ROTHES HALLS I CARNEGIE HALL I LOCHGELLY CENTRE ADAM SMITH THEATRE I KIRKCALDY GALLERIES + MUCH MORE S P R I N G 2 016 IN FIFE THEATRES & MUSEUMS Welcome We’ve plenty to sHout about this spring with our new programme packed with music, drama, comedy, dance, exhibitions and children’s events. We’re very excited to welcome the legendary Lulu, celebrating her 50th year in show business and the soulful Heather Small from m People. We’ve top comedy with Ed Byrne, Jimeoin, and the funniest play of 2016 – Canned Laughter. it is festival time with the Fife Jazz Festival, Puppet Animation Festival and the new Fife Comedy Festival. With classic drama including the engrossing Dial M For Murder and The Mountains of Madness and brilliant new dance and top quality children’s events, there are over 100 different productions to choose from. We look forward to welcoming you at one of our venues very soon. Best wishes, Hazel Wotherspoon, Service Manager, Creative and Artistic Development Puppet Animation Festival Adam Smith Theatre Carnegie Hall Lochgelly Centre Rothes Halls Libraries Kirkcaldy Galleries & St Andrews Museum Fifespace & Fotospace Full Event Listings pages 4 & 5 pages 7 – 18 pages 19 – 31 pages 32 – 34 pages 36 – 43 page 44 page 45 page 35 pages 24 & 25 Fife Cultural trust’s on business scheme offers businesses of any size outstanding return on investment through brand exposure, corporate hospitality, networking opportunities and more. our flexible packages include free show tickets, free meeting room hires and brand promotion. We think your business can benefit from our business – it’s all about on Business For further information please contact the Partnerships development team on 01592 583255 or THAnK you To ouR BuSinESS SPonSoRS: Gold member: Platinum members Company limited by guarantee (incorporated in scotland) Company number: sC415704. scottish Charity number: sC043442 registered with supported by We reserve the right to introduce special offers at any time. all details are correct at time of going to press but we would encourage you to check online or with box office for up-to-date information. Our Top Picks I’m really looking forward to Heather Small, Lulu, Stella Parton (Dolly’s sister) and Canned Laughter. I love a big night out with friends and family and this season we’re spoilt for choice. We will also be making the most of the delicious pre-theatre meals. Pamela Carter, Finance/Accounting Support Assistant I’m glad to see the return of the Fife Jazz Festival, back for another year with the line-up this year including the amazing Chris Barber as well as Naomi Shelton and The Gospel Queens. Together with The Dime Notes at Adam Smith Theatre and Partikel at Carnegie Hall later in the year, Jazz fans are in for a real treat over the coming months. Fife Comedy Festival is back in April next year and I can’t wait to see what Karen Koren at the Gilded Balloon will add to our festival line up. It already includes cheeky Chris Ramsey and the mighty Ed Byrne. This year the popular festival gala night That’s Fife with Fred MacAulay and Grant Stott is transported from Dunfermline to Glenrothes, spreading the comedy magic around Fife. Anyway, it all kicks off on April 1st – you’d be a fool to miss it!!! Evan Henderson, Theatres and Arts Team Leader Craig Love, Service Development Supervisor, Libraries. We have been fortunate enough to have enjoyed 10 years of the Puppet Animation Festival which has been a fantastic introduction to theatre for my children. The line-up this year includes two animated films plus some really captivating storytelling which stimulates their imagination and gives us great conversation topics. I love this time of year, getting Christmas sorted and have bought Gift Vouchers for several of my family so they can enjoy a great night’s entertainment on me, and there’s certainly plenty coming up. To really put yourself in a festive mood, go along to this year’s Christmas Show at Carnegie Hall, Peter Pan or Adam Smith’s fabulous pantomime, Mother Goose! Yo Ho Ho!! Karen Taylor, Partnership Development Officer Laura Crielly, Marketing and Audience Development Team Leader, with Meggan and Logan PAGE 3 26 MArCH – 8 APriL all tiCkets £7.50, ConC. £6 ON AT ADAM SMiTH THEATrE i SAT 26 MArCH i 10.30am & 1.30Pm ON AT CArNEGE HALL i SuN 27 MArCH i 10.30am & 1.30Pm OLD SAW PuPPET COMPANy age 18 months & under image by siggi lindal DuvET DAy We’re staying in bed all day. so put on your snuggliest pyjamas, bring your very best toy and crawl inside the blanket fort to play – it’s duvet day! Packed with puppets and original stories to share with your little ones in a multi-sensory theatre experience. Running time 30 mins with 15 mins play ON AT ADAM SMiTH THEATrE i MON 28 MArCH i 10.30am & 1.30Pm ECO DrAMA image by emily reid THE WOrM – AN uNDErGrOuND ADvENTurE age 3–7 Join Wilma and William, two nature lovers, on a journey underground as they discover a family of friendly, musical worms and their colourful miniature world. With laugh-out-loud songs, The Worm is full of fun musical tales guaranteed to make everyone giggle, wiggle and love the squirmy wonders beneath our feet. after the performance, you are invited to have a look at some real worms in a specially designed wormery. Running time 60 mins ON AT CArNEGE HALL i MON 28 MArCH i 10.30am & 1.30Pm FLOTSAM & JETSAM PuPPETS AND STOriES ALL THE LiTTLE BirDS a gentle multi-sensory story about the coming of spring. the storyteller and the audience will join in a circle to tell the tale, play games and have fun with the tactile props and sweet-smelling puppets. especially for people with special needs, their carers, families and friends, All the Little Birds is designed for small audiences and a relaxed atmosphere! Running time 40 mins ON AT CArNEGE HALL i TuE 29 MArCH i 10.30am & 1.30Pm LEMPEN PuPPET THEATrE age 5 –11 JOurNEy OF THE TurTLE an imaginative, evolutionary journey of this most fascinating and ancient creature. in the beginning, turtle was shiny and fast, always impatient, always in a hurry, but then one day he had a terrible accident. a beautiful story about following your dreams, told with shadows, table-top puppets as well as traditional storytelling. Running time 50 mins ON AT rOTHES HALLS i THur 31 MArCH i 10.30am & 1.30Pm JABuTi THEATrE MOONBEAM ON A CAT’S EAr in the middle of the night rosie, toby toby, the cat and the mouse sneak out to play in the shadow of the apple tree. When toby toby steals the moon from the sky they go on an adventure across the stars and the sea. but, is it all just a dream? based on the book by author and illustrator marie-louise Gay, written in French and english. Jabuti theatre’s adaptation uses puppetry, physical theatre, toy theatre and video and brings it all to life with an original musical score. Running time 45 minutes PAGE 4 age 3–5 ON AT LOCHGELLy CENTrE i THur 31 MArCH i 10.30am & 1.30Pm ON AT rOTHES HALLS i Fri 1 APriL i 10.30am & 1.30Pm PuPPETCrAFT age 4+ MONKEy! inspired by an ancient Chinese story, we follow the adventures of a comical, fantastical superhero. Watch monkey as he learns magic, makes mayhem, flies on a cloud, plays tricks, defeats a dragon, dodges death and eats lots, and lots, and lots of peaches… all in search of a Great secret! brought to exuberant life by exquisitely crafted marionettes with enchanting live music, Chinese shadow puppets, snappy raps and witty words, Monkey! is written by the award-winning poet michael rosen. Running time 60 mins ON AT rOTHES HALLS i SAT 2 APriL i 10.30am & 1.30Pm THEATrE FiDEri FiDErA PiTSCHi, THE KiTTEN WiTH DrEAMS age 2–7 Pitschi lives with her cat family, Grandma liisette and a dog called bello, on a farm high up in the swiss alps. she dreams of being something else – a chicken, perhaps, or a goat, or a bunny – anything is better than being a cat! With delightful puppets, beautiful animation and enjoyable participation for everyone – adults included – Pitschi, the Kitten with Dreams is a magical story about learning to be comfortable in your own skin. Running time 45 mins ON AT CArNEGE HALL i SuN 3 APriL i 10.30am & 1.30Pm ON AT ADAM SMiTH THEATrE i MON 4 APriL i 10.30am & 1.30Pm iPDiP THEATrE age 0–5 ANONyMOuSE in a hole in the wall of a timber house, on the edge of a wood, there lives a mouse… as the seasons unfold with sensory poems (told by a very small, very shy, furry little poet) we meet a writer who has come to the woods for inspiration, and finds the greatest things in the tiniest of spaces. musical, tactile, curious and sweet, this play is a love letter to living moment to moment. Running time 35 mins ON AT LOCHGELLy CENTrE i TuE 5 APriL i 10.30am & 1.30Pm THE BOy AND THE WOrLD (animated Film) age 8+ Cuca lives a life of quiet wonder, exploring all that the countryside has to offer, but his cosy life is shattered when his father leaves for the city, prompting him to embark on a quest to reunite his family. entirely wordless, the animation describes a clash between poor and rich, countryside and city, handcrafted and mechanised, and throughout the tumult, the heart and soul of the people beats on as a song. Running time 1hr 20 mins. ON AT LOCHGELLy CENTrE i WED 6 APriL i 10.30am & 1.30Pm SONG OF THE SEA (animated Film) age PG From the creators of the academy award nominated the secret of kells comes a breathtakingly gorgeous, hand-drawn masterpiece. based on the irish legend of the selkies, Song of the Sea tells the story of the last seal-child, saoirse, and her brother ben, who go on an epic journey to save the world of magic and discover the secrets of their past. Running time 1hr 24 mins ON AT rOTHES HALLS i THur 7 APriL i 10.30am & 1.30Pm ON AT LOCHGELLy CENTrE i Fri 8 APriL i 10.30am & 1.30Pm CATCH ME! a fun-filled comedy filled with singing designed for the youngest audiences, Catch Me! is an artistically and musically inspiring playful work directed by renowned puppet artist silvan omerzu. a simple stage with wooden puppets and props unfolds before the viewers and an exciting competition between the two neighbours, a dog and a rabbit, ensues. Running time 30 mins 2+ image by urska boljkovac LJuBLJANA PuPPET THEATrE age PAGE 5 1–30 APRiL 2016 CARnEGiE HALL, DunFERMLinE ADAM SMiTH THEATRE, KiRKCALDy & RoTHES HALL, GLEnRoTHES ED ByrNE, CHriS rAMSEy, ArDAL O’HANLON, TOM STADE, ZOE LyONS, MOrGAN & WEST, KEviN McMAHON, GEOrGE EGG AnD MoRE To BE AnnounCED… PAGE 6 Bennochy Road, Kirkcaldy Ky1 1ET box office 01592 583302 box office open mon – sat, 10am – 5.30pm & later on show nights LivE BrOADCASTS Sit back and relax and join a global audience