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847-272-0222 Need Help Organizing?
The Catholic Community of Northbrook • Northbrook, Illinois 2 Mass Intentions Monday, July 25, 2016 (at St. Norbert) 8:30 AM † Fr. Richard Mueller, † Elizabeth Kay Galeana Tuesday, July 26, 2016 (at St. Norbert) 8:30 AM † John & Jeanne Packel, † Sam Pantaleo Wednesday, July 27, 2016 (at OLB) 8:30 AM † Poor Souls Thursday, July 28, 2016 (at St. Norbert) 8:30 AM † Angeladea Assalonne Friday, July 29, 2016 (at OLB) 8:30 AM † Teresa Skierski-Camarata, † Wanda Kostia Saturday, July 30, 2016 8:30 AM (SN) † Noemi Mangosing 5:00 PM (OLB) † Brian Wisniewski, † Dr. Elena G. dela Fuente, † Gary Chaney 5:00 PM (SN) † Jeffrey Rusch, † Lizzie Seeberg, † Amelia Frigo Sunday, July 31, 2016 7:30 AM (SN) † Dr. David Ahlering 9:30 AM (SN) † Thomas Mints 10:00 AM (OLB) † Marion Brooks, † Jose G. dela Fuente 11:30 AM (SN) † Marie Shanley, † Ed Denten 5:30 PM (SN) † Bill & Helen Chambers Please Pray for our Sick (StN) Paul Bartels Regina Bartels Gary Bergsma Guy Blaszak Juliana Bolsinger Jeanne Marie Burns Denise Carr Sandy Casserly Barbara Cavallaro Marietta Crosy Evelyn Hallman Kate Jacobs Richard Jawgiel Eugene Jordan Elaine Khouri Bob Krypel Mary Ann Larsen Eileen McAllister Margaret Miller Mila Pamintuan Alison Pearson Joanne Bransley Quigg Alex Ricciardi George Riedle Caleb Roth Albert Serewicz Donna Serewicz Lois Ann Suter Tom Sweeney Rest in Peace We assure the families of Fred Mondt (father of Carol Gurda), and Judith Monroe, our prayers and support at this difficult time. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen. Please Pray For …(OLB) Fr. Borre Janet Brame Tony Catenacci Fr. David Dowdle Mary Ann Duderstadt Brady Irwin Caitlin Kilburg Jane Malley Fr. Tom Moran Chestine Nowaczyk Carolyn Price Christine Rakow Angelo Suranno Audrey Zywicki Note: We have recently made an effort to update our Sick List. We contacted those for whom we had phone numbers. If you have been removed and wish to go back on the list, please contact the parish office. Pray Also For Those Born to Eternal Life Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time • January 24, 2016 3 Pastoral Sharing Greetings to St. Norbert and Our Lady of the Brook Parishioners, My name is Frances Johnson and I am very excited for what lies ahead for all of us as we gather in faith. I am a recent graduate from Catholic Theological Union with a Master’s Degree in Pastoral Studies and became your Pastoral Associate-Coordinator of Adult Formation this week. My graduate school’s mission ‘prepares effective leaders for the Church, ready to witness to Christ’s good news of justice, love, and peace.’ I believe pastoral ministry must help address challenges contemporary families face with the eyes of faith, by being informed through Catholic decision making for our present lived realities. I was raised in a Catholic family of ten. Sometimes that number grew when my mother’s three religious sisters would visit from Ireland and Australia. Each of them brought a different style of spirituality. I will share with you a style and effect one religious aunt had on my life. Aunt Eileen took me on walks close to home, asking questions that gave her a sense of where I was in my relationships with family and God. She had a way of treasuring what I shared and then imparted wisdom that lasted until the next encounter. For example, while I was the caretaker for my grandparents just after high school, and newly attending an evangelical church, I returned to my childhood parish pew for the next encounter. I shared my experiences and let her know I was attending this particular church because of the scriptural education. She did not react in judgment but ministered with Christian decision-making process and instilled hope in my future. She informed me that the Second Vatican Council (Decree on Ecumenism) explains all who have been justified by faith in baptism are incorporated into Christ, yet the church’s hope is for restoration of unity among all the followers. Our