Betty Hirschmann, Loss of a GREAT LADY


Betty Hirschmann, Loss of a GREAT LADY
Number 58
The newsletter of the South Jersey Kite Flyers
Volume #5 - 2005
Betty Hirschmann, Loss of a GREAT LADY
By Mike Dallmer
It is with very heavy heart that I announce the passing of Betty
Hirschmann from Ovanian Cancer on August 7. Scott E. Spencer was at
her side through the entire illness, giving her the love, care and support she
needed to make it though the many hard days. This was a selfless woman, a
good listener and she had an undeniable spirt, you always new where her
heart was coming from.
Her interest in kiting started in 1991 when she bought her first kite, from
there she went on to compete with both dual and single line kites, she also
judged in both categories. Her interest then shifted to the business end of
kiting where she held the post of Secretary for the AKA from 1994 till
forced by the illness to give up the post. Betty was also Secretary for South
Jersey Kite Flyers (the only one SJKF ever had). Additionally, she has
served as Chair of the Elections Committee, the Elections Committee, the
Membership Committee and while still serving in these capacities had
taken on the Chair of the Contracts Committee. These are some really big
shoes that are going to be difficult to fill. Betty was the 2004 winner of the
Bob Ingraham Award, one of the highest honors bestowed by the AKA to
one of it’s members.
If you needed a volunteer for anything, Betty was always one of the first to raise her hand and show her support.
At her first convention in 1991, she volunteered to work at the registration desk in an effort to meet people in the
kiting world. Since that date she has attended every convention until getting ill and had continued to lend a hand
not only to the registration area, but had worked in auction receiving, entering data into the computer for the
auction program, working the payment table at the auction, and attending all Board of Directors meetings and
Annual Meetings in her capacity as AKA Secretary.
It was always fun to spend time together with Betty at a workshop, she get frustrated and rant and rave, just little,
but in the end her finished project always looked great.
When my wife, Cecilia got ill, Betty was always there to help with a shoulder to cry on, giving Cel and I
unconditional support with everythign that we faced, she was a true friend.
Betty will be greatly missed by the entire Kiting Community and she was one of my best friends in it.
Betty is survived by her sister-in-law, five nieces, and nine grand nieces and nephews, Kayle the cat and The Scott.
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WindWriters #57
Betty Hirschmann’s Final Walk Through Life
Interment: Betty was a care giver (her mother), surrogate mother (to her five nieces during the school year so
they didn't have to attend Camden high school), LOVER, of life, constant volunteer and kite flyer.
It was a hot, hot, god dame it's hot, muggy day in beautiful New Jersey. Was this an indication that she was in
hell? ☺. Elvis music playing. My sister commented one time that the image of ELVIS was bigger then the image
of Jesus. Elvis was a god to Betty.
The immediate family gathered at the, unnamed federal location. My planed service started with readings of some
OA (Overeaters Anonymous) stuff I found laying around the house. News from home was next. The same thing
I did every day I visited her. Fun stuff, entertaining things. Kayle isn't depressed about you not being there. Betty's
cat, but a man cat. Betty was always jealousy that when I entered the room Kayle would start purring and go belly
just up for, ME. Then other fun news.
Then the sharing started. Fun times with the Betty, great memories and some not so good times, lots of crying
and lots of laughter.
Sprinkling of her ashes, Federal offense #1. Music: “Please Don't Bury Me” by John Prine. He is my favorite
musical artist. Betty learned to love him too. Followed by more music of John Prine, “That's The Way the World
Goes ‘Round” and “The Oldest Baby In The World.” Then we sprinkled soil (dirt) from her only home in this
word, and the place she wanted to die in, followed by some holly water, obtained in Ireland on a trip with Niece
Betty was a giving person so a reading of the children's book “The Giving Tree” by Shel Silberstein was really
Gifts: Background Music: Frank Sinatra.
The day you're born you receive the gift of life. From that day on you get gifts each birthday. So I figured when
you die you should give gifts back to your family and loved ones. I scoured the house and found objects that
seemed suitable for all attending. Boxed and warped. And went to no expense at all.
Resentments: I asked everyone to write down there resentments. What they had wished they said to Betty. What
they resented saying to Betty and never apologized for. What they wished they had done for her and didn't. And
so on. These were place in an antique pie pan, splattered with lighter fluid and burned. All our resentments were
gone. We could move on. Federal offense #2, broken.
