Annual Report - American India Foundation
Annual Report - American India Foundation
catalyze. bridge. change. { American India Foundation • Annual Report 2008 - 2009 { { American India Foundation - 1 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } CoverPhoto: Students at a seasonal hostel learning to read. Lokadrusti, Orissa. { American India Foundation - 2 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } Inside Cover: { American India Foundation - 3 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } Preparing plastic bags for recycle and reuse. Conserve International, Delhi. catalyze Accelerating social and economic change through strategic investments and partnerships. bridge Connecting the resources of caring Americans to marginalized communities in India to improve their access to education, livelihood and health. change Transforming communities through improving individual lives and creating structures to sustain these changes. Clinton Fellow Natassia Rozario at a community health clinic. SAATH, Gujarat. { American India Foundation - 4 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } { American India Foundation - 5 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } Table of Contents Mission & Vision 2 From our Honorary Chair 4 From our Board 6 From our CEO 7 Snapshot of AIF 9 AIF Presence in India 10 Education 11 Digital Equalizer 15 Livelihood 21 Public Health 25 Clinton Fellowship for Service in India 29 Outreach and Engagement 33 Partnerships 35 Financials 39 AIF People 43 Donors 49 All Photographs ©Prashant Panjiar and Harish Tyagi Azad Oommen, Nidhi Raj Kapoor, Nicole Patel and Chand Nirankari wrote, edited and designed this Annual Report Seasonal hostel students raise awareness of the educational needs of the community. Lokadrusti, Orissa. { American India Foundation - 6 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } { American India Foundation - 7 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } Mission & Vision MISSION: The American India Foundation is dedicated to catalyzing social and economic change in India. VISION: To contribute to building an India where all people can gain access to education, health care and livelihood opportunities, and where all Indians can realize their full potential. To build a trusted bridge between the dreams and aspirations of individuals who care about India and their realization. To provide a secure channel for philanthropic funding from the United States and its effective investment in the best Indian non-governmental organizations that have innovative and scalable projects. To build a professional organization that is secular, transparent, credible and accountable for all its activities. Geeta Devi and Ladi Devi monitor milk quality at the Maitree dairy collective. Srijan, Rajasthan. { American India Foundation - 8 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } { American India Foundation - 2 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } From our Honorary Chair Dear Friend: Two thousand eight was a profoundly significant year for both the United States and India. Both countries had important national elections; both shared in the burden of the global economic downturn; and both countries, in a year full of change, continued to serve as a beacon of stability and hope for the world through a deep commitment to democracy. I am honored that AIF chose to rename its Service Corps Fellowship the William J. Clinton Fellowship for Service in India. This program has always been especially meaningful to me, as it blends my passion for India with my belief in citizen service. The 200 alumni of the program are shining examples of how we all have the ability to make a difference. Of course, sustaining and strengthening a democracy requires a great deal of resolve and hard work. Events like the tragic Mumbai terrorist attacks can test, but also strengthen, our commitment to the values on which this system of government stands. Increasing access to quality education, adequate health care, and secure livelihoods for the poorest citizens is also vital to any democracy’s future. Not everyone is able to spend a year of service in India, but I urge you to think of ways in which you can serve in your own way. We sill have a long path ahead and need every step to move us closer to our goal of an educated, healthy, and prosperous India. AIF plays an ever-important role in bringing together Americans and Indians to become active contributors to India’s development. By supporting the AIF bridge, you are not only helping AIF remain a bastion of opportunity for the country’s poor, but also helping its democracy to thrive and flourish. Sincerely, William Jefferson Clinton President Bill Clinton with Clinton Fellowship alumni, members of the 2009-10 class, and Sridar Iyengar, co-chair of the Fellowship Advisory Council. { American India Foundation - 3 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } { American India Foundation - 4 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } From our Board Dear Friend: AIF continues its evolution from its infancy into a mature organization. During the last year, AIF has sharpened its focus and is now concentrating on signature programs that have already demonstrated results across India. In its first few years, AIF explored many paths and program areas in which we felt we could make a difference. As a venture philanthropist, we supported a number of NGOs within the three fields of education, livelihoods and public health. Many of these partners have established themselves as leaders in the civil society space. Along the way, we also exited those programs in which we found a limited ability to make an impact. At this juncture in our journey, it was important to take stock of our learnings, and set the stage for our next phase of growth. As we move forward, we will direct most of our resources to five signature programs, which are our most successful and unique ones. Through the implementation of these programs and proper monitoring and evaluation of them we feel we can consolidate the results and lessons learned, scale our programs more effectively, improve quality, and measure our success. The five signature programs we will focus on in the immediate future are: 1. Learning and Migration Program (LAMP) 2. Digital Equalizer (DE) 3. Market Aligned Skills Training (MAST) 4. Rickshaw Sangh 5. William J Clinton Fellowship for Service in India (formerly Service Corps) In practical terms, AIF’s signature programs share the following characteristics: • Defined goal and target beneficiaries • Implementation in multiple geographies with multiple partners • Common core program approach with contextual variations in strategy • Common impact tracking and measurement systems • Culture of learning and sharing experiences among partners • Common advocacy among partners Indeed, if we are not taking risks and looking at new areas, we will be doing a disservice to the spirit of entrepreneurship on which AIF was founded. We will therefore, continue to innovate and devote a portion of our resources to new program areas, but with a more focused approach to meeting our larger goals. We know that the economic environment in this past year has been tough for many of our supporters. As an organization, we are attempting to bridge the gap between scarcer resources on the donor side and an increased need for our programs among marginalized people in India. We are doing this by being innovative in our thinking, nimble in our responsiveness, and responsible in our stewardship. We appreciate the trust you place in us with your philanthropic resources – the results of which are shared with you in this annual report. More than ever, we need your continued support and we encourage you to becoming even more involved in this shared journey of ours. Sincerely, Rajat Gupta Victor Menezes AIF Co-Chairs Lata Krishnan Pradeep Kashyap AIF Vice-Chairs Children playing at a care home for HIV orphans. CHES, Chennai. { American India Foundation - 5 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } { American India Foundation - 6 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } From our CEO Dear Friend, As I write this letter, the world continues to be hit hard by the economic recession. India’s growth rate has slowed considerably. Although on paper these numbers seem small and it is easy to overlook percentages, in real lives, these changes can have profoundly destructive effects. Our challenge over the past year has been how to deal with an increased need for our programs, while balancing the decline in philanthropic giving. We have used the opportunity of the past year to streamline our programs and focus on our most effective programs. Within each of these signature programs, we have evaluated, innovated and developed new ideas and partnerships to demonstrate successful ways of implementing scalable solutions. The salient accomplishments in our signature programs are highlighted below: Learning and Migration Program (LAMP): Working with seven NGOs in Gujarat, Orissa, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Bihar, we educated over 30,000 children through seasonal hostels and site schools. Moving forward, we will saturate coverage of all children in 200 migration-prone villages, introduce a major quality of learning initiative in the program, and extend the education provided in the program to 10th grade. Digital Equalizer: Last year, 300,000 students and 16,000 teachers participated in the DE program. For many of these children it was their first exposure to computers and the world of the Internet, and this exposure greatly enriched their learning experience. We introduced quality enhancing measures in the program by focusing on improving pedagogical techniques used by the teachers. Moving forward, we are excited to have an increased partnership with the government of Punjab, and a significant partnership with the Dell Foundation for the program’s expansion in Delhi and Karnataka. Market Aligned Skills Training (MAST): We trained 29,000 unemployed urban youth for employment in high-growth industries and achieved a placement rate of 71% percent. We are expanding our geographical spread through programs in Rajasthan, West Bengal and Punjab. In the coming year, we are improving the quality of the program through introducing system-wide curriculum standards as well as accelerating our efforts to advocate for more government involvement. Rickshaw Sangh: We enabled 4,000 rickshaw drivers to become owners of their rickshaws, either individually or collectively, through our partnerships with commercial banks and NGOs in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Assam. We entered into a partnership with Punjab National Bank, India’s third largest bank, with the goal of creat- ing 100,000 rickshaw owners. Moving forward, over the next three years we intend to facilitate relationships between commercial banks and rickshaw pullers through our NGO partners that will enable 25,000 rickshaw owners in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. Clinton Fellowship: We were delighted to rename the Service Corps Fellowship for President Bill Clinton to honor his commitment to citizen service and India. With the 2009-10 group of Fellows, we will have sent over 200 Fellows to India. The 2008-09 group of Fellows consisted of 22 Fellows who worked with 19 different NGOs. The Fellowship continues to gain in popularity, with over 275 applicants for the 2009-10 class, from which we selected 19 Fellows. In the United States, we were excited that the Washington, DC and Seattle chapters hosted their first fundraisers in 2008. We now have eight cities in which we are hosting annual fundraisers. The efforts of our junior chapters and young professional groups are especially heartening, as they represent a new generation of people caring for India. All these efforts resulted in our raising nearly $8.5 million for the year. We know that this past year has been especially tough for