TENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JUNE 5, 2016 SACRAMENTS Baptisms Every Sunday at 2:00 PM. Baptism classes, for firsttime parents and parents not married in the Catholic Church, are held on the first Saturday of the month, in the lower church, at 11:00 AM. Reconciliation Saturdays at 9:30 AM and 25 minutes before every weekday and weekend Masses. Communion to the Homebound Please call the Rectory to make arrangements for those homebound or hospitalized. Marriage Couples should call the Rectory to arrange a meeting with a priest or deacon at least six months in advance of their wedding. Anointing of the Sick Call the Rectory at any time. RCIA A series of classes presenting a deeper exploration of the Catholic faith for adults which prepares them to make a conscious choice to receive the SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM, FIRST HOLY COMMUNION AND CONFIRMATION. Please call the Rectory. SICK LIST Please update us monthly. PRIVATE PRAYER The Church is open weekdays until 7:00 PM in the evening, for personal prayer and meditation. SPONSOR CERTIFICATES MASS SCHEDULE MASS SCHEDULE SEPTEMBER-JUNE JULY-AUGUST SEPTEMBER-JUNE JULY-AUGUST Saturday Evening Vigil Saturday Evening Vigil Saturday Vigil Saturday Vigil 4:30 PMEvening Family Mass 4:30 PMEvening Family Mass 4:30 PM Family Mass 4:30 PM Family Mass Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM Family Mass 10:00 8:00 AM Family Mass 9:30 9:30 AM Family Mass 10:00 11:00 12:00 AM PM Family Mass 11:00 PM AM 12:00 12:30 4:00 PM Spanish Mass 12:30 4:00 PM Spanish Mass 4:00 PM Spanish Mass 6:30 4:00 PM Spanish Mass 6:30 PM 6:30 6:30 PM WEEKDAYS 9:00 AM “He has sent me to proclaim liberty to captives and recovery of sight to the blind.” RECTORY 7396 Amboy road, Staten Island, NY 10307 Rectory Office 718-317-9772 Fax No. 718-317-0038 WEBSITE : PASTOR: FR. D. FRANCIS DIAS PAROCHIAL VICAR: FR. SYLVESTER RANASINGHE DEACONS: DEACON R. SALHANY DEACON J. SINGLER SECRETARIES : MRS. NINFA CHIARELLO (M T F) MRS. MARIA BYRNES (T W TH) SCHOOL 23 Summit Street, Staten Island, NY 10307 School Office 718-984-1360 Fax No. 718-966-9356 PRINCIPAL: MR. NICHOLAS FARGIONE RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE 23 Summit Street, Staten Island, NY 10307 Office 718-227-2441 Fax No. 718-966-9356 C.R.E. MRS. JOAN BAGGS TENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JUNE 5, 2016 Mass Schedule and Mass Intentions DAY DATE TIME INTENTION REQUESTED BY Sat 06/04 4:30 PM Mary Chilelli Her Family Sun 06/05 8:00 AM John S. Eckert & Rose McGovern Your loving Family 9:30 AM Donald Croteau 5 th Yr. Anniversary Jim & Colleen Meehan 11:00 AM 25th/50th Wedding Ann. Mass 12:30 PM Angelina Barone 4:00 PM Spanish Mass Carl & AnnMarie Termine 6:30 PM Raimondo Bennici & Salvatore Assunta & Family Florica Mon 06/06 9:00 AM Joseph LoVerde His Family Tue 06/07 9:00 AM William Marsh Theresa Pagliuco Wed 06/08 9:00 AM Carmine Perullo Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Solla Thu 06/09 9:00 AM 7:30 PM Anthony Alotta (Graduation Mass 8th Grade) Fri 06/10 9:00 AM Guiseppa Geloso Guiseppe Geloso Sat 06/11 9:00 AM Paul Taravella Linda Taravella 4:30 PM Joan Cole William Cole 8:00 AM Diane Kurpis Dalia Sena 9:30 AM David Nelson Ellen LaRosa & Family 11:00 AM Stephen Pansini The Gallo Family 12:30 PM Marie Claire Galbraith 4:00 PM Spanish Mass Sun 06/12 6:30 PM Alfonso & Guisappina Verruso Pg. 2 MONTH-AT-A-GLANCE CROSS ROAD FOUNDATION COLLECTION 4th Sunday after all Masses Next Collection-June 26 FIRST FRIDAY Mass-9:00 AM Adoration/Benediction-9:30 AM RECITATION OF THE ROSARY Daily after the 9:00 AM Mass All are invited to pray for the world ST. EDWARD FOOD PANTRY COLLECTION 1st weekend after all Masses Next Collection: June 5th THIRD ORDER OF MARY 3rd Sun. after 12:30 PM Mass-Gym Next Meeting: June 19th at 1:30 pm YOUTH GROUP (GRADES 6-12) 2nd & 4th Sun. after 6:30 PM Mass Next meeting - June 12th ________________________ 50/50 CLUB - DONATION $5.00 Remember you can’t win it if your not in