, J ohll. Goin/:" I len~r . Goulding, Willi1lDl. Gaynor. Franci!l. Guet;t, J 1Imu. Guest, J ohn. GlUOn, Hichnrd W. (.i lUOn, Rio;hard W. , JUDio r. Gleeson , Rolly. GnlY, William. Gihson, John, Glee!lon, Edward. Gleeson, James. GlC!!!lDn, J ames. O'Gl'mly, J ohn. Gr:u.'I:, Michacl. Grace, J oh n. Ol1lce, J 1ImC!!. Grllce, Darhy. G regan, ThOOJu. G lee$on, Datliel. Going, J "hn. ( ;O;lIg, Chark'!!. Glling, Richard. Glet.'S(lII, TholUM. GIl'f'soo, l\1idl! Glee<on, JiUlIes. Head, lHichftel H. Hugan, William. "1 Hogan, Thollll3. Hogan • •h,IUI. I lIe-i_ Hal"~ba"" Henry. HardID.I\', L"hi!ip. Heall, WilHill\ H. Hem$WDrtb, Thoa.u. Hem:no:ortb, T_G. Hems..ortb, hhn. HMki\., Jo'eph. HawkllhalT, Btupan... Hodgill.5, Samuel. EMllr, MichatL Hanl}" Thoma Hanly, hmes. H"g'an, Darb)". Hoctor, Danid. Hodgins, John. Hodgins, J amn . Hobs., J ames. Hobs. Hcnrr. Hollaod, Obadiah. Ilall, Robert. Hodgins, John. Hoctor, AIichatl. Holland, Fnocit. Honragao, Tba!1iU. Harding, Thorn,.•. Hllckett, EdlllODd. Hen ness)', JI.U!I1. Heffernan, Jall!H. I HI!DDessy, Tho~. Heenan, ~oit. H1Icke t, J Dhn, Hacket, Jllho. Hackel, TimotLy. Hllcket, TimotLy. HII)'ac, I l'h~.~1!I. Ha)'M". Jobn. Hogan, William. Heale, Thomas. H:u'n)" Jahn. Harny, Michael. H~al)', John. Iial't timl, Augultw. Uel\"Stlll, Willillll. Hahis}',Miuhae1. Hell'llon, J!>hn. Hutchinson, WiUia&aIlutcbillSOn, Jolul D. . H3"I, <':harles. Hayes. George. Harwld, Potrick. Jlemlv, Thornll, Helldy, ])anicl. Hendy, Cnrroll. Hallllllel'fily, Pauiti. Hauly, lUicbllt~ jaci:r. Hnnlco, Jolla H. Heyes, Juhn. Huo t, Vcrf. HOITingtoIl, P~tricL Hnrriugton, Ahrahaut. Hnn" y,lIIirhaPI. II I1""Ctt, Joho. Head, Henry Darby. H unt, J uho. Hill, HI!lll)'. Hill, Stephen. Hill, s.,mue!. 11m, William. Hogan, Daniel. Huhue3, Peter. HIJ\<1Iro, Rich!l1'd. H""ly, MieilltJ. Hartly, WiHialll. J acksu n, ('corge. .Jnck~OIl, WiOiam. ,,"..,kRon, Fmlerid. J achol), John. J onC!!, Willi/Ull. JOIWI, Roberl. Ju ues, Jolm. J ackson, Joh". Jack!!On, George. Jon,;s, Etlward. Irwin, Thonw>, Jny, J lme!!. Ktoncdy, JOhD. Kennal)". ~ois. KeulIl~lv, !aml"$. Kenned}', John. Kcnnerly, lHio;hac!. Kent, Jnhn . KCIlt, Jobn. f 'rHE NORTHERN D I VISION OF TH E COUNTY OF T I PPER ARY. 7 of tbe CoUDty of Tipperary, fer Spring AlI!IWs 1842-eolltiautd. Larkin, Jlmes. LH, II~D ry, .ea;(lJ". LH, HeDry. junior. i\lu rray, Jarrn:lI. ) l 'Cuchio, J ohn. l\'b ,oruell, Gl!Orge. i\1ag"tb, J\l'Coubill, William. :\I' G.... th. T homa.a. M'Gralh, J.)aaid. lI rolonr, Willil.lll. MILhcr, Joh n. ~Ltgrath, J ames. l\li"lIttl, noller! J. Monop. J OlLlllhl.l\.. l'.1:I.I'I, Tbom~ 1'>hra. Patriek. naher, WilliarD. Maher, J 4mel. 1>I'Lolli!'hnoo , Patrick. Medin, WiUiolD. J.!OQOP, WllIl:l.I'll. M abel', Nicholas. Mara, ThilIDIII. l\Inn., Roger. Man., P atrick. i\liochin, WiIIil.w. l\1 iddlewlI, Will ia m. "hUter, 7hom ... l\laher. W'dIiam. !'tIurn.y, WiUillDi,jll.llior. Mills, Luke. MaJ!nth, ~nit, l\Iaber, Patrick. /'Ilax,,'ell, Michael. Meara, J eremiab, l\I'CIIrt)', Denis. l\Io1ouglult}', P atrick. J\1e&ra. Miclu.d. Moran, l\Iartin. Magn.lh, Philip. Minahen, 1'hOlDU. Nagle, James. Nagle, Patrick. Nagle, Luke. NicholSOlll, Thomu. Uubew, J ohn. Ne1rlllaD, J ohn. MaJuRY, J ohn . lIf.• her, !\falnchy. !lhllc)", P atrick., Dllrb y. 1Ilolloy, Miehul. Maher, William. lI1'Eo iry, John. Nai~ N~il. U.hODV, PlI.trick. J\l oekl~r, J.m e.. lIlahe r, William, ~lIior. Maher, Willi&lD, JUDier. Meit;'h.n, J ohn. lIOlIck. HGII. CbMles J. K. Al a:.:, William. Maher, noher, Cooner. Afec~lUl . JOIllI!II. Maher, T homas. Uaber, JIIlTlC8. Manning, J ohn Thorn... l\IlUllling, no~rt. I I uh.,,)·, P atrick. Henry. Jaml'l. Naglc, WiUinJ'O. Naur:htoo, J::dJ'OOod. N itbit, W. Nugent., Thom... N.u, Richlld. Nix. JtulIeL O'Brien, June&. O'lkien, D~oicl. O,oome, Will iaw. O' Ked., Pierce. O'!Ue2ra, JOhl1. U'MuOaoe., Jertmi&b. O'Brien, Frt.JIciI. O'lIIearo, Vnlcntioc. O'Brieo, Hfllry, O'Driell, Jobn. O':\lura, Thoro... O'Brieo, Jobn. ~lacl:cy, WilJirun. Mnhtr, J oh ll. IHollo)" J "hn. O'Brien, James. Oldfield, John. O'Brien, Edmond. Oabornc, William Tnler. O'Brilln , Uorruu gh, Ma~r,Ju hll . O'MeRra, Jun,". Mololl mby, Richard. Moyl&p, MiehW. Maher, T horn ..... ltfnh er, Timothy. Maher. Philil)' Mnhe,·,lIlichael. JUllhu. Plltrick. UInher, lIlichllrl. O'Brieo, John. P aningtoo, Ab, ah&Jn. Pepper, John. IHcata, Molousbnry, Jobn. MolOllY, T haw ... Molony, J ohn. MolO\lghney, P lltriek, Mill" On'l'tr. Mockloer, JIUU~. i\fMsy, William C. 1'lfc'c..rty, J ohn. Mapth, Pltrick. lU:mlll, J.mes. Ma$(.on, William. lIf' Loughnin, Pieree. Meagher, P hilip. Msgher, William. M:ther, "lam ... Mi ddldon, Jame!l. Mae1tu , Arthu r. Murray, Brtrthwucnew. MuolI, J anle!l. Minchin. G<!tI rgt. lIt.rulI, Joh n. Ma.u'l!U. Albert. 8o1o1ll0n D. Muon. William. Mile., Henry. Mile¥, Richttrd. Mnher, niehflnl. M'Lnn , Dui .. M'Cvty. Mathiu. Murphy, Phil ip. Murphy,lInehuJ. Mll(ralh, Ph ilip. Mad~rs, Jl)hn . i\Ioylan, Pa~r;ck , Moylan . Miebn.e!. Mahn, J ohn. M'OOllald, Edm(lnd. lI'DOU&ld, JameL fthher.lIIichul. lb.her, Timothy. Powell, ~b. Poe, Thomlli. Prittie, ThINll... Pat rick, lobn. Parker, Edward, p~, John. Purwn, J ltnU. P urcel l, l\lf.!thew. Peter., p .triek. Phelan , William. Prittie, F P almer, SLnd(ort. POlllld. TholU .... Phr.bll, J amu, Purcell. WiU ia ll'l. Pur~, Walter. P urcell. Thull""'. I'elcoek. William , Power, 'l'h(ltnu, Purcell, Willi.m. Poe,Jameo J~lyn. Prmderptt, J eoll'rry. PN.ndergast, Tholllu G. Parler, Alltony. Parker, Jon... .Purvis, T homat. Pike. Rubert. Poe, William. Pi1oe, Robtrl l'arktr, Thomll. I'hilipa. Willi.u:n, jUllior. Philill!!, Robert. J'hilipll, Robert. l'hiIip., Robert. Ph ilips, Samuel. Philip., J ohn. Puili[W> Richard F_ Power, P i«c>e, Park~r. Will iam, Quinlan, l\:lartio. Quia, RicMTd. Quin, Pltrick. Quill, Michael. Quirk, J.'atriek. Quinlne, Micha.d. Q lI.illw e, Darby. Qllirk, Daniil. Qllinnne, Jcnmiab, Qui rk, Patr ick, QuinnllC. J Ohll, Quirk, Philip. ("luirk, l\lichacl. R)"lilo J ohll. !trail. P IItrick Burk•. Ryan, 101..11. }lp.n, Juh". Radford , Eb~er. RUi1tll, Johl1. !lyall, George. Ryall, Andre,.. RYID. La"'rf.IlCe, Ry.n, Sttphtn. Ryan, Job. RYlm, J ob o. Ryan, Patrick. Ryan,Jam~. R Ulacll, 'l'bOlDM. Ryan, Hu,h. Rya.n, WiJliam. R)'lUI. lilllotny. Ryan, Philip. Ryall, Thonw. Byan. James. Ryan. Philip. Ryan, Denis. Ryan, TIlom:u, Rrln, Patricl.. R)'OII, Patriek, jun. Ryan, Michael J uwe •. ItYAn, Dani, l Ry;on, Patrielt. Ryan, Thowas. Ryall , Willi;uo. RUliIeD. Jnh". Ryan, ·fhOlllaJ. Roe, 1'he~phil u .. Rhode., Samu~J. Ryan, Thomall. Roe, G~orgt. R ou rke. John. Rhod, .. HoberL Roe, WiUil.lll. Rahill , TiIDothy. Ryan, Thomas. Ilyan , Richard. RYID, Georzc. Ryan, l'houw. HYlII, Edmond. Ryan, Jamel. HYID. Patrick. RY In, Edmond. Ryu, William, Ryan, Willialll. Ryan, Richard. R yan, 'fho:mu. Ryan, ],Tut;n. Kyau, Daniel Rrln, J ltb o , Ryan. Timothy. RYIn, J onll. R)",,,,, Joseph.. nQ~I,Joha. Roge~ Ric.hunl. RQllell, AmOl. R )'aD, John . R~ nell. Benjamin, Rud d, Mincbin. R yan, Plltritk. Ryun, JUliet. Hyp', TbIlIllA, H'hil, William, Rynn, P atriek. RyaD' P atritk. HolliMon, Hobert. RobinlOn, A ugn.tu.. Robinaou, Thoma.. n ewington, Robert. Reed, Ja.nlollll. ReddlD, Ti mothy . Hill'oey. Janses. W illiam. Rrnll, T hollUl.l. Uyan, Mi<:hal. H}'IIl, William. ll.}·IID , Ryan, J.m~ Ryan, Mutin. nyn.n,lIlnrtin. llynn, Delli.. !lYIlll, Patrick. R pln, Michael. , ~ yan, Michllcl. ROIt, WtllioJ!ton A. Smith"ick, William :S. Spulill&', [.(If'tu&. Sparling. Philip. Sh«h)'. :Michael. Smith".jck, Henry. Smitl"rick, Michael. Slattery, Wi lliam. Shu, William. Saullden, H~ry O. StOlley, Tham... B. SlolltJ', 'IOOn» G. Stene,.. Hilbert J. StoneY, Thorn ... J . Stoney, TheIDa!! G. Studdart, blaUTice. Shippvd, Jame!\, Sadleir, ThntnU. Smith. n .Jpb. s. Stnilb, lialp},. Smith, William. Smith, Oecrge. SaI~r, ~. SpaiD, Body. S1attery, 31iehaoe1. SIotIb!ry,3Idthew. S"'eeney, Patrick. ShlJlalw:!. Thoma!, Shanahan, Cennar. Shana.ban, Johll. Smith.. Suttud. Sha.... Thomlll. Shet, Edmcnd Harty, S"'HDer. John. Shelly. Edruond. S...eeaC)',l'atrick. Straogll'lllJl. Thomu ShlllVlhall. lIichael. Smithwick, Rollert. Scl1en, W.niam. Smith, William. Smith, Sidp~. Srnulllll ...., William, Spliut, Thpmllll. Short, NeW1oo. Smallmlll, Thomu. Sent, Samllel Smallman, WilliAm, Smallman, Fnnk. Smith, Johu SUInt,.. 8paiu, Jabn. Spain, John. Splio, William. Spain, William. Shu,JIlI'OeII. Smithwiclc, Ptter. SheIJey, 1olartin. Sholt, Nelfton. Short, J ehn. ShOTt, lUchard. 'fr.oher, Juuuiah. '/'ier...y, Ro;-tr. TumpllllO. Dl.Dw. T umpau, Daniel. Toohey, Willi uDl. Tucker, Nin. 1·reacy. Pntrick. Talbot, John. Trrncy. Matthew. rr....t,John. Trihr. WiDiaru. Trihr, Tobi... 'frihy, D.niel. Tieroy, Rody. Toohey, Pl tticL:. Thompaon, George. 1i'eoc:b, Ste...ud. Talbot, Tholn... Talbot, Edlilood. TOI)h),. Matthm-. Tuthill, lohn. Tibeu"lo. llicnard, Tibealldo, WillitLIQ.. Th(lt1l, Georle. Thona, Robert, Toohey, John. Vican, Patrielt. Wellington, Jamea. Wbe llu., lI1iehlcl. Wadd.ick. Patrick . Wallh. John. Wabbe, William. 1\ hyte, Henry. Whyte. Richard. Wh ite, Finch. Wallu, Hepry. Waller. Sir EdDllllld. WaC-Oil , JiLDlU. Walter .. John. Wood.ard, Will;'m. Wiley. Winiall1, WiUi allll, William. Whclo.D, Willia.t:n , --------------------------------------8 NAMES OF PERSONS QUALI FIED TO SERVE AS JU RORS I N List Wnbh, Jon.than. Wal~lIn , Feltn:un. Waller, George. Waner, Willi~m. Waller, Sir Eilmoll.d. Wl'lkn, JamtS. W illiatll", J lmes. Qr the Names or nil PtUODJ quaiiliLoU to "",rve ', J ohn. William .. T holll,.., jUDior. WRlsh, Tholllll>l. \Vcbh, D'lIIici .JaDltl. Wall, Andre..... Wall, Simon. White, Arthur. , White, 13eoj;unin. Wonds, l\Ios..'S. Whi~, Webb, Napier. Wel pl)'. Heu ry. w;mug-t"n. John, WoodR, WilHam. W3.lJ, Edward. Cr:lI'.fMd, J ohn. Clark, John. Buckley, Edward. Reno, Fu1l!1outh. B.!nD, Richard. Benn, Tholllu. Bobl.O, John. Burke, Jaml!ll. Hanks, Rubert. Buy ton, WilI iMl. I3eTgnn, Patrick. Browne, Thon.... Burke, ThonlU. Iltrpn, John. Burke, John. Burke, John. Uutler, J "ho. Butler, John., Dalli~1. AtIc~n, Olarl~ Baker, WiUwn, junlor. Atlciu lOlI, Georg~. Seuunt, Juhn. Anmtroo" Will. Blo- . Dutler, Jamea. ATlIl!troftj!:, ThomllL ANn. Jam(:l. Butier, John. Annltront'. William, esquire. Burke, Ridlar!l. Bohfoll, Micllacl. Drenan, P hilip. Dowe, Johu, Bad::cn'illr, William. :&!okerville, John. &1I;n, JUicitael Brien, James. Ba:skerville, George. .BMkl!rville, Benjamin. Uurkc, Riehard • Barton, Nmthlloiel. Durke, Patriek. Denn, J ohn. Burke, Richrord. Durko:, Richud.. aurke, WilIiJ.m, taquire. DridgctnaD, Henry 0. Burb, Jobn. Bonneld, J ohn. Butler, Geo'le. B I),ley. Johll. Byrnes, Thomll!. Butke, Milo. Bayley. Ricllard UWackc. 8.lyley, Latllll'lliot. Durk~ , William. Bennett, Juhn. Buticr, Jnm~ Dt llJICtt, Will,. Dyrke, LAllrtnco. Bennett, Thomu. Burke, HuICh. B)"roll, Fr&Dcil. Burkr, Jobn. Duke, Juhu. Durb, Rich"rd, e5'1uire. Dp ..., Richard. Burke, Patrick. Boyd, J olin. Burke, RiehArd. Boyd, Robert. Butke, Corntti"l. Boyd. J Oieph. CuUen, J llho. Brindley, Henry. Cullen, Clu.rIet. Brindley, &muel. Clifford, J ohn. Brindley, John. C1iil'ord, Michel. Baurke, Darby. Oiffurd, WiIlia.t1. Bola!!.I , Mutllew. C1itr"rd, Ptotriek. Drowoc, &muel. C>wia, Jolm . . Brien, Thoothy. Cl"'in, Edmond. Brien, John. auk~, Alex.uder. Brien, Pa,trM:k. Corbett, Johu. Brien, Martin. Carey, Ktunedy. Burke, Willinm. Corboy, Droniel. Bi,£!" ThomM. corr~-e, James. Douehei r, J ohn. CUlrl'c, John. B unButy, Thoma•• Cn.wford, William Cooper. lhrry. S<lmuel. JUDo Carey, ThomM. Biddulph, Ni~how. Curoll, Sir HlltchilUOU. Da.yley, Cougbbu, James. Bayley, Fruit, Corm:u:k, Jat1lell, jnoior. Bennctl, John. Corm:ock, Patrick. Bennett, Will~. Cormack, Edmond. B iggl!, Edward. CllIgWu. Richard. Baldwin, Edward. Cotlouk, Edmond. n~l'I\.U. Tboma.~. Cash, Daniel. Brundky,.Da,id. C;o,11, i\lichlLel. B igt(s, SaIl1U~1. Costello, John. B&ld1'l'in, Eyre. Collello, Timothy. Dutoo, Michnel. Cornuck, Joho. Bnrgeu, George. Cotr~, J allIel. Byron. Fn.ncis. Cnwre, Michael. &1,,00. \VillilllD. Cnl1'l't. Denis, Bri!lane, Ellwood. CunuDins, John. Brislane, JaTDC!'& CumlDin~, John. Dutle r, JnnlCl. CLearey, Tbnmas. B irch, G~o ra e. Cle:mr, Martin. Birch, J aml'l. CoMeetino, DrieD. Bireh, Willia..'Il Henry. Corbert, J ohn. BenDett, Julin. Coughlan, EdlOllrd. B cnDCtt,.John. Cambie, CharleL Dennett, Q~u rge. Ct.nbic, Sul. B. Hl'flne tt, George. AIcnnder. B urke. ~Iieh!lel. enl'e"', Ju!to. ridXl:, Viwr . Cantrill. WiLliu •. tflM!, E.:).n rd . Colt, William. B rierely, Janua. Carroll, Dahon. D tIC~Y' Jub1l. Qwtrill, J OIibua. •• Robert. Wall, S~hen. W1l i~, om:t~ C1a.rIc, Joseph. CanDagh, Jam~. Cornl&ck, Cornelius. Cleary, Patrick. Charles, Gl'Orge. ete"r)·,1uhn. Cruise, William. Cordeu, JulIO. Cooke, Charles Henry. CI'IlITfurd, William. Canoll, J01III. Carrull, :r.Jiclu\cl. Crampton, J06eph. Crotty, Juhn. Ckiory, Plillip. Cotnl&Ck, Johll., MichaeL Carroll, J"In~ Cahill, Phillip. Cormaci:, Phillip. Comw:k, John. Conolly, Mathur. Cardm, Richard M. Crengh, Henry J . o....ry, M idlOcl. Cnmbic, Solomnll Lawlor. Cormnck, Ph illip. Carroll, William. Cala.oau., Andrerr., Thoml1. C1eiLft, Martin. Cooke, Samuel. Connnek, 'IimotllY. CulleD, William. Cormack, JlUllel. Cormu.k, J obll. o,uDO!I1, Michael. Comorford, Richard. Cooke, Archibald; Cooke, ArchiWd, JUDior. Cooke, Adam. Cahill, Patrick. c.n..o&n, Corncliua. Cormack. John. Crowe, William. Cahill, Timothy. CAhill, J ohn. Carden, Sir Hellry R. C.Utill, Thomas F. Conoly, John. Cleary, Patrick. ConDell, P hillip. Cab ill, Phillip. Cabm, Mieltnel. Cnmtll, DAniel. Cahill, J "mes. o,rmack, Pntrielr. C.vanogh, Michul. Carl'ull, P"trick. CntoJlo, Jam es. Cahill, Phillip. <!orbill, Protrielr. Cro\'I't!, JOhD. ConocU, Phillip. Cooke, Juhn, esq. CI"D"'c, ThoUlfo!l. Corbit, Edmon(!. Costallo, Fr"ncill. Cbad..nck, ltichllrd. Cu-roll, Phillip. Carter, Thom... Doohr:oy, Juhn. Deegau, Michael, DUDdan, Jamel. Dog, Thoma.,. Dalton, Petl!!' Cuunt. Dalto n, J ohn . Dalton, J:unel. Dunn, P atrick. Dar, Thoma.a. Dudley, John . Dug-gun, Willialli. Dwytl'. Jflnll'!\" DlIlnhu nt, Robert. Dulnhu nt. Richard. Dftnoer, Thom u Jj. DigtlolUl, Chr~ollb er. ~I Young, Robrn, _. Spine!!:!". Wcllll, Willill.trui. Youug, Thom.u, .coior. Young, John. SPitiNG A SS I ZES , 1843. Ann i~e, . JU.1I1'S in the Northern Diviloion " '.!ahe, Thumali. AodCl'llOD. Puil. JOII!p'b.. Armi ~, WilIillJn. Ardill, J ohQ. Alit, Tel'f!nee. •-\bhott, Tydd. Am,"trunK, JllltlC!I. J\.lams, Tbom:bt. Ahbott, TbompllOn. Abmu:thy, William. .AberDetby, John. Ard m, J ohn. Annitll,(e, Willionl. Armit:.gc, Jolin. AcrCII, J amc<. Anticil, Chrilltopher. nil Darcty, J ohn. Donohue, ThomaJI. C1eat.on. DI'I'yu,IUicbocl. Dungan, Hl.'nr)'. Dagg, Willi"m. Dutller, .loho. Dwyer, Henry. ' Drought, Phillip. Dooobur, John. Darcey, Jaml'5Duggan, Daniel. DctuI*Y, J~ph. Dem ll~ey, Pl\trick. Dempsey, Miehael. Dccgcn, J uhn. Dnvy, Michael Dudlty, Samuel S. Dwyer, Deni&. Danu, John. D:avi., George. Dudley, Ftands. Donovan, Fulm()Uth. Doherty, MichRel. DlIvi.. WilIi.:tm. Dudlcy, Large. Dudley, William. Doy!.;, J ohn. DelohUflty, Patl'ick, tetlinr. Dalton, Jobn. Do)·1t, Darby. Dclaoey, Edmond. Dea",y, Tho'Ql.llS. Dacre, Jam('$. Dunn, ~Jiehne1. Dc~1I0, IJlLnicl. D~l ah uDty, Roger. Doherty, Juhn. Duyk, Phillip. Ikhmcy, Martin. DOI'ILlI, Patrick. Dooley, William. Dl'e, Joh n. Duan, J uhn. Dcrupaey, Chlltlea. D "')Ier, AnthOllY. Delaney, MUlIn. D,,'yer, 'J'hum"s, Doyle, Dllvid. Delney, Mlltilill$. Doy\t, LAurence. EnD:S, Fl'tlderick. .Ely, Thoruu, jun. Ely, Hellry. EVil"'" Jameo. EVl1ue, Alfred. Enn .. Jnal!!!!. Bru, Michael. Egan, D"uil, len. Elliot, Job n. Egan, Stephen. Eg:ut, Mrortin. Fioch, WilJi"m. Fn.nb, Hcnry. Flannery, JOM. Fleetwood, J llDe!l. Falkner, Richlll'd. Falkner, Frederick. Fibpatrick, Gn:gQTy. P1anery, Daniel. Flaoery, Johll. Flanery, Tllomas. Pincb, \VilJum. Flinn, Michnel. ii'lanery, lUiclmel. Fitzpatrick, J;UIIl'll. FOIlier, Sa'II11cl Fleteher, JolIn 31. Fletcher, John. Fletcher, RoiJftt. Del.)" Finnlln, Thnrnu Fogarty, J ohn. Feehan, Dy ran. Frank. J.,hn. Fawcett, Jllho. Fn"'~tt. George. Finn, Michael, Faui n, William. Fogarty, Deuis. n. Yuung, Rubtrt,j~ Yuuul!;. Joha. . Young, ~D,iuoia. Young, Duid ~ Youag, Fnllci$, Young, Beary. - - Fogarty, !l.lithed. Porrty, Joh;. - ' Fngarr,., Tholllll. Fogarty, P'tril:l Fogarty, Patrick, Fennelly, MI~ Flct, Jobn. Fol~)', Willi... F1aniglD, Edlflnl. Fl.Din, Th~ Filln, Joba. Fanin, Joba. FMin, P.trick. Fox, John. • •I I , t l Gl~ewn, Glel!liOllo JI!UtI. Gleeson, J ~IIII'I. D'Omy, Jou. Grace, Mieb.a. Grnct, JohD. Orllte, J"mtI. GI'llte, Darby. Grq:III1, Thomu. GI~u, DWd. Going, John. Goillg, Charles, Going, Richanl. GlcaQlI, l 1uru.u.. Gle6 clD, lIIi~bad. GletiOO, J~ GI_o,Jc~ GI~, Anc!sr.. Gleesoa, '!'hom.. G\1leIOn, Joho. Glce.owu, JlltleII. Gk't!SOlI, Jyhll. GI_n, PalM. GIJ!eIOn, Coreeb. Gntcc, GcrU!. Gll!e101l, I',bid: OleClOO, Mattia. Gniug, a.leb. Olcelum, Curvdi... Grace, Cknhl. GI!!eIIOII, l'llIria. GI _,lbrtit. Guilfoyle, f~rm!ia GI!l5IlD, W'd li= Gaynor, HClIIf· Groce, John. Guilfoyle, Ja.pb. Goold, T~ Goold, Willi-. Gr"ce, Thomu. Guil"u:Line, no-. GJ«1iOn, \\lichatL Grim!., Micltad. G1CCItIUn,JaroesGaynor, JnhD. GI<e.t,~ Gncst, ThOtlJlL GUNI, WilliaQl. Garnor, Jobll. GOtOjl', H~rirr·. GooIdin.g. W!~1lIo Gaynor, Fra~ Gueot, J.-. Guest, Johu. GIIYllOn, RicbrL .. Gayson, Richart,~ Gleeson, ltotiy. Gny,WillilJa. Gib!oo, JohDGuilfoYle, DuirL Gla.!coei, Job Guest, John. GlecsnD, John. Glee&On, Patrio:i· Glt\'IOu, Mich.e. Guitlcr, DlII:- , , Gom,~Ed Gurmlll, JJUIlI'L Guilfov!e, D~ Gehan; TitDoIbf· Guinan, JohDGodfrel', J ~. Guilmirnllo M.,tII( j l ~. n..-u- {jrlLllt, WiUjua. Ii t TH E NORTH ERN DIVI SION OF THE COUNTY OF' TIPPERARY. I . . . . (j!1l:a;lftin, Timothr· Gnnl, HenrI" B~ , ) licWoeJ H. H.-;;l:I. ' \iHi.:ua. f H>;:":llo Th!>lUlt. I{ : .I3.)h!Ih.: .... J! !"..D. J~hll. B~~. J""II. U"",... lbuhP. H, ~ ColaelillJ. H~"", JJh ... lb~k>b:u-r, Benjamin.. H~~blP.w. He"ll..,..;lOll, Palrici::. B.:ri~.;t"'., .-\bralwa. HLC~·. lHdlatl. Ha.'~:I, J ob n. , Bnrl. Belli)' Darby. Buot, Jo!in. Bill, 11m'!'. H:!!, SItp!>eIl. B:!i, Nm,teL Bin, WillilPl. Bo!=11, Oallii:l. B.. iI::tf, Pt-tff". Bon:lI, Hicl=d. BUI~, )Iichatl B.rlh:. Will;"m. I Hta~; Wil!i:un H. { Ha3,~",·th , HUM~o'th, 'fhwnu. Tl,oll'&II G . Hems"Q,(h, Joho. RKkfft, J lllfph . B!Id(in" s",mltel. BLdr, ~I ~hul Buly, TIIUW<W.. Rr.aI", . "I \ '; Ikpi.. Dr"ii, lIiKW, Daniel. lioIIp"Juhu. Bod!Uts, Jama &,.. ...... Bobbs, Htllry. &Il&rr.I, Ob.u!iah. • &ll, Uobtrt. &dgiu. J oha. Hoctor, ) Iieho.el. Bol!aJld, Fill/leis. BcutagU, 1"homas. • Ikimr, 10hP O. .... """'- BudUnoa, Juhn D. Bays, George. , ~Puriek.. Th __ . &.i~, Beady. DWtI.. BmIIr. CIrI1III. Buds,l'homu.. Ilacbtt, E,JI1Iuod. ~' JI.IIIef. lte&ro';;. JlIfUl. ~, ThUlllQ. Hut, Itobtrt. Hacbtt, Jolin. Bieny, John. HieRr, Thaothy. Rich,.. Timothy. 1\on)u u.,.., Be.yw, John. BIpa, "ltdlWn. BelIr, Thmnu. ~,Juhll. Jolla. : ~ ar.:..; Butii"d, A"!DUlIl. Bt..i<III. Willi..m. lir.h ilY, i'olid wl • 1Ior.)ll, P.l!ick. ....tQJI,Jahn. Lam" P~triek. ~tiehaeJ,juniar. Dr. Jabo. H., ~!lire . '. hia, ~-e,JohD' t,\' . M, ClqWft. lor,J_ """'. .....,-.,. .Lcho.'~f. - ' £dwanl. Frederick. t::' s-,. , JohD. Jo.a, RolItrt. j Joba.;oa, John. • .Ioci.:iIID., GfOTge. . Ln'~,Johll. ', Deni" It:aa.~)". hm~. , .1~,(). . . "r tho Connty of Tipperary for SJlnng Anisca llWs-.,1lt· Kenoedy, Rotly. K eouedy. " liebel. K ent, J ohn. K eot, J"hn. K e}"ll, Chrillopher. Kc cuedy, EdIYlLrd. Kennedy, Willinm. K ellnedy, John. Ker.aedy, Edmond. K elly, Willi.1m. K ellnedy. J aml)ll. Kellnec!v, Daniel Ke Il~Y. WlIIiwn . Kellnedy, John I'. K ennM)" J uhn. K ellnedy, Hugh. K enru'''Y, Nlcholu. Kennedy. Michael. Kennedy, Daolol. Kenne4ly, ThomaJ\. Kyte, Jo.<epb. Kytt, AmhrO!ll!. Kennedy, WiUilUll. Ke"lUdy, D&llicl Kent , Ric1 ulrd. Kinrlc!', Willilm. Kennedy, Rolly. K ena, John. K ent, TIl"mlL!l. K eone")'. Dnnie!. Kecsbau, Michael. K~lIy, Jnmlll. Kcnll edy, Rich:ud . Ken n~dy, J ama. K eDuedy. EdwRrd. Kinvi n, Pat rick. KillSb~Ia, John. K irwan , Thorn... Ki .... l1U. T hom ..... Keo.nedv, John. Keougb.: Daniel. K ennedy, Patrick. K ellDfdy, John . K ennedy, J lmet. K cu.nedy, JMlph . K ingsmill, Thomas. K~'IIIIGh. D anicl • K enny,IUicl\lI.el. K enntdy, DrylW.. J((!Uy, W illiam. Kennedy, Jow... K enoedy, l )ab"ick. K elly, Thomu. K elly, T horuu. Kilbride, P Wiel:. Lee, Henry. leI1iOl', Lee, Henry. jUIIWlr. Loullhnane, .Tame.. L ynch, Pntrick. L ynch, J oh a . LavII.relte, J ohn. Lalor. Joho. Leu y. J am". LeeiOn. Willi am. Lewi., Ric., Leonard , Godrrey . I.e......, W illilm. Larkio, Junes. L loyd , J ohn.. Lloyd, GlIOlJe. Lloyd, R"but. L10)-d, J obn.. Lloyd, T hemu. L idwell, Frederick. L~oiglll, J ohn. Lahy. WiIli"m. L yncll, J ohn. Lyollilo P lI1r ick. l.&flan, Nicholas. L~ffao., Nieholu. LllIigao. Michael. Laby, MiehuJ. LGng, Thnmu. Llllfao, William. Lahy• M icha.e1.. Laniglln . Jame&. W well, Robert.. Lonergan. P atrick. Lllffan, Thol.lUl.l. Lall )" Thoma.. L mllpheir, Vcrnon. Larup heil', AlltUn0Y' LaniglUl , J oh n. Lloyd , J oh o. Loob)" William. Lyaaight, Hcnry. L:mi;;UJ, ThomB. L.aoi,an. J~ lII<J.u;re. ,~ :Lloyd, John. ellJuire. Let. John. MII'TY, Jama . IU'Cutchi n, J ameL I\Iaul\llel, Geo rg~. nt'Gratb, 1I"I",ubew. nI'Cutcbill, WilJinm. l'lI'Grath, Thoma. :U'Gmb, Daniel. Moylan, P Wick. Moylan, i\licbael. l\faher. John. IU'D(ln>.Jd, Edmond. I\I' Donald, Jama. Maher, 1IIicb.'\e1.. Mahe r, Thnoth),. jUnta, 'I'hO/ll!lS. Mara, R ogn . Mara, P atrick. I\tiochin , William. i\Icddlet(1ll, WiDialn. l\faher, TboDJlIl1. Maher, Williara. I\!lIrn.y. Willilllll, ICll ior. illilb, L uke. M,J(ruth, Denis. Maher, Pall"iek. Maxwell., Miducl. J\I:ua, Jcrcllliah. M'Cart y, Deni,., l\folouj:lboy, PAtricll:. Mara. M ichael. 1-"Grath. Philip. Mabony, WiUiaw. J\laher. J oh n. Magrath, J l.!nes. 1\£iDnctt, Robert 1. Mouip , Jooathan . l\bra, Thomu. M ara., Patrick. M aher, Williarq. Maher. J amea. M 'Lou,h1in, P ltrick. Mellill, Willilln. J\la.sip, Willill.m, Polaher, :U:u·ti n. MlI.her,l'hillip. Mah er, Wi1li~m . Me!ld1eto". J nlllCOOo Morriss'}', ll arth"lom~. MlA'JU, WiUiam. Mart in, John. Malhew, Solomon B, Milu, H enry. Miles, Rld:nd. Maher, :Ricbnrd. ruMer , :Nichol... 