Happy Birthday Virginia
Happy Birthday Virginia
8LI:MPPEKI1MPP COOL KID FLAGS OF OUR FATHERS TASTE TEST SUMMER’S SUCCESS PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 2150 Midlothian, VA 23112 June 11, 2007 Vol. 33, No. 6 INSIDE THE MILL BCA News & Events 2 *UD\VRQ:DOOV·GDG Summer Shannon Maggie Morrison Community 3 Michael Pease and grandfather completes marathon, samples a School 8 donates lots of locks are present for raises funds and )DW&RRNLHIRU to Locks of Love. VSHFLDOÁDJUDLVLQJ awareness for charity. KHUPRWKHU·V Sports 13 new business. Business 15 See page 15. Classified Ads 16 ceremony at SCES. See story on page 5. Story on page 10. Happy Birthday Virginia H2Ohhhhh Baby! Celebrate the founding of America on the Fourth Photo by Wendy Parker Matthew Saweikis, 17 months old, loves the water at St. Ledger’s Pool. It’s not too late to join the Brandermill pools and enjoy a summer of fun in the sun. Stop by the BCA office to register now! Commissioners to discuss USC Plan June 19 By Lynda Raines Copy Editor As of May 15, the Chesterfield County Board of Supervisors had not given the planning commission additional time to revise the Upper Swift Creek (USC) Plan. In order to comply with the deadline set forth by the board of supervisors, the planning commission forwarded the plan to the board with the recommendation to deny adoption of the plan in its cur rent form. On May 23, the board of supervisors voted to give the planning commission 60 more days to gather additional recommendations from public input in order to make revisions to the plan. 7KH&KHVWHUÀHOG&RXQW\3ODQQLQJ Commission work session on June 19 will include a discussion concerning the USC Plan. The work session begins at 12:30 p.m. in the multipurpose room RIWKH&KHVWHUÀHOG&RXQW\&RPPXQLW\ Development Building, 9800 Govern ment Center Parkway. “Hopefully, a date for a public hearing about the plan will be set at that time,” BCA Board President 5\ODQG 5HDP\ VD\V ´,W·V LPSRUWDQW that Brandermill residents follow this issue through The Village Mill, local newspapers, and the BCA website.” Stay Informed President Reamy invites residents ZKRKDYHQRWUHJLVWHUHGWKHLUHPDLO addresses on the BCA website to do VRLQRUGHUWRUHFHLYHHPDLOXSGDWHV about the progress of the USC Plan and other important issues. Residents can rest assured, Reamy DGGHGWKDWHPDLOVHQWE\WKH%&$LV secure. “It is the policy of the BCA not WRVKDUHRUGLVFORVHHPDLODGGUHVVHVµ Reamy says. 7RUHJLVWHUIRUHPDLOXSGDWHVIURP Brandermill Community Association, please visit www.brandermill.com and FOLFN RQ ´(PDLO 1RWLÀFDWLRQ /LVWµ under “Quick Guide.” Don’t mention higher taxes to residents By Wendy Parker Managing Editor There is nothing quite like the men WLRQ RI KLJKHU WD[HV WR JHW SHRSOH·V attention. County Administrator Lane Ramsey recently called the BCA RIÀFH WR DOHUW VWDII WKDW LQIRUPDWLRQ SXEOLVKHGLQWKH&KHVWHUÀHOG2EVHUYHU about proposed revisions to the Upper Swift Creek Plan could be mislead ing. Ramsey was referring to a May 9 article entitled, “Ready or not, here it comes, Upper Swift Creek draft plan includes higher taxes.” In the article, staff writer Greg Pear son writes, “The plan in its current draft form calls for forming a transportation GLVWULFW WR UDLVH PLOOLRQ WR improve roads there. Residents and EXVLQHVVHV ZRXOG SD\ D FHQW higher property tax rate than the rest of the county. If approved, com munities paying higher taxes would include Brandermill, Woodlake, Deer 5XQ )R[FURIW %LUNGDOH$VKEURRN and Hampton Park.” In a subsequent story published on May 30, Pearson FODULÀHG D VHFWLRQ RI WKH DUWLFOH E\ TXRWLQJ&KHVWHUÀHOG&RXQW\3ODQQLQJ Director Kirk Turner: “The possibility of a transportation district that would raise the property tax rate was not part of the plan. . . It was a supplement and served as background material.” BCA Board President Ryland Reamy, who has been following the issue closely, says, “Since the tax pro SRVDOZDVLQFOXGHGDPRQJWKHSODQ·V supporting documents, the fact that it Shop ’til you drop but watch your wallet /DVWPRQWKWKH&KHVWHUÀHOG County Police Department received 19 reports of purses and wallets stolen from shop pers while in area grocery and department stores. The thefts occurred at businesses through out the county. Most victims left their purses and wallets unattended in shopping carts. Police offer the following crime prevention tips to avoid becom ing a victim. • Do not leave your purse or wallet unattended in a shop ping cart. • Keep your purse or wallet with you at all times. • Avoid carrying multiple credit cards and large amounts of cash. • Remain alert. • Report suspicious activity to police and/or store manage ment immediately. If you have information about these thefts, please call WKH&KHVWHUÀHOG&RXQW\3ROLFH 'HSDUWPHQW DW RU &ULPH6ROYHUVDW Story on page 2. was not intended to be part of the plan had not been made clear.” According to Clover Hill Supervi sor Art Warren, the option of a trans portation district to raise property taxes was proposed by staff many months ago. However, Supervisor Warren says “I would adamantly oppose any tax on existing neighborhoods to support the infrastructure for developers building QHZSURMHFWVLQ&KHVWHUÀHOG&RXQW\µ He encourages residents to make their views known that they oppose any sort of special tax being imposed on Brand ermill citizens. “I know Lane Ramsey ZRXOGQ·WVXSSRUWVXFKDSODQµ6XSHU visor Warren says, “nor would Clover Hill Planning Commissioner Russ Gulley, and the majority of planning commissioners and supervisors.” Happy Birthday Virginia In honor of the 400th anniversary of the founding of Jamestown, the theme RI%UDQGHUPLOO·VDQQXDO)RXUWKRI-XO\ parade is “Happy Birthday Virginia.” Come join friends and neighbors for what promises to be an exciting celebration. Many familiar faces will march through Brandermill, along with new parade participants, includ LQJWKHIRXUOHJJHGYDULHW\ Pets on Parade This year, thanks to Eagle Scout candidate Eric Ahles, Brandermill pets are invited to gussy up and join WKH )RXUWK RI -XO\ SDUDGH$KOHV DQ international baccalaureate student at Midlothian High School and a mem ber of Boy Scout Troop 2890 at The Brandermill Church is incorporating the need for pet adoption into his Eagle Scout project. Ahles believes a pet parade will bring attention to the plight of orphaned pets at the Richmond SPCA that deserve a good, loving home. Ahles asks residents to consider donations of pet items including cat and dog toys; kitten and puppy food; dog and cat food; new or used cat and dog crates; cat and dog beds; catnip; scratching posts; rawhide; new or used leashes and collars; dog harnesses; DQG JLIW FHUWLÀFDWHV WR SHW VWRUHV WR EHQHÀW WKH DQLPDOV DW WKH 5LFKPRQG SPCA. The donated items will be collected at the end of the parade in Sunday Park. Parade Participants 7KHDQQXDO%&$VSRQVRUHG)RXUWK of July Parade is known for its color ful, patriotic participants and this \HDU·V SDUDGH ZLOO EH QR H[FHSWLRQ Cove Ridge resident and longtime BCA volunteer Mark Smith will serve as grand marshal. Parade participants will line up at Swift Creek Middle School beginning at 8:30 a.m. At 10 a.m., the parade will travel down Millridge Parkway to Sunday Park. )RUWKHWK\HDU0F7\UH·V&RYH resident Deb Braun will line up parade marchers. “We need volun teers to help along the parade route, and we need parade participants,” says Braun. “Anyone can be in the parade—participation is open to all Brandermill residents and their friends and families.” Those who will march in the parade include: Doctors of Jazz; Greater Rich McTyre’s Cove resident Tony Flores, as a 17th century sailor onboard the Godspeed, sails the James River during the 400th Anniversary celebration of the founding of America. Flores’ next role will be that of another patriotic figure: Uncle Sam in the Brandermill Fourth of July parade. mond Pipes and Drums; members of WKH 86$UPHG )RUFHV &KHVWHUÀHOG &RXQW\ RIÀFLDOV DQG ÀUH DQG SROLFH department representatives; clowns; and Uncle Sam. Parade participants may walk, or ride in cars or trucks, Braun adds. 3OHDVHFDOOWKH%&$DW[ to register as a parade participant or to volunteer. Prizes will be awarded to par ticipants for most original entry with music; best family entry; and best neighborhood entry. To register a pet for the Patri otic Pet Parade, please call the Bran dermill Community Association at RU(ULF$KOHVDW Sunday Park Festivities After the parade winds its way to Sunday Park, all parade participants and spectators are invited to enjoy re freshments and family entertainment. DJ Dan Rucker will provide music, and Boy Scout Troop 2890 will serve free hotdogs and soda. Members of WKH %UDQGHUPLOO 5HWLUHG 0HQ·V &OXE will once again serve up slices of cold ZDWHUPHORQ )DFH SDLQWLQJ D GXQN ing booth; spin art; and Jonathan the Juggler are sure to draw children of all ages. Roads Closed The following neighborhoods from Swift Creek Middle School to Sun day Park will be affected temporar ily during the parade: Quail Hill, 3HEEOH&UHHN3RSODU*URYH2OG)R[ Trail, Winterberry Ridge, Northwich, Gleneagles, Heritage Woods, and Timber Ridge. Fireworks in Sunday Park %UDQGHUPLOO·VVSHFWDFXODU)RXUWKRI -XO\ÀUHZRUNVGLVSOD\ZLOOFORVHRXWWKH celebration with a bang. Bring a chair and sit back and enjoy DS\URWHFKQLFH[WUDYDJDQ]D)LUHZRUNV begin at 9:15 p.m. 1RSHUVRQDOÀUHZRUNVDUHSHUPLW ted. Rain date is July 5. Special BCA activities are not to be missed Snakes and splinters are scary concerns for kids on bridge A resident of Woodbridge Crossing recently contacted Community Manager Jane Pritz to express concerns about the number of young children who play on the bridge and around the pond on the Woodbridge Crossing property off Genito Road. “There are a number of snakes in the area of WKHSRQGµWKHUHVLGHQWVDLG´DQG,GRQ·WWKLQN the children are aware of them. The bridge is also full of splinters, and many children walk on it barefooted.” Parents of young children who live in the Sagewood neighborhood, as well as other neighborhoods in the area are asked to be aware of the possible danger of young children playing in or around the Woodbridge Cross ing pond. Philharmonic &HOHEUDWH )DWKHU·V 'D\ RQ 6XQGD\ -XQH ZLWK D “100% American” concert performed by the Richmond Philharmonic at The Gardens Pavilion at Sunday Park at 6 p.m. Selections include: “Celebration,” by Adolphus Hail VWRUN´5RGHR)RXU'DQFH(SLVRGHVµE\$DURQ&RSHODQG Medley from “Chicago,” by Ebb/Kander; Selections from “West Side Story,” by Leonard Bernstein; “Sum mertime” from “Porgy and Bess,” by George Gershwin; “Moon River,” by Henry Mancini; and “Stars and Stripes )RUHYHUµE\-RKQ3KLOLS6RXVD Bring blankets and chairs and a picnic for this musi cal patriotic tribute. The concert is free to Brandermill residents and guests. Junior Sports Days Junior Sports Days are coming soon. Brandermill Country Club, in participation with the BCA, will offer golf, tennis and swimming activities for children and grandchildren of Brandermill residents on July 23 for ages 5 to 8; July 30 for ages 9 to 13; and August 6 for ages 14 to 17. 7KHHYHQWVDUHIUHHRIFKDUJHDQGOLPLWHGWRWKHÀUVW 100 participants who register for each age group. One need not be a member of BCC to participate. )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQSOHDVHFDOO[ BranderBelle Cruises Spaces are still available for the September 19 and October 17 BranderBelle wine and cheese cruises. 3OHDVHFDOO[WRPDNHDUHVHUYDWLRQ BRANDERMILL COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION NEWS Page 2 - The Village Mill - June 11, 2007 BCA Board of Directors Voice of the People: As a new resident, what do you like or dislike about Brandermill? Ryland Reamy, President Joel Bradner, 1st VP Andrea Epps, 2nd VP Robert Cook, Treasurer Dick Guthrie Jason Livingston Joyce Rowe WELCOME ARROWOOD Russell and Jennifer Henderson Mary Matney CHIMNEY HOUSE Joseph Winters DEER MEADOW Mary Turner FIVE SPRINGS Joseph and Jacqueline Covolo James and Debra Stadtler HARBOUR POINTE Robert and Bonnie Nickerson HERITAGE WOODS RIDGE Davis and Linda Gardner NORTHWICH Kevin and Corinne Barkdull MILLCREST Michael and Lea Cochrane PROMONTORY POINTE Jack and Katherine Bettin REGATTA POINTE Todd J. Borawski Ted Sweetland and Carolyn Parker SEVEN OAKS Roy and Tamela Witham SHADOW RIDGE Micki Gelven and Pam Fraga STEEPLE CHASE Kevin and Ami Benson THREE BRIDGES Jacob and Nicole Yost WATKINS GLEN Jason and Shelby Salley WHISPERING OAKS Gregory and Patricia Foster WINTERBERRY RIDGE Michael and Maria Nojiam WOODBRIDGE CROSSING Betty Lucado April Mitchell HEARING PANEL May 2007 Birnam Woods – unapproved changes; unsightly Cove Ridge – unsightly Deer Meadow – screen AC unit Deer Meadow – three unsightly cases Deer Meadow – unregistered vehicle Fox Chase – screening enclosures; window a/c unit Fox Chase – two unsightly cases Genito Road commercial property – unsightly Harbourwood – boat and trailer /DQG·V(QG²UHPRYHWUDLOHUV 3ODQWHU·V:RRG²VFUHHQLQJ enclosures 3ODQWHU·V:RRG²XQVLJKWO\ Regatta Pointe – unsightly Regatta Pointe – violation of Waterfront Buffer Policy Shallowford Landing – violation of Waterfront Buffer Policy Steeple Chase – screening enclosures Steeple Chase – unapproved fence The Oaks – unsightly Thornridge – unsightly ARB APPROVALS Arrowood – deck, roof Birnam Woods – paint Chimney House – paint, shed, fence Copper Hill – roof, shingles, paint Cradle Hill – shed Crosstimbers – siding, porch rails Deer Meadow – paint Fox Chase – windows Garrison Place – roof, paint Harbour Bluff – paint, roof Heritage Woods – roof /LWFKÀHOG%OXII²UHWDLQLQJZDOO Long Hill – paint, fence Long Shadow – windows, paint Millcrest – patio North Point – patio awning Northwich – siding Old Fox Trail – paint 3ODQWHU·V :RRG ² KDQGLFDS UDPS fence, garage Quail Hill – shed Regatta Pointe – paint Ridge Creek – driveway Sagewood – paint Shallowford – paint, fence Steeple Chase – shed 6WHUOLQJ·V%ULGJH²GHFN Stoney Ridge – paint, shed 6XWWHU·V 0LOO ² ZLQGRZV SULYDF\ screen, deck, shed, ponds The Oaks – roof Thornridge – paint Three Bridges – driveway, garage door Timber Ridge – paint Turtle Hill – roof, siding Walnut Creek – roof Watch Hill – roof, new home construction Winterberry Ridge – screen porch COVENANTS May 2007 Violations Disclosures 189 24 “I always catch the first fish!” “I like Sunday Park and all the ducks.” “I like the trees.” Danielle sisters: Ally, 7, Briana, 8, Kayleigh, 5 Nuttree Woods “We moved from Florida and we like the trees and the established neighborhood.” Shearer and Brian Danielle Nuttree Woods “We downsized from Salisbury and we lost acres worth of grass to mow. We like the trails. Here it feels much more like a community, and it’s more like a resort.” Sue and Chuck Tyger Commodore Pointe “We like the trees and the friendly people. When you’re in the back screened areas, you don’t hear anything but nature. “ Melissa and Ken Kesselring Chimney House Area development, landscaping and mailboxes are board topics The following are a summaries of the BCA Board of Directors minutes. &RPSOHWH RIÀFLDO PLQXWHV DUH DYDLOable at the BCA office. A meeting of the BCA Board of Directors was held at Brandermill Woods on May 7, 2007. President Reamy, Directors Bradner, Cook, Guthrie, Livingston and Rowe, Community Manager Pritz and Recorder Judy Agee were present. Director Epps was absent. President’ Comments President Reamy reported that several members of the board attended the May 3 planning commission meeting where he presented the BCA Board-approved statement opposing adoption of the Upper Swift Creek Plan Revision in its present form. He then volunteered to draft a letter to the board of supervisors opposing approval of the current version of the Upper Swift Creek Plan Revision and urging approval of an extension of 60 days in the planning FRPPLVVLRQ·VGHDGOLQHWRPDNHQHHGHG changes and obtain public input. President Reamy will provide recommendations for 2007-2008 priorities and asked all directors to be prepared to offer comments and suggestions and to identify those areas in which they would be willing to take on a leadership role. President Reamy also reported a major development that is in the works in the northwest quadrant of the Rt. 288 and Genito Road intersection. The proposed 196-acre development will include multi-family residential and a small amount of commercial buildings. This acreage surrounds the existing self-storage facility. Planning Commissioner Russel Gulley will initiate a meeting with the developer and representatives from the BCA Board. 7KH&KHVWHUÀHOG&RXQW\3ODQQLQJ &RPPLVVLRQVWDIIFRQWLQXHVWRUHÀQH the documentation associated with the rezoning of BCA open space. Community Manager Pritz met with Greg Allen and Kirk Turner, who indicated that there are still several pending issues having to do with the calculation of the open space that have to be resolved before the proposed rezoning can be submitted for approval. Treasurer’s Report Treasurer Cook reviewed the preOLPLQDU\ÀQDQFLDOUHVXOWVIURP-DQXDU\ – March 2007, including the preOLPLQDU\RYHUYLHZRIWKHÀUVWTXDUWHU 2007 budget results, as reported to the ÀQDQFHFRPPLWWHHRQ$SULO Manager’s Report President Reamy and Community Manager Pritz met on May 4 with Dan Butler of Daniel Butler Photography and Steve Menninger who represented The Brandermill Church. Kevin Healy, owner of The Boathouse Restaurant, was invited to the meeting but did not attend. They discussed the Sunday Park loop road area including maintenance items such as trash left over from Friday and Saturday night activities. It was agreed that a yearHQGÀQDQFLDOUHSRUWZLOOEHSURYLGHG to Sunday Park property owners each year for their information. It was also agreed that future meetings would be scheduled on an as needed basis, at the request of any of the Sunday Park property owners. Community Manager Pritz introduced Jerry Clemmer who will be running the pool concessions for the 2007 pool season, starting May 2. Clemmer has a very extensive background in food service, and the BCA appreciates the efforts he and Alan Manden are making this year for the concessions at the Brandermill pools. Community Manager Pritz reported that the pool concession management fees previously authorized by the board should be adequate and that she is still in the process of negotiating the purchase RI VRPH HTXLSPHQW IURP ODVW \HDU·V concession provider. The BCA office summer hours were successful last year and provided residents with additional hours to visit WKH%&$RIÀFH,WZDVWKHFRQVHQVXVRI the board that the summer hours begin this year on June 1, with four 9-hour GD\VDQGWKHRIÀFHFORVLQJDWQRRQRQ )ULGD\V7KH RIÀFH VWDII ZLOO VWDJJHU their schedules to be available from 7:30 a.m. until 6 p.m. and 8 a.m. – noon on Fridays. On Friday afternoons, the automated phone system will direct incoming calls to the appropriate departments. Mailbox Color Change Brandermill has shared a large order of mailboxes each year with Woodlake from a company that was recently sold to a competitor. That company will not custom paint the mailboxes brown and will only sell retail. Community Manager Pritz and Maintenance DirecWRU%DUQDUGKDYHEHHQWU\LQJWRÀQGD source for the brown mailboxes and Summer Shannon finishes marathon for a worthy cause Summer Shannon The Village Mill employee Summer 6KDQQRQFRPSOHWHGKHUÀUVWPDUDWKRQ on June 3 in San Diego, Calif. and UDLVHG WR KHOS ÀQG D FXUH IRU leukemia, Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and myeloma. Shannon ÀQLVKHGWKHPLOHUXQLQÀYHKRXUV DQGÀYHPLQXWHVDQGVD\V´,IHOWOLNH, could have kept going.” Her father, who tracked her progress on-line, noted that she kept getting faster throughout the race. “I was just taking in the experience and the wonderful cheering,” she says, “and when ,VDZWKHÀQLVKOLQH,FRXOGQ·WEHOLHYH it was already there.” Shannon, one of 21,400 participants LQWKHWKDQQLYHUVDU\5RFN·Q· Roll Marathon, ran in memory of her Aunt