it! Assunta & Family Ministry Schedule June 11th and June 12th MASS EUCHARISTIC MINISTER LECTOR ALTAR SERVER USHER 4:30 PM J. Savino R. Argenziano J. Argenziano A. Chiarello J. Matthews D. Carollo F. Candelaria L. Nusser 8:00 AM C. Carletto D. Sena F. Diglio J Frustaci V. Buonviaggio A. Hutton J. Nativo C. Zglejc P. Voss S. Pantaleone T. D’Esposito 9:30 AM A, Rapaglia G. Hauck J. Pistilli J. Pistilli G. Hauck P. Rapaglia J. Finnegan A. Alberga R. Ekelund D. Adesso 11:00 AM J. Ross J. Singler K. Postler N. D’Angelo D. Fogelstrom J. Gallo V. Masucci Christopher M. Fenga P. Lavin J. Naeder 12:30 PM M. Esposito G. Moran M. Tegano R. Parziano M. Esposito F. Lagana V. Astarita D. Doyle M. Esposito M. Illuzzi N. Questel M. Vuolo 6:30 PM F. Lagana M. Joyce C. Salhany ] J. Grzeskowiak M. Leide L. Silano J. DeVito Jack & Jamie Abbruzzese C. Jensen TENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JUNE 5, 2016 Pg. 3 From the Pastor’s Desk Dear Brothers and Sisters, The Feast of Corpus Christi Last Saturday, after the 4:30 pm Vigil Mass about 20 people particated in the Eucharistic procession in honor of The Feast of Corpus Christi. I want to thank all who processed and withstood the extreme heat conditions and walked around our town in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament singing hymns of praise and infinite love. The procession ended with the Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. Your dedication to the Blessed Sacrament did not go unnoticed. The Spanish Mass Regretfully, the attendance at the Spanish Mass has dropped dramatically. Hence, last Sunday, the few that were present sat down to discuss the reason for the low attendance. They concluded that although the Priest reads the homily in Spanish and celebrates the Mass, he is not capable of communicating effectively. This was a great eye-opener for me! What must the priests do to motivate the Parishioners? How can this problem be solved? If you notice anything which needs improvement be it, the fast recitation of prayers, pronunciation of words or use of language, idioms and expressions, etc. please let us know. We are open to suggestions. Please rest assured that Fr. Sylvester and I are diligently working on improving our English language and communicating skills so as to make the celebration of the Mass prayerful, meaningful and motivating. Low Mass Attendance both Parents and Children As the School and Religious education year comes to an end., I have begun to notice that Mass attendance is diminishing. I understand that last weekend was Memorial day weekend and many of you may have been out of town. However, the summer is not a vacation from Church, nor does receiving the Sacraments; Communion, Confirmation give the right for the child to discontinue going to Mass. I am saddened to see that once these sacraments are received by the children they feel that it is not necessary to go to Mass. It seems to be an epidemic of sort. But, by their baptism, children also have certain rights: "Since they are called by baptism to lead a life in keeping with the teaching of the gospel, the Christian faithful have the right to a Christian education.” The first education comes from the teaching of the parents and their example. So it is the primary obligation of the parents to educate their children in their faith and prepare them for a Eucharistic life, and it is the children’s right to receive this education. From an early age—especially from the time they are baptized—it is appropriate that children be included in the Eucharistic celebration. I hope that you will adhere to this obligation so that the ultimate goal is to strive for the maturity of the human person and at the same time to know and live the mystery of salvation which is such an important part of our Catholic belief. May God Bless you. Fr. Frank TENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Let us pray for all the deceased of our Parish Especially, Marguerite McKee JUNE 5, 2016 Pg. 4 WEEKLY OFFERING WEEKLYSACRIFICIAL SACRIFICIAL