Fair Times 2015 - The Jefferson Star


Fair Times 2015 - The Jefferson Star
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September 5-12, 2015
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Fair Times
2 — August 26, 2015
Eastern Idaho State Fair announces 2015 Grand Marshal
(EISF)—The Eastern Idaho
State Fair Board of Directors
has named Rauhn P anting as
Grand Marshal of this year’ s
Eastern Idaho State F air. He
will lead the annual EISF P arade down Shilling Avenue on
Saturday, September 5, at 10
Being involved in the 4-H
program for more than 50
years, Rauhn has been a great
influence on many young people. This lifetime of dedication
is exactly why Panting has been
named as the Grand Marshal of
the Eastern Idaho State Fair.
A Soda Springs native, Pant-
ing grew up on a ranch that his
grandfather had originally
homesteaded. The f amily
raised cattle and sheep and
were active in 4-H. His mother
still resides in the original
farmhouse. Panting and his
wife, Nancy, have spent the last
35 years in Malad, Idaho,
where they raised four children.
What started out as four acres
has grown to 60 as the couple
of 39 years picked up adjoining
lots as the y came for sale.
We’ve done it all when it comes
to livestock; steers, pigs,
lambs, horses,” says P anting.
With the e xception of a tw oyear LDS mission and one or
two college years, Panting has
been to the Eastern Idaho State
Fair annually for the last 50
years. Instead of taking f amily
vacations, his f amily would
spend the week at the f air,
showing all different kinds of
livestock. One year, they opted
out of Christmas ornaments on
their tree and hung all of the
different colored ribbons the y
won the previous year.
Serving as the 4-H Oneida
County Extension Educator for
his entire professional career ,
Panting handled v arious assignments, including: ultrasound technician for beef,
sheep or swine, open class
sheep superintendent, de veloped the working ranch horse
show and sho wed open class
“Rauhn has had
such a great
influence on
many young
people over the
— Brandon
Gen Mgr. of the
sheep from 1987-1992. He was
a 4-H Parent with participating
EISF projects from 1987 –
2007 and an acti ve livestock
judge all o ver Idaho, Utah,
Wyoming and Oregon. He was
the Epsilon Sigma Phi Educator of the Year in 2005 and was
the ESP State President and
Member from 2000 – 2013.
“4-H teaches respect and
life-learning skills among other
things,” says P anting. “Kids
need a cause and a purpose in
this world.” 4-H has adapted
over the years to serv e urban
youth as well as the rural community. “These days, not every
kid involved is going to go
back to the f arm to put the
knowledge to use,” says Panting. “It’s still important to
know where your food comes
from and how the agricultural
process works.”
While Panting’s children are
all out of the house, he still
continues the livestock-rearing
tradition with his eight grandchildren. “For the last se ven
summers, I’ve had one of my
grandchildren at my house for
the summer raising either a
lamb or a pig, ” says P anting.
“They do all the work and then
show it at the county f air. 4-H
is still an inte gral part of my
life even though I’m retired.”
“Rauhn has had such a great
influence on many young people over the years,” says Brandon Bird, General Manager of
the EISF. “That’s truly the hallmark of his success.”
See Grand Marshal Rauhn
Panting leading the 2015 Eastern Idaho State F air Parade at
10 am on Saturday, September
5. Each year, hundreds of spectators and F airgoers gather
along Shilling Avenue to watch
the annual parade tra vel from
Rich Street to East Alice Street.
For spectators and o ver 125
entry participants alike, the annual parade brings tradition and
hometown fun for Opening
Day of the 2015 Eastern Idaho
State Fair-which runs Saturday,
September 5, through Saturday,
September 12.
Complete schedules and
2015 Fair information can be
found at www.funatthefair.com.
Fair Times
August 26, 2016 — 3
A huge welcome to the fair 113 years of fair history
from Manager J. Brandon Bird
Before man landed on the
moon, before TV w as invented and even before Henry
Ford rolled out the f
Model T, the Eastern Idaho
State Fair has been a part of
our community; based on the
common goal of bringing
people of all ages and w alks
of life together to celebrate
Idaho’s rich agricultural history. We’re proud to say that
over the last 113 years, the
Fair has gro wn into Eastern
Idaho’s largest annual event,
attracting nearly 225,000 annually.
The Eastern Idaho State
Fair is undoubtedly the place
for food, f amily and fun!
This year’s fair introduces a
HAPPY. This loveable creature exhibits the HAPPYness
that fairgoers experience each
year. We welcome everyone
this year’s fair!
With the best f air food in
the intermountain west along
with the immense selection of
entertainment at activities at
this year’s fair – F airgoers
will have plenty of HAPPY
moments with f amily and
Since the f airs
Under the direction of the
Fair Board of
capital improvements continue to
be made to mak e
the fairgrounds even
more inviting. This includes our continued plan to
renovate restrooms, making
them more accessible to people with special needs. Y ou
will also see a major reno vation to the f irst five rows in
the grandstand, along with
other improvement projects
completed throughout the
Our Fair has grown from a
stock show, which started in
1902, to a Multi-County District Fair that now represents
16 counties in Eastern Idaho.
Our success is the result of
EISF’s commitment to providing wholesome, af fordable,
entertainment and educating
the public by connecting
them to the values and benefits of Idaho agriculture. Our
food is a main draw for most
fairgoers, and man y return
each year to enjo y their own
special favorites that are only
available here. EISF excels in
the breadth of competitions,
entertainment and educational
packed into eight
days. We cannot
accomplish this
success without
the support from
our Fair staff
and Board, our
countless volunteers who make the fair experience
pleasant for
We invite everyone to do
their part in k eeping our fair
clean by placing trash in one
of the nearby 400 trash receptacles placed on the grounds.
We welcome our visitors,
young and old, to enjo y the
Eastern Idaho State F air
where you can FIND Y OUR
HAPPY! Thank you for joining us as you create unforgettable
memories and
experiences at the Eastern
Idaho State Fair!
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The Jefferson Star and the Shelley Pioneer
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(EISF)—From its early origins as a livestock show in 1902,
the Eastern Idaho State F air has
become a favorite annual destination for f amilies young and
old, creating fond memories and
unforgettable experiences.
For more than a century , the
Fair has upheld its mission to
provide wholesome, affordable,
family-oriented entertainment
and education in an agricultural
environment within clean and
safe surroundings.
Agriculture has al ways been
the backbone of the Eastern
Idaho State Fair. Over the course
of eight days, the Fair is home to
more than 2,000 animals including dairy and beef cattle, light
and draft horses, sheep, pigs,
goats, chickens, rabbits, pigeons,
and occasionally ostriches, llamas, and emus. The Fair receives
more than 6,000 entries from Idahoans young and old entering
their hobbies and livestock in 26
competition categories. This includes Livestock, Flowers, Baking, Canning, Needlecraft,
Antiques, Fine Arts, Hobbies &
Craft, Photography, Native
American, FFA, and 4-H.
Nearly 70 food v endors feed
hungry visitors with f avorites
such as corn dogs, giant turk ey
legs, funnel cakes and tiger ears.
More than 200 vendors showcase
their services throughout the
grounds. For the last se veral
years, attendance has reached an
all-time record of roughly
220,000 visitors.
The Fair traces its history back
to 1902, when a group of cattlemen wanted to hold a li vestock
show in Blackfoot. The y got together to purchase some land,
and the sho w was held. The
Pocatello Tribune came to the
show and reported on October 9,
1902: “This is a great day in the
history of Blackfoot. There were
Cattle to look at as well as floral
and agricultural exhibits.”
