Bucharest, September 2012 ROMANIAN BALNEARY POTENTIAL Delia Cinteza Constantin Munteanu NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF RHEABILITATION, PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND BALNEOCLIMATOLOGY ROMANIAN ASSOCIATION OF BALNEOLOGY NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF RHEABILITATION, PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND BALNEOCLIMATOLOGY Research Department BRIEF HISTORY OF ROMANIAN BALNEOLOGY National Institute of Rehabilitation, Physical Medicine and Balneoclimatology was established in 1924 as "Institute of Balneology" through sustained endeavor of personalities of the time medical and non-medical: the Ministry of Health, Red Cross, Romanian Patriarchy, the Ministry of Defense and other institutions. To note that at that time was the second institute of its kind in Europe (after that from France). MEDICAL USES OF NATURAL THERAPEUTIC Specialists in rehabilitation, physical medicine and balneology are involved in treating specific deseases generating functional impairments: a) traumatic disorders; b) musculoskeletal disorders; c) inflammatory rheumatic diseases; d) cardiovascular disease; e) respiratory diseases; f) gynecological diseases; g) dermatological; h) neurological disorders; i) neuropsychomotor disease; Geological and hydrological surveys on natural therapeutic resources Geological research is completed by synthesis materials (studies, reports, etc.) together with cartographic materials. Based on the conclusions of these materials we obtain detailed economic knowledge to capitalize therapeutic mineral resources. BIOCLIMATIC STUDIES Working procedure for bioclimatic research refers to processing specialized climate and microclimate data, leading to value estimation of bioclimatic indices. Among these factors are mentioned: -Thermal comfort index (based on actual temperature equivalent, determined using temperature, humidity, and wind intensity); - Skin climatic stress index (on feeling hot / cold felt by the human body, depending on air temperature and wind intensity); - Lung climate stress index (based on the feeling of hydration / dehydration of the lung lining, depending on water vapor pressure of the atmosphere); -Total bioclimatic stress index (summing the values of the two previous climate stress). - Other bioclimatic indices as air ionisation, etc. Physico-chemical analysis of natural therapeutic factors Quality of natural factors is determined by their effective physicochemical properties: mineral or organic composition, gases dissolved, suspended particles, living organisms. Microbiological analysis of natural therapeutic factors Microbiological analysis of different samples is done for preventive, diagnostic, prognostic or therapeutic aim. Biologist working in a microbiology laboratory is responsible for correct sampling, laboratory analysis of the sample, validation of results and confrontation with complementary data (clinical, epidemiological and so on), thus indirectly participated in interpreting the results . Physiological and pharmacodynamics research Knowledge of general problems concerning the effects of natural factors, location and their mechanism of action, is of fundamental importance for a rational therapy. The biological activity of natural factors requires an initial interaction of their chemical or physico-chemical components with molecules of living matter. The primary action at the molecular level, triggers a complex reaction, resulting overall pharmacological global effect. Pharmacodynamic effect is the result of complex reactions triggered in the body of the primary action. A drug does not create new functions in the body, but only accelerates or reduces disturbed physiological processes. ADVANCED RESEARCH AT CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR LEVEL The in vitro studies allows evaluation of cell morphology, protein synthesis, secretion of certain substances, cell metabolism, cellular receptors interaction with different ligands, uptake or release of electrolytes or other