st. francis of assisi
st. francis of assisi
June 1, 2014 7th Sunday of Easter ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI 29 Northgate Drive, Greenlawn, NY Telephone: 757-7435—FAX #757-0469 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Parish Staff: Rev. Peter F. Kaczmarek, Pastor Msgr. Patrick Armshaw, Pastor Emeritus Deacon David Campbell Deacon Jean Cantave Deacon Allan D. Longo, Faith Formation Deacon James Byrne Office Hours: Monday-Thursday: 9:00am– 3:30pm; Friday 9:00am-12:30pm Closed 12:30pm—1:15pm Daily Evenings: By appointment only Parish Mass Schedule: Saturday: 4:30pm Sunday: 8:00am, 10:00am, 12:00 noon 5:00pm Youth Mass (Christian Rock Mass) Monday—Friday: 8:30am Holy Days of Obligation: as announced. Faith Formation (1st through 8th grade) Religious Education Coordinator: Deacon Allan Longo: 754-6436 Sacramental Life Baptism: Scheduled Sundays at 1:30pm Parents should contact the Rectory before the birth of the child. Both parents must come for an interview with the priest or deacon. Class also required after the interview. Sacrament of Matrimony: Music Ministry Adult Choir Director: Lynn M. Wilson Junior Choir Director: Marianne Craven 368-3141 [email protected] Youth Band Coordinator: Greg Gullotti: [email protected] Organists: Theresa Bissex Shira Fishkin Son Ministry/Youth Ministry Program [email protected] Road Angels: 261-4837 Communion to the Homebound: 514-9916 Penance/ Reconciliation: Diane Lake: 499-0395 Anointing of the Sick: Every second Monday after the 8:30am Mass. Also anytime by calling the rectory at 757-7435. 9:00am—10:00am 8:00pm—10pm with Benediction Catholic Conversion R.C.I.A. Ministry of Consolation & Bereavement Liturgical Ministry Lector & Eucharistic Ministers Marilyn Reilly: 261-2093 New Parishioners Every family should be properly registered. Please stop in the sacristy after Sunday Mass or at the rectory office during office hours to pick up a census form. Parish Programs Trinity Regional School 1025 Fifth Avenue E. Northport Principal: Jeanne Morcone Office: 261-5130 Please call the rectory. Liturgy of the Hours In church Wednesday at 8:00am Rosary: Daily at 8:00am and 9:10am Pastoral Care Please call the rectory at least six months in advance for an appointment with a parish priest. A marriage preparation program is required. Saturdays 2:00—3:30pm Also by appointment Devotional Life First Friday Holy Hours In the church Wednesdays: 7:00pm—8:00pm Fridays: 2:00pm—3:00pm Pastoral Advisory Council Neil Coscio, Chairperson: 261-0816 Haitian Mass Every 3rd Saturday: 6:30pm Deacon Jean Cantave :923-0556 St. Vincent de Paul Society Meets semimonthly in the auditorium. 651-2655 In-Home Pre-Cana Seasonally in hosts home Coordinators: 271-3566 Deacon Allan & Lorraine Longo Little People’s Liturgy Sundays at the 10:00am Mass. Louise Mordarski: 796-2070 Rosy Mandel: 651-8431 PB&J Gang 3rd Sunday of the month Leslie Kulewicz: 754-2132 Ivonne Porpora: 499-3780 June 1, 2014 2 Mission Statement: St. Francis of Assisi Parish is a Christ-centered family of believers, celebrating Christ alive in our lives through the inspiration of the Gospel, church teachings and traditions and the Sacraments. We are sensitive to the spiritual and temporal needs of God’s people, acknowledging their uniqueness and dignity and are dedicated to reaching out and serving them through prayer, liturgical celebrations and social ministries. Guided by the Holy Spirit and nourished by the Holy Eucharist, we welcome all people with, respect and compassion. We are vigilant in protecting the rights of the most vulnerable. In the tradition of our patron, St. Francis of Assisi, we put the “good news” of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ into action. MASSES FOR THE WEEK Sunday, June 1, 2014 8:00am St. Francis Parishioners 10:00am Edward Thompson+, Kate Porto+, Louis Aliperti+, Dave Beirne+ 12:00pm Frank & Anna Trotta+, Michael & Jean DePaolo+, Nicholas & Rose Trotta+, The Besong Family 5:00pm Youth of St. Francis Monday, June 2, 2014 8:30am In Thanksgiving to St. Joseph Tuesday, June 3, 2014 8:30am James Buruenich+ Wednesday, June 