For the ne xt 16 years, the
Southeastern Idaho Fair ran continuously, where the first merrygo-round powered by a stream
engine arrived in 1906, followed
by the Fair board spending $900
in 1912 to have Teddy Roosevelt
arrive by train to mak e a campaign speech. In 1918, f inancial
hardship forced the F air to shut
Fortunately, county leaders
and the F arm Bureau sa w the
value of the f air and purchased
the land, reopening the F air in
1920. Five years later, the F air
became a four -day event. Also
that year, the Idaho Le gislature
passed Multi County Fair District
laws. Three counties in southeast
Idaho – Bingham, Bonneville and
Bannock – created the Eastern
Idaho Fair District. In 1930, a
fourth county – Clark – became
part of the F air district. With 16
counties today, Eastern Idaho
State Fair is the only multicounty district fair!
In the late 1930s, the Eastern
Idaho Fair District o vercame a
big challenge when the Utah
State Fair changed its dates to coincide with the Blackfoot e vent.
The Fair board refused to mo ve
its dates and challenged the Utah
fair for livestock and entertainment by changing its name to the
Eastern Idaho State Fair. By this
time, 12 counties were part of the
Fair district, bringing an annual
attendance of 40,000 visitors.
Significant construction projects
included the Grandstands, and
the Arts & Crafts department was
established, bringing more variety to the e vent. Contests were
created, including a Potato Picking Contest in 1939 where the
governors from Idaho and Maine
competed. (Maine won.)
In 1940, the Fair built its landmark arch, along with administrative offices. Its attendance of
66,000 plus 25,000 student admissions over six nights and five
days broke all records of past
years. Two years later, the United
States entered W orld War II,
leading the Fair to shut down operations in an ef fort to help the
American war effort. Fair officials rented out their b uilding to
further assist the county through
the storage of surplus foodstuffs.
Also in 1942, fire destroyed the
commercial building which contained a potato dehydration plant,
consuming 250,000 pounds of
potatoes, 50 tons of coal and all
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4 — August 26, 2015
Fair Times
HISTORY / from page 3
equipment inside. It took o ver ten
years before the structure could be
On September 22, 1944, less
than one week after the 1944 F air
had ended, the U.S. Army set up
headquarters at the fairgrounds to
guard and manage 500 Italian prisoners of war for over a month. In
what was called the “acute harvest
labor crisis in the country,” the Italian POWs dug sugar beets and potatoes during their stay in southeast
Idaho. This event brought the reality of war and its effects directly to
the people of this area.
After World War II, the Fair met
new challenges. First-day attendance (15,000) was up 50% from
previous years, as ne w entertainment – including grandstand entertainment, aerial acrobats, a
Disappearing Water Ballet and Pete
Siebrand’s Carnival – drew crowds
to the F air. In 1948, attendance
soared to over 82,000, and housing
in Blackfoot for Fair attendees became a serious problem. Se veral
grounds improvements were made
during this time, including a ne w
Midway area on the west side, a
new steel exhibit building, four new
livestock barns and 50 ne w stalls
for race horses. From 1946-1948,
the Fair first offered betting on
horse racing, but after two years,
the Board pulled the plug on betting. For years, they fought to get
horse racing legislation passed, despite vetoes from the Governor of
Idaho. Eventually, it would pass.
The latter half of the 20th century continued to bring innovation
and growth to the Eastern Idaho
State Fair. The horse racing le gislation finally passed, and parimutuel racing started in 1964. That
same year, however, the new parimutuel racing commission and the
Fair Board canceled the Indian
Relay races, an event run by Native
Americans from the F ort Hall
Reservation that has been popular
and a mainstay since the F air’s
early years. This decision immediately spawned criticism from individuals who called the competition
“the most popular part of the racing program.” The racing commission fine-tuned its schedule and the
Indian Relay race returned in 1965;
since then, the Indian Relays ha ve
run consistently during the horse
races and continues to dra w large
crowds to the grandstand on the
days the races are held.
In 1968, KIFI-TV chose the
Eastern Idaho State Fair as the site
for its very first LIVE broadcast,
which featured weatherman Lloyd
Lindsey Young.
The 1970s and 1980s ushered in
significant enhancements to the
grounds, including a ne w 4-H
building, the $500,000 Goddard
Livestock Pavilion and a new Hobbies & Crafts b uilding. The F air
began operating under annual
themes beginning with the 1972
theme, “Six Big Days and Nights,
Spectacular Fun for Everyone!” In
1974, the Demolition Derby w as
introduced and became a F air tradition benefiting the Blackfoot Elks
Club; since then, it has become a
Closing Night favorite. Fair attendance continued to rise; by the mid1980s, the Fair was seeing 50,000
people on opening day, and totaling nearly 220,000. By 1989, the
Fair had extended to an eight-day
event which continues to the present.
In the 1990s, the Fair brought in
new contests – including the State
Arm Wrestling Championships,
Crisco cooking contests, Karaoke,
the annual High Desert Homebrew
Competition, and others – to add to
its entertainment. Butler Amusements began providing the Carnival; with o ver 30 rides and
numerous game booths, they have
maintained a solid relationship
since with the Eastern Idaho State
Fair. The Fair established a permanent stage for its nighttime enter tainment, which during this time
featured music le gends Charlie
Daniels and Travis Tritt.
Now into the 21st Century, the
Eastern Idaho State Fair continues
to be eastern Idaho’s longest running annual event. In 2009, the Fair
set an all-time attendance record of
221,000 visitors. The Fair also has
used technology to better connect
and communicate with its audiences, through its website –
www.funatthefair.com – as well as
through social media sites including Twitter and Facebook. In 2010,
the Fair improved its online ticket
ordering process, making it more
convenient for fairgoers to buy their
tickets ahead of time, saving them
from waiting in lines to purchase or
pick up will-call tickets. Also that
year, the Fair Board strengthened
the Fair’s smoking policy, whereby
most of the Fair is now smoke-free,
with the exception of two designated smoking areas. This creates
a healthier en vironment for the
Fair’s visitors, workers and animals
that participate in this annual family tradition year after year.
The Eastern Idaho State F air
lends its success to the people of
Eastern Idaho, who continue to
visit the Fair year after year. Its dedicated Board members, Commissioners, leadership and staff have
dedicated countless hours through
the years to bring this annual event
to Blackfoot. Sponsors and area organizations have also lent generous
support. There ha ve been some
hardships along the way, but supporters have seen the Fair’s meaning and value to the people of Idaho
and have ensured the Fair’s continued presence.
The Eastern Idaho State Fair anticipates more success in the ne xt
113 years!
Daytime events
at the fair
Daytime events at the fair
Pari-Mutuel Racing
Sunday Sept.6, Monday
Sept. 7, Friday Sept. 1 1 and
Saturday Sept. 12
12 p.m., $4
Pari-Mutuel Racing is a
betting system in which all
bets are placed together in a
pool and shared among all
winning bettors. Each day
has 8-10 P ari-Mutuel races
with 3 Indian Relay races.
Pari-Mutuel Racing attracts
all types of racing fans–from
spectators to novices and serious bettors. An yone over
the age of 18 can place a bet.
The Race Track’s official
program will pro vide information on each race and each
horse, so fans can place their
wagers on horses the y think
are most likely to win, place,
or show. Programs can be
purchased the day of for $3.
Buy a Season P ass for
only $40; it includes weeklong fair gate admission and
horse races admission, go to
the tickets page for more information.
During the f air, pay for
your fair gate admission at
any of the entrance gates, and
purchase your horse racing
admission at the ticket booths
underneath the grandstands.
