Glenbard West 2002 Yearbook
Glenbard West 2002 Yearbook
Dreams Do Come True Porlroils 184 Index 234 • :n'"";:'.:.!'~"hboo~ :;:; f ~;:~.::-::".::::,:.::;,•..::;: ::::·:..":.:~= ~"""N'"" t.hw tc . 0 0 . ~ ~~~~Z.:E 1-- . ><' . . '" " . •· ' ·t'l• ~·;." ·,\'i . ) Fl· ~ ~ ". '· • - t .. :!... ' .. •• ... P· \ " !1- lillll'- •·G '. Mr8chrllm MC'1 thepepra!Ley lled!d as plendldJob Th\1 II"' picture of U>e Olenbard Wes~ Ml\rching Ba.nd l\t U>e homeoomlng pa.rade The moms of ~he Dance 8quadaom'*"'9Ullermovt111 w!U\Ul!erdaugh!.en' ThePrenchClubm.mbenwe,..holdlnCbeutlf'Ult.rop!calflsh. Tbll)' ..i.ohadanElfrelTowertohelprepresentt.hecountryofl'r&noe Tbeyd.Ldawonderf'u!Job Kris!.leKelley.JullaPaul111.K!tHMIJl.Denal8chnelder.t.rlkeaposedUlinf;t.he performance Due to unexpected flooding In master Oymna.stum, the Homecoming dance wa.s moved to the cafeteMa. lna.Ja.stmlnute declslon.Hllltoppersrefusedtolet thera.lnda.mperthelrsp!Mtsa.ndda.ncedthenlght a.way anyway. ·---- ~~";?mecom!J\g,JoshJocyceandJlllRuz.!ck&1pendtlmeonU..d&noe Mistletoe Madness ·~ Agrou p orrrienda l)aUOOtogetl.t\tl!rptlol.o MlstletoeMadnesswash&ldonDecember8th. 2001 . As 0 ~:at:~u~S:a:C::tt:e~~t ~t~~ei;;~h=8!~rt~~ Homecomlng. TheUlt!ma.tePart.yBanddlda.spectacular job lnprov1dlngawonderfulv&Metyofmuslc Heart Hop February 9th, 2002 l REGRET TO PRESTIGE'S SHOW YOU WONDERFUL YOU INFORM PART THIS PAGE S FOR HAVE l TIME FOREVER. YOUR YOU WE YEAR AND l THE WILL THAT DUE NO HEART HOPE SOME ..., ALL HAD PICTURES ON HAD STAY ON TO A WITH THESE NATE YEARBOOK ~'.Mt 1"it,) '· ERROR PICTURES YOU PLEASURE . . I AN HOP MEMORIE S YOU PUT VIEWING TO THAT , . JOHNSON EDITOR ' .... ~.~~'""'"" ·------P&U,y Wll.llamsandA!lam Scum&rdoshare"AN!gM tn'l'lnaeltown•~r m t.hls year was held on ApMI 27 at. 600 PM at. the ngt.on In Olen Ellyn Why so early In the year? No one reallyanswerthatquesuon EvenLhought.hen1ghtwll.8 tot&J.wa.steoftlmeforsomeltwa.safabuloustJmerorot.hers Nlck Rurfo\o&nd.RoybnM cDel'U'ICAA ..-.geWll(\.helr p lcture tak en~ OOM"'"°'m'.''°' 0111 la4t time With th& gradual.Lll(aen!ors Grad,.ua : :;~t:::::io======--This year graduation was held on June ninth on Duchon Field at 3:00. The creremony was nice but last.ed quite a while when you were sitting 1n those hot chairs. The temperature hit 90 degrees as It marks the first day of our freedom and summer. II Andrew Schmidt mak111 hl• 1peech etgra.du&Uon Th6processlonorP110Ple1.0gei.UMrd1plom. . 11A1in..i.u Lonll IS .. hlfl WI wire at the OMV Senior Most "Nooneln the kingdom ma,y wed until DaunUeastot.healter's led." SO the search for & proper princess ror PMnoe Da.untJessbeg&n,aprtnoosswhohsdtopassallofQueen =~e~~~te~~~::s ~r~i:rr:~~h~~1=~~hh:ai:~~ rta.te. a moat-swimming brs.ssy young girl from the swamplands. Afte r moottngacastofwtldcharacters.lncludlng amutek.1ng,&danc1ngjester.andawandertngm1nstrel.Fred ~~~~h~~:~ !~~~~~~~t;~:5secret tests and finding 2Tho<11&·wal\lnc.i.noe t.heSpaniahPanle 3 .Thequeenandt.tlll Bp&nls hP&nlo Leoll4rdOllflz (JordanU1lfld61)!•110llungry.Hel$try!ngt.oopen U1et>agorpreu.el8andoan·ibeo&u.Ml111•w!fewon'tb6qu1e1..c1a1r OIWZ. (L.aure. Mllflclne) hi• wire.Just kaepo yelUnga.nd y&lllng uuc.Pecka.ndM"ryKal.ORLXge\ !.heir make·uv P\lt on for the plf,,y TheCrucible IJ The spring play was Arthur Miller's "The Crucible." The p\a.y takes place In 1662 and Is based on the Salem witch Ablgalloommtts adultery with John Proctor. John wants to forget hls transgressions, but Abigail wants to oont.lnue their affair. Abigail performs rituals, which when oonfront.ed,shesa.ysshelsavlct.lmofwltchcraft, lnorcter to avoid punishment. Theldeaofwttchcraftstlrsthewho!e ~e;:;:i~~=~W:1:1:e~~n=~:i~~e;;:r:~e=-~~~~1!~~ thenaccusedofengagtng\nwttchcraJt. He!sgtventhechance tosavehlmselflfheoonfessedtobetngawttch.Hechooses not to oonfess since It would Implicate his neighbors and fr!ends.Toresolvehlssadnessandretalnhled!gn!tyheends up being hanged Thepla.ywa.swellreoelvedbythe audlenoo,andthecast andcrewdldawonderfuljObentert.a.lnlngeveryone. Bet.e,yPurls, Rul.h Put.num, Rebeoo&NUJ'lle ,Ablga.llWHl! MereyLewta.a.ndS\INllfl&!bul.Adur!n( l.he .o ealledw\~hcrel\r!t.wrJ. Judge Hathorne"UeTeylor611 !l.ZachDunllemget.a ht&melul·uponwhile Mr. Poxg!v01some "'" e.10moa..n.,u....,. -~ ........= Chowduryend1' - -A final Honor- SENIOR HONORS CONVO ( Left) ONJl:l.ABT WJU.KON· 8TAOJI Brl&nAnt!na,Jar.alteaonelutlookat t.hella(ef\ooruhoexltaU..,ttage forl.helutUme ( 84llow l A.LLSMD.u Liii& VM Thyne and IJI Alverez 1mlki fOf't.hecamora. Thef ufure Minds of America Oed.ica.tion and hard-work: the two major things needed to be successful in school, and more importantly, life. The students that attended this yea.r's Honors Convo are Just a. few of the future minds of America. "It was nice to be recognized, but I don't think I worked half as hard a.s these people here, tonJght," stated James Szopa.. Some people brought home multiple awards, such as, Gene Lowry, Glynnis Hokensen, and many others. For some people, it was nice just to be there liiillllll f ather-Oaugther Dance Thlsyears3rda.nnualFa.ther-Da.ughterdanoewaaanlght toberememberedlWhl\efat.hersdancedthenlght.awayto oldies·butgoodles,Ulelrdaughterseajoyedt.heopport.untt.y tospendtlmewtthfriendsa.ndthelrfathers.Someoft.he fat.hersevene&ughtuplnoldfootballscoreswhlletheysaw fr!endsthere.OveraU . thea.nnualFather-Da.ughterdanoe shouldcontlnuelntotherestorwest'shlstoryl Dad and ha da.uCht.el'll dolllll the ·suoll." s~roll down the memory Jane Variety Show <t.eO. >HORHCOP ooveraongor·cunt 'What Was It Like On-Stage? =·::=·~~~~:l~.w~~ ~=~b.=~~~~.== oonneaUonL&whatlt'•llketobeo"·~.· . . . . . . . . cnn---a.Mo--) AVoice in TheDarkness ·---~ BY CORINNE Low The Black BoxProductlonofMAVoloelnthe Da.rknessMwa.s,yt.hatdealt.wltht.he ortenoverlookeda.nddlst.urbingsldeofhlghschool.Thepla,y surfa.oedlssuesoft.hedlscMmina.tion,t.eenpregna.ncy,ea.ting dlsorders,depression,a.nddruguse. ltwa.scuttot.heoore'spolnt.ofv!ew. lthltanerve lnthea.udlenoeslnoetswa.ssoeasllyrelat.ablea.ndunrort.u· na.t.ely fa.millar . It.oombtned unlque muslcwlt.h emotional atmospherestocreat.ea.da.r k.butenllght.enlng,playthattook anobscurea.ppreclatedv!ewonhlghschoolandactolscene. rJ • , Mlml. HtJl, Ellzabe!.h Col.,.gelo, &nd J ""llca m • ll 2 . J e11!e&Ba.rkwell!n deflpthought JohnM.ahr.J aao nSh&f\on,f.tldKlmOown e<11 l!st.enu~ x !Uldr•Buol '8!lsher 1t.ory take !ten,ymore tl. KelJ.yM.c.!ldowney rei..t.Mherreeunga KeLJ.y Wcl!Ldown• y , John Wahr, Brl•n Connelley, Kim DownH , JuonShaf\on, andAiu.ndr'aBuol perlorml.henNJ~ ShakeYour Shamrock Sha.mrookShlmmywasahUSehit!Thisyear, ~h~ncethat.celebrat.edSt..Pat.rick'sDay,acoordingtost.a.ffsponsorMrs WestSplrltandDanceSquadwereresponsiblefort.hegreatdecoratlons~t. hung from the walls of Gym. Advertisements were hung &11 around schooldurtngt.heweekbeforet.hedanoe,aJsot.hankstoWestSplritandD&noe Squad.,whlchoovereclt.heoostoftheDUa.nd thedeoorations. Therema.lnlngproceedswillbegtvenba.cktot.heschool . Mrs. Reeoeandt.hesponsorlngclubswtll decide la.tert.his sprtngexact.Jyhow the moneywl\lbeused 3ophomore• Casey DoWflll, JlllDlel.zler Lauren Cab!ll, and of(Ulelr s h&mrocU ""'""""' All Srnrts, All the lime OJlACll UNDllRPR BSB U11.!l C&rl O'&m\oo t.oos off, 11.nd hli..a perfecl.1hot llehupl~OOgolfat.Westfor four years LBT'8GKTUAl)YT0 JltJMBLll K,yle Schroeder pu"" the wr911tl!ng moves on his o~:.':~~· In Lhltl year's wre11tl!ll( OOIN'l'ORTHllOOLD Jumplll(hurdlM e&nbe&n overwhelmlngt.Qk. 8ut lt'ealllna~·s workfort.l!e8e What was your favorite sports memory? 2.) -~~c~.~e when I hit the ball Into t.he goal wlt.h my WH0 18GO'l'UOLT Plu;rlck SeymourColt.onpl&yed rooU>&llrorUm:>eyeani,a.nd W. . Nlfprocl&lmedU l.hl! 3.) ·onet.1meinfooU>all l ==~Par:: BEST football 0 pla,yer ever a.t 4 .) "One time my friend Pat COiton kicked a. tree so that he wouldst.a.,ylajuredfortrack." -Ben McBurney 5. ) "When 6 we_=~n ~ea«ue champ!onshlp for hockey." 7 .) "When J scored 8 goals In one game to win the BenlilcBumeypl.l,ye d - r ~Df'MV'll Runnlllg ondll1.UIAnt.hoeyBetnlck'1 1pec!<,y.Kenms<:rOM oountry for West. oonfere:'~~oe=:i·t help but they cheered." rrutunan y...-, football trom '°phomoret.oaenloryft&I'. and bukeUlall yMI' 8. ) "SittJD«ont.hesidellnesbec&use lwasneverputlnt.he Basebll Theba.seba.llteamdldvery ~=:~y~~t~:~ team evermadelttoLhe ~i:s~I~~ l~~~:a~ tll1s years team were Bobby Lugtnblll,Da.veDobosz, The gaihera af'Qund CO&eh Pornooo.rlt.ollBttin\01'1\s pearlaof eo.ctll'ornocarlandCoachl&Mravlc dlcua•trataCYbefONlagame Baclr.Row: CO&chNlci<els,Bobbyl.uglnbLU,JldtNelson,Ma~McAndrew, D&ve~i.She&Mol'Oll.l.Coaehl'ornoearl.BeoondRow: SNnMa,y, ~~::=E:Z~REsl~~=~~~r~=~~: 4-<i!...J,i..~J...~ 131"'-...iJ...~p....,.,n. ..,~f,.t.....i..,..ftk,TI ~~.i~i..~n.. -""fJ-t.. .f Wnt. ~-"'"" '""'"'.!! ~,.frkll"'""'"'"" 11'-r"'-~-~- GO;:~ "--~ Ii] . ' Charqing forward II Qel.Un(readyfor Ub!Cg&meandbopln rora~........on. Klrlllfe!.hYpedto plq. TheV&rsl~ w Running, jumping, and shooting. The huffing and puffing of the girlsseemedtoblowpart.Softhelrsea.sonawa.y With a.goal to play ha.rd,,a.ndhaverun,thegirls werea.bleto reach a.pretty successful season. TheJunlorVa.rslty team came to an end wit.ha.10-16 record, and nnlshed off the season by bea.UngDownersOrove North 35-23 12 -17season.Theteam brought In a new frestunan player, Kelly Krumwiede "It was exciting playing up with varsity girls, who I have admired for a. while,· said Kelly, the roward/ for the team "Keeping It together" seemed to be the mott.o for this team = "Thegirlswereverydedlcat.edandalthought.heyd!dJ\'Le.lways o;~~~ s:;ne thing, they respected each other," sa.ld assistant orrSOMBACTION Kell.)' Krumw!edeandDebble S&11.ellgofor 0 "I loveeveryoneofthem."sa.ldforwa.rd E:mlly Frank Although the season'ta.lwa.ysgo!ngwell, the four seniors, Elizabeth Ora.tbs, Debbie Bartell. Emily ~'rank, and Ellen Cran, were goodleadersandstayedpos!tlve "!nsomepartsoftheseason we did ve ry well," said point guard, Yovonne Willla.mson. "'!'hen It kind of sl!pped a.way from us." With this sea.son, they lea.rnedthatwlnnlngtsn'ta.slmporta.nta.s worklngasatea.m POUUNOTHllOAllDl i..urenC&hlll goesupfor&i.ay·upanddrawethe l'rllllhm&nA.Te&m: MIChelleCele&ttno.M&lloryHokl!ng, Me\Lsaa Selthe.Kal.leB&new,ColM:thK!pJohneon, Ur>dA,yPell!Uer,IW::he! SWford.Cl&reDorln.Bhell.)'T&ru1Ley.8h&nnonHugheB.J"""lca Yeae~ll,Y.AnneClregolunaa.Jenn!ferHenry N~P"rvi11e C 28 43 ~~==·ill\ g?~:h li \! OO'l'HOP111' Polnt(U.&J'd Debbie "B&rtell l&kM!ttothehouee. Un tTtth 48 Ros.iry S2 ~~~~~:~~~ I]] ' - ' 32 l ~~TKllO..OlfmlT KatleK&w&lsltlandL&ureo C&hlllgoupforl.hedouble te&mtob\ockl.heRoe&ry .,..,.._ WHA T D ID TH E TE AM ACCO MPLISH _ TH I S ...,,,,..,,,.. aooompll&hed ... thla-.on,bu~ llldeflnltel,y -·· aooompll&hed _,., &.on M oBu~ (Vart\t,y) Sharp Shooters take:~oo~r: :~~~sWc!~~~~~:~~w~~;:rehn~~ ;'hhea~I~. leadbyLafayetteBell.chargectlnt.otheseasonwtthhigh expectations The7 ·!cy Hlllt.oppersshowecl.gre&tt.ea.mwork throughouttheoourseoftheseason. Althought.he t.ea.m•'d!dn•tworkouttothelrllklng, they stlll had fun. The t.ea.m fought ha.rd for every win a.ndhadgrea.toomposurelnt.heblgga.mes Unfortunat.eJ.y,someoft.hepowerhousesoft.het.ea.m wHlbemlssednextsea.sonbeca.useorgraduatlon. These ~~:i.e": i;:~~~t~~ g~::1~, ::~~May. Ben McBumey. KOUtst.a.ndlng\eadershlpwasshownbyallflve gl'aduattngsenlors." said Va.rstcyGoachMacl!ajewski Nott.osaythatthefuturedoesn·t!ookbrlght.Rya.n Anetsberger, Lafayett.eBell,and MaroelWitt.erarejusta. fewofthet.opprospects fornextseason. lnadd!tton, a ~:n1Jt~%°~~~~s!Z ~!~hl~~a:~n: 6~8 f;a.t ~d::on:teb' ~~:et.e :~~":.iedtogreat soore e very basket that he made . ~ ·-Mlk• N l[li,ytln C.JV Me.nactir) SYDO•TD11.&LL OIHIUl11!41llul Vartlt,yCoaohJot1 M~akl taugt>~ SMn Mr.,yhowtokeepthe a~rfl'omtoer\nll potential Theco·capt.a.tnsort.he 2001 :::::reJ~~lF:E::;ra begl.nningort.hesea.son;t.hey st.a.rtedtheyea.r0·8. At.mid· polnt.,thet.ea.mreallyst.a.rt.edt.o come together SOPHOMORE Conference3-3 Overal1'i~-~!ace v C:O.ChNlela:ln,J-lo&'.f'laune8oocktord,EllieCodlllll. · Lauren 1'9oorelllt., Bailey Lf,J:ru:ne1'tn41. Ke!J,y Krumwtde. Jenna 8a,yer1. Ga.My Dowell. Anne hnell&,Jennil'er Henry. Nloo\e ~~~~ J-io. y-,..k,y. ltmll.Y, Audrey Hootman. JIU Girls Cross Country Theglrlscross·oountry season was one of hard work but onl,ya.fewwlna. Tliey placed6thintheWestSuburban Sliver league. Awa.rds went to Ka.ty Ba.rret.t for 15th place In the DuPage Co. Meet, 171..h In the Big Cat ~~v/::;; Thet.ea.mwas a.grea.tgroupofglrlstha.t.ha.d Jot.s Boys Cross OwenConnell,yat.elldll.Y pa8589 &flOl.her opponent Country Mr. a.nd hlsst rong Cross CountryTeam finished a res pectable 4th p\a.ce In conference. Lead. by the an co nfe rence playe rs, Owen Connelly a.nd Anthony Ba.ckneck , they had. a. s uccessful sea.son . They finished 4th lntheSt. Cha.rles lnv!t.e,5thlntheBigCa.tlnvlt.e, and 7tha.tthe DupageCountyM eet.Th\ssea.sonwa.s a.nythlngbut a. d! sa. ppo\ntment < ~~· 'V;!."1; "' . .. _ 4",. -"! ' ""'¥ v , : /¥ ··11 v 11 ....,.....,. JI ~<y;v V' - V' vuv ,, ,. (R!ghtl DanP&weUw&tehef; An\.hon.yB&ckwec:k •how1 d$1.ermlnatlontonnlatl\.hi. tl!aopponent&uheantici p&tahowlwlw!Upaoe himself for t ilts tough ra.oe 200l8oy1 C..,..CountryTeamRow\Coactl Ku r\ 1'1'azl&r ,Davld Oonza.lez. MarcSUbLeu.e . J oe tlJoyoe.PeterS&v&i&.no, An\.hon.y Backnek . M&>< Muelle r.AbdulStllnu:l.DanJi'&well.JoeyParrtU. M11.u. Kenned,y.DanD&J'ger,Co&ch H&nk Hll&ke Row2: J ol\ol.suder,S&m R. -nberc. Jim Broptl,y, Boou. Spyehal&. Brl&n 1-'renke. Dav id Tuu.le, P&iReUl,y.JoeQuaUac.o. N&WIStr&Uon.BohO...vles.LukeCla.ssen . Row 3 M&U.0t-ever.Oreg ll&berer .OwenConnell,y.Stevel).illanl.Andrew Dor11&n.Dave M l<:h&i.kl,TomA nderaon.Brend&nOal~r. Kent Toyota. Dan Wort.hen. David Herman, J&mea Sau L. NOi. Plcl.ured: Tom Hupp. Bill Hupp. Dere k Dion. Ad&m Oe•ller le. Tim Jostra.nd Danhwellf&"'hlmaelt 1'9M!.Yforalong,han'I .I (Above)O&nP&W9Ukeepsan ezh&\l.f;l«l.Batevtaopponent behindhlm&ndkeopehls 8,YflllOn!Jleopponenttn Run for the Hills Girls TI·nck Running ls often overlooked by peoplet.a.lklngsport.s "I like outdoor track, and when it·s cold and raln1ng you just havetopa.rt.lclpa.t.e, " said Gretchen Larkin Tracki.salsoagoodwaytoremalnhealthy. "It :~w~i~~ ~o~~~n shape while meeting new fMends. ~ .