types of substances that reach the cellular environment. Assessing changes at cellular and molecular level can be achieved by optical microscopy studies, for cell morphology, cell viability studies, immunohistochemistry studies, proteomic studies carried out by techniques including electrophoresis and Western blotting, determination of the biochemical parameters in the culture media, cell physiology studies, studies on cellular senescence, cell signaling studies. LDH 30 25 0,04 CREATININA 0,03 20 0,02 15 10 0,01 5 0 0 1 1 40 30 20 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 4 S1 7 8 5 6 7 8 9 FOSFATAZA ALCALINA S1 9 UREE 2.5 2 1 .5 1 10 0 .5 0 0 1 2 3 1 4 5 6 2 S1 7 8 3 4 9 5 6 7 S1 8 3 2,5 2 1,5 1 0,5 0 1 2 3 4 S1 5 6 7 8 9 12345678 Fig. 193- Analiza imunoblot a 9 expresiei GSK-3β în culturile gliale de 14 zile 23 1 4 0,1 21 20 7 5 0,0 12 9 6 10 11 8 0,2 0,3 1415 16 13 0,4 0,5 19 22 17 18 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 Ligand A Wnt inositol IP3 IMPase - IP PIP2 IMPase - IP2 γ β α D M A U G N C + Ca2+ PI-3K Frizzled + APC PI CMP-PA PLC + AXIN + + Li PKC Akt/PKB Dsh - PP2A - - GSK-3β GBP Li + P Phosphorylation, Translocation of transcription factors β-catenin Lithium-Responsive Gene Network Regulation of PKC responsive genes SYNAPTIC FUNCTION Long-term Lithium Effects NEUROPLASTICITY β-catenin Protein degradation β-catenin TCF/LEF TCF/LEF responsive genes NEUROPROTECTION 9 ADVANCED RESEARCH AT CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR LEVEL ADVANCED RESEARCH AT CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR LEVEL Clinical studies for testing therapeutic efficacy of natural factors Selection and recruitment of suitable study participants - time sensitive consultation is likely to be longer than in normal situations. The concept of obtaining informed consent is considered the basic principle of GCP. Integrated Model of curative spa takes place under experimental and clinical research conducted, leading to a scientific background, biological and medical updated, achieved by modern experimental techniques and clinical trials. “turismul de tratament si cura balneara actioneaza ca factori sociali cu efecte multiple in special in beneficiul intregii societati satisfacerea necesitatilor si preferintelor de odihna ale diferitelor segmente de consumatori redobandirea sanatatii profilaxia unor boli cresterea randamentului muncii reducerea zilelor de concediu medical” Citam aceasta apreciere deoarece o consideram ca fiind foarte potrivita pentru strategia propusa in dezvoltarea turismului balnear din Romania. Comisia Canadiana de Turism Factorii terapeutici naturali apele minerale terapeutice lacurile şi nămolurile terapeutice gazele terapeutice ansamblul elementelor fizico-chimice al principalelor tipuri de bioclimă din România, inclusiv la nivelul grotelor şi salinelor Factorii terapeutici naturali Factori cu efect asupra sanatatii umane si functiilor organismului, cu valoare terapeutică dovedită ştiinţific şi recunoscute ca eficiente terapeutic Se supun rigorilor care reglementeaza doze de administrare, indicatii si contraindicatii, stabilite prin studii Sunt prescrisi in scop profilactic sau curativ de catre medic si aplicati de catre personal medical calificat Cercetarea stiintifica a factorilor terapeutici naturali Sursele de factori terapeutici naturali Potentialul balnear al Romaniei Exploatarea si valorificarea factorilor terapeutici naturali Experienta si traditia potential Efect asupra sanatatii Tipuri de cura Tipuri de ape Caracteristicile surselor efectul asupra sanatatii DOVADA EFICACITATII 9 9 9 Cercetarea stiintifica Studii de tip cercetare fundamentala si experimentala pentru stabilirea indicatiilor terapeutice Studii clinice de atestare / reatestare a calitatilor terapeutice Studii de stabilitate Indicatori de calitate – specifici pentru fiecare tip de factor efectul asupra sanatatii DOVADA SIGURANTEI (lipsa efectelor nocive) 9 9 9 Cercetarea stiintifica Limitele concentratiei in substante minerale considerate terapeutice Limitele concentratiei