Indian Relay National
Sunday Sept.6 , Monday
Sept. 7, Thursday Sept. 10,
Friday Sept.11, and Saturday
Sept. 12; 12 p.m., $4 (fr ee
Thursday 12 – 1:30 p.m.)
The always popular and
dangerous Indian Relay National Championships are
featured after the 4th, 6th,
and 8th P ari-Mutuel races.
Teams compete for a $37,500
added purse. Indian Relay
Races is a centuries-old tradition of the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes culture. The
sport actually originated on
the Fort Hall Indian Reservation over 100 years ago, and
many families that partici pated in the sport decades
ago are still participating and
passing this legacy on from
generation to generation.
The Indian Relay teams
consist of three horses and
four team members (1 rider ,
1 catcher [Mugger], and 2
holders). The rider must
complete a lap riding bareback with each horse. The
rider must dismount without
any help from their teammates and without losing
control of their horses.
Horse Hitches–FREE
Monday, Sept. 7 – Satur day, Sept. 12
9 a.m., Infield
Hitches are presented to
the judges while making laps
around the track. Judges observe the conformation of the
horses as well as the horses’
manner of going. There are
various classes for unbraided
and braided carts, including
classes for youth, ladies, and
men. For guidelines and
entry information, go to the
Hitches page.
Team Penning, Branding, and Sorting–FREE
Tuesday, Sept. 8
8 a.m., Main Grandstand
Evolved from common
ranch work, Team Penning,
Branding, and Sorting is a
fast-paced event. Teamwork
is key as the riders on horseback work against the clock.
Horse Pulling–FREE
Wednesday, Sept. 9
1 p.m., Main Grandstand
“I bet my horse can pull
more than yours can.” Watch
as horses pull a stone-boat or
weighted sled until the y get
stuck. The beginning weights
are started at Lights 3,000
lbs, Middles 3,500 lbs, and
Heavy 4,000 lbs.
Barrel Racing–FREE
Wednesday, Sept. 9
8 a.m., Main Grandstand
Watch cowgirls and cowboys compete in the arena
against each other and the
clock. The riders enter the
arena at full speed, quickly
rounding each of the 3 barrels
in a clo verleaf pattern and
then exiting where the y entered. Leaving the barrels
standing and ripping through
the course is every barrel racers goal.
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Fair Times
August 26, 2016 — 5
Fair offers grandstand entertainment every night
Once again the Eastern
Idaho State Fair offers a week
of exciting entertainment. It all
begins with the Bull Riding
Championship and ends with
the ever-popular Demolition
Derby. All tick ets purchased
include admission into the fair.
Bull Riding Championships — Sept. 5 at 7:30
Start off the fair right with
the bad bo ys of the summer!
No, no, no, we’ re not talking
about the cowboys: we’re talking about the thousand pound,
mean as dirt, 8-seconds of
pain, horns and hooves kind of
bad boys! Make sure to get
your seat early , though it’ s
doubtful you’ll spend much
time in it with all the e xcitement packed into the Bull Riding Championships. It’s gonna
be wild!
Adults (12 and up) $15
Children (11 and under) $10
RMP Tractor Pull — Sept.
6 at 7 p.m.
Watch horsepower like you
have never seen before!
Whether you’re measuring
foot-pounds of torque, cubic
inches of displacement, or raw
horsepower, you’ll have to
admit, this ain’t your grandpa’s
tractor! Drivers from around
the region pull tons of weight
through the dirt and mud.
Don’t try this at home. . .especially with gas prices the w ay
they are.
Motorhead Package: Buy
tickets to RMP Tractor Pull
9/6 & Monster
FreestyleMX.com Tour 9/9 to
save $5!
Adults starting at $20
Children $10
Gem State Classic Pr o
Rodeo — Sept. 7 and 8 at 8
Riding into to wn is the
PRCA sanctioned Gem State
Classic that combines w orldclass competitors from the Professional Rodeo Co wboys
Association with a ward winning stock from Po wder River
Rodeo and D&H Cattle. Monday night will feature a Military Appreciation Ceremon y
and Tuesday night is Man Up
Crusade “Wear Purple” night.
Adults $15
Children $10
FreestyleMX — Sept. 9 at 8
It’s time to get your hearts
racing for the grand return of
the FreestlyeMX.com T our!
Back by popular demand, the
Worldwide Tour features 10 of
the world’s best riders.
Freestyle Motocross is one of
the fastest growing spectator
sports in America, featuring
world-class athletes flying
overhead while performing
breathtaking stunts in mid-air.
The suspense, thrill, and danger is shared by the rider with
the audience while doing back
flips and handstands midair ,
not knowing if they will make
it to the ground safely on their
again. Monster
FreestyleMX is a breathtaking
show you do not want to miss!
Adults starting at $20
Children $10
Cheap Trick — Sept. 11 at
8 p.m.
Since the 70s Cheap T rick
has been blending elements of
pop, punk and even metal in a
way that is instantly catchy and
recognizable. With timeless
classics such as “I Want You to
Want Me,” “Surrender,” and
“The Flame,” Cheap Trick is a
musical institution. Anyone familiar with Comedy Central’s
The Colbert Report will note
that Cheap T rick wrote and
performed the theme song.
Their most current release,
The Latest, (released on CD,
vinyl and 8-track) has garnered
glowing reviews worldwide
and continues Cheap T rick’s
reign as power-pop progenitors
as they continue their legacy of
over 35 years in the music industry.
Special Local Guest Ma w
Band will be opening for
Cheap Trick. Maw Band plays
with influences from Da ve
Matthews Band, Umpre y’s
McGee, Slightly Stoopid, Neil
Young, Glen Hansard, Colin
Hay, Jack White and more. The
Band combines curious sounds
and rhythms with insightful
lyrics and rockin beats.
Seating Options: VIP Section (Standing ONL Y): $64
GA Floor (Standing ONL Y):
$34 Premium Grandstand (Reserved Seating): $44 Re gular
Grandstand (Reserved Seating): $34
Demolition Derby — Sept.
12 at 7:30 p.m.
The Fair always has an e xciting closing with the yearly
sell-out Demolition Derby!
Combining classic cars with
creative driving and mud, the
Derby never disappoints the
packed grandstand arena.
There is only one rule for the
Derby: keep moving . . . if you
can. No matter ho w we say it,
the Demolition Derby is still
one of the most exciting events
of the Fair.
Adults starting at $20
Children $16
GEORGE & JESSE’S Les Schwab Tire Center
6 — August 26, 2015
Commemorative belt buckle
celebrates fair history
In celebration of 113 e xtraordinary
years, EISF has f ashioned 50 individually numbered commemorati ve belt
buckles. The buckles contain two semiprecious stones, a customized fair logo,
and are die struck in non-precious metal
before electroplated in Silv er & Gold.
You can wear these limited edition
buckles with pride at the 2015 EISF!
The commemorative buckles are
crafted by GIST Silv ersmiths, who for
more than 40 years has pro vided the
finest custom and trophy b uckles, jewelry and accessories; the y are widely
known for their e xceptional detail and
authenticity. Company owner and
founder Gary Gist is a former rodeo
cowboy, whose success w on him numerous buckles through the years. Gary
believed he could create a quality
buckle that every cowboy would want to
wear, so for 23 years, he created the
award buckles for the Professional
Rodeo Cowboy Association.