--1- 'J'hlsseasonhashadm&l\}'thlngstooveroome. Katy Barret said, "The only problemshavebeenif\luMesllke I- sh~e:~~~1:°e!!~~~r=S:~~s~~ can hurt the team "Outdoortracktsrunandveryel\}oyable,but!tlsvery hardtopartlclpatelntheoolda.ndra!n, because my bodyfreezesup,"sa!dYovonne WHla.mson ~RowHUl&-.Brtu.MIJ'BM.WnGorl,La\U'9.KMldall,Lo.Quancla hM"J',Wl>ltr.o:J~-.TW>h'lnc,l ...b'n•~-" JM1\Zerl. ....... - -........ K • U•lnlcll,KaUeVa...,klbeOdam.Yo\'OMWlll&moon.8heNblt&nU ~Bl"OOlll. ROwS u:an.HofrmAn,U:&cyhooU..ttarper CallleLllUo.Brllt&l\JH.,......,.JackleClwou,A_,._......,_U:&l'J' s - . J W - • . B a n l \ 0 - . R - • UlehoolleJ"""->.lluU>Spllle1N_Pt._11.r.SU.:.:,ShelQr,Jecklee.n-,l\*'CN~ ..... ~ o.-,.,.. JOllfleOD,Leu...,,U:lller.Ami..rSl\)'det'RowBBt.ephanle~. u:ecenJ..S.rbolm,K........,llUefleder,or«c11en1.ukln.K&Uuortno w......-.S.-...B&IP,KlmSmllh,K&l'IU:Olli>ar,lrenelloeal. Beck Row,Pt.uJH.ul,Kel\J<rB.,.n,Nlck~.JlmArnolCI,_..._ LaqU&nd&Pel'l"y PreparM\oruna rei.,,Lnt.heanow ALWAYS ON TRACK Heading for the Goal Olrlssoccerst.a.rt.edoffwltha.great.season. DuMngt.heseason the team made some Improvements. ·we need to oommunlcat.e bett.eronandofftherleld. Weareareallystronga.nd&ggres· ~;:!;:am, however we sometimes lose our shape, - said Jenna Coach Kellya.ndthevarsttyteam hadana.ggresstvebeglnnlnglntothesea..sonandendeds\ow.Theytmdfuna.nd Im· provedthe! Kellysa.ld, ·t \earnasmuch from t.hema.sLheylearnfromme.· someoftheexpectatlonforthesea.sonwastobetopthree In conference. "lfwedldn'tmakeoonrerence, ltwouldbeoka.y a.s longaswehadfun." SAldCoachOldls That.earn wa.saboutmorethenjustpla.ylngsoccer; they all became friends wlthea.chother. "Meeting new people, a.nd ma.king new friends was myfavorlt.e part a.bout soccer," said Ke~~~r~~~~~ girls made Improvements. and got into better shape,eventftheydldn'thaveagreatsea.son :~N!~i~:=~~of ~':,"~~~M&rlllrhaaiheballto Girls Soccer ma.n8oooer:Row4: e y ra1v&n,Ba.lba BerU!olde,.S.,..IC.Y&HIUlk!,.SackleC&l.urano,CoachO\dlBRow3 Anne Oregdunu, Whitney l'eldmen. Na.tall& Wenk, .S&811lcll. Row2 : Klral'...,ny.ShanonHugtl&s. HeldLeOOlt.ennarm, Monlqu&Bl&nco, AlllaonW!ka. Anna.Mioll!!Row l ' Alh\yCrandaU -· CoachK&ll,yheli» .,,. __ l>u..DlWGTlmGO.&.L Whltne;J.Sones,the IJO&il&, boforetheballgetatnto Kickin' It In Thef all O\eeeeeoolOlelOle!Thesoocerseasonha.sret.urned wlthsomefresh newfa.oesfllllngt.hespacesofthe, Ben Hlnchey,PabloDeLa.raca.,NlckDorl.n,Soot.tBaldwin, Tyler Burke, KevlnBlsset.t,SeanCooney, Matt. Oinsberg,andMaU.Klnn Someoft.hevetera.nsfromlastyea.r'sVa.Mstyteam returned, too. These members are Jeff Olbellna, Andy - ......~====~ ~~=~::··::::::~:~:~::.~ohn seasonthatheh&!ons fortheseason VarsltyCapta.lnJlmmy Klnnsaldabouttheseason. MWewont.hebtgga.mestnblgsltuatlons. lt.1.sjust unfortunatethatwepla,yedsuchagoodteamasSt Ch;~:~::~:~~~r~~~ ~i:e~u;l~:nr:~~t season =~~~:e:;~:s will be gone, but there wHI be strong 1001VanltJ'llo)'•' looffr1'um.Row I : BryanW&l.aon.DanOWng, BenHlnchey,P&bloDei.uac... Rl»l'2 : NlekDoMn,ToddPena.,Rubln Avlla,JohnSWf..,TylerBurkt.Sool.l.Baldwln,KevlnB!HeU.. Row 3 : VILJ'l.l\YC:O.ChM&rekNowackl,JeffQ!bel!na,Jlmll\YKlnn.Se.n Cooney, Ooal!e Aaron Hau,Ooal!e Andrew Schmid~. AndyO!eH Mau. Ohu.ber«. Mt.U. Kinn, Aae\al&n~ Mac!~ Kuarnl<!rz "The-.onwaaf\lnand lb.lldal[OOdUmep1'YU141 rorU\el"rllehmanM!lllm. I p1'Y911~,b\l~ wedld Bl!lKapla1n (l"rllehmt..nTaam) "Ovel"t.l.lthe-nwaa bl4:cam•~t11e ~11.fofl'enManda pl'OUd.1.obeoothlsfX>d '""""'"""' CC..pta1n-v.,..1i,yTet.m) Girls Tennis Thlswasasucoessfulyea.rfort.hewomennet.t.ers finishing 16 -3onindlvldu&lmeet.s. Theseglrlshad ~:~pl=~~ ~~~s;~l~I~~ ~~~~;~~~l~::l:~~~l~hg i~ the Dist.. 86 Tournament. of Champions, l st. place In theWhest.onNort.hSectlon&l,a.ndpla.ced 16th out.of 134 teams. K&teEva.n8flllstwaspla.ced9th · 12thln st.ate. This was an exctttngand fun year for these womennet.t.ers \\1 1=-=·- i 'FE=._1 "l ;) j ' . .. · f ,_ Downers Grove Sou~h Na.pervH!e Norl.h Hhud&leCen~r-.1 L,yonaTownshlp oownenOroveNor!.h ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~¥~~~t - Boys Tennis - - rt - - ' ·. :(,,,;! ~ t ,, JU!lllf0ACOACH eo.ehWhltewuobMrv11l41.h11t8&mwhll8 LheywerepMICtlolng&g&lnaLDowneK Nol'\h °"""'"'OTHJ:SJ:RVll Cla,yCl11·1 atophersen wa.swarm!ng upberoreameeL&ga!nBLDowneraNorLh Handling the Swing Boy'stennlsstart.edoff wlthe.grea tseasonon Ap ril ! st ;::.YP:~. ~~~~ ~mpeUtlon Hlnscla\e Central and 05 "Thesc hoollwouldwa.nttobeatlsHlnsdaleCentral,a.nd ~~~~0e t!8a: ~e:a~\~~~:~ds~~::!· ~~~ 1 ;ant my ~ringthe HerseylnvlteonAprH6,Westvarslty placed Coach Hlllhasbeenthehea.dcoachfor 12years. "My love fort.hesportanddestretot.eachthega.metoyoungpeople ls why lkeepcoaching. ltls&llfet.lmesportthathasalot t.oo fferoompetitivelya.ndsoctally,"sa.ldCoachHlll Inordertobeontop, PllACTJC•KADSPJ:RPZCT ~=d&n~IOrpra.ct.lcMbeforea were, "topsptnan<1playtng thenet.,"saldCla.y Nat.Waters. "DetermlnaUon.· ·Consistency and mental game,• S&ld Christopher. "Bervtng,"sa.ld ~=r~~~l~::ron. :::i~!i~!1o~n~:1:~s::·,:~~11!it~:~~~~ :: sport, " saldCoach HHl WHAT WAS PART ABOUT YOUR FAVORITE TENNIS? WHAT FOR WERE THE YOUR SEASON? EXPECTATIONS SC OR ES Of THE VAR SITY SQUAD Long Ha rd J ourney WhLlotheglrla'gymnuUcateMnwudedk:Atedandenremel,yh&rd worklng,tl\lurlelltoeveryV&r1!1.,Yt811.mmemberprevented them from ..1nn1ngm&i\)'me&Y1 Asslst&nt OO&Ch Joe Koclruikl Aid, "W!l.h ev"ry VIU"SLt,y member lqjuredat.le&lltonoedurlll411.heHUOn,ltmadettre&ll,yhardforthem toh&V<ISl.l'Ongandv1cl.Or1ousmoete." Dueto1.vlLl'let,yof•r.-i..aoc:1dem.e.·u.-.gg1tiouva11w. . outw!Lha k1-ll\Jury,JennaBLanoohur!.herwr1&t,andCap1.&1n&ndonJ,yMmlor onvaralt,y. K"llytijorU\,ll\luredherknM. ln&ddltlon.ntrany LMnbert,\IUl')',an<ICaltl,ynSommervlllehurt.herankle Kell,yHJorUlald,"lThelf\JurleslbroughtwidownallU.lfl,but1t wuok-,ybecauaeweh.adtherestorourvars\l,ysquad.But.onoe everyonefOl,hurt..!tNlnedthe8'&MOnandmadeeveryone'emorale down. 11.hlnklfweallwerelle&lUl,ywewouklht.vedone&, !U'ld!twouldh&ve enoour&gedalol.morepeopletooometoourhome Althought.heyea.rwM1adlrfloultone,sometaa.mmernbereel.lll man&ge0toflndaomepoaltlvemomen1-S. Threeglrlsevenmade!tto N!glon&IA: LlndaeyBrown,Tlff&i\)' L&mberl.y,&ndCa!U!nSommervllle Lln&eyBrownfl.ll!d,"Oyrnru1..n!osl1moreor 11.nlnd lv!dualsport W>Mwaythe1potllgM1n&llonyou. andyouttaveUteohanoot.o proveth&tyoua.ret.hebe1tonthetea.m.· Jump,rup.~re8~~~~.j~:l"~~ Heights CROWDPLZASIN O ErlcSohnelder pommelhO,...forUiecrowd i Iii- - - ~- IHO'#mGTlm CO...-nTIO• Nguyen Nguy1tng6UO eom•he!ghtonl.hepua.Uelbara gymnastics teams for each event. The triumph or t.he teams broughtoonfldencebacktoWest 'I'heboysgymnasttcsteamhea.rdshoutsofhapplnessa.t.t.he &Choo! each meet. The freshmen team took on an undefeated season,andls oneoft.hebest.freshmanteamWesthaseverseen Thesophomoreteam achleveda.8-1 reoord andtooksecond In conference. The varsity team Improved thler team score from 131 to 143.9slnoelast.yea.r. By practlclngs!xda.ysa.week. its no wonder why "'I'hetea.mlsa. groupofh&rdworklnglndivldualsworkingtowardsaoommo n goa.1," sa.ldCoach Ka.ftka. fa:!~~:~ hard work and a.n Incredible heart. the team too k Varsitymember.John Sta.ffa..exclalmed. MThetea.msplrltls •trong&nd The Wall l•ne•ecgolngtofalll" . , L~ .... - • 'l":t1ll .,,\ -- \ i Varsl',y membfH'I Clnd,y Bradley ~ Hallie! Wheeler wvm up 11erorethelrb!f...,....Thlmee1.athomew... ..,..i1U1i0atPark Miss Gilles pie JV51:oreswercun.wallabk> Cheering To Vidory The West cheerleadera pi.,y e big par!. 1n t.he p&l'Uelpat.IOn In I.he WLU>outU>echeerleaders.9Cbool11plr1.ror11porta 11~al.W891. wouldn.oc.aomeatlve TheQheer-rach88rourt.e&.msW vlcl.oryu-llubrtnlllntlnUle11ped.alOrl.. Thet.ea.msa.rem&de up or u.., '-1. and most spll'll«I girls rrom U>e .c:hooL Cynd!OIHna&Jd •The'~teballengttls~nc1.1>e""hoolW rellpocl.Wl\atWfldot" Andlhstl.swt\,yUW!teamhNp1'9CIJoed80~&ndlonC.IO t.h&l.lhey aoukloomp111.e In •veral o»mlle\ltlona. Tl>ft;y pl&ced very well ..::I> They oompe\ed at lllverslde Brookneld H.S. and Lo<::kpor\H.STileyplsoedlltand3rdlneachofU>elroompel.I ~::;~~;:;~:;;~; ;~;,;;;;.;;.~ • . - Dance Squad Rowl:ll'.&Ue HesleT' ,8rl~Plecb.,t.llohelle VLlla,Ta,yk>r McOOu&al Rowa:Den&ISchnelder,JackHICUl,AlJ.YColton.Kitl. HNJ,y,JullaPautwl,LIN.Horsunan,ChOllM)'HanteoRow3:Lll A.Jverez.SUahJohnM>n,JSNU'Rl.un,KrtsT.,yKeUey,Alllaon Kim, Kat.le Bremer, Aimee Winkler, Le1Ch'lfllldn9 Row4:Coecll St.efanleWtthrow,P&tl'loe!:rlloe,K.u.Salv~rt.RaOM1'111.nck, Erin Boburk.aledl.he momaln l.he't.1om·1 oanoe"atl.heHomecom.1ncPepRall.J ErtnRMirle,Dlant.PUnt.Jull&h!lo, t.1arg&re1.IJV\np\On VARSITY =~;e~~c~=:~Y:~~~:t. an-statewrest.JerbyhlsJunloryear Heoontinued tobreakhlsreoordby beoomlnga4 ~:1~1~~~ ~~~~l~b~~~n~:r~s enoewrestler. Heneveroncelosta Chri. V&nUem •aites ror U>e mat.chlna oonrerenceoompetltlon.H1srer-·1111igrut.lso1>ecant.1<ke hlghschool reoo rdwa.s 173-13. Hels now9t.hont.heall·tlmerecordllst.ln Illlnots.Thlsllsttncludesapprox lmateJ.y250,000wrest!ers. He won 17 tournamentwhllelnhlghschOol. Also 28 ~:= :~ :':i~ :u;~s.::t h e ever HehasnowbeoomeaNatlonalTourna:ntplacewtnnerandanAll-Amerl- ltwa.sagreat.see.sonallaround fora.l.llevelsoft.heWrest.Ungtes.m Varsttyha.danespeclallyplea.slng season. NlckBa.lma.,, KenBray,RobCle&ry,Ia.nKnapp, B\akeMacDone.ld,M&U.MacOonald, Andy MoGady and Kyle SChroeder :nre~::o~6~~:is~~~:n RobClea.ry, M&t.t.Ma.cDonaldand NlckBa.lmawereSl&teQuallflers. :::!~=:~:::!p~~~ aslngleseasonand266lnhls =~~~o~~;:~: rormostplnslnaseasonat2B ...__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ hillopponentdo.. n ~ ~ DAVIC1 Ngot.r1&1111.Bhe.rdll.8heca.ntoget ~';::::°nentnlppedoversoheca.ngel. Golf b&ll to h&rd Uut.~ every 1.hlngL1rt,y1ng,lncLudlnC Congra.t.ula.t!onst.ot.he2001 GJenba.rdWest.Oolf Theydideveryt.hingcorrect.exceptforfa.llingshortt.o go downstate by two meager shot.s. Andy Pope was out.standing this year, f\n\shlngelghthlnsta.t.e.Thet.ea.m ::i ~8!°:i~i:~~~;~l~/ward ~~s~:ia.:!i~ ~n Awa.rd was a.coept.ecl by Tim Kaminsky, Brent Robertson. RyanAnel.sberger,AndrewBut.ters,andBuddyW\lkins Keeplt.upnextyear! ErlcHau~nandJon Naumleo t.alk s~rat.egy before ~hey t.ake ~~~· WSCConte,..nceMee\. IH8AROC!onal Green f ootbll TheHlt.tersmag1ca.lseasonsL&rtedoffnot.somag1C8J los!ng0-16to WheatonWarrenvllleSouth . They qulckl, maklnga.nexa.mpleforthe restoftheleaguethatthey aretobecontendedwith by beating Proviso East43 - 16. They continued to showgreatfool.ballcomposurebyposUngaS- 4 reoordanda pla.yoffberLh.thef\rst pla,yoffberth slnoe J994.TheHlt.terspla.yedatough9 - 0McHenry teamtntheflrstroundoftheplayoffs .The t.eam showedtheyoouldmat.cht.heundefea.tecltea.mby ma.t.chlngt.hesooreat 14 aplece.TheH!tterslostthe wllltowtn!ntheseoondhalfa.ndendeduploslng 14 3 1. A great sea.son by the Hitters showed great things tocome.TheSophomoreteamposteda.nundefeated reoordand ltshouldbelnterestlngwlththatteamat the varsity level 200IV&r1ll,yFooUJ&llTMmHowOne: KrlkK.1Jv1,RobbyAndereon. t.11keMt.M"On.BlllKalboUI, l.llkeKunnem.ann,lanKnApp,Blal!.e MaodOnald,'l'ylerCroouton.RowTwo:Hon&ldLenotr, KevlnOoyle, CoechBh&wnTrue.CoachOeorrDurlan.CoachShawnRyan,CoachRlck Heckm&n,Headeo.chJOhnKArpowlCz,CoachDlgger Y &r11ton.Co&ch JimCovert.Tl'alnerJlmBelt.wl.Dave Y~akl.DavldKurU.Ro-w Three:RobCleery.DaveKnuepfer.Al&nAqulno,8hawn~r Ant.honyTrlner.l'!rlcM&r11h, A.J .Oup1.<l1,Tlm Kennell,y,M&rshel Hubbe.rd,DaveAn..,.berger.J011huar:.v... Rlck.yCbomlcz.Kev!n Rowl'our:8he&Moronl,Ml keOregolun&1.U&U.Uaodon&ld ·1'1! Mut Doubler, Palmer Ra!'\, Chr1s WllkM, Nick Whelan, Desmond W&t.1. • . . . gf{fui4?}~~2~~:~~;.£E:~::. .U - 1 True Champions Achieve Their Dreams WHAT DID STUDENTS LI KE MOST ABOUT WEST SPORTS? Top 5 f avorite sports at W est "DANCE S OUAD . " "STUDENTS lST 2ND 3RD 4TH 5TH WRESTLING BASKETBALL FOOTBALL BASEBALL SOCCER JENI FER LIKE TO "I L I KE T HE CHEERLEADERS." "IT JS " B AND WATCH!" "THE THE KATIE BEST AN D DA NC E IN SQUAD CHICKS ... Tooo DAN FAWELL MOTIVAT I QN, " AVERY ARE T HE GAMES." 