Kay who lost her battle against leukemia a year ago. Over the past 10 years, The Leukemia and Lymphoma 6RFLHW\·V7HDP,Q7UDLQLQJKDVUDLVHG $122 million at the event. (GLWRU·V QRWH WKDQNV JR WR %&$ HPSOR\HHVDQGWKHFRPPXQLW\ZKRVH GRQDWLRQVZLOOKHOSPDNHDGLIIHUHQFH DQG FRQJUDWXODWLRQV JR WR 6XPPHU 6KDQQRQ IRU KHU GHWHUPLQDWLRQ DQG VXFFHVVIXO PDUDWKRQ 1RZ EDFN WR ZRUN Please be sure your boat registration and parking hangtags are in order We Are Back FROM THE The Brandermill Sailing CROW’S NEST Center opened on May 24 for another season of fun on the water. The Sailing Center and Sunday Park are community amenities for the enjoyment of BranGil Blake dermill residents and their accompanying guests. The BCA EVENTS Richmond Philharmonic – “One Hundred Percent American” The Gardens at Sunday Park June 17, 6 p.m. BCA Board Meetings Brandermill Woods June 18 & July 2, 7 p.m. BCA Offices Closed July 4 4th of July Celebration Swift Creek Middle School and Sunday Park Parade & Festivities, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Fireworks, 9:15 p.m. center is open from Thursday through Sunday from 1 to 7 p.m. until the second week in September. Canoes, two-man kayaks, jon boats with and without motors, pedal boats and four kinds of sailboats are available. Boats are rented with all equipment including life jackets. The rental rate for all boats is $10 per hour with a two-hour minimum for almost all boats. The American 14.6 sailboats are rented to a two- to four-person crew for $12.50 per hour with a two-hour minimum. Pedal boats can be rented by the hour. Electric motors are available for the jon boats for an additional $5 per hour with a two-hour minimum. To rent a boat, you must be a Brandermill resident and at least 18 years of age. Guest boat rentals are available at the Sailing Center, but must be sponsored by a resident. The sponsoring resident must be present to sign the rental agreement. A written note or WHOHSKRQH FDOO LV QRW VXIÀFLHQW VLQFH the resident must accept, in writing, responsibility for the equipment and the safety and behavior of the guests. Guests may also use the launching facilities at Sunday Park and at The Landing. Day passes for guest use of these facilities can be obtained at the BCA RIÀFHGXULQJWKHZHHNDQGDWWKH6DLOing Center during business hours. The resident sponsor must be present to obtain a day pass. Weekly or season passes are not available. Residents and guests launching boats from trailers in Sunday Park PXVWSDUNWKHLUWUDLOHUVLQWKHRYHUÁRZ parking lot. Brochures describing the boat rental program and boating rules are DYDLODEOHDWWKH%&$RIÀFHDQGDWWKH Sailing Center. Pontoon Boats The BranderBelle pontoon boat has been busy and cruises for the summer and fall are being booked. Please book \RXU FUXLVH HDUO\ VR \RX ZRQ·W EH disappointed. Cruises must be booked a week in advance to assure captain availability. Short notice bookings RI OHVV WKDQ D ZHHN PD\ EH GLIÀFXOW to service. For pontoon boat cruise information, call Barbara Emison or Jennifer Strader at 744-1035x104. Attention Boat Owners Have you renewed your Virginia and Brandermill boat registration yet? Many boats are not displaying the “07” registration sticker. Due to a printing error of the new parking hangtags omitting the space for your trailer number, please mark your trailer number in large letters and numbers on the face of your hangtag. Vehicles with trailers not displaying a hangtag with a corresponding trailer number will be considered those of a nonresident. As always, we appreciate your cooperation. Until next time, we wish you fair winds. are considering other options. One example would be that black mailboxes could be purchased and painted by an auto body shop for a baked-on paint surface rather than brush painted which would quickly chip. Millcrest Open Space The board reviewed the status of accepting the deed for the Millcrest open space. President Reamy reported that he, Director Guthrie, Community Manager Pritz and Maintenance Director Barnard met with Hank Meyer of East-West Partners to walk the open space area and identify concerns. Community Manager Pritz will draft a letter for board approval to East-West regarding the issues to be resolved before accepting the deed. Intersection Landscape Update Grant Miller of Miller Landscaping reviewed the plans and preliminary estimate of costs for proposed landscaping of the islands at the intersections of Brandermill Parkway at Millridge Parkway and Brandermill Parkway at Genito Road. It was the consensus of the board to get further information for the island where the Brandermill sign is located at the main entrance at Hull Street Road and Old Hundred Road, and to incorporate these recommendations with other items to be considered for the BCA capital improvement program for the next budget cycle. Grant 0LOOHU ZLOO UHYLHZ WKH VSHFLÀFDWLRQV with the landscape committee and have Community Manager Pritz send them See BCA Minutes on page 7 New design standards are available on the BCA website Beginning August 1, 2007 a COMMUNITY STANDARDS new set of Residential Design Standards will go into effect. This LVWKHÀUVWUHZULWH of the standards since 2002. Community Architect Doug Greene produced the guidelines Julann Talty after consulting with staff and the architectural review board. “The new standards take into account some of the new products on the market such as ornamental metal fences and new decking materials,” Greene says. “Also, the old post and wire fence will be phased out in Brandermill. All previously approved post and wire fences may remain until they fall into disrepair. We also listened to staff recommendations on several topics including temporary storage units (PODs); removing holiday decorations within a reasonable period of time; minimum landscaping requirements; and prohibiting inappropriate window coverings.” Approvals for fences, decks and other items within condominium sub-associations is addressed in the standards as well as the requirement of contacting nearby residents when a large home improvement project is slated to take place in a neighborhood. The BCA Shoreline Buffer Policy and the mailbox policy are also part of the new guidelines. “Clearer drawings, a new matrix and suggested landscape plants included in the booklet will be very helpful to residents,” Greene adds. The guidelines are a product of over six months of work and were approved by the BCA Board in March. Residents are encouraged to check the BCA website at www.brandermill. com to view the new document or to VWRS E\ WKH %&$ RIÀFH WR SLFN XS D copy. BCA Calendar of Events 2007 June 17 Richmond Philharmonic “100% American” The Gardens Pavilion at Sunday Park 6 p.m. June 18 & July 2 BCA Board Meetings Brandermill Woods Retirement Community 7 p.m. July 4 BCA Offices Closed July 4 4th of July Celebration Swift Creek Middle School & Sunday Park Parade & Festivities, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Fireworks, 9:15 p.m. July 23 July 30 August 6 Junior Sports Days Brandermill Country Club 8 a.m. 8LI:MPPEKI1MPP 3001 East Boundary Terrace, Midlothian, VA 23112 804-744-1035 Fax 804-744-5148 Publisher..................Brandermill Community Association Managing Editor ............................ Wendy Mathis Parker Production Assistant .......................................... Tina Holt Copy Editor ........................................ Lynda Firth Raines Advertising Sales/Graphics Designer ...Summer Shannon The Village Mill is the Brandermill Community Association monthly newsletter. Hand delivery to homes and businesses generally takes three days from issue date. Due to the monthly nature of the paper, on occasion, delivery may occur after some events have taken place. The Village Mill is printed 80% of the time on recycled paper. Letters should be sent to the editor at the above address or sent via e-mail to: [email protected]. Visit the BCA web site at www.brandermill.com COMMUNITY NEWS BWC works of art are a labor of love BRMC success is due to fun, goals, & diversity BRMC members can be found cutting cold watermelons each year after the Fourth of July Parade. By Lou Seminare Club Correspondent During the past quarter-century, %UDQGHUPLOO 5HWLUHG 0HQ·V &OXE %50&KDVJURZQIURPDERXWD GR]HQUHWLUHHVZKRPHWUHJXODUO\RQ WKHÀUVWWHHRI%UDQGHUPLOO&RXQWU\ &OXE WR LWV FXUUHQW VL]H RI QHDUO\ PHPEHUVHDFKRIZKRPFDPH WR WKH DUHD IURP GLIIHUHQW SDUWV RI WKH FRXQWU\ DQG ZLWK YDULHG ZRUNLQJ EDFNJURXQGV 7KH PHPEHUV· GLYHUVLW\ DQG H[SHULHQFH LV D VRXUFH RI WKH FOXE·V VWUHQJWK Rotary sponsors events to raise funds for charity 0RUH WKDQ UHSUHVHQWDWLYHV IURP ORFDO QRQSURÀW RUJDQL]DWLRQV DWWHQGHG %UDQGHUPLOO 5RWDU\·V DQQXDO&KDULW\%UHDNIDVWRQ0D\DW %UDQGHUPLOO&RXQWU\&OXE 7KH HYHQW IRFXVHG RQ WKH IXQGV WKDWZHUHUDLVHGE\WKHWHDPVWKDW SOD\HG LQ WKH 5RWDU\·V DQQXDO JROI WRXUQDPHQWRQ0D\D0LOOLRQDLUH·V 3DUW\WKDWZDVKHOG0DUFKDQG WKH 0DJQLILFHQW 0LGORWKLDQ )RRG )HVWLYDO ZKLFK LV KHOG RQ WKH ÀUVW :HGQHVGD\RI2FWREHU 7KH%UDQGHUPLOO5RWDU\LVFRPSRVHGRISURIHVVLRQDOVZKROLYH DQGZRUNLQWKHDUHD*D\OH:DOWHUV LV WKH FOXE·V SUHVLGHQW 5RWDU\,QWHUQDWLRQDOKDVPRUHWKDQ PLOOLRQPHPEHUVLQFRXQWULHV DFURVVWKHJOREH )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQSOHDVHYLVLW ZZZEUDQGHUPLOOURWDU\RUgRUFDOO DQG KDV FRQWULEXWHG JUHDWO\ WR LWV VXFFHVV Success in this case is measured E\KRZZHOOWKHFOXEPHHWVLWVREMHFWLYHVZKLFKDUHVHWIRUWKLQWKH E\ODZVDVIROORZV´7KHREMHFWLYH RIWKLVQRQSURÀWRUJDQL]DWLRQLVWR PDNH UHWLUHPHQW PRUH HQMR\DEOH DQGUHZDUGLQJE\SURPRWLQJIULHQGVKLS DQG VRFLDO DFWLYLWLHV WR UHVLGHQWV RI %UDQGHUPLOO :RRGODNH DQGUHFHQWO\H[SDQGHGPHPEHUVKLS WR UHWLUHHV LQ QHDUE\ QHLJKERUKRRGVWRDLGLQWKHEHWWHUPHQWRI WKH JUHDWHU FRPPXQLW\ SULPDULO\ WKURXJKVLJQLÀFDQWVXSSRUWRIORFDO DQGQDWLRQDORUJDQL]DWLRQVµ $GGHG WR WKLV FRPPXQLW\ LQYROYHPHQWPL[LVDQH[WHQVLYHDUUD\ RISURJUDPVDQGDFWLYLWLHVLQFOXGLQJVRFLDOHYHQWVVXFKDVGDQFHV SLFQLFVWULSVDIXOOJROISURJUDP D ZHHNO\ ERZOLQJ OHDJXH WZLFH ZHHNO\ EULGJH DQG VRFLDO FDUG SOD\LQJJURXSVDERRNGLVFXVVLRQ SURJUDPSKRWRJUDSK\DQGÀVKLQJ 7KH ZLYHV RI %50& PHPEHUV DUHLQFOXGHGLQWKHPRQWKO\´GLQH DURXQGWRZQµSURJUDP520(2³ 5HWLUHG 2XWVWDQGLQJ 0HQ (DWLQJ 2XWZLWKWKHLUODGLHVDQGJXHVWV $ ORQJVWDQGLQJ WUDGLWLRQ RI WKH%50&LVVHUYLQJXSGHOLFLRXV LFHFROG ZDWHUPHORQ LQ 6XQGD\ 3DUN IROORZLQJ WKH DQQXDO %&$ VSRQVRUHG )RXUWK RI -XO\ 3DUDGH &OXE PHPEHUV KDYH KDSSLO\ SHUIRUPHGWKLV´MXLF\µWDVNHDFK\HDU VLQFHWKHFOXEZDVIRUPHG %UDQGHUPLOO5HWLUHG0HQ·V&OXE KROGV LWV UHJXODU PHHWLQJV ZKLFK IHDWXUH ZHOO NQRZQ JXHVW VSHDNHUVDW7KH%UDQGHUPLOO&KXUFKRQ WKHÀUVW7KXUVGD\RIHDFKPRQWK 6HSWHPEHUWKURXJK-XQHDWDP SUHFHGHGE\UHIUHVKPHQWVDQGIHOORZVKLSDWDP $UHDUHWLUHHVDJHDQG´EHWWHUµ ZKRDUHLQWHUHVWHGLQOHDUQLQJPRUH DERXW %50& DUH HQFRXUDJHG WR FRQWDFWDQ\PHPEHUDWWHQGRQHRI WKHPRQWKO\PHHWLQJVDVDJXHVWRI WKHFOXERUYLVLWWKHFOXE·VZHEVLWH at ZZZUHWLUHGPHQFRm The BWC Material Girls are, from left: Polly Pratt, Norma Taylor, Sheila Davidson, Delma Kemmet, Gail Plante, Sue Love, Elaine Falstad, and Carolyn Mendel. Not pictured are Sherry Enman, Joan Klinker, and Millie Wyszymski. 7KH 0DWHULDO *LUOV D TXLOWLQJ JURXS ZLWKLQ %UDQGHUPLOO :RPDQ·V &OXEVWD\VEXV\PDNLQJTXLOWVWKDWDUH GRQDWHGWRYDULRXVZRUWK\FDXVHV'XULQJWKHSDVW\HDUWKHJURXSVWLWFKHGDQ DVVRUWPHQWRIEHDXWLIXOFRORUIXOTXLOWV WKDWZHUHJLYHQWRWKH$VVRFLDWLRQIRU 6XSSRUWRI&KLOGUHQZLWK&DQFHUDWWKH 9LUJLQLD &RPPRQZHDOWK 8QLYHUVLW\ 0HGLFDO&ROOHJHRI9LUJLQLD3HGLDWULF 2QFRORJ\8QLW New BWC Officers %UDQGHUPLOO :RPDQ·V &OXE LQVWDOOHG QHZ RIILFHUV IRU WKH \HDUDWLWV0D\PHHWLQJDWWKH /HPDLUH 5HVWDXUDQW LQ WKH -HIIHUVRQ +RWHO7KH\DUH0LOOLH)RUGSUHVLGHQW 6XVDQ&RIIH\VWYLFHSUHVLGHQWSURJUDPV$QQ*DW]DQG-RDQ.OLQNHUQG YLFH SUHVLGHQWV PHPEHUVKLS 6XVDQ 6PLWK WUHDVXUHU %DUEDUD *XHUUHLQ UHFRUGLQJVHFUHWDU\DQG-XGLWK6\GQRU Life Settlement Financial Group Read Aloud Virginia (501c3 non-profit) Golf Championship 2007 (4-Person Captain’s Choice) July 23, 2007 Brandermill Country Club $100 per player or $400 per team Deadline: July 9 Contact: Joanie Bache at 285-0457 or [email protected] FRUUHVSRQGLQJVHFUHWDU\ 2QHQHHGQRWOLYHLQ%UDQGHUPLOO WR MRLQ %UDQGHUPLOO :RPDQ·V &OXE DOO ZRPHQ DUH ZHOFRPH 7KH FOXE SURYLGHVDZD\WRPHHWQHZSHRSOHDQG SDUWLFLSDWHLQVPDOOLQWHUHVWJURXSVDQG WRFRQWULEXWHWRWKHFRPPXQLW\WKURXJK FKDULWDEOHSURMHFWV 7KRVH LQWHUHVWHG PD\ FRQWDFW PHPEHUVKLS FRFKDLUV$QQH *DW] DW RU-RDQ.OLQNHUDW & Lighting the Way 708-5280 You are invited Southpark Mall Free delivery to Brandermill and Woodlake areas! Cookie Cakes for Birthdays, Anniversaries and team events! [email protected] You are invited to attend a seminar on using your Life Insurance to fund your retirement years by brokering unwanted policies today. It sounds dull but the answers may surprise you or even change your life. Speakers include: Volunteers Needed! Caroline Tisdale AVP, and Chuck Martin CEO, Life Settlement Financial Group 4th of July Festivities Place: Brandermill Woods 14311 Brandermill Trail, Midlothian, VA Please Call 744-1035x104 BranderBelle Brandermill Community Association & Brandermill Country Club announce 2007 Junior Sports Days ! Ages 5 - 8 July 23 E E FR Ages 9 - 13 July 30 Ages 14 - 17 August 6 Agenda each day: 8:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. Rental Rates With Captain Rates Capacity 1.5 hour cruise $37.50 13 people 2 $50.00 13 people hour cruise June 11, 2007 - The Village Mill - Page 3 Open to children and grandchildren of Brandermill residents Brandermill Country Club membership not required Limited to first 100 junior entries per date RSVP required 744-1035x104 Reservations and payment must be made one week in advance only at the BCA office. Most credit card are accepted. May 1 through October Cruise hours 7 days a week 9 a.m. - 10 p.m., weather permitting. Reserve a cruise now! BranderBelle Reservations 744-1035x104 Registration & Grouping Golf, Tennis, Swimming Golf, Tennis, Swimming Box Lunch Golf, Tennis, Swimming Group Discussion & Goodbye 2007 Junior Sports Days Name: Phone/email: Address: Age 5 - 8 (July 23) Age 9 - 13 (July 30) Age 14 - 17 (August 6) Parental signature required: My signature is acknowledgement that I hold Brandermill Country Club, its owners and employees, Brandermill Community Association and employees harmless from any injury, damage, claim, loss or liability. As this is a complimentary day of recreation, Brandermill will make every effort to provide a safe and controlled day for your children. We will accept parent volunteers. If interested, please denote here: Yes, I will attend with child and volunteer myself as a safety monitor. B C A Please return to BCA: Attn: Barbara Emison - 3001 East Boundary Terrace Midlothian, VA 23112 • 744-1035x104 Time: 7:00 p.m. Date: June 21, 2007 Call: 270-6416 to confirm attendance Refreshments will be served COMMUNITY NEWS Page 4 - The Village Mill - June 11, 2007 Neighborhood Idol event raises $4,000; Colin Healy is winner Fishing expedition delights little brothers & sisters By Lynda Raines Copy Editor Brandermill Woods-sponsored Neighborhood Idol winner Kevin Colin walks away with the $500 first-place prize. Below, at left: 2nd place – Cayle Macheck wins $100; below, at right: 3rd place – Courtney Ryan wins $50 gift card. Shallowford Trace resident Michelle Swanson says she wants to share “what we have in Brandermill.” Recently she had the chance to do just that when on April 22, 12 children from the Big Brothers Big Sisters RUJDQL]DWLRQGHVFHQGHGXSRQ6XQGD\ 3DUNWROHDUQKRZWRÀVK´1RQHRIWKH FKLOGUHQKDGHYHUEHHQÀVKLQJEHIRUHµ says Swanson, who works in volunteer recruitment and partnership coordination for the Big Brothers Big Sisters RUJDQL]DWLRQ Under the expert guidance of representatives from the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, the children quickly caught on to the art of baiting a hook and casting a line into Swift Creek Reservoir. According to Swanson, one young participant broke into a “victory dance” when she landed a large-mouth bass. “New experiences such as this one can instill a love for nature and outdoor activities in a child,” Swanson says. ´:H·UH JUDWHIXO WR WKH %UDQGHUPLOO community for sharing its beautiful park with some really great kids.” For the past 35 years, the Big BrothHUV%LJ6LVWHUVRUJDQL]DWLRQKDVKHOSHG many children in the Greater Richmond area to reach their full potential. The program provides one-on-one mentoring by matching an adult volunteer with a child who shares their same interests and activity level. Swanson says the children at Big Brothers Big Sisters are exposed to diverse activities that KHOSWKHPEXLOGVHOIFRQÀGHQFH´7KH\ receive personal attention,” Swanson says, “and they thrive on it.” Big Brothers Big Sisters is a nonSURÀW RUJDQL]DWLRQ WKDW UHOLHV RQ WKH goodwill of community partners and individuals in the community who can SURYLGHH[SHULHQFHVÀQDQFLDOVXSSRUW and/or volunteer time. “Our big fund-raiser, the Annual Duck Race, is July 28,” Swanson says. Rodejah’s smile confirms her newfound love of fishing. ´,W·VDIDPLO\IULHQGO\HYHQWWKDWEULQJV RXWDORWRISHRSOHDQGLW·VIRUVXFKD good cause.” For more information on the Big Brothers Big Sisters program, including the Annual Duck Race, or to volunteer, please call 261-4940, or visit www.bigbrobigsis.com. Joan & Howard Hancock celebrate 50 years of wedded bliss Using the Latest Technology for Top Quality Dry Cleaning! Waterford Place (next to Food Lion) • 744-1799 of $25 or more dry cleaning bill. of $15 or more dry cleaning bill. Assistance Program, which assists a resident who, due to circumstances out Special Correspondent of their control, can no longer afford to Eighty pounds of pasta was con- pay their monthly service fee. sumed along with other favorite Staff Scholarship Award Italian dishes on May 17 at the During the Neighborhood Idol Brandermill Woods spaghetti dinner talent competition, the Brandermill and Neighborhood Idol competition. :RRGV )RXQGDWLRQ DZDUGHG LWV ÀIWK Three hundred tickets were sold scholarship in the amount of $2,000 for the entertaining community to Adrienne Slack, a very deserving event. employee. Slack works in the dining Following the delicious Italian department and is enrolled in a nursmeal, 14 area participants gave fame LQJSURJUDPDW&KHVWHUÀHOG7HFKQLFDO their best shot. The acts included jump Center. She believes in “treating every roping, stand-up comedy, piano play- resident as if they were one of my ing and singing. family members.” Upon completion Guitarist Colin Healy of Riverbirch RIWKHQXUVLQJSURJUDPDW&KHVWHUÀHOG 7UDFHWRRNWKHÀUVWSODFHSUL]HIRU Technical Center, Slack plans to move his original song, “Say Yours Prayers.” on to J. Sargeant Reynolds Community 7KHVHFRQGSODFHSUL]HZHQWWR College to obtain a registered nursing Cayle Macheck for her rendition of degree. 