Closing: The Lords Prayer: A little history first. Betty's brother, Jim passed away about a year and a half ago.
Jim and Lorie (sister-in-law) begot five daughters, Betty's nieces. And they begot nine Grand nephews and nieces.
I had herd many ways to start this prayer over the years and came up with a unique one for this occasion. First off
I reminded everyone how it starts, “Our Father Who Art in Heaven." And if you can't remember the rest, hum
along. So I start the prayer off with “Who is Betty's Brother.” The five nieces were supposed to say “Our Father
Who Art In Heaven” and so on. WELL, THEY DIDN'T GET IT. (continued on page 4)
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Presidents Report
By Ron Jakubowicz
The big OC. The AKA convention is on the east coast this year. The convention
follows Sunfest, so if you are looking to do some kiting the end of this month, you
want to be in Ocean City, MD. Sunfest and the convention are great places to meet
people, learn various things, and have a great time.
Although we are not on the official registration form, or AKA website for helping out
with the Monday Night Early Bird Reception, SJKF was asked at WIKF if we would
help with the reception and I accepted the request for SJKF. Anyone who wants to
volunteer to help contact me and I will get the information needed. A number of Clubs
will be helping out and this is another great way to meet people.
Anniversary Bash; well we have a date, place, time and hotel. This year we had to
change locations because of hotels going condo. A lot of people put in a lot of time and effort to get this Bash off the
ground this year. Scott Spencer, Russ & Pat Mozier, looked at places in Wildwood. There were a number of
possibilities but none panned out in time. Charlie Bojarski looked at locations in Cape May and came up with the
Atlas Inn. So this year we have Charlie to thank for our Anniversary Bash tradition. We need to start planning for
next year though.
See article on Bash for date, location and time (Page 6). Once again PLEASE attend, this is one of our largest events,
as well as one of the most important.
Anniversary Bash Auction; another tradition and our major fund-raiser for the club. We depend on your support.
Either donate for the auction, or come out and bid for some very nice stuff. Better yet, come out, donate for the
auction and bid on some items. So far, I have not received a lot of donations. I did receive one the other day though
from our friends at Go Fly a Kite. So please remember them when you are looking for new items.
Second annual Fort Mott Day in August was a great success, thanks to the efforts of Russ and Pat. I hope you wrote
an article on it.
Elections, nominations will be taken at our anniversary party for board positions. One of which happens to be
President. Once again I cannot express how much I have enjoyed being President, as well as what it has meant for
me. Unfortunately, I cannot run for a third term for personal reasons. What this means is that we are looking for
people with leadership abilities and insight to lead SJKF next year. Please let Andy Selzer, Election Committee Chair,
or any board member know if you would like to consider running for an elected position.
SJKF By-Laws; in the last issue of WindWriters there were proposed changes to the By Laws that the By Laws
committee was considering putting up for a vote. I hope all of you have had a chance to read them. You can
comment on what you think about the changes by writing either Mike Dallmer, head of the committee or me.
All of our sympathy goes out to Scott Spencer with the passing of his better half, Betty Hirschmann. I put this for last
because I just couldn’t put down what Betty has really meant to me, as well as the Kiting Community. All I can say at
this time is I really miss her, she was a good friend.
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WindWriters #57
They responded to “Who is Betty's brother” with “JIM.”, so much for clever well planed out plans. My side of the
family provided flowers. In addition there were five white carnations for the nieces and a red one for Lorie.
Lunch: Dynasty Dinner. Don't go there. Even with a reservation we had to wait twenty minuets to be seated.
Lorie, her sister-in-law, wasn't feeling well the day before and that day. Refused to drink the good water at the
Internment, emotional stress (lose of a loved one and being diagnosed with cancer, too) caused her to pass out.
Two members of the family are former Paramedics and grandnephew is paramedic in training. The event was well
managed. Taken by stretcher to a local hospital given two letters of IV fluid and tests, she left that evening. Minus
two people we managed to have a great meal and continue with the sharing of Biopsy’s life with us.
The Clan, Photo by SES. Missing from photo, the two
youngest, ages four and six., and a dog. If you count the
three dead people, her mother and father, in the ground and
Betty in-between them, above, this is the largest gathering of
the Hirschmanns ever.
Betty didn't believe in viewings.
I'm writing this so that every one else can feel that they were
a part of her memorial.
Scott E. Spencer on be half of.