1'I1,-"""oy. Mic"hacl. Mahe r. PJalnchy. Mnher . P atriek. Maher, Darby. Molloy • .Alich ~cl. Maher, WilI il.m. J\! 'Sweeny, J olIn. Mahon)', Patrick.. M oakl«, Juna:. Maher, WiIiWit, .tenier. Maher, Williaru. junior, Meeba.n, J ohn. M OIIk, HOD. Clu.r luJ. K, Pot u, W iUiam. Maher, Jame.. Naber. CallDor. M eehao, J UDeIl. Molloy, Thom3$. Maber, lamel. Manning, J Oh l1 T homaa . i\IlL11ning, Roberl . M ull(lny, PoIlttiek. M athy, Williant. M aher, J olm, Molloy, John. Maher, J oWl. MuUumby, Riehm!.. Moylan, Miehatl. M ahu, T homas.. Ma.her, T imothy . M .J,u. Phillip. MrUiu, lIlicbacl. l\.l aher, Patrici!:. Maher, Mi.hlllli. Menn , D cnb. Moloughney, J ohn. 1\I0I0ny. T horn u • r. loIougIUlC")", P atrick . Moakler, Ja~ I\IUOj', WiJlillm C. M'Catty, Job u.. n ed j\f'Grath, Pat rick. roh son, J ....m"": i\I ' Lollghliu, Pietu, M athew,1\I'Carty. Mu rphy, P bill ip. NU rphy,l'll ichacl. MllfI"&th, Phillip. Morley, M ichael. Molony, Michul . Ni%, Ja.mes. Nagle, J ames. Nagl~ P atrick . • Ngg lr , Nichobon. Th"mas. Nisbit t, Robert W. Nugent, Thomas. Nuh, R ic haru . . NellI. Hen ry. Naughlon, Edmond. N e..·wlUI , J olIn. O'Brien, JlIOletl. OJdJie1.d, Job". O'Brien, Edwolld. (),;bu,ne. William Toler. O 'Brieo. MUrnJugh. O'Man. Junes. O'Brien, J t'M.. O'B rien, James. O' Brien, Dnnicl. O'Keiffe, P ieree. O'Brien, ThoolU. O'Brien, Rio:lW-d. O' j\Jar&, J"h ... O')\JuIl.:tDC, J eremiah. O'Brien, ~· ra..ncU. O'Aio..rn, Valentillt. o'n/1m, John. O'M ara, T homas. P arker. T ho[D..s. Phillip', William, jllnior. Phillips, R ohert . Phillips. Robett. Phillipt., Riehlrd. Lule: Phillip_, SamlieL P hilliP'> Jnhn.. Ph illip$, R k hard E. p"wu , P ie rce. Pnrker, W iniBm. l 'anington, Abiah:un. Pepptr. J ohn. P owtl l, CalelJ. P oe, WUli&al: Prilt~ Th Qmu. Patrick. J"hn. ~cr, Ed ward. P oe, James J ocely a . P renilerj;ast, J~Ifrty. PreOOcrs"t, TholllU G. P u1;(!r, Anthony. Parker, J ames. P arker, J ohn. Pun i., T holUu. P ike. Hober t. . P oe, W illiam. Pike, lkIberl. P rittie, Franci! A. P Ollnd, ·l'homu. P OUnd, N ifqoba. PI~bn. J 3tneL l'urccl\., William. J' urcell, Walter. P urcell , Thomu. Peacock, William. P ower. T bomaa. P hillips. R"bert. P etera. Pat rick! Pun:cI.J, J IlUlCl!. P ClIIlCfathcr, Ricl,ud. P hda o, W iII!lLOl, esqoire. QlIirke, P billip. Qu irk(, I\lieba~. Quinn, Richard. Quiwall, Marti ... Qu;,-b, Patrick. Qu irke, Il lichul. Quirke, DBni~.l Qu«naUI.', JohlJ. Ryan. WiI!iJnl. R )'Ill\, T homas. Ryan, M ichael. Uynll , Will i3Ul. Ryan, J Il.:nCll.. Ry' o, Mutin. R y4D, D.l:lll"ril); RylUl, DeW .. £lyall, P IUriek. Ryan, !\I icl~ . Wellington A. no.e. 9 Ryan, blieha.el . Rran, Jtlhn. R )'an, Patrick n. R)"n, J "hn. 1l)'IoII, John. RlLdford . Abnh:un. Rn>icl l, John.. RyalJ, Gcorse. Ryan. Andrew . Ryan, L:urrcnce. Rol.illlOlI, Robert. R"Lin!MQ1, Augustus. IWbilllOn. Thomas. Rnningtcm, Robert. Reed, J a.:Jles. Reddilll, Timothy. Rigney. J llmel. T lte(lphilu!. n_e. Rowe, Gto~ . R I/we, lViI!iam. R ho.Iet. SamaeJ. RYM, Th"mu. Rllurlle. J ohn. lbhiU. Timothy. RYilll. Thomas. R ya", R ic"b.Md. RrM, Gl'Olge. Ryln, Tbomas. Ryan, Edmond. R)'IIn, J alllH. R yan, P.lri~k. Ryln, Edmond. Ryan , Willia m. R yan, William. Ryao , RiehUd. RYI", Thomu. Ry .... Manin. Ryan, Danid. Ryan , John.. R,..,n, Timodly. Rya.a, John.. RYID, JOIep&. RUMd I. JaM. llod~ra, RichiU"d. R )'IIn. J oba. R ndd, Mi ochin. RYM, Pntl"ie"k B. RylUl, J Lmell. R yan, Thomas. Ryan, Patriel<. Ryaa, Fa tric1;, Stephea, Ryan , J ohn. Ryan. John. nrall., UUJh. Ryan, Patricl;. Ryan, J amell. RlilIell, Thol1laa. Rya.a, Willia.m. esquire. RylUl, Ti U\otl,y~' H)"lll, Phillip. RylUl, T bomaJ. Ry .. o, J Lmfll. RY3a. Ph illip. Ryan, Deni". Ryan. T"honlU. RYln, Purid<;. Rylll, Patrie'. junior. Ryall. ltlicba.ei J _ R ya.a, Da.n.ill. Ryan, F.triik. Ryan, Wi lli am 11Jo:una& Ru....II, 'Thomu. Ryan, Willia.m. Smitb ..ielr., William B. Spar ling, Lo£lo•. Sparlitlb, P hilip. SII ~h y, M;.had. Smithwick, H eDlY. Smithwick, MichMi. :;Inttarr, Wil1iam. Slu.a, William. Spaill, )"bo. Stn, William. S 8, Juna. Spain , WilJinm . Smith .. ick, Pl!Ler. Silelly. Mnrtin. · Short. NI!'I'I·lOo. S il ort, J oli n. Silo, t, llicJJl.rd. Slund,,", Hellry O. Stont)· , Tlwmas D. StnDty, Thom:Is G. Stoney, R ob•.,rt' J . Savage, Pntrick. nyau, . I SIO""., 'I11(!1\W G. S tudd.:n. Mnlll"ia. (""nri .... rI. 10 Sadleir, ThQInU. Smith, Rafe S. Smith, Rafe.· Smith, William. Rmitb, ~r,e. Saltu, George. SpaiD, ROOy. Sb.ttery, 1II.tbiu. Slattery, MichW . Smith, Willialll. Smith, Johll Sidoey. Shw-t, Newton. Sure, SamueL Sm&1lmao, William. Splint, Tbomu. SlI"ee1lY, Patrick. Shanahan, Thomu. SbalUb .. n. CoDIIOf. SbanahJ.n, John. Smitb, &omuet. Sweeney. Joh n. r -, NAMES OF PERSONS QUAL1FIBD TO SERVE AS JURORS I N Shellv, Edmond. S~~D' Thomas, Sh:ua I l\ Smithwick, Robut. SelIna, William. Stoku. Edmood. Thol11, George. Thorn, Robert. Toohey. Jobo. Toollt)'. Jeremiah. Tierney, Roger. Tumpane. Daniel Toohey, WiUiam. Tucker, NlLthan. TlIroplDe, Daniel Trench, Steward. T.loot, Thoma Talbot, Ed"'ard. Toohey. Mattbew. Tutill. J ob n. Tibellude, William. - Tibeaude. Riehurl. Talbott, Jobo. Truer, Martin. Wbelu, Michael. Waddick, Patrick. Wwhe, John TrI.lIt, John. WIlI,he, William. WtlOd...-ud, William. Wiely, WilI i.m. WiIli'INI, Wil1izun •. Treehey. \ \'illilLm. Tlftbey, Tobin Tteehey Da.nitl. Tie",!)', Rody. TO'.'he,.. Purid:. Thompson, GM'le. TratIIr. Pltriek. Viean, Patrick. Vaughl.D, J oho. White, Henry. White, Ricbard. Wbite, Finch. Waller, Henry. Waller, Sir I::dmend, IIIIft. W.. bI)n, James. Walter!!. Jobn. Wt;llingLnn, JalOei' WhehlIl, William. W akhe. JODuhan. Watton, Felthnm. Wallu, George. Waner, William. Waller. Sir Edmond. Walker. Jamell. Willilml, Jlones. WiJlillllls, John. William!!, Thomu, j unior. Wdlington. Johu. Wood .. Will inm. Wall, EdWllrd. Wall, SLepllen.. --- White, Thoma. S White, Robert. . WetheraJ.l, WiUiua.. Wahhe, ThoIll&S. Webb, JAnie! J&IlIII, W:a.Il, Andrn. Will, Simon. White, Artbn. Whi~ Benianti.. Walsbe, ThOlQu, WeI pi)', Htmy. WiUd_. ChuIt.. Youog, Joho. Young, Robert,..-. Yeu ng. Robert, in•. Yeung, John. Young, Dnid EVeu ng. Francis. Yeung, Henry. Youo" Thomu, . .. i I ~ SPRING AsSIZES, 1 844. ~--~---;---------i ATdill, Jallles. ArlMtrotl!, WiUiam. Armetrong, WIDu.m B\one. J\rmltrong,1"bo-. All, Tertft.(C . . Armltronp;, J .. m.n. Abbott, TboUlJl'OD. Abel"Jletby, J ohn. Abernethy, William Kenry. Armitq:e, William Armitage, Joh". Adam_, Thomn. AtkiMl)o, Charlo. Atkhuoo, George. AcreI, JPlH. Antieel, Chriitopher. Ardm, John. Aoder801lo Pu;'. Armitage, Joteph. Armitag-e, WilJlam. BlaekmU. Willi-..m. BrellU!, Phili p; Bnakenille, JObD. B;.aktnille, Willi.1m. :8Qketvi] te, GeoTie. Baskerville, BeajUJIill. Buttr, JamCII. Beallo John.. Burke, Riclurd. Bayl)', J ohn. Dayll'. R W. lknDttt, Joh .... BeDIlttt. WiUa. ByrtllI, F~lIci.. Burla, J obll. Boyd, JubJl. Boyd, Rybtrt. Boyd, JOIe(Ih. Brindly, HenfY. BI-iBdly, Samud. Brindly,"·Johli. Burke, Da.rby. Bola.nd, Mauhe•. BoIalld, William. Brisl.. n!, Ed ..arll. Dennett, Geolte. Dennett, Theophilu.. ~tt,John. :&nnett. Georj!:l. Birch, G~rgt. Birch. l ..mH S. Birt:h. WiUiam. Boohl.n. J om.. Boohan, J"!llflI. DoohaD, Patrick. :&ohaD, Timothy. Boohi.n, MitlucL Barla, Patrick John.. B",rkt, J ohn.. Butler. J amet. Butler, J ohn. Butlu, J amcs. Bo1\"~, Corodius Burke, I~ph. Brunall, ADdrew. BreDllI!.o, WiUiam. Buckley. J ohn. BuckJey, Ech.... rd. Ey rDc, Edward. Brid!:e, VilOT. RlirTQD, Jlme .. Burke, William. Boucher, J ob.n.. Briell, Patrick. Brien.. Martip, Burke, William. Benbury, Thomas. Brind"ly, Dovid. Biddulpb, l\Iiehael Burke, .Michael.. BeDn,u t. John.. Bennett. Wills. Barry, Samuel, junior. Bymn, Franc;', Brindle, Samuel. Bilyly, Hmry. BUfg-. GIMlTge. Bald'll"in, Eyre C. Baldwin, Ed"ard. .Big", Edwa.rd. Bigp, Samuel. Burke. J amel. Bub, R obert. Boyto", William. BarglUl, Purick. Brow:ne, Thoma.!. Burke, Thomas. Bargillo JOM. Burke, Richard. Burke, J ohn . Butler, Joho. Butler, John. Bohan, DonitL Baker, Willilllll, jllllior. BellUett, John. Butler, J .. mea. Butler, John. Burke. Rilhard. BohaD, Miehad. Bo\l'e, J obo. Banium, Michael. Brito, J Burke, llich·&rd. Burke. Patrick. Burke, William. Burke, JohD. Butler, George. Byr"e, 'l'bumu. Burke, Milo. Dlitler, William. Dutler, J .. mM. Burke. Lawr~no:e. Burke, Hugh. Burke, John. Bu rke. Ri~b&rd. Burke, Richard. Burks. CorDell... Britt. Philip. Burb, MichaeL BolaDd, John. Burke, Murin. Brad.h...... H ugh. Cos~to, Jamea. Cahill, Philip. Corbett. Patrick. Crowe, J oh n.. Cunnell, Pbilip. Cooke, J ohn. Corlottt, Edmund. Co.telJo, Franci5. Chadorick. Richard. Carroll, Philip. Cuter, Thom .... Cumll, Patrick. c..rmody, Michael. CoghllD, TUDOthy. Crotty. J nhD. Cleary, Philip. Cormack, Jo1m. Corm.. Miehael. Carroll, Jamet. Cabill, Philip. Cormack, Philip. ConDack, J uhn. Coooly, .Mntthew. Carden, Richllrd 1'If. Creagh. Henry J. Cleary, Michul. Camhie, Solomon Lalor. Carroll, William . Ct.laTWI, Andre1\'. Connaclk, Thorn...., l\f.artio. Cooke, Samuel. Cormack, Timotl,y. Cullen, WillWil. Cof1llack, James. Cormaek. J ohn. CoMel1, Michael. CollM!rford, ~ichanl. Cooke, A f"(hibald. Cooke, Archibald, junior. Cooke. Aum. Cahill, P .. trick. Callanall, Comdiua. Cormack, J ohll. Celll'l"e, William. Cahil. Ti mothy. Qo.hil, John. Carden, Sir Henl")~ Cabil, Tholllu F. Coooly. JObD. Cleary, P atriek. ConDell, Philip. Ce.llil, Philip. Cahil. Micbael. Carroll, Daniel. Cahil, James. Cormack, Patrick. Cavl.D3&'h, Michael. Cleary, J ohn. CruCl, Williun Vere. Cleary, Patrick. Cleary, Michael. Cleary, MartiD. CoJ>Sedine, Brien. Olrty, De" i... Corbett, Johll., D&IIiel. Cambie, Cbarles. Cunhie, SiLul. Care'll", AJen.o.der. c..rew, J ohD. Clarke, JOW"]'Ih. Cantrell, William. Cantrell, J~hu.. Cox, William H. Carron, Daltoo. Coltello, P .. trick. Costello. Michael. a. Conoly, J ohn Soott. Crnford. John. C ....nagh., Jamt!ll. Cormac", Corodi us. Clol ke, J ohn. Carden, John. Carden, John. erawfn rd, William. Carroll, J ohD. CoUiu, Daniel. Col!ier, Patrick. Collier, J oh n. Carroll, William. Carroll, Micha,,!. Cook{', Ch.. rles H. Craml'ton, J~p h. Crotty, Joho. Cogl.. n, J~mes. Co rmack, Jame., junior. Co,Man, Riclllmi. Co1'1OIIek, Jame.. CIUIh, Dulel. Cleary, Rody. Cult, Michael. Cuffee, P a~rick. Crill«!, Deni•. Cummin .. J obn. CuoDingham, John. Cullen, J ohn. Cullen, Charlet. Clifford, John. Coffee, Michael. Co'll"en, John. Cu'll"tn, Edmood. Cluke, Al~a.odtr. Corbett, J ohD. Corboy. Daniel. Cu1Fee, James. Coffee, John. ~rgao. Michael. DondaD, Jamtl. Dagg, Thomu. D agg. John. Dalt.tln. Peter C. n.lton, John. DnitoD, Jame.. Dillon, WiUi"am. Dudlt y, John. Dugg_D, Wi1\ia.m. Dwyer, J&ITI (!8 . ~mpsey, htri .. k. Ikmpsey, J oaepb. Deml*)', Michael. Deegan, John. Dnyy, Michael. Del.llhuoty, Daniel. Dwyer, Mlltthe'll". ~lany, Jeremiah. Dudley, Samuel S. Dann, J ohn. Davit, George. Dudley, Fl"IDciL De:";., William. DelaDY, JobD. DigDllm, Chrutopher. Dl rcy, J .. mes. Darcy. John. Donllhur, 'fhomu. Duggan, Dauiel. Dear, Clayton. J,,,,- 0.,><, Duggan, Heary. Ingg, Wil1iazn, Dudley, John. DehhuDt1. ru.w Dwier, Henry. Drougbt, Phil,p Darey, Jaml!L Dudley, Lute. D,..." IVm... Doyle, John. De!abu Dty, Patriit,i_ Dailon, J oba. Doyle, Darby. Delaoy, EdmUDd. Deary, 1hoIlIM. Dacre, JIUIII!L DUlin, lIlicbcl. ~gan, Daniel. Delahunty, Rogn-. Doherty, John. Doyle, Philip. Delany, MlLrlin. D Ofl).n, Pal.rick. Dooley, Winiam. Ike, J ohll. DU&II, Joba. Inmpsey, Charla. Dwyer,lIntony. Delany, Martin. D...,.er. ThDIIIIL Doyle. D.,.id. Delany, MruJ"i& Doy~ 1..a\I"I'!III!L Englilh, Richard. .. _ Egan, Stephen. Epo,MutiJl. Egan, Jamu. Engl ~h, J Ely, Thollllll,iunilw-· Ely, Heary. EYans, J .. met. Enm, Alfred. Elliot. JohJl. Everard, IIficbMl EYan9, Frtdtrid:. Flinn, Edward. Finch, William. Frank, HeDlJ". Fa.'II"cett, George. F'el-h"n, Kyfl!l., Fawcett, Jobn. Fit&p:ltriek. Wilb Fogany, TilllOlb,l' Fleetwood. Jl mes. Fallurier, prtdBiel Fit:lpatrick, Gttp1. P!&nery. Willialll. Finch, William. Flynn, Michael Fozier, SamtKl. Pletcher. Jo"hn 1L Fletcher, J chn. Fiet("her, Rcberl. Fogarty, SylnskJ. Finn, Michael Fallin, William. Fogarty, Denil. Fogarty, Michael, Fog:trty, JohD· t , l t I 'f (' . t r THE NORTHERN DIVISION OF THE CO UNTY . OF TIPPERA RY. -- . . . F rtf Tho_· ~.' aick. r~,PlI . fllElll!", Pan~ck. feKny. )hr1IB. •, r.:t. JilhL r~, 'Ifilliul. ~f.d.-.nt I F':-' 1bomA f,., Job. r~Jtb~. F~~ FoPtI'!', J~ \\ .. B. rem •.10/10. : fa, ThGma· fCVll',l'biIiP. rJr,-,Philip. fo! Jeha. Gluiwlio, ~Iich.~l. ~Tbo~ t Ge:u.~ '\fiDia1ll. _.... Gt:br.Jrti1L, 'l'bl»bald. GI1I'~ IIw'1' Glaccd, John. I...... GtIoo.loho. Goea, P<tlfid:. GMoa, lIiEhW. c.iiIr, I)uieI. r..." &I_d. Gtn-lI, Sal&e$. " "'"". Gebu, T'UIIOIhy. G.uu, S, ha. GIifr."S. Gar-, Hell",.. G:Icr,lalla. GooWe, T\o&. E. 1 -,... GdIt, \1'illi.~ G"1, Wi!liul. G.... J,lichel. c,rm. Kiclwd W. GMa, Rithanl. Gaywr, Jib .. Ga~,SML :::t:"". f,ucia, William. Gar-, O... J.m& """"', ...... rn-a,JW& ~a, Jah •• GItoat, CoroeliB •. C:oct, GmIoL ""',- GIr!Q, JUIIIS. Gma, Dubl. I G'-a,~ J., ""' '...,,.... ...... ~nolu.,. GIrom.a, )r>dwl, .,.., ..... Gleaoa,IIlIlIS. &wi, lfoeWi H. &p., kb., WDior-. IIogu, Job, jlninr. B'PA, 1IIttbt.., ~iOl'. H~~ . . a. 'J'llnor, !l'o r..!nrd. Ib.bba... lloojamin. ill_bit... Hut')" t':.,,.liiclaad . ~~D. h:n,R~ , Bnbhnj &.. . ~S~ JUIIUI. ......... ......... Q,W-: ~th:.. ""'" "'..... ~WillilQl. . J~Gwd' 'lit •. H,~ &n,l~alrIlD. ""'~~ek. ...... ~ ... ~.~ 380. 11 • of thc County of Tipperary, for Spring A.iocs 1 8.j.~nti" ..ld Hem.worth, T holuu G. Huk~tt. JeMph. H....!ey, Mieb~l . H ... kly. Thomu. K iru~la, John. K i...... m. ThGm'l'l. Hlloly, J ames. Kenneth,. Juhn. Hognll, DtDi!. Holl~d. Fnoci.. Keogh, 'Ouiel. HIllloml. Ohadiah. i-Inuri,.o, ThOtnftlo Hoctor, Da:>iel. Heen"", Joh". Hod';ne. John. Hod,;nt, James. Hodgin" Jamel. HAil, Robert. Hod,;nl, Thom ... Heenan. Antony. Heenan, Jnhn. Hoogi!!!, JolIn. Harden , ThllluIUI. Racktlt, Edmond. H@'IIII_y,James. HdFeroan, Jalllel. liennCUO!y. ThomllI. H unt, Robert. Hackett, John. Hickey, J ohn. . !-lickey, Timothy. Hickey, TimOlb)'. Hay.e, Thomu. Ha)'lt, Jobll. Hog...., WiUilun. Harden, F. CharllS. HarDry, Jobn. Ua mey, Michael. Ifuly, John. Hartford, Auguliu •. He""!IOD, Will iam. Hahity, MichAel. HareA, Patrick. H""IOO, Jnhn. H un t, Robert. HemlDcnle~, P(l.t riek. " Rnly, Mie l:Iul, jun. H~deo, J ohn H . Hayes, Jolm. Hunt, Ve.'C. Hnrdcn, n'C1.1111 H. H.mlllenley, J IUllClI. J OIlQ, Rol~rt. J anca, John, J ackaon, J oh u. J aekeon, Gwrgc. J~n, Frederick. JlChen, John. Jleboll, Gco'1:e. Jacholl, And,'Cw . J oelwln, Will iol'" Kennedy, John. Kennedy, Denis. Kennred)', JaIQCI. KannCliy, 11ody. Keonetty, Micbacl. Kent, John. Kent, Joitn . Keayl, Chri!ltopller. Kp,oedy, F..c!ward. ~tnnedr, WiIli~m. cnncdy, Edmoud. Kllly, William. Kenuelly, Jnms. Koronedy, J ohn P . Kennedy, HU,k"h. Kenocdv, Nicholu. Kyle, J _ph. Kyle, Antb' ol(!. Krffin, Rohert. Kee.hall, l\1ich~[ . ~nlle.1y, Rich~. Kmnedy, J~ltll'l. Kennedy, Ed ll'lU'd. Kennctly, ThollllU. Kellnedy, J nbn. Kenncly, llartholOlllftw. Kenedy, Ed .... rd. • Kenedy, Wimllfn. Kenctly, D'llli<!l. Kmedy. John. Kroed.y, Po.trick.. Krot, ll.ichard. Killgtlly, William. K~oedy, Hody. Kenedy, Danir.l Kelly, P..d....rd. Kenna, John. Kell.t, Thonuu. KennCllly, Thoma . Ki rwan. T hom13, Kenedy, Patrick. Ktlledy, John. Kenedy, JlI.m~ K eotrly, Jl>Kph. K ing-smill, Thomu. Keogh. Danid. Kenny, I\Iic:hacl Kcnl'liy, Dry:m. Kelly, WiUianl. KeDCdy, Pntric:k. Kilhride, Jchn. Kelly, T bornM. Kelly, T bmna.a: Kilbride, Patrick. Lan igan, Jame!l. Lloyd, J ob. Lee, John. Lahy, Wi Diam. Lyneb, J ohn. Lyol1l, Patrick.' Lalla.n. Nitholas. LAlran, Nicholu . Ltt.nig.n, Michael. Lab)" lIIicheL Loug, Thoma!. lIlffan, William. Lahr, MichMI. LaniglW, Jamu. Lidwdl, Robert. Lonergan, Patrick. Laffau, Thomu. Lally, Thomas. . Lamphc ir, Verlloil. Lampheir, Anthony. Lauipn. J oltu.. Lloyd, J..,h". Lidwell, TllOfIliL'!l. Looby, Wi!li&lll. Lysaight, lIe"lY. Lanir-n, nom:u. Le!try, JI1J1\I)ll. LRlor, John. Lewi", Rice. L... kin, JaTllt!l. Leonun~ Godfrey. t.e",ia, Willinnl. J.loyel, John. Lloyd, Georgt. Lloyd, Joho O. lJnyd, Robert. J.Juyd, TI'omR~. Lly,tIlr, Hamilton. Large, HeM}', Long, Jolin. Llanipn, J olin. Lloyd, John, jun. Lid well, Frederick. LoffM, r.,·icbol.... J.a8':m, NicltoJa". • trur..", Jflhn. Laffftn, WilliDITI. loughnane, J nm~. Lynch, Patrick. w , fleury . Mnrray, JIUI1I!S. Al'Cu thin, Jamea. ~!aunlCl1, George. Aioore, Tholr\all. Aloylan, I'...trick. Moylan, Mie]la.el. !llahu, J ... hD. nt'Donald. Edmooo.. Maher, Mich.el. lriintbill, Willi.lUIl. Minchin, H umph~r • Middleton, William. Maher, TholDll9. MiDI, Luke. .Maxl'·ell, l'I1 ichRcl. ~leara, JeremiaD. !'Jacky, Jolm. Macky. P hilip. Mauntdl, William. 1ll0rriMy, John. Maher, Timothy., 1>llil;p. Maher, Willi,,,,,. Ma.her, Mulin. M'C!reaoe, Dcni•. MUlry, Dardc-y. B2 "', William. l! utili, Jllbo , MoyJ~ HCDry. O' Mnra" VoleotiAe. O'Bri~n, John. O·Mea..... Thom.... M oyle!, Richarri. ).'ah~, Richard. Pel.era, Piltriclt. Purcell, Jiltnel. P C'IIoefath.r• Rkb.t.rd. Phelan, Funck. Molloy. Paul. !finuett, Rnberl. J. Mahu, J oho. Purcell, William. MinDel t, J ohn R. Moylan. J obo. lUetw., William. M...., P'b>ick. Mu rry, John. llf'Loughlin. Patrick. Moylau. John. M'Gr&th. Timothy. lIl.her. John. Ma.... Deni~. ltf urphy. Andrew. Moher, Nichol.... Afuln.Di' Michael MabeT, f.lachi. l'Ifahu, P.tcick. Maher, DArby. Molloy, lIlichatL Maher, Willia.m.. M'EDery, John. l'Ibhony, P~trick. Moeltk:r, James. M.her, William, lenior. Mahu, William, j,,"ior. Mo-oek, Hon. CharlM J. K. Mcigham, Jol.... ?>lu, William. Maher, J ,me.. Maher, ConllOr. 1I1ftlhan, JIIrIa. Molly, Thom u. Maher, J ames. M;anllin!, John TboIllU. Muning, Robert. Mullany, Pa.\.ric:l. MQckey, WiUiam. 1IlaheT, J oh n. 11ollo" J ohn. Maber, Jobn. Molnumby, Ri~hHd. Moyilr.n, l\l ichaet Maher, Thoma. Maher, Timcthy. M.her, Philip. Ahber, Nkh..,l. Mallm', Patriek. M.her, Mi chlel. Me...... DcniL Molollghney, PJ,trick. MoIH"Y, T bomu. ~folon8hney, John. Mockler, J . mea.. 61 ..'1, WID. C. 3l'CArty, John. l'IIogr&tb, P attiek. Muon, J anlee. .M'LouShlin. PtlTce. M'Carty, Mattbi~ . Murphy, Philip. MU,!lhy, M ichael. Magr .. th, Philip. Morley, l'I liehatl. .Madd4a, J ohll. Newmau., J ohn. .Nagl!. William. Naulj'hton, Edmond. NlIblU:, 1I01xrt. l'ugent, TboTDQ. Nuh, Richllrd. Neal, Henry. ;N.,.1e, ] ;unew. ,N..,le, Patrick. N"le, Luke. .Nix, Jallltll. .o·nneu, Jertmioh . . O'Brien, Jawn. .Oldfield, J ohll. O'B riclI, Edmund. Q;horne, William JObIl. O'Brien, John. .O'Hritll, ThoOl... . O'Bri-cn, Jams. O'Brien, Michael. 'O'Brirn, Dantol. O'Kede, P eal"i:C. O'Meara, Matthew.'. O'MCIlr.J, Joh. . 'O'Mullane, Jcrem.i~ .O'Briell, Franei .. . . - P ureell. Walt.:: •. PurorU, Thomas: Peacock, WiII;'rn. PO... tr, ThomA. Phi lips, Robert. Prcnde'1'.\lSt. TbomllJl G. PreDdugan, ~rty. Parker, Anthouy. P ...ker, .rohn. P.,.ker, l ftTDa. PUl'l'i., ThOUllI& Pike, ' • Poe, James J ocelyn. Pike, Robert. Po....r, Tbomll8. Prittie, Francii A. Phelan, Jamrt. P/)\Jlld, Nicltolu. Ponnd, Tbomu. Po"'eU, Caleb. Poe, William. Prittie, Thomas. P ...ker; Edwar<l. Philip", WilIi.m . PhillIP'> Robert. PhiliP'> Rebert. Phllipe, Heury. PhlIiJII. Robm. · Philips, SMlue1. Philips, Joh n. Phili.,., Richard E. Power, Pean:e. Parker, William.. Q"inilll, MaTlin.. Qllin, Patrick. Q"in, Michael. Qoiek", Pltrick. Quin&lUl, Miehael Quinue, D,uty. · Quiek, DauitlL Quinaoe, Jeremiah. Quirk. Patrick. QuinlUle, John.. Quirk. William. Ry.n, Stepko. RyUl, Joho. Ryan, P.trick.. Ryan, James. Rue!eli, TIlomu. Ry"", Rugb. Ryan, William. Ryan, Timothy. ltYMl,.Thomas. Ryan, Jomet. Ryan, Philip. Ryll.ll, Deni,. Ryan, Thom... Ryan, "Patrick. Ryan, Patrick, j Ullior. Ryan, ~li thacl, Uamet-). Ryan, Daniel . Ryan, Thornu. RyllU, Palrieir:. ~yan, William. Jtyan, MilihaeL .. R)'IlD, 1'baQl&l. Richudtoll, Patrick. .Ryan, l'anick. Jtyan, I'at rick. Rahill, Timothy. Ryan. Thom.u. Ryan, Richard.. }tyan, George. Ryan, 'l'homu . Jtyl.11, Edmolld. Ryall, JalDea. RraD, Patrick. Ryan, Edmond. Ry&O, William. Jtp.n, William. P.,...Il, Richard. Ryan, ThoOlU. Rrell, Manin. .Ry"" Daniel. .R yan, John. R)'an, Ti~}·. Ryan, Jobn. RYlon, JI.lMph . , - . t eotIlimad. ) . .~_ 111 Li5t of tbe ;Sama; of all Pusolll 01' _ qlUlilied to serve .. all R.tdror~',ADdrefl'. Ebinger. R}'an, lame;;. H}'an, Rran, Brill, Ryan, Ry:.n, 'fhOIllU. Ryw, Jona. Russell, Jllh n. noge.", Rkhud. Rudd, Minchill. Ryan, P;Lu;ck Burke. R'-.D. Pllrick. RylUl Patrick. Rran. MM:hne1. Rollert!!, Tbf(lbald P. Rcmingtun. Rubert. Reed, J:unt:I. Robin!lOn, Arthur. Reddio, Timothy. rugae)" Jamel. Urau, Michae l. 'Robil1lloo, Thom.., n. Rollin.oll, AUIlUU\l,. JWph, James. Rourkc, J oho. RUiStU, EtImond. RUll5ell, Thol\13., . RUMeIl , Jam\'$. Roe, TbtophilllS. Roo, Georse. Ryan, Daniel. Rn.n, Willbm. R~'&lI, James. 70 Inn u l1JIIO. . Dr Ju ron in the NortheOl Div~D. of Tipperary, (or Spring ~ lS44--colltilllltd. J~I. Sbppard, Rrm, Wil!ium. Rp ..... Martin. H)'au, Denit. Salttt, George. Spain, Rod)'. Stanley, Thomas. Tuthill, Johl!. Tihe:3.ndc. Ricbud. Tibeaude. William. Rym, Michael Smithwick, Willia.m B. Spadiog, Loftus. Spuiing,l'hilip, Smithwick, Henry. Smithwiek, ]lkhael. She:l, William. Sp:Un, Juhn. Spain, WilJinnl. Smithwick, reter. S.... it2er, Samuel. Sla.tterY, l\ Sla.twY, Purick. Slattery. Matthew. Scutt, Johu. S""eeo),. Patriek. Sh;wahan, Thomas. Sh:tnahan, Canor. ShnnnMn, John. Smith,5l11DufJ. Taylor, William. Tnlbot, J uhn. Toohey, Jeremiah. Willian Tbomn. White, &t:.ut~j~. WillicgtUD, Joh& Young, Joha. Young, Robert, __. Young, Robert.juicr. Young, David E. YouD.!, FI"UIci$. Sm.a1llUl.O, WiDum. So.urultrR, Hel!.If O. St(ll1e)', Tholll&l G. Stoaty, Tbl.1IIQ B. SIOlllr, ThoJllaJ Going. StOllty, Robert G. Studmt, Mauriee. Stom, Edmond. Trassy. P:Ltriek. Tmtcy, P:Ltriclr. Whi te, Denjamin. War.he, TholUali. Welply, Henry. Tnnt, John. Triht y, William. Tribr. Tobias. Trihy,·Danlel. Walker, n. WiUi:uns, WUib.m. Whelan, Will.iam. Joho. Robert. Williams, ThOIllU,"'~ William. Th . ' White, Thoma! S. Wood" Rieb.ud. Willington. JIIIleI,. \'\o'illiogtoo, J~j'" Walsh.!, John. White, Ricbar~. White, Henry. Whyte, Fineh. Waller, Helin'. Waller, Sir Ed.:uelld. Waite", John. Str:Iongman, Thomas. ShllIL-.han, Michael Smithwick, Rubert. Selen, William. Sl~cene)', W"'lli~ Woods, William. Wall, Ed ...ard. Shnt!, Riehnrd. She il, Ridu.rd. Short, Newton. Snlith, l oh n S. - Vtatson, FtllhuQ. W&Uer, Gear~ w~, William. Williams, Riehani, Williams, John. TlImpane, Daniel., Daniel. Thurn. George. Thorn, Robert. T oohey, Job. V]cUt , Patrick. Williams, Thomu. Walshe, Th omu. Webb, Daniel Jamel. Willi, Andrew. Will, 5;11100. White, Arthur. Juhn. - ":alcbe, J. Wtlibr0!4- Toohey, Patrici:. Thompwa. George.. Towers, TMIIlU. Talbot, EdWllrd. T rull)". M ichael. La'll'tetlce. I Tiel"Oty. Rndy. Sad!!:i., Thom.u. Smith, R.lph S. Smith, Ralph. . SllIilh, William.. Smith, Geergt. ~hott, Roc, WiUi:un. Rhode., S=JueL R)'I.lI. p,rJclmeJ. QU~, Cb:u'1et. YOIlll(, Hmry. Young, Tbomu, __ Ryan, P:l.t:riek. ----------!'