September 18 2009 Girls
September 18 2009 Girls
THIS WEEK: GIRLS DIVISION IN FOCUS THE YBH OF PASSAIC—HILLEL 29 Elul 5769 September 18, 2009 Dvar Torah : Rosh Hashana By: Rabbi Elie Rothberger R av Yisroel Slanter once asked why ראשׁ השׁנהcomes before ?יוֹם כּפּוּרWouldn’t it be better for us to be judged after we are forgiven? An answer to this question is found in the words, " “לדוד ד' אוֹרי וישׁעיthat we have been saying during davening since Rosh Chodesh Elul. חז"לexplain that the word, אוֹרִי, my light, refers to ראשׁ השׁנָה. ָ What is the connection between השׁנָה ָ ראשׁand light? The רמח"ל, Rav Moshe Chaim Luzzato, in his sefer, ְשׁרִים ָ ְמ ִסילַת י, explains that חֹשׁ ְך ֶ darkness, poses two distinct dangers to man. First, he is unable to see physical obstacles that are in his way. Second, man’s sense of visual clarity becomes skewed in the darkness and things appear different than their actuality. We often go through life as if we are in the dark. Our perception of ourselves is not always accurate. Rav Shimon Schwab זצ"לexplained that one of the biggest obstacles to doing תּשׁוּבה ָ is when a person feels that he does not deserve a chance to repent and be forgiven because his sins are so numerous. These thoughts are destructive because such a person will only continue to sin in order to justify his failure to repent. השׁנָה ָ ראשׁis the time that Hashem, who is our light, provides us with the ability to see the world as it actually is. In the ִזכְרוֹנוֹתsection of מוּסף, ָ we recite the words ִפ ָקד ְ ִמי לֹא נ ַ —כּwho is not remembered on this day. The word ִפ ָקד ְהיוֹם הזֶה ְ נhas an additional meaning, which is to be assigned a task. ְדר ֶ רב חיִים פרִיד ַלנexplains that on השׁנָה ָ ראשׁ, each and every person is given a personal and distinct task to accomplish over the upcoming year. Hashem lights up the way for us to see that we are all valuable and that there is a purpose for our existence. It is only with the realization that we each have a special task, shown to us through the judgment received on השׁנָה ָ ראשׁ, that we can do שׁוּבה ָ תּ ְ , and strengthen our bond with הקבּ"הduring the ָמים נוֹרָאִים ִ יseason and throughout the entire year. Student Dvar Torah BY: Chana Lowy 8G One Erev Yom Kippur a Rabbi stood before the ark and said the following story: A king had an only son which he had raised from birth and he loved this son very, very much. He worked hard to teach him the ways of righteousness. Finally the day came that the king led his beloved son to the chuppah, and he prayed that his son would continue in the right ways and have a wonderful future. But the King’s wishes didn’t come true. His son became an evil man and then strayed from his wife. The King’s love for his son vanished, and hatred took its place. He banished his son from the palace and ordered him to go far away. The son became a wanderer and traveled from village to village, city to city and country to country. His features changed and he wore torn and dirty clothing. He no longer looked like the son of the king and nobody recognized him. But the son began thinking of his former days and how much happier he had been, and he yearned to be back with his father. He then resolved to completely repent. When he finally arrived home, he threw himself at his father’s feet begging for forgiveness and asking his father to have mercy. But the king didn’t know who this strange man was and ignored him. The son continued crying out and saying, “Father, father you must recognize my voice. I have changed, but not my voice.” Finally the king recognized his son and had mercy on him. He welcomed him back home. We are the sons of a king who led us to our chuppah at Har Sinai and gave us the Torah to help us act in the right ways. But we have gone off the path and have become almost unrecognizable as His children. Because of all our aveiros we are in Galus and we have been banished from our land, our palace. Now that Rosh Hashana is very near we cry out that even though we