encounters were always in conversation with faith, education and hope. This encounter later guided me to return to the fullness of the catholic faith. As a result, I brought catholic scripture study to my parish in Chicago. This ministry grew to three classes a week. As the faithful are nourished by God and by each other, we were naturally led into service in parish community. This joy of sharing my faith led me to pastoral studies. Fun Facts: I enjoy hosting dinner parties and of course attending them I took classic violin lessons from a C.S.O. violin teacher from Northbrook I have three Maltese dogs at home, a mother and her two offspring I enjoy spending time with family The Catholic Community of Northbrook • Northbrook, Illinois 4 TODAY’S READINGS Altar Server Assignments Monday, July 25 8:30 am Volunteer Volunteer Tuesday, July 26 8:30 am Volunteer Volunteer Wednesday, July 27 8:30 am Mass at Our Lady of the Brook Thursday, July 28 8:30 am Volunteer Volunteer Friday, July 29 8:30 am Mass at Our Lady of the Brook Saturday, July 30 8:30 am Volunteer Volunteer First Reading — Abraham bargains with God to spare the city (Genesis 18:20-32). Psalm — Lord, on the day I called for help, you answered me (Psalm 138). Second Reading — Buried with Christ in baptism, we were also raised with Him; all our transgressions are forgiven (Colossians 2:12-14). Gospel — Jesus speaks of God’s sure response to those who pray (Luke 11:1-13). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. Sunday Scripture Reflection Questions • • • Jesus’ prayer reveals Him to be... When I pray His prayer, I become... I need the Holy Spirit when... I pray for the Holy Spirit to... In my prayer, I ask God for... God gives me... Source: Living Liturgy – Spirituality, Celebration, Catechesis, Sunday and Solemnities Year A 2002 READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Sunday Offertory (StN) July 16/17, 2016 $11,697 Stewardship of Treasure (OLB) July 17 2016 FYear to Date Collection $4,982.00 $15,718 Goal/Budget: Excess/(Deficit): $6,500.00 $(1,518.00) $14,516 $ 1,202 Poor Box FSF Maint/Bldg Fund June E-Giving $11.00 $170 $390 $4809 Have you switched to Electronic Giving yet? Thank you for your continued support. Remember Our Lady of the Brook Parish in your will. 2 Cor 4:7-15; Ps 126:1bc-6; Mt 20:20-28 Tuesday: Jer 14:17-22; Ps 79:8, 9, 11, 13; Mt 13:36-43 Wednesday: Jer 15:10, 16-21; Ps 59:2-4, 10-11, 17-18; Mt 13:44-46 Thursday: Jer 18:1-6; Ps 146:1b-6ab; Mt 13:47-53 Friday: Jer 26:1-9; Ps 69:5, 8-10, 14; Jn 11:19 -27 or Lk 10:38-42 Saturday: Jer 26:11-16, 24; Ps 69:15-16, 30-31, 33-34; Mt 14:1-12 Sunday: Eccl 1:2; 2:21-23; Ps 90:3-6, 12-14, 17; Col 3:1-5, 9-11; Lk 12:13-21 SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Friday: Saturday: Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. James Ss. Joachim and Anne; World Youth Day, Krakow, Poland St. Martha St. Peter Chrysologus; Blessed Virgin Mary Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time • January 24, 2016 Baptism Life in Christ through Baptism began for Acelan Colette, daughter of Bart and Connie (Gariepy) Pilarski. The Parish Family wishes to congratulate both the parents and godparents. We as a parish family pledge our support and prayers as they grow with us in living out the Christian message. 5 To Teach Who Christ Is Following our very successful Feasibility Study to gather parishioner feedback regarding our upcoming capital campaign, we are now in the planning phase for this important effort. While To Teach Who Christ Is was launched in the Archdiocese three years ago, there may be parishioners who are unfamiliar with the campaign and its objectives. We will be providing information during the next several weeks through the bulletin so that the people of St. Norbert are well versed as they make their decisions regarding volunteer, financial and prayerful participation. What exactly is To Teach Who Christ Is? It is a capital and endowment campaign, originally spearheaded by Francis Cardinal George, to raise a minimum of $350 