0DUWLQD0F%ULGH·VVRQJ´*RG·V:LOOµ Courtney Ryan, third place, won a $50 gift card for her performance of another Martina McBride song, “My Baby Loves Me.” The Neighborhood Idol event raised almost $4,000 for the Brandermill Woods Foundation. All of the proceeds from the dinner will JR WR WKH (OL]DEHWK 6FRWW 5HVLGHQW Good only at Waterford Place location. Must bring coupon in with order. Excludes household items, leather & wedding gowns. Expires 7/9/07. Good only at Waterford Place location. Must bring coupon in with order. Excludes household items, leather & wedding gowns. Expires 7/9/07. Providing service for over 70 years. Charter Co lony By Lisa Keppler Food Lion Genito Joan and Howard Hancocks Joan and Howard Hancock celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with family and friends on Sunday, April 22 at Celebrations on the Reservoir. The Hancocks have lived in Harbour Pointe for 19 years. They were married at Mount Hermon Baptist Church in Moseley on April 20, 1957. Now servicing a new location at Waterford Place in Brandermill. Hours: Monday - Friday 7 a.m. - 7 p.m., Saturday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. The couple has two daughters, one son, who is deceased, and four grandchildren. ONE DAY SERVICE IN BY 9 A.M. OUT BY 5 P.M. BCA Summer Hours May 29 - August 31 Thomas Allen Zacharias makes his debut Monday - Thursday 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. BRANDERMILL Community Association Friday 8:00 a.m. - noon Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics of Virginia Photo by Wendy Parker Thomas Allen Zacharias Long Shadow neighbors welcome baby Thomas Allen Zacharias to the neighborhood. He is the son of Mark and Dominique Zacharias. Born May 25, 2007, “TAZ” weighed in at 8 pounds 2 ounces and measured 21 inches long. small PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY James M. Keeton, Jr., D.M.D. Meera A. Gokli, D.D.S. Steven R. Lubbe, D.M.D. I don’t want a tie. >Ì iÀ½ÃÊ>Þ -ONTH -EMBERSHIP 'IFT #ERTIlCATE "ÞÊ f ,IMIT ONE PER CUSTOMER .OT TO BE COMBINED WITH ANY OTHER OFFERS FOR ADULTS & CHILDREN Chad F. Schanilec, D.D.S. April L. Bridges-Poquis, D.D.S. CLOVER HILL MEDICAL CENTER 13841 Hull Street Road, Suite 3 (across from Clover Hill H.S.) 739-0963 FAMILY HEALTH CENTER 7410 Hull Street Road (across from Manchester Middle School) 745-0100 www.pdova.com 3AVE #ALL TODAY WELL MAIL YOU A GIFT CERTIlCATE IN TIME FOR &ATHERS $AY ORTHODONTICS (ULL 3TREET 2OAD BETWEEN "RANDERMILL 7OODLAKE BESIDE "UFFALO 7ILD 7INGS 10 OFF $ 5 OFF $ COMMUNITY NEWS June 11, 2007 - The Village Mill - Page 5 Michael Pease completes his mission Swift Creek Eye offers free eye exams for infants Locks of Love Mission The mission of Locks of Love LVWRUHWXUQDVHQVHRIVHOIFRQÀdence and normalcy to children suffering from hair loss by utilizing donated ponytails to provide the highest quality hair prosthetLFV WR ÀQDQFLDOO\ GLVDGYDQWDJHG children. The children receive hair prostheses free of charge or on a VOLGLQJ VFDOH EDVHG RQ ÀQDQFLDO need. The organization, which began operation in 1998, has helped over 2,000 children to date. Donors provide the hair, volunteers open and sort the donations, and the manufacturer hand-assembles each piece, which requires approximately four to six months. Children comprise over 80 percent of the donors, making this a charity where children have the opportunity to help other children. Locks of Love provides its recipients with a custom, vacuumÀWWHGKDLUSLHFHPDGHHQWLUHO\IURP donated human hair. The vacuum ÀW LV GHVLJQHG IRU FKLOGUHQ ZKR have experienced a total loss of scalp hair and does not require the use of tape or glue. Most of the applicants suffer from an autoimmune condition called alopecia Michael Pease donates 23 inches of his hair to Locks of Love. By Wendy Parker Managing Editor Brandermill resident Michael Pease, 14, is a cool kid. And thanks to KLVJHQHURVLW\KH·OOEHHYHQFRROHUWKLV summer — literally. On June 1, the eighth-grader at Swift Creek Middle School sat in a beauty salon while hair stylist Tanya Martin cut off 23 inches of his curly mane, which will go to Locks of Love, a charitable organization that provides wigs for children suffering from longterm medical hair loss due to illness. Michael is the son of Michelle and Peter Pease of Spring Gate. They were on hand for the haircut, as was his good friend Steven Savarie who videotaped the event. Three years ago—on May 21 to be exact—Pease decided it was time to let his buzz haircut grow. Without routine trips to the hair salon, his locks grew and grew—so much so that when his curly hair was stretched straight, it nearly reached his waist. According to Pease, during the three years he avoided the barbershop, folks often looked at him differently, and some made comments. While playing football, Pease would occasionally hear a sneering opponent say, “Cut your hair.” On the other hand, comments from the female population were often complimentary, “What beautiful hair,” one woman said, “I wish I had WKDWµ$QG D IULHQG·V VLVWHU OLNHG WR iron, braid and style his hair or put it in a ponytail. At swim practice for the Brandermill Swim Team, Pease had to stuff his abundant hair into a swim cap. Children’s Museum opens backyard garden for kids 7KH &KLOGUHQ·V 0XVHXP RI 5LFKmond (CMoR) opened its new backyard area for children age 3 and younger on May 19. Located directly outside the museXP·VEDFNGRRUWKHVTXDUHIRRW backyard features a back porch, a reading corner with a shade tree, water misters, a toddler-size sandbox, water VTXLUWVDQGDÁHHWRIOLWWOHND\DNV The CMoR backyard invites children to incorporate play, exploration and expression in a natural outdoor setting. A mosaic tile representation RIWKH-DPHV5LYHU´ÁRZVµWKURXJKWKH backyard past a bridge, a waterfall, a water table, river rocks, native plants, a grassy hill for tumbling and a giant sandbox. A music stage stands ready for impromptu performances, complete with musical instruments, and an art hut space invites children to try their hand at waterpainting, weaving on looms, and other artistic activities. “By helping kids rediscover the outdoors, we hope the backyard will inspire active bodies and active imaginations,” says Karen Coltrane, vice SUHVLGHQWRIWKH&KLOGUHQ·V0XVHXP Access to the backyard is included in the regular museum admission price of $7. 7KH &KLOGUHQ·V 0XVHXP RI 5LFKmond is located at 2626 W. Broad Street. Summer operating hours from Memorial Day through Labor Day are Monday through Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday from noon to 5 p.m. For more information, please call 474-7000 or visit www.c-mor.org. But it was through a fellow swim team member that Pease learned about Locks of Love. Pease thought that donating his hair was a worthy cause and he became more determined than ever to let his tresses grow. ´,W·V D JRRG IHHOLQJ WKDW ,·P KHOSLQJ someone out,” says Pease, who is now enjoying the lighter load he is carrying and the coolness about his shoulders in the rising temperatures. However, DFFRUGLQJ WR 3HDVH LW·V D WHPSRUDU\ situation. He plans to let his hair grow out again — for Locks of Love, and that is one of many reasons why the young man is so cool. Stay in the Loop! Receive reminders of important BCA meetings & events Send your email address to: [email protected] Short hair is short-lived. Michael Pease will again grow out his hair for the charitable cause. painless and often enjoyable. As part of the national launch, former President Carter issued a callto-action that urges parents to take advantage of the free program. His granddaughter was diagnosed and treated as a toddler for amblyopia, a leading cause of vision loss in people \RXQJHUWKDQKLVJUDQGVRQ·VDPEO\RSLDZDVQRWLGHQWLÀHGXQWLOJUDGH school and may never be fully corrected. Amblyopia affects one in 30 children. Swift Creek Eye Center is located at 13841 Hull Street Road, Suite 2, across from Clover Hill High School. To make an appointment, please call Dr. Amanda Paull at 739-7000. For more information about InfantSEE™, please call 1-888-3937 or visit www. infantsee.org. (Country club optional.) For Parties, Seminars, Weddings, Banquets, Large Meetings American Legion Post 186 • 901 Otterdale Road Phone 794-2579 or 794-9785 Consultations by Appointment Ceragem Massage Bed 6 sessions for Renee Wiest $ Master Herbalist/ Certified Natural Health Professional • Nature’s Sunshine Products • Certified Organic Pet Food • Amelia Soap & Herb Products • Herbs & Supplements • Cleanses • Homeopathics 864-5000 57 Refer a friend for additional savings Ion Cleanse Foot Detox 175 6 sessions for $ 4948 Millridge Pkwy. East Market Square - Brandermill www.goodhealthherbs.com Save $35 each session regular $35 Give them something they’ll really like! Share precious memories! The Townhomes at Harbour Pointe offer the lifestyle you want at a location you need. Ideally located in Brandermill, our new maintenance-free townhomes are close to the area’s best schools and Rt. 288. Plus, you can join the nearby Brandermill Country Club if you’re into golf, tennis, or simply having a great time. But let’s not forget what our townhomes offer inside. You’ll find gorgeous, open floorplans, available first-floor master bedrooms and rear-entry garages—all starting from only the mid-$200s. And, for a limited time, we’ll also include a free washer and dryer, and $3,500 in closing costs! To get a closer look at Brandermill’s only new maintenance-free townhomes, call our Sales Center at (804) 739-1000. ENHANCEMENTS Directions: Take 288 to 360 west (Hull St.); drive past Harbour Pointe at Brandermill sign; turn right just before Ukrop’s onto Bayside Lane. COMPOSITION REPRODUCTION $5,000 off Brandermill Country Club membership fee! SCANNING Cart paths are for Brandermill Country Club members only. Swift Creek Eye Center will offer free eye examinations for infants by appointment on the third Wednesday of each month from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Over 7,300 optometrists nationwide are participating in InfantSEE™, a nocost public health program developed to provide professional eye care for infants. The program is supported by former President Jimmy Carter and provides a one-time, comprehensive eye assessment to infants ages 6-12 months. Although infants cannot respond YHUEDOO\WKHÀUVW\HDURIOLIHLVDQLGHDO time to conduct an extensive eye assessment using specialized equipment. Not only is this a critical time for eye and vision development, but generally children at this age do not yet fear GRFWRUYLVLWVDQGÀQGWKHDVVHVVPHQW LARGE HALL FOR RENT REMOVAL Please adhere to directional symbols on cart paths & bike trails. Rebecca Doyle’s 8-month-old daughter, Addison, has her first eye exam. Announcing the new Townhomes at Harbour Pointe. Maintenance-free living in Brandermill. es ag r ga ts! y i r nt ll un e ar n a Re o RESTORATION Watch Your Step! areata, for which there is no known cause or cure. Others have suffered severe burns, or endured radiation treatment to the brain stem, in addition to many other dermatological conditions that result in permanent hair loss. How to Donate • Donated hair must be at least 10 inches, preferably 12 inches, in length • It must be bundled in a ponytail or braid • Hair must be free of bleach. Gray, colored and permed hair is acceptable. • The hair must be clean and dry, placed in a plastic bag, and mailed in a padded envelope. • Locks of Love, 2925 10th Avenue N., Suite 102 Lake Worth, FL 33461 • Monetary donations to Locks of Love are taxdeductible. Donated hair that is not suitable IRU XVH LQ FKLOGUHQ·V KDLUSLHFHV may be sold at fair market value to offset the cost of manufacturing. For more information about Locks of Love, please e-mail LQIR#ORFNVRÁRYHRUg SPECIALTY ITEMS BEFORE Tailored IMAGES 744-2624 http://pages.prodigy.net/tholt1/TI AFTER FREE 8x10 with restoration order Quality. Integrity. Attention to Detail. 7812 Shrader Road • Richmond, VA 23294 • (804) 440-5639 www.stylecrafthomes.com COMMUNITY NEWS HAPPE needs foster homes for sheltered pets Teen center opens at Swift Creek Middle School on August 9 Senior pet lovers: do you know... HAPPE pets, Newton, above, and Jack, at right, are among the many critters who need temporary TLC while awaiting adoption. SRLQWFKHFNOLVWWRPDNHVXUHWKHGRJ By Lynda Raines LVDGRSWDEOHRUHOLJLEOHIRUIRVWHUFDUH Copy Editor DQGQRWDWKUHDWWRFKLOGUHQDGXOWVDQG :KHQDGRJHQWHUVWKH&KHVWHUÀHOG RWKHUSHWVLQWKHKRPH What is foster care? &RXQW\$QLPDO 6KHOWHU FKDQFHV DUH )RVWHUFDUHJLYHUVDJUHHWRSURYLGH JRRGWKDWWKHVKHOWHUZLOOEHLWVÀQDO KRPH7KHKDUVKUHDOLW\RIPDQ\DQL- DWHPSRUDU\ORYLQJDQGVDIHKRPHDQG PDOVKHOWHUVLVWKDWIDUWRRPDQ\GRJV DUHDVNHGWRDJUHHWRDPLQLPXPWZR WKDW DUH GHVHUYLQJ RI D ORYLQJ KRPH ZHHNFRPPLWPHQW +$33(SURYLGHVÀQDQFLDOVXSSRUW QHYHUOHDYHWKHVKHOWHU7KHVWDQGDUG VROXWLRQ IRU RYHUFURZGLQJ DW DQLPDO IRUWKHIRVWHUGRJ·VH[SHQVHVLQFOXGLQJ PHGLFDOFDUHDQGIRRGDQGJURRPLQJ VKHOWHUVLVHXWKDQDVLD +RPHOHVV$QLPDO3URWHFWLRQ3ODFH- VXSSOLHV $V ZLWK WKH +$33( DGRSWLRQ PHQW(GXFDWLRQ+$33(LVDQRQSURÀW DQLPDOUHVFXHRUJDQL]DWLRQWKDWZRUNV SURFHVV SURVSHFWLYH IRVWHU FDUHJLYZLWKWKH&KHVWHUÀ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oster to Adopt ´7KH IRVWHU SURJUDP ZDV VWDUWHG 7KRVHZKRDUHQRWVXUHLIWDNLQJRQ LQE\YROXQWHHUVDW&KHVWHUÀHOG &RXQW\$QLPDO6KHOWHUZKRZRUNKDUG WKH UHVSRQVLELOLW\ RI DGRSWLQJ D GRJ WRPDWFKGRJVDQGIRVWHUFDUHJLYHUVµ LVULJKWIRUWKHPPD\ZLVKWRWU\WKH ´IRVWHUWRDGRSWµSURJUDPDW+$33( VD\V0RUVFK .HQ +DPPRQG SUHVLGHQW RI WKH 0RUVFK VD\V WKH IRVWHUWRDGRSW SURERDUGRIGLUHFWRUVIRU+$33(EHOLHYHV JUDP LV WKH EHVW ZD\ WR EH FHUWDLQ WKH IRVWHU FDUH SURJUDP DW +$33( RI FRPSDWLELOLW\ EHWZHHQ D GRJ WKH JLYHV GRJV VFKHGXOHG IRU HXWKDQDVLD SURVSHFWLYH RZQHU DQG RWKHU SHWV LQ D VHFRQG FKDQFH ZKLOH HGXFDWLQJ WKHKRXVHKROG Foster caregivers needed WKH SXEOLF DERXW WKH RYHUZKHOPLQJ +$33( KDV DQ XUJHQW QHHG IRU QHHGIRUSHWDGRSWLRQLQ&KHVWHUÀHOG YROXQWHHU IRVWHU FDUHJLYHUV IRU GRJV County. ´7KHUH LV RQO\ VR PXFK URRP DW WKDW KDYH EHHQ UHVFXHG EXW QRW \HW WKH VKHOWHUµ VD\V +DPPRQG ´7KHUH DGRSWHG7KRVHZKRZLVKWRORYHDQG DUHVRPDQ\SXWGRZQWKDWQHYHUKDG QXUWXUHDGRJEXWGRQRWIHHOUHDG\IRU DSHUPDQHQWIXOOWLPHFRPPLWPHQWDV DFKDQFHµ $FFRUGLQJ WR +DPPRQG DQG DSHWRZQHUDUHHQFRXUDJHGWRDSSO\ 0RUVFK GRJV WKDW DUH FKRVHQ IRU WREHFRPHDYROXQWHHULQWKH+$33( ERWK DGRSWLRQ DQG UHVFXH DUH JLYHQ IRVWHUFDUHSURJUDP )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQRUWRGRZQD WHPSHUDPHQW WHVW EHIRUH WKH\ DUH FRQVLGHUHGDVDGRSWLRQRUIRVWHUGRJV ORDGDQDSSOLFDWLRQWRHLWKHUIRVWHURU 7KH WHPSHUDPHQW WHVW LQFOXGHV D DGRSW D GRJ SOHDVH YLVLW ZZZKDSSHSHWVRUJRUFDOO Dedicated to Clinical Excellence Tidewater Physical Therapy, Inc. offers comprehensive physical therapy services with: Ŷ+DQGVRQUHKDELOLWDWLRQ Ŷ$FWLYHDFFHOHUDWHGUHKDESURJUDPV +H\WHHQVWKHUHLVQRUHDVRQWREH ERUHGWKLVVXPPHU 5LVLQJ VL[WKJUDGHUV WKURXJK FXUUHQW HLJKWKJUDGHUV DUH LQYLWHG WR SDUWLFLSDWH LQ D YDULHW\ RI H[FLWLQJ DFWLYLWLHV DW &ORYHU +LOO$UHD 7HHQ &HQWHU 6SRQVRUHG E\ &KHVWHUILHOG &RXQW\3DUNVDQG5HFUHDWLRQ'HSDUWPHQWWKHFHQWHUZLOORSHQ-XQHDW 6ZLIW&UHHN0LGGOH6FKRRODQGRSHUate through August 9. $FWLYLWLHV LQFOXGH EDVNHWEDOO YROOH\EDOOYLGHRJDPHVERDUGJDPHVDUWV DQGFUDIWVDLUKRFNH\DQGELOOLDUGV7KH FHQWHUZLOOEHRSHQ0RQGD\VWKURXJK 7KXUVGD\V IURP WR SP 7HHQVPD\UHJLVWHUIRUWKHSURJUDPDW WKHFHQWHU )RU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ SOHDVH FDOO -DFNLH0DFOLQDW 7KH&KHVWHUÀHOG&RXQW\$QLPDO 6KHOWHU KDV D YRXFKHU SURJUDPWRKHOSVHQLRUFLWL]HQVZLWK WKHFRVWRIVSD\LQJRUQHXWHULQJ GRJV DQG FDWV DGRSWHG IURP WKH VKHOWHU 7KH6HQLRU&LWL]HQ3HW6WHULOL]DWLRQSURJUDPDSSOLHVWRVHQLRUV DJH DQG ROGHU ZKR DGRSW D FDWRUGRJIURPWKH&KHVWHUÀHOG &RXQW\$QLPDO 6KHOWHU 6HQLRUV ZLOO UHFHLYH D YRXFKHU WR KHOSZLWKWKHFRVWRIVSD\LQJRU QHXWHULQJ WKHLU QHZO\ DGRSWHG FRPSDQLRQDQLPDOV3DUWLFLSDWLQJ YHWHULQDULDQV ZLOO ELOO &KHVWHUÀHOG&RXQW\$QLPDO&RQWUROIRU UHLPEXUVHPHQW RI WKH IHH ´7KHSURJUDPLVGHVLJQHGWRKHOS KRPHOHVVGRJVDQGFDWVÀQGORYLQJKRPHVUHGXFHWKHELUWKUDWHRI XQZDQWHGDQLPDOVDQGSDVVRQD FRVWVDYLQJVWRVHQLRUVZKRDGRSW DQG VSD\ RU QHXWHU D SHWµ VD\V $QLPDO &RQWURO 0DQDJHU$OLFH %HUU\ ´$QLPDOV DUH ZRQGHUIXO FRPSDQLRQV DQG LPSURYH WKH TXDOLW\RIOLIHIRUDQLPDOORYHUV RIDOODJHVµ Corey Wirt, MSPT Clinical Director Other Locations Worship 8:30, 9:45 & 11 a.m. Sunday School 9:40 a.m. 9:15 a.m. Bible Study 9:45 a.m. Praise & Worship 10 a.m. Service with Eucharist (child care provided) A loving community of healing and renewal. Located in Sunday Park 744-3661 Gordon Mapes, Pastor www.brandermillchurch.org An Ecumenical congregation Affiliated with United Methodist & Presbyterian Church, USA /2 block south of Genito & Hull St. Roads at 1 4000 Stigall Dr., Midlothian 744-2164 Woodlake United Methodist Church Friday: 5:30 p.m. Youth Worship Saturday: 5:30 p.m. Contemporary Worship Sunday: 8:15 a.m. Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m. Sunday School & Worship 11 a.m. Sunday Worship 6601 Woodlake Village Parkway 739-4535 www.woodlakeumc.org A Taste of Italy Italian Restaurant Every Tuesday 5-9 p.m. $6.75 Side Salad & Bread included Seafood & dinner specials not included. Specialty sauces extra charge. 13611 Genito Road 763-1600 • 763-2400 Lunch & Dinner • Eat In/Take Patio Dining • Catering/Banquet Room Monday - Thursday 11 a.m. - 10 p.m. Friday 11 a.m. - 11 p.m. Saturday 5 - 11 p.m. • Sunday 5 - 10 p.m. MEDICAL DIRECTORY It’s easy to relax, knowing these physicians are here to help with your medical needs. Adult & Child Foot & Ankle Care LLC Dr. John G. McMahon, Jr. Prevention & treatment of foot & ankle disorders • Custom shoe inserts/orthotics • Reconstructive surgery • Saturday, same day & evening appointments available • Most insurances accepted Market Square 4936 E. Millridge Parkway • 763-6161 BRANDERMILL EYE CENTER, OPTOMETRY Customized Eye, Contact Lens Exams & Optical Service ANGELA SHEN, O.D., F.A.A.O. Clinical Examiner of the National Board of Optometry Fellow of the American Academy of Optometry - Medical Schools Faculty Trained at Harvard Medical School’s Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary Over 25 years’ experience • Earned both Medical and Optometry Dr. Degrees 2348 Colony Crossing Pl. (off Charter Colony Pkwy., near Powhite Pkwy., behind Dolce Vita) 639-2204 www.brandermilleyecenter.com Anthem BC/BS • Aetna • Cigna • Medicare • Southern Health • VSP • EyeMed/Cole, Davis, UHC Vision Brandermill Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine, P.C. Judith F. McGhee, M.D., F.A.A.P. Nancy A. McQuilkin, M.D., F.A.A.P. Wendy L. Garrity, M.D., F.A.A.P. Medical Offices at Market Square 4902 Millridge Parkway Midlothian, Virginia 23112 OFFICE HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 8 am - 5:00 pm Sat. - Urgent Care 9 - 12 noon 744-1231 o th r ly O i m Fa www.drjohnking.com 739-3399 Harbour Pointe Dental Building 5921 Harbour Lane, Suite 300 (Entrance to Harbour Pointe) Pediatric Dentistry Meera A. Gokli, D.D.S. • James M. Keeton, Jr., D.M.D. Steven R. Lubbe, D.M.D. Orthodontics For Adults & Children Harry A. Raddin, Jr., D.D.S., M.S.D. April L. Bridges-Poquis, D.D.S. Clover Hill Family Center • 13841 Hull St. Rd. 739-0963 A Smile Says It All Penterson & Booth Family and Cosmetic Dentistry Robert N. Penterson, DDS 739-1600 Stephen C. Booth, DDS Lynn Penterson Booth, DDS 5954 Harbour Park Midlothian, Virginia Office Hours: Mon – Fri 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. www.pentersonandbooth.com Richmond Oral & Cosmetic Surgeons James C. Wallace, D.D.S. Thomas B. Padgett, D.M.D. Board Certified Ophthalmologist Eye Surgeon and Physician Board Certified Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons Specializing in cataract surgery Comprehensive exams for adults and children, contact lenses Specializing in Impacted Wisdom Teeth, Dental Implants, & Facial Cosmetic Surgery. 