in substante considerate cu potential nociv Substante interzise Physical, chemical and microbiological studies of the natural health factors Dynamic changes of physical, chemical and microbiologic characteristics of the mineral sources in Herculane Health resort Madalina Ciocan1, Liana Ionescu1, Gh. Gheorghievici, I.Gogâltan2, Mariana Bujor; 1Institutul National de Recuperare, Medicina Fizica si Balneoclimatologie; 2S.C. Hercules S.A.; The National Conference of Balneology, Covasna, 2006 Variatia hidrogenului sulfurat si a ionului sulfuric Period of follow-up: 1986-2004 Variatia hidrogenului sulfurat si a ionului sulfuric (mg/l) pentru sursa hidrominerala Neptun I+IV Baile Herculane (mg/l) pentru sursa hidrominerala Neptun I+IV Baile Herculane 120 120 100 Hidrogen sulfurat Ion sulfuric 80 60 40 Hidrogen sulfurat Ion sulfuric 80 60 40 20 0 100 20 1988 1994 1995 1996 2004 2006 0 1988 1994 1995 1996 2004 2006 Conclusions: Thermal water sulfur containing No significant variation of mineral compounds No microbiologic pollution indicators Physical, chemical and microbiological studies of the natural health factors Research on a salt mine climate characteristics (Slanic Prahova Unirea salt mine) Simionca I, Hoteteu M, Enache L, Buturugă A, Ursaciuc C, Munteanu A, Georgescu I, Rogojan R SALT COMPOUNDS NaCl 97,12–97,32 MgCL2 0,04 CaSO4 1,57–1,64 substance insoluble 1,03–1,16 umiditatea 0,08. Objectives: To evaluate the physical, chemical and microbiological characteristics of the salt mine climate with possible therapeutic role Ions concentratio n at the zero level Ions concentration on different arias n- / cm³ 367 266 286 184 n+ / cm³ 245 204 143 122 Polarity coeficient polaritate (n+/n) 0,67 0,77 0,50 0,66 Total concentration 612 477 409 306 Ions polarity Entrance Ventilatio n aria Results: Physical characterization Stable temperature:11,6 – 12,8°C Umidity: ~ 50 – 52 %. Atmospheric pressure = + 18 mmHg. Wind: undetectable treatme nt aria Experimental studies on animals Dej and Cacica salt mines microclimate influence on Wistar white rats - M. Hoteteu, Ghe. Simionca, C. Munteanu, L. Enache Objective: to determine the effect of underground microclimate from Cacica and Dej salt mines on protein metabolism and hidroelectrolyte balance in different age Wistar white rats with induced pathology Conclusions Tthe speleotherapy cause a variation of the serum protein factors, depending on the pathology and used salt mine. Experimental cure normalize hydric and electrolyte balance parameters in most cases of rats with induced pathologies due to the direct effect of salt microclimate on the wounds and burns, and also due to saline load of the body in the presence of NaCl aerosol. 80 young and adult Wistar white rats sensibilized with induced allergic pathology by ovalbumine or skin pathology (wounds, burns) divided in experimental and control groups. The rats from experimental groups were subjected to a speleotherapy cure in Ocna Dej or Cacica salt mines Parameters: total protein concentration, serum protein electrophoresis, water volume (ml/24 h) and the amount of sodium intake (mEq/24 h), urine volume (ml/24 h) and concentrations of sodium and potassium in urine (mEq/24 h), the urinary Na/K ratio as an expression of the mineralocorticoid response of adrenals in the experimental conditions. Exploration of the speleotherapeutic potential through the cellular and molecular biology techniques Munteanu C., Munteanu D., Simionca I., Cinteza D., Hoteteu M.; Abstract Objective: Exploring the speleotherapy effects on morphology and physiology of dermal and pulmonary fibroblast obtained from Wistar rats tissue in normal conditions and after induction of experimental “astma” awareness with ovalbumin. Materials and methods: Dermal and pulmonary fibroblast cultures were initiated by enzymatic techniques from appropriate tissue taken of each group Wistar rats. Morphological monitoring was done by phase contast microscopy; biochemical and molecular changes of cultures obtained from animals treated speleothropic compared to control, was