'THE HAL F TIME CARTER HESTER VER Y ENTERTAINING." "PLAYI NG ~d~J£7~-2~u:~:=~the ISADORE "1 " CO MPE TI T ION. .. N ATE EN T HUS IASM," TERRA THE BEST.'KENDALL SEAN MAY GUTZMER SHOW." ANDY SNYDER ANGLER FREW DAY -,-.--------------------------------~- Daydreaming in A cademics l YOUCAN TEl.LTJD!Y ' RllHAVINOl'UN: Brlan ToomD1andN&th&nlA1zw!ck 11lrlflalongwlthUl8lr ORBATSTUDllNT WUlleMcCullumaahe i.akes the extre. Ume t.o 8l.>Jdll HOV1llllNOOVERAFA8HJONMAOAZOB , MMlel!neD&ukau.Sha,,ynaN&ehretner,Uz Quoee,Jll!F'ranl<e,HollyD&lgle,Sa.rahJohnson, fln<IOlg!Brtnd!•!loarnaboutl.l>eistestt.rendsln What class do you daydream most in ...? "Contemporary WorldHl.11t.ory,f1'811tunanyearl" Hr1 Asht.on.Senlor TAXDifQADVANTAO• or OUJlU!lllUlllT K,yle'lUev "lda,ydreamalotlnEoonom!ca. Money!aborlng ..." -Brian Myk.let.ka.Sen!or LillTllNUIJOW!THAllfOP BJll'BAJl 8U811Jl BrldensUne, ~rln Ferguson, Sa.mWorobec,&n<!And,yNort.onalt 11.tumUvelylncLasa OrvDfOFULLATl'llNTJON, J&Oln\.lut.Bravaro&ndBrlglu.a Jollneon~ael.!Ogl veas~h "lneveroouldoonoent.rat.elnF.ngUahel&ases." -Sha,yne Wlrkea,.Junlor "Theclass lda,ydre&mmostlnlsstu(lyhall." -TomChrlstl,Freshma.n "ldre& l sleptl" ..JennyW!lson.Senlor "!u.sedtoda.Yd1'88.malot.lnWorld.Hlstory... nowonder l falled!tl " -Ca.rol,ynPowers,SOphomore QlVDl'OJLCADSMJCS AllfA• SuaanBMl.&ndMoU,y'l'hompeon 4J1ve9Choolalhumt.upl PB.LU:HJllOTOTIDI CHOIBJ Mr. SaloWef\IOys&nClfJ>er HCIUngd-.y!n clasal l~ - ~ tt:•~:. ~ ~ ~\"r ~, I& ~~~;~: · Shea.Moron! TAKE SCIENCE 5. Sta.iningyour hands funny col· ors in Chemistry. 4. Food Chem, llk:e Chemistry , but it tastes better. 3. Those super-cool goggles. 2. The only classes where they give you sharp things. 1. Two words ... Fetal Pigs. THE ACRID SMELL OF LEARNING lnoLherd1sc.lplinesbesldesChemtstry,thereares.lso teachers trying to teach morethroughexpeMencerather thanLhroughlecture.OfbelovedphysicsteacherMr Schram, Ca.rMe SCha.fer sa.ld, "His class ts always really lnteresttng, he'salwaysdolngsomethlnglnteresttng, or we' lab. " When Mr. Schram'sc\aas ha.a a lab, everybody knows. AsSt.acy Gaylord said, ·our lab wa.sabout Work, and we worked har<I running up stairs and jumping up and down." Their work ls highly visible, assigns posted a.round their wo rk a.rea..s, saying "WARNING Physics students at work." Ot.hercla..ssesdolea.vetheschoolentirelyforLheir field trips. Ma.Mssa.Ma.lersa.Jd, "Therea.sonlstgnedup forEcologywa.srort.hefleldtMps." Ecology ts famous for ttsma.nyf!eldtrlps,a.ndma.nypeoplesha.rehersentl· ~i!!s~~!~:er e ~:~t class t.o take, If only ror the 0 8Till)YTlJD Pete'!'Rahall,Bob Hamni.on,an(IK,yle01'tma.nWJd,y h&rdforUlelrblologyl.ell1.. Not.e caroanernoi.eoa.rduenUedwlU!. runtA!IChnlc<ermelLke....Uv&1.0ry &n&Jue~deOx;,yrlbOnucle!cacld or course, Ecology Isn't the only fun Acoordlngtotaste, Lhedepa.rtmentoffers everything from Biology APwlthitsfet.a.lptgs,a.ndFood Chemistry, whichshowstha.t, llkemostthln8S, Science ls helped.byLheinfwllonof food.As Mr. Pett.usa.lw~s :;;.:~:~slcstsfun,"butthen8€8.ln,Edispotentl&lly WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SOCIAL STUDIES Have you ever wondered about Chinese philosophy or Greek democ racy? Or <l!dyoueverwanttoknow more a.bout the Vietnam Warornuclea.rdlplomacy? Hast.he Amertce.n Revolu tlonortheClv\IWaralwa,ye belnteresUngtoyouand youwanledt.olea.rnmore? lfso.youneedtoenrollln oneortheman,ysool&lewd \esclassesofferedat.West At West, swdent.sorau agesa.rea.bletot&kema.ny ofthesoctalstud.lesclasses available and learn II.bout someofthee!oremenUoned t.optcs lnoomtng freshman are faced with many different cho!oes.'I'hetwosoc!a.lstud- lescla.ssesthate.reopent.o themareWorldHlst.orya.nd We Can Show You the Wo _\ " WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE Soc I AL STUD! ES Physical Education ThePh,ysle&lEducat.ion depart.menta.t.Olenb&.rd.West ::~iu:n~~~e:t~d:~r::ess requlredt.ooomplet.ethreefUll ~~~~~I~~:: !f;~~~ots requtrementa.sweU. Illlnois requlresstudentspartlctpat.eln ~~~~~~£~a:E~:rs adva.ntageofthewetghtroomor thefieldhouseatanyt.Uneto tmprovet.hetrskllla. manyopUonaavalUbletostudentlnordertohelpt.hemmeet t.helrphyslca.leducaUonrequirementawtt.hawtcterangetrom t.eamsport.atod&noea.rt.s. Thla0r1 In M r. Ba.ker"s class did her llrltcbe., "'11.h u.. runM~ or al.l.&nUon Ah , the exciting world of business. Without !t, the world as we know lt wo ld cease to exist. Thefunda.ment.e.lsofhowbuslnessa.cttonstakeplaceshouldt} known by all "Even the mUltaryuses computer keyboa.rdstooontroleveryt.hlngon the\J .hfi-, ~::~~flooksllkeStar7'rek,so l wouldsuggesttakJngkeyboa.rdlng,"sald f ·!tbytaklngbustnessclassesatWestbeca.useltcar 1.1.d ll ~:u~drc::s;~::~;~fd~:~nt.s, and getting famllla.r with the programs 01 "l wouldsuggesttaklngcla.ssest.hatwUlhelpla.t.eronlnllfelnthearea.of 'IOrk you want to specla.llze In," said Mr. ZladZayedwa.saskedhowhewouldapplywhatheha.slea.rnedlncla.ss8.l be said, " I want t.o be a lawyer when I grow up, so I know how to balance a ch :k· :~: "My favoMt.e thing a.bout this class ts a.bOut how I learned a.bOut mone_., Uld Ta&Cm M. r.Pollll&nO.ln hlapeMM.l\9fltOIMll?'OOm, ~allvt11t.o,..w11.b.1. m:na:y~t~~ :i.:."t.hat. "I like pMclng out cars, and I feel like l ca.n manage 'Y "Thecla.ssestheyhavet.oofferhavehelpedmelearnhowtobalanceach :kbc:d and do things when I'm out on my own," said Ada.rn Derbtshlre Business -- n~ , - I - ----- --- WHAT I S THE BEST PART ABOUT COS METOLOG Y? What. could possibly be a better t.ha.n Calculus AP or Modern Lit? Tl • a.nswerlsanyapplledart.sclass When asked what the greatest experience duri ng cosmetology was, Llndm Wolfe replied. ~Learning to do e veryt.hlng." Theoosmetologygl.rlstakethebustoTCOda.llytobrushuponthelra.lre. Jy 5 ~~~hse=i~~ h~:t~~: m&lntena.nce. The class ts a two semester oour , "le!\)oycosmet.ologybeca.uselt.lsaclassthatwUlreallyhelpmeforthe t.ure,unllkeama.t.hclass," sa.idAnn.a.C&belero Alsolntheapplledart.sdepartment.lsoomputersclence. Thlslsa"C++ · Anotherpo pularapplledartlsFoocts. Int.h!scl&ssyougettoma.kefood then eat.It.. Ms. Polermot.eachesfoocls, and loves every mlnut.eoflt. "Fooclmakespeop\ehappy,"sheenthus\!ca.llysa.ld A lied Abilities "My favorite pa.rt is lnternshlp beca.use you don't h&ve to go to TCD." AshleyVlna.nik 1 la&. That.meanst.hatlt.lsacomputerprogre.mmlngclass When asked what. his favorite part of t he class Is, Tommy Brock a.nsweri , "You be Independent.. a.nd kind ofdoyourownthlng.· ind WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PART ABOUT APPL! ED ARTS "Art classes is never a waste of time." - Kris Leigh " I think art class is a way to express your feelings creatively." - Jeremy Olech " I like art classes because we can be as spontaneous and creative as we want to be." - Jessie Nelson " I take art classes because they're fun. And one gets to express his/her artistic ability." Matt Keck 'nulra •reman,ypoeltlveupectaoftheaM.depa.r1.mentt.ha.tstudent8wtllpo!ntoutto 10\l;&nongt.hese&renohomework, nonever-endlng!ectures, and nounoomfort.abledelllul ~~~ ~~~~\~~:,:::::~:'ra:;:e<114:::rd~~:·~~~!;.t.h~~t~e~~~~t 111e different than all the others and I believe !.he students eajoy th&t." Wlt.h about 700student8t.ak!ngart.cla.sseaeveryyear,anumber!.hatrtseseveryyear. 0~~~~~ ~:;10 ~~~=~d~·~~~s:h~f~: :;! we all ~ ...~e~~~:~t~~:St.e:m !t~~n~~~ ::!1'.y;n:~t~~%~ ~~~ ~~';!;;~ 1 ~\'.'::·~rt all lrta~:~ ::~~:C:6i"n~e:,: 0 1 1 wa.y Up to Studio Art AP. With choices Uke photography, painting, drawing, oeramlca, ie~~~~nEu!ri~~~~~~:W;!1~~~~~~~~l~~r;:::~ getto&eestu8 ., u:p=:~r~~~e1 ~~h~i!=.s:n~ ::'!~:~~the student.s grow and PrOve,· said Mr. Coppersmith. I.he oeramlca and sculpture tea.char 11 " I like art classes because they let me express myself and allOW people to see who 1 really am." .....Liz Mroczek ~~§~~§~~~#,:'~~~~~~: '---------' I ;,'• ' , r ,,.• ~I ~~A ~~ lfyoueverwerest.a.ndlng tnDuchonFie!donaThurs· day nlghta.t.around 7:00. ·HilaryMa.bbitt • " My favoritepart of thcband tripio loodonwas when we lost BooMurray inthctubes.H you mlghtha.veca.ughta glimpse of the Marching Bandatpra.ctlce Thlsyear'sshow.whlch cont.alned songs from the groupChase,provedtobe verysuooessful The MarchingBandcom· pet.edatma.nyloca.loompe· titlonsandca.mehomewUh third place trophies at Wheeling and Prospect, along wt th a Best Music and ~~~::::\:lo:::::\~ ways t he best part.because everyonetspsychedtodo well.Onceourperformanoels over,yelllngoutbandcheers k.eepusmot.lva.tedtohearour gre:atresult.s,-saldLauren Nelson,who plays l.het.enor sa.xlntheband Not.onlydldthebandoom· pet.etnma.nyloca.loompetltions.theya.Lsohadtheopportunlt,ytotraveltoLondonand perform In I.he New Year's Day Hlnall,lthoughtweha.dan awesome show and wo rk ed ~~~t ~aro ~l~:~e:!1~:t~~~ TI1Cord1CStm, • - ~:~:.:r~~:~!;=~ ::: directed by Mr. Ortega,enjoyedn s11ccessf11llj('flr1111d pcrfom1crlm11ny so11gs,inc/11di11g "A ve Maria" and "Co11cert0Gra:;soi11 Gmnjor, Op.6, No.1," wl1id1 i11cludalsoloists EmilyN!attson, Srotl Fischer,andOlllrlie Tyln-. WHAT You Is BEST MEMORY OF CHOIR? 11 Choir Singing for Dreams to Come 'fotncei~·~hZ mixed ehorus advanced women's chorus barbershop quartet :~~~:,~~ ::~7oe::1:~ wewcnttoNewYorkfora tourandwe spentadayin Chioatown.Espedally when theyweresellingfrogs outln ~~~o~.forpeopletobuy madrlgall!"'8N 1X*9befo,..,l.helr per!onnanoe D&ggar wa!t rorthe!rnext sont ~- "l lovedfreshmangirls'chorusfortheatmosphere;wehad about20girlsandwewere dose-almostfamily·ish. ~ ·Joanna Bymt ..........................~.~----............................................. .~~~~~~~~~---------- What comes to mind when you think of t.he word, guidance? Some Lh1nk of •6 people who help them, a.nd many other classmates make l&st minute changes 1 their curriculum fortheyearorthequart.ertobettersult.thelrneeds Counselorsalsohelpstudent.sple.nforoonege&ndt.heupcomlngyear,&nd celveUt.tlecred.itforwhat.theydoforthem Mr. za.nno said, -1 worked with students after school when I wa.s a Spantsl teacher. So when I went to get my masters degree, I wanted to keep worklnf vlth students. So, I took student counseling as my major.· Student Millet, ·The counselors have helped me make special a.r nge. ment.slnsomeofmycla.saes.~ 00 ~hlsonly goes to show how fart.he people In gu!de.noewHJ goto help stude .s However, some student.a seem clueless as to how gulda.nce can help Lhem. Whal \stheguldancedepart.ment? OuldanoeDepart.ment? Oh, um, I know they a peoplet.hatputmeinclasses,-sa.1dJeffDunla.o •A1J ln&ll. guldanoeca.n be summartzedasbeinglnvo\ved w\Lh personal, cl.emtc, oonegeancl. ca.reercounseUng,- sa1c1. Mr. zarnno FC '[,(..,( 1 1IF:--1 PFC l' I t :a- 'Tl-------------------------------------~·~--------------------------------------· ALL ABOUT FASCHING: !~~d::::a.1°:'r;i: ~0811~!st:1:b;.a~S.: Oraabut.last.slonger ::~~IT1£:?1~ Tuesday before Ash Wec:tnead&,y. TheOerma.n student.a oelebra.ted by ma.klngma.sksa.ndoos- t~~:u8:1!~:~1ng ot!ebl'&l.edChrlatmU ~L,lllAfltmpor t.&n~p&rt.of~Oerman S peaking f oPeign La nguageRocks l WHO IS YOUR FAVORI TE llMAI II.I.DE YOU !AH (MJL00EVELOP!\ENT7 Working with children helpsprepa.reforthefuture.Chllddevelopment l. "\ classth&tt.ea.chesa.boutthest.a.gesofdevelopment, fromanewborntothe geor ~~~lt~~ t.his class, students get Into det.a.11 a.bout how the children a.ct., and •Lan 5 "lt."sfuntoplay wltht.hepreschoolers,andit'snloetohaveyoungerch, ren =~~~It shows you how to take of kids when you have them," said rin About a month Into the course, chl\ from the ages 3 ·5 oome to Wes1 or C&stlePreschool. Thest.udent.swhotakethtsclassreall,yertjoypLa.ylngai gett!ngtoknowthepreschoolers -w.. L&ndl'yi.aCf'e&tlaaeher. and-Lngt.b•kldslnUMI hallwt.ywhllnlhadole.A." ~~oo~forwa.rdtooomlngtoclassandbelngab\etoplaywitht.hekld 'said w!r~~:0:i::"r:!!'1o~~:;~~~:a~~: ~~~~l~:":re=~:~ e 11:~•11 Jai ChlldDevelopment.lsagreatclasst.hatprepa.resyou for the future "Thislsthemostva!uab\eclassbecause!tprepa.resyouforyourmost t.a.ntjobofyou ure-pa.renting,Msald Ma. Landry Most Im ortant Job for the fut I HOWWILL(HILD DEVfLOPMENTHELP VOUINTHEFUTURE? 'l'hemurmurlnl[ofvoloea,wrnlngpagea,andh~rttulalghalndloe.t.eUlel!:ngllllhdepaM.menl HOW DO FEEL YOU THE ENGLISH DEPARTMENT AL L OWS TO YOU EXPRESS YOURSELF? •oo • mlsalon, They wm oombl ne I.heir keen lnt.e!lec:U: and 1uper br&lna to ensure the ac&dernlc S&fe• or lll:ngllllh •ti.Idem.. 11.llke 'l'he excitenlflnt &lone lll almOlltenough to at.eerone tnw 11.ur.a.chlngca1• r AcwalJ,y,U...p1&nlllto"revlaea.n<.1...i1gn•t11eeurnculumwlUllnUMln.uttwoy6!U"!I """' JiJlll 1 Mr_ Ri<::hmond.thollheadorU...d&p&r1.ment."1'hereaUgnmentofU\e!ngll.thDepa.r\menteum 111111 wlll llllow&nopportunlt,yforWMo.cheratolookatnewm&Lerlalll, .. w..llaatalkaboutbest.lru ucUOn&lpract.1ooeforl.eaeh1ngl'!ng1lahaLOlenbudW,..,High8chool." lnt.MthemeofcbAnge,Uu!departmentllloonUnulnlllt.elnt.ellecwalraml)ll(ebymovlngA1 -rtca:; IJ\el'&l.uretoU...Junlorl&velaaama.nd&toryclaas Thlsyea.r.l.heF.ngUahOepilll'l.lnentlefortun&i.eenouchwbe( nn ~ra.Ma.Nytl'SOll.h.ap&l1.-tlm1118M:herl&al.yu.r,lllcuM"9nl.b't.each!ngC1-1.lv11Wr1Ung, r-i. <:A118Wdl... &ndSophomorel!:ng\l.ah Ma. Ny8806hlsMUustlngnloe\ytothealt.e...UOnlnl'>erQ11..-r.