1602 Huguenot Road • Midlothian 739-5490 Harbour Pointe Dental Bldg. • 5921 Harbour Lane 794-9505 Live Faithfully We can help you celebrate graduation and birthday parties, wedding rehearsals or any fun event. Call now to make your reservations. PASTA NIGHT Chesterfield Ophthalmology, P.C. Stephen M. Busch, D.O., F.A.O.C.O. Brandermill Episcopal Church of Our Saviour Church FKLOGUHQSURYLGHOHVVQDWXUDOSURWHFWLRQWKDQWKRVHRIDQDGXOW 3HWV DUH DW ULVN WRR VLQFH WKH\FDQHDWRUOLFNXSODZQFDUH FKHPLFDOV ZKLOH UROOLQJ LQ WKH JUDVVRUFOHDQLQJWKHPVHOYHV 3D\ FORVH DWWHQWLRQ WR WKH FRQWHQWV RI DOO FKHPLFDOV WKDW you intend to use in your yard DQG FRQVXOW ZLWK JDUGHQ FHQWHU UHSUHVHQWDWLYHV DERXW WKH WR[LFLW\ RI ODZQ FKHPLFDOV WR HQVXUH WKHKHDOWKDQGVDIHW\RIFKLOGUHQ DQGSHWV Join Your Neighbors at The BCA & the Chesterfield Fire Department ask that you please keep your house address visible in case of an emergency. Kevin Dintino, PT Regional Director *OHQ$OOHQŶ.LQJV&KDUWHUŶ&RORQLDO+HLJKWV -RKQ5ROIHŶ0LGORWKLDQ 3HVWLFLGHVDQGODZQFKHPLFDOV FDQ EH SDUWLFXODUO\ WR[LF WR FKLOGUHQDQGSHWV 'XULQJ WKH VXPPHU PRQWKV ZKHQFKLOGUHQVSHQGDJUHDWGHDO RI WLPHRXWGRRUV DQG DUHLQ FRQWDFW ZLWK WKH JURXQG WKH ULVN RI H[SRVXUHWRKDUPIXOFKHPLFDOVLV VLJQLÀFDQW %HFDXVHWKHLQWHUQDORUJDQVRI FKLOGUHQ DUH VWLOO GHYHORSLQJ DQG PDWXULQJWKHKHDOWKULVNLVJUHDWHU WKDQLWLVIRUDGXOWVWKHHQ]\PDWLF PHWDEROLFDQGLPPXQHV\VWHPVRI A Friendly Reminder Ŷ)RFXVRQUHWXUQWRIXQFWLRQDODFWLYLWLHV +DUERXU3DUN'UŶ0LGORWKLDQ9$ 3KRQHŶZZZWSWLFRP Children, pesticides and lawn chemicals don’t mix do nti cs Page 6 - The Village Mill - June 11, 2007 Chippenham Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, P.C. 6510 Harbourview Ct., Midlothian, VA • 739-8166 Paul M. Strehler, M.D. Kari L. Gilliam, M.D. Jana Shook, M.D. Azhar Talibi, M.D. Alice M. Condro, M.D. Kristen Ryan, M.D. Jennifer H. Domer, M.D. Jennifer A. Cardone, M.D. Heidi Britland, C.P.N.P. Lauren Gary, C.P.N.P Donald G. Trawick, D.D.S. M. Akif Shinaishin, D.D.S. Clover Hill Medical Center 739-5791 13841 Hull Street Road, Suite 1 Midlothian, VA 23112 Dr. Rebecca Kiraly Dr. Cindy McGarry Dr. Amanda Paull Board Certified Optometrists • Serving Brandermill Over 15 Years • Excellence in Eye Care — Guaranteed! • Comprehensive Eye Exams • Specialists in Contact Lens Fit & Comfort • Contacts for Bifocals, Astigmatism & Dry Eyes • Fashion Eyewear Gallery & Designer Sunglasses • Lasik Consultation & Care 739-7000 Clover Hill Medical Center 13841 Hull Street Road Across from Clover Hill High School For advertising information on how you can feature your practice in the Medical Directory, please call The Village Mill 744-1035x116. COMMUNITY NEWS BCA Minutes Continued from page 2 out for bid proposals. Confidentiality Agreement 7KHERDUGUHYLHZHGWKHFRQÀGHQWLality agreement, which was signed by incoming Directors Dick Guthrie and Director Joyce Rowe. Finance Committee President Reamy reported that WKH ÀQDQFH FRPPLWWHH LV LQ QHHG RI additional members and that Buddy :KLWÀHOGKDVYROXQWHHUHGWRVHUYHRQ the committee. A motion was made and unanimously carried to appoint Buddy :KLWÀHOG WR WKH ÀQDQFH FRPPLWWHH President Reamy suggested writing a letter to current committee members to encourage their participation and attendance at the committee meetings. Pool Membership Policy A resident recently expressed concern that she would have to join as the parent with her 15-year-old daughter IRUDFRXSOH·VPHPEHUVKLSDQGLQVWHDG wanted to have her soon-to-be 18-yearold son on the membership with her daughter. This would be a change in policy and would require review by the pool committee. Community Manager Pritz advised that the parent needs to be included on the membership to ensure there is parental involvement. It was the consensus of the board that the pool membership policy not be changed. Executive Session A motion was made and unanimously carried to enter into executive session at 9 p.m. to discuss a legal matter. A motion was made and unanimously carried to return, and to authorize Community Manager Pritz WR KDYH WKH %&$·V DWWRUQH\ SUHSDUH letters pertaining to two pending cases involving potential litigation. Minutes – May 21, 2007 The following is a summary of the BCA Board of Directors minutes. &RPSOHWHRIÀFLDOPLQXWHVDUHDYDLODEOH DWWKH%&$RIÀFH7KH0D\ meeting of the BCA Board of Directors was called to order by President Reamy at in the meeting room of Brandermill Woods. President Reamy, Directors Bradner, Cook, Epps, Guthrie, Livingston and Rowe, Community Manager Pritz and Recorder Judy Agee were present. Accelerated Loan Pay-off A motion was made and unanimously carried to proceed with the accelerated payoff of the First Market Bank loan by making an additional payment in May 2007 and making the regular monthly payments through December, 2007. Financial Update Policy President Reamy reviewed the proposed revisions to the BCA Financial Policy. A motion was made and unanimously carried to approve the revised policy. Priorities for 2007/2008 President Reamy reviewed the Proposed Board Priorities, which included: 8SGDWLQJWKHÀYH\HDU strategic plan 3UHSDULQJDQGLPSOHPHQWLQJÀYH \HDU RSHUDWLRQDO DQG ÀQDQFLDO SODQV • Mobilizing to advocate for the changes in county policies, practices and ordinances needed to more effectively manage growth, improve the quality of education, and solve critical transportation issues. President Reamy requested each GLUHFWRUSURYLGHDOLVWRIÀYHSURMHFWV of highest priority to improve Brandermill. Directors Epps and Guthrie will DVVLVW LQ GHYHORSLQJ VSHFLÀF VWHSV WR accomplish these goals for presentation at the June 4 board meeting. Director Livingston volunteered to HPDLOHDFKGLUHFWRUWKHÀYHJRDOVDQG asked each director to e-mail him three ideas for each goal. Director Livingston will provide a list of the ideas for discussion at the June 4 board meeting. He also suggested that the board pri- PLEASE DON’T FEED THE LAKE! orities be included as an agenda item each year at the May board meeting for review and to provide a status report to the community. Parking in Sunday Park President Reamy discussed the issue of a shortage of parking spaces for The Boathouse Restaurant, The Brandermill Church and functions that are held in Sunday Park. He mentioned additional spaces had been added in the past. It was the consensus of the board that no action would be taken at this time and that the issue of the parking spaces in Sunday Park would be monitored. Mailbox Color Change Community Manager Pritz reported that Director of Maintenance John Barnard received a verbal proposal from Vern Akins for $150 for a full mailbox and structure which would include installation, removal and disposal of the old mailbox structure and painting the new mailbox. Akins agreed to follow up with a written estimate. President Reamy requested Community Manager Pritz to ask John Barnard to provide the board with the cost of a mailbox structure including the mailbox which is currently being built by BCA staff. Marina Update Director Cook stated he took Graham Henderson out on the lake to do sound testing for water depth in the area where the marina would be located in Sunday Park. Director Cook reviewed the proposed wave retention wall construction and positioning. He stated Graham Henderson will provide three design options for the wave retention wall for presentation at the June 4 board meeting. Swift Creek Water Quality Management Plan Director Guthrie represented the BCA at a citizen workshop regarding the Swift Creek Water Quality Management Plan. Director Guthrie provided highlights of the Water Quality Management Plan update SUHVHQWHG WR WKH &KHVWHUÀHOG &RXQW\ planning commission at its May 3 meeting. A 60-day extension of the SODQQLQJ FRPPLVVLRQ·V GHDGOLQH IRU completing the Upper Swift Creek Plan revision will be voted on by the board of supervisors on May 23. President Reamy reported that each county supervisor had been sent a letter VWDWLQJWKHERDUG·VFRQFHUQVUHJDUGLQJ QXPHURXVVHULRXVÁDZVLQWKHFXUUHQW version of the plan. Alternate Truck Route President Reamy stated at the May 23 meeting of the Board of Supervisors that a request to consider restriction of WKURXJKWUXFN WUDIÀF WKURXJK :RRGlake will be reviewed. An alternate route using Woolridge, Otterdale and Hull Street Roads will be recommended. It was decided the Brandermill board will not make a statement on this issue. Prevention services classes available through county &KHVWHUÀHOG&RXQW\'HSDUWPHQW of Mental Health Support Services announces a variety of summer educational programs through its mental health department of prevention services. Fee assistance is available. For more information about the classes, please contact the instructor. Getting to Know Your Young Child C o n t a c t : Te r e s a S t e h l e , 717-6546 This class is for parents who want to learn more about the basic needs of young children, from newborns to preschoolers. Topics will include learning through play, handling challenging behaviors, child development and how to parent VHFXUHDQGFRQÀGHQWFKLOGUHQ7KH classes will be held on Wednesdays June 20 through Aug. 8, 6:30 to 8 SPDW&KHVWHUÀHOG&RXQW\'HSDUWment of Mental Health Support Services, 6801 Lucy Corr Boulevard, with the exception of July 4. $Q DOWHUQDWH GDWH IRU WKDW ZHHN·V class will be determined later. The fee is $50. Coping with Your Child’s Behavior: The Preschool Years Contact: Whitney Kern, 717-6547 This course for parents teaches practical ways to deal with challenging behaviors of young children. The class will be held on Tuesdays June 26 through August 14, 6:30 to 8 p.m., at Central Baptist Church, 1510 Courthouse Road. The fee is $50. ADHD/ADD Skill-Building and Support Group Contacts: Melissa Ackley, 706-2010; Gwen Bohn, 768-7747 These four group sessions for children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder/Attention Deficit Disorder will help them to understand ADHD/ADD and develop skills for success. Topics will include organization, staying focused, thinking before acting and managing feelings. The sessions will be offered Thursdays July WKURXJK DW WKH &KHVWHUÀHOG County Community Development Building, 9800 Government Center Pkwy., at 1 p.m., grades 2 to 3; 2 p.m., grades 4 to 5; and 3 p.m., grades 6 to 8. The fee is $20. For Better or For Worse Contacts: Lee Archard, 7176404; Robin Jones, 717-6540 This is a course that teaches couples how to communicate more effectively, solve problems, and keep fun, intimacy and satisfaction in their relationships. The class will be held on Wednesdays, July 18 through August 29, 6:30 to 8 p.m. Please call for location and registration. The fee is $50. Beef ’s, a Family-Friendly Sports Pub featuring: WINGS • SANDWICHES • BURGERS • WRAPS 32 TVs including HDTV and Plasmas ‘Dugout’ party room for team gatherings Arcade Room filled with games Takeout and catering available Kids eat free on Tuesdays (4 - 8 p.m.) A non-smoking establishment Free Wi-Fi “...see you at BEEF’S!” BRANDERMILL AVOID DADS! SPRING FERTILIZATION Enjoy HALF OFF any entrée on Fathers Day June 17 with coupon It can lead to excessive blade growth at the cost of a strong root system. It can also promote fungal disease. 13606 Hull Street Rd (Located in Harbour Pointe Village). • 639-7100 Mon-Sat 11 a.m. - 11 p.m. • Sun 12 p.m. - 10 p.m. Tom & Debbie Vanover, owners/operators www.beefobradys.com June 11, 2007 - The Village Mill - Page 7 Hurricane season is here...be prepared The 2007 Atlantic hurricane season, from June 1 to November 30, is expected to be an active one, with a total of 17 named storms. Of these storms, nine are predicted to become KXUULFDQHVDQGRIWKRVHQLQHÀYHDUH expected to develop into intense or major hurricanes. There is a strong chance that one of those major hurricanes will hit the U.S. coast. Even when hurricanes make landfall in other states, they can still cause VLJQLÀFDQWGDPDJHDQGORVVRIOLIHLQ Virginia. Tropical storms or depressions can be just as damaging or deadly as a hurricane. Hurricane Isabel was a tropical storm when it entered Virginia, and caused damage to 75 percent of the commonwealth, making it one of the costliest disasters in the history of Virginia. The personal safety of your family is the most important aspect of hurricane preparedness. The following guidelines will help secure the safety of your family and property if a hurricane threatens the Richmond area this year. Law enforcement orders • Follow all evacuation orders and all instructions from police and civil authorities. Recent hurricanes have been unusually intense and strong: the ride-it-out habits of years past can be dangerous. Secure Home & Possessions • Board up your windows or install shutters to prevent windows from shattering and causing damage to the interior of your home. 0RYHYDOXDEOHVIURPWKHÀUVWWR WKHVHFRQGÁRRURUWRDGLVDVWHUSURRI “safe room.” • Move outdoor furniture and other equipment inside and clear any debris from the perimeter of your home, such as tree limbs that may be close to your home. • Locate your gas valves, electrical SDQHOVDQGZDWHUYDOYHVVR\RXFDQÀQG them and turn them off if necessary. Evacuation Tips • Decide now where you will go if it becomes necessary to evacuate. Select an evacuation route. Make sure family, friends, business associates, and your insurance agent know how to reach you at your new location. • Designate an out-of-state emergency contact who can act on your behalf if necessary while you are out of touch. • Make sure your car has a full tank of gas. • Prepare an emergency kit for your car, including water, nonperishable IRRG ÀUVW DLG NLW ÁDVK OLJKW EDWWHUies, radio, clothing and blankets, and prescription medicine. • Take important documents with you, such as financial statements, health insurance cards, your insurance policy, your checkbook and credit cards and official documents WKDW PLJKW EH GLIÀFXOW WR UHSODFH RU inconvenient to be without. • Make arrangements for your pets before you leave. Emergency Supplies Prepare an emergency preparedness kit for your home to include: • water • nonperishable food • cooking supplies and a small stove, along with fuel—use only in a well-ventilated area and always store fuel in a safe location • paper plates, cups, plastic utensils, paper towels • a can opener DÀUVWDLGNLWLQFOXGLQJSUHVFULStion medicines • blankets and pillows • a portable radio with batteries DÀUHH[WLQJXLVKHU • large plastic trash bags for holding trash and waste and for protecting your other supplies from water damage • bar soap, toilet paper, and infant supplies • tools such as an axe, hammer, pliers, large wrench for turning off the gas, and screwdrivers Remember, property is replaceable, but your life and the lives of those you love are not. New to the area? What’s it all mean? BCA NRC ARB CARB CHATC BCC CHES CHHS SCMS SCES HAL MYSL BRMC BWC BMP Brandermill Community Association Neighborhood Residents Council Architectural Review Board Commercial Architectural Review Board Clover Hill Area Teen Center Brandermill Country Club Clover Hill Elementary School Clover Hill High School Swift Creek Middle School CAI Swift Creek Elementary School HOA/POA Hands Across the Lake PCAM Midlothian Youth Soccer League JTCC Brandermill Retired Men’s Club VCU Brandermill Woman’s Club VDOT Best Management Practice VEPCO Community Association Institute Home Owner’s Assoc./Property owner’s Assoc. Professional Community Association Manager John Tyler Community College Virginia Commonwealth University Virginia Department of Transportation Old name for Dominion Virginia Power Start Your Next Home Remodeling Project Now. 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WINDOWS • SIDING • ROOFING SCHOOL NEWS Page 8 - The Village Mill - June 11, 2007 Clover Hill High School Top Students Valedictorian Melissa Holmes of Moseley Will attend: University of Virginia Clubs and Organizations: Key Club (all four years), secretary 10th grade, president 11th, 12th grade; Mu Alpha Theta (National Math Honor Society), inducted in 11th grade, service coordinator 12th grade; National Honor Society, inducted in 11th grade Awards: Perfect Attendance (9th, 10th, 12th); Outstanding Business Student (9th Keyboarding/Computer Apps, 11th Accounting); Outstanding Math Student (9th Geometry, 10th Algebra 2, 11th Trigonometry); World Class Citizen for Spanish (10th); Outstanding Biology Student (10th); Junior Marshall (11th grade); Jefferson Book Award Recipient (11th); 2006 Virginia Society RI&HUWLÀHG3XEOLF$FFRXQWDQWV$ZDUGRI$FKLHYHPHQW (11th); Citizenship Award (12th) Activities: Church Volleyball team; Summer Swim League (Foxcroft swim team); Bible Study and other youth activities at New Life UMC; tutored seventh-grade (6/LQPDWKWKLVSDVW\HDUZRUNHGDW0LFKDHO·V Scholarships: 9LUJLQLD&UHGLW8QLRQ.LZDQLV&OXERI&KHVWHUÀHOG Award of Achievement Salutatorian Stephanie Clark of Shadow Ridge Will attend: University of Virginia Clubs and Organizations: French Club, Interact Club, Mu Alpha Theta, National Honor Society, French National Honor Society, Senior Advisory Council, Junior Advisory Council, Sophomore Advisory Council, Junior Varsity Soccer Team, Varsity Soccer Team. Awards: Harvard Book Award, Outstanding French 20042006, Sociology 2006, Practical Law 2006, and Accounting Student 2007, Girls State 2006, Foreign /DQJXDJH*RYHUQRU·V6FKRRODW9&886 Marine Corps Academic Award, Second Team All District in Girls Soccer 2007. Scholarships: 6FKRODUVKLSIRU0LOLWDU\&KLOGUHQ)RUW/HH·V2IÀFHUV· DQG&LOLYLDQV·:LYHV·&OXE6FKRODUVKLSDQG02$$ Scholarship. Clover Hill High School Class of 2007 Nicholas Scott Abrahamson Alyse Michelle Adams Zain Rateb Al-Ahmad Jonathan Paul Aldrich Kristain Sharelle Allen Michael Fisher Allen Kaila Elizabeth Alsip Adrin Andalib Christine Barbara Anderson Charles Cedric Antwi Charles Quentin Archer Michelle Ann Arrigoni Emily Susan Ash Kristina Jamila Baassiri Tiffany Nicole Bach Anthony Cornell Bailey Kendall Ann Baker Mallory Kristin Barkdull Erica Kimberly Barnes Kristen Elizabeth Barnes Michael Eugene Barnes William John Barrow Carrington Bastian Timothy John Beavers, II Christian Trace Bergman Molly Grace Berman Brent Johnston Beswick Ashley Ann Birkman Jordan Terry Black Ernesto Roy Blackbourne Lesley Annette Blackburn Adam Patrick Blake Kelley Blake Blanchard Elizabeth Ryan Bland Benjamin Lee Blanton Brian Robert Blom Michael John Blydenburgh Erin Elizabeth Bollinger Hunter Thomas Bottoms Cassandra Alys Bottoni Julian James Bowers Tyler James Bowne Alexander Craig Brackett Angela Mika Bradshaw She Rhonda Nicole Brice Matthew Charles Bridges Zachary Thomas Bromseth Antwane Jamal Brooks Darius Tyree Brooks Elizabeth Ann Brothers Chauncey Donnell Brown Matthew Joseph Brown Paul Daniel Brown Tiffanee Ieshia Brown Joseph Thomas Bryant, IV Kyle Christopher Burhop Elliott George Burris Jessica Lee Burton .HOVH\(OL]DEHWK%XWWHUÀHOG Carleton Lee Cabarrus, Jr. Carmina Zol Cabo Christina Lynn Cade Annie Rose Camera Carolyn Nicole Capek Susan Lewis Cardwell Christopher Charles Carey Colleen Elizabeth Carfrey Daniel Francis Caro Justin Alan Carter Tiffany Rae Cash Katherine Anne Caspero James Wesley Caudill Timothy Justin Caver Tiffany Raquel Cedeno Nicole Denise Champ Christina Kay Choi Solomon Choi Kathryn Emily Christian Jemuel Loo Chua Brittany Lynn Cifers Dennis Gregory Cigal Jamie Elizabeth Clair Stephanie Helen Clark Daniel Christopher Clarke Andrew Thomas Coakley Mary Grace Coalter Ta Janise Samay-Michele Coats Laura Lee Coleman Randy Louis Coleman Samuel William Coleman Caroline Elizabeth Condrey Richard Tucker Condrey Terrence Justin Cooper Christina Brittney Cordie Sara Alexandria Cordie Daniel Rafael Cortez Jessica Eve Costanzo Westley Phillip Cramer Dai Shawn Kiara Creer Stephanie Alysse Crews Andrew Michael Crow Lacee Nicole Crowder Grace Catherine Cuenin Kellyn Marcia Cunningham Richard Russell Cunningham, III Julie Michelle Daggett Colin Arnold Dalrymple Dorain Steve Michael Daniel Matthew Reid Daniel Alan Patrick Davis Austin Carter Davis Jonathan Paul Davis Blake Edward DeChristopher Rachel Erin Decker Tatum Rebekah Deming Christopher Daniel Dewrell Hadja Idjatou Diallo Stephanie Anne Dickerson Timothy Michael Dietz Meghan Joann Dillard Christopher John Diming Chelsea Cae Dinges Gregory Martin Dodt Christopher Ian Donaher Eric Anthony Doucet Rebecca Louise Douglas Shannon Patricia Doyle Christin Nicole Drake Chelsea Marie Duffey Victoria Elizabeth Dufresne Amanda Gail Duncan Lindsey Alexandra Durfee Alexa Rae Durnwirth Matthew John Earle Timothy Keith Schau Earley Eric Walker Early Ivy Karen Ebri Daniel Benjamin Edelman Erin Sueanne Edge Charles Alfred Gaitan Eger Brendan Sean Ellis Sean Michael Ellis Nathan Haig Eramian Sara Marie Ernst Amy Lynn Estes Jonathan Paul Estes Nathalia Andrea Esteves Bradley Alexander Fagan Sarah Michelle Faszewski Ann-Michelle Faulkner Brian Christopher Faulkner Kristen Paige Felix Logan Eugene Felps Lindsey Marie Ferrar Brandy Lee Finisecy Edward Clayton Firestone, II Bridget Larmon Fitzgerald Kevin Forrest Fitzpatrick Andrew Thomas Fogg Aileen Foley Patrick Hagan Folliard Lindsey Marie Forte Carl Shelton Fraher Katelyn Embree Freda Noah Wesley Freeman David Lowell French Zachary Thomas Frick Sheena Marie Fridley Lucas William Fritz Larisa Emelyne