August 7, 2016
August 7, 2016
NINETEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME MASSES FOR THE WEEK SUNDAY, August 7 - Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Readings: Wis 18:6-9 Heb 11:1-2, 8-19 Lk 12:32-48 8:00 A.M. For the People of St. Francis of Assisi 9:30 A.M. Mary Martino 11:00 A.M. Kathy Culkin 12:30 P.M Maria Filiberti Filomena Fosco Antonio DiPompo Filomena Antonelli Patricia & John Balich Guido & Mary Console MONDAY, August 8 - Saint Dominic, Priest Readings: 9:00 A.M. Ez 1:2-5, 24-28c Mt 17:22-27 Giovanna Xuereb TUESDAY, August 9 - Weekday Readings: 9:00 A.M. Ez 2:8-3:4 Mt 18:1-5, 10, 12-14 Madeline & Joseph Salamone WEDNESDAY, August 10 - Saint Lawrence, Deacon Readings: 9:00 A.M. 2 Cor 9:6-10 Jn 12:24-26 and Martyr Mary Geralyn K. DeJesus-Decker THURSDAY, August 11 - Saint Clare, Virgin Readings: 9:00 A.M. Ez 12:1-2 Mt 18:21-- 19:1 Rose and Nicholas Ciraulo CCD Classes Resume on September 18, 2016 REGISTRATION NEVER CLOSES If you have a child in public school, you can register by calling the rectory (718) 728-7801. Diocesan guidelines require two years of instructions prior to the reception of a Sacrament. Are you being called to share your faith? Love working with children? Think about volunteering as a catechist/ teacher in our CCD program! If interested, contact our new Director of Faith Formation, Kristina Blair, by phone 718.728.7801 or by email [email protected]. FRIDAY, August 12 - Weekday Readings: 9:00 A.M. Ez 16:1-15, 60, 63 or 16:59-63 Mt 19:3-12 Joseph Salamone SATURDAY, August 13 - Weekday Readings: 9:00 A.M. 5:00 P.M. Ez 18:1-10 13b, 30-32 Mt 19:13-15 Purgatorial Society Michael Wildes Cicolini Family Sylvester Guerriero Santa, Anthony, Michael & Ciro Trentacosti Angela “Lina” Colombi SUNDAY, August 14 - Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Readings: Jer 38:4-6, 8-10 Heb 12:1-4 Lk 12:49-53 8:00 A.M. Antonia Iacobazzi 9:30 A.M. For the People of St. Francis of Assisi 11:00 A.M. Carmelo & Carmela Vella 12:30 P.M Maria Filiberti Filomena Fosco Carmela Piraneo Antonio DiPompo Filomena Antonelli Giuseppina Bombara Are you interested in being Baptized or complete your initiation by the reception of the Sacraments of Eucharist and/or Confirmation? Please call the Rectory for information about the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. FINANCIAL REPORT FOR JULY- 2016 St. Francis of Assisi Parish Weekly Offering Thank you so much for your generous support of our parish. I am most grateful to everyone for helping me keep the parish budget balanced. In addition, I want to thank all those who gave their weekly envelopes before going on vacation. I pray you are having a restful summer. Thank you for your continued generosity of giving each week. Your weekly offering helps us pay our monthly bills. Please remember if you miss a week for any reason, try to make up for it the following week or when you return. July income: $34,625.93 July expenses: $35,501.25 Surplus or (Deficit): ($875.32) The Collection/Donation for the weekend: July 30/31 Collection $ 4883.00 School parents must use church envelopes. SUMMER WEEKLY COLLECTIONS 50-50 WINNERS for the Month of July First Prize: Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Hosey Second Prize: Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Macchia Third Prize: Mrs. Charlotte Lorenzo Congratulations!! Summer is here and I am asking if you are planning to be away, please consider submitting your summer envelopes before you leave. It is essential because those monies are important to help us pay our summer bills and keep our budget balanced. As you know our fiscal year ends August 31, 2016, so it is important we have a balanced budget. Thank you very much for your continued sacrifices in supporting our parish. We could not pay our monthly bills without your generosity. I appreciate your cooperation in this matter. Have a peaceful, prayerful, enjoyable and safe summer! AIR CONDITIONING ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL The warm weather is here and thank God our