have done so many aveiros that we are almost not recognizable, Hashem should at least have compassion and mercy on us and at least listen to our prayers to bring us home and out of Galus. Format design used with permission from Pirchei Agudas Yisroel ofAmerica. Sept 18— 20 NO SESSIONS Rosh Hashana Sept 21 12:30 PM Dismissal (ECD—8 Gr) Tzom Gedaliah Sept 23 Yom Iyun 6—8 Grade Girls and all YBH Mothers and Alumni 7 PM Sept 27-28 NO SESSIONS Yom Kippur Oct 2—12 NO SESSIONS Succos Oct 13 Sessions Resume YBH General Board Meeting Oct 19 PTA Meeting Honor or remember a loved one by dedicating an issue of the YBH of Passaic-Hillel News which reaches over 400 families per week. Dedications for yahrzteits, refuah sheleymas, etc. are $100 an issue. Call (973) 777-0735 ext. 134 or email [email protected]. YBH of Passaic—Hillel 270 Passaic Avenue Passaic, NJ 07055 (973) 777-0735 Zmanim for Passaic Candlelighting 6:42 PM Krias Shema M”A — 9:09 AM Gra — 9:45 AM Zman Tefilla M”A — 10:22 AM Gra — 10:46 AM Shkia 6:58 PM Motzei Shabbos 7:58 PM פיה פתחה בחכמה 1G: Esther Sebbag and Russy Hirsch held the door without being asked. Rina Cohen was מוותרat lunch time. During קריאה, Lieba Joran knew that we circled “”הדג, because it was our ראש השנהword! 2G: Zahava Giloni was able to translate words from פרשת נחthat she remembered from first grade, פרשת בראשית. 3G: Chana Schwartz asked why the “ ”כin “ ”לבכותהis so small? Yael Friedman asked why ‘ הsent the שטןto שרה אמינוif ‘ הlikes ?שרה 6G: Devorah Miller asked ’רש‘‘יs question on the words “ ”ועצי שטיםwhile learning חומש. Nechama Lowy and Shoshana Rosenthal figured out ’רש‘‘יs answer that בני ישראלgot עצי שטיםfrom יעקב אבינוto build the משכן. Learning From Our Leaders Morah D’vorah Pachtman (1G) T here were once two neighbors, Reuven and Shimon, who both decided to buy new cars. They ended up buying the exact same cars. The make and models were the same. The exterior color and interiors were the same. Both cars even boasted the same options. A short while later, Shimon moved to a different neighborhood, and for years the two never saw each other. One day, a few years later, Reuven was driving his car and noticed that the car in front of him was the same color and model as his. That is where the similarity ended. The car in front of him was dented and somewhat rusted. The tires wobbled and the muffler emitted smoke. Even the car made noises as it drove down the street. This was in stark contrast to Rueven’s car that still looked and sounded as good as the day he drove it out of the showroom. As Reuven came to a stop, he noticed that his old friend Shimon was driving the run down car. Reuven honked at Shimon and motioned to him to pull over, where they happily greeted each other and updated each other about their lives and family. After a few minutes, Shimon commented to Reuven that he is obviously doing well because he is driving a new car, compared to Shimon that is driving his old car from a few years ago. Shimon was surprised to hear that Reuven’s car is the same car that was bought years ago, at the same time Shimon bought his car. Shimon only wanted to know how Reuven managed to keep the car in new condition. Reuven explained to Shimon that every year, before the inspection is due, he goes to a mechanic and has him check the car to insure that it is in perfect condition. Once he is “tuning up” the motor, he repairs any dings or scratches on the car. Shimon replied that he never checks the car before inspection because he has a mechanic do that for a few dollars. The mechanic will give him a pass on his inspection, even if it does not warrant it. Now meeting “car to car”, Shimon realizes the difference between taking inspections seriously versus ignoring them. Reuven has a beautiful, well maintained car that is dependable and one that he is proud of. Shimon is embarrassed by his ugly and unreliable car. So too, do we have an inspection once a year – Rosh Hashonah. If we take our “inspection” seriously, we will hopefully