-ll\fl&a Slleel\)oysLh111.ln Jpe:l w!t.h her stud8nlA She, ·while Ill hU ~nl ch&llenglllfl to &c\IUSI. tot.he mulU..tlmenu .U nt ofateM:her,watchlnfla&,yrnakeslt&ll wor\h IV Mr. l'ox. on Ule other hand. !e br&nd new to Weel., and I• t.he masl.enn!nd bel'l.!nd lnLl"Qd1 Ion Ill Tllelt.Lre.SenlorCompo11ILlon,ILlKIEnflllah 311onora. lnreg&rdt.ohl1expeMenoel.e&Ch1ngEn sh11 Wer1t. he11ald. ·1thas~n&grea.t.dlaoovery pl'':ncJlah311onora.e> or!°' theHrltlshmasl.erafrom Beowi•lftopMW!lnt, LOngllveBeowuln" You are cordially invited to the English p HUliGB.Y l'ORKNOl' Pai.Jensen.Jerry [) MaU.Hussell.ILlKI Oe Oumbspondel'Ule ftf q..-UOn:Nextperlo: Bur1f9rKJng? SDOI "8, te lid 1r THE ENGLIS H DEP A RTMENT! ___ ___.,.__ DreamingO f .9Lcademics fEAClll NG T UllNST ll llllll' IC r,,, ...,"""' ..... n.n,.~.r-t.-..t..nk" ... ~l..i..~• Top Ten Favorite Classes 1 English 6 French 2 History 7 Theater 3 Geometry 8Gym 4Biology 9 Speech 5 Spanish 10 Keyboarding 150 West students surveyed Clubbin' at West - *.:. . .:-.·:;::a. { . auaUJ:NTINOTJDWORLD N&t.eStr&i.t.on,P&e.Joyoe M!'ll.P9U.UB.Andrew8chmldt,andMark$ublet\.ewentt.o Berkleyt.orepre1M1ntA1.erbaij&n!nModeltm \ ) ~ COLOanJLOIQ.lllUI ColorOu&rdmember1Emlly Morgan and&rahH.,,ge.hperlormforr.heol'OwdattheHome oom!n«aa•embl,y wlintdoyou tl1 i11k nlw1d bei1!1J i11volved witli t/11 yrod11ctio11 ef tl11 yemvook? All i11terview witl1 n Yeml100kcoddess "''"""" '"""''""' ''" N•·wmm•«.Jm•"' S'"l"-'11;,1i"" "w,I ::: '"'" ''""""'"'"''"'"'""'""' \Xllll''"""'"INm< Joh•'""" '"' ')'<kt '" '"'""'"" ~"'""'"""'"'· '"~rn< - •hrr<<m<in ""' p. t"' Lf'h ..1is )"OUr f;11·oritc P"n ubout being im·olv~ with tM ycsubooki' "lcnl"}·t:emngmchoo"' "'ho~1oneoachp:igc.lalsoLikc1hcfactthlltlan C\"CO(><lt m~lf1n.lcnfQygcwngmdc:c1dcwhatC11ption1andthcbodycopy I~). I ),'Cl 10 make 1hc )"C:>rbook look bkc I think it should look. nm is my favomcpan"" Wh2tdOJY>UthlnkJilhoutbclngirwohwlwlth )-,,"rlx>ok? .. h1c..chc1mchov.·tou"' m)· Umc ~lyandbu1Jdsmychar.Ktct'' .. l1hmkn,.,,.sa rnUygooddttision1ojoon1hc)'e>rbook11affduringmy frahm:onycar . lrnll)·rn~'Cdbcinginchllrgc:of"·ha1'''""'in101hcbook lcnio)-rojCO!ngaf1«school 1v;odayia ...'C10kandi011'1Ctimcsmottto..,-orlr.on the \Urbook. J 1hmk OOng 1m·ol•·~ "'""h the )..:J.rbook wu 1 posin•·c lhing. l:improudofallthc ...urlr. ldidthis)-cat1ndm thc:pa11 " Pill()t_~...'<ISthc only5tudc:minhcr umcat\Xlcs1.mbt:on1hc yarbookm ffallfour)·Hn. Mcrhnd"'"Orkanddcd1c:iuoo"'illbc.dccply missed wlini l yo11r fm'orite ynrl nbiml Ueil!IJ i11volved ivill1 tl1e ymrliook? '-Obviou!ly)'OUn«titoha•·ctti.. umctodon.Ahhoughthcworkis ::~:~:.:..~·~~· :~'! goodin•"''>l)' bca.osclcannu.kc mypagcsmyown..i:11•." ·J immy Kinn '~l'ht)'C'>tbool< Mlpspcoplc ttmcmMr tl>ctrhightchuolyc:il'S.Sowhcn,.'C Ctt>1cthc 1·carbook"'·cbdpproplc n:mcmhtrthcgoodwncsthc:ylu.d.:and lbkc.,.,mgablctohclpproplcn:rncmbcr thoscgoodumcs" "llikchaving11ayinwhat gocsmtothcyc:irboolr.and ~l·::c:!~udc"': f 0 ........................... l"l"':'~~~------------ ............................................!!!!I. . . . . . .. . nw~~ 1'•111 \\ 111,•m•. ll<"lpc<I T.-ch ~1u•d c""''" • i:n--~1 ~""'"'): l""""nu1"""' for 1'3rcn1< n1i:tn Tech S.1u•1 I: M rs. l.1un,.: (l·•>U11<kr •0<.l Chw-\X om3n). t-.~1t· John'<Jll (l'..,<1<km ~M1L . 2fMI:?}, 1\r1<lrc" \'crpr~. M•i: R<")C~. Mike 1'.J.:u\·cn l'"'>1tkm:?IW12-200l),'i')kr T ufano "The1\.Me meet<! ror m.ui t.N.m alw1.y1 give me good Doyoueajoyhardmathproblemsandworklng!ngroupst.ogetpolnt.sforyou team? lf so, you might consider giving math team a shot Thtsgroupofstudent.smeet.severyWeclnesda.ya.fterschooltogetreadyfo1 three major competitions within the school year. The team conslst.s of five frt h men, six sophomores. nvejunlors.andfoursentors When Shara Djendi was a..sked why she Ukecl going to compeUUons. sh said, · 1 rea.llyeajoythecompet.IUonsbeca.use!tglvesyouachancetoflrstf<X SOii yourselfandyourlndlvldualscore.andseoond.t.heteamoompet.ltlonsarea.Jr or funbeca.useeveryonework:stogethera.sonea.ndgetsmathproblemsa.ooom pllshed." Corinne Holden said she likes the mat.h team because she can hang out wit.I frlendsa.ndchallengeherselfbyoomplet.lngunusual math problems Marjorie Olla.yos said. "The focus of the club Is not a.bout how m~ problei :J youget.rlght,buttha.tmathlsfun." A.lthoughallmemberssa.ldtheyeajoyedmathtea.m,theyalsofelttheyn6{ more participation sa.;dw~~:;;em:o'!e':°plel A five person "eight person" team just doesn't cut .• I I I ln11!DIBU M&tj0rle Oli-.yoe.JO&nn& Byrne.andMl'll Wllllamal.&lke.bout wh&t."1 golngon "l;ltt! v-,., ., wt,~, I ... ' ~ t Key club Is what you want to be lnvovled In The members help < Lt In the loca.I area a.nd do many community service projects The club a.ccompllshed ma.ny projects this year. One notable one ould be they helped In a. pa.ra.olymplc basket.ball game. They also did the 'AS walk, a. dist.Met convention. costume dMve, communi. ty a.rt partners, ~ collection for Red Cross, &nd Sunrise nail painting This year, Key Club had many memorable moments from the I m;:::r m~o~::yr~sb e~ry ~[~~~lt~h~~~es:e~~~~p~ea.~h~~ha : &a; have two new sponsol'S Miss Johnson a.nd M.r s. MUler. Since this l the clubs second year, they able t..o build off of last. year's base, an engage In many more new project.a Key club Is t.he club t..o joln If you want. t.o be Involved wit.h your :>mmunit.y and want. t.o help out. ell.her your t.own or help out people. \e Club meets every Tuesday morning at 7a.m In the upper aud.1t.orlur Come and join t.he fun - - .- - -. :·- . 1 -"!" • l - ·_ - . -::, . ~L ' • . -· - .- • WHY DID YOU JOIN Pa.raolymplc Basketball game alt. was great to the West kids play basketball the 1 tleel· cha.l.r t.eam . The wheelcha.Ir team was, and the money we ::Used from this event.covered part of the cost. fort.he team to attend the heeJ. ~~~n~~.etba.ll Nationa.Is , ~ sa.Id Key Club publicity person, BMtt.a.J ~.:n~1:.8 cl~=~~. ::::S wlWl Ill• date Topics Discussed at Model UN: ·Genetic Cloning -Israeli / Palestinian Conflict ·Mental Health -Illlcit Diamond 1n Sierra Leone -Chechnya -Aills Problem 11.AYOOODBYW Abb.)I Boband!lll.nt.Verpratalte · Bonding and lnside Jokes · to cool cities (Boston and San Francisco) · Learning to sound intelligent with phrases llke"moderated. caucus" and "point of inquiry" ~~~~~~~~:~:~:· :E:~~~=~ Target Success Activlties: June: Lake Geneva. Weekend Retreat September: Video Scavenger Hunt October: Cookout a.nd Outdoor Paired for Success le;~~i;i:ig ~a~~:u::~~~:~cr::it~:S~:n~'.~=~~co~~:~~h;: :· ( beenLherebefore. But whataboutstart.lnghlghschool? Enter Target Success . This mentoring program pairs 30 Incoming freshme wttll Junlororseruormentor,maklngLhea(ijustmenttohighschooJLhatmuchea er. ·TargetSucoess!sagreatopport.unltytoreachouttothe incomingfreshl' •nan: ~on them,· said senior Merrln Permut. •Plus our weekend ~ :;::::sa:r 'J'he•weekendescape· was a three·day retreatataLakeQenevaresort. Putlntot.ea.mswlththeirpartner, memberspartlcipa.tedlnteam·bulldlnga andch.allengtngproblem-solvlngexerctses, bothofwhlchbroughtthemclos< gether ·Thegoa.lofTargetSuccess lstogtvefreshmenposltlvehlghschool role and mentors, - said senior Bara Vergara. When asked If the administration 1 jobofpalringpa.rt.nerstogether,freshmanDanaSt.Plerresald,·Weallb&s along.Throughouttheyear,TargetSuccesssponsoredmonth!yeventstokeept! nersintouch. ·wedldavldeosca.venger huntlntheschool. .. ltwa.srealJy t hadtogoto t he Drlver'sEdroomandslngthe'TheWheelsontheBus'and to play. Instruments In the Band Room: said freshman Dana St . Pier re. ·Ti ::u~~ when someone had to drink a can of pop and the s pit Into someom ~WB•RJ: BETTBBlt" Mr =:=~~~ Jilli to- iodell Ia a.Uy J)&J1. n. W1\ iretea: worS Jlse's llBACHrORITI Caa1!el'Letcher. Pal.Ile Wllll&m1. ~ Kat.le Sinew r- E::7::i~1:~=l~io~e . •• ' \vll Activities Continued: - WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE PART OF BEING WITH STUDENT COUNCIL? Student Council is a club that Is behind some of what happens J ~re at school. The club holds meetings every other week to plan evei :..s such as homecoming, Turkey Trot, t.ea.cher a.ppreciaton week, the Erin- Go- Breakfast, ans spirit weeks. Another big contribution that student council made was the aid .n helping change some school rules . "Student council has worked a.gain to get the music playing tn le halls . We have also had cllscusslons w1th the abo t ~~=~:~E%:;:::::::~ prom In April ::. 0 ;::: :: =~~~~~:. ~r However many senJors rea.lized nothing could bf done spite of problems such as floodin g in the gym, and prom Ir ApMl, we still had a great year " said Liz Draths ~1n t ~YTllOT nf n ii Tyler Hesllng& Chrll OOorman get thefallton;nMl.hl1annualevent ~ether In 8COOPTHJ8 Don Pydo Joyce11erveloecre&m n11.i. 1 1.M -- ________ ,, :cLOWNIN' AROUND I I S•udontsfocS•udonts"&wayt.opromot.o&drug&nd a.loohol free llfest.yle. The students Involved In this program were a.II a.ware or the problem and the addiction that drugs can cause Lim~~- Ross, advisor. said,~ Students can join at any Thlsclublsbest.knowforthelrprogram,ClownB Aga.lnstDrugs. ltlsaprogramwherestudentsgoto looa13rdgradeschoolcl&ssese.ndtalka.boutsubsta.nce abusea.ndma.klnggoodcholoes. Studentsa.rea.Iso enooura.gedtollvea.hea.lthyllfestyle.ltlsaprogr&m operat.edbyt.eensandsupport.edbyadults.ln Olenbard's mostrooentevent, the homecoming parade, Clowns Against Drugs won t he best float O\lda.Ross,dlrectorofStudentsforStudentssa.ld"We wa.nt.edtosendouta.messagetothecommunityabout howlmport.a.ntltlst.oleadadrug-freelike. Students for Students felt very proud, honored, a.ndthMlledwhenwe wona.prlzeforoureffort.s. rea.chedsomemJndsaboutst.aytngctrug-free." PLOATINO AWAY .... B~udent.aror8tu<111nu out.a!&rnl!ngnoat.a a bowotrthe!r ACTIVITIES OF STUDENTS FOR STUDENTS !.) 2. ) 3 .) 4 .) 5 .) 6 .) 7 .) 8 .) Clowns Against Drugs Red Ribbon week Homecoming parade Post Prom Prom Promise Tobacco preven tion Live Life Well week Exit with pride l'orthose evenremote\yent.hU!l&aUcabout wrlu ng, t heHyunWum\a&Uter&rymag&zlnedOO <\$d• the nur!.llrlng of a varlel.y of t.&lente. Student.II 1ubmlt their work, which lat.hen crlUqued by By UJl.l<11 membere,andµoulb\yeelect.edart.ernveHpera1.e.....,i1ng./crllJQues,eru1Urlng anex posure t &wldt ~geoft.aala. WHILE CR! TI QUI NG, WHAT SORT OF PIECES ARE YOU DRAWN TO? Theflnl1hl!dprodud.111.a.nglbleev101mcethal.1tuden1.11aree&~leofoomposLnc WHAT DID YOU 11y.,..roff\gurlngoutwhaLlam11up~1.0doM.)lrol8haalnclu<ledwllt.ctungandglvlnglnpuU.l. 1 ..ur.,. p1U1.1Clpating In wrll.lng workshOpe, maldng sure l«l'N on traek wlt.h money and deadll.....,., st.ud8nta do t.h8 wrll.lng worl<lhops, crlllqulng. and i.yout, I.hey make the maguine h.ap1J8n • Byzanl.lumlsawlndo•ofoppo!'l.unlt,yforwrllera\.Ob8arthelr-.ilsa.odoplnlonll,andlsl0Dl< 11Wdentarespood\.08nt.hu11iaat.lo&ll,y;.....::hyeartheByzanl.lum NCelvt111hundred.aof1ubmLas• Ny.aahspealulh!C)llyofthemaga.Une,lll&Llng.·1t civesthewrll.81't1&re&laudl8!10!landm.. W8doto8ng1!1hcl&88moremeanlndul" BoUl the lltaff and 11poneor wa.otthe 1tudent.111.0 know they lll'fl proudofU..... who IOOll the 11t8J> .c. . .'1111 •lntlll PERFORMANCES IN PAGE TO 11. Ill • wlll: STAGE? U1elrwork.loruwrey.,..r1.theyhope\.O....,a.r>even~roumberofltudenta\.llll8a.r>mig&r Pf'Olll. ieMll. byov"room1ngthe!rdoubl.a,andl.llklngl.her11k The wrluenwordllUieoommunlc&l.IOnoft.he 1tO!I181.hlnt we want t.o...., more of al. West Byzantium - the briar patch for writi - "l'mdrawntopt-~l.&ke r1Ue . lt'1o1\enrMllyh&.rdt.o nru1un1queut.erawre.and ~U...C.U...tobeorlalnal aremyravorlt.w." .Jmi..Wletlnt ( tenlor) uniqr. oompLl&Llonofbeau1.y,balM!denUrelyonl.llewr1u.enword Th&cornll\f!Of1.newachool}'""'rbrought1bo\ltl,...,lt&tllech.r.nge,lncludlnta.newspc-:orr. Byz&n\.lum . Through I.he guld&noll 1mJ)OMd from the &l.udent membert1 and ~ers, she h.u rrui ICJMl• 111.1COONf\lll,ymak8t.h8tr&mll.IOn!n1.0herpo11ll.IOn ll"f&rdlngh8rfil'lltlerm. Ms. N~sa,ys, • '1 t.. ,.. ~\~ Ii'\/ . 11-ut,.101- Th&-and•t,__1uachedto 8 romann'1 U\.eMU;'oomml1.m<1n1aa.rerespona.lblefort>erfearofdevelopln(any elgraofpremat.ureaglng. Don't wOTT)'dMr,UloM..-en'twr1nklH, juatl&Uflhllnee;youlook a.baolu\.e\ymuvolo\19. · 1 par1.1ouw1yu11:1t.t1ehumor- ou./11&Uraoalpt-,b\J.tlnnd myeelfr$1&1.1nt:to0108tplooee. 1\noel.hey'rewrltt.enbytee1'lt4· •-vedThOllOlt.