----------!------------!----------! .------CeQ. P. Pritlie, Cltrk of the Peac!, CoUll!}' Tippmlf. The e&\I$e of the Cluk of the Pfaee't inability to furnish the List of qualified Penons who terved aI Jurors at Spring Anizts 1839, is, in wDI!Ij_ •• oong able to lilld (amoagat tho rtero"ds ill hit CIlatody) tbe Rtt1lrusllailde by the Collec:ton of JIllY e:. for the Veil[ 1 aa8. The present Clerk of the PIX!" appomted to offiee in 1M2. Miclaet IJltJ'fte, III the abience of George P. Pri::2. "J~.ETURN by fhe Clerks of the Cro,,"-u or the County of Tipperary" of tile severru P ETTY JURY of the Northern Division of the said County, eommencing Spring Assizes 1839 and endicg Spring Assizes 1844. ' PANELS . COUNTY OF TIPPERARY (To Wit.) NORTH RID I NG . to try between our Sol'ercign Lady the Queen u d tho Traversers, :l.ta. General Al.sizes lind Generol Gaol Delivery, held nt, in Irnd for the said County IUld Riding, .on Wedncsda.y the 20th day of Mnrch 1839. NAllES oC the George "Roe Pt1'IT J URY - _ Jaltles Birch Samuel J. Seue lIenry J. Crngh- - _ Henry O'Brien - _ John Ormaby Uoyd _ Tbomu Nugt.Dt _ Thomu Gay Preodtrgut WiJli:u:o Burke Fog:.rt)' Ruting. Atk illt Rickard Burke _ 1I~ D. HN.d _ Will. CToff"t1 Guon WiIIi&nl Burke _ Henry A. Baily - _ _ _ _ _ _ J ohn Ry... • - WillIIlJennett Gt Ofgf.l W. Hodges J ohn GciDJ Joho T. Dwyer P,ter Smith..-jek • _ WillilUO Ph.l... lImjamio H&\IIbhaw Hen.If o..en ~undeT"l • _ of Lone Puk - oOJonmcha _ of Racket Hall _ of Kill • _ cf Lodg~ _ _ of HOnf)'Ulocot _ of Nenagh Milb _ of JobOfitown _ of Tburles _ _ of Monaguil _ • of Cmlllbehe • cf BalJioaclogb _ of Richmond _ of Pallis _ • oCBuilyfann - esquire _ of Gurtkelly _ of Riventon _ of Gteogu _ _ of I3il'dhill _ • C-lquin _ esquire _ esquire _ of Annngrof'e _ of Sbemhlllly - esquire _ • • _ esquire elquifll esquire esquire - esquire • e51jWre • _ esquire esquire _ esquire _ esquire _ esquilll _ esquire _ aquire _ esquire _ eequire _ of Sheherry _ • _ of llehamore _ • of Grtyfort • • Chl1!ltophC'T Dig-oaA _ of Annacanig HoUSl! Jd'ries &mutl Prewlupst • cf J oh\1SlO...o _ lIcbert Preoeh • • of Caraey Cutle _ _ of Hij;:h Puk • Vere Huct Michael Deqan _ of &lIi\1:l. _ • Sydney B. Smith _ of Birch,"",e _ H ~ry White _ • of GreenluUl _ JaD1U·W:l.tloo. _ • of GaIT)' Kenned,. Fioch Wh it.: _ Jeremiah O'Brieo • o..vid Eogl:ud YOIlCS - _ of FortMntf _ of Rrnillch _ _ of Ballygibbon esquire e.quire eequilll esqw re esquire e&/iuire esquire ttq llin eoquire esquinl etquire esquire _ nquirt _ eaquilll • CI~uire Job Lewis Conigan TilOOthy Rogan _ _ William Middleton Aogusru. Rob illlDn Rithanl O'Meara l.Iichaelllea.ghe r Thofnu DUl!.bury _ Nieholu LufI'a.o • Ed ...!U'd Wihou _ Henry Lyeuglu William J. Ryan Peter R ot _ _ esquire • • • orClo¥hkeatl", CutJe • of Shallee . • of lII(na.uore _ of Lisbryan _ _ of Birdhill _ _ of Milford _ _ of Thnrlell ~ of Eralort _ • of Bel wood _ • of Thurl" . Chrilltopher ~ya l ohn Mansel! - of Ilockview - of BaJ1inderry - of Flmhill. _ _ _ of Derrymore esquirt esquire ftllui .. _ eoquin • esquire • _ _ _ • • esquire esquire esquire esquire esquire esquire _ esquire _ esquire _ nqu!re John ThomlU lIIl..Il.Ilicg Th~u Hart _ _ _ of 5hanOO11y • of TUu!eITY _ George Evans _ ~ Willirun Poley _ ~ _ of Dungnr Park _ elqu!re ~ of Moyct_key Castle nqu~re _ of Fort Nn bitt Rebut Nilibett Theobald P epper Roberti • Michael llIulv ... y Henry F.ranJa • ~ Job Connick _ _ Soiumol!. CalObio _ _ . • ufBaktrtol'l'1I _ _ _ of Prtllped _ _ of lIIounta!t ThoIll.U P UrTi. _ William R)'&ll _ Peter Baill' _ • William Burr _ R obert l\Iul!.ing _ • William Poe _ • William O'Lnry • ChuJea Goillg _ • Thomu Molorlty _ Beojamin HI....kahal'l' _ Patrick Xilbride • • • of 1II0ta _ _ of Fort Henry _ of 13allyea.hill _ of Kilprval1 _ oC Haalpoint _ of NeDa£h _ _ eequlre _ esquIre • esquire ~ e$ClUire _ esquire _ etquire _ nqllire _ tlqWrt _ esquire _ esquire _ e!lquire _ of Sh&Ilh,aUv _ of Salaboro~.ltb esquire _ esqu~re _ of CoooeeD • - etqUlrt • of Ctllnl!.gb ~ _ HqU~ _ of TbDril/ll . _ esquire ~ of Mountphillip.t _ csq,u~re _ of Toolllaline . • esquire TIlE NORTHE R N DI VI SION ·OP THE COUN TY ON TIPPERARY. Li~t of the! oEall P ttlOnl quo.li6ed to set·VllII8 P etit Jurors in the Nortbcl"ll D ivision of the County of Tipperary, &C. _ Thom" HtnotsSY \"e~ D. Hun t William Jackson • Christopher AntiAdl l lartin Quinlan • Anhnr Hobin.50n .Aluander Carew Joba Maher William JHQOlI, Jame! O'Go rm.n ROOy Spain. EliuBowlcr William Nagle Francis Yonng John Darcy William Roe G~rgeG ruco James Middleton Francis P. Droup;1it William Slleppani William Poe GI.'"OI'ge Smith • Jeremiah Toohey_ Ma.u rice Studoo-t WiUi;un Tiheaudo 4natiUl O'Leary- FraDcit Yo ung Henry Lloyd Tbon.ns Crouy ThPOllLll Millett J.1IleI O'Brien John Fdkiner .Edmond O'Brien _ Thmll4S Towen, junior Wmiam Bloss Armstrong William Robert Niabett S~heD Wall Henry Huot WU!hUD F. Shnrtt Thomas Llnyd Cornel iuB Hogan &muel W. Phillips David Lacey Thom.. Goold Williun Sfllitll Rich:u·d Shortt William H• .Aberlltl.thy _ JJ./lIet Fit.>c!twood_ WIlliam Vere Crneu John &ily _ P.trick O'Keefe _ Thomlll _ Hutatio Lloyd Abmlllluke Thompson _ Hetlry Young. _ BelljatIlin White _ And rew Brindlcy _ Anthony Lanphier Alfred Evnllli Jobn Kennedy JO!Cph GodfI1ly Samuel Bnu:! Patrick O'.I\f~lI.ra Joseph L P almer Jolui Dt.ola.n _ Patrick M~grnth _ John Crawford • Stephen It. Markham Ilau iek O'Bricn _ George Ni5bcu _ Nicbolas Diddulp'b. Willi.ln Kenncd y Hugh Lloyd Hugh Br:u1abnw Ra1ph Smith _ _ Thomas B.. Hem.....orth _ GrtK\'ry FiLzpe.iriek P Nuhaciei FallWier John Cr:l"lI"ford _ Patrick Kennedy _ Junea Knnggtt _ John. Shortt .Rody Doland Thoflln! Russell lfoofieU .A II.ti5cll _ W't/liam c. Maney Robert J Ol)e:s _ Franci& fuily • James Chad wick _ Jobn W. Smith _ William Jonta _ Jo11lll'. Kenualy George Mnu nscil _ _ Rubert Smit bwick _ Robert Sauuden YODDg "Thornu H. Harden • . · • · - - - p · • • - - of ThurlCl1 esquire of Woodbine Lodge esquire of DoneyLrook esquire of Shraduff esquire of Licugh esquire of Tinlough_ !'Squire of Kile.non esquire of Thurles esquire of Cloollkenny esquire of Cl:uungh .MilI. _ esquire of Nenugh !'Squire of Whitston Cl!quiro of T burll'll ~Ilire of Shnllcc esq1Jiro of NllDogh tsiluirc of Derr y more csq1Jirc of Th uricil C81J.1Jire of DungnllllnllllS"h - CNJ.uiru of Firvillc ooluire of Cutlc ShcplU"d n'lllire of Wilton esquilll of Gurlecn csquiro of Millgrovo esquire of Lodgo C6tJ uire of SClUTllugh esquire of Ne11ll£"h esquire of DallygibboD. esquire of Li.he(!n ... esquire of R08Cre3. esquire of lIf illbrook ClifJ.uire of oquiJll of Will.borougb esqui1"1l of ADnamcndle esquire of Bushy Pnrlr: esqu~ of Holycross Clquire of Fortni.bctt esquire of Roscrew esqui1"1l of CapP:lghwhi te _ esqnire of :Summerhill eaquire of l\IountfrillCOC esquire of Nc,yport nq uim of Oakhn mpton esquire of Fordmoy ~uire of l"i l1oo uquire of Listluff esquire of Milview _ ci quirc of Ollk l >llrk e!IIjuire of Willow Cottnge C!i!luirc of Muu ntwilliaol esquiro of Ncw-grov!! e!lfJ.uire of Dnllyn rtail estjuire of Coulnogour l'tIIjuirc ofl\Joul1tfrillCQC tllquire of nnHin~rry CllStle, CS/juim of A nnchroClk. _ t'liq uttl! of UlIlIyduff esquire of Neuagh _ esquire of Cott.:q,'ll esq uire of ~onwre esquire ofNenngh l'tIq uire of Rockford esquire of K ilchcS- esquire of Ncmngh tIIq lIire of Ji."llIyc:lpplc tsqui rtl o f Snnlnc:ruix uquire IIf Ncnngh esquire of 1.iHhccn csql1ire of R ock/orfi esquire of Nc nugll esquire of Fur tni~hc tt CIIlll1ire of Congnr . 1,!!I(1uire of Glu nllhctty csquire of JhllrhlUlc CIIquire of Kilcbcg • e.~uire of Dnllymo nn esquire of AbbcyviJIll caqlJi re of Nenogh caquin! of Burrisob]!e esq ui re of Lishecn e.!q1Jire of Ncn.gla _ esq uire of Arc!lclitoun esquire of Pnllis esquire o f Ncoagh • csquitl! of Do.llyuavid CB!luire of Moorficld hq ui re of St. KeviosCort _ esquire of Suir Cottage c.t:jl1ire of New Grovll csqnire of Dnllylteg esquire of Uclmnllll"{l esquire of 1·lolvcroM ~u ire of Dnliyhane CS(l'firC of Cnni Rcc n eaquire of Su ir tl t'IlJuiro of Clonsiogle esquire of Summarhill csq uire Willinm P hillipB, junior R iebard PCl1lkfuthcr • Nc .... to.o Sbt.lrtt _ WillilUl"l CnLlffurd Hichlll·d Phillip' _ George Bennett WiliingtoD Rose Georga Lloyd Rubert P hillips Hobert Uoyd J ohn Marti n George Ryall God frl'y LoonlLfd. SIImuel Bllr ry, junior William W6 tropp Smith J ames O tWo.r, j unior William Miunett . Sllruucl MUl"8htlll _ F redcrick Evnul • E lward IJar ke r T homas Biggs Edward Talbott Willillll\ Parker Thomu Ely Hamilton Lester _ Bcnrl Smithwick J ohn Fra.nkt Martin Maher Stumble!! P hillipe Geor~ T horn Matt hew Ha)'b • R icluu-d NlIlIh J ohn P arker WiHiPm Kingaley Rieh:u-d Tibe3udo Thomn. Ely, junior J ohn J ones William Lloyu George }'nwcett Henry Ely . Benjamin Tnlbott 'IhnmD.l1 Mara. J ames ArdiU Robcrt Thorn R yran Fl'eh.n R iebnnl Maher J olm Ahcr.D.llthy _ J ilIDClO Kenneu y _ J ohn A nlill J crcmml1 O'Mullino Henry Hill_ 'I'homll' ltohinllOn J lllnCII EV&ll' J olin G J ohn Annit:ge J olm l~Il"cctt Geol"Re Sal ter Stcpht!n Hill J ohn K ennedy J ohn Cullen Minchin Rudu Richard K'.'nt Obadiah HolhllJd_ J Qltn Olec(l(ln Samnd ]lhillips .Tuhn WiI!iiUIUI Snmuel Hill J anK"" R yan J~ml'S Annitogo F rancis HeU$tnn • J olm Cullen, j unior F nneis Gllynol· • J ohn Delany William .Armitage J ames Guest Willinm Hill fiamuel Hodgin. Stephen Rill J ame!I ChllU"';ck _ Franri. Byron ThUllUUl Lillfun J~hlla ~tc r .TolIn T ooht'1 J ohn Fi tt _ Stephen Hynn Samuel Poo Willinm tArroll J olin Dergin R iehnru. Molumhy R ichnl-d Chndwick GL'O rge J llc}r:aon William Gleeson · Chriitopber Swjucr l\1iehael <Arrall Will iam Dudley • Arehib4ld Cooke - OlIt'( - of Mount P hillips - esquire • of Bo11rnira _ esquire - of IW.liu;l,mlln:l _ esquire • of'. Lodge, esquire · of OakhamptQl1 e&quire • of Sorrt'lbm I!!Iquire - of Foxhall esquire - of Skehlllll • esquire - of Bushfi eld_ _ I!:$(luire - of Longford Cottage, esquire - of DlLIIgIImcllah. _ I!!Iqnire - of Eallinrce eHq n.irc - of esquire - ofDurrisokonc esquire - of New G rove esquire - ofBnllinvicr esquire • ofBlllCkfort . esquire - of 1i0000tll esquire - of Claremont esquire - of Lisanibky etq ~re - of BeUview • caq Ufre ~ of Brookfield Hquire - of LUIlidul\".Q esqtlire ~ of Cottoge _ esqoire - of MiD P ark esquire - of G nrnulIu[tCr.ln. esquire - of Roscrea. esquire - of Boulereer esquire - ofBushfield _ ~uire - of Thol"Dbill. C!1q~re - of R)'ninch esqUlrl! - of Burriaoknue esquire - of &ilreolleton ~ squire - of Krugh esquire - of .Armllgh _ esquire - of E lA}'lIen _ e&quire ~ of Whiteford esquire - of Rockview esquire - of Roacrea. _ esquire - of Gn: yforl _ esquire - of Terrygl. . gentlema.n - of Bonhuluff_ gentlcmnn - of Foull-nc _ gentleman _ of Thornhill_ gel1UCIDaD. - of Springvale gentlclIllLIl - of BaJlybeg • gentleman _ or n.UoryhureB gentlemlln - ufKnigh gela leman _ of 1?11n1~ • gentleman _ of Tcmplemore gentleman - of Uidgmond gentlematl - III Durri8l1we gl!nliemoD - of lloacrea. ge ntle m:m _ of Tt!mpletnllT"C gentlcwJn - of ClouglJjorullD. gentlemsD of Iloserea. gelltlew"n - of GC lld!!man - of RatbOAlte n gentlemu _ of Eniugh ,ellll~man ~ of Neil"pOrt ge:ntlemllD • of Tcmplemore gentleman _ of Clougbjordll.n gentleman _ of Bor ri80kane gentleman · or E rrill4gh • gentlemlLIl _ of Ncwport . ge.lltlcmlll!. gentleman • of Cloughj llnlan _ of l l idglllond gentlc wan gentlemllQ • of Newport • of Clouglljordan gentleman gc.ntlemll.n • of Tcmlllcmo re gr:'nt!eman • of Newport _ of Cloughjonian gentlemm _ of Uoscrea • gentleman gt!lItltmlLI1 • of Cloughjordnn gentleman • of Templeroore _ of Coolderry gentle man gentlcmeu • of Cloughjordnn _ of Neoal{h mtrcl,.d merchlnt - of Durraolcigh mereh.ant _ of N~nagh _ of T emplcmore merchant mercllSnt - of T hurles • merchant • Ilf Ncaagll _ uf Tcmplemore merchant merch.nt • of Durrisolcigh mercbant _ of ,_ of T hu rles merch.nt _ of Roacren • merch.nt ~ of'lnurles • _ of Durtisoleigb nlerehant I11crch.nt • of Teml,lllmoro _ of Durrisokone DICrch.1l1 t mcrchaut • (If Neo1\gh • of n OJO,Crea Jllctcbant • of Telnlllemore Ult!!chant • of Th udcs - NAMES OF PERS ONS QUALIFIED T O SERVE AS JURORS I N '4 List of tIle Names of all Persons qualified to John Dwyer Frederick F.ncilltt' J . llIes Dacre • of Ntrwgh - of BurTi$okane - ofThurlet GecI'1t Heust.on JDbn Da.on - of Templemore - of Roscrea - of Thurles - of Nenagh - of Templemon: - of Thoma!! Strangman Meagber J ohll J aciaoo. J ob n Leeson J ohn Cunoiogborn 'I'hOUlB.' <::bule. H. Cooke John Rf;lD - John Brodel'lck Jamu Acres Willialll Uleel!on WiU iam RWlllman,j lln. Patl-ick Spain John Reed Patrick Bergin, jun. Thomu J·l ener ThomllJ Durke "Edmnnd Burkc WiUiam lhrdittg Jobn Fannil Willialll Wet erut M.iebact Flannery Henry Large Michul Kenny William Burke -- - of Nenagb - of Rosetta - of Thudes - ofRoscrea - of Nenagh _ of Nenagh - of Roscrea _ of N~nagh - of Burr illOka.oe • of Rosetea - of N~nagh _ ofThuries • of SllmC • ofNenagh _ ofThuries • of ROICrea. • ofNenagh - ofRoac~ • of Thudes - ofNeu.agh Ie"" U P etit Ju rors in the No rthern Division - Jnm~ merchant merchant men:h:mt l\f1l(rallo Henry Lorge !\lichael M 'Keogh Riebud RylLlI. Corueliu!I Spain mc:rchnnt Henry Huding merehnnt merchant merchant merchant merchant merchitlC merchatlt merchlllt merchant merchant mer~iunt merch ..ol merchant merchaut mcrcbll.ot merchaDt merchant mt!rchllnt merchaDt muchant mer('hant merchant merchmt Patrick MeLn Willinm Davin Brien Co~lline William Wiley John Carroll William Newstead Daniel Meara Patrick Hanly William Mllrray D an iel Flannery W illiam Walshc John Spain J OICph Ryan Michael Tobin J nmea H a.oley Daniel Kenoooy J ohl! Moylan Hu gh Slattery Jame. KeWiedy James 1I1~key Aadl"l!YP Mw-phy ButholoJ1l.ew Crtane ThOmiU KtDnedy merc::b:mt men:.hnn~ hsues of each, f . 20. - of Nenagb ~ - of RCl!Cren _ - of Nenagh _ - of Thurles _ _ of Nenagh _ - orume - of lame mcrehut merc:hant _"', muchutl - of 4llme mttehutt - 0(=1' Ine£chaut _ of sune So In.lWt:rs merthutt lUercblDt men:b:un - of lame _ _ _ • • • • • • _ men::hant mttchaat merchant of Nenagh of 81Ulle of aame of RAme ofume of samc of of 31Lme of ilme of same of ~am~ of same of aame of &aIDe of l:une of same of a:une ot same m~tchanl muchau.t merCNnt merchant ~rehant merchant mercbut mercwt merclwll mercbut merdwt mercha:ot mc:rclwtt mc:rcbam mercbant mtrebam ItIerchant Sheriff. COUNTY OF .TIPPERARY (To Wit.) NORTH RlDING. NAMES of the PETIT J URY to try between our Sovereign Lady the Queen and the Body of the said County, at a. Gcueral Assizes and General Gaol Delivery, held at .Nenagh, in and for said County Bnd Division, OD Wednesday the 24th day of July 1830. George Roe James Birch Samuel J. Lean _ Henry J. Crtghe l Ienry O'BrieD John Ormsby Lloyd. 'Ihomu Gny Pl"I!ndleTplt William Burke Fogarty Henry D. Head Rickard Burb William Cn.wfllId Hmry Aldborougb. &yly J ohn Ryan "Pa.ri• .Amlmon John P . Ken~y Henry Owen Salladen JobI!. T. Dwyer Peter Smithwick William PhellUl Benjamiu Hawklhal9 Chrutcpber o;I:lInu J effry Samuel Prtndergut William WlLIler Thomu GI~90n J obo Sidney Smith lIicha.rd Pbillips _ Hen ry White James W ntloll Fineh Wh ite J eremiah O'Brien David England Young . Jolin Lew is Corripu • Timoth)' Hngun William Middleton .AugUltUJ IUIbinsoo. Richard O'Meua William Shtppud lifiebael i\Icaghl'r Thomas Bunbur, J ohn M onsen Geo.rge Bennett Ed"ud Wil.iOn Henry Lysaght Peter Roe <korge Lloyd Thoul,,", Hart Fl1I.neji D rou!;ht WiIli.m Fuley Robert Niabm Charles Egau Theounl d Pepper Roberts MicbacllHulvll.lly Heury }o'rank. l ohn Conn ick. - - • • • • • • • • • ~ • ~ • • • • • • of Loran Pa rk etquire of l\fonincba. esquire of Racket Hall esqu~re ofKiU esq1l1re "Of Lodge etquire of Honeymount aquire nf Jobnsto'oTD. esquire of 'fhurles "'IWre of Bo.l1inAclough esquire of Cun.beha etquire of Cra'llford Lodge etquire of &Iyfarm • esquire ofGurtk~ esquire of Glen.,iew esquire ofBall)'haoe esquire of Greyfort esquire of ./\I!.nesgTOve e.>quire of SbnD.bclly e.quire of Sbeherry esquire of Behamofl! esquiro. of Carrig House esqnire of Johnstown esquire of Priorpuk esquire of Shallee esquire 'of Birch Grove esquire of Rose hill esqui re of Grceu Hall esquire of Gnrr1 Kenlledy esquire of F(1rt Henry • esquire of Ryniuch I!!q uirc of DallyJ{ibbon esquire of Rock.,i[!'/\' esq~re of Ihl.1.iodeny t!lqUlfe _ esquirc of Elmhill otClough AU!;n: ~tle ""<l.u1rl;l of Shallee tlquire of Cutle Sheppa.rd esquire of Monanon: esquire of LiwrytUl esquire of Milford esquire of Sorrelhill esquire of Brafort esquire of Del ...ood eJq uire of Dcnn.ymore esquire of Skehall:l esquire of Tinderry esquire of CrogblUl esquire of Moycaskey Ca!tle esquire . of Fortni~bett • esquire of esquire ,nf Motn esquire of Bakesloll"n esq uire of Fort Hcury esquire of Bllllycaltill CS(lllire ;,----------------ThOOlu P urvil WilliAm Rynn P ete r Bayly Ma.UTire Studdert R obe rt Manning • Robert Phillipa • WiUiam O'Leary C bula Goi ng BeDj3.lIlin Ua"kahaw Robert Lloyd William Burke • T b"omu Henneay Chriatopher Aotiacll Ma.rtin Quinlan • A l'thur RoiliulOD Alexa.nder Carew John Maher J ohn T othill J arue.t O'OoI"TMn Adam Acr. Rody Spain EliuBowler WiJli&m Nagle Antho ny NollUl J ohn D'Arcy Willio.rn Roe ~rge Grace P hilip Frandl Drought D a.niel O'Brien WiIlU.Ui Poe George Smith .Jeremiah Toohcy Arthur O'Lenry Williun Tibeaudo Ignatitu O'Leary JRIllt'S O'Brien Edmond O'Brien Thomu " o'yen, j uu. J oh n Crotty Williun Bl088 Arl1l,trong William Robert Nillbett Stephen Wal l William Kent T horn .. Lloyd Co rneliul Hog-un Samuel W. Phillill. D Il.,.i!! LACY T horn ... Goold William Smith Ri chard Sho\·t J amC!1 Fleetwood William Vere C ruCI! .Ioh n Bnyly Patrick O' Kocffc - • • • • • • • _ • • _ • - of P l"OlIpcct of l\10U lltaJi of H uclJloin t of Lodge of Shanhl\lly of Buahficld of Coonec n of Cranngh of /!Iouutphillip9 of Longfurd. c..,ttage of Pallill of T hurles of Shruduff of Lenigil of 'l'iulough of K illCllrron of'l'hurlell of R i.,erview of Mill~ • of M illpnrk of Nenagh of Wbitston of 'I hurlcs of Nenngh of Nt'nagh of Derryworc of TlIUries ~ of F ir.,ilIe • of Nena-gh · of Wilton - of Ourtetn ~ of Viotoria - of Rathnaleen ~ of Sc:u'rough - of NennJ1ih - of • of Annllmeoulle • of DUlhy P ::u-k - of ROICren • of Holycross • of Fortnisbitt - of RnacrM - of U"k3ne ~ ot Mountfriscoe • of Newport. • of O:r,kba.1l1ptOD. - of Fordma.y • of Fione - of Li-.duff • of i\lill.,iclY - of Willow Cott.-..gc - of Moun t W illiam _ of New Grove. - of DallY"1 ta.illl ~tquire esquire esquire esqu~re el!JUIll! esquin: eliquire esquire C!lquire C!lquire etquirt esquire e!lJ.uire etquin esquin """"' esquire esquire esqU!le esquire WJui re esqu~ esqUlrt esquire esqu!re esqUlrtl eMJuirt e.;quirl etquire esquire csqu~re ~ulre C!lquire etquil"l! esquire tIIqu~ esquire t"IIq uire esquin elI{uire esquire esquire esqui re esqu~re bl!.uln esquire ~uirt ~uire Cflqu~re elqu~re elqul re l!!IQu.ire ellJul1"t ~squire THE NORTHERN D I VISION OF T HE COUNTY OF T1P~BRA R Y. 15 or ~hl County of 1 ipperary, commencing Spring Aui: eII I 839,o.nd ending Sprillg Auiul 1 8.(4~tJlllimud. of Coolnagowcr esqu~re of Ballyduff esqUIr e of Necttgh etiquil"l of Cottnge esquire of Montro.\e e.quire of Neutlgh elquir e of Rockfonl ewquire of Nenogb • aquire of Ballyca.pple C!&qnir e of Santtlcruix aquiro - of Nenllgh • el\quirc - of Lishccn tlIquire - of Rockford esqui re • of Nen.1£'h cequire - of FortiWbett clUluirc esquire _ of Cocgor • - of Cooldmy e squ~re - of Ballymtlnn esqulI'e _ of Bnllyhadcn Cottage, t !quire - of Nenl\gR ~ esquire - of Dirdhill • esquire - of Fairy H ill ~uire • of C100tlkenny ~qwrc • of Abbeyville eaquire • of DallygibbclD esquire • of .4. reberstown esquire _ of P all i, I18quire _ of BaJlYlla.vid esquire - of Moorfield e5tluire - of Summerhill esquire - of Suir Cottage eaquire • of New Grove esquire • of Bnnybeg WJui re • of Mehnmore oeqoire - of Holyc~ esquire • of Onkpllrk esquire • of Carrig"-,11 IlIIquire - uf SuiT Cottage esquire - of C10naingle eAIJ.uire of I\fountfri8coe e'quire - of Mount P hillips esqui re • of Bnllynirn uquire • of B"llino.lllontl. - 8I1quire - of ?d iUlHlrk t."'