merit a life that is shining in purpose and accomplishments. If we ignore the “inspection”, we probably will be able to move on in life but it will be a life devoid of real stature and purpose. We might not see the difference immediately. However, over the years, as we mature and grow, we will realize the difference of a life with purposeful spiritual planning compared to a “do as I want” lifestyle. A car that is neglected cannot be miraculously repaired through an inspection. Even Honda offers “Opportunity Days” on new cars but cannot restore old broken-down cars to their original shine and luster. Now that we are approaching our “Opportunity Days”, we can ask the Rebono Shel Olom to restore us to our original shine and luster that illuminates from our neshomoh. Hopefully, we will use our “inspection” wisely – to sincerely contemplate what we need to “repair” in our lives and beseech our Av Harachamon to, not just pass our inspection but to return us, both as individuals and as a nation, to our original beauty and holiness. 2 Class Acts 5G Limudei Kodesh Class Acts Nursery E Morah Gold Morah Perele CD got off to a great start this year. Our seasoned children are graciously welcoming our new students into their classes. The upcoming Yom Tov of Rosh Hashana can be felt in the air. Shofars are blowing, hands are sticky from honey, and smells of delicious round challah waft through the halls. Apples are the popular fruit. Many arts and crafts are being made and songs are being taught to enhance your Yom Tov. We had our first preschool assembly, where we acknowledged all the Chodesh Elul birthdays, enjoyed AlephBeis cookies, and had a Teshuvah story. Ask us about Chana, Yossi and the two bowls of chocolate pudding. Thank you to the Stareshefskys for letting us use your really looooong Shofar. It was easy to blow, heavy to hold. The “Meet & Greet the Preschool on the Playground” was a great success. It’s up for debate who had a better time; the children on the playground or the parents getting to know each other. Thank you PTA for a very special morning of fun. W e all know that אלולstands for אני לדודי ודודי לי, but do you know what other פסוקיםit stands for? Ask a fifth grade girl! וצדקה תציל ממות- but why? Ask a fifth grade girl! We know that בני ישראלin Egypt had 6 children born at a time. - But what words in the פסוקteach us this? You guessed, ask a fifth grade girl! The תלמידותof 5G have gotten off to a great start. It has been a pleasure seeing them learn new material, as well as add new components to material remembered from fourth grade. א‘‘ה, we have a wonderful year of growth to look forward to! Class Acts 5G Thank You Mrs. Ambrosio Y asher Koach to Rivka Lowy for organizing our lice checking process and to the following lice checkers who helped conduct the head checks: Danielle Amster Ilana Bachrach Miriam Bacon Rachel Besser Tova Dershowitz Sandy Eckstein Elana Feder Ruchama Feuerman Shiffie Grossman Miriam Hirsch Adina Horowitz (Alumni) T he girls of 5G are off to an exciting start of the school year! They have begun learning how scientists use the scientific method to conduct experiments and will soon be conducting experiments of their own. In math, the girls started the year by reviewing basic math facts and are now studying place value. They have also begun writing a descriptive story. The class is having a great first week back to general studies! Aviva Levin Renee Mayerfeld Judi Miller Yael Pittinsky Abigail Rothberger Chana Siegel Hadassah Siegfried Rochie Simchi Melissa Steinberg Zissie Wachsberg Goldie Zuckerman We are sorry if we left anyone’s name off of this list. 3 A Message From the Mechaneches Dear Parents, עמו‘‘ש ‘ !