You can purchase your limited edition belt buckle NOW online, at the Fair
Main Office, over the phone at (208)
785-2480, or during f air week at the
Souvenir Shop in Agriculture Building
Fair Times
August 26, 2016 — 7
Eastern Idaho State
Fair pays it forward
(EISF)—In keeping with its decade-old
tradition of supporting outstanding high
school seniors, the Eastern Idaho State
Fair, in partnership with Butler Amusement, Inc., announced six f inalists who
have been awarded a $1,000 scholarship to
the college of his or her choice. This scholarship fund has given out over $54,000 to
deserving college-bound teens since its inception ten years ago.
A six-member scholarship committee
had the difficult task of selecting winners
out of the numerous worthy applicants.
“We were amazed at the quality of applicants this year. We are proud to see so
many outstanding local students and look
forward to seeing them succeed in the future,” said President George Hamilton.
The six finalists were picked based on
past years’ experience in FFA or 4-H along
with their personal and professional goals,
honors, activities, community service and
financial need. The winners, in no particular order, are: Katie Kirby, Firth; Camas J.
Neville, Hamer; Rachel Durtschi, Shelley;
Samantha Daniels, Malad; Caleb R. Johnson, Blackfoot; and Lauren Okeson, Idaho
Falls. The scholarship winners were invited to attend a special luncheon with the
Eastern Idaho State F air Board of Directors and staff on Friday, April 24, to receive
their awards.
This scholarship is open to graduating
seniors from the surrounding 16 counties.
The EISF encourages those interested in
the 2016 scholarship to enter this year’ s
fair as a 4-H or FFA member to qualify.
Sugar Art Show
returns for 2015
(EISF)—Held in the Hobbies
and Craft Building, The Sugar
Art Show provides decorators
the opportunity to test their skills
and share their talent with the
public. You can attend free cake
demonstrations, as well as the
opportunity to tak e hands-on
classes from our prestigious
judges and se veral local cak e
artists. Be sure to w atch the
Celebrity Mystery Cak e Challenge on Saturday , Sept. 5 at
4:30 p.m. in the 4-H b uilding,
where local businesses battle for
the bragging rights of “The Ultimate Cake Creators.” This will
be similar to the cak e competitions you see on the food networks.
The award ceremony follows
at 6:30 p.m. where the winners
will be announced and a wards
presented in all categories of the
Sugar Art Show.
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8 — August 26, 2015
Eastern Idaho State Fair staff
The Eastern Idaho State F air may last
only eight days of the year, but there is an
entire year’s worth of work that goes into
it. The Board of Directors has a monthly
meeting to approve various aspects of the
Fair, the next year’s fair is planned, the exhibitor handbook is created, and the entertainment is chosen.
There are also various events that occur
during the summer, such as a dog sho w,
parties, diesel pulling, and quinceañeras.
The Main Office and Grounds need to be
staffed year-round to tak e care of e verything
Pictured are: Left to Right: (Back ro w)
Barry Adams, Maintenance Supervisor; J.
Brandon Bird, General Manager; Bill
Dixon, Asst. Maintenance Supervisor; Sandra Young, Maintenance; (Front row – Office Staff) Paula K. Maruji, Brandi Bird,
Marcene Freeman, and Lyla Morgan.
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and our Old-Fashioned
Soda Fountain
Excuse our mess.
We are remodeling.
But we are open
regular hours
Hours: Mon-Fri 9-6 Sat 10-4
Fair Times
August 26, 2016 — 9
Butler Amusements providing carnival for EISF
(EISF)— Butler Amusements
was started nearly 40 years ago
and today, they are the lar gest
carnival company in the Western
United States providing carnivals
for over 110 different events each
year. They operate o ver 120
amusement rides in six dif ferent
western states including California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho,
Nevada and Arizona. Their
events include more than 35
major fairs and festivals as well
as smaller celebrations in
churches and shopping centers.
A leader in the industry ,
they’re proud of their history of
innovation. From safety and energy conservation, to employee
training and education, to customer convenience features, they
strive to produce affordable family entertainment for their patrons
and consider it a privilege to offer
attractions that bring joy and happiness to all ages. The y’re dedicated to pro viding their
customers and their emplo yees
with safe and enjo yable rides,
and a wide v ariety of food and
game concessions, always comprised of the ne west equipment
Butler Amusements is proud
to be recognized with the Circle
of Excellence Designation by the
Outdoor Amusement Business
Association (OABA). The presentation was made at the International Association of F airs and
Exposition (IAFE) Con vention
held in Las Vegas on November
30,2005. Go to www.butlera
musements.com for more information.
Ride directory
Presented by Butler Entertainment, the carni val will feature
rides for the young and the young
at heart. New to the fair this year
are the Zombie Carnival and the
Kite Flyer
The brand new A.R.M Vertigo
towers over the midw ay at 100
feet in height and seats twentyfour passengers. Each seat holds
two riders who are secured by a
lap restraint. Once the ride begins, the entire center twists in a
circular motion. Riders enjo y a
swinging sensation as the entire
center track lifts up slo wly until
reaching the top of the ride. Once
the swing ride reaches the top it
begins to slowly swing in a descent.
Coupons: 5
Height to Ride Alone: 48″
Height to Ride with an Adult:
Not for the faint-hearted. Riders are taken for a 70 mph ‘spin’
at the ends of a whirling arm that
takes them 140 ft. in the air and
sends them hurtling towards earth
in an arc generating forces 3
times the pull of gravity. Features
upside-down free-flipping action.
Coupons: $15 or Wristband +
6 coupons
Height to Ride Alone: 58″
Height to Ride with an Adult:
Thrill-seekers have touted this
ride as one of the Midway’s “craziest!” On the F ootloose the
ride’s two gigantic arms loop
counter-clockwise to each other,
turning completely upside down.
Riders are secured by o ver the
shoulder harnesses while their
legs dangle free in the open air .
This ride is sure to thrill even the
bravest of riders.
Coupons: 5
Height to Ride Alone: 54″
Height to Ride with an Adult:
A midway favorite, the Fireball, from Holland, lifts riders
high into the air, 24 at a time. As
the main boom swings back and
forth, the base of six groups of
seats begin to spin, gi ving the
passengers a feeling of weightlessness while they soar through
the air with their feet swinging
free! This ride creates a thrilling,
unforgettable experience for its
riders and provides a spectacular
Coupons: 5
Height to Ride Alone: 54″
Height to Ride with an Adult:
Spin Out
The Spin Out is one of the
most exciting rides on the midway. Made in England it stands
45 feet high and has 6 – 4 passenger seats. P assengers sit in
one of four seats on the outside
edge of the ride. As the Spin Out
begins to rise six sets of seats
begin to spin. Up, do wn and
around passengers thrill to the
sight and feel of Spin Out. There
are only 8 Spinouts on tra veling
carnivals in the United States.
Coupons: 5
Height to Ride Alone: 52″
Height to Ride with an Adult:
Big Top Funhouse
This circus themed funhouse
will hypnotize patrons with its
beautiful color changing LED
light show and ne wly painted
scenery. Enjoy an upper deck
view of the midw ay on the second story once maneuv ering the
air tricks and the spinning steps.
With so many tricks to master, including a roller floor, treadmill,
ladder steps and surprising air
fans, it will tak e days to master
this funhouse!
Coupons: 4
Height to Ride Alone: 48″
Height to Ride with an Adult:
*No open-toed shoes
Giant Scooters
A new innovation on a traditional ride, our Scooters are stateof-the-art. Riders, seated in their
“cars” begin a trip over a rectangular floor, bumping and dodging
other drivers in their w ay! Coupled with the thrill of the ride is a
light show, TV videos visible
around the center of the platform,
music and more special effects at
night! The Scooters are a custombuilt attraction – the f irst in the
United States, a vailable only
through Butler Amusements.