4, 2014 8:30am Salvatore Calvagna+ Thursday, June 5, 2014 8:30am Ints of the Holy Father, Pope Francis Friday, June 6, 2014 8:30am Ints. of Charles Porto, Jr. Saturday, June 7, 2014 4:30pm Michael Levens+, Raffaela Confessore+, Luke & Mary Donlon+ Sunday, June 8, 2014—Pentecost Sunday 8:00am St. Francis Parishioners 10:00am Louise & Martin DeRiso+, Anthony Chiodo+, Angelo Viteritti+, Kate Porto+ 12:00pm Mario Cristina Urruela+, Anthony Celletti+, Tilly Farina+,Michael D’Amato+, Carmelo Zaccaria+ 5:00pm Youth of St. Francis Ministers for Saturday and Sunday June 7th & June 8th Saturday 4:30pm Eucharistic Ministers: Deacon Allan Longo, Lorraine Longo, Diane Bauge, Sean Pugni, Giselle Nelson Lector: Joe Clines Altar Servers: Liam Leary Sunday 8:00am Eucharistic Ministers: Deacon Jean Cantave, Diane Lake, Joan Collins, Michael Lobasso, Germulee Osse Lector: James Gribbin Altar Servers: Lauren Stebbins, Kathryn & Danny Morgan 10:00am Eucharistic Ministers: Judy McKenna, Jo Amadio, Pam Capotosto, Phineas Reichert, Louise Mordarski Lector: Neil Coscio Altar Servers: Lorenzo, Lucas & Giancarlo Porpora 12:00pm Eucharistic Ministers: Deacon Jim Byrne, Louise Rastu, Lorraine Cullen, Lynda Kremmelbein, Chris Torns Lector: Kathleen Dyckes Altar Servers: Phineas & Tiernan Reichert 5:00pm Eucharistic Ministers: Ann Ahlsrom Saxer, Judith Torchon Lector: Jeffrey Froh Altar Servers: James Butron Saint Francis Parish/Huntington Hospital Eucharistic Schedule First, Third, Fourth and Fifth Sundays of the Month Meet at 9:15am in Hospital Lobby June 8th: St. Patrick’s Parish serves Huntington Hospital Please pray for the sick of the Parish Bruna Ambrose, John Armshaw, The Bauge Family, Patrick Bissex, Susan Bitonti, Frank Bitonti, Gayle Bono, Josephine & Christopher Caiozzo, Elizabeth Caroll, Ruperto Caruajal, Patrick Cashin, Gianna Cerulli, Nina Crilly, Patricia Davis, John DeMayo, Walter Dichurt, Joseph Dissler, Glenn & Josephine Eisenbruch, Walter Fay, Paul Gabel, Kathleen Gleason, Connie Granite, Mary Ellen Hess, Victoria Hren, Gus Hueber, Bonnie Inzalaco, August Justesen, Courtney Kane, Don Lammers, Kathy La Russo, Janice A. Lewis, Peter LoRe, Gil Lorenz, Clementina Maldunado, Jimmy Martinez, Carol McDonald, Sean McGrath, John Mulrooney, Thomas Nash, Joan Neibuhr, Danielle Nicosia, Barbara Nigro, Philip “Gene” Phelan, The Porter Family, Karim Pozderec, Anthony (Danny) Puliatti, Debby Quartin, Regina Rakowski, Emily Rose, Stacy Rose, Lillian Sanchez, Paul Sepp,Eleanor A. Thompson, Leslie Malone Walker, Frank Ward, Daniel Wilbur, Marlene Wyleczuk, Flori Young June 1, 2014 3 Festival 2014 ~ THANK YOU Capital Campaign Update We now begin the “Redemption Phase” of our capital campaign. It will be carried out by other personnel from Lynch Development in collaboration with our rectory office. If you have any questions or difficulties about the pledges you made, you may contact Lynch directly or we will show you how to reach them. Again, Very special thanks to all parishioners who made pledges large and small in this important campaign. During the summer, some important things will happen. We will distribute questionnaires in the bulletin to be returned by mail or in the collection basket, listing some maintenance and refurbishing goals that we have identified and asking for your input and help in prioritizing what work should be done first. During the summer (to the end of the fiscal year, August 31st) we will not be expensing out any of the campaign funds, but we will be consulting with diocesan engineers in the Department of Building and Renovations about how best to proceed. Some maintenance projects will be begun in the fall and we will begin the major work with the installation of a new air conditioning system as soon as we can develop a proposal and we have conducted a formal bidding process. All parishioners who have made pledges will be contacted by Lynch and the redemption phase will commence very soon. Those who made smaller one-time gifts will not be sent monthly or quarterly letters, but will be invited to help a little more as the redemption phase wraps up. Small