Gaba Sumer Batool Gardezi Brandon Lee Gardner Andrew Kyle Garner Amy Lauren George Sarah Elizabeth George David Edward Gerardo Chelsea Amanda Gilbert Devin Maureen Gilbride Josselyn Justine Gill Jeffrey Alexander Gillem Nicholas Jafolla Glancy Adam Hall Glazebrook Taylor Dillard Godsey Joseph David Goff Tremaine Delmar Goodman Matthew Graham Goodspeed Wesley Gormus, III Collin Douglas Granger Kristin Leigh Grappone Janine Kyla Graziano Lauren Elizabeth Grecheck Jarrett Nicholas Green Jeffrey Michael Grimes Shannon Nicole Grosse Justin Wesley Grove Timothy Herve Gueusquin Katherine Helen Gurecki Kelley Morgan Haase Lindsay Marie Hall Amanda Jeanne Hamill Zachary Russell Hamlin Corey Bennett Haring Jordin Alexandrea Harper Antonio Hubert Harris Kristin Nicole Harris Ashley Nicole Hart Christina Ann Hartman Timothy William Hatton Andrew Dale Hayes Cristin Mack Hayes Matthew Lee Hayes George Robert Hebert Kenneth Wilson Heising Cerani Eden Hendry Kassondra Ruth Hensley Jacob Bryan Hentges John Marshall Herbst George Robert Herceg, III Kyle Brenden Hesford Charles Ross Heyl Matthew Logan Hickey Lacy Kathryn Hickl Christopher Graham Higby Megan Elizabeth Hlavaty Matthew Robert Hogsett Katherine Elaine Holley Melissa Lyn Holmes Shekinah Joye Holmes Miranda Michelle Hooghkirk Tacharri Unae Hopkins Christine Olivia Hopson Karen Michelle Horton Jie Hou Jonathan Carter Howe Bradley Thomas Howlett Brianna Marie Hughes Eric Hampton Hunter, Jr. Lauren Katheryn Hutchison Ifechukwude Ikem Jillian Lacey Ingram Dawn Alexis Iverson Maya Iyengar Clare Rita Jablonski Adrian Zachary Jackson Brandi Marie Jackson Edward Allen Jackson Victoria Marie Jackson Brittany Renee Jacques Carter Marie Jennings Jamie Lee Jerabek Caleb Thomas Johnson Marquis Albert Patrick Johnson James Monroe Jones, IV Jennifer Brooke Joyce Kerry Leigh Jussen Stephen Wallace Kaerwer Angela Anne Kalaris Joseph Michael Kays Tresa Peace Keeter Connor Robert Kelley Natasha Emerald Kelly Kevin Neil Kennedy Alyssa Rae Kersting Kristen Anne Keys Chelsea Nicole Kidd Sara Elizabeth Kilgore Amy Catherine Kirkland Evan Kristian Kirksey Tae Kyoo Kneidinger Anesa Autiana Knight Adam Nelson Knower Ian Kobayashi Christine Noelle Kohowski Daniel Joseph Koon Taylor Ryan Krafcik Esther Lillian Kraines Michael Clifford Krecker Victoria Leigh Kremer Richard Charles Kresslein Joshua Adam Krolewski Kiran Raj Kumar Nikki Kumar Christine Renee Kuykendall Giavanna Maria Kyre Renee Michele Lagomarsino Michael Thomas Laigaie Daniel Michael Larkin Farren Rae Roelofs Larson Margaret Rebecca Lawman Nicholas Alexander Lawrence Nicole Amare Lawrence Esther Yoonjung Lee Matthew Christopher Lennon Rebecca Leon Christopher Charles Lillard Brooke Ann Louthan Matthew Steven Lowe Marina Elise Lupini Kayla Marie Lupino Alysse Markie Lyons Robert James Maggi Daniel Nicholas Magnusson Michael Thomas Mahoney Katherine Heidi Malady Renee Lynn Maloney Lynda Claire Manden Ashley Kathleen Martin Benjamin Bryant Martin Brendan Ian Martin Erica Anita Martinez Ashlee Cierra Mason Saquann Lamar Massenburg Joshua Aaron Matheney Samuel Clayton Mattox Edward Austin May Cody Shane Mayhew Jennifer Lynn McCarter James Henry McClees, III Christina Marie McClernon August Christian McCue Brandon Michael McGuire Whitney Marie McKenzie Eric Connor Mehaffey Adam James Mehrer Tara Marie Meintel Jordan Scott Melland Ian Brendon Melling Amanda Renae Miles Jonathan Fletcher Miller Shane Thomas Miller Stephen Andrew Minczuk Paige Lawrence Mische Richard Saito Mitchell Robert Dennis Mitchell Travis Charles Mitchell Lauren Nicole Miutz Reid Evans Monahan Joshua Michael Mongeon Robert Lee Montgomery Daniel Scott Montrose Bianca Dawn Moore Logan Scott Moore Noel Amira Mosleh Jamie Elizabeth Moss Isaac Shane Moyer Angela Marie Munoz Ashley Elizabeth Murphy Jared Ryan Murphy James Ruston Myers Andrew Robert Mykich Emily Danielle Naret Amanda May Nemec Lisa Anne Newill-Smith Christopher Wesley Nickle Robert Charles Nivala Rebekah Naomi Noble Sarah Bretlyn Norman Kelli Louise Nowland .DWHOLQ5HEHFFD2·%ULHQ Asghar Amirali Odhwani .HLWK:LOOLDP2·'RQQHOO Gloria Juyoung Oh Brandon Christopher Olson Katherine Elizabeth Orth Susannah Amelia Orzolek Jamie Lynn Overbey Jonathan Wesley Owens Trevor Allen Page Tirrell Deshon Parks Kyle Earl Patterson Stephen James Paulette Brian Ira Pearce Joshua Nicholas Pearson Elizabeth Marie Peek Katherine Li-Ling Swanson Peng Shane Edward Peters Myles Garrett Phelps Stephen Alexander Phillips Kyle Reginald Philpott Colin James Piccinino Michael John Piehl Denise Michelle Pietrzyk Tatiana Pitman-Wiggins Samantha Marie Platania Trey Phillip Pointer Ashlyn Breanna Poole Lindsay Nicole Popp Jonathan Leonard Ports Derek Lee Pratt Jessica Lynn Prior Ashley Nicole Puskas Kristen Ivette Quigley Heather Lin Raburn Scott Pierce Racette Samantha Leanne Reavis Lauren Elizabeth Reed Shannon Elizabeth Reed Kaley Michelle Remme Vanessa Windsor Remmers Rachel McKenzie Rice Nicholas Andrew Richmond William Vaughan Riggenbach, Jr. Dustin Bryan Roberts Mark Xavier Robinson Jeremy Ryan Rogers Kimberlee Lynn Rogers Yessenia Hernandez Rosario-El Amy Marie Rosko Emily Nicole Rosko Sandra June Ross Anthony Robert Rottini Benjamin Gilbert Rubin Lauren Michelle Ruiz Courtney-Lee Michelle Ryan David John Sager Oswaldo Alberto Salinas Stephanie Frances Sanders Richard Max Sanderson Parth Ajaybhai Saraiya Briana Mae Satchell James Patrick Schaedel Stephens Thomas Schaefer Robert Eugene Scognamillo Jacob Benjamin Seller Stefanie Christina Sempek Robert Vi Semus *ULIÀQ:DGH6HQQLQJ Phylicia Jenai Sessions Kelly McLean Shaffer Omer Shahab Katrina Leigh Sherman Rebecca Marie Shields Christopher Francis Silvestri Brent Wesley Sinnett, II Bradley Jay Sittler, Jr. Kayla Marie Siwiec Samantha Paige Smelley Alysha Nicole Smith Amber Brittany Smith Elizabeth Emory Smith Everett Ryan Smith Jeffrey Stephen Smith Jessica Anne Smith Cameron Scott Smucker Zachary Carroll Smyser Gregory Rohr Snead Mary Lynn Snelling Jessica Marie Snowden Philip Thomas Sobers Adam Michael Sorondo Nicole Marie Spaulding Julia Ann Spence Caitlin Elizabeth Spencer Mary Kathleen Spraker Matthew David Stankavich Killian Dane Stevens Devin Michael Stine Jonathan Michael St. Lawrence Ian Scott Stowe Sam Robert Strachan Michael Ryan Stvartak Diana Tafkilevna Subkhangulova Jennie Rena Suggs Meredith Elizabeth Svoboda Joshua Rouse Swinton Joshua William Swyers Mathew Campbell Tarantino Christopher Ryan Tarbox Jazmyn Alexandria Taylor Joseph Russell Taylor Antonietta Bietrice Ternate Aaron Alexander Tesfaye Jordan Philip Tesimale Nathaniel James Thomas Kyle James Thorpe Derick Eldon Tickle Sean Patrick Tierney Jessica Jean Tipton Bradley Clark Tobias Ayesha Shaquana Tolliver Kyle Patrick Torpey Christopher Russ Trim Andrew Scott Tucker Craig Jordan Tyler Sherra Uon Jennifer Nkechi Uwanaka Mattias David Valerie April Marie Van Buren Lydon Anthony Van Den Berg Alexander David Van Ness Jessica Marie Varela Andrew Dutton Vaught Cristina Alesis Villarreal Matthew Thomas Voli Matthew Jonathon Volkes Andrew Christian von der Heiden Jennifer Nicole Voreh Ian Quinn Wajciechowski Harris Ahmad Wakilpoor Jonathan Travis Walker Marilyn Nicole Walker Katharine Elizabeth Wall Luke Matthew Ward Emily Marie Warren Marvin Shane Weaver Addison Ross Webb Chelsea Meleah Webber Molly Kathleen Weddington Benjamin Michael Wheat Jonathan Dale White Le Kiesha Yorel White Thomas Matthew White Brittany Diane Wible Jessica Marye Wilkinson Kevin Cole Willette Charles Kendall Williams Jason Alan Williams Jayson Lee Williams Justin Charles Williams Sean Richard Williams Amanda Frances Wilson Eric Garlington Wilson Jordan Strong Wilson Madeline Moss Wiltshire Nicholas James Windom Trey Taylor Wines James Thomas Wingo George Eric Winston Jennifer Lynn Wolf Alaina Noelle Wooten Sara Elizabeth Wright Wyatt Joseph Yaros Travis Gray Yates Robert Scott Yauchzy Benjamin Jin Yoo Nicole Jeanette Young Krystal Irene Yourkovich Jeremy Thomas Zdanek Jason Scott Zeller Jessica Ashleigh Zinski Michael David Zoghby Brandermill 2007 graduates of Midlothian High School Michael Baker Shannon Bayne Brianna Cella Amy Clingenpeel Caleb Dodgen Jessica Turner SCHOOL NEWS June 11, 2007 - The Village Mill - Page 9 CHHS 2007 Awards and Scholarships Abrahamson, Nicholas Baseball Pensacola Jr. College Andalib, Adrin A & S Grant, Vanderbilt Univ. National Merit Commended Student Arrigoni, Michelle Presidential Scholar., High Point Univ. Baker , Kendall Citizenship Award %DUNGXOO0DOORU\ &KHVWHUÀHOG&UHGLW8QLRQ6FKRODU Barnes, Michael Chorus Scholar. Barnes, Kristen Cavalier Medal Barnes, Erica California State Univ., Northridge Scholar. %DUURZ:LOOLDP 3URYRVW·V6FKRODU9&8 Engineering Scholar., VCU Horatio Alger Scholar. Cavalier Medal Hengstenberg Honors Scholar. Sam Walton Scholar. Berman, Molly Citizenship Award Beswick, Brent Univ. Of Tennessee Scholar. Bland, Elizabeth John Tyler Grant Citizenship Award Blanton, Benjamin Citizenship Award Outstanding Participation COMAP Math Modeling %O\GHQEXUJK0LFKDHO 3ULQFLSDO·V0HGDO Academic, Ferrum College Bollinger, Erin Field Hockey Scholar., Longwood Univ. National Art Honor Soc. :RRGODNH:RPHQ·V&OXE Cavalier Medal PTSA Scholar. Bottoni, Cassandra JMU Award %RZHUV-XOLDQ 3ULQFLSDO·V0HGDO Bradshaw, Angela Cavalier Medal %URPVHWK=DFKDU\ 9&80DWK(QJLQHHULQJ&KDLUV·6FKRODU VCU Provost Scholar. Brothers, Elizabeth Army ROTC, Tulane Univ. National Merit Commended Student Brown, Matthew Dean Scholar., Virginia Tech. Engineering Eugene Farley Scholar., Richmond Credit Union &UHHNZRRG%RE&KDIÀQ0HPRULDO6FKRODU Citizenship Award Univ. Of Maryland Programming Contest Virginia Credit Union Scholar. Virginia Tech Alumni Scholar. Meritorious Participation, COMAP Math Modeling Brown, Tiffanee Princeton Univ. Scholar. 1DWLRQDO0HULW6HPLÀQDOLVW National Achievement NMSC Scholar. Citizenship Award Burhop, Kyle Merit Award, Pamplin School Of Business Virginia Tech Grant Cavalier Medal Americanism Award PTSA Scholar. Burris, Elliott National Merit Commended Student 3ULQFLSDO·V0HGDO Music Scholar., Univ. of Virginia Honorable Mention, COMAP Math Modeling %XWWHUÀHOG.HOVH\ :DYHUO\&ROH6FKRODU/RQJZRRG²0XVLF'HSW Chorus Scholar. Carey, Christopher Mercy For Academics, West Virginia Univ. Arts & Sciences Scholar., West Virginia Univ. Carter, Justin Association For Corporate Growth Scholar. Citizenship Award Caspero, Katherine Ukrops Scholar., Ukrops Education Foundation Citizenship Award Caver, Timothy Hampton Scholar Hampton Univ. Cedeno, Tiffany Citizenship Award William & Mary Scholar. Choi, Christina Yearbook Scholar. Citizenship Award Christian, Kathryn Washington Scholar., Univ. Of Mary Washington Middle school Sci. Fair, State Fair Of Virginia National Merit Commended Student Citizenship Award &LJDO'HQQLV 'HDQ·V6FKRODU+DPSGHQ6\GQH\ 9LUJLQLD7$*+DPSGHQ6\GQH\ &ODLU-DPLH :RRGODNH:RPHQ·V&OXE National Merit Commended Student Cavalier Medal William Jenkins Memorial Scholar. Faculty Scholar. &KHVWHUÀHOG.LZDQLV&OXE6FKRODU Clark, Stephanie Military Children Scholar., Ala )W/HH0LOLWDU\:LYHV·)W/HH2IÀFHUV·6FKRODU Cavalier Medal US Marines Scholar. Excel 0LOLWDU\2IÀFHUV·$VVRFLDWLRQ6FKRODU &RDNOH\$QGUHZ 3ULQFLSDO·V0HGDO &RDOWHU0DU\ 0HGDO3ULQFLSDO7RPDKDZN5XULWDQ Journalism Scholar. 3ULQFLSDO·V0HGDO Brittany Grenier Memorial Scholar. Coleman, Samuel CVIAAA Athletic Award 3ULQFLSDO·V0HGDO Costanzo, Jessica Presidential Scholar., Hofstra Univ. Hofstra Univ. Award Crow, Andrew Academic Scholar., Indiana Univ. Cuenin, Grace Outstanding Senior Athlete 3ULQFLSDO·V0HGDO PTSA Scholar. Sean Miles Memorial Scholar. Cunningham, Kellyn Civitan Honor Key Cavalier Medal Kelly McCloskey Memorial Scholar. &XQQLQJKDP5LFKDUG 3ULQFLSDO·V0HGDO Dalrymple, Colin Guild Scholar., Jewish Guild To Blind Citizenship Award Davis, Jonathan National Merit Commended Student Citizenship Award Outstanding Participation COMAP Math Modeling DeChristopher, Blake Football, Virginia Tech 3ULQFLSDO·V0HGDO Decker, Rachel Academic Achievement, Bridgewater Univ. Double SAT Grant, Bridgewater Univ. BC General Grant, Bridgewater Univ. Virginia TAG, Bridgewater Univ. Citizenship Award 'LHW]7LPRWK\ 1DWLRQDO0HULW,QJHUVROO5DQG&RPSDQ\ Dillard, Meghan Athletic/Military Acad., US Merchant Marines Dodt, Gregory Presidential Scholar., Longwood Univ. Citizenship Award Brandermill Rotary Club Scholar. Doucet, Eric Citizenship Award 'XUQZLUWK$OH[D 3UHVLGHQWLDO6FKRODU5DQGROSK0DFRQ&ROOHJH National Art Honor Soc. 3ULQFLSDO·V0HGDO (DUO\(ULF +DPSGHQ6\QGH\&ROOHJH6FKRODU 3ULQFLSDO·V0HGDO Edelman, Daniel Merit Scholar., Pamplin School Of Business Eger, Charles Semper Fi Award, US Marines )W/HH0LOLWDU\:LYHV2IÀFHUV&OXE6FKRODU National Merit Commended Student Citizenship Award Scholar. For Military Children Top Science Student 0LOLWDU\2IÀFHUV·$VVRFLDWLRQ6FKRODU Meritorious Participation, COMAP Math Modeling (UDPLDQ1DWKDQ *RYHUQRU·V7HFKQRORJ\2'8(QJLQHHULQJ Estes, Amy Fagan, Bradley Citizenship Award Citizenship Award Orchestra Scholar. Faszewski, Sarah Citizenship Award St Gabriels Knights Of Columbus Scholar. Faulkner, Brian Academic Scholar., Maharishi U. Of Management MYSL Scholar. Citizenship Award )DXONQHU$QQ0LFKHOOH&LWL]HQVKLS$ZDUG Felix, Kristen National Merit Commended Student Citizenship Award Brandermill Rotary Club Scholar. Felps, Logan Academic Honors Scholar., Savannah College Of Art & Design Citizenship Award Fisher, Michelle VCU Deans Scholar. Fitzgerald, Bridget Cavalier Medal Herff Jones Medal Fitzpatrick, Kevin Citizenship Award Fogg, Andrew Ukrops Education Foundation Scholar. Presidential Leadership, CNU Forte, Lindsey National Art Honor Soc. Freda, Katelyn Citizenship Award Frick, Zachary Grant Univ., JMU )ULW]/XFDV 3URYRVW·V6FKRODU9&8 Cavalier Medal St Gabriels Knights Of Columbus Scholar. Gaba, Larisa Academic, Wingate Univ. George, Amy Citizenship Award George, Sarah Citizenship Award *HUDUGR'DYLG 3ULQFLSDO·V0HGDO Honorable Mention, COMAP Math Modeling *RGVH\7D\ORU 'HDQ·V6FKRODU90, Chemistry Scholar.,VMI National Merit Commended Student Cavalier Medal Goff, Joseph Haywood, Lynchburg VTAG Gormus, Wesley Citizenship Award Granger, Collin Leadership Award, Senator Harry F. Byrd US Army Athletic Scholar. Cavalier Medal Graziano, Janine Cavalier Medal Grecheck, Lauren Citizenship Award Grosse, Shannon Citizenship Award PTSA Scholar. Grove, Justin Univ. Of Richmond Soccer Scholar. 3ULQFLSDO·V0HGDO Gurecki, Katherine Alpha Delta Kappa Scholar. Harris, Kristin Citizenship Award Hart, Ashley Beulah United Methodist Church Scholar. Hebert, George Baseball, St. Louis Univ. 3ULQFLSDO·V0HGDO Heising, Kenneth Presidential Scholar., VCU Hentges, Jacob VMI Institute Scholar. Westmoreland Davis Foundation +HUFHJ*HRUJH 1DWLRQDO0HULW6QDS2Q7RROV Pamplin Leader Scholar, Virginia Tech Hickey, Matthew Citizenship Award Hickl, Lacy Citizenship Award Higby, Christopher National Merit Finalist Boy Scout Troup 800 Leadership Award Holley, Katherine Citizenship Award Holmes, Melissa Citizenship Award Virginia Credit Union &KHVWHUÀHOG.LZDQLV&OXE6FKRODU Hooghkirk, Miranda Brittany Grenier Memorial Scholar. Hou, Jie Black History Month, Art 3ULQFLSDO·V0HGDO Howe , Jonathan Army ROTC, VMI Citizenship Award Howlett, Bradley Citizenship Award Hughes, Brianna Citizenship Award Ikem, Ifechukwude Cornell Grant, Cornell Univ. National Achievement, National Merit Commendation Iverson, Dawn Achievement Award, Univ. of Virginia Citizenship Award Iyengar, Maya Honors Scholar., Washington & Lee Univ. National Merit Commended Student Jackson, Adrian Academic Scholar., JMU Citizenship Award Jennings, Carter Citizenship Award Jones, James TAG Citizenship Award Joyce, Jennifer National Merit Commended Student St Gabriels Knights Of Columbus Scholar. Kaerwer, Stephen National Merit Commended Student Kalaris, Angela Citizenship Award .HOO\1DWDVKD &KHVWHUÀHOG<RXWK6RIWEDOO$VVRFLDWLRQ6FKRODU Kersting, Alyssa MIT Scholar. National Merit Commended Student Kidd, Chelsea Citizenship Award PTSA Scholar. Kilgore, Sara Blue @ Gold Acad., S. West Virginia Univ. Kirksey. Evan Citizenship Award Kohowski, Christine Horizons Scholar. Koon, Daniel Student Of The Year Cavalier Medal Faculty Scholar. Leadership Scholar., CNU Leadership Program Killar/Keller Scholar. Brandermill Womens Club Scholar. Kraines, Esther Cavalier Medal Herff Jones Medal Kumar, Kiran Honorable Mention COMAP Math Modeling .XPDU1LNNL 5LFKPRQG7LPHV'LVSDWFK$WKOHWLF6FKRODU 3ULQFLSDO·V0HGDO Kuykendall, Christine Merit Grant, Franklin College Merit Award, Franklin College 3ULQFLSDO·V0HGDO Cheryl Valenti Scholar. Larkin, Daniel Univ. Of Richmond Larson, Farren Provst Scholar., VCU Lee, Esther Citizenship Award Lennon, Matthew Citizenship Award /RZH0DWWKHZ 'HDQ·V/HDGHUVKLS90, Citizenship Award Boy Scout Troup 800 Leadership Award Lupini, Marina Citizenship Award /XSLQR.D\OD &\VD &KHVWHUÀHOG6RIWEDOO6FKRODU Presidents Leadership, CNU Magnusson, Daniel Univ. Of Maryland Programming Award Maloney, Renee Lodge Award, Glen Allen Lodge Martin, Benjamin Robert E. Lee Scholar., Military Order Of Stars & Bars Citizenship Award Mccarter, Jennifer Comp. Sci Corp. Award, National Merit Scholar. National Merit Finalist Cavalier Medal 0FFOHHV-DPHV /HDGHUVKLS$ZDUG+DPSGHQ6\GQH\ Mcclernon, Christina Citizenship Award 0FJXLUH%UDQGRQ $FDGHPLF6FKRODU+DPSGHQ6\GQH\ Mehrer, Adam Bill Dudley Award Lexus Award Academic Scholar., Columbia Univ. 5LFKPRQG7LPHV'LVSDWFK $WKOHWLF6FKRODU 1DW·O)RRWEDOO$VVRF&ROOHJH+DOO2I)DPH 3ULQFLSDO·V0HGDO 0HOODQG-RUGDQ 1DWLRQDO0HULW6FKRODUV,QJHUVRO5DQG Citizenship Award Melling, Ian Theater Scholar., Clover Hill High School Miller, Jonathan Citizenship Award 0LXW]/DXUHQ 3ULQFLSDO·V0HGDO Montrose, Daniel Scholar. Award, Susquehanna Univ. Citizenship Award 0RRUH/RJDQ 3ULQFLSDO·V0HGDO Moss, Jamie Interfaith Council Brotherhood/Sisterhood Citizenship Award Naret, Emily CVIAAA Athletics 3ULQFLSDO·V0HGDO Exponents Scholar. Nemec, Amanda Univ. Is Grant, JMU Pell Grant, JMU Citizenship Award 1HZLOO6PLWK/LVD 1DWLRQDO0HULW&RPPHQGHG6WXGHQW 3ULQFLSDO·V0HGDO Exponents Scholar. Nickle, Christopher US Marine Corps Athlete Award 3ULQFLSDO·V0HGDO Nowland, Kelli Brigham Young Univ. Scholar. 2·'RQQHOOO.HLWK 2XWVWDQGLQJ6U$WKOHWH Cavalier Medal Oh, Gloria Citizenship Award Military Scholar., Army Olson, Brandon Va. State Golf Foundation Merit Scholar. Presidents Leadership, PLP Scholar., CNU Citizenship Award Orth, Katherine Virginia PTA Delta Kappa Gamma :RRGODNH:RPHQ·V&OXE Citizenship Award St. Gabriels Knights Of Columbus Scholar. Overbey, Jamie Art Scholar., Memphis College Of Art Page, Trevor Univ. Of Maryland Programming Award Paulette, Stephen National Merit Commended Student 3URYRVW·V6FKRODU9&8 Academic Merit, VCU School Of Engineering Peek, Elizabeth Finalist Award, Jefferson Foundation National Merit Scholar. Finalist 3ULQFLSDO·V0HGDO Honorable Mention, COMAP Math Modeling Peng, Katherine Yearbook Scholar. National Merit Commended Student Citizenship Award Pietrzyk, Denise NROTC, Ohio State U., Navy Nurse Scholar. Platania, Samantha Citizenship Award Popp, Lindsay Leadership Scholar., High Point Univ. Racette, Scott Jr Soil @ Water Conser. District Scholar. Pres. Leadership Award, CNU Citizenship Award 5LJJHQEDFK:LOOLDP 7$**UDQW+DPSGHQ6\GQH\ 3DWULFN+HQU\6FKRODU+DPSGHQ6\GQH\ 3ULQFLSDO·V0HGDO Rogers, Kimberlee Citizenship Award Rosko, Emily Citizenship Award Ross, Sandra Citizenship Award Rottini, Anthony Citizenship Award Cheryl Valenti Scholar. %UDQGHUPLOO:RPDQ·V&OXE6FKRODU Ruiz, Lauren Academic Excellence, VT National Merit Scholar., Hispanic Recognition Satchell, Briana Citizenship Award Univ. Of Maryland Programming Award Meritorious Participation, COMAP Math Modeling Schaedel, James St. Gabriels Knights Of Columbus Scholar. Schaefer, Stephens Liberty Univ. 3ULQFLSDO·V0HGDO Sessions, Phylicia US Marine Corps Semper Fi Award Citizenship Award Shaffer, Kelly National Merit Commended Student Cavalier Medal Robert C. Byrd Scholar. Shahab, Omer Presidential Scholar., VCU National Merit Commended Student Sherman, Katrina Cavalier Medal Siwiec, Kayla Citizenship Award Smelley, Samantha R&I Edwards Scholar., Georgia Tech Smith, Elizabeth Appointment US Air Force Academy 6PLWK(YHUHWW 'HDQ·V6FKRODU/HH8QLY Citizenship Award Pell Grant Federal SEOG 6WRZH,DQ 0HQ·V6RFFHU:LOOLDP0DU\ Academics, William & Mary CVIAAA Athletics Cavalier Medal 6Z\HUV-RVKXD 3ULQFLSDO·V0HGDO Taylor, Jazmyn TAG Grant Ternate, Antonietta Citizenship Award Horizons Scholar. Leadership Scholar., CNU Leadership Program Rotary Club Scholar. Fort Lee Merit Scholar. Tesimale, Jordan Citizenship Award 7KRPDV1DWKDQLHO $FDGHPLF$ZDUG+DPSGHQ6\GQH\ 7LFNOH'HULFN 'HDQ·V6FKRODU9&8 Enginering (3 years) Interfaith Council Brotherhood/Sisterhood Tierney, Sean Baseball Scholar., UVA 3ULQFLSDO·V0HGDO 7RELDV%UDGOH\ 3ULQFLSDO·V0HGDO Uwanaka, Jennifer Leadership Of 21st Century, Black History Month 3ULQFLSDO·V0HGDO Varela, Jessica Soccer, VT Citizenship Award Villarreal, Cristina US Army Athletic Scholar. 