Coupons: 4
Height to Ride Alone: 54″
Height to Ride with an Adult:
Giant Wheel
A towering tradition of Butler
Amusements, the majestic Giant
Wheel dominates the Midw ay
day and night, offering patrons a
sweeping view from a height of
nearly 100 feet! P assengers are
seated in separate gondolas and
then whisked smoothly over the
top and down again, reminiscent
of the ferris wheel. The Giant
Wheel is a pleasant ride for the
entire family. The Giant Wheel is
more of a sho wcase than e ver!
Recently equipped with a brand
new LED lighting package, the
wheel uses less ener gy and produces a magnificent light show!
Coupons: 5
Height to Ride Alone: 18
years and older
Height to Ride with an Adult:
*No single riders
New Holland BigBalers are the new benchmark for baling capacity and productivity.
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© 2014 CNH Industrial America LLC. All rights reserved. New Holland is a trademark registered in the United States and many other countries, owned by
or licensed to CNH Industrial N.V., its subsidiaries or affiliates. New Holland is a trademark in the United States and many other countries, owned by or
licensed to CNH Industrial N.V., its subsidiaries or affiliates.
10 — August 26, 2015
Fair Times
CARNIVAL / from page 9
Starship 3000
The lights and e xcitement of
the midway literally become a
blur as Starship 3000 sweeps you
off of your feet. Spinning at 24
RPM, The Starship uses centrifugal force to float the passengers
off the floor , giving them the
feeling of weightlessness. All
aboard this 45-person capacity
Starship for one wild ride.
Coupons: 4
Height to Ride Alone: 48″
Height to Ride with an Adult:
Pole Position Coaster
The Giant Pole Position Spinning Roller Coaster is F abbri
Groups first spinning coaster delivered to a North America. This
Italian made, world class coaster
is composed of three levels, with
the very top measuring 55 feet
high. Each of the five coaster cars
are painted just lik e racing cars
and holds four passengers. This
is not an ordinary coaster . The
ride will also ha ve extra sound
effects to dramatize when the car
goes around a corner or gains in
elevation. Riders hold on tight
while the car gently climbs to the
very top, after a moment of anticipation riders experience a free
fall while the car itself actually
spins while maneuv ering along
the track. A superior coaster e xperience!
Coupons: 5
Height to Ride Alone: 52″
Height to Ride with an Adult:
The Zipper has been one of
the Midway’s most recognizable
attractions for years, pro viding
thrills to riders from teens to
adults. There’ s more spinning
going on with the Zipper than an
out of control top. While the
‘cages’ holding two passengers
each rise and descend on a tower
boom, each spins independently
and the entire boom turns, too.
Three times the action, backed by
spectacular lighting bringing
them back for more.
Coupons: 5
Height to Ride Alone: 55″
Height to Ride with an Adult:
*No Single Riders
Eagle 16
A staple of the American
Midway, this 16-seat ferris wheel
has eight front f acing cars holding two riders in each. It of fers
both a gentle ride around the
360-degree vertical circle and a
thrilling view, as riders are lifted
high above the ground and able
to see for miles.
Coupons: 4
Height to Ride Alone: 48″
Height to Ride with an Adult:
Music Express
This sleigh ride of grandiose
proportions is a four trailer ride
which welcomes riders for an exciting spin, tra velling forward,
and around then tra veling backwards while negotiating an undulating path to add to the
excitement. Its unusual size, unforgettable scenery, lights, music
and ride mak e being whisk ed
around and around fun and exciting!
Coupons: 5
Height to Ride Alone: 48″
Height to Ride with an Adult:
Zig and zag your w ay to an
amazing time on the Scrambler .
Families delight as the y spin in
two directions at the same time.
The Scrambler has 12 seats each
seat capable of holding 3 people.
The main frame spins as each
arm of seats spins independently,
creating a feeling of funky flight.
The Scrambler also features
Deluxe Lighting and programmed incandescent “Ultra
Coupons: 4
Height to Ride Alone: 48″
Height to Ride with an Adult:
Round and round they go and
where they stop, nobody knows!
An old favorite that has thrilled
and excited patrons for genera tions, the T ilt-A-Whirl is a
swirling experience for teens and
adults. Separate cars rotate individually as the entire ride revolves up, down and around!
Coupons: 4
Height to Ride Alone: 48″
Height to Ride with an Adult:
201 South State • Rigby
See Us For Everything…
Feed Supplies
201 South State,Rigby
745-6498 M-F 8-6 Sat. 8-5
Dragon Wagon
The Dragon Wagon is a kid
size coaster. Riders travel in an
undulating circle around a raised
track. The coaster cars are
themed like a dragon and each
section of its body hold two passengers.
Coupons: 3
Height to Ride Alone: 56″
Height to Ride with an Adult:
*From Michael Jackson’ s
Neverland Ranch
When it comes to Super Spectacular rides, the biggest and the
best is the Evolution! A circle of
seats, with riders held f ast by a
unique restraint system, begins to
rotate. At once, the entire platform begins to rise to a height of
over 150 feet. While the platform continues to rotate the ride
gently descends downward, only
to repeat the process. Equipped
with special effects of smoke and
flashing lights, the Ev olution is
as exciting to w atch as it is to
Coupons: 5
Height to Ride Alone: 52″
Height to Ride with an Adult:
Balloon Samba
Manufactured in Italy , this
kids ride features hot air balloon
carriages and is truly a marvel to
look at. The bright lights make it
especially magnificent to look at
during the evening. The Balloon
Samba seats32 children in 6 air
balloons. Fluffy white cloud cutouts and bright, smiling suns
grace the safety barrier and gi ve
kids the illusion of floating up in
the sky.
Coupons: 3
Height to Ride Alone: 36″
Height to Ride with an Adult:
*From Michael Jackson’ s
Neverland Ranch
Bigfoot Trucks
The Bigfoot Trucks are an alltime favorite of the kiddies featuring mini-monster trucks. The
children feel as if the y are driving around the track. Mom and
Dad can even ride in the back!
Coupons: 4
Height to Ride Alone: 36″
Height to Ride with an Adult:
Chopper Hopper
Kids of all ages can swirl and
twirl through the air like a chopper flying daredevil. The Chopper Hopper is a f amily ride and
boasts eight cartoon themed helicopters. Each helicopter holds
four passengers and is lar ge
enough to accommodate children
as well as adults. The helicopters
move up and do wn the center
pole and riders control the spinning action with a push of a button.
Coupons: 4
Height to Ride Alone: 42″
Height to Ride with an Adult:
Frog Hopper
The Frog Hopper is a f irst of
its kind, fully interactive family
ride that is sure to be a hit
amongst kids of all ages. The
Frog Hopper combines stadium
style seating with an adorable
frog theme utilizing a unique,
patent pending interactive bouncing motion.
Coupons: 3
Height to Ride Alone: 36″
Height to Ride with an Adult:
*Adults Cannot Ride
Wacky Worm Coaster
The Wacky Worm coaster is
designed for the whole f amily.
AugusAugust 26, 2015 — 11
Lil’ Cowpoke Rodeo rides again
(EISF)—The Lil’ Co wpoke Rodeo
will be returning to this year’ s fair on
Saturday, Sept. 5, at 3 p.m. Held in the
West Events Arena, the Lil’ Co wpoke
Rodeo is the perfect opportunity for
young, rising rodeo stars to shine! All
contestants will recei ve recognition,
with the top contestants recei ving trophies.