pledges, believe it or not, are still coming in (any parishioner can still make a pledge large or small). We will give a final tally on total pledges very soon. We easily reached our case statement goal and achieved some of our vision goal and therefore the drive was a good success and a lot will be done. Special Thanks It is time to acknowledge those who helped us in very generous ways with our festival! Sincere and hardworking volunteers willing to give of their time and energy are absolutely essential to having a feast. A partial list of important feast members is listed on this page. If we omitted someone inadvertently, please let us know! Emma Amoreisky & Terry Iaquinto – Food Tent Deacon Jean Cantave & Family - Haitian Specialties Deacon Dave Campbell, Sal Cataldo, Mike Mordarski, & Sam Maratto – Bistro Cafe Chris Torns – Ride Sales Paul Sepp & Josephine Mielcarz - Grand Raffle & 50/50 Deacon Jim Byrne & Deacon Allan Longo – Catholic Trivia Mike & Ellen Lobasso – Statue & Prayer Tent Eileen Byrne & Carrie Becker - Baby Corner Frank Browne & Knights of Columbus – Beer Tent Greg Gullotti & Tom Fetzer - Youth Band Marianne Craven – Junior Choir Louise Rastu – “The Red Hot Mamas” Dance Studio Ray Melograve – SpiritLifters – Reason 4:13 Pat Brennan & Jim DeLuca - Counters Ron Farmer – Set Up AJ, Steve Barretto, & Paul – Clean Up Anita, Lisa & Kathryn – All Purpose Gals ****Thank You to All Our Volunteers!!!!*** June 1, 2014 4 Time, Talent & Treasure Fostering Stewardship as a way of life (Regular Sunday Offertory) Last Sunday’s weekly offering:$TBA Last Year’s Sunday offering: $8,965.50 Thanks for Giving First Fruits & Taking a Step!!! Bulletin Reflection In today’s Gospel, Jesus prays, “I have given You glory on earth by finishing the work You gave Me to do.” Good stewards follow His example by using their time and talents for the glory of God. Living Stewardship We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish whose giving - whether of alms or of service - will be an expression of gratitude for what the Father has given them. June 1: The Ascension of the Lord Today as we celebrate the feast of the Ascension we are reminded that Christ’s saving work on earth continues through his disciples…and now through us. When we give to the poor, God indeed pours his love, peace and joy into our hearts, into our lives and into the hearts of those who are poor. Blood Drive June 8th 8:45-2:30pm here in the lower church at St. Francis SUNDAY READINGS for next week, June 8th Acts 2:1-11 Filled with the Holy Spirit, the apostles preach the word of God and all na ons understand the message. 1 Corinthians 12:3-7, 12-13 The Holy Spirit is the source of faith and of all gi s. In bap sm we are united by the Spirit in the Body of Christ. The Holy Father’s Intentions for May • John 20:19-23 Jesus appears to his disciples a er his resurrec on. He offers them his gi of peace and empowers them with the Holy Spirit. Send us your email if you would like to start receiving “Bringing Home the Word”, a weekly message based on the Sunday Scripture readings. • That the unemployed may receive support and find the work they need to live in dignity. That Europe may rediscover its Chris an roots through the witness of believers. II. Nicholas K. Vedder to Laura Stasiuk, St. Francis ofi Assis, Greenlawn June 1, 2014 St. Francis Festival 2014 5 June 1, 2014 6 “Thank You” to all our St. Francis FESTIVAL SPONSORS… Brueggemann Funeral Home of East Northport M.A. Connell Funeral Home Buckley Family Chiropractic Larkfield IGA Nolan & Taylor-Howe Funeral Home Precision Interior Raymond Mascolo DDS Thomas Mascolo DMD A.J. Roofing•A.L. Jacobsen Funeral Home Everbest Bakery•Good News Book Store Greenlawn Service Inc. All Weather Tires•Beckman’s Florist•Mr. Sausage Oakwood Car Care•Spinelli’s Pizza and a Special Heartfelt “Thank You” To our St. Francis Bistro Café Donors Brueggemann Funeral Home Buckley Family Chiropractic M.A. Connell Funeral Home Mike & Louise Mordarski Route 110 Restaurant Equipment Verona Restaurant Vincent’s Clam Bar June 1, 2014 7 If you made a pledge to the Capital