CEDO E-Newsletter: August 4, 2009 In this E
CEDO E-Newsletter: August 4, 2009 In this E
CEDO E-Newsletter: August 4, 2009 In this E-Newsletter read about: - the Ghost Net Project: an Artistic Collaboration Using the Physical Remains from Fishing as a Lens to Examine Historical, Cultural and Ecological Relationships to the Sea of Cortez - Conservation News: Using Subtidal Monitoring in the Northern Gulf - the Perfect Pinacate Book is Now for Sale - Summer Eco-Adventures - Joining CEDO on Facebook The Ghost Net Project The Ghost Net Project, a collaboration between artist Heather Green and poet Katherine Larson, uses the physical remains from fishing as a lens to examine historical, cultural and ecological relationships to the Sea of Cortez. The project consists of 25 shadow boxes constructed with salvaged shrimp boat wood and filled with a display of flotsam and jetsam collected on the rocky shores of La Cholla near Puerto Peñasco. Each box is paired with a poem, an excerpt of which is etched onto its glass façade. The artwork, for sale by the artists online, will benefit the Sociedad Cooperativa Buzos de Puerto Punta Peñasco, a group of commercial divers of Puerto Peñasco that fish sustainably. *** Check out the photos below of the shadow boxes. Click on the photos for a more detailed view. CEDO Intercultural, where Heather and Katherine met and first were introduced to the divers, will coordinate the dispersal of the funds. CEDO Intercultural’s longtime partnership with the divers earned them the 2003 National Conservation Award bestowed by the Commission of Natural Protected Areas. Please visit www.ghostnetproject.com.mx to learn more about the project, purchase boxes or make a donation. Conservation News: Using Subtidal Monitoring in the Northern Gulf As part of our project to monitor the ecological and commercially important species in the rocky reefs of the Upper Gulf of California, CEDO held a course in late May called "Training in Subtidal Census Techniques," taught by staff of the non-profit organization Community and Diversity, A.C. (COBI). The main goals of this project are: to determine the diversity and abundance of alga, invertebrate, and fish species of the rocky reefs in the Puerto Peñasco region, to create a topographic map in order to estimate the spatial distribution of different species by site, to find the short-term influence of coastal development on these communities, and to include local fishermen in these efforts. The inclusion of fishermen in this project is important because fishermen are taught to identify the different species in the region, to understand the importance of these species in order to better manage their catches, and to have the opportunity to participate in monitoring as an additional source of income. During six intensive days, the participants reviewed techniques for conducting underwater monitoring surveys, how to identify the algae, fishes, and invertebrates living in these rocky reefs, and how to best characterize the substrate. Upon completion of the course, commercial divers from the cooperative Sociedad Cooperativa Buzos de Puerto Punta Peñasco, in association with CEDO, began official monitoring of the area. Five areas known for good commercial capture and biodiversity are currently the focus of the project. These areas will be monitored at least two times a year in order to compare how species change annually and seasonally. The Perfect Pinacate Book is Now for Sale A beautiful and informative new book has just been released about the Pinacate volcanic region. "Land of Black Volcanoes and White Sands: the Pinacate and Gran Desierto de Altar Biosphere Reserve" is now for sale in our online Eco Shop. Full of color photographs, maps and detailed information on the biology and history of the Pinacate, the book brings to life a magnificent area in our desert region. - Click here to purchase your copy today. - Visit our Eco Adventures page to sign up for a CEDO trip to the Pinacate. Upcoming Eco-Adventures CEDO has planned numerous eco-tours and fun educational activities this summer.Check out the calendar. If you can't make it to one of these scheduled eco-adventures, we can plan a tour on your time, just send us an email at [email protected]. Some of the highlights for this summer include: - August 8: Tidepool Exploration - August 22: NaturArte - Tide Riding Kayak Caper - August 29: NaturArte - Oyster Experience - Visit the new website, www.cedonaturarte.org, to learn about our NaturArte tours and program. Join CEDO on Facebook Click on the link below and become a fan today. Follow us on Facebook and stay updated on all that's going on at CEDO. ---------------------------------------Intercultural Center for the Study of Deserts and Oceans – CEDO, Inc P.O. Box 44208 Tucson, AZ 85733 Telephone/Fax: 520-320-5473 [email protected] Centro Intercultural de Estudios de Deseiertos y Oceanos – CEDO, A.C. Apartado Postal #53 Puerto Peñasco, Sonora, Mexico C.P. 83550 Telefono y FAX: 06-382-0113, 0115 [email protected] www.cedointercultural.org