Betty L. Hirschmann
Former Secretary, South Jersey Kite Flyers, 11 years
Former Secretary, American Kite Flyers Assoc., 10 years
Caregiver, Surrogate Mother, Lover, of Life, Constant Volunteer and Kite Flyer.
At the Fort Mott Fly and Meeting on
August 21, 2005, members present were all
given the opportunity to write something on
a Kite about Betty. Near the end of the day,
Scott E Spencer flew the kite and released it
to be free of the earth and everything that
goes along with it. Of course, knowing Betty,
the kite in it’s freedom got caught in the top
of a tree and stayed with us till we were
about to leave, then it disappeared.
We’ll all miss you Betty, Love Cel and
Mike Dallmer
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Greetings from the Northern Edge of South Jersey,
I hope you have been kite flying all summer. Did you get enough flying in? No, go find a kite and fly it RIGHT
NOW. You must have a small kite you can fly where ever you are reading this. GO ahead, I'll wait right here. Don't
you feel better, I do.
I keep a tiny little kite next to my computer. When I get bored or stuck for an idea, I stick the kite thread to a pencil
with a tack and fly it. People going by have gotten used to seeing me spinning my chair around, with a little red kite
flying behind. At least I hope they have and are not planning to lock me up.
Let me tell you a bit about our recent kite trip to Dieppe, NB Canada. It was
a blast. They hold it every other year. We plan to go back in 2007. This was a
fun event. We flew on a brand new field, so new that the road to the field
wasn't finished when we first arrived. SO new, that the ground keepers were
still putting sod down up to the opening ceremony. Green Up. They
finished, and it was a great time. People from all over the world were there
flying kites. I am so amazed at Olivier Reymond's appliqué work. His kites
are works of art. If you EVER hear he is coming to an event near you, you must go and see his kites. Till then, find
him on the web and check out those Genkis. May not be suitable to look at while at work, you know why. Michael
Alvarez is a kite nut from Australia. I learned a lot from him on how to make candy droppers that entertain as well as
instruct. My daughter spent hours listening to him talk, she thinks he has a funny accent. For that matter, she thinks
people from Jersey have a funny accent, too. I also learned that Chicken Lips are deep fried Pepperoni, a heart attack
in every bite and that I can no longer keep up with twenty something's in the consumption of beer. All this, while
flying kites in Canada. Good time, eh?
Has the price of gas put a crimp in your flying schedule? Fly local, there must be a little Park close by that you can put
up one kite. Try it, fly one kite for an entire day. Remember why you like this sport/hobby.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to our friends who have lost loved ones this year. We think about them and you
often. Our prayers go out to the people affected by Katrina. Thanks to those who were able to contribute to the relief
effort. Please fly a kite in memory of all who mare suffering from this disaster.
Take care of yourselves, tell your people that you care about them.
See ya
Ralph Reed
Lowell MA
The Olan and Bernice Turner International Invitational Open Peanut Butter Cookie Kite Fly and Bake Off,
will be held on the Boardwalk in Seaside Park, NJ on 10/23/05. This event is always a
fun event and all are invited, even if you don’t make
anything. If you want to enter a kite or baked good they
must be home-made and have something to do with
peanuts or peanut butter!!
Refreshments will be provided in the form of Coffee,
Tea, Hot Chocolate and Milk
Judging is fair and impartial but remember bribes are
accepted and appreciate!!!! Prizes, you want prizes, of course there will be prizes for 1st,
2nd and 3rd place for both baked good and kite entries.
Contact Cel [email protected] and Mike Dallmer [email protected] or 215-722-4092
WindWriters #57
Page 6
SJKF’s 11th Anniversary Bash
Oct. 15 & 16, Party; meeting, BBQ, Auction to be Sunday the 16th.
Location: Atlas Inn
1035 Beach Ave.
Cape May, NJ 08204
Toll-free: 888-ATLAS INN (285-2746)
Locally (609)884-7000 FAX(609)884-0301
Web Site(
email: [email protected]
Meeting, BBQ and Auction start at High Noon.
We need your help: SJKF has already reserved two rooms for the
15th and 16th, and need members to take them over from the club.
One with kitchenette $ Smoking @ $263.00 Taken!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One Ocean front at @ $243.00 non-smoking
Contact Ron Jakubowicz at 732-239-1485 (Cell) or [email protected] for more information.
Food: Plans call SJKF to provide the main entrees with members supplying whatever their specialty is!!!
Doesn’t the picture at the right look delicious, that is why we are known as the club that eats well. Give Cecilia a
call to make this happen again!!!!