••. The1!n!st.e r 1l.lll>09ofAm&nd&Bchrelberglvea lmp\IC&tJona1.0thepoaalblUl.yofheri:-t1!141ahldd8nagend&. Could ltbeaabol.llget.otheByunl.lum,worldwtde&ff&IN,orll1hejullt OllouLal.lnghow\on(1tt.ookl.Obraldherlllllr9 lllbS THINK OF THE WHAT ARE TOADIES IN CHARGE OF DOING? Lighting Sound Systems Stage Preparation JUSTCHILLDfGWITKTJm 801"111 U lk<! Welnst.ock.Jeff tf(lleon.and .Juon 8ba1ton l.alte llOltl(ldown Llme fortlle maelv• durtng 1.hecoureeoft.he!rtiu.y "Tryyourhardestandncvcr give up " TOADIES Behind the Curtains... What do you get when you give I l 0% of your effort without asking for credit T!l hardwo rkingcrewofToad!esofcoursel Membersdoexactlyth11.t.byt.aklngca Jof thellghtsandcarnera,a.ndleavlngthea.ctlonuptotheper formers So where ex actly did the name oft.his club KToadles" originate from? It's r 'lip~ MWell, back lntheda.y, wa.ybeforelbeca.methesponsor, they were called 'RO&dles.' But the "I" wa.s Mght next tot.he ·R' ont.he keyboa.rO, a.ndthey nr start.edoffbe!nga.noffsetoft.heatre.soltwa.sjustnaturalthattheywouldl called Toadies," sa.ld Mr. Mat.z. the current sponsor. Behlndthesoones.the Toadles crewlsama,Jorpa.rt tneventssuchaspla.y stage performances, concerts. etc. They Involved In controlling the lighl and sound!ntheseeventa. "Irthe rearen'tanyglitcheslnanythlngotherthan t1 act.Ing. It goes unrecognized. butlf somet.hlngdoesn'tgoaccordlngtoplan, w wlli hear about It,· said Mr. Matz about the Toadies· acknowledgment "I really er\joy worklngw!th this group of people," said Bobby Bryan . Eve thoughsometlmestheydon"treoe!vet.hecredlttheydeserve,theylearnnew hi~ at every rehearsala.ndwork hardtoga!neveryounooofrespecttheyca.n. ' 11.sls agrou p ofdedlcatedkidsthater\joywhat theydoandgettheopportunlty to iake alltt!emoneyonthesldewhiledo!ngtt P IUCTICllTO P llR.PllCTION. AN.le Teum &n look1011wlU.h lsToad1<1memlle,..M th11 work outth01bugs ll&Al.&DWlTHAKIM, U lchael Welnatock oontJnu• IOdohUijob.even • lt.h1.he dlnracuonaluck)' glrllef\ AND MUCH MORE! orchesis Statlsllcs of careers In the fle!da or, sclenoe. and technology are ctea.rlv ma.It DID YOU KNOW dominated. WIMS ( Women ln Math and SClence) Is a new club thls year formed for tt , I Women In Math& Science ~~~h~~l~~~!i~: the knowledge about the opport.unltles for women ln math, sch cce, THAT FEMALES ••• Working t.o support and ment.or women In such fields, W!MS's a.ctlvltles Include jol, speakers, slt.e visit.a. tra.!nlngopportunltles. oompetltlons. erea.tlngand m In ::~~a club wabslte, and ma.king elect.ronlc oonnect.lons with similar groups around .he Represent only l 7%of computer science advanced placement test takers, a.nd less than one in ten of thosea.reta.kingthecom science AB4 test (the highest computer science test in the college boards advanced placement pro- ~~r:~R::~:F='.~~~;::~~i~L~~~~~~~;:l~~~:a~~ ~!i~e: Porsomepeople,WlM.Sma,yseemUkeablgjoke,butltlsreal\yagrea.t.expeMenc 8 • for ;:u:~~~~=d~;?lr:::~~~~~l~t~~~~~:~y=~::~·:I:~:;:: : club 8'11JO.~ c!u~~~e;n=~r:~~l~~:r:e"n :~a: ~~i:r:= ~~i:~ t~~= ::~e down and wan=':.,~~~C: :e ~=~;e~n11dh~I~~U\~1 ~!~~!~~1~1~~8:°~r ~':s~~ ~=l=.s gram)? Ln :-. Ukebe1ngtnWIMS. lt.'sfunandwehs.voareaUygoodgroupofgtr!s." Here·st.heproblem: Moret.hanoneh&lfofeverybodywhousest.he!nt.ernet\sfer de yet 20 peroent. (s. dismal minority ) of all oomputer t.echnology workers are women "WIMS\sareallygoodclub. lt.'salsogreatbec&usethemeetlngeare!nt.hemornl gu: ~l:~ are an athlete, you won't. mies s.n,y of your pract.!oee or games.· said M&rjOM( 8 There are two things that WIMS did that were really lnt.erest\ng. One of them wa.: w~ theydldt.heBorOe1'sgtftwrs.pplngfund1•s.!ser. ·wewenttoBordel'sandwrappedgt sfcr people.· said Elizabeth Fosslen. Theotherth!ngt.hs.tsomeofthem did ws.sgotoat gt :2:~::::~;~:e~~~te women out there who are Interest.eel In mat.h. scleflC< Women WhoTakeControl WOMZNBULI:! Hi=s ,I ---- -- - ~ lflOHTI :o:~::e~~~~~~ti~~k ~~':~:;:i~u~~~r:;~ tutu:~~=n:.~~~ 0n~r~'!~=~re~~h~=-=0~;1~onon Ma.Me Hoffmann. Janis Lee, Emma. Washer, Mrs. Ellen I.Jung, Katrina. Broma.n. Possllen, Na.zia.Ba.rba.. Front.row: Courtney, BMtta.ey Bette La.uren Deger, Eliza.beth Drat.ha, Ka.t!eVlsoo, La.uren Rlt.scha.rd, Divya.Ra.dha.rl Working Women In Math& Science Can't We All Just Get Along, ~ Now AND A WORD FROM THE "(Theo.,yorsnence) wu everyone else should 1hut.-up&Ddl1nen.· -Ol"llf:TholllU WHY DID YOU JOIN SCHOLASTIC BOWL? Asstudentstrs.velthroughschool, ma.nyofthema.cqulreknowled.geths.twlllbe utt.erlyuselessfortherestofthelrllves This ls where Scholastic Bowloomes In Thoughltlacksthegls.mourofpreu,y mucha.n,ythingelse. ltmakesuprorltwlth thesa.tlsfact.1onofprovlngtheslzeofone'11 body of pointless knowledge. A s David Lefl.y putlt,"lt'snot.aboutprestlge,lt'11about winning. Well, that and Jimmy John's. · Whl\esomeot.herl.6&msstudyt.op\cs thatoomeuporten.llkeBhakespeare·spla,ys orfamouss.M.lsts,the Westl.6&m prefe rs to t.estthelrownknowledgewlthouttheeffort. ofstud,y!ng. ·rromourpolntofvlew. st.ud.Y· lnglsesi;entlallyl.hesame&ScheiuJngat cards. lnbot.h,youaretrytngtocha.ngewhat you really have\nordertowln.· said Karl Welntraubofthet.eam"s philosophy Thest.arofthet.ea.rnt.hlsyes.rwas, wl\.houtadoubt. Dave Duszynski. whose knowled.geofl!terat.ure was s.gres.tM:tvan· t.agetothet.ea.mthroughouttheseason. In addlt!on. hewasoneofthepr!memot I&· tlonalfactorstngettlngo\.herteamm nbt topractlcesandmeets .. _:,~ ~~:.':.'.".:::,;":.~= :·~ la.rgert.ea.rntherethantnprevlOWJY• Hi s Innovation was the Jimmy , runonthewaytomeets. Hehasalso!.hei.eammore oo tlvebychangtngLhel.a.ld-be.ckattltud• BOWL? &nd•J)Md.QuMl.lo,..oomefl'om everythlnCfl'oml.he&1'1.ofthe MlddleAf!Uto"oul'f'flnteventa." or,mOl'800l'f'8CIJy,tbe.._nt put,1lnoelD09torth1Q\lffl.lon. werewMwmunderthethre&tor t.heY2Kbug.Thel'Cl&l'etWOtyl'.*I orquesUon. , tou·upquesUon.and bon\1189. P'Or tollll·upt, the loclr.O\I~ 1,Yet.emoom1111!ntoplay.ltlll1 •lmpllnedvel'ILonorthe.Jeopr.rd,y pod!umetheteound8ab\luere.nd llghtat.hel.l.gMLnfl'ontorthen,..t pereontohltt.helrb\luer,&nd t.henpl'8vent1 everyoneei.errom 1>uzz1nc1nunU!the•y1temlll cleared by I.he optrMOr. The n ... ~ pereontobuzzLngetatooh&noeto an."rU!etollll·up,andt.enpolnta Lftheyare9\IOON.lll'Ul.lfoneteam aruiwer.thetou·up,theyget.the nl'ltoh&ll09to1n11werthebonU8, aqUNUOnw1t.b.t.b.reetonveparq, wort.htwen~potntalntoW.lthat tbeeDtll'Clteamoanoonl'eron beforean.-Mng.Aftert.hin,y qUNtlo,..ycuhave&Scbolutlc Sowl oompet!Uon BREAK ,ru;~ DANCE l'I '8ell LJ& llll( Beca.useofhlsleadershlp,thef1 u!'I thei.eamlslooklngup,asthetea.m hs generally beenabletodofa.!rlywell • I.ti Uttleeffort.beyondtheb&remlnlmun of showtngupooeaslon.&lly. So. wH.h a.I t.ter workethlo t.heteamoould havel.he1 t.ern. to bes. seMous oontender. Speaking I ~ tb gradus.Ungsen1ora,D&veDuszynsk1 I.Id. "Whllewemournthepasslng on of ie t.ruly lazy lnexlst.enoe, weals wt.It theteamt.hebestoflucklntheyes.1 to Bowling, Sans Pins in&8oholNU08owLCompeUt1<m, twO!a&m9&1'9pli.t.edacainat...:h otherlll&bru1&1testofknowledfl t. I LINGO: Cricket lbnd~lidcs All theWorld's a Stag(~ 1 Where can new worlds be created within two months? Where can you be t.&I rn ~ a. fairy ta.le kingdom, a New York Mansion, and a Puritan I.own without leavln ta Club Spons or: M r. Fox Assistant: Mr. Richmond Tech Director: M r. Matz ~ ~ President: Abby Bob Vice President: Jordan Mandel Treasurer: school? the Theatre, a.ndthatworldwlllcomeallve "'rheatre Is fun because you get to suspend reality for a period of time," sa.l Junior Jordan Mandel. "We can all use an escape from life once In a while." TheThesptanTroupeor g&nlzesawh!rlw\ndofact!vltles, rrompa.rt.!esto fundra.lserstoOlenstock,and!tsmemberspartlclpa.t.elnthethea.treproc1uctlc s throughoutt.heyear. "Ptcnlcatthe endoftheyear\soneofthebesteventsbecausenewlnducte s have to perform a talent," said sophomore David DeMuro. ~Jello-wrest.Ung, fr i.lcy flexibility, they'realwa.yshll&rlous." lnvolvementln'I'heatrelsalmostalwa.ysregardeda.saposltlveexpeMence :.~~ ::~~ : : cs:a°ww, thespians s.a.y that. a certain comrader!e develops b ~0o1ng Theatre wa.s a big change for me," said senior Kim Downes. "I rea.ll like therela.xed,cooperat.tveat.mosphereandthefreectoml'mgtventoexplorem.' OWll" Astheyearca.met.oaclose. many weresadt.oseethesenlorsgo. Howeve1 tJle 'I'hesplans &greed, ~'!'he show must go on.~ ALWAYSINTmnl LlzWelker 11.ndZachDunh&m.Hr&n&deUle &udlenceduflngthefa.Jlm usl oaJ,"Or>0eUponaMau...,..· BBSTPACBJl'ORWAall l'!llzabeUl CoL&ngeloa~ tter "ltusband"ad!l'\Yloolr.dur!ll( Ulewlnteroomed,y"Rumo... • Kar! Christiansen Secrata.ry: 11 Llsa ZB€r0ba Publicity: Rachel Austin & Michael Weinstock Historian: Kristtana Molitor Social Events: Aimee La..mereaux Club Rep: Amber Mack Freshman Rep: Stephanie Turza Theatre FestlyA.) Every January, Theatre kids f rom around the state gather to view shows, perform, and attend workshops ln theater a.cttv1tles.Itlsa.Iso the t!me whenthe (~ •1f- ' COl'X1JM5PAllADll Ol<vtdDeMuro,AbbyBob,LlzWelkar, Stac;y(k,,ylord,All.,yColton.andLaurauana1n1oompe1.e1n acutp&tt,yOOlltumeoont.NtenUIJed.: •Wllal.ISUMUgllest OutMt't'"Caatpart!e.are&Umeforallwhoworkedona ahowtooalebrateUle!rach!evemen~andcutlooee All·State Prod.UC· tlonJs performed for a. large aud.1· ence. Congratulations to all of our All-Stat.era:, Peter Dagger, Andi Freerksen, Kate O'Connor and Mike Welnstookll WHAT DO YO U ENJOY THE MOST ABOUT HOCKEY? Blades of Steel Cl b U Med Hard hiU.lnga.ctionl Eventhought.heoond!tlonswereoold. Glengard's hockr team found we.,ys to scorch the competition 'l'he 200 I 02002 Olen bard vars!t.y hockey team finished their most succes ul :::: ,,>;,~ ~.;-:;~..: ~~ ;:i:~~i:~:.~::;; ::k~;~.~.lnw~: ;,~:;:, f~~h~orr:,:. .v:!,~~J:;~~::Mstlcs that our team had wa.s we did not t.a.k ;:.,, p!onshl p crown '!'he Glenbard team was composed of people from all back grounds. The U potential for "We'reupat7:16everyot.herWednescta.y morningplannlngfleldt.rlpsand drives,"sa.ld Hoshnl Patel DuMngthecourseofLheyear,CJubMedhasaccompllshed a number of things. Their most credible to be their collection d rive for Po pt.ops to support Ronald McDonald houses for families of sick ch.lldren extreme~ ::~~:~u~~":::;:;:~.:'i'';.~"~h::;v.,:u~~·~:;,:',;,~:" "m• making J>O•te~"' ~-H-O_W_D_O_E_S--, :~~t~~st.oy~~;r:-es:~:~~~~~r~~a~nt; :i:~d ~~~ ~~!t':;!:!'~:i~:~ds Helplngha.slt.sbeneflt.stool Club Med frequentl,ygoesonfleldtr!psa.swell ;rap I m was very unique oomparea to other because they had many wen sk.11 .I ( L U B ME D pla.yers Including Billy M urphy, Mike Pina, John Simon, and Biil Bush On top of this, the coaching staff for the Olenbard Hockey team was ver} trong beca.useallofthecoacheswereex-hockeyplayers Even the JV team eajoyed a gl'eat season having a 9 ·9 · I record while al[ earning fourth pla.oe In the 2002 Combined JV High School Team Playoffs GlenbardHockeyTeam P.a.gertojumpsta.rtyourca.reerexperlence? Ifso,jolnlnga.groupsucha.sCJub Medca.nbe veryhelpful,andawonderfullearningexpeMencel Whenentering ~1~1~ 1 ~~a:uat ::::~~t~:~:';1c!~= dedice.tion. but. also a I BET T ER A S T U D E N T AN D p RE P ARE HE L p f QR TH E FUTURE ? Club Med to get a better understanding of the medle&I field In general. M any of the students t.hlnk I.his club gives a great Impression on oolleges. Also, being lnvolved really influences the decision or majoring I n a medical profession or not e x ploMngmedlcaJ professions, worklnson servlceproJoots. andgettinsacqua.Lnt.ed with the information In general. They have aocompllshed many things this year, ancl look forw&rdtodotngtwlceasmuchnext yearl YouP •1ryouwantto~r!n Ulemed!oaineld,UlL1club lapl'Ol.l.,YheLp!'Ul.You l'M!Wlo:racl.J,ywhat la expected.from you by oollegoal" "'nutolub.....nytnforni.& aboioe..!t•llowsror lhar!nc&ndmeecJnf wlUl acbe1'8wlUl11mltarp!8." 10 once they leave high school, and go off int.o the college world. So really, It helps prepare for the future Whtie be\118 a member or Club Med Is exciting, It can also be Import.ant to your future career plans. It gives these students an extrajumpstart. when it comes to f utuPe Mimde M a kePs SOWTTLllTU11111, soMVCH TO OO MB.&h!'Olnerrldes e.loll(lnU1evan,l'O&d,yto QUOTES To CHEW ON: The Bard Strikes Back Imagine a newspaper that Informs and entert.a.lns readers every month. 1 ,9 OlenBardschoolperiodlca.Jkeepstwothousa.ndreaderslnformedonupooml1 J :i~:~ functlons. and entertains with a sharp wit only evident. wi t h t he Olen l&l"I! 8 This dream Is quickly beooming a reality with the hard wo r k and determlr .uon of The Glen B&rd'sadvlser, Mrs. Mitchell he::h~~sn;~; easy going and helpful, - exclaimed Marissa Maler or t he BaN s sh::-~!!8'it.hasbeen involved with the Olen Bard ne wspaper for one y ea r no .&Dl WHO WOULD YOU LI KE TO SEE ON THE COVER OF THE room to meet In. Theyshareitwithtt stude ntoouncll. Theyalsogot.anewprlnteraawel\asanewlaptopand d camera. Thlslsdue\npart.totheOlenbard WestBoosters "This has helpeclus t remendouslyw!thgett.l ngthlngs done moreeff!clent.1 ," said the grateful Mrs. Mlt.chell Oneofthemostex perlenoeclwrltersonthest.a.fflsChr!sKim • .... I'vechumedoutloadsofdrlvelfort.hewholeschoolt.oseel " saidChr Kl.1 The Olen Ba.rd ts away rorstudentst.osharethelrthoughts w!ththestu< nt body "I'dllket.ot.hankyou, Remy, fo r never beating U::.e~~ot out or · 1 1ove t he freectomthat l havet.osaywhat l want , andl havea.Jwaysen •Yed belngapart.ofaprooesswheretherelsatanglbleflnishedproduct ,"sa.Jd .J 1e Urbanenthuslatlcally. "lthinkthebestbetfor a.ntnterviewwouldbe theba.nd Horseoop.