Four different action-packed events
are featured at the Lil’ Cowpoke Rodeo,
with age groups ranging from 0-10.
Here is a list of the e vents and their
Stick Horse Ridin’ – Age 5 and
Ribbon Pull – Age 5 and Under
Dummy Ropin’ – Age 5 and Under ,
Age 6 to 8, Age 9 to 10
Barrel Racin’ – Age 0 to 10
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12 — August 26, 2015# — August 26, 2015
CARNIVAL / from page 10
This two level family roller
coaster is a great way for the entire family to enjoy the carnival.
This brightly painted worm, surrounded by flower cup lights, is
a charming addition to the Midway.
Coupons: 4
Height to Ride Alone: 42″
Height to Ride with an Adult:
Lolli Swing
Enjoy all of the fun of the
sweet colors and sa vory sensation of a lollipop without the
calories and sugar! This brightly
colored ride has 16 swings decorated with large swirl lollipops
and lights. The centerpiece is a
large clown complete with a red
nose and floppy shoes.
Coupons: 3
Height to Ride Alone: 42″
Height to Ride with an Adult:
Tom Kangaroo
Experience the graceful, gentle ride of a baby kangaroo car ried in the safety of his mother’s
pouch. Four Kangaroos welcome
children and parents aboard for a
smooth ride. P assengers sit inside each kangaroo and as the
ride turns, each kangaroo slowly
revolves as well.
Coupons: 3
Height to Ride Alone: 32″
Height to Ride with an Adult:
*Adults Cannot Ride
Toon Town
This is your chance to see
what it’s like to live in the wacky
world of your favorite cartoons.
Toon Town attracts kids and
adults of all ages on a w alk
through a funhouse with man y
exciting obstacles. Toon Town
also has a video camera set up on
the inside that the kids can stand
in front of and the y will appear
on the screen on the front of the
ride for all to see.
Coupons: 3
Height to Ride Alone: 42″
Height to Ride with an Adult:
Wet Boat Ride
This kid ride features individual mini boats that float in water
along a circular path. A great
carnival ride for first timers!
Coupons: 3
Height to Ride Alone: 30″
Height to Ride with an Adult:
*Adults Cannot Ride, Weight
Limit 120 lbs
The Dino ride features dinosaurs and elephants characters
that hold riders. The entire ride
circles while each character
moves up and do wn. A gentle
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ride for children to enjoy!
Coupons: 3
Height to Ride Alone: 42″
Height to Ride with an Adult:
*Adults Cannot Ride, From
Michael Jackson’s Neverland
Young kids are sure to get a
thrill from these adorable 4×4
jeeps which tra vel in a circle
under a shade umbrella. Complete with small jumps and
honking horns these mini Jeeps
are a great first ride for kids. This
ride was purchased from
Michael Jackson’s Neverland
Ranch in the Fall of 2008.
Coupons: 3
Height to Ride Alone: 36″
Height to Ride with an Adult:
*Adults Cannot Ride, From
Michael Jackson’s Neverland
Grand Carousel
For decades, audiences ha ve
been awed by the beautifully
handcrafted majesty of the
carousel. To witness The Grand
Carousel is to see this piece of
Americana in all its glory . This
38 foot Carousel features 36
jumping horses, and 2 chariots.
Parents and children create
memories while they enjoy the
sights and sounds of this beautiful ride together!
Coupons: 4
Height to Ride Alone: 44″
Height to Ride with an Adult:
State Fair Slide
The State fair slide is a ride
for the whole f amily. It towers
35 feet high and has hills to
slide do wn. Fairgoers of an y
age enjoy the thrill of our slide
as they sail down the undulating
path. Passengers climb a stair way, higher and higher to the top
of the slide and then laugh and
scream with delight as they sail
to the bottom.
Coupons: 3
Height to Ride Alone: 42″
Height to Ride with an Adult:
*No lap riding or hand holding
Looney Tooter Train
All aboard!! This fun-f illed
train trip for the whole f amily
takes place in brightly colored
cartoon-like cars. P assengers
board the train at the station and
with merry music, and bright
scenery, the journe y begins
around a circular track. Fun for
everyone is in store on the
Looney tooter.
Coupons: 3
Height to Ride Alone: 36″
Height to Ride with an Adult:
NEW Kite Flyer
Kite Flyer is an unusual
amusement ride where, instead
of sitting, passengers lie hori zontally within the frame of colorful gliders. After riders are
buckled in, the ride be gins to
turn and then rises in the air for a
thrilling, soaring sensation before gently gliding back to
Coupons: 4
Height to Ride Alone: 42″
Height to Ride with an Adult:
NEW Zombie Carnival
Passengers are in vited to
climb aboard carriages which
seat two passengers at a time.
When the operator engages the
ride, passengers creep along a
winding track which takes them
into the Zombie Carnival. Complete darkness a waits riders as
their carriage na vigates twists
and turns. Only the bra vest return from the Zombie Carnival!
Coupons: 4
Height to Ride Alone: 36″
Height to Ride with an Adult:
AugusAugust 26, 2015 — 13
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14 — August 26, 2015
Fair Times
Prize-winning food
to be had at the fair
(EISF)—Of all the e xcitement
found at the Eastern Idaho State Fair,
the biggest overall attraction has always been the food. Whether baked,
grilled or fried, the EISF has a rich
tradition of offering the best fair food
in the west! Each year , winners are
chosen from two categories: “Best
New Food Creation” and the grand
champion “Fairest of them All”
award. Both winners receive a banner to hang in their booth declaring
them champions, and the Grand
Champion “Fairest of them All”
winner has the honor of display the
traveling “Golden Corndog” trophy
for the week.
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Fairest of them All (Best of the
Best) 2014 Nominees
1st Place – Lover’s Quarrel –The
Bread Barn
Freshly baked bread loaded with
real turkey, colby jack cheese, fresh
tomato, crunchy bacon, and crisp
paper-thin slices of apples, and our
own “secret sauce”! So good you
won’t want to share it, so it’s topped
with a Hershey’s kiss to sweeten the
quarrel over the last yummy bite.
2nd Place – Brown Cow –Reed’s
A generous serving of either
Chocolate or Vanilla ice cream then
the glass filled with Reed’s Chocolate Milk.
Mexican Crazy Corn – El Elote
Roasted sweet corn – served with
our special sauce, Mexican dry aged
sweet cheese, chili lime to season,
served in a cup or on the cob.
Bimbo Burger – Bimbo’s Burgers
Classic Bimbo Burger with hot
seasoned onions.
Bulls Eye Burger, Sunrise Style –
Outlaw Catering
Award-winning Bulls Eye Burger
topped with a fried egg.
Mongolian Beef and White Rice
– The Chopping Block
Thin strips of beef cook ed in a
sweet ginger sauce and topped with
green onions and sesame seeds and
served with white rice.
Black & Blue Burger – The Pit
1/4 lb ground beef patty on a buttery toasted bun topped with bacon,
blue cheese crumbles, blue cheese
dressing, and our signature b uffalo
Best New Food Cr eation 2014
1st Place – Chocolate Dipped
Raspberry Cream Cheese Bro wnie
on a Stick – Creamy Creations
Fudgy brownie layered with a
decadent cream cheese filling that is
swirled with fresh raspberries and
then freeze it and finish it off by dipping it in luscious chocolate.
2nd Place – Crazy Bacon Style
Corn – El Elote Loco
Roasted sweet corn – smothered
in our secret sauce, bacon, Mexican
dry sweet aged cheese, chili lime to
season, served in a cup or on the cob.