many, and we are deeply appreciative that you have recognized the need to continue supporting AIF. Our ability to continue being a catalyst for social and economic change in India is based on the tremendous support we receive from you. In my first year as CEO, I have had the opportunity to travel around the India and the US, meeting both donors and beneficiaries. Although these two worlds are so far apart, I have been struck by the common generosity of spirit that exists in both, and this gives me hope and inspiration for AIF’s work. With sincere thanks for your support, Dr. Sanjay Sinho Chief Executive Officer Radha Gupta, a graduate of the Digital Equalizer program, now teaches other children in her village how to use compters. Dappar village, Punjab. { American India Foundation - 7 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } { American India Foundation - 8 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } AIF presence in India Snapshot of AIF PROGRAM AREAS SIGNATURE PROGRAMS EDUCATION: Universalizing elementary education and increasing access to higher education LAMP: Educating children in migrationprone areas LIVELIHOOD: Increasing income security and options for workers in the informal sector DE - Rajasthan 84 Schools DIGITAL EQUALIZER: Incorporating technology into education to prepare students for the 21st century workforce MAST: Skills training for unemployed youth in high-growth job sectors RICKSHAW SANGH: Enabling rickshaw pullers to own their vehicles DE - Uttaranchal (2 Graduated Schools) DE - Punjab 600 Schools PUBLIC HEALTH: Improving maternal and child health DE - Haryana 6 Schools DE - Delhi 18 Schools (3 Graduated) DE - Uttar Pradesh 13 Schools (5 Graduated) CLINTON FELLOWSHIP: Young American professionals serving with Indian NGOs to build their capacity DE - West Bengal (25 Graduated Schools) PILOT PROGRAMS URBAN EDUCATION: Providing access to quality education for urban children SWACCH: Creating workerowned waste management businesses MAITREE DAIRY: Women-run dairy collective in arid areas MATERNAL & CHILD HEALTH: Promoting and protecting health of women and children DE - Gujarat (16 Graduated Schools) DE - Orissa 156 Schools DE - Maharashtra (18 Graduated Schools) DE - Andhra Pradesh 112 Schools (26 Graduated) DE - Karnataka 259 Schools (22 Graduated) OPERATIONAL APPROACHES INVESTING IN NGOs to develop and scale innovative models of change DEVELOPING LEADERS and social entrepreneurs to lead change movements ADVOCATING WITH THE GOVERNMENT to create and implement effective policies DE - Tamil Nadu 161 Schools (7 Graduated Schools) PARTNERING WITH DONORS to maximize philanthropic investment DE - Kerala (10 Graduated Schools) { American India Foundation - 9 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } { American India Foundation - 10 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } Education Partners Livelihood Partners Public Health Partners Clinton Fellowship Partners Digital Equalizer Centers Relief Partners Education - Overview { has a bigger impact “Education on the lives of people than absolutely anything else.“ - Prof. Amartya Sen, Nobel Laureate and AIF Advisory Board Chair • India ranks 127 out of 177 countries in the education index of the United Nations Development Programme 2007-08 Human Development Report. • In a 2007 National Council for Education Research and Training study, less than half the children at the 5th grade level were able to comprehend at a grade appropriate level. AIF’s education programs focus on increasing access to education for children who are not currently in school and improving the quality of education provided in schools. The programs are aligned with India’s constitutional responsibility to provide an education for all children up to the age of 14. { 1. Learning And Migration Program – educating the children of distress seasonal migrant workers 2. Digital Equalizer – incorporating digital technology into educational curricula In addition, AIF has partnered with organizations that are focusing on improving education in the slums of urban India. These programs focus on educating children who are part of the rapidly increasing rural-to-urban migration that is creating an additional strain on the education infrastructure. For instance, Bodh Shiksha Samiti, a Jaipur-based NGO partner, has built the capacity of Nidan, a Patna-based NGO, through a three-year quality of learning project. AIF has two signature programs in the field of education: Soomi (R), teacher, tutors students at a bridge program to catch them up to their grade level. Cohesion Foundation Trust, Gujarat. { American India Foundation - 11 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } { American India Foundation - 12 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } Education - LAMP Change: Gundhar Maji.. It is a quiet early evening and the unbearable heat of Orissa’s scorched summer land has just broken. The world that slept off the afternoon heat is slow to awaken - the only audible sounds are those of a small group of children, up early from their nap, learning to count. Gundhar Maji, 8 years old, had been traveling to the brick kilns in Andhra Pradesh with his parents every year after completing only the first grade. In October, Gundhar hid from his parents on the day they were meant to depart for the brick kilns. After looking all night for their son, Gundhar’s parents, delayed in their migration and fearful of punishment from the local contractor, called off the search. Once Gundhar was certain his parents had departed, he showed up at the Khaira Residential Care Centre – with only the clothes on his back. He, too, wanted to attend school. Gundhar’s teacher, Arif Baig, comments, “Gundhar is among the brightest students we have. He understands things right away and benefited quickly from this year’s pilot quality teaching program. He quickly surpassed first grade learning levels and achieved third grade competency.” Gundhar is a first generation learner, trumping all odds and earning a place among the literate. Arif expects that when Gundhar reunites with his family, “they will be relieved if not proud to learn of their crafty child’s competency.” { American India Foundation - 13 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } From its beginnings of educating 800 children in Maharashtra in 2003, LAMP has today grown to cover more than 30,000 children in Maharashtra, Gujarat, Orissa and Andhra Pradesh. AIF and its partners continue to evolve LAMP to best address the needs of the community. An external qualitative evaluation of the program conducted last year provided guidance for new directions in the program. The coming year will see three major changes in LAMP: 1. Saturation of education coverage in villages: While LAMP has traditionally focused on children whose parents are migrating, children whose parents do not migrate also share the same poor education facilities. In order to maximize the productivity of their facilities, LAMP partners will saturate coverage in 200 migration-prone villages by extending educational activities to all children and improving the educational quality in these villages. Further, AIF will extend the program beyond Grade 7 to cover children up to Grade 10, so that all children in these villages will have access to a high school education and parents will have an incentive to keep children in school, knowing they can complete high school. 2. Focus on quality of education: As part of an initiative to improve the quality of education in LAMP, five partners selected five seasonal hostels each to work on improving language and math competency of 500 children. 60% of the children were in first and second grade, while the remaining were in third to seventh grade. The goal of the training was to get all the students to understand mathematics and language at a first or second grade level within three months. Within three months, nearly all third to seventh graders had achieved first and second grade mathematics and language competency. Similar quality initiatives will be rolled out across all LAMP schools in the coming years to ensure that children are learning effectively. { American India Foundation - 14 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } 3. Focus on seasonal hostels: Initially, there were two primary models within LAMP – site schools for children who were migrating with their parents and seasonal hostels where children could stay at home while their parents migrated. Based on AIF’s experience over the past couple of years, seasonal hostels are a more effective way of keeping children in school and learning. Therefore, the LAMP model will gradually evolve into one where partners that are operating site schools will also focus on the seasonal hostel model. Digital Equalizer - Overview { the twin objectives of growth with eq“Touity,meet knowledge cannot be the prerogative of a few; everyone in the society must have access to knowledge and become a knowledge worker. “ - R.A. Mashelkar, Chair, National Innovation Foundation and AIF India Advisory Council Member • Less than 10 percent of the population in India has access to the Internet. • Only 13 percent of schools in India offer computer access to their students. With such limited exposure to technology, the divide between students prepared for the 21st century workforce, and those not, grows each year. Digital Equalizer (DE) is a technology-enabled learning program that bridges the education and digital divide in India by preparing students to compete in the digital economy. Targeting children in Grade 6 and higher, AIF provides on-site support to a DE school for three years and prepares the school for complete self-sufficiency after that period. Students become proficient at using technology in their regular curriculum and develop skills to be competitive in the workforce. { A core focus of DE is on preparing teachers to reshape their pedagogy. DE teachers engage students with interactive and collaborative learning that integrates technology and the internet into the curriculum. Focus on Quality and Delivery The DE program enhanced the quality of its curriculum and improved its service delivery over the past year. With a focus on innovation, partnership and systemic intervention, AIF added substantial value to the DE experience. In Tamil Nadu, AIF partnered with EZ Vidya, a learning solutions provider, to identify specific pedagogical improvements and train the DE team in these models. In Punjab, AIF began its partnership with the state government by assessing the quality of the government’s IT initiative in education. The state government subsequently increased the number of DE schools by 50 percent, from 400 to 600 schools across the state. The preliminary findings in an evaluation of the DE program in Punjab that compared DE schools with those without DE revealed that: 1. parents of students in DE schools felt their children’s learning was enhanced 2. students in DE schools were much more likely to use computers and the Internet in their education 3. teachers were utilizing computers at a much higher rate to design classroom projects DE continues to successfully collaborate with corporate partners to implement full-service centers. The Dell Foundation made a $500,000 commitment to DE to support centers in Delhi, Hyderabad and Bangalore. In addition, AIF continues its partnerships with Adobe, Applied Materials, Cognizant Foundation and a number of other companies and foundations. Students work on presentations in a DE Center. Laxmibai Nagar Government School, New Delhi. { American India Foundation - 15 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } { American India Foundation - 16 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } Digital Equalizer Change: Kulvinder Kaur Kulvinder Kaur’s talents are corroborated by the 10 trophies she won for ranking first in her school examinations and debate competitions. Currently enrolled in GCG College, Chandigarh, an affiliate of Panjab University, Kulvinder’s