!!quire - of Gar1'l1ll&k~veD esqui re - of Annebrouk esquire - of Douleren eHqui1'll • of Dllngnnwlla ctlquirc - of Roacretl • eaquire - of ThoI'D I-lill e~(lllire - of n urri.okane esquire • of & llreo\ll't.on eli4luil'9 ~ of Blllhnret.1 e9111lire - of Ann ngh _ ~uire - of runium ellJ.uire • of wilitcford esquir~ ~ of Roekrille etlCJ.ui re - of ROierCll. esquire - of Greyfort e' CJ. uire ~ /,if Durri!ok:loe ellquire - of Airhm • ~qlli re ~ of l3ou\a.fluJT gentleman - of Fnnt&ne . gentle mlln - of'[ hornhiU gentleman - of Springvnle gell tl~man - of fhlloughAkeeu gentlemlln - of R iverfield gentleman - of Templemo;e geutle.nllil. - of Rillglllond gentleman - of Burriaokone gcn~lcmlul - of RIlscren genlltman - of Tem}liemore genrl~mnn - of C1tJughjordlln geDtlemOll - of R OlCre3 • gentienlnn - of l;.Iurrilnkanc gentleman - of Shcb:uJ1l gentleman - of DurrisokBne esquire • _ · - Tbo1D.ll Barnell ]leDjamin ~ite A,ndreIT Bnndley Anthony brophier Alirtd Evans Jnhn KtJlnedy Joseph Godfrey Patrick O'UearlL Jo.eph L. Palmer JoM Duol.n Patrick l\ Jabn Ct....rord Stephen R. Markham pdrick O'Brien Gtorge Niabett Nicbolu Biddulph 'WlIli.m Hill Ralph Smith John &nl~ Cono~y Grqary Fltzp.trlck Christopher KeY" Willi un Henry Cox WilliUD !ll:OOil 'fb omlll Hunswcrth, jun. FranciJ Young James Kn~ggs John Short Thomas Ru_ U MOIIIell Antiaell William Short Robert Jones Francis B. yly Jamell Chadwick · John W. Smith • William J OIIU Wimam Henry Abetrul.tby Georgt Maumell Robe: t Smithwick Robert Saunden Young Hantio Lloyd William Phillip.. jun. Richard Penner.. ther Newton Short H.lllIilton Lester Henry Smith .... ick Henry Young 1Iiartin Maher John Martin William Brierly GfOIge l hom Riebud Nash John Puker George Ryall Ridwd ·Jibe..utlo Thomu Ely, jun. John Jont!J Willinm Lloyd George F.....c.I!tt Heory Ely _ Goofrey Leo!lllrd _ William Smith Thoma! Mura JIIIJeI Ardin Roberl Thorn Kyran Feehan Job Abernathy • John ArdilJ • J~iah O'Mull'ne Henry HiU _ Thmn" RobinBOQ Jamew EVllWi Job Ouat John Armitage John Fawcett Gu.rge Tatte r Stephen Hill Satnuel n arry, jan. Minchin Rudd Ric.hnrd K ent Obadia.h R onllllu • Samuel Phillips JORn Willi llllU Samuel Hill Jnml'S Hya..n hmet Arlnitagt Frondll Hellston John Cullen, jun. Go.)'nor • lORn Th!la.ny WilJinnl Armitage Jome, Gua t Joml:ll Amllttong Jnmet Chadwick _ Byron ThomlL8 LfL/fIlO JOIIbu. Lester Frederiek E vacl _ John Tilt • Stephen Ryan Samuel Poe WjlJillm Carroll John Berghl Rieh~ rd Mohuuhy Richud Chadwick G~rge Jaekllon ~ Chrutopher Switur MichllCI (:0."'01\ - WiUilLID Dudley _ Wl.!liom CrCl'\'e ArchibRJd Cooke Jo~ n D",yer Edwllrd Parker TbomaJI Biggl Georgi Hennon Jnhn Dann Dnnilll G uilfoyle! Thomas l\ lengher Johll JllcklW1L Joho Cuooingl\am Charlell H. Cooke Jolin Ryan Jollo BlOderic.k ~ I n.rnl'll Acre. WilliaUl. Porker • William Glt.'eSon Willioln Sm!llI m~n , jun . John llcetl Robtrt Nc180u Thomn Heney 'rholnllt Burko William Harding &lmoml Durke _ Willilln\ Wetherell John Fanning H('ory Larg-e 1lliduu:1 Kenny WilliAm Burkt Michael M 'Keogh Richttrd B)"au Cornelius Sp:un Henry Hllrtliug Patrick Menr. William Da'Yia El"illn ConSClline Willi~m Wiley Edward 'r uloott Daniel Flannery J amet Hanley Daniel KenDedy John Maylan Hugh SI..ttery .Andn!w Murphy Bartholome.... Creane TholllM Kronedy - lltUes of each, £. 10. • of Templemore ~ geotleman of Dterpark C,ttage, gentleman - of Burnsokane gentIenuln - of Newport . gentleman - of ClouglljordaD - o( \i.Qrne . ,gcnrlemnn - of Newport gentleman - of Cloughjord.n gentleman - of Templemore gen tleman - of Nellport . gectlenu.n - of C1nllgbjordan gentleman - of llosc.rea • gt!ntleffian - of Cloughjordll.n gentleman: • ofTemplemore geotleman - of Thurlea gentlMlllU - of Durt1!1Oicigh merchant ' • of Xenagh . mcrchant ~ of Templemore merchant • of Thurles • merchant · - of Claremount esquire merchant - of TOOIflcmore - of Durmdeigh mercbant - ofNenngh _ merchant - of Thurles • merc.hD.llt - of Ro!crea • merehllll • of Thurles _ merchant ' merchant • of Durrisoleigb - of'l'emplemore merchant · - of Nenagh ~ merchant - of ROiC TeIl _ merchant - nf Templem~ meIclwat • of Thur!H merchant - of Thuries _ merch'lnt merehan~ • of Nl!11agh • of Lilllnilkey lIKJoire of Bellyiew esquire ~ of Templemore merchant ' - of Roscl'Cll mercl1aDt ~ of &ame merc.bllDt • Clf Nen3gl1 merch.nt merehant - ot Tcmplemore - of Nenotgh • roerChtlDt ' - of Ro.crea merch. nt . ofThurle!l • mercllan t of R OICrl'S • merchan t merchant nf Nenllgh ~ of!idOWJ1 c'1uire - of Nenngh _ rna-e1lan t of 1l0llCl'1!l\ _ -merc.hant of Hurrk;oluUle merchant of SlIme merchant or Nl!l1agb . of Thur!" of Nenngh _ of Thurlcs ~ of HOI5Cren ofTburles _ ofRG>erea ~ of'J'hurles of Nenagll _ • of Nenngll • • ofThurlefi • of Nenngh - of 1IIlIDe _ uflillrne _ of urne · of Il!lme - of same _ of I3rooldield _ of Nenngb ~ of IIMle - of ~me _ of Itu n e • ol aame • of llUDe ~ ol illtne - of lame _ - ' COUNTY OF TIPPERARY (To Wit.) . N ORTH D I VISION. merchant merchant merehlUlt merchant mCI'chuDt ' merchnnt merchant merch/Ult mereluLnt mercbaot merchant mere1umt merchant merch:mt merc.h.nt esquire merchant merc.hact merchanl ' merchant merchant . merchant merchlUlt merc.haot ' Sheriff. So answers N mcrcban~ merellaat , of the PET IT JURY to try between Our Sovereign Lady the Queen and Ule Traversers, at 8. General Assizes and General Gl\ol Delivery, held at Nenaglt, in llnd for said County and Riding, on the 17th dn.y of Murch 1840. A)lES JIIIltI Rirc.b _ _ • of MonincRII elJ'luirc • • - cequire eoIquire Cliquire /'.Iiquire C91Juiro ClK{uire ~u~-Colollel Henry Dwyer - of UlIllyquh·k. IUlun Hurke _ • of Palli, George Roe _ lIeury A. Creaghe Joho Uourchitr _ ;Edwlrtl Kennedy l'bollllU Butler Stoney 380. of Lomn Pnrk ofK ili of N~1l:l&h _ of BantiH _ of Portll1l1d Joho Orin_by Lloyd William iln.rkeFogllfty Vere HUllt • Joho ltyau. J effry PfClldergut Pa.trick Fogarty Edward UigSl' S.muel Cooke £4 of. Honeymount - of Thurles ~ • of Friantown · of Gurtk~lIy • of J ohllltowo - of Cabbra ~ · of Castlebig!8 • of )3rownltown dquire """"" Clquire aquire esquire uquire elquire uquire ( tonti1l1ud. ) 16 , NAMES OF PERSONS Q UALIFIED TO SERVE AS JU R OR S I N I List of tbe Namee of all P ersalll qualified to serve u P etit J uroT'S io the Northern D ivilion Heory O,,'en SaundcnI Christoph..,r Dignan WillilLln Hutchinson Michael ~gun George Birch J am'<!s Wa~u William Smithl>ick "«'imam Kennedy William Sbeppard l\J ilo Bourke George Waller J ohn CoTmllck Sidney Smith William Vere Cn\C5S J ohll Crotty E enj Bulin H Bwkshnw Denis Gbnn,juu. J obo Po Kennedy Benry Whi te , Mnrtin William Waller William Nark P ierrt PO\~er Body Spain J olm Lewis Corrig:m Finch 'White J olin Maher David E ngl:u:d Young G regOf)" Fiupntrick .AlJgustu l Robinson J ohn O'Brien Thomas Durobnry Daniel O'Brie~ J eremiah Toober .Anthony Parker Jllmt!l O'Brien Thomas Godf~ Edmond O'Erien Duke Abbott ThornlL3 Hennessy J D.Oltil J oeeh"1l Poe JereloilLh O;l\Iullane Tbeouald Pepper RoUllerti William Lloyd R eor)" Frank! Thomas Laffan Thonlu P ienon Fim:uLll William Bourke Ti:omlLS P Orvii William Pat'ker Jobn D1V}'t'r Eyre ll3ld..i n (!bull'!!l Going Solomon (;I\mhie EUU1UDd Bourke WilliBffi Goold _ John Cunni ngbam '.lbomM Spunnn White P atrick },I'Gmth V .. re Da~u Hunt J ohn R)'Ul - . Christopber Anmen WiIIilLlll Bourke Petl!r Hayley John Butler Corneliul Simin .Artllllr Robinson t:oroelilu Hogan Alexander Ca.rew P utl'ick O'Dr ien John T uthill J IHQCS EVllns Robert P hilliJl!l VlI.lentioe O'M:m\. E lias &",l~r J uhn D arC")' Ph,ilip DrOUgllt Thonlal Heney George Grace Richanl Short Rich:trd Ryan Jarues Aeru George Smith Patrick Mara l\{l urice Studdart Brim Consedioe _ William Tibeaudo - of Grtyfort • of AUIlC.1rrig of Rockfore!lt of B~llilllL of Mnnineha of Garry Kenne(!y of Youghal of MillgTol-e _ of Castle Sbeppnrd _ ofPlllles _ of Woodp:uk - of B:t.Ilye.hill - of Bireh Grove _ of Mount William - of R 05C rt.:l. _ of B~h:lmore _ of Shnllce _ of Ball.hane - of Grt"~1l Hall _ of Leoigh _ - of Prior ~ar k _ ofThurics. _ of Munrot - ofNeD:lgh - of Rock View - of Fort Henry - of Thurles _ - of lIal1n:ibbon - of Nenugh - of Clougbke:tting _ of H ogLln& Pass - of Lisbpn - of Neuagh - of Olitrum - of Fortwilliam - of Neoagh of Hoek Ford of .1onlLme&dlc of Castle Sheppard of Thurles of Sa~boro - of Teml" emore - of I\lot:! of Rockville _ of Fort Henry - of Tcmplel1loro - of Mill Ford - of Thurlu _ of Prospect _ _ of La.ud~to'fn - ' of NelllLih of Bell Park _ of Crultle C rlLlI:lgh _ of Ki1g:tn'an • of Thurl~5 _ of Finne Glebe of Nen~gh of Dt.-rravale of Nenagh of Woodhiue of T hurle!l of Shraghdu.£r of Neuagh _ of ShaDoon Vale ofThnrlea 01 Nenagh _ of Finn.kelly of Ntwport of KilClirron - of Nenngh _ of RivervielV of R oscrea of Cnnagh _ of Thurks of Wh ic;,ton of Nenagh of Fer"f"iiJe of Nenlgh of Thurles - of Mill Vie" - of T hllrle. of Nco:lgh of Gllrtcen • of NenRgh uf Lodge of Nenogh _ of CloWllrillydiff esquire esqui r~ esquire e5quire esquire esquire e-;quire e!!quit! esquire e!lquirtl esqnire er;quire csq~re eJ{j1llre ClIJuire c",!uirc esquire esqu~re esquire esquire eSfIu~re C9CJ11~re e:lljlUre CS(jllire ~uire esquire esquire e!;quire eequiro esquire esquire esquiTe esquire Clquire esquire esquire esquire esquire .,quire etquire C!i<juirc CIIquirc esquire esquire Cl'quire e;qll~rc esqUlfe gentleman esquire esquire gentleman esquire esqu~re Cl!qUITC g~lltlem:m esquire: geotlemau l'511uifc ~ntleman esquire gent~U1nu esquire gentleman etquire geDtlelUa.n gutlcman ~uire genth.·man esquire geo tleruau CIIql1ire gentlemlLn e"quire gentlclU:L.Il I'!!Iquirc gentleman eJquire g~ntlelOLln gentlemo.n esquire gentlemen gentlemao eoquire geot!emLI.U esquire gent1emLI.U ClIquire Cornelius CuJlmlm Vere DBWSOO Hu nt J nmeB HAnly William Bloss A rmstroug John Hunt Michn.d C"rroll T ho!tWI Goold Punek SplLin Willi3m Smith David Lacy Jarn u Fleetwood Andrew Mlll'phy Hellry Jone! J lI'oe' Kelly Thomu R, Barnes T hOlu:'1.8 :&rllin 1I1lLnnnd uke TILomp80u .fuhn Cullen Dcnjaulin White Stephen Ryan JMeph L. P almer Michael Kenny John Cr.Lwfoffl Doniel Kenneily Stephen R. :nfukbnm P auilok Mo\1oghney Nichola. Biddulph MiehlLel Keogh P ntriek Toohy WiIlilLm Henrv Olx Daniel Guilfo~'le William Wetberel Thnmu Smnley Michel Glct!On 1110mlll Hemsworth, juu, 'rhomaJi Robinson R ichard Molumby Ja~ K naggs JOhl1 Dann J ohn Short J ohn Rus.;e1J William C. l't'Iassy Robe rt J ones 1tlicb~el Maber JIlIDC8 Chll.dl'l'ick _ Oliver Mill! George lJnyCll Robelt Smithwick J ohn H. Hardcn _ Robert Young George Deunett _ Gentge Lloyd Robert P hili pH ehri~toJlh el' Keys Francis Young T hoIUIUI G. Stotley William Sllort Robert Lloyd William Abernathy Henry YOUIlJ; George Ryall Goclftey Leonard _ HOr&tio Lluyd WilliuQ Hemsworth Thom:u Biggs SllIDlJd l'nrry, jun. H amilton Lester' _ Richard Nl\3h E.lwnrd Tolbot Tl\omllJl El)", jun. R iehlLtd T ibeaudo RlIph S. SlUith _ Heury Smithwick J oho Parker \VillilLm KlOpley George Thorne Henry Ely _ J ohn J ones George Fnwcett Terence Alt Henry Dungnn J ohn Carew Robert Thorne Goorgc Thoml,su n Thomas S. D. Robi nson J ohn Guest M gtl\t1~lIlln of Thurle.<! of Woodbine of Ncungll • of Holy Cross esquire gcotlelQlQ !!$<juire of Hunb: Grol'e esquitl! • of ROS{!re;l. • of Fioooc Gleble of Nenagb • of Li5i1ufT - of Porrlmoy - of Willow Cot~ of Neoagh of H uly Cro~ of lloscl1!ll of F en ne,sn of ThurlCli of Uallingnl'fy of N.:wport of Bal1ydufF of Durrisolcigh - of Ihl1yc."l]IJll0 of Th urlcs of LUiheen of Ncnagh of JWlyheg of Thurlc! - of Cang(jI' of Rosetea· - _ of 'fcmplcmore _ of Vniryhill _ of Rorrerta - gtot.lmu.t esquire gentlel'UD etquin !tnUfIIIIa esquire genlJl'll1U CSIluirt g~tJcllllQ e$ljuirr; gentJeDIID tll/luire g~DtltmaQ esquin: gentleman gtn~emu csq\Urt gentJt:mUI gflltlellllJl - of S priug6clll tsquitt of Abbtyville , gl!OI_ esquire g.lutlelllU, etquirt gcnllelllU esquire gcntlcl:Du nqnirt - of ROIcrn:l - _ of Ncnagb _ I gtctJtmJ.II esquire of Fair)·mount esquirt of Th urles gem.lmllJ of Arehentown esqwre of R OIiCI'l'a gentlemall _ of Pallas esquire of Ballydavid tsqllire _ of St. KCVl1.n'l Fort, ~uire of Holy Cros, esquire of l\l ooauorc gentltmlll of Bnllybeg CJlIU~re of Li,u(ecvan \:SQUIrt of n Olcrea geutlemu of Holy CrOl!l esquire of Slimmer Hill t!lCjnire of Clonsingle eiqllire of Sorrell lIil1 esquire of Skch:um etquire of t!l"IUlII/lgb tllquire of Dirdhill _ etquirt - of 'l1lOrulljll elIIjU~ of l:I urvest Lodge _ e81IU~1lI _ of Summer H ill _ esqulle _ of Longford Cottage. esquire _ of Oak. Park etquirt - of Anncsgrove esquire _ of fulii nree _ esquire _ of Durrisokanc nquire - of Mount FrillCoc _ squilll _ of Abbeville 5quire - of Bcllview _ twj'L!1"t _ of BUlTisokaee e.'IIlLl1rt _ of Mill Park esquire _ of Durl'isoklme estju!re _ of DrooJdiclJ e;qlure _ of Cottage _ c"'I"!re _ of Aunaglt. _ e;qUlre _ of hllllfol'd _ el!quire _ of YouglLall ' ts1uire _ of nil.lI~culicti ll esquire _ of Knigh esquire - of Thorllhill g!nUtmu. _ 01 Greyfort _ esquire - of li oly Crou eMjuire - of R O!ll:ren gendcldatl - of Rin~roe gentJe_ of Klligb g~ntklDalL _ of Riog rlM~ gcotlemUl _ of T hornhill gcntlellWl - of Holy CrOl!~ geotln...n of B urrisokane geotlelll)ll _ of Tl'roplemol'c gentltmaa I T HE NORTHERN DI VISION OF THE COUNT'{ OF TIPPI::nA RY. 17 • or the County of Tipperary, commencing Sprillg AQizes 1839, and ending Spr ing Assizes 1844-amtinutd. COU NTY OF TIPPERARY (To Wit. ) NOItTU RID I NG . ~ ,~ m:., of the P ETIT J URY to try between our Sovereign L ruly the Queen nnd the Traversers, at:L Gl!oenil A,;sizcs and Genern.l Gaol Delivery, held at N enagh, in and for said County, on Thursda.y Ille 30th day of July 1840. of Moninch& of Pnllit William Bourke uf I.ornn Puk esquire G~o~'e Roe • of K iU esquire H~n"; J. L:real!he _ of Smithville esqu~re J ohn'BuuTch ier • - of lIto.nti~ _ clqulre E<hmd Kenned y • of HoneYlllooot aquire J uh n Oou51t}' Lloyd of Johnstown esquire J •.fi'I1' Pre!ld~fJa.5t of Thurles · esquire Willi.l.ln Bourke Foga.rty of Ctl~tle-Biggl C:IIqu~re EoIII'llru Biggl - of O unkelly Job:1 H)":lo • • of Gnyfon Hen,.,. O ,~~ n Sauode" • • of &llyuoDc es;q tl ~r e J ohn'p, Kennccly esqUire of':l. p~~rick F'>g~ r ty • of l\fonincha. esquire G eu~e Birch es.quire - of Youghal WiIlbm B. Srnithmck of Brotm.tolfD ~f(ui re !:an\l1cl Cooke of Roekforest e&quinl Wlllbm HutchiMon of BchamOfl: e5quire lknj:llni:l Hawk>;lu." of Anacarrig dquire Chn.topher DisoMn of Woodp:ltlc c«quinl GeoTGe Waller - of ShallcD _ Denni, GI_oo, JUD, esquire. squire. • of Bin:h Grove Sidney Sutith of Ballioa _ squit\l i\lidw~1 Detg'an of Grt:enjlnll eIIquice Henry Wbit~ esq uire J lUnti WatSOD of GlIlTykelllledy esquit'\l Fiach Whi~ of Fort-Henry D:lTid Bnsland Young _ eaquire uf B.U)'gibbon esquire J ohn Lewis Corrignn • of Rockview - of ClQughkw wg • esquire AUlliitus RoLinson William Sbeppud - of Castle-Sheppard e.quire Michlel lIleagher _ of ) Ioll&oore esqu~rc Antho ny l'a.rker _ Clllj UlrO of Fort-William Wi!liuu K.enn~d )" of Millgrove esquire J~tlld (,1wl ... ick eaquiro of n.lIrbeg Milo Burke of Pam, clilJ:uirc D llk~ Abbou of Cruitle.. Shellp:u:d esquire Juho Manning of Shllnhll.lly tSClui re WiIIi&m Waller tsquil'll of Prio r P 3r\.:. ThO!DIIS P'll'vi~ eaquire of PrO!lpt:ct • TlleOInJd Pepper Roberts of l\10hl ~S'J.uirc Ho:nr\' Frimks - of Fort_Henry esquire J Ohn'Cormick _ _ esquire of,&lIytahill Thoma.; 1'O:;\.I'80n FionllO of Milford • esqui re Rohen lIblUli ug • eliquire of ShaullaUy Johu Cod.,., esquire of Ruhmoy E}Te B;Lldll'in esq uire of &lIparlt Charles Going tl;quire of Cranngb • Steph~n R. Markha m eaqui re of Bnllyhq ThoIll!lS l\Ialunev _ _ !!Squire of 'fllurlee ThOlll:LS SpuD.~r Wlli~ • of Derranle esquire John O'Brien - of Hognn'l P U I esquiro Chmtupber A ntisell of Shl'lldufl' _ esquire Martia Quinlan _ esquire - of Lenigh PiHo;e P ower esquire - of Munr9(! Thnmas Ht unessy of Thurlel _ esquire Aleundtr Cuew _ aquire - of Kilca.rron Jnhn Maher - of Thurlet • e.lJ.lIire John Tuthill DE River Vie" ealJ.ui tc llobo:rt Phillips etlquire of Cmnagb Rhody SlwUU et.quire of Nenngh Elb.. Howler of Wbil80n • eaquire William Nagle e.quire of Thurlu }llulliJi Drought of Firville esquire Juhn Darer etquiro of Neoagh Rie~rd Short of Mnyroe ~u.ire Georg~ Slui th _ of Gu rtcen • esquire Jettmiah Toohey _ - of Olit ru& _ esquire Maurice Studdert • of Lodge eaquiJft WiUi:a.m' Til1eaudo u qoire of Clonnkmyduff J31111:$ O'nri~n _ esq uire of N~n William Bluss AI'lll!trGllg esq uire of Holycron J(lho Cl"Otty _ _ esquire of H ostlU • Toop1lls Guohl ~ of FiuUQ e>quhc Ethoood U'll riell _ of A nnnmtu.d.le esquire W"tlljam Slui th of LisduW • e"luite Comtliu~ HaJan _ esquire - of Newl)Ort J~ ~t"ood _ _ of W illuw Cottage esquire Nicllolu Diddulph e!quire - of Congor Henry J Ones • _ of Hol yc~ , cBqlli rc William Vue CrueMi of Moun t. William e!quire Tbomu IL Barne9 of e>!<lui re \\'ini~m Bu.rke . _ CStjUil'C - of T hurlc! Ma'~r.In(~uke Thompion_ - of Bnllingarry clCJuirc Ik'1lJ;L1ll1ll White - of BaIl",lull' ~uil'<: 4\othiJUY Luullhier e!quirc - of LitUuwn • J ~~ne'ii Bitch o o o o o o 0 o 0 0 0 o 0 0 Patriek O'Meara J ose ph Palmer H ugh Lloyd John Crawford P atrick O'Brien - , J ames lenagg. George Mauotell • Robert Snlithwiek Ro6crt S. Young J obD H. Huden George Benoeu George Lloyd Gregory Fitzpatrick Robert Lloyd Christopher Keyt; Fl'lIncis Yo ung WilJinm S\lort William Abernathy H orat io Llo\'d Heary You~g Geol'ge Ryan Gullfrey Leonard _ VCl"e H unt walilLlD Smith _ William Henry Cos; Sam uel Barry, j un. Tnomas Big;_ Edward Talbott _ William P o.rker . - ofNcungh • • of DnlJ ycapcl of Ballvhane ofL~n • ofNe.oagh _ of Archerltotnl. gentleman esquire esquire esquire gentleman "'l"" eequirt' of Corriteen of Hol)'uoilil aquire . _ of Clonai Dgle esquire of Sumtrlcrh ill "quire of Sorrellhill Cllquire of Skehana elquire gentleman of Nenagll of Longford Lodge f'squire ofBirdhm • ~ of Thornbill csqnire • of Summerhiil t'lIquirc • of Oo.kpnk • afluilt! _ of Mount Frisooe _ ~quire Hquile • of Anne B rook - of Bnllinree • esquire esquire - of Eurri.ubne - of Fnemown etlquirc of RoaclYn • esquiro of Fairyhillo esquire of BlirToohne aquire of Be1view _ esquil'l! of Brookfteld esquire _ of Lansdowne esquil'\\ es;quire Thomas Ely, jllll. • of Elisium • , 'homa.s HetnS'l'l'orth, jun. a;quiro • of Abbeyvll1e _ of Henry Sm.ithwicl.: r$quit~ geutleman Mal'tiu AIMer • ofBo~~II. · _ ofThomhilt gentleman George Thorn _ of Burr isokVlC e.tq; uire Ricb m Nash esquire Joh n Fnrker • of nauyCOllitQD _ of Knis h William K i ng!il~y esquire _ of Ano~gh • oquire Richard T ibc!audo - of Palli, esquire J ohn Shoft • of Baryeat Lodgu _ esquire 1110mas G, Sioney of R08C\'m Clquire Gcorge FLUcett of Grcyforl Lodge esquire Henry Ely aquiro 1'ereucc AUt of R ingroe t!quirc of Holycr0$9 o Rohert Jooea , gen tleman of Thorllhilln obert 'J hot n of R ingroe _, esquire John c.,rcw of T em pll'more gent~an JClocmiah O'MulllLQ of H olycross geol]cman. GOOtgc Thomp!On :. o{ Hosett.. g.. ut1cmllll T homaa Splint gcntll'man - of DUfriaokaoo Goorge Salter geutlemtm Smphcu Hill • of Sbhnna _ of Nel'ollu r t -. gcntl~IOilu Joh n ,Cunen _ of T~lulll~UlOre gentleman )linchin R udd geuUt1Ilah • of Ckrugbjordao Uichnrd Kent _ of Burtilo gentk!man Obadiab Holland · geotleman - of Clougbjunlo.n J oh n Wi llilifOS geotlemm of X ilgu rtcn Samuel Hill of Thutletl • geotleDllu Denjamiu Ru~lI of Clollgbjordan genllcmau William Annibge gentlelllall of Templemon: Gcorge Hewstotl • of E urrisokane esquire 'nlDm:ll S, D. R obilWO n genUCUltO of C1ougbjorda.n Francil Gaynor gentleOlUl AmOll RUSlell - of Thurlet -. gl'Utk'Illan - ofTemlllemon: Jnme9 GU~it gentleman of Cloughjorda.n Samuel Hodgins gentlcw:uJ. of Thudes Valentine O'i\!1'.IIlIl of Ncnagh • ge ntlomlan Fraud, .Byro n oj TClUplcmore gentlelllau 'J'bODlIlll LIlft'lID gentleman J 08]IU:I Lut;:r • of Thurld • of 1'~mplemoro gentleman John Titt g~ntlernah Stephen Rp,n - of DUl'riwlDigh of '1 jlul'iu gtndtUlllu Ricbnrd ~lolumb)' geodtmnn • of 'I CD11)lcmotc John J llcklOn gentleman MiChael C.rroll • uf R 0IC1'en ~ of TCl1Ip1cmnrc 8entl~mu:n William D ud!tv • gentleman • of 'fhu rlu Arcl1ihaJd Cooke gtnl.kman :Edl1lnnd Durke • of "me _ of BurrilOiallC gntl~ma.n }' redcrick F alkiner gentlemlln • of H05l1ren J oh n Dano o gentltrua.n - of Nenl\ih J ubn Cunoi ngham _ of 'J'hu rl~ gcutk-luan John 1h:ln gtntiemau • of Nenngh J ;aweK Acl'Cl l gelltluoon • of U QS(;fell. .lame' E,'nn, of T hu,lc~ gtlldtlDlID l\ licllllel K ~lmy _ of CIollan 'J h010 1t T albott geDtwlllI!.o • of TcDlplelllole J ohn Guest y ... 0 0 0 o o 0 0 o c .",,","". (C:Olltilt~.) 18 - NAME S OF P E R SONS Q U AL I FI ED TO SER VE AS J U RORS I N List of the Nanl" of all Persons qualified to serve as Petit J uron in the Northern Divi&ion J ohn B utler Richard Rym J ohn Anniblge Cornelius BrilUl Conudinc l amcsHl.Illy D aniel Kenntdy _ A ndrew M urphy _ llice Le~i.· _ of Thu:rles _ of same - of Clougbjotdlll _ afThur!es _ ofNenagh _ of saIDI! _ of pme - of same - of •.une _ of HllrIt'a grove gentleman gentleman gentlemoll gentleman gentleman gentleman gentleman ~ntlemn.n gentlema.n P at rick hlolb,ug'hney S amuel D udley _ D aniel Guilfoyle - - of SiLIlIC ge ntleman ge ntleman gentleman gentleman James Kelly - of same gentlem.a.n J ohn Hunt_ • ofThurles - of RIl'ICre:l Jl.'lichul Gleeson T bomu K iIlg.mill P atrick T oohey John Boyd R obert Forsytb e Samud Fuier R icbord Armitage J ohn Ardill Tholllu, leD. Roben: Pyke "Richard Willirun! - - John Hodgens J ames HodgCDii Tholnu Williamt, j uno So unswcrs I ssues of elICh, £ . 10. - of Nenagh _ of 'J'emplemore of same of New Orehard of Gracone of SOlltllViI1e of Derrinavob. of T oorcigh _ of Clougl jordan of Mme of lame of same of snme of same -t gettl1rmaa gen~ gentle!n&o "" .. ",,"gClltlemu gcotletlllo gellUernlll gt'ndeaaa gcntlemu! gelltlemlQ gentlemaa gentlelilall gellrlemao Shenfl'. COUNTY OF TIP PERARY (To Wit.) N ORTH RIDI NG . of the P ETIT J URY to try between our Sovereign Lady tho Queen and the Traversers, ata General Assizes and General Gaol Delivery, held at N cnagh, in and for Raid County and Riding, on Monday. th e 15th da.y of M a~eh 184 1. N AMES P eter Smithwiek _ R enry J. C rf'a@he J ohn OrmsbyUoyd William Burke Fogarty J ohn Syd ney Smith J ohn R yl.n .A 1JguatUi Robinson John P. K ennedy :Benjamin H&'II'ksha'll' Verll Huo.t1tfichael Dugno Helll'J' White James Wntllon Yweb White Miehael Mulvann y D aTid England Young _ Michael Meagher 'William Goold _ MlIo Bourke Jose:pb Godfrey John ThOlDlQ Manning _ Willi uo. Waller _ Patrick Bourke R yllD. Henry Frllub J ohn Curmick Thoma!! Punri, :R.oberc Ml\nning William P oe Charla Going Thomu Moloney _ P a ris ."