Church is air conditioned. However, it is very difficult to please everyone. Some say the Church is nice and cool, others it’s too cold, and some say it’s a little warm. If you are sensitive to the cold, may I suggest that you bring a sweater or sit on the schoolyard side of the Church. It tends to be a little warmer on that side because of the sun shining through the windows. The theme of this year’s Annual Catholic Appeal is “Share the Joy of the Gospel”. Anyone who wishes to make a donation may take an appeal form which is available at the back of church. Those who were not able to pledge to the Generations of Faith Campaign, but can make a donation to the appeal, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Our goal for the appeal is $39,189. Thus far $25,621.00 has been pledged and $20,506.00 has been received. This support comes from 108 donors. I thank you for your generosity. SUMMER RECTORY OFFICE HOURS: Monday – Thursday: 9:00 am to 12 noon * 2:00 pm to 8:00 pm Friday : 9:00 am to 12 noon * 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm (NO EVENING HOURS) Saturday: 9:00 am to 2:00 pm Sunday: Holidays: CLOSED CLOSED Remember in your prayers all those in our parish who are sick, that they may find health and comfort: James Nunez, Vincent Wytak, Carol Ross, Rolondo Larrondo, Jeffrey Hyans, Jessica St. Preux, Al Ciani, Alesha Moses, Elizabeth Quartuccia, Kathleen Newton, Samantha Fabrizi, Nancy McCaffrey, Christopher Wojtalik, Marie Guerriero, Theresa Pacheco, William Goss, Luke Pacheco, Vincenza Papa, Jim Schneggenburger, Anthony Criscuolo, Ann Anselmi, Alice Franklin, Saverio Giordano, John Ross, Terri Kornalewski, Samantha O’Sullivan, Marilyn Miller, Domenica Brandon, Lenny Franklin, John Carmody, Jennie Bizocco, Rosario Duran, Patricia Hili, Edena Iorfida, Mary DeGloria, Charles Formosa, Millie Peri, Vivian Papa, Joel Steinmann, Carlos Arevalo, Dr. Arthur N. Gualtieri, Anna Governali, Antonio Postiglione, Annette Conway, Mario Tamburello, Victoria Garratt Also remember in your prayers all the deceased of the Parish. Please remember to continue to pray for vocations to the priesthood, religious life, diaconate, and married life. 85th Anniversary Book of Prayer Intentions Remember our book of prayer intentions will remain throughout our anniversary year in front of the statue of St. Francis of Assisi. Please feel free to write your prayer intentions in it. These intentions will be remembered every Sunday throughout the anniversary year in the prayer of the faithful. Memorials for the Week of August 7, 2016 ALTAR WINE Is being Offered for Kathy Culkin Requested by Culkin Family FOCUS: Through placing our faith in God and living according to his commands, we become a source of hope. As we read almost daily about terrorism and violence, it can seem like the good guys are losing. This is not the case. As long as believers in God’s ways exist, there is hope that love will overtake hate, good will overtake evil. Jesus’ perfect sacrifice of love upon the cross is definitive proof that the power of sin and evil has been defeated. What more do we need? ATT: ALL SOCIETIES A copy of the 2016-2017 Parish Calendar can be picked up at the Rectory SUMMER PRAYER May our loving God watch over you and keep alive in your heart all that you have learned this year. Amen. Keep your mind on God. Remember to pray often and to celebrate your faith, at home with your family, and at Mass with your faith family. Amen. Keep your faith in God. Let all the joys of summer remind you of God’s goodness. Never forget that God is always with you, no matter what. Amen. May the God of all creation, who comes to us in Jesus, and lives among us in the Holy Spirit, keep you safe, happy, and holy this summer and always. Amen. When going on vacation and you need to know the nearest Catholic Church, will assist you. Enjoy the summer! SFA Blood Drive will be Sunday, September 11th PARKING IN THE SCHOOL YARD When parking in the school yard, please DO NOT park in front of the garbage dumpsters. Those areas are not proper places