The Kitchen Sink Frito Pie –
Mamouth Mountain
Frito chips smothered in homemade ground beef chili, beans,
onions, jalapenos, bacon dice, sour
cream, and cheese sauce.
Fried Fresh Apple Slices – Pretzel Man Concessions
Battered dipped fried fresh apple
slices served in a bowl.
Pink Cow – Reed’s Dairy
Strawberry or Vanilla ice cream
in a tall glass with our ne w rich and
creamy strawberry milk. Half of the
net proceeds will be donated to the
Susan G Komen Foundation Special
Funnel Fingers – Snappy’s Funnel Cakes
The same great funnel cak e flavor you love but easier to share. The
golden brown bite size swirls are
topped with po wdered sugar and
served with strawberry dipping sauce
and whipped cream.
Jalapeno Bacon Cheddar Kettle
Corn – R & T Kettle Corn
Fresh jalapenos, smok y bacon
flavor, and white cheddar . Spicysweet.
Bacon Wrapped Chestnuts – The
Chopping Block
Whole chestnuts marinated in a
sweet sauce and then rolled up in
bacon and grilled.
AugusAugust 26, 2015 — 15
Gabriel Iglesias to perform
at state fair this year
(EISF) — Born in Chula Vista, California, Gabriel Iglesias is the youngest of
six children, raised by a single mother .
Growing up, the family lived in Section 8
housing in Long Beach, CA. It was during his childhood that he de veloped a
strong sense of humor to deal with the
obstacles he faced. In 1997, he set out to
hone his comedic skills, and performed
stand-up anywhere he could f ind an audience; including biker bars and hole-inthe-wall joints. Gabriel’ s stand-up
comedy is a mixture of storytelling, parodies, characters and sound ef fects that
bring his personal e xperiences to life.
His unique and animated comedy style
has made him popular among fans of all
Iglesias is one of America’s most successful stand-up comedians, and per forms to sold-out concerts around the
world. He recently had the distinct honor
of being one of the fe w comedians to
headline and sellout Madison Square
Garden in Ne w York, The Microsoft
Theater in Los Angeles, and The Honda
Center in Anaheim. This F all Iglesias
will be launching The Fluf fy Breaks
Even! concert tour.
Gabriel stars in Fuse TV’ s Fluffy
Breaks Even! (premieres Oct. 1st at
10pm ET/PT), a non-scripted comedic
docu-follow series co-starring his eccentric tour mates and fello w comedians
Martin Moreno and Rick Gutierrez. Audience members will have an opportunity
to see what it’s like for Iglesias to eat on
the road, add up the calories and then try
to burn it off and “break even” with a different restaurant and w orkout in e very
Gabriel co-stars with Channing Tatum
in Warner Bros’ Magic Mik e XXL,
reprising his role as T obias. Earlier this
year, Gabriel lit up the small screen on
the ABC sitcom Cristela.
Feature film credits include co-star -
ring roles in 20th Century F ox’s animated film The Book of Life, A Haunted
House 2, and the hit animated films The
Nut Job and Disne y’s Planes. Gabriel
also starred in the theatrical stand-up
concert comedy film, The Fluffy Movie.
For the past three years Comedy Central
has aired Iglesias’ hit series Stand-Up
Revolution. The cable network also premiered Gabriel Iglesias: Aloha Fluffy in
an unprecedented two-night comedy special to over 15 million viewers. The special was a follow-up to his previous DVD
specials, Hot & Fluf fy and I’m Not
Fat…I’m Fluffy, which have sold a combined total of over 2 million copies.
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16 — August 26, 2015
Fair Times
Free events at the Eastern Idaho State Fair
Once again the Eastern Idaho
State Fair will feature numerous
free attractions for the whole
family to enjoy. Some will wander the grounds, while others will
be located on stages and the West
Events Arena.
Charley Jenkins
When: Wednesday (9/9) –
Saturday (9/12) 4 and 8 p.m.
Where: Northwest F arm
Credit Free Stage
We are happ y to announce
that Charley Jenkins will be performing again at the EISF! Out of
45,000 contestants, Charley was
a top 12 f inalist on NBC's hit
show, Nashville star. He has also
opened for a number of national
acts such as Florida Geor gia
Line, Lady Antebellum, T aylor
Swift, Josh Turner and many others. Using a mixture of songs
from his three alb ums and per-
sonal twist on new and old hits,
Charley and his band put on one
heck of a show!
Presented by: Northwest Farm
Copper Mountain Band
When: Saturday (9/5) – Tuesday (9/8) 4 and 8 p.m.
Where: Northwest F arm
Credit Free Stage
Copper Mountain Band is a
high-energy, mainstream, country music group that appeals to
all audiences as they incorporate
music from man y genres and
styles into their performances.
They have found a w ay to give
cover tunes a whole new dimension and have outstanding original material as well.
Presented by: Northwest Farm
Farm Yard Fun with
Mother Goose
When: 2:30, 4:30, and 6:30
p.m. daily
Where: West Events Area
Agri-education for the whole
family...including a planting station that creates "dirt babies",
picture boards, milking parlor ,
games, shows and hands-on lessons based on agriculture while
adding a "pinch" of fun! W e
strive to introduce families from
our urban communities to f arming and agriculture in a wholesome, experiential, entertaining
and educational manner!
Where: West Events Area
The H2O Exhibits Future
Fisherman Tanks are the most advanced youth fishing tanks on the
market today. With fishing being
a clean, healthy f amily sport
these tanks have been a great success introducing fishing to over
800,000 kids in the past 15 years.
H2O Exhibits is proud to be the
nation’s largest supporter of
youth angling with o ver half of
the kids catching their v ery first
fish in their tanks. All f ishing
equipment is provided for each
kid to enjoy their free catch and
release fishing experience.
Mango and Dango
When: Tuesday (9/8) – Saturday (9/12) 2, 5, and 7:30 p.m.
Where: West Events Area
Mango and Dango are a
multi-talented theatrical circus
duo specializing in the creation
H2O Exhibits-Kids Fr ee
Fishing Experience
When: 11 a.m. – 7 p.m. daily
For All
Life’s’ S
Speciall Memor
v nt
ts Center
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enan l
wy, ri
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of hilariously unique circus stories. Using their various experiences across the globe, the y
create every Mango and Dango
show by manifesting their ideas,
collected energy and imagination
into one of a kind circus stories,
sharing their passion and enthusiasm of life’s endless possibilities with e very audience by
finding the comedic subtleties in
everyday situations. This dyna.ic
duo is known to wow the audience with breathtaking technical
circus skills, while bringing
laughter and danger together for
a pas-de-deux of chance and circumstance.
Matt Baker
Saturday (9/5)
(Strolling Act around Main Gate)
– Tuesday (9/8) 3 and 6 (45 minutes)
Where: Big Dog Satellite
Community Free Stage
Matt Baker performs a high
energy show that mixes stand-up
comedy and unusual skills. He
has 5 Guinness W orld Records
and has been on America's Got
Talent, Comedy Central, Last
Comic Standing and Tosh.0. His
hip, energetic, comedy stunt
show is action packed with funny
stories, audience participation
and incredible skills that engage
even the toughest cro wd. His
unique comfort le vel on stage
sets the crowd at ease and allows
them to w ant to be in volved in
every show. With clever comedy
and jaw dropping stunts lik e
catching a bo wling ball on his
head, spearing v egetables on
spikes, escaping handcuf fs and
juggling with his mouth, Matt’ s
show rivals no other.