achievements would come as a surprise to most. The daughter of a school clerk and an illiterate mother, Kulvinder is the only person in her family and among close relatives to pursue a college education. Kulvinder’s father, who works at the DE school she attended, explains that his daughter “began to develop more interest in computers and often talked about computers after getting involved with the DE program.” He continues, “Computer education seems like an easy and interesting way of learning. We have not studied up to a good level and, therefore, I feel a gap between school teachers and myself. I cannot help my daughter study like some parents. It is good news that the computer can contribute where I cannot.” Kulvinder will complete her degree in 2012 and aspires to become a teacher. She says, “If taught through computers or project-based learning then students show greater interest in studies, like I did. I love computer labs more than the structured classroom and that is also a reason I want to teach.” One of Kulvinder’s DE teachers remembers that she “was a quick learner and always focused on her work, showing particularly great interest in project-based learning and computer education. She will surpass us as a teacher, I am certain.” { American India Foundation - 17 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } { American India Foundation - 18 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } Livelihood - Overview { livelihoods-focused community “Building institutions and helping them access the market has the potential to significantly reduce poverty in India. “ - Ved Arya, CEO, Srijan India, AIF Partner 93 percent of India’s working population is employed in the informal economy. These are workers without contractual employment or social security benefits. From the mid-1990s to now, the number of workers in the informal sector has risen but their wage growth rate has slowed. Therefore, more people in India have entered a declining sector with no livelihood security. These workers need access to skills, capital, technology, and legal rights to gain livelihood security. AIF’s livelihood programs focus on increasing security of income, access to financial services and improving employability of workers. { Skills training in high-growth jobs for urban unemployed youth based on local need. 2. Rickshaw Sangh: Enabling cycle rickshaw drivers to access credit to become owners of their vehicles. AIF also works on two pilot programs: 1. Swacch – Organizing waste workers into business collectives to formalize their employment and bring dignity to their work. 2. Maitree Dairy – Bringing best practices and market linkages to dairy businesses run by rural women. AIF’s two signature livelihood programs are: 1. Market Aligned Skills Training (MAST): Rickshaw drivers in their ergonomic vehicles await fares. SammaaN Foundation, Bihar. { American India Foundation - 19 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } { American India Foundation - 20 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } Livelihood - MAST Change: Nasreen & Sufrina Nasreen and Sufrina are the only bread winners in their household. The sisters, 18 and 19 years old respectively, provide for seven siblings as their father lost his job after two heart attacks. After investing Rs 500 ($10) each to pay for the vocational training course, the sisters now earn Rs 2,300 ($46) each working at Pantaloons, a national retail store. While both have only graduated 10th grade, Sufrina explains that securing a job and completing a structured course “inspired us to study further. We want to be eligible for other jobs too and are working on advancing our studies because there are jobs available in many places.” Sufrina comments on the training, “The most important thing I learned was how to deal with people. I am comfortable smiling with customers and people I used to not really look at outside. It makes a difference, work is a happy time.” Both girls give most of their monthly paycheck to their family while saving some for their little sisters’ upbringing and education as well as their own. { American India Foundation - 21 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } India is experiencing two significant demographic transitions – its population under the age of 25 is growing rapidly relative to its aging population and its population is rapidly urbanizing. Therefore, the economic productivity of urban youth is going to be critical for India’s future economic growth. Equipped with the right skills and access to markets, they can be powerful engines of the economy. Left on the margins due to poor education and lack of capital, they can be a source of discontent and unrest and a drain on the economy. Through its MAST program, AIF is training unemployed youth with a 10th grade education for employment in high-growth sectors of the economy. MAST begins with a systematic assessment to identify industries that have a shortage of skilled workers. Skills training curricula are then developed to train young people for jobs in these industries. Beginning with a partnership with Dr. Reddy’s Foundation in Andhra Pradesh in 2003, the program has expanded to Gujarat, Jharkhand, Chattisgarh and West Bengal. 29,000 youth have been trained with an average job placement rate of 71 percent. MAST’s goal is to train 100,000 youth across India within the next five years. In the coming year, AIF has plans to expand its programs in Gujarat, Jharkhand, Chattisgarh, Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu and implement a new program in Punjab in partnership with the Dream and Beauty Charitable Trust. AIF is also venturing into rural areas through a collaborative relationship with Anudip Foundation in West Bengal for training youth in the Sunderbans in cutting-edge IT skills. This training will enable them to seek employment in the formal sector and also impart entrepreneurial skills to assist them in starting new businesses. { American India Foundation - 22 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } AIF is also implementing two other initiatives to strengthen MAST: 1. A standardized curriculum development process with quality standards that will be implemented across the various program sites. 2. A common advocacy platform with other civil society organizations that are working in the space of vocational training to engage with the government for effective implementation of the National Skill Development Mission. Livelihood - Rickshaw Sangh Change: Mouzam Ali “Rickshaw pulling was not my first job choice when I moved to Lucknow. It was my only choice.” For 10 years, Mouzam Ali suffered his share of hardships driving a rented cycle rickshaw. Last year, however, he says “I became the first borrower of the Lucknow Rickshaw Sangh and will finish paying for my rickshaw in a few months. Driving a rickshaw is difficult but when the vehicle is your own, you do not feel bitter.” Mouzam says, “The authorities used to beat us – and never faced a penalty for this behavior. But I have never been abused since joining Rickshaw Sangh as the police see that an organization is looking after me. Also, passengers trust us and actually pay our reasonable charges without dispute.” Mouzam saves approximately Rs 500 ($10) a month. He and his wife together earn additional income stitching uniforms for new Rickshaw Sangh members. Mouzam has also motivated 20 other rickshaw pullers to finance their vehicles. { American India Foundation - 23 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } Cycle rickshaws are a primary form of public transit in many smaller cities across India. There are an estimated 8 million cycle rickshaws across the country. Since driving a cycle rickshaw is a lowskill job, it is often a job of choice for recent migrants into the city and for those with little or no education. Typically, the industry is controlled by rickshaw owners who rent out the vehicles to drivers at exorbitant fees, while providing no benefits like vehicle insurance or medical coverage. AIF’s Rickshaw Sangh program aims to change the paradigm in the industry by enabling rickshaw drivers to own their vehicles and bring them into the formal financial system. In the Rickshaw Sangh, AIF’s NGO partners create self-help groups of rickshaw drivers, who access loans from commercial banks with AIF standing as the financial guarantor for the repayment of the loans. In addition to the financial as- pect, rickshaw drivers also get access to ergonomically designed rickshaws, uniforms and insurance benefits. Because many of the rickshaw drivers are recent migrants, their presence in the city is often intermittent, as they go back to their villages during crop sowing and harvesting seasons. Recognizing this, SammaaN Foundation in Bihar, is experimenting with a modified approach, where once the drivers own the rickshaw, they lease it back to the organization. In this way, when the owners go back to their villages they still get some revenue from their rickshaw, and while they are gone, the rickshaws are rented to other drivers. SammaaN Foundation also aggregates the rickshaws to sell advertising space and other services. The revenue generated from this innovation is then shared with the rickshaw owners. Currently, AIF has a presence in Uttar Pradesh, Assam, Bihar and Uttarkhand through its Rickshaw Sangh. AIF has already enabled 4,000 rickshaw drivers to { American India Foundation - 24 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } own their rickshaws and intends to expand this number to 25,000 in the next three years with the addition of three new partner organizations. Public Health - Overview { cannot expect to solve India’s “One health problems by focusing on curative interventions alone. India must focus on preventative and promotive healthcare. - Rajat Gupta, Chair, Public Health Foundation of India and Co-Chair, AIF “ { India accounts for: • 20% of the world’s maternal deaths, with a woman dying every five minutes. • 20% of deaths worldwide of children under the age of five. Consequently, AIF has expanded its public health program to focus on reducing maternal and child morbidity and mortality in addition to its earlier work on care and prevention of people affected by HIV and AIDS. The findings of the last National Family Health Survey in India identified maternal and child health as a critical area for the health sector, and underlined the need for immediate and large-scale interventions. Over the last year, AIF aligned its Public Health strategy to match national priorities. Within the broad space of maternal and child health, AIF is planning to implement programs that: • build health literacy & capacity • promote government maternity benefits schemes • increase access to basic care during pregnancy, skilled care at the time of birth and quality emergency obstetric care • provide home-based newborn care • promote basic curative services for major childhood killers With the Prime Minister of India terming the child mortality situation in the country as “a national shame”, the health machinery has recast national health priorities to focus on maternal and child health. Attendees at a community meeting to raise awareness of HIV and AIDS. YRG Care, Andhra Pradesh. { American India Foundation - 25 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } { American India Foundation - 26 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } Public Health - Programs Change: Bhagylaxmi Bhagyalaxmi, 38 years old, is a caretaker at the CHES home for HIV infected/affected orphans in Chennai. The home is one of the few residential facilities providing care and support to infected children in the city. Along with her 12-year old daughter, she has lived at the care home since 2000. Valavan, Program Manager for CHES says, “Finding a caretaker was difficult so we decided to hire a destitute woman who had been widowed.” Bhagyalaxmi was brought by her sister to the CHES home because her in-laws rejected her after her husband died from