-ndEllOn :Ralph Smith Thomas Spunner White John O'Brien Via>r Bridge H eo.ry Hunt Cbrilltopher Autisell Arthu r Robinaon Thnmu R enelIS)' AlcxlUlder ~ _ J ohn Maher J ohn Tuthill R obert Ph illips R ody Ricbvd S hort WiUillffi Nagle Theobald l'epper Roberts J oha Darcy P hilip F. D rought J arnel O'Brien J\Iaurice Studdart EdmWld O'Briea William BIOSllC Armstrong H enlY O'Brien _ .AlIgnltUB H artford Corll ~Jiu. Hog~n _ '(hom... O()()ld _ Willi:uu RyD.ll J:uncs Fleetwood _ Benjamin White _ A llthony L 'lnphier Jobn Crll.wford S tephe n R. Markh3m P atrick O'Brien _ R obert Phillip. • N icholas Diddulpb H ugh L10yll BenjlUIli n I-IA..... kahnw Oregory Fitzpatrick - of Sbanbally esquire - of Kin tM}uire - of Honeymount esqllire - of T hurlcs _ e£quire - of Rnekett H all esquire - of Gurtkelly esquire - of Ciollgb1.:eati ng - tfiquire - of BalinhUle esquire - of BehlllDore esquire - ot High Park esquire - of BaIlina _ esquire - of Greenhall esquire - of Ganykennedy - esqu~re - of Fort Henry esqwre - of BakutowD Mills el!quire - of Bo.Ilygibbon esquire - of Monanore . esquire - of Finne Glebe esquire • of P allis elquire - of Rockford a quire - of Shanbally ell:Juire - of P rior Park esquire - of Liseahill esquire - of Gorttl& esquire - of Baii'feahill esquire - of P roSpect esquire - of Shanh~ly esquire - of S:Ullborougb. esquire • of Cutle Cranagh esqU!re - of'l'burles _ aqll!l'e - of Genyie'll' Cottage esquire - of BnIlymoney e!quire - of DemwcnI esquire - of Hogan's P ass esquire - of A5hbury _ esquire - of Co.ppaghwhit.e - esquire - of SWuff' esquire - of Tinll.kelly Emquiro - ofThurles _ esquire - of K ilcnrron 1!S1Juire - of Thurles _ esquire - of Riverview esquire - of Cranagh _ esqll iro - of Neolgh esq,uire - of Ba1lykeevan es'q uire - of Th'\rles esquire - of Mota tstJuire - of Nenngh esq~re - of FirTille tsqUlfl! - of Nenagh esquire - of Lodge . _ esquire - of AnnamCl'ldle esqtlire - or Holyewa e!qo.~e - of Lodge esquire - . of WeJlingttln Lodge, esqlire - of Nel"POrt ('$(j,uire - of pjtlOO Glebe . ('Squire ~ of Mlluntalt esquire - ofWillo... Cottage Ciquire - of Dnllyduff esquire - of L ittl~to n esquire - of Lisheen _ etquiro - of D.'lilyheg _ ef!quirc - of NelUlgh _ esquire eS'Iu!re • of Mount P hillips • of Coug!l.r _ etlq ulr~ - of BallylulIle ('Squire - of Bn.llyulaekeogb _ t1iCJuire - of Nenagb . _ esquire of A l"chervtown of Gree nwood of CUf11Ibeha of Summerhill of ROBern of P allis of S t. Kevinsfort of Dn.lliuamoml. of S pringfield of Lisaniskey of BaJlybeg - of Harh way Lodge - of Liskeveen of C1U'rigecn of Suir Cottage of Clonsingle uf G urieell _ of Sorrelhill - of Merton Hall of Skehnnno. of MilIIIJlrk of Longford Cottage of Dinlhill _ of T hll rles of TItombrouk of Rallylina _ of Oak Park of MouutfrillCO Jl.flle8 Knaggs H enry Ly~ht Rickard Burke Thomas Horden John Crotty John Shortt WiJliIlm C. Musty N,wton Shoru Robert I ones E dwo.rd P arker Jamea Chadw ick H80ry O. Bri flgcman Oliver Milb George l\hllnacll · Robert Smithwick Robert S. You ng George Smith George Bennett Robert Hall, j un. George Lloyd Allam Acrea Robert Lloyd Chri8topber K erea Arhhibald Cooke • Frnnei. Young _ Robert Smith William Abernnthy Horatio Lloyd Henry Young of A nnb~k Rellry Ely of Greyfo rt L odge Godfrey Leonard of WiUinm M.inehin of Woodville Samu el Barry, jun. - of Rnrri!IDknne Thomlll P oe - of Doncyhrook ThomllJ B ig~ - of Bd VillW Edward Talbott - of Brookfield _ of L'lnsdown WillillluPlU'kcl' Thofl'lllS Ely, jun. - of E lysi um R al ph S. Smith _ - of Milford Edward Wall - of Roscreo. _ _ of Cunlldufl' _ . John P h illil~ Heurv Smithwick _ of GalTnnnkeevan _ ThomM Nisbett • - of }~ort Nisbett Armin Mabel' _ of Bouhrea _ T homlL'll Thompson Abbott _ of NCflllgh _ Riehud White - or GreenhnIl Oeol-ge Thorn _ of Thornhill Ricl,nrd NMh - of DurrisoklUle William Crowe - of Thurles _ J ohn P a.rke r - of B:r.lIyeolliton Martin Quioln.n - of J,ieugh _ Willip,m K ingsley - of Knigh _ of Aonngh _ _ Rich.a.rd Tibeaudo Thomaa G. Stooey - of Harvest Lodge _ Oenrge Faucett _ - of Roserea Terence Alt - of Ringroo _ _ Williwn Phillips, jun. - of Mornlt P hillips F rederick EVltn8 _ of Clnremoun t Jeremiah Tl.IOh y of Ol\itl'im • Robert TJlorn • of T horn hill J ulin IJnew - of lUngroo Heury H alll'llll!Il'" _ of Dc!Taleigh J creminb O'Mulllllle of TCllIplemore George Tllompson - of H ol )'cro:;.~ Th Olnll~ S. D . Robitlso n _ of DUlTi30knnc JamC!! Evana _ of Roacrea. _ J ohn OUCflt nf Templemore Tho!w\.• ~"lint nf RO!'erell. _ Gl'Urge Salter of Durrisokal1e p • esquire esquire eaqllirt esquire esquire e:aquire esquire esquire esquire esquire elquire e.quire esquire esquire esquire WJuire esquire esquire esqlire I!Sq~re uqlllt1! esqllil't esquire esqllire esqu~ esquire etqllil't esqaire esquire esquire esqlllre ESIlllire esqllire esquire esq uire eslJ.llire e!4Juire uq~ esqolfC esquire uquire esquire csquire a quire gentleulaJ t5Iluire "quire esquire ~DtlePWI I,5quire "G"llire esquire esqllire esqllire uqllire esqllire esquire esquire esquire gentlero&ll «quire gentleDI'll gcntlenlJ11 gcntlenllll gentietnU gentlElo lll geotleT1Wl gcni1('!l1aD gClltlCIIIll ! f THE NORTHERN DIVI SION OF TlI~ COUNTY OF TIPP ERARY. -, _ of the County of Tipperary, commencing Spring .Awes 1839, and ending Spring As5iu. 1844-«mtinlltd. Michel Smitbjck John Clillen Rodd Richard Kent Ohadiah Hollllld Jolla Williamt 8wJ.uel Hill Nath20iel Butoll William Armitage AIIIOil Rgnell Cbrles Cullen JI$eS GlltIt Samuel Hodgina VaIellrioe O'Meara JO!II11ootl Josepk Crampton RiehLni Bollard William Tiheaudo Jobn POI! FTllIcii Byron Thottlll!l Laffan Ebenezer Radford Josbua Lester Alexander Scott John Fitt Stepben Ryan John Jackson WiUWn Sma1lmtn Michael Carroll William :nudIty Frederick FaJkioer William Q\rroll John lli.on Jobn Ryan Michael Kenny John Butler - - - of GuranlLkeevan • of Ne"port - of Templemore - of Cloughjordan - of Mouotfaleon • of Cloughjordln - of Rathmartio. _ of Ki lmutulla - of C1ougbjordao _ of Thurle. - of Newport _ of Templ[l.lUOTe of Cloughjordan - of Thurles - of Wh.iteford _ of Rosena - of Temp1emore of Clonnkillydufl' of Doneybrook of Neoagh of Templenlol'e of BrooklnwlI of Thurlell _ of &llillll.clough - of Templemon - of Burrisol~igh of Templemon! of ROIerea of RoscTea of Templelllore of BurrisoluUle of Thurlea • ofRoscre.. of Thurlca • of anme • of sanK! - gelltieman gentleman gentlelll4ll gent1emJJl gentleman gentIemllll gentleman gentleman geotlel1lDll gentlemun gentletnan. gentleman. gentlemo.u. gentleman gentleman. geutlemQU gentleman. - - - - ~uire esquire merchant 1I1crellant ClilJ.uire merchant gentlema.a merelllllt merchant mtrchllllt merchant merchant IU~rchaot merchaot merchant mcrcl\aot merclmnt ",,<clw>, merchant James Acres Richard Ryall Edward Flanigan Comeliu! t..."nllanan Bryan CuoBedine John Fa1;l.cett Richard Going WllliamHill Jame!I Heml)" Samuel 'Smith Daniel Kennedy • Andre" Murphy _ Henry Hill Thomal! Shu, Samuel Dudley John Delany Thoillu Kin!lmill Patrick Toohey :rhollW Stn.ngmau FranciJ Dudley Thollla. Maher _ Denis M'Canhy _ J ohn Boyd · Edmond Harty Shee Samuel Fozi~r Wi.lliam Helllto n Robert Pike' Patrick K irwan Miehael Keogb George J aenon Illmes Uodgells J oho. O'Brien Jame! HoUgeIlS James Phelan Thowu Wilw..rns, jun. ThOomi Boban . - WUel of each, £.10, - of Neuagh of Thude. of lame of u me • 01 Nelll8'h - of Ro&crta - of Ballioahinch - of CooIdnry - of NeDIIgh - of Thurle9 _ - of Nelll8h - of .am.,. - of Ridctmood. _ ()f Thurle. - of Rose tea - olume - of Templemon! - of IIlltne - of Thu TI~ - of Rotcrea - of Toomanra _ ofl&Ill.e _ of New Orchard - of The Furze - of South ville - of Temp1emore _ of OIoughjord&l1 - of R.oIICrta - of Roserea - of Templemore • of Cloughjordm. • of ROIICrea _ - of Cloughjordan - of Roscrea _ • of CIougbjOl:dan • of Templemo re - - -- - So anSl"en merchw JDerchant merl'!hant mercha.nt ~<clw>t gelltleman geo.tlemao. merchant mtrwat muehu.t merchant gentletXUn merchUlt mereha.ot mereha.o.t mm:hant II:lereblJlt mm:lw!.t merchant geotlem.t.n gentleman gentleman gtnt.lelnan gentleman merthaot merch&l1t merchant IUCfChaDt mereb.;rot merchant mercha.ut merchant, merchant m=hant mcrehtot Sherif, COUNTY OF TIPPERARY (To Wit.) NORTH RIDUI'G . of the P ETIT JURY to try between our Sovereign Lady the Queen ond the Tra.versers, at a Geo(lro.l Assizes nnd General Gaol Delivery, held at Nenagh, in and for staid County and Riding, on Saturday t h e 7 t h day of August 1841. NAMi'i l'eter Smithwiek ~ Henry J, CreaghJobl) Ormsby Lloyd William Burke Poguty SMiDt]' Smith John Ryan. AugnrtuI Robinson John p, Keullwy ]~ojaminlhwbhl." !lbwice Studdart ~liehMl Deegan HtlIlJ Whire James WatlJon F'meh White Michael MIII'fluy _ D~;rid ~lal1a Young _ ldiebul Meagher WiIliIlU Goold Milo Barke : Joseph Godfrey . John Thomas l'tflUlniug WilliJ.lll Waller _ Pttrick Burke Ryan Henry Fl1lnkl _ John Cormick: 'I'ho1llU PUn'iB • Robrrt Manning . William Poe _ Charles GOillg . Tbomu Molony • Ptria Anderaon • lWpb. Smith _ _ 1'homll3 Spunucr Vr"hite John O'Brien • • "itier Bridge lUnry Hunt • Artkur Robinson 'I'bomaa Hefln~sy ~trCare" J~hu Muher JohIa Tuthill Raben Philip. nody Spain Will.1un Nagle Ju~ Darcy • Philip F. Drought Juhn ttl/tty 380. • of Sh:mblllly of Kill - of HOllt!ymount - of'J'hurlel - of Iltu:ket HaU - of Gurtktlly • of C10ughkeatillg • of llILIlahllne - of Dehumorc • of Lodge - of RcJliIlll. • of Green HaJl - of Garry KenDeay. - of Fort Henry - of BakClltown Mills, _ of Ballygibbol1 - of Monanore - of FiDoe Glebe - of Palli, , . of Ro~kfo,d • of Shlluba.lly - of P rior Park - of Liseahall • of GortoA • of BaJlycahlU • of Prospect • - of SbanbaUy - of Sobborough • - of Castle Cranngh - of T'hurles - of Glenview Cotb£:e - of Ballymoney - of D erTtlveo.l _ of Hog~'& P ll.SI • of Aabbu.ry - of Ca.ppaghwbito ~ of Innktlily _ ofThurlee - of Kilcn.rrort ~ of Thurlcs • - of Hivcrvie" - of Cmnngh - of Nenagh • of l'hurlea - ofNerogh - of F irville ~ of ROSl:rca - - - - O!t).llire tKJ uire $Juire eIOquire c:tquire ClIIJuire e.'I(}uire ClIquirc ct;quire el qu ~rc elq ulTe elq uire eaqu~rc tlqUlre elquire esquire Clquire Cft<Juire eaquire esquire etquirtl e!lquire - Richard ShOftt George Smith Jeremiah Toohey . Will ltl1n Tiheauuo Jarul.!ll O'Bl'ien Edmond O'Brien Willinm Rloue Armstrong Bmry O'Brien AugWitlm HllItford CorneliWl Hogan • Richard Ho"ard Thomu Goold Willian! Rynn J8.I"()H, !'Ieetwood Hel1jamin White Anthony LaOlphier Johu CTa_wIord Patrick O'lIdcll John Butler Nic'holu Biddulph Hu~h Llo)," BenJamin Ha..,.kshalO' Cl!QU~n! Gn:-go~atrick CfIIIUlre esquire eBquire e9CJ.llire esquire Cl:ltJuirc Ja.mee Henry Lysught Rickard B urke uqu.~[e C!Iqulre 05quirc est}u.ire esquire esquirc esquire esquire Cll]uirCl eMjuirc esqu~re esquire esquire esquire esquirc C!I qu~ru esquIre esquire T}u)maa Hartling Jolin Shortt William C. !rlassey Robut JonCi EdwPl'd P arker Oliv~r Mills George Ma.Ul\leU Robert Smithwick HObel't S. Young William Crawford GeOr(;ll Bennett Robfri Hall, jun. George Lloyd A.d:..m Acr~1 Robert L1o~'d Christopher Keyes Nicholl.!! Laffan Francis Young Robert Smith Horatio Lloyd Henry YOUDg C 2 ClIquire of D:allyktvan C'ioIIllire of Gurtcen esquire • of QlitruOl esquirto - of Clonnkillyduff esquire - ofNcM!h nqui rc - of wtllille eaqui re _ of Holy Cross esquire _ of Lodge _ of Wrllington Lodge. t!lqu~re Clif)wre - of Newport . _ of Nenagh esquire csqu~re - of Finoe Glebe e&qllire - of Moullttlt - of Willow Cotbgee!lquire _ of BaIlyduff fSiuiro - of Littleton esquire - of Li!h~1\ esquire . ofNamgh _ ofThurle!J esquire esquire - of Congar ~ of Dallyhlllle - of BallymllCluIogh - esquire • of Neuugh • esqu~ lSlulre • of Areha'Stown. esqu~n! - of Greenwood esqmr - of Cllrrabeha esquire • or Summerhill _ or pallu esquire _ or St, Kevinsfort - esquire esquire • of Springfield esquire ~ of Liiani.key eequire - of Lukev~ esquire • of Carrigecn esquue _ of Suit (;ot~ esquire - of CIOtlii»glil esquirll • of Dallylaby 6fjuil'lI - of SorrclhiU • oC Merton Hall esqu~re esqUlfll _ of Skehana _ of MiDpuk - esquire _ of Lon~rd Cottage, esquir~ _ of lIird 'II • esquire Clquire • ofThurIes _ of Thornurook esquire _ of H..tlylina esquire esquire - of MountfriscOf: esquire • of Annllrook ""'"" - -- ........ - (tol1tl'/uud. ) NAMES OJ? PERSONS QUALTFIED TO SERVE AS JURORS IN 20 List of the Names of all Pen;on~ qualified to serve .. Heory Ely - · ·· .. Godfrey Leonard - William. Mioehin - · · · · · · · · · · · · Stunud Barr)" j un. Thomas Poe · ThQmuBigr :E<h..-ard T"lbott William Pluker Thomas Ely, jun. ltalph S. Smith - · · · · · · · · · · Edward WILli Jotn Pllillips Ht!tlTY Sroith..iek TholL.u Jlii1!beu 1\I:Il:tin l\! TholIllS Thompson Abbott Richard Whi le George T horn R ichard .N1Uh · · · · · · ·· · · ·· · · · · · · Waliam Crowe John Parker Marrin Quinla.a William Kicgsley Richard T ibt'audo Thom1l G, Stoney Georgc f .. weett Tereoee Alit William Phillips, jun. 'Fnderick. Evans H~ry Dunpn ltobert Thorn John Carew Henry Hawbho.w Jeremiah Omullane George Thompson ThollUS S. 0, &binlOn JilmtS Evms J ohn Lewis · Thomas S plint George Soltel' l'IIichw Smithwick John Cullen MinchiD Rudd Riehard K ent · Oba.diAh H ollaadJ ohn Williams SaIDuti H ill Nitlm.niel Barton, Willliun Armitage · · · · · · · · · Amos Russell · · James Guest Valeu.tine. O'l\Iea.n John Jone! · J OEeph Cw.npton Richard :Bollard - · · · ·· · · · · · · ·· · · · ·· · - of Gr~yfol1 Lodge · · · ·· - of BroOkfitltl · - of LnnsdOII"O · - of Ely'Siulll · - of I\Iilford · · - of Roserea · · - of-Curra.duff · - of Gam.nakeevan - of Forto.i6belt · - of Boulare:!. · - of Nt'D:lgh · · - of Greellb ..ll · - of 'Thornhill · - of Bumsokaue · - 01' Thurles · · - of Ballrcolliton · · - of Li!!U~h · - ofKcigl · · - of Annagh · - of Harvut Lodge - of Ho~erea · · - of Ringroe · - of Moulltphillips · - of C1arewount · - of Burrisokallc of Woodville of Burrisok:lJle ef. Donvhrook _ of "'Belview · _ - · · · · · · · · · EllWl'ZC r RadIcnl Joshua Lester · J ohn Pitt . · Stephen HyllD · John Jacklan · William Smallman Miehd. Carroll · William Dudley · esql\~re Slmucl Phillips J ohn Poe Francis nvton Tltllm:lll LIllIa.n esqu~tt. !lill'm"c estjuire eMJuire CSlluire esquire esqu~,e es' IUlrt oquin e5<Juire esquire esquire esqu!re esqu:re C:;;'lulre esqu!re e!lquu'c geD~cnun esqUlI"t esquire esquire esquire esqu!re ~ull'e esquire esqu ire e!itJuire gentlemln · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Petit J ur on in th~ Northern Division esquIre of K nigh of Thorullill geu~emau eaqUlrll of Riogroe gt.ntleman of D~nalcigh gentleman of TemplclUore of Holyetosj gent1emnn gentlemln of Burrisokane geutlem~n of RO!Cre& gentleOl:LtI of Templemore gentlemln of Ntnag h gt'ntlenun of Roscrea Qcntlemlltl of Burr iaokaDC of Garranaka!\'lln - gentleman gentleman of Newpo rt of Tempiemnte · gentleman gcntir>mnn of Cloughjordlln gcntlcmo.n of l\!ountlil!ctm gent\!man of Cloughjordan gentlemll,n of Ratwnartin gentleman of Kilmutulla of Cloughjord1ll1 gentleman of Thu rl~ gmt1emtn of Tcmplemnre gentie mnn gelltlcmnu of T hurles ~ of Whiteford · gentleman ~ of Ro&crea gentlemlUl _ of Templemore gentlemnn · · :IS I · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Frederick F~kioer Wiliillm Cllrroll J ohn Dunn J ohn Hpn i\Iichael Kenny · Ja.mee Acl'es Richa.rd Ryall Edwnrd Flllnngun Comeliul ~llnnan Bryao Colll\loQine J nhn FawC2tt Richud Going · · · · · · Willi:l.ln Hill · J nmCl H aoley · S~muel Smith · Daniel K~nnf!dy · A ndrew ?!{urpl,y Henry Hill · Thomu Shnl't' · &muel Dudley · · ·· · · ·· · · JohllDelll.ny · ThomQll Kingsmill · P atrick T oohey · Thomu Stru.ogma::J. · Mich ae:l G leeson · AI osCl Wnod" · T homas i\l nher · · Denill M 'Carthy · JuhnBo}d · · Edmurul Hartv Shce · Samuel F~ier· · · William H euston· Hoht!rt Pike · · Patrick K ir wan · · R obe rt Williruns · M ich.e! Kwgll · · George J ac kllOn · J lllOCli Hodgeru · J ohn O·Brien · J alllet Hodgens · · JamUl Phelan · · T honlll! Williams, jun, _ Thomas Bohall · Samuel Hodgens _ · Newport _ ·- ofof DOllc),brook _ of Ncnngll · · · · · of 'hmpl"llIorc of Brooklawn of 'J hurlt'll of TCIn}Jlemore · · of Bunisoleigh - of""cu1ll!crnure - of Roscrea · - of Roscn!a · - of Tt:lIlph:more BUl'risokane ·_ of ofTllu rics · of Ro~crt!a ·_ ofThurh:1 ·· _ uf'l hurleJI · - of · - of '1 huiles · ') hurlCli · of · · of Thul'id · · of Ncnagh · · of ROllcrea · · uf Ba.llinahinch Coolderry · of · of Nt nngh · · of Thurles · Nenagh · ·_ of of Nen ngh · _ of R i<1gmood · of Thudes · of HoaC1'l~~ · · af · ROierea · gtntll'l':1at1 gtntl~maa merchant nl~'frhanl estjuire merchant m en:h~nl rn~rrll4nt IlIt'\'chant mtrehant merthant muclu.nt tn~rtbl.llt ·· ·· Inl'l'ebant merchant merchant mereblllt mtrthant · mereha.nt merchant merchant · · · · · · · ·· · m~rchant ""'<hut g~Dt1emlD. gentlemu mtrehant merchant mtrehaot roerclu.ot gentic!mlll muchant :lIerch~nt ffiel'(:bnnt mertblut - of T eOllllcmOl'C - of T emplcillore muclwrt _ flf 'l'hurles muchant of Ntn:Lgh ffiercrumt of ROllereD. Irlcrchant of 'J ooma.val'll geotw.m1o of samc gentlcman · - of New Orchard gentleman _ of Tho Furze gel1uema.n of SlIuthvillt! gel1~man of Tcmplemore merchant - of Cloughjol'llnn mcrcha.ut IlIcl'cllllnt of HO!M!rl"a. - ef Cloughjordnn · Incrchr..nt merchant - uf Ro~crcn of'l·cmJlU!mnre merchant merehllllC - of Clouglljordan mcrdlllnt - of Roscl'en mercba.nt · (If Clollglljol'dnn merchant - of Huscl"tm - of ClolIgbjordlln · IllCtChlDt merchant - of Templcmorc mcrch:ml - of Cloughjor~:J.n · · · · · · · ·· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · So an.'~\\'ers u sues of £. 100. · · · · · · ·· · · · · · Sherifi'. COUNTY OF TIPPERARY (To Wit.) N ORT H RIDING. of the P ETIT JURY to by between our Sovereign Lady the Queen and the TraYel'sers, at a Genernl Assizes and General Gnol Delivery, held at Ncnagh, in and fo r said County and Riding, on Monday the 14th day of March 18402. ' NAMES J ames Eireh H enry J, John Onusby Lloyd William Burke Fogarty S ydney Smith John RYl o Augustus Robinson John p, Kenaedy Benjamin Hawksbaw JanlCSMAloo. Vere Hoot M ichael Deegan Henry White James W I t!On Finch White M ichnel lUulvany Henry Lee, j un, D avid Enflaud Young Micbaell\ e.1gher William Goold :Milo Burke Joseph GodfNiY John T homas Mnnning William Wnller P atrick Burkc Rynn Henry 'Franks J ohn Cormlck 'fhumQ.Ci Pllrvil . - of Monahincha of Kill - of Honeymount - ofThlules of Rackethall - of Gu:rtkdly - of Cloughheting - of Ballyhane - of Beh:tmore - of Eaat"ood - of Higbpark - of Ballina - of Gret:nbnll - of Garrykennedy _ of FDtthenry _ of Baktlton Mills - of BnrDlL - of Bnllygibooll _ ('If !lfnMnOre - ofFinoc Glebe - or P nlliJ - of Ruckford - of Shan bally - of Priorpnrk - of Li!lCaitiJI . - of Gai'tul!. - of Ba\ln!nhill - of Prospett - esquire esquire · esqnin esquire · esquire · esqui re csqu~re esquire esquire rsquire esquire esquire csqu~ re esqUi re tlIqui re e:;quire esquire es1luire esquire eJl1luire esquire esquire eIIquire esquire esq u~re e!lfp lI l'C ~uire esquire Willilm ?lI aSDn, jun, R obel't M;}Qning William J nekson • Chll'lcs Going Rody SJXlln Ralph Smith Thomas Spunner White Richard Falkiner VlZer Bridge Anhlll RobiD!IQD. Thomas Heunessy Alcxander Care'" ~ J obr. Maher John Tutbill Robert Philips T horJlII.!I Omn.ra Willinm Nagl!! J ohn Darcy John Cro~ty R irh:lnl Short G eorge Smith J eremia.h Toohey William libenudo Thumos Parker Eelmoud O'Brien W ill iam Blosse Armstl'ong Au gustu~ H:u'tful'rl Cornelitu Hognn - . esquire - of ClonnkerlDY of Sho.llbally csqu~n: esqUirt - of C.'\ffiirll · CS<{uire - of C31tlecranngh merehillt - ofNenngh elMjuire - of B.illymoney e!quire' of DeHa.venle esquire of Bellpark nquire of Ashbur)' esquire of Tinnkelly of Thurlcs esqu~re esqulrt - of KilearroQ. esquire - ofTlmdes esquire - of Rivel'view csql~re - of CrlLDagh esquIre - of Boulcyduff esquire - of Th urlt!S esq uire - of Nenngh _ esquire - of Roserca. esqu~re - of BnllyIiccvcen ~ulrt - of Gurk'en _ esq~re of Olitrum - of Clonakillyduff ellJ~re esqutre - of Onkbampton esqu!re ~ of An nnmeadle _ of Holycross es(lu~re - of Wellington LOIlge. csqu~re _ of Newport _ _ ~ulre · THE NORT HERN DI VI SION OF THE COUNTY OF TIPPERARY. 21 - of Il .t Collnt~' of TiplM!rary, commenci n:;- Spring Auizes 1839, .nll endiug Sprint' Aui~ 18.'-4 Rit hard Huward Th{JIII:LlO G"ol,1 William IlI'on Jallle§ H(...t ... oo<l Benj.unil1 While Willialn \'~n ("rni!lS l!.nlhony Lamphkr Juhn Crawford '[I.,,"las BarDell • Ru!lcrt Phil ip~ John Lloyd TIelljaUlin Hi1l'ksbllw GJY;ory Fittpatrick J:ames Knagga Hellry Lysagl't Richard Burke Thom~ Ha.rdi nS' John Short Willia:n C. M~y William H~ury Cox \ ;\ Robert JOliet Jobn Bayley F..tIlI'ud Parker George MaunsellRobm Smithwick Robert S. Young William Crawforll George Bennett RoiJert Hall, jun. o..'Orge Lloyd Adam Acrt'll Habert IJoyd Charles KeJ'. :t-.'ichoJQ Leltan "·n.ncis Young Robert Smith Hel'TY Young Robert Philip. lIenry L1y Tbamu Bc:noett Gudm.y Leoonrd Willi"m Minellin Tydd Abbott Samuel B:l.rry, jun. Tbomu Bigp Edwl rd Talbot WmWn Puker Thomas E ly, jun. R&!ph S. Smith Ed"'ard Wall John P hilip! Heory Smith'll'ick Robert W. NeAbitt lHartin Maber Thoma. Thompwn AlJilOtt Richard Wbite George Thol'll Richard NOlh WiUiam CroYle J oho Parker Martm Quinlan Richm! Tibt.-iludo Tbomas G. Stollcy George F I\\'ceU _ Tennce Alit William Phili~ jUll. Frederick EvanS _ Hellry Dungan Roben Thorn John C"U'tw Ht nry Hawk.ha" GecJrge ThompsoD Thomaa S. D. Robinson William Woot!wnrd Jaru~ E"IM William Jones John Guest Alfred Evnns ThOQ1U Splint Geo~ of NeMgh of Finoo Glebe Ilf JlJountalt()f Willow Cott.'U!e of Ballplulf. of Mount Willi '1mof Littll'lon uf Li. hl'Cn of Tenne..... ie uf MOllnt l'hilipi of &llyhonc of Bally i\1'Keogh of Nl'll/lgh _ of ArchenrtowlI or GreelJwood of Cunnbeher uf Summerlli ll of Palli" of St. Kevi n'i -fort of Fairy Hill of SJ)rillgficki of Rockville of Li>B.nisky of c.'