Presented by: Big Dog Satellite
Matt Sorensen
When: 1, 3:30, 6, 8 and 9:30
p.m. daily
Where: Blue Ribbon Boulevard – Near 4-H Building
Using spray paint cans on
poster board or canvas, Matt creates unique art within 5- 10 minutes. He creates magnif icent
paintings of any kind and tak es
any request. Matt, a Blackfoot
native, has been a spray paint
artist for the last 16 years. Matt
watched an artist perform a similar style of art in Cabo San
Lucas and then taught himself the
art form he now performs. He has
AugusAugust 26, 2015 — 17
FREE EVENTS / from page 16
15,000+ YouTube followers and o ver
4,200,000 views on YouTube.
Meet the Animals
When: 10 a.m. – 10 p.m. daily
Where: West Events Area
Meet the Animals is an interacti ve exhibit
that is much more than a petting zoo. A variety
of agricultural exhibits will leave you entertained as well as informed. Milk a cow, watch
chickens hatch, visit an on-going e gg laying
display, or have your picture taken on a 1500 lb
Texas Longhorn.
Sponsored by: Farm Bureau
Play with Gravity
When: Saturday (9/5) – Monday (9/7) 3:30
and 7 p.m.
Where: West Events Area
Play with Gravity was formed in 2003 as a
way to promote the sport of Mototrials; A motorcycle competition series in which riders have
to overcome obstacles on their motorc ycles
using control, balance and f inesse. The team
enjoys showing the public and other motor sports what type of riding can be accomplished
on trials motorcycles. Now riding, performing,
and competing all over the country, Play with
Gravity is showing their determination to fascinate audiences and push the sport to new limits.
When: 11 a.m. – 9:30 p.m. daily
Where: West Events Area
This hand’s on science exhibit is fun and entertaining for the whole f amily. Visit Super
Science Puzzlemania at the f air and see how
ordinary toys and objects become e xtraordi-
nary experiences. There are 30 dif ferent puzzles and activities, including brain teaser - master's puzzles, classic puzzles, junior puzzles,
geometric puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, tangrams,
dis-entanglements, traditional games plus
more! For more information, go to www .supersciencecompany.com.
Richard Barker
When: 5 and 9 p.m. daily
Where: Northwest Farm Credit Free Stage
Richard's quick wit and charm ha ve made
him a crowd favorite--he can hypnotize people
on the spot with both his British accent and impressive feats of hypnosis. Richard’s approach
is edgy, fresh and unique and he delivers a fast
paced show. Richard commands the stage and
captivates his audience from the onset. He uses
his extensive knowledge of hypnosis and natural showmanship to entertain audiences all
over the World!
Presented by: Northwest Farm Credit
When: 2 p.m. daily
Where: Strolling
Hypno Robot is an amazing attraction that
strolling the grounds throughout the fair week.
He talks directly to you and has fantastic moving features and is stunning in appearance. He
has an amplified voice and is a walking picture
opportunity. Look for this creative and unique
Hypno Bot strolling the grounds daily.
TC Hatter
When: Wednesday (9/9) – Saturday (9/12)
3 and 6 p.m.
Where: Big Dog Satellite Community Free
Since 1981, T.C. Hatter and Marcianne
have been in volving audiences around the
world in their hilarious comedy sho w. They
combine juggling, magic, music and pantomime to tell funny stories that will please all
ages. Every show becomes unique with the
“cast” being supplemented by the kids and
adults from the crowd. See the “bowling ball
juggle”, participate in the “dangerous tightrope
trick” help with the “Fishing T rip”. This and
more are in store with this v audevillian style
act. Come enjoy these premier physical comedians! For more information, go to
Sponsored by: Big Dog Satellite
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104 South Main • Aberdeen, ID
18 — August 26, 2015
Gem State Classic Pro Rodeo rides into town
(EISF)—The 4th annual PRCA-sanctioned Gem State Classic Pro Rodeo pairs
world-class competitors from the Professional Rodeo Co wboys Association with
award winning stock from Po wder River
Rodeo and D&H Cattle on Monday , September 7, and Tuesday, September 8, at the
Eastern Idaho State F air. Monday night’s
show is scheduled to feature a special tribute
to local military veterans and their families,
while Tuesday’s program highlights domestic violence with the Man Up Crusade’ s
“Purple Night”.
Powder River Rodeo owners Hank and
Lori Franzen have earned over 150 awards
for their outstanding rodeo li vestock, and
D&H Cattle Company has been supplying
top-notch bucking bulls to PBR e vents all
across North America. Named PBR Stock
Contractor of the year for 2001-2006, D&H
Cattle will help mak e this Pro Rodeo an
event you will not want to miss. Each night
is a unique and e xciting rodeo experience,
featuring tie down roping, barrel racing, bull
riding, bareback riding, steer wrestling, team
roping, and saddle bronc riding.
As is tradition, this year’ s Gem State
Classic will open with a special Mutton
Bustin’ competition at 7:30 pm each night.
This fan favorite features young kids hanging on for dear life as a sprinting sheep does
its best to shake their young riders. The rider
may use a rope or take hold of the wool itself
as they try to hang on for six seconds. Children ages 4-7 weighing less than 45 pounds
are encouraged to enter this thrilling competition. All contestants recei ve recognition,
with the first place contestant recei ving a
large, four-foot trophy. The EISF is accepting applications for Mutton Bustin’ no w
through August 27, which can be found at
Monday night’s tribute to military members will feature a special presentation that
draws attention to missing soldiers and
POWs. This special presentation is meant to
honor all of those who ha ve served and
fought for our rights and freedom.
Martha’s Cafe
Daily Specials
For Tuesday’s rodeo, the Gem State Classic has proudly teamed up with the Man Up
Crusade™ to bring “Purple Night” to the
Tuesday night event. The Man Up Crusade is
a non-profit organization dedicated to creating public awareness on the issue of domestic violence. Across the nation, the color
purple and the purple ribbon ha ve been
adopted to show support for victims and for
advocates to honor those who have lost their
lives at the hands of someone the y once
loved. The Man Up Crusade was founded in
2012 by Sherif f Kieran Donahue and his
wife Jeanie of Canyon County, Idaho.
“The cowboy is an iconic image of
strength and fortitude that has transcended
generations not just in the west but throughout the United States and many other countries,” says Donahue. “That is why I felt it
was so important to in volve this lifestyle
from the very beginning. The cowboys and
cowgirls can once again lead by example and
together with the rodeo’s enduring fans show
that by working together we can make a difference.”
All rodeo participants, fans, and support
personnel are encouraged to wear purple to
show their support for this great cause. EISF
will be raising money to be donated to the
Family Crisis Center in Re xburg and the
Bingham Crisis Center with a belt b uckle
raffle and 50/50 raffle on Tuesday night. You
can start donating to these or ganizations,
who are available to help those experiencing
domestic violence no w, by going to funatthefair.ticketforce.com and clicking the
Donate button.
Avoid lines and purchase your tick ets to
the Gem State Classic Pro Rodeo no w by
going to funatthefair.com, the Ticket Office
in Blackfoot, or Vickers Western Stores in
Idaho Falls and Pocatello. You can also call
(208) 785-2480, Ext. 7 to purchase over the
phone. The rodeo begins at 8 pm both nights,
with mutton bustin’ starting at 7:30. Tickets
are only $15 for adults and $10 for children
11 and under. Get both nights for only $25 –
a $5 savings! And remember, all nighttime
grandstand tickets include fair admission.
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AugusAugust 26, 2015 — 19
20 — August 26, 2015
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