experimental establised by electrophoresis and Western Blotting techniques. Results: Experimental data revealed the expression of several proteins after the speleotherapeutic treatment. These data were analysed compared with control, using a specific software. Conclusions: Speleotherapeutic treatment of Wistar rats caused significant differences in morphology and protein expression of dermal and pulmonary fibroblatst grown in the laboratory. These differences support the protective effects of speleotherapy compared with data obtained from animals untreated and sensitized with ovalbumin, having induced experimental asthma status. 38th World Congress of ISMH, the International Scientific Meeting of Medical Hydrology Balneology and Climatology, Lanjarón-Granada Spain, 20-23 June 2012 Health effects attributed to endocrine disrupting compounds from mud and lake waters sources Constantin Munteanu1,2, Delia Cinteza1,2, Diana Munteanu1,2, Mihai Hoteteu1, Horia Lã Lãzãrescu1, Daniela Poenaru1,2 E-mail: E-mail: [email protected] INTRODUCTION Endocrine disruptors are substances that "interfere with the synthesis, secretion, transport, binding, action, or elimination of natural hormones in the body that are responsible for development, behavior, fertility, and maintenance of homeostasis (normal cell metabolism)." They are sometimes also referred to as hormonally active agents, endocrine disrupting chemicals, or endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs). EDC studies have shown that endocrine disruptors can cause adverse biological effects in animals, and low-level exposures also cause similar effects in human beings. The term endocrine disruptor is often used as synonym for xenohormone although the later can mean any naturally occurring or artificially produced compound showing hormone-like properties (usually binding to certain hormonal receptors). The term endocrine disruptor was coined at the Wingspread Conference Centre in Wisconsin, in 1991. One of the early papers on the phenomenon was by Theo Colborn in 1993. 1 National Institute of Rehabilitation, Physical Medicine and Balneoclimatology, Balneoclimatology, Bucharest, Romania 2 Romanian Association of Balneology ( ) Clinical data suggest that peloidotherapy is useful in preparing the uterus for in vitro fertilization, but without scientific evidence. Mud and water from Bear Lake must be analyzed, both in terms of physico-chemical, microbiological and in terms of phyto-and zooplankton to detect organisms that grow in the lake and are structural and biological determinants of sludge role in studies on infertility. Previous studies conducted at the Institute of Balneology, Bucharest, have suggested the existence in the lake water of certain substances having similar effects on the endometrium as the female sexual hormones. Salt water and mud from lake Ursu heliothermal contain hormones released by Artemia salina: human estrogen-like SU 95%, respectively human progesterone-like 0.7 to 0.8 mg% (Stoicescu Munteanu, 1977). They are used to treat gynecological diseases: ovarian failure, infertility, etc. Action: Infertility (sterility) is a health problem affecting 15% of couples of reproductive age. Today only a few are known about causes and treatment options involved in the pathology of infertility, while a number of issues remain unknown. Sapropelic mud and salt water have a high content of salt and human-like estrogen and progesterone hormones (liberated by Artemia salina arthropode). High temperature of mud and salt water increases local circulation, implicitly the absorbtion of salt and hormones. Salt decreases local inflammation, heals genital lesions and dissolves adherences. Hormones, with almost the same chemical structure as the human ones, are received by ovaria, hipophysis and hypothalamus as own, effectively stimulating and balancing the own hormonal sinthesis. Ovarian synthesis of estrogen and progesterone increases, regulating menstruations, optimising vaginal pH and ovulation and prepare uterus for egg implantation. MATERIALS AND