\rrigel!o of Stlir Cottage of CJonsingle of Dan)'lahy of Sornl-hiU of ilferton Hall of Skebilnl\. _ of Mill Park of Longford Cottage of llird.liill _ of Thurles of ThomLrook of Dallylllla tlf AnnLrook uf BOIe.hill _ of Gl'1'yf'urt Lodge of Pallteo of :Rnrri~olcane of Woodville of Wbitston of 13urrisokane ofUelvillw of Drook6.eld of LonJsdol>1\ of EI)'siulD of Milford _ - of Ruscl'ell. - of Cunadllif _ - of GMr:a.uakloev/UI 0 of FortntliLitt of Buulal'llll- l'!'oI'ju ire c11l uire e_ofJllire ~qui1"e t'l'<{uire ~'MJ u ire e5C)oire esquire e,quire C5Cjuire esquire -t uire tsclu ire tlqu in= l'l'qllire o~uire tlCfuire eHluire t81Juire uq uire cSiluire esquire ~liIq\lire fsquire eiquire tlICjuire rsquil'e C!iljuire aquire t~uire esquire t$Cjuire esquire etiljuire !Squire C'i(]uirc esquire tlilquire Clquire esquire tlCjllire eIIqui re e&lJuire l'!IIjuire esquire eKlJ uire \!II.Ij,uil'e tfl4 uil-e (!!Iquil'!! eAq uh'l! eIIqU~l'C eaqmre esquire esquire gco tlemlln of Ncuagll of Glt'ellimll CIIq uiro of Thornhill Cflquit-e oi Durriliokalle eBquire of Thurla gl.'J\UelmD of nallycolliton esquire of Litugb "quire of Annagh csql1i"11 of Harvest Lodge. f'.Equire of ROIICTel\. dquil'll ofRingroe _ esquire of Mount Philil'~ - aquire of CI:LrePlount esquire of Knigh gentleman of Thornhill gen~emlln of R iugroe esqmre nfDenaldgh gentleman of HulyCl'OllS genuenun of DurrillOk:me gentleman of Clonghplior ~uire gen tlern a.o - of Roscrca of Spriugfield eIIquire of Templemore gentlemlln e!'I]llire - of MOrfton geutlemoll of I\o$c:Il$ - or BurriMlkane gentleman 0 o o II !l!ieh3cl Smithwick John Cullen .Minchin RUlM Hichrd Ktllt Obadillh BullDn.! John Will iami SiI!I)Uei Hill William A rmilllgc Amoo R U~!lC1 1 Jnnle!! GII~~t Vlllentillt Umeara John J onea .JOItf'ph Crampton lHeh~rd Dollan! Jlllul Poe FrOoci8 Byron Thmnll Lllffan Elx!ntter R.dford Joshua Leiter J ohn Fitt _ Stephen Ry/lll 0 Jol)n J lle1c&on WilIia.m Smllilman Micbael Cnroll _ William Duelley _ Frederick Falkioer WiliiamCaHol J ohn Danu J ohn RranM ichael Kenny cmltinlltD. - of GutilnakCC\'.\l1 _ of NC"l'ort - of Ttm plemore - orCloLlghjordan - of l'Ilollntf.IMln of Clouglljordan of lhtbmnltin of (''1oughjordnn ofThu rll'1 • of Templ~more - (;fThurletli. _ - of Wbiteford - of HOS(.'1'cn of T cmlplMllore - of Donnybrook • of Ntllilgh _ - of Templemore - of Riverlawn - of Thu ries _ of Tcmplemore of Burti901eigh o 0 of Tcmplemore of HOFeren - of Roscrta _ of l'tmplemore - of Rose ren J uh n lo' Hiehnd Going William Hill 10hn Del:tny ThnmOl Kingll1lill Patrick Toohey - Thoma. StrnngruB.n Mich ael GI~'CliOn • J ohn Boyzl _ Edlllozul Harty Shee o • Samuel FOlicI' William He'II'don Robert Pik~ Robert WilIinmB _ George .Jllcki OO • Jolm Hedgcn. Thomas O'Brien • Ja.m" HOIIgeni T homa!! WiIIi3JIU., jun . • T homa!! Doho ~amllel Hodgen. _ Ro ll ~rt Fletcher Henry lIrindley Robe1't Rhode& Denis UleellOn, jllD_ Philip Splll'iing _ William Smo.lfroap Juhn Brindlty Chn.r!u I-I. Cooke Henry Hill. J ohn Dutler Franci. Gaynor J oseph Armitagt _ J ohn Ardill Henry Welph~' George Rllyet geQll~mau genth'mau AenlJemnli gentl,,'man gtntJ~ml n gentkmlln gentle-mall Gwuunan gl!llilemau geol~Dlan etqulrf rnncha.ot merchaut etquire merehllllt merchnnt lDl!l'cil(mt merchant Samuel Dudley Ric1urd H )'au Edwtml Flanngan <Ameli us CIIII'l.nnn Brynn Consedine _ geutleman mercb:mt mcrehan t J \unes Hanly 1'11(0):1.1 Shaw J ttml!!l AcreR genll~n lon o of DllrrillUliililt of Thur~ of HO!ICn'n of Th\lrll!'l ofl>nme of !'allll! of - of Thurll'll - of llame of 'nme of of R<ll(.fu; of BnUinahinch of Coohlerry of Ncnagh of Tllutles J ohu Dutln gentJ(-man gtullt'mftZl ll'lercha.ot merchnt nletchll.nt meN'hant m~rchn nt me'ft'h~nt merch:mt merchrult m~rcballt mcrch:wt lncrchnnt mcrrh. nt m~rchant genllrman genlkllUlli merebant ulllrcban t merch:l.lIt of HoscrCll of Templemore or IiItne of Thur1cs _ of Ncnegh _ of New Otc'luml or Tbe FurUl of Suuth'ri!!, merduwt werdw,nt mer<:h3D.t of Templtmon of ClQughjordan (lfMme of TeRlp1emol'e of Cloughjordan ofROIJCn'a - gentltrnal\ ofCleughjurdDo ofWne of'l'empl emon of t:loughjonlan of NClUlgh • of Moulit blond - of Roticrea _ of Shellee _ of Fahuh~hy - of ROICrU _ of Dallycevan _ (If Roscrcn of Canura _ of Rose re:). _ merchant mercllant gentleman Ilentlemau gentlelnAIl mtrrh:mt merd'llllt mcrchao t rnl'rcilant mezchant merdllDt merchant merchant merchllnt lnerthant gtn tltm31l merchl1.O t gentleman. geDllemnD mercluwt gcntieJt)Q..D. merchant gentleman o lDcrchllDt merchut gcntlnuan genlkman _ uf Cloughjonbn of ~11\\1on Milia of Fl.Iltanc of 1llurle6 of R elata · of Springfield of Telnp1emore of Newton Min. of Fantane WiJliomJ onH WilIi.m Sellen William Armitage JamH Ardill I.u" of eneh, £ . merchant ml'rcb.:r.nt gentlemAn merchlUlt gentltllUl.ll gc-ntlctz:l.n Sherilr. COUNTY OF TIPPERARY (To Wit.) Non'IlI RIDING. NAMES or the PETIT JURY to try between our Sovereign Lady the Queen nnd the Tmversers, at n. Geaerul Assizes and General Gnol Delivery, )Ield at NC7I.uyh, in and for i;nid County aJ1d Riding, on Thursday t.Il e 28th day of J lt]y 1842, William Heory Birch Ukb Going _ Y UIlz:eiot Bayly _ J ohn Lalor _ '~Bunb:try },litbel Lid wdl ThQI~as 1'. Firman 380. o _ - of The Hilll of Trll1'erston of Dale!;b(lrough of Gurteen of Liwbry!U1 of Bakestown of Arrnnhill ~quire elquire CMJuite esquire eaquire C5!]uirc t'Squire Samuel Gooku John Bouehier Frunci~ O'Brien Ueorg~ Birch Jeffry J.'remlerprt Th01'llM G. Hem~worth James Jocel )'n Poe C 3 _ or Drolfllato\\'D _ of "Smieh.,ille esquire I!!Iquire t&quil1l _ of Monl hincha I':'qoire _ of Jolmlitown Park efiquire of Abhe"iIle <,.quire - of Sablloroltgh _ 4If'quiTil _ of'Th urltl _ o (C01tti1I!1td. ) 22 NAMES OF PERSONS QUALIFIED TO SERVE AS JURORS IN List of the Names ill all Pel'lOfl.S qualified to serve Anthony Parker - - J ohD. Peuuefatber Lamphier ThOrDlLI Butler Stoney _ George Wallt!T ThoOla.! Fogarty Cahill Pierce Power ThOlXllU! Kirwan Charles Cambie William Smith Nicholas Maher Benjamin Hawkshaw Henry Owen &.unden William 11. Hutchinson William Max Willi.m Cooper Crawford Auguatus Robinson John Russell Charles Atkinson Edl"ard Biggs John Bennett ThoaJlIJI Nugent William Middleton Jobn Willington _ J ohn Lanigan George Atkiuson John Lynch Solomon B. Cambie Nicholas Biddulph George Roc Philip FUlIcis Drought J:LIlleS Birch Wim. m Smithwick J OM Ormsby lloyd Sydney Smith H enry 1. Creaghe J~mes !'Iiuon Peter Smithwick Vere Hunt Hcary Wbite J llme! Watsoo Finch White n. Henry Lee, jun. • _ - of Fortwilliam of Plrkstown of Portland . of WoocIpark of Rathleuty of l\IUllroe ~ _ of Thudes _ _ of Castletown Edward Parker George l'\Jaun~lI csqu~ re Rolu:rt Smithwick Robert S. Young William Cnuvford George BeDllett esquire esquire eequire equire aquile - of Greyfort - of Rockforest _ of Mufort - esquire - of Rapln. esqu~:te _ - esqulle esqui:te esquire esquire of Clough Kuting. of Ballydavid of Southpark of Castlebiggs of Oldtown of Nenngh - of Elm·hiU • • e~qull·e esquire e~quire ffiqu itt esquire of Killoskehane of RichlUOlld-placa of Ashley_park of bland Bewn of Kilga-rvan of Congor - - of Loran.park Cliqu~re eIlqulre esquire esquire fSqtrire esquire eequire ~uire - of FiniIJe - of Monahlnw esquire eaqtrir8 - of Yougball - of Hooeymount esquire - of Ra.cJwt..baJl - of Kill - of Enilwood - of Shllllbally esqui:te esq~re • - of H igh-park - of Gretn-hall - of Garry Kennedy t".IqUll'C esquire etlquire fSlJtrire - of Fortheory esquire e!lquire - of Bnna esquire David Englund YOUDg- - of Ballygihbon esquir e ruicha.elMu]vauny - of BakertownMills William Goold • of Fiore Glebe - of PalIis esquire esquire esquire esquire esqtrire esquire esquire esquire :Milo Burke Joseph Godfrey J ohn Tholll!) 1Ir1lDIlln£ William Waller • Pa.triek Burke Ryan H earyFr~ - of Gorma - of Ballycahill John Cormick Tholllil.'lPums Williaro MatIOD, JUII_ Willilm Kennedy WiUiun Jackson Charlet Going Ralph Smith TholllllS Spunner White John O'Brien . V~erBridge Ale.under Corew J ohn CroUy J ohn Tuthill Rooort Philips Rody SpeiR R ichard Fnlkiner William N agJe Riclw-d Short Geor(C Smith William Tibeaudo John Darc'/' William niOllSe Armstroog Augustus Hartford CorneliWl Hogan . Richard Howard Thomas Goold Willialll Rynn JlIIles Fleet....-ood ~ :Benjamin White • Willilm Vere Crnisse J ohn Crowford Thoruas Barnes Robert P hil ips _ J ohn Lloyd Benjomin Ho.wluihnw J obD Ryan Jamea Knaggs Henry LYliIght Richnrd Burke - of Rockford - of Sha.nbally - of Prior-park - of Liscahill • of Prospect - of Clonakenny - of Bantis - of Qunira - of Cnsdecr3llnagh - of Ballymoney - of Derraveal - of Hogan'S Pass esquire esquire esquire esquire esquir e - or-Ncnagh of Bell park of Thurle!! of Bolh·keevan of Gurt.:.en • of ClooakeUyduff . - of Nenagh _ t!!qui re e!lquire est{uire mercha.nt e<l(},uirt. merchant esquire" esquire esquire merchnnt - of Holycross esq uire - of Wellington-lodge, esquire - of Newport gcntieOlnn - of Nenagh • esquire - of F inoe "Glebe · - of Mouotnl t - of \VlIlon Cotlage I!'Jquire esquire - of BollydutF • of Mouotwillia.m - esquire esqui:te esqwre - of ei quire • Li~heen _ of Tenlsiie esquire of I\1oant Philips esquire of Bollyhane" e!lquire of Bnllymackeogh esquire of OUI"tkelly - esquire of ArchentoWD. esqtrire of Grccnwood "esquire of CuO"abeber esquire - of Summerllil l J uhn Short - William Henry Cn: Robert JOlle~ ./uQ.p. JJa.)"lr esquire - ThomlL9 HardiDg William C. Mwy esquire esquil"f'l esquire esquire esquire - of Ashbury • of Kilcarron of R08crea of R ivervieIT of Crallagh - ~ Petit Jurors in the Northern Division· esquire aquire esqulle nquire esquire - of Northlaods - of Thurlell _ • oC Behamore 3.$ esqtlire of Pallis esqu~re of St. Kevin'$ Fort e&qulre of Fairy hill esquire of Springfield csqt·ire of Boehille - of Lisaoiskey of Canigeco • • • - esquire esquire of Suir Cuttnge esquire of CloDsingle esquire of Billylahy esquire of Sorrel·hill esquire George Lloyd of Skeherna. e:squire Michael Deegan of Bellina merehact Robert Lloyd of Longfonl Cottage, esquire Christopher Keys of Birdhlll - esquire Nicholas Laffan _ of Th urlee merchant Franci~ YOUDg - . of Thornbrook esquire William Abernathy of Oak-park esquire Henry Young of _-\nnbrook esquire Henry Ely of Greyfort-lodge _ esquire Thomas BellDeU • of Fnlleen _ ~ire Godfrey I.eooard of Burrisokane esquire William MinchiD of Woodville esquire Tydd Abbott of Whitston esquire Samuel Barry, jun. of Burrisokane esquire Thomns Biggs of Bdlview elilluire Edward Talbot - ofBrookflcld C!<quire William Plllker _ - of Landsdown esquire Thomas Ely, jltn. - of Elysium _ e!quir~ - of l'IIllford _ RnJph S" Smith • esquire Ed ward Wall - of Roserea _ merchant John Philips - of Cunadufl" esquire Henry SmithITiek - of Garl'llllllkcevan uquire Thomas Hennessy - of Thnrle9 _ merehaat Rober t W _ Nesbitt • of Fort Nesbitt esquire Martin Maher - oC Boulerea _ gentleman Thomas Thompson Abbott - ofN!!lIlIgh _ genlleUJ~ Riehard White - of GreenbaU esquire George Thorn - of Thornhill t.'Squire Richud Na;;h - of Burnsokane tl;quire William Crowe • of Thurles _ gentleman John Parker - of Ballyeolliton e~uire Martin Quinlan - of Lieugb _ " uquire Richilfd Tibeaudo - (Jf Annngh esquire Thomas G. Stoney - of Horvest-lodge esqtrire George Fnwcett • of RoserI'll _ esquire Terence Allt - of Ringroe • esquire William Philips. JUD_ - of Mount Philips _ esquire William Burke Fognrty - of Garryvenll.'l e~quire Frederick Evans _ - of Claremont esquire John Carew • of TIingroe _ esquire H~nry Hawkshaw - of Dcrrnleigh gentleman. George Thomp80u _ - of Holycross gcntlem~ l'honw S. D . Robin!on - of Bttrrisokane gendemill Willil,JIl Woodwnrd - of Ciougllprior esquire _ of Roscrea _ Jame. ETan! genlienun William Jones - of Springfield C!quire John Guest - of Tem})lemore merchant _ of Nenagh _ Ri ce Lewis merchaot Alfred l-:VIIUS - of M"untOl"e _ e::quire Thomu Splint - oC RoserI'D. _ gentlcmln George Salter - of BUl"fisokane gentlellUlo John Cullen - of Newport gcndemll1 Minchiu Rudd mercblWt - of Teml)lemore Richard Kent - of Clouglljol"dan geotleman Obadiah Holland - of Mountfalcon gentlemall John WillilUruJ geadem:m - of rnoughjordan John P_ Keonedy • of Ballahane gentlemao Samuel Hill gcnllelD8J1 - of Rathmartin William Armitngc - of Cloughjordan genlleman Jeremiah Toobey - of Olitrim _ geotleman Am~nu!Jlle1J gentleman - of Thudes James Guest genticmaJ!. - of Templemore ,Tohll JOlle8 gentleman • of Whiteford Josepb Crampton gentleman - of Roserea Fruncis Bvron - of Neoagb: _ metcha.nt Hobert Maonin _ e~qlJire - of Shnnbally Thomas l.aff"an _ merehaot - of TemplelllOre Ebenezer Radford esquire - of RivC"rlawli J oshua Lester mercbll1t - of Thurles Henry Welphy _ ~ of Thurles • mcrehillt William SmailnUln merchaot - of Roserea • Michael Canon . merehant - of Rosetea Frederick FaIkiner merchant - of Burrisokane William Carroll merchant - of Thurleis J nhn DanD mcrchallt - of Rosere:l John R\"an merchant - of Thurles Michael' Kenny merehaut - of same John Butler merchant - of snme James ActeQ mc rchll1t - of Nellagh Richard Ryan merclmct - of ThurillS Edward Finnigan merehant - of same Comeliu! CollllDan merchnnt - of Mme Bty.Ul CoDliediue • merchant - ofNenagh Jo1m Fawcett ruerchut - of Roscrea William Hill gentleman • of Cooldcrry James Hanly - of Neoagh _ merchaut Thomas Shaw Samuel Dudley • of Thudc-s' _ - of Roscl"eD. _ John Delanv 'fh OHI.1~ K i;lgsmilJ - of !\arne of Ttmplemorc merchant me rchant merc1lallt rucrch3llt T HE NORTHERN D I V I SI ON OF T HE CO UN T Y O F T I PPER A RY. 23 • of the County of Tippel1lry, commencing SprinJ; A9Sizell839, :tun endillg Spring AS!i~ 1844-0c()l)tilll(td. TbolPl SlnDgman ~richlel Gleeson · Joho Boyd 'William ITell'lon • ]tobert Pike Robtrt Williams - " Vtntioe O'Meara Geot1e Jack!otl - Joba Hodgins • 1'h«nU O'Brien kUI8 Bodgilll • TbQlOU WiUiamll, jun. Satlluel Hod[ull Robert Flett er • -- • of T hurles _ of Nenngh of New O rchord _ of TcmJllemore _ of Clougbjordan • of Ililme _ of Thurlcs • of Templemore - of Cloughjordan _ of RU!lCTe:t. _ of Cloughjordan _ of ~me _ 'Of flamu - of Nenagl, - - merduLnt Henry Brindley Sa.muel Rbod~ Deni. Glceson,jnn. Philip Spal·ling _ William Smlill.tnu. J oh n Bri ndley Chllrles H. Cooke Henry H ill Frnncis Goynor J oseph Armitnge _ J ohn Aruill William J ones Willi:lffi, Ardill m~rchan' gentleman mt!rehant mereha.ot rnerelul nt merehLnt m~ehaJIt - merchant ml:Te~nt m~ehs.ut mereiuLnt mel'ehaut merchant h:sues of each, £ . 100. So atUi1fers • • • · • • - of l\ of Roserea of Sheelee of Fahaibeehy of Roserca _ of Dallycel'llD of Ro.eru of <Amira of Cloughjord lln of NewtDn Mills of Springfield of Newton Milb of F& -- gentleman me rchant ..".loman ~tleman - merehant gentltmlUl merehan, gentleman merchant gentleman gentleman - gentltmaD gentleman -- gentl~man Sherif . COUNTY OF TIPPERARY (To Wi.,) NOR"l' lt RI DING . NA~r.S of the P un .JURY to try bch'llcen OUf Sovereign Ln.dy the Queen and the 't ra.versers, at a. General Assizes and Genero.l Gaol Delivery, held a.t Nenagli, in and fo r said County and Riding, on Wednesday the ~5th day of March 1848. 1. Launcelot B:lyley - - of B!lyley F u m Wills C. Bennett - of m,et'ltolYn ThGPUIS Bunbury • - of Lisbrynn Tbomas Harden - of Summerhill Samuel Cooke - of Brownstown George Bireh - of 1.IOtUlinehin j. Jeffrey Prendcrpst - of JnhnstoI.. n 8. JiI1lea 1. Poe - of Snlshoro' 9. Gearge Waller • of Wood P ark 10. Pierce Power - of Munroe 11. William Philips, jun. - DE Mount Philip' 12. John Bouehier of Smithville 13. Thoro u G. Henuworth - of Abbeyville 14. AlithollY ParKer - of Fort William I ~. Henry Owen Saunden of Grey Port HI. WilliBm Mnx of Mn;w;fOl't 17. William Cooper Crnwford of Rnpl:!, 18, Henry J. Crug!). of Kill 19. Auguttull Robinson _ of Cluughl;l!I\ling - of K ilglll"Vnn 20. Solomon C:unbie 21. JOM &.nnett - of Olrl TowlI 22. Johu Lanigan - Ilf Richmond 23. George Lloyd _ of Sllcll/mn 24. Benjamin EIa",klhnw - of llnlly McKcogh _ of llnllyelLllill 25. JOM Cormaek 26. James Dirch • of MOlluindlin 27. Thoma! Nugent _ of NClU\gh l\I.il1s 28. Willlim B. Smithwick _ of YOllgllt'l1 _ 29. George n ~ _ _ of LOI'lUl I' nrl, 30. Jlmte MalIf)n _ of EAIl' Wood 3 1. Fineh White _ of Forth Heory 32. John Lynch _ _ of blnn!l Dawn 38. Vue Huot _ of IIigll ParL: 3". HlDry Lee, jmi, of &rn 3!), Henry White of OrN!nhnll 3(1. David Eoglnnd Young uf ]13lly Gihbon 37. Robert Pbilipi _ of):ni')'ville 38. <l!arlet Going . of Cranua • 39. Henry lID.wkllhnw _ _ of Dcrrylciglt 40. Joseph Godfrey _ ufnockfOl·t _ 41, Henry Frankl _ of GOl'tnn _ 42. Thorn'" Spunner White _ of D crryvrua 43. Rw?"t Philips _ _ of l\tounc Philips «, William Jaeluion of Cnmirn _ t!). William WnlIer _ or Priur Pnt'k 46. Vuitr Bridge _ of A ~h LU\' ry 47. Ralph Smith _ of Ullllymuncy 48, Thom:lB Purvi! _ of Pro~l)Cct _ 49, William GoolUe _ _ (If T t.'unor Olebe ~ . Thcmu Butler Stoney _ ofPurtlnnd _ lil. Winiam Middleton_ _ of Elm Hill_ 52, Alexander Cnraw ufKilcortnn63. William Minchiu of Woodvillc 54. John Tuthill _ of Uivllrvicw !)~. George Smith _ (If G ur tl:cn _ 56. .Auguitu ~ Hartford ofWdlinKt nn 47. Riebard FlIlknicr • tlf nu rriwkane SS. Milo Burke _ _ of Pi1 J1 n.~ 59. William TolJo<leaw _ uf Cluunkellyuu(fe 60. John Short _ _ _ of !ll\ll"" 61. Robert Young _ _ ofClur\ljiugle 62. CharIca Wilkin. on _ (If 1Mlyheg _ 63. Thomu O'Meara _ ()f llllULuluffll 64. William :Burke Fogorty of GnrrYlODnu8 ~, lliebnrd Short of B!lllyvamll'lun 66. Richard Howard of Nenagh _ G;. Jamu Fle.,twood (If 1khl\uHll"C 6~ Joho Crnwfurd of L ish~'1:n _ !. 3. " 5. 6, 380_ I!Iiquire eJquire esquire e" Illil't' L'lquirn csquit'e elquire uqllire esquire eaquire esquire eequire ctquire eaquire esquire c@;qllire 70. Heury Lysaght ...'"" ClIl)llire eAtJ.uire cscIlJirc CMJuirc Ctlquirc csqu!ro l'lilIUlrc " q uire CMIuire L'Illluire Cliquirc Cli1luire C!lquirc esquire (l!Itluirc CIIquire Clj(luire ClII}uire I!I;(luiro !!!Iquiri! eaquire C!«)l1ire ~(J\lire tsqu~re ('squire e~(luire l"l'quire efquire cSllllire e!tCjlli re esq~ro elI1 lHte I!IICluire eIIlluiTe CP'quire CIlilui rc C8tJ.uire C!;(IU~lll I>qUlre ClSquiru eAlJuire t'!il!ui!'e cscluire Cllljuirc cSiluirc ClI1luire gl!Dt!eman e~qu)l"c c~4uire C!lquire c~fJuire e~luil'c am _ - of Camira gen~eman - of Greenwood c!iquue 7] , Robe rt L loyd _ of Longforn r.odge uquin _72. George Bennett • uf Sonell Hill ~quir~ 73. Willinm A_bernathy - of Oak Fork tIIquire 7to. Henry Y ouog - of Annebrook esquire 75. T homas Bornes - of Tinneuy '~ esquire 76. Benjamiu White - of B:1l1)'duffe esquire 77, ThomilS GooMe • of Fenuer Glebe esquire 78. EdwlIXu Talbott - of BrooHeld 79, Riehnrd Bourke - flf Currnghbeba eaquire flO. E dWllrd P arker - of LtJSiDllky esquire 81. T homas S. D. RobiO!lOn of BUM'illOkane esquire esquire 82. FrMeis YOlIog - fir Thornbtook - of Milford esquirv 83. RItlrh Smith 84, George 1I.11lunseU - of Carrigeell esquire e!quire 85. Hobt.:rc Smithwick - at Suir Cottage 86. Robert Philipa - at CTallna esquire 87, T hemM n igg" • of Bellevue csqu~re 813. Tydll Abhott • of Whitson esquire tSquirc 80. Godfrey Leol'l;trd • of liulTi&owe merchllUt 90. 'r llonuu!I T. Ahbott - of Nenagh nquboe 0 ) , T hoMII.A E ly, junior - of Elysium 02, l ohn PhiliJlll ~ or Cnrragbduf~ esquire esquire 0.'1. R ieho.rd White - of Greenhnll f41quire 94. Richnrtl Nuh - of Bur esqUil'll 95. ~·erem."(! Alt • of Ringroo • ewquire 06. Rober t J ones - of SpririgmouDt esquire 117, J ulm Cnrew • - of Ringtoo 98. Williltm Vm CruiJe - of Moun t William ~ esqeire Cli;quire 9H. William H. Cox _ - of Fairy Hill . 100. Thomas G. Stoney - of Hnrveu Lodge - esquire esqnire 101. Robert W.Neahitt - of Fort Netibitt esquire }02. J QIJn Thomas Manning: - of Shanb:illy esquire 103 • .1ohn Parl;er - of Dallyeulleton esquire 104. WiUiIUU Kenntdy - of Cfloloamuo. esquire - of Clarernount 105. Frederick Evans erquire • of Clougbprior 106. Willirun Woodford esquire 107. ) Iiehael Mulv3UY - of Bakestown esquire ) 08. Wil1inm Crawford _ orn311yleahy esquire - of Holy t:ro!lll 109. Geurgo Tbnmpson esquire )1 0. WilliaDl R)'nn . 0fMouut Alt gentlemall J J I. J:lUle8 E vans - of UQ5Ct'I!Il 11 2. Henry Ely • - or (heyfort Lodge- esquire esquire 1 J 3. Patrick Burke R )'nn - of Li~cohill esquire 11 4. &unllel Darry - of Burrisokone merchlllt .1. 16. Johu Crotty - of lioscrta esquil'e I J6. Richard Tobouenll' - of Anna gentleman 1 17. George F(Lweett - of ilosert'll gentlem:tn 118. J ohn Rynn - of Ollrtke\ly e!qnire 11 9. Alfn.:d E nus - ofMuntobcr esquire 120. Rndford - of Kil"er1n",n ..,.."m.. 12 L Corneliu. Hogan - of Neiolport nlel'Chant 122. Rody Spain • of Nen;tgh mtlchant 123. HiCtl Lewis _ - uf N~llagli gentlernnn 124. Henry B rindley - of Mount 1alnnd merchant 1~5, .John Fa"cdt - uf Hot:crea gentleman 126. S~muel Hill - (If Ratlllillll'tin mel'e1lab t 127, Frnnci8 Dyrne - of Ncnagh geotlemlln 1 ~8. 'l'bouHU Splint of HOKn:a • 129. Millt~hi n Hudd ofTcrnplcmore - mCl'cullbt 130. William Foley of M O),enlIkty enstle gtntkmln Cflquire 131. J ohn JonCfl of"Whiu'. Fort gcntltman 132, William Armitage of Cloughjordnn gentlelll!w 133. Richard Kent ' uf CloughJoruau gentl~lhan 134. John O'Dricn - of Hogan'. P n5:S gen tlem.n ] 35. Tbumu Glt'Cllon. JUIl. • of SIJalJec • gcu tlcnful 136. J OllA ArtliJ\ - orRivcrficld 69, Henry ' C4 (con/baud, ) NAMES OF PERSONS QUAL I FIED TO SERVE AS J U RORS IN Lilt of the Names of ~I Perwo5 qu:\lified to serve ns Petit Jurors in the Northern Divis.ioll gentlcmnu esquire 137. William Armitage - of Newtown- 138. 139. 14.0. 141. 14:.1. 14:1. 144. }.lEi. Patrick Fognrty Da.ui~1 Guider - of Cabra - of &ll)'beg - Anthooy Lamyhier F mncis GnpwJ J OlICph Armituge - - of Littleton - esquire - o£ CloughjordlUl gCll tlcman of Newtown - gentleman IIlcrl!hant L lfge Dudl"y Charles DcmpM'Y J U1111 H"'''''o;on 146. StephclL n~,1I.Il U7. J ohn Darcy ] 48. John Drindl!!)' 149. F redtnck FulkUJer o£ 'Teluyk,uol\: of 'l'emplernorc - of Hoh' Cross. - of Du~!dgh - of NeDa!;l, - of Ball\; Kee\'an • of Bur~i,okllOO ]1)0. William Nllgle 15 1. JolmDrum. ) 52. William Carroll - of Furtlield - of Roscrea. _ of'l'hul le. 153. 154. la5. 156. ] ai. 158. Michael OI.'l·gan Heory Welply J~!lh CULlI}1ton. J eremiah Tuohy Ruoort i\!olwiog _ Gt,.'OI'ge Salter • of R.oscn.-a of OlitraDi of Shaoh&lly of :Hurri.lokano mCI'(::iumt ' of Ballina ofThllrl~ - of Koscrea ] 60. IHichael Kl!ony - of Thurles - ofNenngh - of Thllrlel JI.!IlCII Am.os 162. Thonlll1 Strangmlln 163. Willintn Boy too - of 'I buries 16". Archibald t:ooke - ofThurics ] 65. Thomas Williams, junior, of Clougbjordan ] 66. 