million in gifts and pledges for parishes, faith formation, scholarships to Catholic schools, and critical facility issues. Priorities of the campaign were identified in a comprehensive Case Study, which included input from administrators, educators, pastors and staff. The campaign’s fundraising goals have been outlined as: Pilarski Scholarships − $150 million for the Catholic Education Scholarship Trust will generate millions of dollars annually for new and continuing needs-based scholarships. Program Enhancements for Catholic Schools − $8 million of direct cash infusion will ensure academic excellence. Strengthening Religious Education Programs − $10 million will support Religious Education programs. “Next Generation” Religious Education − $2 million will develop and pilot new approaches to religious education and faith formation. Capital Needs − $30 million will address specific capital needs in Catholic schools and related parish facilities. Parish Needs − $150 million will address parish-specific needs through the parish-based portion of the campaign. This number reflects a total parish-based campaign goal of $250 million, of which 60 percent ($150 million) will remain at the parishes for their needs and 40 percent ($100 million) will come to the Archdiocese to meet parish needs. If you are eager to learn more now rather than wait until next week’s article, additional information can be found at http://www.toteachwhochristis.org/. The Catholic Community of Northbrook • Northbrook, Illinois 6 Brook Happenings Why Victims Stay * threats and fear * responsibility to save marriage * learned helplessness * shame and humiliation * love * duty * marriage vows * religious beliefs Remember, you are not alone... If you are a victim of domestic violence, or know someone who is, and need help, please contact: * WINGS 24 hr. Hotline and Counseling Services and Emergency Shelter at (847) 221-5680 * National Domestic Violence Hotline 24 hr. (800) 799-7233 * In an Emergency dial 911 Sunday, July 24, 2016 10:00 AM Mass Monday, July 25, 2016 10:00 AM Family Promise follow-up Meeting Tuesday, July 26, 2016 7:00 PM Friends of Bill Wednesday, July 27, 2016 1:00 PM Staff Meeting Thursday, July 28 , 2016 Friday, July 29, 2016 Saturday, July 30, 2016 4:15 PM Confessions 5:00 PM Mass Sunday, July 31, 2016 10:00 AM Mass www.olbparish.org Don’t forget that our bulletin is available online at our parish website. It has all the information you might have missed! Deadline is 9am on the Monday before the weekend. We also have a page on Facebook, which posts updates regarding Holiday Events, photos from recent events, and more. Scan the code to the right with a smartphone to go directly to our home page. Shelter Needs The New Life Shelter is housing several families (women and children) in the warehouse-style safe haven in Chicago. As families are admitted they arrive with nothing. They are always in need of hygiene products, diapers and women and children's new underwear and socks. When our delivery was made last week, they requested washcloths. Since the families live in the shelter for several weeks, or sometimes months, they need the necessities many of us take for granted. Many thanks to the donor this past week who left several "airline overnight bags." These contain many of the needed hygiene products and lotions the families are handed when they arrive. When we think of the necessities we stock up on please remember those at the shelter. Laundry products, bar soap, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes, etc., are always appreciated and disappear quickly. Our collection site is at the North entrance of OLB under the coat racks. The Hospitality team on Sunday Morning would like to thank the many volunteers who step up to help set up and clean each week. Many parishioners and visitors stop in the kitchen without being asked and pick up a dish towel to help leave the kitchen as spotless as we found it. The Women's Club purchases the paper products, coffee and juices to supply or tables, but many generous recipients drop in a donation to our "hungry piggy" to help with the costs. There is a steady supply of food thanks to our Bread Brigade volunteers who pick up and package the donations from Panera, Deerfield Bakery and Starbucks in Northbrook every week. Please thank these merchants if you happen to be in the store for their generous donations to many sites along with OLB. In a world where there is so much pain and suffering it is truly a welcome relief to see so many working together to welcome those who worship with us each week. Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time • January 24, 2016 7 Catholic Community of Northbrook—An Update Sunday, August 7 after the 10 am Mass Our Lady of the Brook will hold a meeting after Mass on Sunday, August 7. We will welcome special guest Tim Weiske from the Archdiocese of Chicago, where he is Director of Strategic Planning & Implementation. He, along with Fr. Bob, will speak to us about the Archbishop’s Renew My Church program, the long term plans for the Archdiocese and for our community, and answer questions you may have. Everyone is welcome to attend this special event, which will help us understand the changes that are taking place in our community and in our Church. The Catholic Community of Northbrook • Northbrook, Illinois 8 Jubilee Year of Mercy Catholic Community of Northbrook Men's Retreat Bellarmine Jesuit Retreat House October 7-9, 2016 All men are cordially invited to attend the men's retreat on October 7-9, 2016 at Bellarmine Jesuit Retreat House in Barrington. The retreat allows you an opportunity to set aside the demands of daily living to gain a perspective on your life and be totally refreshed in mind, body and spirit. There is a series of talks by the retreat master which you may choose to attend or not attend. The talks revolve around real life experience and are tailored to facilitate spiritual growth. There is no group participation. If you wish, the retreat master and other priests are available at various times for individual private talks. We are fortunate to have an excellent retreat master in Fr. John P. Foley, SJ. A native of Chicago, he was ordained in 1967. For 35 years, he served in Peru, working in education and school administration. In 1995 he returned to Chicago to collaborate in establishing Christo Rey High School, becoming the founding president of the school that became the model for the 26 schools in the Cristo Rey Network. On Decembe 10, 2008 Fr. Foley was received by President George W. Bush in the oval office of the White House where the President honored him with the Distinguished Citizen's Award for his work on behalf of the vulnerable youth served by the Christo Rey Network. The retreat begins with fellowship and dinner on Friday evening and ends with Mass late Sunday morning, followed by lunch. Bellarmine Jesuit Retreat House is located in a quiet setting surrounded by 80 acres of beautiful fields and woodlands. For more information and/or to make a reservation, please contact Bellarmine Retreat House 847-3811261 or contact Jim Depies at 847-446-2205 or [email protected]. Let Jim know if you need a ride. July 24, 2016 Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time World Youth Day in Krakow: “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy” This week, the universal Church focuses in prayerful solidarity on World Youth Day in Krakow, where WYD’s founder, Saint John Paul II, served as archbishop. Its theme coincides with that of Pope Francis’ Jubilee Year of Mercy: “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy” (Matthew 5:7). Today’s Gospel echoes the same theme, as Jesus unites prayer with mercy in “The parable of the persistent friend.” Jesus teaches us not only what words to pray, but what deeds must match authentic prayer. How beautifully down-to-earth is Jesus’ portrait of a God who can be trusted to do what is best for us. A pesky neighbor disturbs a sleeping friend and disrupts the household. Yet beautiful images unfold. Persevering prayer receives