METHODS Primary cultures of neonatal rat cardiomyocytes were prepared as previously described (12). Briefly, 1- to 2-day old Wistar rats were euthanized, hearts excised and ventricles minced in phosphate- buffered saline solution. Serial digestions with 0.125% trypsin were performed at 370C; cell pellets were resuspended in Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle’s Medium Nutrient Mixture F-12 HAM (DMEM-F12) with 10% fetal calf serum, 100 UI/ml penicillin, 100 µg/ml streptomycin. Estradiol Treatment - The 3 days cells cultures were treated with 125 pg/ml 17β-estradiol for 48h. H2O2 Treatment - Cells were treated with 10, 25 and 50 µM H2O2 by replacing the culture medium with serum-free medium containing H2O2. Structural Changes Following H2O2 Treatment Immunohistochemical staining was performed using mouse monoclonal anti α-sarcomeric actin and monoclonal anti-sarcomeric tropomyosin antibodies. Cardiomyocytes contraction rate The mean contraction rate of 10 myocytes / culture well was determined microscopically. The Endocrine Society released a scientific statement outlining mechanisms and effects of endocrine disruptors on “male and female reproduction, breast development and cancer, prostate cancer, neuroendocrinology, thyroid, metabolism and obesity, and cardiovascular endocrinology,” and showing how experimental and epidemiological studies converge with human clinical observations “to implicate EDCs as a significant concern to public health.” The statement noted that it is difficult to show that endocrine disruptors cause human diseases, and it recommended that the precautionary principle should be followed. Na+/K+-ATP-ase Activity - ATP-hydrolysis was measured at 37°C following the method of Garner (3). Na/K-ATPase –dependent ATP hydrolysis is reported as nmoles Pi released/h/mg The coronary heart disease (CHD) produces 1/5 from all deaths. Premenopausal protein. women have a low incidence of coronary heart disease, which rises rapidly after the menopause towards incidence levels observed in men (1, 7). Many studies show that estradiol reduces ischemia / reperfusion lesions (5, 6, 8, 9, 11). The estradiol effects on cardiovascular system are multiple and the action mechanisms are not completely understood. The aim of the present study was to characterize the effect of 17β-estradiol on cardiomyocytes contractile function under oxidative stress conditions. Fig. 1 – Positive immunohistochemical reaction for α-actin; x400. Fig. 12 - Positive immunohistochemical reaction Fig. 4 - Positive immunohistochemical reaction for Fig. 8 -Positive immunohistochemical reaction for αfor α-tropomyosin after estradiol treatment; x400. α-actin after estradiol treatment; x400. tropomyosin; x400. Endocrine disruptors are estrogen-like and anti-androgenic chemicals in the environment. They mimic natural hormones, inhibit the action of hormones, or alter the normal regulatory function of the endocrine system and have potential hazardous effects on male reproductive axis causing infertility. Although testicular and prostate cancers, abnormal sexual development, undescended testis, chronic inflammation, Sertoli-cell-only pattern, hypospadias, altered pituitary and thyroid gland functions are also observed, the available data are insufficient to deduce worldwide conclusions. Fig. 5 - Positive immunohistochemical reaction Fig. 9 - Positive immunohistochemical reaction Fig. 2 -Neuniformly immunostaining for α- for actin after treatment with estradiol - 10 µM for α-tropomyosin after treatment with 10 µM actin after 10 µM H2O2; x400. H2O2 ; x400. H2O2 ; x400. Fig. 13 - Positive immunohistochemical reaction for α-tropomyosin after treatment with estradiol - 10 µM H2O2 ; x400. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Structural Changes Following H2O2 Treatment - The oxidative stress produces α-actin immunohistochemical reaction alteration proportionally with the H2O2 concentration (Fig. 1-3). On 50 µM H2O2 concentration no reaction was observed. Following estradiol treatment, α-actin was detected in all of three experiments (Fig. 4-7). α-tropomyosin was detected in cardiomyocytes with oxidative stress at all H2O2 concentrations with an alterated morphology (Fig. 9-11). The estradiol treatment partly counteracts the effects of oxidative stress. Cardiomyocytes contraction rate - The 10 µM H2O2 induces a decrease with 34% of contraction number while at the 25 and 50 µM H2O2 no contractions were observed. Estradiol treatment produces a decrease with 16% of contraction number and no contractions were observed at 25 and 50 µM H2O2 . Health effects attributed to endocrine disrupting compounds include a range of reproductive problems (reduced fertility, male and female reproductive tract abnormalities, and skewed male/female sex ratios, loss of fetus, menstrual problems); changes in hormone levels; early puberty; brain and behavior problems; impaired immune functions; and various cancers. Fig. 10 - Positive immunohistochemical reaction for Fig. 14 -Immunohistochemical reaction for αFig. 6 -Immunohistochemical reaction for actin Fig. 3 – Reduced immunostaining for α-actin after after treatment with estradiol - 25 µM H2O2 ; α-tropomyosin after treatment with 25 µM H2O2 ; tropomyosin after treatment with estradiol - 25 25 µM H2O2; x400. x400. µM H2O2 ; x400. x400. Na+/K+-ATP-ase Activity - Oxidative stress induces a significant decrease of Na+/K+ATP-ase activity proportionally with H2O2 concentration. Estradiol treatment partly protects the Na+/K+-ATP-ase activity. CONCLUSIONS Oxidative stress is associated with muscle protein modifications. At high doses of H2O2, actin and tropomyosin filaments aspect is dramatically changed. Figure 3 Artemia salina (L.) Artemia salina (L.) is a primitive aquatic arthropod (salt lakes) of the Artemiidae family (figure 3) with an age of about 100 million years. Linný (1758) described it as Cýncer salinus but 61 years later, Leach (1819) transferred it to Artemia salina. It was reported for the first time in Urmia Lake in 982 by a Iranian geographer (Asem, 2008). Fig. 7 – Alterated distribution of α-actin after treatment with 50 µM H2O2 and estradiol; x400. Fig. 11 -Alterated distribution of α-tropomyosin after treatment with 50 µM H2O2 ; x400. Fig. 15 -Modified distribution of α-tropomyosin after treatment with 50 µM H2O2 ; x400. The alteration of cardiomyocytes contractility is a complex process that involves changes of proteins activity at multiple cellular levels. Estradiol treatment attenuates the effects of H2O2 upon muscle proteins. 8th FENS Forum of Neuroscience, Neuroscience, Barcelona, Spain, July 1414-18 2012 Presentation Code: 127.18 Abstract Number: 186 Poster Board Number: Number: C117 LITHIUM – TRACE ELEMENT WITH NEUROLOGICAL EFFECTS IN AFECTIVE DISORDERS Munteanu C.1, Munteanu D.1, Cinteza D.2 E-mail: [email protected] 1Physiology, 2 Cell Cultures, National Institute of Rehabilitation, Physical Medicine and Balneoclimatology, Romania Research and Medical Department, National Institute of Rehabilitation, Physical Medicine and Balneoclimatology, Romania Romanian Association of Balneology ( ) MORPHOLOGY CONTROL LITIU 1mM CONTROL LITIU 2mM Although the cultures were determined to be highly pure, the astrocytes presented showed a great variation in morphology. One reason for this variety could be the aphysiologic conditions under which the cells were grown. Normally, cells in the brain grow at an oxygen concentration of about 2%. Atmospheric oxygen concentrations are usually 20%; at high oxygen concentration, many cells in the body have been shown to exhibit unusual morphologies. MARIA Water GFAP is a very sensitive and specific marker for rapid astrocytic response to injury and disease. MORPHOLOGY Increase of GFAP in astrocytes occurs gradually throughout the adult lifespan. Since GFAP LiCl 1 mM normally increases with age and there is a wide variation in the collection and processing of human brain tissue, it is difficult to demonstrate mild gliosis by immunocytochemistry. In control GFAP and 1 mM LiCl glial cells cultures, immunodetection of GFAP shows a weak reaction. 