experiencing the best of British Theatre. New for 2016 we bring you more top drama from Branagh Theatre Live. £12.50, ConC. £10 i i SAT 9 JANuAry i 3Pm i 12a branagh theatre live The Winter’s Tale by William Shakespeare shakespeareʼs timeless tragicomedy of obsession and redemption is reimagined in a new production co-directed by rob ashford and kenneth branagh, following their triumphant staging of Macbeth in manchester and manhattan. Judi dench will play Paulina, kenneth branagh will play leontes. THur 21 JANuAry i 7Pm i 12a national theatre live Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë almost 170 years on, the story of trailblazing Jane is as inspiring as ever. this bold and dynamic production uncovers one woman’s fight for freedom and fulfilment on her own terms. From her beginnings as a destitute orphan, Jane eyre’s spirited heroine faces life’s obstacles head-on, surviving poverty, injustice and the discovery of bitter betrayal before taking the ultimate decision to follow her heart. THur 28 JANuAry i 7Pm i 12a national theatre live Les Liasions Dangereuses in 1782, Choderlos de laclos’ novel of sex, intrigue and betrayal in pre-revolutionary France scandalised the world. this revival marks the play’s thirty year anniversary and includes elaine Cassidy (The Paradise), Janet mcteer (The White Queen) and dominic West (The Wire) in the cast. Former lovers, the marquise de merteuil and Vicomte de Valmont now compete in games of seduction and revenge. SAT 27 FEBruAry i 7Pm i 12a national theatre live encore screening As you Like it by William Shakespeare this glorious comedy of love and change comes to the national theatre for the first time in over 30 years, with rosalie Craig (London Road) as rosalind. With her father the duke banished and in exile, rosalind and her cousin Celia leave their lives in the court behind them and journey into the Forest of arden. there, released from convention, rosalind experiences the liberating rush of transformation. disguising herself as a boy, she embraces a different way of living and falls spectacularly in love. PAGE 7 box office 01592 583302 Fri 22 JANuAry i 7.30Pm i £14, ConC. £12 THE FALCONS: sixties extraVaGanza Fife’s longest-established rock cover band, the Falcons deliver a rip-roaring show packed with classic sixties smashes. From the beatles and Creedence Clearwater revival to roy orbison, the small Faces and more, the Falcons serve up the hits with top-notch musicianship, classic harmonies and a truly infectious energy – they loVe what they do, and it shows! The Falcons will also be appearing at CARnEGiE HALL on Sat 23 January. SAT 23 JANuAry i 7.30Pm i £14.50, ConC. £13 i aGe 16+ MZA & CHiLL PrODuCTiONS PrESENT CrAiG HiLL PLAyiNG WiTH My SELFiE! Get snap-happy with scotland’s favourite kilted treasure for an evening of gloriously camp, no-holds-barred comedy… Hot on the heels of last year’s hysterically funny sold-out national tour, don’t miss the chance to see Craig flashing his kilt pins, striking a pose and calling for ‘Lights, Camera and, most definitely, Action!’. The Independent raved that Craig was ‘Riotously funny… he’s that rare thing, a naturally funny comedian’ – and we absolutely agree! book early for this deliciously wicked evening of pure, unadulterated fun. bring your auntie… bring your Hubby… bring your selfie! ‘A laugh-out-loud performance from beginning to end… An hour with Hill makes for a cracking show… irresistible!’ ★★★★The List ‘Class. Risque, rib-tickling and absolutely screaming from the rafters… it’s absolutely hilarious.’ Evening News ‘Hill had everyone in hysterics!’ ★★★★½ Adelaide Advertiser MON 25 JANuAry – Fri 5 FEBruAry FiFE FESTivAL OF MuSiC Founded in 1981, the Fife Festival of music exists to support and develop music-making in the community. Featuring performances by choirs, groups and orchestras, with musicians of all ages, the Festival covers a huge variety of genres, creating the liveliest of live music in a terrific atmosphere! most sessions are open to the public with a small entry charge. Visit for more information. Also at CARnEGiE HALL from Mon 25 to Thur 28 January PAGE 8 box office 01592 583302 WED 10 FEBruAry i 10.30am & 1.30Pm i £7.50, ConC. £6 i aGe 5 – 11 JANGO STArr age 5–11 ONE MAN SHOE a fantastic new show for children and families. Full details on page 33. Fri 12 FEBruAry i 8Pm i £20 THE BiG CHriS BArBEr BAND “It’s incredible,” is what audiences and critics say about the gold standard that this jazz master is setting in 2016. at 84, he’s the bright front man he’s always been, and he sets the musical quality bar on high. apart from Wynton marsalis, there’s no-one playing classic jazz at this level. From new orleans and traditional jazz hits like Bourbon Street Parade and Petite Fleur to a host of duke ellington classics. SAT 13 FEBruAry i 8Pm i £12.50 rOSE rOOM WiTH SPECiAL GuESTS CAPELLA STriNG QuArTET AND KONrAD WiSZNiEWSKi the hottest ticket in scotland right now! Classy vintage swing and gypsy jazz played by a band that combines brilliant musicianship and warm personality. Fronted by Fife’s own ‘dazzling’ fiddle player and sophisticated songstress, seonaid aitken, rose room recreate the excitement of rive Gauche Paris of the 30s and 40s with a host of swinging songs and ballads from the Great american songbook. at this performance, especially for the Festival, they are joined by the sensational saxophonist konrad Wiszniewski and the string Quartet that backs all the stars from madonna to rod stewart, the Capella Quartet. SuN 14 FEBruAry i 7.30Pm i £7.50, ConC. £6.50 i runninG time 90 mins i usa i 1928 BATTLE OF THE SExES (u) WiTH LivE MuSiCAL ACCOMPANiMENT Directed by WD Griffith. Starring Jean Hersholt, Phyllis Haver, Belle Bennett, Don Alvarado, Sally o'neil, William Bakewell a brand new commission for Fife Jazz Festival, Battle of the Sexes couples the pure joy of watching a classic on the big screen with perfectly composed live musical accompaniment performed by Jane Gardner (piano), laura macdonald (saxophone) and Hazel morrison (percussion). beneath the surface of a frothy, entertaining and well-paced comedy lurks a sophisticated social commentary musing on double standards – should a man who indulges in a bit of hanky-panky be judged any differently than a woman? PAGE 9 box office 01592 583302 Fri 12 & SAT 13 FEBruAry i 7.30Pm i £8 KirKCALDy AMATEur DrAMATiC SOCiETy KADS iN THE STuDiO Get ready to laugh, cry – and maybe even dance – as kads return with another entertaining evening of short plays in our bistro setting. drinks and refreshments will be on sale. THur 18 – SAT 20 FEBruAry i 7.15 Pm; sat mat at 2.30Pm i £12, ConC. £9 KirKCALDy yOuTH MuSiC THEATrE Following the record-breaking sell-out run of Grease last year, this talented group of young people are back with Legally Blonde. based on the reese Witherspoon film, the london production opened in 2009 starring sheridan smith and won the olivier award for best new musical. Follow the story of sorority president, college sweetheart and homecoming queen elle Woods. When her boyfriend dumps her for someone serious, elle puts down the credit card, hits the books and heads for Harvard law! after discovering how the law can be used to help others, she uses her new found skills to defend a workout-queen in a murder trial, defying the odds and proving that pink can save the day! along the way, elle proves that being true to yourself never goes out of style. You're in for a vibrant evening of comedy, drama and toe-tappingly great songs. Music and Lyrics by Laurence O’Keefe and Nell Benjamin. Book by Heather Hatch. This amateur production is presented by arrangement with JOSEF WEINBERGER LIMITED on behalf of MUSIC THEATRE INTERNATIONAL of NEW YORK. SuN 21 FEBruAry i 11am – 4Pm i Free Family Day everyone enjoyed the ‘totfest’ Family days last november so much that we’ve organised another one! We’ll be turning the theatre into one big playground for little ones to explore. With messy play, dressing up, paint & craft areas and baby animation screenings, this is a fun day out for all the family. at 1pm we’ll be showing Snoopy and Charlie Brown, the Peanuts Movie (u), £5.50. PAGE 10 box office 01592 583302 THur 25 FEBruAry i 7.30Pm i £12, ConC. £10 i aGe 12+ iCAruS THEATrE COLLECTivE AT THE MOuNTAiNS OF MADNESS icarus theatre Collective brings you the first theatre adaptation of H.P. lovecraft’s chilling 1931 masterpiece At the Mountains of Madness. For nearly a century, this cornerstone of Weird fiction has thrilled readers with its tale of a disastrous expedition to antarctica, and the awful implications of what was discovered by a group of explorers led by the narrator, William dyer. dyer is brought vividly to life by Tim Hardy, trapped and tormented by visions of what he saw – and what he could not possibly have seen – in those ancient, antarctic mountains of madness. after their successful collaboration on The Trials of Galileo – which toured europe, america and the uk as well as appearing at the edinburgh Fringe – rsC actor and rada faculty member tim Hardy’s new work with the Collective marks his 50th year working in the industry. Fri 26 FEBruAry i 7.15Pm i £12, ConC. £10 rOBLyN SCHOOL OF DANCE DANCE DANCE DANCE From Highland with a twist to tap with rhythms, Dance Dance Dance is packed with different styles of dance, all of an extremely high standard performed by dancers ranging from three years old to adults. Watch out for some stunning, colourful costumes and marvellous music, adding to a spectacular evening’s entertainment. PAGE 11 box office 01592 583302 SuN 28 FEBruAry i 7.30Pm i £22.50 i PRE-THEATRE MEALS £12 PArTON SiNGS PArTON the Parton family is something of a phenomenon: 12 siblings, each one more than comfortable strutting their stuff on the stage. While you’re no doubt more familiar with her superstar sister dolly, singer and actress stella Parton has been performing since childhood, and enjoyed chart success in the 70s with a series of singles including I Want to Hold You in My Dreams Tonight. the multi-talented stella has also played the lead in major new York productions including The Best Little Whore House in Texas and Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. a fabulous night of Country and Gospel music, the show blends video footage with stories of the Parton family growing up in tennessee, and stella and her band perform all of her hits, including Danger of a Stranger and Undercover Lovers, as well as some of dolly’s knockout singles. THur 3 – SAT 5 MArCH i 7.30Pm; sat mat 2.30Pm £14, ConC. £13. CHild £6. SPECiAL