active, practical mercy in loaves of bread, recalling Luke’s unique expression for the Eucharist, “the breaking of bread” (Luke 24:35; Acts 2:42). WYD, the Jubilee, and Jesus thus unite to define perfect prayer as persevering communion with God and unconditional mercy toward our neighbor. —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. St. Norbert Ministry Schedule for July 30/31, 2016 5:00 PM 7:30 AM Fr Bob Heinz 9:30 AM Fr Scott Hebden 11:30 AM Presider TBD Lector Patricia Kerrigan Maureen Garrity Stephen Pisanelli Dick Hills Colleen Keaveny Eucharistic Ministers Joan Bright Kathi Clarey Jack Clarey Mary Delaney Jerome Kerrigan Sally Schoen Jerome Schoen Carol Alvarado Fred Lafnitzegger Sue Lofgren Jo Pisterzi Diane Tuteur Carol Wiemer Kathy Owens Pat Poulton Richard Poulton Ellen Reilly Elizabeth Sanders Lois Shuey Marti Sullivan Cathy Alberts Gary Alberts Mary Ann Chambers Karen O’Malley Randall Romei Juan Sarmiento Patricia Sowell Altar Servers Ellen Gilbert Brynn Holohan John Holohan John Alvarado Ronan Clarke Sharon Dassouli Quinn Clarke Sofia Gisiner Giulia DiPasquale Ronan Washelesky Nicholas Washelesky Jake Hillman Charlie McMahon Deirdre McMahon Brendan Lynch Jeff Miller Carl Miller Andrea O’Brien Thomas O’Brien Valerie Rangel Jamie Werhane Fr Bob Heinz 5:30 PM Fr Robert Heidenreich OLB Ministry Schedule: July 30/31, 2016 Sat. 5:00 PM Sun. 10:00 AM Presider Fr. Bob Heinz Fr. Ron Kalas Lector Jan Zorn Dulcelina Stahl Jan Zorn John Marmet A Susan Mart B Kitty McCabe CA Bob Alt 1 Dcn McAllister 2 Kathleen Wagner A Anna Di Filippo B Medy Newman CA Peg Kritek D Ginny Hartzer 1 Dennis Morrissey 2 Patti Whalen 3 Lettie Bratte Ministers of Communion Chloe Gutierrez Nolan Whalen Leo Mayer Altar Servers Greeters Laurie Alt Bob Alt Mary Fran Bubak Dolores Favorite Paul Spanier Meghan Rosenfeld Tom Pick Ushers Colleen Liebman Wayne LIebman Wayne Bubak Wilmer Lasquite Tom Pick Meghan Rosenfeld Tom Haynes Sacristan Patti Whalen Linen Sacristan Judy Haynes Sunday Masses 5:00 PM (Saturday evening) SN & OLB 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 AM, 5:30 PM at SN 10:00 AM at OLB St. Norbert Parish 1809 Walters Avenue, Northbrook, IL 60062 (847) 272-7090 Fax: (847) 272-7771 E-mail: [email protected] www.stnorbertparish.org Our Lady of the Brook Parish 3700 Dundee Road Northbrook, IL 60062-2200 (847) 272-5686 • fax: (847) 498-0899 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.olbparish.org Parish Office Hours: M—Th 9 am to 2 pm, Fri. 9 to 12 Catholic Community of Northbrook Staff Rev. Robert P. Heinz, Pastor Rev. Dan I. Folwaczny, Associate Pastor, Michael Ward, Director of Music & Liturgy Coordinator Owen Walsh, Director of Religious Education St. Norbert Staff Mona Lukas, Director of Ministers of Care Frances Johnson, Pastoral Associate Moira Cary, Director of Finance & Operations Maggie Bruce, Youth Coordinator, 7 - 12 grade Our Lady of the Brook Staff Rev. Richard Sztorc and Rev. Tom Moran, Pastors Emeriti Deacon Peery Duderstadt Deacon Dennis McAllister Amy Principi, Bulletin Editor, Business Manager Catherine Colleran, Administrative Assistant Daily Masses 8:30 AM (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday) SN 8:30 AM (Wednesday, Friday) at OLB Liturgy of the Word Service 6:30 AM Monday - Friday (SN) Reconciliation Saturday 4—4:45 PM or by appointment (SN) Saturday 4:15—4:45 PM or by appointment (OLB) Baptisms First and Third Sunday at 1:00 PM at SN. To register, contact Frances Johnson, Pastoral Associate at 847-5136702 or [email protected]. (Baptism Preparation Class is the 4th Monday of every month at 7:00 PM in the parish office). Second and Fourth Sunday at noon at OLB. Contact OLB parish office to make arrangements. Marriages Arrange with priest at least six months in advance New Parishioner Registration All new families are welcome to register by calling the parish office or by going to our website at www.stnorbertparish.org or www.olbparish.org Communion for the homebound Call the SN parish office and leave a message for Mona Lukas at 