9RQ'HU+HLGHQ$QGUHZ3ULQFLSDO·V0HGDO Wakilpoor, Harris Presidential Leadership, Christopher Newport Univ. Citizenship Award Walker, Jonathan Citizenship Award Wall, Katharine Theatre Scholar., Clover Hill High School 3ULQFLSDO·V0HGDO Warren, Emily Citizenship Award Webb, Addison Citizenship Award Weddington, Molly Delta Kappa Gamma Wheat, Benjamin Music Scholar., Trevecca Nazaren Trevecca Grant, Trevecca Nazaren Trevecca Nazaren White , Jonathan Alumni, Liberty Univ. Pastor, Liberty Univ. Academic, Liberty Univ. :KLWH/HNLHVKD %DVNHWEDOO6FKRODU6W$XJXVWLQH·V US Marine Corps Athlete Award Wible , Brittany CTC Engard Award Wilkinson, Jessica AT & T Labor Union Merit Scholar. Girl Scouts Leadership Award Williams, Justin VCU Provost Scholar. 3ULQFLSDO·V0HGDO Wilson, Amanda Citizenship Award Wilson, Jordan Civitan Honor Key Cavalier Medal US Marines Scholar., Excel Exponents Scholar. Zinski, Jessica Scholar. Bon Air Rotary SCHOOL NEWS Page 10 - The Village Mill - June 11, 2007 Sgt. John Walls returns home from Iraq with a special American flag By Lynda Raines Copy Editor ,I ÁDJV FRXOG WDON WKH RQH UDLVHG DW 6ZLIW &UHHN (OHPHQWDU\ 6FKRRO RQ 0D\ ZRXOG EH DEOH WR RIIHU D ELUG·V H\H YLHZ DFFRXQW RI OLIH LQ D ZDU]RQH .LQGHUJDUWHQHU *UD\VRQ :DOOV WKH\HDUROGVRQRI86$UP\6JW -RKQDQG%HWV\:DOOVRI%DUQH·V6SULQJ VXSHUYLVHGWKHÁDJUDLVLQJODVWPRQWK MXVWDVKHKDGVWRRGJXDUGZKHQWKH VDPHÁDJZDVORZHUHGWKLVSDVW)HEUX DU\DQGWKHQVHQWWR*UD\VRQ·VIDWKHU·V $UP\XQLWDW&DPS7DML,UDT 7KH UHWXUQ RI WKH ZHOOWUDYHOHG IODJ ZDV HVSHFLDOO\ PHDQLQJIXO IRU *UD\VRQLWPHDQWWKDWKLVIDWKHUZKR ZDVGHSOR\HGWR,UDTODVW$XJXVWKDG FRPHKRPH 3ULRUWRWKHÁDJUDLVLQJ*UD\VRQ·V NLQGHUJDUWHQWHDFKHU&DWKOHHQ6KLQQ KHOG D VPDOO SDUW\ LQ KHU FODVVURRP FRPSOHWHZLWKKRPHEDNHGFXSFDNHV WR FHOHEUDWH WKH UHWXUQ RI *UD\VRQ·V IDWKHU³DQGWKHÁDJ *UD\VRQ·V FODVVPDWHV 6&(6 SULQFLSDO'RQDOG%HFKWHOIDPLO\PHP EHUVIULHQGVDQGQHLJKERUVWXUQHGRXW IRUWKHKLVWRULFHYHQW :RRGODNHUHVLGHQW86$UP\&DSW 7LP&ULVFXRORDQGKLV\HDUROGVRQ 1LFKRODVDOVRORRNHGRQDVWKHÁDJZDV UHWXUQHGWRWKH6&(6ÁDJSROH ´,QHYHUNQHZ7LPEHIRUH,ZHQW WR,UDTµ6JW:DOOVVDLG´,KDGWRJR PLOHVWRWKHPLGGOHRIQRZKHUH WRPHHWDUHDOO\QLFHQHLJKERUµ 7KH WZR VROGLHUV KDYH NHSW EXV\ VLQFH WKHLU UHWXUQ E\ KHOSLQJ RQH DQRWKHUZLWKKRPHSURMHFWV ´7LPKDVKHOSHGPHWLOHP\NLWFK HQDQG,·PJRLQJWRKHOSKLPEXLOGD VKHGµ6JW:DOOVVDLG 6JW :DOOV· SDUHQWV 86$UP\ 5HWLUHG /W &RO 0HUULWW DQG 6XVDQ :DOOV ZKR WUDYHOHG IURP +DUULVRQ EXUJ IRU WKH FHUHPRQ\ UHPLQLVFHG DERXWDQRWKHU$PHULFDQÁDJWKDWZDV VHQWWRZDU ´-RKQ·V>HOHPHQWDU\VFKRRO@FODVV VHQWPHDÁDJZKHQ,ZDVVHUYLQJLQ 9LHWQDPµ VDLG /W &RO :DOOV ´DQG ,·YHVWLOOJRWWKHDUWLFOHWKDWZDVZULW WHQDERXWLWµ Check out the BCA web site! Photos by Lynda Raines and Betsy Walls Grayson Walls, center, holds the flag his dad brought home. Members of the Walls family, the SCES family, representatives of the U.S. Armed Forces, and friends turned out to witness Old Glory’s return to her rightful home. Woodlake resident Capt. Tim Criscuolo, at left, with his son, Nicholas, had never met his Brandermill neighbor before they both were assigned to Camp Taji. At right: Sgt. John Walls and son Grayson. The American flag sent by SCES kindergarteners to Camp Taji, Iraq last February flies once again from the school’s flagpole. $VKHVWRRGLQIURQWRIWKHÁDJSROH Job #41736 DUPDURXQGKLVIDWKHU·VVKRXOGHUV6JW 4.25” x 3” :DOOVVDLGKHUHPHPEHUVWKHÁDJKLV Grayscale FODVVVHQWWRKLVIDWKHU ´,WPHDQWDORWWRP\GDGµKHVDLG ´$QGWKLVPHDQVDORWWRPH,WKRXJKW Important LWZDVUHDOO\QLFHRI*UD\VRQ·VVFKRRO This ad will WRGRLWµ expire 90 days (GLWRU·VQRWH7KHIROORZLQJLVDQ from the date DGGHQGXPWRDQDUWLFOHWKDWDSSHDUHG printed in the LQWKH$SULOLVVXHRI7KH9LOODJH0LOO disclosure. 7RUHDGWKHVWRU\ORJRQWRZZZEUDQGHUPLOOFRPDQGFOLFNRQ´$UFKLYHVµ DQG´$SULOµ Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Private Mortgage Banking • Diversified Mortgage Products • Construction/Permanent Financing • Exceptional, Personalized Service • Brandermill Resident Your Trusted Advisor for Financial Peace of Mind Gwen Osborn, Private Mortgage Banker 2820 Waterford Lake Drive, Suite 203, Midlothian, VA 23112 Office: (804) 763-5116 · Cell: (804) 512-2614 [email protected] · www.wfhm.com/gwen-osborn [[[FVERHIVQMPPGSQ &VERHIVQMPP ;SSHW Three generations of the Walls family share a special connection with fathers and flags in times of war. From left: Lt. Col. Merritt Walls, Sgt. John Walls, and Grayson Walls. Wells Fargo Home Mortgage is a division of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. © 2006 Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. All rights reserved. #41736 10/06-1/07 Pulling it all together! “Charlie Patey” '03:)6,-00 ',-0(6)2¸7')28)6 A Loving, Secure and Educational Environment for Your Child 7IVZMRK%KIW[IIOW]IEVW 804-898-1581 Services • Home Staging • Kitchen Design FREE • Room Re-Invention Consultation • Color Consultation (up to 1 hour) • Full Service Décor Expires 06/31/07 4VIWGLSSP,EPJ(E] 1;* 88, .YRMSV/MRHIVKEVXIR ,EPJ(E]18L 8YIW*VM BEFORE & AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS MON. – FRI. Spring Run Elementary • Grange Hall Elementary • Alberta Smith Elementary Swift Creek Animal Hospital 744-7222 2806 Fox Chase Lane Located behind Lucky’s in Brandermill www.swiftcreekvet.com Mon. - Fri. 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. 'SQTYXIV(ERGI)HYGEXMSREP'YVVMGYPYQ7YQQIV'EQT 7IGYVMX]ZMHISQSRMXSVMRKMRIZIV]VSSQ 'LMXEP(VMZI1MHPSXLMER%GVSWW,YPP7XVIIXJVSQ'PSZIV,MPP,MKL7GLSSP 639-1632 www.artisticinteriors.ws Book the Harbour Pointe Clubhouse Louie’s Pizza & Subs 13544 Waterford Place (Next to Food Lion) Free Delivery 744-5078 $10 minimum Buy One Pizza Get 2nd Pizza of equal or Lesser Value For 1/2 Price WEEKENDS ONLY One coupon per order. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Exp. 7/1/07 9 $ 99 Midlothian’s Best! Sun. 4:30 p.m. - 9 p.m. Mon. - Thur. 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. Fri. 11 a.m. - 10 p.m. Sat. 12 p.m. - 10 p.m. 17 $ 59 For One Lg. One-Topping Pizza For One Lg. Cheese & One Lg. One-Topping Pizza One coupon per order. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Exp. 7/1/07 One coupon per order. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Exp. 7/1/07 Free Greg Gohlke: Selling Around the Lake Around the Clock! The Realtor® to call when buying or selling real estate. Breadsticks/ Red Sauce Brandermill • Woodlake • Surrounding Areas Call 240-8154 With Any Order Over $10.00 [email protected] One coupon per order. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Exp. 7/1/07 23 $ 99 For One Md. Cheese & Two Md. Two-Topping Pizzas One coupon per order. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Exp. 7/1/07 Greg Gohlke Serving Midlothian since 1993 for your holiday party or for whatever the occation may be! Rental available to Brandermill residents Parties, Birthday & Graduation Celebrations* Clubhous or Pool Both 1st hour $50 1st hour $75 Additional hour $35 Additional hour $50 (4-hour maximum) Wedding Receptions, Reunions, Banquets* Clubhouse $400 • Pool $150 • Both $500 (per event) *Building monitor or lifeguards may be required *FREE Home Warranty When you list your home. $400 Value Initial Staging Consultation with a Professional. $250 Value With this ad when you list *Limited time. Restrictions Apply. For reservations, call 744-1035x104 BRANDERMILL Community Association SCHOOL NEWS June 11, 2007 - The Village Mill - Page 11 SCMS students dance la macarena in celebration of Cinco de Mayo By Leah Scherer School Correspondent Photos by Leah Scherer From left: Eighth-graders Peyton Ruble, Kelsey Blum and Maggie Buchanan are walking advertisements for the SCMS Cinco de Mayo celebration. The spirit of Cinco de Mayo swept through Swift Creek Middle School May 3 and 4. Students from SCMS the Spanish NEWS classes dined on authentic Mexican cuisine from El Paso Restaurante in the Village at Swift Creek and made traditional Cinco De Mayo flowers for the occasion. Eighth-grade math teacher Beth Ager danced la macarena both days, and the students joined in and followed her every move. “We served over 300 meals over the two-day period,” says SCMS Spanish teacher Leah Scherer. Scherer credits SCMS faculty and staff and parents for pitching in to make the Cinco de Mayo celebration a success. “We could not have done it without them,” says Scherer. “It was truly a community effort.” Leah Scherer’s period 4 Spanish class gets into flower power by making traditional Cinco de Mayo paper flowers. CHES students are victorious in Battle of the Books competition By Kim Lemite School Correspondent The last few months have been ÀOOHGZLWKDQXPEHURIH[FLWLQJHYHQWV at Clover Hill Elementary School. The second annual spring festival took place on Saturday April 28 and was well attended. Participants enjoyed a variety of activities, including the cakewalk; the hula-hoop competition; 0UV3RFNHWVDQGWKHLQÁDWDEOHVOLGH One of the feature events was the dunking booth where students lined up for the chance to soak their favorite teachers and staff members. A DJ created an inviting musical atmosphere and the bubble maker spread a steady stream of bubbles into the air and brought smiles to everyone. The hospitality committee and room parent coordinators deserve special thanks for all their efforts in organizing the festival activities. Thanks also go to the parents and students who helped create a wonderful event for the whole family to enjoy. Battle of the Books 2Q 0D\ HLJKW ÀQDOLVWV IURP D group of 55 students who met their goals in reading all the books on this \HDU·V%DWWOHRIWKH%RRNVUHDGLQJOLVW earned the opportunity to compete DJDLQVWÀQDOLVWVIURP6ZLIW&UHHN(Oementary and Spring Run Elementary Schools. The competition was held at Spring Run Elementary School. In a close tournament composed of three 15-minute rounds, CHES team members showed that they were fast on the buzzer; they quickly responded to a series of questions that tested their knowledge of more than two dozen different books they had read throughout the school year. Their lightning-fast UHÁH[HV DQG GHSWK RI NQRZOHGJH OHG them to a victory over the competing teams. The winning team includes: Rachel Firkins, Kayla Helms, Zane Harold, Danielle Lemite, Bradley Johnson, Amber Snyder, Sophia Wakilpoor, Allison Weatherford, and alternates Parker Greene and Cyrus Mohta. CHES librarian Linda Ferranti, reading specialist Marcia Kramer, and ÀIWKJUDGH WHDFKHU -RGL %XOODQR DOVR deserve recognition for their efforts in making the event a success. Rats Performance 2Q0D\WKHÀIWKJUDGHFODVVHV performed the play, “Rats! The Story of the Pied Piper” at Cosby High School. Susan Nagel and Nancy Crenshaw UHFHLYHG ÁRZHUV DW WKH FORVH RI WKH performance to recognize their hard work in producing and directing the highly entertaining performance. Poster Contest On May 12, Erika Chu, who is a ÀIWKJUDGH VWXGHQW LQ -RGL %XOODQR·V class, won recognition in the Virginia 3RVWHU &RQWHVW &KX·V HQWU\ ´7UHHV DUH7HUULÀFDQG)RUHVWVDUH7RRµZDV among the top 10 in Virginia. She was recognized with an award at a luncheon ceremony in Charlottesville. Chess Team The CHES chess team secured a third-place win on May 19 at the Spring Scholastic Competition held in Hopewell. Jordan Lemite, a fourthJUDGHVWXGHQWLQ&DURO\Q+DUORZ·VFODVV DQG&KULVWLDQ3RWWHUDÀIWKJUDGHULQ 5DHJHQ 'LQHOOL·V FODVV SDUWLFLSDWHG in the competition and won a total of three games. CHES PTA Several PTA opportunities for the 2007- 2008 school year are still available. Above: CHES chess team members Christian Potter, left, a fifthgrader, and and fourth-grader Jordan Lemite win a total of three games at the Hopewell competition. At right: Battle of the Books winning team members are, front row, from left: Rachel Firkins, Kayla Helms, Cyrus Mohta, and Parker Greene. Back row: Sophia Wakilpoor, Bradley Johnson, Allison Weatherford, Amber Snyder, and Danielle Lemite. Not pictured: Zane Harold. Mod Gran el Home d Op ening ! In Golf and Real Estate, It’s the Follow Through That Makes the Difference! Call Virginia, the REALTOR® that follows through like a Pro! Virginia Ritter CRB, CRS, GRI, Associate Broker 539-5775 Over 100 Professional Awards for Outstanding Performance :,6+SPJ$ESPGSQ Selling Homes in the Richmond Area HOMES BUILT WITH YOUR FAMILY IN MIND for Over 20 Years… Top 5% of Prudential Agents Worldwide! 730( “Your Real Estate Needs Are My Top Priority!” StyleCraft–the smart option in Chesterfield’s newest luxury community–FoxCreek. Built by the area’s top craftsmen, our spacious homes offered in FoxCreek are of only the highest quality. And since it’s conveniently located just minutes away from the area’s best schools, shopping, and entertainment, you’ll never have to go far from home. Of course, you probably won’t want to… The lush landscapes, Olympic-sized swimming pool, state-of-the-art fitness center, recreational parks, playground, and private clubhouse would be enough to make anybody want to stick around. Custom Window Coverings Shutters • Draperies • Blinds Huge selection of the biggest brands! 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StyleCraft Homes | 7812 Shrader Road | Richmond, VA 23294 | www.stylecrafthomes.com SCHOOL NEWS Page 12 - The Village Mill - June 11, 2007 Newsweek names CHHS among nation’s top 3 percent $FFRUGLQJWRDVWXG\LQWKH0D\ LVVXHRI1HZVZHHNPDJD]LQH&ORYHU +LOO+LJK6FKRROLVDPRQJWKHWRS SHUFHQWRIKLJKVFKRROVLQWKHQDWLRQ 1 H Z V Z H H N · V ´ $ P H U L F D · V CHHS % H V W + L J K NEWS 6FKRROVµ VWXG\ UDQNHG &++6 DW QXPEHU & O R Y H U + L O O + L J K 6 F K R R O Z D V D O V R W K H KLJKHVWUDQNHG VFKRRO LQ WKH 5LFKPRQG DUHD 1HDUO\ SXEOLF KLJK VFKRROV LQWKH8QLWHG6WDWHVZHUHHOLJLEOHIRU School Correspondent &ORYHU +LOO +LJK 6FKRRO LV SUHSDULQJWRELGIDUHZHOOWRRQH RI LWV PRVW PHPRUDEOH FODVVHV 2Q6XQGD\-XQHWKH&DYDOLHU &ODVVRIZLOOJUDGXDWHDW9LU JLQLD&RP PRQZHDOWK 8QLYHUVL CHHS W\·V 6LHJHO NEWS &HQWHU +LVWRU\ W H D F K H U -RKQ )RXW KDV WDXJKW PDQ\RIWKH WRSVWXGHQWV in the Class RI LQ HLWKHU$3 8 6 +LVWRU\ RU$3 (FRQRPLFV +H VD\V KH ZLOO UHPHPEHUWKHFODVVIRULWVZLGH UDQJHRIDFWLYLWLHV ´7KH\DUHJUHDWDFDGHPLFDOO\ DQGLQYROYHGLQWKHLUFRPPXQLW\ DQGDWVFKRROµ)RXWVD\V´1RW RQO\DUHWKH\ZHOOURXQGHGEXW WKH\·UH VR RSHQ WR VKDULQJ DQG LQFRUSRUDWLQJHYHU\RQHLQWRWKHLU DFWLYLWLHV$QGDWWKHVDPHWLPHLW LVWKDWRSHQQHVVDQGZHOOURXQG HGQHVVWKDWLVJRLQJWRLQVXUHWKHLU VXFFHVVLQWKHIXWXUHµ ,QDGGLWLRQWKH&++6&ODVV RIKDVVKRZQLWVDELOLW\WR H[FHO LQ DWKOHWLFV FRPPXQLW\ VHUYLFHDQGDFDGHPLFV Sports Success 7KH &ODVV RI ERDVWV D 0HQ·V 9ROOH\EDOO 6WDWH &KDP SLRQVKLS DQG DWKOHWHV ZKR FRQ WULEXWHG WR 'RPLQLRQ 'LVWULFW &KDPSLRQVKLSVLQEDVHEDOOJROI VRIWEDOO PHQ·V DQG ZRPHQ·V YROOH\EDOO PHQ·V DQG ZRPHQ·V VRFFHU ÀHOG KRFNH\ ZRPHQ·V By Jim Alberston Special Correspondent FRQVLGHUDWLRQLQWKH1HZVZHHNVWXG\ 7KLV LV &ORYHU +LOO DQG 0LGORWKLDQ +LJK 6FKRROV· WKLUG FRQVHFXWLYH DS SHDUDQFH RQ WKH OLVW 0LGORWKLDQ +LJK6FKRROFDPHLQDWQXPEHU 7KH 1HZVZHHN UDQNLQJ LGHQWLILHV KLJK VFKRROV GRLQJ WKH EHVW MREV RI SUHSDULQJ VWXGHQWV IRU FROOHJH 7KH UDQNLQJ LV UHDFKHG E\ GLYLGLQJ WKH QXPEHU RI $GYDQFHG 3ODFHPHQW ,QWHUQDWLRQDO%DFFDODXUHDWHDQG&DP EULGJH WHVWV WDNHQ DW D VFKRRO E\ WKH QXPEHU RI JUDGXDWLQJ VHQLRUV (QUROOPHQWLQ$3FRXUVHVLQ&KHVWHU ÀHOG &RXQW\ VFKRROV UHDFKHG DQ DOO WLPHKLJKGXULQJWKHVFKRRO \HDU ZLWK DSSUR[LPDWHO\ $3 FODVVHV CHHS class of 2007 leaves teachers with fond memories By Zach Crizer CHHS students study crime and punishment EDVNHWEDOO PHQ·V DQG ZRPHQ·V WHQQLV DQG IRRWEDOO D SURJUDP WKDW HQGHG WKH FODVV RI ·V IUHVKPDQ\HDUVHDVRQZLWKD UHFRUG Helping Others 7KH&++6&ODVVRIZDV DOZD\VRQWRSRIKHOSLQJRWKHUV GRQDWLQJWKRXVDQGVRIGROODUVWR YLFWLPV RI +XUULFDQH .DWULQD WKH5HG&URVVDQGYLFWLPVRIWKH WRUQDGRDW(QWHUSULVH+LJK6FKRRO LQ(QWHUSULVH$OD National Ranking &RPPLWPHQWLQWKHFODVVURRP WDNLQJFKDOOHQJLQJFRXUVHVDQGD KLJKJUDGXDWLRQUDWHKHOSHG&++6 HDUQ D UDQNLQJ LQ 1HZVZHHN·V UHFHQWO\ UHOHDVHG ´%HVW +LJK 6FKRROVLQ$PHULFDµIRUWKHWKLUG \HDU LQ D URZ &++6 ZDV DOVR RQFHDJDLQWKH5LFKPRQGPHWUR DUHD·VWRSUDWHGKLJKVFKRRO 7KH &DYDOLHUV &ODVV RI KDV GHPRQVWUDWHG OHDGHUVKLS DELOLWLHVWKDWZLOODOORZJUDGXDWHV WRSURVSHULQWKHIXWXUHDIRUHLJQ DPEDVVDGRUDWRSIRRWEDOOSURV SHFWDFKDPSLRQPRWRFURVVULGHU DQG SURIHVVLRQDO PXVLFLDQV DUH MXVWDIHZRIWKHSRVVLELOLWLHV (QJOLVKWHDFKHU0DUJDUHW)OD QDJDQEHOLHYHVWKH&ODVVRI LVYHU\VSHFLDO ´7KH\DUHLQWHUHVWLQJµ)ODQD JDQVD\V´7KLVFODVVZLOOEHUH PHPEHUHGIRUWKHLUXQLTXHQHVVµ 'U -DPHV (OFKLQJHU D PDWK WHDFKHUEHOLHYHVWKHIXWXUHLVLQ JRRGKDQGVZLWKWKH&DYDOLHUV´, WKLQNWKH\DUHKRQHVWDQGVLQFHUH LQ ZKDW WKH\ DUH ORRNLQJ IRUµ (OFKLQJHU VD\V ´:KDW VWULNHV PHLVWKDW,WKLQNRXUFRXQWU\LV JRLQJ WR EH LQ JRRG KDQGV ZLWK >WKLV VHQLRU FODVV@ OHDGLQJ LQ VSLWH RI WKH IDFW WKDW WKH\ FDQ·W GRFDOFXOXVµ Music, Dance and Drama Great Summer Fun! July 9 - August 17 Classes in Kinderdance, Ballet, Jazz, Tap, Modern, Irish Step, Acting & Voice. Private Lessons in Cello, Flute, Guitar, Piano, Violin, Viola & Voice. Registering NOW! Call 744-2801 for class & registration information. SWIFT CREEK ACADEMY of the PERFORMING ARTS 2808 Fox Chase Lane ONE LEVEL CONTEMPORARY ON CUL-DE-SAC IN McTYRES COVE! Capital Punishment 7KHFRQWURYHUV\RYHUFDSLWDOSXQ LVKPHQWZDVUH FHQWO\DGGUHVVHG CHHS LQD&ORYHU+LOO + L J K 6 F K R R O NEWS SUDFWLFDO ODZ FODVV 3DXO %ODFN PDQ D FDSLWDO SXQLVKPHQW H[ SHUWIURP1RUWK HUQ9LUJLQLDDQG CHHS math WHDFKHU 'HQLVH 'XQQ OHG D OLYHO\ GLVFXVVLRQ DERXW Capital punishment expert Paul Blackman, foreground, and CHHS students, from left: Eric El, Zach Smyser, and Chaise Swann. By Jim Alberston School Correspondent 'XULQJWKHPRQWKRI$SULOVWXGHQWV LQWKHSUDFWLFDOODZFODVVDW&ORYHU+LOO +LJK6FKRROUH FHLYHG D FUDVK CHHS FRXUVH LQ ODZ NEWS H Q I R U F H P H Q W SURFHGXUHV DQG LQFDUFHUDWLRQ &KHVWHUILHOG &RXQW\ 3ROLFH 2IILFHU *OHQQ &RUELQ VSRNH WR WKH VWXGHQWV DERXWWKHVHDUFK DQGVHL]XUHSUR FHVVDQGKRZLWLVXVHGWRNHHSVFKRROV VDIH 7KHVWXGHQWVDOVRSDUWLFLSDWHGLQD ÀHOGWULSOLNHQRRWKHUWKH\KDYHWDNHQ GXULQJ WKH VFKRRO \HDU D WRXU RI WKH 3RZKDWDQ&RUUHFWLRQDO)DFLOLW\ 7KH VWXGHQWV RQ D PLQXWH WRXURIWKHFRUUHFWLRQDOIDFLOLW\ZHUH LQWURGXFHG WR QXPHURXV H[DPSOHV RI WKHWLJKWVHFXULW\HPSOR\HGLQDVWDWH SULVRQ7KHVWXGHQWVZHUHDOVRDEOHWR WDONWRWZRRIWKHIDFLOLW\·VLQPDWHVDQG KHDUGIRUWKHPVHOYHVZKDWLWLVOLNHWR HQGXSRQWKHZURQJVLGHRIWKHODZ Powhatan Court House 7KHVWXGHQWVHQGHGWKHÀHOGWULSWR 3RZKDWDQZLWKDYLVLWWRWKH3RZKDWDQ &RXUW+RXVHZKHUHWKH\OHDUQHGDERXW WKH&RORQLDOKLVWRU\RI3RZKDWDQDQG LWVUROHLQWKH&LYLO:DU 7KHVWXGHQWVDOVRVSHQWWLPHWRXULQJ Officer Glenn Corbin demonstrates the search and seizure process by handcuffing Chris Nickle while Blake DeChristopher acts as an WKH3RZKDWDQ+LVWRULFDO6RFLHW\ eye witness. BCA Summer Hours May 29 - August 31 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Friday BRANDERMILL Community Association 8:00 a.m. - noon Swift Creek Berry Farm & Greenhouse [[[FVERHIVQMPPGSQ UPHOLSTERY WORKSHOP Specializing In All Furniture Types No Pick-up or Delivery to Ensure Quality Work And Low Prices. Thousands of Hanging Baskets 862-4739 U-Pick Blueberries 