oFFER SAT EVEninG 2 FoR £20 KirKCALDy GiLBErT AND SuLLivAN SOCiETy the topsy-turvy world of Gilbert & sullivan is beautifully illustrated in their sparkling nautical comic opera HMS Pinafore. a satirical tale of forbidden love and shocking revelations of class and identity, it’s one of the most enduringly popular of Gilbert and sullivan’s great comic creations. With glorious music, fascinating characters and a script full of delightful humour, this is a boat you don’t want to miss!!! PAGE 12 box office 01592 583302 WED 9 – SAT 12 MArCH i 7.30Pm; sat mat 2.30Pm £22, ConC. £18.50 (ConC. aVailable Wed, tHurs and sat mat onlY) CANNED LAuGHTEr starring Allan Stewart, Andy Gray and Grant Stott, three of scotland’s most enduringly popular comedians, Canned Laughter tells the tale of friendship, ambition and regret. and, of course, comedy. lots and lots of comedy. it’s the 1980s and funny men alec, angus and rory are one of scotland’s top comedy acts. now hitting the big time, it looks like they are getting their own tV show. this comedy trio are riding high and there’s nothing that can stop them. Fast forward to the present day and the three find themselves together again for the first time in decades. What happened to break the group up? Will they be able to put their past differences behind them? and why do they still care who gets the biggest laugh? Written and directed by ed Curtis (I Dreamed A Dream, Never Forget) with allan stewart PAGE 13 box office 01592 583302 SAT 5 MArCH i 8Pm i £15 Tae Sup Wi’ A Fifer hosted by James yorkston – with Martin Carthy, Alexis Taylor (Hot Chip) and Geoff Hattersley tae sup Wi’ a Fifer is hosted and programmed by Fife’s very own James Yorkston. Following the successful series last autumn, which featured sold-out shows and guests such as karine Polwart and steve mason, James returns to curate another set of fascinating musical collaborations. “The idea behind Tae Sup is quite simple – we’re putting together well-kent faces, folk I’ve met on my musical travels, old friends – just making interesting, entertaining and unusual evenings.” Also on Sat 9 April & Sat 7 May Artists to be announced TuE 15 & WED 16 MArCH i 7.30Pm £16.50, ConC. £15 i aGe 12+ PRE-THEATRE MEALS £12 TALKiNG SCArLET DiAL M FOr MurDEr tony is convinced his wife is having an affair. We watch mesmerised at tony’s precision in planning what must surely be the perfect murder … until it falters in the most unexpected way. Following two brilliant productions last year, talking scarlet return to adam smith with a claustrophobic and frightening new version of this taut, erotic tale of betrayal, passion and, ultimately, murder. Famously filmed by alfred Hitchcock, Frederick knott’s darkly gripping thriller will keep you on the edge of your seat. You'll never want to answer the telephone again! starring oliver mellor (Coronation Street), terri dwyer (Hollyoaks) and marcus Hutton (Brookside). PAGE 14 box office 01592 583302 all tiCkets £7.50, ConC. £6 SAT 26 MArCH i 10.30am & 1.30Pm OLD SAW PuPPET COMPANy DuvET DAy age 18 months & under MON 28 MArCH i 10.30am & 1.30Pm age ECO DrAMA THE 3–7 WOrM – AN uNDErGrOuND ADvENTurE MON 4 APriL i 10.30am & 1.30Pm age iPDiP THEATrE ANONyMOuSE 0–5 SAT 19 MArCH i 8Pm i £15 i aGe 18+ CrAiG CAMPBELL DON’T LOOK DOWN “A fantastic yarn weaver, with charming tales of his travels and hugely funny observations.” Time Out “Perfectly observed and hilarious storytelling.” Chortle one of stand-up’s most charismatic and inventive performers, Craig Campbell’s show is packed with hilarious tales of his globetrotting adventures that will have you in hysterics. the side-splittingly funny Craig even helped deliver a baby at a recent show. Well, kind of – he made an expectant mother laugh so hard her waters broke! With his record everest base camp show (, a hip-reshaping operation and a winter of snowboarding comedy shows looming, the challenge of keeping the wounded moose’s chin up ensures Don’t Look Down is his most appropriately titled show yet! Craig has been seen on Michael McIntyre’s Comedy Roadshow (bbC 1), Russell Howard’s Good News (bbC 3) and Alan Davies’ As Yet Untitled (dave), as well as smashing it live in front of Frankie boyle on two sell-out tours. don’t miss this brand new show from Canada’s funniest export! TuE 22 MArCH i 7.30Pm i £17.50 PAuLA O’BriEN A PHONE CALL FrOM HEAvEN do you ever feel the need to connect with loved ones that have passed away? is someone waiting to talk to you and give you messages of comfort and advice to take home? An Evening with Paula O’Brien is experimental/investigational. There are no guaranteed or certain results and the show is for the purposes of amusement/entertainment. PAGE 15 box office 01592 583302 SAT 26 MArCH i 7.30Pm i £14, ConC. £12 THE DiME NOTES the dime notes dig back into the blues-drenched sounds of clarinet-driven 1920s new orleans jazz, unearthing a repertoire of stomps, blues, and forgotten gems of the era from musicians such as Johnny dodds, Jelly roll morton and red nichols. Fronted by Chris barber’s long-time clarinetist david Horniblow, a well-known figure on the london jazz scene, and american pianist andrew oliver, the dime notes present a fresh take on a timeless style, emphasising the propulsive grooves and sultry melodies which made early jazz revolutionary, controversial, and wildly popular. Fri 8 – SuN 10 APriL Fri 2Pm; sat 11am & 2Pm; sun noon & 3Pm all tiCkets: £13. FamilY (4) £46 GrouPs 10+ £1 1. EARLy BiRD: ALL TiCKETS PuRCHASED BEFoRE 24 DEC £10 FuNBOx Crash! Bang! Kapow! it’s time to grab those capes and warm up your super powers as Funbox go on their craziest adventure yet in their brand new show superheroes! Join Gary, anya, kevin – former stars of the singing kettle – in a show for the whole family, packed with madcap characters, music and mirth. Full of sparkling entertainment for kids of all ages, from nought to ninety, Funbox also sees the return of everyone’s favourite cheeky dog bonzo – and loads of new characters too! With family singalongs like Bunny Fou Fou, My Boy’s a Corker (Oompahpah) and My Aunt Came Back together with brand new songs and silliness, superheroes is a supersonic jolt of exciting entertainment for all the family! PAGE 16 box office 01592 583302 FiFE COMEDy FESTivAL WED 13 APriL i 8Pm i £15 i aGe 16+ COMEDy STOrE MANAGEMENT PrOuDLy PrESENTS TOM STADE yOu’rE WELCOME! time to exercise those chuckle muscles as tom stade unveils his brand new show! Candid and alluring, tom ruminates on life’s oddities and revels in his own perpetual shortcomings. You’re Welcome! is full of the now-customary stade flair; uncompromising humour, insatiable mischief and heaps of inspired improvisation. direct from bbC1’s The John Bishop Show and Live at the Apollo, this exuberant and spellbinding talent continues his assault on the global comedy scene. incisive comedy with the usual sprinkling magic and expertly-crafted mayhem, stade is a true master of his craft. “unmissable.” ★★★★★ Edinburgh Evening News “Every inch a star … super confidence and charisma. if comedy is the new rock ‘n’ roll, then Tom Stade is Keith Richards.” ★★★★★ Scottish Daily Record SuN 17 APriL i 8Pm i £17.50 i aGe 16+ AvALON PrESENTS CHriS rAMSEy ALL GrOWED uP Critically acclaimed stand-up comedian, Celebrity Juice regular, star of bbC2’s Hebburn, and the man who once got pizza delivered to a moving train embarks on his biggest stand-up tour yet! Following sell-out runs of his last three uk tours, Chris is back with a brand new show for 2015. Join him as he explores getting older, finding yourself, taking responsibility, realising you are no longer a child and all of the other terrifying realisations that come with being dragged kicking and screaming into modern adulthood. PAGE 17 box office 01592 583302 Fri 15 APriL i 7.30Pm i £9.50, ConC. £8 2FACED DANCE COMPANy DrEAMiNG iN CODE “Dreams are true while they last, and do we not live in dreams?” alfred lord tennyson award-winning choreographer tamsin Fitzgerald and eddie kay for Frantic assembly present Dreaming In Code, an explosive and visceral double-bill performed by one of the uk’s most innovative dance companies. a breath-taking collision of kinetically charged dance and theatre with music by angus macrae and tony-nominated composer alex baranowski, 2Faced dance Company explore a vision of the future in this powerful and fearless work. Workshop opportunities will be available. exhilarating, heart-breaking, devastating and joyful, this is one not to be missed! “A thought-provoking and delight-filled evening of dance and dance theatre.” British Theatre Guide “Exciting, violent, hypnotic and strangely beautiful.” The Stage MON 25 – SAT 30 APriL i 7.15Pm: sat mat 2.30Pm i £15 KirKCALDy AMATEur OPErATiC SOCiETy set against a dazzling and exotic backdrop The King and I is the moving story of anna, a british governess, who tries to help an eastern king to come to terms with the modern world. He finds himself unable to resist the forces of ancient customs. the conflict between eastern and Western cultures inspired this well-loved rogers and Hammerstein musical which has become a firm favourite with the public. the score includes I Whistle A Happy Tune, Hello Young Lovers, Getting To Know You, Something Wonderful and Shall We Dance?. COMiNG SOON! 13 may errol White Company presents: Breathe 24 & 25 may The naked Truth 31 may Tell Me on a Sunday FOrTHCOMiNG HiGHLiGHTS: Adam Smith Theatre offers a full cinema programme throughout the year, with films at the bargain price of £6.50/£5.50, or £5 if you book online in advance. Full cinema listings are available at or in our on Screen brochure. Spectre Fri 8 Jan 1 1am/7.30pm, sat 9 Jan 7.30pm The Lady in the Van Wed 13 Jan 11am, thu 14 Jan 11am/7.30pm Brooklyn tues 19 Jan 7.30pm, Wed 20 Jan 11am/7.30pm sign up online to receive our on screen brochure direct to your inbox. PAGE 18 East Port, Dunfermline Ky12 7JA box office 01383 602302 box office open mon – sat, 10am – 5pm & 1 hour before performances Fri 8 JANuAry i 7.30Pm i £24, ConC. £21 i PRE-THEATRE MEALS £12 viENNESE GALA WiTH THE rSNO it simply wouldn’t be new Year without the music of Johann strauss and friends. let scotland’s national orchestra whirl you away to a world of elegant waltzes, playful polkas, and good old-fashioned operetta romance from a real rsno favourite – soprano ailish tynan. The Blue Danube, the Tritsch-Tratsch Polka, Voices of Spring: you already know the tunes, so relax and let rsno maestro Jean-Claude Picard sweep you off your feet! SuN 17 JANuAry i 7.30Pm i £10, student/unemPloYed £1 DuNFErMLiNE MuSiC CLuB ArTA ArNiCANE (Piano) a graduate from the royal Conservatoire of scotland, the latvian academy of music, and zurich university of the arts, arta is a talented and award-winning pianist. at Carnegie Hall, she will perform a recital of Suite in im alten Stil, Op.24, by dohnanyi, Variations Serieuses, Op.54, by mendelssohn, Variationen uber ein Thema von Robert Schumann, Op.20 by Clara schumann and Tombeau de Couperin by ravel. the season continues with illuminati Winds on 21 February and Allan neave & Robert irvine on 20 march. Fri 22 JANuAry i 8Pm i £10 SiNG iN THE CiTy LuCKy SEvENS’ FirST SHOW sing in the City has eight choirs mostly in and around edinburgh but the 7th Choir, lucky sevens, started in January 2015 in dunfermline. this will be their very first show. a fantastic modern choir with a superb band, lucky sevens will have musical director kirsty baird on hand to put a humorous spin on things as the choir perform songs from across the decades and genres. a great night out for everyone! PAGE 19 box office 01383 602302 SAT 23 JANuAry i 7.30Pm i £14, ConC. £12 THE FALCONS SixTiES ExTrAvAGANZA Fife’s longest-established rock cover band, the Falcons deliver a rip-roaring show packed with classic sixties smashes. With top-notch musicianship, amazing harmonies and a truly infectious energy – they loVe what they do, and it shows! the Falcons will also be appearing at ADAM SMiTH THEATRE on Fri 22 January Fri 29 JANuAry i 7.30Pm i £14, ConC. £12 CArA FEATuriNG KiM EDGAr a multi-national band with scottish and German members, Cara combine gorgeous female vocals, piano, fiddle, flute, guitar, bodhrán, uilleann pipes and accordion with a dry-witted and charismatic stage presence. Celebrating the launch of their 5th studio album, Cara’s live show showcases innovative arrangements of traditional material which sit alongside critically acclaimed original compositions. “Their musicianship and composing talent is astounding.” Living Tradition “one of the hottest irish music bands on the international circuit... Cara have joined the ranks of Solas, Dervish and Altan, big tunes, big ideas and superb playing.” Irish Music Magazine “A real gem of a show. The festival stars of this year.” Ceol Cholasa, Colonsay Folk Festival PAGE 20 box office 01383 602302 SAT 30 JANuAry i 7.30Pm i £15 PLAyPEN PrESENTS WiTHErED HAND, THE PiCTiSH TrAiL & JAMES yOrKSTON Three of Scotland’s finest songwriters, together on stage, sharing heart-warming songs, collaborations and braw laughs. JAMES yOrKSTON James Yorkston was one of the original members of the Fence Collective, part of the Fife music scene that spawned king Creosote, kt tunstall, the Pictish trail & the beta band. since 2001 James has been signed to domino records (artic monkeys, Franz Ferdinand) with whom he has released eight albums proper and dozens of ePs, compilations, 7” singles and one exceptionally fine book, It's Lovely to be here – The Touring Diaries of a Scottish Gent. THE PiCTiSH TrAiL Johnny lynch, aka the Pictish trail, is something of a conundrum. on first impressions, he’s a self-deprecating hairy hobo whose on-stage banter could give many comedians a run for their money. but once he begins to sing, lynch’s extraordinary vocals reveal hidden depths that can subdue the most rowdy of audiences into a blissfully hypnotised silence. WiTHErED HAND Withered Hand is the nom-de-plume of edinburgh-based singer-songwriter dan Willson, who started writing songs almost ten years ago during a period of reflection following the birth of his first child and the death of a close friend. With a wayward tenor and unaffected charm onstage he has come to be celebrated as a songwriter and lyricist of rare wit and remarkable honesty, being described by del amitri’s Justin Currie as a ‘Godlike Genius’. THur 4 FEBruAry, THur 3 MArCH, SAT 2 APriL i 8Pm i £12, ConC. £11 tHere maY be stronG lanGuaGe aGe 16+ GiLDED BALLOON COMEDy CLuB AT TiFFANy’s breakfast at tiffany’s? more like, check THiS at tiffany’s; the Gilded balloon comedy circuit returns to tiffany’s at Carnegie Hall for three nights of stand-out, stand-up throughout the spring season! We’ve got three incredible line-up shows of riotous, comedy carnage in February, march and april featuring musical maestro, Rob Deering, northern ireland’s favourite tV panellist Mickey Bartlett and scottish Comedian of the Year finalist, Ray Bradshaw to name just a few of the acts we have in store. You haven’t done Fife until you’ve done dunfermline so join us this spring to avoid missing out! For full details of line-ups, head to PAGE 21 box office 01383 602302 SAT 6 FEBruAry i 8Pm i £17.50, ConC. £15 i aGe 14+ JiMEOiN YEEHAA!! internationally acclaimed as one of live comedy’s masters, Jimeoin, the irishman from australia brings his ever-evolving show and the most famous eyebrows in comedy to Carnegie Hall. the star of tV’s sunday Night at Palladium, Live at the Apollo and Royal Variety Performance brings you an unforgettably hilarious evening of world-class stand-up. mosey on down and lasso your tickets early! ‘Brilliant… it gets no better than this... Hilarious!’ Time Out ‘Brilliant wit and razor-sharp take on the absurdities of life… A series of hilarious, often surrealistic climaxes. This is the comedy of one who truly perceives human behaviour, breaks it up, puts it all together again in all its ridiculousness, to leave you with your eyes streaming… Comic genius.’ Edinburgh Evening News ‘Jimeoin recalls the familiar at a fantastically silly level, boiling his audience down to a tear-filled, gibbering mess.’ Scotland on Sunday TuE 9 FEBruAry i 7.30Pm i £17.50 PAuLA O’BriEN A PHONE CALL FrOM HEAvEN do you ever feel the need to connect with loved ones that have passed away? is someone waiting to talk to you and give you messages of comfort and advice to take home? An Evening with Paula O’Brien is experimental/investigational. There are no guaranteed or certain results and the show is for the purposes of amusement/entertainment. THur 11 FEBruAry i 7Pm i £8.50, ConC. £6 i aGe 8+ PLAN B DANCE COMPANy AND NOW… Following acclaimed collaborations with michael marra and shooglenifty, this is the first opportunity to see plan b’s new ensemble, made up of four of scotland’s most electrifying dancers – Glen mcartney, Joanne Pirrie, katie armstrong and kirsty Pollock. reflecting on the sea change in scotland in 2014, a tribe of lost children, full of charm, innocence and a comic disposition, enter a beguiling dreamscape. they find an ethereal neverland where present generations glimpse what promise may emerge when we finally grow up – if indeed we ever will. accompanied by a powerful ambient score from award winning composer Jim sutherland, the piece is overlaid with live music pulsating both rhythm and class from the wonderfully witty sax player steve kettley. PAGE 22 box office 01383 602302 THur 11 FEBruAry i 8Pm i £15 MAGGiE BELL & FriENDS FEATuriNG TiM ELLiOTT PLuS LiGHTS OuT By NiNE one of the greatest blues and rock singers of our time, maggie is as remarkable, powerful and persuasive as she’s always been, and is backed here by a handpicked band of top blues musicians featuring blues n’ trouble frontman tim elliott. Fife’s own great r’n’b, blues, and soul band lights out by nine open the show. SAT 13 FEBruAry i 8Pm i £16.50 NAOMi SHELTON & THE GOSPEL QuEENS the real thing! originally from alabama, but living for many years in brooklyn and a legend on the us soul and gospel scene, naomi shelton records for daptone, and tours with a band that oozes class and authenticity. this is the lady who belted out otis redding and lou rawls classics as resident singer at brooklyn’s night Cap Club in 1963. she’s been in the business of singing sanctified soul for 50 years. “A power-house performer who sings with a passionate Baptist fervor” (Mojo Magazine). raw, straight from the heart vocals, commanding attention with every heart-wrenching syllable. WED 24 – SAT 27 FEBruAry i 7.30Pm; sat mat 2.30Pm £12,ConC. £11, CHild £5, FamilY £30 exCePt Fri : £16, ConC. £15, CHild £5 DuNFErMLiNE GiLBErT & SuLLivAN SOCiETy THE yEOMEN OF THE GuArD Gilbert and sullivan's richest and most emotionally engaging operetta set at the tower of london in the 16th Century, is considered by many to be sullivan's finest musical score. Young Colonel Fairfax is imprisoned under the sentence of death for sorcery – in reality he's a scientist and alchemist – but a young girl, Phoebe meryll and her father who served with Fairfax in the army plan to spring him from the tower. add to the story a lovelorn jailer, a young singer, a jester and the Yeomen themselves and you have the makings of a typical G&s operetta with lots of room for humour and twists of plot. PAGE 23 AT A GLANCE JA N uA ry Sat 2 & Sun 3 Various Mother Goose Adam Smith Theatre Fri 8 7.30pm rSNO viennese Gala Carnegie Hall Sat 9 3pm Branagh Theatre Live The Winter’s Tale Adam Smith Theatre Fri 15 7.30pm Charity Concert Carnegie Hall Sun 17 7.30pm Dunfermline Music Club Arta Arnicane Carnegie Hall Thur 21 7pm NT Live Jane Eyre Adam Smith Theatre 7 Fri 22 7.30pm The Falcons Adam Smith Theatre 8 Fri 22 8pm Sing in the City Lucky Sevens’ First Show Carnegie Hall 19 Fri 22 7.30pm The Dublin Legends Rothes Halls 36 Sat 23 7.30pm Craig Hill Playing With My Selfie! Adam Smith Theatre Sat 23 7.30pm The Falcons Carnegie Hall Mon 25 10.30am & 1.30pm Andy Cannon Oor rabbie (P3 – P7) Rothes Halls Mon 25 – Fri 5 Feb Various Fife Festival of Music AST / CH Thur 28 7pm NT Live Les Liaisons Dangereuses Adam Smith Theatre Thur 28 7.30pm Country Legends Rothes Halls 36 Fri 29 7.30pm Cara Carnegie Hall 20 Sat 30 7.30pm James yorkston/Withered Hand/The Pictish Trail Carnegie Hall 21 Sat 30 1pm Snoopy and Charlie Brown The Peanuts Movie Lochgelly Centre 32 19 7 19 8 20 8 7 Sat 30 7pm Star Wars Episode vii The Force Awakens Lochgelly Centre 32 Sat 30 2pm & 7pm The Sarah Hendry School of Dance Scots Wha Hae! Rothes Halls 36 Wed 3 7.30pm Royal Scottish Geographical Society Dale Templar Carnegie Hall Thur 4 8pm Gilded Balloon Comedy Club at Tiffany’s Carnegie Hall 21 Sat 6 8pm Jimeoin Yeehaa! Carnegie Hall 22 Sat 6 2pm Jango Starr One Man Shoe Preview Lochgelly Centre 33 Tue 9 7.30pm Paula O’Brien A Phone Call from Heaven Carnegie Hall 22 Wed 10 10.30am & 1.30pm Jango Starr One Man Shoe Adam Smith Theatre Thur 11 7pm Plan B Dance Company And Now… Carnegie Hall 22 Thur 11 8pm Fife Jazz Festival Maggie Bell and Friends Carnegie Hall 23 Thur 11 7.30pm Circus Of Horrors Rothes Halls 37 Thur 11 10.30am & 1.30pm Jango Starr One Man Shoe Rothes