OFFERING December 14, 2014 - $7,821. May 29, 2016 - $6,582. Number of Env. : 217 ________________________________________________ MEMORIAL OFFERINGS BREAD & WINE Jean Johnson Requested by Geri Moran Our Lady Help of Christians would like to welcome all newly baptized to your new Parish Family. SANCTUARY LAMP The People of our Parish ALTAR CANDLE The People of our Parish ALTAR FLOWERS The People of our Parish Ramona Fogelstrom Nancy Flynn Joseph Gabriel Laura Grzeskowiak ( LET THE RECTORY Larry Hartnett KNOW IF YOU WOULD Fortune Jordan LIKE TO REMOVE ANY- Helen Kosinski ONE FROM THIS SICK Dave, Amy & Baby Gianna Kovacs LIST. THANK YOU.) _________________ Rafael Laskowski Mei Foo Liao Aubrey Maria LaSorsa Jill Accardo Ralph Lucchese Ellen Astarita Joseph Liotine Joan Bartenhagen Anthony Lodareo Chris Bessi Richard Magnussen Joseph Burzo Scuoto Maisco Carla Buonviaggio Ed Malley Patricia Calabrese Laura Murillo Dennis Castelli Ken Mc Call Stacey Cohen Joseph Mariconda Joseph D’Angelo Peter Marsh George Day Georgianna O’Connor Ellen Derowki Joan Orena John Dilgen SPC Sean Pesce Agnes Fleming PLEASE PRAY FOR THE PEOPLE OF OUR PARISH John Placente Talia Pless Raymond Perry Jr. Nilda Peterson Robin Rodolfo Barbara Rotunno Frances Rotunno Hayley Rusciano Philip Russo Tyler Solomon Edward Svennigsen Jordan S. Patricia Savino Shelia Sullivan Justin Too Aiden Truscelli Josephine Winters Gail Yanchunas Joseph Yasso 2016 Cardinals Annual Stewardship Appeal We are on our way to reaching our Goal. Your gift will Support Parishes, the Clergy, Needy. Dept. of Rel. Ed. and Catholic Ed. Programs, Retired Priests and Religious and all Works Of Charity. Give whatever you can. Your support is always appreciated. Andrew S. Aswad SC Mason Morgante NC David Baggs NY Ronald McNair Afghanistan Thomas Brown LA Raquel Caramanno CA Brian P. Fleming Germany Cody Robinson CA Shawn Robinson WA Nicholas Singler NC Anthony Manetta Africa Mark Philip Martino US Army Martin Moog Afghanistan Greg Tegano Greece Prayer of the Eucharist O Jesus, since You have left us a remembrance of Your Passion beneath the veils of this Sacrament, grant us, we pray, so to venerate the sacred mysteries of Your Body and Blood that we may always enjoy the fruits of Your Redemption, for You who live and reign forever. Amen. TENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME CLUSTER CORNER CLUSTER PARISH MASS SCHEDULE Mass Schedule for all Masses in our Cluster: Our Lady Star of the Sea: Sat. 4:00 pm, 5:30 pm Sun. 8:00 am , 9:15 am , 10:30 am, 12:00 pm, 1:15 pm , 7:00 pm St. John Neumann: Sat. 5:00 pm Sun. 8:00 am, 9:30 am, 11:00 am, 12:30 pm St. Joseph St. Thomas: St. Joseph: Sat. 5:00 pm Sun. 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:00 pm St. Thomas: Sat. 6:00 pm Sun. 9:00 am, 10:00 am (Italian Mass), 11:00 am, 1:00 pm , 6:00 pm __________________________________________________ CLUSTER PARISH EVENTS St. John Neumann Every Thurs. evening: Rectory Basement : 6:00 pm- AA Meeting 7:30 pm- Rosary - Divine Mercy Chaplet-Rectory Chapel 8:00 pm- Prayer Group , Holy Bible Readings ___________________________________________ Our Lady Star of the Sea Prayer Group - meets the 2nd , 3rd and 4th Tuesdays of the month: 7:30 pm in the Damato Room Athletic Center. Bereavement Group - Wednesday evenings at 7:30 pm in the Rectory. If you would like to join please call the Rectory (718) 984-0593 Summer Camp– if interested call Linda Fusillo at the rectory. 