to park. Thank you for your cooperation. Please Consider Remembering St. Francis of Assisi Parish in your Will. SUMMER DRESS– We are all aware of the warm days of summer that are upon us. We are very fortunate that our church is air-conditioned. Please dress appropriately when coming to Mass. Thank you. Society of St. Vincent de Paul Gives Back For each car, truck or van, running or not, St. Vincent de Paul will give back to St. Francis of Assisi $50/100 per vehicle. Maybe you don’t have a vehicle, but a family member, friend or neighbor has an old or neglected vehicle in their driveway that they would like to dispose of. Call the Society of St. Vincent de Paul at (718) 491-2525. Marian Pilgrimage to Washington, D.C. On Sat. Oct 29, 2016 Bishop DiMarzio is leading the Diocese in the Marian Pilgrimage to Washington DC. The day will begin at 6:00 AM to leave the parish for a bus ride arriving at the Shrine in Washington, D.C. by 11:00 AM. The day will include a multilingual Rosary service at 12 Noon, celebration of the Sacrament of Confession, and a Concelebrated Mass to begin at 3:00 PM. Departure from the Shrine will be by 5:00 PM. The cost for this day trip is $52.00 per person. If you are interested, please call Susan at the rectory as soon as possible in order for us to order a bus for the day. Capacity of the bus is 50 people. Any questions, please feel free to call the rectory. CRAFT TABLE DONATIONS Greetings to all Crocheters, Knitters and Crafters, It's that time of year, our Annual Festival will be on Saturday, September 24th, 2016 and I could use your help. Your kind donations have raised needed funds for our Church and School. Blankets and children's items, sweaters, hats, scarves are a huge request along with shawls, tissue box covers and kitchen décor. * PLEASE DROP OFF YOUR DONATIONS MARKED “FESTIVAL” AT THE RECTORY * ALTAR SERVER SCHEDULE – August 2016 Sat. Aug. 6th 5pm Samantha Dee, Frankie Marzella Sun. Aug. 7th 8am Fiona Hosey, Abigail Vorlicek 9:30am Adrian Hernandez-Yepez, Gabriella Soldo, Kayley Burns 11am Luisa Schwab, Richard Fabrizi 12:30pm no servers available Sat. Aug. 13th 5pm Samantha Dee Sun. Aug. 14th 8am Emma McCloskey 9:30am Fiona Hosey, Julian Visca, Abigail Vorlicek 11am Gabriella Soldo, Frankie Marzella, Jady Lopez 12:30pm no servers available Sat. Aug. 20th 5pm Samantha Dee, Abigail Vorlicek Sun. Aug. 21st 8am Jeremy Burgos, Richard Fabrizi 9:30am Erin Camilleri, Christopher DeViccaro, Grace Vano 11am Fiona Hosey, Luisa Schwab, Emma McCloskey 12:30pm Joseph Todaro Sat. Aug. 27th 5pm Samantha Dee, Gabriella Soldo, Erin Camilleri Sun. Aug. 28th 8am Luisa Schwab 9:30am Christopher DeViccaro, Kayley Burns, Rocco Marchesona 11am Jeremy Burgos, Abigail Vorlicek 12:30pm Joseph Todaro Dear Altar Servers, I hope you have a relaxing and safe summer. If you attend a mass and there is no altar server, feel free to come up and serve. I know that some masses have no server or just one server; that’s because of vacation schedules. I did my best to honor everyone’s availability to serve. If you are traveling – – will help you find the closest Catholic Church. Remember to say your prayers everyday and attend mass every weekend. God has given us many blessings and coming to mass is the best way to thank Him. Thank you very much for your service at the altar. God Bless, Msgr. Maresca CALENDAR OF EVENTS THIS WEEK August 7 - August 13 Sunday, August 7 Monday, August 8 Tuesday, August 9 6:30 P.M. AA - Rectory Basement NEXT WEEK August 14 - August 20 Sunday, August 14 Monday, August 15 - Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Not a Holyday of Obligation) Mass Schedule: 9 AM, 11 AM Tuesday, August 16 6:30 P.M. AA - Rectory Basement Wednesday, August 10 Wednesday, August 17 Thursday, August 11 Thursday, August 18 Friday, August 12 Friday, August 18 Saturday, August 13 Saturday, August 20 Our Parish Calendar will be published weekly. Please submit changes or updates to [email protected] Thank you for keeping our Parish up to date!
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