ברוכות הבאות בשם הWelcome back! As the balmy days of summer melt into a cooler autumn breeze, school days are upon us once again. Excitement and anticipation showed on the sweet faces as the girls gathered together on the first day of school. Crisp uniforms, and colorful new knapsacks were but the external signs of a new beginning, a fresh start. It is always remarkable how the teachers return to school with a sense of התחדשותand a real genuine excitement to be back at their עבודת הקודש. A special welcome to Mrs. Aliza Davis, who joined our staff as the new 7th grade Morah. The halls of YBH are once again filled with the beautiful sounds of davening and learning. As Rosh Hashanah approaches, the Morahs are busy preparing our Talmidos for the Yom Hadin, familiarizing the students with the proper halachos and hashkafos. In addition, our 8th graders introduced our school theme, “”נשים באהל תברך. Each month In preparation for our assembly... we will focus on different women in תנ‘‘ךand how we can be inspired to learn from them. The girls decorated a beautiful cover for their very own diary. We will be keeping a scrap book of all the various activities and programs throughout the school year. Did you see the personalized “YBH Pins” our girls received? The atmosphere was filled with warm feelings of אחדותand רוח. I look forward to a productive year rich in creative ideas and fun filled activities. May we be זוכהto continue our partnership between home and school, to raise our daughters to be proper Bnos Yisroel. May this be a year of success, growth and נחתfrom all our תלמידותand children. Mrs. Chana Frumet Stern Mechaneches A glimpse of our girls learning. Kesser Shem Tov Kesser Tefillah T he foundation of Tefillah are laid in our youngest years. The way we are introduced to Tefillah and encouraged to daven properly as young children establishes patterns that will remain with us throughout our lives. With this in mind, Morahs of grades 1— 4 introduced our כתר תפלהprogram. Each week our special Tefillah bulletin board will fill up with many = כתריםcrowns featuring the names of our girls who excelled in Tefillah. In addition, at the end of the month these girls are mentioned in the newsletter. Looking forward to seeing all our girls davening beautifully. “Morah Stern, when will we be receiving our chesed sheets? I already started my chesed job!” I am always in awe of the amount of chesed our YBH girls are involved with. After Rosh Hashana, we will introduce our chesed program. This past Sunday, our 8th grades volunteered to be ushers at the JCC where the Bergenfield Harmonic Orchestra performed a benefit concert. Special thanks to: Elana Demby, Sosha Krause, Chavie Lesher, Shoshana Mermelstein, Tessa Rephun, Shira Schock, Shira Vann. There are so many opportunities in all of our lives. We encourage all of our YBH girls to look for ways to be kind and lend a helping hand to others. 4 We would like to welcome the following families to our YBH Of Passaic family: Mr. Alexsander & Mrs. Bracha Benkhen Dr. Aryeh & Mrs. Dana Berlin Mr. Chaim & Mrs. Chani Bruder Mr. Ken & Mrs. Lisa Compart Mr. Moshe & Mrs. Chevda Feigin Mrs. Daniela Feigin Mr. Nosson & Mrs. Malka Frohlich Mr. Moshe & Mrs. Tzivia Gottesman Mr. Shimon & Mrs. Lara Itzhaki Rabbi Zev & Mrs. Chani Karpel Dr. Daniel & Mrs. Shayna Klein Mr. Phillip & Mrs. Veronique Kossin Mr. Shlomo & Mrs. Rachel Kreitman Mr. Eli & Mrs. Shira Lazarowitz Mr. Joshua & Mrs. Abigail Messer Rabbi Yaakov & Mrs. Norma Mintz Mr. Yaakov & Mrs. Lorraine Ochs Mr. Evan & Mrs. Sara Ringer Rabbi Chananya &Mrs. Sara Rosenblum Mr. Bruce & Mrs. Sarah Rosner Mr. Joshsua & Mrs. Bracha Samber Mr. Mordy & Mrs. Tziona Schlachter Mr. Chaim & Mrs. Devorah Schroff Rabbi Nosson & Mrs. Pessy Schuman Mr. Yisrael & Mrs. Shaina Settenbrino Mr. Aaron & Mrs. Gila Solomon Rabbi Pesach & Mrs. Rochie Sommer Mr. Daniel & Mrs. Karen Spekman Mr. Jonathan & Mrs. Anat Stein Rabbi Yaakov & Mrs. Lisa Traiger Mr. Avi & Mrs. Esti Turkel Rabbi Matis & Mrs. Tali Winer Rabbi Michoel & Mrs. Rachel Zylberman 5 Mazel Tov To: The students of YBH of Passaic—Hillel were privileged to dedicate their learning on: • • 21 Elul—September 10 As a zechus for a refuah shleima for Michoel Yosef ben Sara Itta, Michael Friedman. Sponsored by members of the YBH-PTA. As a zechus for a refuah shleima for Yocheved Basha bas Osnas Ruta and Miriam bas Sara. Sponsored by the Hahn family. 