We are looking for food donations; Cecilia Dallmer is the Hostess and
organizer for this, please contact her at [email protected] 215-7224092 as she is our food chairperson and in charge of Hospitality. Cecilia
will have to go shopping to complete the list so please try to let her know
what you bringing by October 13. Anyone with special needs please
inform us ahead of time so we can try to accommodate you.
Auction: As this is our main fundraiser we are looking for
contributions of anything related to kites or kiting.
Also, don’t forget the most important thing, BRING MONEY, as
without your support this event won’t happen.
Hope to see you all there…Ron Jakubowicz, President, South Jersey Kite Flyers
CafePress has been updated with many new and exciting things to buy, go
to:, no computer, no problem, call 1-877809-1659 and tell them the website address.
New items are :Postage Stamps with our logo on them. They can be used for
all your mailing that requires a $0.37 stamp. Also Dog T-shirts, Light Switch
Cover Plate, Framed Tile, Colored and Ringed SJKF T-Shirts Even a SJKF
Track Suit.
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Chinese Kite Festival
By Ron Jakubowicz
Charles Steward let me know about a Chinese kite festival going on at Liberty State Park on
August 20th. They were suppose to have nine (9) 300 foot dragon kites and were looking for
volunteers to help with them. Felicia and I volunteered, as I could not miss an opportunity
like this. Nine Dragons in the air at once.
Felicia and I showed up early around 9:30 on the 20th. We got to park in the VIP parking lot
where we met one of the gentlemen who were going to fly the dragons. From there the
organizers had our kites bussed up to the field. We saw Charles briefly, he was busy with a
kids kite workshop it seemed. We barely spoke to him, if at all just to say hi. Sorry Charles.
This was a festival not the kind I am normally use to, food, fun, families, and a kite
competition, just what seemed to be a great time for anyone who attended. The people were
what really made this nice for us. Every one was just so nice. Everyone. People we did not
know made us feel like we were friends for years, or part of their families.
We found our contact CK Tong from Sing Tao Daily a newspaper sponsor, a great individual but a little busy as
organizers usually are. Between him and his staff though we felt very comfortable. They were extremely pleasant and easy
to work with, as well as extremely helpful.
I then found the people I was suppose to help with the Dragons. Well, it seems they came from Mass. and Pauley, one
of Jack Rodgers old Crew, were with them. It was great to see him again, as well as to work with him, although, I only
was able to help for a short while. Enough time to only get one dragon in the air.
When we first arrived Felicia and I had set up a number of kites, including a Premier frog and lobster. There was a steady
but light breeze that just seemed to vanish as some rain showed up, so I had to go back to help Felicia with our kites. We
got them packed up and placed under our canopy where we found twenty of our new best friends. Although, a little
concerned at first, half of them really did turn into friends for the day. Very nice people that enjoyed our canopy as well
as kites.
Fortunately the rain did not last long. We set out to put the kites up to dry as well as some others that could fly in lighter
winds. The dragon kites, well that is another story, just not enough wind, and for me at the time not enough time.
There were some competitions for the kites. I was and am not sure of what the criteria was, but two of the prizes were
round trip air fair to china from Continental Airlines, a sponsor. I knew about this and had put up a Rok with a dragon
motif, not really expecting much. What do I ever win anyways. No, the roc did not win. Even better though it seems
everyone had loved the lobster that we had up earlier. Felicia was told that if we put the lobster up we would get a ticket
to China. WOW. She had me drop everything I was doing to put the lobster back up. There was just the slight breeze
though and we worked the lobster for a good 45 min. barely getting it 5-10 feet in the air. Just as I was about to give up,
we were told to go over to the awards area. Wouldn’t you know it, now the lobster decides to fly on its own 40 feet up.
OK two airfare tickets to China are to be given away at the award area. The Lobster is one of them, who else should I
meet their as the other winners? Art Cross and Elaine Edelman, The other winners were also SJKF members. Art and
Elaine won thought with a piece Art acutely made.
This is an event I highly recommend for anyone who just wants to have a great time flying, and meet great people.