118 W. Bank Street Old Towne, Petersburg late June - early August Clyde & Kathy Goode 17210 Genito Road (4.5 miles west from intersection of Old Hundred and Genito Roads) 739-2037 Mon - Sat 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. • Sun. 1 - 5 p.m. www.swiftcreekberryfarm.com Summer Tutoring? Su 1 5 R mm % eg e i r O 6/ ste Tu ff 30 re iti /0 d b on 7 y Juniors, Take the 1-On-1 SAT Prep in Summer to Allow More Time to Prepare Success Guaranteed 1 on 1 Tutoring in: Reading • Math • Writing • Study Skills • SAT • ACT Essay Writing • Sciences • High Level Math • ESL Social Studies • Language Arts Chesterfield/ Midlothian 4830 Market Square Lane (O) 744-8100 .ULVWLQH &DUQH\ JUDGXDWHG PDJQDFXPODXGHIURP/\QFKEXUJ &ROOHJHZLWKDEDFKHORU·VGHJUHH LQ)UHQFKRQ0D\6KHLVWKH GDXJKWHU RI .HYLQ DQG 'HEUD &DUQH\RI7ZR1RWFK Annuals l Perennials l Herbs l Hostas l Ground Covers Butterfly Bushes l Daylilies l Zonal Geraniums l Wave Petunias Tutoring Fills Gaps Not Covered in Summer School GOTTA’ CALL GAYLE! Gayle Walters, Principal Broker College Credit “Where Quality Begins from the Roots Up” Struggling This Year? Use the Summer to Prepare Ahead! www.gayleandcompany.com! Check out the BCA web site! Monday - Thursday A Very Good Idea!! UNIQUE CONTEMPORARY, 4 or 5 bedrooms & 3 baths, kitchen & dining room & 2-story family room all open! Stone fp, HUGE screened porch, and VINYL siding! $316,000 w/$2500 in closing costs! See interior photos at QDWLRQDO WUHQGV FRQFHUQLQJ WKH RIWHQ GHEDWHGWRSLF 7KHVWXGHQWVDVNHGWKRXJKWIXOTXHV WLRQVDQGZHUHHDJHUWRH[SUHVVWKHLU RZQSRLQWVRIYLHZ$QLQIRUPDOFODVV VXUYH\JLYHQWRWKHVWXGHQWVLQWKH FODVV VKRZHG WKDW WKH YDVW PDMRULW\ RI VWXGHQWV ZHUH LQ IDYRU RI FDSLWDO SXQLVKPHQW Crime Solvers &KHVWHUÀHOG&RXQW\3ROLFH'HSDUW PHQW'HWHFWLYH.HYLQ%DFRQSUHVHQWHG DQ RYHUYLHZ RI WKH UROH WKDW &ULPH 6ROYHUV SOD\V LQ WKH DSSUHKHQVLRQ RI FULPLQDOV LQ WKH &KHVWHUÀHOG &RXQW\ DQGWKH&LW\RI&RORQLDO+HLJKWVDUHDV 'HWHFWLYH%DFRQHPSKDVL]HGWKHLP SRUWDQFHRIKRWOLQHWLSVDQGKRZHDFK RQHLVFDUHIXOO\HYDOXDWHG 763-3648 Make the Most of Your Child’s Summer – Call Now to Register VIRGINIA INTERNATIONAL GYMNASTICS • FREE TRIAL CLASS • ONGOING REGISTRATION • SUPER, AIR CONDITIONED FACILITY • EXCELLENT PROGRESSIVE PROGRAM • U.S.A.G. & SAFETY CERTIFIED INSTRUCTORS • U.S.A.G. COMPETITION TEAMS • GYMNASTICS CLASSES – BEG. TO ADV. • CLASSES FOR PRE-SCHOOLS & DAYCARES • TUMBLING FOR CHEERLEADING • BIRTHDAY PARTIES • INFLATABLE BOUNCERS & SLIDES • “THE GYM BAG” PRO SHOP • GYMNASTICS APPAREL & ACCESSORIES 276-7039 Visit our website at vigsgymnastics.com 10810 Paulbrook Drive - Midlothian 23112 - Just off Hull Street Road Since 1988 LOOK FOR OUR NEW 26,600 SQ.FT. GYMNASTICS AND CHEER CENTER OPENING IN OAKLAKE BUSINESS PARK IN 2007! SCHOOL / SPORTS NEWS Summer HEAT keeps study skills sharp &KHVWHUÀHOG &RXQW\ 3XEOLF Schools encourages rising sixththrough 12th-grade students to turn up the heat on academics this summer by accessing online resources for mathematics and reading. The school year ends June 15, but learning can continue throughout the summer. A few hours each week will help students stay sharp throughout the summer and give them a great start when classes resume in September, educators say. Students who use the selfpaced, self-directed Summer HEAT resources will: Help keep math and reading skills sizzling; Engage in reading; Access the Summer HEAT web site; Take time to read and practice math skills every day. To access Summer HEAT, please visit chesterfield.k12. va.us, click on “Summer School” in the upper right corner, and click on “Summer HEAT.” Summer HEAT offers suggested reading lists for middle and high school students to help LPSURYHFRPSUHKHQVLRQÁXHQF\ and vocabulary. Summer HEAT also provides practice documents for math classes from Algebra I through calculus; solutions are given in separate online documents. Students are encouraged to attempt the math problems and then check their answers. This can help students identify their strengths as well as areas where they need improvement. To strengthen math skills, students may also use tutorial sites, such as “Ask Dr. Math” that are linked to Summer HEAT. Lady Cavaliers upset No. 1 James River in championship Congratulations go to the No. 2 seeded Cavaliers Girls Soccer team for a 4-3 upset win over the No. 1 James River High School Rapids team on May 24. The Dominion District champion- Three in a row for CHHS boys tennis ship win for the CHHS team came in the last 39 seconds of the third overtime period. Senior goalie Liz Smith is credited with several diving stops that helped make the Lady Cavaliers victorious. Taryn O’Shea, foreground, and Jessica Varela make a run toward the goal. CHHS Boys Varsity Tennis Team By Jim Alberston Special Correspondent The 2007 Dominion District champions raise their trophy high. For the third year in a row, the Clover Hill High School Boys CHHS Tennis Team SPORTS has won the Dominion District Championship with a 16-0 season record that included 13 district wins and three non-district wins. Chesterfield County adopts text books for school year 7KH &KHVWHUÀHOG &RXQW\ 6FKRRO Board has adopted new textbooks for science, English, visual arts and health classes for the 2007-2008 school year. The adoption completed a lengthy review process involving teachers; DGPLQLVWUDWRUVFHQWUDORIÀFHSHUVRQnel; school board members; and the community. Regular education and special education teachers reviewed textbooks based on criteria aligned with curriculum, instruction and assessment developed by Chesterfield County Public Schools in 2003. The school division displayed the textbooks under review in schools and sought comments from the public. Some residents expressed concerns that middle school life science and high school biology textbooks lacked in coverage of intelligent design as an alternative to evolution. “None of the currently available www.brandermill.com *SV9RTEVEPPIPIH6IEP)WXEXI )\TIVXMWI'LSSWI%RH];]QER 'ZRGTKGPEG %KXKNGPIKPGGTKPI 4GUKFGPVKCN%QPUVTWEVKQP /CPCIKPI$TQMGTQXGT[GCTU %QORCP[VTCKPGTQXGT[GCTU (COKN[5WUCP$TQQMG5CTCJ $TCPFGTOKNNTGUKFGPVHQT[GCTU 2CUV$TCPFGTOKNNDQCTFOGODGT $%#4GUKFGPVKCN%QOOGTEKCN #TEJKVGEVWTCN4GXKGY$QCTF 8#6GEJITCFWCVG ,IPTMRKJEQMPMIWJSVSZIV]IEVW SOLD team members wore Virginia Tech hats in honor of the victims of the April 16 tragedy at Virginia Tech. Members of the Cavaliers boys tennis team are: Mukarram Ahmad, Charles Antwi, Patrick Barranger, Sam Bosch, Lars Dunaway, Bradley Fagan, Patrick Folliard. Aashish Gadani, Jose George, Matt Hickey, Kris Kirkse; John Kirn, Josh Lee, Jordan Mellan; Gonzalo Mena, Drew Nelson, Forrest Potter, Anthony Rottini, Joshua Rush, Andrew Shamaskin, Amit Shukla, Andrew Shore, and Alex Van Ness. Team mamagers are Alex Barth and Erin Kim. Budget GLASS Auto • Home • Commercial 231 - 1029 Installation • Repair Windows • Patio Doors Shower Doors • Mirrors OLD DOMINION DOOR SALES Sales • Service • Installation of All Types of Garage Doors ;QW*CXGC%JQKEGª Congratulations go to Kris Kirksey, who was undefeated in singles and doubles and Matt Hickey, who was undefeated in doubles. Matt Hickey was named Dominion District Champion and Most Outstanding Player for 2007. In addition, Matt Hickey, Kris Kirksey, Charles Antwi and Alex Van Ness were recognized in the AllAcademic Dominion District; and Charles Antwi, Alex Van Ness, Drew Nelson, Jordan Melland and Forrest Potter were named CHHS top varsity players. On April 17, CHHS varsity tennis * textbooks in the areas of life science and biology included the topics of creationism or intelligent design,” Director of Curriculum and Instruction Donna Dalton said. “This approach is consistent with the Virginia Standards of Learning and recommendations made by the National Science Teachers Association.” School Board Chair Thomas J. Doland said the Virginia constitution authorizes the state board of education to approve textbooks and other materials for use in school classrooms. “The state board has adopted applicable regulations and our school board is complying with the Constitution and those regulations as it adopts textbooks IRUXVHLQ&KHVWHUÀHOG&RXQW\3XEOLF Schools,” Doland said. Additional information about the textbook selection process can be IRXQG DW FKHVWHUÀHOGNYDXV DQG click on the “Recent Issues” link. Check out the BCA website! June 11, 2007 - The Village Mill - Page 13 2I['SRWXVYGXMSR 6ITEMVSV6ITPEGIQIRX 'SQTPIXI0MRISJ+EVEKI(SSVW 3TIRIVW 8VEMRIH4VSJIWWMSREP7XEJJ It’s Time to Fix Cracked, Cloudy and Scratched Windows. 1ER]SJ:MVKMRMEeWÂRIWXFYMPHIVWYWI 'PSTE]KEVEKIHSSVWI\TIVXP]MRWXEPPIHF] *Certified Installations Fast, Courteous, Professional We Guarantee Satisfaction OLD DOMINION DOOR SALES, Inc. 379-1952 Richmond 590-0400 Tri-Cities www.budgetglassshop.com Budget Glass Co. 5609 Hull Street Road • Richmond, VA 23224 • 231-1029 .''.+'',) #)*+ /'') #*+')!+/'') #*+''/'')+%(*&-$'(*+',. &"'. ,+'%+!(.%&+'.',) ****%&+*.*+))!*')!*'-) %3444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 7IPPMRK,SQIW%VSYRH8LI0EOI ERH%VSYRH6MGLQSRH )'()+. )**3444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 &DOO$QG\ !&+,)1)5,!)23 444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 Information on market conditions, mortgage loans & rates. )!+)03444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 6(!)+!'&+34444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 $*)+,)&+'+ BRANDERMILL Community Association ',&).)!$'+ !& Questions call: 744-1035 SPORTS NEWS Page 14 - The Village Mill - June 11, 2007 Virginia’s Region I Teacher of the Year takes on the R-Braves & O R Y H U + L O O CHHS High School NEWS social studies teacher James ( 7U L H V O H U ZKRLVWKH 9LUJLQLD5HJLRQ ,7HDFKHURIWKH Year and the &KHVWHUI L H O G & R X Q W \ 7HDFKHU RI WKH <HDU WKUHZ RXW WKH ILUVW SLWFK RQ 0D\ ZKHQ WKH 5LFKPRQG %UDYHV SOD\HG WKH 6FUDQWRQ :LONHV%DUUH <DQNHHVDWWKH'LDPRQG ,Q KLV IUHH WLPH 7ULHVOHU FRDFKHV D &KHVWHUÀHOG /LWWOH /HDJXH WHDP RI WR\HDUROGVZKLFKLQFOXGHVKLV son, Jonathan. ´, ORYH EDVHEDOO DQG IUHTXHQWO\ DWWHQG 5LFKPRQG %UDYHV JDPHVµ 7ULHVOHUVD\V´DQG,ZDVWKULOOHGWR KDYHWKHRSSRUWXQLW\WRZDONRXWWR WKHPRXQGDWWKH'LDPRQGDQGWKURZ RXWWKHÀUVWSLWFKµ Golf tournament takes MYSL into new territory By Holly Angel Special Correspondent Midlothian Youth Soccer League KRVWHGLWVÀUVWDQQXDOJROIWRXUQDPHQWRQ0D\DW%LUNGDOH*ROI &OXE7KLUW\IRXUVRPHJURXSVSDUWLFLSDWHGLQWKHWRXUQDPHQW 7KH 2·5HLOO\ WHDP ZRQ WKH tournament; the Joe Martere team ZDV VHFRQG DQG WKH 5RE 8NURS WHDPSODFHGWKLUG 7KDQNVJRWRFRUSRUDWHVSRQVRUV DQGWKHPDQ\GRQRUVRIGRRUSUL]HV DQGFHUWLÀFDWHV 6SHFLDO WKDQNV JR WR 0LFKDHO +DWFK*HQHUDO0DQDJHUDQG2ZQHU RI%LUNGDOH*ROI&OXEIRUKLVH[SHUWLVHLQRUJDQL]LQJWKHWRXUQDPHQW $Q DQQRXQFHPHQW LV IRUWKFRPLQJ UHJDUGLQJ WKH GDWH IRU WKH VHFRQG DQQXDO0<6/JROIWRXUQDPHQW Registration 5HJLVWHU RQOLQH DW ZZZP\VO FRPIRUIDOOVRFFHUWHDPVIRUJXDUDQWHHGSODFHPHQWXQWLO-XQH $IWHU-XQHWKHUHLVDODWH IHHSHUFKLOGIRUUHJLVWUDWLRQ3OHDVH UHJLVWHU HDUO\ WR VHFXUH D VSRW DW ZZZP\VOFRP 7KRVHZKRZLVKWRSOD\RXWVLGH RIWKHLUDJHJURXSPXVWFRQWDFWWKH OHDJXHRIÀFHDWP\VOUHJ#P\VOFRP SULRUWR-XQH Spring Season Finale 7KH ÀQDO JDPHV IRU WKH VSULQJ VHDVRQZHUHKHOGRQ0D\ DWWKH+HQVOH\5RDGFRPSOH[7KH FRPSOH[ZDVDOVRWKHKRVWVLWHIRU WZR HQGRIVHDVRQ WRXUQDPHQWV WKH 5LFKPRQG .LFNHUV· DQQXDO &RORQLDO &XS WUDYHO WRXUQDPHQW GXULQJ WKH 0HPRULDO 'D\ ZHHNHQG DQG )& 5LFKPRQG·V 5HFUHDWLRQDO 6XQ &XS WKH ZHHNHQG RI -XQH Summer Soccer Freedom 6XPPHU 6RFFHU )UHHGRP IRU VRFFHUSOD\HUVDJHVWRZLOOEH KHOGDWWKH+HQVOH\5RDGFRPSOH[ -XQH WKURXJK -XQH IURP DPWRQRRQHDFKGD\ZHDWKHU SHUPLWWLQJ3UHUHJLVWUDWLRQLVQRW required. 3DUWLFLSDQWV VKRXOG EH DEOH WR WDNH FDUH RI WKHPVHOYHV ZLWK OLPLWHGVXSHUYLVLRQ This is not an instructional FDPSEXWDQRSSRUWXQLW\IRUSOD\HUVWRNHHSXSWKHLUVNLOOVGXULQJ WKHRIIVHDVRQ 7KHFRVWLVSHUSDUWLFLSDQW SHU GD\ (DFK SDUWLFLSDQW PXVW EULQJDFRPSOHWHGPHGLFDOUHOHDVH IRUP Referees For those interested in becomLQJ D UHIHUHH SOHDVH FKHFN WKH ZHEVLWH DW ZZZYDGFVRFFHUUHI FRPDQGFOLFNRQ´&HQWUDOµIRUD OLVWRIFODVVHVLQWKHDUHD Above: Jim Triesler takes the mound to throw out the ceremonial first pitch at the Diamond. Lions tournament fishermen catch 105 pounds of bass Photo by Horst Arfet Ben Kendrick, the winner of the heaviest fish prize, pockets $100 for his 7-pound bass. By Bruce Johnson Club Correspondent 7KH$QQXDO 6SULQJ %UDQGHUPLOO Midlothian-Woodlake Lions Club %DVV)LVKLQJ7RXUQDPHQWNLFNHGRIILQ the early morning hours on Saturday, 0D\ RQ 6ZLIW &UHHN 5HVHUYRLU 2YHUSRXQGVRIODUJHPRXWKEDVV ZHUHZHLJKHGLQE\ÀVKHUPHQ7KH ÀVKZHUHWKHQUHOHDVHGEDFNLQWRWKH UHVHUYRLU )LUVW SODFH KRQRUV LQ WKH IRXU KHDYLHVW ÀVK FDWHJRU\ ZHQW WR 'RXJ :KDUWRQ DQG %HQ .HQGULFN ZKR FDXJKWDWRWDORISRXQGVRXQFHV RIEDVV7KH\ZRQ 6HFRQGSODFHZLQQHUV-XVWLQ/\QFK DQG$OEHUW/\QFKWRRNKRPHIRU WKHLUSRXQGRXQFHFDWFK 7KLUGSODFHLQWKHIRXUKHDYLHVWÀVK FDWHJRU\ ZHQW WR$GDP &RQORQ DQG 5REHUW 0F6ZHHQH\ ZKR ZRQ WKHLUFDWFKZHLJKHGLQDWSRXQGV 2 ounces. )RXUWKSODFH ZLQQHUV ZHUH &D\ :LOOLDPVDQG-RKQQ\:RRG\IRUWKHLU SRXQGFDWFK %HQ.HQGULFNWRRNWKHSUL]H IRU KHDYLHVW ILVK ZLWK KLV SRXQG bass. $OOSURFHHGVIURPWKH%UDQGHUPLOO Midlothian-Woodlake Lions Club Bass Fishing Tournament go to aid WKHVLJKWDQGKHDULQJLPSDLUHGLQWKH local area. 7KHIDOOWRXUQDPHQWLVSODQQHGIRU WKH HQG RI 6HSWHPEHU WKH GDWH ZLOO EHDQQRXQFHGLQDIXWXUHLVVXHRI7KH Village Mill. Read Aloud Virginia golf championship is July 23 MYSL hosts its first annual golf tournament at Birkdale Golf Club. At left, Kevin Deckert, president, and Tom Leahy, vice president of Deckert and Leahy support MYSL’s inaugural golf tournament through corporate sponsorship. 5HDG$ORXG 9LUJLQLD D QRQSURÀ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´(YHU\&KLOG0LQXWHV(YHU\'D\µ )RU UHVHUYDWLRQV VSRQVRUVKLS LQIRUPDWLRQRUWROHDUQPRUHDERXW5HDG $ORXG 9LUJLQLD SOHDVH YLVLW ZZZ UHDGDORXGYDRUJRUFDOO 8LI(SK 'EX7LSTTI ;I3JJIVXLI&IWXMR 'YWXSQ+VSSQMRK&SEVHMRK ERH4IX7YTTPMIW Watch Your Step! Triesler and his 8-year-old son Jonathan, a budding baseball player, with Richmond Braves catcher Iker Franco. 7IVZMRK6MGLQSRHWMRGI ,YPP7XVIIX6H Please adhere to directional symbols on cart paths & bike trails. Cart paths are for Brandermill Country Club members only. Now serving 10th hole of GOLF COURSE ~~ On POND TWO STORY w/SCREENED PORCH BRANDERMILL, WOODLAKE AND SWIFT CREEK! Mockingbird Lan e The Staff at the BCA & The Village Mill wish you Safe & Happy 4th of July! WONDERFUL HOME located at 3902 Pebble Creek Road - $324,500! Come home to a delightful 4 bedroom colonial with hardwood floors in the living room, dining room, and family room, cheerful eat-in kitchen, brick fp w/built-in cabinets & shelves, PLUS a BONUS room off the master bedroom! See interior photos at www.gayleandcompany.com! GLORY DAYS GRILL Hull Street 763-1000 6181 HARBOURSIDE CTR. LOOP BRANDERMILL/WOODLAKE AREA W W W. AT L A N T I C TA N N I N G . N E T 3 Tans For $8 00 GOTTA’ CALL GAYLE! Gayle Walters, Principal Broker 4830 Market Square Lane (O) 744-8100 LEVEL 1 Beds Only Harbourside Location Only 32-120 Watt Lamps 3-400 Watt Facials Soltron Fan 94,*44 $0%&7.15"/$0610/&910/&0''&3$0610/1&3$-*&/54&44*0/4&91*3&*/%":4/&8$-*&/540/-:7"-*%"5)"3#0634*%&-0$"5*0/0/-: Join our Email Club for Exclusive Deals! BUSINESS NEWS June 11, 2007 - The Village Mill - Page 15 When-Dee Morrison’s customers can create any Fat Cookie they want By Lynda Raines Copy Editor Photos by Lynda Raines When-Dee Morrison bakes and hand-packages each order of her specialty cookies. Fat Cookie customers can order traditional cookies like chocolate chip and oatmeal raisin, or create and name a one-of-a-kind recipe. &IEYX]>SRI ;-+7,%-64-)')7,%-6'%6)463(9'87 ,EMV4MIGIW 7]RXLIXMG ,YQER,EMV ,EMV'EVI4VSHYGXW 7LSIW&SSXW,SYWI7LSIW 'SWQIXMGW .I[IPV] 4VSJIWWMSREP,EMV'EVI )UYMTQIRX ERH1YGL1SVI +MJX'IVXMÁGEXIW%ZEMPEFPI +VIEX'YWXSQIV7IVZMGI Victoria Square Shopping Center 11019 Hull Street Rd. (Hull Street Rd. & Genito) Open 7 Days A Week Mon. - Sat. 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. Sun. 12 p.m. - 6 p.m. When-Dee Morrison has always been a creative, energetic person. In junior high school she changed the VSHOOLQJ RI KHU ÀUVW QDPH WR FRPSO\ with the way she wished people would pronounce it. As a college student, she worked WLUHOHVVO\LQ$UL]RQD6WDWH8QLYHUVLW\·V WKHDWHUGHSDUWPHQWZKHUHVKHUHFHLYHG DEDFKHORU·VGHJUHHLQKDLUDQGPDNHXS design. And, years later, when she ZDV D EXV\ %UDQGHUPLOO KRPHPDNHU ZLWK WZR VPDOO FKLOGUHQ DQG D WKLUG on the way, she decided to start her own cookie business in her Heritage :RRGVKRPH Create Your Own Cookie ) R U ) D W & R R N L H F X V W R P H U V 0RUULVRQ KDV FUHDWHG D PHQX WKDW includes traditional chocolate chip, RDWPHDO UDLVLQ DQG SHDQXW EXWWHU FRRNLHVSOXVVKHKDVDGGHGDIHZPRUH exotic choices such as apple pie and café au lait. But the real fun, of the business, Morrision says, is that Fat Cookie F X V W R P H U V are the creators of their own brand of cookie. 7KH FXVWRPHU FKRRVHV WKH GRXJK WKHPL[LQVDQGWKHQDPHRIWKHFRRNLH that will go on the label. ´:H KDYH ÀYH GLIIHUHQW NLQGV RI GRXJK DQG RYHU PL[LQV RLOV DQG extracts,” Morrison says. She does the baking, the packaging, and the shipping, but gives full FUHGLWWRKHUFXVWRPHUVIRUWKHLUFRRNLH “inventions.” “People have fun with it, right GRZQWRWKHODEHOEHFDXVHLW·VWKHQDPH they choose,” she says. The cookie labels also include the list of ingredients, in keeping with the U.S. Food and 'UXJ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQUHJXODWLRQV The Fat Cookie creation process is done online. Cookie lovers place an RUGHUE\FKRRVLQJIURPFKRFRODWHPRFKDZKLWHVXJDUEURZQVXJDURDWPHDO or peanut butter cookie dough. 7KHQH[WVWHSLVVHOHFWLQJWKHPL[ ins which include candy and candy bar pieces; dried fruits including raisins, dates and papaya; several types of nuts; RLOVDQGH[WUDFWVUDQJLQJIURPEXWWHU UXPWRSUDOLQHÁDYRUVSUHW]HOVSRWDWR FKLSV:DVDELSHDVDQGPRUH Wasabi peas? “Yes,” Morrison says. “Anything goes.” Name Your Own Cookie $FFRUGLQJWR0RUULVRQWKHQDPHV RIFRRNLHVDUHQHYHUWKHVDPH&RRNLH Devine; Spiked Snickerdoodle; Black :KLWH6SLFH&RRNLH7KH$PD]LQJ 6SLGHUPDQ &RRNLH 3HDQXW %XWWHU %RPE7R7KH/HIW7R7KH/HIW8OWUD &DORULF &DWDVWURSKH &RRNLH )HPDOH 1XWULWLRQDO 6XSSOHPHQWV $JH Cookie; Afternoon Refuel; and Hot 0DPDDUHMXVWDIHZ For a creative person like Morrison, the irony of the date when Fat Cookie received the green light is icing on the cookie. “My kitchen,” she says, laughing, ´ZDVFHUWLÀHGE\WKHKHDOWKLQVSHFWRU on Halloween.” Morrison rises each day before GDZQDQGEDNHVXQWLODURXQGDP and again in the evening, when her FKLOGUHQDUHDVOHHSXQWLOSP “My husband Andy cooks dinner,” Morrison says, “because I get tired of being in the kitchen!” 