• Wanna. some money? lf the answer is yes, then coopera.tlve educat! n isLhepla.ceforyou Cooperat' veEducatlonlsaprogramt.hathelpastudentsmakethetrana\tio from school lntotheworldofwork. Co·opglvesstudentsthecha.noetowor} &.nd also receive a. weekly check. Ontopoftha.t, studentsrecelvethreecla.sscre !ts towa.rdsgra.dua.tlon,a.longw!tha.nexcellentpa.rklngopportunlty Theprogr&mconslstofthreepa.rt.s: classroom. instructlon,andonthejo' tra.!nlng. Student.sgettochoosea.Jobofthelrcholooa.nd ge offtft.een hours of work for the cl.ass credits. Co-opprepa.resstudentsforrt I llfesltua.t!ons,andtea.cheshowtoma.nagethe!rtlmewtsely DECA tstheorganlza.tiontha.tco·op ls under. DECA stands for dlstrlbut 1e, education, jobs of America; lthelpayoungpeopJeprepa.reforthefuture lnordertojolnco·op, ornoe. Many students request early dlssmlssa.I to goto workea.rly. Student CM takethlsprogra.monoeortwlooa.schoolyearfora.totalof 6credlt.s Someofthejobstha.tCo· ofcholoesfrom fll..'lt fo l :'~ni;:s!~~~ to office bulldlfl8S. a.nd many more exciting things tha.t you lighl MAKING THE GREENS Te.klngpMdeinyourschoollsnotjustamat.t.erof dressinguplnprotect.\veclothingandsmashlnglnto otherpeop\elnfrontofscantll,ydressedgtrlsbounclng and screaming. There are other. better ad.lusted, ways topa.rtlclpat.einlnt.erscholastlcoompetttlon,suchas ~~~~w~~~I~~ ~~:::::e~! ~~::~v~o~~ Into ~!=~·~~~~then compete In ms.ny different events Theevent.srelat.etoeverythtngfromphystcsto geology,andaredlvldedbetweeneventswherescore!s basedonquest!onsaakedduMngthecompet!tlonand otherswherethegoal!stofabr!cat.edev!cesbeforethe ::i~~:t t~eu~t 1~;~~r:t~::C~~~~~~~~n~e~e~~ For team members must build a water and air pressure rocketoutofatwo-llt.erbottlethatwHlst.ayalort.forthe longestposslbletlme.Therearealaoeventstocreat.ebalsa-woodalrplanes 11.nda bung~:°:~h:S~w~~::a~t~~e s~~~~Zu:~~J,yt.sp~~~f~ ~~~ Unfortunately, this year they not make It to state. The team stlll en,IOyeJ t.b8 season. as Ishan Des&.! S&id, "It doesn't re&ll,y whether we win or Jose, 1~·5 ~----~ alwaysfuntocompet.e." SENIOR COLOR GUARD ENJOYS SUCCESSFUL SEASON 1 lf you'veeverseenthefourthof muslcallowedforadynamtcrout.inefor,attendedafootba.llg&me, ne to one of the me.n,y pep rs.mes est, then chances are you have theoolor gua.rd e color guard, le<l by art teacher, Doyle, ls an auxil!ary unit t hat theoolorguard,a.ndalsoaJlowedthem to Incorporate some of the new equtpmentthegua.rdwa.sablet.oget But It took hard wor k and lots and lots of practice for the color guard to pleceeverythingtogethera.ndlookgood. orms w ith the marchtngba..nd In the &nd ase.nlndependentunltlnthe r. This yea r , t hough, the guard not able to participate in any r gual'd oompetltlons; but, they &bletoel'\joyaverysuooessfulfall n wtththemarch1ngband nsldeMng we had a Jot of new en, our show went very well," domorecomplexroutines All the hard work a.nd preparation showed In the gua.rct this year when theyflnallyhltthemarchingf\elda.nd gottooompete "Myfavorltepartofoolorguardwere the competitions-we got to perform to ·we ha.dearly practices and we were people who wanted to see us, unlike at enoouragedt.opra.ct!ce athomeaswell," thefootba.llgameswherepeoplethere said freshman gual'd member, Annie were there to see the game a.nd not Rix reallytoseetheba.nd,"saldfreshma.n Another way some of the gual'd got Sara.h Hengesh gearedupforthesea.sonwa.stoattend Looklngbackonthesea.son,theoolor FredJ.Mlller,aoolorguardcamp. The guard can proudly say they pushed camp helped guard members out by themselvesa.sha.rda.stheyooulda.ndln teaching them new routines and about the end saw results that they liked. For miiiildlS'.~~:C~~l=!~S:a~t=:~~~~~ coo~:!otntoan~~:~~!r clin1ca and =/~:~allw~~ 1 alongwlththefteldshow,wh1ch learned that you have to believe In = h::::!t:~ thatmembersputforththissea.son ~§1~§1~:.~ ~~:::t:.g:tg; ~;;~;~~;..:;~;; ~~[@i€r~:::::: ~~§fJ~~isi:§ &ndOladrag&,"and"OetltOn,"all lhegroup, The exhilarating too learned aboutbellevtng In herself alongwithleaMlin&thertfleandhowto ths showlearnedqulckersoweoould cleanitandlookourbest." FOUNDER OF CLUB En: CANDICE MARR Want To Teach? Intereat.edinbeingateacher? lfyouare,youshouldknowaboULthenewclubatwest t hlsyear ,CJubEd. ResearchshowsthattheUS!s fa.ctnga.never·increaslngteachershoM.8€edue o t.hegrowtngschoolagepopulat.ton,a.glngfaculty heading towards retirement. nd t.he fa.ct. that. 40-60% of new t.eachers now leave the teaching profession with!• thelrrlrstflveyearsofwork That ls why M rs. l.jungstart.ed Club l'Jcl. This club gtves student.s lnterest.ed na career lneducat!ontheopportunttytorea.clandd!scussarttcles,llstentospee.en. Jooktntooonege programs, a.ndvolunteerfo r tutortnginorctertogetteachlnt ~;:i~.ence. Mrs. ltlung said, ·we have to at.tract new, good people and keep!nterest.edtnbeingateachercan atte ndCiubEclmeetingr before or after school In M rs. lijun g'sroom 'rhefounderofClubEd,C&ndlce Marr,sa!d, Kl we.nt.edt.oteach, a.ndslnoe t ach. ershavea.grea.tinnuencet.osoma.ny, l ~:~ t::u=~~: t.eachers. Hopefully, It can spark the Interest or some gree seeSow~~~~.':'a:ln=~~ in being a teacher, look Into the new clu b, Club Ed, 1 id ••• WBST'IPUTVJlBTBACHJ:IUl AmberPut.ney,C&nd!oeM&M",Joanne Srune110,C&r!1JM1.Bllool.elll, AveryBn,yder,M ra. lJung. M .. u. MoKenna,llndAnneKnudsentlllteat>realtdur!ngaclubmeeung GIVDIGFUTtlll~Cm4 4DAllSTAaT. C&lldloe M...-r andMl"Ol.14WIC&reUie WHY DID You Jo IN CLUB En? TheJoy of Performing Cheers or joy came back phantvlctory. t.o West as the forensics team brought. home a trlum As the !HSA Reginal Champions and IHSA Sectional Champions, the West forensics team also took sixth in t.he st.ate compet.ltlons. Wlt.h t.hese wins, It's o wonder why the team Is t.he pMde and joy of t.he school. -u. was a successful sea.son filled with great team leadership," said Mr Kolozl~ The team practiced hard and was rewarded wlt.h a great treasure ·we had one team meeting per week, but student.'3 p r acticed lnd!v\duall,y w11 ~1:~~. ~: ~~~ ~:,~~~ ~~ ~~eL~~ ::rn~:e!ac~~:. also rehearsed on their Sam Rosenbergexplatnedwhatrorens\cs!sllke: ·voubecomepartof asuccessful and creative oommunlty, whl\e learning how t.o oommunlcate.• Kelly Hall took on t.he responslblUty or i.eam captain and was a state f!na\is ShedescMbed herfavoMtepartofforenstcs: -Thepeoplearesowonderfull Tl team ts really close and we help ot.herout.I" ov;::::~h!::'a~et. with at.her challenges ot.her t.han the oompetlt.!ons. but. Ms.Johnsonsummar!zedtheyea.raa. "Anyt.hlngbuttheord!nary . anclyet everyt.hlngthathasa.lwa.ysbeenOBWForenslcs" fall Open House A NIGHT SELL! SELL! BELLI These West pa.rents try to sell West merchandise ~~t~~l ra.ngtng from t.-shirts to '' Youcannotbringaboutprospcrity by discouragingthrilt Youcannot s1rc11111hc111hcwcakbywcakcningthc strong. Youcannothclp1hcwagc ~c::;c;u~;n~~~~~~~~: ~~~~~::;:r manbycocouragingclas.shatrcd Youcanno•hclp•hcpoorbydcstroying the rich. You cannot keep ou~ :~~~,~~b{a~~~:i~d':~~c: :~ co11ragcby1akingawayman'si ni1iali>'Cand indcpendence. Youcanoot help men pmnancmly by doing for :::::~~~y0011ldandshoolddofo.- -AbrahamLincoln '' Manydifferentoolors, langua.gesand heMt.ages: onewouldthlnkthlswasad ~=~tl~~eof the United St.ates. But lt Is also a picture of what International c b Thegoaloflnternatlonalclubtstoget.thosepeopleofdlfferentcolors.lan gua.ges.andbackgroundstogettoknoweachotherandthe!rcultures. But n >St speclflcally.toletstudentsatWestgettogetherandhavesomefun "The thing I like mostaboutlnternatlonalclublswegettomeetpooplefro all around the world," said D!'vyaRadhari, atreasurerfortheclub lntemationalClubgetstogetheraboutonceamonth. Theevent.sthatthe) lad this year Include holiday part!es,eatlnga.t.aChlneserestaurant, golngbow\i i. ~: ~~~al~n~ati'ro~;ou~oth~!~~. part. or these trips, the club does candy BOWL YOU. B'&Aml OUT Dlvy•Ra.<thal'1r.ndParah n..m&nlel\)oytJrnetogether bowllllf a~ BruMwlok Bowl on "My favorlteeventthlsyearwasgoingtotheChlneserestaurantbecause wasthertrsttlmeJhadChlneserood," said RadhaM "The most memorable thing we did this year was the Valentine's Day part. explained Farah Daman!, the other treasurer forint.erna.t.lonal club The club, which has about twenty members, plans on growing each year "Thlsclublsforstudentswhoarelnterestedin world cultures. I want to provldeopportunltiesforstudentstomootstudent.sfromother culturesand funtogether."saldMs. B&Xter,clubsponsor The club, wh.He still growing. seems t.o be mooting Its goals. Students are lngfunandeajoylngthemselvesatalltheevent.s. Internatlonalclublsapl ~~r West students to learn about other cultures and eajoy themselves while 1 International Club TlxmWOftm Ml.llJe! OeL&Tl:lrre,Mal'beLIAMatUnei, &nc1.l!INnRam~orderoneof \es • Investment club is I'llil my Mr. Haake and it Is a club for kids that want to learn how t.o invest their money In stocks, and other things that ma.y increase money flow for them. "The club meets before school and the students practice investing their own money into stocks and other things like that," said Mr Haake. Right now investment club's portfolio is worth approximately $12,000. It's basically a mutual fund from which students either cash out their money when they graduate, or they keep investing for as long as they want to. "This year, we had a guest speaker come to share her knowledge about the market. She was a stock broker,~ said Dave Lefty Overall, students in the group are encouraged to make presentations on a regular basts about buying and selling stocks. we w· e Lng I Investment Club Movtes.decadentgoodles.andatMpt.othemagnlflcentshoreofLakeMlchlg 1 Thesearejustafewofthemanyh!ghlightsofFrenchClub 0 ~~~:=';!~!::1;;:!~::Sm~=,:~.·~=~uchasthelastttu~ 'l'hereareoverl30memberstnFrenchctub.AnyonefromFrenchlthroughFrellChV r dent.sareinlt..1~rea.reevenstudent.snotlnFrellCh,inFrellChClub - lll\6l 1- "FrenchClublsfunbecausewedomoret.hanLheotherla.nguageclubs,"saldPorsche l vor. classrepresenta.tive. AtflrsttJlerewa.sjustoneforeJ.gnla.nguageclub,but t.hent.heydecldedtosplltintotJl1 , lndlvtdualclubs.ThlswassoeachgroupcanexpeMenoecuJtura1activitJesrela.tedt.oUlel ",ooldFrenchloW·pops,andwat.chedt.hemovleChocoJ&.w e =~~==ih~~~:==:~==~~~::~ ~ butnotleast.wet.ookatl'lptoseet.hemuslcalLes~/tw,"sak:IMs.Schumacher Whenaskedlft.heywouldbelnFrenchclubneirt.year, PorschePryorandAgathaO&J· .said. ·0eM':~~1erresponded, "Malsb!ensurl" (But ofoourse) Bonjour! Welcome To Fren Club! WHY IS IT I MPORTANT TO LEARN S PANI S H AS A SECOND LANGUAGE? WHEN HA V E Y OU SJXInish Sensation USED S PAN I S H OTHER THAN Mak1ngadtfferenool l nlt.sflrstyear, WesVsSpan\shClubhasdonejustthl by ~~~eo~l~~~u~~mun!t.y service projects, while also encouraging an awarei 188 IN THE C L A S SROO M? ·1t'sagrea.1. program because and every cta.y Spanish Is beoomifl8a m< e popularlanguage,-saldEllzabet.hPordes Beyond the classroom, the Spanish Club has made a difference In t.he comm1 11\y bydonatlngfoodandmoneytochar!ty,adoptlngaSpa.n!shf&mll,yfortheChrl maa hollday,a.ndalsosp0nsorlngtheOEYCdances .. Justtonameafew •Jt's great to know that you are making a difference tn youroommun!ty,~ s d Spa.nJshCJubpres!dentKatr!naBromann lntheclassroom,theSpanishClubhasalsomadegreatstrldestopromot.e t l ~~~~·tol~~i;8~~as~!~o1~~~fore school (also called a ·char1a·), have al wed ·Thecharlalsavaluableandcultura.JexpeMence,· aa.ld Andrew Schmidt. Theclubnot.onlyappea.lstojuststudentswhoaret&klngSpan!shoourses. ' 1e club\sforanyonewhowantstospee.k:Spanishandcontrlbutetotheoommuni 1 ·1ertjoythtsclubbecauselgettoknowstudentsoutofthec\e.ssroom. !get > knowthestudentasanlndlvtdua.1,"saldMs.Olllespie Intoda.y'sever-!ncreaslnglylnterd.ependentworld,studentsa.rerea.llzingth lmport.a..nceofbeoom!ngfa.mlllarw\thanotherla.nguage. West"sSpa.nishClub it oni..v helps these students become more familiar with a new Ja.nguage, but a.1so prepares them with valuable skills needed to succeed In tomorrow's world ·•· ~other than In the classroom,Ihaveused Spa.ntshtnmyJob. I =e~~==h ~=~1e~£~~r HonorlngSpanlshspea.klngstudentsl Theesta.bllshmentoftheSpa.nishHonors b:!ety at West has been more than just a commit.tee tha.t reoognizes Spanlsh spee.kstudent.s. SHS!sanacademlchonorwhereattheendortheyear,student.sln foretgn~esocletypa.rta.kelnthestudenthonorceremony Today,onehundredandtwentynveWeststudentsa.remembersofSHS. Unlike shClub,theSHS'scMt.eMaformembershlplsnotopen. Inordertoselect estudents,allteacherslnWest'sSpanlshcurMculumpart!cipa.telrltheselecn of Inductees. Headed by Ms. Zimmer man, the SHS has made a. commitment to Thlswouldnotbeposslblewlthoutthe ~1 ~ofprestdentKatyBremer,vtce- presldentSt.a.ceyzettinger,andsooreta.ry 1 ThankstoSHS,student.shavemadeacllfferencelnthelrcommunlty. Mostnota.- ,~:~o~~a.1::1=~:1!o:o~~~~~to~1~U:M~uept~~~ l\~:ii::: - - - - -- ~11.lfferenceinthe!rcommunlty I n ..~ · ' I Eco Club TAXINOORDUSMa . Clolaclstwilpln(JeffDunlao •itnuprorl"9C;)lchng.S1>ew1.111.edeveryoneto TAKIHODUTTKllPAPUIAlfllTta:TllASH MaU.RJenhand'l'lm J0&1.randhave•h&ndfUJorgarb&geTheyW$1'9onthelrwa,ytoLt>e P,rbag<ib!n tomeei Ma. C!ol&<:l 1!Th•W."•Splcl, ,~P!.R'I,~Q~t\Q=ct•ho ~ school E: act~e!~n::re~:;~;~~~~~L~~~~~~=~~~ ~1:~~~:~0~~u= r~~:a~; ~=-Co·Presidentsa.reTaranehDJanglandKatrinaBrowmann,a.nd Lhespeclal events ·-u~~~£~~1~;~~~~~~~y~~~~~~!.~:~0fi~:a~vr::~~~~~:! ;::~~E~~t:~ll \eaderls T.J. Johnston. The secretary Is ParrlsaDjangt. and the Spirit Queen ls Mrs ysarround DOITAOAIN,JllN!! Jennlfer Cf..r\.erSlll.llup.omesi.