'lbOlDIIJ O'Brien _ - ofRO!Crea 1 67. Dryan Coo,idine - of Ne.nlgh 168. Edwnrd F'hllll£:ua - of Thu rles 169. James HlLDly - of Nenagh Isme ofeach, gcntleman gl:fltlt man merchant Dle"l!hnnt gentleman Ulerchant gentiemlln Jnerduwt merchant mcrc:hllnt merchant gentleman gentleman gentleman ] 59. r.licha~ Canoll 16 1. c>quire merchant mercha.nt merchllnt mertlh:mt gentleman mt rchant merchant merchant gentleman merc:hnnt wercho.nt ~ 170. Robel't Pike of ClolIghjurdau of Templemorl! of ThurlC!l • of Cloughjordan 1, L 112. 173. 174. William HCI'stlll Villcntillc O'Mcal1l John Hodgins George Jack~on 1,5 . John COllllt!J1y 176. J ame. Dacres In. J ohn J acklon 178. Thomll$ LUran uf Templcmotl! 17!). Kicholu [,:df'an 180. John Williams 18 1. Martin l\1cagber 182. Martin Quiolan 18a. ThomlUl Henoessy 184. J OM Gunt _ 185. Johu ltyao186. James Hntlgins 18, . Richard Ryan J 88. Samuel Dudlt!y 189. Robert Fletcher 100. John O'Brien 191. William Dudley 192. Phillip Spading 193. Samuel Rhodes 194. John 0' i\1e(lr.l. 195. Anthony Nnlan 196. Richard Chlldwick 197. Gregory Fiupatrick 198. Patrick Ryan 199. Patrick O'Brien - - of T Cffil'I cffiOrU of Thul'les - of 'i'cmpicmofe - of Temlliemo!'C _ ofThurlt't _ - uf Cloughjordan - of BOlllearcn - of Lough _ of Thllrles _ _ of Templemora - of'n mt"ies - of Cloughjordau _ of ' J1 \U rl~ • of R oscrea. _ - ofNenagh - of Tem}11emore - ofTeffi Jlll!more UllTChant merchant ~rchant _lw>, merchant merclu.ot ge n tl~llLu gentltma.o. gentltml4 U'ICI'chw merebUlt rnm:hant mcrehtllt merchant mcrchw mcrchant merchant mcn:lant _ ofFah!lllY _ _ of Roserea. - gcotiemtD. - of Templemorc _ of NCJiI\gh. - of Borrisuleigh - of Nenagh _ gtntienull of Borrisolcigh 200. l 'holllM K ennedy of Nenagh of Nellagh - 201. Joho. Armi tAge 202. J ohn Kent _ of Clougbjordan of Portrue AmbrO$~ £ . 10. merehnt mtrchaot m=h"" ulerclLtnt -""" merehant merchlnt _!un, merchant merch:Lnt merchant mcrcha.nt _dun, Going, Sherill'. COUNTY OF TIPPERARY (To Wit.) NORT H RIDING . N Al[ES of the PETIT .rU Ry to try betweon our Sovereign Lady the Queen and the P risoners o.nd Traversers, at n. Genernl Assizes and Genernl Gaol Delivery, bold at Nenagh, in a.nd tor the said County aud Riding, on Monday th~ 31st day of July 1843. ;--------------------~ 1. Wills C. Bennett 2. lohn H. Harding _ 3. Samuel Cooke - of Riventon _ of Summer Hm - of Brownstown 4. l:ml" J. Poe - of Sabboro 5. Thomu Bunbury .. of LiBhryan _ 6. Sololll&o Cnmbie • of Kilgarvin 7. George Birtlh - of Mooincha B. George Wal ler - of Woodpnrk 9. Piene POi\'er • of Muoroe _ 10. Thomas G. Hemswot1h - of AbheyviUe J I. Henry Owen Sanders - of Greyfort 12. \\ ' imam Poe• ofDono\'brook ] 3. 11lomas Ho.l'l1ing - of SUnlmerbili 14. Jeffrey Prendcrgut - of John~to .... n 15. William Phillip" junior - of Mount Phillips _ 16. Aothony Parker _ - of Fort Willi:lUl _ ] 7. Jocelyo Poe - of Salsboro _ l B. David Englan~ Young - of Bo.llygibboo 19. Augu~~1I! Rohinson - of Cloughkeatillg _ :20. Joho Bennett - of OldtoVl'n _ 21. lnmes Birch - of Moniuchll 22. Finrh Wb ite - of Fort Henry 23. Vere Hunt - of Higu Pnrk - of Crannagh 24. CharIu Goiog 25. Hcury HIl~kshnl'l' • of Derryleigh 26. Robert Phillips • of Sunville _ 2i. " 'illiam Minchin _ ofWoodvil!e 38. John Bou~hier • of Smithville 29. Edward P nrkcr • of Liullisky 30. Henry J. Creagh • of Kill 3/. Hawkshaw. ·ofRoek\·illo 32. William Sm.ith'llick • of " oughlll 33. George Roc - of LOT'lln PlU'k 34. !Inurice Studdart - of Lodge 35. Thoma.!! Spunoer White - of Dtl1'fTllle 36. William Jaeksou - of Camira 37. Alc13.oder CareW" • of Kilcnrroo 3S. J,. uguIM Hartford - or Willington 39. William 'fibcllUdo _ - of Cloukellyduff 40. H.ol~rt S. Y Ollog - of Cloosioglc 41 . Beary Phillips - of BllShtield 42. Edl\'ard 1'lllbot - of Brookfield 43. Willia.m Middleton _ - or Elm Hill 44. Wi lliam Wa ller - ofPriOI' Park 4,5. lIalph Smith - of B.·dlymo oey ·:I(i. J uhu L}'ocil - of h.laodUo.ll·U esquire e"l,uiro esquire ~quire elquire l'iquire caquire esquire esquire esquire esquire ellJ uire esqllire etK{uire esquire esquire esquire esquire Hquire esquire esqui re esquire esquire esquire CSCJ.uir~ C!MJuire ~uire eMjuire esquire equire esqllire l5<[uire esquire e!II:J uire esquire esquire esquire esquire esqu ire bquire esquire esquire e!l}uirc ~u ire ~uire esquire John Phillips ThomlL! N uge nt George Lloyd I n!I'.e5 Ma50n ~l. John Cmlfford 52. George De-nnett Li:J. Ralph Smith Smith /i·I. William Henry Cox 65. 56. W illill.ffi Porhr 67. Benjamin Ha .... kshaw 58. 111011l1L! Kirwan li9. Hllnry Frnnks 60. WiIlllJ,u\ Goold fH. Vizor Drillge _ 62. Thoma~ Purvis; 63. Jolin Laoigan 64. R ichard P hillips 65. Eyre Bllldlfln 66. Robert Llovrl 67. :&nja.min White 68. ThomM Goold 69. Cornelius Hogiln 70 . J ohn D. Grady 71. Hubert PhilliPI' 72. Thomas Bigga 73. ThomM Ely, junior 74. &lJert W . Neliui~t 75. J ohn Corm!lek 76. George ~Dlith 77. J ohn Short _ 78. HichaTd White 79. J ohn P hillips 47. 48. 49. 50. 80. Robert Jones 81. W'llli:un Ryan 82. Ri ce Lelfil • 83. W illiam FoJ~y _ 84. F1Ieol!%cr l bdfol'd _ 85. 'lnomOI G . Stoney 86. J ohn Bovd _ • 67. Frtloci~ Yonng 88. Hem')' LYll:l.ght 89. J >l.mel Fleetwood fl O. Milo Burke _ 9 1. Richnrd Shol·t 92. H enry Hill _ - of Springvic!w - of NI!n.'1gll Mills esquire - of Skcllnnn - esquire . I!S(Joire ' e!IIJuirt C!lCJuirt C!lCLuire • of E:\.'Il"OOtl. _ of !.i.heen _ - of Sorrdl Hit! ofAIilford of Foil'y Hill of LanustOlvn - of Knockane - of T hn1'les _ of Gortn;,. • of Pinnae Glebe of Alhhury _ of Prospect _ of RiehmouII of Rosemount of Bcllpark _ of Longford Lodge, of B:\llydulf _ of Tri ouoe Glcb~ _ of N e'ollJ>Ort _ - of Brook LOOge _ of Crannngh _ of Belview _ - of Elyaillm _ _ of Porto ~bitt _ of Dnllycabill _ of GilI' teen _ - or Po.1lu cSilniro e!ljlliro esqllire eStJ.\lire · esquire esquire !:Squire ~uire esquire esquire esquire esquint esquire esquire "quire gt!ntleD.l11l e9CJ.uin esquire esquire esquire "quire esquire "quire esquire of GreenhAlI esqllirc of Curraduff' esquire of S III'inglOount esl)oire of Mountpro3pCct _ esquire of Nenngll _ men;hant of M:uycmkey Cutle, esqu~ of Riverl l1.wll e!qulte of HnrvClit Lodj.rc _ eM!uire of Ncll' Orchal'd e8qllire of Thornbrook esquirt of Gr~Dwood C!$(')llire of Bchamore esquire of Plllhl.., esquire of Bwlyva.ndl'on esquire of CaulirJ, . gendcouul THE N ORTHE RN DTVT SION 01~ THE COUNTY OF T I.PPERA RY. 25 of the County of TipPl!l'ary, colUlUellci ng Spring Assitl'S 1839, nUll ('nding Spring Auizcs184.J-amti1tlltd 93. 94. 95. 9(1. 9; . 98. 99. 100. of OW: llnrl.: - eIIq'\lire of Tinnef.llY - esquire of llurrisol:ane • eeqllire of ~nme - caquirc of Shanb.'\II>: - Kq uire of Cloughprlor - esquire Rich. rd Ti hcaudo - of Ann:\. - esquire - of Ncnaf::h . - l'IIqui rc Willi.m 'Cantrill 10 1. JIlIlIC!l Pnrker • - of Annct' Lodge - t'lUluiro - of llingroc - ClIlJuh'tl 102. Jobn Carew )03. Terenee Alt - ohlllne • - CIIquire HJ.J. Jeremiah Toohey - of Olitrum - Cilquirc 105. Richard Howard · - of - eallu~rc 106. HeJlry Ynuog - of Annebrook - csqull'tl 10; . Thomas Fognl'ty - of Dallinluuty House, esquire 109. George Maunsell - of Carri~n - etlquil'tl 109. Aotbnny L.'\mpb.icr - of Littleton - et:quil"e 11 0. IHichacll\IulvlI.ny - ofBenkstuun - uquire 111. Tbomas O' l'olcau - ofBouladuffe - esquit'tl 112. William Crnwfonl - of Ballyleahy - CIIquire 11 3. Patri ~k Burke Rynn - of Lillea.hill - esquire 114. Nichollu Bourke· - of Curmhehn. - OIquirc 11 5. JllBrpll Godfl'Cy - of Roc:kfort - elIquil1l 116. Clulrlesi Wilkinson of littleton Lodge eJIquirc II;. Robert Fletcher - of l'\enngh - lllcrchant I I S. William 'Flood Nagle - of Fortficld - gentlclJlnn U9. Richnrd Falkiner • of13urrisokane - I1squire 120. William B. F~arty - of GlIoITymanus - elqulre 121. Christopher Dlglllllll _ of AUIlAcranna - I1S1)uirc 122. ThomasTbompsonAbbott; of Nenagh - llIl'l'Chant 123. Charles Hart - of 'Tindel'ry - csqllh-c 124. Frederick Evans - of Claremont - cequirt: 125. William Bynn - of Mountalt - e!quirc - of Gccyfort Lodge l;!~qllira 126. Henry Fly. 127. George Fnwcett - of lloscrea . - merchant 128. Rody Spnin - of NCDI.£h - mcrchaot 129. Jobn Benn _ of LOOgc ~ - gentlcmtln lao. PlltriCk. Fogarty - of Calrll _ e~quire 131. James Armitnge - of C1oughjordan - Incrchnnt 132. J ,,}ln Brindlcy _ - of Ballyk~v(ln - gentleman 133. Gt'orge Salter _ - of Burrisokaue - lncrchant - of Shnnbnlly - I!IIquire 134. Robert 1.1Anning _ Ia.;. William Ro),tllD - ufThurles - merch ant 136. Willimn H~I\'!IOD _ _ of TCm]llemore - merllhant 13i'. Tbolll.o-ui Heniic&sY _ of Thurle.l - merchant 138. J3arnld Kent - of Garrrkennedy - gClltJcmlln 139. Christopher Ke)'B - of Dinlhill - gcntlclnnn J 40. Caleb Powell - of Ulll.ue - ,::cntlemnn 14.1. Robe rt Smitbwick - of Suir Cottllge - (oIIqll.irc 142. Riebnlliourke - of Curralx!ha. - Clquire - gentlemnn 143. WillilUIl Vera Cruise - ofLu·kIt. 144. William Kennelly _ of Coo]nnmunM _ I!squiro 145. George Thompf<1Il _ of HolyuoS5 _ gcntlem:tn 146. James _ _ of HOKcren - merchant l ~i. &.IIlucl BaiTY _ _ of Dul'tisoltILDC - esquire William Alx!rnethy • Thumas Barnes TIII,mM S. D. Robinson GOtlfrcy Leonard • Jobn Thomas William Woooward - M _ 1 48. Jollo Crotty ].I !). AI'chibu.ld Cooke 1bO. B,·ien Consclliue _ I ii l. Vnleutinc O'l\Icu-a 162. George JaekliOn _ 153. John Kent _ 154. 1I1lll'tin Quinlan _ 155. J ames Hodgen. • 156. Samuel Dudley _ 15 7. P hilip Sparling _ 158. Samuel RhooCil _ 159. 1\Jlll'tili i\leagher _ 160. Alfred E\'aD~ _ 161. Fra.nci~ Byron _ 162. !Iulehio Uuud _ 163. John. Jonel _ 164. Richnrd Kent _ 105 . John O'Brien _ 166. Large Dudley _ lG7· John Fitzgcrllid _ 168. Fn.'<ierick Falkiner 169. Henry Welply _ 170. James Acres _ 171. JohDt'offey _ 172. Robert Pike _ 173. Jobn Jnckson _ 174. Nichol .. Laffan _ 175. J obn WilEAtD8 _ - of R05crea _ - of Thurl£!! _ - of N~Mgh _ - of Thudes _ - of T~mplemore - ofPortrlJe _ - of Lcugh. - of Cloughjnrda n - of Ro§crcll _ - ofFnhey _ • of Roscrca _ _ of Bouluea _ - mercbu.t - merc:ha.nt • merchant - merchant - 1t!crchant - mcrchll1t _ gentleman _ merchant - mucbant _ gl!Utieman - mercllllnt - gentleml.ll - ofl\lontuber - e.qnire - of Ncnagh _ - mcrcllant - of Ttmplemore _ merchant - of Whitcrort _ gc:nt1cm~ n - of Clougbjordan • geotlemau • of Hognn's Pus _ gentleman - of Tt:nplemort _ IJ1rreblIlt - of Newport _ • gentleman - of Burrisokllne _ mcrchvlt - of Thurll!8 _ • lllercb:1Ilt - of Nel\agb • merchan t _ merchant _ of Newport _ of Cloughjord:m. - merchan t _ of 'l'emplemore _ mcu:iJant _ of 'l'hurlts • merchant _ of Clougbjordan • merchant 176. John GtK'lIt _ _ of Teml ,leruore • mercbant _ of Ro«:ren _ 177. Mich:wI ~rrol1 _ _ mcrchan~ J 78. J ulm Hodgins _ • of Cloughjordan • merchAnt 179. Jame<> Hanly _ _ of Nenngh _ _ werchant 180. J05t'ph Cr:u.npton - of Roscrea • merehant 181. Mi ehacl Ktnny _ • of Thul·lC11 . _ IllI.'rc!JlIllt _ of BUITisokigh J 82. Stephen Ry:m. _ _ merchant _ of Holjcrosa 183. John Hemon - gentleman _ of Clol1gbjon.lllo - merchant 184. Fmneis' Gaynor _ ge.lltieman _ of N~town 1 85. William Armitago _ gentleman 18G. TbomlL'!! Gleu:on. j un. _ of SluI1I1!C _ of Uounti.lo.nd _ gentleman 187. H enry Bl'undJer I SS. S1mue1 Hill _ _ of IbthlllR rtin _ gendenum 189. J ohn Flllfc;ett _ - m erchant _ of ltoscrca ] 90. William Armil:.:lgc _ of Cloughjol'lilW - mercbant 191. .Tohn ArdiJI _ - of Rinrneld - gentleman 192. Jolm Dnrey - ofNenngh _ merchant 193. Micllltcl Deegan - of Dallinn _ mercbant 194. J ohn WiIlinm" jun. - tlf Cloughjordan _ mercllnnt _ of ROlICreo. _ 195. 'ThOUIII8 O'lhicn - merchant I 06. 'l' homa~ Lalfan _ _ of 'r emplcmore - merch lWt _ of Thu rlcs _ H.l7. J ohn Hyan • merehant l!)S. J ohn O'l\Jellnl _ _ of Temlllcmore - geutll!lllan 199. Richnrd Nas b _ _ of Bunisokll1lC - gentleman 200. John Armitage _ _ of Cloughjonlan - merchant 201. Willinm DudleY' _ - of Templemore • mercbant - -- - -- - - ---_._ - -- -- - - - - Issues each of £ , 20. So answers Am.bTOlc Goil/!!. Sheriff. COUNTY OF TIPPERARY (To Wit.) NORTH RIDING. NA~E3 of the P ETIT J URY to try between our Sovereign Lady the Queen and the Trn.versers, at a General As~ize!l and General Gaol Delivery, hel d at Nenag", in lrnd for said County and Riding, on \Vednesdny the 20th dny of Mn.rch 1844. Samuel CooI:e • Benjamin HII. ....1.:sIIDI'I' WiHium 1'00 _ Johu Buuchicr Solumon Cambic • 6. Willinm D. Smitbuiek i. Finch White _ S. David England Young0. Charles Going _ 10. Henry Hn.wklhalv 11 . Jobn Ynigan • ] 2. Thomas Spencer White 13. Willinm Jackr.on _ . ]4. William. Waller _ 15. Henry J. Crell"ll 16. 'Willinm Ctllwfurd • 17. Thomas J . Prcudergll5t I S. lUlph Smyth _ 19. Altl:ander Carew _ 20. Willi1lm Minchin _ ~ 1. Willi3m Tubodcau _ 22. Ralph. S. Smyt11 _ 23. ThOIn4S HnrueD 2.1. George Birch 1. !l. 3. 4. 5. 3~O . _ _ • - of BrClwns;toll"t\ e!quirc of Rockville t.<'1u ire of u onn\'brook e&quirc of Smithville clq uil~ of K ilgllrvan (lI;quil'o of Y nughull Mqllil'c of Fort Henry e5(p,irc of Dnllygi bbou c$quiro of Cra.unn. ~luirc of Derryleigh ~uire of lliclilnoud esquire of DCITyvale ~uire of Cnmiro. clII}uirc of Prior Park t.(luire of Kill csquil'c of Crn.wfOTll Lodge csquire of .JOIIl1StownCottugc, c;\!\ui re of 13allyrnonll - esquire of K ilcliITOn esqui re of Woodville (lI;quiJ'e of Clonkelljdu[ cr.quire of Milfon! _ Cf.IJ.uiro of Summ<>rhill t!'oqui re of Mo:minchia esquirc 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32 . 33. S<. 35. 30. 37. 38. 39. 40. 4l. 42. 43. 44. 45. 40. 47. 48. D l)ierN! Powcr Anthony ParJUlr Milo Burke AUguliul Robinson John Bennctt _ of Munroe of· Fort... illinm - of Pullu • of Cloughkeating _ of. Oldtown - Muuric(l l'tuddort Rohcrt P hillips Willill1ll Goult! George SmIth Willinm R yan William Max ThumM G. Stoney WilJimn ParlIer Clnu!!!!! P. Ih n leo Phili p. lienjamill H(lwlulH1W Hichllrd Short 1'homaB Kirw:U1 Samuel Biggl J ohn Crawfonl Verc Hunt Th<>inu Goold Willialll Charles Mutey - of Lodgc etqlJire - of :Muunt P lliliJls esquire of J1ennor GldJe caquire C8Qum: - tiC Gur(cen clquire of Mountnlt esquire - of :Mn:xfnrt • of HttrVl!!lt Lollge - !!Iquire esquire - of LandsdOlvn esquire - ofSumnlf'rllill esquire - of RoM; Hill eilJuire - of KnoclcaDc esqQi r~ - of Ba1lyvondrurn - of Thurlu es'ln~r~ e!CJ.ulfe - of Co.stle Biggs esquire - of Lishl>en eMJuire - of High. Park esquire - of Fennor Glebe esquire - of Kevin.fort esquhe Ciqnire esquire esquire esqu.iJ~ (continI/til. ) N AMES OF PERSONS QUA L IFIED TO SERVE AS J URORS I N List of the Nlmcs of ill PC1'3OnS qutllified to £ervc as Petit Juron in the Norlhern Divi;uon of TipperAry, &c. - tontiuuM. ". 50. Jnhn R. MinncU - of Kilha.leu 51. Willialll Phili pa - of JloulI.t Philips 52. Henry Oll"en &lunders - of Gre\fllrt 53. Jo~-eIYll P oe - of Sol~horough 54. Ja.ln~ Birch - of l'tfo:tn iochin 55. Jamcs :!\luon - of Eastwood 56. Robert Phillip!! - of SUII.I'iIIe _ 57. Henry Franks - of Gurtntl 58. V i ~r Bridge - of Ashberry 59. Henry LY$8th - of Greenwood GO. Thomas Punis - of Prospect 61. Edlvnrd Puker - of Li5C:J.ois),:y 62. AUlS'Udu. Hllrtf\lro _ ofWillingtoD 63. William Abem:lthy - of Onkpo.rk 64. Eyre .Baldl\;n - of :Bclilluk 65. Robert S. Young - of ClonsUJgle 66. John Phillips - of Springl'iew 67. Thomas E ly, jun. - of E,I\'siunl 6S. Christopher Digmuu - of A~tll. Carrigtl 69. William Heo~' Cox - of Fairy Hill 'iO. JOM 'f homas Ma.alling - o( Shanbtllly . '1. John Parker - of Bnllyeolldon '2. Euward Talbot - of Brookfield. 73. Thomas Hm - of Tinderf')' 7 4. Fleury Young - of Anna Urook 7.5. George Bennett - of Sorrell Hill 76. Henry Ely _ - of Greyfort Lodge 'ii. Rirluud H09l'Ud - of Nl'nagh 78, Ricbnrd 'IiboUeau ~ of Anna 79. RuLert Llu}·d - of. Longford Lodge 80. R ice Lewis _ _ of Nen::lgh SJ. William Folty - ol I'I byco.rky Cadle 82. Robert Jone!! - of SpriOglllOWlt 83. Anthony Ll\nphier _ of. L ittleton 84. Ji\me~ PlI.rkCT _ of AIIII3. Lodge 85. Hugh Brnd.ll::1w _ of Kilhcg 86. Robert Hunt _ of Coollell.Y 57. Robert Hall _ of Merton HnU 8S. Henry D. Hearl. _ of BnJliunclough 89. Andrew Ja ek~on _ _ of l\Iountplc:wn t 90. T hcobn.Jd Hoberts _ of Morta 91. }<la<t"ood _ of Beehamore 92. Henry Hill . _ of Camirtl. 93. John S. Smith _ of Raeket Hall g,. 95. Robert Young _ 13 1 . 132. 133. 13-1. 135. ~.squire esquire esquire cilquire e;quire esqu ire e.quire esqui re esquire esquire esquire esqui[l! eSlluil'e u!K(lIire esquire esquire e"quire esquire esquire 136. ] 3 7. 13S. 139. Uo. 141. 142. 143. 144. 1<15. 146. esquire ellquil'e e~ql.lire C!lquire esqu~l'e escluire tlqu~re t~Ulre esquire 10~. 103. 104. 105. 106. 1 07. l OS. 109. 1 10. 11 1. 112. Geot"\to Lloyd _ J ohn Short _ Richard White William B. I-'oguty _ Franci~ Young _ _ RobertPhi\ipi _ Thom plOn Tyud Abbott; J OIh ua Boyd _ Thotlln.'l D. HobiOMn • llichard Nash _ Robert W. Neshitt _ William K ennedv • MulV'l.n·y _ Pntrick B. Ryan _ _ Ehenezer RrulJcrd _ J obnBrindley _ I1f Clousingle eaC}lli re of Skehannn o{Pallu of Greenhall of G .... rrysanus of Thombrook ofCranntl of Nena.gll ofNe" Orcbard of Burri50kane ofltlme of Fortnesbitt of CooJamurI;l. of &kesto'ltll of Lisenhill of RiverItlwn ofhlaudBawn tlqtlirc esq ui ru wl uite esquire esquire esquire esquire esquire eIIquire esquire esquire ) 13. J obn Ardbill _ of Roicc:field gentleman _ of Cabm Coatle - of Burrilokanf! - of Ballyduff _ of Thurlet _ - of Rathm . . rtill _ of Rvninch ~ _ of N~wpor t _ _ of Shannon VtIle _ _ of New Orclurd - of ROI5crea _ of Stra.t1uff_ _ 'ofBaJlinwlty - of .Ne uagh _ _ of Thurlea _ - of ClolIghjordan - of Thurles esquire lUuI·cbtlnt elquire merchant ] 2 1. John Cullen 122. H enry Bailey ] 2:1. J ohn Boyd ] 2-1. William Snullmfln 1 25. Chriatophc r AtiL-ell ]26. 11\Omu Fognrty _ 127. R obert F1etcllcr 128. Thomas Hotnoeuy 129. Jolnl William. 180. Arc:hib.ld Cooke J!Sues of ~::Ieh. £.20. JOllet - esquire ceqn ire esquire 9Quire eaquire merchant eoiquire nql1ire merch:a.nt merchant merehant merchant - of Clouglljoroan - of Curraghbeb.'L - of Hoscren - of Gurtkclly - of N cntlgh _ of Clougbjordan - nf&lliu nlick _ of Knight _ - of Prospect Lodge _ of RIl!ICrea. _ - of ltathm:r.rtin - of T emplclllore - of Wllitcrort _ of Clnllshjordlill _ of Sh:illl'\l _ of Ncntlgh _ _ of Burriaokll.Dc of Thurle. _ _ ofTelUlllemore _ of P ortroe _ ofLeigl\ of HOjOCre& _ of Flihussy _ of Uic.ln • of Ho~e~;r _ of Templemorc ofThurlca _ g~Ilt1eJUQ ge.nt1eJD&n gentlel'lWt gtlltlemall esquire rnerchDt esquire esquire esquire gelitleJDal\ ~uire esquire gentlemln esquire _ _ _ _ • _ _ _ _ of SIUlnlJally of %n..ll(.'o of Nenagh _ of Kilk.eDlWe of F01i1.11 _ of Thurles _ of Ballina _ of Burriaolcigh 198. James Acrel 1 99. Thomas O'Brien . .200. Valentine O'Meara. 20 1. Ja.mci HIIDly 202. R obert Piku 203. Thomas L:J.1Iiln 204. Christopber Keys 205. J obn Hodgins 206. 207. J oh n GuC!lt 20S. J IIDle! Hodgens 209. l\'liebtul! Cnrroll 210. J ohn O'lUfY.\.ra 211. J oh n Da.rcy gentlemall llltrebut gentleman merchaot gentleman geo.tlemlo. gentJemlli merehall.t mercb.nt umthant mercbw.t geotiemu geotlemal1 nltrchant ll"..... gcntlem:lll. mcrcblUlt LllC rclUlUt Dlfrehant gcntlemu merchaot IS4. Gregory l~ibpntrick 185. &lwin Bald.. in _ 186. Loftus Sparling _ 187. ] 8S. Pete r Smith"ick _ J89. JolIn Young 191. WillitllU Hill 192. Ed\':;ml Flinn 193. He nL'y WeI ply 194. Mi chael. D ecglln 195. Stephen R yn.n 196. John Armit:lge 197. J OI!eph Crampton gentkm3a. mt'l'cbant merchant mercbant geotlcrnDn gentlemaD 183. SteJlhen Hill - eaquire gelltU:1lI111 gentleman of LimIDurc _ of Kilo.ham· of Bllni!lOlcigh ofNcntlgh _ tlf ClulIghjordan of IIlLthmale:m of NeMglt _ of Derry 190. Samucl Swibcr esqui1'1!1 eaquire esquire gendenall. 1 14. Patriclc Fogarty ) 15. F reder ick FaulkioCt ) 16. Benjamin White - ] ] 7. William Boy ton _ 11 8. &unuel Hill 11 9. Jeremiah O'Brien William K ingsley _ John T elbot J ohn Fnucctt Samuel Hill Minchin H udd is. ~uire gentl~UlIIl merchant Hi4. W illiam Armitage lG5. 'fholuu Gleeton _ Hili. Driall. Con5td.ine _ 167 • .George Snlter 168. Michlltl K enn y 169. WilIi:un HCl\'lIon _ 170. J ()hn K ent 171. lIhrtill QuiulclII· 172. StlUIUe\ S. Dudley 173. P hili p SpatHog 174. Caleb Po wel 1 75. ' S o.mue! Hhode. 176. William Dudluy ] 71. J "hn. Butler 1 Edwl\l'd Byrne 1 79. John Fngi\rty _ 180. Hicbaru Ch nuwick l S I. Samuel B ril\dley • 182. Heury GtlyuO\' esquire esquire 151. Ri chanl Kent 152. Ricbrd Burko ] 53. John Crotty 154. J uhn Ryall 155. Rod y Spniu 163. J ohn esquire esquire esquire e!quire esquire «quire Nquire eitjuire ~u~re e.o;qulre of Littleton Lodge ofOlitra1ll _ of Bou!.ulli/f of Cloughjurtlan - uf Nel'town _ - of Fortficld _ • of Ringrnc _ - of Ncn::lgh _ - of ~ Jont:lher - of R 05CI'Ca _ _ of Bnrl'illOkrmc - of Holycross _ of Clare Mouot ~ of Lacko. - of HOhl'l\n'. Pass - of Ringrove esquire eiquire 1.3 8. ]59. 160. 1 6 1. 162. esquire esquire esquire _ - 147. 148. J09C!ph Godrrcy - of R ockfort 149. J"hn Gard iner Holmes - of LisdulT _ 150. H eury Philips - of l3ushfie hl ] 56. J Ol!eph Armit:lge 157. W illiam Hill esquIre gG. 97. 98. 99. 1 00. 10]. ClHlrlel Williiu!lon .Teremiah T oob y Thoma..s Q'Me:u'1. Henry Gaynor William A r,uitnge William Nagle J ollIl Carel., F r;meis Byron Alfred EI'anS G eorge Fawcett Samuel B arry, JUDo George ThomPl'oD. Frederick Emu WiUi<un Veru C&-Udc J ulin O'Bri~D T llrence Alt - o( Cloughjordll.D - of Ro!;(,'rc/\ - of - of Rosere:!. - of Thurll!li merchant mtrehant gentlemill. mel'ciulllt merchant geotlemlo. gcotleman gentlem,n . lllI.'rcbnt ge:ntlell1lll gentlem;o mercha.ot mereha.Dt merebULr ~""", lnereha.ot merchant rtlI.'rchant mereh&n~ _ of Nenagh ~ of CJoughjordlill - of Templemorc - of Bird hill _ - of Cloughjordl1n merebaot merchant - of Tcmplelllore - of ClolIghjordau - of H.oeCI'f!.... of Templ ~ruore - of Nenngh - merehaDt m"""" gtntJe!OOl JDt,....:hant merchant mtrcllrwi merChtlDt mercha.