0RUULVRQ·V \HDUROG GDXJKWHU Maggie and her 2-year-old son Ralph help with the labels and the packaging. “They have a great WLPH ZLWK it,” Morrison says. “Ralph is D O V R P \ taste-tester.” The word about Fat Cookie is VSUHDGLQJ ´3HRSOH ÀQG XV UDQGRPO\ on the Internet,” Morrison says, ´DQG , DOVR JHW FXVWRPHUV ZKR KDYH RUGHUHGIURPXVDQGWHOORWKHUVDERXW Fat Cookie.” )DW&RRNLHVKLSVRUGHUVRIFXVWRP created cookies all over the U.S. “We have a two-day turnaround after the cookie order is placed,” she says. “And ZHKDYHDPLOLWDU\DSSUHFLDWLRQFDPSDLJQ$Q\RUGHUWKDWLVVHQWWRPHQDQG ZRPHQLQWKHPLOLWDU\LVKDOISULFH 3,000 Cookies So Far 0RUULVRQVD\VVKHÀJXUHVVKHKDV EDNHG DQG VKLSSHG DSSUR[LPDWHO\ 3,000 cookies since she started her cotWDJHLQGXVWU\ODVW1RYHPEHU6KHUHDOizes that the growth of Fat Cookie and the arrival of a new baby will stretch WKHOLPLWVRIVSDFHLQKHUKRPH “I want to get a storefront in the QH[W \HDUµ VKH VD\V ´,·G OLNH IRU FXVWRPHUVWREHDEOHWRRUGHUDKHDGRU ZDLWZKLOHWKHLUFXVWRPRUGHUFRRNLHV are baked.” )RU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ DERXW KRZ WR FUHDWH DQG QDPH D )DW &RRNLH SOHDVH YLVLW ZZZIDWFRRNLHFRP RU FDOO “Any order that is sent to men and women in the military is half-price.” When-Dee Morrison Ralph and Maggie help their mom with the packaging of Fat Cookie orders. Ralph also taste-tests the cookies. CALLING ALL ADVERTISERS! To Place Your Ad in The 2008 Brandermill Telephone Directory Call Today 744-1035x116 “Helping Families Move Around The Lake & Richmond” We’ll Find the Perfect Home for Your Family! Call our Agents at our Sunday Park Office for Details 744-1000 739-3399 VISIT OUR WEB SITE TO VIEW OVER 3,500 LISTINGS www.prurichmond.com (www.psjr.com) MortgagePower Harbour Pointe Dental Building 5921 Harbour Lane, Suite 300 SOLD is Buying Power Brandermill Auto Rental Consumer Leasing Services Auto & Truck Rental (Entrance to Harbour Pointe) A Consumer Leasing Services Company in Business Since 1987 Your Neighborhood Choice for Vehicle Rentals Serving Brandermill, Woodlake & Surrounding Communities Owned & operated by Brandermill resident Richard Eramian • Daily - Weekly - Monthly • Featuring Ford & Toyota Vehicles • Free Local Pickup Service Automobiles 7 - & 15 - Passenger Vans Cargo Vans Conversion Vans Pickups • SUVs Convertibles Small Moving Trucks We Feature Toyota Camrys Convenient New Location! Brandermill Auto Rental Market Square 4804 Market Square Lane 744-7371 WWW.drjohnking.COM • Local & Long Distance Rates Available • New & Late Model Vehicles for Rent SUVs AVAILABLE CLS Auto & Truck Rental Goodes Bridge Square 6963 Hull Street Road 1/4 mile west of Chippenham Parkway www.consumerleasingservices.com 276-8097 Cash & major credit & debit cards accepted 10 % OFF PER DAY WITH COUPON 3999 $ PER DAY 1,500 FREE MILES *TOYOTA CAMRY ONLY! OPEN WEEKENDS BUSINESS NEWS Page 16 - The Village Mill - June 11, 2007 The Party Fairy shares the art of make-believe Sophie Schallmo has been invited to a picnic in the Fairy Forest. Photos by Lynda Raines The Party Fairy owner Georgia Blair, right, and Stephanie Breen take time for tea in Miss Hattie’s cottage. The flower fairies who live in Miss Hattie’s garden visit often. By Lynda Raines Copy Editor Once upon a time, a party fairy came to the Village at Waterford, waved her magic wand, and created parties, summer camps, workshops and picnics for children. Girls who had always dreamed of becoming princesses and mermaids and boys who fancied themselves as pirates were granted their wishes, and they lived happily ever after. Harbour Pointe resident Georgia Blair believes in the magical power of imagination so much that she decided to build a business around it. The Party Fairy, located at 13566 Waterford Place, offers one-stop party planning guaranteed to enchant any child. The Party Fairy offers unique birthday parties that combine makebelieve and fantasy through costumes, sets, and an elegant fairy godmother. Young girls can enter the magical world of fairies and princesses to celebrate their birthdays, while boys are given the chance to ride the high seas as pirates. Blair began creating elaborate birthday parties for her daughter and her friends a few years ago. The parties were so popular that she decided to start a business and produce parties for other children in their homes. Then she UHQWHGWKHWRSÁRRURI2DVLV6SRUWVDQG held parties there. Blair says, “Now, having our own location really opens a lot of doors.” 7KH 3DUW\ )DLU\·V QHZ ORFDWLRQ includes theme party rooms that accommodate 8 to 12 children for birthday and tea parties; a larger party room for up to 30 children; and a selection of costumes; tea sets; SRFNHWERRNVÁLSÁRSVSULQWVKDQG SDLQWHG FKLOGUHQ·V IXUQLWXUH MHZHOU\ and dolls. Birthday parties at The Party Fairy include: entertainment in a party theme room; decorated tabletops with cupcakes and party favors; a director to lead the fun; costumes; invitations; thank-you cards; photos; and more. Karaoke parties for “tweens” are also offered. 2QHRI%ODLU·VIDYRULWHSDUWLHVLVWKH Miss Hattie Tea Parties. “Miss Hattie is DJUDQGPRWKHUO\ÀJXUHZKREDNHVWHD cakes and loves children,” Blair says. Miss Hattie also conducts charm and Village Bank receives county service award Village Bank was recently DZDUGHG&KHVWHUÀHOG&RXQW\·V 2007 Community Service Award for its dedication and commitment to the community RI&KHVWHUÀHOG&RXQW\9LOODJH %DQN·V FRPPXQLW\ FRQWULEXtions include its annual golf tournament that raised more than $35,000 for the MakeA-Wish Foundation, and The Families of the Wounded Fund WKDWSURYLGHVÀQDQFLDOVXSSRUW to family members of military servicemen and women who have been severely wounded in combat, primarily in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Brandermill branch of Village Bank is located at 13521 Waterford Place. (DFK\HDUWKH&KHVWHUÀHOG County Board of Supervisors honors local businesses that contribute to the counW\·V HFRQRP\ DQG LWV FLWL]HQV through consistent adherence to the principles and standards of ethical business practices such as advertising integrity and participation in trade associations and local programs that better the county and the region. CAREER TRACKS Chimney House resident and Prudential Financial agent Joe Moss recently moved his business into the office of Ray Dewey and Associates at 13807 Village Mill Drive in Midlothian. Moss provides clients assistance with a wide range of financial op - Moss tions, including retirement planning, life insurance, mutual funds, annuities, pension and retirement related services and administration, long-term care insurance, disability insurance, and health insurance. For more information, please visit www.prudential.com/us/joseph.moss or call 270-3200x7283. Check out the BCA web site! [[[FVERHIVQMPPGSQ CALLING ALL ADVERTISERS! Young princesses and fairies will find an enchanting selection of costumes and accessories at The Party Fairy. etiquette classes for young girls. For girls who wish to become a princess for a day, The Party Fairy offers princess makeovers by a personal fairy godmother. Blair has also designed fairythemed summer workshops for girls age 4 to 7; a pixie camp for girls age 5 and older; a polymer clay workshop for girls age 7 and older; and an art camp for girls age 8 and older. “We will also hold seasonal activities like pumpkin patch tea parties and cookies with Santa and Mrs. Claus,” Blair adds. Blair believes the value of makebelieve reaches beyond birthday and tea parties. “The Party Fairy offers children an innocent culture,” Blair VD\V´,W·VDSODFHZKHUHWKH\FDQIHHO loved and protected.” For more information about The Party Fairy, please call 744-6963 or visit www.thepartyfairy.com. Place Your Ad in The 2008 Brandermill Telephone Directory by JUNE 15TH to pay last year’s rates. Call Today 744-1035x116 CLASSIFIED ADS For Rent Boat for Sale Kids Job Bank FOR RENT Lightening Sailboat – Good condition, up to 3-member crew; LOA –19 ft.; beam – 6 ft. 6 in.; draft – 4 ft., 11 in.; hull weight – 700 lbs.; mast height – 26 ft., 2 in.; sail area of Main and Jib sails – 177 sq. ft.; Spinnaker – 300 sq. ft. Call Tony at 744-4890. Services 14-year-old will care for your child in my home. Monday - Thursday, 7:30 p.m. to midnight (with help from experienced nanny/mother). Call 243-0299 or 744-2789. Babysitting and pet sitting. 18 years old. References available. Call Kate 739-7809. Car washing and detailing from $15 – $100. Experienced and responsible teenagers. Call Alan at 739-1839. ABC Babysitting. We offer a fun and exciting environment for any age child! &DOO /DXUD &REOH RU -D·1HLO Jackson 677-5292. 10-year-old pet sitter will take great care of your pets (with help from mom.) Call Sydney at 307-9889. Dependable 8th-grader wants to babysit ages 3 and up. Experienced – two younger brothers. Kirsten, 744-8152. Teens available for babysitting and/or odd jobs. Call Jaimie Lee, 18 or Jeffrey 17 DOO&35FHUWLÀHGDW \HDUROGEDE\VLWWHUFHUWLÀHGLQ&35DQG FKLOGÀUVWDLG&DOO6KDQQRQDW House Cleaning – Back in business. 25 years experience. For free estimate, call Nancy at 674-6491 Services Classified Rate 50 cents per word. $5 minimum. All classified advertising must be prepaid by cash, check or credit card. Deadline for the July 9 issue is July 2 4 at noon. Please mail or drop off with payment, or fax to (804) 744-5148 or call (804) 744-1035 with credit card information. 3JÂGI7YMXIWJVSQQS )EWX&SYRHEV]6SEH 340-2999 Yard Sale Yard sale signs are available at the BCA RIÀFHZLWKDUHIXQGDEOHGHSRVLW Gymnasium For Rent Lost and Found Lost and found signs are available at the BCA office with a refundable $30 deposit. For Sale Mattress – Brand new 3-piece King PillowTop mattress set. Name brand. Warranty. $225. Can deliver. Call 640-2406. Mattress – Brand new 2-piece queen-size PillowTop set. Never used. Still in plastic with warranty. $129. Delivery available. Call 640-2406. Bed set – 7-piece cherry Sleigh Bed set. Brand new. $599 Can deliver. Call 640-2406. Mattress – Brand new 2-piece Memory Foam mattress set. Same foam as Tempurpedic. $375. Call 640-2406. Living room set – 5 piece set includes sofa, loveseat, coffee and 2 end tables. $575. 6WDLQUHVLVWDQWPLFURÀEHU1HYHUXVHG&DQ deliver. Call 640-2406. Dining room set – 8-piece set includes table, 6 chairs, lighted hutch/buffet. $795. Never used. Call 640-2406. Leather sofa and loveseat – Brand new, factory sealed with lifetime warranty. Lists – $2,500; must move – $799. Call 640-2406. Bedroom set – Designer King wood bedroom set. Six pieces with TV armoire. 1HZ LQ ER[HV 0XVW VHOO 6DFULÀFH Call 640-2406. Bedroom set – Light-colored set includes 4poster bed, dresser, mirror, 2 nightstands. Faux marble tops on bed posts, dresser and nightstand. Priced to sell at $1,499. Very eloquent. Call 640-2406. &Y]SV7IPP 7XEVX]SYVS[RFYWMRIWWJSVSRP] .IRRIXX4YPPI]-76 MPSZIEZSR$GSQGEWXRIX • Hardwood Floors • Basketball • Dance Classes • Parties/Meetings • Team Practices • Cheering 0SGEXIHMR;SSHPEOI &IWX,SYVP]6EXIW 739-0543 Automobile for Sale ¶ 6XEDUX -XVWL ² F\OLQGHU H[FHOOHQW condition, 5-speed, A/C, 66,700 actual miles. $950 OBO. Call 763-0205. Help Wanted Companion – for 12-year-old girl in Brandermill from June 26 - July 6, 8:30 5:30. Accompany her to the pool, shopping, etc. Responsible young woman, licensed driver preferred. Salary negotiable. Call (day) 204-2432 (night) 658-1507. American Mortgage Center 4678 Commonwealth Centre Pkwy, Ste 13 Midlothian, VA 23112 Services Auto • Home • Financial Services Eric Armstrong 744-6646 24-hr Customer Service Bill’s Boats Mobile Boat Services Restoration, Fiberglass & Wood Repair Power • Sail • Pontoons 516-6437 MAKE YOUR POINT! %HZIVXMWMRKMWXLIFIWX[E]XSVIEGLTISTPI [LSEVIVIEH][MPPMRKERHEFPIXSFY] Call 744-1035 x116 744-6590 Services “Helping Families Move Around The Lake & Richmond” We’ll Find the Perfect Home for Your Family! Call our Agents at our Sunday Park Office for Details is Buying Power 744-1000 VISIT OUR WEB SITE TO VIEW OVER 3,500 LISTINGS www.prurichmond.com • (www.psjr.com) SOLD Allen JEWELERS WE’VE MOVED! Located at 431 N. Ridge Road Richmond, VA 23229 • 288-8044 Doug McNealy 901-2142 General Carpentry • Restorations Replacement Windows • Decks A/C & Trash Enclosures Gutters Cleaned References Services [email protected] & Sons r e l g n Si ssure Cleanin Pre ing needs! lean c r u for l yo FREECallestimate l a for 335-5525 15 years of experience • Licensed & Insured g Stewart’s Automotive, LLC Owned & Operated by ~ Kirk & Donna Stewart • State Inspections • Full Service Repair fx: 276-1665 3700-E Hendricks Road Midlothian, VA 23112 Email: [email protected] o: 276-0663 REPAIR ON ALL MAJOR BRANDS SALES-SERVICE-INSTALLATION ¶%'367'SQJSVX7TIGMEPMWXWWXERH JSVUYEPMX]WIVZMGIUYEPMX]MRWXEPPEXMSRW ERHWEXMWÂIHGYWXSQIVW· • FREE ESTIMATE ON NEW INSTALLATIONS • COMPLETE DUCT SYSTEMS • AIR CLEANING SYSTEMS 24-HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE ,YPP7X6H 1MHPSXLMER 745-0594 744-3057 &IXLME 739-0906 CLASSIFIED ADS Services Services Church’s Tree Service Services Be Right There, Inc. Bubba Anthony 379-0818 598-4599 or 247-1979 0MGIRWIHERH-RWYVIH Services ELECTRI E L O C 8LI(ITIRHEFPI,ERH]QER Dropping • Trimming Removal • Masonry June 11, 2007 - The Village Mill - Page 17 C *SV%PP=SYV)PIGXVMGEP2IIHW -RGPYHMRK8IPITLSRI 'EFPI;MVMRK Oriental & Area Rug Cleaning 1MOI'SPI 3JÀGI'IPP 0MGIRWIH -RWYVIH 28 Years’ Experience Free Pick-up & Delivery OUTER BANKS CUSTODIAL SERVICE ,396)1)6+)2'=7)6:-') 379-4439 10% off with this ad Danny Berry Mulching • Pruning Tree & Shrub Installation Retaining Walls & Patios Walkways Home Repair • Large or Small Call Joseph at Repair & Maintenance Licensed 739-0082 338-4998 / 794-4197 Insured ;)03:)396;36/%2(=39;-00833 ;IWTIGMEPM^IMRVIWMHIRXMEPXVIIGEVI ;IEVI[SVOMRKJSVEKVIIRIVXSQSVVS[ %PP1ENSV'VIHMX'EVHW%GGITXIH *VII)WXMQEXIW *YPP]-RWYVIH *YPP]0MGIRWIH 3ZIV=IEVWSJ 5YEPMX]7IVZMGI RHIVQMPP 7IVZMRK&PVE WMXXIVW IX T [MXLPSGE Mulch, Fill Dirt, Top Soil, Gravel, Sand, Compost & Colored Mulches Delivered 8VII6IQSZEP 7XYQT6IQSZEP 4VYRMRK *YPP'PIER9T Spring Clean-Up! /MXXMIWRIIHXSVSQTERH (SKKMIWKSXXETPE] ;LEX[MPPXLI]HS[LIR XLIJEQMP]·WE[E]# :EGEXMSRIVW(SK;EPOMRK3ZIVRMKLXW 0SZMRKGEVIJSV]SYVWTIGMEPJVMIRHWMRXLIGSQJSVXERH JEQMPMEVMX]SJXLIMVLSQIIRZMVSRQIRX (804)739-0593 MARY ANN’S TRUCKING A Virginia’s Resources Recycled Company &SRHIH -RWYVIH 7MRGI 3JÀGI 1IQFIV 7IVZMRK'IRXVEP:MVKMRME COUPON 440-4115 840-5366 Excellent Rates • Quality Services Weekly or Bi-weekly • Move In/Move Out References Available • Free Estimates Satisfaction Guaranteed I Am In Your Neighborhood! Don’t spend your free time cleaning. Let me do it for you! Services SIMPLE STROKES CUSTOM PAINTING & REPAIR Brandermill Resident • Licensed & Insured specializing in 683-8628 or 249-9428 Interior/Exterior Painting Rotten Wood Repair Siding Replacement Home Improvement Special Trim Replacement (Hardi Plank & Vinyl), Roofing & Decks, Front Porch, Railings, Door & Window Replacement Affordable Exterminators 300 $ Complete off Exterior Paint With this coupon 23FMRHMRKGSRXVEGXW *6))8IVQMXI-RWTIGXMSR Call us for safe & highly-effective Removal of Pests: Termites • Rodents • Spiders • Ants • Fungus Repair Fungus & Termite Damage W.D.I Reports…and more 744-3835 or 380-7741 0MGIRWIH]IEVW-RWYVIH 6SR1G/E]3[RIV &VERHIVQMPP6IWMHIRX ´5YEPMX][SVOHSIWR·XLEZIXSFII\TIRWMZIµ (31-2-32 633*-2+ 6)13()0-2+ )QEMPQ]TIXW$GSQGEWXRIX ;IFWMXI[[[TIXTPIEWIVWGSQ www.maryannstrucking.com Sulma Peraza House Cleaning Services Services :MR]P 6ITPEGIQIRX ;MRHS[W :MR]P7MHMRK %PYQMRYQ8VMQ 6SSÀRK +YXXIVW W.G. Speeks, Inc. Keeping your family comfortable since 1943 RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL For all your heating and cooling concerns...scheduled maintenance and installation. We service all makes and models. Ask about special financing and rebates on system replacements. (V][EPP6ITEMV -RWXEPPEXMSR SEASONAL SPECIAL ON $ COMPLETE 250 REBATE SYSTEM REPLACEMENT Not valid with any other rebates or promotions. Must present coupon at time of service or estimate. System must include indoor and outdoor units plus thermostat for rebate. *VII)WXMQEXIW NEAR BRANDERMILL PAULBROOK DR. Great Value Home Improvements 276-2800 www.WGSPEEKS.com Class “A” Contractor License #2701-012546A Reliable, Professional Home Improvements. No Job Too Small. Satisfaction is Guaranteed. Nick’s Contracting Commercial & Residential Interior/Exterior Painting • Custom Painting Powerwashing Staining/Sealing • Rot Repair/Replacement Drywall Finishing/Repair/Installation Call For A Free Quote Licensed & Insured 335-7538 fx: 464-1595 [email protected] References upon request AN ECONOMICAL PERMANENT JP’s Roofing Company “Don’t Wait till it’s too late” Specializing in Residential Roofing • All Types of Roofing / Repairs • Seamless Gutters / Gutter Cleaning • Vinyl Siding • Powerwashing • Replacement Windows Senior Citizen Discounts Family owned and operated over 10 years Call today for a FREE ESTIMATE. (office) 744-3023 (cell) 350-4324 Fully Licensed & Insured · SOLUTION FOR RESIDENTIAL FOUNDATION & SETTLEMENT PROBLEMS STOP FOUNDATION SETTLEMENT ASK ABOUT OUR WARRANTY Recommended by Professional Engineers %WLPERH:%[[[WXEFPIJSYRHEXMSRWGSQ =3968,-2+778%= Drier & Cooler in our block buildings with vented attics KDC G E N I T O Contracting MINI STORAGE FREE ESTIMATES A-OK Roofing & NEW & RE-ROOFING VINYL SIDING Inge Construction Licensed and Insured Larry Inge Owner 275-2577 221-7874 330-0228 8610 Midlothian Tnpk., Suite One www.kdcroofinc.com No metal buildings or flat roofs Rent pro-rated at move-in, refunds after move-out (you pay only for the days you stay) No deposit required You lock the door, you keep the key Sizes and prices for all needs Manager team lives on the property Outside parking for boats, RV’s, etc. Computerized gate, fenced & lighted Wide driveways for moving vans Heated and cooled units available 744-3043 Open 7 days! 2501 Genito Place Midlothian (off Genito Rd., near 288) www.virginiaministorage.com “...the area’s best facility.” Page 18 - The Village Mill - June 11, 2007 Happy Birthday PREPAREDNESS VIRGINIA Prepare Fourth of July Festivities Get a kit of emergency supplies. When preparing for a possible emergency situation, it’s best to think first about the basics of survival: fresh water, food, clean air and warmth. Prepare to secure your property and fill your car’s gas tank in case you have to evacuate. Parade 10 a.m. Plan To Evacuate Celebrate at Brandermill’s Your family may not be together when disaster strikes, so it is important to plan in advance. How you will contact one another? How you will get back together? If you’re unable to evacuate, stay indoors away from all windows. Swift Creek Middle School to Sunday Park Parade line-up at 8:30 a.m. Grand Marshal Mark Smith of Cove Ridge • Patriotic Pets Doctors of Jazz • Greater Richmond Pipes and Drums Members of the U.S. Armed Forces • Clowns - Kurt & Hugs Chesterfield County Officials • Fire & Police Departments Jonathan the Juggler • Uncle Sam Stay Informed Learn more about the potential emergencies that could happen where you live and the appropriate way to respond to them. Learn about the plans that have been established by your state and local government. Sunday Park Festivities after parade to 1 p.m. Free Hotdogs & sodas served by Boy Scout Troop 2890 Ice cold watermelon served by Brandermill Retired Men’s Club Dunking Booth • Face Painting • Spin Art • DJ Dan Rucker Fireworks in Sunday Park 9:15 p.m. Anyone can be in the parade Friends and family of residents are welcome to participate. Make sure your family has a plan in case of an emergency. For more information on how to make a family emergency plan, go to ready.gov Call 744-1035x104 to register to be in the parade or to volunteer. Sponsored by BRANDERMILL Community Association Celebrate the 4th of July at North Beach and St. Ledger’s Pool with Games & DJ! 1 - 4 p.m. Join Brandermill Pools Today! St. Ledger’s Pool Family Fun Water Slide North Beach Harbour Pointe Pool Pool Olympic-size for Swim Team Lakefront Open on Mondays Lakefront Luxury Special Events throughout the summer Swim Lessons – Swim Team Pass the buck! New Healthy & Yummy Menu at North Beach and St. Ledger’s Pools. 11 - 8 p.m. Get in Shape! Water Aerobics $1 off Fruit Smoothie Shape up in 6 weeks with this coupon. $1 off Steak Burger with this coupon. Please send registration & payment to: Richmond Philharmonic % merican 100A Sunday, June 17 • 6 p.m. The Gardens Pavilion at Sunday Park Celebration by Adolphus Hailstork Rodeo: Four Dance Episodes by Aaron Copeland Medley from Chicago by Ebb/Kander Selections from West Side Story by Leonard Bernstein Summertime from Porgy and Bess by George Gershwin Moon River by Henry Mancini Stars and Stripes Forever by John Philip Sousa Bring blankets, chairs & a picnic Free to Brandermill Residents & Guests June 19 - Aug. 2 Tues. & Thurs. 9 - 10 Members $40 • Non-members $50 To Register, Call 744-1035 Celebrate Father’s Day with us! Expires 6/30/07 Brandermill Community Association 3001 E. Boundary Ter. • Midlothian, VA 23112 Expires 6/30/07 Log onto www.brandermill.com or stop by the BCA office for an application. Sponsored by BRANDERMILL Community Association