Campaign, you can expect a statement for redemption soon. Any redemption questions feel free to contact : Jackie Vano, Lynch Development Associates 74 New York Ave. Suite 2 Huntington, NY 11743 631-351-1368 [email protected] 5/30/14 6/13/14 6/20/14 6/27/14 7/11/14 7/18/14 7/25/14 8/8/14 Ann Saxer Diane Young Dawn Chaffin Judith Torchon Diane Young Cathy Kitakis Elizabeth Lockwood Mary Ann Farmer The St. Francis monthly Booster Club Winner is: Barbara Nigro! Tickets are $50.00 and are available in the Rectory. Your ticket is entered to win Every Week! “Then He said to His disciples, ‘The harvest is abundant, but the laborers are few; so ask the Master of the harvest to send out laborers for His harvest.’” RESPECT LIFE NEWS Life in the womb has no voice but yours. Precious lives are at risk. We are supposed to be God’s hands and voice. Here on earth there is no greater work to be done. We must all do whatever we can, to the best of our abilities to end abortion. (Source: Stephenson County Right to Life.) Week after week team members of our St. Francis of Assisi Baby Corner visit families as we bring diapers, wipes, baby food, clothes, and other much needed baby items. We also provide emotional and spiritual support for our moms and dads and precious babies too. To date we have directly assisted over 197 families and have diapered 269 babies. The best part of these home visits is meeting and holding the tiny newborn baby just home from the hospital. Our families appreciate all the baby items that you continue to provide for them. We also need more volunteers to make home visits. All who have gone on a “baby delivery” have found it to be a wonderful experience. With summer approaching and our team members involved with vacation plans, we could use the help of more folks. What does this involve? It is simply meeting us in the St. Francis of Assisi Baby Corner. Our visits average one to two hours depending upon how many families we visit that day. Transportation is provided from the Church. You may be involved as much or as little as your schedule permits. Please consider joining us to as we visit our moms and precious babies!!! Also, we especially need Huggies, Pampers, and Luv’s diapers sizes 4 and 5, unscented baby wipes, baby wash, and stage 2 jars of baby food. We have an ample supply of baby formula and baby clothes at this time. We thank Our Lord through the intercession of Our Lady of Guadalupe and St. Francis for all your help for our precious babies. Need assistance? Wish to join our St. Francis of Assisi Committee? Please call our rectory at 631-757-7435. Intercessions for Life: The Ascension of Our Lord For Pope Francis, and all bishops, priests and deacons: That they may be strengthened to lead our Church into a deeper respect for life, and be witnesses to the goodness of life in Christ. Let us pray to the Lord. Word of Life: “I would like to say, humbly, to those who suffer and to those who struggle and are tempted to turn their backs on life: turn towards Mary! Within the smile of the Virgin lies mysteriously hidden the strength to fight against sickness, in support of life. With her, equally, is found the grace to accept without fear or bitterness to leave this world at the hour chosen by God.” ~Pope Benedict XVI, Homily in front of the Basilica of Notre-Dame du Rosaire, Lourdes, Monday, 15, September 2008 The Life Center of Long Island at 631-243-2373. Call for help with a crisis pregnancy, healing after an abortion, or to donate baby equipment. (Please do not bring baby equipment into our Church; rather call The Life Center to make arrangements. Thank you!) The Life Center’s Life Line is open 24 hours, 7 days a week at 631-243-0066. For information on a retreat weekend for men and women seeking healing after an abortion experience, call Deacon Joe at 516-445-3927 or e-mail ( Next retreat is Friday, June 27-Sunday, June 29, 2014. Please continue to pray each day for our precious babies—born and unborn—and their parents!!! Pray the rosary for the conversion of America’s heart to end abortion. June 1, 2014 St. Francis of Assisi 's Trip to Lancaster PA