847-513-6708. Call the OLB parish office and speak with Cathy at 847-272-5686. Religious Education Phone: (847) 272-3086 Fax: (847) 513-6761 E-Mail: [email protected] Liturgy & Devotions A Prayer Ministry of St. Norbert Youth Ministry (847) 687-7696 E-mail: [email protected] ♦ Morning Prayer: 8:10 am Monday through Saturday. St. Norbert School 1817 Walters Avenue, Northbrook, IL 60062 (847) 272-0051 Fax: (847) 272-5274 E-mail: [email protected] www.stnorbertschool.org Geralyn Lawler, Principal ♦ ♦ Rosary: Daily after 8:30 am Mass ♦ 1st Wednesday: Eucharistic Day of Adoration 9 am to 9 pm 1st Saturday: Devotion to Immaculate Heart of Mary; Rosary and 15 minute meditation after 8:30 am Mass. Please feel free to participate or feel free to add your prayer intentions in our Prayer Book located in the Eucharistic Chapel of St. Norbert. ORPHANS OF THE STORM Call me for all of your Real Estate needs! Katie Marx COMPLETE PLUMBING SERVICE Adopt a Friend for Life — 251-2695 — Lic # 058-118696 Lic # BC-13-335 KELLEY & SPALDING FUNERAL HOME & CREMATORY Residential Specialist Parishioner MICHAEL A. RIZZO 847-525-6254 825 Waukegan Rd., Deerfield DEAN C. SPALDING JAMES J. 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Licensed General Dentist DEDICATED DENTISTRY 821 Sunset Ridge Rd., Northbrook (At Skokie & Dundee Rds.) A Franciscan Community 847-272-7874 www.GaryAlbertsDDS.com Parishioner Independent Living 1104 Waukegan Rd • Glenview • (847) 901-4012 www.smithcorcoran.com • Chapels also in Chicago & Palatine Assisted Living JOHN HELMINSKI Great Smile Skilled Nursing ROOFING, INC. Outpatient Rehab • Daily Mass Dentistry Deerfield JHR Inc. Roofing/Siding/Gutters 25% off first visit (mention this ad) Ali Tekdogan, DDS 847-945-1050 720 Osterman - Suite 304 Deerfield 847-702-7524 847-215-1600 Hail Damage • Insurance Claims Lic.-Ins. Leaf Defier www.franciscancommunities.com Ferraro Small Engine Repair • Service Done Right at Great Prices • Service Most Brands of Outdoor Power Equipment • Winter and Spring Tune-Up Specials 847-272-1836 826 Skokie Blvd., Northbrook Barbara Byrne Real Estate Consultant 847.477.2929 Get Listed. Get Sold. [email protected] BarbaraByrne.com The Pepoon Group 847-480-4083 Operated by a subsidiary of NRT LLC. [email protected] Roberts Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. 1847 Raymond Drive Northbrook, IL 60062 Jackie, Barb, ABR, CRS, GRI, SFR Neighbors and Parishioners 655350 St Norbert Church (B) 847-272-5836 www.jspaluch.com Dr. Mary Anne Thometz Uhland & Dr. Robert Uhland Parishioners 1340 Shermer Road, Northbrook • 847-272-7550 2 Wheel and 4 Wheel Alignment • 4 Wheel Drive Race Car Specialist • Suspension Specialist Monday through Friday 8AM to 5PM 847-272-1810 1904 Willow Rd., Northbrook (Between Patriot and Shermer Rd.) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 The Wochner Law Firm JAMES J. 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BUSCH, DDS Parishioners “Speak to a Person, Not a Recording” RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL 3680 Commercial Ave. Rewiring - Remodeling - Repairs Northbrook For all Your Digital and B I L L’ S Commercial Printing needs AUTOMOTIVE www.VISOgraphic.com 630.590.6100 The Dahlke Family 655350 St Norbert Church (A) #ridewithgg@GGCyclery Painting & Decorating, LLC Charism Homecare Services Free In-Home Assessment Alzheimer’s, ADLs, Personal Care www.georgegarnercyclery.com Tile • Carpentry • Drywall www.peggycahill.com HEALTH AND LIFE INSURANCE SERVICES (847) 272-2100 [email protected] Tom McPike CRS, GRI, SRES, SFR www.wochnerlawfirm.com 1111 WAUKEGAN RD., NORTHBROOK, IL 60062 NECA ANY AND ALL MECHANICAL WORK • Brakes • Struts • Belts & Hoses • Shocks • Exhaust • Tires www.jspaluch.com Best Work • Best Rate 847 272-6700 Satisfaction Guaranteed As We Do All Over 40 Years Experience BILL BORCHARDT Alumni 1855 Techny Road • Northbrook ED THE PLUMBER ED THE CARPENTER 847-272-7820 Our Own Work Lic# 055-026066 $$ Parishioner Discount $$ 847-492-1444 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170