Halls 37 Fri 12 & Sat 13 7.30pm KADS in the Studio Adam Smith Theatre 10 Fri 12 7.30pm Fife Jazz Festival The Big Chris Barber Band Adam Smith Theatre Fri 12 7.30pm The Kast off Kinks Rothes Halls Sat 13 8pm Fife Jazz Festival rose room Adam Smith Theatre Sat 13 11am & 1.30pm Catherine Wheels The Story of the Little Gentleman Carnegie Hall Sat 13 8pm Fife Jazz Festival Naomi Shelton and The Gospel Queens Carnegie Hall 23 Sat 13 8pm Fife Jazz Festival The Big Dance Rothes Halls 38 Thur 18 – Sat 20 7.15pm; Sat Mat 2.30pm Kirkcaldy Youth Music Theatre Legally Blonde The Musical Adam Smith Theatre 10 Fri 19 7.30pm Spatz & Co Lochgelly Centre Sun 21 11am – 4pm Totfest Family Day Adam Smith Theatre Sun 21 7.30pm Dunfermline Music Club illuminati Winds Carnegie Hall 19 Wed 24 – Sat 27 7.30pm; Sat Mat 2.30pm Dunfermline Gilbert & Sullivan Society The yeomen of the Guard Carnegie Hall 23 Thur 25 7.30pm Icarus Theatre Collective At The Mountains of Madness Adam Smith Theatre Thur 25 – Sat 27 7.30pm; Sat Mat 2.30pm GAMA Youth Aladdin Rothes Halls F E B r uA ry 9 9 37 9 26 10 11 38 Fri 26 7.15pm Roblyn School of Dance Dance Dance Dance Adam Smith Theatre Fri 26 & Sat 27 11am & 1.30pm Tortoise in a Nutshell The Lost Things Lochgelly Centre 11 Sat 27 7pm NT Live Encore Screening As you Like it Adam Smith Theatre 7 Sun 28 7.30pm Parton Sings Parton Adam Smith Theatre 12 Wed 2 7.30pm Royal Scottish Geographical Society Tim Jarvis Carnegie Hall Wed 2 7.30pm Heather Small The voice of M People Rothes Halls Thur 3 – Sat 5 7.30pm; Sat Mat 2.30pm Kirkcaldy Gilbert & Sullivan Society HMS Pinafore Adam Smith Theatre 12 Thur 3 8pm Gilded Balloon Comedy Club at Tiffany’s Carnegie Hall 21 Fri 4 & Sat 5 7.30pm; Sat Mat 2.30pm Leslie Amateur Dramatic Club Three One Act Plays Rothes Halls 38 Fri 4 7.30pm An Evening of Dirty Dancing Rothes Halls 39 Sat 5 8pm Tae Sup Wi a Fifer Adam Smith Theatre 14 Sat 5 11am & 1.30pm Asylon Theatre Fraxi – Queen Of The Forest Carnegie Hall 26 Wed 9 – Sat 12 7.30pm; Sat Mat 2.30pm Canned Laughter Adam Smith Theatre 13 Thur 10 – Sat 12 7.15pm; Sat Mat 2.15pm Carnegie Youth Theatre Phantom of the Opera Carnegie Hall 27 33 MArCH PAGE 24 39 Thur 10 7.30pm Main Street Blues Rothes Halls 40 Sat 12 7.30pm The Magic of The Beatles Rothes Halls 40 Sat 12 7.30pm Bruce Davies & Seonaid Aitken Rothes Halls 40 Tue 15 & Wed 16 7.30pm Talking Scarlet Dial M for Murder Adam Smith Theatre Tue 15 8pm Jonny Phillips & Giorgio Serci Tiffany’s at Carnegie Hall 27 Wed 16 7.30pm The Band of Her Majesty’s royal Marines Scotland Carnegie Hall Thur 17 7.30pm Lulu Rothes Halls 41 Fri 18 7.30pm Juke Box Sixties Carnegie Hall 28 Sat 19 8pm Craig Campbell Don’t Look Down Adam Smith Theatre 15 Shuffle Dance Company Showcase Carnegie Hall 28 19 Sat 19 14 27 Sun 20 7.30pm Dunfermline Music Club Allan Neave & robert irvine Carnegie Hall Tue 22 7.30pm Paula O’Brien A Phonecall from Heaven Adam Smith Theatre 15 Wed 23 – Sat 26 7.15pm; Sat Mat 2pm Rosyth & District Musical Society Acorn Antiques The Musical Carnegie Hall 28 Sat 26 7.30pm The Dime Notes Adam Smith Theatre 16 Sat 26 10.30am & 1.30pm Old Saw Puppet Company Duvet Day Adam Smith Theatre Sun 27 2pm Immersion Theatre rapunzel Carnegie Hall 29 Sun 27 10.30am & 1.30pm Old Saw Puppet Company Duvet Day Carnegie Hall 4 Mon 28 10.30am & 1.30pm Eco Drama The Worm An underground Adventure Adam Smith Theatre 4 Mon 28 10.30am & 1.30pm Flotsam & Jetsam Puppets All The Little Birds Carnegie Hall 4 Tue 29 10.30am & 1.30pm Lempen Puppet Theatre The Journey of the Turtle Carnegie Hall 4 Thur 31 – Sat 2 April 7pm Scottish Community Drama Association East Of Scotland One Act Play Finals Lochgelly Centre Thur 31 10.30am & 1.30pm Puppetcraft Monkey Lochgelly Centre 5 Thur 31 10.30am & 1.30pm Japuti Theatre Moonbeam on a Cat’s Ear Rothes Halls 4 4 34 APriL Fri 1 10.30am & 1.30pm Puppetcraft Monkey Rothes Halls 5 Sat 2 8pm Gilded Balloon Comedy Club at Tiffany’s Carnegie Hall 21 Sat 2 10.30am & 1.30pm Theatre Fideri Fidera Pitschi, The Kitten with Dreams Rothes Halls 5 Sun 3 10.30am & 1.30pm Ipdip Theatre Anonymouse Carnegie Hall 5 Mon 4 10.30am & 1.30pm Ipdip Theatre Anonymouse Adam Smith Theatre 5 Tue 5 10.30am & 1.30pm The Boy and the World Lochgelly Centre 5 Wed 6 – Sat 9 7.30pm Why Not? Musical Theatre Company 13 Carnegie Hall Wed 6 10.30am & 1.30pm Song Of The Sea Lochgelly Centre Thur 7 10.30am & 1.30pm Ljubljana Puppet Theatre Catch Me! Rothes Halls 5 Fri 8 10.30am & 1.30pm Ljubljana Puppet Theatre Catch Me! Lochgelly Centre 5 Fri 8 – Sun 10 Various Funbox Superheroes Adam Smith Theatre 16 Fri 8 – Sat 9 7.15pm; Sat Mat 2.15pm Youth Music Theatre Scotland Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat Lochgelly Centre 34 Sat 9 8pm Tae Sup Wi a Fifer Adam Smith Theatre 14 Sat 9 8pm That’s Fife Comedy Gala Rothes Halls 43 42 29 5 Tue 12 7.30pm Patsy Cline: The Concert She Never Gave Rothes Halls Wed 13 8pm Tom Stade: You’re Welcome Adam Smith Theatre 17 Fri 15 7.30pm 2 Faceddance Company Dreaming in Code Adam Smith Theatre 18 Fri 15 8pm Kevin McMahon Quantum Magic Carnegie Hall Sat 16 3pm Morgan & West utterly Spiffing Spectacular Magic Show for Kids (& Childish Grown-ups) Adam Smith Studio Sun 17 3pm Morgan & West utterly Spiffing Spectacular Magic Show for Kids (& Childish Grown-ups) Rothes Halls 6 Sat 16 8pm Morgan & West Parlour Tricks Adam Smith Theatre 6 Sat 16 8pm George Egg Anarchist Cook Carnegie Hall Sun 17 8pm Chris ramsey All Growed Up Adam Smith Theatre Thur 21 – Sat 23 Various The 18th Kingdom of Fife Beer Festival Rothes Halls Fri 22 8pm Ardal O’Hanlon with support from Michael Redmond Carnegie Hall Fri 22 7.30pm Dominic Kirwan Rothes Halls Sat 23 3pm Class Clowns Adam Smith Studio Sat 23 8pm Zoe Lyons Work In Progress Adam Smith Studio Sat 23 9.30am – 7pm Fife Brass Bands Festival Carnegie Hall Sat 23 7.30pm The Springsteen Sessions Rothes Halls 42 Sun 24 7.30pm russell deCarle with Denis Keldie & Steve Briggs Carnegie Hall 30 Mon 25 – Sat 30 7.15pm; Sat Mat 2.30pm Kirkcaldy Amateur Operatic Society The King and i Adam Smith Theatre Wed 27 8pm Kieran Goss Carnegie Hall 30 Wed 27 8pm Ed Byrne Outside, Looking In Rothes Halls 43 Thur 28 7.30pm The Band of Her Majesty’s royal Marines Scotland Carnegie Hall 27 Fri 29 8pm Partikel Carnegie Hall 31 Fri 29 8pm Eric & Ern Rothes Halls 6 Sat 30 8pm Eric & Ern Carnegie Hall 6 6 6 6 17 6 42 6 6 30 18 PAGE 25 box office 01383 602302 SAT 13 FEBruAry i 11am & 1.30Pm i £7.50, ConC. £6 age 4+ CATHEriNE WHEELS based on the book by barbro lindgren, The Story of the Little Gentleman is the brilliant new production from Catherine Wheels. an energetic two-hander with an original score by danny krass and design by karen tennent, this is a playful celebration of friendship and acceptance. Just as he thinks his heart may break of loneliness, the little gentleman finds a wonderful friend who changes his life forever – a curious dog who just wants to play. The Story of the Little Gentleman is a beautiful, funny and moving story about the power of friendship. SAT 5 MArCH i 11am & 1.30Pm i £7.50, ConC. £6 age 7+ ASyLON THEATrE FrAxi QuEEN OF THE FOrEST Home provider, light giver, and oxygen producer, Fraxi the ash tree is a guardian (and bFF!) to all woodland creatures. When tragedy strikes and Fraxi is infected with an airborne disease, her childhood friend Woody must choose how to save the forest. a triumph of whimsical physical theatre for young audiences written by scotland new Playwrights award winner, Jack dickson, Fraxi Queen of the Forest aims to stimulate a revitalised interest in sustainability in children, as well as an appreciation for different cultures. PAGE 26 box office 01383 602302 THur 10 – SAT 12 MArCH i 7.15Pm; sat mat 2.15Pm i £12, ConC. £10 CArNEGiE yOuTH THEATrE Carnegie Youth theatre are very pleased to be performing the world class and immensely popular musical by andrew lloyd Webber, the Phantom of the opera. based upon a Gothic novel by Gaston leroux the story explores life behind the scenes of the Paris opera House. the group of immensely talented 13–21 year olds tackle one of the most challenging productions ever to be staged in Carnegie Hall. TuE 15 MArCH i 8Pm i £12, ConC. £10 MuSiC iN GuiTAr JOurNEy DuET GiOrGiO SErCi & JONNy PHiLLiPS SPANISH GUITAR two of europe’s top guitarists take you on a musical journey following the development of the acoustic guitar from its origins in spain and north africa along a path throughout europe, africa and the americas. Giorgio serci is an award-winning guitarist, composer, arranger, and lecturer. He has recorded and shared stages with martyn taylor, Jools Holland, shirley bassey, nigel kennedy and various international orchestras. Jonny Phillips is best known for leading oriole, one of the most accomplished groups on the uk jazz and world music scenes. His compositions blend brazilian rhythms, flamenco, british folk and jazz to electrifying effect. “Sardinian Guitarist Giorgio Serci’s music is utterly mesmerizing.” international Guitar Foundation “Prolific guitarist-composer Jonny Phillips seems to have tunes coming out of his ears.” The Guardian WED 16 MArCH i 7.30Pm i £14 i PRE-THEATRE MEALS £12 THE BAND OF HEr MAJESTy’S rOyAL MAriNES SCOTLAND a series of 4 concerts presented by the talented rosyth based musicians of Her majesty’s royal marines scotland. each concert will be a wonderfully colourful show with 40 royal marines bandsmen on stage and including the amazing Corps of drums. these are evenings are hugely popular, so early booking is recommended. Proceeds to seafarers uk the leading charity for seafarers in need. the series continues with dates on 28 april and 9 June 2016. PAGE 27 box office 01383 602302 Fri 18 MArCH i 7.30Pm i £17, ConC. £15 i PRE-THEATRE MEALS £12 JuKE BOx SixTiES Juke box sixties features a new, unique and faithful compilation of some of the greatest sixties u.k. hits – warm and nostalgic, timeless and unforgettable. the Hollywood bees perform their acclaimed show featuring music of the Hollies, the beatles, the Fortunes, the bee Gees, the kinks and many more. standing ovations are the norm for this brilliant band who have performed alongside the moody blues, the searchers and the Hollies. “They held the audience in the palm of their hands from start to finish...” Warner Hotels SAT 19 MArCH SHuFFLE DANCE SHOWCASE 2016 local dance school shuffle dance take to the stage once again in an entertaining showcase of all of the dancers’ hard work over the past two years. boys and girls of all ages will hop, skip and twirl their way into your heart while performing an array