~t So answers William Barker, Sheriff. P edder ~. Carmlcllcul, Clerks of tIle CroWll: THE NORT R E R N 27 DI V I S I ON O F T H E. COU N T Y OF 'rI PPE R ARY. RETURN by tho Clcrks of CI'own of the Coun ty of Tip]lt.l'ary, of the P ETTY J UR Y P .,\)I' Er. returned by the Sherifr to the S pecial Commissio n llclt] at ClQnmel for Coun ty, the 28th dny of J une 1842. COUNTY OF TIPPERARY (To Wit.) of the P ETIT JURY to 'try between our S<n'ereig n lady the Queen nnti the T mversers, at 8. Speeinl Commission of O yer nll d Tenniner a nd Gencml Gnol D elivery, hehl at Clo7t7nci, in nnd fO T snid County, on Tuesday the 28th doy of June 1842. NA )lES Sir J(lhll Judkin!n.hl. CoIOllel H~nry Drfrcr M~tlu!'II' Jacob Thorna!! Edmond Lruor Ricbard Pennefather RIlt Laurence J mliS Willi un Ste"ar~ T renc h J ame! Scully i\!.lII'ioe Cromie Moore J uhll Lloyd Jatne5 Power Frederick Lid";l) George Jackson Frederick J a.c:kllOn Thomn5 Goof&'! Stoney 'WiIIillm Finch Southwell Mul lahy J _ph Cooke Jolui Lane Hugh Bnker J.met P. P oe Jllthua R. Mionett Tholllu He ~IIIwll rtl1 Johl1 Lalor Henry Langley JOI1:l.tha n W. Walsh Henry Lee • ThoIlW Blltler Richard S. Manugh Thorn!\.'! Sndliel', jun. Richard E. Philli p~ Richard Bllt1cr Wm. He~ry Bircb Stephel1' Cb:l.nes lIfoore Franet O'Brim _ John Lnmpllier Henry WillilllU MnMey _ John D. Hutchinson _ William Mur phy, JUDo George Smi thwick ChulsAtkilltDn Edward Kel1nedy Thomas Bunbury Ch&rlcs CI:l.rke Edmund Selilly _ _ Thomas G, P rendergut Ed"U'd Crollbie IUoore _ ilticbael Lidwill Htl1ry Tydd Gfflrge Roe ~ Anthony Porker _ John Lnnigl.D. _ Chula Camble _ WiUb.m HCllry Head J~bh SenUy _ _ TholllU Butler Stoner _ Pierce Poare1' _ _ of Lilhtoell of :&lliquirk. of Mo....barne of CI'egg of KOOol:kec"&1I of Rae!lboro of Cn.stlel)'uk of Sapl.cllhall of Kilfel\de of l\'1 oorsfort of Lisheen Cutl, _ of Ballydine of Dromard of :Mount P ltrul.1.nt of I nane of K rle Park 11£ TulJnmO Te Pu k of Ne\'I'castle of Cardllngun - of Laoe. Purk lIf LiswlWne of Hatley P tl.rk of AonBbeg or' Al)ooyville of G urb!en of Cll:llbrook of ''''01511 P ark of Bnl'Iua of 1WI)·ea.rron of Grccnane - of Bnllinderry - of Mountri vcl"l baronet esquire e!lq u ~rc esqUire esquire cs1lnire Cliquire esqnire esquire eliquirc esquire l!ICl.u~re e5t] lllre esquire esquire e!lqllire esquire esquire es<ju i~ c!quire ~l1ire l.'Iquire e.aqnire eBqu ire ~u ire Clquiw OIClnirc esquire esqu!re esqUU'c Cl!ljuire' - of B:Lll}'1>lattoen CIIIluire - of The Hilb CII(]uire - of C lenc:l.lInor C!l!ju il'C - of Tllurle!l _ C!litluire - of P 4I'klto;\'n ClLqui re of T ippcrnry I!IOlJ.uire of TimlJoney esquire of BallYIUl mOnl1 Cl<lJ.uire; (If Lllckin ciKLuire of Suutltpark esquire of Bllotil e"lUlru of L~b1'YIUl. esquiro of GUl.iguuoo Clquire of Clonbin~e !'MIuim of J ohnstown e~Jl1ire of l\doore ~fort '*Iuire of BuestowLl. esquire of Clonmcl elquire - of Lorlln Park eequire of Fort WiIli4m. "'iuire of Ri chmond etquire of CaJltletoW!\ esquire of M od l'en" [JOll\le esquire of Sil\,erfo'rt esquire of P ortland t'llquil'f: of Munroe CllJ.uire JAlila Willington of Castle Williugtoo, etqui re Jama 1{ea.tiog _ of Cullel! _ Clquire George Bircl1 of Monnhinch!l esquire John RUSlItII _ _ esquire - of llaIlydadd Solomon Lalor Cambie _ - of Killorlln t$lJ.u!re Thomas Pienon Firman - of Arrl11l11ill esqult'l: William Hellry Hutchi nson - of R:u:kforrest esquire " rllll&m Coopel' Cl'1lwforri of R lI.plll eaquire EdfIXI ~d Murphy of Dnll}'more elII).uire Edward nig~ of e:..,tle Biggs e&lluire ~eAtkin!lOn of Alhlc)' P ark esquire SalUllti Cooke of Brownstu wn esquire William. Smitb _ of N or tblandl esqui re Williun Arumnm,& - of Farney Ca!Jd~ esquire John Going _ - of Birdhill tlVl uire ~bert Prfnde~t - of L :LCkcn _ c~ u i re Nlchob.. Biddulpll - of Coogor _ eJq u~ re Jnhn Wi!liu,ton _ - of K illoil<ehane esq ll l r~ ThnO'lU NII"'Mt _ - of NCllng h i\lilIR esqllire Jnh~ BentlC~t, jun, .. of Rivet'lltown esq uire Wilham. Murph )', jun, - ofBallynamola f1IIJ. u~re !lJuhl!Yr HatHerton of Orchart\stuwl\ esqUI re Fergus L:lngtl'Y _ of Lickfill _ esquire Edward l',~r or U urlolO' tNj llire Godfrey Tayklr of A L11\~ift t~yui r(' 380, : Willinm Greene J othul!.ltaleolm9(l1l Lorenzo H. Ji!]lhson Samuel P~r ry Edmond Mu rphy John Hughe. Henry Adama William O'D onnell Juhn Langley Thomu Blliton!l Millett T homas BerolLrd Dancer J ohn P rendergast Ri r-h u d Creaghe William B, Srny th"i~k Renry C. Whrte J olin MnleomllDo MUll'II y Hugh. Bend,. Brad~haw _ Rody Seully Robe.:tCarow With Bennett Lnllncclot Bayly ~ William Max _ J ohn Doureoier Jeffry Prendergast Caleb G oing Willillm Kennedy George Baker Samuel ~. Tucke)' J :lUles .Jocelyn Poe Lorenzo Clutteronck Thoma~ G . Hemmorth J ..mes F1ectll'ood • JlI.l OUij Sadlier Chub Minellin San\ uel Cooper Willi:l,lu Durko Gt'Orgu W:dler Ed ...Llrd s..Tgelll!.t Hen ry BrillC"c William Middleton P hilip F ranci. Drought J obo Crot ty ThumM Quill O'Clli!lIghll.O Ryan Patri~k Fog:lJ:ty J ol1n Clw.vtor WilliaUl i Ol!hua Fennc11 WAiler Herbert !\licb3cl Po y,~ !, Henry Owcn S:lundcl'$ • William Sm>,th 1' .oma., Kirwa n Uoben l!1' Crni th J.lcnry Moore J ohn L}'lch T hunla5 Godfrty PI.ilips Thnllla.ll LindllllY J oseph G rubb Daniel J. Murphy John Clibboa'n,jun. J ohn Whyte Sou~llcot lIflLllSeigh J ohn Dennett F mneil Maney J ohn H. Harden J Ullleli Birch P eter Smiiliwick Richard Cormiek Roi.l(!rt l\hkolUSOll J olm Orm~Ly Lloyd Sidoey Sluith J ob1l Eg:m P atrick Grady J ohn Ryan , Augustus Rohmsoo 1'1\11111:\5 Smitbwjck T hl'Obo.ld l\1orrissy &nj:unin Hawbhllw JnmCli ntlL!JDn George Nelson B~er Vfre Huut Midll.!!l l)ceran B - of POlfcretown esquiZ'l!! of Mil""iew esquirt: - of Carrid:-hoUliC - elquire - of B!U'ollu l'Squ irc \\'UCldfort esqU!1'1!' - of Clonnle] _ Clqulre - of Ti ppera ry I'IIquire - of Cultllge esquire - lIf Coalhrookc ~quire - of :&I lyJ..;'~tec ll "quire - of St. Joh n~ ton elqu ~rn - of l lodreoy _ eliquu"e _ of ShlUnrock"Cott:lge,esquire of Cptle P nrk esqui re - of Youghall e!quira - of Goldcnhill. esquire - of Clonmel esquire - of P hiJip>:towII esqu~re - of Dunlla esquire - ofWoodeDltown esquire of RiventolTn tlqn ire of I>c1esboro .qllire of Maxf'ort esquire of Smithville esquire - of Jobnstown eiq uire Of TI'lLVernow.u "lIui re of J1M tia _ esquire of Bnll),david eSll"ire of CiollIDel esquire of Sllbboro Clljuire of Killelldr • esquire eF.quire of Abbc"me - of WilIuw CAattage ~uirc - of Hrookrille ClIquire esquire _ of Rnthcloyh. of K ihllOre • eJquire of PnllOli eiquifC uf Woo,lpa.r k esquire of Cl oulOcl e.quire of Tinoaue C!Iqu i~ of E tm hill esquire esquire of- Fin-lIfe' _ of Roscre. , ~!lire of RedOlOMtowu ctIlui re - of Clonmel csqui\'l! uf Cabr:! etquire of o.'rIer esquire of Carrigatah:a. esquire of p m Hou\le esquire eJq u ~ re _ of Huly CJ'Ofi _ of G royfort _ esqU1re _ of Northlanm esquinl - of Th urll!ll _ esquire - of Loughloher e.quire of Barile esquire ·of Islnndba,,'u uquire orBe~eblUouut cs;quire of Linville _ esquire - of Clonroell equ~rc _ of Ba.lIyroore etqu u'~ of Au nnmilli '*Iuite of Cuhd " esql1irCl of Newtoo Cottage, elquiP. of Oldtowo aqui re Wluinl of GII,he View - of Sumerhill ctquire _ of MODlIllilicha. . e!M\uirll - ()f Sho.nbaUy esquire - or of Mohultber Hqll ite of MiUview _ of HuneyIDOuut of Raeket Hall of Li~lvn _ of Clonmcl (If Gurtkelly of Clougb Ke:\t iug of &rnltltlgb _ of ', ipperary _ of Beh~!.inore _ of Eutwood _ of Redmondstown _ lIf Hig"hplrk of Ballin:J, Clqu ~", elqulrt esqoire uqD ~re elquITI! elIqllire e.quif8 e!lC]:uire esquire uqll.ire e.quire elII! uire eaquire l!ICjuire ( cunlill!I«t. ) !fAIiJ' O:r PJB80111 QUALll'IBD TO IBBVI .0\1 luaoa. IN Nuncs of the Petty Jury rctumed by the Sheriff to tbe S(l(cial Commissioo - of Marlfie!d csqu~re lSqulfe - of Ballynattin esquire _ of G rcenhill _ of Garry Kennedy esquire esquire - of Gurtn::u:are tSl}uirc of GruUnL::"h _ of Fod Henry L'SIJ.llire esqnire _ of Tipperary esquirf! _ of Suir Locl~ csqu~rf! Henry Lee, jlll). - . - of Barna esqlure of B:illygibbon Dll.\'id Engla.nd Youllg esquire - of Ba.llyne;ue Henry Quiohn esquire _ ofWiUmount Hampden Lane esquire _ of Finoe Glebe William Goold of Pallis Mito Burke esquire of Clonmel ThotniU Cantwell of Bal1\"brado el;IJuire Thom~ Fennell L'!Iljui re of Rocilfo rt Joseph Godfrey of Sh1nballv Johu Thoma'! j\fanoing of Rosemou~t esqu~re Robert Fronkh-n _ of ADne~grove esq uire J oho T. Dl\'}.er of Priorpark esqui re WilliarD WMler - of Lista.hiU esquire P...trick BOllrke Rvan of Clonmel esqu!re John DllJlphy • - of same estluue JOlreph Clib~ r u _ of Gortna esq~lI.! Hpory Frll.llk~ _ of Prospect esquire Thum M Purve~ _ of Ba.llygriffin esquire Edmond Dalton _ of Tethard esquire J ohn WiI""n _ of Clonnakenny equire William !Iobi'OD, JUDo _ of Shembully tl;Ci.uire Robert Manning of Wilford Cllquire Richa.rd CharIn Blackmore of Leckiin C$quire J ohn L::uIgley of Camira esquire William J ac...... oa of ClI3tiecraonagh - esquire Charit.-'i Going of :&..llyquirkecn esquire J ames Ma.ndeville - of Com541~ Mills esquire James W. Little elquire - of Thu rles Thomu Molowney _ of :&llymoney esquire Ralph Smyth _ of Ashegruve esqu ire John Henry i\she _ of Cllrrick-on,Sllir esquire James Kennedy _ oS Deml.vea.le tsquire T homas Spunner White - of Soutb Lodge esquire Richard Charles Jackson WiJliIUll. Power - of Carrick-on-Suir- r:squ~re Vizer Bridge - of A,hhury esqn~rc of 'l'inakdly e!l(luIJ"(l ArthUl' Robinson of Cottage csquil·C Robert Smithwick of Wilford esquire John BbcklDoor of <Al.her Abbey esquire George F eD..D.ell e~qu~re of Thnrles Thomas Henncs~y Ale:J.ander CarolT of Kilcarron e;!lllllre John Lacy of Clonmel c:o;quire Edward Lane of same esllll~re of Riveme\' esquire Johu Tuthill of Cranagh ~quire R obert Philips of Nenngh merchant Rodr Sprull Johll BradSMw of Corbnll)' e.oquire Henry .llIe!lgher of Cloneen esquire of Bel1park esquire Hichard Fa.lkiner Thomas O'l\Ieill'3 of Banle),duff esquire Robert W. White of Tipp1!rary esquire R ichard Sergnnt of Culler estluire William NBg1e of Thudes esquire J ohn Duey of Nenagh. merchant J~LllIes R. l;o'&bey of Tippera.ry gentleman Henr y Strene - of Clonmel gentleman Richnrd Short - ofBa.I !ykl,(:V8.D. esquire George Smith of Gurteen tIIquire Willi,lm Dalton of Abhey gentleman Williaxu Wayland of Ballywalter esquin Jenrniah Toohev of Olitrum l'.8qnire Willi8.UI Tibe.J.udo of Clonakellyuuff esquire John POWl!r - of Cu;bel gentleluan Robert Constable - of Beeverstown ~uire J ohn Cormick _. of Ball),cahill C!lqui re FAmond O'Brien - of Annnweadle uquire James Ann.~trollg of N~'II'lnnt1s esquire T erenee Lalor . of Clonm~l gent~emlUl Willi:t[ll Blos;e Annatrtlog of Roly Cross CsqUl fC Augu~tlls Hartrord of Wellington L odge esquire Guy Luthtlf of Clonmel eWJuire Robert Turner of Bausha. l\lills eJ!quire CorneliU.! Hagll.D. uf Newport gentleman 'fhomlll Pril.'C tSiluire of BrickeD ThoIllll.'l Goold of Finoe Glebe e~quire William Ryan of M01lJ1t Air esquire Thomas Chaytor of Clonroel esquire William Verc Crui;;s of Mount Willinm_ ~quire Benjamin White of Bnllrduff esquill.! Rubert Shaw of Coulquil esquire Edn·a.rd Ryanof CIODmd esqui re !llichael O'Brien of Bnl1ybay esquire Anthony Lamphier of Littleton ellquire W.lliaUl Price of Cnnbreen e$lJuire Willlillll Burke of ('.u.b~l· gel1t1eI1I~D J ohn Crawford of Li"l}(.~n esquire Thornil9 Bnrm:s of Tennessie I!:>tluil"e GcorJ(! Ryall of Bal1ybt"g gen tleman Willia.m Ryan of Chlltl ... ille gCl1tl.eruan JOhll Murray Thomas Hefferman Henry White J.mes Wo.twn Francis Ml1IISrgh WiJlillm Bilker Finch White Michae! :i\borullg WilIilUl1 Dutler - Robert Philips J obn Llol·. BernlU"d ~. Phelan Buday Clibborn Benjamin Hawk,ho,w Jnllles Cantwell Cha.rles Wil~on J:unes Kliaggs Henry Lys:lght John Going Ertmonl. Quinlan Richard Burke ' Ibornes Hording Samuel Corbett Bushell J o.oeph Bradsbaw J ohn Short William C. AInss)" William Fennell Thomas O'Britn ·WiIliam Hl'nry Co): Robert Jones BazilBryan William J. Harv!:y J ohn Bayly Edw&J·d Parker Francis Cormick EdwllI·d Rice George .Maunscl\ Robert Smithwick. Samuel Clutu.rbuek R ichard Wil1dnson Rnbert S. Young William Cra.\vford John Bradsll"l.w Thomas Falkiner George Bennet t George Lloyd D enis F. O'leary Robert U oyd Thoill:LS B. Baker Anthony Whitton Franci~ Mulca.l1Y Christopher Keys NICholas Laffa.D John Max, jun. James Newell Francis Y oung Thomas ClI Un WillilLI\I Mockle.. William Abernllthy Henry Young J ohn Grubb Thomu l\bthel\" Johu R. Hc\\"!ton Hemy Ely' WiI!ialll 1 insl ... y William Smith Thcm;u Bennett GOOfrey Leomud Simon Arllllltrong Frtl.nci~ MnthclV Willlam Minchin Tydd Abbott P at Kirwan Daniel Kvle Samuel Barry, jun. Thomas Biggs James Kiekham _ Ma.tthew Givens EdlVllrd Talbot William Parker J erome Scully Patrick Stephenson Thomas Ely, jun. Ralph S. Smith Palliser Wayla.nd,jun. Richard Scully John Phillips J ohn Blake H enry Jiloob Henry Smithwick Robert W. Nesbitt William K iely. J O!cph Higgins l'dartin Mnber T homas T. Abbott P atrick Quinn Joseph Span o.... Rid)anl White George Thorn Ed...."ard Smith Jobn Burke R i('.hnrd Nash William Crowe John Cu,,;.,ck Henry O'Brien William Mulcahy Jolm Parker _ Martin QuiullUl _ - of lIfountphillips esquire of llallyhane esquire. • of Clonmel gentlclIll.ll - of An.n.ermilb ~u i re - of Bally M'Keogh esquire - of ClLrriek-on-8uir eEoquiJe _ of Fcth!lrd. esquire of Arehentown esquire _ of Greenll"oOO. esquire _ of Cion mel merchant • of Carrick_on_Suir gllDtlemu _ of CUl"rnbeha esquire of SU11lmerhill esquire _ of BalJyvnughan esq,tire _ of Arle geotielU.!l _ of Pallll3 esquire _ of St. Keviosort esquire _ of KilcarroD esquire - of Ball}1loreen esquire - of Fnirybill esquire - of Sprioglidd esquire • of WoodhoUie esquire _ of Clonmel gcnt~'lll3Il - of Rockville esqUire _ ofLisaniskea esquire of Clonaulty e~quirc of Clogheeo - . merchant of Cu.rrigeen esquire of Suir Cottage esquire of Kilgrogy esquire of Tippernry men:h"!1~ of Clousingle esquire of Ball)'lahy esquire of Aylc ~uire _ of Tipperary merchant • of Sorrell_hill esquire - of Skehanna e&Juire gentle\IWI - of Clonmd - of Longford Cottage esquire • of Ballydavid csquirf! of Clonmcl of Neddina esqu~re of Dirdh.ill esqUIre of T hurles esquire of Bt.l1ytfI.Itna. esquire of Clonmd gentiemlll of Thornbrook esquire gentlelIlAD of Tipperary gentleilll..ll, of Cashel of Oakpark esquire of AnnclJrook C9q'lire - of Clonillel IDerciulrt - of Cnstlelcak gfutlelll&lL - of K ),hroe gfDlleUIU - of Grcyford Lodge C'lquire - of Clonmel e!l}nire - of sante esqu~ l"e CSQUlre - of "FaJleen esquire - of Durrisokanc gentleman - of Ti pperlL.!"y - of Castle-leak caqu~rc esquire of Woodville etlquin: - of Whitson genuP.Qlu - of Carrick-on-Suir gentleman of ClUlhcl esquire - of BUtrlsokanc _ of~lview _ e!Quire gent\cmlll of .M ullinahone gentleman _ of Woodville _ of Brookfield esquire e!quire of Laodstol'!"n esquire - of Mnsterstowtl - of Carrick-on-Sllir geotiemn esquire of Elvsium esquire of Milford gentleman of Ballywlllter wereh.1nt of Tipperary esqoire of Cunaghduff e9quire - of Cahir mercllao t - of Clonm!!1 - of Gnrl"anakecvan - esquire CSI.)uire - of Fortnesbitt m~rehant - of Clonmal merchant - of ISnme ~ of Boulcreo. _ gentleJna\l gentlcmllO - of Nenagh merchant - of Clonmel merchant - uf esqoire of GreenhaU esquire • of Thornhillmerchant - of Clonmel - of Can·ick-on-Suir merr.hlll!1 CS(luire - of Borriaokane geutlem lO - of Thurles gentJem~ • of Call ~r rnerchao l , - nf Clogheen ~lltl~1nlt!l - of C!olllllly _ eSljuire - of Bllll icollitan c~'luiI.a "--ilf Licligh THE NORTHERN DIVISION OF THE COUNTY OF TIPPERARY. 29 held at CI07l7IIel. for the County of Tipperary. on 28 June 1842-clmtillnd. John Hagan Willincn Jacob Rio;hard Tibeaudo Thowas G. Stoney James Davis Gabriel J. Fisher ~ G!'Orgc Fawcett ~ Tfrfor.e Alit Willl:un P hilips. J UDo F!'fllerir.k E vaos ~ John Coman Richard Bradford Robert Th urn Thumas Or.halll ~ Michael Dolan J oh n Carew Hen ry Hawbh a,,,. David Hughes Mieh~el Ouiry Thurn" S. D. Robinson J ~hD ::.hDnllilbllll • William Kea ting WilJialn Woodward James E\'IlI\1l 'fhem(L!l O'Brien Mau ri~ T obin William J onel! J ohD Guest Thumas Burke Wil\i~m B. FOb'llrty Willi am H ndson • Charles Cady J lmph Ii ice Lewis - Alfred Evans Ol'Orge Salter Jeho Cullen .Min~hin Rudd E iclard Kent Obadiah H olland · Eellj~min Thomp.son Edward J one, TholPli Cooney 'fhemal Cooper _ lIoben: M ' Cltlland Charles Blackmore J ohn Morriny NatlHwiel :&r lon William Armi tage Jamee Guest John Jones Jehu P. Kenncdy Joseph Crnmpton Williom J ame!! C~tToll Jama Harcourt Laurence .Byrne Malkw G ilbert Nichola!! Cott J ohn Strene Ed1l'ud Brennan Ri chard GOB! of Cal!lteJ ofClonmd of Aoongh _ of Han'est L odge ~ _ of T ippe rnry of Clonmd of B OS{.TeII. _ of Ringroe of Mount P hiJips _ of Clo.rt·mount of wahe] of Clnnme\ • of Tltornh iIl of Clonmel of Cnshel of R ingroe of D ennie iglt - of CIODm e! • ofl/llllte of Bnn'i90k~oe of Clonme! _ of ~ame of L ough P rior of R oacrea of Clonmel ~ of lfaDle of S pri ngficld nf Templemore of RUlicoc ~ of G&IT)'.Venus of Cieoroci of Caher ~ of Clon mtl of Nenagh of M onto re of Durrisnkane of N ewport. of Tempieroore of Cloughj ordan - of l\fnll nt.Faloon - of Clonmel - ofsnme of SDme of IilIme of l< of fl ath('ool • of KiHcllIlUJe of K ilmastulln of Clnllgllj ortlnll of 1 'cmplclDorc of Wiliecfi,rd of B nl lalmne of Hoscren • of K ilh rough of Tippcrary of Fctlll1rd _ of Castlelcak of Clonmel - of same - of ,ame _ of a"me Jobn Poe ~ Franc). Byron Ebtnner Radford of Donnybrook Ju.hua Leliter John Crtane George A rm.trong JaDltS Whib:! • NichoJu Renny _ ~ William Smallman - Michatl CalTOn F~derick F.lkiner hliwei M':IIgher_ _ Jolul liyall. !>tnis M'Crai th ~ EdI'rUd FitlHenry Rober~ Romley • Laureuce PrendergllSt ~ _ • CbRrIes J u:kson ~ Michael Kenny _ BrY~ 1l Copsedine _ J ohn Faucett David Clancy R oblor t Danb _ Richnrd G Ui toll ~ Jamn HU}'elI Michael :Burke - l S5Ues of each, £. 100. of Nenngh of Riverlall'D of Thurlea of Clonmel of same of SIlfIle of $ame of Roscrea oflll\me of B Urri@Okwc of Monamore of Thurle!i of Clagheen of Cloomel of 6Bme of same ofMme oflhurlcs of Nenagh of Roscrea of Clon[llel of Fume of snme of same of ~ame merchao t merch aot esquire Esquire merehaot 1111"rchant Denis M ulenh y Willillm De.ruond gcu~mDn Johu Cu tla.r htrick Fennelly . Jamell P ower Samuel D udley Edmund Burke ~ eJ!qUlre elquire Henry S. Iven _ Mil:h l\el DOl'lling • esquil-e mlTcbnnt gentle mall merchant Patrick O'Neill P atrick Purc~lI John Delany Will iam Shl'1lbr William J:I)'rne m~n:b~ nt 1 hnrnu StrDngmlln e!i:quire Micbael G~liOn John Boyd William Forrrstil1 P atri ck Con,omn Ed ward fl oche Samu el F ozicr mtrch~n t gcn tleman men'h an t merchant g~ttclllan m ~reh ILn t mel'chILD t e.<qu;'·e gen tiema D merrhILnt m enh!lnt e!lquire m ercltallt geut!cmao esquIre men:ll1l.nt mel-eb ant gentlcman merchant esquire lentiemlln gentleman gencicmILn gentieml1 D gentleman roertb un t merchnn t m erehont merchnn t merc han t gentleman John F;tnneJly 'lbomn Ward J oh n Jl.h.her Will inm Hognn WilJi:nn H ~wson - Hobert Williams James Bourke James O'Neill Jnrues O'Farrell Cha rles l h'nU Patrick Egan ~ J ohn H oogens Martin K ennedy . J ohn Birchill WiIl i~m Ki ng, jun. l\l ichal'l Croo in Patrick ~tein . William Carron Thomes O' Brien · Thomas WilIilll11l, jun •• JamCli Keloin R obl'l't Mi les J ohn l'IIulu hy Robert Fletcher J oh n Henly mercha nt P Q.trick Casey gentlcman Michael Sullivan J nl111 ~h"almnn Ch arlCl! A. l'im H "nry Blindlcy ~DDl\1el R hodes l\l icl1ncl T obi n P atr ick Hivl" li 1tollert Pincell James H . 11yllll genU ~nl a n me rcilllllt genllelnnn gen tlcm llll g(!Utlelllan gl!mlclllllD mcrehnll t merchant gt'ntlcmn.u mcrdmn t merchant Inerchnut merchant el'q ll ire merchant Ctiquire lI1~ rch llnt licnry Metls-ller John Pim P ntrick Burke Jolin P. Rich J ohn 'I'1'OY William Smallmnn JolIll Drundley Patriek Keating J OI11e& B aily merchan t roerd UlDt WiI1i<lm Lonerglln mer chant mercllnnt John Ryan- mercltuDt merchant mercb~ nt ~ntleDl :m mercl,ant merchant mel'Chan t merchant m erchallt merchlLllt mercha nt m(l'chant mercha nt merchant mcrr.hant merclmnt mercllaJIt mercbant George BradshDw H enry lIil1 J osep h Armitage_ Patri~k Nevill!;) .Patri~ k Clcny _ J ohn C mmkk Jaroe~ Cahill ThllmuDuu niug W i11iam Kiely Hem·), Welply R obert Dllvi~ Willi.m J one& W illiam Aunitnge R ober t Hovcnden J ohn Murphy 1 h om :u Holme~ • Peter M'S wccny • William Singleton William Col by M ichael Bourke • of SI,anbally of C..hel of C1"nmcl of IIIlme of $;lme of H uscrea • or ClonmcJ _ of sa DiC • of &arne • of laille - of ~ame - a R O!<t'Tc a - of Cio uilld of II!\me - of'rhudes - of Nenagh - of (\ ell'-or chmrd ~ of Clenmei - of same - of IllJIlt • uf SOllthville - of ClonDle! - of !ame of ll:l me of "lIue of 'I cmpl~more of Cloughj ol'dllD. of Clo nmd • of same - of 6Ilme - of Nc"par'k _ - of Cloa rnel _ - of Cloughjordan of C luDwel of came nf ulme of same of same of same of R!llItrCll of Cloughjordan - or Cloumel • - of D:1l1vh,jfun • of K nool!aIliane esqui re m~rchant 1I.l'l'cl .ant mtlrch Rut rncl cilant m~lch .. nt mClchant rn..,rd"lIlt mnt'h~ nt nlel dlD nt me rc haut mttch aut me rchpot merchnnt merchant merchant gentl eman merchBut merchant merchant gen tleman merdlant merchant mcrcilll.l!t merchant merchallt merchnnt merchnDt melchnnl mercilant gen tl~ m l1Q. men.:hant . men.lhant merch'Bnl merchant mer"h ftn t merclla.nt merchant nlerchant merchant of CUl!el of Clonmel of samc :merchant merchant geneJemaq. gentleman merch ant merenant merch ant merchant of s,'\fl1e merchant of Ne nogh - of sanlt - of l'1loUllt. Island of R oscrea of Cion mel of 1I.1 rne of Ruan of Knocinglas, of Ki11mrrr of Clonmel - of ~pringvale of Clunmcl . ofume of Roscrea of lbllycevnn of T ipperury of Clol,mcl of Caher of Cloomel of Fdhllrd or Ccmirn - of Newton M ill B me rchant gentl ema~ merdlOn t merchnnt esq uire eH{uil'e esquire gcu tJ eroa l:J merchll.llt gmtb man mercluLnt merchnnt merchan t geotleman werchaot mel'ehnnt merchant • of Fdhal d of tl-l ulliDahOlle _ _ of KiIl cnaule of Barne of sa me of same of 'I h urIes of Clonmel of Spri ngfield of New to ll Mill. of C10mnel - of 9Ilme _ of !!o(lrne _ of same Oftio1me of C:u;hel of 1 ipperary So an,WIlt'll Sheriff. Pedder It CarTllicluul. Clerk~ of the Crown. ~quire melchao t gentl~roan gtntlemlUl mel-ehant muchi.ot mereha nt m~rclJant merchaut merchant merchnnt merch ant gentlemaij. gentleman merchllllt mercbnot mel chnnt merchant merchan t merrba.n t mereh ~ut
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