26 Elul—September 15 In the zechus for a meaningful year for Shoshana Roiza Rosenthal. Sponsored by Rabbi Akiva Moshe and Lilly Schor. • • • • • • • 27 Elul—September 16 In the zechus for a meaningful year for Mordechai Yosef Rosenthal. Sponsored by Rabbi Akiva Moshe and Lilly Schor. • In commemoration of the yahrtzeit of Tevye ben Aharon, Theodore Chernotsky, great grandfather of Rina (2G), Chaim (1B), and Neima (KB) Glasser. Sponsored by Paul and Rachel Glasser. • • 28 Elul—September 18 In the zechus for a meaningful year for Tirtza Devora Rosenthal. Sponsored by Rabbi Akiva Moshe and Lilly Schor. To dedicate a day of learning, please contact Ruth Glasser at (973) 365-1797 or Rachel Novick at (973)472-8842. Although we try to accommodate lastminute dedications, we would greatly appreciate a week's notice, when possible. • • • • • • • T • No pizza his is just a reminder that pizza will not be served on Monday, September 21, Tzom Gedalia, when school ends before lunch time. Rabbi Michoel and Mrs. Rachel Zylberman on the birth of their son, Shalom Meir. (Akiva KK, Eliezer 1B). Mr. Sam and Mrs. Etana Kamara on the birth of their son. (Elisha N, Rina 3G, Tziona 5G, Noam 7B). Mr. Yisrael and Mrs. Shaina Settenbrino on the birth of their son. (Sage 1B, Pace 3B, Bram 4B) Rabbi Yaakov and Mrs. Ruth Glasser on the birth of their daughter, Meira Shulamis. (Neima K, Chaim 1B, Rina 2G). Mrs. Sandy Eckstein and Mr. Tzvi Eckstein and on the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Aaron (7B). Mr. Hillel and Mrs. Corinne Judasin on the Bas Mitzvah of their daughter, Shira (7G).. Mr. Marc and Mrs. Chava Kurtz on the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Daniel Yonah. Mr. Bruce and Mrs. Toby Simon on the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Yonatan (8B). Mr. Mark and Yael Zoldan on the birth of their daughter. (Ilana N, Atara 2G, Eitan 4B, Zevi 7B). Rabbi Yehuda and Mrs. Laurie Minchenberg on the birth of their son. (Asher 6B). Mr. Sholom and Mrs. Alana Praver (1B GS Teacher) on the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Yehuda. Rabbi Binyomin and Mrs. Chanie Perlstein on their birth of their son, Shaul Yechezkel. Dr. Avrohom Shlomo and Mrs. Esther Pomrantz on the birth of their grand daughter. Esther Grossman (Dvorkes - MS Science Teacher) on her marriage to Menachem Grossman. Rabbi Berel and Mrs. Shaindy Leiner on the marriage of their son, Avrumi to Dusi Mann. Rabbi Berel (2B Rebbe) and Mrs. Faigy Hirschman on the marriage of their daughter, Leah to Boruch Ebstein. Rabbi Shaya and Mrs. Gail Jaffe on the marriage of their son, Yaakov to Sarah Leah Portnoy. Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Sora Rivka Vann, Mr. Avi and Mrs. Elana Feder and Rabbi Eliezer and Mrs. Rochel Horowitz on the marriage of their children, Binyomin Vann to Zahava Horowitz. (Shira Vann 8G, Miri Horowitz 4G). Dr. Melissa Steinberg and Dr. David Steinberg on the marriage of their daughter, Michal to Ely Lenik. (Sarah 8G). Refuah Shleimah To: • • 6 Mrs. Annette Freedman (4G Assistant). Ms. Shana Reichman (Nursery Assistant). NEW YBH HEALTH POLICY Due to concerns regarding the flu virus, YBH will be following these guidelines: ⇒ Any child with a temperature of 99.5° or greater, accompanied by a cough, a sore throat, a runny or stuffy nose, body aches, a headache, chills, fatigue, diarrhea or vomiting, will be sent home from school. ⇒ Any child will a temperature of 100° or greater, without other symptoms, will be sent home from school. ⇒ A child must be fever-free for a full 24 hours without the use of fever reducer medication (acetaminophen, Tylenol, ibuprophin, Motrin, Advil) in order to return to school. We look forward to a healthy and successful year. Attention: ECD Parents If you wrote out a check to receive a key card and haven’t picked it up yet, stop by Gwen Persin’s desk in the office to retrieve it and make sure to sign for it. 7