-mers ~ICk":~~~,:,~ Ulll -k Spirit Activities * Homecoming deco- rations • Shamrock Shimmy •8th grade activity nights * Sponsored money for teacher decorations • Decorate for spirit week • Decorate for football and basketball games Hillfopper's Environment Eco, which st.ands for Environmental Concerns Or ganlzatlon. ts saving Ule environment one step at a t!me. Mr Clo!&: 111 Is the sponsor. and Tyler Tufano and Ruben Flores are the Vloe Presidents Ecolsaclubthatmeet.sonoeamonth,st.udent.spart.lclpat.einrecycllng,andthentheyareabletogetext.raci dlt for their science class. •Jt was a quick and easy was to earn extra credit In my biology class, - said Oil be rt IZ88tli oe 'J'heclubresponslb!lit!esaretogoaroundtheschooloollectlngpaperfromtheroomstorecycle. ·'J'htsgaveme Jttra credit and It's something I can do with my fMends.~ said Gladys Bernadac 1'heydomorethenJustgo1ngaroundtheschooloollect1ngpapers;t.heyalsosponsorsomeoftJ'teschool'seven1. In Lhemont.ttorApr11, Eoop&rticlpat.eslnaRecycUngExtravaganza1n Wheaton lnOct.ober. they part.lclpatelntheHomeoomingParade, theysponsortheOEYC Halloween Danoe,anda.!soln A 1rll, they havea.nenvlronmentalwearablesale. Eoogoesaroundselllngt-shlrl.'3,caps, andtotes. Inthefollowingweel J,F.ol sellscaney. Eco Is always looking for members: ·Anyone can.)Otn1· said Ms. Clolac M!m!ll&ll,S..r&hArro n, AAbl"Yl"r&n k,K&te O'Connor,T&raneb J&ngl, Ka~rlna Browman.C&llle Nllyl-11d, M rs.lleMe ( Tb11RlngL11&1111r) Jljrt~Q!ll T ,J Joluult.on,l'!rlnl"llrguson •w11n1plr!idoes1.SJ'll&t .)Obotm.aktngB!esterlook lftemorel.h&nagym.· Vela.zquezprel)a.r68rort.he CLnoodeMa.yodanoe. Top Ten f avorife Teachers lMRS.EBLEN 2MR.HENDEE 3MR.(OPPER SMITH 4MR.SCHRAM 5MRS . REGAN 6MR.KLEIN 7MR . SANDLUND 8MR.POSEGAY 9M S. FINLEY lOMRS. BERTA IN -Mr:11 , r.ti1en'• 1uperb!ntalllter>011 and t.hought provoking questl0'1.1 me think well beyond my llmita.!Ul&nkl\erhlghl,yrormy "Mr. Coppersmith 11 the hlJll'INt t.oacherlnt.hebulldlngllloV<1hi• f&11hlonMn&e.poe.lt1veaWl.ude&nd ehet1rlul 1mue ThebMtp&rtabout him, though, i. wht11'11v1trJ am In the..ahool,!ca.n&lwe.,y1he&rhl1 Seniors I 11111 I I S eniors S eniors Seniors S eniors Seniors ,I S eniors 2001/2002 Pinnacle Supplement Glenbard West High School and the sta ff of Tl1e Pinnacle would like to extend its sincerest apologies for the following omisions fro m the yea r book. Missing portraits were no t meant to offend o r detract from any student's achievements. We are extremely proud of all of o ur alumni and deepl y regret any oversights. Although the two clubs on the ~~~ i%i~rf::~i~~~ ~~~~:~nec~~:id ~~~~::~t!~~~~~~~~t~ o~~~ ~~~t~~e G~~~~d 0 5 staff. Their continue1 achievements only add to the cred ibility and reputation of our school. We proudly included new photographs as a token of apprectiation for their patience, and as a way of showing how much we va lue the effo rts of all of our clubs. To all of our students, athletes, and club members, thank you for helping to extend the legacy of the Glenba rd West Hilltoppers. Senior Portraits I • "·"' Clubs Independent. You havelargea.mb!tlons,andlt!sdlfflcult ~:~~!'s ~ ::r:~:da:::i~~~ :~:c:~ by nature. Patience Is not your forte. You do, however, 8 although, this name does not allow 0 ~~~:e~~~~ ~1~~~~t\.:~;:: :!1b~t~~:~~d1:!~1~e ::i'7~=~=e~r:~:=:s~ by nature. Youwouldbehapplesttnposltlonswhereyou 1osesandbltt.erexpel'iences. This arefreetoexpresstndlvlduallyandcreativelyand ns.mealsocreatescaustlcexpression bmmx- ;0h~~~~~::::1~:!1:~s~~~ ~yd~:6r!~~u :~ ~~e':!11~cf=~~i~ 0 the name Tommy creates a Qulck. appreciate change and travel, and the opportunity to mlx When Wlder strain, tension oould analyt!cal,andcleaver a.ndmeetwlthothers,andtoinfluenoethemwlt.hyour a.ffectthestoma.chandsola.rplexus mtnd;youarecreat.lve, creative Ideas. Youareveryselfoonftdentandfeelyou Therelsatendencyforyoutoworry versatlle, oMglnal,and cana.coompllshanyt.hlngyousetouttodo.andyoucan, F UM"''"' Orao::laBerry A ~~:;>.~:;-.;· c '"""""' 165,168,173,198 A.;1a, R\lbef165, 184 Ayala . Joon65, 208 A Be11,Lataye11es1 Seone!!,An(l<&N152 Benson.Jaciynn8, 59 Berbaum ., Kawi 85 Betgon, Danoal218 Betgen. Rober1 118 B Bergman. Br131l61.&4 8e<gs1rom, Mochael1&4 6efnadac;. 0ao-.e451 Abraham, Maieg11208 ~re. Oscao-156 Arwi. Sl>ahn<wa. 218 Alapl<i, US..230 Alilnai. Daenal77. 164 AlanajGesolclil177 Albnghl, Malo<y218 8ad<slrom, Ju51n&I Bern&dac. Gladys102. Back~. Anlhony BIKle, Brf)f!IOnl41 . " 0a!,Jgra , Malhl126, 196 Baws. Batbara59, 196 Bam.... Manrn208 Be< ...... Patroao218 Berry , Gracra230 Ben. Slaven65, l96 Ber1-. Ma<y230 Breme1,Ka1t1erine28, 0r<Hner . Kaly27 Bremer , Mary5'4.59 B>oldwln,S.rah!.3,218 Bndens!lne, Susan ~. c..uit, Ma9!JI" Coale, Jennoler Cobo. Oryanl Caholt , Ja....,.199 Caholl, la,.en8, 209 Clllderon, M<l)"l 199 Campbel, ""'-la199 Camp'90, Sean81 . 85. '°""""'·"""" Coie. K<lllwyn Brophy. J1m56, 61 , 80 Clopsa, Mrchael219 Carapalla . Cou.-lney67 Brophy , Kerry118, 136, 891kcom,Pana208 Bata1as,Laura218 Barba,Nazili59,144, Cambel. Amanda96 Bh9111,Afi85,208 Bianco,Jenna63,70 Jenn~er 46, B1uenbf\Jgge,Co<ey Arderseri , Mllrg11r01208 Barenbrugga, MICl\ae! Ande<IOfl.Maggoe78 Ander.on.Robert BS, Blln, H"""'164 Barl<ley. Erik218 Barl<wel , Jessoca28, 27 BMkWlll. Jeaaica38, ~.Tornolhy218 Barnes, Gregory41 ~. Tom61 Anderson·K- Cart,J&cqueline209 Cartson,Tara185 Carlyon , Hea lher 219 Carpenter , Elle219 Ca rroccl0,Phtlhp72, 81 , 84,219 BorN, Karri199 BorN, Keiltl64 , 219 BisMn.Kew>GS.164 Blanco,MOf*l""62. .....__,. Andnlsk11. Emily70, Bllnett,Katlwyn5',55 Ane1Sberger,Davld8S, Bartell,Oebor1h66.67 Block.Brett219 Blondin,Just>n209 Blon,Adam126,199 Bob,Abby27 Bob, At>oga~ 28, 35. Fehc~. Conley, Ryan Cor>naly, Brian Cor>nelly,Brian Dahlberg.Nalhan 220 DBogle , AOOrew 220 Daiglo, Holly200 Bryda , Kati\85 Carter , Lauren2 19 Caner, ShawnB5,199 Clr1mel,Amafl0a209 Buck. Slep/lani9219 6ukausk.a1, Elfa<1ey Cebalool. Clwillrne219 Amo14,Br!dey196 A1rnljlo,Bri&n18' Aubuthon,Sarall183, Ban1e1t.Emlly47,208 Bar1 1e11,Mary75,164 Bas•.Crys1al198 Boocklord,Kristine52, Bathanitl.Audl 165 Boolc,S111fl!>en152,209 Borneman,Bradley72, Cepuran, Ene209 Cerebonfi. Kathy230 Austrn,Kalhryn126 Auslin. Mo.-118f1208 Aus1rn,f\.,.;heil26, Baugtiar,Gary208 Baurfl!l&rclner,C<yt;1111 Bomeman,Holy46, Behmer,Evanl96 8el.Jami3'. 198 Dorger , Da ...... 200 6urghardl,Jordan89 Boaky,Sl8Vfl230 Bower.Jerrod64,219 Cosent1110, Adilm Oe{ler,Lauren 74 , 1« . Chawa.Jesaic:a141 Cl\a100,Jacklyf'l59,219 Chltwcot,RyanSS,209 Chlvan.Ashl" 63.199 Covert.Jim 85 Covan,JQhn60.6 Chluo,Megan199 Chomic>.Rrcl>ard64, eo ... Aaron22(1 Cllowdhury,Tllbassum Craig,Pervis39,7 C•andall.Ashley !;;_,~ Chrilll, Thoma151 . S9 Cress,Andrea186 Cl>risl~.Cha .. Cronin,Kelly Elfandoniaio,Melissa Brannon,Ka1henne209 Bray, K......,th80,199 Bremer, Gr19164 Bremer,Jchn73.209 Demuro. Mlchelle210 Oenney,Kevon81 , 64 Denning, Kris10n1200 Oert>yslwe,Adam210 Derose,Jeh•ay2 10 De<rico,JeM1ey64,220 199 Butkus.Audrey67,129 Ctuit1op.aqon.C111yion Cho.l<dl,Ce1harina But181'S, Nalalle 219 Bye<s,0Undre209 Byma,Joilnna 1<1. 101. .. '" Crookslon,Tyter80_8!i Cros1>y.Marci11200 Cryster,Wiliam 186 Cich9nlk. William """'·""""'" '" C-.C.lhy Cululmer.Rita!.4 ,55 Culr.rrnbe<, lracyl J, 46, Clak,DaflltSI 61 . 199 Curningllam.Andrew ' E......g,Pa1230 Oeui.Sunny210 Des.tvo. Mrd1811200 Oewi!l.Jqy200 Dl\arani. Soh!IW210 Geti<a1 , Rot>e1221 Gehringer.Samantha Gn!tin , Megan 21 1 Fowler, Greg l S2 Fo... J.asonB1 . ss. 210 Gervase. Kendall !>3 GriM~hs, Gibbona, Kelly211 GobelllNl. Jellrey&I Gnggs,Toriano231 Frwoa, NattianaelSO, 166. Frank.Emily28, S2. S3 Gotlord, Cllnlt&231 Golberl. Dtu.141 , 221 Guittoyle.Ka(je40,!M, Gilesj)ie . Gone75,231 GillffPoe, JadynH,75, G"""'5.Geotge80 QilespMl,Julllfl201 Gopta~is. , , _ _, WMnay A.J. 85. 201 Q;~. Lisa75 Falco, Chrosry22(1 faller. Chnstophe<200 Fancler, Shane81,85 Farooq,Zak1109,220 Drury.Inn 41 , !66 Fawell , Timothy DuOgeon. E~zabelh 186 GilarOe . Ryanl87 Franke, Bnan61 . 201 Ooyl9. ~210 O.a1h• .LauraS3, 210 Oren1n.Efyn 200 Joseph 64. Grondleld!.Breo:Mey221 Franl<,Ashley173. 179 Fre<Serickson. Wai)"'le Faer6'1it8Q. C8Jllin Gtl!gOIUNIS, MICl•!I"' 16 Doyle, S1e,in.rue•6. 0empsey.JO&hua200 DeMmo,David38.151 , 179, Es.parza. Gabnela210 ESpnM, Ro&ela1nel70 52, 53. 131 , 134.14 4 DelaTorra, Miq\1&1170 Delcatlo.MICl'reRe186 Oelgad1l!o, Mictla01200 Dellapo!la, VnoBl , 84 Gaylord, Carrie 221 Gaylord. S!llCy22. 150. Frenl<, Palriclr41 , 1158. 39. 150. 164, 165.186 Oo<;l9. COleen181 Doylll . Kalhenne200 Doy111Kew>34 . 80, 85 Drager , Edward65.210 i' Burl<e, Tyler6S, 199 Butte,..Andrew82,83 Boyd.O..Vld199 Boylatl.C8illin219 Elfltdley,Cynlhia74,75, Evangeksta, Rornelio Oebe<ry, $11anna200 Deche«l.Aluande<186 Dee,ChanelZ20 Oeeo;tn.Sa911876, 77 Coner,Meredith8 Bunan,JeM•ey 209 Busuego, Chrili!inli199 EMn,Timolhy210 Erwrn , Cou.-tney187 Esq..ovel, Enka210 ElllCl<.Raymond6' Corrigan, Ashley Cosen!ino. Aaron Green. Brr1tan'f117 , GArvey Rabecx:a201 Garvey. Timothy221 Gebl<a . Brruany78 Oow.-.~38. Cervanktl. Knsten47 6urden,Chad73.78 Krmbe~y Dor91'n.Andraw61 85. 210 Green. El<adley155 Garmoe. MatybeU>4. Gregolunas.Annemarie For1elka, Elvebo,Wesley 186 Engler , Terra186 GaroaCo<nel.Solvra Gatelsy. Chn5tina221 Ga1eley, Jewel13J Forkma, James65126 Dougla11, S.rah22(1 Oowell. Casey52, 87 Day , Kanoal2 10 Dayao, Kaye220 Comwel. Dr- Burlock, Natasha Bedcnek.Anlhony80. Domlfl900 , RyM 210 Doran , Enn186 Elgar.Edwafd22(1 oa ...... ~ BS. 128 Cooney. Sean 6 Copper-smrlh.AI Coppersmith. An Celetlno, MicheleS3, Bob,Gideon28.164 Boburka,Alyssa70, Boburka,Enn115,\84 BocCllrd,Nicole70,219 Bono!<otlie, Helon70, Bllvaro.Jacinlha164 Bavaro,M&delyn218 Ball<altr,S.lma 18' DOl111flS, Jllrry114 Ooly. W• 6ukrym, Calherine199 Bartlen,Carolyn47,53 Arroyo,Lucio196 7 6 ,200 oa ..... rorn 210 Celatlrno, Mark155 Burghlrctl,Zachary5 1, Anton1nl,A"1hony20B Apa ricio, Naney 208 Aqyioo, AlalnBS, 198 Aquirio,Krlstian218 Arbegoso, Mary Jo76 ArbClleda ,Jacqlleline Oolan. ~n Dawry,Mdlaol80. 200 Cooney, Bretldar Cooney. Ryan 6 IM<auslwl, Elfano;ty78 Flewelen . Tv-i22 1 Flnn. Geoo-ge201 Arnc, Ooilnal 26.20 1 EnnghtChrislophe< Daroon,Ashy1a200 Darge<,Oan61 6uol. Alerandra38, 39, BanhOIO<"lly,Cari64 E998f!. Cassandra210 E911"'1. Jason 80. 169. Ersooger , Robbre81 . 84 12.73, Oagnon, Jul.. 230 Dahl>ergMallhew1 52 Connolly.Owen 6ulllrd, Nioole52,62, Blaszczak,Kim199 Bart99n,De.ire<t70 118 Dtllfidl. Shara63,200 O,.W..a.Sanr>y75. 172 Cars1enbrock.Molly9 Buck,Danrel65, 117, Berren. C01in73, 80 Ange!, Kerri13J, 164 Angel,Rick50,208 Arnona.ja, Brlan28 Oiangilaranell 1 Dagger , Pelet Cong<ne, Greeley, Melissa41 F•it>enry Ho0 2 10 Flanagan, Jusln201 Fieege.lason 11 8. 187 Fieege MIChaal64 22 1 E9911f!, Knsl0ptler8I Colton , A11ey Guda. Zachary s 14. 26.27 F11~rald .Kara22 1 Conque1, Jotln B!Rongs,Ricl<230 Binks,Hilary\99 Bimbaum,Danie18 1 Andrews,Ryan64 , 81, Anetst>erg.&r,Ry&n5l D Colangelo. E~ z Comp1on,Je!try Blas.zczak, Jenny40 . Ga•Oi1Alef8MIO &I Ftldl. Ken Edilkk<n>alt>u. Gorq CarRbrig, K&rlrneo219 CAr"'9"1, Jenroter63 Barber , S1ephanie 198 Anat . Gealla39 Flfllay.Claudla230 Dono. Reyns-Cfl.11 210 Ca~K-209 GratiamASl'lley201 Gral\am. Spencer 72 , Gollagt191 , Krrs1en201 Gallian . Megan 22 1 QalT'll)oji,lgr>acoO&I Oi<v'IJI Pat 15$8 113 Carslent>roek,Megan Brus,Kathryn47 , 199 Bryan,Rotlert119,140, F•ilp. Walkllf 164, 165 E Codrhs, Elilabe-1 Carno. Oonald209 Cerno,Jacquelyn112 Brown, Emmy209 Brown,Lino:lsey70,71 Bes!,Susan46,88.199 Bellendo<1,Bnltany34 Brbblario, Amos,An!hony198 Cu<bs.Ca)'la220 Czapar SoollUl6 [}y(lr.Joho156 Dym,Mdlael22(1 " Br1ndtsl. Glofginal&4 Brodt, Tommyl8S 6romann, KatnnaS, 16. 74 , 118, 138, 144 , 179. Benog, Ke11h196 Bertog, Kelly219 Bessert,Cherise63 Oockey,C ta'{l51 ,220 Olebold , Coonney210 Curpiley. Aulh 74 75 Brunke,Audreyl72 Alvm .BobbyB 1.85 CunningMm , Mh 16 Cup, Ar1hur&l_ 22(1 Curphay , A001yn 172 Cleary . Rob Ill Brown. Caroline66, 87, Ba k0<,RllChlll18-4 Baker,Robecca218 Bakhsh, Umt1r208 "'"" Cleary, Ketry ' Br810g, K.J84 Be<1tlolde,Balba62 Alliglln, Kalre63 Alpert,Cl\af1H64 A15'!l, Tmolhy21B c '" Freno;ti,Kall>eryn7S. GoHesp;e,lfK'f187 Giw;g..,,Kathlffn187 G!ll;g&r'l, Mdlllel81. 64 125, 221 Fraw. Andrtw4,187 Frey,Morgan48, 2 11 Fuenta• .Carlos70 F..gman,Jake2B,187 Fult>.KB1herine128 Gilk)gly, Kevrn73, 80 126, 127. 201 Glnger,Je!trey187 Gir>ger,K•i$1in211 G1n$ber1j, Malll>1,1w65 Funk, Vanessa53,75 Given.Laura53,62, FraeUy.Clarissa28. "' Feldmann, Whitney62 Du<lgeon,Grarn73, 2 10 Dudka, Oerek.200 Dulard. 5!ephen61 , 76,77 H Glaset,Michael50.63 Haake, Dotty Glea10n. Maggie63 40.65, G G1oc1<,A111son211 Ouman.Lln<lsay210 Ouncan , Ann67 , 210 Oumam.CIMn210 °""""m.Zactoary22 28. 108, 136, 151.186 Dunlao,Angelo72. 220 Ounllo.Jellreyl08 Ferguson.Enrt63.88 f errel.G<egory81.64 Gablet. Sarlll'I Ourian. Geot!S5 Fey.Grace59.221 Duuyntki.Da"'d Oulzynski,Paul OVval , Margiirec 70, 71 Gaeblef, Ma•201 Gapa. AgaU...172.221 Gallltzer . Bill80, 20 1 Fredle<. Atff1200 ~.Elftndan61 . Gohl. Ryan201 Habe<at,Gmg61,l33. 85. 126,127. 20 1 Faroze, Refeeq230 "·" Goo.-19y, Harmcny Goo.-19y. T~r " "" " '" " Habefer",Joseplll6, Had<en.Matgaret211 H<ldley.Sarah76,211 Hagel,Cl'lrisl52 Hager.Derek17 ~.T.J.85 K8"1ledy, Sarah231 KenneOy, Tlm84 . 85 Lezama.Mi{r.>8121 3 Ulerg , 00111157. 200 Uec:hly, Soon231 Ke<mend, Mary202 Johnslon. Topper\1 2. HIOf'lh, Kelyl6, 70. 