2mM LiCl determine an intensification of GFAP expression. The inositol polyphosphate phosphatases GSK – 3ß selectively remove phosphate groups from various phosphatidylinositols, which generate second LiCl 1 mM messengers in response to extracellular signals. SHIP regulates intracellular calcium concentrations and may also modulate the Rad signalling pathway. Our results reflect a cortical reaction for SHIP SHIP in the control glial cultures, but the distribution of SHIP proteins becomes heterogenic in the case of lithium treatment with 2mM LiCl. Immunohistochemical detections of GSK-3β were made by an indirect immunoperoxidase method. GSK-3β plays a critical role in the central nervous system by regulating various cytoskeletal processes as well as long-term nuclear events, its inhibition may underlie some of the long-term therapeutic effects of mood-stabilising agents. The results presented here suggest that at 2 mM LiCl the inhibition of GSK-3β expression is much accentuated and this correspond to the majority of papers which indicate GSK-3β as main target of Adapted after Lenox and all, 2003 lithium action. Ligand A Wnt PI inositol CMP-PA IP3 IMPase - IP PIP2 IMPase - IP2 PLC γ β α DM AU GN PI-3K Frizzled + C APC MATERIALS AND METHODS The primary glial cells cultures were initiated from the brain of Wistar rat pups aged 1-3 days, in keeping with known techniques. After the meninx is removed, the brain is passed through a 60µm nytex and the cells thus obtained are directly plated on glass Petri dishes with a 60 mm diameter. The cells have been grown in a DMEM medium (Sigma), with 4500 mg/l of glucose, 25 mM HEPES, 100-u/ml penicillin and 100 µg/ml streptomycin (Sigma). The medium was supplemented with 15% calf fetal serum (Gibco). The medium was first replaced after 24 hrs and then every three days. The primary cells cultures will be maintained in a humidified atmosphere, at 370C, with 5% CO2. The initial primary cultures most likely contained neurons, astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, other glial cells, endothelial cells and undifferentiated cells. The shaking method of separating cells allowed for the selection of astrocytes, which are more readily adherent. + + Ca2+ + AXIN INTRODUCTION Many authors proposed that lithium is a good treatment for migraine and bipolar disorders. We intend to use lithium mineral waters, defined as natural therapeutic factors, with lithium at safe concentrations, in prophylaxis of anxiety and bipolar depression. One important question that arises for any psychiatrist is if the lithium content of the mineral water can or not has a therapeutic or a prophylactic value. An initial answer is that preliminary studies on glial cell cultures showed a significant modification in cell biochemistry and morphology. These modifications constitute an argument for us to go on with future experiments to clarify this issue. Secondly, if we look to the concentration values we have to remark that one liter of water contains 1.1 mEq of lithium. This concentration is important for us, in our intention to reach progressively the therapeutic index of the lithium ions. + Li PKC Akt/PKB Dsh - PP2A - - GSK-3β GBP Li + P Phosphorylation, Translocation of transcription factors β-catenin Lithium-Responsive Gene Network Regulation of PKC responsive genes SYNAPTIC FUNCTION METHODS Long-term Lithium Effects NEUROPLASTICITY β-catenin Protein degradation β-catenin TCF/LEF TCF/LEF responsive genes NEUROPROTECTION Prescriptia medicala Medicina bazata pe dovezi Opinia expertilor Preferintele pacientilor efectul asupra sanatatii Conditiile de exploatare, utilizare – norme igienico-sanitare Personalul medical Protocoale de aplicare – inclusiv pentru persoanele sanatoase la care aplicatia se face in scop profilactic potential Efect asupra sanatatii Tipuri de cura Tipuri de ape Caracteristicile surselor tipuri de cura balneara Asistenţa medicala cu durată stabilită prin norme, realizată printr-un program terapeutic adecvat. cura balneară profilactică şi/sau de recuperare a forţei de muncă, inclusiv