Wednesday, July 23, 2014 St. Francis church is returning to Lancaster! We will visit Sight and Sound Theatre To see the greatest Biblical epic of the Old Testament, MOSES. Come join us as we travel with Moses on his quest, that changed the course of history. The trip includes: - Round trip bus transportation - A short rest stop • Tickets to Sight and Sound Theatre production of Moses. - Family Style dinner at Plain and Fancy restaurant, where the food comes straight from the farm to your table. Tickets are as follows: Adults $125, Teens (13-18) $105, Children (3-12) $80 -- Payments due by June 2 8 GOD - UNITED NEWS Please join us at our next PB&J Gang date: Sunday, June 15th 6:30-8:00pm Hip hip hooray! We made an amazing 545 sandwiches at our last PB&J Gang. Thank you to all who helped! Loving hands, Caring hearts, Spreading joy, is a very good thing. Come and join us in spreading the joy. PB&J gang can help satisfy your service hour requirements Please bring donations of Bread, Smooth Peanut Butter & Jelly! “I am only one but I can do something, and what I can do with God’s help, I will do” -St Francis of Assisi Jr. Choir Boys and Girls, grade 1-6—Come join the St. Francis Children’s Choir. Rehearsal will be from 11-11:30, after Sunday Mass. Marianne Craven—368-3141 [email protected] St. Francis Rocks ! Come check out the 5 pm Sunday Mass and see what it’s all about ! For information about the Youth Mass Contact our Youth Music Coordinator Greg at [email protected] June 1, 2014 9 Thirsting for Healing? Living Waters Center is a counseling center which provides the Healing Waters of Counseling, Prayer and Love to those who come through our doors. Our therapists are rooted in the prayer that is a basic part of our Catholic Tradition and Faith. Living Waters Center provides individual, family, couple and group therapy. Most insurance plans are accepted. For more information, please call 631-754-3990 or go to our website or email us [email protected] FRIEND US! Find information and pictures on parish activities. Check out our new Photo Gallery on our website, "Congratulations Phineas Reichert on your graduation with honors and academic distinction from St. John the Baptist Diocesan High School! We are so proud of you! Good luck and Godspeed as you begin at The Catholic University of America in the fall! All our Love, Mom, Rob, Tiernan, Gabe, Grandma and Pop Faith and Light Meeting Friday, June 6th, 7:00 p.m. Parish of the Holy Cross 95 Old Nichols Road, Nesconset (Faith and Light is an international faith-sharing organization for people with developmental challenges and their families and care-givers.) PRAYER FOR OUR MEN AND WOMEN IN MILITARY SERVICE O prince of peace, we humbly ask Your protection for all our men and women in the military service. Give them unflinching courage to defend with honor, dignity and devotion the rights of all who are imperiled by injustice and evil, Please guard our churches, our homes, and our schools, our hospitals, our factories, our buildings and all who are within from harm and peril. Protect our land and its peoples from enemies within and without. Grant an early peace with victory founded upon true justice. Please instill in the hearts and minds of people everywhere a firm purpose to live forever in peace and good will toward all. Amen. Operation Hearts and Home needs immediate response if interested in sponsoring and hosting Ukrainian children and teens during the month of August for respite from the turmoil surrounding them in Ukraine. For information contact Susan Bies (516) 319-9837 or Pat Donohoe (516) 662-4094 ( The Father Thomas A. Judge Columbiettes invite you to a presentation on Eucharistic Miracles by Tony Bellizzi. This will be held at the Father Thomas A. Judge Knights of Columbus hall, on the corner of Larkfield Road and Pulaski Road in East Northport, on June 5th. The doors open at 7:30pm and the presentation starts at 8pm. This event is open to the public and is free, but due to limited space, reservations are required. Please call Susan at 516-650-0527.
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