WindWriters #57
Page 8
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
W ed
January 2006
W ed
9/22/2005 – 9/26/2005 Sunfest in Ocean City, MD
contact: the Kite Loft 410/289/7855 or
[email protected]
9/26/2005 - 10/1/2005 AKA Convention in
Ocean City, MD For more information go to
10/16/2005 (Sunday) SJKF ANNUAL
ANNIVERSARY BASH at the Atlas Inn,
Cape May, NJ. Plan ahead to be there!!!!! Contact
Ron Jakubowicz at 732-239-1485 (Cell) or
[email protected]
10/23/05 The Olan and Bernice Turner
International Invitational Open Peanut Butter
Cookie Kite Fly and Bake Off, will be held on the
Boardwalk in Seaside Park, NJ. Contact Cel
[email protected] or Mike Dallmer
[email protected] or 215-722-4092
11/11/05 – 11/13/05 GISKC: 2005 Georgia
International Sport Kite Championships (Tybee
Island, GA) Tom & Sue Mason 912/898/9142
11/15/2005 Deadline for submissions of article
for next issue of WindWriters. Send to Mike
Dallmer at [email protected] or 7204 Oakley
St, Phila., Pa 19111
11/20/2005 (Sunday) SJKF Meeting, 1 pm,
Gloucester County Library, Mullica Hill, NJ.
Contact Ron Jakubowicz at 732-239-1485 (Cell)
or [email protected]
12/4/2005 SJKF Holiday Party at Café Neena’s
More information to follow [email protected]
Early 2006 SJKF’s First Annual Kitemakers
Weekend Workshop held at the Wetlands Institute,
more information to follow
Late February 2006 SASKC: 2006 St. Augustine
Sport Kite Classic St. Augustine Sport Kite
Classic (St. Augustine Beach, FL) Contact: Rob
Autrey 904-687-9184 or [email protected]
Late April 12th Annual Maryland International
Kite Exposition and Mid Atlantic Stunt Kite
Championships (MASKC) Contact: the Kite Loft
410-289-7855 [email protected] or Sky Festivals
215-736-3715 [email protected]
5/26/2006 – 5/29/2006 21st ECSKC and WWIKF,
Wildwood, NJ Contact Sky Festivals 215-7363715 [email protected]
Mid – June 2006 BASKC, 2004 Boston Area
Sport Kite Championships (Boston, MA)
Contact: Greg Lamoureux 781-925-3277
[email protected]
Late July New Jersey Sport Kite Championships:
2006 New Jersey Stunt Kite Championships (Jersey
City, NJ
Visit for more information on Eastern League
Editors Note: Though these dates are accurate at time of printing it
is best to check with the contact to make sure the proper dates
are listed.
Got and event that you want listed, send it:
Mike Dallmer, [email protected], 7204 Oakley St., Phila, Pa
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Help us get to know you! Fill in the form below. Return this application along with your check (payable to SJKF)
for $15/year (single) or $20/year (family), and you’re in! Welcome to the club!
Name ______________________________________________________
City: ___________________________ST:__________ZIP:____________
E-Mail Address:______________________________________________
Membership Type: Individual ($15)________Family ($20)___________
Return to:
South Jersey Kite Flyers
PO Box 32 Collingswood, NJ
08108-9998 e-mail:
[email protected]
(For family memberships, list additional names below. Circle name if under 10 years old)
Favorite Kite(s):___________________________________________ Signature:_________________________________ Date:____________
Flying, Children’s Workshop and meeting at Fort Mott
Is the newsletter of the South Jersey Kite Flyers
and is published bimonthly by the SJKF
Ron Jakubowicz
Mike Dallmer, Sr.
[email protected]
1st Vice President
[email protected]
2nd Vice President
Scott Spencer
[email protected]
Assistant Secretary
Sam Foertmeyer
[email protected]
Meeting Minutes
[email protected]
Felicia Mosery
Pat Mozier
[email protected]
Directors at Large
Russ Mozier
[email protected]
Andy Selzer
[email protected]
Web Master
Russ Mozier
[email protected]
[email protected]
Lee and Ethel Kraft
Russ and Pat Mozier
[email protected]
[email protected]
Mike Dallmer, Sr.
Cecilia Dallmer
[email protected]
Sam Foertmeyer
[email protected]
P.O. Box 32
Collingswood, NJ 08108-9998
Inside This Issue
Betty Hirschmann, Loss of a GREAT LADY .......1
Betty Hirschmann’s Final Walk Through Life..........2
Presidential Report.....................................................3
Greetings from the Northern Edge of South Jersey......5
OABTIIOPBCKFABO is BACK!!!! .....................5
SJKF’s 11th Anniversary Bash ..................................6
CafePress ...................................................................6
Chinese Kite Festival..................................................7
Calendar of Coming Events .......................................8