cura antistress, de reconfortare, antisurmenaj etc cura balneară terapeutică cura balneară de recuperare medicală pe grupe de afecţiuni (la bolnavi cu diferite deficite funcţionale şi/sau diferite grade de invaliditate). potential Efect asupra sanatatii Tipuri de cura Tipuri de ape Caracteristicile surselor tipuri de ape principala clasificare este legata de compozitia lor chimica Apele minerale terapeutice reprezinta unul din principalii factori naturali de cura, Romania posedand circa 1/3 din rezerva europeana Categorii de ape minerale terapeutice si similitudini cu zone de aparitie din Europa Ape carbogazoase Covasna,Vatra Dornei, Buzias, Tusnad, Malnas, Balvanios etc. Bad Meinberg, Bad Bruckenau, Bad Hamburg (Germania), LazneTeplice, Marianske Lazne (Cehia), Montecatini Pelegrina, Chianciano (Italia), Vols-les Bains, Royat (Franta), Borjomi (Rusia) etc. Ape clorurate sodice Ocna Sibiului, Someseni, Slanic Moldova, Baltatesti, Slanic Prahova,Sovata etc Salin de Jura, Balarue salins de Biarn (Franta), Salsomagiore, Montecatini (Italia), Droitwich, Bridge of Allan (Anglia), Ischl, Reichenhale (Austria), Kissingen, Hamburg, Baden Baden (Germania) etc. Ape sulfatate Pentru Romania nu prezinta interes balnear; Ivanda (Banat), Izvorul Mircea si Breazu -Iasi Karlovy-Vary (Cehia), Vittel (Franta), San Pellegrino (Italia), Harrogate (Anglia),etc. >1g/l Ape sulfuroase Herculane, Calimanesti, Caciulata, Cozia, Olanesti, Pucioasa, Mangalia, Govora, Nicolina-Iasietc. Ape feruginoase In Romania nu mai prezinta interes terapeutic Luchon, Larege, Cautrets, Challee (Franta), Harragate (Anglia), Aachen (Germania), Battaglia, Poretta (Italia), Piestony, Teplice (Cehia) etc. >10 mg/l Ape arsenicale >0,7mg/l Ape iodurate >1mg/l Nu prezinta interes,conc. admisa este <0,2mg/l Bazna, Govora, Baltatesti, Sarata Monteoru, Olanesti, Calimanesti, Caciulata etc. Bad Tolz, Bad Wiessee (Germania), Busko (Polonia), Solice (Italia)Lazne Luhacovice (Slovacia) etc. potential Efect asupra sanatatii Tipuri de cura Tipuri de ape Caracteristicile surselor caracteristicile surselor Perimetrul de protectie sanitara Norme de exploatare a surselor Legi interne care reglementeaza utilizarea Legi care reglementeaza functionarea unei statiuni balneare Norme europene versus norme interne Masuri: concesionarul, administratia locala, autoritati sanitare si de mediu, utilizatorul SURSE FACTORI POTENTIALUL BALNEAR PROFILACTIC CURATIV SI DE RECUPERARE RESURSE FINANCIARE LEGISLATIE NORME RESURSE UMANE FACTORI ADMINISTRATIVI ECHIPA DECIZIONALA SI DE ACTIUNE CRESTEREA CALITATII VIETII PROFIT VALORIFICARE BRAND ROMANIA SATISFACTIA CLIENTULUI / PACIENTULUI Factori ce influenteaza valorificarea pe termen lung CALITATEA Prezervarea surselor de factori Respectarea standardelor de calitate pentru toate componentele turismului balnear Profesionalism in toate activitatile legate de sanatate Personalitati medicale Calitatea serviciilor de sanatate in statiunea balneara Actul medical balnear propriu-zis Factorul terapeutic natural Personalul medical Echipamente medicale Infrastructura Calitatea serviciilor de sanatate in statiunea balneara Factori externi sau asociati Dieta pacienti/clienti Conditiile hoteliere si de agrement Relatiile cu personalul Informarea – promovarea SERVICII MEDICALE DE URGENTA Obtinerea si imbunatatirea calitatii CUM? STANDARDIZARE - definirea unor niveluri de performanta observabile, realizabile, masurabile, agreate de profesionisti si corespunzatoare populatiei/domeniului caruia i se adreseaza Standardele exprima asteptarile Perspective ECHIPA – coeziune, dialog, obiective Elaborarea unei strategii de cercetare ştiinţifică a curei balneare Realizarea unei platforme de parteneri între clinici şi centre medicale din staţiuni; grupuri de lucru pe secţiuni Cadru legislativ; co-interesare parteneri nemedicali Parteneri internaţionali NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF RHEABILITATION, PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND BALNEOCLIMATOLOGY Thank you! Dr. Biol. Constantin Munteanu Email: [email protected]