50’s Plus Club – Meets in the Damato Athletic Room on the 2nd and 4th Friday of each month from 1-3 pm. More info. Call Terry 718-3171801 ____________________________________________ St. Joseph St. Thomas Please check their - web-site for any current Events JUNE 5, 2016 Pg. 5 OLHC SCHOOL NEWS Limited Openings are still available! NEW Pre-K 3 program, FREE UPK/KA 4 year old program, and Kindergarten through 8th grade. We welcome the opportunity to have you tour our school. Private tours can be arranged by calling our school at (718) 984-1360 or at www.ApplyCatholic to APPLY NOW and to determine if your child in Gr. K through 8th may qualify for financial assistance. Thank you. Nicholas Fargione, Princpal ________________________________________ RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS Registration dates for 2016-2017 Religious Education Please contact the Rel. Ed. Office if you did not register your child. Our office hours for June are 9:30 am to 4:00 pm. Our final evening registration will be Tues. June 14th from 5pm to 8pm. First Grade and New Families : Wed. 6/1: - 10:00 am - 1:00 pm/6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Thurs. 6/2: - 10:00 am - 1:00 pm/6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Fees: Early Bird Special before June 15th 1 child $180 2 children $260 3 or more children $320 After June 15th Registration Fees 1 child $200 Smart Tuition:$10. (1 payment) 2 children $280 $20. (2 payments) 3 or more children $340 We look forward to seeing all our Parish Families at registration. SPECIAL NEEDS STUDENTS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME IN OUR RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM. _______________________________________ RELIGIOUS ED. SESSION SCHEDULE FOR 2016-2017 Sunday: Gr. 2 - 11:00 am - 12:30 pm (after 10:00 am Mass) Tuesday: Gr. 4 and 5 - 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm Wednesday: Gr. 1 - 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm Gr. 3 - 5:15 pm - 6:45 pm Thursday: Gr. 6 - 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm Gr. 7 - 5:15 pm - 6:45 pm Gr. 8 - 7:00 pm - 8:15 pm Special needs students will also be accommodated. TENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Forgiveness Talk Please join us today at 7:30 pm in the gym. Special guest speakers, Mary Ann and Charles Edkins having had experienced tragedy in their life will be talking to us on forgiveness and acceptance during these times in our lives. Join us as we …. Listen, discuss and pray. Facilitated by Deacon Richard Salhany and Dr. Contance Salhany ____________________________________ JUNE 5, 2016 Pg. 6 Our Lady Help of Christians School presents: 1st Charity Tournament June 10th, 2016 at 7 pm South Shore Bar & Grill 225 Ellis Street Staten Island, NY $125 Donation ($3,000 in Chips) $50- Re-Buys Complimentary Food, Beer, Soda, & Water. Please send checks to Mr. Fargione, made out to OLHC School. Please have checks in no later than Friday June 3, 2016 to reserve a seat. EARLY BIRD SPECIAL: Submit registration + payment before June 5th for an additional $500 ____________________________________________ Monsignor Farrell High School News Once again, the OLHC former students continue to do well: Congratulations on behalf of the OLHC School and Parish. 3rd Marking Period JUNE 22ND 7 PM LOWER CHURCH FOR REL. ED. SCHOOL ,ALL SPORTS, YOUTH GROUP, COUNCIL 1st Honors GROUPS, OUTREACH PROGRAMS, ETC. ANYONE Justin Popovics, Freshman WHO IS INTERESTED IN BOOKING THE GYM OR Matthew Barton, Sophmore LOWER CHURCH PLEASE COME SO WE CAN DISEdward Pollock , Junior CUSS THE AVAILABLE DATES FOR THE CAL. YR. 2016 Nicholas Preza, Junior -2017. Vincent Lorelli, Senior Thomas Six, Senior _____________________________________________ 2nd Honors Edmund Masucci, Freshman Joseph DeVito, Freshman Wednesday Sept. 21st Dominick Passante, Junior Anthony Castelli, Junior Ryan Clements, Junior OUR BIGGEST FUNDMichael Peruffo, Senior Nicholas Thives, Senior RAISER!! Mario Amoroso, Senior ___________________________________________ CALENDAR MEETING Join us at our Annual Golf Outing. It will be held at the South Shore Golf Course. Included is a round of golf, cart, breakfast, snacks, and luncheon with open bar. Cash prizes, gift baskets, raffles 50/50. For more information tables are set up outside the exits. Volunteers are needed as well. The family of OLHC Parish would like to wish all who are celebrating their 25th and 50th Anniversary a blessed year filled with the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. May God Bless you always. Happy Anniversary!