AIDS. Valavan says, “Bhagyalaxmi has seen many deaths here but her loving spirit is not broken. She tirelessly provides palliative care to the many children here who affectionately call her ‘mother.’” With her income, Bhagyalaxmi sends her daughter to a boarding school during the school year. Bhagyalaxmi also sends part of her salary at CHES to her in-laws who value her more now and say they will care for her daughter when she passes away. While Bhagyalaxmi’s daughter is not HIV-positive, Valavan notes that “she already has understanding of stigma and will be able to articulate it better as she grows up as a loving daughter of a HIV-positive mother. We hope these young people will make the biggest changes in society.” { American India Foundation - 27 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } AIF’s primary focus is on reducing maternal and child morbidity/mortality with an emphasis on newborn mortality. AIF has made the following investments in the past year: • A four-year program with the Urban Health Resource Center to improve the maternal and child health of 60,000 slum dwellers in Delhi. • A partnership with the Public Health Foundation of India focusing on migrants’ health through research, evaluation & impact assessment, health communications, and advocacy. will be deployed to provide care and support for orphan and vulnerable children in three states with high prevalence of HIV and AIDS. AIF will also provide nutrition, shelter and education to children of migrating brick kiln workers in the migration-prone district of Nuapada in Orissa. • CHES runs a care home for children affected & orphaned by HIV and AIDS in Tamil Nadu. • Ideosync Media Combine reached out to 1,350,000 people in 117 villages of Uttarakhand and 15 sites in Delhi and Mumbai with prevention, care, support and treatment-related messages aired on All India Radio targeting migratory populations. • Samraksha is building capacity for HIV and AIDS counseling and care in two districts of Karnataka. AIF will continue to work on expanding overall public health responsiveness and access to HIV and AIDS services for impoverished and marginalized groups, while providing care & support for HIV and AIDS orphans. • Breakthrough’s multi-media campaign reached 2.5 million people in five districts of Uttar Pradesh and Karnataka to enhance understanding of women’s vulnerability to HIV and AIDS and the effects of domestic violence. AIF’s work in this area include the following projects: • YRG-Care provided care, treatment and support services to vulnerable communities in southern Andhra Pradesh, and started a community care center in the area. • Funds leveraged from our relationship with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation { American India Foundation - 28 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } • LEPRA strengthens support groups to reduce stigma and provides livelihood support to infected and affected persons in Andhra Pradesh . Clinton Fellowship for Service in India { have seen the great power this “Igeneration of young people holds to make a difference in the lives of others. “ - President Bill Clinton, Honorary Chair, AIF { An integral aspect of the bridge between the United States and India is people-to-people connections that strengthen political, economic and cultural ties. Yet, there are few formal opportunities for Americans to experience India and learn about it first-hand. Since 2001, 223 Fellows have worked with 104 Indian NGOs. The diverse group of Fellows and alumni are united in their desire to serve India and contribute their skills and energy to achieving social and economic change. AIF offers young Americans the chance to serve with Indian NGOs through a signature service program. Originally known as the Service Corps Fellowship, the program was renamed the William J. Clinton Fellowship for Service in India to honor President Clinton’s commitment to India and citizen service. The Fellows are selected through a highly competitive application process and work on projects that enhance the ability of their NGOs to serve the needs of their communities. The ethos of the Fellowship is to enable the NGO to continue the project following the completion of the Fellow’s service. The Clinton Fellowship is an exchange of technical skills and intellectual resources that aims to build the capacity of Indian NGOs while developing American leaders with a deep understanding of, and continued commitment to, India. Clinton Fellow Kirsten Anderson conducts a spoken English class for staff at her host organization. AID India, Tamil Nadu. { American India Foundation - 29 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } { American India Foundation - 30 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } Clinton Fellowship - 2008-09 Highlights Change: Rick Desai “What began as an exploration of India’s development through a book-ended 10 month experience has developed into much more,” explains Rick Desai, a 2008-09 Clinton Fellow. Rick joined the Clinton Fellowship after four years of work in the private sector. He says, “Almost every company we advised or invested in identified India as a growth area. The rise of microfinance and more broadly, market-based development, became a tangible bridge for finance nerds like me to connect to development.” Rick worked at SAATH in Ahmedabad on their market-led skills training program for disadvantaged youth. Rick helped create the Livelihood Resource Center, a “cyber café” platform for program graduates to receive counseling, refine their computer skills and search for new jobs in exchange for a nominal fee which guaranteed quality and accountability. To ensure the project’s sustainability, Rick piloted a hiring model that placed experienced, trained and capable youth at companies for a hiring fee. As the center increased its enrollment, Rick initiated new programs such as an e-pen pal service, an alumni network and a flexible database that helps match students’ skills with employers’ needs so that youth from slums not only sustain their livelihoods, but advance them. Rick says, “I’ve learned that to reach your goals, you cannot worry about who gets credit. I’ve learned commitment to development cannot be 10 months or 2 years, it needs to be lifelong. This experience has allowed me to glimpse a reality with a more hopeful and sustainable future for the urban poor.” { American India Foundation - 31 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } The 2008-09 Class of Clinton Fellows comprised 22 Fellows who served with 20 NGOs around the country. The class had the following characteristics: • 66 percent were women • 50 percent were not of Indian origin • 86 percent had full-time work experience • 30 percent had a graduate degree • 55 percent had worked internationally Some of the highlights and achievements of their work around the country include: 1. Authored a research report on gender sensitivity in HIV and AIDS policies and treatment across the country. 2. Founded an export-oriented crafts business to create livelihood opportunities for dalits in Gujarat. 3. Conducted a health assessment of Juhapura, a large Muslim-majority slum in Ahmedabad. 4. Launched a financial and vocational training school for rural low-income women in Maharashtra. 5. Designed a career counseling and soft employment skills modules for vocational training center in Maharashtra. 6. Implemented a phonics-based reading program across eight districts of Tamil Nadu. 7. Launched two livelihood resource centers catering to disadvantaged youth at Ahmedabad, Gujarat. 8. Developed an online leadership training course for women aspiring to enter Indian politics. Clinton Fellowship alumni continue to maintain strong links with India. Some examples include: • David Fuente (‘03-’04), is now working with the Center for Development Finance in Chennai. • Ajaita Shah (‘06-’07), formerly the Executive Director of the SKS Foundation, has launched a venture called Frontier Markets to provide low-cost/high quality products to communities at the bottom of the pyramid (BOP) to help improve their quality of life. • Aalap Shah (‘03-’04) has launched Mala 108, a social-entrepreneurial venture trading sustainable, handmade, eco-friendly, and organic products from around the world. { American India Foundation - 32 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } The 2009-10 Class of Fellows are serving in India from September 2009 to June 2010. The 19 Fellows will work with 17 different NGOs. Outreach & Engagement A core activity of AIF is to increase awareness of, and generate support for innovative solutions to India’s development challenges. While a majority of AIF’s outreach happens in the United States, there are a growing number of outreach activities in India as well. AIF is creating a large and diverse pool of cross-national supporters, who are volunteering their time, donating financial resources and offering their intellectual capital to catalyze change in India Chapters At the heart of AIF’s outreach around the United States are its chapters. Led by Leadership Councils consisting of community leaders, the chapters host awareness-building events and fundraising galas. In 2008-09, chapters in Seattle and Washington, DC hosted their first galas and those in the Bay Area, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles and New York repeated their galas. The chapters honored the following leaders for their commitment to India: Bay Area: Mike Splinter, CEO, Applied Materials Boston: Shivan Subramaniam, CEO, FM Global Chicago: Jim McNerney, CEO, Boeing & Company Dallas: Peter Altabef, CEO, Perot Systems Los Angeles: Dean Scarborough, CEO, Avery Dennison and Amit Kapur, COO, MySpace New York: Henry Kravis, Founding Partner, Kravis Kohlberg Roberts & Co. and Dr. Anji Reddy, Chairman, Dr. Reddy’s Labs Seattle: Shashi Tharoor, Former Undersecretary, United Nations Washington, DC: Ambassador Frank Wisner, International Affairs Advisor, Patton Boggs LLP In November 2008, AIF hosted its first Leadership Retreat for Trustees and Leadership Council members. The retreat was an opportunity for stakeholders from around the country to exchange ideas and share feedback with the AIF staff. AIF intends to host this retreat annually, and has also begun quarterly update calls for this group. Young Professionals and Junior Chapters AIF’s support from the younger generation continues to grow. Over the past year, young professional groups in the Bay Area, New York and Los Angeles held fundraisers attended by between 150 and 200 people in each city. The New York Young Professionals raised over $28,000 in the year. Over the coming year, AIF plans to launch young professional groups in each of its chapter cities. The junior chapters consisting of middle and high school students continue to demonstrate their compassion for children thousands of miles away by raising funds through dances and other events. These events were held in Chicago and Los Angeles for the second consecutive year and are becoming institutions unto themselves. This year, the Dallas chapter launched a pilot to connect children in Dallas and Delhi through DE. The six-week pilot connected 3rd graders at the Greenhill School with 6th graders at Akshay Pratishtan in Delhi, which is a graduated DE school. The 30 students used an integrated curriculum to work on a photo essay project called ‘My School.’ An integral part of the curriculum was the cross continental communication aspect, wherein the students in each location blogged and emailed to share their progress and ideas. Based on the success of this pilot, children in more chapter cities will be linked with students in the DE program. India Business Council and brought attention to the issue of rural-urban migration and solutions being implemented to address challenges faced by economically distressed migrants. At the Summit, AIF released a report “Managing the Exodus: Grounding Migration in India,” which was compiled and published in partnership with Yes Bank and the National Institute for Urban Affairs. Summits AIF’s Annual Summits in India and the US are an integral part of educating donors, policy makers and concerned citizens about the issues on which AIF works. This past year, AIF held Summits in New Delhi and New York, both focused on workers in the urban informal sector. The Summit in New York, co-hosted with New York University’s Robert Wagner School of Public Service, featured a discussion on “The Indian City: Who Counts?” with keynote addresses by Dr. Helene Gayle, President of CARE, Bill Drayton, CEO of Ashoka, and Dr. K.C. Chakraborty, Chairman of Punjab National Bank. The Summit in Delhi, entitled ““The Great Migration Wave: Is Urban India Ready?” was co-hosted by the US A worker from the Swacchdhara Waste Enterprise, an initiative featured at the Annual New York Summit. Nidan, Bihar. { American India Foundation - 33 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } { American India Foundation - 34 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } Partnerships education partners Organization Location livelihood partners cont... Date AIF Investment LAMP Purpose To educate all children up to secondary level in migration-prone areas. Cohesion Foundation Trust Kutch, Gujarat 2009 $156,807 To educate 2,500 children in migration areas for the salt pan and charcoal industry. Janarth Maharashtra and Gujarat 2007 $311,996 To educate 13,500 children of sugarcane industry workers. Lokadrusti Nuapada, Orissa 2007 $175,123 To educate 3,000 children in migration areas for the brick kiln industry. Setu Jamnagar, Rajkot and Malia, Gujarat 2009 $140,056 To educate 5,800 children in migration areas for the salt pan industry. Yusuf Meherally Center (YMC) Kutch, Gujarat 2007 $41,108 URBAN EDUCATION To educate 1,200 children of migrant fishing and minority communities. Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh 2008 $143,936 To provide education to 26,000 children of migrant brick kiln and construction workers. Bodh Shikhsa Samiti* Jaipur, Rajasthan 2007 $151,140 To provide education to 11,500 children of Jaipur slums, and provide technical assistance to Nidan. Nidan Patna, Bihar 2007 $114,157 To provide education to 2,000 children in 3 wards in Patna. livelihood partners Organization Location Arthik Anusandhan Kendra Allahabad, UP 2009 $18,142 To enable ownership for 800 rickshaw drivers. Bhartiya Microcredit Kanpur, Sitapur and Mirzapur, UP 2009 $14,000 To enable ownership for 975 rickshaw drivers. Bihar Development Trust Bhagalpur and Patna, Bihar 2009 $12,500 To enable ownership for 570 rickshaw drivers. Jan Mitra Nyas (JMN) Varanasi, UP 2009 $15,205 To enable ownership for 725 rickshaw drivers. Pani Lucknow, UP 2008 $27,985 To enable ownership for 430 rickshaw drivers. SammaaN Foundation Patna, Bihar 2008 $51,220 To enable ownership for 4,800 rickshaw drivers. SWACCH To provide quality elementary education for children in underserved poor urban areas. Andhra Pradesh - Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (AP-SSA)* To enable cycle rickshaw drivers to access commercial loans to become owners of their rickshaws and receive benefits like bank accounts and life insurance. RICKSHAW SANGH To create worker-owned solid waste management enterprises. Conserve International New Delhi 2008 $17,275 To integrate 190 waste workers into a formal enterprise. Nidan Patna, Bihar 2008 $1,042,258 To expand the Swacchdhara enterprise and generate 522 livelihoods. Partnership includes $360,000 no-interest loan. 2006 $298,910 To enhance livelihoods through women’s dairy collectives, improve market linkages, and provide microfinance, impacing 2,700 families. MAITREE Date AIF Investment MARKET ALIGNED SKILLS TRAINING (MAST) Purpose Self-Reliant Initiatives through Joint Action (SRIJAN) To train unemployed urban youth for jobs in high-growth industries. Anudip Sunderban, West Bengal 2008 $435,987 Berojgar Mahila Sewa Samiti Bhilai and Raipur, Chattisgarh 2009 $35,455 To train 825 youth. Dream and Beauty Charitable Trust Ludhiana, Punjab 2009 $43,066 Nav Bharat Jagriti Kendra Jharkhand 2009 Saath 8 Districts, Gujarat Saath Jharkhand and Chattisgarh To train 12,983 youth. Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan OTHER Movement for Alternatives and Youth Awareness (MAYA)* Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh & Bangalore, Karnataka 2008 $149,454 To replicate LaborNet for collectivizing construction workers in Hyderabad. To train 1,980 youth. Professional Assistance for Development Action (PRADAN)* Chhattisgarh and Orissa 2007 $214,762 To strengthen self-help groups of 4,200 women and enable them to build small businesses around forest products such as plates made of dried leaves. $104,733 To train 2,400 youth. $127,160 To create employment for 2,350 people through a consortium of 5 NGOs implementing NREGA. $407,225 To train 25,000 youth. Udaipur, Rajasthan 2007 2007 Society for Promotion of Wasteland Development 2009 $25,000 To provide technical expertise for expanding MAST. { American India Foundation - 35 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } * completed partnership { American India Foundation - 36 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } Partnerships emergency relief partners public health partners Organization Location Date AIF Investment Purpose Organization Location Date AIF Investment Purpose TSUNAMI MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH Urban Health Resource Center New Delhi 2008 $306,150 To create Apna Clinic in Mustafabad slum providing basic health care to 60,000 people with a focus on maternal and child health. Public Health Foundation of India Nationwide 2008 $470,000 To support development of public health education in India. HIV/AIDS Breakthrough India Uttar Pradesh & Karnataka 2007 $142,577 HIV prevention education and anti=stigma campaign among 2,500,000 people. Community Health Education Society Tamil Nadu 2007 $106,238 Care and suport for 1,000 orphans and vulnerable children. Ideosync Media Combine Uttarkhand & New Delhi 2007 $70,811 Prevention education through community radio among 100,000 migrants coming from Uttaranchal to New Delhi. Lepra Society Andhra Pradesh 2007 $77,363 Care and support for HIV-positive women and children. MAMTA Health Institute for Mother and Child Bihar and Uttar Pradesh 2006 $174,891 Preventing Mother to Child transmission of HIV/AIDS among 200,000 people. Nidan Bihar 2006 $30,000 Prevention education and training health workers to cover 5,500 people. Samraksha Karnataka 2008 $57,155 YRG-CARE Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu 2007 $211,463 To train HIV/AIDS counselors and cmomunity volunteers to counsel individuals and families. Expand HIV treatment and care to 3 new centers covering 300,000 people. CAP Foundation* Cuddalore, Tamil Nadu 2007 $115,515 To provide an Employability Training Program for 1,000 youth to access in-demand market jobs. Kudumbam* Nagapatinam District, Tamil Nadu 2007 $148,570 To promote livestock and bio input production for organic farming among 2,050 agriculture and animal husbandry dependent families. Rural Education and Action for Liberation* Villupuram District, Tamil Nadu 2007 $134,400 To create and scale-up a collective dairy enterprise for 1,000 landless and small farmers BIHAR FLOODS MAMTA* Bihar 2008 $2,000 To provide hygenic food for flood victims. SammaaN Foundation* Bihar 2008 $2,000 To provide safe drinking water facilities to flood victims. To benefit informal workers and their families affected by Mumbai attacks. MUMBAI TERROR ATTACKS Mumbai, Maharashtra 2008 $2,500 Organization Location Date AIF Investment Ashoka: Innovators for the Public Nationwide 2009 $303,925 To fund Ashoka Fellowships for Social Entrepreneurs. National Foundation for India Nationwide 2008 $10,477 To fund two journalism Fellowships to cover seasonal migration. LEARN* other partners Purpose * completed partnership { American India Foundation - 37 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } { American India Foundation - 38 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } Financials Financial Year 2008-09 Dear Friend: Fiscal Year 2008-09 started out with a bang. Thanks to the hard work of the Chicago Leadership Council, the Chicago gala on April 26, 2008 was a resounding success. This was followed by the New York gala on April 30, 2008, which set a new record in giving for AIF. However, most of our fundraising takes place in the Fall. But when Fall came around, the bottom had fallen out of the financial markets, which impacted our fundraising efforts. Despite a difficult market, our revenue and support was about $8.5 million. This reflects a decrease of about 18 percent on an annualized basis compared to FY 2007-2008. AIF derives most of its revenues from fundraising events. Yes, it was a difficult year, but thanks to your generosity, we were able to raise about $5.5 million through events alone this past year. Our events continue to be extremely successful with high attendance. Our determined and enthusiastic volunteer leadership councils worked extremely hard to make each fundraiser a success. Our Chapters were also particularly conscious in keeping costs down for these events, and thanks to all the combined efforts, we were able to keep a low overhead. We spent almost 83 percent of our revenue for programs and grants. India Foundation from its peers and demonstrates to the public it is worthy of their trust.” Given the current economic environment, we have tightened our belt even more, monitoring our overhead-related expenses closely. We have reduced the use of consultants, eliminated positions despite already being an extremely lean organization, frozen U.S. salaries for the following year, and cut the compensation of some senior staff. Our programs are doing well, and going forward we will focus more on our signature programs while leaving room for innovation. Renaming our Service Corp Fellowship as the William J. Clinton Fellowship for Service in India has also created a buzz among prospective fellows and increased the enthusiasm of our current and past fellows. We are grateful to you for your continued support. Your cumulative support of $55 million during the past eight years has enabled us to start laying the foundation for creating better opportunities for the marginalized in India. We need your support more than ever to continue with this lifechanging work. income program services contributions 81% $7,035,522 32% $3,039,206 fundraising interest income/other 13% $1,092,746 19% $1,863,970 management & general events (net) 6% $547,679 49% $4,680,886 sub-total: $8,675,947 contribution to reserves: $908,115 total: $9,584,062 Total: $9,584,062 Sincerely, We are, therefore, happy to report that AIF has once again received Charity Navigator’s 4-star rating. In their own words, “only 19% of the charities we rate have received at least 2 consecutive 4-star evaluations, indicating that American India Foundation consistently executes its mission in a fiscally responsible way, and outperforms most other charities in America. This ‘exceptional’ designation from Charity Navigator differentiates American Kris Dasgupta Chief Operating Officer { American India Foundation - 39 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } expenses { American India Foundation - 40 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } Financials - FY 2008 - 2009 Eight Year Revenue and Expenses expenses 2001 $6,566,682 $3,344,766 2002 $4,906,374 $4,857,434 2003 $3,397,630 $3,213,441 $12,000,000 2004 $5,653,276 $4,999,704 2005 $7,913,760 $6,875,704 $6,000,000 2006-07 $8,064,161 $8,134,624 $4,000,000 2008 $9,754,591 $9,782,873 liabilities $10,000,000 $8,000,000 $2,000,000 income expenses 2009 $9,584,062 $8,675,947 2009 2008 cash and equivalents $2,310,902 $702,338 investments $6,262,634 $7,808,870 receivables $406,238 $669,531 other assets $17,267 $4,135 total assets $8,997,041 $9,184,874 grants payable $2,344,737 $3,494,058 other payable $126,586 $73,213 total liabilities $2,471,323 $3,567,271 unrestricted net assets $1,909,906 $517,788 temporarily restricted net assets $4,015,812 $4,499,815 permanently restricted net assets $600,000 $600,000 total net assets $6,525,718 $5,617,603 total liabilities and net assets $8,997,041 $9,184,874 graph assets income 2001 2002 2003 2004 { American India Foundation - 41 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } 2005 2006-07 2008 2009 net assets financial year Financial Year 2008-09 Balance Sheet { American India Foundation - 42 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } AIF People Council of Trustees Ambassador Frank G. Wisner, International Affairs Advisor, Patton Boggs LLP Hon. William J. Clinton (Honorary Chair), 42nd President of the United States of America Mr. Arjun Aggarwal, Managing Director, Healthscape Advisors, and Mrs. Anuradha Aggarwal Mr. Ravi Akhoury, Akhoury Foundation, and Mrs. Ginny Akhoury Applied Materials, Inc. Mrs. Rani Bahadur, Michigan-based Philanthropist, and Mr. B N Bahadur Mr. Vimal Bahuguna, President, Drona Group LLC, and Dr. Bulbul Bahuguna Mr. Raj Bhatia, Senior Vice President, Merrill Lynch Private Banking & Investment, and Dr. Seema Bhatia Mr. Sant Chatwal, President, Hampshire Hotels & Resorts LLC, and Mrs. Daman Chatwal Mr. Navneet S. Chugh, Attorney, C.P.A. The Chugh Firm, and Mrs. Ritu Chugh Mr. Bal G. Das, Vice Chairman, Kailix Investment Advisors, and Valerie Demont Mr. Tushar Dave, Co-Founder and Managing Director, New Path Ventures, and Mrs. Reshma Dave Mr. Vinod Dham, Co-Founder and Managing Director, New Path Ventures, and Mrs. Sadhana Dham Drs. Leena and Nitin Doshi, Doshi Family Foundation Dr. Jasvir Gill, Co-Founder and CEO, Start-up Farms International, and Ms. Kaval Kaur Mr. Anil Godhwani, Founder, India Community Center, Silicon Valley, and Mrs. Jyoti Godhwani Mr. Vijay Goradia, Chairman & CEO, Vinmar International, and Mrs. Marie Goradia Mr. Rajat K. Gupta, Senior Partner Emeritus, McKinsey & Company, Inc., and Mrs. Anita Gupta Mrs. Talat Hasan, Chair, Board of Trustees, India Community Center, and Mr. Kamil Hasan Mr. Vinod Khosla, Partner, Kleiner Parkins Caufield & Byers, and Mrs. Neeru Khosla Mr. Kumar Malavalli, C0-Founder, Chairman, & Chief Strategy Officer, InMage Systems, and Mrs. Vijaya Malavalli Mr. Victor J. Menezes, Senior Advisor, New Silk Route, LLC, and Mrs. Tara Menezes Mr. Anil Monga, CEO, Victory International, and Mrs. Rajni Monga Mr. Diaz Nesamoney, President & CEO, Jivox Corporation, and Mrs. Usha Nesamoney Mr. Bhikhubhai Patel, Chairman, Tarsadia Hotels, and Mrs. Pushpa Patel Mr. Mukesh Patel, Silicon Valley Entrepreneur, and Mrs. Harsha Patel Mr. Nimish Patel, Partner, Richardson & Patel, LLP, and Mrs. Nancy Patel Mr. Vivek Paul, Partner, Texas Pacific Group, and Mrs. Nilita Paul Mr. Raj Rajaratnam, Managing General Partner, The Galleon Group, and Mrs. Asha Rajaratnam Mr. Ravi Reddy, Co-Founder and Managing Partner, Think Capital LLC, and Mrs. Pratibha Reddy Ms. Neerja Sethi, Co-Founder and Vice President, Syntel Inc. and Mr. Bharat Desai Mr. Ajay Shah, Founding Managing Director, Silver Lake Sumeru Fund, and Ms. Lata Krishnan Mrs. Anjali Sharma, Senior Philanthropy Advisor, American India Foundation, and Mr. Deven Sharma Mr. Raj Sharma, Senior Vice President & Private Wealth Advisor, Merrill Lynch Private Banking Group, and Mrs. Nalini Sharma Mr. Sanjay Subhedar, General Partner, Storm Ventures, and Mrs. Suniti Subhedar Mr. Harit Talwar, Executive Vice President, Discover Financial Services, and Mrs. Reena Talwar Mrs. Chandrika Tandon, Chairperson, Tandon Capital Associates, and Mr. Ranjan Tandon Dr. Rajendra Vattikuti, Vattikuti Ventures, and Mrs. Padmaja Vattikuti Dr. Romesh Wadhwani, CEO & Managing Partner, Symphony Technology Group, and Mrs. Kathy Wadhwani Mr. V. Prem Watsa, Chairman & CEO, Fairfax Financial Holdings, Limited, and Mrs. Nalini Watsa { American India Foundation - 43 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } Trustees Emeriti Mr. Sudesh Arora, President, Natel Engineering Co., Inc. and Mrs. Chitra Arora Dr. Naren Gupta, Vice-Chairman, Wind River Systems, and Mrs. Vinita Gupta Mr. Samuel Mathan, Chief Executive Officer, Matisse Networks, and Mrs. Shanti Mathan Dr. Kiran Patel, Chairman, Visionary Medical Systems, and Dr. Pallavi Patel Mr. Hector de J. Ruiz, Chairman & CEO, Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Board of Directors Mr. Rajat K. Gupta, (Co-Chair) Senior Partner Emeritus, McKinsey & Co. Mr. Victor Menezes, (Co-Chair) Senior Advisor, New Silk Route, LLC Ms. Lata Krishnan (Vice Chair) Mr. Pradeep Kashyap (Vice Chair) Mr. Ravi Akhoury, Akhoury Foundation Mr. Navneet Chugh, Founder, The Chugh Firm Mr. Sridar Iyengar, Partner, Bessemer Venture Partners Mr. Diaz Nesamoney, President & CEO, Jivox Corporation Mr. Ravi Reddy, Co-Founder and Managing Partner, Think Capital LLC Dr. Sanjay Sinho, CEO, American India Foundation Mr. Geoffrey Stewart, Esq., Partner, Jones, Day, Reavis & Pogue Ms. Chandrika Tandon, Chairperson, Tandon Capital Associates US Advisory Council Dr. Amartya Sen, (Chair) Lamont University Professor, Harvard University Ms. Maya Ajmera, President, Global Fund for Children Mr. Harry Barnes, Former U.S. Ambassador to India Mr. Anil Bhandari, Senior Vice President, Salomon Smith Barney Mr. Richard F. Celeste, Former U.S. Ambassador to India; President, Colorado College Dr. Lincoln Chen, Director, Global Equity Initiative, Harvard University Mr. Kamran Elahian, Chairman and Co-Founder, Global Catalyst Partners Dr. Shiban Ganju, Director, Moksha-Yug Access, Bangalore Ms. Sushmita Ghosh, Chair, Changemakers, Former President, Ashoka Mr. Kailash Joshi, Past President, TiE Silicon Valley Mr. Ramesh Kapur, President, MED-TECH Ms. Kavita Ramdas, President & CEO, Global Fund for Women Mr. Sudhakar Shenoy, Chairman & CEO, Information Management Consultants, Inc. Mr. Salil Shetty, Director, Millennium Development Goals, UNDP Mr. Ron Somers, President, U.S.-India Business Council { American India Foundation - 44 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } AIF People AIF Ambassadors Mr. Rahul Bose, Actor Mr. Deepak Chopra, Founder, The Chopra Center for Well Being Ms. Madhur Jaffrey, Author and Actress Ms. Mira Nair, Filmmaker, Mirabai Films Ms. Gloria Steinem, Author and Activist India Advisory Council Mr. K.V. Kamath, (Co-Chair) Non-Executive Chairman, ICICI Bank Limited Mr. Deepak Parekh, (Co-Chair) Chairman, HDFC Limited Dr. Isher Ahluwalia, Chairperson, Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations Mr. Ashok Alexander, Director, India Country Office, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (AIF Trust India Trustee) Mr. Nishith Desai, Head, Nishith Desai Associates (AIF Trust India Trustee) Mr. Vijay Mahajan, Founder & Chairman, Basix, a “group of livelihood promotion institutions” Dr. R. A. Mashelkar, Chair, National Innovation Foundation Mr. Sanjay Nayar, CEO and Country Head, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. (KKR), India Mr. Ranjit Pandit, Managing Director, General Atlantic Private Limited Ms. Priya Paul, Chairperson, Apeejay Surrendra Park Hotels Mr. Jerry Rao, Founder & Chairman, Value Budget Houston Corporation; earlier Founder of MphasiS Mr. Saurabh Srivastava, Chairman, CA (Computer Associates), India Mr. Rajiv Tandon, MCH, Nutrition & Urban Health Division, Office of Population, Health & Nutrition, USAID India Mr. O.P. Vaish, Founder, Vaish Associates Law Firm Mr. Adil Zainulbhai, CEO, McKinsey & Co. India Finance Committee (US) Mr. Ravi Akhoury, Akhoury Foundation Mr. Pradeep Kashyap, Vice Chair, American India Foundation Mr. Ravi Reddy, Co-Founder and Managing Partner, Think Capital LLC Mr. Raj Sharma, Senior Vice President & Private Wealth Advisor, Merrill Lynch Private Banking Group Education Advisory Council (US) Mr. Vimal Bahuguna, President, Drona Group LLC Mr. Tushar Dave, Co-Founder and Managing Director, NewPath Ventures LLC Ms. Sejal Desai, Principal, MHT Partners & CEO, SevaYatra Mr. Vinod Dham, Co-Founder and Managing Director, New Path Ventures Dr. Rafiq Dossani, Senior Research Scholar & Executive Director, South Asia Initiative, Stanford University Ms. Talat Hasan, Chair, Board of Trustees, India Community Center Ms. Lata Krishnan, Vice Chair, American India Foundation { American India Foundation - 45 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } Mr. Kumar Malavalli, C0-Founder, Chairman, & Chief Strategy Officer, InMage Systems Mr. Diaz Nesamoney, President & CEO, Jivox Corporation (Chair) Ms. Nilita Paul Livelihoods Advisory Council (US) Mr. Ravi Akhoury, Akhoury Foundation Pradeep Kashyap, Vice Chair, American India Foundation Mr. Ravi Reddy, Co-Founder and Managing Partner, Think Capital LLC Mrs. Chandrika Tandon, Chairperson, Tandon Capital Associates Education Resource Group (India) Dr. Poonam Batra, Professor, Central Institute of Education, University of Delhi Mr. Sumit Bose, Secretary, Thirteenth Finance Commission, Government of India, Formerly Joint Secretary Department of Education Mr. Dayaram, Senior Education Program Officer, Aga Khan Foundation, & former Chief Consultant, Alternate Schooling for Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Prof. R. Govinda, Head, School and the Non-Formal Education Unit, National University of Educational Planning (India) Ms. Shanti Jagannathan, Education Consultant to the European Commission and several rural and social development programs in India, Nepal and Bhutan Mr. Dhir Jhingran, Asia Pacific Director, Room to Read, previously Director of Elementary Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development Mr. Ajay S. Mehta, Executive Director and CEO, National Foundation for India, and former Chief Executive, Seva Mandir in Udaipur Mr. Ravi Srivastava, Professor of Economics & Chairperson, Center for the Study of Regional Development, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi Mr. Tom Thomas, Director, Praxis, an organization focused on participatory development Livelihoods Resource Group (India) Mr. Ajit Kanitkar, Program Officer Economic Development, Ford Foundation (India) Mr. Pradeep Kashyap, CEO, MART, specializing in rural marketing Mr. M. L. Mehta, Former Chief Secretary, Goverment of Rajasthan Mr. Brij Mohan, Former Executive Director, Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) Mr. Manish Sabharwal, Chairman and Cofounder of Teamless Services, India’s largest temporary staffing firm Mr. Kishore Singh, “International Extreme Poverty Advisor” to Urban Partnerships in Urban Poverty Reduction Program (UPPRP), UNDP Mr. Matthew Titus, Executive Director, Sa-Dhan, an association of community development finance institutions Mr. Farhad Vania, Senior Program Specialist, GTZ (German development agency) Public Health Resource Group (India) Dr. Rani Bang, Co-Founder, Society for Education, Action and Research in Community Health Dr. Lincoln Chen, Director, Global Equity Initiative, Harvard University Dr. Srinath Reddy, President, Public Health Foundation of India Ms. Asha Rajaratnam, AIF Trustee, The Galleon Group Ms. Jill Sheffield, President, Women Deliver Dr. Amita Gupta, Assitant Professor & Deputy Director, Clinton Global Health Education, Johns Hopkins University { American India Foundation - 46 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } AIF People Chapter Leadership Boston Leadership Council Amit and Reema Chandra Akshay and Shobha Dalal Ravi and Kavitha Mantha Amar and Deepika Sawhney Raj and Nalini Sharma Venkat and Pratima Srinivasan Ganesh Venkataraman and Uma Sundaram Chicago Leadership Council Anu & Arjun Aggarwal Bulbul & Vimal Bahuguna Seema & Raj Bhatia Rima & Paramjit (Romi) Chopra Nita & Mukesh Gangwal Shiban Ganju Biri & Sukhjit Gill Anjali Gurnani & Shakeel Abdul Rajita & Saurabh Narain Namrita & Ben Nelson Yamini & Rahul Pinto Rupal Raval & Ashok Vishnubhakta Lew Rosenbloom Anita & Yashpal Singh Anita & Prabha Sinha Reena & Harit Talwar Dallas Leadership Council George and Fonsa Brody Hemang and Sejal Desai Vinay and Kanika Jain Sanjay and Shalini Joshi