VOTE Nov. 4th


VOTE Nov. 4th
CWA Dist. 4, AFL-CIO
Labor 2008 Update #7
If you have e-mail addresses
of other CWA members, pass
this update along and/or print it
and post it in your workplace!!
Nov. 4!
Below is a list of CWA-endorsed candidates in
. targeted statewide and Congressional races.
Check with your Local for a list of candidates
endorsed by CWA in local races.
U.S. Congress, Dist. 7:
Mark Schauer (D)
U.S. Congress, Dist. 9:
Gary Peters (D)
U.S. Congress, Dist. 11: Thad McCotter (R)
State Attorney General:
U.S. Congress, Dist. 1:
U.S. Congress, Dist. 2:
U.S. Congress, Dist. 6:
U.S. Congress, Dist. 14:
U.S. Congress, Dist. 15:
U.S. Congress, Dist. 16:
U.S. Congress, Dist. 18:
Supreme Court:
Supreme Court:
Richard Cordray (D)
Steve Driehaus (D)
Victoria Wulsin (D)
Charlie Wilson (D)
Steve LaTourette (R)
Mary Jo Kilroy (D)
John Boccieri (D)
Zack Space (D)
Pete Sikora (D)
Joseph D. Russo (D)
U.S. Congress, Dist. 8:
Steve Kagen (D)
Governor / Lt. Gov.:
Nov. 3, 2008
time left until election
day November 4, 2008!
It’s NOW!
Our eight-year long “reign of errors” could soon be
coming to an end. Barack Obama is inches away from
ending that nightmare for us—but he needs us to move
the Battleground States those last few Inches! WE CAN
We need Obama in the White House if we want to pass
the Employee Free Choice Act, to create jobs and get out
of this economic crisis, to solve the health care and
housing crises, etc., etc. But, there is no more time to
daydream about what an Obama Presidency might mean
for working people.
We have to win the election first if we hope to make the
changes we know working families in America need!!
That means getting every Obama voter to the polls!
VOTE Nov. 4th
Call your Local and find out what you can do to help Get
Out the Vote (GOTV)!! We need phone-bankers, door
knockers, people to drive voters to the polls, etc. Oh,
yeah, and don’t forget that YOU have to vote too!!!
Stop reading this NOW and call your Local…We’ll wait,
you can pick this up again when you come back!!
Jill Long Thompson (D)
(Lt. Gov:: Dennie Oxley
U.S. Congress, Dist. 2:
U.S. Congress, Dist. 3:
U.S. Congress, Dist. 8:
U.S. Congress, Dist. 9:
Joe Donnelly (D)
Mike Montagano (D)
Brad Ellsworth (D)
Baon Hill (D)
U.S. Congress, Dist. 6:
U.S. Congress, Dist. 10:
U.S. Congress, Dist. 11:
U.S. Congress, Dist. 13:
U.S. Congress, Dist. 14:
Jill Morgenthaler (D)
Dan Seals (D)
Debbie Halvorson (D)
Scott Harper (D)
Bill Foster (D)
Part of the CWA family preparing to volunteer for
the Obama campaign in Cleveland. More than 20
CWA members from Locals 4309, 4340, The
Newspaper Guild, staff and Retirees came out to
help. Local 4309 officers Pam Wynn and Diane
Jones appear above with Local membes,CWA
Organizer Michelle Quintus, VP Seth Rosen, CWA
Sec-Treas. Jeff Rechenbach, Newspaper Guild
member Connie Schultz and her husband,U.S. Sen.
Sherrod Brown.