A General Method for Screening of Protein-DNA
A General Method for Screening of Protein-DNA
A General Method for Screening of Protein-DNA Interactions using SRU BIND Optical Biosensor Microplates L. Chan, 2Maria F. Pineda, 2Sherine George, 2Erich Lidstone, 3James T. Heeres, 3,4Paul J. Hergenrother, and 1Brian T. Cunningham [email protected] University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Nano Sensors Group 2Department of Bioengineering, 3Department of Biochemistry, 4Department of Chemistry [email protected] 1Dept. 1. ABSTRACT 4. AIF MEDIATED CELL DEATH Protein-DNA interactions are essential for fundamental cellular processes such as transcription, DNA damage repair, and apoptosis. As such, small molecule disruptors of these interactions could be powerful tools for investigation of these biological processes, and such compounds would have great potential as therapeutics. Unfortunately, there are few methods available for the rapid identification of compounds that disrupt protein-DNA interactions. Here we show that photonic crystal (PC) technology can be utilized to detect protein-DNA interactions, and can be used in a high-throughput screening mode to identify compounds that prevent protein-DNA binding. The PC technology is used to detect binding between protein-DNA interactions that are DNA sequence-dependent (the bacterial toxin-antitoxin system MazEF), and those that are DNA sequence-independent (the human Apoptosis Inducing Factor (AIF)). This method was expanded into a high throughput screening protocol that screened ~200,000 small molecules, where five chemical compounds were found to inhibit the AIF-DNA interaction, and dose response curves were also obtained for the compounds. The generality and simplicity of the photonic crystal method should enable this technology to find broad utility for identification of other compounds that inhibit a variety of protein-DNA binding. PAR = Poly-ADP Ribose PARP = PAR Polymerase PARG = PAR Glycohydrolase Reflection Spectrum Mitochondria PWV shift 140 A Hit O OH O HO HO 120 O OH 100 % Inhibition 80 Positive Control (Free DNA) 100% Inhibition 60 40 20 ML14K3 334I6 ML11C3 ML11D5 245A3 331I14 214G14 217G14 230M08 ML26N20 335P9 337P9 173C7 186D7 ATA 133B15 % Inhibition 9. DOSE RESPONSE OF HIT COMPOUNDS 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 2 5 10 19 50 40 DNA DNA + AIF 30 20 10 0 -3 -2 -1 5654435 %Inhibition %Inhibition 1. Automated liquid handler was utilized 2. 200,000 compounds were screened using a single readout instrument 3. The screen used approximately 110 384 well photonic crystal microplates 4. The duration of the screen is very short, an initial baseline read and a 30 min after incubation read • The 19 compounds were screened again using PC biosensors • 11 out of 19 compounds were hits from the screen • Determining from the 11 chemical structures, only 5 are potential drug candidates • ~0.0025% hit rate -40 6. HIGH THROUGHPUT SCREENING OF 200,000 COMPOUNDS Readout instrument can detect PWV shifts (above) * * * 0 -20 PWV shift PWV shift plot: Using the readout instrument, the amount of AIF binding to DNA can be analyzed. High PWV shift (more binding) and low PWV (less binding) are compared to find potential inhibitors % Inhibition plot: The PWV shift plot is transformed into % Inhibition using the negative and positive controls 3. INSTRUMENTATION & METHOD * * * * * * OH Peak wavelength value (PWV) = 3.5 µM AIF + DMSO = 3.5 µM AIF + 6.2 µM Free DNA = 3.5 µM AIF + 25 µM cmpds * * 11 out of the 19 compounds were also active in the PC biosensor assay O 384H10 0.0 840 850 860 870 880 890 900 Wavelength (nm) • Label-free photonic crystal optical biosensors (SRU Biosystems) have recently been demonstrated as a highly sensitive method for performing a wide variety of biochemical and cell-based assays • The sensors are incorporated into SBS standard format 96, 384, and 1536-well microplates • The device structure is designed to reflect only a narrow band of wavelengths when illuminated with white light at normal incidence • Positive shifts of the reflected Peak Wavelength Value (PWV) indicate the adsorption of detected material on the sensor surface AIF-DNA inhibition assay protocol (right): (A) Streptavidin-coated sensor. (B) Immobilize biotinylated DNA for overnight at 4ºC. (C) Block surface for nonspecific binding. (D) AIF-DNA interaction and (E) AIF premixed with 10 small molecule binding to DNA. 10 compounds 10 compounds Hit Hit Hit Hit DNA DNA + AIF Hit • Out of the 200,000 compounds, 20 hits wells were found, corresponding to 200 compounds due to multiplexing • Gel electrophoresis confirmed 19 compounds out of 200 to be a hit 227J17 Negative Control (AIF Only) 0% Inhibition 0.2 • Readout instrument • Uses infrared LED to illuminate through multiple optical fibers to measure 8 wells at once • The sensor is illuminated at normal incidence and reflects a narrow band wavelengths • Reflected light is collected through a detection fiber, and guided into a spectrometer • Operation • Reflected PWV is collected at user-specified time intervals • The collected PWV is used to generate a kinetic plot of biomolecular binding events • High throughput screen (HTS) for AIF-DNA inhibitors • Protocol automation and initial screening of 1000 small molecules • Multiplex method with 10 compounds/well • HTS of 200,000 compounds • Confirm results with gel electrophoresis • Dose response characterization of hits 10 compounds 8. PHOTONIC CRYSTAL BIOSENSOR CONFIRMATION 5. INITIAL SCREEN OF 1000 COMPOUNDS 0.4 Cross-section schematic of the sensor 19 active in gel shift assay Heeres J.T. and Hergenrother, P.J. Curr Opin Chem Biol. 2007, 11, 644 0.6 Photonic crystal sensor incorporated into multi-well microplate Nucleus 10 compounds 138B15 0.8 200 compounds Free DNA Reflectance 1.0 20 primary hits ~200,000 compounds DMSO 2. BACKGROUND • AIF mediated cell death process 1. PARP attaches to dsDNA and flags damaged sites 2. Induces the release of PAR into the cytoplasm 3. The released PAR traverse across and attaches to the mitochondria 4. Induces the release of AIF into the cytoplasm 5. The released AIF returns to the nucleus 6. After returning to the nucleus, the AIF attaches to the dsDNA in a non-sequence specific fashion 7. AIF binds to the DNA phosphate backbone through AIF surface lysine residues 8. AIF then recruits other additional enzymes and dismantle the DNA causing the cell to die Cytoplasm http://nano.ece.uiuc.edu 7. GEL ELECTROPHORESIS CONFIRMATION 177C5 1Leo 39 77 154 µM 0 1 2 3 Log{[SM]( µM)} 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 2 5 10 19 50 40 DNA DNA + AIF 30 20 10 0 -3 -2 -1 5541314 38 77 154 µM 0 1 2 3 Log{[SM]( µM)} • Out of the 5 final hit compounds, 2 showed strong inhibition • These 2 compounds were characterized with a dose response curve to calculate the IC50 values, which were both less than 10 µM • IC50 values validates by gel shift assay 10. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS D A B C E This work is supported by the NIH (PHS 1 R01 CA118562 A). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author (s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Institute of Health.