Raj and Hema Kalyandurg Neeti Khaitan and Rajesh Gupta Adhavan and Chandra Manickam Nilesh and Chetna Naik Paul and Geetha Pandian Los Angeles Leadership Council Ashok and Chitra Amritraj Sudesh and Chitra Arora Savitur and Deepa Badhwar Sumita and Jagdeep Batra Vinod and Sudha Bhindi Hamilton and Denise Brewart Vikram and Upma Budhraja Nandini and Deepak Chopra Navneet S. and Ritu Chugh Santanu and Kelly Das H.K. and Anjana Desai Krish and Usha Dharma Pravin and Pratima Doshi Arun and Sudha Gollapudi Tania Kapoor Bhoopi and Pinky Kohli Sonny and Martha Kothari Sanjay and Harshada Kucheria Aseem and Kim Mital Pravin and Sudha Mody Hemant and Lalita Pandit Bhupesh and Kumud Parikh B.U. and Pushpa Patel Ganpat and Manju Patel Shankar and Geeta Ram K.S. and Ms. Radhakrishnan Uka and Nalini Solanki Midlands (Omaha) Leadership Council Harish and Seema Bhandula Maria Fernandez Rakesh and Kirti Gupta Aly Hasan and Samia Ahsan Tariq and Robin Khan Vasant and Prafulla Raval Mohan Mysore and Chandrika Rizal Sanjay and Vandana Singh Arvind Thapar Washington DC Leadership Council Sudhakar Shenoy Ron Somers Geoffrey Stewart Mahinder Tak Young Professional (YP) and Junior Chapter ( JC) Leaders Bay Area: Seema Mody, Aditi Jain, and Sheena Gogna (YP) Chicago: Ariana Bhatia and Ridhima Chopra (JC) Los Angeles: Tania Kapoor and Reena Mohan (YP); Aditi Ghai (JC) New York: Nitin Sacheti and Nidhi Trehan (YP) { American India Foundation - 47 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } Staff Sanjay Sinho, Chief Executive Officer (New York) Kris Dasgupta, Chief Operating Officer (New York) Tarun Vij, Country Director (India) Ethan Veneklasen, Executive Director, West Coast (California) Meenu Anand, Administration Officer (India) Nandini Ansari, Office Manager (New York) Bhuvana Bhagat, Program Manager, Public Health (New York)* Roopak Chauhan, Training Coordinator, Digital Equalizer (India) Bhawna Chawla, Program Officer, Digital Equalizer (California) Mrinalika Dhapola, State Team Leader- Punjab, Digital Equalizer (India) Priyanjana Ghosh, Program Officer, Clinton Fellowship for Service in India (India) Bhupendra Jadav, Staff Accountant (New York) Charu Johri, Grants Manager, Public Health (India) Aarti Kapoor, Program Officer, Livelihoods (India)* Swarna Kapoor, Regional Coordinator, Andhra Pradesh, Digital Equalizer (India) Nidhi Raj Kapoor, Director, Communications and Partnerships (India) Surjit Kumar, Office Assistant (India) Ann Levy, Program Officer, Clinton Fellowship for Service in India (California)* Kamini Masih, Accounts Officer (India) Ravinder K. Mishra, Senior Manager, Education (India)* Umakant Mishra, Regional Coordinator, Orissa, Digital Equalizer (India) Carmen Mundaca, Assistant Manager, Fundraising Database (New York) Chandan Nallal, Donor Relations, Digital Equalizer (India) Azad Oommen, Director, Communications (California) Luz Pacheco, Program Assistant (California) Nicole Patel, Program Officer, Communication (India)* Prabhakar, Grants Manager, Education Program (India) Lalith Prasad, State Team Leader- Karnataka, Digital Equalizer (India) Ramanand, Coordinator, Digital Equalizer, Delhi (India)* Venkatesh Raghavendra, Senior Director, Philanthropy (New York) Rajesh Rajoriya, Office Assistant (India) Payal Rajpal, Manager, Education Program (India) Hanumant Rawat, Director, Livelihoods Program (India) Jonathan Ripley, Manager, Clinton Fellowship for Service in India (India)* Smita, Director, Education Program (India) Sarika Saluja, Program Officer, Market-led Vocational Training Program, Livelihooods (India) Subrat Sarkar, State Team Leader, Orissa, Digital Equalizer (India) R. Satyanarayan, Regional Coordinator, Karnataka, Digital Equalizer (India) Gurvinder Singh, Senior Manager, Accounts & Administration (India) Vineeta Singh, Program Officer, Livelihoods (India)* Sachin Soni, Manager, Communications & Fellowship Program (India) J. Sundarakrishnan, Director of Operations, Digital Equalizer (India) Shikha Thaman. Program Manager, Livelihoods (India) Advisors DP Ahuja, Workplace Giving & Individual Giving Advisor (New York) Sital Jain, Real-Estate & Administration Advisor (New York) Ajit Kothari, Disaster Relief & Rehabilitation Advisor (New York) Manveen Koticha Development Advisor (New York) Srinavasa Murali, Livelihood & IT Advisor (New York) Anjali Sharma, Senior Philanthropy Advisor (New York) Consultants Sangeeta Chowdhry, Livelihood Consultant (New York)* Meera Devi, Coordinator, Tsunami Program (India) Sanjay Gupta, SWACHH Project, Livelihoods (India) Rema Nanda, Public Health Consultant (New York)* Chand Nirankari, Creative Services (New York) Kanu Priya, Consultant, Rickshaw Sangh (India)* Geetika Shukla, Digital Equalizer Consultant (California)* Divya Sinha, Public Health Consultant (New York)* Shankar Venkateswaran, AIF Consultant (India)* Interns and Vounteers 2008-09 Tahmina Ali Priya Patil Priya Bhandula Claire Gill Behzad Larry Mallika Raghavan Shruthi Shivabasavaiah Pro Bono Legal Services Geoffrey Stewart, Esq., Partner, Jones, Day, Reavis & Pogue (New York) *Former staff members, employed by AIF in FY 2008-09 { American India Foundation - 48 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } Donors April 1, 2008 - March 31, 2009 Leadership Circle $100,000 and above Adobe Foundation Fund Anonymous Anonymous Dell Corporation Doshi Family Foundation Inc. ESP Das Educational Foundation, Inc. General Electric Company Kazarian Family Foundation Monga, Anil K. Natasha Foundation, Inc. Nesamoney, Diaz Reliance Industries Ltd. Rockefeller Foundation Singgod Foundation Tandon Family Foundation The Applied Materials Foundation The Krishnan Shah Family Foundation The Menezes Foundation, Inc. Victory International USA Benefactor $50,000 - 99,999 Capgemini Financial Services USA, Inc. Dhar Family Fund Gill, Jasvir Gupta Family Foundation Huron Consulting Group Inc. Khosla, Vinod Malavalli, Kumar New York Life Insurance Co Rural India Supporting Trust Silicon Valley Community Foundation The Indira Foundation The Samarth Foundation Tudor Investment Corporation Tushar Reshma Dave Trust Wadhwani Foundation WPP Group USA, Inc. Patron $25,000 - 49,999 Akhoury Foundation, Inc. Anonymous Avery Dennison Corporation Basu, Radha Baxter International Inc. Bhasin, Pramod Bush, Jonathan Citigroup Denning Steven A. Flextronics International USA Harman International Industries, Inc InsCap Management, LLC Iyengar, Anita and Sridar Kamra, Deepak Katherine and Kamal Agarwal Family Foundation Khanna, Atul C. Khemka, Nand Knag, Peter Lehman Brothers Inc. Mehta, Siddharth N. Midwest Institute for Minimally Invasive Therapies, P.C. Muse Media Center New Vernon Capital LLC Nishith Desai Associates Panu Foundation QLogic Corporation Rajaratnam, Raj Richardson & Patel, LLP Saxena, Parag Sequoia Capital Silicon Valley Bank Global Spencer Family Charitable Fund Subramaniam, S. S. Syntel Inc. The Arun I & Asmita Bhatia Family Foundation The Chugh Firm Tisch, Thomas WB Sheffield Hotel NY Lessee, LLC Visionary $10,000 - 24,999 Abbott Laboratories Fund Aegis Communications Aggarwal, Anu and Arjun Akhoury, Ravi Allman, Jim Anil and Jyoti Godhwani Charitable Fund Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous AON Foundation Aramark Corporation Bahuguna, Vimal and Bulbul Bhartiya, Anu Bhatia Enterprises Bhatia, Raj and Seema Blue Lagoon Capital, LLC Brewart Hamiltion California Creative Solutions, Inc. Chellam, Kris Chopra, Romi and Reema Citi Private Bank Citizens Bank Comerica Bank Concern Worldwide Cummins, David Day Jones DBA Pagemill Partners LLC Devitre, Dinyar S. { American India Foundation - 49 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } Discover Financial Services, LLC Dow Jones/ Wall Street Journal Efroymson Family Fund, a CICF Fund Endurance Fifth Third Bank Ganju, Shiban Goldman Sachs & Co. Gunderson Dettmer Stough Villeneuve Franklin & Hachigian LLP Hasan Family Foundation Hochschild, Roger HSBC Bank USA, N.A. Hughes Network Systems, Inc. Hyatt IBM Corporation Immelt, Jeffrey R. Information Management Consultants, Inc. Insilica, Inc. Jain, Ajit Jenner & Block LLP Jivdaya Foundation Joshi Family Fund JP Morgan Kanwar and Avanti Singh Charitable Fund King & Spalding LLP Kohli, Sajal KPMG LLP Kraft Foods Global, Inc. Krishnamurthi Ashok Kvalheim, Grant Lexington Partners Inc. Lotz, Philip Mattel, Inc. Mayfield Fund McGraw-Hill Companies Mehta, Neil Menezes, Ivan Merck & Co., Inc Miller, Forrest E. Morgan Stanley & Co. Munger, Tolles and Olson, LLP Oak Hill Capital Management, L.L.C. Offereins, Michael Patel, Mukesh PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Prudential Financial Quinnox, Inc. Raj, Zainul M. Raju, Vegesna Foundation RMS Rohm and Haas Company Rosenbloom Lewis S. Rubin, Donald Saligram, Nalini R. Santhanam, Sanjay Sierra Club Sinha, Prabhakant K. SMART Modular Technologies Srinivasan, Venkat and Pratima Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. Steffens, John L. Stewart, Geoffrey S. Talwar, Harit Tata America International Group The Baupost Group, L.L.C. The Chong-Moon Lee Fund The Clinton Family Foundation The Dow Chemical Foundation The News Corporation Foundation The San Francisco Foundation The Sita Foundation Turkish Philanthropic Fund UBS AG Venkatachalam, Manjeri A. Vitton, Michael Winston & Strawn LLP Ziba, Inc. Catalyst $5,000 - 9,999 Ahuja, Tania M. Almex USA, Inc. American India Foundation Junior Chapter LA Anne C. Kubik and Michael A. Krupka Charitable Gift Fund Anonymous Baker & McKenzie LLP Bansal Foundation Batra, Parminder Bayman, Scott Bhatia, Prashant K. Bhindi, K. International BlueCross BlueShield of North Carolina Brady, Terrence R. Brody, George and Fonsa Chase Paymentech Chatwani, Robert Cisco Systmes, Inc. COACH Matching Gift Program Desnick, James H. Devabhaktuni, Sai S. Dham, Vinod Ducon Technologies Electric Power Group LLC Euro RSCG Evergreen Investments GBS Linens Inc. Gill, Biri Global Payments Inc. Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund Gupta, Anita Gupta, Ankur Habib American Bank LA Health Care Service Corporation Hellosoft, Inc. Hewitt Associates Highglow USA Corporation Hinckley, Allen & Snyder LLP Hirsch / Bedner Associates ICC Chemical Corporation Ignify Inc. Illinois Tool Works Inc. India Globalization Capital Inc. Infogix John & Editha Kapoor Charitable Foundation John Deere & Company Kalyandurg, Rajesh Kapur, Amit Kashyap, Reena and Pradeep Kayson Operating Corp. Kesavan, Sudhakar Kondepudi, Prakash V. Koshy, Kuruvilla Krishnan, Raj Malek, Kenneth J. Manickam, Adhavan and Chandra Mantha Family Fund Mathan, Samuel Maughan, Deryck C. McGilliuray Bruce McKinsey & Company Mehra, Ajit Mehta, Ashvin Merrill Lynch Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation, Inc. Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Millennium Ventures Group Mishal, Devadatt { American India Foundation - 50 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } Mullin, Sheppard Murugappan, Vijay Nagpal, Ajay National Foundation for Philanthropy Nelms, David Panadian, Paul Pandit, Lalita Pari Enterprises, Inc. Parikh, Prashant Patel, Rameshkumar B. Pepsico, Inc. Pinover, Eugene A. Prasad, Chandini Prime Healthcare Services, Inc. Quatrro Risk Management Services Radisson Lexington Hotel Raghunathan, Arvind Ram, Shankar Relsys International, Inc. Rubicon Technology Sales Force Sharma, Raj and Nalini Smith School of Business Steve Foley Cadillac Inc. Talwar, Reena and Harit Terminal Exchange Systems The Boston Consulting Group, Inc. The Dalal Charitable Trust The Desai Family Living Trust The Louis Berger Group, Inc. The Northern Trust Corporation The Oki Foundation The Sani Family Foundation, Inc. Trinus Corporation United Airlines Inc. US Chamber of Commerce Varghese, P.O. Donors Vashee, Vijaykumar Veluchamy Family Foundation Veronis Suhler Stevenson Partners LLC. Venkataraman, Ganesh and Sundaram, Uma Vinod K. Sahney and Judith Gail Sahney Charitable Foundation Vishnoi, Rohit Voltmer, Ralph Warrior, Padmasree Weinberg Family Foundation West River Capital, LLC Yohanan, M.D. Champion $1,000 - 4,999 13i Capital Corporation Achar, Chris Adelman, Larry Adhia, Ashit K. Aggrawal, Anuradha Agrawal, Eva Ahooja, Anjali Ahooja, Karan Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Apple Care Medical Management, Inc. Applied Materials, Inc. Aribindi, Veena and Ram P. Armishaw, Andrew Asico LLC Asset Management Associates, Inc. Banerjee, Siddharth Barade, Sai S. Barmecha, Rakesh Batkin, Alan R. Baxter, Behram Beam Global Wine & Spirits Berman, Neuberger Berrington, Howard Bhattarya, Amit K. Bheddah, Peter Bika, Kumud Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Birla, Sujata Biyani, Kailash H. BlackRock Financial Management, Inc. Blue Pointe Capital Management, LLC Bommakanti Chandralekha Bose, Anirban Bose, Debashish Bronfman, Edgar M. Brownstein, Neill California State University Long Beach Foundation Cambium Learning Inc. Cammack, Jon Campbell & Company, Inc. Capobianco, David N. Caruso, Todd M. Center for Asthma and Allergy CFC National Capital Area Chartres Lodging Chaudhary, Subhash Chauhan, Dijvijay Chawla, Anshu Cheever, Martin A. Chicago Children’s Choir Chirag Foundation Chiramel, Terence Chopra, Harjot S. Chopra, Sanjiv CKN Patel Cohen, Barry Comfort, William T. Cooley, Godward Kronish LLP Cooley, Thomas Cooper-Horowitz Inc. Coppins, Kenneth M. Critchlow, Paul W. Cross Atlantic Capital Partners, Inc. Culbro LLC Daruvala, Toos Das, Nithya B. Dass, Anil Datwani, Asudo D. Deb, Dipanjan Desai, Samir Deshpande, Samir M. Deutsche Bank DeWolfe, Chris Dhanda, Satish K. Dhru, Jayan U. Dickey, Kevin T. Diegueno Country School Dilip Patel & Company, LLP Dimeo Construction Company Dohadwala, Mohammed Duffy, Tom Dugan, Jack Dunn, Russell D. Dutta, Rajiv Edwards, Christine A. Edwards, Jack Elavia, Swati T. English, Edmond J. Essat, Aiman Farhat, Carmille { American India Foundation - 51 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } Ferrara, Juan F. Fierro, Carlos Finklestein, Mark Foundation Objectwin Fussell, Olivia Gaitonde, Sunil Ganske, Sebastian Gautham, Ravi Ghai, Vijayant Gill, Amarjit Goel, Asheesh Goldman, Sachs & Co. Matching Gift Program Gonzalez, Lillain Gottesman, Edward Gottesman Philanthropic Fund of the Jewish Communal Fund Gow, Roderick Grube, Mark E. GTCR Golder Rauner II, LLC Guerin, Bridget Gupta, Neeraj Gupta, Niraj Gupta, Rajiv L. Gupta, Ram P. Gupta, Vinod Gurnani, Anjali Hajdarovic-Keane, Margaret Haldar, Sudeep Hartmarx Corp. Hartwell Corporation Hellinga, Jeff Herman, Ron Hewlett-Packard Company Hicks, Ken C. Hilco Trading Co., Inc. Hoffman, Sandra F. Horne, Edward Hunter Douglas, Inc Ila and Ajit Kothari Family Fund Inamdar, Sarla Invesco Aim Invesco PowerShares Iyer, Shuba Jain, Amit Jain, Dipak C. Jain, Manoj Jain, Sital P. Jiganti, John J. Jindia, Indu JNF Asset Management Joshi, Asha Kalav, Ozlenen E. Kamath, Prabhakar H. Kambhampaty, Krishna Kapadia, Rajesh Kapoor, Alok Kapoor, John N. Karamchandani, Aarti and Naren Kasbe, Timothy Katt, Faye Kejriwal, Amitabh and Nikita Ken & Linda Robin Charitable Fund of the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago Khandekar, Janu Khanna, Punita Kilaru Prasad G. Kimpton Hotel & Restaurant Group LLC Kirkland & Ellis Foundation Kissinger, Henry A. Kline, Robert D. Kontogouris, Venetia Kontogouris-Djokic Foundation Kothari, Ajit K. Kothari, Sonny S. Kothari, Tushar Krasny, Paula J. Kripalani, Anil Krishnamurthi, Janaki Krishnamurthy, Vasu Kritikos, Angelo Kritser, John D. Krogh, Ross Kulathakal, Biju Kusum Family Foundation Lakha Jewels Inc. Lavin, Lucas S. Lazard Freres & Co. LLC Levy, Irwin Liz Claiborne Inc. Loo, Wade Lopez, Michelle Luther, Pablo Madan & Saigal, LLC Mahendroo, Vikesh Mailekel, V.G. Mainstay Ivestments Malani, Sapna Malik, Mamta A. Malik, Neil Mani Charitable Foundation Mantha, Ravi and Kavitha Matthews International Capital Management, LLC. Mayfield Consulting, LTD McAuliffe, Ann McKay, Geoff Med-Tech Welding & Safety Products, Inc. Megalli, Maguid R. Mehta, Amit Mehta, Uddy Merchant, Shilpa MFS Investment Management & Subsidiaries Michael E. Marks Family Foundation Mital, Aseem Mitra, Sundari Mittal, Ritu S. Modi, Nikhil Mody, Ajay Mody, Ajit M. Moncau, Ursula Monson Communications LLC Mullin, Peter W. Nagarajan, Kamesh Nallakrishnan, Ravi Narain, Saurabh Natarajam, Ganesh Nathan Family Foundation Natixis Asset Management Advisors NComputing, Inc. Nelson, Namrita Niles, Vivek Nunes, Nikhil G. Nuveen Investments O’Donnell, Kevin Offit, Morris Outforce, LLC Pacific Continental Bank Pal, Pushpendu Palamurthi, Prashant Pannier, Kathy W. Parameswaran, Ramesh Patel, Amit N. Patel, Ashok Patel, Dilip P. Patel, Mridula Patel, Neha Patel, Ramesh V. Patel, Zaheeda and Imtiaz Paul, Thazhakzhyil V. { American India Foundation - 52 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } Payden & Rygel Pinto, Rahul. T Pollack Architecture Prabhu, Krish Prasad, Poonam Prashant H. Fadia Foundation Principal Life Insurance Company Purdue University Student Organizations Puthanmadhom, Narayan V. Quader, Khandker N. Qualcomm Rajappa, Kripashankar Ramakrishnan, Anand Ramakrishnan, Kartik Ramakrishnan, S. Rangan, Kasturi Rao, Srinivasa K. Rathi Family Charitable Trust Rathi, Sapna and Rajeev A. Raval, Rupal and Vishnubhakta, Ashok Rawla, Sumeet Reliance Industries Ltd. (USA) Roe, Kathryn A. Ron and Chitra Gupta Foundation Inc. Rosenthal, Michael Rutherford, Diane Safro, Wayne Sahgal, Bharat Sahgal, Nishi and Rohit Sainanee, Deepak Sajdeh, Masha Santhanakrishnan, N. Sarin, Atulya Sathe, Ashok Sawarkar, Amit Sawhney, Mohanbir Segal, Gordon I. Donors Selitto, Jerome Sererra Consulting Group LLC Shah, Chirag H. Shah, Divyesh Shah, Lina and Hiren Shah, Mahendra Shanker, Naresh K. Sharma, Raghav Sharma, Sanjay Sharma, Sheel Shatto, Steven R. Shekhawat, Jai Shenoy, Sushma Shivdasani, Aroon Shrivastava, Richa Sidley Austin Foundation Silicon Valley Bank Singh, Ajay Singh, Arvinder Singh, Basant Singh, Harmit Singh, Poonam Singh, Rajesh Singh, Rajesh K. Singh, Ramesh Sir Francis Drake Hotel Somasekhar, Amirapu Sood, Rakesh Soroptimist International of La Jolla Stansbury, Roy Strellis, Gregg Subrahmanyam, Marti Sukhrani, Sanjay Sunrise Foods Tagliabue, Paul Tambe,Jayant Taplin, Shahnaz C. Tare, Devdatt Tarsney, Preya Thakkar, Desh R. Thakur, Randhir The Ajay Chopra and Shyamoli Banerjee Fund The Allerton Hotel The Judy & Michael Steinhardt Foundation The Kathryn M. and Ronald J. Herman Jr. Charitable Foundation The Mortimer Levitt Foundation The New School The Sawhney Charitable Fund The Trust Family Foundation The Williams Capital Group, L.P. Thomas, Henry Thukkaram, Navin Thukkaram, Pandurangan Thukral, Nikhil TIE - NY Tobaccowala, Armin Tolia, Sanjay Tolia, Vijay Toll Bros., Inc Torcivia, Bryan A. Townswich, Donald TTF Foundation Vashist, Rohini Venkataramani, Kalyanaraman Vickery, Raymond E. Victoria S. Lautman Charitable Fund Vohra, Sudesh Wagle, Dilip Webb, Rob Weinberg, Diane Weinberg, Richard G. Wisner, Frank G. Yadava, Meeta Young, Betsy and Steve Zidell, Arnold Innovator $500 - 999 Abel, Richard Acharya, Madhav Advani, Rajiv Advani, Swati V. Ahlfors, Teija Alam, Abu Alvi, Asif Angolkar, Raj Annamraju, Rajasekhar Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Arora, Sartaj M. Ashida, Mark C. Atal, Vikram Atherley, Bruce Attri, Ashok K. Badlani, Vandana Badshah, Akhtar Bakhshi, Shiv Bali, Salil Bansal, Rajendra Baxi, Vibhaker Berkes, Jim Bhattacharyay, Subha Blenke, John Boveja, Raj K. Brad & Judy Chase Family Philanthropic Fund Calcote, Lut Carter, John H. Cary, Dennis Chacko, Sarah { American India Foundation - 53 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } Chadha, Puja Chaleff Charitable Foundation Chandramouli, S. Chang, Clifton S. Charter Oak Investment Systems, Inc Chaturvedula, Durgaprasad Chaudhry, Najma S. Chawla, Inder Cherry, Dean E. Chhabria, Shakuntala Cholka, Robert P. Christensen, Brenda Clean Machine International, Inc. Combined Federal Campaign (CA) Conley, Kristin Davenport, Chris Desai, Gopal R. Dhingra, Indira Domagal, Ronald Doppelt, Earl H. Doshi, Salil V. Edgley, Stuart Edmonson, Brian Faisal, Mian A. Farukhi, M. F. FitzGerald, Scott J. Foreman, Craig Fraioli, Mark Furr, Randy W. Gadekar, Milind Gadiraju, Prasad D. Gardilla, Balraj Garimella, Parameswar P. Goloboy CPA LLC Gordon, Larry Goswami, Gautam Grover, S. M. Guda, Nalini M. Gulf Coast Combined Federal Campaign Hamood, Allen Hand In Hand International Hartford Mutual Funds Hellman, David Hirschberg, Gary Hutchinson Leland Iyer, Hari Kajani, Fahad Kamdar, Kim P. Kanaujia, Sab Kashyap, Sudha Kay, Lauren Khanha, Raj Kinney, Steven Kishore, Rajgopal S. Koshy, Michelle Kothari, Ketan Kothari, Manish D. Kumar, Riju Kumar, Sanjay Kundra, Vivek Kuruvilla, Ajit Laumas, Katherine Locke, Gary LSM Kailas Charitable Foundation Luther, David G. Mach 1 Travel, Inc. Malhotra, Sameer Mandelcorn, Howard McCafferty, Teresa Meher-Homji, Aimée Mikolajczyk, Michael E. Miller, Harrice Mittal, Amrit Morgan Stanley Annual Appeal Campaign Nadar, Roshini Nagar, Amit Nirankari, Kiran Oberoi, Arun Ohri, Manu OK Management O’Leary, James Oommen, Azad Palmeri, Michael A. Parekh, Beena Parekh, Ketan N. Patel, Homi B. Patel, Ravi R. Patel, Viraj Pattada, Biddappa Patwa, Gautam G. Paul, Seema Payne, Timothy Pigott, Karen Popiel, Michael Pratury, Lakshmi Rajiv, Issac Ramamurthy, Githesh Riedel, Norbert Saha, Milan Sakhuja, Ravinder Sands, Carol M. Santhigram Kerala Ayurvedic Co. of US IN Sen, Dinendra M. Shah, Bijal R. Shah, Deepti Shah, Raj J. Shah, Sanjay Sharma, Bharati Shenoy, Suresh Shetty, Rama Shukla, Roma Shyni, Varghese Silverstein, Mark Singh, Awtar Singh, Jasmine and Paul Singh, Michael Singhal, Seema Sinha, Vijay K. Smith, David Sri-Kumar, Komal Srinivasan, Srirama Srivastava, Chandra S. Srivastava, Manish K. Starr, Michael Sultana, Najma Suresh, Tarangini Surgeon, George Tagore, Sundaram Thakur, Dilip The John Hardy Group, Inc. Thomas, Sosha K. TIE, Inc. Trehan, Ranvir Tyagi, Amit Upadhya, Madhvesh K. Vaidya, Hemel K. Valavil, Bindiya Vance, Niel Varaiya, Nikhil P. Wasserstein, Bruce Waters, Tim Weissman, William West Coast Consulting LLC Wiseman, Howard S. Wright, David C. Wyk, Van Zafar, Kashif { American India Foundation - 54 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } In-kind Gifts and Pro-bono Services American Airlines Beam Global Wine and Spirits Brown Badmash, Brown University Citigroup Conformia Euro RSCG Jet Airways Madhur Jaffrey Muse Media Center USIBC AIF also thanks all of our donors who have contributed amounts up to $500. Their contributions are greatly appreciated. A lack of space prevents us from acknowledging their gifts individually. AIF apologizes sincerely for any inadvertent omissions or errors in this listing of donors. For the generous support provided to the causes of AIF, we thank Nishith Desai Associates Legal & Tax Counselling Worldwide Mumbai 93 B, Mittal Court Nariman Point Mumbai 400 021 INDIA T+91 22 6669 5000 F: +91 22 6669 5001 Silicon Valley 220 California Ave Suite 201 Palo Alto, CA 94306 USA T: +1 650 325 7100 F: +1 650 325 7300 Bangalore Prestige Loka, G01 7/1 Brunton Road Bangalore 560 025 INDIA T: +91 80 6693 5000 F: +91 80 6693 5001 Singapore Level 30 Six Battery Road Singapore 049909 T: +65 6550 9855 F: +65 550 9856 Clinton Fellow Hamsa Subramaniam interviews a doctor at a Care Home for HIV Orphans. CHES, Tamil Nadu. IndiaRajasthan. Foundation - 55 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } Back Cover: Kajori Devi, a Maitree Dairy Collective leader, handling feed for {herAmerican animals. Srijan, { American India Foundation - 56 - Annual Report 2008 - 2009 } Research Centre A 202 Milton Apts, Juhu-Tara Road Santacruz (W) Mumbai 400 049 INDIA { American India Foundation { New York: 216 E.45th Street, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10017 • California: 4800 Great America -Parkway, Suite Report 400, Santa 57 - Annual { American India Foundation 2008 Clara, - 2009CA } 95054 • India: C-17 Green Park Extension, New Delhi 110016 [email protected] 888.AIF.4IND
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