of dance styles including jazz, ballet, breakdance and contemporary. WED 23 – SAT 26 MArCH i 7.15Pm; sat mat 2Pm i £12, ConC. £10. sat mat all tiCkets £10 rOSyTH & DiSTriCT MuSiCAL SOCiETy rdms present this all-singing, all-dancing version of the tV spoof! Join us to find out if miss babs and berta find their missing sister, if Clifford regains his memory or if mrs overall remembers where she’s left the Vim. Watch out for a cameo appearance by local celebrity and Provost Jim Leishman! PAGE 28 box office 01383 602302 SuN 27 MArCH i 2Pm i £10, ConC. £8 iMMErSiON THEATrE rAPuNZEL With a hilarious script from the emmy award-winning team behind the mega-hit television series Friends comes Rapunzel, an exciting musical perfect for all the family! immersion theatre are thrilled to present the uk Premiere of this witty, tongue-in-cheek retelling of a perennial favourite which gives us a possessive mother who happens to be a witch, a tentative young man who happens to be a prince and a strong-willed but naïve young girl with the longest hair you’re ever likely to come across. rest assured this fairy tale isn’t going to be business as usual – prepared to get tanGled up in this glittering gem of theatrical goodness. all tiCkets £7.50, ConC. £6 SuN 27 MArCH i 10.30am & 1.30Pm OLD SAW PuPPET COMPANy DuvET DAy age 18 months & under MON 28 MArCH i 10.30am & 1.30Pm FLOTSAM & JETSAM PuPPETS AND STOriES ALL THE LiTTLE BirDS TuE 29 MArCH i 10.30am & 1.30Pm LEMPEN PuPPET THEATrE JOurNEy age OF THE TurTLE 5–11 SuN 3 APriL i 10.30am & 1.30Pm age iPDiP THEATrE ANONyMOuSE 0–5 WED 6 – SAT 9 APriL i 7.30Pm i £12, ConC. £10 WHy NOT? MuSiCAL THEATrE COMPANy remember being a teenager? 13 is the hilarious new musical which sees evan Goldman whisked away from his life and friends in new York after his parents' divorce. How will teenage hormones cope with trying to fit in to small town indiana? are his new friends really all they're cracked up to be? and what comes after ‘the tongue’? PAGE 29 box office 01383 602302 SAT 23 APriL i 9.30am – 7Pm i £7, ConC. £5 FiFE BrASS BAND FESTivAL Come along to the Carnegie Hall and listen to a fabulous day of music performed at Fife’s premier brass band festival featuring over twenty bands from all over scotland and the north of england each performing an own choice selection of music over a full day. drop in and out all day to hear your favourite bands on-stage or stay in the theatre all day and enjoy the drinks and snacks provided at tiffany’s. SuN 24 APriL i 7.30Pm i £13, ConC. £10 ruSSELL DECArLE WiTH DENiS KELDiE & STEvE BriGGS legendary Canadian artist russell deCarle famously fronted iconic country roots band Prairie oyster. over the years, they racked up an impressive list of Juno and Canadian Country music awards, gold and platinum selling records and number 1 singles. these days, he’s returned to pared-back roots to tour in trio format and is joined by superlative seasoned sidekicks denis keldie and steve briggs. this is as close to joined-at-the-hip perfection as can ever be encountered – think JJ Cale and the very best Gyspy Jazz you ever heard. “Astonishing.” Maverick Magazine “This is old-school masterclass.” Country Music People WED 27 APriL i 8Pm i £15 KiErAN GOSS WiTH SPECiAL GuEST: ANNiE KiNSELLA long hailed as one of ireland’s leading songwriters and performers, kieran Goss’s music has won him fans across the globe. but if his songs have made him a star, his live shows have made him a legend. live on stage is where kieran Goss really shines. kieran will perform the first half of the show solo, before being joined by angelic harmony singer annie kinsella. When they sing together, magic happens – the harmonies and the chemistry are simply sublime. “one man, one guitar and a voice sent express mail from Heaven.” Time Out magazine PAGE 30 box office 01383 602302 Fri 29 APriL i 8pm i £12, conc. £10 PArTiKEL FEATuriNG SPECiAL GuEST viOLiNiST BENET MCLEAN a london-based three piece, Partikel make music which mixes a diverse set of influences in a melodic and coherent style, twisting the standard jazz format while still honouring the tradition of deep harmony and creative improvisation. drawing influence from african and latin american music as well as the contemporary jazz scene, Partikel produce a contemporary take on the saxophone trio, as soulful melodies combine seamlessly with an instantly identifiable energy. their latest album String Theory sees them pushing their own sonic and compositional boundaries by teaming up with four equally talented string players to create music that showcases an array of unique soundscapes. “one of the hottest young bands on the uK scene.” Jazzwise COMiNG SOON! sat 30 april Eric and Ern that’s Fife Comedy Festival 4 – 7 may kelty musical association Sunshine on Leith 12 may Arild Anderson Trio with Tommy Smith 14 may Rita Coolidge 18 may Woody Sez: The Woody Guthrie Story 20 may Puppet state theatre Company presents: Leaf 27 may The Searchers PAGE 31 Bank Street, Lochgelly Ky5 9RD box office 01592 583303 box office open 9am – 9pm mon to Fri; 9am – 2.30pm sat and 1 hour before performances. FiLMS AT LOCHGELLy lochgelly Centre offers a Cinema programme with films at a bargain price of £5, conc. £3. Check out for full listings. SAT 30 JANuAry 1pm i (u) i 93 mins Snoopy and Charlie Brown – The Peanuts Movie snoopy embarks upon his greatest mission as he and his team take to the skies to pursue their arch-nemesis, while his best pal Charlie brown begins his own epic quest back home. 7pm i (12a tbC) i 136 mins Star Wars Episode Vii – The Force Awakens a continuation of the saga created by George lucas and set thirty years after Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi (1983). PAGE 32 box office 01592 583303 SAT 6 FEBruAry i 2Pm i £7.50, ConC. £6 age 5–11 JANGO STArr ONE MAN SHOE World Preview show One Man Shoe, a new show for children and families, sees bumbling theatre caretaker Jango starr thrust into the limelight when the headline act fails to turn up. Join Jango on a hilarious journey of silent physical theatre and contemporary circus clowning as he magically finds a way to realise his dream of becoming a star. Performed by Jango starr, directed by Gerry mulgrew, designed by becky minto with original music by Philip Pinsky. age Fri 26 & SAT 27 FEBruAry i 11am & 1.30Pm i £7.50, ConC. £6 9+ TOrTOiSE iN A NuTSHELL & OLivEr EMANuEL THE LOST THiNGS a boy falls and finds himself in a dark and terrifying new world. it’s a world of lost things: car keys, wedding rings, dads, and a mysterious girl who is building an amazing machine. Performed in a unique dome structure using bold and innovative puppetry, The Lost Things is about losing things and finding things you didn’t even know you were looking for. this is a dark fairytale set in a fantastical world, where nothing is quite as it seems. ‘Dramatically powerful and visually striking. The Lost Things is the kind of puppet-play that excels in telling bitter-sweet flash-and-blood stories.’ The Herald Originally Commissioned by Imaginate and supported through the Scottish Government’s Edinburgh Expo Fund. PAGE 33 box office 01592 583303 THu 31 MArCH – SAT 2 APriL i 7Pm i £10 SCOTTiSH COMMuNiTy DrAMA ASSOCiATiON EAST OF SCOTLAND ONE ACT PLAy FiNALS 9 winning one-act plays from east of scotland Festivals (including 3 from Fife) meet to see which teams will advance to the scottish Final. all tiCkets £7.50, ConC. £6 THur 31 MArCH i 10.30am & 1.30Pm age PuPPETCrAFT MONKEy! 4+ TuE 5 APriL i 10.30am & 1.30Pm THE BOy AND THE WOrLD (animated Film) WED 6 APriL i 10.30am & 1.30Pm SONG OF THE SEA (animated Film) Fri 8 APriL i 10.30am & 1.30Pm LJuBLJANA PuPPET THEATrE CATCH ME age 8+ age PG age 2+ Fri 8 – SAT 9 APriL i 7.15Pm; sat mat 2.15Pm i £10, ConC. £8 yOuTH MuSiC THEATrE SCOTLAND an amateur YoutH GrouP ProduCtion Lyrics by Tim Rice, Music by Andrew Lloyd Webber the biblical story of Joseph and his coat of many colours comes alive in this musical re-telling. Joseph is Jacob’s favourite son and is blessed with a gift of deciphering dreams. He is given a coat of many colours by his beloved father and that is where his adventure begins... betrayed by his band of brothers, sold into slavery, and finally ending up as confidante to the Pharaoh of egypt – Joseph has a wild journey through this musical which is set to a multitude of musical styles from country-western to bubble-gum pop. a great fun show for all the family. COMiNG SOON! 18 may Pinetree, Poggle and Me 1 – 4 June LADAMA 9 to 5 PAGE 34 FifeSpace Galleries at Rothes Halls and Lochgelly Centre offer a range of changing visual art and photographic exhibitions. Free admission open monday to saturday, 9am – 5pm (until 2pm saturday at lochgelly) Mon 18 JAnuARy – WED 16 MARCH i LoCHGELLy CEnTRE Fife’s Creative industries members of Fife’s Creative industries have been invited to submit items for display relevant to their business practice. this exhibition is part of the ‘Create in Fife’ programme which supports the creative and cultural sector by providing resources and information about local, national and international opportunities, FRi 5 FEBRuARy – WED 23 MARCH i RoTHES HALLS Mon 28 MARCH – WED 1 JunE i LoCHGELLy CEnTRE nEW GRADuATE EXHiBiTion Vessels rachel lee a former student of st andrews High school kirkcaldy, rachel graduated from duncan of Jordanston College of art in 2015 with a first class honours degree. rachel is very excited to be returning home to Fife to showcase this vibrant body of her artwork in her first solo exhibition since graduating. SAT 2 APRiL – WED 25 MAy i RoTHES HALLS out of the Shadows and into the Sun A retrospective of the work of Ian Wilkie 1954–2014 a range of artwork showcasing the stunning talent of ian Wilkie, including some of his now legendary miniature guitar replicas. the display will include photographs taken from the 1970s up until last year as well as some recent paintings. the most notable painting, Out of the shadows and into the Sun, was completed in september 2014. ian was born and brought up in Fife where he lived for most of his life. He studied at duncan of Jordanstone College of art from 1972–1977 where he qualified in graphic design and photography. Mon 7 MARCH – SAT 23 APRiL i RoTHES HALLS Fotospace Gallery presents their annual open submission exhibition. the competition is open to photographers who are residents of the british isles. this year there will be between 8 – 10 photographers selected, with cash prizes for two of the exhibitors. the selection jury will include sally Hui Wang, nanjing institute of industry