71 . Krasmski. Kalhy Kf(l)Ci . Adam &: Kl8fQ. Allson 2' MylaUay. Manao Myra.Rk:k 5 1.64. 91 Macleary, Cllrolyn223 Macro, 0..fllellOl , 1\3 Undslrom, Stepllaroe Kar!y. Pttu1 231 Ka.,. Valene169, 170 N May, Sean190 Mauuca. Mary 204 llsaman, .le<w"f188 McAndfew, Man85 Mdle<, AUOl<y 232 Miler. Enc133.2o-t lllagun•e . Gil>e<t212 Handke. Sable 2 11 Hanlon. TomS,24.99. 0 Majeske, Brooke203 ~. Vaibhav223 Nach•- . $hayn92().t N~. Tay1Dr53, Malkowskl .Jolefoh213 Malley. Undsllyl90 J Hanson, Geolhey211 Hokenson. Glynnl5 JO Haq, Abfaar211 H3fb0uf. Megan76. 77 . Holden, Corinne124 . Joseph, 6ennelt81 .k>S1raoo. Tomo1hy 61 H3fpflr , AmeM 2 11 Harper. MaryHelftn$<1 Ha,.is. Shonika 59.222 Kolpatrick. Omr, 212 Kom.Christopher15'1 K1f19,Amber189 K1119. 0erek9. 14. 15 Kmg. Oouolas223 Klngs1on. Whitney 6.2 . Homolka. Shelley222 HOOm>11n.Aud!ly 46 Nag91, Mdf.,..73.214 Nallwll1ko. Ame 67, 75, Kvapol . James O'leary , .k>Sh192 O"Reitty.Hannah 172 L Msrcl\an,Wendy 203 Marchan,Willlam 223 K MOlitor, 7om22• Molila..Trystyn85. 21• Uonllghan, Pew230 Hawley. lucas 202 Hayn. Modwtvl37, 85, = i ..v :..,202111). 8SKlein. Amy223 Kamc:r- . ~222 Heard, IOO'lberly211 Hecllman. Aicl<85, 231 lamberty. TiHoo Klein.Ray231 Kllpp. Kabe S. 12. 33 ~?~ry ~~3 ~=£=:~::~ Olayos, Maqone5, 32. mi, 204 Maroni9, Shloy86 NQ&nl0u, Qaniele2o-t Ngo. 0.Vld60. 64 . 72 81 , 172. 217, 22• Ngo, Man2o-t Ngo. Sang224 ~. A. 214 Nguyen, Cllrislopl\9r Nguyen.[);em·Hanh Jerele. Ryan 189 M Johansen.Kyle 83.66 Hufll,Megan54, 222 Johns.Emily126,136 Nguyen, Hong59, 126, Meacham, Dan.,1213 ::~ : K--v.P1u~ Molslnger.Michelle2o-t Mowry . Da\Od224 Mroczek , EWzaDelh2 14 :!'!'!..636.~ Megow,Doug232 Mart!'""'~ · laura 70 Ong, Pha.1224 OpaJ, Adam8 1, 214 Opl, Bradley214 Ort>egoso.Carr\e224 Ort>egoso. MaryJo62 Meldrun. Marylou19 1 Mujkanovic,Ma)Oa224 Mu4cahy, Ryan214 Mendoza, ElizaDe1h2 13 Mulilllly,Ma1!11ewl91 Merchant.Stepllanoe Murphy,Jov11il1 Murphy.Kelly6.2, 63, Oriedo, RaMuya 224 Orlowski. Brit1ney157, Nguyen. Jol'lnTJ,85 Nguyen.Llnh204 Nguyen,Mk:hael50 Ma.Ran<!y213 Olson.Chmtophe<2 14 Olson, Remy15'1.155 Nguyen, Hanh155 McSha'""',Gerdy231 KnuepTef.0avidB4.B5. Knuepler . Llndsay71 Hupp . Wi lliam 61 , 118 ~. Kimberly113 , Mars11, Eric8S, 2o-t Mtirsh&H. Brittany2o-t Knudson, Ma llhew203 Kay11 • .1eooniTe•189 118, 12•, 125. 145. 192 Olayos. Ma!th8w85. Olsen. Cynlhla 76. n landry.Parb 2J1 langile , Sc:Oll 6• Keeney. Benjemln189 O<lega. Wiliam 232 Ortiz.Felipe214 0<11~ . Judd 224 Orlmann, Kyle51.84, Nguyen,My62. 214 Nguy&n.Nguyen73 222 ~=:~~~ 12:. 202 =~2:~~. 213 Keley. Krillie133, 165 Maryanakl,Oo<Olhy231 Ma!ICIN, Mir:hltel22J ' ~~: :i11e•1 Koloc!Zlej,Mike2JI Ma""""" . ~53. 70 1~ 80, 65, 190 ~. Ty11tf65, 134 , lehman, Tony190 leogh, Kristopher 213 .. Me<l<el,Nancy232 Me<k!e. Kely \ 7.110. Ma10Udli, s.tiaf2o-t ~~~: ~-'~"' 203 Olling.Dan65.192 Ottmg,Moly 133. 224 71 , 172, 211 , 223 MacOor\1111:1, ..lestlo;a Henctl, Mo<gan Oiioger.Natalie207 Neu, Ma!t118wVat1207 Neyland. C....53. 126. Morinec, Don1111232 HeOOH, Aandy231 Henges.h,Mark231 Hengesh.Sa•ah119 H8"f"l' , Johll1S2 Herll,Sar11202 Nepomuceno, AMn2Qol Ngan1ou. Daneud88. MarquH. Hec;1or 85 larson . Jel!rey 2 Larson. lym23\ Hun1Ph•GY1'· l8Uf$11 Olgi.wl. Monoc:82 14 Moore, ,.,,,._21' Morales. Reyn2o-t Marold. Morgiin 0 , 75. Kaplan, Wiliam 64 . 222 HU!i>H. E<in202 Hvghn.Sarah133 Hugt111. Shannon62 HenneSS8"1.Ja<:k 51 Hennessy,Em11011188 Hennessy.JllCk222 Hann1ng,C111hryn202 Henninger , Hillary6.2 McOoug;aLTaylo<191 McEldowney, Kellyl51 McEvoy, Caillyn191 Ml::Ga<ty. Andr-80, lan"tle<t. Co<a Ma1une. lucy2JI Meunts.Meredilh 232 Meye<, t.iz75 MUfPllY,Marl<M. 224 Murphy,MaU<l63. 191 Murphy . Trilllln-46. 51 . Murphy, Wiliam •2. 43 ;;;~:" p 74. 75, 163. 22• 61 , Mullon, Jnlb Myklelb.. Btlan89, 191 ~. Randd ~ . Timolhy191 192 Page, D 214 Page.Sean214 Pahl,Jessocal83,225 Pa,o<, Shar<>On214 Pa1me< , Ka1etyn207 Palmel .S1l!JltlanoJ 225 R Pi(Uce. Slella232 P1&rre, Dana132 , 172, Aoqye, S19nC1207 AoQue . S18!)haln4\ P -. Jac•1'00 225 Pm&ntel, Marg1trrl0 64 Pocµnc;o, SW!plwty Pan.n, Zacr.ary225 Patet , Arpan225 Palel, AYanl207 Palel, Kuna173, 207 Patel. R1nl<al 156, 19.2 Patel, Rostlor 153, 214 Palol, ShM1 153.214 Pau~ . ChnS!()pher 225 Paulsen . Al>lga~ 133, Paulson, Kyle 2 14 Paulson.Tmanyl01 Paulul,Julial33, 207 PY5J: . 0..ry 207 P111man. Ryan81. 225 l'llltyk, MarM 21 5 Plurrb, 51'911V207 f'adu!qi, Ro&e5, 192 Pohlle<. 6tadley81 . 64. PQlolze<, Vickl 0 , 5<1 RAymond. Amanda232 Pot)OWyCl.Adnllna22S Popplelon,Stwon232 Ponies, E~sabel h 40 129, 192 PCK1o.-, Carolyn232 Ponon, Adllm130, 225 Po&egay, Ni<:•S9. 232 P«:ora, Mallory192 ~. Jennte<46 , ~. Sonoa225 Pehla,Zacllary21S Powell, 6tandi207 F'owe<'l, Cao-olyn89 Redpalh,Slase225 - Ruddy , NIChollls 226 Ruddy. Ryan193 RullOIO, NICllOlal 17 ScMlll10yslel 2 15 Sctrnotr. Ch11s11na226 Rus sel. Man'- 113, Sctoneode<. E""- 72:. 73 Russell, Rosemary 232 Sctme1C1tlf , Gabloel73 Ryan, Comlroey193 Ryan,$hawn85 Ryerson. Gretcl\tln Rynd.ik , AnM 170 Scl>oening , Ally193 $ChO&rling, Clltl1 51 '" Pulney, -m215 Putney. Allerl225 Polney , Amberl&.3 PyllO. Oanoel 134, 1n . Sadle<". Oaroele226 RIWra.Angelo207 R,...,..e , Daroel16, 73 Sa11mlal.Kelll<llshan Q Sooct, Larry206 Scussel . Calhe.... 206 Sal&iao-. Femand0226 Salemo, Rockey81 Saltzmat111. Katelyn 207 SaHzlNtnn, l omtny217 Scuuel. Calllr.ne53 Seao-, Mamy232 $eilh. Je<emy34 SerrutO. Efll<ly52 , 63 Sanbinn, Marlsa32 Sanchez.Angellell226 Oayyum,Fa1sal64,225 Oullinlllnce.Kyle51 Peiry,Douglas&l,225 Perry, Laq\landa ~.59 Per.ycull , EssielS7 Pelemard, K.m70, 71 "--'.Aob80 Oua1111ance, Mochael Oua•ntanc:e , Zac:Mry Ouali&lo, Ernity215 Oueliaio. Joll57,6 1 au.r., Li.r71 Ou.nel, JohnRay Owk. Keley232 Pfisler, Cl'larlie6S l'henegar. T-1\8215 Pllilif)l., O.Yid87 , 215 Phillif)s. Kiley225 Piech, B<inany207 64. 65,2 15. 227 "· Sanct11u . Sara 47 , 53, Se~ ryn s , Aaarn 83 S<!ymour, Palric:k42 Sha!1on, Jat0n38, 14G S a - .. Danlelle 141 , Sander1, Sve232 Sandtund, Tom64,232 Romaro,Jowanny215 Rooney,Jane67,215 Roqoe,Oun:y72, 225 SulherlandLeslie 63 S...anaun1pa1, M e~ssa lr ..... _M lllony 41 , llS lrl<ultaS"!8tlana 227 Troong, OuKl>ilnll206 VISCO, Kalhryn34 . 5<1 Wl>alen. ~126, VogelSlngel"Amy62 Wholong. Ma•l46.217 Vogt. Dana 71 , 217 Volglesonger , Katoe•2 Vollaggoo. Qma IS&. Voogd.Randy&I Tsitou•,., Ph"'fl207 Tutall0.Tylerl78 ,216 Yel>hng. JoM207 Yesensl!y.JH&ICll 52 " w oeung, Eleanor 211 Woel1ng, Juha 102, 138 Wigele!. Mochael 207 w Wika,Na1aue 40,115, Wilke s ,Chns 64. 85, Tylll•, Ch8rle134, 217 fyu1, Karooba217 ~~·F~:,:170 Sm;lh, Kftly I ~=: ~:='122;16 Synie. M*sa62 Szol)a . James 30, t20 Smith. Lucy 7 Srnilh. Sandr" Waddell . Mary.Jo 233 Wagner. Ellen 53. 126 ""'"'·"""' Tansiey.Stiely 47, 53 I~~~, Solaia. Boian l Spa\o,Themsa Spencer.Dernck Spence1. Magen Spevacek.Joe ? Spiller,Rulh54 Spitzer.Valene ;. Spoho,Merectith Sf)ycha!a,Sooll f W il , Bta~v 41 Wifl.am5, Adam 51 , 64 StaNa, Jolln65,7r.' S1llr'lley,Va\eriol 21 $hamblin, Dwayne85, Sanew, Kathryn46, 53 Shanley. Call>er.ne232 51\annon.Jollnne232 Stwlnnon.Meagan206 Slwlnna. V-llhal81.226 Stwlnon. JUOn38, 39 Sl'IM<er, Ekabedl226 Sheldon, Bt\an30, 169. S1amon.Chnslopt>e< ..........., "· Sleogle<lar, Krisoo 5'1 Samoyo, K.ityl93 Saul. Abbyl73, 2 15 Saul ......... 61 . 208 Te1ri<:k. Ren.ee33, 129, Thome1,Alan88, 206 Thomas, Gr9g0rie 1'7 Thomc>son. Moly88, Washington . Evelyn~. Wa~.ngloo.Zuarneasa Valji, Mehreen217 Val~. MO!lammed 227 Vallesl<ay.J1m 233 VanCamfl , Myle s 107, VanNes•. Krlssy 153 Zeng. K....... 84 Ze111nge< . Siacy59, w.1mes, Ka1hryn 62 VenThyne.L'-a28 VanThyoe, Mallhew wa1ers.S1epha me 75 , zrnmem·1an, Pam230 Winsor, Chrlsl09her 207 Wirkes, Katherloe 228 Watson.Bryan 65,217 W.,,cil<. Jordan 2 17 Vanzant, Julie227 Vanzant. Ka11207 varagoc, S"l'f!lan 217 Vargas, Angelica227 Vargas.Rolau<a227 Va~. Kftly 102 Wolt , lioctsav 100. 207 Wotl<l, Katle229 126, 140, 150. 207 r• . Kyle88 Tl!Tlf)anllr<1,Corey S1eog1e<:1e<.S1eiit1Drue " Wolvenoo, Kimbef!y Wong. Kevin 30. 35. n Welk11<, Stephen '" "· Z~r. Che<yl233 Zhe . ......... ler113 w;i,on , casey 85. 217 Wilson, Cl>r"toi>l>e< 207 Waterman .Cra ig 51 • Thryselius, Krilten216 Tl9mey. Palricl<64 , Sh91ey. Ketay ~. Ziad228 Zeiss. Jeffrey 73.207 Zellef, Joey233 ward, Bndget 207 Warren, Rarmond 217 v Veta.lquo9z.Laura Zlll'*'. John 2 17 Zl!ye<l. N0rl l78. 217 W......,., l B<anoon Stack,Ryan\"8.16 $Mh, PuM IS5,206 $haM1,ADid2 16 Shaikh. $ana8 170 125, 126, Za . Astiley76,217 ZallCle<. Alby 51. 85, Walsh Angelo 81 . 114 Terpenlng. Thon\11180 Tasch,J<lu.i<:a206 Tasch. Timothy 227 Zl11!111Q, Re~ Z~ . Llsa u Te rpening .J<lnrnter62 6 "'· z Wilk1na, 8uddy 83. 217 154, IS&, 165. 207 1,........- ,,, """"·"""" Wagl1flf, N31abe 121. Wolliams, Palty 4 5. 9 1415, 17. 32. 120, 121 T Snydqf. Amber Snydqf, A._y y Vilegas,Jes51a11 18,227 Swil1 ,Canaac. 2 16 Sandtok,Erika206 Ro(lers, Oan21S Rogets.Eli.rabelh 193 "· Villatanoa. Jaym;.iollS vamiem,Ch11510pher Rocha.S1"""'8niel93 Rodgers. C.,n.os81 Rodriguez, En1<207 Roc\rigve?. Noamo215 Rodriguez,Oscar2 15 Rodngue:.Pedrol36 Vil>nanel<, AshleylOI Tu roer, We&ley 216 Tu!la , S!aphaoie75 Sel1er , Jactyn111 $emf)fevivo, Lavra l02 PerkITTs.S1ephanHl119, Pllfry, Al~son 35, 106, &:ho.lmad>e<. Londa232 $Chun\allll, Sandy232 Schwart>. Howard232 Sctiwartl , Jeffrey34. 15", 155, 164, 165. 193 Sctiwart>. Kaloe206 Tolo6a.JoM73 s..iru..j<la.Mallhow80 Sm11U,Jos&pl Rl•, MaryKata26, 27, Perei . Mayra 207 Sia<lka , Ken $fosteen.Ch r Schowaltet, Adllm65 $ajeM;h. Jamff51 Ri•.Ann37, 41 , 70,74 Perez, Juan225 S1rolle. Sam227 Strzarka , C1111doo11 2 16 Smith . Kimbe r~ 74163. 193 Wnng, David Wussow, 6nan 8 , 141 Well. Ashley 100, 101 Wesliwga.ard, Ben 'Z27 l ()()n'Q, Boan 43. llS 89 164 206 T<)yOlil K""161 Trave.1.Jactynll.76.n. Truesdllll'I DN"ll 7,65 lruong.Thornas206 TKhampil ..lnSoca216 Techampa Sloph....,.. S1r"°"e<.Ale•'Z27 $1red,Sara ll<l. l"6 Sdwam, Ric:ha•d 232 Sch•l!lbe<. Adllm226 Schule<, Jonl60, 193 Sctd&r . Sandy230 Rogali.Emily153. 225 !07 Schombllrgtu , Adam Scl>rcrinef, Lvr.n232 Sctwoe<l&r . Kyle42, 80, . Oebby232 Rio. Slepl>anoe207 R.sheh, Chrislophef193 -·- Slon . ~ $.oger , Adam Pruetef . FreClnek60, Prydl , Ken70. 225 PryOO", POf..:rie207 Psrolka, Kab9146. 192 Purd0m. Cl'lase73. 21S SIOry.Mar1<226 StorySaran l26.206 SiAansQ.. Amy ~ .o s RocNlldson. Lindsay P91et.,.. , Ln:ts.y47 P&nnelil. Danoe!lll Sd'llTlld.Roben S l .226 Schmodl. Andr-40. 51 65. 119, 131176.183, Sclvnodl. laU111n77 Rayes, Mayra225 Reyes. Melisa215 Reyes. Mig215 Pra.posN, Nietlll'76 Pt'rllke. Kftly22!> Pedt.E""'V27, 192 Peck, Manhew27 , &I , Sogoos1. Roben Rebe<. Timolhy64 . 225 Regan , M~ry 232 ReoHy , Karen193 Reilly, Panock 61, 168, Ve•gata . Saral31.133 Sch;iatNll;hQlaS206 ~. Oena•206 Polard, Hl&blllll 19.2 Pollard, Mtcl\llel225 Pollodi , A111on207 Potz.n , Jenrnter215 Pollln, l1Hany192 Pope, Andrew42,83 Pa...,....,, .Ja$o(tplll9.2 Payne, Nancy 232 Flowland. M""5Sll139, Vergara,Andrew!02 Timpanaro. Mik<! 233 SUeg1eOeo S1epna,... Soddqui, Moh. Ramsey, Enn193 Ranalo, Wesley 207 Raney. Salah193 Raoo. Jenny215 l1mP11NHO, Grego.ry Smphan,Sarllh 6.3 Stevens. M•lo.el52 "' WfiQlll, Rebecca S1elnt)ac;h , .J(lllny8 , 76 "·"" Ste;nO.Uller. Clmslen52, Roseli. Mdlael S l . 226 Rosenbe<g. Samuel6 1 Aospond, Adam 207 Ross, Gilda137. 232 P~Evy207 Pa<1$M11.$ueS9,232 Parlun. ZltCll M Partill, Jo&eph50, 61 Sturley , Lauren 155 P~. Ooana 225 Pllj)fOll<y . NocoleS9 Sayers, Jenna522 15 Scala.Choa1a11 5. 215 Sl;ale$, Del<rH 226 Scanoo, Nicholas 5 1 Radhari. Owyal44. Pwnentel, V~yn;i 225 Pao18tll, Adafnl52 Sava.,.no. Pot10161 , 168 Rosal. Pel0!'73, 80, 207 Rosaln, Ga!>fiela215 Rosalet ·Lopei. Raol WorotMK:. Sa.....el "· "· Worltien. Oafloel 126, 165. 207 Wozniak, Ed 81 , 85, 2001-2002 Dreams Do Come True Volume 63 of the Pinnacle was printed by Josten's State College , Pennsylvania. Special thanks to all the students who contributed to the 2001-2002 yearbook for photography, photo identification and copy. The main headlines of the book were set in 60 pt. Parisian, captions in 8 pt American Typewriter medium, and copy in American Typewriter medium 10 pt. The cover design was based on the idea that "dreams do come true if you work hard enough." The cover was designed by Nate Johnson. Twenty six dollars was the cost of the book this year. Portraits were taken by Prestige studios in Woodridge, IL. They were also responsible for taking many pictures at school activities and team pictures. To all the coaches and staff a special thank you for your help in identifying teams, organizations, and individuals. This was the second year the yearbook production class was offered. The class was in the spring semester because there weren't enough students for a class both semesters . The Pinnacle staff worked in the fall to get fall acclivities and the bones of the book started. The yearbook class worked on the book in the spring semester and completed most of the pages before school was out. The small Pinnacle staff finished the book after school was out The staff of the Pinnacle hopes that this book will bring many reminders of your 2001-2002 school year. Contained in this book are testernents that " Dreams Do Corne True". The Pinnacle Staff