technology, China and dr susanne ramsenthaler from the edinburgh College of art. Fotospace info at PAGE 35 Kingdom Centre, Glenrothes Ky7 5nX box office 01592 611101 box office opens mon – sat, 9am – 5pm and 1 hour before performances Fri 22 JANuAry i 7.30Pm i £22.50 i PRE-THEATRE MEALS £12 THE DuBLiN LEGENDS Featuring three former members of the dubliners, the dublin legends return to Glenrothes to perform rousing classics such as Whiskey in The Jar, Dirty Old Town and The Wild Rover. the dublin legends continue the legacy started by the original dubliners way back in 1962, as former members sean Cannon, eamonn Campbell and Gerry o’Connor join with Paul Watchorn, one of the best five string banjo players in ireland. all are true legends of irish folk music, and together they perform a set packed with classic songs and ballads known the world over in what is always one of the most foot-stompingly good night outs of the year! THur 28 JANuAry i 7.30Pm i £18.50, ConC. £16.50 i PRE-THEATRE MEALS £12 COuNTry LEGENDS it’s going to be a humdinger of a hoedown as Country legends returns for another hand-clapping, foot-stompin’ night of great entertainment. bringing you the perfect mix of old and new country, the show features classic hits from the likes of Hank Williams, Patsy Cline, Garth brooks, lady antebellum, shania twain and many more. the terrific voices of Jeanne Jordan and bJ thomas are backed by the outlaw Country band, who combine to offer flawless renditions of scores of superlative Country classics. Whether your number one is Stand By Your Man, Jolene, Islands In The Stream or 9 to 5, you’ll find a first-rate rendition here in rothes Halls. add stunning costume changes, a large slice of fun and an amazingly authentic country barn stage set, and you’re guaranteed a great night of solid gold Country! SAT 30 JANuAry i 2Pm & 7Pm i adults £8, u-16 £5 THE SArAH HENDry SCHOOL OF DANCE. SCOTS WHA HAE! the dancers from the sarah Hendry school of Highland dance will guide you through the burns story with their energetic choreographies. their depiction of robert burns encompasses the man, his poems, his travels, haggis, whisky and so much more, and will give you a fresh insight into the reasons we’re still celebrating this great man over 200 years later. PAGE 36 box office 01592 611101 THur 11 FEBruAry i 10.30am & 1.30Pm i £7.50, ConC. £6 i aGe 5 – 11 age 5–11 JANGO STArr ONE MAN SHOE One Man Shoe, a new show for children and families, sees bumbling theatre caretaker Jango starr thrust into the limelight when the headline act fails to turn up. Full details on page 33. THur 11 FEBruAry i 7.30Pm i £22, ConC. £19 i aGe 16+ CirCuS OF HOrrOrS 21st anniVersarY tour WELCOME TO THE CArNEviL the show that rampaged into the finals of britain’s Got talent and is now a West end smash is back to mark its 21st anniversary in spectacular style. this latest incarnation, Welcome to the Carnevil, is set in Victorian london in 1899 when Jack the ripper was still at large and this was the age of the Freakshow. a young girl dreams of running away to join the Circus only to see her dream become a nightmare in a decrepit & corpse-ridden Carnevil, plagued by a swamp of killer klowns, sword swallowers, demon drawfs, death deifying aerialists, a Guinness World record holding Hairculian diva swinging solely from her hair, and back flipping & fire limboing acrobats. the story twists and turns with grisly murders and sensational shocks – all interwoven with some of the greatest and most bizarre circus acts on earth, performed by an almighty cast with a forked tongue firmly in each cheek and the devil driven rock ‘n’ roll of dr Haze & the interceptors from Hell. Fri 12 FEBruAry i 7.30Pm i £20, ConC. £18 THE KAST OFF KiNKS the kast off kinks formed in 1994 to keep the music of the kinks alive. they are a tribute band with a difference, however – as the name implies, the band is made up of former members of the original band! the original line-up consisted of the band that played the classic hit lola (apart from ray and dave) – avory, dalton and Gosling – while almost every other ex-kink has guested with the kast off kinks, including the great ray davies. this is a great chance to hear authentic versions of the hits Lola, Sunny Afternoon, Waterloo Sunset and You Really Got Me with the true kinks seal of approval. “A full house, and a standing ovation. Anyone wondering about going, don’t hesitate!” the stables, milton keynes PAGE 37 box office 01592 611101 SAT 13 FEBruAry i 8Pm i £12.50 THE BiG DANCE WiTH THE SCOTTiSH SWiNG OrCHESTrA Leader Dave Batchelor Hosted by George Duncan Playing STRiCTLy FoR DAnCinG it’s back. returning due to popular demand and playing strictly for dancing, the scottish swing orchestra have fun with all the dance music that Fife dancers love. For one night only rothes Halls is transformed into Fife’s premiere ballroom – all dressed-up and lit-up with real style – cabaret seating, full bar and big dance floor. a great night out. Come along at 7pm for a quick starter lesson. THur 25 – SAT 27 FEBruAry i 7.30Pm; sat mat 2.30Pm i £12, ConC. £8 GAMA yOuTH ALADDiN let our magic carpet fly you away to a world filled with romance, laughter and the cheesy pop songs we all know and love, as Gama Youth present the heart-warming Aladdin. the award winning company present this timeless classic with a modern twist. Heroes, villains and a happy ending – what more could you wish for? Fri 4 & SAT 5 MArCH i 7.30Pm; sat mat 2.30Pm i £8 LESLiE AMATEur DrAMATiC CLuB THrEE ONE ACT PLAyS scotland’s oldest surviving drama club brought you the sell-out triumph of The Steamie last year, and kick off 2016 by presenting three carefully crafted one act plays. anyone who has seen them perform will already know that members excel at characterisation and possess great comic timing – so prepare to be thoroughly entertained by this perfect mix of comedy and drama! PAGE 38 box office 01592 611101 WED 2 MArCH i 7.30Pm i £26.50 HEATHEr SMALL vOiCE OF M PEOPLE after selling several million records, winning two brit awards and the mercury music Prize, performing across the globe and recording a track that has become an unofficial national anthem – international anthem even – Heather small is one of the most successful female recording artists of recent times. as part of m People, hits such as Moving On Up, One Night In Heaven and Search For The Hero saw Heather become one of the seminal british voices of the 1990s. she has since had great success with two solo albums – the title track of her Proud album going on to become the soundtrack to a whole host of very special events including london’s successful 2012 olympic bid. Grab the chance to see her in Glenrothes while you still can! Fri 4 MArCH i 7.30Pm i £21, ConC. £19 i PRE-THEATRE MEALS £12 AN EvENiNG OF DirTy DANCiNG: THE TriBuTE SHOW An Evening of Dirty Dancing: The Tribute Show is a 5-star homage to the greatest movie soundtrack of all time. often imitated but never bettered, this is the original celebration of the iconic music from the multi-award winning soundtrack to Dirty Dancing. a high energy emotional roller-coaster of an evening with breathtaking choreography and buckets of nostalgia. Put your dancing shoes on and get ready to have the time of your life! includes the classic songs: Big Girls Don’t Cry, Hey Baby, Wipeout, Do You Love Me, Hungry Eyes and, of course, the oscar-winning (I’ve Had) The Time of My Life. ‘A feel-good show, superbly executed.’ The Argus ‘All singing, all dancing, highly watchable entertainment.’ The Stage ‘90 minutes of high-energy, colourful outfits and a good looking cast who left you wanting more.’ North West Evening Mail *Please note this production is not affiliated with Dirty Dancing: The Classic Story On Stage on tour in the UK and worldwide* PAGE 39 box office 01592 611101 THur 10 MArCH i 7.30Pm i £12, ConC. £10 MAiN STrEET BLuES one of scotland’s premier blues bands, main street blues combine acoustic blues with powerful electric blues and funk material. a festival favourite known for putting on a live show bursting with energy, the band has sold out its performances at the prestigious edinburgh Jazz and blues Festival in each of the last four years. ‘So tight you couldn’t slide a Rizla between them. Great gig.’ ian rankin ‘i was left craving and shouting for more with a crowd who were happy having shared this great show.’ mike ‘dr blue’ mckeon, british blues archive ‘Jubilant atmosphere, packed to the rafters. Face melting guitar solos. A blues band in the truest sense.’ Blues in Britain magazine SAT 12 MArCH i 7.30Pm i £22.50 i PRE-THEATRE MEALS £12 THE MAGiC OF THE BEATLES yESTERDAy: THE GoLDEn AnniVERSARy TouR 1966 was one of the most exciting times in pop music history, not least for the coming of age of lennon and mcCartney as songwriters, with the beatles’ 11th eP Yesterday and seventh studio album Revolver both topping the charts. marking the 50th anniversary of this seismic moment in british pop, the magic of the beatles are as authentic and authoritative a celebration of the beatles as you can get! the band returns us to this golden era by taking you from the beatles’ mop top roots to the psychedelia of Sgt Pepper and beyond, from Love Me Do to Let It Be. You’re in for some fantastic costumes, brilliant vocals and incredible musicianship which Come Together in a lavish magical musical trip back to Yesterday! SAT 12 MArCH i 7.30Pm i £10 i rotHes Hall studio GAMA 50TH ANNivErSAry CELEBrATiON SEONAiD AiTKEN AND BruCE DAviES seonaid aitken is one of the most versatile musicians in the uk, working as a cabaret artist and with her Gypsy Jazz band, rose room. she is also much in demand as a session musician across many genres of music. bruce davies has performed across the uk and usa and his rich voice and easy-on-the-ear guitar style have been heard in venues as diverse as the united nations, new York; the bluebird Café, nashville; and rothes Halls' studio right here in Fife. both of these internationally acclaimed artists have strong ties with Gama. they will be inviting members of the Gama Chorus to join them and will be combining a few special numbers, all of which all adds up to an unmissable evening! PAGE 40 box office 01592 611101 THur 17 MArCH i 7.30Pm i £40, ViP tiCket £89 LuLu We’ve had some amazing musical legends at rothes Halls over the years, but it’s an unbelievable delight to welcome the incredible lulu as she prepares to rock the Halls! the Grammy-nominated singer will be performing hits from her incredible 50 year career, such as To Sir With Love, The Man Who Sold The World, Relight My Fire, and, of course, the legendary Shout. as well as performing songs from some of her musical heroes, such as soul legends ray Charles and otis redding, she will also be taking us on a musical journey recalling personal anecdotes, songwriting experiences, and other entertaining stories. lulu: “2015 has been an exceptional year for me, in a 50-year career, from performing at Glastonbury and releasing my first self-penned album to touring the uk with my fabulous band for the first time in 10 years. i had so much fun, i’ve decided to get back out there to do it again in 2016, and i can’t wait!” neither can we!!! ‘Stand back, Florence and Paloma, Lulu has re-lit her fire.’ York Press ‘The thrill is there as Lulu relights the fire…outstanding as her voice soared the auditorium.’ The Nottingham Post all tiCkets £7.50, ConC. £6 THur 31 MArCH i 10.30am & 1.30Pm JABuTi THEATrE Fri 1 APriL i 10.30am & 1.30Pm PuPPETCrAFT age MOONBEAM ON A CAT’S EAr MONKEy! 3–5 age 4+ SAT 2 APriL i 10.30am & 1.30Pm THEATrE FiDEri FiDErA PiTSCHi, THE KiTTEN WiTH DrEAMS THu 7 APriL i 10.30am & 1.30Pm LJuBLJANA PuPPET THEATrE CATCH ME age 2–7 age 2+ PAGE 41 box office 01592 611101 TuE 12 APriL i 7.30Pm i £19.50 i PRE-THEATRE MEALS £12 PATSy CLiNE: THE CONCErT SHE NEvEr GAvE rothes Halls welcomes an enthralling evening of song, laughter and legendary stories as a talented cast pay tribute to the life and times of country music legend Patsy Cline. The Concert She Never Gave features the stars of the West end production Patsy, including ireland’s ‘Queen of Country music’, sandy kelly, and american, George Hamilton V. George’s appearance is a moving tribute to his father George Hamilton iV, one of the true greats of country music and one of Patsy’s closest friends. sit back and enjoy some of the greatest country music ever recorded, including Crazy, Sweet Dreams, Walking After Midnight, Early Morning Rain and She’s A Little Bit Country. Fri 22 APriL i 7.30Pm i £19.50 i PRE-THEATRE MEALS £12 DOMiNiC KirWAN HErE FOr A GOOD TiME Firmly established as one of ireland’s greatest ever entertainers, dominic kirwan is back on the road with a brand new show to delight his legions of fans. dominic will be accompanied by his fabulous band as well as a very special new addition, as he introduces his son, barry, a talented singer and musician in his own right, touring with his famous father for the first time. a proud dominic says “barry has been a professional musician for a number of years now, and is planning to launch his own band and show later in the year, but for now, i am delighted to be able to introduce him to my audiences across the uk and ireland.” if he’s anywhere near as talented as his father, ireland’s favourite country singer for many years, then we’re in for a real treat! SAT 23 APriL i 7.30Pm i £17.50 THE SPriNGSTEEN SESSiONS bruce springsteen and the e-street band are true legends of rock music. You all know the hits – Born To Run, The River, My Hometown, Bobby Jean, Born In The USA, Dancing In The Dark, 10th Avenue Freeze Out, Atlantic City, Thunder Road, I’m On Fire, Jungleland, Tougher than The Rest, Glory Days – well, if we named them all we’d be here all day! rothes Halls welcomes the springsteen sessions – a real treat for any true springsteen fan. seven highly respected and accomplished musicians will take you on a two hour journey with the best from the springsteen catalogue. all your favourites will be there, from the beginning right up to the present day. don’t miss what promises to be a great night of the boss! PAGE 42 box office 01592 611101 SAT 9 APriL i 8Pm i £17.50 GiLDED BALLOON PrESENTS COMEDyGALA FeaturinG FrED MACAuLAy, GrANT STOTT, KEviN MCMAHON and SCOTT GiBSON WED 27 APriL i 8Pm i £19 i aGe 16+ ED ByrNE OuTSiDE, LOOKiNG iN the master of observational comedy, ed's many tV appearances over the last couple of years have included hosting Live At The Apollo and being a regular panellist on Mock the Week and Have I Got News for You, as well as Miranda Hart’s Christmas Unwrapped. a sucker for a quiz, particular recent highlights for ed have been taking part in Celebrity Mastermind and being a contestant on Celebrity Pointless. ed is also a regular contributor to comedy and music shows on both bbC radio 2 and 4 and 6 music. see more at “Comedy’s holy grail... Go see.” ★★★★ The Sunday Times “A masterful display of the comic’s art.” ★★★★★ The Sunday Times “Byrne is at the top of his game.” ★★★★ Sunday Telegraph COMiNG SOON! 7 may one night of Elvis 12 may Whitney, Queen of the night 13 may All Folk’d up 14 may oh! Carol – The Music of neil Sedaka 20 may Rat Pack Live 21 may Sensation, the music of The Who 28 may Hotel California PAGE 43 War Memorial Gardens, Kirkcaldy, Fife Ky1 1yG 01592 583206 TREASURES FOUND: ARCHAEOLOGY FROM THE EAST OF SCOTLAND until 14 February i Daily i Free From a bronze age spearhead to roman coins and a medieval pilgrim badge, this exhibition of recent archaeological finds from the east of scotland sheds a fascinating new light on the history of the area. Supported by the Art Fund and the Headley Trust and created by the East of Scotland Museums Partnership Medieval Agnus Dei (Lamb of God) container found at Crail. Purchased with assistance from the National Fund for Acquisitions. IN THE EYE OF THE STORM until 14 February i Daily i Free Broken Weather, Port Seton by William McTaggart PAGE 44 dive into this exhibition of seascape paintings, which explores artists’ fascination with the sea in all of its many guises. From the tempestuous surge of stormy waves to the gentle lapping of the sea on sun-kissed shores, the sea has inspired painters such as s J Peploe, John duncan and William mctaggart, whose work is featured here. Kinburn Park, Doubledykes Road, St Andrews Ky16 9DP 01334 659380 FIFE CONTEMPORARY ART & CRAFT HEAT EXCHANGE I I until 28 February i Daily i Free a jewellery exhibition exploring exciting and innovative ways of working with vitreous enamel. the artists involved have been encouraged to discuss and exchange ideas across the world through a multi-author blog, and create opportunities to meet and work together. a range of activities are being organised to complement the exhibition – details from the venue and more information is available from the Heat exchange ii blog at Celestial Pendant by Stephen Bottomley. Photo by Shannon Tofts SEWING INDEPENDENCE REVEALING THE WEMYSS SCHOOL OF NEEDLEWORK 12 March – 15 May i Free boasting a beautiful collection of embroidered works, the Wemyss school of needlework showcases its collection in its first major exhibition outside of the school since 1936. discover a stunning array of extraordinary needlework produced in east Fife. explore the history and continuing legacy of the institution that offered the opportunity for the daughters of local miners and farmers to stitch their way to independence. Embroidered wedding boxes from the Wemyss School of Needlework Curated by postgraduate Museums & Galleries Studies students at the University of St Andrews, in collaboration with Fife Cultural Trust PAGE 45 Take your seat and step up for the Arts! Whether it is for you, for a loved one or for your business, naming a seat is a perfect way to commemorate a special occasion or give a unique gift. Enjoy lasting recognition of your support of the arts and culture in Fife by naming a seat in one of our 4 theatre venues. For just £200 a plaque inscribed with your name or dedication will be mounted on the back of your chosen seat at one of our 4 theatre venues for ten years. Contact or call us on 01592 583255 PAGE 46 HOW TO BOOK on your travels Visit us at one of our four Box offices online Book online and choose your own seats at on the phone Call us! Box office numbers are at the top of each page. Remember, we don’t have any additional booking fees whether you book in person or online. keep on top Sign up to our weekly e-newsletter at for latest shows on sale news, competitions and offers. Join us ONline at onfife @onfife and @onfifetheatres PrE-THEATrE MEALS our theatre cafés are fully licensed and open one hour before performances. We offer pre-theatre meals before many of our shows at a tumtastic £12 for 2 courses. look out for the knife and fork symbol. ask at box office for the menus. advanced booking is essential either at box office or online. GrOuPS We welcome larger parties and if you have a group of 10+ interested in seeing a show, call any of our box offices or our Groups Booking line on 01592 583354, as you may be able to benefit from a group discount. ACCESS all our theatres and museums have ramps for easy access, plus adaptable toilets, induction loops and disabled parking. Guide dogs and hearing dogs are welcome. CONCESSiONS We offer lower-priced concession tickets for many of our shows. if you are under 16, a senior Citizen, student in full time education, registered disabled or unemployed, where you see ‘conc.’ you can book at a reduced price. When collecting concessionary tickets, proof of concession must be provided. Fife Cultural trust actively supports breastfeeding. You are welcome to feed your baby in any of our public or community venues. Just ask at box office if you’d like this brochure in a large print or audio version. LATECOMErS out of respect to the performers, if you arrive after a show has started, you may have to wait until the interval before we can admit you. DATA PrOTECTiON Whether you’ve seen a show, had lunch in one of our cafés or just have a suggestion, we want to hear from you. Log on to or speak to a member of staff, and spill the beans! Fife Cultural trust is registered with the data Protection registrar and is committed to upholding the data Protection act. should you wish to be removed from our mailing list, please email PAGE 47 CREATING EVENTS DEMAND From organising a birthday celebration to planning a wedding, arranging a fundraising ball or booking a Christmas party, our impressive theatres, Galleries, museums and libraries each offer something unique and inviting when hosting a memorable event. across a wide range of locations within Fife, you can choose to celebrate in a grand venue soaked in history or in stylish contemporary settings that are dressed to impress. our expert teams help organise and deliver events for all sizes from 4 to 1400 whilst offering first-class technical expertise and inspiring catering, all competitively priced to suit your budget. For enquiries, further information or to arrange a show round of a venue please contact: Sharron Mcintosh on 01592 583255 or email